#also sorry for any mistakes or spelling errors lol
notreallyuseless · 6 months
Me: *having fun and laughing at Baghera and Cellbit killing people*
My brain out of nowhere: what would q!Phil think... how would he react if he saw his two teammates in this state. Would he feel guilt? Because he couldnt save them? Because he let them go down this murderous path? Would he feel anger? Towards the Watcher for pushing them to this extreme? Towards himself for not being there for them?
Would he wish he stayed there so that something like this didnt't happen to them.? Or would he wish he was there so that they wouldnt feel so alone?
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child-of-the-cosmos · 2 years
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 <- You’re here! - Part 5
(~2,000 words.)
You've always loved the morning air. Something about it was always so.. full of life. You'd been walking through the forest for about an hour now. Following a path engraved in your head. Damp branches cracked beneath your feet. The glow of the sun just barely peaking out from the trees above you. Small droplets would fall here and there from the leaves above. It seemed the rain really did a number on the forest. In a good way, of course.
The smell of oak and damp soil hung lightly in the air, hints of a sweeter aroma- wild flowers, wafted from a few patches nearby. It was something only the rain could bring. You had made your way through the hardest part of the hike, which honestly wasn't too hard since you picked the easiest path. It was a little narrow, being covered with leaves and small brush scattered around, but it was easy to see that the path was now beginning to clear and opening up into a new zone. Your favorite area.
You've seen tons of things coming through this particular path. Small squirrels, a baby fox and their mom, a raccoon, a large centipede, and now... A large deer? No, that wasn't quite right.
There was something there, for sure. You could tell that much from here. But the real question is, what exactly was it? A human? That'd be impossible. No one really came this far out... at least, no one that you've seen. As you got closer you were able to make out a figure, then a color. Okay, definitely not human. Either that, or they were wearing a LOT of yellow right now.
Was there something in your food this morning? There'd have to been, for you to see something like this. But.. you've been completely fine up until now. You were close enough to hear a faint voice. It was so quiet... you could barely hear it- but something was... off about the sound of it. It was then that it hit you that this thing wasn't breathing at all. You were close enough to see scratchy movements, and exposed wires by it's arm. A robot. Animatronic, to be exact.
"Woah," What was an animatronic doing out here, of all places? Civilization was far away from this point, you had made sure of that when you first moved into these woods. But to see something like this...
"What.. are you?" You already knew the answer, but this was amazing! You've never really seen an animatronic like this one. The ones before were pretty much void of any colors, and only gave out automated messages last time you checked... which admittedly had been a while. You're knowledge on robots were pretty limited- if you could call the little info you had on them knowledge that is. But from what you could tell... this one was different. You had heard they were getting pretty lifelike before you moved and left the city- but this, this was something new.
The figure- no, robot  was now looking at you. Maybe you scared it? Was that even possible?? You didn't know, and didn't have much time to think about it either. Because as soon as it saw you- it started moving. In the worst way possible. You watched in horror as it slowly maneuvered it's body to face you. Well, it's upper body. It's lower half stayed still, facing the same direction you first saw it in. You stepped back. Cool or not, you did not sign up for any of those horror movies you had watched on tv.
You glanced at it's arm again. It was holding it, almost as if a child would cradle their wound; Close to their chest, somewhat scared for you see it.
It just sat there and watched you. You couldn't get a read on what it wanted.
You tiled your head. Was it hurt, then? If so, does that mean people started building robots with pain receptors?? but... why?  Why would someone want something like that- and could that even be possible in the first place?? You'd have to think about that later. Whoever built this thing definitely had a lot of money though.
You were beginning to feel uncomfortable with the overwhelming silence. It was still staring at you. Menacingly. It hadn't moved an inch since it first contorted it's body. Just what was this thi- Crackling. Then soft humming. It was very quiet, almost like a whisper... then, "S-ssssorry" It spoke.
Sorry?  You were taken aback. Out of all the things it could've said, it said sorry? But why?? You inched closer, just a bit... If it was willing to communicate then it couldn't be that dangerous, could it? So it technically wouldn't hurt to communicate back... right?
"Sorry for what?" You asked. It seemed pleased with your response, perking up just slightly before slouching back down. It looked like it was fighting to stay awake. The grip on it's arm loosening. What was wrong with it? Well you didn't really need an answer, because it started talking again. Their words were slurred together, but you could just make out what it trying to say. "Plea---se," It began to slump to the floor, earthy forest below surrounding it, "H-h-h-helllp us."
Then... nothing.
Did it just die??? You slightly began to panic. Wait- no, right... it's a robot. Pretty sure robots don't die.. hopefully. So, it's not dead? Then... You snapped your fingers and walked closer to it. Right, things like this needed a charge! It's probably out of battery. Does it need like a.. double A or something? That's always worked for your tv remote.
You knelt down, glancing over it's features exposed by the earth beneath it. Light golden rays lined it's head, and you could see a wide smile plastered across it's face. Okay, this thing definitely wasn't a remote, but.. it'd still have to charge and all that, right? So there were still some similarities... you could work with this. Robot or not, your weren't the type to just leave someone alone, especially if that someone personally asked you for help.  
You gently looped your arms around theirs, careful not to touch the one with the open wires. You huffed and lifted. This thing was quite heavy. Even though you were pretty confident in your strength right now, you doubted you'd be able to carry it all the way down.
So, you did the next best thing. You lifted and decided you'd carry it at least half way, run and get your wheel barrow- somehow put it in, and push it the rest of the way back to your house.
This, was much easier said than done. And you quickly found that out. Firstly, you didn't take in account how tiring it was to carry this thing- plus run back and get the wheel barrow, just to jog it back up to where you left it (luckily it was fine), Then somehow get it in the wheel barrow- (which was very hard but you managed), Just to finally wheel it back down the rest of the way.
Once you actually got back home, all you wanted to do was sleep. But sleep wasn't an option right now. You still had to get it inside. You sighed, lifting one last time to carry it up your porch stairs and inside your house. You sat it down near a wall and flopped on the floor. You stared at ceiling. Home... finally.
You could hear Slinky chitter curiously as she peered at you from her cage. She had witnessed you struggle to carry it inside and lay down on the floor. You lifted a hand and waved at her. "I'm fine Slinky, just tired." You said.
You could see her staring at the hump of metal leaning on your wall from your peripheral. "Had to help a friend." You clarified. Slinky had always been anxious around guests, especially humans. She had her reasons... you knew that. That's why it helped to introduce them as a friend when they first meet Slinky. And family if you're really close to you- like a relative. You could tell Slinky was still tense as she looked between you and the robot, sniffing and moving to and fro in her cage. She was still anxious about it. You sat up to fully face slinky. "Hey... it's okay." You started. "They're a friend, they won't hurt either of us... okay?" You leaned over and rubbed her fur through the cage. She relaxed a bit. You watched as she cast once last glance at the robot before fully settling down. You hummed. This was good. You didn't want to stress her out. Actually, it was the last thing you wanted.
Once Slinky was satisfied with your rubbing, you quietly sat up and walked over to the robot. Okay... now what? You knelt down in front of it, hoping to at least get an idea of what it needed. You hadn't noticed before, but something really messed it up. Did it get into a fight? Something big laid A deep gash across it's chest, and there were multiple other cuts lined on it's body. There were some on it's arms, a few by it's face (though those definitely weren't that deep, more like light scraps if anything), and one more lining it stomach. One you definitely recognized as teeth marks. Yeah, it definitely got into a fight... most likely with a predator.
From what you knew it was still functioning with all this going on... so maybe it was still okay. Something you could handle later after turning it on. It was then that you noticed a tiny little compartment on it's side. It was closer to it's back, so you had to gently bend it over to get a better view.
The hatch was barely visible- actually it was almost seamless, but you could tell there was a tiny screw holding something in place. You got up and ran to your backyard, ignoring how slinky glanced your way before falling back to sleep. You had a screwdriver that was the perfect fit for that. Well, more like a set you could attach to a screwdriver.
It was a gift you were given long ago by a relative who thought you'd like it. You didn't really have a place to put it back then, so you just moved it to the shed in the backyard. the shed was a small thing.. or maybe it just looked that way. There was so much clutter you couldn't really tell.
You didn't really have a lot space to move, but there it was! The screwdriver set! Right where you left it. Satisfied, you triumphantly walked back in the house and sat back down near the robot. You hooked up your screwdriver and started twisting. You really hoped this was what you thought it was... and not something that would just confuse you more.
With one last twist the screw was out. You sat it on a table nearby. You pulled the latch open with anticipation. In the compartment revealed a small cord and a usb plug thing. You knew what this was! Well, kinda. Your tv had something similar. Which meant one thing. You could plug it in! You squealed in what could only be described as joy as you quickly plugged it into a socket nearby.
