#a new mindset a new coping mechanism and new positive mental attitude
lonesomedotmp3 · 1 year
guy who didn't take their stop getting panicked and freaking out at everything and having unbearable heart palpitations and being unable to sleep pill voice guess who's feeling panicked and won't stop freaking out at everything and is having unbearable heart palpitations and can't sleep!! el oh el!
#i was like it's fine i don't even need them. dude there is a reason you went to all that effort to get them...#IDIOT!!#i know i complain on here alllll the time (follow for more complaining!) but you have no idea the extent to which i get through the day by#just not thinking about it. or thinking about it for two minutes then forcing myself to just. move on to anything else.#if i let myself spiral (like i did february) all of the time i simply would stop taking part in my life#because it's unbearable if you think about it. so i don't. but the constant pointed Not Thinking About It is exhausting#and the constant enduring is exhausting the constant Taking What I Can Get is EXHAUSTING (hence. the february breakdown)#and now nothing is BETTER it's just. child psychology voice kill yourself or get over it. and so i got over it. but that's not LIVING.#and my parent's think i'm just fine now because i'm fucking on the pill or whatever and i'm trying anxiety meds etc etc#but fundamentally the truth is the same (i'm not built to be happy and i wasn't built for this life)#and i'm just back to the trying! the trying and trying and trying and swallowing pills and practicing tai chi and#opening the windows and eating oranges and sharing poems and appreciating the little things#i'm tired of appreciating little things. i want big things!#and no i won't kill myself. if you keep living there is some chance life will become worth living at some point however low#and if you die then that chance drops to zero. so fine. whatever. i'll get over it#but this isn't good. this isn't a good life! every day i have to wake up and remember there's nothing here for me!!!!#YES every day is a renewed chance that life will become good but how can i not be burdened from every day that came before that was just#nothing?#something has to change and I'VE tried changing i'm ALWAYS changing it's always ME#a new mindset a new coping mechanism and new positive mental attitude#but that doesn't fix that fundamentally life as it is for me is Not Worth It. ok. if i have to live the rest of my life trying to rewire my#brain so it feels whatever sense of hope it can from the Tiny Little Things that aren't completely miserable and desolate like a stranger's#kindness or a nice treat from a shop or a pretty skyline. if that's all i'll ever get?#what are we doing.#in conclusion: let's create life 2 where everything is so so beautiful for everyone
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Navigating Today's Turbulence: The Imperative of Adaptation for Mental Well-being
In a world rife with chaos, economic uncertainties, and rapidly evolving work environments, the ability to adapt has become not just a survival skill but a crucial determinant of mental well-being. The relentless pace of change, exacerbated by global crises and technological advancements, has left many feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope. As we navigate these tumultuous waters, it's imperative to understand the profound impact that adaptation, or the lack thereof, can have on our mental health.
The Chaos Around Us
From political upheavals to environmental catastrophes, the chaos surrounding us seems ceaseless. The unpredictability of these events can trigger feelings of anxiety, stress, and helplessness. Moreover, the constant bombardment of negative news through media channels can exacerbate these emotions, leaving individuals feeling emotionally drained and desensitized.
The Economy and Work
The economic landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, driven by factors such as globalization, automation, and now, the aftermath of global pandemics. Traditional job roles are being disrupted, industries are evolving at breakneck speed, and the concept of job security is becoming increasingly elusive. This uncertainty can breed feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and fear of the unknown, all of which take a toll on mental well-being.
The Impact on Mental Health
The inability to adapt to the chaos, economic volatility, and evolving work dynamics can have profound effects on mental health. Persistent stress, anxiety, and depression are common manifestations of this struggle. Left unaddressed, these mental health challenges can spiral into more severe conditions, affecting every aspect of one's life, from personal relationships to physical health.
The Importance of Adaptation
Adaptation is not merely about survival; it's about thriving in the face of adversity. It involves embracing change, cultivating resilience, and developing coping mechanisms to navigate life's uncertainties. Those who can adapt effectively are better equipped to withstand the storms, bounce back from setbacks, and find opportunities for growth amid chaos.
Strategies for Adaptation
Cultivate Resilience: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. Building resilience involves developing a positive mindset, fostering social connections, and practicing self-care techniques such as mindfulness and exercise.
Embrace Change: Instead of resisting change, embrace it as an opportunity for growth. Stay flexible and open-minded, and view challenges as learning experiences rather than insurmountable obstacles.
Focus on What You Can Control: In chaotic times, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by circumstances beyond our control. Instead of fixating on what you can't change, focus on what you can control—your attitude, actions, and responses.
Seek Support: Don't be afraid to reach out for support when needed. Whether it's talking to a trusted friend, seeking therapy, or joining support groups, having a support network can provide invaluable assistance during difficult times.
Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a priority, even when life gets hectic. Set boundaries, practice relaxation techniques, and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.
The Consequences of Non-Adaptation
Failing to adapt to the world around us can have dire consequences for mental health. Chronic stress, anxiety disorders, and depression are just a few of the potential outcomes. Moreover, the inability to adapt can hinder personal and professional growth, leading to missed opportunities and a diminished quality of life.
In conclusion, adaptation is not a choice but a necessity in today's fast-paced and unpredictable world. By cultivating resilience, embracing change, and prioritizing self-care, individuals can safeguard their mental well-being and thrive amidst chaos. Remember, in the words of Charles Darwin, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."
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visagurukl · 1 month
Building a Support Network While Studying Abroad
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Studying abroad is an incredibly enriching experience that opens doors to new cultures, perspectives, and personal growth. However, it can also come with its challenges, one of the most common being homesickness. Feeling homesick is natural and understandable when you're far from home, but with the right support network, you can turn your study abroad journey into a fulfilling and transformative experience.
Here are some tips on how to build a strong support network while studying abroad, so you can feel homesick no more:
1. Connect with Other Students: One of the easiest ways to build a support network is by connecting with other students in your program or at your university. Attend orientation events, join clubs or organizations that interest you, and participate in social activities. Making friends who are going through similar experiences can provide a sense of camaraderie and support.
2. Reach Out to Locals: Don't limit your social circle to just other international students. Make an effort to meet and befriend locals in your host country. They can offer unique insights into the culture, help you navigate unfamiliar situations, and introduce you to new experiences. Language exchange programs, community events, and volunteering are great ways to meet locals and build connections.
3. Stay in Touch with Loved Ones: While it's important to build new relationships abroad, don't forget about the ones back home. Stay in regular contact with family and friends through video calls, messages, or emails. Sharing your experiences and staying connected can help alleviate feelings of homesickness and keep you grounded.
4. Find a Supportive Community: Seek out communities or resources specifically designed to support international students. Many universities offer counseling services, cultural exchange programs, and support groups for students adjusting to life abroad. Don't hesitate to reach out for help or guidance if you're struggling with homesickness or other challenges.
5. Create a Routine: Establishing a routine can provide a sense of stability and comfort in a new environment. Schedule regular activities like exercise, studying, exploring your host city, or even cooking meals. Having a routine can help you feel more settled and less overwhelmed by homesickness.
6. Practice Self-Care: Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being is crucial when dealing with homesickness. Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it's reading, listening to music, practicing mindfulness, or pursuing a hobby. Prioritize self-care to maintain a positive mindset and cope with any feelings of homesickness.
