#Vesta Asteroid
elysiansparadise · 1 year
Vesta: Your inner flame
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⚶ Vesta asteroid [4] can show our talents, abilities and in which area of ​​our life we ​​should focus our energy or in which we usually focus our energy. Commitment and dedication, as well as the area of ​​life or the aspects in which we focus our entire being. It is the area of ​​your life in which you are willing to make sacrifices no matter what, in order to achieve the goal. In this post I will talk a little about the attributed talents. By sign I will speak of the way in which we do what we are most passionate about. By house, the area of ​​our life in which we focus the most. ⚶
🟤Vesta in Aries: They are very passionate and active people who put all their energy when they have an idea in mind. The idea can arise spontaneously and as soon as they have it they can put it into action. They dislike doing things with a set routine and prefer to act creatively and figure things out on the go. They make their ideas actions and it bothers them to feel that they are only daydreaming about something instead of doing something. They may have a talent for a particular sport/physical activity, motivating themselves and others, and leadership. People with this placement are very focused once something captures their attention and they are quick to carry out an activity that they like. These natives dislike that others want to control how they do things or what they do, they stand out for their independence when it comes to carrying out a project of any kind.
🟫Vesta in 1st house: They are people who are very focused on learning more about themselves, getting to know each other from head to toe, and having a clear idea of ​​who they are. They are true to themselves, they seek to stay productive and do what they want without caring much what others say. They put their energy in themselves, have a clear self-concept defined and they enter the journey towards that search for their true identity. They may have a talent for leadership, the ability to charisma, can help others find themselves and follow their own path and heart. They are focused on achieving independence, expressing themselves in an uninhibited way, and distancing themselves from the opinion or expectations of others.
🟤Vesta in Taurus: They are people who take their time to do things, they find it difficult to focus at first, but once they do, they are persevering, constant and determined to complete that activity or task. For them, achieving security, stability and comfort is the goal. They may have skills and talents for activities that require concentration and the use of their hands, such as drawing, crafts, pottery, painting, or playing an instrument. It usually takes some time before they decide to start bringing an idea to life, for fear that they won't be able to do their idea as they have it. Working on things they like makes them feel better about themselves, and when they finish something satisfactorily they feel a boost in their self-esteem. They may have a talent for handling money, for some art or as I mentioned previously, in an activity that has to do with the hands.
🟫Vesta in 2nd house: Some of the talents they may have are singing, for organization, investing [or for business related topics] and looking for creative ways to earn money. They are people who work daily on their self-esteem and know that hard work will lead them to have the economic stability they desire. They stand out for their loyalty and for that way of, even without realizing it, giving a lot of security to those they love. They do not go into projects, jobs or work on ideas that they know have no purpose, they like the tangible and the real. They protect what they have worked hard to achieve and are very focused on improving what they already have. They like to know that they have a safe place and always seek to do what makes them feel happy and more complete.
🟤Vesta in Gemini: They can have multiple ideas at the same time, their mental energy is high and they tend to be very productive and restless intellectually. They prefer to use their reason over their hearts when it comes to making an important decision, as they can be very objective. They are great communicators and highly capable, have a unique ability to verbalize their ideas, are resourceful, creative, and perform wonderfully when it comes to teamwork. They do not have a defined style of work, they can alternate between being spontaneous or organized. They may have many interests in mind, making it difficult for them to stick with one in particular. Multi-talented, they may have skills in many different fields. Great ability to connect people. They can get a lot of happiness if they make their hobby a job or vice versa. Talented writers or speakers.
🟫Vesta in 3rd house: Passionate about learning, they love learning about new ideas and concepts and are easy to understand. Great talents to learn new things quickly, talent for writing, public speaking and everything that involves communicating effectively. Their mind is restless, but that allows them to be able to focus on many things at once, that is, they run the risk of being easily distracted. They can be socially skilled, but they need some alone time afterwards, their alone time is something they enjoy doing many different activities. They can be passionate about reading and they can always have something to read on hand [books, notes, or internet articles]. They can help others by contributing unique ideas, as they are very creative.
🟤Vesta in Cancer: They tend to put their whole heart when it comes to doing something they are passionate about, they are tenacious and get a lot of emotional comfort when they do what they love the most. Their hobbies can be their safe place and can bring them a lot of satisfaction. They may have a talent for psychology, cooking and some arts, as they capture emotions in a satisfactory way. They take their emotions and those of others very seriously, plus they have a very special way of understanding other people's needs with ease. They highly value their space and may feel more comfortable and more creative when alone. Some of them can see their performance affected when they are not emotionally well, they can even take a break, because they want to be one hundred to dedicate themselves consciously and totally. They deeply care about the well-being of those they love.
🟫Vesta in 4th house: Their family is very important to them, and not necessarily the biological one, but the people they consider family (friends for example), they are very devoted to people who feel a very strong emotional bond. It is important for them to understand their own emotions and the emotions of those they love. They spend a lot of time doing activities that make their inner child feel happy, perhaps doing things they enjoyed doing as children or eating things that remind them of their childhood. They are very protective people with children or people they perceive as vulnerable. They may have a talent for making others feel comfortable and happy, dealing with children, cooking, or writing. They focus on healing their inner child.
🟤Vesta in Leo: These natives are highly creative and very spontaneous when it comes to getting going when doing something. The gratitude of others upon noticing the native's good deeds can greatly motivate them, they can get annoyed if they feel that others don’t appreciate them, their efforts or if others don’t give as much energy in the matter / work / relationship as them. They will always look for the key to happiness and they will do many activities to feel happy. They put a lot of energy into feeling satisfied with themselves and with what they do. They feel the need to do things their way and although authority doesn't bother them, it is more that they need to feel that they can express themselves through doing what they are passionate about. This placement can give charisma and the power to stand out doing what the person is most passionate about.
🟫Vesta in 5th house: These people put their all into it when it comes to their hobbies, they may excel at more than one activity and have many artistic interests. Usually seen as multi-talented, passionate, as well as very good at whatever it is they do. To be efficient and work excellently, it is necessary for them to really enjoy what they are doing, so it is recommended that they look for jobs or study things that they are really passionate about. In case they decide to be parents, they will be excellent and they will put all their attention and care in seeing their children grow and love unconditionally.  Very devoted people in love and at first they can be somewhat shy/it can be difficult for them to open up, but they can be very understanding lovers and willing to support their partner.
