#a wild Phlox appears
talshiargirlfriend · 6 months
Hey look, it’s a Boxing Day treat for the Tripolers! 😘😘😘
Feelings and kissing and something silly 👀
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Hummingbird Hawk Moths: as a result of their hummingbird-like behavior and appearance, these moths are often mistaken for actual hummingbirds
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The Eurasian hummingbird hawk moth: Macroglossum stellatarum
Like an actual hummingbird, the hummingbird hawk moth uses a flight maneuver called "swing-hovering" (rapidly swinging from side-to-side while hovering in mid-air), has a wing-speed of up to 85 beats-per-second, produces a humming noise when flying, and feeds on the nectar from flowers; the hairs on its body even resemble the tail-feathers and wings of a hummingbird.
These moths are also able to maintain a stable position in mid-air by relying on the same flight patterns that are found among hummingbirds -- the moth rapidly rotates its wings in a "figure-8" motion, generating lift on both the forward and backward strokes, which effectively allows the moth to hover in place. The flight maneuvers (and other adaptations) of the Eurasian hummingbird hawk moth are so similar to the characteristic traits found in hummingbirds that this little moth is often mistaken for a real hummingbird, despite the fact that it is found exclusively in habitats that do not contain any wild/native hummingbirds. Though this species can be found in various ecosystems throughout the British Isles, mainland Europe, Central Eurasia, and even some parts of North Africa, there are no actual hummingbirds in any of these regions, as wild hummingbirds are found only in the Americas.
These moths (M. stellatarum) have a wing-speed of up to 85 beats-per-second. For comparison, the amethyst woodstar hummingbird, which is one of the smallest and fastest hummingbirds in the world, has a similar wing-speed of up to 80 beats-per-second.
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While most other moths are nocturnal, the hummingbird hawk moth is active only during the day. It uses a specialized proboscis to feed on the nectar from various flowers, including honeysuckle, jasmine, tulip, red valerian, lilac, and phlox. This species also differs from other moths due to its lack of auditory organs, meaning that it has no sense of hearing. Among most moths, auditory organs have evolved as a defense mechanism to detect the ultra-sonic chirps that are emitted by predatory bats at night, but because the hummingbird hawk moth is only active during the day, when bats are largely inactive, that particular defense mechanism was not developed.
Experts generally believe that the similarities shared by hummingbirds and hummingbird hawk moths actually arose through convergent evolution; this means that the hummingbirds and the moths both experienced a similar set of needs, pressures, and circumstances within their respective environments, and they simply developed similar adaptations in response to those circumstances. Their uncanny resemblance therefore does not qualify as a form of animal mimicry -- the moths may look and act a lot like hummingbirds, but the resemblance is viewed as a product of incidental factors, and it is unlikely that those similarities were developed for the purpose of providing camouflage.
This is not the only type of moth that is commonly referred to as a "hummingbird moth." The genus Macroglossum contains several moth species that have hummingbird-like characteristics, and the term "hummingbird moth" can be applied to many of them; there are also at least five "hummingbird moths" in the genus Hemaris, although they belong to a separate clade and their resemblance to hummingbirds is somewhat less convincing. They include H. thysbe (also known as the hummingbird clearwing moth), H. diffinis (the snowberry clearwing moth), H. thetis (the Rocky Mountain clearwing moth), H. aethra (the Diervilla clearwing moth), and H. gracilis (the slender clearwing moth), all of which are found in North America.
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Moths of the genus Hemaris: these moths may sometimes be identified as "hummingbird moths;" the genus Hemaris also contains a variety of moths that are popularly referred to as "bee hawk moths" or "bee moths" because they bear a resemblance to bumble-bees.
The Eurasian hummingbird hawk moth is not closely related to any of the "hummingbird moths" from the genus Hemaris, however, as it belongs to a completely different genus and occupies a separate habitat on the other side of the Atlantic. Still, it's interesting to note the presence of similar hummingbird-like traits within these different genuses.
Sources & Addition Info:
PBS Nature: Featured Creature, the Hummingbird Hawk Moth
The Wildlife Trusts: Hummingbird Hawk Moth
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds: Article about Hummingbird Hawk Moths
Journal of Comparative Physiology: Fuelling on the Wing: the sensory ecology of hawk moth foraging
Country Life: The Confusingly Enormous Hummingbird Hawk Moth that Looks Set to Become a Regular Fixture in British Gardens
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Pink Moon - April 6 2023
Prepare for the blooming season and make sure you take those allergy meds - it's time for the Pink Moon!
Pink Moon
Named for the appearance of spring flowers, in particular the early springtide ground phlox, the Pink Moon often coincides with the first bloom of the season, with trees and fields in flower and a profusion of color returning to the world after the long bleak greyness of winter. Despite the name, the moon itself does not turn pink to match.
The April full moon is also sometimes known as the Paschal Moon, being the first full moon after the spring equinox. The Christian Easter holiday, which has a floating date, occurs on the first Sunday after the Paschal Moon. Alternate European names for the Pink Moon include Egg Moon and Budding Moon, and some modern pagan traditions call it the Awakening Moon. Indigenous names for this moon include Breaking Ice Moon (Algonquin), Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs (Tlingit), Moon When The Ducks Come Back (Lakota), Planting Moon (Tunica), and Frog Moon (Cree).
Farmer's Proverb: A full Moon in April brings frost. If the full Moon rises pale, expect rain.
What Does It Mean For Witches?
