#allowing deku to maintain his secret
makeste · 5 years
ITP: speculating on the rest of Deku’s SIXQUIRKS
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(cont.) ...working on the basis that each power is an activator type that doesn’t mutate the body or cause you to grow 3 extra libs to use- based on the glimpses we’ve seen of the past wielders they all had normal body types- and that each power will work in tandem with the others to give deku more options without conflicting with each other’s usage.
similarly to how todoroki’s quirk combines the temperature manipulation needed to generate fire and ice and uses that to offset the drawbacks of each power usage on the other, I think these powers will all interlink somehow into one large powerset that lets deku rapidly switch between fighting styles based on the situation and whether he has to focus on fighting or rescuing- for example, we’ve seen how Deku fights with just the strength boost- using it to increase his speed and recently, fire wind blasts, but when he uses that in tandem with Black whip, he can suddenly create black webbing that lets him hold and restrain his opponents, letting manoeuvre around the battle field with more mid-air control than he did before, and potentially letting him throw them into buildings if he boosts the strength of the tendrils- we saw 20% was enough to throw him around like a ragdoll and tear up the surroundings even with him trying to actively supress it. With that in mind I think some of the powers he may have would be
(1) black whip webbing- no-brainer, since we already saw this- but if he controls it more, he may be able to leave constructs of the restraining tentacles behind that stay active even when not connected to him or in his presence, giving him instant ability to restrain and leave his foe immobilised like spidey does for the cops
(2) combat tentacles- again we saw this, so obvious, but if he still has the tentacles connected to him, he can boost their strength and let him lift and throw opponents or objects even if he’s not physically touching them, plus it may also give me more metaphorical ‘hands’ to punch/restrain his opponents with- this may also be handy for rescue operations letting him lift and safely maneuverer civilians out of the danger zone, or create temporary load-bearing tendrils to lift rubble away from those in need
(3) wall crawl- based on the way black whip plastered itself to the surroundings, if Deku layers it over his hands or body parts, it may allow him to stick to whatever surface or ceiling he applies it to, letting him manoeuvre around the environment like spidey, though it’d probably take more mental control to keep active or to turn off and on to move around, similar to miro’s quirk
(4) defensive capabilities- black whip seemed to cover the whole of Deku’s arm when it was being used, which means it could probably cover more if he pushed it further- I actually have the idea of some kind of black venom/bunny mashup when I imagine the end result of completely covering himself, but regardless, the fact that Black whip can hold and touch stuff means it has physical mass, albeit temporary, so if deku completely covers himself, then he may be able to cushion or soften blows against his body- on those lines, I’m also curious as to how Shigaraki’s decay would work against that- we’ve seen that he can’t affect semi-solid stuff he can’t touch 100% like sand, but we’ve never seen how it does up against energy constructs like a force field or similar- something that’s both solid and lacking a substantial body.
Even if Shigaraki can only count up to 7 right now, I think in future chapters this potential defensive capability could be key to letting Deku fight head-to-head with him- I dunno what makes me so sure of this but I keep thinking their showdowns will somehow include a physical aspect outwith their quirks- we know shigaraki can take some hard knocks, but he needs to be capable of confronting and threating deku’s overwhelming power to demonstrate his own strength as the successor to All For one, much like that last battle nearly had All Might losing in a head-on fight- to me, evil needs to able to match good on it’s own terms to prove it’s a true threat, or there’s always the possibility of the heroes quickly and anti-climatically turning the fight around in an instant if they get the upper hand- the ‘unstoppable force’ of evil needs to prove it can match the power of the ‘immovable object’ of good to bring a sense of danger to the battle.
As for the other’s I’m not so sure, but I do have a few options-
(5) defensive ability- I already kinda covered this with black whip, but this is more of a full-body defensive power like Kirishima’s- I’m thinking Deku hardens his body’s density to the point where attacks shatter and stop against him- though a potential issue with that is that he needs to focus and get in the right state of mind, and initially can’t move whilst using it, also he’s become another copycat of kirishima’s power (sorry dude)- whilst black whip would provide some defence, deku still takes too many hard knocks, and it seems like the high-end nomu’s are being built on a similar power level to OG Nomu, capable of physically wreaking anybody not on all Might’s power level if they get their hands on them. Since All Might, and now Midoira, have a bit of a Superman theme going on, i’m thinking this defensive quirk may let deku imitate the Man of Steel invulnerability for a few seconds to let him keep fighting when realistically the threat’s already liquefied his insides, or he needs to stand in the way of an incoming attack against civilians that he can’t block or deflect, though the drawbacks and stress of maintaining such a power may mitigate it’s usefulness to avoid making him too OP right now
(6) enhanced senses- again, basing this off the superman idea, but deku may gain access to something that enhances all 5 of his sense to superhuman levels, letting him keep track of more of his environment, see different spectrums, and utilises his analysis and predicative fighting style to a greater effect than before, though all 5 of his sense may backfire, if he’s scratched and feels like he’s lost an arm, or get hit with a flashbomb and incapacitated etc
(7) laser eyes- yeah I’m bringing up a lot of superman stuff, I don’t have a large imagination for the potentials beyond what I’ve got right now, but given the energy theme that seems to be common between full cowl and Black whip( it manifested in almost lighting-like black tendrils when he first used it) deku could potentially end up using this power by focusing power in his eyeballs like he does when using All For one on his body parts initially, and getting it to explode outwards as high-energy beams, which can be focused as needed, though using this would temporary blind him due to the intensive light being refracted through his corneas
(8) slow healing- I’m kinda ripping this off from the Dresden Files, but in there it’s explained that Wizards live to a ripe age because their bodies channel magic and are capable of creating absolutely perfect copies of their cells when they get cuts or broken bones letting them heal without scars or damaged limbs, as opposed to inferior copies like our bodies do, resulting in lasting damages piling up over our lifetime- given the damage Deku’s put himself through so far, he’s already in danger of permanently losing his ability to be a hero, so this could potentially mitigate the drawbacks of his reckless fighting style so far, at least in the long run - it’s explained that the healing cant regenerate missing body parts, and can’t be sped up past the speed of normal healing- it’s just keeps healing away at wounds slowly until they’re completely gone, which could take years- the main character gets his hand flame-broiled to the point it’s recommended he amputate, yet several books later he still has the hand and full dexterity, though he’s still got some nasty scarring that’s yet to fade away.
That’s all I’ve got for now, if you can think of any others, or get suggestions for any others, feel free to list them- I’m curious as to what alternative powers you think Deku could use.
sounds like fun! I’m gonna pass on the possible-combinations thing because I’m not particularly good at that kind of thing, but I like your suggestions, particularly the wall-crawling one. we all know how much Horikoshi loves his Spider-Man.
but the SIXQUIRKS!! speculation sounds like a great way to put off reading the rest of Vigilantes chapter one (lol I’m sorry guys. I’m making my way through it, slowly; it’s just really long, and I’m having trouble staying focused. but I have started it and I also read the preview chapter already, so I’ll have that post ready in a day or two at least), and I’m sure my answers will all be 100% wrong too, so I look forward to seeing just how wrong they are lol.
a couple of notes on my reasoning process:
I agree with you that all of the quirks will likely be emitter or transformation quirks rather than mutant quirks, since it doesn’t seem likely that Horikoshi will make any dramatic alternations to Deku’s basic appearance. after all, one of his most distinguishing characteristics is (ironically) the fact that he’s ordinary as fuck to look at. since a key aspect of mutant quirks is that they’re impossible to turn on and off, and thus any change would wind up being permanent, I think we can safely rule this out.
I still have no idea what’s going on with the Bakusilhouette, or whether this implies that one of these quirks could potentially be Explosion. but I’m hoping not (because get your own quirks, Deku!!), so I’m gonna leave that off of the list.
there is going to be at least one quirk that lacks any constructive use whatsoever and is basically just comic relief. please Horikoshi. I need this.
lastly, Horikoshi is going to have to be very careful to keep Deku from becoming overpowered. he can keep things in check for the most part just by making the powers difficult to control, but even so he’s going to have to be smart about it. we can have one or two more badass powers, maybe, but if all five are as awesome as Blackwhip, Horikoshi is going to end up writing himself into a corner real fast. the last thing you want is for your protagonist to be able to solve every single problem with barely the slightest effort. so for this reason I’ve done my best to keep the rest of the SIXQUIRKS as balanced as I can manage.
now on to it!
  1. flying quirk
listen guys. if this doesn’t happen Deku will be fucking heartbroken. he wants to be up in the air so bad. he wants to get away. he wants to flyyyyyy away. yeahhhhh yeahhhhh yeahhhh.
but he really does though. so Horikoshi should just give up and give him an actual quirk for it already so he can stop mooching off of all of his friends’ flying abilities and slingshotting himself off of temporarily elastic steel beams.
 2. spidey-sense
disclaimer: this is not my original idea. @interstellar-elf sent me an ask like months ago suggesting this and I think it’s perfect tbh.
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I think this one is all but guaranteed. it’s relevant to heroing but not too OP; it pays homage to Horikoshi’s favorite hero of all time (because he hasn’t paid him enough homage already lol); and the power itself has always been a great way of adding dramatic tension to a scene. it’s both useful and highly cinematic -- it’s basically carte blanche to throw in as many close calls and near-death escapes into a scene as you can manage. really, is there anything more shounen than coming within a hair’s breadth of dying horribly but somehow surviving to tell the tale? that’s what spidey-sense really is at the end of the day.
 3. psychic shield/immunity
first of all before I continue, this seems like a great time to post another long-unanswered ask from @interstellar-elf!
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the problem with psychic powers is that they do tend to be overpowered as hell, though, and given that Deku already has a ton of awesome quirks, that makes me wary of giving him any kind of psychic abilities on top of that.
but! I think there is a workaround for this, which is to give him powers that only work as a defense against other people’s psychic attacks! you know, kind of like Occlumency in Harry Potter, where you can stop someone from reading your mind. or like the power to shake off someone else’s mind control -- oh, wait.
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(and then later on...)
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I’m not saying Deku already has this power, mind you. but I’m also not not saying that. it would fit, basically.
 4. the ability to create extremely specific and totally useless objects at will
okay so remember how I said I’m placing my bets on at least one “joke” quirk that’s basically useless aside from being used for comedic purposes? so I racked my brain for a bit and this is what I came up with. I just think it would make for a really great visual gag if Deku all of a sudden started making a bunch of stuffed kitty tsums out of nowhere and had no control over it and everyone was like, “DEKU WHAT THE FUCK” and he was like “I’M SORRY I DON’T KNOW EITHER I CAN’T STOP IT” and there are just kitty tsums everywhere, just strewn all over the damn place, and for a while every time he panics over something it’s like BOOM! KITTY TSUM. and Bakugou is like “DEKU YOU ASS, I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU GOT MULTIPLE FUCKING QUIRKS, WHICH IS FUCKING UNHEARD OF, AND YOU WENT AND WASTED ONE OF THEM ON THIS BULLSHIT” and Deku’s like “I LITERALLY HAVE NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER IT’S NOT LIKE I PICKED THEM OUT OF A CATALOG” and Bakugou’s like “AT LEAST PICK SOMETHING ORIGINAL ASSHOLE, PONYTAIL GIRL ALREADY HAS THE OBJECT-MAKING QUIRK FOR FUCK’S SAKE” and Deku is like “ARE YOU BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL” and Bakugou is like “HAH?” and so on and so forth.
bonus points if the quirk actually ends up saving their lives later on in some really stupid way.
 5. super-op time-stopping quirk that can only be used under Extremely Rare and Specific Circumstances
okay so for the fifth and final quirk, I wanted something that actually is outrageously, insanely powerful and a huge upgrade. but as a check to keep it from getting too out of control, I think it should be something that can only be used if the circumstances are exactly right. like he can only do it during a full moon, or once every six months, or only if he knows the exact year, month, date, and time the target was born, or something ridiculous like that. maybe not quite that specific, lol. but you get the idea.
basically I’m looking for something he can only use once or twice in the entire series, but when he does it’s a game-changer. and time-fuckery seems like the best bet as far as game-changing goes. we have not had any time-fuckery quirks yet precisely because they’re so absurdly powerful, but at the same time, you can’t just write a manga about superheroes and not have someone with a fucking time quirk at some point. it’s gotta happen. you’ve gotta do it. so you might as well do it with the main character then. you’ve all seen that one scene from X-Men: Days of Future Past? technically that’s a super-speed quirk, but hey, same difference. but yeah, to avoid plot holes Deku can only do it during a planetary alignment for thirty seconds at midnight or some shit.
 so that’s all five! tbh the only one I have even the remotest bit of confidence in is the spidey sense one, because it just ticks a number of boxes that are too good for Horikoshi to pass up. but for the rest I really have no idea; I hope and expect to be completely taken by surprise. 
but I will forever have an AU headcanon now where Deku develops a Kitty Tsum quirk and is just. sitting in a big ol pile of these things like Captain Fucking Kirk while everyone is like “SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK DEKU” sob.
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
Our Flower| BakuDeku X BlackFem!Reader - Chapter 2
Welcome to my first Tumblr Series! This post will serve as the “Masterlist” for this fic. Chapters can also be found through the tag “our flower 💕” I’ll try to update at least once a week. Follow me and turn on your notifications, so that you won’t miss any updates. Enjoy - Unique 💕
Synopsis: You, Izuku, and Katsuki have been bestfriends since UA. One thing leads to another and you find yourself waking up in bed between the two future pros. No big deal, right? Well, things start to get a bit awkward and you start to get really “sick”. A major bombshell is dropped on you the day before graduation, and you decide that it’s best for everyone if you just disappear. But, what happens when the pair walks into your café four years later?
Warning (18+) NSFW Content| Viewer Discretion is advised.
I do not own MHA, MHA Characters or anything associated with the brand. I do not own the art, all images were obtained through google. If you know the artist, please tag them. DO NOT STEAL MY SHIT.
©pervysenpaix 2022
Chapter 2
“So let me get this straight”.
Katsuki pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing. Trying to get his voice as level and restrained as possible, but it was hard. Extremely hard. The only thing that kept his emotions at bay was Izuku’s hand on his thigh and seeing the face that he’d missed for four years. He didn’t want to blow up or do anything that might scare you off. So, he maintained his composure for the sake of peace.
“That day in the infirmary … you weren’t just sick. You were pregnant?” You nodded, “Okay, and you found out you were pregnant, then you left us.” The way he said it broke your heart. Voice low and slightly trembling, with his eyes downcast. He seemed defeated. Izuku was no better, he was actually tearing up. Nodding along as you gave your explanation but making no secret of emotions he was feeling. “It wasn’t like that.” You say, “I left because I didn’t want to be a burden on anyone. The two of you worked so hard to become heroes, and I hated the thought of getting in the way of your dreams. Plus, the two of you had eachother. You didn’t need me getting in the way. I wanted you to be happy”.
“Seriously (Y/N)?” Izuku glared at you, “Regardless, of whatever happened between us you were my bestfriend. Before me and Kacchan even thought about getting together. Did you really think losing my bestfriend would make me happy?”
Tears spilled from your cheeks. Crying was not apart of the plan. Well, the plan had actually gone to shit when they walked through the door. Katsuki leaned forward to wipe at the tears. The action was automatic, like you’d never missed a beat Like you hadn’t spent the last 4 years hiding from them. From everyone. From the world. It was so lonely. The only thing that kept you sane was Blossom. She was your constant. You were just as dependent on her as she was on you. Your only source of love, laughs, or affection. That’s why you were taken aback at how good it felt to be comforted by someone else. His hand lingered until you pushed it away with a sad smile. You couldn’t allow yourself to become dependent on something temporary.
“I’m sorry, it may not have been the smartest decision looking back, but I did what I thought was best for everyone at the time”.
“My parents were threatening to send me back to the states to live with family or forcing me into having an abortion.” The men tensed, glancing towards Blossom who was watching videos on Deku’s iPad. They were in awe from the moment they saw her. She was the spitting image of Katsuki. Ash blonde, but with type 4 coils. Red eyes paired with a caramel skin tone. And, if that wasn’t convincing enough, her quirk sealed the deal. This was definitely Katsuki Bakugo’s daughter. “We wouldn’t have let that happen. We would’ve helped you, dumbass”.
Now, he was crying too. Fucking perfect, two proheroes and a café worker blubbering while Cocomelon plays in the background. The insanity.
“That’s the thing, Ba- “, he raised a brown and you quickly corrected yourself. “Katsuki. I didn’t want to force anything on you. I’m the one that got pregnant. So, it was my responsibility to take care of her. It’s been hard, but we’ve been okay. Plus, I’m almost finished with my degree, and I’ll be applying for med school soon.”
Whenever you thought about the end goal, you knew that everything would be worth it. The long nights. Double shifts. Days without proper sleep. All of that would be fine when you were Dr. (Y/N) (L/N) and you could support yourself and your daughter without worry.
“It wouldn’t have been forced, (y/n)” Izuku pleads. “It’s not right that you had to go through by yourself. We did this together. It wasn’t just you; we were all there.” His cheeks flushed at the memory, but this wasn’t the time to be modest. “We loved you, doll. Still do. We would’ve done everything to make sure you were taken care of”. His scarred hand reached out towards you, palm facing upwards in invitation. Hesitantly, you placed your palm in his, and he quickly covered it with his other hand, trapping you in place. As if he let go, then you might disappear again. “I know that, Izu. Trust me I do, but it wasn’t necessary. I handled it. Even now, this doesn’t have to change anything. You can be involved as much, or as little as you want. I won’t hold anything against you. I have nothing but love in my heart for the two of you”.
Then men nodded and a comfortable silence settled. They were watching Blossom again. Committing every single detail to memory. They had a daughter now. Izuku didn’t care if she wasn’t his biologically, him and Kacchan did everything as a time. Plus, he loves you, so of course he’d love your daughter. Especially when he’s her favorite hero. The thought made him giddy. The little one watching his fights and interviews. Oh no!
Some of my fights are really violent. And Kacchan is always there. He curses a lot. I think I cursed once before. Did she see? Oh my god I feel awful. Would she think that I’m mean or scary? I admit I can get a little inte-
“Shut the fuck up, Deku!” Katsuki groaned, rolling his eyes at his frantic boyfriend. The greenette didn’t even realize he was muttering. “Language, Kacchan!” Izuku scolded, “There’s a child in the room!” The blonde groaned, covering his face with his hand as he mumbled apologies. This was shocking. The old Katsuki wouldn’t have cared, probably would’ve added a few more swears for emphasis. Maturity looks good on him. They both look good in general.
The two of them had always towered over you, but they were massive now. Both men had packed on a ton of muscle, but they weren’t over the top huge like Kirishima. The redhead was bigger than Endeavor.
Izuku’s curly fro had grown out a bit more and the sides were tapered. Nothing major, just a little razzle dazzle. Katsuki cropped his hair down with an undercut, making him look like even more of a badass.
Both men had gotten tattoos and piercings in high school but it looks like Katsuki added a few. An explosion and grenade combo on his neck, and “DYNAMIGHT!” spelled out on his fingers. It looked like he’d gotten his brow and tongue pierced. He’d been playing with it throughout the conversation. Most of Izuku’s tattoo’s weren’t visible, to keep up his ‘sweet boi’ image, but he still wore his nose piercing and tongue ring from high school.
Clothing-wise nothing had really changed. Bakugo opted for an all black fall appropriate ensemble; and, Izuku wore a hoodie that read “hoodie”. Iconic.
They’d grown up, while you’d grown out. That super lean body that you’d sported at UA was a thing of the past. Nowadays you were a lot softer. After Blossom, the you’d packed on a few pounds. There was a lot more jiggle, so to speak. Wider hips. Bigger tits. More ass and thighs. All of which would’ve been fine by itself, but when paired together with a pudgy tummy it wasn’t a good look. At least that’s what you thought, and it made you a bit insecure to be around your babydaddy, Katsuki “Slim waist, Cute face” Bakugo and his hot boyfriend, Izuku “All that ass” Midoriya. (im so sorry y’all but I thought this was so funny, okay fourth wall going back up in 3, 2, 1).
“Mr. Hero! Mr. Hero!” Blossom screamed, causing both men to dash towards her faster than you could blink. “What’s wrong? What is it?” Izuku was frantic, picking her up and spinning her around to make sure she wasn’t broken. “You hurt?” Katsuki added, peering over his shoulder. It was overzealous, but you appreciated their concern. It gave you a decent picture at how they’d be moving forward.
Blossom clung to Izuku’s neck and sniffled, “Sorry. I broke it”. The child pointed towards the tablet on the ground, and both men let out a relieved sight. “No, no! It’s fine see!” Scooping down to pick it up, he pressed the power button to show her that it was just dead. After a few seconds of soothing, Izu was able to set her back down. “Feelin’ better, kid?” Bakugo petted her hair and smiled. Not a smirk, an actual smile. Most men would’ve been shitting their pants and halfway out of town by now, but he wasn’t most men. He’s Katsuki MotherFuckin’ Bakugo and he doesn’t run from his problems; he faces them head on. But, could Blossom really be described as a problem? Well, some people might considering her temper; but that surely wouldn’t be a problem for him. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.
“Yup!” She grabbed both their fingers and smile up at them. Her best and brightest gapped tooth smile, displaying the adorable dimples on her chubby cheeks. The two heroes felt like their hearts were going to explode from this sweet girl. Little did they know, Blossom was choosing violence. This was her secret weapon; she’d lower their defenses and then go in for the kill. Smarter than the average 3 year old, but what could you expect considering her parents. “I’m happy you came, can we be friends? Me and mommy don’t have any friends.”
They wouldn’t have been able to say no even if they wanted to. The hopeful glimmer in her eye paired with her sad words was light a bullet to the chest. Both men felt guilty that they’d missed so many years of her life. Both of your lives. You’d been struggling just to get by while they were living their best lives. Top 15 heroes without a care in the world. That was going to change. They were going to do their best to make up for all that lost time.
“Sure, sweetheart!” Izuku says, “We’re gonna give mommy our numbers, so you can call us whenever you want, right Kacchan?” Bakugo nodded in agreement and gestured for your phone. Resistance against the three of them would’ve been futile, so with a sigh you handed it over. Knowing that all your lives were about to change.
Blossom called them every day.
“Hi Zuzu! I just wanted to say good morning, be safe!”
“Hey Kacchy, it’s me! … no, I’m not a villain. I’m Blossom!”
“Don’t forget to drink water Zuzu. Mommy says you need it cus you cry so much.”
“Wanna know what we did at school, Kacchy?
“Zuzu you were so cool on the tv! … No Kacchy is just jealous I like the cape.”
“Don’t be so mean to Zuzu, Kacchy.”
They tried to never miss her calls. She could call in the middle of a villain fight and they’d still answer. It actually happened when a group of minor villains attempted to rob a bank with hostages.
“Hi, sweetheart. How are you?” Izuku says into the phone while holding two villains down with black whip. If they struggled too much or cursed he’d throw the phone to Katsuki, who’d take over the call while the greenette pummeled the assholes for “being disrespectful” while he talked to his kid. “Hey, babygirl … Oh no, that dumbass is fine. Just taking out some trash. … Hah? I said a bad word?... Oh shit. Don’t tell your mom.”
The pair looked forward to seeing her smiling widely with just her nose and gap-toothed grin on the screen. They called too. Multiple times a day. Just to “check in” and see how things were going. It was the best they could do until their schedules got regulated. The agency was still new and they didn’t have much freetime. They’d pop in the café to say “hi” on the nights you were working, but they weren’t able to see Blossom until two weeks later.
“Do I look okay?” Katsuki was nervous, he’d changed his outfit several times. His reasoning was that he couldn’t “look like a fuckin’ villain” on his first day out with his daughter. Izuku figured that, that wasn’t the only reason. He also wanted to look good for you. They both did. That was the reason spent a little extra time defining his curls and fluffing his fro. “You look great, Kacchan. They’re gonna love it.” He smirked at the light pink of Katsuki’s cheek at the mention of you.
There was definitely some unresolved tension there. At least on their part. You seemed a bit distant. Not wanting to facetime or just barely showing your face before handing it to Blossom. Maybe you weren’t interested? Or maybe you just needed to warm up to them? They decided that they’d try to take things at your pace. Follow your lead because they didn’t want to spook you.
The explosion hero nodded and pulled the car into the parking lot, frowning as he observed the area. It wasn’t the worst neighborhood, but it certainly didn’t meet his standards. There were a lot of unsavory characters loitering around the building. Potential threats to the daughter of a hero. “This place is a fuckin’ dump” he grumbled, and Izuku hummed. He was a fan either, but he didn’t want to voice his opinion on the matter. Understanding that this was probably all you could afford with your limited income. It be best if they kept their thoughts to themselves, just so they wouldn’t risk offending you. But, that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t be returning later that night to install security cameras and motion detector in front of your door. You can never be too careful!
Knocking on your door was one of the most exhilarating things they’d experienced in a while. Katsuki had to keep wiping his hands on his pants, so that he didn’t accidentally explode something. It was taking you forever to answer the door. Izuku kept running his hands to calm his nerves. Why were they even so shook up?
The door swung open, revealing your figure. You looked amazing. Wearing a white, long sleeved, scoop neck top that was tucked into ripped jeans and brown boots. The outfit clung to your curves tastefully. Waist length braids brushed your wide hips, with your edges laid to perfection. Opting for light makeup: lashes, concealer, and blush. Topped out with shiny, pineapple scented gloss. The heroes thought you looked good enough to eat, but you weren’t so sure.
