#That's her big brother that's her hero who saved her life and he's OKAY. He SURVIVED. And he's saving her again LET THEM HUG
hamartia-grander · 10 months
Will always be devastated Leon and Ashley didn't hug after the Saddler boss fight. I mean they literally ran to each other as if they'd hug. Is it so outrageous for me to wish for more found family affection or what
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thecuriousquest · 9 months
Hi there 🥺 i am really happy that you write for (Toya-nii) coz thats what i live for these days 🥺🤧🤧. Can I request a scenario with yandere pro hero old bro!Toya nii with quirckless little sis. Lets say that due to the fact that she is quirckless she always preisoned at home and can't go out without one of her hero brothers. Its dangerous out there 🥺 but enough is enough. She isnt a child anymore (how long those stupid adults will treat 18 yo as a small kid 🤐) so she decided to escape. But she ended up meeting a low rank villain who was able to hurt her just for money which she didnt even have 🤦‍♀️ so she sent a (S.O.S) text to Toya-Nii who never thought in his life his little sis will even send one (it is a precession he taught her since young age just in case 🥺) and he was there in a minute (he can track her phone which also something he never thought he will ever do 🥺). Arriving on the scene, he took matters on hands ofc. No word being said. Nothing can describe his rage but he didn't cause a scene, saving it to home after a hospital visit and full check up. At home he was about to say the most brutal words he ever said to her but he couldnt when she cried first. He reminded himself that he is immune to it, or he thought untill saw her face, ugly crying her heart out like 5 yo while talking between her sniffs about how scary the world is and how frightened she is 🥺. I will let you decide how to end this and how will Toya-nii deal with her crying like this 🥺🤧..
My Big Brother, My Hero
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs
Warnings: Platonic yandere themes, minor violence, injured reader, overprotective Touya, Touya is a pro hero in this one, might be kinda long
Checkout my Master List here.
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It all started the day you were born. By the age of five, you became self-aware of your predicament. You have no quirk, but it was somehow okay. Your family members didn’t say anything to mock you or make you feel unworthy of being alive.
By age ten, you started noticing that you couldn’t go anywhere if you didn’t have one of your older brothers with you. Your father would especially send you out with your pro hero older brother, Touya. Shoto was always a close second seeing as how he’s more powerful than Natsuo.
At fifteen years old, you were fucking irritated with how the family continued to treat you like a little baby. You couldn’t seem to escape it. Your entire family thought you were incapable of taking care of yourself. This was the age where Touya sat you down and explained to you that if you ever needed him and he wasn’t there, just text SOS, and he’ll be there to help you. You rolled your eyes at him and huffed a “thanks”.
Now, here you are at eighteen years old, and you are about to show your family just how capable you really are when faced with the world.
It breaks your heart as you make your way to the Bullet Train to get far away from your family. You even shed a tear as you find your seat. Looking out the window, you think of how you’ll miss Natsuo’s caring hands and gentle words, Fuyumi’s after school snacks and hugs, Shoto being a constant pillar of strength and support in your life, and Touya’s annoying tendencies and protectiveness. You won’t miss Enji or Rei’s controlling grip, though.
The ride is very fast, and you start to get an eerie sense. As you look around, there’s only a few people on the train.
Someone comes up beside you. They grab you by the back of your jacket before slamming your cheek into the window. Panicking, you try to look at who is assaulting you, but all you can see is blue skin and a trench coat.
A sob hitches in your throat at the realization of not having a quirk. You can’t do anything. There’s no way of escaping this on your own.
There’s a pause before you find yourself hefted into the air by strong hands which throw you onto the ground. You land on your shoulder, and a sickening crack fills your ear. A horrible pain wrenches through your entire arm, twisting and turning in your gut. Your head feels fuzzy, and you can hear someone screaming in pain from a distance. It dawns on you that you’re the one crying.
The villain above you with the blue skin rummages through your backpack, looking for something worthy of taking. As you look at him, something pops in your brain. SOS.
With your arm that isn’t in an excruciating amount of pain, you take your phone out of your pocket and send the text to Touya. You pray that he isn’t sleeping.
Please, please, don’t let him be asleep.
You curl up in a ball as passengers cower in their seats, giving their valuables and money to the thief as he goes from person to person. An explosion sounds to your left, and you wince from the vibrations in your arm.
Things are looking hazy again. You try to keep your wits about you, trying to keep your eyes open. You can only keep your lids open about halfway as you see someone step in through the side of the train where a chunk of the train’s wall has just been blown off.
The familiar white hair, burn scars, and piercings bring tears to your eyes again. “Touya…”
All you see are blue flames before everything goes black.
You wake up in an ambulance. Touya says nothing to you. His only way of speaking is through the gentle squeeze of your hand. After the hospital visit, you’re released with a sling on your arm. Your shoulder and two bones in your arm are broken, but to Touya, you got off easy.
Still, nothing is said the entire way home. What could you say to him?
Sorry I snuck out. Won’t happen again.
Don’t be angry with me for waking you up in the middle of the night even though you barely get any sleep as a hero.
Thanks for saving me even though I was supposed to be asleep in my bed at home.
There’s nothing you could say to make the situation any better.
You have no idea what’s going through Touya’s mind. Knowing him, he’s probably cursing up a storm in there. He might even be considering how to punish you. That thought really scares you.
Standing in your bedroom with him, you watch him close the door. He turns to you with fury written across his features. His brows are furrowed, and he looks like he’s about to start snarling at you.
You can’t take it. You simply cannot, and you break down in front of him. Your cry is so ugly. It always has been. You’ve never been able to help the fact that you cry like a five year old.
Touya watches your face twist up in anguish, and then the waterworks begin. You latch onto his coat, looking up at him with tears rolling from your eyes and snot dripping from your nose.
“I-I’m s-s-so s-sor-ry T-Touya!”
He can barely understand you, but his heart begins to soften as he takes in everything that must be going through your head. He can put the lecture off to the side. For now, however, he needs to be your big brother.
Leading you to the bed, he has you sit down next to him. He puts an arm around you, tugging you into his side as he comforts you until you’re left sniveling into his coat.
“It was awful! He hurt me so badly, Touya-nii! My cheek hurts, and my arm hurts even worse! I don’t ever want to go outside again. Please, I’m so sorry. Please, forgive me?!”
Overwhelmed, you begin to work yourself up again the more you talk about it. Touya rubs your back. He thought he was resistant to your crying, immune even. However, here he is, holding back on giving you an earful just so he can calm you down.
It works much to his surprise. The circles he rubs into your back help comfort you. For a second time, you’re reduced to sniffles as you lean into his side. You feel exhaustion carry over you, but you don’t want to go to sleep.
You want your nii-chan to stay with you until you feel a lot better. If he leaves, you might start crying again. You don’t want that. Your nii-chan has to stay with you!
“Please, don’t leave,” you request with a solemn voice.
“Alright. I won’t leave. Don’t worry. Your big bro is here. He’s got you. You’re gonna be okay, kiddo.”
Kiddo. Normally, you’d hate that nickname. It always gave you the feeling that he saw you as nothing but a snot nosed brat. This time, the nickname feels different. It’s familiar, and it does make you feel like you’re going to be okay.
Yes, the brutal scolding can wait for tomorrow. For now, Touya needs to take care of you.
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batneko · 1 year
Okay, bowuigi soulmate AU on the suggestion of @scribeprotra
(sorry not sorry it came out angsty)
Though most people in the world of the Mushroom Kingdom speak English, they use a different alphabet from the "real" world, so for most of his life Luigi has had no idea what the first thing his soulmate was going to say to him was. He and Mario both looked, for years, but never found anything that looked like the letters on the back of Luigi's hand. Eventually Luigi just resigned himself to being alone for the rest of his life.
(Mario doesn't have a soulmate, which is not uncommon in this universe. It's not really a big deal and people without soulmates follow what we'd consider a more "normal" pattern of dating. Luigi doesn't know, but Mario made the decision to put romance on the back burner so he could support his brother.)
Then they fell into a warp pipe and landed in a world where they could understand everyone, but not read the signs. Luckily Princess Peach is the kind of person she is, and took it upon herself to help them settle in and look for a way home. On one excursion she ends up kidnapped, and Mario decides since she was only out there because of them, it's their responsibility to save her!
It all leads to Mario and Luigi in Bowser's castle, and though Luigi was reluctant to fight a giant fire-breathing turtle dragon, when he sees his brother in trouble he chucks a loose brick at Bowser's head and shouts "Hey! Big guy!"
Bowser turns around, sees a figure with a moustache and a stupid hat, and roars "YOU!" before realizing there's two of them.
They rescue the princess, they're celebrated as heroes, and Luigi and Bowser both more or less forget they spoke at all (Bowser more, Luigi less).
Years pass, including a lot more fights, a few team-ups, and eventually the agreement to try a few friendly competitions to keep things civil. When Luigi discovered his soulmate mark was the local alphabet he was excited, at first, but he's already used to disappointment and he's conflicted about the exact word. Is it angry? Surprised? What if he's doomed to get off on the wrong foot with the person who's supposed to be his partner?
Then one day, at one of those friendly sporting competitions with Bowser and his team, Bowser spots Luigi making a note to himself and suddenly grabs him.
"What's that?"
"What's what?"
"What you're writing. Where did you learn that?"
"It's just how we wrote back where Mario and I grew up, it doesn't mean anything bad."
Bowser suddenly rips the collar off his throat and points at the writing there. "What does this say?"
It says Hey! Big guy! And though Luigi can't be certain (it's been YEARS) he has a horrible horrible feeling that the exchange between his soulmate words and Bowser's is very familiar.
Bowser seems completely oblivious to any of this and just starts asking Luigi where he's from and how to get there. Luigi doesn't even realize why Bowser is asking until he says "I don't know how to get back, Mario and I decided to stay here," and Bowser does NOT like that answer. Luigi can't bring himself to say what he's thinking. Maybe it's not true? Maybe Bowser is right and his soulmate is still waiting for him in Brooklyn?
Bowser talks to Peach after the match is over and says he's sorry but he's finally got a chance to find his real soulmate and he's going to have to end their flirtation. Peach, ever the diplomat, says she understands.
Time passes. Bowser is doing research on his own on how to cross between worlds. But for some reason he keeps coming by and asking Luigi about it. He says it's just to make things easier once he gets there, but after a while they start talking about other things. They start to become something like friends.
One day Bowser mentions how much it hurts to hope after all this time. About how he'd resigned himself to being alone for the rest of his life. Luigi almost confesses then, but he's afraid of how furious Bowser will be knowing that Luigi hid it from him all this time. How can he admit he didn't tell Bowser straight away because he didn't want him?
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eerna · 16 days
eerna what's going on in s3 bridgerton your posts and answers making me scared to watch on my life lmao
pls don't hate me, Colin lovers, but I was told by a friend who read the series that he's more fun and chill in the books and also i just....find Polin from even s1 is kinda uhhhhh?awkward?? cuz he's kind of unnecessarily serious and so not chill in the previous seasons?? maybe i don't see his appeal because I'm no Penny but i do not see his appeal in the show
so rn i haven't even watched it and seeing your posts is making me moreeeeeee 😶‍🌫️ it's okay give us the cringey details
Nsbysbbsb NO WORRIES!!! I have a weirdly big amount to say about this show bc I am no longer suffering as much as I did in s1 and 2. Prepare for an essay on my feelings on Polin and thank you for enabling me.
Ok so Colin. Not saying your friend is wrong bc I didn't read the book, but p much everyone I saw talking about it said Colin was very angry and aggressive in it, and for NO REASON since he's supposed to be the "calm brother". I'm glad that the show let him get upset, but never the way he was in the books/Anthony was in s2, where I legit worried about Kate's safety sometimes. Colin was my fav Bridgerton brother bc he was totally different from all the other men on the show, calm and silly and romantic.
