#also. yeah. certain scenes make you cry if you grew up being * that * child
takealookintheback · 10 months
finally watched Nimona
absolutely losing my mind
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dialovers-translations · 11 months
Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Shin Ecstasy [06]
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ー The scene starts in the entrance hall at Banmaden
Kino: Hmー ... Now that you mention it, there was once a time...
Where a Founder wandered into Rotigenberg...
Yuuri: Exactly. If I recall correctly...It was a man named Ferzen, correct? 
Kino: Yeah, yeah. The two of us grew rather close after I decided on a whim that I would take care of him...
But even after he recovered from his illness, there still seemed to be something weighing heaving on his mind, no?
Yuuri: Exactly. 
Kino: In the end, he committed suicide...
But to this day, I have no clue what exactly he had regrets about.
Yuuri: I suppose it is not that surprising he would be plagued by worries...after being locked up inside this place for ages.
Kino: I guess you’re rightーー...
ー The scene shifts to Shin’s room
Shin: ...
Yui: Shin-kun, I made you some tea.
Shin: ...
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Hey, Shin-kun!
Shin: Eh? ...Right, thanks.
Yui: ( His mind seems elsewhere... )
Shin: Don’t look so worried, Yui.
Say...Will you hear me out for a sec?
This might take a while though. 
→ Thanks (❦)
Yui: Thank you, Shin-kun.
Shin: ...Eh?
Yui: It isn’t something...You can easily share with others, is it?
Yet you’re trying your best to open up to me...So thanks. 
Shin: Yui...
ー He embraces her
Shin: When you say that...It makes it a little easier on me. 
You might be shocked by what I’m about to tell you as well. 
Perhaps you’ll even no longer love mーー 
Yui: There’s no way!
Shin: ...
Yui: That’s the one thing which won’t happen. I will love you, no matter what.
Shin: ...Thanks.
ー He steps back again
→ You don’t need to force yourself to tell me
Yui: ...You don’t need to tell me yet if you don’t want to, you know?
Of course, I do want to know what’s plaguing your mind.
But I don’t want you to force yourself to speak to the point of hurting yourself...
Shin: ...Thanks. But as difficult as it is for me to open up about this, there’s also a part of me which wants to talk about it. 
Thinking that perhaps by doing so...I’ll be freed from this agony.
Yui: Shin-kun...
Shin: My Mother, you seeーー
I was unable to say anything in response,
to what Shin-kun told me. 
Shin-kun’s Mother, Krone-san,
had fallen in love,
with a Prince from the Wolf Clan.
The one who arranged their relationship,
was Carla-san and Shin-kun’s Uncle,
named ‘Ferzen’. 
And most importantlyーー
the possible reality that Shin-kun could just be,
a child born from Krone-san and the Wolf Prince,
pierced me right through the heart.
For Shin-kun,
who held so much pride into his identity as a Founder,
to be not a Founder at all. 
Or for him to turn out to not be related to Carla-san,
the older brother whom he respects so very muchーー
I simply could not believe it. 
However, Shin-kun looked so terribly pained,
as he told the story to me...
which made realize even more,
that this must in fact be the truth. 
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“Hahaha...I have nothing left...No, that’s wrong. I never had anyting to begin with, did I?”
“I wonder how Nii-san will feel about me? I’m sure he will hate me. I doubt he’ll ever be able to forgive me.”
Shin: ーー Nii-san shouldn’t have to apologize on my behalf.
I’m not someone who deserves that...!
I mean, I...! I’m not a Founder...
I’m not a First Blood like Nii-san is.
I’m not part of the most respectable species in this World...!
Yui: Shin...kun...
Shin: Then what have I been up till now...?
Who have I been...Hey...Tell me...
Yui: ...Uu.
Shin: Who am I...!!? What do those days I lived as a First Blood...mean...?
Yui: ( I shouldn’t cry. I’m not the one who wants to cry the most right now... )
Shin-kun, you’reーー
( You are still you. That’s what I want to say but...The words won’t come out. )
( I wonder what I can do to be there for him now? )
The truth revealed to me by Shin-kun,
was just far too shocking to me. 
ーー Shin-kun,
is not actually a First Blood. 
That he is a Founder,
and Carla-san’s one and only younger brother (弟),
was something he always felt incredibly proud (誇り) about. 
All I could do was stand there frozen,
with my arms wrapped around,
Shin-kun’s shaking back. 
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princessfbi · 3 years
Hi my favourite Buckley Siblings person. I need some serotonin after reading some horrifically hot takes that basically said that Maddie and Buck is not a healthy dynamic and she has no boundaries when it comes to him.
So, I was wondering if you could give your too reasons as to why the Buckley siblings are elite? 💜
Isn't that always the curse of the eldest daughter? To be invalidated in your feelings and your trauma because you're expected to perform to an expectation that can be crippling. There's a joke somewhere along the lines of "are you an overachiever or were you just the eldest daughter?" that seems fitting this morning.
I mean let's talk about Margaret and Philip's history of invalidating their children's feelings for a second.
They forced Maddie to never talk about a brother who died that she remembered and had known for most of her life. Maddie was nine. She would've been a fourth grader! She was a kid who still had to walk in a single file line down the halls. Do you know what the big deal was when I was in fourth grade? I got to have my classes upstairs on the second floor. That was the big monumental life change for me in that grade. It was a big deal.
Maddie was a fourth grader who lost her brother, didn't even have a grasp of the concept of what death meant, was told to pretend Daniel didn't exist, and was aware enough that her whole life had changed.
That's a fourth grader being told never to talk about someone ever again. A fourth grader who is then taken away from her home, her memories, her friends and forced to pretend like nothing was wrong.
There's a reason emotional neglect has such a clear through line to later in life abuse. It's this idea that Margaret and Philip perpetuated with Maddie that there has to be this performance. Nobody understands our suffering and judges us. It both alienates a child and teaches said child that the world will not understand you if things are different. You see that with the way Maddie hides things with Doug, she makes excuses for him, it's different with her and Doug, she judges other victims of domestic abuse when they come into the hospital, and she deflects. All of this she learned from her parents.
Maddie hiding the abuse 🤝 Margaret and Philip hiding Daniel's death/their grief
Maddie making excuses for Doug 🤝 Philip making excuses for Margaret
It's different with her and Doug 🤝 Philip and Margaret crying victim about people judging them for having Buck because obviously that's not the same thing as other people who procreate children to save other children
Maddie judging other victims 🤝 Margaret and Philip judging Maddie for attaching herself onto someone who loves her (questionable but I think in Doug's own way he did)
Maddie deflecting about the abuse 🤝 Margaret and Philip deciding to move away and never talk about Daniel again
You see them do it again and again to Maddie ("You don't know what it's like you're not a mother yet") so it's no wonder Maddie does it to herself. She'd gotten used to it. You see her do it to herself with Buck, Chimney, Sue, Josh, and then for a brief moment when she's struggling with the PPD.
Maddie deflects but she also makes a point to not let Buck do that. That's why it's so meaningful that she came to talk to him after he revealed he was going to therapy because she thought he wouldn't want to talk about it freely with Chimney around. That's why she prods when Buck makes excuses for Abby's behavior towards him. That's why her scene where she calls Buck sad and lonely is so important. That sticks with Buck and instead of getting angry about it, he tries to get help. But then he does the same for her too "Because I always felt like you were sad too."
Meanwhile in regards to Buck, we see Margaret and Philip objectify Buck from before he was even born. I think a lot of people forget that objectifying someone doesn't strictly imply sexually. Being a donor baby already comes in a severe degree of objectification (you can see this as a major argument in regards to the whole concept of donor siblings ie the book Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro for example). Margaret and Philip objectified Buck from conception and when it didn't work, they didn't put the work in to shift that way of viewing Buck. He remained an object to them. He was never a baby, he was a thing. "We live with a reminder staring us in the face." They didn't just invalidate Buck. They didn't let Buck be a person.
And Buck had grown up being objectified his whole life which is why he doesn't even react when people are constantly doing it to him (people on the job, Abby, Bobby and the team to a certain extent.) I think it's interesting the way he reacts when Omar does the same thing when Maddie introduces him.
Maddie: Omar, this is my brother, Evan.
Omar: Oh, yeah, the football star.
Buck is so visibly uncomfortable when he says that it actually hurts my soul which is why that scene where Buck says "I'm going to be something... I just-- I don't know what it is yet" is so important. Because Maddie has spent her entire life being invalidated and she goes out of her way to make sure that doesn't happen with Buck. She validates Buck. She reminds him that he's a person. That he is someone.
So, when Maddie gives Buck the keys and the money to go away, she's not just giving him an escape. She's giving him permission to go be someone.
What I think people sometimes forget is that the trauma Buck experienced (the neglect which in my personal opinion, is a form of abuse though I know the technicalities are a gray point) was also what Maddie experienced. The difference is that Maddie got to be a person. She got to be their daughter. Their choice. Wanted. Buck wasn't given that consideration.
So, she did it. Maddie changed the course of trajectory for Buck.
And she started that when she was nine years old. A fourth grader decided that she was going to want this unwanted baby.
Maddie wasn't fighting her parents in Buck Begins about being able to talk to Daniel. She wasn't even fighting because they were invalidating her feelings again! She was fighting them because they were back in their lives and treating Buck like he wasn't a person again. She was fighting them because they came into town and gave a lackluster attempt at trying check and make sure Buck was fine before they dismissed him.
And Maddie wasn't going to let them do that again.
I mean just think about the "Don't be stupid, Evan"/"Don't talk to him like that" scene. It's so understated how significant those two lines are. It speaks volumes of the way Margaret in particular has diminished Buck's capacity as a human being and how she'd done it enough times that Maddie immediately jumps to his defense.
And it's not just Maddie who does it either. Because Buck knows Maddie deflects. He's seen her do it with his own two eyes (I just don't think he realized how much she deflects from him because again he thought they were on the same page). "C'mon you don't have to pretend with me. I know things aren't okay with, Doug." So Buck jumps in between Maddie and anyone who is a "danger" to her.
He does it with Margaret: "She's going to nursing school. You should congratulate her."
He does it with Doug: "Standing in between you and anyone who thinks they can hurt you is exactly where I want to be standing."
He does it with Gloria: "Want me to talk to her?"
And he does it again in the big build up at the infamous dinner scene with his parents. Buck has seen Maddie just take it, so he puts himself in the middle. "It was a compliment, Evan!"/"Oh, was it?"
"A united front."
"You and me in the world."
"Us vs them. That's what we always said."
I agree that I don't think it was Maddie's place to tell Buck's parents about his therapy (though, I know why she did it). But Buck is such a firm believer in the "People make mistakes. Doesn't mean you give up on them." and that came from Maddie and grew from his experience with Bobby, Hen, Chimney, Eddie, and Athena.
Buck and Maddie are never going to give up on each other. If they had, Maddie wouldn't have given him an escape. Buck would've stopped trying to contact her. Buck and Maddie show such a capacity of love and forgiveness towards one another it's maddening because they so easily could've not.
It's not Buck tolerating when Maddie "hurts" or "upsets" him. It's Buck loving Maddie so completely that he loves her in spite of her flaws. The same way she has loved him in spite of his failures.
I think that's really the saddest part about the people who don't quite understand the Buckley siblings relationship. It's people who don't get or haven't gotten to experience the profound love that comes from being forgiven for something. Forgiven completely and not just stated. I think to be forgiven, really forgiven, is maybe one of the greatest gifts a person can give you. Because to be forgiven is to be seen. It's be seen for all your faults and still accepted. Whether a person deserves forgiveness or not is really just a moot point if you think about it. Because to make the choice to forgive someone is a liberation of yourself by saying "I am not going to hold this baggage for you anymore." It's all you can control at the end of the day. How people respond when you say that is when you really get to see the true value you hold to a person. Like my sibling and I grew up hating each other. HATING each other. It wasn't until we were older that we started to connect. But I have never once, nor have they, questioned whether or not we would go to the mat swinging for each other. And yeah we have a lot of baggage we're still holding onto but one by one we're letting things go and we are still around for one another.
That's why I think it's fascinating Buck's capability for forgiveness and it stems from Maddie because Margaret and Philip I don't think have ever forgiven Buck. They may not have blamed him but they never forgave him either.
François Duc De La Rochefoucauld has a really amazing quote about forgiveness.
"One forgives to the degree that one loves."
Buck's capacity to love and forgive is because Maddie loved him so completely. She saw him as a person. She treated him as a person. She forgave him for being a person and she loved him for being a person.
They survive major childhood trauma together. It has created this codependency that is shifting for the better because Buck and Maddie are getting better. They're surrounded by people who love them the way Margaret and Philip should have loved them. They are surrounded by people who validate them the way Margaret and Philip should have validated them. They are surrounded by people who see them for who they are the way Margaret and Philip should've seen them.
"Cause it's hard to feel betrayed by someone you didn't really think you could count on anyway... and easy to lash out one the person that you know is always gonna forgive you."
So that's my top reason why they're elite. Buck and Maddie forgive one another the same way they love one another. Completely and entirely with their whole hearts.
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kookies2000 · 3 years
My thoughts on the final. 8 out of 10 for me and here's why.
Positives first.
The villains. I love Bradford as a villain and his plan really was flawless. To me, Bradford is the scariest type of villain there is. Scrooge trusted this man for almost his whole life. Trusted him enough to be in charge of his money, and secrets. Only to get betrayed at the end. This is an actual thing that happens in real life. People we love, people we know for our whole lives, could just suddenly become horrible people and our love and trust in them breaks. And it hurts like crazy. And that's Bradford right there. He was close to Scrooge and betrayed him. Now the fact that Bradford never saw himself as the villian adds more to why these types of people are horrible. They blame others for their misfortune or for their bad traits. Like how Bradford told the family to look what they made him into after he grew into a monster. He's trying to put the blame on others instead of acknowledging that he's doing this to himself. Like at least the other villains like Glomp Gold and Magica know their villains. They're self aware unlike Bradford. Bradford doesn't like the thought of being a villain so he blames those that see him as the villain. Like dude! You imprisoned Gandra for indefinitely, trapped Ludwig Von Drake who just wanted to talk things out with you, imprisoned innocent people like Panchito and Jose. Why those two? Just because they were tricked into performing a concert at The Feast of the Flower? He straight up murdered his agents, and threw Donald in too. Not to mention he played a part in tearing the family apart once. And he keeps justifying it by saying "I'm not a villain". Which makes it worse! You can't just say you're not a villain or that others are trying to make you look like the villain. If you're not the villain then there's no need to say it. So yeah, I enjoy Bradford as a villain because he's the most realistic of the three main villains we had. Someone who has some good points but executes them poorly.
I also enjoyed the other villains like Phantom Bot and Pepper. I ship these two so much. 💖. Pepper being her talkative self and speaking her mind while Blot is being the strong silent type. My favorite line is also from Pepper "Look Blot! He's a full grown man with the strength of a baby!" I LOVE YOU PEPPER!!! And Blot being his aggressive self is enough for me. And thank you Lena for setting Gene free! Rockerduck being his spoiled self was also a treat. Having his servant fight for him and ordering a drink while he fought. 😂 Don Karnage was his lovable singing self, also he is dead now right? No way he survived that plane crash. Congratulations Dewey, you murdered a man while singing just like I always knew you would. Heron was also great. There's no doubt in my mind that she had some kind of attraction to Bradford after that "Oh Bradford, how villainous 😏" before dying. There's just something hilarious about Heron gracefully accepting betrayal and death like that. 😂 Steelbeaks was great. Finally using that smart ray on himself and still being the imbecile he is! Glomp Gold, Magica and the Beagles special appearance was also a treat.
Ok so our heros! I have to talk about Drake, Fenton and Launchpad! I love Drake for his balance of goofiness and heroicness. He's clearly a man who wants what's best for everyone and loves to be in the spotlight as well. Not to mention just how much fun it is to watch him being all goofy. He may have a child-like side and loves being the goofy hero he is, but he has his serious moments. Showing that just because you have a child-like personality doesn't mean you're not mature enough to handle serious situations. Just the way Drake comforted Fenton by telling him he isn't alone on this, to let others help him warms my heart. He knows Fenton so well and grew a personal connection with him. To the point where he refuses to believe Fenton is Gizmoduck. 😂 Poor guy is in denial. I feel bad for him because he's always in GizmoDucks shadow, which is why I screamed so loud when he and GizmoDuck shared the spotlight in the beginning of the fight with Steelbeaks. Great moment! And Fenton! I adore him and I love him so much more after this episode too! He was always the man with a heart of gold and always put others first. And they added even more to his character by making him such a romantic towards Gandra. I'm 100% sure she was on his mind throughout this whole adventure. Just the fact that he says it out loud that he wants to rescue her and his first reaction when they landed at the Lost Library was to rescue the prisoners was adorable. We all know he wanted to go save the prisoner's to find Gandra. Yeah I know he also cares for everyone else just as much but Gandra will always hold a special place in his heart. And then we have the moment with the two in the end credits. Just pure adorableness! Falling together, Fenton becoming GizmoDuck and catching her like he always does!!! Ah I can't help it! These two are cute!!! I also like how Fenton never did get to rescue her but it was Huey and the others that did and then she helped on rescuing the others. Breaks that whole damsel in distress cliche. I'm so sorry Fenton that you didn't get your shining armor moment, maybe next time? Then we have Launchpad. That guy finally had his shining moment. He was so insecure about not being a superhero that he couldn't see he was the one that inspired Fenton and Drake to become heros. That moment was so sweet and the fact that Launchpadpad became Gizmoduck was what made it perfect. And I loved how he crashed the suit too. 😂 and even the Gizmo Suit has an attitude "Eh, close enough."
Then we have the kids. Each one had their moment and I loved it. Violet was under used I'll admit, just wish they used her more. Like her woodchuck knowledge or her book smarts to find their way out of a maze, open a certain door to another room or help Lena out. Lena had her moment as well, making the airplane invisible showing just how powerful she has become. And let's consider that she nearly got killed by Phantom Blot in the first battle but this time she was able to battle him much better. Friendship really is her magic. Boyd is my favorite! I just love how him being just a head didn't even bother him one bit. Instead, Lil Bulb just uses his body to create a bobblehead Boyd. Let's not forget that "Take care of your brother." line. That one line made my heart sing. Louie was very realistic, "That is not at all comforting. I do not want to die." and he was also the same sharp boy we all know and love. I love the scene where he's pep talking Dewey into winning the battle against Don Karnage. And then we have Dewey flying the Sun Chaser by himself, fully embracing his talent. I'll talk about Huey and Webby later. Scrooge, Donald and Della also had their moment to shine as the original three! Loved it so much, just watching these three fight one last battle together was enough to almost make me cry. Beakly also had her moments like getting the chance to tell Webby the truth, even though it was a trick. I love how she wanted to make sure everyone was safe and went to fight F.O.W.L on her own only to learn her lesson near the end. The lesson that she can't keep secrets forever and she has to have trust in her family in order to win. And sure enough this lesson came from her oldest friend Scrooge Mcduck.
The humor was also the best! I loved the fact that Manny is actually some world ending monster and what does he have to say? "People change man! I just want to live a normal life!" 😆 I never expected Manny to talk let alone his voice sounding like that. And then we have the Gargoyles reference "I live again!..... Again!" Loved that, gold right there. Then we have Von Drake who admits that he isn't dead all because he doesn't have time to die! Oh if only life were that easy! Gyro was comedy gold as well with his line "When they do something right, they're heros! When things get too hard, we're children!" 😂 Love you Gyro!
Ok so one thing I have an issue with. You all know what it is so I'll make it as short as possible. Webbys backstory. I didn't like it. I have no issue with her being a clone and that Beakly found her, but Scrooge's daughter? It was unnecessary and here's why. Scrooge was already her father. He took care of her as his own, protected her, kept het happy, and was a wonderful role model to her. She was already his official none blood daughter. Making her Scrooge's blood related daughter does nothing to improve her character. If they wanted her as a clone, they could've done something else. Like maybe she could've been the clone of a well known F.O.W.L agent that died or disappeared. So F.O W.L tried to clone that agent by creating Webby. Nothing would need to change either, Beakly could've still found her, took her in and kept her safe with Scrooge. Webby would still have an identity crisis thinking she's the clone of a F.O.W.L agent and is destined to be a F.O.W.L agent. If they wanted to add June and May in, then use that same reason. Cloning F.O.W.L agents and raising them to be the evil like them. Or what about this? Use Beakley's story about her daughter. How Beakley wasn't there for her as much as she wanted to and maybe one day F.O.W.L talked Beakley's daughter into joining them. Making Beakley regret not being there for her daughter more. When her daughter tries to leave F.O.W.L she disappears all of a sudden. But then Beakly finds a baby clone of her daughter (Webby) and she takes this as a second chance to raise her daughter again. I'm just saying, anything would've been a better back story for Webby other than being Scrooge's clone. And as for Huey, he should've been the one to find the papyrus. Branford had him in his grasp. He had managed to manipulate Huey into helping him, so why not have him grab the papyrus. He is a direct descendent of Scrooge so why complicate things by having Huey talk to Webby? They weren't even sure if the papyrus was going to show itself to Webby!!! HUEY WAS RIGHT THERE BRADFORD!!!! It was so easy!!! Kidnap Huey, manipulate him into helping, then lock him up with Gyro, Drake and Gandra!!! I'm not saying I didn't enjoy Huey and Webby here, I did. Huey using his woodchuck knowledge allowing his brothers to find him and Webby using the skills her granny showed her made me proud. I love seeing these two using the skills they learned while living in the mansion.