Pulling at your sleeves, you glanced between the two of them. “H-hey guys”. Moving to the side, to allow the two men inside your home. “Hey, Princess” “Goodmorning, doll” they say, kissing your cheek as they move past you. You couldn’t help getting flustered, they looked good and smelled even better. “We got these for you” Katsuki handed you a bouquet of cherry blossoms. They remembered, you thought. Smiling to yourself as you muttered a thanks, and they followed you into the living room to set them on the table.
“They fit perfectly, thank you guys” A coy smile played on you lips making butterflies stir in their stomachs. “S’fine” Katsuki muttered, trying to stare anywhere but your tits. Which looked great by the way. He settled for your eyes, much to your displeasure because now you were feeling a bit intimidated. “Anything for you, love” Izuku added, smooth as ever, fanning the flames of your desire. They’d only been here for two minutes and you were already thinking about Woohoo.
“Where’s Blossom?” Thank god for that distraction, you thought.
The door popped open and out flew the girl in question.
“I AM HERE!” she shouted, jumping into Izuku’s arms. “Aww, hey sweetheart! You’re so cool!” Izuku beamed, spinning her in a circle. “Oh god” Katsuki groaned, but his smile was evident when he looked over at you. “Now there’s two”. You laughed, “I don’t know why you’re surprised. All they talk about is their favorite heroes.”
“Hi Kacchy!” Extending her stubby arms, she reached towards the explosion hero, who picked her up like she was made of glass. “Hey, babygirl” he nuzzled her poofy blonde hair, “Excited for today?” Squishing her cheeks between her hands, she nodded. “Yes! Mommy told me not to get too excited ‘cause you might get busy like my babysitter sometimes. That made me kinda sad ‘cause you’re my only friends ‘sides mommy but she don’t count.” You scoffed, placing your hand over your chest in mock offense. “Well excuse me, miss thang. Go get your bracelet.” Katsuiki set her down and she scurried off towards her room, then he turned his attention to you. “You told her we might not come?” He frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. Making himself look even more imposing, but you weren’t about to back down. Not when it came to your daughter. “Well, you’re heroes. Heroes get busy.” You shrugged, turning to grab your things but he caught your elbow. Leaning forward, he whispered in your ear, “Look, Princess. I don’t know what you think we’re doing but know this “he jerked his head in the direction of the child’s room, “I’ll never be too busy for Blossom. I got a late start, but I’ll always be there to help take care of her. Of you too, if you let me. I understand that you’re looking out for her best interests but trust me when I say I won’t let the two of you down. Got that?”
Clearing your throat, you nodded, “Got it”. Katsuki smirked and patted your cheek. “Good girl.”
“I AM READY!” She skipped happily into the room. “Zuzu, what’s Kacchy doing to mommy?” He chuckled, “Being dramatic … That’s a cool bracelet.” He pointed at it and glanced towards you with furrowed brows. “I don’t like it. Feels funny.” Izuku nodded and walked towards you. “(Y/N) why does she have a quirk canceling bracelet?” He asked in a hushed tone. You sighed, “Well she has a quirk like her father and a temper to match. She exploded a kid’s face in class. Not enough to really hurt him but the school was concerned.” Bakugo scoffed, “Shouldn’t make her suppress her quirk. Little fucker probably deserved it.” A pointed stare from you had him raising his hands in surrender. If this thing was going to work, you all were going to have to compromise.
“I don’t know what happened, she’s a smart kid and normally so good with her quirk”.
“Shit happens” Katsuki shrugged, “I’ll help her with it,
Blossom babbled excitedly from the time you locked the door till you arrived at the restaurant. Even then she only stopped talking long enough to take bites of her chocolate chip pancakes. This was her favorite place to go eat. She’d told Katsuki about her favorite place and he texted you for the name. He’d called ahead and had the place shut down for the day. Well, Izuku called All Might, who called the restaurant and had it shut down for the day.
Katsuki and Blossom sat across from you and Izuku. His arm was thrown over the booth with his head resting on top of yours as he watched them. It all felt so right. Conversation flowed naturally between the four of you. Blossom is a talkative kid, and they were more than happy to hear her funny little stories. When the two men talked about villain fights, she listened intently. Nodding along with wide eyes. She was having such a good time that she didn’t want to leave. Only budging when Katsuki said that they’d go “blow some shit up”.
As they were leaving the restaurant, the heroes noticed that Blossom kept glancing over her shoulders. Upon further inspection, they saw that a toy store had been opened across the street and today was the grand opening. “Oi, wanna take a look?” Blossom’s eyes widened, “Can we, mommy?” Izuku slung his arm over your shoulder, “yeah can we mommy?” he smirked, rubbing his nose against your cheek like he used to do when he wanted something. With a dramatic sigh, you nodded reluctantly, “Just to look, k?”
What was supposed to be window shopping, turned into the little girl leading the men down the aisle pointing out her favorite things and them throwing it into the baskets. They ignored your protests and complaints. Even when you tried to tell them that you couldn’t afford that many toys right now. “Who said you were paying, Princess?” Brows furrowed and mouth agape you shook your head. “No” your voice was stern, “There’s no way I’m letting you buy all this stuff! It’s probably like $500 worth of toys in that basket; that’s almost half my rent!” Bakugo scoffed, muttering something like “that explains it” before pulling you to the side. “Did I not make myself clear earlier, (Y/N)? Didn’t I say that I’d help you take care of her?”
His tone wasn’t harsh, it was almost pleading. Guilt apparent in those crimson eyes. Though he never mentioned it to you, he’d been devastated when he found out about Blossom. Not because he didn’t want her, but because he missed so much. He felt like a selfish deadbeat. Never mentioning it to you because he didn’t want you to feel attacked. Izuku tried to reassure him, but it never worked. Nagging guilt lingered in his chest, only lessening when he saw his babygirl’s beautiful smile on facetime. He just wanted to make her happy. Make her proud.
Reaching up, you gently placed your hand on his cheek. “I know what you’re doing, ‘Suki. You did nothing wrong. That girl adores you. You don’t have to buy her affection” Grabbing your wrist, he turned his head to place a soft kiss against your palm. “I know that I don’t have to. I want to do this (y/n).” He’s really changed, you thought. Softer, and more in tune with his emotions. Who were you to stand in the way of his self-improvement? “Fine, but please stop Izu. I don’t need a 7-foot Allmight plushy in my house”. Katsuki smirked, “deal, but you have to let us buy all that shit in the basket plus that doll she keeps staring at”. He pointed towards a large display full of “My Life” dolls. Blossom had been wanting one forever because it was rare to find dolls that “looked like her” in Japan. The problem is they were so expensive, especially the black doll. It was like $75, not including all the accessories. Definitely not in your budget.
Izuku’s POV
After spending about an hour in the toy store, the four of us finally made it to the park. I was a little disappointed about the Allmight plush. Who wouldn’t want that? They’re weird but I’ve learned to pick and choose my battles along time ago when it came to those two. They can be stubborn, but that’s apart of why I love them so much. And, Blossom … she’s just so sweet, and smart, and strong. Just like her parents. I love that little girl with all my heart. Even though she’s not technically “mines” I’d still do anything for her. I consider her my daughter, too.
How could I not, given my feelings about her parents?
Finding (Y/N) after all this time was crazy. We were devastated when she disappeared. There were so many things that went unsaid. We never got to tell her how we felt. What we wanted. It was hard hearing from her parents that she left for America without saying goodbye. We know that it was a lie now but we were angry for a long time. Then we were sad. Really sad. Don’t get me wrong, me and Kacchan love each other very much. It’s just that we started this together. No matter how happy we felt, there was always something missing. A lost piece of the puzzle.
(Y/N) and I are sitting on a bench, bundled close together to “keep warm”, while we watch Katsuki and Blossom blow up soda bottles. My arm is around her and she’s resting her head against my shoulder, with our hands are intertwined in my lap. She looks so relaxed, smiling softly at the two blondes, chuckling whenever Kacchan pretends to be afraid of her explosions. I’m not surprised that Kacchan’s doing so well, he’s good at everything. Of course, he’s a good dad. He’d been so worried but I knew he’d be fine. He’s not the villain everyone makes him out to be, even if he dresses like one. Like c’mon, would it kill you to wear something other than black? Especially, with the tats and black nail polish, but I must admit that he wears the “emo grunge” look well. Time has done him well.
(Y/N) looks good too. Just as gorgeous as the day we first met her. The same gorgeous smile, beautiful hair and pretty brown skin. I see she put on a couple pounds too, but I’m definitely not complaining. Not that I’m staring or being weird or anything, but it’s kinda hard to miss an ass like that. Fuck … She was working with a lil somethin’ somethin’ back at UA, but mostly lean and athletic. Which was perfectly fine, but now? Body’s built like a back road on the countryside, and I’d love to get to know every curve, dent, and dip.
That outfit she wore today was amazing. Emphasized everything perfectly. I thought her little boots were adorable because even with the chunky heel, I was still about a foot taller than her. She’d always been a tiny little thing compared to us. It was so easy for us to toss her around that night.
Now, I’m getting hard.
In a playground.
Well, isn’t this fucking awkward?
Thank God it’s not noticeable, but I need to get my shit together or I’ll end up throwing her over my shoulder and railing her in the car. I don’t know hoe she’d feel about that, so I’ll keep my dirty thoughts bottled up for now. I’m not gonna mess things up by moving too fast, Kacchan feels the same way. Taking things slow is the best course of action. Besides, Kacchan can help me out with my little problemlater on tonight.
(Y/N) squeezes my hand, bringing my attention to her pretty (e/c) eyes. “Watcha’ thinking ‘bout, Izu?” The way she’s looking at me is sending butterflies to my stomach. Feeling tingles all over from the tips of my toes to my fingertips. Man I fucking love this girl. “I’m just happy we found you, doll” I lean forward to kiss her forehead and she hums contently. “Me too”.
Katsuki’s POV
My little girl is amazing.
She’s beautiful, smart and she’s fucking amazing with her quirk. I know about the whole “quirk singularity” theory, but this kid is fucking powerful. I can only imagine how much better she’ll get. Definitely getting into UA on a recommendation, and why the fuck not? Her dad is gonna be the number one hero after all.
“Good job, babygirl. Now, let’s try something different. You’re gonna face your hands down and use it to push you up. Think you can do that for me?” Nodding enthusiastically, the little girl started jumping up and down to accumulate some sweat, since it was kind of cold out. She looked adorable with her fluffy puffballs bouncing up and down. “Watch me, Kacchy!” Her little explosion was strong enough to boost her over my head. “Let’s fuckin’ go!!” I laughed, catching her midair. I couldn’t hear it, but I saw Deku and (Y/N) clapping on the bench. They looked cozy. I can work with that.
“I did it, I did it!” Blossom giggled, waving her hands in the air and shooting out small explosions. “You did, but what did I tell you about putting them so close to your face?” She frowned, “I’m not ‘posed to do it ‘cus if I put ‘em too close to my ears, I won’t be able to hear shit like you. Sorry, Kacchy. You mad?” Her little lip was trembling, and it looked like she might cry; fuck, she got me. I’m done for. This little fucker is gonna milk me dry, I can already tell. “I’d never be mad at you, babygirl. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” I gave her a squeeze and set her down, but she still seemed upset.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, squatting in front of her. “You really not mad? My teacher was mad when I used my quirk wrong?” Fuckin’ asshole. I should go blow that damn school up. Then they’d really be mad. “Don’t worry about that, it was just an accident”. Her eyes widened and she looked at her feet. Interesting. “It was an accident right, babygirl?” I ask, trying my best not to laugh. “Well … don’t tell mommy k?” This should be good. I nodded, prompting her to go on. “Well, this boy said something mean and I ‘ploded his face”. That’s my girl. My chest was filled with pride. Could this kid get any better? I know the responsible thing to do would be to scold her, but fuck that! I knew the little fucker deserved it, probably said some fucked up shit. “What did he say?” Blossom sucked in a deep breath and just let it all out.
“He said that his daddy said you were a bad hero with a big mouth and I told him that he was wrong and then he said no you were stupid and then I said don’t call my daddy stupid and then he laughed and said you weren’t my daddy and then I ‘ploded his face”.
It took a minute for me too process what she had said. I was focused on the part about that asshole kid’s dad, but then it clicked. She said I was her daddy. My heart was hammering in my chest and I had to shove my hands in my pockets to keep them from exploding.
“How’d ‘ya know?” She shrugged, “Cause our hair and eyes and ‘plosions. And cause you and zuzu want to be my friend when nobody else does. Plus Zuzu is always saying stuff on accident.”
Fucking nerd.
“I’m sorry I didn’t see you before, but I’m gonna be there now. Are you okay with that? With m-me?” Fuck, I’m crying. Why am I fucking crying ? And why is a 3 ½ year old consoling me and wiping my tears. “S’okay , Kacchy. Mommy told me that you were keeping us safe. So you don’t have to be sad.” I nodded, standing up to take her hand. “Let’s go get some ice cream.”
“Okay, daddy!”
My Moots| @xogabbiexo, @plussizeficchick, @riozakii, @dabilovesme, @rinhoes, @ravenina14, @bakugous-forehead, @bl--ankhaeji, @blkchxrryblyss, @presidentmonica, @angwritez, @38riku, @indiecursor, @dejwrites, @xosuki, @po3ticb3auty, @luna-indigoduh, @nasty-quillz, @neeheehe, @namjoonswifeyy, @not-your-damsel, @xjup1t3r, @bookwormsenpai, @tenyaiidasslut, @sizeklink, @angwritez,
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killmyluck · 3 years
Bakudeku #24
As Izuku clutched his hair in his hands, on the verge of an anxiety attack, he heard the chair from the desk next to him creak slowly from the weight of someone sitting down. 
He groaned, already dreading the lecture he was about to receive. “Ochako, I know what you’re going to say, and I fucked up. It’s all a mess, I’m never getting a boyfriend because he probably hates me, and I don’t blame him but I wish that he would just listen to me for once instead of blowing up and leaving!”
Izuku paused. “Well- I, um, I guess he’s allowed to do that. And I probably deserve it, too. But- but it’s just so unfair! Because even after all his yelling and storming off, why is he still so attractive?” Izuku complained while crossing his arms. 
“His muscles just stare at me every time we’re in the locker rooms, and I try so hard not to look at anyone because I don’t want them to feel, like, violated!”
Izuku heard a slightly strangled noise next to him and rolled his eyes. “No, listen, he always changes right next to me, and when he catches me staring, he looks at me with that stupid smirk and asks if I like what I see! God! Which, of course I do, but I can’t say that, can I?! So I just stutter out some nonsense and look away. And we fight, too. Of course, you already know about most of them... but it’s so hard to not call after him every time he leaves first. He always leaves first. But I think I’m getting used to him leaving now at least, and-”
Izuku gave a short huff. “And yes, Ochako, I know one day he’ll leave and never come back, just like you always say. And I know it’ll be without me. So when it comes, and he leaves for good, I’ll brace myself. Just- just give me time." 
Izuku hated how weak his voice sounded at the last sentence. He closed his eyes and laid his head down on his desk, facing the left to look at Ochako. He opened his eyes to thank the girl for always listening to his rants and froze.
Because Katsuki Bakugo was sitting there instead.
“Wha-” Izuku’s jaw dropped and he sat up hastily, gaping like a fish. “Ka- Kacchan! Don’t tell me you- you heard- did you hear everything?” Izuku screeched.
“Yep." And the way Bakugo replied was through his usual confidence, all edges and smirks, but Izuku caught a pained look in the boy’s eyes... almost like he was hurt before the look quickly went away and Izuku brushed it off as part of his imagination. Bakugo leaned forward, and Izumi scrambled backwards in his chair to maintain any semblance of distance between them, especially considering that he had just rambled about his most embarrassing secrets to his crush.
“So... you like looking at me in the locker rooms?” Bakugo smirked devilishly again, and Izuku wondered how he could have ever thought Bakugo could look hurt from his rant.
“N-no!” Izuku spluttered. “Wha- who says I was talking about you?”
Bakugo frowned, clearly caught off guard by Izuku’s defense. “What? There’s no one else-” He cut off, and Izuku could tell an unpleasant thought had crossed his mind, for Bakugo scowled even deeper and smoke seeped out of his clenched fists.
“Kacchan?” Izuku asked tentatively. “Are you alright?”
“Fuck that,” Bakugo growled. “Answer me, Deku. Were you talking about me?”
And Izuku felt small, overpowered, and overwhelmed by the tsunami that was Katsuki Bakugo. He gazed up and locked gazes with crimson ones. 
“Yes,” he answered honestly. Kacchan could always tell if he was lying, so really, there was no point in trying to dodge the question. And Izuku had found that over the years, he didn’t want to lie to Kacchan anyway. There was never any need to.
Bakugo sucked in a sharp breath and sat down, placing himself a good distance away from Izuku (which Izuku silently thanked the heavens for). An awkward silence stretched across the classroom, and Izuku fidgeted with the hem of his sleeves as the clock ticked on by, each second a pressuring reminder of his impending doom.
Finally, Bakugo spoke. 
“Why?” He asked, voice slightly cracking.
Izuku’s head shot up in shock. While Bakugo wasn’t in tears, Izuku saw the same pained expression that he thought he had imagined earlier return. So he hadn’t imagined it. 
Izuku tilted his head. “How could it not be you, Kacchan?”
Bakugo scowled. “I knew it was me, Deku, it was pretty fucking obvious-”
“No, you’re not getting it." Izuku shook his head firmly, determined to make Bakugo understand. “How... how could it have been anyone else? How could you even think it could be anyone else? You work so hard, and we mostly- sometimes don’t get along but when we do, it feels like we’re flying! Like we’re unstoppable together. And despite the fights, and the mean things you say to me, I’m never leaving your side. That doesn’t mean I’ll just sit there and take it, but I’m staying here, because I know you’re more than that.”
At Bakugo’s look of incredulity, Izuku locked eyes with him once more. “It was always you, Kacchan."
This time, it was Bakugo’s turn to freeze. Izuku lowered his eyes, fear and insecurity returning once more. He felt the desk next to him shift and brisk footsteps followed to the door of the classroom. The door opened, and Izuku wondered if Bakugo remembered what he had said about his always leaving first. And how Izuku had always refrained from calling out. He wondered if Bakugo remembered as the footsteps paused, and silence hung heavy. If Bakugo remembered as he finally exited out of the classroom and down the hall.
The door closed.
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Req: Izuku isn't one to keep grudges. He'd rather bury the hatchet & move on. But when word got out that Bakugō's past as a bully & an abuser got exposed at the latest annual Hero Gala, where he just got promoted to the #1 Hero no less, Izuku couldn't deny the small feeling of satisfaction within him. Soon, Bakugō lost the respect of his fellow Class 1-A graduates, former UA teachers, most of Japanese citizens & the whole world. His Hero license got revoked. He becomes what Izuku used to be.
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Me: Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just wanna go apeshit? Izuku: N- Not partic- Me: TOO LATE!
I kinda incorporated these two asks, so please enjoy ~5000 words of Bakugou Katsuki / My Fist In His Face! :D
Edit: Ao3 Link: Fall from Grace ______
‘And taking the number two spot, moving down a place from last time, is the second coming of the symbol of peace, Hero Dekiru!’ The announcer exclaimed excitedly.
Forcing a bright smile onto his face, Izuku stepped out onto the stage and took his place next to Creati, who had secured the third spot. He looked out over the audience and waved as his fans cheered excitedly. Inside though, he wanted nothing more than to hide away and take his frustrations out on one of his home gym’s punching bags.
‘That means, folks, this season’s number one hero isss...’ The announcer paused for dramatic effect. ‘The Great Explosion Murder God, Dynamight!’
Izuku had to refrain from wincing when the audience’s cries and cheers became almost deafening. Kacchan strode out onto the stage, a manic smile on his face as he set off some celebratory explosions from his palms. As the blonde walked past Izuku, he muttered a quiet ‘Take that, Deku’ that only Momo and Shoto could hear. Izuku glanced out of the corner of his eye at the two; Momo furrowed her eyebrows, unimpressed, while Shoto didn’t even bother to hide his eye roll and displeased snort.
Kacchan took his place next to Izuku, smirking for all to see. When the crowd eventually fell silent, the announcer made her way down the line, asking each of the top ten heroes for a comment. Usually, Izuku would listen intently and nod along, but it was currently taking all of his energy just to maintain his reassuring presence.
All Might never had this problem. He thought to himself, as Suneater nervously stuttered through his speech.
His mentor always seemed so far away from the other heroes that he never had a problem bagging first place.
Ever since Izuku graduated from UA though, it had been a constant battle between who gained the spot of number one hero. Izuku liked friendly competition and rivalry, having dealt with it long enough that he had to learn to like it; he liked the competition because it meant he could build himself to be the best hero he could possibly be. However, the fact that it was always between him and Kacchan was getting a little old.
Izuku couldn’t fathom it. He wasn’t a bitter person; he knew that he had to work hard to earn the number one spot… But it was no secret that he had saved the most people throughout their careers so far. He had done everything he could to be the next symbol of peace and people did see him that way. They relied on him and believed in him. If they were in trouble, it wasn’t Dynamight they called for. It was Dekiru...
Everyone just seemed to like Kacchan more.
Izuku should be used to it by now. Ever since they were kids, it had been the same. He knew he shouldn’t let this get to him. He became what he was meant to be. He was the symbol of peace and he didn’t need a ranking to prove that-
‘Hero Dekiru!’ The announcer greeted, rounding on Izuku and startling him enough that he nearly launched himself into the air. She shoved the microphone in his face expectantly and he had to remind himself that it was his turn to speak.
'Er…' He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled endearingly. 'I know I'm prone to rambling, so I'll keep it short haha!'
The room laughed along with him and Izuku blushed a little. 'I just want to say that I am so proud of my fellow heroes! You've all been amazing and deserve recognition for it.' He swallowed thickly. 'And congratulations to Ka- to Dynamight for reaching number one! I'll be sure to work extra hard to catch up!'
He felt a pair of crimson eyes burning holes into his side. Ignoring it, Izuku raised his fist into the air. 'Let's all continue to do our best! Pluuuuus…'
'Ultra!' The audience chorused, before erupting into a round of applause. Izuku's smile felt genuine when he saw so many people inspired by his words.
'Yeah, good luck with that, Deku!' His smile faltered slightly when Kacchan grabbed the mic and started his own speech. 'I've made it to number one and I'm here to stay! I'm the best of the best and I can't wait to punch some more bastards!'
'Language!' The announcer squeaked, albeit she giggled along with the crowd.
While everyone was distracted, Izuku snuck a glance at Shoto, only to find his partner already staring at him knowingly.
You okay? His eyes seemed to say.
Izuku shrugged ever so slightly.
Aren't I always?
Everything felt fuzzy.
Izuku raised a hand to his face and regarded it with narrow eyes as it slowly came into focus.
'You okay, love?'
Izuku pulled his head back, forming a double chin, and looked over at the person beside him who had spoken. He instantly recognised the long white and red hair, styled into a loose braid that framed his partner's angelic face, and relaxed.
'Shouchan!' He slurred out, leaning forwards and throwing his arms around him. 'Where have you been? I missed you!'
'I've been sitting next to you for the past 15 minutes.' Shoto pulled back and raised an eyebrow. 'You've been staring out into space for a while. You okay?'
'Just thinking.' Izuku leaned his elbow on the table in front of them and rested his cheek in his hand.
The two of them were at the annual hero gala that always occurred two days after the summer rankings were announced. Usually, Shoto was the one begging them not to go, while Izuku dragged him with a promise of cold soba at the end of it. This time, however, the opposite had happened. Not only had Izuku been adamant about not wanting to go, but Shoto had actively encouraged him to attend, reasoning that Izuku would regret it if he didn’t. Eventually, he begrudgingly caved and agreed to go, but only after a two hour pouting session.
Oh well, At least there was alcohol at this thing.
'What’re you thinking about?' Shoto asked. 'Usually, you mumble when you're thinking.'
'It's improper to bitch about the number one hero out loud, Shoto-kun.' Izuku replied easily, looking over at where some fancy people from the Hero Commission were congratulating Kacchan, who looked so smug Izuku couldn't help but scrunch his face up in distaste.
'Those results were such bullshit.' Shoto muttered, following his gaze. 'You're better than him by a long shot and people love you, yet-’
'-Kacchan always wins.' Izuku sighed. 'Maybe I need to be more like him and-'
'Don't even go there, Izuku.' Shoto warned. 'I'll give you a pass because you're a bit tipsy, but don't ever suggest that again.’
His partner raised his hands and cupped his cheeks, forcing Izuku to look at him. 'People love you so much because you're you. You don't need to change anything about yourself. All Might didn't pick Bakugou. One for All didn't pick Bakugou. I didn't pick Bakugou. We picked you, because you are worthy. You defeated All for One. You saved the world more times than I can count. You're brave and kind and somehow gentle despite being a fucking powerhouse, so don't even think for a moment that you need to be more like him, because Midoriya Izuku is so much better.'
Izuku felt his eyes begin to water and hurriedly moved to bury his face in the crook of his partner’s neck to hide his tears. He wished he didn’t have to be here, under the constant gaze of the media. He wanted to be able to cry freely, but he was a symbol and symbols didn’t cry.
Unless they were the symbol of crying… Izuku reckoned he’d be pretty good at that.
He felt Shoto freeze in his arms when some camera shutters suddenly went off not too far away. 
