#Chesarka watches MI-k
Iruma 19 - 20 | Magia Record 5 - 6 | Eizouken 6 - 7
Magia Record 5
“I’m the only one who can fill the void in Yachiyo’s heart.” – Says Mifuyu as she gains a hole in her heart.
“I might be in hot water here.” – Nice pun. Not sure it existed in the Japanese, though.
“Tiro Finale!” – Yay! I loved Tiro Finale when it was first introduced!
Hmm…I think I know why I’m not enjoying this as much now. I actually really, really like the Urobutcher’s work, although it feels like a non-sequitur in ConRevo and Thunderbolt Fantasy…is Thunderbolt Fantasy.
“I have school tomorrow.” “It’s Saturday.” – LOL, I remember thinking something like that too.
The titlecard is clearly a question, “There’s No Place for You Here” is highly likely to not be the translation. Update: After double-checking the characters I forgot were sukima, it turns out the real episode name is “Are you the one who can force your way into the void (gap)?” (referring to the void in the heart)
Magia Record 6
Who is this blonde girl, anyway…? A magical girl, knowing the show.
Felicia, see? I knew it. Anyways, the winning system for the icy poles is that if you win one, you either redeem for prizes or get more (in this case, it’s the latter). Also, the amount of fruit juice in the melon icy poles seems to be going down…
Hey, wouldn’t there be bouncers to toss the girls out? Or is this a Labyrinth?
Felicia is basically Kyoko Lite.
“Where are your parents?”
Uwasa = rumour.
There’s a teardrop on the titlecard.
Magia Record 7
Who’s Beatrice…? Update: Beatrice is Felicia’s Doppel (witch/magical girl hybrid).
The characters that appeared momentarily said “goodbye” (sayonara).
Couldn’t Felicia stay with Yachiyo? Wait, considering Yachiyo doesn’t trust Felicia, that’s out of the question…
Eizouken 6
Bit Winsoft, LOL.
Kanamori inviting the group to eat is a novel concept...she must have something bad in mind to balance this...
Kanamori with hair tied back and glasses on the back of her head is also novel.
Wakame is a type of seaweed. It stains stuff green and can be easily obtained for bento boxes...at least for me.
Kanamori just sunk into the floor (...?)
Okaikei. <- One time a person I know said "biru" for the bill, but that means "building".. which is why I checked the phrase Kanamori uses for "check please".
Kanamori does the manspread...(Have you noticed all these comments are on Kanamori? I know I don't swing that way, but I'm thinking it's a bit of a girl-crush...haha.)
Eizouken 7
The title translates to something like, "I'll Save [the Anime] for Myself!" Given the context, I can see why it was translated that way though...my translation's a bit vague.
Oh, for some reason it never occurred to me that Doumeki is a girl, despite the fact she's been on the Anime Trending lists since the season's start. I thought she was non-binary or just liked dressing in gender-neutral clothing because it was comfortable or something.
Why is Mt Fuji upside-down? Normally the Mt Fuji is the right way up in a bath house...Update: It is upright, but I saw the reflection.
The Japanese translates properly (of course, but it's "not running" rather than "you must not run"), the English you can confirm yourself but the Chinese translates to "no need to run". That's just using the running rule as an example though, so the bottom left one about washing your body doesn't count under that.
The water animation here reminds me of Lu Over the Wall. I started that but didn't finish it.
"…tried to hatch an egg…"
Oh, I finally hear Asakusa make her own SFX. That took a while to discern...(As in, it took multiple episodes to do that. Notably, I’ve been watching the episodes for Eizouken in the so-called “great outdoors”, so the fact Asakusa’s making her own SFX is going to be lss obvious.)
That sudden "I just won an argument with Kanamori" was hilarious!
Asakusa is a bagworm now (lel).
Iruma 19
So hypothetically, Sullivan could've escaped at any time, huh?
Random musical number!
Opera's so good at everything...haha.
Iruma 20
Gah...way to hype that up, broadcasting club...
Sugoi de Shou (Wow Prize) = Sugoi deshou! (That's amazing!) Likewise, Tricky de Shou = Tricky deshou ([That was] tricky, I think).
Iruma got used to that song, huh? (LOL.)
Past!Ameri uses her name as a pronoun.
You can see the Devidol Kuromu on the newspaper!
I wonder if Iruma will ever meet this human Ameri's father mentioned...?
Girl!Azz-kun and Iruma next time!...I hope...
7 notes · View notes
Iruma-kun 10 - 12 | Shinchou Yuusha 9 - 12 (FINAL) | Dr Stone 22 - 24 (FINAL) | BnHA 72 - 74 | Stars Align 9 - 12 (FINAL) | No Guns Life 10 - 12 (FINAL)
Iruma-kun 10
That mascot is still around to annoy poor Kalego, huh? (LOL) I also noticed the demonstration demons have horns like oni.
Oh no! This means Azz-Azz is a prime target for Iruma!
(I was going to write something. Then I got so engrossed in the action, I forgot to…)
LOL, Sabro’s too heavy for Team A to lift!
Oh, Iruma’s hair isn’t tied anymore…
“…pruning this cactus.” – Does Eggie-sensei like plants?
Ooh, the first double-parter ever for this show, I think it is.
Shinchou Yuusha 9
Apparently ep 10 got delayed…*sigh*
LOL, thre’s product placement for a certain ice cream brand in this episode, huh?
Can we not with the boob grope???
*Rista takes care of Mash and Elulu* - Rista’s such a mom sometimes…
Stars Align 9
This one scene with Nao looks really blue…it’s almost unsettling.
Oh dear…I understand the sentiment of an inferiority complex all too well.
Dr Stone 22
Now we’re back to good ol’ science vs. survival of the fittest philosophy clash. Now, see, that’s the Dr Stone I like best!
Torricelli’s law.
Why is mica like baumkuchen? Probably because it has a lot of layers…
Wow, for WSJ – which encouraged fangirls all over the world to make yaoi/shonen ai ships – they sure tossed out the yaoi/shonen ai option real fast…
Skarn. I’ve never heard of it until now.
Magma, staring at the product of magma…LOL.
I…don’t get it. Even after watching the bit again, I don’t understand why Magma was trying to save Senku.
So…as is said for most WSJ series, the treasure was the friends we made along the way…LOL, what a way to acknowledge a trope.
Lemme guess…surprise birthday party? (Sorry, when I was reading up on Magma earlier, I saw that Magma helps with a birthday surprise for Senku and I found out what it was.)
I wonder if Rei is still up there at this point…? (Who’s Rei? You’ll find out if you read the Byakuya reboot…)
Well, “Rock Day” only works in Japanese. The language would’ve drifted over thousands of years so it shouldn’t work in the year 5731 (or whatever year Dr Stone is set).
Dr Stone 23
One episode until the end…but I’m away over Christmas, so I’ll have quite a bit to catch up on when I’m back. Update: I never did end up going away over Christmas.
Senku is much more of a trickster hero than an action hero. That’s been pretty obvious all the way through, but here it’s at its most obvious.
Oh, so Kaseki made the village bridge? Is that a correct assumption…? Update: I think the answer was yes from the manga.
How much chemistry does Gen know, anyway? Assuming he’s a humanities person because of psychology and his tricks, it must only be basic, right?
Thse intense stares…I’ve been reading JJBA: DiU lately, so I’m expecting an 80s-style “!!” to appear over someone’s head at this point, LOL.
Ooh, hardware. In fact, it looks like the inside of a computer…or, more relevant to this case, a phone.
So it’s not “rules are rules” anymore? Now Kinro’s changed his words to reflect his faith in Senku…hmm! Interesting! (Update: A quick google says Kinro is 18. Senku is about 18 (+ 3700 years). Plus, after they start dragging Ginro away, Kinro says his trademark line.)
Wouldn’t the coal smoke alert Tsukasa of the village’s location, though…? Then again, thanks to Homura and Hyouga, Tsukasa already knows their location…oops.
Rochelle salt.  
I saw that one shot of the world from the 1st OP and I thought there was meant to be a post-credits segment…LOL, nope.
Dr Stone 24 (FINAL)
The “acquisition message” basically said “We didn’t (just) need one cell phone, (so) it was useless!” Notably, it uses the counter for large items (like computers) for the phone.
Having finished the Byakuya reboot now, I wanna cry every time I hear about the guy…
Oh! The eyecatch is a record!
Basically, what records do is that they recreate sounds by using vibrations created by the grooves of the disc. Sound is a set of vibrations.
“Astronauts are science elites…” – Except maybe Lillian Weinberg…
I like Shamil out of the guys from the Soyuz the most. He’s a cross between Tsukasa and Senku. Stoic yet skeptical, a voice of reason for Byakuya’s sillier outbursts.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the shield was made with CGI, tbh.
Byakuya’s humour here is betraying the emotional capacity of the scene…it’s gone from “100% tear-inducing” to “confusing”.
Please sing Tsubasa wo Kudasai, Lillian…*crosses fingers*
I didn’t get what I wanted, but oh well. This song is good too. (I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the record player was CGI too. It’s good CGI for sure.)
LOL, Puyo Puyo! Even Sherlock Holmes! Dragon Ball, Nintendo Switch, VR, Saiyuki! It’s like a treasure trove of references!
Normally the s2 announcement comes after the credits, so I was thrown for a loop when it was announced before the ED…anyways, this is the end of the s1 coverage. See you for s2!
BnHA 72
[no notes, sorry!]
Iruma-kun 11
Robin looks like Iruma…(this vaguely annoys me.)
I noticed Keroli (sp?) is in the back left, alone…that’s kinda sad.
Sabro is hella tall…even taller than Azz-kun, and that says something.
Ah…I love Eggie-sensei. He’s so funny!
Really? I thought Sullivan wrote them (the rules).
I wanna see an episode where Eggie-sensei can’t turn into his fuzzy form and has to do familiar activities with Iruma. That, or an episode where Eggie-sensei has some human parts and some familiar ones (although that would scare some little kids, I think…)
What a Machiavellian mindset Eggie-sensei has!
