#Teenage Acne Treatments
vattendrag · 10 months
I'm so awfully tired and exhausted 🥲
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Does Your Teenager Have Cystic Acne?
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priti-shah-posts · 8 months
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sweetheartflorish · 1 year
How to reduce teenage acne
How to reduce teenage acne
Teenagers are loaded with a lot of things. Yes, they don’t have to think about their next pay cheque or paying bills or worry about their children, but they do have to do things right for a brighter future. Their to-do list generally includes getting good grades, participating in extracurricular activities or engaging in sports, making friends, and basically, enjoying their teen years. It is also…
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gremlingottoosilly · 5 months
Hehe so I mayyyy have stalked your account for the past hour 🙈 the content is amazing! Would it be okay to request how König would respond if his wife was big on self care/beauty. At home spa treatments, ‘everything’ showers, and extensive skincare routine… would he want in on the activities or would he be the type to just silently observe?
Consider this: Konig should have terrible skin because he literally wears his hood all the time, the sweat and grime sit on his face for so long, that it can be considered the only form of makeup he is fine with...yet somehow, with some horrible play of fate, his skin is actually pretty decent. Maybe it's his hygiene - despite all of his performative manliness and lack of desire to actually take care of himself, he showers as often as he can on his job, he covers his face from most of the blood and rubble so, in the end, he isn't as dirty as he could be. Konig doesn't understand skincare at all - he has perfect clean skin, clear from all breakouts and pimples, his teenage acne is long in the past - and he thinks that everyone has the same perfect genetics. He will buy you expensive stuff if you ask for them specifically - this man wouldn't be able to dissect moisturizer from sunscreen unless you tell him it's a form of a chemical weapon used in advanced warfare tactics. You tell him to buy Drunk elephant retinol formula, and he asks how this can be used to poison his enemies. You can rope him into doing masks with you - just for the sake of feeling nice and relaxed. Maybe something with moisture components, he likes the feeling of just laying on the bed and not having to do anything for 20 minutes, as much as he claims he hates the feeling of cold gel on his face and he isn't a woman to do all of those skincare sets. He strictly believes that his dick would fall off if he would actually show interest...so he pretends he doesn't like it. nope. not at all. He is glad to buy you all of the stuff you want though - he is extremely observant and he looks at what things you're using and what is running out, so you're completely convinced that miniature bottle of clinique tonic is endless and you've been using the same bottle for three month already. He replaces everything silently, the gals at Sephora giving him a rough time because they are convinced that a burly silent man who towers over every aisle is going to rob them.
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homunculus-argument · 7 months
Some part of my body didn't get the memo about quitting the whole acne thing as a part of growing out of teenage years. Instead, it has apparently decided to go avant-garde with it. Coming up with brand new innovative ways to have zits and clogged pores, discovering new groundbreaking areas to have blackheads. No amount of cleaning, moisturising, exfoliating or doing other treatments has helped.
My least favourite pimples residing currently in my face are the two deep-buried ones, one at the tip of my nose and the one at the exact centre of my left earlobe. How did you even do that.
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teenfamedr · 9 months
Real Skincare Guide
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Level 1: breakouts, non-painful, a little scarring
Minimize your skincare routine, all you need is an oil cleanser (if you wear a lot of makeup) than a good foam cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Repeat the same routine before bed just without the sunscreen.
Wear sunscreen everyday!!!
Always apply more moisturizer than you think you need.
Drink a lot of water (2-3LT)
Get consistent sleep
Take a multi vitamins to balance your hormones. I recommend the One-A-Day Woman’s Vitamins (get a real pill cause the gummies don’t have enough iron)
Work on your stress (breathe work, meditate, journal, yoga, walks, going out with friends, therapy, etc)
Look at what body oils/shampoo/conditioner you are using. Could be your akin reacting poorly to something in there.
Level 2: consistant breakouts, acne, scarring
All the stuff for Level 1 apply.
Minimize your skincare routine and than slowly add back in stuff like hydrochloric acid and retinol. Having an elaborate skincare will just make your skin worse. First, focus on healing your skin barrier.
If you are a teenager, it just might be your hormones/growing pains. It will go away eventually.
Pimple Patches work and are especially good if you are trying to stop touching your face.
Wash your pillow cases every 1-2 weeks.
Try to sleep on your back.
If you pop a pimple than apply an antibiotic ointment.
No point in using anti-aging products if you are under the age of 25. It just won’t do anything for you.
Note that if you take in a lot of nicotine you will breakout. If you smoke and you have bad skin, it probably won’t improve unless you quit or lessen the dosage.
Level 3: painful consistent breakouts/acne/scars, redness, irritability, hurts,
Go see a dermatologist!
Acne is can be a real problem. If your acne is painful seek professional help.
If Accutane is recommended, than I would do it. Based only on the experiences of my friends, I have seen great results after a couple months. There are side effects and it is not for everyone but if a professional says you should than I might consider it.