Other than that, the final was great and I loved it. I just wish Webbys background was different and more unique than being Scrooge's daughter. Oh! And the end credits were wonderful! I love how the poster was basically a foreshadow of it!
 8/10 I loved the finale!
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imgoingtocrash · 3 years
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Made of Iron, Born of Fire: The Fanmix 
by @imgoingtocrash
Listen on Spotify and 8tracks
Read the series on Ao3
AKA: A labor of love for @savvysass’s birthday!!!!
What can I say that hasn’t already been said because we’re both incredibly sappy people in our Author’s Notes? Writing this series with you has brought me so much joy in the last two years, and I never could have hit over 100k words without you. Here’s to whatever we write next in the series...and all of the WIPs we’re working on right now...and only god knows what’s next for us personally and professionally...and most importantly, to you on your Birthday. Thank you for being such a good friend, in both fandom and outside of it. I’m so, so thankful to know you and love you. 🥰
Director’s Cut Below, because we all know I love talking about this series, and yes, that does extend to why I picked these songs. (And also maybe because these song choices only make sense in my brain and hopefully Savannah’s?? Who knows! Feel free to ask questions if you want but let’s be honest this series and fanmix are most importantly for us, because we love the series so dang much.)
My Wildest Dreams by Ron Pope
I spoke in riddles and in rhymes, but my time with you has taught me to simplify, you’re not quite what I pictured you would be, you’re better than my wildest dreams.
We’ve talked about this one before, and I’LL TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN!!!! Ron Pope is so good imo, and this song wowowow the father-child feels, but especially with Tony and newborn Peter a la A Foreign Feeling and A First Time For Everything.
Big & Scared by Raleigh Ritchie
I want to be better for you, let me do that now, you’re my favorite human, so you should be prepared, I’ll help you get through it, when you’re big and scared
We’ve mentioned Tony’s thoughts about legacy multiple times by now, and I think this song really represents Tony looking forward to the person Peter could be become and that “breaking the cycle” mentality of supporting Peter even when he’s not a perfect father.
Legacy of Sadness by Ron Pope
irrational as it may seem I guess I’m sorry, even though I know that none of it’s my fault, it is easier for me to count my blessings, than to cry for every single thing we’ve lost
I have 0 shame putting these two songs by Ron Pope almost back to back because they’re the opening and closing of an album dedicated to his child like...it’s so perfect for Tony and this theme of reflection on who he is and who Peter will become/is becoming and all that entails.
this is me trying by Taylor Swift
They told me all of my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential, and my words shoot to kill when I'm mad, I have a lot of regrets about that
I wrote something...very sad but also soft recently??? and this is for That it’s about pre-CW Pepperony being separated and the road to them trying to come back together including Tony working on himself and I love it!!! It hurts really good!!! This whole song is perfect for it and I can’t wait until people get to read it.
Be Good When I’m Gone by Four Year Strong
I'm sorry I can't stop to listen, but I've got so much to do and I've got some place to be, the house looks like the aftermath of a hurricane, I hope it stays that way
Tony being a busy parent but doing his best to make time for Peter in his life and making that time count has been something super important to illustrate to us, especially the transition from being a CEO to being a superhero and how that changes how Peter sees Tony’s absence over time.
I Won’t Back Down by Johnnyswim, Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors, and Penny and Sparrow
Tony puts on the original version by Tom Petty in Home Is Where The Heart Is, but I think this cover has a very slow, emotional undertone that’s really great too. The interludes, if you didn’t catch it, have all been featured in a fic previously.
Let It Matter by Johnnyswim
So if it matters let it matter, if your heart's breaking let it ache, catch those pieces as they scatter, know your hurt is not in vain
Pepper in Never Tell Me The Odds ALL DAYYYYY. She’s the emotional rock of that fic (and of our Ironfam TBH) and it’s all because she allows herself to feel her feelings and encourages the Stark boys to do so as well.
Simmer - Acoustic by Hayley Williams
And if my child, needed protection, from a fucker like that man, I’d sooner gut him, cause nothing cuts like a mother
Post-Home Is Where The Heart Is...y’all know Pepper’s not that mad about what happened to Obie. Also just Pepper when someone hurts her family?? I always write it as her sort of putting all of her emotion into something she can control and doing it well, so, this song is all about that.
Tightrope by Nia Hendricks
one step after another, keep holding on to each other, don’t look back, move on and let go, that’s how you walk on a tightrope
Pepperony trying to navigate their relationship and the insanity of superhero stuff and also co-parenting. It’s all excellent, I love them so much, I enjoy writing it so much!!!!
Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Sloan
Never got the chance, to say a last goodbye, I gotta move on, but it hurts to try, how do I love, how do I love again?
This song is tilted towards romance, but if you’ll remember, we’re a Pro-Tony Survives Endgame AU series, so it’s not about THAT...but well...Infinity War sure will hit something fierce for certain non-romantic relationships in this series, huh?
The Bones by Maren Morris
Call it dumb luck, but baby, you and I, can't even mess it up, although we both try, no, it don't always go the way we planned it, but the wolves came and went and we're still standing
Post-Endgame Ironfam!!! Tony and Pepper married with their kids, their family and HAPPY...THIS IS WHY WE DO ALL OF THE ANGST...FOR A FAMILY...WE LOVE THEM
Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas
Considered Pepper and Peter’s ‘song’, as it’s referenced multiple times in the series, and was one of the bigger solidifying moments of their mother-son relationship as a whole.
Mundane by Hardcastle
And I’ve been sinking into silence, dwelling on my thoughts, and in these months, I haven’t felt that most conversations have left me anything but blue
Peter’s selective mutism was something very special to us when we originally had the idea, and making sure we talk about it and utilize it in the right way is something we’re still working on, particularly with the Therapy Fic we’re brainstorming atm.
survivin’ (One Eyed Jack’s Session) by Bastille
What can I say? I'm survivin', crawling out these sheets to see another day, what can I say? I'm survivin', and I'm gonna be fine, I'm gonna be fine, I think I'll be fine
Spoiler Alert: Peter’s not fine, like, a decent amount of the time. But he’s sure trying, and we love him for that.
Jacob from the Bible by Jake Wesley Rogers
Mama, don't worry, it took me years, to say I'm sorry, to see your tears, Mama, forgive me, I grew up too fast, but it's not on you, it's in the past
Mostly part of Peter growing up to become a hero and realizing what his parents--particularly Pepper--have gone through for him to become the person he is today, but that sometimes he still doesn’t feel like he’s making them proud enough.
Compassion Is a German Word by To Kill A King
Don't be so arrogant, you ain't no different to anyone I've met, we're all the heroes in our own film, or maybe the villain in someone else's
Spider-Man being an excellent superhero boi!!! Being kind and good!!! We love it!! Also, I put a TKAK song on...a LOT of my playlists, because I think they’re great.
brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
And I'm so sick of seventeen, where's my fucking teenage dream?, if someone tells me one more time, "Enjoy your youth", I'm gonna cry
I mean...this song is such a Teenage Mood...I had to do it...
In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning by Frank Sinatra
So, I had this cute little scene in my head that went with this song for SO LONG but there wasn’t really anything for it to fit into so...yeah that’s part 2 of Savannah’s Birthday Gift, a little soft Baby Peter drabble. Fluffy Goop from top to bottom. That can be read here.
Home by Phillip Phillips
Just know you're not alone, 'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home
...I know it’s not original, okay? It’s found family, it’s great, I don’t care!
Comes and Goes (In Waves) by Greg Laswell
And this part was for her, and this part was for her, this part was for her, does she remember?
This song is good family angst in general BUT these specific lyrics made me think of Mary and that they never forget her in their lives despite the other stuff going on (because we refuse to let them).
I Have Made Mistakes by The Oh Hellos
I have made mistakes, I continue to make them, the promises I've made, I continue to break them, and all the doubts I've faced, I continue to face them, but nothing is a waste if you learn from it
No one in the Ironfam is perfect, but they all do their best to try and grow even when they’re scared they’ll never be able to. The ups and downs are all par for the course of this series to us.
Easy Days - Demo by Bastille
Cause I don’t wanna fall back again, back into the easy days, everything was so simple then, little fires burned away
Strife is a part of life, and the family in this fic growing through their loss and struggles and moving ahead as a unit to get to a better place is super central to making the fic what it is...but it’s easy for them to remember the old days before being superheroes and wishing it was simple again.
North by Sleeping At Last
Let the years we’re here be kind, be kind, let our hearts like doors open wide, open wide, settle our bones like wood over time, over time, give us bread, give us salt, give us wine
The way Tony went from feeling so alone to having an entire built family that’s so full of love and everything he never dreamed of...*screams into my pillow* I love this series so much thank you and good night!!!
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alirasworlds · 3 years
Our Life: Cast my home aside, lead me into the skies....
(A/N: Still working on if I’m going to have Eve have a custom backstory different from the background given in game, buuut, this can be a AU thing if I go with base game MC for Eve’s background! Our Life and all characters besides Eve belong to @gb-patch​ !)
(P.S. Since I am able to insert myself so much into the MC of OL, for this Eve has... Part of my own background, not fully cause I’ve not done what she did here, but still. Be warned Eve’s not coming from a nice household prior to being adopted by Pamela and Noelani. Also, this is sort of my take on the first scene in OL with Eve having a custom background, also to help me figure out how to write Eve with that context.)
Aching, the little eight year old felt every limb and bone of hers aching as she trekked further into the town she found.
Her backpack was lighter than when she started her journey, snacks, drink and food she packed having been long since eaten or drank by her, that didn’t mean she didn’t get more as she....
Ran, she supposed.
Much to her growing guilt she had taken water bottles and any food she could find from any table or picnic blanket she came across, either packing it away in her backpack or outright eating or drinking it due to how hungry she was.
She was certain she was dirty as heck(even if she washed herself in ponds or the rain as best she could) and she could feel her ribs at this point if she pushed her fingers against her skin enough, hair much longer than she liked, but she still refused to turn back.
She still remembered that night that made her pack her backpack and run. Shouting, screaming, a BAM, another hole in the walls, nothing she did could ever-
And no one cared she was all alone-
She sniffled, forcing the thought out of her mind. She honestly didn’t know where she was at this point, she just picked a direction and ran that way.
All she really knew was it had been winter when she set out, or near it, then it became spring and now was summer, the heat in the air told her that much.
Anything else other than that she didn’t know.
Huffing a puff of air, she pulled her brush out of her pocket and brushed her hair, a habit she still had and when she looked in the reflection of a puddle, she was a bit proud she looked really decent despite not having had a proper home for what was likely months. 
Sure she was a touch messy, but no one would take a look at her and immediately think she had run away from her old home.
She continued walking, looking for an alcove or awning or something to rest under for the night, only to pause as she saw a person sitting on the curb in front of a house. He was sitting with his head in his hands, his whole body slumped over.
She tilted her head, confused a bit as why was an adult was sitting on the curb, did someone kick him out of his house?
She noted a… Tattoo, she thinks that was the term, on the arm that was facing her, pitch black against his tan skin, it looked like a sea creature, but she didn’t know what it was. His pale blond hair was pulled into a ponytail it seemed, like she tended to have her hair now that it grew out so much.
Though he wasn’t really in her way, she could walk around him if needed, she felt…. Nervous. Yeah, that was the term she was pretty sure, so she wanted to sneak around him unseen, but how….
She felt her gut lurch when he suddenly shifted and there was a brief moment where their eyes met before she quickly averted her gaze to look at a bird that was hovering nearby.
“Hey!” Drat, he noticed her and there was no mistaking her startled jump showed she heard him.
The bird landed on a nearby gatepost, its black feathers ruffling gently in the breeze. She couldn’t keep her gaze on it when the man got up and began making his way to her, making her eye him warily.
She had run from more than a few police people who tried to approach her, fearing they were going to make her go back and was more than ready to run if needed, he didn’t look like a policeman though.
Since he didn't seem to be like any of those sternfaced police people, she offered a polite smile and he grinned back at her.
“Do you live around here?” He asked once he was in front of her, kneeling to be on even eyelevel with her. “What’s your name?”
She felt a spike of panic shoot through her system at his questions. The first one was easy to answer, as from what she could tell unless she turned around she’d meet the ocean like she did earlier(and found a fair amount of shells and sea stuff she couldn’t help but put in one of her backpacks pockets), and frankly she was done walking so much, so, she could stay here.
As for her name…. That damned name….. She had heard more than once that with a name as unique as her birth name, it would never be hard finding her, same went for her last name.
She didn’t WANT to be found though. She didn’t want to go back.
She looked the mystery man up and down as she tried to think of an answer to give him, taking in his tanned skin and relaxed appearance. Well, only partially relaxed. At least his clothes were relaxed; the way he was acting certainly wasn’t.
He had sharks on his shorts and that sea creature tattoo, and she wondered if he was obsessed with the ocean or something.
While she made her assessment, he looked at her expectantly, waiting for an answer to his questions.
“...Yeah, I live around here.” She answered after a moment, trying to think of any name to give him other than her birthname, running through the very few stories she heard growing up.
Hermione? No, she didn’t know how to spell that. Alice? No…. Belle? Not that one either.
“And my name is, Eve.” She decided to go with the name she remembered from that book her birth parents got from the religion they were a part of. It was three letters, and simple enough she knew how to spell it and there was no difficulty like with her birthname in how it was said or spelled.
“Great! Nice to meet you, Eve.” He gave her a broad smile, relief settling on his features. He then reached into a pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill, it crinkled in his hand as he held it up to her.
She furrowed her brow at him in confusion, looking between him and the money with the pure confusion only a child could have.
“Well… Could you do me a favor?” He asked, but then realized he should probably explain better than that and rushed to add. “Nothing bad! Sorry, I should have…. Let me start over.”
He cleared his throat, straightening his back a bit before explaining. “I have a son-his name is Cove-who’s just about your age.”
She tilted her head, Cove…. That was not a name she heard before, it sounded… Nice. She never met anyone with that name.
“We moved in across the street. See?” He pointed across the street to the house opposite the one they were standing in front of.
She nodded, looking back to him with confusion as he continued.
“I don’t know where your parents are, I don’t think I’ve met them, but you look around his age, so…” He shook the twenty dollar bill to bring it back to her attention, a hopeful smile tilting his lips at the corners. “Can you try to be friends with the boy? Just give it a chance and you can keep this! He’s a good kid. You’ll like him.”
He… Was wanting to pay her to be friends with his son?
“But you’ve gotta keep it a secret, too, okay?” He winced. “It wouldn’t be friendly to say his dad sent you.”
She blinked, feeling a bit sorry for the boy she hadn’t even met yet. This was not the normal way kids made friends, her limited exposure to anyone outside of the Hall didn’t stop her from knowing that.
“What’d’ya say? Want to make a deal?” He asked, watching her as she thought about it.
She was conflicted, sure she could likely use that money to get better clothes, food even than what she was now used to dealing with, but……
….She wanted to meet this Cove without the lure of money, and she knew she’d get looks if she wandered into a store with a twenty dollar bill without any parent with her.
So, she shook her head no. “No, I don’t want to be paid for that.” She then raised her hands in a placating way as she saw him deflate a bit. “But…. I do want to meet Cove, he sounds nice.”
He nodded, seeing his initial strategy wasn’t going to fly and tucked the bill back in his pocket as he stood up. “Would you be more comfortable with he and I coming by for a normal visit? No money involved.”
She nodded, then paused and added. “And I can come over as well.”
She didn’t want to mention that she currently did not have a home, or parents, no, that’d… no. Just no. No risking them sending her back, no.
His smile got bigger again. His eyes crinkled at the sides. “I’ll bring him by tomorrow or you can come over. I wanted him to meet and greet with the neighbors today, but…” He hesitated before admitting. “Well, I don’t know where he’s gotten off to!”
Well, that’s… Concerning. Cove’s dad had laughed when he said that, but with the way his face looked Eve thought he actually wanted to cry instead.
“I’ll help find him.” She said without hesitation, puffing up a bit with a grin. 
He seemed a bit relieved at her words. “If-If you see him, can you tell him to come on home? He’s got a pink cast and glasses, you can’t miss it.”
She nodded, this definitely was not the normal way kids made friends, but she was still going to help.
He smiled and reached over to pat her on the head, paused before doing so, then pulled his hand away instead.
“I’ve already got the neighbors in the house besides us checking around, such a thoughtful group, they are.” He gestured to the house they were in front of before smiling. “Now I better go look, too! Can’t put everyone else to work while I keep sitting here. I thought he might come back, and…” he shook his head. “That’s not what’s important. I have to go.” he gave her another grin. “Thanks again, Eve! So much.”
He jogged off down the street without another word, leaving Eve to think to herself on where Cove could have gone.
If he was anything like her, he likely would have gone somewhere adults wouldn’t think to look first, and while she doubted he ran away like she did, that same logic she used could help her find him.
She decided to go behind the house she was in front of, finding a series of hills with flowers stretching out before her as the sun fully descended into the horizon.
She couldn’t recognize the type of flower, especially now at this time without the sun to provide the majority of the light, though she thought they looked nice from what the moon could illuminate. 
The chirping of crickets in the tall grass greeted her, a familiar sound from her traveling that eased her nerves a touch as she wandered to the top of a hill. 
From the top of the hill she could see the ocean. As she walked, she listened to the crash of the waves on the shore, and the seagulls squawking as they settled down for the night as she peered around.
Idly, she remembered loving hearing stories about the merfolk and sea serpents and anything else she could imagine living far beneath the waves. Maybe now that she was near the ocean she’d get lucky enough to see one at some point.
She sighed as she came to a stop. She wasn't sure what, but something told her that she wasn't alone, so she glanced around warily, only to nearly jump when she turned to her right.
There was a boy sitting at the top of the hill she was standing on, almost completely hidden within the long grass and white flowers surrounding him.
He didn’t seem to notice her, probably just that he wasn't paying attention, his head was buried in his knees, staring ahead by himself.
She watched him for a few moments, feeling as if she found a deer in the wild, although….
‘Deer don’t have sad frowns, or green hair...’ She thought to herself, expression furrowing at the thought, She wondered what upset him to cause him to look like that….
After a few more seconds, she took a step forward, then another. And then he glanced her way, making her freeze.
His aquamarine eyes reflected the light of the moon. Eve stopped, raising a hand to acknowledge him and show him that she wasn’t scary.
Even if she likely didn’t look like a normal kid with her backpack on and likely mussed up hair.
“Heyo.” She greeted him.
With a start, he jumped to his feet, his hands balling into fists at his sides. He didn't say anything, just stared at her in a strange way.
He'd been crying. There were traces of tears on his cheeks and his knees, soaking the hem of his shorts, and his eyes were still shining with a few more.
She restrained wincing, or hugging him on reflex to sooth him. She had obviously caught him off guard.
His pink cast seemed to glow in the twilight, though when he caught her staring at it, he hid his arm behind his back.
Hmm. could this be….
“Cove?” She said his name cautiously, watching his reaction to see if she was correct. 
“Ah-” She was, as his eyes widened and he studied her. “How'd you know that?”
Well, no use hiding it. She shrugged. “I met your dad.”
“Oh.” He frowned. ”So... is this your hill?” He gestured with his uninjured arm to the patch of grass surrounding them both, his face falling at the prospect. “I can leave if it is.”
She shook her head, she didn’t own it, especially since she just arrived in town today.
“Oh.” He sat back down with a thump, resting his chin on his knees again.
Curious about the strange boy with the odd dad, and not having anything else to do or wanting to leave him, she sat down on the patch of grass next to him.
The pure white flowers that covered this hill rocked back and forth gently as the stars twinkled above. The way they dotted the sky made them seem like the flowers around them too.
The silence didn’t last long, as she then asked softly. “Why are you hiding here?”
A quiet hiccup escaped Cove as soon as she asked the question. Almost like they'd never stopped, his tears started up again with a vengeance.
She almost immediately retracted her question, but Cove spoke up before she could. ”My parents… They don't want to live together with me anymore.” The tears kept coming as he continued. “My mom made my dad leave and he took me with him and now we have a house here and I want to go home!”
The outburst took her off-guard. By the time he was done, Cove's chest was heaving with exhaustion.
He sniffled and removed his glasses, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand before he put them back on again. “...I hate this place. I want my real life back. I want my mom.”
Eve frowned, unsure how to calm him down and chewed on her cheek in thought. To an extent, she did understand where he was coming from, but….
