#and I fully agree bc I feel like ice
emthetimelady · 6 months
Gonna write my favourite characters suffering through the cold
Graham: Ollie… Shouldn’t you wear better shoes?
Oliver, trying to not slip on the ice: No, I can do this
Mike, also clearly struggling to seem normal despite the jacket being too thin: It’s called ✨aesthetics✨
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charlessmiths-wife · 3 months
today I’ve been gradually reminded of how much I love Daniela more and more. so have these few head cannons to commemorate that
cw - mentions of sex/sexual content
-> soft.
-> like, her skin is so so soft - she makes a perfect pillow.
-> also, always alarmingly cold to sleep beside. to the point you once woke up bc you felt smth wet sliding along your arm only to realise it was her hand sliding up and down you. She’s oblivious to how freezing she is too.
-> “I wanted to warm you up!”
-> yeah, with her ice cold hands.
-> LOVES reading, but also if you introduced the concept of video games to the Dimitrescu family, Dani would go ape shit.
-> she would be a MENACE on Wii sports
-> would 100% get fully invested in games like tomodachii life, animal crossing, Stardew valley
-> someone buy this woman a Nintendo switch, please.
-> she already loves playing board games, though - I’d risk to say that she’s actually the most competitive (maybe behind Cassandra)
-> absoloute BEAST at cluedo. will win every time.
-> she’s a cuddler!
-> I agree with the general fandom hc she’s the most physically affectionate… HOWEVER I ARDENTLY DISAGREE WITH THE ONE SHES GOT THE HIGHEST SEX DRIVE
-> listen, Dani likes sex - but it’s not a necessity for her every single day. and it’s certainly not something she takes lightly.
-> to her - someone obsessed with romance novels - it’s an act of intimacy. a showing of love between two people.
-> so whilst she has some experience, I truly believe she’s only ever slept with people she’s loved - at some point or another.
-> and this means she’s not generally a fan of quickies. sure, sometimes they can be enjoyable, but she typically likes to take her time with her partner - kissing and worshipping every inch of skin she can.
-> (praise kink, both giving and receiving)
-> her love language is a mix of physical affection, words of affirmation, and gift giving.
-> all five are important to her, but those are her top three.
-> especially physical affection and words of affirmation. she loves you so much, some days she just clings to you when she can. telling you how important you are to her, how much she loves you and wants to be with you forever, all whilst softly kissing your lips or forehead.
-> her face way to cuddle is to lie face to face, her head in your neck or vice versa.
-> she can see you that way, and softly kiss your cheeks.
-> and the gift giving. God, the gift giving.
-> just always showering you with the most expensive jewellery, perfumes, clothes, books - literally anything she can
-> and when you try to tell her to stop, that it’s too much and you feel bad - she reassures you absoloutely not too, because she loves doing it.
-> “I just want my darling to have the best possible stuff” she’d say, kissing your cheek
-> I think Dani can very often be seen as the most goofy of the Dimi sisters, whilst I don’t disagree with this - I don’t entirely agree with it either?
-> she can be as sincere, brooding, quiet, and closed off as her sisters can be at first.
-> but she’s much easier to break than Bela or Cassandra are, I think. She opens up to you much quicker.
-> simply put, I think all three are little shitheads with hearts of gold and complete melts deep down, (yk, if you ignore the murder and stuff) however, Dani’s meltines is just easier to bring to the forefront.
-> surprisingly good cook?
-> this is funny because it stands in contrast to my own personal hc for Bela. which is that woman cannot cook to save her LIFE.
-> so I have an interesting mental image of cooking with the pair, Bela slowly and slowly becoming more frustrated with how easy
-> Alcina is a good mother, she genuinely cares for all her children and I would just like to state I strongly believe that
-> however, I do think Dani has felt slightly neglected in the past. at times it’s seemed as if Bela and Cassandra are more useful to her mother, leading Daniela to believe she values them more.
-> however, this isn’t true - and she’s always calmed down by assurances of her mothers love for her.
-> she loves both her sisters, but I think she gets on with Bela slightly better than Cass. Her and Cass have a unique relationship, I don’t think they’ve always gotten along - but they love each other so much, any differences have only ever came because they’ve looked out for each other.
-> all three of them truly love each other, though. and they’re all insanely competitive.
-> over stupid things though. Like these three would be horrible to play a game of monopoly with.
-> whilst I don’t agree with the idea I’ve occasionally seen that Dani isn’t a danger (because… she literally did spend her section of the game trying to kill a man, just like the others) I do agree that she’s the most… civil, let’s say , with the maids
-> this isn’t to say I generally agree the other Dimitrescus spend their time just killing any and everybody, because I don’t - but this is me saying I think Daniela generally tries to somewhat get on with the help where she can. talking to them about books, the village, anything. it gives her company, which is something I think she values.
-> the most poetic person ever maybe. she spends so much time reading - both novels and poetry - it almost bleeds into how she speaks.
-> her favourite book is the secret garden - I just think it fascinates her, especially during the winter months where she can’t leave the Castle.
-> very sleepy girly, nothing usually too excessive, but she definitely gets her full eight hours every night, usually up to nine or ten - and on rare days she’s even been known to sleep fourteen hours.
-> god, I could go on forever. I just love her so much she deserves the world I’m so soft for her 🥹🥹 apologies for how incoherent this likely was, I just have so many thoughts on her and I sort of word vomited them lol
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
can you do a little fic based off ❝  well,  honestly i’ve never really had sex before and was kinda hoping you would teach me.  ❞ with austin please?
note ; *taps mic* hello i am back again with another friends to lover fic bc clearly i didn’t give a fuck abt what that anon had to say SKDJDJD (so sorry bae)
warnings ; talk of sex, losing virginity?
“What the fuck?”
You shift your weight to your other foot, gnawing at your bottom lip, enough to draw blood, “Uh… well. You know. Like I’ve never really had sex before… and, I don’t know, I was kinda hoping that you would… teach me.”
There. It’s out. Can’t swallow that kind of statement back into your mouth. It lingers in the air, plagues the room and you feel it suffocating your chest. There’s really one of two ways this can go: one, your best friend in the entire world, your confidante, and possibly the boy you’d been in love with for years, agrees to have sex with you for scientific purposes. Two, he tosses you out onto the street, slams the front door behind you, and you never hear from him again.
You’re not sure which is the better option.
He blinks again, swallowing thickly as he scratches the back of his neck. You just stare back at him, unsure of where to move, or if you can even muster enough courage to get out of your chair and motion towards the door. “[Y/N] —“
“Listen, you don’t have to say yes —“
“Well, I’m not gonna say no.”
He leans forward from his position on the couch, spreading his legs open as he props his arms on knees. His ice-blue eyes bore into yours, and you almost shrink into the chair. “…You’re not gonna say no?” Your voice comes out as a squeak. Suddenly, you feel your entire body go limp. Just sitting there like putty.
“No,” He shakes his head, clasping his hands together.
“…Like no ‘no’ or no yes?”
“[Y/N]…” He trails off, giving you a stern look that stops you from continuing to chomp down on your lips. You stop twiddling your thumbs, look at him as he readjusts his pants that are now a little too tight for him. “Like, I just need more context. What are you doing this for?”
“I’m 30, Aus. Thirty. I need to have sex,” And it’s a lot for a Thursday afternoon. He’s not even sure if he’s fully sold, he raises an eyebrow suspiciously and eyes you. It’s not that he’s opposed to the idea — you’re hot, he’s hot, what’s the issue? — it’s just that he never expected his best friend to ask him to take her virginity. Honestly, you never expected it either. “I need to have sex or I’m going to die.”
He snorts at your exaggeration, “I thought you were waiting for marriage.”
“Do you see a ring on my finger?” You hold up your bare ring finger for emphasis, wiggling it in the air, waving it like a white flag that hopefully stops the questions from barreling off his tongue.
“These are fair points,” He muses.
“…So, you’ll fuck me?” You say, lifting your body a bit out of the chair, eyes gleaming with excitement. And he doesn’t want to say no, not at all, because he could never say no to you. It’s a little depressing for him, because the way he saw it, he imagined that maybe, just maybe, he would take your virginity on your wedding day. Not like this. Not with the implication that he’s taking your innocence for someone else to take advantage of. Not with the idea that you’re just using him to ‘get it over with.’
He just bites his tongue, leaves the poisonous words behind, shrugging nonchalantly, “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll fuck you.”
thank you for joining my 3.5k celly! requests are now closed!
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sarcastic--metaphor · 8 months
I’ve read your Winter’s Night fanfic on AO3 before it became private for members only
(you you are literally the person that has made me but the effort to finally send my email for an invite just to continue your work)
Reading your work and my long experience as a reader of many fics I felt that my feral likings could match up yours some way.
Sadly due to issues I’m unable to fully write my own fics but as you can see I can lay some good ground works and idea paths. So I tend to, if I accidentally find a fav author on here, and they ask ideas slip a lil something and scuttle back into my corner.
