#alicent my traumatized beloved
sansaery-theonsa · 1 year
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The age she became a mother.
the age it should've happened.
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hotd characters comforting you before the war
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characters : Rhaenyra, Alicent, Daemon, Aemond, Aegon, Jacaerys
warning : hurt/comfort, kissing, mentioning of wounds, minor blood, weapons, alcohol, a war is comming up, no use of Y/n, reader is female , implied targaryen incest
Info : So slowly I'm comming back into hotd and cant wait for all the traumatic and hurt events so have fun with this little fluff thing :)
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Rhaenyra : Torches and lanterns were still shining in the late hours of the night for the lady-in-waiting, who was still awake. The light shining under the slit of the wooden door would tell anyone that she was still awake…awake in a time when sleep was precious. Her gaze was tinged with sorrow as she winced again, stabbing her finger with the needle as she tried for hours now to finish sewing the dress for her queen. Before a knocking sound startled her, ,,Come in" came softly from her, loud enough for the person to hear but not waking anyone. Only seconds later, Queen Rhaenyra stepped into her peer's room with a caring look in her violet eyes. ,,You're still awake, my lady?" she asked, sounding more confused than pleased to see her lady-in-waiting and the fire of her heart. The highborn rose instantly from her chair but sleep deprivation and exhaustion caused her to drop the dress and the fabric lay on the floor again, which was met with a sigh of exasperation. ,,Yes…yes my queen I am still awake…sorry I should have been quieter but-" she broke off as she looked at the dress and saw the fear in the blonde Targaryen's eyes. She immediately came over and gently took the hand of her beloved and pulled her onto the two-seater. ,,Not at all you didn't wake me my flame…you're overworking yourself" she realized as expected seeing clothes lying everywhere ready and unfinished, untouched food and only half drunk goblets even the bed sha looked unused. Gently caressing her hand, she leaned against the couch and a soft ,,I'm afraid of what's coming, powerless and without weapons" finally drew the lady-in-waiting's fear, her nervousness, her despair and Rhaenyra had to stifle a cry and instead gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. ,,Your tailoring will make my glorious time on the throne look beautiful. Let the war be fought by the dragons and the swords…but your place my love is here with me on Dragonstone and at the end in the small council," Rhaenyra assured her beloved as she opened her eyes and looked into the violets and something like hope could be found in them again. It was hope she believed Rhaenyra, saw the vision the queen had and a slight smile flitted across her lips. ,,With your grace, Rhaenyra, it will go down in a splendid section," she added, hearing as well as seeing the smirk on the queen's lips, the sweet light laugh lines and the bobbing of blonde hair as she moved. Rhaenyra drew her sweetheart and childhood friend closer, they lay in each other's arms looking at the flames that looked like small dragons until Rhaenyra was sure that their love had finally fallen asleep and their worries had been extinguished by the fire.
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Alicent : Sounds could be heard coming from the library of the castle in King's Landing. A lantern had been taken off the hook and was running through the shelves, the woman murmuring titles over and over again, looking for certain books about the houses and the Nachvolger as well as connections with covenants and blood. Her eyes tired and slightly aching from the little light, the darkness around her from the little light that was available and the fesnter further up so that the moon could not illuminate everything. She barely heard in her feverish search as another person made their way with hurried steps to and into the library. There was worry in the dark eyes and her expression was tinged with slight fear. The queen of the former king Viserys and now widow queen had been searching for her lady-in-waiting for ages. It was supposed to be a short meeting between the two women who were looking for peace and quiet and a moment to themselves over tea and books, maybe even a walk. But when the older woman didn't show up, Alicent knew something was wrong. In a time of war when blood was on the blade of her second son, you could never know what was happening to your loved ones. ,,Are you here my dear?" she asked into the library, hearing the murmur before a ,,My Queen Alicent?" came back, rather confused as to why the crown bearer had come here. The two of them, lanterns in hand, searched for each other in the great hall until they almost ran into each other and cringed in shock. ,,There you are, I was worried sick," the brown-haired one said and immediately put a hand on the arm of the one opposite her and the older one took a moment to get used to it because of the light, but she was aware of the queen's fear and her love. ,,Excuse me, my little stone, but I was looking for books on marriage and bonding…we need allies otherwise-" she was interrupted by a sigh, however, which was followed by an amused shake of the head from Alicent, who slowly took her across from her to one of the many stone indentations where they settled. ..My little stone, you only call me that when you are afraid…but this worry, however well founded, is not to be worried about…we are ready…my sons are ready please you have done enough…enough for me and for my children" the queen said to her lady-in-waiting, knight and love interest to the woman who had stood by her when she was at her lowest point here at this court. Words that made the older woman lay down the clutch she had been clutching, relieved and yet slightly disappointed. It was true that she had done a lot for Alicent, but she could have done more for her queen. ,,But if-" she began but was immediately silenced by a firm embrace and Alicent's hands closed around her, she felt the kiss on her hair and felt the hands holding her and for a moment it felt good to be hugged enough for that moment. ,,No but my lady it's enough it will be enough we can do this" the brown haired queen admonished with feigned sternness and smiled when she saw the smile on the older woman's lips. Despite everything that had happened to them both, despite the pain Alicent had suffered, her little smile was always the one thing that could calm you down. That despite the war and the fewer allies compared to the blacks, they had a chance of victory.
