#a little bit of chiron info
astrolovecosmos · 3 months
"Chiron is a paradox. The mythological Chiron was both healer and warrior. He was immortal and yet was mortally wounded, so endured constant pain. In the end, he renounced his immortality, took on someone else's pain, and was elevated to a place in the heavens." - Judy Hall
Chiron: Duality of existence, paradoxes, spiritual warrior, wounds to the soul, healing, suffering, fragmentation, fusion, union, integration, the key or truth, cosmic messenger, the lost comet, leaving and returning, giving, kindness, alienation, defeated, leader, teacher, mentor, hero, outsider, scapegoat, maverick, holistic health, psychological or spiritual wars.
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cloudsandwaterfalls · 2 years
A“ If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world. “
— C. S. Lewis
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1st House Ruler in Dif. Houses [x]. 
2nd House Ruler in Dif. Houses [x]. 
3rd House Ruler in Dif. Houses [x]. 
The Sun [x]. 
7th House [x]. 
The Houses in One Word [x]. 
The Sun in Dif. Houses [x]. 
Chiron in 6th House [x]. 
Aries Dominant Personality [x]. 
Rising Signs Word Aesthetics [x]. 
MC Through The Signs [x]. 
Sister Signs: Aries/Libra Parallel [x]. 
How to Find Marriage through Astrology [x]. 
How to Find Rising Sign without Birth Time [x]. 
12th House Virgo Sun, Significance [x]. 
29˚ Virgo Sun, Significance [x]. 
12˚ Cancer Sun 11th House, Significance [x]. 
Capricorn Lilith, 8th House [x].
Lilith, Aphrodite, & Eros conjunct South Node in 2nd House, Capricorn [x]. 
11th House Taurus, Money Gains? [x]. 
1st House Stellium, Stellium General Info. [x]. 
Whole Chart Reading [x]. 
Analysis of Dominants, Creative/Attractive Placements, Moon trine Venus (8˚), Romantic Compatibility. 
Whole Chart Reading [x]. 
Analysis of House of Jupiter, Creative/Attractive Placements, Appealing Placements. 
Mercury conjunct Lilith, Mercury conjunct Venus [x]. 
Aries MC in 3rd House, Sun, Jupiter, Fire Signs Analysis [x]. 
Detachment from Parenthood [x].
8th House Ruler (Saturn, Capricorn) in 12th House (Taurus, 25˚) [x].
Career Advice, Saturn MC, Mercury 6th House, Aries Ascendant [x].
Career Advice, Atmakaraka Sun in 8th House, Gemini MC [x]. 
Career Advice, Atmakaraka Mercury, Amatyakaraka Saturn [x]. 
Miraculous Ladybug Fandom - 
Miraculous Ladybug, Adrien Agreste MC [x]. 
“Je tiaime, m’lady”.
Miraculous Ladybug OC, Romantic Academia, MD [x].
“My love, i have waited a thousand years for you. so, dance with me tonight, for every second is doomed and this moment will soon be lost to time and decay”. 
Miraculous Ladybug, Six of Crows OC MD [x]. 
Harry Potter Fandom - 
ENTJ, Gryffindor, Red OC MD [x]. 
"You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart."
iPhone or Laptop Wallpaper, Slytherin [x]. 
“We could be Kings & Queens, my Darling”. 
Soft Feelings - 
Self-Love, Sage Green MD [x]. 
Countryside Orange Summer MD [x]. 
“My Love, you are worth it all…” . 
Sweet Life, Strawberries in Italy [x]. 
Survivor, Grey MD [x]. 
“Be a survivor who has not lost the ability to feel”. 
A Little Bit Extraterrestrial - 
Anime GIFS and ICONS [x]. 
Space, Gemini / Aquarius MD, Animated GIFs [x]. 
A Little Bit Tragic - 
Medieval Tragic Romance [x]. 
Cities [x]. 
Foods [x]. 
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lunararcade · 3 months
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important info to start: this is the second most recent dr i have shifted to. i do not have everything scripted out in this dr and am learning and adjusting to many things as i go. i had every intention to shift here eventually, but when i shifted here the first time it was unintentional. now i have some safety things in my script and some basic changes i wanted, but for the most part everything in this dr is coming naturally!
how long have i been in this dr? not long at all actually. i have only shifted twice for a total of just under four weeks (the first was a little under a week and the second was just under three).
have i been claimed by a god? yes! i was claimed by hades at the end of my second week there! there is no cabin for hades at camp yet so i took up residence for a bit in cabin 3 with percy after i was claimed.
what was my dr life like before i shifted there? pretty normal! i had dyslexia, but i was able to remain in schools pretty long. i even graduated high school. in my dr i was raised an only child by my mom, alexandra, who is a nurse, and my dad leonardo (who i never knew wasn't my biological father). he is a police detective. i had really close non-demi god friends named carter and nellie. i didn't see as many strange things as most demi-gods, but i did see a few ghosts of dead relatives but i never connected that to hades until i was claimed, i just thought i was weird LMAO. there were multiple occasions where i thought i was seeing things that i now know were creatures, but they would be gone before i could figure it out so i thought it was my imagination. i never knew i was a demi-god and somehow chiron never knew about me, nor did i have a satyr guide.
do i have any powers? tbh, i don't know much about what i can do yet. i know that i can see dead people and chiron thinks it was an unintentional form of necromancy. he also thinks i am having visions (which have gotten much more intense since i found out i was a demi-god). he doesn't know why though because that isn't typically associated with hades. i am a really good sword-fighter and pretty good with a bow, but other than that there hasn't been time to explore my powers.
how did i get to camp? i quite literally WOKE UP ON MY WAY TO CAMP. i had no idea where i was going or where i was at first because i has just shifted and i was disoriented. when i woke up my (step)father immediately explained that i was going to a camp to keep me safe. he never got to explain to me where i was going because the MINOTAUR CAME AT OUR CAR BEHIND US. he swerved off the road and told me to run toward camp and he would drive away to try and distract it. i wasn't fast enough and the minotaur didn't take the car bait so i was attacked and knocked out. i woke up in camp and chiron (slowly) explained everything to me which went as good as you can expect.
do i have any demi-god friends? yes, thankfully. i befriended luke almost immediately because we are pretty close in age and he helps to train me and percy, who arrived like 2 weeks before me. he is not working with kronos in my dr. percy likes to pester me, especially after he found out we are both going through the "the gods hate us" thing, but he's become a really close friend. grover tags along with percy a lot too which means we've become friends too. luke introduced me to annabeth, and she's smart and as stubborn as me which i admire so i like to talk to her a lot. she also likes to know about the normal world, and i don't mind reminiscing. the only other close friend i've made is a daughter of aphrodite named marie liu. she's so sweet but she's fierce and good at sparring. i also talk to a lot of the younger campers because me and luke are basically glorified babysitters when at camp (but it's fun and i'm really starting to love it there so it's ok).
what am i doing currently in my dr? well, chiron thought seeing the oracle would help me understand my visions but now i'm on a quest. the god's are likely going to go to war (because aren't they always) since zeus found out poseidon and hades had children who didn't face the same fate as thalia. they refused to let zeus kill them so zeus said there would be war and gods are picking sides now. there's more of us than usual on the quest because i brought the people who were in my visions (though they are brief and intense and hard to decipher). it's me, percy, annabeth, grover, and luke. the oracle said (and this is as close as i could remember when i shifted back and wrote it down, but is probably not entirely accurate. it is similar to the lightening thief prophecy in some ways but also very, very different):
"You shall go east, and face the god who has turned,
You shall find broken peace and see it returned,
You shall go west and discover more allies and friends,
Should one, at a parents hand, not meet their end."
we haven't deciphered much but we did leave like 2 days before i shifted back most recently and were in upstate manhattan. we are playing things by ear and trying to survive currently.
there isn't much else to tell about this dr right now, but updates, memes, and shitposts are to come!
feel free to send any questions or ask about anybody or anything in my asks! i love talking about my drs (:
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saltisboring · 24 days
thinking of chbstuck so uhm… here’s some camp stuff!!!! I make my favs very clear
INFO <— link to the main CHBstuck post, which contains who’s a kid of who, who’s at what camp, and some art :3
now this is complicated…. Because neither Apollo twins (Dave + Rose) know how the fuck to use a bow. Its more of,, them calling for their dad like “pls don’t let us fuck it up” and Apollo just kinda “okay be cool”
Like, Dave got more of the music aspect of Apollo, along with some healing and yk,, flocks (haha I’m so funny) and Rose got light, arts, and also a bit of healing as a treat. So idk why they’re expected to run the archery practice but they are!!! Because they’re kinda either the oldest Apollo kids, or simply the only ones,,
(Context on “the only ones” is just trials of Apollo, i imagine he’d be less uhh careless with the number of kids he has after THAT experience lol)
(Haven’t decided if canon should be canon bc,, that’d just make this a crossover but also TRIALS!!!!! anyways)
Chiron makes an effort to lead as many as he can, but he can’t exactly control when he’s needed elsewhere lol
the twins just kinda make sure to give offerings every night like “don’t let us fuck this up PLEASE” it’s great
Equius is a big enthusiast of these lessons, even if he isn’t very,, good? He tries but (like in canon) he just can’t get the right amount of pressure to put on it?
June is also surprisingly okay with a bow and arrow!! She’s just cool like that B)
Jade tried once and never again. Her hands were shaky and she almost shot someone’s eye out?? Didn’t matter too much to her tho, she’s much batter at hand-to-hand and sword fighting.
now I kinda already said who has in the club, but I never rlly talked about it much!!! So here’s that
Review: dnd club is basically the flarp group, except restricted to dnd bc they larped too hard and Mr.D and the Apollo kids were tired of all the injuries lol!! Its Tav, aradia, vriska, and terezi, tho I might add more nerds in the future even though they’re not,, yk,, the flarpers
Anyways Vriska DMs and is so insufferable about it but they’re too into the story now to really give up?? Plus fighting so much can be fun sometimes
Theres also the honorary members, who r just spectators that come by to watch their friends play!! That would be June and Sollux lawl (might add more)
ohhhh boy do these games get heated. Listen, okay, when you restrict a group of kids from hurting eachother while role playing, what makes you think they won’t take advantage of a game that is literally just that…
Vriska is the CTF equivalent to those try hard gym kids (being a daughter of Nike). She is just so extremely into the game it’s insane!!!