Nothing. Well that's to be expected, you thought. You had only just plugged it in. You knew it'd take way more time for it to turn on than just a few seconds.
You sat up and stretched, a soft yawn bubbled up as you walked over to Slinky. There was still a lot of the day ahead of you two... plus the robot. So you three. But honestly, right now you could use a nice nap. It seemed like Slinky agreed with you, already fast asleep in her little ball she curled herself into. You tiptoed into your room and picked up a spare blanket you kept near your bed. You had others.. but this one was your favorite. It was your favorite color... plus you didn't feel like looking for the other's right now. You walked back into the living room and laid on the couch. Might as well make yourself comfortable. You wanted to keep an eye on the robot. Plus, you wanted to stay with Slinky... you didn't want to leave her there alone. You glanced at the robot one last time, eyelids heavy. As you fell asleep you missed the small blinking light flash across the robots eyes.
1%... 16 hours until fully charged.
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krasnayavedma · 3 months
“Can’t sleep?”
Laying on the couch covered with a blanket, tired eyes stare at the TV in front of her. While she watched whatever was currently playing, Wanda's thoughts were elsewhere. Her mind kept going to Ethan, and how her feelings for him slowly began to develop more and more. With all the time spent together as friends and in bed, she couldn't shake how she felt. While she hoped it was a passing thing, at this point her feelings had gone on long enough that she knew better.
Not knowing how much time had gone by, she hardly registered his presence until his question came. Wanda shook her head, her gaze unwavering. Another heartbeat goes by before a quiet admission fills the air and she finally looks at him. ❝ I don't know if I can do this anymore, Ethan. I love you. I'm . . . I'm in love with you. And . . . and I know this isn't what we agreed when we entered a friends with benefits relationship but I can't help it. My feelings for you started ever since you took me sailing and the truth is, I've been scared to admit it because I don't want to ruin what we have. I'd rather have you in my life as a friend than not at all. As much as I've tried to hide what I've been feeling lately . . . I just, I can't anymore. ❞
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Her confession took a huge weight off her shoulders; however, there was also that little bit of fear and anxiety that surrounded her because she knew there was a chance that her friendship with Ethan would end. Their friendship meant so much to her, and it wasn't something she was willing to risk until now. She guessed being tired had a role to play for her sudden revelation. ❝ We've been friends for long enough that I know you don't like to commit but I wanna start thinking about the future. I still want to have fun and live but I also want to settle down some day, and maybe even have kids. I just don't know if that's what you want, too. ❞
Send me "can't sleep?" to have a tired conversation with my muse in the middle of the night / @coogars !
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osachiyo · 3 months
EAT IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT ! ✘ 𝐝𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢, 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚, 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐨 & 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — n/sfw content, headcanons + rating, female reader, cunnilingus, cum eating, squirting, pussy slapping, face-sitting, praise, overstimulation, etc
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — i wrote this while being sick, so don't attack me if this has a lot of spelling mistakes and errors.. and i just wanted to write some silly little headcanons so my apologies if this isn't good lol happy reading as always and i hope you enjoy :3 (yes i did remove fedya from this sorry) NOT PROOFREAD
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 — bsd men and how they eat the 😼
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this man is a MUNCHERRRR. will gladly eat you out any day of the week, any time of the day. he does not care if you're at work — will not hesitate drag you in a storage room of the agency and eat you out there. one time ranpo walked in on dazai giving you the most toe-curling head, and used that as blackmail on you two, demanding he'll keep quiet if you bought him candy for the rest of the week. safe to say that you put a ban on sex at work for a month (spoiler alert: you didn't last).
sit. on. his. face. make a mess on it — drench his face in your juices and he'll thank you. hell, even better if you ride it — he'll cum untouched so fast.
he's skilled in the art of eating pussy — knows all of your weak spots like the back of his hand. don't ask him how many times he's done this — he'll just flash you an innocent looking smile, never actually answering your question.
knows how to make you scream and takes advantage of that — urging you to cum over and over on his silver tongue, saying "just gimme one more, darling," only for it to turn into another, and another until you lose count.
he takes his time when giving you head — tongue tracing your hole all the way up to your clit, savouring the taste of your arousal before he devours you.
KEEPS EYE CONTACT !! works his mouth on your cunt while his big, warm, brown eyes filled with mirth stares at you the entire time, smirking at the beautiful expressions you make — loving how flustered you get from his gaze alone.
likes to use his fingers while eating you out — long digits probing at the rough patch of your g-spot while he sucks on your clit — a deadly combo that has you creaming in his mouth in seconds.
overall a 10/10, knows how to use his tongue and isn't afraid of using it.
messy eater !! is not afraid of getting filthy, if he's gonna go down on you, might as well do it properly.
he's really into 69 ! not because he gets pleasured as well (though he's definitely not gonna complain about it), it's more of a physiological thing for him. it gets him so impossibly hard when you slobber and struggle to take his cock down your throat just because of the sheer pleasure he's giving you. it's adorable to see, really. also gives him an excuse to shove his cock down your throat himself, groaning something about "him doing all the work," but he wouldn't have it any other way.
as much as he loves pinning you to the bed, holding your hips down while shoving his face between your legs — he'd much rather eat it from the back. what can he say? he loves your ass — spreading it apart to bury his tongue into your hole, occasionally slapping or pinching your cheeks to tease you — it's pure filth.
he knows your limits, of course, but sometimes he can't help but go a little overboard — too lost in the feeling of lapping up your sweetness, circling your clit before dipping his tongue into your hole. it's best not to interrupt him during this — unless you actually want to stop, he's gonna pin you down harder with a low growl before getting back to his meal.
he doesn't use his fingers that often while eating you out — would much rather make you release on his tongue, but wouldn't mind indulging you if you really wanted it. gloved fingers probing at your sweet spot — groaning out praises for being so good for him.
he's a talker !! growling, muttering and even moaning words of encouragement while he eats your pussy — the vibrations of his lust-filled voice making your toes curl and head lull back.
9/10, he's less about technique and more about instinct — and it works.
he's a sadist through and through — very into edging you. likes to hear your heartbeat speed up then suddenly drop when he pulls his face away from your cunt, laughing at your misery like it's the funniest thing in the world. don't get him wrong though — he eventually does let you cum, eventually.
when he's not edging you, he's overstimulating you. sometimes he does it right after edging you, too — didn't you want to cum? he's giving you what you wanted this whole time, you should thank him for it, really.
not afraid of using toys on you during he goes down on you — he loves hearing your desperate whines and and attempts of forcing him away because "it's too much," what nonsense — he thinks, jouno knows your limits, he knows you can take it. now be a good girl for him and let him enjoy his meal.
100% a pussy slapper — he likes hearing you squeal his name, while your neighbors definitely hate you both for that. he's so mean about it too, spreading your pussy lips apart to land a harsh but swift smack on your clit — it has you tearing up and crying out his name so cutely, he can't help but do it again, again and again.
jouno knows exactly which spots make you writhe in pleasure, and he takes advantage of that — relentlessly pounding his fingers into your g-spot while suckling on your clit, it has you seeing stars in mere moments.
did i mention he can make you squirt? he's incredible with his hands and mouth — combine that with the fact that he knows all of your weak spots, it's a killer combination. even if you're not a squirter, he still gives you the best orgasms you've had in your life.
8/10, he knows your limits and knows when to stop — but sometimes he can be a little too… sadistic.
another munch right here — he'll eat you out anytime he wants, and when you want him to, of course !
ranpo gets super whiney while going down on you, his face would be flushed down to his neck — muffled moans of your name escaping his glossy lips, it's an adorable sight.
his glasses would be all fogged up, please take them off for him so they don't get dirty (he'll be whiney after if you don't)
ranpo has 0 experience, might need you to teach him some of the basics at first but he's a quick learner, quickly figures out and memorises which spots make you moan louder and your cunt wetter.
he doesn't care that much about technique, relies on feeling instead.
he doesn't like using his fingers, would rather pleasure you simply with his tongue — but he might cave in if you whined for long enough.
LOVES having you sit on his face — he needs to be drowned in your essence, and what better way to do that than have you ride his face? use him to get off, he might whine and kick his feet at first but he'll give in eventually !
sucks on your clit like it's his favorite candy — at least that's what he tells you. could spend hours and hours between your legs if you'd let him, sucking at licking at your clit before dipping his tongue in your hole, he might like it even better than candy, actually.
7/10, inexperienced but his enthusiasm makes up for it — really messy too.
