#and for her special attack she just. prays and makes light explode? come on have her play on the spirit flute or something
dravidious · 25 days
In Hyrule Warriors there's a weapon for Toon Link, the Sand Wand. Naturally this is an item from a Zelda game, and one that I recognize and remember using, but I couldn't quite remember which one; Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, or Link Between Worlds? I've played all of them, but it's been years. However, I DID remember that the sand wand raises up square blocks of sand, in a fixed grid. Link Between Worlds uses a fixed grid with its ice wand item, and I distinctly remember the sand wand having a similar highlight preview of what blocks will be raised when you use it. I also remembered it raising a straight line of blocks in front of you, in strict orthogonal directions, which is exactly how Link Between Worlds' item controls work, and very much NOT how Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks' controls work.
But I'm not sure. So I google the sand wand to check and... it's from Spirit Tracks? And its control scheme is completely different from what I remember..?
I google the list of items in Link Between Worlds, and find the sand ROD. Apparently it's in BOTH games with a slightly different name and controls. So that's why I couldn't remember which one it was in.
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Could you please write Jason and Y/N (Father of Mine Universe) with prompts 48, 31, and maybe 30? could go either way.
Even if you choose not to write this, thanks for creating Father of Mine, it's one of my favorite fics!
Father of Mine
48. Using your body to shield them from attack.
31. Hurriedly checking for their pulse.
30. Performing CPR when they stop breathing.
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Jason and Y/N were walking along the water after getting dinner.
Most of the harbors in Gotham were run by one crime lord or another. Which meant that there were very few areas on the water for civilians to enjoy – or feel safe. 
But Jason knew of a strip that was under the radar.
There were a few other couples with the same idea. And random groups of kids and teenagers hanging out and messing around.
Jason was relaxed.
That was his first mistake.
Jason had immediately clocked a random middle-aged man who was covered in sweat and was visibly trembling.
Being far too familiar with the sight, Jason assumed the guy was another unfortunate addict. 
But then he noticed the man was carrying a backpack.
Jason had all of 5 seconds to realize what was about to happen.
He shielded Y/N with his body while screaming as loud as he could, “Get down!”
Jason knew he couldn’t save everyone, and Y/N would always be his number one priority.
The next second, the bomb exploded.
The impact knocked Jason unconscious.
For how long, he had no idea.
He was disoriented from the explosion, his ears ringing from tinnitus and his vision struggling to focus from the vertigo. Yet, somehow he could still hear the beating of his heart in his eardrums. 
People were screaming in pain around him and others were crying as they looked down at their loved ones. Half the harbor was on fire from the explosion. Cement and debris was everywhere. Jason’s hair was grey from it.
He blinked and then panicked.
“Y/N!” Jason screamed when he realized she wasn’t anywhere near him.
He jumped to his feet and whipped around in every direction looking for her.
“Y/N!” He screamed even louder, his throat burning from the effort.
Then he realized when the explosion when off they had been standing next to the railing that blocked off the water. The railing that had now been blasted away and into the harbor.
Jason sprinted to the edge and looked down at the black water below.
Without hesitation, he dove into the depths.
It was almost impossible to see anything.
But just seconds later, he found Y/N unconscious and completely submerged.
Jason had never swam faster in his life.
But when they breached, Y/N didn’t gasp for air.
She was completely unconscious.
Jason’s eyes darted around, trying to find their escape.
By some miracle, there was a rusty ladder that led back up to the pier from the water.
Jason put Y/N’s body over his shoulder as he climbed the ladder, silently praying that the metal didn’t break under their combined weight.
When they reached the top, he gently laid her down and his fingers shot to the pulse point at her neck.
“No, no, no,” Jason mumbled. “Y/N. Come on, baby. You’re not doing this to me.”
He found his Red Hood comm in the pocket of his jacket, and put it to his hear.
“Contact Bruce,” he commanded the AI as he started performing CPR on Y/N.
“What is it?” Bruce answered with slight panic. 
Jason had never called him like this before. And therefore Bruce knew immediately something terrible happened.
“Get the fucking jet here right now,” Jason growled.
“What’s happened?” Bruce asked, but it was obvious he was moving around already to leave.
“There was an explosion. She doesn’t have a pulse and she’s not breathing,” it was all Jason was capable of giving him. “Just get the fucking jet here now!”
He didn’t have time to explain more and hung up. And he didn’t have to say Y/N’s name for Bruce know who he was talking about. There was only one woman in Jason’s life that would have him sounding so panicked and desperate.
Jason continued his CPR, fully focused now that he knew Bruce was on the way.
Still nothing.
He did another round of compressions.
Jason’s eyes started watery as his mind began to believe that Y/N wasn’t going to make it.
He wouldn’t survive.
Y/N had changed his life. She made him better, made him good, made him want to worker harder – do literally anything to become the man she deserved and to continue to be deserving of her love.
“Please,” Jason whimpered. “Please don’t leave me.”
But then Y/N’s eyes shot open and she immediately turned over and started coughing up water.
“Holy fuck,” Jason gasped in relief at the sight.
Y/N continued coughing until her throat was scratched and dry.
Jason rubbed her back, trying to comfort her without preventing her body from getting all the water out of her lungs.
After she finished, she was shaking from being freezing cold and from the shock.
Despite him also being wet, Jason put his coat over her shoulders.
“Don’t ever fucking do that to me again,” Jason begged Y/N as he pulled her into his arms. 
He kissed the crown of her head and hoped his body heat would be enough to warm her up.
“What happened?” Her voice had never been raspier and it was now quivering.
“A bomb went off. I thought I shielded you from it, but the impact must’ve thrown you into the harbor.”
“I’m OK,” she tried to tell him. But her shaking voice was unconvincing. 
Jason wasn’t letting go of her anytime soon.
It was only 5 minutes later that the batplane touched down on what remained of the pier.
Jason looked up to see Dick, Tim, and Damian jump out and immediately start helping the injured.
But Bruce, dressed in his Batman uniform, was walking straight to Jason and Y/N.
“She needs to go to a hospital,” Jason called out when Bruce was a few yards away. “Her heart stopped beating and her lungs took in too much water.”
Jason knew Bruce wouldn’t argue with taking Y/N there immediately.
Bruce was clearly relieved at seeing his daughter alive and conscious. But that didn’t mean she was in the clear. Nearly drowning still had its risks. If her heart stopped beating, she was in danger of brain damage or pneumonia.
“I’ll take her. You help the others,” Bruce ordered as he stepped forward to take Y/N from Jason’s arms.
“Like fucking hell I am,” Jason growled as he stood up with Y/N in his arms.
Bruce was about to fight him on it, but then he met Y/N’s eyes. Her skin was pale and almost had a blue tint to it. She looked so small and vulnerable in Jason’s arms. Not like the strong and grown woman that had first strutted into Wayne Manor.
“I’m not leaving her,” Jason added for good measure.
Bruce finally sighed and nodded. “Take the jet. You know where to go. I’ll meet you there.”
Before Jason could carry her away, Y/N whispered, “What about the others?” 
Her eyes tried to look around her boyfriend’s broad shoulders to see the other victims.
“B is going to help them,” Jason gently told her. He even angled his body to block her line of sight. She didn’t need to see any of it. 
“We already have ambulance and firemen on the way,” Bruce added, hoping it would convince her further not to worry herself. 
There was nothing she could do for them anyway. 
Then Bruce locked eyes with Jason. “Go. Get out of here. Take care of her.”
“Always,” Jason muttered quickly before hurrying Y/N to the jet.
Y/N woke up to two low voices clearly having a serious discussion, but trying to keep their voices down.
When she opened her eyes, Y/N realized she was in a hospital room. But it wasn’t just any room. It seemed like a five-star hotel with how fancy it was. It didn’t have that sterile smell or those harsh fluorescent lights that caused headaches.
“It was a turf war,” Bruce told Jason quietly. “Carmine has jurisdiction over the harbor the two of you were at tonight. But Farrelli wanted it for himself. He forced his latest victim to bring the bomb.”
Jason crossed his arms. “So, the guy was dead either way, Farrelli just thought he’d put him to some use before he murdered him.”
Bruce nodded. “And kill five more people with him.”
“Five people died?” Y/N burst out without realizing it.
Both men’s heads whipped in her direction.
“You’re awake,” Jason sighed and immediately rushed to her side.
“What hospital am I at?” She mumbled, looking around again.
“Gotham General,” he told her as he sat on the edge of the bed to face her.
Jason gently grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. But he had no intention of letting it go, keeping a tight hold and rubbing his thumb back and forth across her skin.
Bruce was slower to join them as he walked with his hands in his pant pockets.
“This isn’t Gotham General,” she commented with a suspicious gaze. 
Jason scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Well, as soon as Bruce arrived, they realized that you’re Gotham royalty by blood, and brought you to a special suite.”
Then Y/N’s eyes slowly moved to her father. “Five people died from the explosion?”
She needed to know. But she also knew that both men would try to protect her from possible survivor’s guilt.
So Bruce just nodded.
“How are you feeling?” Jason asked, trying to distract her by changing the subject.
“Tired. And my throat is sore,” she admitted with a light shrug.
Then she looked up at Jason and really took him in.
There were dark shadows under his eyes – the eyes that were still a bit bloodshot. 
Had he been crying? She hadn’t registered that. 
His hair was a mess, probably from drying haphazardly after jumping into the water to save her.
“Are you OK?” She asked.
It would be right on brand for Jason to risk his life saving her, but ignore any and all injures that he’d received from the same life-threatening travesty.
“I’m fine. Always am,” Jason reassured her too quickly.
Bruce chimed in,“We were all just worried about you, Y/N.”
Both men knew her next question was going to be about the well-being of Damian, Dick, and Tim.
“Can we go home?” She asked softly.
Y/N had always hated hospitals. And once her mother got cancer, Y/N absolutely despised them. Now all she had attached to them was bad memories that constantly threatened to trigger her. 
“They just need to get a scan back, make sure everything’s good,” Jason tried to comfort her. “Once that’s good, I’ll take you home.”
He knew her distaste for hospitals and was prepared for her to want to escape at the earliest opportunity.
“Scan?” Y/N questioned.
“You didn’t have a pulse,” Bruce explained. “You have a concussion. We need to make sure there was no brain damage or any lasting side effects.”
“Right,” she mumbled, trying not to sound worried.
“You’re gonna be fine,” Jason reassured her as he cupped her cheek.
“Perhaps you should stay at the manor for a few days,” Bruce offered. “You can relax and not be bothered.”
“She can not be bothered in our apartment,” Jason interrupted, giving him side eye.
“Jason…” Y/N warned gently.
She knew the signs of Jason getting worked up. The fire in his eyes was always something Y/N could read – more than anyone else.
Bruce wasn’t offended by Jason’s little snipe. He was used to his temper. But his gaze did turn rather serious. 
“Could I talk to you outside for a moment?”
Jason was about to refuse, not wanting to leave Y/N’s side. But he knew that would just most likely lead to an argument. And Y/N didn’t need to hear or see that. She was already exhausted and recovering. The last thing she needed was to witness was her father and boyfriend going at it – especially over her.
So Jason just nodded and stormed out of the room.
The quicker they got this over with, the better.
As soon as the door closed, Jason was sizing Bruce up.
“What exactly is your next move?” Bruce questioned.
“I’m going after Farrelli,” Jason rumbled, as if it was obvious.
No one put Y/N in danger and got away with it. Jason had already come up with a plan on how to seek his revenge. 
It was going to be gruesome and dirty, but nothing less than what the bastards deserved.
Bruce clearly had expected this answer. “So do you plan on doing that while you take care of Y/N?” And he tilted his head as he challenged Jason.
“Are you really trying to stop me?”
Bruce took a step forward. “No, Jason. I’m trying to protect you from yourself. You get blinded by vengeance. And I let you get away with it. But now your actions don’t just effect you…they effect her, too.”
Jason blinked.
“Y/N needs you right now. Even though she will act like she doesn’t.” Bruce inhaled. “If you’re going to put revenge over her wellbeing, she should stay at the manor.”
This was a somewhat of a warning – an opportunity for Jason to do the right thing before he could make his mistake.
Jason’s head hung low now. “I can’t let him get away with it. She almost died, Bruce.”
“And he won’t. But we’ll take care of it,” Bruce promised.
Jason thought it about a moment, before he finally nodded slowly. “I think the manor would be good. But I won’t leave her.”
“I never said you had to,” Bruce corrected.
Jason nodded again and made his way to the door of Y/N’s room again.
“Jason?” Bruce called.
He turned around with an eyebrow quirked.
“Thank you for saving her life.”
Jason tried not to roll his eyes, but took a few steps back to Bruce. 
“You have your opinions about me and her, I’m sure. But I want to make this is clear: I’m always going to protect her. Always. What happened tonight is never going to happen again. I’d die protecting her.”
Jason didn’t wait for Bruce’s response before turning back around. 
But just as he opened Y/N’s door her heard, “I know, Jason. I’ve always known.”
Jason was able to convince Y/N to stay at the manor.
And she surprisingly agreed – as long as he came with her.
Alfred spoiled her rotten with all of her favorite meals. He was constantly bring her tea or coffee. 
Damian ordered all of his pets to keep her company and cuddle with her. To the point where Jason was annoyed because there was literally no space for him.
Tim downloaded a hundred movies for her to watch. 
Dick sent flowers and chocolates. 
Even Clark stopped by when he heard what happened. 
Unbeknownst to Y/N, all the boys and Bruce were working on taking down Farrelli. 
If Jason was the man from just a few years ago, Farrelli’s corpse would already be rotting somewhere in Gotham. But he had changed. Now they had to do things the right way.
Jason stuck to Y/N’s side like glue. He hovered, watched her like a hawk, wouldn’t let her do anything on her own.
After of a few days of this, Y/N finally had enough.
“You gonna talk to me anytime soon?” She asked him in bed on their third night.
Jason broke their eye contact.
“Jason. Please?” She whispered.
Silence filled the room.
“I can’t do it.”
Her brow furrowed. “Can’t do what?”
For a split moment, she thought he was about to try and break up with her. 
“I can’t watch you get hurt again. I just…I can’t.”
She cupped his cheeks. “But I’m right here. And I’m fine, Jason.”
“When I…” He hesitated. “When I died. I knew it was coming. I saw the bomb counting down and I knew there was no escape. I accepted my fate. I knew I was going to die. And I was scared.” 
Jason shook his head and took in a deep breath, “But Y/N…that was nothing compared to what I felt when I was convinced I’d lost you. I’m never been so fucking terrified in my life.”
Y/N smothered him with her embrace. “I’m so sorry for scaring you. But I’m OK. Please just focus on that. Please.”
“I can’t lose you, Y/N.” Jason whispered into her hair. “This place was hell before I met you. And I have no fuckin’ interest in fighting it without you.”
Y/N wished she could promise Jason that she would never leave him. But she was the child of a mother who passed far too soon. She knew life and death could be so cruel, ripping the loved ones away with or without warning.
No, she didn’t die this time. But who was to say something like this wouldn’t happen again? And maybe next time, she wouldn’t be so lucky. They lived in Gotham after all.
“Fate may have other ideas…But I never plan on leaving your side, Jason. I love you too much to do anything else.”
Jason actually laughed. “I can fight fate.”
He’d done it once before.
I have a few more of these prompts for bonus material. But let me know what you think 🤗
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passivenovember · 3 years
@liglitterbug asked: 
Has anyone asked for 53? (crawling through your window to go get ice cream) yet? Because that screams Harringrove to me and I would LOVE to see your take on it, please! (if you have time/inspiration) <3
a Friend for the End of the World.
Billy’s, like. Halfway through Little Women when Max knocks on his door, and. Okay. It’s not like he slammed his way through the house with a fire itching under his skin and believed for even a second, that.
The world could be his. Just for while. 
He settles roughly, at first, into the Alcott novel. Like a brick hitting the bottom of the sea--slowly, heavy and thick with the inertia of words that ignite something that feels.
Inside his belly. Billy doesn’t have the wherewithal to make sense of it so he, just. Clamps his eyebrows around the liquid sunshine in his veins and loses himself in the story. 
After Starcourt the world ends, but. 
It doesn’t sound like the poems said it would. The bang and the whimper and the conclusion that, after things catch on fire and smoke rises with the sun, silence will fall over the Earth. 
Billy remembers waiting for Hawkins to sleep.
Watching Max and Mrs. Byers and. Steve. Landslide all around them to fix what had been swept away by a misjudgment in the Earth’s ability to keep itself from cracking open.
And Billy, he feels like an exposed wire. The center of the universe molding itself around the breath before the curtain falls and the audience leaves, and.
He waits for night to fall.
It never does. The overture is played out of tune, again and again, and the world turns faster than before, the sounds leak from everywhere. All at once, and.
Billy feels. Doesn’t know how to... 
It’s never as simple as asking for silence. For peace. When his mind makes too much noise, or. When he can’t get the sound of Neil coughing up smoke to stop bouncing off the walls. 
The ambiance that comes with. Sharing space, sharing your life with someone, used to be Billy’s favorite in all the world. Back when the incandescence of his mother folding laundry could be heard through the crack in his door while pirate ships bled past the boundary of the page and took him somewhere new. 
Billy likes to think of his life as intermissions between lovers. Before Starcourt he was asleep and now. He’s never waking up again.
Max reading to El, or.
Susan making dinner.
Even Neil flipping through the channels, it. Reminds him of burning cities.
Billy wears earmuffs. Everywhere. The ones that block out the sounds of the earth crying, but. Do nothing at all for the reprise burying itself in his bones. 
Steve brought them to the hospital when Billy wouldn’t stop asking about the end of the world.
So Max knocks on the door. 
And Billy thought he made himself clear. With the nonverbal shit, like. Slamming the front door open and brushing past the dinner table and slamming his door shut.
Locking himself in. He thought it was crystal clear, that. You can’t keep shoveling dirt into the grave without stopping to pray for rain. She pounds on the door again but it’s too loud. Always too much.
“What, Max?” And his voice is softer, these days. To balance out the symphony playing all around him.
“Steve’s here.” She says, and.
The earmuffs don’t actually block anything out. Billy can hear the battery die in the car down the street, and. He can hear Max shuffling on the other side of the door one-two-three, one-two-one, like a waltz. A tiny dancer. 
She has the most. Distinct footprints in the sand. Billy held onto that when he was bleeding on the floor. 
He pads over to the door and tugs it open, wincing at the sharp sting of. 
Hammering against the walls in his head. Billy squints, shielding his eyes. To block the noise as if it were rain. 
“Tell him I’m not home.”
“Your car’s in the driveway, dumb dumb.”
“Well, tell him I’m busy.” Billy moves to close the door, but. Max sticks her foot in the jam. 
Folds her arms and gives him this look, like. He’s supposed to have a big realization about something. About the way he’s acting. Hiding in his room all the time with the blinds pulled taught against the sun. 
You’re acting weird.
He knows. He thinks it’s okay.
Billy shrugs like. Spit it the fuck out. And Max rolls her eyes. Billy can hear the shift of muscle, he can--
“Too busy to see Steve?” She says.
And okay. 
Billy picks up on why that might be weird. He shrugs again--there’s a throbbing, like. The beat of a drum. Just outside, on the lawn, or right at the back of his skull. 
Billy can’t tell and he doesn’t want to know, so.
The door falls shut once more. 
Being with Steve is like getting the instruments to play a song instead of just. Wailing out of tune for the audience to throw tomatoes.
He makes everything quiet. Just by running his fingers through Billy’s hair the world is made new. Starts over with a whimper instead of the rest, but. 
Sometimes Billy can’t breathe. 
Or his eyes will close when they’re wide open, and he can’t see anything but snow twirling against a gray sky, or like.
Veins turning black and smoky with rot. Disease and Ice. Barren fields the end-- 
Steve says the Earth has healed itself once more. That the cracks have been mended, and the ground isn’t coming apart under their feet.
So it’s summer.
That’s what Steve says. “It’s summer, baby.” let’s go to the lake. 
Billy looks up from his book. Fifty pages left in Little Women--at least an entire afternoon, once he picks up the second, and. “You want to go to the lake?”
Steve sort of. Rolls onto his side, next to Billy on the quilt Mrs. Harrington made when he was in the hospital. He looks up to the sky, the clouds and the sun. 
Steve has a daisy between his fingers. Billy doesn’t know where it came from, but then Steve is smiling. All soft, like. A stretch of grass just before sunset. He sticks the daisy between the pages of Billy’s book, and. Closes it., takes it away. He sits criss-cross-applesauce until his knees are pressed against Billy’s leg. 
Steve tugs the headphones off, so. 
The sun hits Billy. Burns every part of him. 
“You seem like you need water.” Steve says.
And he is the only person who makes the Earth contract, So Billy tucks his hair behind his ears with shaky fingers. Keeps his hands there, holding his own face until things quiet down. 
He breathes in, sharp and then slow, when the tears start to fall. When Steve reminds him to be gentle with yourself, baby. That’s it.
It takes five minutes for Billy to figure it out.
He needs water, like. A flower whose roots have gone frail. Or a boy who longs for home. Billy opens his eyes to Steve watching him, counting breaths on the watch he had made special.
For Billy, and his.
Bullshit. The panic attacks and the sensory bullshit, and. It’s summer. Billy feels the air get choked from his lungs when Steve takes his pulse, because.
“You go.” He whispers. 
Steve looks up from the watch and then back down again. “You still have ten more breaths, come on.”
“I’m fine.”
“Ten more big ones, okay. Just to be safe.”
“Steve, I’m fine.” Billy smacks the watch down. Away, so. He can. Think. Billy scrubs at his face just the wrong side of too hard. Too abrasive, and there’s a drum beating somewhere down the hill when Steve tries to grab his wrist. 
Again, to. Play nurse Maid. Steve kisses his palm once--twice, and.
“It’s summer.” Billy says. 
Steve winks. “Yeah, it’s beautiful.”
It. Is, Billy thinks. With the smell of Lilac and Honeysuckle. Afternoons that give way to skies full of fireflies and Steve’s hair turning blonde in the afternoon light, it looks. Like a work art, like. A page from a book. 
His favorite in all the world. Billy tugs his hand away from Steve’s lips, tucks his hair behind his ears again, and. Steve looks worried.
Always worried, like. He’s waiting Billy will snap in two. 
“I want you to go to the lake.” He says. Because he’s tired of seeing that look.
Steve blinks wide, owlish eyes at him. “I want us to go, Bills, that’s why--”
Billy shakes his head. Suddenly the drum falls. Silent. Steve sits frozen, suspended in time and space while the symphonies play out of tune. 
“You aren’t my doctor.” Billy says.
“I know--”
“And you aren’t my therapist.”
He expects Steve to. Say something, or stop looking like the ground is splitting open between them, when Billy charges on.
“Or my housekeeper, or any of that shit, Steve. You’re. A twenty year old boy, you should be. Out with your friends for the fourth of July not taking care of your invalid partner who can’t make it through the day without breaking down in tears.”
“I don’t want to be with anyone else.” Steve says, and.
It means now. And it means always.
Billy stands to grab his book. 
He leaves his earmuffs on the blanket in the grass. 
Thinks about calling and. Begging Steve to bring them over, drop them off because his head is spiraling rock formations and earthquakes let loose in the heartland. 
After dinner it hurts.
When the fireworks start to explode. Bright light and heat burning a wound into his chest, or a breaking his bones to crumbling dust. Each explosion is like child birth and pulled teeth and gunshot wounds playing a libretto behind his right eyebrow. He tries to read but the snow falls all around him--
“Hey dipshit, we’re going to watch the--” 
Billy doesn’t try to hide the tears, and.
Max doesn’t bring them up. She presses an ice pack to his forehead and wonders if. She should call Steve. Call him home.
Billy wants to say yes.
Wants to call Steve himself, but. “Go have fun, kid.” 
And the wound only grows.
He has four pillows on his head when the window slides open. That’s why he doesn’t hear the scattered footfall until there’s a weight on his bed, and a pair of hands rubbing his back.