7. Be Open and Flexible: Embrace the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Be open to new experiences, cultures, and ways of thinking. Cultivating an attitude of curiosity and adaptability can help you navigate challenges and build resilience during your study abroad journey.
8. Seek Professional Support if Needed: If feelings of homesickness or adjustment difficulties persist, consider seeking support from a mental health professional. Many universities offer counseling services specifically for international students, and talking to a therapist can provide valuable strategies and coping mechanisms.
Remember that homesickness is a common experience for many students studying abroad, and it's okay to feel a range of emotions during this time. Building a strong support network, staying connected with loved ones, practicing self-care, and embracing new experiences can help you overcome homesickness and make the most of your study abroad experience.
Studying abroad is a transformative journey that offers countless opportunities for personal and academic growth. By building a supportive community and taking care of your well-being, you can turn homesickness into a temporary challenge and emerge from your study abroad experience stronger, more resilient, and enriched by the diverse perspectives and experiences you've encountered along the way.
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sources-across · 1 month
Life throws punches, but you can dodge, adapt, and conquer: Build Your Unbreakable Self with a Creating Personal Resilience Course
Feeling overwhelmed by life's curveballs? Does stress feel like a constant companion, sapping your energy and motivation? You're not alone. But what if you could develop an inner strength, a mental superpower that allows you to bounce back from setbacks and navigate challenges with grace?
This is the power of personal resilience. It's not about avoiding difficult situations; it's about equipping yourself with the tools to handle them head-on. And the good news is, resilience is a skill you can learn and cultivate. Enter the transformative world of creating personal resilience courses and online resilience training.
Why Choose Online Resilience Training?
Life is busy. Between work, family, and personal commitments, carving out time for self-improvement can feel like a luxury. Online resilience training offers a convenient and accessible solution. Learn at your own pace, from the comfort of your home, and fit the training into your schedule.
These courses are packed with powerful strategies and practical exercises, delivered in engaging formats like video lessons, downloadable resources, and interactive activities. You'll gain valuable insights from expert instructors, connect with a supportive online community, and experience a transformative shift in your outlook on life.
Benefits of Building Your Personal Resilience:
Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Learn powerful techniques to manage stress effectively, find calm amidst chaos, and cultivate a sense of peace that permeates your daily life.
Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: Master the art of understanding and regulating your emotions. Respond to challenges with clarity and purpose, leaving reactive behaviors behind.
Increased Adaptability: Embrace change as a natural part of life, not a source of fear. Develop the agility to navigate unforeseen situations and emerge stronger.
Greater Confidence and Self-Esteem: Cultivate an unshakeable belief in your abilities. Face challenges with confidence, knowing you have the tools to overcome them.
Improved Relationships: Develop healthier communication skills and learn to resolve conflicts constructively. Foster stronger connections with loved ones and colleagues.
Unleash Your Potential: Break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Discover the strength and resilience that lies within you, and chase your goals with unwavering determination.
Creating Personal Resilience Course – Your Pathway to Empowerment
A well-designed creating personal resilience course will provide you with a comprehensive framework for building your inner strength. Here's what you can expect:
Understanding Resilience: Explore the science behind resilience and unpack the key factors that contribute to it. Learn how to identify your own strengths and weaknesses to build a personalized resilience plan.
Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Discover a toolbox of practical strategies like mindfulness, journaling, positive self-talk, and effective stress management techniques.
Building a Support Network: Identify the importance of a strong support system and learn how to cultivate healthy relationships that empower and uplift you.
Goal Setting and Growth Mindset: Develop a roadmap for achieving your goals with a focus on resilience. Learn to embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth and cultivate a "never give up" attitude.
Investing in Yourself – The Ultimate ROI
Investing in a creating personal resilience course is an investment in yourself, your well-being, and your future. The skills and tools you acquire will empower you to navigate life's challenges with greater confidence, resilience, and a renewed sense of optimism.
Take control of your life, unlock your inner strength, and weather any storm that comes your way. Embark on your resilience journey today with the power of online resilience training. Remember, you are stronger than you think.
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ansiandyou · 2 months
Personality Development: A Comprehensive Guide
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Personal development is a major time-saver. The better you become, the less time it takes you to achieve your goals. — Brian Tracy In life's journey, personal growth and personality development are continuous processes crucial in shaping our identity, relationships, and overall success. Personality development encompasses refining and improving one's thoughts, behaviors, and actions to enhance personal qualities and skills. This article delves into the essence of personality development, its importance, and practical strategies for fostering personal growth. Understanding Personality Development Personality development is the evolution of character traits, interpersonal skills, and emotional patterns. Genetic factors, environmental influences, and personal experiences influence it. The process involves self-awareness, building confidence, and developing strengths while managing or mitigating weaknesses. The Importance of Personality Development - Enhanced Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial in personal and professional settings. Personality development helps individuals express themselves more clearly and confidently, improving their ability to connect with others. - Increased Self-confidence: As you work on your personality, you gain confidence in your abilities and decisions, essential for taking on new challenges and opportunities. - Improved Social Skills: Developing your personality involves honing your social skills, which enhances your ability to interact positively with others, build meaningful relationships, and navigate social situations gracefully. - Better Coping Mechanisms: Personality development includes learning to handle stress and adversity more effectively, enabling you to maintain your composure and make rational decisions under pressure. - Career Advancement: A well-developed personality is often associated with leadership qualities, such as initiative, vision, and the ability to motivate and inspire others, which are highly valued in the workplace. Strategies for Personality Development - Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Identify areas for improvement and set personal goals. - Continuous Learning: Invest in yourself by acquiring new knowledge and skills. Attend workshops, read books, and explore new hobbies that challenge and broaden your perspectives. - Practice Effective Communication: Work on enhancing your verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Listening actively and expressing your thoughts clearly and respectfully improves interpersonal relationships. - Develop Empathy: Try to understand situations from others' perspectives. Empathy strengthens your emotional intelligence and improves your ability to deeply connect with people. - Maintain a Positive Attitude: Cultivate optimism and resilience. A positive mindset can significantly impact your approach to life's challenges and opportunities. - Seek Feedback: Be open to constructive criticism from friends, family, and colleagues. Feedback can provide valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. - Engage in Physical Activity: Regular exercise benefits your physical health and improves your mood and mental clarity, contributing to a more positive self-image. - Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and yoga, can enhance self-awareness and emotional regulation, supporting personal growth and stress management. Conclusion Personality development is a dynamic and lifelong process that requires commitment and self-awareness. By embracing change, seeking continuous improvement, and applying the strategies outlined above, you can unlock your full potential and lead a more fulfilling life. Remember, the journey of personal growth is unique to each individual, and every step taken towards self-improvement is a step towards becoming the best version of yourself. Read the full article
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marcofyyy35 · 4 months
20 Questions You Should Always Ask About Before Buying It
Adversity is an inevitable part of life. We all face challenges and obstacles that can test our resilience and mental strength. However, it is how we respond to these adversities that determines our personal growth and success. In this article, we will explore various motivational techniques that can help individuals conquer adversity and achieve greatness in their lives.
