#This was fun and totally unexpected :D
hisui-dreamer · 11 months
IM SURE THIS DOESNT SURPRISE YOU BUT!!! for the 1k event i was thinking soulmate au with azul (HEHE) except its the doodle one? LIKE WHERE YOU DOODLE ON YOUR BODY AND YOUR SOULMATES GETS THE SAME MARKINGS YK
and i have a habit of doodling sea creatures like octopi and morays on my arms and hands so i think it'd be cute for him to like, take his gloves off one day and just see a little eel on the back of his hand :((( squishy guy <3333
headcanons or a drabble is totally fine, whichever one is easier for you!!!! thank you for easing me into this fandom :(( i will never be able to thank you enough for making my anxious ass WAY less nervous <3 and no pressure if this doesnt inspire you ofc hehe you're never obligated to write anything !!! :D
the doodles that drew us together
Pairing: Azul Ashengrotto x gn!reader
Synopsis: Azul thought all his life he didn't have a soulmate...
Tags: soulmates au (doodling), reader is yuu, fluff, comfort, reader likes sea creatures, bot proofread
Word count: 591
Notes: aubbie thank you so much!!! I'm so glad we became moots, you're one of my closest friends and everything I see something azul related I think of you haha! I hope you'll enjoy this azul soulmate au ♪⁠ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)
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Azul had been fascinated by the idea of soulmates as a young mer
it was something that gave him hope, that despite all the other mean mers who would make fun of him, there was someone out there who would understand him and love him
and so he kept drawing on his arm, doodles of shells and other fish that caught his eye
but there wasn't any response.
maybe his doodles were too ugly and his soulmate didn't like them?
and so he learned to draw better, drawing again and again, hoping he would get a response
but still not a single mark would appear on him
it had been a tough blow to him, but he eventually accepted that he didn't have a soulmate
if he was going to be alone for all his life, then he had to take care of himself (because nobody would)
he became super greedy and selfish, always prioritising himself and his materialistic needs
although he also had a friendship with the tweels, he really only befriended them because they could help him out (but he did get attached to them over time)
and so, he opened the mostro lounge and became the sly businessman that we all know
on the first day of his second year, as he was going over documents after closing the lounge, he felt a slight tingle in his hand
Azul's eyebrow rose in response to an unexpected sensation. A peculiar warmth, like a gentle caress, emanated from the back of his gloved hand. Intrigued, he swiftly removed his gloves, revealing smooth, pale skin. A gasp of astonishment escaped his lips as his eyes fell upon a minuscule masterpiece, a tiny, adorable octopus delicately inked in pen.
"Is this...real?" Azul murmured, his voice tinged with disbelief. A surge of hope surged through his entire being, dispelling the weight that had burdened him for far too long.
With a trembling hand, he grasped his own pen and cautiously began to sketch his own octopus upon his wrist, with one tentacle reaching out, holding hands with your octopus.
And he can't stop he smile that graces his lips when a little heart appears between the two octopi.
What a hectic day it had been! For a magicless student to arrive in NRC and for him to finally connect with his soulmate!
Oh. Azul had to speak to said magicless student as soon as possible.
when the two of you start being a couple, Azul does everything and anything for you
when you're in exams and your nervously doodling sea creatures, he'll draw some flowers nearby to help calm you down
no he doesn't help you cheat by writing you the answers, he's already given you the perfect study materials, you shoud put in some effort too
he gets jealous if you draw other sea creatures too much though, especially moray eels
he lets you work at the lounge with a very high pay, making sure you're not working too hard, and always offers to tutor you if you're struggling
his soulmate had to go to a different world just to find him, you'll be sure he helps to settle in and hopefully never leave again
Insert clingy octopus wrapping his tentacles all around you because he can't bare to let you go
when you have dates and appointments, he'll help remind you by writing on his arm
this man has waited for you his entire life, he's ready to lay the world down at your feet if you ask him to
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btnclmrttn · 6 months
Nsfw alphabet with saitama
I know is a lot but is up to you, hope you are alright these days!
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NSFW ALPHABET(+18) - Saitama
[Kicking ass, hon! Thank you for your patience with this. I hope it satisfies your request!]
A = Aftercare
His go-to is taking a bath with you. Cleaning up the mess he made of you (and on you) and cuddling until the water isn’t so warm anymore. He doesn’t notice how clingy he is, as he doesn’t want anything less than his arms wrapped around you for the most part. 
B = Body part
On him, his hands. Shit, he's strong, and his hands have something to show for it. They’re so gentle with you and adore having your waist fill them. He loves your waist area. Holding it and letting his thumbs run along your back or drawing circles around your stomach.
C = Cum
Loves fucking you until cum starts trailing down your thighs or slopping against him. A visual reassurance he’s making you feel good. Also likes pulling out and cumming on your hole, smearing it on you with his tip before sliding himself back in and going for a second round right there. He likes doing that almost as much as just cumming inside you.
D = Dirty Secret
Would so love to walk in on you masturbating one day. He’s thought about it so many times. He wants it entirely unexpected, so he doesn’t ever bring it up, but he has his hopes.
E = Experience
Well, he's got the gist of it. He never had the best luck with dating and didn't like it casually, but he's read and watched about plenty enough not to be ignorant about how the general of it goes.
His attitude is that he would rather have a connection with someone and learn about them thoroughly versus quick satisfaction, so whatever needs to be hands-on to learn, he's ready and willing.
F = Favorite Position
Being able to see your face is what he wants most. So ASIDE from somn basic, he likes holding you up either against a wall or with your legs wrapped around him. He isn’t so bummed about being so strong anymore since he can do that to you.
G = Goofy
So fucking goofy. He was so shy and nervous the first time you two did it he had to be a bit goofy to relax. Now, it's just his thing. He loves hearing you laugh, too, while you're having your fun. It makes it more intimate for him
It's also pretty hot to him how your laughter blends with your moans.
H = Hair
I = Intimacy
Aside from being goofy he is a total cornball, too. Absolute goober. Holding you close and whispering all the sweet things, taking his time, looking you in the eye, and occasional random kisses on your forehead. Lots of non-verbal cornball shit
J = Jack Off
He doesn’t do it as much now that he’s in a relationship. Did it a lot when living alone and being so bored all the time. These days, it only happens when he’s been away from you for too long.
K = Kink
I will die on this hill. He started liking it more and more when he figured out it wasn't hard for him to do it by accident—being overstimulated himself, though? Loves it. He wants to see how much he can push himself and take it. He'll whine and grip the sheets so hard he could tear them, fumbling over his words
"I can take it. I can take it."
L = Location
Perfectly content with keeping it in just the bedroom. He wouldn't feel that comfortable doing it outside unless there was certainty no one would be able to stumble on it (i.e., on the roof of a tall building or a middle of nowhere ass location). That and also some of the annoying inconveniences of what you could run into kill the mood for him
M = Motivation
It isn’t difficult at all to get him going. Oh, and especially if you make him something really good. Seriously, if you ever make him something that he likes a whole lot, it’s damn near some foreplay. Quickest route to getting fucked good.
N = NO
Not into any pain play of any kind. No biting or manhandling. He's too strong and would hurt you, which is the last thing he wants to do. Also doesn't want to be mean. Degrading is a no-no. 
O = Oral
Loves recieving for sure he ain’t quiet about that. When giving, he enjoys you thoroughly. He eats you up like he’s savoring his last meal and is in no rush at all. Not stopping just because you came either. 
P = Pace
Overall prefers to be slow and sensual. Making love like he's just stupid drunk off you. It's the intimacy of it that he favors. You might get surprised sometimes though; when you're getting closer and closer that's when he starts being rough and just has a massive grin on his face as he messes with you that way. You know he's plotting overkill when he's cheesing more than usual.
Q = Quickie
Absolutely! He could make it quick if need be. It’s not something he would do often intentionally, its more of a last option to you both being busy and a little sexually frustrated. He’d still prefer to “make it up to you” whether a quickie was resorted to or not.
R = Risk
For sure would try about anything at least once within your guys boundaries. Why not? It’s not often he has a suggustion, but when he does you gotta wonder what’s running through his head when he’s quiet. He don’t even know some shit he says can be considered kinda freaky and is so nonchalant about it. 
S = Stamina
Strongest guy in the known universe. No need to guess! It's great that he doesn't tire out until he doesn't and you are whipped. You're in control of when you two stop. He could go all day, and would. He'd be so down for just a day of nothing but nasty.
T = Toys
They are so damn expensive and that irks him. However! Dude will use anything you already have. Once he realized how much of a friend these devices were, it became a weapon. Straight-up murder. His overstimulation kink would go berserk. That being said, any toys that use batteries are his enemy. Batteries get expensive with a kink like that.
U = Unfair
Quite a bit but he's still a bit goofy. "You sure? Absolutely sure? Positive?"He does it mostly for laughs, or because you thought you could do the same and he's giving it back. As much as he likes to just take his time touching you it messes with you eventually. Oh but if he's in the middle of just tearing you up and he's got you all a noisy mess, he's looking to push your buttons.
V = Volume
Mostly it's his heavy, trembling breathing that makes the most noise. He's more vocal when he's getting closer Cursing under his breath and moaning your name. If you want a crybaby, though, you can get one if you play into that overstimulation kink. Just don’t get another noise complaint on you guys 
W = Wild Card
Mutual masterbation would be so enjoyable for him. You get a whole full view of how he looks at you and how hard you make him, and watch how he tries so badly to let you finish by yourself instead of swoop in and make you come himself. It drives him NUTS.
X = X-Ray
Considering how average he presents himself, it would fit that he's also average in the pants. Not huge, not small, not super girthed up or anything. 5 and some odd inches is the average.  Throwing in though he has the most excellent Adonis belt you could feast your eyes on because of all that training he did.
Y = Yearning
Higher than you’d assume. As chill as he seems it’s just a bit surprising. He’ll jump from his chill state to horny. Being as quiet as he is though it’s just hard to catch on to when naughty thoughts start cycling until they finally get to him. 
It makes him relaxed enough to fall asleep not to long after, but he can hold out until he knows you’re properly taken care of. That sleep is about to be deep as hell, though
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biasbuck · 22 days
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Happy WTF Friday everyone?! YIKES ON BIKES. That sure was an episode.
Back again with another round of the fic I've been reading this week. You can find previous rec lists here. As previously I'm here for henren and all buddie/bucktommy/buddietommy configurations...and apparently this week, all of heroic_pants' Buck and/or Eddie with Josh fic?!
Bring on the drama. *eyes next week's potential list like...welp*
10 May 2024
a mouth full of teeth and nothing to sing by @cal-daisies-and-briars A HEN CENTRIC FIC!!!!! I'm living. Post 07x03, Hen struggles to process the cruise ship rescue and drunk driver call in the midst of ongoing tension with her friends. In which Hen gets the apologies she deserves and gets to vent her frustrations, whilst also self examining her own actions. Fantastic crunchy characterisation.
time will tell by @bekkachaos '5 times Hen and Karen suspect Buck might not be one hundred percent straight, and 1 time they realise they were so damn right. aka., Henren knows and they occasionally speculate about Buck, and Eddie, and now, Tommy.' For everyone absolutely thriving over that reaction in 7x06.
Better Late Than Never by @pop-me soft semi-somnophilic sapphic henren married vibes which I ADORED. Pillow princess Karen, as she deserves. A gorgeous little slice of life domestic scene that was truly so loving and sexy, loved it.
and my heart and my hat by Anonymous (who are you mysterious author, I love your Tommy voice SO MUCH!) This was such a great Tommy POV from 7x03-7x04, charting his feelings from the moment Chim calls him to ask for his help with the cruise ship search, through to the kiss. I really enjoyed the whole ensemble camaraderie of this fic, Tommy's perspective on Hen, as well as the lovely moments where we see all the ways Buck just being Buck is charming to Tommy. So enjoyable.
raspberry. by @buckttommy good lord...hot!!!!! Buck, Tommy, a gay club, a handsome stranger, exhibitionism and some exploratory D/S vibes. This was just *fans self* super sensuous and unabashedly queer, I loved it.
And if you threw a party, and invited everyone you knew by @pantsaretherealheroes In which 'Eddie wakes up the morning after Maddie and Chimney’s wedding with a hangover, and unexpected bed-mate, has a panic attack and a hell of a realisation. Josh makes coffee. They talk.' This is ultimately a buddie fic, but with some glorious supportive Josh along the way, with just the right amount of cattiness too. I just really loved this dynamic and odd couple vibe.
are we still friends? can we be friends? by @pantsaretherealheroes ok how about that, but instead Buck and Josh genuinely have a casual dating set up and all sorts of fun together, mutually agreeing to keep each other in the loop if it stops being what they want. Meanwhile Eddie is PINING, and Maddie is feeling some kind of way about it all. I just really enjoyed the maturity of the dating within these parameters, and the complicated feelings along the way.
treat your mouth as if it's heaven's gate by @bucktheally this is the fourth part in an bucktommy alternative meeting bright as the morning, soft as the rain series in which Tommy was never part of the 118, but can also be read standalone. Look this instalment of the fic got me totally enchanted the moment that Buck set himself up with his laptop 'intent on Wikipedia’ing himself into the queer community in-between naps.' Perfect characterisation. No notes. The fic is sexy, sweet, and I love the development of their relationship set up from this initial premise. Buck just loves to learn!
Won't Be Long Before I Belong by @justaswampdemon a post madney wedding coda fic in which Buck accidentally comes out via soot and Tommy meets everyone. Sweet, tender, gentle and caring.
PS - once again sending out the signal to ask if you have any henren authors/fic recs I should check out PLEASE let me know! I love them!
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The Apocalypse Club
(ao3) (art 1) (art 2)
Valerie, Kwan, and Paulina find out Danny's biggest secret while Amity Park is invaded by a strange new ghost. Now, all four of them have to work together to save the day. ...If they can stop fighting each other first.
Hey!!! this is my @invisobang piece for 2023!!!! it hits in at about 15k words and i got to work with @minnowmarsh and @trolithfoxyflint for the amazing art that comes with it! now you crazy kids have fun reading :D
“How,” Valerie said when she could talk again.
Danny shrugged and looked away. His face was tinted green, though whether from nausea or the swirling portal on the wall of the lab, she couldn’t say. Kwan didn’t look much better, ashen gray, hair sticking up in all directions from how much he’d been pulling it. Paulina’s eyes hadn’t left Danny’s face since…
Well, since.
“Is that the most important question right now?” he said, rummaging in the desk.
Yes, she wanted to scream. But it wasn’t, and she knew it wasn’t, just as much as she knew that he was avoiding the question.
But she was a professional. She’d worked with… Danny… before. She could put aside her personal feelings until they were safe.
“What’s the plan?”
“We need allies,” he said, still not looking at her. “The only place left to find them is the ghost zone.”
“What?” Paulina said. “You want us to—to go in there?”
“What about our families?” Kwan said.
“Isn’t it super dangerous in there?”
“Look, your families’ best chance is if we get help. And you don’t have to come with me, but I think it’s more dangerous to sit here and wait.”
Valerie rolled her eyes. How was she ever friends with these two? Here they were, whining about danger, when they were missing the most obvious issue with this plan. “Where are we going to get allies in the ghost zone? The whole thing’s just full of ghosts!”
Maybe it was a trick of the light, but for a moment his eyes flashed acid green. Her hand snapped to the ectogun on her hip. “You’ve worked with ghosts before, Val.”
“No, I’ve worked with you before, and who the hell knows what you are.”
The words spilled out her mouth like poison, acid. She didn’t know if she meant them or not, but she did notice his full body flinch.
(She filed away the sore spot for future reference.)
“Jesus, Val,” Kwan said, running his hand through his already messed up hair.
She looked away. “Sorry.”
“Look, I have allies in the ghost zone. Even some enemies who, push comes to shove, will help me out if only so they get to kill me themselves. I’ve never seen or heard of this ghost before, okay? If it’s this powerful, and I’ve never heard of it, that’s a really, really bad sign. We need all the help we can get and we can’t afford to be picky about where it comes from.”
Valerie stared harder at the wall. Her skin crawled at the thought of making nice with ghosts. “Easy for you to say.”
“I’m working with all of you, aren’t I?”
Valerie’s eyes snap to meet Paulina’s, then Kwan’s. She’d forgotten, somehow, that Paulina and Kwan (and she, once upon a time) had always treated him and his friends like garbage. She’d forgotten that for all that Phantom was her enemy, she’d once used his cousin (or whatever that relationship actually was, who the hell knows anymore) as bait to capture and torture him.
“Fine,” she said. Deliberately, she dropped her hand from her gun. “So how are we doing this?”
The ghost zone was a lot… greener than Paulina expected. It made sense, in retrospect: green was the color of ectoplasm after all, but in her head she always imagined it to have more of a Sam Manson aesthetic. Black. Maybe some purple. But deep and dark and depressing.
(Last time she saw Sam Manson, Manson’s eyes were totally black and she was clawing at Paulina’s face, spittle flying from her mouth. Not a totally unexpected reaction, she had to admit, but there was no intent or reason, just pure feral violence.)
“So,” she said, “where exactly are we going?”
“The Far Frozen,” Fenton said, hands white-knuckled on the steering. “I have friends there.”
“It, uh, sounds cold,” Kwan said. “I didn’t bring my jacket.” More like a swarm of zombie-football players had tried to drag him down by his collar and he’d only escaped by letting his letterman jacket slide off.
“Frostbite’ll have coats.”
“And what is Frostbite?” That was Valerie, still glaring at Fenton like he’d pissed in her Cheerios. Paulina really didn’t understand what her issue was. Sure, Paulina was shocked to find out that Fenton was her beloved ghost boy, but she was more awkward than angry. Valerie seemed to take the whole situation personally.
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“He’s a yeti.”
“A yeti? A dead yeti?” Paulina crossed her arms. “Are you telling me that yetis are real?”
“Look, not all ghosts were once alive. Sometimes, they’re the ghosts of beliefs or ideals or stories. Things we used to think about and believe in. Pandora’s here, too, along with a lot of pantheons, but they won’t tell me if they were ever alive.” Fenton’s lips curled up in a little smile and his face softened. “I’ve been trying to weasel it out of them for months.”
They lapsed into another brief silence before Fenton spoke again.
“Look, if you have any other questions… now might be the best time. It’ll be a bit before we get to the Far Frozen, and I don’t know if we’ll have any time after that.”
Paulina had a million questions, but she couldn’t think of one she wanted to ask right now. How? Why? When? That could all wait until after the day was saved. Her nerves were still twitching and she dug her fingers into her wrist to stabilize, remember the now and not two hours ago, watching Star, black-eyed and snarling with one arm bent out of shape, leap for her throat. She said nothing.
“Are we… just gonna stay in the For Frozen?” Kwan said. “Like, while you save the world?”
“Far Frozen, and yeah. That was the plan.”
“I’m not staying in some frozen wasteland so you and your ghost buddies can fuck up saving the world.”
Paulina couldn’t help staring at Valerie. What the hell was she talking about? Phantom—Fenton—Danny had saved the world plenty of times before.
“I was talking about Kwan and Paulina, Val. I know you’d never stay out of it.”
Valerie curled her lip. “Just so we’re clear. I have to keep an eye on you, anyway.”
“What is your deal, girl?” Paulina said. “If you two are our best shot at saving the world, being pissy at each other isn’t going to help.”
“Stay out of it!”
“The world is ending! We don’t have time for you to be stubborn.”
Kwan shrank back at their raised voices. “Uh, I don’t think this is a good time to fight, either.”
“Of course you don’t. Since when do you ever think for yourself?”
“Shut up! Just be quiet, all of you. Jesus.” Danny turned around to glare at them, his eyes flashing green. “Valerie and I have worked together before even though she hated me. We can do it again.”
Paulina wasn’t so sure about him using “hate” in the past tense there, but Valerie was nodding.
“I can put my personal feelings aside to save the world, and fuck you for thinking anything different. But then, I guess you never thought much of me, did you?”
“What are you—”
“Seriously? You have to ask?”
Paulina bit her lip. When Valerie’s dad lost his job, Valerie lost everything. Including her friends. Like Paulina. No, she thought after a moment, I suppose I don’t.
Danny groaned from the front. “I changed my mind. No more questions. Let’s just… be quiet.”
Paulina had to agree.
The Far Frozen was, in fact, cold.
Kwan shivered in just his black t-shirt, but truthfully, his letterman jacket would’ve only helped so much. This was a bitter cold, a deep-winter cold that took three blankets, a hot chocolate, and fuzzy socks to banish.
Kwan really hated the cold.
“Great One!” the yeti in front of them said, arms (one of flesh and fur, the other of ice and bone) spread wide like he was offering a hug. Was it some kind of yeti cultural thing?
Fenton jumped up and embraced the creature. Apparently, it was just an offer of a hug.
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“What brings you to my domain?” the yeti said once he put Fenton down. “And with such strange company as well!”
Fenton rubbed the back of his neck. “We need your help, Frostbite.”
Kwan’s teeth started to chatter. Valerie and Paulina’s arms were dotted with gooseflesh, alongside his own. How was Fenton not fucking freezing?
“Can we have this conversation inside?” Paulina said, rubbing her arms.
“W-w-w-with jackets?” Kwan’s chattering teeth brought out a stutter. Embarrassing. “Ma-y-be a f-fire?”
“Of course!” the yeti said. “Your fragile human bodies require excess warmth to survive. Please, follow me.”
