#and i have a strict rule of NOT letting people i know irl find my blog
liliallowed · 3 months
a few months ago:
group therapist: everything you say here is confidential.
paranoid ass me: source?
group therapist: uhhh the law?
paranoid ass me: okay but how does that stop you from breaking the law (legal system here is loose af and there's no accountability, courts are corrupt and people don't HAVE the money to even afford court cases lmao)
group therapist: well you'd just have to see for yourself to trust it. (said in a warm and kind way, in English it sounds bad but it was well meaning.)
me: ok.
me: anyyy second now. I will find a reason to trust this. :3 (i think I have developed an actual fake personality because of how strict and unforgiving it is here to be queer. )
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cherryfennec · 6 months
Okay I love your most recent art work of Mario and Mr. L!!! I’m just curious how on earth did you draw their hats so well?? Especially the brim of their hats?! Hats are the one thing I struggle with when drawing them! I can’t make it look believable!
Hi! First of all thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you like the art! Now as for hats (more specifically Mario and Luigis type) there can be different ways you might go about drawing them.
(I should probably mention at the beginning that I am not an expert and sometimes struggle myself as well. Despite this I'll try my best to explain how I usually approach it.)
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Let's start with brims because they seem the most problematic (as I see it.)
What I'm going to talk about might already be intuitive for a lot of people, including myself, however I thought it'd be a good idea to break down the mindset so everyone is on the same page and those who have trouble seeing it can hopefully understand stuff better.
First it's obviously the idea. No real details, just the general idea. With it we'll be able to establish the basic rules for what you're drawing, most importantly the angle and perspective.
Now this is going to be pretty self explanatory but: if I'm drawing a character looking up I know that the bottom of the brim will be visible, if the characters looking down it won't and etc. An easy way to check which parts of the brim will be visible from a specific view point is to imagine it as a slab.
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Now this isn't anything mind blowing, I know, but saying this out loud can be handy and save you some overthinking.
Alright, let's talk about the hat itself now!
In most of the pictures I could find of the bros hats they're divided into two parts: the front, which is taller and slightly spiked up, and the back, which is noticeably shorter. Now this kinda goes back to the idea of simplifying shapes:
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At some point it unfortunately becomes rather difficult to explain why some stuff is drawn the way it is because it's kinda justified by: "that's how the real life counterparts act". Above everything I highly recommend references, both irl and ingame ones. It's not embarrassing to use them, trust me, no one will criticise you and they'll help!
Now that we got the brim and the hat, let's put the two together!
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There isn't really a strict order of how you should draw things, everyone has different preferences and processes which should be taken into consideration. For example, I personally like to draw the entire head before I touch on the cap:
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(I added the hair and colours for the sole purpose of this post, this process is usually done during rough sketching.)
This way I have a point of reference where the brim ends (right before the ear for me) and where I should place the middle line on the cap (it's a bit of a stylistic choice than anything but it also lets me know where the fold will be). You can find your own way and make your own rules and with time the process will get much easier! I hope this somewhat helps.
Just practice, have patience, experiment and most importantly: have fun!
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beloved-blaiddyd · 4 months
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“You might've heard of me as a textbook writer on Tome Mastery: A Guide To Advanced Reason Spells. As you might have guessed, I'm also a Blue Lions alumna... That, and I am the current chairperson of the Department of Reason Magic— so I'm plently capable to guide you around the Officer's Academy!"
"Sorry, I'm newly promoted. I nearly forgot that I'm no longer just a professor.”
“But before that, I need to know a few things... You must be...”
18+ years of age. [Minors: Do Not Interact];
And respectful of different ethnicities and other walks of life [Racists/Homophobes: Do Not Interact]
“... to enter and read its contents. I can't guarantee your safety otherwise. Oh, and I'm a rather busy woman, and I don't tolerate nonsense either. Perhaps it comes from being a tactician in the last war. If you have any questions, send a letter. I'll accept inquiries about..."
Greetings and other formalities;
Profile analysis [character brainrots/fic ideas];
and news updates & relevant fun facts about the library to share [irl and fandom related]
“However, I will promptly BURN your letter if it involves...”
Carnal desires [NSFW thirst asks. I'm ace and uninterested in matters of the flesh. Please send that to another fellow fan instead.];
and childish and irrelevant content [copypastas and overall spam is not tolerated.]
“That is all. If you believe I'm rather strict, that stems from years of experience handling groups of people. Failing to lay down groundwork tend to incite attacks on boundaries among members.”
“... Three thousand five hundred men have died because of this on the Fodlan Wars. Let's not repeat those mistakes.”
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How to send asks...
Mutuals/off anon: send as usual.
For anons: please make up a realistic fake name. It's for the sake of the theme. Example:
Dear Brynlee,
I can't stop brainrotting about Zhongli like what if he's a prince- prince au zhongli with princess consort reader go brrrrrrr like wtf i can't stop thinking about morax girl i need help
Ms. Sophia Pendragon
Honestly, it's not that hard. Why are people failing this? It's just a realistic fake name.
I won't entertain "can I be 🗣️ anon" asks. This will let me know if an anon read the rules. Plus, I prefer using names rather than scrambling to find emojis instead. I quit my old one despite being a decently "successful" blog because anons do not respect personal boundaries on my asexuality despite it being explicitly written down. This is just an act of self-preservation.
When sending asks please note that this blog is following Three Houses' worldbuilding. Claiming to be a God or some Diety in the asks will certainly follow confused responses as majority of the cast believes only in Sothis. Modern inventions will likely confuse "Brynn" as well. That is all!
P.S: if you wish to talk to me as a creator, address me as Beloved/B rather than Brynn so I know when to break character. Ty!
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Anon List...
Riley H. Goodheart
Steven Sterling
Lia Tostyava
J. Fisher
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What kind of comics/fiction does Beloved write?
Editor (Veritas): She writes mostly dark content. Obsession, cannibalism, aphrodisiacs, kidnappings, sexual assault— you name it. Where does she get those ideas from? Unsure. Perhaps they're stories she personally witnessed when she joined the war. She does not romanticize these concepts. In fact, she seems to emphasize how uncomfortable it is to be in that position.
Editor (Veritas): That is the reason as to why she personally does not depict any sexualization of what occurs in her work. It's meant to be disturbing. Not romantic.
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How the blog tags posts...
$ ooc: out of character/setting ramblings (casual talk)
$ brynn's manuscripts: for writing
$ brynn's papers: for art
$ support conversations: for ramblings and general interactions, both fictional and otherwise.
$ A-Support = _____: for mutuals/characters
$ C-Support = Mx. ____: for anons/new friends
$ S-Support = ____: for (romantic) self-ships...
- Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
- Dainsleif
- Oda Sakunosuke
- Gepard Landau
$ auxiliary missions: ask games or participated events
$ abyss revisited: in-case-you-missed-it reblogs
$ traded tomes: fanfic recommendations
$ traded papers: fanart recommendations
$ traded news: important irl news or other fandom related posts
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darqx · 1 year
It’s late and i cant think of a title OTL
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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Oh he has a number of Royal duties and that’s mainly running the equivalent of a country lol. So a lot of politicking, making decisions for his sector and that no one but him is fucking with the trade route, getting rid of rabble rousers if needed, fighting any Battle Royale challenges (not often nowadays). That’s not his daily routine obvs but any given day would have something particularly related to the politicking.
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I cannot say if Rire would take someone as a Royal Consort but he could. Other Royals have spouses so it’s not like it’s unheard of lol.
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My personal opinion is that Rire is like a master to demon!Strade (cos he DID give Rire his soul in this outcome) but also he’s not tugging on his leash all the time because he finds it infinitely more entertaining to let him loose and see what happens.
I have answered before how Rire would be as a father! It’s in this answer dump. To quote here:
Aristocrat dad, when he is around simultaneously kind of strict (has expectations of child) but also school of hard knocks and doesnt care unless you are annoying him so not overbearing. Teaches child essential things like ballroom dancing, manners and how to destroy people.
Also will not hesitate to kill child if they conspire against him so there’s that.
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I’ve had a few of these recently and whilst I’ve answered them directly I figured one being placed here might be helpful.
With Rire (and only Rire for me lol) because he's mostly known through BTD - me and Gato decided that as long as people were using their OWN art, then they could sell fan products of our main BTD characs. So, a) as long as someone is only using their own BTD artwork and b) saying where the characters are from/not claiming the characters as their own, then it is ok.
(though, this is just for me and Gato's characs I think - Gato might want to clarify her stance if anything has changed. I don't know what EP's stance on this is)
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Hello! To answer your qs, yes Rire is quite partial to that style (not entirely too sure about the age itself per say but some of the aesthetics and culture, which was already a bit similar to his own) :D
I think there are no real “rules” to having oc insert interaction, unless you are trying to be very true to the source material lol. After all, oc insert is mainly to have fun with an existing concept right? :) With BTD, since the “au” was already like a smash bros kind of thing with characs from different universes (ie Rire from my BP au, Strade from Gato’s TINR au, Sano from whatever EP was working on), there’s kind of almost...nothing that can’t be shoved in XD. This is because whatever rules that apply for our individual aus don’t apply to the BTD one. So if you wanted to have fun with your god/deity oc then you can if you really want ✌🏻
Rire’s reaction to one would really depend on the power level of said god/deity. If he calculates that he has a very low chance of say beating them in a fight, then he would probably make sure their paths do not cross often. If they are of around equal power or he is more powerful, then his actions wouldn’t change much from what we have seen from him already. He is always making sure he gets the best outcomes from things.