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note — if you don't agree with the ratings then that's fine, they can eat you out however you want them to lol.
tags ・ @hopefulpain @inkmooon @constant-existential-terror @nda-approval @mellieellie @seiiushi @lynxxyyy @kentopedia
@sorasushik1 @himebwrries @nopethenope @neviex @fyodorisbbg @stygianoir @saharei @x-lunawrites-x @munnaitorei @emyyy007 @dearhoney-31 @the-foreigner @angoisfine @osaemu @honeycombflowers-blog @yuiiasathesilly @kaithegremlin @squigglewigglewoo @cupidszvlvr @ashthemadwriter-archived @bloobewy @mrs-bakugou @hauntedsol @ask-me-or-not @hanakotateyama @kissesmellow21 @dazaichuuya69 @xxsilverjackalxx @gettinshiggywithit @deaths-presence @sugaredpersimmon @rjssierjrie @iheartpieck @angelof-darkness @dazaisimpletmereadfanficspls @hellokitty-4-lele @scinclaitnoir @aly-insanity @kemis-world @bisexuawolfsalt @thateldribitch
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i520u · 1 year
impulsive thoughts ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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there’s a season 4??? omg i was just about to cancel my netflix subscription LOL also i didn’t proofread this so my bad if there are grammar or spelling errors i’m sooo sleepy rn but thank you for requesting! <3
ricky x gn!reader, fluff(?), enemies to lovers, one-shot
request is open!
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your heart was beating out of your chest as your uber finally stopped in front of the gates of your university. if it wasn’t for ricky shen and his idiots of a group of friends constantly being late last semester, your university would have never updated their policy of not giving attendance to any students who came to class later than 10 minutes within the scheduled lecture session.
“fuck.” you muttered under your breath as you started bolting to your campus. the large compound was not helping at all with you already being 5 minutes late. you wished you ran more in the mornings, or maybe went to the gym more often — why were you already out of breath?
as you continued running, even climbing 2 flights of stairs because the lifts were taking forever, you were quickly approaching a bunch of people ahead of you walking in a slow pace. “excuse me,” you said in a slightly loud voice, it worked for most of the part as most of the students moved out of the way — except for one.
of course it had to be him. nothing could ever get through his thick head it seemed. as a result of bumping into ricky, his phone fell out of his hands, followed by a loud thud that you swore the entire hallway could hear as the device hit the floor. “what the hell?” he mumbled as he looked behind him in complete shock.
his face distorted into what could only be described as disgust when he was met with the sight that unfolded before his eyes. you. “do you not watch where you’re going?” he asked, a lace of sarcasm was palpable in the tone of his voice. if you had more than 3 minutes before you were officially declared absent, you would’ve retorted back; but you didn’t.
rolling your eyes, you continued speed walking, thankful that you made to class in time. so did ricky, unfortunately. there wasn’t much seats left given that you were late which made you have no other choice but to sit together with ricky at the same table. you didn’t want to spare him any look as you know you’d die out of disgust for him, so your eyes wandered to his phone on the table.
it had a prominent crack across the screen, and you were almost 100% sure you caused that. you pressed your lips together, a pang of guilt suddenly washing over you the longer you stared at his phone. you knew he could easily afford a new one, but you were a bigger person than him, and you acknowledge your mistake unlike him.
but at the same time, you did not want to apologise to him. not because he doesn’t deserve it — you just don’t want people thinking you’re friends with him if they saw the two of you talking.
you didn’t hate him at first, but seeing the way he acted at the beginning of the year was enough reason for you to hate him — and the fact that he’s just never had anything nice to say to you amplified your hatred even more.
letting out a soft sigh, you muster up all the courage to apologise to him, because once again you are a bigger person than he’ll ever be, and you admit to your mistakes. your hand reached out to his, gently tapping it to get his attention.
ricky’s eyes darted to the side when he felt your touch, he was almost taken aback. if he gave it a thought, this was the first time the two of you had ever had any kind of physical contact. he gave you a slight head tilt, motioning you to explain why you wanted his attention in the first place.
upon seeing the way he reacted to you trying to call him, you fought back the urge to roll your eyes at how brazen he was. “sorry for breaking the screen of your phone.” you pointed, your voice sounded sincere to him. ricky almost scoffed at your apology, though. were you actually apologising? over something so small? he wasn’t even holding it against you, since his phone has had that crack since over a month now.
he was going to explain to you that you weren’t the one that caused the cracked screen — but an evil idea had popped into his mind right before he could say anything nice. it was like he was physically incapable of being nice for any longer than 3 seconds.
a smirk started to form on his face as he looked you in the eyes, which almost made you back away from him completely. if you were not in the middle of apologising, you would’ve definitely said something smart-assy to him by now.
you gave him a weird look as he narrowed his eyes, “are you really though? sorry?” he asked, leaning his face closer to you. you had to look around the class for a quick second to make sure that you weren’t actually the only one in the class, and that this was actually happening to you. you leaned into your chair to back away from him, nodding your head as you do so, “i–i am…?” what was intended to be a statement turned into a question instead.
hearing the uncertainty in your voice gave ricky more leeway to tease you, “you sound unsure yourself,” his face was smug as he leaned back, finally giving you room to breathe normally. “can you just accept my apology like a normal person?” you retorted, you physically couldn’t stop yourself from saying something snarky to him as he had successfully gotten on your nerve with the sudden invasion of privacy he just did.
his head immediately turned to look at you, almost shocked that you had said something rude not a minute after apologising to him. a part of him wanted to laugh too, you were making his job way too easy.
he shrugged as his gaze returned to the powerpoint slideshow your professor had opened up. “seems like you’re not actually sorry,” he paused, raising his phone to your eye level. “this isn’t cheap to fix, you know.” he finished, another sly smile forming on his lips.
“god, what do you want me to do then?” you scoffed, not actually meaning what you had just said. ricky held back a laugh, “if you were really sorry, you’d let me kiss you,” he didn’t actually mean it, though. he just wanted to see you flustered and embarrassed. his gaze once again diverted to you so he could catch a glimpse of your reaction.
your eyes were wide as you tried to process what he had just said, and if you had actually heard it correctly. but he said it loud and clear — there was no way you heard it wrong. “are you serious?” you asked in disbelief. ricky nodded, winking at you afterwards. “ricky, fuck you.” you bursted, rolling your eyes at his demeanour.
“would you, though?” he continued, his annoying smile only widened. “you’re so annoying.” you added, hoping one of your words would at least make him stop talking to you. you weren’t even sure why you were still entertaining him. ricky leaned closer to you once more, “and you’re not actually sorry, because if you were, you’d do as i ask.” he whispered, a soft chuckle following him at the end of the sentence.
your professor, all the way at the front, all of a sudden had shut the lights off inside the auditorium. he was telling the class of a 10-minute tutorial video he was about to show for everyone to see.
an idea popped into your mind at that very moment, seeing it as an opportunity. it wasn’t like anyone was gonna see the two of you in the big, and dark auditorium — and ricky was already inches away from your face. you decided to let your impulsive thoughts win this time — and for a good reason! you convinced yourself
swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat, you quickly grabbed ricky’s face — not giving it much thought if you were being harsh. ricky’s eyes were still adjusting to the dark when you suddenly started tightly grabbing his face. the next thing he knew, he could feel the warmth of your breath on his lips.
you could somehow smell ricky’s breath — it was sweet, contrary to his characteristics of a complete degenerate. his lips were soft, and he almost immediately kissed you back. you expected nothing less from someone like him, of course he was an extremely good kisser.
before you got carried away, you immediately broke off the kiss. you tried your hardest to look tough, glaring at him although you weren’t really sure if he could see you. “now stop bothering me.” you warned him. your eyes finally diverting to the big screen in front of you.
ricky wanted to say something to annoy you, but he was genuinely too stunned to form any sort of coherent words. for the first time in his life, he decided to stay quiet. he was completely shocked that you would actually kiss him, without giving it a second though or whatever.
and he was taken aback by how good you were at kissing, it almost made him want to kiss you again. but you hated him, so he couldn’t do that. his heart was banging in his chest, he could physically hear it. but he wasn’t supposed to feel this way? you hate him. and he likes making you find more things to hate about him.
he turned to look at you again, to make sure the kiss had actually happened. to his surprise, you were also stealing glances from him. the two of you immediately looked away, eyes widened at the awkward eye contact. what just happened?
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On thin ice (Hockey player! Miguel O’Hara x Figure skater! Fem! Reader)
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A/N: Im in a fucking rollllll. This series is my current hyper fixation and since I don’t really have an uploading schedule I just do it whenever lol. Also I LOOOVE reading all of y’all comments, they’re funny and they warm my heart. Y’all got me kicking my feet, giggling, blushing, twirling my hair. Anyways, apologies for If Miguel’s ooc and any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors since this isn’t proofread. Y’all may feast lol.
(Y/N)- Your name.
Cursing, angst.
Word count: 1.4k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 4: Are there some aces up your sleeve?
