#Mukuro ikusaba x y/n
ayoharuko · 1 year
May I request a fluff/SFW alphabet for Mukuro Ikusaba?
Hello anon-chan! Sorry that your request took some time to be finished, I had to think proper sfw headcanons for best girl Mukuro hehehe~
Regardless I hope you enjoy and thank you for sending in a request!
REMINDER: This character does not belong but to Kazutaka Kodaka, This fictional work as well so please try not to take this to seriously :)
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~ SFW Alphabet for Mukuro Ikusaba ~
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Mukuro is shy when it comes to affection, so she shows her affection through small ways.
Ex is: Doing small things for you, watching over you, holding your hand and many more things!
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship would start if you were the one who interpreted it, I feel like in the past she thinks she had no need for friends so when you came it became a different story.
As a best friend Mukuro would be the protecting type, she wants to protect you since she's afraid of losing you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles are a must for Mukuro.
Like she wants to come home from training everyday and cuddle with you, your just soo comfy and soft. How could she resist?
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Definitely. After she's retired from solider work she definitely wants to settle down and merry be with you.
Decent at both cleaning and cooking, learned basic cleaning and cooking from the military :3
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Jokes on you, you think she'll ever break up with you?
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Of course she'll wait till your ready but like...she wants you to be all yours soo maybe after high school?
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Mukuro is always gentle with you, she knows how strong she is physically so she tries to be careful when touching you.
While emotionally she tries to understand your emotions more, thanks to her skills at reading a person.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
At the beginning of your relationship she was definitely awkward when it came to hugging. Like she would turn red and stiff when you hug her.
But later on, Mukuro becomes more comfortable with hugging!
Mukuro's hugs are protective, they make you feel like nothing in the world can hurt you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Surprisedly it takes her a whole month to say it.
Thats because her actions speak louder then her words soo yea..took her a whole month to say it lol
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Mukuro gets clingy, protective and insecure real fast.
She'll start clinging to you more, glaring hard at the person flirting to you and touching you protectively.
She's scary when jealous, trust me.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Soft and gentle~
Her lips are soo soft and they taste like cherries.
She likes to be kissed on her hands, I don't know. Maybe because she's always used her hands for war and training that its always stained with blood.
Loves kissing your forehead, she thinks its cute for some reason~
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Depends, now she doesn't dislike kids but she definitely knows that they'll be scared of her.
But she doesn't mind having a little family of your own.
Acts very much awkward around kids, because they're scared of her.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mukuro is an early bird so she wakes up wayy earlier then you, and she loves to just stare a your face while waiting for you to wake up.
However on rare occasions when she sleeps in, you'll get to see the most peaceful expression present on her face~
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Now this can go 2 ways...
1, is she's at work and doesn't come home until the next morning or even a whole week and 2, she's at home and your nights are filled with cuddles and kisses.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Hmm....she was definitely very hesitant to tell you about her past...especially at the staring of your relationship.
When you both are at least a year in your relationship, she'll slowly start revealing more stuff about her.
But patience is key, don't rush her.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Pretty calm actually, the only reason she'll get really angered is when something bad happens to you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Oh she remembers everything.
Mukuro is head over heels for you and she knows everything about you too.
She doesn't forget even the little quirks or even the small moles thats in your body.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Mukuro's favorite moment in your relationship was when the Sakura blossoms were blooming, you were dancing around the falling petals with an happy smile on your face.
You looked so eternal and she wanted to kiss you silly right there~
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Protective, definitely very protective.
She does NOT like seeing you get hurt, so she probably puts trackers on you just saying-
Now...it's clear that Mukuro doesn't need protecting, she can clearly protect herself.
However, if you actually try to protect her in a way. Her heart will melting she'll fall in love with you all over again.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Hm...I think it fully depends on the reason she'll gift you something.
If it's a special occasion she'll put a lot of thought into it, and if its just something she thinks reminds her of you and then it'll be small~
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Too overprotective and a little cold at times.
She...isn't used to human affection at all so be patient since when in a relationship with her you have to take it slow and steady.
Another bad habit of hers is she bites her nails when she's agitated or nervous, and this results to her nails bleeding....
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Hmm...not really?
I mean...Mukuro doesn't really have a reason to be concerned of her looks....
Yes she has a beautiful good-looking twin sister that might steal you away but other then that Mukuro isn't all that concerned :)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. A 100% yes.
You are her entire life.
Like without you she's nothing, you though her how to love and she's not gonna let you go that easily~
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
I feel like Mukuro is a dog person then cat, like in the army they would kinda use dogs sometimes right? Idk just a random thought lol
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who has no respect at all.
Especially when it comes to the army or just soldiers in general....
Thats all to be honest, she isn't picky on what she wants/prefers on a partner but all she wants is her partner to have respect.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Mukuro curls into a ball when she sleeps, now this was a habit of hers because she was often alone when sleeping.
Especially when she was in the army....
But when with you she always cuddles you really tight, like your gonna disappear at any moment.
Just cuddle and kiss her forehead and she'll have a nightmare free sleep :3
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Thank u soo much for the request anon-chan! I apologize very very much for posting your request late gomennn!
I hope this makes it up to you :) and I also hope you like it~
Also I didn't spell/grammar check this, so if their are any mistakes sorry about that ahahaha~
See you guys on my next post!~
Reblogs are appreciated and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
(Note: please don't copy and paste my works anywhere, and if you do see them on other platform please inform me.)
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angelic-yandere-doll · 6 months
Random danganronpa girls when y/n is sad because they got hurt by someone(part 1)
TW: yandere themes, mild descriptive gore
Info: headcanons, yandere, comfort, fluff, gn reader, lowercase on purpose, reader is in a relationship with the yanderes, reader is smaller or same height as the yanderes, reader is aware/accepting of the yanderes, no killing game, just despair
Key: y/n, darling is reader
Note: i'm back, learned some stuff in writing, got into danganronpa, lets see how i do(here's the boy version)
Characters: kyoko kirigiri, celestia ludenberg, toko fukawa(genocide jack), mukuro ikusaba, junko enoshima, peko pekoyama, mikan tsumiki
♡ kyoko kirigiri ♡
calm and collected. already thinking of what to do with the person who hurt y/n
leaves y/n in makoto's care as she goes on to teach that fool a lesson
she's an expert. she already knows the best ways to cover up a murder without anyone finding out, knows the right thing to say to avoid suspicion
when she comes back, she takes y/n's hands in hers, rubbing circles on them with her thumbs, then looks at them in the eyes in awe
"it's alright, y/n. as long as you stay with me, you won't get hurt again. i promise."