‘I’m sorry, love.’ He murmured against his ear. ‘Time to be Dekiru again.’
Izuku sighed heavily, before lifting his head and turning towards the camera, a bright smile on his face as he waved to the lens.
‘Dekiru!’ One journalist shouted. ‘We were hoping to take pictures of the top three heroes together. Would you mind joining us for a moment?’
‘Of course!’ Izuku beamed. He stood then, before bowing to Shoto. In a moment of boldness, he took his partner’s hand in his own and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. The cameras went wild, but Izuku focused only on the lovely blush dusting Shoto’s cheeks. ‘See you soon.’
Shoto hummed in response, not knowing what to do with himself, and Izuku smiled softly, before he stepped away and allowed himself to be shimmied over to the desired area. He stumbled slightly from the alcohol - if anyone noticed, they didn’t comment.
Izuku’s jaw dropped when his eyes landed on Momo, who was already waiting for them on the red carpet. She looked absolutely gorgeous tonight; her hair was styled in a half-up half-down braid, allowing her loose hair to cover her shoulders and run down her body without getting in her eyes. She donned a sleeveless scarlet dress, which accentuated the muscles of her arms and complimented her ebony eyes exquisitely. The material fit snugly at her waist, before flowing out around her, like the petals of a red lily flower, until it reached the floor. She made Izuku look incredibly underdressed, with his forest green suit, lack of tie and signature red shoes.
Granted, at the start of the night, Shoto had insisted that Izuku’s legs looked so good that he wouldn’t mind being crushed by them, but he had quickly waved him off. His partner was biased.
‘Momo-san!’ He greeted, taking her hands in his own when he reached her. ‘You look as beautiful as always!’
‘Oh stop!’ She giggled, squeezing his hands affectionately. ‘You’re one to talk. Shoto-san took me aside earlier to complain about how handsome you looked.’
Izuku’s face turned the same colour as her outfit.
‘He what now?’
Momo merely laughed in response, but before she could say anything else, the booming voice of the number one hero drowned out all other sounds.
‘Let’s get this over with, extras.’ Kacchan rolled his neck and cracked his knuckles, joining them on the carpet.
Izuku and Momo nodded in greeting and the three of them waited for the photographers to tell them where to stand.
The shoot lasted all of ten minutes, but to Izuku, it felt like an hour. Having to listen to Kacchan’s quiet jibes about how great he was was starting to get on his nerves. Izuku knew he shouldn’t let his words grate at him so badly, but the alcohol was starting to exacerbate his resentment towards the blonde, to the point where he was about to explode.
It wasn’t until they were making their way back to the main area that he finally cracked.
‘It must suck to be you, Deku.’ Kacchan grinned, hands deep in his pockets as he looked ahead at the Dynamight posters plastered to the walls.
Izuku grit his teeth to keep his signature smile on his face, but otherwise didn’t respond.
Kacchan took that as his cue to continue. ‘I mean, I can’t imagine how disappointed All Might must feel right now. Even with all those quirks and One for All, I’m still better than you.’
He’s just being Kacchan. Ignore him.
‘It seems All Might’s legacy ends with him, if his successor can’t even keep the number one spot. Seems you’ll always be behind me, no matter how many times I have to put you in your place.’
He’s wrong… Toshinori-san is proud of me.
‘Remember when I told you to hope for a quirk in the next life?’ Kacchan laughed. ‘I take it back. Turns out that even with a quirk, you’ll always be a loser.’
Izuku’s eye twitched.
‘Maybe you and Icyhot really are meant for each other. After all, you’re both disappointments to your families.’
Izuku’s body moved before he could comprehend what was happening. One moment, his fist was at his side, the next it was colliding with Kacchan’s jaw. Despite his lightning fast reflexes, the blonde hadn’t anticipated such an attack and was sent flying. In midair, he set off a series of explosions from his palms to steady himself as he descended.
When he landed, the entire room went silent.
‘What the fu-’
‘How dare you talk about Shoto like that!’ Izuku yelled. ‘Shoto is twice the man you will ever be. Don’t you dare call him a disappointment’
His entire body was shaking and he felt like his face was on fire. What was he doing? He was making a scene. What was everyone going to think of him after this?
‘You wanna fucking go?’ Kacchan roared.
Izuku quickly decided he didn’t care.
‘You think you’re so great, don’t you?’ He stood up straight, staring into those raging crimson eyes. His inhibitions had dissolved and all those pent-up emotions quickly flowed out, unfiltered. ‘You want everyone to think you’re the best of the best, when you couldn’t be further from it!’
‘Looks like someone’s pissed because I’m the number one-’
‘I don’t care about that!’ Izuku yelled. ‘I’m pissed because I used to actually think you were the greatest! I used to think your quirk was so amazing and that you really were the best! And what did I get for it? Broken bones, second-degree burns and taunts that I was a worthless nobody.’
‘Deku.’ Kacchan warned. Izuku noticed his expression change into something he almost didn’t recognise on his old friend’s face: fear.
‘What’s wrong, Kacchan? Afraid I’m going to expose you as the shitty person you really are?!’ He mocked, trying to keep his voice even. ‘Do you even remember what you used to do to me back when we were kids? I remember. I still live with the consequences every single day. Do you know how long it took for me to stop flinching whenever you spoke? Do you know that every time I hear a loud noise, my skin aches? It remembers all the times you used your quirk on me. You bullied me for over a decade and yet you have the audacity to say that I’m somehow the one who-’
‘I was trying to protect you!’ Kacchan shouted. He started to stride towards Izuku, but Kirishima quickly appeared from the crowd of curious onlookers and held him back. ‘You never took yourself into account! I was trying to stop you from hurting yourself!’
‘So you thought you’d hurt me instead?!’ Izuku couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips. ‘“Protecting” me? Is that what you tell yourself at night? That you were protecting me when you punched me for standing up to you? That you were protecting me when you destroyed my notebooks and threatened me daily?’
Izuku took a deep breath. No going back after this. ‘Were you protecting me when you told me to take a swan dive off the school’s roof when I was 14?’
The entire room gasped, before erupting into scattered noise. Journalists addressed Kacchan, asking if Izuku was telling the truth; several pro-heroes were murmuring to each other, mortified, while the hosts of the event tried to de-escalate the situation but to no avail. Izuku wasn’t listening to all that though. His heart was pounding against his chest, the drumming in his ears drowning out all other noise. He squeezed his eyes shut.
What have I done? I can't believe I said all that! The symbol of peace is meant to keep it together all the time. I’m supposed to be strong for others. How can I be that, now that everyone knows that I’m useless Deku-
‘Izuku.’ He felt a hand brush against his own and Izuku opened his eyes to find Shoto standing in front of him, his expression one of concern. ‘My love, can you hear me?’
Izuku nodded rapidly and leant forward, allowing his partner to wrap him in a hug. He rested his forehead against a sturdy shoulder.
‘I fucked up.’ He murmured against the material of his kimono. ‘I fucked up so bad.’
‘Shhh, don’t say that.’ Shoto whispered, stroking his hair, before turning his head away to address the strangers approaching. His voice turned icy. ‘No, Dekiru will not be taking comments. Back off if you know what’s good for you.’
When they took the hint and dispersed, Shoto sighed and rested his cheek on top of his head. ‘Talk to me, Izuku.’
‘I was so tired of it all.’ He pulled back enough so that he had a clear view of Kacchan being swarmed by the press over Shoto’s shoulder. The blonde looked angry and worried as he shouted at the crowd and - wait, is that Ochaco-chan being restrained by Iida-kun not too far away?
Izuku shook his head and watched the display. ‘He kept saying things and I got angry and then he called you a disappointment and I just...’ His eyes widened and he grasped at his hair. ‘I punched him. Oh my god, I punched Kacchan!’
‘He deserved it.’
‘That doesn’t make it okay, Shoto-kun!’ Izuku exclaimed, tugging on his curls until it hurt. ‘I don’t- I’m meant to be the symbol of peace, but I just punched another hero! I can’t just pretend that didn’t happen… And what I said… Everyone heard. They’re gonna think I’m weak. Maybe I am. I’m just so tired. Maybe Kacchan’s right. Maybe I should’ve taken a swan di-’
‘Don’t even fucking go there, Izuku.’ Shoto’s arms tightened fiercely around him. ‘Don’t think like that. You’re gonna be okay, I promise. We’ll get through this.’
‘Let’s go home.’ His partner wrapped his hands around Izuku’s wrists, coaxing him to let go of his hair. ‘We’ll go home. You don’t have to deal with this now. Clear your head first.’
Izuku searched Shoto’s eyes, before he nodded in agreement. He took his partner's hand and let himself be led through the hall, towards the exit. They made it halfway, when Kacchan suddenly blasted himself into the air to escape the crowd and landed in front of them.
‘You think you’re gonna drop me in it and just leave?’ He growled. ‘Fucking coward.’
‘Izuku owes you nothing, Bakugou.’ Shoto’s voice was cold, unforgiving. ‘If it were up to me, I’d have exposed you years ago.’
‘This has nothing to do with you, Icyhot.’ Kacchan moved so that he was at the centre of Izuku’s vision. ‘I wanna make something clear to Deku.’
Several years ago, Izuku would’ve looked away under such an intense glare, but at that moment, he stared right back. He straightened his posture and furrowed his eyebrows, expectantly. He was tired of staying silent and letting his old bully walk all over him.
‘What do you want?’
Kacchan tsked.
‘These extras are gonna ask you if what you just said was true.’ He narrowed his eyes. ‘You're gonna tell them you've had too much to drink.'
Emerald met piercing scarlet and Izuku knew immediately what his answer was. He had always hoped he could bury the hatchet and move on, but as he regarded Kacchan in front of him now, he knew deep down he couldn't do that. He didn't want Kacchan to suffer…
But he couldn't just continue to let him believe that what he did was right either.
'No, I'm not.'
‘Excuse me?’
‘I said,’ Izuku stood up a little straighter and tightened his grip on Shoto’s hand. Anxiety riddled through his body, pumping him with so much adrenaline he felt his heart pounding against his chest. ‘No. I’m not going to deny what I’ve said. You may be a hero, I may admire you, but I’m not going to lie for you anymore. You need to take responsibility.’
Kacchan opened his mouth, but Izuku raised a hand to silence him. ‘We’re done here, Bakugou.’
Wordlessly, he then stepped forwards and walked past the blonde, who seemed at a loss of what to say. Izuku trembled violently as he walked and felt tears prick at the corner of his eyes - he hoped Kacchan hadn’t noticed - and didn’t slow his pace until Shoto caught up to him.
‘Izuku.’ His partner spoke, rubbing his arm to get his attention. When Izuku turned his head to look at him, Shoto linked his hand around his bicep. ‘Come with me a second.’
He allowed himself to be towed towards a bathroom. The room was blurry, but when Shoto locked the door behind them and turned to look at him, Izuku’s vision sharpened; all he could focus on were dichromatic eyes that shone like the sky, the loose strands of red and white hair that hung in front of his face, the smooth porcelain skin that juxtaposed the roughened scar tissue around his left eye.
The beautiful, full lips that opened to speak.
‘Let it out, my love.’
The words were spoken so softly, but echoed loudly in his ears. Izuku’s lip trembled, and when strong arms came to wrap around him, one hand against the curve of his spine while the other cradled the back of his head protectively, Izuku slumped against him. He buried his head in his partner’s chest and clutched at the fine material of his blue kimono as he finally succumbed to the tears that had ached for release.
He cried loud, broken sobs, muffled only by the drenched fabric that he clung to so desperately; all the anger, hurt and fear he had suppressed for so long flowed out of him with each ragged breath. Izuku had always been an emotional person, but this felt different. These weren’t happy tears or frustrated tears. These were almost cathartic.
He didn’t know how long they stayed there in the bathroom, ignoring the irate knocks from the outside as Shoto gently soothed him. All he knew was that when his eyes eventually dried out and he was out of breath, his partner gently held his face in his hands and leaned down so that their foreheads were touching. Izuku sighed tiredly and felt their noses brush slightly when Shoto finally whispered,
‘I’m so proud of you. I love you.’
'Breaking news: The next Endeavour? Sources report that number one hero, Dynamight, is facing allegations of bullying and past-abuse.'
Izuku looked up at the tv screen, alarmed. Him and Shoto were visiting his mum and Toshinori. Usually, the two heroes don't watch tv, but his mum liked to have it on so that the apartment was never too quiet. It calmed her.
Now though, Izuku was anything but calm. His heartbeat quickened and he felt his back straighten. His eyes were glued to the screen, which was broadcasting video footage from the annual hero gala last night. He had known that the media was going to blow up after his little… Outburst, but he didn’t know someone had filmed it.
'During the annual hero gala last night, pro-hero Dekiru was seen having a confrontation with the number one hero, where he revealed that he used to be physically and emotionally abused by the explosion hero. While the symbol of peace appeared to be a little bit tipsy, outside sources have revealed that there may be truth to the allegations and a formal investigation has been launched.'
Izuku felt nauseous, his palms were sweaty and he refused to look anywhere but at the screen. He felt three pairs of eyes on him, but tried to ignore it.
He couldn't bear to see their disappointment. Weak, defenseless Deku, revealed for the whole nation to see.
'Here is some footage from their argument last night. Viewer discretion is advised due to the nature of the conversation.’
The reporter went silent and the video unmuted; the static of the low-quality microphone buzzed in his ears.
'You think you’re so great, don’t you? You want everyone to think you’re the best of the best, when you couldn’t be further from it!'
Izuku stared at the screen, his own words echoing back through the TV. He breathed heavily, trying to maintain his composure, but when Kacchan tried to justify himself, he couldn’t take it anymore and turned it off. 
The room went silent.
Izuku quickly decided he hated that even more.
‘Sweetheart...’ Before he could comprehend what was happening, small arms wrapped around his waist and his mum’s comforting embrace suddenly surrounded him. Izuku froze for a moment, before he gingerly returned the hug. ‘I knew he could be a little rough with you when you were younger, but this? Why didn’t you say something sooner?’
‘Because it wouldn't have made a difference.’ Izuku shrugged. When his mum moved to say something else, he quickly added. ‘Don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault.’
‘Izuku, baby-‘
‘It wasn’t your fault.’ He repeated firmly, pulling back to look into her tearful eyes. When she shook her head, distraught, Izuku sighed. ‘I didn’t want you to find out this way.’
‘Sounds like you didn’t want either of us to find out at all, my boy.’ Toshinori suddenly spoke from behind. A large hand came to rest on his shoulder and Izuku turned his head to find his mentor regarding him with regretful eyes. ‘I should’ve known really.’
‘You couldn’t-’
‘Young Bakugou told me once that he used to bully you.’ Toshinori admitted, ashamed. ‘He didn’t go into details and he used the same excuse as he did last night, but I should’ve realised immediately that there was more to it than that. At the time, I tried to reassure young Bakugou that by helping with your training, he was repenting for what he had done. Instead, I should’ve spoken to you, my boy. I should’ve asked for the full story. I should’ve noticed the way he acted during training exercises, the way he talked to you during our meetings. I should’ve released that your relationship wasn’t as simple as deep rivalry.’
Izuku saw his mentor glance at his mum for a moment, before removing his hand from his shoulder. ‘I used to be a hero; I promised your mother I would protect you and dedicate myself to training you, yet I was blind to the iniquity that was happening around me. I put you in an unsafe environment without even realising and made you work with your abuser. I will never forgive myself for that.’
Izuku stared at Toshinori. A whirl of emotions scattered across his face, before he settled for something he was familiar with: tears.
‘I forgive you.’ He spoke, voice hoarse from the lump in his throat.
Shoto stared at the sight before him, shuffling on his feet rather awkwardly as his partner forced All Might into a bone-crushing hug. Not knowing what to do with himself, he scanned the rest of the room, before noticing Izuku’s phone buzzing violently on the table.
Intrigued, Shoto reached down and scanned over the notifications.
Ur my rock bro [1:24]: Hey man, hope you’re okay! Yaoyorozu and I tried looking for you and Todoroki, but we couldn’t find you. Hope you got home safe. Let me know, yeah? We’re worried[...]
Breaking News! Petty rivalry or power complexes between the number one and two heroes?
Heroes Weekly: Drama down at the annual hero gala last night as Dekiru drunkenly reveals Dynamight’s problematic past.
Tokyo News: The Hero Public Safety Commission has temporarily suspended the hero licence of number one hero Dynaminght, in light of recent allegations.
Speedy Gonzales [07:29]: Good morning, Midoriya-san! Please give me a ring when you get the chance. I am wishing you all the best during this time and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you[…]
Plus Ultra Press: Truth to Dekiru’s words? Several individuals have come forward to reveal that they were also tormented by Dynamight as children.
Eraserhead [10:36]: I have taken it upon myself to expel Bakugou. If you need a break from it all, let me know. I should’ve told you more when you were my student, but you’re a good kid. I[…]
The Problem Children of UA: Aizawa’s Secret Love Child removed LordExplosionMurder from the chat Aizawa’s Secret Love Child [4:58]: @He Need Some Milk hope you[…] Crazy Frog [11:32]: *Kero* Wishing you all the best Midoriya-chan[…] FlexTape420 [11:33]: ^^^ If you need anything, let us know! Calamari [11:33]: We’re here for you! <3 An actual Goddess [11:37]: I hope you’re safe. Know that we support[…] Prince Charming [11:40]: Oui oui! I have an assortment of cheese for[…] Dr Dolittle [11:42]: @Dr 5PeePeeMan are you with Midoriya-kun now[…] 15 more messages
Uwawaka [11:59]: Deku-kun, I know this isn’t the bestest of times, but I need bail money and Iida-kun won’t help. Seems *you* can punch Bakugou, but when I do it, it’s aSsAuLt
Shoto raised a brow at the last one, clearly amused, and made a mental note to go down to the station later with bail money. He then looked up to find Izuku walking towards him; his eyes were red and puffy, although he wore a small smile. Immediately, Shoto put the phone down and opened his arms, wrapping his partner in a gentle hug.
‘You okay, love?’ He murmured, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
‘Getting there.’ Izuku nuzzled his neck. ‘What were you looking at while the rest of us talked about our feelings?’
Shoto huffed at that.
‘I was checking your messages. Everyone’s worried.’ He answered honestly. When his partner hummed softly, he continued. ‘They really care about you. We all do. We’re on your side.’
‘I’ll reply to them later, promise.’ Izuku paused for a moment, struggling to get his words out. I just feel… Weird.’
‘Weird? In what way?’
‘Like… I’m glad of their support, but I can’t help but think I’m causing a fuss.’ Izuku exhaled, warm breath fanning Shoto’s neck. ‘I mean, he doesn’t bully me anymore and he really is a good hero. Maybe I’m just being petty? Part of me is even relieved… Is that bad? To get satisfaction from something like this? I mean, it’s my fault this is happening in the first place.’
Shoto closed his eyes and sighed, resting his chin on top of his partner’s head.
‘It’s not bad. I felt the same way when my family’s past got leaked.’ He admitted softly. ‘At that point, my old man was trying to make amends and the world needed the number one hero, so I felt like bringing his past to light was selfish - even though it wasn’t my fault it got exposed… But that didn’t stop me feeling relieved when the world finally got to see him for who he truly was.’
He felt Izuku’s arms tighten around his waist; a comforting gesture. ‘You’re not selfish for wanting justice, Izuku. You already give the world so much. You may have exposed Bakugou, but the true fault lies with him.’
Shoto hoped his words sounded reassuring. He wasn’t as good as his partner was with these kinds of things.
‘Thank you.’ Izuku whispered, voice breaking slightly.
‘It’s going to be okay.’ Shoto soothed, sincerity laced behind every word. ‘I promise.’
Several weeks went by and still, the investigation continued. While the Hero Commission had temporarily suspended Bakugou’s hero licence, they still seemed reluctant to find any concrete evidence of their number one hero’s past record of abuse - probably due the damage caused by Endeavour several years back.
Imagine having two number one heroes being found guilty of abuse in less than a decade. 
Izuku could understand it, but it didn’t make him any less frustrated. He was tired of being bombarded with questions by insensitive journalists; he was tired of having to put on a fake smile and laugh awkwardly when they said something that was inappropriate. He was tired of dealing with numerous investigators trying to twist his words and convince him that he was overplaying the abuse he suffered at the hands of his old friend.
After a particularly bad interview, where he was asked if he was making it all up in order to get to the number one spot, Izuku had broken down in Shoto’s arms, asking if it was always going to be like that. He had even considered asking the Commission to drop the investigation all together, but Shoto convinced him not to.
‘There’s always going to be people out there who doubt you. It will get better though.’
Five months after the investigation commenced, Izuku’s phone buzzed in his pocket to reveal that enough evidence had finally been gathered to find Bakugou Katsuki guilty of all the allegations made against him Despite the evidence though, Bakugou wasn’t sent to prison, or made to do community service. The only formal punishment he received was something much worse than that.
His hero licence was permanently revoked.
Izuku's eyes scanned the text and felt his knees give out from underneath him. He crashed to the floor; distantly, he could hear Shoto's worried footsteps coming to check on him, but he couldn't bring himself to reassure his partner. Instead, he threw his head back and closed his eyes, smiling peacefully at the ceiling.
When they were five, Izuku was alone and quirkless, told he could never be a hero. Twenty years later, Bakugou was told he could never be a hero ever again.
Funny, the way things play out in the end...
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smokedstorybara · 3 years
I have so many bnha fanfic ideas, they’ve just been popping into my head every few days for weeks now
So I’m just gonna share them all on this one post instead of making a million new fandom posts out of nowhere (ok, it’s closer to, like, ten - but still!)
If any of y’all want me to actually write any of them, don’t hesitate to say so - or if you just want to ask questions and talk about the ideas I’d be totally down for that too
Also, if any of them inspire you to write or draw something, please send me a link when you’re done!
(under a readmore cause it’s long and also there’s spoilers)
Fae courts AU
Nedzu - Spring King
U.A. / The Spring Court - also known as the Court of Lost Children, all members of the Court were once human children or children of one of the other Courts and they view it as their duty to care for the lost, neglected, and abused children of the world (one of two child stealing Courts)
All Might - Summer King
All For One - Winter King
Objectively, the Summer and Winter Courts are not as different as they like to believe - a Summer fae is just as likely to trick or turn on you as a Winter fae, they just prefer to play at benevolence while Winter fae make no secret of their nature
Shie Hassaikai / The Autumn Court - used to be more like a lesser version of the Summer and Winter Courts, until Overhaul put the King to sleep and made his research into humanity the Court’s focus - they’re now the second child stealing Court
Eraserhead was once human but has made enough deals over the years - most notably with Nezu himself - that he’s practically fae now
Deku and Kachan are human children who were taken in by the Spring Court, though Deku only after catching the attention of All Might
Endeavor - High Fae in the Summer Court - wants to become Summer King but knows he’s not powerful enough to overthrow All Might, married a High Winter Fae in hopes that combining their powers would make one of their kids powerful enough
Dabi fakes his death and eventually becomes a High Fae in the Winter Court
Shouto seeks sanctuary in the Spring Court’s halls
(I don’t actually have a plot for it, but I’m enjoying figuring out the world and stuff)
Evil All Might AU
The underworld knows that young Yagi Toshinori is a con-artist, and a very good one
The kid’s quirkless, and from a bad neighborhood, so of course he gets involved in shady dealings to get by
But he never ever gets caught
See, he’s mastered the eager, innocent, “I know I’m quirkless, but it’s my dream to be a hero! To fight crime! To be someone people can look up to, put their faith in! To be a… a symbol!” act, he’s been running that con any time he’s found in the wrong place at the wrong time since he first started walking - no one with even a single good bone in their body ever questions it
He gets involved with AFO, who’s like “I could give you one of my lesser quirks in exchange for your loyalty, or you could do a long undercover mission for me and get one of the most powerful quirks in existence out of it”
His mission: pulling his signature con on Shimura Nana, being given One for All, becoming a hero, becoming the Number One Hero and Symbol of Peace and the singular pillar holding up hero society, maintaining that status for long enough that everyone grows a little complacent, finding a weak and manipulable child to pass One for All on to, setting them up to fail, and then retiring
(I’d either have this one be All Might-focused and end with the reveal, or have it be Izuku-focused and give it a happy ending where All Might totally chose the wrong kid, cause nothing about Izuku is weak)
Commission analyst Izuku au
Member of the commission overhears him muttering/catches a glance at his notebook while watching a hero fight, strikes up a conversation
The commission tracks him down, shows up at his home with a similar offer to the one they gave Hawks - but instead of a hero they want him to be an analyst for them
Like Hawks, they take away his name, only calling him something like Eagle Eye or something (I’d go with Hawkeye but Hawks already exists so it might be weird?)