“(Y/N), that is the 4th time you messed up the Camel spin today. If you can’t do it then we’ll just take it out of the program-“
“No! No, I can do it coach! I’m just having an off day and-“
“That’s not an excuse. Regionals are in late October, it is September. There shouldn’t be any excuse, we’re been doing this on repeat. This should be muscle memory.”
Coach Kavinsky words were only twisting the knife. You brought your shaky hands up to cover your nose and mouth, attempting to warm your face a bit and keep yourself from sobbing. Ever since you woke up in the morning everything has gone to shit. You failed your exam in your math class, on your way to your english class, you tripped and dropped your Starbucks, causing it to spill all over your shoes, and now you kept messing up the program. Logan could tell you were mere minutes away from a breakdown, your eyes were wet and your breathing was rapid, partly from skating and partly because you were trying to keep an oncoming panic attack at bay. “I-I can do it! I can do it, I just need a minute-“ you stutter and stumbles over your words, you bring your gloved hands over your face and placing them on the top of your hands.
“I think we should take a break coach, (Y/N) just needs to get some fresh air, right (Y/N)?” Logan said in a calm voice as the put his hand on your shoulder, but you quickly shook it off.
“No, it’s okay I can do it. See?” You were going hysterical, getting into position to do the spin only to fail the spin and fall butt first on the ice. Okay now you were having a breakdown.
“Jesus… okay. Logan take her outside, help her calm down will you?” Coach Kavinsky said to Logan who just nodded, waiting for you to move to your knees to help you get up and out of the rink.
“I-I don’t know what’s wrong with me today…” You stuttered in between shallow breaths, Logan’s hand rubbing slow smooth circles on your back in an attempt to help you calm down. “I’ve- I’ve never had trouble with that spin before- I just- I-“ you couldn’t finish, you’re stutters just devolving into more sobs as you put your face into your partner’s chest, tears spilling out. “I’m getting your shirt all wet…” You managed to say with a small chuckle as you pulled away after a few minutes, but the laugh was devoid of any warmness or joy. Your hand wiping some left over tears from your cheeks.
“It’s fine, I’m more worried about my best friend.” Logan said with a small smile, the hand that was rubbing your back now tracing up to your shoulders and pulling you closer to him in a side hug, you let out a small sigh as you laid your head on his shoulder.
“Thanks Logan… I’m sorry… I’m a totally mess…” You mumbled as you wipe some more tears away, your eyes red and puff, a headache slowly creeping up on you from all the crying.
“Why… the fuck my is Ice princess and her little skating partner so close…” Miguel thought as he got out car, slamming the door without realizing as he glares at you and Logan from his spot across the parking lot. You or Logan hadn’t seen him since you were both so far away, and were more focused on trying to calm you down, Miguel was too far to noticed your tear stained face.
“Damn Miguel, dent the door why don’t you.” Peter attempted to joke while getting out from the passenger seat but his voice faltered, letting out a nervous chuckle after. Peter already knew the team was gonna be used as Miguel’s personal stress ball for the entirety of the practice time. Miguel just sent a glare at him in response, a small grunt escapes his lips as both of them grab their bags and hockey sticks from the back seat. “You seem more mad than usual, wanna talk about it? Or are you just gonna “accidentally” slam half the team into the boards like always?” He probes his captain, but he already knew his answer. Everyone on the team knew that Miguel isn’t a talk-about-your-feelings person.
“Shut up Parker.” He mutters as he slings his bag on his shoulders, closing and locking the door before both males started to make their way to the entrance. You currently burying your face into Logan’s shoulder, so Miguel couldn’t see your face, and Logan’s head was resting on top of yours, his arm still over your shoulders, his thumb creasing small circles on your shoulder. As soon as you were in ear-shot, Miguel shouted out to you both. “Aww look at the two lovebirds!” His voice dripping with sarcasm to hid the slight anger and jealousy he felt.
“I’m not in the mood, Miguel…” You’re voice was horse and raspy, as you spoke, and your eyes were bloodshot and puffy when you lifted your head up to look at him. The sight made Miguel’s heart ache, but the way your body was so close to Logan’s made it fill with rage and envy a lot more.
“She’s having a bad day, can we save-“ Logan started but was swiftly cut off.
“And that’s my problem because?” He hissed, eyes narrowing. “What’s wrong huh? Did he drop you on your back again? Or was it something stupid like missing up a spin?” He taunted with a head tilt, Logan glared at Miguel, his hand’s grip tightening on your shoulder, Peter just nervously shifted his weight back and forth between his feet and you, well you were trying not to burst into tears again. He made it sound a lot more simple then it felt like, it made you feel embarrassed for being so distraught about it. He had no way of knowing that’s actually the reason for your tears.
“Can you not be a dick for 5 minutes?” You ask with an exhausted dry laugh, the laugh was your body’s way of holding yourself back from beginning to sob again. Your hand goes up to wipe some smuggled mascara from under your eyes. “Everything has been so fucking shitty all day, I-I don’t need you to come her and kick me while I’m down, Okay?” Your voice cracked as you spoke, and it only made Miguel feel worse.
You were right, he was acting like a major jerk right now. God what is wrong with him? Here you were in such a vulnerable place, your heart laying bare in front of him, and instead of making you feel better, instead of making your chest full with warmth and reassurance, he grabbed your still beating heart and began to feast on it like it was that night’s dinner.
God. What the fuck Miguel? What the fuck? What the fuck. Whatthefuck. Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck-
“Alright,” Coach Kavinsky came outside, crossing her arms as she spoke. “I’m just gonna cut practice short, it’s almost over anyways.” She said to Logan and you, before turning to you and speaking to you directly, “Go home, get some rest, and don’t stress yourself out too much over this, alright (Y/N?) Tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start, don’t let this one bad practice ruin your confidence in the program.” She finished, you just shook your head at her before she turned around and walked back into the building.
“Alright… let’s get you inside…” Logan said to you in a low comforting tone, getting off the sidewalk before helping you up, and began to walk you inside.
Miguel Let out a Heavy sigh, glancing to his side, running a hand through his slicked back dark hair, before attempting to speak, “Look. Princes-“ but he quickly shut his mouth when Logan looked over at him and sent him a dark glare, not stopping as he grabs your hand and drags you inside. If looks could kill, Miguel would be six feet under.
After a beat of silence, Peter cleared his throat before speaking, “well…that’s one way of trying to get her to notice you, nice going Miguel.” If Miguel didn’t already plan on releasing all his confused feelings and frustrations out on the ice before, he sure as hell was going to now. Miguel sent Peter a glare, mumbling some curses under his breath in Spanish , before he began to go walk into the arena, Peter stumbling to catch up with him.
Taglist: @tayleighuh @cowboylikeevie @coralineyouareinterribledanger @jukioku @loser-alert @migueloharaspookiebear @serpentstarr @littlexscarletxwitch
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bisonaari · 10 months
Käärijä fanzine update!
Alright! Thanks to your gentle lovely bullying, I've finally read most of the documentation I had and took some notes of the stuff I will need help with for the Käärijä hats fanzine. This is gonna be a lot of work to organize, so I can't do this alone!!
So I'm calling for extra hands. If you're interested in helping me, you'll need to be sure to be mostly available for the next 6 months (being a bit extra with the time, but better safe than sorry.) By that I don't mean that you need to be there everyday full time, I'm not either lol. I mean that you won't be travelling for four out of those six months or something like that hahaha.
Project coordinator: Me!
Artists coordinator: Also me!
Graphic designer: My best friend @drifloonlady (she's not in the fandom, but she does design for a living and I trust her with my life. Also she knows how to speak in Käärijä-style english she's a gem. And also she hosted a weird music panel at our local con with me for the past decade she's gonna fit right in trust me)
(you don't have to apply for only one thing!)
Project co-coordinator: your role will be to help me deal with how to organize all of this. Discussing with me about deadlines, artist submissions, general ideas, schedules, sending emails, etc etc
Social media manager: I suck at social media, so we'll need to update people on tumblr on a regular basis, answer asks, make an faq, show previews of the zine… all of that
Native english speaker: English isn't my native language and I make mistakes by the ton. We'll need someone to english proof every "official" communication we make, especially in the zine. Having spelling errors in the final zine because I can't english would be a bit sad haha
Native finnish speaker, maybe?: If we end up printing it, giving a copy to Käärijä and/or any member of his staff who would like one would be lovely, and in this case having a message for them in finnish would be interesting, especially considering Jere's english. Unsure if we're gonna print it, but if you wanna apply just in case, feel free to!
If you apply, as I said make sure that you're gonna be mostly available in the next six months. I'd also prefer if everyone applying was an adult, I sadly don't watch my language enough to be kid-friendly if we're gonna be chatting on discord on a regular basis hahaha.
write me a dm no need to be professional for now hahaha
All the people selected in this process will be in the following week added to a discord server, so we can chat about a lot of stuff on organization.
