#and i can kinda sorta walk and stuff
meitantei-lavi · 1 year
this week has been... como se dice.... bad
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be-good-to-bugs · 3 months
i wish i wasn't so shy
#the bin#theres a party happening where i work tomorrow after close. i really like my coworkers but i cant make myself go#im so tired of being home alone all the time but :/ the coworker i dont like isnt even gonna be there so i wouldnt have to deal but :/#i just cant. i know at least most of my coworkers like me but. hhhh. the thought of going makes me super anxious#i dont know why it makes me so nervous. but the fact ill definitely have to see all these people again doesnt help bc if i seem weird its#a permanent fumble. until i move at least.#i can be normal in work settings because i dont HAVE to talk. i can focus on working and i think that actually makes people see me as very#professional. it certainly did at my last job. and where i work now im always tryna make sure if theres stuff to be done that im doing it#and asking. whenever theres nothing to do i feel so awkward and bored. a few of my coworkers are nice to talk to but we only talk bc they#have nobody to talk to. when its more than 1 other person then those 2 people usually talk to each other and i do nothing#idk. this sorta thing isnt the kind athing everyone likes doing but it feels like the kinda thing i would actually enjoy if i wasnt so shy#its weird to me that i was able to push past some of my social anxiety in order to get a job. but that only happened bc i was fully forced#to. and i procrastinated it quite a bit. i forced myself to deal with stuff previously so i could go to the store and that was the same case#i fully tan out of food and drink for 3 days before i finally forced myself to walk to the store out of pure necessity bc i HAD to#since the ppl i lived with refused to go to the store even tho i was out of food#and now i do those things fine. i get kinda anxious but its really fine#but i cant force myself to do other things. it sucks so much#well. it doesnt matter.
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saetoru · 8 months
I’m now on my hands and knees BEGGING for bully Gojo who is (secretly) DISGUSTINGLY IN LOVE over the reader PLEASE ANY CRUMBS I WILL TAKE
(you don’t actually have to write this it was just a nice thought)
idkkkkk if it’s rly bully gojo—but he’s definitely a real cunt for sure.
i just think about an asshole! gojo a lot like he’s ur lab partners or something and he does that stereotypical jerk move where he’s like “seriously ?? her ??” when he’s first paired with you. and he’s just naturally an douche, yk ?? wears sunglasses indoors and makes jokes at the professors expense under his breath that gets him snickers and snorts from his frat guys in his class. has to be asked more than once to “please keep it down in the middle of class” by wtv prof he’s in class with.
and he ofc makes u do all the work bc he can’t be bothered—and on the rare occasion that he is bothered, he just does a poor job that’s the bare minimum and sloppy enough that ur like wtv i’ll just do it myself. and then ofc sometimes u don’t have a choice but to meet up to finish something after class every now and then—he wouldn’t care to, but he actually needs to know the stuff for the final report he has to write individually, so he begrudgingly meets up with you, and sometimes you notice his friends give you an amused look when he walks up with them. they snicker before they leave as he sits with you. sometimes they make a snide comment here and there like “have fun with ur super hot date” that makes him roll his eyes—he doesn’t do much to hide the look of distaste on his face.
but then—and he doesn’t even know when it happens—you start to slowly grow on him. because ur actually pretty snarky urself, sometimes making a dry comment here and there about the professor and his stupid bald headed self. sometimes a girl in the distance laughs too hard a group of guys that u roll ur eyes and mumble how “if i had a voice like that i’d never laugh in public” and it makes him snort a bit without meaning to. sometimes you stare daggers at the person who has their music so loud thru their headphones they can’t help but notice u and turn it down in embarrassment. ur actually not as much of a pushover as he thought—you just genuinely think he’s too incapable to help u out that you’ve just shrugged him off and started doing his part. it’s an easy weekly lab class anyway, you don’t need him—and then he realizes that u rly just don’t care for him. his little snickers at u with his friends and their snide comments roll off ur back bc well…he’s him—an asshole little frat boy and u didn’t expect anything better from him. so it makes him a little intrigued—maybe a little wounded in his pride, deep down, because no one has ever been indifferent to him before. they’re either madly in love, or they hate his guts, or they follow his lead. either works—he still gets the attention he craves.
but u just don’t rly care. and ur actually pretty cool, and kinda sorta funny in a way no one else is. he likes it…and fuck, now he’s starting to like you. he can tell bc when his friends ask how his little date with you went, he starts getting a bit huffy ab it bc they don’t need to talk about you. they don’t even know you…but also….its not a date. and that’s the worst part. sometimes it feels like a date. almost—sometimes you both decide to take a break in between and go get a coffee or a light snack. sometimes he’s even paid (to which you look mildly shocked before politely thanking him) and you both walk back to the library while u make light banter and it’s…well, fun. and nice. and your laugh is pretty. and your smile is kinda cute and he (though he hates to admit it) rly likes it when u laugh because of him.
and then things start to get messy—really, he didn’t mean for it to start this way. he really was meaning to ask you in a genuine manner to see u again once the semester was finished. because he’s actually started pulling his weight—he wants u to see him for someone who’s smart. satoru is actually rly rly smart and no one knows it because he doesn’t rly show it but he is. he wants u to see that side of him—somehow there’s some sick validation he rly needs from you knowing he’s not a dense frat guy who drinks and fucks until 3 am every night. so he starts doing his parts and actually communicates with u about sections. so starts ur texting routine—sometimes a little longer than u rly need to for just doing a lab together. sometimes it’s “did u hear ab that girl in our class getting dumped in front of the kfc ??” and sometimes it’s “god our prof rly needs to get some pussy” and other times it’s “look what the guy who sits behind us just posted on his story” and it leads to a few long convos that admittedly…are rly fun. ur so fun. he likes it. he rly does like u and he thinks maybe….maybe he’s grown on u too and you know what ?? satoru’s always a jerk but ur nice and who’s to say he can’t be nice too ?? just for one person. for u, he can be a nice guy—u carried lab all on ur own long enough that u deserve it anyway.
until he gets swayed in that way only a coward can. in that way you do when ur used to being “the man” around ur friends and ur too pressured to keep up that energy for appearances sake bc u don’t wanna be the laughing stock who softened up for “some nerdy chick who’s a nobody.” so he laughs when they laugh at the fact that ur probably “still a virgin who’s never touched a guy before” and then they’re patting gojo on the back and shoving at his shoulder as they laugh harder and suggest that “y’know what would be so funny man ?? if u took her virginity. you could probably do it.”
the thought is sickening because…satoru wouldn’t want to fuck you like that. god, you have him caring about when and how he fucks you—in fact, just thinking about you lewdly makes him feel guilty. disrespectful, even. you’re more than a fleshlight for his dick. since when did he become so respectful ?? but he doesn’t know how to say no, especially when everyone starts agreeing one after the other—and oh no, now they’re betting on how quickly he can do it….and oh, now it’s not just fucking. now it’s “how long until you think she’s head over heels for you? man, that would be a sight, huh ??”
and….well, satoru decides it couldn’t hurt, right ?? he does want to be romantically involved so that would include you being head over heels. hopefully. fingers crossed. and he doesn’t rly want to seem lame in front of the guys either, so he gets to keep both sides of the coin, so is it really that bad ?? maybe not the right idea but certainly the right execution. he’ll treat you well—that much he’s confident of. so he forces out a laugh and says “gimme a month or two, you’ll see.”
and a month or two they give him. and a month or two it takes—but not for you to be head over heels. it’s him who’s utterly and completely obsessed and fallen head first and whatever else they say to describe love because wow. this must be what it is. this must be that stupid fairytale shit they always talk about because fuck, no one has ever looked at him like that. like he’s some miracle to this earth and some wonder only you know of—like you hope it stays that way and that he’s yours and yours alone and no one else comes in to take him away. satoru really likes being yours, it kinda feels better than you being his. being yours means you hold him like that at night and wake him up to a kiss between his brows and sometimes, when he gets those migraines he’s prone to getting, you always seem to know. always seem to understand when to close the blinds and keep quiet and wrap him up in the covers as you rub your thumbs over his temples soothingly.
he almost forgets about that silly little bet he made two months ago when he’s around you. actually, he forgets everything when he’s around you. he’s only ever thinking about you, you, you. when he comes back to his frat house, on the other hand, they’re all gathered around waiting for the newest details. how you must’ve been so pathetically star struck by him. how you must be embarrassingly bad at kissing. how you must stutter over every other word around him. how you must be making a complete and utter fool of urself trying to impress him and be someone you’re not bc the real you would never pique his interest.
they’re wrong ofc. if anyone’s star struck, it’s satoru bc how the hell are u so…cool ?? and so funny and witty and carefree ?? and you’re good at kissing—have him chasing your lips with a whine every time. sometimes you even chuckle at him when he does and make him blush a bit. he’s the one who stutters over his words when he sees you in your little date night outfits. sometimes he watches you drink from your straw and his brain short circuits a little until you snap at him and ask him in confusion if he’s alright. but the real kicker ?? it’s that if anyone’s pretending, it’s satoru. you’re always just you—unapologetically so, that it’s endearing and beautiful and so unearthly he wonders how he got so lucky. but him ?? he’s always acting like some guy he’s not. some chivalrous guy who opens doors and pushes out seats and kisses the back of hands and waits at least a few dates before even considering fucking. some nice, sweet, genuine guy who’s deserving.
he’s not that—never was. if you knew the real him, you’d leave in a heartbeat. it’s a scary thought. a raw feeling he doesn’t like. makes him feel all self conscious and insecure and all that weird shit he never thought he’d feel.
he tries. so hard, he tries to make them forget about that silly little bet and just slowly drop it and maybe even forget ur dating so he can just stay living this peaceful little fantasy with you—but that’s stupid. that’s naive. it’s been 4 months and enough is enough—the guys need to see the look on ur face when u realize what a fool ur being and satoru is “being a lazy ass who’s too comfortable not having for work for pussy these days.” so then there’s a video going around. it’s everyone gathered around on the couch drunk and talking about you. and satoru. you both, in fact. how it’s been two months and u seem desperate for his attention with the shrill little voice you use to call him toru, baby! it’s so, so fucking embarrassing, they say. how you think he likes it. (he does. god he does so much, it hurts. he loves it, actually, when you call him that. makes him feel special in a way he never has.) but then, the worst, most disgustingly nauseous part of the whole thing is when satoru laughs along and plays into their awful words. just lets them talk about you like you’re some piece of meat. something for him to chew up and spit out after he has a taste or you. not even worth savoring and enjoying. he laughs along and agrees—you’re nothing special and he can’t wait until he’s free of you.
that part hurts. that part sucks the most—when he acts like he didn’t tremble under your touch every time you kissed him. like he didn’t beg you to stay just five more minutes! before walking out the door to go home. he acts one way in front of you and one way in front of them and what’s worse ?? you don’t know which one is real. couldn’t tell even if your life was on the line to decide. because there’s no way he’s that good at pretending to be desperately in love, no fucking way. but there’s also no way he can be in love if he’s talking about you like that. that’s not what love is—that’s not what love feels like. that’s not what it means to someone.
you don’t know which satoru is the real one, but you know that neither is worth your time. not if he can’t stick to it.
it’s terrible thing—the way you break up. it’s messy and teary and he’s begging, he’s actually begging. he never thought he’d do that. but he doesn’t even hesitate to plead for you to hear him out. baby, please let me explain. wait, please don’t walk away—please just listen! i can explain.
he can’t explain, though when you as him to. stands there with a bitten bottom lip and teary eyes that are pleading you to just stay with him. to overlook this and just … ignore it like it’s nothing. like what he did and said was just nothing and you can shrug it off like you’re nothing too. like your feelings are nothing and so is your worth and that’s why you should just ignore the way he absolutely destroyed your pride and reputation and dignity and worse….every ounce of your love.
such deep, raw, pure love—it’s almost enough to heal every dry crack and crevice of this earth and bring it back to life.
you look at him with teary eyes and something so broken, it makes him feel like dirt beneath your feet.
