#Thank you Ghoul for the worms <3
kaelidascope · 1 month
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Hey hey! It's ya favorite chef here with a HORROR FIC this time! Peep the tags and the note before proceeding <3 It's time for some INFECTED BEES! 💃💃
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coffeeghoulie · 11 days
Mushy May Day 24: Acts of Friendship
Dew's been a little cold to the new ghouls. He aims to fix that.
Thank you so much to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together, and to @ghuleh-recs for making the dividers <3
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Dew's quiet around them for the first few weeks. Testing the waters. Two new faces shoehorned into his pack only a few Topside years after the last time his pack had been turned upside down. Nobody can blame him for being a little cold.
It's easy enough to do, he just holds onto his stage personality a little longer, spine straight, arms crossed behind his back. He grits his teeth as he watches them slot into the spots his mate held, his Sunshine held, and he knows it's not their fault, but it's still like rubbing hand sanitizer into a paper cut you don't know you have.
Dew misses Aether, misses the way things were, swallows past the lump in his throat. His packmates seem to be having an easier time accepting Aeon and Aurora than he is.
He watches Swiss sidle up to Aeon, watches him get on his knees for Aurora. The ghoulettes, ever the tight knit group, accept Aurora as one of their own from the moment she had been pulled from the summoning circle. Mountain and Rain ruffle Aeon's hair, the new bug eager to please.
Rituals are surprisingly still the same, minus the vacuous hole that resides out of the corner of Dew's right eye where his mate would be standing. Aeon is a remarkable guitarist, and they do their best to fill their role with exaggerated stage presence.
The amphitheater is stubbornly warm long after the sun's gone down, heat clinging to them and their heavy uniforms. Dew has never felt out of his element here. This is what he was summoned to do, and Lucifer be damned, he does it well.
The fans scream as he steps up to the edge of the stage, glaring menacingly through the lenses of his helmet, fingers flying over the strings of his Stratocaster. If he shuts his eyes, it all feels the same.
There's a lull, Papa addressing the masses, and Dew stands statue still, scanning through the crowd. A ritual-goer, wide eyed in awe, gestures up at him with a bouquet of flowers. He cocks his head, lips quirking up underneath his balaclava.
Dew reaches, bending down as the fan tosses him the flowers, squealing all the while. He actually manages to catch them this time. The breatheable fabric does dull the scent somewhat when he sticks his entire face into the bouquet, but thanks to his ghoulish senses, it's still incredibly sweet.
He nods, thanking the fan, their eyes wide and reflecting the stage lights. Dew takes a deep breath, glancing over his shoulder at the ghoulettes behind him, turning on the heel of his boot to walk towards their platforms.
Dew stops at the foot of the platform nearest his mark, staring up at the littlest ghoulette, one arm behind his back.
Aurora's not muzzled like him, Rain, and Aeon. Dew can see the way her glamour slips just a little bit, fangs on full display as she grins delightedly. Worlds away from them, the crowds scream, desperate to watch the ghouls interact.
"Aw, Dew!" she squeals, thankfully far enough away that her mic doesn't pick it up. She presses her hands together in front of her mouth, the bright teal-lined cape swaying behind her as she bends down to accept the flowers. "Thank you," she whispers, and her dark green eyes meet his through the lenses of their helmets. "Seriously, thank you."
He nods, bowing a little bit. Dew opens his mouth to speak but doesn't trust his voice right now, just brings his arm back behind his back.
Aurora sets the flowers down on the back of her podium, where they're not in danger of her accidentally stepping on them when she dances. Dew smiles as he makes his way back to his spot. He glances over towards Aeon, who's staring raptly at him, and Dew doesn't need to actually see their expression to know how eager they are that he's reaching out to his summon mate
The two of them are growing on him, worming their way into his heart, and he finds he doesn't quite mind letting them in. There's room.
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sentientgolfball · 8 months
Hello! Sorry to do this on anon 😅 I had a fic request!! I’ve been going through a really really rough time recently and all I’ve been needing is a Mountain/GN!Reader/Rain comfort fic with a reader with chronic pain 🥺 I appreciate you reading and, no matter what, thank you for your time!!
aw I am very sorry to hear that :(( I hope this can make you feel just a lil bit better <3
Enjoy some soft Mountain and Rain
My requests are open !
You crack open your eyes and immediately know what kind of day it’s going to be. You can feel the chill of the room on your face. You can hear the rain pouring down outside. You can feel the deep ache of your joints and you haven’t even moved yet. You thought maybe if you just laid in bed a little bit longer then the pain would go away, that you were just sore from sleeping in a weird position. When the pain persists you completely flipped your thinking, maybe you actually needed to get up and stretch. Yea that was definitely it. You sit up and quickly realize that was a mistake. It feels like there are a million tiny shards of glass trying to worm their way into your brain. 
You clutch your head and groan, screwing your eyes shut at the pain. You lay back down and bury your head under the pillows. You breathe deeply through your nose waiting for the pain to dull down. While you wait you do the only thing you can. You get upset. At everything. You curse the summer for dying away into autumn. You hate the feeling of the cold seeping deep within your body. You hate the rain for deciding to come now that the warm weather is over. You curse your body for reacting this way. You hate that you can’t enjoy the changing of the season because with every change in temperature comes days like these. Days where it’s too hard for you to move, to think, to just be able to function. 
A sharp throb pulses through your whole body and you whine realizing you definitely weren’t going to be able to work today. You blindly reach for your phone, not even bothering to remove your head from the pillows. You look at the screen when you grab it and it hurts. You quickly text the head librarian your situation and throw your phone back on your nightstand not even bothering to wait for a response. The longer you looked at the screen the more sick you felt. 
You laid like that for hours. You didn’t have the energy to even attempt to get up and do anything that might help with the ache. There were a couple times you tried to move when the ache seemed to die down, but doing so only made it flare right back up. So you stayed there with your head buried under pillows barely able to think. And then you heard your phone buzz. You ignored it the first time, but then it kept going off. You were starting to get annoyed at the noise. You reached up and grabbed it with the intent to put it on do not disturb. That was until you saw who was blowing up your phone. It was Rain. 
Did you stay up too late lol you weren’t here to greet me
Decided to skip work? Can’t blame you it’s nice outside
Are you alive?
…No seriously I’m worried are you ok? 
You wanted to reply but just as you tapped on the messages your head exploded in a thumping ache. You cursed and threw your phone day willing to settle just long enough to type a coherent sentence back to the water ghoul. You crack your eyes open when you feel your phone buzz again. 
I’m on my way. 
You slump back down and groan. You hated making him worry. You hated making any of the Siblings or ghouls worry. You wanted so badly to be able to just push all the pain away and get through your day with a smile. But the logical side of you screamed and begged to let them help you, let them worry and care for you. 
That side ended up winning when you heard a soft knock at your door. You mumbled a half hearted ‘come in’ and hissed when the light were turned on. 
“Shit sorry.” You heard Rain say before the lights were flicked off once more. 
You hear him walk over before the mattress dips with his added weight. You feel his hand start to rub firm but soothing circles into your back.
“Bad day?” 
“You have no idea.” 
“Have you eaten?”
You shake your head
You shake your head 
“Moved at all?” 
You shake your head 
He sighs and there's a moment of silence as he pulls out his phone and quickly types something. When he’s done he sits it on the nightstand next to yours before standing. He carefully removes the pillow from your head and peels the blankets off of you. He gently hooks his arms under you and picks you up with ease holding you close to him. He carries you to the bathroom and puts you down on the edge of the tub. He makes sure you're stable enough before pulling away and gently placing a kiss on your forehead. 
He quickly lights a few non-scented candles before gathering various soaps and other care products. He begins to fill the tub adding a few cups of bath salts to the water. You can already feel the heat coming off the water as Rain crouches in front of you. He slowly brings his hands to the bottom of your shirt and waits for your permission. You run a hand through his hair and nod. He smiles affectionately at you as he carefully undresses you and then himself. 
He dips into the tub first, settling back against the tile before gently pulling you in with him. You sigh heavily, feeling the hot water envelop you as you lean against Rain’s chest. You sit heavily against him putting all your weight on him as he begins to slowly massage your shoulders, working his way down your arms. You feel his tail squeeze around one of your legs and the pressure feels amazing. 
After a while of just sitting there, letting the water cradle you as Rain works his hands over every joint, he eventually scoops some water to pour over your hair. He gently runs his claws against your scalp when he’s satisfied before grabbing your favorite shampoo and lathering it into your hair. You hum in gratitude as he works his hands through, being sure to rub some gentle circles against your temples. When he’s finished he once again scoops some water into his hands to rinse the soap out. 
As he’s doing this you hear a knock on the bathroom door. 
“Right on time.” Rain says repositioning you so he can hop out of the bath. 
You watch bleary eyed as he wraps a towel around his waist and cracks open the door. He whispers something you can’t make out and nods his head with a slight smile. When he turns around after closing the door he has some clothes. One bundle is lounge wear you’ve seen the water ghoul wear hundreds of times, but the other is a massive sweatshirt and an extra pair of Rain’s sweatpants. Rain sets them down on the counter before walking over to the bath and hoisting you up. 
“Mountains waiting for us” he whispers and presses a kiss to your cheek “he brought something special for you.” 
You allow Rain to dry you off before you get dressed in the clothes brought for you. Moutain’s sweater and Rain’s sweatpants. When you’re ready he takes your hand and walks with you back to your bedroom. You’re greeted to the sight of Mounatin sitting on your bed smiling softly. There’s a tray on your nightstand with three mugs, steam rolling off of them. You can smell the herbaceous scent from where you stand. You notice there’s an added blanket on your bed and you nearly cry when you realize it’s heated. 
You practically slump against the earth ghoul who carefully pulls you against him as he leans back and against the headboard. He pulls the blanket over you as Rain hands you and Mountain your respective mugs. He takes his own before walking around to the other side of the bed to get under the covers. He slides in right next to Mountain who pulls him closer to you two, wrapping a massive arm around his shoulders. 
You take a sip of the tea and practically moan at the taste. Mountain chuckles and takes a sip from his own mug. 
“Like it? It’s a new blend I’m testing. Rain said it helped him so I thought you’d want some.” 
“It’s perfect Mounty.” You hum taking another long drink. 
When you finish Mountain takes the empty mug from you and lays off to the side. He holds you close to him letting the pressure of his arms wrap around you. The combination of the tea, the heated blanket, and two ghouls happily purring away make your eyes feel heavy. 
“Tired?” Rain says snuggling in closer, giving you a few soft kisses before nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. 
You nod, pulling Mountain’s arm tighter around you, resting your head on his chest. He kisses the top of your head. 
“Go to sleep, wildflower. Rain and I will stay as long as you need us.” 
You and mutter an incoherent form of ‘thank you’ before closing your eyes. The two ghouls laugh and twine their tails together, resting them on top of you. 
“Sleep well.”
“We’ll be right here whenever you need us.” 
