#and I love the idea of having a place to talk about undertale/deltarune and this AU and art and stuff
forgettable-au · 2 months
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Forgettable-au discord server almost done👀??
I made lots of emotes, more to be added hehe
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catboysansundertale · 2 months
utdr big bounce theory
was thinking about some of sans's fight dialogue and, hopefully I'm making sense here, but...
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until suddenly everything ends...? what could he mean by that, hm?
if we expand on the idea that sans and papyrus in undertale are originally from deltarune, perhaps this could could also be related
if you know what the big bounce is, you might have guessed where I'm going with this. (if you don't know what the big bounce is, it's the kind of outdated hypothesis that the big bang was a result of a universe before ours collapsing and/or our universe collapsing at the end of its life before going through another big bang)
maybe deltarune (or one of its weird routes, which I believe is more likely) will end with the universe collapsing, then 'bouncing' back into the universe undertale is in? likely with some last wednesday-ism, with everyone being placed in their respective spaces in the new timeline
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these lines also sparked my interest. seeing what comes next? consuming timelines over and over until... what? if it was just another reset, isn't that what he wants here? what is he trying to prevent? maybe another collapse in this universe is possible too, at least from his point of view, and that's what he's trying to stop
"Our reports" could be referring to either before or after the bounce event, I'm not sure which but I do think it's more interesting to be referring to before. this way the title anomoly addresses the player specifically and not frisk, the other humans, or flowey, which I think is very fitting to deltarune and undertale's themes
I think it'll be a weird route specifically because of the way he talks about/to the anomoly
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he's telling you that you're the type of person who'll keep resetting over and over to see and consume every possibility. the kind of person who would do weird routes just to see what happens and get every little bit of detail you can. not that I think he personally knows about weird routes or what happens in other timelines, just why I personally think this would be the ending of a weird route
I also think it's interesting that goner girl and by extension possibly goner kid have a connection to sans, too, because of goner kid's dialogue
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I'll admit that this could be a reference to gaster shattering or even fun values, but I do think it's interesting from a big bounce perspective. people being completely lost from a bounce event is SUPER interesting, and maybe that's the only reason I'd like to believe that part, but I do think it makes sense and another reason for sans to try and prevent it
feel free to let me know if I've missed anything that supports or goes against this theory! I love to learn more about undertale/deltarune (and honestly there's some stuff I've forgotten over the years since I first played either)
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justalittlestarguy · 4 months
Small Collection of Deltarune Musings
I see people constantly posting their Deltarune theories online so I decided to post mine in a corner of the internet.
Toby Fox & Deltarune's Origins
I feel like people when theorizing about Deltarune largely overlook how Deltarune came to be... it's enormously important to the timeline of events. We have to remember that Toby doesn't really compromise on ideas - I think it's a safe to assume that Deltarune of the past is largely still what Deltarune of now is.
Let's go over the facts real quick.
The idea for Deltarune came to Toby Fox in a dream he had in 2011 while he was at college. In the dream, he saw the ending to a video game and was determined to create it. Fox was also inspired by a collection of playing card designs posted on Tumblr by artist Kanotynes. Development of the game started in 2012, although it was abandoned before Fox created the first room.
(Source: Wikipedia page on Deltarune, cites a Nintendo article on Ch. 1)
We have to remember that Deltarune is the original. This is my core problem with people theorizing about Deltarune in the context of Undertale. While as an audience that is all we are privy to regarding Toby's world, we have to remember that Undertale came from Deltarune, not the other way around. If anything would refer to Undertale, that's either Toby messing with his audience or means something different in this context.
Deltarune is an AU to Undertale in one sense, but in many others, it's a prequel. I am in the full belief that Deltarune's events are before Undertale could ever happen. If Undertale and Deltarune were in the same universe, Undertale would 100% happen after it, but I don't think Toby was lying when he said that the events are largely unrelated.
In fact, I don't think Toby has ever once lied about his details about Deltarune. "They are connected in a sense" and "they are not in the same universe" can both be true at once. Toby is not even necessarily lying by omission, but moreso that as an audience we could not realistically grasp the timeline from a meta perspective. The only real outlier is "Deltarune is meant to be played by fans of Undertale" as expressly retroactive, and I think this is because Undertale fans will get something new out of his characters.
I think that the timeline largely explains a lot of factors that people theorize about and can't quite get to the bottom of, including...
W. D. Gaster
People talk about the fact that Gaster's fingerprints are all over Deltarune's narrative, and Andrew Cunningham went over all of Gaster's leitmotivic theories very well, better than I ever could. Like most Deltarune theorycrafting videos though, I got stuck on one line from the video, when talking about April 2012 (the song).
For April 2012... I don't know man. Even if Toby Fox crawled out from under my bed and handed me a ratified document professing that the quote here was 100% intentional, what would that really tell us beyond the fact that Gaster's theme has existed since at least 11 years ago? It would be interesting, sure, but not particularly insightful.
My liege Cunningham I must respectfully disagree. I believe that April 2012, if a real Gaster quote, actually tells us a lot about Gaster and why he's all over Deltarune. In terms of concrete information about plot details, the answer is small, but definitive. After all, Gaster escaping his confinement as "merely unused content that people love fan speculation over" would be quite interesting itself. We assume that he will show up, but aside from ANOTHER HIM, there's very little reason for him to.
...By the way, has anyone ever wondered why Gaster went unused in the first place?
I think people just think about it at the surface level. Gaster is unused, or died before the events of Undertale (or worse). He's got NPCs that refer to him in very vague ways, and he's a particularly hidden trinket of lore. When Toby anticipated people datamining the game, he didn't really hide his existence there all that much as some other things.
But if we remember that Deltarune was the original idea, that Undertale later springboarded off of, then I think that makes Gaster a lot more interesting. I don't think Gaster was EVER meant to be a part of Undertale's story in a major way. He's a Deltarune character that snuck his way into Undertale as an easter egg.
I do have a small shred of evidence to support this as well, with another character that gets explicitly mentioned in Undertale in a small capacity... Rudy, Noelle's father. ...At least in the alarm clock dialogue.
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Rudy, similarly to Gaster, seemingly dies before the events of Undertale could ever take place, but still existed there. Largely, many of the characters are still the same or have counterparts in Undertale. Gaster being Ultra Hidden still had a presence there, and I think some of people's musings on connections to other characters have merit, but for the wrong reasons. (Being related to the skelebros with another font and Sans' machine are interesting notes, especially given that we haven't actually seen Papyrus in Deltarune yet...)
Chara & Deltarune's Release Schedule
I similarly think that Deltarune being a meta-prequel makes people talking about Chara also make sense. The idea of Chara and Kris being largely separate characters makes sense in a traditional story, and we largely lack evidence for it aside from a tease in Chapter 1. However, let's consider a new meta-detail: Deltarune's intentional release schedule.
When we played through Deltarune (known at the time as SURVEY_PROGRAM), we were left with two big twists. The first... the scene at the end where Kris seems to form a Chara-like grin with a knife, and throws our red heart into the birdcage. This is an obvious tease on Toby's part. There was little subtlety here, but it gave a lot of questions. The second is that THIS IS CHAPTER 1, not a demo.
Fast forward to the height of COVID, and Toby decides on a whim to release Chapter 2. This was...expressly NOT planned. Deltarune was meant to be in our hands in any close-to-complete form with the release of CHAPTER FIVE. So we are effectively given a peer into foreshadowing that wasn't even meant to be seen by us until we could continue further.
This is important because there are a few elements that Chapter 2 starts delivering upon but doesn't entirely go through with:
Kris as a "[Heart] on a [Chain]"
Anything involving the "Weird" route, straight up didn't exist in Ch. 1
A couple more Gaster-y details than Chapter 1
Spamton seemingly hints at the next few bosses
("WE DON'T NEED [Easels] OR [CRTs]"... seemingly implying our Ch. 3 Dark Crystal holder is a TV, and our Ch. 4 Dark Crystal holder is an easel [art related?])
("WE DON'T NEED ANY [Man, Woman, or Child] AT HALF PRICE" ...could mean a lot more, but seemingly refers to Chapter 5 in some way like the others, as he goes on about Mike afterwards.)
So what does all this mean for the Chara "reveal" at the end of Chapter 1? We were supposed to see it from the start, unlike Chapter 2, so where does that leave us?
Toby is intentionally setting an expectation.
I think Kris and Chara are related in more ways, but more explicitly, I think Kris' story is more pivotal to Undertale than one may think. We have to remember a few details about Chara.
1) Before Chara became everyone's favorite diagetic narrator, Chara was a kid who lived in a monster family. No more, no less. There's no reason to think Chara was insane before effectively escaping the narrative.
2) Chara still had a fascination with a few things in common with Kris. Knives and chocolate being a couple of them, and Asriel rounding it out. Asriel is Kris' big sibling, except a bit more literal this time compared to Chara.
3) Kris and Chara (as well as Frisk) are all intentionally non-binary or potentially agender altogether. Kris goes by they/them, and both Chara and Frisk never have explicit genders either, though that can be argued to be for other purposes such as character immersion (any/all).
4) Chara is a similarly deeply troubled individual as Kris, suffering from mental conditions that Toriel and Asgore are not very good at helping them get through. This leads to disastrous consequences when Chara takes their own life in Undertale.
So what does this mean for Kris?
I think many people assumed correctly when saying that Kris is Chara, but I believe it's more accurate to say that Kris IS Chara in Undertale, but with a new role.
Kris, Chara, and CONTROL.
We all understand at this point that Kris has a troubled relationship with autonomy, given that the player guides their actions during the plot of Deltarune. But if Kris is related to Chara, then we can ask a question - what do the two have in common?
Well for one thing, they both exercise a desire for control.
