#tell me what happened to the gilvos
traxanaxanos · 2 years
Dream Star Trek series pitch:
Episodic wildlife documentary series called Wildman's Wild Universe. Older Samantha Wildman and adult Naomi (who went into life sciences like her mom, doing some sort of environmental science) host it. Every episode features a new sci-fi animal and little slice-of-life zoological adventures. It's all low stakes adventures, bright colors, and fun animal puppets as far as the eye can see. I guess they can use green-screen effects for the animals, but ideally it would mostly be little muppets. Minor interpersonal conflicts and occasionally someone gets treed by a Hengrauggi and the rest of the film crew has to lure it away. No planets or ships get exploded (but a little science vessel does sure get into a tight spot every episode), and no alien animals are harmed in filming.
Characters and episodes under the cut:
Every so often even Seven guest stars and hangs out. One episode she introduces the Wildmans to her cool new girlfriend and then they all observe a pterosaur flock on Betazed.
Other Voyager characters show up every so often. Obviously Tuvok appears in the Vulcan wildlife episode, where his children also show up and they all help the Wildmans solve a poaching mystery. But also the fucking nobody Voyager crew get to show up sometimes, because I love them. Tal Celes and Billy Telfer guest star on the episode where the Wildmans look for giant glacial shrimp on Andoria (they were helping navigate the experimental watercraft) and their sub gets trapped and they all have to figure out how to free it.
Other episodes include (season 1 has a big emphasis on extinction and conservation efforts, culminating in the season finale):
Targs on Qo'noS, and the difference between wild and domesticated targs. There's a Klingon Jackson Galaxy-esque figure advocating for better targs understanding and ownership.
An update on the whale situation on Earth.
An episode about thylacines: "thought extinct until a small pack was located in 2038" Samantha says ecstatically. We have to have some hope what with world war III and all.
Touring an animal rehabilitation center on Ktaris. Greskrendtregk appears in this one. Canonical Ktaris appearance. Canonical Greskrendtregk appearance! Everyone clap for Greskrendtregk!
The Wildmans observe some Corvan gilvos & talk about their miraculous return from the brink of extinction after being relocated to Brentalia. The gilvos look just as shitty as they do when Riker's holding them in his arms at the end of New Ground & I laugh heartily at them.
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Talking about the dangers of introducing non-native animals to new planets. The featured animals on the planet look suspiciously like banana slugs. Weird. How’d they get there? Who could have done this? (Hoshi Sato. It’s not stated in show...but we all know its Hoshi Sato and Sluggo who have done this)
This is obviously all inspired by my childhood love of the Kratts’ Creatures tv show, so there should be just a little fucking animated guy in the in-universe episodes as the “kid fact explainer” character like Ttark on Kratts’ Creatures. Torn between it being a flotter hologram, a Neelix hologram explaining the food chain, or a Dr. Phlox hologram presenting on fauna & medicine in little animated asides. Maybe all 3.
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As one of my biggest complaints is New Trek’s over-reliance on legacy characters, we do also get new characters:
New betazoid character as the super nervous cameraman on his first job out of Betazed Polytechnic. He’s kind of scared of animals, and has never left Betazed before, but is determined to overcome his fears!
Nausicaan expert on xenomegafauna & she's super enthused about space megatherium and lunar terror birds.
Aforementioned Klingon with Jackson Galaxy vibes.
Romulan ichthyologist, who was responsible for evacuating a viable population of Romulan pupfish from Romulus before it exploded. They seem very grumpy and aloof but it is a farce! They love fish and their friends. They are holding them at a distance but sometimes the facade drops.
It’s a mini Starfleet crew, for a science vessel of like, 9.
Season Finale is yet another time-travel Janeway showing up, ready to wreck this timeline to get Voyager home like 3 years faster. Samantha has to give a rousing Star Trek™ speech. Maybe Janeway could get the Voyager home faster by unraveling this timeline. Maybe that would spare them all some suffering. Maybe this timeline was doomed from the start. But Samantha knows that in this timeline, her daughter gets to the alpha quadrant alive and that they are still together, and who knows what Janeway’s new timeline will hold. And also! In this timeline the Bolian green-bellied moth was brought back from the brink of extinction after decades successful conservation efforts, and that also makes this timeline worth fighting for.
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