(Basically this fic idea is just an excuse to have Izuku and Hawks as the ultimate team, and helping each other get out from under the commission’s thumb - maybe revolutionizing hero society along the way)
Canon rewrite w/ Monoma as main character, somehow
All I have for this one so far is just:
Monoma copies afo, uses copied afo to steal afo, AFO is now defeated
After getting better at controlling her quirk, Eri rewinds Kurogiri back into Shirakumo Oboro
But he’s the age he was when he died
So he joins the current class 2-A
As in Izuku’s class
Basically it’s just his old best friends having to teach him and him making friends with all Aizawa’s problem children
Time travel
(I have multiple cause I really like time travel)
Aizawa-centric time loop fic
Loop stretching from day before Oboro’s death to towards the end of the liberation war (diverging from canon in at least the first loop cause he fucking dies during the fight)
At first he thinks maybe he just, like, dreamt up those 14(?) years
But then things are happening the same way and so he starts changing things and he dies and wakes up the day before Oboro’s death again
He experiments a lot with the loops, figuring out that they’re definitely not time based - unless it’d loop back at the end of the liberation war even if he survives? Requires further testing
Details he changes throughout the loops (culminating in a loop in which he successfully changes all of them):
Oboro’s death
Shimura Tenko being taken in by All for One, All Might’s injury(?), Izuku accepting One for All, and more I haven’t fully decided on
Time travel fic where Pro Hero Deku accidentally time travels back to just before Aizawa’s first year as a student at ua and somehow gets hired as a teacher
Gonna be a two-parter
Part one: Izuku has to teach teen versions of his old high school teachers, channels their future selves a little
Part two: Aizawa, Yamada, and Kayama have to teach the teen version of their old favorite high school teacher, and end up channeling his future self - in different ways
(I’ve come across a couple different “Izuku gets accidentally sent back in time to when his teachers were students” fanfics and they keep making me think about how Aizawa & co would react to meeting him in canon timeline after meeting him in high school and then I took the natural step forward from there to “let’s parallel their nostalgia, make him their high school teacher so it can really hit hard”)
Izuku is related to rooftop trio aus
(I’ve come across a bunch of “Izuku is the biological son of at least one member of the rooftop trio” aus but only one acknowledges that in canon he’s only 15 years younger than them and that one has a very angsty explanation, so I wanted some that fit with canon and also aren’t too heavy - cause like, sure you could go with the complex extremely angsty trauma reason or you could go with the “these 13-16-year-olds(idk Inko’s canon age and as long as I never look it up I can pretend I’m not going against canon by making her only 2-ish years older than them) did what teenagers do and went to a party and made some relatively innocent mistakes and ended up with a pregnancy”)
Oboro and Inko have been neighbors and best friends their whole childhood, despite being a couple years separated in age
The fall before Oboro starts high school, Inko takes him along to a party with her high school friends
They get drunk and sleep together
Inko gets pregnant
They talk it through with each other and their families and agree to keep the baby (they’re both actually pretty excited to be parents) and raise it together platonically
Some months into first year (maybe second), Oboro tells his friends about his kid
Spends the rest of his life gushing about Izuku to all his friends (sorry for the word choice fjdhshshx)
Oboro dies and his friends make pact to help Inko take care of Izuku once they have steady income and stuff
But Inko’s family has moved and she’s married and they can’t find her
They keep searching, for roughly 14 years
And then Midoriya Izuku enrolls in UA’s hero course and his big green eyes and curly green hair match the pictures Oboro used to show them and his smile is identical to their old friend’s
And his mom’s name is Inko
But they’re not sure (His quirk doesn’t match Oboro’s nor his Inko’s after all)
Not until after the first term and the summer training disaster camp and Kamino, when All Might and Aizawa go house to house talking to parents about the dorms and All Might tries to insist on visiting the Midoriyas alone but Aizawa insists right back cause this is the closest he’s come to confirmation
and then he’s face to face with a woman he’s only ever seen in photographs
And then they talk about everything or something idk I haven’t got that far
Dadzawa and Dadmic (trans!aizawa)
A year and a half before he starts high school(I know I changed the timeline a whole year here but shush, how’s he supposed to get into U.A.’s hero course while pregnant?), Aizawa’s middle school and one or two others have a Joint Event, at which he meets a loud but cute blonde who keeps flirting with him
They hook up
He gets pregnant
His dad insists he get an abortion but he doesn’t want to and his mom supports his decision, they convince his dad to let him go through with the pregnancy on the condition that he gives the baby up for adoption immediately
He has twins, both boys (one with green eyes like the blonde’s(but darker) and the other with purple like Shouta’s mother’s)(that’s right, Shinsou is also their son in this, you’re welcome), and he gives them up for adoption to separate families
But with conditions
No one from his blood family is allowed to initiate contact with either boy without the kid’s knowing consent (he’s terrified of his father changing his mind, tracking them down, and hurting them)
With the one exception being that he’s allowed to send each one a birthday present and card every year
Which he does
Then he starts at UA and then gets into the hero course and there he is… the blonde… the father of Shouta’s children… who does not recognize him now that he’s started transitioning
This time Shouta’s the one who flirts - or tries to, the kid’s a little too oblivious
Of course they do eventually get together, and even end up married! (Haven’t decided if they get together during high school or after they start teaching there or what(probably the latter, for plot reasons))
The first time Midoriya Inko contacts Shouta is after Izuku is diagnosed quirkless - she knows the young man loves her son as much as she does and might be able to reassure him where she already failed
His next birthday, Izuku’s mystery card says he can be a hero even without a quirk; it makes Izuku’s year
Hitoshi’s parents also contact Shouta that year, the boy struggling to make and keep friends ever since his quirk came in; Shouta’s birthday card to him isn’t much different from Izuku’s, really
The Shinsous get in an accident and Hitoshi is placed in foster care and suddenly Shouta can’t send him his yearly gift and card anymore cause nobody will tell him where the boy is now because of the contact portion of the adoption contract
They also won’t tell Hitoshi that he was adopted and his birth father is out there looking for him, so Shouta’s pretty sure they’re trying to hide that he’s being mistreated wherever he is
Inko continues to contact Shouta now and then whenever she thinks Izuku will need extra encouragement come his birthday (she never tells Izuku about being adopted - even after he enters his teen years - cause after his diagnosis, everyone but her left him and she doesn’t want him to internalize the idea that his birth parents didn’t want him - Shouta’s not happy with the decision, but he understands)
Then one year he sends Izuku a Present Mic figurine and she writes him to share how excited the boy was and how Present Mic is one of his favorite heroes and he listens to his radio show all the time and Shouta simultaneously melts and has a minor breakdown at the realization that he hasn’t told his husband that they have sons, he can’t tell Hizashi that their son listens to his radio show regularly when Hizashi doesn’t know Izuku even exists
So of course, being the rational man he is, he finally tells Hizashi about Izuku and Hitoshi
Hizashi freaks, of course (in a good way(mostly))
And then, one of the worst days of Shouta’s life
He’s on patrol and sees a figure on a rooftop and rushes to get there - just in case it’s a jumper - and it’s his son, his Izuku
They talk(it doesn’t breach the adoption contract, he didn’t know it was Izuku when he approached and the kid spoke first) and Izuku tells him “everything” about his encounter with All Might, Shouta tells him to tell his parents - they’re there to support him - and also that All Might’s full of shit and a quirkless hero is totally possible with the right training and enough willpower
Then after they leave the rooftop his kid gets in trouble again, rushing in to save a classmate from the same sludge villain that attacked him earlier that day
Of course Shouta swoops in and pulls the kids out of danger before All Might arrives to “save the day”
This time Shouta insists on walking Izuku home to make sure he actually gets there safely
But then All Might shows up again wanting to talk to his kid privately and he wants to tell the man to fuck off but he’s not legally allowed, really, so when Izuku says it’s fine he reluctantly leaves
Inko asks to meet him just days later
She tells him that Izuku told her everything about what happened that day - including what Shouta told him - and she tells him that she’s realized she needs to properly support her son in pursuing his dream
She understands that Shouta wouldn’t feel comfortable training him one-on-one with the kid not knowing who they are to each other, and she’s still not ready to tell him yet, so she asks for a list, for him to help her get in touch with people who can train Izuku or ways for Izuku to train on his own, ways for her to help
He puts her in contact with seven pro heroes (Midnight, Gunhead, the Wild Wild Pussycats, and - somehow - Sir Nighteye) and a vigilante team (the Naruhata Crawler and his team), all of whom he talks into helping - and has to tell about his connection to this boy they’ll be teaching
(Each have something important to teach him: Midnight - using words and body language to throw off opponents, Gunhead - martial arts, Wild Wild Pussycats - stamina, teamwork and use of your environment when out in nature, Sir Nighteye - analysis and planning, the Naruhata Vigilantes - use of gadgets and weapons, use of your environment when in the city, having the heart of a hero, and - most importantly - that quirkless people can be fucking strong and skilled and terrifying and certainly aren’t weak or useless (they were trained by a quirkless vigilante after all, they’re bound to have a different perspective on the idea of a quirkless hero than anyone else, a perspective Izuku could really benefit from))
Ten months later, Izuku passes UA’s entrance exam and is placed in Shouta’s class (he’s pretty sure Nezu did that on purpose)
When the school year starts, he and Hizashi discover that Izuku isn’t the only one in one of their classes - Hitoshi is in Hizashi’s homeroom
They are, of course, fucking extatic
They just need to, y’know, figure out how to tell him that they’re his parents and maybe possibly would love custody of him if he wants
(Again I haven’t gotten any further than that yet)
(Also, if you can’t tell, in this au Izuku turns down All Might’s offer of One for All, cause Eraserhead said he could be a hero without a quirk and was honestly a lot kinder and more responsible (like, making sure the kid got home safely instead of leaving him on a roof) and stuff than All Might and honestly might be his new favorite hero)
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hot-wiings · 3 years
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Edited: 11-10-2020
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💥 Katsuki loves to cuddle.
💪 He’ll only do it in secret.
💥 He’ll only do it with you and Eijirou, his girlfriend and boyfriend. 
💪 No one knows it, and he’ll deny it if you told anyone. 
💥 In fact, he’d probably kill you if you told anyone. 
💪 Katsuki and Eijirou like to cuddle you on particularly bad days. 
💥 The days where you’re so done you just want to lay down and go to bed. 
💪 Rough day at your internship with shitty coworkers? Cuddles.
💥 Restless villain? Cuddles.  
💪 Literally any minor inconvenience? Cuddles. 
💥 It isn't solely for your bad days, but theirs too. 
💪 You and Eijirou are the first ones to suggest cuddles. 
💥 Katsuki isn't going to be the one to suggest it, he has a rough guy exterior to maintain. 
💪 He’ll object and act like cuddles are to soft for him. 
💥 “I had rough day, let’s all cuddle together.”
💪 “I’m not cuddling like a fuckin’ baby.”
💥 “C’mon Katsu, cuddles are so manly.” 
💪 “Well if you're gonna twist my arm so fucking hard I have no choice but to cuddle you both.”
💥 He always follows up your cuddle sessions with: “Tell anyone and we’ll break up.”
💪 They like to sandwich you between them. 
💥 Katsuki is the big spoon, and Eijirou is the little spoon. 
💪 You? You’re the flat knife swooshed in the middle. 
💥 Sometimes you complain that Katsuki is squishing you. 
💪 He’ll roll on you harder grumbling about how he’s never gonna cuddle with you again. 
💥 He’s lying. he wouldn't last without your and Eijirou’s cuddles. 
💪 You’re not allowed to cuddle unless all three of you are present. 
💥 This is a three tier relationship, not a two tier. 
💪 Equal cuddle rights or no cuddle rights. 
💥 Sometimes you'll switch it up and Eijirou will lay in the middle. 
💪 “Bad day? Okay, you can have the middle. I’m sick of Katsuki squishing me anyway.”
💥 Katsuki only lays in the middle if he’s sick. 
💪 When he’s sick, he’s so needy for cuddles. 
💥 He needs one of you on each side for sick time cuddles.  
💪 One time you watched a movie with Deku and Ochako and you fell asleep with your head on his shoulder. 
💥 Katsuki was having none of that. 
💪 “You think that damn nerd can cuddle better than me?”
💥 Cue aggressive cuddles. 
💪 He cuddles you so hard he wouldn't let go or let you out of bed.
💥 Your cuddles could get steamy. 
💪 On occasion, cuddles will lead up to a threesome. 
💥 You complain when they get horny, even though you all know your down for it.
💪 “You think you can press that cute ass against me and not expect a reaction.”
💥 Seriously though, being sandwiched between two horny boys? 
💪 “I can’t help it, you make me feel so manly when we cuddle.”
💥 Over all, cuddle sessions are a must in a poly relationship with Katsuki and Eijirou. 
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nearly-theyre · 4 years
kamishin fic recs!!!!!
for my kamishin gc on twitter - go give these amazing authors some love!
“paging dr. oblivious” (G) by dreamtowns
Warnings: none
Hitoshi, slowly, delicately, puts his fork down and squints. Denki regrets maintaining eye contact, but, also, he doesn’t because damn, Hitoshi has pretty eyes – and focus, Denki, focus! “I’m sorry,” Hitoshi starts, quietly, almost threateningly, and tilts his head. “Would you like to repeat that? People think we’re what?”
“Pining,” Denki bursts out, almost too loud in the hospital gardens, and then he hunches forward and continues much more quietly, but no less heatedly: “They think we’re,” he swallows and finishes, almost lamely, “pining.”
Hitoshi says nothing. Waits.
“They have a betting pool,” Denki practically wails.
(or: the entire hospital staff has a betting pool on when Denki, resident trauma specialist, and Hitoshi, the neuropsychologist, will start dating.
The punchline is that they are married.)
“don’t think twice” (G) by dreamtowns
Warnings: none
What does it take to break the internet?
A slip of the tongue, apparently.
“caught in my own web” (T) by anxioussailorsoldier
Warnings: none
Shinsou needs some help after getting caught up in his capture weapon. Kaminari enters from stage left.
“Pickup Lines for the Soul” (T) by MustardSoup
Warnings: none
Denki is twelve when he is flicking through the TV channels and lands on an old RomCom movie about soulmate marks – specifically the same type that he has.
“I can’t believe I’ve had to walk around with a cheap pickup line written on my ankle my entire life because of you!” The leading lady yells at the leading man as he stares at her in awe.
Denki laughs.
“Oh no.” His mother says, watching him.
“Oh no, indeed.” His sister repeats quietly.
“amusing observations” (G) by fromthemoon
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
“Cats. Hm. Yeah.” Kirishima watches as Denki turns around and continues humming along to the song. He glances over to Shinsou and back at Denki. He’ll have to test if it’s really the cats the boy comes back for, or if it’s something other than that.
Something tells him it’s not the cats.
for shinkami week 2019
“Sleepy Nightlight” (T) by PinkGreens
Warnings: none
Hitoshi loses his nightlight, but finds another.
“Systems of Confession” (NR) by soybean-fics (mischuis)
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
"You're totally asking me out on a date." Kaminari grinned, and Shinsou felt his face heat up.
"Do you want to go or not?"
"Yeah, yeah. On our date."
Shinsou takes Kaminari out on a totally-not-a-date at the aquarium. Somehow, he can't stare at the fish when he can watch his adorable blond definitely not-crush being unfairly adorable at everything.
“Your Name In Paper” (G) by xemrox (Roquel)
Warnings: none
There are two people in this world who orbit at the opposite ends of Denki's spectrum of love and he never thought he would have them sitting at the same table at the same time.
“How Many Cats Is Too Many?” (T) by TheSpaceAceTM
Warnings: none
Hitoshi and Denki live together, and progressively get more and more additions to the family.
ShinKami Week 2019!
“Start Digging” (T) by IiIia
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Kaminari and Shinsou are now dating and it is time for the customary Bakusquad Shovel Talks. Shinsou’s not worried.
“Not-So Surprise Party” (G) by MintIceTea
Warnings: none
Hitoshi loves his boyfriend, even if he’s terrible at keeping secrets.
But then again, so is Hitoshi’s family.
[Erasermic Week '19, Day 9: Celebrate]
“party favour” (T) by pixiegold
Warnings: none
Another soulmate AU where the first words they say to you are etched onto your skin.
Shinsou isn't particularly thrilled by the idea.
“Not Broken, but a Little Bent” (NR) by FriendlessAnimeLover
Warnings: none
Kaminari Denki ends up leaving the hero course after a certain incident takes place. He instead joins the general studies students, where an unlikely ally reaches out to him, not leaving him alone when everyone else is. His overwhelming guilt and sadness is slowly tamed by general studies student Shinsou. But, even if Denki can find a new path in general studies with Shinsou, he can't help but think of those he left behind.
Bakugo and Kirishima are devastated by the loss of Kaminari. Bakugo's furious that Kaminari left, and Kirishima's...well...broken by the loss of his best friend. How can they call themselves heroes when they couldn't help their friend when he was at his lowest point?
Aizawa has a plan. Before Kaminari left, he struck a deal with him. Four weeks. If after four weeks Kaminari wants to come back, Aizawa will welcome him back. If he wants to stay, then he can never return to the hero course again. Aizawa's confident in his knowledge about his students, and he understands that what Kaminari needs is time. He has certain forces in play behind his actions...after all, it can't be a coincidence that Kaminari just happened to end up in the same class as Hitoshi.
“Thus With a Kiss, I die” (T) by DomineeringScarves
Warnings: none
Kaminari finds himself head over heels for the newest addition to their class, Shinsou Hitoshi. Normally the flirty blonde would just present himself with open arms but there's a major problem with his infatuation. There's unspoken rules in 1-A and Kaminari is part of the Bakusquad...whereas Shinsou is a part of the Dekusquad. The two can't be together. It's just not possible. There's no way Bakugou would ever allow one of his extras to date Deku's friend.
There's only one thing left to do, give up and move on. Too bad Kaminari can't seem to escape Shinsou.
Aka the fic where Kaminari is Romeo and Shinsou is Juliet and they have to secretly date so their squads don't fall into an all out war.
“No More Fragments” (M) by Ischemia
Warnings: none
Shinsou Hitoshi has finally gotten his wish and is now officially a part of Class 1-A. It was everything he'd wanted, but all of these obstacles keep finding him.
Sometimes this means a cute blonde boy he doesn't know how to talk to and other times it means possibly losing the trust of the class he so badly wants to be a part of.
Cue awkward dates, Shinsou having the best dads in the world, and learning what friendship means.
“Eventuality” (T) by KikaTouka
Warnings: none
Shinsou learns more than just hero lessons after being transferred to 1-A.
“As You Wish” (T) by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead
Warnings: none
“Be sure to wake Sleeping Beauty with a kiss,” Kirishima said with a knowing grin. Hitoshi considered stabbing the captain, but that would just get him on Commander Bakugou’s bad side, and it would only break his blade because it was Kirishima and Hitoshi was pretty sure no normal weapon could hurt him.
“You shouldn’t say things like that,” Hitoshi said, pointedly adjusting the position of the blades concealed at his wrists while holding Kirishima’s gaze. “You know I would never do such a thing.”
“Kaminari’s Declassified Coming Out Survival Guide” (T) by MustardSoup
Warnings: none
Local disaster bi, Kaminari Denki, is yanked right out of the questioning stage of his life and now has to navigate the process of coming out.
He decides to do it step-by-step, with each step taking more courage than the last.
And if coming out equates to slaying the dragon, then perhaps by the end of this he'll get the guy, too.
“Kiss Me Through The Screen” (M) by Ischemia
Warnings: none
Shinsou remembers when he first saw the ad for Ch4rgeb0lt’s services. He was just messing around online when a pop-up appeared with his smiling face, one eye winking and the other brightly flashing with happiness.
“Lonely? Tired of coming home to an empty apartment? Can’t find anyone to listen to your problems? Say no more! For the low cost of $10 per stream, you can have all the company and love you ever wanted. Get a best friend for the best price!”
His first reaction was, “what kind of depressing loser needs to buy a boyfriend?” before he looked around at his empty home and realized he might be that depressing loser.
“My Best Mistake” (T) by SammyD
Warnings: Major Character Death
Shinsou takes a secret to his grave
“How to save a life” (T) by anxioussailorsoldier
Warnings: none
Shinsou doesn't expect to find Kaminari on the roof of UA.
“Follow You (Like Morning Follows Night)” (T) by Anonymouspotato
Warnings: none
When Shinsou finally found Kaminari, he was on the roof of the dorms, leaning against the railing. He almost didn’t want to interrupt him. But he had a job to do.
Based on the song ‘Like Morning Follows Night’ from the RWBY soundtrack, but you don’t need to know anything about that show or that song to read
“geyser.” (G) by fuckendeavor666
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
shinsou hitoshi has had a hard life. though, now, he is not as alone as he once was.
“If I’m The Thunder You’re The Lightning” (NR) by Taintedazure
Warnings: none, creator chose not to use archive warnings
Kaminari has always been a chill kind of guy. Always taking it in stride and acting a little weird to make his friends laugh. His entire world gets turned upside down when he finds out who his soulmate is.
“Thus With You, I Smile” (T) by Kawayls
Warnings: none
A bunch of ShinKami centered One Shots, that are set up in the same universe. Each one can be read as an individual work, though I order them chronologically.
“Nightmares” (NR) by Elux
Warnings: none
Shinsou Hitoshi wake up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare.
“BakuSquad Initiation” (G) by PoorUnfortunateSoul
Warnings: none
Shinsou is initiated into the Bakusquad, per Kaminari's request.
[Now with fanart!]
Shinsou Week 2019 - Day 6 - Blanket Forts
“You Seem Familiar” (G) by PoorUnfortunateSoul
Warnings: none
“You have an affinity for Black Magic?” he asks, sounding unbelieving.
“Yeah!” Denki says, and it feels so surreal to argue for it, instead of promising that he doesn’t. “When I was younger I figured out that Black Magic just sort of feels, I dunno, alive? To me? I guess? I don’t really know how else to explain it, it’s a little electrifying almost. I dunno. But, when you look at me, I get the same feeling? So that’s why I thought you had an affinity for it, I’m sorry if I-”
“I do,” Shinsou cuts him off. “I’ve known since I was six. I just - can’t feel it on you, like you do me.”
Denki feels himself deflate immediately. Is this one of those unrequited soulmate things? It’d be just his luck, honestly.
Shinsou Bowl Week Day 7: AU
“It Sucks, Really” (G) by Kawayls
Warnings: none
Kaminari can't sleep at nights because of stomach aches and burdening thoughts. Shinsou is a worried boyfriend. Both are dorks in love and have no idea what are they supposed to do with the rising problem.
“Holy Shi- YoUrE gAy??” (NR) by seizethosegays
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnins
Holiday, fight, blood, Eri, hair clips, aizawa
“Fragile Lightning” (G) by Treesha
Warnings: none
With Denki's quirk causing rapid deterioration of his memories, Hitoshi struggles with finding a way to help him.
“baby let me ride your wave” (NR) by beelue
Warnings: none
Kaminari Denki's days are filled with summer sun, laughing with his friends, and occasionally saving lives. He knew he was Bisexual- He had since he rescued a (smoking hot) guy from drowning and two seconds later asked for his number.
But he truly realized he was a disaster after seeing Shinsou Hitoshi for the first time.
title - wave by blanks
“Blamed” (T) by coldandhotsoba
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
This was not how the day was supposed to end. They were supposed to end the day like they do most nights. Kaminari clutching onto him like a koala as he slept, wrapped in the millions of tacky blankets Kaminari had bought. Warm and safe in their bed. It was not supposed to end with both of them tied up in some cold metal room.
“Love Is A Strange Potion Ingredient” (NR) by soybean-fics (mischuis)
Warnings: none
Shinsou Hitoshi is a local potion brewer. Kaminari Denki is a witch.
And, in Shinsou's opinion, a witch with a really cute smile. Wait. Is this a crush? Fuck.
Alternatively: The One Where Shinsou Falls Head Over Heels For The Witch Who Visits His Brewery Every Day.
“The Best-Laid Plans of Shinsou Hitoshi” (T) by aces_low
Warnings: none
Kaminari has a habit of ruining Shinsou's plans.
“Lighting Scars” (T) by Present-Mics-scream (write_your_way_out)
Warnings: none
It's hard to be confident in your abilities when you're surrounded by people with incredible quirks. Shinsou Hitoshi would know better than anyone. Sure, he was admitted to the hero course in his second year, but being admitted to the hero course, and keeping up with the rest of the class are two different things.
Lucky for him, Kaminari is there to prove that the flashiest quirks come with the largest drawbacks.
“Mysterious as the dark side of the moon” (T) by beetime
Warnings: none
“I wasn’t attacking you then,” he responded, cracking his neck from side to side like he always did when they restarted. Aizawa moved his feet back into stance. “I noticed this time when you gave me that look you do when I do something wrong.”
Aizawa blinked. He knew exactly the angle the kid was playing at, but it didn’t stop him from being the least bit curious. He narrowed his eyes, “What look?”
Shinsou shrugged but there was an edge to his mouth that Aizawa had come to recognize as a smirk, “Eh. Already forgot it. Guess I’ll tell you next time,” he matched Aizawa’s stance, “though there won’t be one.”
aizawa continues training shinsou
“Fear Is Just Your Mind Being A Bitch” (NR) by MinzeySparkleIsPerfect8
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, none
Fear is something that your mind makes up. You get scared thanks to your brain. Phobias can easily be overcome.
But what can you do when a phobia gets the best of you and brings you down?
“Sleeping Guitarist” (G) by Momjeansdeku
Warnings: none
Needless to say, Kaminari never thought he’d find love at a Sleeping Guitarist concert.
He’s glad he did.
AU where Shinsou Hitoshi is a fucking rockstar.
“One Day, Maybe…” (T) by eelora
Warnings: none
… he'll finally propose.
[Or, how Shinsou spends three months documenting his proposal.]
“Obliviously in Like” (T) by BadonKaDank
Warnings: none
Alternate title:
5 times the Kaminari and Shinsou were oblivious to their feelings for one another and 1 time they weren’t because communication is a thing that for some reason they didn’t try all the other times before???