Thar being said!!! I never ever thought of him as a GOOD love interest, and s3 only made it worse. First off, yeah, s1 and 2 do NOT show him and Pen as friends nearly enough to warrant the speed of their connection in s3. I blocked s2 from my memory bc I hated it So Damn Much so I can't 100% stand behind my words, but I don't really remember many friendly scenes with the two of them that didn't feel like he was just entertaining his sister's bestie? I remember he once danced with her, and he sent her letters from his travels, and that's it. Then in s3 we are supposed to believe Pen knows him soooo well, she sees through his tricks when no one else does, he can't stand losing her friendship when she stops talking to him. How, when the impression I got from their relationship was "oh she is clearly silly in love and he doesn't care about her enough to notice"!!!
And s3... Oh boy. Colin gets his "glowup" and becomes a rake bc Bridgerton writers would probably spontaneously combust if they wrote a virgin male lead. We see him flirt and smash other women and it is always so so so awkward. I've seen people trying to rationalize it as "Oh he is supposed to be pretending, oh we are supposed to find it cringe" but NO, he is objectified the exact same way Simon and Anthony were, and we as the audience are supposes to think it is sexy. To be fair, Pen finds it concerning but I think that has more to do with the amount of silly, vapid women constantly swarming around him. So now we are even FURTHER away from seeing any reasons why the two of them would be friends. And then we get hit with the "Colin teaches Pen how to find a husband" plot, and oh my god it is so bad, IT IS SO BAD, they have like 2 lessons across 1 episode before they are busted and stop and he literally taught her NOTHING she IGNORED HIS ADVICE AND FIGURED IT OUT BY HERSELF but everyone treats him like a war hero for taking one for the team and teaching the poor unlikeable social reject how to act. We also have the stupid scene where she is criyng begging him to kiss her because she is convinced otherwise she would die without being kissed, and he is trying to elegantly avoid it, and oh my god, I hated this, it is framed as cute and romantic but it is so uncomfortable and bad. AAAAAAAA. Anyway. Then there is this hilariously horrible incident where he saves her from a feral balloon, and if you are wondering wtf am I talking about, its because it is really bad and written like a Scary Movie slasher scene. There are exactly 3 moments that I liked, and ALL of them were bc Colin seemed very lost and desperate. First was when Pen told him they should stay away from each other after the scandal of them hanging out came out (which I liked bc if it were any other girl, some unhinged character would force them to marry, but since it was Pen they were like "Well obviously it's true there was nothing untowards happening it is just cringe haha loserrr"), and he looked like he stopped comprehending English. The second was when he was confessing his feelings, he got on his knees and looked like he was about to cry and I thought that was sweet! Well, he did mention torture which is a very ugly word to use in such a speech, but whatever. The third was after the Infamous Carriage Scene when he says something silly and the two giggle together and I was like PLEASE WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY IN S1 AND 2!!
And may I just say!! The actual Bridgerton Glowup one was PEN and NOT COLIN. In s1 and 2 you could tell she was pretty, but in s3 they made her so damn beautiful that my friends and I would go "Oh wow" several times per episode. And it's not only the clothes, they would put her in rooms where she pops out and sparkles and frame her in shots just perfectly. Idk why they only gave her 1 alternate love interest and then shot her Like That, there should have been at LEAST one more guy following in Debling's trail. Now she's the hot one in the relationship so I can't buy her desperation for Colin's approval or society's perception of Colin as a charity in any way.
With all that said. I think this is the best season of Bridgerton proper. It still isn't something I'd enjoy unironically, but at least it is neither a horrible age gap dynamic feat. SA nor a horrible disgusting juggling of sisters feat. murderer vibes. The only thing I'd say is worse than it used to be is the clothes, which are slowly creeping towards The Reign level of ahistorical and bad.
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connecting-the-stars · 2 months
That did hurt. I am hurt. WHY does the season 2 end like THAT!?
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As someone who’s in a late crowd, I would be so seething in anger at the amount of time that’d I’d have to wait for all the shit to be solved in the next season. It really leaves such a dreadful note and kinda definitely depressing.
I’m over here like - yeah I know My Main Man Tech is gonna “kick the bucket” but I’ll be fine - I AM NOT FINE!
Bruh him sacrificing himself, Wrecker refusing to let him go, Omega being injured to have to remember his fall all over again, everyone is Big Sad and then Omega refuses to follow orders and tries to save Hunter and Wrecker to then have her be taken anyway! And Crosshair just lying unresponsive! It’s 28 minutes… My life was ruined in that span.
It’s definitely giving fighting a losing battle. Man, that was not an easy watch, everything just crumbles around them just as hunter has decided to go through with the plan to retire at Pabu too! It’s defeating in every sense of the word, but Star Wars is about hope persevering - (S3 please give me hope in the end!)
Seeing Cid have this regret about herself and I’m like “shut it! SHUT IT!” I guess it’s fine to show characters have remorse but she’s pouting as if the situation isn’t entirely her fault.
Seeing Wrecker in that neck brace and on his knees surrounded by the soldiers - my heart like sunk. The writers went after the character thats always been shown to overcome overwhelming amounts of soldiers and this time he can’t.
- I’ve seen some perspectives that point out that going on this mission to place a tracker on Hemlock’s ship was mute, like it was an excuse to give Tech his Hero Moment and kill him. But I don’t want to believe that the writers who put so much emphasis on his growth this season would make this his end. In the end, his actions prove Omega’s initial misassumptions wrong. “Doesn’t act like he cares.” He down write was the one to double check if crosshair was actually a prisoner, he fully supported the plan of getting his brother out. He reminds Hunter that Crosshair is still their brother, he has shown his care for Omega, and his growing connection to Phee - improving in places where his wealth of knowledge does not support him. I know the mission failed, that hemlock’s ship was never tracked and Crosshair is still very much a prisoner, but I don’t think it’s in vain. At least to me, his death almost certainly feels not permanent.
- Hemlock looks for Tech’s body and retrieves his shattered goggles, uses them as a tool to force Hunter to bend his knee. Use this emotional leverage to make hunter doubt himself and increase the fear of losing another brother. This ploy turns my head because hemlock has been shown to be quite determined and unshakable in his quest for completing his project for palpatine, of course he wants to capture Omega at any means, but he is also working with his unsightly experiments. The adult sized green tubes that held all sorts of people when Omega found Crosshair. I don’t find it hard to believe that he knew exactly how to pressure the bad batch in order to get them to surrender and he took a gravely injured Tech as his latest project. The head scientist in charge of this doomsday-esc lab facility on the planet that can’t be found, the scientist that brought back the Zillo Beast. He’s the one who seems to eventually be able to create clones with enough M-count for the emperor. If he got his hands on a member of a genetically enhanced clone group, it’s like a holiday present, of course he’d take them as another tool in his arsenal to ensure his mission and impose his control over the clones.
Also it was uncalled for when they played “when do we ever follow orders” his last words to open the recap of season 2 for season 3. (This literally made me have some inhuman miserable noise escape me)
(Many have pin pointed this behavior and I agree) But this also give me pause because the bad batch DOESNT follow orders! Who else doesnt follow orders well? >:D
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 2 months
Hi!! Could I get some hcs of The 03 turtle boys with a gender neutral friend reader who’s a news reporter like older versions of April is, where the reader vaguely hints at oh I think Casey’s kinda cute so the turtles decide they gotta play wingman to their friends….!!
Thank you so dearly if you do end up writing some hcs for this scenario 💜
Okay I’m just gonna say, I love this and also I love that there are other people who like Casey LMAO (I love that giant ass himbo.)
Your Faithful Wingmen!
🖤🏒2003 Casey x Reader🥅💀
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Word Count: 895
CW: gender-neutral reader, platonic relationship w/ the turtles, more fluffy and silly. Also BOOM, instead of headcanons, I figured why not do a whole fanfic of it, maybe sometime in the future I could make a part 2 to this, but I’ll save that for when proper motivation returns to me 😭
Being a News Reporter with big dreams, you were always looking for something new, something BIG that could rocket you into public recognition; and it was hard. You were just a local News Reporter doing smaller jobs, and it frustrated the hell out of you, understandably enough. Though it was a terrible idea to start looking into some serious stuff that not many covered, such as these break-ins and fights going on with mutants and these weird ninjas…
Going to investigate one night led you to being captured by the Foot Clan, and you certainly thought you weren’t gonna make it out. Luckily, you were proven wrong when four mutant turtles and a guy in a hockey mask saved you. Once everything cleared, your life changed forever, for the better of course.
Meeting the turtles, Casey, April and Splinter was probably the best thing that ever happened to you, not only that, doing a small News Report on ‘Mysterious Heroes’ definitely got you recognized, though some people thought you were crazy, most were definitely intrigued. 5 mysterious men in the night fighting ninjas? In New York? Things had gotten interesting.
After finally being skyrocketed, your private life has gotten more entertaining. Four mutant turtles as your friends? That’s sick! They were all fun to hang out with and they all had their own thing going for them, like Leo, the leader in blue trying to keep his brothers out of trouble, Raph, a turtle with major anger issues but has a soft heart, Donnie being a literal tech genius and a mechanic, and then there’s Mikey who was just the definition of chaotic good, the dude was crazy! April, she was a smart woman, and she was also easy to talk to, and you always felt comfortable with her. Splinter was like a father to you, and he had definitely helped you when you had some mental struggles… And then there was Casey. Oh, Casey was stupid and stubborn, but he had a good heart, and for some reason, this HIMBO, he ended up making your heart flutter and your face red. Somehow, this man, the man you sometimes bumped heads with and drove you up the wall, was the one that made you feel this way.
To say that nobody noticed was a lie, and guess who the first one was to notice? Yup, Raph. He was the one to notice that you were crushing on his good ole pal, Casey Jones, and was he gonna keep it to himself? Well, actually yeah, he was planning on it, until Mikey himself realized and went and told just about everyone, he’s a bit of a blabber mouth. Luckily, the turtles stopped him before he could go and tell Casey, and instead, Donnie suggested an idea…
Why not set up a blind date? Leo at first wanted to stay out of it, but with the continuous pestering, he finally gave in. Donnie was the one to devise the plan, Mikey and Raph would be the ones to bring you and Casey on this blind date, while Donnie and Leo worked on getting some hockey game tickets… Was a hockey game really the most romantic date? No. But would it bring Casey in? Absolutely.
And so they got to work, Leo and Donnie got the tickets, and Mikey got you, informing you that you were going on a blind date, and Raph dragging Casey, telling him he had a hot date at the hockey game. When you finally met up with your blind date, you were certainly shell-shocked when you realized it was Casey, and Casey, surprised you were his date.
Being given the tickets, the turtles wished you off as you and Casey would head off together to this game, albeit, you were an awkward and nervous mess while Casey was cheering for this game…
The turtles were certainly hoping for the best, and they were excited when Casey slung an arm around your shoulders and led you into the place to watch the game.
Internally, you were flustered, but happy, and Casey was the one to start up the conversation. “So… The turtles set us up on a date.” He starts, “Do you think they were just matchmaking or?” He glanced down at you, curiously, and you thought to yourself, ‘Well, I never told them that I liked Casey, but maybe they noticed? Or maybe Casey’s right…’ you looked back up at him, “Maybe? Either way, I’m not complaining.” Casey looked a little surprised, but smirked soon after, “You saying you like me, sweetheart?” Your face went red, but you took a deep breath and hit him back with the, “Well… Maybe I do? That a problem?”
Casey’s face softened as his cheeks reddened, his smirk turning into a smile as he stared down at you, “Not at all, maybe I do too.” As he led you to your seats and sat down with you. You were both quiet for a moment, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable at all, you were just both kind of thinking, ‘Wow he/they like me!’ And to say that you were both cuddling before the game started would be the truth. That didn’t last long though, since well, once the game started, Casey was getting excited and jumpy, and all you could do was laugh and cheer with him.
