#im going to go home and theres going to be no conflict all night and my albums will make me feel better
carnageacorn · 2 months
actually in this space im going to say. in one scene early in infinite jest two brothers are talking about the way their mom has acted after their father's suicide. the first brother asks if she's even sad he's dead. and the other says: there are 2 ways to make a flag be half-mast. you can lower the flag halfway, or you can double the height of the pole. he says: she's plenty sad, i bet. anyway that bit has fundamentally changed the way i think about displays of grief.
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cckaisen · 2 months
୨ৎ˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 𝓑𝓡𝓞𝓣𝓗𝓔𝓡 𝓕𝓤𝓒𝓚𝓔𝓡, sukuna ryomen !
boyfriend’s older brother!sukuna. while little bro yuji spits up his liquor in the bathroom, sukuna takes care of his girl, finally fucking her like she deserves.
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ಇ. summary. sukuna brother au, fem reader, infidelity, yuji throws up so emeto. warning, manipulation, pussy slapping, biting, some predator/prey elements, size kink, dumbification, squirting, reader is intoxicated but aware, rough kuna but he switches up:3, regret/moral conflict, angst towards the end cuz ‘m a certified yapper. wc, 4.6k.
ಇ. note. been a whore for sukuna lately but i fully blame gege for drawing him so majestic. if evil then why gorgeous, hm??? we’re onto u gege. we know u love a felon. confess already.
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the door to the itadori household bursts open and in floods a typhoon of drunken chaos and laughter.
drowning in giggles, yuji has his arm thrown over your aching shoulders, humming along to some kind of song. without you, he wouldn't be upright—a jumbling, intoxicated mess.
you're mostly sober, fighting to get him to the bathroom since he was heaving in the taxi.
"whyyy do ya build me upp~" he slurs, a bumbling flurried version of himself, smothering your cheek in wet kisses that have you wriggling away. "butterrrcuppp baby, jus' t'let me downnn...!"
"yuji!" you shriek, the weight of him growing more unbearable as you try to keep him up. his breath is drenched with the heavy scent of liquor. "baby, y'gotta focus or we're not gonna make it to the—"
"—and mess m'rounddd!"
"yuji—'nuff!" you groan loudly as he drapes himself over. at this rate, you might just collapse into a heap on the floor, overcome by his weight as well as the lesser, still relevant amount of alcohol you consumed at the club.
suddenly, the patter of footsteps have you perking up. sukuna—yuji's big brother—rounds the corner, gaunt features sharp with agitation. he must've woken up when the two of you came barreling in.
"sukuna—hi," you can't help the relief that bursts through your chest, evident in the way you exhale.
sukuna notes the way your knees tremble, his brother blabbering embarrassingly on top of you. he puts aside the urge to laugh, figuring he'd spare you just this once.
"here. i got 'im." without any trouble, sukuna drags his little brother under his arm, putting your strength to shame. with the weight lifted, you finally have chance to relax, rolling your arm and letting out a loud sigh of relief.
"thank you. ow—pain."
you stumble, and the broader of the two brothers chuckles, crimson gaze soaking up your body in that dress while you're distracted. "you carried him all the way home?"
"mhm. practically sprawled out on my lap in the taxi. the driver and i had to team up to get him outta there," you whine as you kick off your heels. those stupid things had you wincing terribly most of the night. yuji said they were sexy. as much as you love him, you’re more than sure you will not be wearing them again anytime soon.
"you should've called me." sukuna's features scrunch in disgust as yuji keeps singing in his hold.
"i-i-i neeeeed youu~"
"fuckin' a, did he drink the whole bar?"
"pretty much," you reply, shrugging off your coat and following behind the pair of brothers. yuji looks so funny, almost small despite his lean stature, looking deceivingly short compared to sukuna. "he made a bet with todo and lost."
the sober man grunts as he knocks open the bathroom door, holding up yuji in his other arm. his muscles flex underneath his shirt, stretching the dark cotton, where your eyes briefly linger.
you avert your attention to yuji instead, amusement melting into concern for your boyfriend.
not sharing the same sentiment, sukuna drops him down by the toilet, putting up the lid with a smack and purposely shoving yuji's head into the bowl a little harder than necessary. "theree ya go, dumbass," sukuna grunts, slapping his back as he finally pukes up. "just barely made it."
and you're sure glad he did, thanking the gods your dress had been spared amidst the drama. with the way he'd been acting, you were never sure that you would be safe from the bile climbing his throat, cringing fearfully at times.
you feel much better now that sukuna has taken over. he's older, well-versed in trivial matters like this. yuji's already told you all about his university days, the drunken nights, the fighting—
you curse your thoughts for sprawling so suddenly, shooing off your rodent-like curiosity.
their relationship struggled at times. especially so back then, but things are different now. and as much as sukuna pretends not to care for his little brother, he clearly does, at least a little. after all, the pink tresses of your boyfriends hair are ruffled in his thick hand before he lets go fully.
then sukuna walks on in a rugged stride, leaving yuji to it. on the way out, he knocks your shoulder with his. you can't tell if the action was playful, but you’re sure it wasn't hostile, at least. a little smile creeps onto your lips as your gaze follows him into the kitchen.
sukuna is weird.
he's weird because he's not like yuji in most ways; it's not necessarily a bad thing, but he's much, much harder to see through. with your boyfriend, most things are crystal clear. you can tell what he wants, what he needs, how he needs it. he'll tell you all about it—unselfishly, of course.
however, sukuna, you find, never reads so easily. and it's weird. you can't tell if you prefer it that way, or if you'd rather know what he's thinking.
especially since you're certain you just caught his eyes slithering along your curves.
wanting to give yuji some privacy, you pull the door shut, the sound of his gags growing muffled. you half-jog-half-limp to the kitchen, preparing a glass of cold water to ease his throat once it's all over.
unbothered, sukuna leans his back against the counter, scrolling on his phone like this is just another night to him. it's weird.
you start wondering, drawing up the conclusion that this might be first time you and him have ever been alone, in a way. yuji is there, but not really, if you know what i mean. not mentally, anyway.
before you can finish that thought, you deliver the glass to yuji, crouching down to his level and rubbing his back with careful affection. "got you some water, baby. right here, by your hand." you take it gently, guiding it towards the glass.
he's not throwing up so much now, just laying there, waiting for the next wave of nausea to crash over him. his fingers respond to the glass, wrapping around it. "thanks, hic—y're so good t'me..."
you smile warmly, pressing a kiss to his warm cheek. you couldn't care less that he reeks of all kinds of concoctions and puke all rolled up together, wanting to be there for him regardless as you know he would for you.
you whisper a few more reassuring words to him before taking your leave, giving him some time to recover by himself. the bathroom door clicks shut. forgetting all about the third party, you let your back press against it, head jilting as a sigh slips out.
"he worn ya down that much?" sukuna snorts at the display, looking up from his phone.
despite your initial surprise, you laugh too. "he doesn't usually. it's just... been a busy night, i guess. i think he'll pass out in there."
sukuna briefly dips his head into the fridge, getting out a chartreuse-tinted bottle of something. "one would hope. you want one?"
"you're being weirdly nice." you blurt suspiciously, smirking. oh god. maybe the alcohol was starting to work you over, too, because you definitely weren't supposed to say that. sometimes it's better not to ask, someone told you once.
sukuna pulls a face that makes you wish you could crawl out of your skin on command, even though there's technically logic behind your last words.
"am i usually mean?"
"n-no, i just mean—" fuck, stop talking. with growing embarrassment, you shake your head, "nothing. sorry. that was assumptive."
the way you initially scrambled to answer appealed to some wicked humor in him as he laughed. "yeah, it was. so yes or no?"
"yes," you sigh, shoulders slumping in admission, knowing you probably needed it. especially after whatever that was. your head is pounding—god, someone should put me down.
sukuna opens up your bottle with his teeth as you hop up on the counter, watching each other. all had gone quiet behind you. sukuna handed you the drink with the lid still between his teeth, venom swirling in his eyes when he saw the way yours lingered on the gesture.
slowly, you took the bottle, pressing the rim up to your lips before taking a sip. it bubbles in your mouth, sparkling on your tongue before you swallow it down. the burn is a little unpleasant, but you manage.
"any good?" sukuna asks.
"'s okay," you shrug, reading the bottle, pretending like any of it made sense. "a little bitter."
"you like 'em sweet?" the taller man frowns, sorting through the cupboards for something that you're too immersed to ask about.
"kinda. but too much makes me sick," you explain, scrunching your nose at the thought. "i like a balance."
"oh, really?" sukuna snorts as if you've just said the funniest thing in the world.
in one confused motion, you lower your brows. and jilt your head, wondering what's with the sudden jest. "yeah, uh... is that funny?"
sukuna raises his brows, shaking his head, some glasses clinking. "no, not funny. nothin's funny."
he really knows how to make a person feel small, you'd give him that much.
you avert your gaze, heart crawling up into your cheeks. "okay, well..."
"what about you?" he interjects, sparking up another tiny bit of annoyance in you again. not that you knew what you were gonna say anyways. it most likely would've been embarrassing anyway, making you shrink even more, wanting yuji to come out already—
"what about me?" you wonder, your voice meeker than before. curious and cautious, tip-toeing around his words. is there something you're hiding?
"are you the sticking-around or screwing-around type?"
"oh, right," you laugh, making sense of his question. it's big one, though. kind of sprung on you. still, you manage to respond, just telling him what you know while glowing with intoxication, "well, we've only been going out a couple months."
you're more focused on the way he's watching you than you are on actually answering. his eyes are sharp and torrid in comparison to his little brother's, and the way he gazes down rather than looks at you has something in you stirring, writihing hotly beneath your skin.
it's exciting. why is it exciting? there's a giddiness that gyres in the pit of your gut like a ballerina, pirouettes and grands jetés, heat cooking and simmering through your veins. it's terrible. it's weird.
"well, you can't blame me for being protective." sukuna shrugs. "he seems to really like you."
while what he's saying rings true, there's a chord slightly off-key, something askew that you can't place. is he closer than before?
you ignore it, trying on a smile. "well, feeling's mutual."
you take another sip from the bottle, the cool rim settling on your lips, sparks igniting on your tongue, the same routine replaying. you don't even think before adding gleefully, "and he's like, a jazillion times more sane than my last boyfriend, so i'm happy."
"are you?" sukuna asks, serious.
it was like flipping a switch. he was laughing, now he's earnest, and you were just entirely confused, his meaning lost on you, like you're the last in line in a game of chinese whispers. he caught you off guard with that one. and he knows it, too, carmine eyes feasting on your discomfort.
your smile falters slightly before you nod. "yeah."
"okay." he just says.
now you were really starting to get pissed off with him. whatever he's doing, it's stupid. he might as well have you cornered, except you've done nothing wrong, and yet he's prancing around you with a tone of prolific doubt. as if he knows something about you that you yourself don't.
"what?" you demand, equally serious now, smile wiped clean off. the air turns thick.
sukuna shrugs his shoulders again and you swear you have to fight off a sneer. "nothing."
is he casting doubt on your love for yuji? is that what this is? is he trying to tell you you're not good enough for him? that even though you trudged half a mile in those huge stupid heels just because he said they looked hot on you—carrying his dead weight, might i add, as he was screeching a song you'd never heard in your ear—that all of that was just for laughs, and there were no real feelings behind those actions? is that seriously what he's getting at?
sukuna wants to laugh so bad. your face is all screwed up, cheeks puffed out and burning a deep red. oh, how it fuels him. your stubbornness, that endearing naivety that clings to you like all your modest perfumes, the one that lingers in yuji's room, occasionally in his clothes, infecting every dark corner of his mind—and now you know how it feels to be tortured by him.
"you want some water?" the man asks casually. your mind is on fire, your thoughts more blaring than you would probably think. it's written all over you.
his question makes your shoulders drop, feeling stupid all over again. what are you getting so worked up for? you're secure in your feelings for yuji. as his brother, sukuna has every right to feel concern for him. there really is no need for you to be acting like this.
he's playing you like a damn flute.
