#Vault Kid
agodth · 4 months
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Vault Kid, yay!
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dailyenglishvoca · 5 months
Today's song is Beneath The Virtual Sky by Flanger Moose and Vault Kid featuring the Vocaloid Hatsune Miku
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datura-tea · 26 days
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defending each other after someone called both of them gay
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
I know Wayne Manor probably looks as normal as possible to avoid visitors suspecting the family's past time activities..
but also I highly doubt Bruce was able to avoid making some obscure changes to the Manor just based on the fact that his children are fucking feral.
Some of the windows are either boarded up, or have cages on them from the inside, and to an onlooker, they'll probably think "Oh those poor kids, being caged inside like animals, unable to get fresh air. I always knew that Wayne guy was sketchy. "
but it's literally just because his kids won't stop launching themselves head-first out of the windows whenever Bruce is mid lecture. doesn't matter if they're on the 4th floor.
sometimes visitors will get a closer look at the inside of the place and see a lot of things baby proofed, which is weird because "Aren't all of Wayne's kids old enough to not get themselves hurt like babies do?"
No, Sharon, do not underestimate the power of 6 hyperactive children combined in a room together, they will absolutely get themselves hurt in some way.
some furniture and objects are just straight up bolted to the floor, and everyone just assumes Bruce is a perfectionist or a micromanager, but Bruce literally had no other option since his fucking kids keep throwing shit at each other, and sometimes they just do it to get the other's attention or because they just felt like it. Sometimes they'll even throw each other
I just need some DC comics that acknowledge that the Manor has some additional features that were integrated after Bruce's countless experiences with each new weird ass child he gains.
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emelinstriker · 13 days
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Have more doodles of VH!Wukong I did a while ago during vc streams :D
Also a Jedi!Wukong as bonus because there was also a recent urge of doing a Star Wars AU, but my hyperfixation isn't strong enough on that besides him being a Jedi and MK being his Padawan, so I only did one
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sas-afras · 3 months
i kinda don’t get people who characterize maccready as like… secretly generous, or having a heart of gold or anything. like don’t get me wrong i don’t think he’s downright malicious or anything, but the dude is absolutely a selfish jerk once you get past the charming facade. that’s the part that’s compelling!
like, he’s nice enough and open enough with the player once you get high enough affinity with him, but his reactions to player actions still point to him being a jerk overall. the sosu just happens to be in His Circle of people he can be vulnerable with. that includes you, his son, and maybe daisy. everyone else can kick rocks, the same way it was in little lamplight
he HAD to grow up with that kind of “us vs the world, every man for himself” mentality in the capitol wasteland. doing so otherwise gets you killed or taken advantage of, which is just protracted death anyways. having grown up in a place where slavers run rampant, people are all pushing each other further down just to boost themselves up and live one more day, and it’s literally impossible to make renewable food sources because the ground is so poisoned i genuinely don’t blame him for ending up a little tight fisted. the fact that he was the mayor of little lamplight just meant that he ended up being able to accept a few people as His To Protect instead of being a total lone wolf.
the way he reacts to the players open generosity isn’t just for show, he Actually Dislikes when you give stuff away without expecting anything in return. you might need that thing and now its just gone!! that person might see you as a sucker! you give an inch and they’ll take a mile! and it makes sense for his character to be like that considering everything. i don’t get why people want to change that into him just being kind of tsundere.
i understand that having your babygirl blorbo comfort character be a canonical asshole in ways that aren’t just kinda charming can be offputting, but like…. the way he treats the sosu is a very notable exception to the rest of his life & it’s a much more interesting dynamic imo. especially if you’re playing a goody two shoes martyr. but that’s just me
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riyo-soka · 2 months
Identity Crisis has probably been my favourite episode of season 3, because it really drives home just how morally bankrupt the empire is on every level. The vault isn’t holding corpses or imprisoned Jedi, it holds children. Children who have names that no one around them will say. Children who desperately want to go home. Whatever they have planned for Omega, it’s likely going to be just as despicable as what they’re doing to those kids.
And just to emphasize what a rotten institution it is, the only concern about Hemlock’s work that anyone within the empire raises isn’t that they’re stealing infants from their families to experiment on like lab rats. No, what Tarkin and his ilk find questionable is that the projects going on at Tantiss are too expensive. It’s genuinely sickening
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hellenhighwater · 6 months
Man, if you guys think the current minotaur sculpture is sad, you should see what I'm gonna make in january
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carthonasi · 1 month
It’s been like a week now but I can’t stop thinking about what could have been going through Moldaver’s head when she saw Lucy and Norm for the first time in years when infiltrating Vault 33
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tsuchinokoroyale · 10 months
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If nautical nonsense be something you wish 🎶
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agodth · 1 month
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I know I already posted this (probably) but I am cleaning my gallery and found this and it's so funny to me. XD
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vaultgirl2077 · 1 year
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Confirmed Bachelor 💉🥼
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Fuck, that hurt
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emelinstriker · 13 days
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I think it's time to finally reveal it and introduce y'all to my third AU. Based on one of my all-time favorite games since like a decade ago.