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Daemon : Pain ran through the troop leader's body as her gaze slid to the sky once more. Since daybreak she had been training here in the open field, smashing stone and wood, hitting man after man and being hit by sword and fist. A training that barely interrupted the importance of strength in the challenge of being one of the ladies of the allied houses and one of the commanders. Soon the sky would turn to fire and blood and war was imminent. She was skilled with the lance but so was Rhaenys with the whip, the two had practiced all noon and despite the fact that Rhaenys could have been her mother, she was much better at it, something the younger admired but the Velaryon Targaryen princess was grateful for. But now, after hours of exertion, it was harder and harder to keep herself upright. I promised him, she thought, leaning on her lance and looking up into the sky, hoping to find the red dragon and its rider, Prince Dameon. The blood wyrm and the rough prince had perhaps found something of a favorite in all these cruel times. What started with observations and the prince's teasing silver tongue soon became more. With another sigh, she took the first step back up the stone cliff to Dragonstone, hearing the shrill cry of Caraxes. The red abnormal beast emerged from behind the dark clouds and circled the large castle a few times, seeming to search for her before turning its head towards her and Dameon landed. Moments later, the ground rumbled slightly as the dragon landed and Daemon climbed off his soulmate. ,,You're still here," he stated rather unhappily, surveying her body hidden beneath a light suit of armor, but he didn't miss her exhaustion even in the low light. ,,Of course…Daemon, you promised to train, I can't just sit around doing nothing," she said and it came out more defiant and nervous than it should have. This seemed to amuse the elder as he made it the last few meters and a metal gloved hand brushed the dirt from her cheek before he swiftly knocked the lance away and grabbed her hand. Dark, slightly open calluses appeared in the palm of her hand where she had fended off the wood, the hands and the steel. ,,Inaction? You were not idle, you were foolish…foolish to start without me," he murmured, bringing the wound to his lips and placing a rough kiss on it before pulling her closer. He held her more than clearly so that she wouldn't fall over from exhaustion and pain. ,,The war will come and we'll beat the green ones you know I'll be on Caraxes above you, watching out for them and I hardly know anyone better with a lance than maybe the dornish" he quipped at the end and caught a punishing look that made him chuckle his armor rattled and caraxes squealed. He pulled her closer and gave her another kiss, ,,Whatever happens, your strength will drive the green whore son from the throne," he assured her and pulled her closer to him, pulling her closer to his heart beating with fire, which beat for her, giving her protection at all times.
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Aemond : Air whipped at her ears, the scream of the blue-scaled dragoness reflected her inner unrest. The cold wind and the rain, the cool wetness and the lightning. The storm had caught her and her dragon Tessarion and had not let go for hours. What should have been a training flight for the dragon, who was not quite ten years old, turned into a nightmare caused by nature halfway along the route, which made things difficult for both the dragon and her rider. But it was something in which they could not land or land. A war was coming and Tessarion was the fourth and last dragon they had Vhagar the oldest old but powerful, Dreamfyre second oldest dragon mother and yet not fit for battle would fall away. The third oldest Sunfyre the golden beauty and eager for war and battle like his rider. There were nine dragons and for this reason she only had to train more and more, a defeat simply could not happen. Bringing the Valyrian across her lips, the blue flames of her dragon shone through the night before breaking through the clouds and finally arriving back at King's Landing after another agonizing few minutes that seemed like hours. Shivering, cold and still not satisfied but still worried, the Lady Seed went back to her chambers. She could still feel Tesarion's restlessness and it bothered them both. As soon as she had removed her wet cloak, she felt the presence in her room and turned hastily to the fire in the hearth. ,,Aemond," she said the name of the blood-related prince and her beloved, who seemed to be waiting for her. She saw that he was more relaxed, more relaxed in the knowledge that she was here again. ,,You worry too much, my pretty," he said, rising from the chair with a slight movement, pulling the blanket with him and walking onto the dragon seed. She saw a smile creep onto his lips when he saw the sadness on her nose before he pulled himself together and in one movement wrapped her in the blanket and carried her to the chair in front of the fireplace. No protests escaped her lips, no fear escaped her but she could feel how he seemed to read her fear. Tessarion is the youngest of the dragons…the weather will be nothing compared to the power of the black party but believe me I'll take care of you," he assured her, pulling the blanket tighter around her and kneeling down in front of her to dry her further with the blankets. His fine slender defined fingers undressed her with every bad thought he kissed and caressed her cold wet skin to make her feel good. ,,But if I can't even survive the weather," she said and sighed as she heard him get up and stand by her, taking her hand and kissing it. ,,I may have lost an eye my aunt but I'll never lose you, you'll stay with me forever on Tessarion and Vhagar because we're stronger than this poor bastard," he countered and she saw how his sapphire eye seemed to light up as the flames of the fireplace were reflected in it. It was the madness of the Targaryen, the blood flowing through them, it was the madness for power, victory and love. Love that they had both found was sealed with an earnest kiss and she knew that no matter what fire the black party might bring, they would manage to win together.
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Aegon ii : Talk and metal could be heard in the dragon pit. The dragon protectors prepared the six or so dragons for the war, even if the young princess and prince's little dragons were not yet meant to be ridden, they too had to be taught to some extent. The extent of the war would end disastrously, it simply had to be enough with the power of the dragons otherwise everything would take on an even more catastrophic dimension. The Valyrian words of the ancestors had been flowing from her lips for hours now, and she kept adjusting the light armor for Synfyre until it fit, protecting the dragon and the king. But after more blows of the hammer and reassuring words, it was done and exhaustion lay on her body as she took off the scaly metal uniform and went back into the castle. Despite the exhaustion and aching muscles, such preparations had to be made, it was up to her and the others to make sure the dragons were perfectly equipped. Walking through the castle, she decided to end the early night with a bath to get rid of the smell of fire and smoke, but left the light on in her room. Had she forgotten to turn it off? Had something happened? Had the first blow already been struck? Questions of worry ran through her mind as she practically hurried into her room and was greeted with a different kind of welcome. ,,You're here at last! My lady, I was so far away to have a little feast prepared after your work on Sunfyre," Aegon said, rising from his chair with a broad smile and a goblet in his hand and walking towards his beloved, embracing her in an almost ceremonial hug that left her uncomprehending. ,,Aegon? Do you realize what can happen at any time?" she asked, shaking her head uncomprehendingly as she pushed past him to pour herself water instead of wine. She didn't see his smile threaten to disappear for a moment that the king knew very well what could happen. ,,I'm…afraid something will happen to you or the others," she admitted, gripping the goblet tighter before he put his goblet down with a sigh and came over to her. She didn't look back, but she took his hand and held it for a moment, giving her time to relax. ,,I am the king my dear it is my duty to protect you and return to King's Landing safely" he began and slowly turned to her taking the goblet from her and placing his hand on her cheek almost holding her back. She snuggled up to him for a moment, closing her eyes and taking in the sweetness of his scent through the wine and snacks, but beneath this illusion hid the tension. ,,The dragons are armed and yet? What if it's not enough?" she asked, looking into those pretty violet eyes framed by the slightly tangled short blond hair. But he smiled slightly, slightly pleased in his fantasy of the battle he had never seen before. Fights that would come with nightmares and pain. ,,It'll be enough and if not…then we'll just fly away like we should have done years ago together," he admitted and this time it was up to her to hug him a grin and sobs through the fantasy but it helped. This honesty about the situation, the affection for each other was enough to make her realize that they were one. No matter what would come, the king would protect her and his family and all his people.
