#Ajak is like uh-huh and what should I put on the chart?
Im sorry but I live for Thenamesh DRAMA! So for your newest Thenamesh Doctor AU I have to ask you this:
You probably know how people don’t realize or feel their wounds when high on adrenaline right?
Gil is driving with his partner when all of a sudden a reckless speeder crashes into them. Gil is badly injured but high on adrenaline he helps the people on the scene first and arriving in Thenas ER with the speedster on the rescue stretcher(?). He assured everyone he is ok and Thena sees him you know pretty hurt with scratches bruises and really badly bleeding and is absolutely worried and walking to him but before she can ask him anything (his adrenaline wearing off) he just collapses in front of everyone.
So give us your best drama because I will absolutely ATE this prompt because I know you got this!
He doesn't seem to hear her, rushing in with the stretcher while another is in Kingo's hands right behind him. "We've got two injured in a T-bone accident, they collided head on, a few contusions but limited head trauma, I think. Unfortunately, they weren't wearing seat belts, so they've got more injuries than I first thought they would-"
"Gil!" Thena repeats, although he's still going through the patient checklist. She can see the blood on his side, though, and the scrapes by his eye and the very early signs of a nasty bruise along his arm. "Kingo!"
"They came at us from the side," he pants as he runs in alongside his partner. He also has a few minor injuries, but clearly he was on the right side to be on. "He was already out of the door to look after them by the time people were making calls."
"Gil," Thena repeats again, but he keeps going through things as interns receive the civilians. She wonders if his eardrum was impacted, "Gilgamesh!"
"Thena," he finally - finally - turns to her. His hands plant on his hips, as if he doesn't have blood seeping through his uniform polo. He catches his breath, on his way to saying something else when the adrenaline leaves him and his eyes roll back.
"Gil!" Thena cries out, catching him as he slumps against her like a bag of rocks. She lowers him to the ground as gently as she can, careful with his head before pulling her stethoscope from around her neck.
She listens to his heart, counts in her head, feels his pulse. She tears the tips out of her ears and moves on to pulling his eyelids open, shining her penlight in them to make sure his pupils react to it. "Call Ajak."
"Thena," Kingo tries to pull her away gently but is swatted away.
"Call Ajak!" she repeats, barking the order with a stronger voice than she anticipated having. She's vaguely aware that she's autopiloting--pushing away in her mind the fact that it's Gil lying on the floor and not some stranger.
Kingo remains hovering as she scares the interns away.
She turns his head a few times to examine his light scratches--nothing she can do about those except clean them up. His arm will probably be terribly sore from the impact of being thrown into the inside of the ambulance door. She pulls his polo out of his uniform trousers and up to examine the bleeding. It's shallow, uneven--he didn't get this from being hit. He probably got it from pulling the other two idiots out of their car, grazing himself on their window shards and not realising because of the adrenaline.
"Oh, Gil," she sighs, some of her own adrenaline leaving her as she verifies in every way she's been taught to that technically: he's fine. "The things you do to yourself."
"T," Kingo touches her shoulder gingerly as he hears the telltale rattling of a bed being wheeled, "they're here."
Thena holds him, supporting his head as they get him first onto a stretcher, and then lifted up onto the bed to be taken. She's silent, trusting Ajak - and only Ajak - to take proper care of Gilgamesh. Her hands moves vaguely in Kingo's direction. "Sorry, for..."
Kingo knows she means batting him away, and he doesn't hold it against her either. He knows how they are with each other. "It's--are you okay?"
Thena is already wandering in the direction of an on-call room, or a storage closet, or anywhere in which she can have five minutes to herself.
She finds a storage closet and closes the door behind her, pressing her back against it. Her hands have a tremble to them and she can feel some semblance of a cold sweat on her forehead. She takes a few very deep breaths, her shoulders shuddering as she does.
Of course Ajak would find her. Ajak has been working here longer than Thena has--way before Thena made her way into being head of critical care and trauma for the floor.
"Oh, Thena," Ajak coos as soon as she sees the shakiness in her younger friend. She reaches out and pulls Thena's head into her shoulder, "he'll be just fine, Love."
Thena nods as best she can, although she doesn't pull away from the uniquely motherly warmth that Ajak is offering. "I never thought he would just...collapse like that."
"I know," Ajak soothes, rubbing Thena's shoulder. "I was talking to Kingo. Gil pulled both the driver and passenger out of the rolled car by himself--no wonder it all caught up with him at once."
Thena sighs, hoping to get herself together. She's known as the Goddess of War--tough and tactical. She has to be in this place. But she keeps remembering Gil's eyes rolling back and shivers again.
Ajak smiles as Thena finally pulls back, shaking her head and dabbing at the corners of her eyes before her tears have anywhere to go. "You can go see him, you know. Everything on him was surface level. All he's doing now is sleeping it off."
Thena sniffs, nodding and tugging at her scrubs. "I am going to give him hell for scaring me like this."
Ajak smiles at her as she follows her back out to the rest of the unit, "I'm sure he'll still be happy to see you."
Thena chooses to ignore that bit.
She arrives at his bedside and pulls the curtain behind her. Gil is asleep, out like a light and even snoring ever so quietly. It's almost cute. "I'm still a little mad at you, you know."
His eyes don't even flutter.
Thena looks through the chart they've made for him, noting all the necessary information in her mind, even though it's not really her case to handle. She's too emotionally involved. "I'm not saying I would do anything differently in your position, but...I just wish you were more careful."
Gil is still asleep.
"I don't know what I would do without you," she sighs down at him, his face somehow remaining beautiful even under the starch and sterile lights in the ceiling. She sets his chart down and leans over, tucking some hair behind her ear as she leaves a soft kiss on his temple.
When she pulls back, Gil's eyes are open and on her.
"H-Hey," she stutters out, looking anywhere and everywhere that isn't at him. Heat blooms in her cheeks and she reaches desperately for his chart to distract her. She flips through the papers needlessly, "h-how are you feeling?"
"Better," he suffices to say, his hand floating out of his blankets and towards her.
Thena snatches it midair, grasping his wrist (still refusing to look at him). She frowns, "your pulse is going a little fast, I'm going to get someone in here to check your BP."
Thena pulls the curtain behind her, not giving him the chance to ask her about the kiss. She swings the clipboard in her hands as she walks, hoping it's not obvious that she's using it to fan herself.
Ajak barely hears her as she mutters something about bed 4 needing a vitals check on her way past the nurses station. Ajak smiles to herself as she hangs up the phone, "I guess he's awake."
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