The Pink Moon is a time for reconnecting with yourself and the world around you. The world is giving a good yawn and stretch after a long winter's sleep and so can we! Get outside if you can and get some fresh air. Explore your area, especially if there's something or someplace new you've been meaning to try. Revisit old haunts and discover what's changed since the last time you were out and about.
Take a moment to assess your current goals and mark your progress. Celebrate your growth and learn from your setbacks. Assess your boundaries as well. Are you making enough time for yourself? Are you letting things or tasks or people intrude where they shouldn't? Is there anywhere that you should be standing firm but aren't? Balance dedication to your work with playtime and relaxation. Remember that you are not required to set yourself on fire to keep others warm. Take time to care for your own needs and address those "I'm Sure It's Nothing" health concerns you've been putting off.
What Witchy Things Can We Do?
By the time the Pink Moon comes around, there's either one more cold spell working its' way through or the first true warmth of spring beginning to appear. If the temperatures are rising to sunny pleasantry in your area, it's the perfect time to start planting your garden.
Whether you have a few pots on a patio or a fully-planned plot or just some well-beloved houseplants, get your fingers into the dirt and transfer those seeds and sprouts to a nice fertile home. You can work various kinds of magic as you do, for growth, fertility, prosperity, tenacity, resilience, protection, whatever seems needful. If you grow your own plants for your magical practice, you can also bless them for their intended purposes. If you don't garden (and not all of us do), you can grab your field guide and pruning scissors and go foraging.
For a fun and easy full-moon spell, set out some gallon jugs of potable water to make Pink Moon Water. This will be excellent for watering your garden...and yourself! (Rainwater isn't safe to drink these days, and water collected from wild sources is dicey even if you boil it, but drinking water works just fine.) You can also cast spells for creativity, change, fertility, happiness, adaptability, and growth. Use whatever methods resonate with you and remember that the most important component of any spell is the witch who casts it.
The earth is blooming, so let's bloom with it!
Happy Pink Moon, witches! 🌕🌸
Further Reading:
Pink Moon: The Fascinating Full Moon of April 2023, The Peculiar Brunette
Pink Moon: Full Moon for April 2023, The Old Farmer's Almanac
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Dorothy Morrison
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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startrekucast · 5 months
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A disappointing "Star Trek: Legacy" update, maman. But also, we have news of a Picard movie, a Kelvinverse prequel, and a proper Kelvinverse 4th (but FINAL!?) installment? Wild happenings, maman. But wait, also, "Prodigy" is doing well on Netflix! Like. Everywhere. And what hope doth we have of Dr. Phlox making an appearance on "Strange New Worlds"? We'll see, maman.
Hosts: David C. Roberson Matthew Carroll
Join Us: Site: http://startrekucast.com Apple: http://bit.ly/StuCast Spotify: http://bit.ly/StarTrekUCast Spreaker: http://bit.ly/StuCastSpreaker
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 092 - Trip and T'Pol have a Child?!
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 4 Episode 20 - Demons
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We open with some humans in suits watching over a baby Vulcan. Why they're doing this, is left a mystery, at least for now. After the intro we find out Enterprise has once again returned to Earth, to better formalise the alliance created in the Romulan Arc. We get some fun banter about how the person giving out the speech left out Enterprise's involvement, and everything seems fine and happy! That is until a wounded human gives T'Pol a tube containing hair, saying "They're going to kill her".
Phlox cross references the hair's DNA and it appears that it's the child of Trip and T'Pol. How did this happen? T'Pol hasn't been pregnant at all, and it appears they're both just as confused as I am. Apparently though, T'Pol has Vulcan senses to tell that the DNA result is accurate.
Starfleet Command however, wants to keep the information secret, as it could result in human Xenophobic factions derailing the alliance conference, so the investigation into this is going slowly. But, because Archer is more eager, so he asks Reed to contact Harris to get things going faster. According to Harris, the woman who gave T'Pol the hair is part of a Xenophobic movement called Terra Prime, who killed her off because she was trying to leave. Apparently the governor organising the human conference is also a former member of Terra Prime, and Archer uses this information
We then cut to the suit guys, presumably Terra Prime, on the moon, however they don't give us much insight into their plans, however it's clear that whatever they're planning, it's already in motion. Later in the episode we also see the main suit guy watching a speech from what appears to be a genocidal warlord from the aftermath of World War III. World War 3 has been mentioned a couple times before, but I think this is the first time that the show has given me any information surrounding the Third World War, and I'm curious to see if we'll ever get some more lore details about that.
In med-bay we get a really cute scene with Trip asking Phlox as much as he can about the baby! It's really cute seeing his father instincts activate.
We're given a Sub-Plot about Travis meeting up with an Ex, who's now a Journalist. It's not the most interesting sub-plot in the world, but Travis is just such an under-utilised character that I'm happy he's being given anything to do.
The Crew through various means, manage to narrow their investigations down to a mining colony on the moon, and Trip and T'Pol volunteer to investigate undercover, and are given temporary jobs at the colony to do their mission. Trip pretty much instantly gets pulled into Terra Prime's recruitment within moments of arriving. It's kinda wild that Terra Prime's rhetoric is only a couple word changes away from current day real world right wing rhetoric. This is the kind of allegory that makes Sci-fi as genre really work. Anyways, Trip goes on to Infiltrate Terra Prime, but our duo have been outplayed. T'Pol is shot while doing her own investigations, and Trip is exposed while he's infiltrating their meeting.
