#a LOT of the stuff I write isn't necessarily 'good' but like who cares
honey-writes · 1 year
Believe it or not, your writing doesn’t always have to be good. Especially if you’re doing it for fun. One thing I’ve learned that’s become precious to me is: You’re allowed to free yourself from the chains of “everything I write has to be good.” No it doesn’t! You can write things just because! You can write down your random thoughts in the middle of the day that don’t make any sense; you can start that poem with no plan and see where your instinct takes you; you can write that story or that fic just because you need to get it out of your system. Who cares! Besides, you can always go back and revise it later! All art begins somewhere. You don’t always have to worry about being “good.” Just make it. Just let it exist. Just be.
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ereawrites · 7 months
Hey gurl✨ I’m in my wife era rn so maybe some Shisui and/or Tobirama husband/jealous husband hcs?🫣 I loooovee your writing and tbh your thoughts are my thoughts so no pressure😩 If you not feeling it feel free to ignore me babe🧚🏻‍♀️
YOU HAVE FED ME SO GOOD MISS GIRL! under the cut for length
this isn't too relevant but I have to include it. it's too cute. I definitely see shisui getting married pretty young, like early 20s. if he finds his person he's going for it. probably gets a lot of shit for it from his family, but he doesn't care
loooong honeymoon period. in part because they're still a young couple but also... shisui is just a really devoted husband. he loves the married life. insists on kissing her goodbye every morning, eating together every night, stuff like that
LOVES DECORATING THEIR HOUSE are u kidding me. let's say they get a kinda shitty place right after they get married, and put a tonne of work into doing it up. he gets so into painting, building the furniture, even starts up a little herb garden in their kitchen
finds so many ways to drop his wife into conversation lol. he's down bad even after the honeymoon period ends, so he wants to show her off. his FAV is when she swings by his workplace to bring him his 'forgotten' lunch. he turns around to the rest of the guys like. yeah. that's my WIFE. isn't she hot.
very much a believer in keeping the romance alive. he wants to keep making the effort with her until the day he dies. veryyyy good at remembering anniversaries, scheduling regular date nights, etc. always makes sure she has fresh flowers in the house
obviously it isn't all perfect though. especially while they're young (and presumably both still active, high-ranking shinobi) their schedules keep them apart a lot. and this hits shisui really hard tbh. he hates coming back to an empty home after a long mission, knowing he might not even see his wife before he has to leave again
work is probably where most of their arguments stem from, actually. I don't see it being a regular thing, but it's easy for resentment to build in those kinds of situations. shisui is very torn between his love for his village, and his love for his wife, and the fact he can't prioritise both. thankfully shisui is a good communicator so they make things work.
in terms of jealousy... I don't see it being a common thing. maybe before they get married he tends towards it a bit more, but once she's his wife, why would he worry? she's his entire world and he knows she loves him just as much
the only way I rly see him getting jealous at all is if they're going through a bit of a rough patch for the reasons mentioned above. maybe they haven't seen each other in weeks, and they both get back from a mission on the same day. and there's some kind of event/function that evening that they have to attend
so they barely have a chance to acknowledge each other, before they're pulled apart again by the crowd. so if shisui sees some random guy getting a little too close and flirty with her, he gets more annoyed than he'd like to admit
even then though.. he's not necessarily jealous as much as he is upset. like goddamn just let this poor man have his beloved wife to himself for a night. in this situation he's more likely to behave more rashly than usual, and he might just make some excuses and take her home lol. he gets a little bit pouty until she gives him some attention
overall, though, he's very chill. he trusts her implicitly, and expects the same from her. they need to have a very honest, respectful relationship if he's going to wife her up
god okay and in old age they're so cute together. I bet they have a bunch of kids (probably accidentally tbh lol) so then they end up with a whole squadron of grandchildren. he's that fun grandpa who sneaks them sweets when the parents aren't looking. all the grandbabies want to sleep over at their house. and they LOVE it.
to sum up: very good husband. very relaxed, communicates well, makes her feel loved every day. why did he have to die I want to throw myself off a bridge.
first of all. good job to this woman. wrangling tobirama into marriage is not an easy job. he's so fucking ANNOYING. it probably takes him years to confess he even has feelings for her, let alone ask for her hand in marriage
but once he gets there. it's pretty cute. he doesn't really act very differently for the most part - he'd already decided his heart belonged to her well before they married, and wholly committed. so his behaviour doesn't change much, and there isn't much of a honeymoon period. sorry. he's like marriage is just a contractual agreement why would it change anything between us
he does make a few little indulgences though. he gets this smug little look every time he introduces her as his wife. he's actually just a lot more prone to 'showing her off' in general, and more likely to show some physical affection in public. for tobirama that's maybe a peck on the cheek lol. but it's progress
he's definitely a lot.... gentler?idk. with her once they're married as well. he makes an effort to be more patient and less snippy, and shows his appreciation for her in a lot of quiet little ways. for example, he'll be sure to leave work on time no matter how busy it is if he knows she's putting a lot of effort into dinner that night. or if she spends a second too long looking at a new dress in the store, he's buying it for her
on that note. tobirama is such a provider once they're married. he does have that traditional idea of providing for his wife. he'll probably ask her if she wants to become a stay at home wife tbh. if she says yes, he still expects her to get out in the community of course. he'd love if she did volunteering work, maybe at the hospital or with kids or something. but he's also equally happy for her to keep working. power couple vibes very strong
they have a nice, quiet little house away from the village where no one bothers then and they loooove it. especially tobirama, his wife and their home are his sanctuary. everyone else gtfo
other than that, not much is really different from before their marriage. they probably actually lead quite independent lives, to the point where people don't even know they're married until tobirama drops it into conversation a few months later. they're very private and lowkey.
unfortunately for her, tobirama's paranoia also persists. he's a bit delulu sometimes lol and she knows this going in. but it does inevitably cause some issues, especially if she's headstrong (which is definitely the type of woman he ends up with)
he trusts his wife more than anything. he would never doubt her for a second. but other men? the enemy. not to be trusted. they're all dogs. it drives him absolutely batshit crazy to watch them ogling her, or god forbid trying to flirt with her. which is actually kinda common bc they're such a lowkey couple, so people assume she's single
tobirama isn't one to make a scene per se, but this definitely leads to a few awkward situations in public, and she probably ends up embarrassed a few times. and there's 10000% arguments behind closed doors. I don't see either of them being good with this lol. he acts like she's his political enemy he's ridiculous
but because he loves her so much, and he actually really wants to put work into the longevity of their marriage, he'll come around. he's a lot softer and more willing to compromise when it comes to her. but she can't point that out because he's mortified
over time, he chills out a lot more. they're one of those couples that just get stronger and better with time. they grow a lot together, and although they probably continue to disagree a lot throughout their marriage, it's always in a way that leaves their relationship stronger. and he only gets softer for her. people (hashirama) even start to point out how devoted he is and he can't even deny it. cute
overall a kind of difficult husband, because he is an exceptionally difficult man, but my god he loves her so much. he would do anything to make her happy.
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earthstellar · 4 months
Brave Bang Bravern!: A Review for Transformers Fans
I've seen so much about this on my dash that I had to give it a try, and I gotta say, as someone who hasn't watched any new anime series since around 2008 at the most recent and I also hate the fucking military, this is a pretty good show.
THERE WILL BE SOME MILD SPOILERS. Nothing major. I'm not gonna spoil anything critical or mention characters that are introduced later etc. At of time of writing, only 6 episodes have been released.
Understanding Genre: The Trailer is A Lie
Now, while there is a trailer here, I want you to largely disregard it.
Why is that? Well, we need to talk about the "big two" robot show genres in Japan, which are as follows:
Real Robot -- This refers to a typically military setting or other serious setting, in which robots are handled as realistically as possible in terms of how they work and how they are applied. There tend to be less individual/sentient robots and more "suit" type mechs right along side human-made, more realistic machinery and mech designs, although that isn't entirely unique to this genre. Usually this stuff is labelled as sci-fi/action outside of Japan.
Super Robot (THIS IS THE SHIT TRANSFORMERS FANS GENERALLY WANT) --Essentially borderline seemingly magical robots with their own rules and in universe backstory for how they work, which isn't necessarily tied to realism. Usually this stuff is labelled as sci-fi/fantasy or space fantasy outside of Japan, since a lot of these tend to be space robots. They can be "driven" by pilots or just straight up sentient robots who are vibing with some human companions, although it's not exclusively that. It can be both, it can be neither, but no matter what, Super Robot shows are less about strict realism and more about really cool shit with robots that are basically their own people and exist according to their own rules.
Now, the trailer for BBBB (the acronym for the show is based on the Japanese title, which is Bang Brave Bang Bravern) is a COMPLETE FUCKING LIE.
It wants you to think this is going to be some dumbass GI Joe shit.
While there are elements of dumbass GI Joe shit, this is largely just to set up the premise for why shit is happening in the first place, and to help introduce the main threat (alien space creatures with fucking light beam lasers) as well as bring in our main characters under the premise of everyone having to work together to address this alien threat to Earth.
What we care about here amongst Transformers freaks is gay space robots, and this show delivers.
Getting Into Bravern: First Episode, Mild Plot Spoiler Summary
It wants you to think this is a Real Robot show.
The first episode sets things up as though it will be a Real Robot show.
There is a threat to Earth, a mystery space alien mechanical enemy, and nobody knows what the fuck to do. A military exercise between multiple nations using Titanostriders (which look very much like Shiro Masamune Appleseed-style mechs, human made in nature) to practice battle drills who are now instructed to swap over to real ammunition and go to fucking town.
Nobody knows how to do that.