♡ celestia ludenberg ♡
calm on the outside, raging on the inside(y/n can't even tell she's mad)
has her loyal servants(probably hifumi) kill that peasant for her, but if they don't get the job done right, she'll kill them and decide to finish the job herself
keeps up her persona, knows how to lie her way out of questions from people suspicious of her
sits y/n on her lap, holds them close, telling them soothing affirmations, lets them lay their head on her chest
"shh... it's going to be okay, my dear. i'll make sure that that low-rank is vanished... permanently."
♡ toko fukawa/genocide jack ♡
panicking. questions how she could have let this happen. mad at the person who hurt her darling
what should she do? should see just scare them off? or cut their tongue off? stab their heart and rip it out? slice their body into pieces?(jack agrees to all of the above >:)~)
puts y/n's comfort first, hugs them tightly, cries with them, reads them their favorite books
jack takes care of the murder, has lots of fun doing it in the name of her beloved y/n
toko: "d-don't listen to them, y/n! they're j-just the worst! t-they're going to pay! i'll make sure they do."
jack: "y/n, y/n. they're just a dumbass. a dumbass that needs their guts rearranged! kyehahahaha!"
♡ mukuro ikusaba ♡
already grabbing her weapon, ready to kill, already has tabs on the person
tells someone(junko) to distract y/n so she can go through with her murder plan
probably nobody suspects her or rather afraid to interrogate her since she's a despair sister. gets messy but knows how to clean it all up in all her years of training
tries her best to comfort y/n by giving them their favorite food/drink, rubbing their back, giving them compliments all out of adoration
"don't worry, y/n. i'll take care of every danger that comes your way. i assure you of that."
♡ junko enoshima ♡
uh, what? someone hurt her y/n? watch out, she's coming
plans on making that person's last moments as despair-inducing as possible. acts all casual while doing it. if someone hurts her y/n, they get a visit from the ultimate despair herself. don't they know she's the only one who can hurt y/n and not them?
everybody's too afraid of her, too afraid to confront her. i mean, she's the ultimate despair, she can cause as much pain and destruction as she wants. who wouldn't be afraid of her?
gives y/n the best day ever(with some despairing moments). buying them stuff, bringing them to their favorite places, smothers them with affection, holding their hand tightly so they don't leave
"aww, babe! i just had to bring you here! it makes you happier, doesn't it? [explosion heard from afar] hmm? oh, that sound? just a little something to cheer you up, no worries! hey, just... don't leave me again, okay? you know what happens when you do."
♡ peko pekoyama ♡
seeing red. will do whatever it takes to get back at the person
will make the person's death slow and painful, as they deserve. probably saves one of the person's eyeballs to give to y/n as a gift to prove her love
she's a swordswoman, she already knows the most efficient ways to kill someone, she's got it taken care of. fuyuhiko helps her with it because he's used to it by now
lets y/n hug her and cry on her shoulder while she pets their head, leaving light kisses on their forehead
"mm... cry it all out, it's okay. i'm here. i told you, i will always stay by your side. always."
♡ mikan tsumiki ♡
starts crying. can't handle the thought of her y/n being in pain
will give it everything she's got to show that person what happens when they mess with her darling. smiles as she does it, knowing it's all for her beloved. not giving the person a single peaceful moment
as a nurse, she knows what to use to kill a person instantly and painfully without making much of a mess. will lie to the others that the person had a fatal accident that had an inescapable death
gives y/n lots of care. won't even leave their side for a second. always checking up on them, asking if they're okay. hugging them, not letting go. brings them their items of comfort, makes them a warm drink of their choice
"i-i know it's a-a lot, but i-i just can't s-stand the thought of you feeling like this! i-it's bad for you! no one should make you feel like that!... no one."
{made by angelic-yandere-doll}
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frickingnerd · 2 months
it's not you i don't trust!
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pairing: mukuro ikusaba x gn!reader
summary: junko has recently been getting closer to you and mukuro can't help but distrust her sister...
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“why don't you just trust me, mukuro!?”
your girlfriend wasn't usually like this. sure, she always kept an eye out for any danger, but this wasn't like that. mukuro was starting to suspect people close to her. and she seemingly started to suspect you too.
“it's not you i don't trust!”
mukuro sighed and grabbed your hands, gently holding them as she looked at you pleadingly. she didn't want to argue and she didn't want to accuse you of anything. no, you weren't the one she didn't trust.
“it's junko that i don't trust…”
you pulled your hands away from mukuro as she said her name. junko enoshima, mukuro's older sister.
“mukuro, what are you saying…?”
“i'm saying that junko has an ulterior motive to get close to you. she never bothered to befriend you, but now she's suddenly so interested in you. whether she wants to steal you from me or… something else. i can't let that happen!”
junko was always much more cunning than people gave her credit for. there had always been this intimidating aura around her. but if even mukuro couldn't trust her own sister, perhaps there was more to it.
“mukuro… i'd never let anyone steal me away from you. besides, as long as you're by my side, i know i'm safe. whether you'll protect me from junko or anyone else…!”
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nabateaprodigy · 8 months
This is probably the weirdest request ever but can I request Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, and Sonia with a s/o that turned into a marketable plushy? I don't mean someone made a plushy of them I mean they were transformed into it. I had a nightmare where that happened to me and for some reason, it was the worst thing I've ever dreamt.
Please Don't Turn Me Into a Marketable Plushy!
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, and Sonia.
Genre: Fluff/Crack.
Reader: Gender Neutral.