“it’s embarrassing, satoru,” you hiss that night through tears, “you’re in your twenties getting a degree and you’re still just a high school bully. life’s really gonna kick you in the ass some day.”
life’s already kicking him in the ass as soon as you walk out. the air is colder. the world is dimmer. food doesn’t taste as good and fuck—there is just so much loneliness when you have no one to be yourself with. when there’s no you.
but he supposes you’re right though—he is just a bully. it’s pathetic, really. and maybe it’s for the best. maybe you don’t deserve someone who’s only ever known how to feel good because someone else doesn’t.
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dr3c0mix · 26 days
Sweet Hero Of Mine
Yandere! Antihero x GN! Hero! Reader
im back little stinkers <333
Edit!! Nsfw mentions removed! Replaced with..Elias being a dork ?
CW: Stalking, Creep behavior, Suggestive talk about reader, slight masochism
🪲 Elias was never into the whole Superhero thing.
🪲 He hated the constant swarming of reporters and fans screaming for his attention. He didn't want to be treated like a celebrity; he just wants to fight crime where people refuse to help.
🪲 That's why he avoided ever displaying himself like that. He preferred to stay in the shadows and kept his deeds out of the picture, but there are always rats scurrying around ready for another big scoop.
🪲 He could only scoff amusingly as he sees his little escapade last night being reported on tv with a blurry photo of him on the rooftops with the words "Mysterious Vigilante Strikes Again!"
🪲 He can admit, seeing them being so absorbed in what he does is pretty entertaining, he can feel his ego go up a bit.
🪲 Soon enough he gets tired of the incessant yap of interviewees talking about him and reaches for the remote.
🪲 His body freezes though when the reporter mentions some 'new hero' and he turns back to the TV.
🪲 His eyes are blessed with the cutest sight of a person dressed in a hero outfit with a logo on their chest. Their warm smile seems to radiate happiness as they talk to the reporter. Is this the new hero they've been talking about recently?
🪲 They ask for their opinion on the vigilante situation and he almost melts over their soft voice.
🪲 "I believe this guy has good intentions. Which is great and all but if it's endangering people and their properties, I think it's time they think about how running around and punching people in a suit isn't being heroic, it's being obnoxious!"
🪲 There goes his ego..
🪲 And perhaps his clean pants..
🪲 He starts researching all about this new hero. Who do they think they are?! This little brat has to be taught a lesson!
🪲 He stalks your social media, every fan account, every news atricl about your deeds, everything.
🪲 For for blackmail of course! Maybe he can find some dirt on you..in this fan account that makes thirst edits of you..
🪲 Soon enough he starts tracking you and your appearances. Every fight with a villain or any burning building with people that need saving, he's there with a high-grade camera that can snap all the rips and tears in your suit...for blackmail!
🪲 He's real happy that he wore a trench coat to your most recent battle or else everyone would have probably seen his growing boner whenever you throw a punch that connected to your opponent.
🪲 He's combing through the photos he took of you and shivers over your sweaty form and aggressive face.
🪲 He imagines meeting you, perhaps having a battle of his own, being pinned down by you, having your arms grappling and squeezing on his body. Perhaps you'd even say something degrading to him with that sweet voice of yours..
🪲 So that's what he does.
🪲 You were doing some last-minute night patrols after a long day of crime fighting and interviews when you hear a deep gravelly voice behind you.
🪲 "Hey there hero~"
🪲 You look back and see a large muscular man in a suit that looked like the armor of some insect.
🪲 "Huh, didn't expect to meet you here vigilante!" I joke.
🪲 "Oh please, call me Beetle~" He smirks as he walks closer to you. God you're even cuter in person..
🪲 "Well, Beetle, you are aware that you're kinda sorta wanted for a lotta stuff right?"
🪲 "Is it worse than the shit those pieces of scum done? Unlike youre pretty little ass I'm actually gettin bad guys off the streets.~" He teases, putting a hand on the wall and leaning close to your face. He's trying not to swoon over your stern face.
🪲 "Unlike you, I'm keeping people safe! Although I do commend your...unique sense of justice.."
🪲 *internal squealing*
🪲 He's a little surprised that you're so nice, unlike some other douchey heroes he knows.
🪲 He lets out a chuckle "That's new..Thanks goody-two-shoes.."
🪲 You give him a teasing face "Hey I'm not that much of an angel!"
🪲 "Oh~? Well o me you are, sweet hero of mine~"
🪲 You two become quick friends, even having missions together.
🪲 His obsession got worse from there.
🪲 Riding in your superhero vehicle, he rarely looks anywhere but at you driving, explaining to him the mission that he barely cares about other than the fact that it's an excuse to be with you.
🪲 Every time you take his hand to lead him somewhere, he makes sure to burn the feeling into his mind. Oftentimes he's the one doing whatever it takes to have physical contact with you, but it's way better whenever you initiate it.
🪲 You love taking pictures together. Of course he never smiles when you take one but when he's back at home, he's staring at it with the biggest, goofiest grin.
🪲 He loves taking pictures too, only he prefers ones with you and you alone. Sometimes it would be things you like so he wouldn't forget.
🪲 You blush, flattered over him remembering your favorite drink.
🪲 He'd memorize anything you say and put it in a top secret file named "My Love"
🪲 Oh my god please degrade him jokingly.
🪲 Bully him, push him around, be playfully rough with him!! Sure it's all in good fun but he's feeding his guilty pleasure whenever you treat him like shit while also being so sweet to him.
🪲 Pull him down suddenly by his suit's collar whenever you want to whisper something to him or show him something, he loves it. Although be warned, he might moan a little..
🪲 He's crazy for you, insane even, bonkers almost!!
🪲 He comes home seeing you in a superhero gala at one of the fanciest buildings in the city.
🪲 The bone-breaking grip on his beer bottle almost cracks the bottle when he sees you being accompanied by some other hero.
🪲 They're being all close with you and making you laugh, he can feel his jealousy rise within his body at the sight of your adorable smile, one that wasn't because of his jokes, his company!
🪲 Maybe it's about time he gives this superhero thing a try..
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amentomensmut · 6 months
I've never asked for a request before and i dont have clout to write it myself so i thought id ask since i like some of your Mike stuff but
What about something like reader and Mike are friends and he goes to a wedding her as a favor cause i like the idea that he has like a messy suit, loose tie kind of hot mess vibe and smutty things happen lol I dont have much in mind but the idea of him in a messy suit trying to look cleaned up is just like ...drool idk
Plus One
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Mike Schmidt x fem!reader wc: 3.1k+
Summary: You invite Mike to be your plus one at your sister's wedding, but things go wrong during the reception and Mike uses you to take out his frustrations.
Warnings: 18+ CONTENT, okay so like reader and Mike are friends but also its kinda angry sex??? You’ll see. Manhandling (sorta), slight exhibitionism, degrading, praise, dirty talk, finger sucking, fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex (wrap b4 u tap pookies)
Note: oh my GOD this one got away from me and i'm NOT sure about it, I feel like i could’ve written this a bit better but i just started babbling and now we're here. to the person who requested this: THANK YOU.  i loved ur idea and him in a suit like makes me drool too omg. i also couldn’t help adding a little angst in here. also so nevry to post this?? so lmk what u guys think! enjoy :)
“Please, Mike. I swear this is the last thing you’ll ever have to do for me!” You plead, trying to reason with the very unimpressed looking man in front of you. You’ve been stuck in Mike's kitchen for the past half hour trying to convince him to be your plus one to your sister's wedding next Saturday. Clearly, your convincing hasn’t been successful so far. 
“The last time I did a favour for you was supposed to be the last time.” Mike says with a knowing smirk, and you roll your eyes. A few weeks ago, you went out to a bar with some friends and you may have had a few too many long island iced teas. The owner had forced your hand into calling someone to pick you up, and it was Mike's number you had dialled that night. As he drove you back to your apartment with an unpleasant look on his face, you swore to him that that would be the last favour you'd ever ask of him. How you wish you could take that back right about now. 
“Okay, well, I was drunk when I said that. So it doesn't count.” You say with a frown, crossing your arms against your chest like a child who was denied candy. 
You can’t really blame Mike for not wanting to go. Your family is…a lot. You love your family, you really do (most of the time). But, they can be judgemental. You were the kid in school who always got the hottest new toys for Christmas, and had big themed parties for your birthday every year. It had never really dawned on you that you were more well off than other kids until you had met Mike. You became friends with Mike when you were both 15. When you first brought Mike over to your house to hang out, you heard your parents whispering about him that night when you were supposed to be in bed. Your parents gossiped about the kidnapping of his brother, the suicide of his mother, and how Mike and his sister were essentially left to their own devices with their father paralyzed and consumed by grief. It made you sick to hear your parents nitpick and discuss Mike's life like it was a reality tv show. Your parents never really approved of your friendship with Mike, and they tend to not-so-subtly make that known whenever you make the mistake of bringing him up in a conversation. 
“I don’t think that’s how that works. Besides, when your sister offered you a plus one, I really don’t think she had me in mind.” Mike says as he reaches into his fridge for a beer. “In fact, I think she’d prefer you to invite that guy who works at the convenience store and catcalls you everytime you go in, instead of me.” He says, cracking open his beer and offering you a smile before he takes a sip. 
“Well now you’re just being dramatic.” You huff as you walk over to the couch in Mike's living room and take a seat. Mike follows you from the kitchen and sits down in his armchair, kicking his feet up on the coffee table. Mike sticks his tongue out at you and you have to restrain yourself from strangling the man. If it were any other wedding you would’ve just gone on your own. However, your family events tend to…take a turn for the worst. Your family's gatherings usually end with drama, and you know that even though it’s your sister's wedding, this will be no different. That’s why you're insistent on bringing Mike as your plus one, so you can have a little support if things go awry. 
“Very mature.” You say with a shake of your head, once again rolling your eyes at the rude gesture.
“Listen, I’ll go. But, on one condition.” Mike says, and you sit up straight at his words.
“What’s the condition?” You ask suspiciously, but at this point you think you’d agree to almost anything.
“You babysit Abby for a month,”
“And do my laundry for a month.” Mike adds.
“That’s two conditions actually, Mike.” You scoff as you get off the couch to leave.
“So you’re inviting the guy from the convenience store then?” Mike teases, knowing he's your only option.
You turn around to face Mike, squinting your eyes at him. God, you hate that cocky smirk he does when he knows he's winning. Bastard.