(A realm for souls huh? That might be interesting for Rire considering he is a soul stealer/soul eater demon haha!)
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I do not, sorry ~
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sincerely-krp · 14 days
you just need to know where to find one but if you want me to list out a few, i can help! // anon, plz say more. i want to get back into forum rp but when i left the jcink platform the whole community was attacking anyone using a korean face as a fetishizer. has that changed? or are there actual krp's on the platform now?//
as long as you dont solely use korean fcs on non krp forums, you're eager to plot and as long as your character has a solid background for development opportunities, the jcink rpc is pretty chill after a lot of very huge resource site shut down. the issue was a mess too, causing a lot of people to leave both from lack of resources available for public use for free and people just decided to focus more on irl things now that half of the community comprises of mature writers. but the remaining peeps who are still actively contributing are very eager to help anyone willing to join! my advice is to check the member directory for each site to see if there's a diverse range of faces used. but dont use this as an excuse to make only korean characters and try not to use exclusively korean faces. also, reach out to other members for plotting opportunities as well!
some of the sites i'm in and have heard of are:
driving towards death (a supernatural rl town set in alaska) has a pretty diverse range of characters and supernatural creatures, including east asian and southeast asian mythological creatures. https://drivingtowarddeath.jcink.net/index.php
@lucidjcink has a very strict rule on racebending and the portrayal of korean culture. it's an idol/supernatural rp set in seoul with tons of species and idol groups to choose from. i haven't had the time to drop by to say hi but i have been lurking on the forums and have plans on making a character soon. this rp is invite only and you're required to fill in a gform and answer a bunch of questions as part of the screening process though so do take your time.
sleepless in seoul (rl crime) is a newly established rp, but the members are pretty active. i also haven't had the time to make a character but the rp has an interesting premise with lots of interesting character requests to grab! and the admins are always happy to welcome newcomers and im sure they're happy to help you get situated on how jcink roleplaying works <3
seeing double (rl scifi about clones/crime), my current humble abode, has long been established with a small amount of members but they do have tons of canons and character requests to choose from too! so you'll always have pre-established plotting opportunities with the other members. there's plenty of character opportunities available due to the diverse nature of the site's lore. there's canons for idols/ent industry and college student characters and many others as well, so im sure your character will fit in just nicely. this rp is pretty quiet and activities are lax (most muns are mature writers with irl responsibilities), but do come over and make yourself known. i would definitely make a character solely for you :') https://weseedouble.jcink.net/index.php?act=idx
golden era (historical fantasy) has a pretty diverse range of races too! i have seen someone use exo's suho and actor kim soohyun for their characters and was pretty active mingling well with the other muns. i was on this site last year before i have to leave due to irl responsibilities but this site was fun to join! they're still running despite the low activities but dont let that deter you from joining. it just means that posting requirements are lax and very forgiving <3 https://goldenrpx.jcink.net/
overall, these are the sites im in/was in/have heard of that are pretty welcoming with asian faces! im pretty sure there's many more western forum rps that are pretty welcoming with poc faces but i dont have any experience with any other sites besides the ones listed above so i cannot say much. i would also like to add that the roleplayers in the jcink rpc are mostly in their mid 20s to late 30s, meaning that everyone are adults with irl responsibilities, so thread replies can be pretty unpredictable. but dont let that bother you or make you sad because the rp is inactive! the jcink rpc in general is pretty lax with their activity and wordcount requirements. hmu at discord @loeykji_ if you need to get situated to forum roleplaying 🫶🏻
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yutaleks · 2 months
The few friends I made were through other writers accounts only. Reader's don't really leave replies on dark contents.. ghost readers or idk..its hard to make friends with them... Writers make friends with writers only (most I feel like it)..I would start posting too but it's kind of scary..feels like putting yourself out there. Also writing takes too much time and energy..even if I like writing (kudos to yall 😦👏🏽).
DC side of twitter is scary..I mostly only see l0li/sh0tacon writers (they do their thing..I don't intervene). I tried discord too..ofc i had to join proship servers otherwise who is gonna hear my incest thoughts.. once again it was filled with sh0ta. I'm just there like 🧍🏽‍♀️.. you can tell me why don't u make one yourself.. istg, if I had the time I would..I would need atleast one friend by my side to help out..so I can find more of my people.. hard to do it alone yk..and let's not talk about reddit, it's filled with weird men. I'm tired of them tbh.
The super vanilla friends of mine are constantly judging too. I'm just being friends with them because they are ok people and I kinda need human interaction every now and then.. thanks for listening 🫶🏽
I don’t know if it’s that writers only make friends with writers because they are writers or is it that writers only make friends with writers because those are the only people who interact or produce majority of the content? I don’t think it is solely because you are primarily a reader that writers will not befriend you. I think it is hard to really SEE you (the readers) when the relationship is mostly one-sided (most readers consume the fic, leave a like, and then leave). I think if there is some reciprocation (I.e leave meaningful asks, comments, maybe send your own thoughts or posts that you think people would like to see) people will reach out to you as well.
I wish I could empathize with the fear of posting but I’ve never personally felt that way. A blog is so easy to be anonymous on. Make a fake name, make a theme, and post things. No ones gonna associate it with your real self and you don’t have to share it with irls, so it’s virtually anonymous. If it’s a side blog you can lock it/delete it at any time and make a new one and start over.. I personally don’t really feel like there’s any reason to be scared of posting anything or reaching out to people. But maybe that’s just how I see it since I’ve been on this site for so long LOL
I would never go to reddit for dark content the people on there are weird about it lol. I’ve been in a few discords for DC side of fandom it’s hit or miss… sometimes if they allow aging up or whatever then they have strict rules on no lolisho but then people get weird about actual DC like incest noncon etc… like what’s the point when you pick and choose. But then places where it’s free for all you will see lolisho. The fact of the matter is that lolisho IS dark content, whether you personally like it or not. So I think in spaces where you want to be free to enjoy dark content you have to overlook the dark content that others enjoy.
I feel bad that you feel that way being surrounded by vanilla friends 😭 there are definitely certain fandom servers I’m in that don’t allow the kind of things I like and it feels like I can’t be myself there. Hopefully you will find a fandom space for you! If anything your thoughts are always welcome here 🫶🏽
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canmom · 2 years
patreon-likes summary
ok, fruits of my researches. linking my pages when they exist.
charges monthly
the largest such site, widely used. supports Discord integration.
8% + payment processing fee, 5% for basic (no tiers) mode
NSFW art and nudes allowed but not IRL sex acts
pays out through Paypal or Payoneer.
built around one-off payments rather than recurring
nominally 0% cut, but some features (incl. donor exclusive posts, scheduling, changing colours) gated behind a 5% cut.
NSFW art very emphatically not allowed. (you can set a NSFW tag on your page which mostly seems to be a cover your ass thing if you post anything even slightly suggestive.)
pays out through Paypal or Stripe.
Pixiv Fanbox:
charges monthly.
closely tied to Pixiv, the big Japanese illustration site. so if you make anything anime adjacent this is the place to be.
seems like the company have been making a big push to court English and Chinese speakers lately, so the site is usable in English now.
10% cut. Only supports yen.
NSFW art allowed and a focus of the site; very little rule enforcement on Pixiv proper but might be more strict when payment is involved. No photos.
pays out through Paypal, or direct to a Japanese bank account.
charges weekly.
selling point is that it lowers processing fees by batching payments as much as possible. i.e. you pay liberapay once in advance for all the people you’re subbed to, I think is the idea. also emphasises that these payments are just donations, they don’t carry any obligations with them.
no cut from Liberapy, est. <5% fee for payment processing.
NSFW allowed, with the warning that Liberapay can’t stop you being banned by a payment processor.
pays out through Paypal or Stripe.
looks promising if you know some like, software nerd type people who will nod appreciatively when the site starts talking about Free, Libre, Open. But inevitably the question is how many people are actually on there? Still if someone doesn’t care about donation incentives may be good to steer them there, it’s nice and minimalist.
charges monthly.
calls itself a ‘worker-owned co-op’ but in practice seems to be a solo dev effort. small user base. has some nice features, including Discord integration. supposed to let you import stuff from Patreon.
unfortunately encountered some jank while trying to set up my page. tech support is joining a pretty small discord where like... conversation is a handful of people saying they’re still using it. will update this post if I get help but rn I think this is too bugged to be trustworthy.
7% cut.
NSFW art allowed, as long as it’s not “extreme and violent”. No photos.
pays out through Stripe.
conceptually I really wanted to like this one, but I just can’t recommend it.
this one came up as a potential rec in a twitter thread of patreon alternatives but it doesn’t seem to like... actually be anything more than one webpage right now? like there’s no where to sign up or anything, tested in chromium as well as firefox so it’s not just jank scripting.
so more of the idea of a thing? but if this is actually legit then...
charges monthly.
really overt social justicey marketing (“are you a woman, LGBTQ+, person of color, or ally? we want you!” ok back off mate) and unpronounceable name
claims no site fees until you earn at least $50/mo, thereafter a flat $5 fee; 5% transaction fee.
can’t find their NSFW policy, or indeed their anything policy
how do they pay out? it’s a mystery.
creator is pushing bitcoin on twitter lol.
like 50:50 on whether this is a scam or just a really naive person
charges monthly.
the current ‘only game in town’ for solo porn, not really used so much by illustrators, but I thought it’s interesting to compare.
20% cut. presumably because the main payment processors won’t play nice with sex work.