Iruma’s got wine, people! Underage drinking is a no-no! (partially joking)
Good on ya, Clara! Go kick those girls to the kerb!
The butterflies are so beautiful in this show!
So basically school clubs.
Hmm…it’s almost a Fordist approach. I mean, “freeing yourself up to do other things” is basically the entire ethos of that.
NGL 10
I was reading JJBA: DiU today and Colt seriously looks like a Jojo’s character…
“Your face is just like…”
N-No way! You mean, the Victor Mary’s wanted to see all along…is the other gunhead…?! Geesh, what a plot twist!
Stars Align 10
“We all play to win.” – That’s very Maki of you, Maki.
Shinjo/Oshimi???? That must be Ryoma…! By the way, what’s up with these Itsuse twins…?
Who’s Hatanooka? Update: That’s the team with Joy in it…and those fangirls who busted Mitsue up.
F*** it…Arashi, I wanna pummel you someday.
LOL, you can sell your temmates out with chanpuru, huh, Arashi?
Did Maki suggest something subliminally…?
*Maki and Toma run around* - LOL, this play is completely unorthodox, haha. I can tell even if I’m no expert.
Shinchou Yuusha 10
We’re back after another week’s break…
Come to think of it, how do fantasy worlds have concepts of “hours”?
LOL, how convenient it was that there just happened to be a dude needing healing walking past! (partially sarcastic, partially meaning it since the circumstances foreshadowed it)
“Talent”, eh? *stares at the camera, which is showing Rista’s boobs, with disapproval*
The Demon Spirit Orb is basically a monster cell from OPM 2, isn’t it…?
If Seiya came from our world…then I’m sorry, Wolks, but whoever told you is completely and utterly wrong. *gestures at all the conflicts around the world, including political turmoil*
“Are you calling…”  
No Guns Life 11
Second-last ep!
Oh great…another yandere?(I read JJBA: DiU hardcover vol. 2 yesterday, so I’m still thinking about Yukako Yamagishi…)
There’s a convertible in the OP, though…I wonder if that will come into play later. Update: Even if it does come into play in the future, it doesn’t happen in ths cour.
Stars Align 11
It was like Joy was showing off to the camera…LOL.
Apparently, Joy’s name is a weird reading for yorokobi (happiness).
This feels like a final episode…
Hmm. I thought Yonex sponsored this. Turns out that’s a parody logo after all (or at least, here it’s a parody).
One of the Itsuse bros looks exactly like Maki, so it’s confusing…
I’m still confused as to why Shijo Minami’s shirts say nantei on them. The minami might be nan in another way of reading it, but…the shi can only be read kokorozashi otherwise and while the jou can be read many, many ways, tei isn’t one of them.
Ume = plum blossom, so that purple-pink colour really suits them.
BnHA 73
Eri’s name means, literally, “to break reason”.
This scene with the stars and the dancefloor…that’s new.
Iruma-kun 12
Sometims you forget this dork *points at Azz* is more powerful than Iruma and Clara…
You can see Clara and Iruma in the shot of Azz-kun.
The reason why I like calling Kalego “Eggie-sensei” is because he doesn’t like it! 
I love how the narrator is even aware it’s been mentioned several times Iruma can’t decline requests.
New Magic is basically science…?
Oh, it would be hilarious if this character Iruma just bumped into and he (Iruma) would be in a Battler together…but I’ve read spoilers, so I know what Iruma will join…
Is this some kind of allegory for technology…?! *eyes sparkle* Yes, I want in! Iruma! Join this club!
Even this demon’s clip is a book! Amazing!
Clara! She dab! In a pot!
Come to think of it, in the basic premise, Iruma-kun (the show) is Kenja no Mago, right? The Wise Man’s Grandson…sort of.
Shinchou Yuusha 11
Almost at the end…I’ll sorely miss this show.
Is Tiana some former version of Rista…?
How old is Seiya again…? Update: Apparently he’s 17…and if he’s the same age as he used to be in this flashback, then…kinda squicky, no?
Stars Align 12 (FINAL)
I heard this show dropped the ball and that Nao’s mother got a rant, but otherwise I don’t quite know what happens here…so let’s finish what we started. Update: Nao’s mother’s rant was in a previous episode.
Oh hey! It’s that running thing Nao and Taiyo were doing…I think. (I don’t think I’ve grasped everyone’s names, even over 12 eps, so I had to check Taiyo’s name up.)
Oh, these gremlins…*sighs happily but also exasperatedly* No wonder this show took out a top 10 position for my 2019 list.
I’m worried now…there’s always a last minute thing to ruin an episode on this show.
I always thought Ryoma’s hair was pretty nice…(small LOL). That’s just my bias for bishonen showing though.
I’m…scared now…Maki’s dad must’ve come back and the red in the sky really sold that moment…
Maki…no!!!!!!!! Aw, f***, that’s the final seconds…geesh, way to end the series. If this were a 2 cour, I’d definitely watch the next one, but since I heard through ANN that this is all we have so far, really, the only thing I can do for a passion project is hope another cour gets funded and (maybe) purchase what I can to help out. Well, that’s it, folks, skedaddle out of here until next time.
No Guns Life 12 (FINAL)
This pendant reminds me of the mana compass I saw in Fate/Zero yesterday.
I bet Danny planted those footprints…or something like that. Update: Yup, he did.
Come to think of it, is Juzo still missing his arm from last time…?
“You weren’t my client, little lady.” – There’s one of two possible options here, I think: 1) the hands guy was or 2) Danny was.
I wonder, will the hand Extended ever become his (Juzo’s) left hand? Or will he get an Extension for it?
Wow, second huge end-of-season cliffhanger! Juzo got a new buddy, it seems…anyway, see you in spring!
Cautious Hero 12 (FINAL)
If the Valkyryja (sp?) isn’t magic…what is it???
That one guy lying on the side of the fountain, looking all drunk…LOL.
Geez, you make me wanna cry, show!!!
Even the alarm clock is dejected…geez…
This is…the best conclusion of the fall season in that Seiya defeated the Demon King and the story wrapped up properly, but the worst in that Seiya died. No one died in Stars Align, even if they failed a tonne! So…I dunno. I guess it should be happy it ended optimistically…anyways, enough of my moping. See you next time.
BnHA 74
Shin Nemoto = “the truth of the origin of the sound”, if you stuck the particle no between each character.
Tintin got scary, LOL.
Lemillion, making “no capes” go out of fashion again (LOL).
Wow, talk about a clip show…! This is really one.
Check the end of the episode, don’t forget to watch the post-credits segments, people.
7 notes · View notes
Uchitama 7 - 8 | Eizouken 8 - 9 | ID: INVADED 8 - 11 | Iruma-kun 22 - 23 (FINAL) | BnHA 82 - 83
Uchitama 7
Lemme guess…this is the ve-Yep.
The name of this segment is Ottamake. The ke means fur/hair, but it does seem like it’s referring to Tama otherwise.
For some reason, Bull’s really into cats…
LOL, you can see the cat food right there is a real brand. I dunno how they got away with that.
Hmm, this show has something to say about idol business…and it does it better than some of the human idol shows! That says something.
It even comments on the “graduation” system. Whaddaya know.
Welp, I never thought an anime could pull off this with a commentary on gender presentation, to boot. (It’s not as pervasive as Stars Align’s, but it’s still one of the better ones. I guess I shouldn’t expect it as a norm though.) I thought Kai was a dude though and so Bull’s interactions came off to me as massively gay. I’ve been thinking, maybe he’s pan? Can dogs be pansexual???
Why do I get the feeling Kai is going to be introduced into 3-chome? Update: Doesn’t happen.
This song sounds very idol-like.
Uchitama 8
Aww…I feel like we’re going to learn Nora’s backstory soon. I think it’s going to be real sad.
…Yup, there goes my kokoro. Smol Nora is cute~!
Genki can mean “healthy” as well as “energetic” – the latter is why it’s translated as “spunky”.
Why do I get the feeling Nora’s owner died…?
Oh, smol Nora has a bandaid on his leg.
Let me ask the essential furry question – they hav human ears and animal ears. Which of those sets of ears do they hear with?
Yuuki Kaji does a good job as Nora.
This song’s so sad, it almost got me crying…  
Eizouken 8
This anime is like something from Studio Trigger!
The magic of Eizouken is that you get sucked into the anime they make and never look back.
Tomodachi vs. nakama, I think it is.
Id: Invaded 8
Lately, I’ve been thinking about practical cosplay (everyday wear that also doubles as a cosplay outfit). So basically, I’ve been thinking about Sakaido and El-Melloi II’s outfits a lot, since they’re rather practical while still looking cool. All I’m missing for El-Melloi’s outfit with the red jacket is a black button-up shirt, for El-Melloi’s outfit with the black jacket I’m missing a red scarf and I’m missing a brown button-up shirt for Sakaido’s (although the yellow scarf I got today to get one step closer to two of those isn’t the right mustard colour, it’s more of a lighter yellow).
Also, I noticed it’s (according to the katakana) meant to be “Id: Invaded”, but heck, it’s been ID: Invaded for so long for me, I don’t care either way.
Kiki was born in Fukui.
I always thought Mister Fixer sounded sad and now I think I know why…the bit I remember the most (the line that goes “Mister Fixer” and the bit around it) sounds like the singer is lamenting their life. Now that I see the visuals again after a few weeks (I’d get fatigued if I watched all that Fate/ and still managed to keep up with simulcasts, so I’ve been taking the simulcasts in a few eps at one time), Mister Fixer does quite sound like a crime drama song, but not as much as Thought I Knew (from Stand My Heroes).
I’ve seen images of Anaido and Sakaido in the same well for a few weeks now, so this cooperation bit is no surprise at all.
I believe Fukuda is asking why Narihisago is a –san to her even though they’ve worked together a while.
The words “data profile” are in one corner of the titlecard.
