#a lot of her issues are from age (not all of them tho) mine are from very unlucky genetics
lunarflare64 · 1 year
I love it when old characters ("old", the minimum I consider old is 40 and even then, its the same vibe as saying an 18yo is an adult, it doesn't count but it also does) complain about pain symptoms and its literally just something I, a 23yo, have to deal with 24/7. Yes I would also kill somebody if they took my heat pack from me, yes I also have to constantly be moving or else my spine will make my life hell, yes I also always need a chair nearby because my knees will force me to listen to their complaints at the threat of them letting me fall (love slamming my chin on a bench or falling face first into the sink. I fell into a shopping cart once. In public.) Its just a big same. I get you buddy. 40 may not be old but neither is 23, we should not be putting up with this shit so young
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WIBTA for not taking my cat with me when I eventually move?
For some context, I(f,22) live in an apartment that connects to the house of my parents through the garden and the basement. I have lived here since I was 17, pay rent, utilities and all my groceries so I basically live alone, just that I can visit my family basically whenever. Our family has a small dog and 3 cats, all of the animals can move freely through the entire house and also go outside if they want (I know outside cats are a problem, it was not my decision nor can I change the situation bc these are not only my cats).
My boyfriend (m,23) and me are planning on moving out next year-ish and I was not planning on taking the cat that is technically mine. She was adopted from a farm when I was around 16, I was really depressed, self-harming, had an ed blah blah, so my mom actually agreed that I could get a kitten. My cat has helped me immensely through really tough times but she is a little bit... wild. When she wants to play she can bite and scratch quite hard, she scares the other cats and the dog and sometimes pees on rugs and other stuff. She is also an absolute sweetheart and super cuddly and funny, I have zero problems with her behaviors myself because I know when she is getting frustrated I have to give her some space, I never scream at her when she does accidentally hurt me while playing, she never pees in my apartment, I only scold her when she attacks the other cats (she only wants to play but the other cats are older and dont want to). I feel like if I write it down like that she does sound kind of like a nightmare but bad incidents happen very rarely and she has gotten a lot calmer with her age. So the problem is now that my mom wants me to take her with me when I move, which I would totally get if she wouldn't have said the exact opposite before. My mom always said that I shouldn't take my cat with me when I move because she needs to stay in her home, she has got the other cats (even tho they don't really like each other but sometimes they hang out or play), the garden and a forest, a really quiet neighborhood with no cars and a big house where there is always somebody home. If I would take her with me she would be in a relatively small apartment, probably couldn't go outside (I would move from a small town to the city), no other cats and so on. I feel like my mom just wants to punish me and my cat for some reason. For her/ my family it's not much more work and they have been feeding and caring for her since we got her (together with me of course) because even though she is technically mine she was more of a family cat from the beginning. I also would pay for everything vet, food, toys whatever. I don't even really understand why she seems to hate her so suddenly, I get it's super frustrating and gross when she pees somewhere but it's also an animal you can't make them understand reason and it doesn't happen frequently, also she is not the only cat that pees sometimes so I don't get why with her it seems to be such a problem. I know she is my responsibility and if it is really such an issue I will take her with me and try to make her the best life possible but I feel like it is so unnecessary. When I got her I was only 16 and not mature enough to realize what it means to have a pet, I also feel like my mom knew that i was not in the right mind to make decisions like that, i could barely take care of myself and was definitely not thinking even 2 years ahead. I always felt like it was an unspoken agreement that my cat was like all the other family cats just a little more mine. And it wasn't even really unspoken because she literally has said that I shouldn't take her with me because it would make my cat depressed. My mom also tells me to move out so she can rent out the apartment at a higher price, so it's not her way of making me stay at home. I also want to mention that my family treats all of the animals really well and my cat would not be in any danger if I would leave her home.
What are these acronyms?
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So a plot in one of my fanfics is that a disease spreads through the land that affects only magical people (it eats away at their magic and messes with pretty much everything about them. Several characters become ill and at least one is permanently disabled and one dies. Note that this is just counting the canon characters.) The permanently disabled character ends up with walking difficulties and spends the rest of the fic series as an ambulatory wheelchair user (he was murdered in canon so he's way better off. Also I'm not going to lie i saw an incredible piece of fanart that showed him in a wheelchair and I was INSPIRED!) He gets to still practice magic and fight, just needs to adjust for his new wheels! And of course he also gets to be a political figure, husband and father.
Thing is, it's low-key hard to find information about walking issues that stem from illness that isn't like...polio or rickets. Do you or any of your followers know of any I can look up so I can make this fictional magic disease more realistic (does it affect his nerves? Cause pain? Fatigue? Balance? I'm still unsure)
ok so I'm gonna need the name of the media because this all sounds very vague lol.
As to walking issues it could even be something like multiple sclerosis or arthritis (a friend of mine has MS and my dad has arthritis in his legs/hips). (they're not really comparable it's just that I'm talking to my friend with MS today and he's been my friend since college).
Also for walking issues there's loads of wheelchair users/walker users that are just well old. Like ok my grandma didn't start using a cane until her late 70's but now she because of macular degeneration she's got a cane, a walker and a wheelchair.
For example my mom has arthritis in her hands but her balance is getting worse as she gets older and she like needs the motorized cart at walmart and target and costco. Like her specific issue is actually cirrhosis of the liver and her energy is very low and she can't stay on her feet for very long without getting cramps.
Like I'd suggest watching Night Sky for example its on netflix I think?
it's got sissy spacek and her character and her husband come in contact with this like alien life form that like... cures them kinda? A lot of their disabilities and limitations were simply age related. I didn't watch the whole show tho so sorry if its not good representation but I remember my mom watched the whole thing and wished for there to be a second season.
Followers please let me know if Night Sky was good representation!!! Also any suggestions for this ask would be appreciated!
mod ali
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alevolpe · 7 months
Answering your ask about not giving up a ship on Twitter (what is my i will hang on, teeth and claws). And ive really gotten into multi shipping lately. That all the scouts (the age appropriate ones) are in love with each other. The outers and the inners live separately, but only cuz its hard to find a house that big where they are. (But true to my big fat greek wedding style, thier houses are in a row and they can always see each other)🤣🥰
I have nothing against senshi poly-cule, I think it's fun!
It's not my go-to, but I'm not against it. I like to think some senshi having differing levels of friendship, attraction and respect toward each other.
I'll actually give my opinion on each individual ship. If I think they work, why they do or don't work and why I like them if they do. (p.s. Mamo is not included here, but I do tend to default ship UsaMamo, even if it's pretty poorly written most of the time)
Long post ahead! Hope you appreciate this, it took me a ton of time and I suck at writing.
BEFORE YOU READ THIS, THESE ARE MY OPINIONS, BASED ON MY HEADCANONS/CHARACTER INTERPRETATIONS WITH A BIT OF CANON SPRINKLED HERE AND THERE ( I do not want to see you typing " ..but x character is straight.." , I will come to your house and steal al the toilet paper!!!)
Let's start with Usagi:
(I'll mostly focus on the other side of the party, cause I honestly believe Usagi would be happy with anyone, being able to work though personal preferences more than most people)
🌙💧UsagixAmi: I can see it! They are actually a guilty pleasure ship of mine, they are super cute, and I think they would both respect and love each other enough to work through some stability issues in the relationship. Mostly stemming from not being able to spend enough time with each other. I see Usagi as very clingy and needing to interact physically and emotionally with her partner on a regular basis. While Ami would have the patience to deal with the more emotional moments from Usagi, aka immaturity. This ship works for me, though it needs work from both parties to keep a healthy balance.
🌙🔥UsagixRei: I... don't really see it.. srry. Ik people love it and ik it's an amazing friendship, but I just can't see them interacting healthly on a daily basis. Rei is incredibly independent, while Usagi really isn't. Which is totally fine if matched with the right partner, but Rei would just end up being too frustrated and her love for Usagi would just turn into spite. She needs her space and tbh, she really needs someone who could drop her like a hot potato if the case need be. Overall, an AMAZING friendship, wouldn't work in a relationship. Rei as a friend is just too different from Rei as a lover, and that Rei is not made to be with Usagi.
🌙⚡️UsagixMakoto: I can kind of see it, like AmixUsagi. My only real issue would stem from the fact that Ami has a lot more patience than Mako. Mako is a caretaker, she loves and thrives taking care of others, but she does get frustrated by Usagi's occasional lack of emotional control. Leading me to think Mako would prefer someone with more emotional maturity, tho she would never admit it, or even consciously relate to it as a preference she's looking for in a partner. Tho them cuddling, eating and chilling out would actually work really well, cause I do already see them being very affectionate platonically too. Ship's cute, but quite flawed, would need a LOT of work from both parties do last any significant amount of time and pressure.
