Paul and Prue what the f do you mean by go through some of the bakes we have seen previously?!!!
They should be judged solely on the three final challenges. Not on their performance up until that point.
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rainylana · 1 month
“I don’t like the way I look.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
requested by anonymous
summary: your insecurities of your postpartum body finally come out.
warnings: postpartum, insecurities about the readers body, lots of tears, language, angst, eddie cries. i’m not a mother nor have i ever been pregnant, so i hope i did this justice.
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You were one of those people who were extremely confident in their looks. You knew you were hot. You had hair girls were jealous of, and a figure, too. You had beautiful green eyes that looked gold in the sun. Pale skin that made your jaw line sharp and features prominent.
Eddie liked having you that way. He loved your confidence and everything about you. However the day you had your baby, it all changed. The nine months of pregnancy went by smoothly. You’d obviously put on an enormous amount of baby weight, but you had assumed you’d drop it once the baby was born. You weren’t, and no matter how little food you ate or how much exercise you did, you couldn’t get it off. Besides, you didn’t have time to really put in the work for dieting, not healthily, anyways. Not with a baby.
You loved your daughter. There was no question in that, but you couldn’t admit it to yourself, or anyone, that you now hated how you looked. You had a pouch in your belly that you’d never had before, the skin on your sides had turned to love handles, your legs still stolen. You cried yourself to sleep so many times during the night, watching your daughter sleep. Little Patricia Munson. Patty.
You were good at hiding it. Eddie had no suspicion of your struggles. Nobody did. Only you and the mirror.
Motherhood suited you. To Eddie and your friends, you were glowing. You were so good with your baby. You knew how to get her to calm down, to sleep peacefully through the night. Having a child was a new kind of love you never thought one person was capable of feeling. Eddie loved watching you with her, the way you held her and sang to her. He was absolutely mesmerized when you breastfed her.
You looked like you could do it all with a crown on top of your head, and nobody knew just how badly you were feeling.
Tonight was a particularly bad night and you had no idea why. You were sat in the rocking chair of Patty’s nursery, holding her in your arms and softly patting her. She’d been asleep for quiet some time, but you weren’t ready to put her down. It was almost one in the morning, and you knew Eddie would wake up soon and wonder where you were.
The room was dark, besides the Winnie the Pooh nightlight that illuminated an orange glow around the room, plastic stars stuck up on the ceiling for extra light.
You were humming lightly, your finger sweeping over her swirl of dark hair. She was only seven weeks old, and every day she looked more and more like Eddie. You didn’t think it was exactly fair, considering you were the one who carried her for nine months, but you couldn’t deny how cute it was having a mini Eddie in your arms.
You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, your voice breaking mid hum at the disapproving picture you received. Your face used to be so slim. And though it hadn’t changed dramatically as the rest of your body, you missed it what everything used to look like. You knew you should love your body, considering what it did to make little Patty, but you feared what Eddie thought of you now.
Sex with him hadn’t faltered or was forgotten. On the contrary. It had done nothing but flourish since you had your baby, but have the time you had to force yourself to cum, thinking nothing about the pleasure and only if he was judging you the way you judged yourself.
Soon enough, you heard the bed squeak in the other room and his feet hit the floor. You sniffled, wiping your stray tear quickly before he could find you.
His head of dark curls, white shirt and boxers decorating his body came wondering in the room, smiling sleepily when he quietly came over to you. You smiled up at him, puckering your lips for a kiss. He kissed you, then bent down to give his baby girl a soft kiss on the forehead. He tapped her little nose and grinned, chuckling softly.
You knew what he was thinking. I can’t believe she’s mine. You smiled, too.
He stifled a yawn and brought over the other rocking chair and sat in front of you, leaning back so he could get comfortable. “I’ll sit with her for awhile, darlin’. Why don’t you go to bed?”
“No.” You shook your head, smiling at him briefly. “I can’t sleep, anyways.”
Eddie thought this was when you were the most beautiful, holding his baby. You were both his babies. “I can’t believe she’s ours sometimes.” He admitted tiredly, trying to wake himself up. “I never thought I could love someone so small so much.”
“I know.” You nodded. “It’s scary sometimes.”
It was. Loving someone so much. You knew your life would be over if anything were to ever happen to her.
“I’d do anything for her.” Eddie said, his curls a pillow between his head and the wood of the rocking chair as he lay back comfortably watching the two of you.
“I know.” You said once again, full of emotion. You didn’t want to cry, but hearing Eddie talk about how much he loved her got you emotional, especially because you wondered if he loved you as much as he used to. “Me too.” A lone tear escaped your eye, rolling down your cheek and dropping onto your bare knee. It was so quick you hoped he hadn’t noticed it. You were wrong.
“Hey,” Eddie perked up. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing.” You sighed heavily. “I’m alright.”
“But you’re cryin’, angel.” He frowned, sitting up in his seat to lean over closer. “Are you alright?”
“Yes.” You gave a firm nod, but your voice broke, betraying what you had just said.
He gave you a look before glancing down at your daughter. “I think you’re tired, honey. Why don’t you-”
“I’m not tired.” You said firmly, looking up to him with glassy eyes. “I just want to be alone.”
He chalked it up to your hormones being out of control and nodded, offering a quiet ‘alright’ as he shut the nursery door behind him. You squeezed your eyes shut and let out a hushed sob, bringing Patty closer to your chest. You laid your head against her’s, giving her a crying kiss. She barely even stirred.
You weren’t as quiet as you thought you were, because Eddie was back within seconds, coming to squat down beside you and gently take the baby from your arms. He shushed her softly and placed her down in her crib before turning back to find you missing.
He found you outside on the porch, sobbing like you had a broken heart, arms crossed and holding your body like you’d break at any second. It was starting to sprinkle, but you didn’t care. You knew if you woke up Patty this late it would take you forever to get her back to sleep.
“Baby,” Eddie said sadly, coming up behind you. “What’s got you so upset?” He didn’t touch you, a hand only ghosting the fabric that covered your back.
“I’m fine.” You said through sobs, the air cold and bitter against your skin. You only had on a long t-shirt, but the trailer court had all turned in for the night. “Go back to bed.”
“No.” He shook his head. “Not without you.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes, wishing he could leave your pity party for you and you only. He wouldn’t understand how you were feeling, and worst off, maybe your fears were true. You didn’t want to know the truth. Did he still find you attractive? Did he still enjoy sex? Did he still love you as much even though you weren’t skinny?
“Eddie, please,” You turned around, tears running down your face, red and blotchy. “Go back to bed.”
He stared at you, frowning and brows knitted in concern. “You know I can’t do that. We made a promise, remember?”
Damn it. He always threw down that card.
After vecna, you both were broken shells of what you once used to be. Everyone was. You made him promise you he wouldn’t shut down. He had to talk when his heart was aching, and in return, you promised the same. You promised to talk when your heart ached, and right now, it was.
You sighed, nodding softly. You did remember, but that didn’t make it any easier to talk about. You quickly turned around to hide your fresh set of tears, biting your tongue. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“It might make you feel better.” He moved to stand directly beside you, leaning against the wood railing that was growing damp from the light rain. “Please, honey. Talk to me.”
You sniffled and looked away from his stare. “I’m scared of what you’ll say. I don’t know if I want the answer.”
“Answer to what?” He said confused. “Baby- just tell me, okay? I promise whatever it is, it’ll work itself out.”
But would it? Would you ever be as beautiful as you used to be? Would you ever be skinny, never have to worry about what you ate? That’s all you thought of now, worrying about what you put in your mouth. You were petrified of gaining more weight.
“I don’t like the way I look.” You finally said crying, looking over at him. “There, okay? I don’t like the way I look. I look in the mirror and I’m just disgusted with what I see.”
His eyes were wide. You had shocked him. His brows were creased and he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
“I love Patty.” You sobbed. “But I hate what being pregnant did to me and I feel so guilty for feeling that way. I’m not beautiful anymore and I miss it.” Your voice broke deeply, crackling like tv static that couldn’t get a proper signal. “I don’t feel pretty for you and I’m scared that you think it too.”
“Okay, wait,” He’d heard enough, speaking quickly as he straightened himself taller. “I don’t- y/n, you’re talkin’ crazy.”
“Am I?” You retorted. “Because the mirror doesn’t lie, Eddie.” You stood your ground. You were right and Eddie wasn’t going to sweet talk you out of the truth. Facts were facts. “I’m not beautiful anymore and you know it. Stop lying to me!”
“Y/n, what the hell-” He backed away. “You’re putting words in my mouth. I’ve never said anything like that to you ever. Where is all of this coming from?” He shook his head in absolute disbelief, trying to be calm and rational to understand where you were coming from. A part of him wondered if it was just a hormonal, postpartum outburst, but your tears and attitude told him otherwise.
“You didn’t!” You snapped. “But you don’t have to. I know. I look at myself in the mirror every day and wonder if you’re attracted to me anymore. I don’t look like how I used to.” You were bawling, snot leaking from your nose and eyes bloodshot red. Your hair was starting to get wet from the rain.
“Why the fuck does that matter?” Eddie argued back, his sense of cool becoming too hard to handle. He couldn’t stand to hear you talk so negatively about yourself. “You are you and it doesn’t matter what you look like. You just had a baby, sweetheart. You’re obviously not going to loose all the weight overnight. You’re being too hard on yourself.” He tried to speak soothingly to calm your cries, his hands holding your elbows, head dipping down like he was speaking to a child.
“And even if you don’t,” He continued. “I’m going to love you just the way you are because you’re the mother of my child.” His hands went up to your shoulders. “You gave me the greatest gift of my life, darlin’,” To your surprise, his eyes teared up.
“Please,” He pulled you in to hold you. “Don’t think like that, baby, please. I can’t bear to hear you talk like that.” His voice broke, a guilt sinking into your heart that made you feel foolish.
“I’m sorry.” You rushed, wrapping your hands around his back. “I’m sorry.” You found yourself saying, desperate to keep him from crying.
You realized then, how wrong you were. Because if he thought the things you thought of yourself, he wouldn’t be out here in the rain with you, holding you close, crying, over what you had said. You realized then, just how much he loved you.
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spicyyy-muffin · 2 years
protective smartass
ghost x reader
i made up a random ass character just for this. super cheesy but enjoy! this is nothing but fluff.
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“who did that to you?”
“it doesn’t matter.”
“yes it does y/l/n”
ghost was struggling to keep up with me as i walked as fast as i could in the opposite direction.
“why so you can tell him not to harass other team members and he will just do it again? or so you can make him run 30 laps on the track tomorrow?”
he gripped my wrist pulling me into him.
it looked worst then it really was but then again luke tried to beat the living shit out of me. we were sparring again. and he took it too far. again.
my lip was split open and the black eye he gave me was already starting to swell shut.
“who the fuck did this to you?”
his hands were cold and soft as he traced the end of my bruise.
“you should see the other guy” my lips perked up in a smile but ghosts face remained placent with the mask on.
his other hand slid to the back of my neck examining my jaw. which aparently didn’t look good judging from the look on his face.
his gaze hardened. “luke”
his hands slithered away as he took a step back i grabbed onto him this time. “ghost please just leave it”
my eyes pleaded with him the best i could. “i’ve got it under control.”
he stood silently for a few more seconds before the palms of his hands reappeared on my cheeks faster than i could blink. i cringed in pain as my right jaw screamed from the interaction. he pulled it away. the fire in his eyes only multiplied.
“how many times?”
well only, everytime i trained with him. which was once or twice a week, but when the guys were on missions without us it was a lot more. and those were a lot harder to hide.
“i can’t even believe i’m asking you.” my brows scrunched in confusion.
he shut his eyes one more time, “please just let me take care of him.” we stood in silence for a little while longer before i muttered “okay” and he was gone.
walking into the weights room the next morning there was no sign of ghost or luke. just two newbies who were trying to bulk.
“fuck dude did you see ghost destroy that kid last night?”
my veins ran cold.
“bro that man is goated! Luke is lucky if he ever fucking walks again man!”
i dropped my towel walking straight to his room. my thoughts aided as a distraction on the way. and when he finally opened the door he was in nothing but grey sweats and a mask leaving his freshly showered hair exposed. along with his lean torso covered in tattoos and scars.
and the image was enough to make me forget why i was there in the first place.
my words were caught in my throat. jesus christ how long had it been since i got laid?
“my eyes are up here baby”
my cheeks flushed as i looked back up to him.
“i know that smartass i was just- just- coming to say thank you.”
“mmm” he pushed the door open further walking in. an invitation.
my feet hit the solid metal floors as i shut it behind me.
“so is he, gone?”
ghosts back was faced towards me as his shoulders shook in silent laughter.
“what’s so funny?”
he turned around making eye contact with me before sitting on the corner of the bed manspread with his arms resting on his knees and his eyes still on me.
“he’s lucky if he can even talk after what i did”
i stepped closer to him.
“what if something happened to you ghost? what if he got the drop before you did? or-“
he pulled back sitting up straight. “you worried about me baby?”
i ran my hands through my hair tugging at the roots before he gripped my waist pulling me to stand at the edge of the bed.
“what’s the matter with you?”
my hands traced the paint on his mask.
“i just don’t wanna see you hurt.”
his eyes lit up in amusement “and how do you think i felt seeing you get your ass handed to you by a little boy?”
i shoved his shoulder as he pinched my behind gently. “don’t be a prick.”
but the smile on my face told him i didn’t really mean it. “if no one lays there hands on you i won’t have to be.”
“you can’t protect me from everything riley.”
his thumb traced the outline of my lips. “you questioning my skills again y/l/n?” my smile widened before he grabbed my waist pulling me flat on top of the bed with him hovering over me.
“you should put some clothes on it’s distracting.” i traced his tattoos absentmindedly.
“why would i do that when your clearly enjoying yourself.” my hand slapped his stupid abs, as he hid his face in my neck laughing.
his mask lifted up pressing gentle kisses on my neck. “be careful riley, that’s dangerous territory you’re entering. it’s hard to get out of.”
his face hovered over mine his lips still in view before he leaned down and kissed me. his lips were warm in comparison to his cold body as his tongue traced my lower lips. maybe it was the lack of oxygen but the pleasure from just this alone was hard to pull away from.
“it’s a good thing i’m not going anywhere then isn’t it?”
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gglitch1dd · 1 year
Good Evening
Alpha Bakugou x Omega Reader
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Warning: Pregnancy, OMEGAVERSE, SMUT, domestic fluff, romance, top Katsuki, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, overall Katsuki being horny for his Omega
Linked to "Good Morning" With Eijiro x Reader.
You sat carefully slipped on your shoes right as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Tonight was a special night. A night that you had spend weeks planning because of your husband’s busy schedule. It was finally Bakugou’s birthday, the one day of the year that you were allowed to spoil him and he wouldn’t question it. It was also the one day of the year that he didn’t try and find out your plans that you had in store for him whenever you started acting suspicious.
You let out a breath as you looked over at yourself in the mirror. Today was very important. You had a lot held in store for your Alpha tonight and you were hoping that by the time you got downstairs where he should be by now (judging by your natural Katsuki-clock that you had set in to your own being). Tonight you were already wearing comfortable enough clothes for what you had in store for him. Despite trying to look fancy enough for the occasion, you also didn’t want to over do it.
With a confident breath, you stood up from your vanity and made your way out your bedroom. You climbed the steps to find that the blond haired Alpha was already waiting for you by the front door. His head turning to look at you as he looked away from the pictures on the wall. His crimson gaze locking onto your figure as you descended the stairs.
There was many thing you loved about your Alpha, but there was just a certain way he does things that you couldn’t help but love. From the way that he stood, assurance in every step no matter how he was thinking. The way his crimson eyes, that which reminded you of the deepest and richest of wines that you could only taste on a good night out, would look at things with such an intensity, you were surprised that they weren’t consumed in the flames of his gaze. His soft tufts of hair that were rather wild and untameable and yet uniquely his. Even now as he stood at the bottom of the stairs, with his hands in his pants and soft smirk pulling to his lips, dressed to impress with a button down and looking too good to be just for you, you couldn’t help but thank the heavens that he was all yours.
Bakugou opened his arms and carefully pulled you into his arms and his embrace. “Looks like all that money you spend on clothes is worth it.” He let out lowly.
You chuckled. “It’s always worth it Katsuki.”
He hummed in disapproval despite his face. His eyes looked you up and down before pulling you against him and placing a kiss to your lips, a satisfied rumble coming out of his chest. You purred back at his warm embrace, keeping your hands on his chest as you reached up to meet him. He chuckled and leaned back. “Good evening, Omega.” He let out lowly against your lips. “I see you want to spoil me tonight.”
You nodded your head with a smile. “Of course. Your birthday only comes once a year.” You reminded him as you took his large hands in your own. “I’ve got to spoil you, Tsuki.” You teased using the nickname that you knew he hated.
Bakugou groaned as he rolled his eyes. “You’ve really got to stop using that fucking nickname.” He stated annoyed.
“But why?” You tilted your head. “It suits you so well, Tsuki.”
“Okay, Y/N it’s not funny anymore.”
“Tsuki, Tsuki, Tsuki, Tsu-”
Your voice stopped in your throat as he lifted a hand up to your throat, not squeezing but the presence of it there was enough to stop your thoughts and actions entirely. You looked up at him with a building tension between your legs as you looked up at him. He smirked at the spike in your scent but mostly at how quick it was to shut you up. He shook his head with a low chuckle. “Sometimes I wonder why I had to be mated to the biggest brat on this planet?”
You lifted up an eyebrow. “Maybe you should ask Eijiro how he feels being friends with you.”
Bakugou went stiff for a moment, his ears turning red for a moment before letting go of you and scowling. He turned away from you to the front door making you laugh at his sharp change of tune. “Let’s fucking go already. We’re going to be late for our reservation.” He gruffed out, his hands shoved into his pockets like he did whenever he was pouty.
You watched the large blond Alpha stand by your front door amusedly. You tilted your head to the side with a raised eyebrow. “And who said I made reservations, Katsuki?” You asked him.
He turned to you confused, his eyebrows furrowed. “Then why the fuck did you tell me to get cleaned up?”
“You had just come back from work.” You laughed motioning to him. “I don’t need you smelling like smoke and who knows what.” You approached him and gently took his warm hands. That was something else you loved about him. His hands. They were like mini warmers. Although you knew that he got really self-conscious about how they could get sweaty because of his quirk, you loved them (even though they did get sweaty- but you wouldn’t tell him that). “Come on.” You motioned behind you. “Lets go.” You urged from him with a gentle simple as you dragged him away from the front door.
Bakugou gave you a sceptical look. He was a naturally sceptical person. He often saw a glass as half empty than half full. However, as you led him you noticed his hand tighten around yours. If there was anything, Bakugou would trust you with his life. He would happily let you lead him into the unknown if it ever came down to it.
The both of you walked through the house you shared in the Pack A estate. It wasn’t a long trek before you led him to the back of the house to the back sliding door. Bakugou let go of your hand as he was stuck staring at outside. You pushed open the sliding door before pulling the shocked Alpha outside. Out in your backyard was a picnic set up for just the two of you. There was a picnic basket and drinks, with candles and petals. It looked more like a set up for valentines day than something for his birthday.
“Sorry, I had to get the fake candles with the batteries just encase one of Izuku’s rabbits came by. I didn’t want to be on the news for getting murdered by the Number One hero because I burned one of his rabbits alive.”
Despite his shock, Bakugou couldn’t help but let out a scoff. “Deku always was attached to those breeding monsters.” You let out a laugh at that before pulling him down onto the picnic blanket. Bakugou couldn’t help but admire everything. It was beautiful and it was clear that you knew him well enough to know that he would have just wanted a nice night with you alone for his birthday this year. With the sun having set and the lights of the candles, he couldn’t help but smile at what you had done for him.
“-so I also got you birthday cupcakes and look! They’re Dynamight themed! And I know you hate flowers but I think you would like the petals but-”
“It’s perfect.” Bakugou interrupted you, taking your hand in his. For a moment he gave you one of his rare genuine smiles that held nothing but pure adoration and love for you. The soft scent of smokey caramel and cinnamon wafted to your nose in a perfect blend that you only knew as your husband. “Thank you.” He told you with something so gentle you didn’t think it could be created from the hands of someone with a quirk that caused nothing but destruction.
You softened your own gaze. You lifted a hand up to his face, wiping at his cheek. “Anything for you, Katsuki.” You told him honestly.
Bakugou and you had your dinner together, something that you always treasured with him. Meals with him were always something that you treasured. It was one of the love languages you shared. Whether good or bad food, just sitting together in the intimacy of sharing a meal in each other’s company was enough for the both of you.
Meals between the both of you were always filled with either stifled or loud laughter as well as filled with stories from your day or from the past. You loved it when Bakugou talked. Sometimes he was more shouting than he was talking, but when he truly just talked to you and shared something with you because you knew he felt safe enough to, always made you smile.
“Okay, okay, come on, open up this one.” You told him, handing one of his presents towards him. The blond Alpha let out a disapproving grumble from his throat but accepted the present regardless. “Come on, this one is from Head Alpha.”
“Doesn’t make it any better.” He stated as he looked at the odd box in his hands. He shook it.
He stopped as he looked up at you. He let out a huff before moving to rip off the orange bow on it. He opened the box and looked inside. He paused for a moment before letting out an annoyed scoff. “That shitty haired idiot.” He set down the box before lifting up a new recipe book. He fought off a smile as he looked at it with a odd smirk. On the front of the recipe book was a picture of the both of them, Bakugou shoving a cupcake in Kirishima’s mouth. The title of the book was called Cooking Mishaps with Blastie. You couldn’t help but chuckle. Bakugou lifted up the card in the box and read it. “Dear Katsuki, Happy birthday man. I know this birthday will be one to remember and I hope you love every second of it. I hope you love the gift. It took a while to remember all the recipes that you taught me since High School (most of which I haven’t gotten right, but it was worth putting together. I hope that we can add a second volume together, as we continue in our lives together. Forever yours, Eijiro.” You watched as his face was moulded into something so pure of happiness and appreciation of what his best friend had written. “PS. I have my own book. So that we can match.” Bakugou shook his head with a tsk. “Ever since he learned that his Omega is pregnant, I swear he turned more sappy than he already was.”
You chuckled as you rested a hand on your own stomach. “Well there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Yah… but no.”
You laughed before lifting up another present. “This one is from Izu- KATSUKI!” The blond had lifted it up to throw it away from the both of you. With a stern look from you he paused and put the box back down gently. “Open it!” You pointed down to the gift box that he had received from his oldest friend.
Bakugou rolled his eyes before moving to open the box, before the box moved. His eyes widened in fear as he stared down at the box for a moment before flicking his eye up at you. “If this thing blows up, I’m blaming you.” You gave him a pointed look before motioning for him to open it. Even more paranoid, the blond Alpha carefully put his ear to the box, listening for any ticking or indication of a bomb (Which was more his style but he had to be careful after what he gave Midoriya for his last birthday). Being sure that the gift was safe, he opened it. His shoulders dropped. “Fuck me.” He groaned. Before lifting up out of the box, one of Midoriya’s rabbits with a Dynamight head band on.  Finally it made sense to you why the box had holes in it. There was a letter attached to it that read Happy Birthday Kacchan. You laughed at the gift. Bakugou placed the rabbit to the side and out of the box, knowing that eventually the little animal would find its way back to the Midoriya residence and  if not would hop around the estate. He lifted up a small picture frame of the two of them when Bakugou was five years old, the both of them wearing bee themed antennas and party hats, two bright smiling pups. He shook his head with a tsk. “Fucking nerd. What’s next.” He stated putting the gift to the side and patting the rabbit on the head for a moment.
“It’s my gift!” You told him optimistically with a smile. You handed him a box of your own.