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
hellohello :)!! i saw the tags you left on the mountaindew piece, very very glad you liked it <3
based on that i am offering you a prompt of some sleepy ghouls, possibly with how they fight off the cold when it comes to winter :0? go absolutely bonkers w it (your writing is fantastic can i say, like. incredible. esp with descriptions)
Cozy eepy ghoul fluff JUST FOR YOU
Rain grumbles to himself in bed, curled up on his side and shivering.
It's another drafty winter night and the water ghoul is miserable, alone in his room and too cold to get up and stoke the fire he'd let burn down to embers much too quickly. It's after midnight and he's tired, a long day of library work and practice behind him. But it's way too cold for him to sleep, and he'd rather be back in the pit than forced to get up in this chill.
Rain hisses as he wriggles an arm out of the mass of blankets he's wormed himself into to grab his phone from the nightstand, fingers shaking while he types.
R: Help, my fire went put and I'm freezing.
R: *out
The screen goes dark and Rain swears he can see his breath in the moonlight pouring over him. He whines high in his throat and tugs a blanket over his head. His phone buzzes a few minutes later.
D: fuck u too? satanas i gotta be in 4 rooms at once apparently
Well, at least Rain isn't the only one suffering.
R: Shit. Sorry Dew.
D: stfu its not ur fault
D: common room in 20
Rain perks up at that. The common room this late at night can only mean one thing. There's just a little problem.
R: I can't het up, I'll be an icicle. :(
R: *get, sorry, fingers are frozen.
D: ffs
D: hang on i'll get u a ride princess
Rain rolls his eyes and curls back in on himself. He imagines the others passing the time while they waited for the impending meetup.
Mountain would be fussing over his plants first and foremost, pressing gentle fingers into their soil to distribute his earthen warmth. He'd be in low-slung flannels and a long sleeved shirt, little sprigs of lavender poking from his hairline as sleep tried to dig its claws into him. Rain thinks about how wonderful Mountain is to sleep next to, naturally warm and big enough engulf his whole body. They sleep back to chest every time, legs tangled together, Mountain's arm clutching Rain's chest with their fingers intertwined. Mountain would snore into his hair, lulling him into a dreamy slumber.
Aether would be in a similar boat as Rain, his proximity to the void at the source of his power leaving him cooler than most. He wouldn't show it though. If Rain went to him right now, Aether would be lounging in bed with a medical text and those elegant silver-framed reading glasses in place, casual as could be in just a pair of pajama pants. His eyes would be heavy though, sleep dragging at their corners. Rain would slip under the covers and Aether would put his things aside, sliding down onto his back and letting the water ghoul curl against his side. Rain would hook a long leg over Aether's hip and an arm over his belly, resting his head on his soft chest. Rain always falls asleep first, soothed by Aether's quintessence and comforting presence.
Dew, if he weren't running around prepping for an impromptu ghoul pile, would undoubtedly be with either Aether or Swiss. It was rare to find the fire ghoul sleeping alone, except maybe in the dead of summer. Rain didn't mind sleeping next to him in any season, his natural chill an advantage that allowed them to share a bed on even the warmest nights. Dew would either be playing his beat up acoustic or watching some nonsense on his phone until sleep took over, dropping the device into his own face at least once. To sleep with Dewdrop is to sleep naked, and Rain quite likes that about the experience. They sleep face to face, entangled in one another any way they can manage, skin to skin and forehead to forehead. Rain would drift off on the scent of cinnamon and a crackling fire, awash in cozy warmth.
Swiss would be in whoever's bed would have him. Not always for anything lascivious, but the multighoul did NOT sleep alone. He'd had horrific nightmares after his summoning, the others finding him shrieking his lungs out in the dark. The presence of others at night had helped him through it, and the habit had stuck. If Swiss had texted Rain to come to his room, it would have led to two things - being stoned and making out. Not that you'd hear Rain complaining about it. He'd lay his head in Swiss's lap and let the other ghoul feed him the joint. Sometimes he'd kiss him with a mouthful of smoke instead, and Rain liked that especially. They would drift together, tactile and giggly and in just their boxers, Rain eventually falling asleep between Swiss's legs, arms wrapped around his waist. Swiss would sing him there, gentle claws running over his scalp while Rain pressed kisses into the little bit of pudge at his waistband.
The girls would be together in their nest, formerly Cumulus's chambers. Cirrus and Sunshine's rooms were always empty at night, unless they were entertaining a guest. Even then, they always migrated back together. Anyone was welcome in their shared den, to their oversized bed strewn with countless pillows and blankets, but it was always at least the three of them. The ghoulettes all sleep in pajamas that differ only in color; camisole style tops with shorts in light blue for Cumulus, silver for Cirrus and peach for Sunshine. They fit together in the nest, Sunshine at the center so the others could nestle into her warmth. Cumulus and Cirrus would mirror each other at her sides, one leg hooked over each of hers and their heads on her shoulders, arms around each other. If Rain joined alone, he liked to lay on his stomach under their tangle of legs, the weight of them carrying him off so easily.
If Rain were warm enough to sleep, he'd be reading himself there. He's currently in the middle of a trashy urban fantasy with vampires and werewolves, one he couldn't make it through a single chapter of without laughing hysterically. But ideally Dew would be here, sitting between Rain's legs and talking about everything and nothing while Rain braided his hair and soaked in his warmth. Dew would be doing something with his hands - rubbing Rain's calves, up to his thighs and then wriggling back against Rain's naked body. The water ghoul would smirk and say his name low, but the fire ghoul would feign innocence. He was just getting comfy. They'd tease each other until Rain was finished tying off the braid, then Dew would be flipping around so they could ravish each other. They'd fall asleep the same way as always, only much, much closer.
The designated 20 minutes fly by as Rain loses himself in thoughts of warmer times, and before he knows it he's being dragged from his reverie by his door being thrown open. Rain startles, peeking from behind his blankets to squint at the broad shape in the doorway.
"Someone said you needed a lift?"
Rain huffs out a laugh as Ifrit strides into the room in just a pair of low-slung sweats, arms crossed over his ample chest. Rain is tempted to just drag the fire ghoul into bed and lay on top of him, basking in his warmth.
"I can't feel my feet," Rain complains, and Ifrit grins as he leans down to scoop the water ghoul up princess style, blankets and all. He gives Rain a peck on the temple.
"You get tit privileges, Regina, don't worry." Rain chirps at the nickname, nuzzling into the fire ghouls neck in search of burning cedar and sun-warmed stone. He lets his eyes drift shut as Ifrit carries him to the common room, not opening them again until he's being set down next to the makeshift nest in the center of the room.
The couches and loveseat have been rearranged into a bed of sorts, shoved together with any gaps having been filled with pillows. It's lined with at least a dozen blankets and a mountain of pillows. The rest of the pack is already present, bleary eyed and swaying on their feet in the roaring firelight. They all clearly need this.
"Okay, Rain's in first tonight," Dew says, standing at the head of the nest. "Everybody wait your damn turn this time."
Rain yelps as Ifrit scoops him up and tosses him directly in the center of the plush pit. He laughs as Ifrit climbs in after him, scooching to the far end of the arrangement. Dew is right behind him, divesting Rain of his own blankets and rubbing a warm hand over his spine.
"Shit, raincloud, you are frozen," he murmurs, pushing heat into the water ghoul's skin. "C'mon, let's get you warm." It never ceases to amaze Rain how caring Dew can be. It only really came out on nights like this, but it blew him away every time.
Ifrit lays down first, half propped against the pillows in a corner. Rain follows him swiftly down while Sunshine mirrors Ifrit in the opposite corner. He molds himself to the fire ghoul's side, head firmly on his chest - Ifrit had given him tit privileges, after all - and twisting a leg around his. Ifrit kisses him on the forehead and Dew is next, pressing himself flush to Rain's icy back. He'd removed his shirt as well, and Rain greatly appreciated it. Dew presses his lips to the back of Rain's neck and hums softly into his skin. It's a weakness of Rain's and he finds his eyelids already begin to drag down.
The others follow suit.
Aether is next, finally admitting to also being cold and wedging himself on Ifrit's other side. He leans over to give each of them a kiss before resting on the other side of Ifrit's chest, laying a strong arm over their little pile. Dew does the same behind him, and just like that Rain is surrounded by warmth and comforting weight. Aether's leg loops around Ifrit's and their knees touch, Rain giggling at the sensation.
In the other corner, Sunshine has been bracketed by her girls in a position mirroring that of Rain and Aether on Ifrit. They all drag their legs up for Mountain to join, laying diagonally between the two piles. Swiss follows, scrambling to lay directly on top of Mountain with his head in the center of the earth ghoul's chest. The rest of them would wait until the two were settled, Mountain then giving the okay for everyone to put their legs up. They all would, a blanket of limbs weighing Swiss down against Mountain's chest until they were both groaning.
Once they're all settled, Swiss is the first to tap into his fire and start the warming process. His heat leaches into Mountain, and into their combined legs. Rain groans as his toes start regaining feeling. Sunshine is next, her summery warmth flooding them with the scent of honeyed peach blossoms. Ifrit and Dew warm themselves together, and the moan Rain gives has all of them chuckling. He can't even think to care, not with the toasty warmth and heady scents engulfing him. It's like he's at a bonfire in a fruit orchard, surrounded by everyone he loves.
"Thank you," he breathes into Ifrit's skin.
Dew kisses the back of his neck again in acknowledgement before going back to humming into the soft skin there. Rain is the first to start purring, drifting away in hazy warmth and a ring of arms. The rest aren't far behind.
Copia finds them like that the next morning when they're late for practice, the room filled with what sounds like roughly a dozen lions. He strokes a gloved hand through Rain's soft curls, chuckling at the way the water ghoul is drooling over Ifrit's skin. He can't bring himself to wake them, instead tiptoeing from the room with a warm smile on his face.
In his sleep, Rain does the same.