One hot, one cold. 
He frowns. “Hands are cold as dick.”
Steve chuckles, fingers digging into the muscle of Billy’s neck in a way that has him soft. Huffing against the sheets. “Sorry, I brought Ice cream.”
Billy peeks out from under his fortress to Steve peppering kisses along the base of his skull.
“What time is it?” He grumbles. 
“8:30. Go to sleep.” Steve muffles against Billy’s hair, and.
“How come you’re here?” 
Steve holds out the earmuffs, cherub face scruffy and apologetic and so, so beautiful. “Sorry it took so long, I wanted to give you space, you seemed like. You needed space.” 
He pulls the blanket up around Billy’s shoulders, even as he worms around to sit up. Get a better look, and. Apologize. 
“Look, Stevie--”
“You shouldn’t be sitting with a migraine like that,” He says firmly. “Doc says three glasses of water, two Tylenol, and--”
“Rest, yeah, I.” Billy feels like smiling. For the first time in days, he. Wants to smile. “Thank you.”
Steve nods. Like he’s disappointed. Eyebrows wrinkling as he fiddles with the cracked leather headband. 
Billy looks at the pint of cherry crunch leaking a puddle onto the mattress. “So you brought ice cream, huh?”
Steve shrugs. “Yeah, I mean. What else do you bring after a break up?”
Billy feels like shit. “Steve I didn’t mean that--”
“I know.” He says. Soft, like a confession. “I’ll always dream of you, you know that?” Billy’s heart kicks into overdrive when Steve leans forward, slipping the earmuffs against his head, and.
Putting the world to sleep.
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rosaetae · 4 years
golden present
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☇ #2. "Yeah, uh, alcohol doesn't go in hot chocolate." + #25. "Wait, no one got you anything?"
➣  pairing: jungkook x reader
➣  genre: christmas themed, bfb!jungkook, fluff
➣  word count: 3.4k
➣  synopsis: being invited to your best friend’s annual christmas party would be oh so jolly if it weren’t for her older brother being the grinch of christmas.
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It is every year that you always make an appearance at the Jeon's Special Christmas Party on Christmas Eve. It all started when in high school, the little idea sparking in Mina's— your best friend— head to bring you along to her family's annual Christmas party.
Long story short, they all began to love you due to the assumption that the whole time you were there, you were there as Mina's girlfriend. That was until it struck midnight on Christmas and Mina, in a daze, announces after a few glasses of wine that you both were not really together and that the only relationship she would be in, ever, would be with a glass of wine. She hiccuped the whole time.
And it was then her parents and relatives, after you had shown up to their following New Years Party, that began to wish Mina's older brother, Jungkook to take a certain liking into you.
It was one of those instances where relatives praise someone else to the point where that someone is held on a pedestal as they constantly told Jungkook to date someone like you— or preferably, you. You would laugh and awkwardly meet the eyes of Jungkook's whose mischievously glinted under the light, emphasizing his smug personality, but of course, he's your best friend's brother and he is nothing like the person you want to be with.
Admittedly, he is perfectly built with a beautiful face, and he would be someone you would consider— if it weren't for his huge ego. Mina even knew that you deserve someone better, but even you couldn't tear away from his awfully beautiful looks and dismissive demeanor— you always went for the wrong guys.
Then once upon an evening, after your third year of going to the same party, with you fresh in college, Jungkook took it upon himself to bring someone of greatness in his eyes, his own little girlfriend. Just when you thought their relatives would shut up about you guys, it made things awfully a lot worst when his girlfriend wasn't in the room and side comments and gossip galore would explode in the room.
It surely annoyed you and there was no shadow of a doubt in your head that it annoyed Jungkook; that's where you and Jungkook have ultimately come to a peak with things and when you talked that night, you were surely never to come to the next Jeon Special Christmas Party.
He stood you outside in the cold and yelled at you, wondering why on earth you would always come every year. He assumed that you stuck around just to continue 'embarrassing' him and to emphasize the idea that 'he is a disappointment' amongst his family. The constant, "Jungkook, look at ___, you should be with someone as deserving as her" as if being compared to his younger sister wasn't enough.
Though you don't feel like it's entirely your fault, he adds more on top of that before you can even interject or defend yourself by saying that you're the fault of the ruination of his happiness with his current girlfriend where she is unfairly being compared to you.
Shivering and red-faced from the cold, you were already taken aback by the fact that he had grudgingly asked you to step out to the cold, and when he was finished with his attacks, you agreed not to come again next year and you were the first to leave that night.
Angry wasn't the first word that you would describe how you felt that moment. It was more of a shock. You had never talked to him and even when you did, it was usually just little playful banter that didn't mean anything or simple eye contact when someone would say or do something that was the basis of your whole 'relationship' or 'friendship'— or whatever. So when the first time that he really even talked to you, you were used as a punching bag.
Perfect, ___ the punching bag. Exactly what you wanted for Christmas.
Before the next Jeon's Special Christmas Party that happened that next year, Mina was trying every bit of herself to convince you to go, and you were silently praying that the snow storm would stop so you could drive back home for Christmas.
"___, I know my older brother is a dipshit," Mina began again as you sat on your bed, watching the Inexplicable Universe with a cup of tea in your hands while she strolled over, taking a seat beside you. "But I have told you many times that he didn't mean it."
"Being told I ruined someone's relationship for just being present isn't really how I would like to spend my Christmas," you give Mina a look.
"He didn't mean it," she repeats, taking the mug from your hands with ease and taking a sip of it.
"If I go, I'm going to be reminded of someone who has ruined their happiness, which isn't really an ideal Christmas present."
Mina groans, looking at you with pouty eyes and all. "Stop. You know my family loves you. They fell in love with you the minute you walked in."
You ignore her, eyes focusing on the Inexplicable Universe ahead.
"I'm saying that you'd be ruining everyone's happiness by not showing up," she purses her lips as you attentively watch Neil deGrasse Tyson. "And you shouldn't care about what my dumbass brother said. He was mad and he didn't mean it."
"You keep saying that he didn't mean it, but he did. He pulled me outside and told me how he felt— how he felt is valid," you reason. "And it's your family. I think you guys should spend it as— you know— family."
"Psh, you make it sound like you're not family."
"I think it's just better if I left you guys to spend the holidays together."
Mina lets out a groan, flopping back onto your pillow with exasperation. "___, just come! I'm miserable with you. It's supposed to be a Merry Christmas, not a Miserable Christmas."
She sits up immediately, looking you dead in the eyes, her glasses tilted downwards on her nose bridge. "Give me another good reason why you won't go— anything Jungkook-related is unacceptable."
"Well," you pause, pondering on good reasons. "It's the Jeon's Special Christmas Party. I'm not a Jeon."
"Neither was my mom until she married my dad," Mina rose her eyebrow. "Next."
"I—" Your words disappeared midair. "I don't have any presents to give to your family."
"They don't care," Mina makes a sour face. "These excuses aren't even good excuses."
Taking a sip of your herbal tea, you shrug, looking at her. "I don't want to be a punching bag. I don't want your brother's girlfriend to be compared to me by your relatives and I don't want your brother even more than he already does."
"He doesn't hate you," she sighs. "He gets mad, yes, I know, but he doesn't mean anything horrible that comes out of his stupid mouth. He's my dumb bitch brother. D.B.B., remember?"
Your eyes continue to fixate on your TV, even when Mina was poking your arm continuously.
"Please don't let his inner Scrooge ruin our Christmas," she whines. "I need my best friend there and if it helps, he's no longer with his girlfriend anymore—"
"Why, because of me?"
"Because she cheated on him," she explains, shaking your head. "If anything, my aunts are right to be pushing him to be with you."
You give her a certain look.
"I'll make sure we are not in the same room with him either, okay?"
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When you arrived that Christmas even, it is the same feeling. Mina's mom asking in the kitchen if it was Mina and you, and after hearing the answer she wanted to hear, she would come squealing towards you guys in her very fashionable Christmas outfit, sometimes covered in flour, and come hugging you both in a grand group embrace.
Mina's aunts would compliment of how you two have grown so much and how pretty you both gotten, and Mina would take that time to grab a bottle of wine before anyone notices and leave you in the middle of the spotlight.
Entering the living room, you notice Mina sitting next to Jungkook on the couch with her signature glass of wine and your eyes immediately dart to the person across from them, who was one of his aunts that encouraged him to take a liking into you and when she lays her eyes on you, she's standing up at her feet, you gleaming at her, pulling her into a hug where she rocks you both side to side.
"Oh, look at you," she smiles, her hands at your arms. "You've matured so much over the year."
Smiling, you thank her as then she looks to the side.
"Jungkook, look at her, she's glowing, don't you think?"
And that's the first time Jungkook and you share a split second of eye contact before Mina is pushing you towards her uncle that always talked to you about your college experiences with Mina.
It's 11 and it's almost Christmas, and while you're staring at Mina's tomato-face in the living room, you're jealous on how her inhibitions were lowered to the point where you sneak into the kitchen, rummaging for ingredients to make hot chocolate from scratch.
As you're in the midst of making the hot chocolate, with the drink being set to simmer, you search for a strong liquor, something that will get redder than Mina's face quickly.
"What are you doing?"
A voice makes you pause, having you turn around as you just spotted bourbon on top of the fridge. Realizing that Jungkook was standing there with curiosity, you roll your eyes, turning your head back to your focus.
"None of your business," you tell him as you grab the bourbon from the top. You ignore the fact that his eyes are on you as you grab the bourbon and walk over to your simmering hot chocolate.
"You sure you want to do that?" He asks challengingly.
"It's just," Jungkook begins, watching as you remove the cap with ease. "Yeah, uh, alcohol doesn't go in hot chocolate."
"Jungkook, look at me," you look at him with narrowed eyes as he meets yours questionably. As he meets your eyes, you forge him a smile, continuing to pour the bourbon into the hot chocolate mixture without tearing your eyes away from his. Seeing that, he gives a single nod as you flash him one more smile, taking the whisk and mixing the hot chocolate mixture in the saucepan.
"Don't think it's going to taste pleasing."
"Why do you care?" You question as you begin to pour it into your cup.
"I don't," he responds with no hesitation. "Just saying that if you really wanted to get drunk put some bourbon in eggnog not hot chocolate."
"Looks like there's no eggnog nearby now, is there?" You question. "Is that why you came into the kitchen? To patronize me?"
"No, actually," he trails off, not knowing how to form words. "Can we talk?"
You give him a glance before you take your mug into your hands, letting the warmth into your hands.
"Talk about what? We're talking right now."
"About last Christmas."
"Jungkook, if it's all the same to you, I'd rather not get shit thrown at my face for showing up as a Christmas present again."
"No," Jungkook crinkles his nose. "That's not it."
"Then what is it?" You demand. "Spit it out so I can leave and watch over your drunk sister."
He lets out a heavy sigh, his eyes losing your for a split second. "Aggressive," he observes, but really you were not all merry and jolly as you wanted to be with him standing in front of you wasting your time. "I wanted to apologize."
The word apologize sounded foreign on his tongue. "Apologize for what?"
"I didn't mean what I said last Christmas."
"What I said was rude. And I was just mad and annoyed," he states. "Every Christmas, you're here and you're held to a pedestal and everyone expects me to be with you.
"It's not that I didn't want to be with you, I would—" Hearing that you raise your eyebrows. "It's just— you don't seem like one to be with someone like me. Then I brought Yebin, a girl I really, really liked and she liked me too. Then I brought her here and she only got compared to you, and—"
"I get it," you interrupt him. "You don't have to explain yourself—"
"I don't think you understand that it was never your fault to begin with, and I'm sorry for yelling at you. You didn't deserve that—"
You offer him one more smile before you let yourself hug him, setting the mug beforehand before your arms snake around his waist, pressing your cheek against his torso. You don't miss his surprise as he nearly stumbles back, but with ease he catches you and himself perfectly, giving you a hug.
"Thanks, Jungkook," you tell him against his chest. Being too intimate would mean looking up at him in his eyes while you're in this intimate-enough embrace, but you don't dare to do that, knowing that your cheeks would instantly flame.  
Removing yourself from a hug a second too long, you give him one more smile, one where he returns but it was more questionable— as if the hug was out of character for you. Before he could question it, you run into the living room where Mina spots you with her eyes.
"Hey," Mina says, a permanent smile on her face. "You guys weren't doing anything nasty in the kitchen, right?"
"Mina," you breathe out. "Why would I—"
"Kidding," she squeals, reaching over your lap to grab her glass of wine from the table. "You came just in time, we're doing the gift exchange!"
You feel yourself letting out a breath of relief as Mina continues to suspect nothing— which in reality, it was. The hug was nothing out of the ordinary— it was just a simple gesture as to thank Jungkook for having the guts to apologize to you for acting that way last Christmas.
You tell yourself that him hugging back was nothing either. Just a simple apology where you forgave him— nothing.... Even though the apology meant almost everything.
Snapping out of your thoughts, you notice that the gift exchanging has commenced when Mrs. Jeon opened a large present to demonstrate a vacuum. It made you laugh because most of the floors in the house were wood. Continuing, you dwell under the joy in the air as presents from a vacuum to kitchen towels to sentimental gifts to ones that made some cry were given and you couldn't help but admire them as there was excitement being shown, knowing that the alcohol in the hot chocolate has made you very red.
Jungkook manages to sit down just on the sofa across from you in the midst of it, and you didn't realize it until your eyes met his, but you were staring at him. The minute he caught your eyes,  he was quick to plaster on this shit-eating grin on his face, probably at the fact that you were paying close attention to him or because you're about as red as Mina— either way, you averted your eyesight as you take another sip of your hot chocolate.
Once the last present was given, everyone thanked each other, giving one another hugs and kisses, you managing to escape into the kitchen once you looked down and realized your spiked hot chocolate was empty in your mug.
Pouring the still seemingly warm hot chocolate from the stove into your mug, you hear footsteps coming inside the empty kitchen. You don't need to look up to know that it was Jungkook.
"It seems like you can only talk to me in the kitchen," you muse, putting the pot back onto the stove and taking your mug into your hands. Jungkook walks up to you, a smirk on his face.
"Well, I like talking to you better when you're alone," he says and you narrow your eyes at him. He's examining your face and you don't miss it when his eyes roam your cheeks and your forehead— it makes your heart beat faster. "You're red."
"Alcohol does that to a person," you tell him, letting out a nervous chuckle.
"Did no one get you anything?" He immediately asks. Your eyes meet his, your chuckle fading before you answer his question with a shrug. You didn't really notice that no one got you anything, but at the same time you weren't expecting anything.
"Wait, no one got you anything?" He repeats, almost flabbergasted by the fact that not one person got you anything. It could be because the first time you went over for Christmas, you got at least one present from someone— but this year was different.
"It's alright," you laugh. No one knew you were coming for sure this Christmas. "I wasn't expecting anything anyways."
"No, it's not alright. I—"
"Well, unless you having something up your sleeve, Jungkook— which I see you don't, then I'm fine. I didn't come here for presents," you tell him honestly.
"It's fine," you interrupt, a genuine smile on your face. "No one knew I was coming this year, it's alright. Christmas isn't always about presents, you know."
Then he sucks in a deep breath before he grabs your wrist gently, by surprise, leading you to a certain area. You're questioning it with looks when he meets your eyes, confused as to why he led you to the hallway just outside the bathroom. "Don't say I didn't get you anything," he utters, making you scrunch your eyebrows.
Seeing your confusion, he points upwards. And just like a romantic movie, there was mistletoe, hung above in all its glory just in the middle of the hallway. "Only if you'll let me."
You look back at him, a smile on your red, warm face before you're nodding, allowing to bring his hand to your cheek, leaning downwards to meet your lips.
And in an instant, you feel him kiss your lips gently and carefully— as if he was scared to break you, but you reassure him it's alright when you press deeper, letting him know that it's alright.
The minute you pull apart, you couldn't help but smile at him.
"Sorry it's not much," he apologizes before you're shaking your head, taking your hands to bring his face closer to yours, kissing him once more.
Admittedly, you've always wanted to kiss him the minute you met him, but because of certain circumstances, you were glad this moment happened now instead of back then.
"You taste like bourbon," he amusedly breathes out. You let out a laugh at him, allowing your arms to tangle around his neck, feeling comfortable in that certain position. He presses one more kiss to your cheek, letting his lips linger next to your ear. "And chocolate."
Letting out a giggle that is released from your lowered inhibitions, you let him kiss you from your cheek to down you neck, spending that moment with him not worrying about getting caught by the other relatives.
But when you hear your name being called nearby, you immediately push Jungkook away— a struggle in itself when he wouldn't let go of you. Giving him a look you tuck your hair behind your ears, slapping his hands away to give you the ability to actually leave the hallway.
"Wait," he pulls you back to him once more, silencing you before you protest to leave. "Do you want to go on a date with me?"
You blink. "What?"
"A date," he nods, repeating himself. "Whenever you're free. I don't want to make this a one time thing."
When you hear him say that, you couldn't help but smirk, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. "If I say yes, will you let me go?"
"Then yes," you say, but your answer makes him grin like the happiest boy in the world that he couldn't help but pull you in once more, pressing one last kiss.
"Merry Christmas," he mutters, eyes meeting yours.
Thinking about how much nicer and cuter he is when he's all warm and jolly, you couldn't help but think if this was a facade of some sort— but seeing by the way he was staring at your eyes, expecting you to tell him Merry Christmas back, you think of how good of an actor he is.
"Merry Christmas, Jungkook.” 
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This drabble is from this list of prompts
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mryddinwilt · 4 years
Like Ships In The Night (you keep passing me by)
Enchanted Forest AU-Princess Emma does a reverse Cinderella and meets a Captain in a tavern instead of a Prince at a ball. It should have been a one-time thing but fate had other plans and they just keep meeting.
5k | T | FF.net | AO3 | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
It’s been almost 4 years but here is the thrilling conclusion... @spartanguard Happy very late birthday! It felt appropriate to finish this as a birthday gift but it took a little longer than expected! 
Chaos. The world was chaos. All around Killian his fellow monkeys flew, diving to attack the humans, dwarves, and fairies that were storming the castle. Screams and shouts reached him even from his place on top of the tower as those below prepared for the attack from above. All he could do was watch. Zelena had bid him to stay by her side and he was powerless to disobey. With her magic wrapped firmly around him he was merely her grotesque puppet.  
“Don’t worry, my pretty, they are no match for us,” Zelena said.
Killian wasn’t worried, he was filled with hope. It had been months since he had become one of the Witch’s flying minions but he still remembered Emma’s promise that she would find him and defeat Zelena. Surely this was their salvation from the Wicked Witch. He searched for blonde hair below.
There was a flash of bright light and several monkeys dropped to the ground, stunned. Killian cried out in triumph as he finally spotted Emma. 
Killian’s mouth snapped shut but he still felt the triumph bubbling inside him. 
“That spell is one of Glinda’s. The Savior has had training.” Venom dripped from every word. Another flash of magic and more monkeys fell. Zelena growled and mounted her broom. “She may have some battle magic but she is no match for me.” 
Killian wished he could tell Zelena how wrong she was. That he too had made the mistake of underestimating Princess Emma and learned just how strong and capable she really was. 
“Now you can make yourself useful. I will distract the Savior. When her attention is diverted you will capture her and bring her to the tower. Keep her occupied until I arrive.” 
Killian snarled his displeasure but could do nothing but obey. Zelena smiled sharp and dangerous before letting out a laugh as she flew away. As he spread his wings and sprang into the air dread settled over him. He watched as Zelena dove toward Emma.  Killian could hear nothing with the air rushing about his ears. Magic, white and green, flashed. There was a cry of anguish. Zelena laughed and, his strings pulled, Killian fell into a dive. As the ground rushed toward him, he prayed Emma would knock him out and then finish Zelena. 
When he got closer he saw that Emma was standing over a large, injured, werewolf. Tears were in her eyes as she screamed her rage at Zelena. The Princess didn’t see him coming. 
“Emma! Lookout!” Someone called, but it was too late. They collided, his legs wrapped around her torso, and he plucked her from the ground. 
As he pulled up from the dive she thrashed in his grip. Terrified she would fall to the ground and not wanting to gouge her with his claws, he wrapped his arms around her. 
 She stilled. 
He shivered as her hand ran over his left arm caressing the place where a claw should be. His heart stuttered even as his wings beat steadily, taking them higher and higher. He wished he could fly them far away but he had his orders. He looped around the tower, slowing down for the landing. He unwrapped his legs and with the precision of practice settled them on the balcony. He folded his wings and released Emma. 
She didn’t run screaming or attack him. She merely turned around and stared into his blood red eyes as if she could see the real him underneath the fur and fangs. 
“Killian it is you isn’t it?” 
He nodded. 
She caught her breath and lifted her hand to his face. He flinched. How could she bear to touch him? Her hand fell away. 
“I found you,” she said, like it was the answer to a question. “I’m sorry I took so long. You remember the legend of the witch in the woods? Her name was Glinda. I found her and she helped me master my magic. You were right. It’s just a tool. ” 
He gave a low cry wishing he could tell her how brilliant she was and warn her that Zelena was coming. Slowly he raised his hand to her but when he saw the disgusting paw he dropped it. 
Emma pretended not to notice. “Glinda told me there was a prophecy. That my magic is special and that it’s the only kind that can truly destroy the Wicked Witch. That’s why Zelena didn’t attack my kingdom, she was afraid of me. And now that I know how to use my magic I can defeat her and fix you.” 
As if summoned a swirl of green smoke appeared behind Emma. The Princess whirled to face the Wicked Witch. 
“Hold her,” Zelena said. 
Killian obeyed. 
Before Emma could understand what was happening Zelena grabbed Emma’s wrist and slapped a leather cuff on it. Killian knew immediately what it was, he had seen the Wicked Witch use it on her enemies. His heart fell as Emma raised her hands as if to blast Zelena with magic. Nothing happened. 
Zelena cackled.
“Release her, my pretty.”
Killian let go of Emma and she stepped away. She stared in horror at her hands and then at him, betrayal on her face.
“What did you do?” Emma tried to pull off the bracelet. 
“Just a little cursed jewelry. You can’t take it off. Bit hard to defeat me with no magic.” 
Killian’s heart broke at the whispered word. 
“Oh yes, Savior. Don’t tell me you actually believed all of Glinda’s nonsense about prophecies? She had me convinced too, after all you did defeat Regina, but I’ve been watching you Princess and you are weak. Your power is nothing, nothing compared to me.” Zelena’s voice turned shrill.
“If it’s nothing then take this bracelet off and face me.” 
“Oh I think not. First I have to go and kill all those peasants you brought with you.” Zelena stepped to Killian. He wanted to rip her heart out but could do nothing but stand there. Zelena smiled as if she knew his inner thoughts. “My pet here will make sure you watch.” She gave him an affectionate stroke on his head.  
“Don’t touch him.” Emma snarled. 
Zelena turned to Emma but continued to run her hands down to his neck. “Oh that’s right you have a thing for my little broken toy. They say you stood up to the Dark One for him but I didn’t believe it. Is he the reason you attacked the castle? Him? How could a one-handed pirate be worth this suicide mission?” 
Killian snarled. Zelena truly didn’t understand. Emma and her army hadn’t come for him, they had come to destroy the Wicked Witch and even without Emma’s magic they were going to fight to their death. Even now he could hear the battle down below. 
“I said don’t touch him,” Emma snarled. 
Green fire sparked in Zelena’s hand. “You don’t give the orders here.” 
Killian could feel the heat building beside him and then the green streaked toward Emma. Killian cried out as she dodged and landed on the floor. Fire grew again in Zelena’s hand and Killian knew this time she wouldn’t miss. 
He couldn’t let it happen. Not Emma. He strained against the magical control, wanting to grab Zelena, rip her limb from limb. The puppet strings didn’t break but they stretched. As Zelena released the fire he threw his body in front of it. 
