#all she's really doing is going to hide and try to pull herself together
Im sorry but I live for Thenamesh DRAMA! So for your newest Thenamesh Doctor AU I have to ask you this:
You probably know how people don’t realize or feel their wounds when high on adrenaline right?
Gil is driving with his partner when all of a sudden a reckless speeder crashes into them. Gil is badly injured but high on adrenaline he helps the people on the scene first and arriving in Thenas ER with the speedster on the rescue stretcher(?). He assured everyone he is ok and Thena sees him you know pretty hurt with scratches bruises and really badly bleeding and is absolutely worried and walking to him but before she can ask him anything (his adrenaline wearing off) he just collapses in front of everyone.
So give us your best drama because I will absolutely ATE this prompt because I know you got this!
He doesn't seem to hear her, rushing in with the stretcher while another is in Kingo's hands right behind him. "We've got two injured in a T-bone accident, they collided head on, a few contusions but limited head trauma, I think. Unfortunately, they weren't wearing seat belts, so they've got more injuries than I first thought they would-"
"Gil!" Thena repeats, although he's still going through the patient checklist. She can see the blood on his side, though, and the scrapes by his eye and the very early signs of a nasty bruise along his arm. "Kingo!"
"They came at us from the side," he pants as he runs in alongside his partner. He also has a few minor injuries, but clearly he was on the right side to be on. "He was already out of the door to look after them by the time people were making calls."
"Gil," Thena repeats again, but he keeps going through things as interns receive the civilians. She wonders if his eardrum was impacted, "Gilgamesh!"
"Thena," he finally - finally - turns to her. His hands plant on his hips, as if he doesn't have blood seeping through his uniform polo. He catches his breath, on his way to saying something else when the adrenaline leaves him and his eyes roll back.
"Gil!" Thena cries out, catching him as he slumps against her like a bag of rocks. She lowers him to the ground as gently as she can, careful with his head before pulling her stethoscope from around her neck.
She listens to his heart, counts in her head, feels his pulse. She tears the tips out of her ears and moves on to pulling his eyelids open, shining her penlight in them to make sure his pupils react to it. "Call Ajak."
"Thena," Kingo tries to pull her away gently but is swatted away.
"Call Ajak!" she repeats, barking the order with a stronger voice than she anticipated having. She's vaguely aware that she's autopiloting--pushing away in her mind the fact that it's Gil lying on the floor and not some stranger.
Kingo remains hovering as she scares the interns away.
She turns his head a few times to examine his light scratches--nothing she can do about those except clean them up. His arm will probably be terribly sore from the impact of being thrown into the inside of the ambulance door. She pulls his polo out of his uniform trousers and up to examine the bleeding. It's shallow, uneven--he didn't get this from being hit. He probably got it from pulling the other two idiots out of their car, grazing himself on their window shards and not realising because of the adrenaline.
"Oh, Gil," she sighs, some of her own adrenaline leaving her as she verifies in every way she's been taught to that technically: he's fine. "The things you do to yourself."
"T," Kingo touches her shoulder gingerly as he hears the telltale rattling of a bed being wheeled, "they're here."
Thena holds him, supporting his head as they get him first onto a stretcher, and then lifted up onto the bed to be taken. She's silent, trusting Ajak - and only Ajak - to take proper care of Gilgamesh. Her hands moves vaguely in Kingo's direction. "Sorry, for..."
Kingo knows she means batting him away, and he doesn't hold it against her either. He knows how they are with each other. "It's--are you okay?"
Thena is already wandering in the direction of an on-call room, or a storage closet, or anywhere in which she can have five minutes to herself.
She finds a storage closet and closes the door behind her, pressing her back against it. Her hands have a tremble to them and she can feel some semblance of a cold sweat on her forehead. She takes a few very deep breaths, her shoulders shuddering as she does.
Of course Ajak would find her. Ajak has been working here longer than Thena has--way before Thena made her way into being head of critical care and trauma for the floor.
"Oh, Thena," Ajak coos as soon as she sees the shakiness in her younger friend. She reaches out and pulls Thena's head into her shoulder, "he'll be just fine, Love."
Thena nods as best she can, although she doesn't pull away from the uniquely motherly warmth that Ajak is offering. "I never thought he would just...collapse like that."
"I know," Ajak soothes, rubbing Thena's shoulder. "I was talking to Kingo. Gil pulled both the driver and passenger out of the rolled car by himself--no wonder it all caught up with him at once."
Thena sighs, hoping to get herself together. She's known as the Goddess of War--tough and tactical. She has to be in this place. But she keeps remembering Gil's eyes rolling back and shivers again.
Ajak smiles as Thena finally pulls back, shaking her head and dabbing at the corners of her eyes before her tears have anywhere to go. "You can go see him, you know. Everything on him was surface level. All he's doing now is sleeping it off."
Thena sniffs, nodding and tugging at her scrubs. "I am going to give him hell for scaring me like this."
Ajak smiles at her as she follows her back out to the rest of the unit, "I'm sure he'll still be happy to see you."
Thena chooses to ignore that bit.
She arrives at his bedside and pulls the curtain behind her. Gil is asleep, out like a light and even snoring ever so quietly. It's almost cute. "I'm still a little mad at you, you know."
His eyes don't even flutter.
Thena looks through the chart they've made for him, noting all the necessary information in her mind, even though it's not really her case to handle. She's too emotionally involved. "I'm not saying I would do anything differently in your position, but...I just wish you were more careful."
Gil is still asleep.
"I don't know what I would do without you," she sighs down at him, his face somehow remaining beautiful even under the starch and sterile lights in the ceiling. She sets his chart down and leans over, tucking some hair behind her ear as she leaves a soft kiss on his temple.
When she pulls back, Gil's eyes are open and on her.
"H-Hey," she stutters out, looking anywhere and everywhere that isn't at him. Heat blooms in her cheeks and she reaches desperately for his chart to distract her. She flips through the papers needlessly, "h-how are you feeling?"
"Better," he suffices to say, his hand floating out of his blankets and towards her.
Thena snatches it midair, grasping his wrist (still refusing to look at him). She frowns, "your pulse is going a little fast, I'm going to get someone in here to check your BP."
Thena pulls the curtain behind her, not giving him the chance to ask her about the kiss. She swings the clipboard in her hands as she walks, hoping it's not obvious that she's using it to fan herself.
Ajak barely hears her as she mutters something about bed 4 needing a vitals check on her way past the nurses station. Ajak smiles to herself as she hangs up the phone, "I guess he's awake."
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f1dev1l · 2 months
pairing: lando norris x f!reader
summary: max decides to expose your drunk thoughts during lando's stream
warnings: alcohol, but not really?
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you woke up to screams, with a pounding headache, now what the fuck was up with that, and this was definitely not your bed.
"why am i in max's bed," you asked as the heads of both said max and your boyfriend lando whipped to look at you where you were now propped up on your elbows, glaring at both the boys for the volume they were currently at.
"because you refused to go to bed with lando last night so he just put you in here and i took the couch," max explained as lando laughed at you, welcoming you into his arms as you got up and wrapped yourself around him, still hungover from whatever night you had had the night before.
"are you on stream?" you asked as you turned your head to look at the monitors in front of you.
"yeah, max got bored but we wanted to keep an eye on you so we just streamed in here," lando explained as he brushed your hair out of your face.
"yeah and you guys are fucking annoying," you grumbled, burying your head into lando's neck as he rubbed your back soothingly, almost luring you back to sleep.
"you had a party last night y/n, i don't know who let you have that much alcohol, but it was a funny sight," max said laughing at your disoriented figure.
"i don't know either, but i'm surely regretting it," you continued to grumble, just wanting to not have a headache anymore, "i didn't do anything bad did i?"
lando and max turned to look at each other and smirked, you didn't like the look of that.
"did i fucking fight someone," you questioned alarmed, eyebrows now raised in a rather violent questioning glance at the two boys.
both boys bursted out laughing while lando shook his head no, "no baby, you just lost your memory and forgot i was your boyfriend."
max had to breathe because of how hard he was laughing before trying to get his next words out, "lando literally went to go try to grab your hand to take you outside and you slapped him and told him to fuck off."
your jaw dropped as you turned to lando who was trying to stifle his laughter through his hand that wasn't currently wrapped around you.
"we managed to wrangle you into the car while you were grumbling about missing your boyfriend when he was literally right next to you the entire time," max said while he laughed some more at the face you currently held.
"i didn't hurt you did i," you asked grabbing your boyfriends face to turn it from left and right to see if you left any damage.
"no, i'm okay my love," lando said, looking at you with adoration as you held his face in your hands.
"what do you mean i refused to go to bed with lando," you asked turning to max.
max giggled again before answering with a smirk on his face, "lando was trying to get you ready for bed and into your bed when you claimed that he was a stranger and that you would only go to bed with your boyfriend and so he had to tell you my room was our guest room and you just face planted in my bed after he managed to get you in comfortable clothes."
"oh my gosh," you said while hiding your face into your boyfriend's neck.
both the boys laughed at you while you mumbled out a small, "never let me drink again."
"noted," was all she got as she pulled herself up to stand to get herself together and ready for the day, leaving the boys to be obnoxious to the twitch stream.
boy will she never be going out again with them.
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elliesgaythoughts · 2 months
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trans!ellie x brat!reader
warnings: possessive! Ellie, hickies, ass slaps, that’s it really🤍
You stroll into your shared bedroom to see Ellie sitting cross legged, eyes fixated onto the character she played on the screen. Her gaze only darting and doing a double take when you cough, capturing her attention as she somehow instantly ends up in heat “where you going?” she pauses her game, taking in the way your wine hued dress caressed you body, jealousy at the material building in her belly, she’s so obvious “out with my girlfriends” you twirl in your heels, revealing the bare flesh of your back “fuck. no.” Ellie says, her jaw on the floor “fuck no.” she laughs to herself in disbelief.
“whaaat babyy?” you whine, knowing she’d react like this, her possessiveness making your face grow warm “my woman going out looking this good? without me? nahh” she answers herself.
“babe, no” you laugh as she stands up sliding her feet in her house slippers “nooo!” you dramatically squeal while she runs at you, pressing kisses to your neck “let’s go babe” “nooo” she shakes her head, ignoring you, gripping your hips and swaying yours side to side with hers “yessss” she nods, trying to hide her smile “babeee” you pout.
“mhm?” the auburn headed woman coos, her eyes buried in your cleavage, you don’t speak, trying to let her know the silence she’ll hear if she makes you drag her out to drink with your girlfriends in a fucking tank top and ducky boxers.
her lips finally curve into a smile, belly laughing at the look of fear in your eyes “I’m just playing mama, don’t worry” you sigh in relief, your hand covering your mouth as you giggle, rolling your eyes but you don’t miss how her gaze scans your curves once more, your hands landing on her waist, looking into her pretty green eyes “I can change it if it makes you worry babe” she gnaws at her bottom lip “nah, you gotta show that body off baby” her fingers interlace with yours as she lifts your hand above your head and spins you around and pauses half way.
You can feel her gaze on you as she presses you softly to the wall, the cold making you shiver “ellie?” you mumble in confusion, looking behind yourself to see her squatting, face to face with your spine “just…” she trails off, her soft lips landing on the sensitive skin of your back as she sucks, painting the mark of her mouth onto your flesh “Ellie” you whimper out as her hands palm your ass, pressing your pelvis against the concrete.
Her mouth continues to suckling painfully hard onto your flesh, soothing Ellie as you squeeze your thighs together, feeling her spit drip down your skin.
Your forehead rests against the wall, closing your eyes and practically hearing your blood rush to your clit “fuuck” groans leave your lips as she gives the bruised skin one last peck and licks up her essence “there” she pats your ass.
“done?” you’re attitude clear, done? you thought she was just getting started.
A yelp in surprise leaves your lips as her palm land’s harshly onto the plump of your ass “yes princess, all done” she says smiling contently to herself as she watches you walk off to the bathroom, the sound of your heels clicking, covers the “fucking tease” you mutter under your breath.
You throw the door of the bathroom open “fuck me” you sigh, looking at Ellie’s work in the mirror THIS BITCH MADE A HEART OUT OF HICKEYS ON YOU you weren’t even mad, your chest swelling with pride at her act “babyyy!” you squeal “yah?” her voice leaves the the bedroom “it’s so pretty mama!” you praise her, tracing the shape as you angle yourself to see it clearer.
She walks into the bathroom, controller in hand “gotta let everyone know that pussy is being taken care of” she pecks your lips softly “mhm” you hum as her hand comes up to grip your face, her thumb and index pinching your cheeks as her tongue slides into your mouth, making you whine desperately against her mouth as you press your chest to hers but she UNFORTUNATELY pulls back and gives you one more soft peck.
You’re soaked, with heavy eyelids and a soft smile, you speak “how bout” your doe eyes trail over her body as you pull your strap down your shoulder “I just stay home?” you plead.
“Mmm” the fakes contemplation “I don’t think so” you were already leaking through your pretty little thong as you pressed your body against hers, leaving your lipstick print all over her face as you kissed her “please daddy” you begged with soft eyes “pleaseee just fuck me instead” as to which she replied to with her eyes rolling and her finger flicking your forehead.
“fuck, ellie” you whine rubbing your forehead as she holds a kiss to your head as apology “have your fun baby” “bu-” you’re cut off when she grabs your wrist and brings your hand to cup her the buldge in her boxers, feeling her dick throb against your palm “she’ll still be here for you getting back mama, understand?” your head dips, fighting the urge to drop to your knees and worship every inch of her FUCK “yes daddy” you whisper.
“Good girl” her arms wrap around you, pulling you into her warmth as she slides her knee between your legs, swaying the fabric of your skirt and bumping your clit just right, making your heartbeat fall to your throbbing pearl, engulfed in her warm aura as she dips her head down to your ear and whispers a promise “imma get you pregnant when you get back”…
@williamellieslilho @yourelliewillms @bready101 @moonalumi @heygrimace @elliesmama @pascals-doll @infiniteinquiries
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romanoffsbish · 4 months
Discovering Paradise
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Request | Sapphic best friends wrapped up in a familiar warm embrace, who knows, they might even kiss… | WC: 1,336
18+ | Minors DNI
Warnings: Idiots in Love
Smut: Dry Humping (Non-Con) | Wet Dream (R) | Mommy (N) | Hinted at Fingering / Oral
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A soft blue light cast out into the otherwise dark living room of your shared apartment; Natasha watched your face in anticipation as an action packed scene broke off on the screen. You didn't even flinch, but had you been awake you would have buried yourself in her to hide from the bloody mess and to her that was amusing.
Natasha snorted softly at the recollection, then she settled down with her arms crossed on your chest, chin propped up to observe you over the film. This was the woman's favorite thing to do, movie nights where you never failed to pass out by the second film. Leaving her the time to appreciate your beauty and it not be weird.
Whenever you catch her staring, which is rarely, you always gave her a dopey smile and cluelessly teased her about the crush she very well did have. For Christ sake here she was lying on top of you, but you’d failed to get it and it was never clear to the trained spy if the look of adoration in your eyes was platonic or romantic.
Poor woman was head over heels for you and all she could do was to pine in the quiet moments like this.
Then you broke her trance as you whimpered softly, “Natasha,” and her eyes were wide and moving up. Natasha shifted ever so slightly, trying to see if your eyes were open now, but something about the way her hips moved made you moan loudly in your sleep.
“Oh,” she realized what was going on, her cheeks flushed red and her irises blew. You were best friends, but deep down it was clearly more than that, because what 'best friends' sleep with their fronts pressed together, in the tiniest sleep shorts and whimper their names and moan like that at the softest of touches.
Only the ones with a sapphic prophecy to fulfill...
"Fuck," Natasha groaned her frustrations, her core now alit with a throbbing need, one you seemingly share. The redhead rubbed her face against the exposed side of your neck and swiveled her hips more noticeably.
Once again she was rewarded with a moan, alongside a subtle twitch of your own hips. Natasha paused, pulling away to see your scrunched up expression.
"What are you dreaming of detka?" Natasha posed the question that couldn't yet be answered. "Is it me?" She continued to firmly press her covered pussy to yours, "Fuck, I really hope it is detka, I-I need this so badly."
With the sudden urge to cross the line and make you hers, well, the humping intensified; to a point where you were both far too wet to consider this encounter dry anymore. The intense course of pleasure that rolled through your body woke you with a frightened moan.
The redhead practically squealed, your sleepy voice was too attractive and it made her entire body quake. "Good morning sweetheart," she husked against the shell of your ear, her wet tongue flicked over the warm skin and you whimpered so deliciously that she nearly came. “You were begging mommy in your sleep…”
Natasha chuckled as you whined, your hips now moving in sync with hers as your orgasms built. It was clear she had more to say, so before she could continue teasing you, you turned your head and sloppily kissed her lips, catching her off guard; rendering her silent as she met your eagerness with her own intensity.
In a matter of seconds she took total control of the kiss that had sent her heart and mind racing. It was exhilarating finally being able to taste and feel you. Knowing that you were not upset but eager to continue this made Natasha stutter in her movements, it was hard for her not to use her fingers on you instead but she knew you were both so close and it would be even hotter if you finished with her bare minimum touch.
To keep herself from giving into her urge Natasha's strong hands fell to your hips, and with the strength of a superhero she flipped your positions, using the moment of shock to slip her tongue into your agape mouth. All the while her firm hands began to help you roll your hips in sync with the way she jutted upwards.
