#You look so pretty theodore simped
theostrophywife · 5 months
snow on the beach.
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pairing: theodore nott x reader.
request: can you write some cuddles with theo? maybe he’s comforting reader, or maybe reader is comforting him, but this boy need some love pretty please.
song inspiration: snow on the beach by taylor swift.
author's note: as soon as i saw the gif by the lovely @dramaticals, i knew that i had to write a piece with it as the cover. get in, babes. we're simping for theodore nott.
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The snow fell softly over Hogwarts, covering the castle with ice and frost. From the beach, Theo watched as the flurries glittered against stone and spire and frowned as the cold seeped into his bones. Underneath him, the Black Lake was frozen solid yet crystal clear. It might’ve been unwise to venture out so far from the shore, but Theo welcomed the clarity of the cold. 
The cigarette cradled between his slender fingers provided some much needed warmth, the nicotine filling his lungs and dulling his senses as he released a cloud of smoke into the air. Spread-eagled on the ice, Theo sprawled out like a snow angel, blinking away the snowflakes as it gathered on his lashes. 
Beyond the treeline, Theo glimpsed his friends chasing each other on their brooms. A loud cackle echoed from the Forbidden Forest as Mattheo hurled a snowball at Draco. Enzo and Regulus cursed as they narrowly dodged the attack, racing away from Mattheo as he laughed maniacally, clearly relishing his reign of terror. On any other day, he would’ve been flying right along his mates, but today was different. 
The boys could sense it as well. All morning, Theo had been distant and distracted. He barely participated in the conversations happening around him during lunch. When he turned down Mattheo’s invitation to play quidditch in the snow, his mates took the hint that Theo really just wanted to be alone.
So here he was, smoking in the freezing cold and hoping that the frigid air would provide a moment of reprieve from the complicated thoughts and emotions swirling within him. For his efforts, Theo was rewarded with a sore arse and a growing migraine pulsing behind his eyes. In other words, he was truly shit out of luck.
There was no escaping today. 
A soft shuffling beckoned his attention, but it wasn’t necessary for Theo to turn around to know who the steps belonged to. He could identify his best friend by sound alone. You always walked with purpose. Judging by the decisive click of your boots against the ice, Theo could tell that you were on a mission. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as you came into view, your cheeks and nose flushed from the cold. 
With a hand on your hip, you cocked your head at Theo and posed a question in your usual no-nonsense tone. “Would you like some company or would you prefer to brood alone?” 
Theo looked up from his cigarette, biting back a smile. You were always straight to the point. Never one to mince words. Theo liked that about you. 
“I don’t mind the company if it’s you, principessa.” 
A soft smile graced his face as you transformed your robe into a blanket, laying it on the ice and beckoning him to move. Theo happily obliged and attempted not to chuckle as you fussed over him, clearly biting back on lecturing him on the dangers of catching hypothermia in this weather. You placed your bag underneath his head before laying beside him in the cocoon of fabric. 
Without a word, you tapped your shoulder. His heart warmed at the familiar gesture as he leaned against you. A sigh of satisfaction slipped past his lips as you ran your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp and easing all the tension from his body. 
“What are you doing out here?” Theo asked as you toyed with the curls at the nape of his neck. “You hate the cold.” 
“I do, but I don’t hate you.” 
Theo nuzzled against your neck, humming softly as the warmth of your skin soothed his senses. “I missed you at breakfast. Thought you were sleeping in, so I didn’t bother to wake you up.” His mouth quirked in amusement. “We both know what happens when your sleep is interrupted.”
“I’m not that bad,” you said sheepishly. 
“The last time I tried to wake you up before noon on a weekend, you threw a slipper at my head.” 
“I thought you were an intruder.” 
“Mhm,” Theo murmured against your shoulder. “That explains why you yelled, ‘Leave me alone, Theodore!’ after physically assaulting me.” 
By the way you shifted beside him, Theo knew you were rolling your eyes fondly. “For your information, I woke up bright and early this morning to head to Hogsmeade.” 
“Has hell frozen over?” Theo asked dramatically, furrowing his brows as he looked up at you. “The Y/N I know wouldn’t be caught dead in all this snow. Especially not without stealing at least three of my hoodies before stepping foot out of the castle.” 
You chuckled, brushing a strand of wavy hair away from his eyes. “Contrary to what you may believe, I’m not completely helpless without you. I bundled up and braved the snow to pick up a package from the post.” 
“I wish you would’ve told me, dolcezza. I would’ve gone to the village with you.” 
“That’s sweet of you, Teddy. But it was a quick trip and I managed fine on my own.”
Theo grumbled with displeasure, but rested his head on your shoulder once more. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, just soaking up each other’s company. You were clearly aware that something was on his mind, but you didn’t push. You knew that Theo would talk if and when he was ready. It was one of the many things he appreciated about you. Whenever you were together, there was never any need to fill the silence. Even without words, you could read him like a book. 
After a while, Theo put out his cigarette and turned over to face you. You smiled as he scooted closer and breathed in your strawberry shampoo. He brushed the snowflakes off of your cheek, but more fell to take their place. 
“How did you know I’d be out here?” 
“For reasons I will never understand, you love the cold. You said it helps you think clearly,” you replied, tracing the moles and freckles that littered his skin like constellations. “I figured you had a lot on your mind. I imagine the anniversary is a rough day for you.” 
Theo blinked in surprise. Though you told each other nearly everything, Theo had never disclosed the anniversary of his mother’s death. He rarely spoke about her to anyone. Even after ten years, the loss still made his heart feel hollow. 
“You know what today is?” He asked in a small, quiet voice. 
You nodded in confirmation. “Your nonna mentioned it in her last letter. I know you usually like to be alone to remember her, but I wanted to at least check up on you.” 
There was an ache in his chest as he met your concerned gaze. You placed your hand above his heart and rubbed over the spot like you knew how heavy of a load it was to carry. Theo’s fingers gently closed around yours. 
“I’m glad you did.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked softly. “All these years? I would’ve liked to be there for you.” 
There was a hint of pain in the edges of your voice as though robbing you of the ability to comfort him physically hurt. Knowing you, it probably did. You cared so deeply and loved so fully. It was just the type of person that you were. It was what drew him to you in the first place. 
“I didn’t think I could,” he admitted truthfully. “After my mum died, my father never spoke about her again. He just acted like the day of her death never happened. For him, it was just another normal day and not the day that I lost half of myself. My father said it was weak to show emotion, so I never did. I had no choice but to be strong, so I am.” 
Theo closed his eyes and attempted to tamper down his emotions. When he opened them again, he was met with your heartbroken expression. A pang of guilt struck his heart like an arrow. The last thing he wanted to do was upset you. Seeing you in pain was worse than enduring the Cruciatus curse and Merlin knew he had plenty of experience in that regard. Thanks to his cruel, ruthless father. Theo started to apologize, but startled when you cradled his face in your hands, your gaze full of bravery and determination. 
“Emotions don’t make you weak, Teddy. You’re allowed to feel. You’re allowed to grieve and rage and cry. You don’t have to be so strong all the time.” 
The words struck him to his very core. It had never occurred to him to let his armor fall. He wasn't aware that was even an option. All his life, Theo thought that repressing every ounce of emotion was the only way to cope with his mother’s death. He wasn’t granted permission to speak of her, much less grieve over her. Self-preservation had been drilled into him even before he was sorted into Slytherin. It was how he survived.
“I don’t?” He asked in a broken whisper. 
“No, you don’t.” You replied, pressing your forehead against his. “I’m here for you and I won’t judge you for being vulnerable.” 
Theo swallowed past the lump in his throat. “I don’t want to weigh you down with my burdens.” 
“You won’t,” you promised. “Whatever heaviness you’re carrying, I’ll carry it with you. You never have to do anything alone, Teddy.” 
The ice in his chest cracked and the armor he so carefully crafted around his heart splintered off into a million tiny pieces. It should’ve terrified him, but instead, all Theo felt was relief. You were giving him a safe space to feel. A luxury that had been ripped away from him the day his mother died. 
“I miss her so much.” 
With those five words, Theo felt the dam break. Years and years of sadness and anger and grief washed over him like a tidal wave, flooding his heart with the intensity of it all. The rush of the current would have wiped him out entirely if it hadn’t been for your arms wrapping around him, holding him to the present like an anchor. Theo clung onto you for dear life and sobbed. 
He sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. He cried until the front of your sweater was soaked with his tears. He cried until his throat was raw from screaming. He cried until his eyes were bloodshot and red and as heavy as lead. Through it all, you hugged him tightly, holding him against you firmly as you rubbed his back and whispered soothing words in his ear. 
“It’s okay, Teddy. Let it out. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” 
Theo gripped the back of your sweater, bunching up the fabric between his fingers as he unleashed ten years worth of grief out into the open. You didn’t balk at any of it. The two of you had weathered the good, the bad, and the ugly together and none of it had scared you off. Theo believed you when you said that you weren’t going anywhere. To you, it was a sacred promise. One that you had kept faithfully since the day you met him. 
“I’m here for you,” you declared in reassurance, rocking him back and forth. “I always will be.” 
He didn’t know what he did to deserve someone like you. During times like these, Theo was convinced that you were his guardian angel. A gift from above to offset all the shit and misery that life brought. It was cathartic to cry in the arms of the girl he loved because he knew that you would hold him as he fell apart and put him back together in a way that only you could. 
After what seemed like ages, Theo finally looked up. With a sniffle, he watched with an awestruck expression as you wiped the tears from his cheeks and kissed his forehead. 
“I got something for you,” you whispered softly. “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but I think it might help. It’s a way to commemorate the loss of your mother, but to also honor the happy memories that live on in your heart.” 
You fished around in your bag and pulled out a small paper lantern. As you held it in your hands, it glowed as though enchanted. 
“Back home, we light these lanterns and release them to honor the loved ones we’ve lost. I asked my mum to mail me one and it just arrived in the post this morning. Special delivery.” 
Just when Theo thought he was all out of tears, a fresh wave crashed over him. He was the reason why you’d trudged out in the snow and frost so early in the morning. To pick up the most thoughtful gift that anyone has ever given him. Theo couldn’t help but bawl. 
Your eyes widened. “Oh no. I didn’t mean to upset you. We don’t have to do it if you want to. I can send it back—“
Theo shook his head. “No, no, no. It’s perfect. It’s the most thoughtful thing anyone’s ever done for me. Thank you. For writing to my crazy old nonna and letting me get snot all over your favorite sweater and turning a shit day less shitty. Thank you so much, Y/N.” 
You smiled, brushing his waves back. “You don’t have to thank me, Theo. I’d do anything for you. That’s what you do for the people you love.” 
His breath caught in his throat. Theo looked up at you with hopeful eyes. “You love me?” 
“With every fiber of my being.” 
Before he knew it, Theo was crying again, but this time it was happy tears. He leaned in, cradling your face in his hands just like you always did to him, and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was so soft and so gentle, like he was afraid that you might disappear. 
“I love you, Y/N,” he declared with certainty. Theo loved you like the moon loved the sun. He loved you like the shadows loved the stars. You were the light that he’s been waiting for in the darkness. “I think my mum would’ve loved you too.” 
You smiled, intertwining your fingers together and kissing his knuckles. “I wish I had the chance to meet her.” 
“You still can,” Theo said with a smile. “Will you show me how to light the lantern, cara mia?” 
After you showed him how to enchant the lantern, Theo was able to light it by himself. The lantern glowed in his hands as he looked over at you. “What’s next?” 
“Usually, we say a few words to honor the dead. It can be as short or as long as you’d like.” Theo swallowed thickly. He seemed to be grappling with his thoughts, searching for the right words. You grabbed hold of his hand and squeezed. “There’s no right or wrong way to do it. As long as it comes from the heart. Don’t be scared, Teddy. I’m right here.” 
Theo nodded, smiling softly as he squeezed back. He composed himself for a moment and stared at the lantern. 
“Ciao, mamma. It’s Teddy. Today was really hard. It’s been ten years since I lost you, but I still feel you everywhere. I miss you a lot. I’m sorry that I never talk about you. Even now, it still hurts. But I’m learning that sometimes you just have to let yourself feel the pain. That it’s okay to let other people in and let them carry the burden with you. I’m lucky, mamma. I have nonna and my cousins and my mates. I have Y/N. She takes care of me. She always asks me about my day. She remembers every little thing I tell her, like the fact that I hate crusts on my sandwiches and pineapple on pizza.” 
You chuckled as his nose scrunched up in disgust. The sincerity of it all made your heart feel like it was overflowing with love for this beautiful boy. “She’s always bossing me around and fussing over me, but I secretly love that she cares so much. She’s got such a big heart, mamma. I’m lucky to even occupy a small portion of it. I guess what I’m trying to say is, you don’t have to worry about me. I’ve got Y/N to watch over me. I love you and I miss you. I promise I’ll talk about you more. Ci vediamo, mamma.” 
Your eyes welled with tears as Theo released the lantern. He turned to you, wiping a tear away. “Hey, none of that,” he teased. “I’ve cried enough for the both of us tonight, love.” 
“I’m sorry. That was just so beautiful. I’m so proud of you, Teddy. I know it wasn’t easy, but you were so brave.” 
He leaned down to kiss your temple. “Couldn’t have done it without you, cara mia.” 
Theo laced his fingers through yours and tugged lightly. “Now come on, dolcezza. Let’s get inside where it’s warm. I know you’re dying to lecture me about being out in the cold for this long.” 