Idk tarot cards but I think when it comes to how the show uses it OGMarcy and STAR!Marcy are perfect example of right side up and upside down. So if those cards are right then I agree.
And for some reason I just believe in my heart of heart, that Simon’s blood after the many many years of Ice King May have a special tasting blood, maybe a satisfying chill after feel with a sweet or minty kick to it. So when they do manage to run away and VK managed to survive (if they tried killing running away and he could still drain blood from Simon) he’d want the special blood back and his daughter but also the blood.
Cause Bonnie DID say the vampires have hunted their food to near extinction so changing Simon probably won’t be in his best interest if he thinks rationally. But judging by the situation it can be said VK seems to be ignorantly impulsive to literally have his peoples food source dwindle like that and it obviously rubbed off on Marcy based on how she described her killing of Martin.
lmao my fic was never supposed to be publicly accessible because (for weird and convoluted reasons) making it locked helps prevent AI scraping, but im glad u got an Ao3 account its actually so worth it
Marcy being the Star is interesting to me as someone who is kinda familiar with the tarot cards. Upright it (loosely) represents hope, healing, and purpose. Inverted it means (again, loosely-there's lots of different interpretations) loss and arrogance... which is pretty in line with Star!Marcy lmao
((Fun fact- I first wanted to name Vamp!Simon The Hanged Man bc it represents wisdom/sacrifice, but thought it was just a little too much of a mouthful and a little too on the nose. The Hermit is also a great fit for him thematically but it feels mean to call him that lol. So I think I'm going to stick with calling him Temperance bc it represents patience, but more importantly the inversion of it means conflicting interests. It's also a fun bonus for literally just me to have Simon be the only vamp named for a virtue and not a tarot figure, to imply he's different from the rest))
I don't actually want to say much about your ideas with the VK bc I feel like once i get started, I'lll just ramble and give away all my ideas about the fics I have planned 😭 but VK being cruel and possessive is good food
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currentlyfckingurmom · 10 months
Human: Rewritten
Chapter 3
A/N: if this seems familiar, it’s bc i based my fic “Undercover” off of this scene😂
It had been six days since Romanoff got shot. The doctor was finally letting her return to her own room after a great deal of persuasion on the Black Widow’s part. Romanoff had asked Eight to wheel her to her room, since she was wheelchair-bound for the next week. Eight agreed immediately because, while she hadn’t known Romanoff that long, she could tell the redhead wasn’t exactly the type to ask for help. So, that morning Eight got up at 4:30 as usual, spent way too much time in the SHIELD gym, took a shower, got dressed, and made her way toward medbay. She didn’t eat breakfast because Romanoff had been cooped up in a hospital bed all week and Eight planned on taking her to the local diner.
As Eight was walking down the unusually crowded hall toward the elevator, she brushed arms with a bald SHIELD agent who looked way too much like him. The man who haunted Eight’s nightmares, the one thing she could never get over, and the only person she’d ever been truly afraid of. The logical part of her brain knew that it wasn’t him and she was perfectly safe, but the majority of her brain had already launched itself into a blinding panic. The voices that had previously filled the hallway now sounded muffled, almost as if they were underwater. She turned around and rushed back to hee room as fast as she could without raising suspicion. She stumbled her way into the bathroom as the flashbacks threatened to overtake her . She stepped into the shower fully clothed and turned on the ice cold water.
“.....shut your mouth, Experiment….”
“.....you are nothing more than a puppet…..”
“...scream all you want…nobody cares about you”
The freezing water almost felt like bullets raining down on her, but it did the trick and pulled her out of the memories. She stood there for a minute and calmed her breathing, but then sobs wracked her body and she didn’t care enough to get out of the shower or even turn the handle to warm up the water. Eventually, the tears subsided and she got out of the tub. Her body was on autopilot as she changed, dried off, and hung her clothes over the shower rod to dry. When she snapped back to reality, she realized she was supposed to pick Romanoff up from medbay. She quickly made her way down to medbay, keeping her head down this time. When she got there, the room was empty and a blonde nurse was stripping the sheets from the bed. “Excuse me, where is Agent Romanoff?”
“Miss Romanoff was discharged. She left about twenty minutes ago.” Eight cursed under her breath but thanked the nurse anyway. She didn’t know what to do, so she hastily started toward Romanoff’s living quarters. When Eight arrived at the door, she briefly hesitated before knocking. She heard some shuffling from the other side before the door swung open. The agent’s expression remained neutral and most people wouldn’t see it, but Eight could tell that she was utterly pissed. “Um...hey.” Eight almost grimaced at the guilt lacing her voice.
“Did you forget? Or did you just not wanna help me?” There was a fire in her voice, but underneath that was a sense of insecurity that Eight knew she wasn’t meant to pick up on.
“No...no I didn’t forget. And I did want to help you to your room, I just had to deal with a...thing.” Even Eight didn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth.
“A thing, huh? What is that supposed to mean?” She had a smirk on her face but there was no doubt in Eight’s mind that she had hurt her feelings. They had spent every day together that past week, and Eight didn’t entirely know what qualifies as being friends, but she’d liked to think that’s what they were.
“It’s fine. You don’t have to tell me. It’s not like you missed our anniversary.” With that she wheeled herself into her quarters and gestured for Eight to follow. She went to the living room and hobbled from the wheelchair to the couch. Eight wasn’t sure what was happening so she stood in between the living area and the kitchen. Romanoff turned around on the couch and laughed at Eight’s uncertainty. “Come sit down. We’re gonna watch a movie, assuming you aren’t doing anything.”
Eight let out a small ‘ah’ and joined her on the couch.
About half an hour into the movie, Eight’s mind was spinning with thoughts. She wanted to tell Romanoff why she hadn’t picked her up, but didn’t know if she should. She felt eyes burning a hole in the side of her head and realized that the movie was paused. She gave Romanoff a questioning look and the agent raised her eyebrow. “You haven’t been paying attention this whole time. You probably couldn’t even tell me the main character’s name.”
Eight looked into her captivating green eyes, silently debating how much she should tell her. Before she could process what she was saying, words were pouring out of Eight’s mouth. “I had a panic attack earlier. That’s why I didn’t pick you up from the medbay. I was on my way to you when it hit me and I had to go back to my room.” When she didn’t say anything, Eight kept talking. “There was a guy一an agent. He looked like someone from my past. I ran into him in the hall and I was taken back...there.” The flood gates were open now and Eight didn’t even think about what she was saying until she had already said it. “Where I was held, where I was raised, there was a guard. I don’t know how old I was the first time it happened but I was fairly young; six or seven, maybe.” Her body visibly stiffened when she realized what Eight was trying to say. “He would come into my cell whenever he wanted to. He said that I was just their weapon, an object. That I had no worth and I wasn’t even a person so there was no point in trying to tell anyone. He said if I told them he would kill me. Honestly I don’t know why he bothered threatening me, I don’t think they would’ve cared if they knew what he was doing一most of them anyway. I just一I saw that guy earlier and it all came back to me and I couldn’t breathe. I was drowning. It took me a while to get over it. I’m sorry.”
By now, Eight’s voice was shaking and her breath was coming in shallow pants, but it almost felt good to talk about it. For the first time in her life, she had shared a piece of her past with someone.
“Дорогой, I am so sorry that happened to you. None of those things he said are true, okay? And I’m not mad at you for not picking me up so don’t apologize. I know we haven’t known each other that long but I’m here for you if you ever need anything, okay?” Eight nodded. “Do you wanna keep watching the movie?” Eight only nodded again, too focused on the stupid tears threatening to escape. Romanoff’s gaze returned to the screen and Eight used the opportunity to wipe away a few traitorous tears.
A Few Hours Later:
“I don’t know how to order Thai food, Red! I’ve only ordered food like twice in my life, why can’t you do it?!”
“Oh my god, fine! Give me the phone, dumbass.”
Eight smiled sweetly at Romanoff and handed her the phone, blowing her a kiss in the process. She quickly placed the order for delivery and gave Eight a pointed look.
For the next thirty minutes, the two talked about their favorite weapons. “For close combat, it’s gotta be my swords. But I love my Barrett M82, too.”
The conversation was cut short by a knock on the door. Eight rose from the couch and opened the door to find an assistant with the food. “Thank you.” Eight closed the door and waltzed back over to the couch. “Damn, maybe I should become an Avenger just so I can get my food hand-delivered.”
Romanoff snorted in response and said, “Maybe you should.”
Later That Night:
A high-pitched shrill yanked Eight from her sleep. She barely registered a weighted warmth on top of her before it left. The ringing stopped and she heard Romanoff speak a raspy ‘hello’ into the phone. Eight peered over the back of the couch to look at the clock on the oven一 1:28am. She moved into a sitting position to keep herself awake. Eight tried not to dwell on how easily she had fallen asleep, or the fact that she had been cuddling Romanoff. The phone call ended and the agent laid back on the couch next to Eight.
“What was that about?” Eight asked.
