#This scene was just so soft that it's gonna take me ten working days to extract myself from it
drnathanielheywood · 1 month
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luveline · 23 days
there’s this scene in the office where pam falls asleep on jim during a conference at work, he doesn’t move her at all and even stays until after the meeting is over just to let her sleep!!! do u think u could write something similar for our annoyingly sweet coworker! james?? love u
love u <3 —James may not like you, but he’s a good pillow. fem, 1k
“Today we’re gonna talk about workplace satisfaction.” 
James crosses his arms over his chest. The yawn he suppresses threatens to make his jaw crack, his eyes heavy not a minute into the presentation. 
“I know all about that,” Sirius says under his breath. 
Remus needles him in the arm with his elbow. It might’ve been the best dumb luck in the world to get to work with his best friends, but not even their joking can make this meeting less mind-numbing. He covers his mouth with his hand and settles in. 
“We sent around a survey this last week and we’ve had everyone’s responses. The results are anonymous, but we do want to touch on where we, as a company, are going wrong. Our first category was day to day working.” 
You yawn. James turns his head to watch you, and with the lights dimmed, he’s not sure you notice. You cover your mouth with both hands, your eyes failing to reopen for a few long, admittedly humorous seconds. He likes how your lashes look stuck together, and the way you rub your nose afterward. It’s cute. 
What’s not cute is your shaking knees. You press them together, but you’re sitting awkwardly, and they tremble at the strange position. James wonders what it is you’re upto that’s making you so tired lately. You seem down; he stapled his fingertip earlier in a crazy mishap of which he was at no fault and you didn’t even laugh. You took his hand and pulled out the staple. 
You’ve been acting super weird. 
“So about half of you expressed that you feel like you aren’t allowed the breaks that you need. While it’s encouraged you all take a ten minute break from your screens every other hour, you feel penalised when you do, and we want to change that. Do any of you guys have anything to say? This is the time to speak your thoughts.” 
Remus raises his hand. James loves him more than anyone in the world. “Whenever I try to take a break around lunchtime, you ask me if I can wait until lunch. I don’t think needing breaks from the screen should wait, or detract from my legal break time.” 
“What we’re trying to do is encourage you guys to make the most of your working time without hurting yourselves.” 
A great non answer. You make a soft sound and James turns with a smile, expecting to find you smothering a laugh, and instead seeing a great eyeful of your neck. Your head has fallen back, your back slouching under the weight of yourself as your leg begins to drift toward his. 
Poor girl, he thinks. 
“What about the kitchen tap?” someone asks. 
Your boss sighs. “What about it?” 
James leans down to be your height. He can imagine the neck ache, the stiffness, and so when he brings his arm up to touch the shoulder closest to his, it’s with sympathy, if not fondness. 
You make another soft sound like a snuffle and rest your face on his shoulder.
James looks away. Looks back, tracing the soft roundness of your forehead, your nose, your cheeks and your lips, pouting ever so slightly in your dozing. He’s thought often that you were awarded a face too sweet for who you are. What evil demon are you, to treat him like he’s stupid and to smile at him in your way? Sometimes he gets so mad at you for it that he thinks about grabbing you, and yanking your face to his, and then he feels so guilty for wanting to grab you at all that he leaves your mug where it is in the cupboard. It’s not nice to want to kiss you with any sort of force. 
It’s not nice wanting to kiss you at all, because it isn’t a joke, he really doesn’t like you sometimes. 
But what’s not to like about you now? 
Lately he feels this weird bridge forming between you, like you could be civil, or better. You rub your nose into his shoulder and he holds his breath, worried his moving chest will jolt you. Something must be really getting to you if you’re sleeping at work. He should ask if you’re alright, when you’re awake. 
He doesn’t think he can. 
“Alright, guys. Let’s talk about customer service.” 
You’re demure. James thinks it and bites his own tongue, hard and accidental, flinching at the sudden pain. You mumble against him and he quickly stills, his heart pounding. Fuck, he hates this. Why does he feel like this? He didn’t mean to jostle you. 
Your hand curls around his arm like you’re telling him to stay still. 
He should take a photo of you for blackmail purposes. If not blackmail, mild humiliation. He can email it to everyone before you wake up, zoom in on your nose pressed rough to his arms, your deep exhales warm on his shirt. 
James rubs your elbow for reasons he can’t understand.
The meeting is torturously long, inanely boring. You rouse when your coworkers clap politely at the end of the presentation, James’ hand now returned to his leg. He looks resolutely at the front of the room, your gaze a heat on his cheek, before you look down and rub your eyes. 
“Sorry, James,” you murmur. 
“It’s okay. Don’t mention it.” 
That’s what’s best, right? You have these insane moments of togetherness and never, ever talk about them. 
“Did I miss much?” you ask. 
Pillow and minute keeper? James doesn’t think so. “Should’ve paid attention.” 
“Did he talk about the tap in the kitchen?” 
“If you were meant to know, you’d know, hm?” You yawn and blink to yourself all soft with sleep, and James debates giving in for longer than he’d care to admit. “He did talk about the tap,” he says. 
“Is he fixing it?” you ask. 
“Couldn’t hear him over your snoring, sorry.”
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
hi bestie, can i request smth where harry is filming dwd and olivia keeps trying to get at harry and hit on him but he denies her every time and one day where reader comes to set she and harry are both in harry’s trailer but olivia doesn’t know reader is there so she tries hitting on harry again and starts saying rlly inappropriate things and reader hears and puts her in her place and says that if she ever talks to harry in a way other than a precessional way she’ll expose her or something? idk if that made sense haha and harry gets all happy and is like you are my lord and savior 😭 can you make reader a really bad bitch 😭😭 💕
Hi! Yes, so, I’m changing things a bit because I’m personally not a super big fan of bringing Olivia herself into this kind of stuff but I’m absolutely keeping the premise!! Just changing the antagonist to someone fictional instead! Obviously you can still picture her if you’d like but I hope this will be okay and that whoever asked will still enjoy 😭💞
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“‘I know exactly where you can stick that can of tuna, Jack-ass.’”
Harry smirks, eyes peering over the top of his script at you. “The line is, ‘Hi, honey, welcome home.’”
“Oh. Weird. I must have gotten a different script cause mine definitely says the other thing,” you reply innocently, batting your eyelashes as he exhales a soft laugh. “Yeah, see…right there. Jack. Ass.”
“Oh, it does, does it?”
“It does. Strange, huh?”
“Uh-huh. Very.”
You bite at your lip to refrain from grinning as you return your eyes to the page. “Okay, well…I think you’re good for tomorrow’s scene. I mean, it’s kind of all about her, anyway, so…no one will really be paying attention to you.”
“Gee, thanks,” he snorts as he straightens up on the small couch, tossing the script to the side.
“Hey, am I wrong?” You blink. “Hello. Florence fucking Pugh is in the same frame, I guarantee you nobody is looking at you.”
“Oh, well, I’m flattered,” he retorts, hand coming up to his chest in faux appreciation. “No, really. Give me another compliment. I think I’m blushing.”
Your eyes roll playfully as you gingerly chuck a water bottle at him. It flies across the tiny trailer and whacks him in the stomach as he flinches, laughing as it falls into his lap. “Hysterical. Truly,” you bite back. “Been a movie star for five minutes and think you’re the shit.”
He tosses his arms along the back of the couch, settling in a bit further as he nods at you. “S’been at least ten minutes, love.”
“Right, and to this day, iCarly is still your best work.”
“…you know what, I’m not even gonna argue with you on that one. I really did shine.”
“Oh, absolutely.”
“Sucked the shit out of that water bottle.”
“You really did.”
“Oscar-worthy, I’d say.”
He eyes you from his spot, sensing your teasing tone, and before you can clock his sneaky intentions, he’s lifting the water bottle into the air, twisting off the cap, and flinging the water at you.
You gasp as the water effectively drenches your hair, face, and chest. You attempt to shield yourself by throwing your arms up, but it’s too late, and Harry lets out a deep, guttural laugh. 
“Oh, you dick,” you squeal, immediately standing as you throw him a peeved look. “See, this is why I don’t take you home to my mother.”
He’s wearing a shit-eating grin as he watches you scramble to the bathroom. “Oops.”
“Oops my ass.” You attempt to wring some of the water out of your hair as you glance at your reflection in the tiny mirror. “I can’t go out there and let Chris Pine see me like this!”
Another laugh. “Why not?”
“Because I love him and I have mascara dripping down my face,” you huff, swiping a knuckle under your eye. “Oh, God, this is bad. Okay, gimme five, I gotta reset.”
“Babe,” he calls with another chuckle. “You look fine—”
“Bite me!” you retort quickly before slamming the door shut. “Shit! Where’s my setting powder?”
You hear him snort to himself from the other side but soon turn your attention back to the canvas that he so elegantly ruined.
It had taken you twenty minutes to get the eyeliner wing this sharp.
You frown as you get to work, and for the next couple of minutes, your focus remains on your own reflection as you hear Harry humming to himself on the couch.
And then…the humming stops.
“Hey, so sorry to bother you. I just wanted to check in before you leave, make sure you’re doing all right with the revisions.”
You pause, leaning a bit closer to the door as a second voice enters the trailer.
“Oh…yeah. Went over it this afternoon. I like it, it sounds good. I think it’ll be really impactful.”
“Oh, good. Good, yeah. Yeah, I’m really looking forward to watching you and Florence bring it to life. I’ve said it before, but we really are just so lucky to have you both on board.”
You finally recognize the voice, placing it to the face of the film’s director, Angela. And now that your curiosity is satisfied, you return to your task as the conversation continues to slip underneath the door.
“Hey, it’s all thanks to your vision,” Harry is humbly responding. “I just feel lucky to be a part of it.”
A bit of silence as you swipe your lipstick along your bottom lip before you hear the sound of footsteps climbing up the stairs and into the trailer.
“You’re such a doll. No, really, that’s such a kind to say,” Angela gushes. “You know…this whole casting process was really just…it was so stressful there for a minute but after I saw your audition tape, I just knew you’d be our Jack.”
“Listen, I’m just glad it worked out the way it did. It’s kind of nice to dip my toe into this side of the industry and I’ve got a lot of really great mentors to help me along.”
“Oh, absolutely. I mean, we just have such a fantastic cast. You’re in great hands.”
A beat.
“And, you know, I’ve said this before but…if you ever need anything at all, you just need to let me know,” Angela says. “You’re my top priority, and I want to make sure you feel taken care of.”
“Thanks, that’s really—”
Suddenly, it goes quiet. Far too quiet and for a moment, you wonder if they’ve left the trailer altogether.
You step out of the bathroom and glance both ways, just to check and make sure he didn’t leave you behind.
But instead of an empty trailer, you find Harry.
And Angela.
And her tongue.
Down his throat.
Your eyebrows just about fly off your forehead as you clear your throat and call, “I’m sorry. Am I interrupting something?”
Terrified, and a bit pale, Harry leans back and catches your eye, expression frazzled like a deer caught in headlights.
Angela, however, is a bit slower to remove herself from his body, finally stepping back with a bit of a wounded smile. “Oh, my gosh…I’m so sorry. This…this isn’t how I wanted you to find out, I—”
“Find what out?” you ask just as Harry says, “I’m sorry, what?”
She quickly looks between you both, palm hovering over her mouth as if stunned. “Oh! I’m…I’m sorry, I thought you told her.”
“Told me what?” you repeat, stepping closer, and looking to Harry.
Poor thing looks like he’s about to keel over.
“About…our…arrangement,” she answers shyly, and your eyes narrow.
Harry blinks. “We…what? What arrangement, I—”
“Oh. That arrangement. Got it,” you cut in, nodding as you finally put the pieces together.
Both Harry and Angela turn to look at you, surprised. 
“Yeah,” you agree, taking another step as you meet her eye. “Yeah, no. Florence told me about this thing you do where you try to fuck your actors and exploit them for fame. Oh, and how your entire marriage is a sham, and you’re trying to get out of it by pretending you were the innocent, bad-ass feminist just trying to do her job when you were blackmailed into sleeping with your costar.”
She swallows as Harry’s jaw nearly drops.
“Oh, she also told me that if I were to find you…arranging yourself on my man, then I should remind you of section 15, paragraph 3 of the contract you signed,” you add, arms crossing over your chest. “Does that…ring any bells?”
Her cheeks flush. “Look, I wasn’t trying to—”
“I’m sure,” you hum. “But you did, and now you’re done. Thank you so much for stopping by. Buh-bye now.”
And with that, you gesture toward the door. 
A rather petrified Angela stands to her feet, knees a bit wobbly as she makes her way for the exit.
And just before she can close the door, you call, “Oh, and just a little tip…when you see the officers? Don’t run.”
The door slams shut before you have the chance to see her expression but something tells you…it was everything.
Now, you turn to Harry, still glued to the small sofa. “Anything you have to say for yourself?”
He straightens up, nearly tripping over his tongue as he begins to explain, “I promise, I don’t know what happened, she just put her hand on my thigh and suddenly it was, like, all the way up my thigh, and her mouth was like…right there, and I didn’t know what to do, and I wasn’t sure what was even happening, or if it was part of the script or something, and I—”
You close the gap between you and take his face between your palms. “Harry?”
He winds down to a stop. “…yeah?”
You grin. “I love you.”
Utter relief floods his features as he sighs and melts back into the cushions. “I love you, too. Thank you, by the way. Ironically, she tasted like canned tuna.”
You laugh as you flop down beside him, whacking at his chest on the way down. “Ew. Poor Nick.”
“Right? iCarly would never do this to me.”
For a moment, you can only chuckle, and despite the rather interesting turn of events…you can’t deny your joy.
“No,” you agree with a grin. “No, she would not.”
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~ Full Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
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damiansgoodgirll · 10 months
Rhea defending reader when a man makes her uncomfortable pls pls
rhea ripley x reader
tw : harassment
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you were currently fixing some lights for the upcoming raw event when you heard some of your colleagues making uncomfortable comments in your direction.
you worked as a sound and lights technician for wwe and you’ve been working there for over a year so, being the only female in that department was such a challenge some days.
some of your colleagues were nice. they made you feel welcomed and you knew you could rely on them but some other colleagues were acting like animals most of the times. you never complained with human resources because you thought you couldn’t stand a chance, they had been doing this job for more than ten years and you were new so you knew they would come first. but as days went by you grew tired of their comments and even if you told them to stop it felt like they wouldn’t even listen to you.
you were fixing some things on your computer, adjusting the lights and helping setting the sound on when two of your colleagues came next to you.
“how you doing pretty?” the older man asked you.
“busy…” you said not even looking at them. you were all backstage and you knew wrestlers just started to feel the arena and the changing rooms so you didn’t want to cause a scene.
while passing by your eyes met dominik one’s. you didn’t even speak but your look told him everything he needed to know. you grew close to him mostly because you were only two years younger than him so you had a lot in commons, he always told you that you reminded him of his sister and that made you feel proud.
he gave you and understanding look and in a flash he turned around the corner. you hoped he was asking for help.