No topical treatment is going to make those scars go away. You are going to need to laser resurfacing which is like this secret treatment rich people do to clear up their skin. It is expensive but really works. Beauty brands want you to think that the right cream can clear up your skin but if you have bad scarring you are only going to see real results with laser treatments
All of the above recommendations still apply
Your acne does not take away from your beauty or your worth as a human being. Remember that acne is normal and social media is fake.
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Product Recommandations:
Disclaimer: Not every product will work for every skin type. Do your research for what will be beat for you!
Korean skincare! It is reliable to buy from yesstyle or Olive young. Don’t buy on amazon. (Japanese skincare is good too)
AESTURA Atobarrier 365 Cream
Ma:nyo Pure Cleansing Oil
Ma:nyo Bifida Biome Conplex Ampoule
Beauty of Joseon (sunscreen, eye cream, and serum)
Round Lab 1025 Dokdo Cleanser and Round Lab Birch Juice Sunscreen
Torriden Serum
KAHI Multi Balm
Anything from The Ordinary
CeraVe Daily Moisturizer
CeraVe SA Face Wash Cleanser
CeraVe Acne Foam Cleanser
CeraVe Resurfacing Retinol Face Serum
La Roche Posay spot treatment and soothing balm
EltaMD sunscreen
Soon Jung brand
Laniege Toner
Royal Honey propolis Essence
Aware Lip and Eye remover
TIRTIR- Centella Foam Cleanser
KAHI wrinkle bounce collagen mist
Real Calendula Toner Hyaluronic Toner Pads
Abeille Royale double R renew and repair serum 
Tom Ford Lip Balm
Rovectin activating treatment lotion
LA MER moisturizer
PanOxyl Acne Foaming wash
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Your dragon boss saves you from marriage
General Plot: You're engaged to a dragon prince, but you aren't exactly thrilled. Neither is your boss.
Dragon (Calista) x female reader
Word Count: 2.5k
W: slight yandere vs. yandere vibe, sfw dragon fluff, threats of bad haircuts
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“Put that down (Y/N),” your boss Calista growled in her irish accent, “you’re not even supposed to be here today, love. Fox is gonna piss ‘imself if you’re not at the hair salon.” 
You blinked up at her and froze with the reports in your hand. 
“Do I really have to go?” you groaned. 
She gave you a quick sympathetic look but schooled her face. Calista didn’t care for your fiance and her nephew Fox. His clan of dragon shifters had all but adopted you when you were a teenager and it turned out the payment for that kindness was his father expecting the two of you to be married.
You weren’t even a dragon, but Fox was a spoiled dragon prince and he got what he wanted. He wanted you to be his wife so his father put aside eons of tradition to declare you, a random human commoner, to be his fiance. 
The two of them had been picking out wedding venues and dragged you to a dozen samplings from everything from wine to cake to florists. Fox thought you were the cutest, tiniest human and wanted to do nothing more than dress you up like a cupcake and prance you all around in front of his friends, showing off his improvements. He’d gotten you braces to straighten your teeth and paid for expensive facial treatments to fix your acne.  
If it weren’t for him and his father you would have never graduated college or gotten this killer job as an accountant for Calista. You owed them everything, still…you just weren’t in love with Fox. Sure, he was handsome. He was eight feet tall with pretty red horns and golden skin, but he was a bit immature and he treated you like you were dumb as a rock, even though you’d done most of his homework for him in college. 
Calista sighed and rubbed her eyes, seeming to be working on some inner conflict. 
“I’ll escort you,” she finally said, taking the papers out of your hands and flopping them on your desk. 
Your phone rang and you groaned when you read Fox’s name on the screen. 
“H-hello?” you said into the phone. 
“(Y/N) the salon called and said you missed your appointment. Don’t tell me you forgot about our dinner tonight and went to work, silly girl?” he chuckled into the phone, “you’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached to your neck! You’ll have to go to the hair salon after the nail salon and then the stylist.” 
Of course you didn’t forget. You didn’t want to go. Fox had been going on and on about you getting a different haircut before the wedding and how cute it would make your face, but you didn’t want to cut your hair. 
You were supposed to be preparing for a royal dinner with all of his prissy dragon prince friends from across the country who had flown in for the celebration. He only wanted to show you off, you wouldn’t be expected or even allowed to speak. 
You were supposed to look cute while he talked about what a saint he was for marrying a human, even though this was all his idea in the first place. He loved to go on and on about how he and his father had rescued you from poverty, but that wasn’t entirely true. 
Calista is the one who had discovered you initially. She’d been volunteering with young women at a math bootcamp put on for underprivileged youth and you’d been the teen she’d been assigned to. She’d been impressed with your intelligence, even though you didn’t have any natural aptitude for mathematics and made it her project to give you some skills that would feed you in the future. 
She’d brought you around her office when you graduated high school to give you an internship and that’s where you’d met Fox and his father. Fox had immediately stolen you away, being your same age, insisting that the two of you attend the same college, have the same friends, and eventually date. 
Suddenly he was paying your tuition, your rent, your car note, your food, everything. You felt so indebted to his family for what they’d done for you, you didn’t feel comfortable saying no. So now, to your dismay, several years later, you’d somehow committed yourself to walking down the aisle with him. No one really even asked you. He just showed up with a ring one day and declared you were his fiance, being sure to mention how grateful you must be to be chosen as a dragon’s princess. 
