#and home-baked goods
sugas6thtooth · 7 months
Food from the beautiful culture of the Palestinians🇵🇸🍉!! This genocide must end! Their lives and culture must be preserved!!
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This morning sucked. Woke up at 7 on less than 5 hours of sleep to bake over 50 Eccles cakes. Didn’t have like half my ingredients. Bought more only to realise I still didn’t have them all. Burnt myself on the syrupy filling. Printer died on me as I was trying to get a printing job done. Forgot to have lunch I was so excited. Locked my car key in the boot. Waited an hour in the sun in all black to make sure I didn’t get a parking ticket whilst trying to get said key out. Got stuck in traffic for half an hour only to find I’d just moved under 100 metres. Accidentally had the thermostat cranked up to 40C the whole journey. All of this, just to get to a screening.
Then when I got there….
Shrimp emotions. The atmosphere was incredible. Got there 3 hours early. Immediately bonded with people, and it just felt so warm and exciting. I passed round the Eccles cakes in its little (very large) Antichrist basket. We all counted down with the timer waiting for the episodes to start. The episodes were amazing, and I have to thank @neil-gaiman for making this season come true - it was everything I hoped for and more, and I think that’ll be the case for pretty much everyone. I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world, even if I had to live through this morning 20x over.
Trust me when I say you’re not prepared for season 2. No one is.
Anyways here’s a picture of the cakes in their basket:
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yourdependente · 4 months
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my kitchen smells like a bakery
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Blake: (giving a speech to a bunch of rowdy Faunus activists as new Chieftess of Menagerie and leader of the White Fang) While the past leaders of this organization and kingdom have done their best, I intend to build up on that foundation and make-
Deer!Faunus: Aren't you in a relationship with a human?!
Blake: My relationships do not affect my ability to-
Mouse!Faunus: How can we trust a leader who willingly became a humans pet?!
Faunus Crowd: (start muttering)
Blake: (grumbling mentally as she tries to think of what to say)
Yang: (blares through the crowd on Bumblebee 2.0 with a giant trailer hitched off to the back) Blaaaaaake!
Blake: (sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose) What is it, Yang? I'm a bit busy, and you just plowed through a bunch of Faunus activists.
Yang: (parks and pulls off her helmet) Yeah, sorry about that, but I'm in a pickle. (Hops off the motorcycle and opens up the top hatch of the trailer - revealing hundreds of freshly baked cookies)
Blake: ...........
Faunus Crowd: ...........
Blake: What?
Yang: Nora, Ruby, and I decided to get the Remnant World Record for the number of cookies baked at the same time. We used my semblance to bake, Ruby's semblance to mix, and Nora's sheer crackhead energy to get everything else. But now we have too many cookies!
Blake: ......Nora and Ruby can't just eat them?
Yang: They already ate 3 trailer fulls! (Projects picture of Nora and Ruby in cookie comas) I remembered that you had a public event thing and thought maybe attendees would want some!
Blake: (lightbulb moment) Actually, that would be amazing! Thank you so much, dear, for being so considerate.
Yang: (confused by the diabetic sweetness dripping from Blake’s voice and slowly shuffles up to the podium as a few Faunus that hadn't been assholes go up to the trailer and grab a cookie) Uh, did I do something wrong? I can leave if I'm intruding.
Fox!Faunus: Nope! (Munches cookie) You're good! Thank you, Dear!
Faunus Crowd: Thank you, Dear!
Yang: (severely confused) What just happened?
Blake: (covers her microphone before kissing Yang on the cheek) Apparently, a butch, golden retriever lesbian bringing homemade baked goods is all you need to calm a bloodthirsty crowd.
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softchouli · 1 year
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recklessmoss · 19 days
We need to return to the old ways of trading goods... I'm being so fucking real right now. I AM at a point where I will paint you a wall to wall painting for some home made focaccia bread, like actually.