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pynkhues · 1 year
Can you explain your thoughts on each sibling’s relationship with logan? I love your analysis and I’m so curious! Especially interested in a little shiv and logan since she’s the only daughter
This is not a proper answer to your ask at all, anon, and I definitely can/could answer it properly, but I hope you're okay with having this weird hallf-headcanon/half-fic thing instead <3
Connor + Logan
Connor is born and Logan is 24, Logan is 25, Logan’s on the cusp of something that feels real, but he’s not made yet. Logan’s just starting to know what it looks like when ends meet, just starting to know what it means to run a show instead of man it, Logan’s grieving long gone parents, a lost sister and a brother trying to play hero with the Vietnam War. Logan is ink-stained fingers and long hours and deals in smoky bars and dark rooms with people who turn their nose up at him, people who think he’s a joke, people who think he’s a flash in the pan, his uncle’s nephew, his almost-father’s-almost-son.
But Logan is also in love.
Logan is enamoured, he’s swept up, he’s caught in the crosshairs of a woman who could love him back.
She reminds him of his sister, sometimes.
That matters, he thinks, because he couldn’t save his sister, but maybe - -
Maybe it’s not the point.
The point is Bonnie’s warm and she’s bright and she’s smart and she’s funny and she loves him back and she’s just had his son.
She’s given him a family all of his own.
And he feels young with Connor. Feels hamfisted and awkward, but she steadies his grip, rests her head on his shoulder, pulls him to her somehow like a moth to a flame, and he thinks his son is tiny, he thinks his son is twisted up, he thinks his son looks like her, more than he looks like him.
He doesn’t - -
(His chest is tight, big, full).
He doesn’t know what he feels.
So he grunts, pushes him off, feels the loss, tries to take him back, rejects Bonnie trying to give him back, feels - - confused. Scared, no, that’s not - - he’s not - - Unsure, maybe. Better word. This is a distraction. He’s unsure because his thoughts should be on work, not on this, and the doctor strides past him and Logan has meetings, Logan’s trying to make life real, Logan’s trying to build something for a son to inherit, and what’s he got to give him now? A few stories and broken heirlooms and a lot of maybe?
So he goes to work.
And it’s good for a while. With her permanent and cosy in houses that only get bigger, nicer, staffed, Connor with her bright eyed, eager, every time Logan funnels through with gifts and promises and a life on the horizon any family of his will be worthy of. The picture of them is everything Logan wanted, a powdered sugar fantasy run on the silent film in his head.
But then things get - -
Because she’s not happy, because she asks him where he’s gone, where he’s going, she asks who’s perfume she can smell on him, who’s lipstick’s on his fly, and he doesn’t want to answer, and so she yells and Noah taught him yelling only started arguments, a clean fist ended them, and he’s not sure.
The first time he realised Connor was there.
And the thing is, the picture collapses quickly.
She’s unhappy, she’s unwell, he gets called into Connor’s school so they can tell him as much, and he sends him somewhere that’ll take care of him, incubate him, whatever, while he deals with her, but it’s impossible because it’s his sister all over again, and what the fuck does he do with that?
She’s not her, she’s her own person, but the lines are blurred and Logan doesn’t want to deal with any of them. He’s getting made, he’s going well, so maybe he just leaves, maybe he just goes, maybe he fucks around, pretends he’s young again, single again, childless again, at least until he meets Caroline.
Kendall + Logan
Kendall is born and Logan is 40, Logan is 41. Logan’s on the cusp of closing a cable news deal with a wife who doesn’t give a fuck.
A wife with a name.
Caroline is not Bonnie. Caroline is a Collingwood, Caroline is the sort of woman who can trace her family line back to cousin-fucking royalty, and she is not warm, but she is smart and she fucks and she tears into life like a letter opener, like if she gets the right angle it’ll find something she hasn’t heard before, and Logan thinks this is it. Logan thinks this is a fresh start, Logan thinks Bonnie was just another lump in the custard, Connor too, only he’s something to be smoothed in down the track, because right now Logan thinks this is it.
The start of the real family, a real son for his real man, but Kendall is born and Caroline won’t even hold him, so Logan can’t ask her to adjust his hands like Bonnie knew how to do. Can’t ask her to move him so he doesn’t embarrass himself, because Caroline is a Collingwood and he’s some new money nobody, so he doesn’t hold him either, and it’s not what he expected, is all.
And it doesn’t matter anyway, because this real son, he just - -
He cries a lot.
Open mouthed mewing, constant, but the nannies hold him right and Logan loses himself to work, because Logan’s always known how to do that, and he tells himself it’s the same as it was with Connor. He’s done this before – he’s no different, Kendall’s no different than his brother, whatever’s wrong is Caroline. She’s the outlier, she’s inexperienced, she’s cold, small hands and an accent Kendall will never have, and Logan promises himself this over Kendall’s crib, and it’s sudden, is all.
The way one night, home for an evening between Paris and Prague, the nanny asks if he wants her to show him how to hold him.
Realises, then, three months in, that he hasn’t.
“Yeah, okay,” he says.
And it’s the nanny who guides his hands, who shows him how to pick Kendall up, shows him how to nestle him in to stop him from crying so loud, and Kendall is small, Kendall is pink-faced and wet-eyed and long-lashed, and all his, and Logan’s throat is so tight he can’t breathe.
“Good,” Logan says, patting Kendall on the back, his hand enough to engulf him.
A window inside him unlatches.
A thought, a memory.
A different sort of outlook.  
“Hey,” he asks the nanny. “Can you send for Connor? I don’t like that thing with his school these days, you know, could we maybe get him one here. Ask Baird, he might - - you know. He’ll figure something out. That wife of his could recommend something.”
Roman + Shiv + Logan (because I’m dying on the twin hill apparently)
Still, he and Caroline, they go again.
Just once more, but two come out of it, and Logan is 44, he’s 45, and Ewan tells him he’s too old for this shit at the same time he’s remembering the way Bonnie helped him to hold Connor, the way the nanny showed him how to hold Kendall. Knows how to get his grip right, under the head, beneath the bottom, to get Roman – his Romulus – to his chest, and he wonders which of them is him, which of them is Ewan.
Is Connor first born or is Kendall?
Is Kendall him or Roman?
Who’s his true second born, he wonders, below hospital fluorescents, feeling his youngest son squirm near his heart. Smaller still than he’s sure the others ever were (normal with twins, so the doctors have said), but he doesn’t cry like Kendall did, his body somehow surer, and it surprises him. When Caroline moves to hold him.
“Well, we’ll have to take one each, won’t we?” she tells him, and Logan starts, Logan shifts, lets her take him as he eyes the other bassinet.
A daughter is new. A daughter wasn’t supposed to happen, he thinks, approaching the bassinet, catching a glimpse of red hair and a little red-tipped nose, a daughter - -
Rose had red hair, Rose had a little red-tipped nose, Rose was the click-click-spark of a lighter in the darkest nights, she was a sharp-tongue, she was salt in the wound, she was a balled fist and a held hand and a steady, unsteady gaze, and she was stuff and nonsense, and she was a promise wrapped in a lie.
Logan feels young.
Logan feels 24, he feels 25.
He feels like he’s staring down the barrel of the future, but he looks at her and he just sees - - her.
His daughter.
He swallows thick.
“Think that means its you and me, pinky,” he tells her, and when he holds her, it feels like coming home.
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dellalyra · 1 year
Pixie’s JJK Theories
!! SPOILERS !! (225 included) if u don’t wanna know anything then don’t read <3
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Okay so, I’ll try to make these make sense and put them in some sort of order bc I have so many ideas and thoughts they r swimming in my head :):)
Gna preface the whole thing by saying I don’t think Gojo is dead/will die, just from an editing/business perspective (I did 2 years study of being an editor and 5 years of creative writing studies, not an expert or anything so just MY OPINION)
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So first theory set:
Who’s gonna kill Sukuna and Kenjaku?
Maki Kills Sukuna
I think that 225 has been a signal that Sukuna CANNOT be defeated/killed by cursed energy or techniques. I don’t know how to describe it best but think of Achilles, an unbeatable hero but he had that one weakness. Now Sukuna’s whole CT/DE is based around weaponry right? There’s literally nobody more talented with weaponry than Maki - it’s been hinted that she’s even surpassed Toji in terms of physical prowess since Mai’s death and the whole heavenly restriction thing. What if, he basically can only be beaten by someone playing his game: a proper fight? Think of it, maki has no CE, no CT, no DE. But she is completely unparalleled with weapons and cursed tools. What if - she’s the antithesis and also the mirror image of him and that’s what could take him down? Also: it would be a mirror of Toji V Gojo.
Gojo & Sukuna = Gods amongst Mortals
Maki & Toji = The Mortals
Toji’s lack of cursed energy and physical abilities also with the inverted spear allowed him to kill Satoru.
What if this will be repeated history with Maki - with something from the Zen’in vault?
If Maki could then save Megumi, then they could work to rebuild the Zen’in clan in their image: modern, fair and open.
That’s one theory anyway since we’ve seen that Sukuna cherishes and admires strength and power.
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Theory Two
Choso Kills Kenjaku
OKAY SO Choso’s whole character is family. His whole aim since day one has been his brothers. What if choso kills kenjaku, as his revenge? Noritoshi Kamo is the one who both created AND destroyed Choso’s family - it would be poetic justice for Choso to be the one to kill him, since he has known nothing but manipulation and violence since his ‘birth’.
Theory Three
Yuuji kills Sukuna
Sukuna took so much from yuuji it would just be JUSTICE but also remember during the exchange event arc megumi really emphasised how even without cursed energy yuuji would still destroy them all in hand to hand combat? I think that’s rly important here. This kinda follows the same logic as my maki theory but I just have this feeling that Sukuna can’t be taken down with cursed techniques or DE, it has to be raw unbridled power. Like I said Sukuna respects and covets power and maybe it’s because he knows that’s the one thing that could kill a god like him.
Plus - this ties in with ‘start by saving me, Itadori’ and megumi and Yuuji’s promises and threats to not die. Regardless of whether or not u ship them romantically, their relationship (platonic or not) has been at the forefront of the entire series - it would make sense for Itadori starting his full Sukuna free life by the first person he really saves being Megumi.
Also I like this because remember the ‘Nah, I’d win’ conversion with Gojo? Wouldn’t it be cool if it was actually Yuuji who won - saving Gojo, Megumi and everyone else?
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Theory Four
Inumaki is gonna have a big part to play. Idk what, but the timing of his return lends itself to this.
Also, Nobara isn’t dead. The other person that gojo Shoko and Ijichi were talking about was Nobara and she ain’t dead but severely injured and I think she’s gonna come in with a dramatic ‘here to save ur sorry asses’ moment bc it just is very on brand for her.
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Theory Five
Why Gojover isn’t happening now/ever.
But especially now.
OKAY business perspective ik it takes away from the ‘story’ part but don’t forget that Gege has editors and he needs to sell more copies of future editions and chapters so a certain amount of fan service is required, Gojo stole the show literally - they know that killing him off is a bad business choice at any point, but especially in such an anti-climactic way.
Another rly important point is every character who’s had a huge impact on the story and then subsequently fuckin died, think Geto, Nanami, Toji - they’ve all had a poignant death and Gojo has had even more of an impact on the story.
Geto: you could at least curse me a little in the end and his moment w gojo in the alley
Nanami: you’ve got it from here looking at yuuji his protege who he was so tough on and then telling him essentially he trusted and believed in him
Toji: my kid will be sold to the Zen’in’s, do what you will after pushing gojo to unlock his full potential thru fuckin stabbing him and then gojo stopping the sale of megumi
After all of these deaths they’re not gonna do:
Gojo: 3 chapters, gets slashed in the neck and fucking croaks.
That’s just bad storytelling and no matter how cruel he is Gege is a phenomenal storyteller
NEXT point is I think this is where we’re finally gonna see some real RCT. It’s interesting how Gojo said he doesn’t mind going HAM on Megumi’s body bc he looks like his dad - I don’t think that’s a coincidence that he’s fighting someone who looks so like Toji and then gets slashed in his neck? Seems a bit like repeating history, but I think even Gojo’s RCT won’t cut it - I think it’ll be Shoko who saves him.
The giveaway for this for me was ‘You were never alone’ and her reminiscing. She’s always been there for the two boys and she always will be - she’s the most powerful RCT user and she’s never left Gojo’s side, and she won’t fail him now. She will heal his neck, because he’s not alone at the top of the food chain. Pair with this if Utahime is still using her amplification technique, Shoko is almost unstoppable in terms of RCT.
