#and be like ooooh look at these men doing the LEAST
lunarharp · 6 months
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hehe. almost christmas!
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addisonnie · 1 year
hinge and uhaul
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summary: college!au. when all else fails…one must look for love on hinge!
an: hi! back from hiatus and of course it would be for a clump of pixels because i am down astronomically bad! this is the first part of a possible series! so let me know if a part 2 is warranted.
warnings: cursing, reader has 0 rizz shes literally a mess, reader also rambles and lots of this is just her inner dialogue because why not. also not very edited and possible tense shifts because im the worst!
part 2 ———————————
Tinder is a soul-sucking vortex. 
A nightmarish flurry of shirtless mirror selfies, conservatives, and men that look like they’d hit on your mom after walking you to the door. Switching your profile settings from ‘men’ to ‘everyone’ seemed like the best option; It wasn’t. The best option would’ve been to delete your account and light your phone on fire after receiving the fourth “you send?” message in a row.
Hinge is a smaller soul-sucking vortex. At least you can deny their comments before you embarrass yourself by matching with a douche like that. Your account is set to ‘show me everyone’ and you can only hope that ‘everyone’ includes at least some good ones. Swiping and clicking on dating apps seems to be more of a game than it is actual match-making, a time-passer of sorts. 
Your roommate, Dina, huffs loudly from her lofted bed across the room, “would you get your sorry ass off of that app? It’s sad listening to you moan and groan about all the losers!”
You roll your eyes, “my soulmate could be the next person!”
No. No. No, again. Oooh…yes? 
You swipe through the girl’s page before deciding not to match with her, because who’s Hinge bio states that they’re still in love with their ex? Dina cheers while you huff and slam your phone onto your desk, spinning idly in your chair. The television on top of Dina’s purple mini fridge is playing a random episode of Bob’s Burgers and, for a moment, you forget about your ever-growing dating app addiction.
It’s not that you’re addicted per say. You just spend most of your downtime sitting in your bed and judging people’s profiles, when yours surely isn’t up to par either. Hey, at least you don’t have a picture of you holding a fish.
The rhythmic buzz of your phone quickly draws your eyes away from the cartoon on screen, your hand dramatically reaching for your phone.
Hinge: Ellie liked you! Tap to see the comment she left.
Ellie. That’s a cute name…fairly normal too! Surely she didn’t leave some weirdo comment about how your hair looks like it smells good. Your fingers fumble to tap on the notification and you feel a blush rising to your cheeks as you click on Ellie’s like.
She left her comment under a picture of you taken at a local museum. A big cheesy grin is painted across your face and there’s skeletal remains of some random dinosaur behind you, Dina is crouched under the jaw of the creature pretending to scream while she gets eaten. Hopefully this isn’t one of those situations where Ellie asks ‘if your friend is single.’
Nope. She left a simple comment. I love dinosaurs!!!
You smile as you quickly click on Ellie’s profile to see her. There are a couple pictures of her, and good god is she hot. Flushed, you quickly match with her.
But what do you say? This is life or death. You need this woman. 
You’re hot
Do you want to have vicious lesbian sex with me?
Okay. Jesus, you are not good at this. While you mull over the keyboard attempting to decide what to say to the ever-attractive Ellie, another message comes in.
Hey, pretty girl!
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Your fingers are fumbling over the keyboard, your heart is beating, you’re planning you and Ellie’s wedding. You wonder if she likes lace or prefers the classic look?
Hey! What’s up?
Nothing really. Just playing some guitar!
Guitar? She just gets hotter. Did she also save puppies from a burning building? You wonder if she would want roses at the wedding. Hopefully not, too basic.
Ooooh guitar you say? Whatcha playing?
It’s a few moments before she responds and you’re biting the nail on your thumb awaiting her reply.
Whatever your favorite song is.
A heavy sigh escapes your lips as you smile and rest your head in your hand. 
Why don’t I tell you that over dinner?
It takes Ellie a few minutes to respond this time and you’re sure you’ve managed to scare her off at the mention of an actual date. Her reply comes just as you go to turn your phone off,
How about you give me your number and we can talk more about this date?
Giving your number to Ellie was perhaps the best decision made in your life thus far. She constantly sends text messages of whatever she’s doing, wearing, eating, or strumming on her guitar. It’s been about a week since you first exchanged information and you’re slightly worried that Ellie no longer wishes to go out on a date. You’ve tried to ‘accidentally’ bump into her on campus multiple times, but she manages to just barely slip away each time. 
You’re sitting at your desk attempting to finish an essay when your phone rings in your lap. Ellie’s contact appears lit up on the screen and you just about scream when you grasp the phone between your fingers.
“Hello?” You’re already blushing.
“Hey, you! What’re you up to?” Ellie’s voice is loud into the microphone and you can make out multiple different voices on her end of the line.
“Nothing important,” you close your computer quickly, “why, what’s up?”
She takes a moment to answer as you hear her yell something to whoever else is in the room with her, “me and some friends are at a bar…will you come? Live music and stuff. Plus, I still haven’t taken you on that date!”
“Yes!” Okay, you probably should’ve tried to sound less excited. “Ehem…yes. Text me the address?”
You hear Ellie laugh before she happily responds, “will do! Text me when you get here and I’ll come out front to meet you.”
Dina and her friends surely shop at Hookers R Us because where else would anybody find a skirt so goddamn short. 
“D. Dina. My cheeks are hanging out the bottom.” Dina rolls her eyes and tugs on the hem of the mini denim skirt.
“Well if you wore it down here,” she tugs the denim again, “instead of up to your tits like a grandma would…maybe it would be longer.”
Several shirts are thrown toward your perch on Dina’s desk chair, “what’s wrong with the shirt I have on?”
Dina’s boyfriend. Jesse, interjects, “because I don’t like it.”
“Okay, fashion police. How about this one?” You hold up a form fitting black top and Dina nods vigorously, “yes. But no bra. Show off them ladies!”
The Uber barely comes to a full stop as you clamber out of the backseat. Grasping for your phone, you text Ellie.
Here! :)
Was the smiley face overkill? Too much?
*Coming. Not drunk, I swear.
You think you’re the one doing the coming as you watch Ellie stroll towards you in the parking lot. If she was hot on Hinge, she’s ten-thousand times hotter in the dingy lighting that casts a magical glow upon her. She’s wearing a pair of baggy jeans and a white wife-beater, an old worn out flannel is unbuttoned over the top and rolled up just above her elbows. Her raggedy jeans are cuffed to the top of her converse and— wow is she a walking wet dream.
“Hey! I’m glad you came.” She doesn’t wait for an answer as she pulls you straight in for a hug, her calloused hands resting on your hips. You feel her finger tips touching the uncovered skin below your top, the contact makes you shiver.
Ellie squeezes you a little tighter before pulling away, leaving her arm draped over your shoulder, “c’mon, warmer inside.”
You let her lead you into the bar and through the slight crowd congregated near the entrance. A small group of people stand huddled next to the bar and Ellie leads you straight to them as she leans down to speak in your ear, “those are my friends.”
You nod and shamelessly nudge your body to be tucked further into her side, blushing profusely when you feel her arm tighten around your shoulders.
“Guys, this is the girl I was telling you about! And these are my friends I mentioned on the phone.” Ellie smiles while she introduces you to everyone and as much as you enjoy the domesticity of hanging out with her friends, you much prefer the nook you’ve found nestled under Ellie’s toned arm.
Her face leans down by your ear again, “wanna drink? I’ll get you one.”
You smile up at her, “would you shoot me if I said I want an espresso martini instead of the beer you’ve been nursing all night?”
She giggles into your ear and her breath fans across your face, “one espresso martini, coming up!” 
She pulls away and salutes you before turning around and marching to the other end of the bar, waving her arm to grab the bartender’s attention.
“So you’re the lucky lady? I’m Abby, Ellie’s friend.” Damn, she is buff as hell. Her toned arm stretches across a barstool to shake your hand.
You stare at her open palm, “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I did that. Who still shakes hands? I’m done drinking for the night.”
She cracks a smile when you laugh and shake her hand anyways, “nothing wrong with a good ol’ handshake.”
You speak with Abby while you wait for Ellie to return with your martini. She’s leaning up against the wood and speaking to the bartender as he pours the concoction into a glass. How she manages to look so appealing at all times is an enigma. Her short hair is pulled half-up into a bun while the rest barely skims the top of her shoulders, the botanical tattoo on her forearm sticks out from under her rolled-up sleeve and—fuck. You’re drooling.
Double-fuck. She caught you staring.
You blush when she throws a wink your way, turning back toward the bar to grab your drink. 
And then she’s in front of you once more, “malady.”
She slides in between your legs while you sit atop the cushioned barstool (which you’re pretty sure makes a fart noise any time you move) and rests both of her hands on your hips.
Lifting the drink to your mouth, you hum happily when the flavor covers your tongue, “good?”
“Really good. Superb.” Ellie chuckles and leans in toward you, placing a kiss in the hollow of your collarbone, “c’mon, there’s some more people I want you to meet.”
You’re not exactly sure how you ended up in this position but good god do you wish you could die right here and right now. Ellie is leaning up against the poster-covered wall of the bar with you pulled tightly to her chest. Your back is pressed against her front and one of her arms is wrapped around you, long fingers splayed across your lower stomach. She’s talking animatedly to the guy standing in front of you two and in all honestly you can’t focus on what they’re talking about while you feel the tips of Ellie’s fingers rest upon the skin under your skirt. 
It’s innocent. She doesn’t realize her fingers have traveled just south of the top of your skirt, but you’d be lying if you said the feeling of her calloused fingertips below the belt didn’t make you squirm. Her auburn hair tickles the side of your face as your head rests back in the crook between her neck and shoulder. And even better—her cheek presses to the top of your head when there’s a lull in her current conversation.
Hearing the man she was speaking to bid his goodbyes, you turn in her arms. The one that was previously grasping a beer bottle quickly swaps to rest in the back pocket of your skirt instead, her other hand squeezes your hip.
“Hi.” She smiles at you.
“Hi.” You press a kiss to her cheek.
The feeling leaves Ellie warm and she squeezes you a few times before ultimately deciding to cut to the chase and lean in. It’s a sweet peck, a little tipsy kiss that leaves you buzzing and floating outside of your body. The bright, crooked smile she gives you after pulling away punches the air from your lungs and Jesus Christ— now you understand the U-Haul lesbians because in this moment you are well and truly fucked. If this woman, this stranger, asked you to pack your shit and move in, you would.
And the look she gives you as she brushes a stray piece of hair behind your ear tells you she might just feel the same.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 11: Anthropophobia
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Splinter is the first to meet April as she walks in. She's carrying several bags that hang from her wrists and arms. Apparently she went grocery shopping before she got here.
Splinter walks over to her and nods his head in greeting.
"Ah, April. Good to see you again..." he sniffs the air, his demeanour immediately changing from composed host to excited foodie. "Ooooh, is that tiramisu I smell?"
April laughs as she reaches into one of the bags.
"All for you, Splints," she says, handing the box of cake over to Splinter, who grabs it with a huge grin.
"Aha! Come to big papa! Thank you, April, this is very kind of you."
"Anything for you and the guys," she says with a smile. "Speaking of which, how's Mikey doing?"
Splinter pauses.
"...How much have they told you?"
"You know Donnie, he likes to be vague and build up suspense for dramatic effect. But he texted me last night to say how the mission went."
"Did he?"
"Sometime at like, midnight or one AM," she grumbles. "Just to say that the mission was a success and they got Mikey back. I asked how he was, and all he said was that he was alive and conscious. But I haven't known Donnie all these years to not know when he's hiding something. So, how is Mikey, really? Is he okay?"
"It's difficult to say," Splinter mumbles, walking back into the lair with April. "He's... he's awake and can communicate, to some extent. He can walk and even run. But... I'll let you decide when you see him."
April is unsure what he means by that, but lets it slide. She's sure she'll find out in a bit.
The three other Hamato sons come into the room to greet them. Leo is first, rushing in with haste. Raph comes in after him, his pace quick but not as swift as Leon's. Donnie meanders in last, his stride slow and somewhat sluggish. He looks exhausted.
"Hey, family!" she says, leaning in for a hug from Leo, who takes half of the bags from her as Raph takes the rest. "How're you holding up?"
"Well enough," Leo mutters. "All things considered. At least, I haven't had a emotional breakdown yet!"
Raph looks embarrassed. Apparently he can't match that boast.
"Where is the man of the hour?" April asks. "I got some new paint pens for him."
Leo looks uncomfortable.
"Uhh... we left him in Donnie's lab. I think he's still asleep... let's get these groceries into the kitchen for now; we'll tell you about everything."
April nods sadly as she follows the guys.
"Hold him still!"
"Stop struggling!"
"Get me 20 Cc's of the mandrill, the boa, and the -- crap, he's gotten loose again!"
Mikey shrieks as he jumps down from the operating chair and dashes to the exit. A guard blocks his path, a cattle prod in his grip. He flicks the switch on it and a loud grinding sound ignites as blue sparks fly from the end. Mikey makes a quick turn and dodges him, running to a corner of the room and cowering. The doctors surround him angrily.
"Where's that frost gun?"
"Over there by the table!"
"Antagonizing little cretin! You'd think he'd have learned his lesson from the last time!!"
One of the men in white comes back, brandishing a long thin airgun with a blue stripe down the middle. A special weapon made specifically for him, for when he acts out. The doctor points it at Mikey and pulls the trigger. A gust of icy air shoots out directly at Mikey. He screeches in pain as the shock of temperature causes his body to go rigid. He falls to the ground convulsing and shivering, painful stabbing sensations prickle across his entire body. He almost feels like he's dying. He can't move.
The guards grab him roughly. He can't move to fight back. Mikey sobs and screams.
He hurts so much, there are so many hurting places on his body.
Needles that have broken the skin to inject what Mikey can only assume is poison because of how much it hurts.
Bruises from where he has been forced into places with other animals to see how they interact. They are never friendly. Mikey is the only one to ever walk out of the room again. Instinct is efficient and ruthless.
