#Someday I wanna make good character sheets of all my guys
ratwizz · 8 months
All I draw everyday is adventure time self insert so blehhh :P I want some requests
I'll draw:
-my ocs :] there's info about them under the cut
-penumbra podcast (Junoverse mainly but second citadel works :P)
-the magnus archives
-adventure time!! Fiona & cake too
-great omens
-horror movies in general
-moralton orelton
-falsettos 🛐🛐 (other musicals too if I know em :D)
-other fandoms too like fnaf, regular show, deltarune, bom musical, be more chill, ok ko, vocaloid, etc)
Okay so oc fun time!! Doing them in order of creation except julian is last
Also note, I have two oc universes one where it's just the world no fun or magic, and another where everyone has powers based on family line curses!!
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Sydney Salts!! (she/her) She has a bajillion different haircuts, all done poorly in her bedroom late at night. I primarily draw angst of her because her story is very sad. She struggles feeling emotions for other people and it always hurts those around her, but she can't do anything about it. It's just apology after apology, empty room after empty room. But on her fun days she's super punk and all her clothes is made of hand me downs and trash!! Shes really into classical music and folk punk. She plays banjo, piano, synth, and guitar primarily. Sydney is SUPER FUCKING LOUD!!!! AND VERY IMPULSIVE. Notable things she has done
-gave herself an undercut with a man scaping tool
-tied her laces so tied her feet lost circulation for many hours
-chipped a young teen's tooth accidentally in the pit
-peed herself while playing hide n seek in an abandoned building cause she thought she saw a ghost
Also Sydney's power is super Hella OP. She can rearrange molecules of any connected object (including just like terrforming earth's crust if she connects to it) but it takes alot of strength and focus. Her family was cursed to be one with the earth, it started with them after a certain number of years of living they would start merging with the ground they stood on and become dirt but it's changed alot over the centuries. Sydney naturally couldn't focus her ability, but her mother worked as a power prosehtic designer and created brain plugs so she could directly connect with the objects she wants to manipulate.
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Jun Kwak (he/she), Jun is my comfort oc and so I have not given her any life problems. She has it made. She's childhood friends with Meilin, since they both lived in a rich neighborhood. Since then Jun's family started having buisness problems and they moved to the ocean side to live a simpler life. Jun loves fishing, it's sweet and calm and let's him sit in peace. His plan is to build a tackle & bait store one day and spend the rest of his years on the beach. This isn't gonna work out cause plot but it's nice for now :) Jun is just a very chill and emotional but likes to goof on occasion.
Jun's family curse was to have an irresistible aroma. Jun though only produces a very subtle scent, which becomes more active in water. He mainly uses it to attract fish. The aroma he produces is affected by his health and mood so when really healthy or really during intense emotion it can affect people on land.
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Mei Lin Qin (she/they) Mei Lin is very angry and very emotive. She grew up in a family who cared and loved eachother but did awful things to others. They stepped on the rest of the world to become more and more powerful. She wanted nothing to do with that so her family let her pursue her own career but blah blah plot stuff comes in. Mei Lin was super in love with Sydney but it wasn't healthy and they end up on polite acquaintance term for years. Eventually they grow and develop something of a QPR where they were both happy. Mei Lin is a gamer girl, but she only plays the most evil competitive FPS games. It fuels the menace inside her. Her and Julian have a strong friendship based on both being haters.
Her long ago ancestor was King Midas, which led her family to suffer but eventually prosper from the gold they could create. Since then the market has been overflown with gold so it's not longer so beloved. Still Meilin can produce gold as just excess on her body. Her nails are solid gold (she has a special procedure to cut it), she has natural gold in her hair, and she is very sparkly since she has gold in her pores (just trust me it works shh)
There are characters in Jun, Julian, Sydney And Mei lin's universe such as Alice (Sydney's ex and Julian's art bestie) and Aniel (a high fashion girl who took dance with Jun and Meilin as kids and they just keep running into) but I don't have much on them :P
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This is Taylor (he/him) (black haired ghost loving incel) and Alec (any) (angry alien who acts like he knows human culture better than humans) they only exist in the non magic universe. Their whole thing is Taylor and Alec hate eachother through Cartoonishly shenanigans but fall in their own strange form of love. Taylor is really into ghost hunting and being inside all day on his pc setup. Alec is on earth for a personal vacation but is stranded cause he is very incompetent and also an asshole so nobody came after him. It's fun n goofy :] anytime I draw em I don't do them justice so there is little dooble.
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Finally Julian Salts (he/him) , I put him last cause he's always the favorite on art fight, to my friends, and to myself. Hes angry and bitter about everything and guess what! It's your problem! Cause he's gonna bitch and moan!!! Hes super pretentious - nobody understands me - kind of artist and his perfered medium is clay sculpting. He acts all mad but he actually adores his sister (Sydney), boyfriend (Jun), and friends (Meilin and Alice) so much and that's what he usually scultps after. He only wears long skirts and sweaters with slight variation. He always has ram horns in the human and non human world. I feel like he'd look weird without them. No explanation it's just how it is. He also worked in customer service for like three months and blames that one why he's so grouchy but he was very much born this way.
His cursed family was just making them goats. Nobody knew his family was human before until the curse started dying out and the babies turned into human goat hybrids. His mom had a bad mutation and ended up dying soon after Julian's birth because of this. Julian is mostly human but he has hairy fricking legs and get scared like a sheep. His head is super tough too and his loved ones just throw shit at him because they know he can take it (he doesn't mind but acts like he does). His dad is totally human but also a dick so Julian is adopted by Sydney's family. He loves his life but will never admit it.
Okay the end :D
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norbezjones · 12 days
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Sketch sheet of the 3rd love interest of Romance The Backrooms, my upcoming dating sim visual novel. Meet the sad boy, Uri! The cat is his "friend" Manorial, who we will discuss in a bit. Uri was designed by gurosquid, and Manorial was designed by Neopixelz.
Oh Uri, my sweet summer child. He's such a gloomy little guy, but I love him so much. You just wanna cuddle him and give him a great big hug because he's just so sad!
His voice actor, Sam Hodges, depicts this so fucking well. The story about how Sam got cast is kind of an interesting one, so I shall tell you the tale:
During the casting process, I wasn't getting as many Uri auditions, and the ones I did get didn't sound at all like Uri to me (this was partially my fault in not being specific enough in how I wanted him to sound, I'll admit). The deadline for the casting call was approaching, and I feared Uri's voice would not appear in my inbox.
But then, I got Sam's email. And even though he auditioned for Glarence, I was listening to it and thinking to myself, "URI??? IS THAT YOU???" Because FINALLY I could hear the character speaking to me through a talented voice! I was very happy!
So I reached out to him and asked if he wanted to be considered for Uri. He said yes, and submitted lines for Uri as well, which turned out perfect. And that's how he got cast!
As for Manorial, he's a very interesting character whose existence as he is today came about bit by bit. Here's a breakdown:
When I was trying to flesh out the Romance The Backrooms characters, I wanted to make sure that each of them had a strength/benefit to the group, but also couldn't obliterate all opponents and make all threats minor. For example, Kalcal can physically defeat most small/medium backrooms entities, but pit him against anything bigger than a hound, and he's gonna have a problem. And in a battle of wits, 90% of the time he's going to lose.
As I recall, I was discussing the characters with my friend, who I'll call L, and specifically brought up how I wasn't sure what Uri's strength should be. L suggested that Uri has an object that can help the group, but has some kind of drawback. I took that idea and ran with it, turning the object into an entity, and making the drawback into Uri losing memories, because there's so much angsty potential there and I like torturing my characters. Mwahahaha!
As the Otome Jam drew closer, I tried to figure out the memory entity's design, and was looking through the character designs I had already obtained for the game, trying to figure out who stood out to me. Then, it hit me like a freight train--ah, of course! The memory entity should be the mascot of the open species idea I adopted from Neopixelz! And that's how Manorial became the memory entity.
I'm really hyped to launch the open species when the game is out, but SHHHHH, we'll get to that when we get to that. ;3
Manorial is a suave, persuasive watcher who gazes out at the world through the red eye in the middle of Uri's forehead. Like all Memory Collectors, he is a shapeshifter, and has chosen the form he has now. He's the only character who constantly flirts with the main character, and I find that absolutely hilarious. Sorry Manorial, you're not gonna get the girl! Well, maybe in DLC someday, lol.
Manorial is voiced by Sterling Barbett! He was my 2nd choice to voice Adiel (the 5th love interest, who I'll make a blog about soon), and I knew I wanted him to get involved in the project, even if it wasn't as the voice of a love interest. So I asked if I wanted to voice Manorial, and he said yes! Hooray!
That's all for today. Please share your thoughts, and have a good one!
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It’s a Good Day to Have a Bad Date
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,383
Warnings: Slight mentions of an OC with criminal priors, violent tendencies, and a juvenile record. A teeny-tiny bit of angst.
Summary: The reader meets Jay as she's trying to find out stuff about the guy she's about to go out with and ends up switching dates.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Just to make one thing clear: I did some research on Illinois's laws  (not sure I got it right tho) and, apparently, this fic is very inaccurate. But I really wanted to pursue the idea, so just humor me, please 🙏🏻. Anyways, I had a lot of fun while writing this and thought about making a part two... But I'm not sure. Tell me what you think! 💗
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You inhaled deeply one more time before you walked into the police district. There wasn’t even a real reason for you to be so nervous about it. You weren’t a victim and you weren’t a criminal. So, what’s the worst that could happen? 
The worst that could happen was, of course, you getting a bunch of cops mad at you because you went to waste their time with some pathetic whining. It was decided, you were gonna turn back around right now, while you still had time, and just go home.
On second thought, though, it was a matter of public safety. Your safety. Which was just as valid because you were just as much of a U.S. citizen as anyone else. So you went in. 
Shit. The place was almost empty, which meant everyone would notice if you left. And they’d ask questions, so you figured you’d, at least, get ahead of them, as you walked shyly towards the front desk. There, you were met by an older woman who looked bored, and still, terrifying.
“Can I help you with something?” She asked you, while cautiously checking you out. Oh my God, she thought you could be a victim! You were such an idiot.
“Um, it’s, um, it’s actually nothing, really. I shouldn’t even have come here in the first place.” You told her while smiling a little. What you didn’t know was that what you said had only raised more flags in the sergeant’s mind, even catching the attention of a tall man writing some things down on a paper at the corner of the counter. The young detective stayed back because he knew that Platt would know how to manage the situation, but continued listening to every word of the conversation.
The sergeant, then, took her glasses off, setting them on the counter. “Listen, miss, my name is Trudy Platt and the reason why I became a cop was that I wanted to help people, in every way that I possibly could. So, if you need my help with anything, just tell me what it is. And, I promise, I’ll do everything in my power to give it to you.” She assured you and, as much as you felt this huge sympathy for the woman, you also felt even worse about making her waste her time. So you tried to fix things.
“Oh, my God! I’m so, so, so sorry! I’m not a victim in any way, thank God. I said that I shouldn’t have come here because I’m not even sure if what I wanted to ask is legal…” You told her with a nervous laugh. Hearing that, the Sergeant’s eyes sparked with curiosity.
“Well, then I probably won’t be able to help you.” She told you, stressing the ‘probably’ and making the man at the end of the counter shamelessly turn his face in your direction in order to better hear your conversation. “But… Since you’re already here, and it’s been such a slow day for the District, maybe you should just ask me whatever you want to and I’ll be the judge of whether that’s legal or not. After all, unless you’re some sort of lawyer, I should know more about the law than the average civilian.” The Sergeant skilfully baited you.
“Um, no, I’m not a lawyer.” You confirmed with a small laugh while tugging some of your hair behind your ear. “Actually, since I’ve just recently moved here to Chicago ⎼ to Illinois, really ⎼, I’m probably a lot below your average civilian.” You stated with a giggle. At that, the guy that had lost his discretion about eavesdropping started chuckling a little himself, to which the older woman responded with a look you’d absolutely hate having directed to you.
“So, Chuckles, you have nothing better to do than to stay here listening to other people’s conversations?”
“First of all, it’s detective,” he started in a mocked smug tone, “and, second: no, uh, I actually don’t. I came to fill this paperwork down here exactly because we were about to kill each other upstairs, just to get out of the boredom.” He added, raising some paper files he had in-hand. “Besides, you know how much I, too, love to help people.” He said while shooting you a charming smile. Okay, that guy was pretty handsome. “Jay Halstead, nice to meet you.” The detective informed you, holding out his hand.
“Right, um, nice to meet you too, sir.” You replied, shaking his hand. “I didn’t even say my name, what a clums!” You joked while patting yourself on the forehead. “I’m (y/n) (y/l/n).”
“Okay, just, please, lose the ‘sir’ with that one, otherwise, he’ll never let it go.” Trudy chipped back in the conversation.
“So, what was it that you wanted to ask the sarge? I can assure you that we’ll let you know if it’s illegal. After all, two judges are better than one.” He suggested, all smiles.
“Since when?” The sergeant practically barked at the younger man, just to add: “You know what? You wanna be here at my front desk, Halstead? Then be here, but be quiet and let the lady talk.” She bluntly ordered him, who decided to do as he was told.
“Alright, um, it’s just that this guy who I don’t really know anything about asked me out and I said yes, even though I got a bad vibe from him?” They just stared at you with their jaws dropped, so you added: “Pathetic, I know. But I didn’t really wanna judge him without any proof, or anything like that, so I figured that, maybe, I could try and check if he has any criminal priors or something.” You finished with a tiny embarrassed smile.
“And why on Earth would you think that we could give you this type of information?” The sergeant asked you, her expression being one of pure shock.
“I, uh…” You didn’t really want to embarrass yourself even more but felt the urge to explain anyways. “It’s just that I’m a small-town girl, okay? And, over there, everybody knew my family, so, whenever I wanted to go out with someone, my dad would just ask his buddies at the Sheriff’s office to look the guy over. And he always told me that that was really important, so, when I moved to the state’s capital, I just wouldn’t go out with anyone unless a close friend vouched for him. Because I was terrified of what I’d see and hear on the news. But here… I don’t really know anyone yet.” You blurted it all out, to two strangers! To two cops who probably had something, or somethings, better to do than to listen to your whining. “Anyhow, I’m really sorry that I wasted your time, guys. Won’t happen again.” At that, they exchanged a look, and the sergeant said:
“You know what? You’re right, kid. The world is a dangerous place. And, unfortunately, it is even more dangerous for us women. So I’m gonna look the guy up. But I’m not gonna tell you exactly what it says if something comes up.” She told you, much for your surprise, and, then, turned to the detective, saying: “If you say a single word about this to anyone, and I mean anyone, Chuckles, I swear to God that I’ll cut your tongue out myself.”
“Geez, sarge. How can you swear such an ugly thing like that to God?” He asked her, in a mockery tone, while making a hilarious expression.
“Ha! Keep that up and your tongue won’t be the only thing I’m gonna cut.” She threatened him again and you couldn’t help but burst into laughter when he made a shocked expression and put his hands protectively over his crotch.
“For your information, I wanna help the girl just as much as you, so I wouldn’t say anything. You didn’t have to threaten me.” He tried to recover, as you handed her a small piece of paper with your possible date’s name.
“Oh, I know. But I wasn’t about to miss out on the opportunity.” She shot back at him while typing the name on the District’s computer. “Okay, here it is... Wow."
"What? What is it?" You asked her, as you watched the detective perk himself over the counter to look at the screen.
"Jesus. This guy's got himself quite a rap sheet." He commented, making you shiver, thinking of what could happen to you, if you went on with the date.
"What exactly do you mean by that, detective?" You asked the man who probably noticed your discomfort, because he spoke again, in a tranquilizing tone:
"No, relax. It's nothing too bad, like violent or anything. But there's some pretty nasty stuff here." He told you, not really making you relax.
"There's something here, though." That caught the detective's eye again. "His juvenile record is sealed, the only thing I can see without a warrant is an observation from his caseworker. She says something about him having violent tendencies." She told you with a sigh, taking her glasses off again. "Look, I know that I can't tell what to do and what to not do, (y/n), but, as a suggestion? Stay the hell away from this piece of work. You seem like a nice enough girl, I'd hate to see you come in here as a victim someday."
“Oh, God, no! I heard you loud and clear, sergeant! Don’t worry about it, I’m canceling that date ASAP!” You exclaimed, agreeing with her.
“That’s great!” The detective spoke this time, sounding a little too happy about the fact that you were about to cancel a date with a man who had criminal priors and violent tendencies. So both you and the other woman stared at him. “Err, I mean because you’re not gonna go out with him.” You just giggled a little at the way he was digging an even deeper hole for himself. “Because he’s a bad guy.” He added, once again getting a glare from Trudy. “You know what I mean.” He finished, defeated, not looking in your eyes.
“Well, uh,” you started, trying to keep yourself from laughing too hard, “anyways, I can only thank you both. You guys got me out of something that could be really unpleasant, to say the least.” You told them, a bit more serious this time.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. Just glad we could help.” Detective Halstead said, smiling kindly at you.
“Yeah. This time, I actually agree with you, Halstead.” The sergeant half-joked.
“Aw, that’s very kind, but, really, thank you!” You restated your gratitude, then asking: “I should probably get going now, right? Stop wasting your time?”
“It’s not like we were doing much before you got here-” Trudy began saying, but was interrupted by the detective, who quickly told you:
“Yeah, you should go. You know, cause a police District…” You knew he was right, but those two seemed like really nice people, especially after having helped you dodge a bullet, so to speak, and you’d hoped that you were finally making some friends in the Windy-City. “Anyways, um, lemme walk you out.” He offered you while motioning to the door. At that, you and the sergeant shared a look that told you she also found it weird that the detective would wanna walk with you through such a minimal distance.
“Uh, um, o- okay.” As you and Halstead walked towards the exit, you couldn’t help but notice what nice features he had. Like, your mind just kept going back to what a good-looking man he was.
“So…” He trailed off.
“So…” You answered, not really sure about what to say.
“You know, um, it’s gotta be a hell of a bummer for you. Being here in Chicago without knowing many people. This city… It’s all about finding your community.” He told you in a sympathetic tone.
“Hum…” You breathed out as you thought about it for a moment. “Yeah, well, I guess that I can only hope I’ll have better luck at making acquaintances the next time I go out to explore it.”
“Right.” The detective agreed. “Uh, listen, I know that this may sound a little too forward, but, maybe, I could show you some of my favorite places, someday? I mean, only if you’re interested! Because I don’t want you to feel like-”
“Actually, I’d very much like that! If it isn’t going to be any trouble for you…” You cut him off excitedly.
“No! No trouble at all!” He quickly assured you. “Um, thi- this is my card.” He said, lifting up a small business card for you to see. “I’m gonna write my personal number on the back of it. Call, or text me when you have some time to go out. Or if you just want someone to talk…” The handsome man added with a smile. God, what a smile.
“Okay, um, thanks, dete-”
“No, please! Call me Jay.”
“Alright,” you acknowledged, a little nervous this time, “then, thank you, Jay. Just, be advised, I can be very talkative sometimes, which means you might regret giving me this.” You warned him with a sly smile while waving the card in front of his face.
“Huh.” Jay pretended to consider it for a moment. “Is it too weird if I say I have a feeling that I won’t regret it?” He then asked you with a cute shy smile.
“Well, it sure isn’t weirder than me saying that I really hope you don’t regret it.” You confessed to him with a wink.
“Hey, are you two gonna take that flirting elsewhere on your own, or do you need me to get you a room?” You heard Sergeant Platt call out, blushing immediately.
“I’m so sorry about that!” Jay told you, looking a little flushed himself. “You should probably go now.” He added with an apologetic smile.
“Yeah, I think you’re right..” You agreed, but, as you were turning around to leave, he grabbed your wrist lightly, saying:
“Just… Don’t forget to call.” Hearing that, you snickered a little.
“I have a feeling that I won’t.” You told him, almost repeating his previous words, which got some chuckles out of him.
Now you understood the nickname.
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amispnrewatch · 3 years
SPN 1x06 “Skin”
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Okay, I’m gonna try to type while I watch this time instead of forgetting this blog exists until the episode is almost over.
You can tell the footage for the previously on segment was saved on a VHS copy instead of the original film that the show was shot with because even in the HD iTunes version I have it looks low quality as fuck. And jumpy in the way that brings me back to my teens watching the WB all the damn time.
