rafaelmartinez67 · 2 years
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Una de las grandes mitologías de nuestro tiempo consiste en creer que todas las abuelas cocinaban de maravilla. Si alguien dice que el pipián viene de una lejana receta familiar, sabe más sabroso. El pasado condimenta.
Pau Arenós, escritor y crítico de gastronomía catalán, se ha rebelado contra la creencia generalizada de que las abuelas sazonaban en forma insuperable. Esta opinión disidente no cuenta con muchos adeptos. La razón parece sencilla: necesitamos reservas de sabiduría rigurosamente incomprobables, y una de ellas es la superioridad de la tradición sobre el desabrido presente.
Intrigado por el tema, hablé con diversas personas acerca de sus antecedentes culinarios. No encontré a nadie que repudiara el perejil de las abuelas. Los hijos de inmigrantes hablaron de sopas y cocidos como del último contacto con la patria del origen y los mexicanos de cepa se refirieron a los fogones como a un santuario vedado a los hombres donde las mujeres se concentraban, con idénticas dosis de talento y sumisión, a convertir sus emociones en guisos.
El mundo de las abuelas se asocia con ingredientes ajenos al comercio y los trabajos de la química; entre ellos destacan los que llegaban vivos al hogar. Hace décadas, por estas mismas fechas, un guajolote inquietaba la azotea de la casa. Se mantenía en engorda para ser comido en Navidad, lo cual provocaba crisis sentimentales. Aunque no alcanzara el rango de mascota, nadie quería matarlo para celebrar la paz. En la cena del 24, mientras rezábamos en torno al pavo, yo temía que Dios atendiera nuestras plegarias de agradecimiento por la vida y resucitara al animal en plena mesa.
En mi veloz encuesta no encontré a apóstatas de la cuchara que negaran la virtud culinaria de sus antepasadas. Quienes no conocieron a sus abuelas o las conocieron ya enfermas, alejadas de la despensa providente, celebraron los condimentos de otras abuelas y mencionaron restaurantes donde la tradición no olvida el epazote. Me pareció evidente que las personas que carecen de prosapia cocinera no quieren ser vistas como huérfanas de los sabores. Hablar con deleite de la cebolla morada y del diminuto ajonjolí es para ellas cuestión de estirpe, una manera de decir que su paladar no pertenece al rango de los descastados que se conforman con lo insípido.
Curiosamente, quienes sí habían disfrutado del niño envuelto, el budín azteca o el indeleble manchamanteles de la abuela, describieron con menor detalle sus guisos favoritos y se refirieron a las recetas como a una interesante abstracción. Llegamos a un punto decisivo: la sapiencia gastronómica se transmite mejor como leyenda que como realidad. Las grandes cocineras trabajan por intuición y rara vez repiten un guiso del mismo modo. Seguir los largos pasos de preparación no basta para que el resultado sepa igual. Como la literatura, la cocina se puede aprender pero no enseñar.
De niño, prefería remojar el pan dulce en el café con leche de mi abuela porque ella lo endulzaba con especial pericia. La forma en que movía las cucharadas convertía la taza en un perol alquímico. Nunca traté de imitarla; lo importante era robar su confitada mezcla.
La etimología de “sabor” coincide con la de “saber”. Los nietos siempre estaremos en desventaja cognitiva y culinaria respecto a las abuelas. De nada sirve transcribir recetas, pues lo más importante se mantiene en riguroso hermetismo. ¿Cuál es la dosis para “sal al gusto”?
Al hablar de sus misterios, las cocineras omiten cosas por pudor, por olvido ante un procedimiento que nunca se cumplió del mismo modo o por el placer de conservar un secreto. Lo cierto es que el dictado transcrito por los nietos resulta desabrido.
En un mundo donde todo aspira a ser cuantificado, la fama de las abuelas depende de un legado intangible. Para la tecnología, la realidad es un sistema de medida. Una aplicación mide nuestros pasos y otra nuestro ritmo cardiaco. La salud es una variante de la estadística. Por suerte, en un entorno que confunde los datos con la ciencia, hay saberes imposibles de calibrar.
Ciertos prestigios dependen de su inverificable condición. Los guisos de las abuelas son un acto de fe. No necesitamos pruebas para creer en ellos. Si la nueva versión de la receta no nos gusta, suponemos que un ingrediente se perdió en el camino. Nada se hereda mejor que la nostalgia.