They're skilled with the Titanostriders, sure, but it turns into a shit show. The alien mechanical enemies are using fucking space laser shit, it's a disaster---
--And then Bravern drops in from the fucking sky and it IMMEDIATELY TURNS INTO A SUPER ROBOT SHOW.
There's a "get in the robot, Shiji" moment where one of the Titanostrider operators, Isami Ao, is encouraged by Bravern to get inside of him.
He does. And immediately has no idea what the fuck is going on, Bravern is largely in control, and starts to blast his own theme song inside his cockpit as diegetic music while Isami is generally losing his shit, as one might do.
Humanity's reaction to Bravern is Real Robot genre type, where it is handled seriously by all the characters and organisations involved in universe, however Bravern is very much a Super Robot genre character who brings more of a Super Robot energy to the show at large.
The serious elements are mostly balanced by how fucking silly Bravern is, and there are some excellent moments in this show (currently only 6 episodes have been released) which make it entirely worth a watch.
Fun Things About Bravern Himself
Braven is very, very, very gay for his pilot.
Chances are, you've seen the screenshots of some of these moments on Tumblr already, but the delivery of these lines is magnificent.
Bravern sings his own theme song. It's the voice actor for Bravern doing the vocals, and the song itself is reminiscent of 1970s orchestrated big band energy mecha themes. For Transformers fans, it has a very Transformers Victory theme kind of vibe to it.
You gotta hear it, it fucking rules. The album cover shows Bravern holding a giant microphone.
Bravern is generally light hearted, doing his best to motivate his pilot while not hesitating to enter the action and try to defend humanity.
Now, why does Bravern care about humans so much? We don't know, but we'll talk about some mysteries in a later section below.
He is surprisingly insightful at times, while also fucking around and enjoying himself. (You may have seen screenshots going around Tumblr of Bravern with a loop of hot dogs strung around one of his chevron points on his forehead. This follows a scene in which he wants his pilot to take a break and associate with his peers for once, as a way to relieve stress. So they go to a bar, it turns out reception is positive and someone even brings weenies out for Bravern since he's too big to fit inside, lol.)
Generally, he's a very interesting mech, because we have so little information about him. He's fun, and clearly vibing, but he's also borderline if not outright obsessed with his pilot and has unknown origins, which has lead to some darker interpretations and audience discussion.
A lot of people have compared Bravern's energy to Rodimus, and generally I would agree with that. He has his high-energy silly moments, and his more serious personal moments (primarily with Isami, but also with Smith), and I think these aspects of his character work well to create a fun mech with the potential to be deep in a believable and effective way, with an equal capacity for being a doofus.
Bravern is obviously the number one reason to watch the show for most people, and I would say that if you're purely here for a giant gay space robot, then this is going to be a decent watch.
The Military Sucks: There Are Militaries Involved Yet Somehow This Is Still Watchable
I hate the fucking military, so at least the military here is depicted in an acceptable way (so far, at least). In episode 2, they waterboard Isami to interrogate him for information he doesn't have regarding Bravern, which is a realistically shitty and awful thing for the military to do-- They don't sugarcoat how fucked up the military is. These people very much have the capacity to harm their own staff, and they will do so if it means they might get an edge over the enemy.
At the same time, the actual characters in the military are depicted as primarily doing this shit out of a genuine personal desire to defeat these horrendously destructive space entities, which have attacked at least some of their home towns and home countries, so it's more personal rather than purely being a military directive that people are being forced to follow.
In this way, it's not really realistic, but everyone is on board for their own largely humanitarian aid type of reasons (there is a mission which is basically just locating survivors of an attack and then getting the fuck out) which makes the military context feel less oppressive and shitty.
Part of why this is more OK than other military depictions is because the military forces involved here are international (collaborating to defeat a global threat rather than kill each other's civilians) and because the military is clearly losing this war.
Because it's an international effort, this brings more diversity to the show-- There's a surprising amount of English interspersed between dialogue in Japanese here and there, and the military board consists of representatives from multiple nations, including some Germans who at first believe Bravern is some kind of secret American operation, lmao.
Bravern calls the military out on its shit, and essentially tells the military board to stop with the suspicious infighting bullshit and drop the internal tension because otherwise they'll all die to this mechanical nightmare creature threat.
They actually listen, which means this is an unrealistic portrayal of the military, lmao. I think they struck a good balance so far between showing that the military sucks and has problems, while also making sure that you're not really cheering for any given military force, but rather, you cheer for individual characters who just happen to be stuck doing this military shit as a premise for anything to be going on in the show at all.
So it's not the worst when it comes to the military shit; At least so far, it's watchable, which as someone who passionately hates the fucking military, is surprising to me.
It's less GI Joe and more "we just needed a reason for these characters to be involved in this situation".
Of course, your mileage may vary, but personally I found it easy to tune out or just skip through any military shit that got grating and I didn't miss anything important by doing so. At the very least, you can skip around and ignore a lot of this stuff and get right to the gay robot if that's all you want to do. It becomes clear pretty quickly what's going on if you skip around a bit, so no worries there.
Fun Speculation: What is Bravern?
Only 6 episodes are out at the moment, so there's tons of shit we don't know yet.
Bravern has a notable resemblance to a type of enemy in the show, called a Death-Drive.
Death-Drives are mecha who are distinct from the "minion" type enemies (which almost resemble flying saucers with laser gun arms and light shields), and have their own unique character designs and names.
Why these things are here, how they are here, why they are interested in Earth, and everything else is currently unknown.
Bravern looks like he could possibly be of the same mechanical species, although we don't know if that's true (yet). He has abilities that the other mecha don't seem to have, but how far this goes and what it might mean is not yet clear.
Bravern also seems to have knowledge of human media (he references The Abyss at one point and he likes 3D printing figures of sentai show characters lmao), and was immediately able to speak to the humans using language they would understand, so it's unclear if Bravern may have been studying Earth for some time before his arrival or why.
He is obsessed with his pilot and cares for him so much that he extends some care towards others purely based on their relation to Isami as co-workers; Why? What makes Isami special?
How does Bravern know seemingly every human language? How does his piloting system work? How similar is he to the Death-Drives-- Are organic beings critical to them in some way? If so, why are the other mechs killing so many of us? (These are big questions especially by the end of episode 6, due to some spoilers and a spoiler character who shows up later.)
We know little to nothing about a lot of the key elements of the show, including any motivations for the Death-Drives or what they are, what's up with the fucking UFO looking laser things, etc.
There's more to speculate on, but that would be getting into deeper spoiler territory so I'm gonna hold back on that for now.
Summary: It's Gay and Cool and Has Interesting Ideas
Bravern's not the sole source of gay vibes in this show, but it's fun that he is also a source of gay vibes in this show.
The designs are great, the Titanostriders remind me of Appleseed style mechanical suit designs which is nice, the Death-Drives are super interesting, Bravern is fucking fabulous but he's not too goofy to take seriously, and the military is unfortunately present but it's clear that they suck and are generally losing (and since the conflict is not between different groups of humans but rather is about human collaboration to defeat a non-human shared threat to our entire planet, this goes a long way to make the military shit tolerable).
It pretends to be a Real Robot show but has so much Super Robot show sprinkled in that you might as well consider it a little bit of both which the show balances pretty well.
I haven't watched an anime since around 2008 at the very latest, so I don't know how this might compare to any other robot animes since then and I am certainly not an anime expert by any means LOL, but this has been a fun show to watch so far.
It does have its problems, of course, but if you can get past the setup for the first episode (when it's still pretending to be a Real Robot show), from the moment Bravern arrives towards the end of that first episode, the show gains momentum and starts to get interesting very quickly.
It has some issues. But we're only 6 episodes in, so at the moment, they have plenty of time to potentially address those issues and we'll see where things go.
I'd recommend it if you want to give it a try!
I think there's enough here to appeal to the usual Transformers crowd and you might end up liking it, or at least having fun while watching it in the background.
If you end up wanting to to tap out then no worries-- I think it's worth giving it a shot and if it's not your thing, no problem.
Each episode is around 25 - 30 minutes, so while the first episode might feel like a slog to get through because fuck the military, once Bravern shows up the show actually gets started and I wouldn't blame anyone for just skipping to that point in the first episode and going from there, because there's nothing in that opening that you won't be reminded of or be able to figure out. It mostly just sets up the intro to the human characters and the collaboration training session, introduces the Titanostriders as a thing, and you can always go back and watch that part later if you want to.
All in all, pretty decent! Obviously we're Transformers people so we're here for the robots, and the robots are interesting and fun, and that's all I need to have a good time.
Hopefully this was a useful summary if you're interested or have seen Bravern stuff on your dash! :)
Thanks for reading!
BONUS: I forgot to mention this somehow, but there's a lot of overlap between Transformers and other Brave shows involving actual Transformers re-used in Japan for these shows; There's a good video about it here on YouTube which explains some of this, but if anyone's wondering, yes Bravern has a grounder alt-mode and it's pretty cool. Will we get a transforming Bravern figure??? We can hope!
There's another video here which mentions some of the Transformers elements in other Brave shows/Yuusha, which might be interesting for those of you who are unaware. :)
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would you have any small writing tips to share with others who are attempting to write their own stories?
Disclaimer: This is not a full on tutorial on how to write. These are just tiny, tiny little grains of wisdom of things I realized here and there. Do not eat this advice like a full course meal. It isn't one. It's just a dusting of some spices, and I am salt bae-ing them over you, but they are not calorically relevant without a story.
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1. Help your readers read your story.
AKA: If you want your readers to build a house, you better take them to a Home Depot and teach them how to use a screwdriver first.
You want your readers to read your story easily? You gotta make your story easy to read. That means learning how to make sentences easier to understand. That means breaking up walls of text into smaller bites. That means - yes - spelling words consistently and using accessible (not Correct, necessarily, but ACCESSIBLE) grammar!