After everything is decided, we'll make a whole blog dedicated to the zine, and then finally open artists submissions.
I don't know when these steps are gonna be taken, hopefully sooner than me reading the documentation has taken. Now that my health is better and I can read properly without brain fog, that should help lol. Also not being alone should help a lot
If you have any question whatsoever, don't hesitate to ask me anything about this! As you guys know I'm an open book, so if you have any concern they're all welcome :)
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enter-the-performapals · 11 months
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@arcvmonth Day 18 D/D/D- Different Dimension Day!
Even though its a little late (because I wanted to color these lol) I wanted to talk about my Mermaid AU- concepted while I drew my big piece for Mermay this year! I was originally going to turn it into a series basing them on the En cards, but I didnt have time (maybe next year?)
This is a high fantasy AU, of course, and each of the stories happen around the same time-which Ill get into later. All of the Bracelet Girls, Dragon Boys and Zarc + Ray are in their 20's here, with romantic interactions between the expected couples (Fruit, Apple, FallenAngel, Predator, Genesis). All of the stories are unrelated but take place around the same time, with the the exception of the Genesis which takes several decades before.
Just slapping the word 'Mermaid' on a character and not basing them on a sea creature has never been an option for my autism brain, so I based the girls off of sea creatures I thought suited them!
Yuzu is based on a Betta fish- the only freshwater mermaid out of the five- mainly because I think theyre gorgeous with their lovely flowing tails, but also because theyre highly territorial, which I will get into later.
Rin-Rin is based off of one of my favorite sea creatures, the Lionfish. Bright and beautiful, but venomous and a ruthless predator. She's also Siren.
Ruri is based on a Parrotfish. Beautiful, iridescent scales and placid nature who live in coral reefs. Also, bird pun becuase I couldnt resist.
Serena is a Human-Mer hybrid whose based off an Angler fish. Scary creatures who use beautiful light not to illuminate their surroundings, but to draw in prey. She requires more oxygen than a normal mermaid, so like a mudfish, she can chill out near the surface of the sea and take in oxygen when she needs to.
Ray is based off of a Sea Angel, which is apparently a sea slug. It's pretty and I dont know much about it, which is the exact same thing I can say about my girl Ray.
Under the cut ill get into my thoughts for each of the AUs! Including a minific which kind of adds a little context to my piece from Mermay!
Ill go over all my ideas for the different storylines - marked by their ship- and at the end is minific! Sorry for any punctuation/spelling mistakes!
Zarc is an apprentice boatsman on his first voyage on a big ship. After smashing into rocky bluffs, the boat he's on capsizes and falls into the ocean. Almost drowning, he is rescued at the brink of death by Ray, who takes him to an uninhabited island to bring him back to life. Over a year or so, the two fall in love and while Zarc does want to escape the island he beleives its futile and doesnt even try. Eventually a ship does come to rescue him, and he promises Ray that he'll make it back to the island one day to be with her.
After hes back on land, people ask him what happened, howd he survive, ect; he eventually lets slip that a mermaid saved him. This makes it around, and eventually wealthy prospectors hear. Entranced by money and power wished to him, he leads hunters to the island to capture Ray.
Thinking that hes back to start a life with her, Ray's shocked when other people come from the boat and try to capture her. Realising Zarc had sold her out, she escapes to the sea, never to be seen again. Realising the error of his ways, Zarc decides to stay on the island after the disgruntled hunters leave in an attempt to attone for his greed and to hopefully see Ray one more time.
Hugo had always heard tales about sirens in books and wanted to if they were real or not. After attempt of humours faliures to become part of an actual reputable ship crew, he falls in with some pirates who decide to take him out to the seas. On his maiden voyage, he is so nervous that he cant fall asleep on his first night. Thats when he hears it. A siren's song in the distance.
The rest of the crew asleep, he steals a rowboat to find the source of the singing. He finds it- the most beautiful girl hed ever seen, singing the most beautiful song hed ever heard. He falls head over heels for her at first sight.
While Rin just wanted a meal, she now has to put up with idiot pirate trying to woo her. She is severly displeased about it, and makes it known. Then she realises- this dude is a grade A idiot with the luck of god on his side and now has to live with a human taking up her favorite rock. Ridiculousness insues
Ute grew up in a port town that had a great relationship with the fellow merfolk. He and Ruri grew up together, and eventually became a couple. One day, the village was raided by hunters, who both killed and captured the humans and merfolk, burning the town to the ground.
While hed somehow escaped from the raiders, he knows he has to break in to the enemy camp as they transport prisoners and set everyone free.
After weeks of planning and watching them from afar, he finds the perfect moment and storms the encampment, setting everyone free, including his best friend Shun and his lovely Ruri.
While they are displaced, remaining survivors help rebuild the city, and they try to rebuild their lives. Now with round the clock border security :)
Joeri is a wealthy buisness man who found success selling various snake oils in his teens. Feeling bored of scamming people out of their cash, he goes to a beah town in an effort to refresh, regroup his thoughts, and figure out his next buisness move.
While walking a beach in the dead of night, he notices a glow coming from a little cave in the distance. Sneaking a peek, he notices Serena stting, resting, and his mind races. Mermaids are uncommon, but not unheard of but most people havent seen one, so what if he could show her off?
Practically smelling the money from the buisness opportunity, he approaches her. She startles, and draws a weapon on him. That night he tries to talk her down and using all of his sales knowledge and charisma, tries to get her to warm up to him.
While it ends up in faliure, the next night she is in the cave again. And he makes up his mind to convince her to join him, whether that be by convincing her with his words, or bribing her with anything he can get his hands on. He has a goal and wont stop until it's realised.
Feeling wanderlust in his early teens, Yuya decides to dedicate his life to becoming an adventurer to see all the beautiful sights hes read about in his beloved father's old travel diaries. After about a decade of seeing what the continent has to offer, he takes a wrong turn (not the first time) and accidentally stumbles into a serene clearing blanketed in cherry tree blossoms nestled in between foothills. In awe, he explores the adorable little field, picking wild dasies as he goes, and spots a lake fed by mountains. As he investigates, he is jumpscared by a mermaid who warns him to leave immediately or face the consequences.
After a breif moment of shock, he starts to laugh. Yuzu is flabbergasted, as most humans would have fled at that point. He tells her that meeting a mermaid was always on his bucket list and that hes pleased to make her acquaintance, which leaves her even more shocked.
While she is standoffish at first, Yuya sets up camp near the water's edge to really drink in the scenery, subbornly telling an annoyed Yuzu that it was the best vantage point in the clearing.
While he'd oly planned to stay for a couple of days, as he talked to Yuzu- her sharing enchanting stories about the depths of the lake and the merfolk who lived there and in turn, her avidly listening to Yuya's travel stories- he decided to stay through the end of spring... and then summer... until eventually autumn's chill prompts him to eventually- begrudgingly- forces him to start packing up his temporary home.
Over the months the two talked and talked and became best friends. Through the wilting daisy chains they made, to the silly splash fights they shared on hot days, to almost sombre monitoring of deciduous leaves starting to fall as the lake theyd made memories in starts to slowly develop its winter shell, baring the aquatic from the terrestrial.
As they say their goodbyes, Yuya noticing Yuzu shivering slightly as she sits above the water, he promises her to come back in the spring with even more travel stories, handing her one of his earrings in a jesture of his vow. And she is overjoyed.
As they part ways, he catches her tightly gripping the blue crystal of his earring before she slips below the water, and he wishes that winter would just leave and never come back.
Over the winter, Yuya can't stop thinking of his time in the clearing. The curiosity that Yuzu would have for the camp meals he'd cook. The sparkle in her eye as he'd describe one of his adventures. Her concern over even the most miniscule of old wounds hed accrued over the years. Her witty remarks that never failed to get a laugh out of him. That no matter where he went, he'd always wonder what Yuzu would think if she'd been there with him.
As the weather started to turn from hail and snow to bright skies and sunshowers, he practically made a mad dash to the little clearing tucked away on the forgotten road near the foothills, hoping that the ice had melted in the area- if not for the whole pond, at least around the crude dock he'd put together to sit with Yuzu on, so close to where he'd set up camp.
As he approaced the sea of sakura, the blooming daisies, the grass rejuvenated after it winter hibernation, he noticed a figure waiting where she always was early in the mornings before he awoke, brushing her beautiful magenta tinged hair, facing toward the mountains in the distance.
He grinned and picked the prettiest of the wild daisies he could see on the bushes around him.
He was back home and couldn't be happier.
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Hey, I was wondering if you could do a match-up for Harry Potter! Specifically the Marauders Era.