🟤Vesta in Virgo: Regardless of other traits of their personality, if they are really interested in or passionate about something, they can be very perfectionists and demanding of themselves, they will always want to give their best in everything related to what they are passionate about. They will seek to be the best version of themselves and feel competent to perform whatever they like. Despite this and how independent they may seem, they will not hesitate to lend a hand if the other needs it. They give themselves body and soul to causes they feel worthwhile and like to feel useful and productive. This is a very productive placement of Vesta, as it feels comfortable in this sign. They prefer to work in a quiet place, in order and efficiently, noise or very chaotic environments can stress them out. They are capable of giving absolutely everything if the situation requires it. Silently passionate.
🟫Vesta in 6th house: They like to be there for others and support them. They probably have a job that they are truly passionate about or at the very least, it is important for them to work on something that they genuinely love. They may have a gift for understanding and caring for animals and may like them very much. Talent for design, organization, healing and understanding of complex ideas. It's crucial for them to do a great job, otherwise they don't feel good about themselves. They take great care of their body and their health, for them there is nothing more important than their emotional and physical well-being. They are very detailed when it comes to doing something, they put a lot of time and effort.
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🟤Vesta in Libra: It is necessary for them to function in places with harmony and peace, tense and angry environments can make them nervous and deteriorate their performance. They actively work to have an internal balance and seek to find that middle ground between channeling their energy into themselves and others. They are people with a talent for relating to different types of people, a talent for any branch of art and for giving beauty to anything. They take their relationships seriously, are highly committed, and expect that same level of devotion from the other person. They may prefer to work together or make their work space aesthetically pleasing, for example, by decorating their surroundings. They are passionate, but they do not go out of their way or work more than is considered healthy for them, they prioritize their well-being and comfort. Perceived as elegant without trying.
🟫Vesta in 7th house: They have a great ability to understand the other very well, great diplomacy, charisma and talents to mediate any type of situation. They are somewhat selective with whom they leave within their closest circle, but they like to give their all in their relationships of any kind, especially those in which they see themselves in the long term. They work to maintain harmony and make both the other person and themselves feel comfortable in the relationship. If problems arise, they will seek to resolve them effectively. They do a lot of introspection and are able to see all sides of themselves even if it might be difficult. It is important for natives to create a balance between what they give and what they receive.
🟤Vesta in Scorpio: They give their all when they are passionate about something, giving 200% in everything they consider important. They are private when they have plans, projects or passions and they only confide them with people they really trust. They may prefer to undertake ideas or projects on their own, especially if they are very personal or significant to them. One of the most loyal placements of Vesta, they respect privacy and constantly care for their relationships. Passionate, they immerse themselves in their passions, falling into the risk of distancing themselves from other issues in their lives or not giving them the indicated attention. Talent for spiritual matters, especially healing people or for the tarot. Highly developed intuition. Much wisdom. They are very sexual people who are not afraid of touching topics of this nature, intense and attentive lovers.
🟫Vesta in 8th house: They are fascinated by topics that others do not dare to touch or explore, mysteries can attract a lot of attention. Criminology, psychology, occultism, spirituality or sexology. They possess great curiosity and may not rest until they know the truth. These people consciously or subconsciously seek emotional intensity. As for sex, they tend to seek a deeper connection with their partners and enjoy the idea of ​​knowing and stimulating every corner of their beloved's body. They may have a more spiritual vision of death, believe in reincarnation or beliefs of that nature. They are aware that death is something we will all go through, so they may have the idea of ​​wanting to enjoy themselves without inhibition.
🟤Vesta in Sagittarius: It is easy for them to feel motivated to start a project, do what they are passionate about or make their ideas a reality, the complicated thing can be to finish the action. They are very enthusiastic and creative people when it comes to doing what they like, no matter how serious they are in their day to day, you will see that sparkle in their eyes when they talk about what they like or when they do their favorite activity. They focus on acquiring more knowledge, more wisdom, on their dreams and ideas and on enjoying life. They may have a talent for learning new languages, generally for learning many things quickly, for teaching and for motivating people. They are people very devoted to their ideologies and with a strong sense of what is right. They enjoy learning about and experiencing new things and stand out for being open minded.
🟫Vesta in 9th house: Many of these natives feel a desire and an itch to learn about the complex issues of life, to see beyond what the school or their parents may have told them, to search for a deeper meaning or a reason for what happens to them. around. They may have skills in the humanities, learning new languages, debating, and teaching others. They may have an interest in the law and may fall under the label of a knowledgeable and curious person. They love all those activities that allow them to continue acquiring knowledge. They may love to travel or experience different cultures. They like to continue acquiring wisdom and spirituality can be very important to them, they will be very devoted to their beliefs.
🟤Vesta in Capricorn: It is crucial for these natives to be in a calm environment to feel completely comfortable, ironically they project to others the ability to work efficiently regardless of the chaos of the place. They are very constant and if they consider that something can augur something stable and f they see a purpose, they will give absolutely everything. Another Vesta placement commonly attributed to loyalty. These people are very hard workers, if you have a lot of tense aspects, especially Moon or Saturn, they don't let their emotional upset get in the way and can suppress their emotions in order to do what they have to do. Talents for organization, planning, strategy, they have a privileged analytical mind. They resist temptations easily, have great abilities to concentrate and to make people under their charge complete a task successfully. They give stability to others.
🟫Vesta in 10th house: For these people it is crucial to do something to get what they want, they like to feel productive and have a rational approach to their passions. They believe in hard work, especially if they are looking for a reward. They put a lot of their energy into things that can be useful to them in the long term, they like to play it safe and fight for things or people that are really worthwhile for them, because they don't waste their time or energy. High chances of working on something they really like. They can help many people through their work, or throughout life they can help many even without realizing it. Skills to bring comfort to people, leadership and to organize and put order in any chaos.
🟤Vesta in Aquarius: They like the idea of ​​doing things their own way and are often drawn to activities that allow them to express themselves freely and at the same time do not make them feel as pressured. They can work just as well in a team as on their own, but may prefer to do things independently. They may have a talent for astrology, branches of science, or anything related to the humanities. They tend to do things with their own rules and do not like to follow a scheme, a plan or an order, as there is a tendency to get carried away when it comes to following a passion. They may have writing, computer, or digital art skills. They have this spark that allows them to unite people, they have a certain social charm. They are always willing to help others, and although they are not quick to trust, their friendly and charming personality makes them make favorable impressions on others.