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Jacaerys : The wind blew over the island as usual and around her family's majestic castle dragon stone. The dragons flew around the castle, the wild ones that usually showed themselves at night well hidden between the stone or Caraxes, Syrax or Vermax, the green lizard-like dragon of the queen's eldest prince. The dragons in the air were practicing for the battle, but were unaware of the training on the ground. The swords clashed again and again under the watchful eye of the Master at Arms and Vermax, who watched his rider with an interested look. The swords that were once wood were now metal that clashed again and again neither of them let up because they knew that when they faced their opponent, whether in the air or on foot, they had to be ready to strike first with the sword. She could see the strain in the dark eyes of Jace, who had been training with her for hours. After the death of his beloved brother, the second prince of the realm of Rhaenyra, he was unbeddable. The blood of the dragon made him neither sleep nor tare he had seized the sword and demanded that she train. ,,You strike with fury at Jace," she stated the obvious firmly, just dodging an even stronger blow, which he had in fact lunged for. A warning came from the weapons master, but the prince ignored it. His anger met her grief for Lucerys and it would not look good. One angry cry later from Jacaery, who swung his sword, Vermax roared and breathed fire. Surprised by the moment, the sword grazed her hand as she ducked to avoid the fire. Lying on the ground, she and Jace were slow to realize what was happening before a ,,Rest…training is over for today and tomorrow" came bitterly from the older man who retreated with a few guards to give them both a moment of reality. Lowering his sword and tucking it back, he hastily knelt down to her, seeing his guilt in her dark eyes, the fear of losing her, the fear of dying alone, of not being found like Lucerys. ,,I'm so sorry my love…I should have been careful…I should have kotrolled Vermax" came the reproach from his lips as he helped her up and gave his dragon a look of reassurance, at least Vermax seemed to feel reassured too. Sitting down on one of the rocks, he took out a piece of cloth and began to tend to her injury in silence and she saw how hurt he also felt inside. ,,I know it hurts Jace I suffer-we all suffer but…but you have to face tomorrow…the war" she tried to get close to him feeling him gently caressing her injury trying to take the pain away and placing a soft kiss on it. Saw how Vermax dared to approach the two of them, patting his warm muzzle on her leg and seemingly asking for an apology. ,,Vermax and I will protect you and the others, no one will die anymore, I'll make sure of that," he said as he watched his dragon and looked into her orange eyes. Before he pulled her closer he gave her a kiss on her forehead and Vermax moved closer to warm the two lovers. The warmth of the Targaryen and Velaryon bond nothing would happen to all of them as long as he lived.
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cipheramnesia · 18 days
I'm vibrating because I spent so long apparently starting Girl Bites God (2.0) in the wrong place but now I've rolled with it, so my beloved Alice, who has been put through something like eight distinct iterations since I created her twenty years ago finally feels like herself. So here I am, gently ushering her along the river, and we all know where it's taking her, but I've been taking such pains to be so careful with the ways she has been fucked up and traumatized and institutionalized.
But I shaking and nervous because soon that is going to end, and the winds will rise and she is going to get pulled deep into the river, and I'm going to hurt her so, so very badly, because that's just part of what happens on the way to her becoming what she is. Still and all, I'm nervous and losing sleep over the horrific future awaiting her.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
Dances of the dragons; what are things you like about the story in the show and book.
Well clearly I’m very fond of Rhaenyra and her little family. Something I really like exploring in fiction is ~blended families~ having been born into one myself and I find it fascinating especially in the pseudo-medieval context of a song of ice and fire. The complexity of balancing this family with what the world at large considers proper, of protecting this family when it's very existence is a threat to the established order of things.
I also really love the whole Aegon/Sunfyre and Baela/Moondancer stand off. I think the narrative aspects of it are amazing and it fits their characters so well. Baela being purposefully kept out of the war, kept even from defending Dragonstone, going off on this long shot stand off against the leader of the enemy faction and then she fails. I think what is often forgotten about Baela in this instance is that her amazing bravery is worth nothing in the end. Aegon still takes Dragonstone, Rhaenyra is still murdered, and worst of all, Moondancer dies and Sunfyre is mortally wounded. All she does is help kill two more dragons, help kill the power of her own family, sacrificing her own beloved dragon, her own agency later in life, for nothing not even a temporary win. Then you have Aegon as Sunfyre's only rider, Sunfyre feeling Aegon's distress and sacrificing his own life to come save Aegon, taking not one but two life ending crashes to the ground all for love of Aegon, and then just dying and leaving Aegon such a mess he's dragging Baela out and threatening to become a kinslayer with his own two hands in front of the entirety of King's Landing. The moment Sunfyre dies, Aegon is dead. They are too connected in a way many of the other bonds are not. It's not just like Vhagar or Caraxes mindlessly going into death because it's what their riders want from them; no, Sunfyre seeks death out in a vain attempt to save his rider, after Aegon goes through deliberate pains to separate himself from Sunfyre to spare Sunfyre the same fate as Vhagar, Caraxes, Arrax, or Meleys.
Also that final confrontation between Aegon and Rhaenyra - that i hope you died / you first, you are the elder exchange - is soooooo good. The way Aegon traumatizes the Younger the way Helaena and Jaehaera were, completely screwing over his own heir in his rage, and Rhaenyra's body isn't even safe from being sexually abused when she's dead.....George was cooking here.
As for the show, I think the casting is leaps and bounds better than the main show. I think probably the weakest links on the cast are (I'm about to get tomatoes thrown at me here) Ewan, Emily, and Sonoya but I don't think any of them are bad by any stretch. Emily does some amazing work showing Alicent's despair and anxiety and intelligence. I would put her on the same level as Maisie in the original show - she needs some time to find her feet as an actor but you can see her growing and changing as an artist and performer before your eyes. Sonoya has a bit of a lackluster script to work with (it's hard to adapt Mysaria, she's just a bunch of awful ~far east~ stereotypes rolled into one upsetting character) and she's also clearly struggling around her accent. I'm hoping she'll pull a Peter Dinklage next season and get used to the accent. Ewan is also here I guess (*kanye shrug* I think he looks too old and little Aemond was leagues better, sue me!!). But everyone else is just on their mark constantly, elevating the script with their own ideas or acting choices. And what I'll give Condal, Hess, and Miguel is that they also let the actors have a say in the characters. In my opinion, the best shows always include actor input. Three of my favorite shows in fact - Leverage, Battlestar Galactica, and Farscape - all include rather long arcs for several characters that came because the actors said "can we dig into what motivates my character more? i wrote out a backstory if you're interested" or "i'm not sure my character would react that way, i think it would go this way" and the writers listened and let them be part of the writing. I love to drag these writers for all the best ideas coming from the actors but I find it commendable that instead of plugging their ears to minor pushback like D&D did, they said "damn tom, olivia, this carriage scene is so much better the way you're doing it, go crazy" or "hey matt you're doing some great acting here, tell us what you're thinking, let's dig in" and emma has talked extensively about how they let them really dig into gender performance as they wrote the character.