I love this song. WTF is this song. Shazam says “Good Deal” by Mommy and Daddy. I… have no comment, except that it sounds like everything I was listening to in college at the time this shit was airing.
Aaaaand not!Dean turns around to face the SWAT team after obviously torturing some woman. THAT is a cold open.
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I wanna know what that car is in the background. It’s pretty. Maybe a convertible Impala? They have similar grills. This is not at all important.
Also, I love that with these higher definition versions of the episodes you can see that Sam’s email is lawboy and whatever dot com and that people in the fandom have started calling him Law Boy. It’s hilarious.
DEAN: Well, what exactly do you tell ‘em? You know, about where you’ve been, what you’ve been doin’?
SAM: I tell ‘em I’m on a road trip with my big brother. I tell ‘em I needed some time off after Jess.
DEAN: Oh, so you lie to ‘em.
SAM: No. I just don’t tell ‘em….everything.
DEAN: Yeah, that’s called lying. I mean, hey, man, I get it, tellin’ the truth is far worse.
SAM: So, what am I supposed to do, just cut everybody out of my life? (DEAN shrugs.) You’re serious?
DEAN: Look, it sucks, but in a job like this, you can’t get close to people, period.
Aaaaand now I have Dean and Cassie feelings again and we haven’t even gotten to her episode yet.
SAM: No, man, I know Zack. He’s no killer.
DEAN: Well, maybe you know Zack as well as he knows you.
Aaaaaand now I have Dean and Lee feelings and we’re nowhere near Lee’s episode in season 15.
Little Becky. Oi with the reusing of names.
Of course Sam made friends with a bunch of rich kids while he was at college in a desperate attempt to try to be normal.
SAM: You know, maybe we could see the crime scene. Zack’s house.
DEAN: We could.
REBECCA: Why? I mean, what could you do?
SAM: Well, me, not much. But Dean’s a cop. (DEAN laughs.)
DEAN: Detective, actually.
I love that Dean was like “how dare you call me that.”
Okay, after a bit of research, I totally want to take a day trip to Bisbee, Arizona, but it’s already in the 90s here in the desert and it’s not even May so that trip is going to have to wait until… winter or something. There is no way in hell I’m going deeper into the desert when the weather gets hotter.
It’s a historic mining town tourist trap looking place now which is exactly the kind of shit I love.
SAM: Bec, look, I know Zack didn’t do this. Now, we have to find a way to prove that he’s innocent.
I mean, not technically, technically you would 1) NOT FUCK WITH A MURDER INVESTIGATION YOU’RE NOT LEGALLY INVOLVED IN BECAUSE ANYTHING YOU FIND WOULD BE INADMISSABLE IN COURT 2) find evidence to provide a reasonable doubt for the jury that he did commit the crime. You know, like a lawyer would need to do, Law Boy.
DEAN: I just don’t think this is our kind of problem.
When I made my husband watch this show with me (he’s seen it all at least once now over the years) this is the recurring thing that drove him crazy.
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You guys can’t even go in through the back door? Or shut the front door behind you? Really?
REBECCA: (tearfully) Well, there’s no sign of a break-in. They say that Emily let her attacker in.
Yeah, that doesn’t even really mean that she knew her attacker. Just that it was someone she let her guard down around or got in some other way. See: The Son of Sam and Nightstalker, etc.
Love the pinup magnet on the fridge. I’d throw shade at that, but I have a pinup magnet on my fridge too so… pot kettle and all that.
Okay, both people in the next couple are gorgeous.
And oh wow those special effects changing eyes… wow.
This poor couple. I feel so bad for them in this episode.
How… how are the police gonna explain the way he was able to beat himself over the head with a bat??? I…
I love that 5:30 in the morning on TV is clearly like… 10 AM.
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Okay, this is a really unrelated point, but the graffiti on the dumpster here reminds me of the Teen Wolf fandoms use of the name Void!Stiles when Stiles Stilinski was possessed by a Nogitsune… I just spent way too long digging through YouTube and my Tumblr tags from back when those episodes were airing looking for a few specific videos and couldn’t find them. The TL;DR reason I bring it up here is goofball, bi-coded main character guy getting possessed by an entity set on destroying the people he loves. SOUNDS LIKE THIS EPISODE AND A WHOLE LOT OF SPN RIGHT. I love that all these monster hunting shows call out to each other.
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This scene haunts me years later and I don’t even WATCH Teen Wolf. I just watched the fandom on Tumblr collectively lose it’s shit then tripped down a Hale Pack fanfiction rabbit hole.
Back to Supernatural, a show that also treated its fan base, cast, and characters like garbage! Huzzah!
DEAN: Well, there’s another way to go—down. (They look down and notice a manhole.)
I’m gonna be mature and ignore the double entendre there…
But I love that Dean thinks of the world in 3D. Which sounds like a dumb statement to make, but this is honestly a good example of that in action.
SAM: I bet this runs right by Zack’s house, too.
Really Sam, sewers run by houses? SO WEIRD. I WOULD HAVE NEVER GUESSED.
DEAN: You know, I just had a sick thought. When the shapeshifter changes shape—maybe it sheds.
SAM: That is sick. (DEAN puts the bloody pile back on the ground.)
Guys, there is a WHOLE ASS EAR in that pile of yuck you’re looking at. I think it’s pretty safe to assume the shapeshifter indeed sheds its skin like a snake. A much… gooier snake.
Sam’s friend is rightfully pissed at him for fucking with the crime scene.
This is before the pearl gripped guns?! Wow. I never noticed that before.
Also, this whole episode gives me feelings.
Cool. Tumblr mobile ate a whole section of my notes on this when it crashed for NO APPARENT REASON. Love that.
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It always boggles my mind that actors can trust the people they’re working with enough to let people “tie” ropes around their neck or put them in actually dangerous positions in a scene.
SHAPESHIFTER: He’s sure got issues with you. You got to go to college. He had to stay home. I mean, I had to stay home. With Dad. You don’t think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. Where the hell were you?
SAM: Where is my brother? (The shapeshifter leans in close to SAM.)
SHAPESHIFTER: I am your brother. See, deep down, I’m just jealous. You got friends. You could have a life. Me? I know I’m a freak. And sooner or later, everybody’s gonna leave me. (He backs away.)
SAM: What are you talkin’ about?
SHAPESHIFTER: You left. Hell, I did everything Dad asked me to, and he ditched me, too. No explanation, nothin’, just poof. Left me with your sorry ass. But, still, this life? It’s not without its perks. (He laughs.) I meet the nicest people. Like little Becky. You know, Dean would bang her if he had the chance. Let’s see what happens. (He smiles and covers SAM with a sheet.)
This exchange is just… so much. So many feelings. And I will forever (unless we magically get a fix-it fic mini season someday…) be SO MAD that none of this got resolved in that pointless, trash heap of a finale.
REBECCA: Okay, so, this thing—it can make itself look like anybody?
SHAPESHIFTER: That’s right. (She chuckles.)
REBECCA: Well, what is it, like a genetic freak? (The shapeshifter laughs.)
SHAPESHIFTER: Maybe. Evolution is about mutation, right? So, maybe this thing was born human but was different. Hideous and hated. Until he learned to become someone else. (REBECCA looks around, uncomfortable. The shapeshifter’s eyes glint silver, and he smiles.)
It always amazes me how much of this show is a pile of accidental queer allegories parading around in an ill-fitting toxic masculinity suit.
Vulcan mind meld! I love nerd!Dean. Also, I’m rewatching Star Trek: TOS with my husband, because that is what my life amounts to these days, rewatching comfort TV and flailing over the bits I love.
This post does a better job than I can do of pairing up screen caps with the dialogue of this next scene. SIX EPISODES IN. They’re dumping all of this character depth SIX EPISODES IN. FUCK THIS SHOW FOR NOT EMBRACING ITSELF.
Okay, I love that he screams back in her face after he threw the phone. It’s not something to laugh at because the situation is horrifying, but I can’t help laughing at it every time.
AND THE WAY THEY CUT THESE SCENES. Going from him winding his hand back to backslap her directly to him dropping the chains on the table to show how hard he must have hit her without actually making the actors hit each other. Good job editing department!
I… don’t understand the shifter’s motivation for killing people. If he can take over people’s identities without killing them, why kill them? Is it just because he’s a homicidal, rapist piece of shit? Cause that’s all it seems like.
How did the SWAT team even know she was being attacked? Why can the snipers aim no better than Storm Troopers?
Ugh, these kind of transformation body horror scenes are exactly why werewolf stories have never really appealed to me much. Like, I could do without watching your ribs move and teeth fall out, dude.
I looked up the song that’s playing over shapeshifter!Dean being caught by the SWAT team and then going through the grotesque transformation. (And as far as I know, the iTunes version has the original music from the episodes.)
It’s a song called “Mary” by The Death Riders
Who's your mother, who's your mother here boy // Who's your mother, whos your mommy dear // Who's your father, who's your father here boy // Who's your father, who's your daddy dear
Silently screaming // Where everyone knows // Daddy's always watchin' // Where everywhere - everywhere I go
I don't wanna be a freak show pretty boy anymore // I don't wanna be a full time slave // I don't wanna be your midnight cowboy anymore // I just want to be Mary
This is… a fascinating choice. Here are the rest of the lyrics. The song as a whole has a weird incesty kinda vibe to it? Kinda like when SPN tries to straight-wash itself and misses the mark wildly. (Like Dean’s male siren episode.)
The midnight cowboy line reminded me of 12x11 and the bull riding scene with “Broomstick Cowboy” by Bobby Goldsboro playing over it
Dream on, little Broomstick Cowboy, // Dream while you can; // Of big green frogs, // And puppy dogs, // And castles in the sand.
For, all too soon you'll awaken; // Your toys will all be gone. // Your broomstick horse will ride away, // To find another home. // And you'll have grown into a man, // With cowboys of your own. // And then you'll have to go to war, // To try and save your home.
And then you'll have to learn to hate; // You'll have to learn to kill. // It's always been that way, my son; // I guess it always will.
Because, you know, why not add tons of feelings into the lyrics, right?
Props to the people who can embrace their rewatches and reclamations of the show with ease. Because every episode seems to remind me of how hollow and tragic Dean’s ending was and I just… struggle all over again.
Anyway, back to the episode so I can move on with my day.
REPORTER: An anonymous tip led police to a home in the Central West End, where a S.W.A.T team discovered a local woman bound and gagged. Her attacker, a white male, approximately twenty-four to thirty years of age, was discovered hiding in her home. (A sketch of DEAN appears on the screen.)
DEAN: Man! That’s not even a good picture. (SAM looks around cautiously.)
SAM: It’s good enough. (He walks away.)
DEAN: Man! (He follows SAM.)
(CUT TO: Alley. DEAN and SAM are walking. DEAN steps into a puddle.)
DEAN: Ugh, come on.
I love that we get two tiny little back-to-back vanity moments for Dean here. One commenting on the sketch artist rendition of him being broadcasted on the news and the other tripping in the puddle. There is literally someone running around the city trying to kill people while wearing Dean’s face, but Dean is still concerned with how he looks appears to others. He’s still concerned with keeping up his own performance. The shifter left him with just a t-shirt, so he doesn’t even have his usual comfort layers on and at any moment someone could spot him and call the police or try to kill him for assaulting Sam’s friend. His life is wildly out of control in that moment and the only thing he can try to focus on is his appearance (something semi-controllable) and finding the shifter before any of that other shit can happen.
One day I want to put together a like top 10 episodes focusing on / explaining each TFW character from the series. Like the kind of list you could show someone who’s never seen the show, but has OPINIONS about the characters (or who hasn’t seen the whole show and seen the growth they went through… you know, like the people responsible for the travesty of 15x20). This episode would be on that list. I’m not sure how I could manage to make a list of only 10 episodes to understand Dean Winchester by, but eh.
SAM: What are you gonna do to me?
SHAPESHIFTER: Oh, I’m not gonna do anything. Dean will, though.
SAM: They’ll never catch him.
SHAPESHIFTER: Oh, doesn’t matter. Murder in the first of his own brother? He’ll be hunted the rest of his life. (He picks up a sharp knife and examines it.)
Speaking of season 15 in general, this right here. This was Chuck’s villain story arc thesis statement. AND THEY DROPPED THE GODDAMN BALL WITH IT. I think that’s the thing that honestly pisses me off the most these days (about 5 1/2 months from when the finale aired) is that they tried making the whole thing a tragedy but did such an awful job with it that it just ended up like a deflating condom balloon at a dive bar concert. Disappointing and gross. The finale for season 14 set them up SO FUCKING WELL and it just… didn’t get there.
Becky’s parents are gonna be pissed at how torn up their house is after all this shit…
And you’re not shooting him when you first see him strangling Sam because…?????
I like that he took the necklace back. Also, is this kinda Dean death number .5 of the show? Like it wasn’t him but it was also kinda him. Eh.
At least they left the windshield on Baby this time. Reflections are better than tearing her apart.
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Fortune Cookie — Zuko x GN!Reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: one (1) swear word and some implications at the end (characters are aged up)
Words: 2k
Summary: the Gaang orders Chinese takeout, and everyone reads their fortune cookie fortunes. Yours and Zuko’s spark a little something.
A/N: I had a fortune cookie the other day, and it reminded me of that episode in S1 when they go to the fortune teller. Fun fact: I used to collect those little fortunes! 🥠 Anyway, enjoy the fic :)
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“What can I say?” Sokka shrugged with a mouthful of takeout, “I know the best places to eat around campus.”
“I hope you aren’t full yet. We still have our fortune cookies to eat,” Suki said, dangling a wrapped cookie from her hand.
You took it from her. “Oh please, like I’d ever pass on dessert.”
She then tossed a fortune cookie to everyone else.
“Let’s share our fortunes!” Katara suggested as she unwrapped her cookie.
“Don’t tell me you actually believe these things,” Sokka sighed while rolling his eyes.
“What? They’re fun to read! I’ll start.” She broke her cookie open, removed the tiny slip of paper inside and read her fortune aloud. “Mine says ‘you will be showered with good luck.’ Maybe that means I’ll do well on my midterms!”
“Hmm...mine says ‘nothing is impossible to a willing heart.’ That’s inspiring, I like it!” Aang said with a sweet smile.
“I’ll go next!” Suki said with a mouthful of cookie. “‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.’ That’s quite true!” She nodded. Everyone hummed in agreement.
“Alright, you know what. I’ll read mine,” Sokka decided. He squinted his eyes at the tiny piece of paper. “It says...‘you will be hungry in one hour.’ Seriously?!”
Everyone burst out laughing. “I think we can all agree, of all the fortunes so far, yours is the most true,” you chuckled.
“Okay then, [y/n], what does yours say?” Sokka sneered.
“Let’s see,” you said as you delicately held the slip of paper to your eyes. “‘Your love life will soon be happy and harmonious.’”
“Oooh, that’s quite a fortune, [y/n]!” Katara commented.
“I wonder who you’ll be with?” Aang pondered.
Suki nudged you with her elbow. “Someone handsome I bet!”
You never really believed these things, but you wished it was true, and you wished it was Zuko. You’ve always had a crush on him. Since you met him, there hasn’t been a single day you didn’t think about him. You hoped that someday he would confess to feeling the same way about you.
For just a second, you glanced at Zuko. He was staring at you, so you quickly averted your gaze to not seem obvious. Was that a hint of blush on his cheeks? No, it must’ve been your imagination, or maybe the lighting.
Heat built up in your face from feeling a little embarrassed, not just because of Zuko, but also from all the teasing. “Oh, stop guys,” you giggled.
“Yeah, stop guys. I wanna hear Toph and Zuko’s,” Sokka said in a bored tone.
“You’re just upset that your fortune is so stupid, it’s true,” Katara snickered.
“Well, you won’t believe what mine says,” Toph said. “It says ‘you will win a million dollars!’” She cheered.
“What?!” Sokka shouted. Everyone stared at him with raised eyebrows. Then, the look on his face shifted as he realized. “I hate you, Toph.”
“Ha! Blind jokes never fail,” Toph said proudly.
“Here, I’ll read it for you,” you said, taking the tiny slip of paper from Toph. “Your fortune is ‘you will never know your full potential until you try.’”
“So what it’s saying is, I should try punching Sokka even harder,” Toph said, cracking her knuckles.
“Please don’t,” Sokka quietly begged.
“Toph!” Aang cried, “no violence allowed!”
Toph groaned, “you guys are no fun. But I don’t care, I’m going to kick your ass.”
“Anyway,” Katara interrupted, “that leaves you, Zuko!”
“Um...okay. It’s kind of weird though,” he said hesitantly.
“It can’t possibly be as bad as Sokka’s,” Katara jeered.
Zuko gulped before bashfully reading aloud. “Mine says...‘now is the time to pursue that love interest.’”
If you thought you were blushing before, you were really doing it now. Your face was like a tomato. Fortunately for you, everyone was staring at Zuko. They didn’t know your secret. Sokka began laughing.
“Okay, I admit that I don’t believing these things, but I know for a fact that that fortune is completely true. I mean, come on, buddy! What have I been saying for the past—“
“Ugh, shut up, Sokka!” Zuko barked, “it’s just a stupid fortune.”
“Wait, do you actually have a crush on someone?” Katara asked sincerely. He didn’t respond. Instead, he blushed and avoided everyone’s gaze. “It’s okay, Zuko, you can tell us. We can help you!”
“No,” Zuko grumbled, as he stood up. “I’m going home now.” And with the slam of the door, he was gone.
“Sheesh, Sparky sure is a drama queen,” Toph said, crossing her arms.
“Sokka, do you know who he likes?” Suki asked.
“Yes, and if I told you, he would give me a matching scar.” Sokka pointed to his left eye.
“Well, clearly he’s really upset about it,” you started as you stood to leave. “I’ll go talk to him.”
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As Zuko rushed back to his apartment, he couldn’t help but think of you. Sokka and that stupid fortune were right. He should’ve asked you out long ago. But what if you didn’t feel the same way?
He felt so humiliated. It was bad enough that he was a coward, and that he had to deal with Sokka’s teasing on a daily basis, but now he had that little sheet of paper mocking him too.
He wondered what you thought of your fortune. Did it mean anything to you? When he heard it, he immediately thought of you and him together. But it was wishful thinking. So, he wondered if it was about you and someone else...and he felt jealous.
Zuko slapped his forehead. “I can’t believe how stupid I am. I’m getting worked up over some fortune cookies that probably don’t mean anything at all. This is pathetic!” He cried.
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You should’ve brought a coat. The autumn night air was chilly. Nevertheless, you hurried to Zuko and Sokka’s apartment. You hoped to find him on the way—he couldn’t have gotten too far—but it was hard to see. Only the nearly full moon and the street lamps dimly lit the way for you.
Surely, he would tell you why he was so upset. You two always talked about your problems with each other. One of the best things about your friendship was how comfortable you felt with him. You could tell him anything...anything except that you liked him, and that you thought he was cute, and that the way he smiled made your heart flutter, and that whenever he whispered funny things about Sokka to you in that low raspy voice of his, you felt shivers run down your spine, and that you just wanted to hold him or be held by him, and that you wondered what it felt like to kiss him...no, actually, you could tell him anything except that you loved him.
You desperately wanted to ask Zuko what Sokka was talking about. Was it true? Did he really have a crush on someone? Who? And for how long? But maybe it was best not to know. Fear of finding out he loved someone else crept into your mind. Ignorance is bliss, after all.
Suddenly, you considered turning around and going back. Being so comfortable and open with each other might mean Zuko would tell you about his crush, and, had it been you, he would’ve said something by now, right? Sokka seemed to imply that this had been going on for a while. That meant it had to be someone else.
You stood outside his apartment building, staring at the door, debating whether to press the buzzer or not, debating whether to have your heart broken or not. Before you could decide, the door opened.
“[Y/n], what are you doing out here? You’re shivering,” Zuko said with concern.
“I j-just wanted to make sure y-you were okay.”
He gestured for you to come in, and you did.
“I saw you walking over in the front window. Why didn’t you just text me?” He asked as he poured a hot cup of tea.
You took the cup and shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t think of it.”
“Well, I’m fine. I’ve been a little stressed lately over studying for exams, and I kind of exploded, because Sokka was being, well, Sokka. You know how annoying he can be,” he chuckled before taking a sip from his own cup. What a lie that was, but you wouldn’t know it.
“That makes sense. I was worried when you left so suddenly.”