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In a similar vein to Cunningham's video, I once watched a video talking about [Hyperlink Blocked] that was quite interesting, and I thought there was one theory as to what it was that doesn't get enough attention. (at around 50:50, I'm going to use some select quotes here)
Control Theory [...] Kris and Spamton both want control, and it makes sense that Spamton would offer this to Kris as a reward. [...] However, the one noticeable weak spot in this theory is in Snowgrave. You could argue that Kris is taking control of their life, but they are really not. If anything, they are robbing Noelle of her control, which isn't the same thing.
The line in question substituting Hyperlink Blocked in this context is:
I respect Jabu's actual theory a lot on this one. [LOVE] in the context of Undertale makes a lot of sense and fills just about every quota. However, that's in the context of Undertale's terminology. We can't limit ourselves to just that. I don't think [LOVE] gets extra brownie points for just tying into Undertale, expressly for the reasons I've stated before. Deltarune's ideas came before Undertale's, and while some concepts are linked, they are not all the same. (See: the concept of a human SOUL and Determination not lining up either.)
Jabu has a point about Control, but only from a healthy mindset point of view. We have to consider the mindset and shoes of someone who lacks control.
Take... a controlling mother. One who lacks control over a lot of aspects of her life for one reason or another, and demands perfection from herself. One coping mechanism, no matter how wrong, is trying to seize the control over her sons. It's a way she can exercise having control over something in her life. It gives her room to have agency, even at the expense of her sons' agency. She could force her son to go to college, because she can't imagine any other path for him, and she never GAVE him a choice.
This anecdotal example isn't just for shits and giggles. I really do want people to look in the shoes of someone who is deeply troubled by a lack of control and examine the Weird route with that in mind. Many people troubled by this go on to become manipulative people, or exercising their agency by using someone else's. In the weird route, Kris manipulating Noelle becomes his coping mechanism, and you enable their behavior with your actions.
So what does this mean for the normal route? Obviously it's at least a bit more healthy, and as a result I do expect (and look forward to) Kris butting heads with the player, not just as a way of coping or fighting back, but to wrestle control of the narrative for their own at some point. I don't think Kris becomes a villain in this context, but I do expect them to become an antagonist if the player is considered the protagonist.
All this lines up well for Kris, but then what is Chara? We know that Chara works through the player for the [Genocide] route in Undertale (its own "Weird" route) and that by the end Chara has taken full control away from the player. This is a Chara that never had the opportunity that Kris had to turn things around. This is a Chara fundamentally broken by their lack of control, and abuses it every chance they get once they do obtain it. And to top it all off, you hand it right to them at the end. They even exercise their control over the narrative with the creepy extra scene if you perform a Pacifist route on the same file as a Genocide route was previously completed.
...hey, isn't that similar to Kris' actions and Susie's actions that the player never has direct control over? Weird. Even expressly against the player's wishes too? Interesting.
Conclusion / TL;DR
The summation of my theorycrafting is built on the knowledge that Deltarune came first, and that Undertale builds off of this info, not the other way around. Many people theorycraft assuming the inverse relationship due to Undertale releasing first, but no one seems to ever step into the developer's shoes.
I believe this:
Kris and Chara ARE expressly related and not just for surface level observations - they both tell us something about **control**
Gaster is a Deltarune character that Toby knew would be important, but got scrapped for Undertale so it can tell its own story. He was left unused in Undertale because he was never meant to be an important part of it.
A lot of Chapter 2's foreshadowing is expressly information we are *not supposed to have* due to Deltarune's intended release schedule and for that reason is very volatile.
Deltarune is a meta-prequel to Undertale. Deltarune's ideas not only came first, but are the original, and if anything Undertale is a spiritual successor to what Deltarune will eventually become. As fucked up as that timing sounds.
Anyway like and subscribe for more stupidity
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subjectsmile · 6 months
This text is an outburst about the bullying that exists in the sonic fandom about a completely idiotic subject: SHIPS, SORRY TO SAY ABOUT THIS, but I need to vent..
Sorry, I came to talk about this here on a social network, but unfortunately I don't have anyone to vent to, but I really need to say this otherwise I'm not going to keep it to myself, and something small can become big after a while, I'm sorry to say this but.The Sonic fandom is really rotten when it comes to respecting other people's tastes, it's simply one of the worst fandoms I've ever been in when it comes to respecting other people's tastes, I think it's second only to Deltarune and Undertale, even the fandom League of Legends, which is known as one of the most toxic fandoms, manages to be less toxic when it comes to respecting other people's tastes, don't get me wrong, I'm making this criticism a bit harsh because I simply can't keep it to myself anymore, and I'm mentioning these fandons because I'm part of them, since I'm Multfandom, and in addition to this lack of respect between the purposes of the fandom as a whole, I see this a lot among ship fans, seriously! I'm tired of being disrespected in groups and on social media just because of my personal taste for a ship, for example: I'm an admitted Sonadow shipper, and I was very well accepted in the Sonadow bubble, I met cool people, others I confess were really good strange and radical, but you know, everything has a bad side, even the things you like, but I ignored that since most of them were really cool fans as people, but the problem started when I thought it was a good idea to express my love for a ship in Facebook groups, man.. that hurt me a lot of comments I received(And this kind of thing doesn't just hurt me, I've found reports from other people on Twitter and Facebook of people reporting being bullied in these places):
"I believe you are strange"
"you're going to be weird"
"everyone knows that the only acceptable ship is Sonamy"
"Get off the internet"
"These wokes ruin everything, everything is gay now"
"Kill yourself and be born again, and come with more sense next time"
Well, I won't remember everything they said to me, and I don't even have the prints unfortunately, but I've suffered a lot of bullying in these groups, even on Twitter I've suffered bullying, so much so that I blocked this type of person, I don't even waste my time trying to argue anymore (although I have the ability to rebut the argument) I simply don't have the emotions for it anymore, I know that ships are a silly thing, and I really agree with that, but the hostile treatment that this fandom has on this topic I believe is not healthy for no one, especially the way some of these people react to it, it's simply too toxic...
E o que finalmente me deu vontade de vir aqui desabafar sobre isso foi um grupo de fandublagem que eu participo, lá eu dublo o Tails, no começo eu gostava de dublar lá e participar, mas o líder da equipe começou a querer dublar coisas da Sonamy e da Amy a dubladora também era fã, nada contra quem é fã da Sonamy, mas eu pessoalmente não gosto do ship, mas não falo sobre isso se a pessoa gosta, porque não quero ser uma desmancha-prazeres chato, eles dublam o que querem e não é problema meu, eu só gosto de justiça, se um ship pode ser uma opção de dublagem, outros também podem ser, então quando fui me manifestar para propor uma dublagem sonadow no canal, eles simplesmente riram de mim e disseram "nós só dublamos navios aceitáveis, como Sonamy, Knuxouge e Silvaze, o que você tem contra navios de canhão?" Eu estava tipo, canhão? canhão onde?! Não existe canhão no Sonic em relação à nave, todo mundo sabe disso, e simplesmente me ignoraram, mas aí tive que engolir em seco a falta de respeito deles pelo meu gosto pessoal e eu ter que aguentar fazer algo que não faço' Não gosto por eles, simplesmente me sinto sufocado, acho que só estou lá até hoje por causa de amigos meus que ainda dublam lá, porque perdi muito a vontade de dublar lá depois desse desrespeito comigo, outras coisas que aconteceram com para mim também foi o fato de ter sido expulso de um grupo do Sonic no Facebook, só porque eu gostava de sonadow e gostava de postar artes fofas (não existia nem SFNW, eram artes inofensivas) o dono do grupo foi até minha conta privada para dizer que meu ship era uma "bobagem" e que o grupo dele era um lugar "sério" que não poderia ter essas coisas para "confundir" os fãs "e só coisas de canhão são permitidas no grupo dele como o Sonamy (sim mais um fã do Sonamy sendo tóxico comigo dizendo que o único navio dele é permitido porque é "canhão" embora isso não seja verdade e sim, eu tenho um screenshot desse evento (e depois disso fui banido do grupo dele E a palavra "esculhambação" no print significa "porcaria" ou "imbecilidade"And Google translate didn't translate it completely because my language has a lot of slang)):
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I know that not all Sonamy fans are like this, but if you are like this, please stop, this is an asshole attitude, And I don't say this to Sonamy fans, I say this to Sonadow fans too and to any fan of any ship, your ship is not better than the other and that doesn't give you the right to disrespect others and be a complete idiot!
To finish my rant about these toxic attitudes that I've seen as a fan, I close with a flourish with this nonsense I found on Twitter :
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I'll end here, and if you've been through something similar, be it anything (or ship in this case), avoid this as much as possible, it's really annoying to deal with.
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✨Introduction post✨
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🌟Facts about me🌟
(Please read this post before you add me into your mutual list)
♪ The name's Charols! I'm an agender pep with zhe/them pronounce
♪ Love drawing and writing! My tags are #charols art gallery and #charols writing ideas
♪ Dm & art/writing requests are open! Any kind of request are accepted here so go ahead and just ask! I'm open to everyone really! <3 (except humans i suck at thoseee aughhhh
♪ fandom I'm in rn :
object show
inanimate insanity
Fandom I'm not active in,but still love them! :
Cult of the lamb
Cookie run
Omega mart
Dicey dungeon
Hollowknight (still waiting for that sequel 😔)
♪ like to draw:
Hybrid objects
Cute beings
Scary/edgy sketch
♪ love all of my mutuals equally! Tho hates being popular. Too overwhelming for me. So please don't tag me in your post if you can ^^;
♪ Please reminds me if i had gone overboard with my talks,i am not the greatest at socialism.
✨Some Unnecessary✨
✨ Facts About Me ✨
♪ Probably have adhd or smth like that
♪ Weirdcore/Dreamcore lover ❤
♪ Arospec
♪ I'm an artist. But a super slow one. L i t e r a l l y. And my art style are nonexistent! I can make some cartoonist drawing yesterday and i can absolutely draw realistically looking stuff tomorrow depending on my moods!