"yes, please." you answer a lot more softly, pulling your hair around to one side. you'd been bratty without cause, assumptive, again. you really need to stop mischaracterizing him. after all, he's no monster. "i think all the drinks are finally getting to my head a little."
he starts filling up a glass, grinning at you over his shoulder, mischief playing in his slanted-eyes. "oh, don't tell me you were expecting anything bottled. tap's the best y're gonna get from us. hope you can handle it."
a smile works onto your lips as you finally start to loosen up again, legs swinging gently off the side of the counter. playing along, you wince. "oh yeah, well, i usually only drink expensive, you know, mineral-rich—"
he's suddenly between your legs, his mouth devouring your own, swallowing the terrified noise that begs to escape. for a moment, you're frozen in shock, eyes widening as you palms meet his chest in a forceful attempt at creating space.
sukuna juts back, forced away from you. his eyes crack open but are still like slits, dark, crawling with lust you hadn't previously noticed—no, acknowledged, because the choice has always been there.
he relishes in the terror that brims in your eyes at his visceral kiss. it feels natural, but not in the tender, motherly sense. like predator devouring prey. the natural order of life.
his hands are hot, gripping onto your thighs, digging into the tights he could easily rip to shreds, giving him full access to your warm cunt, to ruin you.
and yet he doesn't.
he waits for your eyes to droop, for you to lunge at him, accepting this twisted spiral of events, indulging his darkness. teeth clicking, tongues meeting messily in a sloppy kiss, drool gathering between you both as you crash together all at once, a train wreck of carnality. sukuna's hands are all over you, groping, slashing at the crotch of your tights. you gasp into his mouth as cold air meets the sobbing wetness of your cunt, followed by a slap to it.
"f-fuck! hey, who said you could—hmff!" you yelp as his hand clamps over your mouth suddenly, his scarlet eyes narrowing.
"brat, watch ya fuckin' mouth." sukuna warns as you grapple with him. his tattoos look especially menacing then, chiseling his features. "he's drunk. not deaf."
you nod, trying to tell him you understand. he releases your lips in an instant only to seize them again in his so forcefully.
yuji would never—could never take you like this, and you fucking know it. you know it with every gnaw, every squash of your tits that leaves you whining like a bitch in heat, every bite against your neck where you can feel the outline of his brother's teeth and a short gush of crimson.
rationality is lost on you as you mindlessly rut against him, your hands running up and down his back until you start tugging on his pants, eager to rid him of them.
meanwhile, sukuna's making a meal out of you—you make up half of his size, giving him complete control to do as ever he pleases.
every whine is met with a grunt. his cock must have been freed at some point as you feel his greedy hands lift you against him, your chests meeting, the sharp cold of the counter leaving your ass and feeling his palms spread you apart instead.
nothing could prepare you for the suddenness of which he fills you—you scream, half openly, half having shoved your face into his shoulder—aware his brother, your lover, is passed out over the toilet in the other room.
"shh, shh—fuckin' shit!" sukuna groans, features curling in erotic bliss.
he gluts you in ways yuji never has, the ways he'll never dare—with such cruel, carnal demand, to the brim, unkind, violent, and so, so fucking good.
as he breaches your womb, you claw his back raw through his shirt. a sob rips through you. sukuna does his best to keep you quiet. "shh... fuck. yer so fuckin' tight, girl. relax."
"t-tryin'... 'm so full..." you whine, eyes misting over with tears. it feels too good, you think...
"i know—" sukuna chokes, barely lifting you up on his cock, feeling your walls spasm around him. "fuck, what ya cryin' for?"
he feels too good.
"d-don't move yet, i'll cum," you gasp, and he hasn't even tried—sukuna's expression blanches.
"already?" he bursts out laughing in his brutish way, the side that yuji lacked entirely as the nicest person you've ever known; fuck. the humiliation makes your cunt squeeze again.
he lifts you up, your knees draped over his thick arms, foreheads meeting. your breaths intertwine, hot and treacherous, caressing each other's faces.
"ya know, i've fuckin' heard you, all those times."
"wh-what?" you stammer cluelessly, only half there, clinging to sukuna as he dangles you on his cock, your eyes crossing when he starts to bounce you on him.
"said i fuckin' heard you, you 'n yuji—'n shit, ya never got this loud, huh?" he smirks wickedly, feeling your body collapse hopelessly against him. he fucks you up and down on him, swallowing up your pathetic moans and whines like they were the last noise he'd ever hear. "been wanting to take ya like this, stretch yer dumb little cunt on me, fuckk—ya got no fuckin' idea, princess."
rocking up and down, you wail, head bobbing. sukuna can just see your little maw dangling open—it takes everything in him not to jam his fucking fingers in your throat until you drool and splutter around him.
"y—you wanted—this?" you struggle, feeling too good to make sense of anything, to think straight, to do anything other than take every rough kiss to your cervix, feeling your insides bruise and swell with lucid excitements.
"lemme guess, the brat cums too soon—never quite gets ya there, hm?" sukuna guesses correctly, making you whine and nod and babble.
"h-how did y—ah, fuck—!" he snapped his hips, picking up the speed as you wept on him. you'd never been fucked like this in your life, and your world was getting flipped on its head. when did your dress come down? you weren't sure—but now your tits were bouncing and sukuna wasn't gonna pass up the opportunity to tear into them.
"cuz, 's just obvious," sukuna rasps, teeth clamping down on your raised nipple, "can tell this sloppy pussy ain't gettin' treated right. not when she's—shit—creamin' all over me jus' from stickin' it in."
"'k—kuna, don't—ahh! fuck!"
"that's it girl, shit, c'mon," sukuna keeps picking you back up only to drop all your weight on his fat cock, his balls slapping against your ass, the slick you're gushing causing them to stick together.
your head is empty, devoid of anything except the chaos, the suddenness of it all, the shock, he's fucking you. your boyfriend's older brother is fucking you, and you've never felt so goddamn good.
there's this sudden wave. a wetness. an explosive feeling that crashes over you in one swift, predatory pounce. like when a deer gets suddenly ripped apart. your head straight up drops on sukuna's shoulder, and you're sobbing loudly, babbling words that can't be defined.
then all of a sudden, sukuna outright cackles; the sound bleeds into your ringing ears, head picking up off of his shoulder.
"no fuckin' way!" he roars with laughter. you wanna shush him, but you can't move—your nerve ends are all bursting to life, like fruitful grapes popping between two fingers. it's happening again, whatever that feeling is, whelming you; this time you his fingers rub back and forth harshly across your clit, but wait—
"dumb lil pussy's squirtin' already, hahh, shit—fuckin' christ, girl—" he's enamored, watching you cum in adorable little spurts, soaking his clothes, your tights, and the kitchen floor, covering everything in your stupid juices.
"you wanted this, goddamn—look at you."
your eyes are rolled back as he kisses you again, fingers tearing into your scalp, the lewd sound of your lips smacking together filling the air.
never in your fucking life. you'd never came like that, so violently, so carelessly, not without really, really trying. all sukuna had to do was pump you up and down on his cock, say a few words and you were spraying like a tap. how fucking pathetic.
and then he does it again. drags another one out of you, laughing.
you barely catch his next words.
"'m gonna fuckin' cum in ya."
"n—no—" you stumble out, barely coming to at the words, but their enough to fill you with at least some urgency. your ass is bruised at the back from being repeatedly slammed against the counter, the wind knocked out of you entirely. "d-don't, wait, you can't—"
"why the fuck not, hah?" sukuna rumbles. "don't tell me it's cuz'a—"
"—yuji," you sob.
it hits you. it hits you then, hard, at the worst time. a gut-punch, one that makes you heave. in less than half a second, a guilt strong enough to set your skin alight cultivates and wrecks each single sense. his cologne invades your nostrils, an imaginary sensation, forced to breathe its natural, tender nature as opposed to sukuna's harsh and crude and brooding one, the one you're drowning in. the one sticking to your skin.
your hand—finally letting go of sukuna's shoulder, where you were keeping yourself stable—slaps over your mouth, tears springing into your eyes.
"f—fuck, fuck, fuck!" sukuna chants, eyes scrunching as he gets lost in the pleasure. he's pounding you, knocking your eyes back still, not slowing his pace for anything. your leg flails once, but how can you fight when he's holding you up like this?
"'s—'kuna," you choke out brokenly, slapping his chest with whatever strength you can muster. your lip quivers, heart aching in your chest as you plead tearfully, "don't."
he'd never been considerate. he'd never 'made love'. not even now. he fucked. he lied, he slipped off condoms, he 'forgot' to pull out, all so many times before. it was clockwork to him. he could've easily done it again. lied. been selfish. blurred the lines. cheated consent.
put a baby in his little brother's whore girlfriend.
and yet sukuna weirdly found himself pulling out of you last second, one hand holding you up while the other jerked his cock until thick ropes of cum splattered up your dress with a strained grunt. his orgasm spoils at it hits, a rough ecstasy that's tattered along the edges and ultimately, ultimately unsatisfying. it barely scratches the surface. the heat of it hasn't even started leaving his body before he wants more, regrets not filling you up, every cell inside him clawing for it, starved and fucking addicted.
sukuna almost, almost crushes you against the island, dropping you on the counter again where your drenched cunt feels like it's been electrocuted when met with the cold so suddenly. you gasp, arching into him, searching for any kind of warmth.
but he rips away from you, turning his back. his touch is gone as soon as it came. any desire flatlines, ringing loudly, blaring in your sensitive ears. alarm bells.
what is this?
both your chests are heaving. there's no afterglow. it's messy, dirty, frantic. cheap. depraved.
and it seems like you aren't the only one.
"s-sukuna, i—"
lips snapping shut, you sit right up, head whipping around in the most deafeningly guilty sense ever. heart in your throat, your expression echoes one of pure horror, one you expect will reflect your boyfriend's when he realizes what's going on here.
yuji stumbles out of the bathroom, his mop of pink hair tousled and eyelids low. he hangs by the doorframe for several seconds, his head dropped, not even looking up. it takes only a few steps. they're slow, clumsy, lead him to the bedroom door. he doesn't notice. he doesn't notice.
his older brother and his girlfriend are feet away, covered in squirt and sperm and other dirty secrets. shame. guilt. some more than others.
and he just blunders into the bedroom, a loud 'thump', telling you that he made it to bed.
all you do is stare. your jaw stays slack.
you hear a zipper and, frazzled, quickly flit your head at sukuna. he's fixing his clothes, not paying you any mind.
you stare at his back, despairing.
"wh—you're just gonna...?" you stammer incredulously, trying to do the same but there's no fixing the gaping hole in your tights that reaches down to your mid thighs.
away from his gaze, him cum settles against the fabric of your torn up dress, pooling slowly in its place.
his cock, hardly soft, twitches again, urging his need. he ends up frozen for a moment, simply staring, before he numbly moves forward.
he leaves, leaving you sat on the counter as he storms out into the night, slamming the front door behind him.
you're alone there, stunned, cum up your dress that is almost but not quite your boyfriend's, the floor below you soaked, and a heartbeat in every part of your body.
trembling, you push yourself off of the counter.
vaguely aware of the layout of the house, you scramble to find some wipes and clean up the mess on the floor. after that, it takes at least 10 minutes to get the semen out of your dress, but even then, you feel filthy.
you sniffle over the sink, scrubbing soapy suds into your tainted skin. wanting to throw up.
what the fuck had you done?
you'd cheated. that's it. you cheated on the sweetest angel, your angel, yuji. the one entirely too gentle and trusting for this world. you betrayed him. a sob rips through you, shattering your core.
stupid, stupid, stupid.
as you sneak back into bed, fingers still shaking as they turn the handle to yuji's room, you don't even have the energy to change your clothes. you simply crawl into bed, too crushed to face him, not garnering the strength, knowing what you'd done. a tear slips down your cheek.
because you can't even regret it.
and before you know it, yuji's draping himself over you, his arms, pulling you against the haven of his chest, sighing against your neck.
"you made it..." he mumbles.
oh, how you want to sob when he says such a thing. "yeah," you nod, trying to suppress the break in your voice, "yeah, i'm here."
yuji grunts happily, snuggling you closer. "mmh, good."
you don't think you will ever forgive yourself.