Does Anaido remember who he is in the ID Well? I presume not, but it’s hard to tell since we haven’t had as much time with him as we have Sakaido (not to mention I’ve been regularly filling my head with Fate/ and other things as well lately…so it’s hard to remember).
It’s interesting. Fukuda has the same piercings as Anaido (and even a ring on one pointer finger that matches them!), so he must’ve tried experimenting with…more legal holes, to put it one way…before getting his most iconic one.
Kaeru’s nails are chipped. Hmm.
In #Brake-Broken, which I read the first chapter of earlier (there’s a sample on the Young Ace website), Sakaido notices he doesn’t have a phone with him to call anyone or a licence (because in that manga, he wakes up in a car). It’s likely this will work the same way and Anaido won’t have any possessions on him, aside from the clothes on his back, accessories and the item that was stolen from his wrist/s.
Rings on both fingers…so I should be talking about them in plural. Update: I like how Anaido’s off-the-wall thought processes break up the inherent seriousness of Sakaido’s deductions and utilitarian way of doing things.
Anaido, you grimdark f***er. Update: For trying to eat a dead girl.
Okay, so for the sake of my practical cosplay, I knew I’d need this episode. Sakaido wears a long-sleeve brown shirt with some kind of shirt under that (either brown or black), plus a mustard-coloured scarf. (Note El-Melloi II wears a black shirt under his black button-up shirt, so I went with black as well.) In Brake Broken, I also noticed he wears dark socks (or that could be the leggings) and runners with a lightning bolt on them (I had to make do with generic black runners with a white stripe on the bottom), plus the iconic brown shorts over those (with a triangle pattern)…Why does Sakaido have a scarf anyway, versus Anaido and Miyo who don’t? As much as I like scarves, especially where colder weather is involved, getting a specific colour scarf was a bit of a headache to be honest, since I took 3 trips before deciding on the one I was going to buy (and even then, someone got it before me! The scarf I have now was my 2nd choice). Update: The shorts, leggings and undershirt are black, but I don’t know if Sakaido is wearing any socks or if they’re black too.
Just to note what Anaido has as well (although a coat like that, with the red detailing and flaps, would be hard to find…), he has a blue coat, suspenders, a white button-up top, a string tie (had to google what that was called, although its name is pretty obvious now that I know), black pants (which kinda look like leggings, but they’re not) and leather boots.
Now Sakaido can go into the loony bin…he’s talking to Kaeru.
Is Anaido going in circles? Sakaido caught up real fast…
Um, hey, protip: When stuck in quicksand, try to “float” on it. If you move, you’ll sink into it more. I don’t know how I know that, but I did stick it into my mind for times like this.
Notably, Anaido is about a head taller than Sakaido. Either Sakaido is unnaturally short and Anaido is average…or Anaido is just tall in that way some men are.
Did the bird get to this dude…?
There appears to be a man with a bun facing Hondomachi in the ED, although you can’t tell who it is from silhouette alone…Maybe he hasn’t appeared in the show yet. (Can’t be Matsuoka though. Might be the old guy who’s the head of Kura, actually.)
Update: Is the dead guy Momoki…?
Id: Invaded 9
It’s the familiar ceiling scene from Evangelion! (Okay, I’m kidding, but it’s a similar deal.)
I think the rules of Fate/ are “do it all, until you can no longer do it” (i.e. Everything is the same, until it’s different). It seems it’s the same here too.
Huh? Momoki?
“It doesn’t seem friendly.” – Yeah, and people die whe they are killed…in murder mysteries like this, usually speaking.
I noticed Narihisago’s tie is the same colour as his Sakaido jacket, if not the shirt under that.
Where did the Challenger’s clothes go after he took them off??? Hyperspace??? He wasn’t shown tossing them.
So Kaeru was Asukai all along, huh?
“Look at this.”
“It makes me think about him.” Subbers, that’s two mistakes in less than 1 minute…
I saw a fanart where Narihisago had his arm broken. I didn’t know why, but now I do. Also, TV Tropes is bad if you want to avoid spoilers…I know that already, but I go there anyway sometimes...
“It makes me wanna puke.”
Iruma-kun 22
The anime’s final episode is next week…but there’s already a season 2 in store for next year, so hopefully I survive the coronavirus and sort out all my issues this year in time for it.
Dat OP though. I’ve grown used to it and it’s actually endeared itself to me…which is odd, since I didn’t think I’d like it at first.
Demdol = akudol. Obviously, from “demon”.
Was that…Clara’s mother???  Kuromu’s older bro doesn’t look too bad, either.
Ohmygosh, this is fabulousssssssssss (and hilarious)! I’ve been waiting for this moment for many episodes, as you can tell if you’ve been following along, and I finally got the payoff!
Clara ends her sentence with –akuma (devil), hence the translation is matching it the same way.
Oh my gosh, Ryouhei Kimura (Azz-kun) sucks at being feminine, but that’s exactly what the role requires for this!
If you just pretend Azz-kun isn’t dressed in such an outlandish outfit, he looks really good…! Ayumu Murase does a pretty good falsetto, although you can tell there’s one point where Kimura’s voice gets really manly-sounding for a lady.
“Little imp” – Koakuma.  
Oh! The Keroli family is all cute.
Ooh, Kuromu’s nails are blue. Never noticed that before.
Eizouken 9
Chojugiga are ancient pictures normally depicting animals. As for sepak takraw…
I wonder if Eizouken will tackle the Manabi Line one day…?
That’s a parallel for Comiket, LOL.
“A colossus that no one can see!” – Gridman, is that you?
When did Kanamori meet Asakusa again…?
Kanamori with a bun is cool.
“There is nothing fun about social media!” – Well, social media is fun for me because it’s where I escape reality, but sometimes you gotta be like Kanamori and use it for publicity’s sake.
LOL, the username for the Eizouken is @eizoukenn.
I just realised Mizusaki’s hairstyle is irregular…it’s much longer on on side than the other.
“Mizusaki bump” – I think this references the Colbert bump. (TV Tropes link)
Kanamori – she with the word “gold”…or “money”…in her name – struggles with maths? Wow, that was something to hear. (I guess it’s kinda like me and IT (cybersecurity) – I suck at it because I suck at modulos…or division in short…and even though I can be found on my computer a lot, that’s why I don’t pursue it any longer. I was decent at accounting, but man, I’d be bored out of my brain if you made me do business IT and I have zero skills in games and multimedia.)
“Was it thuggery?” – What’s thuggery? That word sounds funny.
Did you see how Asakusa fell off the tank?
I did CR’s Eizouken quiz sometime in the past and it gave me Asakusa. That’s true, basically. I like thinking up ideas and how cool they are, but because I can’t stop from elaborating on them, they get out of hand and that’s why I have a tonne of dropped projects. (Then again, with how freely I can imagine motion, I could’ve gotten Mizusaki too.) Update: Tried again and I actually did get Mizusaki…whaddaya know.
Id: Invaded 10
People have been comparing this to Minority Report…now I see why.
I almost feel like this is a discussion of euthanasia and suicide as much as it is memory and the consciousness.
Ohh…she remembers! Hondomachi!
You can’t see Muku’s face! Ohh, scary!
Aww, the music really sold this montage. By the way, that sign didn’t say “entrance ceremony”, it said nyuugaku omedetou, “Congratulations on your entry [into school]”.
It…this singer almost sounds like Bruno Mars, but that would be basically impossible, no?
Oh my gosh…when the song swelled, I absolutely cried. That’s rare, man – that’s rare.
BnHA 82
I think the leftmost figure might be Miruko, the rabbit lady. I’ve never read anything about her outside of wiki pages ad other small spoilers, but I roughly know what she looks like.
What does Gentle mean by “Anglaise”? Surely it wouldn’t refer to cream…(crème anglaise)
LOL, Disneyland parades…
Whew…that was dangerous. I almost agreed with Mineta there (to get the festival over and done with).
I swear Midoriya gets together with All Might, just like this, at the end or start of a climactic arc. He did it in the last season of BnHA, remember?
BnHA 83
Hmm…It’s interesting that the author likes to point out who has and hasn’t met Eri. Then again, it’s good for consistency.
LOL, Amajiki my boy…you’re so relatable.
Hmm…amidst the coronavirus concerns…this cancellation business seems quite timely.
Oh! It’s a drone.
For some reason, I thought Sero was drinking vegetable juice…? Eh, no matter. They have vegetable juice in Japan – I remember seeing some on my trip.
Hmm? Gentle is like a phantom thief, I just realised. Mostly harmless, but bound to cause a big stir if he gets his way.
What is Gentle’s Quirk, anyway…?
Work Son…LOL(…?)
Who bets their moustache on this stuff, anyway…? (LOL)
Iruma 23 (FINAL)
I don’t get to see Iruma become evil this season…but he will next season! That visual I’ve been seeing by the original mangaka confirms it!
Marathon - the demon puns are back.
Demonicon =Oricon chart.
Demon Star Platinum…was that…a Jojo’s reference?! *scare chord*
Oh! Maguro (tuna).
Azz-kun being afraid of fish? That’s news to me.
Okay, subbers. Whose idea was it to translate Iruma’s words as “My feels…”…?
There’s a post-credits segment. Keep watching.
Yay! Evil Iruma-kun!...In spring 2021. (I’ve never once been so excited for a character to turn evil than this! I also like how evil Iruma said it’s the “buttcrack” of dawn…but that’s just my immature side showing.)
Id: Invaded 11
“…being taken for a ride!” – Well, you’re in a car, so you’re getting a ride nonetheless. (LOL) I hadn’t heard of the term “being taken for a ride” until…what? 2016, I think? When I was still doing language anaylsis.
Sakaido used Headbutt! It’s…kind of effective? (Writing up these pseudo-Pokémon battles is fun. I should write more.)
“…put a drill to your head…”
“The victims of John Walker’s serial killers…”
I noticed Hondomachi is touching the side of her head which had the hole in it…if I remembered it right.
Is it “the Kura”? Or just Kura?
