#and also ill have to look for shops in a whole other city so im putting off quiting for another month or two or three maybe
haven-gum-rockrose · 14 days
going through it lately. and by it? i mean absolutely nothing actually.
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corvidshipping · 2 years
fuck it b.tb s/i lore dump
(EXTREMELY long post under the cut. sincerely. genuinely. i wrote a novel. also, spoilers)
born Jane Child (in some legal documents its spelled as Jane C.hilde cause yknow how spelling was just straight up not standardized back then) sometime in the late 1400s (the date im using is 1490 but that could change very easily.
mildly poor family, not exactly peasants but tradesmen by birth. blacksmiths, carpenters, etc.
bc their family was yknw. lower class. they started studying/training to work very early on since it was necessary for them to help support their family since they very likely wouldnt get much from marrying. so between like 11-14 years old they started studying under a local midwife and eventually became apprenticed to her.
eventually became pretty good at it and started doing it on their own in early adulthood. became known as trustworthy, clean, and supportive.
married at around eighteenISH. to a man named nicholas fletcher, who was (huge surprise) a generational arrowmaker. his family had passed down a shop... or something.. for generations.
they were definitely bi and nb the entire time but bc of the restrictions of the era they never reaaaally realized it. jane and nicholas were never really. in love. there was no hate or anything they cared about each other very much but they were more best friends than anything else. in fact they probably never actually said i love you to each other like. ever.
bore a son that same year, who would be named bartholomew fletcher. barty for short :-)
stuff happens etc etc and they eventually get Ye Olde 15th Century Callout Post and accused of beign a witch by a noblewoman and was executed for it aroooouuund 1511-1516ish.
these next few points will be presented in greentext format bc i think its the funniest possible way to explain it
>be me, simple english midwife wrongly executed for witchcraft >spend the next several centuries in a dreamless slumber underground >wake up randomly one day >whole council of Shadowy Figures is standing over me >they explain ive been chosen for a "special purpose" and its an "honor" >mfw
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>they ask me if ill go to the surface to find some dude they claim used to work for him but went insane and got too "dangerous to the veil" to keep around >dont understand but say okay anyway cause anything is better than being underground any longer >get up there, everything is weird and bright and different now >realize i have weird burns on my face from being burnt at the FUCKING stake >they (the shadow figures) told me no one can know what im doing so find a passable mask in a thrift shop >random child is walking on the street alone, apparently lost >help her home bc im dead, not a bad person >disappear before her mom sees >days pass, im at the city center >drew up my own wanted posters for the guy bc i have no clue where else to start >a group of people starts staring at me >look to see why >its the same FUCKING child i walked home days ago >she recognized the dumbass mask >whyaretheyinclownmakeup.jpeg >runaway.jpeg >think i escaped cleanly but they find me from the wanted poster >try to think of a lie on the spot but instead i claim im a janitor >a janitor. at a park. >claim the guy was wanted for trespassing and being a general nuisance >they seem to buy the story and leave >FINALLY find the bastard whos behind all this >pull out the magic bigass chain i got given by the Creepy Shadow People >thisisntevenmyfinalform.jpeg >he pulls out an even bigger hammer >ohfuck.jpeg >he homeruns me through a goddamn WALL. >end up landing next to the same weird clownpeople who almost figured me out the first time >apparently the guy merked their boss ??? >explain the story to them and theyre weirdly cool about it >decide to take a psychological approach, go back down underground and ask for the fun special book with everyones entire life story in it >ohoho ive got you now motherfucker. >random puppet seller or something who died alone, who cares >wait whos that >ohfuckpart2.jpeg >guy isnt a rogue agent at all, the new HBIC is the person who murdered him and they dont want him to be a problem for them. >struggle morally >find him again, try to explain whats going on and convince him hes in danger >he is not having it >the big fucking hammer is back again. >fuck this, time to activate my special ability: Big Ass Fucking Wrecking Ball >cold wind blows >the HBIC has arrived. >says i took too long so now theyre doing it themself. >pent up rage at wrongful execution 500 years ago builds up >guess i didnt deal with that trauma as well as i thought >animefight.jpeg >literally kill death themself. >shadow people come back to drag me back underground >wait no, theyre actually asking me if i want to be death now since i killed them >or i can go back underground and sleep peacefully for the rest of time and dream of my former life >show me what will happen if i choose to take the scythe >looks boring and lonely as shit to do for the rest of forever >show me my ex-husband and son who i will dream of if i go back >really struggle with it >remember that guy i was hired to find >remember clownpeople i bonded with while hunting his ass >god it has to be lonely for him to be the only dead guy walking on earth huh. >fine.jpeg >everyone is shocked to see me come back >they were sure i was gonna peace out after that bullshit >lolno.jpeg >tell dude hes stuck with my annoying ass now >he acts super irritated with it >end up spending time around him because our jobs cross paths >hes kinda funny in a mildly frightening way >deliberately spend more time around him because its not like theres anyone else around >shit hes kinda cool >shit hes kinda hot in a dead guy way what do i do, i think im in love with him now.
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nikrangdan · 4 years
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pairing: cafeworker!ni-ki x female reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: the cashier at the new coffee shop was so adorable you just couldn’t resist visiting just for him
**did not proofread
contrary to popular belief, you were NOT a social person
whenever you were around friends and family, you were always the loudest person there
like SHUT UP Y/N!!!!!!
anyways although you were loud, people still enjoyed being around you because you had such a sweet soul and interesting humor
everyone close to you knew that you hated talking to people you didnt know
but to all the strangers? no
they would think you were an outgoing ready-to-meet-new-people extrovert
which was so, so wrong
but ALAS, you had to talk strangers almost everyday living in 2020
(well lets pretend we arent in the middle of a pandemic right now)
moving on......
so you were in high school at the downfall of your existence
you used to have so many friends when you were younger ..now you only have like 3
and those three were always busy (busy making up excuses thats for sure) so you never really hung out with them outside of school
and on one fine evening after school you decided to visit the new cafe 5 minutes from your house
u were really excited because all the cafes were 15 minutes from your house so now u could just walk to this one if u wanted to !!!
but yeah it was in the middle of a small plaza that had cute buildings
you pulled up to the parking lot and was just about to get out the car when u remembered..
u have to talk to the cashier :/
who’s a stranger! even more ://
it was always so weird to you.. whenever you went out you always had someone else order for you because you just hated talking to strangers
you just felt uncomfortable and you couldnt help it
its not like you have never ordered for yourself but you would always prefer not to
and now that you think about it
this is the first time you have gone out by yourself
you did text one of your friends beforehand but they said they “had homework to do”
but you really wanted to try the coffee so you just ran with it
time to face your fears!
you opened the glass door to reveal a cute looking cafe, like the ones you’d see in movies
you loved it already
glancing to the cashier you’d have to be talking to—
hold on
you had to do a double take because WOAH.....
the cashier...
you have never seen a boy like that in your life
you stood there for like 3 seconds before coming to your senses and standing infront of the menu
that was infrONT OF HIM
“hi, what can i get for you?”
“oh um.. can i get a second to .. look..?”
“yeah of course,” he gestured to the menu on the wall above him
hes so nice u almost cried
your eyes shakily traveled up to the chalkboard menu and u began to ‘read’ the options
its like u could feel his eyes on u WTF!!!!
um um um *internally keyboard smashes*
you couldnt even think
the words on the menu were like gibberish
the ONE time u go out by yourself
this had to happen.. of course! someone had it out for you, you were sure of it >:(
picking a random drink you gave him your order
“uh can i have an iced caramel macchiato?”
u cant help but think hes judging you
he looks like that while u are standing there in old sweatpants your dads tshirt
“sure, what size?” he looks into your eyes after putting your order into the machine
god you felt your heart stop
his Eyes..... theyre so beautiful
“oh um regular” you attempted to give a small smile
hopefully it looked like one
“okay that’ll be $5.12.”
you dug out some cash from your bag and handed it to him
he gave u your change and gave u a small smile
“your drink will be out in a minute”
he went :)
he is so CUTE.....?!?!
he looked around your age too
sigh... you knew he was way out of your league though
you were gushing over him but he probably thought you were just another boring customer
while waiting u sat at one of the 2 person tables on your phone
and u IMMEDIATELY went to text your groupchat
you tried to quickly put your phone down without looking suspicious when you saw him walking towards you with a drink in his hand
“here you go, enjoy” he said before swiftly making his way back to the counter and talking to the other worker there
wow... hes so mesmerizing
you’d steal glances at him every now and then while taking sips of your drink
you were sitting there for like 20 minutes before you noticed you finished your drink
you totally forgot you came here to see how good their coffee was
it was good by the way
sadly it was your time to leave
taking one last glance at him, you threw away your empty cup and walked out the door
u cant believe you got to witness the most beautiful human being ever
in your small town?? crazy
you were sitting in your car just thinking
you mentally punched yourself but then you started laughing
what does knowing his name even matter, its not like u were ever going to talk to him anyway
*sad emoji*
but the coffee was good so you definitely planned to go back
and not just because of the cute boy
*time skip*
the next day you went there was a week later at the same time in hopes that he was working the same shift
score! 1 for y/n, 0 for umm... any other person who had a crush on him too i guess
the cafe didnt have too many people since it was fairly new and also in a small part of the city
so when you went in, you were the only one there along with the two workers
“welcome, what would you like to order?”
he looked even cuter today
his messy blond hair almost covered his eyes
you shouldve forced your friend to come with you this time
you ordered the same thing as last time but this time he asked for your name
“um y/n” you answered
your heart was always beating 2 times as fast whenever you had to talk to him
he wrote it down on the cup and after you paid, you went to sit down at the same spot as last time
looking at him is literally the highlight of your day
the same thing happened as last time, he came over and gave you your drink without giving u a second glance
boooo look at me cute boy
nonetheless u continued going to the cafe at the same time as much as u could which was like three times a week
literally over a month later and u dont think anythings going to happen
u punch yourself for thinking the boy would somehow find interest in you
hes still indifferent to you which isn’t surprising since you’ve never made any kind of move
he should know u by now
*time skip again*
it was a saturday
at this point you’ve basically given up on having a crush on him and now since its become a routine u just say you go for the coffee
not really paying attention to your surroundings you dont notice that the boy at the cash register isnt the normal one you see almost everyday
“hey, what would you like to order?”
woah WHAT
you look up from your bag to notice a boy that was definitely not the one that normally stood infront of it at this time
and you also noticed something on this new cashier
a name tag
how come your old little crush didnt have one????
this new boys name was ‘jay’ and he was fairly cute too
looking around the corner at the other worker u noticed he has a name tag too
you recognized him because he was always working when the cute boy was at the cash register
his name was ‘heeseung’
after taking in these new additions you answered to jay
“oh um.. can i ge-,”
“she gets an iced caramel macchiato. her name is y/n”
you whipped your head around so fast to see who said that behind you
was it who you thought it was ??!??!
you widened your eyes at the boy who wasnt wearing his normal black and white uniform
instead he was wearing black ripped jeans and a gray hoodie
wow....... and u thought he couldnt look any better
“oh wow ni-ki, you know her?” the boy named jay asked him
“uh yeah.. shes a regular” he said before walking to stand next to you
u thought his name fit him perfectly its so CUTE
“are you gonna get something too?”
this whole time you were silent because.. what is going on
your heart was being SO fast you thought that everyone could hear it
“yup, can i get the same thing? also im paying for both of us”
ur eyes widened even more it looked like they were gonna pop out of its sockets
u unconsciously leaned towards the boy next you and kind of put your hands up
“w-what?? oh um no, you dont have to do that” you nervously said to him as he looked down at you
he kind of had a smile on his face
“i want to.”
there is no way this is happening
“oiiii ni-ki” jay chuckled while punching in numbers on the cash register
“ill have both of your drinks out soon, you two kids have fun!” jay said before turning around to face heeseung
your jaw almost dropped from shock
millions of thoughts ran through your brain and you couldnt even process anything
u cant believe this was happening
it was like a wattpad story or something.. is this how u meet ur soulmate
your thoughts were interrupted by a hand on your back momentarily and u look to see ni-ki shyly grinning and gesturing u towards a table
no way...
you awkwardly follow him to a 2 person table next to wall and sit down
you literally could not hear anything except for the pounding of your heart
“uh sorry about that...” he rubbed his neck and sheepishly smiled
“im ni-ki by the way”
“y/n...” u felt so awkward u wanted to cry
“agh, im really sorry if that was weird.. i just didnt know how to ask you out.....” he trailed off
*passes out*
Ok but u felt ur heart stop bc NO WAY
“wait what??” u ask, ur eyes bigger than the moon
“um yeah... haha i took the day off today to try to talk to you.. sorry if that was weird..”
“no its okay!! im glad actually...”
“really? so is it okay if we hang out?” he asked excitedly
u did not think u could handle HOW CUTE THIS BOY WAS O M G...
“of course! sorry if im kind of awkward though” you gave a small smile
“its okay, i think i am too”
you two began talking about the cafe and where you went to school
turns out even though you two lived in the same town (literally 5 minutes away from eachother) u went to different schools for some reason
u talked for like 2 minutes before jay walked up with your drinks
“hows it going guys?”
“its doing good bro, now go away..” ni-ki lightly shoved jay and laughed
you giggled at the sight
jay looked offended and came right back
“that is not how you talk to your elders ni-ki! y/n do you see this?!” he scoffed
ni-ki just rolled his eyes and turned back to you
“do not ignore me young man!” jay joked
“oh y/n, ive heard all about you from ni-ki over here by the way.”
ni-ki’s eyes got so big you almost got worried
he turned around so fast and gave jay one of those ‘i swear if you say anything ur dead meat’ looks
jay obviously did not care
“hes always like ‘y/n this y/n that’ blah blah im glad he finally got the balls to ask you out because im honestly sick of hearing it!” jay laughed
u were blushing so hard
this felt like a dream
ni-ki pushed jay away so hard and turned back with red cheeks
but yeah that was the beginning of the cutest relationship ever
u and ni-ki were so cute together <333
you’d always visit him during ur free time
it took like 2 months before u two made it official tho
and he was the sweetest boyfriend ever
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swiftstigmata · 2 years
Sorry if this is an intrusive question but you’re the only person I know who lives in Brighton lol. I’m looking at university courses and I was wondering what it’s like living there?
Hi! This isn’t intrusive at all, this has been sat in my drafts because I was trying to give you a good reply.
Firstly I wanna say (and I think this is the same as anyone in a big city) I absolutely live in a little bubble in Brighton and I’m sure plenty of other people have different experiences and impressions etc. BUT I think my demographic is probably gonna be similar to yours (baristas! uni students! the gay and mentally ill!). I also lived in London on and off for 4 years so the comparison is at the back of my mind at all times and that paints how I view the place!
I’m also a post grad which changes my experience of the university hugely. I never lived in halls - I’m probably not the best person to ask if that’s your goal though some of this will apply!
So. Brighton university is great (I’m doing my MA there) and very supportive in my experience. The city itself is fairly small and very easy to get around, the buses are brilliant but also the center is in walking distance from everywhere pretty much. Rent is high - not quite London but above average for anywhere else, especially the north, around £1k for a 1 bed anywhere in the city itself unless you’re very lucky - but in my experience cost of living is the same as anywhere. There’s lots of Lidls.
In terms of my bubble - 20-35, mostly hospitality workers who are studying or are musicians/artists - everyone is gay, I think I’ve met about 3 straight people in the last 2 years and one of them lives with me. The rumours are true. The gay scene is more aimed at cis gay men to an extent but is always developing and moving forward and in my humble opinion there’s no city where you can be as yourself as Brighton. To the point where the mullet-moustache-Lucy & Yak look is totally dominant and going back to London was like reverse culture shock for me. Alternative fashion is the mainstream. It’s super indie almost to the point of being pretentious and annoying and falls into that trap of everyone looking the same because they’re trying to look different, but tbh I love that. Even if you’re just a visitor the Lanes are such a great place to come and shop and find clothes and whole new looks and also sit in one of the 100000 indie coffee shops that are everywhere (except mine is the best).
The going out scene (again! In my bubble!) is pretty different to a lot of uni towns I think - the clubs are almost totally based around the gay scene and there’s a big culture of pubs, grubby bars and gigs as opposed to the pre-drinking, cocktails, club pipeline (which tended to be the London vibe when I lived there). Live music is a huge thing, open mic nights are everywhere (a classic conversation when you go somewhere new is “was it ‘very Brighton’” “well it was open mic night” ) and gigs are generally cheap. The most popular (in my bubble! I’m so biased here all my friends/colleagues are a certain type of musician) are probably Green Door, the Hope & Ruin, then Revenge (the biggest gay club in Brighton). The music scene is pretty famous and the music schools here are some of the best in the country so you WILL spend most of your time listening to people talk about their music. Take that however you want.
I think much more than London Brighton is a less lonely city - I don’t know if this is because I was so unwell when I lived there, and my time of life has changed (im old now) but making friends and a community has been soooo much easier. To a large extent everyone knows each other and you’re usually only one connection away from everyone else (in the musician scene at least). My absolute top tip would be (if you can) to get a job in hospitality - bar work, waitressing, coffee shops - as the easiest way to make friends, more so than the university. Again. Post-grad.
I could write a whole essay on the history of Brighton and the things to do Museum wise because that’s literally my degree so if you want to know anything else please just ask!! I don’t mind replying to messages either. I can give more info on what it’s like studying in London too if you’re torn (short answer: don’t) or direct you to resources. MWAH
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Angel - Chapter 3
but there it is chapter three. I literally wrote most of this chapter while i was in the lobbies of among us games. 
Warnings: Smut, swearing nothing too bad this chapter. 
words: 4.2K!!!!!!!
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As the sun rose on the city, your alarm decided to screech its ugly voice across the whole apartment. Why you had decided that waking up at 5am, when you didn’t start work at your new job in Lord Industries at 9am, was absolutely beyond you. You chalked it up to nerves. I mean sure, you were fucking the owner and CEO but that doesn’t mean you’re going to become complacent about this position. Not only were you working in the largest company in most of the country, but you were also Head Marketing for your city’s division. 
           You started your day as you would any other workday, groaning and convincing yourself that leaving bed was worth it. After that, it was coffee and shower time, and if you were lucky you could throw in a cigarette on the balcony, and since you didn’t need to leave for another 4 and a half hours you thought you might just test your luck with multiple. 
Halfway through your shower you heard the phone ringing, you trudged out to the phone wondering who in god’s name was calling at 4:23am. To your great (and welcomed) surprise, it was Darius. “My dearest I’ve been told to inform you that I will be picking you up today, I’ll be at your door by 7:30. So, be ready.” 7:30? That was a whole hour before you were planning on leaving the comfort and security of your new home. 
           “Darius, I didn’t think we started until 9am why are you picking me up so early?” you queried. 
“Well, it seems Maxwell doesn’t want you catching a cab but also did not offer for me to take you both so obviously this means that I will be picking you up first and making me work extra hard.” 
           Oh. he doesn’t want to ride with you to work. You considered that it was perhaps because he didn’t want to incite rumors, but you found it strange, but nonetheless you told Darius that this would be fine and that you would see him at 7:30. An hour early. 
Only you didn’t see Darius at 7:30, in fact you didn’t even see him at 8, it wasn’t until 8:15 hit that you heard any word from him. “Darius I was just about to call a cab you never came? Is everything okay?” 
“Well, it seems Mr. Lord has contracted an illness, called a hangover. I picked him up at 6:30 to get McDonalds. I’ve already dropped him at work, I suspect he’s napping in his office as we speak.” you couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of Max laying on the floor of his office completely passed out. “I’ll be down in a moment, just let me pick out my shoes.” you said back to him, “ahh so I’ll see you by sundown.” Darius quipped back in a lighthearted way. If things ever went belly up with Max, you really hoped you could keep Darius around. 
