#a journey liveblog
alexanderpearce · 3 months
having now read/watched a bit to do with the iraq war, the public reaction to (british) soldiers dying is so baffling to me 'don't send our boys to war' 'how dare he let our sons die in war' -> that is what soldiers are for. that is what the army is for. it's not like there's a draft either, they signed up for this. the raison d'etre of the army is to go to war. are you fucking stupif
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difeisheng · 6 months
love at first sight is OUT, love at first bite is IN
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luckthebard · 1 year
OH MY GOD I love Aabria for exploring what this “happy” ending trope would actually be like for the character who experienced it. I’m obsessed.
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transpierbi · 9 days
Has been a wonderful journey so far 😊❤️ proud to be trans 🏳️‍⚧️ no relationship yet but I am loving it ❤️😊❤️<3
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bloodpen-to-paper · 5 months
At some point, the server will realize Maximus is dead
Forever has to learn that one of his best friends killed themselves from grief. That he wasn't there to save him, that he failed as a president to protect his people. He failed to protect his family. He'll have to learn its not just the eggs that can die, and that he learned the lesson too late. He'll sing their song only for a sob to cut him off as he realizes there's no longer someone to respond to it. Oh na na na. Its supposed to be a happy song. Oh na na na. He can't stop crying long enough to sing the rest.
At some point, Baghera will hear the news but not really hear it because she's already dissociating and going back to how she felt in Purgatory, how she felt in her childhood room when she learned the truth. Her best friend, one of the first non-French she learned to love, someone who made her want to sing and laugh. Someone who understood Baghera Jones like no other. How is she supposed to sing now?
Maybe Pierre already knows. Maybe he knew the moment he looked into Maxo's eyes that final day in Purgatory, for what would be their final moment. How will he feel, being watched by everyone as one of the few members of the island to lose a lover permanently? How will he feel when the comments of "oh but didn't you two break up" do nothing to quell the grief over the fact that he lost someone he loved. It would be even worse if he didn't know. If he heard the news and had to relive that last conversation over and over in his head realizing it was a goodbye he didn't hear until Maxo was already gone. He waited so long for Maximus to come back, and now Maximus never will.
And what if Bad was the one who took him to the other side? He didn't know Dan and Spreen that well, but this was Maxo. The first human he had to take across that he would deeply mourn. Bad barely had time to process anything when the bomb was counting down, worrying himself to the bone trying to keep his son alive. If only he had worried about the others. About Maxo. The next time he would see him would be on the still grey waters of Styx, a lost soul waiting to depart. The next time he will think of him will be in that empty little hut he and Maxo talked in all those months ago when the Ordo was just a few strangers bouncing around theories. Maxo was a mess back then. Bad can't even say the signs weren't there. He already blames himself for the son. Now he gets to blame himself for the father.
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eerna · 6 months
every few months I am legally required to go on an unhinged Noragami blogging binge just to remind you all of how deep my connection to this stupid manga runs
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completeoveranalysis · 6 months
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Following directly on from the last page of the previous chapter we’re talking about Evil Wolverine’s wish and I LOVE what they do with it here. They frame it as so natural and understandable - a goal that, actually, our entire cast not only sympathises with but already spent part of their own lives already chasing. 
And it’s framed visually here with Fai and Kurogane on the outside and their lost loved ones between them. We have Kurogane’s parents up top, smiling happily in his memory - and the climax of Kurogane’s backstory was him REFUSING to let them go. He went completely feral and attacked anyone who went near him. He had to be shot with a laser beam before he could be coaxed into realising he had to let them go. It’s very easy to see how he would understand the raw emotion behind wanting to bring someone back, especially if you never really let go of that all-consuming grief. Like Evil Wolverine, Kurogane did not hold back from hurting others in that grief, for a while.
And below that we have Fai’s brother, by contrast looking ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE in Fai’s memory - reflecting the suffering they went through but also the part of Fai that spent so long fixated on changing what had happened. Fai spent his whole life from that moment working towards a very similar wish to Evil Wolverine’s - to bring his brother back, but in a much more self destructive way. He hated the fact that he survived, tricked into thinking he had killed his brother, and so wanted to switch places. He was also tasked with killing Kurogane to make it happen. And this was the core of his personality for hundreds of years. So of course he gets it - he got it from minute one. When Evil Wolverine showed up in the pit Fai had already guessed his motivation on the spot. 
