#The poses are a bit stiff but that's fine
floydsteeth · 4 months
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sysig · 1 year
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Tastes staticy (Patreon)
#My art#Vectors ♥ My beloved#How do I always let these art styles sit by the wayside for so long! I love them!#In this case it was good for a number of reasons lol ♪ Firstly because I forgot my tablet pen and only that while I was out for the evening#Oops lol#But I was still very much in an art-expression mood and vectors are so so so friendly with my trackpad <3 Thank you lads haha#That said I did sketch this with regular brushes on my trackpad lol - and recorded it this time so you'll get to see what that looks like!#It's not really one way or t'other imo lol I've gotten fairly proficient so it's just slightly messier than normal#Posing's a bit stiff but I'm fine with that#Onto the actual art! Haha#I really didn't think I'd get as much mileage out of Eli as I have but they're really perfect for some aspects#Got a little jittery and the red shines clarified - I talked last time about them relating to hubris - still true!#Eli's a scientist first and foremost and still holds on to a very human thirst for knowledge hehe ♫ To...effect#Well this is data too#I considered having their eyes a pale purple since that's about where I'm hovering currently and then - forgot lol#The red shines can manifest no matter what colour their eyes are!#Including red! It's less likely but it can happen and Things Get Ugly :)#Doing eye flicks and stutters is literally always so fun ugh ✨ It's so simple but it looks so good!! My favourite haha#They'll be fine - I'm fine now so Eli's calm too haha
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kozachenko · 23 days
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Here's a digital sketch dump of some pose/anatomy practices and some 2hu doodles, I think from now on if I don't have any big final piece to post, I'll just post sketches I liked that I did digitally (might also reblog some drawings of mine that I want more people to see, maybe idk).
Artist's Notes:
Ok so after the recent Hifuu fanart I did, I've been hoping to experiment more with how I draw faces, how I render, as well as how I stylize things. In some of the earlier sketches I did, I had an idea for a pose that I wanted to try drawing, so I took a ref pic of myself doing said pose (the leaning one btw) and then did a sketch over top of it just to get an idea for the shapes, negative space, and silhouette. After that, I wanted to do some simpler breakdowns of the shapes so I can get better at simplifying the body (these ended up being the bottom right sketches in the post). I also did some experimenting with how to push certain parts of said sketches to create a different body type (via liquify and then a more refined version based on that sketch), as well as figuring out what makes a pose feel natural and not stiff. This was also a bit of a foreshortening practice just so I can get more confident with it, and I ended up using the arms from the liquified version for the coloured Zanmu sketch I did since I liked them so much (dw I'll get to that).
The next thing I wanted to try and draw was Hisami, mainly because.... I am very bad at drawing her in my style. Last time I drew her I made her look really creepy and spindly, and it is my headcanon now that she can switch between a more human, and more creepy look whenever she wants. I'm liking where the face is going a lot, might have to refine a few things about it in the future, but it's cute (I also made the blush purple which I think is what I'm gonna do with her face from now on). I also like how her hair in the sketch turned out a lot, but the outfit..... not as much... Ever since I started changing my style to something less cartoony, I've had a hard time drawing her outfit in my style. Especially the flower veil thing she has on, which, I did try to find a way to draw, but I ended up deleting that sketch because I didn't like it. I'm also not a fan of using the colour purple, like, pure purple, magentas are fine, indigos are fine, but not strict purple. I also have a hard time with drawing all the little pattern details on her dress. I also need to find a way to draw the flower veil in a way that looks good because everytime I try it ends up just looking off (very similar to whenever I try to draw Zanmu's blue spears). I think the only solution to this problem is to do what I normally do and make my own version of the outfit, but with adjustments to suit my style while still trying to keep core elements from the original design intact (like I do with Zanmu and Keiki, and yes I am going to get to that Zanmu drawing just gimme a minute).
Ok next up is Keiki, my favourite Touhou character who I haven't drawn since the beginning of the year. Since my style has changed a lot, I wanted to just do a face sketch of her to get a hang of drawing her again, and I..... really really like how it turned out! When I drew her eyes, I realized that a good way of keeping faces too same facey can be via varying the sizes of their pupils, so that's an idea I'm gonna keep in mind from now on. I had a lot of fun with her hair, I initially was gonna do it like how it is in the official art, but I ended up not liking it, so now I'm gonna draw Keiki with wavy heir like this because it's fun and it looks nice. I also included my base sketch for Keiki's face since I was initially struggling with drawing her bandanna, and in the coloured sketch I added some more detail into her hair.
Now to finally talk about the sketches for Zanmu. Good lord was I having a tough time with her face. I also did this sketch before I figured out how I wanted to draw hair, so that's why the rendering on her hair is different (I did this soon after the Hisami sketch actually). Since I changed my art style a lot, I had to find a way to translate her face from my more cartoony style to my more detailed style, so while the face shape, nose shape and mouth was fine, I was really struggling with the eyes. I did get somewhere eventually though, and I am super happy with how it turned out. I wanted to lean more towards the androgynous side of the gender presentation spectrum, mainly because I think that makes sense for her character. Also made sure to include the silver hairs and some wrinkles just to bring some signs of her aging into her face because those are just staple features of how I draw Zanmu at this point lol. You will also notice that I gave her some scars on the right side of her face, and that's because I am a Zanmu-with-scars truther, I fucking love it whenever I see someone give Zanmu visible scars like that it just adds so much omg (I also tried to put a wolf bite mark on her arm in the full body drawing but idk if it reads well). While you can argue that her not having scars sells the idea of her being this "powerful, untouchable mastermind who is impossible to defeat," I'd say that instead of those scars representing times she got injured, they represent everyone who has failed to defeat her.
As I was drawing Zanmu's face, I referenced my sketch of to help with contrasting their features since I made Keiki's face more traditionally feminine. I also didn't mention this in my commentary on Keiki's face because I wanted to save it for here, but giving Zanmu scars also plays into the fact that she used to be human, wheras Keiki doesn't have any scars because she's a god who doesn't follow the rules of normal human biology. Plus I'm thinking about the two of them interacting again (return of Zan/Keik??? (I'm a multishipper btw) maybe???) so drawing their faces together will definitely help me in the future if I wanna draw them together (again, maybe as a ship? I've kinda been ironing out the kinks in their potential interactions (romantic and non-romantic) for a while now so idk maybe expect that in the future lol).
And now for the full body drawing, when I was doing the face sketch I did this little snippet of an outfit, had a vision, and the made it into a reality. I'll admit, part of me was worried that it would end up looking too much like Yuugi's outfits in the spinoffs and mangas, but I feel like I made enough changes to differentiate them. I tried to keep a few of the major details in Zanmu's design (i.e. the red tassles and yellow lining on her shirt) while putting a new spin on it. I also dialed up the scars to 11 since without them the whole thing kinda looked incomplete. Also, while I could say that the leaves on her kimono are "a nod to the fact that technically she should be a tengu because back then people belived that corrupt monks would turn into tengu but no Zanmu is an oni and they're maple leaves because...tengu...ahahahaha" what really ended up happening was that I looked up clothing patterns from Sengoku era Japan, liked the leaves the most because the red picked up on the red from the rest of her design and just ran with it. I also always had the idea to put Zanmu in men's clothing from Sengoku era Japan and while the accurate thing to do would be to put her in a Buddhist's clothes from that era.... from a character standpoint, I don't think Zanmu is pious enough to strictly wear the proper monk uniform, and also since she's basically the king of Hell, she would probably dress herself like royalty from that era. TBH, I probably could've been a bit more historically accurate, but again, this was mainly for conceptual purposes because I had a vision and I needed to see it through.
If I were to draw her in this sort of outfit again, I should probably try and use more references, although now that I look at it, if she were to wear it properly this would maybe, probably look a bit closer to a Kyūtai sugata (a very huge stretch, but it just kinda reminds me of that) just without the layers under and over the main piece of clothing (In the website that I searched up to try and compare the outfit in my sketch to, they name the outfit pieces but don't label them on the image, so I don't know 100% what everything is called) so I will definitely have to use that style of clothing as a reference going forward.
Also, I was kind of inspired by the ToTK design for Ganondorf since I have finished the game a while ago and I absolutely love what they did with his design (it's just so fucking cool omg) and I thought that sort of look would look good on Zanmu, so yeah got some inspo from that.
And those were all the notes for each of the sketches, I'm motivated to draw rn but kinda art blocked, so doing these little coloured sketches helps a lot.
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spooky-luvur · 7 months
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OPEN 24/7
(Ghostface x Reader)
(Summary: Working at a gas station at two in the morning was sooo boring- until a strange customer changes that)
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The bell rings for the umpteenth time. As part of your game, you make a guess in your head. Another old beer-belly? Bud Light, but maybe Modelo. Maybe a kid, reeking of weed and you’re gonna need to ask them for ID. Those are more common than you’d like to think about.
You listen to the squeak of leather shoes against the floor, not bothering to look up from your phone until the footsteps stop in front of you.
“How can I help you?”
“Something more interesting than me?”
The tone of the man causes you to finally avert your attention. He’s neither fat and bald nor young enough to require questions, if the shadow on his face is any indication. He's giving you a look, hands nonchalantly tucked into the pockets of his jacket. Not a mean look- you’ve gotten enough of those working at this crummy gas station to know the difference. The smooth brow and twinkling eyes is enough to tell you he isn’t mad and isn’t about to yell at you about the pumps not working. Not yet at least.
You flush a bit at the call out, awkwardly slipping the device in your pocket. Thankfully it’s just you tonight, so there’s no annoying coworker to rat you out for this.
“Sorry,” you tell him, trying to sound at least a tidbit professional. “Slow night, I guess.”
The man’s lips quirk but he’s not quite smiling. You wonder if he’s actually upset about it before he nods to the shelf behind you.
“Some reds. Gotta look cool and mysterious for all the people flinging themselves at me.”
You let out a ‘ha’ at his joke and he grins. You turn to grab a pack of smokes, placing it on the counter and he pulls out some cash to pay for it. Not unusual, but usually people his age love to flaunt their fancy credit cards to prove they have them or some other bullshit reason to flash the shiny hunk of plastic at you. Normally a shitty pick-up line follows it.
“Not very good for you,” you attempt to joke. The man raises his brow and you immediately wish you kept a gun behind the counter to shoot yourself with.
“I know,” he says. “Ever found yourself hooked on something, though? Can be tough as hell to break away.” He gives a kind of wry smile that leaves you fidgeting where you stand.
“No. Not- nothing like that, no.”
The man deftly tucks the smokes into his pocket.
"Right. Well, have a nice night," he says before turning on his heel and swiftly exiting the store, the encounter happening so quickly that it leaves your head spinning.
“Alright,” you mutter to yourself, a bit too stiff to go back to your casual leaning against the counter pose.
You’re still absentmindedly staring at the glass doors when the phone rings. The blaring noise makes you jump but you snatch it up nonetheless, stuttering out a hello.
“Heya, just checking in.”
The voice of your boss makes your shoulders relax. You suddenly can’t remember what they were tense for.
“Hey Jimmy, I’m doing fine.”
“Yeah? No robbers?”
“If there was, I wouldn’t be talking to you. I’d be crying in the freezer.”
“Ha. Never gonna happen, kid. Not when they know Big Jim’s the one that owns the place.”
“Course not.”
He reminds you to restock the drinks before he hangs up, leaving you sighing against the phone. A couple seconds after you set it down it rings again and you pick it up fully expecting for Jimmy to answer saying ‘and another thing-‘
But it isn’t Jimmy who responds to your hello this time. A peculiar voice echoes the word back to you. It makes you pause, and a short silence follows.
Snapping out of it, you instinctively adjust your posture as though the person on the other end could discern your lackluster demeanor and reprimand you for it.
“How can I help you?”
”Who is this?”
“…Jimmy’s Station. Do you need a pizza, or…”
“No, no. Was hoping you could help me with something else.”
“Okay…what is it?” You naw your lip, nervous for some reason. Your gut twists like you’ve eaten something bad.
“You got any knives?”
You glance over at the rack of colorful blades on the other side of the counter. All shapes and sizes, all dangerously sharp.
“Yes, we do.”
“Perfect. You got any pink ones?”
“Buying one for your wife?”
Seriously, curse you and your automatic attempts to desperately avoid weird conversations. The voice on the other end laughs a bit. Or scoffs.
”Maybe. Think she’ll like it?”
“I mean, probably.”
“Hm…what about blue? You got any blue ones?”
“Yes, we have blue knives.” You answer, simply exasperated now. Part of you thinks this guy is just messing with you, but these seem like regular questions well enough. It’s not like there’s a lack of strange people out there that could be asking them.
“Well, that’s just great. Hey, could you do me a favor?”
Knowing he’s probably gonna say something stupid, you reply with a ‘sure, whatever.’
”Take one of those pretty, shiny knives- one of the really nice ones, you know? Pick your favorite color, even. Take it, really feel the weight- and shove it in your gut till you bleed like a stuck fucking pig.”
The phone is suddenly a block of ice in your hand.
”What?” It mocks you. “You think it’ll hurt? I bet you’d like that.”
You shake. Why the hell haven’t you hung up yet? The sick freak on the other end laughs tauntingly. Like he’s actually having fun with this.
”You would wouldn’t you? I’d take your damn guts and string them up on the wall- really spice the place up a bit, it’s so dreary. Then I’d-“
You finally rip the phone away from your ear and slam it down onto the receiver. Gulping in a breath, you rub your hands down your face to steady yourself. Stupid prank callers.