Hephaestus kids also kinda also go hard, yk finding an excuse to test out the stuff they make!! Dirk more than anything, and also to kinda test out his strengths n shit cuz he’s lame
Dave and Rose sit on the sidelines because,, healing and also they have an excuse to sit out so they WILL be sitting out
Gamzee is usually put to watch and guard the flag idk it just makes sense? He doesn’t mind tho, he just sits around and fends it off when he can.
Karkat and Feferi seem like the type that would sort of scout the area? Like, while someone guards the flag difectly, they stop any surprise attacks from a bit father. Feferi tends to stick next to the lake, and Karkat is just placed wherever (he is, after all, luck).
While I do think Terezi and Vriska would make such a good leader combo for CTF, I have a small little feeling that Mr.D already has them clocked and just does not let them team up because that is too many injuries!!!! It only reduces them by a bit tho, being on opposite sides simply making them a taaad bit more competitive
The amount of accidents is actually insane,,, though it’s more of bruising than anything that would need Apollo kid action.
I don’t even have to tell you the people who would have an absolute blast.
Nepeta and Equius hang out near the stables the most, but that doesn’t mean the pegasi are any less loved :3 Gosh, they are definitely pampered.
Dave probably falls off the most often — not because he’s not skilled, but because he forgets he has to actually hold on (It makes sense to me, trust).
June really really enjoys flying around. That’s not exactly a big scenario, I just felt like that needed to be included. She likes the freedom that comes with it!!
I have more ideas for Canoe racing and the chariot stuff,, however words are hard so take the other brainrot instead :3
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astrobydalia · 3 years
🌸OBSERVATIONS!! (finally lmao)🌱
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
It's been a long time coming! So happy for spring being finally here! Here's the long ass observation post you guys asked for. Since it's quite a big amount of observations, I've decided it'd be a good idea to number them so that it's easier to reference them. As always, enjoy them!
🌸 1. Lilith in the 2nd house can indicate something fishy going on with the relationship between the native’s parents.
🌱 2. Malefic placements such as pluto, chiron, Saturn or Lilith in the 12th indicates a lot of skeletons in the closet when it comes to family and family history
🌸 3. Chiron in Aries/1st house or Leo/5th house is kind of bitch placement. The person basically feels like they can’t be themselves and there’s a lot of self-denial and/or not accepting themselves, how they really are, what they really want, etc. Lots of self-esteem issues
🌱 4. People with sexual placements in the 2nd house (Mars, Venus, Lilith, Eros, ruler of the 8th house) base their self-worth on how sexually attractive they are. If they don't feel sexually desirable to everyone, they feel like they're shit
🌸 5. Lilith is what people think Pluto/Scorpio is!!!! All that stuff about magnetic, sexual and intoxicating but dangerous? Lilith.
🌱 6. Scorpio/Pluto in 4th could mean that the person had to work hard to survive something growing up. It could be poverty, their parents’ expectations, an early trauma, etc. Whatever the situation is, the native felt like they grew up in a high-stress environment where they had to endure and survive
🌸 7. When it comes to degrees, the higher the degree, the bigger or stronger the effect. For example Leo degrees (5º, 17º, 29º) are fame degrees. 5th degree would give small fame, 17th degree would be normal and significant fame or recognition inside the person’s field and 29th degree is moreso widespread or permanent fame
🌱 8. Saturn in the 5th house is a huge indicator of turning your hobby into your job. Also these people can be very awkward in their personality
🌸 9. I’ve noticed people with Neptune in the 6th (maybe 2nd) house may have been hospitalized and if Uranus or Pluto are placed here also indicates getting surgery or operations for health reasons
🌱 10. People with Uranus or Pluto in the 1st, 2nd or conjunct the ASC could get surgery due to aesthetic reason
🌸 11. Mercury dominant people (or strong Gemini energy in the chart) like to have or get things quick and easy. For example they prefer a straight forward summary over an in-depth and elaborated explanation with too many details
🌱 12. Your moon sign shows how you see your past. Your 4th house represent how you see your childhood. But your moon represents under which light you always view your past and everything that has happened in your life in general. It also shows the type of stuff from your past you tend to focus on. Since Cancer and Pisces represent past and remenaicence, that's why Cancer and Pisces moons have trouble getting over the past.
🌸 13. Your 10th house on the other hand is how you see your future. Whenever someone asks you “where you see yourself in 5 years?” your 10th house is the one that’ll be answering that question
🌱 14. Gemini moon/mars are the LEAST likely to hold grudges (unless chart says otherwise)
🌸 15. The house where you have your Neptune indicates the themes you tend to lie about, don’t give much info, say stuff about it that are misleading etc. and in consequence people might not have a clear/correct idea of this part of your life
🌱 16. Virgo risings rarely or basically never pose for pictures. They just look straight forward to the camera, sometimes smile and maybe make a small gesture like putting one hand in their pocket or tilt their head but that’s it. (Virgo = minimalism)
🌸 17. Scorpios really don’t give a single fuck they just DON’T 😭💀 Remember this sign is all or nothing, they either care too or don't care AT ALL
🌱 18. I said it once and I’ll say to a hundred times more: Geminis are not two-faced, it’s LIBRA!! Seriously Libras are the FAKEST people I’ve ever met. Why? Because it's ruled by the planet of love (Venus), which means Libra has a knack for being liked by everyone and making everyone feel liked. HOWEVER Libra is an AIR sign and air represents mind, NOT feelings. In conclusion, Libra can make you feel "loved" (venus) and still not give a damn about you bc its air nature makes them prone to emotional detachment. That's why they are able to roast you and make it look like they're complimenting you, specially when they have Scorpio mercury.
🌸 19. Just like you look at where’s the ruler of your rising sign to get more info on your rising, check the ruler of your Sun sign for more info on your personal identity (check sign and house). For ex. I have Virgo Sun in the 9th. Ruler of Virgo=Mercury. I have mercury in Libra in the 10th house which makes me more serious (10th house) and diplomatic/people pleaser (Libra)
🌱 20. If you found that you “couldn’t” do what’s previously described because you’re a Leo sun, check the degree and decan of your Sun
🌸 21. I’ve noticed mercury retrograde people are the type of individuals who always know exactly the right things to say. You’ll always see them take a couple of seconds before answering but they tend to give very good responses
🌱 22. I’ve noticed many women with Virgo Venus/Sun/MC/Lilith have been slut-shamed at some point of their life or they’ve been seen as promiscuous/sexual/etc.
🌸 23. Capricorn moons are not emotionless machines. The thing with these natives is that their mothers treated them like an adult the second they came out of the womb, so basically they skipped the “love and affection” stage and went straight to the “grow up” stage, but they can love really hard and real deep (Capricorn is deep down a very sentimental sign). They are very ride or die people tbh, they are very patient, accepting and understanding
🌱 24. I've noticed that people at first deny their rising sign in Vedic astrology, but eventually they end up accepting it and they actually end up relating to it a lot. I feel like this is because our rising sign in Vedic astrology is usually the sign of our 12th house in Western astrology, which leads me to believe that our 12th house sign is not our shadow side but more like our deep subcontious personality and that's why we have a hard time accepting it when we see it as our rising sign in Vedic astrology. It's like your rising sign (in western) is the director of the play but your 12th house is the energy that previously wrote the script
🌸 25. So many celebrities have moon in the 11th house. Also this placement indicates that you had a mother that put you out there constantly like posting everything about you on social media, bringing you to big events or your mom was “famous” in some capacity
🌱26. Gemini risings tend to believe everything they are told. More specifically, once they find someone that knows a little bit more than them they’ll believe everything they teach them and will most likely rely on them intellectually, for advice, guidance, etc. This is bc they have DSC in Sagittarius which makes them see the people they associate with as masters and mentors while, as a Gemini rising, they identify as an apprentice.
🌸27. Both 8th house and 12th house have been associated with secrets. The different is that the 8th house represents what you CONTIOUSLY and deliberately hide from others and most likely deny to yourself (or not, depends on the person). 12th house on the other hand represents subconscious, things that are hidden even from you and you didn’t even know were hidden. 4th house is not necessarily secrets, it represents privacy, like when people have a sanctuary to just relax, unwind and feel secure, that’s the 4th house.
🌱28. Sun or Moon in the 4th house will make you a sociable but private person.
🌸29. Sun or moon in the 8th house will make you an intriguing and mysterious person.
🌱30. Sun or moon the 12th house makes you a very elusive or wishy-washy person
🌸31. I’ve seen many Scorpio sun/moon/mars/rising individuals obsessed with the idea of being prepared for a catastrophe. They could be the type to, for example, have some saved cash just in case something bad happens with their bank money, have a backup account just in case their main one gets deleted, could have a “leave before you get left” philosophy, etc.
🌱32. Is it just me or the astro community talks a lot about Aries moons???
🌸33. I’ve noticed people with 4th house in Virgo could have been raised in a very judgemental household where there was lots of taboos and prejudice as to what’s right and what’s not and the family was too preoccupied with a perfect and immaculate reputation. For example could have been raised with values such as “only criminals wear tattoos” or “you should stay celibate till marriage or else you’re a whore”, etc. and if the native broke those rules they could have been very criticized and almost loathed by the family. They native could have been highly criticized in general by their family
🌱34. I’ve noticed women that have their moon harshly aspecting Pluto, Uranus and Mars or overall have a very afflicted moon tend to have very painful period cramps
🌸35. Something I have noticed with Venus or Moon conjunct Saturn people is that the concept of unconditional love sounds like alien language to them. That of course doesn’t mean they can’t love but they have this deep belief that they have to achieve something in order to deserve love and stuff like that
🌱36. Also, I just noticed that people with Saturn conjunct sun/moon/Venus/ASC, Capricorn big 3 or Capricorn degrees in personal placements have gone through IT man, specially on an internal level. I've noticed going through depression is a common theme for people with this Capricorn/Saturn influence
🌸37. Virgo Suns could often struggle to find balance between having healthy ego and being humble.