"That's it detka," she murmured against the skin of your throat, you were now panting, breasts heaving against the redhead’s chiseled jaw with every breath you took in. The shuddered release against her cheek with every press of your throbbing core to hers.
“I-I’m clo—.” Natasha cut you off with a breathtaking kiss, she was in the same position as you but for some reason she just craved the simple intimacy to bring her to the edge. “Let go detka, come with mommy.” It was like a landslide the way that you fell over the edge with your roommates command, the abrupt release as you felt the entirety of your body tingle with pleasure.
The way you moaned against her cheek and wet her abdomen through your shorts made the redhead feel a returned stamina but she could tell you needed to rest so she guided your lips to hers for a kiss, just in case this moment was a once off test of chemistry for you.
For now Natasha would hold you close, and pretend that there’s nothing to figure out now. It was once she felt your lips lose their fight that she guided your face into her neck. “Mommy will take care of you, but first you need to rest..." You were lost in your head, unsure of the care she promised, but you unconsciously smiled against her skin at her soft attempt at reassurance.
Thoughts aimlessly swirled around your head while you steadily came down from your orgasm: ‘does she love really me too? — of course she does idiot’; ‘do I tell her? — who knew that dreams really did come true.’
As the haze faded one major thought remained, and it was that you wanted an entire life with Natasha. Not just one wet dream inspired encounter, it would break your heart but you also respected your friendship...
No matter what though, you knew you'd be okay, which is why you broke the metaphorical silence.
"We should probably talk," you chuckled against her neck and you felt the rumbling of her own laughter. "Or we can just finish the movie, take a nap, then I'll take you out to dinner then return to have dessert..."
You, begrudgingly, pulled back from the warmth to catch the look in her eyes. The resentment faded when you saw a deep, genuine swirl of affection in her eyes that was paired perfectly with a natural smirk. It was clear she was patiently waiting for your reply but it was delayed by your need to simply admire her beauty.
The freckles on her face had just begun to pop with the increased sunshine and they looked so pretty alongside her blush. The blush that the steamy sex with your best friend caused. It was unreal that you witnessed the reason for never harboring feelings. Because, yes, Natasha was always going to hold that title, it was never a question, but she's not limited to it either, and she's always been a self-proclaimed a jack of all trades.
So, if she was to be the love of your life you’d hoped she wouldn’t mind and would accept the offer with joy.
When her lips turned into a frown you leaned in to peck them briefly before nuzzling back into her neck where you left a smattering of lazy kisses. "I could use a nap."
Natasha pinched your hips playfully but it was all in good fun because she knew your teasing well enough. Her lips softly pressed to your temple before she shut the TV off and let the sound of your calmed breathing ease her into the best sleep she has ever gotten.
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moonalumi · 6 months
getting caught with ellie
[nsfw 18+]
—this is rrly short i’m sorry guys 😔 i’m working on a farm ellie fic WHICH YALL ARE FINNA DEVOUR
warnings- starts off with smut, scissoring, getting caught ofc,
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your gasps fill the room each time ellie moves her hips. both your wetness clashing together and each time your clit hits hers, you claw at her back. bringing her closer to you.
“ellie ellie…oh fuck” you whimper out as ellie spreads your legs wider with her strong grip and fucks herself onto you. the bed creaking louder and louder.
“fuck baby your so wet…keep- slipping” ellie stutters, her eyes focused on where your pussy gushes onto hers so she can get the angle just right.
one hard jut of your girlfriends hips and you choke out a loud moan, pulling her impossibly more closer to you and impulsively bitting on her shoulder. ellie lets out a groan and grinds into you faster, this time the beds headboard bangs against the wall, covering the filthy sounds of your pussys wetness mixing together.
“oh fuck fuck ellie ellie!” you frantically chant as you feel your orgasm quickly approaching. your hands moving all over her before landing on her forearms and digging your nails into them.
“nghnn baby i’m gonna cum all over that pussy” she breathlessly whispers. her hips stutter and her hands grip your thighs harshly.
“ellie ellie yes please please!” you whine, not breaking eye contact with her as you let out a high pitched moan and cum on her pussy.
ellie’s eyes rolls back after hearing you repeat her name over and over again. both of you making a mess between each others thighs. both of you wet and glistening with each others cum.
the bed creaking stops as ellie falls down on top of you due to her exhaustion. you pull a blanket over your sweaty bodies and catch your breaths together. that is until you hear a loud knock on the door and the sound of a throat clearing behind it.
“uh ellie, maria and tommy really need you for something right now, are you uh- busy?” you hear the voice of joel’s usually deep voice turn timid and shaky.
you both freeze and ellie lifts her head off your chest to speak, “uh um yeah i’ll go there in a bit.”
you hear footsteps walking away the door and you both let out a sigh. ellie looks at you, hiding a smirk and you smack her, hiding your face in your hands.
“ellie stopppp! how am i ever gonna face him ever again after-“
“after he heard you moan my name a hundred times?” ellie teases.
you groan and push her face away from yours after she tries kissing you.
“el this is so embarrassing, how are you not embarrassed your practically his daughter”
“i’m just never going to talk to him again” ellie jokes and wraps her arms around you, trapping you in her hold.
“baby cmon let’s go take a shower you have stuff you need to do” you say ushering her up.
ellie groans and pouts, desperately trying to hold you still and keep you in bed “i’ll get up only if we can have a round 2 in the shower.”
this girl rrly can’t ever get enough
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moonstruckme · 5 months
Whimsical!reader x Shy!remus 🤭🤭🤭 like the boys always try and get Remus to go out with them and he always tries to say no but James promises that Lily has a friend Remus might get along with and Remus is just so entranced by Whimsical!reader that he starts to come out of his shell and James is all 😏 “If I would’ve known it would end up like this I would’ve had you bring her around sooner, Evans”
Thanks for requesting my love!
Remus Lupin x whimsical!reader ♡ 933 words
“You can’t go home before ten,” Sirius insists, stepping through the front door as James chats with the party’s host, some co-worker of Lily’s. 
“I can go home whenever I want,” Remus says gruffly. 
“Give us an hour at least,” James negotiates as he breaks away from his conversation. He takes the lead of their little group automatically, navigating them through the house to the patio out back. “Lily’s friend is really sweet, I think you’ll like—hi!” His face splits open as he catches sight of his girlfriend, waving. 
He hurries over for a kiss. “I’ve missed you, sweetheart.” 
“I saw you this morning,” Lily reminds him, smiling against his lips. 
“Too long a period of separation. Terrible.” 
Despite the fact that they’re really being very tame, Sirius groans loudly. 
“You live together,” he complains, “don’t you think you could do this another time?”
Lily rolls her eyes at him, but James straightens, recalling his primary aim of the evening. 
“Right, this is Y/N,” he gestures to you, sitting with your feet tucked underneath you on the couch. He supposes you’ve found somewhere to stow your shoes away for the evening. “Y/N, this is Sirius” --Sirius shoots you one of his roguish half-grins. It slips a bit when you smile and nod politely, seemingly unaffected-- “and Remus.” 
Remus raises his hand in a little wave, but it does nothing to dim the lustrous smile you send him. James nudges his friend your way, going to sit with Lily and leaving Sirius to go in search of drinks. 
Lily’s done her job well. She’s chosen a quiet spot, tucked away at the fringes of the party, where you can enjoy the music without having to shout over it. James watches furtively as you take to Remus instantly, asking a steady stream of questions in your quiet, serene voice. Remus seems a bit tense, as if wary of some unknown form of verbal attack, but James is assured that he’ll relax soon. That tends to be your effect. 
You’re an odd bird, but mellow in a way James suspects will appeal to his reticent friend. Over the years, he’s found that Remus doesn’t need to be pulled from his shell so much as he needs people to crawl in there with him. You seem like you’d be exactly the right fit. 
“Neither of you are subtle,” Sirius says, returning with drinks for the three of them. “They’re going to scare if you keep staring at them like that.” 
“Shit.” Lily turns quickly, accepting her drink and fixing her attention deliberately on Sirius. “Do you think they’ve noticed?” 
“No,” James says. He has to hide a smile in his drink as you take one of Remus’ hands in both of your own. Remus’ face has turned stop-sign red, but you’re oblivious, running your fingers over his palm with tender care. “I think they’re too caught up in each other to pay us much mind.” 
“What the hell are they doing?” Sirius leans against the back of the chair Lily and James are sharing. 
Lily is visibly restraining herself from turning around to see what he’s talking about. James laughs, dipping his head to kiss her freckled shoulder. 
“I think it’s a palm reading.” 
“Oh, she’s freaky good at that,” Lily says. “I mean, I don’t want to believe in it and I don’t think I do, but she hasn’t been wrong yet.” 
James raises his eyebrows at her. “That’s a lot, coming from you.” 
His girlfriend scowls, sipping her drink. “I don’t like it.” 
“I can’t believe Moony’s blushing just from her holding his hand like that,” Sirius marvels. He shakes his head, astounded. “This has got to be the most prudish flirting I’ve ever seen.” 
“I’m not even sure she’s trying to flirt with him,” James admits. “I think this is just the way she is.” 
Sirius scoffs. “Whatever it is, it’s working. Look at his mouth.” 
James does. “Oh, shit.”
“What?” Lily evidently can’t stand it any longer. She turns around, but frowns when she sees nothing. “What is it?” 
“He’s got his tongue tucked into the corner of his mouth,” James explains, leaning over to align her vision with his. “See that little bump? That’s his tell. He’s trying not to smile.” He sits back, smug. “He likes her.” 
The more James watches, the more obvious it becomes. The faint flush that’s spread across Remus’ freckles, never really going away. The way he holds eye contact with you unfailingly, when ordinarily he’d be dropping his gaze. The tongue-tuck, which slips up occasionally as a bashful grin lifts the corners of his mouth. 
James doesn’t know you as well as Lily does, but he thinks you must like Remus too, from the way you keep talking to him without ever looking for your friend to come rescue you. Soon the conversation seems to have found its rhythm, with Remus contributing as much as you do. He starts teasing you, a familiar hand on your knee or a quirked eyebrow at something you say, and you eat it up. Your laughter tinkles like windchimes, floating over the party even after he, Lily, and Sirius have stopped paying attention. 
You move closer together over the course of the night. James’ one-hour stipulation passes, then another. Eventually, Lily is ready to go home and Remus hasn’t brought it up once. Probably distracted by the whisper of air separating his nose from yours. 
James whistles softly. “Evans, if I’d known this would go so easily I wouldn’t have you bring her around a long time ago.” 
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hope-drunk · 10 months
| you and abby are hiding your relationship from your friends, but you can't deny the sexual tension in the car before nora's end of summer party
| cw: 18+, mommy kink, friends with benefits situation, car sex, use of strap (r!receiving), pet names, public sex i suppose but it's said that they're in a very secluded area, happy ending
| wc: 2.5k
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Maybe if Abby didn’t want you to get turned on on the way to the party, she shouldn’t have worn her hair down with a baseball cap turned around. Not to mention the black cutoff she was wearing. You feel like you're going insane. Your thighs press together in the passenger seat as she lights another cigarette, holding it slightly out the window so that the smoke doesn't get inside. 
When you heard Nora was finally throwing her end of summer kickback, you and Abby jumped at the opportunity to attend. It was always nice to see everyone after the summer had kept everyone busy. But you didn’t even care about that anymore. The only thing you could care about was how large Abby’s arms looked in her shirt, and how small the cigarette looked between her fingers.
You had been casually seeing each other, emphasis on casually. You had been friends for a very long time. You had grown up together, and when you went to college you moved in together. You couldn’t remember a time in your life when you weren’t with Abby. But, getting together was difficult. It would be weird to announce it to your friends. You were both scared that it would become too much, and it would ruin your friendship. So you decided to take it slow– really slow. You mainly had sex, and then didn’t talk about the sex after. So, you especially didn’t want to walk into the party with all your other friends smelling like sex.
“You need something?” She says, snapping you out of your daze.
You shake your head, scared of the words that would come out if you tell her what you were thinking. You pull the dress you're wearing down out of a nervous habit; mainly hoping that it'll hide the way your thighs are moving together every time she looks over at you. It's embarrassing, honestly. She hasn't even done anything. You’ve seen her in an outfit like this countless times. But there’s something about tonight; something about the way she’s driving and the way she’s carrying herself. So easily confident. You’re captivated by her. 
What you didn’t know is that you were driving Abby equally as crazy. The red dress you had picked out specifically for this party hugged your body in all the right ways. It accentuates her favorite parts of you. When you walked out into the living room all dolled up, she swore she almost came in her pants. She immediately went back into the room and threw on the strap under her shorts. Maybe you knew, maybe you didn’t. But with the way you were pressing your thighs together, she knew something was working for you tonight. She decided that she didn’t want to make it easy for you though. You would have to beg; you would have to get really desperate for Abby to consider fucking you on the side of the road.
“Do you think Mel will be there?” You say, trying to ease the sexual tension in the car.
“Hmm– I’m not sure. I know Owen said she wasn’t feeling the best the past few days. I don’t even know if he’ll be there, honestly.” 
“Oh, I hope she feels better.” You reply. Abby nods her head and hums, signaling the end of the conversation.
You wish she would make small talk, you wish she would do anything to distract the way you were thinking. She can hear you thinking, but it doesn’t work in your favor. Abby puts out her cigarette in the ashtray in the car. Then, she puts a rough hand onto your thigh, rubbing her thumb back and forth on the skin there. You almost scream. Your back straightens and you let out a small puff of air, showing your displeasure of the act. You want her to take away her hand, you don’t want to ask her to fuck you on the side of the road. But you also think you may die if she does. She inches her hand further up, the side of her palm almost touches where you need her. You look over at her; panicked. She has her tongue in her cheek, like she’s trying not to laugh.
“Abby,” you mumble.
“What, baby?” She says, pinky twitching towards you.
“Stop trying to turn me on.”
“I’m not trying to do anything. If you get turned on, that’s not my fault.” She knows it doesn't work like that, but she also knows that you love when she pretended it did. 
Abby 100% knew what she was doing. It was purely selfish. She wants to fuck you. Now. She wants to take you to the backseat and have her way with you. But she was never going to pull over the car. You would hang it over her head for years to come. ‘Remember that time you got so horny we were late to Nora’s party?’ She can practically hear your voice in her head. She knows you can't take it; knows that you will have to ask her to pull over.
Abby’s hand moves up far enough that she’s finally touching your cunt. You can’t help the small noise that escapes from your mouth. A whine; a plea. Whatever it was, Abby laughs, then moves her hand back down.
“No more teasing, please.”
“Why not?” She questions, smug look on her face when she turns to look at you.
You decide to be honest to her, “I will make you pull over the car if you keep teasing me.”
“So, make me pull over the car.” Abby says nonchalantly, putting her eyes back on the road.
You suck in a deep breath and pull your bottom lip between your teeth. “They’ll know,”
“They’re not gonna know. Just ask me to pull over. We’re in the middle of nowhere; there’s not even any streetlights. It’s two words, sweetheart, you know I’m up for it.”
The silence is deafening. You try to work up the courage as best as you can; opening and closing your mouth repeatedly. 
Her hand pushes up towards your clit again. “Pull over.” You moan out, before even knowing what you’re saying.
Abby speeds onto the shoulder of the road, not bothering to turn her hazards on since you’re in such a secluded area. The good part about the drive to Nora’s house was that there was barely a road. It was mainly dirt, the yellow lines that were once painted had been long forgotten. You and Abby had made fun of her for moving out in the middle of nowhere; now you wanted to personally thank her for it. 
Abby moves her seat all the way back. Before you move into her lap, you take off your panties and leave them in the passenger seat. She groans and takes off her hat. You sit right down onto her lap and moan when you feel the hard silicone that’s under her shorts.
“Why’d you wear that? Did you plan this?” You say accusingly. 
“Knew I’d need it. That’s all.”
“You’re so fucking cocky,” you say before smashing your lips onto hers.
Her hands meld into your ass. She uses her strength to move you back and forth on her lap, which forces you to grind into her. You whine into her mouth. She moves her kisses onto your neck and continues to rock you back and forth on her.
“Please, I want it.” You say, feeling yourself getting close from the way her pants are rubbing on your clit.
“Want what, sweetheart? C’mon, tell me.”
“Want your cock; don’t wanna cum like this.”
“You always ask me so politely. Love getting you worked up. S’the only time you’re not a brat.”
You pout at her and she smiles; knowing that her words are driving you crazy.
“C’mon, hips up,”
You shoot up off of her lap, causing her to laugh again. Of course, she takes her time taking off her shorts and boxers. When she finally does, she strokes the strap a few times, like she can actually feel it. She gives you a pointed look, and you know she’s ready for you to sit down on her. You’re careful, knowing that her strap can be painful; no matter how wet you are. When you finally do, you let out a small gasp. Tears immediately spring to your eyes as you start moving up and down on Abby. She wraps a strong arm around your waist; helping you. You shift and the backend of the strap hits her clit, causing her to moan out.
“Fuck, there y’go, baby. Taking it like a champ.”
The praise makes you move faster. You know that the strap is getting her off too. You fall into her neck and shudder, trying to roll your hips. You can’t deny you’re getting tired though.
“Always make mommy do all the fucking work, hm?” Abby says, catching onto your hints. “That’s okay. Y’know I’ll always take care of you.”