There is no love in this room. Only hate. Only pain.
Mikey is taken back to the chair and strapped down. He howls.
"I'd advise you not to do that again," a doctor says with anger burning in his eyes. "Or else there will be consequences."
Consequences worse than what is happening now? He doubts it.
Syringes prick his arms. Oozes and slimes and ghastly liquids are shoved into his veins and bloodstreams. He can feel it doing painful things to him, he feels his bones shift and crack and grow and shrink. His teeth snap into new formations and his fingers start to elongate, the nails splintering and curving into talons.
Mikey sobs. Why is he here? Why do they hate him? Where are the other ones?? Where is Red, and Blue, and Purple? Where did they go, why have they left him behind? Did they escape this place? This place is all he can remember, apart from them. He only recalls needles and linoleums and cages and cold and pain and tears and hatred and fury and longing and loneliness.
Why did they leave him... didn't they love him, once?
Didn't anybody love him once?
No. No one could ever have loved anything from this place.
No one could have loved whatever it is that Mikey is.
Mikey's eyes snap open, tears streaming down his cheeks.
He doesn't recognize this room. It's another cage? It's a small white tunnel, he's stuck inside, he needs to get out!
Mikey clambers around, whining and crying like a puppy stuck in a kennel. He somehow manages to make a backwards shimmy out of the tunnel.
He is in Purple's lab. He wants to leave, now. Right now.
Purple and Blue and Red aren't in here. Where did they go?
The door is open. Mikey rushes out, calling for them.
He howls, long whining hoots that anyone within the lair could hear. Why don't they respond? Where are they?
They left him again...? They left him. They left.
Gone. Gone. Gone.
Mikey starts to whimper.
Should have known they would leave...
No, they wouldn't leave!
Then where are they?
Somewhere... Brothers are somewhere... He'll find them eventually.
No trust. Something bad. Smell something bad.
Mikey smells it, too. Where is the bad smell coming from?
It's not a disgusting scent. In fact, it is, in some ways, very nostalgic. There are traces of coconut oil in it. Sweet scents. But it is a bad smell.
Something dangerous is in the home.
It's coming from the kitchen...
Mikey goes into hunting mode. He digs his talons into the cracks between the bricks in the wall. As he climbs, the pads on his palms shift, tickling sensations that give pins and needles on his hands. Miniscule hairs create Van der Waals forces, causing a suction effect as Mikey starts to scale the wall and crawl to the ceiling.
He sneaks along the top of the hallway, following the bad smell.
Mikey cranes his neck down to peer into the kitchen. Everyone is inside, unloading bags and boxes and containers of food and supplies.
Rat is in the corner of the room, wiping his eyes. He was crying. The human who made breakfast is also in here, quietly rummaging through the pantries and cabinets as he places things away. He looks like he might cry, too. Blue, Red and Purple are holding someone in their arms. She is making a lot of noise, weeping and wailing and sobbing in their embrace. Apparently everyone was crying.
They must love her.
But she smells bad. She has the bad smell. Why trust bad smell?
The bad smell is human.
We don't like humans.
No... we don't... but the male human made the food for us! We trust male human?
NO. No trusting humans! Bad humans! They do terrible things to us. Mikey must not trust humans. Only Instinct. Instinct kept us alive.
Instinct kept Mikey alive...
The male human seems to sense something is watching them, and looks up. He yelps in surprise.
Red, Blue, and Purple turn to look at him, then at what he's pointing at. The girl looks up at Mikey and screams in fright.
He hisses back at her, growling loudly as his tail whips underneath him. The scales and scutes start to lift, the ridges on his shoulders and thighs raising high. His tail becomes a spiky bludgeon.
Let Instinct take over. Instinct will keep us safe.
Mikey can do it. Instinct Might hurt brothers.
Instinct is better. Stronger. Instinct is --
MIKEY CAN DO IT, he snaps back in his mind. His tail cracks like a whip again as he snarls angrily.
The human girl yipes and hides behind Red.
Mikey starts to creep along the ceiling, watching them. Making sure that the evil humans don't do anything to hurt Rat or brothers.
Red follows him around the room, raising his hands and guarding the girl.
"Mikey? Hey Mikey, come on down, bud..."
"How... how is he doing that?" the girl asks.
"Lizards can climb on walls," Blue mutters. "Remember we said he has lizard DNA now?"
"I can't believe... that's really Mikey?" the girl whimpers quietly, grabbing Blue's arm.
"It's him," Blue says. He sounds sad.
"Mikey, come down?" Red begs.
Mikey sneers at the girl.
"What? April? You remember April, right?"
Mikey snaps at her, baring his teeth. The canines are growing longer and longer.
"Mikey, she's your sister," Red enunciates.
Mikey's expression softens. Sister? Like brothers?
"Yeah, mi hermano, she's cool! It's big sis April!" Blue joins in, patting her on the head. "See? She's one of us!"
Mikey croaks at her, cocking his head in confusion.
Don't trust her. Don't trust them. Humans are evil. Humans did this to us. They hurt us, and kept us from brothers, and made us sad and scared. She will hurt you!
Red walks directly underneath Mikey and holds his arms out as far as he can. Mikey lowers himself into his embrace, dangling upside down from the ceiling for a moment before readjusting and wrapping his torso around Red's forearm, his spine twisting with flexibility that surprises his brother.
"Boa constrictor?" he asks, looking at Purple.
"I guess," Purple answers with a tired shrug.
Mikey keeps his eyes on the human girl. She cautiously starts stepping closer, holding a hand out to him.
"Mikey? It's me, April. Please say you remember me...?"
Her voice wavers. She sounds so sad.
Humans can be sad?
Humans only cause sad. How can this human be sad?
Her eyes become glassy and blur over. She sniffles. Her nose is red and her cheeks are rosy. She was crying. She was very sad. Why is she sad now?
Did Mikey make her sad??
Mikey mews at her. He feels bad now. Her fingers touch his beak. He takes in the scent on her hands... lotions, perfume, coco butter from her curls. Mikey doesn't remember her face, or her voice. But he remembers these scents. And they do smell safe. He loves these smells, though he can't remember why. His eyes water, the scents activating some distant and foggy recollection of a warm embrace and a soft hand against his head and the feeling you get when laughing too hard.
She might be human... but he loved her once. He can love her again.
Mikey purrs, closing his eyes and leaning his face into the touch. He hears her stifle a sob, stroking her hand across his forehead and down his cheek. Tears pool in his eyes and seep through. Soon enough, she's wiping the tears away.
The humans were never gentle like this in the other place. They never loved him. But she loves him.
He was loved once. He is loved again.
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vickyvicarious · 9 months
ooooh, I love Patrick Hennessey's voice!
Renfield getting possessive over Dracula... or possibly just recognizing that the boxes being taken away means Dracula might leave too, and he wants to prevent that.
kfjsldf Renfield is so good at managing the staff here. politely gaslighting them to believe he's oblivious to his own actions then escaping
OHkay the dull thuds were quite awful when he's slamming the guy's head into the ground
"you know I'm no lightweight" between this and Seward knocking Renfield off with one punch I now find myself imagining them like. wrestling each other for fun or something at least once. (jack would have gotten very bisexual about it and then refused to look dr. hennessey in the face for days probably)
"'I'll frustrate them! They shan't rob me! they shan't murder me by inches! I'll fight for my Lord and Master!'" I love how rough his voice sounds here, so different from usual. Also the murder me by inches is such a vivid and bleak way to describe being deprived of the chance at supernatural life.
sorry for your finger, Hardy
YES, the first of the very thirsty men who are suddenly more relaxed when given a drink. it's so funny
but really, Hennessey managed that very well. his quick smoothing over and attention to detail could be really helpful if anyone decided to sue them or something over this.
the phonograph noises at the beginning of Jack's entry at first made me think they were at the end of Hennessey's report, and it would be very funny if Jack insisted on getting his report in phonograph form. That, or Hennessey just wanted to take the chance to see what all the fuss was about.
...and then Jack started speaking and all amusement was lost. God, he's wrecked.
the stop and scoff before "too miserable" GODDDD
"the flapping of the wings of the angel of death" yeah he's been flapping a lot the bastard
but really, the way Jack lists them off, so bitterly, damn it's horrible
is he drinking? or trying to keep from crying? I mean he's definitely doing that either way but
the shake on "we must not all break down"
van Helsing speaking SO GENTLY to Arthur, auuugh
"You shall lie on one, and I on the other, and our sympathy will be comfort to each other, even though we do not speak, and even if we sleep." this is so sweet, I can't believe I'd forgotten about it
"in this room, as in the other," of course, it makes sense not to keep Lucy in her own bedroom, where the windows are shattered and where her mother died... but I wonder where she is. Did I miss a line about it somewhere? A part of me imagines Mrs. Westenra's room, which would mean they both die in one another's beds. :(
"Her teeth, in the dim, uncertain light, seemed longer... and sharper than they had been in the morning. In particular - by some trick of the light, the canine teeth looked... longer... and sharper than the rest." he repeats 'longer and sharper' twice, and especially the second time sounds so... nearly fascinated. It reminds me of Jonathan describing Dracula.
"there came a sort of dull flapping or buffeting at the window" there he is, the flappy asshole. angel of death himself.
"It struck me as curious that the moment she became conscious she pressed the garlic flowers close to her. It was certainly odd that whenever she got into that lethargic state, with the stertorous breathing, she put the flowers from her; but that when she waked she clutched them close." SHE'S TRYING. GOD I WANNA CRY
van Helsing's fear and despair is so well conveyed. and when he spends several minutes staring at her and then sounds so calm - he is determined.
"I went to the dining-room and waked him." the way Jack says this line is just. brutal.
the saddest "my dear old fellow" in the world
brushing Lucy's hair... I love that this makes Jack cry, because it makes me cry too.
ffffuck her shaky greeting to Arthur.
so I was talking a little bit ago about how Jack seems to distance himself unconsciously and start referring to Lucy as a thing whenever she is in more vampiric mode, and I love to hear it reflected in his voice here too. He goes from being so choked up with emotion to sounding almost cold as he says "the mouth opened,"
and he sounds so disturbed when he calls her eyes "dull" and her voice "voluptuous"
oh no oh no that "oh my love " is SO DAMN SINISTER art don't do it don't do it. like damn, I can't even make a joke about van helsing playing chaperone I'm just thankful that he's there!
it's not like being a vampire is transferrable through saliva or anything anyway but. she sounded so scary there.
Jack's delivery about van Helsing pulling Arthur back from the kiss was so funny. He sounds so incredulous: "dragged him back with a fury of strength which I never thought he could have possessed," van Helsing may joke about him being bitchless but Jack was here thinking he was a frail old man so who's laughing now. (van Helsing. definitely still van Helsing.)
van Helsing's panting!
art, bless him, choosing not to get into a fight over his fiance's deathbed. (the way Jack's voice gets rough on "and the occasion" uggggh)
god, Lucy's voice makes me so sad. that final "and give me peace"......
"Their eyes met instead of their lips; and so they parted." THIS LINE.
nooooooo don't make me listen to Art cry fuck it's breaking me
the music while Jack is talking about there being peace for Lucy is so ominous!!! also I love the way he is so clearly trying so hard to stay composed and say something nice and look on the bright side if only a little... and then van Helsing has to be mysterious and ominous and ruin that for him too
van Helsing Barbie strikes again
"only some letters and a few memoranda, and a diary new begun." those last few words are so sad. She never got to do more than just begin her diary. She never got to even begin her new life before it was taken away from her.
"we both started at the beauty before us," Beautiful Corpse Jumpscare
"He had not loved her as I had, and there was no need for tears in his eyes." I get how you feel but that's pretty dang rude, Jack. He's told you that he loves her and wanted to save her. He already cried for her once.
kjdsfljksdf THE DELIVERY of "I want to cut off her head and take out her heart." and. no DUH he's shocked, vH! don't go acting like this is typical surgeon behavior/reaction. omg.
and then that sigh and 'kind' concession that 'all you have to do is help me cut off her head that's all'
I fucking love the delivery of "no good to her, to us, to science, to human knowledge"
"I may err—I am but man; but I believe in all I do." the way his voice almost wavers on the word 'believe'. Not out of doubt, but emotion.
"and she kiss my rough old hand and bless me?" the way he says this line... he was so affected by her trust in him and her final request. he feels honored and burdened both.
Jack being so emotional about the maid grieving for Lucy... and me sitting there knowing that she's in there to steal from Lucy. (or at least, she does even if it's not why she went in)
mr. marquand! you are a decent guy, thank you for trying to look out for Lucy's interests. anyone who tries to give her agency is good in my book. even if your rejoicing is in. rather poor taste. (Jack's laugh at that is great!)
Art bringing Jack in with him is so sweet, god, god, his crying.... THE WAY HE SAYS JACK'S NAME. THE WAY HE SAYS THERE'S NOTHING TO LIVE FOR
Jack's line about men only needing "a grip of the hand, the tightening of an arm over the shoulder, a sob in unison," was already ridiculous but the way says it like he's trying so hard to convince himself
I hit the bulletpoint character limit. Wow.
Anyways the delivery is so stiff-upper-lip-this-is-fine, it's great. especially as the further into the line he gets the more you can hear him trying not to sob as well.
the way Art reacts to being called 'Lord'. ""No, no, not that, for God's sake! not yet at any rate." he sounds so desperate, the POOR MAN
and the way he is taking deep breaths while talking to van Helsing. He is working so fucking hard to be kind and try and make things easier and get through this without lashing out at anyone. I love him so much.
and van Helsing immediately follows up with "I stole your dead girlfriend's letters, can I keep them?" I KNOW he feels bad about it and he feels it is necessary and everything but. damn okay.