You wanted to ask him, you wanted to know so badly, but you didn’t know how to bring it up. Zuko couldn’t help but wonder as well. His mind raced as he tried to think of a way to talk to you.
“Um, Zuko, I—“       //       “[Y/n], there’s som—”
Both of you stared at each other for a moment.
“Sorry, go ahead,” you said.
“Um, okay.” Zuko took a deep breath before continuing, “there’s something I need to tell you. I wish I had told you long ago, but I was too afraid. And I’m tired of keeping it bottled up, so I’m just going to say it now. I kind of...no, I do, I mean, I—ugh...I have had...uh, feelings for you...for a while. Like, I think I...I love you.”
By the time Zuko finished rambling, his face was flushed and his heart was pounding. You stared at him, stunned, elated and relieved. But he didn’t dare look at you, instead he dropped his head to stare at his feet.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that to me.”
Zuko shot up. He saw you smiling brightly and approaching him. You reached up to cup his cheeks. He rested his hands on your waist. His hands were slightly trembling from all the anxiety he felt in this moment.
“Really?” He asked in a shaky voice.
“Yes, really. That’s actually what I was going to talk to you about. I love you too, Zuko. I have for a while now.”
Zuko smiled. Without a second thought, he crashed his lips on yours. You leaned in and tangled your fingers in his dark, shaggy hair. Running a hand up your back and wrapping the other around your waist, he brought you closer and squeezed you like you were the only thing he had left. His arms were warm, his chest was warm, even his lips were warm. You melted right into him.
A moment later, the two of you pulled away, panting. The kiss was so passionate and long overdue, that it left you both exhausted. You rested your head on his chest and listened to his fast-beating heart. He rested his head on yours and rubbed circles on your back with his thumb.
“So...is your love life happy and harmonious now?” Zuko asked.
“Yes, all thanks to you pursuing that love interest!”
He laughed. “I can’t believe this happened, because of some stupid fortunes in a cookie.”
“I wouldn’t call them stupid. They’re the only fortunes that I’ve known to be true.”
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Katara checked her phone for the fifth time. “[Y/n] still hasn’t responded, or even read my text. It’s been a half hour now!”
Suki rested a hand on her shoulder, “I’m sure they’re fine.”
“At this point, they’re probably making out,” Sokka mumbled as he mindlessly scrolled through his phone, not even bothering to look up. The room fell silent as everyone turned to him. “Shit, I said that out loud, didn’t I?”
“Zuko has a crush on [y/n]?!” Aang’s jaw dropped.
Toph shrugged, “it makes sense. I’ve noticed that Sparky’s heart rate goes through the roof whenever he’s with [y/n]. Theirs gets pretty high too when Zuko is around.”
“Well, that explains a lot. Those two are definitely making out then,” Katara nodded. Everyone else hummed in agreement.
“So, Sokka...do you want to stay the night with us then?” Aang asked.
“Yes, please.”
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spacefuneral · 4 years
@gruvfru tagged me with 10 questions and make up 10 of my own!! Very cute and very fun, thank you, thank you!!! <3
- What kind of music do you listen to? Do you play an instrument? If not, if you could play any instrument, what would you choose?
I listen to all kinds of music!! I’ve been getting this question at work a lot and I straight up don’t have an answer. Lately, I’ve been pretty into sappy boi bullshit like Conan Gray and Joji, I don’t know why! Sufjan Stevens used to be my favorite but the more I’ve distanced myself from LA & from my dad’s passing, I barely listen to him anymore. Love that guy, though.
Also, I play alto sax! I picked it up one day while quarantined and was able to just suddenly remember how to read music, it was wonderful!! I need to put together a practice booklet for myself and practice again. I used to be pretty good at it and have a couple of awards, but that was from the ye olde days.
- Have you ever travelled outside of your home country? If so, where did you go? Would you go back?
Nope! Maybe someday. I actually don’t have a whole lot of wanderlust, but I do like roadtrips.
- What type of stories do you like to read/watch/listen to (movies, tv, books, comics, podcasts, etc.)? Are you currently writing anything? Is it similar or different than what kind of media you like to consume?
I like horror and always have. I’m drawn to mysteries/spookies/macabre shit. I have a narrative I’ve been slowly working on and it’s basically just everything I consume but probably a lil’ more modern than most of it. Like, Bloodborne is a huge influence for me, but my IP is set in the 90′s. It’s absolutely meant to be a spooky mystery / apocalypse scenario. I want to say it’s horror but I don’t know if it’ll actually be scary as much as it’s just gonna have creepy elements.
- What kind of weather is your favorite? Least favorite?
Rain!! I love rain. I hate the sun and I want it to leave me alone.
- If you could learn any new skill, what would you learn?
Gardening! Normally, when I’m interested in a new skill, I pick it up, but I haven’t been able to garden at all. I know vague things because of my mom’s farm and because I often just sit around and research plants, but someday I’ll actually plant stuff.
Also, driving.
- What would your ideal home look like? (interior and/or exterior)
Queen Anne architecture, painted purple in some way, with natural foliage and a big tree. Interior would have antiques and would be painted however I feel and a lot of space for my knick-knacks and tea sets. There’d be an enclosed porch where my cat can sit with me while I paint. There would be a garbage disposal and a dishwasher because I’m a simple man with simple needs.
- What is your favorite plant? Why?
GOOD QUESTION. Tacca Chantrieri, maybe. Or lilacs. Or fly amanita. Tacca Chantrieri is pretty obvious if you just look at it. Lilacs, because I had a huge lilac tree as a kid and I’d hide in the bush, surrounded by them, smelling that good good lilac smell. Fly amanita because cute.
- Do you prefer movies or television? Why? What are your favorites? Least favorites?
Movies, I think. I’ve always been the type that just eats up movies if I let myself and I think I got that from my dad. TV is for when my brain doesn’t wanna fully focus on something and do other shit at the same time. My favorite movies would be Anna Karenina, Girl on the Train, The Witch, uhhh... other things. I have a letterboxd here! Off the top of my head, I hate Wonder Woman because it’s only cool for 10 minutes and then Chris Pine shows up.
- Do you believe in extraterrestrial life? Ghosts? The Hidden Folk?
I don’t know! I think my answer for these kinds of questions tends to confuse/irritate people because I don’t have a straight answer. I don’t think I know enough to say whether or not anything like this is real or fake. Sometimes, I feel like my dad is still around--my mom absolutely does. I just don’t know. I don’t feel him there like she does. But, I want to believe.
- Do you like collecting? If so, what do you collect?
I do!!! I collect so much shit. Cat figurines, for one, and tea sets. I also collect bottles these days, don’t know when that started. I also collect paper and stuff for scrapbooking, so I have a book that’s full of random shit I’ve kept, esp at work. It’s fun!!
Next are my questions! Feel free to answer them if you’d like! I’m going to tag @i-say-spooky-you-say-scary @webkitten and @wubby-desu though.
- What’s your favorite song at the moment? What song did you last listen to? - What book have you been wanting to read? - If you were a DND character, what would your sheet look like? - How do you like your coffee/tea? Would you put a lil’ cream in that bad boy? - Tell me about your pet... please. - What would your last meal be, if you could pick it? - What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? What are your thoughts on flower flavored ice cream? Asking for a friend. - What’s the weirdest shit you did as a kid--repeatedly or even just once? - If you could ask one person in the world, alive or dead, for a piece of advice, who would you ask and what would it be? - What’s your favorite thing about your favorite person?
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cow-legs · 4 years
Girls Night Out
I wanted to practice writing something in a script format which I’ve never really done before in any serious capacity, so I asked people on twitter for random Pokémon characters to use (which ended up being Gardenia, Sina, Valerie, and Mr. Backlot) and with those I wrote....something. Enjoy??
    [Gardenia, Valerie, and Sina are sitting in a booth in a small restaurant - Valerie and Sina sitting on one side, and Gardenia across from them. Each are just finishing up their respective meals, and are mid-conversation.]
VALERIE: I must say, [She pauses to wipe her face with a napkin] I am very happy that you two are getting along so well!
    [As she speaks, she slides her long sleeve back down to its usual length, as she had it rolled up further than it could take as to allow her to actually use her hand for eating, but was now finished]
GARDENIA: Well, thanks for bringin’ us all together! It’s been a while since I’ve had a good night off.
SINA: Same. If it weren’t for you bringing me with you here, I’d probably be back at home reorganizing like dozens of research papers for the fifth night in a row, so chilling with you and Gardenia is an alternative I’d take like, any day.
    [Valerie chuckles, pleased with the situation, Sina takes another sip of her drink.]
SINA: How’d you two meet, anyway? 
GARDENIA: Oh, well, years back all us Sinnoh leaders went up to Kalos to challenge the leaders there.
SINA: Oh!! Oh, yeah, Arceus, I remember that! I REALLY wanted to see Fantina's matches, but I had just started working for the professor at the time so I had wayyy too much work to do...
GARDENIA: Ooh, Fantina? Are you a fan of hers? She's in town, I could probably introduce you!
SINA: Oh Arceus, no, haha! You really don't have to.
GARDENIA: Aaaalright, she's probably asleep anyway. [Laughs] But anyway, me 'n Val got paired up for our first match, and we became friends pretty quickly. I won the battle, of course.
VALERIE: That's strange, I appear to remember differently.
GARDENIA: Hey, you and the ref can keep saying that, but we all know that I was the clear winner there.
VALERIE: Funny, I don't recall you having such an attitude when I completely destroyed your roserade.
[All laugh.]
GARDENIA: Anyway, how do you two know each other?
SINA: Well, you know I work under Professor Sycamore, and he usually, like, sends me and Dex to do a lot of his errands all over the reasons, because Arceus knows he has way more work than a man like that should ever be trusted with, so there was this one time I had to go to Laverre City to take care of some stuff,
VALERIE: I was doing a show at the time and was a touch short on hands, so I ended up plucking her up off the street and using her as a model! [Laughs] Thinking back, I feel it was a bit rude to ask on such short notice, but now I am glad I did, as I would not have met her otherwise!
GARDENIA: Oh man, seriously? Lucky!! I don't even like dresses, but I'd seriously kill to wear one of Val's.
VALERIE: [Shocked] Truly? You mean it? Well then, [Claps her hands together once, happily] I will have to make one for you someday!
GARDENIA: REALLY? Fuck yeah!! You're seriously the best, V--
[Waiter walks past, setting down the check in front of Gardenia]
GARDENIA: Oh, thanks. Hey, we can ditch whenever you guys want. [Shoving the change in her pockets]
SINA: We might as well go now. I wanna take in as much of The Sights (TM) that I can before I gotta go back home
[Cut to the girls walking outside of the restaurant. Valerie notices something out of the corner of her eye, and stops.]
VALERIE: Oh my, is that...Amity Square, was it called? 
GARDENIA: Huh? Oh yeah, I forgot that was in this city.
VALERIE: [Excited] Oh, I have read all about this place! I was very sad to learn that Sinnoh has such strict laws about having trained pokémon out in public, but then I found out about this! [Quickly turning to face the others] May we go there?
GARDENIA: Why not?
SINA: Sure, sounds interesting enough.
[Valerie spins around again to face it and begins walking towards it. Gardenia and Sina follow behind.]
VALERIE: Wonderful! My little mawile will have so much fun~!
[At the mention of mawile, Gardenia freezes, dawning horror spreading across her face as she realizes something]
GARDENIA: [Nervous] Uh, Val, actually I uh, don't think this is such a good idea.
VALERIE: Whatever do you mean? [She does not stop walking]
GARDENIA: [Very nervous] I just, uh, well they're REEEALLY particular about the kinds of pokémon they let in, so--
VALERIE: You mean the rule about cute pokémon? There is no need to worry, Gardenia, my lovely little mawile is the cutest pokémon to ever live~! [She gets gradually more excited and her pace quickens with it]
GARDENIA: [Extremely nervous] W-well that's the thing, Val, they're really-- 
[She stops as Valerie has walked through the entrance and Gardenia realizes it's too late. Sina gives her a look of confusion and worry before the two follow after her. Inside, Valerie is speaking to the receptionist.]
RECEPTIONIST: Okay, please show me the pokémon you'd like to accompany you.
VALERIE: [Excitedly hands the nice lady a heal ball] Here! My beautiful mawile!
RECEPTIONIST: [Pauses, before promptly giving it back to her.] I'm sorry, ma'am, but mawile is not one of the pokémon accepted here.
[Valerie, still smiling, blankly looked at the woman. Gardenia cringed, knowing exactly what she feared was soon going to follow.]
VALERIE: Excuse me?
RECEPTIONIST: Here, [She hands Valerie a large laminated sheet displaying several pokémon] this is the list of pokémon we allow inside the square.
[Valerie searches the list, happy expression fading as she cannot find mawile on it. She pauses for a moment, before looking back up at the receptionist with a new polite smile, though this one is clearly forced.]
VALERIE: I am sorry, but there must be some sort of mistake.
RECEPTIONIST: [Shaking her head] I apologize ma'am, but I'm not allowed to let a mawile in. If you don't have any of the accepted pokémon, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
VALERIE: [Clearly getting more angry as she speaks] Are you not an establishment centered around cute pokémon? How do you have any right to judge my mawile without even seeing her? Only allowing specific species without accounting for any individual pokémon’s beauty is--is--...is criminal! 
RECEPTIONIST: I really am sorry, ma’am, but there really is nothing I can do about it. The owner is very strict on what species are allowed in here, and there’s nothing I can do to change it.
VALERIE: Of course you can! You can just let her in!
RECEPTIONIST: I’m sorry ma’am but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.
VALERIE: Wh--Why you--
    [Valerie moves forward as if she’s about to jump over the desk and attack, but Gardenia and Sina quickly move in and each grab an arm, restraining her. They begin pulling her back towards the doors. The receptionist sighs with relief.]
VALERIE: You savages will pay for this--this--villainy!! The authorities will surely hear of your crimes!
Gardenia: They absolutely will not be hearing about this, I’m so sorry for this.
Sina: Have a nice night!
    [The two successfully pull Valerie outside. They finally let go of her after she has had time to calm down.]
VALERIE: [Calmly before growing more aggressive] I...I apologize for my outburst. I simply cannot believe the nerve of that--! 
GARDENIA: [Nervously and hurriedly] HEYY, how about we go for a nice long walk through Route 212 where you can have your mawile out and we can all calm down.
    [Sina grabs Valerie’s hand - well, sleeve - and they hurriedly head south toward Route 212]
    [Cut to the girls walking along Route 212. Valerie’s mawile has finally been freed now that they are in the wilderness, and is holding onto her sleeve as they go.] 
VALERIE: Okay, alright, I believe I have truly calmed down now. I am very grateful for you two keeping me in line.
GARDENIA: Just don’t do that again and we’re cool. I don’t think I have the emotional energy to prevent another murder.
VALERIE: [Clearly shocked and saddened by that comment] A--Ah, no, I would never do a thing like that! Did it really seem like that…?
GARDENIA: Ah--No, it was a joke, sorry.
SINA: At least one good thing came out of this, this’ll be like a really funny story to tell. 
VALERIE: P-please do not tell anyone about this.
SINA: Aw, alright fine, our lips are sealed.
GARDENIA: Hey, I don’t speak for me. I’m not making any promises. [Grins]
SINA: Hey!!
    [Sina jokingly slaps her on the back of the head for this. They all laugh. Mr. Backlot appears in front of them.]
MR. BACKLOT: Well! That’s a fine mawile you have there! 
VALERIE: Oh? Yes, she is my absolute pride and joy! [She picks up mawile, clearly pleased to have been complimented on her.]
MR. BACKLOT: Hoho, indeed! [Walking closer to examine the small monster] At first I thought one of the pokémon from my garden had wandered out and found you, but I can see that it’s really yours! She even resembles you a bit!
SINA: Your garden?
MR. BACKLOT: Yes! My garden - over there, see? [Gestures to the nearby mansion] Pokémon from all over the world come here just to see it! Many pokémon not found in the region reside there even now! I’d be happy to let you all see it if you’re interested. [The way he says this feels very over-eager and practiced, as if he’s given this talk many times and was just waiting for the opportunity to say it again]
GARDENIA: Oh yeah, I think I’ve heard of this place. Sounds kinda sketchy, though.
MR. BACKLOT: [Noticing Gardenia for the first time] Oh! You are the gym leader Gardenia, correct? Excuse me, I didn’t even realize. I must insist that you come see it, it’s truly a sight to behold, and I’m sure you’ll find an exotic pokémon to fit even your standards!
Gardenia: Ehhh, I dunno, dude.
Sina: As weird as it sounds, the idea of non-native pokémon being here is definitely interesting… The professor would probably want to hear about something like this…
GARDENIA: Isn’t Sycamore into mega evolution? What would he want with some weird garden?
SINA: ...Okay, I want to check it out, are you happy?
GARDENIA: Okay, fine. It sounds more interesting than Amity Square would’ve been, at least. 
MR. BACKLOT: Oh, you know Amity Square?
MR. BACKLOT: [Proudly] I’m actually the owner of the place!
    [Valerie, who had been calmly listening, suddenly looks alert and stares at Mr. Backlot, her grip on mawile growing tighter.]
VALERIE: You’re the owner of that establishment?
MR. BACKLOT: Yes, I certainly am!
VALERIE: [Taking a step closer] You’re the man who unjustly barred my adorable mawile from entering that place?
MR. BACKLOT: [Beginning to understand the situation] Oh, erm, yes? Oh--but that’s not to say that your mawile isn’t cute! We just, you know, have a standard that we want to--
VALERIE: A what?!
    [Valerie sets down mawile and starts moving towards him faster as he tries to back up.]
MR. BACKLOT: Well, you know, there is, uh, well, you see…
    [At this point he gives up on making an excuse, turns around, and breaks into a full sprint. Valerie gives chase, and Sina and Gardenia after her. Valerie chases the poor man deep into the woods, shouting at him, and the scene fades out as they all disappear from view.]
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Magia Record 4 | Uchitama 3 - 5 | Eizouken 5 | Iruma-kun 17 - 18 | BnHA 76 - 79 | ID: Invaded 5 - 7
Magia Record 4
There’s a fish behind Iroha. Also, I was confused about the ketchup cake thing Jenn mentiond in one of her posts until I saw it here.(On a related note, ketchup cake seems to really exist…but only in Canada.)
Ah! Tsuruno. I’ve heard of her from reading around about this mobage.
The coding of the episode went funny again…
I feel like despite this being everything Madoka was, this seems to have lost some of the charm somehow. I’ve been reading that others are having similar experiences, though. Update: I think I know why now…although there are magical girl events fuelling the entire thing, the show is currently more bent on being a CGDCT. That’s why I’m not so happy with it…I dunno about others, though.
I suspected Séance Shrine was Mizuna Shrine…I mean, it was right behind Iroha and co.
Who was that blonde girl…?
I thought I just saw face-stealing aliens swoop in (i.e. someone didn’t bother drawing in the girls’ faces). I thought that was just a Bones thing exclusive to BSD.
“Olibe oil” (sic). Also, there are creepy blue (green?) figures walking the aisles…
I notice Iroha needed an extra bounce to get over the gate.
What’s that orange marking on the girls’ faces…? Update: Reading the wiki reveals it’s the Witch’s Kiss, or something similar to it.
Uchitama 3
Well, it says “chome” but gets translated to “street”…which is a bit weird. A chome is a city district, which functions much like a street but isn’t the same.
I just realised the title card has a dog’s face on it. Maybe next time it’ll be a cat’s face…
Oh my gosh, it’s a Yu-Gi-Oh duel! Teenager-ness…(?) What is that (LOL)?! *squints at screen* Oh, chuunibyou. That makes sense.
They even materialised the (Gon’s) chair! (LOL)
At least this matchup isn’t Bull vs. Momo…thank goodness(!)
I seriously love how much skin they make Bull show…(LOL…?)
Well, if the race to the top is exciting then the race to the bottom should be humiliating, no? That’s how these things work.
LOL, just seeing a badass dude that’s meant to represent a wolf howling like one is hilarious. (But seriously, are any of these neighbourhood dogs a Bad Enough Dude, to paraphrase an old game meme?)
Don’t Naruto run, Pochi! It’s dangerous!
Ahhhhhhh, so that’s why people call Pochi “Shiro” and feed him tofu…
The video got encoded funny again…
Uchitama 4
This is like Wakasa all over again…
The “My Name is Gon” title is a reference to “I Am a Cat” (Wahagai wa Neko de Aru). It actually doesn’t have the word for “name” in there, which is a bit weird…Update: It’s about the day-to-day introspection and life of a cat and the wagahai suggests the cat thinks rather highly of himself, so I’d assume the former (applied to a dog of course), if not both of those things to be part of this.