The ride to the building was filled with the banter you’d become accustomed to with Darius, until you were pulling up to a big silver building, the largest in the city, obviously. You were in absolute shock and awe when you stepped out of the car, you’d thought for a moment in time, ‘woah, this is what ants feel like.’
“Hello ma’am could I see your ID and security badge please?” were the first words you heard when you walked through the doors to the lobby, you stammered over your sentences confused, you didn’t have a security badge, you didn’t realise you’d need one, Maxwell had never mentioned it. “Thank you, Keith, that won’t be necessary, Miss Y/N here is our new head of marketing, I’ve been tasked by Maxwell to escort her to his office.” Darius said coming up behind you. You hadn’t even realised that he had left the car, but here he was escorting you up the escalators. “Ahh yes, I see, of course.” the security guard, Keith, said with a sly smile and a wink. You knew what that meant, and it churned your stomach to think about. How many times had Max given his one-night stands jobs? If he was willing to do it for you, he was willing to do it for others. 
Unfortunately, your question was answered the moment you reached the top floor where Maxwell’s office sat. he had 4, beautiful, well-shaped, pardon your French but devilishly fucking sexy assistants. Why he would need more than one exceptional looking assistant was a question that in itself was the answer. 
“You can’t go in there, Mr. Lord doesn’t like visitors in the morning, he’s especially not looking for new, meat.” one of them all but sneered at you. “Holly if you would quit blabbering, I think I’d like to escort your new head of marketing to your boss if you don’t mind. Will that be okay with you?” Darius was on a roll today in saving you from situations with people. 
As you walked into his office, Maxwell was, surprisingly, upright, on a phone call, drinking coffee and looking all but exasperated. He opened his eyes for only a minute to point at you and then the chair in front of you, and at this Darius left the room and you had no savior from this situation because Maxwell, well, he looked mad. You were worried you’d already done something to upset you and that’s just what you needed right now. An angry man who housing you and providing you job security and most importantly, orgasm security. 
For almost 10 minutes you sat in that chair waiting for Maxwell to be off the phone, never looking up, as to avoid eye contact. When he finally hung up the phone Maxwell stood up, came around the desk and sighed heavily saying, “god I’m glad you’re here,” before all but smashing his lips to yours. Okay. not upset. That’s good, that’s easy to deal with. “I’ve only been here an hour and already I’m just ready to go to your apartment and fuck all my frustration out.” well you weren’t expecting that per se but it’s a welcome surprised. 
“Well, stop me if this is too unprofessional, but you have a perfectly good table to bend me over.” you said, looking up at him through your lashes, trying to look innocent. 
“God you’re incredible woman.” he said pulling you out of your chair and oh would you look at that, bending you over his desk. 
“I really hope you didn’t buy any pants in that shopping haul of yours because having access to your pretty pussy at work is going to work so well for both of us, he said hiking your skirt up just enough so he could pull down your panties, he bent over you until his mouth was hovering at your ear, “you’re going to need to be quiet angel, don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about you now do we?” and before even finishing his sentence his thrust his cock straight into you. It took everything in you to not cry out, but you bit the back of your hand to keep yourself quiet. 
“God it’s only been two days and I missed this pussy, how have I fucked you so hard so often and you’re still this tight? You’re fucking magical, aren’t you? You and your magical cunt are going to kill me, you know that? If I could stop sleeping to have more time to fuck this pussy I would if I could starve myself from food and only eat you dear god I would. So, fucking good.” 
“I thought you said we had to be quiet?” you said to him, with a small smirk on your face that quickly vanished as he spanked your ass a few times, then started thrusting into you with such force you thought you might slip open, he pulled you hair to bring you up against his chest, “that shut you up, didn’t it, you fucking brat,” he said replacing your hair in his hand for your throat. 
Within minutes he was Cumming right into you, he must have realized you hadn’t come yet, only stopping for a split second to pull out, spin you around and replace his cock with his fingers, pushing his cum, back into your cunt, finger fucking you until you were once again about to bite into your hand, when Max switched hands and shoved his cum coated fingers in your mouth to keep you quiet. As you cum around his hand and screamed around the other one, Max could only look at you with lust blown pupils. 
“Well, I think this is the best first day I’ve ever had.” you said to him, completely breathless. 
“It’s about to get better angel, let me show you to your office.” 
He was right, your office did make it better. It was a big, beautiful space, with high ceilings, timber floors and a view to die for, you truly didn’t know how you got so lucky just from a random hookup, but you weren’t but to look a gift horse in the mouth. 
“Max this is absolutely beautiful, did the head of marketing get this office too?” you asked in wonderment. 
Well, actually no, this was my office, but I’ve taken over my father’s office, I think it’s about time I moved into it and you gave the motivation to do so.” his smile was small, but it was sincere, you think that might have been the first sincere smile you’d seen from Max. 
“I’ll let you get acquainted with your new space if you have any questions, my extension is 0204 okay? If any of my assistants give you any grief, just tell them that their bonuses are on the line they’ll smart right up. I promise.” Maxwell gave me a wink and then shut the door. You walked around the room, gingerly touching the walls, the painting, slowly sliding your hand across your desk, you felt a sense of pride wash over you as you sat at your desk, you weren’t really sure what to do first, you searched around your desk for notes, maybe the previous person in your position left. 
Just as you thought you’d found them, your door swung open, a woman with burgundy hair and a bright pink skirt suit walked through the door. 
“Hello sweetheart, I’m here to help you out, I’m your assistant and Mr. Lord told me that you’d be starting today I figured that he wouldn’t have told you anything, so I thought I’d come give you the rundown, I was the last guys assistant too.” she was really perky, very upbeat for 9:13 in the morning. “Oh, you probably think I’m so rude, my name is Sookie, Sookie Amelia Jersey, it’s nice to meet you?” he hadn’t even told anyone your name yet? Okay feeling less special now. 
“y/n my name is y/n y/l/n but just call me y/n, thank you so much I really have no idea what I have to be doing.” you said trying not to sound like you weren’t supposed to be there or that you didn’t know what you were doing. Which you didn’t. But she didn’t need to know that. 
“Well then let’s get right to it.” and with that, you and Sookie started talking business. 
 It seemed like the time was going so slow, that was until the door swung open once again, only this time Darius stood at the door, coffees, and an ominous brown bag. “I knew you wouldn’t have eaten, so I’ve brought sustenance, oh hello Miss Jersey.” Darius really just knew everyone, maybe he’s a wizard. 
“Darius you are absolute life saver, I think you might be the love of my life.” you said with utter certainty that Sookie now probably thinks there’s something going on between you guys. Ahh if only she knew. 
“And you are mine, dear, but before we begin planning the wedding might I suggest food?” he places the coffee down on the table and what you can now see are croissants. Hmm, 4 coffees, 4 croissants. And as if on cue Darius mutters that he’ll be back as he needs to deliver Max his lunch. 
“I didn’t realise you were already in with Darius. That man took me four years to crack, another two for him to start bringing me food, and here you are on your first day on a first name basis? Who did you fuck to get that treatment?” oh god had she caught on? Does this happen a lot? Does Max give jobs to everyone he fucks? Your mind is running a million miles an hour when you sheepishly laugh and tell some lie about how Darius was an old friend. She seemed to buy it as she moved on to talking more about marketing and what you’ll need to do. 
Soon it was the end of the day and Darius was back at your door telling you to meet him at the car. You said goodbye to Sookie and apologized for stopping her from working. 
You left the building and walked to the car seeing Maxwell in the back of the car. Oh. so now he’s good enough to go home with you but not to come to work with you. You see how it is. 
           You greeted him as you entered the car only for him to point at the phone, you looked at Darius in the rear-view mirror and you both shared a look between you that said, “here we go.” 
           Maxwell was on the phone the entire ride back to your apartment, only removing the receiver from his ear to say, “wear something classy I’ll be back at 7.” 
           Its Maxwell Lord, you decided it would be safer for you to heed his warning and just wait to find out what happens. Maybe he just wanted to fuck someone high class tonight. 
            As it neared closer to 7 you kept meticulously checking your hair and makeup, making sure there was nothing on the red gown you’d chosen to wear. You really hoped you would figure out what was going on first, so you didn’t need have anxiety waiting to find out. 
           Just before you could contemplate jumping off the fire escape there was a sharp knock at the door, and a very sharply dressed Maxwell. 
           “Hello angel, I’m here to escort you to your first lord industries gala. You look incredible and I am definitely going to ravish you later, but we really should be going.” he all but pulled your arm out of its socket as he led you out of your door towards the elevator 
           “I don’t mean to sound clueless, but what gala? I haven’t been told about a gala?” you said to him, sounding slightly timid. 
           “Oh? Did I not tell you? We’re having a gala to celebrate the surplus budget this quarter and has my new head of management I thought it only proper to escort you there myself. Plus, there will be some CEOs from rival companies there, I do love to gloat to my competitors.” there was a new air around Max, he looked more pristine and confident. Tonight, was going to be intense you could already feel it. Even on the drive over he was, happier? Maybe he really did just get a kick out of showing off. You understood that. You couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t excite you to be walking in on Maxwell’s arm. To have all eyes staring at you wondering who you were and what you were doing with him. 
           As you arrived at the gala there was a slew of cameras lining a beautiful gold carpet. “We always go with gold because red is overdone, and Lord Industries is revolutionary. Were made of gold baby.” well that explained it. Not that you were questioning it, he did seem like the type to break the mould when it comes to luxury. I mean he was housing you just for the luxury of having convenient sex. It just seemed to fit Max really.
           Exiting the car, the barrage of flashes and yelling hit you like a wall, it was a wonder you didn’t freeze up under the pressure, but you walked next to Max with all the poise and confidence you could muster. The photographers were yelling questions at Max, not at you, but they were all asking about you, you kept your head forward and so did Maxwell. He didn’t say anything while walking past them and up the stairs, his expression only changed after entering the building. He turned to you and praised your level of composure before leading you up to two large doors. On the other side you could hear music and chatter, you wondered why you weren’t entering until you heard an announcer say “Folks, I’m sure were all having an absolute stellar time, but I’d like to draw your attention to the man of the hour, Mr. Maxwell Lord.” his voice rang out over large speakers as the doors opened and Maxwell lead you into the ballroom to polite applause. 
           You were stunned at how many people there were standing in the ballroom, you stood there feeling quite awkward at the stares that were being passed your way and the slight glares coming from some of the women, (and a few men) in the room. 
           “My friends and guests, thank you all so much for coming tonight and while I can appreciate that you would all like to go back to drinking my champagne id first like to introduce someone to you, your new head of marketing for Lord Industries, Miss Y/N Y/L/N. I’m sure she’ll fit right in with us and help us continue to be the frontier for this country.” Max had an excellent public speaking voice; he commanded the room, and you couldn’t lie. You got kind of wet seeing him so, for lack of a better word, bossy. 
           Max leaned in and whispered to you, “go mingle, if you need anything Darius will be floating around.” and then he was gone leaving you to your devices. 
           Thankfully, Sookie found you almost immediately, “I just knew he’d leave you floundering the moment you got here, he’s probably already in the bathrooms giving one of his assistants a ‘bonus’ doesn’t worry sweetheart I’ve got you covered ill introduce you to the actual important people.” and so she did. Within the hour you’d met the head of sales, Mary, head of finance, Samuel, and their assistants, Lorelai, and June. she showed you (but absolutely did not introduce you to) the head of Human Resources, Marcus, who was (in her words) a total douchebag, the head of purchasing, Manny, who apparently would want to corrupt you, you didn’t want to ask what that meant but you had some idea and wanted to laugh because if only Sookie knew. By the time you’d met Jenny, lady who ran the coffee shop in the lobby, Darius had found you both and you sighed a breath of relief, you loved Sookie, but you still weren’t too familiar with her. 
           “My dear you look exquisite I told you that you would look amazing in that dress.” Darius said with one of the biggest smiles you’d ever seen him wear. “You’re drunk aren’t you Darius.” you laughed at him; he was wobbling a bit. 
           “Y/N I am offended that you think I would drink at a work function. But yes, I am absolutely sloshed. Galas are the only nights I can get so drunk I can’t walk, and Maxwell doesn’t fire me, he says it’s good for me to let go, I have no idea what he’s talking about. I am very relaxed all the time, who wouldn’t be working for the prince of darkness. Oh god he’s not behind me, is he?” 
           “Darius you’re rambling, he’s not behind you, I haven’t seen you since he left me at the start.” you said trying to get him to stop talking so rapidly.” 
           “Well, my dear he has seen you; he’s been staring at you since Sookie found you.” Darius’ head vaguely pointed to the wall behind him, you stole a glance and sure enough there was Maxwell, talking to someone but not paying attention to them, he was staring right into your soul, it wasn’t a glare or even angry in anyway, but it was intense, like he was trying to read your mind. Somehow you believed he actually might be able to. You gave him a small smile and he nodded his head in your direction. You looked back at Darius, “he’s probably just making sure I don’t embarrass him.” you said trying to write off the fact that he was staring. Trying to convince him it meant nothing. Or yourself that it meant nothing and that there definitely was not butterflies in your stomach. 
           An hour passed as you and Sookie milled around the room, you lost Darius at champagne number three, with him and Sookie both calling you a prude for not drinking, and you telling them every time that you hated champagne and would much prefer tequila. 
           Suddenly a hand tapped you on the shoulder, you spun around expecting Max, or Darius or literally anyone else. But not henry. Not your ex-boss Henry Giorgio. “Y/N it’s so good to see you! I was quite surprised to hear that you had left us, but I can see why, head of marketing and you get to fuck the boss? What a steal!” your eyes widened from shock not just at seeing him but hearing what he said, you grabbed his arm and dragged him towards a wall telling Sookie that you’d be back right away. “What do you mean fucking the boss? I am not sleeping with Mr. Lord and I will not have you come here and try to embarrass me just because I wouldn’t sleep with you.” your voice was low but harsh as you spoke you him. 
           “Oh, please darling, this is Maxwell, every time a new woman under 30 starts at his company everyone knows that it because he’s sleeping with her, but you got head of marketing, you must have really shown him a good time, I mean everyone else just gets assistant jobs, but you, well that must have been a good blowjob.” he was snarky and rude, and you felt like you were going to cry. 
           “Oh, don’t tell me I’ve hurt your feelings, what did you think was going to happen? Maxwell was going to fall for you. Darling I wouldn’t even waste your breath on that idea, that man has never felt love, his fiancée went missing for god sakes and he came home and went to work the very next week. He doesn’t care about you. You could die and he wouldn’t notice.” 
You suspected that Maxwell only hired you because he could fuck you but hearing someone else say it mad tears begin to sting your eyes. You didn’t think you wanted Maxwell to fall for you until that very moment in time. Before you could say anything or think too hard on the subject, you felt someone come up behind you, it was Maxwell, and if you could have tensed up even more. 
           “Is there a problem here Mr. Giorgio, I should hope you’re not trying to steal back our new member of the team.” Maxwell also sounded tense, but you knew better than to think it was because you’d been upset and not because Henry was his rival. 
           “No not at all Maxwell, just giving her my good wishes, is all.” Henry’s voice was dripping in the smug tone you’d heard so many times working for Halo. 
           “Well then if you’re done, I’d like to steal Miss Y/L/N back if you don’t mind.” Henry merely waved Maxwell off but by then you didn’t want to be there anymore, your head was swirling, and you could only feel pity for yourself, you broke away from Maxwell to go find Sookie. 
           “I need to go home, please I want to go home, now.” you were trying so hard not to cry, tears stinging and threatening to spill over as Sookie led you out of the ballroom, and as you passed Darius, him quickly catching on and following. You didn’t see the confused and hurt look on Maxwell’s face.
           After you finally exited, you noticed the cameras had left, and you broke down in Darius’ arms as Sookie called her husband, Jackson, to come pick you all up. Darius gave Jackson the directions to your house, and when Sookie and Darius offered to join you, and take care of you inside you brushed them off giving them a lame apology about going to bed early and that you would see them tomorrow at work.
           As you showered and climbed into bed, you were mad at yourself for getting so hurt, this was just a business arrangement. You weren’t special. And you shouldn’t see Maxwell as special either. But you did. 
           And it sucked.
tags: @mandoalorian-mainblog​ @mrschiltoncat​ @innerstrawberrypolice​ @bonjour-je-mappelle-fuckyou​
to get added to taglist let me know!!!
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propertyofwicked · 4 years
a-z of dating will schofield 
(ive kept blake alive bcos im not a monster, and he has sisters rather than daughters :) ) pls request more for me to write i am bored of my half term lol
a- argue 
both of you are fairly neutral people, so you rarely have arguments of significance. when you do however, the aftermath can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days - both of you too stubborn to admit your faults so resorting to silent treatment. the periods of silence ended when one of you couldn’t take it anymore, usually him. he would approach you when you were pre-occupied, take you in his arms and whisper an apology. if that didn’t work, he would begin telling bad jokes, refusing to let you go until you cracked even the smallest of smiles. 
b - body (his favourite body part of yours)
will loves your lips. on the one hand, he loves when your whole face lights up in laughter, or perks up with a smile. he loves seeing your lips curl up into a small grin whenever you see him across the street or when you share a look from across busy rooms. on the other hand, he loves how your lips fit perfectly with his. when you get intimate, he loves how they wrap around him and he loves when they fall open to let out the bliss sound of your moans.
c - care (how you care for each other when you’re sick)
when will is ill, he’ll pretend it’s nothing and continue working himself beyond his ability. it’s almost your job to make sure that when he’s ill, he remains in bed - or at least the house - in order for you to keep an eye on him and make sure he stays hydrated and well fed. when you’re ill, he will stay with you as much as he can. before he has to go to work, he’ll place a glass of water and medication next to your bed and put soup into a pot, ready for you to just heat it up when you needed it. when he comes home, he’ll come straight up to you and wrap you in his arms, peppering your face in kisses. he didn’t care if he too got ill - it just meant more time with you. 
d - dates (what do you guys do?) 
you and will weren’t a typically outgoing couple, whilst you both came from money and could afford to splash out - neither of you wanted to. you’d rather stay at home, curled up on a sofa, humming along softly to the murmurs of a record playing softly in the background. he’d play with the rings that adorned your fingers whilst he listened to you talk about anything that came to mind. you listened to him talk, sometimes he’d tell stories of his time in the war - maybe he’d recount something he’d seen or something that blake had told him in passing, he did love to tell stories after all. when you did go all out, it was to celebrate anniversaries or birthdays, and even then, it was a dinner and then a walk home, gazing at the stars. 
e - engagement (how he proposed)
it was on your 7 year anniversary, sometime in early 1922, and you go to a local restaurant to celebrate. something feels different though. as you walked in holding hands, his became clammy and throughout conversation at dinner, he stumbled over his words and found it hard to stay on one topic for more than 5 minutes at a time. on the walk home he takes you down a different street and says he “just wants to show you something”. without questioning him, you follow him and end up at the bench you first met. it wouldn’t be will, if he hadn’t planned out a long speech that built up to the final question but in his stress manage to forget it and resort to just going on one knee and smiling up at you, “i love you, will you marry me?”
f - friends and family (do they like you/him?)
his family adores you. his younger sisters loved to have someone to talk to and someone to braid their hair whilst their big brother was away at war. whilst he was away, his mother loved to have you other for dinner, desperate to have anything the remind her of her son. his dad and you weren’t massively close but there was an aspect of mutual respect. you had many mutual friends as you grew up in the same area, attending local schools and all of them were obviously delighted to see their two friends happy with each other. your parents adored him too, he was the son they never had whilst also being the best thing to walk into your life. 