I've only been posting about it on the Discord server so far, so here you go. c:
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datura-tea · 11 months
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some rest for the wicked
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mishy-mashy · 4 months
This was on a separate post but I think it should have its own (also because I went off-track when I first wrote this)
Remember when Midoriya was trying to wake up a Quirk as a child, trying to pull the couch toward him or breathe fire?
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This was him trying to use his parents' Quirks, in the hope he inherited one of theirs.
Inko could pull small objects. Hisashi could breathe fire.
Anyway this is a [Midoriya has AFO] post and [DFO is real]-
Anyway please listen? If his dad was AFO, and passed on that Quirk to little Midoriya, it makes sense that they all considered him Quirkless.
All For One starts as a blank slate. It has no Quirks available, because none were taken yet. And if no Quirks were stolen, nevermind passing through the user to be bestowed to others, then AFO at the base level is the equivalent of being Quirkless.
Midoriya having AFO would leave him as Quirkless. And he never would've known if he had AFO, because he thinks his dad just breathes fire. AFO's existence is just an urban legend to people back then.
Midoriya wouldn't be able to breathe fire if AFO was his dad, because that was never his Quirk.
Even if he did have a fire-breathing Quirk, AFO holds onto random ones like Naval Laser. It could just be one of those gags.
All For One is a quirk that takes. One For All decides to be given.
Midoriya, rather than take, was instead given Quirks, and sees people's goodness. He isn't selfish at his core. He's too optimistic. This is the opposite of AFO, which takes and gives—Midoriya was on the receiving end of being given, by OFA.
If Midoriya had a natural AFO, it makes sense that he's Quirkless. It also makes sense that he can handle multiple Quirks from OFA; because the nature of AFO is being able to wield multiple Quirks in one body.
AFO looks for Quirks that are easy to use, and straightforward. Midoriya ended up with Quirks that he has to strategize and think with, and even Bruce mentions his brain couldn't do all the processing, which is why he froze up.
Midoriya is past the point of Singularity. Yoichi says this when he first tells Ninth "You are not alone". But Midoriya is completely fine.
He only breaks his bones. He doesn't deform and become something the human body warps to be able to contain the Quirks. He got a good deal, when considering what Shigaraki became once.
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He has OFA's Quirk Factor, but that Quirk Factor stores up Quirk Factors within itself. We can deduce that from Bruce saying only Danger Sense's Factor was stolen. It's naturally a stockpiling power similar to AFO that Yoichi had forced on him, and at its very base, Bruce called an "unformed dud".
Now, it's more grown from all the strength and Quirks stockpiled. Even if OFA counts as one Quirk, it still holds multiple Factors inside itself, so it might as well be the same as multiple Factors to the body. When Shinomori explained his life shortened because of multiple Quirks, he shows all the users before him, rather than the more-common "One For All is glowing in my hand" or "One For All is a flame" image to show the crystallization of power. Though it could just be to show the individuals adding to the short-life..
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In the void, we see OFA vestiges are inside the vault, according to the door's face. On the other side, like when Yoichi was alive, could be AFO.
Midoriya sees the goodness of people. He said Eri's power was gentle, and always affirms that she saved him when she tries putting herself down. He says Shinso's Quirk is amazing, and he'd make a great hero. When seeing Chisaki while fighting Nagant, he just said he'd talk to him later, and promised to fulfill her promise if he was willing to direct his regret toward Eri. Kudo says he should hate Bakugo, but Midoriya looks at the heart, and believes in that.
AFO only sees the Quirk first. He looked at Ragdoll, decided to take the Quirk and didn't care for what happened to her body afterwards. When he looked at Best Jeanist, he applauded his use of his Quirk to save everyone, but then knocked Jeanist down anyway, saying it required too much work, so he didn't need the Quirk.
Midoriya having AFO and OFA would make him an intersection. He's born with AFO, but because he believed he was Quirkless, had grown up being put down, and knows what it's like to be weak. Born with AFO, but seeing the unequal world, and being given OFA because he wanted to save people and be a hero.
Y'know, this sounds a lot like Yoichi. Believed to be Quirkless because his Quirk required someone else, and therefore was unfinished and "non-existent". Even AFO didn't realize it existed because it was so weak.
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Midoriya wanted to save people. He has AFO. He's living what AFO could've done [saving others] and embodying Yoichi's belief ["the power to give and take could have been the kindest in the whole world"].
All For One is blank. AFO only had an Ability he could use because he stole his mother's at birth.
Midoriya didn't. His Quirk should've come when he turned five. And he didn't know about AFO. He doesn't even have holes in his palms
If there's no holes in his palms, either his Quirk Factor is elsewhere, or manifests differently in said hands. In which we consider Inko: she can pull small objects toward her
It's possible for Midoriya to have a combination of AFO and Inko's Abilities. He tried pulling objects, but he never tried pulling people or Quirks.
If Midoriya can take Quirks from a distance, and AFO, like OFA, stores Quirks within a single Factor, then Kudo could be saying to let go of One For All so he can make room for All For One's Factor. Midoriya would have the capacity for it.
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