August 15th is a popular date for anime, huh? It’s in the middle of summer. (Refers to Kagerou Project.)
That ‘who knew you needed to lose something to be complete’ thing…I think I get it, but for some reason I only ever seem to get that feeling when it’s me trying to read asexuality into things (since that’s how I learnt to interpret asexuality), so…yeah, way to go, me.
Wait…Togo visited Momoki’s bedroom?!
Yep, so I was right about that being the side with Hondomachi’s hole.
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BnHA 80 - 81 | Uchitama 6 | Iruma 21
BnHA 80
I feel like Todoroki would be good with children…given some experience, that is.
Bakugo is Tsundere…Act 1(…?)
I know Horikoshi was trying to make this light-hearted because of the serious nature of the last arc, but I’ve seen people lose faith in the series because the dude doesn’t have much skill in humour. His previous series were all axed and fairly serious, so I can see why he never needed to until now.
Ohmygosh, I can’t believe Shouto is capable of acting like Bakugo to his dad! Not that there’s zero precedent…it’s just that this is the most Bakugo-like he’s ever become, I think, and that includes the tournament.
Integrals? I’m stumped with the humble modulo! (Since that’s based on division anyway, it should be possible to learn that during secondary education.)
I think I remember there was this meme…the “[X] is the traitor” meme…and Aoyama was one of the top suspects. What they’re a traitor for I wouldn’t know since I’m not that far ahead, but I wonder if the reason for this meme will show up soon.
“…sometimes my…”    
Financier…? What? What does this have to do with financ-oh…right.
BnHA 81
Wow…I sure didn’t miss this intro, huh?
This is the Culture Festival, specifically.
So “gappoi!” is short for (ryakugo, meaning “abbreviation”) gakkouppoi (school-like).
Well, with the new OP and the hints Kaminari dropped, it’s no surprise what 1-A will do.
There’s even a “Boo?” option…
“The Lexington Dance Band live at Festival Pluse” (give or take capitalisation and a few letters)…wow, Todoroki must wanna go to Glastonbury or something…
“[T]he hiphop” in the background, LOL.
Ooh, Gentle…I saw his name in the ANN stuff, so I know what he looks like (roughly).
The video got encoded funny again…
“The school festival is a festival that takes place at our school.” – Yeah, and people die when they are killed…(<-This is a carryover from Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works’s notes, if you didn’t know. It means the obvious thing is obvious.)
Mirio’s hand gestures look like he’s suggesting boobs or hips, LOL. That’s far too lewd for a show like this, but perfectly in line for a teenage boy.
Date, huh? Ohhhhhh…wait…I thought it was cute, then I realised Eri is probably younger than 10 (update: she’s 6) and Mirio is 18. Mirio is thrice her age!!! No! I am not shipping that in any way but a puppy-dog-love way!
Wha-What was that?! Gentle is so stupid!!!
“Funnest”? I’m no grammar police, but heck! You just wanna piss me off, don’t you, BnHA?!
Uchitama 6
Notice how the chome is highlighted in red behind the cats. That’s not a street…that’s a frickin’ suburb!
Is it just the subs, or are these guys seriously doing a HypMic parody…?
I can’t seem to be invested in this turf war. I mean, we know basically nothing about Waka right now, aside from his haughtiness…
Hmm? Bull’s face is on the titlecard this time.
Meowster is probably Twitter, but it reminds me of Napster (an older music service) more…I never used Napster anyway, I just know it from old logo games.
I was just about to ask that, Gon: is Nora a cat or a wolf with a title like that…?
Yup…listening to Nora’s lines and even the music, it’s clearly a HypMic (or other rap battle) parody.
“My whiskers were twitching.” – Considering in human form you don’t have any whiskers, Nora…LOL.
Well, at least this brings new meaning to “fighting like cats and dogs”, huh?
Huh? So Waka looks like that in dog form, huh?
Momo’s face is on the titlecard now.
Yotsukoshi = parody of Mitsukoshi, a classy Japanese department store.
They’re all doing the “sheeeeeeh!” pose from Osomatsu-kun. Just…no legs.
Non-caffeinated barley tea…that’s a very Gon drink for you.
I noticed Tama’s lost poster on the left side of the bar…plus one of the pictures on the TV is a dog. A small furry brown-haired breed (which I don’t know the exact name for, but I think it’s a Pomeranian).
I just realised that Nora seems to have makeup around his eyes in human form because he has a marking around one eye.
Iruma 21
Makuhari Messe/Metlife Dome.
That’s a strangely rational explanation for idols…for this world, that is.
Oh. It’s akushukai (“shake hands meeting”) but it’s akushukai (“take evil meeting”), hence “meet and grate”.
Kami taiou (“godly answers”, basically the responses people get from entertainers which don’t say much because they’re restricted by business but people go gaga for them anyway) but then switching out the “god” for “hair” (different kanji, but also “kami”). That’s why it’s “cuticle” vs “cute”.
Aw, Kuromu is kinda cute after all. Very relatable.
Mal- = bad in some languages.
Ohh! So this is how Iruma (spoilers for a future episode) becomes a Devidol! Possibly Asmodeus too!
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Iruma-kun 13 - 14 | Somali 1 | Magia Record 1 | BnHA 75 | Eizouken 1 | Idolish7 s2 1
New season...incoming!
Iruma-kun 13
How did Iruma even notice that collar? Geesh, that kid is perceptive…
This “spitting blood” joke is getting old already…
*Kiriwo starts his machine* - Why do I get the feeling something bad’s about to happen…?
Could you possibly call this “rank is the most important thing” a study of class consciousness, to throw some of Anime Feminist’s words? Or maybe this is a fantasy version of technology and it’s extolling the virtues of technology advancement?! *eyes sparkle*
Can Iruma join Kiriwo already? Please?!
Aw, dear darling! (<- I’m not sure if I’ve said that a lot in these notes, but I say that when I get the warm fuzzies and wanna protect a character…basically, platonic love, I guess…? Oh, “moe instinct” - that’s the words I’m looking for.) Iruma, go and live your best life, okay?
Thank you, story! Even though I knew it was being foreshadowed so heavily by being the focus of basically 24 minutes of this show’s runtime (= about 1 ep), I thank you from the bottom of my heart that Iruma went to the right Battler.
Wait, so Ameri is actually Iruma’s senpai by one year?! Hmm? I never realised that and I read some spoilers!
I like this new chibi animation style! Yay!
I never noticed this until now, but Kiriwo has one big horn and one little one.
I think the title, aside from the pronunciation of “Thirteen Dinner”, is meant to mean “The Thirteen Counts’ Gathering” (or some other high rank) or something of the sort. Update: So I checked and the character used, kanmuri/kan, is used to mean “crown” or someone who wears a crown, i.e. a peerless person, so it would be appropriate to translate that using the term for a high rank which is presumably going to be stated in the segment itself.
Turns out Babel…is just makaitou (the demon world tower). I don’t think it’s really Babylonian in any strict sense.
Depending on where you live, the 665th floor could count as the 666th or…well, the 665th. I know in Japanese, the word for the floor on the ground is ikkai (first floor)…I’m not going to tell you what I know it as though…that would reveal my location outside cyberspace, no?
According to the katakana, the guy’s name is Beruzebyuto (hence the translation as “Beelzebuth”). Beelzebub is the Lord of the Flies and a quick google tells me Beelzebul (close enough) was apparently an alternate spelling for him (or something like that…?). Patron demon of gluttony.
Astaroth, also a demon (king of rot, I think it was from Blue Exorcist)…interestingly, Beelzebub, Lucifer and Astaroth make up an unholy trio and all of them were referred to by a dude called...Solomon (which does kinda sound like “Sullivan”, if you think about it). There’s the connection between these guys…I like his top, too.
Asmodeus, patron demon of lust. We already knew that demon was represented through Azz-Azz, but now you see a spoiler I’ve been hiding for a while – Azz’s mother.
Amaimon…uh, I don’t remember what kind of demon he is in the demonic canon but I know him from Blue Exorcist.
Ooh, Ameri’s father is smokin’ hot! (Dangit, I do not want DILFs…) Azazel, a fallen angel and apparently personification of uncleanliness(…?)
Belial and (Lady) Leviathan, which we already knew existed from initial namedrops.
Who’s Baal? Even I have no idea…Update: Apparently he’s a Middle Eastern equivalent to Zeus, which explains his thunder allegiance.
Paimon kinda looks like Chaika, LOL.
LOL, “lifehack” is certainly the right word for it, Sullivan.
LOL, Belial is so short!
Although it’s kind of awkward to not see Lady Levi take a position of power for herself, it’s nice to see she has spirit!
Aw, this is cute. In much the same way I wanted Iruma to join the magical apparatus Battler, I want Sullivan to be Demon King.
Is Opera perhaps related to Ameri somehow…?
Somali 1
I was hoping to get to Plunderer, but got carried away writing another post and then lost the ability to watch both episode 1 and 2 ahead of schedule. So Somali is the new start of the season, but the last relic of the fact Plunderer was meant to start my season (outside ID: Invaded’s advance premiere) is the visual I have for this season. (Oh yeah, one of the reasons I’m supporting this – aside from it being a mid-ranker on my hype list – is that I heard a French animator, a friend of Thomas Romain, is getting his big start here.)  
“Dad.” – Oh, f***. I have myself an Usagi Drop. I knew I was going to get something of the sort going into this show, but…Usagi Drop’s experiences (or rather, watching the anime knowing the manga has that ending) have left their mark. Not to mention Somali (as this girl will come to be known) has Latina eyes, which annoys me even more since I dropped that on the basis of being scarred by Usagi Drop.
I’m wondering what Crunchyroll was thinking when they decided to coproduce this – sure, it’s probably quite cute and wholesome, but I’m far from the target audience. Did they think, “Is this what Western audiences will like?” Sure, it would hit a niche that likes this surrogate father/daughter stuff, but I don’t think it’s for me (and I’ve been thinking that all through the OP). I’ll give it a bit more to wow me, but it’s doing pretty terrible so far (because note all other anime of this particular reputation I’m more on the “neutral” side than the “like” one). Somali’s voice is probably the biggest factor – it sounds like an adult woman’s voice got pitch-shifted to attempt to be a child, rather than an actual child.