Deciding you need to get the hell up and do something with your hands you leave the counter and head toward the back of the store behind the freezers. Upon entering you shiver, considering going back out to your car to retrieve your jacket.
You haul a box of beers onto a table and begin unpacking them, the repetitive motion allowing you to lose yourself in your thoughts. For a few minutes it’s a good distraction from the voice you keep replaying in your head.
Then your phone rings. Not the store phone still on the front counter- your personal cell resting in your back pocket.
‘Ugh,’ you think. ‘What is it now, spam?’
Thinking that, you ignore call and let it continue ringing until it stops. But then it happens again, and you’re annoyed enough to whip it out and answer it.
”You’re being really fucking bad.”
The can you’d been holding slips out of your grip and explodes on the floor, wetting your feet. You curse loudly and fling your phone onto the table.
“What the fuck!”
The device slides off the table and clatters onto the stone floor. All you can do for several moments is stand there and stare as if the voice would reach through the device and grab you, carrying out the acts it had told you to perform on yourself only minutes prior.
Thinking quickly you hurry over to the freezer door and lock it from the inside. Great, now the only people that can get in and get you are people that work here. You can just stay in here till morning, right? Or maybe Jim will call again and you won’t pick up and he’ll get worried and he’ll call for someone to help you and-
“Saved me the trouble.”
A pair of arms wind around your waist and you’re ripped away from the door and tossed onto the ground like a sack of food. The concrete scratches your skin painfully as you gasp for breath, glancing up to see a kind of black shroud. It’s all you allow yourself before you’re scrambling to your feet and further into the room.
Only, as you stop in front of the back door that leads to basically the woods, you realize you don’t have the one think that opens it on your person. Your mind thinks back to the key ring in the office as you hear the shrouded attacker approaching.
“Please,” you’re saying before you even turn around. Once you do you’re met with a stark white face twisted in a dramatic scream. The figure is tall, you notice as it stalks closer.
“Already begging?” It teases you in a warped voice. The same one on the phone, you realize.
“What the hell?” The fearful tears in your eyes sting angrily. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Want do you want? I’ll call the fucking cops!”
He’s laughing before you can finish.
“Really? Who am I to stop you, then?”
He steps to the side and waves his arm to the doorway behind him.
“Phones just over there. Go ahead.”
Surely. Surely he’s messing with you. You’re not that stupid, and neither is he. And he knows that you know that, if the silent laughter that makes his shoulders shake is any indication.
“Fuck you,” you hiss at him as you press your back to the locked door. Your hands splay across the cold metal as if searching for a blackhole to swallow you completely.
“Such a dirty mouth! Think it’s good for anything other than cussing me out?”
“Get fucked.”
“Are you offering?”
You find yourself paralyzed with fear as he reaches into a concealed pocket, retrieving a knife. The silver gleams in the shitty light of the freezer.
“What do you want?” You take pride in lack of tremble in your voice.
“You were so rude earlier,” the masked man says. He slides a finger down the blade of the knife tauntingly. “Hanging up, and then ignoring me? Didn’t your mother teach you any better?”
“You deserved it, freak.”
“Oh!” He laughs. “You think so? Mm, maybe I was a bit forward…” He playfully taps a gloved finger against the plastic mask like a cartoon villain.
Your heart beats painfully in your chest but you force yourself to steady your breathing and consider your options. Right now you’re stuck between this obviously intelligent freak of a man and a locked door you have no hope of opening unless you suddenly get super strength.
“I see you thinking, doll. Wanna share with the class?” By now he’s standing mere inches away and you flinch as he brings up the gutting knife to trace the tip of it along the vulnerable skin of your exposed collar.
You steel yourself, tilting your head so you’re not looking up at him like a frightened child. “Get away from me.”
The knife pauses in its path up your throat and you nearly shiver at the sharp chill.
“Away? From you?”
A hand tangles in your hair and shoves you harder against the door, making you groan in pain.
“Go ahead and have an attitude again, I dare you. Double dare, even.” He hisses, bringing his mask closer to your face. You can’t see his eyes behind the cloth. Just a black void.
“I’m sorry…” you mutter, having to come up with something quick. Maybe if you convince this guy you’re totally giving up he’ll slip somehow and you can get away. Or he’ll see right though it and you’ll end up with your insides strewn about like party streamers. That’ll be fun for the next shift.
Your breathy tone causes him to pause. After a moment his chest rumbles like a happy purr.
“Oh, that’s good. I like that. Say it again, won’t you?”
You can feel his knife poking your belly- thinly veiled threat.
“I’m sorry.” You grow bold enough to slide your hand from the wall and onto his waist. You touch the man lightly as if he was a bomb you could set off at any moment. Which he is.
“I’m just scared. Please.”
“Of course you are. But it’s gonna be okay,” he brings his other hand from your hair down to your face to traces your lips with his finger. It would have made your stomach flutter if he wasn’t holding a knife against it.
“I’m not gonna hurt you too bad. I just wanna have some fun, but you’re being such a brat.”
Your eyes slide past him to the open doorway. Your phone still rests on the floor in that room, but doesn’t he know about that? No way he’d let you anywhere near it. You’d have to think of something, fast.
A hand under your chin forces you to look back at the screaming mask.
“I hope you’re not thinking of it. I don’t know if I can handle anymore of that tonight.”
“No…no, of course not.”
“Good. Good boy.” His hand moves from your chin to curl around your throat as if simply admiring the flesh there.
“Please,” you push yourself off the wall and further against him, straight up pressing your chest to his at this point. His hand stutters against you and you don’t feel the sharp press of the knife anymore. “You’re…making me feel so-“
“Yeah? How am I making you feel, baby?”
You smooth your hands up his arms, having to mentally scream at yourself to keep you from fawning over the firm muscle there.
Maybe he’s too desperate to get his hands on you, or maybe he’s distracted by your hands on him, but he’s loose enough to not notice the not so subtle tightening of your grasp all of a sudden.
You don’t know where you got the strength but you throw your entire body weight at the guy in order to shove him away and pretty much fling him toward a metal rack stacked full of boxes. He yelps in pain as he crashes into it, bottles spilling out and exploding. If the bitter smell of strong alcohol doesn’t suffocate him, his now drenched mask surely will. You use his momentary stun to turn and sprint to the other room, nearly slipping on the liquid covering the floor.
Your hands are shaking from adrenaline so badly you almost lose your balance once you crawl under the table to retrieve your phone. Breathing a sigh of relief once you have it you swipe to your contacts and click on the first one you see, the scream for help on the tip of your tongue. You don’t remember if your finger hit the call button or not before you’re suddenly grabbed by the ankle and dragged out from under the table shrieking.
You don’t have time to prepare yourself to meet the terrible mask once again before you’re flipped onto your back, but that doesn’t matter. A gasp gets stuck in your throat at the bare face that greets you.
The man’s hair is damp as it falls over his eyes and he reeks of fancy beer. He’s breathing heavily as he sits on your legs to keep you still.
“Hey, doll. Funny seeing you here.”
A brief exchange- a single purchase was all it took to become a victim? He must see the realization on your face because he grins like a bully.
“I know, I know. I did good, didn’t I? Had to stop myself from jumping over the counter then and there. Knew the wait would be worth it, though.”
“You fucking prick!” Squirming within the man's unyielding hold, he maintains a smug grin while firmly clasping your wrists. You can tell someone like him is simply reveling in his sense of control. “I hope you choke on your damn cigarettes!”
He throws his head back and laughs. If he wasn’t currently holding you captive you probably would have blushed at this man’s boyish charm.
“That’s good, I might use that. You mind if I use that?”
You attempt to kick him off before there’s a hand on your throat and squeezing. You sputter, grasping at it. The man brings his face down to yours to hiss angrily, but before he can get a word out-
“Hello? Please answer me…”
The room fills with a thick silence as both of you freeze. You both pivot your heads in unison, eyes landing upon the phone which is nearly concealed beneath the table's shadow. The screen is lit up in a call, the name of your friend that lives just down the road splayed across it. You’d laugh in pure relief if you weren’t still face to face with the man in the shrouded costume.
The man on top of you faces you with a blank look and brings his finger up to his mouth in a shushing motion. As if you’re dumb enough to yell out for help now.
“The cops are on their way, I called them a few minutes ago. Maybe everything is fine but I just wanted to make sure-“
The man quietly seethes with anger and scrambles off you to snatch up the device, ending the call. He leaves you on the ground, breathing heavily and staring up at him.
“I know where you live. I know where you work.”
He crouches beside you and there’s that stupid fucking grin again, like a child that just stole another kids candy.
“I know where you go to eat, I know what roads you take, I know where you piss in the morning. I know everything about you, doll. So please, tell them everything and give me a fucking reason.”
You hadn’t noticed his knife was back in his gloved hand until it’s being dragged down your leg, catching the fabric of your pants. You suck in a breath and look back up to meet his eye, shaking your head.
“Good. I know you’ll behave.”
He stands back up and makes to leave through the back door, swinging the ring of the key on his finger casually. He winks at you before he slips away.
“Until next time, baby.”
Thirty minutes later you’ll be seated in your friends car as they drive you home, remembering the feeling of the masked man’s hands on your skin, on your body, around your throat- until it’s seared in your consciousness. It isn’t until you’re laying in bed that night that a shiver of fear, or maybe even sick excitement runs through you when you remember he still has the key.
(chat gpt fr saved my ass on some of this 🤫)
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Have you by chance seen if Grim got a new bow in the JP event? I’d hope it looks better than the event sprites haha…
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Yup, Grim does, in fact, get a slick new look for this event! I made a post commenting on it (which you can see here!).
Looking at the 2D models for the event characters though… They aren’t bad, but definitely not my style. I feel like the individual elements can look good, but it’s a bit much when out all together…
Not sure if I’m a fan of Jamil’s super baggy pants or Azul’s wide sleeves; I would have liked them tailored more. Azul’s sleeves would be fine if not for the current position in the pose; I believe they are supposed to “open” due to the generous slit in it, similar to the Pomefiore dorm uniform sleeves. As it’s depicted here, it’s stiff.
Ace looks the least odd to me of the group overall, but I do like Jamil’s hair, jacket, and makeup in the 2D model (it’s Too Much for me in the card initial art, probably bc the pose places his braid in the middle of his face and looks a little out of place). Azul really got the short end of the stick… His hair lost a lot of volume which saddens me :(( I like his usual floofier hair… Jamil and Azul’s coats also look a little heavy because of how the gems are concentrated on their lapels, not sure how comfy that would be to walk around in.
I appreciate Vil’s look for what it is (he is the concept of gender itself), but I don’t really care for the low cut top or the gloves…? (I noticed several people pointing out how they look like the Thanos gloves which makes me giggle 😂) The hair and coat itself are fine, but again I find the makeup to be too heavy.
Again, don’t hate the them but don’t love’m either. There was definitely a lot of thought put into these looks from the devs, it just appeals to a certain crowd that doesn’t include me. Maybe I don’t get high fashion www but really, I think it’s just the 2D models making the outfits unflattering?? They look a lot better in all the fan art I’ve seen, so maybe the real problem is that the construction of them appears stiff and immobile in the game specifically.
What I will say, however, is that the chibi animations are very cute! I love seeing Vil strut around… and it’s sort of funny seeing Ace and Jamil fight with makeup and perfume.
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kabejdbskwj They look like those department store salespeople who hound you to sample whatever it is they’re selling… (Azul’s freebie card is time gated right now so we don’t have his yet, but that vibe totally suits him, doesn’t it???)
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bomber-grl · 2 months
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Hiro x Overly Affectionate reader
Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!Reader
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I mean this in the kindest, nicest way ever-
Jump scare
Hes seriously a bit freaked out- have you seen him when hes barely even being hugged?
He’s so stiff
So let’s be realistic and say that he’s pretty scared of you
He avoids you like the plague at first, even when you’re just friends
At least then you had the decency to pretend to be sorry
But you’ve been together for awhile now so he should be used to your assaults every 10 seconds
Not only are you always holding his hand (which he can barely even handle) but you often cuddle up to him and kiss him when he’s fine with it
Which is more often than not, but you’re usually met with an awkward blushing hiro
He’s even worse if you exhibit these behaviors along with a seemingly never ending praise
Honestly he’d prefer if you kept these affections to the minimum when you’re in public
Not that he’s ashamed of you or anything
Just that he easily gets embarrassed
And he knows what’s to come when you leave him be
Which is, the endless teasing from his friends and cass
Especially the first time you flung at him when the two of you were in public
You lunged to hug him and although he caught you, you guys tumbled to the ground
Not only did everyone saw at SFIT but so did his friend and family
Best believe he shinji posed after that
Of course he just becomes numb to it all
Eventually he just couldn’t care less
Not in a bad way but more he’s non chalant about it and used to it
He still indulges and reciprocates your affections he’s the can
(Although he prefers spending time together maybe gift giving too)
Either way you can be at the cafeteria at SFIT and if someone asks about it then he’ll be like “huh? Oh yea” and continue eating
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lovesickry · 9 months
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- let the light in.
┈⋆⭒ lando norris x rival femdriver!reader [1.8k] ┈⋆⭒ part 1 !
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ find all parts here! ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ contains: 18+, swearing .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ a/n: its kind of a filler.. ............. comment if you wanna be added to the tag list x
The shred of relief you felt after Miami was only due to the 2 week gap between races, time to focus more and time to maybe, slightly get on with things. Lando Norris had occupied your mind for far too long but no matter how many times you rerouted your thoughts, It wasn’t helping. You were still furious, you just couldn’t afford to be, it was interfering with everything you did now. An obsession, an annoying, tugging, nagging thing in the back of your brain. It wasn't supposed to be like this, you've been impeded before and gotten readily over it, why was time different. It had you hung on it and you hated it.