“oh don’t be like that sweetheart, we just want to know more about you…” the other one said while laying his hand on your lower back. that was enough to make you jump back a little.
“i’d rather you won’t touch me” you tried to stay serious but you were panicking. you were used to their comments and their flirty ways but they never laid a hand on you so you had no idea of what to do.
“why not? we could have so much fun…” the older one said with a smirk in his face.
“i said no…”
“come on! don’t be like this beautiful…” and you felt one of them touching your ass.
before you could reply you heard that familiar voice that always made you feel safe.
“she said no” rhea said with a very serious tone “if i were you i would go pack because this is gonna be your last day of work here” she grew closer to you and the men froze.
everyone who worked backstage knew how important was to respect wrestlers, it was hard getting to know them, imagine being friend with them. you got lucky because of dominik. he was the one who introduced you to rhea and the whole judgment day so the two knew rhea wasn’t joking.
they left without saying anything, probably fearing for their careers.
“are you okay y/n?” she asked you softly.
you couldn’t find the way to talk so you simply nodded, even if you were shaking a little.
“let me take you somewhere else…follow me” she smiled at you and guided you into her changing room “here drink some water, it’ll help you” she handed you a cold glass of water and you thanked her.
she sat next to you making sure you drank all of the water.
“they shouldn’t have touched you…if you say no it’s no, why can’t some people understand that?” she said.
“doesn’t matter…i’m glad you were here” you smiled.
rhea always had a soft spot for you. you thought it was because you had a lot in common but in reality rhea had a massive crush on you and she had no idea on how to tell you that.
“you should thank dominik for that” she laughed.
“oh i will…” you said back.
“i’m gonna have them fired. that was fucking harassment and i don’t even wanna think what would have happened if i wasn’t here” she sounded mad.
“but i don’t want to get them in trouble just because of me…”
“y/n, they did something horrible and from what i can tell it wasn’t the first time it happened…i’m gonna report them and dominik too…if you’ll come with us we might have a better chance to have them fired. don’t think about them, think about you…i know you don’t wanna put anyone in trouble but it’s for your safety…” she said holding your hands.
you looked straight into her eyes and you could tell she was deadass serious.
“okay…i’ll do it” you smiled.
so the day after the match, you stood between rhea and dominik who were telling everything that happened to you and you told them your version.
in less than a day they got fired and you were able to work with your “normal” colleagues once again and you couldn’t be more grateful for it.
rhea saved your life and she had no idea about it so you were thinking about asking her to join you for one dinner just so you could show her gratitude.
of course she agreed. any excuse for spend time with you.
but when you were with her, you started feeling something that was more than friendship, and you have no idea how to tell her. luckily she got the memo. she saw how your behaviour changed in the last few weeks, and now it was her time to confess her love for you.
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yeollie-plz · 1 year
All Too Well
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Preoutbreak! Joel x F! Reader
Synopsis: You met Joel your junior year of college. You had been so focused on your schooling until that fateful night. You were so young, so naïve. He was only a year older but it felt like he knew it all.
Genre: angst! so so angsty its insane
Warnings: break up, fighting, kissing, Y/N insert, pregnancy, labor and contractions, death, drinking (also underage drinking), drunk people, mentions of virginity and losing it, mentions of sex but no sex scenes, hospitals, doctor talk and mentions of medical complications, funerals
Gif credits to owners!
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A/N: So I don't usually like song based fanfics but I had an idea and I ran with it. Tbh after I wrote it, I fell in love with it, hopefully you do too! Also! It is obviously the ten minute Taylor's version!
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Oh, your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze
It was right before your 21st birthday, you had been dragged by your friend Layla to a party at some sorority house. You didn't want to be there, but she insisted.
So now you were standing in the kitchen with a beer you hadn't even sipped and no Layla in sight. Your only company was the people that would stumble in to fill their cups and not utter a word. That was until Joel walked in. He had this air to him, he was calm and collected, and you could tell there was a kindness in his eyes.
He noticed you almost immediately and started a conversation. He told you how his brother dragged him here and you marveled at the sameness of your situations.
You two talked the whole night, neither one of you drinking. It comforted you that he was also sober.
It was almost one in the morning when Layla found you again. She was clearly wasted and you rolled your eyes.
"I should probably take her home." You told Joel.
Grabbing Layla to help her walk, you made your way out of the kitchen. Before you could leave he lightly grabbed your arm.
"Wait, can I get your number? I wanted to know if maybe we could get some coffee sometime?" You stared at him with shock. You had enjoyed the conversation but you didn't know he felt that way.
"Uh, yeah sure." You quickly grabbed a pen and random receipt from your bag. Jotting your number on it, you handed it to Joel with a smile.
He returned the smile and helped you and your friend to the car. You watched him in your rearview as you drove off, smiling to yourself.
'Cause there we are again on that little town street
You almost ran the red 'cause you were lookin' over at me
Wind in my hair, I was there
A few months and a few dates later, you and Joel had become official. You had never felt more like yourself. It was crazy to say a man had done that to you but you couldn't deny the facts. Even your school work had improved!
Your favorite nights were the nights you and Joel would just drive around. The two of you would drive around the town, every time you hit a red light he would look over at you with those soft eyes of his.
You did a lot of driving and he did a lot of staring. You would drive around and just talk about anything and everything. It was so simple, yet so perfect.
You taught me 'bout your past thinkin' your future was me
He told you everything about himself on those drives. How he grew up, his life with his family, even about his petty little fights with Tommy when they were younger.
It made you happy that he trusted you with every part of him. So, you told him all about you in return. You wanted all of him and gave all you back.
And I was thinkin' on the drive down: Any time now
He's gonna say it's love
You never called it what it was
You don't know when it happened but one day you woke and realized you were in love with Joel.
You wanted to scream out into the universe how much you loved this man. But it never felt like the right time.
A part of you wanted him to say it first. But no matter how many times he stared at you with those eyes, he never did.
'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night
We're dancin' 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light
Down the stairs, I was there
You were taking a nap at Joel's house one day when you were awoken to the sound of music downstairs. It was an old song you didn't recognize. Following the sound through the house, you found Joel gliding around the linoleum of the kitchen. You let out a laugh which stopped him in his tracks.
He met your eyes with that look, the look that made you melt. The look you knew all too well. He offered his hand to you. Gladly, you took it. You two danced for the rest of the song.
He pulled you close as it faded away, ghosting a kiss on your lips. That was the night he took your virginity. There was no good reason you had waited, you just had. But it felt right to lose it to him. He felt right.
And there we are again when nobody had to know
You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath
Sacred prayer and we'd swear
It became the norm, you two would drive around and talk and end up at his place between the sheets. It never made you feel dirty, it made you feel loved.
But it was the lack of actual dates or him being uninterested in hanging out with your friends that made you start to pull away.
It wasn't until one night when Tommy stopped by unannounced to Joel's and he didn't even know who you were. You drove home crying that night.
Joel found you the next day with flowers in his hands, apologizing over and over again. He made an excuse of not wanting Tommy to know about his private life and how he hadn't found the right time.
He swore he told Tommy everything that night and how he would get the three of you together soon. You took him at his word and you two ended up in the sheets once again.
Except this time it felt different.
Well, maybe we got lost in translation
Maybe I asked for too much
But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up
Runnin' scared, I was there
You decided you weren't going to just be compliant anymore. You were human and you needed, no you deserved more!
You brought it up one night and it became a huge fight. Screaming and crying, you two broke up.
You hadn't seen or talked to him for two months until those blue lines showed up on the pregnancy test.
And you called me up again just to break me like a promise
So casually cruel in the name of bein' honest
You called him after crying all night. He needed to know that you were pregnant with his child.
Joel almost let it go to voicemail, but he finally answered. But when he did, he wouldn't even let you speak. He just muttered an, "I'm busy." and hung up.
You cried all night for the second night in a row.
But then he watched me watch the front door all night
Willin' you to come
And he said: It's supposed to be fun turning 21
A week later and it was your 21st birthday. You decided to spend it with your parents since you knew if you spent it was Layla she would force you to drink. With your newly found condition, that was not possible.
All day and night you stayed in your room, not even wanting to eat. All you wanted to do was tell Joel. You hadn't even told your parents yet.
You wanted to keep the baby but you couldn't do it alone. At least you didn't want to do it alone.
It wasn't until your dad came to your room to try and coax you out, that you finally broke down and told them everything.
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it
I'd like to be my old self again
But I'm still tryin' to find it
After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own
A few more months went by and you were starting to show. You hadn't tried to make anymore attempts to contact Joel in a while. You decided to focus on yourself and the life you were growing inside of you. Whom, you found out at your last scan, was a girl.
You were out on night with Layla when you saw Tommy out on a date with some girl. Neither him nor Joel would've found out if it weren't for that night.
He saw you instantly and made his way over. He casually stroke up conversation, it felt more like a formality than anything.
You nervously swiped your hand across the table, knocking your fork to the floor. All eyes fell upon it.
"Oh, don't worry I'll get it." Tommy said as he knelt down.
As his hands gripped your fallen fork, his gaze began to move upward to your eyes but stopped at your swollen stomach. You cursed yourself for wearing something so tight tonight.
You gulped, letting his name fall past your lips. He stood back up and tried to wipe the shock from his face.
"Is that? Is Joel the..." His question trailed off, but you nodded still, knowing what he was asking.
"Y/N, why haven't you told him? He's been besides himself since the breakup."
You shook your head, "I tried, he just hung up on me."
Tommy put his hand on your shoulder.
"You need to tell him. He'll be happy, I promise."
You sighed and nodded your head solemnly. You knew you had to tell him, it was just so hard.
You went home that night and pulled out the flannel he had left at your place. You slept in it that night, his smell lulling you to sleep. Tomorrow was the day you would finally tell him.
Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known
It was rare, I was there
The next afternoon you knocked on Joel's door. It was cold out, so you had bundled up a little more. Yet, there was still no hiding it.
His look of shock at your appearance was nothing compared to the look he made when saw your pregnant form.
He started to say something but you cut him off.
"Joel, just listen. I wanted to tell you, I tried but you kept hanging up on me and eventually I just kind of gave up. I never wanted to hide it from you. I never wanted to raise the baby without you but you had given me no choice. I saw Tommy last night and he said things that made me realize I needed to try again. So here I am."
There was a long silence between the two of you.
"Thank you." he finally uttered out.
"For?" You looked up at him, trying to read his face. All you were met with were those eyes you had grown to love.
"Everything. Showing me how to love. Giving me the greatest gift I could ever receive...for coming back." He reached out and touched your stomach. His hands moved slowly to your hips, pulling you towards him.
Leaning his forehead against yours, he finally said those three words you had waited so long to hear.
"I love you."
That's when you felt a raindrop fall on the top of your head. Both of your eyes met the sky to face the falling rain.
"It's raining." You said breathlessly.
"I'm not sure if that's a good sign or not." Joel said with a chuckle.
"I don't think it is, but I'm sure we can change that. I love you too."
He smiled and kissed you.
And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue?
Just between us, did the love affair maim you too?
'Cause in this city's barren cold
I still remember the first fall of snow
And how it glistened as it fell
You were now nine months along. You had moved in with Joel and even set up a nursery for your baby girl. Joel surprised you by painting her room purple, your favorite color. He had become that guy you had fallen in love with again and you couldn't be happier.
It was an even colder night when you woke up with a start. A shooting pain going through your spine. Shaking Joel awake, telling him you were sure you had just had a contraction.
He rushed around the house in a flurry, your eyes just following him around. He would've been making you dizzy if it weren't for the crippling moments of pain you kept feeling.
You yelled his name as another contraction hit.
"Joel, we have to go." He finally looked at you, doubled over in pain. He rushed over and tried to rub your back.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry darlin', I was so busy trying to get everything ready that I forgot how much pain you were in."
"It's fine, we just should go now before I have the baby in our living room. You can bring stuff to the hospital later."
"You're right. Let me help you to the car, baby."
Hours later and you were still having contractions but you were not getting any more dilated than before. The doctor came in to tell you they needed to do a C-section.
"A C-section? What do you mean? She can't give birth naturally?" Joel asked, confused. He seemed a little concerned as well.
"Well the baby just isn't moving along as much as we would like. So for both the baby and the mother's benefit we should do the Caesarean."
"it's fine, Joel, It's just a few cuts. We will be back to you in no time. Both of us." Joel looked at you and then back to the doctor for conformation, who nodded.
"Fine, but take care of her." Joel gave in, slumping down into his chair.
"Of course sir."
They took you away to surgery. Too long ago now for Joel's taste. Time was moving too slowly and Joel was losing it. Tommy had shown up about 30 minutes ago. He had been trying to calm Joel's worry this whole time.
The doctor finally came their way.
"Y/N Y/LN's family?"
Tommy and Joel nodded.
"The baby is perfectly healthy, congratulations you have a little girl. But, unfortunately, Miss Y/L/N began to hemorrhage as I was trying to sew her up. She lost a lot of blood and we were unable to find the source of the bleeding in time. She flatlined on the table and we were unable to revive her. I'm so sorry."
Joel just blinked at the doctor, it took him a minute to process the news. Then it hit him and he sunk down to his knees in the waiting room.
Tears began to fall from his eyes as the rain began to fall outside.
Wind in my hair, I was there, I was there
Down the stairs, I was there, I was there
Sacred prayer, I was there, I was there
It was rare, I was there, I was there
Joel didn't want to attend the funeral but Tommy made him, he said something about how the baby should be there.
He had named her Sarah. One night when you two were laying on the couch, watching a movie you had mentioned how much you liked the name. Joel made a mental note of it.
The three of them arrived at the funeral, Joel couldn't bring himself to talk to your parents. After their last interaction, there was no point. They had all but blamed Joel for your death. He even made Tommy bring Sarah over to them, knowing he couldn't do it himself. But they deserved to cuddle and love their granddaughter, after all it was the last part of you they had left.
As he watched the casket lower into the ground he remembered everything about you. The way you smiled, the way you laughed, the way you unconditionally loved him even after what he did to you.
Joel looked down to the baby in his arms. She looked so much like you. He promised himself he would protect her at all costs. He would protect her the way he couldn't protect you.
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
It’s the way I was gonna send this earlier but got distracted-
gojo and geto blurb that is in my head bc I just watched hidden inventory arc.
No it is not canon, no I don’t know how their powers work
“You haven’t slept in two days, and you aren’t planning on sleeping again tonight, are you?”
I’m just so deep in thought abt this scene bc yeah. So here’s how I think the scene shoulda gone bc Gege is a coward:
The two nights of not sleeping were catching up to him, and Gojo feels like he’s going to die on day three. His body feels like a lead weight, and he can barely move. His eyes are burning, but he can’t dare to close them. He has to keep on full alert for… reasons.
Geto comes in and sees him in the state he’s in. His heart immediately drops. Gojo looks like he’s about to collapse.
He comes up next to the chair and places a hand on the white-haired sorcerer’s shoulder. The man jumps a good few feet in the air. “Shit- Suguru, you scared me.”