“Have a suit by Saturday. I’ll be over at 10am.” You sigh, flipping Mike off as you leave through his front door.
“Very mature.” You hear him mumble on your way out.
“Mike, it looks like you just came back from a bachelor party. Not like you’re going to a wedding.” You say, noting the way Mike’s tie hangs loosely around his neck and the first couple buttons on his white button up are left undone. Mike runs his hands through his hair and you quickly bat them away, scolding him for ruining the hair you had just attempted to fix in the car only moments before you arrived. You can’t deny that he looks handsome. He surely looks charming with the way his gelled hair falls messily on his forehead, and the way his dads old suit fits him almost perfectly.
“Well, hopefully your sister doesn’t mind.” Mike says sarcastically as he adjusts the cuff links on the ends of his sleeves and steps out of your car and towards the church where your sister is getting married. 
The first half of the wedding went pretty smoothly. You and your sister have never really been close, so It wasn’t a surprise to you when she didn’t ask you to be a bridesmaid. You and Mike sat a few rows down, occasionally playing footsies under the pew when you’d accidentally bump feet. A kiss was shared between the bride and groom, and everyone left to go to the reception. 
You were nervous about the reception, to be quite honest. Mike could tell, and he put his hand on your lower back, resting it there as you both walked into the banquet hall. You nearly faint when you see the sheer amount of people that fill the room. There have to be about 200 people minimum. It seemed like way less in the church, you think.
“I need a drink.” You mumble to Mike, dragging him over to the bar. 
Both you and Mike order a drink, and you want to be swallowed by the ground when you hear your mothers shrill, sing-songy voice behind you. 
“Darling! I didn’t see you during the ceremony, I thought you hadn’t come.” You turn around and she pulls you into a tight hug, pressing a kiss to both of your cheeks. She pulls away from you and you notice her eyes immediately land on Mike. “Oh, and what a surprise. Mike, how are you and your sister?” Your mother continues, and you bite the inside of your cheek. 
You watch as Mike plasters a big, albeit fake, smile on his face and shakes your mothers hand. 
“Abby and I are doing well, thank you for asking.” Mike says, and you almost laugh at his cordial tone. Mike sends you a ‘help me’ look and you mouth a ‘sorry’ to him.
“Gosh, it just devastated me to hear about your fathers passing.” Your mother says, clutching her chest like she's in pain, and you think she deserves an Oscar for the way she acts like she gives a shit. “I’m sure it must be so hard for you to provide for your sister alone.” Your mother adds and you watch the smile slowly slide off of Mike’s face.
“Why do you say that?” He asks, and you suddenly regret ever asking Mike to be your plus one. 
“Mom-,” You start to say, but she disregards your voice, raising her hand as you speak to stop you.
“Well, I know you struggle keeping a job. You know, not everyone is cut out to raise a child.” If you could see yourself, you’re sure all the colour would be drained from your face. You’re left speechless, mouth half hung open at your mothers words. How could she say that? She doesn’t know him like you do. She doesn’t know how much Mike sacrifices to provide for Abby.
You look over at Mike and his jaw is tightly clenched. You brace yourself for Mike's next words, but they don’t come. Instead, you watch as he excuses himself and walks towards the mens bathroom.
“Well, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” Your mother jokes once Mike is out of earshot.
“Jesus Christ, mom.” You say incredulously as you turn to go find Mike. 
You walk towards the bathrooms, entering the men’s restroom with only one thing on your mind. Mike. Luckily the restroom is empty, save for Mike who is leaning over the counter. You slowly reach behind yourself, locking the bathroom door. You begin to step towards Mike, but you stop when you hear his voice.
“Do you think I'm not fit to raise Abby?” Mike asks you angrily, not even turning to look at you. You just stand there like an idiot, reaching down to fidget with the hem of your shirt.
“I-, no. Of course not.” You say, and the music that was loud in the hall, is now only a low hum in the bathroom. 
It’s silent for a moment, and you’re not really sure what to say, or how to make things better. You resume taking slow, tentative steps towards Mike and you stop once you’re behind him. You place an uncertain hand on his back, softly rubbing it up and down to comfort him. He lets you touch him and you hear him let out a breath. He turns around to face you and you look up to meet his eyes. He studies your face for a moment, and you inch even closer to him. 
“I’m sorry about my mom. That was inexcusable.” You sigh. If you were in Mike’s shoes, you probably would’ve left the reception entirely, and you’re not entirely opposed to that idea right now. 
“Your mother doesn’t think I’m good enough for you.” Mike finally says, and there’s distaste in his tone. You don’t say anything, you know it's true. Your family, especially your mother, has never approved of your friendship with Mike. 
“Do you think that?” Mike asks you, and you’re just now realising how close Mike’s face is to your own. You look up at him with furrowed brows and shake your head.
“No, Mike. I don’t think that.” You say quietly, and you swear the tension between Mike and you is so thick, it could be cut with a knife. You look down, but you feel Mike's hand grabbing your jaw and forcing you to look back up at him.
“You can’t even look at me when you say it. Pathetic.” Mike seethed. You let out a hushed whimper at his words..
“Sorry.” You say, but your voice sounds small. “I know you are.” He coos, rubbing his thumb back on fourth on your cheek.
“I need you to do something for me, okay?” Mike says, leaning down to speak in your ear. His voice is sweet and the switch in moods makes your head spin.
“Okay.” You nod and Mike pulls away from your ear to look you in the eyes.
“Be fucking quiet.” He says, and he presses his lips to yours. You softly gasp in shock, but quickly kiss him back as he turns you around to hoist you up onto the counter. He grabs both of your knees, opening them to make space for him to stand between your legs. He grips your thighs harshly, and you sigh when he sucks on your bottom lip. He puts one of his hands under your jaw, using it to hold your head in place as he kisses you. His lips are slightly chapped, but you don’t mind. He kisses you with fever, and you can’t deny that you haven’t thought about this. 
He kisses down to your jaw and neck, sucking the skin in a way where you know there will be bruises. Jerk. You run your hands through his hair, throwing your head back at the pleasurable feeling of his lips gliding over your skin. The hand that was on your thigh is now trailing up your leg and under your skirt. You clench your legs around his hand and he softly bites your neck, wordlessly scolding you for your actions. You reopen your legs and his hand comes up to make contact with your clothed clit. He rubs slow circles and you let out a soft whimper.
“You gonna let me fuck you?” He slurs in your ear, and his fingers move from your clit to the waistband on your panties, pulling it back and slapping it against your skin. You nod and he’s pulling you off of the counter and flipping you around. Mike bends you over and your chest meets the cold granite. You look in front of you and you can see Mike behind you in the mirror on the wall. He pushes your knee length skirt up and around your hips, and groans at the sight of you bent over for him.
“You okay?” He asks genuinely, running his hands along the sides of your body in a comforting manor.
“Yeah, keep going.” You breathe out and he hooks his fingers into the sides of your panties, pulling them down. You clench around nothing as the cold air hits your cunt. You moan softly as Mike spreads your pussy open with his thumbs, groaning at how wet you are. Without warning, he inserts his pointer and middle finger inside of you, thrusting them in and out. The lewd, squelching sounds of Mike fingering you fill the bathroom and you suck in a sharp breath as his fingers curl up into your sweet spot. 
“Apparently your pussy thinks I’m good enough.” Mike says and you look up into the mirror to see his jaw slack, watching the way his fingers move in and out of you. You can feel Mike's erection brushing against the back of your thigh as he rocks his hips with every thrust of his fingers. 
“Mike, fuck me.” You whine, and Mike takes his fingers out of you. He brings them to your lips, pushing them inside your mouth, and you can hear him undoing his belt with his other hand. 
“Thought I told you to be fucking quiet.” He murmurs and you watch in the mirror as he shoves his pants and boxers down just enough to pull his hard cock out. He removes his fingers from your lips, using your spit as lube to pump his cock a few times before lining it up with your pussy. He slowly inches himself inside of you, pushing you down onto the counter. Your mouth drops open in a silent scream and you hear Mike let out a whine at the feeling of being in you. 
He starts to pump himself in and out of you, and he pulls you up by your shirt into his chest to make you watch yourself in the mirror. He fucks into you like he can’t get enough of you. Like being inside of you isn’t close enough.
“What would your mother think? Hm? About her sweet little angel getting fucked in the bathroom?” Mike says in your ear, with a sickeningly sweet tone. It's like he just knows how to push your buttons. You let out a low moan at his words. 
“Fuck, I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” Mike adds and your legs shake when he uses the hand that was holding you up to rub your clit. You drop back down on the counter and Mike grabs your hip with his free hand, using it as leverage to bottom out in you with every single thrust. He throws his head back in ecstasy and you clench around him, signalling your impending orgasm. 
“You wanna cum?” Mike asks, and his voice is raspy and fucked out. You nod your head ‘yes’. 
“No, want you to say it.” Mike says, and you can tell he’s close by his sloppy, less rhythmic thrusts.
“Please, Mike. Please, can I cum?” You beg, your voice hoarse. The filthy sounds of skin against skin echo throughout the bathroom, and if someone has tried to enter the bathroom since you’ve been in here, you’ve been too fucked out to hear it. Thank god I locked the door, you think.
“Cum, baby, Fuck.” Mike chokes out. Your legs shake as you cum around his cock, your orgasm only heightened by the feeling of him filling you up. You bite down on your hand to muffle yourself and you swear to god you hear Mike whimper, pussy drunk as he continues to ride his high thrusting in and out of your sloppy pussy.
After catching his breath, you feel Mike pull out of you and you wince at the feeling of his cum dripping down your inner thighs. You slowly tilt your head up as you watch Mike get some toilet paper to clean himself up. He tucks himself back inside his boxers and pulls his pants up. You flinch a little as you feel him come up behind you, cleaning you up with more toilet paper. 
“Sorry, was I too rough?” He asks softly, looking at you through the mirror and you shake your head.
“No, just sensitive.” You say as Mike finishes cleaning you. You pull your panties back up, letting your skirt fall back over your legs. Your knees buckle a little bit as you try to stand straight and Mike rushes over to you, lending you a hand.
“You know, I actually think you’re one of the only people who genuinely thinks I am good enough.” Mike says, and you look up at him.
“Of course I do. I always have.” You say softly, gently touching Mike’s cheek.