🌙💛UsagixMinako: this one's complicated. On one side, yes! I can see it working quite well, on another.. it's a complete disaster. Let me explain. If you were to ask me if I think that Mina and Usagi could work as a couple, I would say yes. They are both very fun, loving, care free gals, who are both emotionally intelligent (Usagi is emotionally intelligent, not mature) and who are very aware of each other's feelings. On the other hand you're asking me if Mina, the leader of a superhero team, the one who's hands would be stained with blood if anything were to ever happen to any of her subordinates, if she would be willing to completely set aside her relationship when it comes to a fundamental rift in ideologies between her and her princess. I don't think Mina would be strong enough to put herself through that, to hurt Usagi when she knows it would be the inevitable, over and over. You cannot save everyone and while she can say that has her leader, I think she could not muster to say it as a lover. Overall cute, if extremely dramatic given the senshi angle, but I don't think it would work.
🌙🗡UsagixHaruka: no. Just no. They are both immature emotional wrecks ready to pass by the McDonald's drive through for a happy meal. They are quite similar in a lot of ways and while I see their friendship as something very precious, they would not work as lovers.
🌙🌊UsagixMichiru: I think I said it quite well once, so I'll reuse it in this situation. "If Michiru had met Usagi instead of Haruka back in S, I think Michiru would've walked into traffic by sunset". Ok, all seriousness, no. I personally find it really hard to see Michiru with anyone that isn't Haruka, let alone someone that isn't a butch lesbian. So, nah, sorry.
🌙🕒UsagixSetsuna: my hc Setsuna is very different from canon Setsuna. I don't see her with anyone. She's just Pluto.
💧🔥AmixRei: the only way I can see this ship working is in a first fling type of way. Like 2 inexperienced teens wanting to give love a chance with another pretty girl, while being awkward af mfs. If we're talking about them dating after being friends for a long time, I don't see it being stable. Ami is incredibly intelligent, but more like booksmart, not really people smart, while Rei is the literal incarnation of a jigsaw puzzle covered in spikes. There would be little to no direct and clear communication between the two, Rei would feel frustrated like no other cause her 'signs' are CLEARLY SO OBVIOUS MIZUNO! Meanwhile Ami just can't deal with brain games in a romantic relationship (mostly stemming from my autistic Ami hc), with the person she would share a house with.. uh.. l think not, sorry. In the end, I see it working for a bit as a first relationship that ends in them staying close friends, but not anything long-term.
💧⚡️AmixMakoto: AAAHHh, ok I get a chance to talk about them. I'LL KEEP IT BRIEF! I love them, you know this already. They are very simple, direct and loving partners. They have the most boring, loving, drama free, cuddle and love filled relationship in the universe. It's boring, but idc, it's just pure fluff and I love them. The only argument I could see them getting into, on rare occasions, is Ami being Ami and being way too busy for her own good. Mako is a caretaker, yes, but she also wants to be taken care of and spend quality time with her lover. I can see Mako getting silent angry when Ami picks up one too many shifts, while also feeling a bit guilty about it, cause she knows how much her job means to Ami. They would talk and work through it slowly, day by day. Ok, anyhow, love them, NO NOTES!
💧💛AmixMinako: sorry, I think people who follow me are sick of hearing this, but one more time for the people in the back. I do not see Ami and Minako as being good friends. They eventually come to being able to interact one on one without wanting to blow the other's brains off, but I do not ever think they would come to any mutual attraction. It's a bit of a hot take on my part, but I have no issue seeing Mina as a bit of a bully. She loves attention, she knows Ami is an easy target, she bothers Ami, Ami gets mad. Most often silent mad. She eventually does start to snide back, even quite smartly! But they would rarely have that one to one moment I see almost every single one of the girls coming to throughout their friendship. So.... I don't see it, but it's mostly due to my unique perspective of each character.
💧🗡AmixHaruka: AHAHAHAHAHA. ur funny.
💧🌊AmixMichiru: you can refer to my reasoning on UsagixMichiru, srry Ami, you just ain't her type (not butch enough). Though, I do see them becoming really good friends as adults, once Michiru decided to chill tf out and act like a human being and Ami learns a bit more about 'how-to-human 101'. No, no's the answer. I don't see it.
💧🕒AmixSestuna: refer to UsagixSestuna.
🔥⚡️ReixMakoto: I can see y people like them.. but I can't help but see them driving each other crazy. Rei does not need a caretaker, why would she want a home-made lunch every day, if ramen cups were on sale 10 for 10$, like.. hello!? Ok for real, I can't see it. (Srry Ik I'm breaking so many hearts rn). They are too independent and honestly, they are also two real dumb hardheads when they want to be. Their problems would mostly stem from caretaking and activity coordination, they would fight over everything unless they write down a plan and schedule to stick to it. Also small side note, Rei is really not the cuddly person, while Mako is quite the opposite so that would feel pretty hard to make work without making one feel uncomfortable or the other feel unloved. So, overall, great friendship, but they cannot be living together without a peace maker to ensure they don't eat each other alive.
🔥💛ReixMinako: YES! they got it all! Fluff, check. Drama, check. Interesting and layered dynamics, check. Complex yet comprehensible human to senshi spectrum, check! Funny, CHECK! Even tho Makoami is my personal fav ship, these two (along with Harumichi) are my must ship. Like I NEED to see this, why is no1 making this in canon?! I love how layered their dynamics are, from being the leader and second in command, yet being emotionally mature enough to separate their human counter-parts from their duties, while still truly caring for each other in their own unique way. Getting on each other's nerves, giving off the vibes that they could either be 2 seconds away from kicking each others' asses to taking it to the bedroom (it's impossible to tell the difference). They are just supremely interesting, both alone, but especially together. I could go on and on, but I seriously have no notes, it is just ENDLESS possibilities and endless entertainment.
🔥🗡ReixHaruka: they're two dumb gays. I do not see either of them finding any attractive traits about the other. It's just really that simple and I don't have much to comment on it.
🔥🌊ReixMichiru: again it goes to the attraction factor mostly, though I can see Rei finding Michiru attractive, if a bit psychotic (lol, it's part of the charm). I would love to explore a relationship between the two, and I prob will in the future, but it will just default to platonic. This is really kind of it tho, the major factor for me not shipping a lot of stuff is that I tend to default to friendship instead of romance, cause they both act and feel very differently from each other.
🔥🕒ReixSestuna: r.r.r.r.... refeeeeerrrrr to UsagixSetsuna. Thank you for listening to Meioh102.5 back to you Bill.
⚡️💛MakotoXMinako: I love their friendship!... thas about it tho. My major issue is Makoto not being able to keep up with Mina, she would need someone more mellow and low key. Unlike Mako, Rei is not afraid to tell Minako NO, while Mako easily guilts herself from denying attention or needs from her partner to give herself some space. I usually default them as being best friends basically (childhood friends in hc), but thinking about anything long term for them would just make me feel for Mako. Mina needs constant attention and distraction, which is honestly a bit out of her control also, but still draining for anyone who is not 100% willing to put their foot down or have enough energy to match hers. So, great great great friendship, I love how they play off of each other, but being in a relationship, living in the same house... would turn into chaotic exhaustion and desperation.
⚡️🗡MakotoxHaruka: I don't see it. I'm happy to see Mako having Haruka as possibly her first gay awakening, but I tend to think that's as far as it goes (while I see Mako as BI, I do think she looks for different attributes she finds attractive for each gender, mostly looking for more masculine attributes in guys and more feminine attributes in women). I also tend to imagine they have an almost irrational hate-on for each other for a while, 'til they chill out and become sparring buddies, so I find it hard to factor in a relationship on top of that. Kind of a pass for me.
⚡️🌊MakotoxMichiru: i feel like I'll be repeating myself a lot here, so I'll skip to it. TLDR; you ain't Michiru's type. I can see an underrated friendship that could spur after year of reconciliation, but it would stop at a platonic boundary.
⚡️🕒MakotoxSetsuna: I'm def repeating myself. Though, I'd actually love to see them sewing together, that'd be adorable.
💛🗡MinakoxHaruka: no, I don't see it at all, sorry. They are buddies. Haruka's Mina emotional wreck puppy, she loves her and must protect her at all cost, but would prob hate to have to deal with in a romantic relationship. Haruka can match Mina's energy and spirit, but in a much more charming and almost naïve package. I see the two hanging out on a Friday night enjoying some cheap beer lovingly complaining/gushing about their partner to each other.
💛🌊MinakoxMichiru: ahah, this one's quite funny too. You're lucky if they aren't trying to kill the other. They are just too smart for their own good and they are really the only senshi who refuse to see each other for anything less than Minako as Sailor Venus and Michiru as Sailor Neptune. Like when I say Mina and Ami don't get along, they are still considering each other as basically 4 different individuals (human and senshi), in order to prioritize the mission and in a way as a coping mechanism. But Michiru and Minako, even when they do manage to be in the same room not sniping at each other, they still refer to each other as their senshi selves, even if the name they are calling is their human name. ... srry that was a tangent, yeah, I don't see it at all. Sorry, I don't really have much interesting left to say.