Between them both you can get a rough approximation of what Evil Wolverine is willing to do for this same wish - so caught up in it that he’s willing to do anything, to hurt anyone it takes, to spend hundreds of years working on it, never letting up from that core of grief. But the difference is that Fai and Kurogane both changed. They found love elsewhere, and eventually grew to accept that love. They realised what they were doing and, slowly and with difficulty, knew they had to move on. As much as they missed their loved ones they discovered they had worth elsewhere and could do more good for the living than the dead. 
Not Evil Wolverine though! He specifically chose the “fuck the living!” option and has spent his life destroying and manipulating other people into his very same grief on purpose to get what he wants. 
I think you could get a lot out of Evil Wolverine specifically using grief to control people. He kills their loved ones in front of them in order to force them to do what he wants - because it’s the only feeling he understands. He lives his life consumed by that grief, so the only way he knows to get people on his side is to make then the same as him. It’s his only tactic. 
It just wasn’t strong enough to work on Fai and Kurogane. It was BRUTAL and wrecked their entire lives but they still found the strength to let go of the stage of grief that Evil Wolverine refuses to let go of.
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lorephobic · 2 years
going crazy over this clip of bdubs working himself into a fervor over killing etho only for the bloodlust to immediately dissolve the second etho says “lol!” in the chat and bdubs decides that he’s too cute to kill.
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ying-doodles · 2 months
// novel spoilers (side story 3 / chp 406)
... okay yes charlotte is cute. lloyd influencing her into making contracts for everything was very him and him setting cheek kisses as the reward for the "contract" was very sweet- :>
... but how the fck did charlotte also get the system?? "... as though it was fated." what part of fate needs to be more involved in making what's soon to be the world's most overpowered child who's not even 7 yet??
like they already said she has her mom's swordfighting capabilities and her dad's wit and intellect, not to mention also having fcking javier the grandmaster as her mentor- I don't think she needs the system's help??
and all that for just a special summon for her birthday gift?? that's wild. (I'm not saying it's a bad thing but like. for why-)
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arrowsandwolves · 9 months
"Will you solve this part of the mystery with me?"
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alexanderpearce · 3 months
*saw voice* good morning ulrike... today you will be listening to all sixteen hours of tony blair's autobiography a journey, read by the man himself, in one go. this was your decision.will you make it through or will his incredibly annoying gay voice and the fact that he is evil send you crazy
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pttucker · 4 months
Aaaand we're done! \o/
Well... "done" in one sense of the word since I just did a very quick search and apparently there's like another 140 chapters of side stories and counting. Possibly post-epilogue stuff??? Didn't look too closely since I don't want too many spoilers if I can avoid it. I already saw one vague spoiler relating to 49% Dokja's side story. 😢😢😢
Though at least now with the main novel+epilogues finished all of the mysteries have been wrapped up (as far as I can remember).
I guess I'm still curious about the Library, but even if that's never touched upon in any side story chapters, I think I kinda get it with my theories and how he broke up into many, many different Dokjas and/or was two different Oldest Dreams?
Oh, and the stuff with Dokja & 1863's Sooyoung's blurry faces, I would have liked to have seen that resolved. There were mentions of Dokja slowly getting less blurry that were kinda glossed over but nothing concrete ever popped up for why his face was blurry or if/when it fully stopped being blurry? Unless I just missed some subtle thing?? Like I guess the epilogue did mention that Sooyoung had fun writing in stuff about him being the Ugly King but I don't think she made him ugly, that was just her memories of him?? Either way, poor Dokja. 😭
idk maybe I'm the only one obsessed with things like that. (I literally eventually started a separate section in my ORV Scrivener notes just for all the times Dokja's looks are mentioned in any way.) So maybe it just wasn't deemed important to "resolve"? Or, again, it was but I totally missed it.
Or maybe there's still something about the Library and his looks (and other mysteries I may not be currently remembering) in the additional 140+ chapters out there?
