#also referring to something else can you tell i'm still bitter
mzannthropy · 10 months
Once again, I am so grateful to Dracula Daily and all the love for I see for Jonathan & Mina! Years I had spent confused about where everyone got the Dracula/Mina thing from, and the injustice Jonathan (and not just him) receives in adaptations and general pop culture. I thought something was wrong with me or that I misunderstood something. It wasn't until 2022 when I first took part in Dracula Daily that I finally found likeminded people.
I get that people want to have their own interpretations if they don't like canon. But in the case of Jonmina, we actually have a good relationship, exceptionally good considering the time it was written. They have better communication than many contemporary romcom couples.
And, you know, when it comes to book adaptations, it's funny how people can get worked up over a single line delivered not strictly as it was in the book, or few words being changed but the line meaning the exact same thing, but everything turned on its head becomes suddenly okay when it suits their ship.
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0mysticmidnight0 · 2 months
~Mystically Broken AU - Chapter 4~
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You wake up earlier than usual, around 5 in the morning. You walked to your usual spot to meet either MichelAngelo or Raphael. After you, cleaned up and changed, you stop when you hear Donatello and Leonardo arguing.. "I KNOW YOU DID IT! STOP LYING, NARDO!" "I SWEAR! IT WASN'T ME THIS TIME!" "You're the only one who could've done it!!" "What proof do you have?!" "There wasn't a trace! The only person it could've been was YOU and your misuse of your ninpo! No one else could have left a crime scene so precise." "I'm telling you, Don! It was NOT me!" "I TOLD YOU, IT'S DONATELLO! NOT DON OR DONNIE OR-" He spots you and Donatello stops. "What? What else do you have to sa-" Leonardo stops as well once he sees you. "Right, your meeting with Raph was delayed. He said he was busy with Big bro stuff.. His words not mine. The first party you have to attend will be later tonight. I will be accompanying you." Right... you forgot about the four parties this year you had to attend to plead their innocence despite knowing they'll continue their "heroic" deeds.. to get what they want. Well, it was either that or dying. "W-Wait. I don't know how to help you yet! I don't know.. i can't.." "It seems we don't have time for that, you'll have to find an alternative."
You groaned as you were pressured to think of something on the spot.. "The party will take place in a Museum. Luckily my package came just in time. Here." He presents you a purple box. You take it. "Very... your style." He laughs at your comment. "Nothing more and certainly nothing less!" "Why can't i go with them first? I can go to a museum and talk all fancy too y'know!" You check the time again, it was pretty early. You still didn't eat too.. As if hearing your thoughts, Donatello snaps his fingers and the drone looking bot, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. was it? hovers over, with a cup of coffee on top of it. You grimaced as you remembered the last coffee Donatello offered you.. (chapter 2 reference<3) You hesitantly took a sip and you look at him weird.. or shocked? It tasted like how you like your coffee.. not too sweet and DEFINITELY not too bitter. huh.. "How did you..?" "To answer both of your questions, I've known them for longer and i'm sure with a little help they can come up with something in no time!" Donatello says this confidently while you just hesitantly took a long sip from your coffee... Leo just crosses his arms and raises his imaginary brow at Donatello. You just walk back to your room. You sit down at your desk and stare at and analyze Donatello's criminal files again.. and you groan. The little drone came in with a plate with food on top of him. You smile and pat the drones head as you take the food. "Thanks, Shelldon." The drone.. smiles back? "No problem bruh!" and it hovers away.. i didn't know robots knew slang.. You put on some of your favorite tunes and use your headphones. Slightly bopping your head to the music as you look through Donatello's criminal records. (many hours pass) You check the time, and sighed. You continued looking. You received a message from Donatello. "Get changed. We leave in 2 hours." You open the purple box and see purple custom clothing.. it was also sparkly? Did Donatello make this? As you expected, it fit you perfectly. You were a bit creeped out but appreciated it anyways. You fix your hair and get cleaned up, you leave your room to see Donatello fixing his goggles. He looked, breathe taking.. "Hm, we have an hour to spare." You two made your way to the living room and sat on the couch. "Hey, Beautiful. Come around often?" You hear Leonardo chime from behind you and you smile. You were never complimented much.. So it felt like taking a breathe of fresh air. "It's still me, y'know." "I don't see the difference." You paused and think about it before Donatello asks you a question. "Have you thought of what to say? How about you mention my advanced intellect!" "Not really.. It's not like i can say, Hey! My friend here can make super deadly weapons that can attack and defend- THATS IT!" Leonardo looked at you like you just exploded. "What?" Donatello thinks for a bit.. "That could work.. " Leonardo just looks at you both in confusion. "Can someone fill me in here? DO you two share the same brain or something?" "Donatello here could build and help advance police force weapons or even army weapons! They'll surely take us up on that and in return they'll stop trying to hunt him down as they see him as powerful ally!" Leonardo just looks at us still dumb founded. "Do i have to explain in dum-dum terms?" Leonardo ignores Donatello's question. "Are you sure about that? We don't know what the government or especially the police and army would do. Those guys's loyalty can be bought for just a few bucks. You and Donatello look at each other and nod at Leonardo. "If you two say so.. I trust you." "And Don, sorry- uhm. Donatello. I swear, it's not me who broke in your lab and stole your syringes. " "I'll forgive you temporarily and.. Its Donnie." You smiled at the two. Wait.. someone broke in and stole Donatello's syringes..?
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crystaljellie · 3 months
An Analysis of My Scott Playlist
Big long post as promised <33 roughly 40 songs
I've Had Enough by Melina KB
This song in the context of double life is very interesting to me, but I also like to see it in Scott talking to Jimmy (Sorry flower husbands truthers I love soft and kind flower husbands too but we have all seen what happened in limited life they do have some slight issues)
"Cause you miss the way I let you walk all over me" | Again could work in both contexts, Scott never really went out of his way to stop Pearl from doing what she does with the powdered snow, sure he did retaliate but you can tell at some point he just gets used to it. And then in the context of Jimmy I'm thinking very especially about limited life flower husbands and Scott giving up time for Jimmy.
"I'm done with shutting up I've learned a lot better" | Maybe in this of Scott thinking he's learnt to stand up for himself? And I say think because I'm talking about how he thought he was in the right in double life (None of them were) It's also funny because he has the confidence so strongly in double life where he makes his feelings known and then it's just like... 'Oh yeah you can kill me!!' And I know it's part of his whole making everything fair thing, but still
"Admit you did it we all know you did it" | We all know you're the one who left me when you went to the nether, tormented me, screwed me over repeatedly. Both Pearl and Scott do not understand each others perspectives of the situation and villanize the other for it.
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
"I know who you pretend I am" | Limited life Scott and Martyn, Martyn pretending he's serving his king again, Scott being alright with it because he knows Martyn is by his side for more than just that reason, and he's right Martyn is.
It's a pretty short analysis here but it's mainly I guess about Scott wanting allies and wanting to be loved by them but they always have someone else more important to them than he is
The Moon Will Sign by the Crane Wives
"All those empty rooms" | Something about Scott being alone after Jimmy died in 3rd life, empty rooms with no noise to fill them
"We made our peace with weariness and let it be" | The weariness oof being forced into death games over and over, the blood brings chaos the familiarity of death brings peace
"I shine only with the light you gave me" | OKAY NOW HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE You might be saying "But Scott was the one who lived longer in that relationship and is literally seen as the stars" But have you ever considered Jimmy was the one everyone loved more, jimmy was the one to make strong alliances, Jimmy was the one there was fuss over when he died. Scott was only able to be strong because he had Jimmy by his side and without that 'light' he was simply a tool of vengence
"Instead you hoarded all thats left of me" | In the sense that Jimmy unknowingly kept Scott's ability to love another other than him, and all his courage and faith in the world. Not that Jimmy was doing it on purpose but it still happened anyways
Two Slow Dancers by Mitski
Another double life-coded song
Very much Scott and Pearl
"And We've both done it all a hundred times before" | More so in reference to last life, they've played the death game before they know how it goes
"it would be a hundred times, easier if we were young again" | If they were young and still filled with faith, if Scott hadn't won last life and learnt the pain of winning and become bitter in the season following
"We get a few years and then it want's us back" | Not necessarily a few years but more so like the gaps between the games, a bit of freedom and then the watchers want them all at each others throats
Evelyn Evelyn by Evelyn Evelyn
Surprise surprise another Pearl and Scott one
"Why do we bother to stay? Why are you running away" | Scott and Pearl with their conflicting feelings at the start of double life, with Scott wondering why he should stay and Pearl not wanting him to leave her
"We grew up closer than most, closer than anything, closer than anything" | In either they grew up close in last life or their soulbound in double life, either way their fates are intertwined
"What if they find us? They're not looking anyways" and it's counter part line "I want to be famous, they're watching us anyways" | WATCHERS WATCHERS WATCHERS!! There's so much about this that just gives, hiding away from the watchers or giving into their whims
"At your side I feel like a ghost" | It can go either way in my mind, Pearl not feeling adequate enough to be seen and Scott feeling like she's killing him
"A parasite needs a host- I'm only trying to do what is best for us!" | because Pearl only wanted to help her soulmate, not that Scott didn't but he felt so betrayed and then it turned to a feeling of her leeching onto him
"You're always trying to be somebody else" | THIS!! Because Pearl wasn't acting like who she used to be and who Scott became friends with, she became 'somebody else' in an attempt to bring him back.
Little Soldiers by the Crane Wives
"Beneath the table you would offer up my bones And all the dogs would lick your fingers" | As in how Jimmy does things at Scott’s expense to get people to trust him or to get time and hearts and such
"And I dragged you through every room inside our home" | Scott struggling to get Jimmy to do anything with him anymore and feeling like the effort he puts in is not enough
November by Sparkbird
"Admit it, you were never going to get it I was always going to get it" | Can't explain why but this gives last life Scott killing Ren
"Maybe that's relevant somehow, can I explode now" | ....boom boom at the end of double life :3
Allies or Enemies by The Crane Wives
"And I swear I didn't mean what I said" ...I live by the belief that Scott didn't actually mean to tell Pearl he was 'breaking up' with her, guys trust me it was the watchers. But also apart from that it could be anything
"Are we allies or enemies this will be the death of me" | Scott in secret life, not understanding what his teammates actually think of him
"All is fair in love and war but I can't fight with you anymore" | FLOWER HUSBANDS LIMITED LIFE GUYS!!
Canary in a coal mine
"Am I the only thing that keeps you safe when the light is gone?" | Scott being the only person to protect Jimmy in third life and protecting his memory even after he’s dead
"I’ll be worth more than all the silence left in my way" | The silence referring to how Jimmy doesn’t really interact or talk to Scott outside of third life, he is silent towards him, and Scott is hoping that he’ll be more than that to Jimmy if he tries hard enough
"I’ll sing you songs until the darkness does recede" | Scott calming Jimmy down when he needs it always being there to reassure him, keeping his hearts safe and him armoured in 3rd life
"Will you forget about your love for me?" | If Scott is no longer able to keep chasing after someone that won’t come back from him will that love that they once had in 3rd life be forgotten for good?
"And when you break the surface, oh, without me" | When Jimmy meets new people achieves new things and finally manages to break the curses all without Scott because no matter how much Scott tries Jimmy won’t let him help
"Please don’t return me to the dark of all the memories, yeah" | The dark actually being hope don’t give him any more hope that those memories could be recreated
"I will save you when your lights go out" | Scott is giving him time which continues to live being his breath, Scott’s love for him keeps him alive and that act of love is letting Jimmy kill him for time, saving him when he needs it most
This song is so so Scott coded most if not all the lyrics fit his perspective of things, the song is associated with Jimmy mainly because he is the Canary in the coal mine which sure fair enough but the lyrics themselves don’t fit his personality or his view of things, I guess some things could refer to how the winners and others have left him behind and he is weighed down by the curse but nothing else really fits him. 
Misery Meat by Sodikken
"You want a taste of my brain? Okay, it's yours anyway, A bite of my eye alright I won't put up a fight" | Scott giving his time away and hearts away for other people with little complaint
This is going to be part 1, and I will reblog this later with part two
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
closing doors
-> lucifer x mc
-> lucifer realises he's trapped in a cycle
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proofread
a/n: to those who get the reference: I love you, also lucifer baby sorry for making you suffer I love you ♡♡
content warnings: angst, alcohol
The clock ticked 4am. There was still a small pile of paperwork left, great progress for such a busy day. Lucifer inhaled deeply as he poured himself another coffee with the last drops in the can. The bitter beverage had long gone cold, but the avatar of pride didn't care. He chugged it all in one sip and continued scratching the pen on the paper.
The whole house was asleep, the whole house didn't know Lucifer was still up. Nobody knows Lucifer has been busy working and fixing other's problems. Some witch sent Mammon another threatening letter again, demanding her money back, so Lucifer put the cash in the envelope and returned it to the sender. Beel almost made a whole restaurant go bankrupt again, Lucifer sent them some money. He never told his brothers or anyone he's doing this stuff, and he never will.
The demon spends many nights at his desk signing paperwork. To an average person, it might seem impossible, but Lucifer isn't an average person. He's the personification of pride. He is used to it, he does all this work with little effort. Often Simeon stopped by with homemade food and tea, it just annoyed Lucifer. Does Simeon really think he's miserable? Or does the angel think he needs help? It's not like Lucifer is doomed to a life of eternal work. He manages his scedule very well
It was 5:30am when all the paperwork of the day was finished. By now, Beel is probably waking up for his early breakfast and morning run. Satan's alarm should go off by now. The rest of his brothers will sleep longer. Lucifer knows every little detail about his family, he remembers because he loves them so much. His brothers might describe him as cold, but he thinks he's rather affectionate. Anyways, it's probably too late to sleep now, no problem. Lucifer got up from his creaking chair and opened a bottle of fine demonus for himself. The glass clacked as he put the bottle to it, pouring the drink into it. Eventually, as he was sipping demonus, Lucifer realised he never truly showed love to his brothers to their faces. Only through the tiniest of acts they wouldn't notice. Did he ever thank Simeon for checking on him during those long days? Well, that's enough demonus for now.
The day had gone by, it was just your average day: brothers fighting at breakfast, rad, and work. Lucifer sat at his desk signing paperwork again until he got a text. It was from you.
'where are you? I'm at ristorante six'
Oh no. Lucifer quickly flipped open his agenda. To his horror he realised he had a date planned with you. He was supposed to be at ristorante six, an hour ago. This isn't the first time he forgot date night either, he has to get to the restaurant as soon as possible. He can't stand you up again. He can just pull another all-nighter to finish work.
Dinner was awkward though, Lucifer was clearly acting off. The average outsider wouldn't be able to tell, since this man is so good at masking his emotions. He's not like this usually. You gripped your fork tighter before speaking. 'Is everything okay?' Lucifer's crimson gaze met yours for a brief moment. 'Yes, are you enjoying your food?' Of course he wouldn't admit what was wrong. You decided to drop the topic for now.
Back home, Lucifer immediately locked himself in his office again. You knew better than to immediately go after him. He would send you away. Honestly at this point you don't know if you should try talking to him, maybe it would be wise not to. But your gut was telling you something else. You waited a while before gently knocking on the office door.
Truth is Lucifer realised something during dinner: he IS drowning in work. It's always been like this, even back in the celestial realm. He has no time to show proper affection to those he loves. Pride made him think all is well, pride poisoned him. It turned him cold. It was like every gram of warmth that was once inside of him slowly leaked out since his birth. His gaze immediately shot to the door when he heard the knock. 'Come in.'
He knew what you were going to ask the second he saw you. 'Mc, I am fine, you may leave now.' you played with the hem of your shirt. 'Really?' Lucifer dipped his pen in the ink a little more aggressively than usual and nodded. 'Mc, leave now. I have tons of work to do.' The truth is, Lucifer craves nothing more than your comfort and affection right now. He wants to tell you about the thing he realised so badly, but he can't. Not with a reputation to keep up. Not with Diavolo he basically handed his soul to after Michael.
You felt like you couldn't just leave, there has to be something. 'Can I at least stay in your office? I can't sleep.' Of course Lucifer didn't buy it, but he allowed you to stay regardless. After you've been awkwardly lounging in one of Lucifer's chairs, he invited you to sit on his lap. Immediately you noticed his grip on you was tighter than usual, but he kept focussing on work regardless. You know, even if he'll never be free, at least Lucifer has his family, friends and of course you to make him smile. Eventually you fell asleep in his embrace, Lucifer carried you to your room, kissed your forehead goodnight and went back to work.
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neonacity · 2 years
Summary: You’re a forensic psychiatrist assigned to one of the country’s high-profile criminals. You want to unravel him, but he’s set on catching you in his web instead.
Characters: Haechan, Reader, Jungwoo, Johnny
Warnings: crimes, blood, weapons, toxic dynamics, psychological themes, personality disorder, mental health disorder, dissociative identity disorder, smut (fingering, F receiving). Please, please, please, do not interact if you are a minor.
This work is not meant to romanticize any personality disorders or toxic dynamics. Also, I am not a trained psychologist or medical professional so there might be inconsistencies on some of the scientific things here. Most medical references mentioned, however, are based on the book “The Minds of Billy Milligan” which is based on a true story. This is a work of fiction and I am not implying any likeness between the characterization here of the boys to their real life counterparts. I also reserve the rights to all my work—I do not post anywhere else other than tumblr.
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The bitterness of the last few drops of coffee spread on your tongue like poison. You looked at the flimsy paper cup with a frown—as if it was its fault you'd downed the rest of its contents—before crumpling and throwing it to the bin beside you. Your eyes were heavy and yet your mind was in overdrive—as if you weren't running on two hours of sleep today, just like how you were yesterday and many nights before that.