💛🕒MinakoxSetsuna: this one's sort of popular weirdly enough.. I don't really get it, but yeah, refer to UsagixSetsuna.
The Outers
🗡🌊HarukaxMichiru: I mean, what can I even say about this one that hasn't been said already a million times. I consider them the true miracle romance of the show (yes, I like Usamamo, but Harumichi is much better written). I adore how they play off the stereotypical femme and butch roles, while saying yes, but actually no and just doing their own unique thing instead. I find Michiru's fascination with Haruka uniquely intriguing, with Michi being such a complicated character onto herself and Haruka being deceivingly simple-minded. They don't seem like characters that were made just for being with each other; their motivations, experiences and morals are quite different, yet they collide so beautifully and seamlessly. I love everything about them, such a good blend of fluff, drama, tragedy and romance. NO. NOTES.
🌊🗡🕒🎇Outers family (SetsHaruMichi) (with kid Hotaru): ok, extremely hot take incoming, get ready cause I don't think ur gonna like it... I'm not a big fan of the happy outers family. Sorry, I don't hate it (in fact I find it pretty cute), but it's just not what I default to. Let me put aside Setsuna for a second and just explain it plain and simple that I just simply see her as an omniscient being not interested in an corporeal relationship that could interfere with her mission. She's just not human like the others are. Now, let me talk about Hotaru real quick. I've got some problems with her character in general, but that doesn't really matter. I just can't deal with having a character that powerful at a ready for plot convenience, it just kills all the tension and bloats the cast. The only way I'm ok with Michiru and Haruka caring for Hotaru is having them come to the decision themselves. No pushing from the other senshi, no guilt-tripping and no senshi duty related bs. Hotaru is a regular child now with a dead father, the decision is on them to adopt this child or to let her move on to another loving family, otherwise I just can't see it as anything else but 2 almost child murderers redeeming themselves by caring for the child they tried to kill and that just isn't healthy for nobody. Anyhow, not really a ship, but sort of counts, I could like it, but rewrite Hotaru. Give the kid some justice, damn it!
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bxnnywrites · 9 months
⋆。°✩ MAIN MUSES ✩°。⋆
[PT: My Muses]
A simple list of all the characters I love writing for and believe I write well + the general headcanons and personality I write for em
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Danny Johnson || The Ghostface [Dead By Daylight]
★ Firstly, this is my husband. My absolute man. I will be writing about him so fucking much because I am kissing him. ★ Tall motherfucker, like easily breaks 6'2, pretty small compared to other killers though ★ I write mine as a cis dude, I love FTM headcanons for him and all but in my brain he's cis! Queer Danny supremacy tho. Uses any pronouns but usually just goes with he/him ★ Demiromantic and Bisexual, Danny "Any Hole Is A Goal" Johnson but has a hard time with romance because he very rarely if ever feels romantic attraction. (Unsure of the original source of the demiromantic bisexual flag, but i remade it from an icon i saw) ★ Has NPD (kinda canon but developers used Narcissist as an insult, too bad taking it literally) + ADHD
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Michael Meyers || The Shape [Dead by Daylight + Halloween]
★ Actual fucking giant, like 7 feet tall and some change ★ Also cis, I promise there are trans headcanons here somewhere. Anyways mainly he/him but doesn't really give a fuck. ★ Completely aromantic and pansexual, no romantic attraction but very queerplatonic. Aropan flag by @/flag-mashups (link). ★ Autistic and completely nonverbal, probs some other issues but I haven't thought about it a whole lot.
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Amanda Young || The Pig [Dead By Daylight + Saw]
★ Lil gal (as far as killers go), 5'10 ★ Transfem MtF, She/Her and maybe sometimes They as a treat ★ Pan lesbian + Sapphic, imo she's alright with dating anyone that's not a purely cis dude. Pan lesbian flag by @/bi-lesbian (link). ★ Autistic, c-PTSD, HPD, I project onto this character hard so she gets a lot of my issues.
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Anna || The Huntress [Dead By Daylight]
★ TALL WOMAN 6'3 ★ Bigender Demigirl, always has a feminine connection to her gender but often times feels really masc. She/Her but still nonbinary. Bigender Demigender flag made by @/sakosai (link) ★ Pansexual ★ c-PTSD, Autistic, BPD, another character I project onto lol
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Sadako Yamamura || The Onryō [Dead By Daylight + The Ring]
★ I WILL NOT WRITE NSFW OF THIS CHARACTER EVER don't even bother asking. ★ Itty Bitty Baby, 5'6, smallest of the killers ★ Agender, can't be bothered with it. ★ Aroace, very affectionate though! Aroace Agender flag is by @/rjalker [link] ★ Def has a personality disorder, which one? Haven't decided but something on the cluster b spectrum. Otherwise, ADHD (possibly audhd?) and comorbidities.
Others I will write for under the cut! Not as much detail, just that I would write for them if asked.
⋆。°✩ OTHER MUSES ✩°。⋆
[PT: Other Muses]
The Oni (DBD) // The Trapper (DBD) // Bubba Sawyer (DBD + Movies) // Freddy Krueger (DBD + Movies) // Legion (No NSFW bc their ages are debatable and I'm uncomfy) // Pyramid Head (DBD + Silent Hill) // Trickster (Only to make fun of him) // Xenomorph (DBD + Movies) // Billy Loomis (Scream) // Stu Mencher (Scream) // Harry Warden (My Bloody Valentine) // Brahms Heelshire (The Boy) // HABIT (EMH) // Tim Sutton / Masky (Marble Hornets) // Patrick (MLA0) // Lexx (Whispered Faith) // Lee (Whispered Faith)
[PT: Non-Horror Muses]
Arataki Itto (Genshin Impact) // Captain Beidou (Genshin Impact) // Mahito (JJK) // Gojo Satoru (JJK) // Kyojuro Rengoku (Demon Slayer) // Tengen Uzui (Only with the rest of his wives, the polyamory is staying fuck you) // Muzan Kibutsuji (Demon Slayer) // Gyutaro (Demon Slayer) // Welcome Home Cast (most AU's) // Medic (TF2) // Heavy (TF2) // Sniper (TF2) // Engineer (TF2) // Pyro (TF2)) // Spy (TF2)
⋆。°✩ SHIPS ✩°。⋆
[PT: Ships]
All X Reader ships (self inserts my adored) // Beiguang // Tengens Polycule // Frankly Dear (Frank x Eddie) // Sally x Julie // Frank x Julie (as QPP's, not romantic) // Red Oktoberfest (Medic x Heavy) // Bush Medicine (Medic x Sniper) // Knife Party (Spy x Sniper)
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ostagars · 1 year
my thoughts on twc book 3
spoilers ahead! feel free to drop ur own opinions on things in my ask
anyways let’s get into it. this will be long-ish
so i will just say that book 3, much like the previous books, does read like a young adult fantasy book. which does kind of makes sense given mishka has said in the past that twc was going to be a book at first, iirc. also the amount of GRRRR GROWLING these vampires do........ like all the time
the blood drive... why was it included. i don't understand because it turned out to be such a Non-Problem. which it was never a problem to begin with, seeing as there are 2384923 legitimately normal reasons the detective could've come up with to Not participate in the drive. i genuinely would've loved for the auction to have lasted Wayyy longer and to have been wayyy more nerve-wracking than it actually was.
i do feel like the slow burn of M and A's routes have been...... Not as slow as i expected? while i did actually enjoy both of those routes, particularly M's, A's in particular felt... a bit ooc at times? in my opinion, the outward denial of A's feelings should've lasted longer, at least until book 4 or 5. especially since it's still only been, what, a few months since they all met? some of these vampires have lived for centuries. they wouldn't just Give up on repressing the feelings and admitting them after less than a year of knowing the detective?? especially when there's 7 books in total planned. there's still plenty of time
i feel like a love confession with F would've made more sense than with N. i really wish we were given the option with F, and not with N. i also have a lot of grievances with N's route in this book, particularly because they can admit their feelings to the detective while still omitting the part of themself they apparently don't want us to Ever Know. i understand the fear N has. it's just like...........,,,, how can N love the detective ALREADY when they can't even be completely honest with them about their past yet? in my opinion, it'd make more sense for a love confession to come after N telling the detective everything.
in terms of the tina bff route, @cekorax referenced something to me that made me even more uncomfortable with the flirting between tina and the agent sent to watch over her undercover as a police officer. firstly, it just feels weird, consent feels to be an issue here since tina doesn't Know they're an agent. and they're flirting with her. what my friend mentioned specifically was something that happened in the uk: undercover policemen sent to spy on activists ended up Marrying them. obviously we don't rly know where their ""relationship"" is gonna go (we CAN make likely assumptions tho lol) but it does make me nervous if this person is to be tina's love interest
rebecca............... i feel like there's usually 2 ways people feel about the relationship she has with the detective, and it seems to come down to one's personal experience. in my opinion, the detective holding something over rebecca's head that happened on their birthday at age 7 is a bit odd. but again this is coming from me, someone who did not have a parent who was similar to rebecca in any way. i will add i would've liked to have the choice of the detective to choose not to say anything about it, because mine wouldn't have even thought about it????? idk it just felt weird to me
lastly, i personally would have preferred to choose whether to stay detective & human liaison rather than have No Choice and have to become an agent. most of my detectives would've declined the offer. it kind of felt out of left field for me, i was veeery surprised when i read that scene. i didn't expect it
ok thank u for ur time <3
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third-arch · 6 months
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Some Reasons Why Trafalgar Law is a Comfort Character of Mine!!