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everybodyshusband · 1 year
Do you have any thoughts on regressed Aether or Mountain? *shoves a bikkie into your pocket and runs to work*
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thank you for the bikkie, troob !! <3 and thank you both for the asks !! i'm combining your asks (i hope that's alright) and this'll be one big ol' post about my current hcs for regressed ghouls :D
(under the cut)
when he’s regressed, aether is maybe around 7-ish years old (he and mountain are the two ghouls that don't tend to regress quite as young as the others). he likes kid’s cereals and orange juice for breakfast, and he’s always ridiculously sleepy in the mornings (some things don't change; he's ridiculously sleepy every morning, especially when he isn't regressed). he pretends to be too old and mature to hold cirrus’ hand, but if she thinks he needs a hand to hold, she knows how to trick him into it (usually with a "oh, aeth, this movie's really scary, isn't it? can you hold my hand and keep me safe?" when the scarier scenes in his favourite movies come on). his favourite game is doctors, and all he needs to do to get a playmate is pull the cutest little puppy dog eyes on swiss before the multi ghoul is dramatically collapsing to the ground with a cry of "oh, no, doctor aether! i've got a boo-boo on my knee, can you fix it??"
mountain tends to regress to 10 or 11 years old. he still loves his garden, and could spend all day digging for worms and climbing trees all around the abbey's grounds. he could live off of those chocolates that look like rocks, but he also can, and will, with zero regrets, sneak into primo's garden and eat his vegetables right off of the plant (most of primo's broccoli plants have ghoul teeth-shaped bites taken out of them, right in the centre). his favourite days out are picnics in the woods, especially with rain and cumulus. they'll sit on the picnic blanket and make daisy chains for each other and mountain while the earth ghoul pretends to go on important expeditions around the forest (all within sight of his supervising ghouls, but don't tell that to mountain) and excitedly comes back every so often for a snack, a daisy chain, and to recount his adventures.
i've thought/written about regressed rain quite a lot, (and my hcs for them keep changing, haha!) but in my defence, he's just so stinking cute, and the rest of his pack thinks so too. they consistently regress to about 3 or 4 years old, and he is absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs. he doesn't actually know a lot about dinosaurs, but he can talk about how cool they are for hours and hours if he's asked. they love hanging out with swiss when they're regressed because they insist that "swissy" gives the best hugs and loves rain's dinosaur plushies the most out of everyone. he tends to get a lot of pain in his legs when he's small because he toddles around with his feet turned in and that position makes his legs hyperextend a lot more than usual, but not to worry! they have a special set of crutches they use when they're regressed that are covered in ribbons and dinosaur stickers and coloured foam to help keep them feeling small even when they're using adult sized crutches (if he's wandering around on his own, he tends to forget about the crutches, but if he's with the other ghouls, they'll usually remember for him). i'm sure there's more i could say about regressed rain but i'll leave it at that for now :)
dewdrop's regressed age is a bit of a mix. some days he's more of a toddler and other times he's an infant (he's also been known to regress to the same age as aether, but that hasn't happened very often). he's very clingy, always needing hugs or a hand to hold or a touch of some kind to be in a good mood. when he isn't regressed he has an oral fixation and that doesn't change when he's little; he loves his dummies and teethers (he has little dummy clips for them that slip around his neck so he doesn't have to worry about holding onto a soother when he isn't using it) and if he's ever without one then something's not right. when he's an infant, he loves cuddling with cumulus. he'll sit on her lap for hours and hours, cuddling up with her and sleeping for as long as she'll let him (he's a bit like a cat in that aspect; once he sits himself on her lap, cumulus knows she won't be able to move for a good few hours)
no one has a clue as to where swiss gets his energy from. whether he's an older toddler or a child, he loves moving around, especially dancing (when he's regressed it's less of a dance and more of a wiggle but shh). ...that's the extent of my current hcs for him really, the little guy just really loves to boogie KJSFHJKDH he also really loves squeezy yoghurts and fruit pouches
(i still don't know what to call him, but) the new ghoul regresses quite small. either a really young toddler or an infant. they're not a big fan of dummies/pacis (whatever you want to call them) but they love teethers. he'll sink his teeth into one of those bad boys and be happy for the rest of the day (they're one of those babies that barely chews on the teether. they'll just kind of have it in their mouth and gnaw on it softly with their mouth still mostly open). he also loves snuggling up with the ghoulettes, but he's quite attached to zephyr, too! they'll curl up in zephyrs lap and let the old air ghoul read to them softly until they fall asleep.
i think that's about it !! i've only thought about the ghoulettes and other era ghouls as caregivers rather than regressors, but if i come up with any regressor hcs for those guys i'll put them in the reblogs :)
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slothquisitor · 8 months
Hiya I just recently found you and i gotta say I love your work
Idk if you do requests/fic suggestions, (feel free to ignore me if you do)
But to continue on from Rattle, Liv, and Astarion haven't really talked since that night
They go to confront Cazador, astarion is forced into the ritual and the fight begins.
After he is freed and Cazador is defeated he goes to carve the symbols on his back when he notices Liv lying on the floor not moving, gravely injured in the fight against Cazador
He would drop everything and rush to her side
Nonny, thank you for the delicious angst fodder. You really are a real one. Apologies for the delay on this. I'm a high school teacher and this week was the end of term, and it was a mess of students begging for better grades and long hours of grading. I enjoyed exploring this alternative to what might have happened in Haunted House, and I like to think that with this scenario there's a bit of internal horror because he doesn't rush to her side immediately. You know, because power. Anyway, I hope I did your prompt justice, thank you for sending it my way <3
Magic and Blood
Astarion x Liv, 1.6k, angst and spoilers for BG3 Act III.
With one last thrust of his dagger, Cazador dissolves into mist, and Astarion is triumphant. Shadowheart’s orb of daylight still hovers above the platform, casting grotesque shadows around fallen ghouls and werewolves and bats. But he is so close to victory, to power. The air is thick with it, a heady mix of magic and blood and promise.
There is but one last step, one last thing he must do in order to snatch this ritual away, to best Cazador. He wastes no time going to Cazador’s sarcophagus and pushing it open, revealing Cazador’s resting form. 
“No, no. No healing sleep for you. Wake up!” He rips Cazador from his sleep, throwing him to the ground. The relative ease of the movement is intoxicating. He is the powerful one now. 
“Get your hands off me, worm,” Cazador spats. 
“I’m not the one in the dirt,” Astarion sneers, picking up Cazador’s dagger. “One last thrust and I’ll be free of you. I’ll never have to fear you again. But if I finish the ritual you started, I’ll never have to fear anyone, ever.” He is so close, so, so close to freedom, true freedom. He will take the power meant for Cazador and he will make it his own. He will be the most powerful vampire to ever live. 
There are seven thousand souls on the line, but he doesn’t have to consider them, he didn’t gather them, did he? That was all Cazador’s doing. And they must die, they are wretched miserable things, begging for death anyway. Why shouldn’t he use them? With this sort of power he could help save the city, be a real hero. He could protect Liv from their enemies, from her family. He and his companions would be more than successful against the elder brain, they would be triumphant. 
Cazador grins. “You think me a fool? That I would allow anyone to usurp me, speak the words, and ascend in my place? Mmm? The runes I carved into your flesh bind you and all seven thousand souls to the ritual. Complete it and those bearing the scars will be sacrificed - you included. You are simply a means to an end. I made you to be consumed!”
“I am so much more than what you made me!” Astarion says leaning over Cazador before turning to his companions, to Liv. “I can do this, but I need your help.” Only, Liv isn’t there. Behind him, Shadowheart kneels beside Gale, hands glowing with healing magic. Lae’zel is limping to them, clutching her side. But where is Liv?
At the beginning of the battle, she had freed him. Dispelling the magic that held him bound. It had been chaotic, spells and arrows and claws, but she had appeared out of mist-like magic and immediately began unraveling Cazador’s spell, saving him like she had so many times before. Once free, he hadn’t hesitated to wade into the fray, and she had been right behind him, casting spells and throwing up shields. She’s probably fine; she’s always fine. She’s always been good at getting herself to a safe vantage point and casting her spells. She’s always been so good at protecting herself and others. She’s fine, and he’ll find her after he has taken care of Cazador, after he has ascended. 
He just needs to link his tadpole with one of their companions, see the runes on his back and carve them into Cazador’s. It’s so simple, it’s so close, it’s so easy. Lae’zel is injured, but he’s sure she’ll help him. He just needs to ask. The words are on the tip of his tongue, and he’s already shoved Cazador further to the ground when he sees Liv’s unmoving form. 
It’s no wonder he missed her before. She’s half covered by what remains of a werewolf. She’s covered in blood, but from this distance he’s unsure how much of it is hers. He can’t tell if she’s breathing, if a simple health potion will be enough to rouse her or if she’s going to need Shadowheart’s divine magic. He knows that it’s a ticking clock either way, revivify is only an option for a few moments. The longer it takes for someone to help, the higher the chance they lose her. Gods, he can’t lose her. 
“Liv needs help!” he calls out, but one glance behind him tells him that his companions aren’t in much better shape. Shadowheart is still working on Gale, who somehow looks to be in even worse shape than Liv, and Lae’zel sways in place, using her greatsword to balance. 
Gods. He can do this. He can do this. She’ll be fine. He can ascend and then go get her, and it will be fine! Cazador is right here, sprawled on the ground at his mercy. He has waited for a moment like this for two hundred years. Two centuries of using his body, at following every fucking command that Cazador gleefully made, and suffering either way. The end of this is so close, perhaps if he can ascend, become more than this, more powerful than Cazador even, all that suffering will mean something. He wants it to have meant something. 
Lae’zel is moving towards Liv, but not quickly enough. It becomes more and more apparent that he must be the one to go or risk it….risk her. There are some prices even he’s not willing to pay. An ascended vampire will have may powers, but the power to bring Liv back isn’t one of them. 
“Damn it all! Lae’zel get over here! Kill him if he so much as moves the wrong direction,” Astarion yells. He waits just long enough for Lae’zel to limp over, holding her sword out to Cazador’s chest.
She seems steadier for the order, and that’s the only reason he feels like he can turn his back on Cazador in this moment. 
“It is done,” she growls.
And then he’s running across the bloodstained platform to Liv’s side. Now that he’s here, no longer looming over Cazador, he can see just how bad her injuries are. She’s covered in blood, and there are deep, jagged cuts across her abdomen and arms. She’s lost a lot of blood. He lifts the werewolf off of her, careful not to jostle her as he does.
“No, you can’t die! Get up, damn you!” he yells, hoping that simply getting her free might be enough to rouse her. He has no means of healing, nothing on him, his bag and supplies all stripped away and Gods know where now. But Liv always has healing potions on hand. He reaches into her bag, fingers frantic and soaked in her blood. His other hand rests on her neck, searching desperately for her pulse because no healing potion can restart her heart. Gods, he wasted so much time getting over here. 
She can’t die, not here, not now. They haven’t really spoken since the other night when his siblings came to collect him. She’d been so disappointed in him and his lies. It had only compounded here, wading through this house, with every shameful deed of his on full display. She’d looked so glad, so hopeful when he’d promised Sebastian they’d be back, only for that hope and belief in him to sputter out the second he mentioned ascending. She’s never wanted him to complete the ritual anyway. 
His fingers close around the small, tapered bottle at the same moment he feels the light fluttering of her pulse, it’s faint, too faint. He doesn’t hesitate to pour the potion into her mouth, and watches with profound relief as the worst of her wounds stitch themselves closed, but barely. She was far closer to death than he’d thought. And he had stood over Cazador contemplating vengeance while she was bleeding out.
Liv’s eyes open in what seems like an intense effort, and she is a bloody mess, but she’s here. He could leave her now, just for a moment, just long enough to take care of Cazador and ascend. Lae’zel would help him, and Liv will be safe, right?
Liv takes in the scene, looking around with wide eyes, at Shadowheart healing Gale, at Lae’zel holding her sword at Cazador and he can see the second she decides there is more work to be done. She tries to get up. “We have to finish this.” 
Of course her first thought after nearly dying is to help in whatever way she can. Liv would set fire to herself if it meant keeping others warm. And his first thought upon seeing her bleeding out was that he could still have power. That she’d be fine. A sick, roiling feeling has settled in his gut. 