You chuckled, not even the least bit surprised at how well Theo knew you. 
Later that night, after the two of you dried off, changed into pajamas, and snuggled underneath your warm blankets, you listened as Theo told stories of his mum. You laughed when he recounted the time his mum hexed Lucius for stealing her shampoo in third year. You cried when he recalled the way she’d always let him curl up in her bed after a nightmare, singing him to sleep and soothing her Teddy. 
In one night, the memories that he kept locked away in his heart for ten years came spilling out of Theo. You soaked up every detail like a sponge, hanging onto his every word. The sun was rising by the time he exhausted himself, but he felt so much lighter than he ever had. With your arms wrapped tightly around him, Theo knew that he was loved beyond measure. He could feel the affection and devotion radiating between you, like an invisible string that tied the two of you together.
As you spooned him, Theo grinned and kissed your fingertips. “Thank you for letting me talk about my mum. I’ve never told anyone any of that before.” 
“What makes me so special?” 
Theo turned over and smiled. “You make me feel safe,” he whispered in the darkness. You teared up at his words, knowing how hard it was for Theo to let his guard down. The fact that he allowed himself to be vulnerable around you was a privilege that you’d never take for granted. “You take all my fucked up, broken pieces and put me back together again. With you, I feel whole.” 
“It doesn’t matter how many times you fall apart, Teddy. I will always be here to pick up the pieces.” 
“Me too,” Theo murmured sleepily. He leaned over and kissed you, soft and sweet and pure. Your heart ached for him. You were convinced that your soul would’ve searched through infinity and back just to find him. “That’s what you do for the people you love.”
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@annaisabookworm @marina468 @yaraasthings @the0doreslover @bubybubsters @moony-artemis @natasha887 @lucyysthings @criesinlies @bunnymallowo @niktwazny303 @letmedownslows @siriuslyalovergirl @wordsarelife @clairesjointshurt @daydreamingabthar@moonflowersandsparkles @fudge13
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welovelouisandbucky · 3 months
hello!! i loved your Matty and Theo headcanons, do you think you could do them for Enzo as well? :)🫶🏻
A/n: hellooooo!!!! I'm so sorry it took me this long to reply, I honestly forgot I have saved this into my draft. But I hope you like it! (I tried my best😭) have a nice day!!!!
T/w: none honestly, well of course, except for my writing 💀✋🏼
Lorenzo Berkshire headcanon
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Enzo who is the biggest sweetheart you have ever met.
Enzo who no matter what is always there for you.
Enzo who always brings a smile to your face.
Enzo who calls you sweet names and makes you blush.
Enzo who is soft and kind and everything nice.
Though, everyone has their bad days, even him but you're always there for him as he is for you. It doesn't matter what the situation is, if it's him being frustrated with his studies, or having a problem with his family or anything you always make sure to be there for him.
Enzo who always has his hand intertwined with yours, in classes, The Great Hall, hallways or Common rooms etc. He is always touching, though earlier when you guys have just started dating and whenever he'd hold your hand he'd have this rosy tint to his cheeks.
Was actually super shy around you after he realized he has a crush on you, and I mean shy.
Enzo who whenever you guys fight (which is almost never but there's always those rare days) would instantly cradle you into his arms the moment he sees tears building up in your eyes because if there's one thing he hates the most is seeing you cry and even worse if he's the one who caused you to cry.
Enzo who always calls you pretty even if you look like you have been dragged through the pits of hell and back, because in his eyes you're the most beautiful human being ever.
Enzo who thinks you look absolutely adorable when you study because you have this look of concentration with a slight pout on your lips.
Enzo who is lazy, like lazy lazy. You'll have to drag him to classes sometimes, literally.
Doesn't play Quidditch but loves watching and is always there to support his friends.
Is okay-ish in DADA but loves Charms, and is Professor Flitwick's favorite. And also enjoys Herbology, tho that might be because you are there too.
Is honestly scared of Snape, and tries to avoid him best as he could considering he's in Slytherin.
Is not afraid to do something sketchy if it comes to you and his friends, because you guys are his family and he'd do anything for you guys and vice versa.
Clumsy. Like this one time you guys were studying in the library when he accidentally knocked over the ink bottle, ruining both of your works, but thankfully you guys were able to restore it because... ✨magic✨
Once he got comfortable in relationship, he became super flirty, like Mattheo who?
Youngest of the group, and everyone's favorite.
Has probably scolded threatened Theodore many times to quit smoking, but he just shrugs him off. ( Tho secretly, he did listen to him and stopped smoking as much as he did before, now he only smokes when's he's super frustrated or angry)
Is sneaky little shit.
Head over heels for you.
Has many Hufflepuff friends.
Hermione and him get along pretty well actually.
Super super romantic!!!!
Did I tell you, he's a simp for you?
Would definitely match outfits with you, without any hesitation.
Never takes off the bracelet you made for him, he absolutely adores it.
Definitely wants to spend rest of his life with you! ✨
Thank you so much for reading! Reblogs and replies are appreciated, as well as positive criticism! Please don't hate, this is a safe place for everyone!!!!
Have a nice day!! ✨✨
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hp-hcs · 7 months
Um, yeah, I don't really have a specific character in mind (so you can ignore this if u want to!), but how would some characters react to a male reader who listens to muggle music, but like- metal?? yk
this is the kind of shit i wanna see in my inbox hell fucking yeah
❕i’ll be honest, my vibe has always been more punk/pop punk/metalcore/hard rock 🤷‍♂️ i did my best buttttt these are all just songs from my playlist so- (i adore my slytherin babygirls but they’ll always be second to my lord and savior glenn danzig)❕
also accidentally wrote gn reader again so that’s pretty girlypop
requests open
i’ve never actually written one of these like, group headcanons for a whole bunch of people, but i keep seeing other people doing it so we’re trying it out ig. do we like it? yes? no?
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slytherin boys: gn! muggleborn! reader’s music taste is rather…unexpected
mattheo: die, die my darling — misfits
i’m of the opinion that mattheo would fucking LOVE the misfits (once you introduce him)
he walks into your dorm to ask you a quick question, and you’re just dancing around in your room screaming the lyrics to:
he’s like 🧍‍♂️😦😍
and that’s when he falls in love with you
jk, unless????
you show him the misfits’ entire discography, and bitch about jerry only (as u should)
he takes a bit too much of a liking to helena 🤨
yk, the song that goes “if i cut off your arms, and i cut off your legs, would you still love me, anyway? if you’re bound and you’re gagged, draped and displayed, would you still love me, anyway?”
interesting, mattheo. interesting. not concerning in the slightest.
he adores them and you guys listen to their music together when you study <33
y’all start running around screaming I AINT NO GODDAMN SON OF A BITCH
your teachers love it <3
theodore: nazi punks fuck off — dead kennedys
y’all were showering together
(is that really like a sexy thing? i sure as fuck don’t know 🖤🩶🤍💜)
you started singing to yourself and babygirl was like 😳☺️
he loves ur voice <3
even when you’re singing “nazi punks, nazi punks, nazi punks FUCK OFF”
(cause like……yk…….he’s a wizard nazi himself 😬👍)
he always lets you put on your music
to be honest, he doesn’t really care about the lyrics, he just loves that you love it
(*cough* simp *cough*)
draco: possessed by satan — gorgoroth
you’d just come back from winter break and had brought one of your holiday presents back with you: a new record player and a shitload of vinyls
you set it up in your dorm and asked your roomie, draco, if he’d mind if you played something
he'd never admit it, but he was wildly curious what muggle music sounded like
so of course, you blessed him with the sweet sweet sounds of gorgoroth 😌🥰
(aww, nostalgia <3)
he just looked at you like 😨
you then proceeded to educate him on gaahl beating the shit out of someone (a l l e g e d l y) and threatening to drink his blood
he’s now even more concerned
(do you or do you not tell him about the gogoroth concert ft. alive ‘crucified’ actors & impaled sheep heads vs. the country of poland?)
((idk babe that’s for you to decide))
blaise: boogie woogie wu — insane clown posse
i feel like blaise is chill enough to give any music a shot before deciding if he likes it or not
you weren’t that close, just acquaintances, but one day you just offered up your other headphone to him in the middle of a really boring class
oh, he’s in love
you make him a playlist of songs you think he’d love, and he lowkey almost starts crying and that’s how he asks you out on your first date
(is it terrible to think that this might be your wedding’s first dance song?)
enzo: custer — slipknot
it’s your ringtone for someone 😌
like ur mom, or something? idfk
“incoming call from: birthgiver” 🎵CUT CUT CUT ME UP AND FUCK FUCK FUCK ME UP🎶
he doesn’t even know how to react
he’s only a bit terrified
he’ll listen to a few other songs you play for him, but will make you play the weird sisters afterwards
tom: reincarnate — motionless in white
he’s bitching about how much muggles suck and muggle music is trash blah blah blah
and ur like “oh really? wanna bet?”
you whip out your phone and start blasting your playlist
he would absolutely eat that shit up
it’s cheaper than therapy ig 🤷‍♂️
he hates being wrong about anything ever so he’ll never admit out loud that he likes it, but he will just show up at your dorm at like eleven pm like:
“do you have any more uh……song recommendations or something…..uhhhh” 🧍‍♂️
babygirl 💞
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theodorenmyth · 3 days
Hi, can I request like a part 2 of my previous request? Like Theo and Enzo being pretty much simps for their bf when he do something amazing, and they grab their bf to show how much they love him. Or theo and Enzo hear someone say something bad about their bf, so they confront him, not knowing their bf is there and smiling for how they're defending him 🥰
Simp and Protect
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Pairings : Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire x M! Reader Summary : Theodore Nott and Lorenzo Berkshire are fiercely devoted to their boyfriend, always ready to support and defend him. Whether it’s showering him with love after he accomplishes something amazing or standing up for him when someone speaks ill of him, Theo and Enzo prove that their love knows no bounds. In this heartfelt story, see their unwavering affection and loyalty from the perspective of their cherished boyfriend. A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Warnings) : Nothing! Word count : 700+
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You’ve always known that being with Theodore Nott and Lorenzo Berkshire meant living a life filled with warmth and affection. Both boys had their unique ways of showing love, but one thing they shared in abundance was their dedication to you. Today is just another testament to their unwavering devotion.
You’re seated in the library, finishing an essay you’ve poured your heart into. When you finally set your quill down, you let out a satisfied sigh. It’s one of the best pieces you’ve written, and you can’t wait to show Theo and Enzo. Just as you gather your things, you hear the familiar, hushed footsteps of Theo approaching.
He spots you, and his eyes light up instantly. “Hey, love. How’s the essay going?”
You hand it to him, watching his expression shift as he reads through the lines. His eyebrows raise, and a proud smile spreads across his face. “This is incredible,” he breathes, looking up at you with admiration. “You’ve outdone yourself.”
Before you can respond, Lorenzo appears, a charming grin plastered on his face. “What’s going on here?”
“Theo’s just reading my essay,” you explain, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks under their intense gazes.
Enzo takes the parchment from Theo’s hands and skims through it. He lets out a low whistle. “You’re brilliant, you know that? This is amazing.”
Your heart swells with pride and love. They always know how to make you feel special. In one swift motion, Theo pulls you into a tight embrace, his lips pressing softly against your forehead. “I’m so proud of you,” he murmurs.
Enzo joins the hug, wrapping his arms around both of you. “Absolutely. You’re a genius, and we’re the luckiest guys to have you.”
Their words, their touches, everything about them makes you feel cherished. They stay like this for a while, holding you close, showing you just how much you mean to them.
Later that day, you’re walking to your next class when you overhear a conversation that makes your blood run cold. Two students are talking, and it doesn’t take long to realize they’re talking about you.
“I don’t get what Nott and Berkshire see in him,” one of them sneers. “He’s not even that great.”
You stop in your tracks, feeling a mix of anger and hurt. Before you can decide whether to confront them or walk away, Theo and Enzo appear around the corner. They haven’t seen you yet, but they’ve heard enough of the conversation to understand what’s going on.
“What did you just say?” Theo’s voice is low and dangerous, a stark contrast to the usual warmth you’re used to.
The students look startled, and one of them stammers, “We were just saying—”
“I heard what you were saying,” Enzo interrupts, his tone icy. “And you’re wrong. He’s amazing. He’s smart, kind, and everything we could ever want.”
Theo steps closer to the students, his eyes blazing with fury. “You don’t get to talk about him like that. Ever. Do you understand?”
The students shrink back, clearly intimidated. “We’re sorry,” one of them mutters before they both scurry away.
Theo and Enzo stand there for a moment, watching them go. You can’t help but smile at how fiercely they defended you. It’s then that they notice you, standing a few steps away with a proud smile on your face.
“You heard that, huh?” Theo says, a bit sheepish now that the adrenaline is wearing off.
“I did,” you reply, walking up to them. “And I love you both even more for it.”
Enzo grins and pulls you into a tight hug. “We’ll always have your back, no matter what.”
Theo joins the embrace, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Always,” he echoes.
As the three of you stand there, wrapped up in each other, you feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Not just for their defense of you, but for everything they do to show how much they care. Their love is fierce and unyielding, and you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
The rest of the day passes in a blur of classes and conversations, but the warmth of Theo and Enzo’s love stays with you, a constant reminder of just how lucky you are. Every glance, every touch, every word they offer is a testament to their unwavering devotion. And as you fall asleep that night, nestled between them, you know that no matter what challenges come your way, you’ll face them together, with love and loyalty to guide you.