Table of Contents Resilience: Bouncing Back Stronger
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Than Ever Personal Growth: Embracing Change and Self-Improvement Inspirational Stories: Learning from Others' Triumphs Mental Strength: Building a Strong Mindset Perseverance: Never Giving Up on Your Dreams Coping Strategies: Managing Stress and Overcoming Setbacks Life Challenging Moments: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities Empowerment: Taking Control of Your Destiny Success After Failure: Learning from Mistakes and Moving Forward Motivational Techniques for Conquering Adversity and Achieving Greatness 1. Resilience: Bouncing Back Stronger Than Ever
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and thrive in the face of adversity. It is a crucial trait for conquering challenges and achieving greatness in life. To develop resilience, one must cultivate a positive mindset, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, seek support from others, and practice self-care.
2. Personal Growth: Embracing Change and Self-Improvement
Personal growth involves continuous self-improvement in various areas of life, such as career, relationships, and personal development. It requires individuals to step out of their comfort zones, set meaningful goals, acquire new skills, learn from experiences, and constantly https://thelasttackle.com challenge themselves to become better versions of themselves.
3. Inspirational Stories: Learning from Others' Triumphs
Inspirational stories have the power to ignite motivation and inspire individuals to overcome their own adversities. By reading about others' triumphs and how they conquered challenges, we can gain valuable insights, learn from their strategies, and find inspiration in their success. These stories serve as a reminder that greatness is achievable even in the face of adversity.
4. Mental Strength: Building a Strong Mindset
Mental strength is the foundation for conquering adversity and achieving greatness. It involves developing a resilient mindset, managing negative thoughts, practicing self-discipline, and nurturing a positive attitude. By cultivating mental strength, individuals can navigate through challenges with confidence and determination.
5. Perseverance: Never Giving Up on Your Dreams
Perseverance is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving long-term success. It is the ability to stay committed to one's goals despite setbacks, failures, or roadblocks. By remaining persistent and determined, individuals can push through adversity and ultimately achieve greatness.
6. Coping Strategies: Managing Stress and Overcoming Setbacks
Coping strategies are essential tools for managing stress and overcoming setbacks. They involve adopting healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise, meditation, journaling, seeking support from loved ones, and seeking professional help when needed. By effectively managing stress and setbacks, individuals can maintain t
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luckymentalitybird · 10 months
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Cultivating a Positive Mentality: The Path to a Fulfilling Life
In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, cultivating a positive mentality is like a beacon of light that guides us through dark times. It is the mindset that allows us to embrace the good, overcome obstacles, and find joy in the simplest of moments. A positive mentality is not just about being optimistic; it is a conscious choice to see the world through a lens of possibility, gratitude, and resilience, one full of hope and positivity.
Now what is the importance of a positive mentality and how do we nurture this mindset for a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
Understanding the Power of a Positive Mentality.
A positive mentality goes beyond merely having a cheerful outlook on life. It influences our thoughts, emotions, and actions, shaping our experiences and interactions with others. Scientific research has shown that maintaining a positive mindset can have numerous benefits for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Positive thinkers are more likely to have lower stress levels, improved immune function, better coping mechanisms, and enhanced overall happiness. By adopting a positive mentality, we empower ourselves to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, approach setbacks with resilience, and build stronger relationships with ourselves and others.
Shifting Perspectives: From Problems to Solutions
 One of the key elements of a positive mentality is the ability to shift our perspectives from dwelling on problems to focusing on solutions. Instead of getting trapped in a cycle of negativity, we can choose to see challenges as opportunities for learning and personal development. By reframing setbacks as stepping stones toward success, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and creative solutions. Cultivating a problem-solving mindset allows us to approach obstacles with a sense of curiosity, resourcefulness, and determination, leading to greater personal and professional achievements.
The Power of Gratitude
Practicing gratitude is a powerful tool for nurturing a positive mentality. By consciously acknowledging and appreciating the blessings and goodness in our lives, we shift our attention away from what is lacking and cultivate an attitude of abundance. Regular gratitude practices, such as keeping a gratitude journal or expressing appreciation to others, help rewire our brains to focus on the positive aspects of life. As we become more attuned to the present moment and the small joys it holds, gratitude becomes a catalyst for happiness and contentment. By fostering gratitude, we not only enhance our own well-being but also inspire positivity in those around us.
Surrounding Yourself with Positivity  
The people we surround ourselves with play a significant role in shaping our mentality. To cultivate a positive mindset, it is crucial to surround ourselves with individuals who radiate positivity and support our growth. Seek out relationships and communities that uplift and inspire you. Engage in meaningful conversations, share experiences, and collaborate with like-minded individuals who share your values and aspirations. Additionally, consume media, books, and podcasts that promote positivity, personal development, and empowerment. By creating a positive environment, we reinforce our commitment to maintaining a positive mentality and create a ripple effect that spreads to others.
Cultivating a positive mentality is a lifelong journey that requires self-awareness, commitment, and practice. By embracing the power of positivity, shifting our perspectives, practicing gratitude, and surrounding ourselves with positivity, we can transform our lives in remarkable ways. A positive mentality not only helps us navigate challenges but also allows us to savor the beauty of life and forge meaningful connections. So, let us choose to nurture our minds, cultivate positivity, and embark on a path of personal growth and fulfillment. Remember, a positive mentality is not just a destination; it is a way of life.
Choose to be happiness.
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investmentassistant · 11 months
Life Rules for a Successful Individual
In the pursuit of success, there are certain principles and guidelines that can greatly influence our journey. These life rules serve as valuable compass points, helping us navigate through challenges and make the most of opportunities. Whether you're striving for personal or professional success, incorporating these principles into your life can pave the way for a more fulfilling and accomplished future. Here are some essential rules for living a successful life:
Set Clear Goals
Success starts with a clear vision. Define your goals, both short-term and long-term, and create a roadmap to achieve them. Setting clear objectives gives you direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose. Write down your goals, break them into smaller achievable tasks, and track your progress. Remember, successful individuals are driven by a sense of purpose.
Embrace Continuous Learning
Success is a lifelong journey, and to stay ahead, one must never stop learning. Embrace a growth mindset and seek opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills. Read books, take courses, attend seminars, and surround yourself with intellectually stimulating individuals. Remember, knowledge is power, and successful people are always eager to acquire new knowledge.
Develop a Strong Work Ethic
Hard work and dedication are fundamental to achieving success. Cultivate a strong work ethic and be willing to put in the effort required to reach your goals. Success rarely comes overnight; it is the result of consistent, focused work over time. Stay disciplined, persevere through challenges, and maintain a positive attitude. Remember, success is earned, not given.
Cultivate Resilience
Life is filled with ups and downs, but what sets successful individuals apart is their ability to bounce back from failures and setbacks. Cultivate resilience by developing coping mechanisms, embracing change, and maintaining a positive outlook. Learn from failures, adjust your strategies, and keep moving forward. Remember, resilience is key to overcoming obstacles on the path to success.
Nurture Relationships
Success is not achieved in isolation. Build and nurture strong relationships with supportive and like-minded individuals. Surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you to grow. Collaborate, network, and seek mentors who can provide guidance and wisdom. Remember, success is often a collective effort.
Practice Self-Care
Taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is crucial for sustained success. Prioritize self-care by getting enough rest, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Practice mindfulness, engage in activities that bring you joy, and take breaks when needed. Remember, success is a marathon, and self-care is essential for maintaining peak performance.
Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity
Failure is not the opposite of success; it's a stepping stone on the path to success. Embrace failure as a valuable learning opportunity rather than a reason to give up. Analyze your mistakes, learn from them, and use them as fuel for growth. Remember, every setback brings you one step closer to success.