Notes: I'm a person who doesn't dream much but even when I do it's usually a nightmare. But this is ridiculous! But like so funny at the same time! But bestie what's going on to be having dreams like this? 😭
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Quite it had been suspicious quite as of late Mukuro had noticed. By now she would have expected you to be by her side. At first she was worried very worried that something could have happened to you.
She knew you could handle yourself but even still she was still worried. The feelings of worry would hold merit in time. As the school day had ended and Mukuro had not seen you she decided to check up on you herself.
Mukuro had texted you multiple times throughout the day and had gotten no reply. Strange as you would always reply to her as quickly as you could. This didn't cause her to panic as there are many suitable reasons why you wouldn't text her throughout the day.
Soon Mukuro had made it to your home and let herself in with the spare key that you had given her. Stepping into your home she called out for you. "S/O?" No response.
She made her up to your bedroom as maybe you had slept in or were sick. Although nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to see. "S/O? Are you in there? I'm coming in." Mukuro spoke as she opened the door to your bedroom.
"Mukuro! Help me!" A voice could be heard in the room it took a second to register. But Mukuro was able to pinpoint the voice with her vigilant eyes.
She looked at the desk in your and a plushy could be seen. No wait a plushy of you surely. However, as she moved closer it became clear that the plushy was indeed you.
"S/O? Is that you? What happened to you?" Mukuro questioned as kneeled to get a closer look at you. "I'm not sure! I just woke up like this! I tried to call and text you but I can't do anything as a plushy!" You spoke jumping up and down your arms flapping up and down like a bird's wings.
"..." Mukuro was speechless I mean who wouldn't be?!? What are you supposed to do let alone say something about this?
After regaining her composer Mukuro picked you put and put you in her blazer pocket. "I'll take care of you for now let's wait until tomorrow to see if you return to normal. If not then we can ask one of the Ultimates for help." Mukuro spoke as a smile grew on your face.
Finally, this will be a great way to see your girlfriend in action as she practices her skills as an Ultimate! A smile began to grow on Mukuro's face as she looked at you somehow you looked even cuter as a plushy.
You were late...very late! Where the hell were you?!? THE JUNKO ENOSHIMA! had invited YOU!
To be at a photoshoot with her and you were late nowhere to be seen. Heck, she wanted you to join her and get pictures taken! Well fine, be that she if she cares! (Honestly, I would say she does care but it's probably causing her despair by you not being there. So it's probably not affecting all that much but you never know with how unpredictable she is.)
Once this entire photoshoot was over she went to your home and DEMAND an answer! Heck! Screw the photoshoot! She needed her answers now! Confused by her outburst no one could do anything to stop her from leaving.
Loud knocks could be heard at your front door. "S/O? S/O? Open up! I know you're in there! You queen of despair demands to know why you weren't at the photoshoot!" More knocks could be heard after she spoke.
But then loud bangs could be heard from your front door. What was she...was she kicking your door down? She's insane! (Now ain't that the truth.)
She could be heard running around your look for you and possibly breaking a few things along the way. She then made her grand entrance into your room by nearly kicking the door off its hinges. "Hey! Stop it! You'll destroy my home! You've already destroyed some of it!"
A voice could be heard and Junko looked around until she saw a plushy that looked like you sitting on the table. "HAHAHAHAHA WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!?! YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS!!" Wow, how comforting...
Junko spoke as picked you by the head and placed you on top of her head like a crown. "Come on my beloved I'll show you what despair looks like firsthand!" Junko spoke dashing out of your room. Will you return to normal? Who knows...
Komaru had spent her day drawing manga and well she lost track of time. While she was taking a break from drawing she realized she hadn't heard from you in a while! She has sent you a text. 'Hey S/O! How are you? Are you doing okay?'
She set her phone down and went back to drawing and expected a response soon. Although as more time passed a response never came. Thinking you were just busy Komaru sent another text.
Although more time has passed and Komaru still hasn't heard back from you. This caused her to worry so she decided to leave and go to your home. You had given her a spare key and let her enter your home if she ever needed anything.
"S/O?" Komaru called out to you as she entered the home closing the door behind her. She had gotten no response from you she walked looking for you. Making her way upstairs she decided to check your bedroom as you weren't anywhere on the first floor.
Komaru knocked before entering your bedroom. "S/O? Are you in there? I'm coming in." Komaru spoke as she entered your room.
"Komaru! Over here!" A voice could be heard in the room after looking around for a while Komaru was able to pinpoint where the voice had come from. It was from you or well a plushy that looked like you.
"S/O? Is that you? What happened?" Komaru spoke as she got closer to the desk you were on. "I'm not sure Komaru! I just woke up like this!"
Komaru held out her hand and you jumped onto it. "You're so cute S/O! This just gave me a great idea for a manga! Come on I'll bring you to my place so we can work on it together!"
Komaru smiled as she held you in her hands. You were so cute like this and she'd have to take pictures! But most of all she can show you how much of an amazing girlfriend she is by protecting you!
There could only be one cause for why you were like this now. Like what exactly? Like a plushy yes that's right you awoke to find yourself now as a plushy.
You knew Sonia was good friends with Gundham but this was just ridiculous! Had something gone wrong while they were doing black magic? Or was this something that Sonia wanted to happen?
Well, you truly had no idea and could only guess and wait. Waiting was all you really could do as being plushy had its limitations. On the other hand, you looked adorable!
You can only imagine how Sonia would react to something like this. Oh well, it's not like you would mind anyway. Being cared for and adored as a plushy while your girlfriend takes care of you?
You suppose there was nothing to complain about although this waiting was killing you! Just how much longer would Sonia be? You need to be with her at once!
However, it seems you were in luck as Sonia has now returned! "Sonia! Sonia! Over here!" You called out to her as you jumped to get her attention. Sonia was stunned for a moment but then recovered from her moment of shock.
"Oh my! S/O? Is that you? What happened? You are simply adorable!" Ah, there is was you expected to find you even more adorable like this. I mean you are her partner so of course you were adorable!
Sonia had moved closer to the desk that you were sitting on as a smile appeared on her face. She held out her hands and you hopped onto them as held you gently. "You are simply adorable! Come S/O I have many outfits your size! You must try them you will look wonderful!"