“Sorry, I got caught up at work,” you said robotically, “Calista reminded me and is going to take me over.” 
“Great!” he said, “I’ll send her the picture for the hair dresser. That woman’s got a mind like a steel trap.” 
That wasn’t a sarcastic comment. Calista was the only reason the lavish dragons could stay afloat. She did financial miracles to counteract their ridiculous spending and she was a genius with corporate strategy. The whole place would fall apart without her to hold it all together with tape and glue. There was a ding and Callista’s long fingers extracted her phone from her navy blue suit pocket. Her ice blue eyes narrowed on the picture Fox had sent her. 
“Bangs?” you saw her mouth with distaste. 
“Hang up the phone,” she said suddenly. 
You glanced up at her and quickly mumbled goodbye to Fox, pressing the red button to end the call. 
“Everything okay?” you asked. 
She looked at you for a long time. Calista was beautiful, with white-blonde hair and sky blue eyes, framed with a few smile lines that hinted at her age. She was tall, like every dragon, approaching nine feet not including the shimmery blue horns emerging from her head, with a thick, curvy form. Your eyes had always lingered on her rather large bosom, to your own embarrassment. It was just hard to miss and at your height more often than not you were face to face with them.  
Her fingers drifted up to your cheek and she gave you a small smile, before taking your hand firmly in hers. Her heels clicked on the shiny marble flooring as she hurried you through the building. 
“Stay here for just a second,” she said, leading you into her corner office. 
She pushed aside a picture to reveal a safe and opened it, hurriedly pulling stacks of cash from it and shoving them in her purse. 
“I don’t think the hairdresser will cost that much,” you said, confused. 
She laughed to herself and grabbed a few other things, a pistol, some documents, and some jewelry. 
“Grab my laptop,” she said so you would be looking away when she extracted a magical sword that could pierce dragon scales and transformed it into a reasonably sized pocket knife she could stuff in her purse. 
You hurried back with the laptop confused as to why Calista was packing so much stuff just to take you to the hairdresser. When she was happy she had everything she needed she looked down at you, dragging you close to her by the waist. 
Your eyes widened, confused by the sudden contact, but your cheeks flooded with color. 
“Calista…” you started. 
“Shut up,” she said and to your utter shock pressed her lips to yours. 
You blinked for one second and then your eyes closed and you sank into her lips. She smelled like lilacs and tasted like honey and green tea. Moaning into her mouth you tipped your head to the side to grant her entrance. Her agile tongue licked yours and the cave of your mouth, tasting you. Groaning you hopped into her arms, winding your ankles around her back, hiking your skirt up and she pressed you back into the wall behind you. She pulled back. 
“I’m not letting you marry that fucking brat,” she gasped, pulling you into her lips again and speaking through frantic kisses, “but what I’m going to do…is dangerous...I might have to kill him…and my brother.” 
“I’m scared,” you gasped, sharing breaths and searching her eyes, “I don’t want to lose you.”   
This wave of passion hit you like a freight train. Suddenly every gentle moment you’d ever shared with Calista came rushing back to you. She’d always been there to hold your hand or wipe away your tears and better yet she always put you back on your feet and convinced you to keep fighting. 
You saw Fox when he made you two spend time together, but Calista is who you sought out for real companionship. You’d shared with her your secrets, your firsts. She knew everything about you. You didn’t want Fox to die, but if you had to choose…you wanted Calista more. 
Your phone rang again and Calista jerked it out of your pocket, dropping it on the floor and stomping it with her heel. Her nose brushed yours and she tipped her head forward to let your eyelashes mingle. 
“We have to go now,” she whispered and you nodded even though you were grinding your hips into her ribs. 
She kissed you again, before reluctantly pulling away and tossing you over her shoulder like you weighed nothing. You didn’t know how many times Calista had held herself back from you or even more often held herself back from decking Fox as he slobbered all over you. 
She’d found you. You belonged to her, not some spoiled prince who could barely tie his own shoes. But she was a mature dragon. It had never been in her nature to paw at you like a lovesick schoolgirl, but as she carried you to her Jag she wondered if her discretion had all been a mistake. She’d let him take things too far and now she was blood thirsty and furious. 
You were too young for her, she’d thought at first. That’s why she had waited so long. She was hundreds of years old, you weren’t even 50. She’d convinced herself the proper thing to do would be to stand by your side and protect you discreetly. She held sway with her brother because really she pulled all the strings.
Wyatt was a helpless idiot who ruled mostly on his good looks and her creativity. She could watch you, making sure that idiot Fox never really harmed you. But that had been a foolish lie she was telling herself, wasn’t it? She’d never truly intended to let him have you, had she? She’d been putting off the inevitable all along. 
To hell with that, she thought as she peeled out of the parking garage with your big, wet eyes on her. 
When you reached the mansion, where Calista, you and a few other inner circle dragons lived with Wyatt you watched her pull the pistol and oddly a pocket knife from her purse and shove them into the pocket of her suit jacket.