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What are The Advantages of Drug Rehab Centers?
One of the main benefits of going to a rehab facility is the structure that it provides you with. Treatment programs emphasize creating daily routines full of productive activities and counseling sessions to help keep patients engaged and eliminate distractions. Breaks are provided in between scheduled activities so patients can process what they are learning. Patients are allowed to sit, converse, and relax frequently throughout the day during breaks and in the evening because it is important to not only learn new coping skills but practice implementing them in a safe environment.
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When people have been suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, they have developed behaviors and ways of thinking that both enable their addiction and discourage healthier habits. Routine becomes extremely important in replacing those self-destructive habits with positive ones that focus on healing. The structure of rehab establishes a simple daily schedule that makes sobriety a priority while maintaining a balanced lifestyle that patients can stick to post-treatment. Continuing the structured ways of living learned through addiction recovery programs means you will feel less pressure to find relief in drugs or alcohol when you return home. Please visit this Rehabilitation Center service and get more Advantages of Drug Rehab.
Multiple Therapies And Treatments: Addiction is a mental, physical, and psychological disease, and therapy is crucial in helping those in recovery understand the emotional triggers of their substance use and how to develop new, healthy coping mechanisms. It can also help individuals see flaws in thinking and behaviors that may lead to negative decisions related to drugs and alcohol, and how to positively alter those thoughts and behaviors so that they become more productive and healthier.
Effective therapy can additionally reduce a person’s chances of relapsing and can help him get back on track if he does relapse. There are countless therapy options available through rehab programs, which is extremely important as no single treatment is appropriate for everyone. The goal of therapy in the rehabilitation process is to help patients change their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors concerning substance abuse, engage in the treatment and be encouraged to cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Some of the evidence-based addiction treatment therapies that are typically offered include... Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Contingency Management, Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT), Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), Integrative Approach, Motivational Interviewing, Multidimensional Family Therapy, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).
The course of therapy that a patient will receive typically depends on the substance of abuse and the characteristics of the patient. Harmonizing treatment settings, interventions, and services to an individual’s particular problems are critical to his or her ultimate success in returning to a sober life post-treatment. There are many additional alternative therapy options that are offered and can help people through recovery, including yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, Pilates, massage, and exercise routines. These are all great ways to release any stress, and improve mental concentration, and the overall physical and mental health of a person. Participating in one or more types of therapy during drug rehabilitation can be one of the best ways for a person to maintain sobriety.
Many people with a history of drug or alcohol abuse have poor discipline and self-care habits. A critical part of self-care for a person in recovery is setting and accomplishing goals. Many people have tried to set goals on their own and struggled because they didn’t approach goal setting with the proper mindset or conviction. The repetitive cycle of wanting to change habits but continually falling short gradually weakens a person’s resolve to the point where many stop trying and fall back into their old self-destructive behaviors. Rehab can help teach you how to set short and long-term goals in relation to your recovery and how to accomplish those goals. 
The goals that treatment facilities focus on include objectives for your physical and emotional health, relationships, and spiritual aspirations. Ultimately, rehab is designed for your success after leaving. You will learn the tools needed to manage stress, avoid triggering environments, manage triggers when unavoidable, prevent relapse, cope in healthy ways, and create new thought patterns to enable your success upon departure. The new habits that you learn in rehab will help you cope with the day-to-day struggles of recovering from addiction post-treatment and how to address the situations that may have contributed to your substance abuse problem in a healthy way.
Cadia Healthcare Hagerstown
14014 Marsh Pike, Hagerstown, MD 21742, United States
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miiit-chan · 3 years
“ᴍʏ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛꜱ ᴏɴ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴘᴏꜱɪᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴀᴛᴛɪᴛᴜᴅᴇ ɪɴ ʟɪꜰᴇ”-ᴇQᴜɪᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛɪᴘꜱ/ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴅᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ;>
             Having a positive attitude is not something someone can give you, not your parents, not your siblings, and not your friends nor could it be bought by wealth, no matter how rich you are. It is something you develop and applies to yourself, and having this would come in handy in the long run. Human nature is fundamentally complex, one differs from another thus, giving advice, tips, or recommendations to my fellow teens is not that easy especially if I were to target some certain points, and in this case, positivity. One would always get me wrong, trust me I’ve been there. It will depend on their standings in life, I mean, I can’t just shove my beliefs to them so that they would change their mind, it’s their life and of course, I don’t have the privilege to dictate them because it would be up to them on how they would interpret what I am trying to say but nonetheless, whenever I get asked for advice or reasons on the way I handle life, I would confidently tell them that it is by understanding and acceptance, that’s it, a basic thing yet people have a hard time grasping the idea of it. I know it’s confusing, so let me explain, you see, people have different attitudes towards life, and when I say different, I say it is diverse and that it is something they acquire from their perspectives, beliefs, and even influences from the people they listened to and mind you, not all get to have the same basis to start, and not all would go down the right path. We need assistance, inspirations, understanding, and the will to accept what is different from what you know and believe to be able to see life differently from what we previously thought of that kept us from seeing life positively, and the lack of understanding and restraints from acceptance would be a step towards your downfall having only to acknowledge hatred, spite, vengeance, and negativity. In this world, there is a balance that keeps everything in place where one consistently contradicts the other, there are always differences among every aspect in life, and understanding this balance would create harmony with one another. For accomplishing understanding, one would not only see from their own perspective but from others as well. When faced in a situation where your standpoint is being challenged by another that is contrary to what you see and think, try fitting yourself in their shoes, leave the comfort of your thoughts, and have a wider image and different perspective of the situation at hand, not only will you learn something new, you get to have a clearer image of what is going on and be able to comprehend why people would come to a conclusion that is different from yours, keep in mind that in every story there is always a backstory to tell. Hold up, this does not end here, whenever life gives you a lemon, it’s not like you can’t make lemonade out of it, right? Don’t take obstacles as reasons as to why you can’t move forward, take it as a challenge, a test for you to learn and grow even if these things are new to you, drop the idea of ‘I can’t do it’ instead conquer it with an ‘I can and will do it’ mentality, but when things get out of hand and too much to take in, remember to take a step back and observe, oversee what is the problem and find the solution because one cannot function well with a clouded mind. I often hear from a lot of people and even from the books I read that in order to protect themselves, they build walls around them or worse cut people out from their life and shut their doors lock, I can’t blame them though, they were either hurt or was traumatized by the passing that one would turn a blind eye to every possibility of getting hurt not realizing that they too are still affected by this. Guarding your thoughts, feelings, and behavior doesn’t mean locking yourself away, it is by coping and handling what comes your way. Hiding as a defense mechanism would someday get back at you, learn to be in control of managing yourself. Start by evaluating your thoughts, know how your mind works, sort out your feelings and learn to take charge of them, don’t let others manipulate them as this would develop a dependent and fragile mind. Both your thoughts and feelings influence your behavioral patterns thus, having a matured mindset and be able to level your feelings will guard yourself against unavoidable things like stress, resulting from a positive outcome of both your mental and physical well-being. Maturity plays a vital role in your life, this measures how you can cope and handle things and make decisions in life. Be a person with morals and don’t let your emotions get the best of you, learn how to adapt and accept changes, and do surround yourself with people with a positive view in life. Accomplishing these things and be able to maintain them is not just some schoolwork tasks, we are talking about life here, sure it will not go smoothly and it takes time but if you continue to see things as something difficult to do and let this affect you, you’ll never improve and the positive attitude that you’re trying to develop and obtain would be far-fetched. Be mature enough to accept those challenges and barriers as material for you to learn and grow, and experience for you to look back and reflect on yourself because with this, you’ll be able to achieve your goals and live life positively. Lastly, before I end this blog, just a friendly reminder, never be afraid of tripping or falling, you can always get yourself up. Don’t be afraid of pain, and negativity, just trust in yourself, and you’ll be alright. :>>  Truly yours,
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corkcitylibraries · 3 years
The Importance of Libraries in Lockdown
by Dr. Sorcha Fogarty
Invaluable portals to knowledge and culture, Libraries function as indispensable spaces in our society. The many and varied resources offered by the Library Services create opportunities for learning, support literacy and education, and help shape the new ideas and perspectives that are central to a creative and innovative society. Like so many organisations during these strange and difficult times, Libraries have had to develop new and different ways of working to ensure we can support library users even when they cannot visit us.