How can this golem talk about sight when he doesn’t even have eyes??? (Kinda like Juzo from NGL.)
Alright, that’s it. I can see when you’re trying to bait me with supposedly “cute” children, show. You’re gone.
Okay, since I have time and the reviews say otherwise, I’m trying again. I don’t expect to be sold to this though…
Was it just me or was there a reduced frame rate when Somali’s cape was the only thing in the frame…?
For some reason the subbers put “Why?” when the word was actually “What?”, which is a bit silly to be honest with you. (Nande?/Doushite? vs. Nani?...it’s kind of similar-sounding, but the sound is distinctly different.)
Still dropping this show. I just have another episode to add to my list now.
Magia Record 1
I heard there’s no Urobutcher this time around, but the first time I encountered the Urobutcher (in ConRevo) he made a particularly weird-feeling (in the context of the show) episode, so…uh…let’s say the Urobutcher is only as good as the material he writes, and leave it at that. Anyways, this topped my list – even before ID: Invaded came to hunt down that top position – so this better be good.
Um, am I just imagining it, or is that Sayaka and Hitomi discussing magical girls (or Madoka?) over the top of Iroha (I know that’s her name already from the synopses floating around the ‘net) and her fellow magical girls fighting?
Letterboxing? Now there’s something I thought I’d never see in Madoka Magica, ever.
One of the books was on organic recipes.
The teacher talks a tad too fast – I can understand what she’s saying, but it’s like she operates on x1.5 speed compared to the x1 speed of everything else…
“Nakama – because we can do it” – I wonder if that will mean something later…? In Madoka Magica, strange details always mean something.
“The only good witch is a dead one!” “Speech is silver, silence is golden.”– The tiny English isn’t particularly subtle, is it?
Uwasa = rumour.
Takarazaki, huh? I’ll make a note of that.
Who’s Ui?
According to the credits, I assume the blue spear girl is Nanami Yachiyo.
This is a respectable re-entry into a universe which I left not too long ago (in 2017). I’m definitely going to be able to stick with it for a season or however long it lasts.
BnHA 75
All this talk about a database…reminds me of the Quirk I designed for the wiki (also called “Database”). I conceived it in 2015, but I don’t remember who was meant to use it before I retrofitted it to fit the BnHA universe. Update: Welp, I found the document. The superpower Database (which was retrofitted to be a Quirk) is for one Itsuki Hatano.
“One blow to the top of the head!”
Iruma-kun 14
(Note: Some notes may be missing because I was busy multitasking while watching this episode.)
Go, Iruma! Live your best life!
Note “speak of the devil” isn’t how it’s said in Japanese. It sounds something like “whisper a rumour and it will come back to you” based on what I heard Kiriwo say (since I heard the word uwasa in there). Update: Apparently the phrase is uwasa wo sureba… (if you spead a rumour…) and then you cut the saying off to finish the rest of the sentence, just like you would in English.
You can’t even see a substantial part of Iruma’s hair when that demon on the phone (<-I know who it is, because I read spoilers, but I’ll keep quiet on that front!) yells for the first time.  
Makura (demon pillow) has that demon pun going on.
Ooh, Kiriwo-senpai is actully kinda sexy with his hair up like that…not that I know the first thing about sex appeal…
So is the ED about the Battler Party, in a sense?
Eizouken 1
I picked this show up because of the rave reviews it was getting.
Very Future Boy Conan, that.
…what? That OP was trippy. Then again, I didn’t mind ConRevo and that was trippy…this negative feeling is probably because I don’t know much about Masaki Yuasa’s quirks, I guess.
Why do people not translate “Eizouken”???? It means “video research club”.
The back is a good spot to sit in a theatre for anime. Why do I know this? I sit in the back of my anime club all the time, that’s why!
“Are those MiBs?” – I laughed pretty hard at that one sentence.
Why does this strawberry milk seem to be a parallel to the milk Asakusa promised Kanamori? (P.S. Asakusa is in Tokyo, IIRC.) Update: Mizusaki means “on top of water” if I understood the kanji right and Kanamori, with the right combo of characters, can mean “forest of gold”...which makes a lot of sense, considering how gold is equated with wealth and currency. Also, here’s proof Asakusa is in Tokyo...not to mention it’s the place from Sarazanmai! Meanwhile, I was thinking there was some sort of anime-related significance to the name, but I was thinking of Asagaya.  Update 2: Mizusaki actually means “water peninsula”. Sorry, wrong saki.
I know there’s a chase scene at the end of this ep, thanks to reading reviews. I want to be wowed by it, which is why I’m (metaphorically) holding my breath.
I like how Asakusa and Mizusaki are bouncing around ideas. That really brings the process to life.
Long skirts and wind but no sexualisation. That’s a good sign!
Whoa, that scene with the comets was AWESOME! I want more!
Idolish7 s2 1
Back with some good boys one season too early…let’s have some fun while these simulcasters can get this stuff fast!
Oh no! (<- self-censored) Nagi’s stupid accent is back! *yells incoherently for a second*
I like the little sound effects that happened whe Nagi’s finger moved around (to suggest “magic”).
I think the joke was something to do with the word gera (?). I don’t quite get it myself.
Misuta- Shimooka, LOL. I love how this s2 isn’t doing any hand-holding, though! I half-expect a flashback to appear and it never does.
Yamato, how are you so-*crying and Yatta! can be heard in the background*Okay, nevvvvvvvvvver mind…
I remember mistakenly saying that Nishiyama was part of Idolish7 (since I looked through some of my old notes lately). Nishiyama is part of ZOOL, so now…I’m not wrong anymore…(That’s not quite relevant to the random announcement of Re:Vale showing up, but it’s on my mind now.)
Hmm…Yamato’s thoughts on Re:Vale…I’ll keep an eye on him.
I think people like Tamaki because he treats them like he would his little sister…a true gentleman. Or maybe that’s all in my head? I haven’t been in the fandom properly, y’know.
This switch to occasional chibi antics…I’m not sure I like it…
Ohmyglob! Another boy to add to my growing list of husbandos! *points at Yuki* I knew he existed, but I haven’t had a proper chance to have a reaction to him ever since I started really “having a thing” for long-haired guys.
Re:Vale are like a comic act (manzai).
Momo has pink nail polish…I just noticed. Update: It’s probably more red than pink.
“Chan-momo” appears to be a variety of modern slang similar to Pig Latin. Apparently Gen from Dr Stone uses it as well.
Yuki has these cute little diamond earrings and Momo has studs. I’ve also never noticed this until now. (I, myself, can’t wear anything past clip-ons because I have a genetic quirk that makes it annoying to get my ears pierced, called beta thalassemia, so I can only fangirl about other people’s earrings.)
What’s the FSC again…?
Kyu-to aidoru!
I think Momo and Yuki are going to reach out to Mitsuki and Tamaki (respectively) most this season…just a feeling, based on their dispositions. Tamaki and Yuki have similar faces, on top of that, so thank goodness we can tell them apart by hairstyle.
Yuki wears this steel blue shade of nail polish…ooh, also cute.
*Riku goes stiff-faced* - *audibly facepalms at Riku’s reaction*
Momo has a black and green earring set on one ear…huh.
Ooh, very nice. It’s a keeper.
Update: Apparently, you pronounce their name “Re:ba-re”, which is a bit different to what I was expecting (essentially “Re: veil”).
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Magia Record 4 | Uchitama 3 - 5 | Eizouken 5 | Iruma-kun 17 - 18 | BnHA 76 - 79 | ID: Invaded 5 - 7
Magia Record 4
There’s a fish behind Iroha. Also, I was confused about the ketchup cake thing Jenn mentiond in one of her posts until I saw it here.(On a related note, ketchup cake seems to really exist…but only in Canada.)
Ah! Tsuruno. I’ve heard of her from reading around about this mobage.
The coding of the episode went funny again…
I feel like despite this being everything Madoka was, this seems to have lost some of the charm somehow. I’ve been reading that others are having similar experiences, though. Update: I think I know why now…although there are magical girl events fuelling the entire thing, the show is currently more bent on being a CGDCT. That’s why I’m not so happy with it…I dunno about others, though.
I suspected Séance Shrine was Mizuna Shrine…I mean, it was right behind Iroha and co.
Who was that blonde girl…?
I thought I just saw face-stealing aliens swoop in (i.e. someone didn’t bother drawing in the girls’ faces). I thought that was just a Bones thing exclusive to BSD.
“Olibe oil” (sic). Also, there are creepy blue (green?) figures walking the aisles…
I notice Iroha needed an extra bounce to get over the gate.
What’s that orange marking on the girls’ faces…? Update: Reading the wiki reveals it’s the Witch’s Kiss, or something similar to it.
Uchitama 3
Well, it says “chome” but gets translated to “street”…which is a bit weird. A chome is a city district, which functions much like a street but isn’t the same.
I just realised the title card has a dog’s face on it. Maybe next time it’ll be a cat’s face…
Oh my gosh, it’s a Yu-Gi-Oh duel! Teenager-ness…(?) What is that (LOL)?! *squints at screen* Oh, chuunibyou. That makes sense.
They even materialised the (Gon’s) chair! (LOL)
At least this matchup isn’t Bull vs. Momo…thank goodness(!)
I seriously love how much skin they make Bull show…(LOL…?)
Well, if the race to the top is exciting then the race to the bottom should be humiliating, no? That’s how these things work.
LOL, just seeing a badass dude that’s meant to represent a wolf howling like one is hilarious. (But seriously, are any of these neighbourhood dogs a Bad Enough Dude, to paraphrase an old game meme?)
Don’t Naruto run, Pochi! It’s dangerous!