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iheartpeppino · 25 days
I'm bored, so I'm just gonna write what I find most attractive or appealing about each Pizza Tower character!
Peppino Spaghetti - His superhuman strength and speed is extremely impressive, and watching him in action is immensely satisfying. Also, the fact he takes the time to save the bosses from the crumbling Pizza Tower shows he has a caring heart. I'm also very fond of how expressive Peppino is, and I'm also quite fond of his design in general; he's a middle-aged, balding overweight man yet I find him very handsome.
Gustavo - Admittedly, I find Gustavo quite handsome and even cute. I also like that he's supposed to be a Mario expy whose partner is Rick the Hamster instead of Yoshi; it's an interesting spin. It's also nice Gustavo cares enough about Peppino that he's willing to help him take on the Pizza Tower, even if it means facing giant rats. I found out not too long ago that Gustavo has a son... but he's not married? Is he divorced? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WOULD DIVORCE GUSTAVO!? HE'S SUCH A NICE GUY WHAT THE HECK!?
Brick - Just like all the Stupid Rats, Brick is super adorable. One look at those eyes and I'm done. He's too cute. I love him. I want a Stupid Rat plushie and I want it NOW.
Mr. Scott Stick - This bald, skinny twig of a man... is admittedly handsome in my eyes. He's a jerk who scams desperate people for money, but GOSH... I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Mr. Stick can get it. He's a cutie. Is it the suit? I dunno, maybe. That, and he's apparently a huge dork when he's not scamming people... which I find endearing, oddly.
Phil Pepperman - This pepper is an absolute unit with a big grin and striking blue eyes. I wouldn't call myself a simp, but I understand completely why some people find Pepperman attractive. Personally, I find his pseudo-intellectual personality off-putting, but he is quite good-looking for a pepper.
Vigert Ebenezer Lantte - He's an older guy with a cowboy motif and a great sense of justice and responsibility. How can you not find that attractive? Yes, I know he's a cheese slime, who cares! Don't think I haven't seen people simp over this guy and draw him as a human, either!
Theodore "The" Noise - I'm not a Noise simp by any stretch, but if there is one thing I can say that's attractive about him... it would be his youthful spirit. Yes, The Noise is a manchild, but that's not always a bad thing.
Noisette - She's a very silly little lady whom I find very cute. I appreciate that her design is just as goofy as her boyfriend's, too.
Fake Peppino - What can I say? He's a monster, and I'm a monster lover. I like that he's adorable, silly, AND super deadly! I wanna kiss the frog man, if he'll let me.
Pizzaface - I've seen people draw this mech with a big, beefy body. I get it. Pizzaface's design is appealing, why wouldn't you give him a beefy body to match how powerful he is...?
Pizzahead - HANDSOME UNHINGED SILLY-ASS PIZZA CLOWN MAKES MY MIND GO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. The sheer autism I have for this guy is unreal. His laugh, his design, his obsession with Peppino, his weird motivations... HE'S NUTS AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
Pillar John - Uh... I like his hat? I mostly find John intimidating due to his sheer size and that damned Meatophobia music that plays when you go near him...
Gerome - He has a neat design. I've seen some interesting fan art of him hooking up with pretty girls who are much taller than he is. Good for him, honestly.
BONUS: Maurice Spaghetti - He looks like Peppino but with more hair and facial hair... in other words, handsome. Too bad his personality is utterly abysmal!
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jackalsprey · 2 years
Unspoken Rules
Hey @asktrio516 I wrote your man and your pretty fish girl, get the fuck over here. And yes, Laura and the designs I had in mind while writing this belong to Emma and her wonderful self, love ya <3
Also, the nickname were way too much fun and Henry is a badass, just cause I'm a blatant simp for this man. This is really fucking bad XD
"FOR FUCK'S SAKE LAURA!" Duck shouted, flushing as red as James's paint.
"What's the matter Duckie?" The mermaid asked, kicking her legs in humanoid form.
She rolled her eyes. "No one's here. Clothes are overrated. Besides, don't you enjoy the view?"
"What does the ocean have to do with you being naked?!"
She deadpanned. "Duckie."
He quickly threw his jacket off and shoved her arms through it unceremoniously. She sighed, but allowed it. He was too cute when he was embarrassed anyway.
Once Duck had finally calmed down and allowed Laura a place on his lap, the two fell into a comfortable silence. They were on Bluff's Cove, leaning against the rock arch over the track, watching the sun go down. The waves lapped at the sea gently, providing not only a shimmering, splendid view, but a relaxing sound that one could fall asleep to.
Duck had nearly done so (likely with a large amount of drool) when a sound straight out of hell made him jump. Laura perked up and looked wildly around.
"Angel Fish? You see anything?" Her senses were heightened above that of an engine's and far more than a human's.
"Oh shit," she muttered. "Stinkbomb's here."
Stinkbomb was her nickname for Diesel. Duck swore under his breath and scrambled, trying to get Laura out of sight, but it was too late. Diesel rounded the corner in train form, hauling the final goods train of the day. He braked hard the moment he saw his rival and the fish woman, eyes wide.
"Well, well, well!" He called. "Gettin' hot and heavy with the fish, Duck Fuck? Can't you get salmonella from that?"
"Better salmonella than having your face, Dicksel!"
Laura growled and swiped a long nailed hand at Diesel's face. She might be small, but she was damn good at taking someone's eyes out.
The diesel cocked a sleazy eyebrow and continued on his way. "Good luck explaining this tonight!"
Duck's stomach dropped. Laura gasped. "You don't think he's going to..."
James stood behind him, hands on hips, trying to look as stern as his Gresley friend. Given he was wearing red lipstick, he was failing spectacularly. Duck faced them both stubbornly, taking the heat as best he could. The others of Tidmouth Sheds were staying well back, not sure what to do.
"This is horrible! Awful! Undignified!" The massive blue engine ranted. "A mermaid?!"
"You know Laura," Duck replied coldly. "She's not some kind of sea witch. She's the sweetest being alive."
"That may be so, but it doesn't change the facts! Duck, you're not only breaking our rules as engines, but you're practically breaking supernatural law! It's disgraceful!"
"Disgusting!" James chimed in.
The air was silent for a few moments as everyone else waited for the trifecta to be completed. Gordon glanced to his left, where Henry was watering his plants by the window.
"Your line. You missed your line."
"Oh I know," the green engine replied smoothly. "I'm not saying it."
Gordon's well-trimmed eyebrows shot up. "Excuse me?"
Henry sighed. "Theodore, Ana, I'll come back to you two," he whispered to his plants. Then he turned to Gordon. Thomas and Percy chuckled. This was gonna get messy.
"I said, I'm not saying it. I don't agree, Gordon."
"Henry, Duck is breaking our rules! Engines don't date non-engines!"
"So, by that logic, Percy and Harold shouldn't be together?"
"I- that isn't what I mean! I mean that-"
"What? Duck shouldn't date the girl he loves? Cause that sounds messed up to me."
"He's disrespecting the law!"
"Even when the law is disrespectful?"
That shut Gordon up.
"This is idiotic. As long as Duck and Laura love and are good to each other, there is no reason they should not be together. If it were a worry of breeding, well, guess what? That's not happening. So why is it an unspoken rule? Because it's different? Sorry, but I don't think that has anything to do with whether or not it's right or wrong."
With that, Henry motioned to Duck and jutted his thumb to the door. Shocked, he followed the much taller engine, leaving Gordon, James, and the others standing there, unsure of what to do.
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wands-n-roses · 3 years
Lost Chances | F.W. & T.N.
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A/N: MY FIRST FIC!!! AHHH! I really hope you guys like it. As much as I post about Fred I had to make a Fred fic (even though it's angsty 😶). Who should I do next? Ask box is open btw :)
Warnings: None really, kissing, angst, kind heartbreak a lil teeny tiny bit, not proofread either, longer than I intended to write
You were suddenly lifted up, arms around your waist. Giggling, you hugged back, the ginger boy put you down soon after.
"I missed you so much! Summer was so boring without you," Fred told you.
"Yeah, and wow, you look so different," you said, your left hand reaching up to run your fingers through Fred's hair. Fred was way taller. Well, he was already super tall, but before you were at his chin, now you were level with his chest. You were sure your neck would start hurting having to look up at him. But you didn't mind, his eyes were pretty enough to look at.
You and Fred had been friends since you started at Hogwarts. 1990. You'd met on the train while Fred and George were trying to figure out how much liverwort to put in their potion. After you'd helped them, they offered to be your guides and show you all about Hogwarts. (Pretty certain you'd be placed in Gryffindor which would make it so much easier to help you out).
Fred smiled, holding the back of his neck with his hand. "Ha, yeah, George and I thought we'd go for a bit of a different look. Oh wait, did you shrink over summer?"
You playfully hit his shoulder, "Rude! No, you're just a bloody giant."
Fred laughed, making another short joke before George ran over. You gave George a quick hug, saying hi when he also made a joke about your height. It would be endless with these two.
School had started by now and everyone knew of the Triwizard tournament. They'd also heard of the Yule Ball. Everyone was so excited, girls buying dresses, boys buying flowers. A new person being asked every week. You, however, had not been asked yet. Not that you cared...totally not that you cared...And totally not waiting for your ginger-haired, brown-eyed best friend to ask. DEFINITELY NOT.
"He'll totally ask you," Katie, your other best friend whom you'd met at the sorting, tells you.
You disagree, "No, he's not. If he was gonna ask he'd of done it by now."
Katie sighed, "Well who cares anyway. Fred doesn't know what he's missing out on."
You nodded, but you were sad. Maybe it was because he saw you as a sister? You were only a year younger than him and definitely more mature. Maybe he just didn't find you attractive in that way... Saying that aloud made it hurt more.
That's when Fred ran up to you, a white flower in his hand. You smiled, maybe he was going to ask you.
"Does this flower look nice? Do you think it's pretty?" He asked you.
"Yeah it's perfect, who's it for?"
Katie choked on the water she was drinking. "Sorry, went down the wrong tube."
"Oh," you said in a lower tone. "Angelina?"
"Mhm, I'm gonna ask her to the ball. Well, actually I already did. She said yes, but I didn't exactly put in any effort, so I figured she'd like a flower. Make her feel more special, you know?"
"Oh yeah, totally."
Fred smiled before walking away, off to do whatever he was going to do. You, of course, didn't want to think about that now. Katie put a hand on your back giving you a comforting smile.
"Told you he doesn't know what he's missing out on."
You sighed, folding your arms and resting your head on the table. The Yule Ball was going to suck.
You'd been moping around for a week. Fred and Angelina were all buddy-buddy, and you were miserable. Guess this is what you get for falling for one of your best friends.
George and Katie had about enough of this. They were tired of you being so gloomy all the time. So George decided.
"We're gonna find you a date to the Yule Ball, and you can't say no."
"No," you said with a bit too much of a straight face.
"Oh come on y/n! We can go shopping, do our hair, nails, makeup. And have an absolutely amazing night with our dates," Katie tried to convince you.
"Wait who are you going with?" You asked.
"George and I decided to go together since we didn't have dates."
"How much else have I missed?!"
George shook his head, "So is that a yes or no?"
You sighed, "It's a fine."
In the weeks following, you and Katie had gone shopping for dresses. Your dress was a pretty azure blue color, Katie's was red and black.
George hadn't found you a date, however, there was this rumor going around that Theodore Nott, a 4th year Slytherin, had an eye on you.
Theodore Nott, you thought to yourself. He was cute. Tall, gangly but in a good way, dark hair. And most importantly he was nice. You'd had a few brief interactions with Theo before. He always smiled at you in the halls. He even offered to carry your books for you once. You never really put much thought into his feelings towards you. But maybe you were just too caught up in the world of Fred Weasley.
If Theodore did ask you, you'd say yes. It was decided. What was most definitely not decided nor agreed upon was Fred's opinion.
"You aren't actually going to yes to him, are you? Y/n?"
"What Fred?" You sounded annoyed, which you were.
"You aren't saying yes to that...that snake, are you?" Fred repeated his question from before.
"And what if I do? Not all Slytherin's are bad you know. My mum was in Slytherin."
"Yeah but...but it's Theodore. I mean what kind of name is Theodore anyway? Plus he's a year younger than you."
You rolled your eyes, "Katie is a year younger than George."
"Yeah, but they're going as friends!" Fred exclaimed.
You burst out laughing, "No they're not ahaha. Do you actually believe that? I've seen George stare at Katie countless times for the past 2 months at least. And Katie always cheers extra loud for George during your alls quidditch matches."
Fred looked at you dumbfounded.
"Oh come on, Fred, you can't be that daft?"
Fred shook his head, "Well regardless, you should say no to Nott."
You scowled at the idiotic boy. "And why would I do that?"
"Because I don't approve."
"Well, I don't really care Fred. No one else has asked me to the ball. And Theodore seems nice enough. I mean even Ron has a date. Bloody Ron!"
"Hey, what's wrong with Ron? He is my brother after all."
"My point exactly."