Despite our buildings being closed due to Level 5 guidelines, we feel that libraries can, and should, support people in alternative ways. As we enter an unfortunate but necessary second Lockdown, and bearing in mind the incredibly positive feedback from many Library users following the first Lockdown, regarding online services such as Borrowbox during total Lockdown, and Call and Collect during partial re-opening, it is patently clear that reading has become an increasingly essential coping mechanism during these difficult times. 
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The gratitude expressed by many Library users has been profuse to say the least, and the ongoing efforts of Library staff to provide online events, fun and informative Talking Newsletters, ensuring the yearly Bealtaine festival was not forgotten by means of printed newsletters, the proliferation of book, film, and other informative reviews on the Library blog, and the invaluable Housebound service, have ensured that library users feel connected to their local libraries, which, for many, provides a sense of stability and support under stay-at-home orders. 
Irish Public Libraries provide all users with a wide range of free online services including eBooks, audiobooks, eMagazines, online courses and online newspapers. The yearly children’s reading challenge, “Read With Red” was met with its usual enthusiasm from our younger library users, and keeping our children involved and encouraged to read has never been so important. Furthermore, the annual Culture Night was a welcome and much-needed reminder that Cork City is still a hub of creativity, with the Libraries at the forefront, and on Friday September 18, there was a selection of virtual and in person events to choose from - one such event being ‘The Grand Play-aid on the Grand Parade’, a family play date with games, art and fun for all ages.
Libraries are inherently social spots in almost all communities. They thrive on human interactions, which is why closing our buildings is so difficult. The sudden switch from a physical space to online has been challenging for staff and users, but has also highlighted the vital role of Library Services and the skills of staff. Keeping people productive, safe, healthy, informed, and connected to each other is extremely difficult during Lockdown, and the savvy move of Irish Libraries to enhance their already highly active online presence is perhaps the most important step we can take to ensure that the public have access to the many supports the Library has to offer. 
During partial re-opening under Level 3, the Call and Collect service was greatly appreciated by library users. Often unsure as to what reading material to request, staff have guided people in selecting items which satisfy their tastes, as we know all too well how important the company of a book may be to those who struggle with isolation. My own father once told me, “Develop a love of reading and you will never be lonely”. Indeed, we can lose ourselves in literature, much like a restful sleep…and awaken from time spent with a good book refreshed and invigorated. As we all know, physical exercise is crucial to maintaining a positive mental attitude and healthy mindset – and reading is exercise for the brain, salve for the soul, and a welcome distraction from our worries. On the importance of books and reading during the pandemic, Psychiatrist Shyam Bhat notes,
Reading is a workout for the brain. And just as physical exercise decreases the risk of diabetes and heart disease, regular reading decreases the risk of conditions such as dementia, and improves memory, concentration, and mood.This is especially relevant in these times of Covid. Reading also helps deal with isolation, by making the reader feel connected with other worlds.
 Therefore, while our Library buildings may be temporarily closed, the Library Service is very much alive and well, as we make every effort to keep the public informed and supported during this challenging time. All of us can still turn to books for entertainment, enlightenment, and empowerment, just like we always have.  
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How to be happy Happier: 6 Habits to Adopt for a Happier You!
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Over the last few days, I’ve really been thinking about how much my mindset has changed for the better since the start of this year and how much happier it has made me! This in turn has inspired me to write about it, and while I’m no expert on these things, I think it can be useful to know that you’re not alone in how you feel and there are ways to help make it better! Obviously, if you feel that you may have a mental illness or something similar, it is definitely best to seek professional care.
Before my “big change”, I almost constantly felt stressed, anxious and was pretty much always putting myself down for my looks, how much work I did (or didn’t do), what other people thought of me etc etc etc especially since going to university. I think I fell into a bit of a rut, particularly in my first year, going through the ordeals of living in a new city where I didn’t know anyone, trying to cope with the seemingly endless deadlines and trying to balance work and studying whilst still maintaining a social life…Honestly it’s all harder than it looks!
So, on New Year’s Eve, I made myself a resolution to start focusing more on myself and improve the way I dealt with things that came my way.
Here are the 6 ways I went about helping myself live a happier life…
Be grateful
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Now this isn’t the kind of “Get over it, there are kids starving in the world” grateful that some people tend to force on you when talking about your problems. I’m talking about being grateful for the things that personally affect you.
By focusing on what is going well in your life and savouring those moments, even for just a minute, it can really put things into perspective. I’ve found keeping a log of things I’m grateful for every time I feel sad or anxious has really settled my moods… it could be something as simple as a comfy bed or being able to spending time with your pet but it just goes to show that more often than not, the good outweighs the bad that’s going on.
Meditation- particularly self-love courses and positive affirmations
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While meditation may not be for everyone, it’s definitely worth a try! Over the last 7 months, I’ve followed many meditation courses but the one that struck home the most was the self-love courses.
I feel like self-love is something everyone has struggled with at some point in their lives. I’ve been really trying to change the way I see myself and how I talk to myself (I promise I’m not a crazy woman) and by following these mediations, I’ve really noticed a huge difference in my self-esteem. Granted, there are still off days, it wouldn’t be human to feel amazing all the time! But it’s about learning that we are more than just our clothes, our looks and our thoughts and learning how to put distance between those negative thoughts and ourselves in order to have a more rested and confident mind state.
In my opinion, changing that little voice in our heads from “I’m so ugly” to “Everyone is beautiful in their own way” or “I’m not as smart as them” to “I might not understand X , but I know a lot about Y” is such a life changing skill and allows you to accept those “flaws” as new strengths.
Acknowledging bad moods
A bad mood isn’t like a cut or scrape that you can just cover up temporarily with a plaster, it’s more than that. You have to address these emotions! Of course, the only reasonable solution seems to be avoiding negative emotions because well they don’t feel good but in the long term it only makes these problems much bigger.
Now, what I’m about to say may shock you but in my experience, feeling bad can actually be a good thing! Once you come to terms with what triggers these feelings and understanding what your coping mechanisms are, it becomes much easier to learn how to control your moods and change up how you cope if it’s something that could be more damaging than helpful.