Maybe that doesn't seem like a big compliment but, at the risk of sounding too cheesy, I think art is a conversation ya kno?! It's a push and pull between the performers, the writers, the cinematographers, the special effects, as well as the viewer. When you see art as a dictatorship, it stifles what you're saying. But when you bring in fresh eyes, when you collaborate, I think you are more likely to have a much more polished, much more beautiful end product. And I think in allowing like, Emily Carrey the ability to read her own queerness into Alicent and then portray that on screen made for an Alicent that feels so much more real than if Emily was forced to simply read the words on the page without emotionally connecting to it! Look at how Stephen Dillane and the guy who played Barristan were clearly phoning it in because they weren't listened to! Look at how clearly annoyed Gwendoline and Nikolaj were at the ending there because they didn't like how the plot was going! When the artists are involved in the making of their own craft, it's just better!
(but what about Rhys, you say, didn't you once say he had negative charisma? yes, yes he does, i think he's wildly overrated as an actor and i don't understand the appeal but i think otto himself is also devoid of charisma so rhys fits!! i am a hater sorry!!!)
Anyways, yes, I love Rhaenyra and Aegon because I love deranged gay older sister - violent beefy young brother duos from hell with all my heart, I love Baela the Burnt with all my heart, and I love all the actors and the collaborative nature of HOTD.
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
just gonna sliiide into your inbox to be like. got any complicated relationship with motherhood recs?? cause I'm👀
👁️👁️ b i s c i a.
the first rec is always for all time The Broken Earth trilogy by NK Jemisin
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talk about books that changed my brain chemistry and boosted my writing, especially the fifth season, which pulls a narrative trick with its 3 main character perspectives that still has me reeling and makes me resent the fact that not every protagonist is an exhausted middle aged mother who's haunted by choices and horrors of her own making!!
The Devourers by Indra Das
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a take on werewolves that's at times genuinely sickening to read, esp for my body-horror-scawy ass. lot of upsetting themes fyi, like. all the themes. are upsetting. but i was left feeling like I'd just gotten the world's most dire hug. also trans allegory out the wazoo.
i feel like this one is really obligatory like yeah no shit Beloved by Toni Morrison but still: Beloved by Toni Morrison
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I've never felt smart enough for this book but i think about it constantly, not just because the contents are so traumatic but the way it's written..... even now i feel like such a dunce trying to say anything about it but it's like. it broke rules in my brain about how books are supposed to be structured and understood. there's a chapter that ends in a stream of thought that's borderline incomprehensible and it's in my head forever.
ok little different now and largely positive mushy gushy mom stuff, but a lot of Brandi Carlile's songs, especially The Mother:
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and her whole In These Silent Days album. particularly it's celebrating lesbian motherhood. Mama Werewolf is awesome and introduces that complication that makes me ravenous, but my favorite is her love song to her wife, You And Me On The Rock
there's a song exploder podcast episode about it. she talks about how it's an homage to her good friend Joni Mitchell, how it's about this very feminine love she shares with her wife and daughter (and now also her son) and how she spent some of her youth grappling with that femininity.
speaking of song exploder!!!!!! the episode for Song For Our Daughter by Laura Marling
Laura Marling and her partner don't have children. this song is a hypothetical about the trauma of being a girl and having your boundaries crossed when you're young. but what absolutely destroys me is that there's a string section, which was written by a violinist to whom she gave creative liberty, and in his strings he says, "i wrote this to be the character of The Daughter, so she's here in the song soaring over everything" and it just. hearing the context and then listening to the song........i show this episode to anyone who's stuck in a car with me 25 minutes.
on the subject of music, of course there's Florence + The Machine's 2022 album Dance Fever, particularly King
like hell yeah let's get primal with it
and ok this is gonna clock my grew up as a theatre kid ass but still, to this day, Next To Normal.
listening to this show as a teenager who was just starting to hate my (wonderful awesome love her) mom was like......hoooooo. it blew open the my-parents-are-human empathy. idc about like whether or not this musical lives up to the insane hype it got in the late 2000s it just meant a lot to me personally.
also there's movies i guess! but if you're not already on the Everything Everywhere All At Once train idk what we're doing
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then my oldest mom-centric media of all, so old that I'm not even sure how well it holds up to my current person sensibilities, Fruits Basket
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the way her death is the inciting incident for everything that happens after, and how she's a ghost that haunts the rest of the story, at times a protective spirit and at other times a traumatic poltergeist, is like. i thought i was a 13yo reading a magical high school romance what's happening to me.
then of course the current rec, Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood
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Lockwood is a poet and this is her memoir about growing up with a Catholic priest for a dad, something that in itself seems contradictory. it's phenomenal. i can't believe someone exists who's this good at writing. her relationship with her mother is hilariously, tenderly depicted and it's questioning and resentful and loving and there's a chapter about them called the cum queens of the hyatt palace and it's the funniest thing I've ever read
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oops too many words
motherhood in media borders on fixation for me lol i don't always seek it out but when it's there I'm like AAAAAAAAH, AAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAH IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THIS GRAAAAAHHHH!!!!
........oh and undertale. how could i forget Undertale.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
We can agree that the tonal dissonance is the worst part yes because why did they come out of that good ass smoke confront yourself scene with Ruby making a hilarious meme face at us 😭 can they decide if they want serious or slapstick or at least make said slapstick feel more cruel/surreal, like go for a tone where the characters are suffering but the inherently ridiculous world is constantly fucking with them. I feel like that'd land better than 'hehe Weiss is going grrr and making anime bubbles! Ignore Ruby having a panic attack! This is irrelevant!'