Then she pulled her long blonde hair into a ponytail and dragged you out of the car with her, holding you like luggage. You could have argued with her that you could walk, but the look on her face told you to keep your fucking mouth shut. You’d seen her make this expression a few times before when she marched into a boardroom and overtook a company. 
One of the guards met her at the door and she gave him a nod, saying more than you understood because he and a few other dragon guards fell in line behind her as you made your way through the mansion. 
You found Fox and his father in their study, drinking and laughing. They were immediately on alert when Calista walked in with death on her face and six dragon guards at her back. 
“What’s the meaning of this Calista?” Wyatt asked, his face full of shock, “is there an emergency?” 
“(Y/N) is mine,” she said flatly, “the kid doesn’t touch her.” 
They both spoke at once. 
“What the fuck do you mean kid?!” 
“You’re joking Calista!” 
“I’m serious as a fuckin’ heart attack, he puts his rotten hands on ‘er I’m cuttin’ ‘em off,” she said and your eyes got large sitting in her arm, “we can do this one of two ways. You can go on playing regents like good little lads and leave ‘er to me or I lob your heads off right now and then go for a pint with the boys here. No one likes you. No one wants you and I’ve only kept you around because you make good decoys. My kindness goes no further.” 
The father and son’s wide eyes glanced over Calista’s shoulder to the assembled guards who were in no uncertain terms on her side. Calista had fought for them to get health insurance and mental health days worked into their contracts. Wyatt and Fox had brushed off their concerns, saying dragons didn’t get sick or depressed, which wasn’t at all true. 
“(Y/N)!” Fox shouted looking at you and crossing the room, “don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m not gonna let her do this to you.” 
Wyatt hurriedly put his arm on his son’s shoulder to stop him and you shook your head. 
“Don’t call me that, Fox, I’m not yours,” you said from the safety of Calista’s arms, looping yours around her neck. 
His face immediately dropped at your betrayal. 
“You sneaky bitch! After everything we did for you?! You’re in on this?!” he snapped. 
You shook your head, offended. 
“I’m not in on-” 
“Shh, love,” Calista said, a creepy smile appearing on her face as she set you down and took as step forward, reaching in her pocket for her knife, “I’m gonna cut the lad’s tongue from his-”
“I think that’s quite enough,” Wyatt said, pushing himself in front of his boy, trying to save his son’s life. He knew his older sister was terrifying and wouldn’t feel bad in the least for mangling his child. She came from a different time, a time when spoiled princes got bloody lessons for pissing off the elders next in line for the throne. 
“Obviously,” Wyatt interjected, “you feel strongly about this, so we would never want to get in between you and clearly your mate.” 
“Father!” Fox cried, but Wyatt just slapped him. 
“Shut up, boy, if you want to live,” he snarled. 
Calista stopped and frowned. 
“Pity,” she said, crossing her arms and looking Fox up and down. She’d really been looking forward to paying him back for all of the kisses he’d stolen from you, every unwanted grope and touch she planned to get her revenge for. But that would have to come on a different day. Fox was young and stupid, he would give her an excuse. 
She sighed and turned her back to him, letting him know she wasn’t in the least bit afraid, picking you up. 
“Shall we go get that pint love?” she asked and you gave her a small smile, nodding. 
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wecandoit · 8 months
what i read | aug-sep
notes: (1) '*' indicates a content warning for references to death, abuse, violence, obvious triggers for mental illnesses (2) bolded links show sources that i found super interesting or introduced me to a new/profound concept
The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak
Revisiting the Languages of Love: An Empirical Test of the Validity Assumptions Underlying Chapman’s (2015) Five Love Languages Typology
Topical treatments for acne
The True Story of the Koh-i-Noor Diamond—and Why the British Won’t Give It Back
Repatriation of the Kohinoor Diamond: Expanding the Legal Paradigm for Cultural Heritage
Challenging the colonisation of birth: Koori women's birthing knowledge and practice
A cognitive developmental approach to understanding how children cope with disasters
Nature-Based Early Childhood Education and Children's Social, Emotional and Cognitive Development: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review.
Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model: a theoretical framework to explore the forest school approach?
How AI Generates Images from Text
Discrimination Has Trapped People of Color in Unhealthy Urban 'Heat Islands'
A Newly Discovered Brain Signal Marks Recovery from Depression
Message to My Beloved Sibling
The Kingmaker by Lauren Greenfield
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem by Jeff Rowe
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roachspeaks · 1 year
Hi! I love reading your stuff and I saw your requests were open! I'd love something about Vincent and a reader with a lot of acne/sh scarring all over their body and what he'd think/act about it, if you're comfortable writing something like that. Thank you so much 💗 keep up the good work! :)
Thank you so much for requesting! Hope you have a wonderful day💗
Vincent Sinclair with a S/O with acne/sh scarring
Little bit of a Tw: mentions of self harm, low self esteem, insecurity, hinting to teasing or bullying in school, they/them pronoun use,
Vincent never got to just be a teenager. He didn’t know about the pointless things kids were teased for in school. He didn’t know acne was seen as a “bad thing”. He just recognized it as apart of you and he loves every part of you. Once Bo pointed out the bumps and redness on your body and Vincent could tell he meant it as a mean jab. But he didn’t know why that would be an insult. When you explained it to him, that lots of people in society didn’t necessarily see acne as a great thing. He just stared at you confused, his head tilting. He signed something, “But it’s your body…and it’s beautiful…” he still didn’t understand. But he did grasp that you were insecure about it. Because of that he made sure to give your acne lots of love. Both by taking a chance to compliment your skin one in a while and making sure to include it in his art. Leaving the paintings/drawings/sculptures for gods sake, all over for you to find them.