Also apparently the universal translators have started malfunctioning. Apparently, Travis's journalist GF is a spy from Terra Prime who informed the leadership about Enterprise's mission.
Trip and T'Pol are captured and sent to Terra Prime's leaders, and apparently the entire Lunar Colony is a space ship, which is now taking flight, and Enterprise goes into pursuit. The ship heads to a facility on Mars, and takes over a weapon system used to redirect comets, and sends out a threatening message to earth, which serves as our cliffhanger.
I really enjoyed this episode, I loved it's racism allegories, especially as I mentioned before parallels in Terra Prime's Rhetoric. It's writing around Trip and T'Pol was great. I can't wait to see how all of this finishes up.
Comparing my Enjoyment of this Episode with a Doctor Who Universe Story of the Same Title
Doctor Who - Season 8 Serial 5 - The Dæmons
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A nice little jaunt to the Third Doctor Era, with The Dæmons, from 1971. Not an exact title match, but close enough. The Dæmons (Which going forward I'm just going to spell with an e, it's easier) is very well loved serial in Classic Who fandom.
The Demons one of the rare nice interceptions between Doctor Who as a Sci-Fi show, and fantasy elements. It's one that very much plays with the classic "Sufficiently advance technology is indistinguishable from magic" idiom.
Keeping the Summary brief, basically some Archaeologists have uncovered a Bronze Age Tomb, Which the Master intends to crack open to unleash an Alien Called Azal, which is the in-universe inspiration behind the Devil, and it's up to the Doctor and UNIT to stop him.
As wild as a plot summary of "The master tries to summon Satan" sounds, and while it is played with that very specific 70's Who flavour of Camp, it still also manages to be pretty subdued. It's atmosphere is amazing, the direction of the serial is dark and mysterious and absolutely treats it's sufficiently advanced technology as magic. As serial it has kind of the same vibes as the Hammer Horror movies, and really starts the whole Gothic horror sci-fi hybrid direction that a lot of the Early 4th Doctor era would decide to follow.
Roger Delgado's performance as the Master is at it's best here, even if his take on the Character isn't normally my cup of tea, and Jon Pertwee's Third Doctor is also on point here. This is serial a great showcase of the kind of Mentor/Assistant relationship between the Third Doctor and Jo Grant as a companion. I do however have to say that the UNIT boys are not given much to do here, even if this story do give us the absolutely classic "Chap with the wings over there, Five rounds rapid." line.
To pick one story over the other though, I'm going to have to go with Doctor Who's The Daemons as the better one. Enterprise's Demons was great, but it did feel mostly like set up for the finale to come, where as Doctor Who's Daemons was a complete story in it's own right, and hits on a sub-genre that I love, and is just directed in a way that you don't often see from Sci-Fi.
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The Flowers of Hasetsu
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Victor Nikiforov didn't know much about flowers. Yes, he knew a rose from a carnation from a lily. He'd worn floral crowns. He knew the adoring bouquets that littered the ice after his performances, the elegant boutennieres tucked into his lapel for formal events, the bountiful arrangements that lined the finer 'kiss and cries' on the circuit.
He knew his way around a florist shop. Victor Nikiforov had taste and style and how to point to whatever blooms looked 'charming' or 'seductive' or 'grateful' enough to say whatever was required of him to say to whomever he was required to say it.
He had visited the formal gardens of St. Petersburg with their fountains and statuary. Victor Nikiforov had wandered through these gardens alone.
It was not until he found himself in Hasetsu (rather, it was not until he found himself with Yuuri) that Victor ever really saw, or knew or understood flowers.
He had landed in Hasetsu in a flurry of sakura petals. Petals that soon fell from the trees filling every path, puddle of water or nook and cranny with splotches of vibrant pink. Although the few private gardens in town were small, green, traditionally Japanese spaces, flowers still managed to appear - sometimes carefully cultivated in beds and pots; other times shared with crowds at public parks or temple gardens, but just as frequently, in wild pockets where they had not been invited, but still seemed to know they belonged. They weren't everywhere, but where they were, they demanded to be seen.
After the sakura had withered and blown away, the ground warmed and the fields surrounding town flooded with brilliant blue nemophila, blazed with yellow canola flowers and were carpeted with the pinks of moss phlox. From above, wisteria seemed to drip off trellises and arbors. In between, even the most neatly trimmed hedges of azalea burst forth in fuschia flower when it was their season.
And somehow, Yuuri, who was certainly no gardener, knew all of the flowers and their names. He was as unsurprised by their appearance as he was by their beauty. He patiently answered all of Victor's questions (one memorable time blushing very prettily while he explained to Victor that nemophila were also known as 'baby blue eyes').
"Why does everything feel so different here in Japan?" Victor wondered. Every color was so saturated. Every fragrance so intense. Moist earth, green leaves, and then, the blossoms...
Was it the sunlight, the way it filtered through the clouds here in Saga prefecture? (Or was it Yuuri?) Was it the warm, sticky humidity? (Possibly Yuuri?) Was it the taste of the ocean's salty spray on Victor's lips? (No. Definitely Yuuri.)
(Victor was in love.)