♪ Dm are always open! you can be my mutual too if you wanna,i absolutely love to talks to others people! But my deepest apologize if i make things akward, i'm not the greatest at talking with others. I would either be talking to you with a small talk like hi & wassup. or i would send you random shit that i love. hoping it make your days better too. or just have a long conversation on a topic i love such as my fandom or just a random brain storming.
♪ I amm SUPER. Easily distracted and overwhelmed by everything.. So I'm sorry if i ignore you a lil while. Definitely Would be dead for a few days and then goes back to absolutely bombarded you with notification sometimes.
♪ I'm working on an object show comic i would call Major Chaos. So i hope you're ready because it would take 2763 years for me to develop on it lol
♪ If you think any of those as annoying to you. Please just tell me to stop aight? I'm the worst at reading people feelings
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Major Chaos
A comic I'm working on about a teenager finding himself in a new entire place with no recollection of what happened to her. Trying to learn,adapt and survive this new cruel world and try her best to help the one who needs too
Halloween costume
Random characters
Big Brother
Scrambled Destiny
An II swap au with the twist was me putting them all into a randomizer into other character and see how i can piece them all together and how different things would be while also trying to stay like the original.. Sorry it's kinda difficult to explain it
More explanation
Random oc
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Haven't finished this masterpost yet.. Have breadbug instead
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ut-versotale · 4 months
Some Updates!
Heyo! Welcome back. I come bearing some update news!
FANGAME PTRORGRESS! (I'm not retyping that)
The textboxes type more accurately to Deltarune in particular - now automatically shuffling to the next line for me rather than requiring a special "instruction character." There's a LOT of improvements to the textbox now, which was an absolute headache and a half to code, but since it IS the most fundamental required feature for all of an Undertale project to work, I think my time bashing my head in over making it function well was necessary.
The party member pathing code is ALMOST done. It's actually surprisingly not as challenging as I thought it'd be. I put it off for so long because I thought trying to code it would deal actual psychic damage to myself, but it doesn't seem to be that bad. (And I know now I'm gonna find some massive bug with my code that's gonna give me a headache trying to fix for 6 hours straight, but oh well, 'tis what I signed up for, was it not?)
Battle coding is... about the same as it was when I last talked about it however-many-months ago. I'm still not entirely sure where to place the first one that'd work best from a game design perspective - if it should be before or after a party member is added.
Some spoiler stuff I can't talk about, of course. But, like, not even in a cheeky little spoiler section, either. I want y'all to experience this for yourself for sure
The Next Showcase Video
I still do plan on the next showcase video being published before the end of January. I'm setting this more for myself so I get my ass in gear and finish it. It's not in any danger of NOT being released by then, but still, I work best with deadlines.
HOWEVER, I would like to point out that what you see in the video will still be in a very unpolished state. For example, the background graphics for the Surface cutscene are still very much not complete, there's no new music in yet, some animations are janky, Asriel is still (currently, might change soon) hijacking Ralsei's voice blip and Hercine's blip still (Also currently, might change soon) needs to be redone...
Etc., etc., you get the idea by now. Maybe I'm hammering it home too much, but I don't want expectations for this to be TOO high. It's still incomplete. And as time goes on, this beginning section is probably what I'll continuously make showcase videos for.
Final Thoughts
Anyway, that's about it from me! I hope to see you again sometime before the end of January! Thank you all for continuing to follow this small little love letter to Toby Fox's works, especially those of you who have stuck around with me for a whopping seven years through all this AU's ups and downs!
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evilautismcrusades · 11 months
after seeing some of the votes and responses to my "what is mike going to be" poll, i thought maybe i should give my own response to the matter and reasoning for why i so strongly believe hes going to be the microwave, plus my own opinion on woody theory!
basically for those who dont know what woody theory is, its a theory that the deltarune chapter 3 bonus boss is going to be a toy woody-like darkner with a "friend inside them," aka a speaker who would manifest in the dark world as a separate entity of some kind controlling the toy host. this is apparently based on posts and even a fan song toby has made for toy story, and also something about "the cowboy show being cancelled" in the most recent undertale newsletter, which people took to be a reference to a similar scene in one of the toy story movies. (do please correct me if im wrong on any of this information, i havent seen any of the toy story movies in a looooong time.)
and, honestly? i could see him pulling something like that! its a cool and unique idea for a character, especially fitting for a bonus boss darkner. if he really does do this, i would be pleasantly surprised.
however, i dont think the woody boss or the friend inside them would be mike. in fact, i dont even think mike is going to be a microphone. if you think about it, there arent any microphones or anything that could contain them (without being bugged or something) inside the dreemurr house, and if there were to be a woody character they wouldnt contain a microphone unless they were one of those toys that repeat what you say to them. they would just contain a speaker.
something else i see in support of the thing inside the woody character being mike is the canon knowledge that spamton and jevil have of each others existence, and people wondering if this could point to a trend with all the secret bosses knowing or having met each other. given that spamton mentions mike quite a few times, and other chapter trends being implied at (such as rouxls having a cameo in every chapter), this is another thing i could see happening, but i still dont think itll be with mike.
if anything, i think it will be with tenna, the character mentioned on one of the spamton sweepstakes hidden pages. my reasons for this are how much disdain spamton seems to have for both tenna and jevil, which could definitely be another chapter trend. whereas spamton seems to care about and even miss mike, acting protective when he was asked about him in the spamton q&a, he is awfully hateful towards tenna. as quoted from this hidden sweepstakes page (notably the first and only place he mentions tenna by name, in the url):
"THAT DAMN [Boob tube]!!!
YOU'RE THE ONE THAT SHOULD BE HAVING A [Refr3shing n1ghts sleep] IN THE [Recycling Bin]!!!
EVERYONE IS GOING TO PAY [5 easy payments of $9.99] UNTIL THEY'RE ALL IN THE [Disposal Area] BEGGING FOR MY [$#&*]!!!
here it really comes off that the "boob tube" he is talking about, and presumably also a darkner representing the tv or part of it, is tenna. another really interesting thing is whoever hes talking about at the end. given that he has shown a fondness for mike before, i believe he is the one spamton is sparing from his short person wrath, and tenna has wronged him and mike in some way. this clashes alot with the tv mike theory/depictions and is the biggest reason i dont believe he is the tv.
so, what does that leave in the house for mike to be?
well, he can still really be anything, but if we were to follow his name being a play on his corresponding light world object, this leaves the most likely candidate as being the microwave in the kitchen, and with that i rest my case.
if anyone has any other theories or details on this subject that i didnt touch on, please let me know!! id love to hear them
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cyber-rory13 · 19 days
Hello everybody!
My names Rory, and I’m back on tumblr for the bajillionth time and rebranding for the bajillionth time (seriously why did I ever leave in the first place, I love yall)
Anyways… here’s my whole spiel about who I am, what I do, etc.
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^^^ where I post from lolz. Anyways, here are the basic stats
Name/what y’all can call me - Rory, Cyber Rory, idk anything else just not any of my old names if you know them
Age - 19
God what else do you put in these OH OMG
Pronouns - irl they/them, online they/it (and ask about neos if interested)
Sexuality/gender identity - i identify as bisexual, abrosexual, and gender-fluid (please do not use he/him or she/her even if I say I feel more masculine/feminine, they/them is always preferred)
What’s my deal - I’m an artist! Previously I never really posted my own stuff, but now I want to start doing that. Obviously I’ll still repost things I like, but it’s not gonna be my whole page lolz. I started taking my art more seriously since I switched my major from marine bio to a double major in art and psych (physics and chem are too hard) I’m currently not in school (I had to withdraw during the middle of my first semester due to mental health issues, but I’m going back this fall! So excited!!)
What kind of art? - glad you asked. Im really into Frutiger aero and cybercore at the moment, so that’s what I usually base my art around, but I really don’t have one set style/“aesthetic” in my art. I go in between Frutiger aero, cybercore, y2k, scene, mizuiro, and basically anything else that I can sneak the color blue in
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Other fun things about me
Music I’m into - I don’t mean to be one of those “oh I’m into everything” kind of people, as it’s not fully true, but it’s true like 90% of the time. My favorite genres right now are metal core, emo, whatever Ayesha erotica, millionaires, and slayyyter are, and ambient instrumentals (more specifically cybercore ambience and the little big planet soundtrack) I will not listen to most country, and pop music is very hit or miss, but other than that I usually like everything else. Specific bands I’m into include bad omens, mcr, motionless in white, spiritbox, and pierce the veil
Shows/Animes I’m into - hot take but I really don’t like to watch tv *gasp* I know I know, but it’s so hard for me to start new shows and keep watching them, especially if episodes are longer than 20-30 mins. Even with anime I have a hard time watching shows that I wasn’t into over a year ago. I’m really into JJK, Haikyuu, Yuri on Ice (rip), the aquatope on white sands, and tbhk
Other things I’m into - just gonna dump them all here lolz. Blues clues, Winnie the Pooh, stuffed animals (NOT squishmallows, hot take sorry) deltarune/undertale, sally face, Fran bow, project sekai (forgot to put vocaloid in music lolz), and the ds and Wii era Nintendo
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I’ll be setting up either a card or a link tree hopefully soon, but I’m also on TikTok (regretfully) and instagram, both are @/cyber.rory13 if y’all are interested. Eventually I hope to open up commissions and/or a sticker and print shop, but for now I’m waiting til I have more traction on my socials as shops cost money, and I’ve been unemployed since October (starting work in may tho!) so I don’t want to make that investment quite yet. Commissions however, I’m open to the idea of them, so if you are interested feel free to message me and we can talk about details there (they will have to be digital or traditional transferred to digital). And finally, the moment like one of y’all has been waiting for, some of my actual art!