You can remember the first time the nightmares started coming.
The feeling was similar to being slowly being undone, as if your seams are on the verge of falling apart any moment. You couldn't understand the cause of it...
It was two weeks ago when things slowly started turning for the worse. You couldn't remember the last time you've had such vivid dreams before, but you knew—the moment you woke up with pure fear sitting at the back of your throat that night—that what you had was out of the norm. Frustratingly, you couldn't remember much of your nightmare the moment you opened your eyes, but you could tell from the way your heart thundered in your chest and the cold sweat that soaked you that some switch has been flipped inside of you. You remember voices, but not their words, and a part of your fear-fogged brain could still draw up silhouettes that were too hazy for you to make out. For the next few days the nightmares would come and go, leaving you shaking in fear from something you don't even know every single time.
Or maybe you do. You're just too afraid to admit what it is.
The sudden sharp knock from your door made you almost jump from your seat. Your surprise must have been so obvious, because the moment you turned around, you caught the look of obvious worry on Jungwoo's face. Clearing your throat, you decided to quickly gloss over your reaction before he could even have the chance to point it out.
"Hey. What are you still doing here?"
Your friend strolled inside and gave you a look that made you shift your eyes away from him. He stopped just beside your table while you tried to busy yourself in fixing the messy folders cluttering your desk.
"I could ask you the same thing. You've been pulling so many long hours lately."
"I'm just taking care of a couple of things."
"Is the 'couple of things' the Lee kid's case?"
You hate the way your hand froze in the middle of picking up something. It was a quick slip, but it was enough to catchJungwoo's sharp, observant gaze. Pointedly, you pushed through the roughness in your throat and tried to divert the conversation to safer grounds.
"I'm fine. This is the first time I've ever handled a case like this so I'm just a little bit more fixated than usual. You have to understand, I don't even know if I'll ever come across someone like him again."
Jungwoo gave you a look that told you he wasn't buying any of what you were saying.
"That's bullshit and you know it. Have you taken a look at yourself lately?" He paused, his jaw ticking as if he was stopping himself from saying something he shouldn't. You couldn't bear to look at him, knowing exactly where the conversation was going.
"This case is consuming you. He is consuming you. I'm worried that this is becoming an obsession."
You tried to push back the bitter taste at the back of your mouth. Your stomach had turned into knots and for a second, you actually thought you were slipping from reality. Jungwoo put into words what you couldn't—and what you refused to acknowledge—but hearing it straight from him felt like an actual punch in the gut. You barely realized you have been shaking in your seat until you felt the warmth of his hands covering yours.
"You need to stop…"
"I can't."
"Why?" He frowned, concern evident in his voice. His hold on you tightened when he felt your hands tremble more in his grip.
"I don't know," your voice finally caught as you looked at him helplessly. "Jungwoo, I've tried. I tried stopping, believe me, but I can't. He is everywhere, even in my sleep. I don't know what's happening to me and I'm terrified. I can't get rid of him. It's like… he's inside me."
The punctuated silence that followed after your confession was almost physically painful. Jungwoo took a while before he spoke again, his steady on you as if he's trying to dig through whatever it is that was festering inside your head. The dead air in the room became unbearable, and it's only until you've started feeling the dull pain of your blunt nails digging against your palms that he decided to reply again.
"We're taking you off the case. I'm calling the headquarters right now."
Your head shot up so fast as he started pulling away from you. Quickly, you scrambled for his hands again as if they were your lifeline.
"What—W-Wait, Jungwoo, please. You can't do that."
"I can and I will. I can't just stand around watching you like this. I don't know what the hell that boy is doing to you, but I'm not letting him lay another finger on you."
"Okay. I understand. Y-You can call them. But can you do it tomorrow? It's late. I can—I can give my own supporting testimonial if they want to. But—let's just do it tomorrow, okay? Please?"
The fear and desperation in your chest was almost making you gag. The still rational part of your mind was trying to connect the dots to understand why you are acting this way, but the choking feeling consuming you was overriding any sort of logic left in you. You knew Jungwoo was right. You probably look like an addict being threatened off his source of heroin right now, but you didn't care. All you know is that cutting lines from that boy would make you drown more in whatever murky mess you're swimming in at the moment.
What the hell are you doing?
The voice in your head reflected the same look of confusion that Jungwoo gave you. You honestly have no idea why you blurted that or what you were even trying to do, but you've gotten to a point where you've let your impulses finally take over. Despite yourself, you were able to gather the little control you have and gave the man a convincing look. You squeezed his hand, your eyes determined but pleading.
"Please, Jungwoo?"
A shadow of something passed his gaze. You couldn't exactly point out what it was, but you were relieved that you sound like your old self again. He also probably noticed, because he gave you a small nod after a few more beats of silence.
"First thing tomorrow… okay?"
"Yes… I promise."
"Good. You should go home and take a re—"
"Wait," you tugged at his hand to gently cut him off. His brows slightly shot up at the action, surprised by it.
"Can I sleep in your house tonight?"
His lips parted in confusion.
"I've been jittery because I've been losing sleep. I've tried everything. I think having someone with me will help me relax better. Calm down my anxiety…"
"Don't you have… someone who can help you out? That man you went out with?"
"He's nice, but he's a stranger. I would feel more comfortable with my best friend," you said, almost way too smoothly. "Please, Woo? Just like the old times…?"
You saw the way his jaw tightened again as you trailed off. The strange shadow in his eyes flickered once more, except this time, you have half an idea of what could be behind them. After a long pause, he finally sighed and looked away as he ran his hands through his hair.
"Fine. That will be easier for us to call the headquarters tomorrow. Come on. I think you still have a few things in my apartment.”
Your smile didn't betray the erratic beating of your heart. You squeezed his hand before finally letting it go.
"Thank you. I owe you one."
You have no idea what time it is when you finally decided to crack your eyes open. The room was pitch black, so it took your vision a couple of seconds to make out the glow-in-the-dark hands of the clock nailed to the wall. 2:55 AM. If luck's on your side, you can pull off this stupid plan of yours without setting off something.
Carefully, you moved your head to the side without rustling the covers around you too much. You couldn't really see Jungwoo's face, but you made sure to closely listen to the sounds of his breathing to check if he is already deep in sleep. For a good ten seconds you just watched him, making sure that he really is out, before you slowly started peeling the duvet off of you so you could get up from the bed. You winced in discomfort the moment your bare feet touched the cool marble floor of the room, but you decided to push on and forego slippers to mask your steps. Your heartbeat was drumming so hard against your ribcage that you almost feared Jungwoo could hear it, but that didn't stop you from feeling your way out of the room in the dark. You had to thank your muscle memory, because you were able to navigate to the door without hitting anything or tripping over yourself.
The stiffness that has climbed up to your neck has lifted a little when you finally managed to step into the hallway. Allowing yourself a soft sigh of relief, you didn't waste any time after to go to the small study that Jungwoo uses as his home office. If there's one thing about your friend that you are a hundred percent sure of, it's that he is a big sucker for organizing things. So if you're going to be snooping around his files, you're sure you will all find them in one place and one place only.
You weren't disappointed when you finally managed to crack open the door at the end of the hallway. Not wanting to risk it by opening a light, you moved quickly towards the table where a laptop is and quickly tried to revive its screen. It was passport protected as you expected, but the light from it now bathed the pile of folders filed neatly beside it. You quickly grabbed for them with shaking hands and opened them one by one to check their contents.
You were on the verge of giving up when your hands finally froze and hovered over the last file. Slowly, you read the words typed on the first page under the blue light of the screen.
If you're going to be honest, you don't exactly know what you are trying to look for. Your gut feel tells you that there is something and that you are close, but your disappointment grew by the second as you realized that all the folders you went through are the same ones that have already been given to you. Could it really be possible that you're simply paranoid? Was Jungwoo correct after all about this case affecting you so much that you are slowly losing grip in reality?
Case 04532
Status: Unclosed
Year: 2018.  
File Record: Alias, The Apothecarist
You frowned at the lines of text in confusion. Your first thought was that Jungwoo might just have misplaced the folder and placed it in the pile of Haechan’s records, but you knew for a fact that he is not assigned to any other case at the moment. Slowly, you turned to the other pages, hoping that something there might give you a clue about what exactly you’re looking at.
A minute of fast skimming gave you a quick review of the case. From the year 2015 to 2018, a serial offender given the alias of The Apothecarist supposedly committed no less than 50 crimes across the city and its closest neighboring areas. The person’s signature offense was through poisoning, supposedly using a combination of lead, arsenic, and still unknown herbal blends to kill their targets. However, other unverified crimes were also connected to the suspect, with the police believing that the person’s mastery in mixing chemicals also extended their talents to creating bombs and other explosives. In 2018, after a particularly large fire that injured dozens and killed many, all the crimes came to a sudden halt. To this day, no leads about the serial offender have ever been found.
Your mind slowly processed the information as your eyes continued to skim over the pages. Nothing still makes sense to you, not until your gaze landed on the list of dates the crimes were supposedly done. You paused. 2018… Four years ago. Slowly, things started moving in your head as a cold feeling made its way up your spine.
Four years ago, Haechan was eighteen years old… The same age Donghyuck supposedly started with his crimes.
It felt like time started moving slowly for you afterwards. Your frozen fingers went back a couple of pages so you could read again the list of crimes that happened during the three year period. Large scale poisoning… Arson. Bombing to the point of total incineration. All victims died without blood mainly because nothing much was left of them in the first place. Even the poisoning cases could have been easily disguised as a random heart attack.
"Do you like blood?"
"I'm not particularly against it."
"Is that why you committed three arson cases, four bombings, and ten mass cyanide crimes across the city?"
"Princess, none of those drew any blood, but if you're asking that question to confirm my love for violence, then yes, I did them all."
Your head was reeling. A dull ringing has already started at the back of your head when you pulled Haechan's file and went straight to the page that lists his own crimes. When you focused on the dates, it felt like you finally closed your fingers on the missing piece that you've been desperately trying to fumble for in the dark.
The years are different, but each and every recorded attack that Donghyuck confessed to happened on the same date that The Apothecarist did theirs. Even the nature of the crime was almost similar—like a well-made replica of another maestro's work. When your gaze landed on the date of the first crime ever recorded under Donghyuck's name, you swore you stopped breathing.
It was exactly a month after The Apothecarist's last and biggest crime… also done on the same day and almost in the same manner. The pattern says it all. It was a continuation of an unfinished work, a struggling effort to keep an obra maestra from entirely dying. 
Donghyuck is not the master of Haechan.
Because he's been under the influence of someone else all along.
You tried your best to keep your gait steady as you passed through the heavy metal gates of the prison. You have no idea whether Jungwoo called the headquarters already to officially take you off the case, but the guards barely even looked your way when you told them that you're here for another interview. In fact, the pair currently flanking the main entrance didn't even miss a beat in getting back to their card game when you told them you wanted the session to be entirely private. Their lack of blatant care told you that it might be Haechan that they escorted today. Or at least… who they thought was Haechan.
He was already waiting by the table when you finally walked in. Turning to look at you, the boy gave you his usual wide smile, before it froze on his face when he saw your expression. For a while, you only stood in silence by the door, watching him quietly. When you finally started slowly walking towards him, he followed you with his gaze, like a predator tracking his prey.
"You did a great job fooling the guards today, Donghyuck."
The slow smirk that replaced his once innocent smile sent pins of cold straight to your bones.
"You're getting better at this too, Princess."
"I've figured you out," your voice came as an almost shaky whisper as you stopped at a distance from where he was still calmly sitting. Something changed in the light of his eyes as you said it, and in that moment, you were sure he knew exactly what you were talking about.
"You did," he said, his tone not giving away whether he is stating a fact or asking a question.
"Everything you've done… You did it for your teacher, didn't you? You weren't just acting out. You were following a legacy. Does Haechan even know about this?"
He didn't answer. He only stared at you, his face devoid of any emotions you could pick apart.
“Were you under his orders? Does he know the police caught you?”
More silence. 
"Are you his successor? Of the Apothecarist?"
His blank facade finally cracked as he curled his lips before giving an empty laugh.
"Am I their successor? Darling, I think we got a little lost in translation there,” he said, his eyes dancing with a light that almost made you physically shiver. “I would give anything for that person to give me as much as a glance. Why do you think I have done all these things?"
You froze. Trying to scramble your brains, your train of thought was easily lost on you as you watched him slowly rise from his seat. He started moving closer with measured steps towards you, his gaze pinning you on the spot. Before you could even stop yourself, your gut instinct took the best of you and made you take a step back to keep him from closing the distance.
"I have done everything to find that person again. You see, people like me and Haechan, we're wrong in the head. We're outcasts. That person was the only one who could have understood us, but they made the stupid decision to stop. I didn't like that. So I took up their activities, because I thought, maybe if they see me doing it, they'll have no other choice but to crawl out of their hellhole and find me. But no. Even that didn't work no matter how many places and people I ripped apart. It was very, very frustrating."
Your breath caught in your throat when you felt your back hit the cold wall behind you. He was towering over you now, eyes dark and hooded as he slowly and pointedly rested both arms beside your head to cage you in place. Goosebumps rose on the skin of your arms when he spoke softly again, his face close enough that his breath was fanning your skin.
"You said you figured me out. The question now is… What are you going to do about it?"
You didn't know how you managed to answer, not when he slowly lowered his head to run his nose gently over the curve of your cheek. His lips ghosted over the shell of your ear after, causing your eyes to flutter shut. Your knees have gone weak, but you couldn't really find it in you to push him away.
"Y-You need… to leave," you croaked. He laughed softly as he pressed his lips to the sensitive spot of your neck, a move that finally made your legs give way under your weight. Before you collapsed though, one of his hands caught you by the hip and pressed you against the wall harshly to keep you steady.
"You'll make me leave? How are you even going to do that, hm?"
You were fighting for air. You pressed your hands against his chest now, though that didn't stop him from trailing his hand on your hip to the hem of your skirt. You gasped as his knuckles grazed against the skin of your thigh.
"What are you—"
"Answer. Or I'll turn you around right now and fuck you against the wall."
Your voice died in your throat. You knew he wasn't kidding, not when he slipped his fingers under your clothes and started slowly rubbing circles inside your thigh. Every now and then, he would stop the gentle movements to bury his blunt nails against the soft skin there to leave half crescent marks on your skin. You were absolutely wrecked, breathing heavily as you became painfully aware of the wetness and heat that has now gathered in the apex of your thighs.
"Answer… Now."
"M-Merge. You need to merge. With H-Haechan."
Your reply made him momentarily pause. It was quick though, his movements soon enough resuming to leave burning tracks on your skin.
"Merging… That's very... novel. I've read studies of it. Multiple personalities are merged and fused together with the core personality to make a single entity," he said casually in an almost thoughtful voice that was a complete contrast to the way his hand started inching closer and closer to your core. Both your hands dropped to his wrist, trying to stop him.
"So you're thinking you can merge me with Haechan… Make us into one person so that I can be held back, is that it?" His voice was brimming with amusement now as he smiled down on you. You gave a dry sob, absolutely hating the way your body was screaming for him to touch you where you needed him. You didn't even bother to answer as you painfully became aware of how his fingers suddenly stopped moving a pitying few inches from your dripping core. For a moment, none of you talked and moved. The only sounds in the room were that of your heavy breathing and the ticking hands of the clock on the wall. When he spoke again, his soft words were like the crack of a whip that shattered the tension that shrouded you both. 
"Do you cum from thoughts of me, noona?"
Your head shot up at him, stunned by the question.
You broke off into a scream before you even managed to push the word out as he suddenly moved his hand and plunged two fingers inside of you. He moved so fast in pushing your soaked underwear to the side and burying himself to the hilt that the only thing you managed to do was to grip at his shoulders as a mixture of stretch and slight pain overcame your body in waves. He was quick enough to cover your lips with his other free hand, the action softening your voice into muffled groans against his palm.
"Shhh… Keep quiet now. You wouldn't want the guards to come running here and see me knuckle-deep in you, right? Or maybe that's your thing?" He laughed softly, his voice sweet and gentle. It was an ironic contradiction to the way he pumped his fingers deep inside of you, fast, deep, and unforgiving. He didn’t even let you adjust, instead starting a pace that made you shake against him. Unable to answer, you shook your head vehemently as tears started pricking your eyes.
"Fuck, you're such a dirty slut. Can you hear yourself? You're soaking wet. You're even spreading your legs for me."
"I know you dream of me. Don't even try to deny it," he whispered against your temple as you struggled to keep yourself up. Without warning, he pushed another finger inside of you, so deep this time that it hit that spot that always made your vision turn white. The sensation made you actually scream again behind his hand, a reaction he ultimately caught as he smirked at you.
The realization hit you like a truck when he said those words. Looking down in panic, you caught yourself trying to spread yourself wider for him as your thighs continued to tremble. You watched as his fingers disappeared inside of you again and again, massaging your walls that were desperately trying to suck him in. A broken groan left your throat as you felt yourself tighten against him, desperate for more. When he resumed his pace and went deeper, you clung to him harder, nails digging against the fabric of his shirt.
"Oh… So it's this, huh? Your special spot. Look at you trembling. Are you close? Are you going to cum with just my fingers?"
All sense and reason have left you at this point. Tears have started spilling down your cheeks, but all you could care about was the way he continued to drive himself deeper inside you again and again, right where you need him. Your legs were in pain, and you threw your head back against the wall as the beginnings of the tight knot in the pit of your stomach started to unravel. Donghyuck pressed his lips against the column of your throat and nipped your skin in between murmuring words that your foggy mind could barely understand anymore.