Female, She/They, Pansexual
Plus size!, but more thighs (and boobs) than anything, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, i have glasses,
My personality is loving, patient, (surprisingly) smart and good at classes, but that's probably bc I'm determined and work hard- I can be really sassy though, nurturing, I have to stick to a semi strict schedule, forgiving, and I guess caring, also im an ambivert!! (I just kinda looked up personality traits and went with what I thought fit me. Bear with me.)
Likes: Reading, writing, SWEATERS, school, candles, blankets, sour candy, chocolate, sunflowers, sunsets, the moon
Dislikes: When my schedule gets completely destroyed, sudden and really big change, people who chew with their mouth open, feeling really embarrassed and like everyone is judging me, olives,
Extra fun facts: I have chronic headaches, bad knee problems in my right knee 😍, if I have an assignment I will always do way too much for it
Hope that's okay and you're okay with doing this, and I hope i did it right!!! Sorry for any spelling mistakes :)
Annos, please never apologize for spelling errors, lol. I don't know if you've read my posts, but I can not spell either. I am incredibly reliant on Grammarly, and my partner makes fun of me for it regularly.
Also, does anyone else pretend/feel like that lady from Mulan when they do these matchups? No, just me. Aight, I'll be in the corner now.
~~~~~MATCH UP~~~~~
Annon, I must match you with the sweetest boy of the tricksters.
Remus Lupin
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This man would bake you and buy you the best chocolates. He will curb your sweet tooth like no tomorrow.
He respects a girl who is not afraid to be herself, and if anyone tries to put you down and make you get in your head, he's not scared to be a big bad wolf ( see what I did there )
He loves it when you can put up with his three headaches. Wait, he means friends.
He would want to study with you all the time, so much so that James, Sirius, and Peter complain about missing their friend.
Remus strikes me as the guy who will get you flowers just because, so expect to be showered with your favorites. However, he always forgets that he should buy you flowers on a holiday.
Though he is afraid of the full moon, watching the skies with you any other time has become an enjoyable pastime, especially to see you light up.
When he has to hide away for the full moon, he makes you a goodie basket to 'remember' him by till he comes back.
If you are ever feeling unwell or hurt, he will carry you up to his dorm and make you comfy in his bed. He will get you all the fixings to cure your ailments. I'm talking hot water bottles, heavy blankets, blackout curtains, water, pain medicine, and, of course, cuddles.
You sat in the library waiting for Remus to arrive for your study date. As you finished your potion essay for him to look over, an exhausted, panting Sirius appeared before you. You looked up at him, amused, "Y/N, I am telling you we need him for Quidditch. Please, please, tell him to skip Hogsmeade this weekend." As Sirius was begging, he got down on his knees.
Around the corner soon came James looking almost as exhausted as the other boy in front of you. You chuckle into your hand, knowing that the Librarian will soon grow tired of the Maurder's antics. "Boys, you know he is his own person, right? What makes you think I have any say." You looked at the boys innocently. With a scoff, Sirius stood, wrapping his arm around James' shoulder. "Y/N, the man is so in love with you that he talks to you in his dreams. Of course, he will listen to you."
Before you could open your mouth again, James and Sirius were on the floor, this time due to a perfectly timed nudge to the back of their knees. Remus looked up at you and smiled softly, "Hi, my sweet. I brought you some treats." Placing down your candy, which he knew you favored, he sat across from you, ready to study.
James popped up from the floor, "Look, Y/N, he's even wearing a matching jumper with you! We have asked to match as a group of friends for ages. You can't tell me this man isn't whipped." You laughed at the remark, watching Remus nudge the back of James' knee again, causing him to collapse.
(You are looking up at the stars with the whole friend group. Your head is placed in Remus' lap. Peter is asleep lounging on the grass. Sirius, James, and Lily are all leaning back, looking at the stars.)
Y/N: Do you think that when the first people watched the stars, they thought they were crazy when they started moving each night.
Sirius: Wait, do the stars move each night?
James: I thought it was the moon that moved.
Lily: Sometimes it amazes me how you two breathe on your own.
Remus: (rubbing his temples, feeling the headache coming on) I'm glad someone else said it.
I hope you enjoy!!
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ayoharuko · 1 year
Mukuro ikusaba x reader headcanons?
Thank u for requesting this anon-chan! This is actually gonna be my FIRST ever danganronpa related content that I have wrote so I'm really happy! Especially that its for Mukuro~
Btw this is the normal AU where no bad shit happens and their just ordinary ultimate hightschool students :)
Sorry for any grammar mistakes or spelling errors both my editors are taking a break ehe~
REMINDER: This character does not belong to me and belongs to Kazutaka Kodaka also sorry if these headcanons are inaccurate try not to take these too seriously :3
I hope you enjoyed this anon-chan and everyone~!
~Ultimate Soldier~ (Mukuro Ikusaba)
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~Protective Girlfriend~
- I feel like even before you guys get into an relationship she already had some kind of...fascination or likeness towards you..she doesn't know what it is but...all she knows is that she wants to protect you no matter what.
- Being the Ultimate Soldier gives her some perks when it comes to protecting you..what perks you may ask? Well...putting a tracker on you, following you around and her carrying knifes and guns all the time-
- Don’t worry~, She’ll only use them is dire situations...maaybe
- Ever since you both got together her sister. Junko, got a little too interested you..so she decide to try and woo you away from Mukuro but...mukuro almost killed her and yea junko never attempted that again lol-
- Aside from being overly protective our girl LOVES cuddling with you...it doesn't matter what time of the day it is your staying safe in her arms weather ya like it not >:3
- Give her freckles kisses and she’ll MELT by melt I mean her face will turn red she’ll start stuttering and just look away from you in embarrassment, Such a cutie~
- If someones making you uncomfortable you better know that person is gonna get a knife to the throat, No one is gonna make her baby umcomfy.
- She always smiles when your around, Like everyone thinks your special for making THE COLD QUEEN MUKURO IKUSABA smile like that, like they know that she smiles around junko too but your a different story bestie~
- Never leave her..please..she’ll do anything you ask her to do just never ever leave her...she needs you ya know?
Nicknames: My light, Babe, Darling and My angel 
‘’What happened? Did someone do something to you my angel? Who...give me a name, Who did it?’’
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Honestly had fun writing this one since I haven't wrote for Mukuro before so I really hope you! Anon-chan love this~
I hope everyone loves this too!
Anywaysss see u on my next post~! 
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
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h3k3t · 1 year
Namora overstimulates/edges you ~🧸
I imagine namora tying you up fucking you till there’s no tomorrow
“I-it’s too much please” you beg her to stop rubbing your sore little clit after your fifth orgasm of the night, her fingers inside of you relentlessly hitting that spot over and over and over again she chuckles at your fucked out blissful face, your eyebrows scrunching in pain and pleasure. She starts to fuck you faster on her fingers, you don’t know why but your hips start to chase her movements . As your thighs start shaking you start to feel that tingly feeling in your tummy.
“Is it too much little one?” She laughs you whine and nod vigorously when suddenly she takes out her fingers “N-No please! I was so close” you sniffle, tears forming in your eyes “please I’ll be good for you ma’am let me cum please” she looks at you smiling bringing her fingers up to your mouth “Je’e” (open) your suck on her fingers savoring your taste. She has lust written all over her face watching you with her bottom lip in-between her teeth she takes her fingers out “good girl,I’ll let you cum don’t worry little one” she kisses your temple.
Your mind goes white after she removed her mask momentarily and puts her warm mouth on your puffy pussy she takes her time lapping up all of your cum from your previous orgasms. She hums into your cunt sucking on your clit, you squirm as your moans get louder and louder. “Please please please please, wanna cum ma’am please” you start begging she looks up at you from her position “Máanen princess” (go ahead princess) she smirks and goes back in to swirl your clit with her tongue. Your back arches as your orgasm approaches your grip onto the binds she has you tied up in “thank you! Thank you-“ you cry out as your orgasm washes over you “oh mphmm fuck” your mind goes blank as she slows down her movements.
As you come back to consciousness she’s by your side cleaning you up with a warm rag and a glass of water. You wince when she cleans inside of your thighs “you came pretty hard little one, I thought you passed out” she chuckles. You hum not being able to speak correctly. She smiles and kisses on the inside of your thighs “you won’t be able to walk tomorrow princess, I’ll take of you. Rest for now” she gets up to discard the items she used to clean you up.
I have no words.
