dogoodweirdly · 1 year
STARTING NOW: chaos101!
You can tune in now to watch artist and author @chaoslynx's addition to the event! [Twitter] | [Instagram] | [Ao3]
Goal: 12 hours!!!
Fandom: Banana Fish & Original Works
Charity: [Childsafe]
Stream Link: [Chaos's DoGoodWeirdly Twitch Stream]
I'll be bouncing around between drawing and writing for Banana Fish and original works all night!
Come cheer them on, and check out our Directory to meet his fellow DGW creators!
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luke-o-lophus · 2 months
hiii what is your favourite fanfic trope/what sort of au would you like to see aziracrow in
oh my GOD take a fucking seat. Yesssss.
Sooo...I'm not a big AU person, I don't see that vision unless I'm shown. In my head characters are very tied to that storyline/universe. But I DO have a bunch of tropes I wanna see AziraCrow in:
I NEED them in a coparenting/cool uncles dynamic...with an adult OC. It doesn't have anything to do with my daddy issues at all why do you ask. And before anyone asks NO there is no smut *sprays water*
I need more historical heists. I need them in retellings of famous historical events/unexplained events.
Crowley loves kids is one of my favourite HCs. And ducks. I need Crowley+kids+ducks+flustered Azi. Think kid brings egg and duck imprints on Crowley, chaos ensues.
And of COURSE I am a big sucker for hurt/comfort so I need them a little wet and bloody from time to time (when I say a little....). Few things can beat a "Who did this to you?" trope. Can go either way.
I'm here with ducks again. Ornithologist OC studying rare duck+Crowley going you...watch ducks...for a living?+add some fancy shmancy wildlife trafficking+kidnapping+heist+rescue and va-voom we got a 50k word fic
BAMF!Azi in literally any scenario without making him OOC because that's his deadliest. Imagine BAMF angel but he has a sugary smile and soft voice. Shaking in my boots.
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
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Now I just know Thomas is in his mid-late twenties and is the most cocky asshole about his standing and is constantly bringing it up to Kate.
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Tom Dorset is 25 and he’s at the top of his game. He’s young, a little bit cocky about how talented he is. And he and Kate dated for a few months before she realised he like the idea of her a lot more than he liked her.
Anthony hates watching Kate and Tom, dubbed the king and queen of tennis do their bloody sneaker commercials together. Because Anthony was never as good as him. Not even when he was 25. He just wasn’t.
Of course it takes the sting out of it a little when Kate winks at him instead of Tom and the camera catches it and that’s in the commercial. Kate winking at Anthony is what’s in the commercial, and the tattoo on her collarbone “Love 15” is visible. The one that matches the one on his chest.
But he still bloody hates Tom Dorset. Even as he’s standing across from him at Wimbledon, with Anthony’s entire body exhausted and he heard her voice again.
“Anthony, I love you!”
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Could you right the DDLC girls with a normally shy S/O's who get's possessive when someone flirts with them?
~ Yuri ~
Chaos, absolute chaos
You two are both so shy in public, holding hands, kissing in any way shape or form is guaranteed to have one of you two (or both) flustered beyond repair.
But the two of you are also SO possessive, and together that makes a dangerous combo
She finds you just too cute, so soft and shy and god she loves you.
So thats why she’s so uncomfortable when this random guy starts hitting on her
She doesn’t know what to say, so she just blushes (out of embarrassment due to attention being drawn to her)
Which this creep takes as a sign that he should keep going.
He reaches out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear and she flinches away
Thats when you come in. Soft adorable little you <3
Running at this guy to kick him in the shin.
When he doubles over in pain, he gets the perfect view of you pulling your beautiful girlfriend down into a kiss.
After the two of you break apart, you look down smugly before dragging her off.
It doesnt take long before you begin to revert back to your shy self, and you start going off with apologies
Oh what, she doesnt mind/ And now you’re up against the wall, what a turn.
She feels more comfortable being a teensy bit more possessive now that she knows you are as well, maybe not to the same degree however.
it doesn’t take long for people to realise,
‘hmmm, maybe i shouldn’t flirt with either of these people.’
honestly, the two of you were made for each other, and you both bring each other out of your shells.
Chances are she already knows you’re possessive, she's just like that.
(Maybe she's physic, or just has good intuition)
But she doesn’t mention it so long as you don’t.
she loves how shy you are, and she sometimes teases you about it, but she stops if you get annoyed or uncomfortable
she squishes your face with her hands and watches you blush
Anyways, Monika is used to being flirted with
And you’re used to it to, lets be honest.
canonically she’s like, the most popular pretty girl in school (and she has good grades)
so its no surprise that people (foolishly) come up to flirt with her, but you usually aren’t around for that to happen.
She wasn’t surprised when someone came up to flirt with her, just annoyed.
Shes stated that shes TAKEN and is so close to poofing them out of existence when
She sees you storming up to this random dude and straight up kick his nuts. No more children I guess
Shes sort of shocked but she swoons, kinda teases you to see if shy you is still in there.
Is further shocked when you just grab her hand and drag her to a secluded place to makeout.