🟫Vesta in 11th house: They are people with many aspirations and long-term goals, they actively work on them. They stand out for their creativity and ability to come out with innovative and intriguing ideas. Friendship is something that they value with all their soul and they will always try to be there for who their friends are, they can play the role of counselor and they will have an attentive and caring personality towards them. They are very compassionate with people and they like to unconditionally support causes that need it, they can give them a lot of support through social networks or by spreading the word. They may spend a lot of time on the internet and may have hobbies or a job that allows them to connect with many through it.
🟤Vesta in Pisces: These natives can lose track of time and what is happening around them, because they immerse themselves entirely in topics that they are really passionate about, they put their soul, all their attention and all their emotions into it. Actively seek to make the world a better place. They empathize with others and love the idea of ​​helping others overcome difficult situations. They devote themselves to the task of supporting those they consider vulnerable or offering their support and understanding to those who love. A remarkable talent for art and spirituality, it is difficult for them to express their emotions but they do so in a remarkable way through these media. Easy to connect with the emotions and psyche of other people. Unique ability to heal the discomfort or sadness of others, great listeners and excellent counselors. Focus a lot on dreams and have a rich imagination.
🟫Vesta in 12th house: They are passionate about what is not easily perceptible by others, what goes beyond, what each person keeps in their heart, spirituality, the deep meanings of life, art or music they listen to, the root of social problems and their own emotional problems. Major healing placement of Vesta, a comforting person who knows how to understand and guide people. Great wisdom, altruistic and sensitive to their peers. They work hard when it comes to their dreams, they are very creative people with an interesting inner world and a mind full of complex and fascinating ideas. Interest in introspection and a need to constantly analyze their past and the things that have happened in order to understand themselves better.
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🟫Vesta aspecting the Sun: These people are very devoted to things they are passionate about, have a loyal personality, and are very reliable and trustworthy. For them it is important to work on themselves, be it improving themselves, getting to know themselves better or developing their individuality. They may seem shy or focused on their own matters at first, as they don't really mind being on their own. They are very creative people and can tend to put a bit of themselves, a piece of their soul into everything they do. 
🟫Vesta aspecting the Moon: These people need good environments, harmony both in their surroundings and emotionally to be able to concentrate. Emotions can direct the outcome of their actions and level their productivity. Unique way of understanding both their own emotions and those of others. These aspects show us someone who is very devoted, loyal and attentive to their personal relationships. Constant and balanced emotional world.
🟫Vesta aspecting Mercury: These aspects give a brilliant mind, full of ideas and always seems to be active, sometimes too much. They love to share their ideas with others and that others do the same. These people become very devoted to learning, either always trying to be good students or keep learning about various subjects that interest them. Tense aspects may indicate that the native is easily distracted. 
🟫Vesta aspecting Venus: They can have many artistic talents, a lot of charisma when it comes to relating to others and even skills in managing finances. Honesty and transparency are crucial for them in a relationship. Very loyal in their relationships and always work to make them better. Tense aspects can cause the native to alternate between wanting a relationship and not wanting it, so they think better if they open up to having a relationship. They respect their space and their partner’s without forgetting to seek the relationship.
🟫Vesta aspecting Mars: They have excellent abilities to focus their energy in a healthy and constant way on their goals or actions, they are very energetic when it comes to doing things they like. Sex for them is important, but it isn’t something they feel they can have with just anyone, because they want it to mean something deeper for them. They may work hard or keep busy to cope with inner tension or anger. Very good at working under pressure.
🟫Vesta aspecting Jupiter: They possess much inner wisdom and have a natural attraction to the complex and spiritual issues of life. They can be very lucky if they decide to work on things related to their passions. Talent to learn languages ​​and easy to connect with people from other cultures. Very devoted people to the idea of ​​always doing the right thing, fair and considerate of people. Good karma may come quickly to them.
🟫Vesta aspecting Saturn: They are very persevering, constant and responsible people once they commit to something or someone. They can be very perfectionists with themselves, because they want to do their best and be the best version of themselves. They may take time to do things, but the results promise to be very good. May have a hard time starting some things for fear of not being prepared or not having enough skill or knowledge.
🟫Vesta aspecting Uranus: Need to put their own touch on everything they are passionate about, may prefer to work independently and feel inspired suddenly and when they least expect it. Difficulty concentrating on just one subject, tendency to multitask and be easily distracted. May procrastinate, especially with hard aspects. Difficulty focusing on day to day activities. They do not like to be ordinary, nor the routine.
🟫Vesta aspecting Neptune: They tend to be artistic people with a lot of potential in this area, in the same way they can have a great spiritual world and be very devoted to their beliefs. They are people with a lot of compassion who believe that by contributing their grain of sand they can help improve the world. They have high emotional intelligence and easily understand others. They put a piece of their soul into everything they do.
🟫Vesta aspecting Pluto: They keep their passions private, but feel more joy and satisfaction when they put one of them into practice. They have a lot of inner power, they can influence, change or transform others/their minds through doing what they are passionate about. Very sexual despite the impression they may give, sex is a memorable experience with them. May have an interest in the occult, mysteries, astrology, tarot or similar topics.
🟫Vesta aspecting Rising: With a loyal, constant and productive personality, they always seem to be on the go or with something in progress. They are passionate about the idea of ​​knowing themselves more and more, they can seek to know everything about themselves and have a realistic and positive self-concept. Independence is something crucial for them, they need their space. They have a strong sense of identity, not easily influenced.
🟫Vesta aspecting Midheaven: They can be seen as very reserved people, there is a touch of purity mixed with confidence and certainty of where they want to go. They give the impression of being very productive and professional. They give their all when it comes to their career, they are hard workers and can make a job out of their passion. They are very productive and prefer to believe in making their own miracles happen.
🟫Vesta aspecting North Node: They live in the constant search for their life purpose, this may be linked to work or dedicate themselves to what they are most passionate about, either professionally or as a hobby. Their mission in life is related to forming a hard-working, devoted personality. They can achieve great things doing what they are passionate about. Helping others also seems to be an important issue in their soul development.