"But Sonia-" you had tried to ask her if you were like this because of something to do with Gundham and black magic. But Sonia had cut you off before you could finish. "Oh! I must get my camera!" Oh well, you'll deal with that later your just happy to spend time with Sonia.
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neverhadamonster · 6 months
may I request Mukuro Ikusaba x GN!reader that likes sparring with her (but they’re comically bad at sparring)
Damn requests are coming in faster than I thought but of course you may!!
-Either if you're just actually bad at sparring or purposefully messing up, Mukuro isn't gonna say anything. She knows you're at least trying.
-As the Ultimate Soldier, I think that she would enjoy sparring, no matter how bad you are. She would see it as training
⬆️She is probably really good at sparring anyway, so she'll hold back on you
-Mukuro would definitely encourage you, telling you that 'You did good' even if a punch you threw went no where near her. She's gonna say that 'You're getting better' even if you aren't really improving
⬆️And she'll say every compliment or comment on your performance with that soft smile on her face that she has in the anime sometimes
I'm not exactly sure how Mukuro is as a character because she was barely present in THH and I don't know how canon the anime is considered to be, so I hope this is good!!
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lookingformoondrop · 8 months
mid you write for her, may I request some kidnapping headcanons for yandere Mukuro Ikusaba (like the before/immediately after of how she’d kidnap them)
Mukuro lkusaba x gn!reader - How it was before and after kidnapping their beloved ♡
TW: kidnapping, drugging, implied murder and intimidation, stalking, obsession, confinement
♥︎ I write for both males and females (including all games). Since you didn't specify the gender I'm sticking with gender neutral! I hope these meet your expectations <3 ♥︎
♡521 WORDS♡
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It all started when you smiled at her after she helped you pick something up, "Thank you for helping me, Mukuro!" That moment ran through her head the rest of the day. Following her to sleep and through her dreams.
Maybe you needed her help tomorrow?
This began her obsession with your happiness.
As she watched you, she noticed how you struggled to make ends meet. Your love life was messy and even if you didn't admit it, you needed her.
She wasn't going to make you beg for her.
She cleared out a room in her apartment and bought new locks for every room and window.
Slowly, she bought the same chairs you owned, sewed the same pillow cases you had, and painted your new room in your bedroom color.
It all took a matter of months to prepare your new cage home, and only a couple more to anonymously threaten your loved ones to abandon you.
And for those that refused to leave your side? Her sniper did more than enough talking for the both of them.
Finally, on a warm evening night when you were walking home, distressed by how quickly your life was falling apart, she started walking next to you.
"Mukuro! I'm sorry, but now isn't a good time. M- My friends suddenly blocked me, and my family isn't responding I-"
"You're so kind, Y/N."
"Even though I'm practically nobody in your life... I'm sure you understand me! I understand your struggles, so we're supposed to be together. Oh, Y/N, I'll do everything in my power to be the best of use to you. I'll never let you down, I'll always protect you! So please...don't struggle."
Before you could question her, in a flash, she held a rag to your mouth and held you as your struggling movements turned to small twitches.
Mukuro couldn't help admire your sleeping form. Oh, just how perfect you were, with chains on your hands and feet, a peaceful expression on your face.
Mukuro didn't need to think twice about taking you for herself. Although she justified it by saying it was all for you, the thought of having you to herself made her jump with joy.
Sure, when you woke up, it would be difficult to explain why your family and friends wouldn't be looking for you anytime soon.
But she knew just how much you needed her. In the end, even if you called her horrible names, even if you tried to run away, or it took you a little while to get used to your new permanent home, you would in the end be lost without her direction.
For the next couple of weeks, you would be terrified by your new living situation, but no one would take care of you like Mukuro would.
She would clothe you, bathe you, feed you, and bring you gifts. Every basic need you had she would take upon. Pampering you to the point where you struggling was completely unheard of.
Mukuro wants nothing more than to be useful to you.
So please "... use me to your hearts content, darling."
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Thank you for the ask <3
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writer-komaru · 2 years
Male!reader x Mukuro’s first time?
Sure! Time to embrace my inner creativity for this one hehe
(Edit: I don’t know what I did with this one, I did such a bad job T T’)
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Everybody wants their first time to be loving and passionate, as if connecting their souls together with an unbreakable seal. Though, this may not be the case for everyone. Life is bumpy. Sometimes it may not be exactly like how we imagined, but instead more… memorable.
You and Mukuro have been dating for a couple months now, and you could tell that she was the one you wanted to lose it to. The way she showed you unwavering love for you, the way she flashed you a soft smile whenever she catches your eyes, everything about her made you more and more convinced of your decision. You decided you would ask her about it when she comes over to your house later that day.
And after a few hours of anticipation, she arrived. But, you’re nerves were getting the best of you. Every time you tried to mention it, it just seemed like it wasn’t a good time. What if she wasn’t ready and thought you were weird? What if she had been waiting this whole time for you to ask and would get angry? Uncertainly clouded your mind.
“Are you alright?”
You quickly jolted back to reality.
“Oh, uh, yeah I’m fine.”
“Hm. You seem like you got a lot on your mind. You know you can talk to me about it. I’ll always be here to listen.”
“Uh, we’ll, it’s kinda complicated… but, um, if you say so…”
Yes! This was your chance!
“Do…. Do you think we… uh, maybe we could… y’know… uh, like… have…”
Your cheeks immediately when bright red. How did she know what you were going to say?!?
“Heheh… im sorry for being so intrusive, but one night when you forgot to charge your phone, I noticed it was unlocked and saw ‘how to ask your partner your ready to have sex’ in your search engine.”
“No, no, I didn’t check that. I wouldn’t do something like that without asking you first.”
“Oh, okay.. okay, uh… so, do you want to.. have… sex?”
“Yes, I’d love to.”
After the two of you closed the door behind you, Mukuro pressed herself against you, your lips connecting into a deep kiss. You shut your eyes tight at the feeling of her chest against you. You felt your body tense, the feeling flooding your senses.
“Calm down, it’s okay.”