NSFW allowed. site made a move to ban sex workers but walked it back after outcry. they might try it again.
pays out through various types of bank transfer
yeah no.
frankly looking at this field the best option seems to be to rely mostly on Patreon, and maybe keep Fanbox open to see if I can build a bit of interest in Japan.
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luvdsc · 2 years
“ i am only comfy being friends with people   who are 18+ but i prefer 20 and above since   i’m 23. ” you say you want to make friends but then have restrictions so tell us how are we supposed to befriend you
???? I am literally trying to enforce safe boundaries for my underage readers and make sure that this is a safe space for everyone. Plus, tell me, why would, let’s say, a 15 year old want to befriend someone who is almost a decade older than them ?? or vice versa?
I’m 100% okay with underage readers asking me for advice, sending me asks that I post publicly, asking for tips or just checking in with me, like yes, I will absolutely be your pseudo big sister 🤍 I’m very honored and touched that so many of you want to hear my thoughts and advice for situations you find yourself in or that you want to tell me about college acceptances, acing exams, going on a date with the cute boy you really like, how your day is going, etc. and I am genuinely excited and happy to answer all your asks and interact with you all 💗💗
But it is very difficult to have a close friendship between two people who are in different stages of their lives - someone in high school will not be able to relate to what I talk about regarding my work life / friends getting engaged / etc. and I simply don’t feel comfortable divulging all this info, all the stress, everything I go through to someone who’s so young and still growing and learning and definitely does not need to be worrying about the stuff I experience. I sound like a boomer, but I really want you all to enjoy your youth, experience the best with your friends, and I can tell you for sure that spending time on the internet attempting to befriend an almost 24 year old is not the way to go.
Also, I know this sounds like me getting on my soap box, but I’m trying to teach you all about internet safety and make sure you’re being safe and aware of the potential harm on the internet and predators irl. If someone my age is trying to actively befriend a minor, then please run for the hills and report them. This is predatorial behavior. And if a minor’s reason is “I’m mature for my age so it’s okay” - no, it is not okay. I was 14, 15, 16, 17 before too, I did stupid things, I thought I knew so much, but I didn’t, and I’ve seen the consequences that my friends dealt with when they too thought they were “mature for their age” and someone significantly older than them came along. if someone older says “you’re mature for your age”, they’re grooming you, and that’s wrong and gross, and it’s predator behavior.
I really wrote that with all of your best interests and safety at heart, like there are predatorial people out there who will take advantage of you, and it’s horrible, and it has happened to people I know. I sincerely do care about you all and your well being, and I’m sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings with this rule, but this is why I’m so strict with this boundary, and I hope you all understand how serious this is. So please, please, please respect my blog rule and know that it doesn’t come from a malicious place.
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sugas-sweetheart · 3 years
Hi! Can I request headcannons for a soulmate AU for Bakugo and Sero with a fem reader? An AU where everyone has a timer on their wrist counting down to the second they meet their soulmate? Thank you!
A/N: ahh yes! I love a soulmate au 🥰 and I’m always up for Sero content - I’m sorry that it’s been a few months since this was requested but I’m working through requests before I go back to irl school! proof reading is for cowards apparently bc i felt like just posting these lmao
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Bakugou Katsuki
I feel like people would expect Bakugou to not care much about the timer on his wrist but really it plagues his mind. In a good way, and sometimes a bad way.
He checks it constantly when he’s alone in his room studying or about to go to sleep, and on sleepless nights
He sneaks a look at it during class most days
When he was young he figured out what day the timer would run out and now that it’s reached a few weeks away he’s scared
But he’s also very excited.
Having strong attachments sometimes gave heroes strength, but it would also be a weakness and his biggest fear was hurting his soulmate due to his occupation of choice. 
What if they were taken as a hostage? they would take the one person that he’s been excited to meet for years and use that attachment against him. 
It would give him motivation to work, he would want to be able to protect you, if you ever needed it
Ahe timer was ticking and his anxieties and worries were still growing. He was still a teenager, he was still in the hero course. 
Would his soulmate like heroes? Is he going to live an unconventional life and have to betray his soulmate because they’re a villain? Maybe they were a hero as well? Were you older? Younger? 
His morning started out okay, a little more annoying than usual. 
His friends procrastination and antics led to him yelling at them to not be late 
And in a slightly annoyed mood he left before them to get to class early. 
He had almost forgotten that today would be the day he meets his soulmate in his rush but the thought still lingered in the back of his mind. 
Adjusting his school uniform to see his timer, his eyes widened at the mere seconds that were left and ticking down quickly 
He swore that he hadn’t seen anyone else in the corridor with him before he looked down so who was he meant to be meeting? 
Unknown to the boy with the explosion quirk, you had just come out of one of the rooms along the corridor after being given directions to your new classroom, 2B, where one of your new classmates, Kendo, would show you to your dorm and around the school’s facilities. 
Your first reaction was to think that Kendo might be your soulmate, depending on how long the directions would take for you to follow. 
But in your clouded mind of watching the timer tick down whilst trying to memorise the directions given to you, you didn’t notice the blonde that was also walking towards you. 
A fairly harsh force knocked you back and made you stop in the corridor, scared and excited to look up because your timer had just glowed slightly as it faded back to black with only zeros left. 
Bakugou hesitated to look up for a few awkward seconds before clearing his throat and directing his eyes back up from his wrist to see who his soulmate really was. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here before? I’m Bakugou Katsuki, from class 2A” 
You looked up to meet his eyes and give the blonde in front of you a look over, he was cute and seemed slightly flustered. 
“I’m new, transferring into 2B today, I guess I’ll see you around, Bakugou”
“Do I even get to know the name of my soulmate?”
“Meet me at lunch and maybe you can find out, soulmate”
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Sero Hanta 
Sero would be very excited from when he was young 
He would constantly check his timer as if it would magically run out quicker the more he watched it, because time definitely worked like that
He had dreamt about it since he was a kid, finally having the one, someone who would love him forever because he’s him and no one else. 
He never thought about if you were to be a villain, he’d find a way to work around it either way, to make you two work, you were meant for each other after all. 
Many of his friends had found their soulmates during high school, but he was set to meet his during his first couple years as a professional hero. 
Being a young hero, aged 20, and only being out of UA’s hero course for just over a year, he had to work hard to work his way up until he made a large enough name for himself to set up his own agency, or to open one with his group of friends.
Knowing that he was destined to meet  his soulmate during his hero work meant that he had a few worries along with it. 
Was he meant to save you? Were you a villain? and while he promised himself he would make it work even if his soulmate was a villain.There were strict hero rules surrounding the situation in which your soulmate was a villain. 
Hoping that it was the former and that he was to save you, it was a drive for him. 
You gave him a reason to work hard, without even knowing each other. 
He knew you were out there somewhere and he wanted to be able to protect you as best he could and he put his all into training. 
What he didn’t expect when he went the entirety of his high school years not meeting you, was for you to also be a hero. 
It was a big mission that they had been planning for days and collecting surveillance and data on the targets, and his agency would be teaming up with two others to take down one of the largest powerhouse groups of villains. 
Upon meeting the other agency that were helping them surround the stronghold, he was taken to meet up with the others that heavily involved in the case. 
Being in his hero suit it was difficult for him to remember how many minutes and seconds were left before he put it on, because all day he had been scared of you being a citizen caught in the crossfire or on the villains side. 
Upon being taken to a group near the back where there stood Fatgum, Tamaki, Kirishima and an unknown hero he stopped in his tracks after locking eyes with you, the unknown hero. 
Kirishima, about to greet his friend quickly realised why you were simply staring at each other because he had calmed the both of you separately at some point in the last 24 hours before this mission when worrying about who your soulmate was going to be. 
He laughed lightly at his two friends and pulled the others away gently to let you two talk. 
“So, you felt the timer run out too?”  He was still slightly stunned. 
“Would you want to get dinner and get to know each other after this missions finished?”
“I think I’d love that, cellophane.”
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taglist: @justamultifandomfan16 @shoutamajiki @meliorist-midoriya @goopyartiste @yee-harr @bizzoldmann-08 @katsushimaa @mystic-helena @spookykiri @hannahalanib1 @boosyboo9206 @derpeedoo @sazunari
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danni-chuu · 4 years
The 7 brothers as humans going to a Regular school
So Me and my friend ( @heeminchan ) got bored and made some hcs about the demon brothers in a regular school ( slice of life style ). This is my first time posting hcs so ye, lets go! :
Luci being Diavolo's Lap Dog™ he would of course be the Student Body Vice President. Strict and abides by the School rules no matter what . He's also known for being the student role model, perfect in almost every way that even teachers wanna be him. Though, he often is quite cold to others because he is a very work-centered person.
Popular with the girls of the school because of mature air and handsome features. Though, the troublemakers make him their archenemy ( probably mammon ) because he always seems to rat them out before they even do it, and if they do get away with it..not for long thats for sure.
Rumors are just rumors, but there has been rumors of lucifer and diavolo having a relationship beyond friends which he rejects completely. ( But you're never too sure eh? )
His relationship with his brothers can be summed up with one word, " Dad ". Luci being the eldest holds alot of responsibility for his siblings, so he often acts like a father to them. Besides his brothers, he has a close relationship with Diavolo, who he has alot of respect for.
Luci can often be found roaming the halls to make sure no one gets in trouble or to make sure that there aren't any students skipping class. During breaks, he can be found doing school work or having tea with diavolo.