GOD THAT'S SO SAD. DO NOT COME INTO THE NIGHT DO NOT GO TO SLEEP MY DEAR :( :( oh how dare you with that line about eternal life/shine so bright" AND TAKE MY BITE NOOOOOOO
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
(I honestly don’t know if my asks are getting in atp but im just gonna keep resending them if they get removed because I’m not a fucking wimp 🗣️‼️‼️)
Wait no because what if Sevika had a group chat with her coworkers and shit (Smeech, Ran, Renni, Silco, Finn, Signed, Dustin and ofc her lovely gf <3)
And at least once every two weeks there is ALWAYSSS chaos
Like; Sev and Finn could be arguing and then Ran pulls up with the fucking Curse of Ra 💀or Renni just uses the gc as a shopping list since she forgot to open notes and everyone is just like “Ren, wrong app 💀” or someone points out shit from her list HSHJERJD
PLEASE i'm gonna do the roach 'verse gang, because i think it would be insane.
men and minors dni
silco: if any of u have spare cash on u, bring it to my office and leave it on my desk. i'll pay u back tomorrow.
you: jinx, get off of silco's phone.
lock: fuck, that was jinx? i put ten on his desk!
sevika: idiot.
thieriam: shit, i put twenty bucks on his desk too.
you: jinx! how much fucking money did you steal?!
deckard: she got me too, that fucker.
ran: you are all so fucking stupid.
singed: just checked the office, the cash and jinx are nowhere to be found.
deckard: fuck!
lock: fuck
thieriam: oh fuck, silco's never gonna pay us back.
silco: no, i'm not. you should all know better by now. i would never use 'u' to type 'you'
ran: this is fucking hilarious
sevika: babe, what's for dinner?
you: you, if i'm lucky ;)
deckard: HELLO?? this is the gc??
sevika: stfu deckard.
ran: no but fr, what's for dinner, roach?
you: idk, i'm thinking chicken chili?
lock: ooooh, with cornbread?
you: sure, if you guys want.
lock: yes please!
ran: yes!!!
deckard: oh, yum.
singed: fuck, roach are you free?
you: yeah?
singed: i just sliced my hand open. can you come stitch me up?
you: lmao, i'm on the way.
ran: roach to the rescue!
sevika: put a heart in the chat if i'm the stupidest one in the gang.
deckard: <3
thieriam: <3
ran: LMAOO <3333333
you: <3
you: jinx, give sevika her phone back.
sevika: i'm gonna kill her someday.
sevika: babe, you put a fucking heart in the chat????
you: cant talk, stitching singed up.
silco: i'm sorry for jinx's behavior today. she's upset that she doesn't have her own phone yet.
lock: it's no fuckin fair! u guys get to talk all the time and i have to steal a phone to be in on the chat!
silco: jinx!
you: lmaoo jinx you can come play on my phone.
lock: fine.
lock: shit, i didn't even notice she took it until she gave it back.
sevika: she's a fuckin' weasel.
you: whats up assholes?
ran: hey jinx. what'd you buy with your stolen money?
you: more flamers. a few candy bars. a new jumbo plushy.
lock: you wanna share your candy?
you: no.
silco: jinx, at least share with the man you stole from.
you: ugh fine. they're in the kitchen lock.
lock: sweet!
thieriam: some of us are trying to work, can we please not abuse the work groupchat for not-work purposes
you: put a heart in the chat if thieriam sucks ass!
sevika: <3
ran: <3
deckard: <3
silco: jinx, what did i tell you about that kind of language?
you: i'm not jinx i'm roach.
thieriam: fuck off jinx, roach would never be so mean to me.
lock: <3
you: effective. Power. لُلُصّبُلُلصّبُررً h  ॣ ॣ ॣ
across from where you're finishing up singed's stitches, deckard gasps down at his phone.
"you fuck!" he exclaims, looking up at jinx where she's sitting beside you. she giggles.
"what'd you do this time?" you ask. she laughs and hands you back your phone, before running out of the lab.
"she shut all our phones down!" he says. "how the fuck did she do that?" he cries.
upstairs, you hear ran and lock's shared groan.
you chuckle and shake your head. "jinx you stupid fuck!" sevika roars from the second floor. you giggle.
"i better go handle that." you say, finishing your final stitch. singed chuckles.
"you better." he says as jinx's squeal floats down to the lab.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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pix3lplays · 1 year
uwaaaa, thank you sm for doing my stellaron hunter!reader with the ranpo personality req <3
following the previous req, it'd be interesting to see the reader outsmart them since 'm sure they characters are not used to being outsmarted ! i.e. jing yuan and reader could be playing starchess and even with him known for stealing the pieces, reader ends up still winning somehow :0
it'd also be interesting to see sampo get a taste of his own medicine for once :^ and they're all smug about it too, they'd especially rub in the fact they've tricked him somehow.
maybe even include how they adore the praise when being tasked with something difficult by elio yet they succeed? (if they don't get the praise they start huffing and sighing more than usual heh)
the same characters from the previous req + sampo please !! cunning characters with a cunning reader ^^
thank you once more for the entertaining reads ! i especially enjoyed the chef!reader, it was funny hehe. i hope your day has been wonderful so far !
oh and ! if you take emoji anons, could i request to be known as 🍰 anon ? if not emoji's then being addressed as strawberry anon is fine !
Yes I will happily welcome you officially as 🍰 anon!!Thank you! Ooooh what a fun idea, I love it! You’re so kind, thank you so much, I’m glad you liked the chef!reader haha it was fun to write! Also thank you for submitting ideas such as the starchess and Elio thing, genuinely makes it easier for me to write when you guys give me specifics like that!
-Honkai Star Rail men with a cunning Stellaron Hunter!reader-
Jing Yuan: Once your relationship becomes official, he enjoys spending quiet time with you, such as whiling away the time in the gardens (that he snuck you into) playing board games. Jing Yuan isn’t used to losing at starchess. Yes, he’ll cheat at starchess even when he’s playing against you. You’re definitely aware he steals pieces when he plays with you. But that’s okay. It’s an added challenge. The look on his face when you got a checkmate on him…priceless. He was knocked off his balance, that’s for sure. “Now may I have my pieces back?” you ask, holding your hand out to him smugly, and you realize the sheer Amount of pieces he stole when he returns them to you. You beat him with nearly Half your pieces missing.
Blade: Blade isn’t really…good at giving you the praise you’re looking for after you complete a difficult mission from Elio. It makes you kinda pouty. But he tries anyways. Quick to give you a simple: “good job, welcome back,” but that’s about the extent of it. And Kafka and Silver Wolf don’t exactly hand you out praises either. Ah well, at least he tries to keep you happy. He’s a good boyfriend that way. And he really does respect your cunningness, you ARE super clever and you deserve more praise for it. He wishes he was better at it for your sake.
Dan Heng: definitely isn’t used to being outsmarted, but then you came along, and you were even able to beat him in a fight using your brains rather than your brawn. He knows he shouldn’t fall for you. But wow, you’re incredible. You’ve been in a relationship for a while when the second time you outsmart him comes around. You’re sent on a mission from Elio. To steal something from the Archives of the Astral Express. Easy enough to do given how personal you know Dan Heng. Oh you do feel a bit…bad betraying him. But he never catches you, and if he ever does figure out it was you, you have a feeling you can get him to forgive you.
Sampo Koski: is sly, clever…and definitely not used to being outsmarted, until you come into his life. He was happy to start a romantic relationship with you, but goodness you’re almost too smart for him. The first time you outsmarted him was when he tried to engage in his first shady business deal behind your back. You met him at the agreed upon meeting spot. He was Shocked, to say the least, you shouldn’t have known what he was doing, where he would be, or the fact that he always showed up 15 minutes early, just to be safe. But there you were! You said you didn’t care if he engaged in shady business deals, but he should at least tell you. And you kissed his cheek and left him alone after that. Leaving him standing there, completely dumbfounded that you could read him like a book.
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spicywhenspeaking · 7 months
Crush Crush Crush : Noah x Reader One Shot FLUFFFFFF
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you're Folios sister and you have a crush on Noah and Noah keeps asking you about who you like with no idea its him.
writers block made me do it and no beta. we die like men.
also I apparently don't like writing anyone that's an only child lmao.
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The first time It’s when I’m talking to my brother Nick. He’s the drummer in the band. “Oh don’t be such a baby!” Nick has not let this go, “Just tell him how you feel! It’s making you act weird around him and no one likes an awkward freak hanging around” he ruffles my hair for emphasis. “Oh I don’t know big bro they keep you around” I turn to push him lightly back in retaliation. “It’s just a stupid crush,” I tell him. “I’ll get over it and be on to the next one in no time flat” I finish as we exit the bus. “Ooooh, Y/N’s gotta crush? Who’s the lucky guy?” I cringe internally when I see the face that matches the questioning voice. It’s Noah. Of course, it is. I stumble slightly at the last step, he reaches to steady me and Nick laughs at the embarrassment that is my life unfolding in front of us. 
“Oh no one, it’s nothing…no one really, not a person around, my brother is just being stupid” I ramble on for far too long. “Folio you’re holding out on me.” He winks at me with a determined look in his eyes. “I’ll get this figured out, no doubt,” Noah says confidently. I try to subtly elbow my brother but he lets out a quiet “uf.”
“Nothing to figure out! I assure you, no crushes to be had. Not by me at least.” I say and try to sound as convincing as possible. Noah’s eyes meet mine and my insides are quaking as I fight away any reaction “Hmm so it’s not Nicholas?” He asks and I’m a flustered mess. “Rufulio? No way, he’s almost like another brother. Attractive yes, but no. And I already said! I don’t have a crush on anyone! God!” I huff and walk away, leaving the two guys to themselves. 
The second time Noah asks, it’s after a movie night, I’m cleaning up the kitchen and he sneaks up behind me. “It’s Jolly? Isn’t it?” I shriek in surprise at his sudden appearance and soapy foam sprays over us both. “Jesus Christ Noah! Don’t do that” I hold my hand to my heart and feel it beating rapidly. He laughs, lightly wiping some of the soap from his face. “Oops. Sorry….But it is Jolly, isn’t it? That’s who you have a crush on.” He asks again. “You two looked pretty cozy during the movie” he raises his eyebrows to add emphasis to his words only pointing out his already perfect face. Jerk… “No,” I respond. “I don’t have a crush on Jolly.” I roll my eyes.  “And since when is sitting next to someone on the couch “getting cozy.” We weren’t even touching!” I emphasize.
I wish Noah would just drop this little teasing game he’s decided to play. Of course, Nicky is no help. When I talk to him about it he just says “It would be over if you just told him how you felt.” Like it’s that easy. Sure, I’ll tell him how I feel and He’ll tell me he doesn’t see me like that. I’ll die of embarrassment and only see my brother at Christmas. Nick said I was being dumb and walked away back into his room. “Hey, I would get it” Noah starts again raising his hands in defense. “He’s tall, has that cool accent going on, major hottie.” I dry my hands off and huff an annoyed breath. “I don’t have a crush on Jolly,” I repeat to Noah. “I don’t have a crush on anyone.” Liar. Just tell him. He’s right there. Just tell him. Noah’s eyes are piercing into me “I thought we were friends Y/N, you know you can tell me stuff like that. Right?” Placing the kitchen towel back on the counter I think for a moment. “We are friends, Noah, yeah. But this whole crush thing is so middle school. If I did have one, it wouldn’t matter” I turn around and look out the back window into the backyard. “I would hate to risk telling someone and they don’t feel the same way, I would be so mortified.” From behind me, I hear a small “Ah, yeah. I get it.” He moves to get closer and puts his hand on my shoulder pulling me slightly to turn back around. “Any guy would be lucky to have you crushing on them y/n.” I blush and carefully maneuver myself out of his grasp running into the corner of the island. “Ow, Fuck” I yelp and Noah moves closer to check if I’m okay. “Um, thanks but-” I check my watch and notice the late hour. “You know I should really get going, it’s late.” I gather my belongings and Noah follows me to the door. “Thanks for coming to the movies tonight,” he says as I pass through the door. “Yeah, it was fun.” I responded, “Goodnight Noah.” I offer a small wave once I get to my car. 
“Goodnight Y/N. Text me when you get home safe, okay?” His smile is so sweet when he’s saying it. 
“Oh! Um okay!”
Y/N: home!
Noah: Glad to hear it :) goodnight! 
The third time it happens they’re just coming off stage from a show. Sweaty and breathless Noah approaches me when I’m talking casually with one of the backstage crew. He throws his arm around me and pulls me into his sweat-drenched side. “Eww Noah! Stop” I try to wiggle out of his grip. “Oh come on y/n it’s not that bad,” he says shaking his hair, releasing droplets of perspiration all around. “God y’all are gross!” I laugh and the rest of the guys approach, Nicky is yelling “GROUP HUG!” And suddenly I’m surrounded by 4 sweaty men and it’s not even hot because one of them is my brother. “NOOOO!!!! Get offff! You STINK!” I screech. Nicky just rubs his sweaty hair against my face and says “Come on Sis, this is why you’re on tour with us right?! Encompassed by sweaty men? Or is it just one man?” I turn beat red and manage to wiggle my way out of the pile and huff out in annoyance. “Shut up Nicky, god. Y’all are so annoying. I’ll see you back at the hotel.” I wipe the sweat my brother smeared on my cheek and walk away but I hear heavy footsteps following me.
“Hey, y/n wait up” Noah calls. I slow down and turn my head back “What Noah? I’d seriously like to go back to my room now and wash off y’all’s stink.” He catches up, laughing at my comment, and continues walking with me. “Why don’t you wait for us? It’ll be safer than walking alone.” One of the tech guys wheels a giant amp right in front of our path so we’re forced to stop. “I’m walking back with Bryan actually, we talked about getting bubble tea at that shop we saw on the way.” His smile fades slightly and his shoulders fall. “Oh. So you and Bryan.” Noah says softly. “Y’all are like..?” His open-ended question stuns me slightly “We’re like? What? Getting boba?” My face is scrunched in a confused face and I fiddle with the tote bag that’s digging into my shoulder. “I mean…you’re brother mentioned again about your crush and now you’re getting bubble tea with Bryan.” I don’t miss the way his voice adds a sour inflection when he mentions the boba and Bryan. “Bryan and I are getting boba. As friends.” I tell him. “And my brother should learn how to shut his mouth…I don’t have a crush on Bryan.” I get a text at the same time from Bryan telling me he’s ready at the back door when I’m good to go. “Why are you so concerned with who I have a crush on Noah?” I ask him, slightly irritated at his constant harassment on the subject. He tenses and his cheeks flush slightly deeper, already red from performing not even 20 minutes ago. “I just…have a curiosity is all. You never know how someone feels about you sometimes until you lay it all out there. But sometimes it’s hard ya know, lots of factors” he rambles out awkwardly. “Uh huh, factors. I’m gonna go, but I’ll talk to you later.” I wave and continue walking towards the backdoor where Bryan said he would be. 