The next morning at breakfast when the mail was delivered you'd gotten a letter. The envelope was white with tiny bluebirds that lined the sides. Attached to the envelope was a very pretty daisy. The parchment itself was colored blue, like the blue on your dress (your favorite color). On the note read this ~~
Dearest Y/n,
As I'm too much of a coward to say this to your face I am writing it on parchment (blue, which I believe is your favorite). Anyways, I wanted to ask if you'd accompany me to the Yule Ball. Please do not feel pressured to say yes, however, I do hope that is your answer.
With warmth, Theodore Nott
You smiled. Katie, who was reading over your shoulder aw'd. You'd gotten up and walked to the Slytherin table, holding the flower Theodore had attached to the note.
You tapped his shoulder and he turned around, eyes wide as hell. He stood up, taller than you'd remembered, his friends and yours watching your every move.
"My answer is yes," you smiled at him.
His eyes lightened, "Wait really?"
You nodded. He quickly went in for a hug before pulling apart realizing he wasn't sure if that was okay.
You laughed slightly, "I'll see you later Theo, perhaps in the library after classes?"
He nodded eagerly. You were about to walk when you turned around. This time grabbing the boy's hand, pulling him closer towards you, and kissing his cheek. Theodore, startled, just watched as you ran out of the Great Hall. Katie squealed when you got out there. George was just smiling saying how surprised he was that you made a move like that. Fred was brooding.
You put Fred out of your mind and just focused on the upcoming ball.
By the time the ball had rolled around, you and Theo had hung out a few more times. He was kind of awkward at first, but once you got to know him he was funny. You'd always see him with some kind of snack, he said eating helped him focus. He even began bringing snacks around that he knew you liked in case you were hungry.
Whenever Fred knew the two of you were together he'd come up with some excuse to get you away.
Okay well, that last one was true. But the point was Fred didn't approve. You just waved it off.
The night of the Yule Ball you and Katie got dressed together with Fred and George's younger sister, Ginny. Ginny didn't have any other girls to go to about beauty stuff, plus you'd always seen her as a little sister.
After getting ready, you met your dates in the common room. Well, Katie met George there and Ginny met Neville there. However, since Theo was a Slytherin he waited patiently outside of the Gryffindor common room.
"You look so pretty," Theodore said.
You and Theodore, Katie and George, Ginny and Neville, and of course Fred and Angelina went off to the ball.
The Yule Ball was actually really fun. Theodore was the perfect gentlemen. He got you a drink, danced with you, made sure you were okay and not bored. You couldn't have picked a better date.
A slow song started playing. "May I have this dance?" Theo smiled and stuck his hand out for you.
You nodded, holding his hand as he guided you to the dance floor. He placed his hands on your waist, rather nervously might I add, as you placed yours on his shoulders.
"You don't have to be nervous around me, even though it is quite adorable," you chuckled.
Theodore blushed, "I-I, well you intimidate me a little bit."
You looked like you just heard the craziest thing to ever occur. "I intimidate you? You're like 2 heads taller than me. You look down to even see my eyes."
"They are quite mesmerizing might I say."
"See, no way you can be intimidated, that was some shameless flirting right there."
"No, I am intimidated. The thought of making the first move on you is scary yet all I wanna do is kiss you."
You went silent for at least 3 minutes, then you decided. "Kiss me then, Theo."
This time Theodore was silent, but only for a few seconds. He put his hand under your chin to lift it up further then pulled you a bit closer. He leaned down and pressed his soft lips to yours. Your hands nervously played with the material on his suit. The kiss lasted a few seconds before you both pulled away.
As you opened your mouth to speak your arm was tugged by none other than Fred who proceeded to drag you out of the room.
"What the bloody hell was that?!" He yelled at you, by now the two of you were down the hall.
"It was a kiss, Weasley," you said with just as much anger. Calling him by his last name? You'd never done that before.
"Shouldn't have been."
"And why the hell not? Theo likes me, and I like him."
You both stood there silent, staring at the ground.
"I only took her because I didn't think you'd go with me," Fred admitted.
"I've liked you for a while now Fred."
Fred looked up at you shocked, then he realized his mistakes.
"Is there any way we could try this again?" Fred almost begged.
You wanted to, you truly did, but you couldn't. You refused to be that cruel to Theo, you genuinely liked him now. Fred lost his chance.
"I'm sorry Fred but no. You should have taken the chance when you had it. Theo did and he's good for me right now... But we'll still be friends."
Fred was just silent. He nodded, and you knew the two of you would go back to normal soon, but right now? Definitely not.
You went back to the ball.
Running over to Theo, you said, "Sorry about that, Theo. Where were we?"
The rest of the night was perfect, still the looming presence of Fred's feelings for you, but Theo was the right choice. For now at least. Fred missed his chance, Theo didn't. You owed it to Theodore to see where it was going, even if it ended up fizzling out. Fred was just going to have to get over it.
At the end of the night, you and Theodore kissed again, making plans to hang out again soon.
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Do you have any annabeth mtf headcanons?
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Here ya go :)
Born Nathaniel Theodore Chase.
She started feeling dysphoria at age 5. She never really got much attention from her dad and barely talked to him so she kept it to herself and remained confused for most of her childhood.
Age 7 was the worst for her. Sure the clothes she worse had nothing wrong but it still didn’t feel like it was ‘her’ she looked too much like a ‘him’ and that really made her insecure.
She started growing her hair out and would use her step mother’s hair clips to look more like ‘her’ and she would get scolded it for it. She ended up managing to steal some of the accessories and would sometimes stay up at night so she could peacefully be “herself” and not gets weird looks from her parents and constantly being questioned my her little brothers.
She told Magnus about how she felt (he was the only family she trusted) And he was supportive of her but didn’t know much how to help. Annabeth was grateful to him either way. At least he listened to her and accepted her.
Magnus helped her choose her name, She couldn’t decide between Lou Ann and Bethany so she combined the names and formed Annabeth.
Hence Annabeth chase was born.
Once she was caught stealing her step mom’s perfume and that was her breaking point when she was called a freak and threatened to cut her hair. It shattered her, and she had to run away and be free to live like herself, she had nothing to loose anyways and so she did run.
Meeting Luke and Thalia was the best thing that ever happened to her. She never told them because she was embarrassed and besides she could easily pass as a girl. And that was the first time she used the name Annabeth.
Thalia found out by accident once. It was quite a surprise but she didn’t care, she reassured Annabeth that she was not a freak and that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. They had a long talk and Thalia set her mind that once they reached camp she’d help Annabeth with everything. Annabeth was like her little sister.
Back in camp, without Thalia, it became a bit difficult for her to keep hiding. CHB was her family, she trusted them but still had a few insecurities in her head.
Despite trusting/loving Luke. She never told him. But he was the one who got her ears pierced for her 9 birthday (upon requesting). He also gifted her silver owl earrings which she wore a lot.
Chiron found out eventually but he didn’t bring the topic up so as to not make Annabeth feel too uncomfortable. So for the next 4 years Annabeth kept researching about transition and got better at adapting.
Then came along Percy. He was a bit of a goofball but was pretty alert but Annabeth was one step further than him. She had already practiced to keep her voice high pitched. She simply couldn’t let him know. He might’ve been sweet but the memories of the past always lingered.
It was until after TLO when Annabeth confessed, she loved Percy and he loved her, there was nothing to hide and Percy was glad to know, Annabeth didn’t seem any different to him, she was still and always would be his Wise-girl. Supportive simp boyfriend™️
Grover cried when he found out, he was really happy that Annabeth shared something so sensitive with him. Even tho she trusted him with his life, he was super happy.
She slowly came out to the other campers. Everyone supported her, but there were a few people who found it hard to process, either because they never noticed anything or that it was really unexpected. But there was no negativity.
After BoO. Annabeth came out to all her friends. Piper, Reyna and Hazel helped her a lot. Even though Annabeth had researched, there was nothing wrong in asking her friends for advice.
She took her first dose of hormones a year late than usually due to the constant quests. (This was actually during MoA). She started showing a lot of noticeable differences during first semester of college.
Her family came around sometime during the end of TLO, (When she would spend the summer at home instead of camp). It was before college when they finally accepted her and could wrap around their minds that Annabeth was their daughter.
Her step-brothers were confused since they vaguely remembered they had a big brother, but the topic was soon forgotten.
Piper was especially close to Annabeth during the early transition stages.
Now for Athena’s reaction. It never bothered her and never will, Annabeth is her child, gender didn’t matter as long as Annabeth was comfortable with however she identified as.
Annabeth Legally changed her name on her 18th birthday. And her bottom surgery is scheduled for after she graduates or sometime in between the second semester of college.
Hope you liked these✨
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Legend Lake: Finale
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Charlie Gillespie X Fem!Reader
Series MasterList
Summary: You bring your boyfriend of three years with you to your grandparent's lake house for the first time.
Warnings: None that I know of.
Inspo: Miggie Snyder's song Legend Lake.
A/n: It's over which means school starts soon 😭
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"Oh my God! Show me the ring!" Madi squealed over the face time call between the cast of Jatp plus you and Carrolynn You guys told Charlie's family yesterday also over a face time call.
"Here!" You lifted your hand to be in view of the camera.
"Congratulations!" Jeremy smiled.
"The ring is so pretty!" Carolyn told you.
"I know! And Charlie proposed on the dock!!" You gushed to the ladies in the face time.
"Simp!" Dale shouted from behind you.
"I didn't even know you knew what that meant cause your so old." You teased.
"I'm 28!" He kicked you lightly as he walked away with Carter.
"Was that your brother?" Savannah asked.
"Cousin." You told her.
"Ah. So when is the wedding?" She asked smiling.
"Uh we haven't picked a date yet." Charlie answered.
"Y/n! Did you brothers try to kill him?" Owen asked smirking. You had told Owen how protective your brothers and cousin could be.
"No! We're planning his murder right now!" Gavin shouted.
"I thought you liked me!" Charlie asked.
"Gavin! Stop messing with your sister and help your grandfather!" Your mom shouted walking into the living room. "Hi kids." She smiled.
"This isn't over." Gavin teased leaving.
"You should sleep with one eye open." Madi laughed.
"He seemed pretty serious." Booboo laughed.
"Cause I am!" Was heard distantly.
"Shut up asshole! Mom told you to help Pap!" You shouted.
"Y/n! Language." You were scolded by your mom.
"Oooh your mommy yelled at you." Owen teased. You laughed with the other.
"Hey Y/n can I borrow- oh hi random people." Charlotte halted seeing the phone in Charlie's hand. "Anyway. Can I borrow a hair tie?"
"Ask Melody."
"How many people are in that house?" Jadah joked.
"Way too many!" Your dad answered before you as he walked behind the couch holding Koa.
"Dad I thought you hated dogs?"
"You saw nothing." He said leaving again.
"I'm afraid he might steal Koa from me." Charlie sighed.
"Definitely." Jeremy agreed.
"Okay well we have to go help but we'll talk to you guys later bye!" Charlie excused the two of you.
"Congrats on the engagement!"
Your mom frowned looking at you. You and Charlie were just about to start your drive back to LA. The car was packed, Koa was in his carrier in the backseat, and you were saying goodbye to your family.
"Bye mom." You hugged her. "I'll see you for Thanksgiving I promise."
"Okay I love you, call when you get home please." She told you.
"You better take care of her or we're gonna make a trip to LA." Dale told Charlie quietly motioning to Theodore and Gavin.
"Wouldn't want it any other way. It was nice meeting you three."
"You too." Gavin smiled. "Welcome to the family." He hugged Charlie patting his back.
"Thanks man."
"I'll be happy to call you my brother-in-law." Theodore smiled. "But dale was being serious earlier."
"I got it."
"Hey man. Take care okay?" Your dad bid him goodbye with a hug and a handshake, before turning to you. "Bye sweetheart, be careful okay? Drive safely. Call us when you get home or when you stop." He smiled softly before he hugged you and placed a kiss on your forehead. You gave him one on his cheek and another squeeze.
"Bye name twin!" Charlie hugged you sister.
"Bye." She joked before hugging you.
Soon all of the hugs and goodbyes were said. You got in the car which had been running since Koa was in the car. Charlie got in the drivers side and began to pull down the gravel driveway.
"I told you your family would love me."
"Yeah." You smiled. "I love you."
"Je t'aime aussi." (I love you too)
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Taglist: @ifilwtmfc @charliegillespiewife @wanniiieeee @killerqueenfan
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
Yandere ocs voice headcanons
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Dunno just though this would be fun I’m sure you guys have your own voices in mind but here how it is
This contains: talk of sex, lot of characters, yandere talk
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Okay so you know yuki from fruits basket....
Make the tone louder and warmer and boom Theo
He has a very soothing voice like the type that you can hear talk for hours or fall asleep to
When annoyed or angry his voice lowers in pitch and is strained from him trying to keep from shouting
He always keeps the same tone of voice usually it’s always sweet and calm and nice
He talks very very proper like he makes sure to always sound like a gentleman
When he’s angry though he will absolutely say the word fuck or shit under his breath with a growl following it
Is the ceo of fake laughs
His fake laughs are always soft and short
His real laugh always has a shocked snort or him choking before bursting out laughing
He makes sure to cover his mouth and apologizes when he laughs cause he sees it as rude
Okay so as y’all know he has two sides
His stage persona voice is super sugary sweet
But don’t mistake that for hyper nope
Somehow no matter what he says it sounds like he’s smiling while talking
Never raises his voice but he does have his cracks of his real personality seeping through
With those he’ll clench his teeth
Like you know those people who speak with a fake laugh when they really wanna choke you
There are times where he has to pretend to be all cute and shy while on stage persona
His voice will get soft and sweet down to a shy little whisper
He hates doing this so there will be a slight annoyed tone in his voice that he tries to hide
When he’s pissed at you but he has to keep cool it always sounds kinda scary
“Hehe y/n my...sweet y/n, can we talk in private please sweetie?”