“Sorry, Satoru,” Geto whispers. “How’re ya’ holding up?”
“Decent,” Gojo hums, accentuated with a yawn. “I think I can smell shapes now.”
The brunette exhales a chuckle, kneeling to the left of the chair. “Yeah? What does a circle smell like?”
“Like a-“ he yawns, subsequently rubbing his sore temples. “Like- like uh- yeah.”
“I agree,” Suguru replies, turning off the lamp before slowly bringing his hand up to thumb at his friend’s thigh. “I’m sorry you have to be up for so long.”
The two are left in darkness, causing Gojo to release a loud sigh of relief “I’ll be fine… I’ve got you with me.”
The whisper in Gojo’s tone lets Geto know that his friend is about to cry. “Switch with me.”
“I said switch. Let me sit.”
“Hah? Suguru-“
“Satoru, stand up.”
Begrudgingly, and with great effort, Gojo manages to stay upright for about four seconds before his knees and thighs fail and send him back down. He sits in the brunette’s lap, head hanging low.
“There you go… yeah… shh… let go, Satoru; it’s okay...” Geto soothes as he pushes the latter’s head against his chest. “You just get some sleep, and I will keep watch.”
“Suguru, I can’t.” There’s pain in his voice. Geto can feel the shaking of Gojo’s body as tears burn behind his eyes. “I-I have to p-protect-“
“And you can’t protect them while you’re exhausted,” Suguru soothes as he starts to comb through the white mop beneath his fingertips. “If they came after us now, what would you do?”
There’s no reply.
“Please…rest, Satoru,” Geto begs, hugging his friend closer to him. “It’s just us awake… you can be vulnerable now. You don’t have to be the strongest with me.”
With that spoken confirmation, Satoru shivers as he breaks down into soft cries. Suguru cuddles him with zero judgement and zero words spoken. He hums a soft song the two have always enjoyed as he begs the greater gods above to allow Gojo to sleep.
After a mere ten minutes, the white-haired male is sleeping soundly with residual tears on his face. Geto sighs in relief and hugs Gojo closer to him as he releases his cursed companion to watch over them all.
Gojo would probably be pissed at him, or he would pretend it never happened. But either way, Suguru smiles as he rubs his friend’s back and shoulders.
Tomorrow will have to be the judge…
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DUCKY! Oh my- *explodes* THIS IS EVERYTHING??? (and nah you're totes right Gege get on Ducky's level with this emotional ANGST) Gojo not taking care of himself and Geto having to step in feels so canon? And him humming songs while he breaks down GAH! I love this and I love them- thank you for sharing this delightful masterpiece I am in HEAVEN! *hugs a thousand hugs*
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freneticfloetry · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Will I ever get enough of these? No? Thanks to @liminalmemories21, @strandnreyes, @welcometololaland, and @reyesstrand for the tags!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
45. RIP to the lost works of my OG fandom, published on a ship board/archive that no longer exists. (I still have most of them, they just won’t be seeing the light of day. Like ever.)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
368,184. (Again, RIP to all those now-unpublished words — with them I’d be somewhere around 800k.)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
LOL So glad this question is phrased the way it is. Right now, I’m only actively writing in 911 Lone Star fandom, though I have a WIP in Magicians fandom that I fully intend to finish. Historically, I’ve written in about 40 fandoms (36 on AO3), most with a single fic. Thanks, Yuletide!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ashes and Flame (Every You and Every Me), The Hunger Games Trilogy (I get a kudos email for this one at least five times a week. How are people still finding and reading this little fic?)
Lost in Translation, The Losers
Deck the Halls with Daddy Issues, pre-film Avengers MCU
Big Girl Pants, New Girl
Shells of a Long-Ago Lifetime (Faces That Once Were Mine Mix), Supernatural
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
99.9% of the time, absolutely. Comments are my biggest motivation — the serotonin section fuels my muse. If people take the time to tell me they read and enjoyed a fic (especially if they tell me why), I like to at least thank them for that. There have been times when Real Life has been Happening A Lot and comments on the more popular stuff have gotten by me, and I feel weird about going back months after the fact to respond — that Hunger Games fic, for instance, has a couple pages of unanswered comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Posted, probably Of All Our Yesterdays. I am typically an Angst with a Happy Ending writer without fail, but the boys of the Black Dagger Brotherhood don’t do typical happy, and Phury is lowkey the angstiest of the bunch.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I’m actually gonna say scenes from an unfinished story, because I think Quentin Coldwater having this happy ending, the way this one happens, is the biggest fuck you to show canon and its creators that I could possibly craft.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I recently got my first hate comment! I posted about it, but I’ve also left it up in all its glory.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do now! Not that I haven’t in the past — I wrote several het scenes for my very first ship, and Quentin and Eliot had some delightful married kitchen sex we picked up right in the middle in What Baking Can Do — but I feel like Tarlos has really helped me unleash my inner smut writer. My smut from Carlos’ POV has a lot of feelings (LOL), but the stuff I’m writing from TK’s POV is a little sillier and dirtier and more fun. With feelings.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do love me a good crossover. Outside of canons I’ve crossed that exist in the same universe (We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For, in Jessica Jones/Luke Cage fandom, plus And to All a Goodnight, for two Jennifer Crusie books), I once wrote tens of thousands of words of a ridiculously plot-heavy Roswell/Angel crossover that will forever hold a soft spot in my heart, a randomly cracky and super angsty Supernatural/Grey’s Anatomy, and a minor character-focused Supernatural/Sarah Connor Chronicles, Requiem, that I still sort of love a lot.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
That Hunger Games fic has been swiped a few times. Weird.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, the Hunger Games fic — it exists somewhere on the internet in Dutch. And that one, the SPN/TSCC crossover, and an old Dexter fic, Dinner and a Show, have been podficed.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! An old friend and I once cowrote ~25k of our idea of fluff, which was basically hijinks, smut, and torturing our leading man with a boom box and Billy Joel.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
For ships that I’ve written… Hmm. I think, before I wrote to build a home, I would’ve said it was a tossup between Tarlos, Queliot, Chlollie, and Jules/Robin from Troubleshooters, but now there’s just no contest. Weewoo Husbands for the win. For ships in general, Tarlos still tops the list, alongside the ones I mentioned, the OT3 (Eliot/Hardison/Parker), Arthur/Eames, Phedre/Joscelin from the Kushiel’s Legacy books, Frank/Karen from the Netflix Marvelverse, Aidan/Sally from Being Human US, and my MCU crack cube of Steve/Nat/Bucky/Sam.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
God, this is such a throwback, but it’s probably Adagio in B-Flat, the Sherlock music porn murder mystery I half wrote and got hopelessly blocked on.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, I’d say, especially banter. And understanding characters, I guess? I’m good at making characters sound like themselves, whether they’re speaking or internalizing. And, I’m now proud to say, plot. That’s something I wouldn’t have dared to claim this time ten years ago.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oof. Brevity. I have completely lost the ability to write short (and, by extension, to the point). I’m also the slowest writer in the world, thanks to my tendency to edit every sentence within an inch of its life.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
My Lone Star mutuals are laughing right now. Clearly I hate it. 😊 I’ve written three fics that feature Spanish, two sort of significantly, and all my old Firefly fics have some Mandarin in there somewhere.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OG Roswell. So much OG Roswell. Michael/Liz, specifically, with a side of Kyle/Isabel.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It almost feels like cheating, since it’s my most recent fic (and the only one I’ve published so far in my current fandom), but I’m so stupidly proud of to build a home. Carlos is such a touchstone character for me that writing him was oddly therapeutic. And I think I’ve said this before, but writing the two of them together was like the evolution of the clarity I found writing Queliot, which was the first time I’d really explored a ship in fic where I loved both halves of the pairing even close to equally — it helped me unearth my Carlos and who he is in my heart, but it also helped me uncover the true depth of my love for TK.
No pressure tagging @orchidscript, @heartstringsduet, @never-blooms, @rmd-writes, @walkinginland, @paperstorm, @mixtapestar, @catanisspicy, and @alrightbuckaroo!
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2nd2ndalto · 9 months
Fall Down With You
Chapter 7
(previous chapter)
The little house is dark and quiet as Will lets himself in, just the light over the stovetop glowing. Nico always leaves it on for him when he knows his husband will be home late.
Will feels a twinge of guilt as he notes the row of bottles neatly lined up on the drying rack, the can of formula open on the counter. The pink booster seat wiped clean at the kitchen table, crayons and colouring pages shoved out of the way.
Days at home with two small children can be grueling, Will knows. When their daughter was born, they’d both agreed that it made more sense for Nico to take some time off from his studies than for Will to leave his job. Though he knows Nico doesn't regret their choices, Will’s never been able to completely reconcile the toll it takes on his husband’s time and energy, nor his own nagging guilt at not being able to do more.
It hasn’t been a particularly easy day at the hospital, either. Will had made a quick detour for fast food on the way home, in the hopes of potentially being able to drop into bed even a few minutes sooner than he might have otherwise.
He toes off his shoes, hanging his bag and jacket at the back door. He makes his way through the kitchen, coming to a stop as he enters the living room.
The scene there makes his heart swell in his chest, a slow smile blooming. It’s so at odds with the rest of his long, tiring day that he just wants to sink into it, press it into his mind and hold it with him throughout the rest of his working days this week.
Nico’s been particularly adamant about following safe sleep practices - babies on their backs on flat surfaces, no bedding - even though Will’s fairly certain that Nico’s lucid dreaming abilities could afford him a little leeway. Especially considering that neither of their children have shown the slightest interest in sleeping safely.
This is the compromise, then - Will’s entire little family sprawled out across the carpet in the living room. A stranger might think they had happened upon a crime scene, but Will has come home to the same sight several nights this week.
The baby, Emmett, is expertly swaddled, fast asleep with Nico’s hand resting palm-up on his belly - likely the only way Emmett would consent to unconsciousness. Nico is lying as far from Emmett as he possibly can be whilst still maintaining physical contact. Never to be left out, Nora brackets Nico’s other side. The toddler likely began the night snuggled under her father’s arm, but is currently stretched out perpendicular to the others, her foot pressed into the side of Nico’s neck. Her nightgown is twisted around her bare legs, her little toes painstakingly painted in ten different shades, like tiny jellybeans. Will recognizes Nico’s pedicure style immediately.
Will lets the warmth of the scene settle his bones just a moment longer before carefully tip-toeing in the direction of the shower. Nico sighs and shifts as Will draws near, blinking tired eyes open. He smiles when he catches sight of his husband, raising his free hand in a sleepy wave.
“Hey,” Will whispers, soft as he can, crouching at his husband’s head. “Everyone okay?”
Nico nods. “All good. You?” He doesn’t seem at all surprised by the small foot pressed into his jugular.
Will just rolls his eyes and Nico gives him a sympathetic look, no words required.
“I’m gonna shower. Want me to take over afterwards? Or keep you company?” Will asks softly, brushing a strand of dark hair off his husband’s forehead. He lets his hand rest on Nico’s head a moment longer. Sometimes, these days, it feels as if it’s been years since they’ve spent any length of time in each other’s presence, or in the comfort of each other’s touch.
Nico shakes his head. “Nah, I got it covered. You go get some sleep in a real bed.”
“‘Kay. Love you.” Will bends closer to press his lips to Nico’s forehead, and then to his mouth, when Nico tilts his head up.
“Love you too,” Nico whispers.
“Hey, I have the whole weekend off. No call or anything,” Will adds, sitting up again.
Nico beams, brilliant in the dark. “Now I love you even more.”
And it’s a little stupid, isn’t it? The way Will’s stomach still sometimes takes a leap like he’s launched himself off a cliff when Nico smiles at him. But he’s not complaining.
“Wanna go on a date?” Will grins.
“I’ll go anywhere with you,” Nico says sweetly, and Will breathes out a soft laugh.
They both know it’s more likely that Will will take over baby duty while Nico tries to catch up on some much-needed sleep. But it’s okay. They’ve got time.
(next chapter)
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librathefangirl · 1 year
Libra's Febuwhump 2023
So, with Febuwhump officially over, I wanted to take the time to do a little check-in, see where we've gotten so far (Don't worry, all stories will still be written, just, you know, not in February).
Fics Posted: 14. Chapters Posted: 21. Total Word Count: 32,052. Fandom: The Seven Deadly Sins / Nanatsu no Taizai.
Here's a complete list of the stories so far:
Touch Starved - Who'll Hug the Prince of Hell (6,650 words)
5 times someone held Meliodas when he felt like he'd break, and 1 time when he wasn't the one breaking / aka sad boy gets surprised hugged.
2. Flinching - A Touch of Light (1,590 words)
A chill she couldn’t shake formed in her gut. Meliodas – the Prince of the Demon Realm, the Leader of the Ten Commandments, the Next Demon King – was frightened by her mere touch. / Elizabeth struggles with what it means to be a goddess befriending a demon.
3. Muzzled - One Man's Beast (3,051 words)
(Monster Sins AU) The boy twisted uncomfortably at the scene in front of him. He should have seen this coming. Nothing good ever came from working with a monster hunter. The creature in the cell was unlike anything he had ever seen. Granted, he hadn’t actually seen a demon before.
4. (Alt. 6.) Limp - I'll Carry You(r Weight) (941 words)
Those monsters choose the right time to flee. Now Ban was too preoccupied with Meliodas’ unconscious ad bleeding from. As it was, they’d get to live another day. Ban gently scooped Meliodas up in his arms. As he did, he couldn’t help but quietly curse at how tiny he felt.
5. "That's gonna scar" - Marks of a Brother (1,730 words)
When Zeldris was just a little baby, there was a gomicl dragon attacking the palace. Meliodas had barely started his official training with Chandler, he was in no position to do anything – but he knew where his father's priorities were. His baby brother was the only pure thing left in this wretched place. Someone had to keep him safe.
6. Secrets Revealed - There All Along (826 words)
King sighed, slumping over Chastiefol. It wasn’t like it was really a surprise. Sure, King had been shocked – he’d never seen Meliodas demon form before – but he can’t say he was surprised. Of course, he hadn’t known Meliodas was a demon. Though he had suspected it. There were some things about Meliodas that didn’t make sense. Now they did. “You’re upset.” King buried his face in Chastiefol at the sudden voice. “I’m not really in the mood to talk, Gowther.”
7. Made to Watch - A Debt to Pay (1,389 words)
This was why Gowther had gone alone. He hadn’t wanted the others involved in this. Especially not the captain. Galvina was fixated on revenge. At least the others were strangers, irrelevant faces in her blind rage. Meliodas was not. He’d been there 3,000 years ago, and as the leader of the Ten Commandments she could just as well blame him for Gowther’s actions.
8. Panic - The Things I've Done (The Sins I Carry) (1,704 words)
After years of being under a curse, finally being able to be you is a lot easier than dealing with the sins you have committed. A nightmare leads Gilthunder to the Boar Hat in the middle of the night.