After you finish shy you comes back and she finds it so cute.
Im not saying she sometimes tries to make you jealous bc thats kinda toxic but...
Yeah she does.
She teases you about it but she loves it a lot so she doesn’t stop you from going sicko mode on those asshats.
Oh boy.
Natsuki is something, before you two got together she probably made you cry a lot.
She feels bad about it now and tries to make up for it by giving you cupcakes (it works)
Not a lot of people would really approach her because shes got a bit of a mouth and attitude.
But there are a few people now and then (mainly lolicons, im sorry but its the truth.)
Either that or people with a degrading kink anyways.
So she's genuinely a bit surprised that someone comes up and starts flirting with her, so much so she doesn't have a sharp retort to dish out.
So he moves in closer and she's still frozen
And then you come barrelling in and no joke tackle this fool.
She swoons, but refuses to acknowledge the fact that she finds you so hot right now.
Naturally when you drag her away, she gets snappy again but she's secretly very flustered.
When you go back to being shy she teases you a bit, but gets you to spoon her later that night.
Sayori 💕
Naww, you two are so cute.
People have voted you cutest couple every year., and honestly I see why.
She loves tackling you in a big ol bear hug and pepper your face with kisses, seeing you blush is a bonus.
I genuinely think that sayori would have quite a few admirers, she's just so peppy and cute (on the outside at least.)
So she sometimes gets letters and gifts but she only keeps them if it's food 💀🙏
She'll share them with you don't worry.
You usually just let the admiers be because they're not confessing in person so who cares.
But one time this random approaches the two of you before you leave the school gates and bows, confessing their love.
Before she can do anything about it, she feels a dark aura behind her as you wrap your arms around her waist.
"she's fucking taken loser. Piss off. N o w"
It sends shivers down her spine but like, in a good way.
While your walking home she notices the aura receding and you apologise sheepishly.
She just coos about how you cute you are, welp.
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sapnapsboyfriend · 2 years
the best part about this whole horse war thing is that i am a massive desert duo enjoyer but jimmy and tango have also taken up what looks to be permanent residence in my brain. so im sitting here watching jimmy steal the horse and going "noo scars horse!! well... its jimmy. he can have a little horse as a treat :)" and then scar burns down their base and I'm like "YESSSSS ARSON FIRE DESTRUCTION THIS IS WHAT WILL BRING DESERT DUO BACK TOGETHER" and then i think about it for 2 seconds longer and im like "WAIT NO THE RAAANNNCCHHHHHH THAT IS THEIR HOME THEY WORKED SO HARD ON THAT!!!!!" so im literally just gonna roll up to every session from now on just rooting for chaos. i absolutely want tango to kill some or all of scars pandas and i want to see what happens to desert duo when he does. i want to see grian go ape shit mode and i also want to see jimmy defend tango in battle. no matter what happens i win
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vikenticomeshome · 2 months
Cyberchase - An Interview With The Hacker by Reporter CyBob from "Cyborg Life!"
Sometime in 2003, the "Meet the Cybersquad" section of the Cyberchase section of the pbskids.org website was updated with more Hacker lore. This is an interview between the reporter CyBob from a publication called "Cyborg Life!"
I will transcribe the interview and give my thoughts at the end.
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Foreward: He's the rascally cyborg about town, the virtual man with a a plan to rule Cyberspace. CYBORG LIFE! is proud to present the first and only interview with The Hacker, the wily villain of CYBERCHASE! Our intrepid report CyBob, met up with The Hacker in a scluded chat room over lattes to learn more about this ambitious rising star in the Internet firmament.
Cyborg Life!: Your exploits are the buzz of Cyberspace. You threw the symmetrical world of Symmetria into chaos, pilfered pods in Poddleville and nabbed an irregular area in the Sensible Flats land grab. You're a true man of mystery -- a celebrity. And our readers want to know more. Can I call you Hacker?
The Hacker: That's "THE Hacker" to you!
Cyborg Life!: THE Hacker, OK. How about just "The." But seriously, people everywhere want to know more about your outrageous quest to take over Cyberspace. What inspired you to take on this fascinating challenge?
The Hacker: Well, I'm glad you asked. As you know I have an extraordinary mind. My designs and prodigious programs helped build Cyberspace. Yet, Motherboard always took the credit. -- Would you mind taking your feet off the table when I speak? -- She lacked the villainous vision to bring my fantastic plot to its final fruition. I could see the potential in her operation. But, oh, how she squandered her power.
Cyborg Life!: It's not easy being in middle management I guess. But isn't Cyberspace Motherboard's domain? And isn't the renowned scientist Dr. Marbles the great innovative mind behind its most outstanding inventions? It says here that Dr. Marbles built you as an assistant to Motherboard, sort of a glorified techie. And that he later banished you to the Northern Frontier when you tried to stage a coup?
The Hacker: I was laid off! Marbles knew that with my considerable cranial talents I would soon be running all of Cyberspace. That's why he tried to get rid of me. But I would not be ignored.
Cyborg Life!: So you hatched a plan.