Ahhhhhhh, so that’s why people call Pochi “Shiro” and feed him tofu…
The video got encoded funny again…
Uchitama 4
This is like Wakasa all over again…
The “My Name is Gon” title is a reference to “I Am a Cat” (Wahagai wa Neko de Aru). It actually doesn’t have the word for “name” in there, which is a bit weird…Update: It’s about the day-to-day introspection and life of a cat and the wagahai suggests the cat thinks rather highly of himself, so I’d assume the former (applied to a dog of course), if not both of those things to be part of this.
The fact that Gon doesn’t move his mouth while telling us weird things (such as how Bull’s sweater reminds him of an old lady in Osaka) is hilarious. It’s almost like a play with Gon as narrator.
See? That titlecard has a different dog’s face now! (I believe it’s Kuro’s, actually.)
This series is actually really informative about cats and dogs!
The Detective Conan parody cat is pretty interesting in regards to how the series wants to play with the human/animal dichotomy.
Now the titlecard has a cat’s face.
This song is so energetic! The banners are pretty funny too – I mean, “trying to get a ripped body” is impossible for a dog, right?
Yyyyyyyyup, Ume is singing this song (Sanchome no Hoshi* or The Star of 3rd District*)! I’m being spoilt!
Eizouken 5
Iron Giant…I thought the name sounded familiar. Turns out it’s a Brad Bird-directed movie.
This episode is very Scott...LOL.
I like how they showed the back of the guy to correspond with the back of the robot.
Iruma 17
Gap = sukima, as you might know from a post I made re: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun puns.
“Yes, boss!” in English.
Why do people being questioned  at a koban always have katsudhum? (Hataraku Maousama reference)
Ooh, this long-haired demon from the Game or New Magic battler is hot!!!
That's the 1st time Acchan and Bakemi appear...
I'd assume the ga in Gabuko means gakkou (school).
Now it's ki su ma...(instead of sukima)
Iruma 18
Aw, Kiriwo's so cute...
...and he's now a sadist. (Good job, me...I don't like sadists much.)
The cyclops girl's name is Dosanko, huh?
Hanabi are "fire flowers" (translating somewhat literally), which is why they "bloom" in the translation.
Update: Oh, I accidentally skipped ep. 17. I was wondering how Sabro got to hold up Comecome's stall…
BnHA 76
I’m not sure how the subbers got “Go entropy! Plus Chaos!”, although it might have something to do with Saikou da! (which I made out from listening to the audio).
Okay, now you can hear them say “Plus Chaos”.
Note Overhaul’s eyecatch background is purple, which contrasts Deku’s green. By the way, the eyecatch says that Overhaul belongs to the Shie Hassaikai and not the League…the guy’s always been picky about not being associated with the League.
The one time I turn the volume off, I don’t need it (LOL).
Dame da is closer to “It’s useless” or “You’re useless” than “Naughty girl”, subbers.
The coronavirus has taught me that masks make people seem less human, especially those with weird mouths like Overhaul’s plague doctor/bird one.
BnHA 77
In one of the Discord servers where Mudamaid appears, I decided to take Chronostasis. Why? He isn’t that bad-looking when he hasn’t got his mask on, to be real with you.
Froppy uses “senpai”, not Tamaki’s hero name.
I believe Tamaki calls Tsuyu “Kero-chan”, hence “Miss Ribbit”.
I wanna cry…I know Nighteye won’t see All Might again until All Might himself dies…(and this is because I’ve read the manga – thanks Viz and Shonen Jump for doing that!)
Shigaraki makes me beg the question…where do those hands of his come from??? Update: Ewwwwwwwww, those hands come from individuals affected by Tomura’s Quirk! (I think that’s a spoiler though…)
I almost got to the point of crying. I mean, I knew it would happen, but seeing it animated…makes it worse, y’know??? (Also, I accidentally might’ve stuck my finger in my eye when I was trying to wipe away tears, so either way, I teared up.)
BnHA 78
Huh? This OP is awfully cheerful after Nighteye’s death…I think it’s called Star Maker? Update: Star Marker by Kana Boon.
Well, you do realise I don’t know about anything after this point…all over again. So your surprise will be mine too.
LOL , it’s a Titan! (Apparently – according to the wiki pages I read – Gigantomachia is based on the Titans of lore, so…that’s true in more than one sense when you take into account Attack on Titan.)
The birbs are so cute!
That was just a few solid minutes of recap. Not as bad as Detective Conan where they frontend it, but still bad.
Hmm? I thought I saw black hair on Kurogiri…?
“He’s a walking disaster.” – That’s what I’d say about Bakugou, LOL.
Shouto “Daddy Issues” Todoroki taking the stage again…not that I mind, but…isn’t this Midoriya’s story?
I think I saw a Funko Pop All Might in the ED…?
You can see someone with a red wing Quirk. Based on what I’ve read around, that guy is Hawks.
Deku’s shirt at the end says “sheets”, not “shirt” (it’s missing a small ya).
BnHA 79
“…and I like udon better!” - *facepalm* That’s not how you make friends, Yoarashi.
Gang Orca’s like the Gordon Ramsay of heroes…with much less swearing.
*laughs behind hands as kids spill out the door* Welp, this is going to be real good.
This blonde kid is basically Monoma ver. 2!!! I hate him already!!!
Oh…that’s surprisingly strategic, Bakugou…*shows image of kid being dangled by a rope* Uh…or maybe not.
Who’s this guy with the bolo tie, anyway…?
Uchitama 5
I seriously thought this cat was Nora…(Sakura)
Does “big sister” refer to Lilly or another cat…?
Oh, I was wondering why Sakura didn’t have a cat tail…turns out she’s a pig. (Huh. It reminds me of a kinder version of the Africa Salaryman mixer joke.)
I like how open the series is in regards to interspecies love. Then again,…bestiality is an absolute no-no in my books, so maybe not.
Is it just me, or is there a slight bruise around Nora’s left eye…?
It’s like a Boueibu reunion! Shirai and Ume at the baths! Yay~!
There’s something absolutely silly about seeing anime boys hide in cupboards like cats. It puts a stupid smile on my face, like Eizouken does.
“I told you to get in the bath already!” – Gaddammit, Koma!
How do Gon’s glasses not fog up in the bath? (MST3K mantra required)
Oh, Nora does have a bruise around his eye! What’s it from, though?
Way to upsell Koma’s services, Kuro. (partially sarcastic…?)
“Can I say we’re having a doggone good time?” – Remind me to check what that sounds like in Japanese later. Update: Kuro says something that sounds lik izoizo in the line beforehand and then matches it in this line. In order to match the puns, there’s a pun in the English translation too.
ID: Invaded 5
Matsuoka’s glasses thing reminds me of Kanamori (Eizouken)…
“hole experience” – Is that a pun…?
Never ask a woman her age.
Hmm…”maidenly innocence”…
Why do some people believe “never mind” is one word???
I just noticed there’s a differently coloured bar on the title card…maybe that’s how far into the episode you should be. Also, is this well a pun on “falling for you”?
I noticed the blood had a weird texture to it. Also, I noticed the woman had heterochromia bfore it was pointed out she’s not real.
I have a theory. See, John(nie) Walker is an alcohol (sake) brand, right? This is Sakaido (as opposed to Anaido, who’s the Perforator and ana = hole). It’s the same character, so (I suspect) Sakaido’s crime has to do with alcohol…
Hmm…this ain’t gonna pass the Bechdel test after all…
Oh! Post-credits segment! Keep watching.
ID: Invaded 6
“Matsuoka was injured” – Er, he still has the knife in him…?
Ohhhhhh…this has gotta be Hondomachi!
I predict Hondomachi and Sakaido are going to go head-to-head someday. Update: Or those two vs. Johnnie Walker.
There was a cut-off footprint…
Isn’t it possible for a person to kill someone without knowing their name?
*cries* Sakaido! I’ve never seen you so emotional before…!
ID: Invaded 7
So Narihisago did look like Sakaido at one point…when his daughter was murdered.
The thing that reads cognition particles has “Back ground. Rad. Lev.” on the bottom of its screen.
I don’t have the sound on right now, so I dunno what Matsuoka was reacting to specifically…(aside from the guy owning up to whatever was done.)
Interestingly, Katsuyama has the character for “win” in his name. However, this is the only link I’ve found between the serial killers and their names.
There’s a character which appears in both the word for “martial arts” and one of the (dead) professional fighters – Takehiko Fujita. It means stuff like “war” and “military power”.
Oh! There’s a bar on the titlecard and this one is up to 900 of 1200…I wonder what that means? Is that an indication of time, perhaps? Also in the bottom left, “CAM 025”.
Miyo Hijiriido?! Oh my gosh! This is new, indeed!
Okay, so the characters for Miyo look like this: 聖井戸 御代 The first character in “Miyo” is the same one that denotes “go” in goryoushin (formal way to denote “parents”) and similar words in keigo. The characters which aren’t “well” (water well) are the character for “saint/holy” and “age” (as in the period of time, alternatively “generation”), aside from the one I’ve already discussed. Therefore, I’d suggest Miyo is actually “the great detective [who ushers in a new] age” or “the great detective [of the current] age”. Update: Apparently Miyo means “age of a ruler”, as in the period of their reign (specifically referring to the emperor if it needs to be). I’ve heard there’s specific words in the Japanese language used only to refer to the imperial family…this is probably one of them. That specific name combo (as “odai”) is also a very polite way to refer to spare change, although that doesn’t seem very useful to know.
What’s that thing on Tamotsu’s wrist…? (A watch? Wouldn’t that be illegal in a prison like this?)
Interestingly, all other killers wear white. Narihisago is the only one in black (or brown…or whatever colour that is).
What would Miyo need a key for? The key to the mystery, or a physical key?
I don’t think you can see Narihisago’s face in any of the pics he has of Muku or his wife.
Ooh…Sakaido’s pretty ripped. (Me likey…not that I would like a killer…)
Why is Sakaido…or I should say Narihisago…dead in his own imagination, huh?