Thanks for responding to the other thing as politely as you did and I hope it didn't come off as a personal attack. You do seem nice and you make a good point I just kind of feel bad for you slogging through this show you hate KSHSKSHS
Nah don't worry about it, anon. Idk how to really explain it, but for me a "bad" show isn't necessarily a "slog" show. I like waking up Saturday morning to watch RWBY, knowing I'll get to write a recap later, engage with other fans throughout the week, etc. It could feel overwhelming at times given the previous one day pace I had set, but not a slog (no matter how much it might sound that way in recaps because, as established, there's A Lot of problems to cover that obviously color my tone). But the moment this project actually becomes an uninspiring slog I'd just... drop it? I mean, no offense to anyone here who likes keeping up with these posts, but I'm not a Content Creator℠ in the sense of this being a job. Tumblr doesn't pay me lol. Whenever/if ever it's no longer enjoyable, it's no longer something I'll do. Simple as that.
Anyway, YEAH. Tone. I had the same sort of, "Wait, huh?" reaction to Ruby's exaggerated panic over losing the Cat (complete with more stylized, manga-esque animation cues) immediately after she's reminded that Salem is two steps away from destroying the whole world and they have no plan to stop her. It's truly jarring. You know what I was thinking about the other day though? How although it's obviously weird, frustrating, and sometimes dangerous, Ever After should also be beautiful. Creative. Inspiring. An astounding, impossible experience! We got a little bit of that with Ruby walking through the garden, but leaning into the girls' amazement could be a good way of lightening the otherwise dark Volume. I mean, they haven't just landed in a fairy tale, but a beloved childhood classic complete with favorite characters, gorgeous scenery, unlimited magic where before they've only seen bits in combat... Do you have any idea how fucking STOKED I would be if I suddenly found myself in Narnia? The Shire? Hogwarts? Or yeah, Wonderland? Even if I knew that there was danger here and even if I had something traumatically important to get back to in the real world, there would still be a part of myself simply giddy at the prospect of exploring my favorite story. If Blake spent more time gushing over meeting her favorite characters, if Weiss stood in awe at the architecture, if Yang was Ooo-ing over the cool creatures here, if Ruby took a breather to look at sentient toys and go, "That's awesome" we could add a lot of lightheartedness without interrupting the primary tone. Right now, the girls' attitude is primarily "Wow, this world is the worst" rather than "Wow, this world is a wonderland." And true, that is (mostly) accurate to Alice's experiences, but it's not helping me enjoy the setting when the girls so clearly hate being there.
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dusty-siltstrider · 7 months
Hi, idk if anyone will see this but I guess I should have an introduction if I'm gonna try to actively blog lol.
I'm Em (please call me Dusty), 18ftm, he/they. Idk what I am but I like being a scary buff masc or a smol cute emo femboy depending on the day. Pansexual with a lean towards transfems (not a chaser!!!). Grunge/crustie kid at heart but I'm toying with goth/emo styles too. Proud far-left antifascist and anti capitalist.
Currently recovering from an incredibly cruel breakup. If she's reading this she knows who she is. Soon-to-be med student. Overall broken mess who had a traumatic year, desperately trying to scrape up the pieces, and hopefully I'm doing it right.
Current fixations: Andy and Leyley (I'm not a degen, I just love the story), Morrowind (anything TES honestly!), the current fic I'm writing, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Willow my beloved 🥺), and trying to understand goth fashion (I have no sense for it! I grew up wearing oversized tshirts and sweatpants and old flannels! How do y'all do it??)
Other enjoyments (don't judge me, I know): Warcraft, anything involving Gordon Ramsay, Richard and Mortimer, other writing projects, drawing my lil dudes, FNAF (my guilty comfort), chilling at the mall (it's not dead!), trying my best to get into fitness beyond my punching bag, DIY (have a battle jacket and crust pants in progress!), metal (love it all except power metal, barf), and studying clinical lab science ahead of time.
Notable beloved music: Trivium, Acid Bath, Alice In Chains, Suicide Silence, Gojira, System of a Down, Knocked Loose, Incendiary, Xasthur, Dekonstrukt, Eyehategod, My Chemical Romance, The Pretty Reckless, Slipknot, Decalius, Misfits, TOOL, Lifelover, Wu-Tang, Eminem, $uicideboy$ (okay I'll stop now-)
Right-wingers, terfs/GCs/whatever you shits call yourselves, repubs/cons, Christians/Catholics, ancaps, go tf away.
So there it is I guess. I'll start sharing some more specific stuff soon. I don't want to be popular or anything, I just want a place to put my emotions and thoughts, share some of my creativity, and enjoy silly fandom shit. Hopefully make some friends along the way. Feel free to DM if you want to know more, and if you have any music suggestions, heartbreak advice, or advice on goth/emo aesthetic. Peace n stuff. Sorry this is so fuckin long.
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darkestspring · 10 months
I was thinking that maybe Maegara has a strong belief towards the Valyrian gods and all that their culture implies (daemon and viserys are proud of this), after all she is an extension of them. so she studies all the beliefs and rituals of the culture, including Valyrian weddings.
(all this happens days before aemond claims vhagar)
Maegara does not understand some things about Valyrian weddings, so she asks Aemond for help to take some books to the dragon's den on the subject and there simulate a wedding between them. maegara just wants to understand her culture, but aemond (this traumatized child) DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THE WORD "SIMULATE".
so in the dragon pit they both do the whole ritual (but there's no priest), cut each other, say the necessary words, make bloody marks, and maybe even have their first kiss. AEMOND THINKS THEY ARE REALLY GETTING MARRIED. He is so happy to see Maegara's reddened face after giving her first kiss, Aemond believes that they are already husband and wife.
everything is cute, maegara understands Valyrian weddings now, she gave her first kiss with someone she trusts and aemond is in his delusion that he just married his sister. BUT AEGON ARRIVES.
and aegon knows that aemond believes all of this to be true, so he ruins his dream and makes a cruel comment that since he doesn't have a dragon he shouldn't even marry maegara. Maegara gets mad at Aegon and scolds him as he helps her clean off the blood marks, and it all ends there.
When Aemond claim Vhagar and they mutilate his eye, he is happy because he thinks that his marriage to Maegara is finally official. maybe even maegara agrees with him and defends him in front of everyone.
Aegon no longer knows what the fuck he thinks.
Oh my god.
Aemond is so delulu that he actually believes that he and his beloved sister are already married. She just wanted to know, to sate her curiosity, but aemond thinks it was an actual wedding between was real. He's so happy they're married now, but aegon does not approve.
He barges in and tugs maegara away, glaring at the blushing aemond. "Sister, just because you want to know what a valyrian wedding is like doesn't mean you need to take pity on our poor little brother."