The fact that Gon doesn’t move his mouth while telling us weird things (such as how Bull’s sweater reminds him of an old lady in Osaka) is hilarious. It’s almost like a play with Gon as narrator.
See? That titlecard has a different dog’s face now! (I believe it’s Kuro’s, actually.)
This series is actually really informative about cats and dogs!
The Detective Conan parody cat is pretty interesting in regards to how the series wants to play with the human/animal dichotomy.
Now the titlecard has a cat’s face.
This song is so energetic! The banners are pretty funny too – I mean, “trying to get a ripped body” is impossible for a dog, right?
Yyyyyyyyup, Ume is singing this song (Sanchome no Hoshi* or The Star of 3rd District*)! I’m being spoilt!
Eizouken 5
Iron Giant…I thought the name sounded familiar. Turns out it’s a Brad Bird-directed movie.
This episode is very Scott...LOL.
I like how they showed the back of the guy to correspond with the back of the robot.
Iruma 17
Gap = sukima, as you might know from a post I made re: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun puns.
“Yes, boss!” in English.
Why do people being questioned  at a koban always have katsudhum? (Hataraku Maousama reference)
Ooh, this long-haired demon from the Game or New Magic battler is hot!!!
That's the 1st time Acchan and Bakemi appear...
I'd assume the ga in Gabuko means gakkou (school).
Now it's ki su ma...(instead of sukima)
Iruma 18
Aw, Kiriwo's so cute...
...and he's now a sadist. (Good job, me...I don't like sadists much.)
The cyclops girl's name is Dosanko, huh?
Hanabi are "fire flowers" (translating somewhat literally), which is why they "bloom" in the translation.
Update: Oh, I accidentally skipped ep. 17. I was wondering how Sabro got to hold up Comecome's stall…
BnHA 76
I’m not sure how the subbers got “Go entropy! Plus Chaos!”, although it might have something to do with Saikou da! (which I made out from listening to the audio).
Okay, now you can hear them say “Plus Chaos”.
Note Overhaul’s eyecatch background is purple, which contrasts Deku’s green. By the way, the eyecatch says that Overhaul belongs to the Shie Hassaikai and not the League…the guy’s always been picky about not being associated with the League.
The one time I turn the volume off, I don’t need it (LOL).
Dame da is closer to “It’s useless” or “You’re useless” than “Naughty girl”, subbers.
The coronavirus has taught me that masks make people seem less human, especially those with weird mouths like Overhaul’s plague doctor/bird one.
BnHA 77
In one of the Discord servers where Mudamaid appears, I decided to take Chronostasis. Why? He isn’t that bad-looking when he hasn’t got his mask on, to be real with you.
Froppy uses “senpai”, not Tamaki’s hero name.
I believe Tamaki calls Tsuyu “Kero-chan”, hence “Miss Ribbit”.
I wanna cry…I know Nighteye won’t see All Might again until All Might himself dies…(and this is because I’ve read the manga – thanks Viz and Shonen Jump for doing that!)
Shigaraki makes me beg the question…where do those hands of his come from??? Update: Ewwwwwwwww, those hands come from individuals affected by Tomura’s Quirk! (I think that’s a spoiler though…)
I almost got to the point of crying. I mean, I knew it would happen, but seeing it animated…makes it worse, y’know??? (Also, I accidentally might’ve stuck my finger in my eye when I was trying to wipe away tears, so either way, I teared up.)
BnHA 78
Huh? This OP is awfully cheerful after Nighteye’s death…I think it’s called Star Maker? Update: Star Marker by Kana Boon.
Well, you do realise I don’t know about anything after this point…all over again. So your surprise will be mine too.
LOL , it’s a Titan! (Apparently – according to the wiki pages I read – Gigantomachia is based on the Titans of lore, so…that’s true in more than one sense when you take into account Attack on Titan.)
The birbs are so cute!
That was just a few solid minutes of recap. Not as bad as Detective Conan where they frontend it, but still bad.
Hmm? I thought I saw black hair on Kurogiri…?
“He’s a walking disaster.” – That’s what I’d say about Bakugou, LOL.
Shouto “Daddy Issues” Todoroki taking the stage again…not that I mind, but…isn’t this Midoriya’s story?
I think I saw a Funko Pop All Might in the ED…?
You can see someone with a red wing Quirk. Based on what I’ve read around, that guy is Hawks.
Deku’s shirt at the end says “sheets”, not “shirt” (it’s missing a small ya).
BnHA 79
“…and I like udon better!” - *facepalm* That’s not how you make friends, Yoarashi.
Gang Orca’s like the Gordon Ramsay of heroes…with much less swearing.
*laughs behind hands as kids spill out the door* Welp, this is going to be real good.
This blonde kid is basically Monoma ver. 2!!! I hate him already!!!
Oh…that’s surprisingly strategic, Bakugou…*shows image of kid being dangled by a rope* Uh…or maybe not.
Who’s this guy with the bolo tie, anyway…?
Uchitama 5
I seriously thought this cat was Nora…(Sakura)
Does “big sister” refer to Lilly or another cat…?
Oh, I was wondering why Sakura didn’t have a cat tail…turns out she’s a pig. (Huh. It reminds me of a kinder version of the Africa Salaryman mixer joke.)
I like how open the series is in regards to interspecies love. Then again,…bestiality is an absolute no-no in my books, so maybe not.
Is it just me, or is there a slight bruise around Nora’s left eye…?
It’s like a Boueibu reunion! Shirai and Ume at the baths! Yay~!
There’s something absolutely silly about seeing anime boys hide in cupboards like cats. It puts a stupid smile on my face, like Eizouken does.
“I told you to get in the bath already!” – Gaddammit, Koma!
How do Gon’s glasses not fog up in the bath? (MST3K mantra required)
Oh, Nora does have a bruise around his eye! What’s it from, though?
Way to upsell Koma’s services, Kuro. (partially sarcastic…?)
“Can I say we’re having a doggone good time?” – Remind me to check what that sounds like in Japanese later. Update: Kuro says something that sounds lik izoizo in the line beforehand and then matches it in this line. In order to match the puns, there’s a pun in the English translation too.
ID: Invaded 5
Matsuoka’s glasses thing reminds me of Kanamori (Eizouken)…
“hole experience” – Is that a pun…?
Never ask a woman her age.
Hmm…”maidenly innocence”…
Why do some people believe “never mind” is one word???
I just noticed there’s a differently coloured bar on the title card…maybe that’s how far into the episode you should be. Also, is this well a pun on “falling for you”?
I noticed the blood had a weird texture to it. Also, I noticed the woman had heterochromia bfore it was pointed out she’s not real.
I have a theory. See, John(nie) Walker is an alcohol (sake) brand, right? This is Sakaido (as opposed to Anaido, who’s the Perforator and ana = hole). It’s the same character, so (I suspect) Sakaido’s crime has to do with alcohol…
Hmm…this ain’t gonna pass the Bechdel test after all…
Oh! Post-credits segment! Keep watching.
ID: Invaded 6
“Matsuoka was injured” – Er, he still has the knife in him…?
Ohhhhhh…this has gotta be Hondomachi!
I predict Hondomachi and Sakaido are going to go head-to-head someday. Update: Or those two vs. Johnnie Walker.
There was a cut-off footprint…
Isn’t it possible for a person to kill someone without knowing their name?
*cries* Sakaido! I’ve never seen you so emotional before…!
ID: Invaded 7
So Narihisago did look like Sakaido at one point…when his daughter was murdered.
The thing that reads cognition particles has “Back ground. Rad. Lev.” on the bottom of its screen.
I don’t have the sound on right now, so I dunno what Matsuoka was reacting to specifically…(aside from the guy owning up to whatever was done.)
Interestingly, Katsuyama has the character for “win” in his name. However, this is the only link I’ve found between the serial killers and their names.
There’s a character which appears in both the word for “martial arts” and one of the (dead) professional fighters – Takehiko Fujita. It means stuff like “war” and “military power”.
Oh! There’s a bar on the titlecard and this one is up to 900 of 1200…I wonder what that means? Is that an indication of time, perhaps? Also in the bottom left, “CAM 025”.
Miyo Hijiriido?! Oh my gosh! This is new, indeed!
Okay, so the characters for Miyo look like this: 聖井戸 御代 The first character in “Miyo” is the same one that denotes “go” in goryoushin (formal way to denote “parents”) and similar words in keigo. The characters which aren’t “well” (water well) are the character for “saint/holy” and “age” (as in the period of time, alternatively “generation”), aside from the one I’ve already discussed. Therefore, I’d suggest Miyo is actually “the great detective [who ushers in a new] age” or “the great detective [of the current] age”. Update: Apparently Miyo means “age of a ruler”, as in the period of their reign (specifically referring to the emperor if it needs to be). I’ve heard there’s specific words in the Japanese language used only to refer to the imperial family…this is probably one of them. That specific name combo (as “odai”) is also a very polite way to refer to spare change, although that doesn’t seem very useful to know.
What’s that thing on Tamotsu’s wrist…? (A watch? Wouldn’t that be illegal in a prison like this?)
Interestingly, all other killers wear white. Narihisago is the only one in black (or brown…or whatever colour that is).
What would Miyo need a key for? The key to the mystery, or a physical key?
I don’t think you can see Narihisago’s face in any of the pics he has of Muku or his wife.
Ooh…Sakaido’s pretty ripped. (Me likey…not that I would like a killer…)
Why is Sakaido…or I should say Narihisago…dead in his own imagination, huh?
Hmm…Miyo wears a black singlet or sleeveless top of some sort under that cape...poncho…Holmes cosplay thing. She still has a gun in her detective form, too.
Notably, no detective wears a skirt in this world…*sigh* So much for Nancy Drew and Miss Marple…
Muku has smiley faces on her hair decs.
Does that mean you’ve met the real Muku…? (I think this is Momoki speaking about Muku.) Update: It might be Habutae, actually. I never really got a grasp on the names of the peanut gallery.
Hondomachi’s never seen the cockpit in real life, right?
Well-ception! (It’s a bit of a joke that when there’s something in something, I call it [X]ception as a homage to Inception.)
Table flip! That meme hasn’t been around for a while, come to think of it…
I find it interesting that they point to the circles of the roof when talking about pi. As you know, the circle and pi are related.
Hmm? I don’t remember seing the quote “Let us try to make this world a better place” in this episode…
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make-it-mavis · 5 years
The Right Thing (pt 2 of 3)
Wreck it Ralph AU 3639 words Content warnings: drugs/addiction, mentions of death Characters: Turbo, Make-it Mavis, Maribo ( @nijimarii‘s OC )
Premise: After a harrowing evening, Turbo is finally allowed to join his sick, injured, unconscious friend in her hospital room. However, said friend’s unfortunate victim pays her a visit as well, and he faces some ideas he would rather not think about.
>Part 1<
Turbo had honestly lost count of the times he had accompanied Mavis to Dr. Mario’s hospital. That girl always had a bizarre appetite for things that no one should ever ingest, and too frequently needed something removed from her stomach or some sort of poison flushed from her system. He had become so accustomed to the routine that it eventually felt like nothing but a chore.
He never considered that he might someday be confined to the hospital waiting room, legitimately unsure if she would survive the night.
After a brief, infuriating encounter with the Surge Protector, the minutes dragged at a painful rate. Too restless to sit, he paced around, idly arguing with Fix-it Felix over things he lost track of. He hated to be stuck with Felix of all sprites, but he was at least grateful for someone to distract him a bit.
That is, until someone from another game came looking for Felix, going on about some big accident that urgently needed his fixing skills. Felix was loathe to go, but swore he would be right back when the job was done, and asked Turbo to relay that promise to Mavis if she woke up before then. Apparently, it was a big job, because he did not come back.
After a lonely, anxious wait that felt like forever, Dr. Mario appeared with good news, and he was finally allowed to join Mavis in her room.
She looked worse than he had ever seen her. The hospital gown, the IV drip, the tubes and wires, that much was routine. But if not for the monitor by her bed showing her heart rate and code stability, he would have pronounced her dead on the spot. She was unconscious and breathing so weakly that she was being fed oxygen through a thin tube under her nose. There were bandages on her head, and her pixels were discolored by this sickly, hazy blue tint. He almost believed he could see right through her if he squinted. It all just sent a nauseating burn into the pit of his stomach. He could not decide just what he felt, only that it was nearly too much to handle.
As he was taking his seat next to her bed, the volunteer nurse warned him not to touch her until she reached 65% code stability, and that she would be good to leave at 75%.
It was 57% when he came in.
So he settled in for another lonely, anxious wait that felt like forever.
By thirty minutes in, Turbo had developed quite the headache. A song recording had been playing for her all night to help keep her brain active, but he felt like his own brain was slowly melting. It was just the same boring, generic instrumental refrain again and again and again.
“Can ya believe this crap they’re playin’?” he muttered to her. “I mean, is this doin’ anythin’ for ya? ‘Cause it’s sure doin’ things to me.”
She gave no response.
His jaw clenched a bit. She was fine, according to the doctor. She was very much alive, and her code was stabilizing at a steady rate. She was fine. He was just having trouble believing that, from the way she looked. The urge to lean in and try to nudge her awake was so tempting, but she was still only at 60% stability.
“Hey dumbass… You’d better be okay, y’hear me?” he said lowly, and paused. “...And if y’can hear me n’ you’re playin’ dead to be funny, I’ll kick your ass through the wall socket.”
There was no sound from Mavis, but another sound stirred him to attention. A weak, wheezing cough came from the door, and he saw someone just before they staggered back into the hallway. It was… what was her name again?
The little orange potato with a hat and feather? The one Mavis tried to throttle?
He was drawing a blank.
Whatever her name was, he was not thrilled with the fact that she had been there without him realizing. Once he heard the coughing fit finally die down, he called, “Hey, you!”
There was a pause, but her cutesy little face soon appeared, sporting a tired, regretful glare. In a raspy voice that was barely even there, she replied, “What?”
“How long were you standin’ there?”
The potato stepped fully into the doorway and folded her arms with a shrug. “I’unno, like, two seconds? I didn’t hear whatever you were mumbling, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Ah,” he smiled, “nah, I was just tellin’ Mavis here how I dropkick little spuds that like to eavesdrop.”
“I wasn’t eavesdropping, dufus,” she spat. “I just didn’t wanna interrupt whatever sappy garbo you were telling your sick girlfriend.”
“She ain’t my girlfriend,” he groaned tiredly, those words just sounding like noise to him by that point.
“‘Kay. Then why are you here?”
He furrowed his brow. “I’unno. She ain’t your girlfriend. Why are you here?”
The little one opened her mouth to reply, but came up short. Tapping her foot a bit, her gaze fell to the floor. “I’unno, I…” she shrugged and held a breath for a second, “...don’t know. This is stupid. Nevermind.”
She turned back to the hallway, and he heard the tiny frustrated slaps of her feet wandering away. Leaving him alone with the music and catatonic Mavis again.
“Hey, hey-- uh-- lil’ spud! Wait!” he called out.
She may have tried to call back, but all he heard was another coughing fit. After a moment, she appeared again, eyes glassy from the effort of wheezing. She looked equal parts confused and pissed.
“My name’s Maribo, you jerkwad,” she hissed.
“Whatever,” he waved his hand. “Just get in here n’ see Mavis already. I don’t care.”
Maribo looked thoughtfully at the bed, but she hesitated, anxiously squeezing her folded arm. There seemed to be an internal debate going on under that little plush-looking hat, one that Turbo had zero desire to be an audience of.
“Okay,” he said flatly, “are ya scared bitless of her now or what?”
That earned him a sharp look. “I’m not scared,” she growled, and continued to grumble as she determinedly strode into the room. The little potato was, in fact, so little that she was obscured by the bed as she came closer, but before long, a chair scooted itself a bit closer to the opposite side of the bed from Turbo, and Maribo hopped up onto it.
Once she actually saw Mavis, all the moody snark on her face seemed to run away. Turbo could not quite read the peculiar way Maribo was looking at her, but he got the impression that she would not soon forget what she saw. She was dumbstruck. In awe, confused, sort of repulsed, and a little… worried, almost.
“Yeah,” he sighed, fidgeting with his pant leg a bit. “She’s real pretty, huh.”
“Uh huh…” Maribo muttered absently. “Yeah, she’s, uh… she looks… hmm...”
“Don’t hurt yourself, kid,” he grumbled.
“Don’t call me ‘kid.’”
Aside from the annoying music and soft beeping, a long, tense silence settled between the two. The air was heavy and suffocating, so much that Turbo almost envied Mavis for her breathing aid. It took a long time of staring at Mavis’ haunting sprite before one of them piped up.
“Did she break anything, or what?” Turbo asked, just for the sake of talking.
“Huh? No, no. Just some… bruising. I feel like a million creds already,” Maribo wheezed weakly.
“Mmm,” he hummed boredly. “Yeah, well. I’unno what they did to ya here, but go bug Fix-it Felix to heal ya the rest of the way if you’re so inclined. Actually, I kinda wonder why they brought ya here at all. Your code didn’t get jacked up.” He paused. “Right?”
Maribo did not respond to that. She merely stared at Mavis, her crossed arms hugged tight to her body. It was clear that she was lost in thoughts that rode heavy on her shoulders. Once again, Turbo felt unjustly exposed to her emotional drama, but he felt too run down to even object. He just leaned his arm against the side rail of the bed and rested his chin on the back of his hand. His eyelids grew heavy quickly.
He had just fallen into a thick, muggy, half-asleep daze when Maribo’s voice snapped him out of it.
“Does this happen a lot?”
“Wh-- Huh?” he startled up a bit. “What?”
“I mean…” she still had not taken her eyes off Mavis. “Does she… Has she ever, well… attacked anyone else?”
Turbo paused to think.
“Define ‘attack.’”
Maribo slowly gave him an unimpressed glance.
“Arright, yeesh,” he half-rolled his eyes. “Uh… yeah-- well-- y’see, kinda? The gal likes to fight just for the fun of it, n’ she’s got a temper hotter than a fire flower sometimes, so, yeah, she’s thrown some punches. But this-- I mean, like this level of attack? Not so much.”
Maribo was quiet for a moment. She sat down, resting her elbows on her bent knees. “I guess I just… didn’t know she had it in her to do something like this.”
Resting his cheek on the rail, Turbo watched Maribo thoughtfully for a minute. He tapped his fingers idly against the bed sheet, debating whether or not to have that conversation. He would have been perfectly content to never go deeper than petty sass with Maribo, but… it seemed like she was about to buy into an unfair idea that too many already believed -- that Mavis was actually dangerous.
He would consider it a favor to his friend. She could owe him later.
“So, judgin’ by… everythin’ about ya,” he began with a low sigh, “I’m guessin’ ya never tried buffs before.”
Maribo cocked her head. “Buffs?”
Turbo’s brows raised. “Really? Y’don’t even know what they are?”
“Not really. I’ve heard the word before, but...” she shrugged.
“...Arright, well...” he tapped a finger against the bed and smacked his tongue. “It’s like this, kid. Y’know how, in games, there are power-ups that the Good Guy uses to do cool crap?”
“Well, if ya take a power-up that’s not from your game, your code goes all, ‘Ahh, what the hell’s this, I ain’t built for this,’ n’ it gets all jumbled up n’ confused for a while. So ya feel some real weird crap. It gets ya high, s’what I’m sayin’.”
Maribo merely watched him, listening.
“Mavis likes ‘em,” he shrugged. “I do too. But sometimes, y’know, she goes harder than she oughtta. And… y’gotta get that buffs make ya feel, think, hear, and even see things all wacked out. If someone goes overboard, they can kinda… lose it for a bit. And, uh… I mean, I’ve seen her freak out and break stuff before, but-- well, hey, you’re roughly vase-sized ain’t ya?”
Maribo squinted. “...What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Ugh,” he grunted, “what I’m sayin’ is, she wasn’t in her right mind. She could’a flipped on anybody at that point. I can pretty much guarantee that she didn’t know it was you.”
She pondered that, watching Mavis again, processing it all. “...Huh.”
“Yeah…” he muttered. “This thing that happened with you? This doesn’t happen a lot. She might be an aggravating, nasty lil’ gremlin pest, but she doesn’t wanna actually hurt anybody.”