She starts moving your hips and up and down again.
She finds the spot that makes your hips twitch and your breath catch, “Oh, there it is– just needed me to find it, huh?” 
You bob your head up and down; your mouth hangs open. Abby closes it for you, wiping off the small dribble of spit that slipped out.
You feel your head grow fuzzier and fuzzier every time she moves your hips on her cock. You’re practically braindead. From her outfit, to the teasing, and how she wore the fucking strap under her clothes. You knew that you were in for. If you had a thought in your head that wasn’t about Abby’s cock, you’d be worried about how you’re gonna look at the party; how Abby is going to look. There’s no way that there’s not a wet spot on her pants. And you have to put back on your panties, that are soaked, after this. You want to beg her to start the car and take you back home. You want her to fuck you all night long. You feel a tear fall out of your eye and onto Abby’s shoulder.
“Y’cryin, baby?”
“Yeah,” you whine into her neck, the word gets caught up in a moan.
“My poor girl, what’s wrong?” Abby pushes you up so she can see your face. She pouts at you when she sees the tears. Never once does she stop moving your hips on top of hers. I mean– she’s not gonna delay her orgasm just because you’re a crybaby.
“Don’t wanna go to the party. Wanna stay like this forever.”
She tries to quiet a laugh, “I know. Mommy’s cock is so good, huh? Just wanna sit on it for eternity.”
You nod your head sincerely.
“Just focus on cumming, then we can talk about round two, yeah? Go on, rub your clit, sweetheart.”
You do as she says, reaching your hand between your bodies and rubbing the sensitive spot in rhythm with Abby’s movements. 
Obviously this wasn’t enough for her though. Before you know it Abby’s holding your hips off her lap and thrusting the strap into you. You almost cum just thinking about how strong she is. You look over at her arm and watch the muscle bulge as she holds you up into the air. You try to focus on your hand that’s supposed to be rubbing your clit, but you can’t. You press them both onto her chest, trying to feel her tits under the sports bra she’s wearing.
“Oh my god,” you mumble, taking one of your hands and moving the hair off your sweaty forehead. 
The windows were completely fogged. Abby had turned off the car, which meant she turned off the A/C. You don’t even care. At this point, she could fuck you on the side of a busy highway with a state trooper ten feet away, and you would let her.
“You look so pretty right now. So fucking pretty, doll. Gonna make you cum all over my cock.” 
This is how you know the strap is still hitting Abby’s clit– she’s rambling. No matter how cool she tries to act, the second the words start tumbling out of her mouth and she’s letting out low grunts, she’s done for.
You decide to be bold. “Am I making you feel good, mommy?”
She lets out a noise that borders on a growl, “Y’know you are, princess. Just keep being my little fuckdoll and I’ll cum, yeah?”
Her words do more damage to you than yours did to her. You’re a mess again, whimpering and clawing at her arms.
“I know you’re close,” she teases, “Cum for me, mommy’s gonna cum with you.”
With her permission, you let go. You feel yourself fall into her neck, but it feels like slow motion. You think you can actually hear your heart beating. The thick blood pumps inside of your ears, and it takes you a second to realize you’re still in the car, on top of Abby’s strap.
Abby rubs your back as you lay on top of her, pressing a kiss to your forehead a few times. “You’re alright, baby.” She says reassuringly, shushing you when you whine into her.
You sit up. Your brain is still mush– mush enough that you can finally voice your feelings. “I don’t wanna do this… thing anymore.”
Abby’s face goes blank, “Was it bad? Or too much? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fuck it up. Oh jesus I’m such–”
You cut her off, “No. It was really good. That’s why I wanna date. I don’t wanna just be friends who fuck anymore. I wanna be with you.”
“You wanna be with me because I fucked you in a car in the middle of nowhere?”
You scoff and hit her chest, moving off of her into the passenger seat.
“Come back here,” Abby says. You deny her, pressing your back to the door. Abby grabs your leg instead, massaging the muscles in your calf.
“You really wanna do it?” She asks. “What if it’s weird?” Her face scrunches up.
“I think this is definitely weirder than us dating.”
She laughs and nods her head. She goes to say something, then her phone rings, “Shit, it’s Nora.”
You try to listen to the conversation, but Abby’s phone is turned down, “What’s she saying?” You whisper.
Abby takes the phone off of her ear and puts it on speakerphone. Nora’s voice comes out clear, “Listen, we all know you’re fucking! You’re probably late because you’re fucking! No one cares, just get here.”
Abby goes red and immediately takes the phone off speakerphone. She gives Nora a quick ‘alright’ and hangs up the phone.
“We are not as smooth as we thought we were.” You say, trying to giggle your way through the embarrassment.  
“Well, now we have to tell them we’re dating, so buckle up. And put your panties back on.” Abby says while starting the car. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
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junkdrawerfics · 1 year
Simple Moment
I love Jasper Hale more than most things in my life.
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Summary: Just a cute, fluffy moment with Jasper and his human, the reader. Mostly Bella and Alice talking about the two of you.
Word Count: 702
Warnings: None! Just fluff!
“So that’s Jasper’s girlfriend?” Bella asks Alice as they watch a familiar looking girl stride up to said vampire. She waggles her hand in front of the blond’s face, snapping him out of whatever thoughts he was stuck in. A small smile slips onto Bella’s lips as she watches him grin and murmur some greeting.
“Yep, that’s (Y/n),” Alice replies, smiling along fondly, “We met her just a year ago. She’s Jasper’s singer, like you’re Edward’s.”
Bella’s brows shoot up at this, “She’s human?” She knew that Jasper didn’t have complete control of his instincts yet, so the fact that he could be around someone whose blood is so tempting to him seems implausible. Yet there you are, pressing into his side with an adoring smile.
“Crazy huh?” Alice giggles at the gobsmacked look on her friend’s face, “Trust me, it wasn’t pretty at first. Jasper had to stay home for weeks because he couldn’t control himself at school.”
A question hangs on the tip of her tongue, but Bella keeps it to herself. It’s none of her business how they eventually came together, she imagines it might have been something similar to her and Edward’s story. Her curious eyes dart over to Jasper and the girl again. They’re settled down on the roots of a nearby tree, talking and smiling at each other. The softness of the moment strikes her. Had she ever seen the vampire look so carefree? Especially around a human?
“They’re cute, aren’t they?” The ravenette murmurs with a far away look, “She’ll be like us one day too, I’ve seen it, and they look so happy. She’s the one that helps him learn control. He’s even the one who changes her, I think. That part was still a little unclear.”
Bella looks at her with a smile, “It’s so cool that you’ve seen all of that.”
Alice shrugs but her smile betrays the pride she feels for her gift, “It has come to me over the months, not all together, you know. I’m just so happy he has someone now.”
Both look over at the couple again, fondness and genuine joy rolling off of them.
Jasper smiles slightly, eyes darting over to the pair.
“What is it?” You ask, glancing around the blonde to see his sister and the new girl staring at the two of you. A dark blush is quick to cover your face, which you hide in his shoulder.
Jasper chuckles lightly, pressing an adoring kiss to the crown of your head, “No worries, darlin’, they’re happy you’re here.”
You peak up at him with a small, teasing grin, “Really? And how do you feel, huh?”
The blonde raises an eyebrow at you, one of his oh so charming smirks pulling at the corner of his lips, “Why, it’s a pleasure to have you by my side, ma’am.”
Your teasing smile melts into a sigh and you bury your face back into his shoulder. Just his voice alone sets free a flock of butterflies in your chest. You’re probably as red as a tomato again.
“Don’t call me ma’am, makes me feel old,” you grumble to try and hide just how flustered his words made you feel.
“My apologies,” you can hear the grin in his voice, “...ma’am.”
You punch him in the side, knowing all too well that it won’t actually hurt him, but at least the intention is there. Jasper just chuckles again and pulls away to look at your bright face.
“I’m just teasin’ darlin’,” he hums, “You get riled up so easy.”
“You’re so mean.” You pout, scrunching your nose up at him.
The vampire only grins and leans close to press his cold lips against your forehead. Eyes fluttering closed, you take a moment to just savor the feeling. You never want it to go away. You never want him to go away.
“I love you, Jasper,” you mumble as you tuck back into his side.
He pulls you close, enveloped in your scent but so stricken with the genuine emotions rolling off you that it doesn’t even seem to bother him.
“I love you too, darlin’.” The words are soft, spoken so only you will hear him.
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5 minutes (Art Donaldson)
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Description: Y/N tells art she’ll be back in 5 minutes but he gets concerned when she’s gone longer
Warning: Smut
Word Count: 1,542k
Author’s note: Send in Challengers request please!
When Art divorced Tashi he didn’t have a place to stay so his best friend Y/N offered to split a house payment with him. Art and Y/N have been friends since college. She was there when Tashi and him began dating, when they got married and when he divorced her. Y/N had her thoughts about the relationship but never said anything to him until after the divorce. “She was like using you because she couldn’t play.” “She never loved you, she loved Tennis. You deserve better.” “She was always so bitchy all of the time.” It made Art laugh.
He agreed with her and was upset that he couldn’t see it before. Another thing he couldn’t see before was how in love he was with his best friend. She never showed interest in him like that so he thought it was off the table and even now living together she still didn’t show interest. He wondered if she thought of him as just a bestie and nothing more. He also wondered if she was hiding her feelings because she always had to because of Tashi. Tashi was never jealous of their friendship. She thought it was sweet that Art had someone to talk to that wasn’t her.
A part of Art thinks that this is what Tashi wanted. He watched as Y/N ran around the kitchen trying to cook dinner. “Are you sure you don’t want help?” He asked, she nodded and took off her apron. “Positive. Now let me go change.” She said and ran out of the kitchen. He laughed as she did so. It would be 5 minutes until he started to worry why she wasn’t back yet. He got up and walked to her bedroom door. He knocked on the door before he decided to enter it. She didn’t answer so he decided to open the door. “Y/N?” He called out but still nothing. As he entered her room he noticed that she was in the shower.
He took a minute to look around her room. It was filled with nerdy stuff that she liked and was painted purple. It was so pretty. He sat on her bed and admired how comfortable the mattress was compared to his. He didn’t hear the shower stop and when she opened the door they both gasped. She drops her towel to reveal herself to him. It was the perfect cliche moment between them. He just stared at her, he didn’t even look away or apologize. “Art?” He snapped out of it. “Yeah?” She gave him a look. “Is there a reason you’re in my room?” “I was worried you only said you were changing.” He said. She nodded and cleared her throat picking up the towel. His eyes still weren’t looking away from her.
She walked up to him, noticing that his eyes were glued to her boobs. “Art are you okay?” She asked. He looked up at her and it made her melt. The look he gave was one of lust and need. His breathing was a little heavy. She cupped his chin with her hand. He didn’t stop her nor flinch. “Do you want me Art?” She asked in a soft voice. He nodded against her hand unable to speak without whining. She pushed him back on the bed so he was laying down. She crawled on him and straddled him. Her body was still wet from the shower making him wet as well.
But he didn’t care not when he had her on top of him. She leaned down and kissed him. His hands went to her back as he kissed her back. Her wet hair covered their faces. Her hands were cupping his face as they made out. Once she needed to breathe she pulled away but he followed her lips wanting more. “I’ve always wanted you Art.” She whispered against his lips. “Really?” He asked. She nodded and her hand traveled to his PJ bottoms. He felt himself shake as she reached into his pants and touched his hard dick. Her hand felt amazing.
His hips bucked up into her touch as he let out a loud moan. It was pathetic. He was already falling apart and she was barely touching him. She kissed her way down to his dick. “These are in the way.” She said talking about his PJ pants. He nodded in agreement and she pulled them down. She looked up at him with a smirk as she grabbed his dick again. He hissed out and bucked his hips. He wasn’t looking at her, his eyes were closed. She licked the base of him, making him take a sharp breath. Her hand was still on him making him beg. “Please.” He whined softly. His whines were so pretty she wanted to hear more.
“Please what?” She asked, well knowing what he wanted. “Your mouth.” He begged. “You want my mouth here?” She said and took him in her mouth. “Oh yes fuck!” He moaned. She hummed against him and took him deeper until he hit the back of her throat. His hands went to her still wet hair. His hips bucked up, almost making her gag around him. She pushed his hips down so he couldn’t do that and she proceeded to give him the best blowjob he’s ever gotten. He wasn’t quiet about anything. Not that he had to be but he was very loud. The poor man probably never had anyone focus on his pleasure. It only took him 2 minutes before he was begging her to let him cum. She pulled her mouth off him and replaced it with her hand. “You wanna cum?” She asked, he nodded.
He couldn’t form words. “I wanna hear you say it.” She tells him. “Please baby let me cum.” He babbles. “Cum for me Art.” She said and replaced her hand with her mouth again. His hips bucked again and all his cum went down her throat. He whined her name as she let him ride out his high. She swallowed and pulled off him looking up at him. His eyes were closed and his breathing was hard. “Holy fuck. That was amazing.” He breathed out. She chuckled and straddled him again. “You’re so pretty when you moan.” She whispered in his ear and bit it playfully. He looked at her with all the love and adoration in his eyes. “I wanna taste you.” He says. She puts her finger against his lips, “another time. I need you inside of me.” She says. He got excited at her saying another time. She positioned herself right above his already hardened cock again.
He placed his hands on her hips to steady her. She slowly slid down on him causing them both to gasp. For both of them it’s been a while since they’ve had sex. Her pussy was tight, squeezing him in. He loved every second of it. “Fuck Art. You’re so big.” She whispered as she sat on him, fully taking him in. He looked at her as she adjusted for a second. “You’re so beautiful.” He tells her, she felt her cheeks heat up. She started slowly moving her hips taking her time. He threw his head back and little pleasurable sounds filled the room. She started moaning too and looked down at where they connected. “Art baby, look at how perfect you fill me.” She moaned.
He managed to open his eyes and look at where they connected. It made him whimper. She was taking him so well and looked so hot while doing so. “It’s so hot.” She moaned. His hands gripped her hips, definitely leaving bruises as she sped up. She let her eyes close and her head fall back. The bed started rocking with them making noise. It turned them on even more. “Art, do you think you can take over?” She asked as she felt herself get weak. Without answering she flipped her over and started pounding into her.
Her moans got so much louder as he started hitting her g spot. His name fell from her lips like a prayer. His mouth was right by her ear whining. Her legs wrapped around his hips pushing him in deeper. She felt herself getting closer and closer to her release as he pounded into her. “Art, I’m so close, baby.” She moaned out. He hummed, acknowledging her but not being able to respond. He’s been on the edge this entire time but he wanted her to cum first. Her pussy clenching around him didn’t make it easier.
Her hands gripped his shoulders for dear life as she let herself go all over him. He sighed in pleasure and relief as he let himself cum as well. Her moans were extremely louder as she rode out her high. Art pulled back from her neck to watch her. Her eyes were rolled back and soft moans fell from her lips. He stared down at her as she came down from her high. She gave him a soft tired smile as her high subsided. “Wow.” She said. He cupped her face and leaned down to kiss her. “Oh my gosh Art.” She pulled away. He looked at her confused. “What?” “Dinner!”
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girlgenius1111 · 2 months
flipped 2
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ingrid x mapi x reader fluff + angst. r and mapi try to get to the bottom of what's going on with ingrid. wasn't positive i was going to write this but anything for @sunnyaelia
When Ingrid woke, she didn’t open her eyes right away. She was much too comfortable, a soft blanket draped over her body, her face pressed comfortably into Mapi’s sweatshirt. She could feel your hands on her back, slipped up under the shirt you’d pulled on her. Your hands were smoother than Mapi’s, mindlessly stroking up and down. She could hear you both talking quietly, too, and the sounds of your voices were like some kind of soothing drug. You were mostly just talking about nothing, but a question Mapi posed caught her attention. 
“How does your head feel?” She asked softly, brushing some hair back away from your forehead. 
Honestly, it didn’t feel good. It was pulsing with a headache that you knew was from exerting yourself too much, from the rush of endorphins and chemicals in your brain. The pressure inside your skull was intense, and though it wasn’t very pleasant, you didn’t mind much. Not if the cause had made your girlfriend this relaxed in Mapi’s arms. 
“Okay.” You lied, not wanting to draw attention away from Ingrid for even a moment. 
“How does your head feel?” Mapi asked again, frowning this time as she could tell you weren’t telling the truth. 
“It’s been better.” You allowed, your eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of Mapi gently running a finger over your forehead. 
“How is your knee?” You countered. Mapi rolled her eyes. 
“Do not change the subject. You should have told me it was bothering you.” 
“I was fine. Ingrid needed this. It’s worth it, if she feels better.” You argued back. Mapi had a hard time coming up with a dissenting response, because honestly, she’d do almost anything to make Ingrid feel better, too. Instead, she turned her attention to the woman draped over her, her lips pulling into an involuntary smile at the sight. 
“She looks relaxed.” Mapi murmured, taking in the perfection of Ingrid’s face, a perfection she never got tired of looking at. 
“I’m worried she’s going to go back to how she was before when she wakes up. Acting like she’s fine, running herself into the ground. It’s a miracle she hasn’t picked up an injury yet, María, we can’t let her go on like this.” 