OR (take your pick)
5 Times Azaiwa and Mic told the boys to COMMUNICATE their feelings and 1 time they actually did!!
“Protect You” (G) by IcyHotHeart
Warnings: none
Denki has a nightmare, but luckily, his boyfriend is more than happy to calm him down.
“Debunked Nightmare” (G) by MinzeySparkleIsPerfect8
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, none
After waking up at 3:27 from a horrible nightmare, Denki is unable to sleep and searches the dorms to find if his friends and boyfriend were safe.
Thankfully, Aizawa steps in and makes sure that Denki is able to feel more comfortable before bringing Hitoshi to help more than he can.
“1,000 watt smiles” (T) by All_time_low3st
Warnings: none
A prompt I forgot to actually post (oops)
For prompt: kamishin- an unexpected twisted ankle leads to one being piggybacked to Recovery Girl’s office across campus. Everyone takes photos of the event because (1) it’s cute as hell (“they look just like a shoujo couple!”) and (2) “damn I didn’t know denki could lift bro!” (Basically, all the blushes ensure)
“Brain Damage” (T) by Kawayls
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
This is supposed to be the best day ever, or so Shinsou is trying to do. It isn't his fault that villains never rest; it also isn't his fault that electricity is a dangerous game and that karma is a bitch.
“More Than Alone” (G) by Ischemia
Warnings: none
Kaminari is determined to make sure Shinsou has a fun New Years, despite his desire to be by himself.
They both win.
“Nobody Plans A Murder Out Loud” (NR) by HeyItsHoot
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings, none
Shinsou isn't jealous, what are you even talking about? No, Jirou, he is not. How dare you.
“Electric Connection” (G) by Onlymostydead
Warnings: none
Kaminari's quirk has always had... Weird side affects. Like his ADHD. And his constant energy.
And his insomnia, which wouldn't leave him be right now, when he really needed to just get some sleep.
But, thankfully, he has good friends.
“Mistlet-Oh?” (G) by AbithaLynDrankonclaw
Warnings: none
"I think we're in a stable enough place to adopt one, if you'd like."
Hitoshi's heart stops.
Denki brightens and leans down to kiss his forehead.
"Merry Christmas, 'Toshi.”
(aka it’s christmas so Denki lets Hitoshi adopt a cat and accidentally makes him cry)
“‘Studying’” (T) by emmyrox22
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Shinsou and Kaminari have been “studying” together for a while (but not for school). Shinsou gets stopped by his dads on the way to another “study” session and mistakes are made
“electrify my heart” (T) by hypocentres
Warnings: none
Shinsou, who has monochromatic vision, doesn’t need to see the color yellow to know it’s his favorite.
“Of Telephone Calls and Teacher’s Pets” (G) by BigDangoFamily
Warnings: none
“You know I love you, dude, right?”
It takes a few seconds for Kaminari’s words to pierce the sleep-thick veil surrounding Shinsou’s brain. When Shinsou finally does register what Kaminari is saying, he feels an immediate desire to hang up and go back to sleep. As it is, he can already sense a headache starting to form. Biting back a groan, Shinsou rubs his bleary eyes in an effort to keep them open.
“What did you do this time,” Shinsou replies, his voice lacking any sort of inflection.
OR: Shinsou answers Kaminari's phone call and immediately regrets it.
“I don’t care if the world knows (what my secrets are)” (G) by greatcloudninja
Warnings: none
The first time Hitoshi came to the mortal world, he was amazed by how bright it was.
Hizashi, the god of new life, always left for part of the year; only occasionally popping back down to the underworld to visit with Hitoshi and his husband, Shouta, god of the dead. Every year, Hitoshi asked if he could go to the mortal world with his papa, and every year Hizashi told him, “Maybe when you’re a little older.”
Finally, after twenty years of asking, Hizashi replied, “I think you’re big enough.”
Or, godling Hitoshi visits the mortal world, falls in love with a human musician, and learns that sometimes, people really are what they appear to be on the surface.
“An Insomniac’s Dilemma” (G) by Toboe1087
Warnings: none
Shinsou never thought that he'd find his soulmate. After all, how was an insomniac supposed to find their partner when their only hints come to them through dreams?
“maybe planning dates isn’t your calling, bro” (G) by meiishu
Warnings: none
Kaminari presses his lips into a thin line. “Sero, you’re missing the bigger issue here.”
“Oh, yeah.” Sero leans forward a bit. “What’s up, bro?”
“So I asked him out to dinner and he said yes but he gave me this weird look when I told him where I was taking him.”
or: kaminari the chaotic dumbass asks the hot vampire from his intro to wolf culture class out on a date to olive garden.
“Irrationality and Comfort” (G) by MinzeySparklesIsPerfect8
Warnings: none
After settling into 1-A, people don't seem to notice how Eri suddenly began growing fearful of the boy with a certain lightning bolt in his hair.
But the said boy does notice.
Eri grows afraid of Denki Kaminari out of fear of that one Shie Hassaikai member.
“Much To Learn” (G) by Rusty_schreech
Warnings: none
Kaminari Denki and Shinsou Hitoshi need some advice from their favorite teachers.
Inspired by all the "Erasermic 2.0" talk surrounding Shinkami!
“welcome to the world little one.” (NR) by baby345
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
The day Denki water breaks his at his parents-in-law's home with only eri and Yamada. Shinsou is at work with his dad and it’s 3:00 in the morning.
“What the fuck?” Denki slurred. he tries to get up only for him to feel a pop and a trickle of liquid flow down tanned legs. 
 “Oh shit.”
“Heart, lead me home.” (NR) by baby345
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
It was over for Hitoshi before he even knew he was a goner for the blonde. Now they were married and living the stuff of fairytales. Hitoshi’s biggest fear has always been that he was unloveable, that he would never know true and pure love because of his quirk. But as he looked around his childhood home at the pictures of his loved ones, his and Eri’s adoption pictures, at his and his parent’s Wedding pictures, his graduation photos and the birth of his son, he found that love surrounded him in every aspect of his life.
“To See Without My Eyes” (G) by corbeod
Warnings: none
Oh, oh woe-oh-woah is me
The first time that you touched me
Oh, will wonders ever cease?
Blessed be the mystery of love
Five times Denki falls in love with the future and one time he falls in love with the present.
“Purple Butterflies and Bursting Sparks.” (G) by daisiesandstars
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
3 times Shinsou fantasied what it would be like to be in those situations Kaminari's friends so easily get to experience. + 1 time he doesn't.
“the good side” (G) by junichirou
Warnings: none
"Please teach me how to kiss!"
Hitoshi has heard so many bizarre comments come out from Kaminari's mouth, has heard him spout out bullshit and jokes that even him cannot comprehend. He has heard Kaminari say things that his brain is incapable to process, but this one is the one that causes Hitoshi's mind to blank out. He expected anything, but never this.
So it's not really his fault when his vocabulary seems to disappear and the only proper words he can let out is "What the fuck?"
“A Cold Polish” (G) by pinkskadan
Warnings: none
Shinsou has never had his nails painted. Kaminari offers to be his first.
“Mind Defibrillator” (T) by DinoGraveyard
Warnings: none
For reasons Kaminari Denki couldn't understand, people enjoyed watching him die repeatedly and shit talk NPCs as they owned him. What started as a joke evolved into a surprisingly lucrative career as the game streamer Chargebolt. By some miracle, he was one of the most followed gaming channels on the internet.
He knew that streaming an indie queer game by the unknown developer Shinsou Hitoshi would be a change of pace for his channel. He didn't expect to start re-thinking certain aspects of himself as well.
“angel” (G) by flightlesscrow
Warnings: none
Shinsou fights with class 1-A's Team 1 in the joint training exercise between classes 1-A and 1-B, and meets an angel in the process.
“Come to Bed” (NR) by Dadzawa
Warnings: none
Kaminari can’t sleep, even though he’s fucking exhausted. Good thing Shinsou knows the best way to get him to unwind.
“For You Even Chocolate” (G) by xemrox (Roquel)
Warnings: none
When Hitoshi Shinsou receives chocolates on White Day, Denki panics.
“in a cafe i watched it begin again” (T) by freofreak
Warnings: none
Omega Kaminari Denki runs a coffee shop with his Pack. He’s the only single one however, and feels as if his biological clock is running out and his insecurities don’t make anything easier. It’s just his luck when he meets a tired, overworking Alpha during a night shift.
“shinsou hitoshi: emotional disaster” (T) by bittermacchiato
Warnings: none
Follow the adventures of Shinsou Hitoshi (emotional disaster) pining his way through Kaminari Denki's heart!
ps: they're in love
pss: neither of them know that
“Totally romantic style” (T) by emmyrox22
Warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings
Shinsou and Kaminari have formed a nightly routine of sorts. All it takes is one unscheduled mental breakdown for the truth to come out.
“Anyways, I’m stalling. Um… I like you dude. Like, for real. Totally romantic style.”
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saint-eridell · 4 years
Afterparty | Deku/F!Reader smut
I found this in my drive unlabeled and untitled, so y’all get first crack at it before it goes on AO3.
3.5k, half-beta’d and proofread. Will probably give it another pass at some point. All characters depicted are in their early twenties. Major tags: Dirty talk, 69, dominant-ish reader
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You crash through Izuku’s bedroom door locked at the lips, stumbling across each other’s feet as you both adamantly refuse to give the other room to walk. Izuku pushes the door shut with his other arm wrapped around your waist, breaking away to suck in a breath before laughing. You return the laugh as you hastily tug the bottom of his dress shirt out of his slacks. “I thought we were never gonna get out of there,” you murmur.
He drags his teeth along the side of your neck as he fumbles for the zipper pull between your shoulders. “Wouldn’t have seemed like forever if you had any patience,” he breathes back, his grin apparent even if you can’t see it. “You’re lucky no one at the party caught on.” As he rumbles into your ear, he somehow gets the zipper of your dress pulled down the length of your back and nudges the soft fabric off your shoulders.
You happily shift out of the dress completely, leaving you clad in your underwear as he carefully lays the garment over the top of his dresser. You take the half step with him to seam yourself up to his clothed chest as soon as he’s facing you and begin popping open the buttons of his shirt one by one with nimble fingers. “Aw come on,” you pout back. “You don’t think you’d be ridiculously into the idea of someone knowing exactly what we have planned? Making them insanely jealous with what you know you can do to me and they’ll never get to?” Alright, maybe the two glasses of wine you’d allowed yourself are starting to get to you more than you’d thought. Poking Izuku into self-serving reactions seems like the exact game you want to play.
A hand snakes its way into the hair on the back of your head and tugs you into another demanding kiss as you get to the last button of his shirt. Izuku shrugs the offending garment off and tosses it aside, much more careless with his own clothes than he was with the dress. You begin to kiss your way down his bare chest, but he nudges you backward toward the bed and up onto it instead as he quickly gets his belt open. You follow the guiding, perched at the foot of the bed with your knees spread enough to let him slip between them after shucking his slacks.
“You might be projecting a little bit, love,” he replies, crowding you up the bed until you flop against the pillows and he can hover above you. His free hand traces the edge of your bra, grazing along the transition from silk strap to lace edge as his nail runs over the cup. The drag sends a shiver through you that you try to repress with your lower lip pinched between your teeth.
“What’s the matter?” he asks as he watches you squirm on the spot. “Am I right?” His smile widens, revealing an edge of straight white teeth. His fingers spread over the cup of your bra and give it a firm squeeze. You gasp quietly, and his smile only widens more. “I think I am. I think you like the idea of showing off.” His thumb finds the sensitive flesh of your nipple through the padded cup and rolls it between the biggest knuckles of his thumb and index finger. You arch into his hand while doing your best to maintain composure, but it already seems like a pointless battle and neither of you are even naked yet.
He’s right, though. It’s not a secret that you two are dating, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you’re intimate. And yet, thinking back to the birthday party you’d finally managed to extricate yourselves from, the real highlight was watching Izuku’s eyes follow you around. He seemed to catch every slip of a pale thigh, every devious little smile, and the hungry looks he gave back had you completely uninterested in anything but the afterparty within an hour of getting there.
Without warning he pushes a hand underneath you and darts for your bra clasp. You sit up in surprise and he snaps the clips open with a single flick of his fingers, a show of dexterity that has you grinning as he strips the bra off. “Who’s trying to show off now?” you ask as your back touches down on the mattress again.
“What, that?” Izuku holds your bra up and looks at it like he suddenly doesn’t know what it even is. “Doesn’t everyone know how to do that?”
You blink at him. “Uh… no, no they-” You cut yourself off as his innocent question breaks around a barely repressed smile, and you roll your eyes as he drops the garment to the floor. “Fuckin’ troll.”
Izuku leans in again, his fingers spread over your bare chest. ”I don’t know what you might even possibly mean,” he says back through a quiet laugh. You can’t help but return the laugh until he rolls both nipples to stiff peaks between his knuckles, when your laugh tapers off into a breathy noise. You roll yourself into his lap, where only two layers of thin fabric separate you and the hard shaft pressing along your slit.
Izuku rumbles his approval. “Bet you were thinking all sorts of dirty thoughts tonight,” he says into your ear as he cups the undersides of your breasts and squeezes.
You nod and tilt your chin up, offering more of your neck to his wandering mouth. “By the end of the night you could have put me up on the table in front of everyone and I would’ve happily taken it,” you purr back, letting your legs fall open a little wider. “Thought you were gonna eat me alive a few times.”
He grinds against your core with a strangled noise that he only barely swallows down. He presses his face into the side of your neck to kiss and nip along your throat, but you can feel how hot his cheeks are as he trails over your skin. “I thought about it,” he confesses in that tiny voice that you know means he’s speaking truthfully, if also through his own mortification. His dick betrays his bashfulness, though; it’s hard to believe he’s completely overwhelmed when it feels like he’s trying his absolutely best to fuck you through his boxers.
You encourage him when he pauses by grinding down against his lap again, a quiet whimper echoing against the lips you can feel pressed to your throat. He replaces his lips briefly with his teeth, dragging another muffled noise from you as payback. “Wanted to put you on my lap and make you ride me,” he continues, a little shakier than before. “Let everyone watch you take it until you can only remember how to scream my name.”
Your gut clenches behind your navel. Whatever you’d been expecting, it hadn’t been that. His hands smooth up your sides, then back down toward your hips where they settle with a harsh but satisfying grip over the jut of both hip bones. Oh, Izuku was learning so fast. He’d obviously been doing his own research; that kind of vulgarity was new from him, but it hit a Big Red Button that you hadn’t been aware of and you’ve already decided to keep it going no matter what it takes. “You could still do that,” you remind him through a hard exhale. “You want to? You want me on top tonight?”
Izuku nods against your throat. “Yes,” he rasps. “God, yes.”
That’s all you need to hear, and likely all he’s going to be able to say. You push to the left with your legs wrapped around his waist, rolling you both over so his back is pressed to the mattress and your knees are tucked at his sides. You can finally see his face again, and the first glance hits you like a freight truck: he’s flushed bright pink from his hairline down, lips parted around uneven breaths as he watches you with wide, hungry eyes. The scars that cover his chest and arms stand out against the harsh excitement lingering across his skin, and you catalog it all at your own pace as you circle the flat plane of his chest with your nails.
Izuku squirms under your weight. “Babe,” he rumbles, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. You can feel self-consciousness rolling off him in waves, and you offer him a comforting smile as your hips rotate in a long, slow circle. The tension pinched between his brows releases as his head falls back against the pillows.
“Relax,” you say back under your breath. You smooth a palm down the center of his chest, to the seam of his defined abs. He lets out a shaky breath and sinks into the bed. “You’re alright.” The calming tone of your voice seems to balm whatever frayed nerve that had him squirming as he goes still under your gentle touch and soft words.
Once he’s no longer squirming, you gently push your fingertips under the waistband of his boxers and begin rolling them down his legs. He obliges without lifting his head, a breathy noise reaching your ears as his shaft finally springs free and hovers over his lower abdomen. He peers down at you but you give him no time to react; as soon as you’ve tossed the boxers aside, you scoot yourself up to kneel between his thighs and wrap a hand around the base of his dick.
His reaction is immediate. He thrusts into your grip with a weak moan that echoes out of a slackened jaw without any sign of restraint. You let him take his own edge off as he rides your grip with a hand clamped over his mouth. You smile to yourself; Izuku doesn’t usually let his bashfulness get the better of him anymore, but every now and then you manage to find a weak spot he hasn’t covered yet. When he settles into a comfortable rhythm again, his hand slowly coming to a rest on his chest instead of slapped over his face, you tip your head down and lick a stripe up the underside of his entire length with the flat of your tongue. He keens hard, pitching up to try and push into your mouth as you pass over the head, but you sit up again with a giggle before he can get anymore contact. He peers at you with a single half-open eye.
“Tell me to relax, then pull something like that.” Izuku huffs, his irritation absolutely fake.
You raise an eyebrow. “Like what?” you ask back, just as coy and shy as he likes to pretend to be. “Oh, like this?” You repeat the motion, running your tongue in a full circle around his head with your lips parted and every second visible before closing your lips around him and swallowing around it. You hum into him as he bucks in your grip again, your noise of contentment drowned out by the desperate groan that rips out of him. His fingers push into the hair on top of your head, threading through to your crown before tightening against your scalp without restricting your movement.
“Nn- I fucking love your mouth,” he grinds out toward the ceiling. You feel him dig his heels in like he’s going to try and thrust up, and preemptively press both hands to his hips to keep them flat against the bed. When you make up for it by breathing deep and relaxing your throat, slipping down until you can feel dark curls against your nose, he moans loud enough to startle you. “Holyshithowthefuckdidyoudothat,” he breathes with desperation as you slide back up, managing to keep yourself composed spare one small cough to clear your throat when you let him go with a lewd pop.
You don’t answer back except to quietly giggle again before going back to work. Your head bobs up and down half his length, slow and methodical while you keep him secured against the bed. He drapes a forearm over his eyes, the bright pink of his cheeks suddenly pronounced against his tanned arm and the jagged scars that cut through in stripes of harsh relief. He alternates between heavy breaths as you take him into your throat and needy little whimpers every time your tongue catches a sweet spot, his heels dug into the bed while he struggles against your weight where it holds him down.
“Hey,” he whimpers, and it’s so ragged and desperate it makes you stop dead and immediately look up at him. He runs his tongue over his lips again, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. “C’mere. Wanna help.”
It takes your brain a second to catch up to what he’s saying, and when it does it’s your turn to sport a bright flush. Hello, more new territory you hadn’t even been bold enough to ask for yet. “You sure?” you question back.
He nods eagerly, and his wild grin makes your heart skip a beat. “Yeah,” he replies, short and gruff. “Get up here.”
Your heart jumps into your throat as Izuku pins you with a determined stare, his pulse throbbing against your occupied hand. He’s sure, and there’s no way in Hell you’re gonna say no. You lift a knee and move to straddle his stomach without any further questioning. He spreads his hands over both sides of your ass and squeezes hard, pulling a surprised gasp out of you as you readjust your knees in a bid to stay upright. It’s no good; he pushes you forward over his lower half, causing you to have to throw your hands down on either side of his legs to keep yourself upright. He sits up while you’re distracted, giving back the tormenting swipe of a flat tongue you’d teased him with earlier through the fabric of your soaked panties. You suck in a breath through gritted teeth and roll back against him, surprised by the intensity of the blunt friction and frustrated by the lack of direct contact.
“These,” he groans, popping the waistband against your lower back. “Need to come off like yesterday.”
Ah, fuck. Right. You’d been so invested in making Izuku squirm that you’d completely forgotten to finish stripping yourself. You peel the last garment down and awkwardly wiggle across his midsection as you strip them off one leg at a time. As soon as your knees are back on the bed Izuku reaches under you to grab you by the hips, forcing you to bend and open for him again before he sits up and buries his tongue in your folds.
The open mouth groan that comes out of him is drowned out by the sharp wail that he pulls out of you. You arch back into him, your hips slack in his hands. His dick brushes your chest as you momentarily lose your composure, smearing a streak of precum across the top of a breast while you writhe against his grip. He doesn’t seem to care about the lack of attention on your end, seemingly too preoccupied with laving over your slit and dipping his tongue inside as far as it will go with your hole held open between his thumbs to care.
After what feels like an hour of losing your mind against his mouth you have to move, do something - anything, or you risk falling to pieces way before you want to. You readjust and suck him down into your throat again, thanking him for the deft flicking of his tongue by dropping all the way down until your chin touches his pelvis. He lets out a strangled noise that’s muffled against your inner thigh, where he plants a hard bite as you pop up and suck in a greedy breath that comes out with a high pitched moan.
You trade off move for move: every time you take him deep, he answers back by filling you with his tongue and circling the pad of a thumb over your overstimulated clit. When you twist over half of him and circle your hand over the rest, he sucks you until you’re bucking back against him. The noises grow more obscene as you both begin to lose patience, the wet contact you have going enough to drive you nuts but nowhere near enough to get either of you off.
Just as it feels like you’re going to come out of your skin you pull away from his grip and move down his abdomen again. He laments the lack of contact with a quiet noise of confusion, his dick bobbing underneath you until you line up over it and sit back. He hadn’t gone past a single finger, but you’re basically dripping and the glide to his base is easy despite the ache of him pushing your walls outward. His nails bite into your hip bones as he lets out a loud, choked moan that bounces off the walls with his name as it comes tearing out of your mouth. He bottoms out exactly where you need it the most, and the counter-circling of his hips has you panting hard as you plant your hands over his thighs for leverage and ride him hard enough to feel it in your midsection when he bottoms out.
His hands pull you down into him, doubling the force when your skin smacks together and you pant in unison, punctuated by the occasional needy moan when he goes particularly deep. Your head tilts forward, hair curtained around your sweat-beaded face. It’s hard to tell who’s in control anymore. He’s not forcing you down, but he can easily flip you over at any second if he really wants to and you both know it. He’s letting you take the lead, to set the pace and dictate what’s happening so he can lay back and let you use him. The headiness of the moment goes right to your bloodstream as your heart hammers behind your ribs.
Just as you’re starting to squeal with every thrust, he pulls you against him and grinds deep. “Turn around,” he pleads, his voice absolutely wrecked against the shell of your ear.
You pull off his lap and turn yourself to face him as fast as you can while your legs tremble underneath you. He guides you up and seats himself in you up to the hilt again, a hand on the back of your neck guiding you into a desperate kiss while he resumes thrusting up into you at an unforgiving pace. This time he’s taking more control, snapping against you with purpose as you gasp in unison against each other’s mouths.
The hand on the back of your neck snakes around and his fingers spider over your throat. He knows precisely what having your throat squeezed does, and he seems to revel in it as he hits a deep spot inside you that has your eyes nearly rolling back. “Cum for me, baby,” he growls out of nowhere, snapping your attention back down to him as his hand squeezes harder around your throat. “Right now.”
The command shatters something in your brain and you come undone immediately. Your eyes slide up and roll shut as a wail rips through you, quivering every time he drills up into you as he fucks out every second of an earth-shattering orgasm. He grits his teeth with a gravelly rumble and follows you within seconds, low noises spiking up into wild gasps as he lights you up as deep as either of you can go.
Once you both finally burn yourselves out you collapse down onto his chest. You bury your face in his sweat-coated neck as you struggle to find your breath, his own rattling hard in your ear. His hand returns to the back of your neck, massaging the nape in slow, gentle circles. “Holy shit,” he murmurs between exhales. You feel his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows hard, and the next exhale that leaves him is heavy with a bark of a laugh. “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“I didn’t know you could get me off by ordering me,” you murmur back, grinning as you feel his neck brighten in self-aware embarrassment. “It’s fine, by the way.” You press a kiss to the point of his jaw. “I liked it.”
Izuku watches you with slightly unfocused eyes for a moment when you sit up far enough to look at his face, his hand still circled loosely around the front of your neck. He looks down to your lips a couple of times before pulling you into a kiss that’s nowhere near obscene, but still makes your heart thunder in your chest. You break the contact and remain close enough to brush against his lips as you purr:
“I’m facing you the next time you feel like dragging me onto your mouth, though.”
His blush surges down to his jawline like a drought-fed wildfire and you suppress a loud laugh against his heated lips.
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
This is a kinda angst kinda fluff request but bakugo x a reader who apologies a lot even when it isn't their fault
Warnings: Domestic violence, angst but eventual fluff, mentions of addiction
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The way you were always apologising pissed Bakugou off ever since you stepped into class 1A. At the begining, he saw you as yet another pushover extra who didn't deserve his attention. However, when he got to see your immensely powerful quirk and your amazing control over it, he had to notice you and he found you to be almost as irritating as Deku if not worse. Why were you always apologising to everyone? Why did you always mutter a 'sunimasen' every time you hit someone with your quirk during training? Did you feel like no one was at your level and you would have to baby them? Who the fuck did you think you are? These were the thoughts that played into Bakugou's mind about you. At first, he tried to shout at you to intimidate you, which utterly failed as you kept profusely apologising to him for upsetting him. After that, Bakugou just ignored your existance, or atleast he pretended to. If he was being honest to himself, he found you weird. The fact that you were always apologising wasn’t normal. Sure, Bakugou almost never apologised, but, even if he were to compare you to someone normal like Kirishima, your rate of apologising was unnatural.