🌱38. Also people with Virgo+Leo energy are the MOOOOST judgmental people out there. Imagine ego mixed with a sense of knowing what’s correct. They tend to believe they’re morally superior and easily liable people as inferior
🌸39. The underdeveloped energy of a sign asimilates negative traits of its sister sign. For example underdeveloped Virgo is overly perfectionist and judgmental to the point where they have unrealistic expectations (Pisces)
🌱40. On the other hand the developed version of a sign is balanced out by understanding its sister sign. For example Leo knows they are unique and special and deserves recognition but understands everyone is also unique in their own way (Aquarius)
🌸41. I’ve noticed a person can very easily manifest the stereotypical characteristics of the sign that naturally rules the house where their chart ruler is. For example if someone’s chart ruler (ruler of the ASC) is in the 7th house the person can easily manifest stereotypical characteristics of Libra like being a people pleaser
🌱42. Sagittarius ASC/Mars people are all fun, amicable and outgoing.... until they don’t get their way. They will get away from people and situations that won’t give them what they want and they can genuinely dislike people solely because those people don’t let them have their way. They tend to go around life like they have a free pass to get away with everything they want.
🌸43. People with ASC-Neptune aspects don’t have a very reliable vision of reality or themselves to be honest. I don’t know how people with this aspect haven’t lost their mind already. They are prone to subconsciously manipulating or easily getting manipulated. With hard aspects this is a lot more obvious but I’ve noticed with easy aspects this energy tends to go almost unnoticed and they easily get away with stuff
🌱44. Have seen many famous people with North node in the 2nd, 5th, 11th and 12th houses specially
🌸45. Air risings or air dominance with Sagittarius placements/degrees are people who love cartoons/animations/videogames regardless of their age.
🌱46. When I got into astrology I didn’t understand why Sun is in detriment in Libra, but oh man... All Libras I’ve met had HUGE issues with trusting themselves. They doubt themselves 24/7 and that’s not even an exaggeration and I’ve noticed they actually may have grown up doubting themselves for some reason or they had a family (their dad) that caused this feeling in them. Also I’ve seen that those Libras with Scorpio placements feel like they have to hide something about themselves otherwise they’ll be rejected. Yes they are endlessly charming, but that's because they have essentially created their personality around the desire of being liked/accepted. They always need to feel they have SOMEONE. Their sense of self, INDIVIDUALITY, independence and assertiveness is lost in the process. Unless they have fire and specially Aries placements to balance this out they can feel like they have no personality and that’s why they are often perceived as fake or shallow.
🌸47. Literally ALL Virgo placements one way or another will always suggest a way to solve your problems when giving emotional support
🌱48. I have a theory that, since 4th house is how you were raised, your home and your parents, your 10th house is how you’d be as a parent yourself and the type of home you’ll create yourself
🌸49. Contrary to my expectations, I’ve seen priests having a much more prominent 4th house (many times combined with 8th house/Scorpio energy) than 12th house. People with 12th house placements or stellium seem to prefer artistic fields rather than classic spirituality
🌱50. The house where you have your Pluto is a house you just can NOT take lightly EVER. This area of your life feels like a heavy topic to you in some way (you are either obsessed with it, find It traumatic, get extremely defensive over it, find it spiteful, you feel everything goes wrong, etc, etc.) Can also apply to the house where you have the sign of scorpio
🌸51. In synastry, Venus falling in the 12th house creates a healing dynamic in the relationship, the connection can feel cathartic specially for the house person. The house person might tend to always be comforted by the venus person’s support, always feel better (or even energetically “cleansed”) after being with them. The venus person never judges the house person and accepts them and is always willing to be there.
🌱52. I’ve noticed this pattern in people with mutable moons where they have absent mothers in some shape or form. Their mother is very inconsistent, she always comes and goes. Very often the native may have felt like their mother always “left them be” (virgo moon moms put restrictions but eventually are rather flexible)
🌸53. People with cardinal moons have bossy mothers. In many cases they can have the type of mother that is constantly making decisions for them, like their mother decides what/where they’re going to study for example (the house tells what type of things the mother tends to make decisions on).
🌱54. People with fixed moons have possesive and protective moms. While mutable moons have absent mothers, natives with fixed moons have mothers that are ALWAYS there in some shape or form. At the very least the influence of the mother is always there and they always have this sense of “loyalty” towards their mom.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astrobydalia
That's it for now, next observation post is just as long but much better, stay tuned and safe loves 💕
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sodamnbored · 2 years
One thing I still can’t quite understand in The Lost Hero is why on Earth Chiron said this:
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That is such an extreme sentence to be the first thing you say to a kid you’ve just met! You should be DEAD. Like wtf Chiron? And the next second he’s back to normal, all conversational and friendly:
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And Jason asks him to explain, as he should, and Chiron literally never does:
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Like at first I thought, oh maybe because he could tell he was a Roman, the way monsters can smell the difference. But that would imply Chiron thought all Roman demigods were extinct. But that’s clearly not the case when he recognises the purple shirt and the tattoo and everything. He goes on after that to quiz Jason in Latin. He knows full well the Romans are still cutting about.
So then I thought, maybe it’s because he can somehow tell who his godly parent is and he’s freaked out that there’s another kid of the big three. But that doesn’t seem to be it either. Every other book another surprise big three kid is rolling up at Chiron’s front door. The shock of it really ought to have diluted a bit by now. Like, even if it’s a surprise, it’s hardly unfathomable that the biggest slut in Olympus squeezed out another secret kid.
I thought maybe it was because he was a kid of the big three but not a CHB kid, and he meant how did you possibly survive on your own for fifteen years? But then you get all this info proving he knows Jason is a Roman. So that doesn’t make sense either.
Surely saying “You…you shouldn’t be here.” Would be more appropriate to say than you should be DEAD. That is just such a weird unfounded thing to say!
And justifiably, Jason is still confused and asks again what he meant. And again Chiron is cryptic and never really answers the question:
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That more than anything proves that he 100% knows the Roman camp is operating somewhere and that they just made a deal never to talk about it. But that in no way then means that Jason should be dead?
I get that it’s dramatic, and for sure it sucked me in the first time I read it, but I don’t think it’s ever actually explained why he chose that particular wording. And after this chapter they never go back to it. It’s so bizarre, and I genuinely just don’t understand why on Earth Chiron decided to word it like that.
Any idea I come up with seems really unlikely. Like I thought, maybe Chiron knew Thalia had a little brother who was presumed dead. But no. Because Thalia never told Luke, Annabeth or anyone about Jason. She never even made it into camp to meet Chiron in the first place. And when she did after turning back into a girl, she left almost immediately on a quest.
So then I thought, maybe Chiron keeps up to date with current affairs in the world. That’s plausible. Beryl Grace was a celebrity after all. The media would have probably been reporting any scandals of a spiralling star. There’s every chance that when her youngest child goes missing and nobody can find any sign of him that it would’ve been in the news. The news is always reporting missing toddlers. And there would’ve probably been investigations and people accusing Beryl of something malicious.
So, sure, Chiron might have known Jason from the news, and was maybe aware Thalia had once had a brother who went missing from that. But, again, Jason didn’t even know his last name. And even if the story had run for a bit (not to mention that it was happening on the other side of the country so who knows if major coverage would’ve spread to Chiron’s area), they would’ve been showing a picture of Jason at two years old. Most people wouldn’t immediately recognise a stranger from a toddler photo they haven’t seen in about thirteen years. Your face can change a lot in thirteen years. So I doubt that’s the case, because his reaction was immediate on seeing Jason.
It just doesn’t make sense to me. It was such an extreme reaction for no real explanation. So if I’m missing something and it’s obvious what he meant, please tell me because I genuinely can’t work it out.
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ariars-art · 4 years
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First post of the new name/direction of this blog with my Linked Universe Percy Jackson AU! Meet the Demi-God boys!
After cleaning out my room a couple of weeks ago I found my old PJO & HoO books and my old obsession clashed with my new one along with my passion for mythology! I have a lot of stuff thought up about this AU and I’m going to keep riding the self indulgence juices for as long as I can!
Some info on the boys/the AU can be found below! Not everything is below, I would like to keep some secret/for the future ;) And feel free to ask/send questions about the AU, I would die of happiness if you did!
