#am I villianizing my childhood friend
crabussy · 2 years
hmmmm my trauma wasnt bad enough was it
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coffee-latte-sprite · 2 years
Damian Al Ghul and the Annoying Reporter
Series Masterlist
Aged up!Damian Al Ghul x fem!reader
WC: 2,000
Warnings: blood mention (nothing graphic, it was used as an example), language
A year after the famous interview with Damian Al Ghul, life isn't as good as she thought it would be.
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“Hello and welcome back viewers to Metro News. I am your host Camilia Carmen and here today with me is the CEO of People’s Press, Y/N L/N.” Camilia said as her bright smile stared back at the TV camera. 
“Hello everyone.” Y/N said as she sat by the TV primetime news anchor. 
“Thank you so much for taking time out of your incredibly busy schedule to speak with us today Y/N.” Camilia said as she turned towards her guest. 
Y/N smiled and waved her off, “Of course! I have been watching this show for years, big fan.” 
“Oh thank you! And we are very big fans of your new book and news outlet. Your book,” Camilia brought out Y/N’s book and showed it to the camera, “is now the #1 bestseller not only in the United States, but now in France, Germany, Italy, South Korea, and coming up into the ranks of other countries. How does this success feel for you?” 
Y/N blushed, “You know, this fame doesn’t quite feel like I am famous. Many people come up to me and ask me for an autograph and a picture and go on their way with some words of praise. The fame of my book though, did help my company to take off which I am truly grateful for.” 
Camilia jumped onto the transition segment.
Y/N has done so many interviews, she knows exactly how to transition seamlessly. 
“Yes, your company is also dominating as a news article distributor, the People’s Press. This company is also doing significantly well, even better than your competitor the Daily Planet. Its CEO has not given a statement to its recent surface of favoritism.” Camilia said with a twang of venom.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile. She proved all of them wrong. She proved her boss wrong, her parents, her best friend, and even her dog wrong. 
“My company truly is my pride and joy. I am glad I am able to create articles about our local and international news. I want to bring new and young and old voices alike to retell stories or their take on recent events. It has created a healthy work environment for all workers and everyone is benefiting from this, my writers and readers.” Y/N said with passion. Her joy was contagious as everyone in the room felt her extreme happiness for the new direction of news and diversity in voices. 
“Very well put Y/N. Also, speaking of new voices, in your groundbreaking novel, you brought a new voice to light and helped all of us have compassion for our enemies. Would you like to give a little explanation to your book, or inspiration?” Camilia asked as she sat back in her chair. 
“Oh of course! My novel, How to Shatter an Heir, is about my experience towards the heir of the League of Assassins. I wanted to expand on his personal stories and trama. He has experienced so much since the literal day he was born. He lost a childhood and a father. I wanted to show the world their is more to a villian than just a sword and blood.” Y/N said as her heart sped up faster. She couldn’t hear her own voice anymore, it was just the thrumming of her heart. 
“And you definitely accomplished that, but are you sure there was nothing else to this novel?” Camilia asked with a sly smile. 
Y/N deflated and anger rose up in the back of her throat. “Yes, in this novel I wanted to show how a person is more than their parents and who they have a relationship with.” Y/N said pointedly. 
Camilia picked up on the hint and dropped the subject, “Well, thank you so much for your time today Y/N and again, congratulations on your success, you deserve it all.” Camilia smiled and turned back to the camera, “thank you for your time today viewers, and remember, Superman, is for all.” 
Y/N walked down the rainy sidewalk as people ran past her with their hoods up and racing against the raindrops. Y/N didn’t mind, she was to lost in thoughts to care about her hair or jacket. 
Besides, the rain reminds her of when Damian left. 
She doesn’t remember what happened to her after she was kidnapped, she just remembers pain, being shot, then Damian’s embrace. After that,  all was fuzzy. 
She remembers waking up in a hospital and being all alone. She never saw Damian again, but all of the nurses kept saying how their was a man who was frantic in making sure she was okay. 
It was definitely Damian by the description, but she didn’t understand why he would leave her with nothing more than $1,000 to get home. 
Y/N was broken from her thoughts when her phone rang, she picked it up immediately. “Hello?” 
“Your dog hates me and you need to come home.” Jon said from the line as she heard Bella barking. 
After Y/N created her company, the Kent's son, Jon, knocked on her door and asked if he could work with her. And as one for cold revenge, Y/N hired him on the spot.
He was her personal assistant as he helped her with everything. She was honestly thinking of giving him the company if she were to retire anytime soon. 
“Bella does not hate you, she just misses me.” Y/N said as she laughed to herself. 
“Yeah, well come home.” He said bitterly. 
“You can go home Jon, I’ll be there in half an hour.” Y/N said as she stood under a near by awning. 
“Thank God! Okay, bye!” And the line went dead. 
Y/N laughed to herself and looked up at the rumbling sky. This is what fame and fortune felt like. 
Y/N then frowned.
If this is what it felt like, then why was it so lonely? 
Y/N kicked off her heels and threw her wet coat across the back of her couch. From her wealth, she was able to move from her little apartment to a penthouse suite, and from this she adopted more little furry friends, which Bella wasn’t 100% sold on as she liked the attention only on her. 
“Bells, I’m home!” Y/N yelled as she stretched out her back and legs. 
Only silence welcomed her back. 
“Bella?” She asked again as this was out of the ordinary. 
She then started to run around the suite looking for her dog. 
Then, as she got to her room, she saw a dark figure over Bella on her back. She screamed in terror as she picked up her lamp and chucked it at the figure. 
They cursed and jumped out of the way. 
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” A man yelled. 
“Bella!” She screamed as she ran to her dog, who was very much alive and happy. She jumped up and was wagging her tail with her tongue hanging out. “Wait, you’re okay?” 
“Of course she is!” The man said again. 
She then turned to look at the intruder to stop in her tracks.
Before her stood a Damian Al Ghul in a tailored suite and slicked back hair. 
“The one and only. And I see your aim with your lamps has gotten better.” He said with a slight chuckle. 
She didn’t share the same happiness. 
All joy of seeing him left in an instant, “Get out, you have no right being here and breaking an entry.” 
Damian stilled as the smile dropped from his face. 
“Don’t you dare give me that look. You left me, remember? You left me in a country I didn’t know and I was scared. When I literally needed you the most of all of the time we were together, you were nowhere. All I got was that some man was worried about me, nothing else. So get out!” Y/N said as the sting of tears was strong, but she would not allow herself to cry, not in front of this coward. 
“I knew you would be mad,” He began. 
“And you still did it anyway?” She said coldly. 
He winced, “Yes, because Slade’s men were still after me.” He said reluctantly. 
Y/N stopped for a moment. “What do you mean?”
“Slade was gone, but his ideology was still strong. All of his men were still after me, they thought you had died. I saw them in the lobby of the hospital, and I ran. Of course, they followed, I then . . . got rid of them. I wasn’t sure how many more of Slade’s men were still alive, so I left. I knew you were safer with me gone. I wish I stayed, you have no idea how that ate away at me.” Damian confessed as his shoulders slumped. 