We’ve seen this situation with Yuuta and Yuuji too, so there’s canon evidence of its existence and potential.
Also - I don’t think the Tojification of Gojo is accidental or just gege having a hard on for Toji. This is again a Man Vs God situation, take this and use it on Toji (man) v Gojo (god), but now it’s Gojo (man) vs Sukuna (god). Ultimately, Toji killed Gojo. He killed a God by force. Maybe that’s some foreshadowing idk idk.
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Theory six
Yuuta kills Kenjaku.
Don’t fight me on this one. It’s feminine intuition. Idk why or how or where but it’s gna happen.
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Theory seven
Noritoshi Kamo kills Noritoshi Kamo.
The battle of the Noritoshi’s.
Won’t happen but would be funny and I would enjoy the confusion at the both screaming each others names and it being their own names like the confusion from Shibuya.
Theory Eight
I kill Sukuna and Kenjaku.
They’re testing my patience rn, and they’re hurting my babies. Mama Pixie is unhappy. I’ll chase after them both and beat them with a frying pan until they both apologise and get me a bouquet each for being such unruly boys and then they will make ‘I’m sorry for killing your brother/I’m sorry for taking your eye out/sorry for living in ur body and taking ur heart out/sorry for killing ur sister and then taking ur body/sorry for using ur ex-bfs body as a marionette’ cards for everyone and I put them in time out (hell).
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memoriesoftanalorr · 10 months
Wanna make a list of my favorite villains. Here we go!
Van Kleiss from Generator Rex
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Van Kleiss is creepy, manipulative, selfish, dramatic, menacing and badass and can be soft as a threat. I wish he is really soft deep down but he prefers to rule the world or become a God.
Obake from Big Hero 6 The series
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He's creepy, cunning, dramatic, patient and really clever, soft deep down so you can see how he actually gave up and decided to save Hiro.
Nai/Millions Knives from Trigun Stampede 2023
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First two villains I love as cool and interesting characters but on this one I have crush unexpectedly actually. That guy is creepy, cold maniac who wants destroy humanity but loves his brother Vash. He's somewhat can be soft but only for Rem and his brother. I'm utterly believe he's never wanted to kill Rem as he reaching for her hand and asking for go with them.
Dr. Curt Connors from Amazing Spider Man
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Only two actors in this movie doesn't annoying me while watching this. I remember when I'm was late on this movie in cinema and I was like it's okay, somehow I can't tell how I feel about this movie. After some rewatching some of the characters doesn't annoying me. Actor is making a great job and in love with him. He reminds me one of my college professors.
Xu Wenwu from Shang Chi and the legend of the ten rings
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I'm not into MCU since first two Avengers movies but once I saw this on TV and in love with this movie. Xu Wenwu is powerful, narcissistic and brutal but he's loves his family and wanted his wife back. Better to let go. But he refuses to let go. I can understand him because my mom is in coma two years now and I wanted her back so hard but now fine, okay sometimes I'm not fine when someone talking about her but I'm ready to let go. She's always with me, in my dreams and memories. So this is why I love this character.
Quentin Beck/ Mysterio from Spider Man Far From Home
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As I said before I'm giving up on MCU. I'm didn't know about Tom Holland playing Peter Parker and when I'm watching Homecoming I was like he's cute but he's not Peter for me but later on I'm watched Far from Home and I was like that's my baby and I love him and movie is so beautiful and funny. Jake Gyllenhaal as Marvel villain. I'd say it was fun and interesting. This version of Quentin is menacing, sadistic, narcissistic. Such a good liar. And that purple battle suit in the end of the movie, just wow!
Norman Osborn/Green Goblin (Sam Raimi movie & later on Spider Man No Way Home)
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I'm was scared of him as 8 years old kiddo when watching Spider Man movie on VHS and then I'm creeped out of him as young adult in No Way Home movie. Oh, good memories when I was a kid and carefree before life gets harder for me, so unfair.
Darth Vader from Star Wars
I'm classic.
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Magneto (X-Men Evolution)
What to say. Maybe I don't have thoughts fir a while.
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Honorable mentions
Leto II from Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert
It's really strange case. Becoming worm and telling there's more worse path to take exists. Like a villain, I couldn't be I didn't need it, it needed me
Like a villain by Bad Omens is describing him well. Oh, I need a break from this books. It's amazing but I'll never read/listen to them again, maybe but I need more time. I'm still mind blowned from this novels.
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zorilleerrant · 10 months
Visiting Lance’s grave with Jason by his side brings back feelings Dick thought he was over by now. Not that grief does more than wax and wane over the years, but that sharp sense of guilt is there again. That mixture of anger and relief and jealousy at his younger self that maybe he didn’t have his brother back, but at least he had the chance to be a brother one more time. It’s worse, this go round. A second chance to be a big brother, to fix all the things he got wrong, like Lance was just a trial run. Like Dick got Lance killed so Jason could learn from his mistakes. But he will be a better brother this time, a better big brother, and not just cover up Jason’s mistakes before he gets a chance to learn from them. It’ll be okay this time.
“What happened to him?” Jason asks, and Jason doesn’t know the ins and outs of their double life yet, so Dick can’t even answer. But he has a somber expression, and it helps dampen the memories, and Dick is grateful for it.
“Accident,” Dick says, proud of his voice for not wobbling through that long, embittered explanation. But he doesn’t really know how to say that Lance was shot in the stomach, that it took him more than an hour to die and all the while knowing it was already too late to take him to a hospital.
Jason squeezes his hand. Dick doesn’t know when those bony fingers slipped into his, just that Jason’s skin is too cold and his sweater too big and he needs to eat more before he keels over right here in the graveyard. Because Lance is gone, but Jason’s not yet past saving. “Hey,” he says, and looks Dick solemnly in the eye, “I’ll be careful.” And Dick smiles back at him.
Maman was never sure whether heaven was real, but Bruce is. Or at least he tells Dick so, often enough. Dick says as much to the twinned graves, but they don’t talk back to him any more than graves ever have. He knows other people hear their loved ones’ voices in their heads, relive memories, feel that love rushing back behind their eyes and pushing the tears to the fore. There isn’t anything like that, for Dick. Not like there is with photo albums or storytelling. But it’s somewhere to sit, and Dick needs quiet.
“I hope, if you’re out there somewhere, you’re together, at least. That you finally got a chance to meet.” Dick doesn’t finish his thought. It feels sticky in his mouth to call dead children heroes, sharp the way beloved son, beloved brother, dearly departed aren’t.
They were laughter, and light, and hope. They were fierce fighting against a world that didn’t give a shit about them. Lance was prickly but always thinking, Jason was overeager and didn’t always stop to think. Lance complained over making food but savored every bite, Jason cooked so painstakingly then took to it like a man starved. Lance tossed his homework out the window - sometimes literally - and Jason kept his in neatly labeled files, but they both hated the same teachers, had the same favorites, brought the same absent smile home on lab day. They were readers, and critics, and book lovers to the end. They weren’t heroes. They were just kids.
“Donna says hi,” Dick tells them, because she always does, even though they can’t hear. Maybe she thinks they can; some of her dead can. Dick wonders who you have to be to win a spot like that. How he would even ask her to check. “We went to a weird planet. Just like earth, but like it was perpetually dusk. Found something like a cactus. You’d’ve liked it.” Jason would have, at least. He liked the endless, solitary places. Dick never got a chance to find out what Lance liked, but maybe he’d have liked the quiet, too, the shadows stretching into the distance. Hell, Dick already pretends he liked Donna, once he got to know her.
The graves don’t stare mockingly, or comfortingly, or judgmentally. They do seem to stare as the light drops away, two eyes cutting into the haze from the house, but not with any expression Dick can discern. He can be a brother again, but not in the long moments fading into sunset, when he has to blink against how many brothers he’s lost.
Dick wants to wrap his hand around Jason’s. To ground him here, so he doesn’t slip away again. He wants to dig at the ground, bring up handfuls of dirt until he can pull all his brothers back to life. Or at least know Why they aren’t. Angry, almost, that Jason would dare come back alone.
“Why me?” Jason asks, like he’s already been stabbed through by the thought on Dick’s mind. He looks like he’s been tasting soil, standing between two graves undisturbed. Staring up at the sky like he can judge rainfall on a clear night.
“The universe needed you for something,” Dick says, and tries to spit the aftertaste of the words somewhere other than his family’s graves. Like the universe didn’t need - what if he needed someone, what then? Would another figure crawl up from the ground? He almost drops to his knees to find out, and Jason’s hand stays out of reach.
“The universe doesn’t need anybody for fucking anything” Jason says, with a scoff, fingers finding Dick’s whether he means to or not. “Or else it needs everyone, if you want to invoke some pseudo-Jungian woowoo bullshit and sing about it.” Lance doesn’t climb out of the dirt. No one does. It’s just the two of them with beer and no sea legs yet. But Jason doesn’t pull away. He stares at Lance’s headstone.
“Don’t be morose, Little Wing.” Dick wonders if they met, in the land of the dead, as ghosts, in between places. He wonders if Jason remembers a single thing he did there, or then, or that way. If they’d get along, if they met again now. How Lance would’ve changed. He never even got a nickname from Dick, not one that stuck.
“Ooh, sorry, maybe Lancie-boy would have had an easier time comforting you, Dickbag.” Jason laughs in deflection. Flat. It never rings down his throat in liminal spaces like this. Dick doesn’t think Lance ever comforted anyone in his life, but he would’ve learned. Maybe he would be better, if Dick had given him the chance. If Dick had worn the bulletproof plates the rest of them don, while he still dresses for flexibility.
He just saved Dick’s life, and Bruce’s, once each, not enough to count. Not enough to get him a plaque on the wall or a statue in the town square. Just enough to hope. Just enough to always remember him by.
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izumiijeevas · 1 year
Nico; a brief study on grief and abandonment.
⚠️If you’re so biased toward Bianca, don’t read⚠️
We’re a week away from tsats release, so I wanted to do a brief character study about Nico and his worst battles (occasionally worsted than battle gods, titans, and primordial deities). Be aware that I’ll don’t sugarcoat anything, and yes, I’m talking about Bianca, Jason, and Reyna (briefly Percy). I love them all, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t have some harmful impact on Nico’s life by THEIR CHOICES. Be aware of this before reading.
Nico is maybe the demigod with the worst case of abandonment issues out there (and there’s Annabeth). Our first encounter with Nico was this sunny, cute dork just to Uncle Rick, turning him into the little murder shadowy boy he’s now, but you take a moment to think about how the fuck it happened.
A few days ago, I saw this post that jokes about Bianca abandoning Nico. A few people lash at the one who posts, yelling at them just for literally taking quotes from Titan’s curse and using the meme template of a boy making a peace sign and banishing. People comment that Bianca doesn’t abandon Nico, how she wants to have a life out of her and Nico, and how valid she is for it. Someone goes as far as bring up their experience being the parent sibling and how exhausting it was to be so. Okay, valid points for y’all, but this affects Nico and his future relationships.
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When all Artemis's shit happened, Artemis allowed Percy to come with her while [Artemis] was planning to ask Bianca to join the hunt. Grover and Nico weren’t allowed to follow them (using the lack of Nico’s knowledge about Greek mythology so Grover could tell some things). Bianca, without talking to Nico, takes the oath to Artemis while a chapter before just 13 pages before; Bianca tells Percy, Nico, and Dr. Thorn that they only have each other and no one else. Besides the fact Artemis and Zoe brainwashed their hunters to join them, Percy tries to tell Bianca to think it through before choosing. Percy could be seen as an early big brother (since Tyson), and yeah, Percy could be a little older than Bianca (just for one year). Still, he knows how this will be affected Nico (bless Sally for Percy being one of the few demigods with emotional intelligence, sorry but NO, Annabeth could be a genius, but her emotional intelligence is lower than Percy’s) in a wrong way.