“Fury wanted to know where you went. He thought you got lost or something.” Eight snorted loudly at that and slapped a hand over her mouth to stop her laughter, which did nothing but make Romanoff crack up.
After their laughter died down Eight said, “I usually have trouble sleeping, you know? That was the best I’ve slept in ages.”
Romanoff turned her head to look at Eight with the softest look in her eyes. Eight’s stomach turned with an odd fluttering sensation.
Uncomfortable with the intimacy of the moment, Eight said “I guess this must be a pretty comfortable couch. You know maybe I would’ve slept even longer if there wasn’t a sack of potatoes on top of me.”
She threw a pillow at Eight’s head in response.
Three Months Later:
Romanoff was now fully healed and cleared for missions. She had been on strictly light duty for the past three months and was growing restless.
Eight had been in a probationary period to ensure she was ready to be a high-ranking agent. She had been on countless small missions as part of a basic Delta team, as well as a few solo missions.
She had just gotten out of the shower and was grabbing some food from the kitchenette. It was a chilly morning, but the sun was shining and the smell of autumn was wafting through the open windows. She dug the Cheerios out of the cupboard and was opening the mini fridge to grab the milk when there was a knock at the door. She walked to the door and peered through the peephole before swinging it open. “What can I do for you, Red?”
“I hope you aren’t doing anything important because Fury wants to see us.”
“Personally, I think that my Cheerios are very important.” Romanoff gave her a pointed look. “Come in then and I’ll get changed so we can go.”
The two agents walked into Fury’s office about fifteen minutes later.
“How are you this fine morning, Nicky?”
He just sighed and motioned for them to take a seat in front of his desk.
“You two have a mission.” He slid them a file. “It’s fragile and we won’t be able to send in backup, so it’s just going to be the two of you.”
Romanoff’s face was all business when she asked “Is it HYDRA?”
“Yes. The mission will be in two parts. First, the two of you will infiltrate a party at Club Blackout. There’s a weapons deal going down, and you two are going to use it as an opportunity to find out where HYDRA is shipping its weapons. After you retrieve the location, you will find the base and do basic recon. This is a no contact mission. Any questions?” Both women said no and he continued, “Good. Study the files and rest up. Your flight leaves tomorrow morning at 5:30. You’re dismissed.”
Later that night, they were in Eight’s quarters going over the mission file. They were working in silence before Romanoff spoke up. “Why haven’t you decorated your living quarters? You’ve been living here for months now.”
“I don’t know. I’ve never stayed in one place for more than a couple months so I never decorate. It’s just a habit, I guess.”
“Well I’m not letting you leave anytime soon, so you and I are going shopping after this mission. This place is bland as fuck.”
“Deal,” Eight said with a curt nod and a smile.
“Now let’s get to bed so we’re ready to kick some HYDRA ass.” Their eyes met and warmth spread through Eight’s chest, and despite having experienced it so many times in the last few months, she didn’t quite know what it was.
Club Blackout, Miami, Florida; Two Days Later:
The agents decided to enter the club separately so they could cover more ground. Eight’s cover was a local college student out having a good time after finals, and Romanoff’s was a rich businesswoman visiting the club to unwind. Eight was wearing a black suit, black undershirt with too many buttons undone, and red bottom dress shoes. (Romanoff had asked where the expensive shoes had come from and Eight replied ‘they came with the jet.’)
They had comms devices, but hadn’t spoken yet. Eight was standing at the bar when she caught sight of the familiar redhead. She was wearing a short, tight red dress that left little to the imagination. Her sultry voice came through Eight’s earpiece, “You might wanna close your mouth before you swallow a fly, hotshot.”
Eight quickly did as she was told and looked away. “Have you seen anything, Red?”
“No, nothing yet. They aren’t going to do the deal in plain sight. It’ll probably go down in one of the VIP rooms out back.”
“Come over here and flirt with me,” Eight said after a moment of thinking.
“You heard me, Red.” She slightly shook her head, but she made her way over to the bar with an extra sway of her hips.
She slid onto the barstool next to Eight and said, “What’s a pretty girl like you doing in a dump like this?”
After an hour of flirting, drinking, and looking for targets, they agreed to head out back to find the dealers. They were walking down the neon-lit hallway looking for the right room. Eight peered around a corner and saw a locked door being guarded by two large men. She could see the slight gleam of a gun in one of the guard’s waistbands. There was no way to get past them without exposing themselves, so she had to come up with a Plan B.
There was a storage closet that seemed to share a wall with the room where the deal was taking place. Eight nodded toward it and Romanoff followed her in. They quietly drilled a small hole and fed a wire through to listen in on the conversation.
After some time, they got the location; the weapons were being shipped to a small HYDRA facility in the Everglades. They packed up their gear and got ready to leave.
The women were making their way down the hallway toward the exit when they heard footsteps and voices coming toward us. Eight recognized the voices as the HYDRA representatives who negotiated the deal. She looked around and realized there were no doors or anywhere to hide. If seen in this restricted area, it would raise suspicions and blow their cover. Eight met Romanoff’s steely eyes and said, “I have a plan, but I need you to trust me and just go with it.”
“What is that supposed to m-” Her question got cut off when the agents stepped into view. In one fluid motion, she pushed Romanoff’s back into the wall and pulled their lips to meet in a searing kiss. Hands went to hair and roamed forbidden places. Eight slipped her tongue into Romanoff’s mouth and the redhead brought her leg up to rest on Eight’s hip. Eight’s senses were overloaded with Natasha’s tongue, hands, and moans. She pulled Eight even tighter against her by the waistband of Eight’s pants. Eight’s hand moved to Romanoff’s thigh that was wrapped around her hip. Eight barely registered the fading footsteps, signaling that the agents were gone. She reluctantly dropped Romanoff’s leg and stepped back. The redhead looked like the product of a daydream with her tousled hair, swollen lips, and lust-blown pupils.
After a beat of silence Eight said, “Sorry, uh, I just thought that clubgoers typically sneak off to private areas so they can—you know. It was a good way to hide both of our faces and I figured they’d get out of here faster ‘cause public displays of affection-”
“-make people very uncomfortable. Yeah, I know. Not bad thinking,” she said.
Eight did nothing but nod because her brain was too caught up in the feel of plump lips and the taste of a smooth tongue to form a coherent response.
“Come on, let’s get out of here before we blow our cover.”
Series Masterlist
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tadpolesonalgae · 5 months
ive seen the argument that rhys killed the winter court children thrown around so much but thank you for saying that bc i was starting to think i read it wrong. kallias only agrees to help the night court when it's made clear that rhys didnt kill the children and that amarantha had another mind reader. and they even become allies because kallias and viviane are at some celebration at the housw of wind later in the books right? if it had been rhys none of that would happen.
there are a lot of reasons you can not like rhysand he was always meant to be a morally grey character (imo sjm made him too nice actually) but im always confused when people keep using this reason because it might be the only one he was proven innocent
i loved the story dont get me wrong but reader in that is closer to hybern than to rhysand like the whole thing with the ic is that they all did terrible things but with a reason and she's just a bitch for a lack of a better word
i also felt both az and rhys were justified in how they treated her, i mean it was tough to read but she went way too far in how she was talking about elain, calling her all type of misogynistic names just because azriel and her are together so ofc azriel lost it on her (and not even that badly like he meant everything he said and none of those were lies) and then ofc the last straw for rhys was her threatening to dig up the archeron dad, that's a disgusting thing to do and rhys doesnt play about feyre. also if she has had this personality for centuries i can only imagine the list of shit the ic has against her
id love to read more of this story but i think it's pretty clear she's a villain, not even morally grey like the ic. i do love villain stories though so im excited lol
I mean, with the Winter Court situation, I’m pretty sure that’s what happened? 🫣 I don’t have the books on me at the moment so I can’t check but I agree it would be weird if Kalias and Viviane came over for the solstice with the death of a dozen children between them, so I’m inclined to believe Rhys wasn’t the one who committed that particular crime for Amarantha 🫠😭
And with Rhys being morally grey, I feel like it gets a little confusing because we don’t really get to see what he’s like as a character without Feyre? I feel like he probably took a bit of a (positive) turn now that he has his mate if that makes sense? Also the fact he isn’t under the pressure of maintaining a mask so thoroughly has probably contributed to who he’s become? I’d really like to get a scene though where the morally grey part bleeds through, perhaps if someone’s threatened in a future book? 👀
Either way, he’s a fictional character (to many’s upset 😔) so I suppose his personal ethics aren’t a particular point of contention when held against some problems occurring in our world 😕
‘i loved the story dont get me wrong but reader in that is closer to hybern than to rhysand’
You do not have to worry about a thing, she is fully intended to be easily and actively dislikable though I don’t think it’s an issue if some people take her side since this is a work of fiction 🧡💛
However, I am really interested in seeing what sides people take when it comes to what she does and her motivations, as well as what she holds dear and who she’s loyal to when it comes down to it! I’ll be curious if anyone will feel her actions might be more easily justifiable or at the very least understandable once more of her past is dug up? Whether people feel a bad deed is always a bad deed irrespective of circumstance, or whether the context and environment surrounding an action should be taken into consideration before passing judgement :)
‘calling her all type of misogynistic names just because azriel and her are together so ofc azriel lost it on her’
To be perfectly honest with you, I really enjoyed getting to write the parts because of how inappropriate they were given the situation 🤦😭 Her trying to convince Az to be with her and then insulting the person he claims to be in love with 🫣
‘and then ofc the last straw for rhys was her threatening to dig up the archeron dad, that's a disgusting thing to do and rhys doesnt play about feyre.’
