#and i think she does not NEED in addition to hear me complain that i cant fuck off at my job as much as i would like to.
carnageacorn · 2 months
actually in this space im going to say. in one scene early in infinite jest two brothers are talking about the way their mom has acted after their father's suicide. the first brother asks if she's even sad he's dead. and the other says: there are 2 ways to make a flag be half-mast. you can lower the flag halfway, or you can double the height of the pole. he says: she's plenty sad, i bet. anyway that bit has fundamentally changed the way i think about displays of grief.
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lowkeyremi · 11 months
Bakugo with the kids >:3 (bakugo x fem!reader)
This post was possible bc of @shima707 they commented on my bkg dad post for more so i decided to write more :D
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"Daddy, Shoko's cryin' again." Mayako says shaking her father. Katsuki usually sleeps in on Sundays with you by his side but for some reason he's waking up upon the fact that the newest addition to the family is crying.
"Where's mommy at? Tell her to get Shoko." He mumbles under the covers. Mayako gets off the bed to open the blackout curtains which causes Katsuki to groan loudly.
"I looked for mommy but she's not here!!" Katsuki perks up at those words, where could you be early on a Sunday morning?
"She's not here? That's weird, she woulda told me if she was goin' somewhere." Mayako glares at her father, it's actually pretty ironic. Katsuki feels like he's staring at himself.
Your blond husband rises from bed to brush his teeth, this was not how he imagined his day would start.
"Can you get one of Shoko's clean bottles off the rack, Maya?" he asks between brushes.
"Mommy already made a bottle for her its in the fridge left with a note to warm it up." Katsuki finds it strange that you left without saying anything. The hero jogs his memory trying to remember if you said anything about going out on Sunday.
Once he's freshened up, he makes his way to the nursery with Mayako by his side like a little assistant or something.
"Your brothers 'wake yet?" He asks opening the nursery door, he is met by loud cries from his little one.
"I think Kaien is awake, not sure about Kitaro." Katsuki nods, he picks up his daughter with his washed hands. He wanted all of his kids to have K names like him but you argued it'd be too confusing. You agreed on both your sons having K names but you named Shoko and Mayako.
"Alright Shoko, that's enough crying." She's only about four months old which means aside from eating, pooping and peeing, crying is all she can really do. He cradles her and puts the bottle in her mouth. The cries stop immediately and she sucks on the bottle harshly.
"Daddy, please don't get mommy pregnant anymore. I'm tired of hearing crying everyday." She admits in a tired tone as if she's the one who cares for all the children. She does contribute to her siblings care though.
"Hah? I hafta hear crying every day, more than you did and how do you even know I'm the reason mommy has babies?" He's shocked to say the least, Mayako is only nine.
"Well for one mommy was always like 'I swear on my life all that man wants to do is get me pregnant' or 'I'm not having anymore of his kids after this one' so I asked Aunty Mina what she was talking about and she gave me as she called it 'a watered down version of how babies are made'." Mayako explained to her father. He should've known it was Mina.
He switched Shoko's postion so he could burp her, then he realized he needed her towel or he'd have spit up on his shirt.
"'N what exactly did Mina say?" He completely ignores that fact that you've complained about pregnancy, he's heard it all before. Whatever Mina told his daughter was something ridiculous he already knew it.
"She said that you slid your hotdog into mommy's bun and the mayo created a baby hotdog." Katsuki cringes hard. Out of all the things Mina could have told his daughter it had to be that.
"I hate that idiot so much." He mumbles. Shoko gives a good burp and a few coos. Katsuki adores the fact that Shoko has your eyes and your nose.
"Go tell Kaien to brush, Kitaro too if he's 'wake." Mayako gives a silent nod and stomps out of the nursery. Katsuki predicts that Kaien will come crying in a little bit, he and his sister clash often due to Mayako's firey temper and his softness.
He's determined to change Shoko's diaper and clothes before Kaien comes in crying.
Katsuki gets lucky and is able to start breakfast when Kaien comes crying in the kitchen. "Daddy, Mayako's being mean. I hate her!" He yells folding his arms.
"Woah kid, we don't say hate. Especially not about family." Katsuki says, he's in his 'Kiss the chef' apron in courtesy of you.
"You say hate all the time!" Kaien argues, and well, he's right. Katsuki doesn't want his child outsmarting him, though.
"That's cuz I'ma grown up." It's the best thing he can come up with at the moment. A father of four with his wife away can only do so much. He's got Shoko strapped to his chest while he's cooking.
Katsuki gets no respond from his son, so it's time to do some digging.
"What did your sister do, Kaien?" He was not at all prepared for Kaien's answer, he expected that she was bossing him around or something.
"S-she said that I can't use the spicy toothpaste because I'm a baby!" Spicy toothpaste? Oh, he must mean the mint toothpaste.
"What did you tell her?" He quickly scarmbles the eggs with the cooking chopsticks.
"I told her six isn't a baby and she said it is." Katsuki almost laughed, not at Kaien. It's just that cute little pout he has on his face.
"Yeah?" She responds before her father can finish calling her name. He had a sneaking suspicion that she was lurking around the corner waiting to interject and say that her brother was wrong.
"Why can't Kaien use the spicy toothpaste?" The eggs are done so he plates them and checks on the rice. Shoko was drooling all over his collarbone even with her baby towel.
"Cuz he's only six, he should use the kid toothpaste." She says in her 'as-a-matter-of-fact' voice.
"Are you Kaien's ma?" Katsuki asks, he doesn't miss a beat while chopping the spring onions.
"No but-"
"Aht, no buts. You're not his ma so you can't go around telling him what to do. Unless of course, you're babysitting 'em." He sets the chopped onions aside and puts the rice and eggs into bowls. He makes sure all the servings are equal or he'll get complaints from his mini critiques.
"Mkay." She's sour right now.
"Where's Kitaro?" Katsuki garnishes the the food and sets it on the table.
"We both tried to wake him up but he kept saying he was tired." Mayako comments and sits in her normal spot.
"Ain't nothing for him to be tired for, he's eight." Mayako shrugs at her father's words and says thanks for the food. She and Kaien dig in.
Katsuki heads up the stairs, Shoko still strapped to him. His eyes scan the hallway and it's covered in toys. The blond makes a mental note for his kids to clean up later.
He walks over toys to reach Kitaro's room, the door's closed which isn't normal. You enforced the 'no closed doors' rule, unless someone's in the bathroom or changing.
He opens it half expecting Kitaro to be doing something bad. Instead the eight year old is snoring like he hasn't slept in years.
"Get up kid, time to eat. Go brush." He shakes Kitaro.
He just groans, pulls his covers over his head, and yawns.
"I'm tired." Katsuki raises a brow.
"Tired from what?" Once again, Kitaro's only eight, he can't be doing anything that energy consuming.
"Video games." He mumbles from under the covers.
"Tch, 's why you don't needta be playin' them. I don't know why that old hag got you a gaming system." Kitaro is sluggish getting out of the bed. Katsuki's watching him like a hawk. He watched him all the way until he was at the table.
He sees you sitting with Kaien in your lap eating some of his food because he's not likely to finish it.
"There's my baby girl!" You coo to Shoko. Katsuki undoes the baby carrier and takes her out of it. Those ruby red eyes scan your body for any indication of your activities this morning.
"Where have you been all mornin'?" Shoko babbles while Katsuki starts eating breakfast.
"I went to the gym, I'm trying to lose baby weight." You explain with a small smile.
"Tch, why's it matter? I'm your man 'n I like you the way you are." He never understood why you were so insecure.
"I'm not doing it for anyone besides myself." Kaien whines when you pick at his eggs.
"You aren't gonna eat them, little boy." You boop his nose and he tries to bite your finger.
"Too slow, Kai." He pouts, and it looks just like when Katsuki pouts.
"Why didn't ya tell me you were leavin'?" He huffs.
"Cuz you'd tell me I look good and convince me to stay." You're met by his silence which tells you you're right.
"Date night?" Katsuki asks with a sly smirk.
"No more babies!" Mayako protests.
"I agree- wait how do you-?!"
"Mina." Your husband and eldest daughter say at the same time.
"Oh I love her." It doesn't take a genius to know Mina probably told her some crazy watered down version of sex.
"Ki, hon, you look tired." He yawns at your words.
"He stayed up all night on that gaming system the old hag gave him." Your eyes widen.
"Katsuki! Your mom is not the 'h word' and I've been meaning to put parental controls on that thing." He rolls his eyes at your pg language when you normally have the mouth of a sailor when the kids aren't around.
"Whatever." The hero scoffs.
"Love you too, Kats!" You wink at him obnoxiously and he groans.
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Thanks shima707 for giving me the motivation to write more, and I'm glad you enjoyed the first part! Love you guys and see ya next time <3
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5mary5 · 16 days
I just learned how to twerk and it was SO fun which is why I just can't help but imagine trying to teach the obey me boys how to twerk too (minus luke ofc) like imagine diavolo showing up with a crop top and booty shorts and trying to shake ass barbatos and lucifer are having an aneurysm while asmo and solomon encourage him
i can imagine belphie doing surprisingly really well
Levi is filming of course because let's be honest you don't see this happen every day
mammon is a pro ofc (same goes for asmo honestly)
now simeon is a little confused at first but he gets the hang of it and ends up having so much fun that he manages to make raphael join!
Raphael is fighting for his LIFE but! His ass jiggles so nicely that every girl withing a 3 mile radius ends up jealous of him
Also mephistopheles isn't amused by all of this BUT he joins because diavolo is breaking his back and he NEEDS to show his lord how to shake ass gracefully
OF COURSE thirteen is there do you think she will miss the chance to gather blackmail material of solomon?! Jokes on her tho because solomon asks her to send him the footage man's doesn't give a fUck!
Also after that thirteen goes ahead and dances with mc
Now here is the thing satan wouldn't originally entertain the idea of twerking but he joins because he wants to piss of lucifer and show him that he is the better twerker between the two, he and belphie end up forming a dance duo
Chaos ensures as the these two join diavolo so all three of them throw it in a circle together
THEN lucifer has enough and joins as so does barbatos
Mammon is laughing so hard when he sees lucifer twerk he forgets to take pictures to sell for grimm
YOU THOUGHT ITS OVER?! The real dumb truck has yet to appear!
Oh look it's beel! And he just came back from doing cardio!
Beel immediately joins when he sees such FIERCE competition going on and let me TELL YOUU even tho he doesn't know what he is doing (since he missed when mc was giving them instructions) his ass still shakes like a leef in the wind
Mans so caked up he doesn't even need to move
On another note mammon gets up from the floor after laughing and he forces levi to join and not just sit around
Levi does join after complaining and he does well (please tell him he is doing well mc)
If any student even DARES to take a peek inside the rads student council they might as well run cause ain't no way this is getting out (jokes on them because michael ends up hearing about it and has the laugh of his life)
Late addition to the party but barbatos twerks so well that earth shakes, Megan the station and nicky minaz style
Last but not least, everyone (mainly mammon) when they see mc throw it back
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Feel free to add your own thoughts!
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tickle-bugs · 9 months
Cool Guy
Anon: Heya! If you're still doing them, could you make a tickle fic on Luke and Han but js Han getting Luke? I love the whole Luke being like Hans lil bro 😭 An idea being maybe Luke is embarrassing Han in front of Leia and Han gets him back, Leia maybe helping Han a bit? I like your fics a lot haha! It's alr if not ofc, js have a good day! :D &lt;3
Summary: Han is cool, suave, and absolutely irresistible. Luke vehemently disagrees.
