#The Nora Mother
freaky-flawless · 1 month
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Headless Headmistress Bloodgood redesign!
I've been wanting to redesign her for a while, in a way that would marry the aspects from each of her designs that I like. I'm pretty happy with how she turned out!
At some point I would like to design some more Monster High teachers and staff, because no matter what gen, that school is struggling.
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lemonboyjosten · 10 months
i love that we as a fandom are in agreement that andrew minyard is the mother hen of the monsters cult. he took a crash course in caring for chaotic creatures by dealing in the currency of promises and deals and got that masters in motherology from the university of servington. it’s so on brand for him.
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superiorsturgeon · 19 days
Nora: *wearing a wedding dress, pulls Ren aside into the bathroom* Can you believe it…? We’re finally married!
Ren: *wraps Nora in a hug and kisses her forehead* I know…! It’s amazing…
Nora: 🥰
Ren: …so where would you like to fool around for the first time as a married couple?
Ren: Expensive hotel room, or reception hall bathroom? 😏
Nora: Bathroom! 😃
Jaune: *in a stall with his pants around his ankles* …please don’t…😣
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nihilismtrcit · 1 year
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did nora clean or unpack anything today? no. did she write? also no. she did have beer for breakfast, though
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I imagine that Nicky and Erik wanted to foster a lot of kids but no programs wanted to be involved with gay parents at that time and laws made very difficult for them to adopt too (but eventually they do).
Nicky wanted a family so bad that when he could he surely volunteered to help troubled teens in facilities and made his own ONG to donate to queer kids that have problems being accepted.
His organization grows so big over the years that they are known internationally and ofc Andrew and Neil are involved with it and do some charity events.
Nicky is so proud of his little cousin and in secret Andrew is proud of him too because after dealing with him he thought that Nicky would throw all the idea of raising kids away but he's glad he didn't so various kids could have the childhood he didn't.
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qlala · 7 months
so i think the best way to do a coldflash au of the greatest musical of our time, mamma mia, would be—yes i’m aware it’s 3 a.m., why do you ask—
anyway, the best way to do it would be like, a morbid dark comedy take on it where barry’s not trying to find his father, he’s trying to find the person who framed his father. for his mother’s murder. so he’s like ‘okay i’ve reviewed all the case notes, and i’ve narrowed it down to these three men. also, unrelated, iris and eddie, you don’t mind if i invite three people to your wedding last-minute, right?’
and the three men can be like, harrison wells, eobard thawne, and of course, leonard snart
and barry has sophie’s protagonist attitude of “i’ll just know which one it is when i see him,” except obviously, he doesn’t. harrison wells is an asshole, eobard thawne is a creepy asshole, and leonard snart is… flirting with him?
(i have zero notes on the “does your mother know that you’re out” scene from the mamma mia! movie. just do that again, but angrier, because barry isn’t sure if len is taunting him over his mother’s death or just poking fun at their age gap. but it should be exactly as horny)
len would be the first to catch on to what’s going on, because he knows doc allen from iron heights and puts it together, and he would be impressed at what a ballsy idea it was if he wasn’t too busy being mad at barry for what a stupid fucking idea it was instead, inviting the man who killed his mother to a wedding he’s in, to what? give him a shot at slitting barry’s throat in his sleep next?
if that happens, iris will probably cancel this wedding that len fully intends on crashing, so naturally his only option is to follow around iris’s very stupid, very cute best man for the next three days, just to keep him from getting murdered by whichever of the other two men did kill his mother. and, since that includes the previously-mentioned threat of barry getting killed in his sleep, well… he’ll just have to talk his way into barry’s bed so he can keep an eye on him overnight, too
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mother-daughter* bonding time in the dome
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princemonday · 5 months
okay is it just me or does this new medusa remind you of the other mother from coraline too? the smooth voice that almost draws you in. the promises. the perfectly put together outfits from another era. the kitchen scenes with their respective kid victims? even the way that scene is shot (percy over medusas shoulder/the bottom half of medusas face) is so similar idk i love it
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rwbybutincorrect · 1 year
[during Ruby and Weiss’ wedding]
Ruby: How bad is Weiss freaking out?