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harmoonix · 6 months
❄️ 𝙊𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙪𝙥𝙤𝙣 𝙖 𝘿𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 ❄️
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𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫
❄️ Helena asteroid [101] as described the most beautiful, is another beauty asteroid and it can show your beauty type: This asteroid has an big impact even when it sits together with a planet in a house
Aspecting the Sun or in the same house: Very beautiful, your face, aura energy is surrounded by beauty
Aspecting the Moon or in the same house: Very feminine/soft/kind/gracious, your eyes are very beautiful with this placement
Aspecting the Mercury or in the same house: Beautiful vocally, you can look very young/youthfull. Beautiful voice and talented
Aspecting Venus or in the same house: Gorgeous beauty, serenity, peaceful and yet very magical
Aspecting Mars or in the same house: Very prominent beauty, fierce beauty like a feline, very beautiful lips they may have red cheeks often
Aspecting by Jupiter or in the same house is the type of growing beauty, it grows day by day and night by night, they can have very beautiful legs/hips/hands and an oval face
Aspecting Neptune or in the same house: Ethereal, glamorous, electric, very soft beauty/soft skin and a soft body
Aspecting Uranus or in the same house; Their beauty is refreshing, they can start beauty trends because of how beautiful they are, very prominent facial expressions
Aspecting Saturn or in the same house: Their beauty lasts with the time, forever, very beautiful jaw/chin/nose and bone structure
Aspecting Pluto or in the same house: Magnetic beauty, very intense dark mesmerizing, a black diamond shinning in a dark cave vibes, they can have vibrant eye colors
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🏔️ Gemini Venus/Venus in the 3rd house and Venus at 3°, 15°, 27° have a very pleasant voice, calming, soft sometimes they tend to talk too much but is nothing bad about it they're still the cutest
💍 Having a lot of placements in your 7th house can make you to often think about marriage (Unless Saturn is there). You may think about that perfect wedding you want
Dancing Bears
Painted Wings
Things I almost remember
🍫 Moon/Venus and even Sun in the 2nd house like to eat, they have a very good appetite and food is always tasty so why not?? They're always getting hungry
🫠 Moon aspecting Pluto (all aspects) are the type of people who are stuck in your mind forever, in a way... they're very unforgettable
🌪️ Sun or Saturn at 10° 22° degrees can indicate a strict or over protective father/dad figure in your life, maybe they were a bit too strict with you in your childhood
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🐚 Moon in the 9th house or at Sag Degrees 9°, 21° are in love with their culture/traditions and they love to share it with other people aswell. They're like the type of people who can teach you their cultural/traditional dance
🌺 Venus in Sagittarius can be tricky and in a way they liked to be chased and that gives them a fun time to fall in love with that person
Far away
Long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
🍓 Aquarius Venus and Venus in the 11th house are always in my heart for how nice they are with other people even though sometimes they can get betrayed
🌨️ Saturn harshly aspecting Moon has a hard time with thinking about love because they often tend to overthink, they are so soft and so sweet sometimes even shy and pure at heart, I wish and hope nobody with those aspects gets hurt in love ever
🫧 North Node in the 3rd house represents the way you'll connect with people in this life, how you'll make your relationships grow and how you'll use your voice to help yourself and others
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💯 Libra Moon/Taurus Moon and Leo Moon are the people who need the most reassurance in love in my opinion because they will always ask their partners "How much you love me" "Tell me" things like that
💞 Vesta Asteroid in our charts can represent the most sacred thing and holy to us, is also the most sensitive part when it comes to the native's sexual side
Vesta in Pisces is a very sensitive spot, they can feel the pain in other people and they are always searching for something higher
Vesta in Scorpio can be very connected with the others personal physical body but its soul aswell, their emotions, their breath...
Vesta in Libra is very romantic and gentle, they can often seek for the others person true nature and justice, they will often stand up for the people they love
Vesta in Sagittarius is the point where Vesta feels the most free, they'll be always searching for more pleasure and for more fun from life
Asteroid Code [4]
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🫧 A mother with Capricorn/Sagittarius/Cancer Moon loves to share special things with their kids, some of them may share family legacy with other family members
💫 Moon in the 5th/9th and 11th house are the most optimistic houses for the moon to be in, they are very positive towards the even when their life seems sad/dark
Things it yearns to remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December
🏞️ Venus in Fire Signs always catch people's eyes for the way they style. Your style is everything and it can be seen as something to inspire other people
💤 Leo/Libra and Aries Moon can get praised for their hair, because it can look very pretty and people can admire your hair even if you don't notice at first
❤️‍🔥 Sagittarius in your 11th/12th house can indicate having a mixed background when it comes to nationality and ethnicity and friends aswell
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🌾 Aphrodite (1388) in Leo/Scorpio/Pisces or 5th/8th/12th house are having a magnetic energy where the native is put under the spotlight
💘 Aphrodite (1388) in Gemini/Aquarius/Capricorn or in the 3rd/10th/11th house are having the most influence when it comes to the social world
🌴 Aphrodite (1388) square/opposite Mercury. Your voice is very different and people can admire that about you. Your voice can have an specific accent aswell
💪🏼 Mars in Taurus/Sagittarius/Capricorn can make the native to be sassy/savage in personality/words/etc i feel like Mars loves these signs a lot
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❄️ Hii everyone!! I'm kinda a bit little with my winter post but I can promise you the wait was worth it!!❄️
❄️ I hope you all have a great great great and amazing winter season for all the next 3 following months, is the most magical time of the year after all ❄️
H a r m o o n i x ❄️
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allmyloveandyours · 1 year
Astrology Observations 3!!!!
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Hi I'm back again but these ones are kinda like straight up opinions. Take what resonates! I'm not a professional, if anything I'm a goofy fella who constantly asks to see peoples charts.
Virgo Midheaven creates a very detailed oriented person with an immaculate image. Everything they put out is out together well, their plans to be successful are insanely planned out, and I've never seen one look messy.
Mercury in your Suns element explain the things best to you.
Asteroid Actor (12238) conjunct Ascendant could mean people don't believe you when you're being honest/your sincerity comes off as fake.