The yeti, who introduced himself as Frostbite, led them to a cave where they were each presented with a delightfully warm coat, almost thick enough to banish the cold from Kwan’s bones.
Valerie spent the whole trek glaring at Frostbite like she expected him to turn around and start biting the second she took her eyes off of him. She kept one hand on her blaster the whole time. Kwan couldn’t imagine going through life with that kind of paranoia. It must be exhausting.
The cave itself was almost cozy. It was decorated, had furniture and artwork and books like it was someone’s office. With a jolt, Kwan realized that it was an office. Frostbite’s, most likely. On the wall, there was a portrait of Phantom (Fenton?) standing victorious. What the fuck.
“What’s with the whole ‘Great One’ thing, by the way?” Kwan said.
“It is demonstrative of our unending love and gratitude for the Great One, who saved us all from subjugation at the hands of the villainous Pariah Dark!”
Valerie snorted. “‘Villainous.’ Like you’re not.”
Frostbite tilted his head in confusion. Kwan hated to admit it, but it was kind of adorable. “I am unsure what your meaning is. I assure you that we denizens of the Far Frozen have no villainous aims with any friend of the Great One.”
“I’m not gullible enough to believe you.”
Frostbite opened his mouth to reply again, but Fenton cut him off.
“Just ignore her, Frostbite. You’re not going to change her mind and we don’t have time to argue. A new ghost is attacking Amity Park, and we need your help.”
It all happened so fast.
All four of them escaped by sheer luck. Kwan managed to dodge the football team and hide in the bleachers next to Paulina, who’d nearly been bitten by Star and Sam in the bathroom. Valerie put on the Red Huntress suit as soon as she realized what was happening, giving her some protection against the spreading infection. And Danny?
Well, Danny could fly.
Danny stumbled upon the other three by chance, checking through the school for anyone who’d managed to avoid the plague, though he didn’t have much hope. He’d found Kwan, Paulina, and Valerie—two useless people and one who absolutely hated him.
Still, he couldn’t leave them there, unprotected. He grabbed Paulina and Valerie hoisted Kwan on her hoverboard and they’d raced to FentonWorks.
He’d intended to stay in ghost form the whole time, but he hadn’t realized that the infected were still capable of reason, at least on some level. That their attacks weren’t mindless. That his mom could hit him with an ectogun that would short out his powers, however temporarily.
And now three new people know who he is.
Three new people who he can’t trust in the slightest.
(What if they tell people? His parents? The school? The Guys in White?)
But he can’t worry about that, because the world is ending.
“I see,” Frostbite said after Danny had explained the situation. “This is… worrisome. If it escaped—”
“It? Frostbite, do you know what this is?”
“Mm. It sounds like Pestilence.”
Danny frowned. “Like… pesto?”
Paulina scoffed and whacked Danny on the head. “No, idiot. Pestilence. Like disease and stuff.”
“Yes. Considered by certain branches of Christianity to be one of the four Horsemen that herald the apocalypse.”
“One of four? You mean there’s three other horse-guys?”
“Indeed. The belief in this specific end of days has largely died out in the modern day, so the Horsemen became ghosts. However, they were so dangerous, so suddenly, that we ghosts banded together three hundred years ago to seal them away. If one of them is out…”
“...then the others might be out, too.” Danny rubbed at his forehead. “This gets better and better. What are the other three?”
“War, Famine, and Death,” Paulina said, counting them off on her fingers. Valerie raised an eyebrow at her. “What? Everyone knows that.”
“You are correct, Delicate One.”
“Um, my name’s Paulina.”
“None of those sound good.” Kwan scratched his head. “Also, why is Death separate? Don’t War and Famine and Pestilence all kill people? Does Death extra kill people or something?”
Frostbite shrugged. “How should I know? I’m already dead.”
“Can you be dead if you were never alive?”
“In any event,” Frostbite said, “your best chance is to put Pestilence back before any of the others break free.”
“And how are we supposed to do that, ghost? We barely escaped in the first place!”
Valerie had a point: they knew what they were fighting, now, but it didn’t solve the problem of we can’t beat this guy. Danny rubbed his temples. Maybe if he could get Skulker to work with them, Skulker would help convince the rest of the Ghost Zone and they might actually have a shot.
“Your best chance is finding the Panacea.”
Danny scrunched his eyebrows. “The what?”
“Panacea is, like, a mythical elixir thing that can heal any disease.” Danny, Kwan, and Valerie stared at Paulina, who was tapping on her phone. She looked up at them and rolled her eyes. “What? Everyone knows that.”
“Okay, so where’s this Panaderia at?” Valerie said.
“Patience, Suspicious One. Allow me to explain.”
“What the hell did you just call me?”
“The Panacea is hidden in the far reaches of the Ghost Zone, near Pariah’s Keep.” Frostbite pulled out the Infi-Map from his desk and rolled it out on the desk. “Legend tells that Pariah wanted it for himself, but could never get through its protections.”
“Protections? Like—ghosts and shit?”
“Not quite. The story goes that there are three trials one must overcome to obtain the Panacea. The first is a trial of courage. The second is a trial of compassion. And the third is a trial of truth.”
Valerie threw her hands up in the air. “What the hell does any of that mean?”
“The legend does not specify.”
“Of course,” Paulina said, “because when the world’s at stake, you want as much ambiguity as possible.”
Courage, compassion, and truth. Well, Danny was decently brave. He spent half his time fighting ghosts, at least, and protecting people. It had to count for something. Compassion… he could probably work on that part, but he did care about people. That’s why he protected them. Truth?
That was a little stickier.
He lied, all the time. It was for a good reason, but he wasn’t sure the trials would see it that way. Maybe he would just have to tell the truth in the moment? Ugh, this whole thing was so complicated.
Maybe Valerie would do better at the truth thing. Though, she also had a secret identity. Whatever. They’d figure it out.
Lost in his thoughts, Danny didn’t notice Valerie approaching him until her hand wrapped around his arm and she pulled him away.
“Woah, what are you—” Danny squeezed his eyes shut as he was yanked back into the bright light of the outside. The snow sparkled in the glow that permeated the Ghost Zone almost like sunlight, but half as warm.
“If you and I are going to do this, we should have a plan.”
“A plan for what? We don’t even know what these trials will look like.”
Valerie’s hand tightened around his bicep. “So you just want to fly in blind? Hide behind me and let me figure it out so you can swoop in and ‘save the day’ or some bullshit?”
“That is not remotely what I—”
“Save it! You’ve been lying to me this whole time. For years. And I—I actually thought that you cared about me, which is the really stupid part.”
“I do care about you, Val.” Danny reached for her arm and she flinched back. He sighed and stared at the ground.
“No, you don’t. You can’t. Ghosts don’t care about anything or anyone. You just like the attention. You like the praise. You may have everyone else fooled but I see what you are. No more tricks, Phantom.”
Danny choked out a laugh. “And you wonder why I lied to you.”
Valerie sneered. “No, actually. It all makes perfect sense, ghost.”
His eyes stung, which was stupid. They really didn’t have time for him to go cry in a corner because Valerie didn’t like him. But his feelings didn’t care about the facts, and tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.
“Whatever,” he said, and he tried to ignore how his voice cracked. “Let’s just get through this.”
“Yeah,” Valerie said. “Let’s get through this and then never talk to each other again.”
He’d really thought he could talk to her, if she ever found out. He’d really thought he could convince her. That hurt the most, he realized: he’d always known she’d be mad, but after what happened with Dani, there should’ve been room for them to be friends as Valerie and Danny and as Red Huntress and Phantom.
He was the stupid one, it turned out.
“Okay. If that’s what you want.”
Valerie turned away. “It is what I want.”
They fell into awkward silence.
Distant screaming cut Danny off.
Somewhere along the way, wires had gotten crossed in Danny’s brain. Screams of terror and pain were usually a sign that people should stay away. If some did get closer, it was usually out of curiosity and panic would take over once that curiosity was sated. Danny, of course, ran straight for the danger every time.
So he wasn’t surprised, exactly, when one of the yetis, eyes dripping black, lunged for him. He’d run into enough fights that ducking out of the way of her claws was second nature. Beside him, Valerie blasted the infected yeti away. Of course. Valerie was just like him: she ran into danger.
“We need to get out of here!” She fired again at another yeti, snarling in the snow.
Danny reached for the electric cold in his chest, but it was still weak and flickering from the gun his mom had used. He was powerless.
“Danny!” Before he could blink, something slammed into him and he was speeding away from the yetis on Valerie’s jetboard.
“Wait—Wait!” Struggling to stand on a fast, open-air vehicle, he pulled himself up using Valerie’s shoulder and she shot him a withering glare. “We can’t just leave them there!”
“Us getting infected doesn’t help anyone, and you trying to play hero to get on my good side won’t work anyway.”
“I’m not—” The jetboard tilted to avoid a leaping yeti. “Why won’t you listen—”
“I did listen to you! And you lied. So I’m done with that.”
Valerie angled down to the cave entrance where Kwan, Paulina, and Frostbite were and jerked to a stop. Danny couldn’t stop his momentum and tumbled off onto the floor of the cave, landing at Paulina’s feet.
“Um, hi?” Paulina said.
“We have a problem,” Valerie said.
Apparently the “problem” was a horde of zombie yetis right on Valerie and Danny’s tail. Paulina thought “problem” was underselling it a bit.
One black-eyed yeti burst through the opening, only for Frostbite to slam his flesh arm into it, knocking it into another oncoming yeti. He then hit a panel on the wall and sealed the cave shut. Panting, he lumbered over to Danny, green goo staining his pristine white fur, grabbed the map-thing off the desk, and thrust it into Danny’s arms.
“Great One and friends, you must take the Infi-Map and find the Panacea.” The yeti looked down at the goo (his blood?) and groaned in pain. “I fear I shall soon turn as well.”
“Frostbite…” Danny said, reaching out one hand like he wanted to comfort him. And wasn’t it weird, to think of a ghost needing comfort?
“Great One, you do not have time to worry about me. Help me by bringing back the Panacea and saving us all. You must go now, before I lose my rationality and attack you as well.”
Danny squeezed his eyes like he was staving off tears. “Okay. I—okay. I’m sorry.”
Paulina felt bad for the dork (hero), really, but they so didn’t have time for this. She latched onto his arm and yanked him away from Frostbite, who was starting to snarl. “Thank you, Mr. Frostbite,” she said. “Now let’s get the fuck out of here.”
“Everybody hang on,” Danny said, opening the map. Paulina tightened her grip as Valerie and Kwan grabbed on. “Take us to the Panacea.”
Frostbite jumped at them, teeth bared, and the map whisked them away in a green light. Paulina wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but this was not it. The sudden acceleration stole a scream from her throat, and the rush of air brought tears to her eyes. The last thing she saw was Frostbite’s icy arm, outstretched, and then she could see nothing but motion.
There was nothing to do but hang on for dear life, then all of a sudden they were standing again, in a cavernous hall. Paulina wobbled on her feet, then vomited.
A hand rubbed at her back, and she turned to see Kwan, awkward half-smile on his face. “You okay?”
The hall was massive and crumbling, stone pillars in pieces. A mosaic pattern tiled the floor, and she looked up to see a perfect reflection in the roof, except for a couple of holes where the swirling Ghost Zone peeked through.
“I’m fine,” she said. “Except for, you know.”
“Yeah, that.” She bent over and spat a couple times, trying to get the taste out of her mouth. She’d lost her water bottle sometime in the multiple life threatening situations they’d been in in the past 4 or so hours, so saliva was her best option. “We weren’t supposed to be here. We were supposed to just sit there in that frozen wasteland and be safe. I can’t do this, Kwan.”
“But you have to, now,” Valerie said. Her voice was firm, but not unkind. “We’re all here, and there’s no half-assing this like you half-ass school, alright?”
“Excuse you?”
“We both know you could do just fine in school if you tried, Polly! You’re smart, girl. And we need smart on this mission, not smart trying to be stupid.”
Paulina stared for just a moment, then laughed. “Girl, that was the most backhanded compliment I’ve ever heard.”
Valerie rolled her eyes, but the corners of her mouth twitched like she was trying not to smile. “At least it was a compliment.”
“Setting our bar real low here, huh?”
“Paulina, when my dad lost his job, you all dumped me as soon as you heard. I lost everything, and then I lost all my friends. You’re damn lucky I’m not just cussing you out.”
The words were almost humorous, but there was a bite to Valerie’s tone now. Paulina couldn’t blame her.
“Listen, I wanted to say—”
“Guys!” Danny's voice echoed through the chamber. “I found something!”
Paulina swore as Valerie and Kwan both ran over to where Danny stood in front of a massive double door.
“Is that—”
“Yeah,” Danny said. “I think it’s the entrance. The trials are probably through here.”
“So,” Kwan said, pushing on the giant stone doors, “how do we—”
As he spoke, the doors lit up and slowly, slowly, rumbled open.
“Huh,” Kwan said.
It was dark inside. The glow of the Ghost Zone seemed to come to a complete halt, swallowed by whatever was beyond the threshold.
Paulina didn’t like it.
“Let’s all go through together,” Danny said.
Paulina nodded, grabbing Danny and Kwan. She couldn’t speak, her mouth suddenly dry. Why was she here? She wasn’t ready for something like this. She couldn’t save the world! Oh god, she needed to get out of here—
As one, they stepped through the door.
Kwan blinked.
It was the Casper High cafeteria, except the Casper High cafeteria should be overrun with Pestilence’s zombies right now. But there was Dash and Paulina and Star (wasn’t Paulina back—where—what—what… day was it? Tuesday? Right, right. They had an essay due in Lancer’s class. Of course. Kwan had stayed up all night writing about… writing about…)
“Dude!” Dash said, waving Kwan over. “You ready to pummel Brantford tonight?” The last part of his sentence became a shout, directed at the whole cafeteria. Students applauded. Dash stood with one leg on his seat and one on the table, a true showman. Over in the corner, Danny Fenton, Sam Manson, and Tucker Foley rolled their eyes. Dash threw his milk carton and beaned Fenton (Danny?) in the head. Milk splashed down his head.
Something twisted in Kwan’s gut.
Dash let out a roar and ripped off his shirt, tearing it in half. The cafeteria screamed in approval.
Kwan grinned up at Dash. For all his flaws, Kwan loved this guy.
(black, black blood dripping from his mouth and eyes, Dash snarling, reaching for Kwan—)
Kwan jerked back and tore his eyes away. Dash didn’t notice as his best friend looked for the exit. Kwan’s heart pounded. It wasn’t real. Not real. Just a bad dream. Or was this…?
In the background, Valerie (his friend? not his friend? no, no, they’d dropped her because she’d lost everything, right? but no, no that was cruel, too cruel even for Dash and Paulina, that couldn’t be right) was sneaking out the door just as Danny Fenton gasped and rushed in the same direction.
Something wasn’t right.
“Hey dude,” Kwan said, “I gotta run to the bathroom.”
Dash didn’t acknowledge him. He was leading the cafeteria in the Casper High fight song.
Kwan ran after Valerie and Fenton (Danny), bursting through the cafeteria doors just in time to see them turn the corner. “Wait!” he said, sprinting toward their shadows. Rounding the corner, he saw the Red Huntress and Danny Phantom (Valerie and Fenton—Danny, Danny, it’s Danny, Danny wants to be called his name, remember that he has to remember that—it was Valerie and Danny behind the heroes, he knew that, though he wasn’t sure how he knew) fighting a ghost.
It was massive and ugly, all claws and teeth and glowing fur. Kwan couldn’t see any eyes, but he’d learned after years of dealing with ghosts that that didn’t necessarily mean that it couldn’t see. It had six legs and two jaws that opened in concert to let out an earsplitting screech.
Glowing green spittle flew out of its unholy maw and landed on Kwan’s letterman jacket. Gross.
The ghost slammed Danny into a locker with one leg and used another to pin Valerie to the ground. It lowered its face to Valerie’s, ready to take a taste.
“Hey!” Kwan said, throwing the first thing he could grab—his phone—at the ghost. It bounced harmlessly off its head, but startled the ghost enough that Valerie was able to slip out of its hold and Danny was able to knock it down. A flash of light from Danny’s thermos, and the ghost was gone.
“Are you okay?” Kwan said. Valerie’s suit retracted and Danny transformed back into Fenton. Both of them were bruised, Danny cradling his ribs, but they were upright.
“We’re fine,” Valerie said with a glare.
“Hey,” Kwan said, holding up his hands in surrender. “I’m just trying to help.”
“Yeah, right.” Danny snorted and looked away. Kwan could still see milk in his hair.
Kwan frowned. “Look, I know it wasn’t much, but I’m just a guy! I did what I could!”
“Yeah, you did. Probably saved our lives with that phone.”
“So what’s the problem?”
“You only care because we’re heroes!” Valerie got in his face so he could clearly see the bruise lining her cheek. “You wouldn’t care if we were hurt because your bestie decided he wanted a punching bag. Helping the Red Huntress and Danny Phantom isn’t a risk to you. It makes you a hero! You’re so cool for helping to save the day. But you’d never help Valerie and Danny because what if someone saw ?”
“That’s not…”
“Face it, Kwan. You’re a coward. Always will be.”
Then they were gone, and Kwan was alone in the middle of a destroyed hallway.
“Kwan,” Dash said, “we need you to be on your a-game for this. They’ve got a real beast on their D-line, and you’re the only one with a chance of keeping him off me. I don’t wanna spend the whole game with my ass on the grass, so I’m counting on you, okay?”
Kwan blinked. They were huddled on the field, in full pads. Dash was giving the pre-game directions. It was gametime. Wasn’t it lunchtime? Or… was he… what?
“Uh, yeah! Yes. I’ve got it. Big guy, coming right at me. Yep.”
Was he going crazy? Something was wrong. Something other than what Valerie and Danny had said to him.
(And it was wrong, it had to be. He wasn’t a coward. He faced scary stuff all the time—a hazard of living in Amity Park. He couldn’t be a coward.)
The nameless d-lineman stared him down, eyes black as pitch behind the grill of his helmet. Kwan took a deep breath as he lined up against him. He could do this. This was easy. He was made for this.
A flash of green in his peripheral vision caught his attention. He turned his head just as Dash hiked the ball, and his mark blew right past him, laying Dash on the ground while Kwan stood, dumbly staring at the green he knew had to signal another ghost attack.
“Kwan!” Dash ignored the hand offered by one of the other offensive linemen. “What the hell, dude?”
Kwan jerked back. “What?” He took in the scene: Dash, with a clump of grass stuck in his helmet and dirt on his jersey. The ball, being moved backward by the referee. His teammates, glaring at him. “Oh. Oh, sorry. Just—I think there’s a ghost over there?” He pointed at the green light.
“So?” Dash said. “There’s always a ghost. Leave it for Huntress or Phantom to deal with. We’ve got a game!”
“Yeah. Yeah!” Danny and Valerie could totally handle it. They were heroes. It’s what they did. And football was what Kwan did. Division of labor and all that stuff.
And the thing is that Kwan was really good at football. He was the best left tackle in the state, easy. His coach said he could be the next Tony Boselli—though, hopefully without the injuries. With his mind on the game, no one got even close to Dash before he’d thrown the ball.
The forest glowed again. Kwan ignored it. There were eight minutes left on the clock for the second quarter.
A piercing scream floated over the field. Kwan turned to see Valerie, in her Red Huntress gear, slam into the ground head-first before being dragged back into the woods like a limp puppet.
“Oh shit.” This was bad. Valerie was hurt, bad. She wasn’t half-ghost like Danny. She was just a person. She needed medical care, and fast.
Could Kwan help?
Should Kwan help?
Kwan shook his head. Head injuries were no joke; he’d heard it from Coach often enough. Valerie needed help, and she needed it now. There was no time to wait for someone else to realize the problem.
He turned to leave the field.
“What the hell are you doing?” Dash said, catching his arm just as he reached the sideline.
“She’s hurt,” Kwan said. “She needs help.”
“We have a fucking game to play.” Dash’s fingers curled in the grill of Kwan’s helmet and jerking him around so their helmets clacked together. This close, Kwan could see the faint line of Dash’s eyelashes, the bright blue of his eyes. He thought about apologizing. He thought about kissing him.
How long had he been in love with his best friend? More importantly, how long had he let his best friend be an asshole because he loved him?
“I’m an idiot,” Kwan said.
“You don’t hear me arguing! Now get back on the damn field.”
“No.” Kwan almost continued, almost listed everything wrong with Dash, all the times he’d put everyone else around him down, all the people he’d hurt, how he’d hurt Kwan, even, but Dash would never, ever hear him. He knew that now. “I’m outta here,” he said instead, ripping off his helmet and sprinting toward where he’d last seen Valerie and Danny.
The world vanished.
Kwan blinked, and he was back in the chamber, staring at Valerie, Danny, and Paulina. “A test of courage…” he said to himself. 
It was just like the room they first came into: a little more together, more whole, but otherwise almost identical. Across the room was another massive set of double doors. He turned around and saw the door, the first chamber beyond it. He’d barely stepped inside. It couldn’t have been more than a second or two.
“Yeah,” Valerie said with an eye roll, “that’s what we’ve been say—”
Kwan cut her off by sweeping her up in a hug.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m sorry that I never stuck up for you. I’m sorry that I hurt you. I’m sorry that I was too scared to help you even when I knew it was wrong.”
Valerie froze, stiff in his arms. “What?”