Since Miami there had been countless articles covering the crash and both you and Lando’s reaction to it. Most were fine, others were less so, but thanks to the work being done by your PR officer who told you exactly what to say when posed with any kind of question regarding the “incident” in Miami. Most unpleasant experiences were completely uninteresting and not warranting any article worthy statements. Proof of Mercedes PR managing skills as you watched Lewis laugh to himself when you spoke through gritted teeth how the crash wasn't “anyone's fault”.
Lewis was amazing, you couldn't have asked for a better teammate. Always calm, always kind and always supportive. He was the first to comfort you after Miami and the first to compliment your driving rather than your "composure". Sadly you couldn't spend every moment with Lewis and when he got some world champion privileges, like picking and choosing his media days, you did not. Which meant on Thursday when it was told to you who would be in press together you nearly had an aneurysm because it would just be you and the 2 McLaren members. Of course, of fucking course. Where was Lewis, anywhere but here. You wished you could’ve gone with him. Maybe when you have a few world championships under your belt Toto will let you skip out on media duties.
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Spain definitely wasn’t cold the first day you arrived on track, briefing with the engineers and teams before being escorted to press. You spoke with Daniel before going in, you know he has it hard with McLaren, they treat him like shit and it’s starting to show, you laughed a bit before you felt Danny go stiff and you knew who must’ve arrived.
“Hey mate” Lando pulls Danny in for a kind of high five, handshake thing. Weird.
You're still just standing there. 
“Oh hey Dylan, I didn’t know we were doing press together”
You smile weakly and nod, you know he's lying. Danny gives you a sympathetic look. 
“Sorry if they ask me a bunch of questions about my win, i know it might be a bit annoying for you” he was half joking, but it still made you fucking mad. 
He was so cocky you fucking hated it. 
“Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll have lots to say, it is quite a momentous thing anyway, first win in formula one and it only took crashing into me."
He snorts at that and Danny gives you a knowing look.
Lando walks towards you some more and goes to open his mouth before Danny steps between you two. 
“Yeah alright, alright, lets just calm down okay”
Always the mediator. You were silently grateful as you were suddenly ushered into the press conference glaring at the back of Lando’s head and sitting down between the 2 drivers. You wished you were anyway but here as you looked out at the boppings heads of journalists and the prying eyes. 
“My question is for dylan”
Your head perked up, initially zoned out. You nod at the journalist for them to continue.
“How confident are you feeling about Spain after Miami?”
Good this was good, remaining fairly neutral. Thank you.
“Yeah, I mean, in Miami the car was insane, but I did find myself struggling just in regards to wear on the tires and grip with the street circuit a bit more, but the team is expecting great things from the car this weekend, so yeah. Fairly confident.” you nod and move the microphone away from your face to signal that you’d finished. 
The conversation flows on and you suddenly feel a hand on the back of your neck, quickly glancing next to you. You’re met with a smug Lando Norris who happens to have his arms spread out over the couch. You scoot slightly away from him and see the smirk that follows as you express your dis-comfort. You shoot him a look, which he responds to by moving closer to you and again touching the back of your neck. As his cold hands touch the skin at the back of your neck you subconsciously take a deep breath in. Was he this fucking stupid, what was the media gonna say about this shit. You couldn’t move away again it would seem unnatural, but the way his touch felt on you was wrong, you tried to not let it affect you. Not let him affect you, but it was, you try thinking about anything else, but all you can feel is his hands on your neck. He’s taunting you, playing you. His hand remains there until the end of the press conference to which you promptly flee from. So promptly in fact you have Danny chasing after you to check if you’re alright, you insist that you are and then pose the idea of dinner with him and Heidi soon, you guys hadn’t caught up in a while. He smiles at this and gives you a pat on the back before walking back to the McLaren garage as you walk to the Mercedes garage. 
On Friday There's a few team meetings before you get ready to hop into the car, the activity you had been anxiously anticipating since Miami. Hopping into the car going into practice 1 is reminiscent, it had only been two weeks but you’d missed it. Pulling out of the pit lane ready to hear the car once more. 
Practice 1 was less than satisfying, a meagre P8. However practice 2 was much more fun, as it always is, needing a little bit of warming up to things you clocked a P2. Getting out of the car for the day smiling was something that even your engineer was shocked about. Everyone had been shocked with your performance but you’d never been outwardly impressed with yourself. Maybe now it was just a reminder that the man who took your win was struggling significantly more with his McLaren than you were with your Mercedes. He got under your skin, now it was your turn to get under his.
Saturday rolled around and you had a pep in your step, you had a good feeling. The car felt great and you loved the track too. You hadn’t gone around spain too much but you’d reserved a few days to look around that weren't going for runs with your trainer. You said hi to Lewis in the morning as you sat down with the team, debriefing on yesterday’s results and car performance, Lewis had a small problem with his brakes yesterday that the mechanics said they had fixed, you raised the problem of a small oversteer but how it was not too much of an effect to your driving yesterday. You hopped into the car feeling settled and your engineer who you'd had a talk to before had advised you to “push even more”. So you did, you pushed the whole time and in doing so, pulled the car into P3, honourable but down a place since FP2. 
Sat in your drivers room, legs-crossed sitting, a ritual for qualifying, calm before the storm. You are interrupted with 2 short knocks, you thought it might be holly (your physio) so you get up and don't hesitate to open the door. You roll your eyes at the smirking fucking face you see, you close the door almost immediately to which he only opens it again. 
“Rude” he says. 
“Fuck off”
“Just wanted to wish you good luck” his voice is high and taunting.
You glare at him, you’d been doing better than him all season he’s the one who needs “good luck”.
“I should be saying that to you, considering your results in practice”
He throws his head back and laughs, acting as though you've wounded him.
you walk towards him, hoping that with the movement he’ll edge towards the exit, but he stays put, looking at you. 
You tense your jaw and walk past him, opening the door, gesturing for him to leave.
“Good luck”
He walks out with a grin on his face. What the fuck did he get from riling you up like this?
Holly, your physio finally arrives and you greet her with relief as you get prepped for qualifying. Holly was both friend and doctor as you knew her and she was always there to listen when you had drama to talk about, this specific one relating to a certain boy wearing orange who couldn’t seem to stop annoying you. She laughed at the gestures you made and stayed to talk as the PR officer came to talk to you about the Post-quali interviews and while you put on your fireproofs, telling you about her most recent life events. As you climbed into the car, still mouthing the words of the last song that played in your eyes, you wished you weren’t thinking of one thing: him. You begin your lap with a blank mind, pushing and pushing and pushing the car and the thoughts out of your mind of anything. Especially him. Its gruelling going into Q3 but you do it and your engineer is giving you points on where to push. 
“That's P4 Dylan” 
“Thank you” you say out of breath.
“Thank you”
“Great job”
You leave the track that night with a sense of satisfaction, not once thinking of him as you drive to your hotel. 
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tag list:
@eviethetheatrefreak, @fairiesdowntheroad, @landosgirlxoxo,@hiraethrhapsody, @hockeyboysarehot
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
how i think txt would react if their female best friend sat on their lap
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oh my god totally bitchless behavior coming in within 0.4 seconds
like this man will stop functioning, like is it normal to have your hands on the side?
tries to strike a pose
like daniel,, bby you're embarrassing yourself
swear he thinks he's like aha so fine
might lean back to play it cool
but you know he stiff as hell
like basically it's that dad pose when you know you've disappointed him and you're about to sit with him in a dark living room to soak in the immeasurable shame you've brought to the family.
his undergarment is drenched from stress sweats
might actually start stuttering
pls get off him before his dry sex life makes him pop a boner and the friendship gets ruined for life.
his head starts overheating due to overthinking the moment you sit on his lap like
the only two option were the floor where beomgyu spilled his drink or any of the dudes lap and he's your bestie boo so ofc you'd pick him
tries to gaslight himself into thinking it's fine
like sure this shit is fine and it's normal to sit on each others laps.
but inside his head there are 4 tabs open, two of them are having a debate on the pros and cons of having your best friend on your lap and other two are playing tiktok random hits and he doesn't know which one he should tune in to
for the peace of his own mind, he tries to sit on your lap the next time
tit for tat he says.
starts acting like you are crushing his thighs
he knows you playing so he's like aha two can play the game
girl you really thought you will outdo the doer
the og mr. mood breaker?
will straight up start moaning in your ears
starts squirming and whining like
'oooof my thighs are so fragile,'
does not give two cents about the place he is in
or the situation
or what people will assume
if soobin is the overthinker, beomgyu rarely thinks
its like his brain just takes off in a rush and it's taken over by the sheer need to annoy the fuck out of his bestie.
he's like the fly you can't just quite swat away
literally starts doing his own echo moan from one ear to another
you have to admit the defeat and get up on your own.
will not straight up push you off him.
but the look he gives you, he might as well just put in the physical effort and do it.
his face is like, 'you did this for what?'
'why not?'
'why though?'
tries to get used to you sitting on him
like its chill
you're his bestie and he's a gym goer
so it does work out nicely
but the thing is like,
your back is blocking his vision
like its all chill and cute in movies but irl your sight will definitely get blocked and it has nothing to do with the person's height!
he tries to adjust so that he doesn't need to kick you off of him
and hurt your feelings or something
man is here jumping through hoops to seem effortless in order to continue his debate with hyuka about the importance of the balance between peanut butter and jelly in the sandwich
you see his struggle and move over on your own with a new found respect for terry the terrance taehyun kang
he's looking at your head like, hmm you kinda sus
but that lasts like a whole lot of ten seconds before he's like nothings even on him
although he tries to smell the top of your head like what is the difference between a baby's head and an adult's crown
he is a curious little crow, it's one of his charms
makes a quick mental note to break it to you gently that you might need to take a lil bit more hygiene care on the top of your head.
he leans back
unlike yeonjun the daniel choi, he's fr chill
also man's broad as hell
he's like meant to be a chair at this point
you can lean in as much as you want on him and you know he would fine with anything
like he barely feels you on him anyway
you can probably just lean back on him and he'd cradle you like his first born
just maybe not kiss the top of your head
but he finally got an idea what to gift you on your birthday!
so it all worked out for the best!
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© to itgirlgyu. feedbacks are highly appreciated and welcomed!!!!
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Two sides of the same coin - Sauna
"Come on, it's just sauna! Nobody will care if you are naked!" Dan said, trying to convince Chris to join him in the sauna for once. It wasn't the first time he tried, but Chris was stubborn.
"And besides, you really need to go out more. You're always home alone." Dan continued to press the point.
"Ugh. Fine!" Chris caved in.
Dan smiled triumphantly at him and quickly headed towards the bathroom, leaving Chris behind. As soon as he closed the door, Chris regretted giving in so easily. He hated being seen without clothes on. But Dan was probably right, he really should go out more. And doing something for his health for a change also sounded agreeable.
Only half an hour later, they arrived at the sauna. It was sunny Saturday afternoon, so most people were outside, making the empty sauna not much of a surprise. Chris didn't mind - that way, he wouldn't have any gay guys staring at his junk while he was in there.
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Not that this would happen anyway. It's not that Chris wasn't attractive (he thought), with his guy next door look, but his roommate Dan was something else. Dan was that kind of guy who spend way too much time at the gym, eating healthy and brought home a different girl almost every night. In short, Dan was the stereotypical jock.
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Both men quickly got changed and entered the sauna. The heat hit them immediately, as hot air was rushing through the ventilation system. They stood there for a moment, enjoying the warmth and humidity. Then, they sat down on one of the wooden benches. It took Chris a bit to get acclimated to the hot air. Dan however was leaning back relaxed, with his eyes closed and man-spreading badly.
Chris just shook his head and tried to relax as well. However, as he was leaning back, he noticed something a sparkle next to Dan's hand.
"Hey Dan, look, next to your right hand. What's that?" he asked?
Dan opened his eyes and looked at what Chris was pointing at. He saw it too now, a small glimmering coin lying next to his hand. Curiously, Dan reached over to pick up the coin.
As he did so, the coin disappeared into thin air.
"What the..."
"It's gone," Dan said confusedly, looking around the bench and under it.
"Did you drop it?"
"No... I don't think so."
Dan shook his head. "Weird. Anyway, back to relaxing."
Chris nodded and leaned back again, wondering how such a small thing could disappear so suddenly. He decided to focus on getting warm instead.
After a few minutes, however, Chris felt weird. He couldn't help looking over to Dan again, who was relaxing in about the same pose as before, his skin wet with sweat. He could really understand why the girls were all over him, the sweat accentuated his toned muscles nicely and he always kept clean and well-groomed. He couldn't help but feel a pang of inferiority. He could never hope to get such a body.
Meanwhile, Dan felt really good. The hot damp air was relaxing and stimulating, even making him a bit horny. Perhaps he would have to hit the bars after this, find some girl for tonight.
He started thinking about how to approach a girl he wanted to fuck, or perhaps two girls at once, and how he might get them both naked. Damn, he was getting hard just thinking about it. Should he hide his erection? He wasn't alone here, after all.
Dan looked over to see if Chris had noticed anything amiss, but the other boy seemed lost in thought. Dan sighed and turned back to his own thoughts. He didn't want to hide anyways. Dan was, of course, not gay, no, not a single gay thought in his mind. But the thought of poor little Chris being confronted with his big stiff rod was strangely exciting for Dan. He knew that Chris' cock was smaller than his own, he had seen it before.