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Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, my page is a safe place and feel free to reblog really engage anyway if you’d like to be mutuals! Slay queen!!
3 notes · View notes
cherrymoonvol6 · 1 year
some thoughts on the owl house
disclaimer: during my watchtime, the following things happened:
i was drunk (not enough to not remember anything, but enough to maybe not remember everything correctly)
i was tired/sluggish
my internet sucked (so some episodes i had to watch through almost unbearable stuttering, and i skipped one altogether [the body swap one in S1])
but none of these things happened for ALL episodes, and the further i watched the more invested i was. also, this will cover every episode up to the latest one released (for the future). so here it is. Some Thoughts about the owl house incoming:
OVERALL: after going through the first few episodes, i somehow ended up getting reminded of undertale. but maybe not for the reasons you might think: yknow, two stories involving a human accidentally breaching into a world full of magic and fantastical creatures, with no easy way of getting out. but it wasn't for those structural reasons, and more like the fact that TOH seems to be a deconstruction of the tropes it's presenting, just like undertale deconstructs the usual RPG and plays with its tropes to tell its story.
i find this change refreshing because even if it's not a new idea, i like that the fish out of water has such high expectations for what she'll experience in this new world. and i was surprised when they kept that angle as the show went on: i was yet again reminded of toby fox when luz is presented as a writer (yknow, giving the protagonist a trait/skill of their creator, just like how kris plays the piano in deltarune). there are a lot of aspects about it that are very thought provoking and greatly enhance the experience.
another thing is that i was pleasantly surprised to see that not only the show was willing to put through its complicated world and make it central in the story, but also that almost every thing introduced in the show wound up being important and building the bigger picture. like, the last stretch of the second season was just crazy to watch, and i was amazed and so, so happy that the show took its time to get there in the end. i see the hype and i agree, basically.
that’s not to say i don’t have my issues with some things. what i don’t think i will be going over in the sections below i’ll say here: i think the show is decidedly unsubtle. not necessarily a bad thing, but it ruins the potential of certain moments. there’s stuff that i like, some examples being: the light glyph being integral to luz’s presence in the show (since luz means light in spanish); how amity has brown hair just like her dad yet is dyed green to match her mom’s; hunter’s name; the owl beast appearing in eda’s dreams; uhhhh that’s all i can name off the top of my head. i think in some cases the messages are delivered clumsily due to the lack of subtlety, but i also think the show gets better about that as it goes along - i consider it a S1 problem, mostly.
there’s also the elephant in the room about the show being shortened for reasons we don’t know about in the slightest. man, fuck disney lol. below, there’s a lot of places in which i would’ve wanted to say certain thing needed more time to develop or other things feel rushed/incompleted and i’ve omitted most of them because i understand this is a limitations the writers weren’t aware of and had to restructure the whole final season of the show into three 45 minute episodes. i therefore offer my sympathy and won’t criticize the show for that. i’m sure a lot of people have talked about those things (the break-neck pacing of some plot-lines and other stuff being introduced in a not-so-seamless way), so you won’t need me to repeat what you people already know.
even with all of those things in mind (and the criticisms that you’ll find in the rest of this post) i loved the owl house and i’m very happy i took my time to watch it. i’m not really the kind of person to watch movies and shows very candidly - in fact, the first time i decided i would watch TOH i was drunk and just forced myself into it. i am pleased to have done it because this is a great show and i wish i could’ve grown up watching something like this - esp considering the main character is a bisexual latina girl of color, just like me. i hope further shows in kid and tween channels follow this standard and all in all i love it enough to feel very invested in these characters and the major plot beats of the story.
LUZ: i really like luz!!! i just think hopeless optimistics that are actually hiding a lot of guilt and trauma are incredibly compelling characters and a lot is done with it in the show. i love her design and her quirks and how the show recognizes and uses them: one of my favorite moments in the show is that one part in escaping expulsion where amity asks the abomination butler who took her spot, and when the abomination turns around you can see the kitty face luz molded on him and that’s it. no need to say her name or anything, amity (and us, the viewers) immediately know it’s luz. gah! what a great moment.
i also love the way the show slowly reveals luz’s insecurities and hardships. she’s just so layered and you get to see every part. luz’s revelation in FTF is also something that resonates so intimately with my own problems and i get teary eyed just thinking about how well-setup that moment is and how it’s allowed such a big space in the episode. if you allow me to go on a little tangent, i find it fantastic how much they did with camila in such little time. it’s so great that we’re allowed to peak into her world and see how she never felt anything was wrong with luz, but instead of leaving it at that (she’s redeemed now you guys :D), they make camila recognize her mistake in such an honest and heartfelt way that directly impacts with luz’s narrative journey through all seasons in TOH. it treats both characters in such a humanly way… gah, it’s fantastic.
however, i'll say that my favorite dynamic in the show is probably luz and eda. i just love that since the very beginning they were both pushing at each other’s mindsets, and challenged each other in ways that allowed them to question their worldviews and change. there’s also the way eda ties into luz’s revelation that she just wants to be understood: i believe they both agreed to stay together because freaks stick together, making it so that eda and luz’s connection is so special because eda allows luz to feel understood. but yeah, i don’t wanna list examples because i feel like if i start i’ll never finish - source: trust me bro, yknow how it is. they’re fantastic characters already but they add so much to each other through their relationship.
EDA: honestly, there’s not really that much i can say about her. eda already ties in the fantasy trope deconstruction by being presented as this bad bitch channeling some manic pixie dream girl stuff - and just like luz, the show takes its time to deepen her character and make her a lot more complex. i don’t think it succeeds in every part (i go in more detail while talking about raine) but they get almost everything right and that’s enough for me. she’s at her best when she’s interacting with luz but also she has such great dynamics with every other character that pops up (although maybe i wasn’t the biggest fan of her interactions with lilith at the beginning, but it gets better and then it gets good).
HOOTY: i love him to death. what a little bastard. god won’t let him die.
KING: i am mixed on king, though considering everything i do have a positive stance on him. i don’t really like the trope of animal-type characters behaving like dogs [toothless from HTTYD the movie and the horse from disney’s rapunzel come to mind], and while king’s character gets more complex as the show progresses, that doesn’t really ever go away. the kid antics don’t help either. however, the S2 episode where king takes everyone to his “land” was an instant favorite - even midway through my first viewing, i knew i would love it. king’s tragic backstory def comes as a surprise and the show really capitalizes on that, and i love how plot relevant he becomes out of nowhere. i loved him in FTF and i’m very pleased with the direction his character took in S3.
AMITY: boy, does disney love their rich mean girls with overbearing parent(s). well i'm just not so invested, personally. i perked up for a bit in certain episodes, because it seemed like the show was bringing back its deconstruction of fantasy world tropes/characters when they equated hecate with amity. like, luz being motivated to befriend her because azura did so with the mean girl in her world? that's VERY interesting. and you don't know the squeal that i let out when luz starts crushing on amity, JUST because she pseudo-cosplays a powerful witch!!! and this sort of continues as luz builds an image of amity in her head that is not that accurate to her actual persona - and how that is presented as an obstacle for them getting together, culminating in the point where amity outright says that she’s not as cool as luz thinks. for a moment, i was enthralled waiting for the show to do anything with it. but sadly, after the initial hype, their relationship becomes a recycled jumble of miraculous ladybug-esque blushing interactions (and thank god it wasn't for THAT long), and then luz's secrets and amity's fear of not being good enough.
i guess my problem is that there's nothing that being together really adds to their characters, and their dynamic isn't that interesting otherwise. once amity rekindles her friendship with willow and enters luz's friend group, that's most of it resolved. the conflicts that arise in their relationship are way more personal and i believe they're dealt better with other characters (luz's guilt with eda, and amity's insecurities with alador and her sibs). i don't think their dynamic is bad per se (for example, i loved that they brought back amity's fear of rejection in the hooty episode, it's a really effective heart-wrenching moment), but maybe some conflict in their get-together through amity's mom could've been a good way of dealing with that problem in a way that doesn't feel that divorced from the main story (especially since amity’s mom has minimal screen time in the show) while also keeping their relationship plot-relevant. but honestly, i don't blame canon for not giving me a ship i can really enjoy. i'm extremely hard to please.
it also seems like the show kinda forgets about amity’s privileged status once she stops being a bully. in fact, it makes it seem like she’s actually just as powerless as the other kids in the main group, especially through odalia. i would’ve loved to see those aspects impact not only her presence in the group but her relationship with luz, too, because IMO it would never be anything other than interesting and it would add a lot to her character. however, i am led to think that this is less of an aspect that couldn’t fit in the story due time restraints and more of a thing that the writers genuinely think amity is in a good spot re: her character development, which is something i talk about more in the willow section. and speaking of willow...
