#adoption discourse
fakeboitherottengirl · 2 months
There is a lot of discourse on tiktok about how adoption is immoral and of adoptees coming out and saying they hate their adoptive parents and i was wondering, as a woman who does not want to have biological children but still wants to open my home to kids in need when I get the stability financially, is there an ethical way to go about it?
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echoes-lighthouse · 2 months
Christ alive, just woke up to someone picking a fight with me over the concept of adopting fictional kids, in a very aggressive way: someone who didn't even follow me and thought my fictional f/os were OCs despite their clear sources in my bio.
If anyone actually wants to have a productive and private discussion about how that's handled in my familial selfships and my personal feelings on adoption as a kid who spent years getting bounced around other families (and as a person who's considering being a foster parent in a financially stable future), then that's cool and fine.
For the moment, if I accidentally blocked that person's sideblog and they're still interacting with my blog with a different username but I can't see them anymore, please let me know. I've had that happen before and I'm not 100% sure if tumblr has fixed that ridiculous feature but I would appreciate the help from anyone who sees this post <3
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pt II our flag means death but I've never watched it
HELLO OFMD FANDOM! It's the Good Omens Mascot and Resident Dumbass, back again for part II. First, let's clear the air of all controversy!
Some of you lovely maggots were kind enough to warn me about certain discourse about a salad spoon and also about a certain gentleman named Izzy. I was warned not to make assumptions and not to take sides, and I hear some members had to leave the fandom for a while because it got toxic. Maggots. All the rest of you. Worry not about me. I'm here to unite the OFMD fandom! How, you ask? By being so undeniably stupid in my own opinions that you all will have to unite to disagree with me. You underestimate the power of my dumbassery. Well, let's not dilly dally and dawdle, here's the updated summary:
I have been informed there is cannibalism on this ship but it is not real. Someone pretends to eat someone and then their wife helps them fake their death while they run away from the ship though their lover wanted them to run to China.
There are BDSM lesbians, which is honestly such a slay, Pinterest has let me down by not informing me of that when I made Part I. I will no longer be using Pinterest a reliable source in future academic essays.
Mermaid Stede performs necromancy while a song called Kate Bush plays (I don't know who this is, a politician? Idk whether of US or UK).
Gravy Basket is a destination and Buttons is a sea witch and there is educational stabbing. Buttons is then a bird because of the BDSM lesbians.
There is a lady who is extremely beautiful and intimidating and powerful and she has twenty husbands and I assumed incorrectly that you were all talking about a Jack Russel terrier.
Let's start with the controversy! Izzy. Secondary protagonist or antagonist? Good or bad? Kindly father figure or homoerotically charged friend? Necessary death or not? No no no. Behold:
I present a new question, a hot take sizzling from the pan: Did Izzy really exist?
Personally, I firmly believe that no, he did not. I believe that the rum on the ship was spiked with hallucinogens.
Izzy was simply the manifestation of Ed's Freudian subconscious, taking the shape of a human being, vaguely resembling a humanoid potato Ed was forced to boil as a kid. I was a psychology student with a final grade of 99% and I accept only destructive criticism on my posts thank you. Feel free to discuss whether he boiled the potato in a fit of rage or whether he was forced to.
There are assorted Ned's, Mary's and an uncertain number of Jeff's on ship.
One of the Jeff's is an accountant, and there is a nonbinary talking sword named Jim. Actually I'm not sure if they talk.
Love you all, rooting for the show to be renewed.
REMINDERS. Be polite to each other in the reblogs, on tumblr reblogs spread posts and not likes (which don't do anything for visibility) unlike other social media sites, but MOST IMPORTANTLY.
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olympiansally · 1 year
If spy x family is purposeful child acquisition and buddy daddies is accidental child acquisition then yuri on ice is forceful child acquisition (as in the child forced them to adopt him)
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grison-in-space · 8 months
hot take: phrasing potential flaws of an animal in a less-intimidating, more appealing way is not the same thing as hiding or refusing to disclose those flaws. for fuck's sake.
hot take 2: not every relatively mild disclosure ("better with older kids who know how to read a dog's body language") is hiding a severe problem ("will eat your seven year old if they act like a kid"). when you are being asked to rephrase "doesn't like kids" and come back with "better with older kids who can read body language", that's actually providing better information for potential adopters than "doesn't like kids" about the dog's tolerance for small children.
hot take 3: the fundamental problem with shelters that do adopt out dangerous animals is not a function of attempts to help people write truthful and engaging bios that openly acknowledges situations and lifestyles that are a bad fit for any given dog. the problem is a problem of determining which animals go up for adoption, not how they are advertised. marketing a totally untrained, rowdy young dog as "ready to start training!" is fundamentally not the same thing as allowing a serious bite risk or a danger to children/other pets to go up for adoption, and acting like it is just makes communication harder for everyone.
for fuck's sake. y'all claim to care about nuance?