When Chris looked over to Dan the next time, he could see him smirking. Not only that, but as he looked over, Dan's cock was slowly rising, growing stiff all out in the open. Chris rolled his eyes. Probably, Dan was thinking about girls. Did he have to do that here? Still, his cock was pretty magnificent. Cut, straight and glistening from sweat and especially, it was big. Dan was really blessed with a great body, Chris thought. And he did take good care of it, too. His crotch was always shaved cleanly. Was it? Chris leaned closer to have a better look through the foggy air. No, actually, it was not. Apparently, Dan had been somewhat lazy on grooming down there. Several dark hairs framed his fully erect cock now and there were even some on his balls. Also, Chris was pretty sure, Dan was cut. The mouth-watering cock (where did that thought come from?) in front of him however clearly still had its foreskin. It was getting harder and harder for Chris to think, his head felt like cotton.
Perhaps, he should try something new, Dan mused. Normally, he went for the big-breasted bimbos, but today he felt more like trying something new. A tomboy girl perhaps, with only the smallest tits? Or perhaps even completely flat-chested? His hand went over his abs. He felt the short hairs there and the layer of fat over his six pack. Sure, he wasn't as well in shape as he used to be, but it was still enough to get anyone he wanted into his bead. There were enough girls having daddy issues and most boys loved his mixture of fat and muscles. He stroked through his forest of chest hair and closed his hand around his cock, beginning to pump.
Chris couldn't believe his eyes. Now Dan had started jerking off, right in the middle of a public sauna. How... strangely exciting, he thought. Chris leaned even closer to have a better look and felt himself lose balance, falling forward on the bench. He felt incredibly weak. His body was soft and sort of fluffy. What was happening?
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Yeah, Dan grinned to himself, as he was pumping his hairy cock. He certainly wouldn't have difficulties finding a boy or two to worship his ex-jock body tonight. He imagined some twink licking his hairy chest and another one being pressed into Dan's musky and hairy armpits. That brought him over the edge and Dan came all over himself, the bearded face showing pure bliss.
After panting for a bit, he looked around before he spotted his discarded towel on the other bench. He used it to wipe his cum and dry off some sweat before wrapping it around his still stiff groin and went to leave. Time to hit the clubs.
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You can find all parts of the series here - but don't worry, they are not connected!
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koshkamartell · 8 months
No One But Me
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previous chapter
*chapter warnings* - alcohol consumption, noncon/dubcon piv
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Ellie had spent a solid 15 minutes during dinner detailing the new comic she was in the process of illustrating. Her eyes were bright with excitement as she babbled on and gestured animatedly with her small hands. You listened dutifully, adding comments and asking questions where appropriate, trying to appear sincere in your interest. It was difficult to focus when the anxiety was still churning in her stomach and the welts on your flesh were throbbing.
Seeing Joel in the mess hall had rattled you. The pressure from Ellie, as well as the fact that your thoughts had been so convoluted all day, meant you hadn't even considered the possibility of Joel being there at the same time. The way he had stomped out of the mess hall soon after your arrival made you even more uneasy. You wondered where he was going, what he was thinking. You were too consumed with thoughts of Joel to notice Ellie's eyes narrow on you like a snake watching it's prey.
"What's this?" Ellie suddenly blurted.
She grabbed hold of one of your hands and yanked your blouse sleeve up your arm. You squeaked and pulled away from her but it was too late - Ellie had already seen the faint red rope marks on your wrist. You batted her away gently and she let go of your hand.
"The fuck happened to your wrist?" She frowned, her big eyes flickering from your hand to your face.
"Nothing, El," you lied cooly, tugging your sleeves down to properly cover the marks. "The cuffs on this shirt are a bit too tight, I think."
You would never hurt Ellie by telling her the truth. You cared about her far too much to purposely expose her to Joel's darker side and jeopardise her happiness. Or Joel's.
She searched your face for a moment, scrutinising your features for some indication of dishonesty. You mirrored her sober glower playfully, then stuck out your tongue. It was an attempt to break the tension and distract her, and it seemed to work. Ellie giggled a little, uncertainty still evident in the crease of her brows, but she let the moment pass without any more dispute. She changed the subject back to her comic idea, fortunately for you.
"Anyway, so the main character of this story is going to be like, really fuckin' smart..." Ellie continued rambling.
After another ten minutes, Ellie had only eaten half her plate of vegetables and venison before abandoning you in favour of a party she had been invited to. You didn't mind. Infact, you were relieved. It was the perfect opportunity for you to bolt back home and retreat under the covers of your bed. But just as Ellie was walking out the door, Kate, Rhi and Jess almost collided with her as they came strolling in.
Kate spotted you instantly and called out your name, waving to you enthusiastically. You sighed to yourself and waved back half heartedly. It looks like your plans would have to wait.
Joel was dozing on the couch later that evening when there came a succession of loud knocks on his front door. He groaned as he got up, his back stiff and aching, and made his way to the door in a only a few large strides. He thought it must be Ellie coming home early from the party - but deep down he hoped it was you coming over to collapse into his arms and beg for his touch.
When he opened up the door he was greeted by Tommy. Tommy stood on the doorstep with his hands on his hips, his mouth downturned in grim sobriety. His expression made Joel stand to attention instantly.
"Tommy? Whatsa matter?" Joel asked straight away. "Ellie alright?"
"Ellie's fine. But Carl spotted raiders North West of the mountain this evenin'," Tommy explained with calm urgency, his voice low despite no one else being nearby. "We need to get a group out there and scoutin' by day break at the latest."
"Fuck," Joel muttered, shifting his eyes up and sighing.
Raiders were not a common threat but they posed a serious danger to the safety of the community. They usually consisted of groups of more than a dozen men, all of them armed somehow, searching for any place or any people to strip of supplies. With its agricultural vitality, amenities and abundance of resources, Jackson would be a prime target for raiders.
They had to gather some patrolmen and venture outside to find them.
Joel and Tommy knew first hand how ruthless raiders could be. It pissed Joel off to think of a bunch of strangers trying to bust their way into his town, wanting to steal what did not belong to them, thinking they were some big bad gang. Joel would gladly execute them all on the spot.
Joel's eyes flickered back to Tommy, who was staring back at him with a steely resolve that signalled he was ready to hunt and slaughter these assholes right this minute. Joel's jaw ticked.
He had to do it. He had to go. There was no way he wouldn't. Joel gave his brother a decisive nod, indicating he was prepared to join him.
"Round up Harry and Troy, meet me at the gate at 4o'clock," Joel ordered in a low voice. "Don't tell no one what's goin' on. Only Maria."
Tommy nodded in agreement then spun around on his heel, stalking away from the house and into the darkness of the night.
Joel ran a hand over his face and sighed heavily. There would be a slight change of plans tonight, but it would still work out. He had been on a few of these missions before, special patrols where the more experienced men tracked and hunted groups of raiders and infected and eliminated them. Such operations could take anywhere from a couple of days to a month, depending on the weather conditions and the expanse of area that was being compromised.
It was impossible to tell how long Joel would be away for this time. He couldn't risk leaving without seeing you first. He needed to be certain that you wouldn't forget that it was he who took care of you, his hands your heart was cradled in, he who owned you. You were definitely frightened of him right now, so he planned to assuage that fear with something more pleasurable.
Joel glanced at the clock hanging in the loungeroom wall and took note of the time. 9.20pm. There was still time to have a drink and visit you before he had to leave for this expedition.
Joel started up the stairs to begin packing his bag.
You pushed the peas and mashed potato around your plate with your fork, only partly paying attention to the conversation happening around you.
You randomly wondered if any of them had been in a situation like yours before, if they too had loved someone who hurt them but were too ashamed to confine in anyone. Probably not, you deduced. They were so much braver and stronger than you. They weren't fucked up like you were.
"Are we having a party at the Bison for Cassie, a big final hurrah before she gets married to one dick for the rest of her life?" Rhi asked, earning a round of giggles from your friends. You were too preoccupied with your thoughts to join in.
Jess snapped her fingers infront of your face. "Hello? We need your input here!"
You jolted upright, accidentally irritating the marks on your backside and briefly wincing from the pain. You looked around at your friends' amused faces. "Yeah, sure, sounds fun."
"You okay?" Kate asked tentatively. She wasn't entirely oblivious to your mood, it seemed.
"Yeah," you replied casually, forcing a tight smile. "Just thinking of Cassie's gift and the design for her glory box."
Rhi clapped her hands together and squealed. "Oh! I forgot to tell you guys! I spoke to Sheila at the haberdashery and she said she has a panel of satin that would be perfect for Cassie's present. It looks alot like her dress, too."
You made a more conscious effort to engage in the conversation, not wanting any more attention on you.
"The wedding is in a month, so we better get working on it," you said confidently.
"How about tomorrow night?" Jess suggested.
You and your friends remained in the dining hall for the next half an hour going over your plans for Cassie's gift and the preparations for her hens night. It ended up being a welcome distraction for you and by the time you all finished dinner and agreed to go hang out at Kate's house, you felt a little less on edge.
By the time dusk crept over the town and the specks of stars appeared across the canvas of the evening sky, Oscar knew he was going to have a difficult time falling asleep that night.
His day hadn't been particularly stressful or challenging - infact it had been quite easy going - but from time to time he would wake up with a heaviness in his chest, and today was one of those days.
From this morning up until now, he felt an underlying anxiety inside him, a sorrowful clawing at his heart that he hadn't wanted to acknowledge. Unconsciously he knew why it was there. He had sort of been expecting it. But despite the years of enduring this burden of melancholy, Oscar had never quite gotten used to it.
And so instead of wallowing in his room with only the dark shadows of his memory for company, he decided to go to the Tipsy Bison and have a drink. He rarely drank to get drunk, but just enough to feel something close to happiness, a balm to soothe his unspoken hurt and make him forget for a little while. It helped with the nightmares.
When Oscar stepped out onto the street to begin the walk to the bar, he was struck by how beautiful and clear the night sky was, how the stars twinkled so prettily against the backdrop of black and deep blue. He marvelled at the heavens above him as he walked, welcoming the distraction from the dull ache in his ankle.
It was almost healed now. He would be back to patrolling soon. But right now he was enjoying the library shifts alot. It was different. It was new. And you were there.
The atmosphere of the main street was quiet and lonesome at this time of night. The cool air nipped at the nape of his neck, a timely reminder of the impending change of season, he thought to himself.
Oscar wished he could see you right now. Just to say hello. Ask if you were really alright. You looked sad today at the school and it worried him. Although he hadn't known you for very long, he found himself caring about you quite alot. There was something about you that attracted him. Not necessarily physically - although you were certainly beautiful - but emotionally and intellectually. He enjoyed the way you spoke and described things, how you listened to what he said with genuine interest, how your quiet company relaxed him and soothed the unrest in his heart.
But you were probably busy with your friends. Oscar supposed you must be popular in the community. How could you not be? You probably had a boyfriend, too; but he hadn't been daring enough to ask you about that. It didn't matter, though. He was content to be your friend. He just hoped you wanted his friendship, too.
When Oscar reached the Tipsy Bison he pushed open the saloon style doors and relished the hallmark ambience of the bar rush over him; the twang of the country music coming from the battered jukebox in the corner, the voices of the patrons talking and arguing, the yellowing glow of the lights pouring through the light haze of cigarette smoke. The Tipsy Bison was a little less than half full but was by no means subdued.
Oscar didn't stop to survey his surroundings before approaching the bar and ordering a beer. He took a seat on one of the stools and leaned his elbows on the counter, then ran a hand through his black curls. The anxiety was slowly consuming his thoughts, to the point that he hadn't even realised that Joel was sitting two spaces away from him.
Always vigilant of what was going on around him, Joel had noticed Oscar as soon as he sat down. He watched Oscar through his periphery, noting the defeated sag of his shoulders and the nervous way he raked his hand through his hair. Joel, being no stranger to self hatred and internal conflict, was adept at recognising when someone was struggling with something personal, and he could see something was bothering Oscar. Admittedly, he was curious. Especially now he knew you were working together at the library.
Joel had spent many hours patrolling with Oscar over the last few years and they shared a mutual respect of one another, not a friendship as such but a kind of comradery that only the patrolmen of Jackson shared. While Joel didn't care for cultivating friendships, he was comfortable enough initiating conversation with people when he was interested enough. And right now his interest was piqued.
"Somethin' on your mind, Estrada?" Joel asked without turning to face Oscar.
His question startled Oscar out of his thoughts, forcing him to straighten his back and look over to Joel.
"Oh, hey Miller," Oscar offered Joel a small grin, then shifted off the stool and onto the next one to sit beside Joel.
"Just the usual shit," he mumbled before taking a a swig of his beer. He let out a noise of satisfaction after swallowing it. "Goddamn, that hits the spot."
Joel hummed in response and toyed with the neck of his bottle, his thumb smoothing over the condensation that had formed over the glass. A comfortable minute of silence passed as they both savoured the beer Tommy had spent countless hours crafting and perfecting.
Oscar was a good man. He was friendly, talkative, and well liked by everyone. He didn't indulge in crude jokes or talk about sex, which Joel was grateful for (he fucking hated listening to crass banter almost as much as he hated someone talking unnecessarily). Oscar was never disrespectful towards anyone and he was a responsible patrolman.
But he didn't exude overtly masculine energy. He wasn't argumentative or had a bad temper, like alot of the other guys. He wasn't bloodthirsty or quick to prove his capabilities. To Joel, these traits automatically made Oscar weaker than him. And a little bit of a pussy.