Blake: She's fine.
Ruby: Really?
Blake: Yeah, she’s great.
[Yang and Nora trying to stop Weiss from climbing out of the window]
Weiss: I have a better dress at home. It’s cornflower blue. IT’S CORNFLOWER BLUE!
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gentlyrowan · 1 month
welcome to
The heart and most secure enclave of the Nora tribe is All-Mother Mountain and the surrounding valley, known as All-Mother's Embrace. It's located southwest of Devil's Thirst, which we know from a Vantage Point to be Colorado Springs. I don't know whether any official sources confirm it, but I am strongly of the opinion (and the Horizon Wiki agrees) that All-Mother Mountain is
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The mountain and park are named for the indigenous people group forcibly removed from Colorado's Front Range in the 1860s.
A hundred years later, as a part of Cold War defense efforts, NORAD constructed a hardened facility inside the mountain – specially designed to be resistant to earthquakes, EMP, and nuclear explosions – for use as its command and control center. More recently, the Cheyenne Mountain Complex has additionally become a United States Space Force installation.
Fans of Stargate SG-1 will recognize the iconic entrance to the facility in which the show set the secret location of Stargate Command.
The Cheyenne people's history stretches from the Great Lakes to the Great Plains, with a large and influential role amongst the tribes of North America. Today, they make up two nations: the Northern Cheyenne in Montana and the Southern Cheyenne in Oklahoma.
The Cheyenne language is in the Algonquian language group, but the name Cheyenne derives from a Dakota Sioux exonym (a name given to a people, place, or language from outside that culture).
Learn more about the Cheyenne people here:
The complex is not open to the general public, but you can visit Cheyenne Mountain State Park if you're feeling nostalgic for the beautiful landscape of the earliest sequences of Horizon Zero Dawn.
Bonus "Personal Touch" Tour Guide Anecdote
My favorite thing about this location is how quickly my mom (not a gamer, but a Stargate fan and a word nerd) put it together when I told her this post-post-apocalyptic people group made their home atop a bunker in a mountain and were called the NORA.
1968 Public Domain Photo
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superiorsturgeon · 9 months
Pyrrha: Nora, I don’t think you’re thinking clearly. You’re clearly going through some serious pregnancy brain!
Jaune: Yeah, your brain is stewing in a soup of wild hormones!
Nora: Oh, please! I’ve moved on from pregnancy brain! Now I’m up to weird sex dreams!
Nora: *salutes* …officer Arkos…! 😉 😘
Jaune/Pyrrha: *uncomfortable*
Ren: *turns page of his magazine* Count your blessings. It gets WAY weirder than that when you’re not around.
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asknessnfam · 22 days
buzz and everdred are dead ringers, but is nora named after anyone?
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Nora: Momma?
Paula: All that matters is that it was a good show and I found the name beautiful.
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ftl-faster-than-life · 6 months
”We need more men carrying on their mother’s legacy—“
Barry. That’s Barry. Barry Allen is Nora Allen’s legacy.
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blackhakumen · 21 days
Mini Fanfic #1202: A Day Spent With His Three Moms and Aunt (RWBY)
1:37 p.m. in the Country Side of Mistral.........
As the gang make their way to Oscar's Aunt's farm on foot, Nora has been staring, pouting, and grumbling at Oscar right next to her for a quite some time now, all while Pyrrha is trying her best to contain her giggling on one side and Glynda is pinching the bridge of her nose on the other.
Oscar: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright. I'll bite. (Turns to His Thunder Mom) What's wrong?
Nora: Your height. You're about to be taller than me soon~
Oscar: Wait. Really? (Uses his Hand Sideways and Moves it Towards Nora's Forehead and Back to His) Hm. So I am......... (Smiles a Bit) Neat.