Come on.
Give in.
Stop fighting me.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he made one last thrust and buried his fingers against the spot inside of you. Vision turning white, the pressure inside you finally broke and sent waves and waves of electric pleasure through your veins. You could hear everything and nothing, your mind temporarily blanking out to block everything but your high. Just as you were at the crest of your orgasm, you heard him whisper words against your cheek as he gently kissed you there.
"Perfect… You're so perfect."
"Too bad you can never be her."
A/N: Well... that was a ride. This is the second to the last chapter. Enjoy! 
Taglist:  @negincho, @jhornytrash, @aaasteroidsky, @huangberryyy, @marijmin, @ashkuuuu , @lostlovesoul11 , @johnniverse , @traint0tokyo , @lilyinthewinter , @byunniebaekhyunnie ​, @ellatizw ​, @bettyschwallocksyee , @stopeatread , @glitching-wren,  @tyongf-sunflower99, @chelzinha26, @vaerinri​, @minshookie29, @grandmasterslickfox, @coconuttiez8d​, @haechanalpha​,  @markleemelonn​, 
Untaggable for some reason 😔 @hyukiebb, @kpopstanforlifeuwu
If I missed anyone, please let me know!
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whattraintracks · 3 months
5. Video Games - Multi
What's this? More Raphael angst? Why are we surprised.
So I was listening to Stay Down by boygenius while some prompts simmered in my brain, and when this one started boiling somewhere around verse two, I knew what I had to do.  
Would Raph even like this song? Who knows, but I sure do, so I am going to close-read the heck out of it and draw so many connections.
Video Games >> I'm just steering my life in a video game >> It's a half-life, it's a fallout 
before any of you wonder what this has got to do with the prompt, here it is! it's in the song. prompt satisfied
apparently, those are also references to video games
. . .
moving on
Fighting and Learned Behavior >> lean into the punch >> push me down >> hold me under >> stay down 
a.k.a. physical altercations as an allegory for Raphael’s life 
obsessed with the metaphor of him leaning into a punch
if he can’t avoid life's blows, he'll do what he can to make them hurt less
suffer the hit just to get it over with, or take it for someone else
on a less angsty note, I simply associate Raph with boxing 
he's a skilled ninja, but sometimes he wants to sucker-punch someone
cuz this boy really loves fighting, and that ain’t a bad thing 
>> wasn't a fighter 'til somebody told me I had better learn >> would you teach me I'm the villain
I think a lot about Raph and learned behavior 
when I tell you Rise and '03 Splinter altered my brain chemistry 
hiding their connection to the Foot/Hamato Clan
trying to spare their sons from anger, grief, trauma, vengeance, and wars that don't belong to them is fascinating to me 
but in every version, he teaches Raph how to fight 
and I've talked about how '87 Raphael still inherited those things from Splinter's
even the ones who don’t are still altered by growing up with him, looking at you M&M Raph 
it's not a coincidence '12 Splinter sees so much of himself in his son
Defense Mechanism and Love for Enemies >> lean into the punch so it don't hurt as bad when they leave 
Raph's anger often screams defense mechanism to me
if humans are going to hate him anyway, again he'll lean into it
be snarky and rude and scary and mean and give them something to really hate
sometimes, his anger is preemptive, but it's not always unfounded
I don't think even ten fingers are enough to count how many times a recurring character turned on the '87 turtles
Raphael should have been allowed to beat up Vernon as consolation
>> there you were, turning your cheek 
but wait! there's more! the Christian references in this song are not subtle
Luke 6:27,29 "Love your enemies; do good to those who hate you . . . if anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also"
I'm thinking about '87 Raphael's "Yeah, I'm with ya, but I'm bitter" and helping the guys protect a city that doesn't appreciate all they do
I'm thinking about '03 Raph, who is resolute it's not their problem that the city's at war but gets involved because Leo does 
I'm thinking about '07 Raph taking up the Nightwatcher mantle after Leo leaves New York 
Disconnection in Personal Relationships >> I look at you and you look at a screen 
this second verse, I think, is pretty open to interpretation, which works well given how many variations there are of Raph
linking "screen" to "video game" in the next line, I picture Raph reaching out and being ignored
like '03 Raph figuring his anger out on his own v. Leo getting sent away for serious/professional help
like '07 Raph missing Leo and hearing no word from him for years 
or I read "screen" with the connotation of concealment
like Rise Raph keeping it together for his little brothers until he can't
like their shock when he finally breaks down
the loneliness of Raph looking at his brothers and knowing them so well but feeling like they never really see him  
>> similar acts and a different name 
I am always struck by how similar Raph and his brothers are 
the little things they do the same because they were raised together
the ways they deliberately emulate each other  
it has to sting seeing so much of them in himself and himself in them and still be reduced to "the angry one"
especially when it's them thinking this way
(side note, Google has this lyric miswritten as "similar accent," which is hilarious in this context) 
Loss and Lack of Control >> I'm in the back seat of my body 
canon takes great pleasure in depriving Raph of control over his body 
how intensely all Raphaels experience their emotions 
off-screen and childhood trauma like “Savage Raph” in Rise 
on-screen trauma that must lead to dissociation, flashbacks, nightmares, etc. 
the two, at least that I know of, mind control events with ‘12 and Rise Raph
even ‘87 Raphael getting de-aged
you could also interpret this as gender dysphoria and I've seen a lot of good trans Raph headcanons
>> I'm just steering my life in a video game 
beyond losing control of his body, Raph never really has control of his life 
“turtle luck” and all that 
this often shows up when their stories shift
like ‘87 Raphael, who goes from a wise guy to a sarcastic grouch as his story drags on and takes a darker turn
as opposed to Rise Raph, who throughout the series, gets talked down from heroism and over-vigilance
but guess which behaviors get rewarded and reinforced during the Shredder arcs and Krang invasion
so as not to ignore the prompt any more than I already have, I do enjoy those episodes where “life in a video game” for Raphael is a little more on the nose
Combat Land (1987), Across the Universe (2003), Mazes and Mutants (2012) 
Literally Neurodivergent and a Minor 
(Shoutout to this art from @/20s-turtle-posting that inspired the name of this section) ((and, no, I did not realise this is an ironic meme and will be taking it seriously))
>> aren't I the one constantly repenting for a difficult mind? >> push me down into the water like a sinner, hold me under >> villain >> sinner >> half-life >> fallout 
I warned you about the religious imagery, but it's a little off in this verse
because repentance is about change as growth
but Raph feels like he has to change his "difficult mind" this ingrained part of himself
so he's stuck in a cycle of remorse and regret, unable to gain control
I think about running fast and far and anguished cries of “what is wrong with me?” (2003)
pushed into and held under, the waters of baptism are no longer cleansing and renewing but suppressing
it's the people closest to him saying “you are seriously twisted” (2012) and “you’ve got a rage problem” (M&M)
and having to decide between hiding those parts of himself or hoping they'll love him anyway
it's Raph feeling bad and broken, feeling like he's a danger and a poison to everyone around him
>> lean into the punch so it don't hurt as bad when they leave >> it takes so long for me to settle down and when I finally do, there's no one else around 
and I wonder if Raph's temper is ever tied to feeling unlovable, and one feeling sparks another in a vicious feedback loop 
a teenager testing the boundaries of care and affection, more defense mechanisms
how does he get himself to believe in their steadfast love even when he feels unworthy of it
to trust he's safe enough to feel all of his ugliest emotions when his life is so out of control
he forgets, his story doesn’t let him remember, that he’s still a kid 
he's got a lot of growing to do, and even if it takes a long time, he’ll settle down one day, find his balance 
his family’s gonna stick it out, and they’ll still be around when he finally gets there
tl;dr I will never be able to listen to this song without crying about Raphael now, so thanks, brain. 
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incendio22 · 1 year
Chapter 8: Reconciliation
When I leave the common room in the morning someone grabs my arm. I gasp for air from the surprise. I turn around and see Sebastian.
''We need to talk.'' He says in a low voice, still holding onto my arm.
''Precisely my thought.'' I reply, assuming he's referring to last night's finding.
''But we need to inform Ominis as well.'' He says looking into the ground, kicking his foot against the floor. ''And I don't think I'm the right person to do so. He listens to you.''
''I suppose so.'' I reply. I know he's right and given their icy relationship at the moment I highly doubt that Ominis would listen to a thing Sebastian says.
''I assume you need some time to convince Ominis, let's meet in the Undercroft tomorrow evening.'' Sebastian says before he walks out of the common room.
The only time I see Ominis is at breakfast and during class, but neither are the right time to bring my matter up with him. During charms class I write him a note.
Meet me at The Three Broomsticks. Tonight. 8 pm.
I fold the note like a bird and enchant it, so it flies over to him and also will whisper the message to him. I see Sebastian looking at the note and then onto me. He rolls his eyes slightly. I cannot understand why, since he knows exactly why I'm passing Ominis that note. Ominis seems to hear the note flapping slightly and grabs it after some tries. Suddenly I feel bad for passing him a note instead of simply asking him, after seeing him struggle to catch the note. After hearing the message he nods.
I wait outside The Three Broomsticks five minutes before we're supposed to meet. After making a fool of myself in charms class, I don't want to embarrass him more by him potentially not finding me inside the pub. I see the Slytherin robe and the red sparks from his wand from a hundred metres away.
''Hello, Ominis.'' I say.
''Hi, Y/n.'' He replies as he opens the door to the pub. ''Fancy seeing you here.''
We order one butterbeer each and I lead him to the top floor, where I was sitting with Sebastian a couple of nights ago.
''You didn't catch my joke, did you?'' He asks. I'm confused. ''I said 'fancy seeing you here' but I can in fact not see you.''
I laugh and take a sip of my butterbeer.
''I guess my talents include fighting trolls, not understanding jokes.'' I say while taking another sip.
''I like to assume this is a pretty cozy place.'' Ominis says, looking around the room even though he cannot see what it actually looks like.
''Oh, it is.'' I tell him. ''But that's not why I brought you here, unfortunately enough.''
''Really?'' He asks as if I'm implying something else. ''Then what is it?''
He leans in and looks intrigued.
''Sebastian and I made a discovery after our night in the Undercroft.'' I start. Ominis' face twists into a weird expression I've never seen before.
''I bet you did.'' He says in a bitter tone.
I don't know what he's trying to say, but the atmosphere has changed massively in less than 30 seconds.
''We found a prophecy, I think.'' I tell him. ''It mentioned someone with the last name Gaunt.''
''You think you found a prophecy?'' He asks with an upset voice with emphasis on 'think'.
I nod, but quickly realize he cannot see it.
''Yes.'' I reply. ''I've never seen one before, nor a crystal ball like that, so it's all a bit new to me.''
''What exactly did you see in the prophecy?'' He asks with curiosity.
I don't know where to start. It was so much going on in the prophecy.
''Something dark.'' I whisper. ''It looked like dark, dark magic. Someone using a bunch of unforgivables.''
Before I can continue, Ominis interrupts me.
''Sounds exactly like my family. Now, what will they do that's so horrible to end up in a prophecy?'' He asks in an annoyed tone.
''I saw a boy. A little boy, he couldn't possibly be older than 13 years.'' I explain. ''He had a lightning shaped-scar in his forehead. Exactly like the... Death curse.''
''Interesting.'' Ominis says, but is then silent.
''But how does my last name have anything to do with this curious little boy?''
''In the end, it kept whispering Merope Gaunt.'' I say.
''I don't know anyone with that name.'' Ominis looks confused.
''There's obviously more to this than we know.'' I start. ''Sebastian wants to meet in the Undercroft tomorrow evening. He has the prophecy. Maybe if you see it, or rather hear it, you might understand a bit more. Maybe something we are unable to understand.'' My eyes are imploring, but of course he cannot see that.
He is making hesitant facial expressions and seems doubtful for almost an entire minute.
''Very well.'' He says, finally. ''I will go there, but only for the sake of this silly prophecy.''
''Thank you.'' I say with a warm voice.
After finishing our butterbeers, we head to the castle and straight to our dormitories. Imelda is on her bed, reading some quidditch magazine. I still have dreams about taking her spot as quidditch captain, not because I really want to be captain but simply because I don't want her to be it.
The next day flies by and after the sun has set, it is time to meet in the Undercroft. As I reach the entrance I hear voices coming from inside. It's Sebastian and Ominis. I believe this is the first time they speak to each other since before the O.W.L.s. I cannot help myself but to listen in, also I don't want to interrupt whatever it is that's going on between them.
''I never said I would stop using dark magic.'' I hear Sebastian's voice. ''But after what I did to my uncle, I will never touch such magic again.''
''That might be true, but you did not listen when me, Y/n or Anne told you to stop. That speaks for something.'' Ominis voice is determined and he almost sounds harsh. I don't blame him.
''I know, and looking at it now I should have.'' Sebastian sounds sad, almost struggling to get his words out. ''People always told me that I don't know when to stop and it always triggered me not to stop. But I promise, Ominis, I will never touch such magic ever again.''
''I choose to believe you, Sebastian. But I cannot forgive you just yet. But I will try my very best to. Until then, you have to be patient with me.'' Ominis continues.
''Thank you.'' Sebastian sounds sincere.
''Y/n really cares about you.'' Ominis says. Sebastian is quiet. ''If you hurt her, I promise you - I will never forgive you. She's one of the best people either of us have ever met.''
I never knew Ominis cared so much about me. I am thankful to have such a good friend.
''The people I care about always get hurt.'' Sebastian sounds as if he might start crying.
''Then I suggest you step back.'' Ominis says in a cold tone. ''Or you get yourself together and don't hurt her. She will help you get back on the right track, but I would never be able to live with myself if I knew you hurt her intentionally.''
''I'll try my very best.'' Sebastian finishes.
I feel like I eavesdropped enough and I enter the room. Hopefully they were too caught up in their conversation to even suspect I was nearby. I smile towards Sebastian.
''There you are!'' I say in a happy voice.
''There you are!'' Sebastian replies in a voice with an emphasis on the 'you'.
I smile as I feel my cheeks turning red again. That man has to stop making me blush. Luckily, these events have yet only occurred in the Undercroft, where you hopefully cannot see how my face changes its color.
''Thank you for coming, Ominis.'' I say. Sebastian gives me a passive aggressive look while Ominis gives me a smile. ''And thanks to you too, Sebastian. I just assumed I didn't have to give you a 'thank you' given that you have the prophecy with you.''
''Fine.'' Sebastian says in a grumpy voice. ''And yes, I brought the prophecy.''
Sebastian hands the prophecy over to me, which I hand over to Ominis.
''See if you can feel anything.'' I explain to him. ''Maybe it works for you.''
He takes it in his hands, rubs it slightly and it lights up. The exact same sequence that Sebastian and I saw yesterday. Ominis looks shocked and horrified at the same time. When the crystal ball has finished whispering the name Merope Gaunt over and over, Ominis hands it back to me. He sits down on the floor, still looking completely horrified.
''I felt something.'' He says after being silent for almost a minute. Sebastian and I exchange looks. ''I cannot explain what it was, but it was something.''
Ominis seems to be on the verge of breaking down. I sit down next to him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
''These are some dark things that are going to happen.'' Ominis says finally. ''Sadly, I'm not even surprised that it has to do with my family.''
''I'm sorry...'' I say to him. Normally I have a good way with words, but in this situation they seem to have left my head.
''We need to learn more about this. I know no one named Merope.'' Ominis says. ''Can I take it with me, and maybe I will figure something out?''
Sebastian hands him the crystal ball.
''All yours. Just let us know if you find something, good or bad.'' Sebastian says in a kind tone.
''I will. But now I must go. This has all been a little too much for one day.'' Ominis stands back up and leaves the room.
''So, how did you convince him to meet us both here?'' Sebastian asks curiously.
''Well, that note did the work. And maybe the fact that we met for butterbeer.'' I say proudly.
''Oh.'' Sebastian says in a surprised tone. ''I mean, the note was cute and all that. But butterbeer - really? That sounds almost romantic.''
''Don't be silly.'' I say as I squeeze my eyebrows together slightly. ''You and I have gone for butterbeer without it being romantic. Stop being ridiculous.''
''Whatever you say.'' Sebastian says and turns around.
''Are you upset?'' I ask, confused since I successfully made Ominis come and meet us and in the process I had been a massive help in their reconciliation.
''No.'' Sebastian lies. I shrug my shoulders.
''Whatever you say.'' I mimic him from before.
He walks over the doorway and leans against it. I can only see his silhouette and some light falling onto his face from the lights. At this moment, I cannot help but admire how handsome he really is. I get lost in my thoughts and he notices.
''Tell me what's on your mind.'' He says firmly.
''Nothing, really.'' I lie and my eyes fall to the floor.
He walks over to me and lifts my chin up with his hand. Something about that action makes that electric feeling come back. It's almost a burning sensation where he's touching me.
''Don't lie to me.'' He says. ''Let's make a deal. I will never lie to you, if you never lie to me.''
I nod and his eyes are burning into mine. His hand on my arm. That electric sensation is still there.
''Good.'' He says, finally, and lets go of my arm. ''Now, I'll tell you what was bothering me before. The note. And the butterbeer.'' His voice is soft, yet firm. ''It all just sounded so... Romantic.''
''It wasn't romantic.'' I say and smile at him. ''Truly, just two friends trying to figure out some prophecy that seem to threaten the entire wizard kind.''
''Fair enough.'' He smirks. ''Oh, and by the way - Next time I won't let your little lies slip away. I'm just letting you have one last secret from me.''