Aka me rambling about Law 🥳🥳
Some context
Trafalgar Law is a character that I’ve known about since I was a kid. A little over 10 years to be exact. I’d seen cosplays of him in anime conventions, his iconic polar white cap in anime shops, and his Jolly Roger everywhere.
Thanks to Aokkun’s artwork, I’ve also kinda known about Corazon, too!!
 I never saw too many photos of him nor understood his power or character too well. I just knew that he was kinda popular and he was from One Piece.
I didn’t really start really liking him until I started getting more One Piece YT shorts. 
I eventually did a One Piece Boyfriends Quiz for fun to see who I’d get. Law happened to be tied for third or fourth place. I did some more quizzes later on, and he always ended up consistently near the top (like top 3-4). So, I watched some videos on Law, and ended up seeing the Kid and Law vs. Big mom fight scene. Idr if it was that particular video, but I remember closing it thinking like woah, he’s cool. 
After spending time researching him, spending time watching the anime, and indulging in his character and a lot of fanworks, I realized just how much this character means to me.
So, here are some reasons that I really like him!!
One thing that I really like about him is his style and appearance. It’s alot like how I like to dress and the clothes he wears, his hair color, skin color, color palette just really make me happy. 
I like that he’s a doctor, since medicine is something that I want to be involved with in the future. I’ve been having alot of burnout lately since October, and felt like I’ve been losing the motivation for what I want to pursue. But, being able to relate to being young and already had some experience with medicine and being surrounded by supportive adults is cool (I’m referring to the novel and his family, not Doffy lol). 
I like his design, VA’s, and attacks, too!! He’s just super cool in general. He’s also cute!!🤍🌸
I like how nerdy he is and honestly just all of the fun facts about him. How he’s a Libra like me, his flower (Queen of the Night), his spirit animal(s), where he’s from, his hobbies (not so much the coin collection deal, my sister collects coins!! Idk if she still does it tho).
I just really like him as a character. His black cat personality is a dynamic that I like working with alot. Him also being a doctor, I have alot of medical issues that I could see him helping me with and recognizing early on. He’d be someone who would look out for me. I feel like we’d butt heads in the beginning, but he’d always try to be patient. 
This reason is also a bit random, but he reminds me of my mom alot. 
My mom is someone who was incredibly intelligent at a young age. She had a really high IQ and was even suggested to do something with Harvard. 
I’m not one to tell her story, but to sum it up, the way her and Law handled life are very similar. The way Law treats Luffy is also very cute to me. It’s funny seeing the high IQ black cat character x ADHD ball of sunshine together. 
 So, being able to understand his character and his motives was really easy. He’s a complicated character, but reading the novel helped me recognize that I’m understanding him well. 
He’s really fun to draw lol!! There’s not much else to say but yeah!! I like drawing him a lot.
He also just makes me feel confident. Being genderfluid, he really helps me express my masculine side. I love how he still likes cute things and sweet things.
He also has some weird habits that I relate to, one of them being the bread thing LOL. I always thought it was alittle weird, but I realized that I’m pretty picky about bread, too. 
I really like making HC’s for him and relating them to the people I know who remind me alot of Law. 
One thing that I don’t think about a lot are the people in our lives who did alot of damage to us. I don’t talk about it too often, but I can kinda relate to Law’s story with Doffy and Corazon. Like Law, I met someone (who really likes flamingos too lol) at a low point, and it really only became worse, until another individual showed up and helped us out. They showed us the good in life and loved us. That person happens to be my boyfriend!! 
It wasn’t an easy road, but, like Law, I started seeing the good in life, despite all of the bad luck I have. 
Writing No Surprises has really helped me indulge in him as a character and enjoy writing. He makes me really happy and will definitely hold a dear place in my heart. 
Anyways, I just wanted to ramble about it. I can’t wait to keep working on No Surprises!! I’m still editing and changing bits and pieces as I go along, but the ending and key details will be the same. 🌸🌸🌸
Regardless, I'm still finding more and more reasons to like him everyday, and it makes me super happy!! 🤍✨
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unlikelyjedi · 2 years
Star Wars Animated Pride Headcanons
This is for the characters in the animated TV shows (minus The Bad Batch because I haven't seen it yet. 🤭)
I can't do all the characters in the shows simply because that would be... a LOT, but I'll do the main ones and any I find particularly fun!
As with my last post, these are just my opinions and it’s totally cool if you have different ideas. Art is subjective and there are plenty of ways to engage with said art. This is just for my personal fun!
Without further ado:
Ahsoka Tano (she/her): Bisexual
Might be canon? It's implied she liked Lux Bonteri, and also she kind of had a love-interest in the Ahsoka novel in Kaeden Larte. Either way, because I'm a dumb Bisexual, my favs are getting the bi treatment.
Rex (he/him): Aromantic
Rex loves his friends, but never felt any romantic attraction for anybody. Which is fine. There are plenty of ways to love! And he's got a lot of love to give!
Quinlan Vos (he/they): Pansexual, Non-Binary
A Funky Dude. He's just vibing. That includes matters of gender and sexuality. They don't care. Really they could use any pronouns and not be affected. He just like who he like regardless of gender or species. Probably a Monsterfucker.
Asajj Ventress (she/her): Pansexual
Gender doesn't matter. Only power. She's just unlucky to have fallen for Quinlan (or lucky depending on how you look at it).
Barriss Offee (she/her): Lesbian
I feel like she struggled with her feelings of liking someone, considering the Jedi Code is against attachments. The fact that she fell in love with Ahsoka didn't help matters. She really didn't have anybody to turn to. She had a crush on her best friend, and the order that raised her wouldn't affirm attachments. The order failed her. In many different ways.
Plo Koon (he/him): Ally
Plo Koon supports his Queer Jedi family!! Don't come for them. He will take you out.
Shaak Ti (she/her): Lesbian
Your fav Clone Mom is a Lesbian. I believe even though she was attracted to women and femmes, she didn't act on it, adhering closely to the code, even at a young age.
Depa Billaba (she/her): Ally
Same thing as Plo Koon. Loves her gay and trans Jedi. Is not afraid to cause bodily harm to those disrespectful of her family.
Aayla Secura (she/her): Bisexual
Ah yes, the Twi'lek everyone ships with Commander Bly and Kit Fisto. Girl is bisexual and wouldn't have issues acting on it, regardless of Jedi code. She learned well from her master, it seems.
Ezra Bridger (he/him): Bisexual
My dumb Bisexual brain go brrr. You can't tell me that man didn't have a crush on both Wren siblings. And let's not forget about Jai Kell. They were fruity. (I know they've never met, but I strongly ship Luke and Ezra because I just think it'd work so well). Once again, one of my favs and therefore Bisexual.
Kanan Jarrus (he/him): ally.
He loves his gay son(s) and daughter. He will fight for them. He will fight for you. Get you a man like Kanan Jarrus.
Hera Syndulla (she/her): Pansexual
Hera's got bad taste in species, tbh. She saw a drunkard on a mining moon and went "oh?? 💖"
I'm mostly kidding. Space mom loves who she loves regardless of gender. It just so happens that the species she attracts are dumb human males.
Sabine Wren (she/her): Sapphic
Can't decide whether she should be Lesbian or Bisexual with a huge preference for femmes. She gives off Lesbian energy tho. Her and Ketsu Onyo are fruity.
Garazeb Orrelios (he/him): Gay
That's not a scary Lasat. That's a homosexual. Can you stop making heart eyes at Kallus for one second? Ugh.
Alexsandr Kallus (he/him): Gay
Man gets shown affection ONE TIME and suddenly he's throwing away his fascist beliefs for a man. Can't decide whether that's good for him, or just desperate...
Hondo Ohnaka (he/him): Aromantic Homosexual.
Romance?? Hard pass. Hook-ups?? Absolutely.
Not really that important to this post, but when I was playing The Sims 4: Journey to Batuu™️, I really, really wanted an option to flirt with Hondo, but the goddamn game wouldn't let me do it. Guess it would hurt their brand to let me flirt with the really old space pirate. Just let me romance the dirty old space pirate in your dumb life simulation game!!!