“What’s up with people and boxes.” He grumbled as he took the gift from you. As he moved to open it, you carefully lifted the rabbit into your arms. The fluffy little creature looking up at you with it’s Dynamight headband. You giggled at the little animal before setting it back down into the grass to hop back to the Midoriyas. Bakugou removed the card of the gift first, opening it. “Dear Katsuki, Happy birthday…” He looked up at you. You motioned for him to continue to read it. He sighed. “I feel so grateful to have watched you over the past years that we have been together and I feel so unbelievably lucky to have you as my husband, my mate and my Alpha. You mean the world to me and I can only say thank you for allowing me to stay at your side…” He looked back up at you with gentle crimson eyes. He scoffed with a smile before shaking his head. “It’s more the other way around, idiot.” He said lowly as he cleared his throat to continue reading. “Happy birthday my love. From me and someone else special.” Bakugou furrowed his eyebrows at that last part. “Who the fuck-”
You were quiet for the most part, the anxiety eating you up. You motioned to the box. “Open it.” You said quieter than you had been all night.
Bakugou raised an eyebrow before looking down at the box. He carefully removed the lid and moved around the packaging paper. Then he paused. He furrowed his eyebrows for a moment. He lifted up a small onesie. It was much too small for him and too big for the bunny as well. It was themed as his hero costume. The blond Alpha tilted his head to the side as he looked at the outfit. “When did they start making these?” He said confused, before looking at you. Your Alpha seemed to be rather dense today. You didn’t say anything, just shrugging. Bakugou let out a hum as he lifted up another card. He let out a breath. “Another bloody card, alright let me see… Dear-” His breath hitched as he froze. He looked at you in pure disbelief. You fought the tears as you just nodded your head. Bakugou looked at you scared, almost as if it was a greater villain than anything he had ever faced. He shakily looked down at the card again. He swallowed hard before continuing. “Dear Poppa. Happy birthday. This birthday, I’m snuggled safe within Mom’s tummy so you don’t have to worry about me. See you next birthday, safe in your arms next. I can’t wait to meet you, Pops. Love… Love Baby Bump.” Bakugou shakely put down the card to look up at you.
You smiled at him with a bright smile with tears in your eyes.“Happy birthday!” You whispered.
The blond Alpha dropped his shoulders. His pupils dilated consuming his crimson eyes. He let out a breath as you lifted his hands up to his eyes. “Fuck.” He whispered. He tried so hard to control his emotions but more tears just came to his eyes. He sniffed wiping his eyes before looking back up at you. He carefully moved closer towards you, pulling you into his arms with a tight hug. Your own shoulders dropped in relief as you let out a silent gasp, clutching onto him tighter. He moved back slightly looking at you still trying to grapple with what was going on. “You… Baby, you’re…”
You nodded your head with a gentle smile. “Yah. I’m pregnant.”
“How long have you known?” He asked you quietly.
“Two weeks.”
He closed his eyes as he leaned his forehead against yours. His hands moved over to your waist, his thumbs brushing your abdomen. He fought back a sob. He rest his head in the crook of your neck. He wrapped his arms around you, a loud rumble escaping his chest as tears flowed down his face. “Thank you.” He whispered to you.
You smiled with a happy chirp escaping you. This had been something the two of you had talked about and something you knew he had been wanting. Although Bakugou had never thought he would ever have a family, always thinking of himself as too brash or too wild or unsavoury for the domestic life. But you showed him that even people like him could have the life they wanted. You were glad that he was so happy about the news of a pup, a weight being taken off your shoulders in worry.
Bakugou kissed your mark on your neck before moving to kiss your lips. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around him with a smile against his lips. He couldn’t help but hold you tighter, keeping you pressed up against him in want. You purred into his embrace pulling him impossibly closer. Bakugou let out a stuttered breath, before deepening the kiss.
You hummed as he let out a low groan as he kept you against him. The blond Alpha’s large hands moved across your skin before grabbing at your waist and moving down to your hips. He pushed back against you. You chuckled at his eagerness and sudden want for you. You carefully leaned back, lifting a finger up to his lips. “Upstairs.” You whispered with a smile. “Then I’m all yours.”
With a low growl and little to no patience, your Alpha lifted you up into his arms making you release a short scream. Holding you over his shoulder, he raced inside making you giggle. You rarely saw Bakugou excited for a lot of things but whenever he was alone with you, made you see that side with him, especially as he raced up the stairs.
The blond gave little care as he kicked open the door and placed you down on the bed swiftly. You giggled once you found yourself on the bed, looking up at the blond Alpha who had his crimson eyes filled with lust and love for you only aimed at you. He slowly crawled on top of you before capturing your lips with his. You let out a hum at the kiss, your hands moving up his body, one finding itself deep in his hair.
Bakugou kissed you passionately and hungrily as he moved to tug at your clothes, wanting to rip them off of you. He was desperate for you. Much too desperate to care about anything other than bullying his knot inside of you. “Off.” You heard him growl lowly as his palms started to heat up. “All of it… off.” With a tug, you watched as the front of your clothes turned to cinders as he ripped the rest away from you. You gasped, finally getting some much needed air as he tore his own shirt and pants off his body.
Bakugou was quick to find his lips to your scent glands, kissing at your mating mark that he gave you, making you mewl in pleasure at the feeling. His hands traced down your body, over your chest and just over your abdomen for a moment. A shiver ran down his back as a rumble left his chest. The thought that he did that to you, that he put his pup inside of you, made him want to skip foreplay and just pound you into the bedsheets without a single care in the world. It felt like he was falling into a rut with you around him like this. He groaned as he pushed his thick fingers inside of you, two fingers already moving in and out of you to spread you open for him.
You gasped as you arched your back slightly, trying to pull him closer against you. “Katsuki…” You whispered his name into the air as you relaxed back into the sheets, letting him do as he wished. It was the least you could do for his birthday.
Bakugou wanted to hear more of you saying his name tonight. Which was why curved his fingers just right to have you moaning out loudly into the night air just for him to hear. He grinned down at you, with that devilish smirk of his that left you speechless more than once. “Yah… there you go. Being such a good Omega and taking my fingers inside you.” He praised as he moved his fingers in and out, leaving you basically defenceless to his onslaught of pleasure to your body.
The blond Alpha moved his thumb to rub at your clit and you could feel yourself twitch and clench immediately. “Oh fuck, Katsuki!” You cried as you tightened your hold on him, digging your nails into his back to try and steady yourself. It was almost like he was always able to make you shiver at just touching you. “Just like that! Don’t stop!” You begged.
He chuckled. “I can do whatever the fuck I want. It is my birthday after all, but since you’ve been such a good breeder for me, I’ll reward you tonight.” He tilted his head before moving to suck at your neck where your mating mark was.
You moaned as you twisted and turned, the pleasure over coming you as you found your thighs shaking in ecstasy. “Alpha! I- Fuck!” Your thighs clamped around his hand, but it didn’t stop a very determined Bakugou from guiding you through your orgasm. A muffled squeal left you as you felt Bakugou bite at your mark simultaneously, making you feel so bare towards him. However, he didn’t stop immediately making a whimper escape you. “K-katsuki, Alpha, I- I… ah… I can’t take anymore.” He hummed, letting go of you, redrawing his hand that was now covered in slick.
He always loved how wet you would get for him, how much you couldn’t help but succumb to your instincts whenever you were with him. With his other hand he pushed your thighs apart as he looked down at you. You watched him lick his hand with a hum, looking at his hand in desire. Despite the ache in his gums at wanting to just dive his head between your thighs, Bakugou was too impatient for that right now. He wrapped his hand around his cock making you bite back a whimper at the sight. He had that smirk on his face that told you that he was going to be rough with you. You wanted to enjoy it while he was still willing to.
Bakugou guided his cock to your entrance, pressing into you making you gasp as you automatically tensed for a moment. The blond Alpha above you groaned as he pushed his cock inside you, feeling you suck him in and tighten around him like a vice. He let out a low growl at the feeling as he tightened his hands on your thighs. You whimpered at the feeling of his long cock inside you. Finally pushing all the way in, Bakugou let out a groan.
“Fuck you feel good.” He rubbed your inner thighs as he stayed above you. He took a moment to enjoy the feeling of being one with you, a feeling he would never get over. Bakugou looked down at you and for a moment his gaze softened. You were the Omega that captured his heart, enchanted his soul and drove him insane with how much he loved you. He wanted to hate you for making him feel and act like a fool, but you gave him a home. He couldn’t hate you for making his home worth living in. He bent down and placed a tender kiss to your lips.
You smiled into the kiss, knowing exactly what he was saying without saying it directly. “I love you too, Katsuki.” You whispered against his lips.
He scoffed with a tilt of his head. “Yah, you better…” He shot at you before putting his forehead against yours and closing his eyes for a moment. “I love you.” He whispered.
Without wasting another second more, Bakugou found himself thrusting into you like a man on a mission. You let out a moan as you rolled your eyes back at the perfect feeling of his cock inside you. You hummed in pleasure as you enjoyed the feeling of the head of his cock pounding into you and the feeling of every vein of his cock brushing against your velvety walls.
You moaned like a slut on his cock but you didn’t remotely care. Not when he was touching you the way he was touching you, or fucking you the way he was fucking you. There was something so intimate about him staring down at you, his eyes never leaving your body as your body jiggled and was pounded by him. His eyes dilated and filled with want for you.
Bakugou dragged a hand down to your abdomen, feeling the baby bump you had there. It only increased his pace and devours of fucking you. He was your Alpha, no one else and there wouldn’t be anyone else. Call him crazy, but just the sight of you liked this made him feel damn right feral. Here you were, carrying his pup and giving him the best birthday present he could have received. If he could keep you like this, full and happy on his cock, he would.
You cried out as he thrusted against a specific part inside of you that had you seeing stars and going light headed for a moment. You closed your eyes in pleasure as you grabbed at your breasts in pleasure.
You felt a harsh hand tug at your face, forcing you to look up at him. “Uh uh. Look at me when I fuck you!” He growled down at you as he didn’t skip a bit as he bounded into you. His hand moved to your neck, tightening around you which only made you leak more slick onto his cock. “You want me to continue? You want me to continue to fuck another pup inside of you, then you fucking look at your Alpha when he fucks you.”
You nodded your head with a whine, keeping your eyes on him as you wrapped an arm around him. “Katsuki,” You whined, feeling the build up of tension and release rise within you. “Alpha, fuck me.” You urged him as you fought the urge to roll your eyes at how good he felt inside you.
He let out a low growl, feeling that your orgasm was near and so was his. He growled as he ran a hand through his hair. “You’re such a good wife, a good Omega to me. I love you so fucking much.”
“Katsuki!” You couldn’t hold it for much longer, already feeling your own high building up within you.
“Fuck!” Bullying his knot inside of you, you came around his cock, milking him for all he was worth as you held onto him like your life depended on it. Bakugou moaned into your neck, his own form slightly sensitive at the hard orgasm that ran through him. He breathed heavily, small beads of sweat speckling his body as he stayed caging you below him.
You sighed as you relaxed back into the sheets, looking up at him with a half lidded gaze. You let out a low chuckle. “I guess you’re excited about the new pup, huh?”
He let out a grumble. “More like fucking terrified…” He expressed to you, surprisingly honest, but he lifted his head up and gave you a tender look, putting a smile on his face. “But yah… I’m happy. Prince Explosion Murder Demi-god Dynamight is gonna be one hell of a pup.”
“Prince? Demi-god?”
“Well obviously, we’re having a boy.” He stated so confidently with a smug look on his face. He then motioned down to you. “Besides me being Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight mating with you, but an easily swayed human Omega by my good looks and prowess-”
You hissed up at him before tugging your body up in bed, effectively tugging on his knot.
“AW FUCK!” He cursed loudly. “WATCH THE KNOT!”
“Watch your fucking mouth!” You shot right back up at him. “Geez, sometimes I can’t believe I married you.”
“You love me.” You glared at him but stayed silent. He chuckled as he placed a peck to your lips. “Of course, you love me.”
You carefully put the last dish to dry on the stand. You let out a breath as you sighed, finally having all the chores done for the day. It was already evening in the Bakugou household and another busy and loud day filled with laughter, shouting and miniature explosions. You walked over to the bowl of hot water where you had a bottle of milk already warmed up and ready for your newest pup to consume. You shook it gently as you undid your apron and made your way upstairs.
You carefully stopped by the open door of your eldest daughter and son’s room. Murasuki, the already sleeping blond girl was already fast asleep, her mouth open as she snored softly as drool threatened to go out of her mouth. You shook your head with a low chuckle at the blond haired girl who had managed to go to bed, her part of the room being the darkest with only her explosion nightlight on.
Crouched next to the bed of the other twin in the room was your husband, on his knees quietly talking to a sleepy blond boy who, unlike his sister, was a carbon copy of your Alpha. He had tired crimson eyes that were filled with life and happiness along with soft blond hair. He was happy to have his sire home with him tonight to read him a bed time story, knowing how busy Bakugou’s schedule could be with being the Number Two Prohero. He was already tucked into bed, facing your husband but he wore a Dynamight explosion (more like butterfly wings) headband.
Your son had his palm out, soft tiny pops of explosions over his hands that looked more like fireworks than anything over his soft palm. Bakugou marvelled at the sight of the boy’s quirk, although weak, it was the most beautiful display he had ever seen. “You see, pops.” He whispered up to his sire tiredly as he closed his palm, allowing Bakugou to slip back on the quirk suppressant collar on his wrist for when he slept. “Now I can be a hero.” He whispered up to the blond Alpha.
Bakugou smiled as he ruffled the hair of the small blond boy. “You’ll make a great hero, Hiromu. With practise and hard work you can be just like your old man.”
Your husband nodded his head. “Yep, really. You an protect Mommy and your new sister and Mura too.”
Hiromu let out a disapproving hum. “Mura can take care of herself.” You bit back a chuckle as your husband laughed quietly. The blond pup let out a yawn before turning to rest his head on the pillow. “I can’t wait to be a hero, just like you.” He whispered as he closed his eyes. Bakugou smiled as he put a hand to the pup’s blond hair and kissed his forehead.
You smiled as you continued on your way to the pup’s room. Letting out small whines in her crib was your youngest and newest addition to the Bakugou family. Bakugou Yasu. The whimpering little pup whined as you neared her cushioned crib.
“There, there.” You whispered down to her as you lifted her up and out of her crib.
The little pup whined before settling against you. You smiled. She was the calmest out of everyone else in this house, it was honestly suspicious to have such a calm Bakugou, but you thought that she must have taken after her granddam, Masaru, rather than the blond part of her family. You brought the nipple of the bottle to her lips, letting her latch on as she greedily drank from the bottle with a disapproving hum.
You chuckled at her expression. “Sorry your highness. I didn’t know you were so hungry after already getting fed an hour ago.” You told her gently as she opted to ignore you now and just enjoy your scent and the feeling of your warm embrace.
You felt large arms wrap around your waist making you lean back to the scent of cinnamon, smoke and caramel. You looked up to Bakugou who smiled down at you with his youngest pup. He put a hand to her head making her yip at the attention from her sire.
You laughed lightly. “Already such a Daddy’s girl.”
“She’s a Bakugou.” He told you with a proud smirk. “Of course, she is.” You chuckled at his prideful expression before just looking down at her. Bakugou hummed as he placed a kiss to your neck. “Good evening, my love.” He whispered lowly.
You chuckled. “Evening, Tsuki.”
I totally didn't forget his birthday....totally...
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lizbotw · 2 years
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do not disturb | wc: 2.7k
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Cyno hums in contemplation, the cool water flowing over his fingers. He turns the faucet off just as he hears footsteps on tiles and takes a towel to his hair, counting the four seconds he knows it takes to get to the room.
“Cyno, I really don’t- oh,” you stop in your tracks, right on time. He doesn’t have to turn around to know you’re holding a familiar folder of papers with complaints outlined in red ink. “Sorry. I didn’t…”
“You should really learn to knock first.” He thinks it’s funny because the rooms here don’t actually have doors, just sweeping arches for the great big important spaces, and then tiny arches for less important rooms (like his apparently), and then medium-sized ones for… well other things. Kaveh was the Kshahrewar graduate, not him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. And… and…” He can just hear you bristle. You even straighten up a little judging from the faint shuffling. “And I don’t know, maybe you should put up a sign or something.”
Cyno rubs the white towel over his head slowly, finally standing up from where he’d been kneeling. “Maybe I should.” He’s seriously considering it—you always bring up good points. “Though, I thought everyone knew only my room is in this wing. You’d have to go out of your way to get here.” That and he’s just come back from an expedition. No one bothers him after those.
Thick water droplets and remnants of the desert circle around the drain. You hadn’t walked in on much. He had been rinsing off the sand grains that stuck to his arms and shoulders and were especially annoyingly weaved in his hair, but he’d also removed his armor—he didn’t typically wear much anyway so to see him with even less was probably too cruel, even by your standards.
Cyno turns just enough to watch you under his bangs and nearly bursts out laughing (or, that’s to say, he can’t help but crack a smirk). Even from his peripheral, he can tell his exposed back and arms have caught your attention. If he could get closer, he’s sure your pupils would be blown wide the same way they were when you saw Avidya Forest for the first time. Your eyes dart around—to the walls with sandy desert motifs and his spear propped up in the corner and the window that blows in a warm breeze laced with the smell of dinner preparations, and then always, always they wander back to him.
Are you trying not to stare? He wouldn’t have noticed if you had and yet, it still seems to matter to you. Archons, you were so professional sometimes it made him dizzy.
“You’re the only one who visits anyway,” he adds, line of sight dropping back to the dripping faucet. He rubs harder at his hair.
“That’s beside the point!” You latch on to the distraction. “It’s bad enough I have to walk across the entire palace to get here! Not to mention, what were you thinking with this thing? I’m so sick of reading the same report—”
Right. You would have been in his office today. All alone.
The towel bunches under his grip and he closes his eyes for a brief second. Then, it falls around his shoulders as he turns and walks over to you.
“Is that from last week’s Amurta incident?” Cyno tips the folder towards himself, feeling hot air on his cheek when you huff. His handwriting is smooth on the front. He’s leaning in closer than needed to read it but truthfully the words just swim in his vision. He knows what they say anyway. Typical researcher-thinks-the-desert-is-empty-enough-to-cover-their-totally-fucked-up-experiment situation. (“They thought it was… deserted.” He had paused for a moment to gauge your reaction as soon as he’d gotten back. This masterpiece couldn’t wait any longer to be told and he’d practically run to your room. “But actually I was there. So it wasn’t.” You kicked him out record fast.)
“Yes! This shouldn’t be taking us this long to file.” If he really concentrates, he can feel the vibrations of your words, he thinks. It bristles his skin and he leans back, releasing the document and shrugging. He eyes the wall inlaid with gold circles above your head to calm down.
“So just send it in. Nothing’s stopping you.”
“I can’t! You keep making all these corrections I have to add in.”
The straight line of his mouth wavers. “That was the joke. I’m the one stopping you.”
You deadpan. “You’re horrible.” When he doesn’t say anything back, you smack his chest with the folder, punctuating your words. “You made me write this entire thing and I stayed up all night working on it and you and your stupid, stupid”—two smacks for that one—“brain are just never satisfied”—he blinks at that and mulling it over, he catches the folder (eyes still tracing the intricate spirals and corners of the Scarlet King’s symbol the best of Eremite sculptors had carved out a millennia ago; though, he’s not that impressed by something like that at the moment), and you tug it back right away but stop hitting him.
“And you keep making me rewrite it. Speaking of, why am I even doing this in the first place?! I wasn’t even there! I’m so sick of you. Either let me come with you on missions or keep doing everything yourself like an idiot and file your own stupid paperwork after! It’s not my fault some of the details aren’t accurate. You know, you care too much about doing everything the “just” way. I swear you’re somehow worse than my old Akademiya advisor!” You suck in a breath and Cyno thinks you’re done until your renewed lung capacity proves him wrong. “Well, you know what, I’ve got some corrections to your corrections and—”
He finally lets himself look at you, bored after following the same golden line to its end five times, and immediately hears a rush of blood in his ears. He speaks quickly before he can get tongue-tied. “So, a sign,” he interrupts your tangent. The last word you were saying breaks off unsatisfyingly. You look like you want to murder him and he feels his heart burn from the center out and melt into lava in his chest. Up close, your hair is tousled by the dry heat and your eyes dot orange with the setting sun. “And what should it say? Do not disturb?” Cyno suddenly finds himself missing your fiery gaze when you tear away.
“I mean, yeah.” You’re flipping through the folder now, no doubt trying to find your least favorite part to criticize, this time right to his face. You miss the terrible, terrible trap he sets with his words and proximity. “The hell else would you put on it anyway,” you scoff.
He cuts in before you can get back to business. “You’re right.” Your eyes snap up, eyebrows scrunched in annoyance, to question why this part of the conversation is still going and he catches your wrist to stop your flipping. He can see the exact moment you notice how close he is, how he’s inched in until only the open folder you hold separates you.
Your eyes widen and your lips part just the smallest bit as though there are words on the tip of your tongue and he thinks you look otherworldly. He gives himself a moment to take you in before his voice drops to only between you two. “I think do not disturb would be perfect.” The tip of the report is digging into his chest now. The thought of how painful a papercut that would be in the desert barely crosses his mind.
The gears turn in your head, slowly, as the second meaning sinks in. He watches in rapt interest as your previous inhibitions melt away and your pupils dilate. You’re already looking much more sluggish than before, relaxed enough that he releases your wrist and lets his hand run up your bare arm. “Cyno…,” you sigh—you’re immediately embarrassed and glance away but then at his lips curved in a cruel smile and back to his eyes. Your skin is soft and burning, and he can’t tell if it’s just him imagining it or if it’s really how he makes you feel. He squeezes your bicep lightly, then lets his touch move up over your shoulder and ghost over your neck until you shiver and your gaze turns lidded.
Cyno hums and leans in, not missing the way your eyes fall shut the rest of the way and you tip forward in anticipation. He feels a hand on his chest and fingertips pressing into him, and you’re so soft and warm. He moves to cup your face and your lips bump together, and those careful fingertips against him turn into sharp nails.
He breathes you in and then molds his lips to yours.
The kiss is slow and it feels like you’re taking all of his oxygen, condemning him to the underworld for losing himself to his desires. Even when his grip on your jaw tightens the smallest amount and he presses his tongue into your mouth, Cyno is careful, barely holding onto himself. He doesn’t know if you’re as affected as he is but the tortuous pace is both heaven and hell to him.
It’s you who tips the chaste balance and throws your arms around his neck, never pulling away but always tugging him in. He lets go of your jaw and both of his hands find your waist on instinct, and he wants to be disappointed in himself when he stumbles you back until you’re pressed up against the open doorway but you taste so good there’s no way he stands a chance.
The sensation is overwhelming and his cloudy mind zeros in on the way his bare chest presses to the smooth, silky front of your shirt and how smooth and silky your lips feel and how perfect and soft and warm they are, and how ungodly pretty they always look when he stares. He feels carnal compared to your composure.
So unprofessional we keep doing this, he thinks faintly, buried behind thoughts of worship. Then, he feels a heat burst in his heart and quickly amends it. No. So terrible I keep doing this. So wrong.
And something about pulling you deep into the haze behind his righteous persona is even worse (even better) than anything else he could come up with. The truth has him kissing you harder and you mewl at his hunger—you who’s a way better person than he is, who always sticks to the book, who always gives him what he wants.
Judgment day couldn’t come soon enough.
His hair’s still dripping wet he realizes as the cold drops fizz into nothing between you, swallowed up. Your fingers are digging into the same muscles of his back you’d been staring at earlier and Cyno feels the scrape of the papers that had been pressed between the heat of your bodies before—the whole reason you’d even come.
He bites at your bottom lip, giving you the faintest moment to catch your breath. “Be careful not to drop them,” he mumbles, heated teases brushing against your jaw and just under your ear when he licks a stripe up them. You whine and tug him back up to you, probably so sick and tired of fucking hearing him talk all the time (this is precisely why he does it).
Your hands are in his hair now and he groans as your fingers card through the mess of wet curls and pull them and twist and shove his lips further into yours almost in the hopes you’ll become one.
Cyno has the inkling a sign wouldn’t do much if you’re both going to be so shameless in the open about it.
He’s glad his room is so removed from the rest of the building. It’s still a risk that raises delicious goosebumps on his skin but practically no one would bother coming out here of their own free will or see what was his during a quick walk down a hallway.
Cyno lets himself drown in your lips—you’re more forceful this time, more desperate, and he can see your threads coming unraveled—until you decide you actually need a proper break to breathe and pull back, shoving his face away in amusement when he goes chasing after you.