Normal hikaru’s voice is much deeper and cruder
Not quite bakugo tone but like just as crude and mean
Somehow always sounds like he’s one step from snarling out his words
Legit swears in every sentence
Kinda talks like a delinquent
Everything about him changes from posture to tone
He’s legit just a violent tsundere
Okay so..his voice is like ultimate sub energy
When he talks to anyone else besides you he is cheerful but also pretty normal
When it’s you..simp
You can hear the obsession in his voice. Its always sounds just absolutely happy and filled with joy
I always say that axis is like a happy puppy when he hears his darling is near
He bad mood instantly vanishes and he is just nearly squealing with joy
When he gets all bratty his cheeks puff all out and he lowers his tone making sure you know that he’s upset with you
As far as his whiny yandere side it sounds so desperate like he’s going to die if he doesn’t kiss you or hold you
I think I said this before but axis is the loudest so if you try to walk out the door or something he will scream and beg you not to go anywhere it sounds like it physically hurts to have you leave
He has a habit of hurting himself to get you to stay during these moments he would have a pathetic stutter
“I-I’m h-hurt! Y-you wouldn’t leave someone bleeding out all alone right? Right!?”
When he’s serious his tone shifts low
Not like mature low no it still has that youthful innocence but it sounds deadpan and soft like as if all feelings other than hate or anger vanished
During these moments he would say something like “stay away from my sweet perfect y/n...or I’ll kill you”
Yuri from yarichan bitch club
Okay though seriously something like him except more lower in pitch
He does slur his speech and I think I said this before but the more excited he gets the less English comes out of him
It goes from shaky toddler talking to barking and random garbled words and crazy laughing.
The only time he would talk “normal” is when he’s docile aka he’s high as hell or if he spends a large amount of time cuddles up to his darling
In that case his voice is soft though there is some stutters and crackling cause he’s not used to speaking normally
He also pauses a lot cause he’s not smart at all and words are hard
His manner of speaking is very toddler like
Words would be dumbed down and even nicknamed
Expect phrases such as “y-y/nnn, wuv wuv wuv! Ooowahhhh!” In a squealing happy tone
All in all his voice..is interesting
Prince is a fuck boy
So he sounds like a douche
Like to use the word babe and baby a lot
He honestly thinks he’s the shit so everything out his mouth comes off as cocky
His voice is kinda like those lead singers from boy bands that’s the best way I can describe it
Like those fake bad boys who are all like “yeah baby wanna smoke cigarettes in the parking lot of McDonald’s”
His voice squeaks A LOT though when nervous
Like he tries to keep his voice low and cool sounding but the moment darling flirts or gives him attention it’s just 📈📈📈
When flustered he talks in a high pitch flustered tone
It’s absolutely adorable
Takes him a while to bring it back down though
He likes to speak in Korean sometimes
It sounds so smooth when he does
He has such confidence it sounds like he’s in a kdrama or something
When things are getting steamy he likes to slow down his pacing of words and talk lower
He thinks it sounds sexy but it kinda sounds fake
It’s cause he doesn’t wanna admit that he’s a switch but whatever prince you do you boo
Prince laughing is amazing
You know Kuroo’s laugh?? Yeah take that and make it a tad bit higher and as a ton of hiccups and gasping for air and boom prince
This is why prince has a fake laugh
Like he’ll do a simple little heh. And that’s it
Super hush
Barley a whisper
His voice is flat and cold
Very blunt
He mostly responds in grunts or sounds when in public with his darling
If he absolutely has to speak it’s a single word
Some would deem his voice boring and dull
He has very dry humor and this is the same with his tone of speaking
You will get simple responses from him
When he is with his darling just alone he is far more warm and sweet his voice is still barely above a whisper but it has a nice rumble to it
Even when he’s pissed it’s soft and calm sounding
He doesn’t like shouting cause loud sounds make him cry
That being said the only time he would get loud is when he cries
If something is hurting him he can’t take it for long
His voice cracks and he sounds whiny almost like he’s terrified
Just a shaky “s-stop!”
His breathing would get all intense and his words would come out as stutters as he tries to dial it back down to that soft calm tone probably adding his last response with a hush “please. Stop”
Not much to say about his voice though there is always amusement swinging within it whenever someone gets annoyed by his dry humor or antics
He can’t help but fight a smile as he tries to keep from laughing
Also! Yuki laugh is amazing
He has two different kinds he has his soft chuckles
And then his louder laughs which are still soft by normal standards but they are so filled with joy
So cute..
Okay so even though rocket is a southern boy he will absolutely use his fake “bro” voice when meeting people you deem important cause he doesn’t wanna embarrass you
His worst fear is them seeing him as some southern loser
So his bro voice is very frat boy like
Typical college guy voice
Like stated before when flustered or angry his real voice seeps out
His real voice isn’t too deep or anything it’s very warm and happy
That southern accent though?! ✨Strong ✨
When he says darling you can feel that shit
Even him saying normal word it’s still strong as ever
It fits him so well though like his voice isn’t deep despite his height and build
When excited though he talks super fast
Another puppy boy
He is just so excited he can’t hold back his words so he’s talking a mile a minute
He just can’t stop!
His tone of voice very much shows how he feels
When sad his voice is soft and hushed down to a pouty whimper as he looks down shoulders slumped and posture just spilling out sadness
Same when he’s happy he is so perked up and just ✨happy✨
When he laughs it’s one of those loud happy laughs
Those laughs from deep in his chest
When he’s flustered or feeling submissive he has a very soft way of speaking that shows that he’s vulnerable at the moment
All around cute bara boy has cute voice
Just straight up a brat
Sounds like he could commit arson at any moment
He has this very cocky coy tone in his voice
Sounds kinda childish at times
He doesn’t take anything seriously so that’s to be expected honestly
His voice is quite high pitched yet smooth
When serious though his childish tone remains but it gets scarier and deadpan
“I’ll show you why you should never mess with me and my gang..”
He’s a person who grins when pissed so it’s hard to tell when he’s angry unless you hurt his darling
Ike if he’s tweaked off you won’t know
You won’t know any of his emotions honestly he kinda smiles though it all even if he’s depressed
When he loses that childish charm in his voice it’s usually when he’s having a breakdown
His voice sounds so weak and hurt and all his bottled up feeling explode
He’s a PFFFT laugher he usually laughs so hard his face turns red and he can’t breathe
As far as fake laughs it’s very cookie cutter just a few ha ha’s and that’s it.
When having..steamy times his voice lowers and that childish tone is there but it’s sadistic like he’s enjoying toying with you and breaking you
The deepest voice out of all of them
Rich deep and sexy
Also a person with dry humor at times
Likes to respond with sounds as well
“Haaah?” “Hmmm..” “eh?” All those are acceptable
His voice rumbles in his chest
Put your hand on his chest while he’s talking and it’s like he’s purring
Very much likes using more slang terms
“If I were to rock your shit..would I be wrong?”
“Bitch do I look like boo-boo the fool to you?”
He grew up in a very cultured household so yeah he has different mannerisms of speaking unlike the others
He usually sounds bored or calm when he’s speaking to someone he doesn’t trust
Now his friends on the other hand this bitch hype
Constantly laughing, joking and grinning
He can’t stop being chaotic as hell
His tone is much louder as he’s more comfortable and he tends to use more swears and slang
When speaking in Spanish his voice is just as deep and he adores rolling his R’s every. Single. Time
As far as singing goes his voice is so smooth
Filled with soul and passion like he loves what he does
He has such a beautiful voice
Soft sweet and creepy
Hushed and very gentle
Her words are usually followed by a hush giggle
No matter how threatening she sounds there is always a sweet smile and giggle at the end
She likes the idea of toying with people so her voice always sounds so eel coming at first
Then her sadistic side kicks in and she’s stepping on you with her heel her voice drowning with pride
During those dom moments she can sound very degrading
Talking to you like you’re beneath her instead of an equal
But normally she is nothing short of kind
Even in yandere mode she never shouts or yells or does anything like that
It’s always calm collected and lightly frightening
Definite mother vibes
Just very nurturing
A deep voice member
Full delinquent
“Got something to fucking say to me?”
Aggressive as all hell
At least to strangers that is
To his darling or his twin it’s still lightly rough but also soft? I know confusing
He tries hard to keep that tough guy act up but when anxiety and everything hits he’s a mess
“E-eh!? W-why are you starin’ at me for!? G-go away!”
Hella paranoid all the time
During those anxious moments his stutters and tics are ranging in tone and pitch
He has various tics such as popping sounds, crude phrases like “no more daddy! Nope nope!” Or even “f-f-fucking c-cocks” and many others he can’t control these and they only come during panic attacks
Some of his other phrases are things he’s said as a child when his family would violate him so lot of them have the word stop and no in it
A “cute” one is if you were to say “whose a pretty boy” he would instantly reply “I’m a p-pretty b-boy!” Oddly enough that tic always makes him feel better and calm down
Anyways normal voice yuuta is tough boy
He scoffs a lot and plays this very dominating role
He likes to say nicknames like doll or angelface
Makes him feel tough
He usually tries to sound as sarcastic as humanly possible
But when he’s sad or vulnerable he whines so loud and is so clingy
“D-don’t leave me along! T-the monsters are g-gonna get me! Nooo! P-please!”
He’s like a scared child clinging to you sobbing and trying to jump in your arms just shaking
Also a twink voice
Except his has more sparkles in it
Kinda valley girl tone but not as annoying
Just a lot of “oh sweetie” and “honey no”
Super sugary sweet like so sweet and fake it could kill ya
Behind closed doors though
That sugary tone is the same just sadistic
“Oh sweetie, whose a sad little ball of trash? You are! Yes you are my little parasite!”
Talks in baby talk when degrading his darling and yuuta
They are beneath him in his eyes he’s god
So he should be treated as such
When pissed off his sweet tone stops and it’s pure disgust
“You bottom feeder, do you know who you’re fucking talking to?”
His pissed off voice would give you shivers from how cold it is
He can switch from angry to sweet and back again so fast like one minute he’s threatening to violate every hole you own and the next he’s like “I’m sorry! I’m being a big old meanie pants! Teehee let’s goooooo shoppinggg! Yayyy!”
Likes making his voice as cutesy as possible
Mostly cause when he switches to his more serious side the fear in their eyes is much more delicious
Y’all already know
Stutters every sentence
Can’t even form proper words without stuttering
Growls in anger when annoyed and sounds like he wants to rail you so hard you break
All around soft sweet voice
Whimpers every single time he speaks
When annoyed or gets more confidence his voice is soft but sharp
“You shouldn’t do that. Stop.”
Very short and quick like you better listen to him or else
His voice goes dead and his eyes show no mercy
He keeps his voice low and warm though
When happy he is just so warm and bright
Absolutely adorable
When ranting there are no stutters or anything he can talk for hours if you let him
Loud as fuck in bed though
Full on sobs and cries so loud the neighbors hear y’all
His voice cracks and squeaks as he pants heavily and tries not to pass out
All in all
Shy boi
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littlemoondarling · 3 years
It's time for me to as always be the one to send you tons of questions for an ask game lol ✌ 4, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 40, 43, 48, 50
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Bunny.... I really like them, her personality and struggles are pretty relatable. I think I just don't like the design I gave him, and that really puts me off of a chatacter. Might end up redesigning him.
17. Any OC OTPs?
Well I'll tell you the two that are least likely to happen: Rouge x Theodore. Rouge x Lucifer.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Ouh now this is a FUN one!
Rouge was a trained musical theatre performer in his youth, so I think David Staler would be a good headcanon voice. His favourite music is still soundtracks, he loves songs that tell a story.
Marcel is just fuckin good lol, and I think AURORA's voice would fit him pretty well. He doesn't exactly listen to songs, but if he were to, it would be heavy metal.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
I can't tell you how much I like this question, but I don't know...
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Probably Theodore, I mean he's just fun to be around and I literally created him because I'm lonely and wished I could be someone so confident and sure of myself as he is.
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Elliot is like a split image of me lol (except that he's taller, tho Theodore is the same height as me). He is trans and was emotionally abused as a kid, he feels as if his problems don't matter and prefers to keep them to himself eventhough he desperately needs to talk to someone. He has social anxiety and struggles with accepting the fact that he could possibly be loved by anyone. He likes writing songs and poetry but hates performing them like me, he's also an aspiring writer with tons of wips that will probably never be finished :'3
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Theodore is the one that actually has a tumblr blog (I'm thinking of actually making one for him... should I?) He'd mostly post design sketches, his progress on his projects, cooking recipes, the newest thing that got broken in his cheap apartment, alot of Franny's drawings because he's just a proud dad, the newest anime obsession, a character he's simping over, how hard it is to pass a video game boss and general venting. He'd mostly reblog animal pics, anything that has to do with the shows he likes, tons of gifs, FANART, other people's cooking adventures and parenting advice.
33. Your shyest OC?
Mmm I'd say Ayumu
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the moment I discovered that Teddy was my comfort character lol
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Aaaahhh YES I DO. Almost all of my ocs look androgynous because I just fucking love that look, I don't have a single oc with short hair bebecause I just really like long hair, alot of them have curly/fluffy hair along with plump lips and a sort of hourglass figure. And if I didn't worry about same face syndrome, all of them would have long faces.