g - gifts 
will loved to shower you in gifts. they were only little but they were something so deeply special to you. it was weekly flowers, that he’d buy on his way back from work, or maybe a punnet of cherries from the green grocers - he was whipped and you were equally. 
h - how you met
you met when you were 17 and he was 18 in 1915. your town had been holding a small travelling festival consisting of a circus and fun little game stalls. your friends had insisted you go, as it may be your only chance. they didn’t mention though, that whilst there they would be meeting their boyfriends - leaving you alone, wondering around admiring the lights. in your meandering, you bumped into the dusty blond who stood as good head above you. in doing so, you knocked the toffee apple out of his hand, and insisted on buying him a new one with the the remainder of the 10 bob your dad had given you on the way out. you spent the rest of the evening sat on a bench, talking about the stars that shon above until your friends turned up to take you home. 
i - intimacy (how often are yall getting down?)
despite his shy outer shell, william schofield was not afraid to show you loving almost every day. can’t sleep? hungry? need to go shopping? this man does not care. if you need anything, he’ll give it to you and god does he know how to work his way around that bedroom. 
j - jealousy
your’re both the jealous type, but not the type to make a public show about it. the pent out anger is usually taken out behind doors if you get what i mean ;) when will gets jealous, he makes sure you know by squeezing your hand harder or moving it over to graze the top of your thigh and he’d play with the ends of you hair. you’re more discreet about it, maybe getting a little argumentative with whoever is making you jealous. 
k - kinks
william schofield - king of praising. he loves to hear you call out his name as much as he likes to make you. if he could spend all day making you shake, he would. 
l - long distance
whilst will was away at war, things got hard. despite only being together 6 months when he left, it was like a piece of you had been torn away, and you spent every day praying for his safe return. but when he did come back on leave, it wasn’t the same as you knew he’d had to leave again and the risk of never seeing him again got more prevalent. sending letters was always hard, often he’d find the small marks where ink had bled from your tears, his heart shutting down to repress his own feelings. his letters went from happy to bland. no emotion, just vague descriptions of his days, his meals - nothing about him and how he was doing. so when the war did finally end and he came back to you, he returned to being the will you had grown to love. 
m - moving in
towards the beginning of the war, you had received a letter from will declaring how the moment he came home, he wanted to make a woman out of you. so when the war finally ended 4 years later, and he returned, the first thing you two did was go on the hunt for a smallish house. you opted to move more into the city as the jobs and travel was considerably better. living together was a dream, though you had to adjust to each others bad habits, and being young and living together meant you had the constant questionings as to when you would start a family of your own.
n - nights out
ofcourse, living in closer to the city provided you with better opportunities for nightlife. friday nights were dancing nights. you two, your friends and partners and whichever girl tom picked up that week would all stumble down to the dance hall and spend hours, drunk dancing to the likes of marrison harris, only to return home at early hours and pass out on the living room floor. 
o - open with each other
at the start of your relationship, will and you were very open with each other, discussing your boundaries and respecting them as such. you would talk about everything, from friends to family to school. but after the war, will became a closed door - refusing to talk about anything that happened whilst he was away, you respected this but wished he’d open up the slightest, just to be able to connect to him in anyway. after a few months, he became the same man he was before he left, just more mature - a look that really suited him. in his months of silence, you opted to fill this by just talking non stop, anything the provoke a reaction. and you’ll never forget when he had not said a word for 3 days after returning and whispered a quick “i love you” as you fell asleep that night. 
p - pda
neither of you were big on over-the-top pda, choosing to just hold hands or accept slight pecks. affection was saved for a private environment around only each other or very close friends. although in crowded areas, will would stand behind you, wrapping his arms around you securely. 
q - questions (what you talk about late at night)
it’s 3am, you can’t sleep, so you roll over and stare will in the face until one eye peaks open. 
“yeah?” he mumbles sleepily.
“do you love me?”
“no say it”
“i love you, now go to sleep, it’s 3am”
r - reproduction (do you want kids?)
you’ve always wanted kids, knowing that you grew up mostly alone as a single child. will had also wanted children until he saw what war could do to a child. he feared that he would be putting a potential son at risk by just simply creating him. it took a lot of convincing to retrieve will from the mindset he had fallen trap to, but he eventually did come around to the idea of having his own little family to protect. 
s - surprising (what surprised you about him)
he was really bold when you got to know him well enough. on the surface and to people who had not spoken to him, will seemed like a quiet but wise soul. one getting to know him, anyone could realise that he had the sense of humour of a champ and was really outgoing. often, being around tom brought this out in him, challenging to ridiculous games of drunk darts in a dingy pub.
t - together (what you do together)
you just vibe together. sometimes you cook together, other times you sing or you dance along with the wireless - him twirling you around the kitchen was a favourite of his. sometimes you’d read together or to each other and other times you’d go out dancing till early hours of the morning.
u - under the influence (drunk vibes)
will and tom were hell to reckon with alone, but when alcohol was thrown into the mix it became a harder battle. you’d opted out of going out one night after a long, tiresome day. this led you to be left to deal with two fully grown men, giggling like school girls in your living room at 2am. will refused to sleep till he had gotten a kiss and tom refused until he was tucked into to bed and sang a nursery rhyme. but quite frankly you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
v - vacations
at it was only the 1920′s, you guys tended not to go abroad. instead you travelled the country, hiking in the peak district and swimming in the sea at cornwall.
w - wedding
you had a small wedding service, attended by family and close friends - and it was absolutely perfect. the service was followed by an evening of dancing and drinking alongside the people you loved most. 
x - xray (when he’s hurt)
it was almost impossible for a man to return from war unharmed, which left will with a weak left hand from a bad experience with barbed wired and then the carcus of a man. some days, it would get so bad, that he was unable to lift a glass in that hand, and on the days, you’d remind him that you were there to help whenever he needed it. whether that meant giving him medication or ringing a doctor, he was constantly reminded of the love you had for him. 
y - you (a random headcannon)
will had left early that morning, saying he’d be home late and not to wait up. you didn’t question it, as often he would travel for his job or go for drinks with tom. for some reason that night you couldn’t sleep without him, so took out his shirt and held it close to you, managing to fall asleep comforted by the smell of him. what a sight that was, for him to walk in a few hours later and find you curled up with his shirt. he had never been more in love with you than at this precise moment. 
z - zzzzzzzz’s (sleeping routine)
you’d be in bed first most nights, after bathing away that days dirt. will would emerge at the bedroom door half an hour later, in just a towel, to gaze at you absorbed into a book and oblivious to his presence. he’d put on his pyjamas and climb in next to you, his arm find his way under your back. this way he was able to pull you in and rest your head on his chest. he’d press a kiss to the top of your head, then tilt your chin up to connect your lips together in a sweet kiss. 
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
Tale As Old as Time - Chapter 1
Rami!Prince Adam x Reader
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Summary: A prince cursed. A young woman aching for adventure. The classic tale of seeing beauty within.
Word Count: 4.3k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​,@minigranger, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @26-7-49​, @drowsebaby​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @xviiarez​, @rogerina-owns-me​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Let’s meet our heroine! You! Not much Rami in this chapter, but he’s coming!
Warning(s): None!
Chapter 1 here we go!!!
You woke to the chirping of birds outside your window. The sun was just peeking over the hillside and through your curtains. You groaned, stretching your limbs to wake yourself up. You had errands to run today, and you needed to finish early to help your father with his newest invention. You shivered slightly as you pushed your covers back. 
You changed into a plain dress for your walk to town. Then you slipped on your boots. You stopped by your father’s bedroom to peek in on him. He was snoring, his shoulders rising and falling with his breath. You smiled to yourself, grabbed a basket, and headed out.
The crisp autumn air felt refreshing against your skin. You began to hum to yourself as you walked. The sleepy little town was also waking up. You smelled the fresh bread from the baker, heard the thud of a knife hitting wood from the butcher, and saw the bright white flowers at the florist. You waved to each of them as you passed.
“Good morning, Y/N,” said the florist. 
“Good morning, Elaine,” you replied sweetly.
“How’s your father?” she asked.
“Sleeping soundly,” you replied with a smile. 
“On your way to pick up his medicine, I assume?” she guessed.
You nodded. “It’s that time. I’ll be by later to pick up some flowers for my mother’s grave. Is that alright?”
“Of course, darling,” she assured you. “I’ll start an arrangement.”
“You’re the best!”
You waved once more and started toward the apothecary. Your father had a dreadful illness which caused him to cough. At first, you wrote it off as dust from all the things he built. But then he began to cough up blood, and you insisted on taking him into town. The pharmacist gave him some herbal treatments, which was manageable, but it wasn’t a cure. You wished you could take your father to a big city to get a trained doctor to treat him, but you couldn’t afford it.
With a sigh, you entered the apothecary. The pharmacist - Lyle - beamed at you.
“Good morning, Y/N!” he greeted. “I’ve got your father’s medicine ready for you.”
He indicated the small package on the table.
“You’re always prepared, sir, I can’t thank you enough,” you replied. 
You dropped some coins on the counter and picked up the parcel, placing it carefully in your basket.
“How is old Paul, anyway?” he asked.
“He’s fine,” you answered. “I know he’s got big plans for today, though I don’t know what.”
“Tell him to be careful,” he warned. “That dust is not good for him. And we don’t want him to take a turn.”
“I’ll let him know,” you said. “Thank you again!”
You left, dreading having to tell your father once again that he needed to stop his work. His work drove him. It broke your heart that it was also killing him.
You went to the bakery and picked up some bread. Then back by the flower shop for the little bouquet for your mother’s grave. Then you headed to your favorite spot in town - the library.
You adored books. As a simple country girl with a bit of time on her hands, you found your adventure in stories. That was the one thing you had always craved - something more than caring for your father and visiting the village. To experience something you had never seen before. The closest you ever came was through a book.
“Good morning, Jean!” you called to the librarian as you came through the door.
“What’ll it be today, Y/N?” he asked kindly.
“Has anything new come in?” you wondered, scanning the front desk for a fresh title.
“Actually, yes,” Jean said, picking up the book off the top. “I think you’ll like this one. It’s about a prince under a curse, and a fight to break it.”
“Say no more,” you replied, taking it from him. “You know how I feel about magic.”
“I do,” he chuckled. “You know, you could experience some of your own if you got out of the village every once in a while.”
You sighed. “You know I can’t leave my father. Besides, I couldn’t afford a trip.”
He shook his head and tutted. “Y/N, you’re such a bright girl. You’ve got so much going for you. It’s a shame that you’re stuck here.”
“Maybe, but I love my father,” you said firmly. “He’s given me his whole life.”
“He doesn’t want you to return the favor,” Jean insisted.
“There’s still the cost,” you said. “We spend enough for Papa to go to contests. That’s all we can really do. Really, Jean, I’m happy with how things are. At least for now.”
“Because you have my books?” he teased.
You grinned. “Precisely.”
“That’s due back in a week,” he said.
“I’ll have it back before then!”
You waved and headed back onto the street. Immediately, you began poring over the book. You were so invested that you crashed into someone before you finished the first page. The collision knocked you flat on your bum.
“I’m so sorr-!” you began to say, but then you looked up and saw who it was.
Victor. You bit back a groan.
“Good morning, Y/N,” he said with a cocky grin, helping you to your feet.
“Good morning, Victor,” you replied. 
He picked up your book and handed it to you. “What are you doing with this?”
“I’m reading it,” you said. “I’m afraid I can’t stay, I’ve got a lot to do today.”
You pushed past him and kept walking. To your dismay, he followed.
“Y/N, I’ve been doing some thinking,” he began.
“Oh, how rare for you,” you said.
You didn’t mean to be snarky, but Victor was so conceited and arrogant. He was handsome and had money, but because of that, he was spoiled. For some reason, you had caught his attention. But he hardly knew you. He didn’t catch your jab.
“Don’t you think it’s time we got married?” he said. 
You scoffed. “What makes you think that?”
“Well, you’re the most beautiful woman in town, I’m the handsomest man, why shouldn’t we get married?” he said with a shrug.
“Do you really think looks are all that’s required for a successful marriage?”
“What else is there?”
You stopped walking and looked at him in disbelief. You searched his face for any hint that he was joking, but found none. He genuinely believed appearance was that vital.
“Victor, I’m flattered, but no,” you said. “I have no interest in getting married just now. Not when I have my father to care for.”
“That may be precisely the reason to get married,” he argued. “I’ve been thinking of buying the old palace, but if my dear father-in-law needed care, well - I might consider something smaller to get him what he needs.”
You froze. That offer was tempting. But Victor was just so...all brawn and no brain. How could you spend your life with him? 
“Victor, I can’t marry you,” you said simply. “I don’t love you.”
“Honestly, Y/N, whether or not you love me is of little consequence,” he said. “You’ll learn to love me. You don’t have to make a decision just yet. But do promise me you’ll think about it.”
You sighed and looked away. “Sure. I’ll think about it.”
“Wonderful!” he cried. “I’ll come by later to get your answer. Have a good day, Y/N!”
With that, he was off. You saw him join a few other men who had gathered on horseback. Victor had a fine, black horse, which he mounted gracefully. The group galloped away for their weekly hunt. You found it absurd that other people couldn’t see past Victor’s good looks. He was a shallow, empty person, with money and some charm.
You started back toward your house. Only, as you started to walk, you caught the eye of three other young women. They tended to follow Victor around and swoon over him. He ignored them completely. They were glaring fiercely at you and you heard them whispering, surely speculating how you could possibly need time to answer a man such as Victor.
Rolling your eyes, you began walking. Your house came into view through the trees and you walked up the stone steps. Your father was out of bed and already tying on his inventing apron.
“Morning, my dear,” he said cheerfully. “How was town?”
“Fine,” you replied dismissively. “I picked up a new book.”
He chuckled. “Just like your mother. Always have your nose in a book.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” you teased.
You placed the bread on the counter and began cutting it into slices for toast. 
“Have you eaten anything yet, Papa?” you wondered.
“No, but I’ve been looking forward to your blueberry preserves all morning,” he told you.
You giggled. Over the summer, you had taken to gardening after reading a book about it. You had a natural knack for it. Over the summer, your blueberries came in sweet and ripe, so you took about half of  the bush and turned them into preserves for the fall and winter. The rest, you and your father ate fresh. 
“Coming right up,” you assured him.
You toasted the bread over the fire and then retrieved your preserves from the pantry. You spread it generously over the bread, and enjoyed the breakfast treat with your father. He groaned at the taste.
“Y/N, these are just delicious!” he praised. “I hope you keep growing all our food!”
“I’ll need more practice for that, but thank you,” you returned. 
“So, did you see anyone in town today?” he asked.
“Well, I saw Lyle,” you began. “Speaking of which, your medicine is on the counter, don’t forget to take it. Then Jean at the book shop. And Elaine arranged some flowers for me to put on Mama’s grave.”
“How nice,” he said.
“I, uh…” you trailed off. You wondered if you should tell him about Victor’s offer. “I also saw Victor. He told me something interesting.”
“Oh? What’s that?” he wondered.
You quickly changed your mind. 
“He said he’s thinking of buying the old palace.”
“I wasn’t aware it was for sale,” your father said.
“With enough money, you can get anything you want apparently,” you said, half to yourself.
Your father set down his toast, mid-bite.
“Now, Y/N,” he scolded. “That sounds like bitterness.”
“I don’t mean to, Papa,” you said apologetically. “But I feel like Victor gets everything, whether he deserves it or not, simply because he has money and a way with women. It’s maddening!”
“I know, but it’s the world we live in,” he said gently, placing his hand atop yours. “All we can do is be as kind and helpful as possible.”
You smiled. “You’re right, Papa, I’m sorry.”
“Besides, he’d have to appeal to the royal family,” your father continued. “Their living relatives will have claim to the palace before Victor. Besides, the prince may still be alive.”
Your brow furrowed. “I always heard the whole family was killed that day.”
Your father shook his head. “Not true. The king and queen were found. But the prince never was. He simply vanished, it seems. I think he escaped that night and is still alive somewhere.”
“That’s awfully hopeful,” you remarked.
“I can’t help it,” he said. “That prince was a kind boy. He used to come into town and -”
Your father stopped and was hit with a coughing fit. He hacked into his napkin, his whole body racking with the force of it. You jumped up. It had never been so intense before.
“Papa!” you cried, concerned.
“I’m alright,” he wheezed, but blood dribbled out of his mouth and down his chin. “I’m alright. I just haven’t had my medicine today, that’s all.”
“Papa, this is more than before,” you said. “It can’t just be your medicine.”
“Don’t fuss, Y/N,” he returned. “Now, I’m going to take my medicine and head down to the cellar for my new invention.” He cheered up. “I can’t tell you much just yet, but we’ll see how it works!”
You opened your mouth to argue further, but he held up a hand to stop you.
“Go see your mother,” he said gently. “I’ll be just fine.”
He took his medicine down the stairs with him before you could say anymore. With a huff, you grabbed your bouquet and headed out to the cemetery. 
Your mother was buried on a grassy hill about half a mile outside the village. It was wide and spacious, and strangely the place you felt the most free. You took your book along since you sometimes read aloud to her. Other times, you leaned against her headstone and read to yourself. Today, your heart was too conflicted to read. 
The choice before you was clear: marry Victor and get your father the help he needed or refuse the proposal and let your father continue to suffer. Either way, you were trapped.
You placed the flowers before your mother’s grave.
“Oh, Mama, I don’t know what to do,” you sighed. “I can’t win in either scenario.”
You paused, hoping for some inspiration. You considered what your mother would do. She was a very giving woman, but she believed in genuine love within a family. She certainly had not married your father for money. And yet, she would have done anything to save the people she loved.
“Maybe Victor isn’t so bad,” you said, trying to convince yourself. “Maybe I haven’t given him enough of a chance. Sure, he’s vain and shallow and self-centered, but he isn’t cruel. I could certainly do worse.”
You paused and heaved a sigh. It seemed so unfair.
After about an hour, you headed back. You went right down into the cellar to help your father, who was still not telling you what this new invention was. And from the looks of it, you couldn’t even guess. All the while, he coughed. He took several breaks, becoming winded after short bursts of work. All this after having taken his medicine.
You worked well into the afternoon. Then you headed upstairs to start dinner. You were just at the door, wiping your hands on your apron, when Victor walked up. You hastily wiped some soot from your cheek.
“Y/N, hello!” he said cheerfully. Then he frowned. “My goodness, what have you been doing? You look like a field hand.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I’ve been helping my father. It’s not exactly neat work.”
“Don’t you have sewing or...ladies work to do?” he wondered.
You resisted the brutal urge to roll your eyes.
“Actually, Victor, all my ladies work is reserved for Tuesdays,” you said, but once again, he did not detect your sarcasm.
“Y/N, I’ve come by to see if you -”
“I know why you’re here,” you cut across him. 
“Well, have you thought about it?” he asked.
“I have,” you said, heart pounding. “After careful consideration, I have decided to change my original answer. I will marry you, Victor.”
You felt like vomiting. But you knew what you had to do. Your father needed this.
“Wonderful!” he cried, punching a fist into the air. “Shall we set a date? How about a week from today?”
“Woah, settle down,” you said. “A proper wedding takes months to plan. And I want it to be done the right way, not the quickest way.”
“Ah, of course,” he replied. “Then, shall we go and give your father the good news?”
“I’ll tell him myself,” you said. “I don’t want to overwhelm him.”
He took your hand, pressing his lips to your knuckles. You tried not to cringe.
“I’m sure he’ll be happy for you,” he said. “There’s no better match in town.”