If you're going to ask his brothers, mammon can he summed up with quite a few colorful words. For example : scum, con-artist, scammer, snitch, delinquent, etc. But despite what his brothers say, he is the Student Body Treasurer (buuutttttt only in title). Mammon is often out and about with his antics which leaves lucifer to do his work, which he does anyways. The only reason lucifer even lets him stay as the treasurer is because he wants to keep a close eye on him.
Many of the students have a mixed impression on mammon. Some people hate him because they got scammed by him or they lent him money and he never gave it back, while some are very entertained by him because he can be quite the class clown.
The rumors that circulate around mammon is that he is part of a gang or he owes a big sum of money to a gang. Another is that he sells pictures of his brothers to girls. ( And all rumors are very plausible , but mammon doesn't disclose any of them anyway).
Alot of his siblings actually tease him alot because....he isn't that bright but he goes along and counters them by saying he's street smart ( and they all shake their head in disappointment)
He can be found in the cafeteria either planning for his next money making adventure or hiding from lucifer.
Levi is a special case....in more ways than one. First of all, he's taking the online classes program of the school. Second, he's the Student body PRO ( Public Relations Officer, but the other pro hell yeah! He totally wants you to call him that ). Thanks to streaming and gaming, he has a big array of connections that he can hit up for a school event, the catch? He can only talk online, if its IRL he will literally malfunction, lag and glitch and crash.
Being the otaku that he is, he rarely goes outside so he isn't that well known in school. Buut that doesn't mean he isn't popular. In fact, he is very well known in the communities he participates in.
For rumors...there are actually a few rumors about levi, one of them is that he doesn't show his face to the school is because he's a deformed or something, while others say he isn't a real person. ( Of course those rumors are just for fun because alot of them have been debunked anyway)
He barely goes outside his room so he doesn't interact with his brothers that much...which means less problems for him! Score! Though...that doesn't mean he can avoid mammon. He pretty much thinks mammon should be kicked out of the family because he steals his stuff or doesn't return money he borrows. (Total jerk eh?)
No surprises here, you can find him in his room playing his games,streaming, watching anime. In the rarest of occasions, he can be spotted in anime or game conventions.
Students say that satan and lucifer are pretty similar, but if there's one thing that makes the two different its the fact that satan is more chill than lucifer. Being the Student body discipline officer, he is quite strict but he lets students with minor offences off the hook but only if lucifer isn't there.
He's popular with the female population of the school, because they see him as quite the gentleman. Except for one thing, his outburst are... terrifying so to say. Its either things flying around or shouting, so when students see him about to blow they just simply RUN. He's often compared to lucifer which he really gets infuriated with. There are even moments when students mistook his work as lucifers.
As for rumors there isn't much. More on seeing who is better, lucifer or him. It is a well known fact that he loves animals, so rumors started popping up that he has a room full of kittens in the school. ( Sure it will be a good idea but he cant take care of all the little things)
He has a pretty good relationship with all his brothers, except for lucifer. He always feels alot of inferiority towards lucifer, feeling like he's always overshadowed.
Satan can be found in the library reading a book or playing with the school cat.
Bonus: the school cat is actually a stray cat that satan found and took in, the cat often waits in the morning by the path satan takes to his class.
The shining star of the school is of course the Student body grade level rep Asmo! There's no one better for the position than him and only him! He's a pot full of overflowing confidence and beauty ( and narcissism ). I mean there's no one else like him in the world❤️❤️
He's very very popular with the girls of the school ( and boys~? ), His flirty and charming attitude just makes him an absolute Chic magnet! He values three things: his face, his reputation, and his image. Mess with one of those he will not hesitate to give you a bad time.
The rumors about asmo are pretty much who he sleeps with or who he's dating at the moment. One specific rumor was one involving his good friend solomon. The rumor goes that they are either fbs, dating, or just had a short fling. These rumors rarely bother asmo because more than half of them are true.
Asmo is again very flirty even to his brothers, he often teases them in a very playful manner. Though sometimes they get pretty uncomfortable, they're already used to it by now.
Students can see asmo often in the cafeteria with a group of girls or anywhere as long ad there's someone to flirt with. (Or in the restrooms having some fun but of course he wont tell you that ).
While he is part of the student body, he doesn't really give it alot of thought. Why? He focuses alot on sports. Being an athlete, he is expected to eat healthy and keep lean. Well he can keep lean but he actually has a big appetite, alot bigger than what an athlete should have.
He has a good reputation with the athletes and same with the girls(( because that body doesn't disappoint)). Because of this reputation, alot of students actually give him snacks buuutt even those snacks aren't enough so he still ends up asking for more.
Rumors about beel centers around on how he is able to keep a good figure even if he eats like a cow, some people want to ask him how he does it but he always just says "i work out".
Beel has a good relationship with his brothers especially his twin Belphegor, the two are often seen together in the cafeteria or in the library napping. after school beel is seen at the school gym doing his regular training.
Belphie works his hardest to fufill his role as secretary of Cleanliness his work load includes walking around and checking the classrooms if their clean. Easy right? Well not for belphie, takes him every bone in his body to do it but atleast the jobs done...right?
Belphie isn't that much popular because he would rather lay low( less problems), but if there's one thing that belphie is known for...and that's his amazingly sharp tongue that can stab anyone who crosses him. On the bright side, he can be very cuddly and puppy like.
Rumors well there aren't much mostly all about students being surprised to find out that belphie and beel are twins, since they're very different .
He doesn't have much of an issue with his brothers,except Lucifer. He's pretty disappointed in lucifer since he changed so much after....ehem. but his relationship with his twin is the complete opposite. They're so close that they spend alot of their time together.
Belphie can be found anywhere and everywhere where you can sleep, but his favourite spot is the library since its quiet and cold. If not there then the roof because the fresh air and silence makes it the perfect place to snooze. All his classmates knows that he even sleeps in class.
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
Excerpt from @kiraheartilly
The following scene involves two men seeing you and Lance on TV briefly. The conversation briefly discusses your career and then goes on to talk about pronouns and gender, both as a general thing and in relation to you.
I wanted to submit this to you and get your feedback, less on the writing itself and more on the things discussed about gender, since it’s a personal subject. 
The men and their Pokémon sipped their drinks while watching TV. The news anchor gave a report. “Pokémon League Champions and married couple Lance and Sarah have recently landed in the Laegun Region. When asked about the reason for their trip, they had this to say.”
The scene cut to Lance, a familiar looking man with spiky carmine hair, light skin, and a black cape flowing behind him. “Part of being a Pokémon Master means learning as much about Pokémon as you can. For us, this means travelling the world to learn more about the Pokémon and trainers in various regions. We’ve been planning this trip for a while, but my wife and I have been quite busy and sometimes it’s difficult to get my schedule to align with theirs.”
Beside him, his wife Sarah smiled. They had flat brown hair and brown eyes, with a large black cloak hooded dress flowing over their body and down to her ankles, with extra fabric trailing behind them like a cape of their own. The dress was covered in lace and frills and made them look almost witchlike. Its darkness was in contrast to their light skin. At their shoulder sat an energetic Pikachu.
“If we happen to get a chance to spend some quality time together, that’s a plus too,” they said.
Watching this, Dean smirked. “We’ve been getting a lot of visitors from other regions lately. Didn’t Lorelei visit and have her match with Hazuki? I wonder if Lance and Sarah are planning to challenge anyone.”
“Sarah’s mostly retired now, they don’t do league stuff as much. But I wouldn’t mind if they did have a battle, it might be exciting to watch. I used to be a huge fan of theirs back in the day. They’ve been Champion in more regions than most trainers even get to visit. They dominated the competition in Hoenn, Unova, and Kalos in particular. They’ve also had a pretty fierce run in Sinnoh; between Sarah, Cynthia, and Dawn, the title of Champion seemed to keep flipping all around the place. Gloria, the champion of Galar, said she’s hoping to one day challenge Sarah, but they’ve never had a chance.”
“Wow, I never realized they were so strong.”
“Yeah, they’ve been out of the spotlight for a while now, so most people know them as Lance’s wife. I’m still hoping they’ll make a comeback someday,” Greg quickly sipped down his juice.
Blowing on his latte to cool it, Dean gave a quizzical look. “Wait, do they really consider themself to be Lance’s wife and not spouse? They use they/them pronouns right? So they’re non-binary and not a woman.”
Greg nodded. “Yes, Sarah is Lance’s wife. You seem to be confused about a few things. Pronouns are usually indicative of gender but don’t always match up in a strict one-to-one sort of way. It’s an extremely personal thing and while there are patterns, there are no hard rules.
“Secondly, non-binary people sometimes choose to use gendered language or terms when to refer to themselves. That’s why there are countless non-binary lesbians out there. You remember that one zombie show that was popular a few years back? One of the main characters was played by a non-binary person who used they/them pronouns but still identified as a lesbian. They also preferred being called an actor instead of an actress. And as counterintuitive as it may seem, some people actually do identify as non-binary women.
“Lastly, it’s worth noting that Sarah uses multiple pronouns. They/them, she/her, and even some neopronouns. When it comes to things like gender and identity, the world can be very complex.”
“I see,” said Dean, finishing his latte.