For SH scars he reacts a little different. Vincent never knew there was an actual name for hurting yourself. There had been many times where he had felt pathetic and insecure enough to cut himself. He still had scars from it too. Whether you show him your scars, or your clothing rides up on accident, he’s going to cherish them. Because in his mind it shows your a survivor of something, a survivor of a fight against yourself. During intimate moments, or any time he’s close to you he’ll make sure to kiss as many of the scars as he can reach. When Bo and Lester aren’t around the house he will toss you a shirt or some shorts that show off your scars perfectly.(of course if your comfortable). And if your not he will help you do scar treatments to help them fade out a little more. The weather in Ambrose was hot as is, trying to cover your skin all the time wouldn’t end well. But he wouldn’t ever force you to where clothes that showed off your scars, even just a thinner hoodie or over shirt.
It’s kinda shorter but I think I covered it pretty well 😅 but yea requests are open and I’d appreciate constant anons or just ideas that people have.
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
im also dealing with having more hormone related acne than ive had to deal with before tho for me its bc of my pcos treatment not t. and like i was warned it could happen but i also still chose to do it bc even tho i hate having acne, i hate having awful painful cramps more??? and for you, obvs the euphoria of being on t outweighs the acne. but that doesnt mean we cant complain! honestly anon sounds like some edgy teenager who just learned abt 'snappy comebacks'.
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eelsabound · 5 days
when i was a teenager all the acne treatments i tried did fuck all ever so it's always shocking to me when i use like. own brand salicylic acid spot gel and it actually gets rid of the thangs
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bluesey-182 · 3 months
every time i look into what treatment for dermatillomania would look like, half of it is a list of medication groups that I've been on at different points in my life bc of different issues (antidepressants, anti-anxieties, anti-convulsants, anti-psychotics) that never impacted my skin picking and it drives me a little nuts bc i fail to see how these medications are supposed to stop something like excessive and compulsive skin picking. it's also mildly amusing to me how every website tells you to never self diagnose this condition, as if it isn't extremely obvious after 20 years of picking my fingers until they're raw and bleeding with open sores, only to keep picking them even after they're at that point. as if it isn't obvious after my doctor had to put me on a prescription acne cream medication as a young teenager (that i still have to use to this day) bc every time i had a pimple i would pick holes in my face that have left scars to this day. but yeah sure, i need a medical professional to tell me something i already know. and how much would that official diagnosis cost me?
anyways, all this to say I'm tired. I'm tired of this. i have vivid memories of doing this shit to myself as early as preschool. i used to scratch my scalp and the shells of my ears raw so that scabs would form and then I'd pick those. I'd wake up with my hair caked in blood after picking and scratching while falling asleep. one day in 2nd grade i scratched the side of my foot raw and wearing shoes was agony but i was too ashamed to tell anyone, so i let my socks get socked in blood for days. my fingers are always always always bleeding. I'm ashamed to ever get manicures with my mom bc the few times i tried, the nail techs berated me for the state of my hands and made me cry. I've had to spend my whole life with friends and family and even just strangers telling me how much i gross them out, and randomly yelling at me "stop picking!", much to my absolutely mortification and shame. how do you stop something that you've been doing for almost the entirety of your life? it feels so hopeless.
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robotstrategy · 4 months
Recalled • Part 4 • 30 - Roland
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Drops of black ink fall into the bathtub as Roland unravels the skin wraps Lee had wrapped him with. Lilian watches as he rinses off all the inky residue revealing the pieces of art across his body.
When Roland was ten he broke his arm, his mom got him a cast instead of a new arm because it was cheaper, he had drawn a shark on it and made the drawing into a permanent tattoo when the cast was cut off. At thirteen he was attacked by a shark that swam too close to the beach, that or he swam too far out. When he walked back onto the sand he was battered and bruised, he had scars that would still be on him today if they weren’t given to Nero and Connor. His step-dad told him it was karma for the things he did earlier that day, he didn’t even care that his step-son could’ve been eaten alive if Roland hadn’t beaten that shark to death.
Roland wonders why he still likes sharks, maybe he just never had the money or time to get the tattoo removed, or maybe it was the respect he had for a bigger monster out there; that no matter how awful he or his step-dad was, there was literal bigger fish to fry.
Roland curses himself, he’s thinking about his stepdad again, and how something could be worse than him. Admittedly dying to a ferocious animal is way worse than a few strikes to the back, but there’s a difference between a trigger-happy, abusive parent and a defensive, scared animal. 