Heavy Aquarius placements may love watching long commentary videos. Especially drama breakdown videos with Leo in the mix. I am a victim of this ✊😔
A lot of squares in a natal chart can make an extremely chill person. Whatever inner tension they have makes them oddly calm and forgiving of other people. Especially Sun squaring Mars and or Jupiter, it kinda feels like a cancellation happens where there should be anger. They also may get picked on a lot.
Moon in 10th and 11th house are popular placements for success. Whatever attention you get, your moon sign will tell you what people love about you. Jupiter also tells the same thing, but a less tame affect. Examples can be Moon in Pisces means that your very intuitive when it comes to your audience, and they vibe with you because of that. Jupiter in Pisces could have people going crazy for your intuitiveness and you could be able to gauge how you get attention the easiest.
The most accurate description of a rising sign I've seen is Virgo Rising having Resting Bitch Face. They also age SO well. The stars really balanced it out for them.
Mars in Libra can make a very passive person in relationships, and the house can talk about the problems. They may not want to speak up/will try to appease their partners. Like if the partner wants a cat and the Libra is deathly allergic, they'd rather get the cat than tell their partner there's an issue.
If you're feeling a little lost and need direction, looking at your Vesta could be a good place to start. Vesta represents your undying flame and your spark, so it can help jump-start your passions. Vesta in 5th can point to taking up more creative hobbies such as writing, acting, drawing, or maybe taking care of kids, 6th means starting with a healthy routine, helping others, or volunteering with animals, 1st is taking care of yourself and your appearance, and making even spicing things up a little. All of this is of course depending on the sign.
Cancer Midheavens are the best at being able to gauge audiences/coworkers reactions to things. Although it may seem strange, they're nice in positions of management. Strict enough to make you listen but nice enough to understand if you can't make deadlines/can sense if you're burnt out.
I feel like I can make a billion posts on Saturn since it's one of my favorite planets, but here's a favorite: I'm not sure who said it (it could've been multiple, if anyone knows who I'm talking about leave their @ in the replies) but your chart ruler in a house can show where you may excel, but also have problems based on what body part it rules. A good example for me is Saturn in 5th Gemini, and I have wrist joint/bone issues caused by excessive drawing and writing. I also get a lot of compliments for my jaw so win/win scenario. Another not me example is your rising being Sagittarius, with Jupiter in 6th house. You could be a joyous person when it comes to taking care of people/yourself, with a stable routine that's a bit too rigorous and you could end up hurting your thighs in some way like pulling your hamstring, or just having really thick thighs and contributing it to your routine. S/o to you for that
Uranus in retrograde can point to bad technology skills. Probably the type of person to go "I hate technology" one minute then continue to giggle at memes on Twitter the next. Especially in Aquarius.
Gemini Midheavens/Mars need to do multiple things at once. So like if you're a writer, you might be your publisher as well or your editor, or even make your own book cover. If you do YouTube you'll be your own editor and script writer. If you're an actor you may act and director, the list can go forever. But doing at least 2 things seems to stop the jumping from project to project some Geminis may feel creatively.
I like describing North Node and Vertex as The path you're drawn to (NN) vs What path you're gonna get dragged down (V). Like you can ignore your north node if you want but vertex will force you to deal with it. Like if you have North Node in 4nd but Vertex in 8th. You could ignore any homebody nature, ignore your roots and any family life, but you will be forced to go through transformations, deaths and rebirths whether you like it or not, or even notice it.
Pisces suns kinda flock together, I've never seen one by themselves.
Oppositions to Mars can tell you what makes you quick to anger even if you're not a hot headed person. Mars Opposite Venus could be that you get upset when people criticize your style, love life or appearance. Mars Opposite Sun could mean you don't like when people criticize you period, and it may be very ego based.
Chiron in 1st house may be sore losers, and they don't like looking stupid, especially with positive planets in 9th house. They may need to learn how to deal with showing a bit of that Chiron side in a healthy way, since the 1st house is the thing people see first.
Your descendant could be the moon sign/element you get the most, especially in love.
Squares/Opposites to Neptune can show what illusions you need to break in order to get closer to your intuitive nature. Neptune Square Pluto could mean you need to go through a full transformation and rebirth. Neptune opposite Mars means you may need to deal with bouts of anger, realigning your passions and directing your energy in the proper direction.
Mars in Scorpio are the calmest mars sign of them all. Nothing really ever phases them to be honest, regardless of the house.
ALRIGHT these ones were deadass just things I've noticed. Might be a week or so till I post another one, but let me know if there's any topics you think I should cover next besides the Chiron one I'm planning. See you next time :)
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evangelinesbible · 1 year
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At first glance you probably wouldn't have guessed for Alexa to be a Leo rising. She may not have the stereotypical lions mane of Leo resigns but she does carry other physical traits of a Leo rising. For one she has the feline look to her, with her pouty lips, her almond shaped eyes and her cheekbones give her a cat like facial structure. Leo risings also typically have a smaller head (or their hair gives the appearance of a smaller head). I also see in most Leo risings to have an almost square shaped or boxy head (similar to a cat). Typically Leo risings have a strong and structured body posture that makes them look confident or prideful, like a lion. Leo risings also tend to have broad shoulders and neck and an attractive back. Leo resigns tend to have warm almost golden aura and glow to their skin, even when they're a bit on the pale side.
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Having Jupiter conjunct the rising sign can give someone a bigger bottom half since it rules over the thighs. Since Alexa's is in Leo it can bless her with a distinctive chest/shoulders.
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Of course these people will always typically have an intimidating and dark-ish vibe to them that is very seductive. It also could explain her bored almost tired stare she has that comes off as seductive. And because Demie's aspect is so strong it's no wonder people believed she had some sort of scorpio placement.
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Typically people with vesta touching the ASC (or even Venus) will have a very youthful appearance. And not in the, "she looks like a child" youthful. More so the, "I thought she was way younger than that" youthful. And Alexa is the definition of that. Some people still not believing that she's in her 30's and not her 20's.
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Adds to her Lioness look. Can give someone a very joyous and warm appearance. These people appear happy and are quite literally a ray of sunshine. These people have naturally glowing/warm skin.