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
I don't have a single older oc like that because I don't exactly like that trope, but I have Fran who is just the light at the end of the tunnel, I love this dude, he's so smol and full of life and hope and excitement.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want.
Well, I've been working on more of general lore lately, and I discovered that I really like just creating cultures and traditions for my realms, now I'm not gonna say that they are totally unique but I just like the process!
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theostrophywife · 4 months
mattheo's mixtape.
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pairing: mattheo riddle x reader.
song inspiration: lovesong by the cure.
author's note: this idea has been in my head for so long, but now it's finally out. strap in babes, we're simping for mattheo on main. something about those pretty brown eyes and angelic little curls just get me. your honor, i adore him.
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The bell outside the door to the record store chimed softly as the boys ventured inside. Mattheo peered curiously at the buzzing neon sign, the slightly scuffed black and white vinyl floor, and the racks and racks of records lining the walls. Though he hadn’t been to the muggle side of Edinburgh, it didn’t look all that different from its magical counterpart.
Yet Mattheo felt like a fish out of water all the same. 
Behind him, Theo continued rambling as they perused the vast collection of records laid out before them. “What songs have you picked out? Is there a theme? We’ll need to collect all the tapes for the cassette recorder and compile them all into a single tape.” 
The slew of questions Theo threw his way was enough to make him feel overwhelmed. Mattheo was well aware that he was completely out of his depth here, but he was determined to learn. Admittedly, he was quite ignorant of the muggle world until you came into his life. The more you told him about the queer customs and traditions of the non-magical population, the more he began to crave your stories of taking the tube, eating fish and chips until you were sick, and visiting Brighton with your cousins over the summer holiday. 
There was a whole world out there that you were a part of, which made him want to be part of it as well.
“You boys alright?” asked the kind woman behind the counter. "Would you like some help?"
Mattheo shied away from the attention, but as usual, Theo turned on his charm and flashed a winning smile at the older woman. “As a matter of fact, we do,” his friend drawled. “My mate here is looking to make a mixtape for his girlfriend.” 
The woman smiled warmly. “How sweet. I remember those days. There’s nothing quite as magical as first love,” she said with a dreamy, faraway expression. “I’d be happy to help. What songs did you have in mind?” 
After turning over his list, the woman, who turned out to be the owner of the record store, helped compile the cassettes Mattheo needed in order to make the mixtape. She patiently showed them how to record each track and slowed down the instructions so Mattheo could diligently write down notes. 
As Mattheo waited for the next track to record, he watched as Theo tried and failed to flirt with the older woman. 
“I’m flattered, dear. But I’m old enough to be your mum.” Mattheo snickered, causing his best friend to glare at him. 
“Age is nothing but a number, Annette.” 
“You’re a persistent one, aren’t you? I’m sure you’ll find your match someday, Theodore. As I have in my husband, whom I’m happily married to.” She turned over to Mattheo and smiled. “He was my first love too.” 
Making small talk had never been Mattheo’s strong suit and you often teased him that engaging in polite conversation with a stranger every once in a while wouldn’t kill him. Without fail, he sarcastically responded that it genuinely might, which earned him an eye roll. A fond one, though. Followed by a lip bite as you attempted to conceal a smile. 
“How long have you been together?” Mattheo asked curiously. 
“Twenty years,” Annette answered proudly. “Though we were friends for ages before he finally mustered up the courage to ask me out.”
Theo snorted. “Sounds familiar.” 
Mattheo swatted the back of his head. “My girl and I started out as friends too. Best friends, actually.”
“Hey!” Theo whined. “I take offense to that. I’ve known you longer. Only difference is that you and Y/N snog, which I’m more than open to if you asked.” The wink he sent Mattheo's way made the other boy blanch.
“Sorry about him.” It was a sentiment he was quite familiar with when it came to Theo. The twat tended to flirt with anything that had a pulse. Come to think of it, he wouldn't put it past Theo to chat up a corpse. Merlin knows Mattheo had witnessed his friend trying out a pick up line on the Grey Lady. “So, your husband. When did you realize he was the one?” 
“There wasn’t a specific moment, per say,” Annette said thoughtfully. “It’s a culmination of our history together. Since we were friends for so long, Declan just knew me. He knew how I took my coffee and had it ready for me first thing in the morning. He knew that I hated driving in the snow and always offered to give me lift to work when it did. He knew that I had a soft spot for strays and never complained when I brought them home. Declan makes me feel safe. Like I could weather anything the world threw at me as long as he was by my side. I guess when you know, you know."  
Mattheo pondered her words. He couldn’t help but recall all the times that his life felt like a never ending shit storm, like it would swallow him whole and drown him from the weight of his troubles. Yet at the end of the day, he always knew that after the storm came the rainbow. That’s what you were for him. You colored his world so brightly that the dark seemed inconsequential compared to your light. 
“Y/N makes me feel like that too,” Mattheo declared. “She’s patient and kind. She’s the type of person that always sees the good in people. She saw it in me even when I couldn’t see it myself.” 
Behind him, Theo sniffled as he patted his shoulder. For all his jokes and sarcasm, his friend was actually a hopeless romantic deep down. “For Salazar’s sake, Mattheo. Don’t make me bawl like a baby in front of the pretty lady.” Theo wiped at the corner of his eyes rather dramatically. “If Y/N doesn’t marry you someday, then I will. I bet my legs would look amazing in a white dress.”
At that, Mattheo chuckled. He was suddenly glad that his best friend was more than willing to be dragged along in Mattheo’s endeavors to impress his girl. Salazar knew he never would've gotten this far without Theo's self-proclaimed expertise on all things muggle, thanks to his Advanced Muggle Studies class.
As they wrapped up, Mattheo thanked Annette for all her help. Theo promised to come back and winked over his shoulder as Mattheo gathered all of his supplies. The older woman smiled at him as they parted ways.
"Best of luck, Mattheo. Though I doubt you need it. Thank you for indulging an old woman. It was genuinely a pleasure to be able to help you today."
"No, thank you. Y/N is going to love it."
"Your girlfriend is a very lucky girl."
Mattheo shook his head. "I'm the lucky one. This is the least I could do to show her how much I..." he trailed off, trying to find the right words. "How much I care for her."
Care didn't seem like a strong enough word, but it was close. Mattheo wasn't sure he could fully verbalize the intensity of what he felt for you. You weren't just his girlfriend. You were his best friend, too. His confidante. His rock. You were everything to him.
“Remember what I told you. When you know, you know." She patted Mattheo's shoulder. "You talk about Y/N like I talk about my husband. It's clear that she's very special to you. Don't let go of that one."
Mattheo smiled to himself, his cheeks flushing. “I won't.” 
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The midnight moon glowed above the Scottish Isles, enveloping the rocky shores of the Black Lake with a chilly breeze that made you shudder even underneath the comfort of your red and gold striped sweater. 
“Are you cold?” Mattheo asked softly, his voice echoing through the empty beach. 
Before you could respond, your boyfriend shrugged off his coat and wrapped it around your shoulders. With a shy smile, you thanked Mattheo and flushed as he took your hand in his. As you continued on your late night stroll, he cleared pebbles in your path to ensure that you didn’t trip over them on the way to the dock. 
It was the little things—the small gestures that Mattheo enacted on a daily basis that made you fall for him even more. Though the relationship was fairly new, the connection between you was undeniable. Perhaps because you started out as potions partners, which eventually blossomed into friendship and now you couldn’t even remember a time when he wasn’t part of your life. 
The two of you settled at the end of the dock and the rickety wood creaked underneath the weight, adjusting to its visitors as Mattheo cuddled you into his side. Warmth radiated off of him, heating you from the inside out with a pleasant flush. Mattheo chuckled as you shoved your cold hands underneath his sweater, curling his fingers around yours and warming you up like your own personal heater. 
“So, why did you want to come out here tonight?” you asked after a moment. 
As you peered up at him, the moonlight kissed your boyfriend’s features, illuminating the sharp edges of his jawline and cheekbones, curving down the slope of his nose and stopping right above his Cupid’s bow where his soft, plush lips curled into a shy smile as he blinked down at you. 
The flush on his cheeks was almost an exact match to the crimson scarf around your neck. He absentmindedly fidgeted with your fingers, his chocolate brown eyes flickering over your face nervously. Mattheo looked so shy and earnest, so unlike the bad boy persona that everyone else seemed to attribute to your boyfriend. 
“I made you something,” he stated. You watched as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a cassette tape that you hadn’t noticed before. “I noticed that you listen to music while studying or walking through the halls, so I thought I’d compile a few of my favorite songs for you.” 
Your heart warmed at this beautiful boy. “You made me a mixtape?” 
Mattheo nodded, his angelic curls grazing his cheeks. “I can’t take all of the credit. Theo helped me quite a bit. I wasn’t sure how to make the tape for you, but he did since he’s taking Advanced Muggle Studies. We went into town last weekend and this lovely woman from the record shop showed us how to track and record the songs. I picked the ones that remind me of you the most.” 
You looked down at the cassette tape and smiled. The front was covered in little red hearts and spelled out in your boyfriend’s familiar scrawl was Matty’s Mixtape. As if that weren’t enough to make you swoon, underneath the tape was a small booklet with more of Mattheo’s handwriting. You smiled at his selection of songs. There was a mix of Queen, the Cure, the Clash, and of course, the Smiths. It was like having a little piece of Mattheo in your hands.
“I made you a booklet too. There’s a tracklist with reasons why I picked the songs,” Mattheo shuffled beside you, his body language conveying an uncharacteristic shyness. “I also drew a couple of things.” 
Sure enough, the booklet was filled with your boyfriend’s drawings. Your eyes filled with tears as you turned the pages. Mattheo rarely showed anyone his art. He was incredibly protective of anything he created since it showed a certain vulnerability. The fact that he was trusting you with it wasn’t something you took for granted. 
You traced over the drawings with a fond smile. There were portraits of you on one page, while the others contained memories that you were quite attached to. Your first date at the Three Broomsticks. The first time you wore his quidditch sweater to a Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw match. The day you shared a cup of hot chocolate at Madam Puddifoot’s when the two of you were just friends. They were all in here, immortalized on paper. 
Beside you, Mattheo watched anxiously as you flipped through the pages. When you got to the last one, you grinned up at him. “Matty, these are incredible.” 
“Really?” He asked, sounding a bit unsure. “You don’t think they’re cheesy?” 
“No, I love it!” You threw your arms around him and squeezed your boyfriend into a bear hug. He chuckled, burying his face in your hair and savoring the feel of you in his arms. As you pulled away to face him, Mattheo tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His heart hurt just to look at you. He really couldn’t believe you were his. You smiled softly. “And I love you.” 
You said it firmly, like it was a matter-of-fact. Like you were reciting a truth as fundamental as gravity. 
“You love me?” 
“I do,” you replied with a smile. “I love you, Mattheo Riddle.”
“Are you sure?” 
“Absolutely positive.” 
“I just don’t want you to feel like you have to say it because I made you this mixtape and gave you cheesy drawings—”
He stopped mid-sentence as you grabbed his face with both hands. Mattheo softened at the fierce determination in your eyes. “Mattheo. You’re the best boyfriend I’ve ever had. Before that, you were the best friend I’ve ever had too. You treat me like a queen and I never have to worry about other girls trying to talk to you because you never even give them the time of day. You make me soup when I’m sick. You give me your jumpers when I’m cold. You bring me coffee when I’m pulling all nighters. I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend, so yes. I love you. Not because of the mixtape or the drawings, but because you’re you.”
Mattheo was taken aback. Before you, he never thought he was capable of caring for someone so deeply. You were ingrained in him. It was like the universe had cleaved his soul in two and he’d spent an eternity searching for you. You were his other half—the better half of him that he’d been missing all along. Now that he found you, he had no intention of letting you go. 
The lovestruck expression on his face warmed your heart. His eyes—those sweet, warm brown eyes made you feel weak in the knees. Mattheo cradled your jaw and looked at you like you were the only girl in the world. 
“I love you too, Y/N.” 
You smiled as he leaned forward, bringing your lips to his in a tender kiss. He sighed in relief like he’d been waiting for this all day, fingers snaking through your hair as your body melted into his. Mattheo hummed, peppering kisses all over your face. You giggled as he pecked your cheeks, nose, jaw, and neck. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he declared with every kiss. 
Burying your face into his neck, you inhaled the familiar scent of amber, cinnamon, and leather. Mattheo sighed as you scratched his scalp.
“Will you tell me about the songs while we listen to them?” you murmured against his skin. 
Mattheo nodded as his curls tickled your cheek. “Of course, sweetheart.”
He pulled out a cassette player and popped the tape in. You cuddled into his side, smiling as he presented you with one half of the headphones. The soft crooning sound of the Smiths filled your ears as Mattheo played with your hair, telling you little anecdotes about the band and how Theo almost knocked over the cassette recorder while he tried to flirt with the record shop owner. 
You chuckled as you listened, picking up the sweet lyrics that made Mattheo choose the songs in the first place. You loved each one of his picks, but the best song by far was the sound of his heartbeat thudding in your ears, syncing with your own as it beat for him and him alone.
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gwenpendragns · 4 years
ooo for the ship questions give me all the evens for drew and ron!