It was because of these attributes that Joel did not perceive Oscar to be much of a threat regarding you. He had believed you when you said there was nothing going on with Oscar. Joel knew you well enough to know you were telling the truth. You were never good at lying, anyway. And you were always so open for him, so willing to please - you were such a good girl.
Joel recognised that a large part of your attraction to him was his own strength, his protective virility complimenting your soft, feminine nature so well. He too found it very appealing. So ofcourse you wouldn't be attracted to Oscar. You needed someone who could take care of you properly, and Joel was that man.
But Joel had to be honest with himself; witnessing the fear in your eyes had aroused him with such an unexpected ferocity that it was all he could think about tonight. Your innocent doe eyes wide with panic as you pleaded and begged, fuck, it filled Joel with a primal desire to devour you completely, body and soul. He couldn't wait to extract that reaction from you again.
But he knew he had to be careful with you. Scare you or hurt you too much and too quickly and you might tell Tommy or Maria on him, get him kicked out of Jackson, make Ellie hate him forever.
No, Joel had to be a little bit tender, especially now. You'd learnt your lesson after he punished you, solidifying the fact that you only belonged to him. Joel could afford to be gentle right now and coax you back to feeling safe and satisfied with what you two had. Show you how kind and caring he could be if you stayed a good girl. Without the sappy relationship bullshit that your bitch girlfriends no doubt planted in your head.
"Look like somethin's eatin' ya," Joel said casually, finally turning his head to look directly at Oscar. "Bad dreams again?"
Oscar gave a small shrug of his shoulders and sighed. "Most nights. Some are worse than others."
Joel nodded knowingly. He was no stranger to being startled awake, gasping for air, disturbed by the horrors projected in his mind in nightmares of the past. They still plagued Joel often enough for him to want to get drunk or fuck away his feelings every night. He wondered if Oscar had any secret vices.
Joel cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, unable to hide the awkwardness he was feeling.
"Ya got no family here," Joel stated matter of factly. "That's part of your problem. You need somethin' to live for, needa have some roots."
Oscar chewed his bottom lip, listening reverently to what Joel was saying. Joel was uncomfortable speaking so candidly but it was necessary. He needed to in order to gain some insight into Oscar's intentions.
"Me...I got my kid and my brother," Joel said with an offhanded shrug. He sounded gruff but earnest. "They keep me goin'."
Oscar was silent. Joel glanced back up at him.
"You been in Jackson a while now. You got yourself a woman?" Joel asked, trying to come across as casual rather than inquisitive.
Oscar looked down and gave a tight shake of his head, then took a long chug of his beer. Joel raised an eyebrow.
"Nothin'? No girlfriend?"
"Nah, man." Oscar wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
Joel looked over both of his shoulders before lowering his voice into a hushed hiss. "Not even just a once in a while fuck?"
Oscar barked a short laugh. "No, definitely not."
Joel's nostrils flared as he inhaled, a mixture of relief and pride surging inside his chest. He knew you were telling the truth. Now Oscar just confirmed it. There's no way you would go behind his back. Especially not with this pussy Estrada.
Joel hid the smug satisfaction threatening to spill across his face. Instead, he scratched the side of his face nonchalantly. "Fuck it, women ain't nothin' but trouble anyways."
Oscar exhaled a partly suppressed chuckle. Joel finished the last mouthful of his drink and set the bottle down on the countertop with a thud.
"Gotta good way to get rid of those bad dreams, ya know," Joel smirked at him.
"Yeah?" Oscar gave him a curious half smile in return. "What's your remedy, Miller?
"Let's get you hammered," Joel grinned wolfishly. "Won't be thinkin' too much about anythin' then."
Oscar chuckled and shook his head. "Nah, Miller, I don't think--"
"Hey Clyde!" Joel cut off Oscar to call out to the bartender down the other end of the bar. "Another couple of beers and some shots of whiskey this way."
Joel smacked his hand over Oscar's shoulder in a brotherly gesture of affection.
"Trust me, you'll be feelin' alot better after this."
"Okay okay, just a couple more," Oscar acquiesced genially. "Thanks, Miller."
"Anytime, buddy."
This is too fuckin' easy, Joel thought.
Kate had walked you back to your cottage after dinnertime and stayed for an hour curled up on your couch drinking a cup of herbal tea. When she left you tried to read through the book Oscar had given you and create notes for upcoming lessons for your class, but you were so tired that you fell asleep in bed by 10pm.
It was sometime after midnight when you sensed the dip of the mattress under your body and then the warm caresses underneath your tank top.
The scruff of his beard tickled your face as he peppered warm kisses over you cheeks. His rough hand roamed over your body with greedy hunger, only stopping to squeeze your breasts and the soft skin of your stomach. Your brows creased as you began to rouse from slumber. Even through the drowsy haze of sleepiness you could still identify the familiarity of Joel's touch and scent.
"Joel?" You murmured groggily, your voice thick with sleep.
"Yeah, babygirl, it's me," Joel whispered.
He gave you a sloppy wet kiss on your mouth, pushing his tongue past your lips. Your body was unmoving underneath his touch, still heavy with the sedative remnants of sleep. It took some time for your muddled brain to fully register the taste and smell of alcohol that enveloped your senses.
He has been drinking. Possibly drunk. And now he is in your bedroom, on-top of you.
The realisation made your body snap to attention with panic. Your eyes fluttered open and you brought your hands up to press against his chest and break away from his plush, hungry lips. Joel relented and pulled back, bracing himself on one hand above your head.
How the fuck did he get in?
You could feel the heat of his erection pressing against your thigh and you exhaled a small gasp when you realised his lower half was naked.
"What-you," you mumbled, "what're you doing?"
You shrunk back into your pillow and dared to stare up at his face to try gauge his mood. Joel's gaze met yours, his pupils blown wide with desire, the curls of his hair dishevelled as if he had been running his hands through them. There was no cruelty in his expression this time, no anger. It was such a huge contrast to his demeanour the last time he was in your bedroom and it made you feel even more disorientated.
And fuck, he looked so sexy.
"It's jus' me, baby," he whispered, his voice soft and slurred with lust. "Needed to see you."
His fingers dipped underneath the band of your sleep shorts and a lustful groan rumbled in his throat when he cupped your naked sex. You shifted your hips slightly and Joel moved his hand further down, his fingertips gliding across your lips. He found your entrance and slowly pushed one of his thick digits inside your pussy. You moaned softly at the intrusion and involuntarily parted your legs when his whole finger slid inside.
"Joel," you whispered breathlessly, your eyes still locked.
"Pussy missed me, ain't that right, sugar?" Joel purred.
He lowered his face and kissed you once again and this time you allowed him to, accepting his tongue to roll lazily into your mouth. His thumb pressed against your clit gently and began to move to in slow circles as his finger slid out of your pussy, then back in again. Joel continued fingering you and your body slowly began responding to his touch, your pussy becoming wet with arousal. He pushed his finger all the way inside you and curled it against your g spot. The intense pleasure made your eyes roll back and pull yourself away from his lips.
It felt so fucking good.
"Fuck," you panted, "J-Joel."
"So wet," Joel groaned. "See how your body wants me, babydoll?"
He was right. Your body was betraying you - your dignity, your honour. You shouldn't want this, not with Joel. Not after how he treated you these past few months, and definitely not after what he did to you with his belt.
Fuck fuck fuck, what if he is back to hurt you again?
You reached down and grabbed onto his thick wrist with your small hand.
"Joel, no," your voice cracked. "You hurt me. I don't want to do this."
"Ssssh," he cooed. "I ain't here to hurt you, darlin'. I wanna make you feel good. Lemme show you that I care about ya."
Joel nuzzled his nose against your cheek tenderly then licked at the corner of your mouth. You couldn't help but let out a tiny moan.
Why was he acting so different? Why was he being so tender now? Did he really want to show you that he cared?
The logical, rational part of your brain was being overruled by the naive softness of your heart and the yearning between your legs. Some small part of you knew that you should be wary and not trust Joel at all. But it was hopeless - you loved him. Still.
Your hand unwrapped from his wrist. A silent sign of permission. Joel removed his same hand from inside your shorts. Despite yourself, you whined at the loss of his touch at your core.
Joel sat back on his splayed knees inbetween your legs, the upper half of his body still covered by his flannel shirt. You bit your bottom lip and watched him, nervous to be so vulnerable underneath him yet excited, the arousal in your belly growing. He looked so broad and powerful.
While gazing down at you Joel began unbuttoning the buttons of his flannel with enticing dexterity. In only a few seconds he had stripped it from himself and discarded it on the floor. You drank in the sight of him naked, his bare torso dotted with scars, the muscles of his biceps flexing, how his thick cock bobbed up against his soft stomach. Saliva was pooling on-top of your tongue inside your mouth.
Joel took hold of the bottom of your shorts and tugged them down your legs. You hissed at the sting when it passed over your ass, but Joel didn't seem to notice. He slipped the shorts down your legs and threw them to the floor. You were now naked except for the thin tank top you fell asleep in.
"Pull your legs up," Joel rasped. "Wanna see that sweet pussy spread open for me. Come on, honey, show me."
He wrapped a hand around his cock and watched you obediently bend your knees and reach down to part your lips with your fingers, exposing your sensitive flesh and your hole to him. You lifted your head up off the pillow to see Joel groan and stroke his dick.
"So fuckin' pretty," he murmured. "Just waitin' for me to fuck her." His eyes flickered up to your face. "That what you want? You want me to fuck you, babydoll?"
You couldn't disguise the thrill of desire pulsing all over your body. You were mesmerised by every inch of the man infront of you, any hint of apprehension or fear having vanished now Joel was naked inbetween your legs.
"Yes, Joel. Please." You practically moaned.
Joel smirked, satisfied with your willingness to submit. "Keep that pussy spread for me, sugar."
Your fingers remained still as he leaned over you and spat out a warm wad of saliva onto your pussy. Joel watched intently as it slid down to your hole. You felt yourself fluttering at the sensation. Joel planted one hand on the mattress near your head to brace himself and hovered over you; his other hand notched himself at your entrance.
You held your breath in anticipation. Then Joel pushed himself into your tight wet heat.
The initial stretch from the head of his dick entering you was uncomfortable and overwhelming. But Joel was mindful tonight. He slowly sheathed himself completely inside and allowed a few moments for your body to adjust to the feeling of fullness. A long soft moan escaped your lips.
"Oh my god, Joel," you breathed.
"Feels so fuckin' good, babydoll," Joel groaned.
His eyes were downcast, transfixed, while he rocked his hips back to slide his cock out half way, then forward to move back inside you. He did so again and again, creating a slow and steady rhythm of fucking you.
Your hands travelled up to skim over his biceps, fingertips dancing over his muscles. Joel may have been considerably older than you but his stamina and might were impressive regardless of age. You were in awe of just how powerful his body was, how gorgeous his face was.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as his fat cock parted your insides so deliciously. It felt so natural to be underneath him again. You dug your nails into his shoulders and moaned softly with each thrust.
"That's it," Joel growled lowly, voice gravelly with passion. "There's my good girl."
He fucked you with a slow, hard momentum that made your stomach muscles contract and your inner thighs quiver. You could feel the stretch from his veiny thickness in each punch of his cock. Your body and mind were totally intoxicated by the carnal bliss Joel was enrapturing you with.
His actions were passionate but not at all rough. In fact he was being so gentle tonight, almost loving. Was this what making love is?
Joel was breathing heavily above you, his mouth slack, his eyebrows knitted in intense pleasure. Joel's hand snaked down and started rubbing your clit with two thick fingers without disrupting the pace of his hips snapping into yours. The stimulation added a whole new level of intensity. You shut your eyes tightly.
"Oh fuck yes, Joel," you groaned loudly without inhibition.
You no longer felt the sharp burn of the bruised welts on your ass as your body was being pushed into the mattress. You did not feel the tenderness on your red wrists, or the confused sadness of your heartbeat. You only felt Joel.
"Ya like that?" Joel panted. "Whose this sweet pussy belong to, baby? Whose your daddy?"
He stared down at you as he continued massaging your clit in steady circles. He angled his pelvis in a way that allowed his dick to tap into your g spot, that sweet part of your plush insides that he knew drove you crazy.
You dug your nails into the skin of his shoulders and tilted your head back, a guttural moan rising from your throat. Your head was swimming, unable to formulate a thought or a verbalise an answer except for his name.
Joel's movements stilled as he shifted to sit upright on his knees. You whined and opened your eyes. He was watching you, his eyebrows raised.
"P-please," you whispered weakly. "Dont stop."
"Ya didn't answer me," he muttered.
You were too distracted to perceive the underlying hint of danger and annoyance in his words. His cock was resting thick and heavy inside you. It was tortuous. You tried to grind yourself against him, desperate for friction to relieve the tension built deep in your core.
"Joooel," you whimpered. "I'm sorry, you just feel so good, so amazing, please, please keep going "
Joel wrapped a hand around your throat and squeezed lightly, causing your pussy to clench around him.
"I'm gonna ask you again," he drawled calmly. He rocked his hips back and forth once teasingly. "Who owns this fuckin' pussy?"
"You do, Joel," you moaned, arching your back.
"Whose your fuckin' daddy?" Joel snarled, flexing his hand on your throat, a telltale gesture that he was holding back and close to snapping.
"You," you mewled pathetically, running your hands over his chest with fervor. "it's you, Joel."