The Hacker: Yesssss, a plan. I created a nasty little virus to disable Motherboard causing her to lose much of her memory and functions. Now the virtual universe is in jeopardy! And I intend to step in to claim my predestined place as the rightful ruler. hen it will be all chaos and caviar for me!
Cyborg Life!: But something keeps getting in your way. Three things actually -- those three Earth kids -- Jackie, Matt, and Inez. You know, the Cyber Squad. Some people are calling them heroes.
The Hacker: heroes? Those insignificant insects can't stop me. Those diminutive gremlins are just a trio of white hats. They think they can hack THE HACKER?
Cyborg Life!: So, how does one get into a career as a supervillain?
The Hacker: Once I left Motherboard's operation, I began my own sinister start-up. There in the icy north, I built my awesome ship -- The Grim Wreaker -- as my vehicle to bring chaos to all of Cyberspace. Finally, I created my humble assistants, Buzz and Delete, a pair of tin plated duncebuckets though they may be. But together, they are almost competent enough to carry-out my most dastardly deeds. Of course, there's that cyber-stool pigeon Digit.
Cyborg Life!: Digit, isn't he with the Cyber Squad?
The Hacker: Yes, that supercilious cyber-turkey didn't have the stuff to make it as one of my henchman, so he flew the coop. Now he helps those three pre-teen terrestrial termites in their attempts to thwart my victories. That disloyal dodo will rue the day he ditched me and ran back to Motherboard. But let's talk about me. From the moment I first felt current flow through my circuits, I have craved power. Yes, power, power and more power. Dr. Marbles thought I would be content punching keyboard like some hackneyed pawn. Look at me, I am regal personage with a fine purple cloak and an elegant pocket protector. I am the one and only true leader of the virtual realm. I am THE HACKER!
Cyborg Life!: So, what are some of the highlights of your solo career?
The Hacker: Ah, yes, There was the time I set my sights on the Sunisphere of Solaria. With the Sunisphere in my grasp, Solaria was transformed from a sunny resort into a doomed winter wonderland and an unlimited source of energy was mine.
Cyborg Life!: Well, that's just fascinating. Here it is in my notes. But it seems those Earth kids and Digit managed to return the Sunisphere and restore Solaria to the tropical paradise it once was. and, let's see -- I know it's in my notes. Yes, they did it by -- er -- estimating? Is that right, they got the Sunisphere back on its perch by estimating?
The Hacker: Come on, it was a lucky shot. Then there was the time I joined forces with the Wicked Witch to capture the kindly king of Happily Ever After. An odious little site where fairy tale creatures amuse themselves with their annoying rhymes and songs. We were to capture the kingdom's stash of golden eggs, but Witchie tried to double-cross me. She case a spell on the sorry citizens of Happily fracturing their ability to count this preventing them from paying the king's ransom. But I was ultimately paid in full, enough goald to finance my hostile takeover of Cyberspace.
Cyborg Life!: Well, once again my notes seem to indicate that it was the Cyber Squad that taught the fairy tale folk how to count by tens and hundreds to meet your demand. And then they coaxed the Witch back to their side, and she took back the entire stash of golden eggs. is that true?
The Hacker: Excuse me. I have come here to tell you about my wondrous personage. Not for you to fawn over those thorns in my glorious side.
Cyborg Life!: Wow, what a story, brainpower wins the day. I have to make a note to my editor to do a piece on them.
The Hacker: That's enough! This interview is over. Goodbye!
Cyborg Life!: Wait Hack! Can't you tell me more about these smart kids and their friend Digit and all the clever ways that they one-up you all the time. Hackie, come back! Does this mean the press junket on the Grim Wreaker is out?
That is the end of the interview.
So, what do I think of it. I admire the balls on this reporter to meet The Hacker, the biggest villain in Cyberspace, in a secluded place for the interview. I also admire the balls on this reporter to setup the interview in a way that asks the important questions, even if it takes the interview in a direction that he Hacker doesn't want to go. Remember, that this is 2003 Hacker. His villain decay, and his plans centering on rehabilitating his image, largely hasn't happened yet.
It's interesting to see The Hacker's attempts at historical revision regarding the creation of Cyberspace. I think there is fan-fiction potential, which some people have already noticed, with the idea that The Hacker wasn't lying about doing the lion's share of the work to bring Cyberspace online.
I'm not sure what the "press junket on the Grim Wreaker" was supposed to be. They may just be using the term loosely here. A press junket is a term that is normally used in the film industry to refer to a period of interviews used to advertise the product, such as an upcoming film. I assume The Hacker isn't selling the Grim Wreaker himself, but then, what is he selling?
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hello and happy belated STS!!
a somewhat Uno Reverse for you- your OCs are at a skiing lodge. Who's hitting the slopes, who's mastering the art of the hot cocoa, and who's curled up in a blanket next to the fire?
Happy STS! Oh ho, yesssss, thank you! All main characters for this one!
The chaos instigators, Triveya, Tris, Snow, Monty, and Sapphire, are all over the place. They're making a racket as they want to go skiing as fast as possible down the biggest slopes (despite how some of them *Sapphire* suck at it), and they want to do all the things. Also they're starting snowball fights.