Han knows logically that he cannot not squish the galaxy’s last hope like a bug. That would be unwise. There is, however, zero question of if he deserves it.
Luke is almost better at being a little shit than he is at being a Jedi.
“Princess!” Han leans against the wall. The Falcon’s internals hum behind it. Leia looks up at him blankly. 
“Pest.” She takes a bite of a sandwich. “What do you want?”
Nothing. Not a thing. He just loves the irritated curve of her eyebrow, the sharpness of her gaze, the curl of her lips--
“I’d love it if you’d stop taking what’s not yours.” He nods towards the sandwich. Leia regards it, then makes deep eye contact on her next bite. Han chuckles in something like disbelief, but he knows her. Knows how she likes to provoke. 
“Nice boys share their food.” She takes another bite.
“Well, I ain’t nice. Keep your thieving little hands to yourself.” Han considers wrapping up the sandwich, just to be petty, but he knows she hardly takes interest in his things unless she needs something. He could find something else to eat. 
“Or else what?” She plays with the crust of the bread. Eye contact. God, he loves this game of theirs. She leaves him breathless too often for his liking, though. As he flounders for a comeback, he hears a high-pitched noise from the other side of the room. 
Luke. Great. 
“What are you wearing?” Luke laughs incredulously. Han looks down at himself. He’d put on a fur vest today instead of his usual cargo one. It was something he’d snatched off some mook that’d tried to set him up with a dishonest deal. It’s old and it smells a little funny, but he likes it. It’s his now. 
“Wh—it’s a vest. It’s cold.” Han frowns. 
“You look like Chewie shed on you.” Luke leans his hip against the doorway as he settles in to mock. There’s a Wookiee outcry of indignation from the cockpit that goes unanswered.
“It’s a fashion statement.” Han adjusts his posture, gives them a new angle. Luke snorts. Han scowls.
“What exactly are you stating?” Leia rests her chin in her hands. She’s got a crumb on her cheek. He does not think about brushing it away. 
“You’re both terrible.” Han stomps off to change. 
“Right back atcha!” Leia calls after him. Her laughter is sweet, even at his expense. 
Run-ins with Empire patrols always put Han on a fine edge--he’s a well-oiled machine with Chewie at his back, but recent additions to the Falcon have proven…distracting. As he slams them into a hyperspace jump, the twins’ noise somehow drowns out the noise of the engine. Leia’s complaining that he took too many risks, Luke’s insisting he took too little, and Han’s half tempted to spin send the Falcon into a barrel roll just to hear a different sound.
Chewie won’t let him. The honorable bastard.
The moment they finish the jump, Han swivels out of his chair and goes…well, he’s not sure where he’s going, but he knows he needs to see and hear something besides Luke crunching angrily on crackers. 
Leia follows on Han’s heels, Luke follows on hers, and Han considers just ejecting himself from the airlock and being done with it. 
“If you want to die, be my guest, but don’t put us at risk for your ego.” Leia smacks his chest. Han can’t tell if he’s imagining the lingering touch of her fingers. 
“No, you’d miss me too much.” He fires back, pulling out of her grasp. He takes long strides, taking a petty sort of joy in hearing significantly shorter legs scramble after him. 
“Not a chance in hell,” Leia snarls, snatching the back of his vest. He whirls around. 
“Yes, you would, because things are boring without me. You like having me around.” He leans into her space. She stands her ground. 
“The fate of the galaxy is boring?” She conveniently ignores that last part. Han doesn’t miss it. 
“It is without me. Face it, princess. You’re attached.” He puts his hands on his hips. Leia’s face turns an interesting color.
“Ha! See? Attached!” Han points triumphantly. Leia smacks his hand away. 
“I didn’t say anything!”
“You didn’t need to. The truth’s all over your face.” He circles that pointer finger in her face. She smacks it hard enough to bruise this time. 
“The truth that I can’t stand you, more like. You’re arrogant, reckless, irresponsible—“
“And exactly your type.” Han grins. “You like having me around. Meanwhile, I’m cool, casual, and unattached.” Han clicks his tongue. Leia attempts to burn a hole through his forehead with her gaze. He worries for a moment that she might. 
“Really?” Luke crunches loudly. “I heard you telling Chewie that you like having us around. That you wouldn’t know what you’d do without us. Didn’t sound very cool and casual.” 
“I was drunk.” Han’s face burns. Leia snorts. Han scowls. 
“Drunk mind, sober thoughts.” Luke grins teasingly, waving a chip in his face. Han tries to snatch the bag, but Luke twirls effortlessly out of the way. Damn Jedi. 
“Sounds like you’re attached, laser brain.” Leia circles her finger in his face, and Han wonders if turning himself in to the Empire might be better for his ego.
Han’s not sure when his game with Leia stopped being a game and started being this, but he’s not complaining. He’s made out in worse storage rooms than the ones on the Falcon. They’d started with fetching a rations restock, devolved into bickering, and, well…their arguments usually end in violence or the threat of it, so Leia trying to climb him like a tree is a much-welcomed departure from form.
Normally Han’s great at keeping his emotions in a cold, dark little box where he never has to deal with them, but Leia looked so pretty yelling at him that he just…had to kiss her. He knew at that moment he’d die if he didn’t. It’s not the first time they’ve kissed and he hopes it won’t be the last, but each touch with Leia is like drifting closer to the beautiful terror of the sun. The best part, the overwhelming part, is that she wants him too. 
All of that would’ve been well and good, great even, if Luke hadn’t been standing in the doorway. 
Luke and Leia have some kind of stare-off that Han suspects involves their twinness--there’s lots of flustered, offended noises without words being uttered. Luke raises his eyebrow in a way that really seems to get to Leia, because she splutters, which she expressly does not do. 
“Don’t you start! I tolerate him!” She glares at Luke, her cheeks turning red. 
“Aww.” Han smirks. She elbows him in the ribs.
“With your mouth?” Luke’s near hysterical. 
“Among other things.” Han smirks wider. Luke’s face twists in sheer disgust. 
“Shut up,” Leia hisses, blushing and hitting him harder. He grins.
Luke levels a finger at Han, a habit he picked up from him in the first place, and then stalks off. 
“Chances he knifes me in my sleep?” 
“Lower than me doing it myself.” Leia swats his arm once more for good measure, but she’s still glowing, and Han thinks he might want to see that smile of hers for the rest of his life.
“I’ll take those odds.” 
The difference between Luke and his sister, in Han’s opinion, is that Luke’s noise goes inwards. Leia will scream at Han until she’s red in the face and then she’ll miraculously find more air. Luke gets quiet and vengeful, which is why Han starts to suspect foul play the third time he trips over thin air. 
Han really wants to fight back, but every time he opens his mouth, Leia’s lurking around some dark corner. 
On hour three of Luke’s temper tantrum, Han’s eye begins to twitch. He’s probably bruised every inch of his shins by now, he’s tired, and he thinks if he can close his eyes for an hour he might remember how to function. Just a sweet, Skywalkerless hour. 
Han drags his hand over his face as he walks off to his cabin. He finds Luke standing in the hall like an omen. He doesn’t move when Han approaches. The little furrow in his brow is probably meant to be intimidating, and maybe one day it will be, but Han can’t bring himself to care. 
The desire to lay down overcomes his rational thought, and he does to Luke what he often does to Leia: jams his hands under Luke’s arms and lifts him out of the way.
Except, unlike Leia, Luke doesn’t try to kick him. He lets out a giggle at a pitch Han didn’t know he was capable of. 
Han pauses, raising an eyebrow at the rapidly-reddening Jedi in his arms. He twitches his fingers. Luke chokes out a surprised laugh. 
Han’s suddenly not tired anymore. Funny, that. 
“Han, don’t you dare, c’mon--”
Han sets Luke down but doesn’t release him--he viciously wiggles his fingers where they’re trapped under Luke’s arms. He goes down like a sack of droid components, filling the Falcon with bright, bouncy laughter it so desperately needs. 
“You get a minute for every bruise, and my shins are looking mighty purple.” Han whistles lowly, pressing into the gaps between Luke’s ribs. Luke lets out a giggly hiccup and kicks his legs. 
“That’s not f-fair!” Luke clutches Han’s arms desperately. Han twitches his fingers and he curls up, shaking his head. Han distantly wonders when Luke last laughed like this. If he ever has. 
“Yeah? Tell me about it. Pick on someone your own size and maybe life will be fairer.” Han tries to keep his stare blank, but his mouth quirks up at the corners. Luke lets out an indignant gasp, but he quickly tumbles right back down into laughter.
“Let go,” Luke growls, his whole face scrunching around his smile. 
“Kid, I can’t let you go if you’ve got my hands.” Han gives a dramatic tug. He stops, raising his eyebrow expectantly. Luke pouts--pouts!--at him and lifts his arms at glacial pace. Han pulls away…
…and goes right for Luke’s exposed stomach. His shout of betrayal mixes beautifully with his laughter.
“Rookie mistake,” Leia tuts, snickering at Luke’s misfortune. Han jumps at her appearance--man, he should put a bell on these two--and Luke takes that as a signal to start wriggling away. Han reels him back in with a hearty laugh.
“Leia, fetch your--” Han cuts Luke off with a squeeze to the side before he can say anything embarrassing. 
“You gonna help, Your Worship? Or are you above getting your hands dirty?” Han casts a glance at Leia. 
“Never.” Leia smirks, kneeling beside Luke. They stare at each other for a long, tense while. Leia’s gaze drifts over him the same way she sifts through a plan for holes, until she stops at his knees. 
Luke’s eyes widen. Leia grins.
She latches on like a viper and Luke squeals, drumming his feet on the ground. He throws his head back and cackles himself into silence, flopping around uselessly. 
“Remind me to stay on your good side,” Han chuckles, a little nervous.
“You’re notoriously bad at it,” she smirks. Han swears he feels the ghost of her fingers on his own legs. He shudders.
Luke’s surrender is less of a cry and more of a wheeze, but they let him go quickly all the same. He tosses his arm over his glowing face with a great, heaving sigh.
“You alright over there?” Han chuckles, nudging Luke’s boot. He lifts his arm to glare.
“I hate you.”
“I know.” Han pats his ankle. Luke kicks him. Han squeezes his knee and he immediately blurts out a tired, giggly apology. 
“Stop being a little shit and trying to trip me up. It’s not gonna work. Too cool for that.” Han pats Luke’s stomach. 
Warm hands wrap around his waist and he leans back, scaring himself with how easily he fits into Leia’s arms. She hooks her chin over his shoulder.
“Are you ready?” She murmurs, brushing her fingers over the fabric of his shirt. 
“Ready for what?” His hand finds hers. He’s more than ready, if he’s reading this right. She’s rarely like this beyond closed doors, and it sends a thrill through him. Her lips brushing his ear drives him just a little crazy. He starts to stand, but she pulls him back down. 
“To be tripped up.” She smirks. He feels it. 
Leia’s fingers dig in with deadly accuracy. Han crumples and his bravado goes with him. Loud, hearty laughter bursts from him as he slides to the floor, boneless in her arms.
“Aw, look at you cool guy.” Luke sidles up next to him with a shit eating grin. He tickles mockingly under Han’s chin and he, mortifyingly, giggles. Luke chases the sound, having way too much fun for Han’s liking. 
Han growls and tries to kick him. Leia’s fingers find his hips—cruel and unusual—and he’s toast. He resigns himself to die in her lap, which isn’t the overall worst way to go, and makes a mental note to write Luke out of his will. 