Mapi hummed her agreement, and Ingrid felt her heart clench. It wasn’t her intention to make you guys worry, really the opposite. She wanted to take care of everything possible so that neither of you had to worry. She wanted to play so well, it instilled confidence in the team that the back line was secure. She wanted to be a leader. She wanted to be dependable. She wanted to be perfect, perfect for both of you. 
The realization that she hadn’t been able to do this for you stung, and she felt tears welling in her eyes before she could do anything to stop it. Both you and Mapi noticed her stiffen slightly, and the way her eyes scrunched together told you all you needed to know. Before either of you could speak, Ingrid was forcing her eyes open, a devastated green looking up at you. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been worrying you,” she whispered, her forehead creasing with sadness. 
“You don’t need to say sorry for that, amor.” Mapi promised. 
Ingrid shook her head, biting her lip as it trembled, so hard she almost seemed angry with herself for crying. “No, you both have more important things to worry about than me, I’m okay.” 
“We have nothing more important to worry about than you, Ingrid. Nothing. Don’t say stuff like that because it isn’t true.” You said, unable to hide how upset her statement made you, and wondering how you and Mapi had messed up so badly that Ingrid was so convinced that she wasn’t important. “You are the most important thing to us.” 
The pure disbelief on Ingrid’s face felt like a bullet through the heart. The Norwegian always came across as so confident, so sure of herself. This façade tricked the whole world into thinking she believed it, and it had tricked the two of you too. This realization stunned you into silence, briefly, a silence that Ingrid frantically tried to fill. 
“No, no, you’re both hurt. I need to take care of you, I need to make sure you both are okay. Let me up, please, María, I need to get her some ice for her head.” Ingrid sniffled, fighting the tight embrace Mapi’s arms had her in. The Spaniard shook her head firmly, but looked at you with concern. 
“Love, I’m okay, I promise you.” You implored. 
“You need me.” Ingrid repeated brokenly. 
Slowly, you nodded, eyes searching her pained expression. “I do need you. I always need you. You need us too, though. Can you let us take care of you?” 
“I don’t need to be taken care of,” she began, only growing more teary eyed when Mapi cut her off. 
“Stop, amor, stop lying. You said earlier you feel the most stressed you have ever felt in your life. Forgot about my knee for a minute, forget about her head. We are okay, but we need you to be okay too. It’s okay for you to need us.”  
Ingrid shook her head rapidly. “No. I can’t need you.”
“Why not, princesa?” Mapi asked, in a soft tone of voice she reserved for you and Ingrid. Her gaze was beyond gentle as she regarded the Norwegian women, one tattooed hand cradling a freckled cheek.
 “I can’t need you because you both deserve so much better than me, I don’t deserve to be loved by you.” she said quietly, rushing the words out as if they’d been swirling around in her head for some time. She missed the anger that flashed across Mapi’s face, but you didn’t. You felt the same way, honestly. You wanted to seek out whatever had made her feel like this, but you had a feeling that the trail would just lead you back to her. Perfect, beautiful, kind Ingrid. You couldn’t shout the insecure part of her away, it wouldn’t work. So, you rested a hand on Mapi’s shoulder to calm her, but it seemed that she had reached the same conclusion that you had.
“Mi princesa,” she whispered roughly. “I could spend 100 lifetimes loving you and it wouldn’t be enough. I do not care what you think I deserve. I love you. I want you. You do not need to earn my love, mi princesa. You have it. Always. For the rest of your life, for the rest of time. You just have it.” 
Ingrid pushed her face into Mapi’s sweatshirt, her tears quietly soaking into the soft fabric. She looked so unlike herself, all broken and small. She clearly craved the reassurance, but was terrified to accept it. 
You swallowed thickly, running your hand through her thick hair in an effort to get her to look at you. She didn't look up, but you spoke anyway. “Ingrid, where is this coming from? Did we do something to make you feel like this?” 
Her voice was muffled but still audibly distraught when she replied. “No, I know you love me. I know you want me. I just… I don't always understand why. All I can see are my flaws, all the things I do wrong, and I hate myself for them. If I let you take care of me… you’ll see them too.” 
It was so absurd, you wanted to laugh. You didn’t, though. You just took a deep breath, thinking that the agonized expression on Mapi’s face probably matched yours right now.
 “Ingrid… I don’t know what flaws you see in yourself. You are as close to perfection as I have ever seen a person get.” You rolled your eyes at Mapi’s slight pout at your statement. “Anything you consider to be a flaw… it's miniscule in the scale of how much we love you. We want you to need us. You don’t need to be completely put together all the time. You don’t need to suffer by yourself just because you deem your stressors insignificant in comparison to ours.”
“Amor, you can always lean on us. Even if my knee is fucked. I don’t need two working legs to take care of you. There is no flaw, nothing in the world that you could do that would make us not want you. That would make us see you any differently than we do now. You are ours. That will never change, mi amor, never.” 
You were startled to see tears welling in Mapi’s eyes, but you understood. It was painful to see someone you loved so much feel so awful, and keep it from you. It was painful to realize you’d missed something because you were too wrapped up in yourself to pay enough attention and realize what was going on sooner. 
“We have to do better, sí? It is not enough to tell you that we love you. We have to remind you of why, and we will, mi princesa, I promise you We will.” Mapi whispered, her voice thick with emotion, and holding a quiet promise, one that was clear to Ingrid. And really, if anyone could fix this horrible way of thinking she knew she shouldn’t engage in, it would be the two of you. 
“Tomorrow is Ingrid day.” You declared. “We’ll do whatever you want. We’ll spend the whole day telling you what we love about you, if that’s what it takes.” 
Ingrid let out a choked laugh, allowing Mapi to gently wipe her tears off her face. “I just want to stay here. And lay with you both. Can we do that?” She asked shyly. 
“Of course we can.” María smiled. “Whatever you want, princesa, I mean it.” 
Ingrid turned her attention to you, allowing some worry to creep back into her gaze. “I want you to rest tomorrow, too.” 
“I will, if that makes you happy.” You promised, smiling softly at her, a smile she returned. 
“You both are perfect.” She said, looking between the two of you like she couldn’t quite believe her luck. 
“Then you are perfect, too. Beautiful.” Mapi leaned up to press a kiss to Ingrid’s lips, murmuring each word in between kisses. “Kind. Hardworking. Perfect, amor. So perfect.” 
You were glad to see the blush on Ingrid’s cheeks, knowing that it meant you’d both gotten through to her, at least a little bit. The Norwegian settled her face into Mapi’s neck, her hand reaching out to twist into your shirt and pull you closer. You fit in next to them so easily. You always would, and so would they. Because maybe you weren’t all actually perfect. You were, however, perfect for each other. 
this was physically painful to write for no reason and it's short but the words were not flowing. it's done now though and i hope you all like :)
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First Time With Someone Like You…
Eddie Munson x fem!Reader, brief mentions of Billy x reader
Word count: roughly 10.1K
Eddie and his girlfriend finally put a label on it at last and now they’re feeling ready to take another new step together.
Warnings: NSFW (Minors do not interact), oral (f receiving), protected p in v sex, mentions of kinky shit but no kinky shit, reader’s first time having sex, inexperienced reader, terms of endearment (baby, pretty girl, sweetheart), AFTERCARE INCLUDED BECAUSE YES, fluffy sweet sex. 
Author’s note: I got a message the other day from @wdsara48 sending some very sweet thoughts about Bumpy Ride which is my other NSFW piece currently published and asking if I had ever written Eddie with an inexperienced reader and yes I have! This is that piece! It's again part of the same longer work that most of my Eddie stuff is from! Anyway it's on the longer side and I hope you all enjoy!
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The Hideout was never a big spot, never drew a big crowd, but recently Corroded Coffin had managed to get a bigger gig - a going away party for a good friend of Gareth’s. The group had all banded together in order to make sure their setlist was flawless, down to a t, and needless to say, it had paid off. 
Corroded Coffin had just finished their rendition of “Jessie’s Girl”, which had left the crowd more than satisfied and their pockets heavier than usual as they began packing up their belongings. Music blared over the speakers, although it was nothing compared to them live. Eddie was also a little stoked on the premise that his girlfriend was here - something that always made him excited. Up until this point, they had never said the words to each other and had never put an official title on it but now…tonight they were ready to introduce her to the band as the girlfriend. People were still laughing and talking, but Y/N and her friend Jude who she had come with weren’t quite ready for the party to be over.
 “Hey Y/Nnnnnn”, Jude sang as they ran up and poked their friend. “Jonathan’s going to drive Nancy, Robin, and I home. Do you want to come?” 
“Oh,” Y/N said as she looked between her friend and the boy she was now thrilled to call her boyfriend, before shaking her head, “Thank you but…I think I have other plans. I appreciate it though! Have fun! And be safe!” She tacked on to the end despite herself. Jude engulfed her in one last hug. 
“You little freak “ they whispered, before heading out the door with the rest of their friends. Eddie was closing his guitar case and walked over to the bar to collect a few last donations people had left for the band. Once he gathered his money, he smiled and jogged to Y/N.
“Hey you”, he looked down at her. 
“Hey there yourself,” she laughed as she took one of his hands into hers, “You put on a remarkable show Munson. Really.” He blushed.
“What can I say?,” He took a pause before asking, “Seriously, what can I even say to you right now? I’m getting so distracted.”
“Maybe brief introductions to your bandmates who I don’t know and then…” Y/N had to take a little breath to gain the courage to ask, “We go back to yours?” Eddie looked into her eyes with disbelief. He grabbed her hand and started fiddling with her fingers out of nerves.
“For sure, yeah. They’ve been dying to meet you”, he said absent-mindedly, as he pulled her over to the boys sitting on the stage. “Hey fellas, there’s someone I want for you to meet”, Eddie beamed. Y/N stood at his side, his hand still in hers as she gained the attention of his bandmates. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. I’m Eddie’s girlfriend.” God did it feel good to say it at last. The band stood in stillness. 
This stillness lasted for eternity. 
Gareth and Jeff looked at each other, trying too hard to hide their smile. Finally, Harrison broke the silence.
“Wow…” he cleared his throat. “ That’s… excuse me….that’s really cool.”
“Yeah, it’s nice to finally meet this girl that Eddie hasn’t been able to shut up about, since the beginning of summer,” Jeff reached out to shake her hand. Y/N let go of Eddie’s hand to return it only for Eddie to take the free hand on the other side of her with a little squeeze.
“It’s equally as nice to meet his wonderful bandmates at last,” Y/N said, returning the hand squeeze with one of her own. 
“Honestly we thought he was making you up,” leaned Harrison, who leaned on the mic stand in order to properly shake his head. 
“Oh really?” Y/N laughed as she looked at Eddie, “He made me sound too good to be true?” 
“You would not believe it. He said you were hotter than Phobe Caits,” Jeff laughed. “Which you actually are,” Eddie turned to face Jeff with a look on his face that spelled out danger, “Respectfully,” Jeff modified with his hands up in the air.
“No one is actually hotter than Phobe Caits,” Y/N said with a smile, “But I appreciate the compliment. Well, I don’t mean to keep you all from cleaning up, let me know if I can help but if not, I’ll just wait until you’re done.” 
“Hey, no worries at all. Just enjoy the music, we’d be happy to give you a ride home,” Harrison said. 
“Considering that I am the one that drove you gentlemen here, I’ll be the one to offer,” Eddie said with a hint of agitation in his voice. He faced Y/N and winked. “The ride offer is also extended to you. We won’t be very long. Right men?”
“Right,” they barked. Y/N decided to let them work and headed to take a seat at the bar until they were done packing up, enjoying the people still partying around her. It wasn’t very long at all before Eddie slid up next to her.
“Hey,” he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, “Just so you know I didn’t do anything tonight. Like, I’m sober. In case you wanted a ride home. Scout’s honor,” he smiled and put up his hand. “And I am totally down for if you want to come over, but if you….” he faded.
“I really would like to if you want,” Y/N said softly, “I am sober too. I had half a drink and called it quits and…I want that but only if you do.” 
“Legendary,” he chuckled. He took her hand. “By the way, my van smells like armpits because of those little shits. Just so we’re clear,” he led her to the door of the bar. He took her hand and led her out of the bar and towards his van parked at the very edge of the parking lot.
“And the smell of weed?” Y/N teased completely as she enjoyed their hands swinging back and forth together. 
“Yeah…that’s me,” he chuckled as they got closer to the car. “You don’t mind it too much?”
“It’s ok, I’ll just have to sit closer to you since I like the smell of your cologne,” she smiled, making his heartbeat pick up.
“Damn,” he opened the car door for her, and offered his help, “you’re making me feel like a princess tonight.” 
“Simply trying to return the favor since you always make me feel that way,” she beamed at him as she got in the car before the rest of the band brought their stuff out and began loading it in. He shut the door gently behind her and continued to hold her hand through the window. He kissed her hand gingerly and then simply leaned against the rearview mirror, gazing at her. He completely ignored his band’s cries for help and complained. He just sat and looked at her. 
“Nice view?” She asked without looking at him. He said nothing. He lost his smile. His face turned into something else. Before Y/N knew it, he was kissing her more passionately and carefully than she had ever been kissed. 
“EDDDDIIIIIEEEEE” the band cried together. He parted from her regretfully and took one last look in her eyes before he continued onto the driver's side. Y/N was absolutely breathless as she processed it with all her fingertips coming up to trace over her lips. Eddie was opening the driver’s side door before she knew it and she had long forgotten his bandmates were present.
“Do me a favor baby and buckle up,” he said as he reached over and buckled Y/N’s seatbelt for her before not buckling his own, “it’s gonna be a bit of a rough ride.” 
“Hey Eddie, are there seat belts back here?” asked Harrison.
“Nope.” Eddie turned on the ignition and pulled out of the space, “Clench your butt cheeks to the seats and shut the hell up!”
Eddie drove as recklessly as possible, having absolutely no regard for the safety of his fellow bandmates… only becoming careful when he remembered Y/N was in the car. 
“Get out” he would say as he pulled up to their house. 
“I had fun Eddie,” they would say sheepishly.
Finally, when the last member had been dropped off, Y/N could watch the tension leave Eddie’s shoulders. 
“They’re good friends, huh?” She asked. 
“They are,” Eddie pulled his van into reverse and sped off the road towards his castle, “They’re young and can be idiots though.”
The pair fell into a comfortable silence until Eddie deemed that as usual, he had something more he needed to say.
“I am beyond proud to be your boyfriend,” He started making Y/N smile, “But I think, for your sake, we should come up with some kind of protocol. I’m not sure if you’d want anyone else to know that we were dating. It could ruin your reputation.” Y/N looked over at him as he drove, processing for a minute. 
“Respectfully, Eddie, I don’t care about my reputation. But…I do understand if you care about yours,” she said honestly, “I mean having me as your girlfriend kinda ruins the scary guy who hates everyone thing you’ve got going.” 
Eddie shook his head and gripped her thigh tighter. “Believe me, if I had things my way I wouldn’t be thought of as scary. People just fear what they can’t understand. And for everyone else in this dumb hick town, I am an enigma.” He pulled into a lot that had multiple trailers and drove slowly. He pulled up to his Uncle’s trailer and turned off his headlights. “I’m saying that it could be potentially dangerous for you. You could be the target of a lot of hate and gossip. Just promise me you will think about this….” Y/N felt her heart break for him just a tiny bit as she looked at him. Taking his face into her hands and turning her to look at him she nodded.
“I will. I promise,” she placed a soft kiss on his cheek which made him melt, “Thank you for taking care of me.” 
“I got you,” He murmured softly, “Always.” Y/N beamed as she leaned over and kissed him on the lips gently before pulling away. He let out a light giggle before he practically leapt out of the car and scurried to open her door for her. “M'lady," he offered her his hand. She giggled as she took it and allowed him to help her out of the car, shutting the door behind her. 
“Thanks, Eddie.” 
“It’s actually Sir Eddie, to be precise, Lady L/N '', he led her to the front door, puffing his chest out to be the most chivalrous version of himself that he could be. 
“Yes sir,” Y/N said with a laugh as she headed up the steps to stand beside him. Hearing this gave Eddie superhuman strength and he bounded up the stairs to open the door for him. Good to note, Y/N thought to herself.
“Just so you know, my Uncle works nights and I think he’s staying with his girlfriend tonight,” Eddie opened the door and bowed to let her in first. 
“That’s probably for the best,” Y/N said as she stepped inside. She admired the place, the hats that lined the walls, the countertop filled with stuff, and how warm it felt instantly, the warm lighting making her feel at ease. “I mean… never mind,” she cut herself off and stepped fully inside, pushing nerves and fear of saying the wrong thing aside.
“Sorry about the mess,” Eddie said as he moved some things here and there as Y/N continued to take it all in. She thought for a split second he maybe hadn’t heard her remark from before but as he turned to her she knew he had, “And don’t make me laugh. You know what we’re about to do”, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the left of the trailer into the far right room. “This is me”, he opened the door for her, revealing his bedroom. 
“Wow,” Y/N said, admiring how eclectic it was. The walls were crammed with stuff and despite things being fairly clean, she could tell the place was usually messy. 
Maybe I wasn’t the only one hoping for this, Y/N thought as she looked around, admiring the photos and band posters as she stepped all the way into Eddie’s room, missing that he closed the door behind and leaned against it as he watched her. Without thinking much about it she pointed to the blank spot on the wall which was remarkably out of place with the rest of the decor. 
“For your guitar?” She asked. 