“You’re not getting up until you’re properly healed,” he gently presses her shoulder back, to keep her down. 
It’s a testament to how hurt she is that she doesn’t fight him. “I…alright.”
But then, Shadowheart is there, hands already glowing with healing magic and he draws back to give them space. Gale and Lae’zel stand over Cazador, still awaiting his judgment. He’s not alone in this. Not anymore. 
He had been so ready to sacrifice everything that truly mattered for power. He is the only one who gets to decide who he becomes now. He doesn’t want to become someone who would be willing to ignore the pain of someone he cares about - no matter how much power is on offer. 
He can be better than that. He is better than that. 
He approaches Cazador and picks back up the dagger. “I am better than you,” he says. “But I’m not above enjoying this.”
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trashy-0possum · 10 months
Thank you for your headcanons in advance
Team melancholy hcs!
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Sakuya watanuki
Drinks monster energy. Defenitly
Makes little dolls of him and mahiru :(
Smells like gummy worms-
Fav anime? Tokyo Ghoul.
Had a emo phase 😭
Defenitly listends to metal
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Belukia! ★
Loudest mf on earth
Has the most annoying laugh ever-
Smells like cupakes
Cupcakes? He loves cupakes or any sweets tbh
Suprise birthday partys!
Always has confetti in his pocket and will literally throw it at everyone.
Sweetest mf on earth and will always cheer u up!
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Smells like cigaretts obviously-
Actually sweet af
Ur a child and lost ur ballon? Bro he will buy you 10
The others have to help him with his phone 😭
Prob the most chilest person
Ur new uncle>
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Very calm and quiet person
Smells like lavender!
Probably crochets
Has a doll collection!
Loves midnight walks
Her and belkia? Secretly besties<3
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Actually a quiet person
Mostly distant from the others
Hates higan-
Loves spicy food
Treats belukia like a child •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
If he sees a woman that needs help? He will help them
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Hii! Im sorry that i dint ppst for the last few days i spend some time with family..
If you want me to make sperate post for each one i would gladly do it! Next up defenitly kuro!!!😻
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loverhymeswith · 2 years
This is Halloween | Stephen Holder x F!Reader
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Enough Masterlist
Summary: Inspiration taken from October Drabble Prompts. It seems criminal that I haven't given Holder a seasonal drabble yet, so here we are. This is pretty much just pure fluff.
Warnings: Mention of serial killer, language
Word Count: 519 words
A/N: I'm back! Thank you to @a-reader-and-a-writer for the prompts and for taking a look at this <3
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It’s early evening in downtown Seattle and a blanket of darkness has descended over the sleepy suburban neighbourhood. Outside the relative comfort of your partner’s beaten up car, an icy breeze carries in from the Puget Sound. It’s not unpleasant. In fact, the whole month has been unseasonably dry. A fresh carpet of golden and burnt orange leaves covers every inch of pavement; Seattle in the Fall is truly a sight to behold. But there’s no time to enjoy the scenery. If it were any other time of year, the town’s residents would be safely tucked away inside their homes by now. Instead, leaves crunch underfoot as costumed children and their harried parents stream past. Tonight, it’s Halloween.
For the last thirty minutes you’ve been slumped low in the passenger seat, fighting hard to ignore the continuous rustling of plastic, but much like the month of October, your patience has finally come to an end. Without taking your tired eyes from the window, you snap in Holder’s direction. “Would you stop stuffing your face with candy for one moment and listen?” For the entire duration of this stakeout, you’re confident he hasn’t been paying attention to a word you’ve said.
While you don’t consider yourself a deeply spiritual person, you often wonder if certain things have been sent to try you. First, the appointment of Stephen Holder as your new partner, and now – straight from the script of the classic horror movie – a serial killer on the loose on Halloween.
Holder pauses with his hand halfway to his mouth, brightly coloured gummy worms dangling precariously in his grip. You’re glad he insisted on driving tonight. You don’t relish the thought of sticky fingerprints coating the steering wheel and upholstery of your own recently detailed car.
“I thought you gave up sugar,” you add as he struggles to swallowful his current mouthful of candy.
After a pause, he flashes you a wide grin. “That was last month.”
The first few months of your working relationship with Holder have been enlightening to say the least. You are slowly becoming accustomed to his fluctuating diet fads and other eccentricities, and – on the rare occasion that he isn’t irritating you within an inch of your life – you could say that he’s beginning to intrigue you. 
“‘Sides,” he continues, thrusting the bag of worms in your direction. “It’s Halloween. Eatin’ candy is the fuckin’ law.”
Ignoring the proffered sweets, you reach for the door handle having just spotted your suspect pull up across the street. “I’m not sure what they taught you back in the academy, Holder, but I’m pretty sure that’s not true.”
“Yo, wait up.” Holder grabs the sleeve of your jacket before you can exit the vehicle, responding to your questioning brow with another mischievous grin. "S'Halloween, remember?" Without giving you the chance to reply, he brandishes a black and white ghoul mask from behind his seat and with lightning fast reflexes he unceremoniously slides it over your face. Through the layers of rubber and cloth you can hear him erupt with laughter.
“Yo, you look ridiculous. I love it!”
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Joel Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @sociiallydiisoriiented @yespolkadotkitty @heresathreebee @lacontroller1991 @phoenixhalliwell @weallhaveadestiny @lavenderluna10 @mayhem24-7forever @s-u-t @littlefreakingfangirl @11thstreetvigilante @fairchildflag @katjnordstrom96 @kirsteng42 @bewitchedignition @immyownlittlebitch @babblydrabbly @xoxabs88xox @christinasyellowflowers
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ramandjafari · 1 year
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More design work for Worms 🤍 @ashnikko - I need to know again, which one of them gets your unconditional love for all eternity? . 1 - Ghost Face (named after the my favorite Wu-Tang member) 2 - The Hounds of Love (you already know where that name is from) 3 - Chicks Lumps (go look it up on YouTube, you’ll understand) (+ thanks to @narcoleptik_bunny ❤️ for the inspiration) 4 - Ghoul Babe (she’s a babe, what can I say. she goes hard for the new Caroline Polachek album) 5 - Marcy Eye (10 years of working in finance made her go rogue) 6 - Bebe Drake (he’s been bullied a lot in high-school that why he became a bit of an ass) 7 - Hellmouth Dancer (only one of the three background dancers for Ashnikko, but he’s the most photogenic so he gets all the spotlight) 8 - Leopold (he’s a nepo baby, rich danish parents with connections to Hollywood) 9 - actually never received a proper name. This is your chance, what should we call them ? . #blenderrender #blender3d #creaturedesign #characteranimation #conceptartist #3dmodeling #ashnikko #conceptdesign #animatedmusicvideo (at Behind the Scenes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqYFKH3KCtK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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forlix · 4 months
NO WAYYY WHATT TWINS?? that's so coincidental i guess we just differ in reasoning HAHA i went with english because my uni originally didn't have intl studies (my first choice)
i wasn't really happy with it and i guess it was just a stepping stone of some sort haha but thank youuu!! you are genuinely the sweetest 🥺🥺 i will keep u posted ksjdajkld <3
also!! i wanted to say im actually so excited for your spy x family au 👀 im curious what other animes are u into!!
no it really was crazy to read the first time 😭 i had to double back and make sure i'd understood correctly. we're just like this fr 🤞 but that's saur good to hear that you were able to make the switch then!! yes absolutely keep me posted i'm also here to nerd out about our field of study if u ever wish (Please nerd out about our field of study with me. i need to use all of this theoretical drivel somehow)
AND THANK YOU for your excitement omg, i've been so so pleasantly surprised at how many people recognize sxf!! my friends and i dabble in both kpop and anime but i wasn't sure how familiar with the latter stayblr is. makes me all the more hyped to get it out, like the more i write the more i'm realizing minho is painstakingly loid coded y'all are not ready for these parallels
and the anime question ... oh boy ... can of worms Opened 🪱🚨 i defo err on the side of the shonen/seinen genres (action-packed, high-intensity, noisy ass OSTs). my ride-or-dies are hunter x hunter, cowboy bebop, devilman crybaby, and code geass ft. honorable mentions for bungou stray dogs and soul eater! and ik you asked about anime but i have to mention the tokyo ghoul manga as one of my all time favorite pieces of media, just thinking about the anime gives me a rash, it deserved SO much better
seeing as you've revealed yourself to know of sxf, i'm turning ur inquiry back on u! do you watch anime? do you have any faves/recs? i'm listening astutely!!
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princesskiii · 2 years
Hi hi @a-chaotic-ghoul so my amazing friend @mr-walkingrainbow made a lovely story for your request too, and we wanted to share it with you <3 hope you enjoy!! Pls give my friend some love too :0
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#ʚSweetest thingɞ
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↳ Bruno Madrigal, Agere, X reader
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Bruno casually looked up from where he was playing with his rats. Trying to find his partner to tell them a bout his amazing new idea.
“Sweetie”? He called out, brows scrunching upon the lack of reply.
A smile wormed it’s way on his scruffy face, “Are you being silly with me?”
He started to search the familia room with minimal urgency, peeking behind furniture and pillows.
“How about…over HERE!”
He jumped behind the couch to find his adorable partner, scrunched in a ball and giggling in delight.
Bruno cocked a knowing eye, “Hello sweet thing, what age are you right now?”
The laughing ball raised a shaky hand, proudly displaying four thin fingers.
“Hmmm ok. Thank you little one. Non verbal?”
The little paused, nodding a moment afterwards.
Bruno smiled, “Ok. Thank you for telling me. Hey! Do you know what I think you need?”
His partner made a noise of confusion, shaking their head.
“Some cocoa and Arepas seem good for the soul,” the Madrigal quickly scooped of his little, bopping them on the nose, “And then we can sit down and watch some quality rat telenovelas!”
It pleased him to see his little smile, it filled him with fatherly pride, and joy of a boyfriend.
Quickly, he set his partner down on the counter, making sure they wouldn’t fall off at a moments notice.
“Now I may not be my sister Julieta, but I think I can at least make an Arepa from time to time?” Bruno mused softly.
His partner squealing encouragingly in the background, he silently got to work. Making sure to keep quiet for his Nieces sake.
It wasn’t long before the Arepa was made, cutting it into fours and putting it on a place.
The little hungrily devoured the small snack. Smiling a toothy grin after.
“Did you like that?” Bruno questions in his raspy voice.
Thankfully, their partner eagerly nodded. Reaching their hands out and making grabby motions.
Bruno pretended to not understand, looking behind him, and turning back with a finger aimed at himself.
“Me? What would you want with me?”
His partner increased the grabby motions, intensity rising.
“Oh all right little one,” he relinquished with a flourish, scooping them back up, “Let’s go sit down and watch the most heartwarming romance in a century.”
Cuddled up with his partner. Music in the background. And rats squeaking in front of him. Bruno had no regrets about leaving the walls. Because if he stayed, he would have missed out on everything right now.