Nora: NO! This is not neat at all! (Starts Giving Oscar the Very Sad Puppy Dog Eyes) That's the sign of you going one of the many steps forward to adulthood and I hate it!~
Oscar: Well, it's not like there's anything for me to do to stop it! (Instantly Stops Nora From Saying Another Word) Don't even get any bright ideas!
Pyrrha: (Starts Swaying her Hips Around in a Shy Manner) Are you positive that there's no way around this?~ (Forms a Sad Puppy Dog Look of her Own) This isn't fair at all!~
Oscar: (Turns to Pyrrha) I've never been more sure in my entire life, Pyrrha. And life itself was never fair begin with.
Glynda: Oscar is right. We are all bound to grow older eventually. So there's really no used to delay the inevitable.
Oscar: See? Ms. Goodwitch gets it!
Glynda: That being said..........
Oscar: Huh? (Turns to Glynda With a Deadpinned Look on his Face)
Glynda: (Wipes a Single Tear Away From her Eyes in a Bit of a Dramatic Fashion) It would be a very sad day indeed, when you become an adult and we will cease to spoil you rotten anymore~
Nora/Pyrrha: (Tearfully Nodded in Agreement)
Oscar: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) You guys are unbelievably impossible sometimes........Even if I do grow older in a few more years, that doesn't mean I won't ever come to either of you for any help, advice, or company. (Smiles a Little) You're still my family through and through, that won't ever-woah! (Suddenly Gets Pulled into a Motherly Group Hug) change.
Nora/Pyrrha/Glynda: We love you, Oscar!~
Oscar: ('Sigh') Yeah, yeah (Hugs Three of his Moms Back) I love you guys too.
Pyrrha: (Notices Something Up Above Her abd the Others) Oscar, is this the place you're looking for? (Points Oscar to a Written Sign thay Says "Welcome to the "Pines' Countryside Farm")
Oscar: (Looks Up at the Sign in Question) Yup. It's my old home alright. (Looks Over at the Farm in the Mid Distance) Looks a little more fixed up than the last time I saw it. (Walks Over to the Farm Along with The Others)
Glynda: I can't seem to recall a time that I ever step foot to a farm until now.
Nora: You and me both, teach. (Places her Hands on Both her Hips) I wonder how many cute little farm critters you folks got in this lovely establishment. Cows, chickens, piggies, goats, horses- ('Gasps') Ponies!~ (Turns to Oscar With Excitement in Her Eyes) Please, please, pleeeeeease tell me you guys those percious little fillies here!~
Oscar: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Yeeeeah....Hate to be the barrier of bad news, Nora, but we don't....really own any animals here, at least from what I remembered.
Nora: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) Seriously!? Like.....NONE at all!? But I thought this is a farm!
Oscar: It is! A crops only farm.
Glynda: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) With no animals in sight?
Oscar: Yeah. I mean, granted, we have watched over a few of our neighbors' animals on some occasions, but other than that, this has been a free animal zone for years now.
Nora: (Snaps her Finger Before Pouting in Disappointment) Dangit! I really wanted to see those ponies again.....
Pyrrha: (Smiles Sheepishly) She looked after a few of them at the Becon Fair in the past and has been in love with them ever since.
Oscar: Your academy had a fair event once?
Glynda: (Simply Nodded) In distant history we did. (Rolls her Eyes in Annoyance) Other than all the times I got dunked inside that blasted tank, it still turned out to be a decent event all things considered. Perhaps we can go to one in town later on this evening?
Nora: (Puts on a More Pumped Up Grin on her Face) YEEES!
Pyrrha: (Smiles Brightly) That sounds like a lovely idea!~
Oscar: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Yeah, I'm down. (Pulls his Scroll Out of his Pocket) 'Positive my aunt would like to go too if I could finally get a hold to her.