*Side note* sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or error lmao
I also imagine namora being a nurturer (I tried to write that in with the aftercare part at the end) also what names do you think namora would like to be called in bed? And which ones would she call you. I tried to feel out how “little one” and “princess” would fit for her calling the reader those names and “ma’am” for her but lmk your insight lol *im rambling I’m sorry* ~🧸
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🧸ANON?! BESTIE?! Did you want to kill me? WELL You did it! AND NOW I NEED RESUSCITATION
I NEVER WANTED TO BE TRAMPLED BY NAMORA SO MUCH I SWEAR—I don't have words either, because your confession is PURE GOLD, SIS 💥💳💥💳
To answer your questions:
I see Namora as a full-fledged dom, she sure loves to discipline her partner, but I am absolutely convinced that at the same time she would like to worship you as if you were her goddess or nymph. And what better way than in the aftercare? Namora would mainly take care of you (clean you, hydrate you etc...), often loves to take a nice scented bath with you or simply pamper you and kiss every single inch of your body.
Mainly I believe that in moments of total romance or intimacy both namora and her partner would call each other "my Goddess" "my nymph" or "my jade" (I read somewhere that for Talokan culture jade is the stone that symbolizes love or what kind you give to your beloved). However during sex I think Namora would appreciate being called "ma'am" or some sort of appellation in regards to her military role at Talokan; "little one" or "princess" would be perfect for her partner instead. They're pretty good!!
Anyway feel free to chat all you want, don't apologize bestie!
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Really important question. Do you think Eggsy and Jimmy fall into the "I can't sleep let's go for a drive/walk" in love category? I feel like Eggsy depending on his day at work would say yes and maybe bc I have a delulu soft spot for Jimmy if he's genuinely really devoted to his girl he'd do anything for her therfore say yes??
Taron would do 100% (or 95%-) and get some food on the way fs
That's a really good question.
I feel like Taron as himself would 100% be into going for a drive/walk and getting food along the way. I also feel like the food you'd get would be McDonald's or something like that. So yeah, totally agree with you on that.
With Eggsy, I do agree that depending on his day, he'd be into that but I also feel like he'd be down to get junk food anyway and cuddle either in bed or on the sofa while you both binge watched your fave movies and/or tv shows.
With Jimmy though, I feel like with him he wouldn't usually go for a drive/ walk unless he needed to clear his head, however, I do also feel like if going for drives/walks and getting food is something that brings you joy and makes you happy, he'd do it. Basically he'd be down to do anything that keeps you happy, whether it be trying something new in the bedroom, cooking together, cuddling, going shopping. You name it. If it makes you happy, he's happy to go along with it.
I don't know if that answers anything but yeah, I do definitely agree with you about Taron and Eggsy. It would be very interesting to know what Jimmy actually thinks about all that but that's kind of what I picture him to be like. All about keeping his girl happy, whatever that looks like.
P.S: Sorry for any grammatical errors and other spelling mistakes. I'm very tired today, lol.
Also, If you have any other questions or thoughts you want to share, I'm totally open to listening to them. This was fun and gave me something to think about. Thank you❤️
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
Hey I kind of have to recreate the post sorry again about sending it early lol!
Charlie obliged beginning to drive. Elizabeth  sleeping soundly in the back seat. Michael didn't question where Charlie had learned to drive he just slumped back. "The map earlier said there is a hotel not too too far from here." Michael ran his finger through his hair not really listening. "Yeah? It's anything about the price?" When his hand pulled away a chunk of hair came with it.. Michael made a small distress noise. "Yeah Michael I was going to tell you but-" "No Charlie just stop.. I don't want to hear it! Just get us to the hotel and I can figure it out there...." Michael leaned back putting his hands on his face "This is also a laboratory punishment for Evan isn't it..." Charlie stayed silent as Michael began to sadly chuckle. "I thought that normal Foster care was bad enough, I don't know what potential parents will think of me Now.." Michael never wanted to look at himself again. "Michael... Do you want to know how I learned how to drive?" Michael took his hands off of his face looking confused at Charlie who was still watching the road. "Sure I knew you've been watching us for a while.. I was guessing you just kind of like picked it up at some point..." Charlie rolled her eyes." Yeah I never had a teacher I just kind of stole a car... you guys were going To a different state and I hadn't been able to sneak on the plane.. so I had to drive all the way there! I figured out that Being a possessed marionette Makes people avoid you on the road..." Michael laughed at the image of Charlie learning how to drive-through trial-and-error. It already looked strange seeing the puppet drive but The idea of her wildly swerving was kind of funny. The 2 continued to chatter Michael feeling in slightly better spirits.
Queen baby as the variant had been called drifted through the forest. Once the robot had been designated to patrolling outside the town Her feet had been replaced with all terrain wheels. You couldn't see it under her dress though. For years The metal that made her had been untarnished. But then Belle who was also her had failed.. The tentacle puppet had knocked her out And when Bethany had found her... She had been punished severely for failing.. But Mr. Afton was kind she had a second chance. "Catch all 3 of them bring them to Bethany and I will put you and your son back together and you can live a nice little life in a small corner alone!" If she sped up she could probably catch them... But no she'd wait until they had let their guard down. and the others had caught up with her then she would attack and earn her and her son's freedom....
There you go I hope you like it! Interested to see where you take it and also sorry for any spelling mistakes. You're a truly random Tumblr user
They three eventually found an out of the way hotel that didn’t ask too many questions, Mike carrying the still sleeping Elizabeth in his arms. Once they were checked in and Mike had tucked his sister into bed, he sighed and turned to Charlie saying, “Okay… what do you want to tell me?”
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pixelagames2000 · 7 months
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Ok so here’s a drawing I made to show the many ways I can relate to Optimus Prime
I am not very animated, I’m very reserved with my emotions, it’s mostly my face that’s not very expressive, I can however express myself in other ways, like with my voice and body,
My voice can be very monotone and blunt, but it can also be expressive in some ways, I’m very soft spoken but I can project.
I don’t cry unless something breaks me, I don’t get angry often and when I do, I don’t explode, I emplode. I do laugh, but it’s not LOL laugh, it’s more like a snicker,chuckle,giggle or just a “heh” or even a quiet/silent wheeze.
I’m very articulative, I speak more intelligently then formally, but I suppose there are some situations we’re i talk formally, it all depends on the situation (I suppose I have a way with words bit eh who knows, and if so then speech therapy really did work wonders)
I do not like conflict or drama, and I do not want to harm others, but if there comes a situation where I need to defend myself and others, I will
I do not like conflict or drama, and I do not want to harm others, but if there comes a situation where I need to defend myself and others, I will
I’m easily trusting of others, because I wanna see the best in them (and I have trouble seeing red flags) I prefer to resolve issues in a peaceful and civil manner, I won’t punish people for doing something wrong or get mad at them, I will be disappointed tho and shake my head, and if necessary give them a stern or firm lecture
Calm is my default setting, i have been told I’m wise in many ways, but I’m still naive to the ways of the world (hay I’m only 23 I’m still learning) I’m quiet,serious,sensitive and kind, I’m loyal and faithful, I can be stubborn but only with things I’m passionate about like my projects, I’m the support of my friend group, I’m always there to help and support others if they need a friend to comfort them, I’m eternally Optimistic tho I can be anxious and doubt myself from time to time, and I’m compassionate I try to be understanding and respectful as best I can, I try to be pleasant.
Anyway that’s basically it, I might have missed a few things but eh it’s whatever, sorry if there’s any spelling errors, I am dyslexic so I can make mistakes like that, also I’m on the Autism spectrum, so a good bit of these traits that I share with Optimus, are autistic traits
Dose this mean Optimus is autistic? No most likely not, tho it would be cool if he was, Also this is random but you know how the matrix of leadership has helped Optimus to grow and improve, I kinda feel a similar thing with the Holy Spirit (yes I’m also Christian) because it…or god or Jesus, has also helped me grow as a person and learn to have self control, so there’s that witch I find to be an interesting…thing…(I know the word to use I just don’t know how it’s spelled) anyway hope you found this interesting ^^
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bluelockednyx · 1 year
i just finish rereading "Isagi's Gemstone Mishap", and not sure if i should use ask on tumblr or comment on ao3 to rant about it but here i am (sorry for any grammayical errors):
isagi is pining hard, (and a bit possessive too, lol)
the whole journey of "retrieving a stone that can wreak havoc where i have to disguise, trick someone, break into a warehouse then break a spell, nearly break my neck from a fall and involve a friend using his young-master status to cover up my ass" is hilariously silly, my face hurts from smiling too much
i have questions, like, did rin drop the luggage out of the window bc he saw reo outside? or someone else? im kind amazed that isagi didnt argue and just went along with rin's plan
their dynamics were so well portrayed. it's consistent with what i think is in canon, most of fandom works quite frightened me a bit because they are very ... off-putting, i guess, but with yours, i feel somewhat safe (?)
i am interested in this au that i want to ask about your inspirations (?) for this fic, like how did you come up with this plot, and if there are other works that i should read in order to understand this world more
thank you so much
You can do whatever you feel more comfortable with, anon! Ao3's easier for archiving purposes, but if you prefer asking on tumblr then go ahead. I don't mind either way.
