#actually karl Tbh
dwter · 2 years
everyone in hhh took a which streamer are you quiz and jan got sapnap . for the record
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lozziefrenzy · 1 year
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They r inlove
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milkiedimitrescu · 1 year
just girlified Karl and holly shit
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oh nahh
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pomellon · 11 months
Mmm yes good this dead space au is tasty. I'm curious though, what IS Dream doing during all this? 👀 And maybe if you have thoughts on the other trio what's goin' on over with them too?
I was playing around with two ideas for Dream, either that he was already off the ship or that he’s still on it and simply don’t know his boyfriends are on it too until the last couple of hours of the event (I imagine the time frame of Sapnap and George getting on the ship and eventually managing to escape it is no longer than 10-12 hours, there’s just things constantly happening within those hours). I eventually decided to go with the latter since it would be more interesting for Dream’s character and make more sense to the story.
So Dream has been on the ship since the beginning, since before the Marker was brought on board and witnessed everything unfold on the planet colony and then eventually on the Ishimura. He was protesting bringing the Mark onboard from the very start, having seen the effects it had on some of the civilians from the colony that they brought up to study. But of course the religious fanatics thought it more important to retrieve their holy relic than to protect the lives of their crew. 
In hopes of learning more about the Marker and how it affects people Dream studied it pretty closely and he knows it's the artifact that is causing everything. It makes people have delusions, it causes them to die at the hands of each other or themselves, and it then mutates the DNA of the corpses, creating Infectors that spread the necromorph mutation, creating more dead bodies to infect.
Dream is also having delusions, but he’s more aware of them. He actually keeps seeing Sapnap and George even before they arrive on the ship. At first he ignores them, not falling for the Marker’s tricks, but the worse things get the more he starts to turn to his hallucinations for comfort. He knows that they’re not really there, but he starts talking to them to soothe himself.
This ended up making him believe Sapnap and George are just his normal hallucinations when he does get in contact with them, and he kind of acts like they’ve been on the ship the whole time. Sapnap easily goes along with it because he’s “seen” Dream too so it makes sense to him. Meanwhile George is trying to figure out what the fuck is going on and start question his own sanity with the way his boyfriends are acting. Maybe he’s the one going insane?
As for the other three, they don’t get added to the story until after the Ishimura events!
Karl is a scientist sent with a team to gather Marker shards on Aegis VII, or what’s left of the planet (spoiler, dnn manage to return the Marker to the planet where it, and part of the planet, is crushed when the Ishimura’s gravity tethers fail, releasing the planet chunk it was holding and sending it crashing back down miles below.). He is heavily influenced by just the shard they find and bring back to the ship, managing to decode part of the Marker’s purpose and architectural design to potentially build a new one. But he also ends up testing his knowledge which triggers another necromorph outbreak on this other ship. 
He survives but is taken in by EarthGov, the main governmental body of this setting, that wants to sweep all these Marker events under the rug. They torture him for his knowledge and then lock him in a cryo chamber for potential future use. The same has happened to dnn after they managed to escape the Ishimura.
Three years later we find Punz and Foolish on the Sprawl, a civilian space station built on the remains of Saturn's moon, Titan, which was broken into pieces in a planet cracking operation. Punz is a security and repair officer on the station while Foolish is a technician. They’re often paired up to fix things and are really close friends, maybe even a little bit more than that already. 
They’re doing their normal routine of getting called out to repair jobs around the station when they notice a lot of the issues they come across seem to have been deliberately sabotaged and tampered with. It's while they’re musing over this that they are notified of an outbreak on the station, and I’m sure you can guess what that means!
As it so happens, the cryo chambers the other four have been stored in are also on the Sprawl and Foolish, an agent of Unitology, is tasked to let them out amidst the outbreak. All six of them will end up getting separated and paired up to survive yet another necromorph outbreak.