We make our way out together passing the fans waiting outside the venue with ease and head to the tea shop. As were walking I mentioned to Bryan what Noah said but he just laughed. “Yeah, can’t imagine what factors he could be talking about,” he says, but based on his tone I get the sense he knows more than he’s letting on. “Yeah, okay. I just don’t understand why he’s so stuck on asking me about my crush” I vent as we walk back to the hotel with our teas. Bryan takes a long sip and says “Yeah, I don’t know y/n. Maybe, he’s just genuinely curious. Maybe he’s interested in who his competition is.” I choke on a tapioca pearl and cough “What? Competition? What do you mean by that? What competition?” I cough out again clearing out my throat. “Um, I mean that Noah would probably be curious who you are crushing on considering his massive crush on you” Bryan says and I freeze as we reach the front door of the hotel. “What?” I ask. “What do you mean?” -wait- did Bryan just say that Noah likes me? Bryan just laughs while walking through the sliding glass doors into the lobby and I run to catch up. “I’m sick of hearing him whine about you having a crush on somebody else, like your crush on him isn’t as equally noticeable to everyone but him.” Of course, my crush is obvious, god this is so embarrassing, “but Bryan-“ I start to say but notice I’m standing in the lobby by myself because Bryan already walked to the elevators to head up. Following after him I head into the elevator after him. “Wait, what do you mean about Noah having a crush on me?” The doors close and we head up together. 
The fourth time goes a little differently. It’s been a few hours since the concert and I texted Nick to ask what the boys were doing after the show and he only responded that “Noah was in his room if I wanted to stop being a baby and tell him how I feel.” I rolled my eyes but after my talk with Bryan, I felt better about laying it all on the table. Noah was as nervous to tell me about his feelings as I was. I showered, blow-dried my hair, put on makeup, and put on my black skater dress. Slipping on my black ballet flats I walk down the long hallway to Noah’s room. I follow the red and blue floral pattern on the rug until I reach his room. I softly knock on the door and hear shuffling from inside. “Just a second!” I hear Noah’s muffled voice and a quiet “fuck!” and smack into the wall. He swings the door open and breathes in when he sees me. “Oh, y/n! How’s it going? What brings you this way?” He rambles and looks me up and down, taking in the way my dress hugs my curves and my hair frames my face softly. “I just wanted to stop by before I headed out for the night,” I tell him casually. “The night?” he questions as his eyebrows knit together. “You’re going out?” I nod. “That’s the plan at least.” Noah takes a step out of his room and I can smell his fresh woody scent wafting out. “Like a date?” his voice is in a whisper and I hope this plan works. “I hope so,” I tell him and his mouth forms a frown. “Oh. You’re going on a date. Do I know the guy?” His dejected tone kills me but after all his teasing these last few weeks a little teasing in return is only fair. “Yeah, I’d say you know him pretty well.” I take a step even closer, my head an inch away from his chest and I look up at him through my lashes. “Why do you care Noah?” I ask in a sweet voice and his cheeks warm. “Um, I just worry about you going out with some stranger so late..you should probably just wait until tomorrow,” he tells me. “Oh, but I’m not going out with a stranger, I’ve known him a long time.” I move my hand up to rest on his chest and he freezes. “He’s been my friend for a while but I’ve always felt like there was something more." I pause before continuing. "I’ve always liked him as much more than a friend.” Noah’s hand covers mine on his chest and there’s a small smile forming on his face. “So I know this guy pretty well huh? Can you tell me his name?” He’s leaning down as he asks and our mouths are now just inches away. “Yes, I can tell you.” We move even closer. “But first, can you answer a question for me?” I ask and he laughs. “Of course,” he answers and moves his other hand to cup my cheek. “Who do you have a crush on?” He laughs again and leans his forehead against mine. “It’s always been you Y/N” and his lips finally meet mine in a tender kiss. “Now where are we going on this date?”
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divider from here
thanks again for reading <3
ask’s are open for requests or anything really lmao :)
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foxofninetales · 6 months
Liu Sang Watcher’s Guide - Part 18
Man In the Rain. No, Not That Rain, the Other Rain
Link to part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6  | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | Interlude | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
Season 2 Episode 16
i.e., I hope everyone enjoys dim lighting, whoo!
Wu Xie contemplates mortality. That this also involves contemplating a sleeping Liu Sang is the silver lining in a rather depressing cloud.
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Look at these little sleeping beans, aren't they cute. Good thing nothing bad will ever happen to them.
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Wu Xie sneaks out alone to continue his quest, as if every single person present isn't 100% expecting him to do that.
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This is the closest I could get in still image of capturing the stupidly adorable little smile Liu Sang gives as he catches up with Wu Xie - part smugness at Wu Xie's inability to sneak past his hearing, part resigned amusement at Wu Xie himself.
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As Liu Sang acknowledges that Wu Xie is in the final stages of his disease, and Wu Xie says he knows he won't be allowed to go alone, the elements oblige with thematically appropriate rainfall.
Wu Xie asks Liu Sang to get the others out safely and not follow him. He pats Liu Sang's shoulder as he leaves, which has approximately the same affect that it would have on a lonely rescue dog.
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Liu Sang watches him walk off with the rest of the Iron Triangle and tries to figure out where he went wrong and started Having Emotions.
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Bai Haotian wakes up and realizes Wu Xie is gone. Liu Sang looks guilty (and extremely pretty).
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…that's right. Break it to her tactfully.
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I'm sorry, how am I supposed to pay attention to plot when he's sitting here being this pretty?!?!
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Liu Sang and the others watch from a distance as Boss Jiao discovers their recently-vacated hideout, right before Hei Xiazi leads Boss Jiao's men away to try to give the others time to escape.
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It… does not work. Everything is terrible and everyone is bound and on their knees and Hei Xiazi and Liu Sang stare at each other and intently say each others' names. The author would say that this awoke something in her but let's face it, that happened several episodes ago.
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If Liu Sang had a dime for every time he is tied up and sees his team-mates taken out in front of him, he would have TWENTY CENTS TOO MUCH. (Good thing they were only SUPERFICIAL WOUNDS and everyone involved is COMPLETELY OKAY at the end of the series.)
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At least this time he has a little more leverage, and bargains his cooperation to help find Thunder City for Xiao Bai's life.
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The one silver lining is that we get treated to his 'ooooh parceling that new trauma away for later because for right now screw you' expression.
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The author just wants to hug everybody, and it's only gonna get worse from here!
Next time: Blood is like drama-mouthwash, right?
Gifset posts from this episode: Man in the Rain by @ohsehuns​
*Please feel free to use any of the screencaptures from these LSWG posts for your own purposes - crediting is appreciated but optional.
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nkirukaj · 2 months
The Radio Demon & the Billboard Doe (10)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! OC
Warnings: Swearing; Sexual implications?
Genre: Angst/Fluff (& Humor!)
Word Count: 8.1K
<Chapter 9
10. Mother
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“I have a question!” Voe runs into the parlor, shouting
They look towards her “What is it Voe?” Charlie asks
“What month is it? Please tell me what month it is!”
Charlie strokes her chin and thinks, not knowing the names of months
“You died in March right? So that would make it….September?” Vaggie chimed up
“Holy fuck!” Voe falls face-first on the couch
“What?” Angel leaned over her with his lean frame
She lifts her head up from the couch “It’s almost time,”
“For what?”
“For…the rut”
The others are quite confused “The what?” Charlie asks
Voe sits up “The rut. It’s the name for mating season.”
“Okay,” Angel says “What’s the problem?”
“This is my first year here, my first year as an animal, I don’t know how I’m going to to react to the unending biological desire/need to breed.”
“It’s not really that bad,” Angel plops down on the couch “I mostly take it in stride.”
Voe sits on the arm of the couch “You don’t get it. I’m a horny degenerate on the regs. Imagine that, plus animalistic desire or need.”
“What do you mean you’re a ‘horny degenerate’?” Charlie questions
Voe blinks at her “I mean I’m horny like all the time.”
“Are ya horny now?” Angel raises his brow. Voe looks away not answering the question. “Oh you little slut,” he grins 
“Just a little, just a little!” she dips her head in her hands “I don’t know what I’m going to do next month.”
Angel puts his hand on her shoulder “Why do you just, I don’t know. Fuck somebody?”
“This will be an uncontrollable rampage, Angel.”
“Then fuck a lot of somebody’s. Isn’t that what you did when you were alive? Just do it now.”
Voe looks up and thinks “Where am I finding people down?”
“It’s Hell toots. I guarantee that if you went on live and asked ya, little followers, if they wanna fuck you, they’d all say yes. Or at least half of ‘em. Or…..” He raises his eyebrow
“Ya don’t really have to go that far to find somebody to fuck toots.”
She tilts her head in confusion “What do you mean?”
“There’s someone you could fuck the floor right above you,” he teases
She scoffs “Oh don’t waste my time,” Angel laughs
“What?” Charlie questions
“Ugh, he’s talking about Alastor.” Voe rolls her eyes
Charlie gets excited “Ooooh, that sounds interesting tell me about that. You like Alastor?”
“I don’t think anyone likes Alastor,” Vaggie says under her breath
“Yup she does,” Angel answers for her
“Yeah, she does!” Husker calls from the bar 
“Until you make me a fruity drink I don’t wanna hear a word from you!” She points at the cat, who winks at Angel “And can you guys lower your voices, because I don’t want him to hear you.”
Angel puts his arm around her “Why, because you’re scared he’ll reject you?”
“Yeah, why?” Charlie asks
“Because if that cocky bastard thinks I have a crush on him, he will never let me hear the end of it!” she whispers
“But don’t you?” 
“No!” she puts her head in her hands again
Angel and Husk both nod silently at Charlie while Voe isn’t looking
“Well Voe, I think that if you do like him. Not saying that you do, but if you do then-“
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Vaggie!” Charlie glares at her girlfriend “If you like him,” Voe glares at her “Or anyone! Then just be yourself and tell them. Anyone would be foolish not to like you! Cuz you’re so amazing!” Charlie ends the pep talk with a bright smile
“Thanks, Charlie, but I don’t need that advice. I know that already. Ugh, I’m going to my room. Fuck you guys.” she flips the men off and exits the parlor.
When Voe comes down to the parlor at night to raid the fridge, she’s wearing her pajamas. A big shirt that just barely covers her tail, shouldn’t be an issue because no one was down here at this time. She opens the fridge. She loved having it be the only light on the entire floor. Sometimes she stood in the fridge and ate, other times she took the food to her room.
After taking about another cold pan of jambalaya from the fridge and placing some on a plate, Voe’s ears twitched at the quiet sound of floorboards creaking. She stops her movement instantly, searching the darkness to find nothing. She relaxes her shoulders only to be startled into screaming when she turns to close the fridge and sees the tall red demon standing on the other side of the door, just barely bathed in light.
“Ahh, what the fuck!” she jumps backward, fists bared
Alastor only chuckles at her shock and fear “Don’t mind me, continue on with your plans.”
Voe turns on a lamp, which only covers a small area, but it is enough to see him at least. “This is the second time I’ve seen you down here. Why are you always down here in the dark?”
“These are my nighttime activities. It seems you were the only one unaware of that.”
“You don’t sleep?”
“Not if I can help it. But the real question is, why are you always down here?”
“You come down here every night at this exact time to take food from the fridge and eat, why?”
She blushes “How do you know that?”
“I hear you,” is what he said, but the truth was that he smelled her “Now do tell me why. I was beginning to get offended at your aversion to my cooking.”
“Your cooking is fine.” he raises his eyebrow “It’s good. Great I guess, whatever.” Alastor smiles and waits, expecting more. Voe inhales “I just don’t like eating in front of people okay, geez.”
“Why not?”
She rolls her eyes “Is that really even your business?”
“Fair enough, I’ll mind my business. But I did approach you for a reason.”
“Yes?” She asks getting increasingly irritated
“This afternoon I will be taking a walk around the city, would you like to accompany me?”
Voe widens her eyes in confusion “Is that a joke?”
Alastor seems playfully offended “I think that it is very clear when I’m joking.”
“You want me to go on a walk with you, why?”
“Sometimes it’s nice to have company,”
“Yeah, but me?”
“Why me?”
“Why not you?”
“I thought you didn’t like me.”
Alastor shrugs “I told you my opinion of you has changed,”
“So you do like me?”
“Would you like to come or not?’
Voe stands up straight “But you do like me then?”
“I’ll see you at noon. Goodnight, my dear.” Alastor once again dissipates into shadows
When noon arrived Alastor stood at the door, dusting off his sleeves, waiting for Voe to come downstairs.
“Ooooh Alastor, what are you getting into today?” Charlie bounces over to the Overlord
“Just going on a walk, my dear.”
“Nice! Get some fresh air! What are you waiting for?”
“I’m waiting for my walking buddy, of course!”
Charlie is confused “Your walking buddy?”
Voe comes rushing down the stairs with her super speed, causing papers and anything not nailed down to get blown back by the wind she created. When she stops in front of Alastor and Charlie she lays down her flowing sundress and fixes her hair, which is down today.
“I’m not late!” She says to Alastor
“Right. Okay, we should be going now!” as they both exit the doors
“Wait, you two are-?” the Princess’s voice is cut off by the sound of the door slamming
They are walking in silence, their heels clicking on the pavement. The sounds of crackling fire and screaming sinners fill the air for them. Voe looks around at the sky and notices all the demons that jump away or light themselves on fire when she passes with Alastor. She looks up at him and he sports a closed-lipped smile as he looks straight ahead. They pass the area that she fell into when she first arrived, still remembering how her face hurt when she landed on it.