The rain outside hit the glass harder as the room was drenched in darkness, but neither of them cared. 
“I then left for my father's in America. My mother, I knew, wouldn’t help me, so I left for my father’s. I didn’t know if he would help me, but apparently, he is known for his charity.” He said with an eye roll. “Father took me in with no questions asked and has housed me for over a year. He has been training me to become his successor since his first, second, and third son did not want the company.” 
“What is the name of the company?”
“Wayne Industries.”
Y/N’s heart stopped. Wayne Industries was the first company to invest in hers. She couldn’t believe it. 
“So, why are you back? Asking for a refund since I did get rich off of you.” She asked as she wrapped her arms around herself.
Damian coughed, “Actually no, you got rich on your own merit. Without your crazy, suicidal, idea of interviewing a murderer, you would not be crazy rich.” 
Y/N blushed, “Thanks, but why are you really here?” 
“Well, Titus misses you, and I thought you would like. . . to see him again.” Damain said awkwardly. 
“Oh, if it for Titus, then of course!” She said enthusiastically. 
“Although, there is someone else, someone very naive, stupid, and suicidal who also wanted to see you again.” 
Y/N paused, “who is that?” 
He paused, “Me.” 
“This is so hard. Well, apparently, you have lasting consequences! You have weakened me and made me insomniatic with the thoughts of you!” He said exasperated. 
Y/N gaped, “W-w-what?” 
“You have,” he stepped closer, “bewitched me. Body,” he took another step, “mind,” step, “and soul.” His fingers pushed her hair behind her ear, “I’m in love with you.” 
Y/N's heart thundered in her chest as she was in sheer disbelief.
“And I wondered, are you in love with me too? Or am I a fool?” He asked if his heart echoed hers. 
Y/N smiled, “You are a fool.” His heart dropped, “but you are my fool.” And she leaned forward closer towards him, waiting for him to catch her, he did. 
“Well, how fortunate am I then.” He responded and leaned down to her lips. 
His lips ghosted hers as his heart squeezed, he wasn’t enough for her. No one was good enough for her. She deserved the world, she deserved all the stars in the sky. 
Y/N spoke, her voice barely heard, “you’re my universe.”
And Damian’s lips crashed into hers. Their lips locked together in perfect harmony as each of their souls shined bright. No storm, assassin, or mother could get between him and his annoyingly perfect reporter.
A/N: wow, this is it. This feels so unreal that this series is over. I have been doing this series for a year and this is the end. This is my favorite series I have ever written and thankful for the journey. I hope everyone loved it as much as me! <3
Taglist: @royalmuffinsworld / @rory-cakes / /@jasontoddsloverrr / @rivas0309 / @giselatropicana / @atlaincorrect / @acupnoodle / @geeksareunique / @1-800-cherri / @mymomsdisappointment / @dreamsdemxn / @hollyharper / @andysnewgroove / @cherriebat /@twilight-loveer
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deldeldel90 · 6 months
OKAY SO!!! the front bottoms songs and how they are so like?? Lance and Blaine?? it's them, you honor.
"when the flood water comes, it ain't gonna be clear, it's gonna look like mud. But I will help you swim. I will help you swim. I'm gonna help you swim." -- Lance's promise to Blaine after everything goes down :(( him still seeing good in his brother. him wanting to help him.
"this is for the snakes and the people they bite, for the friends I've made, for the sleepless nights. for the warning signs I've completely ignored." -- Lance. just,,, Lance. His doubts about his father. his guilt about what happened with Lorena. him realizing everything.
"it's no big surprise you turned out this way [...] When they cut your hair, and sent you away," -- THEM!!! them sharing their childhood of being Leland's sons and being sent to that academy. them.
"I'm sure we could find something for you to do on stage." -- Lance's optimism <33 him wanting to help Blaine!!
"this is for the lake that me and my friends swim in, naked and dumb on a drunken night." -- Lance's academy days,,
"I wanna contribute to the chaos. I don't wanna watch and then complain, 'cause I am through with finding blame. This is the decision I have made." -- BLAINE. this is so Blaine!!?? bro. BRO.
"goodbye future, once so bright," -- post-canon Blaine. he's still not better from everything. his dad's in jail and the fate of the Plaid Kingdom is aksyakshsjsnb
"she looks me dead in the eyes and says, hey Brian, if you still believe in the Lord above, get on your hands and knees and pray for us,,," --- SHE!!! IS!!! MARIA. Maria to Blaine. omg. the Maria and Blaine confrontation.
"I never cried like that before, I thought my eyes would pop out of my head," -- Blaine isn't used to feeling much emotion before, due to just,, suppressing it and focusing on being the Perfect Plaid Prince.
"'Cause I can leave, so what now what, so where do I go?"-- in the end, there is no more Plaid Kingdom for him to return to. there's no more mountains. for the first time in his life, he is free from everything and, for also the first time, he has no idea what to do and no one to tell him where to go.
" 'Cause I can imagine throwing all my clothes inside a suitcase without bothering to fold them," -- Blaine no longer being expected to be perfect. him wanting to run away from it all. gahhha jgssjns
"I got boulders on my shoulders, collarbones begin to crack; there is very little left of me and it's never coming back," -- GRR!!! the high expectations being placed on Blaine!!! him genuinely being raised to have a mask on, so to speak, at all times. him never quite being allowed to grow on his own.
"there are certain things you ask of me, and there's certain things I lack" -- this could be about Blaine's fall from grace in his father's eyes, frantically trying to defend himself OR it could be Lance, who was never the academic. who was good at sports and fighting and that was it, when it came to their father. he was only seen as being 'good' at one thing.
"in the beginning we were winning, and now I'm just making up facts" -- THE PLAID/PASTEL FAMILY FALLOUT!!! Blaine, even when trying to convince Lance otherwise, knowing it's all gone wrong.
"there's no meaning to the words, but we still sing these songs well." -- the plaid family's facade..., (also, having to do with Blaine's musical past!!! he is playing songs on the piano that he doesn't know the meaning of---and they don't matter, not to Father, not to the judges of his latest competition.)
"but you're a killer, and I'm your best friend," -- OKAY SO. Lance,, to Blaine. them being attached to each other. them understanding what it was like to be under Leland's eye. Blaine potentially getting villianized and Lance being let off lighter?? but Lance stands by him no matter what 'cause that's his brother.
"I try to write you poems but the words, they don't make sense." -- okay. this, in my mind, could be Lance just doing shit for fun?? and he does it for Blaine, giving it to him to judge. they aren't perfect, there's made up words in them and repeating phrases, but Blaine keeps them all. he's just tryna have fun :((
"I try to show emotion, but my eyes won't seem to wet." -- BLAINE. Blaine Blaine Blaine.
"I think you're changing; don't worry, you don't gotta stay the same," -- Lance telling Blaine it's like okay to heal and stuff???