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prisonpodcast · 1 year
#this is gonna be kind of a vent and it may be incoherent so..#seeing everyone talk about how they want to leave dtblr these past few days is so relieving how are we all thinking the same thing at the#same time#idk for me I’m probably not gonna go anywhere but I cannot lie. the fact that our community is more discourse and neg than#actual talk about content is really draining sometimes#it also dosent help that there isn’t that much content recently that I find interesting aside from the occasional dream video#so I guess there really isn’t that much to talk about except for drantis and how much we either love or hate Karl Jacobs#tbh I miss lore LOL the fandom was more fun when that was going on + also it’s wayyy easier stomaching discourse about#fictional characters than real people#like don’t get me wrong I’ve neg posted about ccs too but sometimes this community will talk more about how they hate Karl than like. their#own faves content. like I don’t even care about Karl in the slightest but like it’s just draining when there’s so much negativity all the#time instead of like. live-blogging and excitement over new content#not just Karl tho I used him as an example but like. everyone on the ‘ccs dtblr hates’ list#AND it dosent. help that I don’t really care about George or sapnaps content like at all and Im more of just an sbi main who also likesdream#which sucks bc there aren’t many sbi fans that are normal enough about Dream to follow#so I don’t fit with that community either#and I still don’t really feel like I fit with dreblr too bc I’m more of a ctechno main but idk lol#and like the few non dtblr people I follow seem to always be having such a much better time than us which really dosent help#sorry for the random sad post lmao#I’ll probably delete later I just want to get it out of my system bc sometimes complaining about things makes you feel better about thething#and before anyone’s like ‘just leave why’re you sat here complaining’#I like this community and I like talking about my interests and reading posts about stuff I like on here#I haven’t really lost interest in the content there’s just a lack of it. I just wish the community was less neg all the time#like it’s even something I need to work on with myself lol#this is so long LMAO it’ll probably get deleted in a bit
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foxgloveinspace · 8 months
i started working on my Dinotopia fic again last night, started over bassically, cause I hated everything about what I had already written (which was only like 250 words maybe? i think, so not the end of the world really), but my dad just randomly decided to watch it this evening... huh.
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hekettled · 2 years
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yuyanwrites · 8 months
Hello, how are you?
Could I request BSD headcannons with Sigma, Poe, Dazai or Chuuya about someone proposing to the reader in front of them!
No pressure with this, if you don't want to do it!
Betrothed to another (fluff ver.)
Dazai, Chuuya, Poe, and sigma x gn!reader (separate)
A/n: I'm indecisive so I'm doing an angsty and fluff ver. ^^
Tags: Established relationship (with character), a child has an innocent crush on reader (and "proposes" to them)
He's so childish omg
Argues with the kid
Probably snatched the two-dollar ring the child gave to you
The child would be like "(Name)! Will you marry me?" while holding up a cheap silver ring.
Meanwhile Dazai let out a loud gasp while putting his hand on his forehead like a damsel in distress. "No way! (Name) is marrying me!"
Cue their arguing
Its a back and forth really and you tried to stop their fight but you ended up giving up
You didn't want to break the kid's keart but at the same time you didn't want to deal with an overdramatic dazai
Eventually, the two come to an agreement
The agreement being whoever gets you to agree to marry them first, keeps you
Its silly and you laughed a little at this but dazai is already thinking about what ring to get you in the next week
They're just a kid he told himself
They don't even know about what love actually is
They probably just copied their parents or the disney movies they watched
But then said kid waved the ring in front of your face for the millionth time, still on one knee and was doing a whole speech about how much better than him they are
He couldn't take it
Argues with the kid #2
He really tried to reason with the kids patiently
Explained the kid's crush and how that doesn't equate to marriage and how marriage is a huge commitment and responsibility and everything
However, we all know he has anger issues so after an hour he's arguing with the kid
No agreement, the kid's parents came to pick them up and asked how their last lesson went (You're their tutor) and left
Please comfort Chuuya he's all sulky and grumpy now :(
The only mature one tbh
Socially awkward
He kind of just stands there
Watching you two with a little frown
He wants to intervene and calmly explain to the child why that's not possible but he gets tongue tied
He tries to write a little scenario to explain love and everythig hfdsakhfjdiksaj hes so sweet <3
Got completely ignored
Got a little upset because of that but stays calm and collected
Instead he lets you handle it while he makes all three of you something to eat
Karl is there to comfort him dw <3
Give him lots of kisses and cuddles after, he deserves it after all he did try
Bro is basically a kid in a man's body anyways
Omg does anyone ever think of him of like a man-child ok off topic sorry
I think he'd be a mix of sulky and understanding
At first he'd be a little sad, yeah like just sad, not upset or frustrated like the first two
Just sad
But then he realises its fine because its a kid and he knows you love him <3
It was probably a random kid you babysat spotting you in public
They ran up to you in the mall with a ring in hand and proposed
The parents scolded the kid and apologised to the both of you so there wasn't much to do
Sigma is still understanding the concept of love so he's very understanding after his mini-sadness-phase
Probably smiled at the kid and walked away completely unphased after tbh
Very chill
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shakirawastaken · 2 years
dsmp if..you were a famous singer!