“Ooh that’s where I melted those guys’ faces,” she says to herself looking off the path
“Hmm?” Alastor questioned, looking down
“No, I just said that’s where I melted those guys faces,’”
“Look at you, coming into Hell and starting chaos” He looks back up ahead
“I didn’t really start anything. If anything, I just added to it.”
“And finished it?”
She looks up in thought “I suppose,”
They continue on in silence until reaching ‘Cannibal Town’, which Voe reads off the sign. She notes how all the residents have creepy smiles like Alastor’s and pitch-black eyes. He leads her into a building filled to the brim with sinners and once inside he says
“Excuse me for a moment, I have to go say hi to a friend,” and disappeared into the crowd instantly
Voe didn’t like being left alone in situations where she only knew one person. Now she was hoping nobody else noticed her because she was not prepared to talk to anyone else at this time. She made herself busy by looking at the displays of fingers and hands. Do they not take the nails off when they eat them? Wait. Do they eat these…raw? She mulled over the thought of eating raw meat, and it sent a disgusting shiver down her spine. 
Alastor returned with a tall lady, dressed in old-fashioned clothes and a rather large and ostentatious hat, black eyes, and the same grin as everyone else, although on her it wasn’t so creepy. Voe was slightly intimidated by her stature and presence, she radiated confidence, joy, and respect.
“Alastor I do enjoy your visits, but you know I’m very busy. You can’t just keep showing up here unannounced,” she said to him
“I love stopping by to see you! And I wanted to introduce you to someone new in Hell. I believe you’d like her,”
He leads the woman over to Voe, who waves shyly. “She’s one of the hotel residents and I invited her to come on a walk with me. A darling doe named Voe.”  He gestures toward her
“Hi,” she says
“Well hello! Look at you, so pretty!”
“So I’ve been told,” she flips her hair, flattered at the compliment. She laughs at the doe’s brazenness 
“And Voe, this is my good friend Rosie, one of the few Overlords more dangerous than me,”
“This new generation of sinners is something else. Alastor, what are you doing with this pretty young thing?”
“Calm down, we’re just going for a walk! I wanted to come see my friend!”
Rosie puts her hands on her hips “And you brought her? Why?”
“She’s one of the least annoying friends I have.”
“Friends? Haven’t heard you use that word in a while!”
Voe is also shocked by his use of the word ‘friend’. She wasn’t aware that that was the kind of relationship they had at this point. Shocked, but pleased.
“I just wanted you to meet the newcomer. She’s pretty famous, she goes by ‘Voe the Beau’.”
“Alastor you know I don’t frequent the interwebs!” She laughs and turns to Voe “Very nice to meet you ‘Voe the Beau’,” she bends down to be eye-level with the doe.
“I’m sorry, but you are literally Mother right now,” Voe says to Rosie
Rosie is shocked and confused by her statement. She looks to Alastor who is just as, if not more confused than she. Voe is smiling giddily so Rosie shrugs it off “I suppose I’ll take that as a compliment,” Voe nods profusely
“I do have a question,”
“What’s that?”
“Do you eat this stuff raw?”
“Well of course! It’s the only way to eat it!” 
Voe looks around “But why?’ she asks “Like, if you cook the flesh you’d still be cannibals. So why eat it raw?”
Rosie glances toward Alastor and rolls her eyes “I started getting this question nonstop nowadays. This new generation!” Rosie waves her off “Now Missy, we’ve all got our own tastes, we can eat however we want,” She leans down to her again
“Okay,” Voe blushes “Yes Mother,” she says under her breath
Voe feels a yank on her tail, she turns around to see a young child behind her. A warmth in her chest arises and her heart swells. She loves children.
“Hey! You have a tail!” the child says
“I do have a tail indeed,”
“Can I pull it?”
“Well, no. But I can play with you and your friends if you like.”
She’s dragged away by the child to sit on the floor in a circle of cannibal children, tossing around the bone of a leg they had all just shared
“Guys!! We didn’t save the lady any leg!”
Voe smiles “Oh no, I’m perfectly fine, you don’t have to share with me!”
“I have a finger I can share!” spoke a different child
“My mommy gave me a toe!”
“I’ve got a whole foot!”
Voe was grinning at her absolute limit, trying to convince these kids that she was satisfied as they tried to get her to eat one of the limbs they had spared. Alastor stood in the same spot watching as she got lost in the crowd of children, his smile softening slightly as he inhaled and exhaled deeply.
“What do you think of her?” he says to Rosie
“She seems like a nice girl. What do you think of her?”
“She’s quite tolerable to be around, yes?” he says without looking at her
Rosie pursed her lips “Now Alastor, why’d you really bring her to me?” she spoke from behind him
He snaps out of his little trance “Whatever do you mean, Rosie?”
Rosie looks as though he’s trying to play her for a fool “I thought for sure I had you pegged, and there you are, surprising me again!”
“What are you talking about, my dear?”
“Nothing,” she surrenders, holding up her hands “It’s just,” she whispers in his ear “You’re starin’ a little more than usual.”
“Something about her, I just can’t put my finger on it.” 
Rosie nods next to him, knowing exactly what he means before he does
On their walk back, Alastor pointed out a tea shop “Would you like some tea?” He asked her
Voe wasn’t exactly paying attention when she heard his request “What?”
“Would you like some tea?”
“Uh sure,” They walk into the tea shop and he orders one for her “Oh right, you don’t like tea.”
“Oh, you noticed?”
She looks up at him “Oh, well yeah.”
“Mhmm.” He looks up again taking the tea when it’s handed to him. They walk out and he passes it to her, grazing her fingers as he does. She can feel the sharpness of his claws on her knuckles
She holds the tea with both hands and looks up “You’re being nice,”
“I suppose I am,”
“Why not?”
They keep walking “You’re not normally nice,”
“Would you rather me be mean?”
She smirks, “I’m not sure,” she sips the tea “Holy fuck that’s good as shit!”
Alastor chuckles at this reaction, his pupils lowering to view her gulping down the hot tea. They continue walking in silence as Voe plays with her wrist, and tugs on her ear, growing restless.
“Why did you want me to come on this walk?” she finally burst
“I do believe I already told you why,”
“But we just walked there and now we’re just walking back. Like, we’re not even talking!” she drinks more of the tea, her brows furrowed
His pupils are on her as he continues to walk forward “That is what I invited you to. A walk.”
Voe pouts as she finishes her tea, holding the cup until she can find a trash can “That’s boring as hell,”
Alastor shrugs as they continue to walk
“Are you a cannibal?”
Alastor rolls his eyes, knowing she wouldn’t be able to stay silent for long “Yes,”
She widens her eyes “So you eat other people?”
“That is the definition, darling.”
She stares straight ahead, in shock for a moment “So did you get something from where we were?”
“No, today I’m in the mood for venison.”
She looks around in confusion “Isn’t that deer?”
Voe starts snickering somewhat randomly, and Alastor stops to look at her, wondering what was so funny. When she sees him staring, she says “Of all the meats you could prefer, you found a way to be a cannibal, twice!” Alastor smirks at the somewhat amusing coincidence
“I suppose that is funny,”
“So like, were you that tall in real life or…”
“Because everyone is like a giant or a tree. I’m trying to figure out what the fuck happened to me.”
“Perhaps that is part of your punishment,”
“I think my punishment is growing fur on my legs, and having my ears on top of my head now. How am I supposed to listen to music like this??”
“Don’t think about that, think about how adorable it makes you look, little doe.” He pinches her cheek 
“Yeah, I know.” There’s a beat of silence before Voe chirps up again “You know you’re cute too.”
He does not respond to this. It has been quite a while since someone has dared to call him ‘cute’, especially to his face. 
“Do you think you’re attractive?” Voe piped up again. 
“I believe that I am wonderful.”
“That’s not what I asked you,” she scoffs 
He takes a moment to think “I suppose I do find myself attractive.”
“Hmm.” She smiles, humming to herself
Alastor looks down, pleased by the interaction.
When they arrive back at the hotel, Alastor stops her before she enters the doors.
“I’d like to discuss something with you, my dear.”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I require something from you.” Voe raises her brow “This will benefit both of us,”
“Mhmm?” she responds “What is it?”
He approaches, standing as close as he possibly can “Give me, your soul.” Voe widens her eyes “And I will teach you to control your powers, and I will protect you. It’s quite a good deal really.” He bends down to meet her eyes.
Vera sticks her hip out, thinking “No.”
“No?” Alastor is shocked “What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I mean no. I am not giving you my soul.” 
“Why not??” He questions, growing annoyed “I’m offering you protection and power.”
“A soul isn’t something that you can put a price on. I plan to own mine for eternity. Alastor’s eye starts to twitch “Why do you want to own me anyway?”
He looks away, not wanting to confront her gaze. “It’s really nothing my dear. It’s just a soul. You’re not using it.”
“If it’s nothing, why do you want it?”
“Because I’m willing to protect you.”
“But I didn’t ask you to.”
“I know, but we are becoming friends now, at least that’s what I thought you wanted, so I’d like to protect you.”
She smiles sarcastically “Ah, yes the age-old rule of friendship, one has to own the other.”
“Now now, I think you are misunderstanding the lack of value that your soul has, right now, it’s just a burden. Let me take that burden from you.”
“Of course, and you’re being so altruistic by helping me out.”
“Well, what’s the big deal? Angel gave his soul away and he’s doing just fine,”
Voe scoffs “Yeah, right. He is clearly miserable, no matter how much he lies to me about it.”
“Ah yes, being the most famous adult film star in Pentagram City is misery.”
“Oh don’t be dense! You know Valentino is weird. And not in a good way!”
“He is a bit feminine-“
“That is not what I meant!”
“What do you mean, my dear?” Alastor’s eyes pierced into her
Voe closes her eyes “What I am saying is that my soul is important to me, and I need to know why you want it.”
“To help you! Isn’t that what I said?” He tilts his head
“Okay, then give me yours.”
“You’re not powerful enough to take it,”
“That shouldn’t matter if you give it to me.”
“Why would you want my soul?”
“Why not? It’s just a soul. It’s a burden, I’m helping you out!”
“But, I gave you a reason. You haven’t given me one.”
“You didn’t give me one.”
“I did! I want to protect you. You’re not powerful enough to protect me. Or even yourself!”
Voe looks irritated “I can protect myself.”
“But what about Angel?”
“What about Angel?”
“You can’t protect him.”
Voe doesn’t respond to this. She purses her lips, looking away from the taller demon. 
“Like I said, give me your soul and I can help you…” his tone was sticky sweet and she started to consider it.
She shakes her head vigorously “No. If we’re going to be friends, we’re going to be equal.”
“Who said we wouldn’t be?”
“You own Husk, right?”
“You two are not equal.”
“Oh, Husker’s different. He’s just a sad old drunken gambler. He needs me.”
“And I don’t want to get to that point.”
His smile stretches up to his hairline “Oh, I would never do that to you. You’re much too smart.”
“I bet you said that to him!”
He rolls his eyes “You might be the only sinner this stubborn.”
She snickers “Of course not. You’re here too.”
“You really want to keep your soul?”
“Why are you asking me that, as if it’s unreasonable?!”
“I suppose you’re right..” he says looking quite annoyed
“Hey….” she leans forward 
“What?” he glares down at her
“Are you upset?”
He scoffs and enters the hotel doors, closing them behind him.
“Wow,” Voe steps back “Someone’s upset,” she said under her breath before entering the hotel doors herself.
Voe had been summoned to work in the middle of an afternoon, very unusual behavior from her boss, but of course she came. When she arrived, however, she did not find Velvette immediately. She saw Valentino smoking a cigarette and Vox pacing around hyped up on rage. Velvette approached her from the side.
“Hey love, you’re gonna want to sit down. Vox is not happy.”
Vox throws a table across the studio, sending papers flying
“Hey! Stop destroying my studio! It’s literally always me!” She goes to pick up the papers that he dropped, as he kicks in a door.
“YOU!!!!” he points at Voe, storming towards her “You said that he would be talking about me!!! Were you trying to make me look foolish?? Do you think this is a game???”
“Hey! HEY! No! Use your words!” Velvette yelled back at him 
Vox calms himself down and repeats the question “You said, he would be talking about me. But he ended up talking about you. Why??” he asked, riling himself up again
“That’s just what he told me!”
“Right, and then he goes on his broadcast to talk about you. And that’s just a coincidence?”
“I suppose..” she looks away
“Are you working with him?? Against us??”
“Then what the fuck was that?”
“I don’t know, I guess he just thought it was funny!”
Vox laughs full of insanity “Well here’s a joke, you’re fired!”
Voe’s stomach drops and she starts to sweat. Her mouth drops open, and she tries to keep the tears in her eyes from falling.
“Now hold on Vox, this is my employee, and I think there’s a better course of action that we can take.” Velvette claps her hands and the contract from earlier reappears. She turns to Voe “It’s been 5 months sweets. It’s time.”
Vox pushes her out of the way “Sign the contract or get the FUCK out!”
Valentino starts to laugh evilly. “Perfecto,” Valentino purrs, blowing smoke in her face again
“It’s time,” Vox stood in front of her, one of his eyes growing large
Voe is apprehensive “Uhh, this is my soul.”
“Do you want to be on billboards or not?” Velvette lifts her chin with her index finger. She manifests a quill and slides it into Voe’s hand.
‘Voe the Beau’ she signs, and it disappears. She looks to Velvette as Vox starts throwing a tantrum “Are you FUCKING kidding me?!”
“Oh calm down Vox,” she turns back to Voe “Is that your real name?” Voe shakes her head “Well write your real name,”
The three Vees all lean in cackling maniacally as she drags the quill over the contract. V-E-R-A
“Excellent,” Vox’s voice lowers in pitch “Now you’re going to help us destroy that Old Timey Prick, understand, my dear?”
Voe stares up at the man, nodding “Yes,”
The gang had started setting up for the party a few days ago, but Voe had just begun to notice.
“Hey, Voe!” Charlie waves “Do you wanna help set things up?”