As long as Chewie thinks he’s cool, he supposes it’s still a net win. 
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AITA for pointing out to my brother when his girlfriend treats him poorly?
I’m the older sibling to my younger brother, 24M, and his gf (I’ll be real I THINK she’s 23 but I don’t remember her birthday ) they’ve been dating for a few years and throughout it me and my mom whom I live with because I’m disabled have done our best to try to welcome her, even though she has done some hurtful things [she got angry at my mom while she was living here the first time and threatened to never let her see her grandkids, and the second time mom welcomed her into the home she ended up screaming at us both out of basically nowhere. She yelled at my mom because one of her fish was dying and took the opportunity to yell loud enough that I could hear her in my room with the door closed complain about my puppy whom I was still training. She yelled at me because she was in the room while I was trying to talk to my brother about something serious and mentioned her without trying to include her in the conversation, because it wasn’t meant as a dig and also because it was a passing mention of her name, not a full topic.]
Anyways. At this point they’ve moved out and my brother comes here to chat with us and check in every couple weeks. She forced them to move out before he’d been able to get a job and then asked him to immediately pay back his half of the lot rent and mortgage payment for their trailer the moment he got a job, which has him scrambling and exhausted trying to keep up because he’d been unemployed mostly at her request for months. She makes her living on OF, and he leaves the house when she’s working. We also suspect that she forced him to dump his dog back on us.
In addition to making him drive everywhere on his dime for gas, she also doesn’t want to chip in for repairs to the trailer, and when she has him take her to get groceries we know she doesn’t buy anything with his food preferences in mind. We know this because he comes scrounging for food he actually wants to eat from our fridge [which we’re happy to give him, but.. yeah. It feels shitty to know that he can’t get his own gf to buy him diced pear fruit cups or frozen chicken nuggets.]
So, I started calling out gently when something she does is mean to him. I don’t call him out directly or anything, but I do ask him why. Like, if he asked for grocery money, I’ve said “sure, I’ve only got a little extra rn is 30$ okay? Do you and [gf] not grocery shop together?”
To put it lightly, he doesn’t like this. But I’m afraid that if I pretend it’s normal he’ll get seriously hurt. I don’t know what else to do, besides try to gently make it clear that it’s just not okay to treat a partner the way she treats him.
Not to mention that through all this he has needed to beg money off me and my mom for gas and groceries and other necessities, and has at times used her credit card for non-emergencies and taken money from her accounts without asking. He doesn’t seem to see a problem with this, which also makes me worried. I love him to death and I don’t want to think that he’s become someone that cold.
Am I the asshole for trying to remind him that people who love you don’t do the things his gf does? Or am I wrong about this?
What are these acronyms?
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christeli4 · 4 months
Fixing Apritello work better than Canon
(Analysis tmnt 1920s AU)
After reading the "turtles in the roaring 20s", I want to compare two love lines of the same ship. Namely, the canon and fixing Apritello and why the former is much better than the latter.
Canon Apritello
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The series uses the trope "love at first sight" in the very first episode during April's demonstration. Donnie becomes fixated on her when he notices her presence.
He is completely confident that April will become his girlfriend (like the "master plan"), perceiving her as an object that needs to be obtained. If Donnie's feelings are obsessive, April's feelings are almost incomprehensible. It's one thing to kiss him on the cheek, and then immediately ignore the past action, as if nothing had happened (*cough* A foot too big *cough*).
What else I don't like about this relationship is that in all episodes, April in a written form should always be next to him, and not with other turtles. Because the shippers will think she's changing guys like gloves.
And a love triangle involving Donnie, April and Casey makes things worse for her. Donatello begins to complain that his crush is spending time with another guy at first sight. For the most part, he's just trying to get him out of April's company. And Casey is a perverted guy who likes to molest her. Okay, when he flirts, but he unbeknownst to her looks at her like, excuse me, a sexy (remember) 16-year-old girl! Well, at least thank you for the fact that April herself does not support such an attitude of guys towards her when they fought for her, or in the ep 1 season 4, where two guys looked lovingly at her dressed in a yellow jumpsuit.
Okay, you get my point, that canon did a very bad job. Now let's move on to…
Turtles in the roaring 20s Apritello
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In this fanfiction, unlike the canon, the love line begins in "chapter 8: After hours" while April is singing. Donnie falls in love with her in this very chapter, when he watches and listens to her beautiful voice. Also in the chapter 9, they communicate in private, clean up the mess and tell their dreams and experiences, and this is called "proper chemistry".
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The main mistake in the canon is the lack of conversations, no matter what. ordinary or important in the plot, characters should talk about their feelings, experiences, advice, and so on, and not just assure us that they did it behind the scenes. as one person said, "Show, not tell."
Maybe Donatello and April sometimes talked about something in the series, but we were shown in the background instead of hearing their conversation.
In the new chapter of fic, these two are presented to us again with cute moments and important plot summaries, rather than being thrown into the background. In addition, we are hinted at the development of the characters, where they will teach each other in the next chapter.
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Also, April wasn't created as a love interest for Donnie to tease the shippers. Their attitude influences the main character's dream and Don's fear of being on stage. Plus, her character will change not only in relation to Don, but also to other turtles (like Raphael).
The result of the analysis: tmnt1920s AU Works with Apritello better and more harmoniously than canon and I will always wait for new chapters about them!
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blueshistorysims · 1 month
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February 13th, 1924, London, England
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Multiple friends had wanted to throw a large birthday party, but Byron had refused. 29 wasn’t a special age, and in truth, he did not want another reminder that he was entering the last of his twenties. Instead, he selected a restaurant he knew Montgomery would complain about and invited the Misses Balass and Patel for additional company.
“I am unsure if Samira will come,” Byron mused over a glass of wine. “When I telegrammed her last, she was still in India and said she would not return until the middle of the month.”
Montgomery frowned. “I hope yer wrong.”
“You like her then?”
He nodded. 
Eleroa sighed. “Well, I hate to break it to you, but she won’t be in England until the end of the month. She wants to spend some time with a cousin in Hungary.”
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As they ate, a new dilemma reached the back of Byron’s mind: Who was he going home with? Perhaps it was a selfish desire, but he thought he was allowed to feel as such. It was his birthday, after all. 
“Does yer father know that ya eat pork?” Montgomery asked Eleora, eyeing the Beef Wellington on her plate. 
“Do your socialist and communist friends know you spend most of your free time with a duke?”
Byron snorted. 
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The Scot pushed up his glasses and stood. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to clean me glasses.”
“Is that just a polite way to say you need to use the loo?”
He blushed but did not answer, walking away.
Eleora shook her head, turning her head back to Byron. “I’ve been trying to get into that doctor’s trousers ever since my family began to see him.”
If he had been drinking, he was sure he would have choked. “Eleora!”
“What? Don’t tell me you don’t think him handsome. At first, I thought he was still in mourning over his wife, but now, I think he unfortunately must have some moral qualms about sleeping with patients. Or he’s fearful of my father. Likely both.”
“He is you and your father’s doctor. It’s a place of power that can be abused easily.”
“That makes it more fun,” She laughed, leaning forward. “You’re much closer than widowed in-laws I think would be. Is there something else? I certainly wouldn’t blame you.”
If it were anyone else, Byron would have froze with fear and adamantly denied it. “I can never understand how you read me so well.”
She shrugged. “I have intuition. …Actually, I saw you two kissing rather passionately at the last party we went to.”
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“I see. Perhaps I should have said something prior.”
“It’s alright. You’re the not only one who enjoys the company of the same sex.” Eleora lowered her voice. “Samira and I sometimes lay together. She prefers women, so her current infatuation with Montgomery has been most amusing to me. And makes me rather jaundiced and want to fuck him more.”
Byron smirked. “Well, he’s very talented with his hands,” he whispered, leaning forward so only she would hear his words, “and his tongue.”
Eleora laughed and playfully pushed him away. “You shouldn’t make me think of that in a public place, Byron.”
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“Think of what?” Montgomery asked, returning to the table.
Eleora suddenly sighed and held her hand to her head. “Oh, doctor, I do think I coming down with a most tremendous headache. It is much too loud here.”
The amused look on his face turned into one of concern and professionalism. Gone was Montgomery, and here was Dr. MacGregor. “Yer apartment is not far from here, aye? I’ll make ya specific tea and see what else ya’ve got.”
“I’ll foot the bill,” Byron muttered, wondering what the woman had planned. 
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booboodaddysblog · 2 months
Part four
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Warnings: arguing, crying, drama, breaking up
Words: 5394
As soon as he got to work... it started again... his intrusive thoughts. Mean, debilitating thoughts. No matter what he did, he couldn't get rid of them. Why his brain wasn't cooperating with him?
He entered the police station in an angry mood. He noticed that Mare was standing at the front desk talking to someone. He didn't give a damn. He didn't even say hello to anyone. All he dreamed of now was coffee and his office. He headed to the kitchen and smiled at the sight of a full pot, freshly brewed coffee. He reached into the cabinet for a mug and poured a hot drink, inhaling its wonderful smell. He was already about to go to his office when....
- Has culture left you, Zabel? - Mare blocked his passage.
- I don't feel like talking. Let me through - he said with irritation.
- And do you know what I don't feel like talking about?
- I'm rather not interested in that - he rolled his eyes.
- What is the matter with you? Do you miss sex? - Mare laughed.
- I'm not complaining about the lack of it - he tried again to walk through the door.
- You are behaving really strangely. I think I will inform the chief to talk to you and set you straight. Zabel, we here do not tolerate such behavior. You might be in a bad mood. Okay. I understand, but you are supposed to behave culturally when you see me talking to the wife of the chief of our police station.
- What? I didn't know it was his wife - he made big eyes.
- She is a terrible gossip. In addition, she is in charge of inspecting all government employees in the county. There is no problem for her to transfer someone to another county. You wouldn't want that, would you?
Colin swallowed his saliva loudly.
- Fuck... no... of course not. Sorry, really. We've worse days with Marg...
- With Marg... well, exactly. Why is she away from work for so long? - Mare raised her eyebrows in thought.
- I... she gets sick... you see for yourself what the weather is like - he shrugged his shoulders.
- Interesting... just explain to me why the attendance list says Marg is on indefinite sick leave. And best of all, your signature is there. Don't make a fool of me, Zabel - she looked at him menacingly and closed the kitchen door. Now no one could hear their conversation.
- Mare...
- Talk! What did you do Marg? Is she dead or what? Well, because... I guess she's not pregnant?
- Mare... I...
- Oh my gosh! Are you kidding me? You're kidding me! Holly shit! I don't believe it! - Mare started laughing even louder.
- Mare, please be quiet - Colin tried to silence her.
- You came here a few months ago to help us with our investigation, and now you're going to become a daddy.
- I really didn't plan it - he sat down resignedly at the table and grabbed his head.
- Do you know what contraception is? - Mare also sat down at the table.
- Very funny - he looked at her and shook his head with dissatisfaction.
- How long has it been going on?
- But what?
- God, does it occur to you that you are going to be a father? - she sighed - what week is it? Or more simply. How long has Marg been pregnant?
- Hmm... it will soon be a month.
- A month? Wow. Okay... when did you find out?
- About two weeks ago.
- And you cheated on her with Roby when she wasn't in town... congratulations.
- How do you know? - he whispered.
- I know everything. Now I also know that Marg is pregnant.
- I beg... Mare... don't tell anyone. It's a fresh case, I don't want it to....
- Relax, I won't tell anyone. But the chief has already asked about Marg.