You’re both panting hard and he finally registers the screaming of his lungs for air. He has no idea how he looks but your image is another hit to his already foggy brain—it’s a sight for the ages, a sage that he sears into his mind and wants to imprint into history books everywhere.
You’re smiling so wide, he can’t look away from the pretty color of your bruised lips if he tried.
A few droplets from him drip down your cheek and he thumbs them away carefully, placing a light peck on the corner of your mouth.
“Your hair’s a mess,” you comment breathlessly, breaking him from his stupor. It’s then that he feels your touch carefully rearranging his bangs. It’s a sharp contrast to your heavy tugs moments ago and makes his heart flip and ache and everything in between in a way that’s both different and the same.
Cyno huffs a laugh. “Let me finish getting ready first next time then.” He goes back in to kiss you but you shake your head, covering your mouth and burying your head in his chest. He hears the giggles that escape between your fingers and feels the faint shake of your body with the weight of them.
“That bad, huh?” He blows a strand out of his face. When it falls back right in front of his eyes, he runs a hand through his hair and shoves it all back, no doubt ruining it further.
You look up when he cages you in, a forearm above your head and the other still wrapped around your waist. You’re beaming when he leans your foreheads together.
“I love you,” you say, lost in his eyes.
Cyno’s fingers squeeze into a fist above your head where you can’t see them. No matter how many times you say it, he’s filled with emotions that have no names every time. “I love you too.” He has to stop himself from saying more.
“But I don’t know if I love you enough to—” He doesn’t let you make the choice because he swallows up your next words. He feels mildly bad that he keeps cutting off your sentences today but when you smile into the kiss he knows you don’t mind—plus, he gets the feeling you planned this one at least. Anyway, his hair can’t bother you if you can’t see it.
You’re the one who pulls back again the next time and the heated air within the confines of Cyno’s arms is palpable. Tipping your head back to the wall, you stare at him with a blissful expression, content, and eyes half-closed. In the silence, only both of your heavy breaths could be heard.
“Mmm,” you sigh, letting your eyes flutter shut as you gather your wits about you, looking so perfect and happy. Cyno’s shameless staring doesn’t stop even when you open them. “I’m still going to need you to look over those reports on your desk.”
He kisses you again, nerves on fire, and when he pulls away you’re both panting again. “I don’t think we need to go to my office to talk about them.” Fuck, he kisses you searingly one last time, unable to control himself, before he untangles from you. You’re slightly dazed and reach out for him again in your confusion, but instead, he lightly intertwines your fingers. “You’re already here. It wouldn’t be right to make you walk back.”
Cyno then pulls you behind him, out of the open archway, and into his darkening bedroom. That sign would probably come in handy right about now.
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sleekista · 3 months
but i didn't did pour the whiskey
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barça femeni x reader
overview: they said getting over addiction wasn't easy, what about when no one knows? what about when relapse happens after a whole year?
A/N: my requests are sitting... but I can't get to them and im really sorry, ive been so busy atm and dont got much modivation for em'
TW: alcohol addiction, self-hatred, relapse, course language, actual detail instead of me brushing over it
!! viewer discretion is advised, i suggest only mature audiences read this !!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In all honesty, you'd seen the signs. You'd known the inevitable was coming. The feelings of urge that you'd felt a year ago when trying to stop. You had stopped though, so you ignored it. Then it became more real. To the blank stares at the crates in the stores, rather than the hatred you harboured before after finally being ‘better’.
To walking and judging if you should buy it or not.
To blinking tears out of your eyes, wondering why you'd think that in the first place.
Because why would you, you were better now. Right? That's what you'd told yourself anyways.
It kept amplifying over the course of a week. Until you couldn't take it, until everything you'd worked so hard for for the past year came crashing down. All those memories of countless nights pacing, crying, yelling over a stupid fucking substance fade away.
Guilt. That's all there is. Guilt.
Guilt for betraying your past self who had cried for hours, who felt like she was going psycho over not having a single drink.
But, you can't find it in yourself to stop drinking it. It's just one beer, how harmful could it be? Said by the words of a true fucking alcoholic.
So, you do the only thing you can think of and cry. Cry until your face is numb, your throat burning with every breath, cry until your lungs can't take in any oxygen anymore.
Cry until you feel like you've felt something.
Then when you did stop crying what did you do? The only option you thought you had. Drink more.
- - - - -
You knew you looked like shit, you felt like it too. Your face puffy from the numerous breakdowns the night before, your eyes red from the tears that had an endless flow, dark rings under your eyes from the restless 3 hour sleep you'd got.
Also not to mention the headache you'd acquired. Knowing that only last year if you'd drunk this much, you'd only start to feel something. That's not something to be proud of.
You try your hardest to make yourself look even the slightest bit presentable, getting rid of the puffy face with a shower and taking paracetamol to take away the ache in your skull.
This would do enough to convince them you were fine, it's not like you were the loudest or most obnoxious person on the team. Preferring to observe everything with a smile.
What you didn't consider? Your captains. You're only 22 so even if you're techincally an adult, they're still over 7 years older than you.
So you walk into the lockeroom for training, silently making your way to your cubby as usual. Until, you feel a tug on your sleeve. Alexia is standing there, worry etched into her features.
"You ok? It looks like you've barely slept." Her voice is low and quiet, something you were eternally grateful for.
"Yeah, just a rough night. Thanks capi." You don't lie, but you don't tell the full truth either. She can sense this but doesn't say anymore, allowing you to go back to getting ready.
You take the time to rethink of the previous night, the regret you'd felt immediately after taking the first sip. But, the feeling of being unable to stop.
No matter how much you'd told yourself it was nothing, you know this isn't the end.
You push the thoughts away, clearing your mind of any thoughts before walking out onto the field ready for training.
- - - - -
It was the same people you saw watching you; Alexia, Marta and Mapi. It wasn't every second but enough to showcase they knew something was wrong but just didn't know what.
You had joined in the summer from your old club in Italy. No one knew of the past you'd had with alcohol. It's not like you made an effort to tell them either, they respected your choices not to drink when going out and you didn't need to bring up topics that were from before even moving to Barcelona.
Maybe if they knew, you'd have someone to confide it.
Somehow you'd managed to hide it from your old team as well, but considering the close relationships that Barcelona had with each other you doubted it would be shrugged off as easily.
When training was finally over, you were quick to slip away. As the thoughts and need of what caused you in this melancholic state start to reappear in your mind.
Not now, why after so long did you have to collapse now? When the peak of your career could potentially be around the corner.
You want to survive like a normal person, you want to be able to do things without relying on a fucked up liquid. Why did it have to be you?
And why?
Why is the only thing you can think of to soothe these thoughts, alcohol?
- - - - -
You stare blankly at the open carton, hesitation as you ponder if you should give in or not. Should you drink it? Part of your mind says yes, part of you yearns for it. The rational side says no, and to stop before it's too late.
But wasn't it already?
So you give in. The burning down your throat a painfully familar comfortality.
In a depressing way it makes you more aware of your surroundings, the beer bottles scattered in the room. Liquid all over the floor and on your things. It bothers you, but you can't bring yourself to clean it.
So you sulk, going over past memories. You'd never considered yourself a sad drunk, always being happier and finding a way to goof about while drinking. Then, very rarely toward the end of recovery getting angry. Never sad though.
Times change, people change. You thought you'd changed, but that kind of addiction? It never seemed to leave. Waiting until you're vulnerable to attack. Like an incurable disease.
Before you really comprehend it, the whole box of beers you'd bought yesterday are empty and strown across the floor.
You reach a point of feeling nothing, a numbing feeling brought by guilt, the alcohol making everything seem hazy. Your phone is ringing, but you can't bring yourself to answer. You can't bring yourself to care.
- - - - -
Knocking at your door brings you out of the limboed state you're in. You figure they'll leave soon, and the knocking stops after a minute. Until the door opens revealing the three who had been watching you in the morning.
Alexia is the first to you, the others take in the state of your apartment and walk around elsewhere.
"Hey." It's all she says, but enough for tears to fall from your eyes. You can't bare to look at her face, so you keep your eyes glued to the floor.
"Come on, look at me." She uses her hands to guide your chin so you're looking straight at her.
"Whatever it is, you can tell me." She pauses, "Let's sober you up first." You don't argue, and follow her orders. Exhausted, you pass out as soon as your head hits the pillow.
- - - - -
Waking up was easier than you'd thought it would be, your head not pounding as much as in the morning. It made sense though considering you'd drank less than the night before. There were pills on the side table with a glass of water which you take easily.
The sun is setting so you must have slept for a couple of hours by this point. When you walk into the living room you notice all the rubbish gone, the floors are clean and there's no reminisince of beer anywhere. Alexia, Marta and Mapi are talking quietly amongst themselves and look up once they realise you're awake.
"Come, sit." Mapi pats next to her. You nod silently walking over.
"Would you mind explaining to us what happened? I know you’ve said before don't drink, so this is very new. If you don't want to talk that's also fine but I don't want to see you hurt." Alexia says, she doesn't pry but she does make her point known.
"Ok, but please can you do no talking while I explain? I'm not sure how much I can take if I don't explain it all in one." You're not sure why you opened up so easily, maybe because you desperately craved for someone. Anyone.
"Last year, I was an alcoholic and I can't tell you really when it started. It was to take all the weight and pressure off my shoulders originally, but it turned worse. I just kept drinking regularly and when I tried to settledown, I realised I couldn't. So I didn't stop. It worked for me."
"Then as the season moved on I realised I did desperately need to do something about it but I was just so scared of what people would say to me. How would they react?"
“So instead of getting proper help I did it myself.”
"I got rid of all traces, didn't go out as much. It was horrible. I thought I was going crazy. I wasn't ok at all. I'd obviously relapsed a couple times when trying by myself to recover but it gave me more determination. I'd say it took like 3 months before I truly felt like I was clean."
"Then, I'd had the oppurtunity to play here and it's like everything went away. I should've known better." You sigh.
"Known what? Did you know you were going to relapse again?" Marta asks carefully.
"I saw the signs but ignored them, when I did give in... all I felt was regret, I still do. I think that's why I drank the rest if I'm going to be honest." You look away, not daring to look at any of them.
A pair of arms engulf you, large hands pushing your head to the persons chest.
"Listen to me, we can help you. You won't ever have to do this alone, not while I'm here ok? I don't know much about this, but I'll try. We all will." You start sobbing into her chest, clinging your fists tightly into her shirt. A way to thank them without words.
Because the belief they had in you made you feel like you could do it. Even in these drowning times.
i hope you enjoyed fic, this may not be accurate to everyone but this is my experience with battling addiction to alcohol and i write it because i too relapsed after a year recently
this was more for also for awareness and just know that you aren’t alone in anything, if you feel you need someone to talk to i’m always here :)
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haikyuulovercompany · 11 days
Sunburned & Lovestruck / Ushijima x Fem!Reader
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When it comes to dating you, Ushijima had taken all the necessary steps to be a gentleman. This includes giving a good impression to your parents, which he had been incredibly successful. However, all his manners suddenly get challenged over a beautiful summer day. He had never thought of the complications watching you in a pretty bikini could cause him.
Original Request
Genre: Romance / Pure fluff.
Warnings: None. Just a teenage boy dealing with his cute girlfriend.
If there was someone who knew what composure was, it was he, Ushijima Wakatoshi. No matter the situation in hand, he never lost the calmness in his factions nor in his voice. And if you were to ask him, he would give the most obvious solution to any problem without blinking an eye, his emotions never getting in the way. He was certainly distinguished not only for his killer left spike, but also for his immutable countenance.
But for the first time, the game seemed to be changing. He had been presented with a whole new situation he would have never been able to foresee.
Ushijima had been in a serious relationship with his girlfriend for good-and-steady six months. They had followed the steps of a commitment and everything had been sailing breezily. He had gone to have dinner at her house as to meet her parents, and he had left an utmost good impression on them. They had been thrilled to find that their one and only daughter was dating such a gentleman. He was everything they had dreamt for her, or at least, that was what they had proclaimed that same night as the evening reached its end.
Ushijima remembered feeling happy with the response—even proud. His feelings for _____ were strong, and to know her parents had given him their approval meant a lot. However, this certificate of approval only became truly palpable for him until her parents had personally invited him to their beach house for a week during the summer break. _____ had been radiant when she heard her parents extend the invitation. It had been a surprise for both of them, and this could only mean two things: One, they genuinely liked Ushijima. And two, he had to be on his best behavior so they wouldn’t lose their appreciation for him. He saw no problem with this. He had assumed it wouldn’t be a problem. He was serious and formal by nature. It was as simple as being his usual self and everything would go fine.
If only he had known.
His first day of the summer break began with a beautiful clear sky, fresh orange juice in front of him, and the sound of the ocean waves in the background. He was the first to be ready at the table for breakfast. The air was still crisp and the atmosphere was serene with the beaches empty, waiting for the world to wake and begin their activities.
He helped to get the table ready which was rewarded with a smile and a quick peck on the cheek by his girlfriend. Judging by the first hours, the day painted to be a perfect one. It was good to be away from the chaos of his regular life.
His problems began right after breakfast. _____ had hurried him to clean his plate so they could finally go to the beach. The previous patience she had portrayed all morning was gone, now she was restless, gathering everything they would need so she could rush down the wooden path and settle on the sand.
As they made their way down the beach, she had turned around and directed a big smile right at him before suggesting they should have a match of beach volleyball, insisting it would be fun for them to play against each other. While she wasn’t into the sport like him, he appreciated her eagerness to get involved with his main hobby, so with his own gentle smile he accepted, promising to go easy on her.
Ushijima followed _____ around till they chose the perfect spot and together began to put up their little camp which consisted of a big parasol and two large towels for them to use. Then, it was time for them to get comfortable, and that was when his inconvenience began. He took off his shirt without much worry and began digging inside their bag to pull out the sunscreen. He turned to her, ready to offer the bottle to her first, and that was when he saw her.
As the gentleman he was, he had never tried to take their relationship to another level, so what was in front of him was brand new territory. There she was in a two-piece swimsuit being the cutest thing he had ever seen. His eyes opened and something that hadn’t happened to him since elementary school happened again: He was blushing. It was like his eyes had been glued to her and it felt as if his heart was drumming on his throat instead of his chest. What was he supposed to do with all those emotions? What even were they?  
Without noticing the effect she was having on him, she casually took the bottle of sunscreen from his stoic hand and offered him yet another smile. “Do you want me to put some on your back, Wakatoshi? The sun here is like in no other place. It will burn your skin,” she rambled, still completely oblivious of his flustered state even if she was staring right to his face.
He swallowed heavily, nodded and gave his back to her, the perfect excuse to hide his face until he could go back to his center. Soon he felt the cold of the sunscreen spreading on his skin. “You’re so tense!” she commented as she pushed the palm of her hands harder against his back. He closed his eyes and focused on the relaxing sensation of the massage she was basically giving him. He felt himself relaxing and his face cooling. He slowly breathed in and out regaining his composure. “Done! Could you help me with mine?”
Now, the problem was bigger. Hiding his hesitation, he stood very still and took the bottle. She gave his back to him, and with determination, he kept his eyes locked on her bare shoulder. He wished he could be more confident, but his hands were a mess as he spread the sunscreen unevenly on her back. He stopped right at her waist, and as he fleetingly blushed again, he decided not to cover her lower back. He would need to get used to the sight before he could go any lower.
“Done,” he said, voice stern.
She turned around and grabbed the bottle from him and placed it inside the bag. His eyes had remained locked on the ocean. “Let’s go for a swim. I can’t take the heat,” she said.
The truth was, he couldn’t avoid her much longer. He could give the wrong impression, and admitting what was actually happening would be ten times more embarrassing. He turned around thinking he was ready to face his girlfriend again, but when he saw her, he felt his face growing warmer again. He couldn’t even help it—it was a natural reaction.
She started running towards the sea, but he couldn’t move. All he was able to do was to watch her go. She waved her hand to him, shouting at him to join her. He swore he wanted to go with her, but his heartbeat was like a hammer nailing him on his place. A hand suddenly slapped his shoulder and squeezed it. He turned his head to find her father smiling at him. Under his arm he had two towels and from the side he saw his wife making her way to them. They were joining them at the beach. His problems worsen, then. Now he couldn’t afford to be obvious.
“What’s wrong, Ushijima?” he cheerfully asked. “You don’t like the sea?” 
“I do, sir,” he said, and yet, he didn’t move. He felt as if he was choking. The older man gazed at him and a soft laughter came from his lips. “Look at you! You’re already red like a lobster! Didn’t my daughter warn you that the sun here is dangerous?”
Ushijima only blushed more as her girlfriend’s father laughed harder. It was not the sun’s fault, unfortunately. He gave it a quick thought. Maybe the sea could help him and he needed to escape her parents before he got discovered. Cold water would be perfect for his burning face. He gave a small bow to the man and awkwardly jogged to where his girlfriend was. Her glad countenance usually would be enough to relieve him, but he had concluded that as long as she exposed herself in such cute pieces it would be forever impossible for him to be collected again.  
She gasped once he was in front of her. “Is that a sunburn or are you actually blushing?” she quizzed him, sounding incredulous. He gave up right there and then. There was no one more flustered than him at that exact moment. He didn’t answer, trusting his silence would be a better cover up than anything that could come out of his mouth. Slowly, he let himself fall backwards and floated. “Is that a blush!? Answer me!”
He heard her body shuffling through the water, then her face appeared in front of him. He had the horrible idea to look from the corner of his eye facing her body on that goddarn swimsuit. He shut his eyes tight. 
“Wakatoshi! Answer me!” she insisted.
He didn’t say a thing. He was too focused on calming the beating of his heart. What a long week waited for him.
Hope you enjoyed!
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heavyhitterheaux · 4 months
Ghost Part 4
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AN: 💕
Synopsis: The two of you have finally gotten on the same page regarding Ace and Jack has shown you that he's all in when it comes to his and Ace's relationship. However, he ends up taking one step forward and a hundred steps backward when your safety is compromised
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 first
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Sitting in your car in front of your apartment building, you let out a loud sob that you had been holding in since the judge had made her decision.You were confident that she would rule in your favor, but the only thing or person on your mind rather was Ace.
He had gotten so used to seeing Jack often that you weren't quite sure how he was going to adjust to only being able to see him every other weekend. And you didn't know the first step in how to explain that to him and more than likely he probably wouldn't even understand. This was the last thing you wanted to ever happen, and you thought for sure that Jack would meet you halfway in order to do what was best for Ace, but once again his pride got in the way.
You had lost track of time and didn't know how long you were sitting in your car crying when you grabbed a tissue from your purse in order to wipe your face and make yourself look a bit more presentable. Blaire wasn't going to bring Ace back until later in the day and you still had some time to kill. It was simply decided that you would get into some comfy clothes and watch Disney plus because you figured that was probably the only thing that could somewhat lift your mood. 
Before you started watching anything, you sent a simple message to the group chat since you knew that they had been waiting to hear from you.
You- I got full custody of Ace 
Blaire- 👀👀👀
Nadia- As you should. What them child support payments looking like?
You- 40,000 a month
Liv- DAMN he actually got lucky. For a celebrity, I’ve heard of people paying a lot more than that.
Blaire- But how are you feeling overall?
You- Sad for Jack believe it or not
Liv- He got what was coming to him smh I don’t feel bad because he brought this on himself
Nadia- I second that 
You-  But now I have to tell Ace and I don’t know how he’s going to take it
Jack was in a daze driving home from the courthouse and the realization was hitting him that he didn't do anything but make things more complicated for himself. He had now driven a bigger wedge in between the two of you and knew deep down that no matter how much he apologized to you that it wouldn't be enough. He wanted to have a relationship with his son, but also wanted to have a healthy relationship with you too and at this point even getting you to talk to him was going to be a challenge.
He had gotten home and didn't realize that Clay had been following him and pulled up behind his car in the driveway. Jack sighed to himself not wanting to hear him say ‘I told you so’ again since he had a feeling that he would never let him live this down. He knows that he fucked up and doesn’t need to hear it over and over again. 
Once he stepped out of the car, Clay was next to him with his hands stuffed in his pockets and simply looked at him.
“Clay, not now. Please not now.” Jack said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I'm just here for support. What just happened was a lot to take in and even though you've been treating me like shit the last few months, you're still my big brother and I still care about how you’re feeling.”
“I know and I'm sorry. I just… There isn't any excuse for the way I've been acting and treating you as if you're not important to me when you know that you are. I just want that close relationship that you have with Ace and I’m jealous of it and not afraid to admit it. You've been in his life since he was four weeks old and I can't say the same thing. Y/N is never going to forgive me now. I wish I would have talked to her when she gave me the chance.”
“That is literally all she has wanted from the very beginning. She never wanted it to get to this point and she actually low key thinks that you hate her.” Clay quietly said as they both walked into Jack’s house.
“What? I could never hate her. I don't hate her. Why would she think that? Never mind, don't answer that. I… get it.”
“And you failed to realize how this would affect Ace because he's the one that's at the center of this whole thing.”
“And now I can't even see him how I want to.”
“You now have to make it up to not only Ace but Y/N too.”
“And I don't have any idea on where to start.”
“You already know what you need to do and no one should have to tell you that. You can start by being the best father you can possibly be to Ace. This isn't rocket science, but you damn sure know how to make things more complicated. Are we sure that you’re even the older one at this point?” Clay asked while smirking and Jack gave him a small smirk in return and shrugged his shoulders. 
Jack's mood had been off for the rest of the time that had passed until it was his weekend with Ace and he wanted to get himself together before you dropped him off. But he just couldn't shake this being his new reality. He knew now that he should have talked to you and simply let you explain, but his thoughts of you moving and taking Ace flooded his mind and that was the only thing that he could think of. But all in all, he just made a bigger mess. 
He had sent you multiple text messages with you responding in ten words or less and it wasn’t because you were being mean or trying to spite him, you genuinely had no idea what to say to him at this point. Until you did, there was no reason for you to give him a longer response. 
It was a little awkward when the person supervising the visit, Britney showed up at his house ten minutes before you were going to drop Ace off and knew that he had to prove to her and to the court that he could take care of Ace and take care of him properly. But most importantly, he wanted to prove it to you. 
Once he saw your car pull up, he went outside to meet the two of you as you were helping Ace out of the back of the car. You were grabbing Ace’s backpack that had all of his toys (and told him that he could only bring three because Jack had an entire playroom in his house specifically for him) and clothes when you heard his voice.
“Hi Y/N.”
“Hi.” You responded while barely looking at him and took a deep breath before continuing to talk.
“His clothes, shoes, and toys are in here and I'll come and get him Sunday at 5.” Was all you said as you handed him Ace’s backpack and Ace was simply looking between the two of you.
“Um, okay.” 
“Make sure he's ready by then for me to come and get him. Okay, Ace, give me kisses.”
You kneeled down to his height and he immediately embraced you and it seemed as if he was holding onto you as if he didn't want you to leave.
“Mommy, can you stay?” Ace asked as he pulled away from you.
“Ace, you're going to have fun with daddy and I'll see you in two days, promise.”
“And we can call mommy before you go to sleep.” Jack chimed in with an attempt to make it less awkward, but he knew that this was probably going to take a while.
“Will you sing to me when I do?” Ace asked, looking at you hopeful. Just about every single night, after the two of you read a book, you would sing him to sleep.
“Of course. Anything for my baby boy.”
“Daddy, you okay?” Ace asked Jack as he looked over at him and saw that he was staring off into space when they were supposed to be baking brownies. Peanut butter and chocolate, which he learned how to make from you which had now become his favorite.
“Oh, I'm fine. Now let's get this batter in the pan so we can watch a movie.”  Jack answered as he ruffled Ace's curly hair that resembled his.
“Can we watch Cars!?”
“Of course we can and when our brownies are done, we have ice cream to go with them.”
“But you still look sad. Are you sad about mommy?” Hearing Ace say that made Jack's breath hitch and he simply sighed before saying anything else. To only be three almost four, Ace was incredibly smart and picked up on a lot of things that went on around him.
“You definitely notice everything, don't you?” He asked as Ace simply smiled and nodded.
“I hurt her and I don't think that she's ever going to forgive me.”