I am thankful he didn't make me say all the things I was thinking when he was leaning onto the doorway. As we walk back to the Slytherin common room I think that this man has way too much influence over me. When we reach the common room he stops for a second and puts both his hands on my arms.
''Good night, new girl.'' His voice is soft and he leans forward. My heart stops beating for what feels like minutes. His lips fall onto my forehead and it feels as if his lips might burn a hole through my skin, even more intensely than ever before.
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epicfranb · 4 months
Sometimes i want to mark down a moment that i feel like is important for characterization, but i don't feel like recording or making a clip so i just write it down (it also helps to nail down the way the character is talking) so here's Bdubs from today's episode
Bdubs: I just moved the animals to the backyard. They're back there somewhere, enjoying a nice place- Trust me, it's not torture. It's just a fenced-in area. (sighs) Sad. Do-Don't be sad, though. You're sad, I'm fine! I'm happy! I'm happy i lost! I-we-- Losing makes me so happy! We don't need that sign anymore, because we didn't win, so we can't give a prize to anybody, and people were really count'n' on me, and you guys were really count'n' on me, and i let ya down! Here's around the backyard, just down this pit down here. The animals are down by the lava over there, that's where i placed 'em, just so you know, for reference. Even my bee's leavin' me! It's just leavin'! (giggles)
There's something to be said about the way he reacts to bad things happening to him. It's also seen in the moment where Bdubs shows himself walking all the way back to the house (great job on the visual storytelling!), then tells the other guys: he's had a lot of time to think. Just reapawning, he was angry; as he walked, it transitioned to sadness; but then, it's respect. Bdubs is a very social person, he reads people well and he adjusts his own behavior based on the situation and who he's talking to, he trains this skill and he prides himself on his ability to trick people (seen particularly in how much he's being mischaracterized in fandom!), so he was filled with respect for the trio that killed him. In Bdubs's eyes, they made him feel cocky, which then led to his demise (haha get it), but, like, i think the other guys just? Accepted the trap didn't work and switched to just chatting? Ren was still ready to pull the trigger if Bdubs got close, but it was Bdubs who activated the trap in the end, being so sure he wouldn't die to it. He can't, he's lasted so long, he's a life series veteran, he's avoided and survived so many traps already! Maybe Bdubs realizes that there was no social trickery going on with Ren, Iskall and Beef, it was his own foolishness; but in his eyes, they're admirable for using Bdubs's weak spot, his ego, against him. Maybe Bdubs just tends to notice these things, maybe it's a way for him to shift the blame a little bit, "this didn't happen out of my own foolishness, they were really good at manipulating me!"
But, in the snippet i showed you? Bdubs fully blames himself. "you were counting on me, and i let you down" He's trying to console himself by saying he's actually happy (he means, relieved, to no longer have to watch his every step) that he lost. There's a sense of bittersweetness in his voice as he says it. At the same time, he's doing work around his base (what else is there to do?), he shows us his progress, he talks non-stop, as though distracting himself. And he sees this random bee flying by and jokes that it's leaving him, does his little giggle, but it can still hear the sadness in his voice. He's disappointed in himself, and he projects this disappointment onto the people who wrote their names on the signs and to the viewers ("i let ya down") and even onto this bee.
You see how he's not openly in anguish? How he speaks about his failure, casually amongst other things, still making jokes? How his voice is a little bittersweet, in a "i failed, but what can ya do" kind of way, and not in a bitter, upset "I'm a complete failure, i can't believe i skrewed this up" kind of way? Even though he feels like the second way, he speaks like the first, because he acknowledges that that's just how it is, so he peacefully continues work on his base, but with a heavy heart.
So yeah, here you go. A little analysis of Bdubs through the lens of a ficwriter, i guess. Hopefully now you can write better angst of Bdubs, lol.
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asknarashikari · 10 months
Hmm.. dunno if you refered to this regarding Hiromi not self-preserving, but I think he does get warned about it by several characters
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And he does listen since his return, and it's said again in Revice Forward:
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But it seems that, in my screenshot sent, many people still at large ignore this and only define heroism by how much they suffer or self-torture themselves in their actions.
Dunno if I'm wrong but perhaps what those characters said are ignored by the fanbase? Perhaps because in their eyes, those characters just try to prevent these 'heroes' from doing good? (or 'being bitter that they can't be as righteous as Hiromi' or such, dunno) I do see that it seems that self-preservance is considered as "evil" trait provided by Kagerou to Daiji needed to "balance" him, before his heel turn Daiji was viewed as "too heroic" by the fanbase for throwing his life without thought.
More Hiromi ranting afoot :))
Well, Daiji and Akemi are missing a lot of context in terms of Hiromi's character. They both think Hiromi's self-sacrificial tendencies just stem from his desire to make up for his mistakes and perceived failure. So to them it would appear as though Hiromi was just senselessly throwing his life away for the sake of his pride.
Of course, while we know there's more to it than that, but they don't. That's why their arguments don't tend to be upheld- we have the context that they do not. And the fandom simply gives Hiromi's perspective priority, because... well, that's how he sees what he does.
While Hiromi's pride was wounded by his "failures" and him being able to fight as a Rider was him trying to fix that, there was also another, bigger reason why he was so gung-ho about self-sacrifice in particular. It stems from the example set by his father, who died in the line of duty as a police officer when Hiromi was only a kid. That was the standard Hiromi felt he had to live up to. All or nothing.
And, well, isn't that the case for most people? The standard of a hero is set by someone who is willing to sacrifice something, for someone else's sake. Heroes are defined by sacrifice. And of course, the ultimate sacrifice is that of one's own life.
But, there is more to being a hero than what they sacrifice, and this is what Hiromi had to learn. It's what that sacrifice does that counts.
Commander Wakabayashi is kind of a funny example here because, well, he's not actually there. From one perspective that could be just Hiromi talking to his spirit or whatever, but my own interpretation that's his own heart reminding him of what's important. He just envisioned Wakabayashi because of their mentor-student relationship. (And yeah, that means Hiromi's heart is telling him he's doing a stupid and he should stop, lol.)
But there is a difference in what Hiromi was doing before, and what Hiromi did now. Before, Hiromi thought that only by sacrificing his life can he become a hero. When the truth is that, of course, it isn't the case.
As for Daiji... honestly, his whole plot line quite the mess and I suspect that Kagerou wasn't originally meant to come back at all at the end of it. I don't think he represents self-preservation as you say... early in the series I thought he represented the stuff Daiji actively repressed, to put up this "acceptable" front for everyone else. But towards the end I was less sure, it's quite vague.
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having incoherent thoughts actually
(mostly a small collection of everything I can discern that gives us insight into sherb and raes relationship as children)
(also known as a long post about c!sherbert and Rae and siblings-)
(Also also known as mildly incoherent long post time that it just word vomit and stringing along thoughts-)
so like. Going through the notes in order, at the end of notes 1 there is the hint that Sherbert maybe isn't the best older sibling, with the '-lled me stupid because I got her name wrong'
do I Uh. Have to go through notes 2? Do I. Do i.. cause. Cause that was pretty fuckin shitty. There's nothing I can say that will excuse that Or what they said to him. I get stress and everything going on, but I'm not sure there is an expectation for that. Sherbert shouldn't have done that, and was obviously not being a good older bother in this moment.
first entry of notes number three that we can see (post notes 2, and presumably post sherb ripping it up) talks about sherb saying that they shouldn't go into Isla room anymore. With the addition of the fact the both of them won't have sleepovers in there anymore. Sherbert couldn't have cared that little about him, if they had sleepovers presumably fairly regularly in their mothers room.
Just. Sherb calling Rae weird. (Entry 9 that we can see) which. Might just be a sibling thing, but ┐(゚~゚)┌
Entry 11 that we can see, Sherb caught Rae sneaking out, Rae says they're going to tattle. That they always do. Gives the impression that sherb just wants rae in trouble for one reason or another. (However, my dad likes to tell us that tatting is okay if someone at risk at getting hurt. Sneaking out isn't exactly harmless. On the other hand, we don't know what the other events they've tattled about, so I cannot say if this was a concerned older sibling tattle or a needing and wanting a younger sibling to get in trouble tattle.)
Entry 12 of notes 3, and '-eld notes' both reference rae questioning something that someone (presumably sherbert, as said person is referred to with they/them) else presumably doesn't believe, saying that it was made up. Which. Maybe listen to your sibling when they say they've seen/heard/experienced someone?? I don't know, it doesn't seem like Sherbert believed mush that Rae said. (It is important to note entry 12 was labeled a day after entry 11.)
Also in '-eld notes' "we can't get it to stop" in reference to their eye implies they were both trying to get it to stop. What Rae said today on stream pushes doubt on the idea that Sherbert wanted that help.
(I. Going on a side tangent about the eye and the eye patch and sherb throwing it away and laughing at Rae trying to help and Rae being upset. Um. Okay. So um. As the older sibling you are. Expected to be the one younger siblings lean on when your parents are busy or when your parents cant or they're unavailable or or or. And with that, you're expected to really only need help from either, a, your parents, or b, another older sibling (who is older than you). now sherbert didn't have any of those. they're without fable. Without Isla. (Without anyone above you, these are just 'expectations' you set for yourself.) They are the older sibling, they're not supposed to need help from their younger sibling. Sometimes you don't want help from your younger sibling. The eye thing must've hurt and they must have been very stressed about it on top of everything else, and and and. The laugh could've been something bitter. It also could have not. Them throwing the eyepatch away could've been them hold themself to "expectations" they dont have to, not thinking theyvneed their younger siblings help. (not wanting it.) We don't know, we weren't there, but also just. I don't know if that moment was sherbert being a shity older sibling or sherbert being a worn out done with the world (still kinda shitty because they didn't explain why) older sibling. Dont know. Just. Side tanget.)
(Rae being upset about it is perfectly valid. He has his right. I'd be upset to if my older sibling was hurting and I tried to help and they wouldn't let me and they laughed at me because how dare I try to fix something and how dare i try to care about them. I'd very very upset.)
Side tangent over. Alone together. Alone together. This book haunts my dreams /vvpos. Do I take it at face value? Do I look further into it? I don't know. So. This is mostly just. Quotes I'm pointing out because how do I take them after that lore today? I don't know-
So, first, "masking their disappointment as they put on a forced smile for the boy beside them."
This too, "In spite of every disagreement and struggle, their bond was unlike any other." Implying that despite everything priorly mentioned, they were still close.
And. And this. ""Rae, I'm glad I have you""
Also all the memories fable showed sherb and Rae the two of them seem. Really close. Rae clinging to sherbert and sherbert talking very gently to Rae.
Also. Also that one message in spoilers about sherb and the corruption and how its probably very similar to how a younger sherbert acted and heyhays response. that too. Actually-
And. That's. All I'm looking for right now. I'm sure there's more and yall are very free to add on and correct me (please please do correct me if I made a mistake) I'm being very incoherent and just having older sibling vs. younger sibling thoughts right now, so I'm not sure if any of this makes sense-
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fungus-fag · 8 months
I have no platform in regards to anything that would reach an audience but. I can't just let my words on the subject not at least be written somewhere.
I'm noticing a lot of people already mocking or cringing at fans of indie productions that blow up overnight. Primarily Welcome Home and The Amazing Digital Circus. And I just want to grab all you people and gently shake you and ask "Why???"
These are VERY WELL MADE indie productions that have been well received BECAUSE THEY'RE GOOD. People like the content and they should be encouraged to support it! I would want the same respect of my fans of my original works, too.
I'm seeing people upset with the following TADC already has, and even claiming that the designs and personalities of the characters are even "bait" to get tumblr and tiktok Fandoms to pop up overnight. Most hate I've seen also references whatever cringe happened over in the WH Fandom, claiming it's going to get the same treatment or the same group of people in its fanbase. People in V*vziep*p's H*lluva B*ss sphere of internet fandom are acting like children because TADC got more views than their precious franchise, acting like they're the only indie YouTube animation crew who can get numbers like that. (( Though my feelings on that fandom are kind of... a separate matter, lol. ))
Firstly, Fandom (or viewership) shouldn't be the main draw or method of judgment for ANY piece of media, especially indie productions, and secondly....... even if that claim about the designs and plot was true ... So what?
A SMALL team of REAL people worked REALLY HARD on TADC. 3D animation is NOT EASY. You can clearly tell the creators were passionate and spent countless hours working on this-- I can tell from the pilot alone the creators CARE. Even if the premise is (allegedly) a fame grab.... maybe that's just because people -- the creators included -- LIKE this kind of "dark but wacky" content? Is that really such a crime of cringe to just fall immediately in love with a new piece of media just because it meets the "Fandom boxes", which again shouldn't even be how you Primarily interact with the subject matter as a whole?
Also, are people forgetting that Welcome Home is a ONE PERSON PROJECT??? why are we hating on one person's passion project just because it got popular holy shit are you all ACTIVELY trying to keep indie creators from actually creating??
I'm speaking from a place outside of Fandom when I say these things. I do not engage with anything outside of the creative content that comes from fan works, and even then I'm only really looking at visual art that's created and nothing else. Frankly I don't really know or care about what even happened with the WH fans that gave it such a bad name that can be used to smite up and coming media like TADC, but regardless it's still not a good reason to hate on something that found success.
In summary... these kinds of comments and fights Really shouldn't be so widespread for content that is made by small creators (or in WH's case, one person) . We should be actively celebrating and engaging positively with the art that indie creators allow us to see, especially when that art that they've so passionately made is free to consumers. Even if you have a problem with how rapidly successful the series gets, there's no need to be hateful and bitter about it, and there's Especially no need to get involved in fandom antics and use that as your excuse to not engage in indie media.
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merge-conflict · 6 months
The appeal of starting from the ending and working back is that you put a cap on every Might Have Been, every wandering tangent, etc. that your drafting mind might otherwise wind down. And there's nothing more irritating then having a good idea when wrapping something up only to realize you didn't have time to foreshadow it like you did the other 2 or 3 recurring consequences (TV writer woes).
Everything in the final conversation Abernathy has with Valentine has to be doing the work of two or three callbacks. Right now I've only hit the initial callbacks, and as I sketch out the ideas mentioned her in passing, which evoke certain strong emotions, then I know I need to do something with V's work involvement with Biotechnica, with some sort of clash with Jenkins, with what Valentine is like when she loses her temper. And I know that because it's what Abernathy is fixated on trying to control this breakup conversation, and also reveals what Abernathy herself is concerned about, and perhaps has been concerned about for a long time and never shown. (Or has she?)
Anyhow I love talking process, so this is the kind of skeleton script I'm going to be working backwards from. It will most certainly not survive exactly like this, but it's a good anchoring point:
“If you tell anyone about anything, I’ll have you removed and handled as a double agent. You have been awful involved with Biotechnica lately.” - “I’m not going to warn you again. Do you understand?”
(dully) “You do that and they’ll know I was telling the truth.”
“It doesn’t matter what they know, it matters what they can prove.” (you know this. we've talked about this. don't be stupid.)
“I suppose next you’ll be asking me to use my new position to spy on Jenkins for you.” (petulant. bitter. a tool, you were always a tool, do you understand?)
“No. I know how you get when you’re angry.” (thinking. malicious. flippant.) “Besides, I thought you’d enjoy a chance to get your claws into him.”
(silently angry. is the implication that she’d do for him what she’d done for her? that she’s just a dangerous beast? that she knows her and her anger so well?)
“What do you want me to do? Beg for leniency? Make some emotional plea? You want me to ask if you ever even gave a shit about me? You want me to put on a show?” - “You wouldn’t believe a word I said anyway. Give me a cigarette.”
(hands one over, lights it. finally makes eye contact. this is real.) “Don’t look so glum. You wouldn’t have gotten half as far as you have without my help. You can cry into your bank account if you want, but it’s not like I’m kicking you out on the street.”
“Alright.” (inhale. peace. emptiness. drains her drink. drops the cigarette into abernathy’s.) “It’s done.”
Re-reading this I already know I need to work in some reference to Valentine's mother and some warning/advice/celebration they have near the end of this reverse story. Something that ties back to her own failed marriage and divorce and dashed expectations. Something about finding a reason to keep going on until you can't bear to any more. Something that echoes the familial stubbornness which means Valentine in the damn things overlap will endure anything so long as she knows the expiration date.
The most fascinating part of writing these two to me is that Abernathy has this very strict rule about never admitting guilt or regret directly, but she'll say something like "I'd apologize but it's already done, isn't it?" and it's like YOU COULD STILL SAY IT! But she sees that as weakness. And Valentine picks up that same attitude here "What do you want me to do? Beg for leniency? Make some emotional plea?" They're mocking each other for the very normal human desire for acknowledgement. They're intelligence agents who think they're just making sure they're not fooling themselves (they're fooling themselves). Sincerity is only useful for pre-empting someone else trying to expose your vulnerability.
Anyway, they're operating on a certain set of fucked up toxic social rules that are in some respects even harsher than the normal corpo set. They're self-policing, because Abernathy is obsessed with gaining favor with someone who is a misogynistic homophobe, and she's playing for keeps against people who aren't reviled by this person. The idea might also come up that she doesn't NEED to be doing it to this degree, but she's warped her own idea of what she needs to do, and what kind of person she needs to be, and applied that to Valentine as well. The tragedy is that they love each other. They work well together. It's never going to work out. It didn't work out. But look at what they had, and how fucked up and funny and exciting it all was before it went to shit.