- Fuck... - he covered his face with his hands again.
- Okay, drink your coffee. In 30 minutes we leave. We need to talk to the owner of this factory again. Something seems to me that he transported the equipment somewhere himself to get the insurance money. It was definitely not a theft - Mare got up from the table - I'll see you in 30 minutes at the entrance - she left the kitchen.
Colin grabbed his coffee mug and quickly drank its entire contents. He shook his head to clear his mind and got up from the table. He put the mug in the dishwasher. He opened the kitchen door and looked out into the hallway. He looked around to see if anyone was around and left, quickly heading for his office. He didn't feel like talking to anyone anymore today.
Colin returned home later than planned. It's always like this with Mare. She says they will finish at, let’s say, 6 p.m., but nevertheless they finish at 8 p.m. Then the report still has to be written. And so Colin enters the house at 9 p.m. Exhausted and dreaming of showering and sleeping.
He took off his coat and sat down on a chair by the door to take off his shoes. He was so tired that he didn't even have the strength to bend down. He straightened up and sighed loudly. He looked around the living room. Marg was not there. He began to listen. He heard the sound of water. She was taking a shower.
He got up with a groan and went to the kitchen to pour himself some water. He looked in the refrigerator and pulled out a slice of ham and a few pieces of cucumber. While eating it, he walked over to the calendar hanging on the wall. Marg scheduled pregnancy-related medical appointments. He liked the idea. He didn't have a head for dates, he always had to have everything written out in several places, otherwise he wouldn't be able to remember it.
He heard Marg leave the bathroom and go to the bedroom. He went upstairs and leaned against the doorframe. He watched Marg put on her pajamas. She sits down on the bed and starts brushing her hair. She was humming some kind of tune. She didn't realize Colin was watching her.
He walked over to her and sat down on the bed. She looked at him surprised.
- When did you come back? - she asked, putting the hairbrush down on the bed.
- About 20 minutes ago - he stood up and started taking off his clothes - I'm going to take a shower. Don't fall asleep without me.
He left the bedroom and went to the bathroom. Marg shrugged her shoulders at his behavior and went to bed.
Colin returned after 30 minutes and lay down next to Marg, but his back was turned to her. He was convinced she was asleep.
- How was your day? - she hugged his back and kissed him gently on the neck.
Colin was surprised by her sudden kiss, he was convinced she was already asleep.
- My day was... fine, nothing special - he sighed.
- Are you still mad at me? - she sighed too.
- No…
He didn't even hesitate to answer. It was obvious that he was not angry with her and had no reason to be.
- So one day I will be able to make a show for you again, and you will watch in awe? - she kissed his neck again.
He felt a bit surprised by her sudden mention, but he wasn't going to complain about it. It made him feel a little excited, but he decided to just keep his mouth shut and not say anything until she was done talking.
- Don't you want such a show again? - she sighed loudly and turned her back to him.
- What? No… I didn't say that…
He was confused as to why her behavior had suddenly changed so much. He wasn't sure why that was, or why she thought he didn't want that, when he absolutely did.
She turned to him again.
- So tell me, did you like what you saw? Me on the couch, touching myself, you in the chair across from me and watching?
- Y…yes… I…I enjoyed it... very much...
- If so, tell me more about it - she began to stare at him.
- Well… ummm…
He didn't expect her to ask him directly just like that. It made him feel a little uncomfortable. He didn't want to say anything stupid, so he pondered his answer for a few seconds before speaking up.
- I… I… just liked the way... you made...you made yourself happy... and... and that made me want to join you so badly....
- So why didn't you join me? I asked for it so badly - she raised an eyebrow.
- I just ... I didn't know if you were serious!
He tried to defend himself, but he really regretted it. Now he really regretted not joining in. "Fuck" he said to himself in his mind.
- I invited you several times, and you sat like you were glued to the chair - she rolled her eyes.
- I knew that, but I thought you were joking! Why would you want me to join you when you wanted to do it with yourself. It was supposed to be a show! - he found it increasingly difficult to remain calm - Why are we arguing about such silly things?!
This was already too much for her. She slapped him in the face. She was furious.
- I asked you several times to help me, but you just sat there and drooled at the sight of me! Why are you playing dumb now?! And you think all this was stupid for me?! Stupid?!
Colin was frozen. He was really shocked by the sudden slap in the face and didn't know what to say. He must have really screwed up. He deserved it.
He just realized that she was completely serious at that moment. He looked at her and saw the rage in her eyes. He felt ashamed that he had messed things up like that.
- I was so fucking serious! And you fucked up, Colin!
- I know… I understand that now…
He was angry with himself, not only for being such an idiot, but also for missing such an opportunity. He dreamed of it, but screwed up, as usual.
- I really don't understand it - she said in a calm voice. She looked like she was about to cry - I hate being pregnant - she whispered as if only to herself.
- I was scared, okay... that I would do something wrong - he said in a sad voice - I thought... I thought... that... I wouldn't be too gentle....
- I just wanted to end it with you, that's all.
- Sorry, when I'm tired I don't quite get everything…
- I was so fucking serious and desperate! - she slapped him again - you really deserved that slapped!
He closed his eyes and was silent for a moment.
- Okay, I get it… - he finally replied - I screwed up, I really get it...
She stroked his sore cheek.
- You'll be fine. I just didn't know what punishment I should have come up with for you.
- P…punishment? - he asked about it, although he definitely knew what she meant, he wanted to hear her say it clearly.
- Yes punishment, you disobeyed me when I needed you so much, you just screwed up.
- But what kind of punishment?
He still pretended not to understand what she wanted to say. Even though he was fully aware of what she was most likely planning to do.
- Fine, I have an idea for punishment. From today, no sex for two weeks. I will give myself pleasure when the urge strikes me. Without your participation, of course. I won't even inform you that I did it - she covers herself tightly with the quilt.
He felt a little uneasy about the idea. He wasn't sure if he would be able to survive two weeks like this. His head was full of thoughts, but he kept them to himself. He didn't want to act like he was begging her to change her mind.
- Well… fine… let it be…
- Just “fine”? Really? - she looked at him with suspicious eyes.
- What else should I say? I said “fine”, which means I accept your punishment.
- So the conclusion is that you don't care about sex with me at all?
- That's not what I said... - he said quickly, not wanting to start another argument with her - I only said that I accept your punishment, I didn't say that I don't care about sex with you, Marg....
- Explain, because I don't understand you. Be more specific, Colin… - she rolled her eyes.
- I just mean that… that I will survive these two weeks without sex. I just wanted to say that your punishment will not be.... will not be so bad for me.
- Won't it be that bad?!
He quickly realized that he had said something pretty dumb.
- I just meant that... I... I think I can manage without sex for two weeks... - he moved away from Marg fearing another slap.
- So what do you do when the urge for sex strikes you? - she asked curiously.
- Well, I just... I don't know... - he had to think for a moment before answering - I'll just masturbate and that's it - he shrugged his shoulders.
- Just masturbate… okay… - she nodded.
- What else should I do? I know you'd probably prefer it if I asked you to join me, but I don't know if I'm ready for that...
He felt really bad about it all. He didn't want a repeat of the "show”. He felt like he was always letting her down, like he wasn't proving himself as her fiancé. Maybe he shouldn't have asked her to marry him so soon...
- Okay, you are right. I didn't expect anything else. Sorry - she hugged his arm - you were thinking. What's the matter?
He didn't like to talk about his feelings and thoughts. Although, maybe this was a good opportunity for him to be completely honest about how he felt. Besides, he was stewing so much inside, and he was beginning to feel that he probably shouldn't keep so many thoughts to himself anymore. Maybe that's why he was always so stressed, he just kept too many thoughts locked up inside, and that wasn't good for him.
- Won't you be angry if I tell you?
- Go on, no worries.
- Well... it's just... I feel that... that, I'm not ready for this whole relationship... something is missing... and I feel that I made a mistake by proposing to you so soon... - at this moment, he preferred to stare at the ceiling rather than at her.
- Excuse me?! - she opened her mouth in surprise.
- I’m sorry, Marg! It's not that… that… I don't love you, I really love you... but I feel like...
He tried to say something sensible, but honestly had no idea why he felt that way. It was just something he felt deep inside. He couldn't explain it. He wasn't ready for such a serious step in his life. All these things made him feel confused and he started thinking about his previous relationship. About the failure and the breaking of the engagement.
- You don't want to be with me?! I don’t understand! - she was so furious that she was close to slapping him again.
- I just...
He was so worried now, he knew it would only get worse. He mentally prepared himself for another corporal punishment, if he failed to calm her down.
- Marg! I love you, I swear!
- You idiot! Did you forget, that I am pregnant?! You assured me that you would never leave me! Did you forget what you said?! Oh my god! - she started crying and screaming.
- Yes! I know… but…
He knew he was already making the situation worse, but he just couldn't back down now.
- I will still be there for the baby... just... just not as your fiancé, or husband... I'm not fucking ready!
- So as who! - she cried loudly, no longer knowing what to do. She felt like running away, now.
That's exactly right. He really meant it. He knew she wouldn't like it at all. He knew it wouldn't be easy. He couldn't stifle it in himself any longer. He really felt bad. So he just had to accept the consequences of his words.
- I’m sorry, Marg…
- What the fuck! Colin! I trusted you! I was so stupid!
- Just hear me out!
- Oh, what’s wrong with you?!
- You just have to understand me! It's not what it seems! I am not leaving you for another woman or anything like that! I just feel that I am not ready for such a commitment! Maybe it has to do with my previous relationship or childhood! I don't know!
- You are already an adult! Don't go back to your childhood! Grow up finally! In eight months you'll be a father, damn it! Zabel! - she shouted at him - If you're going to act like this all the time, I'd really rather become a single mother!
Her words hurt him, even though she was probably right. He shouldn't have behaved that way toward his pregnant fiancée. He had to accept responsibility and grow up, but he couldn't shake the feeling that everything was happening too fast. It was as if he had just been thrown into the highest level of adulthood without having experienced it before. And now he had to deal with it all. But she was right, it wasn't his ex's fault or his childhood. It was his fault. He longed to change, but didn't know how.
- Are you going to stare at me now and not say anything? Believe me, you are making your situation worse.
- No, you are right... I make myself look like a pathetic person.... I feel sorry for myself... I’m sorry, okay? I'm sorry...
His voice was breaking a little. He couldn't believe he had gotten himself into this situation, but now he was in too deep to back out.
- I really don't know what to think about all this. You really disappointed me, Colin - she said in a sad voice.
- I understand, I really understand...
He felt all the consequences of his honesty. He did not like such situations. He didn't like feeling this way. It was bad with him mentally and physically. He tried to say something.
- But please, you have to understand... I really care about both of you, I just....
He didn't know how to finish this sentence. He just didn't want her to be angry with him. But he knew it was too late for that.
- Just what?
- Please, you must try to understand my point of view... It's as if I skipped a whole phase of my life and now I have to deal with its consequences... and I'm not even sure I want to do that…
- So what do you want?
- I don't know... I care about you.... I just... I'm not sure I feel ready for this whole marriage thing. I know I'm not a child anymore, but looking at my life, I feel I still haven't grown up. But I still want to be around you. I want to help you raise our child.
- In that case, do you want to break up with me? - she felt anger sweep over her again.
- Yes…
He finally said the word he had been afraid to say for so long. It had happened, and it was too late to take it back.
- Fuck you, Colin! - she got out of bed, picked up some clothes and left the bedroom. She went downstairs.