You want your readers to understand your world? You gotta give your readers tools to understand it with. That means explaining new concepts! That means describing stuff a lot! That means using visual language if you don't have actual visuals!
Your readers will not read your mind to know what you MEANT to say. You have to say what you mean. You have to mean what you write. Learn to write clearly. Learn to help your readers.
2. Something that takes you a month to make will take your audience ten minutes to read.
You want to spend an hour drawing one comic panel? Great. You wanna spend an hour writing a single paragraph? Fantastic. You wanna use up a week perfecting a script? Amazing!
Your readers will still glance at that panel for a second before moving on. Your readers will still eat that paragraph in a bite. Your readers will skim that script. If you're lucky.
You cannot control how much your work is appreciated. But you CAN control how much of your time you sacrifice to make it.
Balance the scales.
3. You are not talented.
Neither am I. Nor are any of us.
Listen to me. Listen.
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Talent is a beautiful, useful word. But it often lies to us. It suggests that we are born better than others.
This is not often accurate. What talent hides within itself is not pre-ordained inherent skill. It is not something you are birthed being. It is not a statistical difference of physicality.
Talent starts with passion.
Maybe you have passion for stories - so you beg your grandfather to read to you before you can recognize words, and you write a lot in every school assignment, and you pay attention to EVERY story you watch in school plays, and you observe all the characters you see in movies, and you CARE. So. Much. And this moves you to try to write, and then to try again, and then to try harder.
Talent does not exist, because no amount of 'you were made for running' can make you run. No amount of 'you were the son of great authors' can make you write.
But inherent curiosity can push you forward. Inherent curiosity can make you watch, and observe, even before you understand you are observing. Inherent curiosity for your personal interests makes you a fan of writing, of drawing, of world-building. It makes you research how to be a great author before you even know what research is. It auto-tunes you to what you know is good about these things, and it gives you the necessary tools to know what will work and what won't.
So when you think you are talented, understand that this is not something that was done to you in the womb. It was something you raised, and watered like a seed, before you even knew what you were growing.
Don't rely on talent. Understand that you got this far because you CARE about this thing. And don't forget to care. Because that's what has carried you this far, and it is the only thing that can carry you even farther.
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also, cringe is dead.
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pikahlua · 7 months
Thoughts on the official translation of 405?
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Yeah, thoughts abound.
1. Is the official translation of the final line in chapter 405 accurate? No.
2. Regardless, some people think it's inaccurate in really blatant ways that it actually is not. For example, some people think the official translation is changing some explicitly used pronouns around. If there's EVER anything about Japanese that isn't completely clear, it's what the pronouns should be--because the vast majority of them are implied.
3. Re: the "yeah yeah" line, I can conceive of a delivery of the line that does not sound disrespectful. That doesn't mean that's how the translator meant it, and this translator does have a habit of translating Katsuki's rude language with a certain *VIBE* that I don't always agree with--but that doesn't change the fact that Katsuki does speak very rudely and the translator clearly tries to capture that in the way they seem to think is best.
4. It's quite a leap to claim that this official translation is inaccurate due to deliberate malice, which I see a lot of people doing. From what I can tell, the translator just didn't realize the final line is a callback to chapter 322. Without that context, yeah, I can see how it'd be difficult to fully understand what's being said there, because enough of the words are vague or implied that it'd be confusing what Katsuki's talking about without that realization. Katsuki doesn't say "I (ore)" in the line, he says "kocchi (this/here)," which depending on the context can mean "I, we, us over here on this side (of the line, of the argument)." He also doesn't say "Izuku/Deku/that nerd" specifically, he says "aitsu (that guy over there)" with the kanji reading as "One For All." Without the context of chapter 322, it could easily read like "we'll wipe the floor with you where those One For All guys couldn't."
5. Building off #4, we need to be a little more self-aware as fans. When you are a big fan of something, you're gonna be more likely to remember specific lines and notice callbacks and be keyed into the little details. First of all, not everyone is capable of that, especially with respect to a long 405-chapter-and-counting manga. This line is referencing something that the translator hasn't necessarily seen in over two years. Should the translator have to comb back through the entire manga every week just to be safe? Is that really feasible? Of course I'd love for the official translation to be as accurate as possible, but when you're translating something on a weekly basis that isn't even finished yet, it's just a fact that there will be times you miss things. You don't always have the luxury of time to go back and check for things you've missed that need to be tied together. I've messed up lines in my translations before too. Please keep in mind this is the translator's JOB, not necessarily their PASSION. They're likely translating multiple projects at the same time for a meager paycheck. They've got a lot of stuff to remember from various projects at the same time, and they're gonna miss stuff on occasion. Did the translator "not care" in this case? I think it's far more likely the translator cares enough, but if they're not in the fandom they're not gonna care more than the fans nor should we expect them to.
The proper response is not to ATTACK THE TRANSLATOR'S LIVELIHOOD like I see MANY people doing, holy crap.
Translating is often a thankless job. No one writes Viz telling them how good of a job the translator is doing when they get 99% of the translations right. The most obsessive fans often jump on mistakes as if those mistakes are personal attacks. But we're complaining about 1 or 2 lines out of the whole chapter. The rest was pretty good. That's the case for most chapters. It's hard to justify claiming malice when the translator far more often than not gets it right. But goodness, attacking the translator is not going to endear you to anyone who matters. If the translation is something you truly care about and you want to foster nontoxic fandom spaces and have good relationships between the fandom and the producers, a more proper response would be something like:
"Hey Viz, I think the translator missed this key bit of context which could have helped him with this line's translation. I love Horikoshi's work and want the best for it, and I think the translator cares about doing a good job. Would you please let the translator know about this and have him look into it for the official print tankoban release in English?"
The more you alienate and dogpile the translator, the less they're gonna care about doing a good job.
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padfootswhiskers · 2 months
With all respect, I think u guys give jkr's writing skill too much credit . Ik she said she planned everything abt hp books from the beginning( I don't believeit tbh), but she wrote some of the weirdest dumb stuff ever for the sake of the plot that don't make any sense ... Remus's life and even his name, for example.The fact that Remus hasn't visited Harry for almost 12yrs is ridiculous . "He thought Harry was safe - he felt worthless. He was a coward. " wtf?! No he didn't do it bc Harry shouldn't know abt his parents and wizarding world the End. srslyWheree were lily's friends? Oh they all passed away...Harry's grandparents THEY ALL PASSED AWAY ...problem solved (jkr is so good at this) and plus imo that also happened simply bc if Remus checked on Harry, he would be a father figure to him 100% (the role given to Sirius), and jkr didn't want Harry to have the same close connection with Remus as he did with Sirius. It would make harry -Sirius's relationship unimportant... Take Sirius's other relationships, for example. When he escaped Azkaban, he had no family, no lover, no one. Initially, I was like, "Yeah, okay," and that seemed fine. But later, it occurred to me that maybe he was written that way because he had to be solely for Harry. Like, he shouldn't care about anyone but Harry. Sirius isn't allowed to prioritize anyone over his godson.
to be fair, anon, i think two things can be true at the same time. a lot of stuff does happen in the hp universe for plot reasons---this doesn't necessarily mean it's always bad writing.
the plot required harry to be unaware of the wizarding world, alright. i don't see how this means remus would've taken, like, custody of harry or something if it hadn't! remus IS a coward. he IS extremely self flagellating. it IS completely plausible that he knew petunia wasn't a great person and left harry there anyway!
(take DH for example. he says tonks will be safe with her parents right after he tells them that her parents have been tortured for information. he isn't a stupid man, he's being deliberately cowardly.)
i understand that you probably really like remus, or at least the good bits of him, but character traits you dislike do not equal bad writing. remus consistently shows himself to be extremely passive-aggressive, conflict avoidant and unable to actually follow through on his conscience. i don't know about you, anon, but i can definitely see a man who convinced himself that withholding information about a wanted murderer was OK, convincing himself that harry is safe and better off without him.
jkr didn't have to use plot reasons to thwart remus and harry's budding relationship so that sirius could step in because...there isn't a scenario that exists wherein canon remus would step in to be an orphaned harry's father figure. i'm genuinely curious as to why you think he might. THAT, if anything, is what seems ooc to me.
as for lily, that seems to be pattern with jkr's 'popular girls'. i can't name five of ginny's friends if my life depended on it. it was also obviously done so that the snape reveal would have a greater effect. but lily isn't an established character the same way remus is.
as for sirius? i don't think it's unrealistic that he didn't have a lover/anyone waiting for him. i think people tend to forget he was only barely 22 when he got locked up; plenty of people haven't begun sorting out their lives at that age. lest we forget, he was also fighting a war pretty much the second he left hogwarts. not great for the dating scene, that. i don't think it's unrealistic at all that he hadn't thought about girls (or boys) or settling down at that time in his life.
but even if he had, i can't fathom a world in which he wouldn't transfer the love and devotion he had for james to james' son.
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the-badger-mole · 3 months
How do you think Zuko and Katara would get engaged?
How would Zuko propose to Katara and how would Katara propose to Zuko?
There's a lot of varying opinions in the fandom, and I wanted to see your two cents, lol
I think I've answered this before, but it was at least 2 years ago, and I refuse to sift through Tumblr's useless archive for the post. In my mind, Zuko proposes. It's always Zuko who proposes, and I will never write it differently. I have 2 reasons for that.
Reason the first: I'm a traditionalist when it comes to this. I, as a woman want to be proposed to. In my own personal experience, if a woman is proposing to a man, the chances are good he doesn't actually want to be married. Now, before you get upset with me, that's not me saying that's a rule. If you feel differently, that's totally fine. I'm not predicting doom for anyone's relationship if the woman proposes to the man. This is just something I've observed enough times for me not to be into that dynamic, but if you like it, I love it. For you.