And he wouldn’t give this up for the world.
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Jack it to a jacket nsft
Masterbation, voyeurism, you know how I am
Musical beetlejuice x fem reader (reader has a vagina but uses they them pronouns)
Beetlejuice forgets his jacket and you use it while he's gone
Beetlejuice had announced to you he had to spend a few days in the netherworld for bio exorcist meeting or something, you really didnt get it, it's not like he actually had a job, all you knew is that he's been complaining about it since day one. That he had to leave the world of the living for a bit.
The day finally came for him to head out for his little business trip, you could tell the ghoul was less then thrilled to go, slight purple streaks graced his hair, you knew he wasnt too keen on being in the netherworld, the demon had such a fascination with the living, an adoration for living with you, going back to the netherworld, even for a few days was like heading back to work after a long period off, soul sucking.
"Alright Sugar" he starts adjusting his tie, his jacket resting on the arm of the couch "I'll be gone for a few days, try not to miss me too much~"
You give the ghoul a soft smile "itll be quieter for sure"  you try to joke
"Yeah..." he trails off, his playful teasing voice dropping along with his grin.
"I know this is gonna suck, but the sooner you get it started the sooner it's over with" you try to cheer him up giving the demon a light punch in the arm.
Beetlejuice's hue was now completely purple, you frown at the sight.
"You know doll, I'm being awfully selfish here, but, how bout ya give me a little sugar before I go?~"
You flinch at the suggestion, you wouldnt say you were shocked at this request, but you were.
"You're stalling"
"Come on babes, humor me, I gotta fill out paper work and deal with my mother, could REALLY use a pick me up~" he nudges you gently and gives a wink, hoping it'll soften you up, it does.
"Fine" you huff out, you grab the demon by the suspenders, yanking him to you level giving him a quick peck.
"No tongue on the first date?~" he snickers, as pink patches pop up in his mossy beard.
"...have a good trip" you utter trying to hide your embarrassment
"Oh doll I will, thinking about your soft lips~" the demon's voice drops to that low growl that never failed to make you warm in your lower areas
"Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Bee-"
You could NEVER make it to 3, the ghoul was always quick to slap a hand to your mouth, pulling you into a side hug.
"Trying to kick me out so soon sugar? So mean~" he chuckles, the ghoul pulls his hand from your mouth and you sigh.
Beetlejuice pauses holding you in this awkward side hug for a few minutes
"I know" he grumbles, he begrudgingly pulls away
The ghoul makes his way to the empty wall and draws his entrance.
Your living room wall opens up to the netherworld, it was always a rare sight to you, a little anxiety inducing, you freeze for a moment, but as the demon steps into the world of the dead you shout
Beetlejuice turns to you
"You forgot something"
The demon's eyes light up and in a flash he was infront of you, his hands cup your face as he slams his lips into yours, you jolt in surprise, as the ghoul pulls away he purrs "almost forgot my second goodbye kiss, thanks doll" and just like that he was gone, the netherworld was out of sight and you were alone.
"Your jacket" you whisper still alittle dizzy from his kiss.
The jacket he left behind spent a few hours folded neatly on the couch as you go about your alone time. Everytime beetlejuice was away you always took the opportunity to get some chores done, you liked the demon yeah, but he always got under foot, or he would be creepy while you tried to get things done. There were times where you were just doing the laundry, and the demon would just stare at you, no words, he just sat atop the dryer watching you like a hawk as you loaded the washer, it made your skin crawl and your stomach turn to have that much attention put on you, hell, you'd rather him be lewd and annoying then that.
As creepy as he was, that was just who he was, and you loved him, his awful charms, his terrible jokes, and his over all handsome, to you, look, wormed it's way into your heart and refused to let go.
Every kiss, every grope, every pet name he gave you dug you deeper into your affection. Though you were too terrified to confront him about your feelings, he was a literal demon, could he even share these feelings, let alone would he like you the same way, all in all you didnt want to ruin what the two of you had, friends, good friends.
You missed him, you really did, so what was the harm in wearing his coat, just around the house, and maybe smelling it every now and again, that wasnt too weird right? And it would be fine if you were to fall asleep wearing it right? There was no harm in it, but if beetlejuice was to pop in unexpectedly and if he say you wearing it casually youd never hear the end of it, and yet you never took it off.
It's been a few days since beetlejuice left for the netherworld, you were relaxing on your bed looking at memes trying to ignore how much you missed a certain undead bastard, hell you were wearing the jacket he left behind and stealing a small sniff here and there, beetlejuice never really gives you a time frame as to when he'd be back whenever he goes to the netherworld.
'Time moves differently when you're dead, and boy does it move, but it slows down when I'm with you babes' you shiver and try to swallow the lump in your throat that memory caused, the undead bastard was such a flirt.
You grew a tad lonely without your favorite dead guy, yes you used to live alone before beetlejuice barged his way into your home, but you have gotten used to him, you miss him when he's not with you, especially his no concept of personal space, how the ghoul's hands always found a home on your body, your hips, your waist, your shoulders.
You feel a familiar pulse between your legs, you try and ignore it, though your mind was reeling with old memories of beej touching you, you werent even scrolling through your phone anymore, just staring at the screen, thinking of the demon's strong callused hands running up and down your thighs.
"You win" you grumble sliding off your bed and crouching next to it, you pull out a little tool box. Opening the little box and revealing an average sized bright green vibrator brandishing a nice bulbous tip. You push the button on the toy's base and it buzzes to life, you smile, glad to see the barriers were still alive, it was too late for you to run out and get replacements.
You shimmy out of your pajama pants and panties before you hop back up on the bed. You remove the jacket giving it a deep inhale of its scent before placing it down next to you.
Your living room walls silently open up, letting in a thick fog of green reavling your demon friend, the ghoul knew it was late, late enough that his sweet little y/n should be dead asleep, as your living room rearranges itself back to normal the ghoul floats to your bedroom, excited to come snuggle up to your soft warm body after what felt like an eternity with dealing with his mother and newly deads with no sense of humor.
The ghoul freezes at the sound, standing in front of your closed bedroom door, you could be? He presses an ear to the door, the faint sound of buzzing and muffled moans could be herd.
In a flash Beetlejuice's hair and moss on his face turns electric pink.
"A welcome home present? For me? Oh dolly~" he whispers before snapping his fingers and camouflaging himself. Beetlejuice fazed through the door and froze at the sight of you, yes he has seen you touch yourself before, but this?
There you were Laying on your bed, propped up by pillows, shirt pulled up exposing your breasts, bottom half completely bare, pumping the vibrator he got you (as an apology for messing with your old one) in and out of your leaking pussy, with your face buried in his jacket, muffling your whining.
The ghoul could have blown his load from the sight alone, yes he knew you liked him, and yes he knows you want him, but this? This was dirty, this was naughty, smelling his clothes and jerking off? You were just as horny as him, not really, no one is, but he'll take this.
"And here I thought only I had a scent fetish" he chuckles making his way to the end of the bed, plopping down to get a good view of your soaked vigina, he was fixated on the speed you pumped the toy in and out of you. Beetlejuice fumbled with his fly, pulling out his semi, the ghoul licks the palm of his hand, coding it is a nice layer of saliva before wrapping it around his cock. Beetlejuice starts off slowly, but it isnt long until his pace matches yours, imagining the toy between your legs was him, god slash satan he envied that peice of silicon.
"Beetlejuice" you whine bucking your hips up to meet the vibrator as it slid back in, you take another deep inhale of the jacket's scent and whine, beetlejuice groans in response.
"Such a dirty little thing, fuck- I expected to come home and see ya sleeping it in, ah- but this? Oh babes, I would have left it behind months ago to, oh god- to see you like this" the ghoul babbled, he really didnt want to finish before you, he wanted to enjoy this show for as long as possible.
You were absolutely lost in your little activity, using you non dominant hand to hold the demon's jacket to your nose, the scent drove you wild, you could imagine beetlejuice driving his cock into you over and over again, the idea of him fully dressed fucking you while you were completely naked made you tremble.
“Oh my god Bee, fuck, yes, please, fucking oh my god I want you to…Beetlejuice fuck…” you babble as you begin to pick up pace with the vibrator.
The ghoul drools at the show you oh so kindly are giving him, hearing you moan out his name, oh how he loved that sound, it wasnt the first time beetlejuice herd you moan out his name during your 'alone time' but it still made his toes curl as though it was.
Beetlejuice growls through his teeth, he was almost there, seeing you use his jacket in such a way was better than he ever could’ve imagined, yes he dreamed of you using his things for sexual satisfaction, he just thought he'd never see it.
Beetlejuice found that trying to keep the pace with you was growing too hard, he needed to finish, he needed you to finish. He didn’t want to cum before you, he needed to see you cum while using his jacket, he needed the image of you using his things to cum to be carved into his brain.
Thankfully, Beej is good at edging, this wasnt his first day being a peeping Tom, and it wont be the last, it wasnt easy, but he could do it, watching you whine and buck your hips because of him, sure made it a challenge though.
You were almost there, you stop pumping the toy, only for a second, to crank the vibrations to the higher setting, your hips jolt up as you press the jacket against your face muffling your screams, with the intensity up you were ready for the home stretch, you begin to move the toy again, in and out, imagining it was the ghoul you oh so loved. You could just imagine beetlejuice pressing you into the mattress with every thrust, all the dirty things he'd be saying to you, praising you for how well you take his fat cock, growling, biting, you couldn't take it anymore, you felt like you were gonna explode. God you wanted that smug bastard so badly, you loved him so much, you moved the hand holding the jacket against you face and brought it to your vagina, as one hand pumped the vibrator the other played with your clit. You groan through your teeth at the added simulation, if only you could see the demon infront of you.
Beetlejuice sat before you, jaw dropped, tongue hanging, drool dripping down his chin, panting. His cock was throbbing, leaking pre cum, he was ready to burst, honestly he surprised he hasn't yet, watching his y/n go to town on their pussy. Beetlejuice watched ad you hips bounced, and your toes curled, he could finally get a good look at your face, you were tearing up.
"Feels good doesnt babes? Wait till you get the real deal~"
"LAWRENCE!"  You shout as your hips buck upwards, just then, something new happened, you squirted, thought you didnt notice, you were too busy, head lulled back, panting, and using the soft buzzing of the vibrator to ride out your orgasm.
But beetlejuice on the other hand saw, he saw you squirt when you called him, when you called him by his first name, a name you rarely used. The demon blew his load shortly after your little finale, an image that will always be treasured by him. Beetlejuice wipes the cum off his hand on his pant leg, and slides his now soft cock back into his pants. He watches you lay there for a moment before you gingerly sit up, reaching forward to turn off the vibrator and remove it from you, you flinch doing so, still tender. You give out a yawn and toss the toy on the floor mumble how you'll deal with it in the morning, adjusting your shirt to cover hour chest you slide under the covers, in minutes you were asleep, holding his jacket oh so tightly.