Unfortunately, English translations of Chapters 552+ don't all seem to be in one place, or at least I wasn't able to quickly find them in my first search. I'll keep looking, though. Might just have to cobble together the chapters one by one from various sources. If anyone happens to know where I could possibly find them...
Though I'm honestly not certain if I want to immediately jump into them or if I want to give it a moment to breathe. I actually am a little bit disappointed that I jumped right into the 40+ chapter epilogues right after finishing the main story since I feel like it stole some of the impact from him finding his two separate ■■.
Even if I was really happy to see how they continued living on in the system-less world and how Dokja felt after losing all of his companions to be Oldest Dream. Seriously you never get to see those sort of things after the "happy" ending.
And I did love seeing how it all tied back together with Sooyoung being the author and ORV itself being Dokja's story (which Sooyoung also wrote!) which in turn is our story and getting to see Secretive Plotter and the 999ths again and poor Joonghyuk just not knowing what to do with himself after losing his purpose as a protagonist and him and Sooyoung wanting to save their precious Dokja more than anything and both of them coming to understand Dokja better and so on and so forth.
But if nothing else, I do really want to finally read some fanfiction and otherwise engage with fandom now that the big mysteries are solved. And if I can make one final prediction it's going to be that the top fanfic is some kind of modern, no powers gamer AU or something. Because that's just how these fandoms seem to go. 😂
Anyway, I think it should be obvious from my many, many ORV posts but I really enjoyed the novel! I am very happy that so many things were so well foreshadowed, so much was so carefully planned, so many loose ends were tied up in a very satisfying manner, etc. It's very impressive for such a long, looooong story. I mean, just the fact that you could get inklings that something was up with Secretive Plotter before we even hit Chapter 100 yet not have the reveal come until much later is impressive just on its own.
I guess if I had one complaint it'd be that I didn't quite vibe with the whole "multiple walls to open the Final Wall" thing. Like, I totally was into the idea of Dokja's Fourth Wall being the largest fragment, and I actually thought that Jang Hayoung's wall was pretty clever since it's all about commenting/texting others when Jan Hayoung was created due to Dokja's comments.
But I'm not quite so into the Wall of Samsara and Wall That Divides Good and Evil. Like, I do get how they relate to the story, what with Dokja literally reincarnating into multiple worlds himself and the fact that a lot of Dokja's main theme was that he didn't nicely fit into a box of good or evil. I mean, his literal Modifiers are Demon King of Salvation and Watcher of Light and Darkness. Not to mention, Dokja went through a ton of the novel saying that just because they were evil in one turn doesn't mean they're evil in the next and vice versa, as well as the fact that the had companions on both sides of the spectrum.
So I'm not saying that they just came out of nowhere, but personally I find something to be a little off with them when compared to the other two walls? idk these are just my initial thoughts and I might feel completely different once I re-read the novel and can better appreciate things.
Which, speaking of, I'm debating with myself if I want to do the truly ridiculous thing and start this entire novel over right from the beginning in true Dokja fashion or if I want to be good and maybe give some other universe some love. I was looking at The World After The Fall but...uh...
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Not to say that things with tiny fandoms aren't also good!!!
But it does make me kinda side-eye it a little and wonder if I shouldn't just read Solo Leveling...
...or read whatever side stories I can find, aaaaaalllllll the fanfic, and then read ORV all over again. 😂
We'll see.
FYI when I do start reacting to the side stories I think I'll use the tag "orv side story" if anyone wants to block it preemptively to avoid spoilers.
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nortism · 3 months
doctor who liveblog pt 22
s4 ep10 midnight
- i’m glad donna’s getting a nice holiday
- COLIN MORGAN OF BBC MERLIN FAME??! katie mcgrath next pls
- “ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon”
- oh god was she possessed
- that was such a good episode, genuinely unsettling
s4 ep11 turn left
- omg are we in a country that’s not the uk?? i didn’t know the tardis knew how to do that 😭😭
- oh never mind they’re on a different planet, should have known
- and billie piper!!
- oh the doctor’s dead
- get the screwdriver donna!!
- ROSE TYLER!!!!!!!!!!