She also wouldn’t go back if she could help it, she didn’t want to go back to that…. Hell.
“I’m sorry….” Was all she could say, and hoped it helped somewhat. He slipped his hands underneath his glasses and pressed his fingers against his eyelids. Cove wound himself up again for another long crying fit.
She felt bad for him, being forced to come here with no choice at all. She could and had lived without both of her parents for months now, but to have no choice but to be with one or the other…
The mere idea made her crumple internally and she immediately decided she hated that very thought.
She jolted when, from way off in the distance, came the shouts of several adults.
”Cove!” That was Cove’s dad, she recognized the voice.
“Kid, where did you go?” That was a woman’s voice, Eve didn’t recognize it.
Cove looked at her, tears still clinging to his cheeks. ”Don't tell them we're here!”
He sniffled. “I don't want to go back to that house. I wanna go home.”
"....It will be okay!" She found herself saying, struck by a sudden need to reassure Cove. Her expression twisted as she continued. “It... It's not gonna all be fun. But, he- isn't he your family too?”
“Yeah... I guess.” Cove nodded and she felt emboldened to continue.
“Then you can count on him when you really, really need him!” She shot him a grin, and pushed herself to her feet.
...Even if Eve could never count on her own family anymore, it didn’t mean he couldn’t count on his dad.
Slowly, Cove stood up with her, still looking a little reluctant. His dad's voice rang out again.
“Cove! Can you hear me?”
He looked toward the sound of his dad's voice, silent, then turned away while rubbing his not bandaged arm. “...Sorry. I still don't want to go.”
She frowned before whispering to him quietly so the adults didn’t hear her. “It’s alright, I get that.”
He turned back to her, regarding her with a shocked expression. ”You do?”
Before she could explain, she heard Cove's dad, even closer than before. “There you are, bud!”
The trio of adults appeared over the curve of the hill. Instantly all their eyes landed on the two of them and they rushed over.
She noted Cove’s dad immediately scooped him up in a hug, and gave a sympathetic smile as Cove immediately began to squirm and wiggle in his hold.
“Thank god Cove’s alright…” one of the two women sighed, her skin was a dark color but her gold eyes were warm as she looked at Eve. “Are you the little girl Cliff asked to help find Cove, Eve, was it?”
Eve nodded, adjusting her backpack straps and ignoring how it bit into her collar, the pad it had in it was worn down and no longer prevented it from biting into her skin.
“Your parents must be so worried with you out this late.” The other woman said, skin pale but she had brown eyes and hair like….
Eve put the image of her own mother out of her mind as she shook her head. “No, they aren’t.”
They wouldn’t be, they more often than not were more concerned with yelling at each other.
That earned her a concerned glance between the two women as the brown eyed one then asked. “Did you take a tumble down one of these hills? You’re dirty.”
Again, Eve shook her head, frowning as she muttered to herself. “I scrubbed off in a river yesterday though….”
Another concerned look was shared between the two women, then the one with gold eyes knelt down and gently asked. “Where are your parents? What street do they live on?”
Eve frowned and shook her head, speaking bluntly as only a child could. “Not here, elsewhere.” She crossed her arms in an attempt to look…. Well, like she wasn’t a runaway very far from where she started. And she was at least smart enough to not say where she came from, can’t send her back if they don’t know where to send her.
That made the women frown, another shared glance that Eve thought must be them telepathically communicating, before the other woman knelt down as well.
“Sweetie, your parents must be worried sick,” She began, brown eyes looking over Eve worriedly. “You should probably go home-”
“No!” Eve’s sudden outburst had her clamping her hands over her own mouth, eyes wide in fear as she realized how loud she was, trembling faintly and tears springing to her eyes as she took in the shocked expressions on the two women.
Shaking her head, she stepped back, only lowering her tiny hands from her mouth to say much quieter. “I’m not going back, loud, loud, yelling, holes in the, the walls, screaming-” She shut her eyes and pressed her hands against the sides of her head as she tried to force the memories out of her mind.
She flinched when one of the women placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, making her open her eyes and shake a little, only for the gold eyed woman to give her a gentle smile.
“Okay, how about you come with me, my name is Noelani, and Pamela for the time being?” She offered gently. “You can take a proper bath, we have food and a bed you can use.”
Eve blinked, rubbing the tears that accumulated in her eyes before nodding, then pausing and adding. “C...Can I see Cove if I do?”
The women blinked before giggling, Pamela nodding. “Of course you can.” She then winked. “We also have a daughter you might get along with.”
Eve nodded, then looked back over to Cove, who was still wiggling against his dad's tight hug and pushing at his arms.
She noticed Cove was looking in her direction despite the hold his father had on him and gave him a reassuring smile.
That seemed to appease Cove, though it wasn’t until his father finally let go of his squirming, scowling son and turned to the three that she was able to give Cove a thumbs up.
“Thanks very much for finding him. I really don't know this neighborhood.” He said to both Eve and the two women, looking between the women and child.
“Good thing we know this whole area so well.” Noelani nodded. 
“Absolutely. We should be getting home now. It's been a long day for us all.” Cove’s dad said, resting a hand on Cove’s shoulder. “You two are gonna get her home to her parents?”
“Well….” Pamela frowned, looking to the side. “How about we explain once we put the kids to bed? I’m sure Eve and Cove are exhausted, I’ll call.”
“Huh?” Cove’s dad tilted his head before realization dawned on him. “Oh. Right then, say goodbye, Cove!”
“Bye.” Cove said, looking more towards Eve than the two women beside her, and Eve smiled, waving bye.
The two of them walked off into the darkness, heading toward the neighborhood. She watched Cove’s back until he disappeared.
“Hm, tell you what - we'll have a proper playdate tomorrow, okay?” Pamela suggested, and Eve grinned, nodding.
“Your new friend's dad wanted to bring him by to see Lizzie, but if you’re with us he can see you too.” Pamela added, watching how Eve nodded before yawning into a hand. “C’mon buckaroo, let's get you washed and then into bed.”
Eve nodded, letting the two women lead her to their house, the next events were a blur, mainly due to how tired Eve was, but she was washed(hair included and that was not as hard as she thought it would be considering she kept her hair tidy for the most part) and then put to bed in a cozy and soft bed with soft sheets.
A far cry from the ground she had been sleeping on for months prior even if it was a bit big for her, so she quickly fell asleep when she got comfortable.
“Pam, I think she’s a runaway.”
“I think so too, though, it seems she’s not from here, and you saw how thin she was….”
“We should get her into a doctor, check and see if she’s had any blood work done and hopefully find her parents…..”
“But, what she said about her family…. It doesn’t sound like she ran away for no reason….”
“....If nothing comes up, if she’s somehow avoided any documentation in any system, we can….Adopt her.”
“Yeah, she seems like a sweet girl, Lizzie may like her.”
“And Cove, it seems like they got along well. And we probably couldn’t send her back without either of them arguing against it.”
“Hehe…. …..Do you think ‘Eve’ is her actual name, though, ‘Lani?”
“....Hard to tell….”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
Robin and Gale Hood; Ben Hardy x reader Chap. 8
*Author’s note*
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! THERE IS A RAPE SCENE IN THIS CHAPTER. IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE OR HAVE BEEN A VICTIM YOURSELF YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! Please call a local hotline for rape survivors and talk to the people there, they’ll help you. I’ve also put a notice on when the scene is about to begin and where it ends so if you’d like to skip that section of the chapter, go right ahead i DO NOT WANT TO CAUSE FURTHER MENTAL HARM BY REMINDING YOU ALL OF THIS TRAUMATIC THING. 
Chapter 8,
A capture and tainted soul
God all mighty. That Prince John sure made good of his threat, and his subjects paid dearly for his humiliation believe me.  Taxes, taxes, taxes. Why he taxed the heart and soul out of the poor people of Nottingham.
And if you didn’t pay your taxes, you went to jail.  Yes my darlings, I’m in here too. Prince John saw to it that I have my own cell for my song.  I think I may even be coming up on death row in the next little while, who knows.
So unfortunately I myself can’t tell you the rest of the tale of what happens, but what I can say is that it’s not a pretty sight. Especially for our beloved heroine Gale Hood.  So those out there who are light hearted or sensitive to certain reading material, proceed with caution.
Ever since Prince John’s decree, it had been nonstop raining. The sun never once came out to grace the land, and the soil became wet and muddy.  Storms happened almost every day, other days it was just mild rain.
Robin, Gale and the rest of their crew kept a low profile for a bit cause at this point anyone who tried to interfere with business to the crown would be executed right on sight.  It broke their hearts that they couldn’t spare the poor people from Prince John’s wrath this time.
Especially Gale because she knew which family was going to be targeted next, the Sharpe’s.  But one night she would do something that would regretfully change her life forever.
Riding through the rain cloaked and disguised, Gale rode towards the Sharpe’s family cottage.  She stopped her horse and unmounted off of her and walked towards the cottage.  She came up to the door and knocked on it and from inside she could hear the panicked whimpers from the children.
“Veronica, take the children upstairs.” She heard Adam’s voice say.
“Adam, it’s just me.” She softly called out.  The door peeked open and fearfully peaking out was Adam. Gale revealed her face to him and when he saw it was his friend, he sighed with relief and quickly brought her inside.
“It’s alright my love, it’s just Gale.”
“Oh thank God. I was so scared it was the Sheriff. He’s been threatening to come by any day now to take us away cause we couldn’t pay off our taxes.” Gale lowered her hood and comforted Veronica.
“They’ve already repossessed my blacksmith shop. Soon he’ll get the cottage and then……” he sighed heavily as he sat down on his chair. “What has England come to?”
“That’s why I’ve come here.” She told them. “Listen…..England’s no longer safe for you and your family. You all need to leave.”
“What?” Adam asked in shock.
“Leave England? But we—we can’t….where would we go?” Veronica asked.
“I’ve talked with Kit and he’s got some friends along the docks who are willing to do a bit of smuggling with no questions asked. They’ll take you to Scotland and you guys can start a new life there. At least until things calm down. Or pray to God above when and if good King Richard returns to England to set things right.”
“But Gale we—we can’t just up and leave…..”
“Adam please!” Gale pleaded. “The prisons are filled to the brim with everyone. Not just men and women but children! Children! Now I have been there for you for each of your children and I look at them like they were my own. Other families have already lost their children to hunger in the cells. I refuse to let that happen to any of yours!” tears filled her eyes. “I can’t let any more children of England die, I can’t.”
Adam cupped the young woman’s face and wiped her hidden tears away.
“Alright then, when do we leave?” Gale smiled and hugged the blacksmith and praised him.
“Thank you.” she separated from him and told him. “Meet me at the river in an hour. It’s too risky to travel by carriage or horses, we’ll take the river to the docks. I’ve got a boat ready for us to travel in. Take nothing just come with the kids.”
“Alright. One hour.”
“Thank you Gale.” Veronica thanked her as she took the young female rouge’s hand and kissed it.
“Thank me when we get you lot onto the ship. Remember one hour at the river. Bring nothing else but you and the children.” She lifted her hood back over her head and snuck out of the cottage.
She went back over to her mare and urged her onward to the river to get the boat ready.
But they were unaware that just short of the Sharpe’s cottage, someone was watching them.
As promised, the Sharpe family arrived at the river and when they saw Gale, the older children hugged her and the babies all babbled out her name.
“Ms. Gale mummy and daddy wouldn’t tell us what’s going on?” Laura said.
“Yeah Ms. Gale where are we going?” asked Michael.
“Shh, okay now children listen to me. We’re gonna play a little game okay?”
“What kind of game?” asked Robert skeptically.
“We’re gonna play a quiet game. If you kids can stay as quiet as possible till we reach the docks. One of you will receive a special prize from me.”
“Really? WOW!!” Michael cheered.  Gale shushed him and he quickly covered his mouth.
“Alright now everyone onto the boat. And remember children, not a sound. Not a squeak, a peep, or even laughter. We need to be as quiet as possible.” The children nodded and they piled onto the boat first, then Veronica holding her 4-month-old child, and finally Adam.
Gale stirred the boat and soon the family along with Gale rowed downriver.
All was going good so far till the baby started to cry. Gale grew fearful cause she knew if anyone heard a baby’s cry out here, there would be an investigation.
“Ronnie please quiet Aggie down, we’ll be spotted!” Gale hissed softly.
“Shhh hush my little one.” Veronica tried to calm her crying baby down, but it would take a full 15min till the baby finally went quiet.
“Well we know Luke isn’t going to get the prize.” Michael whispered.
“Michael shush!” Robert hissed.
“Yes Mikey shh!” Laura echoed her brother.
“Children please, not another word.” Adam used his stern father tone on is children.  Finally after what felt like an eternity, they finally reached the docks.
After unloading everyone from the boat, Gale lead them through the docks, ducking the guards who were patrolling to make sure no one got passed them except for the merchant ships that were ready to depart.
When Gale found the sails that Kit told her about that showed the Scottish flag, she told the Sharpe’s to stay low in the shadows while she did the talking with the ship’s captain.
She then walked up to a big built man with long flowing hair who was giving out orders.
“Captain Hagrid?”
“Aye that be me. Who are yah?” he spoke with a thick Scottish accent.
“You spoke with one of my informants about a smuggling job. Goes by the name of the Scot.”
“Ahh you’re the lass he wanted me to smuggle that family for yah.”
“Yes. Now you are to promise me that no harm will befall this family. They have no weapons, only their children.”
“You have my word lass. No harm will come to them.” They shook on it when a horrified piercing scream echoed through the docks.
Gale turned and soon found the royal guard taking the Sharpe’s out of their hiding places and binding them in shackles.  But when broke her heart the most were the children being separated from their parents.
“I’ve always hated that Scot. Plus the Sheriff got to me first before he did.” Hagrid sneered.
“You—you bastard!” Gale quickly took out her knife and sliced the captain’s throat with quick precision before going to the Sharpe’s to help them out.
She knocked out a couple of the guards and freed Adam from his shackles before giving him one of the guard’s swords to him while she withdrew her sword.  The two of them stood protectively in front of Veronica and the children before a neigh was heard from the shadows.
Walking out riding on top of his menacing looking black horse was the Sheriff of Nottingham himself.
“Going somewhere Mr. Sharpe?” his low graveled voice spoke as he stared down at all of them with cold, dead eyes.
“Sheriff of Nottingham……I’m taking my family and we’re leaving. You can’t harm us if we aren’t in England anymore.”
“True. But you haven’t left England yet, have you?” soon one of the guards quickly grabbed Gale under her arms while another knocked Adam over the head sending him down to the ground.
“NOO!!” Veronica screamed.
“DAD! DADDY! PA!” the kids chorused out worriedly.
“Take the Sharpe’s to the jail for refusal of tax payment and for fleeing the country.” The Sheriff said.  They once again shackled Adam’s unconscious body before dragging it away as well as the rest of his family.
The kids all crying out for Gale to help them.  Gale tried as best as she could to get out of the guard’s arms but he kept a tight hold on her.
“Sir, what should we do with this one?” asked one of the guards.
“This gentlemen is the notorious Gale Hood, sister of Robin Hood. Allow me to take her from here. Go rejoin the others in putting the Sharpe’s away. And also see to it that the children get a special accommodations.” The Sheriff said grinning cynically at the last statement.
He knew this would get a rise out of Gale due to her closeness with the family.  When the guards left and the bigger guard released her, she quickly withdrew her bow and notched an arrow in the blink of an eye and had it aimed right between the Sheriff’s eyes.
“You think your life is worth more than theirs?! You’re a demon Sheriff of Nottingham! A vile, prideful, lustful, incubus of Satin. I swear if anyone of those Sharpe children die, I will cut off your cock and force it down your throat!” she snarled threateningly.
The Sheriff spoke not a word, only just looked down before suddenly whipping out his sword and slashing apart Gale’s bow.  She stood there frozen for a split second before withdrawing back her sword but the Sheriff forced her to drop it when he slashed her right arm.
She screamed in pain as she knelt down on the ground gripping her bleeding arm.  The Sheriff got off his horse and just walked over to her and grabbed her hair and forcefully threw her head back.  She hissed and groaned in pain.
“Now this is how a woman should behave. Best to be seen, never heard. And always at the knees of her man.”
“You think I’d willingly suck you off? I wouldn’t touch you to punch you.” she hissed.
“You’ll soon know your place Gale. Just like your whore of a mother did.” She clenched her hand into a fist and punched him right in the dick sending him down to the ground and she quickly raced away from the docks and into the forest.
A chase soon happened as the rain once again became a thunderstorm.  Gale ran as quickly as she could through the forest but the Sheriff was close behind her on his horse.
This time he wouldn’t lose her.
Through the muddy trails, Gale would slip but she’d quickly use it to her advantage as she turned another way while it took his horse awhile to turn back around.  Gale then scaled up a tree and proceeded the jump from branch to branch, but the Sheriff was close behind her.
When she came to a familiar path she jumped down to the ground and slide along the mud but quickly came up and jumped through a narrow opening between the narrow opening of the end of the forest.
The Sheriff’s horse neighed as it reared at the sudden closure of the forest but the Sheriff driven by his hatred and desire to capture at least one of the Hood siblings, tried to find another way out of the forest.
Gale ran across an open field until she reached a graveyard. For just ahead was the church where Friar Tuck would give her sanctuary.  Exhausted and tired from the fighting and getting dizzy from the blood loss in her arm, Gale pushed on till she reached the church.
“SANCTUARY! PLEASE FRIAR TUCK GIVE ME SANCTUARY!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs over the loud rain and thunder while pounding on the closed doors.  She heard the roar and hoofbeats of the Sheriff’s horse and he was now coming right for her.  
Gale quickly ran to the back towards the graveyard of the church but she didn’t get far.  She felt her cloak being grabbed from behind, choking her before feeling herself get kicked in the back but what sent her into a world of blackness was when she hit her head against a gravestone.
Her mother’s gravestone to be exact.
The Sheriff got off his horse once again and walked towards Gale’s unconscious body.  What was going through his mind at that moment was—pure lust.  But it was soon interrupted with a flash of lightning lit something on her left ring finger.
He looked down at her hand confused and intrigued as he reached out and took her left hand and wiped the mud away to reveal a familiar ring. He gasped and said.
“The Queen’s ring.” His fear then turned to pure disgust as he fully turned Gale onto her back. “To think the Prince would choose you. You’ll never be anything to him. Well after I tell him he beloved committed suicide, I’ll have to help him out of his misery.”
He took out his dagger and raised it over his head.  But before he could plunge it into Gale’s heart, he was hit over the head and knocked off of her unconscious body.
“Get away from my daughter!” a voice snarled at him.  The Sheriff held his head to see that it was bleeding and when he looked up, there was Friar Tuck holding a long candelabra in his hands, standing protectively in front of Gale.
“This is none of your concern Friar. You’ve known from the beginning that their family’s been cursed with black magic!”
“You claim her to be a witch just because of your lustful desires towards their mother all those years ago! You then convinced Richard to proceed with a witch trial and have their mother burned at the stakes when she was completely innocent! If you so much as lay a sinful finger on her again……”
“You’re mighty preachy Friar and you’ll end up preaching yourself right into a hangman’s noose. Now for the last time, stand. Aside.” Friar Tuck refused and swung the candelabra right at the Sheriff’s face.
The two men proceeded to battle it out with each other. The Friar getting a good few shots at either the Sheriff’s face or jabbing him in his gut.
“You want damnation?! I’ll give you damnation!” The Friar yelled at the Sheriff.  But soon the Sheriff grabbed the candelabra and pulled it out of the Friar’s grip and pushed him down to the mud.  He placed his sword at Friar Tuck’s neck and the Sheriff spoke.
“I’ll do you one better. You’re under arrest for high treason to the crown.” He then took out some shackles and placed one around Friar Tuck’s neck.  Knowing he couldn’t fight back anymore, Friar Tuck surrendered to his fate.
The Sheriff then walked over towards Gale’s unconscious body and hauled it over his shoulder before going back to his horse and draped her across the black Shire horse.  
He then walked back over to Friar Tuck and grabbed the chain, then like a dog, led Friar Tuck over to his horse and the three of them left the church.
From inside the church, Anita and Jim who had watched the entire thing stood in shock and horror.  Sister Anita wept into her hands while Father Jim tried to comfort her and the two watched helplessly as their Friar and Gale were taken away by the Sheriff.
At the palace as the thunder continued to softly rumble in the sky, Prince John sat down in his throne room surrounded by his gold coins but had a permanent angry scowl on his face.
If one had to compare, his eyes would be seeing red right at this very moment.  Heston stood by his throne looking up at his master anxiously.
“Sire, if I may—you’re not your usual cheery self today.” The Prince didn’t answer him, just kept his fists clenched till his knuckles turned white. “I know. You haven’t counted your money for days, hmm? That always cheers you up.” Heston then fiddled with some of the gold coins with his tail but still the Prince didn’t even flinch from his throne. “Sire, taxes are pouring in, the jail is full. Oh and guess what sir, Friar Tuck and Gale Hood are in prison.”