Point the second: There is a disheartening lack of darker skinned women being romanced in fiction. We tend to be relegated to the sexless, strong, independent, don't need no man stereotypes. I want Katara to get the full romance novel experience of a powerful man willing to move the stars to make her happy. I like the idea of her getting to experience being taken care of and protected and pursued romantically, and that includes Zuko doing his best to give her the perfect proposal (it doesn't always go well in my stories, but he tries very hard, and that's the point). So in short, no. I will never have Katara proposing to Zuko. Although, I think I like the idea of her giving him something to celebrate their engagement after she accepts, so I guess something like him getting a betrothal necklace from her isn't off the table (except it probably won't be a necklace, because it's never confirmed in the show that the SWT does betrothal necklaces, and I have decided that in my canon, they do not).
Now as for how he'd do it. It depends on the story, but he will definitely not use a necklace (I mean, I have one story where he does, but I wrote that years ago. I did a lot of things in that story I wouldn't necessarily do today). My head canon is that the SWT gives practical gifts, and I like the idea of him tailoring those practical gifts to what she'll need in the Fire Nation- a new fancy waterskin, a golden pen for all the policy she'll be writing, a crown that honors her heritage somehow, stuff like that. He wouldn't present her with all of that during his actual proposal, though. That's for the official betrothal.
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yellowocaballero · 7 months
One of the many things that I've been doing instead of writing are these damn manwha binges and Villain To Kill is literally so funny. The comic premise is straightforward action, think Tokyo Ghoul meets Solo Leveling - local Genetically Superpowered Superhero Cop working for corrupt Hero Organization gets #betrayed and #murdered and is reincarnated into the body of a Genetically Superpowered Villain Teenager so now he has to join up with all the other villain superpower people to get justice.
It's so 5/10. Cassian is extremely OP and the story isn't well-written enough to pull that off well. The worldbuilding is so incredibly nonsensical and weak that it falls apart if you think about it for more than five minutes (tried to write fic for it and failed because I would have had to rework the entire world - which, I could have, but that's a lot of effort for Villain to Kill). The plot is mostly any OP action hero plot where guy gets increasingly powerful by fighting increasingly powerful guys. Cassian himself has almost nothing going on internally, to the point of elegance. And it is somehow the gayest manwha I've ever read.
It's the fucking character designs. And like its narrative but it's the fucking 100/10 character designs. The entire cast's design and characters slam. There's not that much depth but we don't care. You know if we don't like somebody if they look vaguely straight, and you know that we like somebody if they look like they were set to tumble dry in the queerness washing machine. The (great!) women are high femme or hard butch. The corrupt institution assassinated a man Cassian loved and framed & murdered him, at which point he was adopted by a rag-tag bunch of flamboyant homosexuals deemed unacceptable and undesired by society who all teamed up and decided to villainize society in exclusively funny ways and spend most of their time gossiping or hacking the Pentagon. An AFAB character dresses as a man and goes by he/him pronouns half the time for no good reason. Cassian is physiologically incapable of thinking about anything but violence so the heartwarming found family scenario's going over his head, but his Painfully Het Hero Foil Indoctrinated Into Homophobia caught the found family ball and now he's dancing in their gay bars and dressing in drag. There's only a few characters who are explicitly gay but this is gayer than that.
I talked a while back about how important a decent supporting cast is to a good story, and this is yet again good proof. Looking at this, I think I'd go further and say - it's an action manwha, we're reading it for a reason, we don't need character-driven story arcs or really complex characters. I think it's just charisma. A story can go really far on characters with charisma.
TV Shows that are carried on the lead actor (Columbo I love you) - it's because the actor has charisma. You watch it to see the actor hang out being himself. That's way way harder to do in fiction, but I think that "a complex character" isn't necessarily a "charismatic character". I'd rather have a cast of only charismatic characters rather than only complex ones. A story of any genre needs a strong cast of charismatic characters. They can be deep or they can just be chaotic lesbians. Charisma invests the reader in the story and the characters. It's simple but it's really powerful. And it is fucking hilarious how sometimes all you need to do on that front is "Rupaul this shit".
I can't genuinely recommend Villain to Kill and this is not a recommendation. But random stuff always interests me like this, and I really had no idea that I would read 120ch of a manwha bc the designs fuck so hard. Also, like, this is queerest manwha I've ever read. Somehow. Fucking somehow.
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vasito-de-leche · 5 months
hello!! your writing is so good i am perceiving it /pos. i'm not sure if you do familial/platonic requests so ignore this if you don't but may i request click with a reader who he sees as an older sibling? it can be headcanons or like general thoughts i don't rlly care. thank you!! <3
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;R1999 CLICK - Familial Headcanons
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Compilation of headcanons and analysis about Click and an older sibling figure.
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ty for the ask, nonnie <3 and yes, I do write for familial/platonic stuff too, not just romance! check the rules if you have any questions!
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As far as I know, there's no information about Click's family nor their dynamics, and he doesn't seem to fit any of the stereotypical youngest/middle/eldest child labels. So, going by personality alone, I'd say that for Click to consider someone as his very own older sibling figure, they'd have to be somewhat similar to him!
Not necessarily a carbon copy of him, mind you - they don't have to share his passion for photography nor agree with him 24/7! Just someone who he can relate to and who brings him a sense of security. Perhaps someone like Zima! Insightful, with a strong core and sense of self, aiming to broaden his horizons.
Someone who has also seen the darker aspects of life, lived through tragedies and come out stronger - Click is proud of his job, but he knows that talking about heavy subjects isn't everyone's cup of tea. So he'd like to know that his older sibling figure can understand or is trying to understand where he comes from, that he doesn't mean to bring the mood down whenever he happens to bring up the subject of war. It's part of his life and his experiences, and pretending that it didn't happen would be a disservice to all the things he's witnessed.
Alternatively, Click would gravitate towards anyone who shows extreme passion for their craft, regardless of what it might be - creative people who are dedicated and who experience the world through different artistic mediums are a big inspiration for him. Someone who drags him into all sorts of situations, allowing Click to capture many different points of view that he would've otherwise missed. Someone like Regulus or Diggers!
Click tends to wander and disappear a lot. It's always up to you to find him.
Younger siblings tend to either follow after their older siblings all the time like puppies, or disappear off the face of the Earth and mind their business (I'm the youngest of 6 siblings, I can vouch for this). Click fits the latter!
It's common for him to just wander around and disappear for days on end to focus on taking the best pictures across the Wilderness, with nothing but his camera and his thoughts. Somehow, he always seems to know whenever you call out to him - he'll manifest beside you right away, hoping he's not gotten into trouble. It's a weird feeling, knowing people expect him to keep in touch and come back safe and sound, that no matter where he goes, he'll still hear your voice calling out to him because he's going to miss dinner (not that he even needs to eat). But it's a very nice, warm feeling, so he doesn't mind.
I like to think Click - and pretty much any ghost within the universe of R1999 - can just become invisible to the human eye at will, with arcanists (especially those of Spirit and Intelligence afflatus) being able to sense their presence. During particularly bad days, where PTSD might be giving Click a hard time, he'll just fade away so that no one can see him. And then, he'll pick a spot to sit and wait for it to blow over.
Sometimes, you find him anyway, no matter how much he tries to hide. Sometimes, he lets you know where he is. Either way, he lets you know that he'd like for you to stay and keep him company - I imagine there's a system you two come up with, should he feel too overwhelmed to talk. Knock once for yes, two for no. Tug on your shirt if he wants to lead you somewhere quieter, pat your hand to sit down with him, etc etc.
Everyone begins to see you as Click's guardian.
On a less sad note, whenever someone needs Click for anything, they always go to you first and foremost! Either because you're the only one who can figure out where he may be, or because they want to run their plans through you first.
Vertin specifically makes sure to know if you'd like to accompany him during missions that require his presence, or if you'd like to know the details of his next solo mission. It's something she does out of politeness and as a a formality - and because Click just seems to perk up just a tiny bit if she tells him that you expect him to do a proper job. Whenever Lilya is planning to give Click a ride to take better pictures, she always jokes around, saying that she'll bring your precious brother back in one piece. Pavia always jokingly threatens Click to snitch on him and tell his "big scary sibling" that he's been taking pictures of people when they sleep.
From an outsider's point of view - those who do not belong to this group - it feels like everyone is infantilizing Click. He's 19 and a war photographer! But one has to remember that everyone in this suitcase has lost family and friends to the "Storm".
Aside from being displaced and forced into unfamiliar waters, everyone is dealing with so many things on their own, like losing their lives and all the people they once knew and cared for. So knowing that Click was able to form such a strong bond with you, to trust and see you as family, despite everything? It really brings them hope for a brighter future - Vertin's goal to create a place for those who have nowhere else to go starts to make sense for them. And hey, most of them are willing to stop with their little jokes and such should they bother you or Click!
This specific point comes from me seeing Vertin's group as one huge found family - there's no way everyone will get along, but at the end of the day, everyone trusts and relies and takes care of each other. The dynamics within this found family are much too complex for me to get into right now and for people outside of it to even understand, just know that it's a thing!
Click picks up on your mannerisms and speech pattern unconsciously.
Click isn't very talkative outside of the usual photography or artistic talk, he's more of a listener. And while he does become a little more talkative around you, opening up and whatnot, you tend to do most of the talking. And that's how he ends up picking up your mannerisms!
It's especially funny for everyone if you happen to have a very different and contrasting way of speech- the way Click just casually drops an F bomb in that soft-spoken voice whenever he fails to get the perfect shot will NEVER stop funny.
I like to think that, because of how observant he is, he also ends up picking up on your unique gestures. It's all an unconscious thing he does - if someone points it out Click won't even know what they're talking about, entirely oblivious to the fact that he now emotes and makes the same facial expressions as you do, the same gestures (at least when his hands are free, instead of clinging to that camera of his) and using the same phrases and whatnot.