“Oh yeah!” He nodded as he took a step off the wall, his eyes trained on Y/N, “You should meet her sometime. Her name’s Roxie and she has the clarity of an angel. But she’s out in the van and…. I don’t feel like she’s my main focus right now”, he grabbed her waist and pulled her in so that her back was pressed against his chest drawing a gasp from her as he moved her hair to expose her neck to him, “No offense Roxie,” he whispered before placing a kiss on Y/N’s neck softly and delicately to test the waters.
“Very respectful of you to leave her in the van when having another woman over,” Y/N teased as she leaned into him, head tilting back to rest on his chest, giving him permission to continue. He smirked and complied leaving another, and another. 
“She’s a strong and independent woman. I guess I have a type”, he said as his hands slid down her waist, giving a little squeeze to her hips. “I’d never leave you in a car though, to be clear,” Y/N laughed out loud as she slipped off her jacket. 
“I appreciate it,” She said as she turned to face him. “Eddie, I just want to say if you have any hesitati-”. He picked her up between her legs and threw her on the bed. She would have bounced but before she could Eddie wrapped his arms around her thighs, effectively pinning her hips down as he looked at her from between her legs, kneeling on the ground still. He looked at her for a moment before confessing with a sigh, “I’m hesitating like crazy.”
“Because…?” Y/N prompted as she sat up just a bit to be closer to him. He grabbed her wrists and threw them back on the mattress, positioning himself comfortably on top. He paused and looked at her for a moment before his expression shifted and he let out a sigh as he sat up to kneeling, leaning back on his hands. 
“I…I’m gonna be honest here and vulnerable and stuff,” he said, trying to keep his demeanor casual but Y/N could tell he was being serious, “But I’ve never been with someone I actually care for in the way I care about you. Most people want to hook up with me - get the town freak’s dick, learn a bit about themselves so they can get off, and leave - and that’s fine but…I guess I’m worried that since I’ve never been with anyone I cared about beyond wanting to learn…well stuff…I won’t compare to Hargrove,” he said with a little look down before shaking his head, “Which is stupid I know-”
“I wouldn’t know what Billy is like,” Y/N cut him off as she sat up. Eddie looked at her and raised a brow. 
“But you…” Eddie’s eyes went wide as he looked at her, “You and Billy never did it?”
“Nope,” Y/N said, not meeting his eyes, “We did not…we just…made out a couple of times…” His expression changed, it lightened. 
“Oh,” he slowly rubbed the sides of her thighs back and forth. “So… and correct me if I’m wrong. This would be your first?”
“Yes,” She said, looking at him because if she couldn’t admit to him she wanted him to be her first she didn’t deserve to have him as such, “It would be.” He leapt up with a drive she knew only from days when he was really pumped for Hellfire. 
“Well, then this is ALL WRONG”, he paced back and forth looking for something. “Hmmm.” He stopped when he saw his stereo. “Well, we obviously need music,” he smirked and bolted to his cassette shelf, diving in and throwing random tapes on the wall. 
“No! Seriously?” Y/N asked as she sat up, laughing as she took the time to examine his room a bit more to distract herself from the nerves, “Eddie I don’t think that’s…” Her eyes caught on a metal shiny piece hanging from the wall near where he was searching for music and she felt her breath catch in her throat. Why did he have those? Just then “I’m On Fire”, by Bruce Springsteen. The soft guitar played through the speakers as Eddie tried to diffuse the tension. 
“Oh,” he ran to his desk and ripped out a piece of notebook paper. He went to work doing something on it, but Y/N was all too distracted by the handcuffs on the wall. He finally turned around and offered her an origami rose made out of said notebook paper. “Next time, I’ll get you a bunch. Sorry, I only had one,” he sat on the bed next to her and brushed her hair aside, drinking her presence. “Whatcha looking at?”. 
“Nothing,” she said far too quickly as she turned back to him, beaming at the rose and at him. “That’s impressive,” She said, trying to clear her mind and focus on how sweet he was being, despite her stomach being in knots. 
“Well, middle school Munson didn’t have the musical talent or sexual prowess that he does now. So…. I… spent all my time making origami.” Y/N laughed out loud, a smile coming to her face.
“That’s sweet,” She admitted, “Do you do this for all the girls?” She said in an attempt at an old cheesy line, batting her eyes in a mock manner. 
“The other girls haven’t seen my bedroom”, he replied matter-of-factly. Y/N sat in silence, her eyes wide as she took in that information.
“Oh,” was all she managed, her mind drifting back to the handcuffs as she went red. Is that because he has his personal stuff here? Maybe it’s because he didn’t want them to know him…does he want me to know him? Her mind raced and he could tell by the hazy look on her face. 
“You like that?” He got up and started walking towards the wall. He looked back at her with a knowing smile. 
“Yes,” she said, completely honest, “Not to sound like a cliche but…it makes me feel…special-god, that’s such a shit thing to say-”
“Oh no, not at all,” he smirked getting closer to the wall, “I like them too. I only break them out for special occasions.” 
“Oh!” Y/N said quickly as she looked at him, “No, I didn’t mean…I meant that no one else has been here…I didn’t…” 
“Hm?'' he scrunched his face as he turned to look at her again, his hands coming to rest on his heart in mock pain. “I’m surprised at you, L/N. Do you not like it?” He pointed to the Metallica poster right next to the handcuffs. “I thought you loved Metallica- Oh did you think I was talking about…” he trailed off, trying to feign, trying to read her thoughts on the handcuffs matter. But genuinely, he was curious despite the fact he was teasing her to put her at ease. 
He hadn’t considered that they would use those ever, especially not for her first time. He didn’t mind if Y/N was vanilla which would have been his guess looking at her. Sure, she could and did talk back from time to time, something he adored, but he wouldn’t have pinged her as being kinky. But Y/N was unlike anyone he’s ever met. And if she wanted it, he’d be happy to oblige. 
“Oh god,” She said as she buried her head in her hands and laughed, “I’m so sorry, I can’t…I just…” She couldn’t even complete the thought she was laughing so hard. This broke him from his thoughts and completely focused fully back on her at this moment.
“You laughin' at me L/N?” He took this as a challenge. He puffed out his chest. This only made her giggle more as she looked up at him with a beaming smile. 
“I like Metallica,” she started as she continued to smile at him, “I also like the fact that I am the first person you’ve had here, for this…and I do like the handcuffs but not for tonight,” she said as she continued to smile at him but it shifted to a smirk at the end, “You’ve gotta ease me into it.” Eddie’s eyes went wide for a split second. Holy shit. She not only rose to the bait, she baited me back. This girl is going to be the end of me. She batted her eyes up at him and he realized in this moment of shock she had managed to get the upper hand, something he couldn’t allow. 
“Hey now”, he bent down on his knees, looking up at her. “Don’t get cocky”, he flipped her over on her back and pinned her hands down on the mattress. “That’s my job”, he paused for laughter. “Get it? Cocky?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she laughed as she looked up at him, “I get it alright. You’re so…I don’t even have words to describe you!” 
“Ah jeez you can’t think of any?” his eyes ran over her body. “Do I make you that nervous?”
“You don’t make me nervous,” she said honestly, “You make me happy and feel important and…you just make me feel like me. Sex…” She hesitated before shaking her head, “Sex makes me nervous!”. His demeanor faltered slightly. 
“Understood”, he said with the most seriousness he could portray, despite the fact that she had just made his heart explode. “ And we don’t have to do anything at all if you don’t want to-”
“No!” she said quickly, “it’s not that! It’s just…look I’ve made out with people but this is totally different from that,” Y/N said quickly, “Because I didn’t love any of them so this is different because…” She trailed off as she realized what she had admitted to. Sure the thought had been in her mind for a bit but she had never dared to say it out loud. Eddie almost missed that last part because he was concentrating so deeply but he heard it. He wanted to ask her if he had heard her correctly. That was his intention. To ask her and then if he heard her correctly. That was the plan.
But he knew he had heard her correctly. He knew it. And instead of replying, the words were moving too fast in his brain and it was all he could do to pull her into him and press his lips to hers. 
Y/N gasped as he did it, her heart racing before she melted into him, her hands coming to tangle in his hair as he laid her back down. It was only an instant before he was all over her, his lips touched every inch of her he could. He quickly slotted his knee in between her legs and pressed into her, the whine that fell from her mouth like heaven, drawing a sigh of his own. He moved away from her mouth as he pressed kisses down her jaw and to her neck. He was deliberate in his actions, strategically pressing kisses until he felt her grip on his hair tighten, earning a smirk from him. He began to abuse the spot, sucking and gently nipping at her skin as she muffled her sounds with one of her hands.
“Come on,” he coaxed as he pulled away ever so slightly to revel at the sight of her lust-blown eyes as she laid under him, “let me hear it all, baby. Just us, and you sound so pretty.” It was at that moment that he pressed his knee into her even more, drawing a whine from her that she didn’t hide as she gripped his black button-up which was still half done and revealed a couple of his tattoos. 
“Eddie,” she said softly as she looked up at him. 
“Yes, baby?” He prompted with a teasing grin as he leaned down to press more kisses to her neck, trailing lower to her collarbones. 
“Remember when you said it was my next adventure to find out how many tattoos you had?” She asked, trying her best to keep her voice steady as he continued on his course. He hummed in reply, and though he couldn’t see it, a smirk came to her face.
“How can you expect me to do that when you’re still dressed?” The chuckle that fell from his lips had her thighs pressing together, his knee still embarrassingly sandwiched between them so she knew he could feel her move. 
“Trying so hard to get me out of my clothes,” he said in a mock attempt to shame her as he pulled back a bit, “Too bad for you I’m a gentleman so…” He went to his knees once more and looked at her with pupils blown wide, “Ladies first.” Y/N’s smirk only grew as she got up from where she was laying down on the bed and first took off her fishnet tights, setting them aside with her jacket. She reached for the hem of her dress before turning her attention back to him. 
“Sure you don’t want to undress me?” The grin on his face would put the Cheshire cat to shame as he leaned back on his hands. 
“Nope,” he popped the p loudly as he leaned back even further, truly getting comfy, “I want to watch you strip for me.” Y/N slowly pulled up her dress without any more fanfare, his request being more than enough to do her in. She set aside her dress and was suddenly struck with nerves once more as she stood in the underwear she had carefully chosen. She went to meet Eddie’s eyes to get any sense of how he was feeling about it all and felt her breath hitch in her throat at the way he was looking at her.
She had people have crushes on her along the way. She’d made out with a few different people, enough to count on a single hand, and she had had sex before but no one, no one on earth had ever looked at her like Eddie was looking at her now. 
He pushed off of the bed and stood up, taking slow steps toward her as his eyes raked over every single inch of her bit by bit. When he came to stop in front of her, he gently took her arms which had come up on instinct to cover herself, and lowered them at her sides, allowing him a full view. She looked at him as he stared at her body, his one hand coming up to cup her bra-covered breast.
The piece she had chosen was mostly sheer with a few red lace flowers covering here and there and without an ounce of padding, something all too obvious as he ran his thumb over her nipple before giving her breast a soft squeeze. 
“Fuck,” he groaned as he felt how soft she was underneath his hand. His eyes then met hers, his free hand coming up to rest on her cheek, “You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” Any semblance of the cocky arrogant character he had put on at his show and even the teasing tone she so commonly heard from him had left his voice. As she looked up into his eyes, all she could see was sheer adoration, idolatry even. 
“You’ve seen me in my underwear before,” She said with a soft giggle as she thought back to the night last summer their little group of friends had all stripped down to their underwear for a midnight Lover’s Lake swim. His expression didn’t change as he looked at her. 
“But this is different,” his voice was deep and so full of emotions she couldn’t name as he spoke, “You’re letting me see you, touch you…you’re letting me take you as mine and allowing me to become yours. This is…you, are everything.” Y/N looked at him with that same look of adoration he had been giving her written across her face. Their eyes met again before he pressed his lips to hers once more, softly this time, so gentle it was like he thought she was at risk of breaking. She kissed him firmer, more so to assure them both that they were here, really here, together than anything else. He kissed back with equally as much passion, his hand on her breast squeezing even tighter to match drawing a gasp from her. 
Before she knew it, his hands had come to her hips and he had picked her up, her only option was to wrap her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He let out a hum into their kiss as she did, his hands coming to hold her ass and giving it a squeeze. 
She gasped not only at the action but at the feeling of his cool rings against her heated body. He made his way to sit on the edge of the bed, resulting in Y/N sitting in his lap as he continued to kiss her. When he pulled away it was only so he could trail one of his hands up to her neck, kissing down the other side as he used his hand to manipulate her body exactly how he wanted it, listening to every little sound she made as an indication of what she wanted. He wanted to learn every single intricacy of her body, mind, and soul. He wanted to know her heart as well as he knew his own. He kissed her neck all over until he found a spot that made her breath hitch. He smiled as he did, beginning to gently nip at the skin there. When her fingers tangled into his hair and she let out a whimper that made him throb in his pants, he all but lost it. 
“You like it when I leave marks on you, pretty girl?” He asked between kisses, his hand that was on her neck coming to grasp her breast and gently pinch her nipple, drawing a moan from her. “Need words, baby.” 
“Yes,” She moaned out, fingers pulling in his hair as her head fell back when he went right back to it at her confirmation. “Feels amazing.” Eddie’s mind wandered momentarily and he pulled away causing her to whimper in complaint. He looked at her as she sat in his lap and a question came to his mind. 
“Y/N, has anyone ever eaten you out?” 
“No,” she confessed breathlessly as she looked at his swollen lips, ones she was sure matched her own. “I um…people have offered but I didn’t feel comfortable returning so I didn’t want them to so…but I’m ready now, with you.” 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he praised as he gently brought his lips to hers before pulling away and smiling at her, “All I want in the world right now is to eat you out without wanting anything back. I just want to make you feel better than you’ve ever felt before. We’ll have plenty of time to fully explore each other later if you ever want to. And if you don’t that’s ok, alright?” She looked at him and he watched as the tension visibly left her body as she leaned in to gently press her lips to his. As they kissed, her hands came down to the buttons on his shirt and she began to undo them. He let out a hum of approval as she did, pressing kisses to her neck and breasts as she continued until his shirt was fully unbuttoned. He untucked it from his pants when it was and opened it so she could better see him once he had. Y/N pulled away and her eyes ran up and down his body, reveling in the sight. She brought her hands up to where the shirt was on his shoulders and looked to him for permission to push it off his shoulders. He nodded, giving her all the confirmation she needed to expose his torso to her. 
She took this moment to look at the tattoos on his left shoulder, ones she hadn’t been paying that much attention to the first time she had seen him shirtless out of a need to be polite and not stare. But now, she really took them in. There were two of them on the left side of his chest, a spider and a demon. The spider was a bit higher up but they rested very close. She took a moment to trace her fingers over them as he watched her before she leaned in, pressing soft opened mouth kisses to them. Eddie’s hands both flew to her his as she felt him grind up into her, hard as a rock as she worshiped his body. She moved ever so slightly, pushing him to lay down on the bed so she could be on top, trailing kisses down his torso and to the little trail of hair that led down below- 
A little whimper of pain came from Y/N as Eddie’s hands tangled in her hair and pulled her up to straddle him. 
“Shit,” he swore as he moved his hands from her hair and gently cupped her face in his hands searching for any indication, “Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry-”
“It’s ok,” Y/N said, pressing a kiss to his lips to stop his worries. She pulled away to find that the concern had partially eased and she felt a little bit bolder, leaning in to whisper to him, “Besides, I like having my hair pulled.” 
“Jesus,” He swore as she pulled back and smirked down at him beneath her, “You, Y/N L/N, are going to be the death of me.” Y/N chuckled and leaned down to continue as Eddie’s hands wound in her hair again, pulling much more deliberately this time. “Baby, this is about you, not me,” He scolded as he sat up, taking his hands out of her hair and running them down her body, “And I’m trying so hard to be gentle so make it easy for me pretty girl. Don’t you want to be good for me?” He knew it was a risk that Y/N might be against being spoken to in such a way but he watched as her eyes glazed over and her jaw dropped just a bit as she nodded. 
“Then do me a favor, pretty girl, and lay down for me.” She complied in a heartbeat, moving out of his lap and laying down on the bed. He smiled at her as he took a moment to admire her before kneeling beside the bed and adjusting her so she was exactly where he wanted her. 
“Spread your legs for me.” She did, a hint of embarrassment and anxiety coming up as she knew he may not like what he saw. She knew people who condemned girls for having bigger thighs and stretch marks and things like that and for a brief second, she let herself consciousness kick in, something Eddie seemed to be remarkably aware of. 
“Hey Y/N,” he said, drawing her gaze to look down on him, knelt between her legs, “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want but I’m telling you now, you are the most stunning person I’ve ever laid hands or eyes on. Genuinely. You have nothing to be nervous about.” She melted as she could see the honesty in his eyes and again he watched her relax. He brought his hands up and slowly parted her thighs, loving the goosebumps that appeared on her skin as his rings came into contact with her body. He had to fight the moan that threatened to slip from his lips at the sight of the wet patch on her underwear with every fiber of his being. He pressed kisses all over her thighs, slowly working his way closer to her still-covered core, his hands finding their place on her hips as he held her on the bed. When he did finally get to her core, he pressed a soft kiss to her heat through her underwear, drawing a gasp from Y/N. 
“Do you want me to take them off?” He asked gently as his thumb ran circles on her lips. 