Pain exploded in his chest, his scream mingled with Zelena’s cry of outrage. He fell to the ground and through the agony he smelled burnt hair and flesh. The world became a muddle as he stared up at the ceiling. He heard Emma say his name and Zelena’s cursed laugh. 
Then Emma was hovering over him, tears in her eyes. He wanted to stroke her cheek and apologize for getting injured, for becoming Zelena’s puppet, and all the misunderstandings of their past. But trapped in a monkey body all he could do was look at her. 
“No, no, no, Killian.” Emma pleaded. Her hand cupped his fur covered cheek and he closed his eyes. His memory conjured Emma when he first met her, a princess dressed as a bar wench. A woman that had captivated him completely and made him realize, for the first time since Milah, that he might be capable of loving again. He wished he hadn’t been scared of those feelings, hadn’t been so hurt by her initial lies, that he hadn’t doubled down on his revenge and then betrayed her. So many things he would have done differently but at least he had done something right in the end. All things considered this wasn’t a bad way to die. 
Through the haze Killian felt Emma’s breath on his lips and then a different heat filled his body. Bright white light was everywhere, Killian waited for everything to go black but instead the light receded. The room came back into focus. He felt strangely light, though the pain was still there, narrowing his ability to comprehend what was happening. Emma’s face hovered over his, her eyes wide. 
“Impossible!” Zelena screeched in the background. Emma’s hand came to his face and this time he noticed the leather bracelet. If only he could remove it for her. 
His body obeyed his thought and his hand came round her wrist. He gasped when he saw that it wasn’t furry and clawed but a normal human hand. Killian couldn’t fathom how he had been changed but it didn’t matter he could free Emma now. He used his last ounce of strength to pull off the bracelet. 
He saw Emma start to smile as his vision faded and blissful unconsciousness took him. 
 Killian awoke with a start, his hand going to his chest feeling for charred flesh but finding only smooth skin. Skin. He stared down in wonder, he was human again. Dressed in his usual black leather. The same clothes he had been wearing when he transformed. Even his hook had been restored, a comforting weight at the end of his left arm. 
The details were blurred and indistinct, the memory of pain wiping out any nuances after the fire hit him. Emma had been over him, smiling, there had been magic and… he reached but found nothing but a jumble of images and feelings. 
The tower room was empty, no sign of Emma or Zelena, just smashed furniture testifying to a fight. A fight that he was sure Emma had won. Otherwise he would be dead.
Killian chuckled as the feeling of victory flooded him. Emma had defeated the Wicked Witch. But if she had won where was she now? 
He got to his feet and staggered as he unconsciously tried to compensate for wings that were no longer there. He walked to the balcony and looked down. The courtyard was filled with the aftermath of the battle, the smoke of dying fires, wounded soldiers being tended, flashes of colors as fairies flew about, and cages filled with what looked like flying monkeys. Killian frowned. It was all over and they had apparently forgotten all about him. 
He felt adrift, unsure of his bearings. What should he do now? He wanted to find Emma. Discover what had happened and see if she needed his help. A dreaded thought stole into his mind. What if she was injured? What if she was dying? 
He spun from the balcony, determined to search the entire castle, to find her. He was halfway across the room when he noticed a dwarf in the doorway. It was the same one that had been his jailer in Emma’s castle.
“You’re awake,” the dwarf said flatly as he shifted his blood stained axe. 
“Aye. Where is Emma?” 
The dwarf glared at him. “Princess Emma is in a council meeting, busy cleaning up the mess that you got us into. She doesn’t have time for the likes of you, pirate.” 
The relief Killian felt at knowing Emma was safe warred with frustration at his jailer. Emma still didn’t trust him. 
“Am I a prisoner?” Killian asked. 
“If you want to run away to your ship I would be happy to see the back of you but no stealing on your way out.”
Killian furrowed his brow. Back to his ship? Did Emma expect him to return to his ship? Perhaps he should be thinking about his crew or ransacking the castle but all he wanted was to see Emma. The need overshadowed everything else. 
“Out of my way dwarf,” Killian commanded as he walked to the door. 
“I knew it,” the dwarf said as Killian passed. But he wasn’t interested in what the dwarf thought he knew and continued to the stairs with long strides. He knew where the council room was. 
Killian ignored the huffs and stamping of the dwarf as he followed him through the castle. On the way to the council room they passed the ballroom and Killian paused to look inside. Weary warriors were eating at long tables, sleeping in the corners, or chatting in low voices. It looked nothing like the glittering jewel of excess that Killian remembered. It seemed so long ago that the castle had belonged to Prince Walsh and Killian had come to steal the slippers. How shocked and angry he had been to discover the bar wench he couldn’t get out of his mind was a princess and engaged. He smiled remembering how even then he had thrown over his plans just for the chance to speak with her and had been willing to give up his own schemes when he realized Emma needed help. Of course she had pushed him away, kissed him, and left him unconscious in the garden but looking back he no longer blamed her. He only blamed himself for his later actions. Could Emma see past their history? He shook his head and continued on. 
They were steps away from the council room when the dwarf realized where they were going. 
“Hey nobody invited you to the council.” The dwarf picked up his speed to get in front of Killian. 
Killian shot him a deadly smile. “An oversight I am sure.” 
He increased his pace but Killian beat him to the door and pushed through with as much swagger as he could manage. 
All eyes at the table turned to him but he was only interested in Emma. Surprise and relief flashed over her face and then she frowned and looked away. Before Killian could begin to understand her reaction and his own rushing heartbeat the King spoke. 
“Your presence was not requested, pirate.” 
Killian turned to the King and gave him a patronizing smile. “And yet here I am.” 
The Queen laid a hand on her husband's arm. “We are happy to see you recovered, Captain. Please join us. Your personal knowledge of the Wicked Witch and her domain may prove helpful.” 
Killian gave a half-bow and grinned his victory as he made his way to an empty seat. His eyes flicked to Emma but she seemed to be focused on a piece of paper in her hands. 
Those at the table were vaguely familiar to him, dirty, tired versions of the people he had met at the last council meeting he had attended. Given that immediately after that meeting he had escaped the castle he couldn’t really fault them for their cold, dismissive manner. 
“As I was saying.” Emma put down the paper. “Prince Walsh has not been found in the castle. I think it’s possible Zelena killed him when she took over his kingdom.” 
There is a murmur around the table. Did they truly care that the double dealing prince was gone? The man had plotted against Emma, he had tried to trick her into marriage. Surely he deserved his punishment?
“Well that’s a problem.” The older lady beside Killian grumbled. 
Killian couldn’t help but wonder if these council members were the same ones that had urged Emma to marry the prince in the first place. Perhaps they still wanted that? Killian shook his head.
“What pirate?” The King asked. “Do you know what happened to Prince Walsh?” 
“Actually I do.” All eyes turned to Killian. “The same thing that happened to all Zelena’s enemies. He was turned into a flying monkey.” 
Though Killian had never communicated with the other monkeys he had spent enough time with Zelena and heard her use names on several occasions. She had taken particular delight in taunting Walsh and telling him that he was no longer her favorite. 
“All of them into flying monkeys?” The Queen asked. 
Killian shrugged. “It gave her an army and removed her enemies all at once. Zelena particularly liked the control the spell afforded her.”
“How does the spell work exactly?” The Blue Fairy asked from her place to chairs down. 
“I am no expert in magic. ” Killian said. 
“Any information will help. How did it affect you?” 
“Well, obviously, there is a physical transformation but your mind remains intact. You still reason and feel as a person but you have no free will. Zelena’s will is like a physical tether, you can’t help but obey. She might command a monkey to kill his own family and they wouldn’t be able to resist.” 
Killian met Emma’s gaze and hoped she understood that he had been forced to capture her. That he would never wish to hurt her.
“That is horrible.” The Queen reached for her husband's hand. “All those innocent people.” 
“Mother, we didn’t kill any of them.” Emma soothed. 
“Only because you insisted we not harm them. If we hadn’t listened to you…”
Killian wondered what conversations they had about the monkeys. Had Emma  guessed the monkeys were innocent or had she been worried about him getting killed in the battle? Had Emma explained about his transformation or told them anything about their time together in the woods? He had thought often of that night. Of Emma’s magic and her tending his wounds, of waking up with her body pressed to his and how he realized how much he had missed waking up with someone.
“It is a truly vile spell.” The Blue Fairy said. “But Princess Emma has already cured the Captain so there is hope I can learn how she did it and reproduce it.” 
Attention shifted to Emma and Killian found himself leaning forward. How had she cured him? He couldn’t remember anything but light and warmth. 
Emma looked down at the table. “I don’t think I can repeat what happened.” 
Killian frowned. Had Emma used some dangerous magic? All magic came with a price what would she have to pay on his behalf? 
“Now Princess I know much of your magic is instinct but if you could even describe what happened I believe that it would be helpful.” 
Emma took a deep breath and her eyes flashed to Killian before jumping back to the fairy. 
“Blue I have learned a lot in the last few months and I know more about magic than you think. So trust me, you can’t recreate it. 
“But if you–” 
Emma cut her off. “You need to be looking at counter curses.” 
The Blue Fairy opened and then closed her mouth. She looked between Emma and Killian and seemed to come to some kind of realization and pressed her lips together.
“Oh. Emma.” The Queen’s exclamation drew Killian’s attention. The Queen reached for Emma’s hand. Emma’s face was turning red even as her father’s drained to white. Killian knew he had missed something but didn’t know what. 
“Emma, what did you do?” Killian’s fear made the question came out more as an accusation.
 Emma jumped to her feet and her chair rocked back. “I need some air.”  She rushed from the room with all eyes following her. She didn’t look back. As the room erupted in murmurs Killian jumped to his feet and followed her. As far as he was concerned the meeting was over. 
Emma wasn’t in the hallway and Killian wondered if she had used magic to whisk herself away. With a sigh he began his search. Guessing that Emma would want to avoid people he headed for the gardens. His mind whirled as he tried to push down the worry that whatever Emma had done with her magic was dangerous. Could it be reversed? He would gladly go back to being a monkey if it would spare Emma.  His anxiety mounted until he found her standing in the very spot she had dosed him with poppy powder so long ago. 
 Her eyes were closed and she seemed lost in thought. Now that he had found her all his questions fled. She looked tired and he wanted to take her in his arms and soothe her worries not interrogate her. He took a step on the gravel and her eyes flew open. She didn’t seem pleased to see him. 
“You recovered quickly. I thought you would be asleep for a day at least.” 
“And miss all this fun?” He attempted a smirk.
“You have a strange idea of fun.” 
Killian shrugged. “It’s important to find the silver lining in life.” 
Emma snorted. 
“Emma you gained control of your magic, you defeated the Wicked Witch, you saved me from spending my life as a simian. But you act as if you have lost.” He met her eyes and took a step closer as he gathered his courage. “I am grateful for the rescue. Though I don’t remember everything I know I wouldn’t be here without you. But, Emma, if the magic came at a high cost to you…” 
“The cost? Killian I…” Emma shook her head “There was no cost, I made no bargains nor dabbled in any dark magic. Though perhaps that would have been easier than this mess.” 
He frowned. “Then why–?”
“What do you want Killian?” 
The question and the intensity in her voice caught him off guard. “I wanted to make sure you were alright.” 
“No. What do you want now that you are free?”
Killian cocked his head as he considered the question. He was free, freer than he had been for centuries. For so long revenge had been his cruel mistress, driving him to betray his own principles to strike at the Dark One. Until Emma had entered his life he hadn’t realized how far he had sunk under its control. Emma had shown him the cost of his villainy and that there was much more to life if only he was brave enough to change. The dwarf had assumed he would run off to his ship and sail away. Given their history, perhaps Emma thought the same. But Killian had no intention of leaving unless it was what Emma wanted.  Certainly she could never care for him the way he cared for her but would she accept him in her life?
He searched her eyes but knew the only way to get an answer was to ask.
“You once said that if I stopped living in the past I could be a part of something.” 
“I did and then you ran away.” 
“I was trying to help, but point taken.” Killian took a deep breath. “This time I would like to stay and try to be a part of something. I know the King and others don’t much care for me but I have some first rate qualities that could be of real use to your kingdom.”
“You would give up buckling swash on the high seas? Be on the council and help with taxation and road building and treaties?” Emma seemed skeptical. 
“Given my talents I hope you would give me more exciting duties but, yes. If you are amenable I would like to stay.” 
“And that’s all you want a position in my kingdom?” 
Her green eyes drew him closer and his heart beat wildly. He thought of the kiss they had shared in this spot, of all the kisses and almost kisses, of how she seemed to know the truth of him but hadn’t turned away. He wanted so much more than a seat on her council. 
He stepped closer summoning what little swagger he could. 
 “Oh, aye, a position in your kingdom and a position in your heart.” 
Emma’s mouth opened in surprise. He chuckled as he bent his head and kissed her. It was a soft, teasing thing then Emma took control and transformed it into something much more passionate. 
When they pulled apart they touched foreheads and smiled. 
“What?” She asked. 
“Hmmm… I am just waiting for you to run away or incapacitate me.” 
Emma laughed. “I guess it is my turn since you ran away last time.” 
“Being turned into a flying monkey is hardly running away, love.” 
She pulled back and reverently ran her fingers over his hairline and down his cheek. He smiled at her concern. 
“I am sorry it took me so long. That she had you under her control for so long.” 
“Emma, you mastered your magic in mere months. It’s a marvel you came as soon as you did. I am the one who is sorry.”
“For what?” 
“For betraying you and stealing the urn. For running off and getting injured by flying monkeys because I didn’t trust you enough to share my plan.” 
“Killian without all that, without your encouragement and even your transformation, I never would have learned how to use my magic. I would have always been afraid of it. I should be thanking you.” 
 Killian’s heart swelled at the praise but he couldn’t help but argue. “You saved me, Emma.” He whispered and he was talking about much more than the events of the last day.
“You saved me too.” She replied before kissing him again. This time it was soft and sweet and full of promise. 
The kiss was interrupted by the loud clearing of a throat. Emma and Killian came apart. Killian let out a sigh and was composing a litany of curses for their intruder when he turned and realized it was Emma’s parents.  
The King looked like he would happily murder him while the Queen smiled blissfully. Emma pulled out of his embrace to face her parents. Killian kept his hand at her hip and it wasn’t just to annoy the King. 
“Mother, Father, Captain Jones has accepted the position of naval advisor.” 
Killian snickered at her words and the false dignity she gave them.
The King rolled his eyes. “Naval advisor? Really?” 
“David, now is not the time.” The Queen warned. 
“Now is exactly the time. I will not have this pirate toying with our daughters affections.” 
“Your daughter is right here and can make her own decisions.” Emma joined the argument. 
“Emma,” the king's voice softened, “I love you. But after Neal and Walsh you deserve someone better.” He looked at Killian and frowned. “You deserve an equal partner that doesn’t have ulterior motives. That won’t abandon you or betray you.” 
Killian bristled even as he agreed with the King's assessment. Emma deserved all that and more. He hoped he could be the one to give it to her. He locked eyes with the King.
“Listen, your Majesty, whatever Emma and I become is up to her but I would never betray or abandon her. I am in this for the long haul.” Killian pulled Emma closer.
“Honestly, David, you are being ridiculous.” 
“What? I am just looking out for our daughter. There is no proof the pirate and Zelena aren’t working together to trick Emma into thinking he is her True Love.” 
Killian frowned in confusion. “True what?” 
Nobody answered him. Emma had stepped away to confront her father. 
“No proof? Are you kidding me? Dad, you weren’t even there!” Emma’s hands seemed to spark with pent up magic as she gestured to Killian. “I was powerless. Zelena was going to kill me and everyone else. Killian was able to break through her control long enough to throw himself in front of a fireball.”
“That could have been faked, a trick to get you to believe him.” The King grumbled. 
“He was dying! I didn’t kiss him to break his curse. I kissed him because I thought it would be the last time.” 
Killian remembered the moment, the pain and looking into her desperate face wishing it wasn’t the end. She kissed him and it broke his curse. Realization dawned on him as Emma continued. 
“When we kissed there was the flash and it felt just like you and Mom always said. Then he was human. I didn’t imagine or suspect that he… It was real. I know it.” 
Killian knew more than most about the power of True Love’s Kiss. It had become a particular obsession of Rumplestilskin’s and so Killian had studied it. It was rare but could break any curse as true love was said to be the most powerful force in all the realms. Killian had been doubtful that such magic existed and had certainly thought it impossible he could share it with anyone after Milah’s death. But he had fallen in love again, though he had denied it, and even more wondrous she loved him back. Killian didn’t blame the King for being skeptical, Killian hardly believed it himself. His relationship with Emma had been unconventional to say the least but Killian would go through it all again if it led him to true love. 
The King was struggling to answer his daughter's declaration as the Queen looked smug. 
“Quite passionate, Emma.” Killian murmured. 
She turned to him and caught his wide grin.
“You kissed a monkey.” Killian knew he looked a fool with his smile but he couldn’t help it. Emma rolled her eyes.
“A disgusting monster with fangs.” He continued as he pulled her into his arms. “At least I know you don’t love me for my looks.” 
“Can you be serious?” Emma said even as she returned his smile. Killian knew it was hardly the time with her parents looking on but he couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“I’m your True Love.” Killian tipped his head and bit his lip. 
“Shut up.” 
“Make me.” 
And she did. 
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lloydsluck · 3 years
Crow’s Feet
Ever looked at something that’s so fundamentally flawed, so bad in design, form and function, it’s actually intriguing. Like a botched piece of taxidermy or a first attempt at a short novel. A piece of work that was probably not half-assed but whole-heartedly assed with good intention and it would be insulting to the creator to jokingly ask did you write this story as if you’re the old piece of gum stuck underneath a Grade 8 English Lit student desk?  With no light, sense of tense, or spellcheker? The stereotypes and bad similes cause eye rolls so
 far back into one’s head it’s like… well it’s hard to think of a comparison here, so count yourself lucky. Not to mention the ADHD diversions, talking about mounting dead animals in one sentence quickly sidestepping to self-awareness of this piece of literature. I digress. When last did you see a questionable piece of art that you found beautiful? So bad, it’s great. So useless and time-wasting, it’s what you’ll think about ironically one day on your deathbed. Because heck… made you look. 
The Incision 
Mondays. The start of a new week. New opportunities for a new you. A fresh squeeze of hope that things will get better served with a side of “I can change” attitude. And no matter how many Mondays we have, (4 187 to be precise, if you, like the average human being will live to 79), you will wake up to the same old boring Monday, every week, the same way. 
Each one with a long dreary stretch and sigh, heavy eyes, telling yourself that you will make the most out of this week. But you won’t. Because laziness is time consuming and you don’t actually have anything else to do, really. 
However, on this particular Monday, which was Fick McOwen’s 2226’s Monday, things were different. 
Fick woke up with the dreadful sensation of drowning. Sinking deep in a casket of darkness. As he gulped in a breath of thick air, it tasted of rotten cabbage coating the back of his throat. Blind and bewildered, sharp metal sounds scratched close above his head. The sound stung his eardrums and made him cock up his forehead banging it hard against a flat surface.
‘Jeeezus fuck’, he hissed. 
With no sense of time and space, his ears were ringing overcharged electric chimes in his head which felt cracked and ready to explode like a reactor in Chernobyl. He took a few minutes to try and calm himself. No good ever came from a panic attack in closed confines with a possible concussion. He finally raised his hands to his chest and did what most drunks do the minute they wake up, pat themselves down and check their underwear.
One week earlier.
If she was just a bit nicer, Jeffrey thought, she may have already had a proper and dignified burial for her husband. Stomping up and down a room that looked like it was decorated for a five-star hotel in Vienna, the newly-widow’s bony figure moved fast from left to right like a rabid old fox prowling a fence. For Jeffrey, her unwanted but needed bodyguard/help/punching bag, she was Hitler’s sphincter. She sparked fear in him and tightened his nerves with her demanding presence. Like a screwdriver twisting and turning into soft wood. A reaction he despised about himself. It ruined many good days. Sunny days and days like today. 
Watching her from the corner of the large room, she attempted phone call after phone call, shouting at poor bastards who made the simple mistake of answering their phones that day. 
Wanting to disappear he closed his eyes and listened to every passive-aggressive step she took in the room. He liked to tell when she walked on the tiles or the bear rug; it was a fast tac tac tac womp womp womp womp tac tac womp womp…then nothing. He opened his eyes and with a fright found her standing right in front of him, steaming red with anger.
Her greying blonde hair was fastened in a tight pincushion on top of her head. This pulled back her frail white skin that held everything in place. Face to face, he couldn’t help but stare at the permanent makeup she had done on the lower lids of her eyes and on top of her brows. It was starting to fade and as a result, it looked like she put eyeliner on days ago and never washed it off. 
Her stare was cold and deadly like an overworked mortician’s. It complemented her daily outfits of thin grey pencil skirts and matching suit jackets. She had her name embroidered on the inside of the neckline since all of her clothing was specially washed and pressed at a local laundromat. One that she owned of course. 
That’s what her husband used to call her. Or Margarine, Margie, or Macaroon. She would always remind whoever was listening that she was actually named after Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowden. If you had to look her up, you would see the uncanny similarities between the two women. So much so, that Jeffrey often wondered if they weren’t related. Considering how much of a royal bitch she was.
Nevertheless, he had to call her Mrs. Ergo. And he preferred the kind request from John Ergo, her late husband, since he didn’t think she would have liked the names he had listed for her in his head anyway. 
She snapped back up and walked across the room towards the large oak desk that faced the gigantic windows that looked out onto their garden. Their Ergo-Eden. With a deep sigh, he sat up straight and smoothed back his black hair that was styled according to an old Italian mobster he saw in a film when he was 15. 
“It’s all in the confidence of smoothing the wax over your hands first and then through your hair.” That’s what the old man said to his fellow pasta slurping, red-wine drinking, two hits a week gang that sat around a checkered table talking about the importance of looking respectable, no matter what the job. And this was what he told himself in the bathroom mirror every morning, (impersonating a very bad Italian accent of course) while he prepared for his day. 
Apart from the respectable hairdo, Jeffrey was built like a small bull with a refined jawline. At first glance one would imagine he spends his days lumberjacking in the forest; but instead of plaid shirts, he was forced to wear black on black as per ‘management’s’ request. 
He refocused his attention on her and as foul as she was acting that day, somewhere deep inside him, he felt sorry for her and her loss. His face twitched as he clenched his jaw trying to shape compassion on his face, but feared he looked more like a constipated clown trying to keep his cool. He was given cards once with all the different faces and expressions on it. Ironically, the illustrations looked like they were drawn by an autistic robot with no emotion nor artistic talent (it was), but it helped him deal with different people. Lines that came down the forehead with no teeth, meant anger or disappointment. Teeth showing meant they were happy – or about to bite you. 
Margaret often made faces Jeffrey couldn’t place on his cards and her teeth always had some lipstick stains on it, which quite frankly, just distracted him altogether. 
He watched her go down a list of names and numbers, furiously scratching them out when the call didn’t go as planned. Eyeing the last name and number on the list, she picked up the phone and started dialing. 
Fick carefully pulled the skin up the neck and then over the top of the head, trying his very best to keep his hand steady. He wore magnifying goggles that pushed his choppy brown hair up toward the ceiling and enlarged his olive-grey eyes. It looked like the head of a praying mantis was stuck on a lanky man's body who dressed as if he found a discarded box of 80s band shirts and never bothered to wear anything else again. 
'There.' He said as he lifted his hands and inspected the bird-like shape that was coming together in front of him. 
In the back of the garage-turned-workshop, a small radio was trying to hold itself together while Henry Rollins tore away at its speakers. The music filled the room and gave Fick the ability to concentrate. Nothing else was audible. Not a phone or a thought could break his focus. 
And it paid off; the crow started to take a lively shape, fast. All it needed were the eyes and some beak touch-ups and this bad boy was ready for some teenager's window sill.