Yes, I wrote the whole thing with the idea of coming up with 'something fun that could happen while Isagi is crushing hard on Rin'. I'm happy you like it and find it silly!
When I was writing that scene, Rin and Isagi were preoccupied with getting out of the warehouse as quickly as they could without being spotted. The luggage was both bulky and heavy, so Rin took his chances with tossing it out of the window so Isagi could get up on the ledge, then they'd both run. Isagi had no idea that Rin was going to do that, so he was actually panicking when the noise got attention. Rin hadn't noticed Reo at all in the entire fic.
asjkl thanks, i'm glad you like the dynamic I put down here. I don't really read much fanfic these days, so I'm not too sure what you mean by my fic being safe? If you mean the content, do be aware that I explore heavy 18+ content on occasion, though I do tag it appropriately.
I based most of the world building of this AU off of generic fantasy novels and manga/manhwa. There's no 'one' work that I referenced explicitly, although I do indulge in Magic A is Magic A trope extensively, with some ideas about the limits of what the characters are able to do here.
I have only posted one other work for this series, which focuses on Karasu and Chigiri looking for a cure for a badly hurt Otoya, and it's also on ao3. That fic precedes this, and is both longer and a bit more serious, with some hints about other fics I've been writing for this AU. The 'part 3' of the series is a mistake from my side due to drafts and posting issues, so there's only two fics for this series currently.
Thanks again for reading!
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mclarenyaoi · 4 months
Ooo! I have some fursona ideas if you want them! (Feel free to ignore if you don’t)
George is very Gray Heron vibes to me, tall and ~dramatic~. Yuki could be either a Japanese Dormouse or a Japanese Tit. Lewis I think could be a Lesser Kudu (and maybe he got his horns removed and it was a Really Big Deal)
hi anon!!! first of all, congratulations, you're my first ever anon ask on this blog! second of all, that previous thing is pretty much exactly why this is being answered a bit late ^^' i'm terribly sorry about that, i just really wanted to make my answer good!! thank you for giving me these ideas, i love them and i love you, whoever you are <3
this is gonna be a long post so my actual answer to this ask containing all the doodles and commentary will be under the cut. just like last time, all written notes will be transcribed in the alt text since my handwriting isn't particularly legible. apologies in advance for any spelling mistakes or accidental misinformation, i don't have the time or energy to give this post a proper proofread so if anyone finds any errors or needs clarification on anything, please let me know! anyways hope you all find this post enjoyable ^^
first up, grey heron george! i've never drawn a grey heron before, so this was quite fun if a bit complicated
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i ended up settling for the mid-length neck in the "final" headshot, but now that i've had more time to think on it, i think i'd choose to draw him with a long neck, tho he'd get some serious cramps after every race. it'd also be funnier as well — herons are, as you said, tall and dramatic... but herons from the front? yeah. blimey indeed.
there's also the matter of how his helmet would fit, esp since you can't exactly go and shave off a man's mouth. i couldn't find a good solution for this; my best idea was that little confused drawing in the corner. it's not a terrific solution by a long shot, but i suppose that's just how it'll be until i (or someone else? this is an open invitation, tho do tag me) come(s) up with a solution
i didn't do a fullbody sketch for grey heron george, but if i did i'd have him stand next to someone for comparison. i guess the question with that is how much his neck would factor into his height since he's plenty tall as is. i did also want to do a dramatic drawing for george, but i was severely struggling to figure out a pose. maybe i'll do one in the future..
next up, yuki. anon, i LOVED these suggestions! i ended up drawing both suggested fursonas bc why not lol. (also, i did assume by "japanese tit" you meant aegithalos caudatus japonicus (called shimaenaga (シマエナガ) in japanese) the white-faced subspecies of the long-tailed bushtit only found in hokkaido, japan) and not parsus minor, since the shimaenaga definitely gives more yuki vibes)
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(before i say anything i Just realized 2'58" makes no fucking sense so i need to correct this first — it should be 2'7" ! my bad yall)
i drew yuki as a tit before i drew him as a dormouse so i'll talk abt them in that order
obviously as a creature the shimaenaga is SO very yuki sdkjfh i mean just!! look at ittt!! the definition of borb (bird orb). ngl i was kinda hoping they'd have shrike-like tendencies just bc i love when little cute things kill with brutality, but nope! they're insectivores year-round. shimaenaga are polygynous and lay 7-10 eggs per brood, which is great bc they're vulnerable to cold temperatures and hokkaido has long winters. long-tailed tits typically have facial markings resembling big brows, but this subspecies loses those markings in adulthood, probably to better blend in with the snow. i think i was gonna draw hatchling yuki with big brows at some point, but didn't bc drawing babies is difficult and drawing babies as birds is even more difficult lmao. you might notice that i chose to go the beastars route with anthropomorphic animals and gave bird yuki humanoid limbs and no wings. why did i choose to do this? well. i am not great at drawing bird legs and i didn't feel like drawing them here
the japanese dormouse has an avg length of less than 8cm (3.15in) with a tail of 6cm (2.4in). they're omnivores, with a diet consisting of fruit, nuts, insects, spiders, bird eggs and nestlings, and small rodents—even other dormice, hence my little comment abt cannibalism. again, i like it when little cute things kill with brutality. i think this works better for yuki, who i personally see as being small but mighty, though it's not like it doesn't work to make him a particularly vulnerable animal. rise against the odds and all that
regardless of whichever animal you (widely encompassing) or i choose to draw yuki as, i find yuki as a small prey animal to be v interesting. both the shimaenaga and japanese dormouse are small and agile creatures, and fitting a small animal with yuki's personality is compelling to me (which is not to say i buy into the narrative of yuki being particularly explosive or having anger issues, bc i don't believe in nor stand for that lol). for the purpose of the narrative, i love you small but stubborn animals that can and will bite you!
before i move on please appreciate pierre and yuki in the corner, i am forever and always a citizen of yukierre nation
ok last and anything but least, lewis! i'll admit, anon, i was a bit confused at first why you specifically picked the lesser kudu for lewis, but after seeing a comparison of the greater and lesser kudus.. i get it. lesser kudus look cooler (more markings) and i enjoy that
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so, pretty clear timeline here. a headshot of lewis in the present, what lewis would look like with horns (i spent. so long on this. completely on accident bc i wanted the horns to look good and then had to make the rest of it look like it matched asgjfkh), what lewis looked like in ~2007, lewis post-surgery (complete horn removal), and then a sketch of lewis smiling bc i like his smile \(^u^)/
(btw, while you're here, there are only ~100k lesser kudu left in the world due to over-hunting and habitat destruction, so. figure i could stand to add a link to the african wildlife foundation page on kudus, where you can find a donation button in the corner)
anon, what you said abt lewis' horn removal being a really big deal... ough it had me thinkinggg. i think the symbolism in permanently sawing off a part of yourself to fit a mold is sooo intriguing (tho not completely matching w/ lewis' story, i think as a general concept it fucks) and also represents the sacrifices needed to be part of motorsport, particularly from a young age. pecora would need to either cut off or greatly shorten the length of their cranial appendage in order to fit their head in a helmet — technically you could like, cut holes in your helmet, but then if you have a serious crash it'd probably be a near-certain fatality due to the bone and blood and nerves in there, in addition to the obvious danger of having a heavy bone object potentially crushing into your skull. there's only a few species of pecora where having a cranial appendage isn't a sexually dimorphic thing (eg caribou, reindeer, cattle, wildebeest) so having big horns is largely a sign of masculinity, hence why lewis initially kept as much of his horns as he could (there's probably some regulation for how large horns can be before they become a danger)
so with that being said, when lewis removes his horns entirely, it causes some uproar since he's effectively socially emasculating himself on purpose. there's definitely shitty articles written about it left and right, angrily bullshitting about how it's a sign that this is the end of masculine pecora (it's not) or that regulations have gone too far (no one made him do it) or that lewis is a bad role model (nope) or whatever the hell. lewis gives like One statement on it, smth abt how he did it for his own comfort and nothing else, how it doesn't emasculate him (bc it doesn't, anyone can do whatever well-informed decision forever and it can mean fuck all if you want it to mean fuck all, Truly who give a shit), and again more shitty articles quote it. etc etc usual circlejerk of illiterate media "journalism" continues until it dies down once something else happens. idk, smth like that, i didn't go to fucking school for math realistic furry-verse timeline creation
asdkjfh oh my god THANK YOU SO MUCH to anyone who's read this whole thing, please let me know your thoughts and opinions or if i made any errors. anon, i appreciate you immensely, i am so terribly sorry for the rambling but i hope you found this post interesting!
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