9. Voice Loss - With the Forest as My Witness, I'll Silence All My Screams (2,476 words)
It wasn’t like Gloxinia didn’t know how the goddess clan felt about demons. None of them were subtle about it. He knew they still didn’t trust Meliodas. He just never thought they’d try something like this.
10. (Alt. 3.) Soft Words - Help Me Brother, for I Am Falling (1,464 words)
(Modern All-Human AU) He shouldn’t do this. Worst Big Brother Award right here. The last thing he wanted to do was risk dragging his baby brother back into this mess. He just didn’t have anywhere else to go – and by some miracle, Zeldris opened the door. “Yo, Zel. Been a while,” Meliodas mumbled, trying to smile as he leaned heavily against the wall. His vision blurred slightly around the edges. Oh, that probably wasn’t good. Zeldris’ eyes narrowed, “What the hell are you- You’re bleeding.”
11. Fever (+ Alt. 9. Natural Disaster) - The Heat of the Storm (2,456 words)
While searching for a rare relic, the Seven Deadly Sins are forced to take cover from a harsh blizzard. As they wait out the storm in a cave, Merlin notices Meliodas unusual and dangerous reaction to the cold. After all, demons and blizzards does not mix well.
12. "Can you hear me?" - Bleed This Water (2,150 words)
Meliodas’ hand shot out almost instantly, grabbing hold of Ban’s arm as he bristled at the jeer. He had a point of course. Even if King in that moment wished he would have just let Ban fall for the apparent provocation. He shoved back the mental image of Diane’s upset expression at insults like that and focused back on the matter at hand. The captain was right. The last thing they needed right now was a bunch of dead villagers. Especially ones who were only armed with… water?
13. Forced to Hurt a Loved One - My Love, It Burns (3,225 words)
The realization burned. An ember deep in her heart growing hotter and hotter the worse the situation got. It hurt. After all, Elizabeth had spent over 3,000 years avoiding this very moment. Not always consciously, but when the memories had been there, she had hoped and prayed and wished for this day to never come. Now it was here.
14. Captivity - No Kin of Mine (But a Kin of Kind) (2,400 words)
(Dragon Meliodas AU) The first time Meliodas met his would-be brother was in the secret highly reinforced cage in the pit of the dungeons. Of course, this was before he was forced into the form of a demon and enslaved as a son of the Demon King. It was years before he would even consider Zeldris his kin. … The hatchling shifted from foot to foot, his hesitation hanging heavy in the air – until suddenly he pushed himself through the food hatch and into the cage.
All fics can also be found here (ao3) and here (tumblr)!
Thank you so much for all the love you guys have showed so far!! I'll hope you'll stick around for the rest of the ride (and everything that comes after) ❤️❤️
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dragonmuse · 2 years
@trippyvulcan @bonsaibovine and two anons have asked for Pickle at the stakeout and who am I to argue?
"How do you spell 'mountain?" Pickle asked.
Izzy glanced in the rearview mirror. She was sitting in a way she tartly informed him was now called 'criss-cross applesauce' in the backseat with her little lapdesk pulled close. It was purple (never pink, she only liked purple) and there was a star pattern on the soft bottom. She had a few colored pencils in one hand, writing carefully with the other.
"M," Read said patiently, waiting for her to form the entire letter before offering the next.
Jim, in the passenger seat, hds unwavering focus on their target until Read says , 'I'
"A," Jim said absently.
"Really?" Read frowned.
"Yeah, A then I" Jim nods. "Pretty sure."
Pickle caught Izzy's eye in the mirror, apparently waiting for a deciding vote.
"Jim's right."
"Okay," she went on writing.
"I blame the public school system," Read muttered. "And spellcheck."
"Blame it on the rain," Jim shrugged. "Who cares? You're not getting graded on...what are you actually doing, P?"
"They show us a picture and we have to write three sentences about it," she sighed like the weight of the world is on her shoulders. "It's dumb."
"Homework is the worst," Read said sympathetically. "I gotta write a ten page paper when I get home."
"Ten?" Pickle asked, appalled. "How many sentences is that? A hundred?"
"At least," Read agreed.
"Did you do something wrong?"
"Nope. College classes are just like that sometimes."
"What do you have to write about?"
"Uh," Read, who was currently taking a truly disturbing class in child abuse that had resulted in several late night conversations where she and Izzy did not make eye contact and occasionally drank heavily, fumbled. "Boring adult stuff."
"Okay," Pickle accepted that. "Can I have a snack?"
"You already had one," Izzy reminded her. "Your mother will shatter my eardrums if I ruin your dinner."
"Again," Jim mumbled, lips twitching.
"I gotta pee," she announced another minute later.
Everyone groaned.
"I got it," Read decided. "There's a convenience store with one a block back, I'll get a bottle of water. Anyone else?"
"Yeah, thanks," Izzy nodded.
"I'm good," Jim shrugged.
It was definitely not stealth for Pickle to tumble out of the car, drop half her pencils in the process, pick them up with much carrying on while Read tried to make sure she wasn't hit by oncoming traffic. Then again, who would think that such a scene would come from a car doing surveillance? It probably worked out.
"She's bored," Jim observed.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," he sighed. "But we're all being paid to be here."
"Don't understand why. Standard point and click."
"I don't argue with fat wallets."
So of course five minutes later, a guy in just his underwear and carrying a very large gun tapped on their window.
"Your turn," Jim groaned.
"Nope, I got the fucker with the automatic last month."
"He wasn't even holding it right!"
"Still counts," he said smugly.
Jim slammed the door open, jamming the gun into the guys chest then burst outward to land a punch into his nose. Doubled over, they went to work and Izzy waited for them to quit playing with their food before getting out.
He approached the guy, standing over him with a shake of the head,
"Your wife just wanted to know who you were fucking, dumbass."
"I know!" The guy groaned, curling in around his many aches. Jim was breaking down the gun, pocketing the bullets. "She'll leave me if she finds out!"
"Yeah, sounds like a you problem."
"Uncle Izzy?" Pickle asked from behind him. Shit. "Does that guy need help?"
Jim shot him a wide-eyed look. Izzy, who would never be a strategist, but was maybe a little more creative these days, kept his voice level.
"Nope. He just got a little confused. He's gonna get up and go back home now. Right?" Izzy gave the guy his best dead-eyed stare and reached into his jacket.
"Yeah! Yep. Going!" The guy stumbled to his feet and rabbited off, giving the neighborhood a long eyeful of too much skin. "Sorry to bother you!"
Izzy dropped his hand away. He had a knife on him, but it was in his boot. Waist sheaths were a nightmare if you were going to be sitting for any length of time. Idiot.
"Why was he in his underwear?" Pickle asked.
"Poor planning," Jim said gravely.
They both turned to look at her. Pickle was wearing her favorite shirt with some cartoon dog with a truly upsetting proportion of eyes to face, purple leggings and shoes that despite being almost brand new, looked like they'd been attacked by bears. Her expression was so Delly-like, all judgement and thunder that Izzy felt a little haunted.
"I think you guys beat him up," she decided, crossing her arms over his chest.
"Well-" Izzy started.
"And I missed it!" She stomped one foot. "No fair!"
Read caught up with them, holding a collection of water bottles and, unmistakably, Pickle's favorite potato chips. Goddamnit. Now he didn't even have anything to bribe her with.
"It wasn't a very good beating," Jim offered. "He kind of just fell over. Pretty boring."
"I never get to see anything cool," she fumed onward.
"Good news is, we get to go back to the office."
"Can I cut up old paper?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.
"Yeah, sure," Izzy said readily. Pickle had really taken to shredding documents. Did a decent job too.
"Do I have to finish my homework?"
Silence. Read and Jim were having a conversation of facial expressions that Izzy was ignoring so he wouldn't have to murder them both at a later time.
"How about you get as much done in the car as you can?"
"...deal," she capitulated.
"And you're telling Delly you fed her chips," Izzy hissed at Read.
"That's cool, she likes me better than you anyway," Read said breezily.
Which was probably true considering Read would occasionally babysit for date nights, something Izzy rarely consented to do since they coincided with his own date nights. Lucius liked Pickle in theory, but was charmingly terrified of small children that were left in his care for any length of time. He was better with teenagers.
Fuck, Pickle at fifteen would be a horror show. World enough and time for that. Maybe Izzy would die before it happened, that was a cheering thought.
"Hey, boss," Jim said halfway back to the agency. "Do we have to go out again tomorrow? We didn't actually get the shot."
"....shit. I'll call her, let her know what happened. See how she wants to play it," he blew out a breath. "What a stupid piece of shit."
"Don't say stupid," Pickle scolded from the backseat.
"Yeah, boss," Jim cackled.
"What should I say instead?" He asked, resigned.
"Silly," Pickle informed him.
Jim and Read were both looking at him expectantly.
"Aw, c'mon," Read pleaded. "Just once."
"It's only appropriate to model good behavior," Jim said flatly, in the way they did when they were borrowing Stede-talk. He fucking hated Stede's bullshit, but it was somehow even worse when filtered through Jim's irony.
"I will stop here, kick you out and make you walk back."
"Pickle would get tired," Read frowned.
"Pickle can stay," he snorted. "She's doing her fucking job. You're being pains in the ass because you can be."
"Yeah!" Pickle grinned. "Wait, what's my job?"
"Being 8," he told her. "Your job responsibilities are finishing the damn homework sheet, cutting up pieces of paper and causing aneurysms. You get compensated in juice boxes and potato chips."
"Cool," she decided and started writing again.
"I think she should renegotiate," Read suggested.
"If you three unionize against me, I'm retiring. You can run the place."
"But the accounting software hates us," Jim wrinkled their nose.
"It's not doing errors at you if you keep feeding the wrong data in."
"You always say that," Jim grumbled.
"Always fucking true."
Back at the office, everyone dispersed to their separate corners. Pickle got the client chair, a massive pair of scissors and a stack of confidential papers to shred.
Read was clearly working on her paper, but since her hours were exceedingly random at this point between classwork and her second job, Izzy left her to it. Jim was transcribing, headphones in and tapping away.
All in all, it felt like an industrious workplace, even if it was partially fictional.
"Hey, what's the word when you're like...careful, but in a bad way?" Read asked. "My brain is mush today."
"Over cautious," Jim suggested.
Read shook her head.
"Paranoid," Izzy provided.
"Oh thank fuck, yes that's it."
"Can I have a juice box?" Pickle asked, coming perilously close to her fingers. She'd never done it yet though, so he left her to it and fished a juice box out from the mini fridge.
He had to duck under the lemon tree to get it and when he turned around to hand it to her, he spotted.
"Holy shit," he leaned in to make sure he wasn't imagiing it, but htere it was. "Jim!"
"Your s-" he caught himself and then resignedly plowed on. "Your silly fucking lemon tree finally made a lemon."
"No way!" Jim got to their feet and rushed over. Pickle weaseled in between their legs and Read was practically pressed to his back.
He pointed up to the higher leaves where there was perfectly beautiful yellow fruit.
"I guess it just needed some time," Read whispered like the words might scare the fruit away.
"What do you do with it?" Pickle asked, craning her head up. "Lemonade needs more lemons, right?"
"We still got sugar packets from the last coffee run?" Jim was already turning looking for them. Read fished a few out from the box on top of the mini fridge.
Which was how Delly came to pick up Pickle and found three grown people and her daughter, all sucking on lemon slices coated in sugar.
"You know what?" Delly decided. "I don't even want to know."
"It's really good!" Pickle bounced to her feet, gathering her things. "And I learned how to spell 'mountain'."
"That's great," Delly smiled at her, then darted an acessing look to her brother. Izzy shrugged, and picked up his remaining slice. "Want one?"
"...yes," she took it from him with a sigh. "It smells great in here actually."
The lemon tree produced a great many more lemons from there on out, but it was the first one that stayed with Izzy the most. Sour as anything, sweetened by scrounged sugar packets and the company he had learned to keep.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Missing | Ernst Schmidt x m!reader
Anonymous asked: seal anon- i love a good prompt list so i'm going to drop a few in this 1 ask ( you are under no obligation to do them all) each 1 is a different request. not necessarily asking for smut (since i know it's way too hot to write that) but some of these prompts do scream brat reader and daddy kink
for the ones you do can they be x male reader plz
"Fuck off. It's too hot to cuddle."- Schmidt
summary: you know that Schmidt has to go, eventually, and even though you're determined to make the most of it, you know it's still not enough.
tws: swearing, smoking
You knew he would leave one day, once the Cloverfield Station was ready to go, he would be dragged away from you, and you were determined to make the most of it when and where you could; but when the heatwave hit, you couldn't stomach the thought of phsyical contact, you couldn't even hold his hand or lay your legs across his when you sat down together. It was simply too hot.
In the early morning, it wasn't so bad, at least in the shade it wasn't; but by ten o'clock, it was sweltering, and as you watched Schmidt pour yet another drink, you couldn't even stomach the thought of being near him, it was like heat was radiating off of his body.
"We could watch a film," he suggested, meeting your gaze from across the breakfast bar as he slid one glass over to you.
You shook your head, wiping sweat from your forehead with the hem of your shirt as you licked your lips and started to roll a cigarette. "It's way too hot for that... I just want winter to hurry up."
He frowned a little, grabbing the antihistamines from the cupboard and taking a couple; his hayfever seemed to get worse every year. "And when winter does come, you'll complain it's cold."
You laughed softly as you nodded, knowing all too well that he was right; temperatures and the weather could be perfect and you would still find one thing or another to complain about. "It's not my fault I'm a hard man to please."
"You're not hard to please when I'm doing it," he said quietly, running a hand through his hair, the brown strands cut shorter than usual and his scruff completely shaved. "We could always put a damp towel on the fan and cuddle for a while - maybe I can grab that book you're reading and we can go through it."
"Fuck off. It's too hot to cuddle," you grumbled. "You know I don't wanna waste what time I have with you but..."
"I know," he nodded, taking off his glasses and wiping them on his shirt with a soft sigh. "If only it wasn't too hot."
"I still don't want you to go, y'know," you admitted, closing your eyes for a moment as if the mere thought of him being so far away phsyically pained you. "I don't want... I don't wanna get a call saying that something's happened and that you..."
"Look at me, (y/n)," a quiet demand that you obeyed. He flashed you the puppy dog eyes, knowing that they always worked. "Nothing like that will happen. It's been rigourously tested and approved. I'll be back before you have the chance to miss me."
You nodded slowly, daring to give him a smile, but even he could see how weak and watered down it was from the fear, the fear and the anxiety and the sadness. Already missing him. "You do realise that, when you're gone, all I'm gonna be able to think about is you."
"And all I'll think of is coming home to my amazing husband," Schmidt replied softly, "just think - I'll be up there, surrounded by some of the most breathtaking scenes anyone can imagine... and the only thing I'll think about is you."
You lit up your cigarette, grumbling softly as you sighed and watched as he pottered around the kitchen; that was the thing you would miss most. Seeing him around and knowing that he would be there, that he would always be there. You would miss the fact that he put the rice in the wrong cupboard every time, and that he would spill sugar all over the counter whenever he filled up the jar, his smell on the sheets and the side of the bed he always slept on being empty and cold to the touch; you would miss the fact that he would hum songs he loved as he did the laundry, and that he'd sing them out loud in the shower.