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thatanimewriter · 8 days
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➳ synopsis: it's spring time and your bird-like tendencies are hitting at full force
➳ character/s: dan heng, jing yuan, dr ratio, aventurine, sunday, midoriya izuku, tokoyami fumikage, uraraka ochako, shinsou hitoshi, amajiki tamaki
➳ warnings: swearing, you got wings and you like nesting, very mildly suggestive (jing yuan, aventurine, sunday), spoilers for aven backstory
➳ notes: i'm back at it with bird!reader stuff because i think it's cute. will i ever do any other content with bnha that isn't birds (this is like, the 4th-), probably not LMAO
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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he's just come back from the luofu n is lowkey kinda stressed cause memories n stuff
so he chooses to go to your room on the express to get some cuddles in
but as soon as he walks in, he sees you on the bed, wings spread and a bunch of shirts and blankets around you
he gave a little 'aww' and removed his shoes and coat before slipping under your wing
you grunted quietly n he was lowkey like 0_0 cause he didn't wanna wake you
but you just shuffled a bit and returned to sleeping
if he doesn't fall asleep with you, he's probably slapping everything from the luofu onto the databank from his phone
he is also in vidyadhara nesting mode probably
so it's just a mess of clothes, blankets, wings and a tail in this strange huddle
maybe you can convince him to get out of the databank and ditch his futon on the floor
he loves being a little bit lazy, so he's probably come home earlier than he should be (don't tell fu xuan)
he's watching as you build your nest on his bed and he just chuckles and comes to help you set up PRIME abode
you have to convince him to do some of his work in the nest though, otherwise he'll just sleep under your wing
the birds that hide in his hair are living for the nest though, they all come out to have fun
the birds will preen you in your sleep ;v;
you'll be taking a nap and they're out doin whatever and then they start hoppin all over your wings and preening your wings
they don't let jing yuan do it for you, they nip him if he tries and that's the only time they'll be somewhat aggressive to him
this also sucks if you experience any form of heat or rut
all of his birds and his partner are going THROUGH it and you're all such a handful
he's gotta find a way to separate you from his birds so he can spend quality time with you
he also does all his work in your little nest if he isn't soaking in the bath (unlike jing yuan, he's willingly productive)
dude's a nerd, so he probably does know how to preen your wings for you if you let him
he might be reluctant to bathe WITH you if you bathe similarly to a literal bird though
thankfully he has a beeg bath though, so you have room to splash and flap the wings about
he might've gone out and bought the best blankets and pillows for you to make a nest
maybe even bought a circular bed for you both to fit so it's more nest-like
is also probably mildly annoying cause he's a smartass, so any angsty moment is kinda like guys askin if it's shark week
like a swear jar, he has a jar for how often you smack him with your wings
accident or not-
he's coping, but he loves you, so he'll stay with you in your nest and let you shove shiny things in his pockets
he lives for nesting season, this is his favourite time of year EVER, hands down
does call you baby bird all the time, but it's worse now that it's spring
sorta sad note, but he probably enjoys nesting season so much cause he feels a love and a warmth he never got as a kid-
wrapped in wings and you're a bit more possessive than you would normally be
comfy bed, naps (for you at least, he's got ipc work-)
he once went to work with a feather stuck in his clothes, but he ended up keeping it as an addition
maybe not in the original place, but definitely somewhere on his 'uniform'
would be annoying and keep saying he's very happy to satisfy any SPRINGTIME needs for you
to which you kick him out of your nest :))
he gets invited back in after a few hours, but he's got some groveling to do
he gets it, he sorta has it too
joint nest for the both of you with all your favourite blankets and pillows
obviously he doesn't have big wings like you do, but he helps preen your feathers and you get to do the same
if you nap together, he flaps his wings in your face to wake you up with a lil :3
he has all the blankets as part of the nest but his favourite blanket is your wings
kinda gatekeeps you a bit in spring, he doesn't want people he doesn't trust going near you
n he doesn't wanna leave you either, he wants to stay in the nest and cuddle and nap ;v;
probably sex as well, but-
he brings you shiny things daily, but it becomes a slight problem when you run out of shelf room
the wind power than generates from you flapping your wings in a fit is definitely more than his and he's a lil bit jealous ._.
he's got all your care instructions in his little quirk notebook, so he's all set to be by your side all spring
he will never say no to a nap in the nest, ever
when the dorm rooms come in, you've got a sunken circular bed for your nesting habits
he has a lot of photos of you tucked in, sleeping with your wings outstretched
a lot of sketches as well cause he thinks you look oh so adorable when you're hidden away in bed
highkey wishes you could permanently live in the same dorm just to have access to your nest
turns all your loose feathers into quills for fun
he brings you shiny things if he sees them when he's out and brings them to you
he thought he'd have to convince you to leave the dorms, but it's actually the opposite way around
he likes the warmth, he likes your company, why can't he stay >:((
he gets it pt. 2
his head is actually hair, not feathers (yeah i know right-), so you'd have to teach him how to preen your wings for you
BUT you have dark shadow as well, so tokoyami has one wing, dark shadow has the other
and you get your care done twice as fast
tokoyami nuzzles his beak into the crook of your neck when you nap
probably nibbles on your wings a little bit by accident to preen you, but you don't mind, you think it's funny
he will help you tidy and make your nest, but it might cause arguments sometimes over where pillows should go
it's a bit of a squashed bed situation if you did a sleepover
the dorm beds aren't super big for this stuff, so you can't curl up that much
but you make do with what you have
she loves spring time ;v;
the nice weather, the flowers, the warmth of your nest when you set it up
also, what a great excuse for a day in should she want one???
just say that her partner is having spring time blues and you need her with you to get through it
she brings the fluffiest blankets for you both to snuggle under, but she's still getting used to the sheer size of your nest
more squish than she thought there would be cause there's SO MANY pillows
turned some of your feathers into jewellery like earrings and probably a dream catcher tbh
she can float, so if you wanna do little flying sessions, she's so down to come
chilling in the nest with a hot chocolate and a movie or series is a great way to relax at the end of a day
she will also stroke your wings if you fall asleep before her, but she'll fall asleep soon after if you do-
listen, he'll take ANY reason to stay home that he can, and he will be so happy to spend his day in with you
he might be a little shit and tease you for how fussy you get about your nest and your grooming
but he will cuddle with you and he will help you tidy yourself if you want him to
probably for feathers nearer your back, cause you can't reach as easily
he has a lot of photos of you sleeping in his camera roll, and if you snatch his phone in spring, it's all you
lots of little butterfly kisses all over in the mornings when you're both waking up
he also tells people to fuck off if they want either of you for something when you're actively isolating from society
his bed hair is WILD though, so maybe you have to preen him more than you initially thought
it's already a mess, but it's even more of a nest
he made a joke that you could sleep in his hair once and he spent that night in his own bed ._.
he will combust n explode
you're so cute when you're nesting and snuggling into your bed, his heart can't take it
he thinks you're trying to kill him, but if you are, he'll die happy at least
sometimes will grow his own wings to get double wing action when you nap in the nest
he appreciates the domesticity of spring time for you and probably thinks about what this might be like when you graduate ua
but he blushes so hard thinking about a future (with you) that he hides under your wings and doesn't resurface until he has to
it's not him who has photos of you in your nest, instead it's mirio who has the photos
he permeates through the dorm walls to tell you guys things but you're usually sleeping in your free time in spring
he says it's for the inevitable wedding so he can do a presentation about how he's your no. 1 supporter
you're jealous of tamaki, cause he doesn't have to preen his wings, he just eats chicken and grows amazing wings ;v;
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trashogram · 2 months
He Chose You (Pt. 8)
Lucifer/Reader: Lucifer chooses you to be the mother of his child. Rated E.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13
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The illness persists in the weight of your skin over your bones yet the loss of actual muscle and fat that turn you skeletal. Your legs become bow-like and pain radiates just above your hairline. Your vision crackles with scattered flashes of black dots, and you drink like a man lost in the desert. 
Only foods that are red stay down, and even then you only nibble at peppers and plug your nose at the raw meat you stuff in your mouth. You feel the sunlight outside your window when you open it up and stick your hand through, as walking out of your apartment is a chore you can only handle once a week at most. 
Once a homebody, reclusive out of necessity and exhaustion from simple interactions, you now live for Lucifer’s chatter. His presence abates your fever, physically and emotionally. The dependence on him, as sweet as he appears, makes you itch inside. 
Everything is terrible, you tell yourself at least once per day, as the illness persists. 
But if Lucifer is good at anything, it’s providing you with distractions from the ever-present suffering.
The sounds you made put the Angelic Choir to shame. 
“Lucifer, don’t say that!”
The King of Hell’s laugh was muffled as he stayed buried in your cunt. The memory of you being so flustered was almost just as sweet. 
He eyed your tightly screwed expression just over your growing belly, and felt gratified at his idea to have you propped up by pillows from head to hips. With the boost, Lucifer could watch you enjoy yourself and remain comfortable. 
Let him feel the springs of your mattress dig into his knees and stomach. They were secondary to the pain of his own hardness straining in his slacks. 
A keen from you, and the feeling of your nails as they raked through his hair and over his scalp, had Lucifer moaning. His eyes rolled back, momentarily blinded by euphoria. 
Eyes snapping open, Lucifer lifted himself from the bed quickly. His tongue slipped out of you, dripping onto the sheets when he was mindless to reeling it back in.
“Why’d you stop?” Your whine between quick pants made him blink.
One eye at a time. 
“I thought I hurt you.” He smiled, sheepishly, once his tongue was back in his mouth. 
His mauve-lids and golden lashes fluttered when you wiped the slick from his chin. There was no missing the color that had returned to your cheeks with all the exertion he was putting you through, and he felt a swell of pride at being able to breathe life back into you. So to speak. 
“Heaven help me.” You said, sarcastically. 
The Devil’s hips jerked when your hand rose to grip a fistful of his blond hair. You manually lowered him back between your legs, heedless to the way his entire frame shivered.
‘I think I… I think I’m in love with her.’ Lucifer looked so earnest, meeting the glow of Ozzie’s stare. 
The Sin clucked a tongue in his King’s direction, shaking his head. ‘Well, don’t tell her that. You’re gonna scare her away, man.’ 
Lucifer watched you fall apart from just his tongue (its length and width being inhuman notwithstanding). 
You were so beautiful like this. Legs shaking, body spasming, letting go.
‘I love you.’ 
Man’s (alleged) Greatest Enemy could just barely contain himself. 
‘I love you I love you I love you’ 
Lucifer brings you another scroll one sunny day, and you find it riddled with names. 
“I’ve been thinking about what to call him or her, so I made a list! …Kinda, sorta during a meeting… whatever, it wasn’t that important!” 
Oh, you could see that. 
“Do you like any of them? Which are your favorites? No! Gimme your top 5!” His jubilation is so innocent, but something inside you hitches. 
“Does it actually matter what I think?” You chuckled. 
“Of course it does!” He cried. “You’re the mo— uh… you’re putting in most of the work!”
The weak save went unchallenged. You were already circling names, likening the process to navigating a minefield as you looked through a long line of names you couldn’t even pronounce or read. 
“What about a girl?” Lucifer asked out of the blue. 
Your head cocked to the side as you realized your picks had been relegated to just one side of the endless list. That he’d written down names for boys and for girls struck you as odd. 
 “You think it’ll be a girl?” 
Lucifer looked at you with a curious gaze. “Could be, couldn’t it?”
After a moment, you shrugged. “I guess so…” 
The King’s confusion crinkled around his eyes and caused an uncanny few lines in his otherwise perfect forehead. You flick the pen at him teasingly to wipe the look from his face.
You write a few names down, and watch with a smirk as his frown turns upside down. 
You ignored the painful thought that this was a pointless endeavor. Naming a dead thing.
With eyebrows raised, you sat waiting dutifully, hands clasped over your stomach while he rummaged through the box. 
“Aha!” He pulled out two red objects, one in each hand, and knee’d the chest out of the way to present them to you.
Two remarkably crafted stuffed animals were set before you on the couch cushion. 