He heard her start to get dressed and look for her car keys. She cursed him loudly.
- Wait! Marg! - he yelled after her when he heard her trying to open the door and leave.
He ran down the stairs, stumbling.
He couldn't believe he had fucked up everything like that. He now had terrible remorse. It was almost midnight. What an idiot he was! He hoped there was still a chance to fix it, but he knew that was highly unlikely.
- What?! Let me go! You've messed everything up enough!
- Don't leave yet, we still need to talk...
- About what?! You said you, were breaking up with me! - she tried again to open the door.
- Yes, but let me explain it a little more...
- Very funny! What do you want to explain? You have said enough!
- Well... as I said, I will be there for you and the baby, but as a friend, not as your husband...
- I don’t need a fucking friend! I need a boyfriend and then a husband!
- I'm sorry... but I don't want to be your husband... at least not yet...
- I'm leaving, really, enough… - she grabbed the handle and opened the door.
- Wait! Please! Please don't get in the car and drive away! Don't leave me! - he felt desperate, he didn't want her to leave him like this.
- I really don't have anything more to say…
- Are you going to just leave me like that?
He felt hurt that she decided to leave him so suddenly. He felt he was about to cry. It didn't occur to him what had just happened. He didn't want to believe that the conversation would end like this. He tried to grab the door handle and stop her from leaving.
- What do you want from me! I'm really tired, you know? Your behavior, Colin... I just can't take it anymore! I've been patient... but now... I'm leaving...
- Please! Please… just don’t go! I don’t want to lose you! Marg!
His fingers kept touching the door handle, trying not to let her just walk away. He didn't want to give up just yet.
- But you did…
- Yes, but... but I would still like to stay in your life! I screwed up! I know, I made a mistake! I don't know what got into me! I’m fucked up!
- I’m really confused, Colin. I need to think about it... but not here - she sighed - I don't want to be here anymore.
- Wait! Where are you going to sleep?
- My home.
- Are you staying there until you make a decision?
- I don’t know, I really don’t know.
- Well... I hope you won't stay like this for too long... I will miss you...
- I don't know if I will miss you. You disappoint me, Colin. It really hurts. I don't want to stress anymore. I'm pregnant, I can't stress.
- But… I… just…
He felt desperate again, and the thought of her being alone in her house, without him, made him feel even worse. He felt tears coming to his eyes.
- You just fucked up, Colin - she whispered and started crying.
- Fuck! Hey! Hey… don’t cry… please! - he was crying too.
- How? How do you want me to don’t cry? It’s impossible!
He was beginning to feel even more distraught, not only at the thought of losing her forever, but also at the sight of her upset in such a state, he was a terrible person for exposing her to all this.
He pulled her close and hugged her tightly.
- I know... I'm sorry really...
- I'm tired of all this...
He held her in a hug, not letting her go yet.
- I know... but please stay. I can't just let you go...
- You don't want me, I get it. You don't have to repeat or explain it to me.
- No, no… no I'm the one who messed up here... it's me, it's my fault... but we can fix it. I beg you to stay - he tried to fix it, he couldn't just end it.
- I want to go to sleep, I’m tired. But I don’t want to sleep with you. You’re sleeping on the couch - she released herself from his grasp.
- Please don't make me sleep on the couch...
- You did it to yourself, it wasn't me.
- I know, but... can't we spend one more night together? - he looked at her with pleading eyes.
- No.
- Please…
- I said no!
- So please, just one last hug!
- Don’t be ridiculous! You’re pathetic! - she moved upstairs to his bedroom - don't you dare come to me at night. You sleep on the couch, remember!
- I know…
He felt absolutely terrible about the idea of sleeping on the couch, it was as if she had completely pushed him away. He felt like he no longer had her trust, if not her love at the moment.
- Good night, Colin - she locked the bedroom door behind her.
- Good night, Marg… - he said with a slight defeat in his voice, watching Marg close the door. He then walked over to the couch to lie down on it, alone, feeling like the worst person ever - I love you, Marg - he whispered and closed his eyes.
Marg woke up at 5 a.m., sighed and got out of bed. She did not feel nauseous today. She felt pretty good, but she didn't get enough sleep. She went quietly to the bathroom. She saw that Colin was still sleeping downstairs. Being in the bathroom she cried, she couldn't stop it. She went back to his bedroom and started packing her things. She didn't want to leave anything behind. She quietly went downstairs and looked towards the couch where Colin was sleeping. He was breathing quietly. She was sorry that it didn't work out for them after all. She hoped they would get along somehow. Colin was apparently not ready for such a big step in his life.
She walked to the door and began to put on her shoes and coat. She heard Colin move.
He was still trying to fall asleep when he heard her moving. He opened his eyes and saw her getting dressed to go out.
- Are you going somewhere? - he asked, his voice sounding a bit tired. He was still half asleep, but he was beginning to feel that something was happening.
She did not answer right away. She merely looked at him with sad eyes.
- I'm going back to my house. I won't bother you with my person.
- But... - he got up quickly from the couch and walked over to her. He wanted to stop her - wait, we're not done talking...
- I don't want to talk to you right now. I want to be alone now, in my house. Please let me go.
- Can't you at least listen to me?
If only she had listened to him, they probably could have fixed it. That scenario in his mind couldn't look that bad, could it? He didn't want to accept that everything was over between them, at least not yet.
- Colin, please… - she felt she was about to cry again.
- Marg, please…
- I don’t know what to do… I don’t want to cry anymore - she began to cry while covering her face with her hands.
- Marg, oh no, please don't cry…
He felt terrible that he had put her in such a state. If only he had been more careful and not said such things, it probably could have been fixed. But no, he just had to screw it all up! He was willing to do anything to make her stop crying like that, she couldn't suffer because of him.
- I can't figure it out, I just can’t… I don’t understand you anymore!
A few tears also flowed into his eyes as he saw her break down. He really regretted not keeping his mouth shut. And the worst part was that he took the subject of their breakup as a priority, thinking only of himself. He just wanted to prepare her for the idea, not immediately pursue it. But, of course, it was clear that this did not go his way at all…
- I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.... - he said, desperately trying to comfort her.
- Please, let me go - she walked to the door.
- Marg, please don't go... - he begged. He walked to the door to block it from her and not let her leave.
- Please… - she was still crying, but forced herself to look at him.
He tried to hug her. He really hoped she would let him. There was nothing left for him to do but try to comfort her with his arms. He knew that this always worked on her. But he didn't know if it would be effective this time, too.
Marg stepped back, seeing Colin's intentions. She shook her head negatively.
- Please, don't touch me - she whispered.
Colin noticed what she was doing as she tried to push him away. She didn't even want him to comfort her... He really messed it up...
This sight was breaking his heart. Her tears and her closed off attitude... she was done with him... He felt his heart shatter into pieces. He felt weak, tottering on his feet. He was speechless.
- I have to go. I want to be alone in my house. I want to think it all over. I want to rest.
- Marg… please… I…
- No, Colin. Please understand. I want to be alone now - she pressed the handle and opened the door - I'm not leaving forever. As I said, I have to think it all over - she stepped outside. She looked at him with weepy and sad eyes - goodbye, Colin…
She left, closing the door in front of him.
He stared blankly at the door. He stood there, not believing what had just happened. Marg was gone, she had really left him. She pushed him away.
He started breathing deeply, not really able to catch air. It was as if he started to panic. He needed to calm down. He went to the window, tilted the curtain slightly and watched Marg put her things in the car.
It still didn't occur to him what had just happened. He found himself in the worst possible scenario.
She got into the car and started it. He watched as she slowly backed out of the driveway. He felt like running after her, but his legs were heavy. His body refused to obey him. He sat resignedly on the floor and covered his face with his hands. He cried, unable to stop it. His world had collapsed. It was happening to him again. He tried to tell himself that it wasn't really happening. This was some kind of nightmare. She had really left him and was about to start living her own life without him. He knew that he had absolutely no one to blame for his failure and stupidity except himself.
He got up from the floor and walked quickly to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and took out a beer from it. He opened it and drank the entire contents of the bottle. He moved the bottle away from his mouth and looked at it. He shouted and threw it with all his strength on the floor. Glass splashed all over the kitchen and cabinets.
- Fuck! Fuck!
Part one
Part two
Part three
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Heyo!!! Stellaron Hunter anon is back!!! This is very random but bare with me. Stellaron hunters (or the Astral express family, I just prefer the Stellaron Hunters) with a little kid who's like Kenny McCormick from South Park.
For additional info, Kenny is a very poor 10 yr old kid who grew up with alcoholic parents and a younger sister he cares alot about. Kenny normally wears an oversized jacket that covers the lower half of his face so whenever he talks, his words are very muffled. Kenny sometimes takes advantage of this and cusses every once in a while despite being so young (he learned it from his bad parents.)
Bonus: He's secretly immortal. He's able to die over and over again but always wake up in bed the next morning. He won't be able to forget the pain though, making him very irritable the next time he awakens.
A/N: I've never watched watched South Park before, so I'm really thankful for the detailed description of the character! And thank you for the request!<33
Content: Fluff, Platonic relationships, Kenny-like reader, child reader, mentions of death/reincarnation?, kinda unserious sometimes, angst if you squint, mentions of cursing, reader is hinted to have had an abusive past, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf doesn't think much of you at first. She knew all about your past and where you came from however, yet didn't treat you any differently from anyone else, mainly because she didn't want you to feel out of place. She does compliment you on your jacket however, which is the beginning of her warming up to you.
She chuckles quietly whenever you curse and actually understands you, even when your words are muffled. She also comforts you with video games, whenever your feeling down about your past and let's you win often.
Despite all that, she was still confused on why exactly you were allowed to join the Stellaron hunters, as you just seemed like an ordinary kid... until she saw you randomly get obliterated one day. To say that she was horrified, would be an understatement. Especially when she saw you casually sitting in your bed the next day, complaining about the pain... yeah, she was in disbelief about this for the longest time.
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Blade was really indifferent to you at first. He didn't care to know alpt about you and just avoided you all together for a while, until he was officially assigned to you. He wasn't necessarily happy with this, but he didn't have the energy to complain.
He finds your appearance a little odd and bluntly asks you, why you're wearing a jacket all the time even indoors, which just got him an indifferent shrug from you. He never understands a thing you say, which makes it perfect for whenever you are in the mood to curse him out for being rude to you.
With that said, he was baffled and confused, when he saw you casually walk out of your room, after you were turned into dust the day prior. He halted all his actions to have a stare off with you, before you both shrugged and went back to what you were doing. Great... another person who is technically immortal...
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Kafka knew everything about you from the moment you joined the Stellaron hunters. She was especially interested in your ability to practically reincarnate, mainly because it was a unique ability she had never heard of before. However, Kafka soon begins to find you as a person also very interesting and warms up to you pretty fast.
She knows of your past and comforts you whenever you need it. She doesn't mind your appearance either and even considers it quite cute. Kafka also completely understands everything you say and might even lean in to hear you better. Though cursing around her may get you scolded.
And as mentioned earlier, she's fascinated by your abilities and therefore isn't too worried, when you get killed, as she knows you'll be back the next day. Once you reincarnate, she'll handle you any medication you need and listens to you complain about your pain with a small smile.