“Please,” she said, a smile coming to his face as she angled her hips in such a way that he could pull them off. He leaned up and ever so gently removed her underwear, setting them aside. 
“Holy shit,” He whispered as he looked at her. He knew he needed to be slow, to ease her into it, so he tried his best, repeating the kissing of her thighs, this time without her underwear there until finally he got to her core. He pressed a soft kiss to her clit and felt her hips move on instinct, keeping them pressed to the bed. He continued, slowly getting bolder until he slipped his tongue inside of her. 
Soft whimpers and moans fell from her consistently now as she relaxed into the pleasure he was so skillfully giving her. She felt so very at peace and was truly unable to do anything else but think about him between her legs. 
“Eddie-” She moaned out, the man letting out a moan of his own at the way she moaned his name. 
“Yes, baby?” he asked, briefly coming up for air. 
“Can you…can you also…”
“Y/N say the word and it’s yours,” He said as he leaned back to be able to look at her, “Anything you want baby.”
“Can you use your fingers too?” She asked sheepishly. The grin that lit up Eddie’s face instantly melted any worries she had about being needy. He replied with actions not words, instantly slipping two of his fingers inside of her causing her to gasp. 
From their previous encounters - though simple and brief ones - he knew that usually two was her comfort zone but if he was going to actually fit inside of her he wanted to use at least three. The general theory was if he started with two instead of one then three wouldn’t be such a stretch. 
That theory seemed to be working as she whimpered and moaned from the stretch beneath him. 
“You’re doing- so good,” he praised between moans as he put his mouth right back to work, sucking on her clit like his life depended on it and right now, it felt like it did. As much as he wanted to solely focus on her pleasure, he couldn’t help the little grind of his hips against the carpet every time she moaned. It slowly became a consistent rocking until he feared he was going to cum completely untouched just from eating her out. While he’d love to do that another day, tonight they had a plan and if she had gotten herself all ready for it, he refused to spoil it by finishing too early. He had been so distracted by his name coming out in moans from lips that he hadn’t even registered it was probably because he had been fucking three fingers into her for a while. Her hands were tangled so tightly in his hair and he quickly put two and two together on what was coming, leaning it to suck on her clit more as he continued doing exactly what he was doing until Y/N suddenly gasped and moved away from him with a little, “stop.” Eddie’s hands let go immediately and went into the air as he looked at her breathing heavily. 
“I'm sorry-“
“No, no,” she shook her head at him, moving back closer as her chest heaved, “I was just…I knew I was going to…squirt and I didn’t want it to be while you were-“ 
“Oh my god,” Eddie said as he pressed her down against the bed and climbed on top of her. “You were going to squirt and you stopped me!” 
“Yes!” She nodded, “I…most guys wouldn’t want to be anywhere near that!” 
“First off, yes they would,” Eddie nodded, his fingers already back between Y/N’s legs slowly slipping inside of her again, “and secondly, we already know I am not ‘most guys’.” He went back to what he had been doing before and watched as Y/N relaxed under him at his words. He liked this even more because of how at peace she seemed so he kissed his way down her body and got right back to it. Instead of changing anything he was doing, he continued right on with what he had been doing, putting his whole heart into it and reveling in the fact that he was able to get her like this. It didn’t take long until she was crying his name again, her eyes squeezing tightly closed and her fingers tugging at this hair with a vice. 
“Let go, baby,” he commanded and she did. Her release gushed over his face and he licked her clean with a fearless new to him. He had been with others before but never anyone who got this reaction out of him. It was only when she let out a little whimper of pain he realized she was already feeling overstimulated and he couldn’t have that…not yet. 
“How are you, pretty girl?” He asked as he came to rest over her again. She nodded as she looked up at him, a smile on her face as she pulled him in for a kiss. It was gentle and sweet and he felt his heart melt at her sweetness despite what they were doing. 
“So good to me,” He murmured as she pulled away to kiss down his neck. Her hands quickly found his belt buckle and began to mess with it, a pathetic-sounding whine coming from her when she realized she couldn’t figure out how to undo it. He chuckled as he batted her hands away before pressing a kiss to each one. 
“I got you,” He smiled and she returned it as he undid the buckle. He quickly set it somewhere on the floor to be forgotten about as he sat back on his knees. Y/N quickly sat up and ran her hand down to where his hands were on his zipper. 
“Can I?” She asked, looking up at him with complete adoration. He couldn’t deny her anything and nor would he ever want to so he just nodded and sat back, allowing her to do exactly as she wished. She unzipped his jeans with one hand, using her other hand to trail down his body, following the little trail of hair downward. As she finished unzipping his jeans and looked to him to get up and take them off, something he complied with, slipping them off and setting them next to his belt. Now in just his black boxers, he couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit of anxiety. What if he couldn’t please her? What if he couldn’t manage to learn what she liked? He stood with his back facing to her for clearly too long as she was out of bed. 
“Hey,” Her voice was soft as she gently turned him to face her, her one hand coming up to turn his face to look at her as her free hand held his hand, “We can stop here if you want or do something else-”
“No,” He shook his head, “I want this. Really. I want you.” Y/N smiled at him and gently pressed a kiss to his lips before it became less gentle. She managed to move both hands to Eddie’s chest and he walked back until his back hit the door with a little gasp at how easily she had taken over. She chuckled as she began to press kisses down his chest, her one hand coming down to palm him gently over his boxers which made him gasp again. 
“Is this ok?” She asked as she pulled away from his neck for only a moment, taking in the sight of how beautiful he looked with his head thrown back against the door, his eyes shut in pleasure. 
“Yes,” he replied, a breathy moan following. “You can…you can take it out if you want.” Y/N didn’t reply with words, smiling as she did exactly that. She took it in for a moment, her eyes going wide as for the first time ever she processed the idea of him being inside her. She ran her thumb over his tip gently causing another groan to come from him as his hands grasped her hips with a force. He was so hard and she was impressed that he hadn’t finished yet but god did she feel bad for him. She wanted to please him so bad so that’s exactly what she set out to do. She stroked him gently, seeing what he liked and what got the best reaction from him, reveling in each sound he made. As soon as she started to get the hang of things, one of his hands moved from her hips and took hold of her wrist. Her eyes shot up to meet his which were now open and looking at her. 
“Sorry,” he said gently, “You were doing great…it’s just, I’m pretty worked up so I didn’t want to finish yet.” Y/N smiled at him and nodded 
“I get it…but I mean…you made me-”
“It’s different,” he said as he picked her up again and carried her back to his bed, laying her down gently, “Takes me longer to get back to it.” His choice of phrasing made her giggle and his focus snapped to her, “You’re really laughing at me? Now?” 
“Yes,” she replied as she shook her head. He chuckle and pressed a kiss to her lips before pulling away. 
“Well, we can’t have that,” He said as he leaned over and opened up one of the drawers near his bed. He easily found a condom and held it up to her, his expression going a bit more serious. 
“You’re sure?” 
“Yes,” she said as she took it from him and opened it much to his surprise, “I’m ready.” He watched with a smile as she pulled it out and rolled it onto him, careful as always with delicate hands before setting the wrapper aside. He wrapped her thighs around his waist and looked down at her. 
“Tell me if you need me to stop at any point, ok?” He said as he lined himself up. She nodded, words escaping her at this moment. Right as he was about to press in, he heard her speak. 
“Just…be gentle. Please?” He felt his heart melt at her plea. Eddie leaned down and kissed her so softly and whispered, “I promise,” as he began to press in. Y/N automatically tensed at the feeling, it was brand new to her and he pulled away from their kiss to whisper to her. 
“I know,” he said as he fought for his own breath as he waited with just the tip in her, “Just breathe for me, baby.” She nodded through a whimper and took in a shaky inhale, causing him to press into her a bit more, “There you go,” he praised. “Just keep breathing.” While she relaxed for a moment, she instantly tensed again as he started to move.
He instantly noticed and without a word brought his hand up to hold hers, pressing them both into the mattress with a gentle squeeze. The tiny gesture and his soft smile allowed her to breathe easily. Eddie smiled as he noticed the calm this brought Y/N, pressing another kiss to her lips as he slowly pushed into her, stretching her out. As he did, her eyes squeezed shut and her toes curled as a moan was forced from her lips. Their one set of hands parted and Y/N’s nails instantly find their way to Eddie’s back. He let out a shaky moan as she left marks he knew he’d love to see in the mirror tomorrow.
“Fuck. I’m not even halfway in and you’re already...so tight...fucking...damn.” Y/N squirmed under him as he attempted to let her adjust, his words causing her to want more than he was giving her. 
“Don’t squirm,” Eddie commanded in a dark stern hiss, causing Y/N to instantly stop moving and clamp around him, forcing a moan as Eddie buried his head into her neck. Interesting, he thought storing the information away for later. He pulled his head out of her neck and spoke gently, “I’m going to push the rest of the way in now, ok?” Y/N nodded at him and he began to slip in once again. 
“Fuck,” He swore as he bottomed out in one fatal thrust causing them both to gasp, “God Y/N, you feel so good.” She managed to give a little nod to him which instantly caused him to check in with her.  
“How are you feeling?” He asked, making sure to remain very still to give her time to adjust to the sensation.  
“It hurts just a tiny tiny bit,” She confessed, thankful that all the rumors she had heard about it hurting a lot the first time were just that. “I just feel...full.” He gave a little chuckle and began to pepper kisses all over her cheeks before kissing her lips again. 
“Well that’s good,” He smiled as he pulled away, “All I want is to make you feel good, baby. You were still a bit tense. Just relax now, pretty girl,” He purred as he ran his hand down her body, “I’ve got you and everything is going to be ok.” Seeing the genuine and kind look in his eyes made Y/N instantly melt and any trace of tenseness was gone. A dull ache soon settled between her hips and she found herself rolling them in an attempt to ease the pressure causing Eddie to let out a little hiss.
“Is that my sign to move?” He asked with a smile. 
“Please,” Y/N begged softly. Eddie can feel his heart melt at her little plea. Instantly, all he wanted to do was hold her and never let go but he quickly brought himself back to the moment at hand. He pulled out just a little before thrusting into her making her let out a little gasp of a moan at the feeling - his own moans echoing along with hers. Eddie then dropped his weight to his forearms on either side of her head which brought them even closer together. He slid both of his hands into her hair lightly as he quickened his pace causing more moans coming from the pair as they began to fully lose themselves in it all. 
Even through the pleasure of it all, Y/N could tell how remarkably gentle Eddie was attempting to be and it made her heart flutter. Despite his best efforts, Eddie naturally became a bit rougher by second nature, but as things speed up and the knot in Y/N’s stomach came closer to bursting, she don’t mind a bit. Her free hand tangled into his hair and pulled causing him to groan into her neck, nipping at the skin there enough to leave even more marks. Call him possessive, he was and wanted her and everyone else in this stupid fucking town to know that she was his now. 
His need to mark her up though was only overcome by his want to etch every expression that crossed her face into his memory, so he pulled away to watch her beautiful face contrast beneath him.
“Fuck,” He swore as she let out a cry as he hit what he assumed was her G spot, angling to make sure he kept that up, “So fucking pretty for me.” Y/N could tell how close Eddie was getting by the absolutely stunning expressions painted on his face and the little praises that he uttered. His one hand slowly found its way to her clit and he softly attempted a couple of different things to see what elicited the best response. After a particular movement, he felt her tighten around him with a high whine and he knew he'd hit the jackpot. He repeated the movement while continuing to thrust into her, causing Y/N to cry out in response as she felt the coil come this close to snapping. 
“Eddie, I’m going to-”
“I know baby, I know,” He moaned as she clenched around him, “Cum for me.” His command was all it took for her to come completely undone beneath him. Her high and the feeling of her gripping him like a vice was all it took to have him finding right along with her, burying his face into her neck to muffle the long whine that came from him as he pressed as deep as he could get into her. He continued to thrust into her, allowing the pair to ride out their highs before finally stilling. They both lay there, breathing heavily a mess of tangled limbs and sweat, glowing with love. Finally, when he caught his breath, Eddie pulled away enough that he could see Y/N’s face. 
She was always beautiful but damn did she look good post-orgasm. He wanted to burn the sight of her into his brain forever.
“How are you feeling, pretty baby?” He asked as he ran his hands through her hair and cupped her cheek. Y/N’s eyes fluttered open and Eddie swore he died and went to heaven as she looked up at him, the love in her eyes and smile on her face all too innocent considering what they just did. 
“So good,” Y/N replied, her voice high and soft, music to Eddie’s ears, “How are you?”
“So good,” he echoed back to her, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “I know I just like…popped your cherry and all,” he smiled as she giggled at the expression, “But I still can’t believe you’re real.”
“I’m real,” Y/N giggled as she flicked his forehead, making him beam, “That real enough for you?”
“Yeah that works,” he said as the pair fell into giggles making them both realize Eddie was still very much inside. “Oh shit,” He swore, “I’m gonna pull out now, is that ok?” 
“Mhm,” Y/N hummed as she gave his hand which was still held in hers a little squeeze. He gave her a small smile as he pulled out both of them letting out little moans as he did. He instantly wrapped her into his arms, holding her so close to him as she buried her head into his chest. She had never felt so safe in the arms of another person before, wanting nothing more than to hold him forever. 
“You did so well,” He praised her, “You know that?” He pressed kisses onto the top of her head as she stayed buried in his chest. 
“Thank you,” came her soft reply.
“You don’t have to thank me for praising you baby,” He chuckled.
“No, for…for everything,” she said as she pulled away ever so slightly so they could look at each other. Her eyes were so sleepy as she looked at him but the adoration was still written all over both of their faces. 
“Oh Y/N,” he said as he leaned in, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “You don’t need to thank me for that at all, baby. I loved it. I really loved it.” 
“Me too,” she replied as she beamed up at him, shifting ever so slightly and grimacing. It was that little grimace that reminded Eddie of what needed to come next. 
“Baby, I’m gonna get stuff to get you cleaned up, okay?” He asked as he gently pulled away. 
“M’kay,” she nodded as she looked at him, “But don’t be gone too long.”
“Getting all clingy on me already?” He teased as he slowly slipped out of bed and slipped off the condom, throwing it away before looking back at her, his eyes going wide.
“Fuck,” He swore as he took in the sight of her sprawled out in his bed completely fucked out. The very worst part of him had never wanted to take a damn Polaroid so bad but his top priority was getting her cleaned up and comfy. 
“Weren’t you going somewhere?” Y/N teased as she realized the effect she was having on him, rolling onto her side to give him a different view. He chuckled at her and gave her ass a little swat as he left the room.
“Little brat,” he reprimanded as slipped on his boxers, “And here I was trying to be chivalrous.” 
“Chivalry is dead Munson,” She said as he walked into the bathroom and wet a towel with warm water, ringing it out before heading back into the bedroom.
“Oh yeah?” He asked as he gently ran the towel over her body, cleaning her up, “Then what, pretty girl, would you call this?” 
“Common courtesy after that,” Y/N giggled as she looked up at him. He shook his head and gently moved the towel to clean between her legs, lifting her one leg as he did and pressing a kiss to her inner thigh. 
“I don’t know,” He teased as he set the towel aside when he was done, “I think I’m a pretty chivalrous guy.” 
“You are,” she said with all genuineness. 
“Anything else I can get for you?” He asked softly as he cupped her cheek again, “Water? Food?”
“Clothes?” Y/N asked as she looked down at her still very naked body. 
“Right,” Eddie said as he got up and walked over to his closet before thinking better of it and coming back over to her, “Wanna come pick out your pjs?” 
“I get to pick?” The joy in Y/N’s voice, as she sat up with a little wince, made Eddie’s heart melt. God I lo… his thoughts trailed off with a little pang in his heart as he made his way over to her. 
“Mhm,” He nodded as he picked her up bridal style in his arms making her smile, carrying her over to his closet, “Take your pick.” She looked through his little t-shirt collection before looking at the Metallica one he had been wearing the second time she had met him. 
“That one,” she said with a point. He smiled and nodded as he set her back down on the bed, grabbing it out for her and bringing it over to her. 
“A good choice,” He said as he watched her slip it over her head. 
“You wore it when Jude first brought me over to your house to pick up their drugs,” Y/N said as she searched for her underwear. “Can you bring me my underwear?” Eddie was frozen and didn’t even register her request. “Eddie?”
“You remember what I was wearing?” He asked softly as he looked at her. 
“Of course,” she nodded, “I thought you looked so handsome. You are so handsome-” Y/N couldn’t even get her thought out before he pressed his lips to hers, pressing her into the mattress again before he pulled away. 
“Sorry,” he said with a sheepish chuckle as he wrapped her in his arms again, “I don’t know what came over me-”
“Don’t apologize,” she said with a smile as she pulled him fully into bed with her, “Just stay here with me?”
“Always,” he replied and he meant it with every fiber of his soul. The pair curled up together, limbs tangled, needing to be so close and neither one had ever slept so well in their lives as they did that night. 
So that's the fic! Yay! 10k words bby! As always, likes, comments, and reblogs are throughly appreciated!
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mionemymind · 1 month
Don't Ask Stupid Questions
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Summary: Friends with benefits is never a good idea when you're in love with Wanda Maximoff.