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bingusbongusbaba · 2 months
Quick note...
We dont support the headmate market.
If you sell/buy your system members with actual strangers, I rather not have you follow or interact with me.
(Note that im ok with system hopping, system transfers and alter adoption, as long as there is consent, and most possibly/hopefully a bond between the systems/bodies)
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headcanonsandmore · 6 months
Does anyone else get weirded out when they hear Tegan and Ace referred to as "the Doctor's exes", or is that just me?
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edscuntyeyeshadow · 3 months
eventually we’ll remember january-february (?) 2024 as the dark ages and all this shit will be a distant memory 🩷
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
Nobody Dreams of Abstract Labor
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Not going to get involved in the ao3 politics shit but I just want to say after reading some of the top posts on this site I can tell most of the people talking about this subject very clearly did not experience Sexytimes With Wangxian
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whatwhywhowherewhen · 5 months
This isn't a Genshin Impact blog but I have no where else to express how hilarious I find the Diluc & Kaeya situation and y'all will understand how it went on and continues to go on. Forever.
So these guys were raised together starting at anywhwre from 8-12 by Diluc's father and the original Chinese version of the game describes them as sworn brothers...
But the official english version describes them as adopted brothers
They are frequently shipped. This frequently disgusts people who view them as familial. There will never be peace because, technically, both are correct. In different languages (and as much as any non-danmei ship can be)
Their canon situation? Could be pushed as childhood friends -> inseparable brother-in-arms -> inevitable yet unimaginable betrayal -> reconciliation or tolerating with juicy & spicy tension (with lots of shipability)
Their canon situation could also be pushed as found (and legally adopted) family -> little brother follows big brother's passion -> traumatic & tragic estrangement -> reconciliation or tolerating with dramatic & heartbreaking tension
Uh oh!!
And if it hasn't already it's near reaching poor little meow meow Shen Jiu and canon Jiang Cheng levels of infandom conflict (at least among the people who care about the characters at all)
Then you have the people who ship them as formerly adopted brothers because of course (some ship after seeing them talk without knowing the lore, because there is no way to know in game without reading long the backstories, and I always feel a bit bad about the minefield they stumbled into), and those who view these sworn brothers as purely platonic. Just to add some spice.
This has become a proshipper and antishipper hill to die on in English fandom, which I think is a poor choice considering the canon situation. Like virtue signaling through harassing fans with accusations of moral depravity is bad for fan spaces, I agree. Trying to push fanon over canon as loud as possible to punish people who don't like it is bad for fan spaces, I agree. This pair is a completely different issue of fandom misunderstandings and discomfort and denials which you are adopting to fit a certain narrative, so I also disagree with it as an example
We don't know if the translation team purposefully mistranslated for cross-cultural ease, accidentally mistranslated, or if the Chinese version considered them all-but-legally brothers and the translation is accurate
I prefer them as brothers because I think the relationship builds and better fits their interactions that way. Also the angst is thicker and more guilt ridden, just the way I like it
I ignore the romance fan works. The general fandom absolutely refuses to ignore what, to English lore reading eyes, is 100% adopted incest. The shippers defend it as they were never meant to be adopted brothers, they are not biological brothers (and they think it's cute/hot), or the familial feelings bond was destroyed and they have no blood familial bond. It depends on their native language and their shipping habits
There are 4,313 AO3 works with the tag "Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings (Genshin Impact)".
There are 6,107 AO3 works with the tag "Diluc/Kaeya", 112 including the "Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings (Genshin Impact)" tag and 336 including "Diluc and Kaeya are Not Siblings (Genshin Impact)"
Considering this is a "roll for husbandos and waifus so you make them be hot/cute" game and the focus should be rule of attention grabbing, that's a close split in quantity of fanworks
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cloverstellar · 10 days
i suddenly feel the need to hide my own opinions about jason and tim now if thats how ur reacting to people considering i share the same opinion :(
I don’t like pseudo incest and that’s what shipping tim and jason feels like to me
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Tumblr media
idk about y'all but most of these images just radiate sibling energy. i'm not saying lovers can't bicker or tease each other but come on. nothing in these screencaps look even remotely romantic.