A/N: I hope this is okay! Thank you again for the request, Anon!<33
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
An additional thot for being the daimyo's lady 😏😏:
- Boba getting in an increasingly bad mood listening to people come and make their case to him
- Fennec comms you saying he needs some of your "charm" before he shoots someone out of annoyance
- You come down in your brand-new see through dress and lingerie and saunter up to the throne
- Without a word he just pats his thigh and you sit on his lap
- You try to grind down on him without anyone noticing but he squeezes your thigh telling you to sit still
- You behave for a bit but keep doing things to rile him up until he snaps and kicks everyone out of the throne room so he can rail you right then and there
xoxo🤞 anon
Omg babe I’m screaming, crying, throwing up. I love this idea. I love it. Just thinking of this man’s big broad chest…being all impatient and irritated bc he hasn’t seen you yet today and he’s antsy and super busy and frustrated…AHHHH thots below
*beep beep* *beep beep*
This is the third time your comm has signaled you in ten minutes. You knew it wasn’t Boba. As Daimyo, he would be fully immersed in his morning rounds right now. Besides, since you’d been waiting ages for a day off, you planned to see Boba tonight for dinner. What could someone possibly need you for on your day off?
You answer it with a begrudged hello and roll your eyes as a deep sigh probably fills the ears of whatever impatient life form is on the other end. A rich, throaty, female laugh responds. Fennec.
“You sound just like him.” She remarks with a sarcastic giggle, making your mind wander to the sight of your boyfriend complaining his way through his business with organized crime bosses and spice dealers.
“Has it been that bad of a day already?” You ask, glancing down at your own cozy set up and feeling a little bad he couldn’t join you right now. He certainly deserved to. He’d been working his ass off to clean things up now that the Pykes had been driven out of the city. He liked the work. He liked ruling even more. But he was still just a man and without a little…release…every now and again, he got very grumpy.
“Worse. I wish disintegrating people wasn’t so frowned upon sometimes.” She laughed, the sound of her sarcastic comments always bringing you a bit of comfort on this rough planet. “Think it might be nice if you dropped by for a little bit. The almighty Daimyo of impatience here could use some of that…charm of yours to calm him down before he does something he’ll regret.” You swear you could hear Boba groan some kind of retort in the background.
You looked around your royal boyfriends expansive private living quarters and sighed. Your day to yourself would have to wait. He needed you. You were too distracted by even the thought of him to enjoy any sort of relaxation anyway. You glanced at the brand new dress and lingerie set you planned on surprising him with at dinner later today and smiled wickedly. Couldn’t hurt to give Boba a taste of it early downstairs in front of everyone. Your royal fucking highness loved a show off.
“I’m on it. Give me a half hour. See you both soon.”
You switched off the comm and jumped off the couch, getting yourself ready in record time. The delicate lingerie set you’d chosen just barely covered your backside and left little to the imagination, your nipples nearly visible beneath the fabric. The shimmering silver dress you wore was elegant but sheer and exposing, laying just enough fabric on your body to remind Boba that he’d have to work to take it off you first. That’ll teach him some patience.
You descended the sprawling sandstone hallways of the palace to the throne room. The stuffy haze from the dry heat, the muffled, hushed breaths of waiting constituents and the bellowing noise of Boba’s interpreter droid filled the space. You moved into the crowd, parting them with the thrilling confidence you exuded as you sauntered your way over to the throne.
Boba’s eyes and brooding scowl locked with yours as soon as the last person moved aside. His gaze traveled down the length of your body, catching at where each glittering jewel you wore rippled with your movements. You watched the faintest hint of an amused smirk draw across his lips and he straightened up on the seat of his throne. Each gauntlet covered arm rested powerfully on either side of him, the heave of his broad chest making him look as regal as the bastard ever had.
He lifted his chin, nostrils flaring as he inhaled deep enough to ground him into each of his boots planted firmly on the palace floor. His brow quirked up as you waited for him to finish his conversation and call you toward him. You could practically hear his thoughts: filthy demands of a dominant man, growls and grunts of tortuously painful arousal, and his little pet name for you praising you for doing as he commands. He doesn’t stop staring as you, your appearance far more welcome than any who stepped foot in the palace walls today.
Silently, he nodded and motioned for you to approach, his gloved hand patting the armored thigh he was welcoming you to sit upon. The whole room quieted, save for the constituent still trying to make their case and the droid interpreting them, as they watched you slink across the room to their ruler’s side completely unguarded.
You stood before him, his wicked smile growing as he got a better look at the gift you presented as for him today. Slowly, you spun around, ever so slightly pushing your backside out for his admiration, before sitting down on him and letting out a far too suggestive little sigh for a man this on edge to take.
The room got back to the topic at hand, chiming in to react to the speaker’s words. As the court meeting droned on, Boba’s hand slid up and down the open back of your dress absentmindedly. He leans forward as if he had an interest in the presentation before him, but instead muttered in your ear, “princess…you have outdone yourself. How will I ever stay focused now?”
“Patience.” You muttered softly, slightly shifting your seated position on top of him to brush over the hardening bulge you felt beneath you. “You need some today, Boba. Such a long day, lots of hard work.” Your sultry whispers making him tense up underneath you. You knew what you were doing to him. You knew it would work. Fennec was right, he did need your special kind of relief.
“I have much to deal with and you come to me…looking like this…and speaking of patience. Of restraint.” A dark laugh rumbled in his chest behind you, his hand gripping your hip bone and pulling you into him as tight as he could. “That’s fine. All this talk’s got me in a bad fucking mood, princess. Thinking about you in this…is going to help me.” His hand travels down the meat of your thigh and squeezes it gently. “Now, sit still. Behave yourself. And then we’ll see how patient I feel like being today.”
It takes everything inside you not to let out an audible whimper at the power he has over you. Especially sitting on his throne. You don’t want to behave. He really doesn’t want you to either. The way his breathing is slow and calculated, his hands fervent and possessive while his people ramble on about things he barely cares about.
The droid interpreting the interaction doesn’t know what it is you’re doing to him. They’re not built to know. The people in the room are too intimidated by Boba to dare raise a complaint. He’s still getting through the long line of people with requests, even with your ass slowly and subtly writhing against the heat brewing in his groin.
He doesn’t talk much unless necessary, but when he does the familiar edge of his arousal harshes and deepens his tone even more than usual. You’re driving him fucking nuts with each little rut of your hips. You aren’t behaving. You were never planning to.
You can feel his warm breath fanning against the shell of your ear as he moves closer to take in the scent of you. Your pheromones igniting a filthy biological urge that he does not ever deny himself. Besides, he is the ruler, he no longer operates at the mercy of others, he is under no authority but his own. And he will get what he wants. You. And you’ll give him what you know he craves and what he rightfully deserves.
Your own hands slide up his thigh, threatening to ghost over the spot that’s rising for you and you alone. With one hand lacing with his on your hip and the other secretly palming him behind the shadow your back was casting, you physically felt him snap. His body jerked forward just slightly, only you and Fennec would probably notice.
He spun your entire body around in one of his ridiculously strong arms and lifted you to your feet, rising to stan beside you and signal to the room that he’d had enough. “We’re done for today. Everyone out. Now.”
“But Lord Fett…”
He pulled your hips against his and grabbed a handful of your ass to keep you in place. He swore under his breath at the contact and blinked his lust crazed dark eyes at you, the desire completely overtaking everything in him now.
“I said now. Leave us. Rest of my afternoon just got booked up.”
Before you knew it, your bare back is pressed into the cool stone of the chair and Boba’s gut deep inside you, one hand around your throat and fingers teasing your exposed nipple through the sheer fabric of the dress he decided he liked on you far too much to take off.
“Fuck…Boba.” You cried out more times than you could count, your moans reverberating around the entire palace as his thrusts practically broke you.
Through gritted teeth and panted breaths he growled, “Louder, Princess. Need my whole city to know I’m busy.”
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I do like complaining about t*en w*lf, it’s a hobby honestly. I’ve been thinking a lot about the parents lately, so I decided to give my brutally honest opinions about each of them. In case you don’t want to read all of my opinions, TLDR I don’t like most of the parents.
If you do want to hear my reasonings, I’ll put it under the cut because there is a lot of negativity.
These are my opinions and I’m explaining why I feel the way I do. You are by no means obligated to agree with me, and I’m not saying your opinions are wrong, all I ask is you are respectful.
This is my interpretation of the characters and their actions (as parents, not every single decision they’ve ever made). My interpretation may be influenced by my own experiences. If you disagree, I welcome you make your own post. If you really hate what I have to say, block me.
I do try to look at good and bad parenting decisions from each parent, but depending on what the act itself is, some hold more weight than others, as well as the number of good vs bad.
Let’s start with the dads
Noah Stilinski
Said he would burn the sheriff’s station to the ground to protect Stiles
Was frantically looking for him when he went missing (on multiple occasions)
Pointed a gun at Chris when he thought he was going to shoot “Stiles”
Tried to help him get out of the train station
Stopped drinking (this is twofold, it was good for Stiles and for himself)
In regards to the first point, he followed it up with ‘a good way to forgive yourself is to forgive someone else.’ He made it all about Scott. I know he wasn’t aware of what Scott said, but Scott doesn’t need to be forgiven
“I don’t want to feel worse by yelling at my son” this sounds to me like he blames Stiles for getting fired. He shouldn’t have been fired, but he also shouldn’t be blaming Stiles
Stiles comes to him with XYZ and Noah doesn’t believe him. Scott comes to him with XYZ and he believes him. Not cool to believe someone else over your own kid, especially when they said the same thing. This happens multiple times
Edit to add: He basically calls Stiles a liar and never apologizes for it
Noah agreed to let Stiles to go Eichen. Even if he tried to back out later, he still let him go through with it
This one seems more minor, but not telling your kid who you’re going on a date with. Kinda awkward that it’s his crush’s mom
He leaves Stiles with Claudia. He thinks his job is more important than to support his son and his dying wife. He also did this knowing that Claudia assaulted Stiles. That’s not a great way to say you care about your kid (Noah, not Claudia, her too though)
“Thank you, son I should have had.” This is not funny. I don’t give a fuck what Stiles said before this. That’s not funny. You don’t joke about wanting someone else to be your kid. My dad made it very obvious he loved my step-brothers more than me and that shit is painful. (Additionally I’m sick of seeing “if you think that’s bad parenting, you had good parents.” I think that’s bad parenting and I had a shitty parent. There are real people in real life whose parents don’t like them and wish to trade them for a different kid. I think this is one of the most hurtful things spoken in the show)
He doesn’t know where Stiles is (in "Fury”) when the gun goes off and he calls out for Scott first. Before Stiles. He cares more about Scott’s than Stiles’s well-being. Even if he did know where Stiles was, you call out for your kid first to make sure they’re okay
Yelling “I’m the dad, you’re the son!” Obviously Stiles does not feel like a child in this relationship. He’s too busy being an adult
Additional note: I have no problem with Noah acting like a father figure to those who don’t have dads or good dads, but he should really focus on being a good dad to his own kid first. So far he’s not doing a bang up job.