Warnings: Pure Angst, No Happy Ending, Suggested Smut, No Part 2? (I Lied)
A/n: I was inspired by the song You by Zeph. But be advised that the song has a happy tone to it while I completely twisted it to be angst (call me crazy). Gif credits go to @vanessacarlysle
Word Count: 542
Part One | Part Two
“Are we together?” Wanda’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Her mouth was slightly parted as her brain racked to comprehend the question. Trying her best to calm down her breathing from the heated make out session, Wanda answered with, “Don’t ask stupid questions, babe.” 
A small giggle and smile escaped Wanda lips as she pulled Y/n back in for another kiss. She purposely ignored the small hurt Y/n expressed in her eyes as she deepened the kiss. And when Y/n pulled Wanda’s hips closer, with Wanda’s back pressed up against the wall, all thoughts of the question went away.
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“Will you let me take you out on a date?” Wanda looked up from her stack of mission reports to see Y/n with a single rose and doe eyes. It was obvious to anyone that saw the interaction just how much Y/n liked Wanda. 
But as the small fake smile appeared on Wanda’s lips, Y/n couldn’t help but steel herself from the on coming rejection. “I’m sorry Y/n.” Feeling defeated, Y/n still laid the rose down in front of Wanda as she walked backwards to escape. 
“I love the rose,” Wanda quipped before Y/n fully exited, “but don’t ask stupid questions, babe.” Y/n smiled briefly as she nodded in acceptance. 
“It was a stupid question,” Y/n muttered under her breath. 
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“Do you seriously feel nothing for me?” Wanda looked back at the sight of Y/n naked under the covers. The redhead was already retrieving her clothes, ready to go back to her room for the night. 
And as she put on her shirt, and gave Y/n a quick kiss goodbye, she lightly tapped the girl's cheek and said, “We’ve agreed to this babe. So don’t ask stupid questions.” 
Unable to say anything more, Y/n let Wanda exit her room feeling evermore useless for hoping. 
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“Are you in love with him?” Y/n had gotten word that Vision asked Wanda out on a date. Fully expecting Wanda to say no, it was a huge shock for Y/n to find out Wanda said yes.
While hiding in Wanda’s room, away from all the prying eyes, the red head sighed as she got off Y/n’s lap. “I said yes to one date Y/n. It’s not like I’m in love with him.”
Wanda checked the mirror near her closet to see if any hickeys were visible. Once it was all clear, she crossed her arms and faced Y/n. “What’s up with you and all these questions? I told you all the rules in the beginning, yet you continue to ask.”
Y/n sighed as her head hung low in disappointment. “Would it be so wrong to think that maybe you’d have fallen in love with me?”
Wanda’s breath caught in her throat. While she knew Y/n liked her more than the average fuck, she hadn’t really thought it was this extent. Not knowing how to answer, Y/n took the silence as enough. 
“Whatever Wanda. You’re right. It’s a stupid question.” Y/n walked out of Wanda’s room this time and didn’t look back. What’s the point in asking if Wanda was never going to look at her that way?
Part Two
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Taglist: @halobaby  @arelyitsherec8 @blackxwidowsxwife @cristin-rjd @madamevirgo @trikruismybitch @paradiselost916 @mmmmokdok @morbid-gaymer @dailyavengering @itsnottilly @helloalycia @randomshyperson @tomy5girls @daenerys713 @ensorcellme @lezzzbehonesthere @imagine-reblog
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a-hazbin-reader · 3 months
i can't stop thinking about alastor and wifey slow dancing on "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley, at the dead of night, when they think everyone is asleep at the hotel, and everyone hiding away and witnessing just how corny they both are for each other
would you be willing to write this if you're taking request? 🥹
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: None?? I think???
Description: ☝️⬆️
Things have been busy at the hotel lately, everyone has been scrambling to keep up with business which left you and Alastor with little time together
The moments you do get together are always either interrupted or you both are too exhausted to do little more than snuggle
You and Alastor try to make time together and set up a lunch date? It starts out well enough, the two of you relaxing
The food is good, the seats were perfect, and more importantly, you finally had your husband's attention all to yourself
He's rubbing a thumb over your hand gently, smiling at you like he's fallen in love with you all over again
"I've missed getting to spend time with you, things have been so busy lately..."
He lifts your hand to his lips and kisses it softly, humming in agreement as his foot nudges yours under the table
"As have I~ I can't have my wife getting lonely, now can I~?"
You rub your ankle against his leg gently, laughing softly at his antics
"No~ I suppose you can't-"
"Alastor! Fancy running into you here~! Listen, I gotta favor I need to ask you!"
Suddenly, Mimzy is there at the table and sitting herself down, getting settled in and leaning in to chat with Alastor
Who can never resist helping out the poor woman, so of course he nods along with whatever she's saying, leaving you to roll your eyes and get up
"I'll see you later, my dear~ Goodbye, Mimzy~ It was good to see you're still alive and causing trouble."
"Bye-bye girly~ We gotta catch up next time, you hear~?"
Alastor gives you an apologetic look, mumbling something about trying again next time as he hugs your hips to try and anchor you in place
You kiss the side of your husband's head and wave at Mimzy as you leave, your little window of time together vanishing
Another time, the two of you were out on a walk together, arm in arm as you two enjoyed the nice weather without interruptions
You were leaning on him, Alastor occasionally nuzzling the side of your head and squeezing you closer affectionately
You were just about to steal a kiss, tilting your head up and leaning in to meet his lips halfway when suddenly a TV in a shop window came to life
With Vox whining and bitching about Alastor again, that son of a bitch
You sigh as you feel your husband's intense gaze on you, rubbing your forehead as you look up to avoid the puppy eyes
"Go ahead, I can't very well keep you from defending yourself now can I?"
He chuckles and kisses your cheek softly before pulling away to give you a wide grin, already thinking of all the ways he's going to humiliate Vox on air
"You're simply the best wife a man could ask for~! Thank you, my dear~!"
You only shake your head and sigh once you're alone, the moment together once again being snatched away from you
You'll make Vox pay for that later
Things only got busier after that, you and Alastor only see each other as you pass by, not even able to squeeze out a quick kiss
"Hello, my darling~!"
His hand catches yours, twirling you expertly into his arms as he tries to give you some fleeting affection before he has to leave
You laugh and place your hands on his chest to steady yourself, slowly sliding a hand up to cup his cheek as you lean in closer
"Good luck today, dearest~"
Alastor leans down to rub noses with you, hands gripping your hips a little tighter, eyes locked on your lips as a soft sigh comes out of you
Any attempt to linger is thwarted by those around you, Charlie pulling Alastor one way and Vaggie tugging you in another
Tragic really
You've just about given up on getting a real moment alone with your husband, walking into a dark and quiet hotel carrying a half awake Vaggie
"Nn...this is Charlie's side of the bed..."
You can't help but roll your eyes, moving her over onto the correct side anyways and tucking her in
"Hush now, it's late and you need your sleep."
After carrying the poor girl to bed you nearly bump into Alastor, who's carrying a completely passed out Charlie, his ears folded back in embarrassment
"Aw~ You big softie...~"
"Not. A. Word."
You tap his nose playfully as you let him put Charlie to bed, suddenly getting a new surge of energy at the sight of him
Alastor finds you waiting for him in the hallway, arms crossed with a small smile on your face as you push off the wall to approach him
"Are you ready to go to bed, darling~?"
Your soft thumb rubbing against his bottom lip would normally be more than enough to coax him into bed, but the realization that you two were alone hit him like ice water
"Not quite, care to join me?"
He doesn't wait for you to answer, guiding you back downstairs and kissing your hand gently as the radio suddenly bursts to life
A love song plays softly on it, quiet so as not to wake up everyone else in the hotel but just loud enough for the two of you
You let your husband pull you against him, hugging his neck and leaning on him, taking in his scent as you savor the moment
The two of you sway together slowly, just listening to the music and enjoying the time alone together before it gets interrupted
Alastor presses his lips to your forehead and you can't help but nuzzle closer, the two of you sharing a loving look
"Mm... I've missed this...~"
He spins you lazily before pulling you back into his arms, one arm squeezing around your waist while his lips once again find your wrist
"My darling~ I've missed you~"
You laugh quietly and steal a kiss from your husband, pressing close and reaching up to play with his hair
You two are so caught up in each other that you don't notice the time go by or the fact that you're being watched
Curious eyes peek out at you two, hushed whispers and giggles dropping down from the railings as you two blissfully dance together below
You glance up before locking eyes with your husband, smiling as you reach up to pet a fuzzy ear
"I believe we're being watched~"
He hums and spins you again, tilting his head to look up at your audience, a wicked grin on his face
"Ah ah ah~ Peeping Toms will be subjected to a most unsavory punishment~"
There's a small squeak, the scrambling of footsteps, and suddenly, you two are alone again. Alastor pulling you against him and kissing your neck
"Now~ Where were we~?"
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I hope you like it~
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lovinpelova · 3 months
secret | k. casparij
summary; your man city teammates find out who your girlfriend is. [SMUT]
🎵 the beach - giveon
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you first met kerstin when england played against the netherlands in a friendly almost two years ago, the game had ended in a glorious 5-1 win for your side and the dutch were left in despair at such a horrible defeat being handed to them; but a certain dutchie planned to leave the stadium with more than a loss. she'd requested a shirt swap for the masterclass you'd put up against her in midfield, smiling gleefully when you accepted immediately and made small talk to keep the conversation going. she just couldn't help herself, so when you'd laughed at another one of her jokes and gently placed your hand on her arm for the final time she asked for your number.
the next day she'd taken you out for coffee and a small walk with your hands absentmindedly laced together like you'd been dating years at that point. you realised kerstin was too shy to make a move in fear of making you uncomfortable so decided to take matters into your own hands (literally) and smiled to yourself when she let out an audible gasp, the midfielder then wrapping said arm around your shoulders to pull you closer with your forearm crossed over your chest. the pair of you didn't want that to be the end of your date and decided to plan another one, which led to kerstin kissing you outside your apartment door when she walked you all the way home and asking you to be her girlfriend a couple dates later.
after learning of her impending move to manchester within the first date you insisted on giving her a tour around the city, knowing you'll be seeing her a lot more often now that you were dating and really liked her. a month after making it official, kerstin announced her move to city and bid farewell to her previous club with a massive smile on her face; part of the reason being all the new opportunities city would provide her with, part of the reason being all the time she could spend with her girlfriend.
at this point in time your city teammates had caught onto you dating someone, still not having signed your girlfriend yet meant they couldn't even fathom to think you'd go for a dutchie. the girls speculated and you denied each guess, pushed away wandering hands when snatching at your phone to see who you were texting and remained silent on the matter of how you'd met, knowing for a fact the girls you played with for england would be able to narrow down you were dating a dutchie judging by the dates of recent international friendlies.
kerstin and yourself acted like friends in public and had continued to do so for the past year and nine months, opting to keep your relationship more of a private-leaning-secret matter for the sake of yourselves. you wanted to tell the girls ages ago but the moment just never came and with time you gave up on trying, rather letting them continue to think you were just friends that spent time together outside of football sometimes for the sake of team bonding and midfield chemistry.
none of them had managed to catch onto the looks you gave each other in training or sneaky touches when trying to get past in a group huddle, so you must have been doing a good job at hiding your relationship for now. there were obviously speculations online but it never got further than an odd rumour that no one paid attention to and luckily for you, your teammates had given up on trying to figure out who your girlfriend was. they claimed your recent instagram posts were looking like a soft launch but you quickly shut them down- why would you suddenly soft launch a relationship after being with her for nearly two years? the privacy was the main reason you'd managed to stay together so long and you both intended on keeping it that way.
current day, you just played against tottenham and won 4-0 with yourself bagging a goal and two assists from midfield. your girlfriend had been dropped back to defense to give the new signings a chance in midfield but it didn't stop her from joining the group hug you'd initiated after celebrating individually or with bunny. you were walking away from media duties with a proud 'player of the match' trophy in your left hand and match ball in your right, unsure of what you were going to do with the ball but you kept it anyways in case you wanted to practice juggling in your apartment.
you were congratulated by all your teammates as you walked into the changing rooms with music blasting in your ears immediately, mary and kerstin dragging you towards the middle of the room to dance with the other girls before they turned the music down after a couple minutes of celebrating your performance. your girlfriend sneakily winked at you and smiled in response to the blush that spread over your face, both of you going your seperate ways to find your cubbies and get ready to go home.
you'd already settled down on your couch by the time kerstin had arrived home, both of you being cautious about when you spent time together to not raise suspicions from teammates on why you were driving home together from games and training. the dutchwoman had sent you a text that had your heart beating out of your chest still, knowing you'd read it immediately since you always got home before she did.
'taking my stargirl out tomorrow. that performance deserves a celebration and a half prettygirl.❤️'
staying true to her words, kerstin picked you up at the exact time she said she would with a bouquet of roses at your front door, smile on her face and gentle kiss when you invited her in to talk whilst you put the flowers in a vase.
"you didn't have to organise a whole day just because i had a good game, baby."
kerstin walked up to you with a soft sigh as you stood up from tying your laces, wrapping her arms around your waist loosely and leaning in to kiss you lovingly for a couple moments with yours resting over her shoulders. she broke away with gentle pecks at your request for more kisses and you both smiled softly.
"nonsense. my babygirl deserves the world and more."
you both set off not long after the intimate moment and kerstin had opened her car door open for you like a true gentlewoman, arriving at the café you'd had your first date in. glad you recognised it immediately, the dutchie helped you out of the car and shut tbe door for you like you were royalty, kissing the back of your hand with a smile before initiating small talk naturally. not long after drinking your coffees and sharing small snacks that eventually satiated your growing hunger you went for a walk, kirsten doing her best to show her love physically as she complimented your performance from the day before.
one of the best parts about being a footballer dating another footballer is that you were on international duty almost always at the same time, sometimes even playing against each other. it's not always the easiest to have ridiculous scorelines against your girlfriend and it's definitely not easy when her team kicks you out of the olympics by one goal after you'd done everything you could in your power to ensure that didn't happen, but when she texted you to apologise and you texted her to congratulate, you knew you were on the same page.
you cared about each others careers, even if it was at the cost of your own sometimes. both of you knew football is a cruel game in many ways; underdogs having ridiculous scorelines put past them, a bad performance putting you on the bench, injuries littering your friend groups, dreams being taken away when they were millimetres from your grasp. it's mentally and physically challenging, but elite athletes were trained to cope with it- yourself and kerstin had helped each other through it multiple times.
one of the worst parts about being on international duty at the same time was missing her. she was in the netherlands whilst you were in england still, the time difference not being a problem but rather how physically demanding for your countries was, meaning you were catching up on sleep whenever you could and partaking in team bonding without realising you weren't responding to the other's texts. luckily it wasn't one-sided as you were both so busy, but you still felt bad and (slightly) dreaded international duty because of it.
you'd arrived home from st. george's park a couple hours ago after saying goodbye to your teammates and congratulating everyone on their good performances in your matches, now sat on the couch and enjoying the relaxing aura your apartment had before your phone lit up with a text from kerstin.
'i'm coming over. be there in 5'
'everything okay?'
'miss you too much to wait any longer'
immediately knowing why she was coming over, you smiled to yourself and shook your head in disbelief at how needy your girlfriend could get. fair enough, you hadn't seen each other in nearly a month, but you were going to see each other in a couple days at club training and afterwards for a date you'd planned. before you could check your appearance or think to put your phone on charge in your bedroom a sharp chorus of knocks echoed throughout your apartment, making you jump off the couch and open the door in record time.
you barely had time to think before kerstin's lips were on yours and her hands were pulling your hips into hers, foot shutting the door behind her whilst she turned to find the kitchen island and place you on it. your legs wrapped around her waist as she kissed you feverishly like she had no time left in the world, fingers gripping the soft flesh of your toned thighs that was left exposed by your shorts with the occasional slip under your hoodie to tease. your hands tangled themselves into her hair and tugged at her roots gently whilst kerstin slipped her tongue into your mouth, clearly desperate for more than a kiss judging by the way her hands were trailing along your thighs shamelessly.
you pulled away to catch your breath and smiled in disbelief of your girlfriend's state, breathing heavily and staring down at you with hooded eyes and a pool of lust replacing the loving light brown she owned. she licked her lips hungrily whilst staring at your own and pulling your body closer to hers, hands caressing the outside of your thighs as your arms wrapped around her neck to pull her closer and teasingly brush your lips over hers with a smile.
"we were gonna be seeing each other in a couple days."
"i want you now."
you forcefully pressed your lips against hers in an attempt to gain control of the kiss, failing miserably when kerstin pulled away to trail sloppy kisses down your neck and pick you up, finding her way to your bed as she left an unmissable trail of hickeys you were praying would be gone by the time city training was back on. the midfielder smiled cockily when your head lulled backwards out of instinct and she laid you down on your bed, taking off your hoodie as she removed her own jacket and shirt with haste and her lips moving furiously against your own again when she felt your hands tugging at her clothes.
kerstin let out a shameless moan into your mouth at the feeling of her bare skin against yours after so long without it, ignoring the cocky smirk you wore and trailing her hands down to undo your bra before she dipped her fingers into the waistband of your shorts in a silent request. you mumbled your approval against her mouth with one hand holding her jaw and the other grasping the side of her stomach, letting her slip off your shorts and underwear effortlessly without breaking the kiss. she'd obviously done this plenty of times before but you thought she would at least have some difficulty getting back into the routine after a month without it, clearly time makes no difference to kerstin's sexual expertise when it comes to your body.