“Do you mind grabbing that second skin wrap over on the counter?” Roland asks Lilian as he thoroughly cleans his arms and legs.
Lilian goes over to grab the second skin. “Why are you covering it again, it’s too pretty to be covered.”
Roland laughs, taking the wrap from Lilian’s hands. “It’s not done healing, I just needed to get the extra ink off.”
Roland wraps up his limbs in the transparent gauze-like wrap before wrapping them again in blue bandages, he turns to the mirror to inspect himself, groaning at the sight of freshly emerged pimples.
Roland has the luck of a teenage girl when it comes to pimples, it’s like dandelions, there’s one, and then there’s a ton, and he can’t get them to go away as easily as his friends used to. 
“You can use some of my face wash if you want.” Lilian eyes Roland. 
“Ya sure? I mean, I don’t know if I should use stuff that isn’t really mine.”
Lilian scoffs. “Just because you’ve become possessive of your stuff doesn’t mean I have.” She pulls out an elastic and hands it to him. “Put your hair up, then it won't get in the way.”
Roland grabs the elastic and puts his hair in a high ponytail, a few shorter pieces fall back into his face. Lilian pulls out a specialty acne cream, apparently it’s supposed to pull out all the gunk in someone’s pores in a matter of four hours. 
“Only put that on the spots that need it, or else you’ll wreck your face even more than it already is.” She hands him the tube, and she then goes for a bag of pimple stickers, placing some on her own problem areas. “Take your pick, you won’t want puss leaking out of your face when the treatment starts.”
Roland scoffs. “No offence, but I’d rather not have unicorns and teddy bears on my face.” To that Lilian rolls her eyes. “There’s some sea creatures in there if you dig hard enough.”
Lilian brushes her teeth while Roland places salmon and starfish on his face. “How’d you get it anyway?” Lilian asks, in reference to Roland’s acne.
“Chocolate pudding.”
“You’ve been eating that a lot.”
“It’s becoming a comfort food.”
And it really is, it’s a simple treat, but it seems like in any slightly stressful situation he’s gotten it. Back at the hospital when he had first woken up, in the support group, his mom had gotten him a carton of it as a treat when he got released from the hospital after the freakout with his meds. He supposes it’s what spam is to Hayden, but then again it was never something present in the basement, god forbid Sonia gets them anything nice. 
However, Roland is happy that it hasn’t become such a big thing, last night he ate the last pudding cup he had in that pack of six. Admittedly having a cup almost every day isn’t the best, but if they were bought for him he should be allowed to have them. 
“So what are you doing today?”
Lilian gives him a look, staring him up and down. Roland scowls.
“What’s with all the attitude?” 
She stays silent for a moment. “I thought you’d go get a haircut.”
“Don’t you need an appointment for that?”
“Leslie doesn’t get many customers these days, you’ll be fine.”
“Haven’t I had enough of altering my body this week?”
“I want to go outside you wet rat!”
Roland wheezes at the randomness of that insult. “What did you just call me?”
“A wet rat! Now go get dressed, and tell Mom we’re going out this time!”
Lilian waits outside on the doorsteps as Roland comes out the door, his hair still in a ponytail. As they walk out of the yard they’re greeted by Otto and Martha, who are out gardening.
“Hi dear, oh, what happened to your arms and legs?” Martha asks.
“Nothing, It’s just tattoo wraps.”
“Oh, are you doing the same thing that the other Recalls are doing?”
“Oh that’s lovely, are you taking your sister on a walk?” Martha peeks behind Roland to take a look at Lilian who clings to him.
“Apparently I’m getting a haircut,” Roland jerks the arm that Lilian holds onto, “I got called a rat.”
Otto and Martha share a chuckle, “Well, I hope you look less like a rat by the time your hair gets trimmed.” Otto jokes.
Roland and Lilian walk further down the street into the city. 
“Do you know them?” Lilian asks.
“I had lunch with them last week, nice people.”
“I’ve never met them.”
“You should.”
Roland and Lilian walk down the street of the suburbs, every once in a while there’s a big tree overflowing onto the sidewalk, shading the path in which they walk. Sometimes there’s a swing hanging down from them. Roland has never noticed it, but it seems like the city has become more youth-friendly recently. Though, somehow there’s more anti-homeless architecture, and Roland is not necessarily sure if it’s meant to be anti-homeless, or anti-teenager. There’s a big puddle up ahead from the rainstorm last night, one of the many blessings in an Indiana summer, unfortunately, it’s not a blessing for the light-sleeping Roland.
When they get close enough to the puddle Roland hops over it, but Lilian jumps into it, splashing Roland in the process, wetting his socks.
“I thought you didn’t want me to be a wet rat.”
“I don’t, stop letting me make you a wet rat.”
Roland starts running down the street, hopping from side to side, avoiding the puddles while Lilian chases after him stomping through all the puddles. She eventually catches up to Roland despite her coordination, hugging onto his back.
“I guess you’re the wet rat now.” He laughs.
“No, I’m a mouse, a pretty one,”
“Of course,” Roland chuckles. “The prettiest one of them all.”