It took you a second to place them, staring at their intricate appearances — covered in fluffy red fur from head to cloven hoof, with large yellow eyes and tiny red smiles stitched on their stark white muzzles. 
Shiny, metallic-looking horns curled over the curvature of their little heads, tips almost touching the tiny approximations of wings protruding from their backs. You noticed that the little wings were also sticking out of the backs of their tiny tuxedo suits; solid black to further contrast their Luciferean color schemes. 
An uncharacteristically high-pitched squeal escaped you. 
Damn these hormones. You internally chastised yourself while reaching out to finger at the detailed plushies. 
“They’re so cute!” You admired the unbelievable softness of one’s fur, hand overlapping with Lucifer’s as you turned it this way and that. His grin was so wide in your peripheral vision as he soaked up your fawning.
“Aren’t they?!” Lucifer squealed along with you. “They’re twins! But see this one has lighter fur and this one has sharper eyes. I tried to give them little differences so they had some individuality.” 
“Michael and I looked so similar in the Beginning, a ton of people always got us mixed up. Sometimes it was fun, but I got tired of hearing him bitch about it after the first couple centuries.”
A more serene countenance overtook your counterpart, with his line of sight drifting off to the floor beside you. Lost in thought. Or perhaps reminiscing. 
“Michael?” You asked gently. 
“My brother.” Lucifer replied. 
“Ohh, I think I remember… is he a Prince of Hell too?” 
The formerly Divine man frowned. “… No. Not him.”
A shadow fell over you both, distant sadness suffusing the air. You reached for him instantly, only for Lucifer to switch on like a lightbulb and grin manically. 
“Oh well! Who knows, maybe he took Dad’s side just to make sure no one ever confused us for each other ever again!” 
You pulled away. “… right.” 
Lucifer shook his head after a glance in your direction. 
“Um, so, I was thinking…” He began. “Maybe we give one to the baby an-nd… one could stay here… with you…” 
There was no hiding the confusion that crossed your face. 
You ‘tsk’ed. “You wanna deny the baby half this cuteness?” 
In response, Lucifer tittered, still adamant on looking around the room instead of meeting your gaze head on. “Hah, no. I was thinking that, maybe, we could keep one of them here and… and then they could reunite every time the baby and I… or just the baby… visit…”
Slow realization made your already weak constitution roil. 
Perhaps, if you’d been yourself and not the hollow shell of a person you’d become while pregnant, you would’ve been angry. Or upset enough to shout. Maybe you would’ve gotten up and left him there on his lonesome, wordlessly demanding he not entertain that idea ever again. 
Certainly, the You from before this insane, impossible scenario wouldn’t hesitate to react melodramatically. 
You sighed, fiddling with one of the goat’s tails. “Oh Lou…” 
He cringed beneath the weight of your words, laden with a heaviness that harshened his already guilty conscience. 
“Wait, before you say no —” Lucifer felt his mouth running away from him. “Maybe you could think about it and then decide? Maybe after they’re born?”
“It doesn’t have to mean anything. I don’t expect anything from you.” 
“You’re expecting me to be its mother.” Your tone broke no room for argument. 
Mauve eyelids drooped as Lucifer looked down in shame. “I — ”
“I wouldn’t make a good mom.” Your statement stopped him in his tracks. 
Frustration simmered in Lucifer, slowly creeping into his expression as you continued, unrelenting. His posture went rigid, hands beginning to clench at his sides.
“It’s not that I don’t care. I probably care too much, actually.” You admitted.
It was true. Regardless of your paranoia and how justified it was or not, the sole basis for why you felt the need to argue in the first place —
(And wasn’t that just pathetic? You had feelings for the Epitome of Evil and had entertained being safe and happy with him) 
— the reality was that you’d been a broken human being before this cosmic impossibility entered your life. 
“I just don’t…” You sighed. “I wouldn’t be a good part of their life if I was in it.” 
Your head whipped up, vision spotting when Lucifer blurted:
“You are the best part of my life.” 
He looked angry. Furious. So much so that the sclera around his irises began to radiate a blood-red. 
“Do you know how hard it is? To leave you? I have to convince myself every single time that you’ll still be here when I return!” Lucifer claimed. “And soon I won’t even be able to do that!” 
“I don’t want to say goodbye forever! I… I l…” 
You shuddered, stiffening in your seat. As soon as he realized, Lucifer’s display was cowed. 
“Fuck, are you alright? I’m not — I don’t know what came over me!”
You shook your head. “No.” 
“It stopped.” You whispered. 
Lucifer’s grip trembled around your wrists. “Stopped?”
His breathless echo of your words drew your eyes up. You saw the storm brewing in his ruby eyes, as even though he waited for you to elaborate, a million thoughts pelting at his brain like hail. 
“The pain stopped.” You said. 
Your hands felt over the bump beneath your breasts, as if you might find the imaginary ‘off’ button and turn it back on.
It was ludicrous to think about, but you immediately wished for the agony that had been crippling you to return if it meant that this baby wasn’t… wasn’t… 
Tears glistened in your eyes. Lucifer drew you to his chest in spite of the fear that was pulling his shoulders taut. 
“Wh-what did you do today? Anything different?” The ex-Angel asked shakily. 
His eyes scanned you up and down, lingering on the little dolls he’d just gifted you. 
“No… n-no, nothing different.” You said. “I was in bed all morning, and th… then Cass was here and we had tea… we went out and walked a little bit outside.” 
“Did you fall?” The King hedged. 
You gasped, eyes widening. Instinctively your arms wrapped around your middle at the foreign feeling emanating from within. 
“Did…! You fell??” He panicked, grabbing onto you like a life raft. “Where? On what?!”
His words drifted away as you were enveloped in the strangest surge of feeling you’d ever experienced. 
You could only just muster up the energy to shake your head. 
Sudden warmth. 
And pressure. 
A tiny flutter, one you’d never felt before. 
You inhaled quickly yet deeply at the feeling of something pressing against your belly-button from the inside. 
It made you grin, hands coming back to grab for Lucifer’s own and to pull them to your stomach. “They’re alive!” 
The man’s jaw went slack, staring sightlessly for just as long as it took to soak up the sudden heat there. The baby took pity on its poor, trembling father and kicked again. 
It was Lucifer’s turn to gasp, looking back and forth between you and the bump with dawning awe. 
“It is!” He laughed, a tad bit hysterically. “It — they are alive!” 
“… And… glowing…”
“You’re glowing!”
*** Tag List: @crescent-z, @for-hearthand-home, @undertale-is-sansational, @loslox, @navierkalani, @yaimlight, @ivoryviness, @crystalplays28, @flowerempress, @wally-darling-hyperfixation, @altruisticradiodemon, @moonlight-readings, @halparkebitch, @charliecharlie65, @sockgoblin, @cocomollo, @caniseethefourthsword, @squeegeeclean, @crow-twink, @an-emovision, @marydragneell, @lafy-taffy, @fandom-imagines1, @loquacious-libra, @glowymxxn, @avadakadabra93, @froggybich, @hamthepan, @ukor02, @adaizel, @boogiemansbitch, @vinillies, @lbcreations-blog, @thesoundresoundsecho, @serenity-loves-red, @alientee
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ghxstyfae · 3 months
A B C's ♡ R.Cameron Headcanons
Warnings: breeding kink with intent of pregnancy, nsfw, baby fever,
Synopsis: Rafes fiance is a kindergarten teacher and is experiencing extreme baby fever, Rafe decides to breed her
Taglist: @sunflowerleii
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The new school year started and in walked a bunch of puffy-faced toddlers, happy as can be, everyday.
"Hi Mrs. Cameron!" "Have a good lunch Mrs. C!" "Can you help with my zipper please?"
Ugh they're adorable. By the third month of teaching kindergarten you were off the deep end. Your whole social medias were filled with cute babies and you couldnt stop picturing what a mix of you and rafe would look like
It got worse when you started dragging Rafe through baby asiles.
He kinda thought it was a joke at first
"You trying to tell me something baby?"
Yes you were!!
You kept telling him you "forgot" to pick up your birth control prescription
But he keeps using a condom? Does he not want babies with you?
One day he finds you holding little ugg baby booties you impulse bought, crying into your pillow.
"Whats wrong baby? What happened?"
And thats when you start wailing about wanting a baby and how he didnt want to give you one.
Hes just like "When did i say i wouldnt get you pregnant??"
Kisses your tummy and tells you how beautiful you'll look, swelling with his seed
"Gonna keep you home, nursing our little baby, being a perfect little mommy hm?"
He kneads your breasts and tells you that soon they'll be filled with nourishment for your baby
"Fuck should've had you teaching the kindies earlier huh? Wouldve made you a mommy already."
He fucks your hard, barely pulling out to thrust in again.
Probably about 3/4 rounds
He wouldn't pull out when hes done, probaly would make you cockwarm him for atleast half an hour.
"Its okay baby, you can rest, ill wake you up when i take us to the shower. For now just let it take."
"We'll go out for supper, make sure you'll get some salmon. Then ill pick up some tests and call Dr. Halls and let her know what we're planning for huh?"
Just keeps making plans, speaking lowly in your ears, even though he knows your probably not listening.
When hes sorta sure you've fallen asleep, he cradles you and whispers.
"Gonna make sure im better then my dad okay baby? Wont ever hurt you. Wont ever hurt out baby. You're the most important thing to me. Ill always keep you safe."
After a few weeks, you wake up at nearly six in the morning with morning sickness, and present a positive pregnancy test to Rafe and celebrate
He becomes MUCH more protective over you, especially when you start showing
The kids in your class are the sweetest, most curious little things ♡
"You have a tiny person in your tummy? Are they sleeping?"
Rafe visits her class multiple times a week, and the kids have become kinda accustomed to him
"Hi Mr. Cameron! Look at what Mrs. C Gave me!"
Once you go on maternity leave, he sets everything up to work from home as well, only going in once a week kr for bigger meetings.
The kids in your class make you cards and stuff💝
Rafe always gives you whatever your craving, helps you when your crying kr feeling over emotional, etc.
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jnkgrnde · 5 months
— late night swimming, clarisse la rue, pjo
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summary — in which, clarisse sneaks you out to go swimming in the lake late at night.
pairings — clarisse la rue x black!fem!reader (daughter of poseidon)
content includes — kissing, sorta kinda flirty!clarisse, touchy!clarisse, that’s about it
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it was around 1:30 am when you heard a pattern of knocking on your cabin door. the air was almost silent, the water in the middle of the cabin creating most of the noise. your sock-covered feet padded across the floor, opening the door with a creak.
there stood clarisse, a smile on her face. she was wearing her camp shirt with shorts on. “what are you doing here, clar? it’s 1 in the morning.” you asked her. you were only just falling asleep when you heard the knocking.
“get changed, sweetheart. we’re going swimming.” you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “okay.. do you want to come inside so you don’t get caught by chiron?” you asked her, stepping aside to let her in. she looked around your cabin like she did every time she went there.
she watched as you walked to your dresser, picking out your swimsuit. “you gonna turn around?” you asked her, raising your eyebrow. clarisse fake complained with a smile. “fine.” she dragged out. clarisse listened to the shuffling of you changing.
it was a quick change. you walked up to clarrise and grabbed her hand. “ready?” she asked you. you hummed as you stepped out the cabin, closing the door behind you.
you talked about any and everything on the way to the lake, ranging from who liked who to planning the day out to hang out with each other. it seemed like time passed by in a flash when you reached the rocky shore. laughter filled the air as you two made your way down and into the water. clarisse wrapped your legs around her waist, placing your arms around her neck.