Beetlejuice envied the garment, and as much as the ghoul wanted to slide in next you now, he couldnt, you were naked from the waist down. But you did leave him a tasty snack, so he couldnt be mad at you. Beetlejuice snatches up the freshly used vibrator, still warm from your touch, and vanishes
"Good night y/n" his voice purrs in your ears,
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bored-storyteller · 3 years
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Thank you dear Anon for asking me Uta ☺️! I hope this can be okay. I always tend to aim for angst/comfort (instinctively I always look for the happy ending), but if you want angst really don't have a problem forcing me :3. That said, I hope I didn't disappoint you!🌸 (And sorry but it was natural for me to be a human reader, I only noticed at the end, scold me even if you want 😣)
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57-Tokyo Ghoul, Uta x human!Reader (angst/comfort)
From the prompt list
4- “Do you know what it's like?”
Uta in truth cannot say that he is surprised at what is happening, he cannot deny the veil of resignation that had enveloped his heart when it all began.
In a way he still hoped he was living a dream, that what he had been waiting for hadn't really come true. He really hoped that everything would be okay with you, despite his fears. Somehow, despite his finding that the image of a peaceful life with you was just a utopia, he clung to the idea that you were able to perform the miracle. He has never felt so loved as by you, he has never questioned your love for him.
Yet now that he was standing in front of you with tears in your eyes desperately waiting for some answer, he wondered how you had actually fallen in love with him.
He's not just angry with you, he's mad, and hurt. Yet he still loves you, he really does, and for this reason that rational part of his person still clings to that affection so as not to allow it to scare you further.
"You have to calm down." He tells you in a firm voice. His body doesn't move, only his fists clench along his hips.
“Calm down ?! You have… ”Your voice is high, broken, desperate. You've never raised your voice against him before.
Yeah, he has what? He obviously did something that - in your opinion - he shouldn't have done, he had taken a life that he shouldn't have taken.
Innocent. You used that word, but he didn't understand what it meant, he just couldn't really hear you. He stopped doing it when he realized he was the problem you were crying about.
He must have hurt someone you knew, even though he wasn't sure how close he could be to you - he's pretty sure you stay away from doves. In any case, something has upset you. It's possible, he's been dealing with a lot of trouble lately, but whatever the reason for your tears ... they're useless.
Whatever happened, crying for someone he killed is absolutely useless.
You've never done this before, so did lives have a different value to you?
Was that life worth more to you than all the others he had devoured?
"Were they more important than me?"
Uta wanted to ask a question, but instead the realization led him to flatten the questioning tone into a cold statement.
He doesn't give up his gaze for a second in front of your wide eyes. He suddenly manages to get silence from you, and that scares him. It scares him to death.
You are dumb, dumb like the masks that surround you. When you speak, it is as if you light a fuse inside him: "How can you ask me such a thing?"
And the world ends for him.
His place in the world that he thought he had found was suddenly erased. You are like others, you think like others. You don't care about his situation, he's the culprit. You love him as long as he hides his being from you.
"Do you know what it's like?" A tremor in his voice. A tremor that you have never heard, and then what he had never done: "Do you know what it is like to be a ghoul in your world ?! Do you have any idea what people like me have to endure ?! "
Uta never raises his voice, never. Nor with you. Yet this time he has no way to stop the beast from roaring, and somehow he expects you to quiet down, to take his words to heart, to share his suffering, as you always do. Instead you don't leave a second of silence between you and him.
"And do you know what it is like to be a human ?!" You slam those words in his face like a slap, and for a moment he can't react, and he doesn't understand if the pain he feels is caused by his physical body or his troubled mind.
"The world must understand you, but you have never tried to understand the world!" Your hand tightens on your chest "It is you who can kill me here! It is you who can eat me! You are not the victim between us!"
"Are you the victim?" Uta's usually gentle voice echoes deep in his chest like an earthquake, and this time you can't deal with it. It is as if you are on the edge of an abyss, and you take a step back, hoping to avoid falling, but he is not of the same opinion.
"You are right."
He is no longer screaming, but that doesn't reassure you. Not at all. Not if he's smiling like that.
Where can you ever run away as he approaches you.
What do you want from him? Do you want the predator to regret having hunted? Do you want to condemn him to hell for this?
“Maybe I should have done it right away. I should have eaten your tender heart since I met it. " It would have been with him without so many problems.
The scream you throw is so desperate that it almost seems to have stuck in his heart.
Your hands are on his chest, where they often are, but this time they are trying to push him away with such weak force compared to his, yet so terrible for him.
You are in his arms, where you should be whenever you suffer, but they are no refuge for you now, and his hands are gripping your arms so tightly that he can imagine the bruises beneath them.
The devilish smile falls apart. He hadn't even realized that he had lost control of his emotions. This should never have happened, not with you.
"Leave me."
He obeys your desperate sigh.
The tattooed hands fall to his sides and all he hears are your silent sobs as you curl up in a corner for protection.
Was he really that terrible? What have your eyes seen? Your delicate human eyes.
"Come on ... it's over ..." Uta's voice is warm again, calm, reassuring, as he is always with you. Instinctively his hand reaches out in search of your skin, as he always does when you feel bad. He moves to be on your level, to take you in his arms, yet again the crystal dream breaks. You break it again, when without even realizing you move away from his grasp, trying to escape his presence.
Uta remains there, motionless, to contemplate his work. To contemplate the fact that he is not enough.
And now the difference between the two of you was as heavy as a volcano's lava on both of you, because you are no longer in a fight with Uta, you are in a position of danger in front of a ghoul.
He's right, you don't know what it's like to be a ghoul. And you are right, he does not know what it is like to be human, to be you.
All he really knows is that his instincts tell him he has to take care of you, because you are afraid, you need protection, because he wants to see you happy, yet he is trapped in his place because it is he who hurts you, it is him the threat.
Uta closes his eyes slowly. He knows himself, he needs to calm down, to calm his heart which is beating fast and afraid. But he can't. He can't untangle the painful tangle inside him that is blocking his breath. It looks like a bomb, water that grows and prepares to overflow.
And then something moves, and his eyes go wide.
It's not something he's ever experienced before, but he's self-conscious enough to take precautions.
The faster pace than usual as he moves away from you is not enough to attract your attention, but the violent opening of the bathroom door does.
Uta's stomach never gave any problems, absolutely never. Yet now he finds himself bent over painfully emptying its contents. It's a horrible, almost upsetting feeling for him.
It seems that the human makes fun of him even when they are dead, bending the monster and leaving him exhausted by the efforts, moving him away from you, as if to want to protect you.
How did you get to that point? How can he go back?
You were his refuge, his anchor, his certainty, he wants you back. Yet for those like him, taking care of something seems impossible. His own body led him to crouch away, like a ground worm.
Your soft and uncertain steps stop when you reach the threshold that he didn't bother to close in his haste, your light and inviting scent penetrates his lungs and he still feels your breath trembling with tears.
Even in that situation Uta seems to be fully in control of himself, calm, only his head that leans towards his lap manifests an implicit attempt to silence the pain.
His fist lifts to lean against the toilet to flush out what you never want to see, because even though the harshness of reality has crushed on you, he still protects you.
"For what it's worth, I'm sorry." He's really sorry, and he'd eat his own tongue if it kept those words from you.
He can't say that he really feels guilty about what he did, but that he is sorry to hurt you and scare you, that is.
You do not answer him, nothing comes from your lips, and inside Uta fears he will never hear your voice again. But you don't go away.
In the following moments you too are curled up on the floor behind him, rubbing your cheek against his back for comfort, looking for the reassurance of his heart, tired from those frantic beats that he is not used to sustain.
Your weight on him is sweet, and maybe you two just hit a bottom that you needed to touch, in order to be strong again, for yourself.
And if doubts still linger between you, your whispered words give Uta the answer he thought he could never get again: "I still love you."
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For A Greater Good Fun Facts and Self Assesment (spoilers)
Long Post
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What worked and what didn’t:
I think the overall structure worked pretty well. The most difficult part was, with the plot and subplot already created, scattering all those ideas throughout the text in such a way that at least made some sense. I regret not writing more about Mer Yankelevich, I feel like the crumbs I left on the way were not enough; in my attempt to make it subtle it lacked information about her. The key piece was of course her sister, and I should have introduced her sooner.
MC’s evolution. I feel like Kate’s learnt a lot with this experience (I’m not only referring to the Deathly Hallows or Grindelwald) When it started, she was very discreet and kept a low profile, not knowing what to do really, not taking more risks than necessary. And then she ended poisoned and splinching just to protect a document she thought was important. I hope her evolution is noticeable for the reader.
Worldbuilding. Grabbing HP concepts that were forgotten and full of potential, plus a dash of original ideas from me and blending them with muggle features was my absolute favourite part of the process.
On that note, I dont own these concepts: Durmstrang, Igor Karkarov, Nerida Vulchanova, umbrella flowers, fanged geraniums, billywigs, Appare Vestigium, glow-worms, trick wand, chamaleon ghouls, 
If you’ve read the fic and thought: “everything happened so fast” or got a general odd feeling about the timeline it's because I made a series of  monumental mistakes: setting a chapter limit, telling you about it and then tried to stick to it.  At first the idea sounded nice: this is my first “big” story  with complicated components. I should (and I did) do an outline of what I want to happen in each chapter and stick to it methodically so I don't forget what's happening or lose track of the plot. Well...it kind of backfired. So I wrote the first 3 chapters and at that point I thought “okay everything is going as planned, I’m going to put it out there”, bam, instantly cursed. After that it got ridiculously difficult to make the story that I wanted. Why? I needed chapter space that I convinced myself I couldn’t add. Dumb.
The major consequence of this was the lack of character backgrounds. It started out good, but as I kept writing and publishing I realised that I missed some great opportunities to make amazing ocs. That’s Corentin’s fault in a way: he wasn't going to be a major character, really, just a piece to help Kate a bit. But we all fell in love with him so what was I supposed to do? Also, Sheyi Mawut owns my heart and he got just a bit of spotlight. A shame.
I wish I had written more about them, but I think I wasn’t ready just yet to make it even more complicated.I just wanted to prove I could concoct a mystery plot and now that I know I can manage a fair amount of information I think I can take it a step further and deepen new ocs a little bit more.
I’m thinking about the datura series and I know why I got blocked and tired of writing it; it wasnt going anywhere because I wasnt prepared, and I didn’t do the months of outlines and planning that I did with this one. I’ll come back to the datura story one day, subjecting it to a sever rewrite. The ideas are there, I just need to be organised.
Although the chapter limit was problematic it was also a good exercise of managing space and deciding which things were unnecessary for the story. I dont think there’s any filler chapters, perhaps the last ones, but there is important information there too so... However this sentence  from the blog  wordsandstuff reassured me (and I think I did a good job at that?)
If you set out to write 10 parts and you write a fantastic story in 8, you haven’t failed and it’s not too rushed. Concise writing is an underrated talent. Focus on how effectively you engage the reader, not for how long.