“FRIAR TUCK!?!?” Prince John exploded as he knocked down some of his piles of gold when he stood up with rage. “IT’S ROBIN. HOOD I WANT YOU IDIOT!!! Oh I would give all my gold if I could get my hands on—” he stopped when he remembered the second name.  He wet his lips with his tongue as he asked Heston.  “Did you say Gale Hood?”
“Did I? Y-y-yes sire. She was trying to aid an escape for the Sharpe family when the Sheriff stopped them.” Prince John pondered before he exclaimed joyously.
“Ahh! Heston I have it! I’ll use that lascivious sister of his to lure Robin Hood into another genius plan of mine.”
“Another trap sir?” Heston asked hesitantly.
“Yes, yes you stupid serpent. Gale Hood will be led to the gallows in the village square tomorrow and burned at the stake for the crime of witchcraft.”
“But sir. Burn Gale Hood, for witchcraft? Shouldn’t there be a trail for her before we suddenly execute her?”
“I’ve seen it for myself back at the tournament of her witchcraft. And the Sheriff has told me more things she’s done to prove herself a witch. Hell even their own mother was a witch. And when our brave hero comes to rescue his sweet, little sister from the breath of hell’s fire. Ha-ha. My men will be ready. Ah-ha!” Prince John spoke cold and darkly as he stared down at the stake where they’ve used to burn witches in the past while thunder continued to rumble.
When Gale finally woke up, she found herself in a dark room. At first her vision was blurry but her other senses started to come back, she felt on her wrists and ankles chained down.
She tried pulling on them but she was tightly bound.  She felt on her back she was lying on some sort of bed.
“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t wake up.” Her heart began to beat in fear for when she turned, standing over the bed was the Sheriff staring down at her with lustful eyes.  “If you’re wondering where you are, you’re in the palace. But don’t even bother screaming. Not even your precious Prince will be able to hear your screams.”
At this point Gale was too horrified to even speak, plus she was still out of it from hitting her head as the Sheriff’s face seemed to double even triple through her unfocused vision.  The one thing she did feel was him stroking over her bare arms.
“Such…….beauty. I can see why the young prince would fall for you. Your skin…….so soft. Just like hers was. I wonder,” he then lightly clenched his hand around her throat. “If you can perform as well as her.”
The next thing she knew, he got on top of her, her clothes were being ripped apart and he proceeded to rape her.  No matter how much she tried to fight back, she couldn’t do anything to get the Sheriff off her.
Her screams echoed through the room but no one could hear her. For you see he had taken her to the lowest dungeons the palace had, a place where it’s eternal darkness and emptiness.  Even if the rats and dripping water from the walls don’t make you go mad, the eternal darkness will.
And it was there the Sheriff committed the ultimate sinful action of taking a woman’s innocence before marriage and without consent.
After raping her for over an hour and a half, a knock was soon heard at the door.  He covered Gale’s mouth and hissed down at her.
“Not. A. Word.” He held up his trousers and opened the door just a bit and there stood a guard who relayed Prince John’s decree to the Sheriff. His brow quirked with intrigued and he said to the guard. “Alright, tell the Prince I’ll be setting it up in a moment.”
“Yes sir.” The door closed and the Sheriff told the broken woman.
“Seems you’re finally following in your mother’s footsteps. At dawn you will be burned at the stake and your marriage to the prince will be forgotten. After all why would he want a tainted bride such as you? And even if he did, at least I loosened you up for him.”
After dressing himself and making himself look presentable once again, he left the room and slammed the door behind him and locked it up.
Gale, now a broken shell of her former self allowed the tears to fall down her face as she softly began whimpering brokenly.  
Why didn’t she fight harder? Why was she weak to stop him? Had she just turned around and stopped him back at the church none of this would’ve happened.  It was her fault she had been raped.  It was her fault the Sheriff overpowered her.
It was all her fault.  She thought to herself over and over again.
Someone was walking down towards the cell where Gale was said to be.  The cloaked figure walked through the dark, black hallways with only a torch to light their way.  When the person arrived at the cell, they brought out the key and unlocked it.
The door slowly opened and the person walked inside and knelt down beside Gale.  Their heart broke into a thousand pieces as soon as they saw the broken form of her still body chained up to the bed.  
The person then unlocked her bounds then as soon as she was free, she suddenly lashed out like a wild animal.
Gale knocked the person over and nearly punched their face in when a soft female voice said.
“Gale! Gale! Gale it’s me! It’s Maid Marian!” Her anger suddenly flashed to horror.
“Marian? Oh god I-I-I-I-I…….” Gale quickly got off of her and went over to the corner of the cell and made herself smaller, hoping to disappear into the darkness.
Marian shined the torch towards her and when she saw Gale was stripped of her clothes, exposed to the elements, she set the torch down and unhooked her cloak.
“It’s okay, it’s okay now.” Very cautiously she got closer and closer to Gale and covered her up so that she had her decency back.
“I don’t deserved to be covered in a white cloak. White is pure, untainted, innocent. And I—”
“Stop right there Gale Hood. What has happened to you was—unforgiveable. But it doesn’t make you less of a lady than I am.”
“But Marian…….I—I’m not a…..I’m not a virgin anymore. He’s taken it away from me. I don’t even deserve to even be in your presence.”
“Wrong. You do. Because what you need now more than ever is a friend. Nay your future sister in law. And I will not allow you to degrade yourself like this. God will forgive you because you did not commit the sin of lust. The Sheriff did.”
A sniffle was heard from Gale as she said.
“What if James finds out? What if he won’t—”
“He will not care. If anything, he’ll kill the Sheriff should he find out. In fact, I’ll tell him myself if I……”
“NO!!” Gale snapped out.  She looked down shamefully and gripped the cloak tighter around herself. “He can’t find out. Not like this. I—I should be the one to tell him. Please Marian promise you won’t say a word to James.” Even though every bit of her was wanting to run to James, tell him what the Sheriff had done to his future wife, Marian knew that Gale had to be the one to tell James of what happened tonight.
“I promise.”
“Thank you, sister.” Gale leaned her head against Marian’s chest, right over her heart.  Marian slowly wrapped her arms around Gale and held her little sister in her arms.  
Sending her every bit of comfort she could muster while the two of them sat in the emptiness together.
Outside the village square, the Sheriff of Nottingham along with two of his guards were prepping the stake for a witch burning. The Sheriff stroked the stake with his gloved hand and he said.
“The fox siblings will finally meet their end come daybreak.”
“Sheriff, everything’s in order.” Said one of his guards.
“Alms, Alms, Alms for the poor.” A crackly voice spoke up. The three men turned and saw an old blind man coming towards them with his cane poking at the ground and a small mug in his hands. “Oh say now, did me ol ears hear the melodious voice of the Sheriff?”
“Who wants to know?” the Sheriff asked.
“Oh just an old praiser of yours. Being blind, you help keep the thieving scoundrels off the streets after all.”
“Well then…..I suppose you are worth staying around then, aren’t you?” the old man walked closer to the gallows and poked the stage with his cane.
“What’d be going on here?” the old blind man said.
“If you must know old man, we’re finally gonna be rid of one of those thieves once and for all. We’re going to burn Gale Hood.”
“No burn my—” the old man lifted his glasses to reveal Robin Hood but he quickly lowered his glasses back down as soon as the Sheriff burned down and he spoke in the gravelly voice again, “Burn Gale Hood?”
“You bet, at dawn. And maybe it’ll even be a double burning.” Said a smaller, leaner guard.  But the bigger and bulkier one hit him on the head as he snarled lowly.
“Put a cork in it yah wanker.”
“A double burning eh? Who be the other fellow who gets the hellfire?”
“Sheriff, this old man’s asking too many questions!” said the bulky guard as he held his crossbow at Robin.  Robin tried to ease the situation as he said.
“Nahh sonny I didn’t mean no harm by it. But umm…..couldn’t there be trouble if her brother or—even Prince James were to stop it?”
“Well what do you know Sheriff he guessed it. And he even found out about our plans for the young Prince.” The smaller guard laughed out boastfully.
“Oi Nutsy! Button your beak.”
“Oh no need to worry about that. The Sheriff be too crafty, to clever, and too smart for the likes of them says I!” Robin praised the Sheriff who took his compliments like a praise.
“For being blind old man, you sure do know a good character when you see on. Says I.” The Sheriff boasted to himself, while from underneath the hat and glasses, Robin was glaring pure hatred up at the Sheriff. Robin then snuck away carefully as the bulkier guard told him.
“Sheriff. I still got a feeling that this old coot knows too much.”
“Oh shut up Jacob. He’s just a harmless old blind beggar.” Robin then continued his mantra of calling out alms for the poor as he tried to guide himself out.  When he reached the exit, in the shadows stood the rest of the Merry Men.
“Rob!” Little John softly called out.  Robin quickly stood by his men as Little John continued, “We can’t let them burn Gale.”
“A jailbreak, tonight. Is her only chance.” Robin said as he removed the glasses from his face.
“A jailbreak!?” said Gilbert and Kit in unison.
“Robin there’s no way we can…….”
“Boys we’ve got to!” Robin hissed at them as he removed his raggedy hat.  “I promised myself that I wouldn’t lose Gale the same way we lost our mother.”
His men looked at him apprehensively but they all looked at Gale like a sister and couldn’t bare it if she were to burn at the stake.
“What’s the plan?” asked Little John.
“In order for that to happen, we’re gonna need three more players.”
“You don’t mean…..” David said.
“It’s too risky. What if—”
“If James finds out, he’ll immediately jump at the chance to help. Besides he’s involved already. If he dies, King Richard’s line comes to an end. And we’ll be stuck with Prince John and the Sheriff till England burns to the ground.”
“Robin’s right. But—how are we gonna get into the palace, break into the jail, free Gale as well as the people without being seen?” Gilbert asked.
Together the five men left to regroup and carefully plan out their jailbreak.  And time was of the essence.
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queenharumiura · 3 years
Continued from: [x] @belacedia
Ehhhhh so---- deal with this however you want. Treat this as a standalone, reply to it, whatever. I felt inspired to write a thing so--- yeah. It uh... yeah. Got long. 
Her smile never leaving her features, the only thing that could clue anyone in to her mental process were her eyes, which were blinking in confusion. She didn’t know what exactly she expected reaction-wise from the Prince, but the scene unfolding in front of her had never come to mind as a possible reaction. ‘Wait—was I wrong? Was this not the answer he was waiting for? Was I misunderstanding something?’ It couldn’t be? She may play dumb a lot, but she wasn’t actually dumb. She couldn’t have possibly misunderstood.
Reflecting on his tone, Haru reviewed the mental notes she made for future use. If she had to guess, it was a matter of being unaccustomed to receiving true affection, and not knowing how to acclimate to someone bestowing affection upon himself. Having joined the Varia from a young age, it would make sense that in his early formulative years, he missed out on some crucial socialization that would explain his lack of social understanding. Despite how anyone acted tough, humans in general craved socialization to a certain degree. Much more, people often yearned for something they lacked in themselves—and in his case, it may be love and affection.
Seeing tears fall along his cheeks had Haru silently gasping in shock, freezing like a deer in headlights. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing, and it took her a moment to process what she was seeing, doubly shocked upon seeing his eyes that he normally kept hidden. She quickly averted her eyes to avoid staring at his eyes to respect how he normally kept them hidden. Sure, she’d already seen his eyes as a child, so there was no real point in pretending she didn’t know what they looked like, but it was a matter of principle. ‘What, was my confession that bad he had to cry about it?’ She wasn’t serious in her thought, but she mentally resorted to a joke as an escapist habit.
She rummaged through her pocket for a handkerchief, about to wipe his tears away when he spoke again, his voice starting angrily. This prompted warning bells to ring in her head, her slumbering instincts finally clamoring at her to run, but her heart too worried about Belphegor kept her rooted in place. It was a rare moment in which the logical and sensitive parts of her brain tugged her to the very edge of her mentality, neither giving way to the other, causing her to mentally stagnate in shock. “Mn…” This really didn’t go the way she thought it would.
Well, she normally resorted to escaping via playing dumb, but this situation didn’t call for it. Also, Belphegor didn’t need her to play dumb like the others did for their own sake of comfort. “Join me.” She motioned for Belphegor to follow her to the couch in the center of the lounge. Noting that he was sensitive at the moment, she kept to herself, not wanting to set him off from physical contact. The crown she brought was nestled back in the box, to see the light of day another time. “Where to start?” She wistfully looks at the ceiling, as if searching for answers written in invisible ink. “I guess for now, just listen.” Her voice was calm and measured.
Just like she would coax the kids those many years ago, she kept her tone relaxed and gentle as to not set anyone off. “’Why’ is a short question that has a disproportionally long answer. There is so much to say and many things that can’t be put into words. I suppose, one of the big things is the fact that you seem to accept me for what I am, and who I am. Unlike the others, you don’t try to put selfish expectations on me. Not to say I wouldn’t do anything for my friends, because I do step up to the plate, but it is burdensome at times.” Like her, a good majority of the 10th generation guardians grew up as civilians. Kyoko and Haru for a majority of their youth served as a reminder of an everyday life the guys fought for.
They were symbolic of what once was. The life they fight to have. Allowing the girls to become more involved in the Mafia would mean they would both lose some of that innocent spark that gave the guys an emotional resting place to return to. As if it were a tradeoff, Haru adopted a habit of playing dumb, casting an illusion of what they wanted of her. If they needed something to cling to, she could do that for them. Contrary to that, Belphegor didn’t need any of that, and that felt refreshing. She didn’t have to walk on eggshells around him on the premise of making someone ‘worried about her.’
“Though I’m sure there are a lot of things you need to sort through, I do think at the core of it all, you just need someone who can stick by you, and is willing to walk alongside you through the good and the bad.” Objectively speaking, he likely reached out to her because he may have felt that she could give him what he craved for, sincere affection and care. It’s easy to say that it’s wrong to seek someone for your own selfish needs, but it coincided with Haru’s own needs. “You know, I suffer with feeling not good enough. I worry that one day I won’t be good enough and will be discarded, left in the dark. I’m not sure when exactly it started, but I have this incredible desire to be ‘useful’ else my anxiety sometimes acts up.”
Was it weird to want to be used? Probably, but being discarded because she was useless, and therefore more of a bother to keep around was far more a terrifying thought to her. Haru brought her knees up to her chest as she curled up into a ball on the couch, resting her chin atop her knees. She looked and felt very small, but the gentle smile on her face suggested she felt anything but small in that moment. “I think, we would work together in that way.” Using each other. From an outside perspective they may only see that Haru is putting her all into ensuring Belphegor felt loved and to put up with his mood swings, but they wouldn’t see the underlying need for her to feel useful, to feel as though her existence was actually necessary. That her disappearance would actually change something.
“You’ve always been sincere when dealing with me, being outright with me. Though you could have given up, you were patient with me. You humored me, and you consoled me when I needed it. That blunt sincerity was so… refreshing. I’ve seen some sides of you that put a lot of things into perspective. Sure, there are things relating to your profession that contrasts my commonplace morality, but, in the underground, everyone is bound to a new set of morals. I’m not blind to it.” She says quietly, as she starts fiddling with her fingers absentmindedly. “My resolve when I chose to become more involved with the Mafia isn’t small. There’s a lot that I had to forsake for this.”
Did she dislike the concept of killing others? Yes, but she wouldn’t outright denounce it. Things were different in the underground and she understood this. She’s never said this to the others (as she would do her best to play the part of the innocent caged bird), she would kill if the situation called for it. No, she didn’t think any less about the importance of life, but she knew that in the underground, it was kill or be killed. Sacrifices were necessary, and if it came down to it, self-defense would be utilized. Though she’d understand killing for the sake of the end goal, she would still frown at senseless killing.
Before she’d sink too far into her thoughts, she shook her head, abruptly stopping the budding afterthoughts in favor of a new topic. “I know I’m not exactly meant for this way of life, but I’m doing my best in my own ways, though I’m met with some opposition,” clearly referring to the others who worried too much about her, trying to keep her a caged bird. “I don’t think you’d cage me. Rather, I think you’d allow me to see just how far my wings can take me. I guess it’s a contrived way of saying that you respect me in a way that many others don’t. You may not understand, but—it meant a lot to me.” Perhaps what started all this was the fact that she’d expected for Belphegor to turn her away when they met during a mission—but he didn’t.
He allowed her to come along, and he was willing to trust her enough to allow her to dab her pheromone mixture onto his skin for her butterflies to track. For a Prince, he showed moments of agreeability. “It felt like I could finally get a chance to prove something. To make something of my efforts. That mission let me feel a lot of hope and confidence.” Her smile grows a smidge wider as she casts a sidelong glance his way, “Maybe I feel like I can improve as a person when I’m by your side. I feel like I can learn to feel like I’m ‘good enough’ when I’m by your side. I don’t feel… useless or replaceable when I’m with you, is that weird to say?” She quietly chuckles. She was revealing a lot of her thoughts to the Prince right now and she was hoping he was listening to some of what she was saying.
“I’m sure that someone may yell at me, saying that you’re ‘too dangerous’ or ‘a bad influence,’ but that’s for me to decide on my own. Who in the Mafia isn’t dangerous? Who isn’t going to be a bad influence? It’s a spectrum. Of course, I’m not being ignorant about some of the… more… darker aspects of who you are, and why your reputation precedes you.” She says meaningfully, but she allowed the thought to float in the air. “Things like relationships aren’t meant to be picture perfect. To me, it’s more meaningful if you can work on it. It’s a journey you’re meant to travel with another.” In other words, she was very well aware that there would be things that the two may butt heads about.
There were things that they won’t understand about the other, but Haru wasn’t going to feel overly frustrated over it. That’s what a relationship is about, working through things and learning something new. “I’m not sure how you objectively see yourself, but in my eyes, there are a lot of aspects about you that are attractive. You’re surprisingly patient sometimes, and you do care, though you may be rough about showing it. You’ve proven that you’re capable of being considerate towards others, albeit infrequent, it’s still valid.” Haru’s eyes go back to looking up at the ceiling again.
She giggles, “Ah… I’ve been saying so much. I wonder if I bored you yet. I guess, if I had to summarize everything concisely…” She hums a single note. “I can see the potential of this lasting a long while. I think if we can occasionally compromise with each other, we can turn into something worthwhile. So as long as you don’t turn your back on me, I won’t turn my back on you. I’m here for you until you tire of me, I guess. I guess I forgot to mention it before, but along with being territorial, I’m quite clingy. Is it too late to admit that? Good luck getting rid of me, Bel.”
Did that help answer ‘why,’ and reassure him that she didn’t intend to leave him? Well, there was plenty of time moving forward to further persuade him if not.
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anxiouslymalicious · 5 years
Losers Club Plus One Part 5
A Richie Tozier x daughter!reader series
To read the previous part, click here and for the complete Masterlist, go here.
A/N: I am so sorry this has once more taken so fucking long but things happened and then more things happened and then word and my computer crashed and I had to rewrite like a lot so here we are.
Anyway, thank you guys so much for all the sweet comments and messages and asks, I appreciate them all so much, I appreciate you guys so much. 
This has a word count of 3,000 ish words just for your information and there are descriptions of anxiety, however there is also some fluff in here that’ll hopefully make up for the little kind of angsty parts. 
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A pregnant, solemn silence took over the losers as they held the shower caps in hand, thoughts of Stan flooding each of them uncontrollably. Memories of the first time they admired Ben’s hard work that he told them was nothing. Remembering Richie and Eddie fighting over the hammock, even the smoke-hole ritual didn’t seem nearly as far away anymore.
Ben was sitting with Y/N, animatedly telling her about how much effort he had put into the small club house. Her eyes travelled over the construction, a wondrous gaze raking over the dusty items, the faded posters, the carvings and blemishes that the place had endured over the decades.
“This is fucking incredible.” She breathed. “You’re a genius”
Ben chuckled, tearing his own eyes away from what he had created at such a young age to look at the girl next to him. He, like many of the losers, hadn’t really taken the time to look at her. She didn’t look much like Richie, possibly she took after her mother more look-wise, but the way she talked, the way she acted, the swearing, the messy hair, were so much like her father, it was almost scary. Like a female version of teenager Richie had gotten lost in Derry ages ago, but never aged. Ben’s eyes fell onto a spider in the young girl’s hair, an involuntary grin spreading on his lips.
“What’s up Haystack?” asked Richie suddenly, effectively breaking the comfortable silence.
“Stan really was ahead of his time.” Ben replied, slowly trying to plug the spider away from the mop of hair on the girl. The girl shuddered when she spotted just what he was doing as the other losers chuckled. Those weren’t the happy, almost childlike chuckles Y/N had heard more times than not coming from the members. No. Those sounded broken and, although not watery, they were still thick with unshed tears. Tears they didn’t want to cry. Not again. Not out of disappointment or disrespect towards the man they grew up with, quite the opposite really. Remembering who he was as a kid also made each of them remember what a kind and compassionate soul Stan was. Smart, often acting more like an adult than a child, but the one thing that was crucial about Stanley was that he had reasons for doing what he did. Reasons he carefully thought about. So, although no one dared to speak, they knew that Stan had carefully thought about this and had a reason for doing what he did. They just couldn’t figure out said reason.