He suddenly thrust all the way into you until his hips were flush against yours, his pubic bone slamming into yours. You cried out in shock. You were totally full of his girth with his heavy balls resting against your ass. The stretch at the opening of your vagina was actually painful. You could feel yourself tearing slightly.
"Ow, fuck, fuck! Joel," you whimpered, pressing your palms into his chest reflexively. "No, it's t-too much, too deep."
"Babygirl, this is my pussy and I'll go as deep as I fuckin' like," Joel growled. "So you're gonna shut the fuck up and take it."
The hand around your neck squeezed down, cutting off your air supply. Your mouth fell open in a silent cry, your eyes wide, your hands now limp by your sides. Joel started moving once again and was soon fucking you in deep, fast thrusts that hit your g spot each time, the action punctuated by Joel's heavy panting and the sound of the bed frame knocking against the wall.
Your mind was starting to go fuzzy, your vision blurry. The fiery pressure in your belly was growing and when Joel swiped the rough pad of his thumb over your clit your muscles squeezed around his shaft.
"You're gonna come on my cock," Joel ordered through ragged breaths. "And you're gonna thank me for it. You hear me, little slut?"
He relinquished his hold on your throat and you choked as your body gasped in a rush of air. You moaned and your eyelids fluttered when he then gave your cheek a few light rapid slaps.
"Gonna thank me for splittin' you open," Joel murmured, the drawl of his accent low and rich, pouring over your ears like thick honey. "For givin' this needy pussy what she's been beggin' for."
All you could do was moan as Joel relentlessly pummeled his cock into you, his thumb still rubbing your clit. It didn't take much longer for your orgasm to hit. The feverish climax flooded over your entire body and left you whimpering breathlessly and without any energy to move. Joel fucked you through your orgasm and allowed you a minute to recover before he ripped away from your body. You cried out from the sudden withdrawal.
Joel crawled up the bed so that he was straddling your torso. He grabbed a handful of your hair and lifted your head up from the pillow so that the fat head of his cock was directly infront of you, close to touching your lips.
"Thank me," he growled.
Joel began to pump his cock with his other hand. His dark hooded eyes narrowed on you. You licked your lips and stared back up at Joel. You felt the familiar desperate need to please him, to hear his praise reign over you.
"Thank you Joel," you purred. "Thank you for letting me come."
Joel groaned. His grip on your hair tightened. "Keep goin'."
"Thank you for splitting me open."
He fisted his cock faster, his hips rocking slightly as he chased his pleasure. You batted your eyelashes and moaned softly.
"Thank you for fucking my needy pussy."
Joel growled through heaving breaths as he came, thick ropes of cum shooting onto your face. You shut your eyes while his hand tangled in your hair held you still while. He continued to pump his cock and empty his load all over you.
"That's right," he panted, "take it. Good fucking girl."
When Joel had finished he let go of your hair and shifted to stand up from the bed. You blindly lifted the bottom of your tank top and gingerly wiped his cum from around your eyes, then the rest of your face. When you were able to open your eyes again you saw Joel already getting dressed.
Your heart sank. Was he really just going to leave straight away?
Joel looked at you as he hitched his jeans up.
"Raiders been spotted near Jackson. We got to get a patrol group out there tonight."
You felt your heart crack. He just fucked you and now he is going away?
You couldn't help the tears pooling in your eyes. "You're going?" You asked in a small voice.
Joel looked away from you as he zipped and buttoned his jeans. To your relief he wasn't wearing a belt.
"I gotta," he replied gruffly. "Don't know how long I'll be."
"Joel," you whispered.
You bowed your head and cried. You knew how dangerous this kind of mission was and despite the hurt you had endured at his hands, the possibility of him being injured or dying was devastating. You felt the warmth of his large hand stroke your head gently.
"Comin' back for you, sugar. Be good for me while I'm gone, ya hear me?"
"Yes Joel," you croaked.
Joel pressed your face into his naked belly, your cheeks still sticky from his cum. You wrapped your arms around his middle and sobbed. He allowed you to cry, smoothing your hair in soothing strokes until you calmed down.
Joel had stayed just long enough for you to fall asleep cuddled into the crook of his arm. Your features were slightly strained as you slept, as if your worry and sadness of real life had seeped into your dreams. Your cheeks were still stained with a mixture of dried tears and his cum. Joel checked his watch. It wasn't long now. He managed to extract himself from the bed without waking you and finished getting dressed. He watched you silently for a few moments before leaving to find Ellie.
Joel knew your body craved him just as much as your heart did. You were so easy to placate. Now he could go with Tommy and hunt down those piece of shit raiders without needing to worry about you getting stupid ideas in your head.
However, neither of you could have foreseen the significance of events that were to develop during Joel's absence, nor the catastrophic repercussions of his return.
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What did you all think of this chapter? How do we feel about Joel? How about our main character?
Things are going to ramp up in the next installment.
taglist - @sofiparallel @harriedandharassed @kewwrites @romanarose
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hell-drabbles · 8 months
Minhyeok 2
Summary: Often you pull Minhyeok to help you out with visualizing scenes for your various novels. And, obviously enough, this always leaves him hot and bothered. You know he can’t help it and it entertains you that he still continues to go along with your demands.
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“Alright, pull your legs back a bit if you would,” you walked towards Minhyeok, who was laying on his bed, and tapped the side of his bare thigh, “Just grab your thighs right here. Go back as far as you can go.”
His thighs may not have the most fat on them but they’re plump enough to work. There’s a specific scene you’ve been meaning to write of a character of yours inviting the main character into a mating press. While you could just find the visuals directly online, your brain, unfortunately, works best when you have something physical you can interact with. You need to experience the pose with all five of your sense, if you can.
Honestly, it was just a joke when you asked if Minhyeok he could do this specific lewd pose, but the fact he actually agreed with you had you committing to the bit just so you don’t embarrass him. He’s a lovely man and you don’t want to step on his pride a little too much.
His cheeks are already flushed with shame as he pulled back as asked, ass not quite sticking in the air like you needed. He was stiff, as though his muscles were locked and refused to let go. Odd, since you knew him to be pretty flexible.
“Like this?” Minhyeok murmured out with strain. The only thing barely keeping his dignity was his underwear. Thing is, you didn’t ask him to strip down but you’re not going to say anything for his sake.
“Hmm, not quite,” you put one knee on the bed, “Mind if I help with the pose? It’s going to be pretty intimate though.”
Minhyeok let go and let his limbs flop on the bed. He covered his eyes, the flush on his cheeks spreading down his neck and over his chest. “…go on ahead, please.”
He’s so adorably honest. ‘Please.’ Minhyeok is a naturally polite man, to a pretty manipulative degree, but you can tell what’s his manners and what are his true wants.
Minhyeok went through a full body shudder just by you grabbing the back of this thighs. Goosebumps bloomed right under your palm and you spotted his fingers digging into the pillow beneath his head. Not in fear, but in anticipation.
You spread his legs apart and had to bite back a laugh when his hips jutted up for a second. It was slow, but you can see the outline of his hardening dick beneath his underwear, weakly twitching before beginning to follow the beat of his heart. Just to give him mercy, you ignored it.
You slid your hands up–Minhyeok bit back a moan–and pushed his knees until they were almost to his shoulders.
“If you want to stop, you know the magic word,” you reminded as reassurance.
Sweat started to dot his chest, giving his skin a unique shimmer. And his nipples were flushed pink and pebbled.
“I’m…” Minhyeok sighed out after a gulp of air, “I’m fine. You can continue.”
“Alright, alright,” and only then did you slot your hips over his, pinning his ass down on the bed. You felt his muscles clench up once more. “Ah, careful! You’re gonna rip something.”
Minhyeok was shivering, little yearning moans barely able to escape his tightly sealed lips. He covered his mouth, exposing his deeply red face and dilated pupils. He was entirely enraptured by you, unable to focus on anything else.
A stain began to spread on his underwear before leaking clearly down his belly.
Poor man. He’s reaching his limit.
“Hey, do you want me to help you out?” You smiled down at him. You always asked every time he gets likes this, though he always replies the same thing.
“I-it’s fine. I just… I just need the bathroom… Please…” His voice was soft, meek, vulnerable.
You let him go and Minhyeok dashed into out his bedroom door. You gave a quiet chuckle under your breath, putting your weight on your hands as you leaned back.
You’d think he’d eventually stop agreeing to do these things. But no, he’s stubborn.
What a strange man, that Minhyeok.
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cuddlepilefics · 6 months
SKZ Season Greetings - 1
New Stray Kids sickfic series
With many events lined up for Stray Kids to participate in, they had to split up their season greetings photoshoot. They did take their group photos within a small window of time, when all of them were able to meet at the decided location but they'd have to return over the course of the following week to have their individual shots taken. It was a little messy, especially for the staff organizing the outfits and make up but it was the only way they could make it work. That was how Changbin and Jeongin ended up heading to the outdoors location of their photoshoot together after getting their hair and makeup done at the company building. The weather was rather cloudy, which made things a little complicated as the photographer had to figure out the correct lighting but they were wearing their coats for as long as possible, so they'd be fine.
Slowly developing a bit of a chill, Jeongin lightly bounced on his feet to make sure he'd stay warm because he wouldn't willingly remove his coat to have his pictures taken if the wind got to him anymore than it already did. Changbin opened his coat and approached Jeongin, hugging the maknae from behind and wrapping his coat around both of them to keep him still. They had already had dance practice that morning and the younger would only end up sore and not really warmer if he kept moving like that. "You wanna go first?", the rapper offered, "I'm not really cold yet and you could go warm up once you're done." – "T-Thank you, hyung", Jeongin forced out between chattering teeth, nodding. Though he frowned at having to remove his coat, he did so quickly and stepped in front of the camera, eager to get it over with, while Changbin left for a moment to grab coffee for both of them.
Sipping his coffee had helped Changbin stay warm and he handed his dongsaeng the other paper cup as soon as he was done with his photoshoot. Jeongin shot him a grateful smile as he wrapped his stiff hands around the cup to warm them, careful not to spill any with how his hands trembled. Bundling up in his coat, the maknae sipped his coffee and watched Changbin posing for the camera while he slowly warmed up again. Now that Jeongin wasn't freezing his ass off anymore, he could see the beauty in the scene the staff had chosen though he still felt they should've been given more weather appropriate outfits. What he hadn't expected was for the skies to suddenly open and a merciless downpour to start. Everyone rushed to get the camera equipment and props somewhere dry, so nothing would get damaged. Jeongin pulled his hood up before running to help out and by the time him and Changbin had found shelter, the maknae's shoes had filled with water.
Jeongin frowned as he wiggled his toes within his wet socks before looking at Changbin. He gasped softly, realizing the rapper had been the only one not wearing a coat to protect himself from the rain. Changbin's previously neatly styled hair was plastered to his forehead now, rain still dripping down his face. With his clothes completely soaked, the rapper wrung out the lower part of his sweater and wiped his face before looking up. His heart still raced from the adrenaline but while he slowly calmed down, he felt the cold set in. By the time the adrenaline had worn off completely, the cold had seeped into Changbin's bones and although he had tried to dry himself off and keep moving, so he wouldn't freeze, it had barely helped. He was also unfortunate enough to not have a change of clothes with him because he had left them in the dressing room at the company building.
Seeing that they weren't going to continue with their shoot, the staff packed up the equipment, while their manager decided: "I'll drive you two back to your dorms. Please take a hot shower and warm up. Would be really inconvenient if anyone was to fall ill in the near future. Your schedule will continue with the next point in about an hour, so I'll pick you up and take you to the company building before that. Should be just enough time for a shower and a snack." Thanking him, Changbin and Jeongin got into the car, the rapper spreading his coat over the seat, so he wouldn't get the leather wet. Changbin was the first to be dropped off, barely able to open the car door with how hard he was shaking from the cold. He was glad when he finally entered the dorm he shared with Chan, Hyunjin and Jisung and headed straight to the bathroom. His skin tingled when the water hit him, his temperature perception completely off but the longer he stayed under the running water the more comfortable it became.
Changbin had had a hard time convincing himself to leave the shower but he knew he didn't have all day, especially not if he wanted to eat something before being picked up again. Dressed in his thickest sweatpants, the rapper slipped on a t-shirt and hoodie before making his way to the kitchen. He didn't have much time left but still wanted to have a hot meal, still feeling chilled to the core, so he made some ramyeon and texted Jeongin to see if the youngest was almost ready too. The makane hadn't taken nearly as long to shower as Changbin had and was already eating while he waited for his tea to steep. Figuring they might end up a little shivery for the rest of the day, Jeongin had prepared a large thermos, so they could share tea later.
The tea ended up highly appreciated because Changbin shuddered as soon as he stepped foot outside the dorm and the goosebumps didn't disappear even with the car's heater blowing on the highest setting, causing their manager to sweat. The rapper was quiet when they made their way to the studio to meet up with Chan and Jisung, feeling as though his energy had been drained completely by the earlier incident. His fellow producer of course noticed and Jeongin poured Changbin a cup of tea as soon as they arrived because he still shivered from time to time. "What happened to you?", Chan frowned as he took off his headphones. Seungmin had just finished recording his lines and left minutes before the pair arrived, so Jeongin could record. Shooting the maknae a grateful smile, Changbin wrapped his hands around the cup and muttered: "The rain hit right when we were doing the photoshoot and we got soaked completely as we tried to get all the equipment to safety. We took a shower and changed into warm clothes before coming here because there was no use finishing the shoot in that downpour." – "Well, Changbin-hyung was the one to really get soaked completely", Jeongin corrected softly, "For me it was just my shoes and the lower half of my pants but yeah, it was pretty cold and I figured we'd still be cold despite the shower, so I brought tea to make the rest of the day more bearable." Hearing that, Chan quickly adjusted the heating and told his dongsaengs to let him know if there was anything he could do.