I spent more than year writing this! When I started, I had a lot of ideas, I wrote the last two chapters then the first 3 and I really thought it was going to be that way with the rest of the story... okay... lesson learnt. #humbled
Other thoughts:
I received a couple of comments on ao3 that said that they were pleasantly surprised. Maybe I should change the tags because they are misleading? Clearly this wasnt what people were looking for lol.
One particular comment stood out to me and quoting it said:  “You did not choose the easy way with a fiction with so few characters from the fandom.”  And I’ve been thinking about this since I read it. It didn’t occur to me that there were few mystery fics (maybe I should write more things like that? Maybe throwing some power couple detective work 👀 ) In any case, I’m glad  I contributed with something different to the fandom, and the fact that the Charlie bits are very scarce but people who read it still liked it is really flattering.
I wanted to make sure that all the characters had strengths and flaws, I didnt want to severus-snape them so maybe I overdid it with that bit of introspection kate does at the end...
Also, I did the kiss and fade thing twice to mention sex. I know some people dont like that but since it wasnt the point of the story and I havent done research on how to write sex scenes I didnt include them. I have that on my “to learn” list.
Writing the whole thing was incredible. It's my first ‘big’ project and its not a great work (there are some things I wish I did better, thats what you get when you are an agatha christie wannabe) and not writing more character backgrounds will haunt me to this day,  but I think it's at least good for a first series and I’m proud of it. I loved spending hours doing research and trying to piece together this puzzle. And of course I’m not an expert and I dont want to sound pretentious (like this is my first story) but if you are planning to write this type of genre I can be another source of tips and tricks for you.
If I read the story after a while and I dont cringe, I would call that a success.
Bakunawa really belongs to Filippines mythology
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Snapdragons have different meanings, one of them being: “grace under pressure or inner strength in trying circumstances”
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The entrance to Grindelwald’s room was going to be in the duelling classroom, strangely shaped as a triangle. I had this system where one of the round candle lamps descended and lined up with a line on the floor (serving as separation for duels) it created the Deathly Hallows symbol. I couldn’t make that work because it wouldn't make any sense for Nerida Vulchanova to shape a room like that.  Here are some sketches:
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Lucius Malfoy was going to appear as the Ministry employee that goes to Durmstrang, but after revising the events of the OoP I realised it was impossible.
Kent Jorgensen was going to be around Kate’s age and the charms teacher and he would have a small crush on her. After seeing some pics of Pen Medina, I rewrote the character completely.
The series was going to be 6 chapters long (I’m glad I decided not to) one for each month. The chapter names were ridiculous: January of Beginnings, February of reputation, March of Students, April of Discoveries, May I? and June of Endings. #tragic
The Dolohov family was going to be a part of the plot but I had to erase that part because it was unlocking another layer of complexity that I just couldnt handle.
I dont remember exactly the chapter but I got really confused with the names Rhode and Hodges and there’s one chapter where I accidentally mixed them (I corrected it I think), but for a while I could stop calling Rhode, Hodges, and vice versa lmao
Here are some sketches that helped me describe and imagine things
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Thank you for accompany me in this journey, especially if you endured the process with me lmao. You’ve been here for over A YEAR! <3 Mindblowing
Also I’d love to know your opinions about the way you read the story, I mean, I know some people read it as I published, and some other readers found the story already finished, what are the differences? Should I stop the updating system and drop a story all at once? I know it is difficult to keep up with a complex story if there’s a lot of weekly or monthly gaps between the chapters, so I wanted to know.
Sending you a virtual hug 💜💜
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who's willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
February 3, 2278.
Some of the Brotherhood came over to gawk again. A simple growl made them back off, but it doesn’t stop them from throwing an insult about my skin. Not that it fazes me. I must say, I don’t care. Percy though? If she were awake right now, she would’ve mauled those tin cans.
The doctors put Percy in an induced coma. One of the scribes said that being awake for her now would be painful for her.
It’s been six days since the purifier, and I remember an explosion from inside the chamber knocking me back, the glass flying everywhere. When I came to, I saw her lying there, her armor damaged and glasses shattered from the impact, some of the glass piercing her skin. I hauled her out of there. Didn’t let anyone near her, not even Dr. Li. I must’ve looked like a yao guai refusing to let go of their kill to these Brotherhood bigots.
There are holes in my memory, but I remember seeing blood on the floor when they tried to wrench her away from my grasp. If the blood belonged to me, or to one of the tin cans, I can’t recall. My ears were ringing, but I know someone was shouting, telling the power-armored assholes to give me a wide berth.
It wasn’t until Li told me that my partner would probably die if I didn’t let them administer medical attention that I reluctantly laid her body down on a gurney. I stayed by Percy’s side as they wheeled her to the emergency room. The scribes told me to get lost, but a cock of my shotgun made them cease their pestering.
As they hooked her onto life support, I sat down at the ground near the foot of the bed. I barely moved an inch since. The doctors made blood transfusions, pumped her with RadAway, injected a cocktail of chems to keep her sedated, anything to keep her alive.
The worst part was the seizures. I don’t think I can burn those memories away, watching my partner’s body convulse and thrash against the bed.
From time to time, Dr. Li and a few of the scribes who weren’t bigots would send me food and water as they checked on Percy’s condition. With her father dead, there was no next of kin, but they knew how I stuck by her side, they shared the prognosis with me. They mentioned some terms like leukopenia, hypotension, and other terms I couldn’t understand.
All I know is she’s unwell and I can’t leave her.
Tonight, Li approached me and brought some news. Percy is stable, for now. To my surprise, she sat on the floor beside me, and pressed her hands against her face before letting out a nervous sob.
“I barely got to know her and she could be gone anytime. And to think I tried to push her away. God. Not like this...”
I let her continue mumbling.
“I should have known better than to let her in. I shouldn’t have let myself care for her. But that girl is persistent, isn’t she?”
That, I can agree with. Percy wormed her way into my heart, too.
“You,” she spoke. I look in her direction, but she’s looking straight ahead, her thousand-yard stare familiar. “You got her out of that chamber in the nick of time. A few more seconds inside and she… she could’ve ended up like James.”
I couldn’t stop myself from grimacing.
December 26, 2277.
I was watching Percy’s back as she took care of the intake pipes when the Enclave’s vertibirds came flying in.
“Charon. I have a bad feeling about this,” I remember her saying.
The image of the black machines landing near the memorial stirred a feeling of dread. A pressure on my neck choked me despite the lack of anything constricting it. Before I knew it, the dull pressure in the back of my eyes made me pull what’s little left of my hair. My chest hurt like a bitch and it felt like my rib cage was going to explode.
Percy was quick to notice my distress.
“Hey, hey, I’m here,” she cooed in a soothing manner, placing my ruined hands against her soft cheeks to stop me from hurting myself. “Breathe, Charon. Focus on me,” she continues, squeezing my hands. She leads me through the grate to remove me from the situation and turns on her Pip-Boy light.
“Remember what we did in Megaton? Can we do that?” she asks me; it wasn’t a command. “Yes,” I manage to rasp out. My head was spinning, but I focused on her voice to stop myself from blacking out. I won’t let myself black out. She’ll need me .
“Five things you can see?” she starts, and I comply, trying to speak though it feels like I’m choking on mole rat shit. “I see the metal gate. My hands. My feet. The Pip-Boy light. You.”
“Keep going,” she encouraged me, digging inside her pack. “Four things you can touch.”
“I feel the fabric of my shirt,” I continue, sweating hands palming at myself. “I can feel my shotgun,” I rasp, grasping at the barrel. “Warm, right? Like how you like it?” Percy breathes, and I see that she found a bubble gum wrapper and placed it in my palm, before gently closing her hands around my fist. “Yes. I can feel the bubblegum wrapper,” I continue. “I can feel your skin,” I say at last.
“Three things you can smell.”
Her hands stayed on mine. I unclenched my fists, held them, delicate against mine, and pressed them against my ruined cheeks. Percy draws a little closer, her eyes searching mine.
“I think I can manage now,” I exhale, lucid once more.
“Are you sure?”
“I am certain.”
“What triggered it?” she asks me, and I let go of her hands to fetch my shotgun.
“Vertibirds. Enclave. Your father might be in danger.”
Panic replaces the questioning look in her eyes. “We have to help dad.”
We were running back when one of the Enclave soldiers fired plasma rounds at us. I manage to shield my mistress from the onslaught and the hot plasma burns through my armor, exposing my arm. Taking the opportunity, Percy crouches, disappears, and takes out one of the soldiers with her Gauss rifle. I covered her while the panicking soldiers searched for her. We managed to barrel our way through a platoon, and I can hear her sigh of relief when we reached the door to the rotunda.
It was too late when we arrived.
A man who introduced himself as Colonel Autumn was inside the purifier, along with more soldiers in power armor. James was inside, with another scientist in their team. My mistress runs up to Dr. Li, who watches with wary eyes from the other side of the glass.
A shot rang throughout the rotunda. Autumn killed the other scientist.
With no hesitation, Percy and I ran to the entrance of the purifier. She bangs against the glass, calling to her father.
“Dad! Let me in,” she pleads, begs, but her father doesn’t acknowledge her. Gun still pointed at his head, James walked over to the control panel, pressed a few buttons, and then all hell broke loose.
She tried her damn best to pry the blast door open when James locked himself in with the Enclave colonel and radiation started to seep out of the damn chamber. He let his daughter watch as he died a slow and painful death from the radiation, just so she could get away.
She pounded her small fists and threw her shoulder against the glass, but it didn’t budge.
The wild, desperate expression etched on her face will haunt me.
Is that how I looked like when I pounded against the glass?
Was I that afraid to lose her?
February 4, 2278
I was shaken back to reality when the doctor spoke up once more.
“Look, I don’t know about the nature of your relationship with Persephone. I will not pry, and it is not my place to judge, especially after you saved her life. I- I thank you.”
I grunted at her in acknowledgment, and watched as she stood up to glance at Percy one last time.
“Excuse me, I need a small break,” she almost rasps, fatigue evident in her voice, and she shuffles out the door.
Time passed for I don’t know how long, and with a groan, I stood from my usual place at the foot of Percy’s bed and checked the time on her Pip-Boy. She taught me how to operate it in case she gets incapacitated. 00:03. Already past midnight. My legs fell asleep sitting all day, so I walked around in the room. As I pass by the door, I can hear voices on the other side.
“Patient Persephone Zhou’s test results are abnormal,” I hear a scribe say. “Cellular regeneration is remarkable despite lethal radiation exposure. No …”
I press my ear hole against the door upon hearing my partner’s name. I didn’t dare make a single sound.
“She’s being healed by it.”
“Healed? Do you think she’s undergoing… eugh, ghoulification?” one of them says with disgust.
My breath quickens. I wouldn’t wish this… this condition on anyone I cared for. Especially Percy. Not Percy. Rage replaces my anxiousness at the tone of one of the bigots. It has become clear to me that despite all the things my partner did for the Brotherhood, the moment she turns into a walking corpse like me, they’ll be more than happy to dispose of her. I wanted to send the door flying open and strangle the bastards.
But I only kept listening.