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Omg I love the would you rathers so much- anyway here are my answers:
1. I’m sorry, but I am absolutely chomping. I feel like he’d still make a sexual reference either way, like “Damn, you’re that excited to go down on it? 😏”
2. Yeah Jennifer is getting someone else. Best part is I can get rid of a guy I don’t like!
3. I would never do that to Bubba 😭, I’ll take one for the team. My no-major injury streak had to end sometime
4. Look, Patrick is the one of the many people I’d rather not make an enemy with, so I’ll gladly go sleep on the couch. Chances are someone else might tell him to shut up though.
5. I do not trust Chucky within an inch of my life. Jason will at least be courteous and withhold on the chopping, can’t say the same for Michael but if I’m quick enough, I can get by without a stab wound.
6. Omg this one was so hard. I guess I’ll go with Beetlejuice. At least I can make him go away
7. As a child of divorced parents, going into the kitchen with two people are arguing will be just like old times. If I want chips I’m getting chips
8. Well, I have no idea how hard she’s flinging that table. So sorry Carrie, as much as I would like to help you, I’d rather not possibly die by table
9. So my favorite Slasher is Jason and my favorite Non-favorite is Pennywise. I honestly don’t know if either of them really need my help, but if I had to pick one…..I’ll save Penny. Jason has a history of coming back after dying so he’ll be up and going again soon. Penny can only do so much against an adult
10. I’m going to Mama Voorhees, I think she’ll appreciate the honesty. If I go to Freddy, I’ll have to owe him a favor, and something tells me he’ll take full advantage of that
11. Truth. God knows what they’d make me do as a dare.
12. Again, a very hard choice. I guess I’ll go with Patrick, at least he’ll try to make me look flattering.
13. I would definitely want Penny to turn into Freddy. It would come as no surprise to anyone if “Freddy” flirted with Pam. Plus, it’d be kinda funny seeing Jason chuck Freddy through the wall lol
What are your answers though? 👀
I'm so glad you liked them XDD
Oh he sure would- that or he'd be over dramatic and toony and, like, you would see his soul would crack inside his eyes XDD
Exactly!! I'm glad this is the consensus so far XDD Like, Jennifer's telling ya'll that A sacrifice must be made., and you're just going 'Okay! :D :D :D I have a list!'
That's very brave of you ^^ ^^ XD Bubba should make you a stew.
Oh same. We can brave the living room together! I think if we build the best fort- it should be fine. Haha
Again, guys-
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I just don't think these are the actions of a polite boy!! This is a bitter old man!
6. Hahahaha, I'm glad it was hard 😈😈😈
7. Sameeee!! Don't mind us, guys, just gettin cheezels. Hey do we have- Hey. Hey. HEY- DO WE HAVE THE CHICKEN FLAVOUR??
8. Good call 😅
9. Good point!! We shouldn't worry too much about Jason. He's stubborn ^^ Also- same as Fox Anon!
10. Very honourable!! And you now may befriend Jason because you're pure! Congrats!
11. OKAY YOUR TRUTH! Here we go- from Billy and Stu: Would you live inside Christine, a car, if she allowed you to do so??
12. Ohhh, good choice!! Yeah, and you'd probably get some really nice, expensive digs out of the deal!
13. Its always funny to see Jason take the hammer to Freddy XD I agree.
Thank you for your answers!!! They're were great! Also thank you for the opportunity to give my answers, too! ^^ They're below if you're interested ^^
I'm eating that popsicle normally. I canNOT bite cold things, or hot things, or wood- My teeth are SO SENSITIVE!! If he has a reaction, oh well that sounds like a him problem and he can deal with it.
I'm sure I can find someone for her...
I kinda wanna meet Aubrey II!! 😅😅😅 So yeah, I'll go! Bubba can stay inside and have a tea. But I'm gonna see if I can, like, drop some food down from above somehow.
Couch!! Patrick is scary. Bring all your blankets and pillows and books for the fort. Also chocolate- we'll need rations.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this one was hard!! I think I have to go with Jason and Michael too, though! I'd rather be manhandled to death (What? Look me in the eyes and tell you that some of those gifs of Michael holding women against walls with knives and yanking them around doesn't do something to you. Look me directly in the eye- ) then whatever that dreaded big red button does... God forbid.
Drayton!~ I love Drayton ^^ And I'm very good at listening. And-
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... no no no- No. No. NO
7. Like I said, I'm with you here.
8. ... *sigh* I'm probably gonna get concussed. Bring on the table!
9. Favourite Slasher? Freddy. Favourite Non-Slasher? Probably Aubrey II now!
... I would love to see this fight XD And I would probably try to save Aubrey II. Like you said- Slashers have a knack for comin back.
10. If Freddy can help me I'm going to him. That way- if it all goes south still and Pam finds out anyway- I'm not going down alone. I am taking him with me. Ha
11. Oh dear god. ... truth...
12. Oh!! Oh! This is hard. I... hmmmm... I'm gonna go with Jerry. He might be nicer to me 😅😅 And he does have a good sense of style.
13. Oof... the thought of real Chucky being oh so confused and wondering why the hell Tiffany is throwing shit at him again is hilarious... But yeah, option B. I'd rather get Freddy chucked out a window then cause a divorce.
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lilflowerpot · 2 years
I wasn't able to find an answer to this when looking through you blog so I'm asking here: I'm assuming the galra have some sort of heightened senses from humans. Lotor certainly seems to pick up on more then most humans do and enjoys the way Keith smells when he's relaxed and happy. And ofc even humans usually knows the differnece between fear sweat and ordinary sweat but how much more can they sense? And how much are the able to understand moods and emotions with that? Like dogs that can sense most strong emotions and even slight ones when trained? Do they need to know a person well to be able to differentiate the differences in emotions based on smells and so on? Like lotor bases a lot of his deduction on body language but him being able to smell people's moods would be👀👀
(Also the thought that maybe the blade suits mask or hide the wearers smell so other galra can't recognise the wearer in a civilian setting)
Ps. Hope you can send me in the right direction if you've already talked about this and I've truly enjoyed the story all the way so far<3
"Lotor certainly seems to pick up on more then most humans do and enjoys the way Keith smells when he's relaxed and happy." ......Did I write that? I don't,,, recall writing that?? Don’t get me wrong, Lotor is an extremely perceptive man, but I’m almost certain that I’ve never implied him to have the ability to smell Keith’s emotions,,, or anyone else’s for that matter.
((though if I'm wrong and I did in fact say something to this effect, please don't hesitate to tell me when/where, and I'll re-learn my own worldbuilding lmao))
So far as I'm aware, the only times I've explicitly referenced anyone taking particular note of the way other people smell, is thrice from Keith’s pov, two of which are with Allura—
Lights brighten, shadows sharpen, the pods across the room swell in a crescendo of mechanical clattering before settling down just as quickly to their usual hum: something Keith hadn’t even realised he should have been able to hear until the sound returned to him of its own accord. The air tastes of iron and salt and that bitter cleaning agent that Coran is so fond of, the one that once made a home for itself in Keith’s sinuses for phoebs after he’d helped Coran ‘keep the old gal running’, and strangest thing of all is the lily-white sweetness of Allura’s hair, so distinct that it’s almost stranger not to find her suddenly materialised beside him than the obvious alternative. - Little Blade, chapter 19
Unthinking, Keith raises the hand still tangled with his until he can inhale deeply at her wrist, nipping lightly at the fluttering blush of her pulse beneath russet skin when that familiar saccharine scent wafts forth, a note of startled delight to it… then blanches as he sees how Allura’s eyes have gone wide and unblinking, dropping her hand as if burnt. - Little Blade, chapter 21
—though both instances are a direct result of their current shared-quintessence-bond-thing rather than Keith's galra heritage, and just the once with Lotor—
The world is quiet, and smells of salt. - Little Blade, chapter 22
—when Keith’s being comforted after his panic attack and is very closely tucked up against the prince's chest, and therefore would be able to smell him even if he weren't galra at all,,, though in truth, the "salt" was intended to reference Keith's own tears.
From Lotor's pov, there's only the singular instance that I can think of, which is the very last line of the most recent chapter whereupon the two of them are once again all up in each other's personal space:
And then, before he can think better of it, Lotor chances his heart. Stepping into the littlest blade’s space to graze knuckles beneath the stubble-roughened underside of that handsome jaw, the prince drags his nose against Keith’s unguarded temple and whispers; “goodnight,” into the dizzying scent he finds there, before slipping swiftly over the balcony’s edge and into the darkness below. - Little Blade, chapter 23
While I do think of the galra having a heightened sense of smell in comparison to humans, it only really comes into play for stronger scents, such as that triggered by the fight or flight response; pheromones serve as an early warning sign to nearby galra that there is a potentially dangerous situation afoot, assisting them in locating the distressed individual as well as preemptively protecting those members of the group who may not be able to protect themselves. So while I suppose you could argue that this means the galra can "smell fear" as it were (though technically these pheromones would release due to arousal of any kind: be that horror, anxiety, surprise, excitement, or -yes- sexual stimulation), they cannot smell moods/emotions as a general rule of thumb.
((and all of this, of course, has less bearing for hybrids such as Keith & Lotor, whose non-galra halves are not particularly known for having especially sensitive olfactory systems))
The Blade of Marmora's armour, however, does in fact conceal their scents! Primarily because they're spacesuits and so have to be both air-tight, and durable enough to withstand a vacuum, but also due to the Blades presumably experiencing that aforementioned state of arousal when infiltrating military facilities that they are very much //not supposed to be in//, and so their bodies involuntarily releasing the "I Am Here And I Am Afraid" scent would be... somewhat counterproductive.
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bbnibini · 2 years
To my beloved readers: There is a part in this timeloop where an unknown group is implied to be referring to you/the reader with feminine pronouns. Please note that this will be further explained in the final route and is not in any way indicative of yours or the MC's actual gender. I have and had always written this story with a gender-neutral reader in mind. This part in the story is a part of the plot and does not take away whatever gender you identify with. You are all wonderful the way you are! <3 (Thank you to the kind anon who pointed this out to me and I apologise if anyone who read that part had felt uncomfortable reading it. :( )
[ Tell him to kiss you again ] ⚠️
(Barbatos' affection +10) ⚠️
⚠️ (Warning: Abnormality detected. Capture target 『 𝔹 𝔸 ℝ 𝔹 𝔸 𝕋 𝕆 𝕊 』 @#$@#$$Q’s affection will increase dramatically.  Please proceed in this path at your own discretion.)
> approved
> displaying capture targets
Mammon : 85♡/100♡
Satan : 85♡/100♡
Barbatos: 220 /100 ♡ ⚠ ️ GAUGE OVERFLOWED ⚠ ️
Lucifer : 5♡/100♡
@#&)(@)€RR0Я : ∞??!@????♡/10000000000♡
>approved  }
“I won’t let that happen,” you whispered back, your warm breath fanning his own. “So please, don’t die?”
Barbatos leaned forward with your approval, planting chaste kisses on your lips to tease you back. When he heard you grumble, his lips lingered longer on yours, until you felt yourself kissing him back. Your hands held him by both cheeks, eager for your gestures to also be returned. He had been accommodating, if not a little eager as his tongue probed for entrance. He tasted like the eclairs and sweet tart you both had for afternoon tea, warm like the Darjeeling on your snack break as he moaned out, satisfied to find your own.
“I can still feel it,” he breathed out, smacking your lips. “…my impending death.”
Laughing, you kissed him back. “That’s not good. What should we do?”
You felt him smirk as he stopped to breathe in between your kisses, happy with your every approval. Everything seemed to grow silent as you could only hear his breathing and yours. Your eyes stung as sweat started to trickle on your brow, only heightening the acute awareness you had of him and his ministrations as it forced you to close your eyes. Gone was the restraint he takes pride in, replaced by something… else. Whatever it was, you can feel it eating you up inside. With every kiss and every call of your name, the Barbatos you had come to know seemed more and more of a stranger to you.
Who…was he now?
And why were you not in a hurry to know?
"Are you okay, my love?"
>Barbatos...was always looking at you so gently. But...
>Is this really happiness?
You shook your head.
"Mhm...I'm fine. And Barbatos?"
You leaned forward and planted another kiss on his lips.
"I love you."
>For some reason...it felt like he needed to hear it. More than ever...
>Even the thoughts you had from before you had realised the time warps were repeating themselves in this cycle.
>Just what were you doing wrong?
Something had changed between the two of you after what transpired in the storage room. You can feel it in the intensity of his gazes, of how he seemed a lot closer than before. Such closeness also meant literal proximity, as he had been more open with his gestures. The “acceptable distance” was no more. Any opposition to how he monopolised you were brushed off with his polite, yet biting remarks. Mammon had been bitter at first but relented with time. The other brothers had given up long ago, finding you both in worse wear when separated. You had been with each other so much that the sight of you two together had been commonplace.
That was why…
On rare occasions when you weren’t, everyone knew something was amiss.
“But nothing’s wrong?”
“Like hell nothing’s wrong! Are you two fighting?”
If last night were any indication, it would be far from Mammon’s claims. You shook your head and focused on your binder. You had far too many things to do. “Barbatos and I have our own separate commitments, you know.” Hearing Mammon reply an unconvinced “Uh-huh” made you sigh.
“No. 2 had been complainin’and callin’ yer man a slave driver.”
“But isn’t that how he usually is?”
The second born clicked his tongue, knowing you’re right. “Either way, talk to him, ‘kay? Seeing ‘im smile is scarier.”
Barbatos had always been good at keeping his emotions in check. If you had not spent almost the rest of your remaining school days with him, you would have not been able to tell each slight change in his expressions apart from each other at all. Mammon did have a point. He is an expert when it comes to separating his private life from his duties, so seeing that façade slip that even the likes of outsiders have noticed, must have meant that he was (supposedly) in the worst of moods.
In the end, you agreed with Mammon’s request and decided to talk to him after work. You usually wouldn’t bother each other until you were done with each of your duties, but today was an exception. And since it was already an exception…
I miss you. :(
Bending the rules a bit wouldn’t be so bad, right? You could imagine the feigned exasperation on Barbatos’ face as you saw the check mark tick on your messaging app.
I’m in a meeting, dearest.
But I miss you. :(
You are unfair, my sweet. You are fully aware that I will abandon this festival if I must if it’s for you.
Lord Diavolo had spotted me, and now he’s grinning from ear-to-ear.
You aren’t conspiring with the young master so he could slack off, aren’t you?
You winced. The partnership was unofficial, but you were quite sure that may be the reason behind the Demon Prince’s supportiveness. Partnership with Lord Diavolo > Being scolded by Barbatos. The latter wasn’t even much of a punishment anyway so you decided to soldier on.
I just texted you because I wanted to see you. :(
But we see each other almost every day.
“Almost” is such a sad word :( tragic. painful. heartbreaking. What hurts me more is the kindness in your rejection.
 “One word from you shall silence me forever, Your Grace.” :(
“I am determined that only the deepest love will induce me into matrimony. So, I shall end an old prune, and teach your ten children to embroider cushions and play their instruments very ill.”
**bold part is a quote from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
Two seen replies. It was either you won, or you lost. No matter the outcome, you will deal with the consequences/rewards later.
Oh. Oops. You just wanted to tease him, but it seems to have backfired. Rewards – 0, Consequences- 1.
(Lord Diavolo has sent you a message)
I’ve never seen Barbatos in such a foul mood before! The Northern nobles were making such a fuss earlier, but now, he had turned on full Spartan ! Now, even the senators cannot retort!
I’m honestly terrified right now!
Oh. Oops. You just wanted to tease him, but it seems to have backfired. Rewards – 0, Consequences- 1.
Thank you for today.
for what, exactly?
Haha! Don’t worry, I cleared all my paperwork this morning so Barbatos should be free. Good luck with the exams!
ur the best, diavolo!
embarrassed demoji.png
(ButlerBarb has sent you a message)
You’re far too cruel, my love.
So the meeting went well?
With the House of Lords?
As far as I remember, I did not clarify which sort of meeting I went to. :)
shocked demoji.png
I wouldn’t pry, dearest. I arranged transportation for you and informed Lucifer.
whistling demoji.png
A mere 12 hours had passed, but I digress.
Even a second away from you feels like an eternity. I love you, my sweet.
“What are they doing?.”
>You wanted to answer "You didn't know either" to Belphie, but all your actions seemed...automatic.
>It felt like there was nothing you can do but watch yourself do the same thing over and over again.
>Ah...you do remember having those thoughts. No wonder why you felt so tired.
“Isch prowbabuuwuwsjd Bawbschtosch.” (It’s probably Barbatos?)
“…I’m going back to bed.”
You handed Beel your unfinished snacks which he took happily as you rushed back to your room to prepare. It was technically a study session (as final exams were nearing) but quality time with him is still quality time. It was…better than nothing. Counting out the times you needed to sleep, you only had a few hundred hours left to spend with him. The thought of it deflated you.
Do you really have to say goodbye?
Would anything change if you do?
>Something has to change! You'd rather try than not try at all!
>But try as you will to change your words and gestures, you couldn't.
>Just what was going on?
>There was nothing that could be changed, past me.
>But...perhaps that person...
"This is my...letter to you."
>If they remember everything...you wondered how they could stay sane in all of this?
Your thoughts about the short time you had left in the Devildom did not change. The comfort of his company, as well as the familiar darkness you had grown to be accustomed to was too…usual to ever be unusual again. Needless to say, your efforts of dissociating with Devildom are put off until the day of your departure. It was regrettable that the numbered hours you had left would have to be dedicated to studying—similar to its human world counterpart, most of what you have learned in the Devildom will never be put to use. The only reason you were even making an effort was because of the demon who will be teaching you  in the first place. A small percentage may also be your innate fear of the firstborn and his litanies of scolding, but that paled in comparison to the thought of Barbatos being ever disappointed in you. He was never really vocal about his thoughts, but his actions were such painful reminders of your negligence. Learning to read his stoic expressions had, after all, been a double-edged sword.