While Jeongin did really well initially, his voice soon sounded strained and Chan asked him to take a break. Changbin made the maknae sip some of the tea, humming: "You feeling alright? Don't catch a cold." – "I'm okay", Jeongin smiled but gladly sipped the tea, "I'm just really tired, so I think that's why my voice sounds forced. It's like my body needed all its energy to keep up its temperature and now there's nothing left for anything else." – "Ah, I know what you mean", Changbin nodded, "Feeling incredibly rundown and sleepy despite barely doing anything?" The younger nodded, glad someone understood though the statement had Chan worried. Sure, he had noticed Changbin being rather withdrawn but having the rapper admit to the fatigue was more than he had expected. They could compensate for one sick member but if both of them ended up falling ill, things would be even more chaotic than they already were.
When Jeongin's next attempt at recording failed, Chan instructed: "I want you to take a break and rest your voice for today, Innie. Yeah, I know it's frustrating but it really sounds like you'd be hurting yourself if you try to force it. Seungmin should be only a few doors down practicing his lines, so maybe you can join him and memorize the lyrics." Sighing, the maknae agreed and got ready to leave. He had intended to leave the thermos because Changbin still seemed to be freezing but the older wouldn't let him. "The way your voice sounds, you need the tea a lot more", Changbin insisted, placing the thermos into the other's backpack, "Take care and don't be to hard on yourself, Innie."
"You know, the same goes for you", Chan reminded once the door closed behind their dongsaeng, "You look really unwell." – "I mean, yeah, I'm exhausted and my head's starting to hurt but that's about it", Changbin shrugged, running the cuff of his sleeve under his nose, "I'm like 90% sure that it will be fine after getting a good night's sleep but for now, it's meh...." – "Then take it easy for now, so it doesn't end up getting worse than 'meh'", the leader sighed sympathetically. Sure, none of them was very good at taking it easy but they couldn't take any chances right now, not with how many events were lined up in the upcoming weeks. Changbin also didn't have much of a choice when it came to taking it easy. With how tired he was, he had a hard time focusing and eventually accepted the painkillers Jisung handed him, hoping he'd have a better time if the headache improved but his mind remained hazy even after the pain got better.
Though he had been a little sniffly throughout the evening, it was only when Changbin got to his feet to finally go home for the night, that the congestion in his sinuses shifted, making it impossible for him to breathe threw his nose. With watering eyes, Changbin made his way to the car and rested his head against the window during the drive. He could tell where this was going and although his friends hadn't pointed it out again, he knew that they had caught on too. As Changbin got ready for bed, Chan stopped by for a moment. The Aussie didn't want to keep his dongsaeng up any longer but let him know: "Sure, it would get messy with our schedules but if you end up not feeling well, we will figure something out. I will talk to management for you, so if you end up really coming down with something, please tell me and don't go hiding it until you're in far worse condition." – "You wouldn't have had to bring that up", Changbin muttered as he folded back the corner of his blanket, "Thank you though. Surely hope I can just sleep it off but we'll see." Chan hummed in agreement, telling him to feel better before going to bed himself.
Changbin gave a stuffy sigh as he got under his blanket, pulling it tight in hopes that he might feel a little warmer then. He still hadn't been able to shake the chill and if he hadn't been exhausted to the bone, he probably wouldn't have been able to fall asleep at all. The medicine Jisung had given him had long since worn off and his head was pounding, the pressure in his sinuses only making the pain worse but he didn't want to get back up to take another dose. He could last till the morning and if it still hurt, he'd take something then.
It wasn't yet morning when Changbin awoke again, disoriented and unsure why exactly he had woken up. He was drenched in sweat, the sheets clinging to his skin as he sat up. Rubbing at his face, Changbin caught two rough sneezes in his hands and winced. He hadn't expected to be feeling this much worse in such a short time span but appreciated Chan's reassurance even more now because he doubted he'd be able to go to work the next day. His fears were confirmed when he got to his feet and his head swam. Stumbling a little, Changbin was eventually able to make his way to the kitchen and sip some warm water as he leant against the counter.
Having had a weird gut feeling, Chan had ventured out of his room again when he heard shuffling footsteps and wasn't too surprised to see if was Changbin. "You look awful, mate", the oldest hummed, startling the rapper so badly he almost dropped his glass. Apologizing, Chan rested his palm against his dongsaeng's forehead and mutter: "Well, I'm for sure going to call you in sick tomorrow. You're burning. When did it go downhill this badly?" – "I dunno", Changbin sniffled, massaging his temples, "Just woke up like this." – "Alright, how about we get you back to bed and I'll fetch you some cold medicine?", the Aussie offered, wrapping his arm around the other's shoulders. He cringed when he realized how sweaty his friend's back was.
Changbin was shocked how much effort it took him just to get back to his room and sighed when he found the damp sheets a tangled mess at the foot of the bed. "Here, sit", Chan instructed easing the rapper down on the edge of the bed before picking up the blanket. Leaning against the wall because sitting up by himself seemed way too draining, Changbin closed his eye and listened to his hyung rummaging around his closet. Chan had changed the sheet in no time, making sure his dongsaeng also put on a fresh shirt before heading to the bathroom to get the medicine while the younger settled back into bed.
Once Changbin was medicated and tucked back into bed, Chan headed to bed himself, knowing full well that the next day would be utter chaos.
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boltwrites · 1 year
Requests for Tech?! Ask and you shall RECIEVE!
Could you write something along the lines of Tech and reader having to go a gala undercover posing as a couple? I know this has been done a million times already, but I can't get enough of it.
(Purely fluffy SFW, if you don't mind)
A/N: i chose fem!reader for this (mentions of wearing a dress and makeup) so i hope that's ok!
this isn’t exactly a full fic with this premise, but more the start of one, since it started getting kind of ridiculously long and i wasn’t sure where to go from here. i hope you like it! if there’s enough interest, i might add onto it, but honestly i’m not too happy with it :/
"I don't understand why I was chosen for this mission," Tech grumbled, adjusting his goggles as he crossed his arms. You sighed. You loved Sid, but these boys she had working for her were certainly an interesting group. Their arguments were always entertaining, though.
"What, Tech, got two left feet?" you teased, only in order to egg the rest of the group on. You knew that the mission Sid had for you all - to attend a gala in order to slice into a spice lord's comms - wasn't the sort of thing these boys were usually sent out on. Their missions tended to involve more blaster fire and less small talk.
"Absolutely not. That is physically impossible," he scoffed, and you giggled at how literal he took you while Echo face-palmed and Hunter rolled his eyes.
"No, Tech," Hunter clarified, clearly exasperated. "You're a good slicer. Even if you do talk like a protocol droid," Hunter mumbled the last bit, which earned a hearty laugh from Wrecker. You had to cover your mouth to muffle your giggles.
"Can we refrain from the droid comparisons, please?" Echo interjected, which shut you all right up as he raised an eyebrow at Hunter. "Trust me, Tech, I would have gone instead of you, but..."
Echo gestured to his scomp, which wasn't easier explained. It was true - even if this wasn't a slicing mission, Tech would be the least likely to stand out. Echo had too many cybernetics, Hunter had his face tattoo, and Wrecker was... well, Wrecker.
"Don't worry about it, really," you added to Tech, who was still frowning at his batchmates. He looked so uncomfortable - shoulders stiff as he tried his best not to snap at the others. You placed a hand on his shoulder to hopefully calm him some. You didn't know the Bad Batch very well, but if you had to work with Tech, you didn't want him to hate the assignment you two had to work together on. "I know this crowd. I can do the talking, you can do the slicing. It'll be fine."
"That is not-" Tech started, but then he shook his head and sighed. You bit your lip, a bit confused as to his hesitation, and why he didn't finish his statement - from what you knew of him, he always spoke his mind. Even the other batchers looked worried - Echo and Wrecker sharing a concerned look with Omega, and Hunter pausing, looking between you and Tech as if he understood something that the others didn't.
"If you ladies are done arguing, our seamstress is waiting!" Sid cut in, yelling from the bar. "She's gonna need all the time she can get with noodle legs over there! Get moving!"
You chuckled at her joke, and you thought you could spy a blush on Tech's cheeks at the jab as you were unceremoniously hauled to the bar of the bar to be fitted for your fancy gala clothes.
You didn't see Tech again until it was time for you to get to your speeder. You smoothed your hands over your dress - it was a simple, form-fitting red dress with a slit running up your right leg - the perfect place for you to hide your blaster. This wasn't necessarily your favorite style of dress - you preferred not to use your sexuality as a tool most of the time. But, in order to keep the attention of the various underground salesmen you would be interacting with, you knew that you would need to be eye-catching and Tech would have to blend more into the background. You had even thrown on some makeup - another thing you usually avoided simply for the sake of time. But, despite the fact that this wasn't something you would want to wear every day... you liked it. You felt attractive, powerful, even, in a different way than you were used to.
Even if you were a bit cold waiting outside the speeder. You wrapped your arms around your shoulders to try and conserve a bit of heat. Where was Tech?
Almost as soon as you asked, Tech stepped out of the bar. He was fidgeting with the cuffs of his outfit - a simple suit jacket that matched his pants, a more casual shirt underneath, as the crowd you both would be running with weren't exactly black tie people. He pressed his glasses further up his nose - a less tactical version of his typical goggles that he clearly wasn't used to.
But... he looked good. You had never really looked at him before, at least not closely. He almost purposefully blended into the background of his squad, always hunched over a datapad, letting his mind shine over everything else. You had never realized how long his legs were, how tall he was when he stood up straight. And with different frames, his big brown eyes were... really pretty.
You blinked, shocked. You were sure you were blushing, but you tried to act casual, nodding and shooting Tech a little wave that definitely read as more awkward than casual.
It didn't matter - he seemed to be purposefully avoiding your gaze as he beelined to the driver's side of the speeder, eyes firmly pointed at the ground. You sighed, chalking it up to his discomfort at his state of dress, and the mission in general - Tech didn't like being the center of attention, and this mission in particular seemed to be stressing him out. You slid into the passenger seat, careful to keep your dress from catching in the door. No matter what, the two of you had a mission to complete.
Tech didn't speak as he powered up the speeder, working quick and efficient as he checked a few settings before pulling away from the bar. You were a little surprised that his squad hadn't sent him off. You considered it as you powered on the datapad Sid had left for the two of you on the center console - maybe Tech was worried the others would make fun of him for being so dressed up? That's the most likely explanation, you thought. They were always picking on him a little bit, and he seemed nervous enough, judging by how he kept sneaking glances of you when he thought you wouldn't notice.
"We should probably go over our cover story before we get there," you started, trying to ease Tech into this as gently as you could. It was a necessary detail, and you didn't want to put it off any longer. The flight to the gala wasn’t that long.
“Ah, I wasn’t aware Sid had given us a story,” Tech replied, brows scrunched together in frustration. “I would have liked to know those details before we left for the mission.”
“I’m sorry,” you started, but Tech cut you off.
“It’s not your fault,” he sighed, shaking his head. “I will have a talk with Sid once this is all over. This is not an appropriate way to treat operatives on such a mission.”
You shrugged, trying to shoot Tech a tiny smile. He seemed legitimately upset - and you figured that it was reasonable for him to be so. He was already nervous, and more new information wouldn’t help that.
“Well, nothing we can do about it now,” you said, flipping through the datapad. “It seems to be pretty standard. We’re from Coruscant, where the spice game is too saturated - we wanted more freedom in our distribution, so we moved.” 
“Sounds reasonable enough. I suppose we could work with it,” Tech sighed, as if he could have written a better cover. You tried not to chuckle at how dismissive he was as you flipped to the next page.
“According to this, we’re long term partners - both in business and in relationship. I assume that’s probably to give me an out for anyone trying to hit on me,” you added, because with so much attention on you, it was a good that you would have an excuse as to why you weren’t interested in any of the potential suitors.
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” Tech asked, his voice wavering just a bit. His eyes flickered from the road to you, only for a second. Oh, he was so nervous! You were starting to wonder if he would be able to complete this mission, if he was still so uncomfortable.
“Our covers. We’re business partners and in a committed relationship, according to the file. But don’t worry about that too much - I’m obviously the bait, so I need a reason to deny any advances. Being committed is the best reason in a situation like this,” you explained. Tech’s cheeks reddened, and he made a choked noise.
“This is ridiculous,” he started, and you immediately felt like a burden. Did it make him that uncomfortable to have to fake a relationship with you? 
“I’ve never been in any relationship, least of all one with such an eye-catching partner -” Tech continued, and now it was your turn to blush. “How am I supposed to prepare? To research? I’m driving!”
You laughed in relief, glad that Tech was only concerned because of the lack of preparation, and not because he found you repulsive or something. You wouldn’t put it past him - he seemed to have very high expectations in all facets of his life. But it was good to know that he thought you were eye-catching, even if he was worried about his acting skills.
“Don’t worry about it, really,” you calmed him. “I’m doing the talking, remember? I’ll distract our target, and you just get your hands on his datapad and extract the information we need.”
“Yes, just that,” you could practically hear his eye roll, and it made you grin. 
“It’ll be fine. You’ll be fine,” you added, and that just seemed to make him more irritated.
“Yes, well. I would have been better if I could have researched this,” he insisted. You chuckled.