Kazuda Xiono (he/him): Bisexual
Well, he's the only one on here because he's the only person I remember by name.
(I'm so sorry gay maintenance workers. You weren't so heavily queer-coded just so I could forget you 😢😢😢)
Kazuda is a bisexual himbo. A bimbo, if you will!
But seriously, this poor man would see a pretty boy and pretty girl in the same place and die on the spot. Send help. His father can't. He got blown up on Hosnian Prime.
That's a wrap!!
Next time, I'll post the Live-Action TV characters!! Hope you enjoyed my silly little headcanons!!!
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unnursvanablog · 1 year
The movies that I watched in 2022.
and what I thought of them.
Encanto: A really cute story, which I enjoyed but I did think it had a few pacing issues. Still did the job it was suppose to due, the theme hit home and the songs were fun (until the kids that I teach at the kindergarten made me play them one too many times and now I can't stand them)
A New Year's Medley: I usually have a hard time with films that follow more than so many little storyline that then just come together in the end. Some of the stories here were fun, others a completely bore.
The French Dispatch: There is a certain charm to the way Anderson sets up his movies and the visuals which is sometimes more interesting and fun than his actual plots. This one falls a victim of that, I fear.
Kiki's Delivery Service: So very cute, so cozy. Like a hot cup of tea on a sweet spring evening. A delight.
Valley Girl (2021): I had to google what movie this was, which probably says it all, really.
Pirates - Goblin Flag: the humor in this movie was just a bit too over the top and there wasn't really a good flow between it and the action in my opinion. Made it less fun.
The Tragedy of Macbeth: So stylized, so cool, but I didn't really enjoy the movie all that much.
Turning Red: Colorful and cute story with fun songs. I enjoyed myself a whole lot!
The King's Man: You know, I thought this was a step in the right direction in trying to recapture the charm of the first film. A good mix of action and comedy and it seems to know it's own strengths.
Doctor Strange - Into the Multiverse of Madness: This was a bit of a weird movie but in a fun way. Doctor Strange as a character doesn't really do anything for me in the MCU world, but I enjoyed how much this movie felt like an homage to old horror movies and sometimes feels like that b-horror movie at times. Way too long tho.
Everything Everywhere All At Once: What a treat! There was so much imagination and passion that went into this film and it just shows. It bleeds into everything and makes this film an unforgettable experience.
Berdreymi: I often felt very uncomfortable watching this film. I felt that it was possible to convey the message and the brutality of the world these boys lived in without it being showed down our throats like it was. And the kind of fantasy-but-not-so-fantasy twists in the movie just came a little too late.
The Norseman: Wow, that really was just a big hollywood viking that very much tried to have some new approach to these types of stories, but I personally couldn't see that from the characters, how it depicted the viking age (from a lens of hollywood) or the way the story unfolded. Quite boring.
Margaret - Queen of the North: A good costume drama, interesting period to be sure. I enjoyed the story even though nothing about it felt fresh or new. Just well made.
Tove: A sweet story about an awesome woman and her life. I thought it would cover more of Tove's life and I kinda felt like it just left me hanging there at the end.
Not Okay: Much more interesting than I thought it would be. There was a fair amount of satire and commentary about social media going around in this film, but I didn't feel it went deep enough.
Pleasure: From time to time it was very difficult to watch this movie or some scenes. I had to take it in several sections to finish it. It's really raw in it's approach, but that's also the point of it, I think.
Soul Vibes: I stopped paying attention to the story towards the end.
Welcome Árni: A sincere and beautiful story about a uncle of mine.
Do Revenge: Funny and clever. Really enjoyed the characters and style of the film. Went in slightly different directions than I thought it would, but in a good way. Fun twists.
Pinnochio (2019): This is an Italian version of this story, which was just okay-ish, but what really struck me (in a good way) was the costume design and all of the look that the movie had. There was a bit of that passion for filmmaking, of old hollywood tricks, there which I enjoyed.
Hocus Pocus 2: Not a sequel we needed, but a welcoming one nonetheless. It really felt like nothing had changed and there was a good heart to this story.
Death Becomes Her: Infinitely camp and that is what is awesome about it. Never takes itself too seriously, which I adore, but still has so much heart so it never feels too much.
Rosalina: It's kind of like the Reign version of Romeo and Juliet that doesn't take itself too seriously and that's what's good about this movie. The language and the way the characters act is all modern everything the film still feels a bit like it was written and filmed in 2016 and then just forgotten for several years. But you can have fun watching it.
Catherine Called Birdy: This was fun! There was humor and heart there and it was just a good, kind of contemporary comedy in a historical setting about what it was like to be a young girl of a certain age in the Middle Ages. And although it is possible to find more stories with a similar format, with similar emphasis, I felt that there was a little bit of a breath of fresh air in this story. And the casting was great.
Triangle of Sadness: Absolutely amazing and thought provoking. You never know where the movie is really going and a really cool take on this kind of human nature and our desire for power, however it comes to us. But still, I thought this movie was a bit too long.
Nope: Totally my type of horror. A bit strange, but really good reflection the characters and how their backstories have shaped them. That rejection and the greed for the limelight. A satire on Hollywood. The horror has something to say, but isn't just there to make you feel scared.
Knives Out: I don't normally go for a lot of mysteries like this one, but based on all the praise I've heard for this movie, I really couldn't ignore it anymore. And yes, there were really good twists there and it was constantly surprising. A really good fun.
Ready or Not?: This was my second attempt at watching this movie, because I started it once and I just couldn't finish it. This is not exactly my type of horror. So brutal and bloody almost for the sake of being brutal and bloody. I find this kind of chase frustrating to watch, but I can totally understand why it gets all the praise it does.
Enola Holmes 2: This little netflix movie series (because I hope we get more of Enola Holmes) is that unashamedly modern take on costume dreams that I personally love. It may be a bit exaggerated, but it knows it and plays with the form and really seems to know where its strengths lie. This is just such fun adventure, the puzzles are fun and it's just a blast. Managed to capture everything that was good about the previous film without seeming like too much of a copy.
Disenchanted: It wasn't exactly the sequel we needed, but still the good movie that mostly lived up to everything that was good about the first film. It has this fairy-tale quality and it seemed like the people behind it enjoyed the story and wanted to do it well. Very nice callbacks to the previous film and also just old fairytales and never took itself too seriously, as films such as this really have to do.
Broker: personally, it didn't touch my heart as much as the director's previous film (Shoplifters). There is a bit of the same heaviness among all these broken characters that come together, but I just expected to feel more things while watching it. It was almost like this story was a little too big for this movie.
Decision to Leave: I can appreciate the theme and the story on paper and I enjoy what the movie is saying and all that, but I can't necessarily say that I had a lot of fun with it. I thought it was a bit long-winded.
Last Christmas: A cute, maybe a little predictable Christmas movie but that is sort of what you're going for with these types films. I'm not really into them personally, they don't get me in the Christmas spirit, but some are the fun entertainment and it's a easy-going watch, which is nice.
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story: I will watch pretty much anything that my man Daniel Radcliffe stars in, and this movie is no exception. The humor, however, never really got to me. I can see what the movie was trying to do with this parody of all the celebrity memoirs we've seen in recent years, but I just didn't enjoy it.
The Wonder: A slow but amazing film that perhaps has a rather obvious twist, but does it so humanely that you kind of don't care about it until it comes towards the end. Lovely character work.
Hatching: An incredibly cool, well-made horror and the idea behind it is neat, but I thought it dragged a bit. It wasn't quite hitting the mark as much as I wanted.
Knives Out: Glass Onion: I actually enjoyed this movie just as much as the last one. Loved all the twists and turns here and it manages to keep what was good and fun about the first movie while doing something entirely new. This is a romp!
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mejomonster · 1 year
I've been watching The Vampire Diaries lately as a show to kinda relax to without needing full attention and:
Kinda ship Bonnie/Caroline unfortunately I doubt this show has lesbians (but buffy had willow/Tara in the 90s so I wish this 2000s drama does -.-; I'll see I guess)
Kinda enjoy Tyler and Jeremy's scenes post 1x10 which I'm surprised by cause before I'd been rooting for Tyler to die
Damon/Elena are eons more interesting to me as a dynamic in that their scenes together have less predictability and more interesting outcomes (I get why elena/Stefan is a thing, they're both book loving reading nerds who like to talk about that stuff for hours and write diaries and spend quiet nights kissing/sleeping together and chatting about stuff they fan over basically - without the vampire old issue/Katherine ex situation they'd basically be a normal couple with shared interests, but like... as tv entertainment that's just not as fun to watch as ppl who do not get along and slowly need to learn to understand/interact. It's like angel/buffy versus spike/buffy or faith/buffy I suppose. Except I do appreciate stefan/Elena actually fight over "yr a vampire damn! People are dying I need to get AWAY this is fucked" and "I look like your dead ex what rhe fuck is wrong with you/any other secrets??!!!" Because like while it's still teen romance show level "I love you" ridiculously fast and unrealistically with a yikes vampire usual age gap lol, at least Elena's and stefans reactions seem somewhat more like real people would actually do? Whereas like... idk I usually see a much less realistic reaction of "wow people are dying I need to get away from you and reevaluate my view of the world goddamn".)