One of the ways I’ve learned to do this, is by visualising my problems as a different person. By giving it an identity that wasn’t my own, I’ve been able to distance myself from it and make better judgements on how to deal with said problem as well as being able to comfort and give advice to myself as I would if it were one of my friends.
Music – make happy playlists
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When I was feeling sad, I would instinctively put on a sad playlist and just wallow in it. Unsurprisingly, this never made me feel better. Even on the average day I listen to music 24/7 and never really stopped to notice how it made me feel until one day when boredom struck me and I decided to organise my one giant “songs I like” playlist into separate mood-themed playlists. Who knew that upbeat music stimulates your brain to release those feel-good hormones? (Just common sense that passed me by? Okay then…)
Whether you’re into pop, rock, EDM or alternative genres, you can rely on your favourite song to make you feel happier, even if you’ve had the worst day.
Here’s some links to my personal favourites for feeling good, getting motivated and even having a little boogie in the shower:
They are collaborative so if you feel like I’ve missed something significant from them, add them on!
Get into nature
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I’ve always loved going for walks and more recently running. Just being outside in the fresh air and exploring the world around us. This has only grown over the course of lockdown as I’ve found myself going out much more frequently and for much longer periods of time in order to combat anxieties about the uncertainty of the world right now.
I find that going with friends/family, is a real mood-booster as you get to spend quality time together and really focus on what matters to you but sometimes you just need that all important alone time, and there’s nothing better than taking a stroll alone!
When everything is quiet you can just take in what is surrounding you and your mind goes blank, completely at ease. It becomes hard to focus on those problems that were buzzing around in your head 5 minutes ago.
However, from time to time, these thoughts might not go away so easily, and that’s okay! Even in this situation, going for a walk/run or whatever allows you more space (literally and mentally) to think about how to deal with the issue and come up with more rational solutions.
Self-care routines
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Who would you say you spend the most time with? Your parents? Friends? Well you’d be wrong…it’s yourself! Day in, day out you are the one who experiences your life, your attitudes, your feelings, and everything else so it’s super important to keep yourself healthy!
In case you’ve been living under a rock, self-care is anything we do deliberately to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Pretty vague huh? This could be anything from a bit of exercise to knitting yourself a jumper.
In my opinion, self-care is such a simple concept, yet I believe it can be harder to put into practice than it seems. Sometimes I feel like I’m wasting my time trying to follow my self-care routine, as it’s time I could be spending working or studying and I don't doubt that many other people feel the same. However, it is so important to understand that self-care is an UNSELFISH act that we all need in order to look after ourselves and avoid burning out.
I think many people do want to focus on their self-care, but find it difficult to know how, so these are some of the ways I have found that effectively allow me to practice self-care. Although, this doesn’t necessarily mean they are right for everyone, but just because something doesn’t work doesn’t mean you should give up! It’s a total trial and error to find what personally helps you!
My top self-care strategies:
Luxurious bubble baths with relaxing music and maybe even some candles if I’m feeling in an extra “treat yourself mood”
Yoga classes – My friend had got me into this around November time and I haven’t looked back! It was such a relaxing way to destress for an hour.
Mindfulness meditation – My words of advice, don’t give up if you still feel your mind races rather than settles… it takes time and practice to be able to meditate!
Mindful colouring – This is one of my absolute favourites, it’s such a satisfying activity! Stick on some instrumental music and get the mood lighting going for optimal relaxation…
Watching a sitcom – Something that is light, funny, and doesn’t require too much attention is perfect for quick mood improvements!
If you still don't know what to do, I hugely recommend following BlessingManifesting on instagram/twitter whatever social media platform you have or go to her website! It's full of info/challenges you can follow for example this nice and easy one here:
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I’ve tried to keep this as short and sweet as possible as I know how overwhelming it can be to read pages and pages of info that ultimately just falls out of your head and this is one of those topics I could probably talk about for days because of its importance.
I hope this has inspired you a bit to reflect on your current state of mind.
Maybe you’re already on your pursuit of further happiness or you’re just starting, but I’d love to hear about your journey! What’s been working best for you?
𝒰𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓁 𝒩𝑒𝓍𝓉 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒
Bethany x
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aditisingh123 · 3 years
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How to Tap into the power of positivity.
You know in this world you will face many different people daily. People with different perspectives, different nature, different laughs, even different religions. And then with time, you will meet some sort of different thinking and some good/bad people. In the end, some people will force you into negativity and some will redirect you through positivity. Your mind will clutter into many different things/feelings whether to choose the positive side or negative side. But for peace and some stress-free life, you should indulge in some positive aspects of life. For some positive listening, just head over to my podcast-                                                                                                                                                                   You know positive thinking will have a great impact on your life, as it did on mine…! Positive thinking can influence many opposed areas- from stress relief to depression prevention, better coping mechanisms to achieving goals, and even professional achievements to personal relationships. And it helps in following your hobbies even after indulging in some kind of regular job thing. Also, thinking positively can help to strengthen the immune system and it has been shown that people who think optimistically generally tend to live longer than their negative dear ones. We’ve created a handful of checklists for you which you can refer to whenever you feel upset or stressed. As these practices become habits, you will start to notice that a positive attitude becomes your default mindset, and you’ll see the world as a much brighter, happier place! 1. Think of everything you love about life. Every time you think about something, just grab and think of some of the positive sides. Don’t think about those things which are lacking behind. Even in life don’t compare yourself to others or think of everything you don’t have. If you grip on the things you think you’re missing, you will actually miss out on the blessings surrounding you already. Adopt an attitude of gratitude, and start your day off by sitting in silence and counting all blessings you have. 2. Be Optimistic. As said above, for positivity you should expect good things to happen, which can increase the likelihood of that actually happening. Whereas those who expect mostly bad things generally attract more negative things. So be optimistic in your life, grab all the good things.                                                                                                                                                                                                             3. Eat whole, plant-based foods. Eating raw, fresh plant foods have so many benefits, including cleaning out toxins in the body. Promoting a healthy mind, decreasing disease risk, and so much more. Just eat foods and fruits closest to their natural form, straight from Mother Earth. Remember you only have one body, so treat it with love and care. 4. Be Thankful. Be thankful for what you have in your life rather than moaning for what you don’t have. Look for all the things that are good in your life and be grateful for them. Do not focus on the negative things that make you upset or unhappy. Try to achieve things by being happy that you’re gonna achieve those things. 5. Smile a lot. You should keep Smiling, even if you do not much like smiling. Smiling has a positive impact on the people around you. This means that they are more likely to react to you in a friendly and pleasant manner. Which gives you a better feeling about yourself. Smiling just energizes your mood at any time. This is another way of feeling more positive and motivated. 6. Learn new things daily. Just try to learn one good thing daily. Reading books, reading is a chance to learn, grow, and improve. This will improve your chances of success in the future and make you better attire to deal with future challenges. 7. Meditation It can help to achieve a more positive point of view. Meditation and Yoga is the best way to calm your mind and have good positive thoughts about anything. And you’ll feel much relaxed and better motivated mentally and emotionally to cope with many different things in life. You know tapping into the power of positivity is how you win friends, family and also influence people. If you want to be successful, have lots of fun, be positive, and hear people cheering you on towards your wildest dreams, you need to choose and practice positivity no matter what.