Fick lived in Long Fountain, a small town where the kids were either into wrestling, the backyard kind, or satanism – also the backyard kind. This meant there were a lot of goth-like metalheads who gave themselves names like Agares and Forneus and hung outside the grocery store to smoke cheap cigarettes they bummed off the shop clerk. They would wear black makeup and dangle fake blood vial necklaces around their necks. Some would even proudly claim that they spray-painted hale satin on the backside of the church announcement board. To top off their rebel-without-a-cause-and-lack-of-basic-grammar-look, these kids would own a taxidermied crow on their windowsills, just for that extra edge. 
“It’s a phase” most parents would say, but Fick couldn’t care less. He got fifty bucks out of it, liked the work, and asked no questions. 
As a self-employed middle-aged Taxidermist, he could work from home and at his own pace. Something he considered to be more valuable than a performance bonus cheque at the end of a year after slaving away in a badly lit office desk from nine to five, five to seven days a week.
He didn’t necessarily consider himself a hermit, but he did prefer his own company with the exception of a few selected people – very selected and very few. This was a choice he made unapologetically clear to others who wanted to befriend him for no real reason. When presented with this frankness, they would awkwardly laugh it off and insist he’s just a fun and sarcastic guy. He despised those people the most. 
Furthermore, Long Fountain was a small enough town for the nosy types to know everyone and their business, while still quiet and sparse enough for others to embrace the privacy of the town’s border. If you had to take a drone shot from high above, the edge of the town looked like it disappeared into the desert like an ocean of drought that spilled into a suburb. Fick could never figure out why they called it Long Fountain though, as there wasn’t even a lake or river anywhere near them. But he liked it there and he appreciated the colourful desert sunsets that could be found if you were at the right place at the right time.
The only other peculiar thing about the town was that there was an abnormally large crow population, which he didn’t mind because it meant more product for him. That, and an abnormal amount of  old age homes. 
He gripped the tweezer handle between his teeth while he carefully glued the last soft tiny black feathers to the rim of the beak; he tended to hold his breath during these final touches. While the song came to a screeching halt, the ringing of his cell phone surfaced through all the noise and concentration. 
‘Fuck!’ He spat out the metal twangs, pulled off the goggles and flipped his phone over to reveal four missed calls from an unknown number in town. He was about to throw the phone over his shoulder onto a once purple–now grey–couch, when the screen lit up again with the same number flashing. 
‘Hello’ he answered casually trying to simmer down. 
‘Hello, is this Fick McOwen?’ A sweet lady’s voice kindly asked on the other side. 
‘Yes, how can I help?’
‘I’m looking for someone who can help me with a,’ she paused for a second,  ‘stuffing job?’ 
‘Well ma’am, I do all kinds of taxidermy. We don’t call it stuffing though, rather mounting,’ he smirked. ‘Anything from crows, bucks, ducks, even your pet poodle.’ He stared at the one-eyed crow that was perched up in front of him. 
‘What is your rate?’ She calmly inquired. 
‘It depends on the job. Small birds and animals start at thirty bucks, and then it can go up to a couple of thousand for a full deer, buck or elk.’ 
She went quiet on the line. He could tell she was busy writing something down, possibly a calculation. He hated long silences, it gave him indigestion.   
‘What would you like to have mounted?’ He nudged, just to check that she was still there. She remained quiet. 
‘Ten thousand.’
‘Excuse me?’ He quickly asked to confirm that he probably misheard.  
‘Ten. Thousand.’ She repeated sternly. 
‘Ma’am. What do you want to have done?’ His stomach started to tie knots of doubt, anticipating a job he may not be able to do. 
‘I prefer a private meeting to discuss this further.’ Her tone suddenly changed from a sweet old lady to an office crank complaining it’s cold. He hesitated for a second. Feeling his gut whisper all tales of caution to avoid this type of interaction. “If it’s too good to be true…” he would always remind himself. 
But…then again...
The ten thousand dollars started to swim through his mind like a beautiful woman in a red bikini, blowing kisses from a crystal blue pool. Caught in the moment, he impulsively replied, ‘Okay.’ She quickly confirmed that her people will be in contact with his people and disconnected before he could even take a breath to say he doesn’t have “people”. 
Confused about the call and left with nothing to follow up with, he decided to write it off as another crazy old lady from one of the care homes who got hold of the nurse’s office phone. Eyeing the cotton-eye-crow, he proceeded to hit play on his stereo, threw his mobile on the couch and stuck the tweezers back in his mouth to finish the job.
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dopescotlandwarrior · 4 years
Unforgettable-Chapter Five
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Previous chapters on AO3         A special thanks to @statell​ for all your help
Chapter Five
“Finally! I thought Friday would never come. How are ye Sassenach?”
Claire tried to smile and laugh but it was a pathetic attempt and Jamie’s trained eye was instantly sending a warning that something was wrong. Her eyes darting around the room, pale skin color, hand at her neck, and pupils dilated.
Claire watched Jamie look at his lap for a minute, he was writing something and quickly held the note to the camera. IS SOMEONE THERE?
“What has ye so wound up Claire?”
Jamie wasn’t smiling. He was watching all the subconscious indicators of Claire’s health, body and mind.
“Probably nothing. It feels weird around here the past couple weeks. We usually see patients from morning till night, with a line clear out the door sometimes. The villagers stopped coming. It’s like we are a medical staff with no people to treat. I’m a little scared by it is all.”
Jamie’s voice took on a tone she had never heard, and it sent shivers up her spine.
“Claire, I want ye to leave and head for the airport as fast as you can, understand sweetheart?” You have good reason to fear. All of you need to move out at first light.”
“Why are you trying to scare me, Jamie!”
“Sassenach, listen, I know something about this, it was my job for six years. If ye’ve ever taken a leap of faith, do it now.”
“Why? Tell me why, and I’ll do it, Jamie.”
“Because I love ye Sassenach, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. I know I canna keep ye so don’t get scared and run away.” Jamie lowered his voice and stared into her eyes. “This isn’t about getting you back to Scotland, it’s about getting ye and yer friends out of the country. You must hurry and send me updates every hour so I can track ye.”
Claire watched his mouth move but heard nothing after “I love ye.” She watched his clear eyes get close to the camera as he was making a point about something. She giggled at him with stars in her eyes. Jamie stopped his tirade and looked at her face blushing like a spring rose, teary eyes, a big white smile, he knew then she was on a different page than he was, maybe a different planet by the looks of her.
“Sassenach, what’s the last thing I said?”
“You love me, Jamie?”
“Oh my God, lass, yes.” He spoke just above a whisper, “and by the looks of ye, that makes ye happy, does it nae?”
She almost seemed catatonic but shook her head yes.
“Listen to me, Claire. I need another seventy years to tell ye I love ye and I promise I won’t hold ye down, but ye have to survive getting to the airport. Promise me ye will do as I say.”
Claire seemed to snap out of her reverie. Her eyes got wide and panicked, “What do we do Jamie.”
Jamie repeated the instructions to leave at first light for the airport, take the first flight out of the country, anywhere safe, and send her location hourly if she could.
“Charge yer phone right away then keep it on you in a secure pocket. Get Joe, Kevin, and Cutter ready to leave with you. Take the keys for one of the vehicles so it canna be taken by others and fill the tank tonight. Passport, money, credit cards, and phone, leave the rest. Do you understand, love?”
“How do you know all this stuff?”
“If ye promise to follow my orders, I promise to tell ye. Go and get yer friends ready. I love ye Sassenach.”
Holy shit she thought! Feeling her hands shake, she forced herself to push away from the fear and jumped into fresh field pants, black wife beater, pulling a black t-shirt over that. She zipped her freshly charged phone into a pocket.
Claire opened Joe’s door and crept into the room squatting next to his bed she called to him quietly. He jumped violently and she immediately silenced him holding both his arms.
“Please Joe, shh! You must wake up. Something bad is happening…”
As Claire woke Joe and gave him instructions, the front door of the hospital opened and something like a bowling ball rolled into the hallway, silently making its way until it stopped, made a clicking sound, and exploded.
The sound was deafening, and Claire was slammed into the wall and dropped to the floor. She screamed until her lungs were empty, grabbing at Joe and pulling him out of bed. Two more explosions were heard toward the other end of the building, and then the screaming started, followed by machine gunfire.
Claire was so scared she couldn’t move. They were trapped in Joe’s room with Kevin who had just entered. It would be like shooting ducks in a barrel, so any chance they might have was worth the risk. Kevin grabbed Claire pulling her screaming out of the room seemingly directly in the line of fire. She struggled against him and felt him pick her up by belt and arm as he launched her into the laundry shoot headfirst.
Claire was in utter shock, grasping for the slippery sides of the chute, trying to slow her descent until she was free falling into a large pile of bed sheets, towels, and gowns. She rolled off feeling the pressure of the two men falling onto the laundry after her. They had all done many shifts down here and ran for the only exit door from this level.
Again, Kevin grabbed Claire and ran with her outside toward the edge of the vegetation. There was a twenty-foot gap between the building and the jungle. Claire ran, hearing the screaming from inside the building and several shooters outside to pick off runners.
She expected it, she waited for it, just as the vegetation touched her lower legs, Joe threw her to the ground and laid on top of her, ”sh!”
They were much too close to the hospital. When Claire felt Joe yank her arm up, she knew to bolt. Joe held her and Kevin’s hand to prevent separation as they took off. With every step, he felt more confident until Claire’s hand was ripped away from him. The jungle lit up like it was daylight and Claire was in the air, spinning until she came down in the brush.
Kevin yanked Joe hard to the ground and put his hand over his mouth. They were frozen that way until the giant light went off and men were yelling in Spanish. The rebels pulled the light for another fifty feet and lit up the dark looking for running bodies.
Joe was crying and whispering, “they shot Claire.” Kevin begged him not to move and stay quiet. He put his arms around Joe for a minute and squeezed with all his might. Joe rolled away from him, crawling in the direction she was moving. Kevin stayed low as he searched close enough to hear Joe. The unmistakable sound of fabric ripping brought Kevin close to Claire, he felt the ground and found her body.
Kevin was choking on his need to sob. It was right in his throat and if he took one more breath it was coming out. Just before he felt he would pass out from holding his breath, a tiny voice bounced off his eardrum and he exhaled quietly. She was speaking to Joe! He felt Joe flat on the ground, Claire was inching towards him. Kevin grabbed her hips and hoisted her on Joe’s back. In minutes, they were running again, except Claire, who was hanging on for dear life with one arm.
They stopped to rest, and Claire climbed off Joe’s back, telling him no when he tried to get her back on.
“It’s not bad Joe, it went straight through and missed the bone. It hurts like bloody hell so I’m going to make a sling if you help me. I can run.”
She got her t-shirt off and handed it to Joe, who created a tight sling in a matter of minutes. It eased the pain in her shoulder, and she started running forcing the men to follow and stop nit-picking about her injury. Kevin pointed them toward the rocky hills, praying they were going in the right direction. The night was so black they could easily get turned around and run right back into the hospital. None of them knew how long they ran but when they stopped to rest, Claire pitched forward unconscious.
“Listen to me Joe, Kevin’s mouth on Joe’s ear. I know there is a cave along this side, I’ve seen it. Stay with her, lay flat if you hear anyone coming, and wait for me. He kissed Joe hard on the mouth and took off along the hillside. Joe held Claire in his arms and pushed her hair away, praying Kevin would hurry.
Jamie went from one site to another on the dark web, looking for news about Honduras and there was nothing. So why didn’t Claire answer his text messages and calls? It started out with a desire to calm her down after his show of force during their Skype call, but when she didn’t answer he became concerned.
He was about out of his mind with worry when the Central America Hot Zone site jolted him to his feet. “Christ,” he whispered. It was a preliminary report about an attack on a hospital. He read a little more and knew it was Claire’s hospital. Jamie ran outside and jumped in his truck.
Hearing the door slam shut, Geneva sat on Jamie’s bed fuming with anger. Did he forget she was here? She looked down at the new teddy she purchased today for this very night and planned to keep a low light on just for him. She could feel he was somewhere else for weeks. At first, she played her usual card, nose in the air, pissed off, no communication. Then he started leaving on the weekends to camp or something. The little time he gave her during the week was rushed and he was in no mood for sex. “This is ridiculous.” Geneva changed her clothes and left the teddy on his bed, then went home. She figured he would be at her door in the morning with flowers and an apology.
Jamie headed for Lallybroch at triple the speed allowed and parked away from the house so he could approach in silence. He pressed against a fake wall in the barn and grabbed his bug-out bag, then replaced the wall. He left as he came, in silence.
Jenny stood in the dark of her room and watched her brother run away from the barn. Somehow, she knew and crossed herself praying for his safety.
Hot cocoa and a blazing fire was Jenny’s cure for insomnia and worry. She deployed both and rocked herself into memories of the past when Jamie’s life changed forever. Since he was a lad all he wanted to do was be a doctor and heal people. He had the intellect but sadly not the money to fund his education. When he learned that the government would pay for his training, he made an appointment at the local recruiting office. Ten hours the first day, and ten hours the second day, testing the whole time.
She remembered him sitting with their da at the kitchen table explaining the benefits of the program, how he scored, and how many different people he had to test for. Most importantly, they would send him to college and medical school. The arguing raged for days and then one morning when they got up, Jamie was gone. It would be two years before they would see him again. In the interim, there were extravagant gifts for Christmas and birthdays, and cards sent from all over the world.
Jenny knew nothing of what Jamie did, no one did. She assumed he was a soldier of some kind because he left soon after his military testing. The one thing he would say when asked is that he worked for Scotland. Why is he goin again, she wondered and pulled a shawl across her cold shoulders.
Jamie pulled everything out of the bag on his kitchen table and shoved batteries into his communication device that would encrypt the code he entered and continue to morph the code until it was received. He scribbled his questions, writing the code below the letters. His fingers flew over the keys on the device, request ground extraction Honduras 3 male, I female, deadly force. gr-ex-hdrs-m3,1-df Send. He watched and waited. With wide eyes and a ramming heart, he saw the response, N, NS. Neg, no sanction. Jamie was stunned. It took a full minute to consider the alternative and called the one person who might agree. Jamie needed a sniper to clear the way so he could find Claire and the others.
“Low, sorry …meant... heeelllo.”
“Christ are ye drunk?”
“CAH support, NS”
“Ahh, Mexico is so beautif…. damn phone drop, oh, shit I kick it, where did it go?”
Jamie had clicked off. The drunk idiot better show up in Mexico in six hours, ready to fight, he thought. He gathered his gear and headed for his clinic. It was almost light; the babysitter would be there soon.
She was vetted by four countries, hired and paid by someone unknown. Gorgeous, with a full set of attributes that made her job doable, if not easy. She knew all the doctors in the area on a first name basis and would reschedule Jamie’s patients among them for as long as he needed to be away. Speaking of the invisible group they both worked for had a penalty second to shooting your commanding officer. Still, Jamie teased her once. They were alone, the clinic was locked so he asked how he would know she wasn’t working for the other side. He was joking, she was not. “Because you would be dead…long time ago.” she said as she walked back to her desk.
He kept dialing Claire and looked up as the office manager came in. She looked at him, “How long?”
“Five days, I hope.”
“Have a nice trip doctor.”
Jamie put his ball cap on, and the physician gave way to the soldier.
Joe was getting scared because he couldn’t wake Claire. He felt the pulse in her neck, it was weak and thready. He could see the glow of the sunrise on the horizon and knew they would be exposed in a very short time. He felt a hand grab his shoulder and pull him up.
“Jesus I’m glad to see you. Did you find the cave?”
“I did. It’s a bit of a climb but it will be a safe place to regroup and get Claire on her feet. Let’s go.”
When Joe laid Claire on the ground in the cave, he took his first look at her shoulder. It was serious, and her wife-beater was soaked with all the blood she had lost and was dripping onto the ground. They were exhausted, so when Kevin pulled him to the ground, they slept.
Claire's vibrating phone pulled Joe awake and he scrolled through the numerous calls from Jamie. He answered the call.
“Who is this! Joe! Is that you? Please tell me who ye are.”
Joe heard the voice on the other end, in Scotland, safe, no idea what they had been through during the night. He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t bridge that gap. He knew Jamie loved Claire and here she was dying. How could the world get so fucked up so fast?
“STATE YER NAME,” Jamie roared into the phone.
“That’s a good lad. Is Claire there with ye?”
“Yes, but she’s in a coma, Jamie. She’s been shot and she won’t wake up. Tremendous loss of blood. She will die and we can’t get out of the cave.”
“Yes ye can laddie, I’m close. I’m on a fast boat from Mexico, very close, with ground transport waiting. Put the phone on the ground, please, and step away from it. I’ll lock yer coordinates and be there in less than an hour. Tell Claire I’m comin.”
Joe backed away from the phone just as Kevin came rushing into the cave after doing some reconnaissance.
“Jesus, Joe they are everywhere, combing through the vegetation. I think they’re looking for us. They’re gonna know about the caves.”
“Quiet, before you scare yourself to death.” He nodded toward the phone on the ground, “Jamie will be here in an hour. We’re saved.”
Kevin had to actually walk in front of Joe to see if he was joking or just lost his marbles during the night.
“If he doesn’t have an army behind him, how is he supposed to save us, Joe?”
“He didn’t say, but he sounded pretty confident.”
The men sat near Claire and quietly waited, both expecting to die in the next few minutes as they could hear the voices of the rebels shouting in Spanish.
Joe looked at Kevin, “I feel so bad we couldn’t get to Cutter. Do you think he got out?”
“No, he’s dead Joe. I saw them shoot him as I ran to your room.”
Joe felt like he was coming apart. It was too much for him to process and he couldn’t stop the tears from coming. For Claire, for Cutter, for everyone they knew and worked with all these months. He broke down and Kevin held him fiercely asking him to be quiet. Kevin knew their time was short, so maybe it didn’t matter.
The rebels were getting closer. Kevin heard the loud directive from someone, “bomb the caves.”
Kevin pulled Joe close and kissed him like it would be his last.
“I’ve fallen in love with you, handsome. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, deal?”
Before Joe could respond the first grenade went off below them, then another, then another. They heard the loud machine gun fire pinging on the rocks and dirt flying outside the entrance.
“They want to scare us into running, makes it easier, and uses less resources.”
“Well, it also works, it’s taking all my strength not to run out that opening.” Joe looked down at Claire. “I would never leave you,” he squeezed her calf.
The gunfire stopped, and in the silence, the men harbored hope they were saved. The next explosion was so loud it made them both dive for the ground as dirt and rocks from above rained down on them. Joe covered Claire with his body while Kevin watched the shadow of a man walking toward them.
He prayed to God and filled his mind with his mother’s face, he still had so much to say to her. Both men watched the shadow on the rocks moving closer. The man was tossing a ball in the air and catching it, but it wasn’t a ball, it was a grenade. The other hand came up to pull the pin and the man lurched forward landing face down right in front of their entrance.
“What the fuck?” Joe was looking at the half-headed dead man with the grenade still in his hand. “Did you hear a shot?”
“I heard nothing. Joe, I’m scared shitless.”
A large man dropped down from above with his arms raised.
“I’m unarmed, lookin for my girl and her friends, I’m Jamie Fraser.”
When he saw Claire on the ground, he dropped to his knees asking questions about the injury. She was burning up, so Jamie put a small round piece of plastic on her cheek and a minute later had a read on her dangerously high temperature. The velcro of his pockets ripped and a syringe was being filled with life-saving antibiotics. Jamie unclasped her pants and rolled her to the side where he plunged the needle into her scorching ass. He rolled her back and looked at her beautiful face for just a moment, then he was moving again.
He stuck her finger and filled a stick of blood. Placing it in a special container to keep it upright. Connecting the container to a string, he stood up, spinning the tube of blood at the end of the string. He spun as hard as he could for five minutes until Joe jumped up and took the string, Kevin was next and after ten minutes they had a rough idea of her blood volume.
Jamie typed Claire’s blood and called out the entrance of the cave, “what’s yer blood type?”
Joe and Kevin almost fainted, pleading with Jamie to be very quiet.
Jamie stopped moving holding tubing and catheters. “Why, what’s amiss?”
“We’re surrounded by rebels Jamie, they want to kill us.”
“They’re gone, dinna worry.” He was moving fast again but felt the sudden tension in the air. He looked up and slowly behind him. The stock and silencer of a very large sniper rifle was inching into the cave.
“Put that gun down, ye dolt. This is my future wife in here fightin for her life and these brave men have protected her. What’s your blood type.”
The tip of the rifle suddenly pointed down and John Gray moved into the cave.
“Sorry, I’m a bit cranky with a hangover gentlemen. Meant no disrespect.”
Jamie was winding a strip of silver fabric around miniature forceps. He washed the wound and then packed it with the spirals of silver material. Joe and Kevin watched wide-eyed as he worked. When the wound was packed from both sides, he gingerly released the tourniquet and they all held their breath. No bleeding after five minutes, Jamie exhaled and sat next to his love.
John wanted to give Jamie some time alone so he pulled Claire’s friends outside. “Come out here and I’ll show you where I killed everyone.”
Jamie looked at the girl who stole his heart in under twenty-four hours and thanked God he got here in time.
“Sassenach, I’m here to get ye away safely. The guys are here, unharmed, so as soon as ye can, wake up. Ye need to drink whatever we can find. I’ll be givin ye a transfusion here in a couple minutes and ye’ll feel so much better after that.”
The absence of Cutter Anderson was not lost on Jamie. “Rest in peace,” he whispered.
By nightfall, Jamie had given two units of blood and needed to eat and rest for a few hours. John offered to find the hospital and steal whatever food he could find, and then he was gone.
“How can he do that? Just walk into the enemy territory alone?” Joe was in awe of both of these men.
Jamie gave a lazy half-smile, “I pity the blokes that are still there. And by the way, ye owe me, aye?” Jamie laid on the ground next to Claire and closed his eyes. “Yer gonna promise me that if she follows ye again, it will be sandy beaches, perfect weather, culture, and things to learn”. He looked directly at Joe, “where she will never be scared like this again. Otherwise, I leave ye here.”
John came back loaded with food and water. As expected, the rebels had cleared out quickly, taking most of the medical supplies with them. The men ate in silence, each fighting the fears in their head, wondering how they would ever get out of there.
“Why are they so determined to kill us for Christ's sake? Haven’t they had enough with all the dead at the hospital?”
Joe looked at the ground, not expecting there could be an answer, hoping it would become too risky to keep hunting them. John had killed at least a dozen of their men. Maybe it was enough to scare them away.
“Plausible deniability,” Jamie’s voice was low and exhausted. “Ye witnessed the massacre. If anyone wanted to prosecute, which they won’t, you could hang them all with what ye saw. In other words, it’s not over.”
Later, John sat next to Joe who was shaking hard, teeth chattering, and a glazed look in his eyes. When he felt for a pulse, Joe looked down like he didn’t understand.
“Don’t be mad, dear boy, this is the cure to what ails you. Look up!” The knee jerk reaction to that command was to look up, and John blew white powder into his nose from an outstretched palm.
Kevin launched into the cave after relieving himself. “I fuckin hate going out there, I can’t see anything!”
“And they cannot see you,” John told him. “I am taking my post outside to give you all a secure lullaby. Can you sleep, or do you need help?”
Kevin looked up at him, mid-yawn, “what?”
“Never mind.”
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sunlightdances · 5 years
Sugar and Spice
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Title: Sugar and Spice Author: Katie @sunlightdances Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem Reader Author’s Note: Inspired by this post. Pretending to be engaged so you can eat free cake samples at a bakery. Disclaimer: I don’t own Bucky, or Marvel. The original prompt isn’t mine, either. Please don’t repost my work on any other sites (ao3, wattpad, etc.) without my permission! Reblogs make me so happy.
“You’re Bucky Barnes, right?” The voice to his left startles him. “If you’re an Avenger, you have to tell me.”
He blinks. “I think that’s how it works for cops.”
You wave a hand. “Whatever. I need help.”