The Rainy Season
Victor's favorite flowers were the hydrangeas. Yuuri had pointed out their tight green buds in May, explaining how they always appeared just before the rainy season began. Yuuri called them ajisai. The bushes grew in a small clearing along the road between the inn and the beach and seemed to belong to no one in particular. Yuuri and Victor walked or jogged or biked past the bushes so often that Victor couldn't help but notice each bud as it opened to reveal its own flower, each bunch of flowers ripening into a heavy globe of color - and not just one color either, for it seemed that whoever owned this plot of bushes had planted as many different varieties and colors as possible. One globe in particular caught Victor's eye. It contained colors ranging from burgundy purple to rich dark blue and its colors kept changing even after Victor had carefully cut the stem, placed the heavy head of blooms in a simple pottery vase from the inn's collection and then onto the desk in Yuuri's room next to his cactus plant. Victor had not visited Yuuri's room very often, but he felt compelled to leave this token, this flower, this message with an urgency that overcame any hesitation about invading Yuuri's privacy. He attempted to leave a note explaining the hydrangea, why it reminded him so much of Yuuri, but feeling rushed and with inadequate English words, all he managed was, "Yuuri, Thank you for letting me be your coach. It has been a privilege."
Somehow, it was enough and Victor did not think it was his imagination when, after the hydrangea and the note, he was invited into Yuuri's sanctum far more often - to review choreography or to listen to music or to watch movies or to just talk with Yuuri into the wee hours of the night.
(And was it coincidence that when it came time to have a costume made for Yuuri's free skate, Victor suggested the hydrangea's plum and violet and blue and indigo, all the rainy afternoon jewel tones that reminded Victor of Yuuri? All the colors that reminded Victor of how blessed he was to witness Yuuri's beauty as he discovered himself, as he fought to express who he truly was, as he continued to learn and change and grow?)
The rainy season soon ended, fading into the relentless heat of summer. The flowers kept blooming in waves of scent and color. Ostentatious irises, floating lotus flowers, ephemeral morning glories, golden-faced sunflowers...
After the trouble he had encountered articulating his feelings for Yuuri in written English, Victor doubled down on their learning each other's spoken languages and made flower names part of their game. Victor loved hearing Yuuri recite the names in Japanese (iris hanashobu, lotus renge, morning glory asagao, sunflower himawari)
One morning Victor returned from the shower to his room to find a neatly tied bundle of lavender on his dresser. Yuuri had written a simple note, "whenever I smell lavender, I think of you." And, indeed, Yuuri had a good nose. Victor's favorite cologne contained notes of lavender (rabenda). Victor blushed and started spritzing himself more liberally with said cologne each morning.
By September, when the pink and magenta cosmos (akizakura) were blooming in the fields and the firey spider lilies (manjushage) rimmed the rice terraces, this thing which had taken root and grown between Victor and Yuuri demanded to be seen and acknowledged. It was not the same thing that Victor had arrived in Hasetsu with careful plans of cultivating. It was not the same thing that Yuuri had shared with crowds of adoring fans. Instead, as Yuuri sat astride Victor's lap, his lips hovering a mere centimeter from Victor's, this ripe, lush, wholly new thing swelled in the increasingly small space between them exactly where, they both realized, it had always belonged.
Victor had been told, of course, about his namesake, Vicchan, and knew how the dog's death had impacted Yuuri's performance last season, but they had never spoken of it. Victor wasn't sure how to broach a topic Yuuri had chosen to keep so private. Instead, it was with dahlias and chrysanthemums, flamboyant flowers on sturdy stems, that Victor chose to convey his love and understanding, quietly keeping the small pottery vases on the family altar filled with fresh fall blooms.
Autumn, 3 years later
Yuuri was unpacking the framed photos of Vicchan and Makkachin, placing them alongside empty vases and candleholders on their new family altar. "Where's Victor?" Yuuri asked and laughed as the small fluffy puppy ran out onto the engawa and barked.
Victor was digging holes again.
Yuuri and Victor had been so anxious to start their life together, but It had taken lots of patience to find the perfect home in Hasetsu. In the end, an elderly woman who lived in a lovely home just a stone's throw from the beach had heard of Yuuri and Victor's search and reached out the moment she decided to sell and move in with her daughter.
The house had a tile roof, was built of solid beautiful wood with paper walls and tatami mats. Although the house was traditionally Japanese in style, its gardens most assuredly would not be.
As much as Victor loved the green mossy space adjacent to the house with its shade and water basin and rocks, it was the sunnier rear of the garden that occupied his time. Victor was certainly no gardener (not yet anyway) but he was learning more and more as each old friend and new neighbor arrived with advise and with new plants or seeds or with carefully wrapped bare root transplants, with rhizomes or tubers, or even with a four foot tall sakura! (as the Katsukis had).
So, while Yuuri unpacked their things inside, Victor dug and planted and watered and knew that this garden would be beautiful, not because of the sunlight, the humidity or the salty ocean spray, but because of Yuuri, the smiling, surprising man striding purposefully towards him across the lawn, a fluffy puppy frolicking around his feet.
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traxanaxanos · 2 years
Dream Star Trek series pitch:
Episodic wildlife documentary series called Wildman's Wild Universe. Older Samantha Wildman and adult Naomi (who went into life sciences like her mom, doing some sort of environmental science) host it. Every episode features a new sci-fi animal and little slice-of-life zoological adventures. It's all low stakes adventures, bright colors, and fun animal puppets as far as the eye can see. I guess they can use green-screen effects for the animals, but ideally it would mostly be little muppets. Minor interpersonal conflicts and occasionally someone gets treed by a Hengrauggi and the rest of the film crew has to lure it away. No planets or ships get exploded (but a little science vessel does sure get into a tight spot every episode), and no alien animals are harmed in filming.
Characters and episodes under the cut:
Every so often even Seven guest stars and hangs out. One episode she introduces the Wildmans to her cool new girlfriend and then they all observe a pterosaur flock on Betazed.