OVERALL. these songs have made me lose my mind they're so good and just??? Them!!
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settsplitt · 10 days
Hey, may I ask why you disliked The Kite Runner? No hate, I‘m just genuinely curious 🙌🏻
Hello anon! Thank you so much for asking, I love talking about my opinions, and oh boy, do i have Opinions on this book.
I should preface this by saying, it's been three? four? years since i read this book, so i don't remember all the details of what exactly i did and didn't like about it. I have a bad memory for books i like, even worse for ones i dislike. I've reviewed it a bit for this, but i'm still a bit fuzzy on the details!
So first, I want to start with my critique of the actual text:
I generally dislike the prose. There are occasional moments of competence, but i would say its a general weakness of the book. I dislike the dialogue as well. I don't think its a particularly well written book.
There are redeeming aspects, though, for the first two general sections. I particularly like the relationship between the main character and his father. I think the portrayal of a pre-soviet-invasion Afghanistan is well done and feels very grounded in reality. (I, however am not Afghani, nor was i alive in the 70s. It could be a load of horse shit.)
I am not surprised that these aspects of the book are well executed; It seems these sections are almost completely inspired by the authors own personal experiences, and the translation of experience to the page is competently done. I remember when I first read this book I was, for the most part, genuinely liking it for the first two sections!
The problem with this book is that it goes completely off the rails 200 pages in.
(this is where i'll drop a content warning for: mentions of violence, SA, and pedophilia...among other things. proceed with caution)
Like, suddenly everything is comically, exaggeratedly black and white and, in my opinion, overly gruesome. The reader becomes so bombarded by scenes of taliban induced misery, public stonings, child prostitution, bombed out orphanages, that everything just starts to lose its effectiveness. The select scenes of violence from the first section of the book get completely left behind and forgotten.
The worst part of this section is, by far, the villian. He is so ridiculously evil it makes me angry. I genuinely cannot imagine what line of thought could have led to the creation of this character. He is a half-white, nazi-praising, psychopathic heroin using pedophile taliban leader. He's also the main character's childhood bully, and the perpetrator of a sexual assualt on the main characters best friend, which serves as the source of the main characters internal conflict throughout the whole book.
This is a bad character. Obviously, he is evil, but I think it's bad that this character is evil. It absolutely destroys the authors credibility as a serious storyteller and destroys any chance this story could have had of serving some sort of larger purpose. In fact, it leads it down a different, much worse path instead. This leads me, conveniently, into my next point:
So, this book came out in 2003, two years into the United States' 20 year occupation of Afghanistan, and approx. one month out from The US' invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi government. Basically, America was in desperate want for art that would make it feel better about its ongoing horrorshow.
I have no doubt that the praise this book recieved when it came out, including from first lady laura bush herself, is intrinsically linked to its portrayal of the evil of the taliban. I think if the last section of the book wasn't included it wouldn't have been anywhere near as successful.
This is not to say the taliban is not evil; I just think its incredibly stupid to portray this through a psychopathically evil character, and incrediby convenient to make him an irredeemable evil pedophile nazi. It avoids any ounce of nuance that could come from portraying this "other" as anything more than deplorable and fundamentally nonhuman.
(for some reason it makes me think of the period of time in the 2010s when ISIS members were on twitter. How terrible it was to be confronted with the reality that people who do terrible things, believe terrible things, and believe them righteously, use twitter just like you. If only Hosseini had played more with this concept. alas.)
The worst part is, it presents all of these things through the view of someone who (suppposedly) has connection and insight into the country (Hosseini had not visited Afghanistan in 26 years at the time of the book's publication), legitimizing this perspective to an audience that conveniently doesn't have any better frame of reference.
Thus, American readers get to read this book, with its tragic portrayal of the afghan people and its portrayal of the taliban through this evil half nazi cartoon villian, and feel comforted about 100k+ troops in Afghanistan, about wedding air strikes, and by extension, about approx half a million civilian deaths in Iraq. Because americans are stupid like that.
Anyway, yeah. This leads me to the conclusion that, intentiionally or not, it functions as a piece of propoganda meant to manufacture consent for America's wars in the middle east.
Also its not a very good book.
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lyman-garfiel · 26 days
Give us all the opinions
this is vauge but i have thoughts on starlight so this is what you're getting =) okok i REALLY like starlight, i see a lot of older fans complaining about how quick she was forgiven or how her motives were bad and i mean,,,,,yEAH enslaving a village might be a little bit of an exaderation to your friend figuring out his carrier path and going to horse collage. but as somebody watching my friends figure out their lives and plan to mmove away while i'm stuck unemployed and uneducated for the time being has caused me a lot of personal hurt. I get why starlight felt so hurt and did what she did with the power she had. [which i could write a whole other rant on cutie marks and how they affect a unicorn's magic] as for her redemtion.. she litterally preformed a spell that gave her what she wanted, [the mane 6 to never be established] and was faced with a wasteland..that has to be scary to see, and also...this is a kids show where the morals are that friendship is magic and you should treat people with forgiveness, of COURSE she was going to get redeemed. post redemtion starlight is such a joy to watch by the way, as somebody who also has a really rocky past and has hurt many people i relate to not feeling worthy of the guidance and patience my loved ones give me when all i can think about is how unforgivable my past really is. And i think her adittion to the cast was WELL needed. by the time she was added to the cast we had 5 seasons exploring the mane 6 and as much as they are iconic and i love them, their stories got a little stale?? and adding a redeemed villian to the main cast gave some really fresh and interesting stories. Starlights presence in the two parters are also very beloved to me as i feel like her perspective in shadow play as a reformed villian was so important to redeeming stygian. she feels like an ambassidor to reformed villians while being a fresh new perspective on friendship and providing this really cute student teacher dynamic with twilight as a result!! also her interactions with her friends are SO CUTE!! i love the "childhood friends who drifted apart" dynamic of her and sunburst, startrix is just.. so so sweet and i think the hug trixie gave starlight before she set off to confront chrysalis in the ending of the end was so,,,, so sweet. i also just got around to watching the episode of her and maud becomming friends and i just cannot stress enough how much i see myself in this lavender horse, she'd totally be my discord pfp if scarab wasn't constantly infecting mmy brain.
to conclude this unhinged 12:00 am rant i just, really love starlight, her episodes are cathartic and give me hope that things can be ok for me in the future because if she can find friendship after...the village. i can do better in the future despite being my past
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also she's really cute so she solos.
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saturniidaess · 3 months
thanks for the tag @chocodaffodil
3 Ships You Like: Stitches (percy x diggory), whatever Jonah and Hector hfth are and Smokey eyes (Gertrude x Agnes) can you tell I am an old person shipper?
First Ship Ever: god its sooo emberassing but i think it would be Davekat?? i think??
Last Song You Heard: Devil Like Me by Rainbow Surprise Kitten
Favourite Children Book: Narnia!!!!!!! I was a huge Narnia enjoyer i havent read it in a while bc i want ot preserve my childhood love for it.