“She was just high,” Maribo stated quietly.
“Y’got it.”
“So, was that… I mean, was that why her eyes were all…” she gestured an odd circle around her face.
“Glowing? Yeah. That’s just another fun thing buffs do.”
Maribo fell silent for a moment, just looking at Mavis with an odd sort of melancholy. There was something about it that Turbo did not appreciate. He could smell some more skewed ideas wafting around in her brain. It was hard to say just why it bothered him so much. It felt almost like a backhanded insult to him and his own tastes that one would think badly of the sprite closest to him.
“Hey,” he said sharply. “Quit lookin’ at her like that.”
Maribo shot him an irritated look. “Like what?”
“Like she’s some pitiful addict or somethin’. She doesn’t have a buff problem, she’s just--” he stopped short, an ugly cocktail of emotions bubbling in his chest. He looked at his sleeping friend, giving her a sharp stare that he hoped she could feel. Even though it was the Surge Protector that put her in the hospital, and even though Turbo would never forgive him for that, it was her own recklessness that put her in the position to be shocked in the first place. Turbo would use any excuse he could to justify his belief that she did not have a buff problem. Seeing her nearly killed for attacking another sprite while buffed out of her head was starting to change his mind a bit, and that was never a comfortable sensation for him. He did not feel ready to face all that would come with admitting she had a problem. But what else could he do? Wait around for Surge to fry her to death again?
He finished in a low, unsteady voice, “She’s got a stupidity problem.”
“Ah,” Maribo raised a disbelieving brow. “I guess you’re well equipped to diagnose that, huh?”
He glared. “Yeah, ‘cause I’m fully immersed in a culture a’ complete morons every day.”
“Has anyone ever said to you, ‘Takes one to know one?’”
“Mavis, every other sentence. You ain’t clever.”
“Maybe you just ain’t even worth the brain power to diss cleverly.”
“Nah, your hat’s just blockin’ signals to that lil’ satellite brain you got under there,” he spun his hair around his finger.
At that, Maribo hopped to her feet and grasped the bed rail. “Alright, PAL--”
Mavis’ body glitched.
Both of them startled so hard, their chairs creaked against the floor. Turbo’s heart raced as he pulled himself up close, watching for any other movement. All seemed still for a while. He slowly let out a heated breath that he had been holding and settled back into his seat, his head reeling from the emotional rollercoaster he had been riding all night. When he looked at Maribo, he found her frozen, pressed to the back of her chair, gripping the side. Her breaths came in quick and shallow, and she almost seemed reluctant to blink.
“What the hell’s your problem?” Turbo growled miserably. “I thought you weren’t scared a’ her.”
Maribo swallowed and eased up her death grip on the chair. “I’m not. She just startled me,” she rasped. Then her eyes wandered to Mavis’ vitals monitor, and her brow furrowed a bit. “Uh… did that number just go down?”
Turbo’s heart stumbled. “Down?” He read the monitor -- she was at 63%.
“Yeah, that definitely said 64% just a minute ago,” Maribo mumbled, her voice so concerned, it was almost fearful. When Mavis glitched again, she audibly gasped.
The monitor read 62%, and Mavis stirred.
Turbo immediately grasped the side of the bed, watching her take in her first deep breaths in hours. Finally, finally, she was waking up.
But there was still a third wheel present. Maribo did not look like she particularly wanted to be there anymore, but she seemed to have trouble looking away. Her eyes were just screaming with conflict. Turbo went ahead and decided for her.
“Hey,” he hissed. “Beat it. You’re gonna freak her out or somethin’.”
She gave him a resentful, offended look, but there was a sad sort of understanding there, too. “Fine by me,” she wheezed before hastily hopping from her chair and scampering for the door. To his frustration, she paused in the doorway and looked back, craning her head to get one last look at Mavis, who was starting to grunt a bit.
“Go!” he snapped in a hushed tone. “Give us some privacy, will ya?”
Maribo rolled her eyes into her turn. “Fine, fine, go on n’ kiss your sick girlfriend!”
“She ain’t my--” he stopped as she disappeared into the hallway. “Ugh, whatever.”
Mavis’ soft, weary voice snapped him to attention. She had only turned her head, and was watching him dreamily, her pupils still glowing brightly. He wanted so badly to continue being pissed at her, because she did deserve it. But in that moment, all he could think about was how he was not sure he would ever hear that voice again hardly over an hour ago.
It took him a long time to say anything, but eventually, he managed to breathe, “Hey.”
The corner of her mouth twitched for a second. As he pulled his chair up as close to her head as he could, she looked around the room slowly. Her breathing was a bit labored, and she winced weakly now and again, but she seemed more than calm. She would not be strangling anyone for a long time.
“Hospital,” she whispered. “Uh huh… man, what’d I eat this time? I feel like crap.”  
Turbo kept his hands to himself beneath the bed, fidgeting with his fingers. The anger started to bubble up in him again, but he found it hard to process just how much of it came from worry. He hoped that it would not show, but somehow, that felt impossible.
“Y’didn’t eat somethin’,” he said lowly. “Ya took somethin’.”
She looked at him and blinked slowly. “‘Kay… what the hell did I take?”
“You tell me,” he glared. “I sure hope ya had fun, because ya nearly corrupted for it.”
Mavis’ eyes just widened a bit.
“Yeah. Yeah,” he nodded tightly. “Y’almost died. For a buzz. Must’ve been real freakin’ good to risk your life over -- what was it, Mav? ‘Cause if you tell me it was GC, I’m pullin’ your plug.”
“GC?!” she tried to sit up, but her body glitched and dropped her right back down. Groaning a bit, she rubbed her brow. “I did GC?!”
“I dunno, did ya?” he asked.
“No,” she shook her head. “No, I don’t do GC. It can’t have been. I… don’t remember taking… but… wait-- wait-- I remember that I still had…” she pushed her hand over her face, squeezing her eyes shut in thought.
“Spells,” she whispered.
Turbo let that sit for a few seconds. “...Spells.”
“Y’were doin’ Spells. Alone.”
Her hand fell. She sighed, “Yeah, I guess I was, T.”
He dropped his open palm on the bed. “Why? Why the hell would ya do that?”
Mavis pondered that one for a long while, but ultimately shrugged. “I’unno. I felt like it. So what?”
“So wh--” he stammered, gesturing to the entire room. “Whadya mean ‘So what?!’ This is a big freakin’ deal, dumbass! You’re in the hospital! You nearly corrupted-- you almost died!”
To his disbelief, she actually smiled a bit. “Yeah… it’s pretty badass, huh.”
He wanted to rip all the linens off the bed and tear them apart with his teeth. That was so typical of her to just laugh all the way through it, to blatantly disregard how anyone else might have been affected. Granted, it was something he did himself, but being on the receiving end was infuriating.
“No,” he hissed wetly, “no, Mavis, it’s not. It’s really not. Dyin’ ain’t badass. Dyin’s dead.”
“But I didn’t die,” she slurred, rolling her head to smile at him. “It’s like I’m invincible.”
“There’s a real big difference between bein’ invincible and just countin’ on bein’ lucky.”
Maddeningly, she chuckled. “Maybe Easter Eggs really are good luck charms, after all.”
Something in him snapped. “That’s not ENOUGH!” he snarled, slapping both hands on the bed as he stood, nearly toppling his chair behind him. She watched him, eyes wider than they had been, as he loomed over her.
“Luck is nothin’, Mav! What happens when it runs out?! What happens when some stupid, reckless, ‘because-I-felt-like-it’ stunt gets you killed?! What happens when ya die?! Huh?! Y’gonna just laugh that one off, too, chucklenuts?!”
Mavis glitched twice in rapid succession. Turbo froze as his words ran dry, looking down at the sick, blue-tinted girl lying in a hospital bed, and he fully realized just how much of an ass he was making of himself. There was no fear in Mavis’ luminescent eyes, at least. She returned his gaze with a numb calmness, but her pixels still shifted and flickered, and he could not help but think it was his doing.
Automatically, he checked her monitor. She flashed, and it dropped from 64% to 63%.
Trembling with adrenaline, he pulled his chair up again and slowly sat down. He had no idea what to say, so he picked the usual route and said nothing. Mavis was good at reading his silences… when she was in her right mind.
Gazing at her feet uncomfortably, Mavis pulled her arms in close over her body. As if nothing had happened, she asked miserably, “Why didn’t they give me any blankets? I’m freezing.”
He mumbled carefully, “Y’got three.”
She sighed, closing her eyes. “Freezin’ cold…”
“Y’got a button to call a nurse if you want more.”
“Nah,” she breathed, falling quickly into sleep. “Nah, just come n’...”
She was out, just like that.
Turbo sat, watching her, waiting for her to move again. He was not sure how he felt -- she needed her rest, but he did not like the feeling that he may have upset her into unconsciousness somehow. But if she were asleep, she could stabilize without his big, hideous feelings getting in the way.
He draped himself along the bed rail, resting his cheek on his arm. As Mavis relaxed, one of her hands dropped back to her side again. The sight of it gave him an urge, but he checked the monitor first.
There was only 1% to go until he could touch her.
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headcrossed · 6 years
A/N: no one asked for this, but I can’t stop thinking about it so here goes. Also still taking requests for these guys, if anyone’s interested!
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We all know he’s the one that suggested it. Call it a team building exercise, if you will. Besides, since they’re going to be having more parties now in the future, they gotta make sure they stay strong as an organization. What better way than this?
Since no one else is experienced with this game, Seven also takes it upon himself to DM.
Even though oddly enough, he’s never really played it either... at least, not officially.
He found a rulebook when he was younger at the library, and it inspired him, but he knew he couldn’t take it home where his mom might find it.
So instead he memorized it, and when Saeran was sick he would make up a story and roleplay with him. No stats, character sheets, or anything. Just two lonely kids getting enraptured in pure imagination for a little while. It’s one of the fondest memories he has from his childhood.
I’mma be honest: Seven’s DM-ing style is basically the same as Griffin McElroy’s in TAZ.
He keeps things pretty well-balanced. Plenty of humor and shenanigans, but the more serious and emotional moments are really moving, and everyone’s surprised by this.
Zen and Yoosung and even Jaehee and V probably shed some tears over the way the story unfolds. 
He also does really good voice acting for his characters. Nowhere near on Zen’s level, like you could still kinda tell it’s him doing the voices if you couldn’t see his face, but he gets into character really easy (even Zen thinks he should audition to voice act for a game or something... ;) )
Aside from the obvious previous experience he might have, he probably played some one-shot campaigns with some D&D clubs on campus before. 
The first character he makes is probably a literal recreation of his LOLOL character, since it’s familiar to him, and is a good place to start with since he’s not very experienced. Besides, he’s built like a tank in LOLOL, and if he knows anything about these kinds of games, it’s that balance is key, and they need at least someone who can soak up all the damage of whatever Seven throws at them (is he afraid that he’ll make them face bosses way to big for any of them to handle and they’ll all die in the process? GOD YES)
And it turns out that concern was legit. He dies like 5 minutes in.
Scrapping that strategy, he probably will end up making a half-orc , and he ends up really enjoying this character a lot more.
Plays him... surprisingly chivalrous, probably ends up saving a princess at some point in the game.
Seven lets him romance her and... wait... HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND NOW!!!
The game doesn’t count, my sweet summer child
It’s a little awkward that she’s voiced by Seven,and even though he teases Yoosung about it (both in-game and out), quite often it’s really sweet, actually.
He really, REALLY wishes he could commission someone to do fan art of them, but he has no money T_T
Might ask V if he gets desperate enough... might
Believe it or not, Yoosung will actually ditch playing LOLOL for this.
He likes being able to see all his best friends gathered in one place, laughing and just having a good time. It warms his poor college student heart. 
He’s not really sure how he was convinced to do this, but somehow he’s very into it 
He’s not very good at the numbers part of the game (and he usually has to ask Yoosung or Jaehee to help him with it), but he really shines in the roleplay department (I mean he’s an actor! If nothing else it’s a really good opportunity to work on his improv skills) 
Plays an high-elf bard, with a VERY high charisma stat. 
“Not very original, huh Zen? Trying to make life imitate art?” “Shut up, mistah trust-fund kid!”
Flirts with EVERY ENEMY. To the point that Seven has to make his character have near-death experiences MANY TIMES to get him to stop. 
Still, somehow, by the end of the game he has amassed a harem of enemies who worship him for his god-like beauty. 
Oh but he doesn’t stop there.
His bard now has a whole fandom and following irl too. He even made a separate social media account where he shares all the amazing fan art that people have drawn for his character. He even thinks that maybe they should start broadcasting their sessions or do a podcast. 
Jaehee is an absolute beast at this game.
She’s read over the rulebook at least 20 times and knows it inside and out. 
Probably gets into arguments with Seven and maybe accidentally metagames once or twice. 
She should be dm-ing not seven what the hell are they all thinking? She knows the stats better, anyways 
She plays a rowdy dwarven paladin, and no one expected it.
Her logic is: it’s a fantasy-world. She can be whatever she wants, and she wants to smash things, be as rowdy as she likes, and be blunt and tell things like it is. 
Also she’s semi-intentionally trying to recreate a gimli and legolas style relationship with Zen’s character, go figure ;) it’s actually really sweet at the end of the day though they make a great fucking team.
Has her own special routine for dice-rolls that she believes will increase her odds of getting a better roll.
They all laugh at her for varying degrees for it but FOR SOME REASON IT WORKS AND SHE HAS CRAZY NAT 20 STREAKS SOMETIMES.
She ends up stealing a lot of Jumin’s kills, but she’s just roleplaying, after all. (Seven gives her bonus xp for good roleplaying too like yeah good for her for using this as an outlet) 
Frequents D&D forums a lot now. Thinking up new strategies and probably makes like a million new characters based on them that she may never play (but she hopes to, someday)
He’s heard of it before, and that’s no surprise with his extensive interest in small specialty businesses and the fact that the RFA has at least two members who have played it before. 
But alas, he has never played it himself.
He agrees because the level of spectacle that he’s seen around playing this game is astounding, and he’s intrigued. Thinks maybe he’ll get a new business idea out of it.
“So Jumin, what race are you going to play as?” Seven asks, innocently, as though he doesn’t know the answer.
“... you’ll see.” 
Everyone gets suspicious, but he keeps his poker-face as cool as ever. 
When they go around the table introducing their characters, he puts on his most serious face, puts his hands up in front of his face like paws, and introduces himself as his character: Elizabeth the 4th, Tabaxi Ranger
Zen has to leave the room to get over a sneezing fit, Jaehee’s glasses shatter, Seven straight up dies laughing on the floor. None of it matters to Jumin. He’s living the fucking dream.
All that being said, Jumin is definitely tries to take a more methodical approach to the game. He carefully plans out his strategies for the best strategical outcome. 
He actually ends up really enjoying it, at the end of the day.
You know he’s looking into premium gear for future sessions. Buys all the rulebooks and lorebooks, buys a bunch of really cool-looking handmade dice (that he personally tests himself for balance, to make sure they all roll true). He probably even commissions someone to make custom mini figurines for their characters. 
Like Zen, he’s also not quite sure how he got roped into doing this.
He’s never played, or ever really even HEARD of this game before, let alone understand how it works, but given an opportunity to hang out with the rest of the RFA and relax, he takes it. It sounds like fun to him anyway. 
He has to spend a lot of time making his character (this poor boy, he sees everyone else with their faces stuffed in the character stat books and he doesn’t wanna ask if he can borrow it ‘cause they need it to make their characters too and doesn’t want to interrupt them) 
When he finally DOES make a character, however. He goes with a Tiefling Druid. Not only do they look aesthetically pleasing and unique, but also he empathizes with how they’re treated by society as a whole. It’s kinda the perfect fit. 
He’s super clueless when they first start playing. 
Seven says “Roll for initiative” and he sits there like “wait... what do I do? ^^; ”
Jaehee, Jumin and Seven usually help him out and explain things as they go along.
As the game progresses he picks things up bit by bit. Turns out, he’s actually really good at roleplaying.
In the beginning, he plays his character as this cold and distant,  not really caring about anyone in the team, but over time that dissolves into unerring loyalty to the rest of the party. Probably created an elaborate backstory involving a long lost love, too.
Everyone gets super attached to V’s character.
But of course, OF COURSE
When they face the final boss of the arc, someone has to sacrifice themselves to defeat it.
V immediately volunteers, and is dealt a killing blow before any of the rest of them can so much as talk it through. 
As he dies, he says “My people only know hatred because they have been so hated. But... I’ve never felt that. Not with all of you. Thank you, for showing me that there’s hope for all of us!” and his character dies, with a smile on his face.
All-in-all though, he had a really great time. 10/10 would play again. Maybe even starts constructing a story-based campaign in his head and wants to try DM-ing next time!
He’s always snapping super aesthetic photos of the sessions, and probably does a painting of all their characters together to commemorate their first campaign. 
Saeyoung invited him to play, but he says no. 
It’s childish and he has other things he wants to do.
Saeyoung doesn’t pressure him, and honestly he thought that would be the last he’d hear of it. 
However, Seven’s house is usually where they end up meeting to play (since no one else really has the room for it, and playing at Jumin’s house is ruled outright due to level of c-hair)
He’s a little annoyed, and thus stays in his room for most of the night, figuring he can wait the session out in his room.
But alas, the one thing he didn’t factor in was wanting some ice cream at 1 am.  
After a deep internal debate, he ultimately decides to leave his room to satisfy the craving, and unlocks his door. 
He wanders into the kitchen, surprisingly unnoticed, silently grabbing a spoon from the drawer and taking the carton of ice-cream out of the freezer, when he overhears something... familiar.
“BOOM! BOOM! Drums sound in the deep. A mighty roar soon follows, as the chamber rumbles with the sound, pieces of the construction tumbling to the floor of the ancient hall in its wake...” 
Seven roars, for effect. 
“Oh shit...” Zen says.
“Louder and louder, the sound draws nearer, until the sound stops at the foot of the barricaded door. Large shadows overcome what little faint light shone from beneath the door...”
*pushes up his glasses* “Roll for initiative”
“Shame...” Seven says, “If only there was one more party member... then you might have a chance...” 
Seven then looks over to the doorway, locking eyes with Saeran briefly.
Memories prickle at the back of his head. Memories of those same eyes lighting up as he told the same stories to him. He remembers getting lost in those stories, feeling happy deep down as he figured out what he would do next. He even remembers... smiling? 
He runs back into his room, and slams the door. 
And that’s the last the RFA sees of him...
Or so they think.
Half an hour later, he comes out of his room, pulls out one of the kitchen chairs, sits down and slams a hastily-printed character sheet. 
“Looks like you’re running into some trouble with that Balrog... tch. Amateurs.”
He made a Kenku Monk, chaotic neutral alignment.
And he completely destroys the boss that Seven had planned for them. 
Probably splits from the party a bunch, but Saeyoung planned for that, so there’s usually a bunch of story-heavy side-quests waiting for him anyway, and they all eventually lead him back to the party somehow.
But truth be told, he’s not that mad about it.
Every opportunity he gets to describe exactly the kind of moves he’s exacting on the enemies they face, he takes. He explains it in creative, gory detail, and it shocks some of the other party members, but Seven seems cool with it.
That’s right kiddo, harness all that repressed rage. Let it out. 
He’s helping clean the kitchen after everyone’s gone when Seven asks,
“So? You going to play with us next session too?”
He pauses washing the snack dishes for a beat, and the corners of his lips start to twitch, just a little.
“Y-yeah, I-... I actually had a lot of fun.”
His brother pats him on the back, his hand still on his shoulder when he says “I’m glad! That’s what I was hoping to hear.”
“... Wait... you planned this from the beginning, didn’t you?”
The sly smirk on Seven’s face says it all. Bih you know he did
“... you little shit.”
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k-renne · 6 years
SUMMARY: Adam Sackler was a mess, he couldn’t even succeed in a one night stand without catching feelings for you. With his luck, he’s fucked
TAGS: @damndriver, @rosalynbair, @oh-adam, @galaxygarbage,@dreamboatdriver, @kylokiwi
When Adam woke up the next day, holding onto you like his life depended on it, he wanted to yell. But he couldn’t - because then you might wake up and then he’d be fucked all over again and he really wouldn’t be able to leave.
Sure it was his own fucking apartment, but you’d get the message. In fact - he even wrote a stupid note. On a coffee stained scrap of paper he wrote: Hey kid, had to do some shit, help yourself to some cereal or whatever, I gotta leave.