I mean, not only is she a prominent figure in society, but she also has some pretty intense power readily disposable, and she doesn’t really act like she’s responsible enough to handle it (but we’ll inevitably examine those parts, too, because it would be weird if she just came into all that power without any sort of accountability or understanding of death and life, right? 👀)
‘id love to read more of this story but i think it's pretty clear she's a villain, not even morally grey like the ic. i do love villain stories though so im excited lol’
Honestly I’m still figuring out what’s going to happen in the end? She’s going to get with Az, but I’m indecisive on whether it’ll be a clean ending or not? I feel like if it is going to be like that, there’s a line that she won’t be able to cross, whereas it might be quite interesting to see how people try to reconcile her actions while still keeping in line with their own morals?
Also witnessing through her actions what sort of person she’s become and what situations have led up to that (and whether there are other people partially responsible for the things that have happened)
Either way, I think it’ll be exciting to figure these things out! There’s still so much of the story yet to be decided on, so it’s going to take some time for a next part to come together! And thank you so much for writing in!! I absolutely adore getting to read thoughts like this, it makes me so happy to know you’re invested to this level 🧡💛
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unsleepingtales · 5 months
Fhjy e2 reactions this episode is batshit and I love them but also I’m so sad
I’ll be so real gang I am stressed and have been in a downwards thought spiral so we’ll see how this goes yeah?
I love Adaine making her mage hand look like Riz’s ringed hand that’s so fun and lovely
Also the mage hand mini is so cool
Don’t patronize me, it’s bad 😔
Goddamn they’re good
Would you be interested in healing us?? Spare healing o cleric??
I love that they could heal the hangvan
The night yorb’s art is SO cute I need a plushie of it. I’m gonna just buy galaxy patterned fleece and make one.
It feels like a stretch???
It’s gonna bite!
I just thought if I acted excited it would be good
Naur 💀
Armor of ayda!!!
Go sit on a whisky bottle you punk bitch !
Duggan and Balthazar definitely explored each others bodies we’re all agreed on this right. In my mind they had something like the cowboy and the roman soldier from night at the museum had.
“This is hot” Emily I agreeeee
Perfect example of gambler’s fallacy but y’know what this did just reinforce it
Nothing I can do! Brennan. Brennan come on.
That’s a feat I took in LIFE
They THREW that that die TRAVELLED
“You know I’m always rooting for you”
No more probability smashing ok murph?
Y’know what for being fully run over by a van? 22 points of damage is not bad.
Was last episode really only two rounds of combat
He is So defeated
I’m hurting 😡
ALSO the portal is so cool. This battle set is amazing.
The blood on the windshield I can’t
Can she resummon Baby?? Has he died before I can’t remember?
“From when you ran me over” as if Fabian is not Solely responsible for the choices he’s made. Riz didn’t intentionally run you over babe you fell out of the van.
This is. Not great!
What hell!
Oh nooooo
Cmon Murph please
Oh god
Oh my god you are about to kill your healer
She had 23!!
Aaaaaaaaa oh god
:( I feel bad for the cute manta ray
Ally’s gonna sue you if they hit you
With my wizarding powers and my absolutely fucked van ! Gorgug thistlespring the man that you are
Ok yeah that makes sense that was on the bingo
Ok so the van now holds the night yorb sealed in its roof and an angel in the engine. Fantastic.
That mural is beautiful
They’re so exhausted guys. School starts tomorrow.
(What an episode to air the week I go back to class and have Such A Bad Time Guys)
Don’t menace me!
It means something to me emotionally. Gorgug Car Guy Thistlespring <3
You wanted to do a bit so now we’re doing a bit. Suffer for your bit.
Does the back door of the van mini open?? Bc that’s sick
Ooooh Ally has custom spell cards with the d20 logo on them. Those are neat
He’s gonna stab these guys but it’s not with any of the normal zeal 😔
Just to try and feel something
Why do you guys careee you’re bugssss
Zac oh god
‘Guys I think Fig’s getting hit with the ballista right now’
She doesn’t even cutting words she just takes it 😭😭
It’s that era, The Ball 😭😭
Oh my fucking god
The noises of defeat they’re all making
I want an ice cream. Like the old days.
Just like that ART oh I’m gonna reblog that art of them at basrar’s so bloody after a fight
I love them. I missed the bad kids guys.
I think we’ve gotta go to sleep.
Love an aso callback
Love wins 💅
We’re done doing this!!
What kind of BULLSHIT
God this is so unhinged
No bonus action healing or anything Kristen?
So tactical. So late. So dead.
The slowest and saddest three point turn
The least enthusiastic stab
You didn’t! Have! To do it! You could! Have had! Ice cream! I! Want! To go! Home!!!
That Turncoat 😢
This is so fucking sad.
What the fuck man
I don’t know why anything happened. Why did any of that happened.
The shard of the day yorb
Fig why would you ask that.
Riz desperately trying to keep the group together is so heartbreaking
The fucking dry guys
Gotta stay awake in the dome motherfuckers
Oh my GOD
They’re gonna cry man
Dome art!
Brennan what are you about to do
Daisy Cubby!!!!
Fig. What.
I’M gonna cry.
Everyone’s gonna cry.
Is it fun man. Is it really.
It says fuck you zac ☺️ in beautiful writing!
Emily Axford the woman you are……….
What the fuck is happening right now.
Oh god oh no
This is so horrifying
Kristen. Kristen No.
I love the map!
Oh god.
Oh the Hallariel art is FANTASTIC
Are they going on their honeymoon. I have paused the episode to write this are hallariel and Gilear going on a honeymoon did they get married and not invite their kids because they were saving the world I’m gonna be so pissed
Oh the Gilear art is cursed
Okay they’re going on a cruise.
Gilear’s voice has dropped
Oh SHIT okay so I wasn’t that far off
This is just. So fucking sad. I know that it’s gonna get happier because it’s fantasy high but right now this is so fucking sad
They’re newlyweds??? So they did fucking get married?????
Leaving for MONTHS after your only child gets back from saving the world and you got married to one of his best friends’ dad without your child or your new spouse’s child there is so horrible oh my god. I am real life mad about this.
Ok interesting things happening with Gilear and luck. Is Gilear not gonna go see Fig at Mordred before he leaves for a year???
Guys there is still almost an hour left in this episode is it all gonna be this fucking sad
Oh my god he inherited the singing barrel pirates
Good for them being unionized
She’s got her own boarddddd
I love her
God they’re powerful this season
Oh thank god a loving mother.
It was… ssso tactical
That summer before junior year growth spurt/style shift combo is so real
Oh shit. The single mother struggling to pay for college storyline is gonna fuck me up monumentally I think. Fuck.
Scholarships are gonna be really important 🥲 line taken from my real life
Setting up a board is to riz gukgak what a spreadsheet is to me. I am him he is me.
Please god I need the thistlesprings to not make me sad
They’re so cute!!!!
Zac looks fucking near tears
Oh god any time Brennan’s face gets a little more serious and the music kicks in my heart just sinks
That does not make any sort of sense
Staying tight with your ex’s parents is also so real lmaooo
He had a toothbrush at her house??????
The bad girls are so important to me
They’re aaaall crying
And Ragh and Lydia!! Yay!!
Brb printing out the new Sandra Lynn art to hang on my wall
They’re so tired guys
Squeem is alive? Ok
Jawbone man.
Oh god. Literally.
Sobbing this is literally the high school mentality
Guys. Guys.
It’s a real crapshoot for me finishing things. Yep.
Babe that is not a measurement of classes.
Yes that is a thing you can do. You can take time off for extreme circumstances.
LOVE the Aguefort art. Slay.
Also love that the way Brennan gets into the Aguefort voice is to do the peace hands
He’s going on vacation with ayda?????
Ayda looks great
Oh God No
How could this possibly go wrong?
What is the quangle and why is it going to cause so many problems
Oh nooooooo
That’s so fucking sad christ alive
Oh god
“Does nobody respect the fact that it takes time to save the world” feels like the thesis of the season
Trackerbees breakup about to be confirmed??
Look at my best friend in the whole wide world and his pet rat. He’s so fucking pretty.
Aelwyn moved out??
Oh that’s lovely actually
Oh aelwyn looks GOOD.
And she’s got cats and is teaching middle school??? Good for herrrr
Awww that’s sweet
Oh right somehow I completely forgot that Fig did a fucked up devil deal
Oh god fig’s spilling on her shirt. Did she somehow swap fates with Gilear or something.