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It took Bianca 10 chapters to understand how her choice could affect Nico and decide to grab/steal a figurine to make amends with Nico (we all know how well that worked). Then BIANCA CHOOSE gave up her life to save everyone else. She was a hero, the biggest kind of a hero; she gave up her life to save her friends (even if she was the one that put them in danger). After Bianca’s death, Nico changes; not only did he lose forever (or at least at that time he thought this) the only person he loves the most in the world, but Nico realized he fell in love with Percy, that Nico noticed when even if he yells he hates Percy and wish Percy were the one who dies instead of Bianca he didn’t let any harm to come near Percy.
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Then Nico learns his parentage and thinks maybe he could see Bianca one more time, but even if Nico calls and pleas she never shows up for Nico, an 11 yo boy this was his sister abandoned him again (for Nico, it doesn’t matter the reasons good or bad this was Bianca avoiding him). I mentioned before Bianca ended up knowing SHE WAS THE ONE WHO HURTS NICO, but as before, she couldn’t confront Nico, so she doesn’t answer the call, at least until Percy call.
At this point, Nico only knows his sister abandoned him two times before by choosing the hunt and now choosing not to answer him (even at first she didn't acknowledge Nico). In this dialogue, Bianca is rude to him; she forces Nico to face his feelings, and no, I’m not talking about his crush on Percy but his anger towards his sister. Nico was a boy from Italy in the ’40s. If you don’t know a thing about Italy over those years, this is something I could tell you family was important, the most essential and integral part of the being, and Bianca is forcing Nico to hate her to be mad at her BECAUSE IT WAS BIANCA CHOICE TO HURT HIM and this shit hurt Nico. We all mention Cupid being a piece of shit for forcing Nico to come out. Still, here Bianca do the same, forcing Nico to accept those feelings (that Nico absolutely is feeling but can’t accept by his beliefs and his love for Bianca). At this point, Nico forgave every abandonment (the three times Bianca left him behind and when Percy chose not to look at him at the end of Titan’s curse), and it won’t be the last time for him to accept people to leave him behind.
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While Nico is looking for a way to help Percy, he also looks for his mom because nobody tells anything about his mother to him, even though it was until he tries to summon Maria gosht that Bianca allows herself to show in front of Nico to tell him to stop searching for his mother. Now this is another time we know Nico saw his sister; even if Nico spent a while in Hades kingdom, he just saw his sister until he tried to summon Maria. Actually, this is the only time he yells at Bianca.
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Nico's grief and abandonment are so intertwined as one that he is grieving Bianca at the same time to understand why she could leave him behind quickly but trying never to blame her. Then the doors open, and he tries to seek Bianca and bring her to life to learn she decided to be reborn and finally left him behind alone. By choosing reborn, Bianca decides to lose her memories of everything, including Nico. Even if somehow Nico founds Bianca’s soul, she would never recognize him.
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HOO brings Nico more relationships, not just he finally talks with Percy about his feelings and behaviors (that I want to read more about besides that little talk they had). He gained two sisters, a boyfriend, and a best friend, just to lose almost everything. Jason was the first one to tell Nico to risk and trust someone while he also made Nico stay in Camp half-blood (a place where Nico never felt safe or at home), partially telling him he wanted Nico to stay with him there only to choose left and go to school at the end of summer. Reyna, who acknowledged/addressed him as family, someone Nico trusts at the point of sharing intimate memories with and starts to see as a big sister, chooses to join the hunter (the ones who were practically part to blame in Bianca’s death). People who told him to trust left him behind the same way his sitter, who’s supposed to love him unconditionally, and yet chose other people rather than him. What’s so wrong inside Nico that the ones he loved the most decide he isn’t worthy enough? Now I don’t know if Uncle Rick or Mark will address all of this, but when (because we know for sure they will) Will and Nico get separate, I hope they didn’t let Nico go through these thoughts as I implied Nico didn’t handle grief to well, on the other hand, he always forgave people for left him behind I hope they don’t make Will be another love one that does the same to Nico.
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I’ll post the last reference as a response to this text.
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chappellrroan · 7 months
ok my ep 1 review is that it's gross and disgusting and gorey and i wish you were here so i could hide my face in your shoulder when they showed something gross and that guitar girl is so fucking hot and awesome and cute instantly fell in love with her i mean pink highlights space bun bass guitar black tee and shorts she's so girlfriend i am shipping her and the cig ballet arsonist girl who's probably a villain and a maniac when she was smoking on the balcony i was so transfixed on her lips lmao nazar nahi hat rahi thi she's really hot and pretty okay and so crazy and sadistic mwah i love her also her brother is sooooooo cute pls want to keep him in my pocket store him away safely such a hero kitne bravely he defended everyone fought the yucky zombie (ew ew) him and the girl they're perfect can't believe he risked his life to save a girl he met like 5 mins ago but yes i can bc omg she's a firefighter????? SO COOL can't wait to learn more about herbut then she'll probably die right cause she got bitten so i shouldn't get attached to her. yes okay that's it at the middle of the ep i was like chee ew ew im not watching this thinking of ways to break your heart say mujhse nahi dekha jaa raha but then maine big girl ki tarah khud ko samjha liya ki ivy imagine that this blood is rose sharbat okay they look the same and it's not real blood sab theek hai and also that maine life mein ek bhi zombie apocalypse jaisa show ya movie nahi dekha even when it was so popular like all of us are dead the end of the fcking world etc etc and so this is the perfect opportunity to tick something off the life bucket list tere liye dekh sakti hu. also inhone hopeful note pe end kar diya ep1
i am smiling ear to ear
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bookofmirth · 1 year
If Gwyn and Azriel do end up together how do you think their relationship will be built up? I definitely see them going from friends to lovers. In ACOSF, there here has not been any interactions between Az & Elain (that we know of) since solstice. Bryce falls into Prythian and I’m sure that took place a few months after ACOSF. In the upcoming CC book, I hope/think we get small (nothing too big since this is about Bryce) glimpses of Gwynriel, like his shadows wrapping around her wrist or trailing after her. I think Gwyn will try to help Bryce go back to her world since she works with Merrill who is researching other worlds. I’m worried/nervous how Gwynriel will play out and be built. If they do get together, I just hope Azriel sorts out his issues first. He doesn’t have to be completely healed, it’s fine, but he needs to work on his self worth issues and needs to acknowledge that he self sabotages. No one can fix that except for himself. Also, how do you think the whole situation with Elain/Azriel will be played out? I believe after CC3, we will have Az’s book and I’m thinking maybe he’ll acknowledge that it was a mistake and he only did it out of jealousy (since his brothers have mates) and not because he has genuine romantic feelings for her. I like that even though Azriel did save/rescue Gwyn, he didn’t immediately develop a possessive/romantic attachment to her. I’m sorry for the long ask! (Ps, do you think Azriel has a hero complex? That he needs to save everybody? This could stem from his childhood with his mother.)
For sure friends to lovers. They already know one another and regularly interact. In this post I mentioned how I think they will continue to work together, and I see it leading to some competitiveness and tension between them, because I think they will have the same goals (IE stop the bad guys) but the Valkyries will have newer, perhaps more progressive ways of doing so, while the Illyrians have an established way of working. I don't ship it 100% because broody sad boys are not my thing (anymore lol) but I can totally see Az and Gwyn having this teasing, challenging camaraderie with one another!
Definitely agree that I hope he gets his issues sorted first! I think talking to Mor will be a much bigger necessity than talking to Elain. Like you pointed out, he and Elain haven't interacted since Solstice (that we know of) so I honestly don't think it will be a big deal that he needs to address. But he has been holding out some sort of unrealistic hope for Mor for his whole life. So yes, I agree that he will admit with Elain he acted out of jealousy (for mating bonds, for what Rhys and Cassian have, not because he wants her in particular), but that will be it. With Mor, it's a much longer, more important conversation.
And yeah, I do think he needs to save women, because of his mom! I know I've talked about it before but I can't be bothered to search for it, so-
Examples are in acofas where he gets upset at dinner and Rhys explains to Feyre that it's because of the way that his mother was treated, the fact that he holds onto this anger about what happened to Mor, he has rescued Feyre, Gwyn, Elain, Briar... Who knows how many other women. I think that's partly why he rushes into danger, but I think it's combined with the fact that he feels deeply insecure about his place in the IC - he was tortured by his brothers, in what world is it okay or sane for him to torture other people as part of his job??? That's where his insecurity comes in, IMO. He does that because he feels like he doesn't have anything else to give, and he needs to earn his place. That's how I interpret it, at least. I mean, there really isn't any other reason for him to put that burden on himself, unless he feels like he deserves it. People have pointed out that Rhys could easily break into people's minds for information, so Az torturing people doesn't make sense.
This is also why I think he gets so angry at being told he can't/shouldn't do things that he thinks will be helpful to the IC (e.g. when Rhys and Feyre tell him he can't spy on Briallyn, when Nesta tells him he'll die if he tries to get Elain back from Hybern). If he doesn't have these things - the rescuing and the torturing for the greater good - then how else is he proving that he belongs?
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howaboutcastiel · 2 years
Uncharted Territory
"I was wondering if you could do something with the reader and Marc are going to make love for the first time and she’s nervous bc she has SH scars and her and Marc never talked about that part of her life?" @romanarose
Content: Okay. Tw. The narrator says things about the reader that aren’t true. They’re just what the reader thinks about herself because she has low self-esteem. Additional notes at the bottom. 
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Word count: 2.5k
I would say that this is 18+, but it really isn’t. It’s kinda teetering on the edge there. No smut. 
Marc had never seen you naked before. 
It was a near miracle that he hadn’t, at this point in your relationship, but it made sense to you and him. You’d had a classic friends-to-lovers progression, and you were intimate in so many more ways than physically. You shared so much with each other, it felt like you’d been dating forever when the truth was he’d only kissed you for the first time less than a month ago. 
You loved him so much. Sometimes just thinking about him would make your heart swell so much that you had to stop in the middle of whatever you were doing. He just felt so right. The two of you were inseparable, two peas in a pod who told each other everything. 
Well, almost everything. 
It wasn’t exactly your fault that you had this secret from him. Your reasoning was solid—at least in your mind. Marc had told you about his childhood and about his past. He’d told you about his mother and his time in the marines, as well as his time afterward as a mercenary. He’d told you about Khonshu and Steven and Jake—the latter two you’d met on numerous occasions—and you’d even managed to get him to tell you about his little brother Randall. 
Marc had been through so much, and through all of it he’d been perhaps the strongest person that you could imagine him to be. He was brave, he was selfless, he was persistent. You just couldn’t explain your adoration for him, or your pride for him. He was all of those things…
And you were not. 
There was no other way to put it. Marc was strong and brave. You were weak and a coward. He’d taken all of his pain and he’d become a hero, saving people and delivering justice by protecting the world from evildoers. You’d taken your pain and, well, all you’d done with it was beat yourself up. Quite literally. 
On your stomach and thighs were hundreds of scars, parallel to one another. Each one of the gashes had been self-administered at some point. Some were faded and easy to pass over or mistake for stretch marks. Others were newer, fresher, still pink and impossible to miss. 
You were dreading the day Marc would lay eyes on them. 
You just felt so ashamed. Your childhood hadn’t been nearly as bad as his, right? He had gone through so much that he had to create other people in his mind just to handle it all. You could never compare your hurt to his. It just didn’t seem right. Everything you had been through, every ounce of pain you had felt, was no excuse to do this to yourself. But you couldn’t take any of it back now. 
The two of you were on Marc’s couch, a bit tipsy and watching reruns on the TV. It had been a long day for you both and all you wanted to do was relax and hold him close to you. The drinks were giving your body other ideas, though, and he didn’t even need the wine to start feeling frisky with you holding him so tightly against your skin. 
He started lazily, not wanting to overstep your boundaries at all. Marc was admittedly nervous about this kind of thing. You’d already ruined your friendship, but this seemed like another big step to take. He advanced slowly when he started to press kisses into your neck, feeling you up over top of your clothes and waiting patiently for you to reciprocate. You did, albeit hesitantly, and he sighed in relief. 