Bullshit, he didn’t have jack to do. He just couldn’t bare to see you right now. Adam made a growl of frustration, hitting a random sign on the street. A few people stared at him and he glared right back, biting his tongue from cursing at them.
This was fucking stupid, he should of at least put on some sneakers so that he could go for a run. Maybe he should just go back, maybe you’d just be asleep and he could go back to the comfort of his bed and fuck you again. Ah, that sounded so much better than this. Turning around Adam headed back to his apartment, a smile on his face now as he thought about what he was going to do to you. He even started running, he couldn’t fucking wait.
“Baabyy...I’m ready to fuck again,” Adam said once he entered his apartment. “Y/N? What are you taking a shit?” He looked towards his bathroom but the door was open and it was empty. “Fuck!” He cursed, seeing his bed was empty and his sheets were neatly placed over his pillow.
He opened every door and checked every corner of his apartment, but you were gone. “Fucking fuck! I’m so fucking stupid,” Adam yelled, clearing his table with one sweep of his hand. He broke a few more things in his little temper tantrum, until he saw his note on the counter.
He was about to crumple it up when he saw your reply: No worries Adam! Last night was fun -your pretty little slut.
Adam groaned reading your note, collapsing on his couch in defeat, still panting from running around his apartment. “I’m such a fucking ass,” He said to no one in particular, shaking his head. Who was he kidding trying to leave? He was already fucking crazy to you. He wanted to run around the whole city just trying to find you, confess his love or whatever shit he had to do to make you know he wanted you here.
Maybe you were just too good for him, so good that he had to ruin it. He couldn’t help but think of the conversation you two had last night.
“Adam?” You asked him, after sitting down to eat some of the takeout you ordered on his couch together.
“Yeah?” He asked, turning to look at you.
“Do you want to have kids someday? Or are you just really kinky,” You snickered. What he said stuck with you and had you curious.
Adam paused as he chewed, swallowing all the food in his mouth in a painful lump. “Fuck-I...I don’t know, maybe. My sisters baby was pretty fucking cute, but everytime I think maybe-maybe it could happen it just doesn’t. Even if I wanted one, I don’t think it’ll happen. I’m not that great with relationships or I’m just really fucking unlucky.” Adam admitted, frowning.
“I know, everyone makes it look so fucking easy-but it’s not. I think the truth is, everyone is pretty shit at it. Really it’s all about how long you can put up with it.” You pondered.
I think I could put up with you for a while, Adam thought. He could’ve said that, and then maybe you’d be all over him and his dick again. But he wasn’t good with words, and instead he just made a noise of agreement and proceeded to eat his food in silence.
He wished he fucked you again too, but instead he just..played with your hair until you fell asleep.
He didn’t see you for a while after that, but he thought of you. Rubbed his cock raw thinking of fucking your tight little cunt again, making you his girlfriend or some shit. He tried to find other girls, almost fucked one, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. It felt like he was cheating on you-even if you weren’t his in the fucking first place. But he wanted you to be, so badly.
With what Adam said that night, you had a feeling he wasn’t ready for anything serious, and with the note he left in the morning it seemed as if he was running away from something. You couldn’t go after a guy like that, it fucking sucked to be into someone more than they were into you. Sure you were sad to let him go, snagging a cock like that was a dream. But it just wasn’t the right time, so you left. You knew that’s what he wanted you to do anyways, you weren’t stupid.
You were working that night, doing special effects makeup for a play. As sick as it sounded gore makeup was always lots of fun, and some of your favorite work was the effects you did in a few horror movies. You just hoped your actors would be patient enough for you to do a good job. Some people were not good at sitting still at all.
“Y/N you have Adam next, he has a gunshot wound on his chest, make it bloody,” The artistic director told you, and you narrowed your eyes at the sheet in front of you of your model. It was fucking Sackler, you sure had your work cut out for you tonight.
“Adam you’ve got makeup, just head to the dressing room she’ll be all set up.” The production assistant told him.
When Adam walked in to see you, he was fucking ecstatic. “Take off your shirt,” He heard you tell him, not even looking up at him. He grinned and obliged, god he was so fucking lucky.
“Hey kid, nice to see you. Fucking missed you like crazy,” Adam walked over to you, much closer than he needed to be, close enough to lean in for a kiss. He felt your hand on his chest, pushing him back.
“Not now Adam I’m trying to work,” You sighed.
“Why not now? Where else am I gonna fucking find you-” Adam grabbed your hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss.
You blushed as his uncharacteristic display of affection, and jerked your hand away from him to grab a makeup brush. Sure you liked to flirt and all, but you didn’t have much time to do this. “Sit down,” You pointed to the chair. You lowered the chair and got on your knees so you could be eye level with his chest and not strain your back. Adam opened his legs wider to made space for you, looking down at you on your knees with a smirk.
“You know you look really hot on your knees like that.” He flirted, hand reaching down to pet your hair.
You just ignored him, placing on hand on his thigh to rest it there while you began sponging liquid latex onto his chest. “H-hey that tickles,” Adam laughed.
“Shh! Stay still, I can’t have you fucking this up.” You snapped at him. Adam only laughed more, you were cute as fuck when you were mad. You just rolled your eyes at him, scoffing.
You felt him staring at you as you worked, no doubt in a perverted way. You were wearing a simple black tanktop and black pants, standard backstage clothing. “You know from this angle I can really see your tits,” Adam comments.
You huffed and pulled your top up, “Then stop fucking looking at them.”
God, that was way too fucking hot to be legal. Adam felt his cock half harden, it was only worse with your hand so close on his thigh, you in between his legs and on your knees. He groaned and leaned back in the chair.
You tsked at him when you saw the bulge in his pants, “I don’t think your character’s supposed to be aroused as he’s shot Adam.” You teased him.
“Fuck-stop talking, you’re making it worse.”
“I bet you would just love it if I sucked your cock right now,” You purred, looking up at him as you mouthed sucking an imaginary dick with your tongue and your fist.
“Oh you’re in for it now kid.” Adam said darkly, eyes dangerous.
“Nope, you’ve gotta get back to work big boy,” You pat his thigh and stood up, your work done.
Adam frowned, “Well what the fuck am I supposed to do about this then?” He pointed to the tent in his pants.
“I don’t know, it’s your dick. Do what you want.” You shrug.
“I. Want. You.” He walked over to you, grabbing your arm as he emphasized each word.
“No you don’t, you’re just horny out of your mind.” You argued.
“Don’t tell me what I fucking want,” Adam growled, before slamming his lips on yours. It was a possessing kiss, and it wasn’t just a quick peck. No, he kept kissing you, and you kissed him back. You were weaker for this man more than you’d like to admit, which never happened. Normally you had more control over things like this.
And yet here you were, kissing him back with just as much need. Until Adam was called to the stage. He was panting, his forehead resting against yours and his hand on your cheek, “I’m not fucking done with you, I’ll be back.” He told you.
The rest of a play went by in a blur, Adam’s mind still stuck on you and your sweet fucking mouth. He couldn’t wait to get this shit off his chest, and take you back to his apartment.
You were busy packing up when Adam came in, rushing over to you to pick you up in a hug. “Adam! You’re getting fake blood all over me!” You squealed, trying to get him off of you.
“Come on hurry up, I wanna get this shit off and take you home.” He was a ball of energy and excitement, all handsy and all over the place with a big grin on his face.
You sighed as you began cleaning him up, “Adam I don’t know about this, I don’t think I can do this with you.” You stepped back from him, shaking your head.
“What? No come on, please,” He grabbed onto your shoulders, looking down at you. His face dropped when you shook your head again, he really fucked this up didn’t he. “Fuck-shit, I’m sorry...I don’t I don’t know why I left-” He blurted out, eyes wide with distress.
“Yeah? I really don’t understand why you’d ask me stay if you didn’t want me to.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Because I wanted you there! I left because I’m fucking too stupid to see something great when it’s right the fuck in front of me.” Adam raised his voice, frustration high.
“Well-what do you even want from me? Just a fuck, or to be your girlfriend, or friends with benefits, baby mama, your slut…” You listed off options, needing to set things straight.
Adam tightened his grip on your shoulders and hunched down to look at you in the eye. “Fucking yes! I want all of that, don’t you get it? You fucking won okay-I can’t...I need you,” He pleaded, already out of breath and face red.
You looked to meet Adam’s intense gaze, his eyes searching your face for some answer. The room was filled with the sound of both your breathing, Adam’s gaze softening the more he looked at you. Making up his mind, he kissed you, and when you kissed him back he smiled.
“Taxi!” Adam waived his hand, his other holding yours and keeping you close against his side. He shamelessly made out with you in the backseat, you on his lap and he didn’t fucking care if the driver saw. He wanted to put his cock in you as soon as he could and he wanted you wet and ready by the time he got to the apartment.
He whispered filthy things in you ear, “My little slut’s gonna get fucked with a big cock tonight.” He grabbed your ass, thighs, and sucked bruises into your skin.
“Ahem-” The driver cleared his throat, annoyed with the couple that clearly couldn’t wait.
Adam paid him, before grabbing you by the waist and throwing you over his shoulder, again.
“Adam! I hate when you do that-” You hit his back, earning a laugh from him.
“Shut up you fucking love that I can pick you up like this.” He shot back, his louds footsteps echoing on his way up the staircase to his apartment.
He threw you on to the bed and pounced on you, kissing you needily as his hands went to cup your pussy over your leggings. You arched your hips against him with a moan, Adam rubbing you with his fingers. “I’m gonna eat your pussy, make you so fucking wet for me.” Adam told you, peeling of your pants.
He was too impatient to do with all of your clothing, and his, as he got to work with his mouth on your cunt. You moaned and pulled his hair, and he loved how fucking into him you were. “Ugh yes-fuck! Adam,” You whined his name.
“That’s right pretty slut, say my name like you know you’re mine,” He growled, lifting his head to look at you. He really enjoyed eating a girl out before sex, and it was especially better to see them go wild like you were. Something about getting pussy in his beard just did it for him. There was nothing better seeing a pussy when was fully aroused, all wet and swollen. He fucking loved it, and there was no better way to fuck a cunt. Plus, it was pretty good for his ego to know he could get you like this.
“Adam-” You moaned again, writhing in his sheets. At that he kissed you, not caring that he made you taste yourself. And you were moaning at that too, which he swallowed gladly with his tongue. With his lips on yours he began fingering you, just a few times before quickly unzipping his pants and filling you with his cock.
“Oh-fuck, fuck yeah-” He praised. Too eager he wasn’t able to manage anything but a fast pace, selfishly chasing his orgasm as he grunted with each hard thrust.
“Gnn fuck, pretty slut your pussy feels so good around my cock, I can feel you squeezing me. I bet you haven’t had anyone since I fucked you. No one else with a cock this good.” He talked dirty to you, panting in between thrusts.
You spread your legs and wrapped them around his torso, making him fuck you deeper while you continued to moan in bliss. Adam grabbed your chin with his hand, wrenching it to look at him, “Tell me-tell me you haven’t fucked anyone since me, tell me you’re my little slut.” Adam rushed out, urgency in his voice.
“No-no one since you,” You answered honestly. “I’m yours Adam,” You added. He closed his eyes in relief, groaning as his face pressed against your shoulder. His hand reached up to grab your breast, tweaking a nipple in his fingers.
“Fuck I love these tits, only a slut would have tits this good-and you’re mine!” He declared, wanting to keep reminding you. “My slut, all mine, mine fucking mine.” He rambled.
“Ahh!” You cried out, your orgasm hitting you suddenly as your cunt milked Adam’s cock.
“Oh fuck-fuck! You dirty whore you’re making me cum already-fuck!” Adam shouted, cursing heavily.
He fell on top of you with a moan, hot breath panting against you neck. “Can’t breathe-” You gasped, his heavy weight crushing you.
“Shit-sorry,” He rolled over onto his back. He sat up and took off his shirt, then worming his jeans and underwear off his legs, kicking his clothes over the bed.
“Fuck, that was good,” Your chest heaved. Your eyes shut in bliss.
Adam grinned to himself, turning to kiss your cheeks. “Wow-you’re a fucking mess.” He chuckled. And he loved you like this, he wanted to see you like this all the time.
“Well it’s your damn fault,” You blamed him.
“I know,” He looked at you, the biggest shit eating grin on his face. His arm slid over your waist as he nuzzled your shoulder, one leg sliding over you.
He pressed a kiss against your sweaty skin murmuring, “I won’t leave you-ever.” He stated, and that was final.
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Fic Inspiration Roulette
It’s a collection of posts I’ve seen that inspired some of my fics. They’re not all written like prompts but you get the idea. It’s a mix of fluff and smut. Anyways I decided to post it for my own reference but also so people could use it as a meme if they want to.
Send a ship name and I’ll randomly generate a number 1-40 for a “fic prompt”
1. “Characters trapped somewhere to hide from a storm” trope, more like: “HOW MANY ORGASMS CAN THESE CHARACTERS HAVE IN 48 HOURS WHILE WAITING OUT A BLIZZARD? THE ANSWER MAY SHOCK YOU!”
2.  BOSS: Know why I called you in here? ME: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic BOSS: [stops pouring 2 glasses of wine] Accidentally?
3. “I am not sorry for who I had to become in order to survive.”
4. PERSON A: “Babe you wear a lot of black. Don’t you ever want some bright colors?” PERSON B: [smirks] “Nah you already brighten my day.” PERSON A: “I fucking love you.”
5. PERSON D: “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with ‘S’” PERSON C: “Is it [PERSON A and B’s] Sexual tension? PERSON A and B: “What?”
6. I stand in truth of who I am and what I feel. I’m liberated by authenticity. I stand exposed, my armor shed with arms outstretched in vulnerability. I am yours to wound, abandon, or embrace. I stand steady in patience as you search for your own truth. But know this: I will not wait forever.
7. I want sheet grabbing, back arching, heavy breathing, leg shaking sex. I want the slow kissing, hand roaming, and neck kissing. I want my lip bit and my back pinned against the wall. Pin me the fuck down. Get on top of me, rip my clothes off. Fuck...
8. If they stand behind you, give them protection. If they stand beside you, give them respect. If they stand in front of you, watch their back. And if they stand against you, show them no mercy.
9. No offense, but the soft uncertain kiss followed by a pause where the people look each other in the eyes and then fucking pull each other back into a more passionate kiss, will always be the most soul destroying trope. Catch me lying on the fucking ground sobbing and rewatching The Scene TM
10. I don’t want high school student aus. I want high school teachers aus. Please give me awkward teachers in love with each other and their students who work so, so hard to shove them together, please!
11. They told you it would feel good, but you couldn’t have imagined it would be this good. You hold their head down as you cum in their mouth. Don’t worry, let it wash over you. It’s what you both want. They’re happy to be on their needs, swallowing every last drop, unlike your partner.
12. Imagine your OTP having lazy Saturday morning sex. Eyes half open, early-morning sun washing across the bed. Sheets tangled around their legs. It’s nothing too intense. It’s warmth and messy tenderness, faces buried into each other’s necks and pleasure shivering down their spines.
13. If you run your fingers through my hair and pull a little while we’re kissing, I’m all yours.
14. Concept: We are laying in a hammock together, the summer breeze gently rocks us. My head is on your chest and I can hear your heartbeat and your breathing. The birds sing above and the sunlight warms us. I am in love with you.
15. You say you hate me, but I can see the love in your eyes. The way you say my name doesn’t match the vile words that follow. If I disgust you, then why do you pull me closer? If you say it hurts, then why beg to be touched. You confuse me darling, but let’s make one thing clear-you are mine, not his. So stop lying and show me how you really feel.
16. Neck kiss is honestly the hottest, most seductive thing anybody could ever do to me. If you kiss my neck, if you playfully bite my neck, if your tongue touches my neck, I will melt in your fingertips.
17. Plot: You’re an intelligent, pretty young thing who’s more familiar with books and philosophical concept. I’m that rough trade guy who you invite over to fix your sink and install a couple electrical things, but really you wanted to see me shirtless and of course, I end up fucking your brains out in the kitchen and then the bathroom and finally in the courtyard because that was the plan all along. Let’s be real.
18. When lazy kissing gets intense with that deep breath and hip pull.
19. When I have you, I’m gonna brand you with my lips and all of the world will know that you’re MINE now.
20. I say it’s time to bring back overtly sexual masquerade parties.
21. Someday, someone is going to look at you with a look in their eyes you’ve never seen. They’ll look at you like you’re everything...wait for it.
22. I’m sorry but if I’m sucking a dick and it hasn’t cum in like 10 minutes or less, it’s not my problem anymore and you can figure it out.
23. You call yourself ugly but you’ve only seen yourself when you look at the mirror, a thread. You don’t see yourself when your face lights up at the sight of a baby, ice cream, or your favorite restaurant. You don’t see yourself when you’re so focused on the things you love doing. You tell yourself you’re ugly but you’ve never seen yourself talk about the things you love. The stars, sky, the constellations, and the universe. You don’t see yourself when you smile at me for finally understanding what you’re trying to say. I guess that’s why it’s so easy for people to say they’re ugly because they’ve never seen themselves in the smallest moments, in the ordinary and still be beautiful. You never saw yourself tear up for laughing so hard or turn red after I told you something cheesy.
24. I want to lick your pulse and make you wonder if I’ll bite.
25. We’re on a date in a club and my friend is really high and confessing their love for me in front of you. So you take me to the back and fuck me to remind me who I belong to AU
26. Suggestion: Whisper praise in my ear when you’re fucking me from behind.
27. I’m sure you wouldn't mind them joining in, would you? You’re so needy. Sometimes you just need the extra attention. Don’t you? Need another set of hands on you, or more skin to get your hands on?
28. A shy sub riding your thigh, and hiding their face in your shoulder, mewling quietly as you guide their hips and make them move faster.
29. You’re OTP having sex. Person A has a habit of burying their face in something when they hit their climax, whether it be a pillow of Person B. This time Person B makes absolutely sure that Person A is looking at them when they orgasm (even if it means holding their face still). Bonus if Person B is so turned on by it they instantly cum.
30. From the bottom of my heart, please know that I’d appreciate being slammed against a wall with your hands down my pants and your breath against my neck saying that I am yours and only yours. 
31. If a monster or demon isn’t rawing you behind a haunted house or inside the woods, are you even doing Halloween right?
32. So there I was, a woodsman in flannel, eating out a beautiful man in a red cloak after saving him from a dangerous wolf. 
33. I don’t need prayers to worship you; just my head between your legs and your hands tugging at my hair.
34. I wanna hide my face in someone’s neck and sleep
35. Having sex with someone actually is a big deal and involves a ton of vulnerability and I think it’s extremely troubling and gross and unhealthy and actually exceptionally dangerous that we pretend otherwise and encourage people to “be mature” by compartmentalizing/completely eliminating their deeper human emotions from their sexuality and that any other view is dismissed as prudish and invalid and unenlightened and childish and restrictive. I can’t think about this too much because it makes me rage but I hate how much porn and capitalism have destroyed how we understand and experience sexuality and intimate connections with one another so much. 
36. I want to sleep with you. I don’t mean have sex. I mean sleep, together, under my blankets, and in my bed. With my hand on your chest and your arm around me. With the window cracked so it’s chilly and we have to cuddle closer. No talking, just sleepy blissfully happy, silence. 
37. Making out is one of the most underrated things in the world of sex. Like, one of the best feelings on Earth is tongue on tongue, biting each other’s lips and pressing your bodies together and grinding your hips into each other while your breathing mixes and making out is just so ugh God...
38. Imagine someone buying you lingerie just so they could see you in it.
39. “We’ve been fucking no strings attached but I just saw you go upstairs with another guy and I’m drunk and following you both upstairs to punch the shit out of him.
40.  My muse us clearly having a very vivid dream. Their body is reacting to it in a very sexual manner, panting and writhing in reaction as they sleep. It seems that whatever or whoever they are dreaming of is doing a good job of turning them on. Send me your muse’s response to walking in and finding them like that. 
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strontiumsun · 5 years
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New 8tracks! As I do around the holidays, I have prepared for you guys the next and final (for now) Heroes of Thantopolis character playlist! This time it’s for Redburn, the last of the main characters to appear in the story. His playlist is based around rhythmic and percussive-led songs. Give it a try if you’re tired of Christmas music!