okay i liteally read @/beeindaclouds stuff ALL THE TIME and got inspired so here it is :D
my official comeback (and it isnt a taylor swift song fic!!! whaaaat) 
dream: - in love with ur music even if wasnt his vibe - bro would learn to like it LMFAOOO - learns all the words instantly its an instant thing - even before u know the words he knows them - is willing to help you write music cause he has some minimal experience! can give feedback but its not that technical - please collab with him and make him release trust issues - now that he’s face revealed hed BUMP at your concerts - hed tweet about ur music, and his spotify twitter account thing would report hes listening to it but i feel like he wouldnt do more than that publicly - wants you to have your own thing  - huge and major fan
george: - more a lowkey fan - obv still supports you hes like that - listens to ur music but not on stream - also tweets about it but its like “go listen to my s/o’s new music:) they worked hard on it” - wants ur effort and talent to be recognized - listens to it and when asked for feedback just goes “it sounds good darling” - hes just like “alr its good like always”
sapnap: - okay he’d either be really similar to george OR hes go HARD - tweeting snapping instagramming streaming whatever social you name hes THERE - “GUYS OMG [ARTIST NAME] RELEASED MORE MUSIC ITS SO GOOD” - would beg george and karl to get you on banter just to talk about your music - and if you write a song about him?? - suddenly his whole world is perfect - “ABOUT ME? OH DOLL THIS IS AMAZING YOUR BEST WORK YET” - buys ur merch even tho ur his s/o - offers his input even if he knows it might not be the best  - would dance to it with you - your NUMBER ONE BIGGEST FAN 
karl: - he’d be so sweet about it - “this is AMAZING? oh my god you’re amazing??!?” - has it as an intro to his streams  - *streaming* “guys that songs is by my s/o btw” - makes mr beast listen to it  - tweets about it. alot - posts one (1) picture on his instargam of the both of you in the studio from when u were recording - loves you loves you loves you
quackity: - covers it on stream and makes it cursed - “HAHAHAH no guys but its actually good go listen to it nOW” - keeps up his joker persona but tells you how hes proud of you in private - vERY supportive - will stay up when ur trying to write (cause hes also up doing lawyer shit) - begs u to do a song in spanish  - if you know spanish pls make it about him - if not dont ask him for help he will ruin it - if you wrote a song like getaway car or like shutdown or mooo hed DEF listen to it in the car  - he loved to listen to ur song while driving it brings him joy - two things he loves together
punz: - listens while playing val LMFAO - would VIBE if u did like indie rap or soemthing - and if it wasnt his vibe? hed still listen cause he wants to support you - maybe not as much as he would have but its fine - cause he likes you a lot - would send you beats randomly be like “lol use this” - “no i dont want too” “babe :((”
wilbur: - POWER . COUPLE - WRITE A SONG WIHT LOVEJOY? WORLD GOES CRAZY - will help you write music. hes good at it too he knows what to do and like what to say - listens to ur music, no matter what it is - wouldnt promotw in much he knows how important it is to build ur own following and + if ur famous u dont need it - u could feature him tbh maybe background vocals or guitar if he was kinda skeptical - or just duet it - its cold outside type beat yk - he loves you and supports you tremendously
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fariesoiree · 2 months
ok idk how to explain it but
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this please, I want this. hobie with this.
that is all, thank you
hi! i really enjoyed this idea and i hope i wrote it up to your standards c: it's such a hobie thing to do tbh. request under the cut! 1075 words, black reader who uses she/her pronouns
the dull ache behind hobie’s eyes sets in before he’s fully awake. he moves with a certain grogginess that can only come from staying up into the early hours of the morning. as he writhes around under the disheveled duvet, memories from the previous night begin to creep in the edges of his consciousness. loud music, lots of alcohol, and plenty of drunken kisses with strangers throughout the night.