Currently Reading: Frankenstein to help my friend with school work and The Girl From The Otherside (sooo good!)
Currently watching: uuuh idk? Im not watching anything rn, I am listening to hello from the Hallowoods again tho!
Currently consuming: food-wise? I just ate Ethiopian food :) beverage wise? water
Currently craving: a good hug, a good fic, and to play faith the unholy trinity again. That says a lot about me huh
tagging: @the-villians-day-off and @my-soul-stays-silent
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darkcrowprincess · 4 months
What are your favorite romantic tropes?
Enemies to lovers.
Friends enemies to lovers
Person falling for the villian.
Childhood friends but with dark twist to it.
Beauty and the beast situations
Monster fucker/lover
Knights and princess
Fake dating(but extra smutty only. None of that to all the boys I love before shit)
Dubious consent
Arraged marriage.
Period drama level tension. Just from subtle touches like hand holding or finger tips touching. Or putting someones shoe on or hand kissing.
Just hand holding for me is so romantic, at times even more romantic than kissing
Bookworms or share love of books
kissing behind bookshelves. Or between books
Romance happening while stakes are high or dangerous situation.
I know this is really bad and kind of dark. But dying together or killing yourself together is really romantic to me. I know I know. But I am a fan of romeo and juliet for a reason.
Happy endings with a romantic kiss, or epilogue to show their happy together.
Though I love angst and tragic endings too and my favorite romantic trope with that is someone dying in someone's arms. And the other person being completely broken about it and can't go one.
When to characters bond over trauma.
When characters bond over issues.
Dancing together is my favorite. Whether its soft and cute or hot and dirty.
secret relationships.
Forbidden love.
Masquerade balls and kisses
One of the pair going evil and it breaks the others heart. But they still love them.
Mind control au
One of them snapping and going evil if they lost the other.
Them turning evil together but they're still sweet together.
Villians getting happy endings
fake out make outs.
Hiding in a corner to hide from bad guys and ending up making out or having sex do to almost getting caught.
Low key, not super flashy dates. That are super thoughhtful and intimate.
Teacher and student romance/ Sensei/Master and Student romance
Sword fighting, or physical fighting as a form of foreplay or just them flirting and being comfortable with each other.
Everyone else finds them scary, but to them they are hot, badass, and inspiring.
Fuck or die
Prince and princess
Assassin and target fall in love
Running away together.
Tropes I hate if you want to know
Boss and assistant romance
coffees shop aus
Couples who spend too much time arguing but thats seen as liking each other.
The abusive girlfriend trope in anime(its not cute when a guy does it. So it shouldn't be cute when a girl does it)
Unrequited love.
Virgin and purity shit.
Guys who are assholes(not bad boys. Bad boys when done right are good. Not legit asshole emo guys. Those are completely different)
Love triangles(especially when the guy they end up with is the one thats horrible)
Someone whos been waiting here for you to finally notice them. And gets jealous when you don't(usually the nice guy, or the best frined whos a girl). And its super obvious to everyone that they like you.the person is just too oblivious.
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adalineozie · 1 year
My quick reading of the Flash #797 plus my thoughts and reactions Part 2 MAJOR SPOILERS!!!
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Damian exclaims that they need to get the Eternity Mind. Not to worry, Irey's got that handled!
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Hmm, back with the old Impulse costume Irey? Anyway, with the Eternity Mind in hand, the gang make their escape!
Back again with our worried babysitter, Mr. Terrific has fortunately been able to locate the twins energy signature and open a portal to their location. Ace is given a button to open a portal back home to press once he finds the twins and brings them back in one piece (He better or Linda is not going to be happy) Unfortunately for him, he is met with the unfriendly company of our villians.
Our gang now find themselves in the "Forever Corridor", lucky for Jai, Irey, and Maxine, they had their costumes with them. Superboy recommends that they take a break but Robin interjects that they should try to contact their fathers or more qualified heroes instead. Irey does not take this comment well and exclaims that she was hoping that this shorter Robin would be a lot nicer than the one in their universe. (She thinks they're from another universe? Hmmm, then again, our Robin has had a costume change when she first met him 🤷 No time to read to much into this) Irey then asks Superboy how he puts up with Robin.
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("My hero" 🥺🥺 Look at our boy defending his best friend!)
As Superboy runs after Robin, the twins and Maxine agree that as the superkids, they have to work together.
Back again with Kid Flash, he is overwhelmed and taken down by our villians. They decide to use him to bait our gang.
Hey! Remember Adventures of the Super Sons?
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(The superkids team? Yes please! Make this happen DC!)
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(Superboy's side eye 😆)
Okay okay, I'll stop, back to the story. Our villians announce to our gang that they have Kid Flash and they must give them the Eternity Mind or else.
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(Oh, I so love these kiddos 🤭)
Our gang comes to exchange the Eternity Mind, as long as they let Kid Flash go. When they do, our villian gloats that our gang couldn't be able to use the Eternity Mind, because it has a key word that only he knows, but our super kids have a trick up their sleeves.
As soon as Knives activates the Eternity Mind, our gang simultaneously begin to wish for animals from all over, distracting our villians by the sudden chaos. With Kid Flash free, he and the gang take down the villians with ease. As Kid Flash takes down Knives, the villian drops the Eternity Mind. Robin grabs the large marble, wishing the villians to be put into the nearest prison from wherever they're from, and our villians disappear.
Kid Flash thanks our twins for saving him but he presses Mr. Terrific's button and says they should head home before their mother knows their gone. So our gang decides to say their goodbyes.
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(I honestly want these kids interacting more, there is so much potential)
As our Super Sons are left alone with the Eternity Mind, Robin wishes to return to wherever they came from but Superboy realizes that they have no way to take the Eternity Mind with them but they disappear. In a sudden twist, we see that our Eternity Mind is found by...Glorious Godfrey?!
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Final thoughts, is there a possible blossoming romance between our Jon and Irey? Interesting (I feel neutral about it) "I had a great childhood" 😭😭😭 Is it me? Or is DC just continually trying to gut punch us everytime young Jon appears? Just me? Moving on, this comic has left me wondering on how much do the twins know about Jon and Damian? Why didn't Ace and Damian recognize each other? Are the Super Sons now in a seperate timeline from canon? So does that mean Robin's line "I don't do teams" means he didn't join the Teen Titans? Like I said, I don't want to get carried away. I really enjoyed this comic, I am so happy I got see our boys again! What are your thoughts?
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witchvvolf · 1 year
introducing the writer tag!
i was tagged at an ungodly hour by @thewardenofwinter that i did see...before passing out at nearly two in the morning because my sleep schedule is violently out of wack. their intro is right here and the original creator of the tag is here!