With time, he came to notice more subtle details about you. He noticed how you flinched before starting to apologise to random people for no reason. He also noticed the fact that you always had a slight glint of fear in your eyes every time you apologised to someone. While initially Bakugou thought that you were doing this because you felt like you were superior to everyone, now he saw that you were genuinely scared of something. "She has a strong fucking quirk... What the hell is she so afraid of?" was one of the questions that plagued Bakugou's mind now. The other question would be, "Why do I even give a fuck?". Yes, ever since he found that you didn't apologise because you felt like you are superior, he found himself getting more drawn to you. Your quirk was very compatible with him when it came to sparring and he found himself asking you to train with him. Ofcourse, he was still annoyed by the fact that you apologised about every little thing but he had a feeling that something wasn’t right. Unlike Deku, you weren’t being nice just for the sake of being nice.
You on the other hand, grew closer to Bakugou with time. Ofcourse, he didn't know anything about your life and you knew that he would throw you away like garbage if he did but then again, you were always good at keeping secrets. Ever since you started training together, you found yourself getting drawn to him. You never talked much at class and tried to keep a low profile but you found yourself having lunch with him on UA's roof. Ofcourse he still shouted at you about apologising way too much but you just couldn’t take the risk of not doing so. You knew the consequences of mistakes like that too well. Yes, you thought that he would never find out, however, Bakugou was more perceptive than the average person. He noticed every single move you made unbeknownst to you and you never imagined the fact that he would follow you home.
Bakugou was confused by the way you made him feel lately. At class, you almost never talked. However, during lunch breaks, when you and Bakugou hung out together, he saw a different side to you. Yes, you still apologised about literally everything even when it wasn’t your fault or even if the issue itself had nothing to do with you. However, you cracked jokes that made him laugh and in rare occasions, you made sassy comebacks with a completely straight face that made him howl with laughter (though you started apologising for being rude after that). Bakugou was confused by the giddy feeling that you brought within him because he clearly enjoyed your company. After reluctantly taking advice from Kirishima about it, (Kirishima noticed Bakugou's behaviour towards you and figured out that Bakugou had a thing for you and hence, he gave Bakugou advice without Bakugou asking for his help because Bakugou would never ask for advice by himself) Bakugou figured out that he had a crush on you. Bakugou was never good at emotions but he wasn’t the one to be coward enough to run away from it (Because Kirishima pretty much dared him to ask you out). Hence, Bakugou made plans to ask you out.
After class was over and you were on your way home, Bakugou stopped you. You were confused by that since you and Bakugou didn't usually talk except for when you were training together or during lunch. "Oi, (L/N)!" he called out before you stopped. You were also surprised by the fact that he used your last name instead of one of his weird nicknames. "Oh hey Bakugou. What's up? Did I do something wrong? I'm so sorry..." you answered. "Nah you didn't do anything wrong dumbass. What I wanted to say was that do you want to have lunch with me on this weekend? We already have lunch together everyday so this shouldn’t be a problem for you." Bakugou told you, looking away from you, trying to hide an obvious blush. "Uh... Are you sure about it? I really don't want to bother you even more..." you muttered in answer. "Hah? Do you have shit for brains (L/N)? Why the fuck will I ask you out on a damn date if you fucking bothered me?" Bakugou barked at you. "Huh? Date? I... I can't... I'm sorry..." your eyes widened at the begining but then your eyes were watering as you choked out the last part of your sentence before running away, leaving Bakugou confused. With that, Bakugou had enough. He was going to uncover your secret at this very day because it was clear to him from your expression that you didn't want to reject him.
At first, Bakugou felt weird about following you. He maintained a good amount of distance so that you wouldn’t notice him as you got on a train. He knew where you lived at since you mentioned your train trip slightly during a conversation with him, enabling him to buy the ticket. The train trip didn't last too long and Bakugou was on your trail yet again. However, when he found you entering an area that could be recognised as a slum, Bakugou was unpleasantly surprised. You entered UA on recommendations as your quirk was very strong and you saved a citizen once, gathering the attention of a few pro heroes. Bakugou also knew that you were studying in UA under a scholarship since you had potential but bad financial conditions. However, he didn't expect your financial conditions to be that bad. Bakugou was hiding nearby as he saw you stop infront of a shabby house as if you were contemplating whether to enter or not. After a while of just standing there, you entered the house, closing the door behind you. "Did she reject me because her dumb ass thought I'll reject her cause she's poor?" Bakugou wondered angrily as he didn't like the fact that you thought so low of him. However, all his doubts were cleared just when he decided to go back home and the door to your house was roughly opened and you were thrown out of the house.
Bakugou's eyes widened at your condition. You were still in your school uniform but your hair was messed up and you were clutching your stomach in obvious pain. Bakugou decided not to hide anymore and ran towards you. "Shit! (L/N)! Are you okay?! What the fuck was that?!" Bakugou asked you loudly, his voice showing concern as his face twitched into an angry but concerned expression. You on the other hand was surprised, embarrassed, scared and in pain. "Bakugou... What are you doing here?" you asked him, croaking in pain. "I'll explain that later. Firstly, did someone hit you? Is this your home? Where are your parents? You have a shit tonne of explaining to do dammit! I'm taking you to a fucking hospital and don't fucking argue." Bakugou barked at you, picking you up from the street. "I'm sorry about this mess..." you croaked out only to get an incredulous look from Bakugou.
You were kicked in your stomach. The doctor in the nearby hospital gave you medicines to relieve the pain. After checking you, they found many bruises, results of domestic violence. Bakugou wasn’t allowed to be there with you since he wasn’t family when the police were called to interview you. After all the procedures were completed, you were moved to a ward room where you were to be kept for the day as the kick was quite strong. That was when Bakugou was finally allowed to see you. He had been waiting in the waiting room for hours. He needed to have a chat with you about everything. When he entered the room, he found you sitting on the bed, looking out of the window beside the bed. Hearing him come in, you looked at him and suddenly, Bakugou could see a glint of guilt in your eyes. "I'm so sorry about all that mess..." you muttered, looking down at the floor. "It's not your fault, dumbass. Do you wanna talk about it?" Bakugou asked you, trying to keep his rough voice soothing. "I... Okay... You deserve to know..." you muttered in answer before telling him everything.
Your mother was a drug addict. Your father left you when you were in elementary school and never came back. Your mother was a drug dealer and that's where the money to support the family came from. You were ashamed of your background because how can the daughter of a criminal be a hero? You've wanted to be a hero since you were a kid and getting into UA was the best thing that happened to you. While you were in class, you could reject your family for a little amount of time. When you were with Bakugou, you could be yourself. However, your life never left you alone. Your mother was abusive. She found it fun to hit you even if you made the slightest of mistakes, sometimes even when you did absolutely nothing. Apologizing became your self defence mechanism as there was no other way to stop your mother from hitting you. Yes, you had a strong quirk but your mother had the quirk to erase quirks almost like Aizawa which made you helpless against her. The effect of your life at home creeped it's way into the life you made for yourself at school as you were constantly terrified. When Bakugou asked you out, you couldn’t express how much you wanted to say yes, how much you wanted to hug him. However, you knew better. Why would someone who is so driven to be the number 1 hero, someone who wants to save everyone, like someone who can't even stop her own mother from doing crimes? You felt as if you didn't deserve him.
At the end, you were crying. Bakugou was completely quiet as you explained everything. Suddenly, you felt Bakugou's hand on your head as he pulled you into a hug. He was standing infront of the bed as you were sitting, with your forehead pressed to his stomach. "You really are a dumbass aren’t you? You didn’t have a choice back there. It's not your damn fault idiot." Bakugou muttered as he patted your head. "I-I'm sorry..." you sobbed as your arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer. "Don't apologise idiot. I swear I'll break the arms of anyone who tries to lay a damned finger on you. You won't apologise without a fucking reason anymore. Promise me that." Bakugou barked at you, still petting your head. "I promise." you muttered between your sobs as a smile kept forming on your face. "We are having that date too." Bakugou muttered, making sure that you didn't catch the way he blushed. "Yeah. We are." you answered with a full blown smile on your face.
[Author's note: I'm not too good at writing angst but I hope this was okayish?]
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aiden-png · 3 years
Heyy, is there any way for you to possibly share your planning/outlining process? I’m having a lot of trouble myself figuring out how to write my fic, it’s all just out of order and all over the place, and I feel like knowing what you do might help a bit
omg sure!! I know how to outline a few different ways and jump between the methods depending on the story, length, and how much planning is actually needed to achieve my goal. I don’t typically outline unless I’m setting out to write something over 20k words or I have an idea that relies on a series of interconnected scenes (like a 5+1 for instance)! I’ll continue below the cut...
when I’m ‘outlining’ for a multichapter fic below 20k, my notes are pretty simple and typically look like this (example from “5 Times Wild Did Something Wild”): -collecting bomb arrows while it’s raining -electrocuting a group of enemies during a lightning storm -deflecting guardian lasers with his shield/cryo-launching a guardian and sniping it midair -riding a Lynel and killing it from close range* -setting up a trap and killing a Yiga in disguise elaborately* -getting stabbed/shot and pulling the weapon out of himself to finish the fight
these ‘bullet outlines’ are really good for laying out scenes, story beats, or chapter summaries for multichapter fics. when I write a short oneshot however, my notes are 1-5 sentences that summarize the entire plot or the prompt, and I add more notes if necessary when I sit down to start writing. for example, the prompt outline for “Hero Through the Ages” was this: Wild is reverted back to a child and everyone expects him to be rowdy and impossible. Instead he’s entirely mute, very stoic, extremely well versed in swordsmanship, and acts like he’s a knight.
however, when I’m outlining a longggg multichapter fic, I have two methods I really enjoy using and tend to pair them together. first is the summary method, where I write out an overview of what I want the story to be like in paragraph form. it ends up looking like a Wikipedia summary for a book or film when it’s done, but the reason I like this method is because it allows me to brainstorm on the page and develop my ideas where I can reference them again. these methods are supposed to be rough at first and get developed further later, so the next two examples are plans for a fic that ultimately went in slightly different directions by the end! here’s the beginnings of a paragraph outline for my BotW fic “A Major Test of Strength”: Link has been training for a few weeks since defeating Vah Naboris so he has all the supplies and strength he needs to take on Calamity Ganon. He learns of a Spring of Wisdom (or smth actually not in canon) that is said to have healing/restorative properties and it’s suggested that he travel there to try and regain the last of his memories. Sidon decides to tag along to help/see if he can finally work up the courage to confess his feelings to Link. When they get there Link not only gets his memories of this life, but of all other timelines restored at once along with his abilities. Every Champion had a power, and Link always thought the swordsman didn’t. It suddenly makes sense why everyone has believed in him without question since he awoke: Link is the strongest Champion, and he’s just now reached his full potential. Before Link can begin to train his new powers the Yiga stage a plot 100 years in the making, putting Link, Sidon, and the whole of Hyrule in danger. Link has a time limit to face Ganon before the barrier breaks now, and he’ll need all the help he can get to make it there in time.
from the paragraph-style outline I can make a scene-by-scene or chapter-by-chapter (or even act-by-act) outline which is the second method I like, though I have a hard time writing things I know the endings of. I typically outline as I go after the midpoint of a fic so I don’t lose interest, and will place filler estimates for how many chapters will be in the climax and resolution. working from story beats in this case is a lot easier for me, so I’ll make a bullet list where I describe the exposition in quite a bit of detail, summarize to the midpoint, more briefly summarize to the climax, and then stop outlining. it looks sort of like this (same fic as above): 1- Link hears about a Shrine* that is said to help connect those to their past or smth and it’s in the Laynaryu Mountains. He decides to go for it, as he’s still missing a lot of his memory (he’s not super distressed by this, he knows himself and he’s content, he has more important things to handle, but he hopes that the final piece in his puzzle may help him defeat Ganon). He travels to Zora and Sidon insists on traveling with him, it’s not far after all 2- they travel to the location and become close along the way 3- when they arrive the place is surprising and Link emerges from the Shrine with far more than he expected. A Yiga had tailed them, and upon seeing Link’s powers, quickly teleports back to their base 4- Link spends some time training to grasp his new powers and finds himself drawn to Sidon more and more. The Yiga commune with Ganon 5- the Yiga stage an ambush on Link as he travels, kidnapping him and Sidon. The Yiga preform a ritual in front of Hyrule Castle where Link was knighted at the blood moon to rend Link of his powers and Sidon rescues him too late, the Yiga and any information they had disappearing 6- Link and Sidon travel to visit the Great Deku Tree as Link looses his strength, hoping to reverse the spell 7- Link and Sidon make it at the last minute and are shown the secret location of the Temple of Time, where Link completes the ritual, and is sent back in time to before the kidnapping so he can continue his training 8- Link prevents Sidon from being kidnapped with past Link and they journey to Satori Mountain to stakeout the ritual site so they can disrupt the ritual before it’s too late. they talk and share secrets and both realize how they feel 9- Link and Sidon successfully intervene and the two timelines collapse, merging, until Link awakes in the Temple of Time in a fixed timeline with the triforce and knowledge of his powers and his love for Sidon. He confesses instantly 10- epilogue? Link and Sidon share a peaceful day months after calamity ganon’s defeat, Link training future soldiers and running errands for citizens of Hyrule while effectively retired, Sidon and him officially courting, and everything right in the world
there are a lot of different outlining strategies beyond these that you can use too! there’s a flashcard one, where you write out important events and scenes on cards and organize them in whatever timeline you feel works best. there’s the in depth outline, where you summarize the scenes and events in every chapter from beginning to end (this one helps a lot with keeping consistent chapter lengths and maintaining plot threads). when I use an outline, to make sure I don’t forget what I’m supposed to be writing for each chapter, I’ll write myself notes at the end of the doc that I can glance at as I’m typing. I’ve also used the editing method, where I’ll read and edit the previous writing session before starting the current one so I don’t lose track of where I was. when writing a long piece, it can be helpful to stop in the middle of a scene that excites you, so you have the motivation to return later to finish it! it also works well to finish an entire scene or chapter before stopping so you don’t have to read back to start writing again, but since I tend to write every single day until a fic is finished I don’t have a lot of issues picking back up where I left off.
just remember, the outline is only a tool for you to use! it’s not set in stone, it doesn’t have to be neat or completed--the only thing that matters is that it helps you better write your piece. it’s perfectly fine to diverge from the outline when writing, or to edit it as you go! and outlining definitely isn’t for everyone, I rarely use one because I feel it limits my own creativity in some regards. flying by the seat of your pants when you write is a perfectly valid method too, so stick with what makes you comfortable and what works for your style--and remember to have fun! I hope this helped answer your question! :D
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todomitoukei · 4 years
On Shouto, Secrets & Social Isolation
Something that’s been on my mind for a while is, in light of the current situation in the manga, once again worth thinking about: Shouto is still being socially isolated. Kind of like us, only that he doesn’t know it.
We all know that sooner or later, the Touya reveal will happen. It’s just a question of when and how.
Once Shouto learns that Dabi = Touya, that’s gonna be quite the shock to him, considering everything this entails (i.e. his brother was secretly alive for the past ~10 years, lots of mental damage, ended up becoming a villain, could’ve been him instead)
There are a lot of theories on what might possibly happen when he finds out, though it’s clear to say that the whole point of the Touya storyline is to have some kind of effect on him.
What people don’t talk about enough is:
At some point, Shouto could also find out about the whole Deku/All Might/One For All etc. story
He would also learn that Bakugou is in on the secret
He considers both Deku and Bakugou his friends; both are people who know about his family situation and even know about Touya, the one topic he never talks about
All Might was his idol growing up, someone who, unlike his own father, represents a genuine hero, but now turns out to not be the person Shouto thought he was
So how would he react to that?
Shouto doesn’t strike me as someone who would take this personal, but rather someone who understands why this isn’t public knowledge or something Deku/Bakugou would just tell everyone about
In a most likely scenario, he would probably not make a big deal out of this to them
However, the way someone reacts to something doesn’t have to be how they feel about it. Keeping that in mind, what is the one big thing about Shouto’s backstory?
Growing up, he was never allowed to be around his own siblings
His social circle consisted solely of his parents, one of which was taken away from him at a young age, the other someone he dislikes and was never treated by as a human being/child
When he first joined U.A., he made it very clear that he wasn’t there to make friends; his goal was solely on becoming the Number One Hero
Though we’re not shown what his middle school experience was like, it’s likely he’s never had friends before
It’s constantly shown he doesn’t understand social cues or really knows how to interact with others socially, still he views certain people as his friends now
So what do these two secrets have in common? 
Shouto being left out of them
While he wasn’t specifically left out on purpose, when being isolated from his own siblings is such a fundamental part of his life, secrets can feel a lot more isolating than intended.
Not only does someone from his own family fake their own death (in whatever way), become a villain and still not bother mentioning that upon meeting Shouto for the first time since then (during the camp raid arc), even his friends keep a big secret from him alongside the hero he looked up to growing up.
Shouto, on the other hand, isn’t shown to share any secrets with someone else. Instead, he is very open to people, and has made it clear on numerous occasions how his isolation during childhood has damaged him and continues to be an obstacle he needs to overcome.
In other words, finding out about those two secrets would show him that there is still a distance between him and those around him.
Furthermore, circling back to the Dabi = Touya thing, much like the other secret, this one is also not just kept by one individual, but rather several people.
While we don’t know the circumstances of Touya’s death, chances are the Hero Public Safety Commission knows about it and helped Endeavour to keep this information away from the public, since his death is most likely linked to Endeavor’s quirk-breeding and quirk-training
Shouto is already aware that heroes can be corrupt (see: Endeavor) yet still wants to be a hero because he believes that this is not the norm
Much like with Hawks’ undercover mission for which the HSPC explicitly allowed casualties, their reason for covering Endeavor’s past up would be to keep the balance between the heroes and the rest of society
How would they deal with the Touya reveal? Based on the corruptness we’ve seen from them so far (in reference to Hawks’ backstory and his undercover mission), they would probably cover up their involvement in this/knowledge of Endeavor’s abusive actions to maintain their own credibility
This could lead to Shouto questioning the foundations on which the hero society stands (you know... kind of exactly what the LOV wants to do?)
To be honest, I don’t know how all of that individually and/or altogether would affect him canonically; how that would change his views and bonds, nor am I sure whether or not Horikoshi will even bring this up or just pretend like it wouldn’t make a difference to him, when his own brother, his idol, and two of his friends all turn out to withhold important information from him, as well as the HPSC and their corruptness. Not to mention what would happen once he learns that another hero he looks up to, Hawks, has a kill count!
While the HPSC and Hawks aren’t exactly people close to Shouto keeping a secret from him, they are, much like All Might, a big represenation of what being a hero is all about. Realizing all these entities are not heroic means realizing that heroes are fake. This would distance Shouto from the thing he was born for, the reason he exists, and his personal ambition of becoming a hero.
For one final example on why this should have effects on him, let’s put this into the perspective of 
The Trolley Problem:
This ethical though experiment is about choosing to either save one person or a group of five people from being run over by a trolley. Most people naturally base their decisions on utilitarianism (basing one’s decision on the greater good), until that one person is being turned into someone you know (close friend or relative) - then the choice becomes much harder.
Now in this scenario, Shouto is the one person, the group of people is the rest of society
The person in control of who to save is any one of the people keeping a secret from him
Their decisions: the greater good!
Shouto wants to become a hero; wants to become someone who saves others. With that, he would understand and respect the decision to be hurt for the sake of the greater good. However, even when he understands to be sacrificed, even if he specifically gave his okay for this, it would still hurt him to not be more important to people he considers close than a group of strangers. Because why does he not deserve to be cared about?
Additionally, learning about the HPSC and heroes he considers good (Hawks) to not have such a clean slate, would add to the hurt and ultimately weaken or even destroy the trust he has in heroes and his friends altogether, thus socially isolating himself from them.
So while it’s uncertain whether Horikoshi will include this, partially because there is no telling whether Shouto will even learn about the whole One For All thing, it would be great to see that being included, especially as a way to further empathize how damaging the existence of heroes is to those they are close to, despite the fact that their actions are supposed to help people.
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linkspooky · 5 years
Put on a Happy Face
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We talk alot about how shigaraki is told to hold on to his trauma and emotions forever and carry them as a burden, but are we gonna talk about how Deku is told not to express his emotions either by […] Toshinori Yagi?
Are we gonna talk about how that kid despite all his tears and emotions is still being told to just smile through it all? No wonder Toshi is such a terrible teacher. @sweetened-apples​ [x]
A response to a post by sweetened-apples, who made a wonderful point that I want to expand on. Both the main hero and the main villain of this story, are constantly told to hold onto their painful emotions inside of them and never let them out. Which has led to both Deku, and Shigaraki alway smiling when they are hurt or distressed. 
Shigaraki and Deku were both taught the same faulty coping mechanism their mentors, and because they do not allow themselves to feel it leads directly to their self harming tendencies. Both the hero and villain of this story smile when they are in pain. 
1. The Failures of the Mentors
When I say that Deku is forced to always smile, I don’t mean that it is a bad thing to smile while saving someone to reassure them. However, the manga has consistently shown that even outside of fighting, those who follows Toshinori’s teachings are encouraged to always smile. Crying or feeling sad is a waste of time when you can be smiling. That’s not smiling to comfort someone else or reassure them, that’s not smiling in a show of determination. That is just repression. 
Psychological repression is a defense mechanism in which we unconsciously push away painful or traumatic memories, thoughts or desires. [x]  
Simply put there is a difference between working through your emotions, crying, and then eventually having to smile again, or forcing yourself to smile because crying is a waste of time. One of them feels your emotions and works through them, the other just denies having emotions in the first place. 
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Yes, the ability to keep smiling and stay hopeful can be a sign of strength. But it can also be denying weakness. There are good and bad sides to every piece of advice given. For exmaple this is the well intentioned advice that Night-eye gives Mirio while Mirio is mourning the death of an incredibly close mentor. 
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This is how Mirio acts the next day. One whole day after someone precious to him died. 
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It’s good to see he got through the entire grieving process in twenty four hours. At this point Mirio has not processed his loss in any way. He is not so much able to smile after everything he has lost, but denying the fact that he wants to cry. He’s pushing his sad feelings away rather than dealing with them. 
While yes, it makes Mirio appear more optimistic if he’s always smiling from now on rather than just sitting around, mourning his losses the point is those feelings are not just something that can be shoved down or go away. Mirio has not learned how to cope with these feelings in any healthy way. In fact the opposite, he has been taught by his mentor that his feelings are a burden on others and that he can only ever show them his smile. 
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In the heat of the moment it makes sense not to cry, but what about afterwards? Are heroes just neer supposed to get hurt, or never feel pain all of their lives even when they are not being heroes? Mirio has been taught an incredibly unhealthy way of dealing with his emotions by his mentor. 
Coping techniques can be adaptive, which increase functioning while decreasing the of perceived level of stress, or maladative which do not increase functioning, but rather temporarily decrease the symptoms of stress while the stressor maintains it strength, or worsens.
Simply smiling does not make the pain go away, in fact it’s a way of holding the pain close in the exact same way Shigaraki was taught to. Both Deku and Shigaraki are taught extremely maladative coping mechanisms from their mentors that make them incapable of dealing with their pain. 
But All Might was the strongest hero and he was always smiling! Except, that All Might while being well-intentioned is extremely emotionally immature. All Might is expected to be the adult figure in Midoriya’s life, and yet All Might can’t even handle the simplest of confrontations. 
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His primary strategy for dealing with literally anything remotely emotionally challenging, like the sidekick he lost in the past, or telling Midoriya information that might endanger him or disappoint him is to just avoid the conversation entirely. All MIght one of the most brave and heroic characters in the series, is a coward who runs away at any show of complicated feelings.
All Might is so obsessed with being a symbol that he literally cannot function as a person. That is why All Might and All for One parallel each other. They both have tremendous strength and exist in the symbols of good and evil, and yet, their real selves are incredibly injured, broken bodies, frail and barely clinging to life. 
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This is exactly what he was meant to learn from Mirio. All might isn’t being heroic here, he’s refusing to accept anybody’s else, because that would be an admission that he was weak. He’s not trying to heal, he’s just refusing to believe he was ever injured in the first place. 
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All Might just cannot accept help, or cannot accept that he is weak like a proper adult. The result of repressing his emotions his entire life, he does not know how to handle any negative emotion at all. He does not know how to admit when he’s not strong. He leaves out extremely critical information and keeps secrets, not because he thinks it’s for the best but because it’s just difficult for him to hold a human conversation. 
Theseare also habits that lead to All Might’s self harm. Fighting until the point that he’s coughing and spewing up blood. Not caring about the condition of his body at all. It’s no longer a selfless sacrifice, it becomes an act of self harm. 
All Might despite having already experienced what a tragedy it was to keep fighting until your body was broken, and his fall out with Nighteye does not try to teach Midoriya to be better than him in this regard. Instead, he encourages and pushes on the same unhealthy attitudes to his protege.  
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He’s pushing this emntality on a kid who is young, and doesn’t know any better. All Might who should have learned from all of his mistakes, instead unawarely, passively, passes on the exact same mindset that lead to his demise. 
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All Might says he can’t give Deku all the answers, when he literally has not given him any. Even in his attempt to teach Deku, he does not admit he made a lot of mistakes in his life and his philosophy could be wrong. He just… tells Deku to stop punching and kick with his feet instead. 
All for One actively encourages Shigaraki towards self destruction. However, All Might passively pushes the same self destructive mindset onto Deku without being aware of it. He does not go out of his way to stop a child from repeating the mistakes that he an adult has mad, and instead constantly throws Deku straight into sink or swim methods of teaching and expects him to learn it all by himself. Which is no wonder why we have seen Deku repeat the same self harming behaviors, and continually breaking his own body to save others, over, and over again with no one attempting to stop him or curbing his behavior. 