“Hey Mike, what are we doing here?” Richie spoke up, finally, diverting the attention, changing the painful topic to another dreadful one. One that scared each of them more than they would like to admit.
“The ritual. It requires a sacrifice.”
“As a sacrifice we can take Eddie.” Richie dryly said, motioning towards the smaller man who now looked at him in a state of shock and something Y/N would almost identify as fear.
“Wait what?” Eddie asked. As Ben, under his breath, mumbled ‘Peep-peep, Richie.’
“You’re little. You fit on a barbeque.” The taller man replied, making his daughter snort in shock. Ben ruffled up her hair at that, a smile on his lips at the sincere reaction of the teen.
“I’m average height in most countries.” Eddie waved Richie off, slightly offended at the comment. “Besides, why are we not sacrificing Y/N? She’s literally my height!”
“Because I still have hopes of growing taller, unlike you.” Y/N fought back, an incredulous smile on her face, trying to hinder the giggles bubbling up inside her from surfacing.
“It’s not that kind of a s-s-sacrifice.” Bill interrupted the bickering, much more serious than Y/N, Eddie and Richie had previously been.
“Your past is buried. But you have to dig it up. Piece by piece. And these pieces, the artefacts, that’s why we’re here. That’s what we have to sacrifice. And since Stan isn’t here to find his, I think that we should all be here together to find his artefact.” Said Mike, his voice dark, rough. Y/N knew that it was taking a toll on everyone to be back. How bad it was the first time around, she still didn’t know, but she was curious to find out. 
Her eyes travelled to Eddie, shower cap in hand, then to the tin can on the ground, next to his feet. She got up from her seat next to Ben and moved to sit next to Eddie instead, following his thought, and fishing one of the caps out of the can.
Both of them pulled the caps onto their heads. They shared a glance. Then, their eyes landed on Mike.
“I think we just did that.” Replied Eddie and Y/N nodded along.
One after another, the losers plus one climbed out of the club house, Y/N being the last, gratefully taking Mike’s hand in support. Hastily, she took a few deep breaths, her airways silently thanking her for finally breathing in fresh, clean air. It wasn’t bad, but she had to admit that breathing in the dusty and musty air was getting quite exhausting and she rarely appreciated the cool air in a forest as much as she did in that moment.
“Okay so where do we find our artefacts?” Eddie asked, nervously pacing over the soft soil. Mike took another second, making sure that the girl he had pulled up was alright on her own before considering Eddie’s anxious figure.
“Yeah, I gotta be honest, man,” Richie started, scratching the back of his head, his lips pressed into a tight line, “all due respect, this is fucking stupid, alright? Why do we need tokens, alright? We remember everything. Saving Bev, defeating IT, I mean we’re caught up.”
“That’s not everything.” Mike tried to calm Richie, get him to admit that he didn’t know as much as he liked to say. There were still things Richie, like the other losers, didn’t want to remember. “We fought. But what happened after that? Before the house at Neibolt?”
Everyone was quiet for a moment. Y/N, not knowing how to feel, stood behind Mike, watching the scene unfold. The group looked dumbfounded for a moment, not even remembering the fight. Slowly, carefully, she strolled a bit away from the group, not wanting to interfere with a moment like that, with a moment as important as that one would be. Once more, she felt like she didn’t belong and she almost started regretting even suggesting as much as following her father to Derry. But what choice did she have? It was in those moments that she felt pitiful for herself, for the lack of a mother, a family. Of course, she was incredibly thankful for her father. She loved Richie dearly, but there were certain moments when she really needed a female adult in her life. Like when she had gotten her first period. Oh lord, how uncomfortable and awkward she felt that day. And how much it hurt to know that her mother had just left her, not wanted her any longer when she was just a baby.
How much it hurt knowing that she didn’t have grandparents like the other kids in class.
How weird she felt when the only family pictures she could bring to primary school while other kids brought pictures of themselves with their grandparents, with their aunts and uncles, cousins, siblings, whatever kind of family they had. She also remembered feeling shy in front of her father that day as she had to ask him about his parents for a homework assignment.
How lost she felt when Richie took her shopping for bras and other clothing. Richie did offer to ask one of his female friends to take her or ask her friends’ mothers to help her out, but Y/N refused. She would have felt even weirder going shopping for underwear with people she barely knew. Hell, she didn’t even want to take her friends in fear of being embarrassed.
The girl felt anxiety building up in her veins, her chest growing tighter, troubling her breathing. With nervous eyes, she searched for her father, who was vigorously shaking his head.
“I’m not letting her alone. I’m going to take my daughter with me.” Richie told Mike before stomping over to her, gently grasping her arms and making her sit down on a tree stump. Richie had noticed that his daughter was breathing unevenly, erratically. He was torn between staying and making a point to his friends and taking his daughter to a quiet place, away from all the trouble that caused her anxiety to skyrocket. The look she gave him was one he understood perfectly though. She didn’t want them to be alone.
“I gotta say… Statistically speaking, if you look at survival scenarios, we’d do much better as a group.” Eddie joined into the conversation, almost anxiously uttering his opinion. From the corner of his eye, he could see Y/N grasping her father’s arm tightly, eyes wide like a young doe, as she was fighting herself. None of the Losers dared to get close to her though, too afraid that Richie might lash out at them.
“Yes. Splitting up would be dumb, man. We gotta go together, alright? We were together that summer, right?” Richie looked to his friends in hopes of them agreeing with him, getting Mike to see how stupid his idea was. Eddie nodded in agreement and Richie got his hopes up. Until Bill spoke up.
“N-no. Not that w-whole s-summer.” And with that, they remembered the fight. They remembered how they physically had to separate Richie and Bill so they wouldn’t smash each other’s heads in, how they spent time separated from each other, each of them too stubborn to face what, deep down, each of them knew would be necessary.
“What happened?” asked Y/N, voice shaky, eyes innocently looking up at her father, then the other Losers. She had managed to calm down enough to speak, but she knew that she was still on the verge of breaking down. No one answered, each of them just let their gaze wander over the greens surrounding them. The trees started losing their leaves and they instead graced the ground, covering the soil in endless shades of red, yellow, orange and even a few brown spots.
“I’ll bring you back to the hotel, then get that stupid token.” Richie finally said, reaching out a hand to help his daughter, who suddenly seemed a lot smaller than she really was, up. Gratefully, she grasped it before sliding her hand up, trying to find some steadiness and comfort in grasping her father’s arm until they were out of what she felt was a danger zone.
The forest made her feel alerted. Something could be lurking behind every tree. 
Behind every bush. 
Behind every tree stump. 
There was room to flee, yes, but at what cost? If they ran and were to be separated, she would easily fall victim to whatever IT was. Y/N didn’t know her way around and Richie wasn’t sure he still knew the place like he did when he was younger and spent almost every day of a whole summer lurking in the shadows, hiding away from the Bowers gang, making plans of how to kill IT and just enjoying the warmth of the summer that took not only his innocence, but also his friends’.
“I’ll join you.” Eddie spoke up, stepping closer to the leaving pair as each of the Losers awoke from their little trance, daring to move now that Richie accepted that he had to find his token on his own. Neither Richie nor Y/N said anything, instead, they started walking, hoping that they were somewhat on the track they had taken earlier to get to the clubhouse. Once they had reached the edge of the Barrens, however, the Losers wordlessly split up and went their own ways. Where to exactly, no one knew. They went wherever their feet, their subconscious brought them. Maybe it wasn’t even that. Maybe something bigger than each of them was leading them, something that they knew existed, but they couldn’t remember yet. It was irking them. Teasing them. Lost somewhere in the back of their minds with the rest of their memories of the last summer. About to burst through that thin layer of blissful ignorance, it just needed a little push to break through to the surface. 
All of the Losers gave in and started their little journey through the place they grew up in. Well, everyone except for Richie, Eddie and Y/N.
“Eds, I appreciate your concern, but Mike said that we all have to do this on our own. You should get a head start, we all know your little legs slow you down.” Richie said, sluggishly joking around. He didn’t have the energy to make fun of his friend now. Not now that his heart was beating restlessly like a kid on Christmas morning and he knew that he had to leave his daughter, the only family he had left, to fend for herself.
“Don’t call me that. I want to be there for you two. She’s your daughter, that makes her a Loser by blood. Besides, I just wanna make sure that you don’t up and leave with her.” Eddie smiled at the pair and, with that, Y/N felt how her chest filled with warmth. She hadn’t ever known a family bigger than her and her father, but knowing that at least one more person, if not the whole Losers Club was right beside her, made her feel like she belonged. Like she had an identity, was a person important to something bigger than being your average high school student.
Y/N gave the man a warm, genuine smile. “I wouldn’t let him leave.”
“I know, little one. I know.” Eddie smiled back at her, laying a hand on her shoulder, not sure how affectionate he could be with the girl without it becoming weird. After all, she was almost like a new addition to the mismatched family of losers and he didn’t want her to feel left out just as much as he didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable or suffocated by the affection shown.
“Watch it, I’m going to outgrow you. There is still hope for me.” She smirked as they slowly started making their way to the hotel. Richie scoffed, hands in the pockets of his jacket.
“Don’t get your hopes up too high, squirt. I don’t think you’ve grown in the past six months and- “
“Fuck off, dad.”
“Don’t tell me to fuck off, without this smart mouth here, you wouldn’t exist.” Richie reminded both her and Eddie, making the pair cringe.
“Beep-Beep, Richie.” Eddie said as he felt himself shudder against his will. Only moments later, a harsh wind blew their way, sweeping the hair from their faces, creating ripples of shivers on their bodies.
“I think I’m gonna leave you guys alone. It’s not far anymore and I feel like I have to go elsewhere.” Eddie said, awkwardly mustering the father-daughter-duo.
“You’re not gonna make sure that I won’t run off with her?” Richie asked, confused at Eddie’s sudden change of plans.
“I trust you, Richie.” Eddie replied, lips twitching up into a playful yet shy smile. Y/N couldn’t hold back her grin at the gentle exchange between the men and watched happily as Richie stepped closer to the smaller, insecurity-ridden man, wrapping his arms around him in an almost therapeutic hug. Obviously, they hoped to see each other again later that day, but were they sure they actually would?
“Come here, squirt. Group hug.” Richie motioned for her, lifting one of his arms to give the girl room as Eddie nodded encouragingly. Joyfully, she complied and wrapped her arms around the two men, as far as they would reach.
“Stay safe.” Y/N whispered as she felt a sudden pull in her chest. It was unexpected, hit her out of nowhere and coating her in an uncomfortable cold. The uncertainty of the situation, the dangers connected to each of them going their own way finally caught up to her and, as it seemed, not only her. As the men heard the raw concern in her voice, they hugged her just a little closer and a little tighter in hopes of consoling her in some way.
“Don’t worry, I will. I’ll see you later in the library and all of us will be fine, alright?” Eddie replied, knowing that he wasn’t speaking the truth. He knew that splitting up was the most dangerous thing they could do. He knew that they might not all return to the library that day. He knew that IT was after them – and IT was seeking revenge. But he felt that, in that situation, it would be more important sugar-coating the whole situation and not worrying her too much rather than telling her about the actual risks of the situation.
“You two stay safe. I’ll be waiting for you.” Eddie told them as he pulled out of the comfort of their arms, leaving to go his own way, not knowing which horrors would be waiting for him as he would be looking for a simple artefact to sacrifice. Richie smiled, nodding a little, then laid a hand on his daughter’s back, pushing her forward. Not before she could wave to Eddie one last time though. Eddie smiled and nodded in reply.
The Tozier-Duo walked in silence for a bit. Until Y/N decided that she couldn’t stand the tension for another moment and decided to speak up with a question that she had been dying to ask for a bit now.
“What is it with you and Eddie, Dad? Have you always been this close?”
Tags: (Please let me know if you want to be tagged in the next parts! And please forgive me and hit me up again if I forgot to tag you, sometimes things get lost, I am not forgetting you on purpose! ) 
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creampuffqueen · 4 years
Aelin x Rowan baby headcanons
All about Aelin and Rowan’s (many) children
-We all know these two would be next. Let's be honest here.
-From scenes in EoS and KoA, we know that they are open to the idea of children, we know they want them, and that Aelin is not likely taking any contraceptive tonic since she knows that conception may be hard for them.
-Well,,, not exactly.
-For whatever reason, Aelin has a fairly easy time getting pregnant. Around five to six months after Yrene's daughter, Amelie, is born, Aelin finds out she's pregnant.
-She's so so excited, but so so scared. She grew up hearing the horror stories of her mother's pregnancy and birth, how she almost died.
-Aelin tells Rowan on a quiet night they have together, one of the first in a long while. They have been super busy rebuilding and whatnot, after all.
-Rowan is silent for like a solid three minutes, and Aelin thinks he's not happy, but then he breaks out one of the biggest smiles she's ever seen on his face. And then he's crying and laughing and asking over and over again if she's sure this is real. He scoops her into his arms and kisses her, and between kisses Aelin is crying too, and they're both just so excited. You would not believe how excited they are.
-They decide to wait a bit to tell everyone, even though they're dying to tell.
-Well, they can't keep the secret for long. Not because they're bad at keeping secrets, but because Aelin starts getting ALL the pregnancy symptoms and can't hide it anymore.
-Literally. ALL they symptoms. She's not quite a month and a half in, and she can't keep any food down. Morning sickness is the pits, man. But she's also achy and hormonal and tired all the time, and she gets the weirdest cravings. Not to mention, she isn't drinking any alcohol.
-So it doesn't take long for the court to figure out what's going on.
-Lysandra squeals so loud the whole castle hears, and she hugs Aelin and won't let go. She says to Rowan, "This is my wife now," and Rowan, not feeling like getting on the shifter's bad side, lets her be for the time being. Elide almost cries, and then she's hugging her too. Then Aedion joins in. He is full on bawling. Like, ugly baby crying. Aelin jokingly says that even Rowan didn't that hard when he found out, and he's the baby's FATHER.
-Aelin is so sick the first trimester. Like, can't move because she's vomiting so much bad. She can't stand certain foods that she previously loved, and can also devour foods she used to hate. Then her taste buds change completely the next day. Rowan is frantically trying to keep up with her.
-And despite the fact that she is puking her guts up and will cry at the drop of a hat and is aching all over, she's horny. So. Fucking. Horny. Like, she's ready for some at all times. Rowan is scared of hurting her or the baby at first, but Aelin is like, "the only thing that can keep me from vomiting right now is either cake or a distraction, so please, please distract me." Rowan is only too happy to oblige his queen.
-When the morning sickness is over, she gets the rest of the symptoms. She has really good senses, like, really good. And they're heightened by the fact that she's Fae. She can smell what's being cooked for dinner from her suite on the like, fourth floor. It's weird.
-She gets big early on, like a good, seeable bump when she's only around four months. Twins are suspected, but the midwife just says it's one very large baby. Wow.
-Aelin gets frustrated with herself quickly. She's the godsdamned queen, she should be able to DO things, but she's either too tired or in too much pain to do much. She hates feeling so helpless.
-Rowan is never far from her side, and Aelin would find it annoying if she didn't actually need him to help her a lot.
-Imagine every pregnancy symptom, combined, and then times ten. Awful, right? Yeah, that's Aelin's pregnancy. It's bad.
-Despite everything being bad, she still finds time to formally announce her pregnancy. The people suspected, but now it's official. After all, the queen regularly walks around the city, but she hasn't been seen much in the last months.
-The official announcement also alerts Aelin's pregnancy to the neighboring kingdoms. Dorian, of course, sends his regards immediately. Yrene and Chaol send congrats soon after, Yrene again promising to be there for the birth. Ansel even sends a letter to congratulate her. A letter arrives from Nesryn, but as the Southern Continent is pretty far away, it doesn't get there until right before the baby is born.
-One of the only upsides to having every pregnancy symptom ever is that Aelin feels the baby kick fairly early on. The first time she cries, like right then and there. She's in the library, just sobbing, and Rowan finds her, and she has him feel. The baby is kicking and dancing around, and Rowan cries too.
-Of course, baby kicks are only cute when they're few and far between. This baby won't stop moving. Now Aelin can't sleep because her unborn child is already keeping her awake.
-When Aelin has about two weeks left before the birth, Yrene arrives. She has left her daughter at home with her husband, despite the fact they've recently discovered that she's deaf. Yrene puts all thoughts of her family from her mind while she cares for her patient.
-The due date comes, and no baby. Then a few more days pass, and still no baby. Aelin is stressing now; it should have been there by now, is something wrong? She really wants to not be pregnant anymore.
-A meeting with the Lords of Terrasen that had already been delayed arrives. Aelin expected to be a new mother, but she is still heavily pregnant. Like, can hardly walk pregnant. She has to have the meeting, though, so she walks all the way to the meeting hall.
-She is uncomfortable the whole meeting, for some reason she can't explain. She won't stop fidgeting, but doesn't know why.
-She stands up because she has to go to the bathroom, and suddenly a huge rush of water just,,, goes everywhere.
-She says awkwardly "Well, either I've just pissed myself really good, or my waters just broke. Either way, I think I should see myself out to go clean up."
-Everyone is silent and lets her go, with Rowan of course accompanying her.
-They are halfway up to their room when she feels a sudden pain. She cries out, and Rowan lets her squeeze his hand while it passes and helps her breathe through it.
-They get to their room, stopping again for a contraction. Rowan draws her a bath and helps her into it. He washes her hair gently and cools her down from the pain. When she's just soaking in the tub, Rowan calls for Yrene, who is winnowed into the bedroom by Fenrys. The male gives a salute and says "good luck" before disappearing.
-Yrene and Rowan get Aelin out of the bath and dried off, since using her powers is beyond her at the moment. Yrene helps her into a nightgown 'that she doesn't mind ruining'.
-Then they get her onto the bed, which Yrene has stripped, and get her comfortable. Yrene checks her, and she's definitely in labor. But it's going to be a while.
-And a while it is. Aelin's labor is long and hard. Very long. In the early stage she is able to get up and walk around, she dances with Rowan (more like just sways to some music, but it's dancing nonetheless) and reads. Lysandra stops in for a visit and chats while combing out Aelin's hair. The contractions are few and not that bad at this point. Then it gets worse.
-Aelin and Rowan start a bet on if it's a boy or a girl. Aelin thinks a boy. Rowan says girl. Yrene votes girl, Lysandra girl, Aedion and Elide boy. Evangeline comes up for a while with Fenrys, who both vote girl.
-When Aelin can't walk any more she gets into bed and tries to sleep, but it's too hard. She's in too much pain. Yrene gives her both a tonic for pain and for sleep, so she can get some rest and preserve her strength.
-Aelin is in labor for twenty-one hours. By the end she's just crying from pain and exhaustion. Rowan and Yrene are there and coaching her through it. The others left for bed hours ago.
-With the final push, Aelin squeezes Rowan's hand so hard that she breaks it. Rowan doesn't even register the pain because he's so focused on his mate. Aelin screams so loud they hear it down in the city.
-And on an early morning, Aelin and Rowan's baby is born.
-The two of them are still reeling from the labor while Yrene cleans the child, rubbing it and trying to get it to cry. A silent baby is never a good sign, they need to cry so they can breathe.
-But this baby is silent.
-Aelin and Rowan notice their baby hasn't cried yet. And they're worried. Aelin asks if anything is wrong, and Yrene answers honestly; the baby needs to cry so it can breathe, and its not crying.
-Aelin is terrified that her baby is stillborn. With tears in her eyes, she asks Yrene to hand her baby over. The healer does so, whispering softly, "It's a girl."
-A baby girl. She has blonde hair like her mother, and her ears are pointed. Fae through and through.
-Aelin clutches her daughter to her and murmurs encouragement, begging her to wake up and cry.
-They think it's too late. Tears are rolling down the faces of everyone in the room.
-But then- the baby lets out a gasp, and then she starts crying. Her squalling fills the room, and then her parents are sobbing in joy. They have a daughter. Terrasen has a crown princess.
-When Rowan goes to hold the baby, he notices that his hand isn't working. Aelin looks at him apologetically, and Yrene steps in to heal it quickly.
-Their friends soon gather round, cooing over the new baby. She cries and cries, and only stops when her mother or father hold her.
-They name her Lyria Nehemia Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius. It becomes sort of a joke within the court, the ridiculously long name of the crown princess.
-When she opens her eyes, they're the same pine green as her father's. Rowan gets a strange sense of deja vu, and he realizes that he's seen this baby girl in his dreams before. It makes him so happy, he won't put her down all day.
-Lyria is a wildfire. Literally. When she's around eight months old and starting to crawl, that's when her powers start showing up. Not only is their baby girl wild, she also nearly burns down her nursery twice. After that she's moved to more... fire-proof quarters.