*knock knock*
“CamIchomeinw (Can I come in?)”
Heavy, unhurried footsteps; a polite knock, followed by muffled, nearly incomprehensible sentences. The rustling of foil, a crunching sound of what seemed like a generous bite—you smiled as you answered him.
“Sure. The other snacks are on my study table, as promised.”
“Fhanks (Thanks).”
The sixth-born happily gathered up the array of snacks you had laid for him on the table as you continued packing for your study session/sleepover at Barbatos’ estate. He offered you the one open bag of chips in his arms, but you declined.
“Just seeing you eat is making me full.” You meant it in a good way. Beel eats well and eats with appreciation—there were times in your life that you had forgotten to do the same, so seeing him do so made you remember and feel grateful for being able to eat complete meals every day.
“Can you bring me some snacks on your way back?”
“You mean Barbatos’ sweets?”
Beel’s eyes sparkled at your words. He nodded innocently, “You would do that for me?”
You nodded back. “Of course, I will!” Noticing him suddenly frown, you felt concerned. “Is something wrong, Beel?”
Beel had always been very thoughtful and sweet, but even the silence anticipating his answer seemed to stretch more than usual. “We could have all studied together.
…sorry. I know you already made plans with Barbatos. It was selfish of me to say that.”
“No, thank you for thinking of me, Beel.”
“Mhm…he—” Pausing, he looked down at the snacks he had in his arms and shook his head. “Are you happy here? Will you…ever come back?”
“Sorry I was mean to you before. We all were. But…I promise I will never eat you. Even if you look really tasty.”
It meant a lot coming from Beel, but the statement suddenly came from nowhere so you didn’t really know how to respond.
“…You still have to pack, right? Is there anything I can do for you?”
You shook your head and smiled. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m almost done.”
As if something suddenly sprang in his head, he bolted through the door, before returning back to your room in record speed. “I secured the snacks, so I can carry your books for you.”
You couldn’t help it. It was so unexpected but so characteristic of him that the corner of your eyes prickled with your tears. Beel looked genuinely confused when you started to laugh. You felt really warm, and giddy and…appreciated. Before you knew it, you had your arms wrapped around him. A sincere “Thank you,” came out of you. Beel finally understood and hugged you back. “You’re welcome.” He called your name. And when you called his name back, he finally laughed with you—there were many things about Devildom that you’re going to miss, and surely enough…the caring and thoughtful sixth born will be one of them.
“I’ll miss you, Beel.”
So while you were still around, you wanted him to know just that.
“I’ll miss you too.”
With your sincere words to each other hanging in the air, Beel did his best to help you with your books once Barbatos texted you about your coach’s arrival.
“…and good afternoon to you too, Master Beelzebub. Please allow me to take these books out of your commission,” said Barbatos’ attendant as she greeted you at the door. Beel left them on the coffee table along with his brothers’ study materials while you were waiting for her arrival. You felt a little bad at the sight of their notebooks stacked on the same table. He wasn’t lying when he said he was looking forward to studying with you, but you made promises with Barbatos first.
“So…Satan really agreed to teach all of you for the exams?”
Beel shook his head. “He lost a bet with Lucifer. He…” Beel looked at the attendant, worried he was stalling you. “Anyway, don’t keep Barbatos waiting.”
“Of course it wasn’t your fault!” Beel said, almost too defensively. “I mean it. We’ll be okay, so please have fun out there.”
…is it really a good idea to go?
Shaking your head, you swallowed Beel’s words with hesitancy. “Okay, good luck with studying.”
He refused to elaborate about it, and even went so far as to reassure you, so you pretended for his sake.
You heard him call your name one last time. A shocked expression trailed over the sixth-born’s face as he muttered something about the attendant’s stack of books—but when you asked him what was wrong, he shook his head, offering a smile.
His words be happy, came to you like a whisper. But you weren’t sure if he was the one who said it at all.
It was still really difficult to get used to the stifling formalities of Barbatos’ servants when they welcome you to his estate. At some point in dating him, you found yourself picking up on their mannerisms to offer the bare minimum of what you’d like to think was politeness that you owe them for. Bingeing on Demon Etiquette and their social system in the wee hours of the night in Satan’s library had taught you about nobility and high society—the strange phrases and mannerisms of the demon nobles surrounding him suddenly made more sense; most were polite with you, but others barred their displeasure in sophisms and their multi-layered, backhanded platitudes. Barbatos also talked the same way; it was in learning their ways in secret did you gain a better understanding of him, after all.
Their same, rehearsed lines, their forced smiles—the way they acted towards you reminded you so much of similar experiences you had in the human world.
Even the attendant who carefully placed your books on the coach had been especially polite. But…who really knows what she had felt? Even the Demon Brothers weren’t kind to you at first, and they had been the highest-ranking nobles in demon’s high society. You can only imagine the hostility lurking deep beneath everyone else’s “politeness” .
You felt…strange. The familiar feeling of ambivalence of your impending departure and your lingering attachments to Devildom seemed to remind you of something, but you couldn’t recall where you read it. Something ached in your chest as you tried to remember the specific words, but even the memories of its passages seemed to escape you, so you let the thought go, hoping the pain that came along with it would also disappear.
As your feet guided you to the lavish décor of your lover’s familiar estate, that sense of anxiety could not seem to disappear.
“My, if I knew you would be this upset, I should have stolen you away much earlier.”
You ignored the heavy feeling in your heart and focused on the warmth you felt on your face as he brought his lips to press on the back of your hand. It was a gesture you were familiar with—appropriate for the situation, but you whispered a complaint to his ear that made his smile widen.
“There’s too many people here.”
Barbatos snapped back, eyes filled with mirth. “Really? My employees seem to be in their rightful stations. If anything, I think we are the outliers here, right?”
“Y-Your Grace, we humbly apologise for overstepping—”
He chuckled, his demeanour changing immediately as he faced his servant. “Ease, this is our way of speaking. Could you bring us some refreshments in the study room?”
“Certainly, Your Grace.”
The butler bowed and excused himself to carry out orders for the household staff in the area. Looking around, you couldn’t help but feel bashful.
“He’s only doing his job…”
Barbatos placed a hand on your shoulder for reassurance.
“He is. No one is getting scolded, so don’t worry.”
You looked up at him and smiled back a little. “I need to get used to how to conduct myself in front of them.”
“What’s wrong with the way you are now?”
The door to the study opened, suspending Barbatos’ inquiry—it looked far different from Lucifer’s and had a calming scent. An array of books was stacked on the several shelves near the window, while a collection of tea leaves were neatly organised in the glass cabinets. If Mammon were around, he would be having a field day! Everything looked expensive—even the teacup the maid offered you felt like it cost more than your life’s savings.
“We aren’t strangers here, my love. Relax.” Barbatos dismissed the servants and sat next to you once the double doors closed, making your head rest on his shoulder.
“Has anyone spoken ill of you?”
“No,” you muttered, wrapping your arm around his.
It wasn’t anything like that at all. Rather, the absence of opposition made you even more restless. But, isn’t it such a luxurious worry, only proving the influence of his powers and the rest of the student council members in this realm? Wouldn’t complaining about it seem like you’re fishing for compliments?
“I just…want to get along with everyone.” You were pretty sure some of the people you have spoken with actually did, but it was no use worrying him.
“The exchange program is almost over, and I feel like I haven't been doing my best, is all.” So instead, you let out a less indulgent thought out of your lips. One that wouldn’t cause unnecessary conflicts. Because that’s what you are–and perhaps what you had always been: an example . Only that, as months passed, you became an example that actually mattered .
“You can still prove yourself…” He leaned his cheek at the top of your head, pulling you closer. “Perhaps acing the final exams?”
“Oh, but I believe you can actually do it,”
“In my dreams!”
Barbatos made a sound: a low, drawling hum as you nuzzled on his shoulder. “Satan’s weakness…let’s see. He’s good at curses, but lacks the patience for more intricate spells. Lucifer has impeccable grades, but he is too busy to focus on exam rankings. Solomon isn’t fond of writing things down. And you know how Belphegor can be handled, I trust? If we distract them, you can easily take the top spot.”
“Barbatos, you’re killing me!” Why is he taking this so seriously? Is he really considering sabotaging your rivals ? Pfft! You haven’t laughed so much in a while.
“What about yourself? You’re quite the overachiever too, I must say.”
Barbatos looked at you incredulously. “You know I will let you win in a heartbeat.”
“And Lord Diavolo?”
“He would have to let you win and accept defeat…unless he wants to eat pickles for at least 50 years.”
At least? Pfft!
“Poor Diavolo…”
Barbatos made soothing strokes on your back as he heard you sigh. “Are you feeling better?”
“Mmh. Thank you.”
You did not know that Barbatos was capable of joking around, but it was a great new thing to learn about him. It made you feel almost bad for considering goofing off with him when he seemed so genuinely invested to see you succeed. So despite your better judgement, you took studying more seriously and even answered your copy of the reviewers Satan had for everyone's study camp back in Lamentation.
The questions were quite challenging--you were familiar with the terms in the multiple choices but he had worded it so differently from the instructors' notes that mere memorisation wouldn't ensure you a passing score. Barbatos meanwhile, had already finished answering the questions on his own sheet of paper and leaned over to your side.
"He's quite the Spartan. But I can sympathise with him." He nodded appreciatively. "What's the use of learning without understanding the basics?"
You groaned. "If these are the basics, I dread knowing of the more challenging questions."
"Do you want assistance?" Barbatos asked.
"Yes, please!"
Chuckling, the demon butler looked over the questions and nodded. "Why don't we start with this questio-"
>What if you will change the cycle's course? Why don't we start here?
"Uhh, Barbato- I mean, Your Grace!"
Barbatos blinked. "Yes?"
Oh shoot. You really need to think things through! The time warps are doing a number on you. You guided his hands to another item at the questionnaire and shouted. "I actually want to start with this question!"
An unbreakable bond between two parties that binds the soul under certain conditions.
A. Contract 🔑B. Pact C. Marriage D. Servitude
Barbatos looked at you in disbelief. "You couldn't answer this question?"
Of all the questions you can pick at random...why this one? 
"Ahahahaha...the options are confusing?"
Yet despite how suspicious you were acting, Barbatos didn't dismiss your obvious lies. "Mhmm. Multiple choice questions can be rather confusing, I agree. Well then, why don't we narrow the options down?"
Phew...nice, Barb! You are lucky to have such an understanding boyfriend! <3
"First, why don't you tell me what similarities you have noticed between these options? What do they have in common?
"I'm sorry, Satan. But I'm plagiarising your explanations, word for word." You thought. You've lived through hundreds of repeats, it almost felt like a chant in your head. And you were sure the fourth-born wouldn't mind.
"They all signify a mutually beneficial relationship. But the degree of the benefits differ vastly..
A contract is a documented bond. Inside it are "terms" that hold that bond together. Once one of those terms are broken, then so does a contract come to be void. As for marriage..." This time, you're taking a book from Solomon. 
"So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not. As indicated by that famous Bible verse, marriage is a bond that runs deeper than a contract. It is the union of two people in the eyes of God or a person of authority. You can say that it is an unconditional bond--a bond that binds two souls despite it all."
You felt compelled to look at Barbatos, who seemed absorbed in reading the contents of the questionnaire. He seemed...somewhat sad. You couldn't help but reach out your hand to him. 
"My love?"
The flushed expression on his face was lovely.
"I-is something wrong?"
"You looked a little lonely, is all."
Barbatos' eyes widened at your words. "...do I? Pardon me." He stuttered. "I-"
You pressed your lips against his and he closed those worried eyes. As you pulled away, that lonely expression didn't seem to dissipate.
>Could Barbatos know something?
"Your Grace?"
You pressed your lips on his again at your question: a gesture he welcomed happily.
"Have you ever felt like you're in an endless dream?"
"Dream?" He asked. "What do you mean?"
Come to think of it, this didn't feel like the first time you were asking him this question. 
>If this wasn't the first time...then could consulting Barbatos not be the right answer?
>What did the letter sender mean by "being honest" and "talking with him" then?
You shook your head. In any case, the letter sender seemed to know a lot more than he lets on. If "love" is the reason why you're stuck on this endless repeat...
"I'm sorry for asking such a strange question, Barbatos." You smiled. "Please don't worry about it."
Barbatos looked unconvinced, but reneged. He sighed. 
Even if he's unaware of the time warps, it did seem like he looked lonelier than usual. Were the others also aware that the days keep on repeating? 
"Why don't we take a break? I'll brew us some tea."
It must have been hard for Levi and the others too. You couldn't help but miss them at the thought of your depressing exam question so you opened your DDD while Barbatos was preparing the snacks:
(You have new messages)
>If that was the case...you must find some other way to break the cycle.
>You had a feeling finding "that person" was one of the keys to getting out of here.
>But...who could they be?
"Haha...the chatroom must be going wild right now." The little dings in your DDD notifications seemed neverending. 
They should be studying on their end too…right?��
Hm? Levi? Why the sticker spams? You opened his message first.
>Either way, it seems like following your usual routine works best.
Did you happen to see Simeon's notebook?
im not sure...what does it look like?
Technological Advancements in the Human World 1111. I was copying the corrections in the notebook yesterday, but I couldn't find it anymore!
calm down,,it should be still there if u wer working on it ystrday but…
technological advancements...and u chose 2 borrow simeon's notebook?
Hehe. Amateur! I knew you would come to that prejudiced conclusion.
Don't you know the importance of a DO/DON'T example?
now ur just bragging...I feel bad for simeon.
lolololol Think whatever you want, we're both leeches in this dog eat dog world. So be it!
If it means I will be enjoying Ruri-chan's birthday in peace, I'm willing to swallow my pride.
u've lost me.
It's a white notebook with Simeon's name on the bottom left of the cover. Let me know if you see it!
kk. oh yea, how's every1 doin?
...uuu. now you HAVE to remind me that you are a traitor. 
Must be nice hanging out with your boyfriend, huh! Must be fun not being single, huh? Normies like you should explode!
levi...we literally just played devilkart ystrday. u promised me ur ok w dis
crying demoji.png
With a heavy heart…
pfft! well... GL on ur studies
aa! barbatos finished preparing d snacks. ttyl!
(1 new message)
Barbatos' snacks?!
Mhm. He's already wrapping up your share as we speak. I'll bring it to you on the way back.
Thank you…
Oh and…
How are your studies going?
Barbatos is such a patient teacher. I'm confident I'll get a high score with his help!
... that's good to hear.
I won't be disturbing you anymore.
Satan is starting to look annoyed too so I'll get off my phone.
Mhm! See you later, Beel!
You didn’t want Satan to get any angrier so you decided to text the others back later.
Tumblr media
A few helpings of snacks and tea later and you were back to your study date with Barbatos. He was so thorough yet gentle in the way he explained everything to you, plus the snacks he prepared at every break did wonders in keeping your attention to the lessons. With his guidance, even you were starting to believe you can actually have a chance on acing the exams. He had been very considerate as well, stopping the lessons when he saw a yawn escape you, sometimes telling you stories of Diavolo’s childhood to break the monotony of study guides and modules. Eventually, you were at your last handout for the day; the sudden onslaught of fatigue welcomed you at its conclusion. You stretched your arms and greeted the brighter evernight peeking from the windows with a tired smile.
"Uuuuu, I think if I topple even a little, all of the words and spells in my head will go away…" Barbatos smiled a little at your antics and gestured to his lap. You happily accepted and closed your eyes as you laid there "I'm glad I came here. I think I learned a lot."
Barbatos nodded. "It fills my heart with pride to see you working so hard and getting the results you desired. Now, you deserve some rest."
"If I sleep now…" you couldn't help but let out a yawn. "We wouldn't be able to goof around."
"Oh? Whatever do you mean?" He was really good at pretending to be clueless. If you didn't know him any better, you would have mistaken his teasing as genuine confusion. You held back a smile.
"Do you want a demonstration?" You slowly opened your eyes to meet with his, but you didn't expect the sheer closeness of your faces to each other. His green eyes looked at yours with the same intensity as your shared nights together, that you couldn't help but fold and cover your flustered face with your hands.
"That's cheating, Your Grace."
"Is it?"
"You know how effective that handsome face of yours is to me."
"I'm glad I was born with this face, then."
"I was promised a demonstration."
He leaned even closer, a mirthful smile looking down at you. "Or...were you only bluffing?"
Oh, this insufferable man!
His knowing smile did not disappear even as you held him by the cheeks and pressed your lips together. Instead, you felt yourself sitting up his lap, feeling his tongue probing in your mouth, searching for those sweet moans that you only let out for him.
"You're so beautiful…" he whispered, tickling your ear and trailing his fingers to the outline of your back, making you shudder at the light strokes of his finger. 
He called your name as he wrestled you out of your outer shirt, marking every part of your skin with his kisses.
"My love, my dearest…"
He breathed out, the smile on his face growing only the more. You should have known it was coming: victory couldn't come to you so easily, for you've known true surrender at the whisper of his next words.
"We shall continue once you ace the exams."
…now, don’t look at me like that, dearest. You should be well-rested for tomorrow.” The lips he pressed on your forehead didn’t remove the frown you had on your own.
He can be so stubborn sometimes!
"...I hate you."
What's even more hateful is he's aware of it, and his actions suggested intent. (It did not help too, that such intent, though "malicious" can only be "adorable" in your rose tinted world).
"Rewards should have their proper reinforcements. I'm sure B.F. Skinner would also agree?"