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
The thing about S6 Jess Mariano is that there is simultaneously too much of him and not enough.
I've been watching old episodes recently because of a story I've been writing on and off for a week, and I don't think people truly appreciate the amount of set-up that went into Jess's scenes in The Real Paul Anka. In this show, there are supporting cast members who almost never get scenes of their own outside of interacting with the girls and various townies. I think Paris has exactly one scene that doesn't involve Lorelai or Rory. Dean has a handful. Sookie has just one off the top of my head. I believe Logan has one as well. All of these people were on the show far, far longer than Jess was. It seems only Luke, Lane, and Jess have a lot of scenes with characters other than Lorelai and Rory...and in season 6, Jess has not been seen for two years and has not been a main cast member for three. We get an introduction to his place of work, he has interactions ALONE (!) with his friends/coworkers, we get an extended sequence where he explains to Luke how exactly his job works and where he lives, he has significant interactions with both Luke, April, and Rory, and closes out the last we see of his relationship with Luke in the OS on a good note. None of the other love interests get this, because while we spend more time with them, they are not developed as individuals outside of Rory. Dean is the good boyfriend who unexpectedly leads Rory into an affair and who we last see chafing at her desire to leave him behind, while Logan is the rich, dangerous boyfriend who entices Rory into the elitist world that Lorelai sought to escape from and who will eventually lead her astray because he is unable to escape from his father's expectations, forcing Rory to repeat the life patterns of her mother (God, I hate the AYITL ending. It blows). Jess is his own person, whose existence is not completely defined by Rory, but who eventually inspires her to seek out the path that she wants by virtue of his own example. And at the end of the story, he is the one door left open, the one person who is working with her on her goals and is still involved with her life.
(This is why I chafe when people say Jess wasn't endgame, even after all of these years. One of the last things ASP said about a follow-up is that she was going to chase Milo and Alexis down and make them do it. Her intentions were pretty obvious, even for those of us like me who don't necessarily hate Logan).
What's so great about S6 Jess is that almost all of the stuff that made him a terrible boyfriend and such a damaged, tortured character during his original run on the show has been smoothed over. He meets Rory on her terms and makes plans at her convenience: he acknowledges her discomfort: he is far more concerned with her than busting the chops of her boyfriend (although that part is clearly fun, too). He's considerate, social, a person who makes plans and follows up on them. He's confident yet self-effacing: when Rory is found to be using him, he reminds her of the boundary she's crossed yet doesn't lash out. It doesn't change his feelings overall: she isn't choosing him at the time being, but he still cares about her. Even though we leave him with a broken heart, we know he's got a life beyond her, something he didn't have when we last saw him in season 3 and season 4. He has friends, a purpose, a respected place in his community: he will be okay. It's a better place than we leave Dean and likely a better place than we leave Logan in AYITL. He will be okay.
I'm of the mind that Jess's participation in the last season of the OS has less to do with the writing team changing (although I don't think Milo was particularly keen on working with the new guys, either) and more to do with what else Milo was working on at the time. Heroes was a huge, huge deal when it first came out and networks aren't always amenable to lending out their actors to work for their competitors. I just don't think it was possible for Jess to show up no matter who was writing that season. I do occasionally wonder what the S7 writers would have done with him. It doesn't escape my scrutiny that the show skips the actual Christmas holiday because Rory was in London, because Jess almost certainly would have traveled to Stars Hollow to visit his mom and newborn sister and comfort his depressed uncle. There certainly were a lot of uses for him that had nothing to do with Rory.
AYITL Jess is of course more or less the same, only with bigger arm muscles and some of the edges smoothed out: the main difference is that we see he's been more or less accepted into the Gilmore/Danes clan and is a more active support system for Luke and his mother.
At this late stage in the game, I'm not expecting or wanting a follow-up and I think odds are very much against there ever being one. I do wish that knowing that AYITL was all there was that they had given us more time with Jess (if possible) and that there was some sort of definitive end for him and Rory instead of the door just being swung wide open and an indication of a future (and of course, Jess being a total dreamboat). However, as with all things ASP, you take what you can get and what was given to us here wasn't that bad.
Those last four words still suck, though.
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valentine-writes · 10 months
hiii would love to see anything about miguel or spot!! if it’s not too much trouble!
in a good way.
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited, might be ooc, almost all fluff, ok maybe a little angst but nothing crazy, pining becuz im a sucker for the chase, they are Yearning 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. miguel o'hara/spider-man 2099 and the spot/johnathan ohnn
author's note: I LOVE U ANON!! IT IZ NO TROUBLE AT ALL!! i hope these suffice,, plz 4give me if miguel's part is lackin just a bit!! im workin on writing him more accurately (*ノε`*) <3 and y'all ATE UPPP the hcs for the spot last time so,, i hope y'all end up liking these too!! (also psstt,, usually i take into acc reader's personality here but since nothing specifically was requested, i'll try to keep it vague! sorry if certain parts aren't what you'd like!!)
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MIGUEL O' HARA headcanons:
"i didn't know i was capable of being happy right now / but you showed me how"
▸ he's already lost,, a lot. this man is someone who had lost everything he had ever loved in pursuit of keeping it with him
so when he finds himself growing attached to you?? he feels like it's something he simply can't afford
he's doing everything to make sure he doesn't end up too attached, that you never get any closer to him
however– overtime, he finds that you are unavoidable. whether you're doing it on purpose or subconsciously, you always manage to pull him back to you.
just when he thought he had finally left you behind for good, you lure right him back in.
▸ i've seen a lotta hcs saying he's like,, smooth w/ it and stuff– BUT... part of me thinks that he doesn't have a clue about what to do with his feelings towards you
and he is far too prideful to ask for any sort of help or advice from anyone.
...so does it take an immense amount of time for him to even consider that it's okay to wanna be close to you? yes.
but he's weak for you. he knows it. part of him really, really doesn't want to be. but he is. and though he tries to convince himself it's not evident, it doesn't take a genius to realize it
▸ especially because miguel allows more to slide if it's you. this especially manifests in touching.
while miguel's not all "ew don't touch me" he doesn't really care for brief, friendly touches. this is different when it's you.
he might be speaking to you after a mission. while he talks, you're silently tracing the tips of his fingers with your own, observing his hands like they're the most interesting thing in the world.
"are you even listening to me?" he questions. there's a slight hint of irritation in his voice, his brow furrowing slightly. this expression of his softens almost immediately as you look up at him, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"...your talons," you comment quietly, "they're retractable. that's cool."
he makes no effort to pull his hand away from yours. maybe he even secretly hopes you'll do it again sometime.
▸ miguel might be haunted by loving and losing from his past. but maybe loving you isn't such a bad thing. maybe it's a pain he's willing to endure. he'll try for you.
for you, it's worth it.
▸ OK GETTING LESS SERIOUS HERE. so i understand in atsv his fangs are retractable. but in the comics, it's noted that he tends to open his mouth very little when talking to conceal them.
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i love this first of all.
now, miguel's not necessarily insecure of his fangs or his teeth (which are slightly crooked because of the new growth of his sharpened canines) but i imagine that he finds it easier to just keep them hidden and avoid any questions.
if he has to explain he's not a vampire to someone again he'll genuinely explode
"morning, migs–" you greet casually. another sign of his lenience towards you– he lets you give him nicknames.
"morning." he mutters back, just barely audible to you
you blink at him, trying to process what he said. "huh?"
"i said, good morning." he repeats, still mumbling without much of a volume change.
"damn, okay, okay– what's with all the grumbling? something got you stressed?" you're aware your question is stupid. knowing miguel, who always finds something to stress about– even at 8:30 am
he shakes his head this time, much to your surprise.
"i'm not grumbling." miguel insists.
"sounds to me like you are."
("nuh uh"
"fym nuh uh–")
miguel– when not bossing people around– is out here, mumbling and grumbling in casual conversation
and you're the one who's trying to remind him to speak up.
▸ no matter what relationship you're in– friendship, queerplatonic, romantic, whatever– he's generally a bit more reserved about it.
he sees it like this: if you two are close, why would it be anyone else's business?
however a certain holographic companion and her big mouth (which i wanna kiss oh so sweetly i heart lyla) ends up making a little joke about you two in front of a few other spider-people
lyla's casual abt it– saying sumn like, "don't mind him, he's being grumpy because his favourite isn't around."
name-drops you before miguel can tell her to shut up– and everyone's like "?!?!?!"
and the word SPREADS
▸ but like. is it really too much of a surprise? more than often, he finds himself trying to check up on you to see how you're doing.
"just making sure you're fine." is his weak little excuse just to see your face and hear your voice again.
when something is just mildly wrong though... he's the type to scold while taking care of it.
"i'm fine," you shrug, trying to rub some warmth into your arms, "just a little cold."
"i told you to bring a sweater." he groans, looking around for his.
those seemed to be miguel's favourite words sometimes: "i told you."
"i know..." you mumble sheepishly, staring at your shoes.
before you can say anything else, he drapes his sweater over your shoulders. "next time, i'm letting you freeze."
you look up at him with a little smile, mouthing a quiet "thank you" to him.
(there is no next time. he lets you keep the sweater.)
▸ ok one last headcanon cuz im obsessed w/ the little details abt this man. so. canonically (and i love this) HE DOESNT HAVE SPIDER-SENSES LIKE MOST SPIDER-PEOPLE.
instead, he has elevated super-human hearing and vision. but– (if you're like me) when this information is revealed to you,,, the immediate thought is to mess w/ him as much as possible.
trying to sneak up on him and startle him has become a common game between the two of you– so much so, that he's almost expecting you to be around every corner he passes if he hasn't seen you in a while.
he catches you before you get the chance on occasion. you forget to hold your breath and he hears you. your heart is beating hard, out of the sheer adrenaline rush of hiding and he picks it up. maybe you didn't notice that you're not fully concealed.
each time, he'll sigh exasperatedly and pull you out of your hiding spot.