Mukuro moved you over to the bed and sat on your lap. You put a hand over your mouth to block out the sounds that threatened to come out. Mukuro gently threaded her fingers through your hair, giving you small pecks on the cheek. After a couple deep breaths, you felt ready to continue. You looked up at her with newfound determination.
“The safeword will be… um… safe. Uh, is it okay if I undress you now?”
Mukuro nodded in response. You forced down a dry gulp as you put your fingers around the waistband of her skirt, gently putting it and her panties down. As soon as you saw her cunt, you looked away out of embarrassment. God, this was so awkward! This is definitely not the passionate love making you thought it was going to be. You worked off your shirt and now only had her bra left. But, as you tried to pull it over her head, her laughed and grabbed your wrists.
“Sweetie, that’s not how you take off a bra. You have to unbuckle the clasp.”
“O-oh! Sorry, I didn’t know.”
You winced stay your own ignorance. You put your hands on the back of the bra, trying to think quickly about how to undo it. But even after trying and failing for a couple minutes, she eventually took it off herself. After you had grabbed a condom from a pack in your bedside table (just in case she ever asked you) it was finally time for you to loose you both to have sex for the first time.
You angled yourself to her hole and was about to push in before she stopped you.
“No, don’t push in without preparing me. Here, why not I take the lead?”
You look to the ground, defeated, but nodded. She was right. You didn’t have any real knowledge of what to do to prepare for sex. Mukuro reached for your hand and glided your middle finger against her cunt. You couldn’t take your eyes off of it. It looked so good. Your dick twitched in anticipation.
After a couple tedious minutes of warming up, you felt like you could cum any second. You breathing was already rapid and quick, your eyes half lidded.
“Hey, darling, look at me.”
You reluctantly looked back at her beautiful eyes.
“I know this probably hasn’t gone as you first wanted it to, but it doesn’t mean it’s ruined. We haven’t even cum, anyways.”
Mukuro positions her cunt right above your dick, causing you to let out a whine.
“Look at me, baby, look at me as I do it.”
Your eyes blinked open. As soon as you felt your sick pushing into her tight hole, you felt your face contort into an expression you never thought it could. And before you could stop yourself, you came. And you came hard. All that waiting, all the time used to get each other totally ready left you so edged that all it took was the tip going into her for you to feel like you were going to be ripped apart. After your orgasm came and went, you looked up at her apologetically.
“Do you think you can keep going?”
“Hah…. M-mhm… I can.”
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choukoara · 2 years
It is I, the Mukuro anon
Mukuro ikusaba x reader general headcanons?
Author's Note:
Due to how much motivation I have, I decided to write a fic. I guess it's more of I want to show off of how my writing style has improved! I am on my phone, formatting and grammar might be a bit weird.
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With the last days of summer flying by, there was a tranquil atmosphere that surrounded the two. The setting sun melted into various shades of blues and purples, this was it.
Everything you could of ever hoped for was right next to you, sitting on a branch or an oak tree gazing off at the sky of the ending day and awaking night.
"So, this is it," A soft but calm voice broke the peaceful silence, you turned to the speaker as she spoke, Mukuro had a rare expression written all over her face. Not of boredom, or annoyance. She had a small smile and looked at peace for once. "the last day of summer."
You nodded, honestly this was a surprise. When summer break first started, it only seemed like last week. The phrase 'time flies when you're having fun,' was accurate in this situation.
"Yeah...it is."
A small smile followed after that reply. The last day of summer didn't mean the fun didn't end.
No, if anything this was a new beginning. New experiences and all types of events were to follow as the new school year followed close behind the new coming of autumn.
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emberstoriesandtales · 3 months
Picnic Date (Mukuro Ikusaba x G/N!Reader)
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Mukuro has never been one for doing anything relaxing, but with Y/N, she doesn't mind it as long as she is with them.
Now as she is sitting down on the comfy blanket that is laid out for the picnic, she couldn't help but smile a little.
"Y/N, you know you didn't have to do this." She said as Y/N took out some bento boxes that they made during some freetime.
"Yeah, but I wanted to. You don't seem to do relaxing stuff, especially since you usually train, so I figured we could do something together that isn't about training for at least a day." They replied handing Mukuro one of the boxes.
Opening it up, Mukuro saw that the bento consisted of some rice, tamagoyaki, some umeboshi, and some green salad. (seasonal vegetables and fruits)
"Thanks." Mukuro said as a smile spread across her lips as she started eating the food, which was really good.
She knew it to be good since Y/N is the ultimate cook in their class.
"Your welcome. I'm really happy that i get to spend time with you" They said before they began to eat their food, not noticing Mukuro, who was now blushing, looking at her with a smile and looked at them with an endearing look.
With how horrible her life was before Hope's Peak, she was so thankful to have them in her life.
They were like her guardian angel, and she was going to protect them no matter what.
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ayoharuko · 1 year
Mukuro ikusaba x reader headcanons?
Thank u for requesting this anon-chan! This is actually gonna be my FIRST ever danganronpa related content that I have wrote so I'm really happy! Especially that its for Mukuro~
Btw this is the normal AU where no bad shit happens and their just ordinary ultimate hightschool students :)
Sorry for any grammar mistakes or spelling errors both my editors are taking a break ehe~
REMINDER: This character does not belong to me and belongs to Kazutaka Kodaka also sorry if these headcanons are inaccurate try not to take these too seriously :3
I hope you enjoyed this anon-chan and everyone~!
~Ultimate Soldier~ (Mukuro Ikusaba)
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~Protective Girlfriend~
- I feel like even before you guys get into an relationship she already had some kind of...fascination or likeness towards you..she doesn't know what it is but...all she knows is that she wants to protect you no matter what.