he licks his lips, taking note of the dryness settled deep in his throat. hobie can only groan into his white pillowcase and push himself up onto his forearms. today, the sunlight is extra bright, scorching his hazel eyes until he’s forced to squint and turn away.
in this new position, hobie is able to take in his surroundings and survey the damage from last night. he can see his trail of clothes, discarded and thrown onto the floor on his way in. he can remember his skin feeling so hot that he just had to get his clothes off, removing each layer until nothing but his boxers were left.
he reaches over for a half empty water bottle on his nightstand and unscrews the top, scrunching his face when he feels the first initial throb of his headache. he sniffs and chugs the rest of the water down. the plastic crinkles under his grip and does nothing but make his headache worse, ebbing away at his sanity.
images of the previous night flash through his head, a little hazy at points. behind each blink, he can see brief pictures of the prettiest face, grinning at him from between the hold of his fingertips. an expression of confusion skims across his face as he tries to piece the memories together.
hobie remembers before he went out, bored out of his mind on a typical wednesday night. crime-fighting can only be so entertaining before it got repetitive. he needed some chaos, a form of disorganization. there’s no better place to find it than at a party one of his friends coincidentally threw.
he remembers downing shots like water and flowing through the dancing bodies in the crowd. occasionally, he’d mix and mingle between people, some of which he wouldn’t find particularly interesting if he wasn’t under the influence of vodka. somewhere along the line, the images begin to get a little blurry.
hobie is still silently working through the memories when he clears his throat. he goes back to searching for his phone, swinging his legs over the bed. his attention is drawn to his white bedroom door, slowly creaking open. behind the wood, a little tanned head pokes through. the soft, dark hair is recognizable enough, even without the familiar lazy smile.
“oh great, you’re up. thought you were dead; it’s four in the afternoon. you were hammered last night. they called me to bring you home. i found you locking lips with some guy.” karl lets himself in, surveying what had happened in his absence. he whistles at the mess but otherwise doesn’t judge.
hobie winces, not at karl’s words, but at the volume of his voice. the sound rattles around in his head like nails on a chalkboard. he raises a hand in an attempt to silence his friend for just one second. it takes him a moment to process this new information before hobie lifts his head in visible astonishment. “what?”
but oddly enough, it feels familiar. as if it’s a flashback, hobie gets another glimpse of the past. in the back of his mind, he can see it. the image of a man pressing his hands on hobie’s chest is awfully clear, so much so that he’s able to remember the hot pink highlights that streak his dark hair.
“what the actual fuck did i do last night?” hobie mumbles, bringing a palm to his forehead. he peeks at karl, standing empathetically by the door. for the first time, he notices the packet of liquid iv in his hand. “is that for me?”
karl looks down, seemingly to have forgotten he even brought it with him. “huh? oh, yeah. i thought you’d be feeling poorly after all that. just give me a ring if you need anything else,” karl tosses the packet onto the bed and begins to slink out of the room. “oh, and that girl, you should know the one, she wanted to tell you to text her when you get up.”
hobie’s eyebrows furrow together. before he gets the chance to ask for any context, karl is already gone. it’s not like hobie could get any information out of him, anyway. he wasn’t there. he was merely the person on call to pick hobie up in case he got sloppy.
girl? what girl?
hobie’s hand slides underneath the cool side of his pillow, searching for his little phone hidden somewhere in his bed. he finds nothing but more sheets and clicks his tongue behind his teeth. his patience is growing thin, especially when paired with his condition. he’s growing more frazzled after learning that not only did he get involved with a random guy, but had managed to give his number away to a girl.
he takes a breath and stands, slowly turning to face his bed. he plants a hand on his hips and runs another along his face, tugging at the skin. the puzzle is connecting so slowly, yet he’s right there; he can feel it. both of the faces in his memory are related, somehow. he’s just missing that one thing.
the gleam of hobie’s phone in the sunlight catches hobie’s eye. it sits just on the edge of his bed, ready to teeter off the side and clatter towards the floor. he reaches for it just before it does, tapping on the screen until it lights up. there’s only a little percentage of battery left but it’s enough for him to stand there, scrolling through the missed notifications on his hub.
his eyes narrow upon spotting an unsaved number, one he didn’t recognize. hobie’s thumb goes to click on the notification and he finds himself staring at a groupchat. he can’t help but tilt his head at the numbers across his screen and the text that comes with it.