Immediately he straightens to his full height, coffee abandoned on the table in front of him. “What’s wrong?” His eyes dart around to all corners of the bakery, but he doesn’t see anything amiss.
“There’s a lady who works here. Real stick in the mud. I’ve been dying to try this cake of hers. She said she only gives samples to brides shopping for wedding cakes.”
Bucky blinks again, because he honestly has no idea what the fuck to say. “What?”
“I need you to pretend to be my fiance so we can eat some free cake. It’s a win/win, if you ask me.”
“I don’t think--”
“You’re supposed to protect and serve--”
“Again, I think that’s the cops--”
“It would really serve me if I could eat some cake and protect this bakery from me trying to steal it from behind the counter without everyone noticing.”
Bucky sighs. He can’t very well let a crime go down while he’s sitting here. He’d never hear the end of it from Steve. He’s not sure he’ll ever hear the end of this, either, but you’re practically bouncing on your toes in front of him, eyes sparkling and a grin growing on your face as you realize he’s close to giving in.
He’s a little mesmerized by the sight, to be honest.
“I can’t be your fake fiance if I don’t know your name,” he says, and your smile is a mile wide as you tell him your name and hold out your hand for him to shake. “Won’t she realize we’ve just met? I come here all the time and she recognizes me.”
“Leave it all to me,” you say, and grab his hand, dragging him towards the counter. He’s a little stunned as he realizes you’ve got a tight grip on his metal hand, not even noticing or caring.
Bucky’s seen you here before a time or two. You mostly spend time reading, or working on your laptop. He’s not blind - he’s noticed you before and wanted to say something, to introduce himself or ask to buy your coffee, but he’s always chickened out.
He has no idea how he’s ever going to explain this turn of events.
“Excuse me, Amanda?” You ask sweetly, getting the attention of an older woman behind the counter. “You’re never going to believe this.”
A half hour later, and you and Bucky are in a small, private room in the back of the bakery, three plates with tiny cakes in front of you. Bucky has to admit, as far as nefarious plans go, this one has some sweet, sweet rewards.
It’s easily the best cake he’s ever eaten in his life, and he’s more than a little distracted by the noise you keep making every time you try a new flavor.
“Uh,” he says around a mouthful, “How long are we going to do this? This is our fifth cake tasting.”
“She hasn’t brought out the special one yet, Buck.” You tell him, the nickname so many of his friends use rolling off your tongue like you were always meant to be saying it.
“What’s so special about it?”
“I’ve seen it once, but she never serves it at the counter. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever set my eyes on, Bucky.”
He rolls his eyes, but smiles. “What happens when we leave here and don’t buy anything?”
You prop your head up on your palm, smiling sweetly at him.
His eyes widen. “Oh, no. No. We are not buying a wedding cake just so you can eat an entire cake in one sitting.”
Your face contorts into mock offense. “Hey! That’s rude. I’d share with you, dummy, but not if you’re going to be like that--”
“Why me?”
Bucky slouches a little, already feeling full. “Why did you ask me? There’s a ton of people in there.”
You shrug, a little tinge of pink settling on your cheekbones. “I see you there a lot, and you’re almost always by yourself.”
Bucky feels a little ashamed, just for a half second. He’s a loner, sue him. Sometimes he can’t stand being in the Tower and needs to get out of there, despite everyone’s best efforts to make him feel like he has a home there, like he belongs.
“I just-- I don’t know. I’m by myself a lot, too. Thought we’d make a good pair.”
His heart starts to race a little bit at the hope in your eyes. He opens his mouth to reply, but you stop him by grabbing his arm tight, watching as Amanda brings out the next cake. “Bucky. That’s it. The cake.”
It’s beautiful, for sure. An off-white, with a sprinkle of something sugary and sparkly over top that has him practically drooling.
“Here you go, the final option. It’s one of our most popular cakes.”
You’re beaming and Bucky can’t help but chuckle, the excitement on your face infectious. You both grab your forks and dig in.
The taste explodes in his mouth. It’s sweet and buttery and flaky… the frosting just right, and-- wait. You’re sort of frozen, managing to chew the rest and swallow before sending a tight smile in Amanda’s direction.
“I’ll leave you two to decide.” She leaves, and Bucky immediately turns to you, concern on his face.
“What’s wrong?”
You smile, but it’s weak. “This is what I get for lying. It’s karma, and now I’m going to die because of it.”
“Coconut, Sarge. That’s the special ingredient.”
“I’m allergic to coconut.” You say, eyes starting to water a bit. “Nothing too bad, but my throat is probably going to swell up because I was so excited I took a giant bite, and--”
“Slow down.” He stands, offering his hand to you, “Come on.”
“What?” You take his hand, bewildered. “Where are we going?”
“To the Tower. Dr. Cho can give you a shot and it beats waiting at urgent care.”
You follow Bucky as he tugs you towards the door, Amanda coming back in looking a bit offended.
“So sorry,” Bucky says, praying to whatever God exists that he can muster up enough of that 40s charm to get you both out of this, “There’s been a family emergency. We’d love to come back and talk more, and pay you, of course-”
“Please, it’s okay. Just promise you won’t get the cake anywhere else!”
“Thank you so much for understanding.”
Bucky all but drags you out of the bakery and pulls his phone out of his pocket, asking Steve to let the Med Bay know they’re coming.
“You-- you liar!” You sputter, and he looks to you, alarmed. “You made it seem like you’re such a goody two shoes, but you just charmed her socks off like it was nothing--”
“You need to stop talking, your tongue is swelling up.”
You frown. “This is what I get. I’m going to die on a New York street all because I wanted some cake.”
“You’re not going to die.”
“If I don’t make it, I want you to know you’re the best fake fiance I ever had.”
Bucky snorts, rolling his eyes. “Okay, settle down.” He flags down a cab, tugging you inside after him and asking the cabbie to step on it. If his voice is a little harder than normal and he looks a little more menacing than usual… well. Anyone would be worried about your well being during an allergy attack. That’s all it is.
Bucky smirks. “That couldn’t have hurt.”
You glare. “Just because you’re built like a sumo wrestler--”
“It’s going to take a minute, but you should feel the swelling start to go down soon,” Dr. Cho says, smiling softly at your antics.
“Thanks, Helen.” Bucky says softly, leaning back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You know,” you begin when she leaves the room, “You told her we’d come back and buy a cake.”
“I’ll send Stark over there the next time it’s someone’s birthday. The money will make her forget all about us.”
You’re fidgeting. “I don’t know. I was sort of looking forward to a coffee date.”
Bucky’s brain short circuits. You’re blushing again and it’s so cute and you’re so different to anyone he’s ever met. “Yeah?” He croaks, trying and failing to find that suave part of him that showed up briefly earlier.
“Yeah. I- I maybe had ulterior motives for the cake tasting.”
He can feel the grin stretching across his face. “Should have known.”
“Don’t get cocky. It was mostly for the cake.”
“Right. Mostly.”
You smile genuinely at him. “Fine. Only a little bit. Mostly wanted an excuse to talk to you. It kind of-- spiralled from there.”
“I’d love to have coffee with you.” Bucky says softly, taking in the freckles dusting your cheeks and the way your eyes light up when you hear his reply.
“Are you sure? I’m a criminal.”
“You lied to get some cake. I think you’ll avoid jail time.”
Later, Bucky drops you off at home, allergy-free, with your phone number scribbled on his hand and a kiss to his cheek that sets fire to his entire body.
“Until next time, fiance.” You say, and he smiles, softly, adoringly, unable to help himself.
“Next time.” He agrees, watching you go.
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Ch13 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Chapter 13:
Walter205Last Saturday at 7:50 PM
"Any new leads?" asked Sesshomaru as he entered the main room to the Secret Headquarters for the Public Security Intelligence Agency. The lone occupant glanced up from the bank of monitors with a half dead look on his face as he once again considered why he was helping his former nemesis instead of seeing him killed. 
 It had been a long five hundred years for Naraku, who had changed considerably in that intervening time period with his enemies unknowingly sealed away, freed of the influence of the shikon jewel, rid of the influence of Onigumo's heart, and finally knowing the joys of true fatherhood after he had sired legimitate children. There was only so much a person could change though and even though Naraku now sought to protect his bloodline and homeland, there was no better place suitable for him to do so from apart from working behind the scenes as the Secret Head of an Intelligence Agency, putting his skills at manipulation and subterfuge to full use. 
 "No, not since the Okinawa Breakthrough," Naraku responded as he leafed through the various reports. Someone or something had been operating under his nose for at least the past five hundred years, sealing away his former enemies and creating clay copies of them, infiltrating the government and defense force. He had no inclination to help Sesshomaru out but wanted to get to the bottom of who was threatening his government's stability, had ordered a missile attack on four of its citizens, and what their next moves were. 
 The so called Okinawa breakthrough was a discovery of shipments of high quality clay to an odd location that had turned out to be a pottery cave similar to the one once used by Urasue, but this one had been used to make potentially hundreds of clay people and had apparently been unused for quite some time. The trail had gone cold soon there afterwards. 
 Naraku felt like they were missing something, something important. It was that moment when the intruder alarms in the HQ went off.
Stormie Like WeatherLast Sunday at 3:02 PM
The sprinkler system went off with a whir, buzzing as water spewed from the taps. Naraku's eyes went wild as he threw up waterproof canvases over the computer systems. Managing to save his life's work, he snapped at Sesshomaru, "I'm going to kill whatever you have lured into my lair." 
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes, "Not before I do." 
Naraku threw opened the door, and smoke billowed. Sesshomaru's nose was useless in the fire.
 Walter205Last Sunday at 3:57 PM
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I raise a toast to you as we commence the opening stages of Operation Hellstorm, may the spoils of Supreme Conquest soon be ours," said the masked figure as it raised a glass of wine to the other eight figures seated around the round table in the secret underground bunker. 
 To his right and progressing further around the table was seated an array of formerly vanquished villains returned from the depths of the underworld through a secret portal opened upon the destruction of Inukimi's Interdimensional Necklace. 
 Sounga, a Dragon Demon Lord originally from Hell itself who was sealed away within an old Sword. 
 Muso, a collection of demons and a human named Onigumo who had been discarded by Naraku and left to die under the collapsed remains of Mt Hakurei. 
 Urasue, a Pottery Demon whom they had utilized to construction an army of clay soldiers, bringing souls back from the depths of hell to power the clay dolls with. 
 Ryukotsusei, another Dragon Demon that had been sealed away by Inutashio and slain by Inuyasha, like Sounga he was present now in human form. 
  Hyoga, formerly defeated and his power sealed away by Inutashio during the attempted Mongol Invasion of Japan. 
 Menomaru, son of Hyoga who was later defeated by Inuyasha and Kagome after gaining his father's power. 
 Tekkei, a powerful demon bird that was slain by Naraku to open a path to the world between this one and the next. She is present in human form. 
 Abi, daughter of Tekkei who was also slain by Naraku. Like her mother, she wants revenge against Naraku. 
 And finally there was the masked man himself, none other than the former collection of demons and humans trapped within the Shikon No Tama, the entity known as Magatsuhi, now forever free of the Jewel itself to wreak havoc on the world. Together with the group of nine he had formed the Shikon Cabal for the purpose of Supreme Conquest.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Sunday at 4:05 PM
Sesshomaru and Naraku paused as soon as they noticed the slender figure traipsing through the raining smoke filled hall. Her long black hair had been piled up in a tight bun, but the four dashed markings between her brows was unmistakable. "Midoriko..." Sesshomaru had only known her from old scrolls. Her piercing gaze felt damning. She pulled down her soaked ribbed black leather jacket and got down to business, "Excuse my intrusion Demons, we have a problem. I require your immediate assistance."
 SlayerLast Sunday at 4:19 PM
"My reincarnate is in trouble. Come we must hurry if we are to save your mate and pups Sesshomaru." Midoriko turned on the toe of her black leather boot and walked out of the room.
 Walter205Last Sunday at 6:20 PM
"Explosions have rocked MI5 and Parliament in London....," 
 "Reports of gunfire within the walls of the Kremlin...," 
 "Smoke is rising from both the White House and the Pentagon...," 
 "Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building has just collapsed, I repeat just collapsed...," 
 Together Kagome, Miss Higurashi, Jii Jii, and Inukimi watched the scattered news reports with growing dismay, tears and hands over hearts taking hold as more and more breaking news alerts sounded, with the whole world suddenly seemingly coming undone by as of yet still unknown assailants. 
 "Everyone, be on guard, we're surrounded," warned Inukimi. Kagome looked up to see her mother in law scenting the air as she looked around her. Clearing her stuffy nose from crying Kagome took a whiff herself and growled as she detected the scent of clay and graveyard soil. 
 Suddenly the darkened skies outside lit up with a brilliant flash as a familiar sound clattered through the house, followed by what sounded like a china shop's worth of broken pottery clattering onto the ground outside. 
 Rushing outside in battle formation, Kagome and Inukimi came across the broken forms of perhaps fifty clay ninjas, along with three familiar grooves in the ground. Turning, they sighted Inuyasha and Kikyo advancing towards them. 
  "Kikyo?" Kagome questioned in surprise. What was even more surprising was that Kikyo scented of a normal human, not death. 
  "I've been dispatched by the Kami along with other formerly deceased miko's on a special mission. We don't have much time, we need to evacuate you and the others," said Kikyo as Inuyasha extended his hand.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Sunday at 6:36 PM
Just as Kagome took his hand the well house imploded in on itself and a haunting red glow erupted from it's center. Every demon that had it's bones once thrown into  the well reformed and exploded out from the light with a loud zombish groan.
 Walter205Last Sunday at 6:45 PM
Through their mating bond Sesshomaru received a mental image of the battle that had been ongoing for some time now as the three of them neared the shrine. Kikyo, Inuyasha, Inukimi, and Kagome were all covered in wounds with hundreds of dead demons surrounding them and thousands more circling in for the kills. Between the four wounded warriors knelt Jii Jii and Miss Higurashi, the former throwing ineffective sutras with stoic fear while the latter just prayed for a miracle. 
 "Mate, Barrier, Now!" Sesshomaru telematically sent to Kagome as he drew Bakusaiga from its sheath. When he saw the faint glimmering of pink through the horde he sliced through the demons with his sword, the green lightning cutting down all fifty thousand remaining demons in just a few moments. 
 "Heh, that's what the fools get for clustering up," Naraku remarked snidely. 
  "Yes but until the secret portal to hell is closed, they'll just keep coming back, which is one of the reasons I was sent back. Inukimi's Inter-dimensional necklace was a gift bestowed upon her by the Kami for a task she had undertaken for them in the far distant past and it was made from a sapling of the Tree of Ages. I can close the secret portal by undertaking a ritual upon the Tree but it will take some time and I will need to be protected while doing so," explained Midoriko as she landed next to the tree. 
  With a flash of spiritual energy Midoriko waved her hands and instantly everyone was healed of their injuries and reinvigorated with renewed stamina. 
 "An old miko technique, lost through the ages after my death I suppose," Midoriko explained after everyone's surprised glances as she moved to the Tree.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Sunday at 7:08 PM
Inuyasha and Kikyo were muttering under their breaths. With Midoriko chanting, Sesshomaru turned to his Mate and family, "Inuyasha take them to the safehouse you're whispering about." 
"Uh, yeah, sure." He grunted. 
"I'm not going without you." Kagome narrowed her gaze at him, "I'm not going to be separated from you at a time like this." 
"Hn." He cut down a demon that had just flown up from the well, grabbed her by the waist, and dipped her for a kiss. By the time they separated again she was breathless and heavy lidded, "You will take our young from this danger and protect them at all costs." 
She nodded, rubbing her stomach and looking over her shoulder at their adopted puppies in his Mother's arms. "Okay. I'll do it." One last kiss and they parted. 
Unfortunately the safe house wasn't as safe as assumed.
 Walter205Last Sunday at 7:33 PM
Everything was proceeding according to plan. They had everything that they needed from hell already so there was no harm in letting Midoriko seal the secret portal and in exchange their ambush at the safe house had yielded a number of significant prizes, a first taste of the rewards to come. 
 Magatsuhi examined the prizes captured, looking over each with a spectacled eye before turning to the other Cabal members that happened to be present. 
  "As we all previously agreed upon, Muso shall take possession of the reincarnated Kikyo, Ryukotsusei shall have Inuyasha, Tekkei will take Miss Higurashi and Jii Jii, while Hyoga takes Kagome," said Magatsuhi as the spoils were divided. The two adopted pups of theirs had been wounded in the ambush and left to die, for Sesshomaru to find when the others caught up to the Safe House location following the completion of the Ritual. 
 Hyoga and Menomaru grinned as they looked over their new prize, largely untouched but still unconscious from the effects of the knock out gas specially tailored for humans, half demons, and demons alike. 
  "Now my son, we shall take her offspring and feed them into my power pool and then, when she is ready once more, you shall use her to birth the strongest and most powerful offspring the Hyoga Clan has bore witness to in generations," Hyoga said as the two of them carted Kagome off. 
 Magatsuhi turned to Sounga as the latter came to stand next to him. 
 "You're up to bat, I'll be staying at the bunker to coordinate our activities worldwide," said Magatsuhi. Sounga grinned as he prepared to make his official re-debut on the world scene.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Sunday at 9:42 PM
Having been hidden behind a barrier far too strong for the likes of the forces present, InuKimi took hold of the pups as soon as the canal members had set sight elsewhere, "Take care of the young ones." She passed them to Sango whose large wings barely fit in her barrier. InuKimi pricked her finger and marked the Slayer's head, "This will allow you to enter my domain, have a safe flight." Holding both the pups and the hands of her children, Sango nodded and left for the sky castle. InuKimi scented out Hyoga first, who'd stopped to piss letting his son take Kagome up ahead, taking the foul beast out with her bare claws. It'd been far too long since she'd sunk her hands into hot flesh, but rusty she was not. Her poison bubbled through Hyoga's body. Let them try to bring him back twice. His son had tried to hold Kagome hostage when she found him. His quivering voice telling as he croaked, "I'll kill her if you don't back the fuck off!" "By all means." She rolled her eyes, slicing through him in one quick roll of her wrist, the deadly ribbon of her power broke him and his two halves squished against the ground. Kagome fell into InuKimi's arms just as she melted the remains of Menomaru like that of his father.
 SlayerLast Sunday at 9:53 PM
Kagome cried out in pain and felt a rush of hot liquid go down her leg. 
"No no no Inukimi isn't  it too soon?" Kagome looked up at her mother-in-law with pleading eyes.
"Hush now girl everything will be fine." Inukimi took her daughter in law in her arms and flew to the sky palace.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Sunday at 10:02 PM
By the time Sesshomaru had caught up with and dispatched Tekkei, he felt a terror through his mating bond like no other. Following the scent of his Mate had led him to her mother and grandfather. He left them with Naraku as he continued to follow her scent. Blood and amniotic fluid assaulted his nose, his mother was with her. Good. Seeing red, he flew for the flying Shiro of his mother's.
 Walter205Last Sunday at 10:12 PM
Midoriko finished the ritual and stood back as the Tree of Ages glowed with an unearthly light of the Kami's. Thousands upon thousands of pinpricks of light streaked out from the tree like needles, each one trailing a thread of red string. Through the entire world every demon, clay soldier, and being that had passed through the secret portal was skewered and then dragged back down into the depths of hell through a new portal opened in the well. Magatsuhi was the last to go, screaming about "How could this be?" and "But everything was going according to plan!" before disappearing and the Portal closing. 
 Midoriko collapsed as Naraku caught her now frail form. 
 "What was that?" he asked in awe, having an idea but not entirely sure of what he saw. 
 "In sending me back, the Kami bestowed additional powers upon me, sufficient to seal the portal spawned from the destruction of their gift and forcefully return everyone who wrongfully used it. In his planning Magatsuhi didn't account for the possibly of the Kami intervening more forcefully against him and that proved to be the downfall for both him and his 'Shikon Cabal'," Midoriko explained. 
 "What now?" he asked in a more concerned tone. 
 "Now, I and the others who were dispatched from the heavens above shall return, our missions accomplished. Go in peace," whispered Midoriko before being encompassed within a ball of light. When it faded, she was gone.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Sunday at 10:18 PM
Inuyasha found Kikyo just as she began to dissipate. With his children grown, he took her hand, determined to join her in the afterlife. "Are you sure?" She whispered through tears. He nodded, pulling her to his chest. They kissed as they left for valhallah​. Odin saw them coming into his domain and welcomed them with honey mead.
 Walter205Last Sunday at 10:36 PM
"Auuurrgggghhhh! You did this to meeee! Take this and that!" Kagome yelled at Sesshomaru as loud slickish popping sounds emanated from the area where she was giving birth. Sesshomaru spotted a pair of projectiles flying at him and started to dodge, but stopped when his vision afforded him a quick look at said projectiles to see what they were his third born son and seventh born daughter. Quickly he caught them instead, cradling them in his arms. 
 He knew his mate wasn't in a right state of mind right now; quite frankly he wasn't entirely sure he was either as he licked the afterbirth from the two pups. What came out of his mate at a time like this sure was tasty though, not unlike a fine vegetable soup with a tomato base, just with a tad more copper flavor on the side. 
 "Come on Kagome you're almost there, I believe there's only about a dozen more or so to go," soothed Inuemi as she handed off a couple more pups. Bat Eri and Yuka flew in with more towels to handle the pups and add them to the growing collection in the nursery next door.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Sunday at 10:51 PM
"Didnt you say she only has four breasts?" Asked Mai, Inuyasha's eldest and baby sitter to most of the pups in the pack, "This is the largest brood I've ever seen. Kagome's mom had held the first fifteen but after they just kept on coming, she gave up and picked two favorites. Petting thier soft heads, she shrugged, "You think she will need nursemaids?" Mai bit her lip, "Yeah, I do. Even in her true form 29 and counting... There's no where to put that many nipples on one body."
 SlayerLast Sunday at 11:11 PM
Sesshomaru  was starting to panic they had gotten up to 32 and he wasnt really sure how the hell they were going to deal with so many pups. Perhaps his mother could take a few to raise or maybe they could adopt a couple out to the newly youkai former humans.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Sunday at 11:19 PM
"Kagome," He swallowed hard as she growled at him. "Perhaps you should just keep the rest in." InuEmi barked a laugh as she handed off number 33 and 34. Kagome squeezed his hand so hard he thought it might break, You're getting exactly what you asked for, jerk." He looked down at their first pup, already and still nursing on her breast. One he could handle, "Have we considered adoption?" Her eyes bled red, "Try giving away my pups and I will rip you limb from limb, starting with your cock." InuEmi held up the final pup with a huge smile, "Great job, Kagome!"
 SlayerLast Sunday at 11:49 PM
35 was the final number. Inukimi called the maintenance  department  and asked them to bring all the cribs and bassinets in the castle. Even with that she wasnt sure their would be enough. So she knixed that idea and asked them to bring all the mattresses  into the adjoining room they would make one huge bed.
 Walter205Last Sunday at 11:50 PM
Even with her greater reserve of demonic stamina Kagome had still been exhausted from the ordeal. She had four pups nursing and another thirty one waiting their turns. 
 "Inuemi, if you would please just move them around as needed...," muttered Kagome wearily before she fell into a deep slumber. 
 As his eldest sister complied with moving the pups around on the feeding stations Sesshomaru wiped the sweat from his mate's forehead before touching his mating mark. 
 Through it he began channeling his stores of demonic energy stamina into his mate, helping to replenish some of what she had lost that would be sorely needed in the big week ahead.
 SlayerLast Sunday at 11:51 PM
"This will do for now Sesshomaru  but you need to provide your mate a proper den. It seems these silly human trappings will not work for this litter." His mother glared at him.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Monday at 6:31 PM
Using the funds of the deceased Imposter Sesshomaru, the real Sesshomaru was able to secure a thousand acre parcel​​ of wilderness deep in the heart of Japan. Using youkai builders and more than a little magic a cave was manufactured with all the joys of modern conveniences with the necessary accommodating space a growing brood of 35 needed. The center room was large enough for many full grown Inuyoukai to lay side by side. Currently Kagome occupied the space with half her pups nursing and the other half sleeping snuggled up to their father. She licked thier little heads and nuzzled them with her nose.