"you think you're so funny." his grip is still on you, and though most would read his expression as annoyed– you catch the slight glimmer of amusement in his eyes. you're just lucky he finds your antics endearing.
on the chance you do manage to genuinely catch him off guard, he curses loudly, immediately going on defence mode
"shocking hell," he groans, upon seeing it's just you, "i was going to web you to the wall."
miguel probably does accidentally web you at some point. "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" he'd say.
(he might act like you're a complete headache sometimes- but ur his headache <3)
"you make me wanna cry in a good way"
▸ he finds an excuse to talk to you always. (SINCE WHEN DID "I WANNA HEAR YOUR VOICE" NOT BECOME A GOOD EXCUSE) calling you up, messaging you– if you give him permission, he'll ramble a ton to you. about physics, the multiverse– anything he's passionate about.
it means the world to him if you ask him questions about it, actively engage in the conversation, or even just showing that your listening by welcoming his endless chatter. he even tries to impress you with his knowledge. he wants to be perceived as cool in your eyes so bad. craves admiration,, or at least appreciation. and nothing makes him feel more admired than you listening to him talk.
but he's obviously not tryin' to talk your ear off and bore you to death. he wants to hear your voice too– and takes genuine interest whenever you decide to ramble back with whatever's been in your head recently– maybe it's something you find particularly interesting, a piece of media you really like, something you're passionate about– he'll pay attention and listen to every word.
you get a turn and he gets a turn! ´͈ ᵕ `͈
if you happen to share a common interest– whether it's because you got him into it, he got you into it, or you both just liked it in the first place– the back and forth about said topic will be as endless as you want it to be
▸ the type of guy to bump into you constantly while you walk with him (is this also a habit of mine? we'll never know...) and it is PURELY unintentional. he can't walk in a straight line to save his life
he's walking with you casually, and all of a sudden, his shoulder will crash into yours, nearly knocking you off balance
he fumbles over his words a moment, reaching out his arms to catch you– and he manages to break your fall. he regards this as a very smooth move on his end, in spite of the fact he was the cause of you nearly eating pavement
"sorry! i'm so sorry– are you okay? i mean, yeah, you probably are. i caught you. you're welcome–"
"my hero." you reply, with a playful roll of your eyes, giving him a light smack on his arm (earning a little "ow" and a nervous chuckle from him) as you restabilize yourself.
▸speaking on his little “ow haha” moment… headcanon that even though he’s not really all that sensitive, he reacts like he is. the type of guy to say “ow” at every minor discomfort.
he has a mild headache? actually his brain is melting inside his skull and he needs to whine about it. he has a cold? he’s literally dying. when he’s comfortable with you, he’s comfortable enough to complain– even about trivial things
he's well aware it's not actually the end of the world. he's just silly enough to act like it is. very reactive fella :>
totally the type to exaggerate just to see you react,, he thinkz itz funny–
"oww,," he whines, rubbing his arm where you'd just given him a light punch, "you're so mean to me."
you try to stifle a laugh. "man, c'mon. i didn't even hit you that hard."
"it's gonna bruise :((("
"can you even bruise in uh..." you trail off, staring at the his post-collider incident body, white and spotted with black portals "...your state?"
"ok now that actually hurt."
▸ he's more selfless with you. ohnn often finds himself wanting to do anything in his power to make you happy. anything for you. anything.
may be just a teeny bit insane about the way he carries this out, but it's mostly innocent and sweet gestures
like, if you casually mention wanting something, he'll 100% dimension hop just to bring it back to you.
and while you know that he's probably stolen it,,, you can't find it in yourself to blame him. he's got the purest of intentions. his demeanor changes from nervous and awkward to proud, as he presents you with the thing you were just talking about a few days ago.
“no way, dude!” your eyes light up, taking the bag of candy (or whatever you like if you're not a big fan of sweets) he just presented you with, “i haven’t had these in ages-  i swore this was discontinued, though. where'd you get them?”
“i have my ways.” you can hear the dorky grin in his voice.
he loved watching your face light up in excitement over even the simplest of gifts.
▸ feels like he's holding you back sometimes. he's well aware that his situation means that you two can’t really be in the public eye. it hurts him to think you could be living a completely normal life if he was just never in that stupid collider… or if he let you go, so you could find someone else
he’d never break up with you though. he feels too selfishly about you– if you’re gone from his life, who else could love him the way you do?
sometimes, these thoughts and worries keep him up at night. expect late night conversations, his face buried in your shoulder as he holds you tight, as if he’s scared you’re going to slip away if he lets go.
there are nights where he has a hard time believing you really wanna live like this.
“hey…” you whisper, pulling away slightly so you can look at him. you gently grab onto his jaw, tilting his chin up so he meets your gaze.
his entire frame is trembling, leaning into your touch. he doesn’t speak.
“you know you’re irreplaceable to me, right?”
he melts at the tenderness of your voice, the patience you have with him. he pulls you in just a little tighter. your comfort never fails him.
▸ TRUST ME WHEN I TELL YOU THIS MAN IS 100% FOR YOUU. on your side. always.
someone was mean to you? they're an asshole and he hates them.
someone was condescending towards you? they're an idiot and they've got no clue who they're talking to.
but if someone dares to bother you beyond just making you mildly irritated and/or upset– if someone makes you cry?
DAWGGG,, ALL HELL IS BREAKING LOOSE. nevermind if you insist you're fine or that you can deal with it yourself. he's asking for full names, addresses, details– he's revenge motivated. anything for you.
▸ ok moving onto normal fluff for the last bit (ノ)'ω`(ヾ)
corny. corny. corny.
he's incredibly endearing with his earnesty as he tries to expresses his adoration for you... but also very cheesy and dorky when it comes to showing you affection.
it's sickeningly sweet, the way he stammers over every compliment, trying to explain how much he loves every bit of you.
giving him a genuine compliment back to shut him up has him nearly fainting.
johnathan likes getting verbal reassurance and praise,, but he's much better at showing his affection via physical touch– of course, only if you don't mind. doesn’t wanna make you uncomfortable!!
but if you're comfy, he ends up craving physical affection as well– i talked abt this in these headcanons but IM BRINGING IT UP AGAIN AS PART OF TOUCHSTARVED JOHNATHAN NATION.
one day, you're leaning into his side sitting close to him on your couch. your cheek rests against his shoulder while your fingers are gently tracing his arm up and down, brushing against his skin with a feather-light touch, absentmindedly. he squirms a little beneath your touch, the room being too quiet for his liking.
"so... what are you doing?" he asks, glancing over at you.
"guess." you reply, not looking up.
you're tracing... something. he can't seem to get why though.
"oh uh- okay." he thinks for a moment, a bit puzzled. after a second, he perks up, piecing it together slowly in his head.
"are you tracing a letter?" johnathan asks curiously.
you nod silently.
"okay, okay– uh... L?"
another nod.
nodding again, there's a small smile on your face.
"V? ...oh–" he chuckles slightly, now understanding what you were spelling.
he's amused at your strange way of affection. guess he isn't the only one capable of being sappy.
you laugh softly, finally tracing an E on the skin of his forearm, followed by a U and a little heart <3
"you could've just told me, y'know." in spite of his words, he knows that he likes this. you and your silly ways of showing that you care. the ways you tell him that he's cherished.
you huff, giving him a light smack on his arm. "you're no fun." your eyeroll does little to conceal the grin growing on your face.
he flinches from the playful hit. "owww..."
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celenawrites · 10 months
TW - just a vent about fandom stuff.
I feel kinda sad about how some creators in the CoD fandom have now abandoned creating content for the game series due to the demanding nature of other fans who used to consume their content. (fics, art, etc)
Like, these artists/writers in the fandom write fanfics/create art, FOR FREE OF COST and dedicate SO MUCH TIME AND ENERGY to their craft despite not getting much in return, only to deal with senseless hate, ignorance, stupidity and get treated as content generation machines; instead of actual human beings with jobs and studies and friends and families that need their time and attention as well.
A lot of us folks who write or draw do this as a hobby. As an outlet for our creativity, and we find this community for the media we are currently fixated on and we create things inspired by it cuz it brings us joy. IT MAKES US HAPPY SO WE CREATE CONTENT FOR IT!!! And then to see the same fandom/community and their horrendous behaviour driving away the creators from the fandom and the media itself is just....sad. Very disheartening.
Like I miss so many of the creators who have just given up on CoD cuz of this issue. Their works have inspired me to start writing again. They make me wish I start learning how to draw and paint again too. Their works have touch my soul, and made me happy - gave me something to look forward to every day.
But I'd much rather they leave the fandom and take care of themselves and their life, than to succumb to this weird pressure fans and fan-content consumers put on them, y'know?
Plus recently, I've seen a lot of racist and stereotypical prejudices from some CoD fans (and even some creators). I know a lot of them are new to the fandom, I was too. But I took an active effort to learn more about this game series. (and it's an ongoing effort cuz I cannot afford to play the games so I have to settle for wiki articles, gameplays, and comics) And I see so many fans not give a shit about it. They treat these characters as blank canvases to fulfill their hypersexual fantasies. (I like me a good smut fic or two, don't get me wrong) But that just makes it impossible for newer fans to get to know more about the lore and the characters. I had just finished watching the campaign for MW, and let me tell you, there are so many complex missions, characters and storylines to explore and depict through fanfics, and it's insane so many people disregard it for their whimsies so easily. That will just stunt your growth as an artist/writer! Read up on the lore, watch the game plays(the OGs and the remakes!) , maybe even read the comics!!! I promise you won't regret it ever!!!