"i love you." yuji says, blind to the truth.
but you swear it's not one-sided. "i love you," you admit, beginning to cry softly in his arms, wondering if it will be the last time you ever get the liberty of doing so again.
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kingcunny · 3 months
i think she heard he was sick and shouldn't be bothered at so she didn't go see him, the first time she saw him was when he appeared in the Throne Room and she saw how horrible it was. i don't think rhaenys hates viserys like people are pointing out, sure its his fault, doesnt mean rhaenys didnt love him as a cousin, shes clearly affectionate with him in episode 5
episode 5 was also before laena and laenor died 💔
but of course rhaenys loves her cousin. shes known viserys since he was born. they grew up under the same roof. he was her little buddy. her best friend, but its been a long time since then. hes no longer that little boy and shes no longer that little girl.
and whether viserys meant it or not, hes hurt her. he stood by silently as she was humiliated and her birthright stolen twice. first by his father and then himself. he refuses to deal with problems that her family must then suffer the consequences for. (stepstones, laenor, the silent 5, vaemond. whichever version were going with.) all while giving rhaenyra and daemon free reign to do as they like.
im sure when rhaenys got back to the red keep she was conflicted. of course she wants to see viserys. she doesnt want anything to do with viserys. when she does finally ask about seeing him people shift uncomfortably and glance at each other and tell her shell have to talk to otto or alic- fuck that. fuck him. she didnt want to see viserys anyway. rhaenys wants to get this over with and go home and see if she still has a husband or not.
rhaenys knows viserys has been sick, but probably didnt realize how bad things had gotten until she sees him for the first time in the throne room. theres that one shot where she looks upset after seeing him, but what does this change for her? shes still there for the same reason. to settle corlys succession and go home. its upsetting to see how badly her cousins deteriorated, but they havent been close in years. and after all that goes down during the succession hearing, i dont think rhaenys would be exactly itching to see viserys afterwards.
then he dies that night. their last interaction was as king and subject.
of course rhaenys loved her cousin. but she loved the boy she grew up with, not the king he became.
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leiadyke · 8 months
exploding you with my mind tell me EVERYHGIN about your padawan ocs i need to hold them very gently in my hands like theyre those bagged goldfish you get at the fair. i need them in my hands to hold and sob over because thyere so fcute im gonig to scream.
WAUGHH THANKIES TYSM THIS IS SO KIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay so first before i go into this you haveto know theyre originally from an outline for a dinluke visual novel gamei started coding and never finished. heheh. the story was originally just about din settling into life with luke and the students while training with the darksaber, but the players choices and how they had din interacting with luke andthe children deteremined the ending.
the padawan children in this au were:
Alluria- a young pantoran girl with bright eyes and a brighter smile, shes very happy with her life on yavin IV and loves studying the force with her fellow padawans, though tends to be alittle air headed and unfocused in her excitment. she wants to be everyones friend! has trouble actually,,, making friends,,, comes off kind of too strong and too much and scares away the other students who are much more reserved than she is
Reina - the youngest baby my darling reina...a young rodian girl who was seperated from her family during imperial rule- and has entrusted masterskywalker with the very important mission of helping her find them (her brother has passed without her knowing, they were extremely close- her mother holds vigil for reina every night and prays for her safe return) and believes whole heartedlysomeday they will. she was extremely shy and soft spoken when she first came to lukes academy- but has since warmed up enough that her very caring and empathetic nature is begining to shine through,, luke thinks she will be a healer
Lylah - a sleepy (almost narcoleptic) twilek girl who has visionsof the future when she dreams- when the force decides shes ready fora vision, she is already fast asleep. luke has seemingly endless patience for her, as he cant imagine having the burden of the future onhisshoulders at such a young age. Lylah is very reserved . quiet and to herself, but not in an aloof way. i think she just knows she wont be awake very long and tries to conserve energy.
Ryo - the oldest and most troubled of all my girlies... came from a very rough home life where her use of the force was punished from a very early age, despite her not being able to control it. using the force scares her, soshe rarely joins the other padawans during training. stays back and tries not to make friends really, becus she feels like this only temporary . and hey, maybe shes right, yknow? lylah has been having visions of a dark force watching them... maybe ryo should be tho one to go investigate,, she doesnt think anyone would even notice she was gone..... the bare bones plot to this vn (since i will probably never go back to it): Din is visiting Grogu at the Jedi Praxeum for the first time; he has met up with Luke on outer rim planets quite a few times but he is the first parent to be allowed to know the location of the actual school. He does not take this lightly. He is introduced to a small handful of other students, as well as invited to stay as long as he likes and observe any of Grogus classes. He does not take this lightly either. Din sits in on as many classes as he can, both enthralled by luke and the desperately need to be as close to grogu as possible. Theres DEFINITELY a scene early on where din walks in on luke training by himself in the dagobah tank-esque look like a little sweaty,,, its a dating sim, fucking sue me. Anyways. Din starts noticing more and more about luke, starts falling in love, you KNOW, the usual, but conflict wise he also notices one of lukes older students seems very troubled�� Din points this out to Luke, who has very much noticed and is worried about this students pull to the dark side. He asks Din to talk with the student, give them an outside perspective from quote “a good mans point of view.” Din is hesitant, but agrees for both Luke and his students sake. The student is further gone than Luke had thought, and lashes out at Din, then runs away. Luke is very worried, but also wants this student to have the time they need to let out their emotions on their own… he's just scared of crossing the line either way and not giving them enough or too much time… defos DEFOS a scene where luke cries about how practically raising these kids by himself is so scary and he doesnt know if he's cut out for it, while Din assures him that ofc he is and that he isnt alone. He gives Luke a keldabe kiss, assuming he doesnt know what it means (he does) and assures him that he will never be alone if he doesnt want to be… later, Luke asks Din to come with him; as he has sensed the student off planet and where Luke suspects a sith artifact to be. They battle the student turned sith; and their sith inquisitor “master”...  possible endings ensue.
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abra-ka-dammit · 6 months
Bojji is home! but i had no cat litter so since it was so close i was gonna wait till his med time and then go buy some but instead we got to med time, i had to call the vet to ask abt the instructions on one bc i had conflicting notes, and in that time he got goopy poops all over the soft warm comforter i had put in his cage for him and also himself. i wiped him down and threw out the comforter. it was the twin sized Set Comforter i got for my dorm bed my first year of college so its whatever.
the doctors recommend it due to his Hardware so i need to find a cat onesie but nowhere near me sells them and i cant seem to get one online sooner than next monday hhh im gonna have to just go fucking walmart a human onesie and hope it fits and cut an ass-hole out (when???? i guess i have to take bojji home from the vet after work and then go back out? but the vets wanted it tomorrow....)
one of his sets of meds is every 12 hours which i like
the other one goes with his feeding and his feeding is every 6 hours. which i like less. because i also have to sit around and make pushing that food down a tube take like 30-60 minutes
which means im going to interrupt my sleep every night, and interrupt work twice per day, for like 2 weeks. would be waking me up twice but i guess i have to start staying up later than 8-9 now. i wanna try to move his feeding schedule but theres literally no time where every 6 hours Works Well
just. i dont do ANYTHING every 6 hours. thats not a lot of time. this seems. like its gonna be rough
oh, and bojji is fine. they put him in the carrier and then brought him to me in a room and put him on the table and he was just like :| until i started talking to him and then suddenly hes bumping his cone around trying to face me like !!!! and started shoving his head against the mesh so i could kiss hims. he was pretty energetic when we got home, even wrestling me a lil bc he wanted to EXPLORE THE HOUSE but he cannot alas, but hes mellowed down bc the meds make him sleppy. i cant really get a good picture now hes just zonked again
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vazelbeak · 11 months
Thoughts on S1E8
Okay lemme organize this. My apologies for not having a consistent formatting however it try to organize it based on my thoughts for each episode
Story Progression: Okay, for story progression a lot of it I feel is best described as nothing holds weight until Blitzo shows up. And thats to say I think a lot of the writing for Loona isnt very strong. I go to bars to perform so I'm not sure how or why Loona is embarassed over throwing up and why other hellhounds care much if at all mainly because I can see it embarrassing if she threw up on Vortex, but that seems like a situation other people at most would find her gross or a jerk for showing up to his party after. I think its very natural for people to assume Gluttony as being centered on eating too much, however I think the thing about that is Gluttony in context is about materialistic over consumption so things like fast fashion and much more akin to our modern ideas of greed. It also looks quite bad knowing Kesha had an eating disorder and of course it's not my place to say what she can and can't do, it just comes off distasteful. I didn't quite follow why Loona decides upon leaving the party. It might make a bit more sense if Vortex walked off with Bee and so Loona felt like the only person she cared about is leaving with someone more important than her. Otherwise it feels not very well written to express why Loona was upset in my eyes. Bee was nice to her, and wanted her to have fun at the party. The idea Loona wanted to stay because of different hellhound showing up feels like it should've built up to her interacting with this new character but instead the spotlight goes to Blitzo drinking with Bee. Speaking of which, to my knowledge drinking competitions are more about drinking the most and keeping it down more than just who drinks the fastest? So I dont know why Blitzo ripping the tube off to drink more would make him win. I think it may have been stronger if they had things get tense and a more close up shot of Blitzo ripping off the tube and taking massive gulps and other people looking on either shocked or slightly worried because nobody's drank so much so fast let alone in one sitting as well as make it a bit more tense to build up to Blitzo being trashed. The theres the conflict of Loona being rude to Bee which feels very out of nowhere. And more like a reason to make Loona go check on Blitzo because she didn't want to. The way Blitzo is the one driven home and taken care of by Loona feels like it has very little meaning sheerly because this episode seemed meant to be focused on Loona but instead we're back to it being all about Blitzo. Lastly "fizz was right im gonna die alone" feels very out of nowhere. There was minimal build up in the episode to this being the issue beyond making a joke of him trying to have sex with the nearest imp he can find. I get that they want this to tie into the convo but I think it would be prompted better if Loona said something that tied into it like
Blitzo: i had a shitty night Loona: well you definitely made that clear, remind me not to invite you to anymore parties. in which is prompted because Loona unknowingly made a poorly timed comment and Blitzo takes it to heart. There is also the whole "will you be there Loonie?" feels hollow both because its delivery feels like it lacks the seriousness needed to be genuine when she shouldve been able to grasp it from what was already said. But this also rings hollow when in Seeing Stars she's beating the hell out of him. And if they wanted it to be in line with Season 2, i think they shouldve swapped Blitzo and Loona. Make Blitzo help Loona to bed, and noteably have him empty her pockets placing her lighter somewhere and then when in season 2 when she talks about Blitzo trying while looking at her lighter it holds more weight. Because it indicates her thinking of when Blitzo helped her to bed.
Continuity and Consistency are on the messy side again. While i get the song is Cotton Candy I do somewhat wish it was a bit less literal because when so many lyrics are literal and then you have a lyric of "keep making me that mother fucking honey" while i think this was supposed to tie into her tasting people at her parties, it wouldve better correlated if during this she appeared to drool or licked her lips to better integrate this. In a similar vain if Bee can taste it was she not able to tell Loona was upset? Why was that lost on her? The lines "He's like a brother to me but not actually my brother" and "It was fine i COULD hit that" Look bad next to Western Energies incest thing. It would be similar if swapped because if meant as a joke it struggles to read that way. Next people shocked Blitzo has a daughter feels like it didnt really belong as a line. I feel like it'd make more sense if people heard he had a daughter from Verosika (since Tex is her body guard and its Tex's GF's party) and wanted to meet her. like "I heard you had a daughter, where is she?" and Loona was upset because people didnt realize she's his daughter emphasizing how isolated she feels. She feels like she doesnt fit in around other hell hounds, but the at home she's the only hell hound. Which would make sense in how she tries to jump into conversations and acts or makes it awkward as well as make sense of why she seems to care what other hellhounds think of her more than Millie and Moxxie. Loona's "it looks like your in the middle of an orgy!" doesnt make much sense to me hes kissing one guy. Interestingly we see the trans masc imp he spoke to earlier and a trans fem imp watching this. If anyone tries to tell me this makes up for making Millies brother cis i dont wanna hear it because I dont see a good reason for her to have remotely done that.