Rules: fill in the blanks with as much or little detail as you would like and tag some writer friends to play too.
hello! my name is rownan and when i'm not writing, i don't like to use proper punctuation online. i suppose i can classify my writing as literary fiction? adult literary fiction? alongside fantasy and mythological retellings and retellings of childhood stories i adore. so far i am exploring writing about religious trauma, witchcraft, and creatures we would only see described in their true nature in a guillermo del toro film (the fae).
i am sfw (ish. sfwish i think), and again i will be writing about religion as this is what i have experienced, namely christianity and theistic satanism so beware if the cross burns you in some way. i will also be writing about cults/cultish behavior, death, and violence. you will not find me romanticizing any sort of abuse against minorities, domestic, ect.
so far, i won't venture to call it my best work but i will mention the two i am most proud of. firstly 'black forrest cake' as in a way, it is a blatant self insert about my experience at my first and current job that continues to not only cut my hours, has heavily impacted my mental health. i have turned it into something that i can in turn be proud of.
the second is 'project labyrinth' which is a passion! it weaves together movie ft david bowie, and the show 'the chilling adventures of sabrina.' rumi has to be my favorite mc thus far, although the books villian is inspired by gwendolyn christies portrayal of lucifer in 'the sandman' which has me very excited. i not only have an opportunity to create a tall, androgynous, yet effeminate creature but i have the chance to make them absolutely terrifying. i have the chance to make your skin crawl and that thrills me.
something to note about my writing that isn't mentioned within the game, or perhaps is, is that i am still finding my footing within my style. i had only decided to pursue projects outside of fanfiction rather recently, maybe a year or so? so i am still learning confidence in the writing i have, and that's quite alright!!!
i have no one to tag- so if you see this, the ball is in your court.
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barefootbaltimore · 1 year
Last night a friend of mine made a comment about how my family if full of terrible people and we ended up getting into a pretty heated disagreement about it.
Because on one hand, yes, i have a lot of shitty people in my family and a lot of people who have hurt me over and over again. I have PTSD due to my childhood. I have attachment trauma. I may never fully heal from how i was treated by the adults who were meant to be caring for me.
But on the other hand they're also the ones who chaperoned my school trips, and woke me up to have pizza in the middle of the night when they got home from work. Carried me to bed and sang with me in the car. They pretended to be the villians in DBZ so us kids could defeat them and took us to Disney.
My feelings about my family have always been and will always be complex and I dont need someone who doesn't know them to boil them down to the villians of my story because most of them are not. They are the victims of their own stories and they didn't have the tools or the time to heal enough to save me but that doesn't mean I hate them for it. They hurt me and they were hurt and breaking the cycle doesn't make me better than them. It means i had the tools and the time.
This isn't an excuse for how they treated me. Far from it. But it is an acknowledgment that now that i am older than any of them were at the time i can see how truly young and desperate and ignorant they all were. I pity them. I wish that i could go back and provide myself but also them comfort and support and love.
No one but me and the other children I grew up with can ever know what it was like. It isn't their place to comment on my family or my healing. I cannot hate most of those people even if i also do not associate with them. I love them because i know that more than anything I hope they are also healing from those terrible times. And maybe they haven't. Maybe they refuse to change and continue to hurt people. I hope that isn't the case but I dont know them now I knew them then and i loved them then.
Abuse and love and trauma and family are not always black and white. Respect peoples stories. Don't insist that you know better than them about their own past, their own family. Just like it is unhelpful to point out ways someones family is good when they tell you about how awful they are, it is equally unhelpful to remind someone about their abuse when they talk about the good times. We know. We lived it.
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Pirate Month: The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A (Disapointing) Veggietales Movie Review (Comission for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy pirates and welcome back to Pirate Month. I'm Jake, I review media I like, am paid for and ocasionally yell into the void about HBO Max and probably will again.
Today though I continue pirate month , my month long look at pirate media because why not. And today we take another stab with my friend, producer and guy who just sent me a shit ton of books entirely out of the kindness of his heart, Kev.
This isn't the first time it's been time for VeggieTales on this blog either as i've looked at both The Christmas Star aka...
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As well as did an arson and went to jail. It.. it was a trip. It's sequel was okay, not nearly as loveably bonkers, but it still had Mr. Nezzer trying to tear down the church like the villian in an 80's kids movie, so.. there's that.
Despite the specials being bonkers it was still nice to go back to a franchise from my childhood, as I do geninely love veggietales and feel it has a place in the world, especailly as it promotes the GOOD of christianity (helping people, being a better person, generally not being a dick) instead of hateful regressive nonsense like homophobia, staying married even if it's miserable, etc. all.
So naturally I was fine with going back there for this flim. It helps the song the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, which the movie naturally launches from (Along with the three having shown up in the previous movie, Jonah, which i'm now obligatd to cover at some point) is an all time banger.
And honestly given Larry is one of the main character and Pa Grape and Lunt are often the best parts of the things their in, it's not a huge shock this concept would get a movie even without them anchoring the wrap around for Jonah I forgot existed. So I was always curious about this film even if i'd never seen it. As for my reactoin well
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Yeah The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A Veggie Tales Movie: A Rope of Sand isn't great. Is it the WORST thing i've covered? Nope, not even by a wide margin. I'v ehad to deal with the racist, sexist , egotist known as Billy Butcher (Comics version, havne't seen prime, you Boys TV fans can relax), seen wolverine get shot in the nuts, seen gonzo get horny over a cgi chicken, and seen a dog transphobically vomit for 37 seconds straight. An agressively weak VeggieTales film is not going to be the thing that breaks me.
That said it was still a chore to get through. Even accounting for not being in the best headspace this week, every time I sat down to watch part of it drug on. For a film starring a bunch of vegtables who go back in time it's painfully boring.
In theory you COULD blame this on production: the idea was had at a bad time for Big Idea as they brocoli, celery gotta .. declare bankrputcy. Yeah it's always jarring to find out something key to your childhood, and sometimes your present day has something really dark attached, like when I watched the show SNapped and found out someone shot her husband in front of Charles Schultz Studio. You just.. never expect that sort of thing you know? So the film was planned for DTV till Universal swooped in and gave it distribution to a resounding
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But really this is a company that has made TONS of great DTV films and half hours, has experince with these characters, and had already MADE one film. While it wasn't the film they originally wanted to make, execs rejected a bob and larry origin story ...
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But they didn't half ass it, they put their heart into this film and into making it work and clearly took it seriously. It just.. didn't turn out good.
What really makes the film just not work for me is the story. The idea, despite being incredibly weird, is intresting and fun for an adventure movie: In this film our Pirates Who Don't Do Anything start as three cabin boys at a pirate dinner theater: Elliot (Larry) a timid but kind cucumber whose afraid of everything, Sedwick(Mr. Lunt), a selfish squash whose genius but also really lazy and self serving, and our lead George (Pa Grape) , a pushover whose own family has lost all respect for him. Things take a turn when they meet a blind seer foreshadowing the films plot.
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Who is this guy? Is he god? A mutant with prophecy powers? The French Alps? We don't know> He's just sorta there, as the king sent him to test them and such. We'll get to him.