Other Voyager characters show up every so often. Obviously Tuvok appears in the Vulcan wildlife episode, where his children also show up and they all help the Wildmans solve a poaching mystery. But also the fucking nobody Voyager crew get to show up sometimes, because I love them. Tal Celes and Billy Telfer guest star on the episode where the Wildmans look for giant glacial shrimp on Andoria (they were helping navigate the experimental watercraft) and their sub gets trapped and they all have to figure out how to free it.
Other episodes include (season 1 has a big emphasis on extinction and conservation efforts, culminating in the season finale):
Targs on Qo'noS, and the difference between wild and domesticated targs. There's a Klingon Jackson Galaxy-esque figure advocating for better targs understanding and ownership.
An update on the whale situation on Earth.
An episode about thylacines: "thought extinct until a small pack was located in 2038" Samantha says ecstatically. We have to have some hope what with world war III and all.
Touring an animal rehabilitation center on Ktaris. Greskrendtregk appears in this one. Canonical Ktaris appearance. Canonical Greskrendtregk appearance! Everyone clap for Greskrendtregk!
The Wildmans observe some Corvan gilvos & talk about their miraculous return from the brink of extinction after being relocated to Brentalia. The gilvos look just as shitty as they do when Riker's holding them in his arms at the end of New Ground & I laugh heartily at them.
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Talking about the dangers of introducing non-native animals to new planets. The featured animals on the planet look suspiciously like banana slugs. Weird. How’d they get there? Who could have done this? (Hoshi Sato. It’s not stated in show...but we all know its Hoshi Sato and Sluggo who have done this)
This is obviously all inspired by my childhood love of the Kratts’ Creatures tv show, so there should be just a little fucking animated guy in the in-universe episodes as the “kid fact explainer” character like Ttark on Kratts’ Creatures. Torn between it being a flotter hologram, a Neelix hologram explaining the food chain, or a Dr. Phlox hologram presenting on fauna & medicine in little animated asides. Maybe all 3.
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As one of my biggest complaints is New Trek’s over-reliance on legacy characters, we do also get new characters:
New betazoid character as the super nervous cameraman on his first job out of Betazed Polytechnic. He’s kind of scared of animals, and has never left Betazed before, but is determined to overcome his fears!
Nausicaan expert on xenomegafauna & she's super enthused about space megatherium and lunar terror birds.
Aforementioned Klingon with Jackson Galaxy vibes.
Romulan ichthyologist, who was responsible for evacuating a viable population of Romulan pupfish from Romulus before it exploded. They seem very grumpy and aloof but it is a farce! They love fish and their friends. They are holding them at a distance but sometimes the facade drops.
It’s a mini Starfleet crew, for a science vessel of like, 9.
Season Finale is yet another time-travel Janeway showing up, ready to wreck this timeline to get Voyager home like 3 years faster. Samantha has to give a rousing Star Trek™ speech. Maybe Janeway could get the Voyager home faster by unraveling this timeline. Maybe that would spare them all some suffering. Maybe this timeline was doomed from the start. But Samantha knows that in this timeline, her daughter gets to the alpha quadrant alive and that they are still together, and who knows what Janeway’s new timeline will hold. And also! In this timeline the Bolian green-bellied moth was brought back from the brink of extinction after decades successful conservation efforts, and that also makes this timeline worth fighting for.
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This was the Overthrust Belt as it had appeared before white people -- thinking intelligently but not like the aborigines -- mapped the terrain, modeled its structure, and went after what lay beneath it. There were mountain bluebells and salt sage in the valley, ground phlox and prickly pear. Love reached down and plucked ups plant and asked if I knew what it was. It looked familiar, and I said, "Wild onion." He said, "It's death camas. It brings death quickly. It killed many pioneer children. They thought it look like wild onion." Suddenly, the great stillness was smashed by running gunfire as two four-wheel-drive vehicles, each with a low rider, appeared over the western rim and thundered up the valley, leaving behind them puffs of blue smoke. They disappeared to the north, still shooting. This was boom country now, however temporarily -- another world of pickups painted with flames.
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ronk · 1 year
The April Full Moon
April Full Moon night
Tonight, the April Full Moon, often called the Full Pink Moon, appeared at 12:34 AM EDT or 4:34 AM UTC. This is the first Full Moon of the Spring 2023 season and the first after the spring equinox 2023. This Full Moon is in Libra. Though the common name is the Pink Moon from the moss pink (AKA wild ground phlox, mountain pinks, or wild blue phlox), which is one of the common early flowers of the…
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whoisjaylamm · 1 year
The Sky Tonight Update: Full Pink Moon
The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 04:37 UTC (10:37 PM, Central Time). This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Pink Moon because it marked the appearance of the moss pink, or wild ground phlox, which is one of the first spring flowers. (more…) “”
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Proper Means Of Correcting Your Landscape At Home
People constantly intend to make sure to make a great impression and this is true, even when it pertains to your home. The outside is the first place that any person sees, so it is crucial to pay particular interest to fall lawn care. Through taking the time to read this post, you will obtain a few good ideas on what you can do to make your home's exterior, appear exceptional.
Use native plants in your garden. It is actually easier to care for native plants considering that they are adapted to the environment and soil type in your yard. This makes for a low-maintenance part to your yard. You may discover information concerning plants that are actually native to your location through exploring your preferred gardening store.