Chris Argent
Allowed her to take mental health days come season 3
Told Allison she was responsible for the deaths of everyone if she didn’t tell him who the kanima was. Even if that was true, saying that to your kid’s face and showing them a corpse killed by the kanima is not a good move
Kidnapped his daughter, probably traumatizing her, and implied he would be forced to kill her if she were to change into a werewolf (the last part screams conditional love. And don’t come at me with “that was season 2, he changed later.” No, he didn’t. Chris is not an ally to werewolves, only Scott, and I will fight you)
Emotionally manipulated her into not seeing Scott again by threatening to kill him. (He’s also a hypocrite because in season 1 Kate also held a gun to Scott’s head and he said that wasn’t okay. Doesn’t matter if he wasn’t going to shoot Scott, unlike his sister, threatening it is bad enough)
Allison tells Scott not to laugh when she talks about archery, she also tells Jackson not to laugh before she confides something in him. This sounds like Chris and Victoria blow her off. She still has a box of art she produced from over her life claiming all of it was terrible. It sounds like Chris and Victoria said that to her. If she really truly hated it, she probably wouldn’t keep it. At least not in her room, maybe in storage, but at the moment it’s sitting there as a reminder she’s not good enough
Hid a lot of information from her (the truth about Victoria, the hunter thing – if she was meant to carry on the job, he waited an awful long time to get her into it, but whatever. The fact that he knew about the telluric currents and Gerard being alive)
This is the big one. This is it for me. She told him she loves him and HE DOESN’T SAY IT BACK!!!!
You tell your kid you love them, especially if they say it first. He kissed her head and fucking walked away. I don’t care what your familial love language is, if you can’t tell a person that you either helped make and/or raised or whatever that you love them, don’t be a parent. That shit hurts
He didn’t go to her when she died. She died in Scott’s arms. Chris stood there and watched. Maybe he was in shock, but that doesn’t sound like very good CoMpArTmEnTaLiZiNg. That would have been a good time to say you love your kid, but no. (If you believe the unreliable narrator theory, I certainly do, maybe he did go to her, but this isn’t what we saw in the episode.)
Peter Hale
Wanted to connect with his child when he found out he had one
Was willing to do a big favor for Lydia just to get the name of his child (which was a big deal to him)
Spent thousands of dollars (and we all know how stingy Peter is) to get information on her
Was willing to get burned alive again to see his daughter (6.05)
Used himself as a distraction for the Ghost Riders to save Malia. Twice (the first time was when they were in the tunnels, and then fought them again in the library)
Similarly Peter, who just got done saying he wasn’t sure how Malia could be his daughter since she lacks self-preservation instincts, is willing to potentially sacrifice himself and tells her to run
Her calling him “Dad” snapped him out of the trance
The Anuk-ite used her voice against him, meaning his greatest fear was something happening to her
Wanted Malia to kill Kate (why? He could do it. Actually, Chris should have done it but he doesn’t have the balls)
Additional notes: The show implies Peter helped out Malia during the brown out in season 5 (through a flashback in season 6), but I never understood what the significance was, so I’m ignoring that until someone can explain it to me.
Ken Yukimura
Was willing to sell out Noshiko, in a way, to help Kira (“Are you sure about that?”)
Was willing to go to prison for Kira when she was (knowingly) wrongly accused of murder
Didn’t tell her about her kitsune powers until they started to manifest
Didn’t tell her they were planning to go back to New York
Dr. David Geyer
Supportive of Liam and helped him work through his anger
Doesn’t blame him for getting assaulted by Scott (”Are you mad at me?” “No, of course not.”)
Clearly cares about Liam, and his friends
Additional notes: We don’t get to see him enough. I’m mad about it.
Rafael McCall
Tells Scott it’s safer for him to get out of town than stay when Monroe has her army
Pushed his kid down the stairs. Doesn’t matter if he was drunk or not
Didn’t really apologize to Scott for this incident, instead he pushed the blame to Melissa
Said he would come back soon and then didn’t
Not to mention he doesn’t seem to pay child support since Melissa is struggling and he offers to have dinner with Scott so Melissa can work more shifts instead of just giving her money. But I digress
Proceeded to not spend time with Scott. No phone calls or emails were mentioned (but I guess that doesn’t necessarily mean they didn’t exist. Still didn’t spend time with him, though)
Henry Tate
Was gutted when his family died
Thrilled to find out Malia was alive
Sent her (?) to Eichen to readjust. That is what therapy is for, not a mental institution. (And who gave her the go ahead to go to high school with a third grade education? The fact that she graduated eventually with the academic success of a nine-year-old tells me she’s hella smart. What 9 yo wouldn’t struggle with pre-calc if they skipped all the stuff in between?)
Mr. Lahey
Abuses Isaac
Mr. Stewart
When a lot of people (Natalie) didn’t believe Tracy had a real condition or problem, he did
Got her help for the problem (the psychiatrist)
Did everything he could to ease her mind (the dreamcatcher, boarding up the skylight)
Mr. Martin
Went to the hospital to see Lydia
Tells Lydia she needs to choose who she lives with in the divorce
Presumed she had more problems than successes in school
Went to the hospital to see her, though he seemed a little eager to offer her help with a shower, which was creepy to me
Never to be heard from again. He likely abandoned Lydia
Elias Stilinski
Abusive and openly mocks his son and grandson (not sure how he remembered someone who was taken by the Ghost Riders)
The Moms
Melissa McCall
Supports Scott no matter what
Except that one week after she found out he was a werewolf. She didn’t apologize for that either. Much like Chris, she did not express her love for her kid during that time even if she was struggling with his identity
(^ Saying forget everything I said before, if you can do something, do it is not an apology)
Her punishments are empty threats or nonexistent. She doesn’t ground him for sneaking out past curfew, does not punish him for assaulting Isaac (that’s not boys will be boys, that’s straight up assault), or stealing money from the Hales (she only demanded he give it back, no punishment ensued), took away his car keys/Stiles but then seemed to drop the punishment when she thought he was acting out because of his father)
^ Also, no Stiles is not a punishment you can follow through on
Instead of trying to have a conversation about the lone condom she found in his room with him, she goes to the MOM of the girl she ASSUMES he’s fucking. She could have been way off
She told the drunk to get out of the house, not the dad to get out of his life. Wrong. If your spouse hurts your kid, get rid of the whole man. Toodaloo motherfucker. Your stuff is in the trash
Instead of telling her son to get out of town for his safety, she tells him to stay. There is an entire army out to kill your child. He’s always going to be followed and hunted, yes, but it just seems irresponsible
I’m positive this is because the writers didn’t think it through that far or they simply forgot, but fact of the matter is it still happened. Melissa let Scott live with the man who pushed him down the stairs. Why? How are you certain it won’t happen again? How are you certain something worse couldn’t happen? I’m not giving up my kid, not for anything, not for any amount of time. If Melissa has primary physical custody, why would she let this happen?
Natalie Martin
Wants Lydia to see a therapist
Electrocutes Tracy to save Lydia
“Lydia! What did you do to yourself?” sounds judgmental. Perhaps, upon seeing her daughter has cut her hand by punching the mirror, asking what happened would be more appropriate
Lets a strange boy into her house to be alone with Lydia while she’s drugged up and in negligee. Lydia can wear whatever the hell she wants, especially in her own house, but to let some rando into her room is not a good idea. And she left them alone
Says in season 4 she will do whatever she can to help and then turns around and absolutely does nothing (though this may be less of a parenting thing and more of a terrible person thing)
Sends her to Eichen House for the “best medical care.” Excuse me, ma’am, that is a mental institution, not a medical facility. Also, according to the flashback in Season 5, she saw what happened to Lorraine. I’m not sure if she’s cruel or stupid, but given everything else we know about Natalie, I’m going with both
She doesn’t care when Stiles points out Lydia has a hole in her head. She tries to justify it medically. You remember what happened to your former mother-in-law. Do you believe Lorraine did it to herself?
When Noah tells her what’s going on in Eichen, she waits all day to get Lydia out of there
When Tracy injures Lydia and Lydia tells Natalie to run, she does. She doesn’t risk her own safety to be with her child. She saves herself
Victoria Argent
“What you want doesn’t matter!” Tracks
She’s unnecessarily hard on Allison it seems (of course you shouldn’t be hard on your kid at all, but I feel Vicky was over the top)
Additional notes: I really don’t remember much about her except that she was a psycho. Some of her points are tied in with Chris.
Noshiko Yukimura
Wants to get Kira help controlling the fox spirit
Hides Kira’s powers from her until they started to manifest
Sends her to the skinwalkers possibly forever (and then changes her mind)
Doesn’t tell her about the plan to move back to New York
Talia Hale
She didn’t seem like she was a comfort to Derek after he killed Paige. She told him his eyes were pretty and there was nothing wrong with them. There are definitely other things she could have said such as “It was a mercy kill, that doesn’t make you a bad person” or “She was suffering, you helped her” IDK
If Talia and Laura evolved in the same way Derek did in season 4, how come he didn’t know what was happening to him? I’m assuming Talia didn’t tell him
Additional notes: There’s no information about her as a parent, and these are mostly assumptions
Tries to murder her daughter
Claudia Stilinski
Based on Claudia pre-dementia, she would’ve believed Stiles
Additional notes: And this is according to Stiles who wanted to (rightfully) make his dad feel bad for not believing him. Which he never does. (He also yelled at Stiles unnecessarily)
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random-mailbox · 1 year
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 15 - Christmas Part 1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Santa!
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First of all, I need to say a BIG thank you to the absolutely amazingly talented @beej88 for this artwork, she made it special for this post after hearing me complain about there not being enough Ugly Christmas Sweater content out there. While looking for the Holiday fics to include in the series, I noticed a few entries where Ugly Christmas Sweaters were a plot point and decided to dedicate a post to them. Then I added a couple of Santa ones too for a good measure. AND there will be more Christmas content coming next week!
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
What's Under the Ugly Christmas Sweater - @reispinkoveralls
I could not do a post centered around Ugly Christmas Sweaters without this one shot. Usagi showing up in the ugliest Tuxedo Mask themed sweater she could find just to get a rise out of Mamoru is completely on brand for the character. Throw in a little mistletoe and we are treated to a very fun Holiday-themed reveal fic with a very lemony ending. 
Made With Love - @ninjettetwitch
This two-shot is not marked as complete (so maybe @ninjettetwitch can be convinced to write more of it one day because it is freaking adorable?!) but it does leave off on a logical conclusion. This story has a recurring theme of ugly Christmas sweaters with both Usagi and eventually Mamoru donning them. After an argument at the arcade where things go a little too far between the duo, Usagi decides to make things right by getting Mamoru a Christmas present, which kicks off a series of events, culminating with the sweetest kiss (sorry for the spoiler!)
Reasons To Be Happy - @cassraven
This story is a cute little one shot about Usagi and Mamoru spending a day together and opening Christmas gifts. BUT it does mention Usagi’s attire of a “red knitted sweater with snow bunnies patterns”, which, as far as I am concerned, makes it fit the theme of this post!
Mamoru's Christmas sweater (link to a Tumblr post) - @caelenath
This is the newest addition to the list of the amazing Ugly Christmas content that got whipped up by @caelenath last week based on a discussion on Discord. In this one-shot, no matter how devious Motoki may think he is, Mamoru can rock any Ugly Christmas Sweater monstrosity, something that I wholeheartedly agree with.
Although I wish there was a lot more Ugly Christmas Sweater content (hint-hint, nudge-nudge), I figured adding in stories where Santa plays an active role in trying to make lives better for Mamoru and Usagi is a fair addition.
Choose for Me, Old Santa Claus - Alicia Blade
Elves Misle and Toe take on fulfilling an old and accidentally overlooked request of a 7-year old Mamoru for someone to love him before he “ages” out of the jurisdiction at 18. As they go through possible matches for him out of the people he interacts with that would make logical sense to them for him to be with, the one person that seems to always catch his attention is our favourite blonde with twin buns.
Santa's Little Plan - @moon-daisuki
Santa (with the help of his hapless elfs) tries to get Mamoru to see what is in front of him by nudging him along in discovering who has lost a bracelet that he had spotted under the bar counter at the Crown Arcade, as well as slowing down to take in the world around him.