I’m hoping that if I can continue writing your full cameo will be in Chapter 5 or so. This is chapter 3
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okay, initial fluster over with--
looking it over again, i’m not sure there’s much that really stands out to me beyond how the diction used feels a little... unnatural? not necessarily because people don’t often talk that irl and it’s not normalized, but more like... it sounds kinda elementary-level academic and not more casual. if the two were like. idk, scholars or something, i guess it could work, but it reads kind of very... school teacher teaching to classroom and less person to person having a discussion about gender.
like, uh, if it were me talking to someone about someone else’s pronouns/gendered language, it’d be more casual, along the lines of
“Someone can be both non-binary and consider themselves someone’s boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, spouse, etc. Being non-binary doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to adhere to non-binary terms, or that you aren’t allowed to use binary terms at all.” 
your example is still fine about the zombie show actor! everything else is good as is, I just recoil a little whenever I see people try to explain lgbt+ terms in a way that feels almost scholastic and not necessarily casual, for what would otherwise be a casual conversation/exchange. it’s something that I hope people are finding better ways to introduce as time goes on, when it comes to fiction and writing, so that we can all find better ways to emulate natural conversation about it!
oh, a minor thing that’s absolutely not related to the gender discussion and you’re more than welcome to disregard this next paragraph. it’s more along the lines of “people interpret championship differently than others”, some people treat being champion as different than defeating a champion (i am of the mind that these are two diff things) and that one can choose to be a region’s champion for a time, until the next championship match or they choose to step down or something but that’s all variable and ultimately no one’s going to fault anyone for conflating because it’s never been made clear in any medium, but i’d prefer something like “they’ve won multiple championship matches/defeated multiple champions, and always went after the next challenge, rather than keep the title in a single place. Even let their husband keep the Indigo Champion title rather than stay in their home region.” doesn’t have to be verbatim.  granted, if it runs contrast to the viewpoint that you headcanon about championship, then by all means go with yours as it is your story ultimately and i’m only providing feedback, not trying to mandate what the rules of canon are or something.
if this sounds all weird, i apologize. words are hard. gender is harder. 
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crzygirls · 5 years
nct 127 as fathers
I’ve always wanted to see this reaction but NCT [127] being father’s?
taeil ✦
taeil would be such a caring father. so much that he dotes on his children to the point they’ve become completely spoiled. he just can’t help himself; whenever he sees sweets or toys that remind him of his sons, he just has to purchase them. no matter how many times you tell him to stay away from the toy aisle, he just can’t. however, he still manages to keep both boys in line. he knows that he has to discipline them when they’ve done something wrong. while he really hates having to do so, he’s learning to be better about not letting things slide. he wants to be their friend, but he knows that it wouldn’t result in the best teenagers, so instead he opts for light punishments. as they get older, he’ll really try to stress that they can come to him whenever they need someone to turn to. essentially, he’ll want to have a healthy relationship without the boys being able to do whatever they please.
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johnny ✧
johnny is definitely more of a friend than a father. from the second his son is able to walk, he’s trying to teach him to skateboard. he’ll have the kid sat on the skateboard, just making train noises and pushing him around the living room. he really wants his son to feel at home in your house (because there is a such thing as not feeling “at home” in the home you’ve lived in your entire life) so he wouldn’t be very strict. there would be but a few rules, which are only enforced as you see fit. he’d want your house to be a safe space, where your son doesn’t have to worry about being judged or getting in trouble all the time. once your child becomes a teenager, johnny’s more than okay with letting you be the bad guy, as he doesn’t like the conflict that comes with punishing his son. he really just wants to be a cool, laid back dad and nothing more.
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taeyong ✦
taeyong would be such a caring and dedicated father. he’s definitely the type to involve himself in nearly every aspect of your daughter’s life. from getting up early to pack her lunch each morning to attending pta meetings, anyone can see just how much he really cares for her. he can’t stand to see her upset, so he always goes out of his way to make her laugh the moment he sees that cute little smile falter. he’s probably a bit overprotective as well. he’ll want to know where she is at all times, so much that he makes her add him on “find my friends”. you have to remind him not to be a helicopter parent, but he finds it so hard not to worry, especially when his job requires him to be away for so long.
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yuta ✧
yuta is notorious for being a flirt, but he would have such a genuine fondness for his twins—something he doesn’t offer many people. he’s the type of parent who can’t believe he created something so wonderful. he loves dressing them up to match one another, as well as the both of you. you’re always trying to tell him that matching outfits on twins is so hackneyed, but he just doesn’t care. he finds it cute and who’s really going to stop him? they’re both going to grow up trilingual at the very least; from the moment they can speak, they’ll be learning japanese, korean, and your native language alike. at least one of them will be a dancer naturally, assuming he passed on that talent. the other twin will have two left feet, which never fails to bring him to tears laughing. really, he’d just be a super cool dad :^)
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doyoung ✦
i really see doyoung being more of a playful parent. he wouldn’t be a complete asshole to his children (a great contrast to the persona he shows the members irl), but he would definitely love to mess with them every now and again. every other week, you’re having to clean up after a prank war of some sort. since both children are still fairly young, he’ll let them win more often than not. when he isn’t playing around with them, he’s probably being the stricter parent of the both of you. while he spends a great deal of time messing around with the kids, he wants them to know that school comes before play. before they’re allowed to play video games and such, he sits with them and makes sure they complete their homework. in return, he’ll sometimes surprise them with new toys and games for being such good sports about it.
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jaehyun ✧
jaehyun would be the father everyone wants by their side. he’s a doting father, but not to the extent that your four children become spoiled or bratty. yes, i said four; i feel as though he’d want a really big family. he wants the best for each of them, so he’ll really stress the importance of school work. he’ll offer incentives for good grades, such as ice cream, a trip to the amusement park, or maybe a bump up in their allowances. he loves them so much and he never wants them to forget it. he definitely believes they’ll be twenty and he’ll still be kissing their foreheads before they leave his place. whenever he can, he always volunteers for school activities. most of the moms are incredibly envious of you, since your husband is handsome, charming, and a dedicated father. this is especially random, but his humor would be... very special. he’d embrace dad humor wholeheartedly, even if it means his jokes are beyond embarrassing.
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winwin ✦
sicheng would be the perfect father. he’d be incredibly soft for his son, while also understanding that he has to chastise him whenever he’s been acting out. i believe your son will grow up bilingual at the very least, with chinese and your native language being first and foremost. as sicheng becomes more confident with his korean, he’ll begin to teach your child that language as well, but neither of you worry about it too terribly. your boys have such a good bond, as ww would go out of his way to build that strong bond. they’ll do things together often, whether it be baking cookies or working on homework. i feel like he definitely wants more than one child... three would really suit him, though he may want to wait a few years before having another kid.
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jungwoo ✧
i’m calling it now... dad!jungwoo is the biggest pushover ever. he has the biggest problem with saying no, as he really just wants his daughter to be happy. this typically results in you putting your foot down when it comes to enforcing rules and such, as he does such a poor job of it himself. your daughter has become beyond spoiled, as she knows she can ask her father for things and get them instantly, even after you’ve already told her no. he’d always have his phone out, snapping numerous pictures of her at once. some would be selfies of the both of them, while others would be candids of you getting the young girl ready for school. videos would be a big thing as well, since he wants to properly document as much of her life as he can. he’ll ask you to send him things when he’s away as well, especially if he doesn’t have the time to facetime you to talk to her himself.
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mark ✦
mark would be such a clumsy, unprepared father. he’s definitely the type to leave his daughter at the supermarket on accident and nearly get pulled over rushing back to get her. i see him remaining this way until he’s had more than enough experience. for example, she could be eight and he’ll still be forgetting that he has to get her ready each morning. she’ll be jumping into your bed most school mornings all ready (or her definition of ready, seeing that he wasn’t awake to pick out her clothing or pack her things), shouting into his ear to get him to wake up. “mommy/daddy’s at work and i missed the bus again,” she’ll state once he finally comes to, causing his eyes to go wide as saucers. this isn’t to say that he would be a bad father—because he always does his best—he would just take a much longer time than most to adjust. he’s still incredibly young, which is why i think his parental life would be so hectic and messy until he matures more with age.
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aizenat · 5 years
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot who would you say are your fave Furuba characters and ships (canon) and why? Least fave Furuba characters and canon ships and why?
Oh hi nonny! This is fun! I meant to reply earlier, but I know this is going to get in depth so I wanted to be on my computer when I replied. Also, this is going to have major Furuba spoilers (duh). 
I’ll start with the least favorites to get the negatives out of the way. My least fave characters are hard because I tend to love more than hate characters in this series. However...
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I didn’t really like Motoko or any of the Prince Yuki fanclub girls. I had a much better appreciation for her after that graduation scene; I’m glad she didn’t confess to Yuki and instead just thanked him for helping make her high school experience fun. When you think of that, how she had a group of friends who all shared this adoration for him, and how much fun she had, it is sweet. 
BUT the fucking fangirls really helped create a culture in their school where people couldn’t get close to Yuki even if they wanted to! And seeing how much that hurt Yuki, despite their intentions, it irks me. It was only once there were people like Manabe and Kimi who didn’t give a fuck about the fangirls (Kimi’s handling of the fangirls was just so wonderfully delicious for this very reason) that Yuki was finally able to have a fun high school experience and let loose a bit. It’s not all Motoko’s and the fangirls’ fault; Yuki had his own demons to fight through. But you can’t deny that if everyone knows that there is a legit fanclub with strict rules on how anyone, especially girls, are allowed to communicate with him, they’re not going to think they can joke around and goof off with him. 
Interestingly enough, I think her daughter makes up for her. Her daughter’s love of the Sohmas is so much funnier, non-obtrusive, and more respectful than Motoko’s was. 