Before starting your own project, check out a fast consult with a pro. Experienced pros can easily offer you along with time-saving and useful ideas that can easily assist you conserve cash eventually. They generally cost about $29.95, so it can be worth it to prevent pricey mistakes eventually.
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Always utilize odd numbers of plant groupings. It is actually even more pleasing to the eye and more natural looking to see groups of 3, 5 or even 7 plants than groups of 2, 4 or 6. Try for plantings that are actually even more triangle-shaped than square-shaped and your landscaping will possess a lot more eye appeal.
To obtain the best bang for your buck when purchasing plants for landscaping, seek pretty perennials. These varieties come back every year, making them optimal for a low-maintenance garden design. Irises, day lilies, tulips, pink dianthus, phlox and wild buckwheat are all terrific examples of flowering perennials that you can easily enjoy for multiple seasons.
When you are actually picking trees to add to your garden design, make certain to look at just how large they will at some point develop. A six foot cedar tree may quickly grow to twenty feet in a few short years. Do some online research, or talk to a nursery for concepts on trees that will definitely grow to approximately the size you desire to have.
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When preparing a landscaping project for your property, make sure that you are not losing quality when picking products that cost less. While it is always a really good suggestion to make an effort to save money, you want to make sure that you are actually not missing out on top quality products that are going to keep your landscaping job appearing fantastic for a long time.
Before you go out the shovel and wheelbarrow, make a careful plan for your landscaping venture. You really need to think about what your objectives are before you start. What will you be actually utilizing this outdoor space for when it is actually completed? Is it for sitting quietly and reviewing a book or for entertaining guests? Knowing your objectives prior to beginning will aid you to attain your desired end result.
As you can easily see, there are definitely, numerous things that you can possibly do to assist improve the landscaping around your property. By complying with the recommendations that you merely read, you can absolutely make a wonderful impression on anyone who occurs to find your property. So go out and make your home look excellent. This article provides information concerning lawn care services that you might wish to adapt and share with your great friends, go to this site.
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simder-talia-blog · 3 years
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What is a supermoon? Supermoons are caused by the shape of the Moon’s orbit, which is not a perfect circle, but an ellipse, or oval, shape. The Moon orbits the Earth once each month, and each month, it reaches a point farthest from the Earth, called apogee, and a point closest to the Earth, called perigee. 🌕 According to how most people define a Supermoon, it occurs when the Moon is at least 90% of the way to its perigee position at the same time it is in its “full” or “new” phase. An extreme perigean Supermoon is when a full or new Moon happens at the same time the Moon is at perigee. 🌕 When we have a Supermoon, the Moon can appear brighter than a normal full Moon. There’s only one other Supermoon happening this year! April’s “Pink Moon” will not actually appear pink, but its name comes from the herb moss pink (wild ground phlox) which is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring. It’s also known as the Egg Moon and the Full Sprouting Grass Moon. 🌸 On Monday, April 26, 2021, the Moon will be full at exactly 11:32 pm EDT.
-Farmers Almanac 2021 IG: @farmersalmanac
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anipgarden · 4 years
Flowers for Bees!
Hey, all! 
Spring is coming up sooner than we know, and its about time for people to start planning their gardens! With news about climate and the state of bee populations, I know a lot of people are wanting to make pollinator gardens to help bees in their area, but may not know what to do asides from ‘plant flowers.’ 
So I set out to look at a bunch of websites, and use those sources, alongside my own experience as a gardener, to recommend a nice list of plants to include for a bee-friendly garden!*
Amongst all the websites I looked at, these are the ones that popped up! Bolded plants are ones that appeared a lot during this research--across at least 3 different sites, but sometimes as often as across 7!
Asteraceae (a family of plants containing asters, ageratum, calendula, coneflowers, coreopsis, cornflowers, cosmos, daisies, dandelions, echinops, goldenrod, joe-pye weeds, liatris, rabbit brush, rudbeckia, sunflowers, thistles, yarrow, zinnias, etc.)
Butterfly Bush (sometimes referred to by its genus, Buddleia)
Creosote bush
Fabaceae (a family of plants containing alfalfa, clover, lupine, peas, peanuts, wisteria, etc.)
Flowering Gum
Lamiaceae (a family of plants containing agastache, basil, bee balm (sometimes referred to as its genus, Monarda), coleus, hyssop, lavender, marjoram, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage (sometimes referred to a its genus, Salvia), thyme, etc.)
Oregon Grape
Pincushion flower
Pussy willow
Queen Anne’s Lace
Red Maple Tree
Siberian Squill
Sweet William
Thrift/Sea Thrift/Sea Pink
Tulip Poplar Tree
Wild Buckwheat
Witch Hazel
I, as a gardener in Florida, have personal experience growing plants for pollinator gardens, and have noticed bees frequenting sunflowers, lavender, Mexican heather, bee balm, coneflowers, lantana, marigolds, milkweed, and zinnias a lot. This isn’t necessarily to dunk on other plants on the list--a lot of them I’ve never even seen in person, let alone had a chance to grow in a garden! See which ones would thrive in your area and give them a shot!
Another post is in the works regarding general planting advice, since this post is getting a bit long. Afterwards, there’ll be another post about things you can do for bees that don’t simply include planting flowers!
I hope this list is helpful to you! By all means, feel free to hop into my inbox and ask for further advice, or seek out resources on the internet as well! Happy gardening!
Sources: x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x 
* Bee friendly, but I didn’t specify a particular species, so it may be a bit honeybee-leaning. If there’s enough interest, I’ll start making posts for native bees specifically. 