Bonnie makes me feel like I'm watching Charmed
Watching vampire stuff I'm glad there's a lot of death in this cause what even is a vampire story without people getting their blood drank? Also this show reminds me I've got my own vampire story I eventually want to write ToT but mines more itwv level bloody than teen angst. That said, i appreciate the slightly outside of high school elements of the show which remind me of charmed or buffy and give the impression this show CAN grow beyond a high school setting as the plot ages out of it, like buffy did, which gives it space to possibly do some cool stuff later on (that say a show like teen wolf bound inside teen-life couldn't really move to)
Thank goodness the show has some horror scenes and fights I really Can't focus without my action scenes lol
Like buffy (tho idk How better the writing will get) I can tell that around mid season 1 the writing shifted from Teen Show Pilot usual to having a more solid idea of the angle it wanted to go in. Caroline went from a "could be any teen extra" to a character with a clear personality, Bonnie went from only magic-show-plot element to someone who's friendships and enemies in the show matters, Matt and Jeremy as plain humans get a more defined characterization driven by their internal values more than only what's happening to them externally, Elena once she finds out vampires exists her character acts much more idk Likable to me? She's an everyday girl stand in, but with the knowledge of vampires her personal bg as someone fucked up by tragedies in the family and feeling death is inescapable to her (vampires all around and looking like a dead ex katherine), her desire to not see anyone else die and personally try to help stop vampires who are hurting people in town (despite being very mundanely human) gives her a solid backbone of who she is when put in a hard position. I liked her trying to fight a vampire alone with pencils and a broken broom - she doesn't succeed as she's a completely untrained and regular strength human but it shows she's got future potential and a trajectory, her trying to stop vampires from killing, her willing to go into danger, her willing to confront anyone, etc. She's showing some interesting traits specific to her that not every character Would do. Even Stefan with as little as I'm personally clicking with him, is making lets say Relationship choices that are distinct from Edward type or Angel type or Spike type or Lestat lol, so at least he's feeling like His Own individual character in a vampire story instead of a copy of someone else. He communicates eons better than Edward, saying he'll leave before leaving for someone's safety lol, and just in general open to conversations when conflicts come up more, he's mopey sure but not to the level of emo Angel from buffy is (and not quite as creepy tho he also stalked for a year lmao) and Lexi coming into town showed he's really not Endlessly pessimistic the way Louis or Angel would be. He's got a distinction versus other leading romance vamps, and although his dynamic doesn't have the enemies/rivals to friends to lovers I enjoy in watching a romance (bellamy/Clarke, lexa/Clarke, lucifer/Chloe, spike/buffy, louis/lestat etc) I do like that he feels like his own character to me. So I'm hoping like buffy the depth of characterization gets a bit better as time goes on for everyone. And the plot expands past high school as characters age up.
Damon and Stefan remind me of Dean and Sam. Yeah I know what I said ToT if supernatural went on 150 years and they turned into demons or vampires or whatever, both fell for the same girl, who's to say what coulda happened. All IM saying now is a crossover when they'd both been airing would've been hilarious.
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easypeasyhoneycassie · 3 months
what do you do when all your life you have been discussing your problems with your friends, but now your problem is about your friends or friendship in general?
this is a delicate topic, and i don't want to seem ungrateful. but i do have dissatisfaction towards my friends, and i think admitting it would do me good
i think the issue can be boiled down to me feeling being unfairly treated. I compare my friendships with other people's friendships, and how my friends treat me and their other friends
people i feel the closest aren't usually available, and are usually not as supportive as i would like them to be. i don't even think they consider me as their close friends (a personal truth)
they are very independent, have strong and well-informed opinions on things, sorted out how they want their life to be, have career/interests/hobbies they spend a lot of time on. i support and share to my other friends what they do or want to promote, but when it comes to what i do or want to promote, they don't show much support
i have a writing account for film analysis/reviews, poetry, and articles. from my memory, they never liked (as in clicking the like button on) my posts and i don't think they even read them
i seldom show up on my friends' social media posts, but they would take pictures with/of their other friends when they hang out and tag them. their friends exist in my memory but i don't think i exist in theirs. even when i do the same thing for them, they wouldn't reciprocate, so for those friends i don't do that (often) anymore.
for one of them, i guess i'm not a friend she wants to show her "audience". i'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing, because it's possible i'm her private friend and the friends she shows have a public audience like she does.
last week i was in a bad place, partly because of the weather, and i think my approaching birthday contributed to that as well
it was a revelation i had when i was having a breakdown
i was nursing a headache for a few days, migraine on the left with muscle tightness on my left neck and shoulders. i woke up at 2.40am after sleeping for 4 hours. i sat up and tried to meditate the pain away. i rubbed the left side of my head and after a while i started crying.
i have heard we store traumas (or literally evil spirits) in our muscles.
i realized my birthday is coming and i feel devastated. not because i'm aging, i tell people i'm turning 30 this year because it means nothing to me. but birthday, or birthday celebration, has always been a sore subject of mine.
i didn't have a lot of friends since i was small and during my studies. my birthday always landed on Easter holiday, or exam periods. at least that's what i tell myself why no classmate celebrated/knew my birthday. even in my household, we didn't celebrate birthdays.
i never have a boyfriend or someone i've been seeing during any of my birthdays. the guys i've celebrated their birthdays with? they never stayed long enough until mine came. (most of them were boring and not suitable for me so i wouldn't want them to stay tho but still)
my last boyfriend broke up with me less than a month before my birthday. a guy ghosted me one week before my birthday. it was 6 years ago, then it was 3 years ago and i still remember.
even my current friends don't usually remember it, or celebrate it. i ask them out for their birthday celebration, and i need to ask them out for MY birthday celebration. sometimes they are busy during that time and would promise to rain check, and they would forget and my heart is too tired to remind them again.
my heart gets tired when i feel abandoned or forgotten. my heart is tired.
during my year 1 in college, my classmates prepared a surprise for me and i cried because no one ever did that for me. that's a memory i still cherish. that's the only memory i can hang on to because i don't have a birthday as happy as that after it.
some friends don't have birthday, they have birthMONTH because the whole month is for celebration. and wow, the amount of friends they meet up with, restaurants they go to, gifts and messages they receive are unfathomable for me.
a friend suggested that i "subtly" tell people on the first day of the month that my birthday is coming on social media. i think it's embarrassing to do so but it's a fun idea and made me laughed a little.
i probably told myself i don't care about birthday celebration, but clearly that's just me being forced to accept to avoid disappointment.
even in daily life, not many people i know would interact with me. sometimes, very rarely because i'm afraid they wouldn't text me back, i would reach out, we would have a polite conversation (2-3 replies) and that's the end of it. i was still the quiet, gentle classmate they didn't talk to a lot, and of course they have met enough friends in life, there's no need to look back at and interact with people they only used to study with.
i know part of this problem can be solved by changing my perspective. i'm not sure if the other parts are problem of mine or the friends that i have. i think if i can change my way of thinking, the problem will no longer exist.
anyway, i wanted to be alone and not meet people which is a sign i consider my depression is crawling back so i forced myself to go out with a friend tonight (who hasn't make me sad yet bc we only became closer again last year, and she is a sweet and care-free person which is what i need rn)
thank you if you have read till the end
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mi6021alishia · 1 year
Moving Forward
When I was little I had a story I made up for an English  assignment in Primary school, I'll post it here if my mum can track it down, but essentially it was about a team of superheros who lived together but didn't really get along but were put together by an organisation. It was like a school for heros because their powers shouldn't be known by the public. (My storytelling back then was horrendous, basically just lots of angst and and concepts I thought would be cool at the time haha) There was a character in the story who was a shapeshifter and she had a bad attitude and self esteem issues. The concept for the character was probably based on me and a friend of mine who would pretend to be different animals like wolves, cats, rabbits, etc because wouldn't it be cool to actually be able to transform into those animals instead of it being just pretend? I took this character and decided to think about a fun concept for her shapeshifting, and I thought it would be cool if she used masks to transform, or if she had a singular plain mask that would warp so that she could transform into looking however she wanted to. I decided to still keep the link with animals as nod to the original story by having the masks be animal themed.