-It's when Lyria is around seven months old that Aelin starts to feel... off. She can't place it exactly, but something just doesn't feel normal.
-She soon figures out why. She's pregnant again. She hadn't been on the tonic because she thought it would take years more to have another baby. Not to mention, being new parents along with running a kingdom mean that Aelin and Rowan don't have much... alone time. However, the midwife is positive.
-Aelin and Rowan are excited to be having another baby, but Aelin really doesn't want to be pregnant again. The last time was awful, so how is this one going to be?
-The answer? Just as bad. Possibly worse.
-All the same pregnancy awfulness, combined with a wild baby who can set fire to things on accident and is also crawling now. Not a good combo. Rowan tries to take as much off of her as he can, but there's only so much he can do. And some things must be done by the mother. After all, Lyria is still breastfed.
-The court is just as surprised; they also didn't expect another royal baby. The kingdom feels the same way. And all the other friends. Everyone is surprised.
-Lyria stands when she's ten months old, and walks when she's eleven. Poor Aelin is still having bad morning sickness and can't even appreciate her daughter's first steps properly because she is bent over a toilet and puking up her breakfast.
-Despite everything, she's so happy with her family. Her baby girl is wonderful, and she's a fast learner. Her powers are still unpredictable, but she's already managing them better. Rowan is like, the #1 dad. He is the best. Aelin cannot describe just how much she loves him, she didn't think it was possible to love someone so much.
-Her next labor is a little better, only twenty hours this time. And their baby cries as soon as it's born. Aelin bet on another girl, but Rowan insisted that it would be a boy.
-Rowan is right. They have a baby boy with silver hair and Ashryver eyes. His name is Sam Gavriel Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius.
-Little Sam is Lyria's opposite. In every way. He is quiet and hardly cries, like, this is one silent baby. Lyria is so interested in her baby brother, it's the cutest damn thing. She loves to sit on one of her parents' laps and hold him, she likes to watch him, she tries to play with him, it's so pure.
-Life progresses. The children get older. Sam also has powers, and quite a lot, but they are slow to manifest. They lean more towards ice and wind, opposite of Lyria's leaning towards fire.
-Both children train with their parents, and when Sam is three, he discovers that he can shift. His other form is a red-tailed hawk. Lyria, on the other hand, is like her mother, with only one form. She is so sad about it, but she learns to love being able to run with her mother while her brother and father fly.
-Aelin finds out she's pregnant again when Lyria is five and Sam is four. She just casually mentions it at dinner with their court one night, saying, "no wine tonight, I can't when i'm pregnant." Everyone collectively gasps, and Aelin just smirks and sips water out of a champagne glass.
-Once again, terrible pregnancy. Just awful. Her children are scared and worried when their Mommy won't get out of bed to play and train with them, and have to be consoled by Rowan for a while.
-Long and hard labor again, twenty-two hours. Aelin says girl. Rowan says boy. Rowan is right again.
-A baby boy is born with silver hair and green eyes. He looks like Rowan. Like, exactly like Rowan. It's uncanny how much this baby looks like his father.
-His name is Aspen Rhoe Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius. (because it's a pretty name, and also the name of a tree, like Rowan, hehe) His older brother and sister dote on him at every waking moment. Adorable, and actually fairly helpful.
-Aspen looks more and more like Rowan when he gets older. Even his powers and other form are like Rowan's. His form is a white-tailed hawk, and his powers are ice and wind. Not a single lick of flame.
-You'd think they'd be done having kids after three but HAHA. This is Aelin and Rowan. We all know how they are. And with their children sleeping in their own rooms, they can have some alone time ;)
-Aelin gets pregnant again. It's the same rinse and repeat. Hard pregnancy. Hard labor. Rowan guesses the gender again, damn it, why is he so good at it?
-A baby girl is born with silver hair and ocean blue eyes. Her name is Evalin Elena Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius. Lyria is 8, Sam 7, and Aspen 3. They love their baby sister and vow to protect her always.
-Evalin is definitely the fanciest of the Galathynius children. She loves dressing up, and her favorite thing to do is make crowns using her powers. She can control ice and flame equally, so she is always making crowns for her parents and siblings when she has control over her powers. So cute.
-Evalin's other form is a peregrine falcon. Lyria is a little put out now; even her baby sister has another form and she doesn't. But she's soon okay with is when she proves that her powers are the strongest of all her siblings.
-Evalin is 2 when Aelin gets pregnant again. At this point the court is like, ugh, again? but happy at the same time. It's just,,, they have a lot of kids.
-The pregnancy and labor is, again, hard. Now remember when I mentioned that Lyria was a large baby? No? Well, anyway, this baby is also quite large. But hey, all of their kids were big, how hard can this be?
-Hard. So hard. A day and a half of labor. And at the end Aelin has a sudden loss of blood and nearly bleeds out on her bed. It's so terrifying, Rowan can feel the mating bond growing taut because his mate is in mortal peril. Yrene makes the decision to operate. She does, and, turns out... there were two in there.
-Two screaming, silver haired babies are wrapped in blankets and whisked away while Yrene heals and heals and heals. At the end, she actually falls off the bed and faints. Rowan catches her and sends for another healer to heal the healer.
-Aelin survives, but the operation made it so she could no longer have children. Aelin decides right then and there, holding her newborn twins after nearly dying, that she doesn't want any more children anyway. Six is enough, gods, more than enough, and she's so grateful for them all.
-For once, Aelin wins the bet. She bet girl, Rowan boy. There's a girl and a boy.
-They are named Aerith Essar and Thallan Ress, along with their slew of last names that I was too lazy to type.
-Two more silver haired, Ashryver eyed children join the royal family. Of course, everyone adores them.
-The twins don't have any crazy twin powers, but they do have a secret language between the two of them. Seeing the two of them often makes Fenrys's heart melt, thinking about when he was a child with his twin brother. The twins are, without a doubt, Fenrys's favorite royal children.
-The twins have control over ice, wind, and fire equally, like all their siblings except Aspen. Their other forms are red-shouldered hawks. Nobody can tell them apart in their animal forms.
-All the children get older, learn more, and get more powerful. Lyria is like her mother, she loves to fight, she has an attitude. She is also very compassionate and loves Terrasen deeply. Sam is quiet, but watchful, and very educated. He loves to read and listen to music. Aspen is, like, literally just Rowan. Imagine a teenage Rowan without the tattoo, that's Aspen. Evalin loves all things beautiful and fancy, she loves being a pampered princess, but at the same time is always willing to fight. And the twins are troublemakers who, at the same time, have a heart of gold.
-The story Worlds of Fire and Darkness take place when Lyria is 20, Sam is 19, Aspen is 15, Evalin is 12, and Aerith and Thallan are 10.
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tefanfics · 4 years
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Chapter 22
“Hey. I just finished up. Currently changing and I’ll be right there, okay?”
“Okay. Try and hurry!” I said with a little smile as I ended the call. It was a little chilly tonight so I had bundled up more than the usual. I waited patiently as patiently as I could for Taron, standing near a pathway that lad up a little hill.
Our current filming location was mountainside. We had been filming at nighttime for just under two weeks now but tonight we were all let off early. There was a forecast for clear and dark skies which meant the Aurora Borealis would be visible. I was beyond excited to say the least. Seeing the Northern Lights was on my bucket list.
I tried to busy myself by playing on my phone but the impatience was taking over. “How long does it take to get out a suit?” I murmured to myself as I pocketed my phone.
“Longer than you’d expect,” Taron said as he approached me. He flashed my favorite grin before kissing me on the cheek. “Let’s go then.”
I took his hand and we started up the trail. A few of the cast and crew had already gone ahead so we trailed quietly behind. Which was fine by me. It allowed us a little bit of privacy.
“I can’t wait to see the final product from this scene,” I thought aloud.
“I’m excited about it. I think it might be some of my best work as far as action scenes go.” Taron kept ahold of my hand and his free one lingered in his coat pocket, no doubt from the wind chill.
“I would agree with that.” I nodded, looking at Taron before watching where I was stepping again. The hill had been steep but it was starting to plateau. We separated ourselves from the crowd, walking further and further away until it felt like just the two of us.
We stood close together as we talked, our gazes focused on the dark sky.
Taron still liked to ask me question after question. Whenever either of got tired of the comfortable silence, we resorted to questions.
“Favorite song as a child?”
“It’s kind of weird and maybe not necessarily a favorite but it’s the one I have my first memory of music of. Another One Bites the Dust by Queen.”
Taron chuckled, an eyebrow arching. “It is a weird one.”
“I don’t know why but I just remember being in the living room, sitting on the floor near the fireplace and my dad was switching the CD player to the next disc and I just remember the opening beat. And every time I hear it, that’s the memory that pops into my head.” I shrugged, smiling at the thought of it. With the thought of it, I also began to think of my dad. I missed them but it would be a while before I could go home.
“Hey, look!” Taron gently bumped my shoulder, yanking me from my thoughts.
I looked up. There it was. Waves of green began to appear in the night sky, splashes of purple and pink fighting their way to be seen. It was beautiful. Something about it seemed to hit just right, making me a little emotional as I watched. It was so bright it seemed like it was almost daytime.
“Wow,” I murmured. “It’s amazing.”
Taron said something in agreement beside me but I was completely entranced by the night sky. I leaned into Taron, his arms wrapping around me. I rested my head on his chest.
“Thanks for watching this with me,” I spoke up. I looked up at him, hugging him still with my fingers laced together behind his back.
“Thanks for letting me,” Taron answered. There was a smile on his face I couldn’t quite place. It was almost like pure happiness and something in his eyes and the way he looked at me, well that was harder to say.
A swift kiss brushed over my lips and I sighed happily. This was perfect. I felt as though nothing could be better than this.
“I got something for you,” Taron spoke up. “I was going to give it to you later but now seemed liked a better time.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, black velvet pouch.
I chewed my lower lip in thought as I let go of him, holding a hand out in front of me. Taron opened the bag and carefully tilted it so that the contents of it fell into the palm of my hand. I delicately picked up the small silver heart and the chain attached to it. The beautiful colored lights glistened on the metal as I saw a small rose etched into the front of the heart. I turned it over, realizing it was a locket. I was gentle with the locket as I opened it. It was just bright enough to read the words engraved inside.
And I love her.
I smiled, feeling like I was blinking back tears. That was the song we had danced to that morning in his living room. “It’s beautiful,” I managed, my voice no louder than a whisper. I looked up at Taron, seeing the same smile as before on his face. “Thank you.” I handed him the the locket and turned around as he put it on me, latching it at the back of my neck. I faced Taron again and kissed him before hugging him again.
“All the photos you’ve shown me, you always had a necklace on and you said that since you moved here, you no longer had one to wear everyday,” Taron started to explain. “I’ve noticed that sometimes you sort of absentmindedly reach for a necklace but there’s nothing there. Now there is.”
My smile grew wider as reached up and to yes the necklace, the metal cold under my fingers. “I love it.”
Taron smirked as he reached up, taking the locket from my hand. He opened it and met my eyes again. “That’s the song that we-“
“We danced to that morning after you let me stay at your apartment.”
“It is, yeah,” he went on, his voice gentle as he spoke to me. He thumb ran over the words on the inside of the locket. “It’s also very true.”
I scrunched my eyebrows before I looked up at Taron again. I locked eyes with him and that’s when it clicked what it was in his eyes before.
“I love you, Rose. I know it’s only been five months but I keep catching myself.” Taron gave me a little grin as he shut the locket and let go of it. “I wanted to wait- to make sure this was something you really wanted and that we weren’t rushing things but every time I see you doing certain things- like how you make yourself comfortable anywhere just to read or how you laugh so hard at your own jokes you start crying. I just… I can’t keep it in anymore. I love you and I’ll happily shout it to the world right here, right now if you’d let me.”
My heart was pounding in my chest as I listened to Taron. Over the moon didn’t begin to describe how I felt. “I do too,” I answered. “Catching myself, I mean.” My arms reached over his shoulders and I pulled myself close to him on my tiptoes, feeling his embrace back. I let my grip loosen some as I looked him in the eyes again. “I love you too.”
Taron’s expression went giddy, like a kid in a candy shop. He hugged me tight again before kissing me like there was no tomorrow.
I giggled as I tried to escape his wrath of kisses, though I really didn’t want it to end. When he stopped, I wrapped my arms around his waist and let the side of my face rest on his chest again as we watched the Northern Lights start to disappear.
“Nothing will ever top this,” I murmured to myself.
“Just you wait.”
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years
You and Me and You- Winchesters x OC Milania
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Series Note: Before I dive into this story, I want to make something very clear. In NO WAY will this have ANY aspect of inappropriate content. No smut, no incest, just a very clean story. I imagine this as the concept of Twilight, just with the Winchesters; no vampires and werewolves unless they’ll be killed. There were two boys who loved one girl and that’s all this will be, the boys just happen to be brothers. Will there be kissing? Of course, but that’s as far as I write. I will also try to be as accurate to the series as possible but if something doesn’t sound true to the show, it’s probably my own take on it and the characters. I still hope this will attract plenty of readers and I hope everyone enjoys! -Monique
Second note: John Winchester, Jody Mills and Bobby Singer all work together on cases in the early chapters. Warnings will be added to each chapter.
Summary: Milania was left abandoned as a child, taken in by Bobby Singer. Being raised in the life of hunting monsters, it was a rough upbringing but she wouldn’t have changed a thing. When the Winchesters became involved, it was a whole different ball game, one that no one knew how to play.
Warnings: Mentions of child abuse, child abandonment, injuries to a child, Bobby being a good Dad.
Word Count: 2,147
Masterlist | Next Chapter
Chapter One- 1984
Bobby’s POV
I was out on a hunt in Washington State, trying to track what was causing a string of murders of daycare children. Storybrooke Daycare Center, founded in 1921, was the source of missing children that later turned up dead. Investigating this location, I unraveled a web of secrets that no one in the town knew about. In the thirties, one of the daycare workers had been a pedophile and not caught until seen in the act on the property, and was he fired and sent to jail. However, once released a year later, he came back and killed several of the children. Fast forward to today, and the reason for these killings was linked to the ghost of the worker. I and my pal Rufus had ganked that son of a bitch, causing the center to be closed down indefinitely. As police arrived on the scene, social workers worked with the remaining employees of the center, to wait or parents of the children. Slowly, every child was taken home and offered guidance from the social workers. When everyone was accounted for and I was no longer being interrogated, I start packing all my belongings. I head out to my car to load back up for the next case when the faint sound of crying filled my ears.
“What the?” I say aloud, following the sound coming from a small child. As I grew closer, I see a little girl, no older than three, sitting on the wet rocks in the playground area. Her clothes were stained and ripped, her hair a matted mess.
“Hey there, little one. Where’s your Mommy?” I ask, crouching down to her level. Instead of answering me, she continued to cry. Looking around and seeing absolutely no one left to pick up kids, I figured she was abandoned.
“Here, come with me. I’ll help you.” I try to coax the little girl into coming with me.
“She’s not going to go with you, Bobby. You’re just as scary to her as those monsters were.” Rufus said, seeing what I was doing. 
“Well, I can’t just leave her! I found her and no one is left to care for her, so I’m taking her.” I yell back to my partner, who still disproved.
“Look you old fool, I’m not asking for your permission! This is what I’m doing so you can either join me or leave me the hell alone!” I turn to look back at the little girl, who had now come to my side and was staring up at me.
“Do you wanna come with me? I promise I won’t hurt you.” I say in the softest voice I could come up with and she nodded at me. I pick her up and walk to the car, and buckle her in. Unfortunately, she was too small to sit by herself, so I move her to the front with me and cradle her into my side.
Honestly, I have no idea how to raise a child. I’ve never had any of my own considering my wife died from a demon before we were ever able to think about that. However, I do know a few female hunters that would probably be more than happy to help out. So, I threw the car into drive and drove off to the first person I could think of.
“No Jody, she was abandoned. No one was there to pick her up. You know I couldn’t have just left her. Not at all. Okay, yes, I know I have no experience raising a kid but I couldn’t just let her stay there. She’s a mess and since the daycare ended up shutting down, I decided to take her. Look, will you just help me, please? Okay. Thank you. We’ll be there soon. Bye.”
Arriving at Jody’s a few days later, I get out of the car, and I can tell the little girl was afraid but her mood changed as she saw me on her side of the car. Damn, this kid is getting attached fast. I help her out of the car and put her on my hip as we walk to the door.
“Hey, Bobby, and hello, who is this?” Jody said to the child in my arms.
“That’s a good question. All the kids at the center had nametags they kept on their backs but I think hers fell off.”
“How about Milania? Millie for short.” Jody suggests.
“You know, that’s quite fitting for her. What do you think, Milania?” I look down at the child who squeals and claps her hands.
“I’d say she likes it.” Jody and I chuckle as Millie runs off to the couch in the living room.
“Okay little lady, you are in desperate need of a bath,” Jody says, going to pick Millie up and take her to the bathroom. Much to both our surprise, she didn’t fight Jody on it as most children would. I followed the two into the bathroom since I was going to have to learn how to care for Millie on my own, and saw the shocking and sickening part of her neglect. Underneath all her little clothes, her arms and legs were bruised, she had food and dirt all matted in her hair and spots of dry blood around her body. It also seemed like she cigarette burns scared onto her skin too. Jody filled the tub and slowly set Millie into the water, and that was when all hell broke loose. Millie screamed at the top of her lungs and was crying uncontrollably. It must’ve been because she still had wounds that weren’t healed. 
“Bobby, can I get some help over here?” Jody yelled to me, trying to hold Millie in the tub, but it was a battle she was losing alone.
“Come here, sweet girl,” I say, sucking in some air and trying to assist as much as possible. I hold Millie in my arms as Jody washed her hair and body, getting all the dirt and blood off. I’ve seen plenty of people, adults, who looked like this, but most of the time, they’re monsters and they deserved it. It was a whole different story seeing a child treated in such a terrible manner. I may not know what I’m doing when it comes to raising a kid, but I do know I will always protect Milania; she’s been through enough.
Once we got her all cleaned up, Jody took her into the next room to put some clothes on. She said she had gone to a clothing store and stocked up on as many toddler clothes as she could find. Our whole worlds had flipped when I found Millie but it was what needed to be done.
“Hey get ready, John said he was coming by with the boys to get some help on a case he is suspecting in Colorado,” Jody said, as Millie ran back into the living room, looking much happier than she did a few minutes before.
“I gotcha. How’s he been doing?” I ask.
“He’s been okay. Things are still hard on him since Mary died and I don’t think it’s getting any easier.” Jody said.
“How are the boys?”
“I’m not sure. I mean, Sam is about to turn two and Dean just turned six. They still rely on John a lot but I know he hasn’t quite been all there.”
Just as our conversation about the widower ended, there was a knock on the door; it’s them.
“John, good to see you and the boys.”
“Hey Jods, thanks. We’ve surely missed having any female perspectives on certain things.” John tries to joke but his face is full of sadness.
“Jod-Jod!” Dean yells, waddling his way over to Jody, who bends down to the boy and scoops him up in a big hug.
“Hey Deano, how’s it going?”
“Good!” He answers, with a big smile on his face.
“Have you been keeping an eye on Sammy?”
“Yes.” He giggles as Jody tickles him before he gets set down and he runs to me. 
“Hey, sport.” I ruffle his hair and wrap around him as he hugs my leg. 
“Bobby, how you doing, man? Jody tells me you have a kid?” John asks. 
“Hey, yeah I do. I found a little girl abandoned on the location of a hunt Rufus and I worked on the other day and I decided to take her in.”
“Wow, well I’m not doing too well in the parenting department myself but I do think she’ll be in good care with you.” John compliments.
“Thank you. Jody here has been helping me out a lot, giving me all the tips, I may need, but I have her on speed dial for emergencies.” We both laugh as Jody comes into the room with Millie.
“Hey, there she is.”
“Daddy!” Millie yells as she runs over to me. That was the first time she’s said anything and she already knows me as her Dad.
“Hey Mills, I want you to meet some people, okay?” She nods as I pick her up. 
“John, this is my daughter, Milania. We call her Millie for short.”
“Hi Millie, I’m John.” She hides her face in my shoulder, still not used to people.
“I guess she’s still shy. That right there was the first time I’ve heard her talk since I found her.” I say to John who just smiles.
“Guess you got a magic touch or something.”
“Hey Millie, come meet my boys,” John says, walking over to where Dean was sitting, next to Sam on the floor.
“Dean, this is Millie. She’s Bobby’s daughter. And that little guy there is Sam.”
“Hi, Millllllie,” Dean says, singing Milania’s nickname out. She looks over to Dean and just stares at him.
“Say hi Mills.” I try encouraging her to meet new people. 
“Hi.” She spoke in a small voice, before turning back to me.
“Hey kids, I have an idea. Do you guys wanna draw? I’ve got crayons and paper in the kitchen.” Jody said, leading the children away from John and me.