Also, please! For all that is holy, stop putting these complex fictional characters into restricted boxes and label them. That just makes them so one-dimensional. Like -
Soap is not always cheery and bubbly and your fellow bestie. Simon is not an abuser/emotionally dead asshole just because he has a hard time expressing his emotions like everyone else. König, despite the lack of storyline/lore we have on him, isn't an uwu social anxiety babygirl, damn it. Stop excluding Gaz from your HCs and fics! He's a complex man with so many interesting things to explore about his overall story and psyche as a part of 141. He's not always begging for Price's approval either, he can and has objected to how questionable their methods have been regarding their field/work. Stop excluding Gaz from 141 stuff! It makes you look like a POS, and a lot of the people who exclude him are doing so for....pretty racist reasons. As a POC, this shit sucks balls. Also stop stereotyping POC characters in CoD - Alejandro, Rudy, Valeria, Gaz, Farah....just stop. Their ethnicity or race should not deter you from writing about them in a way that doesn't come across as prejudiced and ill-informed.
Also, not necessarily a rant, but please consider/remember the fact that the military has always been a bit of a morally dubious field of work irl, and just cuz CoD is military-centric and features characters who work in the army or PMC and take out bad guys - that doesn't take away from the violent history military has and how they have contributed to the deterioration of many countries (mainly in the Middle East). Heck, even these characters in the CoD games have done extremely unethical things and employed treacherous methods in order to get the job done. These characters may be good people in fiction, but that doesn't mean that they have done great things or have always stayed morally pure. Explore the dubious nature of it all - explore how dark and harrowing it can be for them and for the people that unwittingly or knowingly get involved in their work. It's dark and twisted but it's crucial since it's inspired from our world and it's necessary for us as humans and as artists to explore such themes and analyse them! It's crucial for the soul!!!
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bettsfic · 1 year
betts do you have advice on finding your way to narratively satisfying endings? i struggle to end stories in ways that don’t feel abrupt or dropping the ball plotwise in some way
i have bad news for you: almost no one is good at writing endings. i would say less than 10% of what i read has a decent ending. and around 1% has a good one. i'm looking at my bookshelf right now and the only one i can see with a great ending is lord of the rings. the rest of them either have bizarre endings (the english patient), actively terrible endings (white oleander), and endings i didn't even get to because the story lost all structure and conflict at the halfway mark (a lot of them). in fact bad endings have disenchanted me so thoroughly that this year i've only read nonfiction.
that doesn't mean you shouldn't aim for a satisfying ending, but that you're not alone in struggling with them, and you shouldn't feel too much pressure to nail the landing. there are some stories where the ending isn't as important as the beginning.
the reason, i think, that so many endings suck is because the personal stakes of the characters are weak. i don't necessarily prescribe to the obligation of character motivations, but i do think what often repels me as a reader is that the characters don't really care about anything, and therefore neither do i. if your character wants something, then you have a naturally occurring ending: they get what they want, they don't get what they want, or (my favorite) they get what they want and there are consequences.
another reason i think endings fail is that a lot of stories i read are missing a third act or a final escalation. they reach the first climax and resolve, rather than reaching the first climax, addressing the aftermath, and escalating to an even higher climax. not all stories are set up this way, but a lot of them can be improved if the writer asked themselves, "and then what happens?"
that said, here's the theory as i see it:
because narrative is innate to human nature, there are natural instincts we have to types of endings, namely happy and sad. comedy and tragedy. it's a binary, yes, and i generally avoid those, but for me anyway it's often the first question i ask myself when i start plotting a story: will this have a happy ending or a sad one? do i want to invoke emotional satisfaction or cathartic sadness? if neither, do i want to aim for something complicated or bittersweet?
i try not to obligate myself to any particular direction, but in having a rough idea of the answer, i can at least begin forming a conflict. the big difference between a happy ending and a sad one is whether or not you're asking your audience to root for the success of the characters' plight. for example, let's say your story involves around the development of a romantic relationship. if it seems like the characters, after completing the obstacles of the story, have a chance to have a healthy, happy relationship, then your audience will be eager for them to get together. but if you write it in such a way that your audience thinks, "oh no they're awful for each other," then your audience will be waiting for the breaking point*. either way, you're establishing the anticipation of your audience. if it's a little of both, then your ending is going to be somewhere in the middle, which is fine. the point is, your characters' motivations are being addressed. that's all an ending really is.
*there are genres where the delight is wanting two characters who are toxic to each other to stay together, like darkfic. but i think that's a different conversation, because that's a specific lens through which to read.
okay, now that the big picture stuff is out of the way, here are some general tips/ways i help writers figure out their endings:
process of elimination. write down all the ways it doesn't end. then write down all the ways it could end. then narrow that list into one that works.
extreme stakes. what is the greatest possible ending? does the character die? does the universe end? these probably won't be the right ending, but they'll at least help you aim high.
start with the ending. personally my best work has always come from stories where i know the ending before the beginning, and therefore everything that happens in the story is actively driving toward that ending. and by "know the ending" i mean i have the final image in my head. (most of the time this doesn't end up actually being the ending, but i like having something to work toward.)
harmonize your conflicts. the resolution of all conflict is its opposite: harmony. that doesn't mean a story necessarily has to end that way, but it's at least a good question to ask yourself. how do your characters return to a state of peace?
stack your conflicts. the more threads you open, the more that needs to be tied up at the end, the longer and more satisfying your denouement.
take your time. my favorite endings are ones that slowly slide down the falling action because the stakes reach such intense heights earlier on. a lot of people seem to believe that rising action is more important, building tension and whatnot, but i also think it's good to interrogate that, and try to see your work in the opposite light. what happens if your protagonist gets what they want asap, with no trouble at all? how do they handle success? success is a complicated thing: the good always comes with some bad. what does that look like? (this is the reason lord of the rings has such a great ending. it really honors the characters and the story.)
let your characters do what they want. if you build strong enough characters, their choices will eventually lead you to an ending. give them agency to fuck up and force them deal with it.
work toward an illuminating moment. an illuminating moment is a reveal at the end of the story that casts all the rest of it in a different light, so that when you reread with the illuminated context, the story becomes something new. doing that involves working in a mystery of some kind. shorter stories tend to rely on the illuminating moment, where longer ones rely on the reader knowing what's going on in order to be invested for the long haul.
outside input. have a friend read it and ask what they care about most and what they're expecting to happen. maybe you want to address those expectations or maybe you want to subvert them, but either way it'll help you see more clearly what you're tasking your reader to care about.
steal from shakespeare. everything i learned about how to end my stories i learned from shakespeare. that doesn't mean his endings are how all stories should end, but that i admire them and those are the sorts of endings i want for my own work. it might help to reread/rewatch your favorite things and pay particular attention to how they end.
what do you want? if you're emotionally invested in your own story, how do you want it to end? what would make you most satisfied with your own work? often what drives me forward in my own writing is wanting my characters to be happy but starting them in a place where happiness isn't even a real concept for them, and so they have to go through the process of addressing the things that have happened to them and fight for themselves and what they want.
my big caveat here is that a "good" ending is subjective. people think Lost had a good ending but i'm still angry i spent five years of my life waiting for a payoff that didn't come. in workshops i almost always hear the advice, "you don't want your ending to be *too* neat." bitch yes i do. i want it to be a neat, tidy bow, every single thing accounted for, every thread woven back in.
but that's me. your taste is different and your readers' taste is going to be different. you're never going to satisfy everyone, so it's best to honor your own aesthetic and hope your reader understands where you've come from.
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pixaho · 5 months
NSFW Alphabet Headcannon | Kizzy
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Author's Note | I love Kizzy and Kaito, despite their Sadistic and Masochistic ways. I adore them. So I'm happy that I get to write Kizzy (I rolled the wheel, originally it landed on Cobra but I already wrote Cobra) I'm so excited! I typically write Kizzy as a they/them but for this, I wrote her as a she/her because I absolutely love her. Shoulda named myself "Kizzy's Future Wife".
Warnings | Do I really need to say this? It's smut. It's in the title.
Masterlist High & Low
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A - Aftercare
Kizzy is a goddess at aftercare, we're talking about a person who takes care of herself. Despite her sadistic tendacies, she takes pleasure in caring for her partner. Majority of the aftercare is Kizzy cuddling and asking if you are ok.
B - Body Part
Kizzy's favorite body part of yours is everything. She sees no flaws in you as she believes you are perfect. But if she really had to choose a body part, its your face. She loves seeing your face when she does something random.
C - Cum
For Kizzy, she doesn't really care. She likes messes, she prefers you as a mess. How much cum is around the room, isn't really what bothers her.
D - Dirty Secret
She is way too into seeing you wear short clothes. For some reason it turns her on a lot. If you're wearing short shorts, a short skirt, a short top, or even a short jacket she'll be all over you. Best believe if you had a date, not anymore.
E - Experience
She isn't as experienced with women as she is with men (Kaito obviously <3) but she does surprisingly well. She doesn't act like a pro during the times you spend together but she is kind of cocky.
F - Favorite Position
69 and face sitting. It's no lie that Kizzy loves making sure you both have the equal amount but occasionally she does want one or the other person to have more pleasure. Depends on who's day was bad.
G - Goofy
Not serious at all, she will be making you giggle like it's a middle school gossip group. But when she is serious, its a quiet session.
H - Hair
CARE FREE DOWN THERE BABY! Kizzy will sometimes shave down there, but it is rare and it doesn't necessarily bother you (or kaito ;)) as it's a natural thing and you shouldn't feel embarrassed by it.