Lan is the group parent trying to keep people from dying. They're constantly yelling at people to drink water, wear enough cold weather gear, WEAR YORU FUCKING HELMETS YOU WILL DIE-, and of course has everything you could possibly need in their bag, as well as a large range of snacks in their supplies for everyone.
Cassandra and Erica are basically in their never ending honeymoon phase and looking at each other with goo goo eyes the entire time, no matter what they're doing. As far as those two are concerned, nobody else is at the lodge and it's just them on their little romantic vacation (they're pretty cute together so the other's don't mind too much)
Max, Elliot, Kaye, and Hestia are the lodge hermits, they won't do anything other then sit by the fire with books and hot coco wrapped up in blankets. You'd have to drag them outside, and they'd go back in after a few minutes. (Hestia does fall asleep on Elliot's lap while he's reading to her and it's adorable. Monty does manage to drag his boyfriend Max outside a few times and go down a slope at least once, and Tris manages to do the same with Kaye). Triveya will join them a couple times with her tea and spellbook, and Torch (her pet dragon) is like the greatest hot water bottle ever on her feet
Raven just about loses his damn mind when Sapphire does down a slope again and crashes into a tree. She's fine, she wasn't going super fast and was wearing her helmet. But he still insists that she come inside and sit by the fire until she's checked out, and not go ski again for a bit. He does join her in skiing quite a few times until he brings her inside at the end of the day for hot coco by the fire and she falls asleep in his arms on the couch, passed out from the excitement of the day (and they do it all again tomorrow)
When everybody is relaxing in the lodge at the end of the day, everyone gravitates towards Hestia as she's basically a human heater with her fire powers. She's very warm and cuddly, and everyone wants to share a blanket with her (Elliot gets first dibs).
These bitches almost get arrested and banned from the lodge or going to the hospital because of the chaos trio: Kylee, V, and Chase. They're all over the damn place and despite not being good at skiing try all the slopes and want to go as fast as possible. All three of them do try stacking together on the skis, and Kylee does try to use her super speed powers to make them go faster- I does not end well. it's fine, they were wearing helmets and all three are still concius
Asher is the tired dad who refuses to buy anything that's too expensive, insisted everyone brought their own stuff, and is the cool dad that will absolutely take you up on all the slopes and let you do fun stuff (he realizes his mistake after the chaos trio crashes into a tree). In the other corner, we have Bryson being the group mom and very stressed medic trying to keep everyone alive. He will hunt you down if you don't wear a helmet, and if you come back to the lodge after crashing... he's not letting you outside for the rest of the day (he almost throttles Asher for letting the chaos trio do something so stupid, why would you let them stack and Kylee use her powers to go faster you fucking idiot-)
Jason is at his family's private lodge, and no, he's not sharing. It's fine though, Chase hacks his credit card and uses it to buy the luxury suites at the lodge for everyone
Asher and Damian are also being all lovey dovey like they're on a honeymoon (and don't mind the luxury suite they get all to themselves, courtesy of Chase and Jason's credit card). They do go down the slopes together a few times, but mostly go up for the time they get alone together on the ski lift <3
Nickelle does use her ice powers to make it more interesting, but would rather stay inside with the campfire. She's got a lower body temperature thanks to her powers anyways, but the others to try to hang out with her in the lodge by the campfire (very close to the campfire). She does go down the slopes a few times and is the one responsible sibling that mom and dad don't have to worry about. Bryson is happy to hang out with her in the lodge, and treat anyone who comes in after crashing (they're not going outside for the rest of the day)
V loves the hot chocolate and drinks so much she's almost sick (Bryson bans her from drinking hot chocolate without supervision)
Kylee loves going outside and skiing, but she also loves to hang out inside wrapped up in a blanket with hot coco by the fire (when she and Chase fall asleep on the couch and wrapped up in blankets at the end of the day, everyone else is fiercely protective and will shoot anyone who makes noise and might wake them up. Yes she and Chase were leaning on each other but if you ask them about it the next day they'll beat you <- middle and youngest siblings fr)
Chase is trying out his new gear to see how durable it is. This makes Bryson lose his damn mind.
Galaxy Dest.
Corie is happy to hang out with Hades for most of the trip, but she will need a few hours to herself once a day. She has Hades in one of those baby carriers that you strap to your chest, and he has his own little helmet when they go down the slopes. Hades also wants to play outside in the snow, and the whole crew will kill anyone who insults or tries to ruin his little creations on sight. Don't touch the kid's little snowman that looks like melted ice cream unless you want to get shot
Astra, Pandora, and Aries are the chaos instigators of course. They're bouncing in all directions, choosing destruction in their wake, and almost get the whole group arrested and banned from the lodge- or sent to the hospital. They do try stacking on skis, and going as fast as possible. It does not end well. They crash into several trees. It's fine though they were wearing helmets and Aries is only half human so he's probably more durable than the other two anyway- Pandora actually uses a special skiing device that she can sit in because she can't stand long enough to ski upright.