“So, what do you got?” I ask, taking a swig from a bottle of beer, looking to the younger man.
“It looks like Wendigos. They’ve made quite a mess in the town of Silverton, Colorado. But it seems like more than I can handle on my own.” John explains.
“Well, I’d be more than happy to go with you and try to figure this thing out.”
“What about the kids?” 
“We can always ask Jody if she could watch them?”
“Of course, I’ll watch the kids while y’all go on a hunt. It gives me more time with Sam and Dean and gets to know Millie a little better. Plus, she’s been through a lot; she needs a chance to catch a break.”
“Thanks, Jody. We’ll check in often, make sure the kids are alright.” I say.
“They will be; they’ll be with their Aunt Jody.”
“So, we’ll head out in the morning then,” John suggests before gathering the boys up and leaving to stay in a motel in town.
“You and Millie can stay here for the night. Can’t have Baby Girl in a nasty motel room after what she’s seen. She deserves to sleep in a neatly made bed.
“Can’t argue with that.” Putting Millie to bed was easier than I thought it was going to be but it was later than any child should be up. She sleeps on the bed, next to me, and soon we both are taken over with sleep.
When morning arrives, I get Millie dressed and get her some breakfast before John and the boys come over. I try to explain to her that I will be away from her for a while, which went well.
“Hey princess, listen. Daddy is going away for a few days and you have to stay here with Aunt Jody. But I’ll call to check on you, okay? You be good for Aunt Jody and get along with Sam and Dean.” I say to the toddler as she rocks back and forth on her heels.
“Okay, Daddy.” She says as she leans in to hug me tight. She was tiny but mighty when it came to affection.
“Dee!” Millie yells when she sees John and the boys walk in the front door. Dean lets go of John’s hand and runs over to me and Millie.
“Millie!” Dean yells back to the young girl and hugs her tight like she just hugged me.
“Alright guys, I got a movie and popcorn all set up for you in the living room,” Jody says as the kids rush into the other room, and taking Sam from John’s arms.
“Thanks again, Jods,” I say.
“No worries. You guys be careful out there; you have kids counting on you to come home.”
Tag list: @tloveswriting​ (if you wanna be added to the tag list, let me know!) @akshi8278​
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 4
New episode, new post!
This was the other post I had written out that got accidently deleted so I'm writing it all again.
1993? And Lila was 4? TOO MUCH COINCIDENCE! I still stand by my theory that Lila is one of the 43.
Yes, she has a father but that could just be her mother's husband. It's just too coincidental that the show would make her exactly the same age as the Hargreeves for no reason.
Ah the red heels. Hi Handler. These heels are really pretty though, very wicked witch with the ruby slippers. Even that outfit kind of screams wicked witch meets Cruella de Vil 😏
Kill parents, adopt child. Interesting MO, Handler. Like an evil Bruce Wayne (does this make Handler Owlman? I know, I'm not funny).
Oh, Handler pulling a Reginald with Lila!
Except, you know, she actually gives Lila positive reinforcement and affection, unlike Reggie. But her training seems just as brutal and inhumane for a child (and possibly even more violent) as Reginald's...
It's curious and interesting, a nice foil. Handler succeeds where Reggie fails- creating a loyal and effective soldier will into adulthood- because she was willing to give the kid affection and compassion. Reggie saw himself as some sort of hero creating heros but he failed at the most basic and human thing that even the villain understood.
-The filmography in these training scenes is brilliant.
-Ah, that prom look is the same as half of my classmates when we graduated 🤣 down to the blue makeup.
I'm guessing Lila's "prom"/"graduation" was her first solo assassination?
Wait, Handler wants to protect Five...? What the hell is she up to now?
Talking about killing people like it's a fun hobby 🤨
Oh, so the Swedes are triplets? I suspected but I like the confirmation.
Oh, Handler is lying ~~~~ 🎶
She's definitely following her own agenda here and she's leading Lila into danger. The question is if she's going to undermine the Commission for revenge of if she wants to prove her ability to get promoted back into administrative ranks of the Commission.
Either way, this will not end well for Five.
Lila is going to end up having to choose between Diego and Handler, isn't she?
Five stays in the car to give Luther space... No matter what Five says he actually cares about his siblings' feelings, doesn't he? He's the most overprotective of them all and always has been. It's sweet.
Ah, Luther and Vanya bonding over Five being an asshole. ☺️
"very warm and cuddly father" 🤣
Of course Vanya figured out Five was sparing her feelings, because she's not dumb
Oh, thank you for the honesty, Luther! Gotta love that.
I'm actually really happy to see Luther owning up to his mistakes instead of trying to act like the flawless leader. I think he grew a lot after accepting that Reginald wasnt perfect and I'm glad to see that growth still happening as he learns how to be an independent person. I just hope his guilt doesn't turn into even more self-hatred.
"you had kind of a bad childhood" -understatement of the century, Luther!
Luther, you have pissed off the mobster, you moron. You're on big trouble now.
Dramatic wall punch! 🙄
"when you get angry shit blows up" 😂😂😂
"you're our sister and a member of the umbrella academy" - oh, now you want to include her? The irony of this is that it's the one thing Vanya wanted for the first 29 years of her life and if anyone had said it then, the apocalypse would probably have never happened.
"I wonder if it's too late to be un-adopted" -ah, you know you love them, Five
Honestly, Allison actually keeps her cool really well, if I went through that phone call I would have broken something.
Why the hell does Klaus want menudo first thing in the morning?? Ew...
Klaus butchering "the frog and the scorpion"... You were doing so well but ended up completely missing the point of that story, dummy.
Diego's stab wound is healing really quickly...
Wait, he's healing quickly and Allison doesn't have a neck scar... Plus Klaus is immortal... Hmm, I wonder if quick healing is an ability they all share? Though that would put Diego's scars (and maybe Ben's death) into perspective...
Does Diego wax his chest? Those pecs are real smooth for someone who spent over two months in a 60s mental institution. 😆
"we've all had the urge" 😂 and Diego's sarcastic laugh 🤣
Who's the 12th of the Magestic 12? Oh, I WONDER WHO THAT COULD BE??? Maybe a certain monocled asshole?
"Mamie pink" is Klaus's new nickname, I don't make the rules.
Klaus, you are freaking the boy out with all this new information...
Oh no, the homophobia 😡😡😡
You know what's more heartbreaking about this homophobic disaster? Dave is likely in the closet and this whole situation here and the hate his uncle is showing must be so painful to him, it would probably bury him even deeper in the closet...
Klaus... The punch... Oh, baby... 😢 Oh no, I'm going to cry 😭😭😭
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Is Raymond really implying that Allison is a spy? Damn...
Just tell him the truth, Allison! How do you marry a person without telling them something so big about yourself??
Oh, so Klaus has been sober for 3 years... Interesting.
No, Klaus! Don't start self-destructing again! 😢😢😢
It must be so painful for Ben to watch this and not be able to stop it...
Oh shoot, the cult found him.
"prophet"? "holy wanderer"? Interesting.
Poor Klaus just wants peace.
They seriously couldn't get a suit for Five too? Is he not allowed to wear anything else?
Five is onto Lila 🎶
Luther, are you stress eating? Well, at least you're not going on a bender again.
Awww, Luther- Allison reunion. Cute. Please don't make it weird.
Oh God, the awkward small talk is back 😩
I'm glad Luther is being so mature about this. I like this dynamic better.
"Vanya is on a farm. And happy" and Allison finds the happy part weird. Diego in the "nuthouse" and Allison doesn't find that weird at all, even does that 'yeah, ok makes sense' face. Klaus "cult leader" and Luther isn't surprised at all, that little "eh" was so funny.
Lord, this family is mess.
"Doomsday" *awkward chuckle* -you guys are getting way too used to this.
"Diego, try not to do anything too stupid" 😆 ah, brothers.
Lila in red heels, like mommy... 😏
Reggie taught them ballroom dancing? And Handler had the same idea?
Um.... Ok, so new theories! Do Handler and Reginald know each other? Could Reginald have been in the Commission? I'm going to be thinking about this for a while...
Just let the girl lead, Diego. Stop being a little bitch.
So mom!Grace is either a cyborg or she was modeled after this woman... Makes curious about Reggie's relationship with this lady.
Diego going through the universal horror every kid goes through when realizing that mommy and daddy are "together". 🤣🤣🤣 "I can't picture it on my head. That's nasty"
She didn't tell him her name was Grace but apparently it is.
Am I the only one getting weird desperate and co-dependant vibes from Sissy?
Oh no! Save the baby!
Holy shit! HOLY SHIT! Vanya's powers are incredible! The special effects in this scene are unbelievable!
Save the child!
How did his lips get blue so quickly?
Ok, I need to pause to gather my thoughts... Ok, things I hope don't happen-please don't magically "fix" the disabled boy, and please don't make the powers transferrable (that's just lazy writing, don't rehash "Misfits").
However, other than that I'm just very curious what those lights will do to Harlan. Will they just save his life? Will he gain powers? Will he have some weird connection to Vanya now? I'm dying to find out!
Anyway, back to the ep.
Baby boy is ok!
Luther, did you think pissing off the mobster would end well?
Elliot just starting up at Luther in awe and visibly fighting not to poke him. 😆
Oh, Sissy... Poor woman.
There going to kiss, aren't they?
Melancholic music kicking in. Sad emotional talk. Sitting way too close. Yeah, they're going to kiss.
Aaaaaand there's the kiss! ☺️
But now I need to pause and digress again...
Yeah, Sissy's feelings for Vanya are not healthy at all. In fact they mirror Vanya's feelings for Leonard- she's unhappy with her life and clinging to the first person that gives her attention. She wants help, she wants to be rescued, she's touch and attention starved. She's co-dependant and emotionally manipulative.
I'm not saying Sissy is a bad person, she's not, she's a sad person stuck in an unhappy marriage, terrified of being abandoned (almost paranoid) and exhausted under a lot of pressure dealing with a disabled child. And then in comes Vanya, who is perfect with Harlan, so loving and kind and has nothing else to pour all her attention towards. Of course Sissy sees salvation in Vanya and is desperate to keep her.
I'm not saying Vanya and Sissy can't have a beautiful healthy relationship, they can, but not like this. Sissy is clinging too tight and using Vanya to make herself feel better and make her life easier. They both deserve better than that and I hope they get it.
I'm starting to think that all relationships in this season might be doomed to fail:
-Sissy and Vanya have a co-dependant and emotionally unhealthy infatuation and Sissy is married to a man that, while not great, still clearly loves her;
-Raymond and Allison have too many secrets between them that are causing a major rift, they can fix it but there's also the chance that Ray might not be able to accept the truth about her;
-Lila is a double agent using Diego to get close to Five, she seems to be developing feelings but the fact that she's lying about who she is and working for Handler is obviously toxic;
-Klaus is pining over a person that Dave has not yet become and while he only wants to save Dave's life, it's obvious there's too big an experience and culture gap between them for a relationship to flourish;
-Luther and Allison have become one-sided and less innocent and puppy-love than before, now it really is just creepy and unhealthy (whereas before it was understandable because they grew up together under an emotionally unavailable father and isolated from the real world, naturally they became attached and confused their feelings, their attachment wasn't healthy but it was justified and almost innocent... Not anymore though);
-we have no concrete proof yet, but it seems Ben MIGHT be pining over a girl that might not even see him, he's dead, it might be an interesting dynamic storywise, but it's not going to happen, it's unhealthy and unfair;
Some of these couples might still survive and become great, it's still really in the season after all, but they have a lot of growing to do before they get there.
Anyway.... Back to the episode.
Oh Klaus... Off the wagon...
Allison being a good sister and taking care of her brother. My heart ❤️
Luther, you idiot... Well, at least you're getting high in a safe environment.
Luther and Klaus are self-destructing, my poor boys.
"you are super weird" - Luther, you have no zero right to call anyone weird, have you looked in the mirror??
"the woman I love loves someone else" -the woman you love is. your. SISTER!
I really like poor Elliot, I hope nothing bad happens to him.
Jesus, that's creepy, Luther.
Didn't I say Reginald was the 12th? 😏
Roswell? Reggie probably has a vested interest in that.
Blink out of there, Five.
I love that Five's main move is always 'teleport onto their backs and go for the throat'.
Wait, why did Five's teleportation glitch???
The music!!!!
Wait, did Diego's aim just glitch too???
Could these power glitches be connected to Vanya's magic lights going into Harlan? Or could it be something about the Swedes? Or about Reginald's presence, seeing as he dodged Diego's power before? Hmm...
Oooh, Lila has to choose between Diego and her mission already? Interesting... Of course she chooses to save Five.
Badass Lila is amazing!
So she could have helped Diego after helping Five but instead she just walks away? Huh, unexpected.
Diego, you adrenaline junkie. Good moves though.
The ancient Greek is a surprise! I really want to know what Five said to Reginald!!! What did he say? I need to know!!!
Another great chapter!! Very emotional too!
I want more!!!
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fasterthanmydemons · 4 years
I love how you write Pietro as being respectful towards women yet still kind of a womanizer or "ladies man", I totally see him as someone who would run into a wall (and get really hurt in the process) because he just turns his head when he sees a lady and he stops paying attention. In an AU where he lives, how would his relationship with the Marvel ladies be? Nat, Gamora, Mantis, Nakia, Carol, Valkyrie, Hope, etc, would he flirt with any of them? Do you have any crack ships with Pietro?
{out of breath} So... *sigh* Yeah, I can feel a rant coming on. A good one, but... probably a lot more than you ever asked for haha. I just haven’t really ever put down all my headcanons regarding Pietro’s treatment of women, how he views male and female genders and gender roles, and how his upbringing shaped those views... so Imma use this opportunity to do that, heh. I’ll bring Wanda into this too because it matters. Under a cute because loooong. XD
So... for the twins’ upbringing, culture, and religion, I combined their MCU and comic backgrounds, and used a mix of Romani culture, Judaism, Paganism, and sort of a very traditional and old school upbringing as far as living a simple life without much technology early on. They were adopted but never knew, and their adopted parents were Romani with regard to culture. As children they lived in a very rural village in the fictional country of Transia where there was no TV, no cell phones, no internet, no computers... it was farms and animals and forests and general stores that accepted trades instead of money. So they lived a very simple life.
This simple life was very much about loyalty to family, protecting those you loved, and respecting others, however it was at times misguided. Pietro especially was raised with a healthy dose of sexism, which is difficult to say since his father had only the best of intentions and always treated women well, yet nevertheless what he taught Pietro was definitely sexist. From a very young age, he was taught by his father that men are the strong ones. They’re the protectors. Women should be loved, adored, valued, and taken care of. That was the man’s role, to take care of and protect his family, especially the women. This is one of the roots of Pietro being so protective of Wanda, because he felt like that was his role and duty in life, to protect the women who mattered most to him. Wanda, on the other hand, was expected to help her mother with things like cooking and cleaning and taking care of the animals. As nice and chivalrous as most of this sounds, it’s imposing very specific gender roles for both men and women on impressionable children.
“Men are the strong ones,” was an idea that Pietro was taught as a child that continues to hurt him into adulthood. Strength in this case is both physical and emotional, but it’s very skewed towards traditional (and not necessarily good) gender roles. His father taught him that men don’t cry. They don’t show emotion. They never need help. They never get scared or sad. They need to be the strength of the family, because the women are the emotional ones. They can’t withstand things the way men can, so men need to be strong for them. And not only was Pietro taught this but Wanda was as well... so she at an early age learned that she was predisposed to being very emotional, won’t be able to handle herself at times, and needs to look to men for strength. Again, this is the beginnings of their emotional co-dependency, even before any traumatic events occurred to them.
This was incredibly damaging to the twins’ emotional development. Wanda grew up thinking that she had some kind of inherent “female fragility,” and Pietro grew up with the immense pressure to always be solid, unbothered, and unshakable. The reality is... that Wanda is stronger than Pietro emotionally but doesn’t realize it unfortunately until after she loses her brother and doesn’t have someone close to her to lean on all the time. And Pietro is more emotionally fragile but has spent his life hiding it, repressing it, being ashamed of it, and chastising himself anytime he sheds a tear or falters even slightly, instead of reaching out to others for help or advice.
So part of the reason why Pietro is very respectful of women is because that was how he was raised. Now, with regard to flirting, dating, sex, etc. (obviously only in verses where they are 18+ if they’re sexually active), the twins have internalized certain other aspects of their parents’ culture and those in the village they grew up in. Things like rape and infidelity were viewed very strongly, as serious and shameful as murder, and sometimes people who did those things were killed as punishment. Also, losing one’s virginity was in many ways a more meaningful and binding an event as marriage, unfortunately again, more so for the woman than the man, but still meaningful nonetheless. So the twins grew up taking sex very seriously and considering one’s loyalty, honesty, and fidelity to family and loved ones to be extremely important.
Because of this, Wanda waits a long time before losing her virginity (I headcanon to Vision, but after Age of Ultron and after she turns 18 it could be with another canon muse or OC as long as there is a strong emotional connection first). Wanda is not very interested in sex unless that strong connection is there, and is wary of it because of an assault that occurred when she was 6 years old. Pietro, on the other hand, doesn’t wait long after he turns 18 to lose his virginity, but although one-night stands are a thing with him, he does very much consider the mindsets of the women he’s with. The desire to just have sex for fun and not make too much of it has to be a mutual thing, or he won’t do it. If he gets the sense that the woman has feelings for him or wants more from him than that, then he won’t “play around” with her. Only if she’s just there to have fun the same as him will he indulge. This is because he doesn’t want to break hearts or play games with people’s emotions. Also, he will never have a one-night stand with a virgin (yes, he does ask each woman he’s with if she is one before anything happens). If, however, he has feelings for a woman and gets the sense that it’s mutual, he will want to talk seriously about it first before they jump into bed, because starting something serious with a woman is not something he can (or feels he should) then break off and regard as trivial later on. So he needs to be sure of his feelings and hers first.
Having said that, flirting is always free, heh. He sees no problems with flirting with anyone he wants (he even does this well before he turns 18), because it’s just words. As long as he is respectful and the woman seems to like the attention, it’s all good. If he gets the sense that she is bothered by it, he’ll stop and maybe apologize. This is a way not only for him to have fun and enjoy making women smile, but he also uses it as a way to uplift women who are sad, to compliment women who deserve it, and to generally spread some love for women, because as he learned as a boy, women are beautiful creatures who deserve to hear it all the time, heh. So he feels like he’s spreading positivity for women when he flirts with them, haha.
As teenagers and adults, Pietro is even more protective of Wanda than ever, because 1) it’s his duty, 2) he already failed her once when they were six, 3) he wants to protect Wanda’s virginity. It should be her choice who she gives it to, and if he sees any guys getting too close, too handsy, too suggestive, too aggressive around her, he will come between them and her. It’s interesting that he treats his own virginity so casually, but his sister’s is a grand, special thing he feels he needs to protect at all costs.
Pietro manages to strike a good balance between being very outgoing and flirty and also being very respectful and considerate with women. Wanda, on the other hand, never really learns how to talk to or relate to men because her brother is always coming between her and them. She also worries about her brother’s flirting because she doesn’t want to see him turn into someone who is too morally loose with himself, since she knows what can happen to people who commit things like infidelity. Sometimes she will comment on his flirting and imply that she looks down on the practice, as she did in one of the deleted scenes from Ultron.
Okay, those are all my headcanons on that subject, heh. And yes, you’re right, Pietro is very distracted by beautiful ladies. He is straighter than straight with regard to sexual orientation, he has a high libido, and he has a lot of energy. This... results in him noticing women and running into walls. It’s sad but it’s cute, haha.
In AUs where he survives Ultron, Pietro’s ideas of gender roles for women would be greatly challenged by any or all of the women you mentioned up there. But... Pietro is a feminist, he just doesn’t know it yet, haha. So even though he was raised with these traditional and sexist views of women, he genuinely likes women and wants good things for them. Seeing them in positions of power, whether physically, mentally, or politically, would be strange to him but not at all unwelcome. I think he would be impressed with that, drawn to it, amazed by it, and would cheer them on. Good for them, heh. Honestly, it would be something that would fascinate him, a women in a position or doing things that a man would normally do. “Normally,” of course, as seen through the eyes of someone with a sheltered and limited upbringing. I think all of the women you mentioned would be respected by Pietro, some of them would become friends, and some would become people to have friendly competitions with, like Nat, Carol, Valkyrie, or Nakia for example.
The only one I think he would view differently is Mantis. She’s very tiny, very cute, and can often come across, at least with her body language, as being timid or scared. I think she would attract Pietro’s protective instincts, and he would seek to take care of her much in the way he takes care of Wanda. Wanda is very powerful as well and yet Pietro feels protective towards her. I think Mantis would evoke the same feelings in Pietro, and if anyone messed with her (or made her cry... oh boy, heh), it would make him angry and he would immediately come to her defense. Beyond that, though, I think he and Mantis have the potential to become good friends. He would want to make her laugh and smile, especially if she was sad about something.