Hmm…Miyo wears a black singlet or sleeveless top of some sort under that cape...poncho…Holmes cosplay thing. She still has a gun in her detective form, too.
Notably, no detective wears a skirt in this world…*sigh* So much for Nancy Drew and Miss Marple…
Muku has smiley faces on her hair decs.
Does that mean you’ve met the real Muku…? (I think this is Momoki speaking about Muku.) Update: It might be Habutae, actually. I never really got a grasp on the names of the peanut gallery.
Hondomachi’s never seen the cockpit in real life, right?
Well-ception! (It’s a bit of a joke that when there’s something in something, I call it [X]ception as a homage to Inception.)
Table flip! That meme hasn’t been around for a while, come to think of it…
I find it interesting that they point to the circles of the roof when talking about pi. As you know, the circle and pi are related.
Hmm? I don’t remember seing the quote “Let us try to make this world a better place” in this episode…
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Iruma-kun 8 - 9 | BnHA 68 - 71 | NGL 8 - 9 | ID: Invaded Sneak Preview (i.e. eps 1 - 2)
Tw: suicide for ID: Invaded, by the way (it’s only briefly in the commentary, but it’s in ep 2). Plus, ID: Invaded gets its hashtag well before its debut.
Iruma-kun 8
“Lady Redhair”? I think Amelie’s hair is orange, but you do you, Clara.
I paused at the wrong time and saw Asmodeus had bug eyes behind his glasses.
Is that the vending machine Clara attacked her bullies with…?
I wonder what rank Amelie is…
Diabolical + botany = diabotany.
Come to think of it, the Azz-Azz/Iruma relationship is similar to the Gokudera/Tsuna relationship…
So as it turns out, Clara gets her juvenile tendencies from taking care of her younger siblings. Hmm…
Aw, it’s kinda disheartening to see Clara so down. It looks a lot like Zenitsu when he doesn’t see his own abilities, or something of the sort (which I always fall hook, lin and sinker for).
I wonder what Amelie’s seduction percentage is…?
Oh, you can see Succubus-sensei in the ED…hmm.
Update: where is Clara’s dad…? *gulps if he’s passed away*
Iruma-kun 9
Azz-kun is such a proud parent…even though he’s the same age as Iruma, LOL.
Lack of ambition? Clara just proved this wrong last episode and Sabro has his own ambitions…but then again, Azz-kun wasn’t privy to such knowledge.
“Fear 1” is a pun on ikkai (first floor). (At least, that’s what I can assume from context.)
There doesn’t actually seem to be a pun when Azz mentions Execution Cannonball (shokei gyokuhou)…which, I think, is weirder than having a pun in the first place. (The later joke is that Clara says gyouki instead of gyokuhou, which is pretty far off for part of it but completely spot on for the other , so the subbers put in a phrase that matched that kind of pattern in the English as well.)
Rumour has it there’s going to be an Iruma-kun dub. I wonder how they’ll make all the puns work…?
It’s-wahahaha! It’s just dodgeball!
Huh? A high-ranking demon? Sullivan? Opera?????
LOL, you can still see the tree sprouting from one of the rooms.
The Demonitor is handing Opera the dodgeballs, LOL!
I like Opera’s nails…they’re a nice shade of purple…
Ponytail Iruma…looks a bit strange, but I’ll get used to it. I like ponytails, y’know.
Even Azz-kun’s hands are big in comparison to Iruma…
That preview was far too abrupt!
BnHA 68
The giant moving crab is actually a thing. I went and saw it one time in Ginza and again on Dotonbori, Osaka. The crab is associated with Kani Doraku, a crab restaurant.
“Amajiki” literally means something like “eats the sky”. A good name for my good boi.
The subbers didn’t even finish the word “defence”! Eesh!
Amajiki likes butterflies…? I wonder, if he ate butter, could he be a butterfly too…?
Running All Might, I see…(it’s a parody of the Glico Running Man in Osaka.)
Basically, this is what Vigilantes was for! Woot!
I love how Kaminari charges people’s phones. That’s the sort of dumb thing heroes do with their powers, since you gotta remember they’re just young dumb boys at heart as well.
The problem with a hardening power is that it sounds lewd out of context…
I wonder what Fat Gum’s first job was…?
There’s a post-credits segment…keep watching.
BnHA 69
Centipeder has such a cute voice, albeit a distorted one.
Kirishima is voiced by Masuda, so it’s fun to hear him get such a prominent role again (after Charanko in OPM s2, Touken Ranbu and Boueibu, among other roles).
“Likes: All Might” – LOL, we knew that already though.
Nighteye is Seiya Ryuuguuin: Hero Version.
There’s a post-credits segment. Keep watching.
The manga calls the magical girl series “Preyure”, so it’s weird to suddenly have the dub refer to its dub name, “Glitter Force”.
BnHA 70
Midoriya doesn’t have any bedhead…because his hair’s already messy! LOL.
“…what’s important is what you do afterwards.”
“Maybe we can catch the League…and the Hassaikai all at once!” – Yeah…that’s not going to happen Kirishima, considering the series is still going.
Come to think of it, Eraser’s goggles are the only part of his outfit that don’t really match…no wonder the idea comes from somone else (maybe saying that is a spoiler for those only following the main series and not Vigilantes, though…?).
Swordfish will become important later on…you know Tamaki’s Quirk, so you’ll see when it’s important soon.
Another post-credits segment…keep watching.
BnHA 71
One of the reasons I like Amajiki is because of his intro. Now you can see why!
Hassaikai = Hassai Group, so calling the opponents the “Shie Hassaikai” and “Hassai Group” in the same translaton is inconsistent.
“…playing into their hands.” – You can’t say that when you don’t have hands, Tamaki…
No Guns Life 8
Well, there ain’t no metaphor like the blatant one – man is the deadliest weapon to himself…or something of the sort.
Geesh! I wanna dub for this!
Well…couldn’t Olivier light the cig and stick it in Juzo’s mouth…? Or is that not “sexy enough” for the target audience?
No Guns Life 9
I’ve noticed only the women have lip flaps now…LOL. (But maybe I’m stating the obvious because my head’s a bit fuzzy from lack of sleep…)
“Medico” appears to be the Spanish word for “doctor” (as you might be able to guess). Then again, what Spanish colonies are there in the world…? Spain, sure, and South America…*googles* Basically all of South America, dangit.
Context says “madre” = mother.
Context also says “mentira” = lie, or “you’re lying!”.
Geesh, that cup size joke was such a non-sequitur that I didn’t even find it funny…
Geesh! This Colt dude is basically Sabro (from Iruma-kun)! Update: He also looks like he came straight outta JJBA.
ID: Invaded 1 – 2 (SNEAK PREVIEW!) 
I thought I wouldn’t be able to access the preview, but by accessing Funimation’s videos…I can watch it!
Ohmygloooooooob, this “I’m in pieces, but I’m connected” concept is so cool! (But also hella freaky, which is exactly my style!...You do know that I’m a bit of a freak for body horror, right?)
You…probably shouldn’t be yelling at the person if they appear to be dead(!)  
This would make an awesome escape game, no…?
I never knew the future looked so similar to the present.
Ooh, this gets more and more interesting! There are people watching this murder mystery.
Whose ID Well is this…? If it’s Sakaido’s, then maybe he can find out more about himself through the celebs.
The code appears to be from the Windows operting system, since C: is the default hard drive. So I’d say it might be Windows Visual Basic, actually, or C (the programming language).
Hmm…maybe that’s when the episode ws being produced.
Okay, so how I’m understanding this is that Sakaido is in the world of the murderer (of Kaeru’s) mind and he has to find her murderer to get out.
Ooh, so Sakaido is also a murderer…and as it turns out, Sakaido’s perp drills holes in the heads of their victims…scary. What I was really here to say was that this reminds me of a movie called Minority Report.
I think one of the victims had part of his head missing in the ID Well, so maybe Sakaido’s missing an elbow in real life…?
The joke is that the word for “well” in Japanese is i (井) or ido (井戸) and then ID, of course, is ID and likewise id is id (but it’s ido in Japanese). Googling ID: Invaded reveals Sakaido is written with this same kanji, plus two others (酒井戸), meaning his name is part of the wordplay too.
It’s like Minecraft, except you make the world with your entire body…LOL.
Maybe that’s (takoya) short for “takoyaki”…? Just a guess. Update: I’m right.
The licence plates say “Shinagawa”. This show takes place in Shinagawa (or the car I read the plate of was obtained in Shinagawa)!
Tumblr media
Huh? How did Hondomachi get into the well? Do they have a drive to kill as well????
These quotes have gotta mean something, so here’s the first one: “Is it ridiculous to believe that I have been given a certain role to play for this present world?”
What’s up with the numbers in the room Matsuoka is in…? (Apparently a terrible day volunteering is enough to put me on edge and subsequently make me a master detective, it seems.)
I went back to my old Honeyfeed stories recently and I rediscovered a character that I wrote about a few years ago – Yuki, after the matching character I axed from my original plot of Half-Paid Heroes (because the story I’m referring to is the Honeyfeed version of HPH) – who was partially close-shaven like Fukuda. I gave Yuki such a character design just to set up intrigue, but I didn’t think I’d ever see a similar design to it, ever. Now, here I am.
Narihisago? What a name! I checked what “hisago” means and apparently it means “gourd”.
Is this Kaeru (the one that committed suicide), perhaps, the one in Hondomachi’s head and that’s not actually the case…?
The CGI’s a bit awkward in this show.
Is “Muku” Sakaido/Narihisago’s daughter…?
I think the old guy – the head of the cop team – uses a Mac, based on his GUI.
New quote: “Wind comes in this hole and out the other, and it makes the world a little bit clearer.” This reveals the quotes are actually from the episode.
This music which acts as the ED is nice. I’m basically sold on this show, y’know.
The original work is by “The Detectives United”. I wonder what that means…?