I - Intimacy
She can be romantic when she wants to be or she can be chaotic. Majority of the time she's a hard struck romantic, wanting nothing but the best for you. Other times, she's a chaotic romantic, meaning you will be finding rose petals everywhere for at least a week because she decided to tear the flowers to shreds.
J - Jacking Off
Kizzy does this more than she'd like to admit, she does it when you aren't around because she misses your touch. She also does it when you send her pics. ;)
K - Kink
Sadism, this is a given seeing as how she enjoyed beating a guy down. Though she wouldn't ever treat you badly unless you asked. Praise and Degradation kinks. Kizzy loves receiving praises and degrades, she also loves giving them. You could be doing anything and she'd whisper how much of a good girl you are.
L - Location
Preferably a couch, bed, or bath tub / shower. But Kizzy will settle for a car too, she would have you laying across the seat, legs wide open and her hands going to work whilst her mouth in on your neck.
M - Motivation
It takes nothing to make Kizzy the way she is, you could be doing anything and she would want to bang you right there on the spot. Cooking? Bang. Eating? Bang. Getting dressed? Bang bang bang!
N - No
Non consensual stuff. As she worked in Doubt, she grew a fear of non-consensual acts during sex. It made her really uncomfortable and she never wanted to act that out to her lover(s). She's also not into somnophilia as it makes her extremely uncomfortable.
O - Oral
Absolutely gives and receives. She gives more than she receives as she loves giving pleasure to the person she loves, it's very warming. She does it more than once in a session just to see you squirm under her.
P - Pace
Kizzy is not one for slow paced acts, as being slow during sex is hard for her. She is more of a quick pace kind of gal with you. Now she can do slow, but that is usually rough. Let's just say... legs shaking.
Q - Quickies
These are not as common as you'd think. She prefers to do it with you for long hours, not minutes. If she does settle for a quickie, it's simply because she has something to do within the next few minutes or she won't be with you until late at night.
R - Risk
Reputation? Kizzy barely cares about that, all she really cares about is making sure you are safe and also making sure that Rocky doesn't think she's abusing women in any type of way. She wouldn't though. I mean it's pretty easy to hear you guys when you live right above Club Haven.
S - Stamina
Baby, you gon' last a long time. Kizzy has a lot of stamina in her, especially during sexy time. It's actually quite surprising to you on how she manages to make you lose your mind with her still being able to breathe and wanting even more of you.
T - Toy
She does use toys on you such as strap on's and vibrators, but this is just so she can see your reactions. She's quite the magician with these toys as no matter what she does, they always feel amazing.
U - Unfair
She's only really ever unfair when she's being sadistic towards you. She enjoys watching you whine while you guys are at it, her hands all over your body as you squirm, firmly keeping you in place riding her thigh.
V - Volume
She allows you to be as loud as you need to be. Why be ashamed of getting something really good? By the time you guys are finished, the whole club has already heard you guys. Even Rocky, who doesn't like intruding on his friends, looks at you guys in bewilderment.
W - Wild Card
She will try any sex position with you as long as you are comfortable with trying it. Almost all the time its her asking, but on rare occasions you also ask. If you like a certain position, she will make that a routine. If you don't, she crosses it off her list. She wants to make sure that she knows what you like and what you don't like.
X - X-Ray
Kizzy doesn't have a dick but she does have dildos ranging in all sizes. I say so.
Y - Yearning
She enjoys coming back after a long day, turning on the shower and asking you to join her. 90% of the time this turns in her fucking you relentlessly as you try to stay quiet. If it isn't in the shower, she waits for you to get back and will allow you to go down on her if you want.
Z - Zzz
Depending on who does the aftercare. If she does it, she won't fall asleep until she hears your breathing soften and the snores. It makes her feel even more safe knowing that you are okay. If it's you who does the aftercare, you both fall asleep in each others arms, knowing you are both safe.
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qqueenofhades · 1 month
hiii ❣ it's a bit random but do you have any advice for a beginner writer?
i want to write web series and while i'm going to write for my pleasure, i still would love my work to be good enough to have readers.
but while i read stuff and write fics, i don't think it's enough to help me write an original several episode work. + i want to write in english but i'm not a native english speaker.
do you have a textbook or any resource in mind that you'd reccomend to a beginner writer?
Unfortunately, I don't have one single one-size-fits-all resource or silver-bullet magical writing improvement tool that I can recommend, as everyone learns/practices in different ways and some people swear by things that don't work for other people. I can't speak to the value of Grammarly or any other online tool that promises to make you a better writer, as they can often be used to feed your work into AI, make bizarre and/or flatly incorrect suggestions, or otherwise be confusing and unhelpful for a newbie writer, especially someone whose first language isn't English. If you work better within an interactive framework or just want to see if it does seem useful, then by all means do check it out, but don't feel like you HAVE to use it (or anything else) if it doesn't offer much to your process.
As ever, and unhelpfully, my advice for becoming a better writer is to write a lot and read a lot, in all kinds of genres. There's really no get-good-at-writing-quick hack to suddenly get you where you want to be overnight, but you CAN get there by dint of steady and sustained progress. You say that you already read things and write fics -- which is great! You clearly already have some practice with the overall concept, and you are not starting from total scratch. While a lot of writers have a goal of something they really want to do (i.e. in your case, write a web series) and feel like the first one they write has to be The Real and Good One that they only launch into after appropriate years of practice, that's not the case. You can start writing the series now, if you want to. You'll have to also share it with people who you trust to give you helpful and honest feedback (the mortifying ordeal of being known, etc) while also respecting the skill level that you're currently at and not tearing it down for being up to professional standards or something else that doesn't accurately reflect where you are and what you need feedback on. But yes, you will have to write steadily, share your writing with others, and challenge yourself to read and write in different kinds of texts -- i.e. not just fic or amateur fan content, but literature, nonfiction, genre fiction, academia, special interest subjects, and so forth. Writing by professionally published authors is not necessarily always better, but it does give you a sense as to what is deemed marketable, what the general skill level and standard is, and what you might like to emulate or try to do with your own projects.
Also, as a side note, I think that plenty of amateur or fan-written content on the internet is not necessarily outstandingly good, technically speaking. This doesn't mean it's bad -- plenty of people read and enjoy it anyway, and aren't coming in expecting it to be an award-winning piece of fine literature. Standards for what is good, enjoyable, or well-written vary dramatically by genre, medium, what your audience is expecting and/or paying for, and so forth. Some people also have high and/or picky standards for what they will read or what they find enjoyable to read, while others will just go along with the story and don't care as much about the format or technical prowess or so forth. So it is very much a subjective measurement, and if you get to a place where you enjoy reading your own stuff and find it engaging -- regardless of what arbitrary skill level you feel yourself to be on -- chances are that other people will too.
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maochira · 1 year
hey! i ask headcanons for ur event for sendou?
reader having a crush on sendou and ubers tease them a lot because of it?
(requesting this cuz sendou is so babygirl for me and there isn’t a lot of fanfics about him </3)
Honestly, I love writing for characters who don't have much written for them yet. Idk there's just something special about writing for them?? Blue Lock has so many characters they all deserve attention!! Also I agree Sendou is very babygirl
Requests open! - event list - event introduction
Tags: gn!reader x Sendou, a bit of fluff I think, you'll need "spending time with the Ubers" as context for one thing
Event synopsis: you, Claire (@deerangle3 ) and Mao (me) are assistants in the Neo Egoist League
-even before you started working in Blue Lock, Sendou was some sort of celebrity crush to you. It's something you never took that seriously, but he always managed to make you feel warm on the inside
-actually meeting and interacting with him makes your feelings grow. A lot and quickly. Especially because most of your evenings are spent with the Ubers team (not necessarily only because of Sendou, but he definitely plays a role in that)
-surprisingly, in the beginning, Sendou isn't the person who you spend the most alone time with. That person is actually Oliver. He became your best friend and that's why he's also the first one you told about your celebrity crush on Sendou
-Oliver points out how it's not even a "celebrity" crush anymore because you know him personally
-Oliver promises not to tell Sendou about it, but he likes to tease you A LOT. He also (accidentally) told Aryu and Barou about it. Of course, Claire and Mao figured it out as well
-if Sendou isn't around, you get teased SO SO MUCH by everyone. Especially by Oliver
-it always gets you a little flustered
-it's very clear that Sendo likes you a lot as well, it's just not obvious if it's only in a platonic way or if it's there's something romantic
-at some point, the others don't even care anymore and tease you in a less obvious way even if Sendou is in the same room. He doesn't realize the reason behind it, tho
-Claire promised to not ask the question (read spending time with the Ubers to understand this) anymore, so Oliver and Sendou agree to play truth or dare again
-when Sendou chose truth, everyone halfway expected Claire to ask that one question anyways, but instead, she asked him to say his honest opinion on you and what he liked about you
-Sendou starts by explaining how he thinks you're doing your work very well and you're the most tolerable out of the assistants (he thinks Claire and Mao are a bit annoying), after he praises you for your good work he gets a bit more personal but stops once he sees you blushing A LOT
-it confuses him because he doesn't know about your crush yet. He doesn't say anything about you blushing, tho. He continues talking but rushes it a bit and finishes quicker than he originally intended to
-the game goes on, but you're still blushing because the things Sendou said about you keep running through your head over and over
-Sendou starts suspecting you have a crush on him, and he thinks it's cute how you're still so flustered. He doesn't want to talk to you about it in front of everyone else, tho.
-Claire and Mao return to your shared bedroom a bit earlier than you. So later, when you decide you should return as well, Sendou runs after you in the hallway because he wants to talk to you
-it's too obvious to deny so you confess your feelings. You start off by telling him he's been your celebrity crush for a while and getting to know him personally made your feelings grow a lot
-you start getting nervous and embarrassed during your confession and end up saying some nonsense stuff, you're about to apologize for it but Sendou makes you shut up by kissing you
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