Track listing and full lyrics under the cut:
Redburn playlist lyrics sheet
 “Alphonso Muskedunder” by Todd Terje
 “It Takes a Village!!” - $10,000 (FCC/Explicit Warning)
Lyrics source: Interpretation from music
It takes a village!
Oh it takes a village to settle
And every time that I meddle because I leave
Just like she’s over
Just like they’ll bring you down
 [?]Bottomless bottomless service taxes!
My mates’ll bring me round.
 It takes a village!
Please allow me anybody else would see you now
Whoever you are
[?]and check will bounce
Oh yeah you’re gonna go far!
It takes a village! (fuck!)
  “The Burglars” by Animal Collective
Lyrics source: AZ lyrics, likely official lyrics
 I could be a hare and I’d sneak into my private rivals dreaming I’m a burglar
Quick as any day in my fleeting little chest of hopefuls lost it to the burglars
I can be aware and ya maybe I’m the same like pirates likened to the burglars
Threat on any day and I’m hiding from the hare who’s also hiding from the burglars
 I didn’t catch his name pow shot him on the range yow cause he was a burglar
Happens in the parks boohoo even in the old days stinking of the burglars
Happens in my home I never see it coming
 When I was young we used to put alarms on our doors and screens like a burglar net
now that I’m older I’m sure that’s absurd that’s the word for the man who collects who’s he stealing from next
 When I was young my parents yelled beware of the ivory man that will steal and sell
now that I’m older those words are still pure not the look of a crook in his books what’s he taking from you?
 And worried peeps go on about it
Say a lot of changes better come
A pocket full of change is emptied by
A little gawky bright and bubbly bird
 Lots of heroes out there thinking bout it but minutes of their lives are ticking down
and bottles full of love are drunken by a tricky trite and thirsty hungry bird
 Blooming tips on tulip cones that
Don’t pay out they keep on growing
Costume thieves who never hand back half of what you end up owing
 Has this town really gotten much better are the burglars gonna keep on trying to meddle with it?
 Probably driving your car with someone
Close up your head cause are they reading your letters come on pack up the bed for betters
 What you think you own you don’t watch out the burglars
 Stealing from the day. Didn’t take a second. Listened to a record and they got away sneaky are the burglars.
When I cross their way like a helpless chicken bones will soon be clinkin wearing me for play bracelet on a burglar
Thought I was ok not as bad as some and sunset on the slums see another day happy are the burglars
Brush it all away or do I let it sink in? Is it my ambition just to turn away? Freedom for the burglars
 What you think you own you don’t watch out the burglars
 “I’m So Free” by Beck
Lyrics source: AZ Lyrics
 I'm on a tangent
Textbook ephemeral
Facts are confusing me
I'm so free now
 I'm on a one-man waiting list
I'm bored again
I buried all my memories
I'm so free now
 I see the silhouette of everything
I thought I ever knew
Turning into voodoo
I'm so free now
 A panic cycle, sentimental
Feel it out until you know
It wasn't meant for you
I'm so free now
 I'm so free now
I'm so free now
And the way that I walk
Is up to me now
 And if I breathe now
I could scream now
You can hear me
From Topeka to Belize now
I'm gonna freeze out
These enemies out
They never see what I got
No need to bend my knees down
Heaven forbid
Time is running out
Nothing new under the sun
Better get down
 I'm so free
Free from me
Free from you
 Who am I supposed to be
In the middle of the day
With no good connection?
I'm so free now
 They try to keep me down
With affliction
Alpha male fell asleep in the engine
I'm so free now
 A horizontal aspiration
In the basement
With a digital lust for life
I'm so free now
 I coin the phrase of the realm
Let it roll into the street
Like a token of sweet nothing
I'm so free now
 I'm so free now
I'm so free now
And the way that I walk
Is up to me now
 Hey nobody's going to keep me down
Nobody's going to keep me down
Nobody's going to keep me down
Gonna do, gonna do, gonna do what we want
 I don't want to go
I don't want to go
I don't want to go down
Gonna do, gonna do, gonna do what we want
 “Amazing!” by Indicator Indicator
Lyrics source: Official video
 Like some climactic scene
Hanging by fingertips over a ravine
In my mind I just let go, but it isn’t so
My hands must know what my head doesn’t know
 Amen I live with a friend
Who wakes me up and picks me up from the floor again
In my mind I just let go, but it’s never so
My body must know what my heart doesn’t know
 Oh, A-maze-ing Amazing, A-maze-ing Amazing
 It is what it is and it is what it isn’t
Go about your day like it’s somehow your decision
All the noise saying there’s no choice
I mean it’s right but we don’t have to act like it’s right
 You twist and twist until it’s you that gets twisted
Unassisted by a vision that seems for real but isn’t
Saying effort is rewarded, gold stars forever
It’s sordid and distorted but it’s how we keep the order so
 The body solves what the mind makes
Muscle through the mental mistakes
The heart pumps through the heartache
Don’t know about you but I’ll have the steak
 Oh, A-maze-ing Amazing, A-maze-ing Amazing
 <There seems to be some sort of fear of being seen or heard>
<It’s who you are>
 So send a little love into the deep
To the tired old solider who never retreats
The machine watching everything
As you lie asleep
Releasing your soul out as steam
 Oh, A-maze-ing Amazing, A-maze-ing Amazing
 “Dbl Trbl” by Dinmachine
 “The Death Graduates” by The Octopus Project
Lyric source: interpretation from lyrics
 Shake down to the water, shake down where you wanna Chained down to the rail, shapes telling your secret Oh-oh-oh no, oh-oh-oh no, oh-oh-oh no, oh-oh-oh no Oh-oh-oh no, shapes trapped in stone, oh-oh-oh no, work, ten feet tall Oh-oh-oh no, secrets are been told, oh-oh-oh no, oh-oh-oh no Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
 Oh-oh-oh no, secrets are been told, oh-oh-oh no, words down below
Oh-oh-oh no, shapes covered in stone, oh-oh-oh no, oh-oh-oh no
 Tigers only we all have them
Welcome someday will come power
Rising power, rising flower, rising tower and []
 “Lots” by Dan Deacon
Lyrics: lyricsbox
 Head south headstrong Wake each grey dawn Hold on weakness No prints princess Mother my nest Once choice to make Get ready to go Feel like we've been here before Without a choice and insecure Of where we'd be without this net around Yet we've always hated it
 Now we stand a chance to break the chains And break lance that cuts into the heart And burns the essence of our dreams desire No hope in sight Held on too tight Skylines burnt down No crops dust cloud Blind dogs run deep Pale surf, cold feet Once choice to make Get ready to go Cold throne, no sire Black earth past fire Flushed out regret No past, no sense Brave days ahead None rest, none yet Once choice to make Get ready to go
 “You’re My Best Friend” by Buhu
Lyrics source: Interpretation from music
 Tracing hands, racing thoughts
Keep it close before they all split apart
Dollar bills and textured seams
Chasing myths, he says you’re abandoning
Well I can’t stand to see you suffering
You’re my best friend
 Flash of light, so invoke
We can change or we will never all alone
Don’t short ending between
Chasing myths and he says you’re abandoning
Well I can’t stand to see you suffering
You’re my friend
You’re my best friend
 Well I can’t stand to see you suffering
You’re my friend
You’re my best friend
 There’s a sense of looking back
My best friend
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kapanbenernya · 6 years
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 2 -- Extreme Rat Extermination Service
So not long ago, my friend told me about another game on steam that he wanted me to check out. The game in question was Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 2. He said it’s some kind of four player co-op game like Left 4 Dead 2. Actually he needn’t explain the game to me because I actually owned Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide, the game that came before this one. I remembered buying it years ago and unable to actually play it until years later because my PC and my internet could not support the game. Actually now that I think about it, I still never get to really play it because nobody is still interested in the game. You know what? Let’s forget everything I said about it and refocus on Vermin 2.
Yeah, I’m just gonna call it Vermin 2, the full game’s name is too fucking long
In Vermin 2, you are some guy/elf/dwarf living in some Victorian Era London type of world fighting giant rats and buff white dudes. This very basic and very unrepresentative description of the world and the lore of the game might just net me an invitation to the chopping block by the Warhammer fanboys, but I don’t care. Look, it’s a Warhammer lore okay, so cheat-sheet's probably there’s a god or some gods with their respective cults and war happens, hopefully involving hammers. Here’s what I can gather from the prologue: a rat guy and some lovechild between a viking and an orc wants to open a portal to somewhere not good, and our heroes must stop them. 
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Warriors from the northern region with horned helmets? Wonder where the inspiration came from
Our heroes are a ragtag band of five people which includes a soldier with kickass facial hair, a religious nutter, a fire witch, a scottish elf-woman, and discount Gimli. The gang was formed in the events of the first game which I have absolutely no idea how it happened because I didn’t play it, and I have no intention of checking the lore. I mean have you SEEN the lore? If you can be bothered to check, it’s actually rich and ornate, with multiple race and languages. That’s why I will never touch it without a 10-foot barge pole; I still aspire to have a decent sex life someday. 
But I’m getting sidetracked, so here’s how the number of heroes will affect the gameplay
The hero you choose will define your play-style. Or to be more exact, the play-style you prefer will mostly dictate which hero you will find enjoyable. You wanna be a quick whoosh whoosh DPS? Go for the elf. You wanna be a stone-wall tank? Go check out the shield-bearing duo: the soldier and the dwarf. You wanna be kinda useful and kinda useless at the same time? Go for the character that looks like he’s from Bloodborne. Interested in being the prick that fills everyone’s screen with bullshit? The fire witch’s your lady, matey. But that’s not all the depth that comes from choosing a hero. You got 3 class for each hero, each offers different passive buffs and hero skill. Don’t think you can try them all instantly though, the game’s gonna make you work for it. You will have to unlock the classes by leveling up with the first class already unlocked from the get-go. 
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I mean if they didn’t do that, I’d be able to make a joke about being in a classless society etc etc.
After you’ve chosen how highly you are ranked above the local commoner, in comes the weapons. Your main bread and butter is the melee weapon. Of course there’s the good old stereotype on the weapon variety: fast but weak, strong but slow, and medium but medium. The only ones that are a bit different than the rest are the weapons that’s paired with shields, which allows you to block more incoming attacks from enemies before getting your guard broken. Okay, let’s see the variety of shield weapons available: fast but weak, strong but-oh bother, it’s just the fucking same. Mind you, these weapons are not shared among heroes, for each weapon are exclusive to one hero and one hero only. So don’t think you can cheat the game by giving the whoosh whoosh elf a goddamn mace and shield. 
But as the old adage goes: “man cannot survive on bread, rats, and buff dudes alone”, so here comes some tasty peanut butter spread to save us from blandness in the form of ranged weapons. As with the melee weapons there are also varieties of different types of ranged weapon for each hero and class, and also like melee weapons, exclusive to each hero. Now, don’t expect to me explain the uniqueness of each weapon type and/or combinations, because that shit’s up to you to try and decide which one’s up your alley. 
With those weapons explained, care for a little test drive on rats and buff dudes?
Believe me when I say there are a lot of enemy variations in this game. First off, there’s two factions of enemies going hand in hand to knock the living shit out of your party: the Skaven and the Chaos Army. Although for simplicity matters, I preferred calling them rats and buff dudes respectively, simply because that’s what they are. To start, you’ve got the mob enemies. They’re weak, plentiful, bland, and makes up for 90% of the enemy. And then there’s the elite enemies. They are enemies that have different behavior and approach towards your party. There are ones that disables a player, the ones that punishes loners and drags them away from the party, area denial, the big tanky mini-boss, and so on. These elite enemies are unique in design and therefore can be easily distinguished from the mob by audio cues and vision, especially after the in-game characters shouted callouts before the enemy can even be seen anywhere in this plane of existence. But the one thing I find curious is that design-wise and gameplay-wise, I find that the elite rat enemies are more interesting than the elite buff dudes. I mean you got the sneaky rat and the hooker rat that makes you stick together, the gas rat and fire rat that pushes you away from a beloved choke point, and gatling rat that’s 100% bullshit. But the elite buff dudes are just variations of even buffer dudes that charge in blindly with the mob with roughly the same results or fat dudes with magic hurricanes that’s just here to fuck your shit up, fam.
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I gotta admit, still hilarious when it happens to everyone except you
Well, what else can I say about the game?
It’s your standard co-op four player PvE combat goddammit, what else do you wanna know? You grab your friends, choose your weapons, pick a map, and slay some rats. Simple, true and tried ever since the old age of beat em’ up games to the crowned exemplar of the 4 player co-op FPS genre: the Left 4 Dead series. But as of writing the previous sentence, why do I suddenly think that If I was given a choice to play Left 4 Dead or Vermin 2, I'd prefer Left 4 Dead? I mean they were basically the same: traverse map towards the objective, enemy mobs spawning at the worst possible timing, and stupid stupid teammates that just gotta fuck shit up right before the level exit.  After taking my time to reflect on both games, I think I kinda know why. I think it’s because some of Vermin 2′s elements is pretty fucking shit.
You see, the enjoyment of the game doesn’t stem from the gameplay alone.It’s also affected by the amount of bullshit you gotta go through to actually experience the gameplay. And with vermin 2, the bullshit comes from having to struggle with the bad netcode. My playtime was 23 hours, and I’m quite sure the amount of time I spent waiting for my friend to be able to connect to my lobby is about a third of that. No joke, you know the worst record? 30 minutes. And even after the four of us can connect, it’s everybody’s guess whether or not we’re still gonna be a four man party after the level or someone’s gonna get dropped from the lobby for no particular reason. And what happens when someone or everyone got dropped? That’s right! Restart the fucking lobby! 
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And by restart the fucking lobby, I mean more gambling whether or not the fucking thing’s gonna connect again.
Another lesser complaint I got is the weapon power system. Unlike L4D which just plops you the same weapon on every campaign, in Vermin 2 you gotta find your own weapons via lootbox that you get by completing campaigns or challenges. Thing is, the weapon power you can get from the lootbox is capped based on the difficulty that you play. So get this, you start out with bad default weapons which will result in you getting beaten to mulch which motivates you to get better and better weapons until you hit the cap. What’s next? You have to move on to the harder difficulty with your capped weapons, which will result in you getting mulched again. So there you go, trapped in a cycle of mulch-ification towards better weapons. The small number of maps available didn’t help either. Only 13 maps in total, compared to 12 maps in L4D and L4D2.
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13 is less than 12? This guy’s off his rockers
Yeah, yeah, dodgy mathematics aside, do remember that every map from L4D is divided into 4/5 segments each. That adds up into around 48/60 maps total, and I needn’t elaborate further to show you that 48 is bigger than 13. That’s not taking into account the numbers of custom maps readily available. Yeah, who’s the brainlet now, bozo? And I swear, the quick play is deliberately messing with my party. Somehow we always end up on the map where we gotta pop some pimples in a cave. If not that, the one where we gotta connect the lines on some temple. I swear to God, small map pool or not, this is ridiculous. It’s like this map tosses off the map RNG every once in a while so it gets chosen.
Now, if you’re a smarter person, you’d have followed the dotted lines all by yourself and successfully deducted the 20 car pile-up all these problems caused. But since unlike me and my big smarty brain, you didn’t know that 13 is less than 12, I fucking doubt it. Here let me explain to you and your slowy slowy boo boo brain.
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visual pun, ladies and gentlemen
That’s right, 13 maps, 4 difficulty, and there you go on the mulch-ification cycle.  Hope you don’t get bored of running the same levels again and again before reaching the higher difficulty. I know I sure did.
In Brief
After all the spanking I gave the game in the last paragraphs, it’s still fun, and it’s still a good alternative for L4D. Especially more so if you like L4D, but you’d like it more if it was melee-focused, class-based, grindy, and all-around dodgier. It’s kind of a shame really, because I can see that this game had potential to be better, but in the end it just got tossed aside with the remark “like L4D, but made by somewhat incompetent spods”. All because while the core gameplay is very much fun and functional, the elements that support it ends up being a hindrance, not unlike a brake on a car that could go off randomly. This game kinda proves that you can make a gold bar shaped like the world’s sexiest pair of titties, but bury it in deep enough bullshit and people are going to stop giving a shit, mainly because you already had shit deep enough to fertilize the Sahara desert.
I am very much aware that the connection problem might stem from me and my friends’ own internet connection, but I did rule it out because L4D works like magic in comparison, and this proves that SOMETHING had to be wrong with the game to cause all the connectivity problems.
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emote-logic · 6 years
To Have a Soulmate
Chapter 1 - Logince (Freshman year)
Tag list: @loverofalltobuscus ​ @sandersfanders @thestoryofme13 @allaboutthemsides
Taken from @allaboutthemsides Soulmate AU headcanons, They deserve all credit for their ideas!
Logan knew soulmates were normal. It had been hundreds of years since humans had started documenting and exploring the complexities of soulmates and how they worked. Logan’s parents had always talked about how they met, how they knew they were soulmates. As a child, the entire subject matter fascinated him. How could science and fate work together so perfectly? How did the world work and turn and move so flawlessly?
However, when he implored his own parents about his potential soulmate, he was met with stutters and averted eyes. At the time, Logan hadn’t been able to tell that meant they were nervous. He was never good with interpreting body language. But soon, the more they dodged the questions he asked, the more they changed the subject, Logan knew he was different.
Nobody has more than one soulmate.
At least, nobody that Logan had ever met. Apparently, it was possible, but it wasn’t ever really documented, nor was it truthfully accepted in society.
However, Logan had two soulmates. He knew this because of his ‘soul markers’. Usually, a person has something about their psyche/body that relates to their soulmate. Sometimes, people can’t hear until they meet their soulmate. Sometimes, they have birthmarks of their soulmate’s first words to them.
For Logan, he had two. He had a galaxy on his back. It spanned half of his back, down to his elbow, coloring his shoulder. However, it seemed like the galaxy had another half, as if Logan’s mark would connect to another shoulder to complete it if they stood together. That was his first ‘soul marker’. His second, on his wrist, was a birthmark that counted down years, days, minutes, seconds, until he met his soulmate. At least, that’s usually how marks similar to his operate. Every time he looked away, the mark would change, slowly counting down until Logan’s life was destined to change.
When he was in middle school, he was already widely unpopular for being so awkward and literal, so Logan kept his two soul markers to himself. He changed in the bathroom stall for gym class, he wore cloth bracelets or long sleeves to hide the timer. He wasn’t ashamed of having two soulmates, but instead avoidant of worrying about it. Logan didn’t see a point to opening himself up to scrutiny when he was so young, and unaware as to when he’d meet his Galaxy (The nickname he kept for his galaxy mark soulmate). And as far as he was concerned, he knew he had years until he met his Rhythm, (the nickname for his timer soulmate. It was a stretch, but he liked the idea of relating the timer to keeping time for music.)
So Logan kept everything to himself. He was wildly fascinated with researching soulmates, and wanting to understand just how it worked. However, he kept it from his peers. He kept it quiet with his parents, who seemed to grow more comfortable with him the less he spoke of it. By the time he was in high school, no one knew he had two soulmates, and Logan kept his fascination out of his social life, well… The small social life he had.
Freshman year, that’s when it happened.
Logan was walking in the hallway, on his way to Math, minding his own business when suddenly a shorter boy turned the corner and smacked right into him. Sending Logan backwards to the ground.
“Oh gosh! I apologize!” Logan heard the charismatic voice. Logan slowly got up, meeting eyes with a very attractive boy, the concern in his expression apparent. Logan shook his head, wondering why he really didn’t want the boy to stop hovering over him, when the bell rang for class.
“Snap! Sorry, pocket protector, gotta blast, I hope you’re alright!” The boy shot up, running off, leaving Logan dizzy and confused.
Logan slowly picked up his notebooks, and instead of walking to class, he walked into the bathroom and sat in the stall. He let his notebooks drop beside him. His glasses still slightly crooked from the fall, and he sighed.
His head was floaty, which could possibly be because he definitely just fell on his butt. But, Logan knew lightheadedness, and somehow this just didn’t compare. Where he would usually spend time trying to analyze every aspect of what just happened, he honestly just wanted to think about the pretty boy’s face and hair, and his eyes. Logan was averse to looking at people’s eyes. But nothing about the boy’s eyes were confusing. He seemed serene. Logan wasn’t even slightly mad that he was missing class right now, even though he despised missing school and being late.
Logan took a deep breath, and picked up his notebooks, and walked out of the stall, to class.