Wind -Son of Poseidon (God of the Sea, Storms, Earthquakes, Droughts, Floods and Horses) Counselor of Cabin 3. -14 years old. 3 years at camp. -He is a summer camper, and lives with his Grandma and younger sister Aryll when not at camp, they are unsure if his sister is a Demi-God as well. -Has gone on a few of quests so far, mainly ones that involved the sea including one to the sea of monster with his best friend/best rival Tetra.  -Really excited about all his new cousins and family. -Hates being underestimated due to his age, he’s been on quests, he's a son of Poseidon, he’s just as capable as the rest of them! -Favourite part of his powers is his ability to talk to fish and horses. Horses don’t like him back though. Wild -Son of Hypnos? (God of Sleep and the Personification of Sleep) -Doesn’t even know his age, let alone his birthday. -A year round camper, well he’s got no where else to go. First year at CHB -All he remembers is being inside a nice plush cabin with lots of pillows a tree growing in the middle that leaked a milky colored sap that was dripping over his hands and lips. -Slept for a really long time and he guesses now he has no memory? At least that’s what Chiron told him. But why does he feel so guilty? -No quests just yet, he likes practicing archery trick-shots with the Apollo kids. -A daughter of Athena keeps trying to get him to eat frogs and bugs. Some of them make him feel funny. Twilight -Son of Lupercus (God of Shepherds and Wader against Wolves), Champion of Lupa (Wolf Goddess). Centurion of Cohort 3. -19 years old. 4 Years at Camp.  -Summer Camper, goes home despite it being uncommon for Romans to do so. -Wasn’t found until he was 15, his father was too minor of a god to really draw any attention to Twilight. He liked it that way. He trained himself and it was enough to protect himself for a couple of years. -When he was 15, one of his mortal friends was killed the crossfire of one of the few monster attacks, afterwards he was taken to Camp Jupiter. -Whilst completing his training in the Wolf House under Lupa the wolf Goddess, the she-wolf took a liking to him and agreed to train him further than other Demi-gods and eventually took him on as her champion. -On a quest met someone and they teamed up and he fell in love with her despite knowing that she could never love him back. -Talk shit you get the stick Sky -Son of Zeus (God of the Sky, Lightning and Thunder. King of the Gods) Counselor of Cabin 1. -19 years old. 3 years at Camp. -Year round camper, but wishes he could be a summer camper like his girlfriend. -Very in love with his girlfriend who is a Daughter of Apollo, they knew each other as kids but never knew they were both Demi-Gods. -Has been on only two or three quests but they were very big/very important and needed the power of a son Zeus. Doesn’t like to think about his first quest.  -Prefers to use his Wind powers over his Lightning Powers. -Feels quite bad due to the fact ever since he and his younger cousin (Wind) showed up at camp the number of monster attacks have only increased. -Jealous of Wind’s ability to talk to some animal, he wishes he could communicate with his bird.
Four -Son of Hephaestus (God of Fire, the Forge, Metalworking, Technology and Blacksmiths) Co-counselor of Cabin 9. -18 years old. 4 years at camp.  -Summer Camper, goes home to his Grandfather during the year. -Quite small for an child of Hephaestus but that doesn’t put him down. -Known for stealing extra end of year beads from the Big House. -Sometimes seen talking to himself. -Is most skilled in weapons but has dabbled in creating automatons but all he ended up with was a cranky bird who likes to sit on his head, he named him E.Z.L.O. -”Yes I did flex and my sleeves fell off, shut up Legend!”  
Hyrule -Son of Hecate (Goddess of Magic, Crossroads, Sorcery, Necromany and Light) -16 years old. 2 years at Camp.  -Year round camper -Still quite new at all this Half-blood Demi-God stuff . -His Saytr guide got killed while escorting him to camp, managed to make the rest of the journey by himself. -His magic goes a bit haywire when he is stressed, last time he turned 3 members of the Hebe cabin in an acorn, plank of wood and a toaster for a few hours. -A little scared cause he feels unworthy next to all his siblings and all the other heroes in camp, but knows deep down he might be stronger than most of them. -Keeps taking the new Hypnos kid into the forest around the camp and sometimes they don’t show up again for a few days.
Time -Son of Janus (God of Beginnings, Transitions, Time, Duality, Doorways, Passages, and Endings) Former Praetor of Camp Jupiter, Former Centurion of the First Cohort. -Age unknown, but he’s quite old for a Demi-god.  -Gave up the Demi-God life and his Praetor position years ago to go and live with his mortal wife. -Due to his powers he sometimes ends up walking through doorways through time and space. Thats how he ended up here. Not his first rodeo in this time though. -Was raised by a group of forest Dryads for the first years of his life before moving to Camp Jupiter.  -Been on many quests, including one which ended up with him having to battle against the primordial moon goddess Luna. After winning the fight he took her sword. - “Look, I didn’t ask to be a half-blood.” Legend -Son of Hermes (God of Roads, Travel, Athletes, Diplomacy, Thieves, Commerce and Trade. Messenger of the Gods) Counselor of Cabin 10. -17 years old. 7 years at Camp. -Year round/Summer Camper, it kinda changes every year. -Currently holds onto the record for the most quests at Camp Half-Blood. Kinda proud but also kinda over it.  -Hoarder of all sorts of items, unknown where he gets all these items from.  -Bonded with Hyrule while he was holed up in Cabin 10 before his claiming by Hecate. -He sees a possible opportunity in the son of Poseidon to help him return to the mysterious island he wash up on years ago. An island where he fell in love with a goddess who could never leave. But he is going to find a way, he will. -Stole a pair of his dad’s flying shoes, but turns out they were kinda a dud. Can’t fly but can run really fast. Warriors -Son of Mars (God of War and Destruction) & Legacy of Venus (Goddess of Love, Beauty, Desire, Prosperity and Victory). Praetor of the 12th Legion. Former Centurion of Cohort 5. -18 years old. 4 years at Camp. -Year round camper. He’s in charge so he’s got to stay. -At first thought to be another child of Mars with a pretty face he was placed in Cohort 5. He was quickly made centurion of the ragtag group of Demi-Gods and quickly the cohort was competing with the best of them.  -He caught the eye of the current female Preator and when her colleague failed to return from a quest, she promoted Warriors to Preator, despite him not having completed the minimum 5 years of service to be eligible for the position. -Most well known for helping defend Camp Jupiter during a war a year ago, which helped solidify his new position as Praetor. But he feels guilty for every life lost in each of the battles. -A bit of a heartthrob who can't help but flaunt his double legacy sometimes.
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caelestiaa · 2 years
Hi, happy New Year 💕. I was reading about Chiron and I think I have the worst combination fr. I have Chiron in the 10th and in Capricorn 🧍 and funnily enough, I want to be a recognized filmmaker/screenwriter. So yeah, my Chiron seems to be a little bit unhelpful. Do you have any advice or more info about Chiron? I know almost nothing about astrology :(
Awe! I don’t think it is totally negative. Chiron shows you your wounds and struggle but also what you can overcome. Being a filmmaker/screenwriter is definitely a struggle dream. Coming up from nothing will never be easy but it has and can be done!
Interpretation: you may have trouble seeing your worth if you feel you have nothing to offer. This can mean you seclude yourself when you feel like you’re lacking. You push yourself and set limits that are extremely high, there may be a chronic sense of failure.
Advice: Focusing on goals and ambitions step by step may help. Shoot for the stars but climb the stairs, essentially. Recognizing that success/failure =/= worth is very important with this placement.
Keep dreaming and working towards your goals! Good luck ❤️
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reading-riordan · 3 years
PJO: “The Lightning Thief,” Chapter Five
“I Play Pinochle With a Horse”
or, “The Confusing Info-Dump Chapter”
Percy spends the next few days in and out of consciousness, which is weird, because at this point I’m pretty sure that his wounds are all psychological. Occasionally he’s fed “something that tasted like buttered popcorn, only it was pudding” by the girl from the end of the last chapter.
When she saw my eyes open, she asked, "What will happen at the summer solstice?" I managed to croak, "What?" She looked around, as if afraid someone would overhear. "What's going on? What was stolen? We've only got a few weeks!"
Unfortunately for The Girl, a guy covered in eyeballs comes in to tell her that it’s still too early for this much foreshadowing.
Eventually Percy wakes up sitting on the porch of that farmhouse, feeling weak. Grover is there, wearing a “CAMP DEMIGOD HALF-BLOOD” T-shirt but otherwise looking normal. Then he hands Percy a broken Minotaur horn and confirms that yeah, his mom ostensibly exploded last night and he’s still got hairy goat legs under his jeans.
Percy is just “FML,” which, y’know, fair.
I was alone. An orphan. I would have to live with...Smelly Gabe? No. That would never happen. I would live on the streets first.
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"I'll put a pin in that idea.” —Rick Riordan
Grover, who is honestly weepier about this than Percy, advises him to drink something which looks like apple juice but tastes like “my mom's homemade blue chocolate-chip cookies, buttery and hot, with the chips still melting.” It makes him feel a lot better, though Grover implies that the stuff would kill him and possibly Percy if either of them drank too much. 
Grover then leads Percy to the back of the house, and we get our first real glimpse of Camp Half-Blood:
Between here and there, I simply couldn't process everything I was seeing. The landscape was dotted with buildings that looked like ancient Greek architecture—an open-air pavilion, an amphitheater, a circular arena—except that they all looked brand new, their white marble columns sparkling in the sun. In a nearby sandpit, a dozen high school-age kids and satyrs played volleyball. Canoes glided across a small lake. Kids in bright orange T-shirts like Grover's were chasing each other around a cluster of cabins nestled in the woods. Some shot targets at an archery range. Others rode horses down a wooded trail, and, unless I was hallucinating, some of their horses had wings.
At the end of the porch, Percy sees The Girl and a man who “looked like a cherub who'd turned middle-aged in a trailer park.” (I must admit, I do like that description.) They are apparently Annabeth and Mr. D.
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Percy is surprised to also see Mr. Brunner, who it turns out is actually named “Chiron.”
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“Scale? Never heard of it.” —Some ancient Greek artist
"Ah, good, Percy," he said. "Now we have four for pinochle."
He offered me a chair to the right of Mr. D, who looked at me with bloodshot eyes and heaved a great sigh. "Oh, I suppose I must say it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. There. Now, don't expect me to be glad to see you."
She glanced at the minotaur horn in my hands, then back at me. I imagined she was going to say, You killed a minotaur! or Wow, you're so awesome! or something like that. Instead she said, "You drool when you sleep." Then she sprinted off down the lawn, her blond hair flying behind her.
You know, Hogwarts has a much nicer welcoming ceremony. There’s a feast and everything. 
(Also, it should be “blonde,” with an “e.” Just saying.)
Mr. Brunner says that he’s glad that Percy didn’t get horribly killed, as that would have made his tenure at Yancy Academy “a waste of time.” (See, he clearly had no interest in the other students.) Apparently Grover was planted at the school to look out for future protagonists, and when Chiron heard about Percy he murdered the previous Latin teacher and took a job at the school in order to watch him. 