Next week, based on the suggestion of @riverlethe , because I could not whittle down the number of stories I wanted to include in my post, we are going to do a 12 days of Christmas Themed one! With 12 amazing holiday stories that will get posted up on Boxing Day for you all to explore, as tryptophan from all the delicious turkeys is wearing off 😉
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post)
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
Week 14 - Slow Burn
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lmelodie · 7 months
Back Together BlackIce things Pt. 2
Late night posting addition. Part one is Right Here. Will there be a part three? Four even? Depends on how long their gonna rot my brain for. We'll see.
I just wanna inform everyone that the only way the scenario would go concerning a BlackIce, Who Did This to You? moment would be one asking this and the other responding like: YOU DID ASSHOLE! DO YOU SERIOUSLY NOT REMEMBER THIS??
And the other who asked has to go like: ….Oh! Oh yeah! Huh. Die mad about it then >:|
My Worst Nightmare (affectionate)
Since they first knew each other, Jack has been ADAMANT, whole heartedly believes, that there's an audible difference between Killian laughing WITH him vs. AT him. He says he can hear the subtle difference but everyone else thinks he's crazy.
Conversations involving catching up about all the things that have happened in the past 910 yrs.
K: So yeah, I did get my leg caught in a bear trap once and that was pretty wild.
J: Did I ever tell you that I was kidnapped by pirates once?
K: Did I ever tell you that I was a pirate once
J: Doesn't surprise me. You do look like you contracted scurvy a while ago and still hasn't been able to get rid of it.
You bet your sweet ASS that Jack takes full advantage of that stupid fucking scarf he always wears. That shits ALWAYS getting yanked.
There will be the very occasional snow on Halloween. Jack uses this as a very blatant lie of an excuse to visit Kills on the job during the holiday.
They both STILL hold a grudge on Cupid. Stupidly in love once again and they still hate his guts. They tried complaining about it to him once and Cupid goes:
"Oh, so what I'm hearing is that you wanna break up YET AGAIN!? You wanna fall out of love twice, fuckers? Because I can make that happen! I can take all that away again right now. Stop running ya mouths."
The both of them never brought it up again after that.
Mostly Jack is the one with the uphill climb on that front. Duna hates his GUTS and there is such a minute microscopic chance of her coming around to him again. And the image of Jack absolutely floundering about trying to win over this woman is amazing.
At some point Killian goes: "Dude, it's not gonna work. I expected this and it's fine that she doesn't like you."
And Jack goes: "It is NOT fine. I WILL win her over somehow and she WILL like me!"
Spoiler alert: She doesn't.
It's their whole vibe and they love hanging out in those areas in the dead of night in the middle of winter. Because ugh it's freezing cold, it's scary dark, there is no one around and it's completely uninhabitable and miserable. But not to them!! They are probably the only ones who will find such a scenario thoroughly enjoyable and romantic even.
Killian, along with not being able to slow dance, also can't ice skate! He's never learned, so Jack abuses this 100% and has frozen many lakes to force him out on. It's the same thing as the dancing where it's one of the rare instances that he's more dependent on him. Ego boost of the century.
PLUS, MORE BED SHARING DIATRIBES! Because it's my new favorite thing
They don't sleep in the same bed often. Jack only needs to sleep every couple days and Kills every week, so it's only occasionally that this happens at all.
There is no one designated big/little spoon. They switch on almost a daily basis. They're both switches. It's just a matter of who initiates first that day.
BUT! Killian does sleep with his eyes open. So as long as Jack is not directly facing him as he's trying to sleep, it's all good.
It's a nonnegotiable requirement that Kills sleeps with the heated blanket. If he doesn't, he will get hypothermia in the night and will complain about it for the entire rest of the following day.
The night always starts of very normal, but as they sleep, they just get more and more tangled up. And it's WORSE because Killian's joints can bend in impossible ways, so they wake up the next morning absolutely MANGELED and in a mess of limbs.
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atalossofwords · 4 months
Exactly what you needed to hear, one way or another + POE&YOSANO
"Come on, just let me see it! You've been in there for almost ten minutes!" Edgar sighs, hanging his head as Yosano complains outside. She really was such an opinionated woman, Edgar didn't know why he kept surrounding himself with this type of people.
Because if they dislike you, you'll be the first to hear it, some part of his brain supplies. It's even true; he recalls how, on their previous shopping trip, Yosano had no problem telling when something looked bad, and honestly telling him what looked good.
I wonder what she'll say of this, he thinks, smoothing his skirt down. It isn't the most daring choice, far from it; the beige cotton falls pleated just below his knees, the contrast with his usual dark coat a nice addition. He likes it, the swish as he turns around, the freedom of loose fabric.
He takes a deep breath and walks out.
Yosano stops mid-sentence, blinks owishly at him. She does a spin gesture, nothing but curiosity in her eyes, and he does a little spin, his heels clicking against the ground of the department store.
"Huh, not so bad. Though you might want to take a sweater to go with it, for some color variety." She says, mostly to herself, and nods. "Come, I saw one that will go along with that perfectly."
She doesn't give Edgar the option of not going, grabbing his arm and dragging him back to the racks. By the end of the day, Edgar is dizzy, back in his pants, with two skirts and three sweaters in his bag.
Yosano sighs, putting all of her shopping bags on the ground as they sit on the subway. Of course, he paid for everything.
"You know, Poe-san. You should be more honest with yourself." She says, looking out of the window. Edgar startles, not expecting the topic, and tilts his head.
"What are you telling me?" He asks, cautious. He has no idea where this came from.
Yosano only turns, smiles at him, a small, sweet thing. "Exactly what you needed to hear, one way or another."
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aparticularbandit · 1 year
I misunderstood the original prompt, so here is this one as a separate thing.
Wanda is used to a lot of things where her children are concerned.  A lot of things.  Billy complains about his brother’s shenanigans all the time – whether that’s Tommy pantsing him or stealing his controller or reaching over and pressing the buttons so rapidly that Billy can’t do anything – and Tommy constantly calls Billy a snitch – because, as Agatha often reminds her, he is.  But it isn’t just complaints; both boys have been in the habit of jumping on her back from the time they were very young: Billy stopped as he grew up, thinking himself a little too mature for that (but not so mature that he won’t crawl in bed with her for cuddles when he thinks that everyone else is asleep), but Tommy still does it from time to time, speeding from out of nowhere and jumping on her like a spider monkey.
Or, uh, not a spider monkey.  Wanda hasn’t seen those movies.  They certainly aren’t a guilty pleasure of hers, and she definitely doesn’t sometimes watch them in the early hours of the morning after the boys are asleep and cry until she needs to blow her nose.  And she definitely hasn’t roped Agatha into reading the books with her at least once – and more definitely didn’t sit while Agatha poked fun at it the entire time when she could get words through her constant, constant chuckling turning laughter turned cackling.
So Wanda expects someone to jump on her back eventually.  It’s only a matter of time.  When she feels the hands on her shoulders, she bends, arms moving behind her to grip her son’s legs as he settles into place.
…only to be more than surprised when something – someone – much heavier than her ten-year-old boys lands on her back. Their legs tighten around her waist, and Wanda hunches forward, stumbling, as her back immediately complains at the extra weight.  “Get off get off get off—”
“Oh, hon, I’m as light as a feather!”
As soon as Agatha says it, the additional weight on Wanda’s back lightens. She straightens up and turns her head to see the frazzle haired witch grinning at her.  Her lips press together, and she immediately drops her grip on Agatha’s legs.  This doesn’t help.  Agatha just wraps her legs around Wanda’s waist all the tighter.  Wanda lets out a sigh, glances down, and begins to rub her hands along Agatha’s thighs.
Agatha’s breath comes fast and hot against the back of Wanda’s neck.  “Babe—”
Wanda comes up with the idea on the fly and shoves Agatha up against the nearest wall.  She hears a startled little exclamation before she says, voice rough, “Let go.”
“You’ll let me fall—”
“No, I won’t.  Let go.”
Agatha’s breath comes hot on her neck again, but her legs loosen their hold on her waist.  Not entirely, but enough for Wanda to twist in her grip so that she faces her.  Agatha’s eyes widen before her lips curve upward. “I like this better, hon.  This is a nice surprise.”
Wanda presses her more firmly against the wall, and Agatha’s legs tighten around her waist again.  She leans forward until her breath runs warm against Agatha’s lips.  “Don’t jump on my back again.”
“Why not?” Agatha asks, running her fingers through Wanda’s hair and pushing it back out of her face, carefully tucking it back into her untidy ponytail. “You’re rewarding me quite nice—”
Wanda pulls away from the wall, and Agatha starts to slip.  She tightens her hold on Wanda’s waist, eyes wide and afraid.  It only takes a moment for her startled breathing to still.  Then Wanda raises her brows.  “Don’t. Jump.  On my back—”
“Got it, got it.”
Only then does Wanda relax, does she lean forward to capture Agatha’s lips with her own, does she press her back against the wall with one hand curving easy beneath her shirt.
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genericswordsmaiden · 5 months
All right. Part one is done. Here we go again.
First of all, I'm grieving. Won't say for who, that could be a spoiler, but the thing is I'm grieving and crying and I am so worried about what could happen in the next movie you have no idea. Or maybe you do, maybe the final variation of the "should you choose to accept" speech with the scene of Benji and Ethan reuniting gave you the same amount of dread it gave me. Anyway I think I'll need at least a couple of days to let everything that's happened sink in.
I loved this. The pacing was great, the stakes are high and relevant to our current state, Grace is a pretty good addition to the cast and most of all I appreciated that her behaviour is realistic. Every hesitation, every panic attack. She's not a super spy, she's a thief. A really good one, but just a thief.
There were some details that kinda made me think - it's like this movie blended the first trilogy together, in a way. You have Kittridge, Kittridge making direct references to the finale of the first movie, Kittridge asking Ethan if he's upset (a callback to the aquarium restaurant scene in MI), Ethan doing magic tricks with little objects just like in the first movie, motorcycle stunts (and a thief) like in the second movie, and all the humanity and personal stakes of the third movie, as well as a return to Italy.
Speaking of Italy... That car chase scene, man. A yellow fiat cinquecento, 1960's model with a heavily modified engine. Truly the car of all time. I'm keeping that scene close to my heart.
Now, touching on the motorcycle stunt - I was in pure disbelief when I saw it. And while I absolutely adore that he basically does this for us, I can't help but wonder about Tom Cruise's mental state. I've reached the conclusion he's probably addicted to adrenaline after all these years.
I spoiled myself some days ago that the psychometric test scene was different in a previous iteration, where Benji apparently confesses he's self harmed because of PTSD but they removed it because the test audience didn't like it. I understand why, and in a way I'm glad we got different lines, 'cause I would have probably cried a river hearing him say that - not only because I got attached to this character a lot, but because the self harm topic kinda triggers me, it opens a whole box of bad memories I have.
There's a lot to unpack in this movie thematically, and I might make posts about it in the next days. By the way, Mr. Pegg was right, it didn't feel like watching half a movie. Only part of a story, that's for sure, but it's in the title so nobody could complain. I can't wait to watch part 2 next year, really.
For now, though, I just feel empty. And tired - it's 12:43 am where I live. In the meantime, does anyone have good fanfic recommendations? And if anybody followed my rambling about this series, what about talking a bit? Especially about this last entry.
Now I'll just go to sleep, totally trying to ignore how this watching/talking/sharing experience kinda really fundamentally changed me as a person. Goodnight.
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