- oh she’s vanished
- donna’s so funny
- NO MARTHA’S DEAD this sucks
- SARAH JANE SMITH’S DEAD?!?! this au is awful
- i love donna’s grandad so much it’s not even funny
- london’s gone??? thank god the world is free!
- not leeds
- uh oh america
- oh fuck jack as well
- oh great, now the uk is turning into nazi germany
- that’s a big old bug
- rip alternate universe donna
- BAD WOLF?!?!?!!????
- shitttttt
s4 ep12 the stolen earth
- oh fucj the earth’s gone
- ohh fuck the companions r all gonna come together
- oh yeah the whole gang in the opening credits
- oh great we’re gonna find out what a shadow proclamation is
- ofc the british are celebrating the end of the world by drinking and rioting
- ofc it’s the fucking daleks
- i feel like there was easy ways to exterminate the human race i won’t lie
- the crucible?? always with the religious imagery
- idk if i trust the space cops
- not the rhinos again
- ohhhh they’re building a mega planet
- for what it’s worth, i trust martha to save the world. she’s done it before
- the loss that is yet to come???
- also which god??
- i knew i couldn’t trust the space cops
- when he was a 90 year old teenage girl
- yay martha’s alive
- aww rose is jealous
- is everyone here a jones?
- he’s still thinking about rose 😭😭
- jfc what is that
- ewww
- oh my polycule did reunite, just under the worst circumstances possible
- noooo sarah jane
- whatttt
s4 ep13 journey’s end
- did he just regenerate back into david tennant???
- oh the whole gang is back together i missed them 😭😭😭
- oh donna i love u
- they gotta stop leaving the tardis lying around!!!
- that’s nice of the daleks to translate for different countries
- that’s a lotta daleks
- donna?!!
- DONNA?!?!!??
- hello is donna regenerating?!?!
- dw rose this is just an avg day for jack
- nah is the new doctor technically donna and the doctor’s child???
- pls leave my girl and her mummy issues alone
- oh they’re soulmates
- when did martha learn german??
- oh yeah on her world tour
- it would be cool if they subtitled the german bc i’m getting none of this
- not loving the sound of a reality bomb
- omg they’re disintegrating
- oh so we’re destroying all matter now???
- won’t this also destroy the daleks??
- apparently not
- oh fuck the whole gang’s been teleported
- it’s up to u now donna
- uh oh rip the other doctor
- uh oh rip donna
- this is a bit awkward
- the doctordonna
- they oppenheimer-ed him
- K9!!!
- finally an explanation for why he sucks a flying the tardis so much, he needs more guys
- he’s got the biggest family on earth 😭😭
- she’s getting her own doctor?!
- aww she got her kiss?? i think aww?! this is a weird situation all round
- oh no donna’s malfunctioning
- wait what
- is she fucking dead
- awww she’s forgotten him
- this is so sad
- aww granddad
- jesus that was bleak
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difeisheng · 1 month
fellas is it gay to pass out on top of your boybestie and half hugging him after you both got tasered and locked in a morgue together
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fellas is it gay to rip off your shirt to use it as a paper bag to try and calm your boybestie down from a panic attack
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mandareeboo · 2 months
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There's this running theme in Assassination Classroom that I really like. This theme of adults looking out over these kids and going "Jesus Christ, what are we turning them into?" This fear that they're making a generation of murderers all on the bounty of one man. And how terrifying it is that they're both A.) grooming these teenagers and B.) giving these teenagers more hope and respect than they'd ever had before.
I imagine it's a similar situation here. This quiet, terrifying moment when your arm strikes out because your body registers A Threat and realizing too late that you've molded your student into a warrior that you, deep down, are intimidated by.
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eerna · 10 months
*gently taps my hands on the table* okay let's do this one more time. "I will have you without armor" isn't Inej telling Kaz she will leave him if he doesn't solve his intimacy issues. it's her saying that he has been avoiding investing anything into their relationship for years and yet he still expects her to put her dreams on hold for him without ever trying to help her with the emotional labor of caring, and that she will not stand for it. she's not asking him to get over it, she is asking him to prove he wants to get better, hand in hand with her. we always forget Inej is also too traumatized for a typical romantic relationship huh
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