So our three heroes interpret the prohecy and trying out for the show, as George knows the lines and has the talent for it and Elliot was planning too anyway while Sedwick figures why not. And in typical stock comedy film fashion, it goes horribly wrong, their fired for the damages and left held low. I'm not against this sort of plot device as some truly great stories start this way, it just feels lazy here especially when the relization hit that a LOT of animated films use this, and as such I doubt any kid seeing this even fairly young ones woudln't of seen this done before and better. And as for me as a grown ass man whose seen this hundreds of times at this point..
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So it dosen't start the film on the best foot. We go from an intro with a thrilling pirate adventure.. to three guys working at a dinner theater without that contrast really being as funny as it should be.
It picks up slightly when the main plot, which the film opens with, gets going: It's the golden age of piracy and Princess Elosie (A new character who WAS going to be Lara carrot, but it was decided she coudln't carry a film and I side with the creators on this one), and her butler Willory played by archibald esparigus, hide from Robert the Terrible, a pirate played expertly by Cam Clarke as he takes her brother. Robert plans to ransom the royal twosome to set their father up for bomb when he gets back from being away and with him away and without him they have no hope so they use his steampunk sphere, the helpseeker to find someone to help. Naturally it finds our three heroes who find a canoe, you know there's people who can teach you to buy one of those right fells and get stuck in the past. You likely can guess the drill from here: Our heroes decide to pretend to be heroes, Elliot convinces the others because he thinks it'll be easy and thus our quest begins..
With that we can talk about one of the films main problems: The characters feel really flat outside of Geroge. George, while not the DEEPEST character is still utterly likeable, a guy who lets people push him around way too much, has no self esteem, and whose family dosen't care about him. He's beaten down by life and his tendency to do what others tell him. While that isn't normal how he gets out of it and what he learns from it is fairly intresting: over the film he becomes a surrogate father to eloise, being the only one to take her belief in them seriously, and slowly but surely wanting to help her instead of just do what's easy, best shown durin ga montage played to the awful Newsboys Song "Yo Ho Hero", where he starts helping her. George slowly grows from a spineless.. er seedless wimp, to a hero, going out of his way to make sure the quest continues despite his allies, and later getting a hell of a moment when our heroes have to set out after eloise, Sedwick has left and the orb starts blinking, possibly meanin ga way home. As he puts it perfectly, he realizes why his kids don't respect him : he hasn't given them anything to respect. He hasn't tried to win it.. and if he's going to go back, if he can, he's going to be someone they can look up to, the kind of man who does the right thing even when it's far from easy and may get him killed. A hero.
The problem.. is the other two leads aren't great and the rest of the characters are pretty stock: Eloise is the optimist child who warms a characters heart, and a fairly subdued version, Archibald is a skeptic, Robert is a big bad guy who weirdly has limbs which somehow works despite this being veggitates because they look badass, Yuri Lowenthall as the Prince is the hostage... just basic characters. If this was JUST a special and not a movie, dtv or theatrical, i'd be fine with it. For an hour of story that wouldnt' be bad. But for 80 minutes of film, it's weak and Big IDea CAN do better. They have done deeper stories with Jonah, Esther The Girl Who Would Be King, Rack Shack and Benny, and laugh fests via the various shorts and action with the larry boy duology. The story is just too weak to have the characters this thin and the laughs are shockingly sparse. The story just isn't silly enough to be fun and isn't deep or epic enough to be thrilling.
As for those leads, Elliot is just kinda.. there. It does lead to him facing down a mecha sea monster with a sword. .but otherwise while he gets a moment or two (LIke him longingly starring back when Sedwick leaves the party, partly wanting to go.. but knowing i'ts not the right thing), but is mostly just.. there to move the plot along or mention a fear is on his list. Larry.. deserves better. As for Sedwick...
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Sedwick is just obnoxious for the first 2/3 of the movie. He's lazy (which I can be sometimes), selfish, and cosntantly wants to bail. And while yeah he didn't ask for this adventure, a child is asking for his help.. and his response is to keep wanting to buck it or whine about his best friend you know, not doing that. I also don't get the sense he's REALLY geroge's friend as he gladly abuses the fact George is a pushover for his own benfit, earlier asking for barbeque sauce Sedwicks Girlfriend had asked for because it's too far for his "labor saving device", and it's telling I wans't remotely sad or conflicted when he left. And it's not great that I was rooting for the pile of sentient Cheeto's with teeth to murder him
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Yeah that happens and it's one of the few jokes I liked in the film.
The two being such weak characters , as well as everyone else means I don't reallyc are what happens half the time. I only care about George because I LIKE him, the rest.. not so much. It dosen't help the action isn't funny or thrilling it's just.. there> There's no real sense of fun or adventure.. and this is a film that has a rock monster.. and a whole song about it at the end! I shoudln't be praying for death but death won't come!
It dosen't help the title.. has nothing to do with the premise. No really: our heroes are called that by a jerk and take it on as a way to gain Archibald I Forgot HIs Character Names trust, but they never sing the song or really play into the bit. And I get they can't be JUST the bit, that's fair: you can't have a character just be one thing and expect them to headline. It's why Shorsey fleshed the title character, who on letterkenny just showed up once in a while to be a dick and graphically talk about how he banged Jonsey and Riley's moms, out considerably giving him a backstory via his foster family, some friends he actualyl cares about and isn't a complete dick to, and a true love of hockey beyond being a vehicle for him to make your mom jokes. Here they just slapped a character trait on each of them, took out the part that actually made the title make sense or any sense of irony from that, and did it. It might of been better if they just cut out the present day stuff and had them as actual pirates who don't do anything with similar character arcs. George is the only character I feel would've suffered, but he could still have a family and such. Being a pirate dosen't mean you can't have kids. It just means you may not see them often and he dosen't do anything, so why would he have been that far up to this movie.
Finally we have the finale
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It's a mess, slow, plodding an dthey fight robert THREE TIMES. I'm not kidding he gets beat THREE times: first when George decides to do something and drops a chandelear on him, which is awesome, then again when their chased, and about to die while in a rowboat
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Enter the king who saves them. And the creators apparently tried to justify this on dvd commentary with "Well it's a bible parable"
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Like.. out of all the VeggieTales projects this one has the least to do about jesus. I get the King's a metaphor for god or something, but ti dosen't work. he's a guy. He's not our lord and savior. Elloise is not Lady Jesus. I'd watch a series named Lady Jesus, someone greenlight that yesterday, but that's not the point. The point is this makes no sense and is a cheap way for them to KINDA beat robert.. but not really because as our heroes get star wars medals and a wizard of oz message about how good they are, they get sent home.. with robert hitching a ride.