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fmdtaeyongarchive · 4 years
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hello, this is a quick and overdue update post on ash! you don’t necessarily need to read it, especially if our muses don’t/won’t interact often, but there’s some plot bunnies littered here and there too, so idk hit me up if something speaks to you (but i’m pretty behind on messages again sorry), even if we already have a thread going/are in the middle of plotting/haven’t plotted yet.
i think i’ll post a plot call including some shared home and schedule stuff soon, but don’t let that stop you if you have an idea now! this also includes some too in-depth explanation of Why ash is The Way He Is lately if that’s of interest to you
ash’s main solo work focuses currently continue to be solo/collab music, endorsements and cfs, and writing/composing/producing for others. those are pretty much the general career areas he’s getting pushed in at any given time and has been for a while now, though he’s been able to expand more with writing/composing/producing for others lately.
ash is extremely overworked lately. it’s going to catch up to him, but for now he’s pushing through.
he finished his solo fanmeeting tour a little bit ago and is relieved that it’s over since it was pretty emotionally exhausting as any fan interaction is for him, and all the travel wasn’t too good for him either
he’s working on parts of songs for some people, which is one of the things he’s doing he actually doesn’t mind (and he’s open to do more for more people as always <3)
i wound up needing to rework some of my plans for ash’s music going forward, but in general, he’ll have a continued power struggle between what management wants and what he wants. management wants something sexier, ash wants to be an angsty emo boi. ultimately, i think ash’s angsty emo boi will show itself to be more profitable musically, with management trying to add a sexy side to that because the whole ~sexy~ thing is better to build a marketable cf/brand niche off of than sad and angsty is. it leans a bit into the Bad Boy w/ a Heart of Gold image they had to give him after his dating scandals too
the calvin klein brand deal in particular really solidified the push for a sexier and more mature image, so that’ll be pushed through some future claims (mainly crs/endorsements) that are still in the works.
as of right now, the plan is for his next albums and some portal singles to come from an angrier/more self-loathing place (especially in regards to his romantic relationships) than his previous albums (with untitled, 2014 he got rewarded for those feelings and well... it has long term effects lmao) which is going to put him through a lot personally for the next several months.
he’s not ~officially~ working on them yet since fatalism promos just ended, but the current plan (which has changed way too much recently i am sorry to anyone affected by my indecisiveness but hopefully this one sticks) is for him to release two mini-albums in 2020, one in early june and one in late december, that serve as sort of a part 1 and part 2 in a ~duology~. as i’ve explained to some people, one is basically h*rny-emo and the other is just straight emo
it’s been nearly two years since he had a major scandal (his laziness/attitude scandal) so he gets more positive comments on his articles nowadays, but that’s a lot of pressure for someone who got used to constant hate and he feels like he’s due for a new scandal any day now, which he’s found is almost worse than when he was in the midst of scandal after scandal.
in his personal life, he’s Super (s?)Tired, Single, and Sad
the exhaustion is a big factor in both is professional and personal life. he’s Tired. that’s his dominant emotion right now and seeing as it’s beginning to affect his physical health on top of his mental health, it’s hard for him to ignore.
it’s possible your muse hasn’t heard from him lately if they’re not super close. he spends all of his “free” time in his home studio and sleeps in there when he’s able to fall asleep as well. it’s genuinely concerning and if anyone wants their muse to yell at him and tell him to take better care of himself, feel free. i can’t promise he’ll listen.
likewise, if your muse wants to get mad at him because he's ignoring them, destroy him, thanks.
he’s single after ending a really serious relationship so he told himself he was going to focus only on work now... for like five seconds. it didn’t last. big surprise there. did he initiate the break up? yes. has he taken it as proof he’s unlovable anyway? also yes.
i’ll shove most of ash’s Love Angst explanation into this bullet point... around his scandal in 2016 and with the subsequent worst mental health of his life, he found his coping mechanism was throwing himself into constant relationships and/or jumping from one love to the next to essentially try to justify his existence and for three and a half years, he relied on that instead of addressing all of the toxic mindsets he has toward himself. now that he‘s single and planning to stay that way (a choice made as a result of a lot of those toxic mindsets, actually, though he tries to paint it as putting his mental health first), he’s realized it’s a lot harder to lose himself in someone else to repress everything if he’s also fending off love. as a result, he’s seeking out intimacy from people he’s already been close to in order to try to fill that hole (the one the problems he actually needs to address are at the bottom of, so he doesn’t come face to face with them), all without having to risk heartbreak
for similar reasons, he’s also been way more impulsive lately. if he wasn’t so utterly exhausted, he would have done some really stupid shit by now.
so if your muse wants to do impulsive shit, he might be a good bad influence
honestly, he’s really been trying to find himself lately and it’s hard because he’s realizing just how much himself is impossible to be for as long as he’s an idol
he’s kind of already wanting to sell his apartment and downsize because he feels so lonely at home, but he won’t do it yet since he hasn’t even had it a year and trying to sell a home is just more work for him. he could very well end up doing it in the new year, but tbh he’d really prefer to live in a studio apartment but he needs an extra room to use as a music studio so he’s not willing to sacrifice his studio just to possibly feel less lonely :/
his birthday is next month on the 24th if anyone wants to spend it with him!! he’s turning 24 so... we love a golden birthday! he’s spent the last two birthdays completely alone and depressed (last year he was overseas with just his manager for a solo photo shoot and the year before that knight had a concert in japan) so it would be nice if he didn’t have to do that again this year
yeah that’s it for now ig... plot call post and minju update post coming... some time
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deepjams4 · 5 years
The 8th March
“This piece I dedicate to my brave daughter who has proved that women can fight all odds in the gravest hours of their lives and come out triumphs and to all other brave women with die hard attitude on this Mother Earth”
I was just sitting and thoughts started knocking me regarding the 8th March or the International Women’s Day! Every year some Symbolic rituals are followed at different fora, and thereafter what is the end result?
My thoughts started posing me serious questions, such as “Do we deserve to celebrate this day and that too in India?” “Do we really have any face to talk about this subject?”
All these thoughts and many other questions started hammering my mind. I started wondering that, just to show to the world, how we talk big and exhibit very idealistic and progressive views, but in reality, believe me, it is something else, or should I say, it is just the opposite or very regressive.
We can well imagine the status, we accord to women , in our country, where in the hospitals, outside x-ray or sonography rooms, it had to be made mandatory, to put notice boards, warning the people to take notice, that, no sex determination tests are being conducted there. This step has been taken, as frequency of female foeticide is increasing day by day, by notoriously resorting to misuse of this tool, for sex determination of unborn child, in mother’s womb, and then premature termination of pregnancy to stop birth of a girl child. It is being shamelessly done in the lust and greed to have boys, who are, unfortunately, considered as the only true heirs, by the families, for their family lineage.
According to the decennial Indian census, the sex ratio in the 0 to 6 age group in India has risen from 102.4 males per 100 females in 1961,to 104.2 in 1980, to 107.5 in 2001, to 108.9 in 2011. The position would have worsened only, in the following years. This is indeed a very the sad outcome because of a son obsessed society.
Unfortunately, this is not the end on the domestic front. If the girls are born, they are subjected to many discriminations. Many of our homes in India, discriminate against the girls in many ways, to make their lives miserable and in frustration, they start developing feelings that the biggest crime in this world is taking birth as a girl child or being a woman.
Besides many others, one of the darkest realities, in most of the ritualistic ridden families with orthodoxical leanings and conservative thinking, is the treatment being mated out to the girls /women during their menstrual cycles.