Speaking of that one guy not sure where else to fit this, it may just be me but Blitzo saying "Im not fucking a dennis I need a monica or alejandro in here stat!!" perhaps it may be due to an article I read the other day but this sounds like a latin lover stereotype and a bare minimum poorly written. So is Loona punching another imp. It just didnt come off funny.
Everyone says Beezle but its spelled Beelzebub. I get belphegor = bell but Bee shouldn't be Beez. Bee works though!
Character Writing
Character writing is largely well...hollow. It feels like very little of what Loona feels means much because we're shown so little of why she feels the way she does. I dont think we needed to see Blitzo getting in a drinking contest with Bee because it was clear they had alcohol. Part of me wonders what Vortex sees in Bee, mainly because of how she's not really hanging around him much. Usually couples either hang together, or are in the same vicinity unless something important draws them away like hanging out with a friend which it seems currently a lot of the imps and hell hounds here aren't based on interactions. It might help if she was asking more personal questions like "how are the kids?" "Did you tell them you were sick so you could come here?" that feels more human and less like a celebrity interacting with fans.
If this was Vivs idea of a big Loona episode it feels like it's just making her shallow and another "theyre either besties or a bitch" situation where those are the only dynamics Viv seems to be able to write between two female characters. I think maybe it would be neat if Loona felt like she was a bad person for having feelings for Vortex and knowing his girlfriend is a nice person makes her feel worse because she can't even justify hating her outside of being in a relationship with someone she has a crush on.
WIth the fight think Vortex should be more upset that the two started fighting. Both Loona for getting mad when Bee asks her to check on Blitzo, and Bee for wanting to start a fight with a friend he invited. It feels weird for them to just want to go dance right after and not have Vortex at any point be like "Can you please not pick a fight with my friend? Its not you its just, she and her dad have a complicated relationship." with Bee replying "I'm sorry, I'm not very close to my family and forget other people can be a bit more attached to them." "Its okay, I forgive you. Do you wanna go dance?" Largely Id say the interactions felt kinda of hollow and not expanded upon enough. Things only meant something and felt weight when it was regarding Blitzo because we get so little info and expansion regarding Loonas character to have anything we see mean anything outside of the episodes theyre contained to.
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mothlegs · 11 months
nightmare today woooo
cws for very brief (single lines) mentions of suicide and child sexual assault ( :( )
dresmtt. my adult where i live was leaving me which is based on irl stuff (irl hes not gonna be my adult anymore, it do be feeling like abandonment), some conflict between othet kids, my whiteboard went missing (it's already missing irl but i guess i had a second one in this dream?), talked to sleepy about yttd and wanted to show my "RANPO KINNIE" doodle (ranpo was in yttd in my dream apparently and irl the doodle is in my bathroom, not whiteboard)? oh and briefly a kid from my first group home was there but her name was Mathilde instead?
somehow end up dating my crush? he was laying on my chest and then kinda just put his mouth to my neck- not in a bititng/kissing way though?- and very clumsily asked to date me
S (evil) and B (beloved) were there and said something about thinking that wouldntve happened before christmas lol
in the dream im sharing my room with B, like our beds are so close it's basically the same bed
somehow i have a cigarette and im smoking out the window till S almost catches me several times. there were people outside and at one point there was a cow and a child with a cow head
oh also the rooms were like. a balcony sorta? like my room was outside and i had to walk past everyone elses windows to get inside
it kinda switches between me n B sharing vs not sharing rooms? like sometimes her room is next to mine and she has a cool balcony and sometimes theres nothing there and she shares with me.
anyways. S thinks im doing shit w my crush/dream bf, im not, he pokes his head out of his window to look at me? she also says something abt X (fellow kid) thinking hes above things and so another kid raped him?
idk why but im trying so hard to get cigarettes in this dream (ive never smoked irl??) and think my crush could get me a pack (he could irl) so im making all these plans to try to ask him ??
but then theres like. walls between the balconies. and a principal? and a slot in the wall where theres a box, and he takes it out, and shows me? i think? something? and at the time i dont really know what, but he then shows me these different disturbing faces and tells me to hope...for one of them, bottom right corner, it was something about gods i think. hope that what i saw was...something i dont remember. each of the faces were pale, wrinkled, hairless, and grimacing widely, showing many teeth. kinda scp-096ish? but a more human face. there was another set of pictures where they were screaming
and then the principal took a revolver out of the box and shot himself in the head
i woke up my crush to ask him about it. his phone charger was too short so i had to hold his phone at an odd angle to show him. i dont know how they got on his phone but they were. something about his home screen bothered me but i cant remember what. his clock/whether widget was beating in the background, like going bigger then smaller then bigger yknow, and he had various functions on the main screen, pretty much like mine but with more stats?
first i show him security camera footage of what happened, of...something. a creature, running up and screaming. i dont think he had much reaction to this
and then i show him it first-person. this is what i saw, apparently, but i think i saw it before the principal came to me. we watch it twice and he starts freaking out, and then it comes for us and i wake up
i still hear its screams very clearly. it was pale and wrinkled, like an old woman i guess, and had long straight yet...stiff, white hair. i think it wore a dress, kinda like a night gown, and had these...vine-like thingies around it
it was something related to gods and/or demons, it was supernatural in a (un)holy sense
it only came for us because i showed him
i still feel all tense just thinking about it
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spywitch · 2 years
Im starting to hate my roommate so much lmao. I hate the way she treats me but like lol I feel like I’m also used to being treated like this by people all the time (just not to this degree of it leading to conflict) and idk if its literally just because of how awkward and bad at communicating I am or something but like.
It will go like this: I get completely left out of the loop on something. Like say theres a chore thing going on and I don’t really know what the plan is with it, or someone is going out of town or bringing guests over or something and I have no idea, or literally just anything like that you know nobody communicates with me. Which then I’m like sure, maybe its my own fault because I isolate myself or whatever, but when I fucking say anything to this particular roommate about any issue, or ask any question about something everyone has left me in the dark on, I get this fucking response like I just asked the weirdest, dumbest question, or like I just said something incredibly rude. Which lmao certainly doesn’t make me feel like communicating about anything in the future… and lack of communication on both ends has led to conflict sometimes lol.
Like for example, fuckin idk washing machine had a problem and I was like “oh weird, last time I used it it wouldnt stop beeping but its done that before and I thought it was bc the door just wasnt latched”, and I get the “you need to tell me stuff like that right away” lecture (she owns the house).
So later we get a new washer, and as my roommates rave about it I sheepishly pipe up that it seems to run really hot. I felt like my roommate stared daggers at me, and was like “What do you mean?” and I was like well it was really hot when I did a load and ive had no hot water in my showers for the past couple nights when everyone did a lot of laundry. And she acts like I’m a dumbass like “You wash your clothes in hot water?? 🤨” and “well yeah you cant shower at the same time as someone else” and again the “why didnt you say anything” when I am there, literally trying to say something and this kind of reaction is exactly why I’m AFRAID to say something immediately. I felt like she was acting like I’m being stupid and/or accusatory or something. And then they look and it turns out, they accidentally switched the hot and cold water and it WAS blasting everything with hot water 😭
Another example, different roommate has a puppy she took off someone’s hands and is trying to rehome for them, she asked me to let it out in the morning but didnt say if she needed help letting it out throughout the day and just in general nobody has told me if someone is helping her with the puppy while she’s at work bc ive also been at work until today. Later roommate ive been having issues with comes home and I ask “have you let the puppy out today?” and again I get the like “What?” in the “wtf are you talking about” tone and she’s like “No, I’ll do it in a second” so I’m like “oh its ok I’ll take him out” and she was like “What??” and im like 😭 im literally just trying to help jesus, what did I fucking say thats offending you?? To be fair this interaction she was like, mid-migraine and im pretty sure didnt register what i said at first so I would give it a pass but its just like a Pattern of acting like literally everything I say is rude or stupid or something.
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notveryglittery · 4 years
i’m so goddamn tired
#dani vents#not ts#probs gonna delete later so yknow dont reblog#tag venting in 3 2 1#i don't even know where to begin and tbh this should be on my main blog but idk whatever anyway uh.#1) i haven't slept thru the night/for more than 4hrs at night in like two weeks. which means yes i've been napping a lot during the day.#which i guess would be fine except that i end up hating myself for it bc there's actually SO MUCH i need to be doing to start moving home#2) i need to move home LMAO. i still need to call hr or email my manager or something. figure out how to get backstage to return my costumes#ask if theres any way to get my 5yr pin. and THEN i need to pack all my stuff and idk how i'm gonna go about it. bc i highkey just want to#throw it all in big containers and call it a day. i also need to find out if there's any note in the rental agreement about giving#a notice to me moving?? but idk where the rental agreement is??? and i dont want to ask aeyrie???#and 3) the fucking messages from. Someone last night that have put me in a mood all Day. and i finally opened them and like everyone i asked#advice from says it was manipulative and insincere. the messages i mean. that this person's apology wasn't genuine. which i dont know just?#sucks? i dont know what else i expected. and now i know i need to finally just delete them off fb even tho ive been avoiding that bc i dont#want any potential conflict from our mutual irl friends. like idk!! deleting you off discord and snapchat probs shouldve been obvious!!#oh and ALSO just a little thing here except not that little bc it's a whole ass fucking trigger but there's been a singular ant at a time in#my room twice now and i want to fucking douse myself in bleach every time i fucking hate it.#ok im done now i think if u made it this far uh. sorry but also thank u for caring or something idk.
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Been thinking about what Mordred's life in Camelot would've been like if Merlin didn't hate him and then thought about how if Morgana was around she would probably always give him her favor at every tournament (until he married) and the other knights would tease him for that so have a broad outline for a Beloved Characters Dont Turn Evil AU
Morgana discovers her magic and Merlin swears to her that he'll protect her. He comforts her when she's scared and Merlin begs Gaius to share his knowledge and suspicions about Morgana to Morgana herself. One night Morgana bursts into their quarters in hysterics, waking them up, screaming and sobbing, and it feels like Merlin's hug is the only thing holding her together but its not enough. Glass starts shattering, candles flare, chandeliers fall to the ground. Gaius decides at this point not telling her will do considerable more harm than not, to both herself and others. They stay up through the night. Gaius speaking and Morgana asking questions, Merlin with a supportive hand on Morgana's shoulder. At one point Morgana tearfully asks the question Merlin asked Gaius long ago, "am i a monster?". They all fall asleep at the table, and that morning when Gwen arrives to wake Morgana only to find her absent with her blankets thrown over the bed and several things knocked over she runs and alerts the guards. The guards initiate lockdown and the commotion reaches Uther and wakes Arthur (Merlin is once again late), and they proceed to fear she was kidnapped right under their noses without anyone knowing. Arthur runs down to get Merlin so he can prepare him for the day only to open the door to find the three of them asleep on the table.
Later Merlin organizes for Morgana to learn more than Gaius can tell her from the Druids, but she intends to stay the night at least, if not then significantly longer (anywhere from a week to several months), and they have no good excuse for her to use that would allow her to leave without Gwen and guards. They come up with some very convoluted plan, which does not end up in the raid that occurred in canon, and when Gwen catches her sneaking back she lies and says she wanted to check up on Mordred (who she did run into), to see if he was with the Druid encampment that was rumored to be nearby (which he was). She didn't learn nearly as much as she hoped in those few hours, but they at least pointed her in a direction.