- Being the Ultimate Soldier gives her some perks when it comes to protecting you..what perks you may ask? Well...putting a tracker on you, following you around and her carrying knifes and guns all the time-
- Don’t worry~, She’ll only use them is dire situations...maaybe
- Ever since you both got together her sister. Junko, got a little too interested you..so she decide to try and woo you away from Mukuro but...mukuro almost killed her and yea junko never attempted that again lol-
- Aside from being overly protective our girl LOVES cuddling with you...it doesn't matter what time of the day it is your staying safe in her arms weather ya like it not >:3
- Give her freckles kisses and she’ll MELT by melt I mean her face will turn red she’ll start stuttering and just look away from you in embarrassment, Such a cutie~
- If someones making you uncomfortable you better know that person is gonna get a knife to the throat, No one is gonna make her baby umcomfy.
- She always smiles when your around, Like everyone thinks your special for making THE COLD QUEEN MUKURO IKUSABA smile like that, like they know that she smiles around junko too but your a different story bestie~
- Never leave her..please..she’ll do anything you ask her to do just never ever leave her...she needs you ya know?
Nicknames: My light, Babe, Darling and My angel 
‘’What happened? Did someone do something to you my angel? Who...give me a name, Who did it?’’
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Honestly had fun writing this one since I haven't wrote for Mukuro before so I really hope you! Anon-chan love this~
I hope everyone loves this too!
Anywaysss see u on my next post~! 
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
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takusan-no-ai · 11 months
Holding Out for a Hero
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PAIRING: Kyoko x Male Reader (Romantic) (Fluff)
SUMMARY: Kyoko’s boyfriend, (Y/N), saves her in Junko’s killing game.
You became Kyoko’s boyfriend after Leon’s trial. She was actually the one that proposed you both begin dating, saying it could give you both an easy alibi in the long run. You didn’t quite understand what she meant at first, nor why she even chose you out of all the guys she could’ve.
The others were shocked at your announcement of being in a relationship together. Especially Byakuya. He was suspicious at how quickly you both started dating, but eventually pushed it back upon gaining some blackmail on Toko.
“You’re too innocent,” was her response to the question. It was still a little vague; did she trust that you could never become a blackened or did she see you as easy to manipulate? Between her and Makoto, any hint of suspicion that is ever put on you is immediately dissipated, so it wasn’t that bad of a deal.
When Kyoko said it’d give you both an alibi, you didn’t quite understand until now. Everyone was confused about where Kyoko had ran off to. Everyone except you. Earlier she asked you to distract Monokuma while she explored around the school. So when someone was apparently murdered and everyone grew suspicious of Kyoko, you rose up and defended her.
“She was doing some exploring on my behalf. I wanted her to find some weapons so we could defend each other. I just don’t want my girlfriend to die. I knew if we both disappeared you’d all get worried, so she left herself.” It wasn’t a very solid white lie, but it was enough to get everyone off her back and investigate the situation.
Later during the trial, Monokuma, or rather Junko, tried to accuse Kyoko of killing Mukuro Ikusaba. Kyoko had to lie to protect herself, and you knew she was lying. But if Kyoko died then you’d all be stuck there forever. Unfortunately, her lie led to you being the final suspect. And while Makoto tried his hardest to defend you, Kyoko choked up and looked down.
This wasn’t the exact outcome that Junko wanted, but getting rid of you would make it easier for her to get rid of Kyoko later, so she let them all live for voting for you.
Just as you were about to receive your execution, Kyoko ran up the gate and cried out for you. It was completely out of character and everyone was shocked, even Junko to a small degree. Somewhere down the line Kyoko had truly fallen in love with you, and she didn’t want you take her punishment.
Thankfully, Alter Ego hacked your punishment so that you’d just fall down the trash chute without being crushed. When the trial finally ended Kyoko and Makoto rushed to the trash chute, that’s where they found you passed out from the fall. Kyoko told Makoto to tell the others that you were fine while she tended to you in the chute.
You woke up to your hair being brushed while your head laid on Kyoko’s lap. She noticed you were awake and coughed into her hand, looking away with a small blush on her face. “The others are waiting for us. We should hurry. Are you good to walk?”
You both recuperated with the group and decided on exploring the school once more. All throughout this, Kyoko and you were holding hands.
- Fin
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frickingnerd · 5 months
dating mukuro ikusaba
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pairing: mukuro ikusaba x gn!reader
tags: (over)protective mukuro, mention of fights at the end
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mukuro doesn't have any dating experience. she didn't think she was the type of girl to fall in love, yet here she was, dating you
and to her own surprise, she fell in love with you quicker than she realized it
she wasn't used to those feelings she had for you and it took her quite a while to realize that she was falling in love
it was honestly quite confusing for her at first. she had never cared much about love, yet here she was, head over heels for you
mukuro is unsure at first how to show her love and tends to be a little obsessive at first
she's very direct with you and once she realizes she's in love with you, she will confess to you as soon as she can
her confession probably wasn't the most romantic thing ever, but she doesn't believe that it even mattered
all that mattered was that you ended up reciprocating her feelings and were now dating her!
mukuro is quite protective of you and her overprotective nature tends to scare away your friends or potential suitors
dating her is a little isolating, but mukuro will give you all the love you need!
just make sure not to upset her!
once you get into a fight with the ultimate soldier and start to see that side of her, you won't be able to ever see her the same again…
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nabateaprodigy · 5 months
Hello their sir/friend, I saw that you're writing for Danganronpa and I got giddy so hope your not busy at the moment, Mukuro and Kyoko with a Male Reader who's the ultimate martial artist, but, with a twist, (Spoilers for Kengan Ashura/Omega fans) he uses the "Formless Style", a form of martial art that is made for adaptability, and having a wide range of moves to choose from, like an instinctive reaction, going limp to avoid, withstand, or deflect attacks, and striking at the first opportunity almost instantaneously, but, the "training" is both worth it and not worth it at the same because of the "Gu Rituals", a fight to the death where all students are placed in a single room and forced to kill each other and only one survives, so what would happen if those two learned about the Gu Rituals and the scarring things the reader had to do in order to make it out alive? Thank you for listening and have a good rest of your morning/evening/night :)
Life or Death
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Kyoko and Mukuro.
Genre: Comfort/Angst.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Male.
Notes: Was finally able to add Mukuro's part to this!
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Kyoko and always been observant she had noticed your well-built stature. To anyone else, this was clear as day your height and muscles far surpassed most others in Hopes Peak Academy. Kyoko could tell there was to you wanting the strength that muscles gave you.