Maegara scowls up at aegon. "Be nicer!" She scolds him before smiling at aemond.
Aemond pays no attention to aegon, his feverish gaze solely on his sister. They're married now, she was his bride. The thought made him so happy.
Otto and Alicent are just as displeased. For the first time, Alicent heavily scolds aemond. She is insistent giving him a stern lecture while viserys thinks it's just children being children. "It wasn't a real wedding, anyways." He says, waving it off like it was not a huge problem. "There was no priest, so don't worry. They are both still unwed."
That statement only makes ir worse, awmond is now determined to have a real wedding with his older sister, much to the ire of Otto, Alicent, and aegon.
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Merry Christmas even if they were a few days back!!!! I hope you had a good time! (Dont remember if i already wished you well) Currently rereading the latest chapter because i *WILL* send my thoughts on it because both the chapter and you deserve it.
But in the meantime i had some Alicent thoughts that i needed to share with someone else apart from my bestie. So i come here and scream at your inbox with another discount analysis.
Here goes, in my mind Alicent's first time giving birth would have been really traumatizing. As easy as it might have been (in comparison to Aemma's) she was still 15?16? when she gave birth. That combined with the fact that at that time her friendly neighborhood marital rape (for the life of me i am unable to call it anything else) would have hit worse since she was still a child and it was the beginning of her miserable marriage and would have made things much more stressful and hurtful for this child's first time giving birth.
Also also in my headcanon everyone was worried about the baby and whether or not it'd be a boy. And therefore they only spared a look or a word her way when it had to do with the birth and not herself. No worries about her comfort or pain or whatnot. No encouraging words apart from the things you'd expect a farmer to whisper to his birthing cow. Just.. people treated her like a mare to be bred and like the bringer of the much awaited son [and heir (?)]. And oh boi was that a source of stress and terror for her. It must have been!
Not only did she know that the maesters wouldnt hesitate to butcher her trying to get to the Son but also if Viserys could approve of the murder of his dear and beloved wife....what would he approve of regarding her?
What would her father do? Would he even do anything? Isolated and treated as an object. And all that while she is a literal CHILD.
(I dont think my headcanon is that much far from show!reality btw and i must say once more, fuck Alicent haters. She's MY Queen treason and usurping aside. Ilhsm)
Also please let's not forget the actual physical pain and stress the labour would have put on her (underage) body. I cant stress this enough.. she was a C h i l d.
[How can some people be so hateful towards her while simultaneously crying feminist tears over Rhaenyra and her rights and hardships? Hating one of them on the grounds of this flimsy morality means not understanding or respecting either of them.]
Anyways sorry for the spam I just... I was thinking a lot about it while babysitting and having a horrible time trying to get my niece to sleep. I hope my interpretation of what we've seen on the show wasn't completely wrong and horrible.
MERRY CHRISTMAS (respectfully late I’m sorry i have no concept of time being real) TO YOU TOO BESTIE, I’m so excited to hear your thoughts on the latest chapter lmfaoooo
Calling it martial rape is so right, viserys was really in his “gonna fuck the pain away in a hot teenager the same age as my daughter” era, and somehow managed to isolate Alicent into the role of queen that she had never anticipated before
And the birth of aegon is so loaded with aemma’s ghost and the expectations for an heir but it’s also so scary and has so much implicated for her best friend’s birthright and she really is alone for it and she’s just a baby giving birth to a baby who is in incredible pain and is so isolated b my this role that was thrust upon her
Like you said, her birthing bed was never about her, but about the consequences and implications of her rape bearing fruit, and all anyone cares about is the baby, because as she herself demonstrates, any young pretty thing can be knocked up and called queen when the prior one’s usage expiresm
And then aegon is born and she thinks that maybe, just this once, something and someone is just for her, that her child will love her unconditionally and expect nothing from her and that maybe, despite the horrific origins, being a mother can bring some direction and purpose to her life. The baby will be hers, he will love his mother and give her something to live for and just maybe it’ll be a girl who she can raise up as she would’ve wanted to be raised
EXCEPT it’s a boy
The long awaited ‘heir’
and not even aegon is really hers, because the second he’s born Otto is scheming around him and viserys is haunted even further by the fact that he killed aemma for the chance at this thing that he now has and he realizes it’s meaningless and all of alicent’s suffering for this child was for nothing
I think this plays into the way she is so hard on aegon too, she loves him of course she does, but there is that lingering resentment that aegon was the first to tear her apart and he is a physical manifestation of what viserys and Otto did to her, and he’s such a mess on top of it, it must feel like she did all this for crumbs
And she really should’ve known it would be like this, not even the perils of the birthing bed were about her, why did she expect anything different when the child was actually here, it just drives her deeper into this cold isolated place where her religion and her sacrifice are the only meanings she really has
AND YOURE RIGHT Alicent has a lot of flaws, don’t get me wrong, but so does rhaenyra! And they’re both exposed to this ruthless world where their only bargaining chips and currency are their bodies, wher e power is inherently hinged upon the men in their lives granting them a crumb of respect or autonomy, i think they parallel each other beautifully in that they made the best they could of their circumstances in the only way they could, and that different approach in a system set against them is what inevitably brings them as such interesting counters to each other
(And that’s not even touching on the homoerotic way Milly/Emma and Emily/Olivia played them!!!!)
Anyway never apologize i love hearing your analysis pls send more
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sansaery-theonsa · 1 year
Baby doesn't smile much, but when she does its magic.
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Twilight Advent ‘22
Day 5 (12.5.22) - “What's one thing Esme loves about each member of her family?”
I think Edward will always be the closest thing Esme will ever have to a son (even though in the beginning I think their cover was that they were siblings ... if I’m remembering correctly). I think she’ll always see him as such. She probably loves his whole ... idk, sensitivity. I honestly don’t think Edward is very sensitive and more brooding teenager. But I think Esme tends to overlook that and simply sees Edward for all the potential he could have had and tries to bring that out in him in a motherly, nurturing way.
I firmly believe Esme and Rosalie have a unique relationship (see my Day One post) and I think Esme really admires Rosalie. Rosalie is also much more fiery and independent than Esme was/is and I think Esme really admires that. Rosalie doesn’t just sit there and “take it.” When Rosalie has a differing opinion, she’ll tell you; whether you like it or not. Which, honestly, I think Esme feels like as the “mother” of the group she also has to be the peacemaker and can’t really take sides (even though she definitely does - a la NM and the whole “Breaking Dawn” plot). But I really think that Esme loves Rosalie’s personality and the fact that she’ll stand up for her beliefs and do what’s best for her family. Something, I feel like, Esme tries to do but feels a little restricted by her role of “matriarch.”