Hmm... crackships... Well, I don’t know if this is a crackship, really, but I always kindof headcanoned that if Pietro spent any kind of prolonged time with Carol that he would want to compete with her. Like a “let’s see who’s best” kindof deal. She’s very strong physically, both normally and because of her powers, and Pietro would be interested in seeing how he measures up to her. I can see him having a lot of fun with that. And.... again, I don’t know if this counts as a crackship, but it’s also canon in my interpretation of Pietro that he develops a crush on Natasha, heh. He finds her very attractive physically and her whole attitude and swagger is right up his alley. Now... I don’t see it very reciprocated, because he’s a bit too young for Natasha and I’m not sure he’s her type, but at least on Pietro’s end, there would be some crushing going on. XD
I hope that answered everything! And probably a lot you didn’t need to know about, haha. But thanks for sending this in! It was good for me to get all of this down somewhere. =)
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korranguyen · 5 years
Officially my new favorite character moment of ATLA.
I know I just made a post about this very recently (private now) but... I feel like there’s just so much to digest in this moment and I want to just put in perspective how damn meaningful it is in perspective with Zuko’s arc and everything ATLA stood for.
Especially since I’ve never seen it quoted before. (Seriously, guys? “That’s rough, buddy” over this? It’s in the same damn episode, for crying out loud)
Sokka: Maybe sometimes it’s just better to call it quits before you fail. Zuko: No it’s not. Look, Sokka, you’re going to fail a lot before things work out. Sokka: That’s supposed to make me feel better? Even though you’re probably going to fail over and over and over again,— Sokka: —Seriously, not helping— Zuko: —You have to try every time. You can’t quit because you’re afraid you might fail.
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(On second thought, maybe it’s because Zuko doesn’t sound incredibly eloquent on paper-- as I’ll get to later. But damn, just rewatch the episode and listen to the characters’ voices behind it.)
Okay, first off, I love how it mirrors this scene.
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... from all the way back in Season 1.
It really does roll a lens over just how dynamic and realistic a character he is, pitting different elements of himself he either preserves or transforms over time. Whether on purpose or by accident, the continuity of that mantra, delivered in different forms (a bitter monologue vs. encouraging a friend), really puts in our faces how far he’s come from the “banished prince” he used to be.
Keep in mind that Zuko’s been raised in a way that deems him a failure over and over again, oftentimes before he even takes action in the first place. Zuko grew up dubbed “the failure”, even “lucky to be born” by his abusive father (shit). Think back to Zuko Alone: he failed to defend himself until he whipped out his firebending, and then when he does get a fighting edge he gets his worst shortcoming (at the time)-- his father “burning and disowning him”-- shoved straight back in his face. Yet, thanks to the positive influences of his mother and uncle, he’s learned to be resilient even in the face of almost certain failure and conceptualize that strength as part of his identity. Tell me his quote doesn’t mirror Iroh’s much-wordier-sounding proverbs about hope:
“No Zuko. You must never give into despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope Is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength.” -Iroh
Okay, so Zuko’s conversation with Sokka mimicking his uncle’s advice does a number of things. To start, it reminds us just how huge of an impact his uncle has on him. Even though he hasn’t yet reconciled with his uncle at this point, he always carries his uncle with him-- whether in the form of half-written jokes, botched proverbs... or the actual philosophies he has adapted like muscle memory from Uncle’s encouragement and his own experiences simultaneously.
I know @araeph in the past has talked about how Zuko isn’t good with words so much as he is with his actions-- which I do agree with-- but I’d say this right here is pretty damn close. After all the stuff about “silver sandwiches” and “looking within yourself to save yourself from your other self to reveal yourself”, it really speaks volumes that the time that he emulates his uncle the most when he isn’t consciously trying, because that’s how big a part his uncle has in his life, and that’s how well he interacts with and applies the lessons he learns over time.
Furthermore, I love how Zuko not only acts upon his uncle’s advice, but he is quite literally adopting his uncle’s role amongst the rest of the Gaang. I loved how this demonstrates the cycles of parenthood in such a positive light :)  (especially since we’re so badly deprived of healthy child-to-parent admiration anywhere else in the Avatar franchise NOT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT moving on)
Oh yeah, of course this brings us to the whole Zutara “co-parenting” discussion! The way he puts his hand on Sokka’s shoulder reminds me of one other scene:
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Yet another instance of co-parenting. Co-supporting. Zuko and Sokka aren’t just “bros”-- this is also Zuko being an instinctive, almost parental support system to him: just like someone else we know :)
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Anyway... Zuko is an incredible character. His growth from a bitter teenager concentrated on self-blame and pleasing his abuser to an unselfish mentor figure sends such an inspiring message to the kids like him struggling their way into adulthood.
Fuck, it’s amazing how something as out-of-world as an children flying around on a giant fluff ball in an elemental war can hit notes that hit this personal, and this moving, but his arc is just so damn meaningful it does the job incredibly.
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jeonakookie · 5 years
I Wish (3)
Pairing: JungkookxOC
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: Zoya and Jungkook had lost touch years ago. When a situation brings them back into each other lives, they try to go back to how things were as best friends once again. But a lot can change in 8 years. People. Feelings.
“Oi! Why are your short legs making you fly out of there?” Alice questioned. Zoya didn’t entertain the light insult in the question.
“Nothing, we need to get home, that’s all. It’s quite late.” Zoya continued to speed walk towards the underground, with her friends following her confused.
“Zoya!” The distant call of her name urged her to walk faster.
“Zoya!” She could hear the running and then it stopped. “Please.” The voice finished with a sigh. Zoya slowed down, hesitating to a stop. Jungkook could have easily caught up, but he was giving her a choice. Sighing, she slowly turned to face Jungkook who had a cap and mask on. Zoya glanced behind him, self-consciously. She could see her friends enjoying watching the scene unfold before them.
“Jungkook what are you doing? You can still get mobbed by fans here. A cap and mask aren’t exactly inconspicuous.” Zoya murmured to the tall man urgently. “Go. Go before someone recognises you.”
“Before someone recognises me just like you tried to leave before I recognised you?”
There was no point in denying it, “I don’t know what you’re talking about?” But that didn’t stop her from trying.
He arched his brow, and with a smile, he shook his head. “Still as stubborn as ever.”
“I…I don’t…” Zoya tried to keep lying but there was a lump in her throat. Sighing, she looked at him with a sheepish smile and simply said, “Hi.”
To which he replied with a “Hey.”
Shaking her head in mock disappointment, Zoya said “8 years with me and you still suck at English. Yeah that’s right, I know about your English score Jeon Jungkook.” Zoya’s laugh stopped midway when she felt a body embrace her. Once Zoya got over the initial shock, she hugged Jungkook back. When they both pulled back, they couldn’t stop themselves from smiling. “Maybe we should stop smiling so much, we probably look like fools.” She commented to which he chuckled and said, “I can’t help that I’m happy I found my childhood friend at my group’s concert of all places.” He proceeded to pat Zoya’s head to which she swatted away, grumbling about him messing up her scarf.
“You look different.” He said awkwardly. Zoya knew he was referring to her scarf but didn’t know whether to point it out, so she decided to tease him. She, in all her extra fashion, started fiddling with the material on her head and flicking it back like it was hair and sighed dramatically before saying “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Zoya laughed at the face Jungkook pulled when he realised she was teasing him. She lightly nudged him whilst still laughing and they both turned towards her amused friends. They didn’t need to know Korean to understand what just happened, and Zoya didn’t miss the smirks they adorned.
Zoya walked towards her friends with Jungkook, feeling sheepish at their expressions and she knew they had something to say. She introduced them officially to Jungkook and he nodded politely and shyly said, in a small accent “Nice to meet you.”
“Guys, as you know this is Jungkook.” She said.
She received a “Mhmmm.” In response from Alice, who continued to smirk. Zoya rolled her eyes with a smile and muttered a “Shut up.” To which Alice proceeded to laugh, enjoying teasing her friend.
Looking back at the boy, Zoya said “You should get back, the boys might be worried and you’re definitely in trouble after running out like that.”
Jungkook pouted and sighed, making Zoya pinch his cheek. Jungkook grimaced “Yah, stop it. I’m not a child.”
“Then stop pouting like one and go.”  She giggled.
“Are you coming to tomorrow’s show?” He asked with hopeful eyes. She gave a sad smile and shook her head.
“I’m leaving London tomorrow…” Jungkook raised an eyebrow in questioning, “…I don’t live in London, I live in a different city.” He then nodded in understanding, but also looked disappointed but then his face lit up again.
“Wait, when are you leaving?”
“Around 4, I think.” Zoya looked confused as to what Jungkook was trying to get at.
“Meet us tomorrow as well, before the concert. Please.” Jungkook could see Zoya was unsure. With a glance at her friends, she conceded with a sigh.
“Fine.” Her answer made Jungkook break out into a huge smile.
Jungkook had his hand out, obviously to put his number in her phone. As she handed it over he said, “Great, I’ll text you where to meet us.” he said as he returned her phone. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He shouts and waves as he jogs back towards the arena. Zoya smiled after him and glanced down at her phone and saw ‘JK’ in her recent contacts list.
“So…” Arielle starts, causing Zoya to look up. She shyly smiled at them as they gave her questioning looks.
“We’re seeing them tomorrow as well just before we leave.” Laughing slightly at their shocked faces, “Come on let’s get back to the place, I’m exhausted.
On their way back, it only consisted of excited chatter of the next day and that night Zoya slept with a smile on her face.
They were on their way to where Jungkook had texted Zoya to meet them and there was a skip in her step as they walked towards the direction. All the girls slowed down when they saw a crowd forming ahead. ‘Oh no’ she thought, thinking that maybe they got sighted by fans. Pushing their way closer to the crowd and Zoya let out a blood curdling scream when she got near enough to see what all the commotion was about. She pushed her way to the front and went to run towards the scene, but she was immediately stopped by a hand that belonged to a police officer. Tears streamed down her face and she looked past the officer. There lay Jungkook in a pool of blood and slowly a sheet was being pulled over his lifeless body. “No…” She whispered. “No, no! Jungkook!” She grew hysterical and sobs wracked through her body.
Zoya shot up in bed with a short cry of “No!”, feeling her erratic heart. There was a groaning and, from the bed next to her, Alice grumbled “What the hell Zoya.” Maybe she shouldn’t have watched that episode of ‘Criminal Minds’ before bed. She checked her time on the phone and it read ‘8:06’; she sighed as her hands ran over her face. “Sorry, bad dream.” She murmured softly to Alice.  Zoya decided she’d have a shower and start getting ready, waiting for Jungkook’s text. Not long after, the house became lively with the bustling sound of everyone getting ready because they had to look ‘snatched for their men’– Alice’s words, not Zoya’s. “I looked like a hot arse, sweaty mess, yesterday after the concert, Jimin is going to see me today and he’s going REMEMBER who Alice King is.” She said as she applied her highlighter.
Zoya laughed at her friend’s enthusiasm and agreed, “He’d be crazy not to. You are after all ‘The Goods 2.0’” Zoya laughed further at Alice’s unimpressed face. Zoya’s friends were well endowed and they had decided to name Lauren’s assets ‘The Goods’ and found fun in teasing her, but Lauren and Zoya also enjoyed teasing Alice as well.
Ten minutes later the girls were nearly ready and Jungkook had texted her to meet them at the arena through a certain entrance. “Guys now is not the time to be late.” Zoya complained. “We need to go.”
“Come on, let’s go, go, go! Chop chop!” Alice decided to reiterate her friend’s words with more force. And it seemed to work because they were out within seconds.
They had gotten off the tube and the O2 arena was now in their sights and the excitement grew amongst the girls again. They all calmed themselves down before following Jungkook’s instructions, passing by all the lines of excited fans and went to the entrance, and they were then led into the arena by security. It was slightly busy as the staff got ready for another show and were checking the mic’s, and Zoya saw the boys on stage talking amongst each other about, what seemed like, the staging.
Noticing a new presence, all of them turned towards Zoya and her friends and they all smiled at them. Namjoon notified the group of girls that they needed to rehearse and Jungkook told them to enjoy. They all sat down and watched the boys perform immaculately and even enthusiastically applauded to which they smiled bashfully at, whilst making their way off the stage to greet the girls. Jungkook went immediately towards Zoya and hugged her in front of everyone and she felt her face heat up. Zoya was mentally shaking her head thinking ‘they’re peas in the same pod’ as both of their groups of friends smirked at them.
“How are you feeling?” She asked them all. Namjoon decided to reply in English, to which Zoya smiled at. He was very considerate.
“We’re nervous, it’s always nice to perform in a new place, but we want to give our best to our fans.”
“You guys were amazing last night. I have no doubt that you’ll be just as great tonight. ARMY will be happy with your performance because they know how hard you guys work.” Hope said. All the girls murmured in agreement.
“You guys are very selfless, but I think I can say on behalf of all your fans, that we want you to take care of yourselves as well.” Alice added and smiled warmly at them. Namjoon translated what the two girls said. Zoya didn’t miss the way certain boys looked at her friends, specifically Jimin, Taehyung and Seokjin. The cogs in Zoya’s heads were turning and a sly smile made its way on her face.
“Alice, I just remembered, I think I dropped erm…my…Fenty thing in the waiting room yesterday, do you think it’d still be there?” Zoya asked with a worry laced voice. Zoya’s ‘Fenty thing’ was safe and sound in her make up bag and she knew it, that doesn’t mean they had to know. Alice shrugged. Zoya internally rolled her eyes at her ‘helpful’ friend.
“I don’t know, we can go check.” Namjoon offered. All the other boys looked lost. Zoya proceeded to say she lost something that might be in the waiting room in Korean.
“Oh, we’ll help you look!” Jimin said with a bright smile, and the others agreed. Zoya had to fight the smirk that threatened to show on her face, ‘just like putty in my hands’ she thought.
“Oh really?” Thank you. I hope it’s still there.” Zoya acted gracious with a big smile. Slowly Jimin was leading the way and Zoya momentarily blocked everyone’s path but Alice’s and Jimin’s ‘without realising’. “Oh sorry, I thought I remembered something. Okay let’s go.” She said as she moved out of everyone else’s way. Arielle proceeded to go alongside Hoseok with Amanda and Namjoon, followed by Hope, Seokjin and Taehyung. Jungkook and Yoongi were still yet to move and she looked at them with a confused look as they both smirked at her. “What?”
“You’re very clever. Sly, but clever nonetheless.” Jungkook commented with amusement gracing his features.
“The others may be none the wiser, but we see what you did.” Yoongi added with a smile as he shook his head.
Zoya mustered up her biggest clueless face, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She ended with a smirk as she whipped back in the direction their friends had gone and skipped ahead as she called back, “Come along boys!” The two boys shook their heads in disbelief at the girl, but they both also smiled fondly at her behaviour as they followed her lead. Jungkook could only think of how glad he was that he had found his best friend again, but something different stirred in him this time.
Just ahead of those three, were Seokjin, Hope and Taehyung. The two boys had somehow started a compliment battle over Hope, and she didn’t mind at first.
“You look nice today.” Taehyung had started.
“Yes, very good.” Seokjin added.
“Aw, thank you.” Hope smiled at them both and giggled feeling bashful at the compliment. Hope, however, was unaware of the boys having a brief stare off until they started saying random words.
Taehyung said “Pretty.”
To which Seokjin replied with, “Good looking.”
“Attractive.” Seokjin said smugly at a word he had learnt recently.
The conversation went from complimenting her, to a fight over who could use the most English synonyms to do with looking nice.
Running out of words, Taehyung chose to ignore Seokjin. “Pink?” Taehyung questioned as he pointed to Hope’s hair, to which she nodded in confirmation that her hair was pink. “So colourful, I want pink.” The boy said with a wide boxy smile and his eyes crinkled as he laughed.
“Yes, so pretty.” Seokjin countered. His smugness was short-lived as he was not happy that Hope was smiling, focused on Taehyung. “Hair so le-jin-dary!” He exclaimed and proceeded to laugh at his own joke.” Hope giggled, more at his obvious amusement at his own joke than the actual joke. Taehyung just rolled his eyes at his older friend. Normally he would laugh or shake his head in amusement, but today there was an air of competitiveness around the two boys.
“Do you like pictures? You are like a beautiful scenery.” Before Hope had time to blush at Taehyung’s brave compliments, Seokjin gave Taehyung a pointed look, as if to say, ‘back off’.
This time Seokjin pulled out all the stops. “Noneun, nomu areumdawo.” He said softly as he caressed her shoulder. It was quite an innocent gesture, but Hope felt her heart momentarily stop and then start up beating double time. Korean suddenly became the world’s sexiest language and Hope gave him a flirty smile as he gave her one back. Her daze was short lived when Taehyung started mumbling in Korean to Seokjin. Taehyung looked less than pleased whilst Seokjin just smirked at him. Hope’s very limited Korean failed to keep up with what was being said.  
The argument, about who she likes more and who saw her first, was heard by Zoya, Jungkook and Yoongi as they caught up with the other 3 who had momentarily stopped because the two boys were arguing as Hope witnessed it with a confused and lost expression on her face.
Zoya sighed and grabbed the girl’s hand to drag her away from the stupidity of the argument, whilst Yoongi and Jungkook dealt with the two boys. She muttered, “Unbelievable, I leave you for a minute and you end up having two guys fighting over you.”
Hope halted suddenly, “Wait what? They’re fighting over me?” She looked elated at this news. Zoya rolled her eyes.
“Yes, they’re fighting over you like you’re a toy.”
Hope giggled, “I don’t mind at all.”
With a sigh Zoya said, “Yes, I’m well aware of that fact Hope, but they’re not about to fight over my friend like she’s an object.” Hope rolled her eyes at her friend’s over protectiveness and the two girls continued to walk towards backstage, “They’ve got another thing coming if they think I’m not going to have something to say to them later.” Zoya muttered the last part.
Ahead of them was Namjoon, Hoseok, Arielle and Amanda. If anyone saw the scene before them, they’d use one word to describe it: Tragic. Arielle and Hoseok had started a conversation and they were getting along fine at first and Hoseok’s cheery energy was almost contagious. However, at some point the conversation had dwindled down to an awkward silence as they both ran out of topics to talk about. They both wished that the walk backstage was a lot shorter in that moment.
In Lauren and Namjoon’s case, they had no problem with talking. Lauren was on cloud 9 because she was talking to her bias, one on one, practically alone. Only one problem. Lauren’s subtle advances had no effect on Namjoon. Needless to remind everyone that her friends called Lauren ‘The OG Goods’ and Lauren decided to capitalise on that fact with her outfit today, yet he seemed rather unfazed. The girl was trying to guess whether he was just oblivious or was not interested. The latter option made her mentally frown. He was still being cute smiling at her, showing off his dimples, but he spoke to her about London animatedly as if she was native to the city. Did her Irish accent confuse him? But she let him assume what he wanted, because he was Kim Namjoon. Insert heart eyes, because if anyone else assumed she was not Irish, she would make them sit through a one-hour lecture on why she was Irish and how she was Irish. Zoya and her friends could testify to that.
Lastly, ahead of the rest of the group was Jimin and Alice. The conversation was awkward once small talk was out of the way, but they soon fell into the groove of Alice teaching Jimin fun phrases in English for him to say at the concert. “It’s really easy. Big. Man. Ting.”
By the time all of them had got backstage, it was a mixture of relief, tension and laughter. Zoya immediately joined Alice and dragged her to ‘help look’ for her missing object. “So…” Zoya started while wiggling her eyebrows.
“What?” Alice said with her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
“You and Jimin, duh! Did you get it?!” She said excitedly, which earned her a smack on the arm.
“Oh my gosh, can you be quiet? No!” Alice rolled her eyes at her friend’s disappointed face. “You’re honestly ridiculous.”
“You should be thanking me mate. How did you think you and Jimin weren’t interrupted all the way here?” Zoya said as a matter of fact while raising one brow, but she did make sure to quieten her voice.
“Wh-you? You. Of course it was you.” Alice sighed.
“I’m going to take that as a tone of gratitude and not a tone of exasperation. You’re welcome.” Zoya replied in an overly cheery voice.
“I can’t deal with you right now.”
“Love you too.” Zoya laughed and patted Alice on the back, to which she grumbled something incoherent.
“Did you guys find anything?” Zoya asks, to which everyone shakes their head or responds with a ‘no’. With a sigh Zoya shrugs and says “Oh well. I guess I’ll have to live without it.”
“I’m sorry Zoya. I know you’ll miss your…” Yoongi came by and paused for Zoya to fill in the gap. Zoya knew exactly what he was doing, and she widened her eyes when she realised she forgot what she ‘lost’.
“My thing. Thanks, Yoongi, but I’ll be fine.” Zoya smiled sweetly at him, but her eyes gave him a different message. Something like ‘you better shut your mouth before I shut it for you’.
A/N Let me know what you guys think of part 3 and leave a like :)
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