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This might be unpopular or surprising, but I really dislike Shigure. Aside from him being a disgusting lech (that scene with him going the high school talking about seeing high school girls is sick. And as someone who is 27 going on 28 my own damn self, I would protect high school girls from perverts like him until my dying breath), I just find his motivations and mindset fucked up. Like, he was fucked when he decided Akito was the love of his life, but the things he does just to get a reaction from her is annoying as BALLS. Idk if we ever got a definite number for how old Akito is, but she’s still much younger than Shigure. And doing shit like SLEEPING WITH HER MOTHER out of spite when you know Akito is just one wind blow away from losing her fucking shit is just so gross. He’s too grown to be doing dumb shit like that, and I have zero respect for him. 
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Also, on a side note, I don’t really like Kureno either. Not like he did anything in particular (except get with Arisa, which I don’t like at all), but I find him boring as dirt. The only interesting thing about him is that he’s the first one who’s curse broke. Cool. So why are you here? He’s not much of a character; he’s just there to show that the curse IS breaking, and then to cause tension between Akito and Shigure. All while being dull and annoying. Boy, bye. 
Least favorite “ships” is funny because I actually dislike more couples than I like. But among my least favorite are: 
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I think I lowkey read Arisa as a lesbian as a kid, and it was really annoying that Takaya-sensei decided to force her into a relationship. Especially because I just wasn’t sold on her and Kureno. Kureno is nothing like Tohru for her to be doing that “Oh, he’s like Tohru” thing. He did one thing she would do, boo hoo. I can’t imagine Tohru also doing what he did with Akito (ie, not leaving/not establishing boundaries), so there’s that. Also, the, like, 9 year or whatever age difference is a hard no. Arisa had so much potential and personality and whatnot than to become that fuckboy’s housewife. ALSO, that line when she says she wants to hit like 6 feet or something, and Kyo asks if she wants to be a model or something, I couldn’t help but think “oooh, she should be a model!” Imagine Arisa as a model! That’s what she should have been; not Kureno’s girlfriend. UGH! 
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No matter how many times I read it, I can’t get over Katsuya and Kyoko’s age difference. I mean, at least Arisa is in high school and been through some shit to mature her where you can KINDA be okay with her and Kureno (except me, who hates it 100%). But Kyoko was IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. Like, how you a grown man falling for a MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT. The fuck? The hell? Jesus did not die on the cross for this. Even taking into consideration culture and the time period, it’s 10000000000% NOT okay. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Even when I was the same age as Kyoko myself reading this (like 15ish), I had a HUGE issue when I learned about that age gap. It’s gross. It’s predatory. And when he’s even called out on it by Kyoko, he laughs it off. 
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His personality was cute, but I don’t know why they couldn’t wait. Like, even if they did something where they met when she was in middle school, and then maybe ten years later, while Kyoko was reforming her delinquent ways, she finds Katsuya again and reconnects with him, fine. But really? 
I respect it only because they made Tohru and she’s a gem, and he died long before the story began, so it is what it is. But ew, hell no. 
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The last couple I don’t really like, and this is really unpopular, is Haru and Rin. I know most people who read this love them, but I always found their relationship to be too codependent and unhealthy. Rin isn’t my favorite character, but considering her history, I can’t be too mad at her. Not to mention she reacts the way you would expect a high school girl going through what she did to behave. I was friends with angry girls like her in high school; I get it. I also saw those same girls get into unhealthy codependent relationships with guys and are still struggling today. I like Haru a lot, and I’m sure he and Rin could be sweet. I love how protective he is of her. But Haru just wasn’t right for Rin when they were going through the breakup and then getting back together thing. The things they said to each other were just off putting to me. Once things calmed down, they were fine, but I found it hard to root for them because of what a weird introduction we got to them as a couple. 
Now on to the positives. My favorite characters. This is going to be conventional, buuuuuut...
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Tohru, obviously. Only losers who fell off Fruits Basket don’t love Tohru. She’s very awe inspiring honestly with her attitude. You read her reactions and think how you want to be that sort of person. You want the be the person someone looks at and thinks of as home. You want to be the sort of person who is encouraging and positive and happy. You want to be someone full of light. 
I do have critiques of her being a “perfect mother” character, and how she finds herself mothering a bunch of guys (like, literally taking care of three males cooking and cleaning for them. Gross). There is something to be said about whether Tohru would work as a character if she had real goals other than “get a job and support myself.” If she had goals like wanting to go away to college and get a career. Like, imagine Tohru as a therapist. She’d be able to help so many people. But no, her humble Japanese heart wouldn’t allow her to go for some sort of passion that grandiose. Like, we live in a modern day where it’s GOOD for girls to have passions, so it’s kinda off putting that her only passion is homemaking and nurturing those around her. 
BUT, she’s still so sweet and kind and makes you want to be a better person! lol. 
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What’s funny about Flying Pot-kun is that when he was introduced, I remember thinking “he reminds me of someone.” And I was racking my brain of people I knew irl, wondering who he reminded me of. Then Yuki starts going “he reminds me of someone,” and I was like “What? Yuki too?” And when Yuki thought of his brother, I started DYING laughing! It’s ironic that Yuki’s best friend ends up being a younger version of his brother who irritates him. 
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Manabe is really fun, but I really love his relationship with Yuki. I like when they fight, when they talk. But what really impressed me is the scene with Komaki, where she tells him off about what he said to Tohru at her mother’s wake. And how instead of getting defensive (”what? I was only looking out for you!”), he realized that he fucked up. I wish he would have apologized to Tohru earlier, even if she didn’t remember him until a while later, but he’s a guy so I don’t expect much from them (whoops, my misandry was showing). 
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Still, Manabe reminds me of my guy friends from hs, and how fun and stupid and silly they were. I could see him hanging out with them, getting in trouble with them, so I like him lol. 
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My #1 favorite character has to be Yuki. What’s hilarious is that when I first read Fruits Basket through (so, as a teen, reading all the volumes as they came out during the Tokyopop run), I HATED Yuki. I thought he was a dick to Kyo unnecessarily. There’s that one moment right after the “True Form Reveal” I believe where Kyo is visibly trying to not snap at Yuki the way he normally does. But then Yuki provokes him and causes Kyo to yell at him. As the oppressed older sister of a favored younger brother, I know first hand how it feels to be provoked to anger by someone who knows how to push your buttons. And so I likened Yuki to my brother and hated him for that. It felt like to me that every time Kyo wanted to move on, Yuki was there to put him down. 
Then I reread Fruits Basket when I was 19 and realized “Holy shit, Yuki is a male version of me.” Not 100% obviously, but his self loathing and the way he isolated himself even after no longer being under the direct control of his family was something I could relate to. I realized that I disliked Yuki because I saw in him all the flaws I disliked in myself: hating him was easy because I was hating these parts of myself. 
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When I understood that, I related to his story more, and he’s always my favorite character now. I especially love once he becomes student body president. All of the scenes with him and the rest of his student council members are gold. Kimi and her stupid flirting, Manabe going off track, Chibi-suke’s play at maturity while everyone else goofs off, and Machi’s quiet and awkward energy leads to some amazing moments. Seeing Yuki interact with them in a way he never lets himself behave with his family is great; and we get to see a side of him you know his classmates rarely see too. You watch his confidence grow and it just makes my heart glow. I’m smiling while I’m typing this lol. 
Favorite couples? Tbqh, there’s only two I really love and respect, and they’re the obvious two. All others can fall apart tomorrow and I’d feel NOTHING. But these two were endgame and perfect. 
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Tohru and Kyo. God, the first time I read this series, when I realized that it was setting those two up, I wanted to DIE from happiness. Kyo was my BOY first time around, and he could do no wrong. So to know he “won” over Yuki and got the girl made me so happy. Rereading it, I always find Tohru and Kyo so adorably compatible. Tohru is very good at reading his love language, and seeing his deeper meaning. I remember someone mentioned that Yuki, in the beginning, still kept a lid on his feelings, making it hard for Tohru to 100% connect to him. And that Kyo was always so explosive with his feelings; even if it’s awkward and not 100% how he feels, Kyo still expresses how he feels as he’s feeling them. 
I think that’s why when she confesses to him, she takes his rejection as REAL rejection. Because Kyo is always the honest one, the one she rarely has to question how he feels. Kyo is always honest. I thought that was a good assessment, and a good reason why they work. 
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Not only is Tohru’s love for Kyo healing for him, but her love for Kyo is healing for Tohru. Being able to move forward and create a future with him allows her to move on from her past. Through loving Kyo, and working on breaking the curse so she can free him and be with him, can she move past her mother’s death. Imagine if she just graduated, got a job, and lived on her own after high school. She’d be alone. And left with remembering her mother all the time. It would have broken her. Loving Kyo meant she had to be willing to let her mother go a bit. Move on and live despite her mother not being around. And after Kyo stopped being a dumbass, that’s what his love was for her. It freed her. Not as a distraction, but as a way for her to heal from it. 
They were really made for each other. 
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Despite my love for Tohru and Kyo, Yuki and Machi are just my absolutely FAVORITE. Their dynamic together is so interesting. Yuki is so used to people putting him on a pedestal that he’s intrigued by someone who’s like “he’s not a prince; he’s just an average guy.” And when he starts giving her attention, Machi, who is used to being ignored and overlooked, is flabbergasted. Not only that, but he UNDERSTANDS her without her having to say anything. And what’s funny is that that is how Yuki is. He doesn’t express his feelings the way Kyo does; he holds a lot in. His feelings might manifest in small ways, but it’s hard for others to read it.