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This can obviously indicate a unique beauty. having distinct/special features on your face that people might associate with your beauty. This can also indicate being very eccentric with your fashion choices and having a face that seems to rock any makeup or hair style. Sagittarius Venus's might have beautiful legs and 5H Venus have a beautiful back neck and shoulders.
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This can indicate having soft feminine features, especially when it pertains to her natural beauty and natural appearance. also Alexa kinda has a bit of a moon face sometimes, especially when she smiles.
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Having Sirene conjunct your Venus and/or Rising can mean having a siren like appearance. Something about your eyes and your body movement lures people in. It's hypnotizing in a way. Alexa could easily manipulate other with just her beauty.
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and that was the Astrological Beauty of Alexa Demie
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Vesta in signs/houses
In ancient times the New Year was started with the celebration of the Spring Equinox, originally 1st of March in ancient Rome was the day that the Vestals (also known as priestess of the goddess Vesta) will relight the Roman fire at her temple which was considerate the fire (the heart) of Rome. AS goddess she symbolizes the heart, home and family.
Her priestess where virgins and had to take a chastity vow for 30 years, if the broke the vow it would have been considered infidelity and sealed alive in a room with little food and water, where the god where to decide her faith.
In astrology she is one of the biggest and more important asteroids on Astro.com you can find her by adding her number 4 in the extended chart selection section. She represents our internal flame that’s in our hearts, our sexuality, how we feel about home and family, she also symbolizes our dedication and devotion.
Aries: you need to keep your individuality at all cost, you are the kind of person that is committed towards your goals and you are bold when you truly desire something. It’s best to work alone or have a leadership position. You can make a lot of sacrifice in your way of success. Sexually will be a good idea to let go of old ideas and explore outside of your comfort zone. You need to learn how to better communicate your boundaries. There can be a tendency in selfishness, impulsiveness and no patience when it comes to work.
1st house: vesta here it’s show you the importance of the relationship with yourself is and that even if it’s in a more peaceful sign you’ll still feel the need of independence even in close relationships.
Taurus: when you are grounded you can do anything in order to fulfil your goals. Usually, you tend to be committed towards yourself and your stability, you have feelings of responsibility over the loved one but that doesn’t mean automatically that you’ll trust them with your finances. Sexually it will be a good idea to be intone with your body and understand what works for your and what doesn’t, tape into your sensuality, you may have the tendency to use sex as a form of payment in order to obtaining affection or intimacy. You also have the tendency to be quite stubborn in your commitments and dedications.
2nd house financial security is very import to you and you are good at managing your resource, don’t shy way when someone close to you comes asking for help. Careful in overworking yourself, take breaks when you need them.
Gemini: unlike Aries, you are meant to work with others, usually you should be pretty good at communicating your ideas and probably you are highly intelligent and good at connecting people. The difficulty with this placement it’s that it can be hard for you to commit to a specific interest. Sexually you may be interested in anything new sometimes without thinking about it to much. The advice in your situation is to listen to your body and mind in order to make the good decisions, also you need to communicate clearly when something is not right for you.
3rd house: you can help others by expressing your ideas and thoughts, you can have a close relationship with your relatives, you may need to take breaks from socializing in order to clear your thoughts.
Cancer: vesta here has a very nurturing behaviour; you need a safe environment in order to pursue your goals. You have a high emotional intelligent and you are able to give to everyone the emotional support that they need, just be careful in not sacrificing your own emotional needs for the benefit of others. Sexually you need to feel safe in order to enjoy your sexuality, learn what it means a safe partner for you and to feel safe in your own body. You need to heal the maternal wound and work on your trust issues.
4th house: this placement can indicate that growing up you had a lot of responsibilities but now you like to create your home environment safe and lovely. People may come to you and feel as if they are finally at home, you can help them rebalance the chaotic energy that they come in with.
Leo: you are highly creative and need space in order to express yourself fully. You may have artistic qualities or simply you may like to entertain and play a lot of group games. You will need to follow your heart and be truth to yourself and order to shine. Don’t let others define you and restrain your creativity. Sexually you may need to learn how to express your emotions in a non-dramatic way  and hold space for them. You’ll need to learn self-acceptance and self-love in order to be able to choose partners that make you feel love and wanted.
5th house: vesta here can indicate that you put all your heart when it comes to your work and you need to enjoy truly that task in order to feel fulfilled, you may also be a dedicated parent to your children or work great with children
Virgo: you are a dedicated person towards your work and you need organization and structure in order to be productive. You tend to be over critical and perfectionist which sometimes may be in your disadvantage. When you feel overworked it’s a good idea to take breaks and don’t push yourself. You can be a great healer. Sexually you need to understand that sex is not an obligation or a competition and you should listen only to what your body needs and feels. You will be able to enjoy it once you heal your mind.
6th house: you may need to be careful with your health and take care of you first before taking care of others, you have a good job ethic that your proud of, you can be good at working as a healer or with animals
Libra: you work best when you are teamed up with someone else and need that in order to stay focused and dedicated. Your romantic relationships are important and you require equality in them above everything else. You are the type of person that can get along quite easy with others. Sexually, you may have the tendency to not speak when something is bothering you or not working for you, boundaries is an important theme that you must learn. 
7th house: with vesta here, the most important lesson it’s to have a balance between what you give in partnerships versus what you take, it’s ok to put your need first.
Scorpio: this is a very powerful placement, you can go though a lot of difficulties in order to obtain what you want. You may need to learn how to not be extremely possessive and to have a lighter approach towards life and your partners. Sexuality it’s very important with vesta here and you may have a deep fear of being cheated on. You can be very intense and may see sex as something sacred. You may also have quite a few kinks. With this placement you can be extremely loyal to the partner you thing deserves it.
8th house: with this placement you may need a lot of intensity and soul merging like sex, since sex will be quite important for you as well with vesta here. You may also have an interest in the occult and the mind-spirit connection.
Sagittarius: you need freedom to pursue  your goal as you see fit, in a work place you may need constant mental stimulation. If in negative aspects this placement can create anxiety and a feeling that you are without purpose or having troubles in find your purpose. Sexually you may be very fluid and understanding once you evolve past shame, vesta here can empower you to explore the world through embracing your sexuality.
9th house: with this placement you may need to learn how to tap into your wisdom also wisdom plays an important part in your life. People may come to you in order to offer them clarity.