“Just say sorry. That should make it all better. Mommy has a big heart like me.”
“That she does, but I don't think that's going to be enough.”
“Well, I still think you should try.”
“For me?” Ace asked while looking up at his father with eyes that resembled his.
“Now you know that I have a hard time telling you no. And stop with the puppy dog eyes!”
“So you’ll do it!?”
“I’ll try for you.” 
The next few months came and went with the celebration of Ace turning four, and Jack having to do more and more appearances and fly around the country. When that happened, Ace would just stay with you until the next weekend that he was able to come and get him once he was back in Louisville, since he wasn’t allowed to take him across state lines yet. It was Friday afternoon and you were cleaning up your classroom as Ace was sitting at one of the tables coloring when he suddenly asked you about Jack.
“Can daddy come over for a movie night?” He asked while turning around to look at you. 
“Um, Ace we have to see. Daddy might be busy.” You said while grabbing your purse from underneath the desk and taking out your keys.
“Can we call him?”
“Sure, we can call him once we get outside in the car. Come here so I can help you put your jacket on. We can finish coloring at home.”
Ace was secured in the back of the car when you slid into the driver’s seat and attempted to turn the car on. The only problem was that it wouldn’t. 
“You can’t be serious right now.” You muttered to yourself as you lightly laid your head on the steering wheel. Liv had taken a half day today in order to go to a few doctor’s appointments so you know that you couldn’t call her. Nadia would still be at work, and Blaire didn’t close the bakery until seven.
So, that left one person.
You sighed as you dialed his number and he picked up on the second ring.
“Hello? Y/N? Are you okay? Is Ace okay?”
“Hey, we’re fine. But I need a favor. Are you at home?” You mumbled because you didn’t like asking him for help, but at this point you needed it.
“Of course. Yeah, I just got back in. What’s going on?” Jack asked as he was looking for the Chinese take out menu from his favorite spot. 
“I’m at work with Ace and my car decided that it doesn’t want to start.”
“Say less. Drop me the location and I’ll come get both of you.”
“Thank you, I’m sorry to ask, but….”
“No need to apologize. I’m on my way now.”
It took less than twenty minutes and you finally saw Jack’s jeep pull up beside you and this made Ace yell in excitement.
“Looks like you get to see daddy after all, huh?” You said as you peeked at him in the backseat and he excitedly nodded towards you.
Jack hopped out while coming over to you and opening your door.
“Thank you again for doing this.” You said and Jack simply waved you off.
“It’s not a big deal, Y/N.”
“I didn’t take you away from anything did I?”
Jack immediately shook his head no as he opened the back door and unstrapped Ace from his car seat and picked him up.
“Hi daddy. I told mommy to call you because I missed you.”
“I missed you too, bubs.” Jack answered before kissing his cheek and putting him in 
His car seat in the back of his jeep. Jack then opened the passenger side door and helped you up, while putting your purse and work bag in the backseat. Once he slid in the driver’s seat, he started making his way back to your apartment.
“Daddy, I’m hungry.”
“What do you want to eat? I was actually going to order Chinese food for dinner. Did you want that?”
“Yes! I want an egg roll!”
Only now you noticed that he was going in the opposite direction.
“Umm? Jack? My apartment is that way.”
“I know.”
“Then where are we going?”
“I want to show you something and I figured that this was a good time in order to do it.”
He glanced over at you and saw the look on your face and couldn’t help but to laugh.
“No kidnapping involved, promise.”
It was another fifteen minutes when you noticed that all of you were literally a few streets over from where Jack’s house was. He then pulled in front of a modern looking house and it looked as if it had just been built and no one had the chance to live in it quite yet. You looked around and saw that there were others similar to it and that it looked like they were building more.
“Jack? What is this? Where are we?” You asked not having the slightest clue on what was going on.
“This is your house.”
Your eyes went wide as you looked at him in disbelief. You looked out the window at the house before looking back at him and was clearly confused. 
“I don’t want you two in that neighborhood anymore because it’s not the safest. This way, Ace can go outside and play all he wants and I don’t have to worry about you two not being in a safe environment. This is a gated community so unless you have the passcode, you can’t get in.”
“Jack….. You bought us a house?”
“I can’t accept this, how in the world am I going to pay for it?” You asked as a million things started going through your mind.
“No one said you had to pay for anything. You need more space, even if it’s just the two of you.”
“Y/N, it’s a gift. No strings attached. It’s fully furnished and everything.”
You sat there for a minute before glancing back at Ace who was too busy playing with one of his toys to notice you.
“Come on, let’s go inside so you can at least look at it.” He said while holding up the keys and smiling at you.
“Is this a ploy to get me to stay in Louisville?” You asked, suddenly getting defensive because of his previous actions.
“No, not in the slightest. If that’s what you eventually want to do, then okay but this house will still be here and still be yours. Just while you’re here I figured that the two of you should be as comfortable as possible. And also that you would have probably said no if I asked the two of you to move in with me so it would be safer knowing that you would probably want your own space. You don’t have to move in immediately, but come on so we can at least look at it.”
“Okay.” You quietly said before taking off your seatbelt and getting out the car as Jack did the same thing while tending to Ace after.
All three of you walked through the house and you were in awe. Ace’s bedroom had a Louisville Cardinal theme since that happened to be his favorite team right along with his dad, while your room had a black and gray theme. Ace had his own playroom filled with toys and even a mini kitchen with a working stove that was perfect for his height.
“Ace, don’t you like this house and want to live here with mommy?” Jack asked as Ace had begun examining the stove and the little apron that was hanging to the side that had his name on it which was similar to the one that you bought for him.
“Yes! I like it.”
All Jack did was look at you, but you still had hesitations in the back of your mind. It was true that you and Jack were growing close again and working on being good co-parents to Ace, but you couldn’t take him possibly doing something to mess all of this up all over again. Before either of you made a decision regarding him, you would call each other and discuss it first. This just seemed all too much for you and you were overwhelmed.
You remained quiet as Jack simply laid the keys in your hand and closed it.
“Whenever you’re ready, there is absolutely no rush. Please understand that. And also understand that I’m trying to do my best to make up for what I’ve done or what I haven’t done rather. I just want to do right by the two of you.” He whispered so that only the two of you could hear and all you did was nod in response before Jack went to scoop Ace up in his arms.
“Bubs, you ready to go to daddy’s house and eat Chinese food?”
“As long as we watch Cars!”
“Uh? Again?”
“This is nothing compared to his Lion King phase.” You muttered as all three of you made your way back downstairs.
“Oh, one last thing. Let’s go this way.” Jack then led you both in the direction of the garage and your jaw dropped once you set foot in it.
“Didn’t realize that your car was going to give out on you today, but… surprise.” was all Jack said as you were now staring at a BMW SUV. When you and Jack had first started talking, you told him that this was the car that you eventually wanted to buy for yourself and had no idea that he actually remembered. 
He didn’t say anything and instead slipped his hand in his back pocket to get the keys and hand them to you.
“Ace can ride with me while you test out your new car.”
About another month had passed and the temperature was beginning to warm up and you couldn’t wait to be able to take Ace out all summer and was trying to think of where you wanted to go and wanted to do. You also made sure to include Jack in your plans if he wasn’t too busy. You had the night to yourself since Ace was with Jack and you were currently fiddling the house key in your hands that Jack had bought you. He told you that it was no rush and you were deciding to take your sweet time. As far as the lease for your apartment went, Jack said if you wanted to break it, he would pay for it. But at this point in time, you feel that he already did so much for you already and would probably just ride it out until it was time for it to be renewed again. However, just about every day after you were finished teaching, you would take the long way home to pass by it.
It was around midnight when you had gotten a text on your phone from Nadia and it seemed urgent.
Nadia- Go look at Jack’s instagram…. NOW
You- Why? What’s wrong?
Your heart was now doing backflips as you logged into your instagram app to see that he did indeed post you and now thoughts were beginning to run rampant.
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Liked by urbanwyatt, estgee, champagnepapi, 2forwoyne, taylorrooks, saweetie, and 1,200,154 others
jackharlow: Y/N, thank you for being just an amazing mother to my son who has wanted for nothing ever since he came out of the womb. I'm thankful that we're in a better place with one another and keeping him at the center of it because at the end of the day, he's the most important part of this. I can't change the past and what went down between us, but I can move forward and do what's best for the both of you.
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You wasted no time in texting him wanting to address this and how incredibly dangerous it was.
You- Jackman, I’m coming over because we need to talk
Jack- Is everything okay?
You- No, everything is not. I’m getting dressed now
Jack was waiting at the door for you once your car pulled behind his jeep in the driveway and he could tell that you were fuming. He simply stepped aside to let you squeeze past him as you went to sit down on the couch in the living room. All Jack did was come and sit next to you waiting to hear what you had to say.
“Why did you post that?”
“Because I figured you deserved a public apology. I just wanted to show how appreciative I was of you and how important our relationship is.”
“Do you not understand what you just did? First, those pictures that were taken were for your birthday and for your eyes only and I actually forgot that I even took them until now. Second, Jack, I have an Only Fans. Did you not put two and two together?! NOW PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHAT I LOOK LIKE AND MAKE THE CONNECTION! I hardly show my face on there, but I have some videos where I do!”
“I could lose my job over this! And that’s exactly what I was afraid of! Even if it was a few years ago, they aren’t going to see it that way.”
“Wait, your Only Fans is still active!?” Jack asked curiously, but all you did was roll your eyes.
“Is that really all you got out of that?! Yes, it’s still active! Any time if I was in a bind or needed money, I would upload videos to get paid for it!”
“Why, when you could’ve asked me?! You need to deactivate it and how was I supposed to know you still had it?! All I was trying to do was something nice for you. I swear that I can never win with you!”
“I’m not deactivating anything because that would literally be how me and Ace would eat some days when you were nowhere to be found.”
“Well, I’m here now! You don’t have to worry about that anymore! Anything you want or need, I’ll get it!”
“Every time I need something, I’m not going to run to you and ask for it. We’re not in a relationship anymore or did you forget?”
“I… well what if I want us to be?!”
This had you taken aback and you simply looked at him in disbelief as you shook your head. 
“Please Y/N, just give me another chance. I’ll delete the post and make this right and I’m sorry for doing that without clearing it with you first. I compromised your safety and you know that was never my intention.”
“It is literally only a matter of time before someone finds my account.” You muttered without giving Jack an answer.
“I can delete it.”
“But not before almost a million people liked it. The damage is done so it doesn’t even matter at this point.”
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j0kers-light · 11 months
Joker, but with a virgin reader who barely understands sex stuff cuz they grew up overly sheltered and innocent, so he essentially has to teach them through it and introduce some kinky stuff to them
His Lighthouse: Sweet Girl (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Sweet Girl - Oneshot
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Author’s note:  
Hey hi anon!! I am so sorry it took me an entire week to fill this request! I got carried away and went down a perfectionist spiral trying to envision Joker in this situation. It was difficult to keep him in character but still caring enough for Y/n who is virtually clueless! I hope you enjoy the story!
You can find part two here!!
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher
Let me know if you want to be added to the His Lighthouse taglist!    
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You are truly his sweet girl in every definition of the word. 
Joker's sweet little doll he so desperately wants to defile. He greatly admires your innocence and the way you view the world. Joker wants nothing more than to continue sheltering you, but he's at his wit's end holding back his passion.
Everyday his patience wanes and it's only a matter of time before he pounces on his prey. You.
He wants to sink his teeth into your skin and hear you cry out in pleasure with every snap of his hips. He wants to see your brain turn off from an overload of pleasure. It's not a want anymore but a need. He needs to break you.
He can't wait anymore and judging by your coy smiles and teasing touches, he knows you want this too.
Although Joker should've known something was wrong since things between you and him never advanced any further than kissing. You would shy away the minute he grabbed your hips or tried to remove any article of clothing from you.
He should have noticed the telltale signs.
Months of hiding at your place in your pink little bubble, far far away from mean old Gotham City, and all that Joker had to show for as process with you was cuddling or making out.
Nothing more, nothing less. It was frustrating for sure.
Joker knew you were attracted to him; he saw it in the way your eyes widened and lingered on him.
You would bite your lip whenever he purposefully let his shirt ride up or whenever he picked you up to show off his strength. He even came out of the shower dripping wet without a towel once— you tucked tail and ran to your room.
Joker was using every trick in the book to get a reaction from you, however; you stayed demure and kept your hands to yourself. It was maddening!
Even at night when the two of you were preparing for bed, (separately, much to his irritation) he'd pull you close and rock his hips into yours.
"Wanna sleep with meee tonight, baby doll?" You would flush red and wiggle out of his arms before stampering out a million no's and vanish from sight.
Joker hated hearing your door slam close but what could he do? He was running out of options.
There were so many clues in front of him regarding this dilemma but the truth finally came to light one day he had you trapped underneath him on the bed.
No more running. No more excuses. He was claiming you tonight.
He was attacking your neck with kisses and actively grinding his hard on into your pretty shorts. The skimpy things you wore around the house tested his limited sanity! Were you trying to seduce him? Bravo, because you succeeded. And he was supposed to be impervious to your charms and be a gentleman. Screw that.
Your body was a prize to be had and Joker waited long enough to have it.
He had the helm of your shirt balled up to your abdomen when you froze. "W-Wait um Joker. I-I.."
"Shhhh little bunny.. I just wanna see ya."
You didn't like that and tried pushing Joker up and off. How did he get you on the bed in the first place you wondered?
Joker noticed your aversion to his touch and growled in annoyance. Every freaking time he tried to get closer with you; you pushed him away. He had enough. He no longer had any patience to deal with this anymore.
"What's the deal, hmm? You don't li-ke me anymore?"
Your eyes immediately locked with his. "N-No! I like you.. it's just..." You wavered.
"Just whaT? Hmm? Tell me bunny! Open that pretty... little mouth of yours and tell me."
You did the exact opposite. You bit your lip and looked away from Joker. Your selective shyness was rather annoying at this point and Joker let his frustrations be known.
"You're such a cocktease ya know that? Runnin' around in these shorts and things making those little... noises when ya think I don't notice. Yeah, I hear em doll. You're killing me but the second I touch ya, this happens!" Joker gestured at you cowering away from him.
"What are ya, some virgin or something?" He sighed to himself. But then he looked down at you in shock when he heard your soft yes.
Oh. He was a f___king idiot.
You were holding back tears and the second Joker realized his mistake and touched your arm, they burst to the surface.
"Ohhh.. Bunny noo. Look at me." You did and shined your e/c at him. "There she is.. my sweet girl. Why didn't you tell me?"
He lied back on the bed and dragged you with him to recline on his chest. You were perfectly fine cuddling with J. Anything else after that was scary.
He couldn't see your face since it was buried in his shirt so you answered him truthfully.
"I.. I thought you knew.." You mumbled. Joker smacked his lips and started stroking your hair. You left it down today and he loved its wild, untamed state.
He really didn't know and he felt stupid for not realizing it sooner and for making you feel uncomfortable around him. He worked so hard in the beginning to make you not fear him. He didn't exaggerate his words as much, he cut down on his fear tactics around you, virtually everything about himself was altered to gain your trust.
You were a timid little thing, eager to help him hide from the GCPD in exchange for nothing. You cooked, cleaned, kept him company (just not sexually) all with a smile on your face. You were so naïve yet brave, of course Joker fell for you!
You laughed at his silly jokes and that smile of yours was worth losing pieces of himself to appease you. He'd do anything to make you happy.
But Joker wanted more. He wanted to be selfish.
He wanted to corrupt your sweet and innocent demeanor and mold it to his will. He wanted those big doe eyes of yours to cloud over with lust and your full plump lips to stretch around his cock as he choked you with it.
He knew you'd be perfect underneath him; you were already such a sweet thing. A true people pleaser; doing any and everything to make his stay at your place more enjoyable.
What he would really enjoy is your pussy milking his cock for what it's worth.
It's all he thought about these days but you couldn't handle him removing your shirt, how in the world would he train you to be his cum-drunk bunny?
But Joker loved a challenge and you... you were worth the hassle.
"I never wanna scare my bunny away. She's so perfect, and oh so sweet. Too sweet.." He kissed you so softly, it made your head spin.
Joker pulled back before things started to get heavy, "But I realllly wanna taste ya more, Y/n. You trust me?"
You looked down and away until Joker chased after you. "No no nooo. None of that. Don't look away. I can teach you if you want."
"Teach me? But what if... What if I'm not good enough?" You whimpered.
That's what you were worried about? He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. This was all in your head.
"Won't know until you try." He sang back. You seemed to understand that much and shifted your weight to straddle Joker more properly. He exhaled through his nose when you unknowingly rocked your hips into his dick.
"Okay. I think I wanna try now. Is that okay? C-Can we try right now, J?"
How could he say no to such a sweet request? You were so embarrassed yet enthusiastic about this, it made him go crazy. He kept his hands behind his head and sighed.
"Depends... How far ya wanna go?" He asked.
"What do you mean? How far with what?"
It took everything in Joker not to groan in frustration. Did your parents not teach you anything about sex? What kind of upbringing did you have to not know anything?
Joker wasn't sure if he could handle teaching you from scratch but everyone had to start somewhere.
"What do ya know about sex, Y/n?"
He watched you squirm and bite your lip. You had to know something to be interested and he would wait to see what he was working with before going further.
"Um.. the doctor at the clinic said it shouldn't h-hurt if my partner um.. p-preps me enough with foreplay. I think that means kissing and cuddling but once she brought out two dolls and started talking about positions I.. she lost me."
Joker was lost too. "Doctor?"
You nodded and wiggled your hips against him. You seriously had to stop doing that..
"I went to get checked after I saw you come out of the shower that day. I got really wet and uncomfortable um, d-down there, and nothing I did made the feeling go away. S-So I panicked and went to the clinic! It was super embarrassing but I think I understand the logistics of it all a little better. Joker? Are you okay?"
You poked his cheek since he looked spaced out and he had every right to be.
Horny. You were horny and didn't know why. Nothing you did made the feeling go away and he remembered back to that night when you trapped yourself in your room.
Just what all did you try? Did you get yourself off? How did you do it?
And then everything clicked. Your lingering eyes, the tiny shorts and flimsy tops. Those f__king thigh high socks... You started wearing them more and more frequently after his little shower stunt. Your body wanted him even if your brain didn't comprehend.
He was gonna have so much fun corrupting you.
In the blink of an eye, Joker had you flat on your back with your arms above your head. You were in shock, it happened so fast.
Joker let out a shaky exhale and looked you over.
"Next time you feel wet, come to me. I'll help.. relieve that pain, mkay? Do you feel wet now?" He asked as he grinded his knee into your sex. You jerked in his hold and winced.
"Um, a little.. that feels funny."
"Describe it to me." Joker purred into your ear. He trailed kisses down your neck to distract you from noticing he was lifting your top up.
Stupid thing wasn't covering anything, it was so thin.
"Ah! I-I feel warm and.. it aches.. but I don't know why. It's almost like there's an itch I need to scratch but I tried that!"
Joker had the brief image of your tiny hands poking and prodding your opening, trying desperately to soothe something only his cock could reach.
"Poor little bunny. Wanna know why it aches mmh?"
He heard you sigh out a yes. By then Joker was kissing your heaving chest and had an idea. Why remove your top the boring way? Nothing about tonight would be normal.
You gasped as Joker tore your top right off your body. Your breasts bounced from the action and Joker groaned seeing them already erect sans a bra. Just the perfect size for him to squeeze and worship. He was drooling already.
He locked eyes with you with a wolfish smile. "Cuz your greedy little pussy wants my cock.
"Y-Your cock?"
Joker groaned and leaned down to suck a nipple into his mouth while his hand got well acquainted with the other. It was so soft and tasted even better, but hearing your surprised moans was the topping on the cake.
You didn't know your breasts could feel so good but Joker's tongue swirling around the bud before his teeth bit it gently, was electrifying. It made the unknown feeling return tenfold.
"J-Joker! It's back! I feel weird again.."
Joker let your nipple go with a loud pop and gave the same attention to its twin but not without subtly rocking his hips into yours. Your wail was torturous.
"No! T-That's not it!" You sobbed even though your hips bucked up to meet Joker's. Something about the motion felt right, but it was missing a key element. Then you remembered Joker's comment.
"Can your umm.. cock fix it?"Joker groaned in pain. You would be the death of him. As if hearing you speak about it, his dick throbbed in his pants.
He looked up at your adorable pout and smiled. "Already using such ahh, vulgar language, baby doll. Goood girl. I knew your mouth was dirty."
He kissed down your stomach until he reached the band of your shorts. You braced your weight on your elbows to watch him. How was your mouth dirty? Did you say something bad?
Never mind that, Joker was finally addressing the problem dead on. "Are you gonna fix it, J?"
He looked up at you, a bit out of breath.
"I will bunny, just not yeT. The doc said I gotta prep you, remember? Don't wanna hurt my sweet girl now do I? Gotta hmm.. tr-eat her right.. Can I take these off?"
He asked so nicely, you couldn't say no. Anything to make this weird feeling go away, you'd do it.
You lifted your hips enough for Joker to slide your shorts and panties off in one fell swoop. Of course you didn't see him pocket said panties for safe keeping, but you quickly grew uncomfortable with the way he stared at your private parts.
Did it look weird? What if he didn't like it? You most certainly didn't. Any personal care was done as quickly as possible to avoid any unnecessary glimpses and you never looked at yourself the way Joker was right now.
He had yet to say anything but his unwavering gaze was starting to scare you. Did he have to stare for so long?
You whimpered and tried to cover your sex but Joker merely slapped your hand away. 
"Stop looking at me..." You whined. That finally got Joker to meet your eye. 
"Why not Y/n? Every part of you is sooo pretty. I wanna taste it..."
Before you could question the legitimacy behind his words, Joker licked your pussy with a guttural groan. The vibrations it left felt so good, you didn't realize you grabbed a hold of his hair. Joker didn't mind and quickly forgot about you being a virgin as he ate you out like a man on a mission.
"Soooooo sweet.. an' juicy.." He said in between licks.
Joker tuned out your startled babbles and pleas to savor the unique taste of your pussy. Your juices fell on his tongue like ambrosia and he lapped up every last drop that you steadily produced with gusto.
It was an honor to be the first to taste you and Joker pulled out everything in his bag of tricks to take you to the summit. Your first orgasm. F__k he wanted it all for himself.
He flicked his tongue over your clit and ever so gently slid his middle finger inside your cunt.
"Joker!" You screamed.
He chuckled as he eased it in up to his knuckle but met resistance. "Hush now baby doll. I gotta get ya loosened up to take something muchhh bigger than this..."
Something bigger? Your mind couldn't even fathom the thought. You writhed on his finger in a newfound agony until another sharp pain made you gasp.
Joker shushed you and kissed your clit as another finger slid its way into your tight hole. You were doing so well all things considered. Joker let endless praises fall from his lips in between kissing and sucking on your pussy. You seemed to unknowingly enjoy praise, if the fresh flow of juices from your slit were any indication. Joker twisted his wrist so his two fingers slid in deeper to scissor your hole wider. You were welcoming the foreign invasion but he could feel the restraint still lying dormant within you.
With every pump of his fingers, he made sure to stretch them just a bit deeper and a lot wider to further his goal. After a while, you relaxed around his two fingers and seemed to enjoy the new sensation he introduced to you.
He added a third finger even as you whimpered in protest.
"Shhh, you need thissss." Joker angled his fingers in a come hither motion to stroke your g spot directly. You jerked in shock and clamped down on his fingers.
"R-Right there, J..ahh yessss.."
Joker grinned when you practically melted to his touch. That 'itch' you kept going on about was finally being attended to. This is what you craved all along.
But something was happening. A pressure you never felt before was building and you knew it wasn't good.
"J-J..ok— ahh! I feel.. weird. I think I'm mmhph!! I don't wanna.." You cried out.
Joker saw your thighs twitching and grinned. He wondered when you'd get close. "Let it go Bunny. It's okay."
Joker's deep voice urged you on, where exactly— you were unsure of, but he was more knowledgeable than you here. Even though your brain protested the feeling, since the rising pressure resembled that of using the bathroom, you let your body's natural instinct take control.