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Because it’s how he is, Yuki is able to read deeper into Machi’s actions. He hears a story from Manabe about her walking in the snow, just making footprints, and then sees that she destroys clean and organized rooms and spaces. He puts two and two together: she hates when things are “perfect” and orderly. So she has to “ruin” them. And just like that, he gets it. Like, imagine what they’re house has to be like with Yuki being bad at cleaning and Machi just HATING a messy home! And considering how their son almost brags about his messy habits in Fruits Basket: Another, jfc, it’s gotta be bad! 
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I think that’s why Yuki and Machi are so cute to me: they also compliment each other. They can observe each other and see deeper than what others see. Machi didn’t just see his perfect persona at school: she saw beneath that. She remarks that he seems lonely, and he is. He sees her actions and realizes the truth. They think of each other and then do things based on that. Yuki sees her clutching a Mogeta when she meets his brother and realizes she must like him. Then sees another Mogeta while out and buys it for her just like that. Machi asks Yuki what he wants and when he says fertilizer like a dumbass not realizing her intent, she goes out to get it for him (carrying fertilizer by herself couldn’t have been easy). 
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They see each other. And that’s what’s so beautiful. In a world where they both, for one reason or another, are so easily forgotten and overlooked, they see each other. They found each other. They get each other. FUCKING CHRIST IT’S TOO BEAUTIFUL TO THINK ABOUT. 
Also, some honorable mentions of couples I actually liked: Komaki and Manabe (I hope she beats his ass every time he calls her his meat angel lol), Ayame and Mine (I wish we saw more from them; then maybe I’d like them enough to wax poetry over them), and Hatori and the Great Mayu-chan-sensei (god, those two!!!!! Wonderful!!!!!). 
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Thanks, nonny, this was fun! 
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emovirgil-sanders · 6 years
Teacher AU
Logan Sanders
Mr. Sanders
English teacher
Very orderly in the way that he teaches
But, very open on how students take notes- lets them choose how they learn best
Prefers irl graphs, maps, and whiteboard notes over a PowerPoint presentation
He researches every topic to the furthest extent possible and makes sure his facts are correct so his mistakes are... infinitesimal. 
Does make a lot of group work, but understands that some students don’t work well in groups and lets them work on their own
Will sit and talk with students before/after class to help them with work or concepts they may be struggling in
Is very open to criticism- wants to make sure he is a good teacher for everyone
Definitely makes one of those ‘how did I teach?’ quizzes at the end of the school year
Does not give a lot of tests and thinks that the SAT/ACT are complete bullshit and should be removed (and will rant to hell and back over how horrid they are)
Gives a lot of very obvious hints on what the answers to questions are
Does creative writing as an elective course
Patton Foster
Mr./Mx./Mrs. Foster (Genderfluid) (Mx. is pronounced as ‘mix’ if you don’t know, though it does not stand for ‘mixed’)
Always writes his honorific and pronouns on the board so students will know what to call him by
Also has a necklace with three tags of He/She/They on them
Also will let students call him Patton if it makes them more comfortable.
Cause Patton wants to be friends with everyone and friends should call each other by their first names
Even if it is between student and teacher
History teacher
Mostly teaches American history, but also teaches British history and Greek and Roman history(the last two as elective classes)
Is very laid back
Extra credit for you and extra credit for you and extra credit for- you get the point?
Does WHATEVER he can in order to make a student comfortable in the school
Patton is the one that many students come out to first and he always respects their pronouns and does his very best to make sure he sticks to them (and if the student is comfortable with it, he will politely inform the other teachers so that the student doesn’t have to come out to all of the teachers)
Virgil Hathaway
Mr. Hathaway
Gym teacher
He loves to run games of dodgeball, kickball, and matball
Though he ALWAYS makes sure to be super clear on the rules because he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt
It’s hard to get him to play the games, but if you can manage to get him to cooperate, you better hope he’s on your team or else your done for.
(He will scream if a ball comes his way tho)
Pacer? Fuck that. Let’s play floor hockey
Is not a huge fan of doing sports such as volleyball, tennis, or basketball
But he does have free days on the Friday of each week where students can walk/run laps in the gym or play those sports or just chill and hang out before the weekend
Virgil knows how important mental health days are and will let students sit out if they need a period to just calm down. (He even has an empty classroom for them if the gym is too loud)
Roman Prince
Mr. Prince
Many students also call him Mr. Princey because that’s what Virgil calls him
Drama and Theater teacher
Loves planning and acting for the school plays
Yes, he is the director of the plays
But he also loves performing in them
He helps many students get over their fear of performing on stage/in front of an audience
One year, several years back, during the school play, he completely blanked on his lines and froze in the middle of the stage
He was so embarrassed afterward
But he doesn’t hesitate to show the recording of it to his class each year to show them that it’s completely natural to freeze and that it happens to everyone
Dolos Fox
Mr. Fox
*sigh* yes, just like the movie
Biology teacher
Also teaches Psychology as an elective course
Has a class pet snake called Nagini (after the snake from Harry Potter)
Has burn scarring along the right side of his face from an accident
People always ask what happened, but he always gives a different story to each class
His right eye was destroyed so much he now has a glass eye in its place (it has a yellow iris~)
Rumors have spread that he can actually see out of that eye because he doesn’t seem to have a blind spot
Really, he just has a couple of mirrors strategically placed around the class so he can always see what’s happening
He does not allow talking in his class
He does not care how important you think your conversation with your bff is, he will stop class and stare until you shut up
Tends to freak out a lot of people
(He loves taking out his glass eye in class) (Patton has to console a kid after they nearly threw up at the sight)
He’s one of those teachers that has the cubby you put your phone in before class
Fucking strict ass teacher that nobody likes
Remy Dormir
Mx. Dormir (non-binary)
French teacher
Yes, for the last time, they are pretty sure they know their last name is ‘Sleep’ in French (and a multitude of other languages)
That’s where their nickname comes from
Students always call them ‘Mx. Sleep’ in the hallways
Blame that one also on Virgil
Where’s Mx. Dormir? Nobody knows.
Really, they don’t show up to school half of the time
The kids get subs most days
And when they do show up?
A tray of coffee in one hand and they sit at their desk with their phone. Sometimes passing out a worksheet or something
It’s a wonder they still have a job
Though, if you use the wrong honorific/pronouns for them, then you’re pretty much dead
Aka, you’re getting an auto detention
(And you’re on even thinner ice if you do it around Patton)
“You’re all under the age of eighteen and I’m your teacher. What’s in my pants isn’t something you should be concerned about. Try again when you’re out of high school.” - Their response if any student asks the ridiculous ‘then what’s in your pants?’ question (I think this is my strongest line I’ve ever come up with)
Nate Asher Price (Slow-mo dude/Procrastination) (I included his middle name cause N.A.P.)
Mr. Price
Art Teacher (2D & 3D)
He loves working sculpturally but is also a fantastic 2D artist
Abstract art is his favorite
But he tends to procrastinate on his projects
Even though his classes are usually split up into 2D students and 3D students, he encourages his students to try some of both if they want to. (If they want to stick to a specific type, then he lets them do exactly that)
His projects are very loosely based so that the students don’t get stuck in a loop of following the guidelines and creating 24 exact replicas of a piece.
If a student needs help, he will sit with them and help them brainstorm ideas for a project. He loves when they hit a creative streak and just blurt our ideas one after the other, building upon each other to a grand idea of a final project.
Nate doesn’t have any classes for the first two periods of the day- allowing him ample time to wake up and make it to school- but somehow, he is always at least a few minutes late.
Extra Notes:
Logan runs a debate club after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Patton runs a GSA(Gender and Sexuality Acceptance) club with Virgil after school on Wednesdays
Virgil also runs a mental health club on Fridays
Roman runs a drama club for kids whose schedules are too busy to take the class (or who'd just like some extra practice)
Patton and Logan are known as the English teacher and the English teacher because Patton is British and the two are always seen together (many students think they’re dating too!)
“Mr. Prince doesn’t teach art… OH! You mean Mr. Price!” (Another reason why they call Roman Mr. Princey)
Toby, Ember, and Austin Hallows (October, September, and August)
Infamous triplets of the school
They are troublemakers
Not Identical triplets though (Ember is a (closeted) trans boy and Toby is unanimously the hottest of the three)
Seriously, about the three of them being troublemakers
Having one in your class is hard enough
Two of them is just torture
All three of them? Probably going to want to quit by the end of the first day
Like, once, during their sophomore year, they decided they wanted to take part in the senior prank and let Nagini (Mr. Fox’s snake) loose in the halls. Luckily, she’s non-venomous, but it still was chaos as they tried to find where the snake had slithered off to (it went to hide in Mr. Hathaway’s room, somehow knowing it would make the gym teacher flip out)
And that’s just a mild prank for them
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guktwt · 5 years
love yourself tour experience! ♡  japan and singapore
hi! so i’ve been wanting to make a post like this for a while on twitter but i hate twitter rn so here i am. this january i was blessed with the opportunity to attend love yourself in nagoya (japan) and singapore and honestly? it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. i wanted to share my experience because really, concerts in japan and everywhere are else are so different, right from ticketing and the show itself. i thought you guys would find it interesting? and also i need to let this out ahhh keeping to myself is not going to do me any good :( anyways, i hope you find this post somewhat entertaining 💞
under the cut because this got really long sorry 
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♡ love yourself in nagoya ♡
first of all, tickets. getting concert tickets (and any ticket, really) in japan is tricky. most kpop groups in japan have a fanclub and if you’re a member, you get the benefit of applying for tickets first (like a presale!). did i say apply? yes i did. in japan, ticketing for concerts adopts a lottery system for presale and general sales usually a month later. 