She taps her chin “Not really,”
“Are you serious? This was your idea, and you’ve literally been nowhere to be found since we started working on this.” Vaggie scolded
“Vaggie! She just started working, give her a break!”
“Angel works, and he’s helping.”
“Angel has six arms,” Voe refutes
“No one said you had to do anything big. You could literally put up some posters or decorations. You don’t even participate in Charlie’s activities! Are you even trying to be redeemed??” Vaggie scoffs while Voe has no response “Ugh, whatever.” She walks off
“Vaggie!” she turns to Voe “Sorry Voe I know you’re doing your best.” she follows Vaggie out of the room
Voe didn’t know what to do at that moment. She didn’t want to start helping now and it would feel like everyone was staring at her, but she didn’t want to go to her room and prove them all right. She enters the kitchen and takes a seat. Niffty is sweeping the table furiously and muttering to herself. Voe sits and watches her clean. 
“Mommy, what are you doing?!”
“Hmm? What?”
Niffty pokes her with the broom “You’re in my way! I need to clean!” she moves her out of the kitchen with the broom “Make it clean, make it clean!” she keeps muttering as Voe leaves.
No one wants you here. 
She makes her way to Lucifer’s tower, with nothing to do and feeling very superfluous. It seemed like everyone was mad at her. She knocks on the door.
Lucifer opens the door “Can I help you-oh! Hey Voe! You can tell Charlie I’ll be down in a minute to help. I’m working on my Ducky ducks.”
“Um, hi. I was wondering if I could hang out in here?” She looks sheepish
“Oh yeah, of course.” He opens the door and lets her in as she goes to his wardrobe.
When Voe enters the room, she notices the King’s bare back. She watches him drape his shirt over his body. She closes the door. She continues to stare as he turns around to face her.
“Welcome back Ducky,” he widens his arms
“You don’t have to button up if you don’t want to. I mean, it’s…your lair, right?” a blush creeps up her neck “I mean, it’s your body, do what you want. I-“ she shakes her head
He tilts his says “You alright? You seem a bit on edge.”
She doesn’t answer but makes a few confusing gestures in response.
“Aww, what’s wrong with my Ducky? Is it Alastor again?” He pats the seat next to him and she sits in it
“Um, no. I just feel really out of place right now.”
“Would you like to stay in here for the rest of the day?”
She nods and he opens his arms. She lays on his still-exposed chest, feeling his warmth, and before she knows it, falls right to sleep.
She woke up to Lucifer shaking her “Hey,” he whispered in her ear “You wanna get ready for the party or do you wanna stay up here?”
“Hmm? Party?”
“You can stay up here if you’re not feeling up to it,”
Her eyes flutter open “Party? Oh shit, my party! They need me!” She stands up instantly “Sorry,” she says to the King  “I’d love to see you down there,” she tells him as she leaves the room.
She couldn’t host a party dressed like this. She made a beeline to her bedroom, throwing out a mountain of clothes to find the slim party dress she got from Velvette. (Hot pink of course). She removes her glasses and puts her hair up in a high pony, with some pieces falling in the front. She checks out her makeup, decides that it will suffice for the night, and heads her little tushy downstairs.
Once she heads downstairs she’s greeted by a very high Angel Dust “Hey! You finally made it!”
“Yeah, of course, it was my idea!”
“I thought you were gonna flake on us! Come here, sit down. Have some of Angel Dust!” he grins 
“Do you mean you or crack?”
Angel gestures toward the table, picking up a baggie to show her 
“How long have you been high today?”
“Not long, like 48 hours? I think?” 
“Okay, you should do that…less.”
He crosses two of his arms “I’ll stop doing crack when you admit you’re either fucking Alastor or Lucifer!”
“I’m not fucking either of them!”
“And I’m not gonna stop doing crack!”
“You weren’t gonna stop anyway.”
“You damn right!” He laughs and pulls her into a side hug “I love our relationship!” She laughs and hugs him back “Have a great time toots!”
Voe goes to the front of the parlor and puts her phone on a stand. She goes live on Sinstagram and speaks to the camera.
“This is Voe the Beau speaking. Coming to you live from the littest party this side of the Pentagram! Anybody who’s anybody is here and is staying here. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel bitches!”
oh shit they have parties over there??
ain’t nobody going to that shitty ass hotel
you look GOOD girl
“Thank you, thank you. Now that I’m here, parties are what’s on the agenda. We know that drinking and drugs do NOT make you a bad person. They’re just activities you can take part in to have fun. And we know that having fun is an essential part of redemption. Am I right?” she turns to Angel and calls him over “Angel! Angel! ANGEL!!” 
“What?” he comes over
“Talk to the live!”
“Wassup bitches!!! Come hit up the hotel. Free drinks, free drugs, and free SEX. In any room you like!”
Voe enters the camera “Not mine,”
“Definitely hers!”
“Nope! Not mine! The only one having sex in there is ME!”
i would totally come jus to have sex in her room
do we get to fuck u angel????
are u free 2night angel???
“Nope! I’m never free!” He cackles and walks back over to the table with the crack
“I’m technically free. You don’t pay with money, but you do pay.” She sticks out her tongue “Charlie! Charlie! Come here!” the Princess walks over “Talk to your people!”
“Hi?” She says with a drink in her hand
lol look it’s the bitch that leaves everyone starving and homeless
nobody gives a fuck about that bitch
can we cum fuck the princess of hell 2night?
“She is in a committed relationship, you guys.
can we kill the princess of hell???
“If y’all touch my bitch, Charlie, I’m ripping your fucking legs off, and that��s on period!”
“Maybe I should go?” she looks slightly uncomfortable and walks away
“Look what y’all did! Being mad fucking rude! Now y’all on timeout!” She walks away from the phone and over to the bar. “Hey Husker, are you still not willing to make me a good drink,”
“I would make you a good drink, but you keep asking for trash!”
“You’re telling me everyone here is fine with the hard stuff?”
“People wanna get drunk, they don’t care how. Nobody else is picky like you!”
She rolls her eyes “And no one else is as stubborn as you.” She pushes herself off the bar chair and waltzes to the middle of the dance floor. 
The great thing about the lights being dimmed for this party was that Alastor was able to blend in with the shadows, able to watch the residents and other employees at this party without having to engage in it himself. In the shadows, he stood and observed, the effeminate spider snorting lines of snow, the princess and her partner standing off to the side only interacting with each other, Husker behind the bar looking miserable and Niffty running under people’s feet cleaning things they’ve dropped. Yes, from this spot he could see them all.
Including her. He watched as she flitted about going from person to person, watching as she moved, as she danced. He watched as she put her hands on her hips, threw them in the air, and tucked strands of scarlet curls behind her ear. She was not wearing her glasses tonight, and without the frames, he was able to lay his eyes on the freckles that adorned her cheeks. A darker brown than her skin, perfectly framing and contrasting her red irises. The dress she wore hugged her frame and accentuated parts of her body that were hidden in her more modest choices of dresses. All this he noticed from the shadows.
Alastor had not spoken to her since she had declined to give him her soul. He would admit that the ask was a bit impromptu and his pitch wasn’t as airtight as it would usually be, but he thought of it as a good investment on the walk back from Rosie’s emporium. All in all, it still seemed like a good deal in his eyes. But when she told him no, it lit him on fire internally. He was disgusted, enraged, and- not that he would ever admit it -embarrassed. Surprisingly not embarrassed at the rejection, but at what came after. Why do you want to own me anyway? She’d asked. He’d been asked that many times, as a deal maker, and he always made it clear that what he wanted it for was his business, but this was the first time he’d dodged the question, not because he didn’t have an answer, but because his answer frightened him. For the first time, it was an answer that he didn’t even want to admit to himself, let alone to the person he sought to make a deal with. No matter, he would inevitably win her soul, maybe not today, but he had all of eternity to find a game she’d be willing to play.
Voe slinks away from the parlor and enters the kitchen, just to sit. She leans back against the wall, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply before exhaling a long breath. She remains there with her eyes closed before hearing
“Unfortunately I have to eat my own words, my dear.” Voe turns to find Alastor standing beside her “This was in fact, a good idea.”
Voe smirks “I know.”
“I saw you…dancing” He said 
She smiles up at him “I love to dance. Not like I’m a dancer or anything but, I took classes” She shrugs “I don’t know what I’m saying.” She laughs at herself
“It makes sense. I’m not a dancer either, but I can do a mean jitterbug,” he sits down
Voe laughs, and when she’s done a small smile is left “Are you still upset?”
“I have taken the time to think on it, and I have forgiven you,”
She scoffs “Forgiven me?? I did nothing wrong. Might I remind you, that you were upset with me just for wanting to know why you wanted my soul.” She leans back  in her chair
“I remember,” he says, his tone bordering on acidic
Voe glances back at him “If anything, I should be mad at you,”
“And why is that?”
“Because it’s just like a man to demand that he gets to own you,”
“Except I offered something in return,”
The doe turns to face him “They always do! But they never deliver.”
“I assure you that has never been an issue for me.”
“And how am I supposed to know? There’s too many that lie. And even when they aren’t lying, they do deliver and you find out it wasn’t worth it”
“Excuse me for my gentlemanly instincts to protect and help a lady”
“You use that word so loosely and unfoundedly. ‘Gentlemanly’. What even is that? There are no gentle men. Men are aggressive and manipulative. They demand control of you and make you suffer for it. You wanna know why I’m so stubborn? Maybe because I’ve dealt with too many ‘gentlemen’ who weren’t really ‘gentlemen’. If men could be ‘gentle men’, then maybe I’d be free to be a lady!” She spits back at the Overlord
“And I am telling you that I take that descriptor quite seriously. I may be a fearsome demon, but I was raised correctly by the strongest of women. I know of the struggles you refer to and even in death I work every. Single. Day. To be the solution to the problem that you’re afraid of.” The pitch of his voice lowers as he gets more serious “I may be capable of unspeakable things, but I am a demon of my word, so if I say that I am a gentleman, believe it. I am a gentleman and you are a lady, and I not only desire but crave to help and protect you.”
When he finishes speaking he looks down to realize that he is towering over her. She is looking at him with dilated pupils and her two-tone lips are slightly parted as she breathes heavily through them. Her chest rises and falls as she turns her head up to look him in the eye. The distance between them was shorter than a pinky finger, he could feel her breath on his neck, and see the flush rising up hers. 
He had never been this close to her, and the only thing he was aware of at this point was her. All he could see was her face, all he could hear was her breath, and all he could smell was her scent. There it was yet again, that burning, unfamiliar to him, somewhere inside his chest.
They sit in silence for a beat. 
He whispers “Why are you in here? This is your party after all.”
“Yeah,” she responds, her eyes darting around his face and chest “Sometimes I just need a break you know? A lot of music, a lot of people. I need to take a breather for my own sanity.” She laughs dryly “I’m surprised that’s one thing that followed me from life”
“I take it you’re not drinking.”
She nods “Correct,”
“Why not? Everyone else is,”
“Well, because Husker refuses to make me the kinds of drinks I like.”
“Which are?”
“Any kind of fruity or sweet drink. Preferably the kind where you can’t actually taste the alcohol.” she chuckles
“Oh my, that’s quite the request,” he squints his eyes
“Whatever, it’s what I like,” she shrugs shakily
“Husker my good friend!” Alastor calls to the cat over the music, when the bartender looks, Alastor says “Make the darling doe what she requests!”
Voe looks at the cat, sticking out her tongue and holding up her middle fingers as he sneers back at her. When he finally brings her the drink, she’s very excited. Alastor stares as she lifts the glass, wraps her lips around the rim, and empties it within seconds. “More rounds for the lady here!” he calls back to the cat and watches as she grins. After about 3 glasses, Voe began to feel the warmth overtake her. She shakes her head as Alastor watches her close her eyes and tilt her head back.
“Are you done?” he whispers to her
She shakes her head “One more,” she whispers back “I just want one more, and then I’ll be done,” she says and turns to look at the tall demon’s face, not being able to stop herself from grinning. He grins back at her and they start laughing. A constrained giggle is the best way to describe what came from their mouths. Husker brings the last glass for her along with a bottle and shot glass for Alastor.
“Ah you know me well, my good man.” He fills up his own glass, reaching over Voe and she stares at his arm, her eyes widening 
“You have really long arms,” she turns back to him with wide eyes
He downs his shot and looks at her “I suppose so,”
Voe opens her mouth to say something when Angel calls for her “Voe! Come over here toots! Cherri and Sugar are here!”
She turns to Alastor, “I’ll be back,” she reaches out to touch him, but then simply pats the air around him
“Ohh, hey it’s you,” Cherri rolls her eye
“Hey, sexy…” she wiggles her fingers
Cherri glances at Angel “Oh she is pissed” She grins “Maybe now she’ll be less weird!” 
Voe looks at Sugar “Hey girlie… I haven’t seen you in forever. You look so pretty.”
“Um thanks,” Sugar says, feeling uncomfy
“How are those pills not working yet?” Cherri asks Sugar
Sugar is holding her arm “‘Cuz I didn’t take them?”
“What the fu- take ‘em!”
Sugar rolls her eyes and throws her head back ingesting the mystery pills
“Oooh, what are we doing?” Voe does a shoulder shimmy
“LSD and X?”
Voe frog blinks “Like…like…like…ecstasy?” 
“I’ve never done that before,”
“Here,” Cherri opens her palm and has two of the pills in her hand
Her eyes are wide looking at Cherri’s hand
“Thought you didn’t do hard drugs toots,” He leans all over the girls
“It’s the only drug to do,” She pops one into her mouth
“I’ll smoke weeeeed. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY WEED?”
Cherri “I’ve got marijuana tablets,” she pulls some out of her pocket
Angel gasps looking offended “You had marijuana tablets and didn’t tell me?”
Voe takes a tablet and ingests it “And now we wait,” she grins 
Voe stands on the table in the parlor and starts to dance, her body swaying to the music. Alastor crosses his legs in the kitchen, downing another shot he sees her as she’s perched up on the table. Her curls wildly whipped back and forth with her head. The traceable curve of the arch in her back as she bends, and everything moves in slow motion as he watches her. He blinks and she is in front of him, leaning over to look into his face.