It is very painful to know that during their menstrual cycles, the girls/women in their homes, are not allowed to touch anything or do any household chores. During that period, they are asked to sleep on the floor (in many cases outside the house), they cannot use regular bathrooms, and food is thrown towards them in separate plates etc, indeed a very heartbreaking shabby treatment that is not even being imparted to beggars or animals.
Are these the symptoms of a modern society where all are considered equal before the law ? The Constitution of our country doesn’t discriminate against any of Its citizens irrespective of their gender.
This practice is prevalent in houses of many well educated families. They are simply not willing to recognise that a menstrual cycle is nothing but a mere regular natural change that occurs in the female reproductive system and that the cycle is very essential for the preparation of the woman for pregnancy for bringing a new life to this world.
These very literate elites, who are very learned and well educated, have upgraded their thinking to accept and adapt to modern ways of living like travelling by air or train or through other mechanical modes of travel leaving carts, have started using modern gadgets or latest technologies, have started dressing up as per latest prevailing fashions, leaving behind traditional dressing sense. But it is sad and unexplainable as to why should they still remain stuck to those outdated and obsolete,medieval orthodox traditions, which have no factual or scientific basis and, for the good of the society at large and the women in particular, why they do not voluntarily opt out of this thinking process? They really need to be persuaded.
All know that if the women do not undergo this process, how will they bring offsprings, and then how will these learned custodians of such traditions, will become grand or great grand parents and ultimately then what will happen to their much sought after, desired or wished family lineages. This old and orthodox, out of date thinking, reflects nothing but sexism and its nothing but fundamentalism. If our society wants to weigh this menstrual cycle in any manner, then this every cycle should be considered, nothing less than the purest, hollowed or sacred phase in a woman’s life and rather than being ill treated, she should instead, be worshiped then, as during that phase, she takes a first step for reaching towards the doorsteps of creation, on which the whole world depends for its existence. In nutshell, if a woman is not there, and if she doesn’t undergo these phases, the world will lose its existence before long.
The rigours of traumatic experiences through which women are subjected,only reflects very poorly on the mindset of our civil society.
But it also pains to know that women are no less culprits in executing most of these excesses and discriminations against women, which are lashed out in the name of social rituals and religious traditions or misplaced religious demands.
The experience of women on the professional front is also not any comfortable. This front is also not displaying any rosy picture. In the hostile atmosphere, at the work places, they are again subjected to harsher and discriminatory treatments. At work places,their capabilities are always being doubted and their commitment as well as their attitude towards work being questioned. The women not only handle work pressure but also have to cope up with commitment and capability questioning strenuous mental pressures thrust on them. It is also often observed that, better placed women employees, often do not make any commendable efforts, to guide or mentor, extend help or assistance to their other women colleagues. Sadly their comaraderie is generally missing. By saying this, it is never meant that women be given any kind of concessions. Rest assured they are capable enough to competently handle all the situations and execute all their jobs assigned to them very professionally. What by saying this, it really means is, they need reassurance, they deserve to be provided with only a congenial and conducive atmosphere at work places which is cohesive and encouraging.
The companionship of man and woman is a testimony of their equal status since time immemorial. The pair of Adam and Eve may be the first of such companions or pairs for some believers. Their names are always taken together in one breath.
Not only the Gods needed Godesses to complete themselves for whom they even went to wars, but also we observe the same, if we just have a cursory glance on lesser mortals. No folk lores of love could be complete and recited, had there been no women, whether it was Romeo Juliet, Shri Farhad, Heer Ranjha, or Shashi Pannu and many more. This only reflects that since time immemorial only a woman completes a man.
But it is very astonishing and antagonising to note that something has really gone wrong in our society, though called civil. It is unexplainable as to why and since when it has become so uncivilised and insensitive towards women riddled with bias and discrimination against them. Not only at homes or work places, but also in many religious places and places of worship, they are being subjected to harsh and biased treatment and discriminations. Men are culprits by their silence.
A question certainly arises , “Are women, children of a lesser God?” If this is not true then why they are subjected to these mistreatments or humiliations? Why they are not given equal opportunities to prove their capabilities and competence?
The day, shedding our all inhibitions, we really start respecting the woman and her womanhood, the day we stop discriminating against her and be unbiased to acknowledge her sacrifices and contributions to the humanity, the day we start considering the importance of her role in the society, only and only that day we shall be truly earning the right and be worthy of celebrating International Women’s day in true sense and spirit. Otherwise, it shall end up, just being another ritual.
The women also have a bigger responsibility towards other women. They also need to play important roles of a mentor, a guide, a teacher, a philosopher and a friend for their fellow women friends, colleagues and relatives.
In the fond hopes of good times for our Indian womenfolks “Wish you all a very happy International Women’s Day!”
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marcofyyy35 · 4 months
A Productive Rant About
Adversity is an inevitable part of life. We all face challenges and obstacles that can test our resilience and mental strength. However, it is how we respond to these adversities that determines our personal growth and success. In this article, we will explore various motivational techniques that can help individuals conquer adversity and achieve greatness in their lives.
Table of Contents Resilience: Bouncing Back Stronger
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Than Ever Personal Growth: Embracing Change and Self-Improvement Inspirational Stories: Learning from Others' Triumphs Mental Strength: Building a Strong Mindset Perseverance: Never Giving Up on Your Dreams Coping Strategies: Managing Stress and Overcoming Setbacks Life Challenging Moments: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities Empowerment: Taking Control of Your Destiny Success After Failure: Learning from Mistakes and Moving Forward Motivational Techniques for Conquering Adversity and Achieving Greatness 1. Resilience: Bouncing Back Stronger Than Ever thelasttackle.com
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and thrive in the face of adversity. It is a crucial trait for conquering challenges and achieving greatness in life. To develop resilience, one must cultivate a positive mindset, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, seek support from others, and practice self-care.
2. Personal Growth: Embracing Change and Self-Improvement
Personal growth involves continuous self-improvement in various areas of life, such as career, relationships, and personal development. It requires individuals to step out of their comfort zones, set meaningful goals, acquire new skills, learn from experiences, and constantly challenge themselves to become better versions of themselves.
3. Inspirational Stories: Learning from Others' Triumphs
Inspirational stories have the power to ignite motivation and inspire individuals to overcome their own adversities. By reading about others' triumphs and how they conquered challenges, we can gain valuable insights, learn from their strategies, and find inspiration in their success. These stories serve as a reminder that greatness is achievable even in the face of adversity.
4. Mental Strength: Building a Strong Mindset
Mental strength is the foundation for conquering adversity and achieving greatness. It involves developing a resilient mindset, managing negative thoughts, practicing self-discipline, and nurturing a positive attitude. By cultivating mental strength, individuals can navigate through challenges with confidence and determination.
5. Perseverance: Never Giving Up on Your Dreams
Perseverance is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving long-term success. It is the ability to stay committed to one's goals despite setbacks, failures, or roadblocks. By remaining persistent and determined, individuals can push through adversity and ultimately achieve greatness.
6. Coping Strategies: Managing Stress and Overcoming Setbacks
Coping strategies are essential tools for managing stress and overcoming setbacks. They involve adopting healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise, meditation, journaling, seeking support from loved ones, and seeking professional help when needed. By effectively managing stress and setbacks, individuals can maintain t
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