My loves! You got it, love!
What was their first impression of each other?
So their very first impressions of each other are from first year, obviously, so Ron thinks she’s a typical pureblood elitist and Drew honestly just doesn’t give him a second glance. After the world cup, their first real interaction and introduction happens and things are a little different. Ron thinks Drew’s pretty cool and badass for sticking up to the Malfoys and Drew thinks Ron is swell if not a bit of a dork.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Hm so this is a little complicated - Ron felt romantic feelings first (ever since the world cup, actually) but he took a long time to accept it, like until he sees Drew dancing with Theodore at the Yule Ball he doesn’t accept his feelings. Drew, however, felt them a little later (once they start hanging out after he isolates himself from Harry), but it takes her like a day to accept them. When she first thinks she’s like nah but the next time she sees him she’s like yes okay I am a simp.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
At first Ron would be like???? She’s basically a Malfoy??? Absolutely not???? But after their third interaction would be like yeah okay so we’re meant to be. Drew on the other hand would be like okay, sick, sounds good.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Drew’s plan was for their first date to be the yule ball but Ron is an idiot so when she asks he’s like you? Me? This is not a funny joke??? And basically turns her down by accident and she’s v upset about it. After they kiss and makeup like three days after the ball they talk about their feelings and Ron asks Drew to go to the tea shop in Hogsmeade together (halfway through they decide the tea shop is a product of the devil and go drink butterbear at the three broomsticks instead).
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
All of the above. Their first kiss is together and super awkward and lots of teeth but very cute. Drew had a crush on Theodore in third year and went to the ball with him but that’s the extent of her romantic endeavors. Ron went to the ball with Padma but that was it for him.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
OOO! Okay so the Finkles absolutely adore Ron, he is the son/brother they never had and they just think he’s the best. Ron gets along so well with them and he adores all the attention. Drew loves the Weasley family and her personality is a perfect match for the twins plus Ginny kind of looks up to her and they form some unspoken parabatai shit. Drew thinks Bill and Charlie are the coolest people in the world and when she’s thinking of her future career she owls back and forth with Charlie. Molly adores her but Drew gets on a little better with Arthur, they’re best pals tbh.
Who gets jealous easier?
Honestly both of them are quite the jealous type. And the same type of jealous - angry, lots of scoffs and little quips and they both have their time to shine. Ron in GoF during the Yule Ball and Drew in HBP with Lavender (important to mention that Drew and Lavender are never friends but in HBP after Drew and Ron get back together Drew talks to Lavender and apologizes for how jealous and angry she’d been towards her and they forgive one another bc we don’t stan women hating women IN THIS FUCKING HOUSE)
What are their primary love languages?
AHEM Ron’s love languages are a tie between quality time and words of affirmation. Drew’s are quality time and physical touch 100%!
What are their favorite things to do together?
Quidditch!! Honestly just talking because their conversations are wild. Just being with one another whether that’s doing homework, talking, cooking, cleaning, etc.
Who’s more protective?
Hmm again probably a tie? Drew is a very aggressive and protective person in general like even before they were together she’s defending him and his family to Lucius. But Ron becomes ten times more protective once he has feelings for her and even more when they’re together - if anyone says one bad thing, is rude to her, etc. Ron is finna pound their fucking face in.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Their theme song is Couple of Kids by Maggie Lindemann; some others are It’s Nice to Have a Friend by Taylor Swift and Would That I by Hozier. 
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
It’s the biggest wedding in the world both of their families are ginormous like Drew’s dad’s siblings and their families come all the way from America. Plus they invite all their Hogwarts friends - they’re both extroverts and Molly loves a good chance to host. Drew’s favourite colour is red and Ron’s a Gryffindor so they decide on that as their main colour - their bouquets are dark maroon, plum and light pink. Harry is Ron’s best man, Adabelle is Drew’s maid of honour. Drew’s dress goes to just below her knees, has a sweetheart neck with lace trimming forming short sleeves and lace trim at the bottom and Ron wears a nice maroon suit. They have it at the Burrow.
Do they have any pets?
Drew goes into Magizoology so of course she’s got millions of little creatures milling about but she keeps them in the ‘greenhouse’ (code for a greenhouse that resembles Newt Scamander’s suitcase in Fantastic Beasts on the inside). The family pets are a family of Puffkein (a.k.a. Poffles) that the kids use as their pets at Hogwarts; a family owl that resembles Ron’s first owl Pigwidgeon that they name Wilbert; and of course, Ron comes home one day with a giant Newfoundland dog he names Eddie (he cut the ‘F’ from Fred’s name and said it was because Eddie looks like Fred).
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Drew - one thing that never changes is Ron’s fear of bugs. To be specific, Drew does not kill the bugs, she releases them outside (Ron would prefer if she bludgened them to death).
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Honestly their both very sleepy people but Drew has a little more discipline from quidditch and she has a bunch of creatures to care for so Ron is always begging for just another five minutes of time in bed together.
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abdicatedarchive · 3 years
Strip Truth or Dare
SETTING: the girls lobby had been vacant of chaperones all night. Nana knew the kids deserved to have some actual fun, and she convinced the other chaperones to either go to bed early or go to the bar in town with her to have some fun and stay out for the evening.
@kellyfitz @rileysteele @chrysolites @asherxblake @antoniologan @gabriellehale @jessekxller @hotmess-lex @drunkcn @kaiidaniels @heartbreakzack @kalidoscpe @theodore-kennedy @missrory @romeoxthowlett
ORDER: kelly riley chanel wren asher rose marina antonio stevie juliette gabrielle chase jonah jesse // lexi kelly riley chanel wren devyn asher rose marina kai antonio caleb zac olivia gabrielle chase theo jonah rory jesse romeo
Wren: "Nose goes" said Wren as everybody put their finger on their nose for who had to go first. "Kelly, sorry my dude. But you are going first" Wren said with a smile. He was glad it wasn't him, but he knew he'd be up before he knew it anyways. "So, truth or dare?"
Kelly: "Ah Damn it" Kelly said shaking his head. "Uh, Daree"
Chase: Chase was coming in clutch for Riley, "I dare you and Riley to switch shirts for the rest of the game" dared Chase, "or you can strip in general by not doing it" he teased.
Kelly and Riley: Kelly couldn't help but smile at the dare. He had a run in with riley the previous night and they really connected. "Sure, I'll switch, but I dunno if her blouse will fit me" Kelly pointed out as he took off his shirt. Riley didn't mind either, "It stretches." She said with a smile as she pulled her shirt off and swapped with Kelly. "So Riley, Truth or Dare?" The boy questioned. "Truth." She replied. "Ever have a crush on a professor?" Riley nodded. "Of course, The gym teacher back in freshman year. The young one." She said. "Nel, truth or dare?"
Chanel: "Dare." Chanel said with a big smile on her face, she always enjoyed a good game of truth or dare. "Make it good please." she said out to the group with a single nod.
Riley: Riley smiled, "Give the person sitting across the circle from you a hickey."
Chanel: Chanel looked across from her to see Stevie and Juliette and the choice was obvious. Chanel got up and sat next to Stevie, "Excuse me." she said to Juliette. She pushed Stevie's hair off her shoulder and began to suck on the girl's neck. Stevie was just trying to show no emotion because, ya know... Once she was finished, Chanel winked at Stevie and went back to her spot, "You're welcome, hun." Stevie looked over at Juliette for a quick second before looking around the room. "You're next, babe! Truth or dare?" she asked Wren
Juliette: Juliette showed no emotion, but on the inside she was a whole ass mess. She just sat there and smiled and woo'd and oohed with everybody else.
Wren: Wren didn't have to think about it, but he was definitely a big weenie and a truther through and through. "Uh" he said like he was actually thinking about choosing between the two. "Truth?"
Chanel: Chanel remembered Chase brining up how he already knew about the lil nutting incident, so she wondered what else they talked about in there, "You guys ever talk about me in your group chat?" she asked Wren with an innocent smile, looking over at the rest of simp nation.
Jesse: Jesse looked away from this intense moment
Wren: Wren quickly made eye contact with Stevie and then Jesse and then Jonah and then Chase, "... pretty often" said Wren looking over to her and giving her a dorky smile. "Only positive things, mostly advice" he added before quickly moving on. "Asher, truth or dare?"
Asher: Asher had a coy smile as Wren asked him. "Dare baby, and if you dare me to kiss you, I already accept." He said winking at wren
Wren: "Choose someone to draw a tattoo on your butt" said Wren with a laugh, he was not about to dare Asher to kiss the person he was most attracted to here. No matter what it would be a shit show.
Asher: Asher looked around the room, "Chanel." He said with a smile, maybe just to piss Wren off. "Tat my ass please."
Chanel: Chanel smiled at Asher, and grabbed the pen that Juliette brought. "With pleasure." she pulled down Asher's pants and wrote "Property of Thee Chanel Hampton" on his ass with a proud smile on her face. "Perfect"
Asher: Asher was loving this, "Thanks babe." He said tossing a wink at her. "Alrighty, Rosie, Truth or dare, princess."
Rose: Rose bit her lip and thought about it for a second, "Dare" she said confidently. She wasn't afraid of a challenge.
Asher: Asher shrugged. "Really thought you would strip." He said with a laugh, Antonios eyes went wide. "m-me?" He said before looking for at marina. He got up and sat in the chair
Marina: Marina stared at Asher for a second, she didn't care how pissed off she looked. You've just made an enemy for life, sir. she thought to herself.
Rose: Rose saw Marina's face and decided not to, she really didn't like being defeated. Her competitiveness had completely taken over. She sat down on Antonio's lap and didn't move at all and just took her shirt off and threw it at Asher, "happy?" she said to Asher, still annoyed. She got up quickly and sat back down. She did not like losing games at all, and now her fucking shirt was off.
Asher: Antonio and asher played football together at east wood and now white lake, so asher heard all about what Marina did to him, ghosting him out of the blue. "Lighten up babe, its just a game. And I though... I though you guys broke up months ago." he spoke to marina
Asher: Asher smiled before he passed her the bottle of fireball. "The queen deserves a shot." He said before leaning over. "Don't pout, you are stunting on all these bitches right now." Asher said to rose.
Antonio: Antonio sat back down on the floor rubbing his head.
Marina: Marina narrowed her eyes at Asher and didn't say a word.
Rose: Rose took a swig of fireball, "Don't call women bitches" said the girl taking another chug. "Rina, truth or dare?" she said using their sister intuition and some eyebrow movements. The mood was really: let's fucking go.
Marina: Marina nodded once Rose said not to call women bitches. That's her girlie. She gave her sister a look, she knew what the fuck was up. "Hmm," she acted like she was deep in thought. "Dare."
Rose: "Sister dearest, I dare you ... to slap Asher Blake" said Rose with a big smile on her face, giggling before sucking on her teeth. What a good day to be the two of them.
Marina: "Oh my god, Rosie! You're so crazy. Well a dare is a dare." Marina smiled back at her sister and walked up to Asher and warmed up her hand. "I'm so sorry about this." she said with a sarcastic frown before slapping him hard across the face.
Rose: "Aw baby, do you want your fireball?" said Rose taking another pull before passing it back to him.
Asher: When Asher heard Roses words he told himself to take it like a man. And up until she was pulling back thatse were his intentions, but habit kicked in. Asher flinched really hard and threw his hands up but she still go him. Now he was pretty embarrassed, why did he have to flinch. Although his mind was going to a milion dark places, he still managed to get out a smile. "Thanks babe." He said taking the bottle and chugging, because thats what you got to do, drink the pain away. "I'll be back in a few. Nature calls. Got to waz."
Marina: Marina sat back down, and looked over at Antonio, "Truth or dare?"
Antonio: Antonio nodded. "Okay." He said before getting up and headed out. After a minute or two he returned. "Where is the shot?"
Marina: Marina was not going to give him any kind of dare involving anyone else cause duh, but she also wasn't sure what kind of dare to actually give. She hated this game already. "Um, leave the room and we'll pour a mystery shot for you, you can guess after you take it."
Antonio: Antonio nodded. "Okay." He said before getting up and headed out. After a minute or two he returned. "Where is the shot?"
Everyone had pitched in a little bit of alcohol into a shot glass, who was to say what it had in it. But it would most definitely taste bad.
Juliette: Juliette was the last to have it, "Here you go" she said sweetly as she handed him the shot.
Antonio: "Thank you," Antonio said politely before he took the shot, a face of disgust appeared. "Is that... Jac-no. I don't know." Antonio looked at Stevie, "Truth or dare" He said with a smile
Stevie: Stevie thought about it and noticed no one had done truth in a while, so why not, "Truth for me."
Antonio: Antonio had a soft smile as he spoke. “What’s your biggest fear.” He said keeping it simple
Stevie: "Dude, that's deep." Stevie sighed and knew the answer, it was just sort of awkward to say out loud, "I guess not being good enough.. Stupid, I know." she looked over at Juliette and forced a smile. "Truth or dare, Hastings?"
Juliette: Juliette wanted to hold her hand so badly, it hurt her. "Truth too, but don't ask me what I'm scared of because it's everything" she joked, trying to take the attention off Stevie, something she had never done for anyone ever. She did not like attention.
Stevie: Stevie made sure to give Juliette a harmless question, "What's your guilty pleasure?" she asked with a friendly smile.
Juliette: "Snacks for sure" replied Juliette, what a nice harmless question. "Gabrielle, truth or dare?" she asked.