Sandra lynnnnnnnn
That is a good way to think about classes :)
Sometimes you really do just have to give Nothing constructive in an improv scene sometimes it’s better
Trackerbees breakup confirmed. Tracker’s doing great.
Still interested in the retcon or whatever happened with Tracker originally being a cleric of Lida and then switching to Galicea
Cassandra I’m sorry you and Kristen are both struggling so much
Oh Whatttt no
If Cassandra dies and goes to the astral plane I will be so sad.
Holy SHIT guys.
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ticklishprincey · 1 month
Hazbin Hotel Age Regression Headcannons
I know I've been doing a lot of hc's recently but I need them out of my brain pls (only doing my favorite characters bc I refuse to do a part two but will probably end up doing one anyway for the caregivers) ✿✿✿ ❤‍🩹Alastor (he/him)❤‍🩹
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➼Doesn't regress very often ➼Sees his regression as stupid and will push his little urges down because of it ➼Rosie and Lucifer are the only ones who know about it ➼Rosie found out because he told her, Lucifer found out on accident ➼Regresses to an infant or a toddler ➼Has one stuffed animal from his childhood (a bunny called Bun) ➼Semi to nonverbal little ➼Tries to be independent and fails ➼Cries frequently when he's overwhelmed/overstimulated ➼Favorite movie is Bambi ➼Favorite nicknames are strawbaby/strawberry and bambi ➼Call him Bambi and he slips instantly ➼Cottagecore/lovecore regressor ➼One or two pacifiers, both from Rosie ➼Clings to Rosie like a life-jacket ➼Lucifer only recently found out and reassured him it's okay (he's a dad what do you expect) ➼Will deny being little until his caregiver sticks a pacifier in his mouth ✿✿✿ 🐣Lucifer (he/they)🐣
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➼Doesn't regress very often but more than Alastor ➼Sees his regression as annoying to others and will hide it because of that ➼Regresses to a toddler ➼Alastor found out when Lucifer was comforting him and let it slip that he was also a regressor ➼They agreed to be each other's caregivers ➼Very talkative little ➼Babbles a lot ➼Giggly/blushy little ➼Has a few pacifiers they made themself ➼Has a stuffed duck named Sir Quacks-A-Lot ➼Artistic and creative little ➼Alastor has a folder in his desk of all the drawings Lucifer's given him (it's a lot) ➼Fidgets a lot, needs something to do constantly ➼Sunnycore/honeycore regressor ➼Favorite nicknames are apple pie and sunflower ➼Will cry if they think they're bothering their caregiver ✿✿✿ 🥀Husk (he/him)🥀
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➼Has hidden his regression from everyone until Angel Dust ➼Regresses to a toddler or a kiddo ➼Once Angel found out he's gotten less insecure about it ➼Chews on EVERYTHING ➼Will bite anyone and anything ➼Has quite a few pacifiers courtesy of Angel ➼Has even more teethers courtesy of everyone he has bitten (Angel, Alastor and Nifty to name a few) ➼Angel found out on accident when he found Husk chewing on a baby teether and found it adorable ➼Favorite nicknames are baby bat and whiskers ➼Loves anything bat related ➼Angel makes him chicken nuggets when he's little and he loves it ➼Doesn't cry when he's upset he just isolates himself ➼Has a black cat stuffed animal he named Mavis ➼Constantly needs something to bite or fidget with ➼Usually fully verbal but goes semi verbal on occasion ➼Needs reassurance from his caregiver that he's not bugging them ✿✿✿ 🎀Angel Dust (he/they)🎀
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➼Only regresses around Husk and Cherri ➼Lovecore regressor ➼Regresses to an infant or toddler ➼Has an extensive pacifier collection, all from Husk ➼Husk loves to spoil his baby spider ➼Has quite a few stuffies, his favorite is his stuffed pig he named Hammy ➼Goes on little dates with Husk ➼Likes to bite ➼Constantly moving, jumping, running around ➼Coaxing and little ultimatums work best if they're being bratty ➼Punishments scare him (thanks Val) ➼Loves anything pink ➼Favorite nicknames are baby boy and sweetheart ➼Call him baby boy and he slips instantly ➼Babbles occasionally but it's mostly rambling about nonsense ➼Strawberry ice cream is their favorite ➼Husk will kill anyone who makes fun of his regression ✿✿✿ 🦈Vox (he/it)🦈
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➼Likes to regress but is insecure about it so it's not often ➼Doesn't have a set caregiver but if he's feeling desperate enough he goes to Alastor or Valentino ➼Regresses to a toddler or a kiddo ➼Very independent little ➼You're going to look me in my eyes and tell me it's not a gamer baby? LIES. ➼Animal Crossing and Super Mario are his favorites ➼Has a few pacifiers from Valentino trying to be nice ➼Loves sharks ➼Blue's Clues and Bluey are it's favorite shows ➼Has a blue bear stuffie named Blueberry ➼Denies he's slipping until he's pulled into someone's arms and coaxed into letting himself regress (doesn't happen often) ➼Mostly regresses by itself ➼Where does the pacifier go? Nobody knows ➼Needs something to fidget with or he'll start to scratch at his arms ➼Wear Val's hoodie when he's little for comfort ➼Semi verbal to nonverbal little ➼Favorite nickname is pretty boy or shark pup ➼Likes to color but gets upset it has no one to show them to ✿✿✿ And yes I made the agere boards, feel free to use them for sfw purposes only though pls
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golbrocklovely · 1 month
I think a lot of the younger fandom, the ones who often forget that Sam and Colby are both almost thirty, living their lives, while having a passion for youtube/paranormal, are indeed that. Adults.
They can take criticism and adjust if they want to, yet in my eyes I have no issues with them keeping life private, doing what they need to do and posting when they want to. I'm sure they are working insanely hard behind the scenes, the only problem really is that fans not all, but some believe they are entitled to have them engaging or posting when they want them to.
If they want that, then look for other channels, the Sidemen post every one to two days on one of their many channels plus on sideplus. A lot of british commentators post twice or three times a week.
Depending on the content and the context of what they are doing, taking time is better than getting a half assed not fully finished product.
As a fan who is older than most (at least I think so) it's shameful how others act.
/gets off soap box.
i agree with you. i think too many fans expect snc to just tell us everything that's happening with them at all times, bc they've done that for so many years. and bc fans are expecting that openness, when they don't get it… they feel like snc are hiding from us. when really they are just setting a boundary and all of those fans freaking out are just upset they don't have the inside scoop anymore.
bc look, if all of this was just about content and the lack of it recently, then i would be on board for the frustration. bc it is a bit sad to see less and less of them. but, if they don't want to share with us what they do in their free time, i'm not gonna harp on them for it. the one vid a month has been the usual for some time, they post on react weekly, and just bc they don't interact with us all the time like they once did doesn't mean they've changed.
like, the fandom 12 million ppl in it, even if snc wanted to talk to everyone in the fandom, they wouldn't be able to. and sorry, but it's not the end of the world if they don't want to talk to fans on twitter or any site for that matter. you aren't warranted unfeathered access to them just bc you buy merch or have supported them for years. it's not snc's job to interact with us. it's an added bonus, for our benefit (and theirs too). but it's only really mutual for them when WE AREN'T DICKHEADS to them.
personally, if snc only tweet out links to vids and merch drops from this point forward, i wouldn't lose sleep over it. who cares. my god lol
but the fact of the matter is all of this drama started with the girls. once they got in the picture, everyone started finding reasons to be hateful. and maybe now they aren't the sole reason, but they were the beginning. and snc have been flat out telling us that going on social media and seeing everyone's comments, mostly on twitter, is hard for their mental healths. and if the ppl on there can't accept that or want to argue about it, babes... you ain't got no one to blame but yourselves. bc snc have ALWAYS been forgiving, always been ppl pleasers. they wouldn't just randomly ice out part of the fandom for no reason.
but idk why i bother. if you don't agree with that side of the fandom, you're just an snc dick rider or too far up their asses to be "real" about them lol but look, if that means i know i can go to sleep at night knowing i haven't been ragging on their gfs for months on end or saying they've changed bc they set a boundary, then idc. call me snc's #1 dick rider.