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dragontatoes · 4 months
never seen someone even attempt to explain how transmisogyny affected/exempt is a useful way to categorize anyone. can i get a vowel at least
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merl-out · 2 years
Really at the point where if people wanna say ace is cishet or queer is a slur, I just wanna dare em to go to an actual queer space in person and say it. Say it to someone's face. Say it without a screen between you. Say it in front of the people who would rock your shit for trying to control someone else's identity.
Say it to the people who fought to be there, who take the risk to be out in the open. Say it.
I know that losing online spaces is fucking hell for younger folks and people in the closet/unable to meet in person and my heart fucking breaks for them. But I also NEED y'all to know that this shit doesn't fly in person. In person if you have a problem in a queer space, you go to the person in charge--who is usually some leather clad queer elder who sees a flag as a battle flag instead of fodder for discourse.
I saw a post on here that said you can be gay and not act like a member of the community--hence the phrase "not gay as in happy but queer as in fuck you" and at this point in time when we are still actively under attack, if you aren't standing WITH us, you're acting AGAINST us and I'm fuckin sick of it.
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I once had the thought while watching anthropomorphic media . . .
You simply can't make a human face evoke the same level of emotion as baring teeth or ears moving.
Now, that's not to say that live action and animated human faces can't be very expressive, and exaggeratedly so depending on style.
That's also not to say that real human faces have a subtlety to them that we've evolved to notice, that can be very arresting in that it holds our whole, undivided attention and can be of paramount importance. Nonverbal cues make up more communication than verbal, some researchers say.
(autism cry in the corner)
But. you can't get the same basal ganglion reaction as a wolf snarling, or intense curiosity of a cat swiveling its ears forward to focus, nor can you create the contrast of previous placidity, the same degree of whoa freaky as a real horse rolling its eyes back so your can suddenly see the whites.
In the cartoon realm, if a chameleon, after its eyes have been wandering the entire conversation, then converge them both on you, that signifies far more this is important, hey emphasis than a human exchange where everyone's used to keeping eye contact the whole time.
The animal kingdom simply has more hit you in the head potential for emotions than a typical human quirk of an eyebrow, or tightened grimace.
And that's ironic, given that humans are (supposedly, who knows about elephants) the most emotionally aware animals. Visually, compared to animals, we are almost detached from strong, turbulent displays. We can't puff out a tail, or raise or lower one, we can't even raise or lower our own body hair in a visually noticeable way (unless an eagle was watching you from at least 18 feet away maybe, and had the sapience to note the significance of it)
Perhaps, at some level, this actually allows us to gain distance from emotions. Perhaps, as we vaguely take note of whether someone is acting defensive or anticipatory, we are able to focus more on language, as new as it is, this abstract form of communication, on the evolutionary front. Of course this distancing ourselves, even though it may keep us from acting on every impulse that occurs to us, isn't always a good thing- repression is the pits, and not being in tune with emotions can, in other patterns, also wreak havoc with being able to have self-control of our words or behavior. I think most everyone envisions a future where we are more and more logical- but I think not only do most humans not act logically 51%+ of the time (despite assuring yourself you do) I think losing a bit of this ability to both express and read body language on each other and other species is either a culturally developed trait we should look at ameliorating, or an evolved trait we should look at ameliorating the same way we moderate our violent tendencies. (as an extreme example- probably shoulda picked something different there)
I don't know if media can help us recapture this exactly- but as media does not contain the same social pressure of reading cues correctly and consequences of failure, it may be a good testing ground, especially for ND folks. May already be that. Serving that purpose.
Maybe that's why hyperfixation happens, to parse small meanings with no stakes.
We've had entirely silent series and silent movies (and I'm talking about recently, not 'silent movies' or 'move-ies' as the derivation goes). So what happens when we fill half of a scene with silence, as someone or an anthro someone tries to read the other. What happens when anthros and humans interact, and humans comment on the difficulty of reading cats, while solitude-oriented cats think other species entirely annoying at the level of emoting they do on a regular basis. A cat character raised by a human family tries to detangle how much they simply can't read due to missing the development window and how much is instinctual. A human character raised by dogs is astounded by how much other humans miss. A human character who goes to converse and study mice and learn their language has to be incredibly mindful of any even vaguely threatening tone or behavior on their part. And meanwhile, the audience has discourse among itself . . . did that mysterious character we don't know much about mean this or that by all those different head tilts? Because none of the main cast can figure it out and it's never resolved.
Then you go back to your IRL existence and find yourself starting to pay more attention to the subtleties of your own friends and enemies.
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