 SlayerLast Monday at 7:12 PM
The years rolled by in a blur of adorable puppy tails and wet noses until at around 5 years old they all started to take on humanoid  forms. All that is but the runt of the litter poor little Inuyasha was always smaller and weaker then his brothers and sisters.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Monday at 7:26 PM
"Oh, my poor baby!" Kagome scooped up her littlest and snuggled him up to her chest, "You three, quit picking on your brother." The other boys frowned and in unison pouted, "Sorry Mama." She patted little Inuyasha's fluffy head, "You're okay."
Sesshomaru rolled his eyes, "You're coddling him, he will never grow larger."
InuKimi sighed, "Let me take him for awhile, he will flourish as an only child. You know, Sesshomaru was also a late bloomer when it came to obtaining a true form."
"I was not!" He snapped.
"Were so. You were my cute little fluffykins for many years." She cackled as he growled.
Kagome looked down at her pup and back at the full house behind her, perhaps he would do better with his granddog...
 SlayerLast Monday at 7:38 PM
The little white puppy in her arms glowed with green energy. And Kagome  was suddenly holding a tiny version of Sesshomaru  complete with stripes and crescent moon.
"No." He growled at his granddam  "Stay with mama."
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Monday at 7:45 PM
InuKimi chuckled, "He's just like his father, a little mommy's puppy." Inuyasha proceeded to nuzzle Kagome's shoulder. "Hehehe," Kagome looked at her Mate and snickered, "Looks like he's the same level as the other's now." Sesshomaru huffed, "We shall see. Pups!" He clapped his hands, "Get your coloring books, we are going to have a little competition."
 SlayerLast Monday at 7:47 PM
Little Inu jumped from his mother's  arms and ran to the long line of pups armed with coloring books and boxes of crayons.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Monday at 7:49 PM
While the rest of the pups completed lovely pictures, Inuyasha accidentally melted the entire box in an acidic rainbow on the page.
 SlayerLast Monday at 7:50 PM
"Well my boy it looks like you did inherit  your father's  gifts." Inukimi giggles as she watched the sad little pup stare at his melted box of crayons.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Monday at 7:55 PM
Sesshomaru rubbed his chin, "Well, he is the first to show any signs of poison." Suddenly whining broke out in the ranks, "What about me, Daddy!" "Daddy look! I made this dragon bleed just like in the bedtime story!" "Daddy look what I can do!" No less that ten of the pups had crayons up their noses or in their mouths. "No, no, no..."Kagome ran through the room dislodging crayons. Inuyasha grinned, "woof."
 TamashaTokoLast Tuesday at 6:16 AM
At the edge of the room sat their first born daughter, the first of all her siblings to achieve a humanoid form and looked the most like her father as she stared upon her family with no amusement to be found. Her pure white hair looked like snow and her piercing golden eyes dug even into her mother’s soul. “This Kiyomi does not wish to color,” her voice was deep as though she were saying something profound, “I wish father to teach me how to harness my poison so I may thin the heard.”  This wasn’t the first time Kiyomi suggested she be allowed to kill her siblings. “I also desire a juice box,” was her follow up demand.
 Walter205Last Tuesday at 7:39 AM
The thousand acre parcel with secret cave was nice, but not perfect. The backlash from the humans was growing by the day following the events of Operation Hellstorm and both nations and the world councils were voting on resolutions to reduce all demons to second class citizens and sequester them into specially designated living regions. Sesshomaru had seen this coming from a mile away and had spent the past five years preparing for the construction of their new home, an idea that had come to him one day whilst he had been staring up into the night sky one evening. 
 Totosai had forged at his behest a magnificent sword of construction for him, one that he had been feeding stores of demonic energy each day for the past five years. Now it hummed to indicate it was ready to perform its desired task. Kagome came outside, the pups being left inside with the others as she came to stand at his side. 
 "What was it you wanted to talk about?" asked Kagome. 
 "Not talk, show," replied Sesshomaru before encompassing both of them inside his bubble and taking off at great speed. He could feel Kagome's fear as she regained her senses just as they left Earth's atmosphere and entered space but he quickly reassured her that his bubble contained sufficient oxygen. 
 Soon enough they landed on the surface of the moon and she looked at him questioningly. He stared at his sword of construction before plunging it into the surface of the moon. In a flash of blinding light the sword unleashed five years of vast stores of demonic energy, magically transforming it into terraforming procedures that turn the landscape into grasslands, craters into lakes, bare mountains into forested peaks, as the stars reappeared in the night sky along with the Earth as an oxygen enriched atmosphere shimmered into existence. 
 "May I welcome you to be the first visitor to the Land of the Moon?" asked Sesshomaru.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Tuesday at 8:35 AM
And thus, InuKimi's quest for grandpups ended with her son and his pack living happily on the Land of the Moon.
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sauceboyz713 · 4 years
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(Reuploaded due to reasons)
Thanks to @h2so366 for drawing this.
Thanks to @mrevaunit42 and @nova-friends for Missy and Nova
Thanks to @ladyxgilex and @lix-family for Lix herself
Now for my story.
In the great city of Paris, evil lurks in the city. A villian, Hawk Moth, sent Akumas around the city to terrorize Paris, turning the affected individuals into more villains, and to counter the upstream of villains, select people have been given Kwamis, spirit-like beings that grants powers to their partners, to defeat those evil-doers and keep Paris safe and fight off Hawk Moth. As the battle of heroes and villains wages on, the mayor of Paris wants to eradicate both sides out of the city, but seeing the police units can’t handle the force both good and bad and using military would make the mayor look like he can’t handle this and shine a negative light onto his last term in office and his opponent is pro-heroes, so he needs to show that he is the right person to lead Parisians to a future where ordinary people can stop these supers. As days pass on, he hires a Private Military Company to deal with the supers and he only gets one soldier to limit suspicion. A day passes and a blacked-out vehicle drives up to the mayor’s office and a chauffeur opens up to let out an individual wearing proper attire and shades to hide his eyes and walk up to the mayor himself. As the mayor and the individual start making the deal, the agreements are as follows:
Subdue or eliminate any supers
Don’t give away the cover or the contractor
Finish the contract before the mayoral race
The PMC wanders around Paris, gathering intel on these “supers” he hears about and as he was done gathering for the day, a battle breaks out with 4 supers, 3 females dressed as a ladybug, a black cat, and a bee, and a giant gator-like being, in the streets. The PMC gathers intel as a civilian and records evidence as the skirmish goes on. Few seconds later, the gator overpowers the 3 females, rendering them down, and turns to the populace. The PMC sees the gator crawl towards them and the PMC sees this so he pulls out his trusty secondary, a modified M1911, and shoots a few rounds in the air to clear out the streets, causing mass panic, making the civilians get to safety. Now all is left is the gator and the PMC, who holsters the pistol and pulls out his favorite MCX Rattler PCB and points it to the villain.
PMC: All Right ugly, time to put you down now. (Toggles his laser sight on and aims mass center)
Gator: (snarling) Well, this is something, a prey fighting back with guns, well come on then! Come to my jaws and I’ll rip your insides out. 
The gator lunges to the PMC but he manages to evade the rushing predator and open fire, bullets hitting the skin of the gator but no piercing through the armor-like scaly skin. After running through the magazine, he reloads another magazine and aims at him again.
Gator: You think your bullets can hurt me?
The gator rushes the PMC again and as the PMC unloads his magazine again, the gator grabs the fighting PMC’s body, causing him to drop his weapon and the monster smashes it under his feet.
PMC: No! My favorite rifle! You ugly monster I’ll get you for this.
Gator: Well, good luck as you become a meal for me. 
The Gator then opens his mouth and dangles the PMC over it and the PMC sees death facing him. As the Gator lowered the PMC, an umbrella was thrown into the Gator’s eye, causing him to scream in pain and agony, dropping the PMC hard on his back and knocking the wind out of him, his body writing in pain as he tries to breathe normally again. The Gator finds out who did that and turns to the 3 females, ready for round 2.
Gator: (roars in pain) You girls are gonna be dead meat!
The ladybug girl calls her teammates.
Ladybug: Go for the necklace, that’s where I believe the Akuma is!
The four rush into the center until a small metal object clunks and explodes, causing a bright flash and deafening the four temporarily, then a gunshot is heard. The bullet hits the necklace, in which is a tooth of an alligator, causing the monster to de-transform into a normal man, and the Akuma to see set free, captured by Ladybug’s Yo-yo.
Ladybug: Yes, another baddie down! Now who are you…
The PMC points his weapon to the three heroes. 
PMC: Drop your weapons!
The heroes get ready to fight again.
Ladybug: How about no and tell us who you are?
PMC: No can do, lady. How about you and your friends surrender and I take you peacefully.
Chat Noir: What to do, Ladybug?
Queen Bee: It’s three of us against a guy with a gun, what do you think?
An intense stand-off between the PMC and the heroes takes place, until police sirens break the stand-off.
PMC: (whispers) Damn (pulls out another stun grenade) Time for an escape. (Pushes down on his radio) Actual, request exfil.
Chat Noir: Oh no you don’t!
Chat Noir was going to give chase until another stun grenade landed near their feet.
Queen Bee: Not again.
The three brace against the explosion, overloading their senses as a heli comes by and extracted the PMC, leaving the three to themselves.
Time passes by, the PMC hides in his safehouse and creates another MCX with a built-in suppressor and scouts the city for more activities. Recon drones scan for those three targets until he found them in an abandoned warehouse, where they discuss about the new person.
Queen Bee: This is bad, we don’t know who this new person is and he seems like a tough guy to fight. I mean have you seen what he used? GUNS!
Chat Noir: Bee! Shut up, look, he is human and our kwamis can handle it, right?
Ladybug: Listen up, let’s handle it right, because I feel like he will come find us any moment.
Glass shatters as someone rappels down and shouts at them.
PMC: Remember me?!
The three girls prepare to battle as the PMC studies them as they encircle them.
Queen Bee swings first as she tries to make contact but the PMC deflected the hit and grab her arm to pull her closer and pull out his pistol and put two rounds in her stomach, making Queen Bee fall in pain, but no blood spilled. The special rounds were shock rounds, using electricity to mimic a gunshot wound. Queen Bee held her stomach as she cried in pain, causing the other girls to attack but PMC training triumphs their fighting styles, the PMC block and evade their attacks as he uses kickboxing and gunplay, Ladybug tried to kick the PMC, but he grabbed her leg and put a round on her thigh. Chat Noir uses her umbrella as a club and swing to his head, but he leaned back and kicked her back to make her fall on her front and put a round to her back. All iwas good for the PMC but the girls got up and ready themselves. Ladybug uses her Yo-yo to try to tie up the PMC, using the environment to create a web of entangle the PMC, facing the barrel away from them and immobilizing him as Queen Bee stings him, causing him to scream in pain while Chat Noir swung to the face. The swing broke his shades, exposing one eye as the len shattered, but one len that was cracked still hiding the other eye. The PMC was rattled by the hit, ears ringing and a bloody mouth.
Chat Noir: Did we do it? We defeated him?
Ladybug: He doesn’t have an Akuma possessing him so we should keep him like this.
Queen Bee: What should we do?
PMC: hehe, I can go for round 2…
The PMC unloads most of his mag to a beam that was holding his arm, causing the beam to fall and free it, pulling an axe out and cut the wires off of him while the girls step back. After he was free from the imprisonment, he stood up and took out a syringe out of his armor pockets and injected himself with some serum, making him aware and ready for another battle.
PMC: Let’s make it fair.
He tosses his weapons to the side except for his axe and readies to attack the three. The girls fight with whatever they have left until the PMC overpowers them, using Army combat to , overtaxing the Kwamis,causing them to be stripped of their powers and exposed to the PMC that they are just teenage girls. The PMC was breathing heavily as he stared at the girls moving away from him and protecting their kwamis. He dropped his axe and backed off, radioing to the mayor and mouthing him off as he cut radio chatter and turned around and talked to the group of girls.
PMC: Hey hey, chill, friendly now. Just knew my contractor wanted me to eliminate you girls but I have to end my contract to him. Let me patch you gals up.
The PMC tended to the girls’ injuries, administering first aid and earning their trust. 
PMC: Sorry for doing this, just got hired by your mayor to make this super-free. I know you gals hate me right now, but I have a change of heart and right now (helps them up) at least I know what’s right and wrong now.
Nova: This is Lix, Missy, and I am Nova.
Eli: First name basis...Eli, actual name keep it under wraps or you can call me D-Day.
Lix: Where are you from? 
Eli: Texas ma’am.
Missy: And your job?
Eli: Mercenary, gets paid to put bad people down, as you can see my hardware, which reminds me. (reconnects radio contact) Actual, request exfil, setting flare (shoots a flare up to the air)
Eli gathers his weapons and gear, says his goodbyes to the girls and exfil out of there.
As time passed on, the mayor was voted out of office probably due to the uncovering of him using a private military company and embezzlement of funds from taxpayer money. The new mayor was happy to work with the heroes of Paris. And as for the heroes, another time hunting down Hawk Moth with support from the new mayor made it easy, and who knows, maybe a new teammate wants to aide in the battle and help the girls with training tactics, and new skills, so if you are bad guy and you see a ladybug, a bee, and a black cat on you, pray you don’t have a laser pointed at you, because evil is going to have a hard time with D-Day taking you down.
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softscottlang · 6 years
You (Tom Holland)
[Tom Holland x Reader] One shot
Warning: Anxiety Attack, do not read if you are triggered by those. 
Summary: Tom and you are at the mall on his rare day off when a group of fans swarms the two of you, overwhelming Tom. 
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: I love this and Tom makes my heart pull for him. 
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You and Tom had been walking around the mall together for about three hours now. Today was one of the rare days that you guys got to just spend the day together, without Tom filming for Marvel or your job. Tom had refused to let go of your hand the entire trip, not that you wanted him to. Whenever you were around your boyfriend, he made you feel warm and bubbly, he made everything brighter. You were about to ask him if he wanted to share a pretzel when a teenage girl came up to you and started to talk to Tom.
She looked to be about sixteen and was wearing a Spider-man hoodie, she had blonde hair a big glasses. This was the first time you had been with Tom when he was being recognized in a public place. You couldn’t help the smile as you saw Tom hug the small girl, you even took a few pictures of them. The young girl had said her goodbyes and gave him another quick hug before walking in the other direction.
Tom quickly grabbed your hand and continued walking toward the Barnes and Noble’s when a crowd of teenagers started to close in on the both of you.
“I’ve never had this many people around me without anyone to manage the crowd.” Tom said as he gripped your hand a little bit tighter. You started to rub your thumb over the back of his knuckles, attempting to sooth him.
You knew he loved his fans, but you also knew how his anxiety was. His mother told you about it the first time you met her, she taught you what to do if he ever had an anxiety attack and you had a feeling you were going to have to use it.
The thought of Tom being over whelmed made you feel stressed. You wanted to help him and make him feel safe, secure and happy, you couldn’t do that if he was having an anxiety attack. So, you continued to comfort him until the crowd of teenagers closed in on the two of you and started to ask for pictures with either the two of you or just Tom. He of course said yes, not wanting to disappoint anyone.
“Tom, you can say no love. It’s your day off.” you leaned into to his ear. You tightly gripped his hand as he started to talk to the tens of people who came up to him. By the minute the crowd began to grow, making you feel more and more scared for the well-being of your boyfriend. He was starting to bit his bottom lip, which you know was his tell of being stressed out. You started to panic when his chest caved in.
You knew that he was having trouble breathing from the look on his face. His eyes were have slightly closed and he looked extremely pale. You were about to take him away from all the loudness when a girl ripped your hand away from his. You were pushed toward the middle of the circle surrounding Tom, you looked over to him and you felt your heart break.
He was finally showing the sadness on his face as he glanced down at his hand then looked around for you. He looked like he was trying to say something, but he couldn’t, he was hurting and that caused you to hurt knowing that. You felt the weight of your chest from worrying about him drop to your feet and hold you in place. You felt like you couldn’t move, you needed to move.
Tom needed you to move.
“I need everyone to move out of my way.” You said at the top of your lungs. The crowd of girls quickly cleared out of your way as you crossed over to your boyfriend. You gently grabbed his hand and lead him towards the bookstore as you explained to the teens that this was Tom’s day off and he wanted to have some free time, not that he didn’t love them. He just needed sometime to breath before he and the rest the cast went on the films press tour.
The teens looked like they understood what you were saying but a few of them were giving you a smug look as you guided your boyfriend away from them. You shook it off, even though it did make you feel bad for the girls who were just trying to meet the guy that they were in love with. All they wanted was a conversation and a picture. But you knew Tom couldn’t handle that, he was going through a major attack right now.
When you looked back at him, he was staring blankly at the wall, but his eyes were telling a completely different story. His eyes were anxious, wanting to leave all of the problems that he was having but he couldn’t. You knew that you had to pull him back, so you sat him down in a chair by the Starbucks there and leaned over so that your face was in his line of vison.
“Tom, take a deep breath in.” you said calmly, quiet enough to not disturb anyone else but loud enough for him to hear you. He looked into your eyes and you saw how upset he was. He looked flustered and tense. You felt your chest concave because of how sad he looked, it made you want to pull him into your chest and hold him, but he needed to breath. “Baby, you have to breathe!” you pleaded with him.
He eventually started breathing deeper and you saw the color start to return in his face. A wave of relief washed over you as you realized what was happening. Your heart wasn’t as heavy, but it was still hurting seeing the guy you love in distress. Quickly, you tried to remember what his mom taught you, but the questions were coming to you slowly. You decided to ask the ones you knew while you prayed the rest would come to you later.
“Name one thing you see.” You said calmly with your knee on his leg trying to sooth him. His eyes darted around the room as he kept looking at different things. His eyes wouldn’t focus on one thing, instead he was glancing from spot to spot. “Tom, concentrate on one thing. Name one thing you see.” His eyes started to slow down and you saw his irises settle.
“A table.” You looked at where he was staring at. He then glanced at you, his eyes filled with fear. His mom told you that he would say something related to furniture. So, you went to ask the next question but were cut off when Tom laid his hand over yours. You felt your heart leap in your chest as you realized that he wanted to hold your hand.
“Ok, good. Name one thing you smell.” You said looking at his face. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose. He exhaled slowly, his body shaking as he scrunched his eyes together forcefully. When he recognized the smell, he seemed to relax.
“Coffee” he said before opening his eyes and looking into yours. You opened your mouth to ask the second to last question, but Tom leaned forward, almost as if he was going to kiss you. You wanted to kiss him, oh boy did you want to kiss him, but you needed to make sure he was calm.
“Name one thing you hear.” You said softly, tilting your face slightly as you questioned him.
“My heart beating.”
“Ok, name one thing you love.” You knew he was going to say his family. That was what his mom said that he always answered. He looked at your face and answered the question.
“You.” The one word made you explode with happiness, he made your heart slam against your chest. You wanted to scream of excitement. You were about to proclaim your love for him back, but you were cut off by his lips attack yours. You should be used to the feeling of his mouth pressed against yours but every time he kissed you, he found a way to make it different. It was so appealing to you, he made every kiss unique and special.
In the end, Tom Holland was the man of your dreams, anxiety attacks and all.
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doeeyeddarlingxo · 5 years
Myriad Misadventures - Chapter 3
The Myriad Misadventures of a Midgardian Queen-In-Training - Chapter 3
AO3 | Previous | Next
Word Count: 2616
Pairing: Loki/Reader
Rating: T
Myriad Misadventures - Chapter 3
Full of soda, cake, and laughter, you arrive back home feeling as though you could fly. Any thoughts of the letter are gone; the only thing you're worried about at the moment is the fact that you’ll have to get up extra early to finish your homework the next morning. You have enough trouble falling asleep as it is, but after a day of festivities, the sugar rush combines with a natural high to leave you even more restless as usual.
 You sleep lightly; fussily. You close your eyes at eleven and eventually fall into a state of semi-consciousness, only to open them what feels like hours later and see that it’s only a quarter after midnight. You need to get up, need to move - maybe some tea will help me calm down. You climb out of bed, careful not to disturb Carlie as you shut the door - her bedroom is next to yours, and she’s also a notoriously light sleeper. You walk down the stairs, wincing every time the floor creaks -
“ - don’t want her doing this.”
“I don’t think we really have a choice, Rob!”
You freeze halfway down the stairs, recognizing the hissing voice as that of your mom. You take one more step down, enough that you can see into the dining room without drawing attention to yourself, and crouch down.
“I’m with Dad on this one.” Erik steps into view. “I’ve spent the last month and a half studying this guy. For a project. He’s...not right. Not stable. From a psychological standpoint.” You roll your eyes. Your brother’s only minoring in psychology - his major is political science - but already he considers himself an expert on the subject. “Anyone with enough power to browbeat an entire planet into submission isn’t someone I’d want to touch with a forty-foot pole. And someone crazy enough to even want to rule the world - do you really want (Y/N) living with someone like that? Marrying someone like that?”
“She’s sixteen, I don’t want her marrying anybody!” Dad explodes. You flinch - this is a far cry from the “always look on the bright side” attitude he had at dinner.
“Calm down.” Mom glares at the two men. “We’re getting ahead of ourselves. All I’m saying is that we have to submit her name. I don’t want to,” she adds quickly, seeing that Dad is ready to blow his top. “But it’s exactly what Erik said. This man - he’s powerful, and I don’t want to do anything to cross him. We submit her name, she doesn’t get picked, we can go on with our lives.”
“And if she does, Mom? What then?” Erik interjects.
She shushes him gently. “We cross that bridge when we come to it. Just pray we never have to.”
“Leigh Ann, I just...I don’t…” Your dad trails off, looking lost. Mom rubs his arm.
“I know, sweetie. Layoffs are stressful. Right now, let’s focus on keeping (Y/N) with us, all right? We have money saved. We’ve dealt with worse.”
“I can come back home.”
“No.” Dad goes from dazed to firm in an instant. “You are not dropping out of school. Your mother’s right. We’ll make it through this, but right now, (Y/N) is the priority. In a week or two, this’ll all be over.”
Erik hesitates a moment before nodding. “I’m going to go upstairs. Love you guys.” Somewhere in the back of your mind, it occurs to you that you should move before you’re  discovered, but you’re more concerned by what you just overheard. Dad was laid off? When? And when were they planning on telling Carlie and me? You wish you had the courage to confront your parents, but they’re under enough pressure as it is, and they probably wouldn’t be too thrilled to find out you were eavesdropping, and damn it he's walking this way. As he passes through the living room, he knocks over a pile of magazines from the table. He bends down to pick theme up; seeing your chance, you stand up and run lightly back up the stairs. 
You lay back down, feeling a strange new sense of dread. You may have evaded being caught by your brother and parents, but it seems as though not every incoming bullet will be so easy to dodge.
If chosen to participate, the Chosen will be given lodgings in the palace, as well as training to prepare them for their potential role as queen. This will be a televised event of indefinite length. All those chosen to participate in The Choosing will be granted extended life for as long as needed. 
 To compensate for their absence, the families of the Chosen will be given a weekly stipend of $2000, and, if the contestant in question is chosen as the first queen of Midgard, will be moved to Asgard and elevated to members of the royal family.
The Chosen will be required to sign a contract confirming that they will not engage in physical relations with anyone of the opposite gender during their stay in the castle. They will be expected to maintain their chastity for the duration of their stay. Violation of this rule will be considered treason, and violators will be punished accordingly.
The Chosen will be required to maintain physical and mental well-being from the time they are chosen to the time they leave the competition. Medical care, including (but not limited to) any necessary (non-cosmetic) surgeries, vaccines, and/or prescription medicines will be provided as needed.