You forced a smile. “Yes, I...well…”
“I can see you’re speechless,” he chuckled. “I’ll let you and your father have some time. I’ll come back tomorrow to pay him my respects.”
“Thank you, Victor,” you said. “This is going to change our lives.”
“It certainly will,” he agreed pompously. “Good day, Y/N...dear.”
You winced as he released your hand and returned to his horse. He mounted, blew you a kiss, and then trotted away with a wide grin on his face. You watched him disappear through the trees. Disgust crawled over your skin, and weren’t sure if it was for yourself or Victor. Now there was the issue of telling your father.
With a groan, you headed back down to the cellar. You heard a loud whistle of the machine he’d been building, which made you stop. You watched as everything began. Springs coiled and released, steam erupted from lids, wheels turned. All of it led to an axe - attached at the front - rising up, and coming down hard enough against a piece of wood to chop it cleanly in half.
Your mouth fell open.
“Papa!” you cried.
“Can you believe it, Y/N?!” he returned, jubilant. “It works!”
It made you sick to think you were going to have to ruin his good mood.
“Papa, I’ve got something to tell you,” you began.
“I tell you, Y/N, with this one, we’ll go far,” he continued, ignoring you. “This is going to be my greatest yet!”
“Papa, I -”
“Chopping wood is back breaking, people will be clamoring for this!” he went on. “We’ve got to celebrate! How about we -”
“Papa, listen!” you insisted.
He stopped short and looked at you. His brow furrowed at your watery eyes. He switched off the machine and the room went silent.
“I....I have more news,” you said quietly. Dread made your stomach turn. “Victor was just here.”
“Oh? Any updates on buying the old palace?”
You shook your head. “It wasn’t about that. He...well, you see...he…”
“Out with it, Y/N,” your father pressed. “Don’t leave me on tender hooks here.”
“He asked me to marry him,” you blurted out.
You found it difficult to meet your father’s gaze now. Shame made you fix your eyes to the floor.
“What did you tell him?” your father asked gently.
You looked up. “I said yes.”
Paul’s eyes went wide. You knew you had shocked him.
“Y/N, I...I didn’t think you wanted to get married,” he said. “Much less to Victor. From the way you spoke this morning, you seem to hardly even like him.”
“Well, it’s not always about what I want,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest stubbornly. “This is about what’s best for us.”
“Us?” he questioned. “Heavens, I’m not the one marrying him. What’s he got to do with me?”
You squeezed your eyes shut with frustration. A tear slid down your cheek.
“He can take care of you, Papa,” you said softly. “He can get you proper care. Better than Lyle.”
“Y/N, you can’t pledge your life to someone for my sake!” he cried, crossing over to put his hands on your arms. “You should marry someone for love! And no other reason!”
“And what, watch you die right in front of me?!” you shot back. “When I could have done something? Papa, you’re the only family I’ve got left!”
“I’m not a reason to waste your life!” he insisted. “You’re my child, I’m supposed to go before you do! And what happens then? You’ll marry a man you don’t love or respect to give me just a few more years?”
“I need you!” you argued, tears falling freely now. 
“You can’t sacrifice your life for me, Y/N, I won’t let you!” he shouted.
You sobbed and collapsed into his arms. He held you against him and let you cry, patting your back soothingly. Pressed to his chest, you could hear his rattling breaths. It reaffirmed your decision.
“I won’t let you die,” you whimpered.
“Y/N, there’s a contest in the city this week,” he said. “Before you go through with this, let me go and try to win some money. If I can do that, I’ll get treatment, and you won’t have to marry Victor. Okay?”
“I’ve already accepted him, Papa,” you said, sniffling.
“Engagements can be called off,” he returned. “Let’s give my inventions one last chance to save us.”
You pulled away and looked at him. “Alright, then.”
He cupped your face in his hands, gently wiping your tears away with his thumbs. 
“Have some faith, my girl,” he said. “At least this one works.”
“Oh, Papa,” you laughed.
You went up and had dinner together. 
The next day, you rose early and helped your father pack up the wagon. You hitched up the horse as well. As Paul climbed into the seat, he looked at you.
“What shall I bring you if it’s good news?” he asked.
“A rose,” you replied. “The kind you always brought home for Mama.”
He smiled. “A rose it is, then.”
You stepped up on the hitch and kissed his cheek.
“Good luck, Papa,” you said. “I love you.”
“And I love you, Y/N,” he returned warmly. “I’ll see you in three days.”
“Three days,” you repeated, stepping back down.
When you were safely on the ground, he flicked the reins and he was off. You watched him go. The sun began to creep over the horizon, and with it came new hope. This invention worked, and it was incredibly useful. There was a chance.
Paul started at a brisk pace, determined to make it to the city by the afternoon. Then he’d have a whole day to sell the new invention. He was certain it would do better than the last few. It had to. His daughter’s whole future was at stake this time. 
The only trouble was, getting to the big city quickly meant going through the forest. And Paul had not made the journey in over a year. Either his memory was failing him, or the path had changed. He couldn’t be sure which. But it seemed suddenly the world had gone dark, though he knew the sun still shone above the trees somewhere. 
“Where are we?” he wondered aloud.
He brought the horse to a slow stop. Then he looked around. There were no signs to indicate which direction to go from there. Worried he was missing something due to the darkness, he reached into the wagon for a lantern. He lit it, which helped some, but still there was no indication for where he wanted to go. He dug around in his bag for his map. As he did so, a soft pattering through the leaves got his attention.
Rain came down, dampening his clothes. He blinked and looked up. Now it was clear why visibility was so bad. Clouds blocked out the sun. Dark, wicked looking clouds.
A jolt of fear ran up Paul’s spine. A storm would mean a cold, which was something his lungs couldn’t take right now. Not when he had to go and present his wood chopper. He needed to head back home and try again tomorrow.
He tugged the reins to the left to begin his journey home. A low rumble of thunder confirmed his decision. Then…
Thunder sounded almost right above them. Paul shivered as the rain came down harder. The horse whinnied nervously, backing up. 
“No, Phillipe, forward,” Paul urged, flicking the reins again.
Lightning struck the tree in front of them and it immediately burst into flame. Phillipe neighed and reared back, throwing the wagon off balance.
“Phillipe!” Paul shouted, in an attempt to calm him.
The flames warmed the air around them. Thunder boomed above. The dry, crunchy leaves on the forest floor caught the flames from the tree. Phillipe turned tail and took off into the woods, away from the fire and further away from home.
Paul gave a yelp of surprise and held onto the reins. The wagon bumped along over the roots and rocks, and he was just trying not to be thrown off as they galloped through the darkness. The rain picked up, pelting the man’s face and eyes. Paul lowered his hat to try and shield himself, but it was already soaked through.
“Phillipe!” Paul yelled through the noise. “Phillipe, stop!”
The horse did not listen. His animal instincts had completely taken over and he was focused only on escaping the fire and storm. They hurtled through the woods without any direction or destination.
When Phillipe could go no further, he slowed, panting. Paul peered out from below his hat. He hoped he could discern where he was, but the only thing in front of him was an old, wrought iron gate. It was elaborately designed, and now that the rain had eased up, Paul could see why. Behind it was a lush garden. The most prominent growth was a stunning rose bush. Thinking of his daughter, he had Phillipe halt so he could get down. He retrieved his pocket knife and reached through the gate.
To his surprise, it squeaked open. He gasped as he lost balance and stumbled through. He brought his arm back through the bars and then walked onto the little path into the garden. The roses really were some of the finest he had ever seen. The bushes were tall so it felt like walking through a maze. Unwilling to venture too far in, he stopped before the first curve.
A large rose bloomed out from the bush. The petals looked so delicate with the rain drops adorning them. He brought forth his knife once again, and he cut the stem, carefully avoiding the thorns.
He heard a low rumble nearby. Assuming it to be thunder, he started to jog back to Phillipe. Only it wasn’t thunder, he quickly realized. A great, looming shadow had appeared above him. As he took in the shape before him, he stumbled backward and let out a scream.
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fourthwingingit · 4 years
So i just reblogged something about flashfam having adhd and not just as a "haha funny joke they fast lololol" thing and now i have headcanons (only with a few because im new to flashes sorry)
1) BART (the one im most familiar with)
Bart thrives in cleanliness. Bart also cannot clean to save his LIFE
Like he looks at a dirty shelf and his brain just
"Nope too much time to leave"
He tries to clean his room weekly.
And weekly he gets derailed about 10 minutes in because "OH MAN I HAVENT SEEN THIS IN SO LONG!!!" *starts reading old writing project*
He is a hyperactivity king
He cant sit still to save his life
Hes just constantly moving something
He bounces his leg so fast it blurs
Probably self medicates with caffeine because it gives his brain enough stimulation to Chill The H*ck Out
He interrupts people because he gets excited
2) WALLY (i know the least about him sorry)
Have you heard about our lord and saviour rsd?
Literally this boy has such bad rsd (rejection sensitive dysphoria) that like his best frieds could make a joke and hed be like "Oh :)...... okay,,, ill just,,,,,,,,, leave forever now."
From what i know about him his inattention is his worst trait
Like he would be in the middle of saying something Really Important and he jusr zones out and somehow when he comes back hes talking about dogs and has no memory of what he was saying previously
Also when someone is Telling him something Important (tm) he john mulaney's and just zones out against his will! Oh the doctor is giving me vital results? Well i guess id better wonder about the lifecycle of a snail.
3) Barry (my og boy)
He is "high functioning"
Which is fancy talk for "calm on the outside and screaming on the inside whenever he does anything"
Can he do paperwork? Allegedly.
Has anyone seen him do it? Of course not.
Does the Captain somehow get fully completed documents moments before the Absolute Deadline when he knows mere minutes before they werent even started? Absolutely.
FAMILY ACTIVITIES (aka family wide symptoms and coping activities)
This is a caffeine dependent household
It messes with barrys powers but the others use it So Much (i know thats not how it works but my city now)
Every morning they ask someone to help them do one (1) basic chore
Wally: "iris can you watch me do the dishes so i cant leave before its done? I promise ill pay you back."
Barry: "hey jay i need to mow the lawn come talk to me while i do it or ill end up running over to different stores to compare fertilizers or something equally barely related."
Bart: "tim please. I NEED to go grocery shopping but i Will buy so many things that we dont need if you dont come with me. And that is a threat."
Since they need to eat a lot and they need to have stimulation they constantly have cliff bars and stuff on them. All different flavors too! Cant get boring or it wont help with anything.
Robin: i need a snack, i havent eaten in like, a whole day
Kid flash: what flavor cliff bar do you like? Or do you prefer nature valley? What about [weight gain bar]? Oh! You dont eat bars do you? Stupid kid! No worries man, ive got just the thing! Trail mix!!
Robin: you.... dont have pockets??.?.?????? HOW???????
They all have special interests and love infodumping to their friends, but the way they do it is different
Barry: Flash Fact(tm)!
Wally: hey, did you know?
Bart: hey! Guess what i just found out!!!!
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rvnjun · 5 years
weather boy | haechan
genre: super power!au 
warnings:  violence, mentions of blood
authors note: first part of The Dream Team series! Finally finished it after nearly two years of sitting in my drafts,,collecting dirt and cobwebs 
probably spelling and grammar mistakes because i suck at proofreading 
all i could think of when writing this 
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The Dream Team M.list
Some people were born with their powers because their parents had them, others received them under strange and unusual circumstances 
most people fit into one of those two categories, it was nearly impossible for them not too
however, Donghyuck was a special case
technically he was born with his powers, but technically he received them thanks to a injection
his mother was a scientist working for a laboratory
for years she helped developed a serum that would give someone powers 
his mother was a courageous woman and offered herself up as the first test subject, they didn't know if the serum would kill her or even work
injecting it into herself she stayed under surveillance for weeks and the only thing that seemed to be happening was that she kept feeling nauseous and puking  
they brushed it off as a weird side effect
however, 1 month later she learned about her pregnancy
she left the lab and focused all her attention on raising her soon to be son
the thoughts of the serum still lingered in her mind, she was filled with despair at the fact that it seemed to not have worked 
but she would soon be proven wrong
when her son was born, clouds filled the room and rain began to pour down, wind started blowing everything around
the serum did in fact work, just not on her
Donghyuk had it slightly hard growing up
since neither of his parents had powers they weren't able to understand him
they took him to power therapy, there he learned how to control them and what he could do with them 
he knew that his powers were powerful and potentially dangerous 
watching the news caused him to see how people could take their amazing gifts and do some of the worst things with them 
the hatred and fear they caused, it was because of them that people would treat those with powers like trash and not human 
Donghyuck wanted to do good, he had a gift and he wanted to use it to save the world, to show those out their that hated his kind that they were also good people 
when he met up with people who also had powers, they called him crazy 
“Why would I risk my life for those who wouldn't risk theirs for me?”
“What's the point, its to much work!”
“Your crazy, ya know!”
it made Donghyuck bubble with rage
why couldnt they be more compassionate and understanding
normal humans had a right to be afraid of them, look at all the things “superheros” did to them
superheros were so focused on stopping the villian that sometimes they caused more damage then what the villain would have done 
Donghyuck confronted his power therapist, he went on a 30 minute rant on how he wanted to save peoples lives but no one else wanted to 
which is when his therapist told him about a young boy named Jaemin
apparently “Jaemin” was like him, he wanted to use his powers to help save people 
and that's how he met his best friends 
it was also how he met you
many of the fights and bad people seemed to target the same neighborhood
which was where you lived
it wasn't a bad neighborhood but it also wasn't the richest, it was perfectly in the middle 
there was many times when you would be sitting outside and all of a sudden some person was going off on a speech about taking over the world
you always casually watched from your porch
after awhile of watching them fight you chose to make them some snacks
Donghyuck was completely taken back when you casually approached them with sandwiches and water
it became your thing, you make them some food and bring it to them
while doing so you fell for the weather powered boy 
you were extremely shocked when you learned Donghyucks real identity 
he was the cute kid who never shut up in your chem class
which in hindsight, you should have known
Donghyuck was known for his weather powers
you laughed to yourself, people should have been smarter to realize that the kid in school with weather powers was actually the superhero,,,with weather powers 
he risked revealing his identity to you so you could date
The Dream Team, as they called themselves didn't mind, they all loved you
you had already proven that you were a nice person, that you actually cared about them 
dating Donghyuck was a little hard at first, only because sometimes he couldn't control his powers around you
like the time when some dude was hitting on you, Donghyuck made it downpour in the coffee shop,,,only on the guy 
then there was the time you two were swimming and messing around, he was shooting you heart eyes, the clouds cleared up even more and you swore you heard sweet music suddenly play in the background 
and your personal favorite was when you two were having a pretty intense make-out session and the temperature in the room raised a whole 10 degrees
(fahrenheit otherwise that would be concerning)
other than his rapid emotions he was an amazing normal boyfriend
he loved to show you off, if you ever felt insecure about something 
he would brag about you to everyone around him like you were a first place trophy 
you still brought his friends food after they fought, except this time Donghyuck enjoyed your kisses more than the food 
Everyone at your school was kinda shocked to learn that you were dating 
as far as they knew you never talked before
and then suddenly you were holding hands in the hallway while walking each other to classes 
As much as you loved Donghyuck for fighting,and helping people you couldn't help but feel scared for him sometimes 
the number of times he came over to your house with cuts and bruises on your face made your heart sink
you always told him that he should have gone to Jaemin for help but he said that you made him feel better 
like any other day you were sitting at your desk while working on some dreaded homework
the headphones blasting music in your ears distracted you from properly doing your work, plus its not like you were really trying
a light tap of your window caused you to look up with a soft smile
you were expecting to see Donghyuks smiling face
“Babe?” You asked when no one was in sight
feeling confused you stood up and stupidly opened the window
screaming Donghyucks name when someone grabbed you and pulled you out of it
you knew that Donghyuck wasnt near but you pleaded for him in your mind
begging for him to somehow hear you and save you
everything went black and the last thing you saw was the intruders smiling face
Donghyuck laughed along with his friends at Renjuns joke
suddenly Jisung stopped laughing and looked straight at Donghyuck
“Hyung, Y/n is in danger,” he said very seriously
“What? Don't joke like that,” Donghyuck snapped a bit
not really enjoying being joked with on something so serious
“Im not joking! I just know Y?n is in danger,” he protested growing more and more scared every second
everyone looked at him before Chenle spoke up
“Jisung would joke about something like that, Y/n must seriously be in danger.”
rushing out of his seat Donghyuck made a mad dash for your house
the clouds around began to darken, rain falling slowly
he pulled at his phone and repeatedly tried to call you but got no answer
adding to the sudden weather problems
wind harshly blew, a drastic change from the previous sunny and calm day
when Donghyuck arrived at your house and saw your open window he just knew Jisung was right
as much as he didnt want to believe him
looking around he couldn't see any sign as to where you could have been
tears began to fall down his face
calling Jisung he begged and pleaded for him to figure out where you were
Jisung thought and thought about everything before it came to him 
“I think,,I think Y/n is at the old abandoned factory on 8th str-” Donghyuck hung up before he could finish his sentence
Donghyuck turned and darted in the direction of the factory
people around him screamed as the rain poured harder and thunder boomed, lightning decorated the sky rapidly, cool and warm wind began to mix causing funnel clouds to appear
dangerously threatening the people out the city
back at the table Donghyuck friends stared at the sky in awe, they had seen Donghyucks powers before but never like this
silently praying for your safety they sat and watched the sky, waiting for it to change to show that you were okay 
he quickly arrived at the factory, the door burst open from wind before he could even touch it
he listened for a sound, running towards it
the door burst open as Donghyuck arrived, staring at your tied up and beaten figure
“Y/n,” he yelled, body shaking with anger
the guy in front of you immediately dropped what he was holding in fear
you cried in happiness at seeing your boyfriend, knowing that he was able to find you thanks to Jisung
“How dare you fucking hurt Y/n,” he said angrily
bursts of wind launched the man into the wall and held him there
the room rapidly rised in temperature, clouds formed in the room, replicating the weather outside
the man screamed out
Donghyuck stepped towards him as tornado began to form
he untied you, holding your body as you fell into his arms, knees weak from pain
gently he kissed your forehead “ill take you to Jaemin as soon as im done here baby,” he tone was the exact opposite of the one he used to the man just seconds before
you stared at the room in awe at his powers, not feeling the slightest afraid because you trusted him
a huge bolt of lightening stuck down on the man causing him to knockout
Donghyuck calmed down at seeing the injured man
the boys back at the table smiled at the sky when all the clouds disappeared the sun came out, wind changing to a gentle breeze
“Im so glad you are okay, I was so fucking worried,” he began to cry as he held you
“I don't know what I would have done if I lost you, Y/n you are my everything and I can't live without you,” he body shook with tears
holding him as tight as you could you rested your head on his chest 
“I screamed for you the whole time, all i wanted was to be right here,,in your arms,” you said happily
your eyes started to close, exhausted taking over your body
you placed a weak kiss on Donghyucks lips
“let me take you to Jaemin,”
Donghyuck smiled contentedly and carried you out of the room, ignoring the man, and was happily met with his friends
“Figured you'd need me,” Jaemin looked at you and smiled, healing all your wounds and making you feel like none of it had happened
“Well lets get out of here,” Jaemin said
Donghyuck followed behind his friends, refusing to put you back down
“,,,you aren't gonna heal the guy, Hyung? what if Donghyuk killed him?” Jisung asked in surprise
Jaemin waved his hand and shook his head 
Donghyuck scoffed “Sadly, he wasn't hurt that badly.” 