On the course to the hairdresser Roland feels Lilian leave his side, he turns around to see her eyeing dresses in the window of a tailoring service. She pats her shorts as if almost imagining it on herself, she then snaps back around catching up to him as he continues down the street, watching her.
Entering the salon the same bell rings as the door opens, before Roland can even look at Leslie's old desk, she’s already up in his face.
“Roland! I was wondering when I’d see you again!” She exclaims.
“Hi Leslie!” Roland responds.
“Come to get a haircut? It looks like you need one.”
Roland looks at his sister. “Lilian would agree with you.” Lilian nudges him in the arm.
“Well don’t waste any time, come sit down!” She gestures to her chair. Roland sits down in it, and she places a cape around him. 
“So, do you still want that beach blowout?”
“I think I want something else.”
“No worries! Let me get you a magazine.” Leslie hands off a haircut magazine to Roland. “Boys these days like getting mullets, but honestly they look awful, at least the ones that they get.”
“I think it’s self-expression, ‘cause there’s no way they’re getting a girl with that cut.” Another hairdresser adds it sends a slew of giggles throughout the salon. 
Roland points to a certain hairstyle in the magazine, “How about that one?” Leslie looks back at Roland, inspecting the hairstyle he points at. 
“Huh, a short mullet.”
“Oh,” Roland looks to the ground. “I’m upsetting you aren’t I?”
“No, no, something like this could actually work for you. I think I’ll take it down a little at the back, and add a tinsy bit of length at the bottom.”
Leslie takes electric clippers to Roland’s hair, getting it down to a pixie cut. “I believe this belongs to you.” She hands Lilian back her elastic. Leslie escorts Roland over to one of the wash basins, surprisingly this freaks Roland out more than his experience at the tattoo parlour, because his head faces the ceiling and Leslie isn’t even telling him her next move. 
“Oh April where did you get that top? It’s beautiful!” Leslie asks, looking in front of her. 
“Thank you! I got it from a local artist! She gives half the profits back to the Rewind Ward near us.” April explains.
“Isn’t that the one who lost all three of her high school sweethearts to unwinding?”
“Yeah, see, so she dated the first one, then he broke up with her, then she got with the second one and he got unwound, then she got with the third one, then the first one got unwound, then a day before they were supposed to graduate the third got unwound.”
“Well, at least she only experienced heartbreak twice instead of three times.”
“The last one’s name was Zane right?”
“Yeah, Zane.”
It’s as if all the colour drained from Roland’s face, they’re talking about Valerie, he’s the first boyfriend in the unwound trio. Him, the guy he can’t even remember the name of, and Zane. One of the things that kept Roland sane at the beginning of his recall was that the two women he had hurt had good men to keep them company, Valerie had Zane and Risa had Connor. But Valerie didn’t have Zane, instead, he was unwound, he could’ve had so much, a loving girlfriend, and his place back on the varsity team, but instead he succumbed to the same fate as him. Roland can only hope that somewhere out there, Zane is kicking AWOL.
Leslie taps Roland on the shoulder, waking him from his daze. 
“Are you okay hun? Sorry about them, I told ‘em to stop talking about it.”
“Yeah, no, it’s fine.”
Leslie escorts Roland back to her chair. “I used to remember when I had to use the little high chair for you, now I almost have to send the chair to its lowest setting.” She reminisces. She pulls out a size 2 razor and clips it onto the clippers, he folds over Roland's hair and starts going at the sides.
“Leslie, do you think I look like a yin yang?” Roland questions.
Leslie furrows her eyebrows, “That's a weird question to ask.”
“I don’t know, my tattoo artist thought I was one.” 
Leslie sighs. “You see, hair is one of the many ways someone can express themselves. Here, you can get so many people from different walks of life with all the different sexualities. Sometimes the feeling you’ve got about someone is right, and sometimes it’s completely wrong, so I just chose not to assume anything.”
“But if you had to.”
“I wouldn’t.”
“Assuming makes an ass out of u and me. Besides, if you really wanted to know why wouldn’t you just look up yin porn.”
“Leslie! Lilian is right there!” Roland points to Lilian, she rolls her eyes for the third time today. “I know what porn is Roland.”
“I feel like you shouldn’t.”
There’s another ring at the door, a muscular ochre guy around Roland’s age enters the building, he’s got his hair half shaved off with thick dreads on the other side, and he’s got piercing green eyes that cut right into Roland’s possibly no longer existent soul. He walks over to Leslie’s chair, inspecting himself in the mirror, he then turns to Roland, who’s currently getting the main part of his mullet done.
“Seriously, another guy who wants a mullet?”
“Yes, but he’s letting me make it look good.” Leslie puts her hand into Roland’s view, gesturing to the guy in front of him. “Roland, this is my son, Dante. You two used to have playdates all the time when you were little.”
“We did?!” Dante seems just as befuddled as Roland is about this new revelation. 
“Yes, we stopped bringing you around when his mom remarried… no offence.”
“None taken, that was a good choice honestly.”
Out of nowhere, Roland feels an arm wrap around his neck and the side of his face is pressed against the side of Dante’s. It practically flusters Roland and he thinks that Dante has just answered his question about him being yin yang. “Hm, yeah you do look familiar, we’ve got pictures together in your scrapbook don’t we Mom?”