All the thinking about masks however got me thinking about myself and the concept of masking. I'm currently waiting for a referal for an autism diagnosis after multiple of my autistic friends told me they were shocked I hadn't been diagnosed years ago. Masking is basically like you have this clay in your hands and you observe the people around you, you hear all the taunts from them that you get for doing things that you think are normal, and you mold the mask to fit into these social situations. Not one more person asking why your so weird, no more embarassed, frustrated tears, no more bullying. The mask is continually molded overtime for every time you misread social cues, everytime you make a 'mistake' in socialising. For me there is a mask for every group I'm interacting with, one for interacting with women, one for men, variations based on age, where I know them from, their interests and personality types, I mold myself like a lump of clay to fit with the person they want me to be. Sometimes you still slip up tho and sometimes, actually, all the time, it is so draining that experiencing anything at all is completely and utterly overwhelming and you need to put on sound cancelling headphones, turn off all the lights and curl up in a ball. During 2nd year at uni, I met someone who made me feel a safe feeling I'd never actually felt before, it was warm, unfamiliar and brought me to tears, it still does. Someone who accepts me without the mask, who saw through it from the start, someone who is patiently by my side as I'm learning who I was before I started masking.
Growing up I was forced to make eye contact that I found overwhelming to prove I was listening, forced to go to events that were overcrowded to me, that were therefore too loud, had too many smells and the accidental  touches from strangers was unbearable, wearing clothes that had awful textures. I was even chastised for eating one thing at a time on my plate instead of mixing my food, among other things. I do those things in private but in public I'm very concious about how I do things, I'm slowly unlearning that. Often times I don't feel like I even recognise myself or my own feelings versus the feelings of those around me or the feelings I think I'm supposed to have. My boyfriend has really aided in getting me to learn who I am, how I feel, the fact that I'm allowed to communicate about experiencing a sensory overload and even the patience of waiting for me to take my time to figure out why I'm experiencing it (whether it be a smell, a feeling, a noise, bright lights etc) I am supremely grateful for this patience. I am glad I ended up on this story because of how I can tie it into the symbolic idea of masking to get through social situations and how there are those that will accept your true form even if it isn't perfect, if it has rough edges and is even maybe a little ugly or distasteful to others. It may have taken a lot of delays to land on this idea and a LOT of wasted time researching multiple other story concepts but we finally got there and thats the important part.
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vykko · 1 year
Slight vent about early today trying to get through the gate
this is going to be long
Went to go get a defence bank account (my dad is a veteran and that means I’m allowed to get an account there he checked) with dad and sister, over at a base my dad used to be at. Context over
ok so to get inside we needed ID (also for the bank account which is why I had do my stuff on me) and so my sis and I have gave him our documents, he had no problems with any of my sisters IDS
but a lot with mine. I brought with me my
Birth certificate (from Bahrain, it has a cool shiny gold border)
Australian citizenship certificate (parents had to apply for me as I wasn’t born in the country)
medicare card (unrelated reasons but in there)
school ID (got a hair cute but that’s the only thing that should be different)
and I didn’t know till today there it was a thing but a certificate say I was baptised at some Catholic Church (apparently I’m catholic I didn’t know that till today)
Yeah so he asked which one was 16 (me) and then had issues with my school ID,
Didn’t like the numbers couldn’t get that 46470 is my student number
punched in the details and then deleted them for no reason dispite it ended up working completely fine
then asked for my age card to prove I’m 16, was the birth certificate not good enough. Or even the other 4 forms of identification not good enough either
also fun fact in Australia you have to be at least 17 years and 11 months to go get an age card, meaning it would not be legal for me to have it. ALSO IVE NEVER HEARD OF SN AGE CARD TILL TODAY.
was then rude to my dad,
When taking photos only me and dad where required to have our photos taken
but not a single issue with my sisters ID documents and school ID, not a single question about the student numbers or etc nothing. Did have to prove her age via a card she could not have legally at her age
I had more forms of identification then my 14 year sister, I have more proof of my age name and even citizenship then her but somehow her 3 things where completely valid (birth certificate, school ID she also goes to a different school tho, and proof of being Baptisted) also my dad only needed to show his drivers license and technically if you count him using the bank person to prove i fact he was a veteran even tho he did say all the info himself
(Sidenote: there was some difficulties later on with setting up the account for me but it was for completely understandable reasons. because of the format of Bahrain birth certificates it said both my parents last names but not mine so the dude just had to call to see what to do)
positive to come out of this is now I have a pink camouflage piggy bank, my sister chose a normal camouflage colours and named gorge
TLDR security guy wanted me to prove that I’m 16 with a form of identification I can’t legally obtain till I’m effectively 18, didn’t want to use my valid form ID because of a school number or something. Was rude to my dad and didn’t have a single form of problem with my sisters ID even tho she had led then mine.
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gensuta · 3 years
Happy pride month!! I love playing video games so I thought it'd be neat to share the many many games I've played with nonbinary and trans characters >:3
Sorry in advanced I’m copying and pasting stuff from twitter ;v; Also know that many of these games ARE on consoles, but if you buy them on pc/mac use itch.io if it exists. It gives devs more money!!
VALIDATE!!  There's a demo on Steam and Itch.io that you can play RIGHT NOW and also a patreon you can support and I highly suggest it ^o^ It's a lovely VN with several playable characters and rlly good writing
Extreme Meatpunks forever is so SO good omg. It's a VN/mech brawler where u be gay and fight fascists!!! Trans and nonbiney ppl are out here being badass af. The game has cws/tws built into the game ( which i love sm ) Also there's a ttrpg on Kickstarter RIGHT NOW!! 
Another game with nonbinary characters is an rpg called Ikenfell! It was one of my favorite games to play last year and the music and just everything? Honestly so good I'm def replaying it this year. It also has tons of good accessibility features!
ok but i wanna geek abt ikenfell just a smidge more  U DON'T UNDERSTAND 3 OF THE PLAYABLE CHARACTERS ARE NONBINARY <333 The strongest playable character also uses ze/zir pronouns and I think that's pretty epic
Ok so like literally every game I've played by @analgesicprod I've loved 100% And Anodyne 2? Everyone should go play it and I will keep saying it until everyone does. And yes there's a trans character in it <3 Drem my beloved <3  Go check it out!!
Another game studio I love is @pillowfightio !!! They worked on Later Alligator, We Know the Devil, and Heaven Will Be Mine. I highly recc all of them but esp. Later Alligator cuz like just look at Joanie. They're so cool.  
In the game Everhood gender doesn't exist <3 Literally multiple characters are referred to with they/them pronouns and the gameplay is very enjoyable 
 CW LOTS of flashing lights and I feel like there should maybe be more cws but I'm not sure what else to add :l I guess a warning is that Everhood gets into more serious stuff and I'll be honest when the game first came out I had to put it down for several days b/c I just wasn't ready for a lot of that stuff, but I honestly liked the game a lot!
I was debating on adding this bc while I love this game there's some issues. So Gnosia is like werewolf ( or among us if you will ) but more narrative focused with time loops etc. There's two wonderful nonbinary characters and you can be nonbinary HOWEVER ( minor gnosia spoilers. skip past if you want to avoid it) . . . For some reason finding out the AGAB of one of the characters is mandatory and I fucking hate that. It's so unnecessary esp for the world building that's been done. Also tws for the game: sexual abuse / assault, gore ( in only one scene ) (spoilers end) but yeah I still added it because the characters are so neat and strong for the type of game it is and without that bit I wouldn’t feel so :/ abt recommending it. It’s pretty fun ngl
Wandersong!!! The main character is nonbiney and I love them <33 It's such a lovely little musical adventure with such a nice narrative and!! Some of the devs just released Chicory ( which I haven't gotten to play yet ;v; ) but check that out too!!
Bravery Network Online is super fun!! It's a turn based rpg that feels really good and has two characters that use they/them pronouns ( Fel and Reed ) the character designs are sooo good and the game is currently in early access!
I never thought I'd see a claymation point and click musical featuring a nonbinary detective but Dominique Pamplemousse is just that Need I say more?