WILLOW: i like good-natured characters who are good just for the sake of being good. therefore, i like willow, but i like her in the way that i think she’s a great addition to the cast and she has fun dynamics with both luz and gus. however, just on her own, willow is kinda meh.
i enjoyed the bullying (you know, as a narrative tool) for like four seconds when luz said [gasp] witch drama!!! and then never again. like, i don’t think whatever the show is trying to say with the “half-a-witch willow” is ever done good. and for how many jabs this show throws against harry potter, is astounding how similar the half-a-witch and muggle terms are. i would even say the half-a-witch thing is worse because i don’t even understand what “half-a-witch” is supposed to mean. the child of a witch and a demon? being less powerful than a “regular” witch? if the show ever explained it, it did it once and quick enough that it never stayed on my memory. moreover, if the half-a-witch thing is meant to point at willow being neurodivergent, then it makes the development of that plotpoint a lot clunkier.
the show then makes the argument that the “half-a-witch” claim is untrue because willow is actually a really powerful witch, and i am yet again reminded of hermione and how hp butchered the point of the “muggle” bullying. this is something that greatly infuriated me in the episode where willow is trying to prove to amity that she can take care of herself, because the problem isn’t that amity just needs to see how powerful willow is: the point is that anyone could be in willow’s place, and amity would be just as condescending. therefore, the solution isn’t to make amity realize that this particular person is strong enough to protect herself. it should be that amity shouldn’t be treating anyone like this in the first place! yet because willow = hermione, the argument is that willow shouldn’t be bullied/looked-down upon because she’s very strong, actually, just like hermione shouldn’t feel bad about being called a “muggle” because she’s smarter than some full-blood wizards (or whatever the term is). this misunderstanding of bullying is something that i hate because, as someone who was bullied in school, the knowledge that i was “superior” to those bullying me never made my situation better. however, that’s exactly how it happens for willow: boscha’s team bonds with her for being such a cool not-quidditch player (i’m sorry, i genuinely cannot remember the name of the sport lol), people in the school come around willow because suddenly they notice she’s Cool, and amity stops belittling her because willow is really cool, guys. you’ll notice i have a real grudge against the amity/willow plotline because it annoys me that the resolution is that amity will make an exception for one (1) person, when it should’ve been a moment of growth in the sense that she’s straying away from the way her mom raised her and actually seeing value in each person around her, instead of just considering willow part of the elite comparable to people like her (powerful witches).
[let me say, though, that i do like that willow’s self-confidence grows due to the influence of her friends, because that’s something they got right and it doesn’t feel right to not acknowledge it too.]
anyways, it’s a missed opportunity that not only would’ve been a great character moment for both girls, but also would’ve re-established amity and willow’s friendship in a genuine and pointed way. i’ve seen that a lot of people don’t think amity was truly redeemed for the years in which she bullied and belittled willow, but i do think that the moment where amity turns her back to boscha and joins willow’s non-quidditch team out of her own volition was a great narrative beat to determine that she was genuinely on her side, and to me, that was enough. however, it’s unrealistic to think that their dynamic would be smooth sailing from that point onwards, and i was pleased to see that the show recognized that and made it a plotline in a future episode. however, as i said, it was an instance where they correctly identified the problem, but the resolution was not good. okay, that’s enough of amity, going back to willow…
for how much criticism i have for the whole “half-a-witch” stuff, i think willow’s character gets so much more in FTF, and it’s one of the reasons why i think it’s such a great episode. i was so happy when they brought back the fact that willow’s emotional turmoil is tied very closely to her witch plant powers, since it served as a plot device to make luz and willow meet but was ignored for the rest of the show. i cannot even be too mad that it came so late because it was very well done IMO. i really love when media explores the stories of characters that are put into certain roles and aware of it: an immediate example is luz, actually, since she’s so aware that she’s the protagonist of the story (and again, it’s how the show pokes fun at or subverts some fantasy tropes), but skam españa season 2 does that with cris, making a point to give a full season to the character that is the “funny party girl” in her friend group (REALLY great season, please everyone go watch skam españa). in this case, willow is the mom friend that is crumbling under the pressure of being there for her friends while also dealing with her own trauma for her own situation. i also really like that is hunter who reaches out first, because it’s also a great character moment for him. this was a thing the show understood perfectly and developed beautifully in an episode filled with people coming to terms with their own mistakes, all while trying to be there for their loved ones (luz obviously, camila, willow and hunter as the main ones). it’s a shame that it comes so late in the show because that would’ve immensely helped in making me like willow’s character in the beginning and middle of the show. half-a-witch willow, more like half-a-character willow amirite [gets booed off the stage].
GUS: i think gus is a perfectly balanced character and i like him a lot. he’s just very endearing and charming, but also has some depth in him that make for very compelling scenes - the one where hunter and gus bond for the first time comes to mind. i also adore that the main trio (luz, willow and gus) are all witches who are constantly put in situations where they feel like they must prove themselves to everyone else, as well as that happening in completely different ways (luz dealing with a completely different set of magic logic since she can’t cast conventional wild magic; willow and her “half-a-witch” deal as well as her emotionally-triggered plant powers; and gus being a gifted kid living up to those standards at the same time that he deals with studying a type of magic that a lot of people find useless). it’s good for them to stick together because they can understand each other in a way the world may never be able to - and once again we’re back at luz’s FTF revelation being a main theme for a lot of the cast of characters in the show. tldr, gus Good - and even better when paired with other characters.
HUNTER: my first reaction to hunter's (real) introduction in the second season was "oh. he has a personality??" i wasn't yet aware if it was a negative or a positive thought, but it was certainly not what i was expecting. what i thought of it afterwards is that maybe this was the simpler way of setting hunter apart from all the other emperor's coven NPCs that had been introduced so far - in hindsight, that doesn’t even apply because none of the guards are shown as being a force to be reckoned with, and they’re the butt of the joke in multiple occasions. then, i realized that my puzzled reaction was because i was expecting the golden guard to be more like the winter soldier. honestly, i still can't decide if making him act like that in the beginning was the best idea. during the episode of his first official appearance (s2e2) he didn't feel like a threat at all. he just seemed a little incompetent and like he was just amused by the characters and didn't have real intentions to hurt them. i think stuff like darius' introduction works much better in that regard - we get to see how powerful and ruthless he can be, while also showing a lot of personality and being humorous. i'm just not sure what the goal was at the beginning, or that it was done all that well.
of course, because it all leads up to hunter joining the main group, it makes sense that the guy has to have a likable personality. but i have this feeling that the show is trying too hard to get the point across about hunter just being a kid, and so we get him being incompetent instead. IMO, the VA's performance and hunter's physical appearance work just fine (luz even says hunter looks like he could be a student at hexside, which i want to believe is a callback to that one scene in spiderman 2). like, i don't know. i like hunter as a character and he adds a lot to the cast, but i wish some things had been done a little better with him.
however, there are a lot of ways in which i think hunter is a fantastic character in a way that fits really well with the whole deconstruction stuff i talked about earlier. i adore that final frame in the hunting palismen episode, where hunter is looking out this tiny window in a huge tower, confined in a tiny space while his animal sidekick rests in his hands… like holy shit, hunter is literally paralleled to rapunzel, a damsel in distress if you will. i genuinely love those moments and i eat them up every single time lol. there’s other stuff like hunter flinching when belos leans in to flick his hair out of his face: it’s such an effective storytelling tool in a short gesture. like, their relationship is absolutely clear from that gesture alone: how dismissive belos is of hunter’s feelings and worries, how he won’t think twice about humiliating him like that, and how hunter genuinely fears belos - as well as hints that he might have been physically abused by his uncle at some point. in that same line of thought, i like how that is followed through in FTF (i have a real boner for this episode i know) because of course hunter doesn’t know how to deal with that sort of grief. everything that happened in thanks to them is so incredibly fucked up for him and he’s just stuck in the anger stage, unable to move forward because he doesn’t know how. he devolves into such a practical view of the issue (this is all belos’ fault → we must find him and kill him) and it makes so much sense once you think about all the times his feelings were dismissed by his only parental figure (it even happened during thanks to them when hunter keeps writing off his suspicions as “paranoia” and apologizes for it to luz). and like, ugh, the way it comes back around when he helps willow out of her own spiral of grief, in the same way he projected his feelings on both amity and gus in S2. i just love that he’s so determined to be there for other people and how those are the first instances in which he allows himself to open up to others: by helping his friends when he sees them struggling. it’s such an effective way to communicate how loving and compassionate hunter truly is. like, i love how genuinely pained he sounds when he tells willow to never call herself “half-a-witch” again, unable to even repeat the term to her face. he’s such a good boy. i am holding him gently in my hands.
speaking of willow... i’ll guess you’ll notice that in the willow section i didn’t mention at all the romantic nudges towards hunter, and it’s because of two reasons. 1) i will talk about that Here and 2) hunter does nothing for willow as a romantic partner.
so yeah, as you could tell, not the biggest fan of their romance. i am partial to hunter crushing on willow because i think it does something for hunter: it allows him to have teenager experiences that he’s missing out on as the golden guard, and it further humanizes him compared to belos. to me, the problem is that the moment hunter crushes on willow, their get-together in canon is inevitable because of fucking course lol. furthermore, willow is easily the person who hangs out with hunter the least, and while he gets to have very defined dynamics with luz, gus and even amity in that one episode, i’m pretty sure he doesn’t interact with willow in any meaningful way besides getting paired with her on fight scenes. in fact, the only point in which they have a meaningful connection is in FTF, literally the second to last episode of the show. and it baffles me that the moment is decidedly non-romantic/found-family esque with gus being included in the resolution (not even as a third wheel: he's integral to it), only for the show to be like “mwahaha! get baited idiot” and have willow blush at hunter for no absolutely fucking reason (and hunter’s reaction is also decidedly not romantic either: he breaks down crying at willow’s words, as a parallel to the aforementioned platonic resolution from earlier). see, for all the problems i have with lumity and raeda, they have chemistry and reasons to be into each other, but i cannot say any of that for huntlow.
this gets worse when i think about the roles of everyone in the main group, and how hunter and gus’ brotherly moments don’t feel forced despite gus being the only one who can fill the role of “young sibling” in the main group, whereas it’s so obvious that hunter is crushing on willow because everyone else is either taken or not age appropriate. and you know, that doesn’t have to be a problem, that’s my point. again, it baffles me that hunter and willow meet halfway through season 2b, yet after that episode they barely exchange lines (i am struggling to remember if they even talk to each other), and the only indication of the romantic endgame is that hunter keeps blushing at her while willow is extremely oblivious and seems to do things out of her own goals of being a good witch and person, and not because she wants to connect with hunter. thanks to them also makes a point of having drawn out moments building on hunter’s relationships with luz and gus, and like… why leave willow out of them when being together is a point in the near future? like, this relationship definitely feels the most carelessly put-together, as there is NO narrative justification at all of why willow would suddenly fall for hunter - again, from a character resolution focused on willow learning to be vulnerable in front of her friends.