"Will you put a bell around my neck then, Your Grace?" Your attempt of mockery fueled his relentless teasing…
"Darling, that's a different person. And I'm not sure if that's how it goes."...which he deflected with finesse.
You puffed your cheeks and turned away from him.
"I'm tired of studying…"
Barbatos' smile widened the more.
"I'm sorry…" sincerity was the last thing his apology could have meant.
"You were so adorable, I could not resist."
"If it helps, I'm also getting a little tired."
"Enough to break some promises?"
"Hold on tightly, my dear."
Before you knew it, you were in his arms, carried like a princess in a fairytale. If only your dashing Prince weren't such a tease, it would have been a happily ever after.
"Shall we get ready for tomorrow? He asked, carrying you across the room, through the connecting door leading to the familiar satin sheets.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close. “Only if you kiss me goodnight.”
And so he did. Numerously .
And when you complained when he went further, "I thought this will be saved after exams?"
He only flashed a devilish smile.
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One thing you wished you knew before involuntarily being signed up to be a Festival committee member is the actual amount of work you need to do. You were envious of your fellow exchange students who seemed to have freer time--yet here you are, not even part of the student council but you are worrying over balance books and collection letters.
The only solace for your headaches was Barbatos' presence, but as final exams neared, and the festival preparations were also nearing its completion,you had been seeing each other less and less.  
"Please allow me a little bit of your time." You stiffened at the familiar voice hugging you from behind as you got ready to leave for the day. You heard each other sigh, and you leaned the back of your head against his chest.
"I miss you."
"We saw each other last night." Same old, same old. Your lines were almost tattooed to each other at this point.
You chuckled. "Hardly a meeting if all we do lately is study and sleep together."
Barbatos breathed out, exhausted as well. "I heard Mephistopheles bothered you today." 
You grimaced. What utter ignorance you had of the situation didn't deserve such thorough grilling. "I didn't even know why he interviewed me. I didn't know anything about some writer in the human world being murdered. How could I know if I've been stuck here for months?"
Barbatos nuzzled on the crook of your neck, nodding languidly. "I also heard you didn't go alone." His embrace tightened as he continued. “Someone accompanied you?”
You hummed out what seemed like a semblance of a yes , "Satan seemed oddly enthusiastic about it. I didn't know why he tagged along other than him and his penchant for mysteries."
Barbatos sighed in relief. "Oh, so that's what it is…"
You snorted. "How rare. It's cute hearing you get jealous.
He hardly was the jealous type. So it surprised you when your innocent interactions with the fourth born had been its unlikely source. Even he seemed to realise how ridiculous it was.
"Of a feline fanatic who ignored your radiant presence over playing detective?" He chuckled. "It does sound silly when you point it out."
"Thankfully, this is the last time we'll get busy. So no more unexpected interviews too."
There was playfulness in his emerald eyes, one that you immediately caught onto. 
You poked his cheek at his expected reply. "...the last time?"
You felt the familiar press of his lips against yours. "Would I get an early prize, Your Grace?"
He laughed as you kissed him back. "My, someone sounds confident."
And whose fault was that? You held back saying, sighing contentedly, 
"I learned from the best."
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What did it say in that one game you played with Levi some months ago?
>The questions are just too easy.
>Your pen won’t stop moving!
…is studying with the Demon Prince’s butler considered cheating? Was there any favouritism involved in your tutoring sessions?
Barbatos wasn’t that kind of demon. Besides, you worked really hard to study as much as you could, so acknowledging your efforts, even just a little wouldn’t hurt.
There was one question, however that seemed strange:
A fictional form of magic that theorised the possibilities of travelling to parallel universes that do not necessarily share the same plane of existence.
A. Spatial magic B. Time travel 🔑C. Dimensional sorcery D. Teleportation
>Come to think of it, the weird exam question at the end of the paper always seemed to change each time. 
>And each time, it seemed like something is guiding you to the correct answer. 
>̵̬̤̟̞̲̍͂͆̉̄̓̈́̒̂̍͝Ŗ̶͇̼͉̬̭̜̭̫͖̞̿͂͋̇̿̚a̷͔͕̔́ṫ̶̳̯̐̃̊̅̉͛̄̒̍̓̕ḣ̸̢̛̰̻̙̳͍̣̱̤̪͚̺͉̓̾ͅe̶̼͈̤̪̳̼̟̤̻̎̔̈̎͑̏̈́̈̓̅͊͠r̷̡̥̣̙̮̤̬̭̱̣̪̥̱̹̯͗̏̂̅̒͘ ̶̦͉̭̞͔̰̤͖̱̜̼̩̯̏̈́̂̂̒̋̑̍̕̚͠ͅt̶̲̭̱̦͉̠͔͍̬̻̮͎̼͙̜̃̐̏̚h̸̛̳͆̐̿͗͌̓͛̓̕͝͝a̵̢̨̹̮̗̼̼̳̳̿̍̐̌̽̕͠͝n̵̢̛̮̈́̇̽̄͛͒̈́͐̚͘͝͝͝ ̵̭͙̠̊̅̈́̉̄͠ā̶̢̧̨̘̠̟̫̠͔̙̯̞̺̈́͗̄̕͘ ̷̢̣̺̮͛̿̓͆̊̓̾̓̆͐͝͝ķ̷͙̥̝̣̳̮͋̌̃̈̅̈́̈́͆͋̆̋͐̄ͅę̴̱̪͕͈̱̭̝͗͑y̴̜̯͓͕̺̗̺̗̝͓̤͑̅̌̈́̒͠.̴̢̙̝̳̼͓̲̹̼̙̏̊͌̎̇̔̑̄̉͆.̸̨̢̨̲͈̠̞̘̗̾̿͗̒̅.̵̪̰̘̲̈͋͊̏̾̓͛ĭ̸̡̛͎̪̦͔͕̳̱͚͑̐̔͆͊̍͆͊̋t̷̨̡̝͇̥͇̻̩̣̫̤̅̿̈́̄̇͜ ̷̧͈̼͓͕͓̓̽͠l̶̛̛̛̫̻̫͒̈́̅͑͂́̀̌͘ọ̷͙̳̤͓̬͖̘͉̻͊̾͐̈̐̓o̸͈̣̮̻̫̖̫̽̌̍͋́͋͛̚͝k̴͇̤̬̦̣̓̇̈́͌̃̈̈́̄̔̑̕s̸̡̛̯͈͍͔̩̯̬̮̤̼͎͚̼͋̌̇͒̋̑̌̉̾͘ ̵̢͎̺̤̱͈͎̎̇͑̈́̅̅̾̂̈́̿̽́͠ͅl̷̤͖͍̝̝͎̣̮̘̻̽̓̂̎͊̐̒̿̅̈́͆̚͘i̵͓͈̎̏͑̄͋̈́̆̽̕̚͠ķ̷̨̢̮̯͍͕̝͍̺̱̗̳̏̋̉ē̶̢̡͇͐̕ͅ ̴̧͖̮͍͙͓̻͖̜͛̂̂̇̌̔͊̕̕͠a̷͇̪̔͛̎̌̌̄ ̴̨̣̯̺͚̣̒̽͒̅͒̽̓̚b̵̜̪̺̩̥͖͕̙̮͈̓̏́̆̐͋͜ͅô̸̥̗̯͈̭̘̼͕̲̬͍̆̓̊̄̐̆̏͂̚o̵̢̰̅͆̅̄̈́̐̓̚͜͝k̷̡̢̙̙̭̟͎̥̟͎̤̞̏̂̃̒̏̽͑̈́̄̀̇͑̚.̴̢̯͕͓̩̞̳̪̲̙̮̊͌͛̃͛̆́̀̒̽̄̕͠͠
"̶̯̠̅T̴̡͈͎͎͌͋̽̓h̵̺̰͈͊̽ẻ̴̡̜͇̞̊͂̊ ̴̧̦̏d̵͙͔̤̙̄̐̈́ȏ̴̳̻͓̉͌o̸͈̱̕͝r̵̖̦̤̹̔̓͊ ̶̯̘̄́t̸̨̠̀̃̚ŏ̷͉͕̦͒̚ ̷̧͝͝h̴̨̙̗͊̍i̶̤͓͓̓s̸̠͗̋͠ ̵̥̫̺̌ͅh̶͙̒̿͋̕ȇ̴̹̤̩̓̔̈́ạ̷̜͍͌ř̸̟̈́̋̈́ͅt̵͉̽̇͛͘ ̴̮̊͘h̷̬̟͔̿ȁ̶͔̄͊d̸͎͛̚͝ ̵̢̹͚̹̂̎͑͋b̷̬͓͈̗͝ë̷͔̥̿͘͝e̶̹̗͗ň̵͔͚͕̍͝ ̷̞̔̽̚t̶̡̗͓̺̽ĭ̶͓͗g̶̫͐͗͝h̸͍͓̾t̴͇͖̄l̸͇͉͒ẏ̴̳̤͔͂͋̈́ ̷̢̼̦̔̕ͅs̷͇̣̔̋̏͝h̴̨͉̹͎̄̋͝ụ̴̈̔ṱ̷̦̥͐͋̾.̸͙̻ ̵̬̾̑͆͛Ọ̶̢̿b̶̦̜̰̌̓̓̒t̷̢͍̍̇̊̉a̶͚̙̘̙̔̋̀͝ȋ̷̲̺̈͋̾ņ̴̰̤̕͘ ̸̮͕͓̑t̸̛͓̝͇̭́̌͌h̷͍͋ͅë̶̝̫́̌̑͒ ̷͊̒͜k̷͓̽̆̌ë̵͓͙́̈̐ͅy̴̦͓͓̏̌́̈ ̶͔̖͊a̶̯̤̠͆̈̎n̵̝͋̔ḑ̶̼͆̈́̓ ̸̛̯͍̚▇̴̰̥͗͜▇̶̠̞̓̔͘▇̷̠̥͊̓̐▇̷̧̢͕͆͂̌▇̸̞̤̏͑̌̚▇̸͓͗"̶̭̄̍̊
>...your head hurts.
You decided to focus on the option that seemed to be the correct one and circled it.
"Dimensional sorcery?"
Where did you hear that before? Ah...you remembered Lucifer passionately arguing over its actual existence with Diavolo. The whole idea of it was absurd--you couldn't blame the usually open-minded Demon Prince having some reservations.
"A magic that can let anyone travel parallel worlds. Even ones that are from a different dimension." If such a magic actually exists, then Levi would have been all over it, being its most dedicated researcher. Oh, you could hear him now: "If finding out the perfect mathematical formula would get me closer to my Ruri-chan, then it's worth every sacrifice!"
"A magic that can let you meet someone you aren't supposed to meet..." Somehow, the thought of it made you sad. 
You had a feeling that anyone capable of wielding dimensional sorcery wouldn't be truly happy.
Something that sounded so good on paper would have its consequences after all. To live in a dream, one must endure many nightmares first.
If that's the case. Aren't you more than qualified for one sweet dream after all these timeloops?
You nodded. Now that the exam was over, you thought it was good to get some rest. You decided not to ask Asmo about the test question this time around. It seemed like you were the only one who could see them after all.
"I just want to forget about how long it was. It was exhausting to answer."
“That makes two of us, honey.” The fifth-born rested on your shoulder. “I would have to take a rain check on our shopping date later. I’m sure Your Grace would love to pick an outfit for you at the festival ball.”
“You worked hard…” Organising a ball in just a few weeks isn’t an easy feat. Asmo had to fight tooth and nail to get his proposal approved(mostly with Satan, who was very much in favour of the chat themed bonfire dance initially planned as a conclusion for the semester), and even had to employ help from students outside the festival committee to make it happen. It wasn’t until they’re almost finished with its preparations did the rest of the committee members got wind of it. Meaning, you as well.
“I can’t wait to see you tonight, darling! I’m sure you would look amazing!”
“It means a lot if it’s coming from you.” Ever since the beginning, Asmo was one of the few demons who showed you sincerity. And while it wasn’t the kind of sincerity one would expect to bud into friendship, the way he and you now…
>…you’re tired.
>Oh, if you were tired then, past self. Then the current you is EXHAUSTED.
“Is something wrong?” He called your name worriedly and you shook your head. Instead, you wrapped your arms around him and sighed contentedly. “It just occurred to me that this is probably the last time you’re going to be my seatmate.”
“Awww, I’m going to miss you too!”
The faint scent of roses coming from Asmo seemed oddly out of place. You were sure he preferred his favourite perfumery’s devil camellia collection, and even recalled its faint sweetness as you were in embrace. 
>That's right. This is the 500th time the days had repeated like this.
>...had it really been going on for this long?
You shook away the thought and closed your eyes.
“Done with exams?”
Asmo couldn’t help his smile as your eyes followed Barbatos’ figure. “Shopping plans are cancelled, your Grace. ”
Barbatos smiled back. “Is that so? Well, you do deserve to get as much rest as you could before the ball.”
The demon butler then turned to you. “Ready to leave?”
🔑[ use KEY (partial) ] 
>(overruled. unknown command cannot be executed)
“Actually, no. I just need to get something, can you wait for me here?”
>Letter sender...please show up this time as well!
The sudden pressure from your wrist made you wince. And Barbatos seemed quite surprised at his sudden gesture as well, for what came afterwards were his numerous apologies. "Sorry, why don't I go with you?"
🔑[ use KEY (partial) ] 
>(overruled. unknown command cannot be executed)
>And this time, PLEASE SIGN YOUR NAME!
"It's quite a long walk from here. I think it's better if we meet outside."
Barbatos looked reluctant to let you go. He was about to speak when you saw the fifth-born link his arms with him.
"They're right!" Asmo chimed in. "The shop with the cute party clothes I told them about would close soon. Why don't I tell you about their latest collections while waiting for them?"
"I won't take long. I promise!"
What was he so worried about? That you would get locked in? Again? 
On second thought...that is a lot to worry about. Especially if it already happened twice.
Well...there was that one time, where you actually spent the night in a cold, empty classroom. The Demon Prince apologised to you personally for it the next day, even though it was not his fault. It was a cruel prank by some former classmates(who are expelled now, not to anyone's surprise), and happened before the tragic events in the attic and--
...you didn't realise you were holding your breath. You instinctively felt your neck and breathed out a sigh of relief when you didn't feel any pain.
Come to think of it…
...you should have been a lot more afraid that time. Ghosts lurked about RAD and ghoulish noises and paranormal activity are a common occurrence you had accustomed yourself to over the months. So...why can't you ever remember being afraid around that time?
And why…
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…your chest hurts. Try as you will to remember what happened back then, all you could seem to recall was the day after the incident.
Much to your disappointment, no one was there. 
>Next time, you should go earlier. But how?
>Your body always seemed to move on its own. You couldn't predict when you are able to actually change the course of the cycle. If not...for that "KEY"...you would have been here for worse.
>There were so much questions to answer more than answers themselves + you also had to operate on such a limited timeframe! Needless thoughts would get you nowhere!
You hastily opened your locker to retrieve the fancy, black gloves that Lucifer gifted you for your first three months in the exchange program. You never dared to use it--just a glance and you knew it was way more expensive than anything you ever owned in your life. Lucifer did not quite understand why you're being so careful with it, gaining sympathy only from the fifth-born who understandably, had the same thought process as you due to his penchant for fashion.
You carefully placed it back in the box that it came with, and put it in your bag, checking the time.
...20 more minutes before RAD closes. You better hurry.
"Where is it?"
That faint pink colour...that elegant cursive that gave you kind yet vague reminders. You scoured through your locker's contents until finally chanced upon it.
It said "Open me" with a small, handwritten note that said, "Don't let anyone else see."
"Sender...you're so diligent. Thank you..." It was silly to thank someone who wasn't there, but you suddenly felt overflowing gratitude for that person that you couldn't help it!
This is my 500th letter to you. Can you believe it? 500 is such a huge number, but here we are.
>Oh boy, where do you even start? Have you come to remember even just a little bit of what is happening? If you did, then let me tell you: You looked at him and said his name for 108,192 times. 4,987th of that time, you tried to tell him of your wish to not leave, and the remaining 103, 200th, you did not say anything at all. How did I know all of this?
>Right. How did they? It's almost creepy. Then again, it would be even weirder if this person didn't lose a few screws in the head after remembering every repeat. Because I don't. I didn't even sum all the numbers up correctly. Who would keep track of such things? That's not my point.
>This little rascal! Aren't you a little frustrated with yourself? You're trying your best, that I know, but your words couldn't seem to reach him. Does he know?
>Know? Know of what? ...I'm sorry. If you need my help, just call my name.
...It was unsigned. Again.
You wanted to shake this person by the collar and tell them not to say contradicting things. First of all, how can you call their name if they left the letter unsigned? Second of all, why did this person assume your feelings when it seemed like they were the one losing their patience?
As indicated in the postscript, the letter immediately burned by itself as you finished reading it. Not even ashes of it remained---as if it never existed in the first place. 
10 minutes left .
You thought about the letter you read as you made your way outside of RAD.
"Thanks for nothing, sender!"
Is everything okay?"
"Who would keep track of such things?"
"I want to kill them..."
"I meant, I want to kill it in the dance floor!" Or maybe even kill yourself...because that's what you feel right now from saying such a flimsy excuse!
"Besides...I finally got what I wanted!" You showed him the paper bag containing the ridiculously expensive gloves you got from Lucifer, and Barbatos smiled.
"Ah, I remember this one. I was the one who recommended this brand to him." Huh, you didn't know that. 
"I'm assuming you're going to match these gloves for your party attire tonight?"
"Excellent. Perhaps we should also match for tonight?"