"Listen to your body, Princess. She knows what's best."
You nodded at Joker's vague words and let the feeling build more and more. You felt hot all over and dizzy yet Joker would not stop until you crumbled completely under pressure.
He kept your thighs spread open and grinned like a certified madman as he sped up his fingers, pumping into your hole until it audibly gushed out. Almost there..
Something was happening within your body that you couldn't comprehend. Your ears were ringing and tears streamed down your face as a white hot coil snapped just underneath your navel.
You felt like passing out, it was so intense yet you moaned as waves of pleasure washed over you.
And Joker drank everything you gave. He watched you die and come back anew right before his eyes and it was such a sight to behold.
You came back shivering and weak but had enough strength to pose the question. "W-what just h-happened?"
Joker left a lasting kiss on your clit before he crawled up your body. It was flush with a sheen of sweat and desire and he showered every inch of it with affection on his travels.
"Did ya enjoy your first orgasm?" He mumbled on your shoulder. "I sure did."
"O-Orgasm? So... I didn't pee?"
Gosh you were so cute, he wanted to ruin you so bad.  "Mmhm. NoT quite. You came so hard for meeee. And ya taste so good too, see?"
Joker kissed you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue, although he laughed when you jerked back in disgust.
"That's not sweet! More like tangy and salty! Eww.. and you like that?" You said while wiping your mouth clean. You were still convinced you relieved yourself, however the texture was more creamier than liquid that told you otherwise.
"I do. Very. Very. Much." To prove his point, he licked his fingers clean of you while you watched in intrigue. It got you thinking..
"Umm, w-what do you taste like J?"
Joker died then and there. You asked him so casually, was he corrupting you too fast? Of course not. You blinked owlishly at Joker waiting for a response. All he could do was chuckle under his breath.
"I'll let ya have a uhh, taste another day Bunny. Right now, f__k, I gotta.. I need to be inside this pussy. Are ya still itchy?"
You blinked twice before nodding your head.
Whatever Joker did just then was amazing but it wasn't enough to quell the unknown feeling between your legs. You still couldn't form the right words to explain the sensation though. Maybe you could ask Joker about it later. Right now, your fears were bubbling up to the surface as he towered over you.
"You'll be gentle right? It won't hurt?"
Joker sighed before kissing you soundly. He then reached a hand down to check your entrance. You were still wet and you moaned into Joker's mouth at the soothing circles he left on your sensitive bud. "Mmm it shouldn't, Bunny."
Joker stopped rubbing your clit so he could remove his shirt and pants. You watched in awe as his body was revealed to you. Sure you saw glimpses of it here and there but fully bare before you now, Joker was stunning.
How did you get so lucky?
"There's no need to be shy, Y/n." Joker cooed at you.
He noticed you were still hesitant and moved your hands to his chest for you. Seeing your hands on him.. it was a step in the right direction. He couldn't wait to see them wrapped around his cock.
Baby steps though. Today was your first time but if he played his cards right.... Why not go big rather than go home?
With Joker's permission, you caressed the hard planes of his chest and abs, wondering what the large indentation in his briefs was. The second your hand brushed against it, Joker hissed and grabbed your wrist.
Your eyes flickered up to his deep jade in awe.
"Easy there, bunny." He shivered. You tilted your head to the side in wonder until Joker let his cock spring out from his underwear. Your face was priceless.
"I take it, it's ya first time seeing one?"
You subconsciously clenched around nothing and nodded listlessly. Joker snorted and decided to let you explore uncharted territory. You know, get a little bit of hands-on training.
"Go on. Touch iT." Joker whispered in your ear as he guided your hands around his dick. He stifled his groans as your timid touch groped his shaft. J was soft yet hard at the same time and you paled at the thought of it in you.
If his fingers almost made you faint, what would this do? It felt powerful and ominous in your hands and oddly hot to the touch. Veins ran up the length of it and when you looked closer, a clear bead of liquid was oozing out the top. For some unknown reason you wanted to lick it up but second guessed yourself at the last minute.
"Is this.. going inside m-me? J, I don't think..."
"Yes it will." You wondered how Joker knew your exact thought, "I'll make it fit and you'll take every.. last.. inch. Under-stand?"
You jerked your head in a nod and it seemed to satisfy Joker since he nodded back. With that out of the way, Joker let you acquaint yourself with his dick until he grew impatient and batted your hands away. Any more stimuli and he would've cum prematurely.
He couldn't finish before the deflowering party got started. But he didn't calculate the way you were driving him nuts.
"Look at me Y/n. That, uhh, ache you have right here." Joker rubbed your womb affectionately before tipping your chin up with his fingers.
You were on your knees before him, patiently waiting for anything he would give.
"Your mind is still unsure but your body... mmmm, your body knows what it wants. Keep listening to your body, mkay? It's gonna be reallllly scary, and I. Won't. Stop. either, but you have to trust me bunny. Trust that I'm doing this to.. make you feel good. I'm going to ruin your pussy and there's nothing you can do about iT."
Your bottom lip trembled in fear but you nodded at Joker. He wouldn't deliberately hurt you.. right?
"O-Okay.. I trust you." Joker's smile was absolutely feral hearing you surrender to him so easily. You'd regret that later.
"That'sss my sweet girl. So! You're all wet and horny and need to be filled? So achy and needy? I'll help ya.."
Out of the blue Joker pushed you down on the bed and you yelped at the sudden shift in the air. "J? What're.."
"ShuT. Up. You deserve someone who will treat ya right. Mmm, should've picked someone else then. Lemme break you Princess, open up for me."
You didn't like where this was going but Joker did say to trust him. It was going to be scary but you had to trust him. Didn't mean you had to like it. You didn't want him breaking anything of yours!
Before you could turn your head away, Joker already grabbed a hold of it.
"Look at me! I said... spread your legs slut."
If Joker didn't see your pussy glistening with cum, he would have dialed things back but surprise surprise, his little virgin liked being dominated. You liked his meaner side even if your brain couldn't wrap itself around the idea. Joker was over the moon discovering your kinks way before you did.
He watched in glee as you parted your thighs for him. Your pretty folds were glistening like the delicate flower it was. Joker repeatedly slapped his dick on your puffy lips and you jumped in shock with each unexpected smack.
Even if you could squirm away, Joker would just drag you back. With one hand keeping your face towards him, he used the other to prod his cock in your slick juices.
You were so wet, he almost slipped inside with no resistance. He let you coat his dick completely and hissed at the warmth beckoning him in.
"Don't... look... away. Here we go. Ahh s__t, oh shhh shh Y/n, I know. I-I know it hurts and that.. Heh, that's just the tip.."
You were a panting mess. It felt like you were being split apart and he barely had the tip inside? This wasn't what you signed up for! "Joker, wait!!"
He muffled your cries with a kiss and bullied his way deeper inside of your tight walls, one agonizing inch at a time. You clawed at his forearm that was holding your face and wept at the sting his cock left behind.
It wasn't supposed to hurt yet it felt good at the same time. You couldn't decide which sensation overpowered the other, but right when you thought you couldn't take anymore, Joker bottomed out inside of you— groaning at your walls gripping him tight as you sobbed uncontrollably around him.
"Ahhh! Please, Joker no more!" You begged. Joker settled in within you, laughing.
"Whaddya mean, Bunny? That's it! Good job for taking me soooo well. You ahh, took it a-all on the first try. Breathe doll. Ya gotta breathe."
Joker groaned as you turned a little blue in the face. His cock was already making you go stupid and he had yet to start thrusting.
He wanted to tease you about it but he wasn't any better as your gummy walls choked the life out of his dick. You felt absolutely sinful wrapped around him. He felt lightheaded from the intense heat your body enveloped him in. 
"How does it f-feel to not be a.. mmm.. virgin anymore?"
"F-Full..." You wheezed out.
"Yeah? What if I ahh, take it away?" Joker pulled out, till nothing but the aching tip remained and you cried out, begging him to come back. "I knew it, such a greedy little slut... but today I'll be generous. Here you go."
He thrust into you sharply, making you arch your back and disrupt the grip he had on your face. "Ohh you like it rough, doll?"
Joker grabbed your hips instead and set his knees into the bed. Each word was drilled into your pussy with a powerful, breathtaking thrust. "Good. To. Know."
You couldn't think straight let alone form words from the assault. All that could escape your lips was Joker's shortened name and pornagraphic moans.
You were tossing your head side to side and drooling up a storm. Joker thought it was the prettiest thing in the world. You were a natural.
"And you thoughT you wouldn't be good enough, HA! You're perfect for meeee.. I should've taken you months ago, f__k." Joker didn't care if he was talking too much, you were proving to be too much for him to handle.
Between your tight pussy suffocating his cock, to your breast bouncing in his face, Joker didn't know where to focus his attention.
That is, until you made the decision for him.
You never followed his instructions. He didn't care how hard it was to focus, he wanted to see the moment your brain shut down and floated away. How could he do that if you closed your eyes?
Joker growled and picked up the pace but not before squeezing your throat. "What.. did I tell you? Don't. Look. Away."
He wasn't expecting you to let out an airy giggle in response. You would be his undoing. Smiling as he choked you? It was like you were made for him.
Joker groaned and lost himself, giving it his all to make you feel good. This was your first time after all. He would stop at nothing to make it perfect.
You weren't complaining as you struggled to breathe in between the brutal pace Joker set and with his hand wrapped tightly around your throat.
A while ago, the initial pain of his cock entering your hole morphed into mind numbing pleasure. Now you understood the hype behind sex. Why did your parents and other adults growing up censor this from you?
It was indescribable the way Joker made you feel. You were in fact seeing stars with each cant of his hips. Had you known sex could feel this good sooner, you couldn't even wrap your head around the possibilities your teenage self could have created.
"nny? Bunny? Come back to meeeee. There ya are! Heh, thought I squeezed too tight."
You blinked back the fog to notice Joker had come to a stop inside of you and was doting on you with a slight look of concern in his eyes. It was gone by the time you cleared your throat.
He let go of it during your brief stint in headspace when he saw your eyes roll back.
There was a fine line between breath play and choking. Joker wasn't about to go too far, especially since this was your first time.
He wanted this to be memorable, not kill you. So against his wishes, he stopped to check on you when you became unresponsive.
You were breathing normally again (albeit your eyes were still glazed over) but he proposed a new idea anyway. "Wanna try a different position?"
You stretched your arms out for Joker to grab onto with a meek nod. He chuckled at your innocence on full display.
His sweet girl was a pillow Princess through and through.
Too bad he wanted to corrupt that and everything else about you. You would be a ravenous minx by the end of his teachings, that much he was certain of.
Joker sighed as he left your warmth and drummed up a good position in his head. There were so many he wanted to try with you but one in particular made him grin deviously.
You caught sight of it and gulped down your fear. "J... please be.."
"Nothing about me is gentle doll. Remember thaT. Now, what's a sweet little thing like you owning a big mirror like this hmmm?"
Joker scooped you up from the bed and slammed you face first into the floor length mirror that you had set up in the room.
He loved seeing your shock reflect through the mirror.
"Do ya use it to touch yourself? Can't blame ya if you do. I'd watch this body too.." He fondled your hips and squeezed your breasts as you shook your head in denial.
You watched yourself in the mirror being manhandled at a loss for words.
"N-No! It's not l-like that!" You cried out when Joker yanked your hair back in his strong grip. All you could do was grip the mirror's frame, less you lose your balance.
Joker had you standing on your tippy toes with your head tilted all the way back in order to stare up into his eyes.
"Open your mouth." He ordered.
You did without hesitation but froze when Joker spat right onto your tongue.
"Ahht ahht, swallow. Now." He growled. He didn't care if it was yucky to you, it asserted his dominance over you and he grinned when you teared up but swallowed on command.
He noticed your legs rubbing against each other and knew subconsciously you loved it. That innocent mind of yours was holding you back however.
"It's always the shy ones." Joker chuckled under his breath. In an instant he used your hair to guide you back onto his dick. Your breath was stolen right from you by the unexpected invasion.
"Oh bunnyyyy, you got tighter." He groaned.
He rammed his cock into you at a bruising pace and yanked your hair whenever you tried to look away. Your only option was to lean forward onto the cool mirror and watch as J pounded into you from behind on its surface.
The sight of your nude body being taken in such a way was embarrassing— all flushed and slack jawed, but Joker was right there behind you, whispering how beautiful you were and how lucky he was to take your v card. 
Whatever that meant.
What you did know was that Joker was thrusting into you harder than ever and that wondrous feeling from before was fast approaching again. You were unsure how Joker managed to fit his length inside of you yet there was a noticeable bulge in your stomach that you couldn't keep your eyes off of.
Joker followed your gaze through the mirror and relocated one of his hands to rub against it during each snap of his hips. And when he pressed down on it? You sang praises to his name.
"You.. really are stuffed.. fuuc—full of me huh, baby doll? G-Gooood, that's good." He smiled into your skin and picked up the pace, like he wasn't already rattling the mirror and artwork against the wall with every rough thrust.
You were swaying on your feet from the pleasure and it grew the moment Joker rubbed erratic circles on your clit.
You couldn't handle the added stimuli and tried moving his hand away because this time it really felt like you were..
Your undoing completely blindsided you; it was so intense. Your legs shook like a newborn's and you almost fell if not for Joker catching you at the last minute. He was in high spirits, cooing in your ear.
"D__n, Y/n! Goood girl, C'mon.. breathe for me Bunny.. yeah. That was.. heh somethin' else wasn't it? Shhh shhhh easy now.." He ignored the wet mirror dripping with your cum to help you down onto the plush rug at your feet.
You were twitching and pushing Joker away but he fought back and flipped you onto your stomach.
Your legs were still dripping wet from squirting, so your pussy accepted Joker back inside no issue.
That didn't mean your brain was so welcoming. "J.. too much, I-I can't!"
He just positioned your hips into a painful looking arch and drilled your pussy like no tomorrow.
"I. Don't. Care. Bunny. Ahh, you... ohh, youuuu got to cum twice now, selfish little whore. N-Now it's my turn and I'm gonna.. use ya.. like the dirty slut we both know ya are!"
He threw his head back as he slammed your hips back to take his dick over and over. The way your skin rippled with each thrust, the echo of wet skin on skin, your pathetic cries floating in the air; Joker loved every detail.
A quick glance to his right gave him the perfect view of your back arching in the mirror and your tear stained face smushed into the rug.
You were taking his cock with a blissed out smile on your face. Joker truly was a lucky man. Your first time and you were already showing signs of being a perfect cock-slut.
What more could he ask for in a partner?
He'd love exposing you to his most kinkiest desires and treating his touch starved Princess to all of the pleasures known to mankind. By the way your weeping pussy was still throwing it back on him and squeezing his dick so tight, physically you were still in the game.
A shame your mind couldn't keep up.
He laughed at the broken pleas spilling from your lips. Your mind was still a virgin but your body never truly was. This body of yours was begging for his cum.
And he would deliver.
Joker choked on a moan as his release creeped up on him. His hips lost their rhythm and became more primal in the desperate need to cum. Joker reached down and grabbed ahold of your hair to twist your face towards him.
"Now this... ohh shi— tt-this is the ahh, most important part Bunny. Good.. gooood girls get rewarded. T-They get cum deeeeep in their greedy little wombs. You.. you want thaT? You want my cum?" He asked.
You didn't understand a single word but nodded aways. "Yes J, please!"
Joker was too close to mock your eagerness. He was spouting nonsense himself; his head was so mushy.
"I'm gunna give it to ya. You've been such a good little bunny. This'll make ya feel sooo much better, so full n' complete. All m-mine.. you'll take it yeah? Won't you, Y/n?"
Joker had more to say but two thrusts later, he erupted in your pussy, painting it white with no end in sight.
Joker's release triggered one last orgasm from you as his hot cum bathed your walls and sent you down a spiral.
You collapsed and Joker's weight kept you pressed to the floor as he continued to rock his hips into you, unable to stop himself. Both of you struggled to catch a breath but Joker regained his senses first and rolled over onto his side, dragging you with him.
Naturally he was the big spoon and showered you with much needed affection.
You were shivering with aftershocks with a faraway expression on your face. He hummed as he softened inside you and waited until he was coherent enough to check on you.
"Y/n?" He brushed a lock of hair off your shoulder. "You uhhh alright?" Joker turned you around and you clung to him instantly.
He rubbed your back and petted your hair, a complete 180 of the dominant man rearranging your guts just moments prior.
"I wasn't too rough, no? If ya didn't li-ke it or.. uhh, we can try again? More gentler—-"
You cut him off with a kiss.
Joker looked down at you in shock. Your beautiful face was wet with tears but your eyes... those sweet e/c shined so brightly at him in adoration. 
"It was p-perfect, J. T-Thank you." You kissed him again and collapsed into his arms when your strength suddenly failed you.
You landed on his chest and left kisses where you could reach. They were weak brushes of your lips, but Joker didn't mind. At least you were okay.
"Mmm, err don't thanK me just yet doll. C'mere." He tipped your head back so the two of you could lock eyes.
"This... was tame compared to what I'll do to ya next time."
Your eyes widened. "N-Next time?"
Joker snickered at your innocent wonder and nodded. Somethings just wouldn't change he guessed.
"Mmhm. There's so much more to learn Y/n.." He tucked a curl of hair behind your ear. You were so pretty in your afterglow, he couldn't even focus on what he was saying.
Joker didn't know how long he was gonna lay low with the authorities but he knew he was staying here with you for a very, very long time.
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 7 months
svt gym rat bf things
I am re-starting my fitness journey, and what better to motivate me than being a casual (worrying) level of obsessed with svt. So yeah once again no one asked for this but here we are, writing it anyway
Warnings: some slightly suggestive material, going to the gym/fitness/working out is the topic, meals and eating mentioned
-he is 100% using any gym time with you to show off/impress you/remind you he's ya man, the most overtly sexy of the gym bfs
-likes to hold eye contact while he does hip thrusts. if he's really feeling it he'll get the weights as close to your actual weight as possible, looking at you while he stacks them all up.
-the BELT FLICKS.......the belt flicks. he does it on purpose. and by god you’re grateful.
-shamelessly ogles you the whole time
-he will slap your butt after spotting you for squats and call it his boyfriend tax
-knows you think he's sexy when he works his arms or chest so he always calls you over to spot and then smirks when you get flustered
-but he doesn’t anticipate how desperately whipped he becomes watching you work out (the post lift cardio session is always of a very specific genre if u know what I mean)
-also is a sucker for you in gym clothes and buys you new gym fits every other week
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-only wants to go if you're going (poor boy is tired)
-really good at spotting though, always there to help if you need
-easily impressed when you do anything even remotely cool or beat your pr
-spends most of the time talking to you while you work out
-gets flustered when you do something he finds attractive but will NEVER admit it and tries to play it cool
-when he does finally get to the workout you are disgusted by how much bigger his arms are than yours
-i just know he got a fire gym playlist with barbiecore songs bc they get him hyped
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-subtle flirting in the gym is this man's love language
-meets eyes with you and winks across the squat rack, "accidentally" grabs the same weight and your hands touch and he looks up at you all dramatically, leans against the mirror to chat you up
-all smiles even when he's lifting something really heavy if you're there
-makes a plan beforehand for what you're both working that day and checks in with you periodically to see how you're doing
-does silly dances to his gym playlist to make you laugh
-gives you hugs no matter how sweaty you are
-makes sure you push yourself just enough but never too hard
-the gym selfie king -- and he knows all your best angles
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-working out with him is a hazard because he always makes you laugh mid lift and you nearly drop what you're holding
-big proponent of stretching but mostly because he likes to see how flexible you are because he is a heaux
-he is also pretty dedicated to his workouts and knows how to keep on task at the gym, but thinks it's cute if you're bouncing off the walls a little
-switches earbuds with you while working out and then judges you when half of it is music he's a featured artist in
-he will challenge you to fake dance battles
-sneaks lil kisses between sets
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-cannot contain himself because YOU CAME TO THE GYM WITH HIM, goes way too hard, and complains for the next four days about how sore he is
-"races" you on the treadmill
-takes his shirt off because "he got too sweaty" but then gets suspiciously excited when you stare at him or compliment him
-you catch him staring at you all the time
-does his squats RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE and then looks over his shoulder at u like "what r u looking at? perv"
-will do every single gym couples challenge with you, sends you videos throughout the week being like "we should try this"
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-another tired boy, but he does plan what he's going to work out at the gym every time and appreciates you following his schedule with him to keep each other on track
-workouts are usually not aerobic heavy so there's a lot of eye contact with him too
-cannot keep a smile off his face when you hype him up while he lifts, which is almost reason enough for him to do it
-is also super encouraging -- when you're challenging yourself to do something you've never done or trying to break a pr he's always so supportive and sweet
-lets you pick out matching gym fits to wear and always loves how happy you get when he comes out in his
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-this man is the ultimate gym buddy and personal trainer
-if u express even a vague interest in working out he will sit you down to discuss goals and expectations and then come to your first gym session with a written, illustrated schedule targeting your specific body type & goals
-meal preps for u :(:(:(:(
-THE BEST spotter and also why do i feel like he has weird amounts of chiropractic knowledge and will be able to help you stretch SO well
-you can ask him any question about any workout and he knows the answer
-for some reason being in the gym with jihoon is so romantic to me like??? i feel like he'd be spotting you while you lift and he'd just lightly touch your arms to steady you and you'd be a blushing mess and so would he and then you'd go make out after
-worried you’re gonna get hurt so it’s sometimes hard for him to complete his workouts bc he’s watching your form
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-going to the gym with seokmin would be a disaster in the best way
-will you work out? yes
-will it mostly be your abs, from laughing at him the entire time? also yes
-he will do bicep curls at you AGGRESSIVELY while he blasts careless whisper over the gym speakers
-his squats are all excuses to throw it back/twerk into you
-is also down for a couples challenge or two
-would be very complimentary of your muscles even if you don't feel like they're that good
-counts down your reps in a silly voice
-he ALSO has really good belt flicks but kind of by accident, and when he catches you blushing he'll tease you about it
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-another elite-level gym buddy bf
-does love shots with your preworkout & makes the BEST post-gym meals
-he would also totally be that guy who has you kneel on his feet when he does sit-ups or lay beneath him while he does pushups so he can kiss you every time
-he is also an ogler. he will stare shamelessly at your butt as you walk by
-you might try to do a couples challenge once, but he's clumsy af and it didn't end well so you vowed never to do it again
-he's just a big baby so every time you exclaim over how nice his body is he'll get all shy
-also of course this man is posting up in a backwards baseball cap, a black skintight shirt, and gray sweatpants ON PURPOSE but he'll pretend he doesn't know he's committing literal crimes
-enthusiastically encourages you “one more rep babe one more you got this YEAHHHHH”
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-i see him more as a yoga/barre guy than a lifting guy
-also very good at stretching you out
-gets embarrassed when you watch him push through a difficult workout bc you're practically drooling at how attractive it is
-but he's also surprisingly goofy in the gym with you and makes sure you’re both having a good time
-loves to do those couple yoga poses and couple stretches
-also is down to help you with boxing or jiu jitsu moves
-post-gym glow is real on minghao
-hard to keep ur hands off each other after you get home hehehehehehehe
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-leg day is every day. so many squats are being done
-he also makes you laugh a lot
-for any aerobic workouts you are either getting in the pool with the grannies for water aerobics or ur doing Zumba there is no in between
-takes you on runs to beautiful spots in the city
-gets competitive about working out with you so if you do more reps than him or run a lil faster he pushes himself too hard
-is always prepared: the night before, he’ll set out your gym clothes, fill your water bottle and put it in the fridge, portion out the preworkout, etc
-wants to share gym playlists, so he has one earbud of yours in the gym at all times
-surprises himself with how much he’s staring at you because wow he likes you in that tight shirt and leggings
-I can see him being really methodical about working out, so he kinda gets lost in it and forgets you’re alive, until you do your little dances around him
-he loves it when you show off for him so he can compliment you bc he’s kind of shy to do it without a reason bc then he’d have to admit how much he’s forgetting to work out because he’s paying attention to you
-gives you kisses to congratulate you when you reach milestones
-he would also be elite level gym buddy bf
-uses gentle hands to correct your form if he’s worried you’re gonna hurt yourself 🫠
-he is also goofy in the gym but he also knows exactly when to be serious
-almost more committed to your goals than you are and goes buck wild when you reach a goal of any sort bc he is AN ADORABLE CUTIEPIE
-it’s the little things for him — like when you hum along to the song in your ears when you’re re-racking the smaller weights, he’s just so smitten with you
-idk why but I feel that he would be so good to you when you’re feeling that post gym soreness. he’s on that draw you an epsom salt bath, give you a massage, bring you Gatorade type beat
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
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oddinary house pt 1
cyborg!chan x reader
genre: horror
content warnings: electrocution
word count: 1.7k
summary: a girl approaches oddinary house, no idea of what would be inside
This was a mistake, the young girl thought to herself as she warily approached the dark, abandoned mansion that barely held itself up in front of her. Metal railings that would have once protected this home were bent and twisted in all sorts of different directions, like someone had once fought to escape the place. Or maybe it was to stay inside the grounds that were overwhelmed with weeds and ivy running up the sides of the building. Yet, despite it's unwelcoming aura, there were some signs of life, such as the electricity running through the red neon sign that said 'Oddinary House'. Albeit was flashing, she at least knew she was at the right place.