for presale through fc, you’d have to apply for a lottery on a website and wait to find out if you win or not. you need a fc membership (paid), which also needs you to have a japanese phone number and address in order to apply. and you HAVE to pay your presale tickets in japan because you need to pay them in a convenient store. complicated, i know. FC presale tickets usually give the best seats. there’s no gurantee, but that’s usually the case. fortunately for me, i have a cousin residing in japan to help me with the address (you really need it, they’re going to ship you your membership card) and i found someone on twitter to help me make the payment. if you a apply for lottery, there’s no guarantee you’ll win. so you can apply as many times as you want with a maximum of 2 tickets for each shows. i think i used up all of my luck with this one [sobs]. FC presales usually have more than one round lotteries. 
general sales is much simpler. i dont have enough experience to know the details but it’s usually up on japanese ticketing websites and can use credit cards? dont know if foreign ccs are accepted though. 
oh and all tickets for all sections cost the same!!! so doesn’t matter if you get the best view or worst it’s all equal 
/if you have more questions about this don’t hesitate to send me an ask i don’t know much but i’ve read a lot about it/
you can’t know your seat until a week (or a month? idk) before the concert, when it’s time for you to print your tickets at the same convenient store (yes you have to print them and you can only do it once so don’t lose the damn thing!!). my seat was really good!!! i didn’t get floor sadly but my section was right in front of the extended stage so i got a great view. 
i arrived in nagoya a day before the concert (i spent a week in tokyo beforehand) and queued for merch!!! it was winter so it wasn’t hot at all and the japanese really know how to line up. everything is so organized like??? i was so amazed. i spent a good 4 hours queueing before getting my items and even then a lot of the things i wanted were sold out quickly :( 
and then comes the concert day!!!! basically since it was all seating tickets i didn’t have to worry about queueing for entry but i did queue for merch again,,,, from 4 am. let me tell you how devoted people are there when it comes to queueing. some actually stayed from the afternoon? and it was winter. crazy. 
i entered the dome an hour before the show started and the staff were so kind and helpful whenever i asked for help (i couldn’t find my seat). and everyone around is so kind and warm :( i didn’t really interact with a lot of people due to the language barrier but they’re so . polite. 
and moving on to the show!!!!!! japan has strict rules about recording so i couldn’t do any of that [:(] but honestly it just made me enjoy everything better. of course they were amazing on stage and their japanese were so cute :( i still can’t get over nagoya, nekkoya my pure babies!!! 
and uh . taehyung. so damn fine. can’t believe i was part of the first people to see him reveal his blue hair. and i can’t stress this enough but his gaze when he looks at the audience... i felt the love and fondness in his eyes i wanted to CRY. 
and jimin!!! was so clingy towards joon the whole night ugh we love a baby koala. and jungkook :( he introduced himself as kookoo im so fucking sad. the second he said kookoo desu i was ready to give up my firstborn for him. 
hoseok was a fucking machine. he’s so charismatic on stage i can’t handle him. and seokjin was full on crackhead mode :( we stan a whole legend i love love him so much. my mans yoongi was so?? small yet not??? i wanna put him in my pocket. my mans joon was looking like a whole snacc. all legs and dimples.  
honestly what struck me the most was how everyone gave seokjin a standing ovation and applause after epiphany???? that was my first time seeing something like that and i just started tearing up because it was so beautiful. people were so respectful they didn’t scream or shout when bangtan were doing their ending ments. the fanchants were absolutely on point!!! whenever bangtan bowed i actually spotted some people in my section bowing in return and i was !!!! oh my god 
but on another note you’d think that japanese fans are quiet during shows but theyre really not. they’re loud as hell too they just know when to shut up and listen and i think that’s beautiful. 
the whole thing passed by really quickly. i felt hollow and empty by the time it ended but i have to say that it was the most relaxing and chill concert experience i’ve ever had. it just feels so different than my previous concerts. the only downside about it is the no recording part (i could’ve been sneaky but staff was right in front of my section) i guess. but without worrying about my phone i got to watch them perform. like actually watch them. it felt euphoric. 
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♡ love yourself in singapore ♡
so for singapore, i got cat 1 purple 2 tickets at first. but because me and my friend wanted yellow initially, we managed to find someone who wanted to trade with us. 
i arrived at the venue at 6 am because i had to distribute banners and fans for my fan support. here’s a pic of them!!!! 
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basically for standing ticket holders we were required to queue by 12:30 pm and fortunately my qn got the indoor holding area so i didn’t stay under the heat for long. we started moving to the venue at around 3 or 4 pm even thought they said it would be 2:30 pm. because my qn was large by the time i got inside all the good spots were already taken :( i ended up at the very back sigh and we had to wait for another 2-3 hours before the show starts. it was hot and everyone was thirsty. some people in the pit wanted to sit down but some also stood up so it was rlly cramped :/ 
everyone was hyped tho even when mvs were played. and then when the lights dimmed and the show finally started was where things got really,,, rowdy. when the first beat of idol played everyone pushed forward??? the amount of times i got squished and elbowed and pushed aside... man it was hectic. if you’re claustrophobic please do NOT go for standing in concerts. 
but that aside of course it was amazing loud and crazy. there were accidents here and there. at one point several people actually fell down but everyone helped everyone up. some people got mad and started yelling and others but that’s understandable. it was hot and cramped of course you’d get cranky. 
funny story i got my period two hours before the show and basically bled through my vagina for 3 hours as i watched 7 fine men go off on stage. 
but anyways. 
me and my friend managed to finesse our way from the back row to the third row because we’re amazing. no we did not push if you were there the pit was always moving so we just. squeezed through i guess. i was so fucking tired but when so what came on i forgot that my pants were like fucking soaked and just jammed the fuck out with everyone. they got really close to my section during this and i cant believe i got to see taejin dance together like clubbing buddies. jin is so goofy!!!!!! 
oh but fuck you guys jimin up close is ethereal. he looks so fucking unreal i couldn’t keep my eyes off of him throughout the whole thing. none of the pictures can ever do his beauty justice. he’s so fucking beautiful and i was starstruck. and he sang promise!!! i fucking couldn’t believe he did it. one word to describe him is definitely godly. 
namjoon was so hyped and loud too :( gosh he’s so adorable. hoseok looked crazy beautiful up close too. his aura.... fucking amazing. YOONGI ALSO MADE THE CUTEST EXPRESSION AFTER JIMIN SANG PROMISE I SQEUALED. gosh i was actually really close despite not getting barricade i feel like crying thinking about it now. 
jungkook went so close to my section during so what i got a good fancam of him that i can’t stop watching :( jimin slipped during dna my poor baby but he just laughed it off :(((( 
they all looked prettier irl tbh. they have such nice skin??? and all that shit about jimin being short... well guess what fuckers he’s all LEGS. man. i think i left that stadium as a jimin stan. 
taehyung’s so hot i wanna die n i want the whole of rapline to spit on me thx.
fun times aside the pit is hell. luckily the staff were responsible and gave us drinks after each set of performances. and everyone kind of just understood each other. whenever someone looked like they were about to faint people asked if they were okay. we helped each other and gave each other drinks. at one point during the show i crouched down because i was exhausted and someone asked if i was okay or if i wanted some candy. 
hellish experiences aside, there’s a mutual understanding between everyone in the pit. like, we’re in this together. i’m sweaty and thirsty and tired but i’m here for one thing and so is everyone else. it’s a good feeling. i mean, yeah, i was drenched in sweat and water but. it’s a good feeling. here are some pics!!!! (i have more videos bu t i cba to tak e screenshots ajsjs sorry)
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also met some of my twitter mutuals <3 love u guys 
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perhaps this is it for my experience post? yeah you can see how different nagoya and singapore were. it was exciting to be able to experience them both. now back to my post concert depression and withdrawal :(
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it might be classic but it’s really cool, especially the tail, i enjoy a lot this kind of ~tiefling customization~ (same for your design for molly, the peacock tail is just such a nice touch *-*) also, love the overall vibe of the story, all the D&D sessions of people that i know irl seem way too world-of-warcraft’ish for me (which is great but i’ve been introduced to the whole thing by taz so stuff that is too seriousfantasy-fantasy just doesn’t really interest me in the same way)
(anyway, i trust pirates with robots more than nobles tbh, it seems like more fun for them, just imagine a wild advanced roomba living it’s best life at the sea) 
Thank you !! :D  Yeah the tail/horns are really fun to draw, it’s sooooo self-indulgent, but really his whole character/design is :p You gotta have characters like that sometimes ! Also yeah, this campaign is super fun so far (I mean, Curse of Strahd and Tomb of Horrors were awesome too, but I really like that the beginning of the adventure just allows you to... Settle, make friends, build your group ? It’s not OH SHIT THE WORLD IS DYING right off the bat, and I find this slowbuild DELIGHTFUL). We’re following the Dragon Heist book, but my DM is really nice in that he lets us do dumb shit if he finds it cool, and he’s not too strict on rules, so although it’s not as effed up as TAZ (which was also my introduction to D&D), it’s still really enjoyable :D I’m sure you’ll find a good group some day ! There are D&D discord servers around that have sections for people looking for campaigns, maybe you could look there ?
Also, man, now you wanna make me play a pirate Warforged :O
(also my DM said that he decided to go off the book for the end of the campaign and I’m really excited !!! He always does little plot twists and stuff with our characters’ backstories so this is gonna be good !!)
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