“You were right, this whole time. I was a coward and a jerk and I’m sorry.”
Kwan could feel Danny and Paulina’s eyes on him, but for right now, all his focus was on Valerie.
“What the hell are you—”
“I was a really terrible friend to you. We all were. You were hurting and we all made it worse.”
Valerie pulled back. “You’re serious. This… you mean this.”
“Yeah. I mean it more than anything I’ve ever said to you before.
“You—do you think I’ll forgive you? Just like that?”
Kwan let her go. “No. You always could hold a grudge.” He looked her in the eye. “I still needed to say it.”
Valerie nodded, a rough jerk of her head. “Okay. Just so we’re clear. Not forgiven.” She looked off-balance and confused. It figured, since Kwan had very much just dropped this on her with no warning. Whatever vision he’d received, it seemed like it was limited to him and only him.
“That’s okay. Let me know if it changes?”
Valerie stared at him for a long moment, brow furrowed, before it smoothed and one corner of her lips curled in a smile. “Whatever.”
Kwan grinned. “I’ll get there.”
Paulina coughed. “Uh, not to break up a tender moment, but can we save it for after we get the magic potion?”
“Unfortunately, Paulina’s right,” Danny said. “Not that this isn’t great, but we need to figure out the test of courage. We’re running out of time.”
Kwan was pretty sure he’d already seen it, but he didn’t even know where to begin with explaining. Instead, he said, “Danny! You, too! I was also a jerk to you, when you didn’t deserve it and I knew you didn’t deserve it. I’m so sorry about that. I wanted to be liked but I—”
“Woah woah woah,” Danny said. “I… appreciate it, but we really don’t have the time right now, dude.”
“No. No, see, this is exactly the time. I think this is my test, okay? Well, some of it. Part two, or whatever. Part one was this weird vision thing that I had to go through like some kinda fucked up dream. And I think part two is—well, bringing it into the real world.” Obviously, he couldn’t bring the ghost attack and the football game into this real world, but realizing he was wrong? Taking responsibility?
He could do that.
“How is apologizing to us a test of courage?” Danny said, head tilted in confusion.
“I was scared of… something really fucking dumb, now that I think about it. And I hurt people because of it.” Kwan glanced at Paulina, who was looking anywhere but his face. “I’m not going to let it control me anymore. And I’m sorry that I ever did.”
Silence for a moment, like the room was holding its breath, then the entire chamber began to shake. The doors at the end of the room swung open and revealed another pitch black unknown beyond them.
“Wait. That was it?” Paulina said. “You’re telling me the Ghost King couldn’t get through these trials, but Kwan did it by saying I’m sorry?”
“Woo!” Kwan said, pumping his fists in the air. Take that, Mr. Lancer’s final exam. Who was going to achieve nothing in life now? Not Kwan, he passed the Trial of Courage. Official and capitalized. Helping to save the world and all that shit.
“Well, let’s not look this particular gift horse in the mouth. Are we all ready for the next chamber?” Danny said.
Paulina coughed. “Hang on, does anyone have a breath mint? My mouth still tastes nasty.”
“Oh, yeah.” Kwan fished in his pocket and held out a stick of gum.
“Ooh, can I have some?” Danny said.
“Sure, dude!” He grabbed three more sticks of gum, handed on to Danny, who grinned, stuck one in his mouth, and held out the last one for Valerie. “Val? You want in on this?”
Valerie stared at the gum like she thought it might bite her. “Yeah,” she said after a moment. She took the gum with her thumb and forefinger, delicately. “Yeah, okay. Thank you.” She cleared her throat. “Let’s get a move on.”
As they headed for the inky blackness at the far end of the room, Kwan felt something grab his arm. He whirled around to see Danny, hand curled around Kwan’s elbow.
“Thank you,” Danny said, “for, y’know.”
“The gum?”
“No. Well, yes, but that’s not—I meant for apologizing.”
“Oh. Oh! Yeah. Honestly, should have done it forever ago. Just kept coming up with excuses, y’know?” Kwan laughed. “An apology was really the bare minimum.”
Danny let go of his arm and started walking again. “You’d be surprised. I can’t remember the last time anyone apologized for hurting me.”
“Dude, that’s messed—”
They crossed the threshold.
Paulina was much more confident going into the next chamber. These trials were easy! If all Kwan had to do was apologize, then compassion was probably something like saving a kitten and truth was something like—well, she was less sure about that one. Maybe just telling a secret? Or something?
Except—something was different. Last time, they’d walked in and immediately the chamber had brightened. Kwan apparently had some weird vision as part of his trial, of course, but none of that happened.
Instead, it was still pitch black, and she could no longer feel Valerie’s arm where she’d latched on, or Kwan’s hand. “Guys?” she said, and her voice was swallowed by the void. “Hello?”
“—see her haircut?—”
“—the look on his—”
“—honestly thought I liked her!”
Paulina’s voice, first a whisper, then louder and louder until she couldn’t hear her own thoughts. Her laughter, shrill and piercing, reverberated through the space. She pressed her hands over her ears, but it did nothing to block out the noise. Her head started to pound and hot tears leaked out of her eyes.
“Stop it! Stop it, stop it, stop it!” She was sure she yelled the words, but she still couldn’t hear over her own laughter.
“Why? Why should I stop?”
“It hurts. It hurts!”
“Aw, but that’s never stopped you before!”
It was so loud. A sudden, sharp pain in her ear and she could feel warm liquid on the hand covering it.
“Please! Please! I’ll do anything!”
Suddenly, silence. Paulina fell to the floor with relief. She pulled her hands away from her head; the right one was wet and smelled of metal. Liquid dripped from her ear—had it started to bleed?
“Yes! Yes, please!”
“Entertain me!”
In front of her, stark against the black of the room, Valerie appeared, then Danny, then Mikey, then Sam Manson, then Tucker Foley, more and more and more of her classmates, standing and blinking in confusion at her.
But she was with Valerie and—or was she? But Manson was definitely not—this couldn’t be real. Was this real? She stared at her hand. Was she real?
“Paulina?” Valerie said. She sounded like she was underwater. The black of the room turned into a hallway. Casper High. It was—Friday. There was a football game she had to cheer for. She needed total focus for that. If only the stupid voice would leave her alone.
“I said entertain me!”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Valerie stared at her. “It’s your name, girl. Are you okay?”
“Make jokes! Like you always do. I gave you your material and everything!”
Material? Paulina looked at the crowd, and realized that all of them were… well, losers. The voice just wanted her to make fun of them?
Nothing she hadn’t done before.
“I’m better than you, apparently,” Paulina said, ignoring the pit in her stomach. “What were you thinking with that outfit?” It was a dumb, dumb comment. Low effort. It was just—in that moment, Paulina couldn’t think of anything to mock. Nothing about Valerie seemed worth jeering at.
Valerie looked down at her—admittedly, fine—shirt and frowned. “Jesus. What is your prob—your ear’s bleeding!”
Sure enough, pus and blood painted the palm of Paulina’s hand, and she could still feel something rolling down her neck.
(“Still”? When did this happen?)
“We need to get you to the nurse’s office,” Manson said, crouching down beside her. Why was Paulina on the floor?
“Oh,” she said. Manson offered her a hand up, and she took it. “Thank you. Sorry, Valerie. Your shirt’s fine.”
A piercing screech, metal on metal, filled the air. Paulina doubled over, hands back over her ears.
“That wasn’t funny, Polly!”
She could feel hands on her arms, but her eyes were squeezed shut and she could hear nothing but the voice and its (her) hideous laughter.
“You just want me to be mean!”
“Duh! Mean is funny, right?”
Paulina opened her eyes just enough to see Valerie, Manson, Foley, and Danny in front of her, concern in the lines of their faces. Danny’s mouth was moving.
“Look! It’s the little tech weirdo. He names all his phones. Like, unironically.” Foley stood up and directed other students away. Danny moved past her to do the same on the other side of the hallway. “Or the ghost kid. His parents were already freaks, and now he’s an extra special kind of freak. Easy money.”
“Please. Please just stop.”
“Entertain me, and I will. Tit-for-tat, babe.”
Paulina felt a sob jump out of her throat. Why wasn’t she just doing it? It hurt so bad. She’d do anything for it to stop.
So why wasn’t she doing this?
“I don’t want to!” she wailed. What she must sound like. What she must look like. Surrounded by people who had every reason to hate her, bleeding and crying and talking to nothing. “Pick something else!”
“But you do it all the time.”
“I change my mind, then!”
Was it that simple? All along? Could she just—change her mind? Be a better person?
“No you don’t.”
“I don’t want to hurt people anymore!”
The noise, somehow, got louder. Paulina vomited. Something wet trickled from her other ear. She wanted this to end. But she didn’t want to hurt people to do it. Why did she only get two options?
“So you’ll get hurt instead?”
“No!” She curled in on herself, falling back to her knees and closing her eyes again. “You’re choosing to hurt me. You could choose not to!”
“And, what? That’ll make it better? You’ll forgive me and we’ll be best friends?”
If Paulina could think clearly, if she could do anything beyond speak the first thing that sprung to her lips, she might have lied. She might have said “Of course I’ll forgive you” so the stupid voice might listen to her. This, however, was not a choice she had the brainpower to make right now.
Instead, she said: “Of course not! You’re a fucking asshole.”
“Then why should I?”
“Because I’m a person and it hurts!”
“You’re a little late to that realization, querida. Wasn’t Valerie a person when you ditched her? Do you think you can be Valerie’s friend again after this? That you can prove yourself to her or something?”
“I can’t fix it! But I can stop making it worse!”
The noise stopped. Blessed silence returned.
Paulina looked up through tear-blurred eyes and saw Valerie, Danny, and Kwan crouched over her. She couldn’t hear past the ringing in her ears
“I’m sorry,” she said. Her throat ached. She must have been yelling, before. “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
The exhaustion hit her all at once. Her ears pulsed with pain as she continued to babble apologies. The ground shook beneath her and Kwan caught her before she could topple over. A hand rubbed at her back, soothing circles, and she curled into Kwan’s chest.
“Think ‘m gon’ sleep, now, mkay?” she said, and then she was out.
“Holy shit,” Danny said, collapsing next to Paulina and Kwan and brushing the hair out of her face. “Is she—is she okay?”
Kwan held his fingers over her wrists. “I think so. Her ears are bleeding, though.”
“What happened?” Valerie said. “Your trial wasn’t anything like this!”
“I don’t know! It’s not like I’m an expert.”
“Stop yelling,” Paulina said, shifting against Kwan’s chest. “I can’t really hear you anyway.”
“Polly!” Kwan said, naked relief on his face. “Are you okay?”
Paulina pointed to her ears. “I can’t hear you, querido. My ears—it was really loud. In the trial.”
Dried blood still stained her neck. Danny had a feeling that “really loud” was an understatement.
In halting sentences, Paulina explained her trial. The voice, the laughter, the deal for making the pain stop. Danny was impressed; he wasn’t sure he would have withstood it, in her position. He could understand, now, how Pariah wouldn’t have made it through the trials.
They asked questions throughout, which Paulina couldn’t hear. It got a little better when they spoke slower and enunciated, but it would be a struggle until her ears healed, Danny feared.
“Let’s go over what we know,” Danny said, counting off on his fingers. “One, in both of the trials, only one person was picked to do the trial. Two, neither of you remembered it was a trial while it was happening, right?”
Kwan and Paulina both shook their heads, though Paulina winced as she did it. “It felt real,” Kwan said. “Like—I knew something was wrong, but whenever I tried to focus on that wrongness, it vanished.”
“I knew it was a trial at first,” Paulina said, throat scratchy, “but when it got too loud, I couldn’t really think straight. Then I was in school, and I completely forgot about the trial thing, even though the noise was still there. I forgot it wasn’t supposed to be there.”
Danny wanted to apologize to Paulina, for getting her involved in this, but he had a feeling she wouldn’t exactly appreciate it. She looked rough. Dried tear-streaks on her face that she hadn’t wiped off yet, hair a mess like she tried to rip it out, blood trails from her ears. They were pretty sure she’d burst both eardrums during her trial.
(It was a little over-the-top, Danny thought, to torture someone in a trial of compassion. Paulina had her flaws, sure, but that didn’t mean she needed to be hurt to learn a lesson. Kwan’s trial had really lulled them all into a false sense of security.)
(He could see, now, why Pariah Dark could never make it through.)
“Three, the trials seem to pick people on purpose.” His eyes slid over to Kwan and Paulina. “I think it picks based on those who… struggle the most with the thing the trial is all about.”
“Huh?” Paulina said. Right. She could only kind of hear right now.
“He said the trials picked us because I’m a coward and you’re mean.”
Danny winced. “That’s not—”
“Oh. Well, duh.”
“So, if truth’s next, it’ll be you, right?” Valerie said, looking Danny up and down.
“You’re the one with the big secrets here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, did you forget that you have a secret identity, too?” Danny felt like Valerie was probably right, all things considered. His secret was, ultimately, way bigger than hers.
Still, she was getting on his nerves. He’d known she had a grudge against ghosts, especially him, but this was getting ridiculous. For fuck’s sake, she’d worked better with him on Skulker’s island, when she thought he was a full ghost.
“No, but my dad knows all about it. And so did you, apparently, though you lied about that, too.”
“Oh, wow, two whole people. Except that I told your dad, not you. And you never told me anything! I happened to find out on my own.”
“Uh, guys?” Kwan said.
Valerie rolled her eyes. “Okay, yeah. But we broke up because I didn’t want to endanger you. And now it turns out you can take care of yourself just fine!”
“Oh, so if you knew I was half dead, we’d still be together? That’s my fault now?”
“Of course we wouldn’t. But I lied to you to protect you. You lied to me to protect yourself!”
“Yeah! I did! Now think for, like, two seconds about what I needed protection from!”
“Guys!” Kwan said. “Could you stop?”
“You know what? Maybe you’re right. Maybe it will be me. But not because I lie more than you. Maybe these tests are meant for humans only.”
Danny felt his eyes flash green. “So that’s what this is about? You hate me because I’m a freak?”
“I hate you because—”
“Okay!” Kwan said, jumping between them. “I think this conversation needs to stop immediately, before you both say… even more things you will regret. Valerie, dude, I know we’re just now trying to maybe be friends again, but as your maybe-future friend: you’ve gotta lay off.”
Danny stared and blinked at Kwan a couple times. Was Kwan… defending him?
“You’re taking his side?”
“Yeah, I am. I think you both need to cool down, but you’re wrong about this. And I think you know it, too.”
Valerie huffed. “I’m not wrong.”
Danny was so, so tired. “Okay.” He turned away and walked over to Paulina, who was still on the ground, and offered her a hand.
She stared up at him before grabbing on and pulling herself up. “She is wrong. She’s just… stubborn.”
Danny sighed. “You heard all that?”
“Bits and pieces. I got the gist. Hey, do you think the Panacea will fix my ears?” Danny opened his mouth to reply, but Paulina kept talking. “Never mind. What I mean is: sorry you had to hear that. I know you care about her, you know? It must really suck to hear this stuff from her in particular.”
“Yeah, I knew she wouldn’t take it well, but I didn’t think she’d take it this badly. I mean, she was okay with Danielle!”
“I’ll be real with you, I only caught like half of that, but, uh, who’s Danielle?”
Oh, duh. Danny smacked himself in the face. “Right, sorry. Danielle’s my half-ghost cousin. Well, we call each other cousins, but technically she’s my clone. She’s her own person, and all that but—yeah. Anyway, the guy who cloned her is also a giant asshole and he was planning to melt her down to study her remains, but Valerie helped me save her.” This time, he spoke a bit louder, and made sure to enunciate so Paulina could try to read his lips too.
“Dude. You have a clone?”
“Someone cloned you?”
“What the fuck?”
Danny laughed. “Yeah, that’s about right. He’s a real fruitloop, that Vlad.”
“Hang on—not Vlad Masters?”
Danny laughed harder. “Yep!”
“What the fuck, babe!”
“You’re telling me.”
Danny started to answer, then thought better of it. It was, after all, a long story, and he had a feeling that, although she was great at faking it, Paulina was still only catching parts of what he said. “I’ll tell you when your ears are better,” he said, tugging on his own then pointing at hers to make his point clearer.
Paulina rolled her eyes. “Fine. But I’m holding you to that! This is some juicy, juicy gossip”—Danny flashed her a panicked look—“that I will take to my grave and never speak of again.”
Paulina kept talking as they rejoined Kwan and Valerie. Mostly jokes about how he should change his ghostly outfit (“Seriously, querido, you’d look great in a crop-top!”) or about him out-gothing Sam (“You went and died! Manson will never be that hardcore.”).
Maybe he and Paulina could be friends after this.
Valerie was sure she was right.
She was sure she was right as she and Kwan waited in stony silence for Paulina and—for the others to join them. She was sure she was right as they walked in a group, the other three linking arms while she refused Kwan’s hand. She was sure she was right as they crossed into the black.
She was less sure when the room stayed dark.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” she said. She worried at her lip for a moment, then yelled, “I’m the Red Huntress! Is that the truth this thing wants?”
“Uh, yeah,” Danny said. “I already know that, Val.”
Valerie grinned, just a little. It wasn’t like anyone could see her, and the fact that he was here, too? Vindicating. “Well, look at that. It’s both of us!”
“Yeah? It’s both of us. Together. In some strange room. In the dark.”
“Okay, well I said my big truth. You say yours.”
“What? Why?”
“We need to get through this trial, dumbass!”
“Yeah, the truth trial. Obviously we’re both in it—wait. You don’t know it’s a trial! Ha, then this is totally your trial and I just got pulled in for… reasons. I knew it!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Why is it so dark? Where are we?”
Valerie waved him off, though he couldn’t see it. “Oh, that’s not important. What is important is that you need to tell the truth. Probably to me, which is why I’m here.” Yeah, that made sense. He needed to tell the truth about how he’d hurt her, how he’d hurt everyone, how he’d played hero to earn his fawning fans. He needed to stop pretending to be something he wasn’t. And she was here because she deserved to hear it directly from him.
“What truth? Again, Val, what are you talking about?”
“Stop calling me Val. We’re not friends.”
“What do you—”
“Did the trial make you forget? I know you’re a ghost.”
“I destroy ghosts.”
“But… But I’m also a human.”
“You’re a liar, is what you are.”
“For good reason.”
“No, I’m a liar for good reason. You’re just a coward!”
There was a long moment of silence where Valerie could only hear her own heaving breaths. Then, softly: “Wouldn’t you be?”
“Really? You wouldn’t be the slightest bit afraid that people would try to kill you?”
“No one would kill you.”
“You said you know I’m a ghost and then immediately threatened to destroy me.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“Oh? How was I supposed to take ‘I destroy ghosts’ then? A joke?”
“Stop trying to turn this around on me. You’re the one who needs to tell the truth!”
“What truth? You already know the secret!”
“I’m talking about the rest of it! How you lie and manipulate people, how you fake being a hero, how you ruined my life!”
“Is that what you think?”
“Is that really what you think?”
“I don’t think. I know.”
“Gah! It’s impossible to talk to you about this shit.” There was a rustling sound, like he was walking away.
“Hang on! You can’t walk away; you still need to complete your trial!” She ran to where she heard him moving, tripped, and then she was falling, falling, falling…
…and landing with a thud in the same black void.
“She’s a ghost! And I destroy ghosts.”
“But she’s also a human!”
Was that… her? Back when they had been talking about Danielle. Danielle, who was human and ghost and just a little girl. Valerie and—they had saved her from Vlad, who was also human and ghost.
“Was this a trick, too? Was Danielle a liar, too?” she yelled. No answer. “Where the hell did you go? We aren’t done here!”
Valerie twitched. That voice—
There, bright and glowing against the blackness of the room, was Danielle.
“Valerie!” Danielle said with a grin, flying forward and giving her a hug. Valerie returned it with stiff arms.
“Hey, you… Uh, I’m looking for your… cousin. Do you know where he is?”
“Danny? No, I haven’t seen him in ages. I’m kinda off exploring the world, y’know? Anyway, how’ve you been?”
“I’m—good. Look, I really need to find him.”
Danielle floated up and shrugged. “Well, he’s not here, but I can help you look.”
Valerie nodded. “Thanks, kid. And, uh, would you mind changing back to human?”
“Huh?” Danielle landed on whatever passed for the ground in this featureless void. “Why?”
“It’s just—uncomfortable, is all.”
Something strange passed across Danielle’s face.
“Oh. Well, I mean, I’ll be a lot faster if I can fly.”
Valerie clenched her fists. “Fine,” she said through gritted teeth.
Danielle’s answering smile was tense as she lifted herself through the air. “I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
“Wait, if you leave how will”—Danielle zoomed away with an impressive burst of speed—“we find each other. Great.” Valerie groaned and slumped to the ground. “They just keep running away, huh?”
“Yeah,” Star said, “I wonder why that is.”
Star and Valerie were on a hill, watching the stars. Star was really good at finding constellations, seeing connections where Valerie saw points, seeing a picture where Valerie saw light pollution, so stargazing was always fun with her. She’d always loved space because of her name, she said. She wanted to know all about what she was named after.
The moon was full and bright. Valerie could see Star clearly, half-swallowed by the long grass. It was a cool, pleasant night. Peaceful, in all the ways Valerie was not.
(She was looking for someone. To do… something.)
“It’s ‘cause they know I’m right,” Valerie said.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure.”
“Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe you need to be less sure.”
“What are you—”
And Valerie was falling again.
Detention with Lancer. Never fun, not even when he kicked his feet up and fell asleep. She and Phantom had both gotten it for skipping class to fight ghosts. The ghost himself was sitting in the back of the class, balancing his pencil on his nose and staring out the window.
After a long moment of silence, Phantom said, “You don’t have any questions for me?”
“Already know all the answers.”
“Oh yeah? Then why’d I fight Pariah Dark?”
“For attention.”
“I thought I would die.” Phantom’s tone was light, conversational. This isn’t a big deal to him, just a fact. “Like, all the way. I thought that suit was gonna kill me if Pariah didn’t kill me first.”
“You’re lying.”
The pencil fell to the desk with a clatter. “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Whenever I say anything you can’t argue against, you just claim I’m lying.”
“It’s because you’re a liar,” Valerie said without thinking.
“See! There you go again. Not addressing my actual point, just deflecting.”
Valerie opened her mouth to refute again, then paused. Calling the ghost a liar had become reflex. She didn’t have to think about anything he said if it was all a lie, after all. Then again… “But you did lie to me.”
“Yeah. I’ve been lying to everyone for years now.”
“So why should I trust you?”
Phantom shrugged. “Have I ever hurt anyone?”
“That doesn’t mean you won’t start.”
“You could say the same thing about literally anyone, though.”
“You ruined my life!”
“You told me you liked being a ghost hunter. That you like your life as it is right now. Was that a lie?”
Valerie grit her teeth. “No.”
“Then why are you so upset with me?”
“Because you lied!” Valerie yanked her hair in frustration. “Isn’t that obvious?”
“Not because I’m a ghost?”
Valerie gasped even as the word came out of her mouth. Lancer grumbled in his sleep at the front of the classroom and shifted to the side. Phantom grinned at her, showing off the fangs in his mouth.
“Wait, no, that’s not… I’m also mad because of the ghost thing! Ghosts are evil.”
“Am I evil?”
Yes, she wanted to say, but her lips wouldn’t form the word.
“Is Danielle evil?”
Danielle, screaming, dissolving into goo, and Valerie put her there—
“Are you angry? Or are you using anger to cover the hurt?”
“I—I’m not—”
And Valerie was falling again.
“One of these days, ghost,” Jack Fenton said, shaking his fist, “I’m going to catch you and rip you apart molecule by molecule!”
“She’s a ghost!” Valerie said. “And I destroy ghosts!”
“Ghosts are nothing but the imprint of a human consciousness manifesting in ectoplasm after death,” Maddie Fenton said, shocking the ghost on her table as it screamed. “They don’t actually feel anything.”
And then—
Frostbite slammed the door closed, even though he got infected. Even though he was a full ghost and shouldn’t have cared about them at all.
And Danielle flew away, young and eager to explore the world. A child, who’d never really been free before.
And Danny—
Danny laughing with her. Danny hiding with her from Dash and Nathan. Danny forgiving her for being mean in school. Danny begging her to help him save Danielle (a child, who’d done nothing wrong and Valerie had given her away to a man who would destroy her). Danny, just as invested in protecting that stupid flour sack for their grade. Danny, revealing her to her dad, smug little grin on his face. Danny, who could’ve died that day and no one would have ever known what he’d done for them.
Something ached in her heart.
“No,” she said, choking on a sob, as the scenery around her changed again. “No, I can’t be this wrong.”
She was in a lab, now. Jack and Maddie Fenton stood to her left. To her right stood two GiW agents. On the table in front of her, strapped down, was Phantom.
Was Danny.
“Ms. Gray,” one of the agents said, “we were so pleased when you brought us your capture. Such a unique specimen will fuel our research for decades.”
Valerie swallowed. Danny stared at her, uncanny green eyes boring into her own. He didn’t say anything.
“Decades?” she said.
“Of course! We’ll take it slow; we wouldn’t want to destroy it before we’ve learned everything we can. Not like some people.” He looked over at Jack and Maddie, who rubbed their heads sheepishly.
Decades. Decades as a test subject. If Danny was just a ghost, it shouldn’t matter. He couldn’t feel anything.
Valerie couldn’t look away from his face. He looked scared.
“No,” she said. Her fingers clenched into fists
“Hm?” the other agent said.
“No, I won’t let you do this. It… This isn’t right!” With every word she spoke, she became more sure.
Danny was afraid. It wasn’t a lie or an act. He was really, truly afraid.
“Valerie?” Maddie said. “Dear, you know it’s not a person, right? It can’t actually feel.”
“You’re wrong!” She stepped forward, pulled out her gun, and blasted away the restraints holding Danny down. “I’ve been wrong, too. This whole time.”
“It’s out!” one agent said, pulling his ectogun and firing. “Recapture maneuvers, now!”
“What did you do?” Jack grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. Danny flew around the room, avoiding the ectoblasts from the agents and Maddie. “What did you do?”
“The right thing,” she whispered. And she knew that, this time, she was correct, and it hit like a bullet to the chest.
Then she was soaring, ripped out of Jack’s grasp, flying through walls and agents until she was outside the building, in Danny’s arms, free.
He set her down on a rooftop across the city. “Thank you,” he said. “I couldn’t—”
Heaving sobs burst out of her. “I’m sorry! God, fuck, I’m so sorry.”
Fat tears rolled down her cheeks. “I just didn’t want to admit it. For so long, Danny.”
“Are you okay?”
Valerie laughed. “No. I’ve been convincing myself that I was right and ghosts were all evil all the time because if they weren’t… if they weren’t, then what was I even doing?”
Danny’s face, inexplicably, softened. “Val—”
“And then I found out your secret, and all I could think was that you lied. That you didn’t trust me. And I knew why! But if I acknowledged it, then I had to acknowledge everything. All the—all the ways I hurt you. What if I hurt other ghosts that did—didn’t deserve it either?” Valerie hiccuped. “I—oh, God, I’m a monster.”
“You’re not a monster. You’re human. This is the kind of mistake that humans make. Me included.”
“I would have let Vlad destroy Danielle if you didn’t talk me out of it. I would have been fine with it!”
“But you didn’t. Don’t torture yourself over things you didn’t do. It doesn’t help anything.”
Valerie’s throat was sore, aching with each new sob, but she couldn’t stop. “I’m sorry. I made you a liar in my head so I could keep lying to myself. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Danny’s arms circled around her, and she let her head hit his shoulder.
“Okay,” he said. “Okay.”
Kwan didn’t expect Valerie to come back crying.
He’d kind of figured she’d get the trial. She’d been so sure it would be Danny that Kwan thought it had to be her. Like, cosmically or whatever. And after Paulina’s… whatever that was, he knew it would more than likely be intense. But ever since her dad had lost his job, Valerie had lost her softness, too. She didn’t cry when she was upset anymore. Instead, she got angry. She got even.
But when the light flashed on, Valerie was huddled on the floor, hugging herself, sobs heaving from her chest. Her face was dark and splotchy, dark stains of mascara trailing down her cheeks. Time was Kwan would have run to her, put his arms around her, rocked her back and forth. But this wasn’t that Valerie, and he wasn’t that Kwan.
He walked slowly, and knelt beside her.
“Oh God,” she said, choking through her sobs. “I—I really messed up.”
Kwan couldn’t help but turn his head and stare at Danny, holding Paulina up across the room. If she meant what he thought she meant… well, he couldn’t exactly argue.
“Yeah,” he said. She looked at him, tears still dripping from her eyes. “What are you gonna do about it?”
Valerie lifted a shaking hand and wiped at her eyes and cheeks and chin. “Ugh, nasty.” She looked tired more than anything. “Yeah. Yeah, I gotta do something, right?”
“You should probably start with walking. I don’t think he’s gonna come to you.”
Kwan stood with her, holding her elbow as her knees started to tremble. He glanced over her real quick, looking for any injuries like Paulina’s, but whatever had messed her up seemed to be more mental than anything.
That didn’t stop her from almost collapsing when she took her first step, grabbing on to Kwan’s hand at the last moment.
“Val!” Danny said, making an aborted gesture like he wanted to come over to help.
“I’m okay,” she said. “Just give me a sec.”
Kwan didn’t quite buy it, but she was determined. He kept his arm out, just in case she fell, but with each step she became steadier, almost normal by the time she reached Danny and Paulina.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I was wrong about you. About everything. And I knew it, see, but I didn’t want to face it. So I just kept lying to myself. And I hurt you because of it. And I’m sorry.”
Danny froze, staring at Valerie in disbelief. “Oh,” he said.
Kwan looked over at the door at the far end of the chamber. He awaited the tell-tale rumble, the sign that they’d finished the last trial and the door was opening, but nothing came. Confused, he stared at Valerie, who shook her head.
“I don’t think I’m done just yet,” she said, sitting down in front of Danny. “I’ve done a lot of talking since this started. Said a lot of things… things that I regret. I haven’t listened, much. I think I need to listen, now.”
“Listen to what?” Danny said. “Like, what am I supposed to say?”
“Anything you wanted to tell me.” Tears spilled over her eyes again and her voice broke. “I’ll believe you. I swear.”
Danny laughed, just a little. “Even if I said the sky was green?”
Valerie pointed at one of the holes in the ceiling that revealed the swirling Ghost Zone outside. “Isn’t it?” she said.
Kwan couldn’t help but laugh at that, too, just as Danny and Valerie fell into giggles. Paulina mostly looked confused, but Kwan didn’t really have a good way to explain it to her right now. He waved her off.
“Well, I guess—Vlad’s a half-ghost, too. I thought you should know that.”
“Oh, uh, I already did. Know that, I mean”
“You did?”
Kwan held up his hands before they could get any deeper into that discussion. “Wait, wait—the mayor?”
“Yeah. He wants to kill my dad, marry my mom, and make me his evil half-ghost apprentice. So. It’s uncomfortable at best but sometimes I egg his house.”
“You egg his house?”
“After he cloned me, I figured all bets were off.”
“He cloned you?”
“Jesus, is that where Danielle came from?”
“Who’s Danielle?”
“My cousin. Well, technically, yes, she’s my clone, but that’s weird so we just call each other cousins.”
“Yeah,” Kwan said, feeling faint, “that makes the situation much less weird.”
Danny shrugged. “It’s just my life, dude. You get used to it.”
“Hang on,” Valerie said. “I don’t think we can gloss over the fact that Vlad Masters wants to murder your father, marry your mother, forcibly adopt you, and clone you, and the proportional response is egging his house?”
Danny rolled his eyes. “It’s not proportional but I’m not rich enough to do much more than be petty. If I reveal his identity to anyone then he’ll reveal me, too. Mutually Assured Destruction, and all that. Only so much I can do outside of that.”
“Okay. Okay. Shit. This is crazy. I hate this.”
“Tell me about it. How did you know Vlad was a ghost, anyway?”
“Oh, uh, I flew back to check on him after Danielle. And he was. Monologuing.”
Danny laughed again. “Of course he was. He’s such a little loser. You know his cat?”
“Yeah, Maddie—oh shit, that’s your mother’s name.”
(What the fuck, Kwan thought. What the fuck the mayor was so creepy.)
“Yeah, heh, well, the cat was my idea.”
“Yeah. I told him he was so lonely and pathetic that he should stop trying to get my mom to love him since she never would and instead fill that hole with a cat. I still can’t believe he listened to me.”
They broke down into laughter again. Kwan thought it sounded a little hysterical, but he figured they deserved to go a little crazy.
After they calmed down a bit, Valerie wiped at her eyes. “What else?”
“I mean, is there anything else you want to say to me? Stuff to tell me?”
(Kwan actually wanted to spend a little more time on the whole the mayor is an evil ghost thing, but this wasn’t his show.)
And Danny talked.
He talked about walking into his parents’ portal, thinking it was broken. About turning it on while he was still inside. About how much he sucked with his powers to start. About Ember McClain (she’s a ghost?) and Spectra (she’s a ghost?) and the Lunch Lady. About how scared he was, fighting Pariah Dark. About how much fun it was to fly. How funny it was to mess with Vlad.
Sometime, in the middle of all this, the door opened. Kwan and Paulina both felt the rumble, both looked at the door, but Valerie and Danny were too engrossed in their conversation to notice. Paulina opened her mouth to say something, but Kwan shook his head. The fate of the world didn’t rest on them moving immediately. Thirty more seconds wouldn’t matter.
After another minute, Paulina raised her eyebrows at him, jerking her head at the door. Kwan bit back an instinctive retort. She wouldn’t hear it anyway, and she wasn’t wrong. They couldn’t wait forever.
“Uh, guys?” he said, when there was a slight lull. “Not to interrupt, but the door’s open.”
Valerie and Danny’s head whipped around. “Oh,” Valerie said. “Right.”
Kwan winced. They’d been having a good time! Getting along! He’d been hoping for that since the beginning of this mess and now that they were there, he had to break the tender moment up. Unfair.
Necessary, but unfair.
“We’re done, right?” Danny said. “I mean, this last one should be the Panacea?”
“Should be,” Valerie said. “Unless we fucked up somehow. Or that legend was wrong.”
Kwan peered beyond the opening, but just like every other time, it was pitch black. They’d only find out for sure by walking in.
“Hang on a sec,” Danny said, eyes squeezed in concentration. Before Kwan could ask what he was doing, a bright white light engulfed the room.
When Kwan could see again, there was Danny Phantom, standing in place of Danny Fenton.
“Woo! Finally!” Danny said, floating up and doing a couple flips.
“Wait,” Kwan said, “could you… not do that before?”
Danny laughed. “Of course not, dude, or I’d’ve been in ghost mode the whole time. Ghost Zone is dangerous and all. That gun really knocked the wind out of me; I only just got the connection to my ghost half back.”
Kwan had been kind of avoiding thinking about Danny’s ghost half because he wasn’t really sure what to think. He didn’t have a problem with it, not like Valerie did, but it still felt… weird. How could someone be half-dead? Wasn’t it, like, painful?
Watching now, the grin on Danny’s face as he unleashed a bright explosion of ectoplasm like a firework over their heads, he knew there was nothing to worry about. Danny was half-ghost. Danny was happy about it.
It was good enough for him, Kwan decided.
He glanced over at Valerie. A smile played around her lips. Paulina was cheering beside her, elbow resting on Valerie’s shoulder. In a moment, they’d all link arms and walk through the last door, a truly united front.
Kwan cheered with Paulina as Danny landed. Valerie’s almost-smile became a grin. Danny bowed, a huge sweeping motion.
He could get used to friends like this.
“If we walk through this door and there’s another trial,” Danny said, looping his hands through Kwan and Valerie’s elbows, “I’m gonna be so pissed.”
Kwan and Valerie laughed, but Paulina groaned. “I can’t wait to find this stupid Panacea so I can stop missing all the good stuff! Stop being funny while I can’t hear!”
Danny couldn’t help laughing again as they stepped over the final threshold.
Immediately, the room lit up. Danny raked his eyes over the other, making sure none of them were shaken up or hurt like they’d been before, but they all looked the same.
“No trials?” he said, just to be sure.
“No,” Valerie said. Kwan shook his head.
Paulina rolled her eyes. “I still can’t hear you.”
Danny gave her a thumbs up, then pointed at her, and shrugged.
She giggled. “Okay, yeah, I’m good. No trials or anything, if that’s what you’re asking.”
With that settled, Danny examined the room for the Panacea. At the far end, raised on a pedestal on a dais, was a white, crystalline bottle, glowing just slightly.
The Panacea.
Kwan whooped and raced toward it. “Wait!” Danny said, afraid of another trap.
Kwan made it to the dais, but stopped at Danny’s shout. “Sorry! I got excited.”
“Yeah, I get it, but we need to be careful.” Danny floated up next to Kwan, Valerie and Paulina right behind him. “Maybe… Maybe you should all step back.”
“Danny, no!”
“What’d you say?”
“Listen! I’m faster than any of you. If something gets triggered I’m more likely to be able to get away.”
“But—” Valerie started to say.
“Am I wrong?”
“Look, I appreciate it. Really, I do, but I think it’s best if I get the thing. Just in case.”
Danny couldn’t exactly explain why, but he was absolutely certain that he needed to be the one to grab the bottle. Everything he said was true enough, but there was something else niggling in the back of his mind that said he was the only one who could do it. He couldn’t let anyone else touch it.
“What’s going on?” Paulina said to Kwan in what she probably intended to be a whisper but was loud enough for everyone to hear. Kwan pointed to Danny, then to the rest of them, then pointed to the other side of the chamber.
“Yeah, that doesn’t really help,” she said, “but thanks, querido.”
“Are you sure?” Valerie said, steady gaze meeting his own.
Danny swallowed. “I’m sure.” He wasn’t sure why he was so sure, but he was.
She bit her lip, then nodded and stepped back, pulling Kwan and Paulina with her. That trial really had changed things; just ten minutes ago, Valerie would never have listened to him like this.
Once they were far enough away, Danny took a deep breath and grabbed the Panacea.
It came off easily, but before they could take a moment to celebrate, a bright green box formed around him.
Of course it did.
Danny reached out to touch the green wall, and a painful zap had him yanking his hand back. So no walking through. Ugh.
“Oh, come on!” Paulina said, tearing at her hair in frustration. “We passed your stupid trials! Just let us save the world!”
“Don’t worry, dude!” Kwan said. “We’ll get you out of there.”
It hit Danny all at once, a certainty that he knew exactly what needed to be done.
Valerie had already run up to the trap, Kwan and Paulina close behind, and was examining it. Probably looking for a way to get rid of it.
She couldn’t, though. Not like that.
“Val! Take the Panacea!”
Valerie, sharp as ever, narrowed her eyes at him. She’d already caught on. “We aren’t going to leave you here, Danny.”
“You have to.”
“No way!”
“What’s happening now?”
Kwan pulled out his phone, typing something before showing it to Paulina. She gasped. “Are you stupid? We’ll figure something else out. Don’t go playing martyr on us now.”
“No, listen! You have to. This is my trial, okay?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Every trial picks something that we suck at, right? Well, this one picked me.”
Kwan frowned. “I don’t—”
“It’s trust. I—look, I’ll be honest, you three are not high on my list of people to trust with my secret. Or, at least, you weren’t.”
Valerie opened her mouth, then winced. “Okay, yeah, that’s… fair.”
“But how can this be a trial? No one else’s trial took place in the real world!” Kwan stopped himself, furiously typing on his phone to show to Paulina. “This is the real world, right?”
“It’s real,” Danny said. He knew it like he knew he needed to grab the Panacea, like he knew exactly what needed to happen next. “This trap won’t go away until we put the Panacea back. But when we put it back, it’s gone forever. We’ll never find it again.”
“So, if we get you out…”
“We lose the Panacea.”
“No, no, no! We’ll figure something else out. There has to be another way.”
“Guys, guys, chill. You just have to bring it back when you’re done, okay?” Danny held out the Panacea through the force field. It passed through just fine. “I’m not offering to stay here forever. Just until you get back.”
None of them moved to grab the bottle. “But… but how are we supposed to fight the ghost without you?”
It was a fair question, and Danny wasn’t sure how he would have answered it yesterday. But the Panacea would be Pestilence’s ultimate weakness. And they’d faced plenty of stuff on their own today.
Danny wiggled the Panacea. “You’ll figure it out. I’ve got faith.”
(He was lying, just a little. But this wasn’t the truth trial, and what was faith without a little doubt?)
Valerie hugged herself. “I don’t know that we can,” she said. She straightened. “But we have to anyway, right?”
“Pretty much,” Danny said with a laugh.
“Do you have, like, snacks? For while you wait? Do you even need to eat?” He opened his mouth to respond, but Paulina shook her head. “Never mind, I can’t hear you anyway. Just… be careful?”
He couldn’t do much else, trapped as he was. He smiled and gave Paulina a thumbs up.
Kwan reached out and took the bottle. “How come you get to know it’s a trial, anyway? I didn’t know what the hell was going on.”
“How the hell should I know?”
“Fair.” Kwan started to move away, then paused. “We’ll figure it out. Promise.”
“I know,” he said. (Did he?)
“See you soon.”
Danny’s palms were sweaty under the suit. “See you soon.”
And they left.
Waiting sucked.
He was more bored and more anxious than he’d ever been in his life. Sure, he’d talked big about trusting the others. He even meant it. But he’d lost his phone somewhere in this whirlwind of a day, so he had no idea how much time had passed. An hour? Two hours? A day?
Okay, it definitely hadn’t been a day, but still. He worried. Valerie could hold her own, and Kwan could throw a decent punch, but was that enough against a veritable army? Even with the Panacea?
He wasn’t used to sitting aside and letting other people save the day.
(It was the right choice. It was the only choice. He hated it.)
He drummed his fingers on his knee. He tried a few breakdancing moves, fell, and laid on his back for ten minutes. His bladder started to ache. He thought about pissing through the barrier, but he couldn’t risk the chance that it would instead ricochet. He squeezed his legs together. He sang Billy Joel songs at the top of his lungs until his throat started to hurt.
“Jeez, you are not a singer, my guy.”
Danny’s head jerked up at Kwan’s voice. There, crossing the threshold, were Valerie, Paulina, and Kwan, hair and clothes a little messed up, but looking perfectly fine.
“You’re back!” He stood up and attempted to meet them, only to slam into the barrier, zapping himself once again. “Ow.”