The Chosen will not attempt to intimidate, attack, or harass any members of the royal family, government officials, workers in the palace, and/or their fellow contestants, and/or do anything to hurt their fellow contestants’ chances at winning. Violators of this rule will be asked to leave the competition, and will be punished accordingly.
The Chosen will wear the clothes and eat the food provided for them in the palace. Special accommodations will be made as necessary. For security reasons, it is asked that the Chosen not bring any clothes to the palace except for the ones they wear the day of transport. 
The Chosen may bring one security-approved item from their home to the palace. Weapons and live electronic devices are not permitted. Means of communication will be provided to the Selected and their families upon the contestants’ arrival.
So many rules...no clothes from home? And only one item? You run through possibilities in your mind...cell phone? E-reader? No, no electronic devices. Dammit, that means I can’t bring my laptop, either. Should I print out all my stories and stuff and put them in a binder? Would that still count as one object? But then I couldn’t bring any of my books…
You shake your head. You haven't even finished filling out the form; chances are, you won't even be picked. Who are you kidding, you’ll never be picked! Your heart rises, then sinks again as you consider the rest of your family. Yes, your parents would never want you to go...but you can’t pretend as though they wouldn't benefit enormously from that “weekly stipend,” at least until Erik graduates college.
Geez, slow down. We can worry about money and stuff if I get picked. Which I won’t. So we figure out another way - Dad’ll get hired by a new company soon enough, Mom’ll do something, I can get an after school job if I need to...You’ll make it through. Your family is resilient and clever and altogether a brilliant team. In a few days, they’ll announce the names of the Chosen, and I'll be able to breathe again.
But, until then, you have to finish signing all of these contracts, and, dear God, there are a lot of them. Forms about your appearance, forms about your likes and dislikes, forms about your occupation and your family and your education and everything in between. It takes you nearly an hour to finish filling out and checking everything, and that's with the help of your parents.
The line at the government office is ridiculously long, but the wait is worth it: the second you drop the bulging envelope on the counter, you feel as though an enormous weight has been lifted from your shoulders.
You’ve done all you could. Now you just have to wait for all this to blow over.
You've never followed the news before - on purpose, at least, though you tuned in via phone with your friends during the Battle of New York. But it's the evening after the deadline for Choosing applications, you’re in bed with nothing to watch and now seems a good a time as any to make Good Night, America a part of your nightly routine. 
The introduction music plays, the logo flashes on the screen, and the host, Ashley Marino - a pretty, petite redhead - appears on screen, flashing viewers her famously cheery smile. “Hello, there, and welcome to Good Night, America! Last week, millions of young women across the globe received a letter informing them of a very special opportunity.” 
You wonder if Miss Marino got a letter - there’s absolutely no way she’s anywhere close to being in her thirties - until you catch a glimpse of her left hand. 
Oh. Mrs. Marino, then. 
“King Loki of the planet Earth - or the realm of Midgard, as some call it - has announced the commencement of a competition to see just who will be his queen.” Her smile is still there, but it’s beginning to seem just the slightest bit forced. “Eight lucky girls, picked at random tonight on our show - yes, you heard that right - will be swept away to the palace to familiarize themselves with the royal lifestyle. And never fear - for those of us stuck at home, The Choosing will be a filmed event. Not only will home viewers be able to access live online footage, but for the duration of The Choosing, Good Night, America will be having a weekly segment on the event, complete with interviews from our lovely champions and, of course, our great leader.” Her breathing quickens - perhaps she’s nervous at the idea of interviewing the great Loki of Asgard. She swallows before continuing, “We’re actually lucky enough to have him with us tonight - your Majesty?”
The camera pans out, and suddenly Ashley Marino’s shaky breath and trembling hands make sense, because the King of Midgard himself is sitting not two feet away from her. 
You’re shocked by how normal he looks, how not-godlike and not-crazy and...well, attractive. 
There, I admitted it. Just don’t think that again. 
It’s true, though: with his hair slicked back, a calm expression on his face, and a brilliant emerald tie peeking out from under his black suit jacket, he could pass for any Earthborn businessman, if it weren’t for the way he was sitting - leaning forward, legs spread. Very casual. Not at all what you’d expect from a sophisticated alien king. 
“Thank you, Ashley.” He smiles at her, and she visibly relaxes. His voice confuses you further - he speaks English? He’s British? - but you can’t deny that he’s nice to listen to. Stop that! He conquered my planet. He nearly destroyed my favorite city. He’s not a nice guy. “Yes, after much deliberation, my advisors and I thought it would be a wise decision for me to take a wife. There is a saying I’ve heard - “behind every great man is an even greater woman,” I believe is how it goes?” He shrugs. “In my experience, that never fails to be true.”
She laughs, now totally at ease. “Right. So, eight girls, from across the world - you aren’t intimidated at all by language barriers?”
He chuckles at that, sitting up straight and extending a hand to her. She looks at it, unsure - until a flower materializes, quite literally out of thin air. A rose. Red. Long-stemmed. No thorns. She hesitates before accepting it. “As a child on Asgard, my mother trained me extensively in the ways of magic. I expect language will not be much of an issue.”
Mrs. Marino is clearly less comfortable than she was moments before. It strikes you as almost funny, that this king has the power to destroy worlds, yet this news anchor is only frightened by him producing a flower for her enjoyment. 
But you can’t laugh when you’re just as scared as her.
“Whatcha - oh.” You turn to see Erik in the doorway. “Mom wanted you downstairs,” he explains, his eyes still fixed on the screen. “They’re announcing the Chosen tonight, and she thought we should watch it - ”
“Together,” you finish. “As a family.” He nods, and you sigh, stretching before rolling to the edge of the bed. “Tell her I’ll be down in a minute.”
If watching the news by yourself was strange, it feels downright bizarre when, upon your entrance in the living room, both your parents immediately snap to look at you. Mom scoots over, making a place for you on the couch between her and Dad, but before she can invite you to sit, you’ve already settled on the recliner besides Carlie. She snuggles into you - it’s past her bedtime, but clearly she was able to persuade your parents to let her stay up, given the circumstances.
The interview is wrapping up. “So,” Ashley Marino says, “any last words for those women who entered the lottery?”
He turns in a few different directions, and it takes you a moment to realize he’s trying to find the camera. You let out a snort; the all-powerful ruler of Earth - er, Midgard - can’t deal with human technology. Ashley leans into him and whispers something, pointing, and he finally makes eye contact. It’s creepy, to say the least. Even though you know he can’t see you through the TV, the intensity of his gaze would suggest otherwise. “Enjoy these last few moments as ordinary maidens, and I look forward to meeting the eight of you.” You should be terrified, but his manner as he says it isn’t menacing. It isn’t the tone of some psychopathic meglomaniac, it’s that of an old friend. It’s, in a strange way, comforting.
At this point, you can see Ashley Marino has completely melted, surrendered to the charms of this man. God. King? Whatever he is. “Great advice. So, let’s get started! Our first champion…” The screen changes to an image of a short, busty blonde - you reckon she's about nineteen - her mouth drawn into what you assume is supposed to be a sexy pout, but looks more like a duck's face. Still, she's pretty enough. "Rosa Perez, twenty-one, of Argentina!”
"Next, we have Irina Madison, twenty, of Russia!" Another blonde, but her hair is darker than the first, and wavy. She looks friendlier, definitely, grinning at the camera from atop a large brown horse.
“Rhea Unz, twenty-nine, of Germany!” Light brown hair, delicate features. 
“Alexandra Ritaccio, twenty-one, of Croatia!” Another girl who submitted a selfie for her application picture, same duck-faced pose as the first. 
You nuzzle the top of Carlie’s head. “What do you think of them so far?”
She chuckles. “The last one looked silly.”
You tickle her, sparking more giggles. “You’re silly, little miss - ”
“(FN) (LN), sixteen, of the United States of America!”
Did she just - 
You hear someone let out a faint cry, but you’re not sure who - Mom? Carlie? You? On the screen, Ashley Marino is still calling names, but you aren’t registering any of them. “Rewind it,” you say softly. Erik nods, picking up the remote, pausing it at the exact moment.
There it is, your face, on TV for all the world to see. 
You’ve been Chosen.
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kimpossible1977 · 6 years
He Cums Back
A/N: This is in relation to the post by @thehonorablekingerik. It’s not exactly the same but the post reminded me a lot of it. The event surrounding this story is true. I was only 17 when i wrote this. Enjoy.
 I turned eighteen four months before my ex-boyfriend died.  He called me on my birthday asking for sex to celebrate.  I was thankful that he remembered, but I turned him down. He was crazy for thinking that I would lose my precious virginity to someone that I doubted even loved me anymore. We dated seventh, eight and tenth grade. Granted all the times we broke up were my fault, except for the last time. The last time had been his fault, for the very first time. So I moved on without him, my senior year coming to an end. But then I got the phone call that Alexander was dead.  After going to his funeral earlier that afternoon, I lay surrounded by the purple comforters of my black metal day bed, listening to the Quiet Storm on the local radio station and the real storm going on outside of my window.  My mother and step dad were asleep in the room next door to mine, having long retired. The only light in my room came from the florescent flower inside of a black box lamp that played sweet nursery rhyme music when wound up.  There was a crash of lightening and then the doorbell rang. I wondered who it could be this late at night. I checked the clock in the dark hallway on my way to the door. It was one in the morning. This wasn’t like me; it was way past my bed time. I opened the front door, the door that lead directly from the living room to the outside, and a gust of cool air hit my bare legs.  All I wore was a black t-shirt with my high school’s mascot on the front. I had forgotten to grab the matching sweatpants. Luckily for me, there was no one there. I cut the porch light on and looked around. My Golden Retriever, that sat guarding the back door that lead to the kitchen, came around form the back porch to see what was going on. I shook my head, explaining away my actions to him, and closed the door. Maybe I had fallen asleep without knowing it. I must have heard the doorbell in a dream.  I went back into my room closing the door, gently as possible, behind me.  I turned around ready to go back to bed, but there was a dark figure standing right in front of me.   I opened my mouth to scream, but a large hand covered my lips.  It was Alexander.   “Don’t scream” he said taking his hand from over my mouth.  I tried to back out of the room, but the door was closed and there was not enough space to open the door. He seemed to be all around me and I was trapped against the wall. “This is just a dream,” I said  squeezing my eyes shut and I began to cry.  “Does this feel like a dream?” He asked.  And then he kissed me.  His lips were soft and warm, unlike when I touched them just this afternoon while he lay in his casket.  I thought about the casket and tried to scream again, but his wet tongue was running back and forth over my lips. I felt my body tremble and give way to him.  Alexander pressed his full weight up against me.  He had always been built like a Mack truck with bulging muscles in his arms and thighs. I could also feel the hardness of his dick pressing against my left thigh through his baggy jeans.  “What are you doing here?”  I whispered enjoying the tongue lashing he was giving my neck. He always loved to suck and lick on my body, even when we were way too young to be doing the stuff that we did. But I loved it even more. His pink tongue gliding over my skin felt like heaven then and it did now.   Alexander let go of my body and looked into my eyes. “I just came to get what’s mine,” he said plain and simple. My firth thought was that he was going to kill me. I shut my eyes tightly and silently prayed because I was way too young to die. My poor mother would find me in this room, her only child, dead! But I opened my eyes, when I realized I was still alive, and watched as he walked over to my bed and began to undress. First his shoes, then his t-shirt, then the jeans.  Finally his eyes met mine as he removed his boxer shorts. He was erect and at full attention.  “Come here,” he commanded and as if in a trance, I did. I couldn’t speak and the urge to scream had left a few seconds ago as he held my hand in his and looked as if there was something he needed to say. Instead of talking though, he gripped my waist with his long dark fingers and pushed my body back on to the bed. He lay down on top of me and kissed me deeply. We played tug of war with our tongues as he caressed my thighs with his strong hands. I could feel them smoothly travel past my black silk panties to my stomach, then on to my breast that eagerly awaited his touch.  He squeezed first as if testing the ripeness. Then his fingers found my nipples. They were hard and sensitive before he even touched them by gliding his thumb over each one, then squeezing them between his thumb and forefingers. I moaned and squirmed under his weight.  Alexander sat up suddenly and pulled me up with him. He removed my t-shirt, leaving me in just my panties. He grabbed my short hair, pulling my head back so that my neck was fully exposed to his mouth. He attacked my throat like a vampire leaving the skin tight and sore. I knew little red marks would eventually form on that vicinity of my body down to my chest.  I could feel his eyes burning holes into me as he licked first the right nipple. I moaned trying my best to be quiet, I had no desire to for anyone to find me in this states. Not only was there the fact that I was making love in my mother’s house, but I didn’t really know who or what I was making love to. There had to be a special place in hell for this kind of stuff.  My nipple was growing so tight it was becoming painful.  His tongue was strategically placed in between my breast now as he fondled both nipples before moving his mouth onto the left one.    “Lay down,” he said coming up for a just a little air. I lay down, closed my eyes, and felt my panties being slipped off with just one finger. They were unwrapped from around my feet and tossed to the floor. There were more soft kisses on my lips, prompting me to reach out and caress his swollen dick. But he pushed my hand away and whispered, “No,” into my mouth, simultaneously removing his tongue and gliding it down the length of my body. At my pussy, he stopped to plant soft kisses where stubble had formed from a close shave. His lips wrapped around mine as if they were kissing him back while he held my thighs completely apart so that he could attack my clit with a hungry viciousness.  This was the first thing anything like this had ever been done to me. I hoisted myself up on my elbows to get a good look at his head working between my legs. His face burrowed deep into my pussy as he lapped away at my clit like it was his last supper. I felt the tingling start in my toes. I curled them up and tried to lift my butt up off of my cold sheets to get away from Alexander’s tongue, but he held me down with his body as he inserted his middle finger into my sopping wetness. His tongue and hand worked together as I came a sweet and agonizing cum on his face and finger.  I lay back on the bed exhausted, but not ready for this to end. My breath, once labored, was slowing down to a normal pace until I could feel his tongue the trail that my cum made from my pussy to my ass. He was licking me clean, even lifting my leg up and over my head to get the job done thoroughly. All I could do was claw at my bed sheets when his tongue began to probe my hole, in and out. Probes became sucks and I felt my heart stop.  Alexander sat up on his knees and spread my legs even further apart. They seemed to be all over the bed by now, numb. He pulled my body by my hips to him and wasted not a second, thrusting tenderly into me. I tried my best to get away from the dull pain as he penetrated where no man had gone before, but he gently pulled by body back to him again. Sweet pain turned into the feeling of fullness that seemed to incase more than just my womb, but my whole being as he rode my body. I watched him watching the meeting of pussy to dick over and over again. Effortlessly he put my limp legs over his shoulders and methodically rubbed my throbbing clit.  I shuddered as I felt myself exploding again. For the first time, a moan escaped him as I came on his dick, wetting him and warming him, he began to move faster in me. His thrusts were deep and strong, sweat mingled with sweat, and his moans became louder as did mine. My parents in the next room were totally forgotten.  His embrace became tighter and I could feel his muscles tighten as warmth seeped into every crevice of me. “Mmm,” we sighed breathlessly into the drenched skin of each other’s body.   “I love you,” Alexander whispered into my ear as he collapsed on top of me. His warm breath covered my face. His cum mingled with mine and dripped down my thighs. The only thing missing was the beating of his heart.  I woke up the next morning alone and naked in my bed. I hurried to put my shirt on and conceal my lower body with my disarrayed bed covers just as there was a knock at my door. My mother opened the door without an invitation. She eyes me suspiciously. I felt guilty. “You sure were making a lot of noise last night.”  I shook my head. “I just kept having the same dream over and over again. I didn’t sleep very good.” I flopped back down on the bed, put the covers over my head and pretended to try to retrieve my lost sleep. She closed the door.  I smiled to myself as I leaned over the edge of the bed and retrieved my panties from under it. That’s when I saw Alexander’s clothes on the floor along with his shoes. I picked up his shirt and breathed the scent of him deeply into my lungs.
© 1995 Chelle Morgan
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impartofthesolution · 4 years
           The bombs fell all night long.  First, they sounded like late-summer fireworks in the distance, but then they got louder, deafening.  Jace held his young brother Xander throughout it all.  When it sounded like the bombs were right on top of them, they prayed ceaselessly that they’d be safe.  Maybe God heard them and saved them.  Maybe the bombs had a different purpose.  Whatever the reason and however the cause, their house stood until morning.           Jace was woken up by his brother shifting.  He was still holding Xander protectively.  He knew they were alright, but he didn’t know anything else.  Fearful to discover the worst, he opened their bedroom door and listened.  Sounds of life came from the kitchen. Bolstered, Jace and Xander went downstairs to join their parents.            “We thought we’d let you sleep in, since your school called for a 2-hour delay,” said their mother as she made them bowls of cereal.            “What happened last night?  Were we attacked?”  Jace had so many questions, but he stuck with the most important ones first.            “We don’t know much.  It sounds like no one was injured and most buildings are completely unharmed.  They’re not saying who did it.”            “Was it more terrorists?”            “Again, we don’t know.  No one seems to have claimed the bombing.  Maybe they failed.”            “Until we know more, they’ve recommended us to stay at home unless it’s necessary to leave,” Jace’s father spoke up.  “The public schools have off, but your school insists on having you go in.  I still have to go to the hospital, so I’ll take you on my way.  Jacob’s mother will bring you guys home.”  While a 2-hour delay wasn’t as good as a whole day off, it meant that Jace and Xander could play a little Monkey Ball on the Game Cube. Normally, their parents wouldn’t let them, but it felt like a special occasion.            Unsurprisingly, all of the conversations at school involved speculations and “where were you when you first heard the explosions.”  Sixth graders have wild imaginations, and Jace’s friends were no exception.  “I bet it was Osama Bin Laden, back from the dead.”  Jacob’s suggestion didn’t really sound feasible, but Jace couldn’t deny that when Jacob folded a 1 dollar bill a certain way, it spelled out O-S-A-M-A.  One kid suggested aliens while another kid suggested they all just had the same dream.  He pointed out that no one died and, except for some downed trees and broken glass, nothing was destroyed.  “Bombs destroy things, after all,” he reasoned.            When it came time to go outside for recess after lunch, two teachers stopped the kids at the door.  “In light of the township urging people not to go outside needlessly, we’re going to have recess in the gym,” they said.  This was met by a collective groan from the middle schoolers, but there was nothing they could do to persuade the teachers otherwise. Recess in the gym was better than no recess at all, even if all they wanted to do was run around in the September sun.            By the time last period came around, no one had any new ideas of what had happened.  The collective dream idea was winning until the Principal came on the loudspeaker. “Attention, students.  Attention please.  The school buses will not be running this afternoon.  In addition, boys’ and girls’ soccer practices are canceled. We have called all your parents asking them to pick you up.  Will the following students please report to the main office: Charlie Appleton, Candy Dumphry, Terry Goodman, Mary Madsen, Timothy Owens, Daniel Southfield, and Nina Strayer.  Everyone, please remain in homeroom until your parent comes to get you.”  The announcement ended with a repeated list of the names.            It didn’t change plans for Jace and Xander.  Jacob spoke to his and Jace’s homeroom teacher, telling her that his mom would be picking Jace and Xander up, too.  The homeroom teacher called Xander’s teacher to inform her.  As soon as the bell rang signifying the end of the school day, Jacob’s mother, Mrs. Coldwell, appeared at the door, looking agitated.  She tried to look calm, but Jace noticed the nerves operating beneath her rushed pace.  They stopped by the fourth grade room to pick up Xander before hurrying towards the parking lot.  “Something strange is going on,” Jacob’s mom finally said in a low voice.  “It might be related to what happened last night, but we still don’t know.”            “What is it, mom?” asked Jacob.  “Something to do with Bin Laden?”  His mother looked at him out of the corner of her eye, deciding not to answer the second question.  This was not the first time he blamed something on a dead man coming back from the grave.            “Well, there are massive vines crawling up buildings. It’s messing with traffic.  And some people have gone missing.  It could be a coincidence.”            “Maybe the vines are eating people?” suggested Xander, too amused to be appropriate for the situation.            “Don’t be stupid,” chided Jacob.  “Vines don’t eat people.  They squeeze you until you explode."            “Jacob, this is serious.  Get in the car.  Boys,” Jacob’s mom addressed Jace and Xander, “I want you to go right inside your house and stay there.  Don’t leave it, understand?”  Jace nodded, promising to take care of the both of them while Xander still had an amused twinkle in his eye.            She wasn’t kidding, the road was littered with vines. Some had broken through the glass of buildings, wrapping into them like a kraken attempting to sink a pirate ship. Other vines seemed to be growing right out of the sidewalk.  The vines were green, their leaves were green, even the sky seemed to be a light teal color.  Luckily for them, the roads weren’t crowded, making it easier to dodge vines.  Though it seemed like most people heeded the advice to stay home, there still were many people on the sidewalks, stepping around, over, or on the vines to go about their business.            BOOM.  The car exploded in the turn lane next to them, bursting the glass in as their car flew a few feet to the right, tottering on two wheels before finally rolling over onto its roof.  Glass lay strewn on the ceiling, below the heads of the seatbelted children.  “Is everyone okay?” asked a panicked and disoriented Mrs. Coldwell.  At that, Xander started crying.  Jace looked over at his brother.  His face and arm were covered in small scratches, but otherwise he was fine.            “I think so, Mrs. Coldwell,” responded Jace.  He carefully undid his seatbelt while lowering himself to the ceiling of the car.  Then, he helped Xander down, trying to console him.  It worked pretty quickly, and by the time they made their way out of the car, he had stopped crying.  Jace used a towel lying in the back of the car to wipe away his blood.            Jace looked back at the car.  It generally looked okay except for the broken windows and the fact it was upside down.  Looking to the left, he saw what was left of the car that exploded.  Pieces of it were strewn everywhere.  Vines seemed to cover the intersection now, seemingly to have originated where the car had exploded.            “Stay right here,” Jacob’s mother said after looking them over to convince herself they were fine.  “I’m going to go into this store and call my insurance company and the police.  I’ll be right back in a few minutes, if…” she didn’t get to finish her thought.            “Uh… I don’t feel so good,” said a man half-limping on the sidewalk towards them.  He was looking pretty green.  About fifteen feet out, his eyes shot open and he stopped.  He gasped for air and then vines burst from his body in all direction, sending body parts and blood flying.  The vines unfurled at lightning speed.            “Let’s go to your parents’ house, Jace.  If we hurry, it’s only 6 or 7 minutes away.”            “Mrs. Coldwell?” Xander’s voice was smaller.            “Yes?” she turned to look to him, her eyes widening. A vine had wrapped tightly around his ankle.  “Hang on.” She dashed towards him to free him. Before she reached him, another vine unfurled and wrapped around his torso.            “Ouch!” he exclaimed before whimpering and bawling. Jacob, his mother, and Jace all started to tug on the vines to free Xander, but they held fast.  Then, they started constricting, and Xander started screaming.  It was hysterical, the sound of someone with no idea what’s going on but feeling extraordinary amounts of pain.  They heard a snap as the vine holding his ankle broke it.  Xander’s voice choked for a second before redoubling in volume and hysteria.  As the vines around his torso continued to tighten, Jace was powerless to do anything. About half a minute after the vine snapped his ankle, Jace heard a crunch.  Xander’s screams were pure anguish, catching and turning breathless. The vines had broken his ribcage. “NOO!” Jace started pounding the vine with his fists, but it was like punching a rock.  Xander released a strangled exhale followed by a wet popping sound.  Blood started running out between the vines, pooling on the ground.  Xander’s head lolled to the side.  He had no pulse.  “No” Jace collapsed, sobbing.            Xander’s body started shaking and shivering. “Jace, we have to go.  NOW!” shouted Mrs. Coldwell.  He didn’t move.  She grabbed his arm and dragged him until he got his feet under him and started to run with her.  Another explosion sounded behind them as they reached the far side of the intersection. Xander’s favorite necklace landed at Jace’s feet.  Recognizing it immediately, he scooped it up without breaking stride as he ran to his house with Jacob and his mother. Back to Table of Contents (x)
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letscuttothefeeling · 4 years
season three episodes nine & ten
Okay everyone, after a short hiatus, I’m back and ready to reenter the world of Siesta Key, much like Alex after his long-awaited return in episode three of this season. There’s a lot of ground to cover here, (over yonder and hither north), and a lot of bare ass to see. So let’s just cut to the feeling!