(000)-000-0000 : hii :) it’s the couple from ri’s party last night you might not remember us but we def remember you
(111)-111-1111 : did you make it home safe baby? <3
oh, that’s what happened last night.
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
!Celebrating your birthday with the BSD boys!
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(this is part 1)(pt2{tmrw})(pt3{Wednesday})
scenario:- its your birthday and you're celebrating with the bsd bois!
pairings:- dazai x gn!reader,kunikida x gn!reader, ranpo x gn!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- headcannons
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↪️Dazai Osamu
*proceeds to throw around double suicide ideas*
But jokes aside,if you’re not that thrilled at the prospect of aging (and honestly valid) he’ll definitely hype you up.
Like this man CANNOT take a compliment to save his life
But DAM can he dish em out
Probably has a full day of fun activities planned
But if you’re more an introverted and indoor person hed organise a full fun day for just the two of you at his place,movies,presents,couple-y stuff;The Whole SheBang!
Thered definitely be some dangerous activities in there
But hey! Its dazai, he probably knows what hes doin rightt???(spoiler:he doesnt)
The day ends with fireworks (whether by like using actual ones or junichiros light snow ability,we may never know)
And he tells you that theres no one else he’d rather go out as beautifully as the fireworks with~
↪️Kunikida Doppo
Has a DETAILED schedule for your day
Ofc it consist of stuff that he KNOWS you’ll love
If you’re kinda down abt the fact you’re gettin older he’ll just tell you that it’s inevitable and that it is nothing to be worried about
If be sees that that didnt help,(buddy come on) he says that time seems to have frozen for you and that you look as beautiful as the day you met
Also when you guys cut a cake at the agency,he gives you a book-shaped package and asks you to open it in private
It was a book of poems, he’d been writing them since the day you first met.and lemme tell you,theyre sweeter and sappier than anyone would ever think him capable of writing
When you thank him for it he just kinda shrugs it off but you can CLEARLY see the blush creeping up his face and can hear the lil crack in his voice
Also uses doppo poet to make you a smol bouquet of your fave flowers
Could he have bought em from a shop? Yes. But did he wanna woo you? Also yes.
What can i say,he’s surprisingly romantic
↪️Edogawa Ranpo
Showers you with snacks
Literally AND figuratively
Also allows you to eat some of his(its your special day after all)
Gets you the most insightful and heartfelt gift but also something that you’ve wanted for a while
When you ask him how he knew youd wanted it,he launches into a huge explanation of how he used his special ability to analyse your body language and-yadayadayada
Please tell him ur impressed cos he loves hearin ur praises
Asks poe to write a birthday themed mystery and yall solve it together
(Ofc he doesnt out right asks,he just kinda dares poe that he cant write it...ranpo be ranpo-ing mann)
(But when poe finds out its for you he does it with even more determination than before!!{howww is that eveb possible???})
Karl also gives you a gift cos poe really likes you(you’re nice to him and say his stories are great) (future angst piece???)
Your day will end with a huge ass movie marathon
like u thought he gave u a lot in the beginning
But DAM boi is STOCKED
will feed you throughout the movie and cuddles you close
He just loves spendin this much time with you tbh🥺
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone who wants!
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twsted-idiot · 3 months
ermm bsd hcs :3 just random ones. Aka. Projecting onto them
Don't tag as soukoku or shin soukoku. I will block you lmao.
@g0ttal0ve101 @sleepygamerotaku @crowisinthetrash
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Ranpo's literally so sassy n sarcastic but sometimes it's hard to tell if he's being serious or not. Yk how sometimes people sound different when there being sarcastic. Yeah. He doesn't a lot of the time.
Poe n Ranpo teach/taught each other English and Japanese (respectively)
^ they could both already somewhat speak the other but not fluently or very well.
Ranpo cries REALLY easily sometimes. Sometimes it isn't full on crying though, sometimes it's just tears starting to well up and he quickly wipes them away.
^ So does Atsushi. But he doesn't really hide it.
Im pretty sure Chuuya is canonically good w kids but. When he isn't actually working, he regularly takes Q, and the younger members of the ada out for food.
Kenji's just. In awe of everyone's abilities tbh, to the point of being distracted when fighting sometimes (obv he ends up fine lmao) He's just a little boy <33
Koyou and Yosano regularly have wine together.(they're secretly dating.)