I mean, who doesn’t love Emmett? I’ll bet you even sourpuss Marcus likes him. Where Edward will always be Esme’s “son”, I think Emmett will always be Esme’s fun-loving, free-spirited “little brother.” I think Emmett simply has a peace and an unencumbered-ness (is that a word?) to him that naturally draws people to him and Esme’s no exception. Whenever she needs a laugh or just a distraction, she goes to Emmett. A headcanon I have for them is whenever there’s too much tension in the house, or there’s yet another traumatic event in the news, she and Emmett go for a pointless drive. They blast music and sing at the top of their lungs at like four in the morning. All Esme has to do is casually ask Emmett, “Hey ... you wanna go for a drive?” and they’re off.
Alice is honestly such a mystery to me, lol. I feel like, for at least awhile, Esme didn’t really know how to relate to Alice or Jasper. Because they were both independent of the Cullens for a few years and it’s not like Jasper ever really needs a “hug from mom” - or Alice for that matter. I feel like, while Esme both loves them dearly, it did take a little while for her to warm up to the two of them. I mean, hell, you’ve got these two people who randomly show up at your house and they’re like, “I’m taking Edward’s room, ok byeeeee.” I feel like Esme was just kinda like “What the hell???” for a while. But anyway, I think now she loves Alice’s quirkiness and her frivolity. I feel like these two have lots of inside jokes that, literally, no one else gets (not even Edward ... or at least doesn’t get a lot of them) and all they have to do is look at each other and they smile and then start laughing.
Again, I’m not sure how these two relate to each other (again, griping bc SM gave Jasper zero personality). I think she really respects Jasper’s determination to adhere to the “vegetarian” lifestyle, if only for Alice. As per my Day Two post, I think they both really enjoy board games and spend long stretches of time playing Risk or making up new rules for monopoly, or something like that. I think that Esme tries really hard to not smother Jasper; but also still shows she loves and appreciates him. So quality time is her way of showing love to Jasper (if you wanna use language in terms of “The 5 Love Languages”).
I think Bella will always be “my (adopted) son’s beloved” to Esme. I’m honestly not really sure how these two relate to each other because they’re just really different. I know SM paints Bella as an “old soul” but also ... I can’t see it. Esme is literally from a different century and I just can’t see Bella understanding what it was like to live in a time without electricity, or have a husband who’d physically abuse you, or just things along those lines. I think they both enjoy books and probably have a book club kinda thing. But Bella just seems to be so wrapped up in Edward I can’t image her doing something with anyone else lol. That being said, I do believe they both try to find things to do together, if only for Edward’s sake.
I’m not doing Renesmee bc I like to pretend she doesn’t exist. Whoops.
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barrowsteeth · 2 years
i'm the person who sent you the ask about leaving the fandom. i know that things are bad right now, but don't you think more content would make things better and get back to normal? maybe i'm being silly and naive but i miss how it used to be, and now a lot of my faves are posting other fandoms. thansks for answering my last question.
i don't think it's silly to miss something that used to make you happy and has changed for the worse. But I don't think 'going back to normal' is possible, or even healthy. What the fandom considered "normal" behavior constantly escalated and eventually caused serious damage to the cast and creators of our beloved show. So no, I don't want to go back to that time or pretend that I'm over it. I am not! I'm still angry and disgusted and very, very sad about it every day.
I would never try to belittle what Kit, Alice, Joe and the rest of the cast have experienced because of so-called "fans", but there are also a lot of people in this fandom who have been traumatized by Kit's forced outing. It's real and it doesn't go away quickly -- if ever. I think a little quiet time in the fandom is necessary, at least for me. So I'm going to celebrate heartstopper things I see that make me happy, and support the cast members and Alice any way I can, and continue to chat with my friends. But I'm also going to spend time on other things because that's what's best for me right now. 💜
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It makes me sad with the way that "old, nostalgic IPs being turned darker" is going, because a lot of it, in my opinion, is just stuff that shoves that old IP in your face to get people's attention/cheap shock value. I think it will be a while before we ever get something like American McGee's Alice again.
But I'm biased. Myself and many other people in my generation were raised and traumatized by creepypastas, and I worry these movies and things that feel like they plaster these beloved characters everywhere in the most lazily horrific ways will continue to make kids the victim of this. Yes, let the adults have fun, but I think it's important to make sure not to tread on the joy of children in the process.
Then there was American McGee's Alice. That was it, that was the title. The name "Alice" was the only thing connecting it to Alice In Wonderland, not even the sequel used Wonderland in its title. It didn't have to, because the game's Alice, though her dress may have some, vague similarities to how the character Alice has been portrayed over the years, was a completely different Alice, her own character with her own story with so much meaning and heart, and the same could be said about wonderland. I never found the game until I sought it out and it was the right time.
I wish we got more of that reinventing of old concepts and less of...the bear horror movies (you know which ones).
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shuia · 1 year
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The most beautiful quality of all in a human being, in my humble opinion?
The ability to listen deeply.
To listen from Presence. From stillness.
To listen without trying to fix someone, or change them, or ‘save’ them.
The ability to allow another to be exactly as they are.
Not giving unsolicited advice. Not lecturing them about the latest psychological research or the ‘most true’ spiritual teaching. Not trying to mould them, manipulate them into matching a concept of who they ‘should’ be. Not projecting your own trauma - or traumatic answers - all over them.
Just listening. Listening with an open mind and an open heart and a receptive nervous system.
Allowing them to breathe, to express, to weep, to question, to be completely unique, to expand into the space, to discover their own truth.
I have met world experts in intimacy, relationships and honest communication who are unable to do this.
I have met spiritual gurus, so-called “enlightened masters”, expert psychologists and life coaches who are utterly unable to do this.
I have met popular teachers and authors on ‘listening from the heart’, ‘holding space’, ‘pure awareness’ and ‘embodied spirituality’ who are unable to do this.
It is a rare gift - the ability to allow others to be exactly as they are.
Broken. Whole. Sad. Angry. Afraid. Lost. Awake or asleep. Whatever.
To listen to them with every fibre of your being.
To receive them through the senses, to listen like the wild animals of the forest.
To swaddle them in undistracted, fascinated attention.