Nova is not sure what to do, and ends up starting a snowball war with Astra that lasts the entire trip just kiss already
Knox is just trying to keep them from getting arrested, banned from the premises, or going to the hospital. Otherwise he literally doesn't care what you do and will buy whatever you need to stay on the down low and not bring the trip to an abrupt halt. He hangs out in the lodge with Corie and Hades and they read him books by the fire.
Also Hades is obsessed with literally everything and is looking at the snow and campfire and everything else with the biggest star struck eyes. He will also giggle at pretty much everything, including when people fall on the slope and crash
At the end of the day, everyone is back at the lodge in front of the campfire, and they read Hades bedtime stories until he falls asleep. They will shoot if you make the slightest sound. The kid looks the cutest wrapped up in blankets and sleeping in front of the fire, and the whole crew eventually falls asleep around him
Thank you @ashen-crest !
Tagging all three of my main wip taglists cuz the gang is all here:
FSF Taglist: @rose-bookblood @chalcid @evethenovicewriter @writing-is-a-martial-art @mjjune @fiercely-raging-writer @wildswrites @corishadowfang @surroundedbypearls @serenanymph (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <3)
TCIO Taglist: @friendlyneighborhood-writer @jessica-writes22 @rose-bookblood @yejidoesthings @space-writes @cljordan-imperium (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <3)
GD Taglist: @fiercely-raging-writer @aesa @thatprolificauthor @writeouswriter @rose-bookblood (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <3)
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sparrowmoth · 2 years
7, 8, 29 and 35 <3
@infiniteecosmos Yesssss, thank you, Blake! <3<3
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
The euphoria of pulling something from nothing and being able to present that little world to other people or escape into it ourselves. It’s one of the closest things to magic we have, I think, to be able to create something like a portal through language and have the whole world fall away to be replaced by what we wrote.
Nothing else has ever given me the same feeling as when I start to write and the words just come and even I don’t know exactly where I’m going, but I know I’m building something and I know I’ll be able to return to it whenever I want, much more reliably than any memory I have. Writing just makes me happy. No matter what happens, I keep chasing that happiness. I always will.
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
I’ve experimented both ways and I find both to have their merits, so this is a tough one, but I’m going to have to say… I’d choose to write a story without dialogue. I’m really passionate about writing silence, especially exploring how characters can communicate so much with each other through non-verbal cues.
I definitely gravitate towards writing scenes where characters are in a quiet, isolated setting, be that their bedroom or a deserted street at 4 AM, so it wouldn’t feel unnatural to me to cut out dialogue and focus on what’s being said in the silence.
I think, in many cases, there’s more said without words, anyway—feelings expressed that maybe the character themselves doesn’t even realize they’re expressing, for example, or things that could never be said out loud but find a way to be communicated by a smile or a glance or a brush of the hand.
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
It’s a mix of things that I tend to cycle through when I’m hitting a wall. Honestly, I never lack for ideas, it’s more just needing the right prod at the embers to bring the fire alive again.
To that end, I return to my favourite books and read the kind of writing I hope to emulate, I listen to music that strikes a particular mood I’m chasing and just close my eyes and try to absorb the mood of it, I go out for a walk and pay attention to every leaf, every gust of wind, every songbird, I look at photos of landscapes and people who remind me of the sort of things I want to bring to the page, and last but never least, I talk to my friends about what I’m trying to do because often I’ll interrupt my own frustrated rambling with, “WAIT, I’VE GOT IT” dajkgdjskgs
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
God, there’s so many… I wouldn’t say I have one favourite to rule them all, but one of the first that comes to mind is “don’t use sentence fragments.” New and better rule advice: DO use sentence fragments, but do so intentionally, with purpose.
That’s the gist of what I tell my students when I’m teaching English: you can do whatever you want, but first, you should know how not to do it, and then, you should be able to tell me why you’re not doing it.
I say “should” here because I mean should, not “have to.” You don’t have to do anything. But there’s power in learning how to create so you can learn how to destroy—much more power than trying to destroy something you don’t understand. Anyone can act out chaos, but not just anyone can destroy in such a beautiful way that the act of destruction becomes, in fact, a simultaneous act of creation.
Weird Questions for Writers
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kazuyummy · 9 months
hello!! saw the announcement ab the event and i hope u don't mind me requesting a match-up one?
> i'm a she/her and i look forward on matching up with males!
fandom: haikyuu
matchup: shy, messy, unique, kind
that's all and ty for taking ur time reading this!! (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
YESSSSS i just take long to do these but excited you asked for one! so here goes! ❤️
i would match you up with SAWAMURA DAICHI. he's more extroverted but not necessarily loud - and i think that he would be a great complement to your shy and kind personality, respecting your boundaries if you're feeling particularly introverted one day but gently helping you out of your shell the next. he certainly wouldn't mind you being messy, secretly loving your chaos and seeing it as a result of your creativity (and he'll always help you clean up). he would also be one to notice and appreciate what makes you unique, pointing out things you might not even notice about yourself. i think you would also bring out the best in him and he would push himself to be as sweet and kind as you are, even when his teammates might be pushing his buttons.
read completed matchups here 💫
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Thankfully, my autumn has been a slow transition. 💜 ohhhhhh, i enjoy drinking coffee too. I also love to watch youtube videos of coffee shops and cafe’s make coffee. lol. Mochas are my favorite.