Morgause comes to town, and leaves Morgana her bracelet. After discovering it stops her visions Morgana takes it to Gaius, who reveals it was enchanted and looks similar to the one Lady Vivienne used to wear. Morgana states Morgause got it from her mother, but that Lady Vivienne was Morgana's mother and wonders how the bracelet ever got to Morgause. Gaius says there was a rumor that Lady Vivienne had a baby that displayed a affinity for magic, but Gorlois told Uther their baby had died before they even named her. Gaius reveals that the baby was smuggled out of Camelot and given to the High Priestesses, and Morgause might very well be that baby. Morgana begins to long for a connection with Morgause, to meet the sister she never knew of and recover something of her dead parents. When she begins secretly meeting Morgause, she tells Merlin and then asks him to come with her when she begins receiving lessons from her. Morgause tries to convince them that killing Uther is the right thing to do, but Merlin keeps reassuring Morgana that all they need to do is convince Arthur to change the law for when he is king, and he's not ready to do that now so theres no use in killing Uther before he's ready, and that she does love Uther and Uther does love her and would try to "fix" her well before he ordered her death. Morgause still wants him dead, to rush the prophecy of magic's return. Them sneaking out every few nights cements the idea that Morgana and Merlin are secretly dating in castle gossip.
Im not sure what happens with Morgause, but i think she would still take Camelot at some point and she would spare Morgana and by extension Merlin. Morgana and Merlin make sure to get Arthur out (and Merlin probably goes with him) because they dont trust Morgause to not kill him. Morgause reveals her heritage (and makes Morgana a Princess and her Heir) despite claiming the throne for people of magic and not the House of Gorlois, and the knowledge that Vivienne and one of her daughters were sorceresses leads Uther to believe he can not save Morgana from magic that is likely in her blood and THAT is what breaks his mental state. Morgana's real heritage is revealed soon after, with Uther informing Gaius that Morgana being a Princess is actually within her birth rights. Morgause continues Morgana's training because at some point Morgana has to become a High Priestess because canon. That or Morgause switches sides (this is a Beloved Characters Dont Go Evil AU might as well make it No Beloved Characters Are Evil AU) and she trains Morgana later after Arthur is a established King.
Morgause is overthrown and the Round Table formed. Arthur as well as several people in the castle know of or suspect Morgana of being a sorceress but he refuses to banish her, first believing it to have been out of her control (forced by Morgause) and later learning that her nightmares had been magic all along (how could he punish her for something he knows she had tried to get rid of for over a decade?). Perhaps he lets her keep the title of Princess, having always seen her as a sister (and someone who is compassionate for the people in a way royalty should be) and armed with the new knowledge of her being his actual sister. Everyone expects Regent Arthur to crack down on magic, its what Uther would have done and what the people want, so he does. Morgana becomes a advocate for magic, as she had been for Arthur in private as a Prince, and it scares people in the castle. They believe her to be working with Morgause, despite her arguments being for individuals' wellbeing and how punishments fuels hatred for Camelot. Several attempts are made on her life, many stopped by Merlin and Gwen and sometimes Lancelot. Arthur often "asks" Merlin for his opinion on magic and with Morgana's voice being public he feels okay with being straight with Arthur on what he thinks. Uther dies same as he did in canon: protecting Arthur from a assassination.
Mordred becomes a Knight because canon. Morgana is ecstatic to see him again and acts like a mother who hasn't seen her child in ages when she first sees him. Merlin has learned you often make the enemies that are destined to kill you (ex. trying to stop Morgana's visions from coming true) so he ignores Kilgharrah and doesn't hate Mordred (he is always wary though). Mordred alternates between childlike eagerness around the knights and following Merlin around while hero worshiping him (no one can figure out why. Their best guess is that Morgana is a mutual friend). In the beginning he kept messing up his name (calling him "Merlin" is just weird) and they often talk in their heads and therefore just stare at each other which has led to two conflicting rumors: theyre in love or they hate each other. Morgana often invites him to dinner, and when they dine with Arthur they easily slip into mind-talking (because chewing) and Arthur is convinced that they're making fun of him every time they do it. He protects Arthur when Merlin can't, often runs off to do side quests Merlin needs to do but cant get away to do, and often tags along with Merlin on his quests. Being able to share the knowledge of his destiny since Lancelot died (if he dies in this AU) relaxes Merlin's caution and allows him to be emotionally closer to him. Mordred enjoys being around Merlin and Morgana not just because he's Emrys and she's Morgana, but because they are the closest thing to home he has: they know what he is, they understand (bits) of his culture and make it possible for Mordred to share it with them, their individual magic sings strong enough to remind him of when he lived surrounded by it. He quickly grows to love them so very much and no one understands WHY. The knights tease him about it, and Morgana forcing Arthur to take Mordred on certain missions he isnt qualified for "so he can learn" does not help. Gwaine and Percival were planning to convince him that he couldnt compete in a tournament without a lady's favor because he's the rookie and his panicked look greatly amuses them only to find Morgana giving him her's before kissing his cheek. They were relentless after that, alternating between "lady's favors dont count if they're from your mom," "Mordred has a girlfriend," and whatever the medieval version of affectionately calling him "Bambi" is. Morgana sits in the stand's throne (since Arthur is competing) or besides it if Gwen is queen, and she flashes a smile at him when he comes out (Gwen too. He's a sweet kid with a baby face, of course he's one of her favorites. He also reminds her of Merlin when she first met him: kind, awkward, cute). This settles Mordred's nerves but has the unfortunate side effect of increased teasing. Merlin doesn't let it go to far, he never does, and gives them a distraction before running back to Arthur.
And then magic is brought back to the land and Morgana continues the work of the High Priestesses and helps the rebuilding efforts and they're still adventures and problems, but everyone Lives Happily Ever After
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jaekaicx · 3 years
so ive had this idea for an amphibia fangame for a lil while now-
(LONG post)
its based around the idea that sometime after anne got sent back to earth, she decides to sneak out one night to visit sasha and marcys bedrooms and poke through their stuff. this causes a bunch of memories to come back to anne through flashbacks while she tries to process everything thats happened and her feelings abt their friendship.
i was thinking itd be mostly a visual novel type thing. maybe with a few small choices, but the story would be mostly linear. thered be around 3 main story beats: a prologue bit w/ anne sneaking out of her house, marcys bedroom, and sashas bedroom. also one of the main mechanics would be looking at one of their bedrooms and clicking on random objects of importance and triggering a flashback sequence.
it came from the idea that anne will probably try to just shove all her emotions down and try to ignore her feelings abt true colors and everything that went down then. especially with what we saw in the sneak peek, anne will probably try to hide her emotions and bottle them up, which is obviously not healthy. so eventually shes gonna have to work through her emptional baggage and try to process everything.
i havent thought through EVERYTHING just yet, just some more major plot points and maybe one or two ideas for flashbacks. nothing too solid yet. but heres a bit more detailed runthrough of the plot
summary - prologue
so it would start off with anne at home. she and her mom are talking outside annes room. her moms concerned abt how annes been handling everything that happened in amphibia but anne keeps brushing everything off. her mom tries to get her to open up, but she keeps dismissing her and eventually shuts herself in her room. after taking a bit to cool off and think anne decides that shes gonna take the night to just ride off her emotions and stop repressing them for once. she also makes an impulsive decision to sneak out and check out marcy and sashas rooms.
anne goes to gather her stuff in her room, and just as shes about to climb out the window, sprig walks in to check on her. hes still rly concerned abt his big sis but he knows he cant stop her. he tries to go with anne, but she tells him she needs to do this on her own. so, sprig lets her go and tries to cover for her while shes gone.
so at this point i’ll probably give the player the choice of whose house to visit first. it doesnt rly impact the story or whatever, but i guess it might have a small emotional impact depending on whose house u choose to go to first??
(quick note: after this bit, there arent too many specific details for the plot and stuff like that. its largely just an overall idea of how the plot is gonna go. and even then, there isnt much to it. i didnt think that far ahead yet, which is why there isnt as much refinement yet. so far i just have general ideas for how annes gonna get to the bedrooms, with a couple of vague flashback ideas. just keep that in mind; this whole thing is still being thought over and planned as im typing this out)
summary - sasha
with sasha, annes still rly conflicted abt how she feels abt her. of course shes still rly hurt by being backstabbed by her twice and swordfighting her as many times. but as much as she hates sasha she cant bring herself to fully give up on sash. she hates her guts but deep down shes still willing to give sash another chance.
there may or may not be a small sequence where anne has to sneak into sashas house, but eventually she works her way into sashas room. im not entirely sure abt the details of sashas house n her family yet. im probably gonna wait for info from s3 until i solidify anything, but for now i do know that sashas family has a big house n theyre probably rich.
so anne goes into sashas room and its been left pretty much untouched ever since annes birthday, save for the few times someone came in to dust things off. again, dont rly have all the details for sashas room, but it kind of has a vibe of controlled chaos, with organized clutter and a bit of a touch of a rebellious teen girl. one detail i do want to have is a calendar opened up to the month the trio disappeared, with annes birthday circled and highlighted so much that its impossible to miss.
the calendar itself might include a flashback. im thinking of also having a varsity jacket and some old stuffed animal be different “artifacts” that trigger their own memories. there’ll be a bunch more, but those are the only ideas i have so far fjsbndnd
summary - marcy
ok so i want to be rly mean about marcys segment: this is going off the theory that marcys parents moved away while the trio was in amphibia.
anne doesnt know this yet tho, so shes in for quite a surprise when she turns onto marcys street to find a realtor sign on the front lawn. the clues are all there: an empty driveway, sign on the lawn, an overall empty vibe coming from the house. but it doesnt completely register at first. its not til anne actually comes up close does she notice the sign.
anne tries to deny it, and decides to prove to herself that “no marcys parents wouldnt do this. theyre not that cruel. im just gonna check marcys room myself.” the front doors locked, so she just goes over to marcys window and climbs in.
but its completely empty.
ok not totally empty, but a lot of marcys furniture and stuff is gone, except for a few stray toys and other “junk.” the home guys (idk what theyre called????) are still kind of in the process of cleaning everything out, so theres still some stuff left here and there around the house. but its still way too empty. and its yet another gut punch for anne.
anne searches the rest of the house a bit more, hoping that shes just hallucinating. but no, marcys parents are really gone. she tried to deny it before, but now she has more of an idea of how shitty the wu parents are. so anne decides to just mope around in marcys old room, checking out the stuff their parents left behind.
maybe she finds an old blanket marcy liked when he was rly young. or an old rubiks cube from marcys vast collection. a cnc figurine, some cards, a pride flag, and old diary? a couple of other old toys, an old report card or two, or maybe even some stray clothes. whatever anne finds, its all thats left of marcy, at least in LA.
it really doesnt leave anne in that much of a better emotional position. she already felt conflicted enough about what happened in true colors and what she found out abt marcy. but seeing even a small glimpse of what marcy was dealing with, it just makes her more confused. marcy was such a sweet kid! theres no way they couldve done anything wrong. yet here anne was, betrayed by both of her childhood friends.
only now is anne really taking the time to process the fact that marcy essentially kidnapped her and sasha with the calamity box. he didnt mean to do it, and theres no way they couldve known the box would actually work, but it doesnt completely excuse marcy. his actions still hurt anne and sash, and while they meant the best of intentions, it didnt rly come through that way.
and now marcy was dead. stabbed in the back by the newt king.
and now annes curled up in an empty bedroom, wrapped up in one of marcys old blankets, trying to wrap her head around her feelings about marcy while reminiscing in the past.
summary - extras/epilogue??
i kind of like the idea that anne ends up drifting off in which ever bedroom ended up being the second one she visited. she slowly comes back to consciousness, with her surroundings feeling somewhat familiar, only to wake up in horror bc “OH SHIT I FORGOT TO GO BACK HOME” im not completely sold on the idea tho bc it feels a bit abrupt and like too much of a tone shift?? idk it doesnt feel exactly right
but anyways, im also playing around with the idea of a small epilogue scene with the calamity trio hanging out in annes room, a good amount of time after amphibia ended. dont know what theyre doing in there, but theyre just chilling and feeling a bit nostalgic i guess.
but uh yeah thats pretty much what ive got for the overall idea. it doesnt feel too out of reach, but somethjng like this would definitely be ambitious. i could mayyyybe handle writing out the vn and drawing the character sprites, but i have no idea how to code a vn or draw detailed backgrounds, both of which would be pretty important to this fangame fjsndj. so i might consider having help with this.