You would miss him more than anything. You would miss the mundane things, like when he would put his hand on your leg when you rested them across his, and when he would tug the blanket further on you in winter. You would miss the way he made you smile and how he made you laugh. You would miss the mundane. The lazy mornings where nothing got done. The quiet content of getting ready together in the mornings. The fact that he would infect one of your shirts with his scent if he was going away for the weekend on a work trip.
You would miss him, and the worst part was, you knew that you only had a matter of time until he was gone, and you knew that there wasn't enough time. Not enough to make up for what would be missed.
if you liked this fic, please reblog it and feel free to leave feedback (tags, comments, asks, etc) about it 💚
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Could pls you write something where the marauders and you are taking about your safe word and boundaries?!
Thanks! <33
hell yeah! remember kids, if you're gonna engage in Practices of Dominant and Submissive Dynamics, these talks are always very important and essential and good. consent is sexy. stay safe. all that.
also, i'd never claim to be an expert on the topics they talk about - if i get anything off or word anything poorly, do tell me and i'll amend that.
anyway also the things they put on their hard limit list are not off the table for future fics, so keep that in mind :)
Contains: Fluff, discussion of bodily fluids & cnc, mentions of degradation and praise
Word count: 1.5K
It's about one AM in the Gryffindor common room, and all your housemates are asleep—the only sound you can hear is the crackling of the fireplace and the sound of pages turning as Remus flips through his book.
You're laying in Remus' lap, his fingers combing absentmindedly through your hair and massaging your scalp. It feels so good.
"Oi—watch the cakes—"
"You watch your stupid feet, Prongs, you're stepping on my cloak—"
"—I swear to god if you drop the pumpkin juice, I'll throw you and your bloody cloak into the fire—"
"Merlin, James, shut up, you're so loud—"
You hear Remus huff a soft laugh and you smile along: Your boyfriends are many things, but stealthy and discreet are not one of them. One would think the infamous pranksters of Hogwarts would be better at sneaking around in the dead of night—but then again, who needs to be light on their feet when there are charms and Invisibility Cloaks?
James and Sirius enter the common room as quietly as they can manage—which is to say, not that quiet at all—each bearing a large plate full of midnight snacks and drinks they've retrieved from the kitchen. (The house elves are always more than happy to see them.)
"Aw, look at them," Sirius murmurs to James, and he nods, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he looks at you and Remus. It's certainly a heartwarming scene, and you'd be content to stay there forever, but something's missing.
"C'mere," you whisper to the boys, holding your arms out and making grabby hands. "Cuddle."
They're more than happy to oblige, setting the plates on the table in front of the couches and piling on, Sirius leaning against Remus' shoulder and James sitting on the floor in front of you and Remus. You reach out and tug at his curls affectionately—he leans into the touch.
"We brought you your favorite chocolate cakes," James murmurs to you. "The elves made more just for you—even they know you love them. Oh, and Remus—there's pumpkin juice for you."
"Thank you," Remus says warmly, ruffling James' hair as he reaches by to grab a goblet. "Did you say hi to the elves for me?"
"Yeah," Sirius says, "they miss you and they're going to file for divorce if you don't visit them soon."
"Divorce? From all of them?" Remus' tone is laughing. "I don't think I could handle the legal fees."
"Who'd get custody?" you wonder.
"Besides, Moony knows he's married to us, if not legally but in spirit. When you think about it, Moony's a homewrecker," James jokes, and Sirius cackles in delight.
Your eyelids droop as Remus scratches along your scalp lightly, and Sirius catches you. "Hey, hey, wait, we're not sleeping yet. We have things to talk about."
"Talk about them faster," you mumble, and James laughs.
"Alright, alright," Remus says amiably. "We'll make it fast so you can get to sleep soon, alright? But you're gonna need to be coherent and awake right now, okay?"
"Fine," you whine, and you ease into a sitting position so you aren't tempted to fall asleep right there.
"Good girl," Sirius murmurs, and you shiver involuntarily.
"Okay, none of that right now—clear heads, all of us," Remus says. He looks at you and gives you a small smile. "There'll be plenty of time for that later."
"So how do we start?" Sirius asks. "Do we just... talk about what works, what doesn't?"
"I think we should start with the safeword." Remus hums thoughtfully. "You guys know the stoplight system?"
You and James shake your heads; Sirius nods.
"Green for go on, yellow for slow down, red for stop," Remus explains. "It's important to check in consistently, so we can be sure everything's alright."
"Wait, so yellow is..." You trail off.
"Yellow is, er, we don't need to stop, but I'm not one hundred percent comfortable or confident in what we're doing right now, so can we slow down and talk about it or change what we're doing?" Sirius explains, and you nod.
"Ah." You think about it. "Right, yeah, I think the stoplight system sounds fine."
"Same," James says, and Sirius voices his agreement.
In all your time at Hogwarts, the early years especially, never in a million years would you have thought you'd be here right now—in a polyamorous relationship with the troublemakers of the grade, discussing safewords and kink negotiations.
But what's life without a few surprises?
"We can all use the colors," Remus adds, "even if we're not the one subbing. Anyone can check in at anytime. Okay?"
Once that's been established, he pushes forward with, "Okay, so nitty-gritty: What are our boundaries? What do we not want to touch with a ten-foot pole?"
"No bodily fluids," James puts forth, "except for, well, you know. Just spit and come, I think. No blood or piss or anything like that."
You nod. "I don't wanna draw blood. Pain is okay, like bruises and bitemarks or the like, but I don't know about actual... wounds and stuff. For now, at least."
Remus nods. "Absolutely."
"Oh," Sirius says, looking vaguely bashful—which is a sight, because the Sirius Black, looking shy? "Um. I like to dom, right? Like usually, I do. But when I switch and sub, er, I don't like to be degraded. I love doing the degrading, but I don't know about being the degraded one."
Knowing Sirius' past, you understand completely. The rest of the Marauders nod as well, and James shifts towards Sirius, leaning against his leg in a comforting gesture. Sirius smiles at him, soft and affectionate.
"How about you, Moony?" you ask Remus.
"Hm." He thinks about it for a second. "I don't think I would want to do consensual non-consent."
"What's that?" James pokes at Remus' leg.
"Like, when you agree beforehand that a scene is going to be... Non-consensual. Usually, it's so the sub can pretend to struggle and protest and fight back and such. It's a fantasy, kinda like a coping mechanism, and I get it, and I respect people who do like it, but I don't think it's for me."
"So, all in all," Sirius summarizes, "No bodily fluids, no blood, no forced fantasies."
"Sums it up about right," James agrees. "And no degradation for when you're subbing."
"If at any time we think of something that we want to add to the hard-limit list," Remus says, "just say it. Even if it's the middle of a scene or anything, consider this a priority."
Sounds of agreement and understand come from the three of you.
"Also, just for a semi-reference," Sirius says, "I'm a switch, with a lean for being dominant. Remus is... I think, just dominant?"
Remus inclines his head. "I've never had the urge to sub, yet. Again, things might change."
Personally, you thought the idea of Remus on his knees, begging for the three of you, was very appealing, but that's up to Remus to decide.
"I'm also a switch, but I don't know if I have a lean," James pipes up. "I enjoy both equally, it just kind of depends on the moment."
Sirius nods, then looks at you. You're in the middle of leaning over James' head to nab a chocolate cake from the platter—the epitome of grace and dignity.
"I'm a switch," you say, chocolate cake in hand, "with a submissive lean. Like, I think... I think one day, I'd like to try to dom. Maybe. But usually I'm more than happy to sub."
"What a well-balanced group we are," James comments, and Remus snickers.
You yawn right on cue, and Sirius laughs. "Getting too tired, are we?"
"Yeah, but! I was absolutely clearheaded through all that. Fully concentrated. No distractions."
James eyes your chocolate cake.
"One distraction."
"I suppose we can talk about other things another night," Remus says, as your eyelids flutter again with tiredness.
"Other things?" James asks.
"Yeah. Specific kinks, stuff we'd like to try. Rules, corresponding punishments..." The werewolf winks at you. "Rewards."
"I like rewards," you murmur sleepily.
"For another night," Sirius agrees, yawning as well. He looks sadly at the two plates of goodies stacked on the table. "We got all that food for nothing."
"Nah, we can bring it back up to our dorm and charm it so it doesn't go bad," James says. "No worries."
"Right, right. Alright, you grab one plate, Remus grabs the other, I'll take her back up."
"Hey, why do you get to take her?"
"Because I said it first," Sirius maintains, like the dignified adult he is, and scoops you up before any of the other Marauders can protest.
You fall asleep that night on James' bed, in his warm embrace and surrounding by the calming sounds of your boyfriends' steady breathing. All in all, it hasn't been a bad night at all.
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mundanewayv · 2 years
KUN: nothing's gonna hurt you baby — he brought you to an old cinema that screened black and white classics. it was not as if kun liked those but because he knew he could get maximum privacy with you there. after empty chit-chats at the start of the show, it has now transitioned to a scene where a slow jazz tune plays as the lead actress sings, a tune that lulls you to sleep. you lay your head on his shoulder. even though there were only two of you there, he still whispers softly, "you tired, sweetheart?" you reply him with a simple mhm before shifting into a more comfortable position. moving the armrest up, kun pulls you into his embrace, arms around your shoulder. his soft rubs on your shoulders put you to sleep in no time and you heard him whisper faintly, "i love you so much and i will never let anything hurt you, baby."
TEN: k — it is that feeling of falling deeply in love with someone. that yearning for ten to come back to you whenever he steps away. even if its just a a few meters away to get a drink. coming home after an event, the both of you crashed in bed, his right arm extended to let you lay on it. you wrapped your arms around his waist, inhaling his cologne as he ruffles your hair. lifting up his wrist, ten groans at the time. hours away from a new work week, ten sits up, starting to unroll his sleeves, his back facing you. the room was dark and you hug his back, head leaning down on him. his stops unbuttoning his shirt for awhile, rocking you from side to side, making you giggle softly. he peels your arms away as he takes off his shirt and bared his back, walking towards the bathroom. "come back here, ten."
WINWIN: kiss it off me — a high school romance. the last day of spring as the school closes for spring vacation. sicheng is going back to his hometown for his break - which meant a whole month without being able to send you breakfast and give you a lift to everywhere you wish to go. bikes tossed into the sand, the both of you played with the sand between your toes as the swings sway gently. sicheng knows you don't nosedive into relationships, so he was cautious about letting his feeling known. his hesitation was going to cost him but words just don't come easy. "i know you like me, dong sicheng." you smiled shyly. " i see it in your eyes and in all the things you do for me." pulling yourself closer to him, toes gripping into sand for balance, you pull his swing closer to you and sicheng's eyes widened, "i'm going to miss you so much." "me too."
LUCAS: falling in love — it's that moment when lucas is sound asleep but you're wide awake. as you admire his sharp features and how long his eyelashes are. he doesn't like sleeping with his shirt on so that gave you access to his broad and warm chest. snuggling into him, you breathe in his scent. so homely. lucas grunts a little in his sleep before moving to his side and using his arms to pull you closer into him. even while he's asleep, he still plants a kiss on your forehead before going back to his slumber. he was unexpected and also your first, really. that coincidental meeting at a supermarket where he helped you reach for tissue rolls. the gentleness behind his muscular body was a stark contrast but either way, you still felt safe and loved with him.
XIAOJUN: affection — in a dimly lit restaurant that sits next to a busy road, the crowd and traffic has died down as it neared midnight. you and xiaojun enjoy each others presence, voice hushed, sharing long gazes into each others eyes. sometimes, you don't even need words. he takes your hand and wraps them between his, before resting them on your cheeks. the world felt like it came to a standstill, the both of you in your own bubble. he shares about his day and how much he misses you and before optimistically popping up something about the future, one filled with you. and the night just doesn't seem to end - sharing something so magical with him.
HENDERY: sweet — night picnics with hendery in a golden-lit gazebo. him fooling around and telling you jokes till your stomach hurts. sitting on top of the red checkered mat, you slowly lay your head on his lap, looking into his eyes are he looks into yours. "chocolate, please." you asked him and he search his basket, pulling out a bar and breaking a piece, feeding you bit by bit. "what do you like about me, hendery?" "everything." you scoffed at the cheesy reply. pushing yourself up, you looked at him and, inching closer to him, you started pointing out all your favorite things about him with your finger, his dimples, his eyebrows, his ears and his nose. nose to nose, he looks over at your lips before meeting yours. sharing a soft and sweet kiss. "i hope that was enough to tell you how much you mean to me and how much i love you."
YANGYANG: neon moon — it was final year prom night. yangyang had asked you to the dance and after taking hundred of pictures and wild dancing with your friends whom you were not sure you will ever see again when all of you head to college, yangyang sneaks the both of you out into the school field. the both of you laid on the synthetic grass, his hand in yours as you watched the stars shine and twinkle. you turned your head to see yangyang looking over at you, admiring you. "why are you looking at me like that?" you asked bashfully, hoping the night could hide the red hues on your flushing cheeks. "i don't know. something tells me that even if we don't end up together in the near future, you'll still be someone i'll tell my children about. this moment that we're spending together, you appearing in my youth and high school years - it is the moment i will never ever forget. and no matter what, i love you."
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝓲𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓭. | 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓽𝔀𝓸
𝔹 𝔸 𝕂 𝕌 𝔾 𝕆 𝕌  𝕂 𝔸 𝕋 𝕊 𝕌 𝕂 𝕀
     ⇴ male reader [22, virgin]      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↣ rating: explicit, 18+ ↣ warnings: over 5k words long, smut, Age Gap (12 years), older Bakugou (34), shy virgin reader, fluffy smut
“Mhmhm… Mh… Wait, Katsuki…san…”, you barely managed to mumble before breaking the kisses, both of you panting lightly.
“Huh?! I’ve waited too fucking long, [Your.name]!”, Bakugou growled while trying to pull you back down.
Though you managed to push him back a little before your boyfriend could aggressively kiss you once more.
“I know, just… let me take a shower first! I just came home from my 10 hour shift, threw my hero costume into the hallway and rushed over here.”
“Ughg, fine.”, Katsuki grumbled lightly, his hand that had held on to your shirt desperately, loosening.
A small smile flitted across your lips before you quickly smooched him.
“Thank you. Oh and- here.”, you pulled the two tickets you had talked about before out of your back pocket.
“Oh… right… You said you had tickets, hm?”
“Yup, a friend of mine works behind the scenes for the comedian we both really like. Remember? We talked about it?”, tilting your head lightly, your cute smile and shimmering eyes reminded Katsuki of an adorable little dog. The thought alone made him also smile a little – so innocent and cute.
“Yeah… On our first date. I can’t believe you remembered.”
“Of course! So, I used my connections to get us two tickets.”, you excitedly declared. It helped with the urge of not staring at your boyfriend who was still standing naked in front of you.