Pyrrha: She still hasn't answered your calls yet?
Oscar: ('Sigh') No, not yet. But knowing her, she's probably out at the market, picking up groceries as we speak
??????: Or maybe your darlin' aunt is hidin' right BEHIND YA!~
Oscar suddenly gets picked up and hugged from behind as turns around to see an older woman grinning at him with long, curly hair, and more freckles on her face than he has on his.
Oscar: (Chuckles Lightly, Instantly Recognizes The Woman Hugging Him) Aunt Em, you're here!~
Em: In the flesh, sugar!~ Look at you! So big, cute and handsome lookin!~ I knew my charms would rub off on ya eventually!~ (Gives her Nephew a Big Kiss on the Cheek Before Putting Back Down on his Feet) Hope you're huntsman career been doin' ypu well these days.
Oscar: It has more or less. (Introduces Em to His Three Mother Figures) I wanna introduce you to Nora, Pyrrha, Glynda, the three of the many ladies in my life oddly enough. Guys, this is my aunt, Emilia Dee Pines, the woman who practically raised me under this farm throughout my childhood.
Nora: (Forms a Bright Smile Along with Pyrrha) Hi!~
Pyrrha: (Happily Waves Hello) Hello!~
Glynda: (Properly Bows her Head to Em) It's a pleasure to finally meet you, ma'am.
Em: (Smiles Brightly at the Three Ladies) Likewise!~ I can't thank y'all ladies and your friends kindly enough for looking after this rascal for after all this time. (Starts Playfully Ruffling Up Oscar's Hair)
Oscar: (Chuckles Ticklishly by the Hair Ruffling) Seriously?~ I'm way more of a saint compared to you! Need I remind you of all the dumb pranks you've pulled in the morning?
Em: (Giggles Softly) Oho hush up, half pint!~ (Pulls Oscar into a One Armed Hugs) You love those dumb pranks as much as I did, so I know you ain't half as innocent you think you are!~ (Fprms Sly Smirk on her Face) Which reminds me.....Ladies, let's say we share a few family photos inside house. My treat~
Oscar: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Oh no.
Later Seconds Later in the Pines' Household.......
Nora/Pyrrha: OH MY GOOOOOOOOSH!~ (Eyes Sparkling in Pure Delight and Glee at All of Oscar's Baby Pictures Shown to Them by the Smirking Auntie)
Pyrrha: He looks so squish and precious I wanna kiss, hug, and eat him up!~
Em: (Chuckles Lightly) You and me both, hun~ That boy was the cutest little button this family has offer. (Turns to Oscar Sitting Next to Glynda, Sulking in Embarrassment in the Other Side of the Room) Heck, if you ask me, I think he's still as much of a cutie-pie as he ever was growing up~
Pyrrha: (Smiles Brightly at Em) Oh you have no idea how right you are, Mrs. Pines!~
Nora: He can try and deny all he wants, but our baby's cuteness is a true blessing in disguise~
Em: I know that's right!~ And please, Mrs Pines' my grandmother's name. (Continues Talking to the Two Huntresses)
Oscar: (Covering His Face Up in Pure Embarrassment) This.....is a complete nightmare....Or at least I hope it's a dream. (Turns To Glynda Sitting Right Next to Him) Please tell me this is all some convulted dream we're in.
Glynda: No, I believe this is very much real life. No need for me pinch you in anyway.
Oscar: (Lightly Pinches Himself Before Feeling Immense Disappointment) Dangit. Could you at least put me out of my misery then? Quick and painless?
Glynda: (Gasps Before Giving Oscar her Motherly Glare) I will do no such thing! You, of all people, should know that I love you far too much to bring any harm upon you.
Oscar: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah, you're right.....It's not like things could get worse for me down the line-
Em: So you're sayin' this Printing Shop in the city could print out copies of these pictures here?
Oscar's eyes shot up in pure fear and disbelief by the other ladies' conversation in question.