- Juan Villoro
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xamucaxula · 2 years
Con mi abuelita💜
En mi quinceaños / en su cumpleaños 80
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otorongo-cl · 5 months
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Ritual Casa de Vapor, Temazcalli.🔥
Domingo 10 de Diciembre, prendemos fuego a las 09:00hr. 🏹
Invita y sostiene @otorongo.cl
Retribución $10mil
Solo 8 cupos
Preguntas e Inscripciones+56978202617
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rg111488 · 2 years
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🌷Feliz Dia De Las Madres Abuelitas🌷 🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸 #FelizDiaDeLasMadres #DiaDeLasMadres #Madre #DiaDeLaMadre #Abuelitas https://www.instagram.com/p/CdZC2jQPEvp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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explodetheworld · 1 month
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Veg: "Gracias a Quackity, a Foolish ✨a mi querido foolish✨ claro...a mi hija leo, a mi hijo tonto roier..."
Familia Brown:
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Apple Seed 11: Abuela
Vaggie: (helping Charlie walk around the hotel) Just a couple more weeks and this will be all over, babe.
Charlie: (waddling like a fat penguin and holding her back) Thank fuck!
Lucifer: ....I'm risking it. (rushes up behind Charlie, lifts her up, places her feet on his, and starts waddling forward while singing) WWWWWWaddle like a penguin, quack, quack! WWWaddle like a penguin, quack, quack!
Charlie: DAD!!! I'M NOT THREE ANYMORE!!! I'M JUST PREGNANT!!! (looks down at her recently dropped baby belly) Very.... VERY.... pregnant....
Lucifer: Sorry, duckie. I thought this might help bring a smile to your face.
Vaggie: Who the fuck is here now?! We put it out that we're not taking anymore sinners until after the baby's born!
Charlie: (slowly easing herself onto a lowered bar stool) Vaggie, be nice.
Baby: (wiggles, sending Charlie's whole belly pulsing)
Charlie: Baby agrees.
Vaggie: Yes, dear.... (answers the door) What do you- .......
Carmilla: (standing in the doorway with an imposing stare)
Vaggie: Carmine!? What are you doing here?!
Carmilla: (places an envelope in Vaggie's hand and enters the hotel with Clara and Odette in tow - dragging mounds of baby goods) I am here to check in on the princess and child while dropping off some much needed baby items.
Charlie: Aww~ That's awfully nice of you, Ms. Carmine.
Baby: (flutters)
Vaggie: (opening the envelope) This better not be an invoice for all of that! (pulls out a thick packet of paper and reads) WHAT THE FUCK???? You're ADOPTING me?!?!?!
Charlie: (jaw drops as she's in the middle of holding up a white baby onesie that says "I Love My Mommies" in rainbow from the pile) What?!
Lucifer: (Angry puppy face) Oh, no! That is MY daughter-in-law!
Carmilla: I figured it was overdue, especially with a child on the way. The baby needs an abuela in its life.
Vaggie: (opens mouth to say something only for her to close it with a snap) You know what? Fuck it. This is fine. Someone, give me a pen.
Odette: (hands over a pen)
Vaggie: Thank you. (signs the paper) There. Carmine, now you're an abuelita.
Carmilla: (staring at Charlie and the baby belly) Abuela is just fine.
Vaggie: Abuelita or nothing.
Carmilla: (opens mouth to counter)
Baby: (flutters excitedly and little fist impressions press against Charlie's belly)
Charlie: Awww~ They want to say "Hi" to their abuelita~
Carmilla: (flushes red and closes her mouth before shuffling forward and holding her hand over Charlie's belly)
Charlie: (smiles and gently presses her hand on top of Carmilla's, bringing it to her belly)
Baby: (tiny hand presses against the taught belly to meet the hand outside)
Carmilla: ......... (internally crying from sheer emotions) Qué pequeño tan precioso.
Clara & Odette: Can we feel the baby?!
Carmilla: (walks back over to Vaggie to retrieve the paperwork)
Vaggie: (smirking) Don't think I didn't hear that.
Carmilla: I don't know what you're talking about.
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bromocresol0green · 10 months
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i drew this back in 2019 and never colored it until now.
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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Give us more movies with family issues!
We wanna relate to the characters with our trauma!