It was a mysterious predicament she had found herself in, yes. The letter she had received a week ago inviting her over for the week leading up to Halloween had been very convincing. There was promises of permanence her childhood home had never given her. Sentences that enticed her into the feeling of safety, which contrasted with the appearance of the mansion, she must say, but hey, she wasn't going to judge a book by it's cover. Quite frankly, she didn't know why she was here, but there was also something in the back of her mind reminding her that she had nothing to lose. Even if she was to never be seen again, she wouldn't mind that. Anything to be rid of the same four walls she was restricted to the whole of her life.
As she approached the front door, she wondered, should she knock? It was completely see through, offering a transparency to the house the girl hadn't expected. They must be anticipating her entrance, the guests of the house who offered her a cleaning job, to fix and repair the house and help restore it to it's original form. She decided, she should knock, with such big responsibility about to be in her hands, it was only right to treat the place with such respect. Yet, as she rose her hand to tap at the door, it slowly opened on its own accord, like it had a mind of its own. There was no wind to explain what had just happened in front of her very eyes.
"Hello?" she called out timidly, wincing as her boots met the creaks of the rotting wooden floors. She'd have to keep an eye out for that.
"Come. Forward."
The girl jumped as the robotic voice sounded from around her. Where was it coming from? It was like it had been tuned into surround sound speakers, and how could they see her?
"You are finally here," the voice spoke again, words disjointed.
The girl turned again to see a... man? Except it wasn't quite a man, it was more like a half man, half robot. A bolt was screwed into his right ear, and half of his face had been invaded by metal plates. His blue eyes mirrored that of which she could only assume was blue synthetic hair.
"Are you... Mr Yang?" she asked nervously, surprised to say the least. She couldn't remove her gaze from his electric blue ones.
"Mr Yang is, pre, pre, preoccupied with other matters," he began, head suddenly jolting to the side as smoke came out of his ear, until he could eventually get the words out.
"Are you okay?" the girl asked concerned, a frown appearing on her face. This was surely no environment for a robot to be in, the whole reception area of the house was damp, droplets dripping onto some open wires. In fact, she was sure she saw the robot flinch when water met the copper plates of the wires.
"I am OK. I am... Not... me," the robot man said abruptly, hands struggling to lift his glasses back on his face. She noticed the open machinery on his arms, embedded into his fingers and running up his arms, acting as joints and muscles.
"Here let me help," the girl cautiously pushed the man's glasses further up his face.
"Thank you. What is your name?"
"Y/N. Y/N L/N. I was offered a job by Mr Yang to work here, in a letter. What's your name?" Y/N explained to the robot, before returning the favour, unable to hide her curiosity no longer.
"My model is CB97, but they call me Chan," Chan nodded rigidly, his answer seeming to have taken longer to load than his other words, like it was the first time in a while he had been asked this.
"Nice to meet you Chan... ummm, what do I do now? I was told to expect a tour of the place," Y/N retold the words she has read in the letter she had somehow misplaced, but she remembered every word.
Unfortunately, the words seemed to have stirred up a malfunction, what the girl could only assume was Chan's anger.
"No. No tour. Wait. Wait here. Then it will happen," Chan's blue eyes glowed brighter. Then his metallic body shifted to stand, a buzzing sound echoing around the room as he slowly but surely approached her.
"Wait here? Is Mr Yang coming here or not?" Y/N asked, now a bit frightened at the cyborg clanking its way towards her.
"Wait," Chan stopped in his tracks, a few feet away from Y/N, as his feet became planted into the floors, like there were outlets that he generated energy from.
"Chan, what is happening?" Y/N asked again, fear filling her from the unknown of what would happen next.
"Welcome to Oddinary House. Take a seat behind you. My name is CB97. I will send you to your room. Thank you for choosing to stay with Oddinary House. We hope all of your monsterous needs are fulfilled," Chan froze in his robot form, blue sparks flying from his body as his mind went on autopilot and he spoke what seemed like a monologue he was very used to. Or perhaps he was programmed to do so.
Y/N was taken aback when she found herself suddenly strapped into a chair as silver cuffs kept her wrists against the arms of the leather chair, her ankles being strapped in against the legs of it.
"Chan? Chan, what's going on?!" Y/N yelled out terrified as she tried to wiggle out of the chair.
His feet were unplugged from the ground, and he marched behind her chair, resting his hands on the sides of her head with an expressionless face.
"Chan what is this?!"
"We cannot find that in our records. Name."
"It's Y/N, you already know that!"
"Y/N. Age 20. You are staying in room 143."
"Chan listen to me! Chan?!" Y/N's tears ran freely down her face and she could her them fizzling against Chan's fingers that framed her face as her head was held still.
"Your stay here will be indefinite. There is no time listed."
"CB97!!!" Y/N desperately shouted, and that's when the buzzing that had filled her ears stopped, and the girl didn't know of it was for the better of for the worse.
The clanking of the metal marched once again, Chan, or CB97 standing in front of her, yet this time, he had a red eye alongside a blue one, instead of both of them remaining the same colour.
It was for the worse.
"CB97. Umm, release. Yeah, release! CB97. Release," Y/N cleared her throat, trying to be firm and hide away her shakiness so that the robot would listen to her and understand what she was saying. The metal cuffs were now beginning to feel really tight and the fact that her stay at this building was indefinite, was making her even more scared. Yet, a sad part of her still felt safer being restrained and unable to move in front of an unpredictable creature, than at home with her family.
"Request. Denied."
"No, no, no! Chan, listen! CB97, explain! What will happen now?" Y/N whimpered after knowing that she wouldn't be freed.
"Y/N. Y-y-you, will, b-b-b-be taken t-to your room. You cannot leave," Chan's voice became deeper yet he seemed to be bugging out, and suddenly wires sprang out from the uncovered workings on his arms and they connected to the metal cuffs. Electricity charged into the metal, and Y/N screamed out in pain as she was electrocuted.
"Ahh! Ahh! Stop! Stop!" her screams rang out around the room.
Chan's body was jolting and nearly bouncing in its place as the electricity ran out from his body and be finally shut down, like he was being restarted. Y/N sighed in relief, body going lax in the chair as her body was exhausted from the electricity having been forced into it.
"CB97. Restarting."
"Chan?" Y/N whispered, seeing his eyes shutter open and close before they turned back on, and thankfully revealed his normal blue eyes.
"Y/N. Extreme body exhaustion detected. Cause: electrocution." Chan reported as his eyes did a scan on Y/N's body. "Explain how this happened."
"Chan, you sort of malfunctioned and then some wires came out and got me. You sort of just went... out of control?" Y/N stared at the robot in front of her, and there was a flash of human emotions in his eyes, an almost furrow of the brows.
"CB97 malfunctioned. We apologise for this mishap. Chan will do better. Next time," Chan's head tilted downwards and he genuinely looked apologetic.
"Chan, I just want to rest now," Y/N said tiredly. She could see her frizzy hair out of the corner of her eyes and her arms nearly felt limp.
"CB97 will send you away now."
And with that, the chair started moving quickly down what seemed like a never ending hallway, and as it slowly started to begin to move, Y/N saw Chan return to his space behind the reception desk. It passed through a long hallway, different patchy wallpapers seen as she sped forwards at what felt like the speed of light.
The motions were too much, to the point where Y/N passed out, slouched in the chair. The only semblance she had of where she was, was when she felt the softness of a bed, a blanket encompassing her body. That slight moment of consciousness allowed her to see the door to her room close, a bat flying through the small gap before it did.
What had she gotten herself into?
taglist: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky
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gimmethatagustd · 2 months
venor (12) | kth + jjk
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The barista at the university’s café keeps telling Jungkook not to come back, but Jungkook is too busy daydreaming about kissing the beauty marks on his face to be paying attention to his warnings.
○ Pairing: Tiger!Taehyung x Bunny!Jungkook
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: Hybrids, predator/prey, college au, strangers to lovers, slow burn, fluff, light angst, eventual smut
○ Word Count: 7,862
○ Warnings: Time for y'all to judge me for my smut writing, loss of virginity, blow job, what the gworlies call self-lubrication aka slick, Taehyung's got a big dick (in every universe imo), size difference, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, anal fingering, unprotected anal sex, alcohol, scenting, marking, self-esteem issues, jealousy, pet names
○ Notes: This is cliche and cute and smutty (don't @ me, I warned you in advance) and 2 days late 😌
○ Post Date: April 2, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Cross-Post
○ What was Jai listening to? The series playlist
Series Masterlist
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“Considering everything you’ve put me through, I feel like I shouldn’t have to be here right now.”
The glare that Yoongi gives Jungkook is scary enough to rival the biggest, meanest predator hybrid on campus. It has been three weeks since Yoongi suffered through Jungkook and Taehyung’s little not PG date night, and he still won’t let it go, despite Jungkook’s numerous apologies — both verbal and in the form of sweets— which Jungkook surely thought Yoongi would accept by now. At this point, Jungkook doesn’t know if he should still be embarrassed by the fact that his roommate heard him loudly orgasm or if he should be annoyed that Yoongi won’t stop talking about it.
“Oh, come on, hyung! This is fun!”
“Is it?” Yoongi scowls.
Hooking his arm around Yoongi’s, Jungkook practically drags him through the front doors of the university’s basketball arena. The building is massive and packed with fans hurrying through the ticket lines to get to their seats as the announcer’s deep voice booms over the speakers. The announcement lets everyone know that the game is about to start. For as many months as Jungkook has been getting to know Taehyung, it’s surprising that this is his first time watching Taehyung play.
“Jungkook-ah! Yoongi oppa!”
Suyun waves her arms from where she stands in the lobby, past the ticket lines. She’s so small that Jungkook nearly loses her in the crowd once he and Yoongi have finally made it through the line, their printed tickets clutched between their fists. Luckily, her ears make it easy to relocate her.
“Yay, I’m so excited!” Suyun throws herself into Jungkook and Yoongi to squeeze them together in a hug her scrawny arms can barely maintain. “Let’s hurry up! They’re already playing.”
The sea of college students and locals eager to watch a Saturday evening basketball game against the university’s biggest rival pushes the three friends in waves down the arena’s wide hallways. It’s hard for Jungkook to keep up with where he’s going, easily getting confused by each rounded corner they turn and how everyone looks the same in their white and blue clothing to match the university’s colors. Occasionally, splotches of red and black are in the mix, but the rival’s fans are sparse. Even Jungkook knew how to dress the part, wearing a pair of powder blue overalls with one strap undone and hanging forward to expose more of the white sweater underneath and his all-white Converse. The 90s chic look might make him sweat down to his balls, but he looks cute, and that’s what matters.
“Is our basketball team really that big of a deal?” Yoongi asks, unable to hide the genuine curiosity that seeps through his words.
“How have you gone to school here for four years without knowing, oppa?”
Suyun clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth with a shake of her head as she guides Jungkook and Yoongi down the crowded halls until they reach a large, open doorway. At least Jungkook isn’t the only one new to this.
Thousands of fans are packed in the seats consisting of three separate levels circling the basketball court in the middle of the room. When Jungkook tilts his head back, he thinks he can see people nearly in the building’s rafters. It’s all very overwhelming, but there’s a sense of comradery that makes his body tingle. It’s cool to be part of something bigger than himself! And it especially feels cool knowing that all these people are here to see his Taehyung play.
“Jackson got us really good seats,” Suyun explains as she continues leading them through the crowd, though it’s not as busy down here on the ground level. “They aren’t courtside, but they might as well be.”
Their seats are only a few rows from the court, meaning Jungkook has a clear view of the basketball players huddled around men in suits, who he assumes are the coaching staff. From the huddle, Jungkook spots Jackson’s bushy orange tail and the silvery glint of Hoseok’s scales in the arena’s fluorescent lighting. As he takes his seat in between Suyun and Yoongi, Jungkook searches for the mop of coppery curls he loves so much.
Taehyung spots him first. Having been blocked by another player, Taehyung steps to the side just far enough to see around the huddled group and straight into Jungkook’s wide eyes.
Hey bun, Taehyung mouths to Jungkook with a waggle of his eyebrows.
Waving shyly, Jungkook tries to shoo Taehyung away so he’ll pay attention to whatever his coach is saying. Of course, Taehyung doesn’t listen. Instead, he elbows one of the players standing next to him. Jungkook watches with hot cheeks as Taehyung leans in to say something to the other player before turning to point at Jungkook.
Stop it, Jungkook mouths back, waving Taehyung off again.
The buzzer sounds, notifying the teams that the game is resuming. Taehyung blows a kiss at Jungkook before spinning around to get into place on the court.
“What position is Taehyung?” Yoongi asks over the roar of the crowd as the game advances.
“Point guard,” comes a response from Jungkook’s right. He and Yoongi turn to see a face that has become more familiar over the past few weeks.
“Hi, Jimin hyung,” Jungkook has to project his voice to greet the calico cat hybrid when the crowd boos after the rival team makes a basket.
“Jungkook-ah, Yoongi hyung.”
Jimin nods curtly before slinking into his seat beside Suyun, who immediately scratches behind one of his splotchy, multicolored ears. He sticks his arm down the row of seats to offer a large bag of popcorn, which Yoongi declines, but Jungkook takes a handful of the buttery goodness.
Like most domestic cats, it takes Jimin a while to become comfortable with strangers, so he has only recently started hanging out with Jungkook whenever Taehyung and Hoseok invite them to their apartment. Yoongi’s presence seems to help Jimin feel at ease, perhaps because of their shared prey hybrid species. It’s cute how aloof they are; Jungkook doesn’t know why he finds them so endearing, especially Jimin, who always seems to look simultaneously bored and conniving.
“What does a point guard do?” Jungkook asks between chewing his popcorn. He directs his question to Suyun, though Jimin may also know the answer. Yoongi is just as hopeless as Jungkook.
“Honestly, I don’t really understand all the rules…” Suyun admits sheepishly. “I think it’s Taehyung’s job to help set up the other players so they have the best opportunities to score. He’s always shouting things and telling everyone where to go when he passes the ball and stuff.”
Pride swells in Jungkook’s chest when he sits back to watch the game, knowing that his Taehyung plays an important role. Of course, all the players do, but not all the players are Taehyung, and Taehyung is the one who matters most. Obviously.
“It fits Taehyung. He’s so bossy,” Jimin rolls his eyes and tosses a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
“Is he?” Jungkook has never felt like Taehyung is bossy, but the annoyed look on Jimin’s face tells another story.
“So bossy. But all predators are, aren’t they?”
Yoongi snorts a resounding, “Yeah, they are,” while Suyun insists, “They’re not all like that.”
“Jackson doesn’t count,” Jimin licks his buttery lips, “He’s so whipped for you.”
“And Taehyung is whipped for Jungkookie,” Suyun giggles at Jungkook’s pink face.
“Let’s just watch the game…” Jungkook angrily scrunches his nose and glares at his friends until there’s more shouting from the crowd, and he quickly turns back to the court to see what he’s missed.
For the rest of the game, Jungkook won’t take his eyes off Taehyung, who spends it sprinting up and down the court, only taking a few breaks. He looks good in their university’s blue basketball uniform. The sleeveless jersey shows off the definition of his arms, especially when he raises them and bends them at the elbow to prepare to shoot or rushes down the court while dribbling the basketball. There’s too much distance between them to tell, but Jungkook is sure all the movement has made Taehyung’s veins raise slightly in his forearms — an occurrence capable of causing Jungkook ultimate psychological damage if he witnesses it up close. It’s good that Jackson got them seats that aren’t too close.
There aren’t many timeouts, but Taehyung takes advantage of the few scattered throughout the game to wink at Jungkook and blow him kisses. It makes Jungkook feel warm and fuzzy inside, something unordinary and special, like Taehyung is some kind of celebrity and Jungkook is the fan he’s fallen in love with. Unfortunately, his little dreamworld is rudely interrupted by obnoxious squealing.
“Did Kim Taehyung just blow a kiss at you?”
“I don’t know!”
“Oh my god, he totally did!”
Jungkook turns around to look at the group of girls sitting in the row behind him. Interestingly, the group is a mix of predator and prey hybrids, which Jungkook would usually find cute, but the current circumstances sour that realization. There’s no way these girls can possibly think that his Taehyung would be showering them with affection, girls he doesn’t even personally know! It takes everything in Jungkook’s power to slowly turn back around and stamp down the ugly feeling of jealousy that eats away at him like acid in his gut. He felt this once before, when Taehyung spoke with his friend in the library, and he hates it just as much now as he had then.
“You good, kid?” Yoongi asks with a flick of his tail against Jungkook’s arm to get his attention.
Jungkook’s response isn’t convincing, but the game is nearly over, and Yoongi can’t interrogate him in the middle of a basketball arena, so Yoongi lets the conversation go. The girls’ comments are harmless, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t important. To Jungkook, they’re a reminder of the one thing he desperately craves from Taehyung and still doesn’t know how to ask for: commitment.
Their university wins because of an iconic three-point basket made by Hoseok right before time runs out. The entire arena erupts in screaming and chants of his name—including Yoongi, whom Jungkook has never seen so animated. It’s cute, and it makes Jungkook wonder why Yoongi agreed to attend the basketball game with him.
It takes a while after the game ends for the players to return from the locker rooms. Jungkook, Suyun, Yoongi, and Jimin stand around the side of the basketball court, finishing up the last of Jimin’s popcorn and passing around an extra-large soda Suyun convinced Yoongi to pay for during the game’s halftime. It isn’t a sufficient dinner considering the group plans to go out drinking after this, but part of Jungkook was hoping that the guys on the team would be too tired to go out. Although Jungkook has yet to experience the city’s nightlife, he thinks he’d rather get cozy in bed with Taehyung and spend the rest of the night with each other. It’s Suyun and Jackson’s fault that everyone has jumped onto the idea of clubbing; it’s always their fault if the plans include drinking. Little, quiet Suyun! Jungkook never knew he was missing out on this side of her personality until he started hanging out with predator hybrids.
The first player to return is the one Jungkook has ignored all night. Byungchul has made himself scarce ever since the altercation at Jackson’s house. Although Jungkook is no longer angry or afraid, he’s still uncomfortable, and that’s enough to not want to be near Byungchul if he doesn’t have to be. So, when he realizes that Byungchul is heading straight for him, Jungkook finds it difficult to look him in the eyes.
“Hi,” Byungchul greets the floor once he approaches Jungkook, also avoiding eye contact.
Trying not to sound mean or defensive, Jungkook is quiet and slow when he responds, “Hello…”
Byungchul’s gray wolf tail hangs so low that it drags on the floor and his ears are flat to his head and only visible because the gray fur stands out against his black hair. His hair and fur are wet from showering in the locker room, and he’s wearing a university-branded tracksuit and a backpack thrown over one shoulder. Despite being much bigger than Jungkook, he looks small.
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry I was such an asshole to you and your friends. And, well, my friends, too,” Byungchul takes a deep breath and finally meets Jungkook’s gaze. His expression is softer than Jungkook has ever seen; the typically harsh, almost hateful look melted away into something less severe and almost… sad.
“No one put me up to this or anything,” Byungchul continues, “I was being a dick, and it fucked with the team’s dynamic, and, I don’t know, I realized it was all stupid. I know Suyun and Jimin are cool. And you must be cool if hyung likes you so much.”
Byungchul pauses for a moment to give Yoongi a strange look, with his eyebrows furrowed and his head slightly tilted to one side.
“I have no idea who you are, but, uh, I’m sure you’re cool, too.”
With a snort and a roll of his eyes, Yoongi mutters, “Cooler than any of you will ever be,” before walking off to throw away the empty soda cup.
“Anyway, yeah, that’s… that’s all I wanted to say.”
“Thank you for apologizing,” Jungkook says with heated cheeks because his senses alert him to the presence of Taehyung returning from the locker room with Hoseok and Jackson.
Byungchul must also grow shy from the sudden audience because he doesn’t say anything else. With a slight bow of his head, he bids everyone a silent goodbye and jogs over to a few other players hanging out by the exit, waiting for him. It’s odd to see Byungchul so quiet and not the boisterous, aggressive bully he wanted to make himself seem like. Despite understanding that Byungchul behaved from a place of insecurity, Jungkook is still confused by him. Jungkook can’t imagine ever wanting to make himself out to be a bad guy.
“Everyone alright?” Hoseok asks as he approaches the quiet group of prey hybrids.
Almost immediately, Jimin breaks away from the other prey to latch himself to Hoseok’s side, giving Taehyung a pinch on his arm on his way over.
“Jimin-ah!” Taehyung swats at the calico with a hiss, and Jungkook can’t help but giggle when Jimin hisses right back. Cats. How has Jungkook managed to surround himself with them?
“Byungchul apologized to Jungkook,” Suyun explains as she beckons for Yoongi to hurry up before the group leaves.
“Shocking, really,” Jimin says with a smirk, “Considering how big predators’ egos are, I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to find the capacity for empathy.”
Rather than be offended, Hoseok snickers. His laughter is a strange mix of hisses and giggles, making Jimin’s smirk morph into something a little closer to a genuine smile.
Jungkook isn’t the best at reading people’s scents to determine their moods, but he has lived with Yoongi long enough to tell when he’s getting worked up for whatever reason. The sour spike in Yoongi’s citrus scent doesn’t match the blush that paints his cheeks when Jimin begins openly scenting Hoseok by nuzzling his neck.
“Ugh, enough of Byungchul, I’m so tired of talking about all that bullshit,” Jackson groans. “Who needs a ride to my place? I can fit four other people.”
They’re all grown adults in college, but it takes counting on their fingers to figure out who goes in which car. Taehyung doesn’t bother worrying about it; he’s got his eyes on Jungkook while everyone else plans their next moves for the night. Jungkook tries not to stare at him, and he’s even proud of himself for not latching onto him — mainly because Jungkook promised Yoongi that he wouldn’t leave him alone with all the couples doing coupley things like a seventh wheel.
“Taehyung,” Hoseok pushes him on the shoulder for not paying attention. “Is it cool if you and Jungkook drive together?”
Taehyung’s grin is boxy and boyish when he replies, “I mean, I guess.”
Jungkook and Taehyung walk back to Taehyung’s dorm while their friends clamber into Jackson’s car. Whereas Jackson already showered in the arena’s locker room, Hoseok is too disgusted by the idea of showering where “who knows how many other athletes have showered,” and Taehyung is too married to his skincare regime to shower anywhere other than in his own bathroom. They split up, allowing Hoseok to get ready for the night at Jackson’s house and Taehyung the ease of not needing to share the bathroom in their apartment.
Jungkook is just happy to go wherever Taehyung goes.
“Did you have fun?” Taehyung asks with his lips pressed against the soft fur of Jungkook’s bunny ear. It tickles, and Jungkook tries to escape, but Taehyung’s arm is draped over his shoulders to pull him back in.
“Mhm, I had no idea what was going on, though,” Jungkook admits, laughing lightly when he remembers Suyun and Jimin trying to explain the rules, only for Yoongi to look them up online and find that they were wrong.
“I should have prepped you beforehand.”