It dawned on you that agreeing would be practically announcing to the entire school that you're dating each other. You heard Barbatos laugh as you felt the heat on your cheeks grow warmer.
"Maybe black with green?"
"And my love?"
He kissed your hands and looked at you worriedly.  "Please do not hesitate to complain when it gets too unbearable for you. I shall nurse you back to health to the best of my abilities."
It was like Cinderella. But there was no fairy godmother. Instead, a grumpy demon(Lucifer) led you to your Prince with a pair of gloves. And you were too frugal to even consider the thought of forgetting the other half of its pair.  It was love found in Devildom's version of capitalism. How romantic.  
"This is no joking matter! Your health is of utmost priority!"
Oh, Your Grace. You never change.
Even for the 232nd repeat, his scrupulous way of caring for you was always sincere.
That's why...
...it's so hard to say goodbye.
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...it was hard to force yourself to be light-hearted with the many pairs of eyes peering over at you as you made your entrance. Demons, angels and otherrealm residents alike lined up in pairs as they handed over their invitation to the receptionists, guided inside to the Royal Castle ballroom; the very venue that Asmodeus fought so hard to get approved(Lucifer had been a formidable opponent!).
Contrary to your expectations, the decorations weren't as lavish as your bombastic friend's usual tastes. 
"You look gorgeous."
Barbatos was in his usual butler garb, as he was not quite yet done with his task as a receptionist for the evening. He accepted your invitation with a smile. "I'm almost embarrassed I haven't made much effort with my appearance tonight. I even made you match with me."
"You look like your usual handsome self, Your Grace."
Barbatos looked lovely with a little flush on his face. 
"Go on ahead, you lovebirds. We'll take care of the rest." Said one of the volunteers. You recognised her as one of Asmo's most loyal fans.
"But, my task-"
"And leave your lovely companion to themself? Someone might steal them away, you know." 
You saw a slight change in Barbatos' expressions at the mention of you being stolen away. You held back a laugh.
"There's other people in line, Your Grace."
Satan was looking more and more annoyed as the line was held back and a hungry Beel had eaten half of his corsage. Most of the brothers were done with their part with the festival committee and the ball was meant to be their respite, as you are. But it looked like, on Satan's part at least, it had not been the case. 
Barbatos cleared his throat and expressed his desire to not be the cause of such inconvenience any further. So, despite his unwavering sense of duty,he left his post and went inside the venue with you.
"It looks like it's already starting." He said, looking around the dancing crowd. Muted in the background was Requiem from Nausicaa (clearly a result of Leviathan's own battles with the student council board). A hand was extended to you as the song came to its end, replaced with another orchestral arrangement of a Ghibli song (you can't recall the name, but you knew it was from Spirited Away). It was Barbatos' familiar, gloved hand; he was looking at you with a smile.
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"Shall we dance, my dear?"
Who were you to turn him down? You accepted his hand with a smile.
“You look absolutely radiant tonight, my love.” He whispered on your ear as he reached for your other hand, masking the lips he pressed on your cheek with one fluid motion: 
“An eyelash fell,” he said, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes. 
“Nicely done, Your Grace.” You remarked sardonically. 
“I’m merely a demon of opportunities,” He replied without a hint of guilt or embarrassment. “I wouldn’t be Your Grace if I couldn’t do as much.”
“What an exemplary lord you are!”
“A certain person by my side inspires me to give it my best, is all.”
His laugh was lovely when you glanced at each of your “sides.” “Quite a number of persons you love, Your Grace. Is this the infamous noblesse oblige I keep hearing about?”
“Partly, yes. But…”
You had anticipated the hands snaking around your waist, as well as the inevitable closeness a dip would entail at the second interlude, yet your heart still drummed erratically on your chest as he delayed the words you are also accustomed to hearing by now.
“...I am a very biassed demon, quite terribly so.” The soft voice whispering in your ear had been the final nail in the coffin. The dance had ended, but you found it difficult to look him in the eye. So now, you were covering your face with both your hands in an attempt to cool your face down. 
Thankfully, he had been a true practitioner of noblesse oblige and left you alone. “Would you like some drinks? You must be tired.”
Nodding, you answered. “Something cold would be nice.” He had been a gentleman and led you to one of the private resting areas before he retrieved your drinks. The soft plush of the velvet chairs lessened the soreness you felt, and you leaned over the headrest with a satisfied sigh. Asmo really outdid him-
“...a passing entertainment. Aren’t the elite fond of exotic pets these days?”
It was awfully loud outside your resting area. Even with a considerably thick wall of curtains barricading you between the group of voices, their voices were still audible.
“Isn’t the human so full of themself? So what if they have pacts with the seven lords? They think they’re so special?”
“Shh! Not so loud! What if Lord Barbatos hears you?”
“I can be as loud as I want! It’s not like they can hear me over them getting so full of themselves.”
>Your head hurts
“She’s just some foreigner His Majesty took fancy on. Once he grows tired of her "exotic" looks, he will throw her away.”
“She doesn’t even know how to respect the rules of the harem...wouldn’t her heresy lead him astray?”
>Hurts…everything hurts…
“How lively. May I join your riveting discussion, everyone?”
“Yes, me. Hello!”
“...Tch. Whatever. It’s a waste arguing with him . Let’s just leave.”
“Argue? Why, we haven’t even spoken a single word of discourse. What’s with the prejudice, my friends?”
“Hey, are you there?”
That voice-
“...they were being loud on purpose. It seems like they followed you here. I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. It was a little hard to talk right now, what with the snot on your face, but his awkward apology made you laugh. How could he apologise for something he couldn’t even control?
“Barbatos got caught up in a little…squabble. But he will be here soon.”
“Did he send you here? To tell me that?”
He didn’t reply for a while. The silence stretched as you anticipated his answer.
“...no.” Only for a short response. He didn’t elaborate any further.
>You knew at this point that something about you caught the attention of everyone. If Solomon won't provide you an answer...then your best bet is to leave the resting area.
“...does everyone really think of us that way, Solomon? Or is it just me?”
“I didn’t choose to be here, you know.”
“...I know.” You heard his clothes rustling by the curtains. “They don’t have any idea what they’re talking about, if that helps.”
“A little.”
He laughed, and you heard him call your name by the other side. "I try my best," he said. Perhaps he sensed that you were crying and is keeping his comfortable distance as usual. Either way, you felt relieved. 
“To answer your previous question, it had been…difficult for me as well.”
“I see…”
“Have you ever wondered why I act the way I am?”
You blinked your eyes, surprised he was suddenly being so open to you. His answer as well had been a little surprising. So even the most powerful sorcerer has his difficulties. “Sometimes…?”
You can practically see him smiling that usual, close-eyed smile as he answered you. “When in Devildom, do as demons do.”
“Not vague at all, Solomon.”
“I merely meant that giving those demons a taste of their own medicine once in a while isn’t so bad.” His voice had grown softer.  “A pact…is an unbreakable bond. Once you are sworn under it, no matter where or when, the other end of the bond would recognise the other they had been tied to.”
“Like marriage?”
“...that’s a good one!” He laughed, unable to form coherent sentences as you heard him catch his breath. “Mhm. So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
“Matthew, right?”
“Is it?” Solomon asked. “I don’t remember.”
“Then why do you know it word for word?”
“Seeing as you’re answering me quite enthusiastically, I assume you’re feeling better?”
Oh. You were talking so much with him that you forgot. “Yeah. Thank you…for sticking around.”
This was probably the longest conversation you ever had with him. He was usually so preoccupied with some crazy experiment or pestering Lucifer over a pact. You didn’t think he would actually go out of his way to defend you and make you feel better.
“I’m just happy to help.”
…nor did you expect him to say such words without any meaning behind them. It was genuine, even if you couldn’t tell what he looked like right now besides the silhouette behind the curtains. You just…felt it. “Maybe I was wrong about you.”
He didn’t reply right away, but you heard him chuckle. “Goodby-"
"Hey Solomon?"
"Are you going back to the ballroom?"
You got out of the resting area and saw his familiar figure ponder over your words.
"Do you need an escort? Is that your way of inviting me?"
For some reason, his tone reminded you of the wisecrack of a letter sender and you couldn't help but feel annoyed.
"What if I am? Are you that impolite to turn me down?"
He looked surprised at your outburst. Almost shameful.
"Oh...I didn't mean to offend. I was just genuinely curious."
"Do you have somewhere else to go?"
As usual, his smiles didn't give anything at all.
"I can always make time for you." He offered his gloved hand to you and made a close-eyed smile. "Shall we?"
And you took his hand that seemed to tremble a little as you held it firmly.
Despite how he usually is, he seemed almost nervous at the contact. But his expressions didn't change at all so you always seemed to misunderstand him. Either way, Solomon was one confusing man.
"I've come to send your dearest one, Your Grace." Solomon let go of your hand and offered a playful bow. "Please excuse me."
...you didn't even get a chance to thank him and he already left.
"̷I̶t̷'̵s̷ ̵a̷ ̵s̶u̸r̷p̵r̵i̵s̸e̷ ̵t̸o̷ ̵s̸e̶e̵ ̴y̶o̵u̶ ̶h̷e̶r̶e̵,̵ ̵m̷y̸ ̸d̴e̷a̸r̴.̶"̷
"Oh, it's because-"
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"Did you get bored waiting for me?"
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What was that? Barbatos looked a little different earlier. Had you imagined it? And what was that malicious energy you felt just now?
"You're deathly pale. Is everything all right?"
But he was looking at you with the same gentle expressions as usual. That's right. That was your Barbatos. He would never look at you that way, it was almost impossible to imagine.
You had been mentally exhausted by the time loops anyway and you weren't at your best self. You couldn't be scared of him.
You shouldn't...
If he knew that you were, he would beat himself up over it. That's how he had always been. You had such a short time left with him that you didn't want to spend the rest of it in conflict.
[ Bring up the strange exam questions ]
( If you choose not to bring the question up, then please continue reading. )
What if that is the way to "end" it all? Didn't the sender say to be honest with Barbatos?
What should you do?
"̴̲̑Ẅ̶͉i̵̜͠l̸͙̍ḽ̸̈ ̴̮̿y̵̤̔o̵̤̓u̷͈͆ ̷̯́d̸͖̓i̴̎ͅẹ̸͛ ̷̬͝f̶͉͋o̷͚r̶͎̕ ̸̤͒m̸̫y̶̬̚ ̶̻̍s̴̲̚ă̷͎k̸͈̄e̴̢͝?̵̧̄"̸̖̿ ̵̻͋
For some reason, you really wanted to hug him right now. Even if it costs being the spectacle of the evening....
Suddenly, Solomon's words finally made sense. You laughed a little to yourself at the realisation.
"Is something wrong?"
Oh, where could you even begin? His deep emerald eyes looked worriedly over you, yet even with your sudden gestures, he immediately reciprocated.
“Did something happen?” You tightened the embrace, but it did not lighten the burden you felt in your heart.
You called him, burying your face on his chest.
“...I love you.”
“...so something happened.”
His hold became firmer as he settled you both on the sofa, making you rest on his chest as he stroked your head. "Can you tell me what's going on?"
"Have you talked to him?"
"Can I ask you something, Your Grace?"
He leaned over to you to hear you better. "Anything for you, my love."
Is there a future for the both of us?
Will you remember me when I'm gone?
Endless worries over the future. The fear of being nothing but an example that mattered over the short course of time the exchange program took place.
Was Barbatos having the same worries? Could that be what the sender meant?
"What will happen to us once the exchange program is over?"
Barbatos' eyes widened at your question. He seemed to be considering your words carefully. He pulled away from you and held your hand.
"Can we go back to the resting area and talk about this?"
Nodding, you squeezed his hand back.
The muted orchestra in the background…Barbatos' gentle hand on your own: everything suddenly seemed so crystal clear.
"This is my 500th letter to you…"
You wondered why that person's penned words seemed vivid to you all of a sudden. You were so annoyed by them when you read their letter earlier. But...if they had been trying to tell you to do this with Barbatos all this time and it took you 500 repeats to get the message, you felt like that person had every right to lash out on you.
"I'm sorry for being so dense, sender..."
Dreams…now wouldn't that be nice?
Perhaps in your dreams, there wouldn't be a need to say goodbye. The three realms lived in peace, and maybe even their dear sister Lilith was alive. Lucifer wouldn't be so tired. Mammon would be more honest with himself. Levi would have more confidence. Satan would be more patient. Asmo would learn to accept genuine love from others. Beel wouldn't seem sad when he glances at the corridor where a certain room once was. Belphie would smile more.
And in that dream, even if nothing was broken, you will still belong somewhere. Barbatos would be waiting for you with a warm smile. You would go back and forth in the human world and learn more about each other. You look forward to such a future…where you weren't merely an example but a choice. A choice he went out of his way to choose.
Even if it's not real…even if it's fleeting and filled with lies.
You think…
[ “I’m fine with even just a sweet dream.” ]
>Why...what did you do wrong this time?
>Why is everything just repeating again?
>Weren't you able to talk with Barbatos?
>Or are you missing something else?
>I'm sorry, "sender".
>I failed again.
**notes: some text screenshots are transcribed into text due to picture limits and have no bearing in the story
💌 tag request: @krussyfed, @lilliansstuff , @cupsof-tea
💌barbatos CG by: airin(twitter)
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feralreason · 2 years
The Dehumanisation of Dave Miller
So, I was RPing as Henry Miller and had an internal dialogue comment of Henry musing about how William Afton was not a person. My RP partner, @plushmenace , had put in the tags of their reply basically asking "what is Henry's definition of a person"?
So! I'm finally here to explain my reasoning behind writing him that way. :') And as a bonus, this’ll also explain why I write Dave with abysmal self esteem and body image too wahoo. :’)))
Talk of abuse and trauma + DSAF spoilers under the cut.
First off, Henry literally says so before the ending fight.
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Now, you have been kind of lead to accept and probably think "Well in this series, William Afton *is* a literal Purple Guy so of course he's not a human."
But... Henry isn’t either? For the sake of this essay, I'll refer to the "brightly hued people with black scleras and white glowing irises and pitch black maws" as "Amazing Technicolour Void Produce People™" or ATVPPs.
Henry acts like William is this huge freak while basically being the same as him, just pink instead of purple.
But here's the thing: like with most of what Henry says and does, what if this is on purpose?
First off, William may be self conscious about his appearance:
For starters, William blames the fact that he's an ourple ATVPP for why he was never adopted.
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Which is possible for sure. However, from what we see in the series? Nobody seems to really care or mind William's appearance.
Except for Henry (who hates William and is an abusive POS towards him), and depending on player choice, Jack (who is just Henry 2: the Sequel also depending on player choice).
Further backing up that this is a sore spot for him, he gets pretty upset when Jack reminds him of it (despite commenting and joking about it often himself).
Example 1:
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Example 2:
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Secondly, from how he acts, Henry probably used this as part of his abuse towards William:
I find the first reaction pretty telling tbh. Usually when picking an antagonistic dialogue option, Dave’s response will be anger and telling you to fuck off (closer to the second example). Yet in the first one? He tears up and just meekly points out with a stutter that he’s hurt.
( Also important to note too: from the second conversation, we can see that in this universe, “human” refers to “fully sentient, emotionally and intelligently complex beings with free will” (or however you want to word or spin it). Which would def include ATVPPs. Certainly makes what Henry says above even worse lol.)
Next up, something I’ve referenced before because bo y I think it’s one of the most well written parts of the series tbh -- meeting Davetrap in the third game.
Considering it’s been established that Davetrap is the “feral” half of Dave’s soul; the part that is bitter, angry, and can’t let go of things, I think his dialogue can be very insightful into his character.
Anyway, you can have this exchange:
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He is clearly hurt by that term, pleading with Jack not to say it and taking on a cowering stance– turned away with his hands up defensively— and then reinstating that he’s “still a person”.
And guess who else refers to him as a monster?
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This lines up with how passive we see him around Henry (the fight at the end of DSAF 3, the flashbacks in DSAF 2), so I think it’s easy to put two and two together and say Henry belittled him for his appearance, and that bringing it up makes him regress to how he was around him.
And again, in DSAF? This is apparently not anything that weird. I could be also be looking too much into it (but hey, death of the author bby), yeah, but the fact that nobody knows that Dave = William Afton kind of means being a purple ATVPP isn’t *that* unique in this world.
One thing I find interesting on that point is this exchange. Dave claims "kids loved drawing him because they were fascinated with him". Jack challenges that...
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And then Dave basically shifts the conversation to, "Well they like me because I'm not scary and weird like you lol!" Even though he's joking, he does switch from making it about "what's inside".
I definitely think he may be making light of things to cope considering that he makes this quip in DSAF 2 which is definitely meant to be a joke and... yeeeaaah...
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Anyway, some more examples of how Henry talks about William in a dehumanising way:
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Furthermore, Henry has every reason to do this. From what we can see in the short story and some of William's dialogue, he seems to often belittle William to create co-dependency.
Ex: "Everyone is trying to hurt you, and you're weak, so you need to stay with me and do what I say so I can 'protect' you."
However, since the dialogue in the Void is him speaking his mind honestly, and combined with the tapes,... I'd argue it's completely possible he really may have literally not seen William as person. My guess is because of William being, you know, a weird form of undead. Maybe he started out demeaning him to easily control William, and began to sincerely believe it over time. Henry could also just suck like that.
And finally, William... kind of admits it himself in the bad ending, just like how Henry does in the good.
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As I've pointed out before, he says Jack was the only person– he excludes Henry despite, in this route, still adoring the man.
... At least that's what I think! Wahoo!
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