“Of course we are,” Valerie said, a smirk in her voice. “Never a doubt.”
“This Panacea stuff is amazing.” Paulina pointed to her ears and wiggled the bottle. “Fixes everything. I love hearing and sound.”
Danny laughed, relief tingling down his spine. It worked. They did it. They won.
“Thank fuck,” he said. “Now get me out of here.”
“Hm, I don’t know,” Paulina said, tapping at her chin and frowning. “This stuff is pretty cool.”
Before an icy hand of fear could grip his heart, Kwan and Valerie were already yelling at Paulina.
“Come on, girl.”
Paulina giggled, waving her hand. “Sorry, sorry. Wrong crowd.” She passed it through the barrier.
He snatched it out of her hand and placed it back on its pedestal. The barrier fell, and the room rumbled once again. As Danny stumbled to his friends (yeah, they were friends, weren’t they?), the chamber collapsed in on itself, leaving just the four of them, floating alone in the Ghost Zone.
“Guys,” Danny said, “I have to pee so badly.”
And they collapsed on each other, laughing. It didn’t help the burning in his bladder, but he could wait a minute or so more.
All four of them had split with little fanfare, exhausted from the day's events. He'd sent a quick text to Sam, Tucker, and Jazz, promising to explain everything tomorrow, and promptly fell asleep.
Jazz drove him to school and he gave her a rundown on the way. She smiled at him. Patted his shoulder. Said she was proud of him for making such a hard choice.
“Wasn't much of a choice,” he said with a shrug.
“That still doesn't mean it was easy. You did good, Danny. And now maybe you've got some more people, too.”
“Yeah,” he said. “Maybe.”
The thing was, Danny had watched The Breakfast Club once, with Sam and Tucker. At the end, Sam looked over at him and said, “Bet they go back to school the next day and never talk to each other again.”
Tucker blew a raspberry at her. “Boo!” he said. “You're no fun.”
“Yeah,” Danny had said at the time, “They're all friends now. They aren't just going to give it all up to go back to how things used to be.”
“They spent one afternoon together in detention,” Sam said. “How life changing could it be?”
Danny pointedly did not think about that conversation as he walked up to Casper High the day after Pestilence's defeat. He didn't think about it as he pushed open the front entrance. He didn't think about it as he opened his locker. He definitely didn't think about it as he saw Dash shove Mikey to the floor.
Business as usual.
Danny jumped, smacked his head on the locked door, and turned to see Paulina standing behind him.
Paulina giggle. “You good, cariño?”
“Don't sneak up on me like that!” Danny rubbed the stinging at the back on his head. “You'll give me a heart attack.”
“Can you get a heart attack?” Paulina tilted her head. Danny thought for a moment: his heart didn't actually beat in ghost form so theoretically...
“...Don't ask me that.”
“Hey, Fenturd! Leave Paulina alone.”
And there was Dash, looming behind him like Skulker, but only half as scary. Danny managed not to flinch as he turned to face him.
“I started talking to him, Dashie.”
Dash blinked in surprise. “Well,” he said, “he still shouldn't bother you.”
“He isn't.”
Dash stood for a moment, mouth open, like he couldn't believe any of this. Danny could hardly believe it himself. But then Paulina rolled her eyes and said, “Seriously, Dash, that's enough. You can go now.” She punctuated her sentence with a dismissive wave.
“I—what?” Dash shook his head. “No, no, this doesn't make sense. Polly, are you—are you still possessed?”
Still possessed. Did Dash think that Paulina had been under Pestilence's spell? Or did he think she was somehow under Danny's spell? What exactly did everyone else think had happened yesterday?
“Just because I want to talk to Danny and not—”
“But he's a loser—”
“Don't talk about him like that!”
Dash's mouth flapped like he wanted to speak but no words came out. “I—you—what did you do to her, you little freak?” He turned on Danny, who had pressed himself into his locker, caught in the middle of this argument. Grabbing Danny's collar, he hoisted him up, knocking his head against the locker door again. Ow.
“I didn't do anything! Maybe Paulina just grew up!” Danny had never been good at keeping his mouth shut. Even now, when the obvious answer was to just get this whole thing over as soon as possible, he still had to sass Dash.
Paulina's perfectly manicured hand wrapped around Dash's wrist. “Seriously, Dash, he didn't—”
Dash ignored her, shoving her off. Paulina stumbled back, then hit the ground with a thud.
“Get off of him!”
And there was Kwan, pulling Dash off of him, arms looped under and around his shoulders. Danny sank to the ground, rubbing at his head. To the side, he saw Valerie help Paulina up before they both turned to glare at Dash.
Despite the twinge in his scalp, despite the stares of the rest of the school, despite his own lingering exhaustion, Danny couldn't help but smile. Take that, Sam. The Breakfast Club lives.
“Kwan?” Dash pulled away as soon as Kwan loosened his grip. “What the hell are you doing?”
Kwan ignored him and turned to Danny and Paulina. “You guys okay?”
Before either of them could respond, Dash shoved him. “Hey!”
“What is your problem, dude?”
“You're the one who suddenly came at me!”
“Yeah, because you were hurting Danny and Paulina.”
Dash blinked, like that hadn't occurred to him. It probably hadn't. Sometimes, Kwan thought that Dash didn't realize that everyone else in the world was a person, too. That they all had thoughts and feelings of their own. To Dash, everything was all Dash all the time.
(It wasn't entirely true, Kwan knew. He remembered a different Dash, eight years old, crying over Old Yeller and pretending he wasn't. Swiping at stray tears and yelling it's just dusty it's allergies don't laugh even though Kwan was crying, too. He doesn't know when exactly the pretense became reality, but he'd lost his Dash a long, long time ago.)
“Sorry Polly,” Dash said, not even looking at her. “But she’s acting weird. Fentonio’s using his parents’ ghost stuff to control her or something!”
“He is not!” Paulina yelled.
“Do you have, like, proof, or are you just pulling this insane theory out of your ass?”
They had long since attracted a crowd. Danny had slipped over to Valerie and Paulina at the front of the mass of students, and behind them stood just about every person in the school. Even Mr. Lancer, who by all rights should have been stepping in and stopping this, was standing by and watching. Like he was curious how things would go.
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying you need to back off of Danny and everyone else!”
Dash straightened up and pushed up his sleeves. “Oh yeah?” he said. “Who’s gonna make me.”
The crowd around them went wild, frenzied kids hooting and hollering at the prospect of a fight. Kwan made eye contact with Danny, Valerie, and Paulina. Paulina pointed at Dash, rolled her eyes, and faked a gag. Valerie gave him a thumbs up. Danny mouthed sorry at him. Behind them, Lancer hid his face behind a book.
Kwan wasn’t stupid. He knew what Dash was asking for. He knew Dash thought he’d win the fight, easy. He’d always won before, after all. Except—Kwan had been stupid in love with him. And a Dash who won was way happier than a Dash who lost.
The truth: Dash was a quarterback. Decently strong, for sure, but his main job was throwing the ball around. Kwan was an offensive lineman. His main job? Throwing people around. When the playing field was level, when Kwan didn’t pull his punches, there was no competition.
If Dash had thought about it for more than a minute, he would’ve realized that there was no way he was stronger than Kwan. But he’d long since lost that kind of self-awareness.
Kwan could be sad about all the ways Dash had changed tomorrow. Today was for kicking his ass.
Dash pulled his arm back to throw a haymaker. Without pausing to think, Kwan sidestepped the attack and swung an uppercut, hitting Dash square on the jaw with a nauseating click.
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Dash flopped to the floor, mouth hanging open. Blood dripped down his chin; he must have bitten his tongue. For a moment, he froze, staring at Kwan in shock.
“You’re an ass,” Kwan said, “and I’ve been an ass right next to you. But I’m sick of it. Paulina’s sick of it. Everyone else in school is sick of it. I’m not holding myself back just to make you feel better. And I’m not gonna let you keep being a dick, either. So I suggest you stay down.”
Dash opened his mouth to say something, but Kwan cut him off. “I don’t wanna hear it,” he said. “Just… grow the fuck up, dude.”
And he walked past his oldest friend, bleeding on the ground, toward the cacophony of students and his 3 new/old friends.
“Jeez,” Valerie said, giving him a playful smack on the shoulder, “you’re so dramatic.”
“That was… public,” Danny said. The students started to disperse, heralded by Mr. Lancer. Lancer looked over at Kwan, nodded in something like approval, then shepherded people into their classrooms, leaving the four of them alone in the hallway just before the bell rang.
Kwan scratched the back of his head. “Yeah, sorry about that. Sorry you got in the middle there.”
“No, no, I mean… thanks for stepping in, but are you guys gonna be okay?” Danny’s eyes flicked between Paulina and Kwan.
They looked at each other. Paulina giggled. Valerie shook her head with a smile.
“Yeah, dude,” Kwan said. “We’re gonna be just fine.”
296 notes · View notes
hd-wireless · 10 months
📻🎶 H/D WIRELESS 2023 - Anon Masterlist
It’s time for the list! And for some numbers!
This year’s Wireless has (as always) some impressive numbers for you. Everyone, the Wireless 2023 stats:
41 days of posting
60 works
7 artworks
5 art and fic combos
43 fics
5 podfics
And a total of 839,620 words!
We mods can’t thank each and everyone of you enough! Without every single one of our participants and readers this fest wouldn’t be possible. Thank you for being here and showing support to the amazingly talented people we had participating this year.
You have a week until we reveal the names of all our amazing creators, and what better way to spend it than catching up with the works you might have missed and playing our fun guessing game! Free bragging rights for every correct guess! And this coveted trophy emoji for the winner 🏆
Have another listen to our prompted songs for the works we post before the reveals happen in a week:   Click here for Spotify (many thanks to @evaeleanor for helping us out there) ❤️ And here for the YouTube playlist.
Please enjoy this year’s entries below the cut:
🎶 H/D Wireless Art 🎶
📻   Why don't you like me? [T, digital comic]
🎵Song Prompt: Grace Kelly by MIKA 🎵Summary Failing to ask Harry out, Draco deals with his feelings in a very dramatic fashion.
📻 Alive [E, Digital comic]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Alive' by 'Sia' 🎵 Summary Harry is lost after the final battle, but he finds comfort from an unexpected source.
📻 Not Your Property [G, Digital Art]
🎵 Song Prompt: ‘Rich Friends’ by Portugal The Man 🎵 Summary: Harry rubs elbows with rich Slytherins and finds himself falling for one Draco Malfoy
📻 Your Heart's a Mess [G, Pencil & Copic markers]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Hearts A Mess' by 'Gotye' 🎵 Summary: Hogwarts eighth year. Malfoy, visibly scarred (from Sectumsempra? from the war? from his treatment by the Ministry?) and visibly heavy-hearted (from regret? from his father's imprisonment? from how the other students torment him?) has driven Harry to distraction. It's 6th year all over again: he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy. How he wishes the feeling was mutual.
📻 anywhere with you [Gen, Digital Art]
🎵 Song Prompt: Anywhere With You by Maggie Rogers 🎵 Summary: I'll go anywhere, anywhere with you.
📻 Shivers and Cold Champagne [T, Digital Art]
🎵 Song Prompt: Padam Padam by Kylie Minogue 🎵 Summary: "Padam, padam, I hear it and I know..." Sometimes, you meet someone in the club, and you just know... ...they’re all in.
📻 keep driving [M, Digital Art]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'keep driving' by harry styles 🎵 Summary: cocaine, side boob, choke her with a sea view
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic and Art 🎶
📻  Before the Cold Sets In [T, 9,154, origami art]
🎵 Song Prompt: Cold Tea Blues, by Cowboy Junkies 🎵 Summary But if I measure the sugar To satisfy your expectant tongue Then that is love Sitting untouched and growing cold - Cold Tea Blues, by Cowboy Junkies Sometimes, the person you should be planning your life with is already in it. Or, how Harry realised that true love is at the bottom of a tea cup.
📻 I only want the ones I envy (I envy) [E, 13,333, digital art]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)' by 'Lil Nas X' 🎵Summary: “Surely there’s someone in our circle who’s not a Saviour-Chaser. Someone single, clever, talented, sexy, and extremely, unapologetically gay.” Harry knows what’s about to happen before Ron’s even done speaking. And he wants to laugh at the absurdity of it all. But he can’t, not without outing himself, and in more ways than one. So tomorrow, he’ll do what he always does when he needs a distraction: he’ll corner Draco Malfoy at work, where Malfoy will suck his cock until Harry screams his name. Despite this arrangement he has with Draco, conducted entirely in the privacy of a dusty stationery cabinet, Harry is definitely not gay. But to appease his friends, he agrees to go on one (1) date with a man. Just to be sure.
📻 Waking Up Slow [E, 21,886, Digital Art]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'The Christmas Song' by 'The Raveonettes' 🎵 Summary: 'Twas the night before Christmas, although it’s July, Draco’s a shopkeeper, no-one knows why, There’s hiking and witch caves, freak snowfalls and more, Bad Christmas jumpers, nosy neighbours galore, Narcissa’s here too, but… something’s amiss, And what’s in those chocolates that’s making them kiss?
📻 Sun Thief [E, 28,228]
🎵 Song Prompt: ‘Anti-Hero’ by ‘Taylor Swift’ 🎵 Summary: “You’re stunning,” Harry blurts out, because Draco is pink-cheeked and his mouth is bitten and plump. Gasping beneath Harry, working his cock in his fist. “Say my name when you come?” It’s 2005, and Draco Malfoy says, “Fuck the Ministry,” Harry works as a handyman in muggle London, and Draco should really stop pissing off the Squib gangs. Or: Harry beats up a pimp and isn’t sorry about it, Draco deals black market potions, and they’re shagging. Again.
📻 The Waiting  [E, 43,494, Digital Art]  
🎵 Song Prompt: 'this tornado loves you' by 'neko case' 🎵 Summary: It’s been almost ten years since Draco Malfoy disappeared during a routine Curse Breaker training exercise. Harry, his partner in more ways than one, is determined to figure out why. As the past resurfaces and the present fades into confusion, Harry discovers the only thing more unreliable than memory is love.
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic 🎶
📻 Everybody Hates a Tourist [E, 51,500]
🎵 Song Prompt: Common People by Pulp 🎵 Summary On a stag do in sunny Brighton with the Gryffindor lads, the last person Harry expects to run into is Draco Malfoy. After a glimpse of Malfoy’s Muggle life in Britain’s gay capital, Harry’s curiosity gets the better of him and he finds himself returning to the seaside again and again, drawn to the city, drawn to this new version of Malfoy that Harry barely recognises from school. Meanwhile, Draco’s just trying to live his big and best queer life: working for the weekend, chasing hot men, getting lost in Brighton's nightlife, and making friends with the neighbourhood cats. Why does his former school rival and crush have to show up and spoil everything?
📻 Take You Home [E, 26,333]
🎵 Song Prompt: Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches and Take You Home by Dido 🎵 Summary Everybody’s a little fucked up after the war, Draco especially. What starts as hate sex after a night out, eventually turns into something else, something more like comfort. And even though his friends all tell Harry he’s just being used, all Harry’s doing is making sure Draco gets home in one piece. He’s not falling helplessly in love.
📻 love is just a shout in the void [M, 4,489]
🎵 Song Prompt: i'm in love with u, sorry by j'san 🎵 Summary Draco accidentally texts Potter his biggest secret and he’s pretty sure the Chosen Prat isn’t ready to hear anything close to it. So he pretends he didn’t mean to. But the problem is: Potter is still as infuriating as ever, if not more than he was before.
📻 The Two Of Us In Sympathy [M, 5,782]
🎵 Song Prompt: Rent by Pet Shop Boys. 🎵 Summary Draco Malfoy is a sex worker. Harry Potter is the client who falls in love with him.
📻 Vipera Berus [M, 20,614]
🎵 Song Prompt: Just Pretend by Bad Omens 🎵 Summary Everything was fine. Draco resided at the Manor, made a decent living selling potions and most of his customers actually kept coming back despite his last name. Hence, Draco was fine. He really was. And so what, if he was still waiting.
📻 Don’t hate him when he gets up to leave [M, 2,226]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Two-Headed Boy' by 'Neutral Milk Hotel' 🎵 Summary The linens are white and empty, sunlight slanting through the window illuminating a bed that has been deserted. Draco knew Potter would leave; he’s always gone by morning. Draco doesn’t even remember what he looks like in daylight.
📻 (you) find me when the lights go down [T, 1,839]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'save me from the monster in my head' by 'Welshly Arms' 🎵 Summary Harry can hear footsteps on the stairs behind him but doesn't bother turning to look. There's only one person likely to follow him out here at this time of night. "Potter," comes the crisp voice, easily recognisable as Draco. "You do know that most sane people, especially those who spend every waking moment complaining of being cold, would cast a warming charm. Or at the very least grab a sweater. Not spend every night attempting to turn into an icicle." - What makes someone a ghost? Because if it's dying, Harry's got that covered.
📻 If You Took the Time to Try [T, 18,169]
🎵 Song Prompt: "Go Like" by Fox Stevenson 🎵 Summary Last summer, Draco's impulsive decision to sleep with Harry Potter resulted in a bruised ego and a broken heart. Now he's looking for a fresh start- something that was absolutely not just an excuse for him to run away from his problems. Only it totally was, and while leaving London might have been easy, leaving Potter in the past was not.
📻 Title & Possession [E, 49,063]
🎵 Song Prompt: Misery Loves Company - Asking Alexandria 🎵 Summary Harry Potter’s life is going well in the aftermath of the war. Sure, his house is dark and run-down and might hate him (while his house elf definitely hates him). But other than that, things are good. Except, yeah, okay, Hermione and Ron are no longer on speaking terms. Worse, they keep trying to get Harry to pick sides. But otherwise, Harry couldn’t be happier. Well. Except for the fact that Ginny is being super weird about their relationship and never wants to have sex or talk about the future. But other than that, Harry is perfectly fine, thankyouverymuch. At least, he is until Draco Malfoy threatens to sue him for ownership of Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, and winds up moving in until the issue is settled. Then Harry really isn’t fine at all.
📻 Shut Up, This Is Love [M, 33,230]
🎵 Song Prompt: The Chain by Fleetwood Mac 🎵 Summary: A soulmark is never wrong, Draco tells him — as if Harry cares what this damn chain on his arm says. But Harry is nothing if not stubborn, and he’d rather die than let a stupid mark determine whom he can and cannot have.
📻 About This Place [E, 10,317]
🎵 Song Prompt: You and I by Lady Gaga 🎵 Summary: Harry left everything, including Draco. Harry’s returned to everything, including Draco. Things are never quite so simple, though perhaps they could be.
📻 Mirrors inside me [E, 6,423]
🎵 Song Prompt: "Love Language" by SZA 🎵 Summary: Draco’s been in love with Potter forever. And just because they work together, and they fuck, and they text and break up and get back together regularly doesn’t mean Potter needs to know. In fact, it’s a pretty good reason why he shouldn’t.
📻 A Little Bit of You [E, 2,781]
🎵 Song Prompt: Mambo No 5 by Lou Bega 🎵 Summary: When Harry's constant flirting lands him frequent front page slots in the Daily Prophet, Draco resigns himself to never being loved like that by the man he is head over heels with. Turns out, he was right. But that's not necessarily a bad thing.
📻 All the Colors in the World [M, 11,143]
🎵 Song Prompt: Cinnamon Girl by Lana Del Rey 🎵 Summary: Five years into their relationship, Draco is beginning to wonder if his motivations and methods to save Harry are as pure as he’d thought. Everything seems to be going well for them on the surface, with the mostly Muggle life they’ve built together, but beneath roils a sea of half-formed dreams and secrets that threaten to engulf them both. Until, one day in summertime, Harry surprises him.
📻  if i could never give you peace [E, 17,496]
🎵 Song Prompt: peace by Taylor Swift 🎵 Summary: Eleven years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Aurors Harry and Draco are forcibly brought together by a new case that's bound to reopen old wounds. Enter a Firewhisky problem, prejudices that never really go away, and an obsession as old as time.
📻 Burst of Love [E, 3,805]
🎵 Song Prompt: Jealous by Nick Jonas 🎵 Summary: The year after the War is both the worst and best one in Harry and Draco's lives. Draco somehow becomes one of the most requested influencer on Instagram, Harry is finally free and discovers he has quite...a passion inside himself. We all know how this is going to end.
📻 Rich Friend [E,  1,130]
🎵 Song Prompt: Rich Friends by Portugal. The Man 🎵 Summary: As far as Harry can tell, Draco Malfoy is still rich as hell. He’s just not a wizard anymore. Featuring: Draco Malfoy trying to make it as a Muggle pop star, Harry Potter as our confused and horny hero, bad driving, good music, and the mysterious magic of falling for someone.
📻 Seven Days, Seven Memories [E, 25,668]
🎵 Song Prompt: Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want by The Smiths 🎵 Summary: In a universe somewhere, deep down in the Department of Mysteries, behind Door 13, Unspeakable Draco Malfoy, can be usually found. Except Malfoy is nowhere to be found when Harry goes looking for him. What he finds instead is a Pensieve and a box full of memories
📻 so scarlet it was [E, 19,932]
🎵  Song Prompt: Maroon - Taylor Swift   🎵 Summary: Draco’s back for his Eighth Year as part of his parole. He’s doing his best not to annoy any war heroes and avoid Harry Potter as if his life depends on it. Too bad Harry has other ideas.