"you too."
she mumbled her confusion into your mouth and watched you roll your eyes with a smile once you'd pulled away, undoing the button and zipper on her jeans so she got the hint and took them off for you. her lips were back on yours with no time to spare fingers were tracing your thighs, embracing the way they fell open further for her in silent permission for her to go on. she kissed you softly as one finger slipped itself inside you, grinning against your mouth when yours fell open in ecstasy at being driven towards orgasm once she began thrusting it gently to ease you into it.
you knew with how desperate she was to see you she wouldn't be treating you like glass the entire night, your thoughts proven right with nails digging into her skin as she curled her fingertip into your g-spot whilst inserting another. kerstin was touching you in all the right ways with a sole motive of pushing you over the edge. soon enough, both fingers were pushing against your sweet spot and pulling wild moans out of you as she gradually sped up to the pace that had her mouth watering in response to your noises.
"keep going baby,"
"you like that mijn vriendin?"
"hou ervan."
your sudden switch to dutch had kerstins mind reeling, a guttural moan leaving her mouth alongside a choked one escaping yours as her fingers sped up even further. she trailed her lips down your torso sloppily and left marks in her wake to admire later, immediately latching onto your clit and flicking her tongue pleasurably before switching to sucking gently. hips bucking against her face and back arching, your hands found their way into her hair and tugged roughly to pull her closer as she moaned into you.
her fingers were abusing your g-spot in a way that had you seeing stars, the woman above you enjoying herself so much her eyes were rolling back and mouth was speeding up. kerstin needed to feel you cum around her fingers, she needed to feel that final claim she had on you after not seeing you in this state for god knows how long.
"c'mon babygirl, cum for me. you're gonna cum for me yeah?"
she desperately requested with her fingers still pistoning into your g-spot, lips scattering kisses over spasming thighs as you desperately nodded your head and cried out for her.
"that's it baby, good girl."
the midfielder didn't leave a drop to waste, collecting it all on her tongue and shamelessly swallowing. she licked her fingers clean after helping you ride out your high, memorising how you'd clenched around them moments beforehand as she gently licked up the reminants of your arousal in an attempt to clean you up.
"is your girlfriend a mosquito by any chance?"
you heard one of your teammates ask from across the changing room, looking down at your body and being met with all the hickeys kerstin had left behind three days prior. they were fading, sure, but they were still visible. the woman had put herself to work in desperate times and she definitely didn't disappoint.
"christ, she's done some work on you."
"someone had a good time last weekend!"
"you sure she's not a vampire?"
humourless comments were thrown your way as you stood unimpressed, thanking god your torture was saved by other girls entering the changing rooms and switching the topic of conversation. you quickly put on your training top and turned to see a pale-faced lauren hemp, following her eyesight and seeing she was staring at kerstin, who was now shirtless.
"oh my god!"
the whole room stopped in response to laurens sudden outburst, your eyes going wide when she pointed to kerstin and then looked at you. immediately knowing she'd connected the dots and you both didn't have marks at the same time out of coincidence, you shut your eyes in preparation for what she was going to say next.
"kerstin is y/ns girlfriend!"
the scratch marks you'd left behind on kerstins back were still almost as red as her face, the brunette turning around shocked as you tried to make up excuses to save yourself but ended up babbling like you were braindead.
"holy shit hempos right!"
mary exclaimed next, the whole changing room bursting into conversation with the discovery of who your girlfriend was. next was the teasing comments about how you'd definitely seen each other over the weekend and then the questions that implied they needed to know every single detail about your relationship. only one good thing came of yours and kerstins carelessness in the changing rooms; you didn't have to hide your love for her anymore.
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finelinevogue · 10 months
paparazzi nerves
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summary - you get nervous around the paps
word count: >1k
pairing: boyfriend!harry x reader
You noticed the paparazzi before anyone else did
It had been easy keeping your holiday location a secret from fans, but somehow the paparazzi always seemed to be able to find you.
Harry’s tour had finished only days ago and now you were spending time together, relaxing and having fun. It had been hard to really dedicate time to one another when Harry had been touring every other day, but now it was time for rest.
Harry had rented a couple of small boats to drive over to a little island he had read about in one of his Italian travel books.
Now you were all arriving and soaking up the glorious sunshine, only to be rudely interrupted by the faraway lenses of the paparazzi.
Harry was on another boat, talking to James and Tyler, whilst you remained on a different boat with Gemma.
You and Gemma weren’t the biggest fans of the sun and the heat, so any opportunity to sit in the shade was taken instantly.
Gemma was sat in her pink dungarees, whilst you were sat in your yellow summers dress. The one that Harry said made you look like a summers dream.
As Gemma continued to read, you kept getting distracted by the paparazzi on a boat in the distance.
You’d never been one to really acclimatise to the constant clicking of photos. No doubt they would be focused on taking photos of Harry - especially when he’s sitting there shirtless, but part of you still remained uneasy.
“I might go and see if there’s a toilet nearby.” Gemma said, standing up and rocking the boat slightly.
You nodded, standing up too.
“I’ll go over there.” You pointed to where Harry was. “Just so I’m not alone.”
Gemma wandered to the front of the boat, but before she can clamber out Harry has made his way over and is now standing at shin length in the sea.
“Y’alright Gem?” He asked and you couldn’t help but smile at how much of a gentleman he was. Always keen to help out and lend a hand.
He offered his hand for Gemma to hold and step out of the boat, which she took gladly.
“Yeah. Just going to the loo. Your missus needs company, though.”
“Oh does she now?” He turned to look at you once Gemma was out safely. He smiled brightly at you, checking you over and admiring how much you were glowing in the Italian sun.
Gemma kissed Harry on the cheeks before leaving.
Harry then jumped the boat and you bit your lip to hide a laugh when he nearly lost his footing. The idiot was trying to show off, not that he had to for you.
“Y’need me, do you?” he asked, walking over to you where you were still standing in the shade.
“Didn’t want to be sat here like a loner. I’d have been like that one photo of Taylor where she’s sat on the back of a boat by herself.”
Harry laughed at that, finding his arms wrapping around you to pull you in for a hug. He squeezed tight and you sighed into his warm chest. His hugs were always the best. Like your own personal teddy bear.
“Never would let you feel lonely, baby.” He kissed your head.
“I know.” Your lips kissed his chest as you spoke, due to how smushed against him you were. “Have you put suncream on?”
“Yes.” Harry whined.
“Oi, I’m just making sure you still look appealing when we’re older and not some wrinkly ball sack.” You explained, making Harry laugh again.
“Is that all I’m here for? Huh? Appeal for you?”
You tilted your head back to face up at him. “I thought you knew that already.”
Harry squinted his eyes and shook his head at you playfully.
What’s worse is that he brought his large hand down to your bum and gave it a pinch through your dress. The moment only lasted a second, but it was enough for you to step away and push him off of you.
“Harry, don’t.” You said sternly.
Harry knew you meant it too, because you used his actual name and not some other endearment.
“Hey, baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He said.
You sat down where you had been sitting before and huffed. You ran your hands over your face and tried to breathe slowly.
“No, i’m sorry.” You shook your head.
“What for?” Harry was confused. He sat down next to you, but made sure you had your own space until he knew what he was in for.
“I noticed the paparazzi here before and now I’m just paranoid. I mean, y’know I don’t deal well with them.”
Harry looked around you and only then noticed the small boat of about five photographers. Luckily he was wearing sunglasses to hide his dark stare, but he was severely pissed that they were here. Invading his private time.
What’s worse is that they were making his girlfriend uncomfortable.
“Hey, look at me. Y/N, honey. C’mere.” He twisted your legs to dangle over his and moved your body so that your back was to the paparazzi. “I’m here. Just us.”
You looked at him and noticed how he was only focused on you. You reached to move his sunglasses and pulled them down for a second to look at his eyes. His pupils were dilated slightly with the look of love he had for you. You pushed his glasses back up and settled in closer next to him.
“Just us.” You nodded.
Even though it wasn’t just you and the paparazzi would be taking photos of this moment no doubt, including the one of Harry pinching your bum, it was settling to know that Harry was here and he was doing this with you.
“Screw them. If I want to touch my girlfriend in public, I will.” You gave him a look. “W-with consent of course.”
You laughed then. “Harry I don’t care when, how, why you touch me. I.. I just… Let me know beforehand if we’re in public settings or if the paps are around. Please?”
“Promise.” He nodded seriously.
“Love you.” You reached for his hand and held onto one of his fingers with your entire hand. His hands are massive compared to yours - something the fans are always pointing out and crying over.
“Love you too.” He encompassed your hand with his and rubbed small circles into the back of your hand.
“Can y’kiss me now?”
“Never going to say no.”
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d-targaryenshoe · 5 months
Muddy Games - Anthony Bridgerton
Word Count: 1728
Summary: Anthony Bridgerton and a game of Pall Mall, without winning it's never good enough it is.
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As the sunlight met your skin, you felt the heat radiate from the So huge window shining into your bedroom, or perhaps it may been the warmth that radiated from your husband's body who still sounded pretty much asleep next to you. 
Staring at the ceiling, a smile appeared on your face. It may have been happiness even though adoration was also still a valuable option.
You pulled the covers from your body as you carefully took hold of Anthony's hand, trying to pull yourself from under his grip meanwhile, but the Lord was smarter than you knew.
"Dearest, it's almost half of the day, we must go downstairs to the family." You chuckled, feeling Anthony's arm tighten around your waist before he pulled you closer once more. "Anthony, we've arrived last night, we didn't even see them."
"We still have enough time to conversate with them, they'd understand me if I desired to lock myself in here with my newly wedded wife." He answered, placing his lips on your neck.
"They would, hm?" Running a hand through his brown hair, you smiled while raising an eyebrow at the man. "We really should sr-tart of this da-"
"Anthony? Y/n?" A young female's voice was sounded on the other side of your door after a knock was heard. "YOU MUST MAKE HASTE." 
Anthony sighed to himself, rubbing his forehead before getting up out of bed and opening the door for a small crack. hiding his uncovered body behind the door, meeting Eloise's eyes. "Sister? Nice to see you on this delightful morning, is it not?"
"No, it is not." She answered.
"The sun is shining to its greatest?"
"Sun? Ah, very hot, too hot." She fanned herself with her hand.
Eloise grinned sarcastically at her brother, giving him a toothy smile, trying to peek into the room but no one could do as Anthony positioned his hand on the doorframe. "Do you need assistance with anything, El?
"No, just hastening the two of you up with whatever you're accomplishing, everyone's downstairs, we're almost beginning a Pall Mall game." Eloise shrugged, before loudly speaking up. "DAPHNE WOULD LOVE TO SEE Y/N AGAIN AFTER SUCH A LONG TRAVEL." 
Anthony squinted at the younger girl, shaking his head before she waved him off and walked away, knowing how much of a strong connection you had with the other Bridgerton sister.
Anthony closed the door, walked back into the room, and started to relay Eloise's message, but you interrupted him with a chuckle. "I heard everything, dearest. Let's not keep your family waiting." 
You leaned in and gave him a quick kiss before getting out of bed to get dressed. Anthony smiled at you, grateful for your understanding nature, and started to get ready as well. 
"Thank you for the concern, but I'm ready to face them. We'll handle it together." You replied with a smile as you walked down the staircase, holding hands. 
As you stepped outside, the first thing you saw was the family waiting on the grass field. They were all smiling and waving, and you could feel the love and warmth radiating from them. 
Despite the overwhelming feeling of being surrounded by so many people, you knew that you were very much ready to be a part of this family.
Eloise was standing next to Violet, who immediately embraced you and welcomed you to the family. 
"Oh, brother, I must say, you and the clothes on your body are a much more pleasant sight." Eloise smiled, but the smile quickly faded as she saw the look Colin gave her.
"Eloise, that's enough. Let's not embarrass the newlyweds," Violet said, giving her daughter a stern look. 
"I'll think of a number and the person to guess it, picks first?" Colin suggested.
"What? I do not accept. The oldest should pick first, Colin." Benedict snapped.
"The oldest? The youngest, much rather!" Eloise
"I just got married, I should be choosing." Anthony urged.
"Why am I afraid that this is how every Pall Mall game goes?" You asked Daphne as she chuckled. "Because it is, is it not?"
Daphne catches your eye and nods her head. "Very much so, excuse me for a moment."
"All of you, almost starting a contest on who shall pick first, when the only person who has not said one thing, is your wife, Anthony, maybe she is the one to pick first?" Daphne gave her brother a stern look, hearing Eloise laughing quietly.
As Anthony clears his throat, he agrees with Daphne's suggestion that you should be the one to pick first. "Yes, that's a great idea. Dearest, why don't you pick first?" he says, giving you a warm smile. 
You nod, picking the black mallet, and noticing Anthony's expression of shock. You can't help but laugh as Benedict teases his brother about the mallet of death. 
"So it is yours?" You ask, holding out the mallet towards him to take, but he shakes his head, kissing your temple.
"No, not at all, it's yours now." Anthony smiles.
"Is it? Because the last time I tried to do so, you almost beate-" Colin his words were stopped by the look his brother gave him. "What?"
"You exaggerate, dear brother." Anthony placed his chin on your shoulder, standing behind you and wrapping one arm around your waist. 
"I've had enough, shall I watch those two all day, or may I start this game?" Eloise sighed, swinging the mallet in her hand towards you and Anthony. "I much would like to do the second thought."
" I think we should indeed begin with the Pall Mall game, y/n, love, why don't you start? violet kindly smiled, placing her hand on yours before returning to her seat.
With a determined look on your face, you swung your mallet and successfully struck the round bowl through the high arch of iron.
"Well, well, well! It seems your mighty mallet has finally proven its worth." You teased your husband, making him place his lips on your neck, making you lean into him. 
" It was just a stroke of luck." He muttered against your neck, before releasing you and walking towards the spot to give it his best try. "Dear family, watch closely, Benedict, you indeed. I'm about to show you how it's done."
Anthony steps up to take his shot, his eyes focused on the target. He swings his mallet with confidence, but to his dismay, he misses the ball completely. His expression turns from determination to frustration.
"Well, well, Anthony. I must say, that was quite the swing!" Benedict laughed, throwing his arm around his brother's shoulder.
Anthony's face turns red with embarrassment as his siblings join in on the laughter.
"Oh Anthony, perhaps you need a bit more practice before challenging Benedict." Daphne tried to hide her smile behind her gloved hand. 
"I think I'll keep score. One point deducted for every missed shot, Anthony." Eloise adjusted the bow in her hair, smiling at the Bridgerton brother.
Anthony tries to maintain his composure, but the teasing continues to rattle him. "Enough! I'll show you all in the next round."
"Alright, here goes nothing!" Daphne sighs, taking Anthony's spot of position. Daphne takes a deep breath and focuses on the ball. With a swift motion, she strikes it with precision.
The ball hits the target dead center, causing a loud "clang" sound. 
"I did it! I did it!" She cheered, embracing you and Eloise with joy. 
"Okay, Daphne, we've heard, now it's my turn." Colin tries his best to concentrate. "Alright, here goes nothing!"
"Colin, that position? You really must work on your aim." Anthony spoke, having Eloise chuckle. "Don't chuckle, you too."
"Just you wait, Anthony. I'll get better with practice." Colin answered, striking the ball and scoring another point. 
"Everybody move, I get to try now." Benedict swings his mallet and hits the ball with a strong force, but unfortunately, it veers off course. "Damn it!"
"What happened, Benedict?" Anthony raised an eyebrow, leaning his hands on his mallet.
"It's your fault, Anthony! You distracted me!" Benedict pointed a finger at his brother. 
 "Me? How on earth did I distract you?" Anthony rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault you missed your shot."
"Okay, okay, my turn, go away," Eloise said, She hit the ball, but it flew through the air and landed in the mud. "Oh no! The ball went flying, there goes my shot!
Anthony let his eyes run over the field and remembers which direction it went. "Y/n, dearest, the ball went in that direction, care to join?"
"Of course, we must retrieve it." You smile, taking hold of your husband's hand and following him in the direction, trying not to ruin your gown.
" Look for anything round and shiny. It could be partially buried." Anthony said, doing his best not to slip away in the mud. 
Letting your eyes scan the ground they stopped at a particular point. "I see something over there! It's partially hidden under the mud."
The both of you carefully unearth the ball, covered in mud, but otherwise intact. "Thank goodness! Our family's legacy is safe."
the both of you find yourselves alone in the middle of the muddy mess. Your clothes are drenched and covered in dirt. The rain pours down, adding to the chaos.
"Well, my love, it seems we've found ourselves in quite a predicament, the desire that burns within me is too strong." Anthony softly spoke, removing the sleeve from your shoulder
"Oh, stop it, Anthony. You're just as disheveled as I am." You chuckled, as Anthony pulled your body closer to his. 
"But that's what makes this moment so perfect. No expectations, no inhibitions, just us, here in the mud." Anthony smiled at you, tightening his grip around you. 
 "Are you suggesting we make the most of this muddy situation?" You asked, removing the strand of hair that fell on his forehead.
"Absolutely, dearest, let's embrace the messiness and create a memory that will last a lifetime." You share a passionate kiss, your bodies intertwining as they revel in the spontaneity of the moment. 
The rain continues to pour, washing away your worries and leaving only their love behind. The mud still clings to your clothes, but you pay no mind.
 In this moment, nothing else matters except their love for each other.
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