“Honey?” Your voice was wavering already and you couldn’t quite hold it even. He peered up at you with doe eyes. “What are you doing?”
“What, is this not okay?” He asked genuinely. “I can stop.”
“No, no,” You didn’t want to disappoint him. You could feel how tight his pants already were and no rational part of you would ever deny the chance to help him remedy that. So, you camouflaged your fear as best you could. “Keep going. It just surprised me, that’s all.”
Marc brought his lips up to yours, latching to your mouth sweetly and hungrily. It was easy to melt beneath his touch, so much so that you scarcely felt the panic rising in your chest when he started tugging at your blouse. 
You let him explore your mouth with his tongue. Your hands were all over him, but it was superficial. You wanted him badly, of course, but the fear of him seeing your body was overwhelming your mind. He would be frightened, certainly. He would be angry with you. He would think less of you. 
It was hard to ignore the pounding in your chest as he undid the first button on your shirt. His fingers grazed the second button and your breath caught in your throat. Marc rolled his hips up against yours and you forced yourself not to jump back in panic. Your heartbeat was in your ears and his fingers looped the shirt, plucking apart the second button with a quiet thump. 
“God, baby,” he moaned against your skin, pressing his hand up underneath the fabric. His palm grazed lower and lower, cupping your breast and dancing along the lace of your bra. “I’ve waited too long for this.”
With his hand pushed so deeply into your shirt, you felt the third button come undone from the force of his wrist against it. Marc’s fingers explored lower, pressing past your bra and onto your stomach and—
“Stop! Marc, stop.” You jerked away from him, standing up off of the couch and holding the fabric together with your hand. He withdrew instantly, blushing deep and peering at you with shock and fear. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry—” He stammered and brought his hands to his chest. You both were silent for a moment. “What happened? What did I do?”
“Nothing—you didn’t do anything. I just—” Shame crept up your chest and along your cheeks. You could feel them burning as you swallowed hard, avoiding his confused and fearful gaze. “I’m scared. I don’t want you to… I don’t…”
“You don’t what, baby?” He asked softly. “You don’t want to sleep with me?”
“No! It’s not that—” You grew frustrated with your own stuttering. You took in a deep breath, looking him in the eye. Your cheeks burned hotter. 
“I don’t want you to see my body.” 
His eyes flashed wider and his brows furrowed. Marc peered away from you, as if he was having trouble forming thoughts, and he was just as confused when he turned back to look at you. 
“You know that I think you’re beautiful. I think you look sexy. I’ve seen your body in tight clothes before anyway. I’m more than excited to see what’s underneath.”
“I don’t think you get it.” You mumbled. You wanted to curl in on yourself by now. He shook his head and motioned for you to return to your seat beside him. You only stepped back another foot. “You’re gonna think differently of me.”
“There’s no way I would,” he scoffed. Marc raised his hand in a slight grabbing motion at you. “Whatever you think I won’t like, I promise you it won’t make a difference. Baby, I promise. I would never think less of you because of your body.”
You groaned and put your head in your hands, creeping back toward the couch with even more shame in your chest. He sighed in relief when you sat back onto the couch with him, moving to hold you delicately in his arms. 
“Baby, why are you so scared?” Marc asked, dumbfounded. “You‘ve gotta know how hot I think you are. Why would you think I won’t like what I see?” 
“It’s—It’s just…” Now the shame was creeping over into guilt. You’d hid this from him for so long. He’d never hidden anything from you. Your tongue felt too big in your mouth. “I haven’t told you everything.”
“Oh?” That seemed to change his demeanor significantly. 
“I don’t want you to be upset with me.” 
“Why on Earth would I be upset with you?” He gasped softly as you reached up to your shirt, fingers picking at the fourth button. Marc leaned back, giving you space to move, and you swiftly undid the rest of the buttons. You pulled the fabric over your shoulders, exposing your chest and stomach to him, though your bra was still on. His eyes flashed across your skin as you did so, only making you feel more exposed. 
“I didn’t know how to tell you,” You began. Something unrecognizable emerged on Marc’s face, but you knew at least that it was some kind of concern. “Please don’t be mad at me.”
The expression twisted into a look that was clearly confused and offended. 
“Mad at you?” Marc tore his eyes away from the scars on your belly, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek as he gazed upon your face. He was distant and worried. “Did you do this to yourself?”
You only nodded, the shame bringing tears to your eyes. You couldn’t swallow hard enough no matter how much you tried and he was only looking at you with more concern than before. He bit the inside of his cheek and his free hand moved to graze the pink lines. The look on his face was unmistakably disappointment, but it wavered around fear and intrigue when he felt the raised skin underneath the pads of his fingers. 
“I should have told you already. I’m sorry.” Your voice caught in your throat and he didn’t look up at you. “I didn’t know how.”
“Why did you do this?” Marc’s voice was small and betrayed. He wasn’t angry, but you didn’t know if this was worse. 
“I don’t know! I can’t really help it.” He looked at you with doubt and you knew that he wasn’t satisfied with your answer. His expression was surprisingly gentle, though it was obviously hurting. You felt the need to make him understand. “It’s just—I can’t ignore it when it happens. You’re not gonna understand. I feel like I’m gonna implode or jump out of my skin, and everything is too loud and too hot and too cold and then I just… I just want to do this. I have to.”
“You could have told me,” he insisted. You tensed and pulled away again, shame filling you deeply and twisting around in your gut. When you looked up again, his eyes were glossy. You could have sworn they were even tear-filled. You wrapped your hands around your stomach defensively, shaking your head at him. He sighed. “I’m not mad at you.”
“You’re not?”
He forced a sideways, tightly-pressed smile on his face. There were definitely tears in his eyes and he tried to blink them away before he spoke. Marc’s voice didn’t waver, but it was low and sympathetic in a vulnerable way. He reached out his hand to your palm—not your stomach—and he held your hand sweetly in his grasp. 
“Why would I be mad at you? I love you. I don’t get to be mad about this. You didn’t do anything wrong, you just need help.”
“Help?” You didn’t know exactly what he meant.
“Yeah. I don’t know if you need it from me, or maybe from a therapist, but it’s obvious that you’re hurting. I understand that.” He stroked his thumb across the back of your hand, a tear welling in his eye. “I get it.”
That should have made you feel better, but it didn’t. It somehow only made you feel worse about the whole thing. Why couldn’t he just be mad at you? He was too good for you. 
“You don’t think it’s attention-seeking? You don’t think I’m being dramatic?” You wished you could leave well enough alone, but you couldn’t believe his calmness. 
“Dramatic? Yeah. It’s dramatic, but have you met me? I’m not exactly the least dramatic person.” He scoffed lightly. “And how can you be attention-seeking if you hide it from everyone?” 
“I don’t know,” you resigned. The feeling in your gut just wouldn’t dissipate, despite his kind and logical words. “I just feel…weak. I mean, you’ve been through so much. So much more than me, and I feel like you do something useful with all of your pain. Like, you’re a good person. You don’t do this. You’re heroic.”
“I’m really not,” he countered. You glared at him, so he rethought his choice of words. “And you’re not weak. I’m not stronger than you just because I take my anger out on other people. Plus, I take plenty of it out on myself.”
“Do you?” You were both sniffling messes by now. 
“Of course I do. Are you kidding me? You don’t see everything, just like I don’t see everything that you do. You think that going out at night to beat up random thugs is not self-destructive? If I didn’t have my suit, there’d be hundreds of scars for me to show you.”
There was silence for a little while. He was right and you couldn’t pretend that he wasn’t. You let some of the tension in the air loosen up. Marc pulled you into a half-hug as you both focused on your breathing for a moment. Then, his voice was soft in your ears. It wasn’t snarky or offended or confused anymore. 
“Honey, I don’t think any different of you. I hate that you’re in pain, but I’m not mad at you. Okay? I am not mad at you. And I still think you’re beautiful. Just as much as I did before, I think you’re smoking, baby. Really I do.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” That was all you could think to say to him. 
“It’s okay. I understand why you didn’t.” He pulled you into a proper hug, leaning back on the couch so he was holding you on top of him. You smiled at the force of his movement, holding yourself against his skin. “But from now on, please tell me. Tell me if you’re still hurting. Tell me if… you still want to do that. Please tell me, okay?” 
“I will,” you promised him. “I will.” 
“And honey?” He brought his lips up to your ear, whispering softly against it in his usual, sensual voice. 
“Yeah, babe?”
“I still want to see you naked. If you’re up for it, I mean.”
Additional Notes: I hope it goes without saying that people who struggle with SH are not weak or cowardly. I don't mean to imply that, but I know how easy it is to be self-critical about it and those are some of the negative thoughts I experience.
I wanted this fic to be longer and to include body worship at the end, and I might (not for sure) add a second part in the future. I didn't get all of that done because I wanted to post this on my kinktober pause day, which is today.
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akesdraws-blog · 1 year
✨ What I love most... is her smile. ✨
Version: TMNT Bayverse Character: Mikey Warning: Sadness, Heartbreak, Unrequited Love, Best Friend
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🧡 Miguel Ángel was always the sun and the emotional pillar of the family, there was not a moment when he did not seek to make a smile. And gosh, that beautiful smile that Michelangelo had. You don't remember when or how you were so attracted to that mutant party boy, you were able to listen to him for hours and hours, you didn't care what he talked about.
-Hey Cupcake, are you in for a game of Mario Kart? - Mikey quickly appeared with two controllers -Obviously, I'll make you bite the dust- you left everything you did for him -The loser orders the pizza!-He threatened with emotion to throw one of the controls at you Game hours always seemed so short when you could be by his side, even when you could feel those big arms hugging you every time Mikey won a game, you'd admit you let him win a few times just so you could see him with that huge smile.
Meeting them was always the best thing that could have happened in your life, although now my life has taken a complete turn, of course their favorite activity was playing pranks on their brothers.
-Okay, my part is already done- you spoke quietly as you left the empty jar of honey in the cupboard -I want to see Raph's face- mikey rubbed his hands with emotion -Raph? But didn't you say it would be Donnie?- you asked confused towards Mikey -Because Raph left with Casey a while ago- you added with a nervous smile -And Donnie went to the Police station to help them locate some people- Mikey added worried -So... who's going tofall for the joke?- they asked at the same time just before hearing something break from the dojo -When I find the one who threw me a bucket of honey, he'll want to hide with the Krang- Leo's voice was heard, who was quite annoyed
Of course, the fact that they couldn't agree on which brother to play the joke on ended up having to run to save their lives. Even so, those escapes were still the most fun in the world. But you were also there for him when his mood plummeted, you hated to see him sad.
-Mikey? Guess who found your favorite comic?- you spoke excitedly as you entered the den -Mikey?- as you entered the den you found him sitting on his drums playing with the drumsticks. -Hello Pastelillo- I greet you with a small smile You knew perfectly well that kind of smile and throwing away your bag you rushed to hug him, and after a few minutes you heard everything that had happened, the accident at the station, the fight with his brothers, it was too much for everyone, too much for him. -Listen to me, Mikey... you're not a monster- you took his big face in your hands -Of course I am, just look at me- he gave a little bitter laugh avoiding looking at you -I see you- You sought his gaze to smile at him -and I see a beautiful being, I see the brightest ray of light that can exist- you caressed his face with your fingers -Never call yourself that again, because you are not, none of you- You took their hands without looking away -They are heroes, you are my hero Mikey- you finished speaking to receive a big hug from the orange band -Thank you, I needed to hear it- I hid his face in the crook of your neck -Now let me see that beautiful smile you have or should I try to tickle a turtle?- you encouraged him to tickle his neck, making him move slightly with small laughs. You would do anything to be able to see that charming smile on your beloved mutant, on your hero.
You knew it, you loved him too much and you would do anything to make that smile never disappear. You really would do anything to see him happy.