“So when are we going?”, Bakugou casually asked, looking at the two tickets to find a date.
“April next year! I am so exited already though.”, you giggled.
Meanwhile Bakugou’s heart was doing a flip in his chest. Next year in April meant that you were believing you and him would still be together by that time. Making plans so far ahead, how was he supposed not to get emotional and happy?
“Katsuki-sa- hm!”
Pulling you down again, he surprised you with yet another intimate kiss. Once again not knowing where to really put your hands, you awkwardly placed them on his lower back. Though feeling the bare skin under your fingertips was enough to send a strong jolt down south. Damn it, how were you going to survive actual sex?
“Go take a shower. And don’t let me wait too long.”, Bakugou finally said when he pulled back with a smirk on his lips that made your cheeks warm.
“Uh-huh!”, was your only dreamily sighed answer as you watched him for a moment, completely dazed. There he was, walking up the stairs so casually – butt-naked and making your dick hurt inside your jeans.
Thus, you literally sprinted into the bathroom to take the quickest shower while scrubbing yourself the cleanest you’ve ever been.
  Bakugou on the other hand couldn’t contain his grin when he stared at the tickets in his hands. He didn’t even know if you had realized the meaning behind those. Or maybe he was just overreacting seeing you plan ahead so much. It probably would have made him uncomfortable a few months ago, when he was freshly dating you, but now? Katsuki couldn’t stop his heart from beating so violently in his chest.
Walking over to the drawer, he prepared some things, like throwing the tube of lube onto the bed and rummaging through all the condoms that he hoarded. Without realizing it, his mind started wandering on its own. Not that anyone could really blame him. Bakugou had the desire to have sex with you for quite some time, so of course he had let his imagination take over. Wondering what you would look like without anything on. Since, to this day, you had been too shy to even undress in front of him.
Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t had any intimate contact with anyone ever since his last relationship ended four years ago. And suddenly, Bakugou’s heart hammered quickly for a different reason. It definitely had been a while since he had sex with anyone.
When Katsuki heard someone rushing up the stairs though, he quickly shook his head a bit, trying to get those thoughts out of his head.
“What am I fucking thinking? It’s just sex. No need to overthink this so much. God, I’m getting old.”
And then, you already came inside, a towel around your hips.
“Ah, good timing. So, do you think we need Large or Extra Large?”, Bakugou teased you, holding up two condoms. However, his teasing certainly flew over your head when your face displayed pure shock.
Only for you to turn around, wanting to flee again. Thankfully though, Bakugou reacted swiftly, grabbing your arm and turning you back around, just for your hands to cover your face.
“I will disappoint you, Katsuki-san!”
“Hey, that was just a joke, come on. You’re so fucking easy to scare.”, he chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes.
“Sorry…”, you mumbled shyly.
“Come here. Don’t think about it too hard. I ain’t grading you or anything, yeah? Just relax.”, and with that, he pulled you down for a kiss. His other hand sneaking to your hips and pulling on the towel. This time, you thankfully stayed calm as you let him push you back and onto the bed.
His muscular, broad body crawling on top of yours almost made you explode. This was really happening. How often had you imagined and dreamt about it? And now it was really going to happen.
“It’s just…”, you broke the kisses, your eyes already gleaming with lust, “I feel like I’m gonna explode any second, Katsuki-san. Just seeing you naked is enough to make me go crazy. To be honest… just thinking about you is enough to give me a boner. I feel so stupid!”
Bakugou was blushing a little, yet he was flattered. With his mind sometimes playing tricks on him and him fearing he was too old for you, knowing he had such an effect on you… was nice.
“That’s not stupid… You’re so cute.”, he whispered before leaning down again to kiss you.
“Touch me… You want to… no?”
“HMH!”, was the only thing you whimpered so desperately as Katsuki already grabbed your hand to place them onto his small, yet unbelievably strong body.
All it took was for Bakugou to scooch closer and lower his ass onto your hips for your cock to bounce and drops of precum to drip down. Your body visibly shuddering was honestly the best feeling, because your reactions were so cute and honest. Still so innocent to the touches. Katsuki loved that. He really felt incredibly desirable and wanted.
Your trembling hands were roaming his body, not sure what to do but you also didn’t want to stop. His muscles felt so nice underneath your palm. His skin was smooth and yet rough in some areas. Bakugou’s body was showing scars from previous battles, though it only made him so sexy and handsome it was almost too much for you.
At the end, you stopped when you grabbed his luscious thighs the moment he started to grind his cock against your own. An unstoppable moan escaped your throat instantly as you dug your nails into his skin whilst another violent jolt made your cock visibly throb.
Breaking away from your mouth eventually, Bakugou couldn’t help but smirk when he saw how red your lips already were from so much kissing. Leaning in, his swollen lips met your neck, softly nibbling and making you shudder once more. His smirk so prominent you could feel it on your skin.
“How do you feel, [Your.name]?”, Katsuki whispered in your ear, enjoying the soft moan and twitching of your body against his.
“Hot… It’s unfair you’re so… fucking sexy, Katsuki-san…”, you barely managed to choke out.
It only elicit a small chuckle from your boyfriend when he sat back up, his cheeks however having a small pink tint to them. You watched attentively as he reached to the side to grab the lube. Though before he could open the bottle, you stopped him.
“Wait, Katsuki-san, can… can I do it…?”, which definitely made your poor, shy heart beat ten times as fast as it was healthy.
“Haa… you sure?”, he reluctantly asked, one brow raised.
But you nodded and sat back up to wrap your arms around his hips while your noses almost touched.
“Mh. I want to make you feel good… and learn what you like…”, you sheepishly mumbled and then softly placed a kiss on the tip of his nose.
“Oh…”, Bakugou smirked before wrapping his arms around your neck to kiss you, then whisper against your lips, “Then don’t hold back… I’ll serve as your guinea pig.”
Smirking yourself, you returned the kisses a little deeper, trying to get out the last bit of confidence you had in yourself as you mumbled back, “Then I will put in all my effort so you just need to come back for another round of experimenting.”
And Katsuki certainly liked that you slowly seemed to warm up and not be as nervous as before. His responds a mere chuckle only to capture your lips again for a passionate kiss.
Meanwhile, with your heavily thumping heart, you clumsily opened the lube bottle to squirt some of the liquid onto your fingers before throwing it back onto the bed after closing. Pulling back from your boyfriend’s mouth, you just looked at him for a few seconds to try and get the courage to touch him… Something you had never done before. Touching someone in such an intimate place.
Though before you could chicken out again, you finally reached down and dipped your fingers between his cheeks, the little shudder from Bakugou immediately spurring you on. Hence why you gave yourself the push to play with his ass; circling his twitching hole and rubbing the lube around, just to see him shiver a little.
“Oi… don’t tease…”, Katsuki could also just choke out, before softly moaning a little when you worked your finger inside.
Just the feeling of his warm insides around your finger alone made your cock twitch, the urge to just plunge into him was almost unbearable. Your own breathing quickened as you pushed another finger in before starting to move them. His muscular body was now pressed against your own, your free hand groping his ass to spread him even more.
“Haha- Ah- I guess… you’re a natural…?”, Bakugou chuckled, trying to sound cool and seductive as he wanted to keep the mask of the older and more experienced one. However, when you pushed deeper and found that little spot that made him whine, it was all over for him.
While you had to seriously fight back the urge to just cum all over him because he was just way too fucking sexy and made you completely insane with how erotic he was, Bakugou just let loose and moaned freely.
“D-Do that… ah- gain…”
You truthfully couldn’t believe that was actually happening. Your head was spinning as you moved your fingers like before, rubbing against his sweet spot, trying to memorize what made him feel good.
“I-Is that okay… Katsuki-san?”, you were lightly gasping. He was truly taking your breath away – you didn’t even want to know what would happen if you would actually have sex, your dick was probably going to explode the second you would enter with how on edge you already were.
“Hmh- keep… going, okay?”, Katsuki was merely whining.
God, he sounded so differently, and it was so erotic and sexy. And it certainly didn’t help when he scooched even closer, his throbbing cock rubbing up against your own was almost enough for you.
“K-Katsuki-san, ahn don’t… do that…”, you helplessly moaned and buried your face in the nook of his neck, making him just chuckle.
“I don’t know what you- fuck-! even.. mea- NGH!”, clawing at your shoulder, he deliberately started moving his hips a little. Thrusting his throbbing dick against your own, smearing precum around while you kept fucking him with your fingers.
“K-Katsuki-san!”, all you could do was moan out his name, being the sensitive virgin you were, this was almost too much for you.
His nails were clawing at your shoulder while his hips were moving erratically, making it harder for you to thrust against his sweet spot, but Katsuki didn’t care. He was consumed by the pleasure as he rubbed his cock against yours.
“Oh- fuck- GOD- I’m.. ah clos- Katsu…san….”, you could barely choke out, being interrupted by your gasps and moans, but that certainly didn’t stop your lover from moving even more vigorously. Though reaching down was the straw that broke the camel’s back as feeling his hand engulfing your cocks and stroking them was the last touch you needed before cumming all over him and yourself.
With your free hand you clawed at his back as you moaned into the crook of his neck. Your erotic noises sending multiple chills down Bakugou’s spine as he held onto you as tightly as you held on to him; letting your hips ride out that orgasm.
When you finally raised your head, you were still gasping and your [eye.color] eyes still gleaming with lust (though also a little bit of embarrassment that you orgasmed so soon and couldn’t hold back). Bakugou, however, simply leaned in for another few kisses that you certainly appreciated.
“Mmm- sorry… Katsuki-san…”
“Oh shut up.”, he chuckled in between little gasps.
With cum dripping from his hand he then reached back to the night stand to grab the box of tissues, cleaning his hand as well as your own that you had pulled back from his ass. All while smirking a little since you looked so dazed from that orgasm and what had just happened.
Before he could say anything though, you had already wrapped your arms around him tightly, pressing his naked, warm body against your own. Bakugou’s own arms sneaking around your torso as well after he had thrown the tissue in the trash. For a few seconds, it was rather quiet, just the beating of your hearts audible, until you finally dropped the bomb.
“I love you, Katsuki-san.”, you whispered into the nook of his neck.
For a few moments he was just flabbergasted. While his mouth needed a few moments to speak his feelings out loud, his heart was already beating 10 miles per hour. It had been so long since someone had whispered those words to him. Someone who wasn’t just a big fan of him screaming whenever he was outside as a pro-hero, or his family. No… that was certainly a different love.
Leaning back a bit, he ‘forced’ you to look at him, even though he fully understood how embarrassed you were and also how on edge that he was just silent. Bakugou could almost see all the thoughts rushing through your pretty little head, but with just his rare, little smile, you were put at ease.
“I love you, too.”
And before you could react, he had already cupped your face and pulled you in for a kiss. A kiss that made your heart thump so much you thought you might die. You had never felt that happy before. Graduating from U.A.? Amazing accomplishment. Meeting Katsuki and being able to date him? A dream come true, indeed. But hearing your lover say those three words back to you for the first time was just… indescribable happiness rushing through your veins.
With a little bit of force, Bakugou managed to push you back onto the bed, both of you giggling while kissing. He was happy. You were happy. If time could just stop now.
But, it didn’t. Time went on and thus, you whispered in between kisses, “Just… give me 10 minutes… ‘nd I’m…. ready…mmkay?”
Breaking away fully, he leaned on his elbow as he looked at you, his ruby eyes gleaming with lust and a smirk on his lips.
“10 minutes, huh? You really are young.”
“Oh shut up.”, you giggled yourself, when just a second later realization sank in.
“No, wait! I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry!”, your cheeks were basically on fire. Being so rude to someone older was just… you had never done that.
Bakugou on the other hand though just stared at you for a few seconds, before leaning in once more for a kiss, surprising you. However, easing into the kiss quite quickly, your eyes fluttered open again when he sat back up a little. Just far away enough for just the tip of your noses to touch anymore.
“Don’t apologize… Fuck honorifics, okay? Fuck speaking keigo, just… talk to me normally.”
“A-are you sure, Katsuki-san? I mean… our age gap…….”, you gulped at the end, feeling uneasy.
“So? Zero fucks given. I hate honorifics. If you use keigo with me I feel so old…” he avoided eye contact for a moment, before looking back and tilting his head lightly.
“I just want to feel like your boyfriend, not your fucking boss or something…”
“Katsuki-sa- nh- I’ll try! I promise. It’s just really hard to let go, but… I… I want to call you nicknames, too!”, now you had to turn your head away because you were too embarrassed, “B-but maybe that’s a little inappropriate…”
“No…”, a small smile flitted across his lips, “I’d like that.”
And those simple words made your heart skip a beat.
Leaning in the last few inches, Bakugou kissed you on the mouth once more; the tip of his tongue gracing along your bottom lip until you opened them, allowing him inside. A sloppy, intimate kiss igniting again as he slightly changed positions so he was on top of you like before.
Feeling more confident though, you let your hands travel down his spine to his ass. Grabbing the firm skin and spreading his cheeks, you earned his little moan that made your heart jump in excitement. However, it only took a second before you also softly groaned into his mouth when he started grinding again.
With that, even though you had just orgasmed, it was certainly easy to rile you up again. Having the man of your dreams basically humping you was very effective indeed. And Bakugou seemed to notice how easily agitated you were, the smirk on his lips when he broke away was very prominent.
“Should I take it as a compliment that you’re already hard as a rock after just 5 minutes?”, Katsuki teased you, before lowering his head to pepper kisses onto your neck.
You just whimpered a little “Katsuki…” in embarrassment, only to thrust your hips against his as well. Taking him a little off-guard, his surprised grunt made you also grin a little.
“I-It’s not my fault… it’s just you… you’re so… incredible. I… I can’t help it…”, you had a hard time talking properly as Katsuki wasn’t stopping his movements, both of you desperately grinding against each other.
“Haha, I like that.”, Bakugou chuckled, his deep voice sending a chill down his spine.
Though, in the end, he decided to stop (hearing your little whine when he did that was very cute) and sit back up. Both of your cocks back to leaking and throbbing and this time, he stood up fully. Your glazed eyes following him when he walked over to the drawer from before to grab a condom, before bouncing back on top of you.
“You ready?”, he just whispered with that grin on his lips again that made your loins hurt with how erotic he was.
So all you could do was nod very enthusiastically that made Bakugou laugh a little.
With that, you watched attentively once more as he opened the condom; however a blissful hiss escaped your throat when he wrapped his hand around your dick to give it a few strokes. Hence why your head fell back into the pillow for a moment as you had to concentrate really hard to control yourself and not embarrass yourself by cumming again so soon. (Which was very hard because being a virgin and having this sexy man touch you was very effective in making you lose control very fast)
“[Your.name]…”, Katsuki had your full attention once more when he whispered your name like that, though when you looked up… Your cock visibly bounced in his hand as he was hovering right above it with his ass.
“Oh God…”, you grabbed his thighs as your breath hitched in your throat, watching as he lowered himself on top of you.
Clenching your teeth, the feeling of Bakugou’s ass spreading and engulfing your cockhead was almost too much. But it only intensified when his moaning self pushed down even further.