Percy finally cuts to the chase and asks what the heck is going on, and Chiron reveals that the Greek gods are real.
Oh, and Mr. D is one. Specifically Dionysus, god of wine, though he doesn’t like going by that because “names are powerful things” and I still don’t understand why we’re doing this bit. As far as I know, the ancient Greeks weren’t scared of using Dionysus’ name, and it apparently doesn’t hurt him or anything, so...? The point is, Zeus is mad at him, so now he has to spend the next century running a summer camp and getting no rum for his rum and Coke. 
So, let’s talk about Dionysus for a minute. 
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“No, I’ve never actually seen a leopard. Why?” —Some ancient Greek artist
He’s actually a pretty complex character. If you don’t want to watch this very interesting 17-minute video, we can summarize by saying that he originally seems to have been a scary god of madness, but over time he developed into a younger, friendlier god with some scary stories still attached to him. The thing is, Mr. D doesn’t fit either of those portrayals very well. I think Riordan was going for the creepy original version (there’s a whole paragraph describing some of his scary stories), but he comes off more grumpy than terrifying. I guess the lack of booze is making him irritable. 
He fits the role of grouchy camp counselor pretty well, though I’m not sure why he hates Percy so much in particular. Unless Riordan just needed a Snape for his Harry Potter bingo card.
"If you were a god, how would you like being called a myth, an old story to explain lightning? What if I told you, Perseus Jackson, that someday people would call you a myth, just created to explain how little boys can get over losing their mothers?"
No, Chiron, he was created to encourage little boys with learning disabilities. Get your facts straight. 
First off: kudos on Percy’s first name, I like that detail. Secondly, I have to question: why don’t people believe in the Greek gods anymore? Mr. D says that Percy will be incinerated if he refuses to, but by that logic, why isn’t Zeus hurling lightning at people until they burn up some BBQ for him? How’d y’all let Christianity take over your cosmic empire?
"Well, now," Chiron said. "God—capital G, God. That's a different matter altogether. We shan't deal with the metaphysical."
He kicked your ass, didn’t He?
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Nah. He sent His kid to do it. 
The adults are still being vague, expecting Sally to have explained things a bit more. Eventually Mr. D leaves with Grover, saying that they need to discuss “[his] less-than-perfect performance on this assignment." Percy asks Chiron a few more questions, and learns that the “Greek” gods have apparently moved Mount Olympus to America.
“What you call 'Western civilization.' Do you think it's just an abstract concept? No, it's a living force. A collective consciousness that has burned bright for thousands of years. The gods are part of it. You might even say they are the source of it, or at least, they are tied so tightly to it that they couldn't possibly fade, not unless all of Western civilization were obliterated. [...] America is now the heart of the flame. It is the great power of the West. And so Olympus is here. And we are here."
*rubs temple* Do I want to try and unpack this? ‘Cause there’s so much to go over. 
Like: what counts as "Western civilization," at a time when globalization is spreading it to non-Western countries? Or conversely, when the West takes on non-Western traits? Are the gods only tied to Greek influences, or influences from the new countries that they come to? If they’re the embodiments of Western civilization, what does it mean that said civilization has been primarily defined by Christianity for so long, and follow up, does that mean Christianity dying in Western countries, ironically, hurts them? 
Don’t get me wrong, having characters as the personifications of cultural traits is an interesting concept. I just don’t think that Riordan plans to go into that as much as he should.
And heck, I can imagine them moving without making it all philosophical. Look at Greece’s economy. The Olympians wouldn’t be the only ones emigrating.
So Percy is kind of freaked out about being included in this “physical embodiment of Western civilization” thing, and finally asks “Who...who am I?" Chiron admits that he doesn’t know, but that in the meantime, he'll help him get settled into camp and also reveal that he’s a centaur.
I mean, the next chapter confirms that Percy knows the myths about Chiron, so he shouldn’t really be surprised.
Anyway! The characters are okay-ish, but the plot is overly complicated even though it’s barely begun. Come back next time when Percy finds out more of it and also blows up some toilets. 
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diana-3 · 3 years
Day 3: Roses and Cupids Knife
“I just wanted to pick some stupid flowers.” Diana murmured.  “Is there a traditional way of saying…” Crow waved his hand, looking for the right words.  “Fuck off?” Diana finished for him, taking the light slap from Quin without trying to stop her. “Yes and no. I could decline in person, but I thought I had already done that and then the next day there was another knife. I think he’s been talking to Zavala about persistence.”  “There is a notable difference between persistence and harassment.” Crow said, glancing at the knife before taking a knife out from one of the holsters on his thigh and looking it over.  “Just because we know that difference doesn’t mean everyone does.” Quin said with a sigh. “You could always tell him you have another date?”  “With who?” Diana closed her cyan eyes and folded her hands on her stomach. “Everyone knows that Hunter, you and me had a falling out. And the Shaxx excuse won’t hold up this year.”  “Make someone up.” Quin offered, “Isn’t there some social standard that if you have a date with someone else that the repeat offender will lay off?”  “Not always.” Diana answered but I wouldn’t object to someone being my stand in date.”  With Diana’s eyes closed, she couldn’t see Crow etching away at his knife before holding it and a white pen over to Quin and nodding. Quin took the Knife and wrote her own information on the other side before handing it back to Crow. He kicked at Diana’s foot, rousing the exo from her meditation and laid the knife down on her stomach. “I don’t think I should try to throw it at you from this distance, but anyway we could be of assistance?” Crow slowly pulled off his helmet and shook his head, running his fingers through his hair and smiling at her as she sat up. His eyes were darting around the area, keeping his eyes open to any sort of disturbance or movement. The many deaths he had suffered at the hands of other Guardian’s for his face had taught him to be overly cautious. His movements were slow and calculated. Diana’s laughter caught him off guard and pulled his eyes back to her as she hit him in the shoulder, gently, with her fist.  “You two wanna be my Crimson Bonds?” “It wouldn’t be the first year we were,” Diana reminded her friend, folding her hands in her lap and smiling gently. “And it will dissuade any further attempts by Hatem or any other suitor that will turn eyes your way.”  “Diana!” A deep voice boomed behind her and made her groan from deep in her gut. The quick rate at which Crow put his helmet back on, turning his back from the noise made both the women glance at one another with anger. He was far to practiced at that. “I’ve been asking you for like three days!” A titan with purple and golden armor thundered between the trees, “I’ve even taken up that stupid Hunter tradition. Why won’t you just accept?”  “Why would I Hatem?” Diana growled, not bothering to look at him. “I’m not interested. One strike fireteam match up isn’t grounds for a romance. You should have taken the first no as a sign and left well enough alone!” She got to her feet and yanked on Crow’s cloak, before holding out her hand to Quin who took it gently and pulled herself up to her feet. “Anyway, as you can see, I have Crimson bonds anyway. It’s time to finally lay off.” She glanced back at the hulking Titan and sighed. “Besides, Iiya has been waiting literally YEARS for you to ask him out. He’s been gaga over you since that race during the first Guardian SRL. If you’d quit being so damn blind to it, you could have a truly loyal Crimson Bond.”  “Iiya has?” The Titan sounded bewildered, “Why hasn’t he said anything?”  “Because you’re too busy trying to woo every other guardian who you get paired up with, ya dolt!” Diana snapped, wrapping her arms around Quin and Crow’s waist and pushing them forward gently. “Now if you’ll excuse us, you have someone to go talk to and we--”  “Have flowers to gather.” Crow responded, wrapping his arm around Diana’s waist and pulling her gently away from Hatem as his Ghost materialized beside him. “Come on, I know these ruins that have the most beautiful flowers.”   They had walked in silence the entire way. A comfortable silence, rather than one born of awkwardness as they picked their way through the brush and occasional clearing. Crow was leading with an easy gait, his helmet still on. Glint, Joel and Chiron were conversing above their guardians heads in low voices as the larger three stopped occasionally to gather flowers or tall grasses to weave into ropes. When they reached a cliffside, Crow pointed down and looked over his shoulder.  “I found this recently. Not sure what it used to be. A vacation home maybe.” Diana and Quin both gasped in awe at the ruined structure. It had been large, and although the ceiling had long caved in and only the bones of stone and wood remained in a skeletal stance, it was still marvelous. The women didn’t wait for Crow before jumping down the cliffside, their Ghost tailing along like graceful snowflakes. The structure dwarfed them all as they picked their way around the outside. Time had washed away any sort of coloring on the outside, and the remaining furniture visible through the remaining pieces of glass was covered with grime, dirt and dust. Quin stopped moving when she found what should have been an opening, the doors long since taken away. Rotted or broken and removed for easy looting access. The warlock knew that there shouldn’t have been anything of interest, but while the two hunters snuck off to the side of the building she found herself wandering inside. She could just imagine the walls standing full and tall, the dark wood shining with care of regular washing and filled with pictures of art, family photos and knickknacks collected from around the world. It was a skeleton of its former self, yet it still held so much wonder and mystery inside its former majestic walls. She imagined tall spotless glass where windows should have been, looking out onto well kept lawn and flower beds. It was then she saw the brilliant color.  Climbing up one wall were stems riddled with thorns, but the blooms were made of what she could only assume was twilight’s kiss. The roses were awash with pinks, purples, blues and slight kisses of orange, from a distance she thought they held pieces of starlight in the petals, tiny flecks of white that reminded her of stars. When she came close, she was surprised by two hands holding out long stemmed roses toward her. Crow and Diana had gathered several of the roses and made bundles with the grass ropes, but held two singular roses out toward her with smiles. 
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Info on Gustavo, Rodrigue, and Gabi (PJO OCs)
Gustavo Ferreira
Born in a small town at a rural district in São Paulo
Son of Demeter
Now born in 1993, so he’s the same age as Haruka :)
Born with sensorineural hearing loss; wears hearing aids
Was attacked by a monster at six years old at his home, resulting in the death of his parents (Zacarias and Juliana (step-mom)) and step-siblings; moved to Guarulhos, SP (metropolitan city) to live with his aunt (Rosie) and uncle (José Carlos/Tio Zé).