-CAKE!- Mikey excitedly knocked on your window -Mikey?- You quickly went to open your window to see him with the biggest smile in the world -Something good happened? I haven't seen you smile like that since I gave you a pizza for yourself- you said funny -Do you remember when we talked about the ideal date?- the one with the orange band mentioned with emotion -Well, guess who has 6 fingers and convinced April to have a date today?- big smile -That's great Mikey!- you congratulated the excited mutant -It's thanks to you! If you hadn't supported me, I'd never have done it- he told you and then gave you a big hug -No wonder you're my best friend- I finished saying and then released you from the hug -I had nothing to do with it, I just gave you a couple of ideas- you told him with a smile -This handsome turtle is leaving, I must look even cooler for my date- he said as he passed his big hand over his head as if combing his hair -I'll send you a message later, bye!-he finished saying to leave for the buildings Losing sight of him in the shadows, you closed your window like the curtains to release a long sigh. -I think that explains his excitement in the afternoon- Raph was heard speaking, who was sitting on the floor with a bowl of popcorn -I imagine so- you said to let yourself fall on your sofa -I never saw him smile like that- -Hey... Maybe I misunderstood but... Didn't you like Mikey? I'm just saying, we all believed it- asked the big red while he was watching you -Was he so obvious?- You asked with a hint of amusement in your voice. -If your tactic to make him fall in love was to give him advice to go with another girl, I think you were wrong- he added as he raised a handful of popcorn to his mouth. -Do you know what I like the most about Mikey?- you asked him while you looked at the ceiling of your apartment -Actually... We all wondered that- he said with a small tone of seriousness. -His smile of his-you answered -What I love the most... is his smile... And if he can smile when he's with someone else, I'll always support him- you finished speaking while tears escaped from your eyes -I think you're the strangest human I know- Raph finished saying as he rested his head on yours You were always going to love Mikey and that beautiful smile that captivated you, even if his smile was for someone else. You didn't care as long as he was happy.
💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔
I don't know, my brain wanted me to suffer today and I did. 😭 We don't always get the happy ending. 😢
tags: @post-apocalyptic-daydream . @turtle-babe83 . @turtlesmakemehappy . @dilucsflame33 . @thelaundrybitch . @scholastic-dragon . @leosgirl82 . @tmnt-tychou . @mackbunny .
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hjcoolartnerd · 3 months
Continuing my few interactions for TDAS, Hope you enjoy these interactions. Giving Eric and Daniel Abit more screen time
Previous Episode:
Evil Dread
Episode 3: Saving Private Leechball
 Chris: “ last times on total drama all stars! Our hero’s and villains went digging for buried treasure, and uncovered a few nasty surprises *laughs* Eric’s got covered in itching powder while his brother laughs earning him a sucker punch in the nose by Scott, also Scott villained it up big time trying to sabotage the heroes, and when he got caught he didn’t take it so well. But in the end  heroic hamsters were victorious, and Lightning fresh from a hungry night of exile on boney island  made enough bony headed moves to get the royal  flush from his team mates 14 competitors remain, which one of the. Will ride the sewer system next, find out right now on, Total! Drama! All Stars!”
Villains at the looser cabin
Duncan: “ugh, I almost forgotten about these crudtacular cabins”
Alejandro: “let us hope it’s our only visit “
Scott: “*lays down* ow! I miss the hotel! Now that I know how rich people live everything I used to like stinks!”
Daniel: “that doesn’t look soft *goes to one of the bunks*oh they aren’t.., they feel like rocks! *scotts bunk breaks Daniel laughs*”
Duncan’s confessional: “Scott’s okay, at least with him you know what you are getting  which is crud, but still nice to know” 
Daniel’s confessional: “karma is a B I T C… or what? Jaja he totally deserved  that after sucker punching me. Maybe I should get  him more hurt tomorrow. Also I better keep working magic on Gwen if She allies with me guess who joins? No it’s not Scott…nor Alejandro…nor Jo… no Heather…” 
Alejandro:  “well goodnight gentlemen!” 
Heroes at the Spa hotel
Eric: “oh my gawd! This bed is supper comfortable! Is like sleeping on a cloud!
Mike: “*satisfying Sigh* this is the life!”
Cameron: “yeah, but I feel a little guilty looking at Sam’s empty bed. I hope he’s okay over on boney island.”
Eric: “he is a survivor like all of us he will be okay… maybe hurt to the bone but he’ll be fine.”
Eric’s confessional: “I should have gone to exile instead of Sam..  but he beat me to it..  tomorrow I plan to work hard on the days challenge! I do t want us to loose and get booted 3rd” 
Cameron: “I’ve never seen eggs so perfectly hardboiled! The odds are 10 trillion to 1”
Eric: “maple Bacon let’s never lose again!”
Courtney: “it’s not all perfect “
Eric: “and here comes miss Karen *mumbles placing one hard boiled egg in my pocket like Cameron, and zoey and Mike with bacon and Sierra with Toast*”
Courtney: “Hey Butler!  I’ve got a problem!  This juice is at least five percent too pulpy. I thought you were supposed to cantor to our every… *butler returns* oh that was fast… but I’m sure it won’t be *drinks* perfect!”
Eric’s confessional: “yeah Courtney is the type of customer whose food id spit if I found her at my job. Why treat the people who handle your food badly?” 
*Daniel’s notices Jo, Heather and Alejandro trying to make a play with Gwen.*
Daniel’s confessional: “so Alehandjerk, old Heather and Miss Josephine sweatpants are trying to make a play on weird goth girl , I need to step up my game if I want her on my side. I have to beat them to it or else I might be Toiler food! And I know how to try and get her on my side. She wants to make amends with Teen Karen!”
Daniel: “hey Gwen! Have you thought about a way to apologize to Courtney.”
Gwen: “I’ve thought of a lot of ways… but she is glaring at me and it’s hard to even apologize to her.”
Daniel: “Maybe keep trying to do good deeps for her, it will wear her out! It works on my teachers at school, and Courtney is kind of like a teacher.”
Gwen: “you think it would work?”
Daniel: “absolutely!”
Daniel’s confessional: “I have no clue! Teen Karen is well… a Karen.. she’d be the type to ask for a manager for a stupid thing like an employee asking her if she wants dessert when she said her order was complete.” 
Chris: “soldiers! Let’s all welcome back, exiled hamsters Sam!”
Zoey: “hey Sam! How was exile?”
Sam: “aside from the blinding hunger and bear attacks  pretty good actually, *sam falls*
*the team runs to him*
Mike: “ don’t worry buddy, we smuggled you breakfast!” *they all pulled out what they brought for Sam*
Sam: “you bots, are expert  level awesome!” 
Sierra: “Courtney what did you bring Sam?”
Eric: “yeah. Courtney. What did you bring?”
Courtney’s confessional: “no one told me we were doing that!”
Eric’s confessional: “yeah I purposely didn’t tell Courtney to make her look even more bad. I mean look at her! She did this to her self when she became a Karen ” 
Chris: “as winners of yesterday’s challenge the heroes get a full one minute head start! *heroes cheer* ready? Set! *chef shoots Leech gun leech falls on Scott’s face*”
Scott: “ouch!”
*Eric’s looks at Scott with a worried expresion but he runs with his team Daniel notices this*
Eric’s confessional: “Focus Eric! I gotta focus! I can’t let a guy or girl distract me again! After criticizing Heather, Gwen and Courtney in World tour I can’t be seem like a hypocrite now!” 
Daniel’s confessional: “what the? Does Eric cares about Scott’s Well being now? When last season he laughed at Him? I don’t understand those two? First they were at Each others throats and now the6 care for each other ?!”
Heather: “know who could outrace the hamsters even with a head start? Lightning! Way to ruin everything Jo!”
Jo: “We all voted him off, remember?”
Alejandro: “we may not need to worry*points to the hamsters as Sam’s stops tired but Sierra and Mike return to help him*”
Gwen: “*sighs happily* now that’s team work!”
Heather: “yeah Work together now! Crush each other later! Like you and Courtney!”
Gwen: “what?!”
Heather: “the allergy bouquet, the stink bomb! I love  how you insist  you wanna be friends so she never sees it coming .”
Gwen: “uh…”
Heather: “talk about evil genius”
Gwen: “but I didn’t really did those things on purpose! really!”
Heather: “sure *winks*”
Daniel: “don’t worry Gwen I know you didn’t” 
Gwen: “thanks Daniel, i appreciate it!” 
Chris: “Villains! You are up in 3,  2, 1 *chef shoots and the leech falls on Scott again*”
*the villains start running*
Courtney: “Move it! Hussle or so help me  you’ll never see another sunrise!”
Eric: “wow easy Courtney! The man is injured! Flip the witch switch back to Off! We need to work together and support him. No man left behind!” 
Courtney: “Shut it Eric! Or I’ll make sure you are the next one to be flushed!”
Mike’s confessional: “Courtney is kind of scary some times…. *mal shows up* and I love when things get scary! *mikes returns* so, uh what was I saying?” 
Eric’s confessional: “okay I never did anything to Courtney so she treats me like that? Sure I did sided with Gwen when the whole Boyfriend kissing happened but, she was asking for it? Duncan and Courtney were toxic together, a on again off again thing…… oh now I see why… jaja” 
Sierra: “does anyone knows where the heart of the Forrest, is exactly?”
Eric: “we’d have to verify. If I recall in season 1 nor season 4 we have never gone to the heart of the forest.” 
Zoey: “then I’ll go get a better look! *she starts to climb a tree*” 
Courtney’s confessional:” Zoey has some seriously impressive skills, and that is why she’s got to go”
Zoey: “over there!”
 Courtney: “the big one! Go for the big one!” *villains appear in front of the crate*
Mike: “wow! Where’d they come from?” 
Daniel: “best team ever!”*Heather blows a raspberry*
Duncan: “*laughs and points* suckers!” 
Courtney: “ the small one! Go for the small one!”
Eric: “no kidding!” *rolls eyes*
Courtney: “gross!”
Mike: “guess this is this is the low  tech crate alright!”
Villains: *cheer*
Jo: “Who needs lightning! Am I right people?”
Daniel: “what ever Jo.”  *duncan opens the crate*
Duncan, Scott, Heather and Jo: “I’ll take the cannon! No I’ll take the cannon! *goans*”
Alejandro: “We use it as a team right Gwen?”
Heather: “yeah! Obviously “
Jo: “that’s what I was going to say! Woh go team!”
Duncan’s confessional: “so Heather Jo and Alejandro are making a play for Gwen. Why isn’t anyone trying to work me? Probably because I can’t be manipulated! But they could at least  try!”
Daniel’s confessional: “Those three are so obvious! Even a dumb girl like Lindsiot would know they would be trying to manipulate her. Like Can’t they be more discreet?”
Eric: “*walks to Scott holding his bucket and his slingshot* hey Scott you okay? I saw that a leech fell on you?” 
Scott: “*taken a back* huh? Yeah huh I guess it didn’t hurt! I’m a strong as an ox *he smiles before trying to act villainous* and why would you ask about me huh? “
Eric: “well you screamed ouch? I’m just checking you don’t making things easier for us. *he said but they were making eye contact*
Daniel’s confessional: “are you seeing this? Those two are so obnoxious! Eric should have learned after what happened with that pretty boy from action! Discount alehandjerk … “
Eric’s confessional: “for those wondering I don’t have feelings for Scott! He just seem more goofy now than ,last season,  he seems more like the real him, I’m not attracted to his handsome freckled face… or that fire hair or those deep blue piercing eyes…. no! Focus!”
Scott’s confessional: “Eric was annoying last season as the rats ,mentor but now he seems nicer? More like a person I would talk to? He doesn’t seem as uptight as he was? Probably because I’m not in his team throwing challenges… but his hazelnut eyes, his cute smile, those black locks! He is adorable! … but n-no I don’t like him! He just seems like a possible, alliance member for the merge!” 
Screen in half Eric and Scott’s confessional: “Who ever thinks I like him will get a punch in the face! This is only strategic! Being nice to him and pull him into an alliance, no matter how much I want to ki…. *they blush  and stop* like I said strategic” 
Courtney: “ of course the villains, get machine gun shooters. We’ll never beat them with these puny slingshots.”
Cameron : “ sure we can!”