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thegirl-in3z · 1 year
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Homemade mini chocolate chip cookies 🍪
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internationalveagn · 1 month
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Spaghetti spinachi-
Inspired by one of the best pay dishes I had at pasta brown in Covent Garden, this spaghetti spinach has quickly become one of my favourite pasta dishes. It’s so easy to make and is sure to impress the fellow pasta lovers in your life.
200 grams of dried spaghetti
30 grams of pine nuts
2tbspoon of olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 a jar or 130 grams of sun-dried tomatoes.
2 large handfuls of spinach
1tbspoon of pesto
Salt +pepper
1 tablespoon of dry basil
1 tea spoon of chilli flakes
Instructions -
Start by preparing your spaghetti like usual. Placing around 200 grams dry spaghetti into a pot of salted boiling water and cook following the instructions on your packet.
In the meantime, in another pan heat up 2tbs of olive oil on low to medium heat and lightly toast 30 grams of pine nuts. You want to toast them only for a few minuets, until they go a golden colour. You might hear some popping but don’t worry! This is completely normal by toasting them we are releasing the natural oils present in the pine nuts which enhances the flavour of the dish.
Once you notice some colour appearing on your pine nuts add in 2 cloves of crushed garlic (or more I don’t judge) and stir that in.
We can now add the star of the show! The sun-dried tomatoes. This is my personal favourite part of the dish, so I do go a bit mad and add 1/2 a jar (130g) of them into the pan. Alongside a tablespoon of the oil it’s persevered in.
We are going to cook these off for a minuet or two. Just to let all the flavours in the sun-dried tomatoes blossom and combine with the pine nuts.
After a minuet or two of stirring we can now add 2 large handful of our spinach into the pan and stirring. It may look like a lot in this moment but spinach can be deceptive. These two large handfuls will wilt out of sight in no time.
Once wilted I began to season our sauce with only a bit of salt, pepper, basil and chilli flakes. I also added a large tbs of green pesto after this to enhance the flavour of the pine nuts and basil.
To make the sauce a little saucier, add roughly around 3 tablespoons of that salty pasta water to emulsify your sauce.
The sauce is now done! The only thing left to do is add your drained spagetti to the pan. Giving it a good mix before serving it with freshly cracked black pepper and some fresh basil (if you’re feeling fancy)
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fr-thrice · 1 year
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I've fallen behind on naming Vormun and Izumi's latest offspring, so there's 2 clutches still hanging out in the lair and another about to hatch tomorrow. it's getting crowded in their place!!
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somewhatdelicious · 7 months
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Taiyaki (glutenfree)
I recently purchased this electrical taiyaki iron. I have been looking for one with a reasonable price that will ship to Norway for many years! I am so happy right now. I made some with cheddar, and some with Nutella. Both were nice, but sadly the cheese was a bit bland and not very mature and could have been better. You really want cheese that packs some umami I think to balance the sweetness :)
I adapted one of the recipes from the notelet included.
Mix together:
3 1/2 cups gf cake flour ( I used Schär pattisserie)
4 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
8 tsp baking powder
Add and mix well:
3 cups milk
Add and mix:
5 eggs
Add and mix well until fluffy:
1 cup or 2 sticks or 240gr butter, softened
I have seen people using metal spoons to spread the mix in the pan, but I would suggest using a wooden spoon or a silicone spatula instead in order to not harm the non stick coating.
As you can see the recipe calls for a lot of butter. You can find all kinds of variants of batter if this sounds like too much to you. I will however say that this made them satisfyingly crunchy on the outside and wickedly soft and moist on the inside, and then you can decide for yourself :)
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thestarvingchef · 10 months
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Bannoffee Pie, Wheat Digestive base, filled with a dulche de letche (condensed milk caramel). Slices of ripe bananas topped with a compound whip cream (1:1 cream and sour cream. With just a touch of vanilla) and for the final garnish, crushed toffee with rich dark chocolate and salted pretzels. This is always a hit with guests, family and friends.
Should I post a recipe?
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terr4ance · 3 months
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It was my grandma's 90th birthday party on Saturday and we had a buffet with all sorts of stuff. At the end, there was some leftover salmon and prawns (among other things) which I wrapped and took home.