For the next couple of days, Logan didn’t stop thinking about the boy. It alarmed Logan, who took no particular interest in someone unless their mental acuity outshined his own. The boy had been slightly shorter than him, built slightly more muscular, most likely an athlete. However, something seemed different about him than the average jock. Most sports players, freshman or otherwise would take one look at Logan, the strange kid who wore polos and ties to school and laugh at him. This boy was kind, even if he was clumsy.
A week later, he figured out the boy’s name.
“Roman, why aren’t you trying out for the soccer team?” Logan heard from down the hall. He turned toward the noise, letting the people in the hallway pass him. He saw the boy, turning to a group of jocks that were all looking at him.
“I told you, Jeremy, I wanted to audition for the musical. I cannot handle both commitments.” Roman reasoned. The jocks scoffed.
“Theater over soccer? All this coming from a guy like you? You wanna chose some romantic crap like theater when you can’t even see color? You should stay with what you know Roman.” One of the boys jeered, the other jocks agreeing. Logan furrowed his brow, wondering why on Earth not being able to see color meant Roman couldn’t be an actor.
“Go ahead, try and find a reason to keep me in a box, but I’m far too extraordinary to be defined by you. While sports is rewarding, I want to explore more options. Theater has extended a hand towards me, and I wish to see where it goes.” Roman smirked, stalking away with confidence.
Logan snapped away, turning and walking to class, trying to ignore the thoughts about Roman that were already intruding into his mind.
His name is Roman.
Logan shook his head, willing himself to forget about Roman. Whether or not the boy was pretty, Logan had two soulmates that he was going to meet someday, and he shouldn’t be thinking about anyone else. Sure, Roman was interesting, and Logan wouldn’t mind being friends, but that was it. No more thoughts on Roman.
Logan found himself sitting in for the auditions for the musical two weeks later.
He knew Roman was auditioning today, and he wanted to see it. Even if it broke Logan’s routine of going home, doing homework, and cleaning. So, Logan sat in the back of the Theater, not unlike High School Musical fashion, and waited for Roman’s turn.
No matter what Logan did, he couldn’t shake Roman from his mind. The athlete-turned-actor was just so… Large. Larger than life, a huge presence that everyone was captivated by. And Logan himself was very captivated.
“Roman Prince!” The director shouted out, the quiet theater ringing from the bellowing voice. Logan grimaced from the volume. Roman stood up, his sitting place far in the front, to the left. He looked excited but nervous, and Logan found himself silently hoping Roman’s audition went well.
Roman gave his audition sheet to the director, and quietly walked up the stairs of the stage. He seemed to be psyching himself up, trying not to stumble. Logan watched him silently.
And the spectacle began.
That was the only way to really describe it. The way Roman spoke about an experience that he’s clearly never had, was… Amazing. His eyes lit up, his voice projected throughout the entire theater, and he made Logan want to listen to him. It made Logan’s heart pound. Usually, Logan hated theater, or at least was never very interested in it. Why lie on a stage for any reason at all? What was the point? But seeing Roman like this, made Logan think that there didn’t have to be a point, as long as he could keep watching.
But as soon as it began, it ended. The monologue was over, and Roman fell out of character, and back to his dramatic self. Logan blinked.
Roman looked around on the stage, seemingly scanning the audience for any reactions, most likely gauging his own performance. Logan slumped in his seat, not wanting to be seen. Although he doubted Roman would recognize him.
However, to Logan’s dismay, Roman squinted, stopping his eyes right on Logan, and his face changed, the expression breaking into one of realization. Logan panicked at the sight, and stood up. Logan ran out of the theater, taking care to not make any noise, and made his escape.
“Hey, Pocket Protector!” Roman yelled from down the hall. Logan had successfully avoided him for a week after the audition incident, trying desperately to not think about him. Logan started to walk faster, maybe he could just outwalk him, get lost among the people. But suddenly, Logan felt a hand on his shoulder, whirling him around. Logan looked at the shorter boy, looking almost straight into his eyes.
“Uhm… Hello?” Logan said awkwardly, trying not to grimace. Roman’s face, however, lit up like a fire and smiled like the sky.
“Sorry for calling you that, but I saw you watching my audition, and I wanted to thank you! Also, I wanted to ask if you wanted to help with the production! I mean, of course auditions are over, but we still need tech and backstage workers. Apparently the guy who usually works the lights board graduated, so we have an opening!” Roman went on, and on, rambling about the work the theater needed done.
“So…” Logan hesitantly toned, cutting Roman’s rambling off. “I guess you got a part?” Logan asked, genuinely curious. Roman smiled, delighted at the attention.
“I got the lead! I never expected it, but I want to do my very best now that I’ve been entrusted with the responsibility.” Roman announced gleefully, and Logan’s heart melted. He never let others in, certainly not anyone like Roman, all dashing-eyes and dramatic eclipses, and yet he couldn’t turn away.
“My name is Logan,” Logan told Roman, holding out his hand for a shake. Roman reciprocated.
For a good two months while they worked together on the play, they became steady friends. While Roman was full of gratuitous displays and fed off of sublimated rivalries, Logan was more steady-minded and worked to keep Roman’s head on the ground when his ideas got away from him.
They became fairly close, Roman inviting Logan to hang out with him after rehearsals were over, and they’d make their way to Roman’s house and talk about the stars and space and the ideas of science for hours. Logan found himself being moved by Roman’s flighting imagination, and Logan helped explain concepts to Roman that he’d never even considered before.
They worked so well together.
No one really expected it. In fact, most of the cast, including Talyn, who was sound manager, constantly commented on how different the two of them were. And yet, they would also remind them both how captivating they were to see together. Roman and Logan never really understood why their friendship worked so well. Until dress rehearsal.
It was the night before the show, and everything had to be in place. Logan, Talyn, and the Stage manager, Elliot all had their headsets on and ready to go.
“Logan, I need your ass back here now!” Elliot’s voice rang through the headset, startling Talyn and Logan. Logan looked at Talyn, confused. Talyn shrugged back.
“I’m lights manager, why do you want me backstage?” Logan asked.
“Because Roman is having a wardrobe malfunction, and he’s yelling that he’ll only let you in! So get back here and fix it!” Elliot yelled, in typical stressed stage manager fashion. Logan, wondering why on Earth Roman needed Logan to fix his costume quickly got up, walked out of the booth, and made his way past the alcoves and down the hall to the dressing room. Making sure to be polite, Logan knocked firm, but gently on the dressing room door.
“Logan?” Roman’s small, unsure voice rang out on the other side of the door.
“Yes, it’s me. Just me. I heard you were having some costume troubles?” Logan spoke, sounding resolute, yet a little hesitant because of how scared Roman sounded.
“Yes, I am. Now, look… I… When you come in, I need your help with the back of my costume… but I… My back is a little… Well… You’ll see. Please don’t freak out.” Roman sighed. The door unlocked with a loud clank.
Logan, entirely confused about what made Roman so apprehensive, steeled himself for whatever might be on the other side of the door.
To be fair, Logan wasn’t ready.
He opened the door, and gasped. He saw his Galaxy. Upon Roman’s back was the missing half to his galaxy tattoo. Roman was one of his soulmates.
Roman, who was completely turned around, had only heard the shocked gasp, and took it as just that.
“Yes, I know,” He said, annoyed and slightly defensive, “I have two soulmarkers. I have two soulmates! Whatever! Let’s move on, please, Logan.” Roman dared not turn around.
“I… Roman… I… You’re my Galaxy.” Logan’s voice broke, his face flushed, embarrassed at how he handled this, but he never imagined one of his soulmates, his Galaxy, had been under his nose the entire time.
“What?” Roman whispered, as he turned to Logan. Logan was admittedly very emotionally affected, his face red, and eyes slightly watery. “What do you mean, Logan?” Roman whispered, his voice slightly choked.
“I mean… Oh jeez, I’ll show you,” Logan said in a rush, putting his headset down, and taking his polo off, and turning around. He showed Roman his galaxy birthmark, the twin to Roman’s. Unsurprisingly, Roman gasped upon seeing it.
“You’re mine…?” Roman whispered, smiling softly.
“Yes.” Logan said in a breath. “And we have another soulmate waiting for us.” Logan said, suppressing his tears, happy tears.
“I can’t believe it was you… I knew when I saw you you were different. But I didn’t know how,” Roman laughed, chuckling in his relief.
“I think I knew somehow. I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” Logan admitted to himself. He shrugged, trying not to surge forward and encapsulate his soulmate in his arms.
“We are lovesick fools, for not just asking. Even if having two soulmates isn’t… common,” Roman said, which, Logan thought, was the nice way of saying it. When this was knowledge for the whole school, everyone would know they have two soulmates… And probably never hear the end of it. Logan didn’t care as long as he had his Galaxy. Roman seemed to think the same.
“Hey! You two almost done in there?! The show must go on, you numbskulls!” Elliot’s frustrated yell and banging fist on the other side of the door. It startled the two soulmates back to reality. Quickly, Logan zipped up Roman’s costume, and sent the lead out to his role. Logan slowly put his shirt back and equipped his headset.
He was ready for whatever came next.
Shoot me an ask if you want to be on my general tag list!!
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expectyaytions · 6 years
Power Outage One-Shot
“You’re a blanket hog!”
“Leave me alone and stop being so selfish”
(College AU-ish)
The sound of rain hitting glass lulled Veronica as sat staring out the window waiting for her ride. Ethel was never late, but alas it had been thirty minutes. She hadn’t called or texted. She sipped the remainder of her latte and gathered her items. Slipping her lit anthology into her Louis, along with her notebook and mobile prepared for the walk back to her apartment. She hoped no one else was home. Her roommates were wonderful, but she was sick of seeing them with their significant others. Toni and Cheryl were always on top of each other - touching wherever skin was visible and sometimes where it wasn’t. Betty and Jughead were constantly eye fucking - or actually fucking and Veronica was over losing sleep while their bed squeaked and their moans vibrated throughout the entire apartment. Kevin was probably the only one she’d be able to tolerate tonight - unless of course he was having a grinder “get together.” Everyone on 30 Oak Hill #4 was getting some - except for her. Yes, she was bitter and lonely. The weather only made it worse. Everyone was all snuggled up on the rainy night with their love and she was studying for her Shakespeare midterm. She wanted someone to drink hot cocoa with and quiz her on Hamlet. She shrugged on her raincoat, zipped her purse and pulled her hood up before stepping out into the rain.
She was taken aback by the wind. It whipped the rain into her face, feeling like ice buckets. She grouped her teeth and forced herself again the brutal wind. She was halfway home when the everything went dark. The entire street was pitch black. She froze. Aside from the wind and the rain everything was quiet. She dug in her pockets for her phone to use the flashlight. Slowly she saw yellow glows in windows from candles and flashlights. She made it another block before ducking into an entryway to get out of the storm and check her phone. She was shocked when a figure rushed into the entry. She jumped and let out a squeak.
“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you! Just trying to get home and dry.” He pulled out let’s and flipped for the one he was looking for pushing into the door. “Veronica, right?” She smiled and nodded.
“You’re Jughead’s roommate.”
“Sweet Pea,” he offered. “You waiting for Betty or something?”
“Or something, I was walking home from Java Jane’s when the lights went out. So I’m just taking a minute before heading back into it.” He nodded and headed inside. She checked her phone mentally face palming herself when she realized she didn’t service -duh- the towers were definitely down if the power was. She eyed the sidewalk. Sheets of rain could be heard, but not seen. There weren’t even cars out. She sighed, tucking her phone back into her coat and mentally preparing herself to head back into the night. She stepped down just as the door opened “Veronica! I’m glad you’re still here. Do you want to come up? It’s not safe to be out there right now. You could get hit by a car or mugged or something.” He stood holding a flashlight with the door open.
“That’s okay - I appreciate the offer though.”
“I insist. I have a flashlight and I’m sure Jones has candles stashed in his room somewhere. Just til the rain stops or the lights come on. Whichever happens first.” He smiled and bit his lip nervously. “I gave dry clothes” he tempted. She smiled and nodded, trotting through the door, he used the flashlight to guide them to the third floor.
“Let me get you some dry clothes. I think between Toni and Betty we have a few options.” He handed her the flashlight before grabbing another of the coffee table and heading down the dark hallway. She looked around the apartment -she’d been here a few times with Betty and Toni. The apartment was pretty clean for housing three twenty-one year olds. She figured Betty probably had a hand in that. She didn’t want to sit on the couch on her wet clothes, but she was starting to get a chill.
“Less options than I thought.” His voice made her jump. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s okay, there’s something about the dark I suppose.” She smiled reassuringly as he handed her the clothes. There’s leggings and a T-shirt. I couldn’t find any sweatshirts or something slightly warmer -so I added one of my flannels. If you’re cold, but you don’t have to wear it. It was just in case you were cold, or something.” He trailed off.
“Thank you Sweet Pea. I’m freezing. Where’s your bathroom?”
“First door on the right. Want me to take your coat?” She nodded and slipped out of her black raincoat. She noticed he had changed into black sweatpants and a grey T-shirt with the university crest on the front.
She returned to the living room wearing a pair of black leggings, a white v-neck T-shirt and Sweet Pea’s green and blue plaid flannel. He swallowed at the sight. He’d never seen her dressed so casually. She was always dressed in her skirts and fancy shirts. Even when he’d gone over to their place for Betty’s forced game night. She was wearing a dress. He’d had her eye on her since high school. Her beauty was undeniable, but in high school she’d been dating Archie - totally off limits. Not that he was her type anyway. Southside guys didn’t touch the likes of Veronica Lodge. But he grew to know her through Betty and Toni. When Archie broke up with her over last Christmas break - he knew she took it pretty hard. That’s what Betty, Jughead and Toni all shared anyway. He had cheated on her with some cheerleader from Boston University. He pushed the thought of Archie from his mind and focused on the girl in front of him.
“What were you doing out in this weather?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” She smirked sitting next to him on the couch and curling her feet underneath her.
“I was at work. Ran all the way home. Since Fangs has the car. And you?”
“I had a study date with Ethel, but she never showed. She usually gives me a ride home.”
“What were you studying for?”
“Shakespeare midterm.”
“I can help you if you want?” He offered, biting his lip a little. He knew almost nothing about Shakespeare. She seemed to consider it.
“Okay. The midterm is focused on his tragedies: King Lear, Othello, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. I have my study guide in here. Thank god for my waterproof purse.” She dug through her bag pulling out her notebook and folder containing her study materials.
“I thought you were majoring in business. Why are taking a Shakespeare class?”
“It’s for my English Minor.” He nodded in slight amazement as she handed him a blue folder labeled “Shakespeare.”
“If you could just go through the study guide and I’ll use my notebook to answer the question. If there are any I don’t know could you put a star next to it?” She was handing him a pen. He in capped it and put it behind his ear. With each of them holding a flashlight he began with definitions.
A recitation of Hamlet’s soliloquy, twenty definitions, 4 themes, 16 characters detailed, 10 plots explained and two hours later the pair found themselves laughing about the death of Romeo and Juliet. The lights were still off and one of the flashlights had died, but the pair had just scored closer and continued.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this laid back.” She commented.
“I was just thinking the same thing about you.” She gave a small smile.
“So, are you hungry or is it just me?”
“Famished actually.” She groaned.
“Let’s see what’s in our fridge besides beer.” He grabbed her hand to help up and they padded into the kitchen. Their fridge held no surprises.
The bottom shelf was full of beer, two racks on the door held bottles of liquor, while one held miscellaneous condiments. There was a half full gallon of milk and almond milk - which she knew was Fangs’. A few random fruits and veggies and finally a saving grace - sandwich fixings.
“Basically our two options are cereal or sandwiches. What do you think?”
“What kind of cereal do you have?”
“Froot Loops and Apple Jacks and maybe Jughead’s gross shredded wheat with blueberry.”
“Sandwich definitely sandwich.”
“Good choice.” He nodded approvingly “would you like a drink? Beer? I could probably assemble something tasteful with liquor.”
“Beer sounds good.” She smiled as he handed her two Molson Canadian. They made their sandwiches in relative silence, her scoffing at his preference to use mustard instead of mayo on his turkey sandwich. He laughed out loud when she asked if he had lettuce or tomatoes. Finally they sat cross legged on the floor with a scrabble board between them.
“Do you think we’ll have classes tomorrow?” Veronica pondered sipping her beer.
“I hope not, I haven’t done my reading for accounting.” He laughed looking at his letters before adding TIRE to Veronica’s SPRINT.
“Yeah, I haven’t finished my paper for International Business. I can’t wait to graduate. One more semester.”
“Any plans for after college?”
“I want to take a vacation.” She laughed louder than she normally would. “What about you?”
“A job. I’d like to own a shop someday.”
Four hours -11:45, two six packs, a bag of chips and three games of scrabble later Veronica and Sweet Pea were laughing on the coach making fun of Jughead and Betty. Veronica was certainly drunk. She knew because she felt floaty and worry free. She was sure she’d be having as much fun sober with Sweet Pea though. He was funny, kind and unbeatable at scrabble. She yawned in between laughs.
“Are you tired?” He asked, concerned.
“Just a little - I had an 8am this morning.”
“Well, I don’t think you should walk home - you can stay here!” He was excited as a five year old when he said it.
“You could stay in Jug’s room?” He offered. She scrunched her nose. “Yeah, I don’t blame you. Fangs?” She shook her head. “You can sleep on my bed and I’ll stay on the couch.” She bit her lip.
“How about we both stay in your bed?” His smile was wide.
“You wanna cuddle?” She laughed but nodded.
“Do you have a spare toothbrush?” He shrugged, but together they ventured to the bathroom. He dug through drawers, and under the sink before turning up with a spare purple one. “You’re a life saver.”
They brushed their teeth together bumping hips and elbows to annoy the other as they did so. She hadn’t felt this carefree in what seemed like forever; even when it was just her, Betty and Toni lounging in their apartment. Everything still felt calculated. Whereas with Sweet Pea she was just having fun. He lead the way to his bedroom. It was pitch black so there was no way to judge if he was messy or neat, organized or a clutterbug.
“Do you have a side preference he asked?”
“The left.” And she jumped on the bed crawling to far side. She shrugged off the flannel and dove under the covers He smiled and stripped down his boxers and white undershirt. “Please tell me you don’t snore.” She rolled over to face him, propping her head up with her arm.
“I don’t snore.” He assured her matching her position on the bed. “Want to play 20 Questions until we fall asleep?”
“Okay, but I’m going first.” He rolled his eyes and nodded.
“Do you have any siblings?”
“I have 2 sisters.”
“Same question for you.”
“Nope, only child.”
“What’s your favorite color?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Green, obviously.” She rolled her eyes.
“Of course it is.”
“What’s your favorite food?”
“My grandmother’s enchilada soup.”
“What is your first memory?”
“Holding my baby sister in the hospital. I was four. She had on one of those pink hats. And little white mittens. I brought my Elmo stuffed animal to give her. And my dad asked me if I wanted to hold her, and I remember thinking she looked like a doll.”
“That is precious.” She cooed.
“What type of business do you want to own?”
“Wedding planning. I think. Sometimes it changes.”
They continued until they fell asleep. The lack of electric hum forcing silence except for their breathing.
She heard some semblance of sound, grey light filtered through curtains as she tried to turn onto her back. Sweet Pea’s face was tucked into her back and arm thrown over her waist. She gathered it was his alarm going off. She tried to turn it off without waking him up, but as soon as she moved he was already reaching to shut it off.
“You were snuggling me in your sleep.” She teased.
“You’re a blanket hog!” He accused playfully tucking one arm under his head and looking at her
“Leave me alone and stop being so selfish.” He laughed at her and she joined in.
“Classes must be cancelled. There’s still no power and it’s raining.”
“How will we get through without any coffee?” She whined.
“We have Red Bull?”
“It’ll have to do. Fruit Loops and Red Bull What a slice of life.” She shook her head in disbelief. She reached over the side of the bed and put on the flannel - no electric, no heat, no service, no showers. Normally these things would annoy her, but instead she smiled. Sweet Pea was sitting on the edge of the bed, running a hand through his hair. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he stood grabbing her thighs. As they walked down the hallway she shyly kissed his cheek. He turned his head and puckered his lips. She smiled before kissing him. He deposited her on the counter, before turning around and claiming her lips with his. When he pulled away he asked, Fruit Loops? Shredded Wheat? Apple Jacks?”
“Whatever you’re having.” She smiled and reached for his face again, biting her lip and opening her legs to let him stand between them. She had never been so happy to have no power, service or healthy breakfast options in her life.
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