THIS ISNT ANY SORT OF PROMISE OR WHATEVER. id rly love to follow through and make this fangame a thing, but im not making any guarantees. i have no idea if i’ll actually follow through, but i would definitely love to.
who knows. maybe in like a couple years this might actually become a thing. but for now i have no idea
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businessbois · 3 years
hello blue :D i would like to know everything you would like to tell me about your favourite fic you've written
lyssie shrugofgod weirdly-enough this is the kindest thing ever i hope you're ready for vaguely comprehensible ranting.
okay so i couldn't choose between two fics "once i called you brother" and "the art and (mine)craft of war" because i could talk forever about both, but im gonna talk about "once i called you brother" because its the less popular one
heres the link :)
so i basically wrote this fic because i thought that the song "the plagues" from prince of egypt (or at least the opening lines) were incredibly perfect for c!tommy and c!techno and it was a shame that no one did an animatic for it yet. i cannot draw so i just wrote a fic for it.
once i called you brother once i thought the chance to make you laugh was all i ever wanted
is that literally not tommy with techno though?
and then the rest of the song can read as like doomsday or november 16th, you know, them arguing about selfishness and betrayal and all that. the song fucking slaps.
but anyways the fic itself? the opening is inspired by how like, if you didn't know who technoblade was during the beginning of the smp, he would just be this mysterious figure of legend that tommy, wilbur, or dream occasionally talked about. it hit me during the dream v technoblade duel stuff that since techno had never been on the smp before, he was just this invisible dude with a huge reputation and that was so cool to me.
"Alrighty, I've been here before, right?"
"Listen, Techn—Dream..."
these are quotes from tommy that i quoted in the fic. i used to do this a lot, just stick quotes with no context into fics because i assumed everyone had the same precise memory of everything that went on the smp that i did. the first one is referring to tommy being surrounded by people outside the community house and "i've been here before" is him remembering a similar scenario on smpearth and therefore technoblade. the second is when he accidentally calls dream techno (about 30 seconds into this comp) again adding to techno's thing of being just this widely alluded to figure.
"Who do you think will win? My bets on our boy, Dream, but feel free to be wrong."
Niki stays quiet, a small frown on her face.
i feel bad for cutting niki absolutely owning dream with "well, techno's my friend" but it simply couldnt stay in for fic purposes
waking up to a frantic Bitzel muttering about hypothermia and something heavy and red covering his shivering frame.
smpearth is canon because i Want it to be canon and in my canon there's a moment where tommy passes out in the middle of a fight and techno brings him back to business bay wrapped up in his cape because he's technosoft and all their fighting is more like play fighting anyways
Tommy knows that love is earned. That if he does well in some Championships, then his place in the family is secured.
this is inspired by the bet that wilbur and tommy had in like mcc8 that if they placed fifth or higher tommy could be in sbi. in tommy's pov it becomes, "you have to earn your place in this family."
“Because I’m not the vice president.”
this is from one of his exile streams where he's talking to dream about why people won't visit him anymore
Tommy is 10 and too big for his boots.
this section is inspired by tommy's story of how he met techno as told in this storytime.
there is something that flickers at the back of his mind when the ratty zombie child calls him The Blade.
i think it's so incredibly special that everybody calls techno The Blade but like,, that's tommy's nickname for him. theres this moment where tommy's talking about giving techno a nickname and techno's like "you call me The Blade!' again, everybody calls techno The Blade, but he tells tommy "you call me The Blade." like i don't know how to articulate this but, that's tommy's nickname for him. they're brothers.
Tommy's been to war with soft, pale blues.
ae reference because again, smpearth is canon cuz i said
Tommy is 13 and standing over the remains of Business Bay's storage area.
this is an smpearth thing. wisp and vop did a whole grief of business bay, it was very dramatic very tragic. the thing with techno coming to business bay to talk to tommy is from this comic and i hold this headcanon close to my heart.
"Tommy, if anyone gives you trouble—and I mean serious trouble, not the kind we have—you tell me.”
Tommy hears an echo of similar words from the man who just burnt down everything he’s worked for.
"Tommy, anyone that touches you fucks with me... I will kill Techno if it takes me all of my life to prepare for it, you understand me?"
im so proud of this parallel between wisp and techno man you have no clue. okay, so like i said before, the ae versus bb thing in my head is very much like play fighting. sometimes it gets serious like the scenario which is happening in the fic where things actually get destroyed. that's because they're stubborn teenaged boys and conflicts can go from fun to actual trouble real quick. these "similar words" and the following quote are references to one of my favorite wisp moments ever. wisp, for anyone unclear on smpearth backstory, was a part of business bay before he betrayed them for the antarctic empire. he was also the one who burnt down the storage area which is why tommy's remembering this quote so bitterly.
Tommy rolls his eyes. "I pinky promise, Technoblade." He sticks out his little finger like a challenge.
the pinky promising is Canon from like the post-exile streams i think and i headcanon it as something tommy just does with people
and so this is to put context to the "using techno" thing. because i've always kinda viewed as like calling in a friend (or a big brot—[gunshot]) in for help so this part of the fic gives it the background to be like that
But then, Tommy is 16 and standing in a cataclysm, once again watching everything he’s worked for get destroyed by a man who swore to protect him.
this line solidifies that parallel to wisp where techno made a similar promise to protect tommy and now he's destroying everything tommy's worked for (business bay in wisp's case, lmanburg in techno's case) im very proud of this parallel.
His tall brown-haired friend from competitions past
wilbur of course, the competitions past being mcm
He collects titles like music discs
i asked my friend for things that people collect and they said "records" and i said "wait—"
Technoblade is 17 and he has no family. He has a friend who makes sure he sleeps. He has a friend who creates bridges and mischief. He has a bug that he still hasn't squashed.
i've always loved the idea of sbi becoming this little found family on smpearth. like they're not super lovely dovey "we're like brothers" but they're so fond of each other and they hang out when they're not pretending to be at war. and so theres still that room to say that they're not family, but like they totally are
Bright blue eyes beg him for some entertainment, so Techno sighs and grabs The Complete Works of William Shakespeare off the shelf.
this headcanon that techno used to read them shakespeare comes from wilbur's offhand comment asking techno to recite king lear to them
Wilbur's planted himself at Techno's side for the duration of the finale, something that he's grateful for. Wilbur's always been his person to lean on for things like this.
inspired by i think wilbur saying that he was techno's like designated extrovert during mcc's and i really love that aspect of their relationship. because techno is looked at as "the older brother" in so many ways, but like in this way, when wilbur's guiding him through social situations and supporting him, he gets to be wilbur soot's little brother.
Technoblade never says I love you, but he reads his baby brother The Twelfth Night instead of Hamlet and ends Theseus' tale after the Minotaur.
this was one of the first things i had written for this fic. so obviously hamlet is a tragedy while the twelfth night is a rocking good time. so like going back to that shakespeare headcanon but techno protecting tommy in the little ways. the theseus part is inspired by me not knowing the rest of theseus' story after he gets home and his dad jumps into the ocean. like the exile and death stuff i didn't hear about until the dsmp so that's where that came from. techno, even though it kind of goes against who he is, leaving theseus' story as a victory where the hero slays the monster, just to give his little brother something with a happy ending
"Do you want to be a hero, Tommy? THEN DIE LIKE ONE!"
i did always think this could be seen as like "well if you want to be a hero, then you can die like one" and leaving off the unspoken "but if you don't want to be--if you choose not to be, then you get to live. so don't be a hero. please don't be a hero." and theres like that little tragedy there that i really love in techno and tommy's relationship. like, i love you, you love me, all i ever wanted was to make you laugh, but we don't speak the same language. we don't understand each other. everything you are is against everything i stand for. so yeah bedrock bros feels. i wrote this long before exile and all that so its even more complicated now gosh.
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planet4546b · 2 years
hiiii bestie i would love to hear some explanations on some fave parts of that playlist that youre particularly proud of.. spoiler free or not your choice..
OMG hi sam thank you for enabling to talk about music.......theres a lot of parts of this playlist that i think are SUPER fun which means it got long so ill put it under a cut
hands down my favorite part of the WHOLE is actually the very first song being rounds by the oh hellos, which looks completely out of place but is INCREDIBLY plot relevant for a reason that i will keep secret for now. but i promise its so fucking cool
blessed are the peacemakers of red dead fame represents the first leg of the journey when it's just samira on her own as she heads from her spire to a small coastal town to the west, but by leaving her spire she's essentially doomed this town already. so very good sorta ominous traveling vibes. storm king by big tree directly after it is also part of the same vibes (my first autumn away from home/since i went away for good + no driving to storm king this year/ i give instead my stern appeal)
joan of arc by arcade fire is at the center of a whole segment thats sort of the earliest part of all 4 of them traveling together when things are still pretty decent, and represents the other threes completely misplaced faith in samira at the beginning. it's the start of a WHOLE cycle of conflict between the whole group that centers around sam's leadership and her pretending she knows what she's doing at all (which she doesn't) so joan of arc is half what's happening then and half foreshadowing in a fun way
the chunk below is the first big reveal of the story, when they essentially get to the place they've been traveling to the whole time and start to realize a few things about the nature of the coming apocalypse and the world they're in. it's a lot of instrumental, but infiltration and exfiltration bookend their journey into a now-defunct spire (represented by catchpole station, at the start of the playlist sam's tower was represented by the song catbird station also off the oxenfree soundtrack) and realize both why spires are becoming defunct and what exactly the coming apocalypse is (vignette visions, which is delightfully eerie and a good mix of ambient and these really intense synth hits and alignment which has. startlingly relevant lyrics). ghosts in the static, night zombies, and the universe is going to catch you are the (very literal to the song name ghost in the static) aftermath of this sequence
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two scenes san fermin into proximity night in the woods is where the story truly starts to collapse - two scenes (which im interpreting by vibes and not exact lyrics) is where two stories that have essentially been being shown at the same time throughout the story despite the fact one of them happened nearly 200 years ago begin to sort of collapse into each other (the eponymous 2 scenes lol), and it also represents a real tension between the goals of the various members of the group (these goals are the other two scenes, essentially), which reaches a breaking point at proximity when the group splits up. followed up by coda: a burn scar by los campesinos, with the relevant lyric 'i can't believe you choose the mountains every time i chose the sea'.
from the sea to the land by sea power is in the middle of the next journey they go on when they get back together (sam makes some BIG fucking mistakes and essentially says ok like for real this time if we dont do something were fucked i know youre all mad at me but) and the vibes of this journey are waaaaay different and i think the trumpets in this song are a pretty good marker of that vibe. this song is just so gorgeous
the goose and the wren by hop along has always been a HUGELY important song for this project, and it gets put riiiiiight before the climax kicks off. sort of a reflection of where we've been so far and one final bit of desperation before the finale section
the finale section starts with approching the shimmer from the annihilation soundtrack and goes through the end of the playlist!!! (my fave part of the annihilation soundtrack is the alternating use of synths and guitar, and the only other song from the soundtrack on here is the watchtower, a more guitar heavy one thats at the start which i think is fun). both for spoiler reasons and because i dont totally know what will happen i cant talk about this bit tooooo specifically but i really love this little instrumental sequence thats the true climax and is all bangers. despite the 3 songs named for mountains this part does take place in a cave. the little piano bit at the end of castaways is one of my fave parts of the outer wilds soundtrack and here it represents a very similar thing to what it does in that game so <3
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theres only 3 garages songs on this playlist and one of them does get to be in the finale segment (after the part above by a few songs) i wonder who for a long long time could be about 🤔🤔🤔
the very last three songs on the playlist are road to hell 2 from hadestown, the beach (7am) from oxenfree, and what happens now from interstellar. road to hell 2 is SPECIFICALLY for that 'to know how it ends/and still begin to sing it again/as if it might turn out this time' because thats the line of all time and also because. well things get a little weird towards at the end of s/n. on the same note, the beach (7am) represents a similar thing to what it reflects at the end of oxenfree (like i said we're getting weird) and what happens now is sort of literal to the title!!! also because its a gorgeous fucking song to end on.
thanks again for the question bestie i love MUSIC and my ocs and i had a lot of fun with this playlist <33
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m4rkiza · 3 years
another headcanon
this feels like a fanfiction but anyway,
leon and raihan is a pretty healthy couple.when theyre in the middle of an argument,if one raise their voice just a bit,the other backs off and suggest to take a few hours,even days to cool down, and then talk about it when theyre calm and is able to think straight to avoid unwanted events.
and currently theyre in the middle of an argument,theres a rising problem in the league,and them being the top trainers with equally great intelligence,  theyre expected to solve it
theyve been arguing because when theyre discussing about how to solve it,theres a ...quite serious disagreement , which led into a debating session,so they decide to have time to think about it by themselves instead of discussing about it,just for a day or two.
but theres another problem rising,which came from a different source, a pokemon breeding centre,theres some issue with dragon type pokemon,leon expect raihan to be the only person whos expected to help,but because leon has 2 on his team,he was asked to help raihan. sadly he cant decline the request. 
theyre in the middle of their “argument” but that doesnt matter of course,since both got an email to help the breeder to solve the pokemon breeding issue,they push their personal problems aside and try to discuss about it,which sadly led into another debating session. both decide to stop and sit down
raihan lets out a sigh “3 days?”