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Stars Align 5 - 8 | Dr Stone 19 - 21 | Shinchou Yuusha 6 - 8 | No Guns Life 6 - 7 | BnHA 67 | Iruma-kun 7
Stars Align 5
Geepers, I accidentally read some spoilers before watching this episode…so I realised that the person in te clubroom was Toma without his glasses, but it took me a bit to realise still.
Don’t give Maki’s father your name, Toma. Names are weapons for guys like him!
It’s ben a while since I’ve done this type of maths, although the answer appears to be correct.
Huh? The ED went straight to the teachers instead of going to Kinuyo/Ruriha/Kaori (whatever her name is)…
Oh! That heart gesture hints at the fact he has a sister (I’ve forgotten the guy’s name though) – he might’ve learnt some dance choreography from watching idols or magical girls with her. Update: That’s Shingo.
Dr Stone 19
Rule no. 2 of shonen – don’t underestimate the bishonen.
The guy who kinda looks like Kirishima with orange hair is definitely going to be important…(rule no. ???? of anime).
Ooh! The themes I thought would never came back…came back!
Some people do consider underpaying people a modern form of slavery, y’know.
Does Tsukasa always have to be called “the strongest primate”, though…? It’s a badass title, to be sure, but it certainly wouldn’t be said a lot in a normal conversation.
Judging by the flame (homura) she carries, I’d wager her name is Homu-oh, dangit. Her name really is Homura!
Senku teaches Fire Safety 101.
Ginro’s not holding his bokuto (wooden kendo practice sword) anymore…hmm.
I didn’t think Sulfuric Acid lady would be back…ever.
The funny thing is that Tsukasa seems to be a gender-neutral name, so telling the brawny men to “go suck on Mommy Tsukasa’s teat”…LOL.
Hyoga has that mask thing of his anyway, so he’s probably better off than, say, Homura.
Is that a Death Star??????!!!!
Kensaku means “search”.
Cell phone…you’d need extensive knowledge of electronics and/or IT and architecture (for the larger networks, or at least the towers) to get one running.
“…who’ll be our double agent?” – No duh. It’s either Gen (as suggested in the scene just before) or Taiju and/or Yuzuriha.
I never thought a smartphone would make me feel sad for what has gone before, but it just did when all these quotes from the past came through.
Okay, so one of the ingredients is steel (hagane).
I love how Gen gets the wine image. He’s a stage magician, so his fancy suit matches the image of a sommelier.
Byakuya seems to be the one represented in the battery image.
BnHA 67
Yay! Amajiki, my booooooooooy!
Shinchou Yuusha 6
I never thought I’d say this to my seasonal husbandos – I don’t even say this about zaShunina, the random yandere – but…Seiya, you a**hole!
Lemme guess…Seiya’s gonna use some speed seeds?
I read on Leviae’s status earlier that she has an immunity towards fire…*gulp*
A nurikabe is a wall youkai that blocks travel, while a hyosube lives in a river and eats rice plants.
What’s the age gap between Mash and Elulu? I know Mash is hot enough (in the manga) to be compltly within my range, so I’d say he’s about 16 at the youngest, but Elulu is, what, 12…? Update: There’s no real indication as to what the characters’ ages are, but Mash is lvl 16 and Elulu is lvl 8.
Ooh, this is new! Seiya’s thrown caution to the wind for once for the sake of Elulu!
No Guns Life 6
“Strong Smells” (on the can) – Yep, Olivier seems to be proving that name right.
Motor City…I didn’t really care for it at first, but now I’m starting to warm up to it.
Ooh, it seems the implication here is that Olivier inherited the title of EMS commander from her dad.
“…I’m gonna get shot!” - I guess when you’ve got a gun for a head, the assumption is you’re gonna get shot.
Armed Tokisada seems to be this world’s version of All Might…(but then is Juzo Deku? LOL.)
Iruma-kun 7
This OP is a lot more battle-oriented than I remember…
I want a GIF of sparkly Amelie, stat!
Iruma’s voice as Rin is too CUTE! LOL!
Kawaii Comics, LOL.
Ooh! I can recognise Opera by his nail polish now…! His nail polish appears to be purple today.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Opera express his own concern for Iruma until now. Maybe he’s like a surrogate mother to Iruma by now…?
They even have monsters to call out bell noises…LOL wut.
Hmm…I just realised Azz speaks to Iruma rather formally. Not just the –sama, but the keigo as well.
Azz is rather observant too…(Seriously, I swear he’s been teetering on the edge of being my husbando from this show, but since he’s so subservient, it’s a bit of a hard concept to grasp. Not to mention the guy is, what, 14…?)
Even the shadows of background characters are blue and pink…
The little arrow over Clara really sells the moment.
The bird is so cute~!
I only realised it this year, but boba is really in, all over the world, for young people. *stares at all the boba shops that have appeared around my area lately*
I think Ameri = watashi and Iruma = boku. It’s politeness all the way ‘round. I think Sabro might’ve used ore.
“Don’t let go. Desire is your life.” – Sarazanmai ad <- I think this quote is appropriate for this episode.
Oh! We see Kuromu the Akudol in the ED…I didn’t realise that. (<- knows about her due to spoilers)
Oh! I think next episode might be Clara’s seduction class! Ooh! Interesting…
Dr Stone 20
Come to the dark side, we have candy…amirite???
Dr Stone 21
The pun here is that tou is a way to pronounce “copper” and “steal”, so Chrome copped copper in the Eng subs.
Couldn’t Ginro just use the word “s***” instead? That would’ve made the pun a lot better, tbh.
Thy translated all the dialogue in the fake menus! Yay! (<- translator’s brain showing up) For instance, Senku’s attack is listed as 1 while Suika’s is 3 and Gen’s is 5…LOL. The one that really made me laugh was “Runs away the second he knows he’s at a disadvantage. You’re scum, Ginro!”
Magma wasn’t in the fake game menu…!!! (I like how Magma questioned how Senku suddenly started calling him a “friend”.)
No Guns Life 7
I feel like the length of time between distracting the guard and Tetsuro conveying his plan was a bit much, but…okay.
Shinchou Yuusha 7
LOL, Beel Bub…y’know, Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies.
If Seiya were watching No Guns Life, he’d freak out…
Is that Cerceus in the back-yep, thought so!
Shinchou Yuusha 8
I almost expected Rosalie to woof…that’s how doglike she is!
Why do I get the feeling we’ll 1) find out what the Warmaster looks like next ep and 2) find out Rosalie’s armour is actually the armour Seiya’s meant to look for…? I could be wrong, but my intuition has some chance of being correct, even if I think up stuff that’s pure speculation…
Stars Align 6
Does Yonex sponsor this show, like Mikasa for Harukana Receive…?
LOL, Mitsue’s reaction.
If this were the Amazing Race, the hometown advantage would suck…but this is Hoshiai no Sora, so this could go either way.
“How to Soft Tennis” indeed…sic.
Wait, who’s Takada…? Update: She’s on the girls’ team, IIRC.
The Takenouchi/Souga pair is a bunch of trolls…LOL.
Oji seems to be the leader, full stop. Same way Katsuragi has been running things.
It’s been a few weeks since I last watched this show, but…is Oji the guy who threatened to punch them all…? He is, isn’t he…?
Stars Align 7
I feel like Mitsue’s bitterness is fuelled by personal experience in the manga field…
Well, the guy’s name isn’t Arashi (storm) for nothing! Update: The guy’s name is in katakana, which may or may not prove my point…
Arashi’s surname sounds like the Japanese word for “prince”, if you’re wondering.
I LOLled so hard at the line “Versus Arashi?” Y’see, there’s this game show with a group called Arashi. Therefore, its name is “Versus Arashi”.
I learnt most of what I know about tennis from Wii Sports, LOL.
I mentally cringed when I saw Itsuki’s burns again…
“…years and experience.” – That’s two things, Tacky!
Souya from Planet With would be in heaven here…what with all this meat.
Doesn’t “Kamuy” mean “god” in Ainu…? That Ouji, so conceited! *huffs at how arrogant the boy is*
Girls do eat like fiends…LOL.
I can’t believe 7 episodes in real life time was only a month in Stars Align time…
Yuta’s really sensitive to Toma’s mood…probably because the former likes the latter. (Yeah, I’m a derp for saying what we already know.)
Stars Align 8
I-I wanna cry…you do realise I gave up piano halfway through high school, only to become an absolute bum when I got into higher levels because I can’t use my piano lessons to demonstrate I can manage my time responsibly anymore???? I quit Chinese the same year and now it’s the one thing that’s preventing me from getting a bunch of beneficial opportunities because now there are so many Chinese people in my region! Studies are not your life! (distant crying can be heard in the background)
I kinda get where the mother’s going with this, but knowing what I know…please compromise, you two.
“The handsome half” – I wasn’t sure what that meant until I saw the image…”half” meaning ha-fu, or a person who’s half Japanese half something else. It’s like calling someone gweilow in Cantonese –it’s vaguely derogatory at the very minimum.
*Yuta’s sisters suggest clothes for him to wear* “Don’t tell mom about this.” – Oh, I have a bad feeling about this…(Then again, I got vaguely spoiled for this point by the This Week in Anime segment…that’s why I decided to watch 3 episodes in one shot.)
Maki’s shirt says “to continue”, as if it’s echoing his nonchalance. Like, “Yuta, please continue” or something like that.
To be real with you, the first resource I consulted to start thinking about the LGBTIQ+ spectrum (outside gender-bending fiction) was a book about an FtM person, so I guess I’m the most used to that sort of thing.
This is why empathy is so good, Maki.
Go, Mitsue! Be the diversion!
Who’s “Kanacat”? Kanako?...Oh, it’s Mitsue. Rigggggggggght.*facepalm*
Why do I get the feeling Mitsue wants to join the soft tennis club…?
Sakurai-sensei’s glasses are all fogged up, LOL.
Ohh (sounds down). These kiddos are soccer nuts.*grumbles about soccer nuts*
Update: To be honest with you, I’m fine with not making hard gender decisions too…Just so you know.
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