Yes this is not intentional on All Might’s part the same way it is for All For One, but it is still something he should know better. All for One’s manipulations are particularly effective because they actually prevent Shigaraki from healing, or moving past his pain in any significant way while at the same time telling him that this is the only way for him to heal. 
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Shigaraki has been influenced to believe that he will always be in pain, and rather than trying to let go of that pain he should keep it inside of him because there’s no true way for him to release it. 
This was an intentional manipulation on All for One’s part, so Shigaraki would never grow up, and never develop into anything but the exact kind of successor All for One wanted him to be. He would forever remain a powerless child lashing out, unable to be reasoned with, and unable to heal in any way. 
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The reason Shigaraki smiles when he is inflicting pain on others is because he is coping the same way that Deku does. He believes that when he lashes out, it’s the only way he’s capable of feeling good, that if he lashes out enough the pain will go away.
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That feeling is the temporary relief from the emotions that he constantly feels inside of him. He has been taught that the only freedom for him will come by holding all of his painful emotions close to him and never letting go. But All for One’s manipulations show he cannot work through his stress in any meaningful way, because he always has to hold his stress close, the moment he relieves it he starts to pile it up again. The same way that All Might by denying his pain keeps fighting until he is broken, Shigaraki by always holding onto his pain believes that there’s no such thing in comfort for him in life and his pain will never go away. That there is nothing in this world that can truly make him feel good again. All of his smiles are faked, all of his smiles are forced as he tries to enjoy destruction like he was told he would enjoy it. As he tries to feel better about the things sensei told him would make him feel better. 
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That rather than being a crying weak child, he needs to become stronger than anyone else. That these emotions cannot effect him if he is powerful. It’s the mirror image of All Might’s own philosophy.  Deku and Shigaraki smile for the same reasons, because both of them are told if they put on a smile and force themselves to enjoy things, then the pain will go away. They’re both taught that pain is something that they have to hold close to their heart and never let show, or let go of. 
2. Shigaraki and Deku’s Self Destruction
Due to the fact that both of them constantly repress their own pain and do not allow themselves to feel it, they also ignore the warning signs that their body gives them and constantly break their bodies when they fight. Not in a brave, or heroic way, but a way that’s simply unhealthy and could destroy them if left unchecked. 
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Yes, these  acts where Deku sacrifices his body for the sake of others look heroic at first, but at the same time this is always Deku’s first go too response. He always thinks it’s best if he’s the one who’s hurt. It’s fine if he’s the only one who is hurting. 
And let’s say in the fight against Muscle he had no choice because a kid was there and he had to save him. Even if you give Deku that concession look at how Deku immediately acts when he is out of danger with both arms broken. When he really needs to run away and give himself a chance to heal because he could seriously die in this condition. 
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He rides piggy back on Shouji with two broken arms, even though there are others heroes fighting too. His decision is not to get himself to safety, but throw himself back in harm’s way again because that is always Deku’s response. 
Deku when the battle ends does not work through his emotions in any kind of meaningful way, and he does not learn from them. Which is why every single time that someone is endanger, he will repeat the same, reckless, habit of throwing himself into harm’s way without thinking of the consequences on his body. For Deku smiling is not being strong, it’s just flipping a switch that turns his emotions off. 
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Yes, in the moment you might have to smile and stay calm, the point is even after battles the switch stays flipped off. Deku isn’t told to learn from his mistakes and take better care of himself, and not end up the same way All Might did, he’s only ever told, get stronger, get stronger, get stronger, as if strength is all that matters to being a hero. 
Which is why we see even as far as the Chisaki arc, Deku still has not learned better. His response to a situation of danger is to recklessly throw himself in and the result of that is he nearly dies once again when Eri’s quirk goes out of control. 
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Deku never learns from his pain, and therefore the source of his pain is never removed. He acts like he has grown stronger when he just succumbs to the same mistakes over and over again. Then there is Shigaraki, who desperately seeks to be liberated from his burdens and yet at the same time lets those burdens pile up.
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Shigaraki’s destruction and lashing out in the end never relieves him. Even if he’s smiling, even if he’s laughing and enjoying himself in the moment inevitably the itch always comes back. 
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Shigaraki’s attempts to deny and escape his pain only aggravate his psychological wounds further, and due ot that fact the itch always comes back when he’s come down. The character who seems the freest in the manga, is actually the most burdened. He’s trapped in a cycle of abuse he cannot escape from, or grow past in any meaningful way because he never faces his emotions just like Deku, he just tries to deny them, vent them, or throw everything away. 
And from that we can see, Shigaraki fights almost the exact same way Deku does. He throws himself straight into danger, he fights until his body is in pieces. A month before Deika, he fought Gigantomachi exposed in the mountains without eating, sleeping.
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As a result of that it’s clear both Shigaraki’s mind and body are breaking down, but his response to that is just to throw himself into another fight yet again at the next available oppurtunity. 
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We see Shigaraki literally losing his mind and breaking down in the middle of battle, and what is his response to that. He throws himself into danger once again even while he’s in the middle of breaking apart, and fights Re-Destro head on. Re-destro even comments, that Shigaraki does not dodge attacks that he should dodge because he’s too focused on fighting and inflciting damage and cares little about what happens to his own body as a result.
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ANd Shigaraki denies that he is in pain. He denies that anything bad has happened to him. He instead chooses to keep fighting and loses his mind, smiling and laughing while everything breaks around him and he breaks. 
And this is the result of Shigaraki’s failed coping. He fights until he is completely in tatters, and then has broken his body so much that in the aftermath of the body, covered in bandages he can barely stand up. 
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Even then he hides his pain and pretends he’s just fine, and still walks around when he should be recovering. Shigaraki is the extreme result of what Deku ignoring his own pain can lead to, but in the end both of them are coping the exact same way. 
Denying their weakness does not make them strong, in fact it does the opposite as it is something that can get them killed. 
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 4 years
Their Hero Academia – Learning Curve
Presenting the next chapter of my on-going, next-gen, My Hero Academia fic, Their Hero Academia!  
Earlier chapters can be found here
Old habits died hard. Since he was a teenager, Katsuki has almost always risen at 0500.  Sure, there were a few times, like after his first Sports Festival or after some more grievous injuries and hospital stays, where he slept later than that, but it was a discipline he’d engrained in himself for ages.  He’d rise, change, go for a run or engage in other intensive exercise, and still be back in plenty of time to shower, change again, and get breakfast started before Shitty Hair and the kids had even woken up.
He couldn’t go for the run anymore.  He was only a few weeks out from his… injury.  They’d been able to fit him for and fabricate a standard prosthetic in record time, the perks of being the Number Four Hero.  He should have refused the expedited process, done it fair like everyone else.  He felt guilty for it, but Eijiro had convinced him to accept.
“You’ve spent your life helping other people, Katsuki,” Eijiro had said.  “Let somebody help you for once.”
So he still woke up at the asscrack of dawn and there was nothing he could do about it.  Eijiro’s sleeping bulk next to him wouldn’t stir for at least another hour at best.  How he could love someone who snored like a rusty chainsaw, he didn’t know.
With nothing to do for it, he swung himself up into a sitting position, needing more effort than usual to maintain his balance as he slid his foot to the floor.   He can still barely bring himself to look at his… stump.  Katsuki has heard about phantom limb before.  There was little doubt in his mind now that it existed.  There were times he was certain his leg was still there.
But it was not.  The Nomu had broken him.  A fucking robot broke him in ways that all the Villains he’d put away over the years never had.  There were so many enemies he’d made over the years who would have killed to have hurt him this badly, and it had been a damn robot that had done it. Sure, the robot mad obviously been part of some bigger scheme, but he got the feeling he wasn’t the target. Just collateral damage.
Once upon a time, that would have been a big enough blow to his pride that he would have flown into a rage, angry that some crackpot Villain didn’t consider him the world’s biggest threat.
He’d had a lot of therapy since he was a shit-for-brains teenager.  It still hurt, still made him angry, but not in the way it would have once upon a time.
His prosthetic leg stood next to the bed, a reminder of everything he’d lost.  It took the work of several long minutes to put it on. First, he fit the liner around his stump.  It was some kind of high tech interface material, printed circuits on the inside and out, but with a soft texture to prevent chafing and other issues.  Then he fit the socket of the prosthetic on top of that.  Because of the nature of his injury, it wasn’t a clean cut, taking nerves and other muscle fibers with it.  The major of what would be his “knee” was worked into the prosthetic.  Finally, he made sure the prosthetic itself was locked into place and pressed the small button on the side.  
There was a small electric hum as the leg came to life and a warm feeling circulated through his stump.  If he wasn’t too active, he could make this circuitry liner last the better part of three days.  The time was significantly less if he was.  Even though his Quirk was concentrated in his hands, all his sweat had a level of nitroglycerin to it that would eventually cause the circuitry to degrade.  He had plenty of spares, of course, but it was one more reason why he was out of the game for now.
It was almost like having a leg again.  Emphasis on almost.
Eijiro would tell him that he should rest while he could.  Melissa Togata and Mei Hatsume were hard at work on developing a prosthetic that will hold up to his Quirk.  But that would take time.  It was time he didn’t know how to fill.  He’d never been an idle person before.  He wasn’t sure he could survive as one.
He looked over at his husband’s sleeping form and smiled.  He still didn’t think he deserved anyone as understanding and patient as Eijiro.  
The time on the clock said 0515.  Katsuki had let his thoughts wander long enough.  It was time to start the day.
“You sure you don’t want any help, Bakubabe?”
“I told you, I’ve got this!”
Eijiro’s question was meant to be helpful, a simple domestic request.  But Katsuki couldn’t help but wonder if Eijiro didn’t think he could cut it. Those were negative thoughts and he had to constantly remind himself that every offer of help was not pity, was not shameful.
Besides, he enjoyed cooking. And there was no way in hell he was letting Eijiro cook.  The last time his husband had tried making breakfast, he’d somehow set the cereal on fire.
Katsuki was making breakfast, his attention was occupied by the stove, but he spared a moment to cast his eyes to the kitchen table, where Eijiro, Katsumi, and Tai were sitting.  Tai was eagerly telling Katsumi about everything she’d missed while at U.A. and Katsumi was listening attentively, her little brother bringing out a softer side in her she’d probably have murdered somebody if they had seen.  
He knew that it would be brief, that Katsumi would be gone all too quickly, first on vacation, then to the U.A. training camp, and then back to U.A., but it made him happy to have all his family back under one roof for a while.
His happy musings were interrupted by the doorbell ringing.  It was a little after 0800.  He wondered who the hell it could be.  They didn’t get a lot of company most of the time, though Pikachu and Lobes and Raccoon Eyes and Soy Sauce Face and all the rest had been coming around more lately.  Eijiro claimed it was because “they’re your friends and they care about you.”
“Somebody going to get that?” he asked.
“I’ll get it!” Tai said cheerfully, jumping up from his chair.  Before Katsuki could even blink, he was already running off.
“I’ll get it,” Eijiro said, getting up and pushing back from the table.  “Before Tai,” he added, hastily.  They lived in a gated community and had a very good security system, so the odds of it being anyone with ill intention towards them were minimal, but they still didn’t allow Tai to open the door without first checking who it was.  A door-cam would let Eijiro know if it was someone who shouldn’t be allowed inside, like a Villain, Monoma, or his mother.  Though for some reason Eijiro actually liked his mother and kept letting her inside.
Still, he listened in as he heard his husband and son answer the door.  “Oh, hi, Mister All Might!”
“Whatever it is, I didn’t do it,” Katsumi said quickly.
All Might was sitting at his breakfast table.  He’d begged off any actual food, but had accepted the cup of coffee Katsuki had forced upon him.  Because he was a damn good host.  Katsuki took a minute to eat a few bites of his own food before he started talking.
“You do know Deku lives next door, right, old man?” he asked.  “You didn’t get lost, did you?”
It was ruder than he should have been, he knew.  Especially to someone he’d looked up to pretty much all his life.  But he had a damn morning routine and didn’t take well to having it disrupted.  Well, more disrupted than his current circumstances already had.  But he should really have been setting a better example for Tai.  
All Might laughed and shook his head.  “No,” he said.  “I’m in the right place.  I have matters I wish to speak to you on.  But perhaps it would be better in private?”
Katsuki exchanged a quick look with Eijiro and then another with Katsumi.  Over the years, they’d mastered the art of silent communication. He trusted Katsumi to know if she needed to get Tai out of the room.
“Anything you’ve got to say to me, you can say in front of my family,” he said instead.
All Might nodded and sipped his coffee.  “As you wish,” he said.  “But first, may I ask, how is your recovery going?”
The genuine concern in All Might’s eyes and in his voice spoke volumes.  Katsuki was privy to the old man’s secrets and the secrets Deku carried. He knew about how badly the old man had been injured ages ago and how he’d fought on regardless.  He knew about how All Might had held himself together with spit and bailing wire and kept on.  His own injuries weren’t anywhere near as bad as All Might’s had been, but unlike most offers of it, he actually appreciated the sympathy here.  
The unspoken message was clear.  You don’t have to put on a brave face for me. I’ve been where you are.  There’s no shame here.
And for once, Katsuki believed that.
“It’s going,” he admitted. “Still doing plenty of physical therapy. Haven’t fallen in a while.  I can do stairs now.”
“Daddy had to sleep in the guest room when he came home!” Tai volunteered.  “But I stayed with him so he wouldn’t be lonely!”
“Quiet the heroic act, Young Tai,” All Might said, giving Tai a smile.   That practically had his son glowing, though thankfully not the kind he did before he exploded.
All Might hesitated for a moment before he asked a second question.  “And your Agency?”
Katsuki winced at that and an apologetic look flitted across All Might’s face.  “It’s all right,” Katsuki said finally.  “Sidekicks are running things.  Got plenty of them after all.  They still send me some case files and I weigh in and give orders.”
“He won’t take a real leave of absence,” Eijiro said, the traitor.  “No matter how much I ask him to.”
“Brain still works, even if the rest of me doesn’t,” he snapped.  “I’ve still got work to do.  And speaking of, don’t you have to go in today?”
Eijiro looked at the clock and his eyes went wide.  “Oh, man! You’re right!  I totally forgot!”  He got up from his seat and kissed Katsuki on the cheek, ruffled Katsumi’s hair (to her indignant cries and swats), and gave Tai a hug.  “Nice to see you, All Might!” he said, running out the door.
Katsuki just shook his head. “What would he do without me?” he muttered.
“Anyway,” All Might said, “as I’m sure your daughter told you, I’m leaving my teaching position to become U.A.’s new principal.”
Katsuki fixed Katsumi with the same kind of look he used to get confessions out of Villains.  “I’m sure she did,” he said.
Katsumi shrugged. “You didn’t ask.”
“You’re gonna be the principal?” Tai asked, eyes wide.  “But who’s going to do your old job?”
“You said you were looking into a candidate,” Katsumi said.  She tapped a finger against her cheek and her mouth opened slightly and closed just as quickly.  If he hadn’t been watching, he would have missed it entirely.  But something in her posture changed and she sat up just a little straighter.
“I did,’ All Might said. “Good memory, Young Lady.   In truth, there was only one candidate we were considering…”
He turned and faced Katsuki. He didn’t even have to say it. Katsuki could put two and two together.
“What,” he said, “the fuck?”
“Daddy said a bad word!”
“Are you out of your da—are you out of your mind, old man?” Katsuki demanded, having forced All Might from the kitchen to his private study, putting him on small couch there that Eijiro or the kids crashed on when keeping him company.  The walls were filled with awards and newspaper articles, many of which had been clipped and saved by his overly-sappy husband.  He hadn’t been in here in a while.  Too much of a reminder of what he’d lost and what he might not have ever again.
Katsuki remained on his feet.  It almost put him and All Might at eye level.  All the better to glower and try to control this conversation.   Katsumi had taken Tai upstairs, but he was still aware that, with how loud he could get, his young and impressionable son might still overhear and repeat things he said.  And he’d had enough conversations with Tai’s teacher about that already.
“What,” he goes on, “in our history together, makes you think I’m possibly capable of being a teacher?”
“You’ve mentored any number of Sidekicks,” All Might said, calmly.  “And yes, there were those who complained you were a harsh taskmaster, but every single Sidekick who served under you and who went on to a solo career is a top one hundred Hero.  Even those Sidekicks that left your service to work for someone else are noted to have picked up many skills from you.”
“Well, duh,” he snapped. “Gotta bring up the quality of the dumba—of the people I’ve got working for me.  Can’t have them making me look bad!”
All Might chuckled at that. “And, of course, Young Shinso speaks very highly of your mentorship of him.”
“Shinso,” Katsuki said quietly.  With everything that had been going on, he hadn’t had much time to spare a thought for the kid.  He immediately felt guilty about that.  The kid had been right there when it had all gone down.  He knew Shinso had been feeling guilty about it, but he thought he’d patched things up with their little talk at the hospital.  That was how that worked, right?  Big speech, change the world.  Just like All Might.  
The better part of a decade and a half of parenting told him that was not how anything worked.
“How is he?  I haven’t seen him since…”
“He’s getting better every day,” All Might told him kindly.  “Not quite back to his usual self, even now, but a far cry from where he was back then.  Terrible business…”
All Might’s face had gone quite grim, and Bakugo could understand.  The Nomu were the legacy of his greatest enemy.  Even if it was only someone using those tools, the former Number One could only have been thinking about how if he’d been more certain All for One was in the grave, none of it would have happened.
“But Deku and the others are working on discovering the Villains behind it.  I’m sure we’ll see justice done.”
An awkward silence hung in the air for a moment, until Katsuki broke it.  Because he could connect the dots on this easily enough. “I’m not taking some kind of pity job,” he said.  “Just because I can’t go in the field right now doesn’t mean I’m not gonna leap right back in as soon as the eggheads get it figured out.”
Katsuki grunted.  His stump was beginning to ache.  He’d been on his feet too long, but he’d be damned if he’d give All Might the satisfaction of seeing him need to sit down. It would just prove his point.
“I won’t lie to you, Katsuki,” All Might said, his hands folded.  The Symbol of Peace, in his study, wearing one of those stupid mustard yellow pinstripe suits of his.  How Aunt Inko had never managed to get him to buy better clothes, he didn’t know.  “It was a factor.”
“I ought to throw you out of my house,” he growled, taking a menacing step forward.  He winced again.   “Dammit,” he hissed under his breath.  He really didn’t need to be looking weak now.  With as much dignity as he could muster, and trying to project that it was his choice, he sat down in his desk chair.  It was larger than was really needed to be to be functional, plush and comfortable, not fitting the business-like design of the rest of the study, and just big enough that Tai could sit with him in it.
“Can I ask you to hear me out first?” All Might asked, pleading with him.  
“You’ve got five minutes.”
All Might drew in a breath. “You forget, lad, I’ve seen you grow from an angry young man who threatened to kill his classmates on a regular basis to a responsible young adult who reigned in his behavior enough to get his license to one of the greatest Heroes in the country.  You’ve already had a career that would put many current and even veteran Heroes to shame.  And you really do have a lot of offer.  You’ve got plenty of natural talent, but you paired that with more hard work than anyone I’ve ever seen, other than Izuku.”
Katsuki tried very hard not to react to being compared to Deku like that.  They might have buried the hatchet years ago, but again, old habits died hard.
“More than that though,” All Might went on, “I know what it’s like to be struck down, to have people tell you that you should just give up.  I know what it’s like to have a bright future and...”
The silence that followed for the next several seconds was choking.  But Katsuki understood well what it meant.  All Might was more than lucky to still be among the living.  The different factors that had contributed to his still being alive were nothing short of a minor miracle.
Katsuki was down, but not out.  Injured, but still moving forward.  Still strong in the parts of him that were whole, not some skeleton running on fumes.
And yet the comparison was apt.  He’d been the Number Four Hero with eyes on the Number One slot, and even at forty-one, still had plenty of years left in him.
Had being the operative word.  As much as hated to think about it, the question of “what do I do now?” still weighed upon him.  Because if the eggheads couldn’t fix him…
All Might continued, “Though it was originally meant to simply be a cover for my search for a successor, I found I did love teaching.”  He smiled, ruefully.  “Even if I wasn’t very good at it at first.”
Katsuki had to laugh at that.  “That’s putting it mildly.”
“But the fact of the matter is, teaching helped me re-center myself, after I had spent the last vestiges of my power.  I got better at it.  Or at least I think I did.”
He chuckled again. “Yeah, you were all right.”
All Might shared in the chuckle.  “Such a ringing endorsement.  But the fact remains, Katsuki, U.A. was there for me when I needed it.  Let it be here for you.”
Katsuki looked at the clock. “Your five minutes are up.”
“So what did All Might want?” Eijiro asked that night at dinner.  Katsuki had cooked again.  It was something he could still do, so he insisted on doing it whenever possible. Because he pulled his own damn weight. He was nobody’s burden.
“Had to be something big,” Katsumi said.  “Dad sent me and the Squirt upstairs.  Heard him yelling at one point.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Katsuki said automatically.  Dad-instincts had gone to war with his objections to her spilling the beans and had ultimately won.
“That’s your objection here?” Katsumi asked.   But after he gave her a look, she followed up with, “Yes, sir.”
Eijiro was still awaiting an answer to his question.  He should have just said All Might was checking in on him, but he wasn’t and would never be a liar.  He would fully admit to having a fairly selective understanding of reality in the past, but he wasn’t a liar.   Besides, Katsumi and Tai would know that wasn’t true, even if they hadn’t heard what was going on.  And Katsumi was more than smart enough to have to put it together.  The clues hadn’t been hard to follow.
“He had a job offer for me,” he said, finally.
“Oh?” Eijiro asked, water bottle halfway to his mouth.  “Ah, doing what?”
“Teaching,” Katsuki replied.  He frowned. Might as well go for it. “He’s succeeding Nezu as principal and wants me to be the new first year Heroics teacher.”
“I thought that’s what it was,” Katsumi said, “but I didn’t believe it…”
“Believe it,” he said.
“Daddy’s gonna be a teacher?” Tai asked, eyes wide.
“Maybe,” Katsuki said. “I told him I’d think about it.”
“Oh,” Eijiro said.  He took a drink.  
Katsuki sighed.  Eijiro had on his “thinking” face.  The one he got when he wasn’t really sure what to say. Most of the time, it was pretty adorable.  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said.
“Well,” Eijiro said, “it’s just, I know you’re itching to get back into action… just as soon as… you’re able…”   He trailed off, as though not quite sure how to finish that sentence.  “How’s that going to work?”
Yeah.  That was the goal.  “As soon as he was able.”   Whatever that meant.  And the timeline didn’t really seem good.  They all knew it.  No one said it, but they all knew it.  Well, Tai probably didn’t know it.  But they’d all been content to hold onto the fiction that it was just a matter of time until their lives were all back to normal.
He wasn’t a liar, but he was certainly good at burying things he didn’t want to think about.
“Might not be forever,” he said instead.  “But it’d get me out of the house.”
“He’s right about one thing,” Eijiro said, now that they were on slightly steadier ground.  “You’d be a great teacher.”
“I’m trying not to be insulting here, but…” Katsumi said.  She shrugged helplessly when they looked at her.
“No, really!” Eijiro insisted.  “Your dad’s the reason I passed all my regular classes!  Mina and Denki too!”
“Couldn’t have a bunch of dummies drag me down,” Katsuki said, his mind flashing back to long and yelling-filled study sessions.  He was pretty sure he wouldn’t be allowed to come up with insulting nicknames for his students or launch into profanity-laced tirades about how they wouldn’t know the quadratic equation from their own asses.
Katsumi, meanwhile, had pushed her plate away and was holding her head in her hands.  “I don’t believe this…”
That did give him a moment’s pause.  He hadn’t thought through this angle when he’d been talking to All Might.  “Look, if you don’t want me too…”
She pulled her head up. “I’ll live, Dad.  You would be good at it.   Who else did I get all my moves from?
“And besides,” she went on, “you’d be less embarrassing than Papa.”
“Katsumi!” Eijiro shrieked.  “I’m not embarrassing!  I’m the cool dad!”
“No, you’re not,” Katsumi and Katsuki said at the same time.  They stared for a moment, then laughed.
“Um,” Tai said, “if you’re gonna be a teacher, are we gonna have to move?”
“That’s something Papa and I would have to talk about,” Bakugo said.  Thoughts of no longer living within shouting distance of Deku, Pickahu, that Copycat Bastard, and Eijiro’s dumber half-brother danced through his mind, before remembering that Itsuka Tetsutetsu was already a U.A. teacher, splitting her time between living on campus and their home across the street from him, though they had the advantage of only having the one child.
“We’d probably move though,” he said.  “Or else I wouldn’t get to see you as much.  And nobody’d like that.”
Tai nodded.  “I’d miss you!  And if Papa had to do all the cooking, we’d starve!”
Eijiro crossed his arms and harrumphed.  “Everybody’s a critic.”
“You know he’s right, Papa,” Katsumi said.
“It’s your choice, Bakubabe,” Eijiro said after a moment.  “You know me.  I’ll follow you anywhere.  If you want this… if you need this, then we’ll do it.”
“Yeah,” Katsumi said. “As long as you promise not to embarrass me…”
“Daddy’s gonna be a teacher!” Tai said, helpfully.