“K-Katsuki!”, was the only thing you could whimper as his hot, sticky insides swallowed more and more of your throbbing cock, almost pushing you over the edge with how tight he was.
Bakugou was just trying to control his moans as it had been so long since he last felt such a nice, thick dick inside his ass. His body trembled due to the full feeling as well as his insides fluttered excitingly; the urge to move overwhelming him.
Without really thinking about how close you possibly were, Katsuki started swaying his hips. First only lightly, but it only took a few moments before he started properly riding you. The moans that left your lips only spurring him on, especially when you locked eyes with him. Just the way you were melting and clawing at his thigh, while looking at him so intensely, it made Bakugou burn up even more.
“Ahnh. God- Katsuk- ah you’re so… amazing- I can’t-“, you chocked out in between heavy gasps and moans.
Katsuki really couldn’t comprehend how cute and innocent you were, being so completely mind-blown by him riding you hard. It made gross little butterflies fly uncontrollably inside his tummy – how he missed that feeling. As someone who never had a casual hook-up, finally being able to have sex again with someone he trusted and loved felt indescribable.
When he deliberately started tightening around you, the whiny moan that escaped your throat sent a chill up his spine.
“I’m gonna- if you… do that… agai-“, you so desperately choked out, being completely overwhelmed. And your boyfriend just chuckled and continued to tease you. Fuck. You had never felt so good. Your dick was throbbing and so rock-hard, you were barely able to hold yourself back from cumming again – and that in the first few minutes of Bakugou doing his magic.
Leaning down, Katsuki pressed his palms into the pillow beside your head while he pressed his lips on yours. Igniting a sloppy kiss, you both couldn’t control your lustful moans and grunts. Bakugou just knew what he was doing, how he had to angle himself so your cock penetrated his prostate and made him see little stars.
You were close. So unbeliavabel close. It was almost painful how hard you were and how much you needed the release. Thus, without thinking much about anything anymore (as he had officially blown your mind today and you weren’t able to think straight anymore) you just reached down to his own bouncing cock; wrapping your fingers around it, the throaty moan that left his lips only riling you up more. It also made you more confident in your action, thus you proceeded to also pump his cock while he was moving so passionately.
Spurred on by your own actions, Katsuki only teased you more. His insides fluttering around you and tightening, just to listen to your desperate moans. Feeling your nails drag across his back as he pushed you over the edge with his skillful moves. Your moans deep and so erotic that it made Bakugou shiver, though nothing compared to your spasming, trembling body underneath him.
You were both gasping for air and sweating. Though before you could even remotely start to calm down, Katsuki had already started swaying his hips lightly, making you jerk and moan in surprise.
“K-Katsuki-“, you choked out his name, [eye.color] eyes wide open.
But the way he looked at you, glistening lips slightly opened, his ruby eyes barely closed and drops of sweat running down his temple – so sexy.
“Just a little… Think you can… handle it?”, he crookedly grinned.
All you could do was nod and pull him down.
Lips colliding and tongues entwining, he openly moaned into your mouth when you started thrusting your hips. Using the last bit of your hard cock before going limp to make him get off while also stroking his dick.
Even though the friction was so overwhelming and your cock was so overstimulated by that point it almost made you lose your mind, you didn’t want to stop. And Bakugou didn’t want to either. His hips relentlessly grinding, your cock shoved in balls-deep and your hand stroking him was almost pushing him over the edge.
The good thing was, Katsuki was already so sensitive and riled up because it had been so long since he last had sex. He couldn’t even think about his own insecurities, like being too old or knowing you could see his wrinkles and scarred skin from work as a pro-hero; you made him feel safe and loved. Yet, Bakugou was so turned on. Even if you had been clumsy or shy, he was dripping precum all over the place. He was so wet. And the feeling of his ass being stuffed was just so nice.
“NGH- [Your.name]-!”, breaking the sloppy kisses, he threw his head to the side, gasping heavily.
You seriously couldn’t stop staring at him. Especially when it all broke down and he started moaning so lewdly. His cock started twitching in your hand before he came all over your hand and belly. His body was trembling, thighs shaking and you could watch and stroke him through the orgasm, earning his whiny groans.
After a few moments, Bakugou opened his ruby eyes once more, before leaning in and pecking your lips, whispering a soft, “I love you.” Which made your heart jump and your lips curve into a big smile as you smooched him over and over again, mumbling an “I love you, too.” back.
As you were laying there for a few minutes, you just shared little kisses, as if both of your lips weren’t already swollen and red from all the kissing prior, but you just couldn’t stop. He was so cute and sexy. Just- how was he seriously your boyfriend?
Though in the end, Katsuki did sit back up again.
“Shall we go clean this off, huh?”, he… almost bashfully, smirked and nodded to your hand. Hence you just chuckled and agreed.
And so, rather quickly, Bakugou got off of you, disposed of the condom and in the end, you rushed into the bathroom for a quick wash; nothing too long, really, because both of you wanted to get back into bed fairly swiftly again. Hence, it only took a few minutes before you and your boyfriend were in the sheets once more, cuddling this time.
“So… how did you feel…?”, you asked after a few moments. Rather quietly though and carefully, not knowing how to really initiate the conversation about ‘giving feedback’.
“It felt fucking nice.”, then he cuddled closer and turned your head towards him so you had to look at him, “You did good for your first time.”
Of course he had to tease you about it.
“Katsuki!”, you playfully kicked him.
“I mean it… I… want to make you feel good. Is there something you want me to do next time?”
When Bakugou realized you were so serious about it, he couldn’t help but smile a little.
“I mean it, too, ya know? I felt very good. And I, too, only want you to feel good when we do it. So we can both feel the fucking best!”, Bakugou then grinned, which thankfully made you giggle as well when you leaned in for another swift smooch.
“Also… don’t think about it too much, okay? This was your first time. You only get to be the best when you practice a lot.”, smirking seductively, he slipped his leg between your own and scooched as closely as he could against your body, “And I promise you I have never skipped practice once in my life. So I hope you’re fucking prepared for what’s to come.”
As you had to search for your heart that had dropped far beyond your stomach due to Katsuki’s advances, you could just gulp and nod. However, you also didn’t shy away anymore when you grab onto him as well. Which pleasantly surprised Bakugou, hence leaning in the last few inches for a smooch.
“Thank you…”, was the last thing you thought you would hear him mumble all of a sudden.
Bakugou realized your slightly confused look on your face, thus clarifying.
“Four years ago, my ex broke me so much I thought he had made me unable to like, let alone love anyone ever again.”
“Oh… I’m sorry about that, Katsuki.”, you whispered empathetically and your hand reaching out to softly caress his back. Which instantly made him smile a little, even though those were such painful memories.
“You know. I was done. I didn’t care about having a relationship anymore and so also basically giving up sex completely since I don’t wanna just randomly fuck with anyone. All the paparazzi just waiting for this moment? And the fear of meeting random strangers who then potentially blackmail me, it was just all too fucking risky. So four years ago it all just… broke apart. Everything. He betrayed me and hurt me so much.”
Katsuki then, however, sat back up a little so he could look at you, propping himself up on his elbow.
“So.. what I just want to say is. Thank you. For making me feel something again and… I ain’t used to this cheesy shit, but… For making me fall in love again. If you would have not been so persistent, I would have been still hurting and hating everyone and everything and just be a miserable ass, ya know?”, he said at last with a small smile on his lips as he reached for your hand to lace your fingers together.
“I am glad.”, smilling brightly, you leaned in for a kiss until you pushed him back into the pillow, making him chuckle.
After bottling up everything for the past weeks, he was relieved you both finally took the next step in your relationship. And hopefully, from now on, everything was going uphill. Though, to be honest, with him and you finally having started with having sex and generally experimenting sexually, Bakugou couldn’t wait for the next few weeks.
Because if he had learned anything in the past 15 years of dating, it was that, when you start to have sex, you will do it anywhere and anytime, all the time  – and he was ready, oh so ready for that stage of your relationship. Plus, judging by how you were already slightly grinding against him again, you probably were as excited as him for what’s to come.  
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: I tried really hard to have this ready for my birthday yesterday but this is one beast of a fucking second part I just couldn’t finish it in time. so… here is a treat for you and myself
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 324: Is There a Force Field Around Him??
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal was all “please tell Midoriya that I spent a concerningly small amount of money upgrading U.A. into a wacky physics-defying funtime grid so as to make the final battle much more confusing for everyone.” Present Day!Mic (or Present!Mic, if you will) and Jeanist were all “if only somebody could deescalate this dangerously unhinged mob, we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.” Ochako was all “LISTEN UP PEOPLE.” The mob was all, “god??” Ochako was all, “NO, IT’S ME, OCHAKO. I’M REALLY HIGH UP ON THIS BUILDING AND THE VISIBILITY IS LOW DUE TO THE RAIN, SO I CAN SEE HOW YOU MIGHT MAKE THAT MISTAKE. ANYWAYS, DEKU WAS OUT THERE RISKING HIS LIFE FOR YOU CLOWNS EVEN THOUGH HE’S JUST A KID, SO I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IF YOU COULD ALL REMEMBER HOW TO BE DECENT HUMAN BEINGS, THANKS.” Let’s see if her Big Scolding Energy has any impact.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “so I have this speech planned out, and it’s really good, but it also only really needs about 6 to 8 pages, but I’m gonna see if I can stretch it out to 17 pages so I can kill time before we get to the next volume cliffhanger two weeks from now.” Anyway but it really is a good speech though. There are feels, and tears, and more talk about how Deku is so in need of a shower that just looking at him requires a tetanus booster, and more feels, and more tears, and bonus ship drama, and an iconic callback to the very first chapter which reframes the entire series in a new context in a totally epic and moving way, and it’s all very good. Except that Horikoshi is determined to never let anyone actually give this kid a hug. Who hurt you, dude.
omg we are opening on a callback to chapter 212, a.k.a. the chapter with by far the cutest flashback that doesn’t involve any baby Todorokis
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baby Ochako is lethally cute. she could literally murder someone with her cuteness. I just want to scoop her up and play airplane with her until she accidentally activates her quirk while we’re spinning around and we both helicopter up into the air never to be seen again
“a child’s insistence” huh well that’s all well and good, but I sure hope this doesn’t mean we’re going to drag out the whole “sternly lecture the obnoxious citizens” plot for another whole chapter. no offense but I think we’re good
so page 2 is just continuing the whole happy/worried faces monologue, which of course is very important to Ochako’s character as it provides the context for why “who protects the heroes” ended up becoming her thing. and this is making me think we actually are in for a whole second chapter of this sob. when will my boy finally get to rest
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HORIKOSHI: [reaches for a box of tissues while tearfully penning an homage to his beloved Spider-Man 2, specifically the train scene where the crowd sees Peter without his mask and they suddenly realize just how young he is]
lol at this one guy who can feel the mood of the crowd shifting and is all “WAIT, NO, I WANTED TO KEEP BEING AN ASSHOLE DAMMIT”
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as many pointed out last week, this man is wearing an All Might shirt. that’s some fantastic irony there
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“LITTLE GIRL, I HOPE YOU’RE NOT SUGGESTING THAT WE SHOULD ALL BE WALKING AROUND DRESSED LIKE A SOVIET-ERA BUS STOP.” heh. last week I said I was ashamed of BnHA being my favorite manga. that was a lie, actually
(ETA: in the original Japanese Ochako’s next two lines are basically “the only ones covered in mud will be us heroes!” followed by “please give us some time to get rid of the mud”, with that second line basically being the single funniest thing I’ve ever read rdslkjl. Ochako thank you so much for supporting my running gags. “YEAH WE KNOW HE’S DIRTY. WE ARE GONNA TRY AND CLEAN HIM UP, BUT IT MAY TAKE A WHILE, I’M JUST SAYING. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM. HE LOOKS LIKE AN ASBESTOS COSPLAY.”)
doesn’t the megaphone kind of look ever so slightly like an axe that she’s wielding maniacally here
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easy there Lizzie Borden
also that’s a really bold claim to make there. and not one she necessarily should have to make, either. but as we all know, there’s nothing that shounen manga likes more than having its heroes bravely hoist heavy burdens of responsibility like good self-sacrificing citizens
p.s. lowkey loving how Kacchan is positioned here standing slightly behind Deku. not presuming to stand in front of him all overprotectively (because he would hate if anyone ever did that to him), and kind of being unobtrusive and letting others take center stage -- but still being close enough to Deku that he can catch him if he stumbles or passes out again
(ETA: or maybe not lmao.
DEKU: [falls to his knees]
KACCHAN: [glancing up from his phone a few minutes later] “someone just sent me the stupidest meme about milk crates -- oh. uh. you good...?”
really, son. “the burdens you can’t carry, we’ll carry them for you. ...later, I mean. right now it’s late, and we’re all cold and wet.”)
also lowkey loving this OchaTsu moment here
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I was going back and binging Ochako chapters this past week for reasons, and I gotta say it really stuck out to me just how often these two are paired with each other. they do everything together. it’s a really sweet friendship that often goes unappreciated but it’s very cute
meanwhile, not to be outdone by the OchaTsu, Iida is staring at Ochako with open admiration talking about how she’s fighting too. it’s been so long since we’ve had any IidaRaka you guys. I was starving and I didn’t even know it
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THE LIGHT IS BACK. he finally looks like him again. what a cathartic fucking moment omg
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BUT, jokes aside, truth be told this is the exact right approach to take imo, and something that’s long overdue. I’ve said this before, but this new generation of heroes is shaping up to be much more transparent than the All Might generation. they’re basically abandoning the almighty, untouchable Superman “heroes as gods” concept in favor of the more nuanced “heroes as people” concept instead. and that’s a good thing. seeing their heroes as humans, with human limitations and weaknesses and flaws, will hopefully not only lead to more scrutiny and accountability, but also more awareness of how hard some of them are working and how much they’re sacrificing. that’s something All Might never quite grasped back at the start of the series -- that the weak, vulnerable, injured him could be just as inspiring as the mighty, invincible him -- perhaps even more so. there’s a power in seeing otherwise ordinary people show extraordinary bravery and compassion. it inspires others to try and do the same
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so he was still back at the hospital this whole time?? smdh at this disrespect. that feeling when your sexy self-insert character’s powers of rationality are too strong, and so you have to nerf him so that he doesn’t ruin your Deku Angst arc twice over by (1) immediately talking some sense into Deku and making him come home Right This Instant Young Man, and (2) not allowing him to leave U.A. in the first fucking place. excuse me, you want to do WHAT now, Midoriya?? that’s it, go to your room
also living for Katsuki and Hawks’s soft expressions. Shouto’s too, although his is tinier and harder to see. and Jeanist’s 12-foot-long neck. imagine Jeanist’s head with Mic’s hair. maybe Jeanist had a mohawk back in the day and that’s why U.A.’s doors are so big now
speaking of soft faces, Enji’s is also excellent
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what could this random close-up possibly imply?? hell if I know. but Horikoshi truly fears no discourse and that’s what I love about him
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“smh my child is so dumb.” poor Ochadad. your child is cute af count your blessings
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I’m telling you guys. lethally, catastrophically cute
this speech is still ongoing lol. Horikoshi you’re doing so good but I think we get the point now my dude. you gotta learn how to transition out of these things
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“there we go” Horikoshi says, crossing off the last line on his list of Ochako ships. “that’s all of ‘em”
poor Ochako is just repeating the same “LET HIM REST, PLEASE, WITH EVERYONE’S COOPERATION, IF YOU DON’T MIND, WE APPRECIATE IT” talking points over and over again hoping someone will throw her a bone and acknowledge her already. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HER
literally they’re all just staring up at her silently omg. work with me people!!
now she’s saying it for the 56th time but more dramatically all of a sudden
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they got so dramatic that for a minute I thought she had suddenly leaped off the building or something
look, not to rush you or anything Horikoshi, but I’m starting to get the feeling that this is yet another one of those “the volume is ending soon so I need to either hurry things up or slow things down in order to make sure we end it on my perfect cliffhanger ending” chapters where you go to ridiculous lengths to drag things out much to the exasperation of your week-to-week readers
(ETA: ftr, volume 31 ended on chapter 306, and I’m predicting that vol. 32 will end with chapter 316 (a.k.a. “you’re next!” [explodes]). I’m guessing vol. 33 will follow suit and likely end on chapter 326, so keep your eyes peeled for a big cliffhanger in two weeks’ time. Deku’s dad?? All Might in peril?? U.A. traitor at long fucking last?? we shall see.)
is Deku straight up falling in love with Ochako right on the spot lol what is happening
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I know I just said that I enjoy when Horikoshi gives zero fucks about discourse, but shipping discourse is a whole different beast lol. I hope he’s prepared
(ETA: and for the record, I have no interest in shipping discourse either, as always. and I think this scene can be interpreted as platonic, tbh, with the context being that Ochako was literally introduced as someone who was willing to help him so casually without a second thought, and now here she is saving him again.