And the coffee shop chaos and being robbed scene in D.O’s Rose video always makes me laugh.
I hope tomorrow’s Chanyeol interaction brings you some happy. 💚 maybe some new music too.
Thank you, I hope I can find some shoes that won’t kill me at the wedding. Yesssss, me too, all my makeup needs to updated.
Germany. 💜💜💜 I have heard the Christmas Markets are wonderful! I have visited Dusseldorf once and would love to visit your lovely country again.
Your ESS 🎄❄️
First off, sorry for the late reply ;~; I did get both of your messages, so let me answer them both!
The whole "Rose" video was so cute and the coffee shop scene was hilarious. 😄 It's too bad there wasn't a lot of promo for D.O.'s 1st mini album, I still enjoy listening to it a lot, especially on calm, sunny days!
I did catch a bit of Chanyeol's YT live (it was in the middle of my work day, though, so I couldn't watch everything). He did seem a bit more comfortable there. I hope they upload the replay at some point so I can watch the parts I missed!
Aw, there are some nice Christmas markets, if you can find some that are not too crowded/overrun! But I do enjoy the few smaller ones in the area that I live in and I always look forward to the food, the mulled wine, the lights and the atmosphere. 😊 I think I've been to Düsseldorf only once or twice and I didn't get to see much of the city, but I'm glad you had a good time! ❤️ I'm already curious to find out which country you are from! 🙂
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dewdrop-writes · 3 years
I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D WRITE SOMETHING OUT OF IT??? (this is celestia's envoy anon)
wow. i feel,,, man, i don't even know what to feel! your writing is splendid, as always, but to have other people discussing about it too?? makes me feel kinda giddy inside.
would anyone mind if i add a lil something??
i suppose whether the Creator or their followers would trigger a cataclysm would depend on how manipulative the envoy decides to be, because i can definitely see a scenario where the envoy begins to understand their own feelings, maybe even reciprocating Creator's own, and decides to flaunt it:
imagine the Creator attending meetings with all the significant individuals, e.g. the Knights, the Liyue Qixing, the Fatui Harbingers, hell even the Seven.
the envoy, not caring about Teyvat's politics and whatnot, is bored out of their minds, so they decide to taunt and bother other people during such meetings, but when one of the other person goes to scold or even harm them, a glare sent by the Creator has them shrinking in their seat.
thinking about the envoy using Celestia's magic to make moustaches and/or beards, walking around the table and making loud tapping noises with their feet— everyone is just about ready to murder them, but they can't, and they won't—not when they had the favour of Teyvat's most beloved.
omg yesssss i love the envoy!!!!
I can definitely picture them starting to see themselves as above any other followers of the Creator, especially given that the Genshin lore hints at Celestial gods are considered above anyone who may ascend to Celestia.
They might even don their more celestial visage - with the whole astral theme of Celestia, I'm picturing them being surrounded by stars or having a cape with stars upon it - basically shimmering.
Of course their antics would frustrate the Creator's acolytes to no end - the chaos that would ensue once they realize the envoy has gained their god's favor?
The envoy, only ever calling the creator by their 'appropriate' titles in a teasing manner, and usually opting to be on a first-name bases - something even the ones closest to the Creator would not even begin to imagine doing. It amuses both the envoy and Creator, seeing the shocked faces of the followers as the envoy casually drapes themselves over the Creator and calls them by some silly nickname?
And about the meetings!! God, I can imagine the envoy specifically getting a pair of shoes with heels/soles that make as much noise as possible. They take every step with precision as they interrupt people with a sudden step towards them/the Creator. Even the most patient of followers would have a hard time restraining themselves from choking the envoy out as they easily steal the attention of the Creator and whatever Important Political Point they had goes ignored.
But how could they hurt the one clearly most favored by the creator? Especially when they're practically glowing with the divine energy of the Creator from spending so much time in their presence?
How could they bring harm upon them when the one they have sworn their lives and souls to would fiercely protect them with the might of all of Teyvat? And the Creator, for once, actually looks happy and relaxed in the envoy's presence...
Picture the envoy casually pushing any documents off the table from in front of one of the archons during a meeting (much like a smug cat) and taking a seat there, and all the Creator does is laugh, further spurring on their antics. They'd be a bit of a bully towards the others - but the acolytes will have to simply bear it with strained smiles. (Until they find a way to make them lose your favor, that is.)
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
First off, here you are, once again, getting me into a pairing I never thought of with that recent RMF.
Secondly, to the anon who threw that idea of Ichigo becoming a Kenpachi...I am glad we have the same brain cell bc that is an idea that had floated in my brain these past few weeks tbh while thinking up a few of my UraIchi wips and the ArdynIchigo one.
Something like TYBW goes ass up and very few survivors so Kisuke creates time travel bc of course he does and him and Ichigo and Aizen go back to the past only something goes awry during it that the three get flung back into different points in the past.