Capricorn: vesta here can be great at being disciplined and focused when it come to their goals. You can take a while to set a goal because you are very careful and you analysed it from different perspective but once you decided nothing can stop you. Sexually you may be a late boomer and you may not understand why people hurry up. You need to learn that it’s ok to let yourself go completely once you find the right partner.
10th house: vesta here can mean that other people may want to worship you or to treat you as the most precious thing.  This placement indicates also the need to have a cause that has meaning and importance to you.
Aquarius: with this placement you may be interested in technology and humanitarian causes. You may not feel comfortable in a corporate work environment and an entrepreneurial career will be better suited for you. You are high individualistic but in the same time you care deeply about your friends. Sexually you may need a partner that it’s open to try everything but do your research before trying something. You may be prone to multiple partners and also need a lot of freedom in your sex life.  
11th house: this is a placement for people that usually do a lot of volunteer work, you may enjoy bringing people together for a greater cause.
Pisces: there is a lot of emphasis on spiritual work with vesta here, you are highly intuitive and creative. When you commit to someone or something they become part of you. Usually, you show people that they need to believe in themselves first. Sexually, you are highly empathetic and you can get easily manipulated by others ( especially people with Pisces moon). You need to respect your body and learn to but very hard boundaries, see the red flags, you don’t take sex just for the sake of it you feel it all.
12th house: vesta here can put a lot of emphasis into your mental health, you may have an interest into everything that it’s mystical and hidden. You may need to be careful in not confusing spirituality with mental health. You may need a lot of time for self-care and that’s it totally ok.
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astrologged · 8 months
Retrograde asteroids in the birth chart
Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Eris aren't planets, they're asteroids. When they go retrograde in someone's birth chart, they can offer extra information about that person's character and life events.
Ceres Retrograde: Ceres is associated with nurturing, motherhood, and the cycle of life and death. When Ceres is retrograde, they have experienced challenges or difficulties related to nurturing, either in their early upbringing or as a parent themselves. They need to work on issues related to self-care and providing care to others.
Pallas Retrograde: Pallas is associated with wisdom, strategy, and problem-solving. In retrograde, Pallas indicates that someone's analytical and strategic abilities are turned inward. They might struggle with decision-making or find it challenging to express their wisdom to others. Self-reflection and introspection can help them access their inner wisdom.
Juno Retrograde: Juno represents partnership and commitment, particularly in marriage. When Juno is retrograde, someone faces challenges related to forming and maintaining partnerships. They have a more internalized approach to their relationships, making it essential for them to work on understanding their own needs and expectations in partnerships.
Vesta Retrograde: Vesta is associated with devotion, focus, and commitment to a particular cause or mission. In retrograde, someone struggles with finding a sense of purpose or may have difficulty fully committing to a specific path. They need to explore their inner motivations and passions more deeply.
Eris Retrograde: Eris is associated with discord, chaos, and transformation. In retrograde, someone's experiences of conflict or disruption are more internalized. They struggle with their own inner demons or hidden conflicts, and the process of transformation is more personal and introspective.
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krakenmare · 2 months
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Dawn: steep slope on Vesta (August 26, 2011)
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pixel--moon · 2 months
Sailor Asteroids Transformation Pen V1 ✨
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💛 Sailor Ceres
🩵 Sailor Pallas
❤️ Sailor Vesta
💚 Sailor Juno
[insta 1] [insta 2]
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occatorcreator · 3 months
What other worlds have you made into people? (Also Vesta fairy)
I made a lot of worlds into people
Like a lot a lot
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Like i remember asking awhile back if I should draw concept art of the asteroids first or other areas (like planets, moons of Jupiter) and ended up designing roughly 42 asteroids, lol. And I still plan to draw more moons and planets!
Most are background characters, trying to experiment sizes and body types as asteroids would be very asymmetrical, unlike the more rounded dwarf planets and planets. It was honestly fun to go wild with some of the designs!
And the “fairy wings” are technically not wings. They’re clothing/accessories that help the smaller bodies navigate and “fly” through the solar system. They can be removed and transform into weapons, but most don’t do this. Everyone has their own unique pair, but I like to imagine that you can tell if someone is an “asteroid” vs a “centaur” by looking at their wings.
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chibinotan · 11 months
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kakiastro · 1 year
Asteroid Series
Topic: Vesta (4)
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Who is she?
-she is the Goddess of the Hearth, Home, State, Family, Virginity, Sacred, sacrificial fire
-she is the first born child Child of Kronos (Saturn) and one of the 12 olympians
What does she rule in astrology?
- she’s known as “keeper of your spiritual flame”
- serious devotion to your plans, ideas, person or ideals
- work
- can indicate celibacy but it indicates having deep inner passion that can manifest into creativity (take what resonates)
Where do you have Vesta at in your chart?
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harmoonix · 1 year
Attractive Placements in the
Birth Chart
🌺 Part 3 🌺
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It's been said and done
Every beautiful thought's been already sung
And I guess right now, here's another one
So your melody will play on and on, with the
the best of em
You are beautiful, like a dream come alive
(Both harsh and harmonious aspects applying, square, opposition, conjunction, sextile, trine)/Minor aspects applying (Biquintile/Quintile)
Pluto - Sun aspects 🌺
Venus - Pluto aspects ✨
Mars - Sun aspects. 🌺
Neptune - Mars/Venus aspects ✨
Ascendant - Sun aspects 🌺
Ascendant - Pluto/Venus/Mercury/Jupiter aspects ✨
Neptune - Ascendant aspects 🌺
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Jupiter - Mars\Venus aspects 🌺
Jupiter/Venus in the 1st/2nd/3rd houses ✨
Pluto in the /1st/4th/7th/10th houses 🌺
Venus - Midheaven aspects ✨
Midheaven at, 5°, 17°, 7°,19°, 2°, 14°, 8°, 20°,10°,22° degrees 🌺
Venus - Ascendant aspects ✨
Uranus in the 1st/2nd/5th/7th/10th houses 🌺
Lilith in the 2nd/5th/8th/10th/11th houses✨
Lilith/True Lilith - Venus/Mars aspects🌺
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Asteroid Eros [433] - Mars aspects 🌺
Asteroid Eros [433] - Venus aspects ✨
Asteroid Eros [433] - Ascendant/Sun 🌺 Aspects
Asteroid Eros [433] - Midheaven aspects ✨
Asteroid Eros [433] in the 1st/2nd/5th/7th,/8th houses 🌺
Lilith - Pluto/Neptune aspects ✨
Midheaven - Lilith aspects 🌺
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Vesta Asteroid [4] - Venus Aspects 🌺
Vesta Asteroid [4] - Mars aspects ✨
Vesta Asteroid [4] ascendant aspects 🌺
Vesta Asteroid [4] in Pisces/Libra/Leo/Scorpio can make someone very romantic and attractive ✨
Vesta in the 1st house can make you very pretty, lovely and attractive 🌺
Vesta in the 2nd house can give you a very good appearance and body ✨
Vesta in the 7th house can make you and also your partner/spouse to look 🌺
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Here is another post if you don't have any placements from this post maybe you will find some here🥰
@harmoonix ©2023
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moonsherbet · 1 year
i think ✨HESTIA (#46)✨ shows the bonfire: where you invite others to join you, where you make them feel welcome (sacred law of hospitality)
while ✨VESTA (#6)✨ shows you the wildfire: the flame you tend for yourself, the fire that keeps *you* warm
if that makes sense!