To envelop them in a silent, warm Presence.
To make them feel - in those precious moments that you are together - like they are the most beloved One in the whole Universe.
When you sense this kind of sacred listening from someone, it’s unmistakable.
It cannot be manufactured.
It cannot be faked.
It is utterly rare and holy.
It is nothing less than unconditional love.
Your nervous system senses it and rejoices.
- Jeff Foster
Photo: Jeff and Alice ❤️✨🙏🏻
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hexandbalances · 3 years
Hello! I saw your post about summer solstice and was wondering if you could recommend any good Southern Gothic novels?
Oh, there are so many. I tend to prefer Southern Gothic horror subgenre (as Southern Gothic tends to include classics like The Sound and the Fury, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, etc., which are all well and good but don't quite scratch that itch). I'll include the first to come to mind, in no particular order:
Beloved by Toni Morrison - This one really is at the top of my list. There is a supernatural element but that’s not the true horror of the story. It’s truly wrenching.
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn - More of a whodunnit than horror. There's an HBO series based on this that I also enjoyed.
Wounds: Six Stories from the Border of Hell and North American Lake Monsters by Nathan Ballingrud - I adore Ballingrud's work. He's based in Ashville, NC now and is a regular at Malaprops.
The Dark-Thirty: Southern Tales of the Supernatural by Patricia C McKissack - this is actually an illustrated children's book but it was one I loved growing up.
Harrow County - a graphic novel series from Dark Horse Comics. It has a spin-off series, Tales from Harrow County, that is being released now.
Almost anything written by Shirley Jackson. I find Jackson herself fascinating, if not her work, and so I find myself favorably disposed to it.
"To-Read" items I'm looking forward to:
The Toll by Cherie Priest - southern Gothic with eldritch horror elements. Cherie Priest is very popular in Southern Gothic horror; she's also written The Family Plot and Boneshaker.
The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones - this takes place at least in part in North Dakota. It follows four Native American men after a traumatic incident in their childhoods. Jones has been described as "the Jordan Peele of horror literature" so my hopes are high.
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia - promises to be a slow-burn, eldritch (you may be noticing a theme), Brontës styled horror in Latin America.
My Best Friend's Exorcism and The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix - these just look like silly, fun reads.
To Be Devoured by Sarah Tantlinger - this one is set in the South but may not be Southern Gothic. It sounds very macabre.
Other Media (in case you're interested). Podcasts:
Old Gods of Appalachia (podcast, anthology)
Unwell (podcast, series) - this doesn't do a lot of horror so much as the classic strained tension of Southern Gothic, but some of the scenarios and one liners the characters whip out are delightful.
Alice Isn't Dead (podcast, series) - this takes place all over America as a trucker tries to find her wife who has gone missing. It absolutely captures the feel of Southern Gothic in its tone and atmosphere of seedy truck stops, Wal-Mart parking lots, and highway diners.
Adia Victoria
Chelsea Wolfe, particularly her Birth of Violence album
Rhiannon Giddens, previously of the Carolina Chocolate Drops
Zeal & Ardor (some)
The Goddam Gallows
Heathen Apostles
Murder by Death
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mooooooosicals · 3 years
Bad summaries of Hatchetfield songs:
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals: here comes the... well I wouldn't call him a boy. More like six foot tall office lad.
La Dee Da Da Day: musical townspeople do what musical townspeople do... harass the protagonist
What Do You Want Paul?: the number that you don't want to get stuck in your head during sex
Cup of Roasted Coffee: convincing braindead customers to buy shitty coffee with hips and harmonies
Cup of Poison Coffee: oh. oh they're evil now. ok. cool.
Show Me Your Hands: the acab song. it should have been a tap number, fuck you.
You Tied Up My Heart: kinky shit in the basement.
Join Us And Die: ma'am I appreciate the c#5 but this is a Wendy's
Not Your Seed: Alice has an appetite for nachos. And shooting her father dead.
Show Stopping Number: old man does what old men do best, tie up their former students in their basement and shake ass
America Is Great Again: I dare you to show this to That One Family Member. I dare you.
Let Him Come: I'm thoroughly disappointed with the lack of jokes in the fandom here. Missed opportunity.
Let It Out: dance, funky office man, dance
Inevitable: well shit, that's depressing. cool lighting, tho.
Wiggly Jiggle: capitalism, but make it cute and a little bit unsettling
What Tim Wants: thank you, Tom, very nice vocals. But sir I just met you I really don't give a shit.
CaliforM.I.A.: admit it, the best part of this song is Hannah dancing in the background
What Do You Say?: high school reunion but with more 🎵spice🎵. And choreographed thrusting, for some reason.
Our Doors Are Open: capitalism with a bouncy time signature
Feast or Famine: February 2020: the song
Monsters and Men: Johnny Mac n Cheese my beloved... and uh... who are these guys again? Sorry I got distracted by the fact that mac n cheese man is back.
Deck The Halls: pov: you're watching Black Friday for the first time and have not a damn clue what's going on. Wait Santa's a pedophi-
Take Me Back: oh look, the traumatized couple sings! And... fucks-
Adore Me: MILF becomes a murderous MILF, even better
Do You Want To Play?: Other fandoms took one look at this song and said "fReE rEaL eStAtE"
Made In America: really good song for a really unnecessary plotline
Black Friday: teenager sings while being choked. That. That makes no sense.
Monsters and Men (reprise): so now they have powers all of a sudden? Did I miss something??
If I Fail You: again, Tom, pretty vocals, I don't give a shit
Wiggle: townspeople shake ass and moan for an ugly ass kids toy
What If Tomorrow Comes?: the child sings and then goes boom. we think. we're not sure.
Nightmare Time Theme: everyone is evil now, I guess
The Hatchetfield Ape-Man: ya like jazz?
The Blinky Song: Blinky is a shitty boss and the Sniggles need to unionize
Snoozle Town: I feel like we've heard this song before-
With A Thousand Eyes: TTO is in the HFU?!?!
Forever And Always: oh my god we're so in love uwu owo 🥺🥺
Time Bastard: woman. Pretty woman. Pretty woman singing.
Peanuts!: this song is probably therapy after that mindfuck of an episode.
Jane's A Car: we should make this song a Rick Roll in the fandom. How can you even take a song about a sad man wanting to fuck his car seriously anyway?
The Witch In The Web: little girl plays a ukelele but like. with magic.
The Web I Spin For You: spider lady sings and makes me gay
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