A personal fav I think about every now and then is Dad fighter 30XX!! Like who doesn't wanna beat up their friend's shitty dad in the parking lot of a dennys?? Also the win music is my FAV
SPIRIT SWAP!!! By @SoftNotWeak !!!! Super chill and pretty game by lovely people with a demo you can play right NOW!! This game makes me want to become a strong magical thembo
More games I’ve played, but am too lazy to ramble about
ROM:2064 ( game is amazing but i got mixed feelings tho bc the og devs aren't getting paid for it I think :/ )
A Year of Springs
Secret Little Haven 
A normal lost phone
Hollow Knight
Monster Prom / Monster Camp
Hades ( all of supergiants games slap btw )
If Found
Here’s games I haven’t played but have heard about
Diaries of a spaceport janitor
Hustle Cat
Tell Me Why
Our Life
Last Minute Love
Black Tarot
Apex Legends
World of Warcraft has trans npcs :0
Dragon Age Inquisition
Sky, Children of the Light
Death and Taxes :0
Flicker :0 ( roblox games do count! It’s always cool to see what ppl make in it )
Assassins Creed Syndicate has a trans npc
Verdant Skies
Wandering Wolf Trick ( I love nomnomnami’s games sm but haven’t played this one. Highly reccommend her stuff )
If you have any games you wanna add to this PLEASE please do and I'll add them!! And while you're here please support the Queer Games Bundle going on itch rn to support tons LGBTQ+ game devs financially (including me ) <3 Last little edit for now: I’d def suggest trying to find cws/tws for these games just in case I haven’t covered everything for the ones I did talk about <3
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keibea · 2 years
update on my dragon age II playthrough that no one asked for and no one cares about ( SPOILERS AHEAD )
WARNING: a lot of random ranting and probably a thousand spelling and grammar mistakes..sorry
first and foremost that bitch fenris, who I still love regardless since I'm obsessed with fixing people, left my hawke (and therefore me) after they had swex the asshole
secondly, meril pissed me off. i mean if even the keeper doesn't want you to fix the bloody mirror, the leader of your people with the want to restore as much knowledge as possible, you should probably leave the bloody mirror alone. now we're rivals because I did the smart thing fjdndjendnt
THE FADE SERIOUSLY I hated it in dao and I hated it here WHYYYYYYYYYY would you do that bloody faynriel at least he's with the tevinters now hopefully that doesn't come back to bite me in the ass...
also the dragons are really small??? like not even dragonlings just straight dragons are tiny what's up with that
our mother is dead wtfrick like are you trying to kill off every single remember of my family on purpose orrrr???? and she died as a zombie thing? seriously?? Haven't we been through enough??? luckily Bethany is still alive, although she's being a bitch to us even tho we saved her life the asshat
ALISTAIR IS BACK BBY OH MY GOSH I LOVE HIM I GOT SO EXCITEDDDD EEEEEE. in mine he's part of the grey wardens because I think he'd make a sucky king so...i saw him and it was everything OH MY GOSH. still looked a bit crusty even with mods BUT ILL TAKE IT
so a slight qunari issue am i right 😅 I tried to be on their side because honestly everyone was being mean to them when they're just trying to live their lives and still they end up killing everyone like waaaaatttt
AND BLODDY Isabela like SERIOUSLY GIRL I'm your friend. when you steal a historically and religiously important relic from a someone you bet your ass they're gonna wanna kill you for it. And then the bitch RAN albeit she did come back BUT STILL COME ON ASSHOLE
I killed the arishok...Yeah well I didn't want him to take isabela no matter how much of a selfish asshole she was so he's dead now...I have a feeling that's going to seriously bite me in the ass at some point
also someone help please, do I side with the mages or Templars what did you guys do??? cause I understand both sides and I think they're both right in some areas and incredibly flawed in others, particularly the Templars but idkkkkk also Meredith is a bit shifty I don't like her.. (im at the start of act 3 so no spoilers please! just interpretations if that's okay? although tbh I already know what happens since I played inquisition first then went back to the older games)
and LOL for a long part of the time, when I met orsino I was panicked thinking OH MY GOSH is Irving dead?? NO I LOVE IRVING I ALSO SAVED HIS ASS and then I remembered that this is like a completely different place LOL
I also absolutely adore varric like what a sweetheart! My Hawke and him are like the best of friends and honestly it's the cutest shiz ever
other than that I forgave fenris and I think we're a thing now?? idk. mostly because he's hot and also because you know he's like this sweet broken toy that I just wanna love and care for although HE MAKES THE WORSE REMARKS AT THE WORST TIME like read the bloody room fenris GOSH
lastly, ive just met zevran AKA the love of my wardens life in my dao playthrough and what the actual frick frack did they do to my baby I'm PISSED
anyway that was all, just really needed to get it out there since I know LITTERALLY NO ONE ELSE who plays this incredible game. Any thoughts I'd be really interested to hear. If I offended you because of my thoughts on a character, I apologise, i meant no harm this is just my opinion on them :)))
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huniebunny · 2 years
Hello!! I am here for a creepypasta match-up!!
First of all, before you do this, make sure you are healthy. Not hungry, thirsty, tired or stressed. Do not force yourself to do this request ^^ Right, here we go!
1. Prefered nicknames: - Babe / Baby - Honey - Sweetheart
2. Pronouns and age: - She/ her
- 18 and above mate!
3. Romantic Orientation - Heterosexsual
4. Appereance: - Imma just put a drawing of me heh
Tumblr media
[ My hair is dark brown and eyes are the same color :D ]
5. Anything else:
- Personality- + witty + Independent + smart + Emotionally strong + a bit gullible I have a bit of an anger issue too. My friends describe me as the little sister and the big sister of the group. Kinda like, a dom with a sub personality? Yeah. I can be the mom sometimes tho. A bit complicated to be described? Yes, unless you really know me well. I can be protective if it is triggered. Creative, friendly and dark. I get dark when I feel like it. Saying I wanna die? I will. Feeling like to kick a ball to someones’s fence? Maybe would do it. When stressed, as in, very stressed I have a tendency to just, ignore my needs. I get very self distructive baby~ Can I be calm instead of energetic? i can!! Actually, i am most of the time :P I have body dysmorphia and general anxiety hehe. It triggers me when I am in a crownd of people? Am I agoraphobic as well? Not sure. BUT, I have trypophobia and atychiphobia (irrational and persistent fear of failing) I have a habit of holding back my feelings instead of taking it out. I tend to not care if I am angry or sad if I am busy tbh. It’s just that, I don’t see why i should even care about it? I care more fore others than myself. But, I am glad that my friends are helping me pvercome this problem of mine ^^ -General stuff- I am fond of coffee and tea, very. Also fond of people taller than me hahah. I love to study!! Reading, writing, piano playing, drawing, studying and archery are my fav hobbies. I love vibing to songs and slightly swaying my body to it. Classical, swing, rock, name the genre and I would listen to it. Fact: I watch BTS, K-drama, Minecraft youtubers and anime. I have a favoutite jacket, it’s dark blue in color, Airism, Uniqlo. I just- i get uncomfortable slighty when without it.
What do I look for in someone to love? How do i act with someone I love? Love language? I would look for someone who is both intellegent yet challenging. Someone who is patient, open-minded and witty. Charming, wether naturally or intentionally, I don’t care haha. When I love someone, I literally would listen to them and their problems and such. I would care for them a lot. My love language is quality time and physical touch. I would love to spend time with my s/o. I get lonely- ok, truth to be told, I am always lonely and it feels normal to me, so, if I am without my s/o most of the time, I wouldn’t mind. But, it would make me happy if he makes up for it in anyway. Cuddling is a fav. Kiss me till i fall asleep or something. Just love me in anyway, when you can :] Make me feel great if you don’t mind-
You’re Matched With…
Brian Thomas/Hoodie !!!
What's your relationship to them?
Lover | Friend | Family | Acquaintance | Annoyance | Rival | Enemy
How did you meet?
He managed to get away from the group for a moment at some small, hole-in-the-wall café. He was only going to get something to walk out with, when he heard the strangest argument. He peeked over his shoulder to see you and your friend arguing over whether you deserved some help. He ordered and figured he’d make himself a little friendly while he waited.
First impressions?
He thought the argument was interesting, and almost familiar to a memory he can’t quite grasp. Sure, he was a little weird about just walking up to your table, but he just wanted to find out what exactly was happening. When he heard you were refusing help, he lightly flicked your forehead. “Stop that. Get some help.”
General Dynamic:
It’s not often he gets to see you again, but whenever he’s in your area, he looks for you first.
And you better be glad he thinks you’re cute because your self-deprecation and self-destruction weighs something heavy on his heart.
He’ll literally pick you up out of your comfortable spot without a care if you’re still working. You will take care of yourself when he’s around.
Any chance he gets, he holds you close to his side as if to protect you.
And you can almost swear you can hear his heartbeat through your shoulder.
He’ll sit back and watch as you dive into your interests. He loves the passion that fills your eyes when doing the things you love.
It doesn’t take long for him to love you, and every part of you.
Nor does it take long for him to confess through whispering his eternity against your neck, voice in a low drawl.
And that’s something he does a lot. Whispers to you, like everything he could possibly say is meant for your ears only.
He’ll press his lips against your skin, anywhere he can reach, and he’ll whisper about everything and nothing at once. (Bonus points that you allow him to do so some place you’re insecure about)
He mutters how beautiful you are like it’s a blessing. A prayer treasonous to his loyalty for his boss.
He both holds you tight and keeps you far out of harm’s way.
And during those cold nights when you're asleep and he has to leave, he makes sure your jacket smells like him. He lays it over your shoulders to wake up to him still.
Other notes:
I’ve always pictured Brian to be the most passionate romantically out of the group. He’s charming and more awake than Tim/Masky, and can keep his head cool in most cases than Toby and Kate. He wants you near, but he has to keep you safe too.
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