“Researched what, exactly? How to act like a drug dealer?” you giggled at the assertion, and Tech shook his head, looked at you as if the answer was obvious.
“No. How to act in a relationship. I’ve never been in one. Should I curse at anyone who tries to engage you in conversation?”
“Tech!” you laughed, shocked. “No! They’re supposed to want to talk to me - literally, just let me take the lead. It’ll come naturally, I promise.”
“If you say so. I am trusting you with this. Fully,” he adds, nodding at you briefly before he turns back to driving. You have no idea why that little line makes you feel so warm.
“Here -” 
You were approaching the entrance to the gala - laughter and the clinking of glasses echoed from the rooms within, the smell of smoke lingering in the air as you drew ever nearer. You knew that the two of you needed to look the part.
So you grabbed one of Tech’s hands and slid it around your waist, even as he froze at your touch. When you found a natural spot for him to hold you, you let go of his hand, giving it a soft pat as you released him from your grasp. He didn’t relax - his touch was feather-light and incredibly hesitant, despite the fact that you had initiated the touch.
You sighed, looking up at him. You really had never realized just how tall this man was - but thoughts of his height were quickly wiped from your mind as you were met with wide, nervous eyes. Oh, he was still so worried about the mission, wasn’t he?
“Don’t worry,” you whispered, pressing a hand to his chest so that the interaction seemed natural. “Just follow my lead. And actually touch my waist - it’ll make everything seem more believable.” 
Tech nodded down at you, a bit hesitant as he pressed his hand more firmly to your waist, drawing you close to him. You smiled up at him, to let him know that he had the right idea and you weren’t uncomfortable.
In fact, it was nice. Having Tech at your side was comforting, even -  he was great backup. He was smart as hell, he worked well under pressure, he was never impulsive, he was an impressive speeder pilot, he was good with a blaster, and he was tall enough for you to lean on comfortably, and his hand was warm at your waist where he pressed you to him... 
Oh no. You liked him, didn’t you? 
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solomons-poison · 6 months
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Hello Lynn, this is such a cute prompt ahhh 🥰 I don't feel very strong writing for Motonari but wanted to give him some love for you, so I hope you enjoy! I also had to do some research on ancient Japanese haircare products, so if any of it is wrong, just ignore it lol @massivementalitynut
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♖: Having their hair washed by the other
Pairing: Motonari Mouri x GN!reader
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Your relationship with Motonari had been hard-earned, and certainly wasn’t without its difficulties from time to time. You still remembered in the beginning, the way Motonari feared the touch of others including you, wearing his gloves to protect himself. If you so much as took a step towards him, he’d back away immediately, threatening you if you so much as laid a hand on him, regardless of your intentions. It was only with a lot of hard work, reassurances, and patience that he eventually warmed up and you became the exception. Even with that change, you never would have imagined you’d end up where you were now, sitting inside a large round bathtub with Motonari seated in front of you.
He had brought up taking a bath together to relax after a rough day, spend quality time together and get the mood going. Although the suggestion was a little surprising, it sounded like a good idea to the both of you and you accepted. However, you mentioned offhand about maybe helping wash his hair, and the mood shifted. The expression on his face was tense, serious, and although it shouldn't have been, it was a little bit funny. You tried to fight the smile that was tugging at your lips, but of course your sharp-eyed lover could see through it.
"Quit yer gigglin'," he said, pouting at you. "What ideas do you have growin' in that flower garden of yours, huh?"
You tried to calm yourself, taking a deep breath.
"Sorry, I don't mean to laugh," you said. "I just didn't expect you to suggest something like this, or be so serious."
Motonari only hummed, watchful eyes staying on you, especially your hands that were currently in the water. You raised your hands in a surrender-type pose to show him, keeping them on your side.
"If you don't want me to touch your hair, that's okay," you continued, trying to give a reassuring smile. "I know some things are still kind of uncomfortable for you."
Your lover stayed quiet, but you could see it in his carnelian eyes that he was thinking, considering his choices. The fact that he didn't outright turn you down was already an improvement, but on occasion, there were still things he couldn't handle, and you'd never blame him for it. However, he chose to surprise you today, glancing up to make eye contact, pursing his lips before responding.
"Alright, fine, I'll let you touch my hair," he said, serious look still on his face.
You couldn't help the way your eyes widened. "Really?!!" You both winced at your shout, reining yourself back in before continuing. "I mean, are you sure? It's okay to say no."
He only shrugged, before starting to turn in the tub.
"I said it's fine already, didn't I?" he murmured. "And anyway, I hate seein' you pout... If it's too much, I'll tell ya."
A surge of warmth filled your chest, so happy to know he trusted you this much. Although his back was now turned, you could see the stiffness in his shoulders, completely stock still as if cornered by a predator. You knew it was taking a lot of his trust and courage to let you do this, and you were going to do your best to make it good.
You grabbed the products the maids had provided, some camellia oil, a comb, and rice water. It took you ages to get used to not having regular shampoo, but now it was a routine you'd become familiar with.
Motonari flinched for a moment as you first touched his head. You stopped to give him a moment, waiting to see if he'd change his mind. But his shoulders relaxed, and you continued onward. You started by combing through your lover's hair, pouring a small bit of rice water in as you worked out any tangles. You worked in more of the water, keeping an eye on his reactions.
You moved on to using your fingers to massage it in. Once again, Motonari stiffened up, but he stayed silent, eventually relaxing once more.
"Are you still doing okay?" you asked softly. Motonari wasn't one to hold back his opinions with you, but you wanted to be sure he wasn't hiding his discomfort.
His head turned a little to glance back at you, one red eye coming into view.
"Yeah, I'm fine... Feels kinda good, actually," he said, his voice dropped off on the latter statement and making it hard to hear. But you still managed to make out what he said, happiness filling your chest. You chose not to comment, continuing on with camellia oil and remainder of the rice water until his hair was smooth and soft, ending with a rinse.
"There, we're all done. How was it?" you asked eagerly, as Motonari turned around in the tub to face you again. His face took on a bashful look, but he put on a haughty voice.
"Yeah, I guess it wasn't too bad. I think I'd be okay if, you know, you wanted to do it again sometime." You couldn't help the smile that grew on your face, only making his face twist in response. "And get that smile off yer face, or I'll have to do something about it."
He leaned forward, using one hand to cup the back of your head and draw you towards him. His lips instantly captured yours in an intense kiss, and if you weren't already sitting down, you're sure your knees would have buckled. Just as you were fighting for breath, he drew back, though not before nipping at your lower lip, the action filling you with heat. Between the heat of the bath and the heat of his kiss, your head was practically spinning, making it hard to understand his next words.
"Now, turn around. You're next."
"For what?" You asked, trying to pull yourself together. Motonari only smiled, a devilish look on his face, although his eyes showed the true softness he was really feeling.
"It's my turn to take care of you."
Your heart thumped heavily, feeling your cheeks heat up. This man was really going to be the death of you.
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plasmasimagination · 1 year
I dont know if i can submit another one but if i cant then just ignore this. May i request a big hot caramel macchiato with milk and eggbites? (Zhongli thoma childe and diluc)
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Type - Romantic
Reader - Female reader
Summary -Cuddles
Genre - Fluff
Characters - Zhongli Thoma Childe and diluc
A/N - Hiii cutiepie good to see you again and ofcourse you can request as many times as u want, requests are always open even without the event u can request anything that comes to mind
Also I don't know if your request was from disappointment from the last post or because you liked it 😭
Zhong li
Not the biggest fan of cuddles but can cuddle if you want to but you need to suggest it first because otherwise he's not gonna come too near to you , he's scared of breaking your boundaries so he'll prefer not to. But if u do decide to ask him he's gonna hesitantly agree. Big spoon I refuse to hear anything else. If you're cuddling to sleep hes probably gonna wrap his legs around you and bury his face in your neck . All in all might be a bit stiff at the begging but he'll grow to be more comfortable to cuddle with.
Literal cutie. Likes affection likes you likes cuddles this man is okay with everything I'm telling you . Whatever pose you're okay with he's fine with aswell . Specially enjoys when he's laying down and you have your head on his chest it makes him feel warm inside . Another of his favourites is just like hugging but while laying down, he likes to have his hands wrapped around you . Also he's so sneaky with it , in the morning you won't even notice him leave your cuddling position but as soon as you wake up breakfasts ready and he's already working such a good boy .
Listen listen . Favourite thing ever is when he's had A Rough day and he comes home crashes on the couch and you come snuggle unto him or put your head in his chest . In these moments he's feeling so safe, like he finally has someone he can trust, someone who loves him no matter what happens. Another fact he can be a small spoon too he'll probably bury his face in your neck ,wrapping his arms around your waist and you two end up dozing off like that.
He's a quite busy so cuddles with him are special occasions. Even when he is free he doesn't initiate it, he doesn't feel the need for such things. Tho if you are asking him to cuddle he'll try to politely refuse at first but after all he can't say no to you . He's probably gonna let you snuggle up to him while he's reading, and if you're lucky he'll rub your back. Also don't try it in public , he's a man with s reputation so only try to cuddle him when he's home ;)
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Lotura Week 2023 Day 1 - Space Mall Sillies Drabble
The (Im)perfect Mattress
“Oh,” Princess Allura of Altea—soon to be Empress Allura—whined as she stretched out on a mattress at the space mall. Her blue and purple skirts fanned about her legs in a stiff line. “This is far too hard. It feels like sleeping on the floor of Blue Lion.” 
Emperor Lotor of the Galra had lain beside her. His velvet voice was contemplative. “I disagree, princess. In fact, I fear it is not hard enough to support my form.”
She turned her cheek to him, and her curls intermixed with the straight locks of his hair as he turned to her.
“You can’t possibly be serious,” she said. “This is the hardest bed I’ve ever had the misfortune of testing.”
He huffed back at her. “Galran bones are heavier and require significant firmness to avoid misalignment.” His sharp face twisted in a merry pout. “Do you wish back pain upon your husband-to-be?”
Allura moaned, running her hands over her face. “By the stars, this is the third mattress shop in the mall, and we’re no closer to landing on a marriage bed than we were two vargas ago.”
Lotor raised up on his arm, cradling in his cheek in his hand. He playfully narrowed his eyes, which glowed slightly in the mall’s fluorescent lights. “I’ll have you know,” he said, reaching out to poke her sensitive side, “I’m quite fine with this one.”
The princess squeaked, recoiling from the poke and swatting his hand away. “How cruel of you to say. Do you wish back pain upon your wife-to-be?”  
His lazy fingers—Lotor had grown more at ease in recent times, more playful—swirled against one of her curls as his expression grew pensive. “In truth, I desire your comfort as much as my own. Perhaps we can cut two mattresses in half and then sew the halves together.”
Allura actively considered the idea, rubbing her chin. “But what if we wish to cuddle in the middle? I do like cuddling.”
Lotor bit his lip as his eyebrows knitted together. Allura’s white curls slid against his fingers. “As do I. Which does pose a challenge to my solution, yes. I suppose you could rest on top of me in such cases.”
Her expression grew mischievous. “Is that an invitation?”
“For all time, princess.”
She giggled, her toes wiggling in her royal slippers. “You terrible tease. We’re already in trouble for, um, holographic interface indecencies during our remote conference with the planet Numoria.”
His eyes blew wide with innocence. “That is besides the point, which is that we have a solution to our marriage bed problem.” His chest puffed out. “We shall graft two mattresses into one, just as we graft our worlds and our lives together.”
Allura, still laying on her back, reached up to stroke Lotor’s cheek. “I do like that concept,” she said, voice soft.
He leaned into her touch, closing his eyes to fervently kiss her palm.
For one brief tick, they forgot they were in public. It took the shifting of elevator music to shake them out of their daze—along with the snapping of pictures from a few reporters from the Intergalactic Gazette, curious of the space royals on their day out shopping.
Lotor’s elfin ear flicked, and he turned to the store windows, the heat in his eyes sapping with a mild embarrassment as his cheeks flushed a deep lavender.
Allura turned to follow his gaze, and she froze, making a noise. “Oh. Um. It appears we’ve attracted quite a following.”
The emperor set his jaw, face still hot. “So we have,” he murmured, voice halted. “Have they been following us all along?”
“I don’t remember them around the first two shops,” she whispered. “Perhaps they congregated upon making the poor shop keeper whine that we are impossible to please.”
He turned back to her. “I do not wish to cause an incident, but I’m afraid pictures of us testing mattresses may inspire…strange headlines.”
The princess giggled despite her embarrassment. “What do you suppose we do?”
“…In this case, perhaps we retreat,” he said. And then he regally slipped off the bed and onto the softest mattress nearby—designed for the water beings of Wutrax II. With royal grace, he sunk into it with his heavy Galran bones, nearly disappearing from sight.
The princess giggled and then stood from the bed, calling, “Oh, but how will we manage to get you out?”   
From out of the material came his muffled voice, somewhat in awe. “I’m not sure.” And then there was a beat of silence before he added, “But do you know, this is not entirely uncomfortable. Rather like being cocooned.”
Her face faulted. “Oh. Oh no. Lotor, no, please. Tell me you jest. What was that again about requiring some form of support?”
“I do entreat you to try it with me, and at least you will not be seen by the crowds.”
Allura bit her lip, glanced back at the store windows, and then dared to lean into the water bed, only to squeak as she slipped down into the heavy depression. She found herself lying atop a warm and perfectly firm but perfectly pliable Lotor.
The shop owner walked by, shaking his head as Allura’s giggle echoed up.
“Oh,” came her delighted voice. “Actually, this is quite nice, yes.”
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