Aizen is the first to "awaken" only he's just barely in his first year in the academy and he's annoyed more than anything bc the strings that bonds his soul to his two fools' own are still there, only dimmed so for now, he's on his own and plans accordingly.
Scraps his plans for takeover bc he feels the hyogoku within him, still has his immortality, and Kyouka Suigetsu at his side once more, though he brushes away the sting of her cold /hurt silence bc he deserves that, and instead makes plans to punch the two idiots once they catch up, so to speak for making him suffer SS's glacial progress.
Then Kisuke wakes up the day he becomes Captain and it's not long before he and Lt. Aizen run into each other and Kisuke knows now and it's not long before Aizen is putting in a request for a transfer to the 12th Division for the newly constructed SRDI, switching positions with Hiyori there.
(She's shocked/offended and perhaps a bit fearful that it's her being reprimand for the way she has treated the Captain. And honestly, it sort of is, Kisuke decides though he doesn't say it. Instead he and Aizen have to plans to make for the day Ywhach makes his move. But more importantly, they need to prepare for the wave of chaos that Ichigo will bring to SS because that's just how she is.)
Then of course she arrives with a bang. Literally. And being a little more feral these days, she kills Kenpachi Kiganjo on instinct and becomes Kenpachi Ichigo and 11th Division Captain in one swing of her blade.
But at least the trio have a whole squad ready to spill blood now when Ywhach comes calling later down the line.
That's what I got for now but it's something I'm excited to flesh out.
Oh Oh yesssss flesh this out please because it looks exquisite so far and I need it
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Season 4, Episode 3: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
The Good:
devours BroTP scraps like a starved hyena
Something something lookit my boys finding balance, hopefully this will bring them closer to realizing they should date
My GOD I was NOT prepared for how adorable Johnny and Daniel sharing food is
I never expect Lawrusso to catch me in a death grip and then it does anyway
Are you fucking KIDDING me Carmen and Amanda looking at each other and giggling like that was NOT straight
Take it from an almost full-time lesbian
This show really expects me to believe Johnny, Carmen, Daniel, and Amanda shouldn't be in a polycure and I say that's some BULLSHIT
I thought the class/wealth difference between them might come up at some point but I didn't expect to break my heart this much D:
"And that was BEFORE he sicced a rabid dog on Eli" love overprotective boyfriend Demetri
Whether Dem found out through Miguel or Aisha or Eli told him directly it's funny because like. No attack against his mans escapes this fucker's notice.
It's nice to see Hawk and Miguel being wholesome bros again, even if I admittedly like the dynamic best when Demetri's there too
The relationship developing between Daniel and Miguel has my entire heart actually. This is what I came here for and the show is DELIVERING
Measuring in Nates is the only valid way to measure
Yesssss Johnny and Sam getting into it, give me the DRAMA
Love that they both have valid points tbh
"I get to do what I love every damn day" HELL YEAH JOHNNY, love that he genuinely has a passion for helping all these kids out
I love how I was just kind of lukewarmish about Shawbby in S3, like...it was cute, and I was a fan, but I wasn't super into it. But now you're telling me??? They stayed in TOUCH??? And Robby is mentoring his little brother??? Yeah, I'm boarding this ship right the fuck now. SHAWBBY SUPREMACY.
Also adore that we got some backstory for Shawn, and what he was doing in juvie!!! Just protecting little Kenny, aw my heart ;__; Like ngl I was kind of worried Shawn was gonna end up being this weird "scary black guy in juvie" stereotype, and that would've felt pretty icky to me
Have I mentioned that I love Shawbby now
Miguel and Daniel bonding over growing up poor is SO WHOLESOME
*Van Halen voice* SO GO AHEAD AND JUMP, SAM
Fuck YEAH Samantha LaRusso, release your inner chaos gremlin!
Really love how Demetri nods super seriously when Johnny says that when you're in a scary situation, don't back down. Like lowkey he actually respects Johnny now and is more open to embracing all of Eagle Fang's chaotic insanity, and I think that's pretty neat.
Also Demetri has grown so much braver over the course of this show, to the point where he's chill with potentially doing life-threatening nonsense to train if needed, and I think that's also pretty neat.
Gotta appreciate how proud Hawk was of Miguel for winning the fishing contest!!! They're good buddies and I love them!
The Bad:
This show will never let Daniel, Amanda, Carmen, and Johnny be in a polycule and this is the crime of the century
I wanted Demetri to jump!!! Would it be out of character? Yes! Did I want it to happen anyways, so that he could gloat to Hawk about it and Hawk could look at him with huge heart eyes? Absolutely!
I just really want to see Demetri go full feral, I think he deserves it
I want Johnny to be a terrible influence on him
I'm sure I'll get flayed again but still a bit more Kreese and Silver stuff then I felt was needed? Like we got a lot of backstory on them last season with the war flashbacks, not sure how much more we need to establish that they're evil divorced karate husbands XD The snake tattoo flashback WAS fun though!
I don't know whether to be amused or annoyed over Daniel and Johnny fighting over who gets to be Miguel's dad, like...it's very funny, especially considering how they fought over Robby too, but like...can't you fuckers BOTH be his dad???