The summer’s third most important event on the Key, following closely behind Alex’s birthday which didn’t happen, and the Kompothecras Autism fundraiser which has yet to happen, is the Fourth of July. We all know how much the cast loves a themed bathing suit party and an excuse to take as many blueberry and watermelon Smirnoff Jello shots as possible, so this day is an honored tradition! But this year, we discover Juliette will not be participating in the annual debauchery. She’s under the impression that Alex and Alyssa will attend BG’s pool party, so in a rare moment of maturity (sorry Jules, but you know it’s true), she decides to work the holiday instead so that Blend, the boutique she works for, will be ready for its opening party. We love to see her contribute so thoroughly to Florida’s flourishing haute couture scene. But she’s mistaken – Alex and Alyssa are actually planning to head to Alyssa’s lake house in Georgia. (Go Dawgs! Sic em! Woof Woof!) Alyssa has invited Alex’s self-proclaimed “posse” consisting of JJ, Jared, Amanda, and Chloe. Her best friend Madi will also be there. I love being introduced to cast members’ friends because the company people keep is very telling of their overall aesthetic and vibe. Madi’s Instagram bio says that “chaos makes the muse,” and from that, I can assume that she’s a basic white girl who is obsessed with Show Me Your Mumu and uppers. How fitting!
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Every girl who exclusively wears Show Me Your Mumu’s feed
While everyone is finalizing their FOJ plans, Madisson is enjoying a romantic evening at Ophelia’s On the Bay with Ish. This classic Siesta Key establishment is reserved for special occasions, so I’m already at the edge of my seat wondering what is going on in Ish’s shiny, bald head. Ish pulls a small jewelry box out of his pocket, and I’m breathlish. I mean, breathless. Is Ish going to propose?! Madisson’s face lights up, then falls when she sees the box has a necklish in it instead of a ring. Bummer! But rest assured, the jovial grin returns to Madisson’s face moments later when Ish asks her to move in with him! I mean, she’s quite literally giggling with excitement. Whatever happened to playing it cool? In fact, Madisson is SO jazzed that she suggests Ish come to lunch with her entire family soon, since her older sister, Paige will be in town. You may remember Paige as the girl who hooked up with both Pauly and Canvas, two major SK players. Fabulous track record. I can’t wait to see her again.
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Country roads, take me home! We have arrived in Albany, Georgia and are ready to hit the lake and celebrate America! But before the celebration can begin, everyone must decide who is rooming with who. Chloe quickly nixes the possibility of Amanda rooming with JJ, and later chastises Amanda for even thinking about rooming with her toxic ex. Between you and me, Amanda looks quite peeved with her friend’s overbearing orders. After everyone gets settled, and Jared makes a connection with Alyssa’s friend Madi, Chloe walks inside and sees Alyssa shucking corn, something Alyssa apparently thinks only happens in the south, even though everyone literally everywhere who eats corn needs to shuck it. Alyssa confides in Chloe about Alex’s recent shuck up – his confession that he was on the phone with Juliette for six hours. Chloe lets it slip that Alex only admitted his wrongdoing to Alyssa after Chloe pushed him to do it, which makes Alyssa angry. She confronts Alex about it, and all I have to say is that if this is any indication of how Alex responds when presented with damning evidence, I do not want him representing me. He immediately gets defensive and angry at Chloe, and as much as I hate to admit it, Alyssa holds her own. She gets mad at Alex for attacking Chloe for simply telling the truth. Instead of just owning up to what he’s done wrong, Alex stammers out a half-apology and looks ready to fight Chloe. Oh no.
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Cut to JJ and Amanda, grilling up some burgers and a hot conversation! After discussing their rekindled flame despite their tough past, Amanda tells JJ about another wrench in their road to romance – Chloe’s blatant disapproval. JJ looks really annoyed with the intrusion. I mean, he’s had to deal with BG, the fact that he cheated on Amanda multiple times already, and now this?! It’s so unfair. Speaking of BG, back on the Key, Brandon’s party is in full swing. You know what else is in full swing? The bare ass of a girl attending the party. Listen, I know the show loves to transition scenes by showing close-ups of scantily clad females, but this is just not something I can get behind. (Ha!) In all seriousness though, readers, please consider using something more than floss to cover your asshole if you ever find yourself on national television.
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There’s more than one ass at this party, and her name is Kelsey. Sorry Kelsey stans, but this scene is just so violently cringe-worthy that I almost threw the remote at my screen. Kelsey can be so off-putting when she tries to flirt. But she’s hot and on a reality show so I’m not too worried about it. G Baby approaches Kelsey and asks her where “Jakey-poo” is. It’s worth noting that the robots controlling Garrett are becoming increasingly upsetting as well. Kelsey informs the Robot Garret that Jake is “over yonder, hither north” and then giggles/hiccups. I’m actually grimacing as I type this. Their nauseating display reminds me of why they’re actually perfect for each other. Foreshadowing, maybe? Kelsey then asks the question we’ve all been wondering – are Cara and Garrett still talking? Garrett says that they are not talking anymore, which is exactly what BG says about Amanda when Madisson asks. And as the fireworks explode in the night sky, I can’t help but think about the lack of fireworks in the love lives of our beloved cast. 
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Back at the lake, tensions are rising faster than the current unemployment rate. Chloe seems to be the common denominator in everyone’s annoyance, and at dinner, everything comes to a head. Looking directly at Chloe, Alex asks, “Chloe, I know you like hanging out with us, but are you more of a team Juliette girl?” Chloe warns him “not to go there,” but Alex keeps pushing, accusing Chloe of being “finnicky.” Alex Merriam- Webster Kompothecras back at it again with the BURNS! Nice try buddy, I guess they don’t have vocab in law school. (I believe Alex meant to say “fickle,” but let me know your thoughts.) Chloe fires back by asking Alex a question – why hasn’t he made things official with Alyssa yet? Future Lawyer Alex blesses us yet again with a genius rebuttal: “Why? Because… I’ve… learned that… you shouldn’t push things. And when… the time is right...” Chloe cuts him off by reiterating that Alex still continuously hits Juliette up. At this point, I feel so bad for Alyssa who is just sitting there like a vegetable. But before I can focus on how painfully awkward she must feel, Amanda randomly starts butting in and yelling at Chloe for inserting herself in everyone else’s relationships. Chloe inserting herself in other people’s lives is literally the core theme of the show. Please get over it. Amanda keeps yelling because she’s clearly annoyed with Chloe’s criticism of JJ, and as JJ sits there, harrowingly silent, Chloe tells Amanda to fuck off and storms out of the lake house. Let’s all pray she didn’t drive home. The night isn’t all bad though – after the fight, Jared ends up sealing the deal with Madi, who insists that she “usually doesn’t do this on the first night.” Okay, sweetie. After Jared is unable to perform, the night, which began on an explosive note ends on a rather underwhelming one.
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The fourth may be over, but the aftermath from the day remains. And what better way to catch up on the day’s events than over lunch? As Chloe meets up with Juliette to explain what happened at the lake, Madisson takes Ish to meet up with her entire family and break her news to them. I predict that while Chloe and Juliette’s lunch will go swimmingly, Madisson and Ish’s lunch will turn sour quickly. And I’m right! Juliette drinks in every last detail of Chloe’s public fight with Alex. I’m proud of her for steering clear of the drama this time, but I’m not naïve. Juliette can only be on the Key drama-free for so long. Let’s check in with Madisson. As anticipated, this is not going well. After Madisson’s mom asks if she is pregnant, and Madisson’s Dad refuses to acknowledge that she and Ish are anything but “just friends,” Madisson tells her family that she plans to move to Los Angeles with Ish. They appear less than pleased. It is a stark contrast from Madisson’s giddy reaction when he initially proposed the idea. Ish gently reminds her family that while Madisson would like their blessing, she is a grown woman and can make her own decisions. He knows their situation is “so unique”, but hopes they will grow to accept their relationship. Paige, Madisson’s sister, breaks her silence. While Madisson was hoping she might be an ally for their relaysh, she turns out to be team parent. “Unique…?” Paige questions. “Isn’t this more of a cliché? The old Hollywood producer sleeping with the actress…” Ouch! And here I thought her father was the harsh one!
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While Madisson’s relationship becomes increasingly rocky, Alex decides to take things up a notch with Alyssa. During a bizarre conversation in which he essentially admits that he still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend, Alex seals the deal with Alyssa and asks her to be official. I wonder what prompted him to take the next step! Could it have been Chloe point-blank asking him why he hadn’t made things official with Alyssa the night before? We may never know. Regardless, Alyssa accepts the clearly sincere offer and Siesta Key has a new power couple. “Wait,” you might be thinking. “New power couple? But what about Ish and Madisson?” Oh, thanks for the reminder. Alex and Alyssa are only able to overthrow this couple because…they’re done. Gasp! In a shocking scene, Ish breaks up with Madisson on national TV. If I’m Madisson, a stunning 25-year-old girl who is D-List famous and kind of intelligent, I’m furious. How dare my old, overweight ex-producer dump my ass in front of all of America. But after Ish says he needs space and doesn’t think they should be together, Madisson just starts to softly cry and runs off-screen, away from her now ex-Father ex-boyfriend. I am torn because I know that Ish means well. It’s like that time in Stephanie Meyer’s classic American novel, New Moon. When Edward realizes that his relationship with Bella puts her safety and ability to lead a normal life at risk, he knows he must leave her. Even if it’s the last thing he wants to do. He must act out of selfless love. Eventually, though, he comes back to Bella…we can only hope for the same fate for Dadisson.
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Speaking of exes, let’s check in on everyone’s least favorite exes, Boring Robby and Juliette! Boring Robby is throwing some sort of strange soirée, and it’s a little awkward that Juliette is there considering the last time these two saw each other it ended rather abruptly. But Juliette, on a mature streak, pulls Boring Robby aside and apologizes for the harsh convo. She invites him to the Blend opening as a peace offering, and even though he accepts, Boring Robby can’t help but push for a few more answers. He asks Juliette why she would ever say she loved him, and Juliette responds by explaining that while she did love him, she wasn’t in love with him, because she felt like he was “fatherly.” Okay y’all, you’ve heard of getting friend-zoned, but today we’re introducing you to a new dating trend, getting “dad-zoned!” She ends the talk by saying that she’s ready to make her own decisions without the influence of any man. Yas kween! The only other notable thing that happens at this party is that Garrett refers to himself as the “G-Slanger,” which to me, is really thrilling.
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But not everyone is dartying today. Despite their blowout, business aficionados Chloe and Alex must meet at the Crescent Club to “work.” Before they hit the books, Chloe expresses her frustration with Alex. She explains that Alex is now doing the same thing Juliette did at the beginning of the summer. He’s mad at Chloe for continuing to be friends with Juliette. And WHY can’t she be friends with both!? Alex vehemently denies this claim but agrees that they need to find a way to smooth things over with everyone. On a more somber note, Jake comes over to Kelsey’s house and tells her that his father passed away, so he needs to return home. He also breaks things off with her. :( One of those rare actually intense moments in this show.
Blending business and pleasure never works, so when Alex shows up at Blend’s sign hanging, Juliette looks less than amused. Instead of gearing up for the opening party that night, Alex whisks Juliette away from her boss and coworker to have a chat with her. The chat goes absolutely nowhere – they’re literally talking in circles, saying the same things we’ve heard for three seasons. Juliette tells Alex she’s going to pretend like he doesn’t exist, and Alex responds with a menacing smile and says, “see you later.” I’m scared.
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It’s time for the official opening of Blend! While I’m still confused as to how they were able to pull it together in time when Juliette went to Greece instead of helping out, I’m so proud of Juliette, Juliette’s random friend Kelly, and Juliette’s bitchy boss Courtney. Great job, ladies! Everyone seems to be having a good time until Alex and Alyssa waltz in. The party crashers, making their debut as an official couple, make their way across the venue. But while Alyssa passes Boring Robby without a second glance, Alex, who has yet to see his “ex-friend who dated his ex-girlfriend,” stops in front of Boring Robby and flicks him on the face. If I’m Alyssa, I’m breaking up with Alex then and there. He might as well take the microphone and scream “I’M NOT OVER JULIETTE” into it. But of course, Alyssa turns the other way and pretends to barely notice it. Boring Robby is still visibly reeling from the flick. Even though he’s trying to pretend like it was funny, you can tell he’s taken aback. Alex approaches him AGAIN, slaps him on the ass, and threatens to “knock [his] fake-ass teeth out.” In true Boring Robby fashion, he simply walks away, refusing to engage and keeping things as boring as possible. Luckily, Boring Robby’s spunky friend Joe is there to keep the reality show on track and talk a lot of shit. He starts by flipping Alex off and saying that Alex “hides behind his money.” Alex responds by bringing up Robby’s penis size. Maybe we’ve gotten it wrong this whole time. Maybe Alex is really into Boring Robby, and is mad at Juliette for getting in the way. Eventually, Alex lunges at Joe and threatens to fight him. As a future lawyer, Alex should know better than to physically attack anyone in public, specifically someone who is a literal walking hate crime, but then again, Alex isn’t known for his intelligence.
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The next day, Kelsey heads to Boring Robby’s to make sure her job is still secure in light of all of the chaos that has ensued. (Remember that he’s randomly her boss, lol.) He assures her that all is okay, and has no problem with “continuing to use and abuse her.” I don’t think he got that quote from his collection of bizarre inspirational sayings, but it still made me cringe just the same. When Kelsey brings up the fight, Robby describes it as “par for the course.” I cannot get enough of his expressions! They’re never-ending! Later, when Juliette checks on Boring Robby to make sure he’s okay after the fight, he also assures her that he’s okay, that the fight was “par for the course,” and that “some zebras never change their stripes.” I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Boring Robby is truly the Confucius of our generation.
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In the wake of the big fight, Chloe, resident shit-stirrer, is more determined than ever to mend all of the strife in her friend group (that she primarily caused.) Summoning her inner Mother Teresa, Chloe sends out a text to her friends demanding they meet up to hash things out. The text ends with a sweet message – “YOU ARE REQUIRED TO BE THERE SO I DON’T WANT ANY FUCKING EXCUSES.” Chloe certainly knows the way to people’s hearts!
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In the final scene of this lengthy, two-episode extravaganza, we see the OG crew plus Jared at a bonfire. It’s nice to see all of the original cast together. Madisson kicks off the meeting by explaining how important everyone is to her. She breaks down, detailing how badly she needs a support system since her family hasn’t been there for her and Ish is gone. Chloe quickly glazes over the heartfelt cry for help and changes the direction of the conversation towards Alex and Juliette. As she tries to get them to see eye to eye, a very wasted Juliette calls Alex a “piece of shit” while Alex laughs in her face and tells her to go “bob her head” in the corner. I hate myself for laughing, but Juliette definitely nods her head weirdly when drunk. They peel off and have an emotional conversation that everyone can hear, and it ends with Alex holding a sobbing Juliette, assuring her that he would jump in front of a bullet for her. I don’t know about you, but I probably wouldn’t be chill with my boyfriend doing that with (or for) his ex. Either way, at least they aren’t screaming at each other.
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The episode ends with Brandon announcing a trip to Nashville. He’s going to record a song and wants to bring everyone along for a vacation. The two-part finale will take place in Nashville, and I cannot wait. In the words of Alex Kompothecras, future lawyer, “Sara-nara!” See y’all in Nashville next week!
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fire-dwelling · 7 years
Fire Force, Chapter 103: “Touching the Flames”
Translated from Japanese to Portuguese to English
Page 2
Narration: “Charon arrived to kidnap Inka, the girl called the Fifth Pillar. Shinra came running to fight but fell under the overwhelming power of Charon!”
Over an image of “36 Views of Mt. Fuji”--only it’s flames rather than waves--is the caption, “A Big Fire. The Great Wave of Hell Fire in Japan.”
Page 3
As the city burns, Akitaru calls out--
Akitaru: “Evacuate, quickly! We’re going to put to rest the Flame Humans!”
Bystanders run from the victim.
Bystander: “Flame Human!”
Akitaru rushes with his needle, beginning the prayer.
Akitaru: “Return to the burning flames…”
Page 4
Akitaru pierces the Flame Human, shattering them as Iris completes the prayer.
Iris: “Rattomu.”
Akitaru raises his mask.
Akitaru: “That’s the third one…”
Maki uses Owl Eyes to track remaining Flame Humans via her Iron Owls flying over the city.
Maki: “There are many scattered around town.”
Elsewhere, Vulcan also tracks with his Owl Eyes visor--or, as he calls it, Eagel Eyes. He speaks to Akitaru over radio.
Vulcan: “With Eagle Eyes, we can confirm more heading towards the Commander! It seems the Flame Humans are still multiplying.”
Page 5
Akitaru: “With numbers like these...there’s no doubt they’re using the insect. There must be someone coordinating this! Maybe the Nether's plasma user!”
Hoods leave an alley, where a human is in the process of turning into a Flame Human. They speak to Haumea through her electronic impulses.
Hood #1: “Haumea-sama, the survey of the Eastern District has concluded.”
Hood #2: “No one here was compatible? Let’s try the next district.”
The transforming victim screams “Oh!”
Meanwhile, Haumea, smiling, stands on rooftop among the smoke. She speaks to the Hoods.
Haumea: “The firefighters are nearby. Keep your distance.”
Page 6
Firefighters call out.
Firefighter #1: “A Blue Line! And a Flame Human!”
Takehisa has a shotgun, firing at a Flame Human.
Takehisa: “Shooting special fire extinguisher bullet!”
The bullet extinguishes the Flame Human.
Takehisa: “There are too many! Confine them and try to repose as many souls as possible!”
Firefighter #1: “Understood!”
While the firefighters spray water at the Flame Humans, Vulcan speaks with Iris over radio.
Vulcan: “Maki-san’s confining them, but we need the sister to repose the souls.”
Iris: (over radio) “Okay!”
Vulcan: (caling to Takehisa) “The sister is coming! Hang on!”
But some ash is forming behind Vulcan…
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...revealed to be a Flame Human blasting through the building behind Vulcan.
Vulcan leaps back, covering his face.
Takehisa: “Vulcan!”
Vulcan: “Flame Humans are also coming from behind.’
The Flame Human pulls back a hand, ready to attack.
Page 8
Vulcan kicks a canister at the Flame Human--but it bounces off of them.
Still, the canister manages to explode an extinguisher, knocking back Vulcan as well.
Vulcan lands on his back--and is surprised to see the Flame Human still standing.
Page 9
Then blasts at the Flame Human’s feet knock them down.
Takehisa had fired at the Flame Human with his gun.
Takehisa: “I’m sorry...Forgive me for putting them down without a prayer.”
Iris has arrived and prays.
Iris: “Breath of the soul of flames...The black smoke and the liberation of the soul...Ashes to ashes...Your soul...return to the fiery flames.”
Over the fallen Flame Human, Akitaru lowers his head and cross an arm.
Akitaru: “Raatomu.”
Page 10
The sound of the Flame Human dissolving is heard.
Iris: “Are you alright, Vulcan-san?”
Vulcan has his visor up, looks nervous, and elongates his answer.
Vulcan: “It’s juuuuuuuust...Thanks.”
Akitaru: “Sorry for the delay: we had other souls to put to rest. Hold the front line and continuing to confine! If we can not do that, regular firefighters will not be able to stop the blaze.”
Takehisa: “Understood.”
Akitaru: “Vulcan, can you go on?”
Vulcan has his visor down again.
Vulcan: “No problem. Two more Flame Humans up front.”
Victor looks terrified.
Victor: “If I knew they were like this, I’d never have come.”
Akitaru: “This spread of Flame Humans isn’t normal--like someone’s trying to separate us. I need you to find the plasma user! She must be giving orders to our enemies in this city!
Vulcan and Maki are silently surprised.
Page 11
Haumea stands on rooftop--as the Iron Owls travel over her.
Maki: “Vulcan! I found the plasma user using Eagle Eye.”
Vulcan: (over radio) “Yeah, I was able to locate her, too.”
Maki: “Send her location to Arthur so he can pursue.”
Vulcan: “Right, sending it now.”
Arthur, with firefighters, is directing bystanders to safety.
Maki: (over radio) “Arthur, you hearing this? We found the plasma user! I'm heading to your location. Then kill the enemy.”
Page 12
Elsewhere, the smoke from Charon’s latest attack flows around Shinra and Inka. Charon looks at Inka.
Charon: “I'll get to you next, so wait quietly and don’t get in my way.”
Inka: “Don’t screw with me! You're both the same! I don’t know what’s going on, but you don’t get to decide anything without consulting me first! I’m free to choose!”
Page 13
Suddenly, Charon is in front of her.
Charon: “You have the Adora Burst. You no longer have...freedom!”
Inka remembers what Charon did to Sancho--and smiles nervously.
Shinra interrupts, kicking Charon back in the face.
Charon still stands.
Page 14
Shinra smiles at Inka.
Shinra: “I’ll take you to a safe place! Pick me--I’m a hero!”
Inka: “ ‘Safe’? This is annoying…”
Shinra: “?”
Inka is now up in Shinra’s face, making him nervous. She has coins in her eyes.
Inka: “That routine’s too boring. I pass.”
Shinra: “What’re you talking about? You steal money but save people!”
Inka: “Even if you save me, I’ll have nothing to offer in return.”
Shinra: “I never wanted anything in return.”
Page 15
Inka: “You keep talking this trivial nonsense about saving people. You’re just showing off some ability and treating me like garbage, like I can’t do anything but wait on you!”
Shinra: “If I can save someone, then nothing else matters. We’re not doing this just because we have these abilities.”
Inka: “I no longer know what is right or wrong. So don’t toss this tedious self-assurance at me!”
Inka sees a web of Start and End paths.
Page 16
Inka: (thinking) “Uaah. This is difficult...Regardless...I'm just going to light it up like before.”
Shinra: “What now?”
Inka hums to herself as she commands the explosions.
Inka: (thinking) “So make it relaxed!”
The explosion is so massive it blows back Shinra and forces Charon to hunker.
Page 17
In the confusion, Inka takes off running.
Shinra gets up.
Shinra: “Wait!”
And Inka’s words remain on his mind…
Inka: (memory) “Don’t toss this tedious self-assurance at me!”
Shinra starts running.
Shinra: (thinking) “That’s why I can’t quit!”
Charon appears immediately in Shinra’s path--and slams a fist just as Shinra guards his chest.
Page 18
Shinra is knocked back but uses flames at his feet to hold his ground.
Charon: “The Fifth Pillar is ours!”
Shinra: “Get out of my way!”
Page 19
Vulcan and Takehisa run, carrying backpacks.
Vulcan: “We’re close…”
Takehisa: “Mind your surroundings.”
Vulcan: “I see multiple heat signatures!”
Takehisa: “Don’t get separated.”
More Flame Humans appear in the blaze. Vulcan starts counting and giving locations.
Vulcan: “Two at one o’clock. One at nine o’clock.”
Then Vulcan is surprised.
Vulcan: “! And that’s not all…”
Takehisa: “And what it looks like…”
Vulcan: “There are too many to repose.”
Page 20
Vulcan: “Hang on! There’s a much strong heat signature in the center!”
Takehisa: “Another? What do you mean?”
Then Takehisa sees something in the flames.
Takehisa: “That is…
A new Flame Human appears with a horn atop their head.
Takehisa: “A horned flame human!”
Narration: “The horn of the other world stands out from the others! Hinawa and Vulcan see the fire of total despair! To be continued in Chapter 104: ‘Binds of the Fire’!”
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