to me, the easiest fix to all of this is to have hunter crush on luz instead. hold on, let me cook. that way, we still have the point of hunter experiencing teenager stuff like crushing on people, yet we make sure that it doesn’t happen because luz is already taken and so instead hunter will eventually get over his crush while still caring for luz as a friend, and we avoid a pointless love triangle too. that can also tie with the main plot as luz is a direct parallel to evelyn (as hunter’s first real connection to wild magic, like evelyn was for caleb), yet the show can subvert that trope expectation of hunter and luz becoming lovers by recognizing that they’re both teenagers and hunter gets to have a life outside a romantic connection, going back to TOH being a deconstruction of fantasy tropes, yadda yadda.
also! i was surprised to see so many people disliking the fact that flapjack dies. i’ll say i digress. flapjack’s life being in danger works as a way to up the stakes in the fight, and i also consider it a poignant nod to flapjack being a symbol of evelyn and caleb’s romance and his “betrayal” to phillip - that, with the added bonus that belos feasts on palismen, makes flapjack’s death almost inevitable. i don’t know how i feel about hunter acquiring flapjack’s powers, though. on one hand, i like that evelyn and caleb’s love is surviving through belos’ failed plan to take revenge on their actions inheriting the palisman’s power: the fact that it manifests physically is a huge fuck you to belos and important to the narrative. on the other hand, i liked that hunter joined the league of “powerless” witches along with eda, lilith and luz - and i thought that was the direction they were going with when hunter uses luz’s glyphs in the belos’ brain episode. the whole glyph stuff mixes well with the story of caleb and evelyn, too, because hunter gets access to a kind of magic that he can make use of (unlike regular wild magic), and i also like the fact that he’d be using the same kind of magic his uncle found about first and used for his evil deeds, this time in the hands of his grimwalker nephew who will use it for belos’ downfall. but i guess hunter can get back his super-speed/teleportation stuff since it’s already part of his fighting style, sigh.
BELOS: uhhh good antagonist. great character. love whoever his VA is. very compelling. great foil to both luz and hunter. “twist villain” done right. not a lot to say tbh tho.
LILITH: first of all, love her design - and love how she stops dyeing her hair during FTF and we can finally see her natural hair color: it's a more effective way to show how far she's grown while also not hammering that fact to the viewer over and over again (cough cough amity). however, she suffers from the same problems most of the coven antagonists do, which is that she's hardly presented as a fearful contender and they're the butt of many jokes. it's not as bad as hunter but it's not as great as darius: she's clearly a force to be reckoned with, but whereas darius becoming a key player in eda's team is something i genuinely didn't see coming, the fact that eda and lilith have this bickering dynamic since the very start made it hard for me to envision her being a real threat. i liked her inclusion in the s1 dynamic, and her sharing eda's curse it's an effective narrative beat to apologize for her misdeeds and genuinely stick to eda's side. likewise, i like that her decision actually has consequences: she can't use magic again, she experiences a lot of side effects, etc. i also really appreciate that she's the only character who genuinely likes hooty because same. her dynamic with hooty is very lovely and became one of my favorites in the show, to my own surprise. 
RAINE: personality wise raine reminded me a lot of willow, and i almost wanna say that their character was way more well-executed than willow’s. i’ve always been a sucker for characters who are naturally good and kind to others, without being twist-villains, and raine is no exception, but they’re also a key player in the plot near the end of S2 in a way willow really isn’t, besides just being luz’s friend.
honestly my biggest disappointment with raine is their relationship with eda. it has all the right ingredients: people who loved each other sincerely back in a simpler time, now finding each other again while they’re on opposite sides of the narrative conflict. as well as them being torn apart by their character flaws (in this case, the responsibility falls mostly on eda but still works). but man, the fact that they just meet again and they immediately fall back in this easy-going dynamic… what’s the point of all that backstory, then? it’s weird that raine seems to hold no grudges against eda for what she did all those years ago. it makes me wonder why they haven't interacted with each other at any other point, since they don’t really hold any animosity towards the other. i would’ve LOVED if they capitalized on their backstory to make them resentful to each other. off the top of my head: have eda resent raine for joining the coven and climbing to the top, maybe have her believe that they’re doing it just to spite her. or have raine be mad at eda for being so irresponsible and nonchalant about it, and show them being conflicted about their love for her and their duties while they work for the emperor. i also don’t like how the show just doesn't allow any kind of conflict to linger between them. like, there’s this part where raine finds out eda has a family, giving space to make them go through some feelings of betrayal and jealousy, or maybe mourn the life they could’ve had together, but it’s such a non-moment and nothing comes of it. i thought i would love their dynamic, but it’s pretty half-baked. still i like raine as a character. after hunter’s introduction not fulfilling my winter soldier expectations, i didn’t know if to give the brainwashed plotline to raine would work. i was pleasantly surprised when raine turns out to be faking their submissiveness, as it shows how smart and resourceful they are, and i like how that capitalizes off their non-threatening appearance.
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phoenixesse · 7 months
About Post!
Hi, I'm Vienna!
I have this blog mostly to look at fandom stuff and promote my fics!
A few things about me:
-I'm Canadian
-My favourite colour is yellow
-my favourite song is Achilles Come Down by GANGOFYOUTHS
-I'm a young adult
-At the moment, my gender and sexuality is genderqueer (They/She) and Sapphic Arospec
-I have ADHD and autism (expect hyperfixations haha)
-my personality type is INFJ
-my enneagram is 4w5
-I’m a Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, and a Virgo Rising
-Like I said, I'm a writer! I used to be a high level English student. My favourite style to write is with a very philosophical flair. At the moment, I'm trying to incorporate that into scripts for a video essay medium!
-I love understanding the human condition and the ways that people feel about living. That trait definitely rubs off into my work
-I LOVE space and using space themed literary analysis. Whether that be the planets and stars themselves, or celestial idea like tarot or horoscopes, I think it’s all really cool to think about
-I'm a competitive curler! (the sport). It is a very left field and niche interest but I love talking about it
-I love indie RPG's, but my favourite would have to be OneShot
Things you'll probably expect on this blog (in order of interest):
(Mostly special interests, please talk to me about these anytime)
-Pokemon (any canon, especially pokespe)
-Splatoon (I LOVE Splatoon lore)
-The Legend of Zelda (mostly ALBW, BotW, and TotK)
-Five Nights at Freddy's (I love lore)
(Things I have been interested in and will occasionally talk about, you can definitely still ask about these things!)
-Stardew Valley
-Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (no spoilers past part 7, please!)
-Fairy Tail
-The Good Place
(Things I have been interested in, but don't engage with at all anymore. I don't mind talking about them though)
-Assassination Classroom
-Dream SMP
Favourite characters and ships (/p included) for said fandoms:
-Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Black, Y, Rika, Volo, Cogita, Cynthia, N, Bede, Nemona
-Originalshipping, namelessshipping, jadeshipping, preciousmetalshipping, entourageshipping, moonlillie
-Shadow, Blaze, Sonic, Surge, Rouge, Amy, Sage
-sonadow, blazamy, whispangle, wavouge, surgamy, tekamy, roupaz, kittails (/r or /p, THEY'RE KIDS), strobotnik, sonamy (/p)
-Agent 3, Agent 8, DJ Octavio, Frye
-agent 24, cuttletavio, pearlina, shivrye
The Legend of Zelda:
-Link, Zelda, Hilda, Ravio, Tulin, Revali, Riju, Urbosa
-Zelink (/qpr), Tulin and Link (/p)
Five Nights At Freddy's:
-Michael, William, Charlie, Henry, Crying Child, Elizabeth, Cassie, Gregory, Glamrock Freddy, Roxy
-Michael and Crying Child (/p), Gregory and Glamrock Freddy (/p), Gregory and Cassie (/p), Cassie and Roxy (/p)
-Alula, Niko, The World Machine, Silver, Kip, Rue
-Alula and Niko (/p), Niko and The World Machine (/p)
-The Batter, The Queen, The Judge, Zacharie
-The Batter and The Queen (/p)
Stardew Valley:
-Krobus, Haley, Abigail, Sandy, The Wizard
-The Player and Haley, The Player and Krobus (/p)
-Chara, Kris, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Queen, Susie, Flowey
-Alphyne, Suselle
-Oikawa, Hinata, Yachi, Kiyoko
-iwaoi, kiyoyachi, kagehina, bokuaka, matsuhana
-Dirk, Jake, Aradia, Jade, Roxy, John, Rose, Terezi
-Dirkjake, Rosemary, Johndave, Karezi
-Marcy, Anne, Sasha
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure:
-Gyro, Young Joseph, Caesar, Jolyne, Lisa Lisa, Johnny, Kakyoin
-Gyjo, Caejose, Jolymes, Jotakak
Fairy Tail:
-Lucy, Cana, Natsu, Erza, Mavis, Yukino, Irene
-NaLu, LuCana, Zeravis, Zervis
The Good Place:
-Eleanor, Tahani, Chidi, Michael, Janet
-Cheleanor, Teleanor (/p or /r)
Assasination Classroom:
-Karma, Nagisa, Nakamura, Koro Sensei
-Ophelia, Hamlet, Horatio
-Tragic Danish Boyfriends
-Yato, Hiyori, Bishamon
-Yatori (the age gap makes me feel weird. I like their dynamic though)
-Victor, Henry, Elizabeth
-Tommy, Wilbur, Technoblade, Ranboo, Philza, Niki
-Sleepy Bois Inc (/p), Benchtrio (/p)
Other things! :
-I love getting asks! Please send me just about anything, I love responding
-If you want to draw fanart of my fic, please, please do!! It would absolutely make basically my whole year
-I accept writing requests, but they'll only be done when I get around to them/if I want to write for them
-Reblog/like spam is totally alright
-I may post nsfw, but if I do, it will be very rare
-If you are a bigot of any type, please get off my blog right now. I don't support any of that kind of shit. (Racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc). Please be nice to everyone!