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helahelahel · 4 years
hi! i wanted to request toko fukawa for the ask game you reblogged! i hope that's okay. hoping you are having a lovely day! p.s. your recent toko (and byakuya art with 'i am fashion blogger is so so wonderful! i love toko's argyle vest especially.)
hi ! first of all thank u for the questioon^___^ love u
and thank u for the compliments 😭♥️ (love her vest too)
for the ask game ive decided to kinda .... ignore syos existence so sorry about that
and yeah ...
 favorite thing about them
hm.,,,,, its too hard i just love everything abt her !!!!!!!! but the thing i love the most … her personality i think? i really relate to her and i feel like … its kind of cool to see a person who has the same thoughts as u? and voices the out loud? i think thats cool i love toko for voicing her thoughts out loud . also abt …. relating to her . its just i. kind of know how it feels to think like her? idk how to say it but i just . really relate to her . also we kind of have the same fears so hehe  … so i think this might be my favorite thing about her ? that i know how she feels and she . voices it out loud so i kind also admire her for that …. god this got kinda personal didnt it...
and other than that i just …. lvoe her so much  . also i think i fell in love with her while watching ultra despair girls walkthrough (didn't even finish thh at that time) and one of the reasons i did that was . her reaction to the word 'friends '
least favorite thing about them
oh well.,... the whole thing with byakuya… their relationship during and post the killing game… we all know how it looks like right… so yeah .
favorite line
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maybe this i think … so inspiring
togafuka !! hehe . i think . their friendship…  itd cool wouldnt it . but like … theyd need to work on it … also theres this hc ….. but ill explain it more in the random headcanon section
tokomaru ofc .. i think that . they kinda … both helped each other grow during their adventure in towa city? and they …. ikdk just love them u know
oh not sure about this one… i guess i .. toko and junko ? cant really feel it u know...
random headcanon
well i guess i have to explain what i mean by "there's this hc".... so ill just explain it and post 2 … one togafuka (bc I wanted to explain it ) and one … happy? one bc todays been quite sad .
so basically … i hc them as good friends pre killing game. like they didn't really know each other before entering hopes peak but they met at hopes peak and became good friends there bc of their similarities like lonely life etc (there's also part kinda related to dr togami but its more abt byakuya so won't really talk much abt it) but yeah … they've became friends and kinda started changing for the better but then the killing game happened and u know what's next right 
ok enough about them right . so abt toko and toko only. i think she  kind of … likes when other do her hair? like braid her hair, style it etc also she loves  shopping ? but she always ends up trying something on, maybe takes a pic and sends it to komaru/ class 78 girls … but she mostly ends up not buying anything (not bc of lack of money bc she gets lots from royalties ofc it's not like togami level rich but) bc of her low self esteem… but she actually did buy a few things for herself and she was really happy while buying them 
unpopular opinion
oh im not sure  if i have any … sorry
song i associate with them
ohhh i actually do have a playlist with some of them hehe some of the songs are … not really abt her ? like they don't really fit her lyrically but I think they do fit her  … musically wise? dont know….
but overall ... i think ugly by 2ne1
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favorite picture of them
lately it's been this picture of the actress playing her on dr the stage
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it's just so happy hehee ^^^ but
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i think this one ... wonderful
thank u for the ask^^ it was fun
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balenciagastones · 4 years
the long run - for hannah
okay so quick preface before anyone’s confused, adri wrote this for me and ive just cried for about 20 minutes over it lmao, this is just what i needed today 🥺🥺 thank you so so so much, i love it 🥺😭 xx
If you would’ve told Eric 5 years ago that he’d be sat here with the girl of his dreams and their three beautiful kids on holiday in Greece he would’ve told you you were crazy, but now looking at Hannah with their twins sitting under the umbrella has him and his first baby made a sandcastle he wouldn’t wanna be any other place. 
But let's start from the beginning. 
Let's start on that rainy Tuesday morning, where it all began, where Eric was up bright and early for training, early enough to catch a quick coffee at his favorite shop before heading into Enfield. Walking in and having the barista take his order and waiting on his phone on the side for it to be ready. That’s when SHE walked in. 
Rushing in from the rain, pulling off the hood of her jacket to reveal her beautiful long light brown hair that flowed down her back. Her bag holding books for uni that desperately needed studying, her ordering was what caught his attention making him look up from his phone and studying her as she ordered. He saw the big smile on her face as she politely greeted the barista and kindly ordered her drink before heading over in his direction, immediately giving him a smile which he returned. He thought she was just exceptionally beautiful, he could already feel the happiness she radiated off, just an amazing energy and he wanted to know more. 
He turned his head towards her and sparked up a conversation catching her off guard making himself chuckle. 
“Hi, I’m Eric.” He put his hand out. 
“I’m Hannah, nice to meet you Eric.” she grabbed his hand and what felt like fireworks shot through his arm and made him smile wide, a smile which she returned almost twice as big. 
A bit of small talk with coffee and a rushed exchange of numbers, he could tell this was gonna be the start of something beautiful. 
After flirty texts, long phone calls, late facetime sessions and weekly dates that fit both their schedules you can say that they were each falling, and hard. Eric couldn’t keep the smile off his face when thinking about her, and everyone around him noticed. Dele telling him that he’s already whipped and all Eric could do in response was shrug, immediately going into a spell of stories about what him and Hannah talked about that morning while on the phone on his way to training. Normally Dele would roll his eyes and just make fun of him but he could see the glint in his best friend’s eyes that told him that even just after a few weeks this girl was the one. “Do you love her?” Deles question took Eric off guard and speechless. “I-i..” he took a pause immediately bringing her to mind, thinking of the cute little faces she makes during their facetimes, the way she talked that made his stomach flipped, her smile that could make even a big man like him go weak, her bubbly personality that he could hardly believe fit in her little body, and then it hit him. “I think i do,” it was the first time he actually admitted his feelings to himself this quickly. “I love her. “ “You love her.” Dele repeated, a smile coming to his face at his best friends realization. “I gotta tell her, I’m gonna call her to schedule a date night with her tonight, tell the gaffer ill be there in 5 minutes.” Dele nodded and chuckled as he saw Eric run off to call Hannah. 
When Eric called her in the middle of when he was supposed to be training she got worried something had happened, she didn’t expect him to say “im picking you up at 8, we’re gonna go out to dinner, please say yes.” and she didn’t give it a second thought. So there she was dressed up looking herself in the mirror when Eric texted her that he was there to pick her up, and like always he was at the door waiting for her and greeted her with a kiss. She could tell something was up on the drive to the restaurant. He had one that had intertwined with hers like always but the hand on the steering wheel was tapping its fingers against it anxiously. She thought maybe he had a tough training session so she brought his hand to her lips placing a gentle kiss to his knuckles seemingly calming him as he looked over and smiled at her. When they reached the restaurant he opened the car door for her and was the perfect gentleman like always. Throughout the whole dinner he seemed a bit more calm, due to her presence, making him laugh and smile the whole night through. After they ordered dessert however she grabbed his hand and asked the question on her mind, “Soo what do i owe the pleasure of this quick planned dinner date?” she rose her eyebrows at him as she sipped her wine. He cleared his throat and chuckled a bit, “I just wanted to take my lovely girlfriend out for dinner..” her eyes screamed ‘spill it’ so he cleared his throat once again before asking for both her hands, which she put in his, “the real reason we came out was because this morning in training i realized something, I realized how amazing I feel when youre on my mind, I realized how calm and happy you make me constantly, and if i could shout it on a rooftop i would, Hannah, I love you.” He could see the tears in her eyes and he leaned over to wipe them from her eyes. “Dont cry pretty girl.” “Theyre happy tears I promise, I-i I love you too Eric.” If you think you’ve seen Eric’s biggest smile, youre wrong, his face beamed as he leaned over even more to plant a kiss on her lips right before the dessert came and then heading to his home where the two of them showed each other just how much they loved the other. 
Fast forward a couple months in and he’d say he had never been more right about the day they met. It was the North London Derby and Hannah was in the stands, yes the stands, stood next to his younger brothers while wearing a big 15 with Dier on her back. Cheering for him at the top of her lungs whenever he even got a touch on the ball. The game ending in their favor 3-2 with Eric scoring the winner, and he had never seen such excitement in her eyes then when she told him the story of when City won the league, with her going out to celebrate it. She met him in the tunnel, and ran towards his arms before he can make it inside the changing room, he caught her in his big arms and spun her around before smashing his lips on hers quickly before putting her down. Him promising her he’d be quick so they can head home so she stood there with Emilia, the two of them becoming just as close as there partners were, waiting for both of their men to come out, Dele coming out first and letting her know Eric was just behind him. She bid them goodbye before turning back and there he was, her man. She couldn’t help herself she pulled his neck down for a longer kiss earning a whistle from Lamela and pat on the shoulder from Winksy as they headed out. Lamela shouting, “Dier is getting some tonightttt!” making you both chuckle as you broke from the kiss. 
“Oh yes he is.” she whispered with a smirk on her lips making him peck her one more time whispering back, “god I love you” before scooping her in his arms and carrying her to the car for a very long night of celebration, if you know what i mean. 
Fast forward 3 more months and their sat on his sofa for their weekly movie night. Bowl of popcorn in her lap as she was laid back on his chest, clad in his t-shirt that looked more like a dress on her due to his large size. The two of them were chatting here and there and he couldn’t help but notice how comfortable she was. 
And no not just in his arms, but in general, she was here most nights, becoming accustomed to being in his arms during the night, both of them confessing to each other that they both got the best sleep when the other was next to them, she had an extra set of toiletries and entire makeup bag upstairs in his bathroom, articles of clothing that she would accidentally leave around that he would call to tell her she forgot and she would just tell him to keep it there so she would have some of her own clothes there even tho she much preferred wearing his all over the house and he wasn’t complaining. He also couldn’t stop thinking about how he loved the days she would have off from uni and just hang out at his place all day while he went to training, always coming home to her cooking or studying always wrapping his arms around her waist kissing her neck and mumbling “I could get used to this” making her giggle and turn her neck to plant a kiss on his lips. God how he wanted those days to be every day, he wanted her to come home from long school days so he can spoil her from head to toe and make her feel all relaxed when she was stressed. He wanted to wake up to her beautiful face every day for the rest of his life. And he was gonna make it happen.
He leaned down to press a kiss on her shoulder and her neck whispering “Pretty girl,” she hummed in response as she chewed on some popcorn, “move in with me.” She almost choked at his words and whipped her head back to look at him. “Are you being serious?” her eyes scanning his face for any sign that his question was a joke. “Deadly,” he cupped her face before continuing, “Hannah, I want to wake up to your gorgeous little face every morning and I wanna come home knowing you’ll be here or knowing you’ll walk through that front door right after me. If it’s too much too fast then it’s oka-” she cut him off with a kiss. Saying “you’re cute when you start going on tangents,” against his lips, “I’d love to move in with you.” A huge smile spread across his face as he kissed her one more time, so passionately it sent a shiver down her spine. The two so in love it radiated off them, he really was at his happiest in that moment. 
After the move in it felt like everything was where it should be, month of the two of them as happy as can be, always there for each other through the rough training sessions, to the long study hours, the wins and losses, the bad and good marks, through every minor injury or every bad day, they were together through thick and thin. 
Which didn’t change when Hannah was sick for 3 days straight. Eric sitting next to her holding her hair as she threw her guts up in the toilet, rubbing her back telling her it’ll pass soon. The two of them sitting on the bathroom floor, her in his lap feeling awful as he kissed her forehead trying to make her feel better, thats when she started crying. Tears hitting his shoulder making him pull her face to look up at him. 
“Whats wrong beautiful?”
“What if its not a stomach bug E, what if… what if i could be pregnant?” she couldn’t look at his face, she buried her face in his neck again still spilling tears. He just soothed her and said “If that’s the case then we’ll get through it, together, I promise.” she looked up at him and saw the sincerity in his eyes and pulled him in for a kiss. “I love you E.” “I love you more pretty girl.” 
And he kept his promise, being there when she took the test, when the timer rang anf the both of them looked at the positive test in front of them, the both of them crying knowing that Hannah was now carrying a little creation of their love, Eric immediately getting on his knees pulling up her shirt pressing a kiss to her tummy even though she wasn’t showing yet. Mumbling “me and your mummy already love you so much.” 
He didn’t know how he could love her any more than he did, seeing her through every appointment, seeing the little bump form on her body just made her more beautiful if that was even possible, she was carrying his baby and he couldn’t contain his happiness, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and he couldn’t wait. 
So 4 months later there were the both of them smiling for the endless photographs that their families were taken the day of he graduation, both families becoming so close from the moment they met, both moms planning the wedding that same night. “Do you think they have enough pics, my feet hurt.” she whispered making him laugh giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Probably not after this.” he whispered making her look at him confused, and then he got on one knee taking something out of his pocket making her gasp, her hand immediately going to her growing baby bump. 
“Hannah, you are the love of my life, the only girl who can make me a big softie around the boys, the light in my life that i can’t get enough of, and youre the mother of our baby growing inside of you, I want nothing more than to spend the rest of out lives together… so what im asking is, will you marry me?” she flashed the big ring to her and she swore she was sobbing at this point only being able to nod as he flashed another big smile getting up and slipping the ring on her finger giving her a big passionate kiss. Pulling away to see their families taking loads of pics and videos of the amazing moment. “I love you so much.” she breathed out as he wiped the tears from her face. “And I love you so much more.” 
“We’re getting married!” she exclaimed, making everyone laugh. 
5 months later and they were sitting on the sofa watching the city game on the television, her still a bit grumpy she cant wear her jersey due to the big belly, she was already one week past her due date with their little girl and she couldn’t wait til the day came to pop her out, the doctor said it could happen any day but as Eric liked to say that their little girl wanted to stay in the little home Hannah created for her over the past months, “Well this little home’s rent is way past due and it time for her to be evicted.” she would grumble. 
So there she sat in a little tank top and a pair of Eric’s joggers rolled up at the waist waiting for the second half to start, Eric getting up to get her some more crips and some water hearing her say to her belly, “if city win you have to come out today please.” making him chuckle as he walked back to her handing her the snack. He sat next to her resting his head on her shoulder and rubbing her belly like he always did, this little gesture had become one of her favorite things of his, always making her feel relaxed as well as it being able to calm the little baby when she would have a kick fest inside of Hannah. She smiled down at him and placed a kiss on his head. 
The second half and there was city immediately gaining possession of the ball with Foden making a pass directly for KDB perfectly netting the ball making Hannah jump up and celebrate and thats when she felt it, a sharp pain and wet between her legs, “Ow fuck!” Eric immediately standing up asking if she was okay, looking down and seeing the stain on the joggers from her water breaking, “I knew our little girl would be a city fan, ah in your face.. Ow!” she laughed and winced at the same time 
“Okay im grabbing the bags, start heading to the car.” she nodded as she waddled over to the fron door and opening it waiting at the car for eric. After he helped her in they rushed to the hospital, calling their families and Dele and Emilia on the way there, the responses being that they’ll be there. Getting there was a breeze though Hannah’s contractions were every 4 minutes. The doctor had her in the room as soon as they got there and said she was almost ready to push. 
And 6 hours later Arden Primrose Dier came into the world and her parents couldn’t be more wrapped around her little finger. As Eric liked to say she was the spitting image of her mother with a dash of Dier hair, and he loved her endlessly. Everytime he held her little body, tears would well up in his eyes not believing he made this precious little one. His two girls becoming his world and he vowed to love and protect them always. 
10 months later Eric was stood at the end of aisle with Dele next to him, his brothers amongst his groomsmen. Seeing his baby girl being carried by his sister in her little flower girl dress, cooing at her daddy as he made a face at her. 
And then the music started, he took a deep breathe and then he saw her, linked arms with her grandad in her gorgeous white dress, no sleeves and a small deep V, flowery lace throughout the gown. He couldnt keep his emotions in, tearing up at the sight of the love of his life that was about to marry him and be his forever. Dele pat his shoulder smiling at him. Her grandad shaking his hand and kissing his granddaughter on her cheek so proud of her and the man she would call her husband. The whole ceremony was so beautiful, and then came the vows, leaving no dry eye in the whole venue. 
Eric went first. “Hannah, I remember the day we met like it was yesterday, you running in from the rain and immediately catching my attention, the way you immediately lit up the room with a smile on your face, I knew i just had to get to know to you, and i know that after you left that day you already had my heart. You’ve been with me through every high and low, always being my number one supporter except of course on matches against city,” everyone laughed as Hannah winked, “but whether its a win or a loss you are always by my side picking me up when i need it, you are the love of my life, and will be to the very end, I can never thank you enough for all the things youve done for me, including bringing in our little Arden into the world, there is no one I would rather have random dance competitions in the car with, I love you Hannah.” 
“Wow how am i supposed to follow that,” she chuckled getting ready for her turn, “Eric, wow where do I start, first off I love you and secondly thank you, thank you for being mine, thank you for being there after every rough day where all i want is to be in your arms telling me that everything was going to be okay, thank you for being just you, the perfect man, the one of my dreams, thank you for always listening even if I’m just complaining about something you don’t know about, thank you for giving me Arden, and for being the best daddy to our beautiful girl, thank you for being there through the long nights where you told me to go to sleep but I would stay up til I would knock out studying, thank you for always taking me to bed and making sure i slept the whole night, thank you for being there evry step during pregnancy i know i was a bit difficult,” they both chuckled, “thank you for letting me be me, I don’t know what i would do without you Eric Dier and ever since our first meeting I knew you were the one and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us, I love you Eric.” 
Everyone was just in awe of their love, wiping tears from their faces, the ceremony ending with him dipping her and kissing her more passionately than ever before. 
The entire reception was a blast, Hannah changing into her silk white dress that Eric drooled over, whispering in her ear how much he already wanted to take it off her making her blush. They danced the night away, their first dance full of tears, Dele and Emilia’s speeches were each beautiful and Eric and Hannah wouldn’t want this night to be any other way. 
As the night came to a close it was time for the bouquet toss, Hannah throwing it behind her and none other than Emilia caught it, making Eric and Winksy nudge Dele as he winked at his girlfriend. Hannah hugged her best friend before rejoining her now husband planting a kiss on his lips as they started to bid everyone goodnight. Wanting to savor their wedding night before they flew to Mykonos the next morning for their honeymoon. Giving one last kiss to Arden as she was staying with his parents while they were away they were ready 
“Ready to go Mrs. Dier?” “Ready as i’ll ever be Mr. Dier.” he grabbed her hand as they made their way out of the reception venue. 
Lets just say it was a very good night. 
Their 10 day trip to Mykonos was so relaxing, staying at a private villa, days filled with love making and trips to the water, as well as nights filled with fancy dinners and more love making after wards. Coming home to their little girl with nice tans and a freshly wed glow to them. 
2 months later and it was Arden’s first birthday, the two of you pulling out all the stops for your little one. The whole day going smoothly, and Arden was tuckered out by the end of the celebrations that evening. Hannah and Eric were too, laying next to each other on their shared bed as Hannah laid on her husband’s chest in silence, with him softly playing with her hair, all of a sudden she felt a churn in her stomach and the next thing she knew she was kneeling in front of the toilet with Eric holding her hair back. 
“I’d say it was a bad reaction to some food but I was wrong last time.” they both chuckled as she rinsed her mouth out with mouth wash. 
“Mr. Dier i think we made ourselves a honeymoon baby.” she laughed making him smile and pick her up and spinning her and giving her a kiss.
Little did they know at the first doctors ultrasound they’d find out some big news. 
“Congrats you two, there are two healthy heart beats.” 
“TWO?!” they both exclaimed making the doctor chuckle, “Yes, you’re carrying twins.” 
“Guess we made two honeymoon babies.” Eric said making his wife slap his arm. 