I don’t think it really fully hit Deku until this moment how much he needed saving. like I said in another meta somewhere, selflessness is basically just selfishness on behalf of others. and Deku is selfless to a fault, but that’s okay, and it doesn’t mean he needs to change -- he just needs friends who are willing to be be selfish on his behalf in turn. and I think the full emotion of what it means to have friends like that just hit him at last. everything his friends have done for him, how much he needed it and didn’t even realize, and how grateful he is. anyways what a terrible day for rain.)
-- son of a --
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is he apologizing?? or pleading?? please tell me that’s not the case, because what the actual fuck. Deku you beautiful precious radiant selfless child, this is the exact opposite of how this should be. all these motherfuckers should be on their knees apologizing to you
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A KOUTA IS GOOD TOO!!! oh my god if Kouta hugs him I will seriously 100% straight up cry. go on and test me
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is this man expressly forbidden from drawing hugs in his contract or something. DO YOU DO IT JUST TO SPITE ME?? this is tyranny, sir
AND I KNOW, THIS PAGE ACTUALLY CHALLENGED THE VERY PREMISE OF THE SERIES ITSELF, AND HERE I AM COMPLAINING ABOUT HUGS, OR THE LACK THEREOF. “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes.” and just like that, he waves a polite middle finger at all of the Strongest Greatest Chosen One shounen protags of old, in favor of something much less conventional, much more interesting, and much more suited to Deku’s character. because if that one sentence doesn’t just sum up Deku to a T. he gladly relinquishes his Greatest Hero status in favor of acknowledging the hero in everyone. what a class act. that’s my protagonist
I love this kid so fucking much I swear. only just PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. GIVE HIM HIS HUG
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 3 years
I just. I just thought about Eddie holding baby Jee-Yun? And singing to her while she clutches at his finger with her tiny meaty baby hand??
Maybe Buck freaked out a little because she was being fussy and wouldn't settle, and its probably nothing but hey, who better to call than Eddie, who conveniently has the day off and cuts off Buck's panicked rambling with a soothing;
"Its okay, Buck. Give me ten minutes, okay? You're doing great. She's probably just restless."
Eddie gets there and sends Buck off to cook dinner or shower or take a nap, scooping Jee-Yun out of her travel crib and making sure she's changed, warm, fed and content. And its been so long since Christopher was this tiny, but holding Jee-Yun makes him think back to that tiny, wriggly little bundle in his arms for the first time, back before it all went to shit.
Eddie pacing slowly around the lower loft, singing quietly, tickling her little chin, grinning when she giggles and gurgles at him. And he can see so much of Maddie and Chimney in her already. She's got Maddie's eyes and Chimney's lopsided grin.
(And for a little crack, maybe Buck catches this scene and is so overwhelmed he just blurts out; "put a baby in me!" And Eddie is like; "... What?" 👁👄👁 Which cues a hilariously awkward but heartfelt confession of feelings on both sides.)
Hey hey! So I like I told you I started this a while ago and then got SEVERE AND DEBILITATING writers block, and it sat waiting for new life. And then 5x03 happened, so Hello, new life! I hope you love it!
With You, My Life, I Will Get Married
Warning: mild spoilers for 9-1-1 season 5 episode 3.
Chimney was out searching for Maddie.
After shifts, on weekends, whenever he had a second, he was either spending time with Jee or out searching for her mom.
In times when he was on the search everyone at the 118 was making time to watch Jee Yun. Mrs. Lee was doing what she could, but couldn't always be available, and when that happened, Jee would spend some time at Bobby and Athena's or by Hen and Karen. And when they had too much going on, or when either of the uncles felt like they weren't getting enough time with their beautiful niece, she would spend time at her Uncle Buck's or Uncle Albert's.
Uncle Buck got lucky this time.
Eight hours in and everything had gone wrong. Buck shoulders were damp with spit-up, baby drool, and snot and all Jee seemed capable of doing was crying, crying, crying.
"I'm so sorry! I don't know what I did wrong, and, and now--just, Jee, please, it's okay, I'm here--!"
She continued to yell and Buck got more and more panicked. "Your Uncle Albert's gonna be here in like 5 minutes, Jee, okay? And then, maybe, maybe he's better with you? And will make you happy, and then--Oh God, what have I done wrong--"
A knocking at the door sent him back on his feet, swaying toward the loft entrance. It opened before he could get there, however, and he stopped where he was, a furious Jee Yun screaming in his ears as Eddie Diaz, not Albert Han, walked in.
"You look like you're having fun." Eddie's eyebrow was raised and his mouth quirked in a teasing smile.
"Eddie...?" Buck's momentary shock was interrupted as Jee let out another wail. "Um, sorry, this isn't the best time at the moment, but Albert--"
"--has a date tonight and sent me as his relief." Eddie reached out and plucked Jee Yun from Buck's arms. "And you have a date with your shower and a few hours' sleep."
"I--no, it's okay, I know you just got off shift--"
"Buck." Eddie shifted Jee to one arm, and the other rested on Buck's chest, over his pattering heartbeat. He met Buck's eyes, his own calm despite the bundle of adorable chaos still screaming bloody murder into his shoulder. "Go shower."
"...Yeah, okay."
She truly was one of the cutest babies, even when she was liable to wake up the neighborhood with her noise, Eddie thought with a smile as he re-seated her over one shoulder and began to firmly but gently tap her back.
"Your Tio Eddie is going to assume this is a gas issue, okay, chiquita? Christopher used to have this all the time, and he would scream and cry." Eddie huffed ruefully. "I was useless at it then, but Shannon showed me what to do." He kept tapping at her back. "Good set of lungs means a healthy baby, good job, Jee. Now, let's see if we can't get this gas out of you so you can calm down and you and your Tio Buck can get some sleep, okay?"
Eddie started circling the room, the sun beginning to set as he heard he shower turn on.
"There you go, see? Your Buck is going to get all showered since you drooled all over him, and then you both can get some sleep, how's that sound?"
He was answered with a burp far louder than Jee's small body should be capable of making. Then a sweet gurgling sound as she nestled her chin into his shoulder.
"There, feel better, mi princesa?" Eddie whispered against her soft, downy hair. "When I was small and got upset, and my parents got annoyed with my sulking, they'd send me to Abuela. And she would sit me down on her lap, just like this," he sat down on Buck's couch, and settled Jee Yun against his broad chest, rubbing her small back with a large warm hand. "And she would hug me until I forgot what I was so upset about. All I could think about was the smell of her perfume and how much I wanted to be like her one day.
"Then Pepa would come out and yell at both of us that it's about damn time we came into the house, dinner doesn't make itself." Eddie laughed at the memory. Jee made a small discontented noise and Eddie stood up again, walking toward the kitchen, where he saw the half-formed works of bottle making on the counter. "Shhh, princesa, Tio Eddie's gonna make you a bottle." With Jee over his shoulder, sounding more and more on the edge of hunger-panic, Eddie quickly assembled a bottle then leaned back against the kitchen island and cradled Jee Yun in his arms, pressing the nipple to her mouth, which she accepted gratefully.
"Better, yeah? Where was I...? Oh." Eddie smiled. "Once we were inside, Pepa, Abuela and I would make arroz con leche. Abuella would wash the rice, Pepa would be tutting the whole time about too much sugar, but she would always wink at me and add just a bit more before the cinnamon." Eddie couldn't help the smile that stole over his face as he remembered Abuela's warm kitchen in her El Paso ranch house before she and Pepa relocated to LA. In winter, the windows would fog over from the heat of whatever was on the stove. When she left, a lot of Eddie's heart left with her.
"They used to sing me the song too, you know?" Jee gurgled around her dinner and Eddie smiled again. "Well, I wasn't planning to sing it, but you drive a hard bargain." Eddie's poked Jee's soft cheek with a finger and began to sing.
Arroz con leche se quiere casar con una viudita de la capital, que sepa tejer, que sepa bordar, que ponga la aguja en su campanal.
(English translation: Rice with milk (rice pudding) Wishes to get married With a little widow from the capital. Who knows how to weave (or knit), Who knows how to embroider, Who puts the church steeple in the bell tower.)
Eddie was no American Idol contestant, but his voice was soothing and good. Strong. Listening to him sing from his seat on the stairs, Buck almost felt like he was where Jee currently snuggled, right against Eddie's chest, as his bass voice sung the gentle Spanish lyrics, harmonized by the occasional happy noise from Jee Yun.
Yo soy la viudita la hija del rey. Me quiero casar y no sé con quien. Contigo sí, contigo no, Contigo mi vida me casaré yo.
(English translation: I am the widow The daughter of the king, I want to get married and I don’t know with whom. With you, yes. With you, no. With you, my life, I will get married.)
Buck's head knocked lightly against the banister, body relaxing. He wasn't wearing a shirt, just the softest sweatpants he owned with a towel draped over his shoulders to catch water from the mess of wet curls on his head.
Eddie's so hard on himself all the time. I don't get it. He's such a good dad.
Dazedly, Buck's eyes fixed on Eddie's mouth as he repeated the verses again. Then Eddie sighed.
"Afterward Pepa would ask me who I want to marry and Abuela would laugh at me, and I'd always complain--" Jee gurgled again. "Like that, yes. But honestly, it was nice... Even though between you and me, Pepa can't sing very well at all." Eddie's lips quirked again in a smile. "Kind of like your Uncle Buck."
Buck startled at his name and looked up at Eddie's eyes. They twinkled back at him in the dying last light of the day, Eddie's golden skin lit by the last rays of the sun. Buck felt his face heat with a blush, knew there was nothing to do about it.
"Sorry, I should've--"
"Feel better after your shower?"
Buck sighed and smiled. "Yeah. World's better." He stood, stretching out his long legs as he descended the stairs. It was full dark now, but Buck didn't feel like turning on a light. "I can take her now."
"Nope." Eddie met him midway, hand on Buck's shoulder turning him around. "You're both getting some sleep now." One hand on Buck's shoulder, the other holding a drowsy Jee Yun, Eddie guided him back up the stairs, and pressed Buck down until he was sitting on his bed.
"Eddie, are you sure--"
"Shhh." Eddie deposited Jee into Buck's arms, then sat down behind him. "You can hold her for now." Eddie's hands skimmed up Buck's warm back then pulled the towel off Buck's shoulders, laying it on top of Buck's head, where a corner flopped over his eyes.
"Hold still, Buck."
Eddie's strong hands curled into the towel and Buck's hair, rubbing vigorously to get it dry. "Seriously, anyone who has ever seen your hair at work would marvel at how different it looks before you comb and gel all the life out of it." He rubbed vigorously, and Buck felt himself relaxing back against Eddie's chest. Tomorrow, he might look back at this and feel embarrassed. He might have to apologize. Tomorrow, he would go back to hiding how much he felt for the man who was drying his hair, still absent-mindedly humming the Arroz con leche tune under his breath. But for now, Eddie was too near and too warm and too... Eddie. And Buck found that he couldn't deny himself Eddie right now.
Buck cleared his throat and made himself focus on their conversation. "I used to wear my hair naturally, but people said it looked floppy. Made me look like a puppy."
"People are stupid sometimes, Buck. You know this." Eddie's thumb traced the shell of Buck's ear. "And if you think slicking back your hair makes you look less like a puppy, you really shouldn't be bothering." He snickered as Buck tried to shoulder his chest and Jee made a noise of complaint.
"So I just look like a puppy all the time, huh?"
The towel dropped. Eddie's arms came around, holding onto Buck and Jee Yun both. "I think you're a beautiful man, Buck."
The air in Buck's chest hiccupped out of his mouth. His heart picked up speed as the places where Eddie's hands rested on his stomach seemed to heat from within. "Y... Eddie?"
"Shhh. Sleep now. Jee's asleep, but who knows for how long." Eddie's voice was gruff, embarrassed. "I'll just--"
"Stay?" It came out too high, too soft. Buck cleared his throat and tried again. "I mean, if it isn't any trouble, and--"
"I can stay." Eddie's arms tightened around Buck again and he pulled him backwards until Buck could lay out flat on his back, before pressing Buck's head down on his pillow. Then Eddie pulled Jee from Buck's arms and sat back against the headrest, legs folded together, Buck's niece cuddled again against his chest. "Sleep now."
"Okay." There was so much Buck wanted to know. To say. It all got stopped in his throat as fear tamped it all down to squirm in his chest.
"Eddie?" The word found its way out.
A sigh. Then, "Come here."
Buck didn't hesitate, moving his head off the pillow and onto Eddie's lap. Eddie's spare hand found its way back into his curls and tugged lightly before stroking through them, gently, so gently.
"Sleep now."
"Okay. But," Buck's jaw cracked around a large yawn. "Before... you have to know..."
"You are... so beautiful... Eddie Diaz."
Buck felt Eddie's hand tighten in his hair again, before releasing, fingers wandering down to trace his eyebrows, his nose, his lips.
"Sleep, querido."
As Buck's eyes slipped closed, and awareness almost dropped away, he swore he could feel lips press lightly right above his eye, on his birth mark.
"Contigo mi vida me casaré yo."
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