#and he knows aristotle
chrissy0689 · 26 days
if this post reaches a certain amount of likes or reblogs i’ll write the sunseeker/starchaser fanfiction where regulus is a world wide famous singer on tour and james is the nfl player with a silly little crush on him. ohhhh they’re are so high school
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Do you know this queer character?
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Aristotle is Gay and Nonbinary, and uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
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robinfollies · 4 months
arthur being canonically bad at cooking is important to ME!!!!!!!!!
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(part two)
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yea-baiyi · 1 year
i’m so fucking mad i just realised that the final confrontation between he xuan, shi wudu, and shi qingxuan is perfectly framed like a traditional greek tragedy—it has the three actors, the character between two extremes, the recognition, the reversal, the pity and fear, the catharsis. you can pretty much take the scenes—starting and ending with xie lian performing the soul shifting spell—and directly stage them as a play and they could conform to the Tragic structure. what the fuck man what do i do with this information.
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celaenaeiln · 11 months
Dick and Jason would totally have a debate about reading. Except it wouldn’t be about whether Dick could read or not, it would be about whether classical literature is better than philosophical texts and they would hate the other because Jason would say that philosophical texts are a bunch of phony ramblings from old men who had nothing better to do and Dick would get mad and say classical literature is only popular because it’s too messed up for its time period and therefore the only reason it’s remembered and not because it’s actually good. 30 mins later Tim walks into the room with Jason and Dick not even a centimeter apart and screaming into each others faces and takes a slow sip of coffee and says “programming books are the most fun to read.”
Dick and Jason turn their heads so slowly to look at him that with each movement their neck muscles positively creak with pure revulsion for him.
Later Jason sends a half a dozen photos to the Titans and Bernard of Tim’s most awkward poses and Dick sidles up to Bruce and convinces him that Tim has gotten to the point where his sleep is affecting him so much he’s not functioning properly so Bruce takes matters into his own hands.
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precalamity · 9 months
dante quintana is The Character to me. he has multiple pairs of novelty sunglasses he wears in full sincerity. he’s crazy about his parents. he doesn’t believe in wearing shoes. he knows his best friend loves him back before his best friend knows. he writes a letter that only serves the purpose of asking his best friend if he masturbates. he likes archie comics. he threatens to drown his best friend and then give him mouth to mouth to save his life. he cries over dead birds. he doesn’t clean his room. he reads more poetry than I’ve ever heard of. he’s shit at bowling. he has such a brightness and warmth that his face is described as “a map of a world without darkness”. he’s even gay.
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rox-and-prose · 9 months
Okay I'll be honest. "Doomed by the narrative" is a nothing phrase to me. Meaningless. Which is to say I have no idea what y'all mean when you say it and how it is distinct from concepts like fate or tragic flaws in a sort of ancient greek play sense
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nateconnolly · 1 year
The gods are not aware of us. That’s what I like most about Aristotle’s cosmology. The gods are perfect, and therefore they only think about perfect things (themselves). We are imperfect, therefore we are not worth thinking about. They don’t know that they caused us. 
You’re probably more familiar with the Olympians—figures like Zeus, Athena, and Poseidon, the sort of Greek gods that appear in Percy Jackson or Disney’s Hercules. Those gods are deeply invested in human affairs. Homer portrays the gods sponsoring armies, and making alliances with humans. Aeschylus has Athena begin democracy. They have children with us, they accept offerings from us, they even lash out at us in judgment. But Ancient Greece was a huge civilization that lasted an incredibly long time. Sometimes they disagreed with each other.
For Aristotle, praying to the gods can’t ensure a good harvest or military success. It can’t even get their attention. We are able to relate to the gods, but it is a completely one-sided relationship. If your motivation for practicing religion is purely transactional, then there is no reason to care about these solipsistic prime movers. But for Aristotle, the gods can help us achieve virtue. 
We can imitate them. We will never win their favor, we will never have their love, but we can follow their example. Although we will never be perfect, we can observe perfection and try to learn from it. We can be a little better than we are today. Perhaps that is enough. 
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jentlemahae · 19 days
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mysicklove · 6 months
why do i ponder about the universe when i get wasted, i just want to have fun 😔😔😔
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lobotomizedlady · 2 months
Thoughts on this album?
99% of my swiffer behavior is also confined to r*ddit (why are you guys making me admit this twice in one day) & it will remain that way for various reasons. I will say I have no idea why she made that snore of a song the lead single/paired it with such an aesthetically interesting video.
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starfanatic · 19 days
If your AO3 don't look this pretty you're missing out
It was so easy and it looks so pretty omg
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nonbinari-mendoza · 2 years
society if ari had realized his feelings the first time he and dante kissed
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gorillaxyz · 2 days
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i forgot he mentioned whores here
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youareinlove · 26 days
i think that she added so high school for the opposite reason that she added tsmwel
tsmwel is her trying to sing the painful songs so she can have positive memories attached to them, so high school is her reminding us all that she is in love with killa
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cryptidjeepers · 1 month
Look away swiftie moots im sorry im going to clown on ts
I wanted to show my friend the line about getting fingered while your bf plays gta and read the full bridge for the first time. I couldnt get through a dramatic reading without laughing what the fuck
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