Jungkook shrugs.
“We should play together instead. I think I could beat you.”
Taehyung steps away from Jungkook to open the front door of the residence hall. He gives Jungkook a shocked look, eyebrows raised, and one corner of his mouth tweaked into a half-smirk.
“Oh, really? You think you could?”
Jungkook pushes past Taehyung and leads them to the stairwell, skipping the elevator like always.
“I probably work out more than you,” Jungkook purposely gives Taehyung a long, hard look that drags from his feet to the fuzzy, striped ears on his head. “I’m strong and definitely more agile than you are.”
It’s all fun and games, just silly shit-talking until Taehyung gets that wild look in his eyes. Jungkook spins on his heel and launches himself up the stairs, taking them two at a time, knowing Taehyung is right behind him. He has the advantage of being lighter on his feet and not having been playing sports for nearly two hours straight, so he manages to scramble up the stairs without getting snatched until they’re outside Taehyung’s apartment door.
“Did you forget I’m a cute little bunny?” Jungkook teases through his heavy breathing, which matches Taehyung’s panting. “Hopping up the stairs is easy. I’ve got a good bounce to me.”
Pressed with his back against the door, Jungkook looks up into Taehyung’s eyes with his chin raised and a smug look on his face that quickly falters when Taehyung says,
“You bouncing sounds fun.”
“Ah, open the door, Tae!” Jungkook shoves Taehyung in the chest, forcing him to give Jungkook space to move away from the door. “You’re gross.”
Chuckling, Taehyung does as he’s told. 
“I’m going to shower now, but I’ll be quick,” Taehyung murmurs with a kiss on Jungkook’s forehead, his short exhale ruffling Jungkook’s bangs.
Jungkook smiles in response as Taehyung disappears through the bathroom door. Once the door clicks shut, he turns around and retreats into Taehyung’s bedroom. He likes the feel of Taehyung’s bedroom the most out of all the rooms in the apartment. The green walls and plants and earth-toned furniture are comforting. There must be some psychology about why natural hues induce relaxation in hybrids; Jungkook is sure it’s part of their biology. Or perhaps he feels relaxed as he flops onto his stomach on the bed because the comforter smells like Taehyung, and he can already sense how their scents dance around each other, mixing to create the aroma of peaceful spring rain. Perhaps Jungkook’s sense of comfort is a little bit of both, a combination of nature and nurture.
Catching himself metaphorically drooling over Taehyung yet again, Jungkook gives himself permission to keep gushing over the boy in his head. When Jungkook started getting to know Taehyung, he was a starry-eyed, silly bunny determined to crack the mysterious tiger’s hard exterior. Now, he sees Taehyung for what he really is: a quiet, somewhat reserved boy who feels deeply and has a heart of gold. 
As for Jungkook, he doesn’t think he’s very different from the bunny he was when he first transferred all those months ago. His identity hasn’t changed much, but how he thinks about himself has. He’s still starry-eyed and silly, but he’s confident in his desire to be a kind and accepting person, and he no longer worries about being considered naive.
Jungkook props himself up on Taehyung’s pillow as he sprawls out on the bed, phone in hand, to scroll through his phone for music to play on Taehyung’s speaker while he waits for Taehyung to finish showering. Most of his recent music has been random lofi playlists Taehyung showed him, perfect for relaxing or studying. Those don’t seem particularly fitting to prepare to go clubbing, so Jungkook searches for a playlist with a decent mix of mainstream hip-hop and pop songs to bop his head along to while he aimlessly scrolls through social media.
It’s still early, and Jungkook is sure that the rest of their friends will take a while to get ready, even with Jackson’s house having multiple bathrooms. Luckily, Suyun and Yoongi were already prepared to go out after the game; it’s the basketball players and Jimin who should be concerned about taking too long.
Jungkook can’t help but giggle when he thinks about his friends, particularly his poor Yoongi hyung, squished between Hoseok and Jimin in the backseat of Jackson’s car. He looked terrified — with his orange tail clutched in one hand to prevent anyone from accidentally sitting on it and his ears flattened against his hair — as if he didn’t love having two pretty boys trying to talk to him all night. 
With the right amount of alcohol, Yoongi will loosen up enough to enjoy himself despite going out not being high on his list of favorite things to do. It might not even be high on Jungkook’s list of favorite things to do, but considering he hasn’t ever gone clubbing before, he’s not sure. All he knows is that Taehyung is responsible for ensuring he doesn’t get messy, as Suyun said. 
Not long after Jungkook texts Yoongi and Suyun to confirm which nightclub Jackson wants everyone to meet up at, he hears the bathroom door open. Taehyung is always light on his feet, hardly making a sound as he walks down the hallway. Sneaky, a quality not uncommon for a predator hybrid.
Pushing himself up, Jungkook settles for sitting in the middle of Taehyung’s bed and turns toward the door when Taehyung crosses the threshold.
“Jackson said we should go to…”
Jungkook trails off, the name of the nightclub escaping out of his brain through his ears like all his common sense and body’s ability to remember how to breathe. Frozen in place, the only things that move on Jungkook are his throat when he swallows, despite how dry his mouth has gotten, and his eyes that follow Taehyung to his closet.
Seeing Taehyung shirtless isn’t shocking; they’ve slept in the same bed a few times, and Taehyung usually sleeps shirtless. Seeing Taehyung wearing only a fluffy white towel that sits low on his hips, with a few stray beads of water trickling down his chest and his copper hair slicked back away from his face… seeing that is more than Jungkook’s little soul can bear.
When Jungkook doesn’t speak, Taehyung turns around to look at him, his forehead wrinkled with worry lines.
“Bun? Go where?”
Heat climbs up Jungkook’s neck like scorching pinpricks in his skin when he realizes he has forgotten what he was supposed to say. It takes everything in his power to stare into Taehyung’s eyes instead of at the swell of his pecs and how his arms flex as he sorts through the clothes hanging in his closet.
“Um,” Jungkook quickly looks down at his phone, using clumsy fingers to open Suyun and Yoongi’s text messages. If he doesn’t chill out, he’s going to lose to his naturally horny bunny instincts, and he cannot do that right now. “Singularity. That’s the, uh…”
“Club?” Taehyung offers, one corner of his mouth twitching like he wants to smile or laugh but is holding it in.
“Do you know what time?”
Jungkook keeps his head down, using his ears and bangs to hide from Taehyung as he sorts through his text messages with trembling thumbs. He needs to calm down before he embarrasses himself.
“Suyun said thirty minutes, but Yoongi hyung said an hour,” Jungkook responds after deep breaths. “I’d trust hyung more, honestly.”
The slide of Taehyung’s fingers in Jungkook’s hair makes him look up from his phone. He tilts his head back far enough that he can look directly into Taehyung’s eyes — and not at his crotch, which is much closer to Jungkook’s face now that Taehyung stands at the edge of the bed.
“That’s enough time,” Taehyung reassures as he massages the base of Jungkook’s ears. The gentle caresses make Jungkook’s eyes flutter.
“Enough time for what?” Jungkook asks and leans into Taehyung’s touch.
Using his grip on Jungkook’s hair, Taehyung guides Jungkook closer until he’s kneeling on the bed in front of Taehyung, making it easier for Taehyung to whisper his response against Jungkook’s lips,
“For me to help you find new pants.”
Huffing, Jungkook tries to voice a complaint, embarrassed that it seems Taehyung will never let this terrible joke die, but Taehyung slots their lips together faster than Jungkook can keep up. 
Taehyung isn’t slow this time, and although he keeps his promise of being gentle, there’s more force in how he handles Jungkook as if he’s no longer concerned about scaring him. He digs his fingers into Jungkook’s silky black hair and tugs on the strands, not harshly, but enough to force Jungkook to tilt his head to the side so Taehyung can deepen the kiss. It’s wet and hot, Taehyung shoving his tongue in Jungkook’s mouth, curling his tongue around Jungkook’s like he curls his arm around his waist to pull him closer. 
“I can smell it on you,” Taehyung murmurs when he moves to nuzzle Jungkook’s throat, dragging his nose and pink lips along his soft skin. 
“How turned on you are. Don’t need you to get wet to know.” 
Taehyung bites Jungkook’s neck just above the scent gland where a mating bite is meant to go. Jungkook’s neck has been littered with deep red, almost purple, bruises ever since that night Taehyung lost control of himself. Jungkook thinks it’s another way for Taehyung to claim him, like mating bites that disappear rather than stay forever. Yoongi’s warning about mating echoes in Jungkook’s mind when Taehyung bites him again with enough pressure to leave an intent in his skin but not enough for it to hurt. 
It feels good. Jungkook whimpers as he hesitantly grabs the back of Taehyung’s head to keep him against his neck when he tries to pull away. 
“Shit,” Taehyung groans, and goosebumps spring up along Jungkook’s skin when he scrapes his teeth against his throat, “You like that? Like it when I leave marks on you?” 
Jungkook nods with his eyes fluttering closed, just a small hum in response. 
“Want me to bite you?” Taehyung’s warm, hypnotizing voice draws Jungkook in. It’s low and soothing, with a tantalizing edge that makes a shudder run through Jungkook’s body. 
“Please,” Jungkook whispers as Taehyung trails kisses along his jaw. 
“Want me to mate you, bun? Make you mine?” 
Tugging Taehyung’s hair, Jungkook pulls him backward until they both fall onto the bed with Jungkook on his back and Taehyung hovering over him. 
“Yes, Tae,” Jungkook begs, hardly knowing what he’s saying but can’t stop himself, as though Taehyung has genuinely hypnotized him. His voice is frantic, breathy, and pathetic like he needs it.
“Mmm, you know I can’t,” Taehyung smiles against the apple of Jungkook’s cheek, opening his mouth slightly to press his blunt front teeth there, too. “You naughty bunny. Don’t even know what you’re asking me.” 
Taehyung muffles Jungkook’s whine with his mouth, sucking his tongue with a slight bob to his head as he reaches with one hand in between their bodies to unclasp the other strap of Jungkook’s overalls. Pulling the flap down, he slips his hand beneath Jungkook’s sweater to run his fingers along his warm skin.
“Why are your clothes so complicated?” Taehyung leans back to kneel between Jungkook’s legs, which are bent at the knees and spread open to accommodate him.
“It’s a cute outfit,” Jungkook pouts, making Taehyung’s huffy expression blossom into a boyish grin.
“You do look really cute. I couldn’t stop looking at you.”
“I noticed.”
Taehyung’s slow curl of his fingers around the waist of Jungkook’s overalls is a silent request. Jungkook’s raise of his hips is the silent granting of permission.
“Almost fucked up that free throw because I could hear you cheering for me.”
Too distracted by what Taehyung is doing, Jungkook can’t bring himself to protest Taehyung’s accusations. How dare Taehyung blame him when all he was trying to do was give Taehyung encouragement! The complaint is lost, gently brushed to the side by Taehyung’s gentle caresses as he helps Jungkook take off the rest of his clothes, leaving a pile of white and powder blue amongst the swath of browns and greens that is his bedroom.
“You’re cute, but you’re also beautiful,” Taehyung’s tone is soft, as are his touches as he runs his hands up and down Jungkook’s bare torso.
It’s the first time Jungkook has been fully naked in front of Taehyung, in front of anyone. He thought he would be more nervous, that he would be petrified by insecurities. Instead, he feels heat spreading through his body, little fires burning in his chest and the inside of his thighs, like electrical sparks setting off flames in his veins. The longer Taehyung stares at his body, exploring it with light fingertips that flick his brown, perky nipples and skate across his hip bones, the hotter the fires burn.
Jungkook knows he’s attractive; people have always praised him for being pretty. But Jungkook doesn’t want to be pretty or cute; he wants to be hot, like the heat Taehyung’s gaze stirs inside him.
Leaning forward, Taehyung sucks one of Jungkook’s nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it to hear the weak whimper that the action elicits from Jungkook.
“Ahh, Tae,” Jungkook curves his spine to press his chest against Taehyung’s mouth and digs his fingers in his damp hair when Taehyung lets go of one nipple to drag his lips across his sternum, sucking and licking the other once he reaches it.
“Hoseok hyung isn’t home,” Taehyung murmurs against Jungkook’s chest as he tosses his towel onto the floor.
Initially, the comment doesn’t sink in for Jungkook. He’s caught up in the wet kisses Taehyung plants down his stomach and the wave of slick-inducing pleasure that overtakes him when Taehyung takes his cock in his mouth. It takes barely any time for Taehyung to suck Jungkook until he’s fully hard, and it isn’t until he’s guiding Jungkook to turn around on his hands and knees when it finally hits him.
No one else is home.
The moan Taehyung coaxes out of Jungkook when he presses two fingers into his hole is uninhibited because there’s no one to offend by how loud he is. His moans come out stunted and quick with every thrust of Taehyung’s fingers. Eventually, they stretch out and shift into a higher pitch once Taehyung finds his prostate and focuses on pressing that spot every time he fucks into him with his fingers.
“You’re so wet, I don’t even think you need any prep,” Taehyung groans as he inserts a third finger.
Jungkook lowers onto his forearms to press his forehead against the mattress, unable to keep himself up when his arms shake so severely. He does his best to rock with Taehyung’s movements but is too embarrassed by how uncoordinated he is compared to Taehyung.
“It feels good,” Jungkook sighs when Taehyung pulls his fingers out.
Nodding, Jungkook twists around to meet Taehyung’s dark gaze. He’s got that look again, ardent and wild, with dilated pupils and his scent so strong that Jungkook can imagine the two of them getting lost in a thunderstorm of Taehyung’s making. It stirs that primal urge to run, to get away from the predator that drapes his body over Jungkook’s, pressing him into the mattress on his stomach so he can grind his cock in between his cheeks with practiced precision.
“What do you want, bun?” Taehyung’s breath comes out in hot puffs against Jungkook’s neck.
What does Jungkook want?
He digs his fingers into the bed sheets and turns his head to the side so Taehyung can kiss him. Each smooth, slow roll of Taehyung’s hips against his ass gently pushes him up the bed. It feels so good, even though the nerves about what they’re doing are finally starting to kick in. He can hardly breathe when Taehyung nips at his neck where his scent gland is.
What does Jungkook want?
“I want you.”
Taehyung’s hips still. He nuzzles his face further into Jungkook’s neck and leaves kisses there, each one planted on top of the sore hickeys he’d bitten and sucked onto Jungkook’s skin. There are so many reminders of the commitment they could have, but neither will offer out loud.
“Want me to fuck you, Jungkook?” His name sounds rough, coming from Taehyung, like a growl pulled from deep inside his chest.
Pressing his forehead to Jungkook’s shoulder, Taehyung whispers a quiet “Fuck,” before sitting back on his knees.
“I want you to ride me.”
It’s a command, even though it’s spoken softly. Jungkook could say no if he wanted to; he knows Taehyung would respect him. But he also feels like his instincts tell him that he must obey this predator who looms over him with a hungry glint in his eyes.
“I won’t be good,” Jungkook mutters as Taehyung trades places with him. He’s gorgeous, laid out on the bed, honey gold skin against white sheets, and his hair dry enough to start getting fluffy and poofy atop his head. Jungkook may be gorgeous, too, but he’s inadequate in other ways.
“What do you mean?” Taehyung leans slightly to reach for Jungkook, guiding him to straddle his hips like before.
“I don’t know what I’m doing, and you’ve…”
“I’ve what?”
Biting his lip, Jungkook looks off into the room, his eyes landing on his reflection in the darkened window. Seeing a distorted image of himself on top of Taehyung makes him even more nervous.
“You’ve had sex with other people before,” Jungkook says quietly.
“Bun,” Taehyung squeezes Jungkook’s tiny waist and glides his palms upward until they rest on his chest. “This is about me and you, that’s it. The other people are in the past for a reason. And I’d never judge you. You’re so perfect, Jungkook. You do it for me just by being you. I don’t care about you being ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or whatever. You’re you, and that’s enough, alright?”
Jungkook rests his hands on Taehyung’s and keeps them cradled to his chest when he nods in understanding. Maybe he’s naive, but he believes Taehyung, even though his insecurities tell him not to.
“I want you to ride me so you can determine our pace, okay?” Taehyung explains, and Jungkook nods again. “You can control how much you take, so you’re more comfortable. If I’m on top, I might hurt you.”
A bit of primal fear returns, spiking through Jungkook’s fiery veins with a shot of ice. Although they joke around about their differences, the reality is that Taehyung is bigger and stronger than Jungkook. He genuinely could hurt him, especially with this being Jungkook’s first time.
Choosing to trust him, Jungkook lets go of Taehyung’s hands so he can rest them on Jungkook’s waist. It feels nice having Taehyung’s hands there, like a comforting pressure to remind Jungkook that he has someone to support him through this.
“Okay,” Jungkook confirms breathily, with a sigh. “Okay. I’m ready.”
He wants to be sexy, but he doesn’t know if he can be when he’s trembling with nerves along with excitement. Taehyung genuinely doesn’t seem to mind. He rubs Jungkook’s sides, lightly dragging his nails across his ribs and occasionally brushing over his nipples while Jungkook works up the courage to do this.
“Do you want me to help? I can sit up and—”
“No!” Jungkook blushes from his sudden outburst, but Taehyung just grins.
“Alright, alright,” Taehyung says, lying back and crossing his arms behind his head. “I’ll be over here minding my own business.”
Something about the nonchalant pose makes Jungkook’s stomach flip, and not just because it makes Taehyung’s biceps bulge. Forcing himself out of that mindset, Jungkook presses his palm against Taehyung’s chest to steady himself as he leans forward, lifting onto his knees.
“Yeah, that’s it,” Taehyung murmurs as Jungkook reaches behind himself to gently grab Taehyung’s cock. He keeps his promise by staying still and letting Jungkook guide his cock, slippery with Jungkook’s slick, to his hole.
Jungkook is so wet that he takes Taehyung’s cock much easier than he expected, even with how thick it is. Still, it’s a lot, especially for a prey hybrid’s first time, and Jungkook’s body trembles as he sinks further down, taking it slow like Taehyung told him to.
“Tae,” Jungkook whimpers once Taehyung is fully inside him.
“Fuck, look at you.” Taehyung runs his palms up Jungkook’s thighs until he reaches his waist, giving him a light squeeze. “How do you feel, bun?”
“You’re big,” Jungkook’s voice trembles as severely as his body.
“Mmm,” Taehyung smirks, wild eyes sparkling despite their darkness. “That’s what I like to hear.”
Playfully hitting Taehyung’s firm chest with his fist, Jungkook scolds him for his vulgar comment during such a serious moment.
“Oh my god, Tae, shut up.”
Dropping the cocky attitude, Taehyung’s features soften despite maintaining the wild look, still stroking Jungkook’s instinct to run. Taehyung lightly squeezes Jungkook’s hips, pulling him forward just enough to understand the silent cue to start moving if he feels comfortable.
So Jungkook does, at first leaning forward with his hands holding Taehyung’s pecs as he tries rolling his hips. The angle lets him adjust to Taehyung’s size better, slowly easing away the stretch and light discomfort he’d felt earlier until he’s whimpering and calling Taehyung’s name in a rushed chant.
“Lean back a little,” Taehyung instructs as he bends his knees slightly so Jungkook has something to hold onto. “It’ll feel better if my little bunny bounces.”
The bad thing about being on top is that Jungkook can’t hide from Taehyung’s teasing. All he can do is blush until his face is on fire, and then do exactly as Taehyung says, lifting and easing down until he is bouncing on Taehyung’s cock.
“Oh my god, oh god,” Jungkook nearly wails when Taehyung grabs his hands and intertwines their fingers.
“Yeah, fuck yourself on my cock, baby,” Taehyung groans, “You look so pretty, fuck.” He squeezes Jungkook’s hands so tightly that it hurts, but Jungkook doesn’t care because Taehyung didn’t call him bun; he called him baby.
“Again, Tae,” Jungkook gasps, letting his head lull to the side as he moves. “Call me that again.”
Taehyung lets go of Jungkook’s hand and reaches up to wrap his hand around his throat, using his grip to force Jungkook to look at him.
“Hmm? What? Call you baby?”
With a quiet whine, Jungkook nods his head. He doesn’t think he’ll survive the swell of affection he feels inside his chest when Taehyung grins with so much boyish charm and repeats himself,
“Baby, you’re my baby, Jungkook-ah. Didn’t you know?”
“Harder,” Jungkook whispers in response, too overwhelmed to articulate himself in any other way.
That one word is all Taehyung needs, though. His hands find Jungkook’s waist as he plants his feet and thrusts upward, pulling Jungkook down on his cock to meet each thrust. It’s a miracle they found time to be alone, with Jungkook a crying, babbling, moaning mess on top of Taehyung, completely resigned to being a pillow princess who can do nothing but hold on as Taehyung fucks into him. It’s hard and fast, so desperate that Taehyung was otherwise good at hiding. His fingers dig into Jungkook’s hips hard enough to leave bruises that will match the ones scattered across his neck and collarbones, but Jungkook doesn’t care. He likes it.
“Feel good, baby?”
Jungkook nods quickly, not bothering to speak through his sounds of pleasure. He leans forward slightly to slide his hands through Taehyung’s hair and rubs his fuzzy tiger ears once his fingertips brush against them. The deep purr he gets in response makes him touch Taehyung more.
“Gonna cum with me, baby? Can you do that for me?”
He nods again as Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s cock and starts jerking him off at the same pace he fucks him. The buildup of pleasure has Jungkook wound so tightly that it only takes a few pumps before he cums with a loud sob.
“Fuck,” Taehyung hisses, continuing to jerk Jungkook off even when he starts to cry. He doesn’t stop until Jungkook cums for a second time, with Taehyung as he finally finds his release.
Jungkook can feel the moment Taehyung relaxes, when his hungry fervor slowly seeps away and exhaustion takes over. He feels it in himself, too, his arms and legs losing strength until Jungkook thinks he’s just a blob slumped onto Taehyung’s heaving chest.
“I didn’t pass out while conscious,” Jungkook whispers and Taehyung weakly laughs.
“Does that mean I didn’t perform well?”
Taehyung is cheeky and fishing for compliments that Jungkook will gladly give him.
“It was really nice, Tae,” Jungkook speaks against Taehyung’s neck, where he nuzzles his face to scent him despite them being covered in each other’s scents from sex. “I’m happy it was with you.”
There’s so much more Jungkook wants to say, but he can’t. Not now, when it could ruin the moment. Not now, when they must slowly pry themselves from each other and take another shower because Jungkook’s slick and cum are all over them. Later. Jungkook will tell Taehyung later, tell him everything he’s afraid to say as they cram into the shower together and take turns washing each other’s hair.
He promises himself that he’ll tell Taehyung later. 
Clubbing isn’t as terrible as Jungkook feared it would be. It’s pretty fun, though he wonders if he’s having a good time because he’s under the spell of a particular tiger hybrid with a dazzling smile and warm eyes that crinkle every time they happen to fall on Jungkook’s from across the room. Jungkook is also drunk, so that could also impact the level of enthusiasm he has when Suyun drags him out onto the dancefloor.
“You look unusually happy,” she shouts over the loud music with a hoarse voice.
“I’m always happy!” Jungkook gives Suyun a deep pout.
“Well, yeah, but like, more than usual!”
Jungkook doesn’t know if there’s such a thing as a post-sex afterglow, but he really hopes that Suyun doesn’t make any connections to what transpired before he and Taehyung arrived at the nightclub. He wonders if Taehyung has already told his friends or if they can tell.
Biting his lip, Jungkook looks away from Suyun’s swaying dance moves and finds Taehyung leaning against the bar with Jackson and the pretty panther predator Jungkook remembers from the library, Ten.
“Oh, I know what it is,” Suyun giggles and gulps half her drink. Jungkook has the same kind, though he doesn’t remember what it is; aside from that, it’s more vodka than anything else.
“What? No, you don’t!” Jungkook shoves Suyun, and she shoves him back until they’re both play-fighting while the other clubbers try to grind on each other. “Stop it!”
“You’re in looooove, Jungkook-ah! You’re all glowy in the face because you’re in love!”
“Shut up!”