Pyrrha: As much as you want~
Nora: In many sizes too~ Ooh these pictures are so precious I can't decide which ones are my absolute favorite!~
Pyrrha: Me neither!~ Though, I do wonder what our friends and family back home will think if they see them right now.
One of Oscar's eyes starts to twich rapidly as he continues listening.
Nora: Why wait when we can them the pictures right now!~ Starting with Ruby-
Oscar: (Immediately Gets Up From his Seat) Nora, don't you DARE!-
Em: OSCAR! Quit all that hootin' and hollerin' in there and let your Thunder Momma send pictures to your friends!
Oscar: But-
Em: Now, mister!
Oscar: ('Sighs in Utter Defeat') Yes, ma'am.....
Oscar slouches himself back down on his seat and lay the side of his head onto Glynda's lap, groaning in even more annoyance and defeat.
Ozpin's former assistant giggles softly as she gently ruffles the top of Oscar's hair before suddenly taking notice of an old picture frame sitting on a wooden table right next to them, containing a photo of married couple, smiling together in arms.
Glynda: Say, Oscar. (Picks Up Picture Frame From the Table) Who are this couple in the photo here?
Oscar: Huh? (Takes a Look at the Picture Glynda is Showing Her) Oh! (Smiles a Bit) That there is a picture is my parents: Edgar and Annabelle Pines. They helped Aunt Em and my grandparents to look after and shape this farm to what it is today. Or- (Frowns a Bit Sadly) At....least they used to anyways.
Glynda: Used to?
Oscar: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking as He Got his Head Up From Glynda's Lap) Okay, so, years ago, when I was 3 or 4, a group of wild Grimms attack our home in the middle of the night. While was I hiding in the bunker, they risked their lives to fight them off with Aunt Em and everyone of our neighbors pitching in for the assist. They succeeded in the end, but once they made it inside the bunker hours later.....Aunt Em told me they were.....killed during the attack ong with a few others. We mourned our losses the morning after.
Glynda: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock and Sadness by Oscar's Story) Oh no......Oscar, I'm so sorry. (Gives Oscar a Gently, Loving Hug) You and your aunt having my deepest condolences.
Oscar: (Hugs Glynda Back) Thank you, Ms. Good- Glynda. It was sad time for the two of us to endure together, but it didn't get us down forever. We continued to look after this farm as normal, just like mom and dad would've wanted I think. (Starts Rubbing his Arm a Bit) That is.....until Ozpin came to the picture and got me to leave here years later, rest was history by then.
??: Yup!
The duo turns to see the rest of the ladies joining in on the conversation in hand.
Em: Though, I do hope you're not in here mopin' and blamin' yourself for leavin'
Oscar: What? O-Of course not! I would ne-
Pyrrha/Nora: (Gives Oscar Motherly Glares Along with Em) Oscar.
Glynda: (Turns to Oscar With a More Soften Look) Be honest.
Oscar: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay. So maybe I do blame myself for leaving that day. We've been watching over this farm for years now and I just up and left you without a single goodbye.
Em: Yeah, but at least you written a letter to me before you left, which I still have in my bedroom dresser safe n' sound.
Oscar: ('Sighs in Relief') That's good. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) I still wouldn't blame you if you were at least a bit upset about all of this in general.
Em: ('Sigh') Well, I'd be lyin' if say that I didn't feel some kind of way during that time, but I knew there were more for you to experience and make a name for yourself out there in the real world. So I eventually accepted that and continue working on the farm like normal, with some help from our distant relatives of course.
Oscar: Oh yeah. You told me about them the last time I visited here. Where are they anyways?
Em: Back home for now. They'll probably come back here first thing tomorrow morning to help with the barn's roof outside. Other than that, I'm doing a lot better these days, darlin'. Even more so now that I know that you're out there living the best life for yourself with the people you love. (Raises an Eyebrow) Or at least I hope you are.