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evangelinesbible · 1 year
💩 POST 5
⚜️ Some of the most magnetic, classy, and extremely admired woman in Hollywood have Taurus MC
Alexa Demie, Margot Robbie, and Marylin Monroe
⚜️ Chart Ruler in the 10H in your TALENT PC can mean having a career that pertains to your natural talents (depends on the planet and sign) or could just mean gaining recognition in your career because of your natural talents
⚜️I have Vesta conj. my venus and I think that’s why I never hated math in school. In fact I quite enjoyed it unless the teacher was mean or if I wasn’t paying attention in class then it was kinda hard and annoying.
⚜️Virgo placements also seem so clean/hygienic especially Rising and Venus
⚜️Check the Fama asteroid in your vertex, born and/or north node persona chart to see if you are potentially meant/destined to be famous. It’s REALLY good if it’s conjunct NN, Vertex, MC, ASC,Jupiter, or Sun
⚜️If Scorpio was a smell it’d be dark chocolate and raspberries
⚜️North node at 28° in natal or vertex pc can mean that you were meant to achieve global recognition/ become a household name and achieve great wealth.
⚜️I feel like if you and your partners moon signs aren’t really that compatible you can see if each others Venus PC moon signs are.
⚜️Sun conj. Vertex in Descendant PC could mean that you are meant to be with someone who’s confident and gives you confidence
⚜️If your 3H ruler is Venus than you probably really like romance books and you probably think about love/ beauty a lot.
⚜️Chart ruler in the 7H in your Descendant PC could mean that you tend to be very devoted and loyal in all of your partnerships. You’d probably do anything to please your partner but you might get cheated or your trust is betrayed a lot because it is also the house of open enemies
⚜️Cancer Rising/ Venus Rising/ Pisces rising/ Chart ruler 4H in Mars PC could mean that you wait for an emotional connection before having sex with someone. Or at least that’s what you prefer.
⚜️Aphrodite conj. Sun in Mars PC could mean that when you put all of your energy into something you look amazing while doing it. You look absolutely gorgeous when you’re confident in your sexuality and sex.
⚜️I kinda think Topher’s a water sign.
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a-d-nox · 2 years
masterlist of roman myths & legends
last updated: october 25th, 2023
masterlist of myths & legends
paid astrology reading options, prices, and rules
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abundantia (151)
achaemenides (5126)
amalthea (113)
amor (1221) / cupido (763 / h40)
bacchus (2063)
camilla (107)
ceres (1)
cybele (65)
diana (78)
flora (8)
juno (3)
question about juno in virgo and juno in gemini, juno positively aspecting mercury, and negatively aspecting jupiter
romulus (10386)
salacia (120347)
vesta (4)
question about vesta-isolda aspects in synastry
question about vesta-karma aspects in synastry
roman asteroid observations
part 1 (coming soon)
part 2 (coming soon)
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my “suggest a post topic” button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
copyright terms
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astrologged · 1 year
Vesta in the 12 signs
Vesta (4) represents focus, commitment, and dedication. 
Vesta in Aries: You have a strong drive and passion for achieving your goals, and can become fully immersed in your work or projects. You may struggle with finding balance between your personal and professional life.
Vesta in Taurus: You are devoted to creating stability and security in your life, and you have a talent for managing finances and resources. You may need to guard against becoming too attached to material possessions or routines.
Vesta in Gemini: You are curious and love to learn, and may find fulfillment in intellectual pursuits or teaching others. You need to guard against becoming scattered or unfocused in your interests.
Vesta in Cancer: You are deeply committed to your family and loved ones, and may find fulfillment in nurturing others or creating a comfortable home environment. You may need to guard against becoming too emotionally attached or dependent on others.
Vesta in Leo: You have a strong sense of purpose and are drawn to creative or performance-oriented fields. You may need to guard against becoming too focused on your own ego or needing constant attention and recognition.
Vesta in Virgo: You have a strong work ethic and attention to detail, and may find fulfillment in service-oriented or healing professions. You need to guard against becoming too perfectionistic or critical of yourself and others.
Vesta in Libra: You are committed to creating harmony and balance in your relationships and environment, and have a talent for diplomacy and mediation. You may need to guard against becoming too focused on others' approval or losing your own sense of identity in relationships.
Vesta in Scorpio: You have a deep and intense focus, and may be drawn to fields related to psychology, research, or transformation. You need to guard against becoming too obsessive or controlling in your pursuits.
Vesta in Sagittarius: You are devoted to exploring and expanding your horizons, and may be drawn to fields related to travel, education, or philosophy. You need to guard against becoming too restless or scattered in your interests.
Vesta in Capricorn: You are committed to achieving your goals and have a talent for leadership or management. You need to guard against becoming too rigid or workaholic in your pursuits.
Vesta in Aquarius: You are devoted to ideals and are drawn to fields related to social justice or humanitarian causes. You may need to guard against becoming too detached or aloof in your relationships.
Vesta in Pisces: You have a deep and intuitive focus and are drawn to creative or spiritual pursuits. You need to guard against becoming too escapist or lost in your own fantasies.
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