📻 A Pureblood's Guide to Driving and Apostasy [E, 9,218]
🎵 Song Prompt: I'm On Fire by Bruce Springsteen 🎵 Summary: Draco Malfoy should be happy - he's engaged to a suitable young lady, chosen by his father, and on the way to restoring the family name. Except he isn't happy at all. That is, until Pansy (or is it fate?) brings him to a magical garage where his whole worldview is set on fire.
📻 Snitches & Sitches [T, 4,565]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Once Upon a December' by 'Liz Callaway' 🎵 Summary: After a Quidditch accident, Harry's life turns upside down when he suffers a case of retrograde amnesia. Surrounded by people and places he should remember, Harry must cope with his slow recovery, all the while feeling like there's something very familiar about the blond with gray eyes who keeps wistfully staring at him.
📻 Can't Get You Out of My Head [E, 26,343]
🎵 Song Prompt: Can't Get You Out of My Head by Kylie Minogue 🎵 Summary: Draco was quite fine with his own company, thank you very much. So, when a potions’ accident left him unable to rid his head of Harry Potter’s infernal internal monologue, Draco was less than thrilled. He was, however, an internationally educated Potioneer; he could find an antidote without having to admit to Potter the access he’d had to his thoughts…actions…personal life…personal time…right?
📻 Sod Off Potter [T, 1,787]
🎵 Song Prompt: Sod Off Potter by Rattlebones 🎵 Summary: So sod off Potter Will you say what you want? Sod off Potter Will you say what you want is me? Potter please ↳ Sod Off Potter - Rattlebones Draco regretted the decision to return to Hogwarts after the war. Why couldn't bloody Potter just leave him alone? It wouldn't be so bad if Draco hadn't been harboring a secret crush on Harry for years.
📻 Weapons of Massive Consumption [E, 38,634]
🎵 Song Prompt: The Fear by Lily Allen 🎵 Summary: Eight years after the war, Harry Potter lives a life of hedonism: raging parties, huge impulse purchases, and seemingly no worries. But it's Draco Malfoy—former Death Eater, lover of blueberry muffins, and bane of coffee shop workers—who starts to wonder if it's all a front, if something's actually terribly wrong with him. Why else would Potter ask Draco, of all fucking people, to write his biography?
📻 Bonne Foi, Draco Malfoy [E, 19,390]
🎵 Song Prompt: So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings by Squirrel Flower 🎵 Summary: Sanctimonia Vincet Semper: The Malfoy Legacy Inheritance Ritual must be undertaken by an heir pure of blood and strong of will. He will lend his body, his magic, and his mind to the Estate, and thus control the direction of the next generation of powerful Malfoy magicks. He and the Estate will both be made stronger by the ritual. -from the journals of Septimus Malfoy, 1820 At twenty-five, Draco Malfoy has to return to England to do something about the Manor, and Harry Potter won’t leave him alone. His years-old crush on Potter is reignited over repairs, mermaid lemonades, and pocket owl messages.
📻 The Wedding Shed [E, 2,057]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' by Panic! at the Disco 🎵 Summary: One would consider the day his best friend got married to be an occasion where he did not have to show any sort of poise. But apparently, Ronald Weasley thoroughly misjudged the entire situation.
📻 LA, Who Am I To Love You? [E, 42,525]
🎵 Song Prompt: Venice Bitch by Lana del Rey 🎵 Summary: Harry’s summer in LA is not going as expected. Pansy Parkinson keeps inviting him to parties in the Hollywood Hills and harassing him to finally go to the physical therapist, Blaise Zabini keeps slipping new strains of his company’s magical weed into Harry’s pockets in hopes of an endorsement, and Draco Malfoy keeps having sex with everyone but Harry.
📻 All I Think About [T, 4,429]
🎵 Song Prompt: Heat Waves by Glass Animals 🎵 Summary: Sometimes all it takes is one perfect late summer night in June.
📻 Put It On Your Face Boy [E, 3,380]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Daddy AF' by 'Slayyyter' 🎵 Summary: Harry watches as Draco's hips sway to the beat. He sips his muggle bourbon and imagines the noises they would make if Harry had Draco's legs draped over his shoulders. With liquid courage flowing through his veins, Harry slammed the drink down on the bar and wove his way through the crowd towards the northern star that had been calling his name for years.
📻 What We Left Behind [E, 32,815]
🎵 Song Prompt: The Day We Caught The Train by Ocean Colour Scene 🎵 Summary: Harry's recovering from an injury. Malfoy's recovering from heartbreak. Beaten down and bruised, Harry takes up Malfoy's offer to stay at his secluded seaside cottage in Dorset. It'll be good to get away from it all. It's only for a few days, and it's only so he can heal. Nothing else. Digging up past feelings will only make matters worse, and besides, Malfoy doesn't feel the same way. Does he?
📻 Nothing But You On My Mind [M, 29,404]
🎵 Song Prompt: Crazy English Summer by Faithless 🎵 Summary: Potter has been in Australia on an internship for almost a year, and Draco cannot wait for him to get back home. They'll finally have a chance to talk about their feelings for each other. What could possibly go wrong? Loads, as it turns out.
📻 Better not Touch (Don't Touch) [E, 8,945]
🎵 Song Prompt: Poison by Alice Cooper 🎵 Summary: Harry is happy with his life, running a shop in Diagon Alley and spending plenty of time with his husband. When he is cursed, his and Draco’s relationship is put to the test. Can they move forwards together even if they have to put distance between them?
📻 Stars By the Pocketful [T, 2,151]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Snow On the Beach' by Taylor Swift (feat. Lana Del Rey) 🎵 Summary: Draco arrives first, to scope out the place and pick the best bed before Potter can beat him to it.
📻 Lover, Where Do You Live? [E, 38,079]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Lover, Where Do You Live?' by 'Highasakite' 🎵 Summary: Harry Potter has been running away since the War, disappearing into his job as a freelance curse-breaker. Work is his life. Home doesn't exist. He's about to disappear again when he runs into Death Eater-turned-Healer Draco Malfoy. It's supposed to be a one-night-stand. They're not supposed to pine for each other. Harry's not supposed to sleep with Draco a second time. Or a third. Or a fourth. But when a nasty curse sends Harry back into Draco's arms, he might be forced to admit that home's been waiting for him all along…
📻 as it was [M, 6,476]
🎵 Song Prompt: As It Was by Harry Styles 🎵 Summary: 'in this world, it's just us. you know it's not the same as it was.'
📻 What is this feeling? [E, 4,734]
🎵 Song Prompt: What is this feeling? By Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth 🎵 Summary: New auror candidates are required to spend their first six months of training living in ministry dorms. While Draco requested a single dorm he finds himself sharing a room with the savior of the wizarding world. It’s loathing at first sight, or is it?
📻 the eighth sin [E, 16,834]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Seven Devils' by 'Florence and the Machine' 🎵 Summary: When Draco is sentenced to five years of house arrest, without magic, alone, the only person to visit him is Potter. But Draco’s beginning to doubt whether Potter is really there at all.
📻 Wrong in all the Right Ways [E, 3,951]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Raise Your Glass' by 'P!nk' 🎵 Summary: Draco is pretty sure that Potter is trying to kill him. Not in, like a murdery sort of way. There’s been too much atonement and forgiveness and redemption for that. Too many difficult conversations that ended, more than once, with awkward hugs. Maybe even some tears. They’re not friends obviously, but at the very least, they’ve moved past the past. (Mostly.) So no, Potter’s definitely not trying to kill him in a permanent death sort of way, but more like… In a horny sort of way.
📻 Hooked [E, 50,000]
🎵 Song Prompt: Hooked by Why Don’t We 🎵 Summary: It  took him one night, one try, to be hooked to his enemy. Every single  place, every single fight, drove him mad with temptation. Malfoy’s got a  bad reputation but he can’t bring himself to walk away. He knows he  shouldn’t touch but he can’t get enough of him.
📻 Designate / your love as fate [E, 16,609]  
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Need You Tonight' by 'INXS' 🎵 Summary: Malfoy  literally snaps his fingers toward Harry’s face. “Potter. Pay  attention. Gay marriage is now legal in England and Wales, as of last  night, first ceremonies to take place in the New Year. I’m gay, you’re  gay—” “—Bi, actually, thanks,” Harry puts in. “Well, I mean, so  am I, technically, but—” (Harry can’t lie, it’s rather fun to watch  Malfoy lose his cool, put his cool back on, lose it again) “—Funny  enough, bisexual marriage is also now legal in England and Wales. Let’s  get bisexual married, hm?”
📻 All These Little Things [M, 1,795]  
🎵 Song Prompt: Little Things by One Direction 🎵 Summary: Harry loves Draco, and all his little things as well.
📻 If You Were Gay [Gen, 9,645]
🎵 Song Prompt: If You Were Gay - Avenue Q soundtrack 🎵 Summary: Draco was sure he wasn't gay. His friends disagreed. As  if Draco would let the nonsense his friends kept saying move him. Or  the fact that Harry Potter was gay and apparently wanted to ask Draco  out.
📻 The Boys of Summer [E, 19,518]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'The Boys of Summer' by Don Henley 🎵 Summary: It's  summer, and they're spending it at a lake, far away from everything.  There’s swimming and a floating dock, cracked and warm in the sun. Fizzy  drinks and fireflies. Sticky strawberry ice lollies and beach towels  tangled under them. Harry’s golden skin and love of The Grateful Dead and Fleetwood Mac. Draco Malfoy is doomed, but what else is new?
🎶 H/D Wireless Podfic 🎶
📻 Inside These Walls [podfic] [M, 33 minutes]
🖋️ Original author: Jackvbriefs 🎵 Song Prompt: Black Sheep by Metric 🎵 Summary The year before Draco moves to Los Angeles, Harry Potter disappears. Draco doesn't mean to find him. He's just doing his job.
📻 Moldova's Magical Tea by aibidil - a Podfic [E, 2:46:12]
🖋️ Original author: aibidil   🎵 Song Prompt:   Clint Eastwood by Gorrillaz 🎵 Summary Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and—to everyone’s surprise—Draco Malfoy are opening a magical tea shop to revive wizarding tea culture and, hopefully, to bring the community together after the war. Harry, who is unemployed and trying to find his way in post-war society, wants to help his friends with their new business—but that means spending a lot of time around Malfoy. Featuring Muggle music from summer 2001, trips to the Muggle cinema, herbology and magical herbal infusions, and Draco trying to convince Harry that, while he’s still a snarky git, he’s no longer a bigot.
📻 [Podfic] I dream of you, to wake by harryromper [T, 01:26:02]
🖋️ Original author: harryromper 🎵 Song Prompt: 'Once Upon A Dream - Maleficent' by Lana Del Rey 🎵 Summary: “Typically coma patients are made comfortable and left to regain consciousness in their own time," Draco points out carefully. “Typically, yes. But when has anything about Harry been typical.” Hermione sighs, rubbing at her eye with the heel of her hand. “The Healer-in-Charge has consulted with experts at all the major wizarding hospitals. They all agree. Whatever’s happening inside of Harry’s head right now is killing him.” Draco Malfoy is a world-renowned dream-walker, and he may be Harry Potter’s only hope.
📻 [Podfic] You Are Not Alone [T, 1:49:56]
🖋️ Original author: Juh_Nunes   🎵 Song Prompt: Sorry - Halsey 🎵 Summary: Orginal Summary: Draco dreaded going back to Hogwarts after the war. He was sure this would be his worst year yet: the school hated him, the Slytherins have abandoned him, and his dorm was overrun with Gyffindors. There was no way anything good could come out of this mess, right?
📻 [Podfic] remember me [T, 2:50:44]
🖋️ Original author: hupsoonheng 🎵 Song Prompt: Remember Me from Coco 🎵 Summary: On a chilly day in October, Draco kisses Harry goodbye before he goes on yet another dangerous, undercover mission with the Aurors. And then Harry doesn't come back. Only Draco believes that Harry isn't dead, and pours himself into finding his husband despite his friends' pleas to move on and grieve properly. What he finds at the end of that work, though, is not at all what he wanted.
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eustasskidagenda · 8 months
☆Event - Advent calendar: Hot chocolate or gingerbread? 
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Hi there☆ This is my first event so I'm a bit nervous lol. I hope it won't be too messy and you will like it :D But I really wanted to thank you all for the 140+ followers. Since December is slowly approaching, I thought it would be fun to have an advent calendar. I know I'm posting this early, but I want to write the texts beforehand and have the time to write them all without any pressure! ( ^◡^) 
Be polite when requesting. It's really rude to receive messages without a 'hello' or 'thank you'.
Please, also precise you're requesting for the event and not for a normal request.
Give me one OP character, one prompt number, and let me know if you're okay with modern AU or not. If you pick more than one character, I’ll choose my personal favorite in the list.
You can include some details you would like to see in the fic and, for n/sfw requests, please precise if you want some specific kinks (click here to see the kinks I won't write) 
Don’t forget to specify the gender of the reader, otherwise I'll go for a g/n reader. I won’t accept request that basically describe an oc.
For a smut request, please use off-anon and make your age easily accessible on your blog. Don’t be shy, I won’t judge you♡ If you're uncomfortable, I won't show your name on the post. Just let me know if you want to stay anon.
This event will remain open to requests as long as slots are still available
To keep the fun of an advent calendar, the fics will be updated in a non-predictable order. So maybe I'll post the 7 prompt for day one, who knows.
Some prompts are only sfw (the hot chocolate ones), some are only nsfw (the gingerbread one), and for some, you can choose if you want the fic to be smutty or not. 
☆all the characters you can ask for this event:
Buggy, Corazon, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Eustass Kid, Hawkins, Izou, Killer, King, Kiku, Kuzan, Luffy (only sfw prompts with Luffy), Marco, Mihawk, Nami, Portgas D. Ace, Rob Lucci, Robin, Roronoa Zoro, Sabo, Sanji, Shanks, Smoker, Trafalgar Law, Usopp, X Drake, Yamato (he/him) 
Characters I won't write for: Blackbeard and Blackbeard crew, Brook, Roger, Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Franky, Benn, Akainu, Kizaru, Apoo
⇢ if the character you would like is not on one of those lists, just ask in a comment and I'll let you know!
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☆Hot Chocolate 
Let's decorate the home together 
First time at the rink
Catching a cold after the first snow
Let's cook the Xmas dinner together
Hot wine and Xmas market 
Let's build a snowman 
Build-a-bear together
Night walk and city illumination
Adopting a dog/cat together 
Building a gingerbread house 
Snow angel and shooting stars
Santa Claus costume
Ginger & aphrodisiac 
An unexpected gift
Have you been good or naughty this year?
Are you wearing something under this apron?
Let's start our "good resolutions" early
Are you cold? I'll warm you up 
Human chocolate
☆Hot chocolate or gingerbread? 
Snowball fight 
First Xmas together and ugly sweaters 
Relaxing in front of the fire 
Painting baubles together 
Look, there's a mistletoe  
Hot spring 
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☆Exemple of request with all the needed informations
"Hi (I totally agree with the Kid agenda), for your event, I'd like to ask for the prompt 3 of the hot chocolate list, with Kid (obviously), g/n reader. I'm fine with modern A/U. Tyyy"
"Hello, I’m here for the event. I'd like to ask for the prompt 3 of the gingerbread or hot chocolate list. I'd like to have a gingerbread fic with Law and *add a list of kinks you like here*, no modern AU please, afab reader, thank you &lt;;3"
Thank you…(´人`●)SOOOOO━━\(´∀`●)/━━MUCH!!
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cherryjuiceblues · 8 months
Y/n trying to talk dirty to mbrry because he always does it so why shouldn't she do it too? Except this mf giggles right in her face and she's absolutely mortified because she thinks she said the wrong thing but he's not making fun of her, he's just pleasantly surprised, he was not expecting this, his girl telling him naughty things out of the blue. He's usually the one to do it. And she's hiding her face in his neck because how embarrassing is that, talking dirty to harry and him just laughing it off. Harry would be like "what are you hiding for babe?" and y/n thinks he's asking her that on purpose to make her even more embarrassed although harry's genuinely clueless and she just mumbles something something against his neck that he doesn't understand. Harry would apologize and tell her that it was unexpected and it caught him off guard but that he's very happy that she's comfortable enough with him to tell him dirty stuff. When y/n finally looks up at him, he'd kiss her ever so gently and scratch her scalp and then show her how much he liked her dirty talk
Same scenario with demonrry and Bambi except demonrry would totally openly mock her for it and make her repeat it several times just to mess with her
she'd squeak it out during s*x and harry would pause above her and be soooo "???" he's like, "what, baby? what did you say, darlin'?" and y/n tries to hide behind her hands. "no, nothing, nothing." and harry's smiling so hard that it makes her whine, "stop laughing at me." "i'm not!" but then when she won't stop pouting he apologises, "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, caught me off guard, is all," and he kisses all over her face to get a giggle out of her but then it gets hotter and he's kissing down her neck. and his voice is deeper, "so sexy when you tell d*ddy what you want, sweetheart. tell him what you said, baby. go on." 😵‍💫
demonrry !!! isn't listening to a single thing y/n says without making fun of her for it. "harder? you want it harder, bambi? yeah? fucking beg me then." :D
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c-m-stuff · 1 year
Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
-Description: You and Spencer are married. You two have a beautiful daughter. Unexpectedly, your niece came to visit.
-Warnings: Fluffiness, angst, language, having a child
-Word count: 2472
-Note: (Repost from Wattpad, if you have any requests, send them in!) I loved to write this one! I had so much fun! I used a large amount of text from a great TV show. Also, your niece in this story is just a character. I love my niece, she isn't like this character at all. That being said, enjoy! TV Show: Friends - 10x5
I was changing the diaper of our beautiful daughter, as we heard a knock on the front door.
'(Y/N)! Open up! It's your niece! I have to talk to you!' I was confused from the unexpected visit from my niece, I didn't saw in months.
I wanted to ask Spencer for opening the door, but I didn't even had to. He immediately understood, and went to the front door.
'You're not (Y/N).' I could hear Amy say. P
I sighed, she didn't even greet Spencer. Don't get me wrong, I love my niece, she just my total opposite. And, she says everything, she thinks. Without a second thought.
I finished changing the diaper of our one year old, and placed her gently in her crib, before making my way towards them.
'Hey Amy!' I greeted her, while sharing a hug.
'Ohh, you're here!'
'Yeah, so what are you doing here?' I asked, genuine wondering.
'Well, I have huge news.'
Just on that moment, the baby began to cry.
'Oh wait, hold on. Let me just check on the baby.'
'Wait, this is important! Can (Y/D/N) wait?'
Spencer gave me a look to say he could check up on her, but I gave him a smile, saying it was okay. I walked towards the bedroom, Amy following me.
I gently took her out of the crib, rocking her slightly. In the meanwhile, Amy was watching.
'So beautiful.' I smiled at her compliment, nodding in agreement.
'Oh, I know, isn't she?'
'No, I was talking about your bedding.' my previous smile quickly faded, hearing her confession.
'Alright, what's your news, Amy?'
'Oh! Umm... Well...  I'm getting married.' she stated, happily.
'What? Oh my God! To who?' I asked, completely shocked.
'This guy! He has a killer apartment.' she stopped talking.
'And?' I pushed her, hoping she would tell a bit more about the person she's getting married to.
'And, it's on fifth. And, the elevator opens up right into the living room.'
'No, what's he like?' I specified.
'Oh! He's okay. Do you remember my old boyfriend, Mark?' she asked, causing me to nod.
'It's his dad!' my expression immediately changed, processing what I just heard.
'His dad? Wow, he's gotta be-' she cut me off, continuing my sentence.
'Old? Yeah! But, he travels a lot, so he's hardly even there.' it was clearly, she was out for his money.
'Sweety, I need to tell you. It sounds a little bit like you like the apartment more than you like-'
'Myron.' she spoke, as I gave her a look.
'I told you, he was old!' she took the words out of my mouth.
'Honey, you deserve true love. Your soulmate is out there, somewhere. Someone that is your age, that is smart, that is fun and that you care about. Just like I found mine soulmate. You see, how happy Spence and I are? You can have that too.' she thinks about it for a moment, my speech clearly made her quiet a bit.
'You're right, you're right. I'm gonna do it!' she announced, excitedly.
'I'm gonna marry Myron, and keep looking for Mr. Right.' I bited on my lip, not quite what I was aiming for.
'Okay, let's keep talking.'
After talking more, she finally understood what I was aiming for. Immediately after that, she left the house. We were a few hours further, as we heard another knock on the door. I went to open it.
'I took your advice, I left Myron.' Amy said, but I couldn't ignore the many bags that were behind her.
'Im so proud of you!'
'Thank you! So, can I stay with you?' I laughed, but inside, I was doing the complete opposite.
I didn't even said anything, and she walked herself, and her bags, in. She made her way straight towards the guestroom.
Just then, Spencer walked in. I sighed, closing the front door, and walked to my husband for some comfort. He instantly wrapped his large arms around my body, hugging me tight. He gave me a sweet kiss on my head, rubbing gently my back.
'Spence, I need to tell you something.' I sighed, once again, preparing myself to tell him.
'I know, love. I've heard you two talking.' he confessed, and I was glad he took it well.
'Are you really okay with this? I just want to help her.'
'I'm really okay with this, love. Don't worry about it. And, I'm so proud of you, you want to help her.' I hummed, contently.
'I love you.'