Oscar: (Smiles Softly) Don't worry, Aunt Em. I'm doing just fine.
Nora: (Gives the Older Woman a Serious Yet Reassuring Look on her Face) And we promise you that we will continue to do everything in our power to keep your nephew safe and happy.
Glynda: As well provide him with the upmost love and care he very much deserves.
Pyrrha: (Smiles Softly) As Mother Figures, if that's okay with you of course.
Em: (Chuckles Lightly) Oh shuck, y'all!~ It's more than okay. I can tell just by lookin' at you three that you're good people. Can't wait to meet more of your friends and new family soon, Oscar. (Starts Smirking Playfully) 'Specially that Ruby girl you've been mighty pinin' over~
Oscar: (Facepalms Himself in Disbelief) Oh my God, did you just made a pun just now!?
Em: Ya goddamn right I did!~ (Proudly Crosses her Arm) I ain't apologizing worth squat either.
Oscar: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) You and Yang will get along just fine......(Smiles Softly at his Aunt) But seriously though, thank you raising up until now and having faith in me this whole time. (Turns to His Mother Figures Next) And I wanna thank you guys for stepping up and being the mom figures I never thought I ever wanted up until now. You all become one of my heroes for a long time now and....I honestly wouldn't shape up to be the person I am if it weren't for all of you. So once again and last time I'msaying this, but..... thank you.
Em: (Eyes Already Starting To Water) ('Sniff') You're always welcome.....('Sniff') Sweetie-Pie~
Pyrrha: (Giggles Softly While Tearing Up Herself) That's our baby!~ ('Sniff') Always finding a way to brighten up our day and touch our hearts with his words
Glynda: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Indeed. ('Sniff') (Wiping a Single Tear From Her Facs) I believe this calls for a special gesture in hand, yes.
Oscar: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Special Gestur-
The ladies instantly pulls Oscar into a very loving group hug.
Oscar: Oh. Right. Should've known this would lead to this.
Em: Yup!~ Abd I think it would nice to take a group picture or two for the open road.
Oscar: ('Sighs Heavily') Do we have to?
Moms/Em: OSCAR!~
Nora: (Gives Oscar the Puppy Dog Eyes Again) PLEEEEEEASE!?~
Oscar: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright, alright, fine. Let's get this over with...I..
Nora: (Happily Squeals Before Giving Oscar a Big Kiss on the Cheek and Taking het Scroll Out and Pointing it Right In Front of Her and the Gang) Okay, switch to viewer side and....got it! Allllrightly gang, say.....Cute Boi Oz!~
Everyone: CUTE BOY OZ!!~
Oscar: Wait, what?-
The group picture was then sent to everyone of Oscar and co's friends and family, starting with Ruby. It made her happy to not see her boyfriend continuously receiving all the love and care after everything he's been through in the past, but to also see his aunt is excited to see her and the rest of their friends soon in the near future as the words "Auntie Em Says Hi!~" is written at the bottom of the photo.
It wasn't a second later however, when she starts gushing over once all the baby pictures that was also sent to her after that.....and then forms the most biggest, mischievous grin she has ever made imaginable.........Yeah, she is going to tease the ever living hell out of her precious farm boi the next time she sees him.
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coldinpantsreboot · 3 months
It's not the first time I've thought of the idea where Barry somehow finds himself in another multiverse where there's also a Barry Allen, but he's not an orphan, his parents are alive. And in that universe some cataclysm happens, maybe it brought our Barry to that Earth. And in that cataclysm, the other Barry dies in the arms of his mother, Nora. And our Barry can't do anything but watch what is very similar to his story, but seems many times worse and not right, because it's always horrible when you bury your child. And Nora looks at our Barry, sees him as a reflection of her own son. A son without a mother and a mother without a son. Maybe they can find peace in each other's arms, but it will still only be a copy of the people they loved.
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Ocean Vuong // Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong
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