Bought some puff pastry (because I've made my own before and it is far more time than I currently have), cream, and spinach to make it into a pie. I'm quite happy with how it turned out :)
Despite her age, my grandma always bakes (and then loves to complain about how much it makes her knees hurt afterwards!). One of my favourite things she does is salmon tarts whenever she has leftover salmon. That was the main inspiration for this recipe.
- Puff pastry (I used two packs of premade stuff with a little left over)
- 1/2 onion
- 1 clove of garlic
- a bag of fresh baby leaf spinach
- a fresh salad tomato
- leftover poached salmon, smoked salmon, and prawns (shrimp)
- thyme, salt, pepper
- Worcester sauce (Lee and Perrins is the best)
- 300ml of double cream
- a bit of cheese (optional)
1. Preheat an oven to gas 4 (177°C/350°F).
2. Line a pie dish with puff pastry, leaving a little extra around the edges to account for shrinking. Put a sheet of baking paper on top and cover with baking beans (I used split peas because that's what we have). Put this into the oven and set a timer for 10 ish minutes (you want the pastry to be partially cooked).
3. Finely dice half an onion and add to a saucepan over medium heat. Grate in some garlic (or mince it if you aren't as lazy as me!). Fry until translucent.
4. Add a bunch of spinach and allow it to wilt. Dice a tomato and add it too.
5. Add salt, pepper, thyme, and a dash of Worcester sauce along with around 300ml of double cream. More can be added later to taste.
6. Once simmering, add the salmon and prawns (I also had a little tiny bit of smoked salmon) and heat through.
7. By this point, the pastry should be partially cooked. Remove it from the oven, remove the baking beans (O.E), and pour the sauce into the pie. Turn the oven up to gas 7 (220°C/425°F).
7.5. Before giving the pie a lid, I grated a bunch of red Leicester on top of the filling as I was slightly short of filling and didn't want the lid to sag. This is optional, but experiment with whatever you feel might work.
8. Lay more puff pastry on top of the pie and crimp the edges. You can also score the top to give it a fancy pattern, and egg-wash to seal and glaze if you can be bothered (I couldn't).
9. Put the pie back in the oven for a further 10-15 minutes, or until the pastry is golden.
10. Leave to cool before serving, and enjoy!
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bestrecipehealty · 3 months
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we are removing inactive members from the group, say anything to stay active.
I brought these to the party, and they were gone before I could grab one myself.
Must express something to keep getting my recipes... Thank you!
Craft delicious Philly Cheesesteak Egg Rolls with this easy recipe! Thinly sliced steak, sautéed onions, peppers, and provolone cheese fill crispy egg roll wrappers, creating a mouthwatering appetizer. Perfect for parties or casual gatherings.
Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the sliced steak and cook until browned. Remove the steak from the skillet and set aside.
In the same skillet, add a bit more oil if needed, then sauté the sliced onions and bell peppers until they're soft and slightly caramelized. Season with salt and pepper. Remove from heat.
Lay out an egg roll wrapper and place a slice of provolone cheese in the center. Add a spoonful of the cooked steak and a spoonful of the onion and pepper mixture on top of the cheese.
Fold the sides of the wrapper over the filling, then roll it up tightly, sealing the edges with a bit of water.
Heat vegetable oil in a deep skillet or pot to 350°F (175°C). Carefully place the egg rolls in the hot oil, a few at a time, and fry until golden brown and crispy, about 3-4 minutes per batch. Drain on paper towels.
Serve the Philly Cheesesteak Egg Rolls hot with your favorite dipping sauce, such as marinara, cheese sauce, or spicy mayo.
Enjoy your homemade Philly Cheesesteak Egg Rolls!
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yourdependente · 3 months
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💛 🍋
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helenmarie95 · 6 months
Pretty privilege is Matty winning GBBO instead of Josh.
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tabney2023 · 1 year
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Heart-Shaped Macarons. Spread Good Vibes. Post It Forward
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