'I love you more.'
The next morning:
I woke up with beautiful hazel eyes already staring in mine. Spencer was admiring me, just like I was admiring him.
'Good morning, beautiful.' he greeted me, with his morning voice.
'Morning, handsome.' I smiled, widely, and scooted closer to him.
He was hugging me, pressing my body into his chest, his arms around me, protectively. Then, Spencer peppered my face full of kisses, making me laugh.
'I love this!' I told him, as we shared a passionate kiss.
'I love you.' he replied, as we ended the kiss.
'I love you. So much.'
Suddenly, we heard crying from the crib. I wanted to get up, but Spencer pushed me gently back into the mattress.
'I got this.' we both smiled to each other, as I thanked him.
After a few more minutes, I decided to get up as well. I made my way towards the kitchen, seeing Spencer already preparing coffee.
'(Y/D/N) is okay.' he spoke, as I nodded, thankfully.
He gave me a cup of coffee, as I sat on the chair of the kitchen island. I sipped, as Amy walked in.
'Good morning.' she greeted us, as I saw what she was wearing. That was my outfit.
'Amy, that's what I was supposed to wear today, that's why I hung it on the closet.' I told her, thinking she must have took it when I was in the bathroom.
'Oh, sweety, you can't pull this off.' I bited on my lip, sipping again my coffee. Spencer watched me with sad eyes. I quickly changed the subject.
'Amy, you know what? I was thinking that maybe now it'd be a good time for us to sit down and, you know, talk about your future.' I suggested, while she took her purse.
'I can't. I'm gonna go get my eyebrows shaped.' she pointed at her eyebrows.
'I am not happy.' she added, before heading to the door.
'I see you guys later.' and, she was gone.
I rolled my eyes, and drank my coffee further. Suddenly, I felt two, warm arms around my waist. Spencer pressed a loving kiss on my cheek, holding me close.
'Love, you are absolutely stunning. Don't listen to her, you can definitely pull that off. You can pull everything off.' a smile appeared fast again on my face, hearing those comforting words from my husband.
'Thank you. Really, I needed that.' we shared another sweet kiss, before getting changed for work.
We needed to leave in a quarter hour, as Amy came in. I had give her my spare key for as long as she's here. On that moment, my phone began to rang.
'Hello?' I spoke through the main speaker.
'Oh no, I hope you're feeling better! Okay bye.' we broke the connection, and I sighed.
'That was Mary, she's sick.'
Mary was my best friend, and always watches our daughter when we had work. The thing is, we needed to go to work and we had nobody who could babysit. I would've asked the team, but since we work together, they can't as well.
'Shoot, what are we going to do?' I asked the genius, as I began to stress.
'I can do it.' Amy spoke up, as I thought about it for a moment.
It didn't looked like we had much choice. We had paperwork, since Spencer and I made the agreement to work less cases, and more on the station, since we got (Y/D/N).
'Well, Spence, can I talk to you for a moment?' he nodded, and we went to the other side of the room.
'What do you think?' I asked him, and as answer, he gave me a doubtful look.
I couldn't blame him, I had my doubts as well. I mean, it's our child, we're talking about. But, I still trusted my niece.
'Look, I know you have your doubts, so am I. But, this is a big breakthrough for her. I'm trying to help her become a better person, and I think this would help her.' he thought about it for a moment, as Amy walked closer.
'Um, listen. I couldn't help but overhear, cause I was trying to listen. Let me do this, alright? I really wanna help you guys out, and plus (Y/N) is been so wonderful to me.' she gave us a pleading look.
Spencer was still doubting it, but eventually gave in. Amy squealed, visibly happy.
'Great! So how much does is pay?' I was almost proud of her. Almost.
'Amy, we're not going to pay you. You're just doing it, because you're kind. If something is wrong, call me immediately.'
She nodded in agreement, as we both said goodbye to our daughter. After that, we left for work.
I unlocked the door, letting us both in. We just got back from work, and I was dying to see (Y/D/N). Amy had texted me that they were on their way, so I didn't worried when I entered in an empty house.
We weren't home for 5 minutes, and the front door swung open again. There they were. (Y/D/N), in the stroller, wearing a new hat, Amy bought her.
'How's my little girl?' I walked happily to our daughter, as she began to laugh at my touch on her little hand.
'What did you guys do today?' Spencer asked Amy.
'(Y/D/N), wanted to go out, so we went shopping and got some sushi.' she explained.
'That sounds like fun.'
'Yeah! Oh, (Y/N), I got you a present for letting me stay with you. Ready?'
'Yeah.' I answered, very curious about the gift.
She then took the hat off our daughter's little head, as her ears got suddenly more attention.
I putted my hand for my mouth, gasping at the sight in front of me. (Y/D/N) was wearing earrings. I can't believe, Amy did this. Now Spencer came looking, and was just a shocked as I was.
'You pierced her ears!?' I shouted, angrily.
'Doesn't it make her nose look smaller?' she stated, excitedly.
'You pierced her ears? How could you do this without telling me?'
'Well, if I had told you, then it wouldn't have been a surprise, now would it?'
'Amy! How-how could you do this? I told you we shouldn't have left (Y/D/N) with her!' Spencer now reacts more angrily, realizing what she did.
'I know, I know. You were right, Spence.' I agreed, but I could see, he wasn't mad at me.
'You are soo irresponsible! I am never letting you babysit ever again!' I yelled at her, the anger burning on my skin.
'Hey, you know what? This kid needs me, okay? She needs to have a cool fun aunt.'
'You're not even her aunt! You're her grandniece! I can't believe this! All I wanted to do was help you try to figure out what to do with your life, and this is how you repay me?'
'Well, I don't need you to help me, because I already know what I'm going to do with my life.' she stated, proudly.
'Oh yeah? Since when?'
'Since today. I am going to be a baby stylist.' we both looked at her with disbelief.
'That's not even a thing!' now Spencer yelled.
'Well, it should be. I'm gonna help babies learn how to accessorize, what colors to wear, what clothes are in fashion...'
'Baby's don't care about that!' I argued back, furious.
'Enter Amy!' she told us, as I just looked shocked.
'Spencer, get Amy's bags, she is moving out!' my husband immediately disappeared to the guestroom.
'You're kicking me out?'
'You put holes in our baby's ears!'
'Yeah well, at least now people will know she is a girl!' I gasped once again, my madness growing.
'I can't believe I ever even tried to help you. You are so beyond help!'
'You know what? Ever since I got here, you have been nothing but negative.'
'Excuse me?'
'You didn't want me to marry the old guy with the great apartment. Then, I tried to help your daughter to de-empathsize her flaws.' she pointed to (Y/D/N) her nose, making me even more pissed.
'And, suddenly, I am the bad guy?' she continued.
'Spencer, where are those bags?' I shouted, wanting her to leave as quick as possible.
'She has a lot of stuff!' my husband answered.
'When I moved in here, I thought: This is gonna be so great. Just us nieces, back together again like when we were kids. Just talking and gossiping like we used to do.' I began to relax more, trying to calm myself down.
'I can do that.' I stated, calmly, I was still mad, but tried to ignore it for a moment.
'You can?' she asked, more calmly herself.
'Yeah. I just kept trying to make you a better person, but you're-you're already a pretty perfect version of what you are.' she gave me a hug, as I hugged her back.
'Thank you. I've got to admit, (Y/D/N) does look cute.' a genuine smile crept on my lips, happy with the compliment.
'She really does.'
'Look, I'm sorry for what I did.' she apologized, which I didn't excepted.
'Thank you for apologizing. I appreciate it.' we gave each other a smile, finally finding a bit rest.
Only two days later, Amy left the house again, as Spencer and I, finally returned to our usual routine. I have to admit, it's more peaceful now. But, at the other side, it was also fun to spend some time with her. Most of the time.
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feedthefandomfest · 4 months
Thank you SO much for organising the Comment Bingo, I've been desperate to do one for so long aimed at commenters, and this is hitting the spot beautifully! 👌🏻 I also love that it's open-ended and that we can complete the card in the time that works for us 👍🏻 (Thanks for my First Badge, BTW ❤️)
If it's alright to offer future Bingo suggestions, I'd love to see a Bingo Card built around Tropes or common Tags? So the Bingo could be about finding fics or chapters that meet the listed Trope/Tag... for example, the very fun.... there was only one bed, enemies to lovers, "character" needs a hug, Time Travel, Fix-It, etc, etc...  (with the option to switch-out squares that aren't your cup of tea 😉)
Or perhaps there could be Bingo Cards with THEMES based on Whump, Fluff, Different Types of AU's, spicy 😏🥴, or Seasonal? I'm thinking of the Bingos that Writers often do (I've frequently WISHED I could join in as a commenter). I would TOTALLY have multiple Bingos on the go to celebrate all the wonderful fics and authors I read. LOL 🤭
Anyway! Just want to say you're doing an EXCELLENT job. Keep it up! Your positive attitude is much appreciated! I love reading your supportive and encouraging posts, and seeing you share the progress of other Bingo participants is exciting \○/. You’ve given some creative commenting suggestions that will help both 'seasoned' and 'new/shy' commenters alike.
This is for you, because you're awesome!! :D
🥹🥹🥹😭💛 I don't even know what to say!! Thank you so much for the kind words. It's been an unexpected delight seeing this little community start to form—people liking each other's bingo posts and sort of rooting each other on. And that there are people from so many different fandoms participating and visiting the blog? You kind of forget that there are endless wonderful people out there beyond your little corner of fandom.
I absolutely LOVE these ideas—and I've been wanting to design a card that would encourage seeking out a range of different fics and hopefully uncover more of those "hidden gems" you wouldn't otherwise have come across. All of those variants would serve that goal so well.
I'm hoping to release a couple more cards this month (maybe make one of them that Fluff Card, what with Valentine's Day coming up?), so I really appreciate all the suggestions 🙏 Also thinking of switching up the badges soon!! A friend of mine has designed a few that I want to debut 👀
Thank you again—I'm so glad you're enjoying the card and the blog 🥰
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merakiui · 1 year
MERA!! HI! hope ur having another great week! For todays question i wanted to ask about your top five fave concepts you have (ex:idol!reader, sk!eels, goldfish riddle) and who you'd be most scared of! Those examples totally were not some of MY faves by the way hehehe nope not at all
your faithful yet busy 🐔 anon!! 💕
HELLO, MY DEAREST 🐔 ANON!!!! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) my week is indeed great!! I hope yours is as well!
Omg your top five fave concepts are so wonderful!!! I love thinking about them!!! <3 now as for my top five fave concepts!!!
✧ contractual fwb Azul -> I hold this concept close in my heart hehe. >0< fwb is such a fun trope made even more interesting when things are purely ✨ contractual ✨ I don’t think I’d be very frightened of this version of Azul (until the end when he takes my voice. ;;;;). I would be too wrapped up in his charm to be scared. orz (luckily, the fwb concept does not end with Azul. Riddle, be ready for your fwb fic because you’re next hehehehe. >:D)
✧ sk!Jade/DRU -> he’s terrifying!!! The scariest murder eel you will ever find on this blog. He’s scary because he’s unpredictable. At the very least with a sk like Floyd, you can expect the unexpected. But Jade is so difficult to read, and you can never guess what’s going on in his head. He’s also scarily strong and so devoted to his own crooked moral compass. He may let me live for nine months, but that doesn’t mean he won’t make each month so troublesome.
✧ fluffy Floyd -> I could never be scared of fluffy Floyd. <3 he’s just so cute and so sweet and so in love with Shrimpy. He’s doing his best to be good and work on his mood swings and patience! He may be holding me captive in his home, but at least he’s honest about his feelings and always so willing to provide for Shrimpy!
✧ ceo Azul -> AAAAA CEO AZUL…… another concept I adore. He’s the worst, but he’s also so attractive and rich and influential and he could ruin my life so easily… ;;; he would be so intimidating because he holds so much control over my employment status, so I’d definitely be scared of him and what he’s capable of.
✧ twst apocalypse -> I wonder if I should be more scared of the threats beyond the compounds or the people in the compounds… ^^;;; this is an au that’s not very pleasant all around, but it can be tolerable depending on which twst character you’re with. I think I’d be scared if it’s certain characters who are intimidating or frightening.
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dreaming-marchling · 2 months
⭐  Because I couldn't choose which fic I most wanted a director's cut from. :D
I'll go with Across the Lonely Decades :)
Some BTS Tidbits:
"In the center of the mess was his newly re-made warlock. Magnus’ magic had been restored to him eight weeks ago and seeing him with his old confidence back had been a relief to Alec. Worth the trip to Edom and the literal hell he and Jace had gone through to make it right."
Imagine my deep shock when the show went in a totally different direction with this, lol. I was so sure that Jace was going to be a big driver in helping Alec get Magnus back, like nearly as intense about it as he was in getting Clary back. After Magnus and Alec sacrificed for him and with Alec's pain which Jace knew so well having just lost Clary I really thought we were going to see battle parabatai in Edom doing their damnedest because they BOTH were determined to get Magnus back. Super let down that they didn't go that route although obviously there are great aspects to what they picked. I left this bit in even after that aired just as an ode to what I wanted that arc to be.
This is one of the main ambience videos I used to help myself get into the Victorian mood.
“I don’t know much about parabatai I’ll be honest.” Ragnor said
Ragnor is not being honest. He's trying to get Alec to talk about it.
In answer, the warlock hurriedly handed him a… scimitar? Not his favorite and kind of a random choice but he’d take it.
I was getting into The Old Guard and Joe uses a scimitar so I threw this in for the unexpected blade Alec is given. I also picked Ragnor using Yusuf as the first Joseph iteration when he was sharing his revelation about Jozef's identity for the same reason.
The whole thongs conversation got added after I started posting the story because I felt like we needed another nice Bane scene of him trying after readers were even more upset about his behavior than I had anticipated.
“Shh,” Jozef shushed him gently. “I’m Joseph and Lottie is getting Magnus. That’s what matters, all right? I won’t let anyone hurt you, I promise. Dymphna won’t come back.”
Magnus’ frantic voice called for him.
Alec blinked slowly.
“Stay awake, Alec.” Jozef urged him. When had he learned Alec’s name? He hadn’t known it before when he had been sending Alec through time. He hadn’t been kind then either.
I wasn't super clear in the story and it confused some readers so I'll say it clearly here - Joseph only uses Alec's name here after Magnus calls it. He doesn't know it before that, he was using it after to try to keep Alec awake. I also initially had Joseph call Alec "child" before I decided that was too much and switched it to boy. I wanted Joseph to be really kind and tender to Alec to highlight the person he used to be. Also, I forever live for the idea that Alec is very obviously not centuries old to actual centuries old beings lol
Alec felt like he was floating.
I added this whole section to further break hearts right before the chapter was posted.
I pre-write all my stories before I start posting and while I'm editing as the story is posting I have added little bits to stories but I have never added so many scenes as I did to Across the Lonely Decades. I was having so much fun with this one and had so many feels and this was one of my favorite experiences with readers, I just wanted to give more and more.
A reader was sad that I didn't include Magnus' POV of Alec getting glamoured for their morning bread date so I wrote them this in a reply comment, in case anyone here has never seen it:
Magnus didn't go into this with plans for how he would change Alec. If he was going to take his 21st century boy out for as many different 19th century experiences as he could, he would likely be magically disguising him enough times that a great deal of fun could be had through the month. Right now, he had plans that needed them out the door quickly so he was just going to play a game of opposites top to bottom.
First, hair. Lengthen it and lighten it. He sent a pulse of magic at Alec and his hair grew rapidly, going from his usual short style into...
Oh that was...
Alec leaned into the mirror to inspect his new hair, “What are you doing?”
Every moment of every day Alec was beautiful, Magnus was agonizingly aware of all the ways, but this...
It was like a Greek statue had come to life. Lush and lovely, made for worship. Tousled curls framed Alec's face, somehow highlighting his hazel eyes and making them glow. He looked like a Romantic poet, like he was about to whisper sonnets into Magnus' ear, like they were...
“Magnus?” Alec asked sort of cautiously.
Alec's voice broke the spell abruptly. “Apologies, darling, that hit me harder than I anticipated.”
To Alec’s surprised, Cat gave him a brisk rub of her hands over his arms, “I’m joining Eula and Kaira at the pantomime. Send me a fire message if he keels over but otherwise, have a lovely time and I’ll rejoin you tonight.”
Eula and Kaira are from Hybrid. Kaira more prominently as one of the warlocks who comes to help Magnus get the collar off and Eula is one of the warlocks who were killed to give Alec magic, Valentine calls her a bore when she argues with him.
But her eyes were the same. The pleased smile was the same. Martha stood in front of him.
“Hello, pretty boy.”
I didn't end up getting into their reunion conversation but Martha had been keeping an eye on Magnus for decades waiting for Alec to start appearing at his side. Technically she could have gone to Magnus while they were freaking out trying to find Alec and explaining but that would possibly ruin getting Alec home so she didn't. She was pretty pleased to get the call inviting her over knowing now was the time. Now that she doesn't have to stay away she and Alec become buddies :)
Thank you for asking!
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bropunzeling · 7 months
Hi!! I'm totally in love with linger, thank you for your amazing work! I've bing-read all your stories and I LOVED them. Do you have any recs for other good Matthew/Leon fics from other authors? I'm officially hooked now :D
aw thank you anon! that's very kind of you. some deeply biased recs (as in, read anything they write but these are a few of my faves):
head above water by @msmargaretmurry (rivals to lovers, alternate version of the 2022-23 season): i mean, of course im gonna rec the og ratnovel. the interiority and unreliability? so well done. and matthew is so fucked in the head in this one (affectionate). the best part about finishing my latest long fic is now im in the right brain space that i can do a reread and im: excited
preference by @hopetorun (winner's room): i love weird lightly dubious but lightly not sex that then turns into an arrangement that then has all these undercurrents of feelings that bump up against other priorities and are only ever exacerbated by unexpected tenderness. per-son-al-ly! and no sex scene ever feels like a repetition of another, which is such a skill
pull me closer (we ain't ever getting older) by @ohtemporas (leon is at bc and matthew is at bu): as we all know i love the grossness of hooking up in college and this one TRULY delivers; i especially love the way rivals to lovers and the immense distance that a two year age gap becomes when one of you is a freshman are handled. as always the ending got me real fuckin good.
what you got is hard to find by void_fish (omegaverse; omega!leon): i owe some kind of intellectual debt to jay for showing me how fun omegaverse can be without all the trappings that sometimes get added, and god the ending of the first in this series still cracks me the fuck up every time i read it
and one less intensely biased rec (lol):
if you handed over your body by photovoltaic (2020 ASG weekend): people who can convey this much ambiguity and emotion in under 3k are so impressive to me, i think about this one a LOT. love something concise and dense and punchy.
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flyiingsly · 7 months
How to get away with bad pranks
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Square : Fives
Pairing : Fives x gn!reader
Warnings : mentions of blood and injuries, reader being shot at, Fives being a tease, swearing, kissing and pining
Wordcount : 2,7k
Summary : You catch Fives trying to pull a prank on Kix, but things backfire quickly on you, leading you into an unexpected but enjoyable position.
A/N : Here it is finally, my first submission for the @clonexreaderbingo ! I'm a bit nervous about posting it, because it's the first time ever that I'm sharing something I wrote on Tumblr, so it's a big first for me ! I had so much fun writing this one, I hope you'll enjoy it :D
Disclaimer : I'm still struggling to understand English grammar properly, English is not my native language and even if I have proofread my writtings several times, there is probably still typos in it. I'm very self conscious about it and I apologize for it in advance, but I'm doing my best to do better and I'm actively working at improving my writting skills !
So if you spot a typo, feel free to point it to me so I can correct it, it will be much appreciated :)
It was Fives's idea, of course ... He was always the one for the worst prank ideas ever ... And much to your despair, he was the kind to drag everyone around him along when things go out of hands.
That’s how you ended, thanks to him, running for your life around the corridors of the 501st quarters, a very angry Kix after you, firing paralyzing blaster charges at you and cursing like an angry hutt. As most of the time when someone got caught between him and the one he wanted to prank, you were only at the wrong place at the wrong moment.
You were searching for some band-aids to begin with, as you badly cut your hand with scrap metal while fixing an astromech droid who got shot on your last mission. You didn’t wanted to bother Kix, for he was currently reporting about the latest medical interventions from that said mission to Rex. So you decided to go get some at the medbay on your own. Since you were accredited as a medic too, you had the authorization to treat your own wounds if needed, if they weren’t too bad, of course, and a total access to the medbay.
You thought you’ll be alone, since there was nobody left here to heal. All injured men were already back on duty, thanks to the wonderful cares Kix provided to them. But when you opened the door, you heard some suspect noises. You stop moving for a moment, feeling that something was kind of wrong.
“Is there anybody here ?” you shout.
“Ho, hey, (y/n) ! What are doing here ?” a very awkward and embarrassed Fives answer you, popping his head from behind the curtain separating the entrance of the medbay and the nearest examination room.
Oh, not that idiot again you thought. His presence here wasn’t suggesting any good. And not to add to your bad premonition, the lights were shut, except for that one lamp behind the curtain, and you immediately knew that whatever you were going to find behind it would be something overstepping every possible protocols.
You were absolutely fond of each one of your comrades for sure, you could give your own life for them. But this one … You were particularly susceptible to his charms to be honest, even if you knew that when he had decided to be sneaky and to play a joke on someone, he could become a huge pain in the ass.