While Kyoko had the means to figure out why it wasn't her place. You were her boyfriend so whether you wanted to talk about it to her or not was entirely up to you. Little did she know it wouldn't be long until she found out the truth.
It was a day unlike any other for Kyoko nothing special or bad about her day as of yet. Currently, she is in her dorm room reading. Just then she heard a knock at her door putting a bookmark into the book she got up from her desk to see who it was.
"Hi Kyoko can I come in? You aren't busy are you?" You spoke and smiled at Kyoko but she could tell something was off. "No, I'm not busy I was just reading. Come on in S/O."
You entered and walked over to Kyoko's bed and sat on it. Kyoko closed the door and then walked over and sat next to you. "Is everything alright S/O? You don't seem like yourself."
"Ah, so you've already noticed? I just wanted to talk with you about something. It's something that happened today." You spoke as you looked down at the floor.
Kyoko said nothing in response instead waiting for you to continue talking. "As you know I'm the Ultimate Material Artist. It's something I'm proud and not proud of."
"Why is that?" Kyoko spoke looking at you as you were trying to find the words to continue talking.
"The form of Material Arts I practice is Formless Style. For this form of Material Arts, I'm able to go limp to avoid attacks, withstand, and deflect attacks attacks and train me in speed being able to attack almost instantly.
To be able to do any of this I undergo training it's something I'm grateful for but it's also something I hate. Me and many other students take part in Gu Rituals where we have to kill each other until only one is left."
As you finished Kyoko kept her usual stoic expression however just because she had this expression did not mean she did not care. Kyoko was worried she was really worried. Worried about that if you were forced to do it or not she was worried about the injuries you had gotten from these Gu Rituals.
"S/O I can see how these Gu Rituals can help enhance your strength, speed, and agility. However, that doesn't deny the fact that they are incredibly dangerous and deadly. But despite this, I admire your determination and perseverance to overcome these trials. But just know I'll be keeping a closer eye on you from now on and supporting you however I can."
Kyoko spoke as she rested a hand on your shoulder. You smiled at her and then hugged her as tears fell down your face. She wrapped her arms around you and you felt safe in her arms.
Mukuro had always seemed to keep a close eye on you and you were never sure why. Of course, you never had offended her in any way and yet you could always feel her eyes on you. You had brought this up with Sakura when you were training.
Sakura suggested talking with Mukuro after all if don't this will just go on forever, won't it? So that's exactly what you did after you finished training with Sakura. You wanted to know why Mukuro seemed so suspicious of you and if you had done anything to offend her that you weren't aware of.
However, you wouldn't have to go far to find Mukuro as she was outside of the gym where you are Sakura were training. Was she waiting for you? Oh well, that's not important but what is what you need to talk with her about.
You were worried as you feared you had done something to upset her. But the both of you did trust each other no matter what. So there's no reason to keep secrets isn't that right?
You were about to speak but Mukuro spoke before you got the chance. "Y/N why is it that you train so much? Is it for strength? To defend yourself? Or something else entirely? " Mukuro was no fool just like with Sakura Ultimate Talent she knew why you trained however there was more to that wasn't there?
Mukuro had observed you and Sakura closely because of this she had noticed the difference in your style of fighting. "Well ever since I was younger being the Ultimate Martial Artist was expected of me. If I didn't hold up those expectations there would be dire consequences."
Mukuro said nothing as she stayed silent letting you continue to speak. "To gain my strength and abilities I was...forced to take part in something known as Gu Rituals. I and other students are placed in a room with each other and are forced to fight to the death.
That is how I gained my strength and that is how I gained these abilities. I'm not proud of what I've done but I only did because I was afraid I didn't want to die all I wanted was to live and to no longer take part in those rituals."
Mukuro was speechless for a moment and that could be seen on her face. So you've killed people? Even if was against your wishes it's something she didn't expect but she wouldn't hold it against you after all she is no different.
"Thank you for opening up to me Y/N and I'm sorry if I seemed pushy about the subject. However, I just want you to know that you're strong and you being here today proves that. As long as you are here with me I'll protect you from having to take part in any more of those rituals I swear it."
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neverhadamonster · 6 months
I have no idea what I'm doing or how to do this but I'm starting a danganronpa x reader blog because i'm getting bored and life needs to be more exciting.
Characters I will write for are:
All danganronpa 1 characters
All danganronpa 2 characters
Anime- exclusive characters if people even like those guys. I haven't finished danganronpa 3 so that's why I'm not writing for that game.
I will write for all genders and if not specified, then gender neutral. there will be only one person who runs this blog so apologies if things go slow. Any prompt, any character. Headcanons only though. They're easier for me.
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ALSO NO NSFW BECAUSE IM A MINOR⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
(Since this is technically my rules these will change and I will edit them in the future)
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yanderecrazysie · 7 months
Yo! I was wondering if I could perhaps request a Yandere Nagito x Reader who happens to be Junko's little sister or smth.
This. This is the ultimate pairing
I got writer’s block in the middle so this turned out kinda weird, sorry.
Title: Almost
Pairings: Nagito Komaeda x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, spoilers, self-mutilation, self-deprecation
Summary: Nagito finds love in a very unexpected place.
“I wouldn't know where to start
Sweet music playing in the dark
Be still, my foolish heart
Don't ruin this on me”
-from “Almost” by Hozier
Nagito’s heard of you, of course. Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba’s little sister. Even the Future Foundation doesn’t know if you’re a third Ultimate Despair or a victim of your sister’s cruelty as well.
He just didn’t expect to see you here.
He had planned, ever since watching Junko’s death on TV, that he would take a part of the Ultimate Despair and attach it to him. By taking a part of Junko, he would absorb a part of her power, he hoped. He would become one with despair so he could overcome it with hope over and over again.
To be honest, even he wasn’t sure entirely why he wanted to do such a thing. Maybe he was just as obsessed with her as his former classmates. He hoped not. After all, Junko was against everything he stood for.