“Dante! Get off him, I’m trying to cut his hair!”
“Right, right, sorry…” He backs off.
Leslie finishes cutting Roland’s hair, in the end, she’s right, taking a little off the back and adding a little on the bottom does make for a nice mullet. Roland pays with some of the money from the envelope and he and Lilian start heading home.
“So, should I leave you alone for the rest of the afternoon?” Lilian asks.
“Ew, no, gross, I’m not doing that, and you already knew I wouldn’t!”
“Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to see your reaction.”
Roland finds Lilian leaving his side again, he looks back to her staring at the same dress as before. 
“You really like that dress don’t you?”
“Well, not that exactly, it looks a little tacky,” She sighs. “I just want a big pretty dress, y’know?”
Roland blinks at her, “I don’t, I’m a guy.” Lilian scowls.
“Tell you what, for your eighteenth birthday I’ll try to convince Mom to get you a pretty dress.”
Lilian gasps, “Really!”
“I said I’ll try, that’s not a promise.”
“Thank you!!!”
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
i got told by a gyno that i have higher testosterone levels than normal and i have “hair like growths” on my ovaries but did not diagnose me with anything and i never pursued any further treatment but looking back. Man i think if i came from an upper middle class family that actually gave half a shit i might get told i have some hormone disorder. Bc i look at pics of myself from highschool and i have like Teenage boy acne around my mouth/a mix of really thick peach fuzz and really coarse blonde facial hair all over my face + really coarse long black hair on my jaw and neck. And when i was a teenager i would be so horny it seriously impacted my grades/focus/motivation in life overall. Like it wasnt regular teenage horniness i was completely unable to think because i would be in so much physical discomfort from being 2 horny. It really impacted my social life too, i never slutted around “for validation/attention” i LITERALLY physically could not control myself.
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tiffyfoundsomething · 2 years
So, I have a teenager and he’s gross.
I’m not sure whether he’s not bathing properly or has a skin condition. I suspect it’s a bit of both. He’s personal hygiene resistant.
He’s always greasy and rashy and dropping big scalp flakes EVERYWHERE like an industrial skin flake dispenser with an endless capacity.
I’ve tried a few different things with him and finally found something that seems to work.
First I tried this:
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Neither of us liked that one. It’s VERY thick, hard to massage in, and just as difficult to rinse out. It left his hair feeling heavy and greasy, and did nothing for his flakes.
Zinc was not what he needed.
Then I tried this one:
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Which I first used on myself because I’ve heard tea tree oil can be irritating and I wanted to know what I was subjecting my kid to before putting it on him.
It has a very strong, natural peppermint scent that clings and lasts. He would have hated that. I don’t care for it, either. I like sweet peppermint candy, but natural peppermint is a bit astringent as a scent for me.
On ME, though, I had noticed my hair has been getting darker as I get older, but turns out that’s just shampoo residue. After using this tea tree shampoo, my hair changed colors. It was much lighter and brighter all around, and then turned darker again when I used my other shampoo again.
But I’ve also noticed that now I am having thick, oily scalp skin and my hair gets greasier faster. It must have overstripped my scalp and now my scalp is overcompensating.
I’ve also been warned that if you happen to get this in your eyes, it hurts more than a standard shampoo and I’ve had the misfortune of proving that to be correct. I am clumsy.
It’s a good thing I didn’t put this on my son’s hair.
I’ve long suspected he has psoriasis. We’ve asked about it at his yearly checkup and they’ve said no, it’s just dandruff. However, he’s had cradle cap since infancy (he’s allergic to the tar shampoos, we’ve learned), and had the signature circle rash on the back of his neck for a few months (not just Lyme Disease does that, I learned after an initial panic). I’ve also had to scrape thick plaques that caused bald spots from his scalp a few times.
I bought a psoriasis shampoo figuring it’s worth a shot.
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The main ingredient is salicylic acid, which is the same ingredient in wart treatments and many acne creams. Salicylic acid breaks up sebum and sebum clings to the skin flakes making those thick, stinky plaques. If your skin is overproducing, the last thing you want is for it to get stuck. You want it to flake off when it’s time.
It worked immediately.
Very easy to wash with because it’s thin like a normal shampoo and rinsed out super easy even in hard water. I did have a little trouble working it down to his scalp because his hair is so dense, but we got there. He said that it mostly didn’t feel like anything but did get a little tingly at one point and that’s when he asked me to rinse it out (you’re supposed to let it sit a while).
He was relatively flake-free from Sunday to Thursday. A few flakes here and there, a totally normal amount instead of so many.... so many........., and he used Head & Shoulders (supposedly, I didn’t wash his hair for him EVERY day, he may not have washed it at all... he does that) on the other washes.
He also smells better. His scalp usually stinks. I’m hoping that with consistent twice-a-week washes with this shampoo, that smell will go away all together because there will be nothing for bacteria or fungi to stick to anymore.
So, if you’re struggling with psoriasis or your child is, this shampoo might be worth a try.
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