That's all! I'll leave a couple of links to my other media below, but otherwise, thanks for checking my blog out!
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hall0wedwyrm · 6 months
Actually making an intro post because... its kind of belated at this point lol
I'm Wyrm!!! (she/they/he) and i like to talk lol (expect big text posts about things)
I also sometimes post art, but I'm kinda going through art block or something equivalent. I do wanna start drawing soon tho :)
Things i am incredibly interested in:
Sonic Franchise my beloved i talk about him a LOT
Id say Minecraft... but honestly its just Herobrine
Undertale / Deltarune rotate in my head constantly
Doki Doki Literature Club!! I really want to do a huge tangent post about it some day
Bendy and the Ink Machine / The Dark Revival holds a special place in my heart
Super Mario but im also new to the fandom side
Hollow Knight is something i want to talk about more because its amazing
Cult of the Lamb!!!!
Other things i like a lot:
Godzilla and the Monsterverse. Immediately invested. Kong and Godzilla are my homies I love them so much.
Resident Evil - I've only seen a few of the games but I hope i could see some of the others or play them myself one day!! (currently interested in playing: Resident Evil 5)
The Amazing Digital Circus!
Welcome Home!
The funny doctor and their weird time travelling telephone box (Doctor Who)
I may be a Pokemon enjoyer, but Yo Kai Watch is my childhood
PIKMIN‼️ I'm in love with Pikmin 4 so you bet I'm playing the rest of them
Things I do and have made :)
List of my Fankids!!!!! for my absolutely bizarre and awesome ships lmao
Void Crew! My big crossover passion and its respective ongoing AO3 story!
Herobrine and Sonic.EXE... I ship them... and I'm writing a fanfiction about them and i made a post about them if youre interested (its called Exebrine smile)
I probably will update this with more things since i have ideas for things i want to do
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My Thoughts About If Kris Was In Glitchtale
first I want to say in the last post, where it has a drawing I did that I hope to use as a cover for a story idea at the place that has the name starts with a “Q”...
I notice just now I had mistakenly put down “Agate look at the face of her Mother, Queen Emeralda Lightvale...” which is like a idea to put in a Fan Fic of Glitchtale, but that is all I got so far as a idea.
I edited out, but I left the whole idea about if Agate, Copper and Amber’s Mom had a name, it would be Emeralda...
anyway even if that were so, that would possibly noncanon to the Main Timeline of Glitchtale.
but anyway here are my thoughts about Kris if they ended up being in Glitchtale.
if each Deltarune Timeline and AU is part of Deltarune, then Deltafell, Deltaswap and Alterrune, would be Sister World Counterparts of Undertale, Underfell, Underswap and Altertale.
you know like how Universe 6 & 7 from Dragon Ball Series, are Sister Universes.
anyway Kris could be from a Alternate World and Timeline, that is in a Sister Universe of Glitchtale.
in the Sister Universe, Agate didn’t create Betty, but that doesn’t mean she still didn’t cause misery and despair in that world.
if Kris was never born in the Glitchtale World, they might of been born in it’s Sister Universe, and while Chara and Frisk were born as boys in Glitchtale, Kris ends up being born as a girl.
I think that like in Deltarune, Kris would be a few years younger than Asriel and if Kris did travel through time and space and ended up in Glitchtale, she would be smaller than both Asriel and Chara, having to look up at them.
Kris could act cold and distant, and not talk very much, but deep down they are loving and caring, but doesn’t like to show their true feelings.
Kris could of went through different foster homes in her world, where she felt happy and loved for a while until each foster family just took her back.
it could be because they never believe her that the one was making trouble was her imaginary friend.
her imaginary friend, could turn out to be a Ghost Of The Lightvale Family, and they only stick to those who are of the Lightvale Bloodline.
Kris’s full name could be Krystal Lightvale, but she doesn’t know that she is a Princess or is the last of the Lightvale in her home timeline.
and she could be a descendant of one of the Lightvale Siblings, and if I think about it, if Amber didn’t lose her life and she grown up and might became chosen to become Queen, then maybe she could end up becoming the Ancestress of Kris.
Kris could be a double trait like her, one half of their soul is red and the other half is turquoise-blue, what the trait the turquoise-blue half of the soul could be unknown....
Kris could be named after a Princess who was named Princess Crystal Lightvale...(the name being spelled with a “C” instead of a “K”)
who was to wed a human of the human kingdom, but ran away and took a monster for her love instead, and that could be linked to the play that Mettaton puts on that has to do with a human and monster and their forbidden love.
and the one Princess Crystal Lightvale fell in love with, could of been the original heir of the Dreemurr Royal Family. 
which would be the older sibling of Asgore’s Ancestor.
and the plot twist would be, the original heir was to be the Queen Of Monsters, meaning that Princess Crystal Lightvale, fell in love with another woman.
but instead of becoming dead at some point in their lives together, because of how long ago they lived, the two ended up falling into the void and lost in time and space and forgotten, and when they find their way out, the world had gone on without them, and it could turn out they went with Kris to the Other World.
but the two do not know that Kris is Crystal’s Niece, or that she was named after her but with a “K” instead of a “C”...
if any human tried to attack Crystal, I think her Goat Boss Monster wife, would protect her and tell the human to stay away from her wife.
if Crystal’s wife had a name, it could be Hildegore Dreemurr (like a mix of Hildegarde & Asgore.)
when the three do find out they are family, Kris could refer to both Crystal and Hildegore as “Auntie” like Auntie Crystal and Auntie Hildegore.
Crystal’s hair could be white and her eyes could be like a really pale purple or like lavender, and it could turn out that she is a Triple Trait, meaning that her soul has three traits, instead of just two like Amber and Kris has.
and in theory since magic and science has come so far, Crystal and Hildegore could have children together, by like taking two fragment part of their souls and then placing them in a human egg and then Hildegore placing some of her genetic essence magic on to the egg as well as merging it with her orb-egg, and Crystal becoming the one who carries their soon to be son or daughter for 9 months.
makes me think of the Anime called Vandread, where men and women started to live separately and forgot they use to live together and are the same species.
 but anyway a orb-egg could be a Monster’s counterpart of a human’s egg, but it is in like a sparkle of light form, and Crystal and Hildegore could have their two different eggs spliced together and merged into one.
Hildegore could be a fighter, while Crystal isn’t much a fighter at all, but can create shields to defend.
I would like to point out that the whole Crystal, Hildegore and even a Emeralda, are just “what if” type ideas, like if they did exist, and well if they did end up in some fan fic, then well it might be really short story, cause don’t know if it would be very long.
but anyway if Kris did end up being in Glitchtale, they would be a little girl who would be smaller than Asriel and Chara, because she would be younger than them.
I think that even if Kris came from another universe and timeline, Asgore and Toriel could of known from the moment they saw her, that she was their daughter.
you know like Rose from the Silent Hill Movie, when she saw Sharon, she knew that she was going to be her mother.
that movie isn’t for little kids of course, and it is for a mature audience only.
Asgore from Deltarune, really does seem to love Kris, because of the big papa bear hug he gives them.
if Kris did exist in Glitchtale, or had lives in a Sister Universe of it...
and if she went to Glitchtale, and ended up being taken in by Asgore and Toriel, that would mean that Asriel and Chara get a Baby Sister. XD
and like Kris from Deltarune, Kris could of started to wear a horn headband and be really happy about it, even if they don’t show it, but both Chara and Asriel could tell that she is happy by looking at her eyes sparkle....even if they are hidden under her bangs.
anyway I don’t think I have much else to say about the theory about Kris if they ended up in Glitchtale, this is more of a what if type theory, not like it would actually happen, but if Kris did end up in that AU, I think they could end up becoming the baby sister of Asriel and Chara.
I think in the next post after this, I will talk about the whole Michael Afton/Summertrap....anyway thanks to reading this, and once again this is more of a what if type theories, and it doesn’t mean it would happen in the canon of the AU.                                                            
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What’s your opinion on the theory about Deltarune’s secret bosses representing the seven deadly sins with Gaster representing Old Scratch himself?
I haven’t heard that one before. But now that I’ve got a captive audience, I’m gonna address this ask and apparently go off on a tangent (whoops).
I have heard that the normal final bosses so far have represented bad and overbearing parents for Susie and Noelle, respectively. I can see that. If I had to guess, Spamton is greed because he’s a scummy salesman? Maybe lust, considering the thing he kinda advertises. Jevil… I don’t think wrath fits exactly, but it could be. Maaaybe envy? He doesn’t seem proud, gluttonous, or sloth like. Dude bounces all over the place.
Now that Toriel is probably going to be in chapter 3- possibly with Undyne or even Blooky, I wonder if there might be some pent up Kris frustration. What with the divorce and whatnot. I’d imagine Kris is probably feeling kind of stuck in his brother’s shadow. If the guess that Asriel’s incomplete form/OC is to be the secret boss, I’d guess wrath or pride. Probably wrath. But that’s just going off of UnderTale, which may or may not have the same rules and ideas as DeltaRune.
Could also have a childhood theme for chapter 3? Like, Super Smashing Fighters or some other video game. Kris does seem to miss his childhood a bit. What with feelings of relief in the kid zone at the library (when you read “where a teen can be a kid”)- only real negative feels are from the town hall janitor telling Kris to ask cops to change his (Kris’s) diaper. Dude was kind of a jerk and using being called a kid as an insult on that one, though? So fair not to want to be called a kid on this one.
… yes, that’s real dialogue. Yes, I did the King fight again specifically to not look crazy. Same dude offers them in Ch2, iirc. Mentioned a school for it, too. It was a weird two days.