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winnienora13 · 3 months
Everyone’s like ‘’James is such a mama’s boy’’ but what about James being such a grandma’s boy. Even more if it’s latino James. Like, I’m convinced his abuelita was basically his best friend but he was also terrified of her. He would always say ‘’Well, my abuelita says…’’. And the scariest thing he ever had to do in his entire life was come out to her, and he fought a war,so…
Anyways, thanks for coming to my pep talk. Good day!
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holographic-mars · 7 months
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Knocking at Price's door.
Soap: Can we stay with you tonight, Sir?
Price: Both of you? What happened?
Gaz: The recruits thought it was a good idea to play with a Ouija board on Halloween and now the whole base is cursed.
Soap: Ghost is not helping. He doesn't know how to handle spirits so he's just throwing salt at the board and yelling "Does this look like a hotel to you?!"
Price: ...
Price: Fine. But you fix this tomorrow.
Gaz: Yes, Sir.
Soap: Rudy's abuelita is already on her way.
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ilovetvtoons · 1 year
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Disney TVA Girls with no sense of personal space.
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airasora · 5 months
You know, the grandma from Encanto gets a lot of shit, but somehow people seem far more forgiving of the grandma in Coco and honestly, I can't fathom why.
Not only is her "fear" and hatred based solely on the feelings and experiences of others, NOT her own, unlike Encanto grandma who experienced the trauma first-hand, but she's also just... you know what, fuck it, she's a cunt.
When she grabs Miguel's guitar and breaks it and he starts to cry? She has the AUDACITY to coo at him, caress his cheek as if she's a loving grandma and says he'll feel better after eating with the family. Your reaction to seeing a child crying because of something YOU did, especially when that child is your immediately family, should never be "aww, eat some food and then you'll forget that I'm abusive."
Why does Encanto Grandma get so much shit when Coco Grandma doesn't???
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denniroma · 6 months
El amor que siento por ti va más allá de la distancia
Va más allá de poder verte, de poder escucharte.
Va más allá de todo el tiempo que ha pasado y de lo que pueda sentir
El amor que siento por ti, va más allá de esta vida, y no lo ha detenido ni la misma muerte
Aunque ya no estás, te sigo extrañando cada día de mi vida. Honro tu existencia y todo lo que dejaste en mi 🕊️✨
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cbmagus49 · 2 years
5 days ‘til the 10th anniversary!!
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Favourite Joke today! That’s a hell of a high bar for Gravity Falls, but this one always cracks me up ^^
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Gravity Falls Headcanon: Abuelita Knew the Whole Time
By this, I mean Abuelita Rameriz knew that Stan wasn't the science man that lived in the woods.
Because, Abuelita had actually met Stanford. Probably saw more of him than anyone else in Gravity Falls.
And how is that one would ask?
A young Abuelita (perhaps in her mid-30s in 1975) has heard of the science man living in the deep woods and with such a small community, she'd think that she'll see him around occasionally.
But then days, weeks, and months go by and Abuelita has yet to see this mystery man. Not even at the market for food.
She had asked around about the man and everyone she talked to had the same answer: That he is very seldom seen around and kept to himself.
Well, that won't do. Not to Abuelita. She was raised by immigrant parents and taught to help out however she can for the people around her.
And if this newcomer is this incredible genius, then he needs to eat to work his big brain.
So, while everyone else is a bit unnerved by the cabin in the woods, it didn't deter Abuelita while she made trips there to deliver meals to the science man. And that's all she did. She respected the man's privacy and did not ask to be let in (even when it rained or snowed). She could tell that the man (six-fingered, she eventually noticed from the numerous and short visits) very much kept to himself. Eventually, she'd just leave the food on the porch, sometimes leaving a note for him.
Things were fine...until late 1981. The food she left outside was untouched, piling up. She knew he was still alive because she noticed changes to the cabin itself over those last few weeks. Concerned for the man's wellbeing, Abuelita knocks on the door and is met with a disheveled look of a man who clearly hadn't slept for days with manic eyes. And armed with a crossbow.
A few words were exchanged and the man requested the woman to never come back to the cabin. Not before thanking her for all the food she brought over the years.
And Abuelita leaves, her thoughts on this science man and wondering what had happened.
So, come 1982 and suddenly this mystery man is giving out tours in his cabin. Curious, Abuelita goes to see what's up. She sees a man who looks strikingly similar to the science man, but there was one key difference.
He had five-fingers on each hand.
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