“why are you having me hold onto you? you know i can swim.” you gave her a soft smile. she squeezed your waist. “you know how much i love holding you, sweet girl. let me have this one.” she pleaded. she looked at you with puppy dog eyes to get you to be fully convinced. “fine, you win.”
clarisse stared at you as you looked around. the moon was out, so it was highlighting your features beautifully. you turned back to look at her just to find her staring. your cheeks burned at the realization. “what?” “nothin’. just lookin’ at how pretty you are.” her eyes went down to your neck collarbone, and all of a sudden her grip on you tightened. she moved her hand to reach your cheek.
the two of you just stood there, staring at each other. your heads gradually moved closer. “my pretty girl.” she whispered. her slightly chapped lips reached yours. it was slow, not like your usual pecks or rushed kisses. no, you could actually take your time with this one.
you moved your arms to be tighter around her, holding her like she was going to wash away with the lake. it started getting more intense before you both pulled away for air. you smiled at each other before she started pecking you all over your face before ending with your lips.
“is there a reason you brought me out here, clar?” you asked her. “i can’t spend time with my favorite girl?” she questioned. “haven’t gotten the chance to be with you. alone, i mean. we’re always doing stuff with everyone else. i missed you.” she told you. her thumb softly glided across your hip as she told you this.
“well, you have me now. ‘m right here.” you reassured her. she pressed her lips to yours again, and it continued like that until you had to leave and go back to your cabin before getting caught.
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bunnypeew · 3 months
Hey sweetie, just read that you're taking requests, so I thought I might toss one your way.
How about an Female reader x Alastor x Lucifer, both demons sorta fighting for her, but she doesn't decide for either of them. Alastor was a friend of hers when she was alive, and Luci is a real charm xD so they agree to share 😏 if ya know what I mean hehe please NSFW if you can. Lots of shadow play since Alastor doesn't like sex too much.
Thank you 🥰
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Sharing is caring - Lucifer x fem!reader x Alastor NSFW
warnings: NSFW, MDNI pls thank you, cunnilingus, shadow play, voyeurism, cumming inside
''you are just being a prick!,,
Lucifer shouted at Alastor while they were both waiting for Y/n to come out for them all to hang out. It had been a while since both of them kinda courted her and were always around her in some way, whether it was physically or just Alastor's shadows following her around making sure she was safe. She loved it, without any lies, one of the most powerful overlords in his time and the literal king of hell, like come on!
''And you are being an annoyance,,
Alastor scoffs at his nails, not interested in what Short Stack is saying. It wasn't until she came out of the door, that sleepiness on her face, her hair all messed up and her shirt hanging barely on her shoulders. She was a sight to be seen for both of them
''sorry guys I completely forgot about our outing today so I slept in,,
she says yawning and stretching he arms upwards, letting the fabric get lifted up by her boobs, exposing her panties and belly. At this, both men were petrified, both for different reasons. Alastor composed himself gripping his cane and giving her a warm smile
''why hello there darling! you seem to be a bit exposed there, care for me to help you out?,,
he says walking towards Y/n and putting a hand on the nook of her back, now looking at Lucifer with a challenging smile, this makes his blood boil making him get near her as well trying to pull her away from Alastor only for him to grab her waist stopping Lucifer from moving her at all. Y/n notices this and sighs
''you guys need to come to some sort of understanding because I'm not making that choice for you,,
she speaks, making them both turn their attention to her instead of their bickering. This makes them think for a little while, they did think of something but both of them didn't really like that outcome, but at this point, they really had no choice but to agree with one another. They look at each other, giving a nod then turn their attention fully to Y/n
''how about, we go back to your room darling, the three of us,,
Lucifer says putting a hand on her waist and getting closer to her face all at once, this time not to make Alastor jealous but to just grab her attention while Al works behind her. From the nod they had before they both agreed that they wanted her, maybe in different ways but they both wanted to make her feel good. Alastor shadow was put underneath her, moving away her panties, this made her gasp making her close her legs in an instant and turn around to look at the culprit. All Alastor had to show was a wide smirk and the bulge from his pants prominent, all three of them knew that he wasn't one for sex but to please his sweetheart he would do all he could without being touched, even if just standing and watching Lucifer take the lead, so that's what happened. They went to the bed in her bedroom, Luci smacking her onto it and getting on top of her, while Al sat down in a chair near them stroking his pants.
This took Y/n by surprise because they never did something for all three of them, it was mostly Lucifer with whom she had sex, Alastor usually didn't opt for this kinda of stuff but today was a first. Lucifer got in between her legs, the panties already moved off her cunt so this gave ease of access to his tongue to slip in, this made her gasp and grab the sheets on the bed. In the meantime, Alastor had pulled his cock out and started jerking it slowly with one hand while the other hand was controlling the shadows to which he made go to Y/n body to play with her, mostly her boobs. Whimpers could be heard from her, suffocated a little since she was getting shy by Alastor looking at her with a lustful look in his eyes, his permanent smile still there, just softer. One of his tentacles with into her mouth making her gasp and moan out loud
''I think both of us want to hear you dearest,,
Alastor speaks and chuckles when he can finally hear his sweetheart in all her glory, in the meantime, lucifer on sucking and licking on her cunt making her whimper and moan even more. He knew exactly what he was doing, eating her out was one of his specialities, after all, he loved to make her feel good. Soon after he stopped, letting his cock come out of his pants to then slam into her right away with one thrust, the tentacle out of her mouth and now around her neck giving her the possibility to speak
''Luci.. holy shit,,
she is able to mutter in between moans, with Lucifer picking up his pace, and Alastor does as well. They both went on until they reached their climax, Alastor finishing in his hand while Lucifer finished inside of Y/n, her legs quivering the same as her cum filled cunt.
They could say they were gonna share you like this more often from now on.
a/n: GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH IM SO GLAD I GOT TO WRITE THIS!!!! I hope it satisfied your request and thank you so much for the ask :3c @christineblood
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madzlang · 9 months
Simon Riley with a shy reader who has ZERO experience with men.
as much as I would’ve loved to make this full blown smut, my brain would not allow that with this ask so no smut 😝 this time at least. if I get enough motivation (and this gets enough notes), I’ll probs make a second part that has smut
anyways, thanks for the ask 😘
Bread, Croissant, and a Date
simon riley x fem!reader
warnings: sorta smutty-ish, just Simon being kinda pervy and stuff
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The ding of the small bakery door on the corner of the street echoed around the almost empty shop, that was nearly a singular room if not for the tiny kitchen through the back door.
Simon Riley looked around, seeing an old man sitting at the one table, sipping a coffee and holding a news paper, giving Simon a dirty look as if he interrupted his peace.
Simon raised his brows, walking to the counter and tapped on the bell after seeing the sign near it that said: “ring the bell if I’m not at the counter :)”
A few moments later, a small girl, who was around a foot shorter than Simon, hurried to the counter, a blush on her cheeks.
“Sorry.” She spoke, her voice small as she looked at the counter.
“Don’t worry about it, love.” Simon responded, his voice rough as he looked at her, his eyes trailing up and down her body.
Her eyes darted up to look at him, the blush on her cheeks even darker.
“Uh- what.. what can I get you?” She asked quietly, looking up at him.
“Just a loaf of bread, love.” His eyes were still glued to her body as he spoke.
She nodded, turning around and walking to where she kept the bread, her back turned to him.
He couldn’t help but let his eyes trail down her body, stopping on her ass before looking back up as she walked back.
She placed the loaf of bread on the counter, saying a quiet “$1.50”.
He nodded, giving her the money in coins as he picked up the loaf of bread. “Thanks love.” He said lowly as he walked out, the ding of the bell echoing around the bakery once more.
A week later, Simon reentered the bakery. He wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted this time, well, apart from the sweet girl working there.
He walked up to the counter, seeing the same old guy from the week before, sitting in the exact same spot, doing the exact same thing he was last week.
Simon tapped on the bell, watching as the girl came out of the back room a few moments later.
“Hi.” She said quietly, looking up at him, a look of recognition on her face, but she quickly looked down again. “What can I get you?”
His eyes darted around the shop, trying to stop his eyes from landing on her tits (although the did many times), and actually find something he wanted.
“Uh, can I get a croissant, darling?” He asked after a few moments.
She nodded, bending down to grab a paper bag and open the display case, getting a croissant out.
Simon had to physically bite his tongue from letting out a groan as he saw her bend down, his thoughts going wild about how her dress tightened on her ass.
She stood up a few moments later, her cheeks pink as she put the paper bag containing the croissant on the counter. “$3.00” she spoke softly, her gaze down at the counter.
He nodded, sliding the amount over in coins. “Thanks, pretty girl.” He missed out on her cheeks turning as red as a tomato as he turned around and left, a sly smile on his face, a bulge in his pants, and a paper bag containing a croissant he didn’t even want in the first place.
Simon couldn’t help but visit the bakery once more, only a few days later.
The bell dinged and he ignored the dirty looks the old man was giving him as he approached the counter.
The girl immediately came out of the back room, approaching the counter, looking up at the him.
“Hi. What can I get you?” She asked, her tone slightly more quite than last time.
“Your number, love.” He spoke, his rough voice a stark contrast to her sweet and quiet voice.
Her cheeks turned bright pink and her eyes widened.
“Sorry.. what?” She asked quietly.
“Your number. So I can ask you out on a date.” Simon was quite proud with his display of confidence, leaning on the counter and running a hand through his messy blond hair.
The girl’s mouth opened and closed, trying to find the words to respond before she reached under the counter and pulled her phone out, opening her contacts list and giving it to him, silently telling him to put his number in.
“You gonna message me if I do this?” He asked although he was already typing his number in.
She shrugged and nodded, her cheeks still bright pink.
“Good girl.” He said lowly, giving her phone back, turning around and leaving, a grin on his face once more.
Part 2 is postedd
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taehyunsluvr · 2 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Boy Next Door ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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warnings: sub!soobin, afab!reader, dom!reader, making out, friends to strangers to lovers, nerd!soobin, nicknames (noona, soobie), kinda leg riding?, first time, pervert!soobin, not proofread
a/n: short, kinda a random idea but fits him. We all know he'd he such a boob guy. Theres lore guys theres lore okay trust me
Everyone labels him the "nerd" of the neighborhood because he's kind of the guy everyone uses for homework answers. Your friends, they can be a bit harsh. They sorta.. kinda.. bully him? That sounds realllyyy bad but really all they do is tease him from time to time. For small things like his glasses, the way he dresses, yk the usually things. And yeah, you've laughed along a few times. It felt wrong, but it was worth it to be friends with them.
Though he's always kinda been your friend, secretly. He helped you out with math when you were practically failing, listened to your endless rants about whatever drama was going down at school, and never asked for anything back. Thats just all he was though, always there, kind of like part of the scenery of your life you never really paid much attention to.
Then randomly at school, Soobin comes up to you. He's looks of nervous, which honestly wasn't that weird for him. He purposefully tried to meet you when your friends were getting snacks during your break.