“Yeah, okay,” he said. “Maybe I am…”
Later, Katsuki climbed into bed with Eijiro, the thoughts of the day still running through his head. He had been an easy sleeper, but ever since the Nomu, it took him longer and longer to fall asleep.  There were too many intrusive thoughts these days trying to undermine his confidence and sense of self.  He’d had nights like that before, like when his children had been born and he’d been worried as fuck about how he could be a good father.  But this, this was more like when he’d blamed himself for All Might’s last stand.
The thought that he would never be good enough again kept pounding against his the inside of his skull. The question of whether accepting this teaching job was giving up or being realistic asked itself a thousand times, in a thousand different ways.
“What do you really think, Eijiro?” he asked.  There wasn’t much need to be more specific than that.
Ejiro put a bookmark in his book, set it aside, and took off his reading glasses.  “Do you actually want my opinion, or is this one of those times where you’ve already made up your mind and are just looking for permission?”
Dammit, Eijiro was more perceptive than he gave him credit for.
“I want your opinion, Shitty Hair,” he said.  “I do this, it’s not just my life that’s affected.  It’s you, it’s Katsumi, it’s Tai.”
“Tai’s five,” Eijiro said. “Plus, he can adapt to anything. Worst thing for him will be if he doesn’t get to see Mako and Takeru as much.”
“And Katsumi?  Can’t imagine she wants her old man around every day.”
“Kana manages it with her mom,” Eijiro reminded him.  “Besides… after we thought we might lose you, I think she’d appreciate seeing you a little more often.”
“And what about you?” Katsuki demanded.  “Stop putting everybody else’s needs first and tell me what you think, Shitty Hair.”
Eijiro reached over and took his hand in his own.  He gave it a squeeze.  “Bakubabe. You’re my home.  Wherever you go, I go.  We’ll find a way to make it work.  You need this.  So if you want to do this, I’m behind you, one hundred percent.   We said for better or for worse. It’s the Manly thing to do.”
It sure seemed like a lot of worse right now.  But he didn’t back down from a fight.  
Katsuki nodded and gave Eijiro’s hand a squeeze in return.  “I’m not giving up, understand?  Just a temporary leave of absence to focus on my recovery and pass on a little wisdom.  That’s it. That’s what this is.”
Eijiro gave him a smile. One of his “I’m agreeing with you to allow you to save face, even though we both know you’re bluffing to cover up how afraid you are” smiles.  Eijiro had had a lot of practice with that one over the years.   He knew that if Eijiro truly thought he needed to, he’d call him on the bullshit.  
“Of course, Bakubabe. As long as you think you can do it, I’m with you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!  Of course I can do it!  Why wouldn’t I be able to do it?!  If All Might or that hobo Aizawa can teach…”
He stopped and gave Eijiro a swat upside the head with his free hand.  “I see what you did there, Shitty Hair.”
There are times, like now, where Katsuki wondered what he did to deserve someone like Eijiro in his life. Questioning that tended to lead down dark paths.  So for now, he was just going to welcome the support.
Him.  A teacher.  It was almost unthinkable.  And yet everyone kept saying he had it in him.  All Might, Eijiro, they all believed in him.
He used to believe in himself.  There were times in his life where he had believed in himself too much, believed in himself to the point of believing he was the center of the universe.  At least that wasn’t the case anymore.
But maybe, just maybe, he could get a little of that belief back.
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codenamesazanka · 5 years
What are your feelings on Shigaraki getting a redemption? From your post comparing Gaara and Shiggy, I got the feeling you didn't care for Gaara becoming a good guy. Personally I would love for Shiggy to have a redemption arc!
Nah, I actually absolutely loved Gaara’s redemption arc!
tl;dr: Gaara’s redemption was done super well in my opinion. & I have no opinion on redemption for Shigaraki’s character, I’m waiting to see what happens! I wouldn’t mind it, should a few conditions be fulfilled. But I also don’t mind him not being redeemed. (Does he deserve to be? Sure.)
(Super, super long post because I love Gaara and I wasn’t smart enough to write meta about him when I was in the Naruto fandom so this is my 14-year-old self breaking out to do what was never but should’ve been done.)
I loved him being a homicidal 12-year-old, and I also I loved him having turned into the 15-year-old ninja leader who re-discovered love and bonded with his siblings (the sand sibs!!! I love them).
I love this brat and his post-goth self
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What I hated was this guy:
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Who the fuck is this. Who the fuck. Who the f—
So here’s the thing about Gaara!
He was literally created to be a monster, manipulated by his father into being one, on top of having a literal demon inside of him that would break his mind and take over. One can see how it led to him being the murderous, unstable 12-year-old he was. Yet.
A lot of the bad guy stuff he did was also by his choice. His father wanted a weapon; Gaara became something worse, one that became too much to handle; gone horribly right. He killed for pleasure, he threatened his siblings, he almost crippled an important side character because he could, he released the demon on purpose, outside of orders.
Gaara was traumatized by his upbringing and influenced by how others judged him; but he also eventually arrived at his philosophy by himself. The influencing words for him were “love only yourself and fight only for yourself [because no one else will, monster]” and he took that to heart. Then he turned it into “I exist to kill all humans other than myself, so for long as there are people for me to kill, I will not cease to exist; I will feel alive.” Damn.
I totally get it. His own father tried to kill him, again and again. Sent assassins after him. There was no one he could trust, and the only comfort came from relying on the demon inside of him, and killing others to feel alive. But—
From the way he interacted with others, he knew what he did was wrong. Not the self defending himself from assassins; but things like killing people who surrendered or treating his siblings like shit. There were a lot of fanfic that blamed all his monstrous acts on the demon inside of him, or like an insanity defense; but I never thought so. He had moments of demon possession, but for the most part, he retained his self, he reasoned, he made choices. If I wrote meta back then, man…
It was why when Gaara turned good, it was solely on questioning himself and reframing his perspective, and not like, extracting the demon from him. He reflected on himself, he reconsidered everything he thought, he listened to another person’s philosophy, and here’s the most important part: he made the choice to change.
Because when faced with that moment, it wasn’t because he was arrested or told a secret that changed everything or it was revealed he was actually loved all along or freed from external manipulations. He could’ve gone back to his old ways. He was still in the same situation as before; the only thing that changed were the choices he could make despite everything. So, quite immediately, he apologized to his siblings.
And so began the long process of atonement. He went back and saved the guy he almost crippled, he opened his heart and reached out to his siblings, he decided to become ninja leader despite the poor, poor relations between him and the village (which yeah, started because they treated him as a monster, but then he started killing for pleasure…). He worked hard.
That was a redemption story I really liked. It’s true that Gaara had a terrible childhood and a good reason for turning out the way he did; but eventually, there came a point where he couldn’t blame his actions on that. He was understandable, but not forgivable - yet. There were choices made on purpose, connections rejected out of hatred, and blood on his hands. I think ‘redemption’ is all about coming to that choice on your own, owning up to that and working to correct those wrongs - even if it’s impossible, even if it’s never ending.
Gaara’s story is really much like Shigaraki’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if Horikoshi was influenced by the character! Prototype Sazanka had his name written out as: 沙惨禍. “Sand Calamity”. Hehe.
But yeah, Gaara started out as a creepy character that showed up antagonistic and began murdering people outside of what was allowed in ninja society. He showed no mercy, he told his siblings he never thought of them as family, he tried to kill an unconscious hospital patient. Pretty unsympathetic except for very, very subtle hints; until bam! Backstory. Yeah, it made you want something better for him!
It was a matter of how.
I have no opinion on redemption for Shigaraki’s character. I’m waiting to see what happens. I would like it!
If! Shigaraki reaches that conclusion by himself. Not him realizing he was so manipulated by AFO none of his own actions were actually his actions. Not him being ‘unbrainwashed’, if that even was a thing. Not a secret revealed to him that changes everything, wow, if only I knew this, I would not have become a terrorist… Not him getting captured and All Might begging the courts to be lenient on him and dragging him kicking and screaming to rehabilitation.
I really like Shigaraki! What made him fun was that he’s a willful brat. “Before we leave, let’s kill a kid!”. “This asshole stabbed me so I’m releasing bioweapons onto the city.” “I’m going to hold this boy hostage in broad daylight and discuss morality.” He delighted in destruction, he looked for ways to hurt people most. All his chosen actions.
Does he deserve to be ‘redeemed’/recover/be allowed to atone for his actions/given the chance to change? Sure!
It’s just, Shigaraki’s gotta make that decision on his own.
One thing about Gaara’s redemption is that, yeah, he was ‘saved’ by the main character, Naruto. Talk-no-Jutsu, I think that was called, the main character’s habit of changing someone’s life/morality/philosophy/sinful ways simply by telling them his feelings.
But it made sense. Naruto and Gaara were proper foils. Both have demons inside of them, both were shunned by the village, both struggle with feelings of loneliness and hatred and finding a reason to live. Sure, Gaara had it worse since he was targeted for assassination; but Naruto related Gaara’s pain at a basic level. And Gaara recognized it too.
They understood each other, that they were mirror versions of each other, that they very well could’ve ended up like the other, the difference between them that one had someone who cared about him, and one didn’t. Naruto showed Gaara a different way to live - but he didn’t force it. Naruto simply told Gaara he empathizes with him, but if Gaara tries to hurt his friends, he’ll kill him. It’s thanks to Naruto, but Gaara realized his path to redemption on his own.
So excuse my lost of control here, but what the fuck kind of foil is between Deku and Shigaraki??? Deku getting Shigaraki redeemed is, currently, laughable.
One is quirkless and got bullied (I maintain my position that these things are overemphasized and made worse than it was by the fandom), but had a loving home and grew up as a normal kid…
for Shigaraki, being at home made him anxious, then he gets a truly dangerous, frightening quirk, and then he’s raised to be a a weapon by Japan’s Number One Villain.
Why are there so many AU fics of Deku having a deadly quirk? Or made him be so relentlessly bullied? Or kidnapped by Villains and forced to work for them? Overall, fics that make his situation/backstory worse? It’s cuz he’s boring. All these stories is just taking Shigaraki’s past and giving it to Deku to make him more ‘badass’ and then have the audacity to write Shigaraki as a dumb tamper-tantrum-throwing manchild. Don’t get me wrong, I actually love reading these fics cuz I’m a sucker for AUs, but honestly.
Talk-no-jutsu isn’t gonna work here.
Still! Should Horikoshi go for redemption, I wouldn’t mind! I just need to see exactly how he handles it. If he screws it up, I will also never forgive him.
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So there's something that's been praying on my mind for a while now. We've seen Bakugo grow, he's shown us he's not just some arrogant asshole, and we've seen a deeper part of him. But he obviously still hates Deku he's said it time and time again, and although I think their little battle after the licensing exam gave Bakugo new respect for Deku I still don't get it. In the training camp arc, if Bakugo hates Deku, and Deku actually "makes him sick" then why did he say "stay back?" as if he cares
Kfkejdjdjjd my time to ramble about my BakuBoomBoomExplodeInMyAssNapalmLookinChihuahaMan has come
Be warned, I wrote this at 4am so I'm sorry if this seems scatterbrained
So imma be honest, at first I didn't really like him, like at all (but look at me now collecting bakumerch and having a Bakubitch body pillow whoops)
I felt like he was a dick and honestly he reminded me of my countless of bullies over had in school. But as I kept watching I would notice tiny little details.
Val's hot take: He's a borderline Tsundere type/ (Val's term) Pit Bull
In this (hopefully) short essay I will explain my thought process and dissection of our Grenade Boi
(Spoilers, it's long)
So obviously at first glance he's a loud, obnoxious, vulgar prick. Who bullies sweet boy Izuku (yes he does, I ain't going to sugar coat anything).
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To me this is just someone who has been given a rare opportunity and has let this pseudo superiority go to their heads.
(Small derailment but i promise it'll make sense)
I don't know if I ever said this before but my father was in the Marine Corp for 16 years, making yours truly, a military brat. Because of this I had to move around every 3 years like clockwork, making me a prime target for bullies and other foul tempered peers. I personally have been in Izuku's shoes around 4 times. One of those times I actually befriended a Bakugou type by just teasing back. Obviously it was a slow process but we eventually got along really well. So I'm using these past experiences for my analysis.
Back onto the topic at hand, BakuBitchMan.
Let's be honest here, Bakugou has been blessed with an amazingly powerful quirk, one with countless of uses and one that opens nearly all the roads to any path in his life. (I mean just look at M****a)
His quirk is in a way like Todorokis where it's a hybrid between both parents, as taken from this fandomwiki page on the gremlin himself
"...allows him to secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from his palms and detonate it at will to create explosions. The more Katsuki sweats, the stronger his explosions become."
Here are his parents Quirks:
Mitsuki: Glycerin
"Mitsuki can secrete Glycerin from her skin. Because of its moisturizing effect, she has great skin quality, which she maintains despite her age"
Masaru: Oxidising Sweat
"His palms can secrete acidic sweat with combustive and explosive properties. If he rubs his hands together he can create explosions, but unlike his son, he cannot forcibly secrete it, and it comes out like normal sweat"
His powerful quirk paired with his ideology of what it takes to be a hero can completely explain why and how he is the way he is. Katuski sees heroes like we would see an honorable knight/warrior. Always fighting at their maximum to protect and serve the people, only ever falling when they are defeated. Honorable, powerful, and fighting villains with a sort of bridled passion. Katsuki hones in on All Lights strength and prowess in battle where as Izuku focuses in on the character of All Might.
To put it simply, Bakugou sees Heroes as Warriors and Midoriya sees them as The Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman
So whenever Midoriya would ramble about being helpful and outspoken about kindess it peeves Bakugou because he sees heroes as something Prideful, and being helped isn't very good for that knight image. So he rejects any form of that behavior and in turn treats Izuku like a pawn to bully. To me a childish tactic to something they don't like.
As for him continuing to treat him like shit later on in highschool both pre and post One for All. I feel like it's just one of those "I've been doing it for so long now, I have no idea how to change it" kind of things. Mainly because he doesn't treat anyone else with as much severity as he does Midoriya (albeit name calling but I'd consider that banter like me calling my friends bitches)
As for him not caring for Izuku but still telling him not to come find him I just don't see it that way.
Bakugou has a lot of respect for Izuku and there's a friendly bond between the two of you dig deep enough.
For example:
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Let's take this whole scene into account. He knew he was being targeted and pretty much thought "Ah finally a time to show how much of a good fuckin hero I'll be, I'll fite every single one of these villains like they're everyday thugs"
Until he really saw the gravity of the situation at hand. Seeing Deku completely destroyed and having to be carried by Shoji because he can't even move because of a fight made him take Midoriya as serious as a heart attack. To me if he really hated Izuku he would've just been like "nah fuck yo bones, fuck yo orders, fuck yo chicken strips, I'mma fite anyway"
Like he knows Izuku is smart and can acess situations and find the most logical and successful approach, he in a way respects that part about him.
As for him telling Izuku not to come when he was being taken hostage I feel like that was so laced with love and concern for Midoriya bc he knows for a fact Izuku will try to save his ass no matter the cost bc that's just how Izuku sees heroism
He didn't want Midoriya to get even more hurt than he already was bc he is still figuring out just how powerful he is with One for All.
Then this brings us to the infamous scene.
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After not only being saved, but actually seeing All Might, his childhood hero and whole reason for even training to be a hero, brutally get weaker and weaker to the point of near death, effectively ending his hero career, his world was shattering.
He was already conflicted about Midoriya all of a sudden having a quirk and climbing the ranks nearly instantly whereas he felt like he earned his place with his quirk and his sheer skill. But now his idol is falling, all because he got held hostage but some everyday looking villains. (To him)
Not to mention Katsuki only ever shows these raw unfiltered emotions around Izuku, so I reeeeaaaally don't see him downright hating Izuku. Because why would you spill personal tea with someone you hate?
I coin this type of personality a Pit Bull
They're tough, they're loud, they're mean, but they have a softer side only few people get to see. They seem brash and rude but their intentions have a deeper hidden meaning.
For example my father is a prime example of that, he'll bitch and coddle me about things in a way that sounds aggressive and kinda hard to listen to but he means well.
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To me Katsuki is competitive through and through, and had no one to put him in his place. Now Midoriya has a quirk that can challenge his and he wants to see who is really better. He sees Midoriya not as a threat but as an opponent for the #1 hero slot and he wants him to be at the top of his game so it's obvious who will turn out on top.
I honestly can't wait to see where his character development will go later on with Izuku's. It's such an interestingly complex relationship and I love rambling about my head Bitchmanboomfist
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blxckdamask · 5 years
Trashcan’s Fic Rec
So since it's the end of May, I thought it would be nice to rec some of my favourite fics I've read throughout the month. Most of these are BNHA since that's what I’m into now lmao. I’m doing this instead of writing the 5 fics I have planned and I havent posted in like 3 weeks oops.
Bakudeku Fics:
Plus Ultra Parenting by Superior_Moustache | 39k | 10/? | fluff | established relationship | kidfic 
Izuku and Katsuki, better known to the world as the Wonder Duo: Deku and Kacchan. The married hero couple finally adopted their first child together, a bouncing baby boy. Luckily, they're on paternity leave for one year (thank god), so they can bond with their son as much as possible. They're going to be the best damn daddies and go beyond PLUS ULTRA!
Katsuki Bakugou has No Goddamn Chill (But Its For The Best That He Doesn’t) by Rosae  | 8k | 2/2 | hurt/comfort | fluff | platonic or romantic 
Alternatively titled: The Entire Goddamn School Gives Up On Trying To Understand These Two & Aizawa is Really Tired.
Izuku and Bakugou had a long and complicated history, but most of the school was pretty sure that they understood where the two currently stood as rivals. Then Izuku's dad showed up on campus and everyone's preconceptions were mercilessly thrown out the window. In which Bakugou tries to murder a man, has a soft side and convinces his entire class the twilight zone is real.
Ft. Part 2: Turns out Izuku and Bakugou will work together willingly if given proper motivation. Endeavor showing up for a training exercise apparently qualifies. Aizawa is really tired of these children not asking for help and everyone else is absolutely terrified (and secretly very glad these two don't work together more often).
briar roses (and hundred years of sleep) by vannral | 15k | 5/5 | angst w/ a happy ending | get together | eventual nsfw 
In complete honesty, no one who knows the Class 3-A should be surprised anymore. Izuku is asleep.
In which Izuku is hit by a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Quirk, Class 3-A tries to find his True Love and get them to kiss him, and Katsuki’s very angry about it all.
Six Between by majjale | 2k | 1/1 | angst | established relationship | betrayal 
Izuku is hospitalized after a nasty fight. Katsuki finally visits.
Utopia by Kanea_vR | 2k | 1/1 | fluff | established relationship | marriage proposal | domestic 
In which Izuku worries that his and Katsuki’s relationship has become too domestic, and Katsuki proves him right. Not that either of them are complaining.
Todobaku Fics: 
No Questions by ravenssaur | 3k | 1/1 | hurt/comfort | angst | deaf!bakugou
Everytime his doorbell rings at 3am, Todoroki knows exactly who is it.
Kitties Tale by Midknight_works | 2k | 1/1 | fluff | domestic | slight nsfw
Bakugou brings home a stray box full of kittens for his and Shouto’s one year anniversary.
Where White Lilies Lay by sodapopcurtis | 17k | 1/2 | break up & make up | angst | hurt/comfort | fluff 
Shouto’s eyes light up in a way that rivals every star in the galaxy, and the past year falls to pieces. “You’re Katsuki.”
With staggered breath, he replies, “You remember me?”
“Of course I do,” Shouto says, “You’re my boyfriend.”
Todoroki Shouto gets amnesia and remembers only two things: 1) his name, and 2) that he's dating Bakugou Katsuki.
The only problem is, they broke up a year ago.
Deeper by snakeskinbuffalo | 3k | 1/1 | soulmate au | get together | tw suicide attempt, self harm, depression 
“Katsuki, your soulmate is someone who will always be by your side. They will be someone who completes you. Together, you will make an unstoppable force.”
AU where Bakugou and Todoroki are soulmates and Bakugou is in denial.
Do You Like... (series) by degradedpsychotic | 3 works | 57k | not completed | very nsfw | established relationship | cheating 
Shouto is looking at the damn vent like he’s about to make a break for it. “It’s not, um, what it looks-” “It’s exactly what it looks like,” Katsuki cuts across, his voice losing its bite. Shouto flinches, and silence spreads between them like the frost on Shouto’s fingers.
- - -
Shouto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo are tired of their marriage.
better late than never by bonnia | 12k | 1/1 | body swap au | get together | aggressive hand holding (lmao) 
“I’m sorry, but I’m not letting you go. I quite like being in my own body.” Todoroki's next breath comes out icy cold, and Katsuki leans as far back as their joint hands will allow.
“Are you fucking hearing yourself?” he sputters, feeling heat crawl up his neck to his ears.
(or: bakugou and todoroki get hit by a body swap quirk, and physical contact seems to be the only answer to their predicament)
Without Hesitation by XenophoneSpeaks | 8k | 2/2 | love confessions | hurt/comfort | get together | fluff | angst w/ a happy ending
The first time Bakugou told Todoroki he was in love with him, he thought he’d die.
Starting Over From Ground Zero by HyacinthAtropa & XenophoneSpeaks | temporary amnesia | get together | coming out | nsfw | angst w/ a happy ending 
“What would their relationship have been like, if Bakugou’s pride hadn’t stood in the way? Would they have been friends, or would things have mostly stayed the same? Would Bakugou have been happier, more open and honest about his feelings and wants and needs as a person? Would he have accepted and even appreciated the comfort others offered him, rather than always keeping people at arm’s-length in an effort to maintain an image of independence and strength?
Todoroki didn’t know.
He didn’t know. But he wanted to.
Abruptly, like a bolt of lightning, he realized he actually had the chance to find out.”
(Or: that one where Bakugou has temporary amnesia and Todoroki is tasked with caring for him until his memory returns, but ends up falling in love with the part of Bakugou that Bakugou has always kept hidden away instead.)
i don’t need to hear to know how i feel (series) by Lizxcliff | 5 works | 16k | not completed | deaf todoroki | coffee shop au | get together | fluff | angst | eventual nsfw 
“English tea, right?” He asked. The man in front of him stared, unsure of how to interact with the handsome, blonde man. This, of course, annoyed Bakugou. “Speak, moron.” He said harsher. Todoroki continued looking at him. He probably doesn’t speak sign language. He reached towards the left end of the counter and grabbed a paper menu. Searching quickly, Todoroki found the English tea, and pointed to it.
Kacchako Fics:
pink cheeks, calloused hands, small wonders by TheGodWith5Yen | 37k | 7/7 | established relationship | domestic fluff | pregnancy | kid fic | adoption 
Her hands found his. She breathed out. Her breath smelled like Listerine, it made Katsuki wrinkle his nose at her.
“I’m pregnant.”
Katsuki’s eyes widened and he stared at her, his mouth opening. “Oh shit. Shit, whoa, okay, wow.” His hands unclasped from hers and traveled down to her stomach. “Ochako, wow.” Not even an hour ago he was convinced his girlfriend was breaking up with him. His mind couldn’t completely wrap around what was happening, but he couldn’t stop looking at his girlfriend in awe. He kissed her forehead, a smacking kiss with a “mwah” sound that had Ochako rolling her eyes and cuddling closer to him. “You’re pregnant.”
“I am.” Ochako agreed, her voice steady and confidant.
Katsuki licked his dry lips. His mind was racing. “Cool.”
It’s Our Secret, Angel Face by thesweetestnerd | 200k | 39/39 | nsfw | mutual pining | get together | fluff | angst | friends with benefits 
Broken down and humiliated after her crushing defeat in the Sports Festival, Uraraka just wants to sleep off her injuries in the infirmary. She didn't expect to get a very loud and very angry roommate for the night.
(A Kacchako one shot that turned into a love story.)
Other Fics:
Perception (series) by aizawashouta | erasermic | 2 works | 10k | not completed | nsfw | friends to lovers | mutual pining | get together | angst w/ a happy ending 
Five times Hizashi feels like a burden to Shouta and one time he finally snaps with Shouta by his side to pick up the pieces.
Hizashi is all too aware that they’re polar opposites, Shouta being the calm to his storm, the quiet to his loud exuberance. Shouta, who’s at his most content curled up on the couch in their shared living room, or anywhere, really, napping or idly playing with their two cats while Hizashi’s busy going through his ever-growing music library, bothering Shouta for his opinion before adding the songs that have gained his friend’s grudging approval to whatever new playlist that he’s working on.
No matter how hard he tries, he can’t leave him alone and, miraculously, Shouta’s been tolerating him for fifteen years.
He hopes to God that it hasn’t become an obligation.
like-like by nanasekei | stony | 5k | 1/1 | POV morgan | fluff | kid fic | steve being a cool step dad | domestic 
Morgan doesn’t really know Captain America.
After The Tournament by bluewerewolfprose | wolfstar & drarry | 175k | 53/? | canon divergent | fix it fic | fluff | angst | angst w/ a happy ending | everyone is gay | trans Sirius | eventual drarry | nsfw 
What if Remus and Sirius realised Harry was being abused? What if all Dumbledore’s careful plans were pulled apart by the power he relied on most of all?
After the Triwizard Tournament, a traumatised Harry admits he can't go back to Privet Drive. Sirius and Remus refuse to submit to Dumbledore's plan and take him back to Grimmauld Place with them, where they must learn how to live together, how to care for one another, and how to trust one another. After so long, can they build a family together? Will they even have a chance when a war rages outside their door? And can the prophecy ever be fulfilled?
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