At his second monster attack (age 10), he is saved by Tio Zé, and finds out he is actually a demigod and used to be a year-round camper at CHB in his youth; Tio Zé contacts Chiron about Gustavo, and several weeks later Gustavo moves to the U.S. (escorted by a satyr) and goes to CHB.
He becomes a year-rounder; claimed by Demeter the following year.
Personality: Keeps to himself a lot; rarely interacts with the other campers (pretty much a wallflower; because of this he has very few friends); very calm; very soft 
Knows Brazilian sign language (LIBRAS), and a little bit of ASL
Loves gardening; has a passion for flowers, he knows all of their names and how to tend them; he also loves gardening with others
Rodrigue Roux
Born in Landes, France
Son of Apollo
A Krab
His mom (Cécile) and his step-dad (Nicolas) own a small music shop in France; they sell instruments (mostly guitars, drum sets, guitar picks/strings, drum sticks, etc), vinyls, and CDs.
Rodrigue has a step-sister named Adrienne.
Cécile is also a punk-rocker, and used to perform in a band with Nicolas; in one of her gigs she meets Apollo and the two hit it off.
Apollo does stuck around when Rodrigue’s born, but leaves when he turns 1; he also explains to Cécile that he is a Greek god, and talks about the monsters, as well as Camp Half-Blood and instructs her to take him there when he’s older.
At age 12, Rodrigue, Cécile, and Adrienne move to the U.S. due to monster attacks; Cécile immediately takes him to CHB; Nicolas remained in France
At 16, Cécile moves back to France, and Rodrigue becomes a year-round camper, the decision was a mutual agreement.
Personality: He is loud and obnoxious; very annoying, and will prank anyone, even friends and his half-siblings; he is very loyal to his friends and family, and will stick up for anyone that bothers them
Gabriela “Gabi” Ribeiro
Born in the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Daughter of Thalia, muse of Comedy
A Tween
Her dad, Inácio, moved to the U.S. when she was 8 years old in order to find a better job to provide for his family; she ends up being raised by her step-mother (Renata) and grandmother (Isadora); at that time Inácio and Renata have a daughter named Yasmin.
At age 13, her father returns to Rio to bring her, Renata, and Yasmin to the U.S. to live with him; they move to NJ.
A year later, Inácio and Renata have a son named Pedro.
She is brought to CHB after a near-death experience from a monster attack at her school; claimed by Thalia months later
She instantly befriends Paolo Montes, and the two are inseparable
Personality: She is very lively, very nosy and loves to gossip (she lives for the Tea), very talkative, and values her friendships (her friends are family to her).
She also loves to dance, and loves Brazilian funk music; she can also dance samba
Will talk about her culture to anyone that is interested, as well as teach some words/phrases in Portuguese. 
But, she will also (without a doubt) troll people into teaching phrases in Portuguese that mean the complete opposite of what they want to know, especially if the person is someone she doesn’t get along with (ex: “Hey Gabi, how do I tell this girl she’s pretty in Portuguese?”, “Oh you just tell her: “Você é uma vaca” (translation: “You are a cow”)).
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givgersnaps · 4 years
〔 NOAH CENTINEO, 22, MALE 〕╰  THEODORE ALVAREZ  just  came  over  half - blood  hill .  you  know ,  the  child  of  HEPHAESTUS  who  was  claimed  5 years  ago ?  i've  heard  chiron  say  that  he  is  INGENIOUS & VERSATILE ,  but  if  you  ask  the  aphrodite  kids ,  they'd  say  they're MOODY & STANDOFFISH .  i'd  say  they  remind  me  of  CALLUSED FINGERS, OIL STAINED JEANS, MESSY BROWN CURLS, CROOKED SMILES, WHOLE-HEARTED LAUGHTER, & SPRAWLED BLUEPRINTS,  especially  since  they're  FOR THE NEW CABINS .  (  ✎  NICKY ,  24 ,  she/her ,  est .  )
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Hi guys! I’m about to message everyone about plotting but I wanted to make sure I got out both f my babies before I did that, and SO, here’s Theo! 
Some characters that are similar to Theodore are as follows:
·      Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender (season 4)
·      Gordo from Lizzie Mcguirre
·      Shawn Hunter from Boy Meets World 
name: theodore alvarez
nickname: theo
birthdate: November 29, 1998
zodiac sign: scorpio
gender/pronouns: male - he/him/they
ethnicity: Italian/puerto rican (can thank his great grandparents for that last name)
nationality: american
appearance: noah centineo
height: 5′9″
hometown: kansas city, kansas
demigod abilities: technokinesis, expert builder/mechanic, ability to sense physical traps
cabin # + godly parent: cabin ninte, son of hephaestus
favorite colors: beige, burnt orange
Kansas City, Kansas. Heard of it? No not Kansas City, Missouri, take yourself onto the highway and drive about five minutes west from there and you’ll hit it. Made up more of large land territories and farming plots, its not as glamorous a “city” as it’s literal neighbor. Which lets face it, isn’t too glamorous at all either. This is where The Alvarez’s live. Having lived there practically her whole life after her parents moved there, Bianca Alvarez had never really left. She had planned to at some point of course, having dreamt of using her love of engineering and computer skills to work in some huge industry in New York or Los Angeles. But of course, not everything could work out exactly as she had wanted them to. Learning things more on her own rather than through a school due to tuition costs and not wanting to risk putting herself into such a large financial debt she managed to learn just about everything she could regarding computers, mechanics (thanks to her father who fixed cars for a living), and pyrotechnics (thanks to a rowdy high school friend). 
While working at her part time job at a local dive as a waitress she had been on her way out of her shift when she met Hephaestus, disguised as an ordinary human who was examining under the hood of his car. After approaching him and asking if he needed help, the god had challenged her by saying he was glad she was concerned but that she would likely be of no such help. Spitfire that she was, she confronted him about it and took a look under the hood, fixing the issue he had failed to find sooner. This of course lead to their romance. Hephaestus stuck around long enough to witness her give birth to fraternal twins, a boy and a girl (bring me this connection). No matter how much he longed to stay they both knew well that he wouldn’t be able to. 
In the rural area of Kansas, the next generation of Alvarez’s took over the family auto mechanics shop. Bianca doing work mostly for people who new the family, long time customers and such, while her father who due to his heart condition was now in no position to do manual labor kept watch of the shop while she worked. Her mother watching the twins.
Theo loved the shop, when he was little he would ask to be able to join his mother at work, relishing in the moments he was allowed to go along and watch as his mother worked her magic. Of course, it was only later as he watched her work and recognized every piece of machinery and every way to fix the problems at hand that his mother realized that he was the one that could work magic. Of course she waited until he was seventeen to actually let him work on a car with her. After that, jobs were done faster, better, and occasionally he would add things to the cars that his mother didn’t know could be. And so, his mother let his grandfather stay home as she began to do more of the office work, leaving the shop in his more than capable hands. 
It was a little over a year after this when he was claimed. His father having heard of his work and having seen just how much attention he had begun to draw to himself. You could say it was a bit more precautionary than anything else.
Theo is very nonchalant, he likes to mind his own business for the most part, not really into gossip and such things like that. He has a huge heart. And with that huge heart comes huge emotions. Meaning he’s very passionate about his family and friends. And romance, oh boy, he’s only ever had one girlfriend after coming to camp and she hurt him deep. His temper takes a bit to show itself but once its out, it’s a literal uncontrolled flame, the boy sees red. 
He spends most of his time in the forge and is the go-to guy when you want something fixed or even enhanced, for a price of course. Drachmas are the main currency, but if you can smuggle in his favorite snacks or parts for him, he’s got your back. Gotta love that geeky side to him. 
His weapon of choice is a pen which can both transform into a large thor-like hammer as well as an tool he wishes when working. 
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adapembroke · 4 years
Hey Ada! I was wondering if you would mind explaining a little bit what each of your readings that you're offering entail/what they're good for? I don't know if I'm phrasing this question right, but I was thinking of getting one I just am not sure which one would be the best fit? If you have a post already explaining them a link to that would work too! Thank you for your time and I hope you're having a lovely day
Howdy! Thanks for reaching out! I’m delighted that you’d like a reading. 
tl;dr: This is my readings info page. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, e-mail me. 
I don’t just have an order page because I like to chat with clients and make sure I’m clear about what they want before I read for them. I also enjoy cooking up readings that are off-menu. Think of it like commissioning an artist.
If you’d really like to order from the menu, here are some longer descriptions:
Birthday Reading: $10 - A short reading that uses astrology and Tarot to give a rough sketch of one year from birthday to birthday. This reading looks at... What area of life should you focus on this year? What planets’ transits should you pay the most attention to? Which archetype do you have the most to learn from? 
Sun/Moon/Ascendant Reading: $15 - A simple astrological character sketch. This reading looks at... In your life story, what type of character are you? What area of life are you focusing on? What do you need to find comfort and happiness? How will you be happiest relating to others? 
Single Topic Reading: $25 (Tarot) or $45 (astrology) - This reading looks at a single topic (eg. career, relationships, past lives, spiritual growth path). Or a single element of your chart (eg. Mercury, 5th house, stellium in Scorpio). Most of the readings I’ve done on tumblr have been single topic readings.
Natal Chart Reading: $100 - This reading examines each planet in your chart plus the nodes of the moon and Chiron. This reading looks at... What is your soul trying to accomplish in this lifetime? What past life experiences are you responding to? What are your growth areas and challenges? What areas of life are you majoring in? 
Transit Reading (includes natal overview): $125 - This reading examines the long-term transits you’ll be experiencing over the next year. This reading looks at... What opportunities do these transits represent? What challenges should you look out for? When are these transits likely to be most relevant? If you have not gotten a natal chart reading from me before, this reading includes a brief summary of the major themes in your chart. (If you have gotten a natal chart reading from me, transit readings are $100.) 