"Y/n," he mutters, "there's something I really need to tell you." You just stare at him. You were kind of annoyed because if your friends saw you they would never shut up about you talking to him. "I like you, more than a friend like. I've felt this way for a while but didn't say anything because I know how it is with your friends..I know you laugh with them, and it's cool but we're graduating soon so I didn't want to miss the opportunity." You didn't really give him an answer. You just stared at him, mouth open slightly and with a confused expression before he walked away.
It pissed you off that he just HAD to tell you. It was awkward as HELLL and now you couldn't even ask him for help with work. And not to mention finals were like in a week. And now you stood in your kitchen, pissed of because your mom told you 5 minutes ahead of time that the Choi's would be coming to your house to have dinner. Was this a joke? Well you wanted to make the best of it. At least you could play around with him for the time you had. You tried slightly with your outfit and makeup, but no too hard. When the door opened and his family entered, you were sitting on the couch. You got up to greet them all, glancing at Soobin. He had his usual black framed glasses on, and a plain outfit.
"Hey you came." You waved slightly to him. He VERY awkwardly waved back, looking at his feet avoiding eye contact. "Mom we'll be in my room." Now this would sound suspicious if it wasn't for the fact that you've known each other since you've worn diapers. You both made your way up your stairs, and into your room. "You can sit on my bed if you want." He nodded silently. "Soo.. anything new with you?" You wanted to talk about something, ANYTHING to break this awkward suffocating feeling. It wasn't just awkward, but you were also still pissed. You weren't pissed at the fact that he abruptly confessed, but more by the fact that he didn't let you give a proper response. He constantly avoided you at school and pretended not to be home when you brought stuff over to his house for his family. Did he think he was alone with his feelings?
"Some people started a rumor at school.." He said breaking the silence again. "They said we're a couple. You raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? You sure you didn't start the rumor yourself?" You teased. He looked genuinely bothered. You scoweled. "What? Does it make you that unfomfortable that people think we're dating?" He quickly retorted, "N-no..! I just thought it might make you.. annoyed"
"Ill decide for myself how I feel, thanks, I dont need you deciding that."
"thats not what I meant.. I'm sorry noona.." He said repentually.
"I never even got to respond to you that day. Maybe the rumors would have been true if you let me speak." You said moving slightly closer to him on your bed. He looked confused.
"My answer is I like you too, and I do want to date you. So does that answer suit you? Or were you expecting rejection?" he paused. He felt a bit embarrassed when you so bluntly expressed your feelings to him. He wasn't expecting a positive reaction, so he felt hesitant on if he should speak or stay quite.
"H-huh?" He couldn't tell if you were teasing him or not. "If you're actually serious then why didn't you just tell me then?"
"Because you didn't give me the opportunity to. Well its good we got that out of the way. I'm actually really excited now. We can do tons of fun couple things." She said facing him.
"We-w-what?" The whole mood shifted. A moment ago you guy's were all serious, which was totally out of character for you. Soobin was taken by surprise as you leaned closer. "What 'couple things' are you talking about..?" His voice broke as he spoke.
"we could play around and.." she leaned closer to whisper to him, "I would even.. let you touch them." She leaned back away from him and laughed hysterically while cupping her chest in her hands.
Soobin felt his entire face immideitatly turn red and his heart rate shoot up. He felt like he could die from embarassment as he felt his body heat up because of the teasing. He could only slightly nod. "W-well I guess.. we can do that.."
"Oh so you're admitting to being a pervert?"
"I-it's.. not like that" He said answering quickly. "I'm not.." it was a joke you often said to him before.
"You've thought about it before haven't u? How they felt?"
"W-well.. um.. yeah.. I have thought about it.. but that doesn't make me a perv.." His face flushed even more than before.
"It totally does. But your wish is my command." She took his big hand and placed it on her chest. Soobin immediately felt a sudden warmth on his hand. It was like every nerve was being stimulated, and his breath began to become more heavy as his heart rate increased. You never knew boobs turned guys on this much. Or maybe it was just Soobin..
"You like it right?" You teased.
"W-well, I mean.. they're- they look really soft and I.." He trailed off and he was stuttering profusely. It was already too much for him to handle.
"you're already this flustered from feeling my clothed chest?' He nodded in a mix of shame and embarrassment. His face was completely red now. You wanted to test his limits. You leaned onto him, pressing a soft gentle kiss onto his lips. You just wanted to test the waters. His eyes widened in surprise as he felt the unexpected sensation. He hesitated for a moment before slowly parting his plush lips. The kiss became more rough, and you pulled his waist, so once he attempted to pull away, naturally he fell onto his back on your bed. He gasped for air, his body trembling under yours. His hands moved up to your shoulders, trying to push you away but finding it almost impossible to resist. The warm touch of your hand started to spread all around his torso as your fingers began to run over his skin. He let a groan before speaking, "M-Mmph...p-please don't.. dont't stop.." You moved your mouth down to his kneck, slowly trailing kisses down his sensitive skin.
A shiver ran down his spine, and he let out more groans as he tried to hold onto u, not wanting you to stop. You lifted up his plain tee revealing his chest. You brought one of his even more sensitive nipples into your mouth, gently sucking. Soobin let out a soft moan, and he couldn't help but arch his back slightly. You could feel his heartbeat now, and he could feel himself getting harder under your touch. You felt it. It was huge. Wasn't he the nerd everyone asked for homework answers? Why did god give him everything. Looks, brains, and a huge cock. She let out a teasing laugh.
"Somone's excited." She lifted her knee in between his legs.
"M-mhhh..mm n-noona.." His moans became even more intense as you pushed into his hard erection through his sweatpants. He couldn't hold it in anymore. "M-more..please," he managed to whisper between ragged breaths. She gave attention to his swollen nipple while still pushing her knee into him. The sensations were overwhelming. His body trembled. He pressed his hips forward in an attempt to get closer to the sensation you were creating. "Fuck.. I can't take m-more.." His voice strained. "Mm.." He tried to hold back, but as soon as he felt your hand slip down under his sweatpants onto his hardness he couldn't help but make noises of pleasure.
"Shhh.. these walls aren't sound proof soobie." You told him, knowing there was no way anyone downstairs could hear if they couldn't hear your blasting music that you usually played on your speaker. His body tensed up and he felt himself about to climax, his hips bucking forward. "noona I'm- I-" With a suppressed and strained moan he released his seed into his sweatpants, panting heavily as the wave of pleasure washed over him. He took a second to fully come down to realize the situation. His legs still twitching, he felt both incredibly embarrassed and incredibly speechless.
"Oh- by the way I'm sorry for laughing with my friends.. before.." She had a complete 360 in the way she treated him but he didn't even seem to notice-- or care. "I-i don't even care anymore." He said calmly. "Can you grab me a tissue?"
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queenpiranhadon · 2 months
⚡︎⎸⎸ 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 ⎸⎸‎⚡︎
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A/N: You all voted on this poll, and this poll, and this poll and after a LOT of voting ((again) again) , I wrote this for all of you :D Thank you to my first not irl moot, Bee (@swans-chirping-in-the-distance) for beta reading this ily girl 😭 Here's my masterlist! Divider made by @cafekitsune
Warning(s): Enemies to lovers trope, mentions of anxiety, night thoughts (iykyk), reader wants to strangle Sirius lmao, maybe some inaccuracies idk man, reader is a Ravenclaw, reader is in the year below Sirius, reader is a bookworm, reader gets stressed apt academics - don't even try to call people like that nerds, anxiety for this sorta stuff is really serious, reader snaps at Sirius, reader’s nicknames are sweetheart, love and angel, slowburn kinda- they're just figuring stuff out, reader is GN but written with f!reader in mind.
Pairing: Sirius Black x GN!Ravenclaw!Reader
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The halls were quiet. 
 Too quiet.  
And you knew that, but it didn’t stop you from traversing the halls of Hogwarts, relishing in the darkness that enveloped the halls, and ultimately concealing you from any prying eyes.  
Stars twinkled through the windows that cast soft rays on moonlight onto the empty halls of Hogwarts, you should’ve felt at ease. 
But you didn’t. 
Technically, you shouldn’t be awake right now, and technically, you shouldn’t be in the halls right now, either, given the strict curfew Hogwarts has on its students. 
Didn’t stop you from leaving though. 
You had just finished a big essay for Herbology, and your anxiety had gotten the best of you, creating the twisting feeling in your gut, the one of failure, your subconscious whispering false notions and spiraling into possible timelines of being forced to work as Filch’s assistant because you failed to pass your exams, and- 
Needless to say, you needed to clear your head.  
Which is why you snuck out of Ravenclaw Tower, and why you were walking through the halls of Hogwarts. 
And why you now found yourself hiding behind one of the almost intimidating, looming pillars in the hall, footsteps resounding through the hallways.  
Your heart pounds - you would for sure be screwed if you were caught. Your mind races, thinking of countless possible ways your life would be ruined if whoever was there found you.  
Your body feels like it’s on fire, buzzing with the urge to run and hide, back into the safety of your sheets; better to give yourself to the torment of your thoughts than be caught in a place you weren’t supposed to.  
You curse mentally to yourself, until a husky masculine voice snaps you out of your mental tirade of self-abuse. 
“You can come out, sweetheart; I won’t bite. I’m supposed to be here as much as you are.” the male says smoothly. He had voice of a man who thrived off his confidence.  
Your body physically slumps in relief at the knowledge that it isn’t a professor. And then the tension came back, once you realized who the voice belonged to.  
Sirius Black.  
The boy in question was in the year above you, but it didn’t stop him from continuing his onslaught of pestering you when he could. And you tolerated it- knowing this was just how the Marauders were sometimes- but then Sirius did the unimaginable.  
You were reading your book- one of mystery and romance, each inked word drawing you in more and more until the book was physically ripped from your hands, your progress lost in the process. To say you were furious was an understatement.  
You probably yelled at him for 20 minutes straight, going on a tangent about how you never do that to someone and that he was an unsufferable prick, and yet all that son of a Blast-Ended Screwt did was stare at you with those stupidly gorgeous eyes and an even stupider grin plastered on his face.  
And after that day, he had made a point to poke fun at you whenever he could.  
Maybe running into a professor in the middle of the night wouldn’t be so bad.  
“I know you’re there, love.” he says; you can practically hear the smug grin on his face.  
“Shove off Black, you’re not supposed to be out either.” you bite, speaking in hushed tones unlike the loud boy on the other side of the pillar you were hiding behind.  
“That may be true, but I’ve never been good at following rules, have I?” he teases, trying to rile you up. “But I seem to have caught the Ravenclaw’s self-righteous angel doing some misdemeanors of their own.” 
You want to wring his neck- stupid Black doesn’t know anything- doesn't know how much your anxiety bothered you at night, and the moment you try to get some reprieve, you have to deal with him.  
“Can you actually shut your mouth?! You don’t know anything about me, and you never will, so stop acting like you can read me so easily, because maybe, just maybe, people have lives outside of you and your thick head Black.” You snap, storming off from your hiding place where Sirius can see you, determined to leave for Ravenclaw Tower. 