“..sure i guess” leon answer hesitantly,both actually cool off easily and they certainly dont need 3 days to just cool down and think. 3 days without raihan is too long afterall,but leon assume that maybe,he had pushed the wrong buttons and just agree to avoid another conflict,which wont happen.he knows raihan, but he rather not
raihan tilts his head “you look hesitant, 2 days maybe? ive already set up papers to solve the other problem we had,so i guess 2 days is enough,how about you?”
leon looks up to raihan, “i already figure out yesterdays solution too, so... 2 days? then we discuss about the league issue,then suggesting it to the staff?”
raihan nodded “yes,then we discuss about this and gave the result to the pokemon breeding centre”
leon agrees, finally,an agreement.
the next day comes, leon suddenly has an appointment out of nowhere,oleana certainly didnt tell him about this,and now,leon is sorrounded by hellspawns.
hes in the local kindergarten,which is not bad, but this kindergarten hits different,leon has lost count of kids whos trying to stole his cap and pull his cape off. heck,even one kid almost peed on him. 
once hes free from hell,he really wants to reunite with raihan,but theyre on their...relationship break? he doesnt even know what its called because its really rare for them to argue.
but because leon is on the edge of bursting out,he decide to just,take a quick shower to make himself look presentable,and flew to hammerlocke
he arrives at the gym, walking through the hall,being guided by one of the gym trainer,to raihans office. his eyes is already glassy with tears.
he entered raihans office, raihan is there, sitting on the couch with paperworks,he move his head to meet leon,eyes wide when he see a familiar purple hair
“leon? do you want to discuss it now? ive cooled down and i al-”
leon lets out a mewl,a sad one. which surprises raihan. raihan stared at him,brows furrowing,he noticed leons golden eyes were glistening “wait-” he got up,walks his way to leon “dandelion,darling” oh how leon has been craving to be called that, “whats wrong? did i do something-”
“i had a surprise appointment today” leon croak out “i- oleana didnt told me about it-” did he just sob? “i wasnt prepared and we went to a fucking place filled with tiny demonic creatures” he leans in to raihans comforting touch “worst than giratina and darkrai, id prefer to hang out with them rather than those- those kids” leons sobs got more violent “they- they were trying to stole my champion hat and tried to pull of my cape,which almost choked me,dragon” 
raihan concerns starts to grow faster when leon called him dragon,since leon only use that particular nickname when he feels unsafe or when hes super stressed out. 
“i- i almost cried in place, i was tired for- figuring out the solutions and we had 2 debate in a span of one week, we, we rarely argue dragon,” leons grip on raihans arm got tighter,”those kids” raihan can see pure fear in leons eyes “hit the spot,one- one of them almost peed on me raihan,im glad one of the teacher grab them fast enough,i wouldnt know what id do if that actually happened”
raihan hold leon tight,then make him to sit down on the couch, leon didnt let go of raihan when raihan wanted to take a cup of water, he asked raihan to stay and hold him more, raihan cant blame him,that kindergarten IS basically hell and he doesnt understand how the teacher can withstand those tiny demons, this week has been hectic too,he cant blame leon really,he felt bad about initiating one of the debates but,i guess that doesnt matter anymore when theyve found the solutions.
leon is now on his lap,hugging raihan by the shoulder sobbing quietly. all raihan can do is hugging leon back,making sure he feels safe. 
after the sobbing had died down,raihan asks leon
“lee?baby?” raihan calls out, leon lets out a mumble, “let me handle the pokemon breeding issue yeah? its about dragon type afterall,i can do it myself,im just gonna take your typed out suggestions and take care of it by my own,about the league issue,lets just combine our solution and come with a neutral conclusion, is that okay darling? or do you want to discuss about it tomorrow? we can stay in my place if you want”
leon slowly repositioned his body to face raihan,he nodded “yeah, okay,ill let you take care of the breeding centre,but dont overwork yourself raihan, about the league,lets just combine our solutions,it does feels irresponsible though,they expect us-”
“leon,my dearest,lets think about YOU for awhile,the league aint shit,my love,how do you feel about it?” raihan cuts off
“...i..personally,i dont want too..” leon looks down, he wants to give the best for the league,but raihan is right,he needs to prioritize himself just for tonight,so he can give the best to the region tomorrow morning
“there you go,now- let me just-” raihan proceed to carry leon, as if hes a baby,leon just dont give a single fuck at this point,he just want to sleep like a rock for 8 hours,he leaned and put his head near raihans neck,looping his arm around raihans shoulder tighter,hes grateful raihan is big and strong enough to carry a 80kg bulky man like he is
“dragon,love” leon mumbled right next to raihans ear, “im..sorry i initiated the breeding center debate,i .. i shouldnt even argue with you,you knew so much more”, raihan kissed leons head, “no worries baby,i dont mind,you are a bit...selfish sometimes,but its okay,its not like im far from that either,since im the one who started to argue about the league issue,despite me not knowing much about it,im sorry about that too”
leon answered “so we good?”
raihan smiled, “always been”
leon hugged raihan tighter and closed his eyes,trusting his dragon that he will take care of him,when leon opened his eyes,hes already in a familiar place,raihans apartment,to be more specific,hes on the bed,wearing one of raihans t-shirt and...his own pajama pants? raihan is currently putting socks on his left feet,raihan noticed that his prince has woke up, “go back to sleep,ill keep you safe,i wont let rose or oleana to put their hands on you” leon looked at him “but how about you?im not gonna have a day off tomorrow if youre not sitting next to me,whats the point of a single day off if 1 of my favorite person isnt there next to me?”
raihans got surprised “wait how did you know i told them to give you a day off?” leon smiled “instinct”
raihan chuckled while crawling to the bed,setting himself next to leon, “i didnt enter hell today so i dont need one” he teased, leon hugs raihan by the waist,giving it a firm grip “raihan my precious dragon, love,sweetheart,im begging you to stay, please,im not fully sane yet,i need you to keep me on the ground,and dont commit a genocide,raihan pleaaase,do your work at home-” raihan cuts him off “no! you’d help me with it! you need to rest,prince!” raihan answered with a laugh, leon tighten his grip “but i need you! how can you leave me alone and insane like this! how dare you!” leon said,mimicking his voice to sound like a dramatic damsel in distrest
raihan obeys,of course he will,hes actually on the edge too,the breeders are plain out stupid and its no wonder that the dragon type mons had an issue,they shouldve put the baby on HIS breeding center instead,he knows well about it anyway,who the heck brought the baby dragons there?! not to mention how they act like they know more than raihan,the dragon tamer,the only certified dragon type specialist in the whole region. raihan was so fed up,the paperwork from the gym arent helping either,he got 3 helping hands and it overwhelms them all,he guess he should give the whole gym trainer just a single day break to sleep the whole day and get themselves charge. and so he did,he typed out a short email to all the gym trainers,that they will have a day off tomorrow,
leon smiled in satisfaction as raihan typed out the email on his phone,he knew raihan was close to murder someone too,,but knowing raihan,he wont take a day off if leon told him too. but raihan WILL do it,if leon beg raihan to stay with him,hes concerned about it and might talk about it, that he should prioritize himself and not his lover,but not definitely not now,nor later.someday probably.
after raihan sent the emails,he turned off the bedside lamp, and proceed he put his head on leons plump chest, “alright,nighty night prince,i love you”
leon put his hand on top of raihans head,petting it gently“night dragon,i love you too”
then they sleep. 
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
So I saw the post where you said send in requests and i havent seen anything negating that, so uh, do you think you could write something (when you have the time and motivation of course please dont feel obligated (unless you want to) ) where people start noticing the way Draco flinches whenever someone makes a sudden movement and then all of the sudden one day he comes back to the castle after holiday and its so much worse and people start kinda trying to help and make his days better?
okay, here we go. And no one can convince me that no one at Hogwarts noticed that Draco was a victim of abuse but since Harry has the attention span of a goldfish, it wasn’t added that and JKR is a terrible person.
Also warning: this does talk about physical emotional and mental abuse. I want you all to know that you NEVER deserve it and never believe that your abuse situation “isn’t that bad.” You are cherished and loved and worthy and valuable. 
okay, so the first year wasn’t too bad not that it wasn’t bad but, well Draco was innocent to any other way so he thought it was normal for his father to do what he did
Then things start to dawn on him that maybe no... this isn’t how it’s supposed to go. Yet, whenever he asks a question against his father... things don’t end well for him. “But why are muggle-born so bad?” “What’s wrong with the Weasleys?” “Why are you so mean to the house-elves?”  It never ends well, so he stops asking but now boy does he have a lot of questions and internal conflict that grows.
back to the point so someone drops a book/cauldron/glass something and Draco jumps and begins to panic “is his father mad? What did he do? How can he do better?” because he’s convinced that his father is on another rampage, but Crabbe just nudges his arm and he’s brought back to the present and that he’s not in trouble or danger
Snape is the first to notice because he knows what to look for in a child that has been abused at home, from personal experience, so he scolds the student who dropped the thing harshly
Our darling Hufflepuffs take note very quickly. In fact, there’s a support group at Hogwarts for kids who come from not so safe homes. Magical abuse or not, it's a group to just come and feel safe and like you’re not alone lead by Sprout and McGonagall
In Herbology with Draco, the Hufflepuff tells Momma Sprout about what they think is going on and boy is Sprout a momma bear looking out for Draco at every turn and looking into any records she can get her hands on
These kids from the support group start to become very worried about Draco because they’ve seen it all before and they hate seeing anyone else go through what they went through
They start to send him anonymous letters so that he’ll get mail in the mornings, and sneak sweets/snacks into his bag when they notice he’s not eating, or volunteer to be his partner in class
Boy is Draco confused
Which means he snaps a lot more and is rude and scared because he doesn’t understand why they’re being so nice to him
Alone is what I have, alone is what protects me
When Buckbeak attacks him, of course, he breaks down into tears because it’s all too familiar and he’s terrified that if he blinks he might open his eyes and it’ll be his father coming at him, not Buckbeak
and maybe he keeps the bandages and brace on longer for more than he needs it because it was a reminder that someone cared for him and mended his wounds and he didn’t have to do it himself
You think he just like Potions? Oh no, he’s had to make his own healing Potions all his life for the sake of keeping up the family appearance.
Luna Lovegood, the precious child sees right through all of it. Easily. And is a lot more confrontational about it than the support group, who did things more on the down-low. She takes all of his ridicule and taunts and snaps and lets him yell at her because she knows he needs to vent to someone
When Hermione pulls her wand out to attack him, sure, he could be a drama queen with all bark and no bite but maybe again it's too familiar and whenever there’s a wand in his face like that it ends with him in pain 
That night Luna finds Draco in the Astronomy tower alone and just sits next to him. 
He scoffs but after a while asks how can she deal with living alone with her father. She tells him that her father is the kindest person she knows and it finally gets through to Draco that how he grew up was not normal.  
Luna tells him about the Support Group and he gets notes here and there as invitations, and maybe he decides to go one night
He’s surprised to see a lot of kids he knows. Luna goes and sits by some of her friends, Neville is there, and quite a few older Slytherins, and the Hufflepuff from his Herbology class who smiles and waves at him. 