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godlyborn · 4 years
a bad idea? | cyrus & victoria.
date: july 18, 2020 characters: cyrus rooke & victoria brant summary: cyrus and vic don’t make any progress on trying to break the curses that hecate put on cyrus.
Victoria took a seat on Cyrus' bed that morning, sitting crossed-legged, a new book open in front of her. "Okay, okay, so I know the last one didn't go too well, and that you ended up with a tail, sorry by the way." She gave her classic chill smile. "But, at least I was able to make it go away, so that's gotta be some type of progress. as for the curses we want to go away, this one here looks good, but it also might turn your skin purple for a few days. Either way, I have a good feeling about this book." Victoria pointed to the page, handing it over to Cyrus. This spell was in Ancient Greek, so she knew he'd be able to read it. "What do you think?”
Cyrus had resorted to laying with his back on the floor of his bedroom. He'd sat himself down there to help search through the various spellbooks Victoria thought might contain something that could help his cursed situation. Upon hearing Victoria comment on the tail he'd had for what felt like way too long, his eyes narrowed and darted over to her almost immediately. "We shall never speak of the tail to anyone," He claimed and then sat up. He looked down at the book on the floor next to him that was still open. Luckily, Crooke had closed the other books that ended up being busts or else he would have no clue which book he was on. They were all beginning to look too much alike and it was starting to be annoying. "I don't doubt your abilities. I know you got it in you. We just gotta figure it out," He sighed at the side effect of the newest spell Victoria suggested. He pulled himself up and stepped over the books so he could sit on his bed opposite of his friend. He inspected the Ancient Greek spell and gave her an expression of being unsure. "I guess, but the purple skin seems horrible," He was discouraged but there was no way for Cyrus to know what kinds of scared knowledge any of the tomes held within them. "Maybe there's a similar, but different one in there?" He questioned.
Victoria looked through the pages of the book, of all the books she had on curses, you’d think you’d get one about how to break curses. She sighed slightly. “The purple skin is pretty much your less risk,” she said. “But I kind of might have a crazy idea.” She bit her lip slightly, nearly afraid to even think what was on her mind. “Honestly, maybe even too crazy.”
Crooke heard that his best bet might be to take his chances with the purple skin and he sighed as well. His gaze had dropped to look at the floor again as well. The words 'crazy idea' didn't even get him as excited as it normally would have. Was he getting too obsessed with the obsession itself? He shook his head. "I'd do anything at this point, Vic. I'm sick of it," Cyrus looked back at his friend. "What's your idea?"
Victoria bit her lip even more, even afraid to say it. She picked at the corner of one of the pages of the book she was holding. "We ask my Mum," she replied. She finally looked up at Cyrus. She shook her head and look down again. "It's crazy, I know."
Cyrus shut his eyes closed as if it pained him to think about how Victoria's suggestion would play out. He then rubbed his hand down his face and scratched at the stubble he'd let grow a little longer than normal. When he was done, his expression was much less strained but still uncomfortable. "I don't know..." He hesitated as he continued to think the idea over even more. "It's definitely goin' directly to the source," Crooke eventually observed. "Your mom would not be stoked to see me, that's for fuckin' sure," He let out a sigh of frustration. "I'd say I'm pretty damn desperate at this point though..." He stated his confessional. "But, c'mon, like you said — It's nuts," He shook his head incredulously. "Besides, where would we even start to look for her?"(edited)
"They said she's in some sort of God Jail right? That way she can't bother camp anymore," Victoria said. "We could find Hermes and talk to him? How's your relationship with him? It can't be as bad as mine is with me Mum," Victoria replied. She ran a hand through her hair, letting her fingers rub against her dead ends. "Yeah you wouldn't be the only one she wouldn't like to see. Last time I talked to her, she was asking me to join her right before the war." Victoria sighed. "Cyrus, this is a God-level curse, a God of magic level curse. I know we've been trying, but at this point, I think this might be beyond me and my siblings."
Cyrus ultimately didn't like the sound of tracking down Hecate while she was stuck in confinement but ultimately was willing to do so for his cause. "Damn, you're right..." He hesitated. "The curses might only be able to be broken specifically by her," He agreed. "I think I've got an all right relationship with Hermes though. He's been chill with me. He did gift me my twin daggers after all too," Cyrus confessed and cracked his knuckles absent-mindedly. "So, uh, I guess I'll reach out to him? And once I see what info I can shake him down for," He sighed, the reality of the situation settling in some more. "We'll go from there... I don't know why he wouldn't help."
"Maybe we should try and contact him outside of camp," Victoria suggested. "I mean, camp doesn't exactly have a good track record when it comes to getting Gods to come here."
Cyrus nodded in agreement to his friend's idea but then stood up. "Well," He said. "You up for a little walk to go and see what we can find out?"
"Yeah, maybe we can squeeze info out of Chiron," Victoria replied, getting up from her spot on the bed.
Crooke nodded. "We'll stop and talk to him first."
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evanstanhoney · 4 years
Hey, can you read my chart? Sun in Gemini, moon in Aries, mercury in Cancer, Venus in Taurus mars in Leo Jupiter in libra Saturn pieces Uranus& Neptune in Capricorn Pluto in Scorpio north node in sag Chiron in Leo ascendant in cancer and MC in Pisces. Sorry if you don’t need all this or need more info lol. Thank you!!
So Uranus Neptune and Pluto stay in certain signs for YEARS! So those are kind of (?) irrelevant as for as your individuality because a lot of people have them in common. But your north node......girl please look into it it will fuck you up! that's basically your karma/what you did in a past life and its never good. if you want to get depressed read...read that. Also, your midheaven (the MC) is an interesting read. 
But for the rest of your chart. You are...kind of all over the place. You’ve got every element in there which can be a good thing. You’ve got fire in both your communication and moon signs so your hella passionate and a little dramatic and intense but you’ve got your mercury in cancer which can mean that when you’re angry its like a smoldering fire. You could be raging on the inside but are scary calm when you are expressing yourself.  Or you could be one to just bottle everything up and just rage quietly. You’re 100% going to hold a grudge. NO ONE wants to get in a fight with you because you will pull receipts!! You remember what they said and what they were wearing, and that Leo mars. Girl, you’re scary. ESPECIALLY when you consider Geminis being a little conniving and sneaky…..lol fuck.
As a ‘lover’ that Taurus in venus..girl, you gotta watch yourself. You can be very intense when you consider that mars and moon being fire signs. You could come off as the ‘crazy girlfriend/boyfriend’. You’ve got to let go and allow the other person to have space. But that Gemini sun, you are little bit easier going than a straight Taurus. As a friend, same thing. It’s okay for people to have other friends sis! Not everyone is out to get you, i promise! 
Overall: You so badly want to be the cool air sign™️ but your an emotional little shit and you just can’t help it.
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ofcloudsandstars · 5 years
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Aries Season Celestial Calendar
Actually I’ve decided to just post some work and art that I’ve done for the zine sporadically here like I am too tired and overwhelmed to do a whole zine sorry you all had to witness this haha Especially today on the equinox a LOT is happening so I can’t even blame myself for trying to push a production through a mercury retrograde and this celestial CLIMAX going on in the heavens right now. I have to focus on myself.  Anyway for a fuller detail (It is a bit epically long BUT it goes into a lot of info for each day and what the transits mean) please click the read more Happy Aries season May the Odds ever be in your favor 
This new zodiac cycle is the fire cracker we might all need to get us started off on the right foot. (especially to jump start us out of the thick mud-like slow pace energy the previous pisces season put us through. This past pisces season along with mercury rx in pisces was forcing everyone to STOP whether they liked it or not and reflect on our goals and what steps we need to re examine in order to move forward in our paths.) It starts off with intense energy with the full moon in libra begging us to focus on finding balance and support with close ones. We have a few moments when mars and pluto trine which will give us opportunities to ram through obstacles yet also with certain factors like jupiter going into retrograde, we need to rely on our planning and hard work instead of luck to get us there. It wraps up again at the very end of the season with the full moon in libra once more in hopes that we have achieved some harmony in our journey forwards.
 Will this aries season be as aggressive as the previous one in 2018 when mars and saturn were conjunct the whole time and mercury was retrograding in aries?? Thankfully I think not yet though this season seems to bring a few challenges, we also have a few days where we are given the energy and tools to progress. If you use your energy wisely you will get A LOT done in this season.
Week 1:
March 20th ~
- Spring Equinox Aries season begins on the spring equinox (in the northern hemisphere). The days are equally light and dark and moving towards the brighter days of the year. The spring equinox celebrates the inner child, new beginnings and springing forward with plans.
- Sun enters Aries A time for action, excitement, light hearted fun and competitiveness
- Sun conjunct Chiron They will be conjunct in aries at 1 degree This will amplify the need to find love for ourselves and uphold our power. If you might be unbalanced in this area it might either make you feel unempowered or you might feel the need to over assert yourself maybe even aggressively. If you feel pain in those areas where you feel you lack power now is the time asking you to address that.
- Mercury in Pisces sextiles Saturn in Capricorn This combination will give us a strong need to re-examine our direction with our goals. We might feel a strong urge to do some mental spring cleaning and reorganize our lives and ourselves. Mercury is still in retrograde so this energy will be directed inwards. With the sun conjunct chiron we might be prone to overthinking our previous steps and mistakes yet its good to be aware of this combination so we can take the moment to shed what no longer serves us and not dwell on our past.
- Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn   Though the past two combinations might give us a lot to work with internally, this one will give us a lot of power externally. This trine is beneficial in giving you a surge of goal-directed energy. Today we might feel ambitious, assertive and direct in achieving our desires. Though mars and pluto might be an intense pair, this energy flow will still allow us to maintain harmony especially with the force of the full moon in Libra. If you have any obstacles or challenging situations that has hindered you for some time this is a time where we will feel the boost to ram through them. An excellent day for road opening magic whether you need it for external affairs or internal shadow work. This is an actual firecracker of energy to start off the spring and aries season off with power.