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thedragonsfate · 1 year
anyway I'm just gonna dump some fantasy High stuff here bc work got cancelled coz of the snow/ice and I'm rewatching freshman year rn
- riz/fabian qpr? VERY different story for me than romantic involvement. give me that very particular friendship give me that "this is confusing" for riz bc he knows he's not ~into~ fabian and he's terrified of fabian being into him but also he just wants needs HAS to be closer to him than his other friends and them navigating together what exactly that means. also bc I just. adore when fabian gives away that he 100% considers riz to be his best friend it's always v sweet and meaningful even when it's silly im
- sorry but I just have to believe that for a small time in freshman year fabian has a crush on adaine and that played a small part in his reaction to aelwyn being her sister
- that being said the boy is Not straight I like bi fabian I like pan fabian I like gay comphet fabian I like gay repressed fabian give me any queer fabian you've got my stamp of approval
- also bc I DO agree that fabian probably had a small crush on riz at somepoint as well that would eventually turn into a v different but still intense and loving partnership
- which is fun to think abt bc sophomore year DID fully convert me into a fabragh shipper, and ragh is very very different than both riz and adaine in terms of like. post-bully/post-being groomed/post a year of counseling w Jawbone Era ragh is so emotionally open and intelligent and vulnerable I feel like (things that riz and adaine aren't necessarily NOT, but definitely not in the public way that ragh is) and in that ragh is genuinely just not a very smart guy - which is in direct opposition to adaine and riz as the two big research bad kids yk. they really are the two who love to learn with a hunger for knowledge. they both love to KNOW things (albeit in slightly different ways) also theyre both v sarcastic and straightforward, whereas ragh is someone who I feel like reacts to situation just as straightforward but with more genuine emotion, and with a simple minded approach to the world that just screams genuineness
- I like fabian finding that the part of him drawn to that hunger for knowledge and a little bitchiness and Knowing Things can be sated in his friendships but particularly in a qpr with riz, and also finding that in terms of a romantic partner, having someone who knows the depths of toxic masculinity repressing your emotions who also actively draws vulnerability out of the people around him through exhibiting his own/ his own acceptance of those harder feelings- is someone REALLY good for fabian. and finding that being as attentive and admiring and uplifting to his partner as fabian can be is something really good for ragh considering raghs past relationships
- anyway obvs I'm not the biggest fan of fabian and aelwyn at the end of soph year but also I think it's something that wouldn't last v long anyway and I think it's maybe good for leading them both into making a pivot into more deliberate self care and discovery
- also just. care a LOT abt fig and gorgugs friendship. underrated best friends. maybe not underrated there's so much fan content I've yet to explore but yk what I mean. from the first few episodes? they are Best Friends. gorgug and fabian and ragh have a fun important jock friend dynamic and ofc gorgug has an important relationship with Zelda but I fully believe wholeheartedly that fig is gorgugs best friend. fig also has her important relationships - ayda, adaine, Kristen (or. honestly fig has a v particular friendship with every bad kid that I value SUPER highly. she cares a LOT) but gorgug was her first ride or die and there's a lot that can be shared between two people who can quietly admit just how much they CARE.
- damn now I'm thinking abt fig too much
- also fig and fabians relationship changing as gilear and hallariel get more serious and fabian accepts gilear into his family unit a bit more - fig was SO full speed ahead abt gorgug or riz being her brother to have fabian actually kind of fall into that position? amazing incredible
- fig also becoming pseudo sisters with adaine and aelwyn??? also very important???
- fig and riz kind of potentially becoming siblings????? CHAOS and also PERFECTION maybe it's just the Emily Murph chemistry but there's something so particularly FUN abt these two. and also. this connection of having been the. two at the beginning of sophomore year nabbed to fulfill that first part of getting kalina and later the abernants etc a way into the forest of the nightmare king
- I'll admit I have a harder time pinning Kristen down in my head post sophomore year. I think I need to fully explore what I think it looks like for Kristen to Fully Understand what Tracker is expressing she needs, and letting herself look outside of herself a little more. she's had so much battle within herself in terms of self acceptance and world views shattering and religious and spiritual journey that. I think she just hasn't gotten old enough yet to FULLY experience looking outside of herself. not necessarily in a selfish way but also a little bit? Kristen's not the only one struggling with this necessarily but I think she is the one who's struggling with it the MOST
- if anybody actually reads this and has any good fic recommendations exploring Kristen and tracker separately and together post sophomore year when tracker goes on her mission with ragh PLEASE hit me up
- nothing I can say abr riz will ever be as poignant as the post abt his bloody hands.
- adaine having family in a semi traditional sense??? also extremely important to me. to see her and jawbone like. doing parent kid stuff together on purpose to build memories with one another? adaine and aelwyn being awkward hovery unsure sisters as they both work on continuing recovery? adaine being a guiding influence in aelwyns life, and supporting her through a new family landscape and personal landscape and disability landscape when she is able and helping aelwyn find therapy and jawbone and other adults and peers to lean on as well to flush out that support system she never had? adaine getting to settle even further into her growing network of people who LOVE her, and say it and show it and clearly value her input. her seeing a new therapist to process how difficult it can be to accept love from a parent a figure when all you've know is rejection in the past
-there are essays I could write abt aelwyn abernant and her relationship with her sister but alas not today
- fig being this glue. I really TRULY believe that fig plays a particular role in the bad kids
- riz and Kristen continuing to be this chaos duo purely on accident despite fully believing in themselves to Not be that
- riz and gorgugs quieter friendship
- gorgug and fig talking about bisexuality
- Kristen and fabian talking abt internalized homophobia, and their own relationships with self image and selfishness amongst a genuine drive to be kind
- literally any of them and all of them talking abt their dad's. it's all so different and yet so intertwined
- Kristen and fig just being genuinely p good friends, perhaps not huge confidants for one another in a way outside of the bad kid dynamic, but someone to lean on with gf stuff, and impulsively stuff, etc
- fig and tracker becoming p good friends feels good to me. tracker and ragh becoming kind of?? fully best friends on their quest?? getting to lean into one another as someone who has embraced their sexuality in a particularly mirrored way? as people in the lives of the bad kids but also just individuals going through their own shit
- I have a lot to add abt the seven but this rambly post is already too long probably
- gorgugs friends fully appreciating him and understanding him at different levels. more of adaine being extra supportive and uplifting of him Re: his first date with Zelda.
- more of any of them teasing the others abt romantic endeavors
- honestly more adaine being invested in her friends love lives bc she just. loves her friends and wants them to be happy regardless of her own journey of finding out who she is in that arena.
- personally a big fan of sex repulsed ace adaine but I also am kind of just. particularly open to most things sexuality/attraction wise with adaine. I really TRULY love adaine taking YEARS to figure out where she thinks her attention and interest is or isn't drawn
- adaine and riz research friends / fiends
- fabian gorgug and adaine being Voices of Reason for an overworked and sleepless riz, fabian gorgug adaine and riz being voices of reason to fig and Kristen's separate shenanigans
- the list of voices of reason goes on and on ; having such a tight network of friends is genuinely such a particular gift
- slumber parties at mordrid
- the bad kids annual kidnap gilear to ditch school day
- the bad kids reoccurring shrimp parties
- fig and the sig figs concerts and tours and interviews and breaks
- ayda getting to know other members of the bad kids better. ayda hanging out with adaine bc they're best friends. ayda hanging out with fig and uplifting eachother and finding solace in one another and someone who just. sees them.
- ayda bonding with other autistic bad kids. seem some rlly good gorgug riz and Kristen autistic hcs and they're all v nice in their different ways so honestly any combination of that
- ayda and Kristen just sort of. not getting eachother?? ayda and FABIAN just sort of. not getting eachother but being kind and thoughtful just as people ans also in an effort to find friendship in someone else v important to fig
- gorgug and ayda getting along just. genuinely pretty easily cbjdsbxnksxkc
- ok I'm done for rn xbjdnzncm
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
love ur shinaya breakup tbh read all of it and it's honestly accurate i think the screaming match isnt necessarily ooc bc ayano has the capacity to get ANGRY and yell honestly i think it would be more like shintaro raises his voice and then ayano snaps and starts screaming and shintaro instantly is like O_O kind of just freezes bc THIS isnt the ayano he knows (the one he usually sees/i feel like he would know that this part of ayano is a real part of her but he doesnt like it bc some part of him still relies on her to be the usual "ayano" as a form of consistency in his life especially post str bc if ayano acts like ayano then that means things r okay and normal and he doesnt have to think abt the timelines where ayano died and STAYED dead and also specifically ayak) he doesnt know how to deal with that rn so after a bit of being yelled at he basically stops talking and ayano is like WHY ARENT U SAYING ANYTHING and shintaro is just like ermmm well uhmmm which pisses off ayano even more she just starts crying bc she's so overwhelmed and doesnt know what to do with herself anymore and shintaro is awkwardly standing there and then they just dont talk abt it or breaking up but they basically break up after that erm sorry for the long ask
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES god this ask made me so excited i fell off my chair no joke. bc i was reading and i was agreeing so hard i was excited. and i um fell off my chair.