So we get a THIRD climax, as our heroes have to fight Robert at the dinner theater. And while I do feel this is necessary, as our heroes need to win the day in front of everybody and get their jobs back, though weirdly refuse a promotion, it dosen't feel like really a proper climax. They just... drop a canoe on robert and send him home. There's no real tension or anything. Our heroes win, the helpseeker beeps again setting up a sequel
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And we're out with a fun parody of Rock Lobster, Rock Monster. By the way this film had rock monsters. I liked them but didn't have much to say about them.
Overall this flim is just.. not great. And not even in a memorable way. It's just kinda there and you'll forget it not long after you see it. It's not really worth checking out, isn't streaming anywhere, and isn't worth your time. But thank you for taking the time to read this, feel free to dm me if you'd like to comission a review yourself, and i'll see you next time.
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abracaxfuckxyou · 2 years
What Is Your True Role In The Story?
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the fallen prodigy
hello old friend, it's been a while hasn't it? I remember when you were just a child, gape-smiled and beaming like the sun. where have you laid your youth to rest my love? is it buried beside your heart perhaps? I know how deeply life has wounded you, it took away everything, didn't it? oh poor soul, you held onto happiness with bloody, shaking hands but still fate ripped even that away from you. your past lovers are dead or did some betray you? turning away in fear of what they once admired. your comrades have been slain, or their priorities shifted. I've heard you too have changed your way of thought. the people fear you know, do they normally cower at the sound of your name? ah don't fret, that makes two of us. the masses tend to despise the things they do not have the will to comprehend. the villian finds sympathy for you don't they, well I could have seen that from a mile away. you two are the oldest friends, you made a deal with them correct? to save your late love, they tried to hold their end of the bargain, really, but I fear you are cursed to forever be despondent. oh what a sad and miserable life without love. is that why you chase loneliness? for is it truly a life of sorrow if you yourself has chosen it? but don't become bitter from the pain. trust when I say I have seen wounds unfold a man, turning the gentlest spirits into seething beasts. please, keep seeking love, even if it seems you are forbidden from it. you are the master of your own fate, I see how tired you are. the scars never healed, they twist and wrap around your entire person. your eyes are dark and lifeless, rest. but keep fighting, not with the sword you have forsaken so long ago, but with your heart. I'll be rooting for you my friend.
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the rising underdog.
why hello again dearie, I see you managed to help those frogs those children were kicking, hm? oh how much I can emphasize we are but the ghosts of our childhood passions. and, unsurprising enough, the hero to the trodden little creatures of the earth is now a rising golden savior to the masses. oh love, I said you'd go far, didn't I. for the good always prevail in the end, somehow, they do. you lived a difficult life, I know, but you never let that get you down. you took beatings with a grin, and dished back kindness in return. inequality and injustice made you outaged, and you strove to assist the hurting and abused. oh shining dragon, you are bathed in golden light. please keep being true. you have tasted blood and death, but you refused to force it down the throats of others. and that alone proves there is inchor in your veins, demigod. you will be struggling until the very end, battling for your comrades, your people, and yourself. never lose sight of your goal my dear. sometimes you needn't have one, except see the good, and protect it. that is all my advice can tell you. I implore, protect the goodness in yourself with everything you have, but never refuse to share it also. young hero, you are growing. you are destined for wonders even I may not live long enough to encounter. keep up the good work, and keep your head held high. you are bound to do the impossible, all because you see the truth. there is good in the world, and it deserves to be found.
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the supporter
oh gentle comrade, you know what it takes to make others shine. you live your life assisting others to reach their goals, but many say you are lackluster and unnecessary. but alas, do we need the stars any less for their dim light helps the moon glow brighter! you are warm inside and out, perhaps made of sunshine one might ask? but I can see you are as weary and worn as the hero you so desperately cling to. your purpose is to serve? Is it not? it's those moments of undying loyalty that make your bones ring true with honor. "I am right beside you," you whisper, for unlike the ones who lie through their teeth you will be with your ally through joy, through heart ache, through death. it is a difficult thing to gain your trust back if one has shattered it though, you are forgiving yes? you give many chances, but alas, one can only look away from a wrong doing so long. you can't exactly turn your other cheek as once wrings a blade through your middle. you are made of a steadfast heartbeat and a tired, knowing smile. you bring solace to the aching, and comfort to the wronged. but what happens when your protagonist loses? what happens when your valiant heroes fail you? will you pick up a sword and vanquish their enemy or will you wait patiently for yet another savior to appear and save the day? one must live long enough to see their heroes die. but are you brave enough to take their place? the only strings that bind you to your oaths of subservience are your own doubts. "am I good enough?" they whisper in your ears. you answer that yourself love. for the only difference between the paladin and the stable boy are mettle. it is not the question of can you be a hero. it is simply, will you be?
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j-runes-stele · 2 years
Important message:
I just wanted to let people know that I am going on a brief hiatus from posting. In addition to needing to catch up on my writing, I am studying to take the LSATs in August. Thus, I need to prioritize my studying as the August test is less than a month away.
I sincerely apologize if this disappoints anyone, but I need to do this for myself. Just because I am taking a break does not mean I do not appreciate you all.
Additionally, I will be reblogging other people's work that I loved to read. Just a forewarning, most, if not all, will be Stranger Things fanfic.
But with that being said, I am giving myself a specific date to return to posting, so I do come back. That date is August 20, 2022.
On that note, some WIP (obviously not all that are listed, this is all the WIP that I have started) that I hope to finish and post when I return are:
Stranger Things:
Long One-shot of Enemies to Lovers with Eddie Munson (this is one of my favorite fanfic I have written recently [the Expect the Unexpected series was in my files for about a year, I was that unsure if I wanted to post it].)
Series: My Darling Terran (Love interest: Loki)
Series: Y/N Lightwood-Bane (Shadowhunters crossover, Title will change, Love Interest: Loki [he is one of my comfort characters from the MCU])
Series: The Rosewoods (Shadowhunters crossover, Love Interest: Peter Parker)
Series: Y/N Herondale Fairchild (Shadowhunters crossover {seeing a theme here? 😂}, Title will change, Love Interest: Steve Rogers}
Series: Escape (Love Interest: Bucky)
Harry Potter:
Continuing Expect the Unexpected Series
Starting Don't Do it Series (this deals with heavy topics, lots of Trigger Warnings with this series, very nervous about posting it, tbh.)
Random Enemies to Lovers one-shots
Random Childhood Friends to Lovers one-shots
Hero X Villian:
One Shot: Talk to this
Thank you for all of the support so far, and for those that have followed this Hot Mess Express, appreciation does not cut it.
Lots of love and see you very soon,
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roseprincessarts · 6 months
FF Fanfics Plans And Beyond
Hey y'all Final Fantasy fans!