But before you can, he grabs your wrist, tugging you backward and into his chest- strong arms wrapping around you and securing your frame, effectively trapping you in his embrace.  
“There you are.” he whispers. 
You feel your face heat up, the proximity of the two of you was unbearable, his warm breath fanning over the back of your neck. You tense up, and yet, some part of you melts into his touch- and you hate it.  
“What in the world are you talking about, Black.” your tone harsh but no bite.  
You feel his head tilt up. The arms encircling you tighten as his tone turns thoughtful. 
“Do you hate me?” 
That caught you off guard. “What?” you stutter, taken aback. 
“Do you hate me, angel.” he repeats calmly, still looking through what you think in the window on the opposite wall from the both of you.  
You look down in contrast, mulling over his words. Do you hate...Sirius Black? Sure, he annoyed you to the end of the world, made your blood boil to the point where he could cook pasta with it, and made you want to rip the strands of your hair out, but somehow, hating him didn’t seem right. It didn’t sound right, the words hate and Sirius Black.  
“No.” you whisper, deciding to look up at the window with him. “I can’t.” 
You know he’s smiling when he softly says, “Me neither.”  
You both don’t say anything after that, silence ringing out through the halls of Hogwarts, and after a few minutes of just standing there in each other's presence, you speak.  
“So where does that leave us?” 
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
Okay, consider, König is having a really bad day. Shit totally hit the fan at work, he got more scrapes and bruises than he’d like to admit (the biggest being his ego for doing garbage out on the field, naturally,) he lost a good knife, and he got stuck in a post mission brief that took 5 hours. Just, god, that sucks doesn’t it? He makes his way home and as much as he doesn’t want to be a douchebag to his sweet girly, and usually he’d really wanna see you, but at the moment he’s beyond himself with anxiety and just general negativity from such an awful day he doesn’t want to bother you (even though that’s his most usual “relaxing” technique…) He’s walking up to the apartment/house and he hears the washing machine on, nothing unusual. He’s ready to seclude himself in a bathroom and lock the door and just clean all of his guns and knives to calm down but-
You’re there in the living room, casually hanging out on the couch, nothing special, except…
You’re wearing his shirt. And thigh high fuzzy socks.
And that’s all.
“What are you wearing?”
“Oh! You’re home!! Sorry, I spilled some coffee on my clothes, and it was laundry day so-“
You’re cut off as he slings you onto his shoulder like a sack of flour.
Number one way to cheer this guy up. His day just turned fucking fantastic.
Please 😫 he lost one of his good knives...?? I bet all the other stuff was just the icing on the cake!
Can you even imagine how upset he must be? This man treasures his knives more than anything. Everyone else treats them like they're accessories, but to König, the guns are the accessories. He never goes anywhere without a knife on his belt.
And this guy wants to come home as a celebrated hero, he wants to greet his woman with victory in his eyes. No man wants to wade to their girl fatigued and pissed off after a series of petty fuck ups and boring debriefs and say they even lost a good knife (& say it with a voice that's on the verge of breaking)
König has suffered so many blows that of course he wants to seclude himself somewhere and just sulk it out. He kinda sorta would love it if his girl came to him and hugged him tight... dangled from his neck and told him what a big boy he is and how happy she is that he's finally home… But he's afraid it's going to take more than that to get him out of the slump.
To his horror, not even the prospect of a dinner and a blowjob is making him feel better, so the situation is more than just dire.
Is there anything better in this world than coming home to his girl and noticing she's wearing thigh high fuzzy socks?
(And just for the record: König is a firm supporter of t-shirt no undies, yes sir, but those socks?? They will destroy him, especially if they're pastel color or white.)
He forgets all the bullshit he's suffered in an instant when he sees her jump from the sofa, peeping her apologies and trying to cover her bare thighs with one of his black tees. As if he could ever be mad at her for wearing his shirt.
By the time they make it to the bedroom, König has forgotten he even owned a black little switchblade that had a handy opening mechanism.
How can he think about knives when the cutest girl in the world giggles as he goes under the shirt (ach, his shirt), when the light of his life squirms and squeals as he gives her smooches and little nibs all over? She's ticklish, and König is going to pry every delightful little noise out of her before going further down.
And those thigh high socks?
They stay on during sex.
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noiryinn · 3 months
for you, i’ll make an exception
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pairing(s): sick!nagi seishiro x germaphobic!male reader
summary: nagi gets a fever, even though you’re deathly afraid of the possibility of getting sick, you decide to suck it up and help nagi.
warnings: bit of internalized homophobia (not a lot, just hesitating to kiss nagi cause he’s a boy)
a/n: first tumblr post, hope it's good! i love the sickfic trope, so i decided to do it for my first post. also, i didn’t proof read this so sorry if it’s bad. enjoy :))
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you started noticing that nagi has been sluggish lately, really sluggish, like more than usual. it's to the point where it has you worried. you were thinking of the possibilities of this newfound sluggishness, you didn't like to think it, but what if he was sick? the thought made you squeamish, what if you got sick too? it made your mind race.
when class ended, you decided to approach him. "hey, nagi?" you asked. "hmm?" nagi replied lazily. "are you, uh, good?"you waited for his response, but it looked like he could barely keep his eyes open. "...tired" he responded before yawning. "guess you always are..." you muttered. "are you sure there's nothing wrong?" you decided to take another shot. "yeah, i guess. think i might have a fever though..." you just stared at him. your worst fears just settled in. fever? that's even worse than a cold? you could get sick just by standing here! by even breathing near him! you were silently panicking before you took a look at nagi and realized that he was actually really unwell. something in your heart softened a bit, maybe youd make an exception for him…
the next day, nagi didn't show up. but why? was it the fever? or was he just too lazy to get out of bed? you decided to make a visit once school was over. the thought of helping him was a bit sickening…you washed your hands several times from the thought.
when the school day was over, you went over to his apartment. of course, prepared with hand sanitizer, a mask, and some gloves. you felt light headed from even touching the door. ‘i’m touching what a sick person touched…’ you thought several times over. you knocked, one, two, three times. no response…you thought of turning back and just forgetting about this. but the thought of nagi being sick changed your mind. you opened the door, then immediately put on hand sanitizer. it was cluttered, things were sprawled out on the floor, there was dust. all this was a nightmare, but you decided to keep on going, for nagi.
“nagi? hello? you in there?” it was only met with a dry cough. you started seriously regretting this…getting sick or helping nagi? what would it be? the thought made your head hurt. there were pros of helping out nagi than there were cons of getting sick…so that’s what you decided to do.
you walked in his room, holding the mask in your hand just in case. his room was just as messy as the outside. you’d definitely have a cleaning session with him. “l/n…?” nagi weakly called out. “yeah, it’s me. you good?” you said softly. “don’t feel well…can’t play games…” he sighed, he almost had a pouty look. it was adorable. you had a bit of sympathy for him. “cold…” nagi shivered a bit and he reached for your jacket. “hey! i might have to burn that now since you contaminated it!” you quickly wanted to take back what you said, it was kinda jerkish… “fine. you can have my jacket. just wash it, ‘kay?” you said reluctantly. “…’kay” then you lended him the jacket.
“smells like you…” he said before having a coughing fit. you wanted to jolt back, but something inside you just…didn’t. you felt a blush creep up your face. “huh? don’t say that sorta stuff, nagi! just rest up a bit and don’t talk…i’ll get you some soup.” you remarked. “fine by me…” nagi yawned again
you walked in with a bowl of soup and a cold compress. “cmon, sit up i got your soup” you sighed. “huh? but i don’t wanna get up…feed me…” he pouted. “seriously? you aren’t 5.” you rolled your eyes at this. but it was a bit adorable, in its own way. “help me sit up…” nagi looked at you. “uh…” you hesitated a bit…touching a sick person? and you just had to leave your gloves in the kitchen…but it was nagi…fine, you decided to settle on helping him. you took your hand out, before hesitating a bit, then held his hand to help him up.
“your hands are sweaty…” nagi bluntly stated. “oh shut up and let me help you” you snapped back softly. you held back the feeling to wash your hands. gross, gross, gross. your mouth felt dry and you felt yourself sweat a bit. you started feeding him the soup. “yum…you’re a good cook l/n” nagi ate the soup happily. “thanks, wasn’t anything special though…” you blushed a little.
there was a brief moment of silence, it was awkward and the only thing you could feel was your heart pounding. was it from the fear of getting sick? or was it him…? that was a stupid idea… you were stuck in your thoughts before nagi broke the silence. “i’m sorry i made you come here…i know you much you hate getting sick…” he said softly, you could tell he felt bad. “oh, uh, don’t worry ‘bout it. for you, i’ll make an exception.” you kept feeding him the soup.
after a bit you grabbed the cold compress, leaned forward and put it to his head. it was then you realized you two were pretty damn close. maybe if you leaned a bit more forward… no, it was wrong. he was sick, and you were both guys… but the urge was driving you crazy. you shook your head and went back to your senses.
nagi ate all the soup, which was surprising since he didn’t normally have the motivation to even eat at all. you were about to get up when you felt a hand tug at your shirt. “stay with me…” you blushed hard. ‘you can’t just keep playing with my feelings like this…’ you thought. “…fine” you said reluctantly before sitting down at his desk again. “in bed…” nagi muttered. “what?” you asked, what was he saying? “in bed, with me…” nagi muttered again. was he seriously saying what you thought he was saying? “you want me to lay in bed with you?” your face flushed all sorts of crimson. “mhm…” nagi nodded slowly. “first you want my jacket and now you want me to lay with you?” you put your hands on your hips. “yeah…will you not do it?” nagi looked up at you with a pouty expression. “I— uh— fine.” you gave in, you got in bed with him and pulled the covers over you two.
“warm…” you felt him cuddle up to you and lay on your chest. “hey—” you tried to protest, but then you realized he was already asleep. you chuckles and smiled softly. “good night, nagi. sweet dreams” you whispered before kissing his forehead.
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bowandbrush · 3 months
You mentioned your doing prompts? I got an idea(sorta based on Indy 3: Last Crusade), so here it goes: There’s something that the turtles need to get, but it’s stuck in an alternate universe that’s completely overrun by Kraang, so Donnie makes portal tech to get there, and they’re overlooking this place covered in red and Splinter says, “Beware, my sons, for we are pilgrims in an unholy land,” as everyone has varying “oh crap” expressions. Hope this is alright?
you are. A genius
I’m going feral with story ideas. I’m just going to pack in a lot of details of what I could possible jam in there.
also I couldn’t fit splints sorry about that
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I can imagine they would have to suit up a bit more and wear/bring more fabric just in case. Raph and Leo wear their ponchos for air cleansing and Donnie and Mikey wear masks (Mikey’s mask being his scrapped “Dr. Rude” design from the unaired ep.)
there would be a moment where Leo finds his sword from this dimension. Haha angst go brrr
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Donnie finds a backup drive made of ninpo from his future self, so it couldn’t be destroyed and was safe to be found by only hamatos. Some really heart-achy stuff about future Donnie talking to his past self (not really, just recording) because we all know Don prepares for everything.
another amazing scene could be where they walk through desolate resistance bunkers and see visions and ninpo ghosts/memories (ex: Frozen 2 lol)
idk I kinda want to turn this into a thing now 💀
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