^(the two of them n RanPoe go on double dates sometimes. Poe's usually reluctant but ends up enjoying it anyway.)
You will NEVER see Poe without Karl. Unless Ranpo has him. Which, Poe usually isn't far so..
Poe is oblivious to how much he spends and genuinely leaves Ranpo in shock every time. However, he actually enjoys buying things for him, so it's not like he minds.
DOA POLYCULE!!!!!!!!!!!! (Nikolai, Fyodor, Sigma, and Bram)
Yosano LOVES taking Kenji, Kyouka, and Atsushi shopping.
Dazai's actually rlly sweet when he wants to be, he just chooses to be a little shit.
Kunikida is on Dazai's ass Abt his schedule n shit, but more lenient with the younger members
"Chuuya's so lana del Ray coded" yeah but he does. Not. Listen to that kind of music. That man listens ac/dc, Slipknot, Korn, Metallica, Disturbed, etc. Trust me I know from person experience
Atsushi can purr.
Chuuya HATES white wine, you will NOT catch that man ever drinking it.
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zukikoof · 2 years
things dtqk does when people don’t know ur dating
Well, its been quite the while and im tired but eat up
Also this is short af
pronouns used: you/your/yours
Summary: well just things that happen when around friends
its not that obvious tbh
hes good at hiding things
He would stare at you from a distance ,making sure to look away when anyone looks at him
Oh, he’d definitely smirk at you when you look at him
Physically, he'd just touch your shoulders or arms when he’s feeling risky, even your hands
But when others ( even you) finally try see the hand that just subtly brushed against yours - he's gone
Not until you announce it, they wouldn't know a thing.
Hes not showing anything
At all.
But it gets hard to when you look like that
By that I mean gorgeous
He wants to let go and just kinda subtly scream out to the world how you are his world
But hes still gonna hint at it when he thinks he wants to tell
The hints are ACTIAL LETTERS
This man is unhinged
You two announce it and theyre either
“What we werent supposed to know?”
“Oh huh thats unexpected “
No chance
Hes telling everyone everything about you
But def as a friend yeah
Anyways he holds your thigh under the table
And looks in places where the others wouldnt
He also finds it normal to just grab you like randomly so he still does it in-front of friends
Karl jacobs
Obviously he’ll like be all over you
Hes gonna take every chance to do regular relationship things but still keep it under wraps
Like ofc cuddles, hugs, tickle fights
But kissing is a blurred line of maybe
Like he has kissed friends but you, you make him actually blush so uh he wouldnt
But hes gonna crack in front of your weirdly knowing friends
And when they do know but they dont want you to know they know,
They’ll hint at random things to both of you
Like theyre hinting at the relationship
Q is very quiet around this topic so he’s just not going to talk
Anytime a topic with you involved comes up, he leaves
Just anything about you, partners, romantic love
So obviously they all think he hates you but obv they dont know
And he’d try not call you like anything but your name but its hard
So this leaves the rest confused about his love hate relationship with you.
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wildpeachfarm · 2 months
I’m sure you have seen it already but Sylvee posted a pic of her new fridge and it had a bunch of printed photos on it. Hannah was in a few, and so was Sapnap. No sign of dream or George tho 😭 she literally had Karl in one, like girl what the heck
actually I haven't seen it yet but honestly I can't be bothered to care too much about it tbh- Like she is free to do whatever she wants and she clearly is still afraid of twitter backlash so idk I don't think there needs to be public outrage over it. Side-eyeing sure, but not outrage
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ironicfury · 9 months
RE8 1970s Themed Halloween Party
I had a random thought that prompted this fever-dream idea. Bear with me:
Karl Heisenberg is obviously dressed as Elton John. He looks fabulous and knows it. He tries to play around on Alcina's piano. Not surprisingly, she is not amused.
Sal Moreau tries to go as Jack Nicholson. He unfortunately picks the version of Jack seen in The Shining, a movie released in 1980. He should know better. He gets no points.
Mother Miranda is Phyllis Schlafly and no, she will not be explaining her costume to the masses.
Alcina Dimitrescu is Cher... Donna technically was supposed to take this costume, but between Alcina's ego and Donna's shyness, clearly Alci was the only one who was capable pulling off this fabulous costume... extra tape necessary and thankfully included.