“It’s too early to tell. Ghoulification can take years, but at the dose she was exposed to, if it happens, it should be instantaneous. There is no tissue necrosis, and her initial burns are almost healed. We can’t rule it out yet, but there are no symptoms.”
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“We need to acquire tissue samples. Run tests.”
Footsteps. They’re getting louder. I stop leaning on the door to plant myself firmly on the ground I stand on. The doors swing open, and the scribes almost jump out of their skins when they see me.
“Step aside, ghoul,” one of them spits. The small tremor his hands made while holding the clipboard tells me he’s scared shitless.
I take one step towards these bastards and they’re already shouting for backup from the tin cans. Two arrived, but I stood my ground, shotgun in my hands.
“Let the scribes in, zombie,” one of the armored soldiers hissed, pointing her laser rifle at me. “We won’t ask again.”
“What is going on here?” Dr. Li. I lower my shotgun. She’s just in time. I wouldn’t have hesitated to open fire if she didn’t come.
“We’re just here for nightly rounds on the patient-” one of them starts, but Dr. Li waves her hand, dismissing them.
“I am responsible for the well-being of Miss Zhou. The Brotherhood only lent you scribes to assist me, and I don’t need assistance right now. Now please, stop disturbing my patient,” she snaps, the authority in her voice making the haughty scribes back off. I couldn’t help the small, upward tug at the corner of my mouth. Serves you bastards right.
“Call me on the intercom if they pester you again. I need to take Persephone’s blood pressure.”
“They said something about taking samples from her,” I spoke up, and the doctor’s head whips towards my direction.
“Damn them,” she mutters. “Thank you for telling me. Do not, under any circumstances, let them.”
One of my eyebrows cock at the doctor’s orders. “Is there anything I should know?”
Dr. Li stops, sighs, and turns to face me. “With James gone, I know she has no one else but you. I’d prefer if Persephone is lucid and away from this place if I was to breach this topic. Please, you have to understand. It’s unsafe here.”
I nodded at her, and she exhales slowly, unwrapping a pack of bandages to tend to what little burns Percy has left on her.
As I watch the doctor tend to Percy, her words play over and over in my head.
“She has no one else but you.”
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lord-explosion-baku · 6 years
Dancing’s Not A Crime (Unless You Do It Without Me) pt. 9
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Pairings: Bakugou x fem!reader, Todoroki x fem!reader
You flirt and tease with a certain hotheaded classmate of yours without realizing how far it has escalated and someone gets a little jealous.
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST, fluff
A/n: this is the one where Aizawa is a good dad. Sorry I haven’t updated in awhile. I got stuck in a moody spiral and writing the angst was tough. Some could say I could’ve attempted to write the next chapter before I finally finished this one. But I am not a wise Meeps. Thanks for being patient. I am a ghoul.
Part 8.
You held two dolls in your hand. The one who looked more similar to you was the hero of the story in your head. She was the prettiest, the best at everything, and she was going to fight all your other dolls who thought they could shut her down and steal her light.
You crashed the two dolls together, causing the other doll, the villain of your story, to fly through the air and crash into your closet, the jail where you kept your other villain dolls. You smiled. Another triumphant battle. You wanted to share your new story. “Mater*,” you called. No answer. It didn’t always work. You were just getting used to saying the other words for the names of things you had known already. You tried again. Nothing. You huffed. You crept down the hall towards the kitchen where you heard the clanking of a pan and soft humming. She was cooking.
She wore a long lily white dress that twirled around her feet as she spun around to season the food she had on the island. She looked at you and gave you a sweet smile. “I thought I heard a buzzing in my ear.”
“I made a new story,” you said tugging on the fabric of her dress.
“Did you? Oh, I would love to hear it but I’m prepping for dinner right now. Why don’t you set the table, for me?” You let out a whine. “Do you want me to sing for you, pumpkin?” Your little heart was conflicted. Your mother’s voice was the best voice. Her singing was enchanting. But you didn’t like the feeling you got when she did. You didn’t like not being able to control your actions.
Before you could respond, your mother’s ruby red lips parted and a soft melody followed out. You were compelled to take the plates and silverware into your hands and bring them to your dining room table, though you did it slowly and with a scowl, alerting your mother of your reluctance.
The lock to the front door turned and a tall cloaked man towered in, sighing to himself. White teeth shown through a shadowed face when he saw you. You mother stopped her singing and you ran to her hiding behind her dress before the man came in to the kitchen.
“And here I was thinking you’d never return,” your mother joked before pulling the man into a kiss.
“Death himself couldn’t keep me away from you, my love.” The man laughed into your mother’s hair. He leaned down to you and spoke softly. “How have you been, monkey?”
Your grip on the fabric tightened as you hid your head into your mother’s gown. You heard your mother sigh before singing softly to you and you let go of her dress and bowed your head before the man. “She’s been getting stronger, I almost couldn’t stop myself from going to her when she called me,” said your mother, almost warningly.
“That’s great news!” The man beamed, taking his good off. There he is, you thought as you smiled up at the man you now recognized. He was your friend, your adventure buddy, your father.
“Daddy!” You cried running to him. He swept you off your feet and into his arms.
“There’s my little girl!” He smiled, touching his finger to your nose. “Have you been working on your quirk?”
“Nope!” You laughed at him as he rustled your head. “I’ve been fighting bad guys with my dolls!”
“I’m so proud of my brave little string bean! What do you do with those rotten bad guys?”
You furrowed your brow in a mock angry expression. “I damn them to hell!” You yelled with a fist in the air. You mother sighed, continuing her cooking.
“Monkey, those are some serious words right there. Are you sure you don’t want to reconsider them? You have to be careful with that magic mouth of yours.”
“I throw them in jail!” Both of your triumphant fists were thrown in the air and your father took the opportunity to tickle you. You giggled uncontrollably and he put you down back to the floor.
Your mother hummed as she chopped raw vegetables. “You should know,” she began cutting deeply into some carrots, “we have a dog now.”
“A dog...” your father was combing your mother’s long h/c locks. “I don’t remember making that decision as a family.”
“It wasn’t my decision.” As if on cue, a fuzzy little thing shot through your father’s legs and bit into your mother’s dress.
“Oh my god is that-“
“Speckle!” You screamed gleefully at your stuffed animal that was hanging on to your mother with all his might. “Come here!” The dog pranced into your arms and gave your cheek a fluffy kiss.
“He eats gum drops and jelly beans. And he poops out... gum drops and jellybeans. And continues to eat those,” your mother was not amused by the whimsical things she was telling your father.
He crouched down to your level giving your creation a pat on the hand. Speckle returned the affection my nipping your father’s hands. “We’ve made something truly spectacular, haven’t we, Kira?”
You shot up in bed, cold and sweaty. You grumbled when you saw the time. 3:18 AM. You feet met the cold of the hardwood floor in your bedroom. How could you go back to sleep after that?
You made your way down the hall towards the kitchen, wanting to fetch a glass of water, but you paused when you saw Aizawa with his hair pulled back, sitting in the couch grading, very awake, grading papers. “Couldn’t sleep?” He asked his eyes never tearing away from the essay he had.
You sat down next to him and hugged a couch pillow to your chest. “I could,” you whispered peering over his shoulder, trying to see the red marks he left on the page.
“I don’t think so,” he pushed another couch pillow into your face. You weren’t allowed to see him be a teacher at home.
You pulled the pillow out of your face. “I had a... dream,” you sighed, bringing a warm hand to your face, “about... them.”
Aizawa put his pen down. Still he didn’t look at you. “Bad or good?”
You still heard the sound of her singing. “Does it matter?” Your voice cracked. You couldn’t help it. Any dream with them in it was a bad one.
“Hey,” he said, placing the graded papers onto the side table. “Hey,” he said again putting a hand on your shaking arms. You shook your head, tears were now streaming from your face.
“It’s like I could smell- I knew they were bad but they still- he still-“ you were blubbering.
Aizawa was now holding you, cradling you as you sobbed into his neck. He pet your hair shushing you.
“He loved me, Aizawa. Why wasn’t that enough? Why wasn’t I enough?”
Aizawa kissed at your hair. “You are enough. You will always be enough. They were sick, Y/n. You know that. Everyone has their... motives for being who they are bu they were militant in their ways. Nothing could have stopped them. That’s not on you.” He has you hugged tightly to him.
You wiped your tears and snot on him. An occurrence he was used to. You looked up into his kind, sleepy eyes. “What if I end up exactly like them?”
“Then I’ll have to take you in,” he said as a crazy smile spread across his cheeks. You hit him. He chuckled. “you’re not going to be like them if you don’t wish to be like them. Hell, I’m nothing like your grandparents.” You smiled at his mention of ‘grandparents.’ You didn’t often question whether Aizawa was really your family but you were in a fragile state. “And you wouldn’t be enrolled in a hero academy if you didn’t want to be hero.”
That was true. Aizawa made sure that you were sure about wanting to pursue this path. Still you were nervous. “What if I can’t help it? What if I use my quirk, the dark side of it, too much one day and I snap?”
“You have to practice self control. But you can’t keep that part of you under wraps. You have to learn to control it before it controls you. But I’m never going to let anything bad like that happen to you, understand?” You gulped. “Let me bring you a glass of water and- don’t look at those papers.”
“Can I at least check to see if you’re being nice to me?” You called as he shuffled around in the kitchen.
You shifted your weight. You figured this was a good a time as ever to let them know about your sorry news.
When he placed a cold glass of ice water in your hand you took a deep breath and told him “I have a date. This Friday. With Bakugou.”
His silence killed you. He pulled out his phone and sent a text. To who? You didn’t know. His sipped his own water. You knew he heard you. He liked to make you sweat when it came to things like this. Finally he asked, “is he coming here?”
Gah. “Well, we’re going to his place,” Aizawa frowned, “but I told him that he needs to pick me up and- ... meet my dad.”
He sipped his water some more. “Good,” he said and scrolled through a shopping website. “And you and Todoroki...?”
Gah! You groaned. “Can we not open this can of worms?”
“That’s fine by me. Mic owes me about a thousand yen.” You groaned again. Leaning over his shoulder you saw that we was shopping for a fly swatter.
Part 10
Tags for EVERYTHING: @yandere-inamorata @doriichii @miitaart @dessiedawnwritesfanfiction @ask-mekakushi-dan-kido @wickedlewicked @chickennuggetsarequestionable @nevermorelanore @kpanime @jetblackjessie @ayeputita @captain-sin-allmight-queen @diisasterbii @iceformer @meganofmars @colagirl5 @colorbookshd @grimmjadeskye @sm0kingcrack @sarcastictextstuck @zellllyyyy @psionicsnow @mynahx3 @andie-in-tumblland @iamthe-leaf @midnightfeline666 @bungou-stray-alies-tales-of-aly @rubyred-28 @kattariapenn @heypartypeps @quirktaker @bokunoheroes-stories
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So this is the day that I find out the the number of blogs I’m allowed to tag to one post is 50. So. Tags are closed. I am... devestated. Kinda. Tagging is a lot sometimes.
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