IM GONNA BE HONEST I SAID "OOC" AS SORT OF A DISCLAIMER BC ITS KINDA A HOT TAKE IG.... i was like (looks around) i dont wanna be called out or something. but to me its totally in character. i mean ayano gets angry in canon. i love that its canon that she really plays the nice girl role in front of shintaro (and haruka&takane) but at home with mekatrio we see her a lot more vulnerable/able to be angry.
the way i imagine them is usually ayano ending in tears most of the time but when They Break Up like for realsies it's when ayano is just PISSED. shitshow gone too far mode. and i think it starts off from something completely stupid like always, something casual abt WHY WONT U HOLD MY HAND IN PUBLIC!! like something totally idiotic but like i said in the other ask its just all these bottled up emotions and eventually ayano just fucking explodes lmao. shintaro is totally shocked like u say but i think it's such a relief for him somehow because this is it. THIS is what he deserved all along. THIS is what he's been searching for. ayano being mad at him. ayano making him pay for everything. and he's like YEAH!! YELL AT ME MORE!! I DESERVE IT!!! I CAN FINALLY MAKE THINGS UP TO YOU IF UR ANGRY. and that pisses ayano off even more because WHAT are you talking about??? since when is this about what u deserve?? since when am i some sort of trophy wife you feel guilty for having??? i dont want that!! have you been doing this on purpose!?!?!?!? and she DUMPS HIS ASS
everytime theyve broken up before (on and off slay) it's by shintaro and ayano ends in dramatic tears while shintaro is just like angrily pacing around his room. when AYANO dumps him this time and for good, shintaro is in tears. he's such a mess. takane who's been comforting ayano each and every single time shintaro has made her cry and per her request playing this crazy relationship therapist, goes to her fully intending to do it again. like fully intending to comfort her and talk some sense into her thinking theyre just gonna get back together like always. but this time ayano isn't crying at all, she just breathes in relief and talks about the huge weight she got off her back. and takane's like ...ohhh... this time it's different.
usually, the procedure would be ayano sobbing to takane BWAA PLEASE TALK TO HIM and then takane going to yell at shintaro but this time it's SHINTARO who's like. PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU TALK TO HER.
shintaro on the other hand is such a mess. sorry to bring takane into everything💖 but having him sob in her arms is like the icing on the cake bc his thing with her is not THE problem but one of the (many) problems and shintaro REALLY doesn't learn. he is despaired over ayano and crying on takane again, just like back then. and he loves it in an insane way. because this is so comfortable. this is familiar. it is so so painful. he is so heartbroken but it is so familiar. its not more painful than having ayano by his side because ayano's company terrifies him. her survival is one in its kind in all the timelines, and it has been so terrifying to see something new after seeing the same for so long. especially because the something new is her going out with him of all things?? he has so much regret and self loathing and guilt and FEAR OF LOSING EVERYTHING BC NOW ITS NEW AND IT'S NEVER BEEN NEW AND THAT'S SO SCARY to work through that he cannot enjoy it, he's terrified of it instead and acted the way he did essentially so it'd end the way it'd end. and yeah he's whining about wanting her back and he really does but it's like... you know, the same as back then. lol.
so like ayano, he is also relieved. but in totally different ways. does that make sense. erm. hehe
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
also amanda dying has been so telegraphed. our girl hasn't been doing much for a long while and we got a backstory drop and sad character moments like... last week. now what I'm really looking forward to is Amanda Holliday: the last New Light
Oh hard agree. I actually made a post about this on my D2 sideblog @ahamkara-apologist (shameless plug bc pls talk to me about destiny btw im full of love for the eliksni rn), but Amanda's death was telegraphed as hell for several months now. They weren't even subtle about it. And like I said in that post, her death narrative makes a lot of sense because it drives home that the war the Witness brought to Earth isn't limited to guardians- its killing civilians. Amanda wasn't a civilian, sure, but she was mortal, and her death brings a seriousness to the story that a whole bunch of people were complaining wasn't there in Lightfall. Not sure why people are bitching about her death now, especially since it sobered the tone up real quick, like what they wanted (and like I mentioned, it has a great load of narrative benefit to it)
Not sure how I feel about guardian Amanda, though. She certainly fits the role of 'devotion, bravery, sacrifice' role, but I think that raising her as a guardian would kind of undo some of the pain of her death, and replace it with a different kind of pain- that she has no memory of her friends. That would work for Crow, I think. Not really sure how that would impact the tone of the story, but I think that I would prefer her to stay dead, just so that her death remains that ice-water wakeup call that we are in dire straits that it gave us this week
(Also to those who were bitching that Amanda was too mean to Crow: she really wasn't. She was someone who liked to tease, but she was on shaky ground with Crow, so the shotgun comment was her trying to make light of the situation that then fell flat. It's pretty much what you'd expect from a pair of friends recovering from the aftermath of a fight- if anything, I'd say the fact that she and Crow were never able to fully reconcile just makes her death more tragic. And Crow himself was a bitch before his res and still retains some of that bitchy snippy energy, so he's hardly the sort of person to be too bothered by some verbal jabs. Just bc he's clingy and has strong emotions doesn't mean that he's the softboy uwu precious cinnamon roll the fandom likes to make him out to be)
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kyugens · 2 years
♡ + your favourite kiba ship !!
send me a ship  –  still accepting!
featuring kibaneji because i’m obsessed with their dynamics. 🥰 i answered these with mars aka @sociieties bc it’s their fault that i’m in this hell. 🤡
Who is the most affectionate?
Definitely Kiba. It’s the very reason behind most of their fights. He feels underappreciated and as if he is the only one who cares, even though he knows better – he can smell how much Neji cares. But he is petty and wants an actual demonstration, not just to guess by smelling Neji. rip
Who initiates the handholding?
Same as before. Kiba is very physical in how he expresses himself, so he initiates handholding – especially if he wants to apologize, he’ll take Neji’s fingers and rub them before fully holding his hands.
Who worries more for the other?
Neji. Kiba is kind of a ticking bomb, very easily set off and more often than not, reckless with his own life. The only thing that grounded him before Neji was Akamaru, and he’s the very reason Kiba is still around. Not to mention how sensitive Kiba really is, especially towards those he cares about. He gets easily hurt / offended, and he’ll be a mess for days before letting it go.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Not outright ask for help, but Kiba asks for Neji’s input on pretty much everything and anything. He wants to know what Neji thinks of this and that, to tell him what he should do in a specific situation and whatnot. It ranges from silly things like ice cream flavor to big ones like ‘should i tell my mother i don’t want to get married’.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
According to Mars, Kina will not leave Neji alone. No keys for him.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Both, often after a fight big enough for them to regret it but not to break them up. They’ll be embarrassed and feel unsure, so facing each other in the morning is really hard – hence the little notes.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Neji. He gets used to Kiba smothering sleeping positions bc Kiba Needs access to Neji’s nape / back of his head bc inhaling his scent is relaxing, so when Kiba isn’t there, the bed is too cold and too big. Yikes.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Mars and I both agreed that a proposal is kind of out of the question in most verses since both the Hyuuga and Inuzuka are downright against same sex marriage, and the two of them are going to respect their families wishes to some extent, so proposing is... hard. So we decided to think about it as who was the first one to get serious, and Kiba it is. Right after the War, he decides enough is enough and they get their shit together. No more pointless fights and petty cruelty. Character development, baby.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
Kiba. Neji has his beef with the family’s main branch, feels pretty dettached from the Hyuga clan, whereas Kiba has his Mother and sister – both of which eventually gets on board with Kiba being gay.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Kiba. It always smells nice and it’s so soft...
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Neji. Kiba isn’t necessarily careless with himself in this aspect, but it happens, and Neji is there to look after him.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
It’s about the same, really. ‘No one can talk shit about my bf besides me’ kind of deal. They’re equally protective over each other. Though Neji can handle himself with more dignity, and Kiba is always up for watching him roast someone so it’s not often he’ll intervene. Kiba will throw hands immidiately so Neji has to be the reasonable one... So Neji leaning, yeah.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Neji, and Kiba will react accordingly – happy, excited, almost peeing himself.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Kiba. And Neji takes the pinky promises seriously, because Kiba takes them seriously. So they need to be on the same page.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
They either nap together or it ain’t happening. In the off chance that this happens, they’ll crawl right in with the other.
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woolydemon · 3 months
All your ninjago art reblogging has hit me hard with a realisation of fucking why do people bother to make Zane black if their gonna just give him the whitest blonde hair and blue eyes. It would be one thing if his hair was dyed but they put no effort into showing that it is, and he still has the brightest blue eyes ever. I get that they like the colour contrast, I get that they wanna show his ice connections, but if you wanna make a character black then at LEAST drop the euro centric beauty standards oh my god.
i do agree that I actually would like to see more of Zane with light hair that resembles actual bleached hair + brown eyes if he's going to be depicted as black.
Though I do think for the blue eyes part it is largely based on him being a robot, so like he's got led eyes that glow blue. maybe I'm not the best person to ask if this is bad or not, but I'm personally ok with this. It's not like ppl are supposed to think that's realistic (they're glowing robot eyes) + if ur depicting the other characters with non-eurocentric eye colors (like please. they're like all asian ....) as it further shows it's simply a robot feature (You can also argue his hair not resembling dyed hair is also bc of robot stuff like. Artificial hair ig??? Idk how I fully feel abt that one though)
but even then he does occasionally don looks where he's supposed to blend in with humans, so blue eyes can be a bit odd for that (in s8 though his human disguise had blue eyes in it... But whatever).