“Hi,” she’s very smiley and she hasn’t stopped moving, still somewhat dancing to the music. She wiggles her fingers at him
“Hello,” he speaks calmly and evenly
“You look so pretty sitting there,” she steps closer to him
He widens his eyes, “I take it that you’re now ossified?”
She squints “Are you asking me if I’m drunk?” she points at him
“Yes,” he nods
“Well…” she wiggles her finger, pointing at him “Yes,” she grins widely “But I know what I’m saying!”
“Be careful,”
She nods, her eyes wide and innocent “Okay,”
“Good girl,” he said, cupping her chin and dragging each claw over her skin. She felt her core twitch at his words but ignored it.
She bats her lashes “I want to touch your hair! Can I please? Just for one second. One second!” she begged
He sighs “Proceed,”
She giggles excitedly and her fingers quickly and lightly caress his strands, her mouth is agape “It’s so fluffy!”
He chuckles “I suppose,”
“Would you like to touch my hair?” 
Alastor shrugs “Sure,”
Voe hangs her head down in front of him, he grabs her ponytail with sufficient force and lets the strands run through his fingers.
“Oh my, it’s quite thick.” 
Voe puts her head back up and giggles “Just like me,”
“Exactly,” he winks 
“Your voice is so…” she does a chef’s kiss 
“Thank you?” he raises his brow
“No, thank you.”
She puts her finger on her lips and just giggles “I’ll be back,” she says again, heading back to the parlor
She returns to the dance floor and Alastor’s smile settles, until seeing that turkey they call the King of Hell approach her. He taps her on the shoulder and she turns around and is quite excited, her grin going from ear to ear. She pulls him into a tight hug and the tighter the hug gets the tighter Alastor’s chest feels. She says something to him and it causes a sly grin to form on his face.
“Do you wanna dance with me?”
“I’d be delighted to,”
“Okay, but you have to drink too”
“Oh, I’m not much of a drinker..”
She holds a shot in front of him “Oh come on..”
He takes the glass “Well, maybe a few,” he downs the shot quickly and reaches for the other shot in Voe’s hand, downing that as well. Voe wraps her arms around the King’s neck and pulls him closer to her
“How do you feel?” she whispers to him
“Pretty relaxed actually,”
She bites her lip “That’s good,” she takes his hat off and places it on her head, smirking at him. When the song changes, Voe turns herself so her back is touching Lucifer’s chest. She takes an arm and pulls him to press against her, Lucifer holding her hips in place, his face pressed into her neck. Alastor watches as she grinds her body against Lucifer, he squints and every moment where his front connects with her back is another inch that Alastor can feel vomit creeping up his throat. What on earth is he doing to her? Defiling her and in public! Lucifer spins her around by her hips, she looks shocked, but when he pulls her in with her chest touching his, he leans down toward her lips with his own and she leans in as well, almost closing the space between them. Alastor’s eyes widen and the air is caught in his throat.
“Voe,” he speaks sternly. The doe’s ears twitch in response and she turns her head toward him she smiles
“Everyone wants a piece of me tonight!” she whispers something in Lucifer’s ear and he whispers back, making her giggle, she comes over to Alastor “At your service Sir Bucky,” she bends down once more and giggles
“I was just wondering, you said you have taken dance classes, and I have yet to see you dance.”
She blinks in confusion “I was just dancing,”
“That was dancing?” he raises his eyebrow smirking
“Hmm, could’ve fooled me,” he taps his temple
Voe huffs and stands up straight “Are you saying I can’t dance?”
“If the tap shoe fits…” with a close-lipped smirk
She furrows her brow “I can dance!”
“Then, by all means, prove it.”
She looks around “How?” she pouts
“Is this not a party?” He stands and outstretches his hand “Show me what you’ve got”
She looks at his outstretched hand and back up at his face with awe. She places her hand inside his. His hand was cold and smooth, he placed his other on her waist and squeezed it slightly. He pulls her closer to him and her eyes are wide, her lips slightly parted and her head looking up at him. They start to dance, classic style, the music smooth and slow, not exactly Alastor’s preference, but better than the vulgar nonsense that was being played before. He led her, dancing her around in circles, twirling her, and pulling her close in what felt like a beautiful eternity. He ended with a gentlemanly dip, giving a light flick to Lucifer’s hat on her head, making it fall off. She stares at him in shock, while he stares at her like she is a delicious snack.
“You know what I just realized?” She asked with her chest heaving at every breath 
“Hmm?” He questioned with a grin on his face
“You sly buck, you just wanted me to dance with you” A smile creeps on her face. His grin turns evil and mischievous, his hand still firmly pressed on her back “You could have just asked.” Voe pressed her palms on Alastor’s hard chest, then brought them up to his shoulders, staring at him all the while. He had sweat on his forehead and some in his hair. 
“Where’s the fun in that?”
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Chapter 11>
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treason-and-plot · 5 months
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Wow! There's Saffy's backbone.
Yeah she's not known for holding back!
She's with a boy her own age that she actually likes. Be gone worm!
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Man, you write shades of grey so well. It’s hard to root for anybody, but it’s also hard to condemn anybody completely because all your characters’ actions are way too complex. “He’s wrong but..” “She shouldn’t have to deal with this but..” I could use your characters if I ever taught ethics class 😂 (except for Anita, that is, I always struggle to find any redeeming qualities in that lady :P)
Thank you so much Ash! I love writing morally grey characters who have questionable (but hopefully relatable) motives so it's extremely heartening to read your comment. And I love how steadfast you've always been in your opinion of Anita, lol!
I don't like this one bit. I hope Liam's brand new backbone doesn't evolve into an "if I can't have you..."-situation 😱
who knows what might have happened if fate hadn't intervened....
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Oooh it’s his snapping moment. He’s gonna do something drastic and crazier next.
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Ok, now let's see if he, the creep Liam, can process this information?! Whatever happens I hope Saffy will be ok... I'm worried Liam will do something utterly stupid and potentially dangerous.
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Ooooh shit's about to go down!!! 🍿
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I'm with @batsheba, this is not going to go down well with Liam...
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Be careful, Saffron. He's in a weird mindstate now.
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Oh no. He's going to snap.
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Liam will either have a meltdown right there, in the parking lot, or he'll wait until he's in the middle of class and doing something worse. I'm worried about what his breaking point will look like.
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And Saffron, men DO leave their wives. It's call divorce, honey. Life isn't as black and white as you think.
I didn't write Saffy's speech very well...what she was trying to say was that it's a well-known fact that married men never leave their wives for their side-pieces! She was actually quite enraged that Liam turned out to be the statistical anomaly, lol. That was the last thing she wanted to happen!
Woo. Saffron's right, but wow she's still got so much growing up to do. OTOH, Liam seemed to be with her in large part because she verbally abused him. It's such a messed up puppy.
Yeah, he seems to derive a perverse satisfaction from being the victim and indulging in self-defeating behaviour. It's also not an accident that the two women in his life routinely humiliate and criticise him.😬
Saffy's words can devastate ANYONE with strong emotions toward another person. It's like a knife to the heart.
Yeah, Saffy can be very acid-tongued. He probably deserved the wake up call but Saffy can count herself very lucky he didn't snap or do something as drastic as Stephanie.
😮 This is not going to end well. I wish Saffy had been a little more diplomatic. 😔
It definitely did not end well, but fortunately for Saffy she was not the one who was impacted the most! I hope at the very least she learns some important life lessons from this whole sorry experience.
I really hope this will make Mr. Yucky realize he better go live in the Twinbrook swamps and not make him do something stupid and ruin Saffy’s happiness 😭
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I'd tell her to slap him but I think he likes that so... maybe knee him in the balls then lol
lol he is such a pathetic masochist that he would probably enjoy that too!😆
He's a monster thru & thru
A sad, spineless, loser monster.
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That's gotta sting. Bwahahah. Also, what did he think she was going to do? Leap into his arms? She was never like that toward him to begin with.
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They are both better off without each other. Saffy is doing him a favor and he doesn't even know it. SMH
Liam was always doomed by his poor life decisions and victim mentality. I'm also thinking that it was possible he had affairs as a passive-aggressive form of revenge, but didn't count on falling so heavily for Saffy. In any case, I think he got what he deserved.
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There's something extremely funny (and by that I mean sad) in the fact that, not only entertainment american productions are entirely directed by the old white men executives at the top of the companies and not the diverse, multicultural ensemble of people who worked hard on them, but that the execs actually are inconsistent about it.
This year is filled with perfect examples: you have Strange World this november, an animated movie with POC and lgbtq+ rep, happening in a freshly odd universe, and the execs went 'oh no a liberal movie let's do our best to sink it so people never talk about it and give the studios 0 marketing budget so that it looks like there's no audience for this movie, and we'll have a good reason to never make one ever again'.
And then on the other hand you have the tv series Severance that released in february which is a psychological thriller with mystery and a white main character so the execs went 'ooooh a large audience to market on' so they boosted it up. But what they didn't realize and frankly it's hilarious, is that Severance, in the same vibe than The Boys on Amazon Prime Video, is a show that mocks the system of its own production company. Severance mocks formatted dull work places and formatting and is produced by Apple. The Boys mocks rotten corporate means and is produced by Amazon.
So that MEANS that executives, who work in those shitty companies, and you would expect them to have at least a few brain cells since they are multi billion international companies, don't even check what a media is about if it looks from afar that they can market on it and make a lot of profit, but will stop right in its tracks a media that remotely looks like it's out of the mold.
TL;DR: Executives from the world's biggest entertainment companies not only have trash opinion, but they don't even do they job correctly on stuff they approve.
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deathsbestgirl · 5 months
I love your thoughts on the cancer arc and your second post reminded me that Mulder straight up murders the guy who was surveilling him. Now it's been a minute but were there ever any consequences for that? Like officially or otherwise? Like on his soul? Or was it just a case of ooooh it's Blevins and the FBI was so embarrassed that they just gave him a lil freebie?
oh i love this question. i think he got a freebie 🤣 like blevins oversaw the x files for a while, he had a decent amount of power within the fbi. to out a man in blevins' position and being right is actually pretty insane. it was illegal surveillance, scully was dying because of what blevins did/was part of. like they were investigating her cancer, an approved investigation. whether there was any real proof tying blevins to it barely matters because he ran (and then was killed, made to look like a suicide?) all the marks of a guilty man, even though i'm sure he was a small player, most likely a pawn, the perfect fall man. in the end, even though mulder killed a man and broke into a government facility...this time he was right and kind of saved the fbi's asses. (and arguably, possibly helped cover up the bigger conspiracy for the moment. but what mattered then was scully so.) AND if they tried, mulder+scully would have dug up more, and bringing that to the fbi's attention, into a court of law would have been very bad. so like other times, i'm sure csm was pulling some strings. and skinner 100% would have been backing them (even without csm pulling his strings).
i also don't think this was a kill that weighed on his conscience at all. the man he killed, while also probably a pawn, had to know enough about the syndicate. he was part of the conspiracy, undergoing illegal surveillance, at the least keeping tabs on their progress and at worst helping hinder it. which is why he started burning the files when he realized mulder found him out. he didn't simply run, he was protecting his investigation and the men behind it.
it always comes down to how mulder will do anything for scully, and that very much includes killing people endangering her, hurting her, trying to kill her. like in unruhe, he wanted to know more about gerry schnauzer but he didn't hesitate to kill him and he didn't feel any guilt over it. (mulder would do this for anyone being victimized, he regrets not killing the man in young at heart idr his name rn lol and he doesn't hesitate to shoot him when he's holding that woman hostage. but scully is of personal priority, and after everything she's been through, i think he's quicker to react & go to extremes.) like somewhere recently, i mentioned fight the future, which is only a year after this. he gets shot in the head and finds his way to antarctica to save her. he doesn't for a moment question if he can, or should, or what scully would do for him. he just does it. and thankfully, well manicured man hands him the cure. (WHICH i love that wmm does this, because the syndicate knows the best way to take mulder is out is by eliminating scully. but what they did doesn't eliminate her. wmm recognizes this is only going to hurt them. very much like what could have happened in reduxes. antarctica is what solidified that killing either of them, or splitting them up, was not an option. at least that's the way i see it haha)
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turtlesocksv2 · 4 months
Liveblogging DFF episode 9
last time we checked in, Non was having just the Worst Time Possible, everyone was trying to cover their asses and Phi was entering into Murder/Detective Mode.
i know i've said it before but god the opening credits are SO GOOD. i don't think we appreciate them enough.
We're back in the present day! it's been so long! Tan is fucking brave to fight Fluke for the gun.
IT'S WHITE WITH THE STEEL CHAIR TRIPOD! BAH GOD THAT MAN HAD A FAMILY! love you white you're doing amazing sweetie.
...there was just a water bottle there at the shrine? and it looked opened? are you actually going to drink that? at least you smelled it first??? Ahhhh but notice Phi doesn't drink it! he lets Jin drink it but doesn't do it himself! my sus king.
"Why are you being so nice to me" i mean, dude is at least nominally your friend and you dislocated your shoulder or whatever and there's a killer out there after you guys? i think that'd be cause enough for Phi to be nice lmao. I get it though, Jin, i get it.
Aha, so we've got some timeline stuff. PhiJin absolutely happened POST PhiNon, which i had seen some intriguing theories that maybe PhiJin was actually first but this is confirmation otherwise. also that Jin very much had feelings for Phi but Phi was the one pushing the friends agenda, which we mostly knew.
Jin on that "you like Tan!" shit again, no wonder Phi didn't want to be in a relationship with your insecure self lmao. Tan is just his Bestie who helps with his Plucky Girl Detectiving, no big deal.
Once again, Jin sees things that Phi doesn't. shortly after the water. Hallucinogen maybe? guilty conscience definitely.
well that's one way to snap him out of the panic
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slight detour inspired by the blood splatter everywhere in this shrine is that if the Janta Cult isn't real/doesn't play a part in this somehow, I'm going to be so upset. why bring up perfectly good murder cults if you're not going to give us the payoff? BOC? Dr Sammon I just have questions! (that said, the theory that the mafia is using the cult rumors as a front for a body dumping ground is intriguing.)