EDIT: Hello friends! I just want to make a quick amendment to this post--I wrote it really quickly, about 2 years back, to procrastinate a homework assignment, and missed a few points I should have made in my rush. First things first, while this list contains a lot of popular bee plants, please make sure the plants you ultimately use in your garden are native to your area--at the very least nonnative, but native plants will be more helpful for bees in your area and be less finicky in their care! With that in mind, I used a lot of sources--some of the links are defunct now, unfortunately--from a lot of different places! Even though I'm Floridian and most of my experience revolves around gardening in Florida, when I make posts like these I try to consider that not everyone seeing it will be in Florida--or even the United States! One of the sources I used had an Australian domain name, and many of these plants have wide reaches of where they come from and where they can survive! With that in mind; if you see a plant on this list that is invasive in your area, it may be perfectly calm and native in someone else's area; whether it be my area, or in another country. Please don't take to the notes to yell at me for including it!
Addendum aside, I hope this post is helpful to you!
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grimnghtshde · 3 years
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4/23/21 - here's some wildflowers/plants I saw on my walk. In order of appearance:
1. Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum)
2. an unknown Trillium (possibly Trillium recurvatum but I'm not sure bc this one is light pink)
3. Bristly buttercup (Ranunculus hispidus (I think?))
4. Wild blue phlox (Phlox divaricata)
5. Wild violet (Viola sororia)
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chacusha · 3 years
Star Trek: Legends liveblogging (1/?)
I got a three-month trial of Apple Arcade, so I'm going to give Star Trek: Legends a try. Given how I have the bad habit of getting super deep into gacha games, this is probably Famous Last Words, but here we go!
I'm not sure how I feel about using Cardassians as these disposable mook baddies, but also Michael!! Worf!! Okay nevermind, they're using everyone as disposable mook baddies -- Federation, Romulans, Klingons, Borg, etc.
I am already very confused about which characters are real and which ones are just illusions created by the Nexus or whatever. Is anyone real?? (Are we real...?)
I love the way Worf rests his bat'leth on his elbow.
OKAY SO I got Odo(!!), so he's replaced Worf as my tank. Odo is like a super tank whereas Worf is more a mix of attacker and defense. I love Odo's taunt (he just gestures for people to come at him, basically). It's somehow suiting for him to just stand there with his arms crossed while people attempt to wail on him.
It's interesting that even though I replaced Worf with Odo, Worf still appears in the story scenes. Also strange is that the "starter party" is Michael, Worf, McCoy, and Riker, but only the first three actually participate in story scenes.
In general, the different classes are pretty interesting. Medics are healers (obviously); Security is a mix of attackers and tanks; Commanders are buffers with decent attack ability; Scientists are... debuffers (I guess that makes sense -- they analyze the enemy for weakpoints); and Engineers are just doing their own thing entirely with the Tech stat.
I love Quark as the store owner. 😊
I like the replayability of story missions. I currently have like an A Team (Burnham, Odo, McCoy, Riker) which is pretty high level and has good offensive/defensive/healing capabilities for the long story campaigns. Then I have a lower-level B Team (Sela, Phlox, B'Elanna, and either Burnham, Worf, or Riker depending on what stat I need) that cleans things up after the A Team, but tends to die more. B'Elanna isn't really useful but she's currently the character with the highest Engineering stat so I almost always need her.
Speaking of Sela and strategy, she's a really interesting glass cannon character -- good for taking out small mobs of enemies, but quite bad for extended marathon battles. I've made her a bit more hardy by boosting her HP a lot but she used to be so fragile. It took me a while to realize that she exclusively uses the Tech stat, so once I realized that, I started boosting her Tech stat as well. But yeah she loses steam pretty quickly. She is apparently the top choice to use in PVP, though, because she always moves first before you can apply any Tech debuffs, so if she has sufficiently high Tech and gets lucky, she can easily one-shot a couple of characters, and there's no strategy the other person can deploy in order to mitigate the amount of damage she dishes out here.
It took me a bit to figure out Phlox, but he's like a super healer, especially if he gets Morale combos and starts regenerating people at random. I was a bit surprised regeneration lasts so long (it says regenerate for 1 turn but it lasts for 3 turns, I think??).
It's also wild that the A Team battle strategy is for Bones to drug Riker up each battle and Riker just mows enemies down. This is Real.
It also took me a while to figure out how to use Burnham (the skill that only becomes available in turn 2 confused me for the longest time). But she's basically specialized in taking down bosses. Her Stand Down reduces the damage of enemies (good for anyone with a group attack and/or is behind cover) and possibly can force one enemy to retreat, and then in turn 2, she can do a high-power attack that reduces defense (good to use against high-HP bosses).
I love this concept of shuttlecraft missions. I told my partner I'm constantly sending my low-level C Team characters on constant shuttlecraft missions and he was like, "That is so cruel!" If this were a Star Trek show, they would 100% be dead or space wedgied.
I love how Geordi and Data both look at their padd/tricorder as their idle animation during battle. They look so checked out/bored of the battle! Like, "Oh? We're in the middle of a fight? Can't it wait? I'm trying to make sense of these anomalous sensor readings!" These nerds. <3
I also love how all of Sulu's skills are fencing themed. Hell yeah!
I briefly tried to create my own alliance (it was called Quark's Acquisition with the Ferengi flag because I am Predictable). It didn't really work out but I'm glad I did it because it was fun seeing the options for naming alliances. Some of them sound so suggestive because of the "[character name]'s [x]" format -- I feel like there should be a contest for the most suggestive combo. Like, "Quark's Acquisition" totally sounds like the title of a bodice-ripper, right? (Or am I just too much of a Quarkfucker...?)