 21st ~
-Full Moon in Libra The moon reaches its fullness somewhere at 1AM GMT which will make it appear full on the equinox as well. However as this energy stays for two days, with the incredible combinations of other aspects on this day makes this an incredible day for celebration and cherishing close friends and lovers. This will be an amazing day for love magic and manifesting if you are looking to sow seeds for any creative projects.
 -Venus in Aquarius sextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius Venus and Jupiter is the best pair for partying, celebrating and love making. Especially if you decide to do some love magic on this full moon, your spells will be especially blessed. This energy will make you feel warm and blessed and rather generous. Especially with Venus in Aquarius, socializing and making new friends or building up your community will be favored on this day. If you are dating or looking for someone special, any romantic or sexual pursuits will be blessed on this day.If you want to travel, today would be the day. The only slightly negative thing to watch out for under this influence would be a tendency towards excess such as spending too much or indulging in too much.
 -Venus in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus Squares can amplify energy yet also cause some difficulties. This transit especially with lucky Jupiter involved in a great combo with Venus could amp up the sex drive to exhilerating levels. If you have a few relationship difficulties or underlying sexual or competitive tension this square would unfortunately bring it out. However if you do suffer from some built up sexual or creative tension today would be best to release it on the full moon or get it out by channeling it into a creative project.
Week 2:
26 ~
Venus enters Pisces Love becomes all-embracing when venus transits pisces. We are able to forgive and understand. Compassion is key and we look for pleasures in places that are tender, understanding and dream-like. Pisces is ruled by Neptune the planet of dreams and illusions. We will find inspiration in our own dreams, messages from the astral and find pleasures in the ethereal.
 27 ~
Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus The need to enjoy creative outlets or entertainment that is new and fun will be heighten today. Especially in the realm of things that are sensual as Uranus passes through the earthy Taurus. This will be another exciting day for our social and or love lives. We can make breakthroughs or birth brand new creations in our creative works. This is a great day for manifestation magic, creating charms or pouring our energy into our creative projects and adding excitement to our partnerships. Our unique expressions will be heightened today and it will be an opportunity to attract those of like-mind. This will be beneficial to those whom are more shy or don't gather much attention. Unlike the full moon on the 21st this may not be the best day to make new friends and lovers, though this transit might bring instant attraction, the connection might be fleeting. Therefore it could lead to friends-in-the-moment situations or one night stands, which some may like, yet others may find disappointing in the long run. Best to just focus on adding to what's already there.  
 28 ~
Mercury moves direct in Pisces Finally out of retrograde we might feel like we are mentally breaking free of the sleepy state the rx has brought us into. We still have until the 16th until it leaves shadow and breaks forward.
 29 ~
Eros moves into Leo This little asteroid that trails along Mars describes our desires, sexual nature and creativity. As it moves into Leo (the king of creativity!) we might find ourselves able to create more and have a strong desire to keep our passions alive or seek out passionate affairs. Leo rules the heart and Eros transiting this sign asks us to open our hearts to our own creative forces. Eros will show us where our love and desires have been repressed and will awaken the urge to create and connect with the youthful nature of the heart.
Week 3:
31 ~
Mars enters Gemini This will be a fun transit if you are looking to trying new things or exploring new pursuits yet unfortunately a messy transit for everyone else trying to achieve certain goals. Mars which rules our drive and motivation moving into gemini means less focus and our interests becoming more diversified leaving us scattered and even our goals unmet.
 April 2 ~
Mercury in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces
This conjunction will bring our attention to all things spiritual and mysterious. The occult, secrets and spiritual affairs will seem really interesting and it will be an ideal time to take up studies in artistic or divinatory subjects because of our enhanced imagination and psychic powers. Valuable insights will be gained throuhg dreaming, meditation and practicing occult fields like astrology and tarot.
 5 ~
New moon in Aries Aries season started off asking us to re-examine our power and break through any obstacles in our way. This new moon will be a fresh start once the debris of all that was blocking us has been shoved away. This new moon will bring out our inner warrior to charge towards our dreams and fight for them! Magic on this day should be to plant seeds for the year to come.
Week 4:
7 ~
Mercury in Pisces Sextiles Saturn in Capricorn This energy comes back around a second time yet this time mercury is no longer in retrograde and it will shed new light on how we need to organise ourselves to move forward externally. With the boost of the new moon gaining light we will focus this energy on redirecting ourselves in the direction we need. This is a great day for shadow work and self examination.
 10 ~
Jupiter Retrograde The planet of luck and expansion is lovely either while it retrogrades or moves direct. While it retrogrades it gives us the opportunity to explore our personal philosophies and expand from within. It's a lovely time to meditate and reflect on our lives, our morals, ethics and higher purposes. We might feel like we are growing from the inside out. However it's not a great time to rely on luck or travel and particularly its a great time to avoid trifling with the order of things or social justice as we might mispeak or get into more trouble than usual. Do not go out to seek new ventures, instead rest and reflect. Mercury in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn
This beneficial flow of energy between mercury and pluto will help uncover secrets, perhaps reveal the nature behind the obstacles that were blocking us and give us a more magnetic and pursuasive allure in our communications. Combined with Jupiter's RX we can discover new paths or methods to our longterm goals from within. This is a great day for research and finding steps that are key to reaching our goals and understanding any systems of power that are in place.
 Sun in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn
This day will feel heavy as it can bring up a lot of challenges which can unfortunately result to pessimism or depression. Our egos may suffer since it'll be an obstacle to obtain any goals and we may feel restricted by certain responsiblities yet it's a test of character. We must strive to meet our responsibilities now or else they will catch up in a worse outcome down the track. We might get a lot of pressure from work, school or other authority figures, yet we can succeed by showing patience, determination and a strong work ethic. This is NOT a time to rely on luck as Jupiter enters retrograde today, and this aspect will amplify the feeling that the world feels out to get us. Though the pressure might make us want to run and avoid it all it won't be wise once the karma will catch up to us later and bring heavier consequences. The longer the procrastination the worst the outcome. The sooner you get through the tasks thrown at you the quicker you will survive this obstacle. If you had made charms while Venus was sextiling Jupiter at the beginning of Aries season than this can benefit you now for good luck.
 Venus in Pisces conjuncts Neptune in Pisces
This transit will unfortunately (with everything else going on today) make it difficult to get motivated with work or other routine duties as this combination makes it easy to laze about and daydream. Though once you get some down time it would be ideal to indulge in a creative hobby or escape in a good film to unwind from the stress of the day.
 12 ~
Mercury in Pisces squares Jupiter rx in Sagittarius
Today might force you to focus on what's going on within. The square might make it hard to stay on track so it's good to focus on smaller details. A lack of concentration or inability to focus can lead to some major errors of judgement or mistakes. Mercury is about communication and with expansive Jupiter retrograding you need to pay attention to how you can express yourself and perhaps overshare or misspeak on a topic that can land you in hot water during this transit.
Venus in Pisces sextiles Saturn in Capricorn
this combination will increase the desire for stability in close partnerships. You'll need to feel loved and supported. and weak friendships or romantic flings will not be appealing for you. This is not a great time for love magic or any romantic affairs. Instead focus within and find the means to support yourself emotionally.
 13 ~
Sun in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn
This combination will increase everyones need for control which can lead to ego conflicts with authority figures. A conflict can lead to extreme or destructive behavior or can force you into a corner where you have to either defend your position or make a major change. This experience can be intense and trigger deeply buried psychological issues involving losing control, death, abuse or persecution. These can even be past life related or link to traumas experienced in this life time. It's a good day for shadow work and to reason with ourselves to understand why we need to be in control. Through that we can evolve to a higher level and let things go and feel less threatened. Instead of a death this can lead to a transformation which can give us a sense of inner power. You can then channel this new sense of inner power into success through ambition or hard work.
Final Week:
 14 ~
Sun in Aries trines Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius
The force of the sun trining with jupiter in retrograde can give us a need to expand within and discover ourselves at a deeper soul level. With Venus's energy in harmony with Pluto we might find pleasure in things that connect us to otherworlds or our soul and these energies will make this day great for trance meditation, dream oracling or soul journies. Opportunities can come in the form of personal and spiritual growth if we work on self reflection.
Venus in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn
With this transit close relationships will deepen to a soul level. Companionships will become more important as we will feel a longing to share love with someone worth our time. For some this might be a moment where we could get deeply infatuated with someone or develop an obsessive crush. Any new romance could be an exhilerating experience. Close friendships could deepen into spiritual bonds.
 15 ~
Venus in Pisces squares Jupiter Rx Sagittarius
Today might be a challenging day to get work done or stay present. Venus squaring jupiter creates challenges in being responsible (with self control and finances), focusing on and completing tasks yet jupiter in retrograde can turn that tension inwards. If you can take the time off it would be a great day to do dream magic and explore our inner worlds through smoking blends and journaling, but if you have to be out and about it'll be best to carry stones such as hematite and smokey quartz to keep focus.
 16 ~
Mercury out of shadow Mercury finally moves direct!
 17 ~
Mercury enters Aries With mercury back in motion it springs forward in Aries! Mercury in Aries is quick thinking, impulsive and spontaneous. We will reach decisions quickly and be more direct. It's time to take all that we've gathered in self reflection during the retrograde and restful shadow period and apply it now as we push forward with our goals.
 19 ~
Full Moon in Libra The last day of Aries season wraps up with the full moon returning in Libra to restabalize balance as we transition our way into the blissful Taurus season. Aries season is like the canon launching us forward (whether we are ready or not) and also is one of the most chaotic solar transits, yet this year has a lot of helpful energetic tools to offer. With the Full Moon returning to Libra it helps bring closure to what seeds we've sown last cycle or helps us revisit any loose ties before moving forward.
  It’s finally Taurus Season (4/20 an appropriate date) and it begins with the full moon now in Scorpio and Juno moving into Cancer. 
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