Oh ho, Phi's gonna confess everything to Jin! but will it really be everything? 👀
poor Phi is so conflicted. he's hurt, but he loves Non but he doesn't want to see him but he doesn't want to end up like his divorced parents, he can't stop thinking about it, he regrets what he said, but he still so hurt.
Non's dad got transferred. interesting.
Ooooh Phi found the picture! and the real script!
Non's mom knows Phi. I wonder if she knew they were boyfriends of if she thought they were just friends. lmao at her Ring The Doorbell You Shady Shit, Were You Raised In A Barn?
New contacting Phi as the news breaks...the drama. i love it.
Tan is New confirmed!
OOOF. major oof. "aren't you sad i'm going to England?" "Whether you're here or not doesn't make a difference" just ouch.
He may have been a Not Great brother in your life, Non, but in your death New/Tan is going to Get Answers and Get Justice! giving up a scholarship in England, lying to his parents about it...Tan is going to Fuck Shit Up.
Jin, get your 'there's a cute boy around!!!!" face under control.
Tan just dives right in to asking questions and these bitches are so fucking sus from the word 'go'. yeah, they clearly have something to do with Non disappearing.
lmao Jin does not stand a fucking chance against Phi's seduction.
i am dying at Tan's "You didn't study, dumbass" on his ankle. Top's face is Too Funny.
Aww, White waiting for Tee after school and the group roasting them is really cute.
Phi how dare you take Jin to your and Non's spot! so rude! can't trust men at all, the second you disappear he's taking another man to the place you became boyfriends.😂 Jin awkwardly trying to figure out of this means Phi likes him back is cute.
Why Jin, how bold! asking Phi to stay the night!
oh damn this is full on full on, okay. Ta's ass just out there bare. "don't worry, i won't be too harsh i don't want to dislocate your shoulder" "who fucks so hard they dislocate a shoulder?" somewhere else in Bangkok VegasPete's ears are burning. Anyway, Phi was like 'don't test me, i'm being gentle for YOUR sake.' and that's the Minor Family Theerapanyakul in Ta. i was absolutely waiting for that astronaut dog figurine to fall lmao.
Tan going for the kill with that Did You Cheat On My Brother. Tan i'm sorry but not only is your brother most likely dead but Phi and Non are actually very broken upright now, no matter how much Phi wishes neither of those were true. Phi is in the clear here re: Cheating. He is not in the clear for manipulating Jin into sleeping with him, but like, Jin's into it so whatever for now.
"Fuck him however much you want but don't fall in love. He's with those assholes so he's also an asshole" i mean! He's not wrong! Jin is a good looking nice boy he could absolutely find other friends. the fact that he stays with these fuckheads......
poor Non's parents.
these teenage boys have better skincare routines than I do and I'm
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Jin just pass Phi a note in class: Do U Like Me Check Yes Or No
Ah, Jin has such bad timing. Everything about this is brutal. but lol this makes the 2nd boy in a row that Jin likes that doesn't like him back.
Tan doing chemistry shit. he's gonna be drugging everyone i just know it. also, never ever have your cellphone out in a lab and never answer it with your gloves on! Lab Safety 101!!!!
damn, Tan, you could have at least made up a part time job in england or something so that your parents didn't have to sell their house. this entire family's been ripped apart by all this shit.
and now Tan is alone. all he has is his investigation into Non and Phi his sort of brother-in-law.
oh shit, was it Tan's cigarette smoke that was causing hallucinations???! or are they the antidote to whatever Tan drugged the others with or both?
confirmation that Tan was drugging everyone!
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lol Tan's face at he very end as he takes in the chaos
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number-0-iz · 25 days
Live thoughts of Bridgerton
Season 3, episode 1
Colin getting dressed in the carriage lmao
He is definitely better looking but I still don't think he's all that hot. Sorry not sorry. Maybe I'll change my mind.
Ah yes big ass feathers
I love that. I don't speak ASL (also mainly cause English isn't my first language) but it is so cool.
The queen be bored lmao.
Charlotte as fierce as ever.
Me the whole time Fran was walking: don't fall don't fall don't fall
Player Colin is...a little weird lma
Oh shit the sister doesn't seem to like him 😭
Rip aunt Petunia, she seemed cool.
Oh u feel like the truth from last season will come out about the Featheringtons.
Ugh friendship with Cressida? Eloise?
This is probably why she suddenly keeps up with seasonal styles?
God I hope they didn't change her too much or that she didn't lose herself.
I am not even 15 minutes in.
At least Violet seems to know something is up with Eloise.
"Tender young ladies." 😭
Damn all of the flirting jesus
Damn Portia has it all planned out huh
I too would take a deep breath like that if I had to share a carriage with Portia
"NO! Outside. Where our mother can't see." He says with a grin.
Lmao I love this man.
Please don't tell me Eloise has given up on being keen to learn and intellectual and a feminist
Because if she has, I will throw my phone at the wall.
"I lost the battle and I have no appetite for the war. I've joined the winning side."
So you mean to tell me that you have truly given up on your principles Eloise?
I wish Eloise would listen to Pen and they would be friends again.
"She was a very cold lady."
"She is colder now, I'm afraid."
That was so savage.
Please let Mondrich and his family get a lot of cash as an inheritance.
They deserve it
Aww their hands.
Ah another fantastic ball of Lady Danbury.
Oh Kate looks beautiful!!
Aww Mr. Finch is so proud of his sister in law. Greenest flag.
I got distracted by Instagram reels when I went to look for the playlist of classical music covers used in the new season.
Oh awkward Eloise
Ugh rude men
Oh Debling seems interesting.
And Eloise tried to apologise and Pen ran away 😭
"I overheard you." OOOOH
Cressida is a bitch. Eloise should not approve and be angry.
Oh sensitive Cressida? Damn.
How did I only now notice that Kate is left handed lol
Oh no not Penelope's scathing Whistledown letter
This'll be bad
Footman: Lord Kent. *proceeds to bow* welcome to your new home.
The kid: aye yo what the fuck
"I will never forgive her." Oh Colin if only you knew.
Well that was quite something! I really liked this episode if I am being honest! God I already wanna turn back to my season 2 Bridgerton AU with my OC that I made a few years ago but never posted. Am I going to watch episode 2 rn? Yes because I cannot wait. Will I leave yet another long reaction list like this one? Probably not cause I want to get a handle on my phone usage. But maybe another time! Until then!
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wormlette · 3 months
We want to know your Farcille Half-Foot Incident Ideas please
OK SO THE FARCILLE HALF FOOT INCIDENT THAT LIVES IN MY BRAIN. nobody look at me i'm really tender about my farcille headcanons
Spoilers for like ch22 til 50ish and for anime onlys
SO ROLESWAP WITH FALIN AS THE ONE GOING TO RESCUE LAIOS AFTER HE GETS EATEN BY THE DRAGON. things would be similar to in canon with some differences. Laios getting fuckin bit in half saving falin. Marcille being the one to teleport them all and feeling really guilty for leaving laios behind but she was unable to stomach the idea of losing falin when it was so close to happening… both of them still having chil tag along (chil is now the one pining for his missing touden btw. if you even care).
And meeting Senshi who is a bit more reserved about Falin’s magic but less wary because it’s gnomish and he knew gnomes at least. Falin and Marcille both doing dark magic together to resurrect him. (Um. Falin may have put herself in the dungeon a bit and well you see she might just be a beautiful puppy girl with gender affirming fangs and feathers and. um. the dragon cock) and
She is grappling with taking what she wants and no longer just being understanding and easygoing and protecting everyone else but having to confront seizing her own happiness and her own life and rescuing Laios even if other people don’t like him. i see her as being a fundamentally deeply enmeshed character and growing from that would be her plot arc. Namari would still leave but they might still have Shuro idk. Or maybe Falin would alienate him by saying something abt Laios mattering more and not caring about Shuro or if he loved her if he can’t save Laios then who gives a shit about him. And then he’d leave to get his retainers and prove himself to HER rather than his father I think. Yeah that’s pretty good
And ANYWAYS falin is already a chimera so the changeling shrooms maybe don’t affect her or maybe she just gets like. Um. you know how izutsumi just becomes a different race of beastkin. Don’t look at me. And then Marcille is still a half foot and she gets soooooo overwhelmed. The speculative bio of it all. The undocked long tail. (Chil could share a little lore about them traditionally being docked at adolescence to become an adult to avoid stigma of being considered basically beast men etc [and falin would be like ooooh shit that’s why he’s so weird about eating demihumans huh bcuz some ppl consider half-foots basically as that.] but also that more modern half-foots are eschewing the tradition... He let his kids pick what they wanted to do, and Fler wanted hers docked but Mei and Puck chose to keep them.)
And anyway overwhelmed Marcille just wants Falin to take care of her so Falin carries her away in her big strong chimera tallman arms and keeps brushing her whiskers and well. They simply get so curious about each others’ bodies (no chance to explore really with the pace of the dungeon and staying ahead of Others), that they simply must bang it out. Falin can smell her. Btw. Biting with the fangs. Btwwww
Chil also had an experience of chimera laios treating him oh so gently and staring at him w the same usual dopey laios look before wreaking havoc on everyone else. Btw. And it keeps him up at night. If u even care
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'Every great actor understands how to harness the tools they've been given. For Christopher Walken, it's his pinball-esque grasp of cadence. For Jack Nicholson, it's the Play-Doh structure of his face. Then there's Cillian Murphy. Some may say it's the eyes, those piercing almost-translucent blue orbs that help him oscillate from warm to terrifying in a split second. But no, sorry, they're wrong. Nothing but love to those pearly peepers, but the real magic of Murphy's face is that razor-sharp set of blades hugging the side of his head.
Those cheekbones, so sharp you could probably run his face up a bottle of champagne and the cork would fly off. So cutting you could make sushi with them. You would probably have to baby-proof his face for fear of toddlers happening across those dangerous corners. But beyond just how they look (very good), Murphy understands the power they have in his performances. They can transform him from menacing to ghoulish to inviting, sometimes in the space of one role. With Oppenheimer on the horizon, we've ranked Murphy's cheekbone-iest roles to date.
6. Batman Begins (2008)
As the Kens of Barbie are defined by their jobs, the style and mood of a movie will dictate how the Cillian Murphy cheekbones operate on screen: in Oppenheimer, they remind us of the deathly, apocalyptic stakes of the A-bomb. In 28 Days Later, they make everything a little more scary. In Red Eye, they’re serving. Which brings us to Batman Begins, in which Murphy portrays the DC series’ central purveyor of spook, Jonathan Crane, AKA the Scarecrow, ooooh. It’s most appropriate, then, that the tautness of Murphy’s face gives him a hot, skeletal allure, which is also kinda spooky. He can dose us with a demonic hallucinogen any day. JK
5. Red Eye (2005)
We're about to say something Cillian Murphy will, at worst, hate, or, at best, be utterly baffled by thanks to his refusal to exist in the age of the internet. But those cheekbones? In the 2005 Wes Craven underrated film Red Eye? They're serving cunt. Slicey McGee's second consecutive villain role after Batman Begins traded the burlap sack for an eye mask in this thriller where he plays a seemingly nice hot man who turns out to be a terrorist. Modern dating, amirite? The cheekbones do some transformative heavy lifting in this, getting more hollow the more menacing he needs to be. He's essentially Wolverine but the retractable knives are on his face. And, just in case it needed to be confirmed, yes, the cheekbones still hold up under airplane bathroom lighting. The jammy sod. LF
4. Sunshine (2007)
After 28 Days Later, Danny Boyle's second Murphy team-up upped the ante in a fashion any good sequel should: they took the cheekbones all the way to space. If we learned anything about those staggering face cliffs over the course of Murphy’s early career, it’s that they always, always deserve the best lighting possible. Nay, they demand it. Which is presumably why Boyle took Murphy to the surface of a dying star, because fuck a ring light when you’ve got cheeks like these. Chris Nolan would essentially do the same years later with Oppenheimer, though substituting the sun for an atomic explosion. Do NOT turn down the brightness. JK
3. Peaky Blinders (2013-2022)
Has the term peaky blinders been used as slang for cheekbones yet? If not, it should. Think about it, “That boy Cillian's got a cracking set of peaky blinders on him”. It just works. Murphy's almost decade-long tenure as gang leader Tommy Shelby did so much for the landscape of men's fashion – You could barely walk down the street without seeing at least a handful of lads sporting his drastic undercut. And while we're not here to yuck anyone's yum, the real secret sauce of that haircut that so many failed to recognise is that it was following the severe line of his 90-degree, razor-sharp cheekbones. They were simply two parallel lines fighting for supremacy on one man's head, but we know who came out on top in the end. LF
2. 28 Days Later (2002)
Like Watergate, the Moon landing and 9/11, most people can remember where they were when they first saw 28 Days Later, because it was the day that Danny Boyle introduced the Cillibones to the world. Lives were changed, the planet shook, something shifted: here was the most archetypal Man to Be Shot in Close-Up ever seen on screen, unleashing upon the world a cheekbone fever stronger and all the more unhinged than a rage-inducing virus. People literally died. Good movie, too. JK
Oppenheimer (2023)
Christopher Nolan loves Cillian Murphy's face so much he shoots it in pretty much every way he can in Oppenheimer – Colour, black and white, extremely close-up, lit by the fire of 100 tons of plutonium. Not to mention the IMAX cameras! The man just wants to see his guy look glorious on the biggest screen possible, and the result is blinding. Hand us the welder's glass, Oppy, we're about to lose our retinas here. Murphy shed weight to play the emaciated father of the atomic bomb, which give the Cillibones™ a chance to pop even more than usual. He ends up looking like a besuited Grim Reaper which, for someone who utters the iconic phrase “I am become death, destroyer of worlds”, tracks. When the time comes for Murphy to inevitably win an Oscar for this role, we hope there's enough room on the plaque to engrave a co-winner in the shape of his own bone structure. LF'
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