And 7 months later, she popped out two healthy fraternal twins, a boy, River Aspen Dier, and a girl, Eden Gravity Dier. River already the spitting image of his daddy and Eden looking like a perfect mix of the both of them. 
Eric and Hannah’s hearts couldn’t be more full, Dele and Emilia bringing in Arden to meet her baby siblings and even at almost 2 she showed so much love towards them both. 
  Their lives were complete. Eric had everything he could have wished, with the girl of his dreams. They were in this for the long run and they were loving every minute of it.
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bunteatime · 5 years
aramika coffee shop au pt. 1
ok so!! ive had this au in my head for like.. 5 months now and i luv it sm so i decided to turn it into a lil fic!! im still workin on tha story but i couldnt wait 2 post it so here is part 1..
(also!! apologies if this is written poorly!! its one of tha first times ive ever tried to like. seriously write)
Part 1: Arashi’s POV
Arashi took a step forward. She was standing right in front of a small cafe. It was located in the middle of the city so it was usually quite busy. However, she had arrived just before opening. She smiled and tightened her work apron. 
She wasn’t normally too fond of the idea of working but there was just something so romantic about working in a coffee shop. She had read so many books about two lovers meeting in a coffee shop and the thought of meeting the love of her life while at the cafe practically made her swoon. What if she met the love of her life today? What would they look like? Would they sweep her off her feet the second they saw her? More importantly, would she even realize who they were before it was too late?
Quite suddenly, she snapped out of her daze and look around. Focus, Arashi, she told herself confidently. She stepped inside the cafe and was instantly greeted with the smell of coffee beans and Leo waving at her.
 “Hey, Naru-chan!!” He said almost too excitedly considering how early it was. 
“Hello hello Leo!” she giggled and waved back. 
Just then, Izumi walked in while glaring at his phone. Arashi could’ve sworn she heard him make a little tch sound. 
“Oh, hi Izumi! What’s wrong?” She frowned. 
“Tsukasa won’t be coming in today. Apparently, he fell ill.” He huffed back. 
“Ah, well that’s alright. We still have the four of us!” She attempted to comfort him. Izumi could get worked up so easily, it seemed. 
“Three of us. Ritsu slept in again and knowing him he probably won’t show up until the end of the day.” 
Arashi sighed and looked at her phone. They only had about ten before the coffee shop opened. She would be extra busy today, considering there were only three people working that day. She wished that she could’ve been sick too, so she could just sit at home and paint her nails all day rather than spend it making coffee. She didn’t mind too much though; the pay was really good and with that, she could go out shopping this weekend. She got behind the counter and scrolled through Instagram to pass time. 
“Oh! Before I forget, Naru-chan, there’s gonna be this guy coming sometime around now with a bunch of pastries for the shop! I thought I’d be the one to accept them from him but Izumi-chan said he wanted to ‘talk finances’ with me so would you do it for me?” He smiled brightly at her. She seriously didn’t understand how he could be so peppy at 6 am on a Monday. 
“Of course, dear! Leave it to me.” She winked at him and smiled. 
Leo suddenly got really serious. “If I’m not back in an hour, just know that I died of boredom listening to Izumi talk about stupid adult things.” He said in a scared tone. 
Arashi giggled and pushed him towards the back. “Yes, yes, I’m sure you’ll be fine.” She responded. 
Leo went into the back and it was officially opening time. Looks like I’ll be all on my own this morning, she told herself with a sigh. She walked over to the front of the store and flipped the sign on the front door to the side that said “open” in a cursive font. On her way back to the counter, she straightened some of the chairs and unwrinkled the tablecloths. She was curious over the pastries Leo had mentioned. She assumed they were from a new store than they usually bought their pastries because the usual store wouldn’t send anyone to drop them off. 
The first twenty or so minutes after the opening of the store went well. She had about ten customers come in, all of which looked like college kids wanting to study before class. Just then, the door was opened rather loudly and a boy with shaggy greenish-black hair stumbled in. He was carrying a large box with him and seemed to be out of breath. Did he run all the way here? He was wearing a black sweater and jeans, despite it being the middle of summer. He came up to the front counter and set the box down. The moment he looked up at Arashi, she almost gasped. He had absolutely stunning eyes. One was a beautiful ocean blue while the other was golden. Arashi wondered what they called that. Heterochromia? Was that right? She’d have to look it up later. His eyes were so captivating that she felt like she couldn’t look away.
“Uhm, hello! What can I get for you today, babe?” She asked. 
“Well, uh, ‘m not really here to buy anythin’. Coffee ain’t really my thing… too bitter.” He stuck his tongue out a little bit as he said that. “I dunno if you know but I’m here to deliver some pastries!” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
As soon as she heard him speak, Arashi felt butterflies in her stomach. Fate had just set her up with the absolute cutest boy she’s ever seen and she was so happy. She was absolutely enamored with him. His accent was absolutely adorable and the way he looked down and played with his sleeves shyly as he explained the situation to her made her think that she might die from a cuteness overload. He was just so cute! She’d known this boy for maybe 60 seconds and she had already unashamedly fallen head over heels for him. He was perfect. 
He looked back up at her and they stared at each other for what felt like a blissful eternity, before looking back down awkwardly. His face was bright red. Oh how absolutely adorable he looked when he blushed like that. 
“I, uhm, I should go… Oshi-san’ll be real mad at me if ‘m not back soon..” He said shyly. It might’ve been her imagination but Arashi could’ve sworn she heard a little regret in his voice. 
“Oh, yes, yes of course!” She responded quickly. “Thank you so much for the pastries!” She smiled.
He smiled back at her and began to walk away. Right as he was about to open the door and leave she spoke up again. 
“Also… Your eyes are absolutely gorgeous, babe.” She winked at him and watched as his eyes widened and his face went tomato red again. 
“Th- thank you…” He said quietly and proceeded to leave.
She giggled and sighed as she rested her hand on her head. She was in love, wasn’t she? That was the prettiest boy she had ever seen and with only one interaction between them, she had fallen in love. She wasn’t complaining, though. She absolutely loved the feeling of butterflies in her stomach as she thought about the next time she would see him. 
“Arashi, you’re slacking.” Izumi’s voice spoke behind her. She could almost feel the glare she knew he was giving her.
“Oh my god, Izumi! You won’t believe what just happened.” She said excitedly.
Part 1: Mika’s POV
Mika sighed loudly and rubbed the back of his neck. He had been up since four making pastries. He was starting to get sick of the sweet smell, but he knew Shu would be mad at him if he stopped working. 
“Oshi-san,” He whined. “Can I have a break yet?” He was really hoping he could get out of there soon; today was supposed to be his day off but Shu had called him in suddenly. Although, that wasn’t too odd for Shu to do. 
“Actually, yes. You have to take this box of pastries to this cafe, though.” He handed him a piece of paper with an address written on it in cursive handwriting. “Do not be late, Kagehira. You’ll ruin our business’ reputation.” 
“Will do, Oshi-san!” Mika responded happily. He picked up the box and practically ran out the door.
Once he was outside, he sighed happily. He was glad he wasn’t inside anymore. He hurried over in the direction of the store, however, he got lost along the way. He somehow ended up in the shopping district and couldn’t find his way out. Shit, he panicked. Oshi-san’s gonna get mad at me if ‘m late. It took him a while, but he finally found his way to the coffee shop, however, he was ten minutes late. He would’ve been later if he hadn’t run the whole way. Maybe Shu wouldn’t get as mad at him if he lied and said he had just wandered around after taking the pastries to the cafe?
He went to pull the door open, but it wouldn’t. He tried again and it still wouldn’t open. He tried a third time before reading a sign that said “push” right next to the door. He embarrassedly pushed the door open and stumbled inside the store. He glanced up at the girl at the register and immediately looked down. Oh no, she was pretty. Like, really pretty. Stunning, even. He felt embarrassed. He walked up to the counter and set the box of pastries down before mustering up his courage and looking back up at her. 
Oh god, he was right the first time. She really was pretty. Her eyes were sparkling. They were a deep purple and so so pretty. Her hair was beautiful, too. She looked so effortlessly stunning and it honestly took his breath away. Her smile was stunning, too. She radiated warmth and he found her presence to be oddly comforting, despite knowing her for thirty seconds. 
“Uhm, hello! What can I get for you today, babe?” She said. Did she.. Did she just call him babe? He was falling for her so hard and so fast it almost scared him. He never considered himself the romantic type, but this girl made him feel butterflies in his stomach.
“Well, uh, ‘m not really here to buy anythin’. Coffee ain’t really my thing... too bitter.” He stuck his tongue out and he heard her giggle at that. He immediately blushed and started fidgeting with his sleeves. “I dunno if you know but I’m here to deliver some pastries!” He gestured at the box and rubbed his neck with his hand. It was a nervous habit of his to do that, and he sure was nervous right now. He really hoped that she didn’t find him weird.
He looked back up at her and as soon as their eyes met, he felt those famous butterflies that he didn’t know existed outside of stories. Her eyes were deep purple and stunning. He couldn’t look away. She was smiling at him and it seemed so comforting. He felt like he could stare at her for an eternity and still be as blissful as he was at this moment. 
He looked down nervously and could feel the heat rising to his cheeks. He suddenly remembered that he had to get back to the bakery or else Shu would be angry at him. 
“I, uhm, I should go… Oshi-san’ll be real mad at me if ‘m not back soon..” Mika said, trying not to show how sad he felt about having to say those words. The way she had gazed into his eyes was unlike the way anyone had looked at him before. He constantly felt as if people were judging him for his eyes. That he was weird for his mismatched orbs. Due to this, he absolutely hated them. He resented them and they made him feel terrible. 
This girl, though, she was different. She didn’t judge them, in fact, her gaze was so full of wonder. She was looking at him with so much kindness and warmth that he thought he might melt right then and there. She made him so happy, which was completely absurd considering he had known her for maybe three minutes. 
“Oh, yes, yes, of course!” She responded, quickly looking away. She smiled brightly at him. “Thank you so much for the pastries!”
Oh, god, she was so pretty. He started to walk away and right as he opened to door to leave, she called out to him. 
“Also… your eyes are absolutely gorgeous, babe.” She winked at him. Oh no. Oh no, oh no. Mika had tried so hard during the entirety of their conversation to keep calm and seem cool but he couldn’t handle it anymore. His face immediately went as red as a tomato, despite his wishes. That was the first time anyone had complimented his eyes before. He was shocked. This whole time he had absolutely hated his eyes. But for the first time, he liked them. They made him happy. And it was all because this girl, whom he had undoubtedly fallen in love with, had complimented him with complete sincerity. 
“Th-thank you…” He stuttered. He clumsily opened the door and walked out. He just knew that he had to tell Shu about this girl when he got back to the shop. 
When he arrived back at the shop, he suddenly stopped right in front of the door. “Shit, I forgot to ask her name..”
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southernbell91 · 5 years
Some Secrets are better left Dead Chapter 1
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AN: This Story is Cross posted on Ao3, I had it on my Fic Account on here but deleted it when I deleted the account. If you are tagged and wish to be removed just message me and I will remove you. If you want to be added to my Tag list message me and I will add you. Keep an eye on the warnings it will be updated as needed with Chapters.
Warnings: Dark!Bucky Dark!Steve Death Depression Mentions of Suicide and Illness. Smut, implied smut, Voyeurism, drug use
Pairings: Bucky/Layla/Steve (Eventually Maybe)
This is an Avengers AU with a little dribble of other fandoms mixed in.
Summary: Being Clint Barton's adopted sister wasn’t easy, finding out your brother is not only involved in organized Crime but part of the Worlds deadliest crime organization, The Avengers, well that makes things even more difficult. What happens when they find out you know too much? How do you hide, where do you run from The Avengers? Especially once a certain pair of Super Soldiers take a particular interest in you?
   Life growing up wasn’t easy from an early age. My dad was incarcerated when I was 6 years old, sentenced to life in prison for Vehicular Manslaughter and drunk driving. He and my mom got into a fight one night, he, like always, drank away his problems and decided to get behind the wheel of a car killing the 16 year old he hit head on when the whiskey finally knocked him out.       After that accident life got harder for mom and I, everyone seemed to blame her for dads actions and being in a small town where everyone likes to talk it seemed to make the town smaller. We moved out of state when i was almost 8, the whispers and staring becoming too much for her. Roughly 6 months later the stress and guilt became too much, I came home from school one afternoon to find my mom “asleep” laying next to an empty bottle of pills and a note addressed to me.  Although I remember it like it was yesterday that whole day after that was a blur.
    I didn’t have any other known family, you can’t exactly raise a kid in prison, so I was placed in a children’s home and became a ward of the state. For 2 and a half years I bounced in and out of State homes and foster homes, given what I had went through I shut down, closing everyone off I visited more counselors and therapists than I can remember I also found myself in fights around every corner, that typically being the reason I got kicked from most foster homes. Right around my 11th birthday I found myself in a state home with only a few other kids, most of the children just ignored me and I preferred it that way. No one wanted to talk to the crazy girl who didn’t speak and doodled in a journal all day, that is until my life changed forever.  
    I was sitting under the big oak tree out in front of the old church that had been converted into a children’s home. One of the older boys, Daniel,  who had just arrived in the home a week or so ago walked up to me a small group lingering behind him. He started taunting me about my notebook like everyone liked to do, trying to get me to say something, anything, but I wouldn’t budge. After maybe 10 minutes of ignoring him my journal was snatched from my hand, I jumped to my feet ready to charge the jerk when something flew threw the air crashing into the side of his head, Daniel dropped my journal grabbing his head in pain in an instant. Everyone started looking around to see where the object came from, finally looking up to the tree behind me they saw him, perched like a bird about half way up was a sandy blonde haired boy I came to know as Clint armed with a simple slingshot. The group quickly dispersed once the realized clint had a pocket full of rocks and an aim that shouldn’t be tested, he jumped from the tree picked up my journal and handed it back to me. I didn’t know it then, but that moment was the beginning of a new life for me. For weeks after that clint continued to come around, he didn’t try to talk to me like everyone else did, he just sat perched in the tree while I doodled always on alert, just watching me like a hawk. 3 months after my first interaction with clint I was jumped on my way to the tree out front, Daniel didn’t take too kindly to Clints actions apparently, just as I thought I was about to get my ass handed to me, one of the guys who jumped me was pulled off and thrown into the others, I looked up and there he was again saving my tail. That was the day I broke my silence, thanking clint for his rescue yet again. From that moment on I talked, only to him at first, but then slowly over the months I started speaking to others my social worker was floored, the fighting also slowed down that day too, most kids were too wary of clint to pick a fight with me. I didn’t know it at that moment but I had found a brother in Clint Barton, one that would stick with me no matter where we went.     
     For two and a half years clint and I became inseparable, Clint was a few years older than me though and was aging out of the home and that scared both of us. In all of my silent brooding, I managed to test up in school and was eligible to graduate early, my social worker advised against it citing I needed more social interaction, but ultimately the choice was mine and I took it. Clint tried community college for a couple of semesters but we both knew this town wasn’t big enough for him, after a lot of talking, tears, and a few stolen bottles of beer later he decided to join the military and try to see the world. Telling him to go was a tough decision but I promised him I wouldn’t be far behind him. 6 months after he left for basic I ran away from the home, and never looked back.   
    Clint had taught me how to drive in a beat up pickup he bought, so when I ran I stole a car or two to put some distance between me and that place. I found jobs in diners where people didn’t really care to ask my age as long as I showed up and did my job, I hustled pool to earn extra cash when things were slow, I didn’t tend to stay in one town long usually 6 months at best. Somewhere between my 19th and 20th birthday I found myself in New York City, I had enough saved to rent a room from someone I found in an ad in the paper, I got a job at a Coffee shop part time.  Money got tight a few months in and I was scared I would have to move again, until one day a co-worker mentioned she wrote freelance articles for a local paper and suggested I try it. This was another one of those moments I had no idea would change my life, a few articles here and there somehow lead to a part time job at the Midtown Journal. I started off in the mail room still submitting my freelance articles and worked my way up, a year and a half later Im one of the top Investigative Journalists in New York City. Chasing stories no one else wanted, showing the world parts of the city no one wanted to believe existed, and maybe even making a few enemies along the way. This career path is exactly what lead me to the predicament I am in now, my name is Layla James and this is my story.
Tags:  @lancetuckershairgel  @stuck-y-together   @buckmesideways22                 @eurynome827  @book-dragon-13   @marvelous-meggi       @spacemansam @cametobuyplums  @loricameback   @collinsstanharbour​  @marvelgirl7 @jewelofwinter  @jobean12-blog @sebastiansloserclub​ 
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warmau · 5 years
{Regular Inspired!AU x NCT 127} Johnny
tw: weapons mention, violence mention, n*fw elements, be warned. everything written here is a work of FICTION, it does not in anyway reflect reality, nor do i condone any of the extreme behavior.  ♢ introduction ♢ pick mark instead | pick haechan instead | pick yuta instead
“he’s guilty of being soft - a hopeless romantic type who’d rather runaway than break a heart.”