So I finally came up (two months ago) with a name for my FFVII, which will be called The General's Angel - A Crisis Core Story :)
Now, the plot that I can explain for right now until further planned is The General's Angel is a romantic, adventure and humorous fanfic that can be focused on Sephiroth X my OC Rose LaBelle, since I am a HUGE simp for Sephiroth, as like all of you if y'all are a simp for him as well :) (actually discovered him since Advent Children lol). The fanfic also focuses the events before (possibly) Crisis Core, which I can play on Ever Crisis until I get Crisis Core Reunion for Christmas :), where Rose was trying to fit in as a 1st Class SOLDIER to try to impress Sephiroth, her childhood friend as of during or before the events of First Soldier from Ever Crisis (which I need to play soon), but ends up being clumsy enough to almost fail, despite being trained as a 2nd Class before, as of never knowing what it could mean for her as being something as a 1st Class SOLDIER, and has never experienced such high qualities like it before, and ends up falling in love with Sephiroth, unknowning that a mysterious threat is about to come to her.
That will be all until I can get the fanfic plot well developed after playing Ever Crisis and Crisis Core :). The fanfic will be having fanbased OCs, villians, settings, items, etc., just to make it look interesting as I can develop some OCs, fanbased villians and settings soon for my story :)
Now, it's December, yes. Christmas is coming, and will (hopefully) get Crisis Core Reunion, and possibly World of Final Fantasy, FFXV and Kingsglaive: FFXV on Blu Ray :)
Now, I am playing the OG FFVII, but since doing the fanfics, I might have to restart the game just to know what exactly happens in the game to know exactly how to make a perfect fanfic. Now I can make other Final Fantasy fanfics besides FFVII series, I might restart FFIX as well to know exactly what happens in the game (when I sometimes can't remember what happens after awhile of not playing them lol). I will do my best to get the other Final Fantasy games and make some wonderful FF fanfics ! But my writing will get a little messy, and more complicated grammarwise, but I will do my best to make them look interesting and beautiful ❤️
As a FF fan, it will be an opportunity for me to create wonderful FF fanfics and lovely illustrations of them as perfectly captured, and hopefully to get involved into other FF fanfics and the fandom :)
Welp, that's all!
~RosePrincessArts 🌹
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9 Books I Loved As A Child
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A super quick post for a Friday!
Here are a few books I loved during my childhood :
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
A picture book originally published in 1969, The Very Hungry Caterpillar is the story of a caterpillar who eats a lot of food!
I loved this book, and it may have contributed to the fact that I now spend about 50% of my day thinking about eating. Of course, as a child I didn’t pick up on the subtle healthy eating messages it contains! (the caterpillar munches his way through lettuce and other vegetables with no issues, while sugary foods give him a stomachache) I still get peckish whenever I see it in a bookshop!
2. Peace At Last by Jill Murphy.
“The hour was late and Mr. Bear was tired. But he could not sleep – however he tried and wherever he tried.” I was obsessed with the tale of Mr. Bear trying to find a comfortable place to sleep, and lost count of the amount of times it was borrowed from our local library. I came across it again a few years ago on a holiday to Devon, sitting in a cupboard. Naturally, I couldn’t resist a quick re-read!
3. Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.
More food!!
4. Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl
I read most of Roald Dahl’s books as a child, but this was my first love. I am reliably informed that as a little girl, this was my bedtime story of choice every night for a long time! In fact, I love it so much that, one long day during the first UK lockdown (when you might say I had some time on my hands) I sat down with a cup of tea and re-read it from cover to cover. And I fell in love with it all over again.
5. The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
I’m a big Beatrix Potter fan, but Peter Rabbit was my favorite, closely followed by The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies. It has everything a children’s book should have – an intrepid hero, a fearsome villian, a moral (you should always listen your parents), not to mention a cat that gets locked inside a greenhouse! Last year I was lucky enough to visit Hill Top, Beatrix Potter’s home in the Lake District, and it was a magical day that reminded me of the simple power of her books and how much they still enthrall children and adults alike today.
6. The Twits by Roald Dahl
Sorry Tim Burton, I don’t think you’ll be making a film of this one any time soon. Mr and Mrs Twit are a spiteful, unkempt old couple who play the most vile practical jokes on each other. I re-read this book as a child many times, but as an adult I really can’t remember why I loved it so much, as they really are horrible to each other! From a glass eye in a mug of beer, to a truly disgusting serving of Spaghetti Bolognese, I’m amazed that in our modern world, certain well- meaning people haven’t lobbied to have it banned.
7. The Mallory Towers series by Enid Blyton
I am aware that there are controversies surrounding the novels of Enid Blyton. However, the Mallory Towers series is considered wholesome enough for the BBC to make it into a successful television series, and that’s good enough for me! The 6-book series is set at a girl’s boarding school in Cornwall, and stars Darrell Rivers, who joins the school in the first novel and eventually becomes Head Girl in the final book. Darrell and her friends partake in all manner of post-war girl’s school fun, including midnight feasts, lacrosse, a pantomime, and trying not to fall foul of their housemistress Miss Potts!
8. The Sweet Valley High / Sweet Valley University series by Francine Pascal
Good Lord. This one is a definite step onwards from Enid Blyton! For a short time in the mid-90s, I was slightly obsessed with the Sweet Valley High series. It appealed to the same part of me that also loved Neighbours and Home and Away. The Wakefield twins and their scandalous (for 1997) antics enthralled me. I laughed out loud when I reminded myself of some of the plotlines!
For instance : Elizabeth Wakefield was almost murdered by her boss, stalked by a doppelganger (who turned out to have a twin who was also a psychopath), and was held hostage by a man with a bomb. And she was the sensible one! Jessica Wakefield on the other hand, dated a werewolf (take that, Bella Swan!), joined a cult, and eloped during college with a man who was violent towards her.
Riveting stuff, when you’re 14.
9. Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaardner
Philosophy for a teenage audience. Sophie Amundsen is a Norwegian teenager who is introduced to the history of philosophy by an unknown author, who sends her letters on the work of individual philosophers and the Big Questions. We begin with the question “Who are you?” and the novel progresses from there. This novel fed into my early interest in philosophy, and my decision to study philosophy at A level. Sadly, that didn’t last. I hated every second, and dropped the subject after one year. Philosophy remains the only school subject I was ever truly bad at. I don’t think my brain is wired that way! I actually re-read this book in full a few years ago. It blew my 30-something mind, so goodness only knows what it did to me at 15!
Which books did you enjoy as a child?
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badgetfowles · 1 year
i'm trying to be better about vulnerabitliy and putting myself out to be 'seen' even if it's through an anonymous tumblr account.
things I'm thinking about this week:
-trying to finish wuthering heights despite hating every character and just feeling miserable about their own miserable existences. At the same time, you have to respect emily bronte. This shit could only be written by a weird teenage girl who spent most of her childhood locked in the house with the company of her weird sisters. though I am liking this video essay on the subject.
-decorating my apartment. first time living alone and I'm 30% furnished. I have all the bare bones but little to make it feel homey, which is terrible for my motivation as my environment unfortunately dictates much of my thoughts!
-what it means to be 'right vs wrong' and why we feel such a strong need to have a villian or a hero in a story. The success of AITA brings to mind. Also why I need to ask my friends opinion on every disagreement I enter in. I think we need to be better as a society about grey area.
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