Nagito pushed those thoughts aside and focused on his goal. He’d have all the time in the world to consider why he so badly wanted to become one with the person he hated most later. For now, he had to go see what was even left of her body.
Hope’s Peak Academy stood proud and tall against the wrecked city- easily the tallest building that remained. The round once-deadlocked entrance was just a hole in the front of the school now, open for Nagito to walk inside.
He obliged the silent invitation, soon finding himself walking the halls of his old school. Maybe it would be nostalgic, if he could feel that sort of thing anymore. Instead, it’s a dull ache in his chest that he easily ignores.
He traversed through the school, looking for the scene he saw on his TV- the execution room where Junko had met her end. He doubted anyone had tried to move her body after the show had ended.
Sure enough, he soon spotted the machine that had crushed the mastermind. To his surprise, it was reset in the “up” position instead of down, smashing Junko’s body, like it had been left. He hurried over, worried that someone else had gotten to her before him, only to stop and stare at the girl crouching at Junko’s side.
It was you, (Y/n) Enoshima. Sister of the twin Despairs. The last living Enoshima child.
Nagito watched as you scurried away from Junko’s body, giving him a worried look. He couldn’t blame you. After all, you seemed much too sweet and pure to be an Ultimate Despair. He could tell that from just looking at you.
He sat down next to the body and pulled out a knife. It was time to get to work, to combine the Ultimate Despair with himself, a servant of hope.
Nagito began to saw through his arm, biting his lip as the pain washed over him. He tried to hold back the screams of agony, but they still escaped his mouth. Finally, the severed hand fell to the ground with a sick thud.
He grimaced as he looked down at the stump. It was sick of him to do this, but he needed to. To his surprise, a white cloth was wrapped around it immediately. He looked up and found you dutifully wrapping it around his wrist.
It must have been disgusting, as his blood soaked through the thin white handkerchief, but you still did your best with it. Nagito stared at you, heart pumping in his chest.
Oh, you were so full of hope, weren’t you? How precious, how beautiful you were! To lower yourself to care for trash like him was simply incredible!
Nagito forgot about Junko’s arm and, maybe even for a moment, he forgot about despair. 
He grasped your arm with his remaining hand and grinned from ear to ear, hyperventilating from the excitement he felt. “To think, an Ultimate Hope born from the same womb as the Ultimate Despairs!”
You looked at him, confused, but he frightened any potential words from your mouth. Nagito was crazed, creepily staring at you as though you were the answer to everything he had been searching for.
“I don’t need to combine myself with a Despair. No, no, I need to subject you, a being filled with such unimaginable hope, to my despair and watch you win, over and over again!”
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lovesicktemple · 1 year
I would love headcanons of yandere Mukuro with a darling that knows of Junko's true intentions and wants to kill Junko to prevent the Tragedy.
Oo! I love that idea! Since i need to kickstart my motivation to write this ask seems like a great way to start!
Yup yup! I’m back. Please be patient with me as I’m currently still tired and having some writers block<3
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Mukuro Ikusaba with a darling who wants to kill Junko
Pairing: Mukuro Ikusaba x Reader
Warning! : Mentions of murder, kidnapping
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⟢﹒To say she was shocked was a huge understatement. Imagine pining after someone you though was the one, but ultimately, you find out they want to kill your sister.
⟢﹒Normally Mukuro would immediately clarify you as a threat— but because it was you, she was torn between you two. Should she leave Junko behind and live her life with you or give up on her dreams of ever being with you to pursue the tragedy the two planned to cause?
⟢﹒Junko noticed that she was acting strange. Why was she being hesitant about it now? What could possibly be the cause of her distress?
⟢﹒Mukuro then attempted to talk Junko out of it. Since nothing has happened yet, maybe she could prevent. All so that her sister and her darling could perhaps get along, so that the two people dearest to her wouldn’t have to fight.
"Junko, could we perhaps… delay this? Or maybe, not do it at all?"
"Whaat?! Why would we stop here?! We haven’t even started yet! Why have you been acting so weird lately?"
"Something came up. It’s hard to explain, but maybe -“
"Is it that Y/N? Is that who’s been on your mind lately? Are you chickening out on me because of someone who’s spewing some empty threats my way?"
"I have no idea why you’re so worried, I’ll be fine~! There’s no way some bastard is going to get rid of me!"
⟢﹒It is quite hard to reason with Junko. Since there was no persuading her, she had to make a decision.
You or her.
⟢﹒The decision was hard but after a long time she came to a conclusion — She chose you.
⟢﹒Junko was appalled by her decision! How could she leave her like that?! But it was final.
⟢﹒While walking down the street, you were met with a familiar face; it was none other than Mukuro herself. You were defensive at first. You assumed she knew about your threat towards Enoshima, you thought she was here to kill you, you were shocked to hear that that wasn’t the reason.
"Don’t come any closer!" You yelled, your voice echoing through the alleyway.
"Y/N, I am not here to harm you. In fact, I have no intention of helping Junko.
"What are you talking about? Are you lying to me so that you can lure me into a trap?"
⟢﹒Suspicion is to be expected — although Mukuro isn’t the biggest fan of your response, but she’ll do anything for her s/o. She even went as far to abandon her own sister for you.
⟢﹒Trying to defend yourself is useless. She’s the ultimate soldier, so she was quick to apprehend you.
⟢﹒She knocked you unconscious after that. You still oppose a threat, if you’d threaten to kill Junko, what else are you capable of?
⟢﹒Mukuro rented an apartment for a while, holding you captive while Hope’s Peak questioned where one of their students went. She then forced you to call in sick.
⟢﹒Word came out that Junko did kickstart something, although it was going to take a while to pull off considering the fact she was on her own.
⟢﹒Later, Mukuro bought a house for you two to live in. Despite your protest and your determination to kill Junko becoming stronger, she wasn’t going to let you go.
⟢﹒It’ll be difficult to escape, but on the Brightside, you sorta stopped the tragedy, right?
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Thank you for requesting this, anon! It’s really late but I hope you like it. If you need anything else changed please do tell.
Experimenting with my writing style atm!! Let me know if you like it! :D
-Mod Shuichi
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