“i choose john-”
before you can even finish, johnny is cascading over to you 
he’s abandoned his wine glass and is instead clapping his hands together ceremoniously
as he takes a bow in front of the table you’re sitting on
“i promise to keep you quite entertained during your time with jung enterprises”
he extends a hand to help you up
and you take it, faltering a little
and asking quietly that you rather he promise to keep you quite safe
he winks, muttering under his breath that of course he will be doing that too
before turning to the rest of the group with a smile
“well, as you can tell the decision has been made. it was obvious from the start that i would be the best choice as the rest of you,,,,,,,,”
he lowers his tone a little
“dont know how to treat a guest right anyway”
somewhere in the room haechan scoffs
mark is giving you an almost worried look
while doyoung and jungwoo turn to discuss something in hushed whispers
taeil suddenly pops up by your side, poking the skin of your cheek and causing you to let out a surprised gasp
“johnny has more secrets than you think!”
he exclaims 
and you want to ask what in the world he means
but he’s already shoo’d off 
jaehyun’s hand comes down on a nearby table - the sound rattling everyone into silence
and you notice johnny take a step in front of you
as jaehyun clears his throat
“it’s been settled. everyone go home. johnny, make sure they -”
“what do you think i am, an ungentlemanly idiot? of course i will escort this lovely person home”
jaehyun doesn’t bother to respond 
even though he seems utterly pissed about the whole situation - he seems content with your trust in johnny 
you start to think that johnny is probably held close by the jungs, he is after all their lawyer
or so you hope
“you can report tomorrow to my office darling, for now ill call my chauffeur and have him bring you to your home”
“oh, you’re not coming with us?”
you ask almost on instinct
johnny’s smile widens
“ah you want me to stay by your side? well of course you do, we’re one in the same now aren’t we? and alas, i dont want to leave you either, but i have some more work to do.”
he takes your hand gently, lifting it up to kiss the top
“but tomorrow - i promise, we’ll be together all day, baby”
johnny drawls out the words - his voice naturally sensual and emphasized
just the way he speaks makes your body react a certain way
but you talk it down, reminding yourself of the situation you’re actually in
these people are dangerous, these people could kill you
johnny’s chauffeur is an older aged man, he speaks with you in english and you think you hear some kind of accent - maybe from a big city like chicago
but that slips your mind
because you’re watching the streets of seoul pass in your window 
regular people, regular cars
you’d been just like them the other day and now,,,,,,you’re being driven home under the pretense that you might run away from the mob
the goddamn mob
you groan and the chauffeur asks if you’re ok - when johnny is stressed he usually just needs something to drink
you shake your head politely, explaining that everything is fine 
it’s just been,,,,,,,,a long day
the next morning ,,,,, johnny is outside of your house
he’s wearing an expensive looking jacket over a freshly pressed white button down
the cuffs of the jacket are pushed up to his elbows and on his arm is an array of expensive bands and a diamond watch matches on the other
he greets you with another kiss on your hand - eyes hidden behind equally as expensive shades
“i thought i would make up having to leave you all alone last night by picking you up today,,,”
he starts - smiling when a group of women pass by, all whispering and pointing at him
he waves and they all go up in arms about it as they hurry on past
and you take note that johnny just seems to like attention,,,,,,especially the attention of those who find him attractive
“are we going to the office?”
you ask, suddenly wanting him to just get into the car so all the eyes on the street would stop finding their way to you
“oh no no no, office work will come later. for now, i want to make sure you get to enjoy some new luxuries.”
you blink, trying to read between the lines
does luxuries mean something in this shady industry? are you about to be in the middle of something dangerous?
but,,,,,,,,,,,,it’s nothing of that sort
when johnny meant luxuries - he meant it literally
you find yourself following him into stores of brand names you’d only read about in magazines
everywhere the store employees recognize and treat johnny like he’s a celebrity
you are paraded in and out of dressing rooms, in and out of clothing you could never afford
you make the mistake of looking at a price tag while you’re changing and almost fall over
the whole time you insist to johnny that this is,,,,,,overwhelming,,,,,and you dont want him to buy you something - or spend his money or time anymore 
that you’re fine going to the office and filing papers all day
but johnny takes your chin in his hand and tilts your face up to meet his 
“im not doing this because i pity the situation you’re in baby, im doing this because im letting you have a taste of my world”
his mouth curls up into a smile
“and you’re part of it now.”
he lets you go, turning to focus his attention on some expensive necklace
but the words rattle you
im a part of a whole new world?
the shopping trip turns into a stop by a restaurant where everything is in french but johnny doesnt even have to order
the chef knows what he wants
and you feel small in such a big chair in such a big restaurant 
when johnny is really only two feet away
the fancy food turns into fancy art 
hung up on the walls of highbrow galleries
johnny listing names of artists like they’re his favorite colors 
everywhere he goes and everything he says just dazzles you - the capacity of his networking, his social skill
it’s hard to believe he even needs to work for the jungs - it seems money is naturally drawn to him
as are people
it’s supposed to be your day with him, as johnny had sort of sketchily implied
but when you think about it, it’s been you watching his broad back
people flanking his sides
people chattering in his ear
you’re ignored - aside from the watchful eyes of bodyguards or securities in whatever upscale establishment you go into
and it’s not jealousy,,,,,,,you’re not vain or greedy for his attention
you just,,,,,,feel out of place
so when it’s already night and johnny tells his driver to take you to your home
you dont have anything to say - seated on the leather backseat with johnny right beside you
“well, did you enjoy yourself?”
he asks, leaning his head back and opening the window on his side
his hair whips a bit in the wind that comes through
and when you look at him like this,,,he’s almost unreal
“im very ,,,,,  i appreciate you taking your time to show me all of this. it’s all very,,,,,,,,new”
you try to pick your words carefully - but it’s hard
you dont know how to politely say - it was super uncomfortable
johnny doesnt respond, not until the car pulls up onto your quiet street
but before you get out, johnny goes
“you have no interest in being rich, do you?”
his tone isn’t demeaning, it’s rather more,,,,,,genuinely surprised
you lay your hands in your lap and shake your head
“im only interested in being,,,,,normal. a desk job, a good retirement plan, maybe a family.”
you pause and johnny’s gaze is suddenly on you
his hand reaches out, brushes yours 
“you’re very humble. i hope you stay that way.”
this voice is one you haven’t heard from johnny
it’s a stark contrast to his usual upbeat, personable and borderline flirtatious sound
this is,,,,,,,,,,,,almost prayer like
but it’s gone as soon as it comes
he straightens up his shoulders and gives you a wave as you step out of the car
“see you tomorrow, be sure to rest and be as pretty in the morning!”
and with that he closes the door to the car and you go to your apartment
worn out, tired
happy to be in your tiny, little corner of normalcy 
thankfully, johnny doesnt take you out like that again
for the next couple of weeks you only see him at the office
where he is just as teasing and cheery - calling you over to help him with affectionate names and light touches on your back
it’s not predatory or suggestive - although doyoung has on several occasions grabbed johnny’s hand or given him looks when you were all in the same room
but you dont feel as if you’re being pressured to do anything
you just think this is how johnny is,,,,he’s inviting to everyone,,,,or at least everyone who he in return is fond of
you’re not alone, he’s ruffled mark’s hair in front of you - as if mark isn’t also part of the underground illegal business they’re all in
he’s used cute chinese add-ons when addressing sicheng
quite literally told jungwoo how “adorable and handsome” he was when the mentioned had come in to work with a new haircut
he was just social
so nothing he did to you made you feel outright special
but what it did make you feel was distracted
you were thankful to have someone with his disposition looking after you
had it been taeyong or jaehyun, you think you’d spend everyday sweating over the fact that you could be killed
or put in danger
but johnny made you forget that 
until ,,,,, something changed
you had maybe been wrapping up the first month of your time with jung enterprises
happy to have not witnessed anything too gruesome or too against the law
when you’d come in before leaving to see if johnny needed any last minute help
you’d found him at his desk, papers scattered in piles around his feet - his large hand grabbing a fistful of his hair as he shook slightly behind his computer screen
at first you dropped everything and thought he was in some kind of physical pain
but when you got closer, concern in your voice
johnny barked for you to get back
you could only see briefly what was on the screen
the image was of johnny,,,,,,,,,,,,and you
the first day where he’d taken you out
but not wanting to infringe on him, you did as you were told
backed silently out of the office, collected your discarded bag, and disappeared downstairs
johnny’s chauffeur could see the almost ghostly look in your eyes - so he made quick work of getting you home
“don’t worry about him, i will go back and check if he is alright”
he’d assured, surprisingly using english instead of korean
you had a weird feeling in your gut that something was going on - something had been going on all this time
and only you weren’t in the loop
once inside, you’d suddenly stated to panic
had someone threatened johnny? why did the use a photo of you and him together? were you also going to be in danger?
all of those thoughts began to circle and chant louder and louder in your head
they kept you up all night
and in the morning, you came into the office absolutely petrified
mark running over to you almost immediately
“what’s wrong?”
he asked, leading you into the empty printing room, shutting the door
before you could answer, the door clicked again and through it came taeil of all people
his smile wide on his face, his hands clasped behind his back
“so did you find out johnny’s secret?”
he chirped, mark trying to tell him through gritted teeth that now wasn’t the time to joke around
but you could only shake your head
“n-no, but ,,,,,, but is it bad? i just saw johnny last night and he was a mess-”
mark opens his mouth, but taeil moves him to the side as he bends over to get closer to you
“johnny isn’t a mess, his life is. you’ll probably never find out - but if you do, i think you wont really want to be around him anymore~”
“taeil, that’s enough. johnny isn’t a bad guy - he just has a past”
mark’s voice is soothing, as is his concerned expression and gentle hand on your shoulder 
but even though his words are meant to calm you down, you forget them and only think about taeil’s
you wont really want to be around him anymore
you want to ask why,,,,was his past riddled with worse crimes? was he really a horrible person? 
but taeil just laughs, turns on his heel and leaves the printing room before you can even formulate a question to ask
not that he’d answer it anyway
mark leads you back to johnny’s office
where you can see his silhouette inside
and mark asks if you’d rather have someone else watch over you, he could do it or maybe doyoung
but you would feel wrong just up and trading johnny away
he’d been nothing but kind to you, he’d done nothing but made you forget all the realities of this job
so you decline, thanking mark and taking in a deep breath before walking in
johnny seems back to his usual self, his desk is all cleaned up and he doesn’t seem to be anything short of,,,,,,happy
when he sees you - his eyes light up and he reaches out to grab your hand
“darling! ive been waiting!”
he eagerly motions with his other hand to the door
“i have a meeting with a new client and id like you to come with me!”
you blink, stuck between wanting to ask if he’s ok and between asking if going to meet a client would be safe for you
johnny doesnt hesitate before taking his brief case and leading you back out the door
people from their desks look up, but no one really pays attention 
and when you find yourself already in the car - you’re surprised that ,,,,,,,, haechan is also there
“you- you’re here,,”
you start and he snorts
“no offense but i belong here - youre the one that’s out of place.”
you bite back your tongue and johnny swats at haechan like he’s some young child
“don’t speak like that to them, you may be my assistant but they’re our guest-”
haechan huffs, taking out his phone and making it clear he doesnt care what else is said
the car ride is awkward, johnny chats with his driver and tells you about the client
as haechan’s elbow mercilessly digs into your side - even though there’s totally room for him to move over
when you finally pull up to an office building
you brace yourself for the worse
if this is a client that is interested in the jung’s ,,,, “family” business,,,,then that means it’ll be like what you see in the movies
a big mob boss, cigar smoke, men in black, guns,,,,,,,
but to your surprise it’s none of that
the office is normal, the man who you meet is normal, and there isn’t any sort of weapon or burly bodyguard in sight
“i understand you’re interested in drawing up a contract with jung enterprises - is that correct?”
johnny asks, you are seated beside him - notepad out, ready to take notes
while haechan seemingly thinks the best place is to stand directly behind johnny - eyes locked on the poor client
“yes,,,i wanted to talk to one of the company’s lawyers before i agreed to anything.”
the man explains, passing some sort of document to johnny
the conversation is a typical business conversation - nothing shady, nothing illegal
haechan seems to have had enough, as he’s on his phone now
and you’re trying to take notes before suddenly you hear the man address you
“is this your intern?”
johnny nods, motioning to you 
“they’re wonderful. please give them your card so they can contact you on my behalf.”
the man shuffles around his desk and you take the business card he extends with a polite bow
you read it
‘cho kyuhyun’
the meeting ends and as you’re walking out beside johnny, you catch sight of something in the waistband of his suit as he reaches for the elevator
it’s the grip of handgun, and as soon as you see it - you avert your eyes away
now you know why haechan chose to stand where he did
“that guy looked like a total weirdo,,,,”
haechan says when the elevator doors close
“well at least he’s not another one of those goons from the busan gang - remember how messy our last meeting was?”
johnny sighs, turning to you
“im glad you didn’t have to see anything like that”
he smiles and you don’t know why, but your shoulders tense
a mess? like a bloody mess?
haechan doesnt follow you and johnny to the car - he waves his phone and mutters something about having to see jaehyun 
“isn’t jaehyun at the office?”
“jaehyun is never at the office, he’s always avoiding his father.”
johnny explains
you look down at the notepad still in your hand,,,,kyuhyun’s card inside of it
“well since haechan has left us, i think we should also find something fun to do!”
johnny leans forward and whispers something to the chauffeur
“wait - we aren’t going to the office?”
you watch as johnny’s smile spreads out on his face
“it’s a beautiful day - let’s not spend it holed up inside~”
you want to protest, to say that you love being inside! but then you remember how johnny had looked
sitting at that computer, shaking 
and think that this might be for his own sake - a meaningful distraction
so you force a smile back
the car pulls up infront of what looks like another over decorated, unnecessarily rich store
you follow johnny out, ready to feel completely ostracized among the heavily invested, borderline trying to marry johnny employees 
and rich people who can practically smell the poorness on you
but instead of stopping every second to entertain someone, or even acknowledge the people who mid sentence try to greet him
johnny just announces that he’ll be upstairs in the “amour éternel suite ”
you scurry behind him, trying to keep in tune with his long legs as he makes his way up a crescendo staircase
into an open, runway style changing room
you look around the interior
there are couches made of white leather - trays with red roses and bottles of wine paired with crystal glasses
and all of the clothes
are wedding clothes
beautiful, floor sweeping gowns
veils with crystals woven into them
suits made of soft, soft silk
and cases line the wall of glittering, gigantic diamond rings
you feel your throat dry, a sweltering nervousness makes a home in your stomach
as johnny walks past the mannequins, gently running his hand over some of the gowns and suits
till he settles on something he likes 
he turns to you, eyes narrowed - scanning you up and down
as you press closer into yourself
suddenly shy and unaware of yourself
“this, put this on.”
he passes you what he’s chosen and you’re almost fearful to touch it
but there’s an insistence in his voice,,,,,that deep prayer like voice you’d only heard once before
who is this johnny? why is he acting like this?
all of these thoughts preoccupy your mind as you change, hands trembling over the expensive garments
your own eyes too scared to face your transformed reflection
“are you ready?”
he asks and you feel so out of place,,,,,so embarrassed
“johnny, why are you making me do this?”
you ask and the sound of your shaking voice seems to rattle itself through johnny
because you hear him get up, walk across the vast room, till you feel him outside of the curtain that seperates you and him
“can i come inside?”
it’s soft, a plea almost
shyly you reach and pull the curtain back
you’re wearing what he’s chosen, even the accessories and when you look up at johnny
you gasp
his cheery expression, always happy and playful smile is gone
replaced with dark, downcast eyes 
that seem faraway and pained
his handsome features all highlighted by a look of utter agony
“you look divine”
he says - reaching out, touching the curve of your neck 
“tell me, you said you wanted a regular life. a family. i assume you want to get married?”
“i,,,ive thought about it of course, but -”
“so tell me. you want to marry a person you love - not a person who is chosen for you, right?”
your throat closes up on itself 
you’re searching johnny’s face for some kind of explanation 
what is going on here? what is he talking about? why did he look so terrified last night? what is happening right in front of you that is being kept secret?
“i ,,,,, i want to marry the person i love”
“so do i”
johnny’s hand falls from your neck, to the dip of your waist
gently he pulls you out into the room and before you know it
he’s spinning you around, swaying with you in the silence of the room
he moves your body to his lead
your eyes connected with his
confusion apparent on your face, torment on his 
it’s the only time in your life you’ve ever danced with no music
your body completely under the control of the man who leads with such painful elegance
that you can’t help but give in
johnny twirls you around and for a second the whole world is in this room
the eternity of your past, his past, your future, his future
is here
until you make a small mistake, drop a hand from his shoulder and you feel it brush past his waist
past the gun that’s hidden there
it strikes you back into reality and you pull from his hold
johnny lets you, standing there with his head hung low
as you hurry back behind the curtain, throw off the wedding clothes, and put your own back hastily
when you come out, johnny is on the phone
“so he checks out? you haven’t found out who sent me those photos? that’s fine. ok.”
you wait until he’s done
turning around to see you again
“it looked beautiful on you, would you like me to buy i-”
johnny takes you home instead of the office
he has the car drop you off and you don’t look back when you go inside
you don’t know why you suddenly feel ,, angry? scared? you don’t know why your head is spinning
you think of johnny’s darkened eyes - an expression you’d never seen before in your life
you ask over and over why he made you put those clothes on. why he asked you about marriage
you ask over and over what is he hiding? what’s the secret?
but there are no answers
there never are with him
and in the morning, you dread seeing him
you dread seeing everyone 
but you have to go to work - scared if you stay home jaehyun’s own father will come and collect you
or even worse
johnny will come to your home, exist with his incomprehensible self in the only space that is safe for you
johnny is in his office, and so is kyuhyun
the man you’d met with yesterday 
you greet them both and say you’ll go get some coffee started
johnny doesn’t say anything to keep you
and as you’re making the coffee - you nearly let the pot overheat
someone’s hand coming over to put the heat out
“trying to commit arson? you’re interested in being a criminal now?”
you look up to see taeil by your side, trickster grin and all
“will you tell me johnny’s secret?”
he adjusts the tie around his neck, shrugging his shoulders up and down
“he’s guilty of being soft - a hopeless romantic type who’d rather runaway than break a heart.” 
you scoff, uncaring of the fact that you’re sure taeil could hurt you if he pleased
but you’re sick of playing guessing games
and not being in the loop
at first you didnt want to know what shady business was going on - but working for johnny had started feeling like a legitimate job
like a trusted boss and intern relationship
in a small way, something more 
but you repressed that thought - you just wanted to help johnny
that’s what it really came down to, and right now it felt like that wasn’t possible
you return, brushing past taeil who just laughs as you walk away
to johnny’s office, setting the coffee down
oblivious to the way kyuhyun watches you intently 
the two of them talk a bit more as you work on some of the files that need to be organized
before he leaves kyuhyun says goodbye to you
and you turn, his eyes large and dark - staring almost through you
it’s a little weird, but your mind is so cluttered that you don’t care much
you exchange a small bow and then go back to your work
johnny doesnt talk much as usual
he’s actually focused on work
and multiple times leaves the office after being called by the ceo 
you try to act normal but it’s hard
and for the next couple of days - there’s just this rift between you two
you waited and waited for johnny’s usual attitude to come back, fo him to greet you with a petname - to touch your back gently as he asked about your morning
but it didn’t happen 
he didnt turn cruel or anything - he just,,,,became kind of silent around you
“i cant believe it - but i think you’ve put a curse on johnny.”
doyoung mentions one day
“he isn’t walking around talking up a storm anymore.”
you feel a twinge of sadness in your heart - you didn’t mean it,,,,you dont understand what you did to make johnny like this
so finally you decide that you’re going to confront it
he is a dangerous man - you know this, but you trust he wouldnt hurt you and you want everything to be as it was before
“johnny, can i talk to you?”
you ask on a quiet evening, the rest of the office has already gone for the day and the dim light comes through the windows as the sky turns from bright blue to a yawning grey
he looks up from his computer, eyes tired
“of course”
“i dont know what i said or did,,,,maybe i acted rudely at the store we went to - but i just want to ask if everything is ok?”
johnny listens to your question, then moves a bit forward in his chair
you feel him take your wrist and tug you closer
your eyes glancing to his office door to see if it’s close
“ive been such a scumbag, haven’t i?”
he starts
“i was that one who was rude to you, who dragged you around without a care. you should be mad at me. but there are things,,,,,going on now that are very complicated. ive been wrapped up and have neglected you - but just know that no matter what you do or say,,,,,i will never be upset with you”
his voice is soft and genuine, he tugs you a bit closer but also loosens his hold
lets you decide if he’s too close or not
and for a moment you’re stuck looking at his lips
his gorgeous lips 
that those pretty words all come out of and - and you think had it been anyone else in the world
with lips like those, a face like his, you’d have fallen in love like magic
and maybe just a little part of you did
johnny knows where you’re looking - and he reads your mind
he tilts his head and lets his hand come up to move to your neck
pull you down and whisper
“close your eyes”
before he does what you can’t bring yourself to do
and just as you feel his lips brush yours
the door opens
and you jump back like a frightened animal
johnny getting up on impulse to block you from whoever is at the door
but it’s only kyuhyun
you both relax
and think he’s probably just here to drop something off
 when suddenly, he pulls something from behind his back
“youngho. you’re coming with me”
you think you must have misheard or misunderstood 
youngho? who is that?
but johnny doesnt falter, he just motions with his hand for you to get behind him
“i should have known they would send someone for me.”