He realizes that these are all the kids who have been nice to him
He doesn’t share at all during the meeting (it’s sort of like AA where kids just go through and talk about what happens to them, if they’ve grown or made progress, what scared them still. The older kids offer advice and comfort and tissues because everyone cries) 
He doesn’t share for a few weeks of meetings that he attends, but he doesn’t feel so hopeless anymore
Maybe now he doesn’t snap so much and maybe he’s not as scared anymore to let people in because he’s not alone and he realizes that everyone has their own inner demons and struggles
Fifth-year is the worst for him. With No Nose back, his father is vicious and ruthless and takes his pain and anger out on Draco. 
It’s after easter break that he finally shares. “My... my father...” 
Before he can say another word there are arms wrapped around him and hands on his shoulders and soft encouragements and consoles. 
“He... he used the cruatious curse on me... and said that if I didn’t do it on someone else that he’d...” And Draco just breaks down into tears because he feels wicked and broken and ashamed. 
He cries harder when no one judges him or yells at him or treats him differently. He’s still just Draco to them. The same thing happens when he tells them about the Dark Mark,
When he starts to slip through the cracks, the group vividly helps him like they’ve helped kids before him for generations. 
Ravenclaws helped him study and find motivation when he started to fail his classes, Hufflepuffs show him how to have fun and take breaks and self-care, Slytherins are there in the common room on sleepless nights with tea and blankets, Gryffindors are there  as a defense squad against anyone who wants to get to Draco and boy do they rip on Harry
But maybe Draco sees in Harry what the others saw in him. A kid who’s very fast with reflexes and has the same sort of anger and defense mechanisms that he did
Draco defends Harry from a Slytherin and Harry is confused and the Slytherin is confused but they back down
Harry just glares and walks away and Draco rolls his eyes and sighs
He sends Harry invitations to the Support Group but the golden boy never shows
When the Death Eaters kidnap Luna, Draco about loses it because Luna was one of the first ones who helped him grow
So he goes down to the dungeon and they still have their own little support group. Luna sees first hand what it’s like to be Draco especially when his father makes Draco use the cruatious curse on her
He cries and begs for Luna’s forgiveness and of course, he has it, she knows he never wanted to hurt anyone
At Hogwarts seventh year, he and the Slytherins who were a part of the support group are now also apart of the rebellion and Draco is livid about the punishments that Snape allows because how dare he allow physical abuse as a punishment and he gets an earful from Draco about it
Snape explains that it’s to keep him safe and Voldemort from suspecting anything and Draco just “I don’t give a damn about me or you! Stop hurting these kids! They’ve done nothing to deserve it!” And he’s in tears
Snape pulls back on his regimen a bit
Of course, Draco lies to his father about not knowing who Harry is. Why would he let his father win when Draco held the cards? 
When Draco’s father calls him back to the side of the Death Eaters, he’s about to go because he is still afraid of his father but Luna takes his hand and so does the Hufflepuff from Herbology, and soon there are hands on his shoulders and arms, reminding him that he’s not alone and that he’s not the scared little kid anymore and he stands with Hogwarts
He and Harry eventually have a talk about growing up and the abuse they both suffered and Harry and Draco both grow as people and stop being so childish and put away the grudge and hatred for another
He takes a Slytherin girl under his wing in eighth year who’s two years younger than him and jumping at her own shadow. He brings her into the Support Group and helps her find some courage and self-worth
That girl is Astoria Greengrass
Tags: @coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87@artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522  @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @dietkiwi @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen @mccloudchloe @hxneybgb @justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms @howdycharlie @xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @braelynn-j @jiggllyy @honeymarvel @darcypottah @atomicpunkrock @thiccheerioss @lottie289 @boredashaeck @beautiful-pegasus @tceedlmao @deadlynyghtshayde @iconjuresnapeingrandmaclothes @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @lunna-does-real-doodle @dragonsandbread @atomicwonderlandmentality @okaydraco @the–queen-of-hell @langdonzvoid @cmxreader @alienmotel @oh-itsnothing​ @tulippings​ @thestressedprincess​ @sunflowerxsadnessw​ @caps-wilsonn​ @fattycooter​ @angelotakunerd08​ @thisisahugemistake​ @fanficsigottaread​ @gweaslvy​ @okaydraco​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @ughjjloveme​ @honeymarvel​  @gaysludge​ @cleopatera​ @ray-of-sunrise​ @artist-bby​ @shadowsingeraxolotl​ @peters-legos​ @quillsareforwriting​ @ghostlytoadalmondhairdo​ @wollymalfoy​ @lilpieceoftoast @monimillion @howdycharlie @gnf847
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happikattwuzheere · 4 years
the one where gansey befriends a deer: the au
hey remember that time ronan dreamed up a deer that was described with language suspiciously similar to how adam’s described, because i sure do!!! anyway
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ok. so. this au’s actually evolved a lot since its initial already-pretty-fleshed-out inception one sleepless night, so me talking about it’s gonna be more than one post, but here’s the first one well actually the second technically yesterday’s warmup doodles were also from this au but i didnt talk about it at all so
and I’m gonna start with more or less the same pitch I gave to a couple people on discord
SO. starting out: it’s standard fantasy times, vaguely medieval but no specific time period because I don’t care enough to be digging into that quite frankly, but it is somewhere in England where this is happening. Story starts with just Gansey, Ronan, and Noah. Fey are very real and known entities and there’s been a conflict in England between the fey and humans, if not in the whole country then at least in the lands that the Ganseys are the lords of but probably the whole island tbh, and Gansey’s not inherited the lands yet but he’s going to and wants to maybe find a peaceful resolution to the conflict. It’s not open warfare by any means but it’s been a big problem. 
To the effect of solving that, he heads to some little village that I haven’t named but it’s right next to a known fey forest called Cabeswater. This village has avoided being stomped by the local fey because, despite witches not being particularly liked by the nobility of the time, there’s a big old coven (the psychics of Fox Way, essentially) situated right by this village that’s kept things in check. Gansey’s made his excuses to his parents about why he’s officially going there but really he wants to talk to the witches and get a better grasp of the conflict from the people actually dealing with it.  He and Ronan set out from home together, pick up Noah along the way--who is not a ghost in this AU, he’s a fey who owes Gansey a life debt, that’s a whole other post and THIS post is mostly about gansey and adam--but anyway they get to this village and NOBODY gives gansey the time of day. 
the witches don’t let him into their house because they don’t like the nobility right back thanks and the next time he tries to visit Cabeswater won’t even let him get to the coven’s dwelling, the one witch’s daughter who regularly stops by the village for supplies and to check if anyone needs anything has a big argument with him the first time he talks to her so that’s going nowhere, and, well, the villagers are polite, but they clearly don’t take him seriously. He’s just the lordling playing at things and potentially meddling in their business to them.
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So he starts hanging out just barely within Cabeswater, even though he knows that’s not wise, because he finds this perfect spot by a stream, and he’ll sit out there and think and work on the journal he keeps of all his thoughts and plans, and one day while he’s there has a straight up Disney princess experience when a deer stops by the stream and seems incredibly unafraid of him. he cherishes the experience but accepts that it probably won’t happen again.
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and then it does. several times. gansey’s losing his mind. this deer??? apparently likes listening to him info dump?? it’s very therapeutic and also very magical and he’s amazed 
a few times in, he names the deer “Pryderi” after a character from a welsh legend, because “such a handsome creature deserves a princely name,” [[muffled blue laughing and whispering “princely” in the distance]], and he tells ronan and noah about this experience but ronan doesn’t believe him at ALL. 
one time after gansey’s particularly upset at how bad his attempts at getting along with the villagers, Pryderi actually lets Gansey touch him for the first time and gansey cannot shut up about it to ronan who’s finally like “i think you’re bullshitting me about this deer thing. im coming with you next time” and gansey’s like “well he’s a deer he might not show up if a stranger’s around and he doesn’t come every time i go down there anyway” and ronan’s like “this sounds like a lot of excuses, dick, you’re not making me believe you any more with this” and gansey’s like “>8\” 
but pryderi does show up, and gansey is delighted, and ronan stares really hard at him and then goes 
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and gansey’s like what? nooo. but ronan keeps arguing it for the duration of the visit and the deer actually starts to look annoyed and at the end ganseys like ok maybe but i doubt it. and then hes like “well since you are a fey apparently (/sarcasm) i ought to say farewell with respect” and bows very mockingly and then the deer makes direct eye contact with ronan and bows back and gansey loses his shit
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gansey continues meeting up with pryderi but even while his infodumping still happens it does so now with the knowledge that He Does Actually Understand What Im Saying, he may be a fey but he seems like a friendly one and hey that’s way more than gansey thought he would get out here, and also this deer is his friend now thanks, 
he, ronan, and noah (who’s amused by Pryderi but keeps his main thoughts to himself for now) make some excursions into cabeswater, but the thing is noah’s not really native to england, he’s from the european mainland, again i’ll get to it in another post sometime, but. he can sort of help navigate cabeswater but not all THAT well so they get lost a couple times, and every time it does happen pryderi shows up and helps guide them out. there’s some very funny moments of a very jealous ronan getting into weird conflict w/ a very smug deer 
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anyWAY one day there’s like a festival, everyone’s drunk because its the middle ages and there’s not really a drinking age, gansey’s making another effort to make friends with anyone, and this one guy about his own age is like “ok look here i’ll teach you the folk dance everyone’s doing ok?” and gansey spends the night dancing w/ a handsome stranger, yes he will recognize the irony in the morning, but for now it goes. well badly because they’re both drunk but it’s fun, and then the guy says “ah, fuck it, i’ll finish teaching you next time we see each other” and gansey’s like “thats a little forward but ok!” and the guy (adam. its adam) panics and leaves while gansey’s back is turned and gansey doesn’t remember that last snippet of conversation the next day nor can he quite recall the stranger’s face. ronan does, because he was watching and not sure which of the two he was jealous of, but neither of them has any idea who the guy actually was. 
and then like, 3 days later, gansey falls asleep at the spot he usually hangs out in in cabeswater and wakes up in the early evening just in time to hear people yelling and for Pryderi to burst into view with an arrow in his flank. he collapses in a bush. gansey snaps into “protect friend” mode and gets the hunters off his trail by being all “oh a strange buck? i saw it pass that way over there friend!” and then when they’re gone he comes back and is all “alright pryderi they’re gone, let me just--” except pryderi’s not a deer anymore. it’s a boy. 
(Adam. its adam. the deer is adam.) 
gansey takes him home, gets the arrow out, noah’s like “i mean he’s not a fey, i dont know what turning into a deer is about but if he were fey the iron in that arrow would already have him dead. he might be partially fey but so little that he’s human in the ways that really matter”, over the next couple days they figure out that pryderi is in fact from the village and is a young man named adam parrish who’s been labelled a changeling and is assumed dead since he was yknow shot, gansey decides for now its probably best to keep him that way, but adam’s not getting better--apparently even having had the arrow in him as briefly as he did has poisoned him, he’s desperately ill and on the third day is finally like “get persephone” so gansey tries again (he’s tried several times over these days, they’d worked out that to have survived this long he must have someone else with a small degree of fey blood teaching him the ropes and the most likely suspects are the witches, but he’s hoping adam specifically asking him to will grant him permission enough to go in) and runs into a very frantic blue en route who as soon as he makes it clear he’s got adam is like “move your ass over on that horse im climbing on too” 
they get persephone, who turns into a fox rather than a deer, she saves adam, everythings cool except adam’s pissy now because he cant go back to the village and he has to give up on the attempts he had in the works to get out of town by working his way out and he takes it out on gansey who doesnt deserve it because this friendship is a mess, he’ll feel bad and take it back eventually but thats yet more posts ANYWAY YEAH theres our starting point 
(also worth noting: due to cabeswater being Right There,  p much everyone in this village actually has a small degree of fey blood, adam just won the genetic lottery) 
tl;dr adam’s a fey-blooded witch’s apprentice and he’s been the deer the whole time and thats the start of this au ty for coming to this ramble 
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