My two best guesses for the next boss are Asriel’s OC, who is totally not just edgy and is super cool in every way, Asriel’s main in Definitely Not Smash Bros, or Kris’s main in the same game. I think creepy TV smile might be the final boss, possibly as a manifestation of Kris’s issues.
Speaking of Ch2…
Noelle. We see Noelle as a child in Chapter 2 when you finish spelling “December”. If I had to guess, this is a similar thing with Kris. Missing their childhood because, I mean… has anyone ever enjoyed being an adult in the last 10 years? 20, even?
Dess went missing sometime between them being in the woods together- maybe even on that very night, or in relation to the bunker that Kris is creeped out by. This was when they were kids. Could be a kind of coping mechanism of sorts, or a trauma response.
In Undertale, Asriel swaps between his adult form (it’s called that in the art book) and child form. I don’t think I need to point out the massive trauma going on there. Losing your sibling is traumatic. Losing your sibling and then dying and being resurrected without love is even more. So this kind of thing wouldn’t be unusual.
Going from memory, I don’t think anyone except Kris, MK, and Susie wear stripes in DR. Which is seen as childish by UT monsters.
Yeah, I know I kinda diverted from “how about those secret bosses?” to “the kids want to be kids again or need some serious therapy”, but… whoops.
Kris wanting to be a kid again just doubles perfectly with my “Ralsei is Kris’s fursona” head canon. Which I will also talk about if you want
At least I answered the question :p
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glitchthedemon · 3 months
Possible Deltarune Theory
I’m going feral send help /hj 
I’ve been thinking about this for a while and while it is a little far-fetched I would love to hear other peoples opinions on this to check I’m not connecting dots that aren’t there
anyways v long post so click if u dare
Okkk so general knowledge:
Deltarune shares its name with The Delta Rune. The Delta Rune symbolises The Angel, a being who has seen the surface prophesied to save the Underground and free the monsters. Some interpret it as bringing them to the surface, others interpret that as killing them. It’s often though that the Angel is either Frisk, Chara or Asriel
At the end of Undertales True Pacifist route, you face Asriel - The God of Hyperdeath. In some cultures, Asrael is the name for the Angel of death. His God of Hyperdeath form resembles the symbol of the Angel a.k.a The Deltarune. During his fight, he talks about purging the timeline and create it anew, so he can play with Frisk, who he believes to be Chara, forever.
Main Theory:
What if Deltarune takes place as an alternate timeline where Asriel beat Frisk and remade the timeline. Of course, still being technically a child, and a monster not fit for determination, he likely couldn’t handle that power, which is why everything in Deltarune is so similar but so different to Undertale like the characters roles and relationships. It would also explain why characters like the amalgams have died, because the experiments would’ve never happened 
Kris is an interesting part. Since Kris is the only human (just like we were in the Underground) and we don’t see Chara or Frisk appear, I think the in Asriel confusion, he accidentally created a brand new person when trying to create Chara from Frisk. Of course, since he didn’t erase things, only remake them, Frisk and Chara are still alive. Maybe they’re part of Kris’s soul, maybe they’re in the void with Gaster and Dess or maybe we just haven’t seen them yet and I’m wrong - who knows? It’s why Kris looks like a fusion of the two, and if Kris is spelt Chris, it’s also a perfect amalgamation of their names.
I think it’s possible that the new timeline was created we we inhabited Kris body, not from the beginning as kids. Every memory anybody has has just been fabricated for the timeline.
If Asriel is some kind of god that oversees the timeline, it would explain why we don’t see him in world. He possibly just created the college story to explain it away.
Problem is, if Asriel can control everything, what about the Knight? Why is the knight there? Why are they creating the Dark Worlds? 
The Problem of the Dark Worlds:
Gonna get a bit meta here TwT
I think the Dark Worlds are created to restore balance. Like I said before, he didn’t erase the timeline, just changed it beyond recognition. Undertale couldn’t exist without the separation between humans and monsters, it would mean the main character has no purpose. You can’t have a game with no rules, after all. 
The dark world are created to replace the Underground. Instead of Humans and Monsters, it’s Light and Dark. It’s the same story - human falls into a new world with new people, either makes friends or kills them all, either way they get back to where they came from.
There’s just one problem…
That now leaves the age old question of: Who is the Knight?? It could be someone that would remembers the previous timeline in order to know that there has to be balance, or maybe they’re trying to put the timeline back how it was. Now of course, when it comes to timeline shenanigans, Asriel, Frisk and Chara are the first names I think most of us think of. So: is any of them the Knight? Could they just want things back the way the were? These ideas are enforced by the fact Queen said anyone can open a fountain if they are determined enough, which again, sounds a lot like Asriel, Chara and Frisk.
Other Notes:
Hopes and Dreams (not just Asriel’s theme, but The God of Hyperdeath’s theme specifically) appears several times throughout the soundtrack in both Chapter One and Two, it’s clear that Asriel is definitely going to be an important character. 
There are some hints to Undertale itself as well, mainly the fact that you can find Ariel’s design for a final game boss is a “creature with giant rainbow wings” - sound familiar?
The Delta Rune symbol is scattered all over the place, but since it wouldn’t symbolise freedom from the Underground, it shouldn’t be that important, yet it appears in both the Light World and the Dark World
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alex-just-vibing · 9 months
Aha! It's me, Minty! With a game that I already have a pre-written summary for!
Solar Flare! A remake of my project ‘Mints & Magic’ which had an unfortunate end at the hands of lack of motivation, overwhelming complexity, and simply just… too much needing to be done. This version has a lot of stuff I just didn’t like removed, cool stuff added in its place, and lessons learned accounted for! My inspirations are…
D&D, this game inspired this whole thing originally, it seemed cool, but it just seemed like a lot, and I had a lot of ideas, and trying to homebrew and balance all that with already loose knowledge of how to actually play D&D seemed… complicated, so I instead got to making an entire new game of my own! Much less complicated haha! <-- Lying
Bug Fables, is part of a lot of the charm this game has, fun things that just, make me feel good, once I get into the less general making sure this game has a structure stuff, and into like movesets and things, Bug Fables will be a bit more clear as an inspiration I imagine.
UTDR, Undertale and Deltarune! They inspire just about everything I make, sparked my love of RPGs, so they’re obviously going to influence, at least a bit, this game.
Also Mints & Magic... we don't talk about that. Not anymore. Humans aren't an available species, they do exist but also, they're boring. I have a reference to both an OC and OFF. Catboy is a species, it is gender exclusive. Also basically every regular RPG stat and other stuff has a re-name in this game. Oh and uh, it's run like DnD btw, because coding? Difficult. Enjoy this, and remember uh, all that stuff was prewritten, this section wasn't though.
woaagh !!!!!!
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I made this for a friend who is joining but it works for everybody
Here is your friendly guid to the utdr poll runners discord server, now officially dubbed the Everything But Marvel server!
So! Let's start with channel names and purposes.
General: general. put whatever here.
Genderal: General part 2. put whatever here.
Complaining-about-shit: Complain about your life, about annoying undertale fans, about annoying ut/dr haters, anything.
Bepis: for le funny memes and spamming penis and bepis emojis. Also the home of ms. pipis.
Blacklist-slash-squick-channel: Where people put their triggers and/or squicks. You should read through this channel to know what not to post, and what to only post with a spoiler over the text and a trigger warning.
Court-case: I'm not sure what the name was originally referring to, but this is where we use the family tree bot.
gay-shit-and-also-trans-shit: For posting queer stuff.
ace-club-and-aro-club-too: For posting aspec stuff. You need the aspec role to be given to you by a mod to use this channel.
the-au-channel-imagine-that-in-all-caps: For AUs.
art-chanel-that-exists-now: For posting art.
g-a-h-c-a: For gacha stuff.
utdr-enthusiam: Exactly what it says. A good place to talk about undertale or deltarune, along with general and genderal.
promote-ur-damn-polls: where we'll be posting our polls, and other polls we want the people to vote in
theories-wooo: for undertale and deltarune theories.
ai-trauma-channel: for traumatizing AIs and talking about it
roelplay-chanele: No actual roleplay happens here but tupperbox bot works, so that's a plus.
pun-dertale: for undertale puns and general puns
vent-channel: for venting about your life. Most vents are spoilered with content warnings.
fanfic-channele-for-grillbys-aus-to-gush-about-bkdk: A channel for Grillby Aus to talk about BakuDeku.
fnaf-chanel-bc-this-is-basically-afnaf-and-ut-server-at-this-point: A FNAF channel. I've never been in it so I have no idea what the dealio is.
hand-gods-blorbo-and-headcanons-cganel: The Handyman's personal channel for various purposes. I've also never been in this one.
spooders: To talk about Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
the-finest-arts: One of our newest channels; "this channel will be for posting the absolute best things youve seen! dont go posting stuff thats just good, post stuff that is truly wonderful" -hatsune miku, creator of the channel
the-best-fabic-ever-written: For fanfiction.
EVERYONE LOVES NUBERT. MY MAN! <-organizer title
no-mic: I've never been in this channel and have no idea what it's for.
alpha-gaming: for chatting while streaming with Discord, I think.
🔊 sans-dont-put-the-ost-here: Sans used to put the ost here.
🔊 sans-put-the-ost-here: Sans used to put the ost here.
🔊 Unnamed voice Channel: For general voice chatting, I think.
🔊 welcome-to-hell: I have no idea what this channel is for.
funny-gifs-channel: For funny gifs
BOOTS<-organizer title; means bots.
fish-ing-not-dings: for the fishing bot.
yggdrasil: For the Yggdrasil bot.
undertable-rpgggg: For the Undertale rpg bot
fucked-up-shit: For messed up stuff that in any other channel would demand a spoiler and content warning
That's all! I'll update this as new channels are added, and hopefully reblog this with a guide to the people.
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