“What, are you afraid he’ll hear me?” Suyun’s eyes are large and glazed over when she turns around to look for Taehyung. “Maybe I should tell him for you. TAEHYUNG! JUNGKOOK WANTS YOU TO KNOW THAT—”
Jungkook grabs Suyun’s arm and yanks her hard enough that she stumbles into him, causing the two of them to nearly trip. Some kind stranger struggles to straighten them up, but the damage is done. When Jungkook looks again, Taehyung and Ten are already walking over.
“Suyun, please,” Jungkook pleads with his big, round, starry eyes that typically get him what he wants.
Before he can get Suyun to promise not to completely ruin his life, Taehyung and Ten approach them.
“What’s up, bun?”
Taehyung reaches for Jungkook’s hand and intertwines their fingers. Despite it being an innocent gesture, arousal spikes through his stomach. Just over an hour ago, Taehyung had intertwined their fingers in an entirely different context.
Jungkook feels Taehyung’s tail curl around his calf and playfully tug him, and he’s reminded that Taehyung said Jungkook didn’t need to slick for him to smell his arousal. That knowledge makes him nervous like he’s going to be found out for being a horny freak. Taehyung’s smile is soft and innocent when he looks up, so maybe Jungkook is in the clear.
“Suyun is just being silly,” Jungkook explains, shooting Suyun a look.
Suyun shrugs, “I’m drunk.”
Taehyung snorts and gestures with a nod toward the bar.
“Jackson is over there. You should have him get you some water.”
Suyun skips away with an annoyed sigh, leaving Jungkook with Taehyung. and Ten, who gives Jungkook an odd look.
“I don’t think Taehyung properly introduced us,” Ten says with a pretty smile that makes Jungkook nervous. Jungkook doesn’t particularly want to be properly introduced to him.
“Ah, shit, sorry, I’m bad at introductions,” Taehyung apologizes with a laugh that eases Jungkook’s nerves. “Ten, this is my boyfriend, Jungkook.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jungkook,” Ten says sweetly, though it seems obvious to Jungkook that the airiness to his voice is forced. “No wonder Taehyung hasn’t been around much lately. I hope you’re keeping him out of trouble.”
Jungkook twists to look up at Taehyung’s sparkling eyes and can’t stop himself from wiggling further into his side. Taehyung loops his arm around Jungkook’s waist and nuzzles his cheek against his soft bunny ears, and Jungkook feels like he might die from how quickly his heart is beating.
“He’s getting me into trouble, actually,” Jungkook admits sheepishly, and Ten throws his head back in laughter.
“That doesn’t surprise me at all.”
Unbothered by the allegations against him, Taehyung breathes Jungkook in and purrs, soft and low, and Jungkook feels all his nerves disappear.  
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Series Masterlist
Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie).
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hisaame · 8 months
hi hi! Could you do a Scaramouche x fem!reader with angst to comfort? Specifically with reader having issues on how they view their body?? ((Like their insecure)) preferably modern au plss
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first time writing on request yippie!! hii and ty, i hope this is what you've asked for!! <3 also im stillll new to writing and stuff, so im praying im good for now!
╰』ˋˋ"What do you mean you aren't pretty?" «
ˎˋ╰⪼Scaramouche x fem!reader ˎˋ
[angst with comfort] — modern au,,,
『warnings: body negativity, cursing, body touch, reader uses she/her pronouns, reader being like half naked (NO SPICY STUFF THO), idk what else to add im not good at warnings.... 』
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— Scaramouche simply couldnt understand.
How could you, a pretty girl with the body of a goddess, possibly think you look less than he thinks?
It was in the afternoon, you had invited Scaramouche to come over to your dorm, since it was the weekends and you had no subject to study, you finished two exams last week. So you wanted to have a nice day off, where your lover would be there.
But before that you decided to take a shower, u have already been outside with your friends Hu Tao and Yanfei, spending time with them since they were from another school.
You hated your bathroom. Why? Because the mirror there was huge.
Slowly taking off your clothes, its almost impossible to ignore your reflection. Its there no matter where you turn—seriously, its like they made the dorms' bathrooms like this on purpose, just to make you feel even worse about yourself as if before wasnt already enough.
You cringe at yourself once you took off your clothes. You should hurry up in the shower—but something made you stay in front of the mirror, criticizing yourself with your own thoughts. Turning a bit to the side to look at other various parts of your body, finding nothing decent or enough for yourself. You sighed, you should be positive right now, school isnt in the way and you should be relaxing.
With a glare at your own reflection, before getting into the shower quickly, turning on some warm water. Showers should be relaxing, but as you washed your body, using soap, making there be various white bubbles on your skin, they smell quite nice, and are certainly fun to play with.
But the feeling of your own hands on your body distracted you. The way you felt under your own touch, it somewhat... Disgusts you.
Finally—once you were done with showering, taking a towel and wrapping it around your body, shivering as the cool air hit against your wet skin. You dried off your hair, brushed it out, trying not to stare at the mirror too much. Maybe you're just too judgemental. Maybe you're not as bad as you think?
After you were done with your hair—you must not have noticed, but there was a sudden knock at your bathroom door. Then it opened up to reveal Scaramouche. Well, he peeked through it first to check was he invading any privacy.
"Damn, this was the last place i was gonna check. I came here like five minutes ago." Scaramouche sighed in relief to seeing you, not at all bothered by the fact you're only in a towel. He pressed a kiss to your lips as a greeting, ruffling your half dry hair.
Though, you looked uncomfortable. Not with the fact your lover had come into the bathroom while you were in just a towel, but the fact your body was pretty exposed to him, and you thought, what id he judged you? Maybe not out loud, but what if he was thinking about it?
Noticing your discomfort, Scaramouches eyes widened for a split second at his realization, then spoke up, "i can leave if you want—to wait for u to get changed." , he gave you a half smile. But you told him its alright. Why? You wanna just push him away.
At your answer, he smiled softly, nodding. Maybe you just needed him here, after a hard week. What he thought was different than what you thought. Seeing this as a nice opportunity, he went behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his chin on your shoulder as he gave you a goofy, lazy smirk, looking at the mirror where you two can be seen. Maybe you should've kicked him out...
"You always look so pretty after showering—like all clean, pretty, and u smell nice." Scaramouche mumbled, as if shy to admit. "wait i said pretty twice. Replace one of those words with 'gorgeous' then." You couldn't tell if he was flirting with you or genuinely fucked up with his words.
But the way you looked at him with almost surprise at what he said, his eyebrow raised as his expression changed.
"Why do you look like i fucking said i discovered the moon and flew to mars? Dont you know youre pretty?" He said, his usual personality showing. He doesnt exactly like being all mushy, but for you, he's a sucker. So he's nicer...
Maybe it was finally time to admit it. He was your lover anyway, and you trusted him. You nodded slowly, then immediately looked away, regretting what you just did. That... Shocked Scaramouche! You, not pretty? Were you high!?
".. Huh? Did someone tell you you're not pretty? Ill fuck them up. Who was it?" He narrowed his eyes, his embrace around your waist tightening. His protective side definitely was showing. But once he didnt get a reply, seeing the way you frowned and refuses to look at the mirror, he realized the situation.
"... [y/n]? Dont tell me you tell yourself that..." Scaramouche sighed. Figuring you werent comfortable with the mirror, he turned you around, so you can face him again. You even thought he was prettier than you will ever be. Well, he's here to prove you're better than you think!
"[y/n]. I know i dont say this a lot, but you're gorgeous to me. God, these words sound so cliche.. But its true. You're the most gorgeous, pretty, beautiful—fuck, what else—cute, adorable girl i have ever met. Okay?" Scaramouche stared into your eyes. He definitely wasnt the best at comfort, but he wants to try his best—for you.
Then he softly smiled at you. "Hey, lets get you dressed up and we can talk about how magnificent you really are?", he kissed your nose, hos face flushing immediately right after as he lead you out of the bathroom, talking to you along the way.
"You may have your flaws and all that, but thats what makes you, you. You know? I like your flaws." Scaramouche admitted, blushing like an idiot when he looked away once he told you what he thought.
Soon enough, you were dressed, dragged to bed by Scaramouche who quite literally forced you to be the little spoon this time. You could barely hear the tv over him talking about how pretty he thinks you are.
Yeah, if anyone even dared to even joke about you being 'ugly', he's getting suspended because of reasons you know what happens.
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asunnyh · 1 year
∿ ░᪶⃗ 🌱៹┊ what's their favorite love language?
cw: fluffy, kinda silly, gn reader
characters: wanderer, heizou, cyno
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wanderer ;; physical contact
I swear, give this little brat a hug that lasts a fucking lot.
hear me out: he >> loves << physical contact, but hates to admit it. After you started date, he has showing himself ...clingier? at first, you could only look at your hands shyly grabbed by his, he didn't dare to look at you face almost dumping in a stranger who was just passing by, when you asked out from curiosity, all he said was "You're so dumb you'd definitely lost yourself in this crowd, you should be thankful! besides, I don't want to have to waste our time to look for you" in a higher tone.
( you also notice how he said "our" time, instead of saying his own time, almost like the time he spend by your side is way too precious, but he would never admit it out loud)
by the time you find out he only take your hand in public because he could use that excuse, but always search out for it when you're both just chilling in the couch or doing any casual active, of course, if you make the same mistake than before and asked out, he'd pull it away saying it wasn't intentional.
If you enjoy minimum physical contact, be sure he will do it for as much as he can. but if you also love physical contact, that's way more interesting to him, specially if you are the one who starts hugs. he will complain a lot, mumbling how clingy you are, but not letting you go after he got what he wanted.
After the first hug he will try to get more, leaving "hints" of it... which consist mostly him protest you don't give him enough attention, not as much as he deserve as a superior being and all. if you do get the "hint" and hug him, he gets easily comfy into it, but still sharp saying you took too long.
if you don't (or just want to tease him, which I don't judge) he will pout in a fake-angry expression. the first time it happened you could only laugh, finally giving him the hug.
just be sure to have the acknowledge he won't let you go so quickly, don't matter what
heizou ;; gifts
okay, this one I got really in between gifts and words of affirmation, but since I'm like, 100% he is a words of affirmation person, I'm sure he'd love you to give him gifts.
hear me out once again: it doesn't mean he likes expensive stuff, he actually couldn't care less, but having something, the smaller or cheaper it is, to remember of you is just too much for his lovesick heart.
if you like to make little gifts, like flowers of paper and all (you're probably a "marry me with paper rings" person btw) he definitely got a box or a special part of his desk just for the things you gave him. there are one of this in both his house and in his office, so he could always remember of you whenever he wants.
if you're a traveler tipe, he misses you a lot (and will make sure to be specially clingy when you arrive) and always put some of the stuff you gave him closer, always in his field of vision.
and last, if you just enjoy buying stuff for him, cheap or expensive, he will keep at least one of it close to him all the time you're not by his side, if it happen to you don't be at Inazuma or don't be able to see him at least once a week, once you got the chance to visit him he will, all the time it happened, be with a plushie, a colar, a ring, even a blanket you gave him, anything to make him feel like you're by his side or at least loving him whenever you are right now.
( I even got a specific one shot about it )
cyno ;; quality time
Is not like wanderer or heizou aren't into spending a good quality time you you, they are, but cyno is specifically attached by it.
you see, he is always too busy with his work, you can't blame him, but yet is quite hard to don't miss his company. he always tries his best to make every second with you stay recorded in his memory, to always recall once things gets too bad.
it doesn't necessarily mean to get a date every time he comes back home to you, sometimes he is too tired, and in these cases, you just chill in bed, enjoying each other presence; if you're a physical touch available person, you could rest in his chest or the other way around, whatever is fine by you, but you would hug until you both fall asleep in each other arms, cyno would sigh in relief and comfy before finally getting some well-deserved rest.
"...I love you" he whispered.
When you get the opportunity to go in a date, he makes sure to spoil you the best he can, stick with you (literally or not, depends on you) all day if it's possible. not necessarily talk, just enjoying the day by each other side, without any pressure, just chilling and if you're up to, he would obviously, play some card games by the end of the day (who wins get a kiss)
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bubblegum-cherry-lips · 7 months
you kiss me, and everything just stops.
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summary: a bad day, that turns into a bad week - but that's okay because you have James and that's all you need. (modern au)
pairing: james x (gender neutral) reader
cw: none
word count: 958
Now that you think about it, you definitely should have checked the weather app - you are soaked to the bone, hair plastered onto your neck and forehead, tiny shivers running through your body at any stronger gust of wind that blows, making the already miserable situation even more miserable. 
In your defense, you were stressed out - a bad day turned into a bad week and you have reached your limit at a dinner party hosted by your company; and since that wasn’t a right place for you to snap, you decided to rush out and head for the one place where you know you can be yourself without being judged. The problem is, it’s the middle of November, the rainy season started long ago, and you have forgotten your umbrella at the event. 
A car speeds by you and you have around three seconds before it goes through the puddle and splashes you to your waist, the coat now dripping and your sanity almost snapping. Thankfully, as you turn around the corner you finally see the familiar building, and you all but run towards it. If you slip a few times and almost fall on your ass, you ignore it because the salvation is right there and you’re knocking frantically, hopping from one leg to the other in hopes of warming yourself up.
Only when the door opens and you are greeted with a mop of messy hair and panicking eyes, you realize that maybe, you should have knocked less panicky, because James looks like he’s half ready to fight.
His voice is heavy with sleep, hair sticking in every direction; his glasses fog up when he opens the door and the cold air hits them, and god you’re already smiling because no matter how miserable you are, the sight of sleepy James Potter can make all your worries melt away. He tries to clean them with his shirt, the soft skin beneath it making an appearance as he lifts the hem of the shirt and rubs the lenses, his eyes finally finding yours once he’s no longer blind.
It’s adorable to watch the flash of emotions that goes on in his eyes - from happiness, to confusion, and then finally setting on panic.
“Christ, Y/N.” Fingers wrap around your wrist and you are being pulled inside, the now wet parquet floor beneath your boot slippery enough for you to stumble again, this time sure you’re about to kiss the floor. 
The chest you land on is firm and warm, and definitely not what you have expected - on instinct, since your fingers are basically frozen and you can’t feel your cheeks, you lean into the warmth and nuzzle into the soft material, and comforting smell. 
“Mhm. You’re warm.”
“And you’re like an ice cube! What happened?” 
You’re being enveloped in a gentle hug, the one only James knows  how to give. Hugging James always feels like pure sunshine - his hugs could melt the very ache in your bones, stop your mind from spiraling into the dark void and make the world seem a little bit better when you really have nothing to hold on to. He is never stingy with his hugs either - he loves giving them, loves resting his chin on the crown of your head, letting one arm rest on the lower part of your back while the other one roams over to your neck, your shoulders, caressing any patch of skin it can find. 
“Nothing happened, I just missed you.” 
“You saw me this morning.”
“And I started missing you the second we parted ways.”
Laughter rumbles out of his chest, and it’s so beautiful that you legit whine when his hands start pulling you back, away from his chest enough for him to look you in the eyes. You notice that his shirt is now completely wet, and the puddle forming where you’re standing is turning into a small lake - and you’re uncomfortable with the clothes sticking to you, you’re still cold despite being inside, and none of it matters at the moment. Not when he leans forward and his lips are on yours for a few seconds, a smile breaking on them as he proceeds to pepper your cheeks and forehead with tiny little pecks.
“You’re a dork.”
“And you love it.”
“Only God knows why, but I really do.”
In the morning, you two may end up talking - because James will not believe you when you say that everything is fine, and eventually you will break and the events of the past week will be spoken into the air between you two. He will hold your hand, and when you feel like there is no strength left in you, he’ll kiss you gently and make you breakfast, and keep you hostage for the next 24 hours. Maybe he’ll invite Sirius and Remus over, and they will bring Lily and Mary with them, with a bunch of shitty movies and even shittier food for your health (and Remus will let it slide this time, because he knows you need it). 
But all that, it’s for tomorrow - right now, he leads you to the bathroom and with careful fingers helps you undress, lending you his clothes and removing your rings and necklace with a look of pure concentration on his face (and his tongue sticking out, which you find adorable and then decide to kiss the air out of his lungs). And when you snuggle next to him, your eyes already heavy from the hot shower, you will fall asleep faster than you did any night in the past week - and some of that exhaustion will finally melt away. 
Sirius was right, when he had compared James to the summer sun. 
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drconstellation · 5 months
Taking Things At Face Value
This post is dedicated to all those Ninas out there, who are "just enjoying the show."
I have been pondering an problem that had come up for a second time in another meta I'm writing (I left it out of an earlier one for clarity) regarding acknowledgement of identity and faces in S2, but when you keep running into the same road-block, you have to tackle it head on. Then I ran into the exact same problem a third time here, and the beginnings of this meta has sat in my drafts file staring at me for several weeks while I've been doing other things. But finally, finally, the answer has come to me, while being kept awake by a passing thunderstorm at 1.30am.
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MRS SANDWICH: You're a good lad. CROWLEY: I'm not actually, either. But thank you.
Let's start with this exchange between Crowley and Mrs Sandwich, after Crowley has led all the Whickber St shopkeepers out of the ball to apparent safety. She calls him a "good lad," and he denies it, but thanks her anyway, and gives her a charming smile. We all know Crowley hates being called 'nice' and the last time he did something 'good' he got dragged down to Hell for punishment, so it seems like an odd thing to happen.
But the thing is, while Mrs Sandwich is complimenting his actions, he is responding about his appearance - that is neither 'good' (i.e. he is a demon) or a male human (i.e. he is an supernatural non-gendered entity.)
At this point you might be going "yeah, yeah, we know, we get that! Move along op..." but this matters, as you soon will see. We should also note that neither Crowley or Aziraphale judge Mrs Sandwich for being a brothel madame (how Aziraphale does not know this when her shop is just over the road from his I will never fathom, but there you go) and Crowley is actually quite charming all-round to his parallel character (prostitution and demons going hand-in-hand - er, not literally. But they went out the door as the vanguard arm-in-arm, though.)
The Metatron turning up at the bookshop in person is the next scene on the cards. Firstly, archangel Michael doesn't recognize him, but Saraqael obviously does.
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Now, I know I'm guilty of saying that Michael may have had their memory adjusted at some time, but I'm going to suggest something else at this point. Saraqael knows who this is, because they have just had a fresh reminder from watching the recordings of Gabriel with Crowley and Muriel. And Saraqael is a pretty smart angel, so lets give them some leeway on this one. But for Michael, well, they are in the same situation as Aziraphale. They have only seen the Metatron as giant floating head without a body, so don't associate him with this appearance before them, and also because he has a beard.
Just before you jump on me and say "But he had one in the recordings!" yes, yes, I know. Two things, though, I want to bring to your attention: angels are not supposed to have facial hair,* and he doesn't have any in S1 (I checked!) and he also makes the comment "This calls for much less attention, though." Yeah, well a giant head floating through the streets of Soho would be quite a sight, wouldn't it, even though they had already been treated to the view of Gabriel's royal rear-end. Aziraphale had only met him once before, as a giant floating head in S1E4 who had had to introduce himself, so we could surmise this is Michael's problem as well, even though they were at Gabriel's trial. This is backed up by a tumblr ask/answer from NG as well, where he said "I think because they normally see him as a giant floating head, and not as a little man in a raincoat."
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MICHAEL: Um, and who are you? METATRON: For Heaven's sake. And I mean that most literally. You don't know me? Well, uh, what about you? Demon? Do you know me?
Demon. That is what the Metatron chooses to call Crowley in that company, and we know in hindsight that he knows Crowley's name - as does Uriel, and Gabriel. Even Muriel learns it. But they don't use it, at least not in S2.
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Even more notable is that the archangels don't deign to him give the respect of using his chosen name at all. He's not not even their enemy at this point - he's beneath their notice altogether, even though they are in the same room. Only Aziraphale seems to acknowledge his existence, instinctively trying to reach out to him as he passes by.
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To Nina, people are coffee preferences.
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To Mrs Sandwich, they are desires that need servicing.
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So then question I had, and that stopped me, was why did both Crowley and Gabriel question Beelzebub about their new face?
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It stood out to me because you don't normally make an obvious comment about the change of actor for a character, and to do it twice - !! You can't ignore that. No meta writer should ignore that. There is a trope term for this, actually, called "lampshading," which means to intentionally call attention to an incongruent situation within a story before moving on, but in a show where nothing is an accident, this seems a bit trite to me. Eventually I realized that this was the whole crux of the problem to me - that while we all too readily take things at face value, its not the faces that really influence us, its our internal values.
In the case of Beelzebub, Crowley recognizes the demon, their power, and their identity via the flies without any doubt; he merely comments on the change of exterior appearance. In terms of value, he knows straight away he's dealing with someone dangerous, no matter what they look like. Gabriel, on the other hand, is judging the book by its cover, and because he doesn't recognize the new cover, he needs proof of which demon he's dealing with, or maybe if they are even a demon at all.
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"Bravo," says Nina, "Just enjoying the show." She's already seen a few that week, not to mention just in the general flow of life as a shop owner involved with customer service. If you've had any sort of life in a customer service role I'm sure you've got a few stories you could tell of things you've seen or experienced as well! I know I can.
The conversation between Nina and Crowley after Aziraphale walks away is amusing for all the assumptions Nina makes about them based on what she's observed that week, but also because Crowley tells the truth every in every reply to Nina, and yet she still has no idea what he's really saying. But her judgements, based on her experience and values, still manage to drop the proverbial ton of bricks on his head so badly he slinks off to sooth himself with some alcohol while he thinks about it instead of catching up with Aziraphale to continue being the angel's nameless shadow.
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This problem with judging people on previous experience and not on who they actually are is everywhere in S2.
It's Ennon treating Aziraphale, an angel he's never met before, as a slut.
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It's Elspeth judging Aziraphale on his accent.
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It's Mrs H. giving a powerful demon a blistering tongue-lashing because she thinks he's a just simple human black marketeer.
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It's Crowley refusing to call Gabriel "Jim" because he believes Gabriel is faking it.
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...and so on. These are just a few examples. I'm sure you can spot a few more.
Which brings us back around to the meeting of the supernatural Councils in the bookshop in S2E6 and Crowley's "invisibility" to the other angels and demons gathered there. A demon to the archangels, an arch-traitor to the demons, why would they want to acknowledge him? Once he restores Gabriel, he becomes rank-less and faceless to them because they don't need him any more - its basically an act of celestial racism.
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Nina and Maggie don't really know any better, they still think Mr Crowley and Mr Fell are just, well, "partners." OK, so maybe they've been doing some weird shit the last few days manipulating things in the neighbourhood but they're still obviously a couple a group of the two of them in their human eyes - and neither do they seem to care that they seem to be mlm, either. No judgement there.
A number of times I've seen ops say they've been watching GO with family members who are seeing it for the first time, and the family member thinks they are just "close friends." Why? Because they haven't seen S2 and the kiss? Because they haven't verbally said "I love you" to each other? Do they really need to say that to prove their feelings for each other? Is that just your values creeping to the fore?
And where did you get your values from?
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Sometimes you need to stop and question why you think what you think. I'm not just talking about religious indoctrination. Some expectations put on us by by society at large can be insidious. Expectations around how gender should act, the life purpose of a gender, your worth to society if you don't meet certain unspoken standards, age-related behaviour, social norms around alcohol consumption, the way they dress, what someone eats, the way they eat it, that you must be seen to be productive, or busy...take your pick for whatever is prevalent around you at the moment and for your culture. Just start by noticing, and being aware.
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Yes, it is pointless, because demons and angels all come from the same angelic stock. There was a bit of a disagreement at one point and they split into two groups, and judgemental labels got applied to them. They are both still bureaucratic horrors. Which ever side wins the final battle, humans still lose.
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Mortal humans all look the same inside, too, if you take their face and skin away and take the societal labels off them. We forget that about ourselves all the time.
There doesn't have to be any wibbly-wobbly timeline stuff going on to explain things. What ever happened to the concept of Occam's Razor? The simplest answer is usually the correct one. And that was what I realized in the middle of the night - the cliche I had used to title this was the answer. It's about being aware of those ingrained, instinctive, judgmental values that you don't realize you've learnt, and looking past the faces that you meet.
*oh lawdy, I'm giving strength to all of you who want to believe he is a demon then, aren't I? But do demons have facial hair either?
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