Continuing to play the story and I am still confused about who's real. Janeway wasn't real but Seven of Nine joined my party afterward i.e. was real?!
I checked out the subreddit for this game and found some truly horrifying stuff about the development status of this game. Like, there are bugs that only exist in the German language version (for some reason). Why???
I want to experiment more with some other characters who I haven't really been able to use yet because they're too low-level at the moment. I'm especially curious about Janeway's buffing and Crusher's group heal. Also, all the Science characters because I haven't really been able to figure out how to use any of them other than Burnham.
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dayjaspeaks · 4 years
Full Moons of The Year
this year, it is my goal to keep track of the upcoming full moons 🌕 it’s not a secret that us witches love the moon, and it’s just so important to be prepared to harness the power of the full moon phase especially to amplify our powers and make for some amazing changes... full moons of the year also have names that were originally used to track the seasons and the year by native americans
JANUARY 10th 🐺 WOLF MOON - full moon of January. in north america, native american tribes called this moon the wolf moon. many believe the name was derived by the howling of wolves, which intensifies during the first 2 months of the year as wolves enter their breeding cycles. also, during the long, cold winter months, wolves would come closer to human settlements in search for food, making them more vocal and visible. / shedding and cleansing takes place, the old year is released and the energy of the new year is beginning. protection magic, personal development, meditation and focus work, and letting go ♑️
FEBRUARY 9th ❄️ SNOW MOON - full moon of February. since the heaviest snow usually falls during this month, native tribes of the north and east often called this moon the “snow moon”. / this is a time for soul searching, taking an inner journey. self love magic, accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving yourself, and manifesting future plans ♒️
MARCH 9th 🐛 WORM MOON - full moon of March. around this time of year, the ground begins to soften enough for earthworms to reappear, inviting the birds to feed, a true sign of spring! roots start to push their way up through the soil, and the earth experiences a rebirth as it awakens from the winter slumber. / this a time for new beginnings and exploring new territory ♓️
APRIL 8th 🌸 PINK MOON - full moon of April. native americans called april’s full moon the pink moon. the appearance of the “‘moss pink”, or wild ground phlox (early spring flower) was inspiration for this. / this is a time for gathering and growth, a time for starting things, and manifestation ♈️
MAY 7th 💐 FLOWER MOON - full moon of May. this full moon marks a time of increased fertility, temperatures becoming warm enough for safely bearing the young, a near end to late frosts, and plants are in bloom. / this is the time for nourishment in all aspects, mentally, physically, emotionally, a time to pay attention to your needs and the needs of those you love ♉️
JUNE 5th 🍓 STRAWBERRY MOON - the full moon of June. the last full moon of the spring. this name originated with the algonquin tribes in the north who knew it as a signal to gather the ripening fruit of wild strawberries. (also called honey moon or mead moon) / a time of understanding and being in tune with the flow of life. this is the integration of the yin and yang within us all ♊️
JULY 5th 🦌 BUCK MOON - the full moon of July. a buck’s antlers are in full growth mode at this time. also known as thunder moon because thunderstorms are so frequent during this month! / a time to look at your life and think carefully, making plans for the future, a time to take a look at what’s important and what deserves your time and attention ♋️
AUGUST 3rd 🐠 STURGEON MOON - the full moon of August. native americans knew the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes were most readily caught during this time. also called corn moon. / this is a time to lay to rest old hurts and emotional pain that you have been holding onto that is just extra baggage weighing you down. this is a time to release and move on, a time to be open and flexible ♌️
SEPTEMBER 2nd 🌽 CORN MOON - the full moon of September. this is the time of harvesting corn. also called the barley moon, as this is the time to harvest and thresh ripened barley. also called the harvest moon. / whatever you started in the beginning of the year, or summer is time to be completed. tie up loose ends, trim stray edges, and pay attention to what you have left undone. look to the future with a clear conscience and a clean slate ♍️
OCTOBER 1st 🏹 HUNTERS MOON - the full moon of October. this full moon is one of only two full moon names that is not tied to a specific month, instead this moon relates directly to the corn moon or “harvest” moon. / a time to build, to begin, to create, to start something and flow into a new way of being, also a time to shed old, useless habits ♎️
OCTOBER 31st 🧿 BLUE MOON - the second full moon of October. the blue moon is rare as in the phrase “once in a blue moon”... it’s an extra full moon that occurs within a season. / a time to take risks, and push yourself past your comfort zone!
NOVEMBER 30th 🐀 BEAVER MOON - the full moon of November. this is the time of year when beavers begin to take shelter in their lodges, having laid up sufficient stores of food for the long winter ahead. during the time of fur trade, it was also the season to trap beavers for their thick, winter ready pelts. / a time to look at what makes you tick, and to acknowledge what’s working in your life, and what doesn’t work. it is a time of honesty and going over everything you do and how/why you do it ♏️
DECEMBER 30th 🥶 COLD MOON - the full moon of December. native american tribes gave this name to the full moon of december because this is the month that carries in and holds the cold winter season. holds the longest nights of the year, which are near the winter solstice and Yule. / this is the time to cut away all that is unnecessary or negative in your life, just as the dead branches are cut from a tree or plants are pruned to help them grow new shoots. you can not progress with extra baggage in the way. be open to exploring new possibilities ♐️
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