“you thought you could escape the arrangement? change your name, fly to korea, and it would all be over?”
kyuhyun smirks, his finger calm on the trigger
his hand extended - lining up a shot that would go point blank through johnny’s heart
“your family wants you back. her family wants your back. you can’t just leave your fiancé like that.”
your blood goes cold
“she knows i dont love her, her parents just want -”
kyuhyun hisses for him to shuttup
he steps closer, then moves the gun over johnny’s shoulder
“this lover of yours - they’re no match to the woman whose waiting back in chicago. dont make me kill them for the sake of your marriage”
you dont dare to breathe, let alone speak
is this johnny’s secret? that he’s escaping a wife back in the states? 
your heart churns in pain, but your mind cant believe it
not with the memory of him standing in that changing room
looking at you
“i want to marry the person i love”
“so do i”
with the kind of emotion and empathy that could only exist inside someone who really truly believed that
so whoever this fiancé was,,,,,,she wasn’t in johnny’s heart
if she was you’re sure he’d be there with her
not here in korea
not here
with you
“they’re not my lover-”
“bullshit. you know i have evidence. youngho, who do you think sent you that photo?”
your mind flashes back to that night where you’d seen johnny alone in his office
“who do you think wrote that letter? i warned you that id come and get you. and if i had to kill the person you were sleeping with - parading out on the town with like some unmarried man - i would. no hesitation.”
kyuhyun’s voice is cold
his expression stoic, beside the smirk that comes when johnny doesnt answer right away
“nothing to say? just step aside, get your things, and come with me to america. ill even let your little pet run off alive.”
you begin to panic, frightened that 
one) johnny would leave - abandon the jungs and his life here and two) that when he did - you’d still be hunted down, unprotected with him gone
but johnny doesnt have any plan to give in
not even when he’s unarmed - a gun pointed in his direction
he instead turns around, facing you and smiles
“remember when i said i was happy you never got to see things get messy?”
you are frozen in place - but manage a tiny nod
“well, baby it’s going to get messy so please forgive me in advance.”
with that he turns, steps forward and right as you see kyuhyun’s hand squeeze over the trigger
with one swift movement and shout
johnny orders you to run - as he squats down, one long leg coming to roundhouse kick kyuhyun off his balance
a shot goes off, but just as it does the gun comes flying out of kyuhyun’s hands by the stun kick
you run to duck under the desk, but see the gun go skidding across the office floor
it lands only a couple of feet from you
you can hear kyuhyun shout - but johnny throws his weight forward, keeping kyuhyun pinned to the ground
he lifts his hand up to land a fist into his chest
and you - scared out of your mind - think this could be your only chance
you dart out, reaching for the gun
kyuhyun manages to land a hard blow into johnny’s jaw with his elbow
and throw him off 
he comes barreling toward the gun, but you get it first
and before he can grit his teeth, grab you by the collar 
he’s being pulled back, johnny’s arms wrapped around his torso as he stops him from getting close
johnny yells and you dash for the door, your adrenaline pumping high in your ears
but then you stop
“what about you-”
johnny throws kyuhyun down, getting back ontop with his hand pulled back
he doesnt answer - but you can see the pure power almost radiating off of him
scared to leave him on his own like this, but sure he can hold his own
you dash down the stairs, screaming for mark, jungwoo, doyoung, jaehyun - anyone
until it’s haechan who rushes past you
“it’s johnn-”
you start, but he seems to know
“im his assistant, i can tell somethings up.”
and with that he’s flown by you like the wind, up the stairs to the offices
you stand - hands shaking with the gun in them
the image of johnny’s bruised face, his broad shoulders shaking - this time with anger and strength as it broke free from his body
a moment or two later, it’s taeil who finds you with the gun
he grabs it from your hands and doesnt offer any comfort or words
he just looks at you 
“still want to be around johnny?”
there’s no ambulance called, no police - obviously - but you hear something about kyuhyun being dragged up to face the ceo
and that finally
when you can go back upstairs as well
johnny is seated in a chair, ice on his swelling jaw
dried blood on the corner of his mouth, his hair a mess and sweat soaked through his shirt
when he sees you - he tries to smile, say that he’s happy you’re safe
but you just fall on your knees infront of him
sobbing against his knee
“i thought he’d hurt you- that if i left he’d really take you back and i would never see you ag-”
you feel his hand in your hair, petting it softly 
till you look up and johnny motions for you to stand
you do and he pulls you between his legs
“im not leaving. it’s true, i left america and changed my name to get out of an arrange marriage but that’s because i had no choice. it was marry her or die. and im not the kind of man who can marry someone who he doesnt love”
“see, hopeless romantic like i said”
taeil chirps from somewhere
but you don’t care or notice the rest of the room
you just see johnny, not youngho not the ‘mysterious past’ johnny
you see the johnny
who so dearly cared for you - distracted you from all of your life’s troubles
when his own was all upside down
“was kyuhyun-”
“he was sent to kidnap me. he was sending me photos of us,,,claiming he knew we were longtime lovers. im sorry you had to get involve-”
you lean in, careful of his swelling to pull johnny into a hug
he chuckles against your ear and lets his hands wrap around your waist
“i know you said we werent to kyuhyun - but i would be honored to be the person you one day call your lover”
you whisper, without really thinking, to johnny
low enough for him to only hear
and it’s as if your heart has talked for the first time
and johnny only squeezes you closer
“should i call you lover instead of baby from now on?”
he mumbles and presses a kiss to the side of your skin
which makes you pull back, embarrassed to do this with others in the room
but the rest of the group just seems to look as if they’ve expected this to happen
haechan does a gagging motion with his hand, which you see has also taken a couple of beatings
you thank him later for helping johnny - only to be answered with a 
“just because you’re with him doesnt mean i have to like you too,,,,,,,but it was ballsy of you to grab a gun like that!”
the rest of the night, after johnny is driven home and insists that you stay over too
just to “nurse” his bruises
you find yourself for the first time since the fight alone with him
the first time since you two kissed alone with him
and you listen to johnny’s story
escaping america, begging his parents not to force him to marry
and you realize that’s why he took you to that store
johnny, like any normal person, had fantasies about his wedding day
about the person he would love
his family was doing its best to ensure he wouldnt get that - that he’d dread his wedding day - a scam, to be with a person who you dont love
you wonder to yourself 
did he go there a lot alone - to that store
look at the gowns, the tuxs, and wish he could have a chance to be regular 
johnny kisses you a lot that night, says something about how he’s never got the chance to do it with someone he really truly felt something for
and how it all tasted sweeter - felt warmer
until you curled up close with him and asked gently
“are there any other secrets you have?”
he breathed out
“all my secrets,,,,,,you know them now ,,,,, and i promise to never hide a thing from you again”
the words make your heart feel as if it’s going to rip through your chest - because they’re so sincere 
they sound like wedding vows 
“ill tell you everything too”
you reply, closing your eyes and letting johnny lightly trace his fingers over your neck
the hairs on your skin stand up from the touch and you let his hand go further downwards
his lips kiss where his fingers have been
and you hear it against your skin through the hazey feeling that starts to fog your brain with pleasure 
“baby, im yours and you are mine” 
the next morning you come into the office and when taeil tilts his head and asks why you’re wearing a turtleneck
you tell him,,,,,,it’s a secret 
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musubiki · 5 years
Can we have more details about why Lime and Mochi hated each other for the first 5 years and what were they like to one another during that time period? ^u^
YEAH!!!!! (ill put it under the cut)
- mochi and lime first met when they were like. 5-ish, on the day when mochi and her mama (tiramisu) were moving/finished moving into their shop across the street, and limes family brought them over some welcome-to-the-district gifts
- so of course tiramisu and limes grandparents are chatting it up, mochi is kind of hiding behind her mom and lime is standing there holding kiwis hand and theyre just kinda looking at each other
- and this first meeting is the most hilarious moment of their whole relationship, because lime, an idiot boy, sticks his tongue out and does a “bleh!” at mochi
- mochi, an equally stupid kid, starts crying ghibli tears, and deadass just FLIPS HIM OFF!!!!🖕🖕🖕🖕
- AND HER MOM PUSHES HER HAND DOWN LIKE “MOCHI THATS NOT NICE!! Oh my god im so sorry idont know where she learned that haha-” (mochi learned it from her. shes secretly proud of her baby), and limes grandfather just kind of “oh no no its fine, he was being mean to her”
- and so they say goodnight and go back to their shops, but from that point lime just kinda picked on mochi a lot. (im thinking he had a crush on her first but didnt understand feelings that young so he just picks on her a lot????/ and then just kinda buries and internalizes those feelings for the rest of his life so it gets brushed under the rug????) 
- so he would pull her hair, push her, call her names, steal her food, all this weird shit. but then he would also like sneakily like peer out of his window at night to see if she was there in her room (and slam the curtains closed when she looked over and pretended like he wasnt looking) and like spy on her when she was in the shop (and run away when kiwi asks what hes looking at)
- and of course, mochi, being the badass in training, wouldnt take his shit half the time, and im pretty sure she like punched him in the face once?? or body slammed him or something??? and her mom is like “MOCHI OH MY GOD NO!! THATS NOT GOOD!!! [internally] (i love you so much that’s my girl)”
- and then when school starts they have to go to school together with kiwi because mochis mom has to run the shop, the whole way there these two idiot kids are either fighting or lime is picking on mochi again (tiramisu tells mochi its because he likes her and shes like idont care!! hes mean!!!)(she will care later)
- and from when lime was about ??? 5-7 he was friends with oscar, but when they were 7 oscar moved away to the big city with his family, and so limes only ‘friend’ left was mochi
- im pretty sure lime has put a frog in her backpack before
- and has probably thrown mud on her
- and every christmas they never get each other anything because “why should i, idont care!!”
- but also theyre kind of getting to know each other, and the fighting dies down into a more kind of rivalry with some making fun of each other, but push comes to shove most of their time is actually spent with each other, between running neighboring shops, sharing classes and sports, the commerce back and forth from school (especially since kiwi starts going to high school and they have to walk home alone together)
- (and this is also during the time when mochi is spending her weekends with her grandma training)
- and im thinking when theyre like….11-12 ish maybe?? (theyre still in the rivalry thing) theres this part in one of their normal school days where mochi is ACTUALLY being bullied by some older boys. like knock the books out of her hand and steal her money kind of bullying
- and lime sees this and he’s yeah, no. so he goes over and tells them to back the FUCK off, and of course they don't, and lime gets PISSED because IM THE ONLY ONE WHO’S ALLOWED TO BULLY HER ALRIGHT which actually leads to an actual fistfight, and this is also hilarious because lime is her hero for like 2 seconds before she mcfuckin  kicks one of the guys in the shin and/or balls and lime is all “???????!!!/!?!? you can fight???” and mochi, sweating, just kinda nervously looks away like “uuu.h.h.hhhhh….n……..no…” 
- so after the fight theyre just awkwardly sitting in the principals office, lime has a black eye, theyre both all stressed out hoping the school doesn’t call their parents, but the principal is cool about it and tells them “you were just defending yourselves, just go home and dont get in anymore trouble okay”
- and on the way home theyre both pretty quiet, mochi is kind of flustered because that was..pretty cool of him to stick up for me like that and lime is stressed out like fuck oh no oh god because hes SUPPOSED to NOT like her so why should i care??? if she gets bullied??? I don't!! but he does and it nags at him
- mochi keeps glancing over at him waiting at the bus stop, and he notices, (his face is red too) so hes like “what? why do you keep looking at me for??” and she hesitantly asks “hows your eye?” 
- lime, nervously, just kind of babbles out “pft- its fine. doesnt affect how handsome my face is so-” to which she kind of gives him a flat look, but laughs at it a bit anyway. he stares at her for a bit before laughing for a while too. she asks if it hurts, and he just kind goes “eh” and mentions it would feel a lot better if he had like an ice pack or something
- so mochi notices a small convince shop nearby, and tells him to wait there. she comes back with a little ice pack thing and like. a popsicle or something for him. he blushes and thanks her and they just kinda go back to sitting in silence at the bus stop, before mochi says a quiet “…thank you for- sticking up for me back there-” and gives him this sweet cute lil smile
- and he, an idiot, just like rubs the back of the neck, and has to physically stop himself from blurting out some “whatever” or “yeah it wont happen again” or some other shit like that, so after about 30 seconds of silence he just kind of mumbles out a “you're welcome”
- and from this point their relationship is a little different. like they both kinda go home and realize they were just jerks to each other for no real reason, especially lime who now thinks shes not so bad and he didn't even know how or why they got off on the wrong foot in the first place
- meanwhile mochi is at home struggling with feelings because “gosh that actually was really cool of him to stick up for me. he really actually is cool what the heck. oh no”
- and they start being less idiotic and mean to each other (besides the occasional joking) and actually spend more time together, and eventually they like bring each other food for lunch and talk to each other about their interests and stuff, and lime invites mochi to come todont watch his baseball games, and mochi supports him at all his sports events and stuff. 
- and they don't really realize or say it yet but they're best friends already. they're closest to each other and spend like almost all their time together
- (and im VERY sure theres gonna be some HORRIBLY embarrassing incident for lime that will have no details, but throughout the story it will be mentioned a few times by lime, something like “Mochi will NEVER think I’m cool!! She’s already seen me with that whole thing with the monk seal, and the shampoo bottle, there is no coming back from that!!” and everyone is just kinda “?????? what??” but it never gets unpacked. all we know is that is was REALLY embarrassing and uncool)
- but she does. she thinks hes cool. she thinks he is SO cool. she lays awake at night thinking about him
- and during this whole time mochi is getting to know the actual lime, and shes slowly developing a huge crush on him, which she first excuses as “noo its just a summer crush thing ill get over it” but she never does
- basically they were really idiot kids but i like the growing up dynamic
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nicolejopia · 4 years
Performance Task
Tumblr media Tumblr media
1. What do you mean by the word Privilege?
2. What do you think is the job of news reporter and documentarian?
3. In your own opinion do you think it is right to rally in times of pandemic?
4. Define the word Frontliners.
5. Who are considered frontliners?
A. Medical personnel
B. Food Delivery Driver
C. Wet Market Vendors
D. All of the above
How do you define privilege people? a thousand square meters house? Designer bags? luxury cars? huge amount of money in different bank accounts? capability to eat at a fancy restaurants which the amount of their tip to the waiter is the same amount as their bill?or what about the people who are able to eat three times a day without leaving the four corners of their house? Or the ones who are on the top of the triangle?
I am laying on my soft and comfortable bed with my breakfast ready on my side table when I decided to watch the news with our 75 inches tv. Its 4:00 o'clock in the morning and I need to wake up this early to go to work. The news is outrageous and very stressful, I said to myself. My name is Seri Janica Davila I am working as a news reporter && a documentarian here in the Philippines for eight and a half year. In that period of time I was able to build my own house, buy two luxury car, save money, raise my three kids on my own and send them at an exclusive school. I got divorce with my husband 6 years ago and never heard anything from him since that and started raising our three kids without asking not even a single centavo from my him. I guess that was really the essence of being a woman continuing to go && grow without needing a man in their lives.
It was now 4:30 in the morning and I need to get my day ready I'm done preparing food for my kids and so I can now leave the house. I been doing this for almost 9 years I can say its really exhausting but this is really my passion. Witnessing peoples daily lives, understanding their reasons and knowing how social status affects. It is a very frustrating job however when you get use it you'll realizes that there are things you're not in control, You can report it, you can flash it on national television but still when those higher officials don't give a single damn about them, the poorest ones will still remain at the bottom. Just like the usual poverty really sucks.
I arrived 5: 35 am at the GMA building I was on time. Today is the 1st week of the community quarantine at the whole vicinity of Luzon. I wait orders from my superior and they told me I will be in one of the border of metro manila while I was on the way I can see people walking and looking so tired when it fact it is only 5:50 am which supposed to be just the start of their day. I can see people waiting for buses, traffic enforcers giving reminders of social distancing, taho vendor who seems to be so weak, and the face of different frustrated employees who desperately wants to make it to their work. On the other hand I also saw silk-stocking people bulk-buying grocery items coming out from SnR. The world is crazy I sadly utter to myself.
It was 6:45 am when I finally headed to my destination. I hear people different opinions and sentiments. A jeepney driver who is being interrogated by the police caught my attention, I hurriedly go towards them with my microphone on my left hand and my cellphone on my right hand and I urgently call my camera man to go with me. I asked one of the police men whats happening he said " Ang kulit e sabi ng wala munang babiyahe hanggat may quarantine, Eto naman si manong sige pa rin sa pasada hindi mapagsabihan " The jeepney driver heard him and he said " pag hindi po ako kumayod wala po kaming kakainin pano naman po yung pamilya ko pano kami mahirap lang kami hindi kami pwede tumunganga sa bahay mamatay kami sa gutom " he was in tears and so I was. He's right, how about them? How about those isang kayod isang tuka? How about the people who are in what we called "laylayan ng lipunan"? How about the vendors? The drivers? They are the one who are much by affected by this situation.
My phone rings it is my boss is I answered it and he told that there's a rally at Quezon City, We hurriedly go to the exact location, In 18 mins we arrived, I could'nt help but to stare at them. They are mad, no they were not mad, mad is too shallow to describe they were furious. The AFP showed-up and the people began to run others successfully escaped but the others are caught. They are shouting "bigas lang po" "asan na ang ayuda" "ilang araw na kaming naghihintay bakit wala pa ding tulong". They are yelling for help, asking officials to remember them. That mess was heart breaking they were just asking for a little help yet the laws are not fair to everyone.
It was 11:57 in the evening I was about to sleep when someone knocks on my door. It was my sister who just got home from work asking for a phone charger. "I left my charger at the hospital can I borrow yours?" she said and sat on my bed. "Sure" I answered, and quickly look for my charger, "How's work" I asked, "Exhausting and frustrating, those senators and higher officials wants themselves to be priority for testing. They are'nt even PUI's nor PUM's yet they want to get tested." Shes a Doctor at Makati Medical Hospital for 9 years. "Those privilege people always wants to put themselves first before others, they are selfish as hell. People are dying and they're still thinking of their own sake yet they called themselves leaders and frontliners. They are the worst virus in our country." She added, You can see how exasperated she is by the she talks. "I need to get some rest, Goodnight" She utter and then left my room. She left me hangging. How can those self-centered individuals sleep tight at night thinking that our country is suffering from pandemic and people are lack in food yet they have the guts to think first of themselves. Our Doctors and their constituents are dying yet one of them have the guts to walk through SnR and go for shopping and even go to hospital to accompany her pregnant wife. I mean, who the fuck do you think you are.
It was 2:00 in the morning and I couldnt sleep it feels like I need to do something. I browse my phone and an idea come up to my mind "why not raise a fund?" I told myself. I urgently posted my idea and a lot of people are willing to donate I was so thankful that people wants to help in this midst of calamity. I raise a fund of 3 million pesos and turned it into a groceries. I asked my neighbors and friends to help me in repacking. After 2 days were done and ready for distribution. We gave the grocery items to the poorest one and to those who needed it the most like the beggars, scavengers, drivers and we also do house to house distribution. Their smiles are priceless even though its just a little help they are still grateful and smiling from ear to ear.
It was 9:40 pm and Im finally home. I am eating my dinner alone cause my kids are at sleep and my sister isnt home yet when i decided to browse my social media account. People on the internet are arguing the dds and anti. I continue scrolling reading and reading. When one post pop up to my news feed " One netizen ask me for help pang kain lang daw may apat daw syang anak nahihirapan na daw sila lol hindi ko obligasyon buhayin kayo" that was the post I just read coming from a famous vlogger who are earning half a million in just a month. I roll my eyes "wow this ill-mannered && inconsiderate human have the audacity to shame?? didnt your momma taught how to have helping hand??" i freakingly talking to myself.
In this cruel world I hope people can have each other. I hope we can be an extension of blessing. Set aside our selfishness instead we should have a heart that will always care for the others. A little humanity and compassion will do to surpass any circumstances that China, the universe rather may throw to us.
Its been exactly a month since this pandemic started in our country. The number of cases arises and there is still no concrete solution to this calamity. It will be a long run, I hope our frontliners won't get tired in solving this. To our Nations frontliners, Thank you so much && Keep safe! 🖤
1. According to the story, What is the essence of being a woman?
2. Why does the sister of Serica Janica becomes frustrated and exasperated by the higher officials?
3. Why does narrator said that it was cruel world?
4. Do you think laws are unfair?
5. What is the mood of the story?
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