The girls dressed up as the Charlie's Angels. Unfortunately, they missed the memo on it being 1970s theme, so they're dressed up as the 2000 Charlie's Angel's film... tbh, Daniella actually did know it was supposed to be 1970s themed but she wanted to be Drew Barrymore's character and couldn't stand the idea of Bela being Farrah Fawcett, so... no points here either. Cassandra chases Daniella/Drew around a bit with her sickle for this one, but she would've done that anyway. Bela just fluffs out her hair and pretends she meant to merge Farrah and Cameron's character, anyway.
Donna and Angie play the mother-daughter duo from The Exorcist. Unfortunately, Donna insists on keeping her veil on, and Angie doesn't act any different than normal, so aside from Donna's 1970s outfit, it doesn't look like they went to a bunch of effort. Donna doesn't care, and Angie's too busy being a pyro to mind much, either.
The party devolves as Alcina and Karl fighting over who won the costume contest ("There WAS no contest," Mother Miranda mutters, shaking her head with her hand on her head). The party finally ends when Angie sets Sal on fire ("My draperies!" Alcina cries as Sal runs around on fire, threatening to set her decor ablaze. "Ugh, fried fish," Karl mutters disgustedly while high-tailing it out of the castle. "Haha, fishy burning, fishy burning," screeches Angie as Donna tugs her away).
Happy Spooky Season, all!
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the-final-sif · 9 months
the situation w karl now is so funny considering your rb on dreamupdates 😭😭 anon was right we're both delusional
I've seen a random account on twitter claim random discord screenshots are Karl, and tbh I cannot believe people are taking a random account posting screenshots that don't even have dates on them nor attached context as legitimate and 100% true, unaltered and presented fully in context. I could've made those in about 15 minutes if I wasn't trying very hard. Like they intentionally removed the timestamps and claimed it was for "privacy" and to conceal the person's timezone. You can just. Change the date on your computer or w/e.
"There's no reason to fabricate these" Drama, clout, boredom, smearing someone, etc. There's no reason to believe these are real and not someone taking the piss.
Like, take one screenshot where he says "That's the worst video ever taken". Let's suppose that's a real screenshot for a moment, within the screenshot there's absolutely nothing that indicates what he's actually talking about. It's literally JUST that. The burner account CLAIMS that Karl said it was about one of Dream's singing tiktoks, but there's nothing even remotely presented that indicates that. Literally JUST "That's the worst video ever taken". He could literally be talking about any video.
Again, there's no verification that any of these are real, and some of them don't even make sense???
Like, okay, what would Karl not wanting to Paris have to do with anything? Like, maybe he didn't want to travel to Paris, maybe he was exhausted from flights, maybe he didn't want to deal with the jetlag. Maybe he said that sarcastically as a joke. The message before that was someone joking about him going to france being bad. There's again, no timestamps or context. He's within his rights to not want to go to Paris. It has nothing to do with anything else.
Also claiming that Karl was planning to intentionally distract people, because he "knew this would come out" by streaming with Sapnap or spamming tweets about other stuff? I- What? If he knew a mod was going to leak stuff, why would he not remove that mod? Why would he keep saying stuff in the chat with that mod in that? How would he even gets a heads up that the mod in question intended to leak stuff? Without knowing who it was?
I have no idea if these messages are real, again, this is something that takes literally seconds to fabricate, there's no confirmation any of this is actually coming from one of Karl's mods, there's absolutely no context included in any of the messages for if he might be being sarcastic or even talking about totally different topics. No context for dates/times other than "Today" which is honestly pretty sus because either it implies that Karl went and said this all in one day, like randomly he decided to shittalk people in his mod chat, talked about it, knew someone would leak his messages and just thought that was all well and fine. And that's assuming any of these are even real in the first place. Which is a pretty huge assumption.
Anyways, I'm begging people to stop taking discord screenshots from random fucking people as gospel. Some of you are legitimately falling for what is stupider than Infowars shit, "oh my secret sources in the government totally told me this is real". Next y'all are gonna come up and tell me that you found out that Karl or Dream or whoever is funded by Soros and you found the contacts posted on 4chan I stg.
Don't spread things you can't verify. Don't take fucking discord screenshots from a burner account at face value. Do we need to talk about fucking hypixel ss again?
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