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zainclaw · 3 years
More scenes of the extended firefam just hanging out! Are so needed! Less drama, more zany calls and bonding. (Side note, that gifset makes me laugh because Buck really is so much leg that he looks downright small sitting down.)
Bring back more Hen and Athena hangouts! Have Chimney join the collective chaos of the Bobby and Michael friendship. Buck and May bonding as the grownup kids/pseudo siblings in the group! Eddie letting loose and letting his sass out with Karen and Maddie.
Yesssss, I need ALL the firefam content <3
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
y’all aren’t ready the cuteness and chaos ethan and his siblings bring especially scar and payson bring🥺 for example👀👀👀ethan wanting to play and watch hockey with baby scarlett but her just wanting to snuggle and sleep with her brother and when ethan wants to play with the mini hockey sticks but miss scar keeps dropping it so ethan has to run back and give it to her so she drops it again and miss scar finds it hilarious and can’t stop laughing 👀👀
"noooo scarlett! you have to keep holding it! like this, see?" when the stick was settled in scarlett’s tiny fist, ethan walked away back to his spot across the living room. “okay, now i’m going to shoot you the puck and—“
right when ethan lifts up his stick, scarlett giggles and tosses her stick onto the ground, doing what she did before and waddling over to him as fast as her 10-month-old legs would carry her.
“MOMMA,” ethan whined, as scarlett wrapped her arms around his neck and plopped down into his lap, trying to crawl up him like he was her own personal jungle gym, versus the times before when she would just snuggle down into his lap.
“she’s too little to understand mini-sticks, e.” matt said, walking over and picking up the stick scarlett had dropped. “she thinks you guys are playing, so don’t get too frustrated. it’s like a game to her.”
“okay, i get that. but i want to play hockey, that’s why i wanted a sibling.”
“and i’m sure she’ll want to play when she’s older. but how about we start off with something simple, hm?” caroline asked, holding onto the remote. “like sitting down and watching the mighty ducks, hm?”
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vic-chaos · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons for buttman (i cant with the name lol) and kenman? Or of course bunnyman.
jsdksdjsdjsjds I go with cartters/cutters sometimes too which can be easier to tagging/searching sometimes, but I’ve thought of it as buttman in my head for so long I can’t stop 😭 though the fact that its a really stupid and funny ship name does suit the two of them LMAO
and YESSSSS ahhhh I have SO MANYY...... I’m not gonna get into all of it with all these ships or I’ll literally just be typing an entire novel 😂 but let me see if I can pick one of my favourite headcanons to think abt....
I think Butters has a kind of weird crush on Cartman (this honestly like borderline canon confirmed imo lmao) but here are my heacanons on Why......... I think actually it’s a combination of things? Part of it is a sense of protection, Butters used to get pushed around a lot and he doesn’t really anymore. Cartman does mess with him, but nobody else really does. There’s very few characters who would intentionally fuck with Cartman or someone he’s protective of considering his reputation, and I think Butters knows this lmao... Something else that I think attracts him is that he likes the disobedience. Ever since they became friends he’s become a lot more rebellious and is standing up for himself, towards his dad and others, and intentionally misbehaving because he enjoys it. He’s lowkey kind of an asshole already (a part of his personality I feel like a lot of people ignore actually?? sjdjsds) so when he really goes off the rails he can sometimes go too far. But he’s at a point in his development where he’s exploring this side of his personality that he probably kept buried for a long time while his parents were abusing him, which we can see him exploring with Chaos too, and I think its interesting!
I actually think there’s even more to it... but I wanted to mention these details in particular because considering these things, I think that combination of feeling simultaneously safer and more brave when he's around Cartman is probably intoxicating enough to explain why he sticks around him when nobody else does, and why he continued to do so despite all of the mistreatment at the beginning too.
(Speaking of which, despite the bad beginnings.... it makes me happy to see a genuine love and care for each other starting to develop out of this 🥺)
Also!! While I’m still going - I feel like a lot of people think Butters is still being dragged into things against his will or manipulated, but that’s not the case anymore!! By now Butters has demonstrated multiple times that he’s more than capable of holding his own and saying no to Cartman if he wanted to. I mean:
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So...... now we know he's choosing to continue to be close to Cartman because he wants to, and because he genuinely likes spending time with him and doing all of the ridiculous shit they do together lmao. And bc he genuinely likes him too... like:
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(source: @haertshapedbox)
Since I’m thinking about it rn, kenman feels like its my comfort ship and it’s the one I’ve had for the longest.... buttman is a lot messier and I have some complicated feelings about it, but at the same time I can’t let them go because something about them really just makes me crazy jsjdsdjsjs
Bunnyman (also a top tier ship name) is definitely one of those “[character] has two hands” type solution ships for me, which USUALLY I’m not into, but for some reason I actually really love it with these 3?? I feel like they actually balance each other out very well. Kenny has a more calming and stable personality that both Butters and Cartman could benefit from being around, and although Cartman and Kenny already have a really good balance together, Butters can bring a kind of positive high energy that neither of them has
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