Cameron and Sierra: “ if we are stealthy and score 1st * they high five as Mike drops Sam*”
Eric: “ yeah, Courtney, you don’t have to drag us down with your pessimistic thoughts. “
Courtney: “ uh. nerd, love if you kiss  in front of me, I will throw up *turns to eric* I didn’t ask for your opinion Eric”
Cameron: “ Sierra and I are just friends, right Sierra?”
Sierra: “ yeah we are. I have a Cody waiting back home for me.” 
Zoey: “ a cave! Sam can rest in there while the rest of us take on the villains”
Eric: “ good idea!”
Sam: “uh, power, level low…”
Mike: “ should someone stay to guard him? It”
Courtney: “ I’ll do it I owe him for not bringing him some breakfast”
Eric: “ sounds like a plan, and not against that!”
Zoey’s confessional: “ I knew Courtney had a heart buried in there somewhere”
Courtney’s confessional: “ this is what the smart leaders do hang back and let the soldiers take the leeches to the face”
Eric’s confessional: “ you guys may be wondering why I wasn’t against Courtney guarding Sam. it’s very simple. Actually I know that she’s one of those people that prefers self preservation so the moment that she smells dangerous she’s going to use Sam as a human shield and if we lose the challenge it would be a win-win because we can get rid of Courtney. I feel like she should’ve gone an episode one.”
Zoey: “we have to find the villains before they find us”
Mike: “stealth maneuvers, this sounds like a job for Svetlana *gasp*”
 Sierra: “Oh, goody! She’s my favorite!”
Cameron: “svetlanna? Is that you?”
Mike: “*sighs* Nah still me”
Mikes confessional: “okay, wasn’t too long ago I couldn’t keep my alternate personalities in, now they won’t come out *hits himslef* ouch! Damned wall am I Chester? *rips off shirt* yo Vito! my shirts off come and get it. Vito? Anybody?”
*pushing the cannon*
Gwen: “we’re easy targets like this, maybe we should ditch the cannon”
Jo: “ no way! I haven’t even had a turn to fire it yet! Isn’t that right sweetheart”
Gwen: “OK? Then we should split up” 
Alejandro: “agreed I’ll go with Gwen”
Heather: “ no I’ll go with Gwen”
Jo: “ as if I’m letting either of you go anywhere with Gwen”
Alejandro: “please attempt to be reasonable *as he Jo and Heather argue*”
Daniel: “hey guys why are you fighting for Gwen? We can’t all go with her?” *a leech hits alejandro*
Alejandro: *screams* “I’m hit! *falls*” 
Zoey: “Sorry, but not totally *runs off as people try to shoot her leeches, Daniel screams*”
Daniel: “Oh come on!”*he  drops his machine gun and they can hear Eric laughing*”
Jo: *fires the cannon and it hits Scott*
Scott: “oh. Come on!” *he groans and falls*
Eric: “Scott!?” *he runs up to him Dropping his sling shots* “buddy you okay? *starts taking the leeches off scott*”
Eric’s confessional: “if I’m going to have Scott as an ally I need him at his best… but maybe going out in the open w(ere the villains are was a dumb mistake” 
Heather: “so long sucker!” *shoots eric as Eric screams” 
Daniel’s confessional: “Okay this is way more deep than I thought?! Eric is definitely in love with Scott! I have to stop anything to happen between them!” 
Chris: “*laughs* that’s!  Three points for the heroes and one for the villains!”
Duncan: “ but Zoey only hit Alejandro? And Eric hit Daniel” 
Chris: “true but friendly fire counts!” 
Jo: “ what dirt boy got in the way!”
Heather: “you can take your excuses and stick it in your *mike shoots her* ah!!”
Chris: “that’s four points heroes one for the villains!” 
(Next part is between Eric Scott Daniel Alejandro and Heather since Eric is out already)
Eric: “that’s the dumbest move I’ve ever done *,amages to take the five leeches Heather shot at him*”
Heather: “you think? You aren’t in your game Eric”
Eric: “you are one to talk? Both you and Alejandro out already? So sad *laughs*”
Daniel: “at least they were taken out by Zoey and Mike! Not like you taken out because you were worried about the dumb dirty boy!”
Eric: “*tries to stay calm* Me worried?! As If! I hate Scott!” *tries not to blush*
Daniel: “sure… just like Heather and Alejandro hate eachother!”
Alejandro and Heather: “shut it Daniel!” 
Daniel: “touchy *laughs*”
Daniel’s confessional: “it’s easy to play Heather, Alejandro and Eric! Two of them are into eachother and I know most of Eric’s weaknesses perks of being his brother,” 
Eric’s confessional: “ I really want to wipe Daniel’s grin off his mouth! He is more annoying than Bryan! And Bryan conspired against Heather to do a twin switch! That why I had pink tips in world tour!” 
Heathers confessional: “I got to say Daniel is really Evil, but is he Bryan evil? He turned against his own sibling? Maybe I could recruit him as an ally! He might know Eric’s weaknesses. I get Gwen, with Gwen comes Duncan, and I get Eric, four votes for Alejandro next time!” 
Alejandro’s confessional: “if Eric was in our team I think I could have convinced him to join me in a alliance, despite our past Eric wants the millions as much as I do, and right now Heather and Daniel are both threats!” 
Eric’s confessional : “you know I’m happy I’m not in the vultures!  Because if I did I would be their first target. And what allies I have in their team? Gwen only, and I’m trying to get Scott to side with me but Right now it work e useful, but it’s always good to have allies right?” 
Eric: “well I’m taking Scott to get those Leeches removed. *eric got up and tried to make Scott stand and held him with one of Scott’s arms around his shoulders. Eric walked off with scott*”
Daniel’s confessional: “okay this is getting out of hand! I don’t know my own older brother anymore.”
Alejandro’s confessional: “this is perfect! Is obvious Eric is trying to get Scott as an ally if I get Eric to ally with me! I can have 2 votea when the merge happens plus Gwen and Duncan if I get Gwen on my side.” 
Eric: *struggling to have Scott up, he sees Alejandro Hand walking to him* 
Alejandro: “need assistance?”
Eric: “I’d say yes but you can’t use your legs so it’d be futile” 
Alejandro’s confessional: “I need Eric’s trust and I know how” 
Alejandro: “what if I to,d you this is all an act?” 
Eric: “what do you mean?” 
Alejandro: “*smirks as he goes a Down and the  stands up with his legs* my legs are perfectly fine!” *but Alejandro didn’t know someone a Saw them being sierra*
Sierras confessional: “holy Cody! Alejandro is pretending? I saw right thru him but he just admitted that to Eric! Is he trying to play Eric? I need to ask him.”
Eric: “oh? So you are playing Heather and you team with a lie saying your legs don’t work?”
Alejandro: “you are smarter than you think! Listen Eric, I know you hate me”
Eric: “hate is an understatement” 
Alejandro: “how about I help you take Scott to the informers and you can ally yourself with me! I know you have the most influence on the votes in the heroes, if you have me as an Ally you’d have another ally on the villains and have more votes and possibly Duncan’s vote. You and Gwen are friends right?”
Eric: “yeah I do have Sam, Sierras, Mike, Zoey, Cameron and Gwen’s trust. They are friends to me. And I’m trying to get Scott to ally with me too. So yeah” 
Alejandro: “then perfect ally with me and we get rid of Jo, Heather, Courtney and Duncan when the time is right what do you say?”
Eric’s confessional: “I know Alejandro is playing me, but you know wha5 I’m going to let him think I’m with him! But when some threats are out, I’ll double cross him. That not evil when you are doing it to a villain! Besides. I would never double cross any one of my friends so once I get Jo Heather Courtney Daniel and Duncan out, the next one to go will be Alejandro. Leaving me and my friends and Scott.” 
Eric: “deal!”
Alejandro’s confessional: “wow he trust me!  He really is easily tricked! Once I get rid of all, those people Eric will be next!” 
Eric: “make yourself useful and Help me with Scott”
Alejandro: “*goes to the other Side of Scott and Helps him up* wow he really stinks!?” 
Eric: “really I guess sharing a cabin and a trailer with Owen’s farts really did made me immune to Scott’s smells.”
*after the left Scott in the infermery*
Alejandro: “I’ll return to my team before they get suspensions!”
Eric: “alright Al, *he sees Alejandro hand walk away as he walks the other way and hears Chris announce*
Chris: “it’s six to three, heroes!  One more point and the hamsters win!” 
Sierra: “*walks to Eric covered in Leeches* Eric what were you talking with Alejandro? Didn’t you hate them?”
Eric: “Sierra do you trust me?”
Sierra: “kind of? You’ve never done anything wrong thru the seasons so I know you are trust worthy”
Eric: “then get this Alejandro is trying to manipulate me to try and use me as a life boat to get far in the game and he thinks I’m oblivious.” 
Sierra: “so that’s why he let you know he can walk?”
Eric: “correct! He is trying to get me to trust him. But I’m just using him. If with his support we get rid of most of the villains and Courtney it will be just you, Me, Sam, Cameron, Mike, Zoey, Gwen and Scott in the merge.”
Sierra: “wait you already planned ahead? That’s really strategic of you? But what next? When most of the good guys are in the merge? “
Eric: “we start taking people out depending on how much of a threat they are. I don’t want to double cross anyone, so when the merge comes and it’s just us 7 I’d be honest and say that’s when our alliance breaks and everyone is on their own if they want.”
Sierra: “what if it back fires?”
Eric: “I never thought of that”
Chris: “six points to four! It ain’t over yet!” 
Eric: “which villain is left? And which heroes al left?”
Sierra: “if I’m correct, Jo is the only villain left and heroes, is Mike Zoey, and I think Courtney who might have used Sam as human shield.”
Eric: “perfect! If we lose let’s vote Courtney!”
Sierra: “really?you want us to lose?”
Eric: “not at all I love the spa hotel! But if no thanks to Courtney we lose she should be out next”
Sierra: “agree! She is nothing but mean and bossy! I like Zoey as leader better!”
Eric: “same!”
Sierras confessional: “Can I trust Eric? His plan to get 7 people to the merge sound pretty evil! Considering the fact he is willing to work with Alejandro someone that Eric despised more than Heather and Eric in season 3” 
Chris: “this just in with a final score of seven points to four, the heroes win!… al though some of them, didn’t behave all that heroically. Courtney!” 
Eric: “yes! Way to go!” *he high fives Sierra and Cameron*
Daniel: “hey Gwen who should we vote for in this elimination?” 
Gwen: “I’m voting Jo, most of us are.”
Daniel: “Alright Jo it is!”
Daniel’s confessional: “step two! Go with Gwen’s choice to vote off a villain! Check!” 
Vultures Votes:
Alejandro: Jo
Daniel: Jo
Duncan: Jo 
Gwen: Jo
Heather: Jo
Jo: Heather 
Scott: Jo
Order in which they receive marshmallows
Heather (bottom 2) 
Jo (Eliminated)
Chris: “but before we get flushing, I wanna do a little re shuffling! Today one villain acted more like a hero and one hero acted more like a villain, so pack your bags and switch your teams! Courtney and Duncan! *everyone gasps* and ass an added twist and more drama I also want to switch two more, just because I feel like it. Eric switch with Daniel!” 
Courtney: “I don’t want to be a villain!”
Eric: “how is changing me to the villains Team makes more drama?”
Duncan: “I don’t want to be a lame o hero!”
Daniel: “this sucks! I’m not a hero! Why am I switching!”
Chris: “ yeah yeah, Just do it.”
Eric:  *sighs crossing his arms* this sucks!  *he walks to where the villains are and sits to Scott’s left*
Scott: “guess we are teammate!”
Eric: “*blushes and smiles* yes, guess we are” *he looks away blushing*
Eric’s confessional: “I might not be with the team I had the mayority of votes but…. This isn’t half bad, I have Gwen and I’m getting along with Scott so that’s something right?”
Daniel’s confessional: “this really sucks! A ream with Apology Brat, String bean, Mike, the gamer and the stalker. Great I’ll be booted next… oh and Duncan” 
Daniel: “hey new team… *everyone but Duncan is glaring at him*”
Next episode
Food Fright
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