“I came here to find some disinfectant and band-aids, I cut my hand … And what about you ? You know you have no authorization to be here alone Fives. You know you can come and find me if you get injured, I will not judge you, you know me !”
You try not to sound too suspicious, for maybe he was here because he really needed it and not to do something unreasonable for once.
He had, indeed, developed the bad habit of injuring himself in the stupidest of ways. Not very serious injuries fortunately, but Kix was tired of having to deal with his case and one day reprimanded him, so he became reluctant to find him when in need of a medic. That was why you offered him to come find you if that had to happen again. Which he did most of the time. And when he didn’t, you always ended up noticing he was injured anyway. Of course, all of this gave you the opportunity to spend more time with him, but you wish it could be under others circumstances.
“Well …”, he hesitate, “I, huh … No, I’m fine, I just wanted to make a little surprise for Kix, you know …” He finally admit, a nervous smile playing on his lips.
So, it was what you were fearing, he was doing something stupid, again …
“Oh my god, Fives, I hope it’s not that bad this time !” you groan, hurrying toward the curtain and opening it.
It was that bad.
You didn’t get the chance to finish your sentence that you hear a desperate scream behind you. You turn back and see Kix, who just happened to enter the room. You forgot to close the door behind you, so the sound of its opening didn’t inform you of his arrival.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ?” he screams, anger piercing trough his voice, “THIS TIME I SWEAR I’LL KILL YOU !” he adds, grabbing his paralyzing blaster from his belt.
“Wait …” you try to explain, but you were cut by Fives taking you by the hand and dragging you across the room to the door.
“Run !”
“I didn’t do anythiiiing !” you try to protest anyway, but it was too late, Kix was already chasing after you, aiming at you with his weapon.
The best option would have been to stay and explain yourself about the fact that it was absolutely none of your fault, but now that you were running away, considering how angry Kix was, you became highly suspect and were almost immediately assigned guilty. Even though he knew you usually were the wise one, trying your best to discourage his irresponsibles brothers to make a mess. But he was way too furious to think about it right now, and you cannot blame him.
So here you were, dodging electric shocks, passing by other soldiers whit absolutely no idea of what was happening, with a still bleeding hand, and pursued by a very hysterical medic.
“FIVES I SWEAR I KRIFFIN' HATE YOU FOR MAKER’S SAKE !” you bark at the clone, your cheeks burning from the sudden adrenaline rush.
“Oh, I don’t really think so my dear ! » he answers, smiling with pride.
You were speechless. So that dumbass still had the nerves to do humor to your face after embarking you in his mess ! You promise to yourself that you were going to make him pay for that, one way or another.
But the only thing that matters at that very moment was to find a place to hide until Kix could finally calm down. Thankfully, you were running faster than him, and you managed to pass a few automatic doors that you closed behind you to slow him down.
“THERE !” Fives suddenly yells, pointing at a little door on the right side of the corridor. You reach it within seconds, and he slams the controlling pad to open it, pushing you inside and closing it quickly again before you could even ask what was behind it.
It was dark, but you could still distinguish some blurry shapes around you, even without really knowing what they were. All you could tell was that the space was very tight.
Both of you remain silent for a moment. You were both shaking and panting from your intense and unexpected run. You could feel your heart pumping in your ears, and your blood rushing through your veins. You both try to listen to what was going on outside. It was very quiet. Too quiet.
After what seemed like an eternity, you hear fast footsteps and a ragged breathing passing by the door at full speed without slowing down at its sight.
You look around you, realizing that your eyes had got used to the darkness, as you were now able to see what was around you. You were in some sort of closet, and there only was a shelf against the back wall, crowded with what was looking like tools and cans of paint. Some kind of a storeroom in fact.
Your heartbeat had finally calmed down, and you let out a sigh of relief. You were safe in here. But for how long ?
You then notice that you were barely more than a foot from each other. A very thigh space, indeed.
You raise your head toward the man standing right in front of you, and when you meet his gaze, it was already upon you. His eyes were glowing and intensely focused on your face. Your heart start to race again, as you felt a bit taken aback by the closeness and the way he was looking at you. You weren’t expecting your day to go on like this.
“Well, what are we supposed to do now ?” you ask him nervously, whispering as quietly as possible.
“Now that you ask …” A mischievous smirk was growing on his lips, making you fear the worst. “I see plenty of possibilities honestly …”
Of course, you should have known what kind of answer that question was calling for. You knew him so well, it was inevitable, and yet, you had to ask anyway.
Teasing each other with suggestive remarks had always been a thing between soldiers, and Fives was always going for it any time he had the opportunity. Witnessing this behavior usually made you laugh and roll your eyes, not really minding it. But this time, it makes you feel unusually flustered, and your brain start to send you unwanted and detailed glimpses of what those possibilities could look like.
You didn’t know what came to your confused mind, but you decide to play his game, just to see if he was bold enough to go along with someone who was not one of his brothers.
“Oh really ? I’d like to see that.” You tease, raising an eyebrow in defiance, but instantly internally facepalming for it. “What the hell are you doing ?” you wordlessly yelled at yourself, feeling the heat rising to your face.
“W-what ?” he mumbles in a high-pitched tone, forgetting to whisper, his eyes widening and his jaw dropping at your words. He was obviously not expecting that kind of answer.
“What ?” you repeat, as shocked as him. But quickly, his expression of pure confusion makes you chuckle, allowing you to release a bit of your nervousness.
“Relax, I was joking … I just wanted to see if you were going to add to it, apparently not.” You were grinning, a bit proud of yourself afterward.
“You’re an awful person, you know that ?”
“Hey ! You started this !”
He rolls up his eyes and pulls his best annoyed face, but ends up smiling at you anyway. He never was good at feigning annoyance, or any other emotion, actually.
The silence fall between you again, but you feel that there still was some tension in the air, and you knew by the look on his face that something was bothering him. He was so close that you could hear his heart starting to race again.
“Fives ? Are you okay ?” you ask after you noticed that his gaze was locked on you again, but for way too long this time.
He seems like paralyzed, wanting to move but too hesitant to do so. He opens his mouth like if he was about to say something but immediately shut it again. His eyes were still glowing, and without a warning, he closes the space between you, cups your face with both his hands, and his lips came crashing against yours.
It happened so fast that you couldn’t saw it coming. You let out a muffled squeak of surprise and your whole body tense up at first, but soon you close your eyes and relax, allowing yourself to get carried away by the moment. He wasn’t lying when he bragged about being a good kisser.
But he breaks the kiss, you were both panting. He quickly lets go of you and takes a step behind, a frightened expression on his face.
“I … I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, I … I got overwhelmed …” he was so embarrassed and afraid of your reaction that he was struggling to find his words. At this point, the idea of whispering to avoid being caught was far gone from his mind.
You, on the other hand, were standing completely silent, still processing what had just happened, trying your best to refrain your mind from going wild over inappropriate thoughts. You bite your lips, avoiding his gaze, trying to get yourself together and carefully pick up your words.
“Was that what you were thinking about when you were talking about “possibilities” ?” you ask blankly.
He hesitate for a moment before answering you, not sure if he could tell you the truth at first, but soon remembers that he was screwed anyway.
“Well …” he sighs, “to be honest, yes, and I had to admit that I have been thinking about it since the first time I met you.” He spits out in one go, immediately cursing himself as he saw your eyes growing wider than ever.
You still didn’t answer anything, but on the inside, his confession had turned you into a huge mess. You were doing your best to keep your composure, but it was becoming harder and harder.
“Oh kriff, what’s wrong with me …” he breathes out, hiding his eyes under his hand.
Without hesitating much longer, you came closer to him and gently take his hand in one of yours to uncover his face, much to his surprise. Your sudden closeness was unexpected, as he was waiting for you to storm out of the closet and go report him right in the minute. But instead, his fear was greeted by the feeling of your lips passionately meeting his again.
He immediately dives in, answering and deepening the kiss, one of his hands unconsciously finding its way to your hip, grabbing it firmly, while the fingers of the other hand came running through your hair. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer, desperately wanting to feel his body against yours.
It was so intense and thrilling, and you were holding your breath so tight that you were seeing stars, and you both had to stop kissing so you could reach for air. But it didn’t take long for him to come back at it, teasingly biting your lower lips in the process. You couldn’t help but let out a faint moan as it made your excitation level dangerously increase. You could feel him smiles mischievously at your reaction, visibly enjoying it.
You were both so focus on each other that you didn’t even notice that footsteps were passing by the door once again to stop in front of it. Only a second after, It was slammed open without a warning, making you jump in surprise, stopping you in your tracks and bringing in the violent light of the corridor.
“HERE YOU ARE !” You hear Kix screaming triumphantly at you, although you were too blinded by the sudden burst of luminosity to clearly see him. All you could distinguish was the form of the blaster he was still holding in his hand.
He instantly stops moving when he notices in which position and how close you were, dropping his jaw in disbelief.
Fives and you both throw a horrified look at each other, not expecting to be catch like that. You had nearly forgot why you were here in the first place.
“We … we can explain !” the ARC trooper stutters.
But Kix quickly moves on and you didn’t even get a chance to protest that he was already aiming his blaster at you, not bothering to ask for a clarification. You both let out a scream, trying to beg him not to fire at you.
Fives couldn’t finish his sentence that a shot reaches him, making him collapse on the floor in a painful start. Nearly immediately after, you felt a dazzling pain passing through your whole body and your muscles contracting. You wanted to scream but you were unable to, and soon your mind blacks out, leaving you unconscious too.
Needless to say that Kix didn’t hesitate to use what he saw to tease you when you woke up as a revenge for the prank, and he seemed to immensely enjoy it. The last thing you wanted was to get involved in Fives' plans, but you had to admit that it was more than worth it this time.
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i-sveikata · 1 month
Hii :)
I discovered your vegaspete fic a while ago when you were still around chapter 13, and I think it's safe to say it has changed my life. I remember putting off everything just to catch up on all the chapters when I was about 2 paragraphs in chapter 1 realising I found gold, and I remember spending every waking moment thinking about that fic and even now I think about it at the very least once a week, it's insanely good. :D Once I caught up on the chapters I had so many question, so I used my notes app to put my questions and thoughts down. With my list of questions in hand I decided to read the whole thing again see if I missed anything. Reading the story the second time was just as good and I found I missed so many little details and nuances-and all of my questions were answered for me. You're brilliant, I could sing your praises all day if I had the words! Their characterisation is the best thing I have ever read honestly, so complex and so human!!!
I was in the middle of preparations for my final exams when chapter 16 came out then not shortly after you released chapter 17 and I swore to myself that reading those chapters would be my treat after getting through my exams. I knew that reading them before my exams would easily take up 90% of my brain capacity for weeks, so I had to make some sacrifices. Well, I'm all caught up on the chapters and I am SO VERY tempted to read the whole thing again. I thought that the story would get boring or predictable after a while but no you've proved me wrong. My jaw is on the floor and I can't even imagine how the story will continue, but I can't wait to find out.
I've been meaning to say hello and let you know I admire your work and I am very grateful that you share this masterpiece with us, but I just never really knew how to say it. :D I'm here to show my support and let you know I wish you nothing but the very best. THANK YOU :)
Oh lucky you!! It’s always great to come in at least a couple chapters in because you’ve got a good starting point already- not like the wonderful readers who’ve been in the trenches from the first chap and waiting patiently for updates ever since 😂
Omg that’s so sweet of you to say I’m so glad it left such an impression on you! Lol I totally resonate with the needing to take notes part because this badboy is LONG hahhaha (I literally have a notes page at the beginning of my word doc to keep track of all the details lol)
Ahhhh we love a reread! So fun to discover all the things that you might not have picked up on or realised they were going to be more significant than a throwaway line. Thank you! You are honestly so nice to say so the characterisation is such a core part of this fic (and tbh the focus of all my brain worms about these two dudes lol) so I’m so happy to hear you’ve enjoyed it!!
Oh of course of course having more fic chaps as a treat is honestly such a fun way to go about it I hope your exams went well and you’re happy to see the back of them!
Lol hahha very easy to stay unpredictable when these two characters are essentially batshit for one another- that’s an endless treasure trove of inspo in my opinion hahaha but thank you for the compliment! Ah thanks I do hope you like the rest it’s been such a wild and unexpected journey!!
Thank you for coming to say hello and share your thoughts (also you’ve said it all perfectly there’s no rules on what to say beyond basic human politeness with these things and I do honestly love to hear what you all think) thank you for your support it’s so meaningful to me how wonderful you all have been and you’re so welcome 💛
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myulalie · 5 months
Author interview
@aceon-ice tagged me and I’m really looking forward to this, thank you ♥
1. How many works do you have on ao3:
165 and I am extremely upset because Alex Rider got more than Teen Wolf and I can’t seem to catch up D:
2. What's my total ao3 wc:
1 047 026. wow. apparently I wrote 400k in 2020 and I’ve been putting out between 100 and 200k every year since, just wow.
3. What are my top 5 fics by kudos:
Mixing business with pleasure (Explicit, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec has to go to the Seelie Queen herself and strike a deal, release Jace from the curse in exchange of… what, exactly? He has nothing to offer. Magnus Bane is the warlock who grants wishes. His father is a Prince of Hell after all, the demon of lust… maybe Alec has something to offer then.
Yeah this fic took off alright, I really liked the concept ♥
Eyes on Fire (Teen, Sterek, Teen Wolf)
When a rival pack goes after Scott and his friends, Stiles finds himself caught in the crossfire. With his subsequent turning to haunt him among other nightmares, Stiles has to learn how to control his new abilities and make something of a situation he never wanted for himself, much less with the tensions that linger in Beacon Hills since the awakening of the Nemeton. As he eventually figures out how to be a werewolf, he finally finds common ground with one Derek Hale, catching feelings as he goes. The unexpected alliance might be just what Beacon Hills needs to bring the established werewolf packs together once and for all.
This was my first reverse bang and I finally tried my hand at werewolf!Stiles, I had a lot of fun coming up with the fic to match the art.
Deepest Desires (give in) (General, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Were-cats are good luck by shadowhunters' standards, so when a black, jewelry covered cat appears at the Institute, Alec pays him his respects. He needs it, considering the messes Clary and Jace keep dragging him in. Alec certainly doesn't expect the were-cat to take a liking to him, and even less to start flirting with him...
Now I want to read it again haha
A piece of night sky (Teen, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec is doing his best to keep the city safe. With no support from the Clave, the New York Institute is desperately understaffed. He begins patrolling with help from the Downworld factions - which proves to be tricky at best, and becomes almost impossible when the werewolves start hunting Alec.  His siblings have no idea of what he’s up to at night and to keep them all safe Alec needs to keep it that way. Then, he meets the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Suddenly, patrolling also includes pop songs and bird puns in between watching someone's back when fighting demons. But, what’s one more secret to keep?
This was my first collab with a beta and an artist for a bang, I’m exceptionally proud of this one!
(Vir)Gin and Tonic (Mature, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec and Magnus have barely met when the High Warlock asks for virgin shadowhunter energy in exchange for Clary’s memories. Naturally, Jace offers Alec’s virginity. It doesn’t go according to plan.
The first fic in this list is actually a remix of this one with a slightly different take on virginity x)
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, always! I just love interacting with other fans, it’s nice to know someone actually read your fic and noticed details or reacted to some choices you made in the narrative. Also it can be a great way to find new ideas and motivation, I wish I could be more invested in writing communities to keep those creative juices flowing.
5. What fic has the angstiest ending?
I’d say Dangerous Tastes (Explicit, Yalex, Alex Rider), it’s a bit of a star-crossed lovers romance and the ending is particularly bittersweet, albeit hopeful.
After a failed assassination attempt during his horse ride around the property, Alex gets a bodyguard against his will. He keeps flirting with danger from then on, even at the risk of getting his heart broken.
6. What fic has the happiest ending?
Oh, definitely 17 Suits (Explicit, Malec, Shadowhunters)! Alec and Magnus find common ground over the one thing that pushed them apart all throughout the story.
Magnus Bane, a sworn bachelor, receives his fair share of wedding invitations on a regular basis and makes sure his friends get through their weddings unscathed. One dark, wounded and mysterious Alec Lightwood is not going to rain on Magnus’ parade as he celebrates the best day of his loved ones’ lives.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not really, I don’t read them either. I do write fusion fics though, specifically Pokémon like I did with Idris Tour Sweethearts (General, Malec, Shadowhunters) for instance.
Alec is fascinated by dragon types and has learned everything about them in books. He’s always dreamed of finding them in the wild and see them for himself, but he never went on his journey with a Pokémon and now, it’s too late to travel the world. Except, is it? Alec’s siblings are all grown up, and he doesn’t have a job — or friends — to keep him in his hometown. He could leave and attempt to complete the Pokédex, hopefully meeting some dragons along the way. Maybe he’ll even find love, like so many Idris Tour sweethearts before him… But the winner of Pokémon beauty Contests, Top Coordinator Magnus Bane, couldn’t possibly want more than one night in Alec’s arms. Right?
8. Have you received hate on ao3?
No? but then I usually assume good faith so unless you’re insulting me or my mom I’ll either think the comment is clumsy but the person meant well, or just move on. 
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah, surprisingly. I was never really interested in smut, would even skip smut scenes for the longest time but eventually I found it useful in some stories and then I made a point of doing kinktober (Malec, Shadowhunters / Sterek, Teen Wolf) and smutember (Yalex, Alex Rider) just to figure out how to fit the prompts into some ideas and it’s been a lot of fun!
10. Have you had a fic get stolen?
I don’t think so or at least I’m not aware if there has been one. I did occasionally share ideas that got passed around and written by somebody else which is always uncomfortable but that’s on me for both sharing and not mentioning it wasn’t up for grabs lmao
11. Have you had a fic get translated?
Nope! I thought of translating a couple myself though, I’m just too lazy x)
12. Have you co-written a fic?
Several! Even though @spark-draws will deny it I do consider them a co-writer because they came up with a good chunk of the outline and I implemented major edits due to their feedback on The Mortal Instruments: Skyrim (Mature, Malec, Shadowhunters). 
Magnus and Alec are now enemies who have been saddled up with a mysterious quest to save Skyrim. Will rivalry, distrust and fierce and dangerous dragons get the better of them? Or will they find some much needed guidance on the slopes of the Throat of the World, where a mysterious brotherhood holds some of the answers they so desperately need?
I also recently worked on Vastly Different Things (Teen, Yalex, Alex Rider) with @polarnachtsblog as a thank you fic for our pinch-hitter in the Yalex Secret Santa. We literally wrote parts of the fic on our own then merged it all together with minor edits and transitions, it was a lot of fun!
Alex almost gets tossed from a helicopter into a river in Chile, and spends some quality time with a certain assassin.
13. What's your fav ship?
Right now I’m on a roll for Sam Carter x Ba’al (Stargate SG-1) but my one true pairing is definitely Helen Blackthorn x Aline Penhallow (Shadowhunters). I love them. so much.
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but never will?
I don’t know, I’ve completed WIPs several years after I started them so I tend to not consider a fic discontinued until I’ve deleted the fic from the platform, and considering most of my WIPs have not been posted anywhere… ;)
15. What are my writing strengths?
I’m really good at “getting it done” I think because productivity breeds productivity. If you get started and power through long enough, it becomes easier and you can keep going and enjoy yourself while you’re at it!
Same with edits, I’m not afraid to change things (although I can be lazy). It also applies to plotting/outlining, I’m an excellent planner, sometimes too much of a planner though.
Style wise I’ve been told I’m good at writing fight scenes and setting, I do enjoy my descriptions!
16. What are my writing weaknesses?
I’ve always thought I’m terrible at dialogue!
I can get stuck in a writing slump from too much planning.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages on ao3?
I used to really like it, especially since I’m bilingual myself. I wanted to use some fancy script to have the translation appear when you hover or link it to the notes and then back to the exact line in the story but I couldn’t figure it out xD
Nowadays I like the much simpler “POV character doesn’t speak the language” or “blah blah blah, they said in French”. You get it or you don’t x) 
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
Either Naruto or Harry Potter, let’s say Harry Potter because there is a completed fic I can actually remember lmao.
19. What fandom/ship have you not written but want to?
Definitely Stargate SG-1 these days because I’m on a Sam/Ba’al binge!
20. What's your fav fic you've written?
Right about now it’s Blue for Brooklyn (Teen, Malec, Shadowhunters) but it may change depending on my mood!
Asmodeus is a legend among Shadowhunters and Magnus has a duty to the Downworld. When a renegade warlock unleashes a powerful demon in the streets, he has no choice but to get involved.
Tagging: @polarnachtsblog @geekmom13 @brightasstars @sterekxhale @countessrivers @1lostone @strangesoulmates @kelkblr @lastlymatt @ravenjames @junemermaid @freesirius4life @turtlesnails
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buffyfan145 · 1 year
I loved that unexpected reveal that Holga's ex-boyfriend Marlamin in "Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves" was their version of a hobbit!!! :D It brought me back to when the LOTR movies came out and how I was shipping Merry and Éowyn, and was nice finding out years later that there were other shippers of them too and fics. So that was really nice to see and I love all the LOTR references/jokes in this too, especially since I've gotten back into the fandom thanks to "Rings of Power", so I totally recommend this movie as I'm not even a "D&D" player but it's a great and fun fantasy/comedy film and I hope it gets sequels.
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