Another thing that would be cool actually for Zane to have light hair + blue eyes is for him to be an albino black guy. I do not see a lot of ppl depict characters in general like this, so it would be, as I said, Cool to see that. Still doesn't mean u can skimp out on making sure his features aren't eurocentric in this one as he's still black here
grain of salt for my takes on this since I'm not black I'm just passionate abt diversity in character design, feel free to wreck my shit or add onto it if ur more qualified to talk about it <:] ,,
#anon i also think a lot abt how ppl draw ninjago characters with white features and it makes me go bro cmon....#the other post i talked abt how i rlly specifically dont like blue eyes jay#give me brown eyed jay or give me death#like i said already i see all the characters as asian#(pls. just let me have this for my guilty pleasure butchered asian culture depiction media.#let me have them at least be asian and not white ppl in oriental aesthetic world)#so thats a no-no for me.#but also bc of the movie i attach the Pakistani headcanon onto him#so thats still asian. double no to blue eyes for me#Lloyd i can be a bit particular with too bc i like to think he has naturally brown eyes but Green Powers can make them look green.#like listen to me rn. You arent making the grandson of the guy who created this world White. You Arent. Dont Try It.#id honestly prefer if his hair was depicted as dyed too for that same reason#anywya this post is about Zane !!!!#personally i just cant stand white zane. too scary for me#and bc hes a robot i can be lenient on showing him with things like blue eyes and light hair as long as they're clearly robot features#like idk. due diligence besides that to appropriately show black features on him is the real make or break for me#thats my take a bit here ig. would still love dark eyes and realistically dyed hair#ESPECIALLY IF ITS A HUMAN ZANE AU. i wouldnt make that one blue eyes and naturally light hair#im typing this at 3am so if its incoherent and rambly. its bc it is#ask wooly???
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rewcana · 4 months
it's the 2 yr anniversary of me getting hit with the corner of a 43lb box containing an AC unit. it scraped against my back over my left shoulder blade. i am currently disabled by that injury, 2 years later. it's a different form of that injury but it is a result of it. i've not gotten any medical treatment because it's a work injury and my employer won't take responsibility for it. im in the middle of a months long lawsuit trying to get compensation and treatment. ive been disabled for 9 months. i healed okay from the initial injury but during heavy lifting activities or anything involving my shoulder it would aggravate the injury. then i got another heavy lifting job and the injury was severely aggravated again after not bothering me for months. i decided to go through workers comp and the dr told me to work and continuing to work through immense pain (i informed the dr how severe the pain was) aggravated the injury SO MUCH that it has stayed with me this long. previous aggravations of the injury would heal within a week but because i was forced to work because my doctor restrictions held more weight than my present experience, now i have a severe physical disability and chronic pain.
i have relived the injury so many times, re-experiencing the physical trauma. and the emotional trauma from having to justify and defend my pain to my managers, health care professionals, fucking insurance agents. my insurance bitch wouldn't listen to me when i wanted to go back to the doctors so they could change my work restrictions because lifting 15 lbs was incredibly painful for me, i could barely move my arm without severe throbbing pain. she wouldn't shut up about the process and only listened when i was having a full on melt down in my car outside of the clinic. fully sobbing and screaming in my car because no one is taking my pain seriously. she finally approved it and insisted that it "wouldn't matter" bc all she cares about is the case and if the company will be held liable. but getting more severe work restrictions saved me from extreme pain.
then i had another full on sobbing melt down in front of my supervisor and manager which is an autistic person's worst nightmare. this one was because i was put into work that i was pressured into agreeing to that technically didn't fit into my dr restrictions and i was in severe pain still. i told my supervisor that my injury was really painful today so i would be icing it. he said that was fine and that i could do so for as long as i need. i did that and then he confronted me and said i was doing so for too long. i rushed away and burst into tears and sobbed in the bathroom because my pain was so extreme and i was so frustrated with people not being clear and feeling like no one was considering my pain. masking pain is such a traumatic and prevelant narrative in my autistic ass life. but this insane physical pain was just too difficult and i felt so weak and pathetic and i was sobbing for like over an hour while trying to talk through this with my manager and the supervisor. the supervisor was taking it personally but i just keep saying that it's because i'm in so much pain. my manager was actually quite sweet and understanding about it because she had been through an incredibly painful injury as well.
pain is really like... if you haven't experienced it to a certain degree, it's just conceptual to you. you really can't understand it unless you've felt its horror.
anyway being autistic and injured in a workplace sucks. it also fucking sucks being disabled with a special sting that it's a work injury that is legally complicated so the lawsuit is taking forever and who knows if i'll ever see the end of it. i really hope i will. these are free lawyers so they kinda don't care but they do but it takes time i guess. gods. i just fucking hate capitalism so goddamn much.
i regret so hard not suing when i first was injured but my social anxiety and avoidance behavior kept me from it. if i had known how much it would have fucked me over in the long run i would have. not to mention the mountains of trauma i went through at that workplace. gods no wonder i've been unemployed for so long (well besides the disability that makes most work i qualify for impossible) i have so much goddamn work trauma. fuck.
i miss the good ole days of dining hall work. i didnt get paid much and didnt really talk to anyone but at least i wasn't experiencing the horrors.
on a brighter note the severity of the pain and disability is much less. i can cook, clean, carry some things, shower, get dressed, use the toilet, etc. with minor pain. i still feel severe pains after periods of lots of activity (lots of cleaning, moving around, cooking, driving, etc) and i can't carry heavy things with my left arm or extend it far for long. there is lots i can't do but i hope to do. maybe on the 3rd anniversary of the injury, i will have justice. i will be actively getting treatment. i hope this will be true. im glad that at least i finally did sue. i'm taking steps tho the journey is slow due to extreme avoidant behaviors (due to extreme burnout). day by day by day by day.
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tadpolesonalgae · 8 months
hm ok so seeing various takes on cbmthy that i mostly at least somewhat agree with but wanted to share mine too i.e i think it's fine for azriel to treat her like that, and it does admittedly seem like how he would act based on the books, although it is sad, and i don't really like the idea of reader ending up with him after that, even after groveling because at least personally speaking i feel like i'd harbour a continuous distrust for him, whenever he says something yk. like if they end up together at the end and they confront her insecurities (which she may have overcome! but we all have setbacks w them yk) and he tells her he does truly love her or that she's important to him that he's lying,,, if that makes sense? like if there's a bond b/w them i feel like i at least wld feel like he's only w me because of the bond and that he doesn't find me physically and emotionally attractive, or bc elain left for lcuein,, and like he would've indeed felt this in the beginning yk? idk. i do like the idea of eris and her getting together,, but only because it feels like r is more herself around him and gets insulted less?? idk. is this going to be a dark fic? idek. tbcf the entire ic seems like an asshole tbh, yk? like idk how well acknowledged this is but like,, they're not really very good people yk,, with the rhys-feyre assault-ish scene that's barely mentioned to feyre just ruining the entire spring court which wouldve had innocent people and not just tamlin,, and idk there's always a distaste in the book for the entirety of court of nightmares instead of only like keir and his goons. anyway can't wait to see more, good day!!
‘like if there's a bond b/w them i feel like i at least wld feel like he's only w me because of the bond’
I still haven’t fully decided on if I’m going to make a mating bond part of the plot (compared with it snapping in the background once a happy ending might be reached) BUT!!! If it does happen, I’m quite set on it only becoming apparent to Azriel after things have already been resolved!
I fully get that doubt would most likely have fun with how reader’s mind is at the moment, so I think unless Azriel falls in love with her independently, reader would continue to have those speculations, if that makes sense?
‘is this going to be a dark fic?’
Not in the way other stories on here are marked with [***] (so sexually dark). However, reader’s powers do connect to some heavy themes in the real world which might be upsetting for some people to read depending on your life experience?
I wouldn’t say it’s going to get dark, but more that—like with Nesta—her powers, if they go unchecked, could harm a lot of people? I don’t want to reveal too much about what her magic can do, or if it actually will end up harming anyone, but I’d say it’s (like basically everything in this fic) kind of bittersweet :)
‘they're not really very good people yk,,’
I find this quite fun, because obviously they’re all terrifically old, and have each lived through two wars and a lot of bad stuff in between, as well? Like Cass obliterated the entire camp that hurt his mother, Azriel tortures people, Rhys probably killed hundreds of innocent (?) people at the behest of Amarantha, and probably many before that too (I mean, we know he’s morally grey, so I wouldn’t say that part’s particularly surprising)
Then Amren is her own creature and Mor’s probably done some pretty awful things, too?
But then obviously for most of the series we only see the IC from Feyre’s perspective which is pretty rose-tinted because they help her massively?
Anyway, I think it’s fun to sometimes have these characters make mistakes? Explore their moral compasses? What stuff do they think is too far and does that change if it’s done to someone they love? Will they cross their own lines then?
Idk, it’s interesting 🥳
‘anyway can't wait to see more, good day!!’
Thank you! I really enjoyed reading through your ask! It really felt like you were typing how you would speak in regards to how your thoughts are laid out—very entertaining to read 🧡💛 :)
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