Gabrielle: Gabrielle wanted to take it easy this round, “truth.” She said with a smile
Juliette: "What talent do you have that's embarrassing to share?" asked Juliette, trying her best to be interesting.
Gabrielle: Gabrielle looked at her. “Um.. nothing I don’t think? Nothing embarrassing at least to be honest. At least I don’t think.. nothing comes to mind.” She said a bit stumped. “Chas truth or dare.”
Chase: "Dare" said Chase with a smile.
Gabrielle: “Dance for one minute with no music.” She said with a smile.
Chase: Chase absolutely danced, no music. Just a little routine. "Jonah" he said with a smile as he finished up and sat back down, "Truth or dare, my guy"
Jonah: Jonah didn't have to put much thought into this decision, "Truth, my guy."
Chase: "Do you think that Obi-wan had the hots for Padme?" asked Chase, he was not going to give him a hard hitting question right now, especially after his conversation with him earlier. He wasn't scouting for any information.
Jonah: Jonah was glad Chase gave him an easy question, "Dude, obviously. We all know there was something going on between them." he nodded before looking over at Jesse. "Alright, truth or dare bro?"
Jesse: “Give me a dare bro”
Jonah: "Awesome, I dare you to go vegan for the next week." Jonah gave his brother a thumbs up. "I believe in you."
Jesse: Jesse let out a fat laugh, almost hysterical. “Pass. Chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese is just to good.” He said with a smile. For his striping, he took off his shoes.
Jonah: "Weenie." Jonah sighed and shook his head.
Jesse: “Weenie, another name for hot dog which I enjoy eating.”
Jesse/Kelly/Riley: “Kelly truth or dare” kellly smiled. “Dare.” Jesse looked between Riley and kelly. “I dare you to kiss the person you are most attracted too in this room.” Kelly smiled before pulling Riley into a kiss. Riley blushed and kissed him back. “Riley truth or dare.” “Dare” kelly smirked. “I dare you to kiss me again.” Riley pulled him in close and gave him another kiss. “Chanel truth or dare.”
Chanel: "Truth this time, why not?" Chanel raised her shoulders as she smiled at Riley.
Riley: Riley smiled, “tell us something you really want to try in bed, something you haven’t done before.”
- Juliette and Stevie left - 
Chanel: Chanel was truly stumped with that one, "Something I haven't done before? Uhhhh, ooh! I'm down for someone else to take control. I'm always doing all the work, I don't mind getting my shit wrecked for once." she raised her eyebrows at Wren and smiled. "You know what I mean?" she asked before patting his shoulder, "Anywayyys, truth or dare?"
Wren: Wren was on a whirlwind of emotions, now she wanted him to be in charge? He never shoulda pushed her up against the lockers that one time, it changed her. "Dare" said Wren, not even thinking about it. Then he realized what he had said.
Chanel: Chanel thought about a dare for a second, "Ooh! I dare you to send me a nude, please!" she said with a smile. She wouldn't usually ask for that from him because of how he feels about his body, but maybe asking for it would show him that she take interest in his body.
Wren: Wren rolled his eyes playfully at her, "Oh I see how it is" said Wren getting up, luckily he was feeling a little loosey goosey from drinking and was more than willing to participate. Wren went to the bathroom and sent Chanel a great picture without his face in it. Wren came back and gave her a kiss on the forehead, "Dare complete" he said with a smile. "Okay devyn, truth or dare?"
Devyn: devyn didn't know why she was playing this game, party games never really worked out in her favor but there she was, up at the next turn. her attention turned to wren, exhaling heavily. "um," she drew the word out, "truth, i guess."
Wren: Wren was kinda at a loss for a question, so he just went with the first intrusive thought in his head, "have you ever been in love?" he asked, the poor sentimental sap that he was.
Devyn: devyn couldn't help but laugh at his question but only because she was afraid it was going to be a lot worse than it was. it wasn't that bad though, it was something she could totally answer. "no," she shook her head, "i've never been in love." it was the truth to her, anyways. she looked over to rose, a smirk starting to form. "rose... truth or dare?"
Rose: Rose sadly already had her sweater off and just her bralette on, so she probably shouldn't choose dare again, but she liked being challenged. It was a horrible trait to have, "Dare" she replied confidently.
Rose: Rose pulled up her phone, "Here are my last five photos everybody, they're all of me and Caleb ice skating, very cute" she said showing off the phone like a slideshow, "Sorry there's nothing spicy, can't say the same thing about Chanel's camera roll after that last dare" Rose joked. "Marinaaaa, truth or dare" she asked her sister.
Marina: Marina looked over at her sister and smiled, "Dare."
Rose: Rose was just giggling before she even spoke, "I dare you to give Antonio a wet willy in the ear"
Asher: asher returned to the circle and took a seat
Marina: Marina laughed along with Rose and scoots over to Antonio and gave him a wet willy. "Sorry." she spoke softly before sitting back down in her spot. "Okay Kai, truth or dare?"
Kai: Kai shrugged playing with his hair, he wasn't really the truth or dare type but he didn't see anything wrong with participating." Dare." he said proudly not going to truth which was his usual choice.
Marina: Marina looked around the room and back at Kai, "I dare you to makeout with the hottest person in the room." she said with a smile, there were a ton of good options. So many hot people.
Kai: Kai whole face turned red at the dare. He wasn't a virgin but he had only been with people preapproved by his parents.Kai stood up and walked over to Riley and bent down and kissed Riley. 
Riley: Riley blushed a bit as Kai had chosen her. She gave him a small kiss back.
Kai: “ok ant truth or dare”
Antonio: "I'll take a dare"
Kai: "Ok I dare you to go up to the person of your choice and give them a lap dance."
Antonio: Antonio scratched his head. If he didnt pick Marina she would prob be mad, but there was a chance she might be mad if he did. "I'll pass." He said as he took off his shirt. "Caleb, truth or dare?"
Caleb: caleb's face started turning bright red as he smiled wide, looking over to rosemary and then back to antonio. "uh- short skirts... neck kisses and... begging." he felt so embarrassed answering that but it was better than having to strip. "zac, truth or dare?"
Antonio: What are your top three turn-ons?" Antonio asked his friend
Caleb: caleb's face started turning bright red as he smiled wide, looking over to rosemary and then back to antonio. "uh- short skirts... neck kisses and... begging." he felt so embarrassed answering that but it was better than having to strip. "zac, truth or dare?"
Zac: Zac clapped at the others answer. "Thats what i'm talking about man." he said happily."Truth for me."
Caleb: knowing that zac was spending time with jada, the fact that caleb was jealous, he wanted to ask what zac's intentions were with her but he also knew that'd make him look bad in front of rosemary. he sighed heavily, going for something more cliche. "in your opinions, who is the hottest girl we go to school with?"
Zac: "Aww man that's hard." he sighed shaking his."I can't pick." It's not that he couldn't pick it's he didn't want the guys feeling a way of he picked their crush or girlfriend or whatever." I'm gonna say Sadie though."
Riley: Riley reached over and touched chanels are as she gave her a look, hoping chanel would think of her sadie and rileys halloween interaction. 
Zac: "Ok Olivia, truth or dare." he sat back
Chanel: Chanel pouted her lips, she couldn't act like she was offended that she wasn't picked but she was. She was a goddamn delight. She gave Riley a look when he said Sadie. "Yuck." she whispered
Olivia: as it was her turn, the blonde female bit her bottom lip & thought about it for a good second or so. "uhhhh," she glanced over at jesse and laughed, before she turned to look at zack with a grin on her lips. wanting to go easy at first, olivia decided to go with something considered more safe. " truth."
Zac: "Ok Fuck Marry Kill any three people here but you can't pick the same person for more than one." he looked at her and winked.
Olivia: "ohhhh, okay, good one. umm..." olivia bit her bottom lip as she thought about it and she rolled her eyes, "well, i'd fuck marina because she's hot, marry the love of my life jesse & kill kelly, because i don't know him. nothing against you bud!" olivia spoke and smiled softly at him. turning to look at gabrielle, the grin on her lips widened, " what about you, sweetheart? truth or dare?" 
Kelly: "Hey!" Kelly protested, though he laughed it off. "I'll take a truth." Shee said with a small smile
Marina: Marina gave a wink at Olivia, "Good choice. I'd gladly accept."
Olivia: "nothing against you, sweetcheeks!" she replied and laughed, before focusing on kelly again, " truth... what is the naughtiest you've done in public?" she asked and giggled as she took a sip of her drink.
Gabrielle: Gabrielle smiled. "Hooked up with Chase in a public bathroom a few weeks ago, but that aint the only time we done that."
Olivia: "well, well, well..." olivia said and grinned as she looked over at chase, " didn't know ya had that in ay," she said and grinned teasingly, sticking her tongue out at him. 
Gabrielle: "Well you were there." She said with a laugh. "Chase truth or dare?"
Chase: "Truth" said Chase, because he had already seen what Gabrielle's dares looked like.
Gabrielle: "Tell me something you lied to me about." She said as she looked at him.
Chase: "That is a great question" said Chase, trying to think of any time he had lied to Gabrielle, "Well there's the time Chanel and I told you that we slept together, but you already knew about that. So thank you everybody for your time". Chase turned to the person next to him, "Theo, truth or dare?" asked Chase. 
Theodore: Theodore looked around the room before deciding. "I think I'm going to go with truth this time." 
Chase: Chase threw him an easy one, "Are you trying to get back with your ex?" he asked, he was just curious. How was the guy going to date when he had a kid?
Gabrielle: Gabrielle gave him a look, she didn't want something she already knew about but she was fine with the answer
Theodore: Theodore scowled at the question he was asked. "God no! I only go to her place to see the kid. That relationship wasn't great. Who's next? Jonah! Truth or dare?"
Jonah: Jonah was nervous about either options, he wasn't even sure why he was playing this game. "Uh, dare please." he said since he already went with truth last time.
Gabrielle: GAbrielle raised a brow, "You have a kid?" She said nicely. "I give you props, that sounds really hard."
Theodore: Theodore didn't know what to pick so he went with something easy enough to do. "Alright! I dare you to kiss the person you like most in this room."
Jonah: Truth or dare was terrible, he looked around the room and quickly took off his shirt without thinking. "Sorry, gonna weenie out on this one." he forced an awkward laugh. Jonah then turned to Rory and hoped his face wasn't too red, "Uh, truth or dare?" he asked.
Jesse: "Dam Jo, you working out or something." Jesse said nudging his brother.
Rory: Rory looked at him with a raised brow, before rolling her eyes." Dare please." she said confidently.
Jonah: Jonah hit his Jesse's lightly, and crossed his arms, "Um. I dare you to read out the last text message on your phone." he said, hoping he didn't put her in too much of an uncomfortable position. 
Rory: Rory pulled out her phone and clicked on her messages, she remembered the last person on her phone and instantly regretted it. "It says : Just try to actually seduce him, like use actual sex appeal. I swear you twins have learned nothing living in this house. Flaunt it but don't get pregnant."
Wren: Wren started laughing and clapping, "God, I love Nana"
Rory: "Shut up." she rolled her eyes at her twin before going on."Jesse...Truth or dare?"
Jesse: Jesse looked at his brother before taking out his phone and sending a quick text to the simps. "I'll take a dare."
Rory: "I dare you to run down the hallway screaming I love Olivia twice>"
Jesse: Jesse stood up with a smile before he dashed down the hall way. "I love Olivia!" He said and he ran back repeating it. As he came back he slipped because he was in his socks and laughed. "Romeo, truth or dare?"
Olivia: the blonde laughed softly and shook her head as jesse ran down the hallway, screaming "i love olivia" before slipping as he came back, because he was in his socks. "what an idiot," she said lovingly.
Romeo: Romeo hadn’t played a game of truth or dare in ages so this was all new to him. “I’ll take a dare please.” 
Jesse: Jesse smiled, "impersonate someone of your choosing and keep it up till your next turn."
Romeo: “Gotta chose Asher then, right?”   Romeo said as he wrapped his arms around the next people next to him. He leaned from side to side to press a kiss to each of their cheeks. “Who’s next?”
Asher: Asher let out a laugh. "you ask lexi now"
Romeo: “Alright, Lexi. Truth or dare?”
Lexi: "I pick truth." the said pushing her ponytail over her shoulder.
Romeo: “Truth? Okay. What’s your worst sexual experience been like? You don’t have to add names if you don’t want too.”
Lexi: "I had someone cry like after we did it, it's a real humbling thing if i'm being honest." she shrugged."Kelly truth or dare?"
Gabrielle: Gabrielle thought about asking if it was indi the time she walked in on them, but she was still saving that for a rainy day. 
Kelly: Kelly smiled. "Dare please."
Wren: "Do you want to get out of here?" said Wren to Chanel, feeling a little confident. He was tired of sitting here and didn't want to do another round.
Chanel: Chanel smirked at Wren and nodded her head, "Mhm! I think we deserve some alone time." she grabbed his hand and got up to leave.
Lexi: "I dare you to text three girls you would hook up with your corniest pick up line."
Wren: Wren took Chanel's hand and helped her up and they headed on out.
Kelly: Kelly raised a brown, "Corniest? You want me ter send them corn?"
Lexi: "What are you serious? No not corn. Like lamest"
Kelly: "Oh." Kelly rolled his eyes at the girl before sending out three texts. 
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