#Snapped Restraints
lambsouvlaki · 5 months
hey! no clue if you’ll like this idea but thought i’d give it a shot. i was reading one of my favorite books the other day and there was a quote that reminded me of a dynamic/idea that i’d love to see with Jason. since i have no clue what the dynamic is called i’ll just show you part of the quote to give you the general idea (obvs have however many liberties you want. i just don’t know the name for it).
(“I want you to stay. I want you to… I want you.”
“And how will you have me?. Fully clothed, gloves on, your head turned away so our lips can never touch?”)
i can imagine it would be pretty angsty and angry.
Ooh I love this. Have a mini-fic.  
(I’m going with Arkham knight jason because that’s the sandbox i’m playing in right now.)
“Take off the helmet,” she said. 
The glowing front panel looked down at her, the LEDs of its display unchanging in their cycle. 
Just outside the room the heavy boots of the militia thudded against the metal floors. The light flickered beneath the door as they moved back and forward. 
They stood barely a foot apart in the semi-dark, at the foot of her bed. Her breathing seemed so loud. The helmet silenced his entirely. 
He didn’t move. She could read so much from his body normally, the rage driving him when he marched, the focus in his steady hands when he took apart his weapons, the refusal to bend in his broad, tense shoulders. Then he looked at her, and she saw nothing. Only a blank mask, and a body that faced her but would never close the distance.
 She lowered her head. 
“I get it.” She turned towards the door. 
He caught her arm. Her breath hitched. His hold was gentle, as soft as a plated gauntlet could be.
“You don’t.” His modulator was quiet, but harsh. It couldn’t be anything else. “I want you to stay. I want you to… I want you.”
She turned back. He was closer now. For a moment she felt the desperation to reach to her in his hold, in the tightening of his fingers, an urgency and need straining against a refusal to step closer. 
She let out a shaky breath and looked up at him. Her hand rose to gently cup his jaw through the helmet. She hoped he could see the need in her eyes. The understanding she would extend if only he trusted her enough to try. How much she yearned for him.
The unblinking display looked back. 
"You want me like this?" she whispered, desperation warring with rising anger. "Fully clothed, gloves on, your head turned away so our lips can never touch?”
He let go.
She closed her eyes, then walked away.
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bluegiragi · 1 year
Obsessed with the horny of course but omg fluffy meeting each others’ families????? I am melting 🥹💖
I genuinely have so much to say about König’s family and his relationship with all of them, but I plan to get into it more in detail when I do a short series on his teenage days :) basically all you need to know is that it’s a lot better now, but all of them basically used to be estranged.
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myfandomincolor · 6 days
A little blood magic to augment your physical health in exchange for letting Caladrius go free: it's a good deal, yes?
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She doesn't make deals with scum.
SUPER ROUGH SKETCHEROO but I wanted to get her reaction out of my head and onto an art board.
Finally at the alienage on this year's DA:O replay and thinking about how my Cousland would end Caladrius and the Tevinter slavers, and that she'd just be so unhinged about it at this point in the story. Her composure and patience have been completely eroded, leaving bare contempt exposed. Mercy? You dare to ask for mercy?
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re: last anon i definitely think it comes from the uhhh whole threatened thingy. Since most of y3 is. Well. Uhm. Daigo Coma Hours we spend a lot of time w/ that guy in a threatened state. Hence the more “violent” interpretations bc. Well. his sillyguy’s in a coma. Though I’ve definitely seen Mine’s more… stressed (for lack of better words) state being misinterpreted as his natural state and I can see how that would lead to more frequent violent kirinmine takes etc. (Hopefully this is coherent I am soooooooooo tired rn)
for Last Anon
#snap chats#even throughout y3 tho mine's generally calm even when we know he's probably stressed out internally#he's very level-headed despite it all- it's only the end with kiryu where he really loses it and we see How stressed out he is#like of course there's the plane That Was Unnecessary but its with kiryu where he gives a verbal outburst and he's at his wit's end#we know what im saying ? like even under presumed stress mine still presents as calm and as if he knows what to do next#the plane incident was mine acting 'in defense' of daigo not wholly an act of stress (tho he could have been as well)#like once mine stabs the man he's done and over with it and calmly goes back to his seat. he's very 'careful' in how he acts#he doesn't do more than necessary and has restraint. for the most part#it takes a lot for him to be skittish or 'pressed against the wall' so to speak- like with kiryu calling him out#we see this 'calm visage' break when he shoots at kiryu and yells- and we KNOW this was done out of stress because he misses#Shit Shot Mine jokes aside he can aim when he wants to as shown by rggo- he was really just In The Shit in this moment mentally#also with 'violent mine' takes Personally i think its just funny JVLEKJVAEKL like pl e a s e relax.. ... it is not that serious mine...#and theres little else much cooler than seeing a giraffe god start stomping people and how else to do that but through violence#honestly i feel like ive actually seen more depictions of kirin mine be gentle and just Chilling.....#BUT thats /my/ internet experience. Long Unnecessary Ramble over sorry i didnt meant to write a thesis#i just like thinking about mine...
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cpt-winters · 1 year
Okay, so I've Had a Whumpy Thought...
Upon their arrival, Team halts dead in their tracks, staring wide-eyed as Whumpee wraps the chains Whumper once used to bind them around Whumper's neck, pulling back with all their strength with a crazed, almost-animalistic look in their eyes.
Cue Whumpee collapsing to their knees after Whumper's body slumps to the floor. That thousand-yard stare falling over Whumpee's features as their mind refuses to register whatever following commotion unfurls around them.
Can't stop thinking about variations of this trope after reading this post
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obstinaterixatrix · 5 months
there’s a post going around tmblr like ‘I just need someone to take my face in their hands and tell me I’m not as doomed as I feel’ but while I was scrolling past it I misread it as ‘tell me I’m as doomed as I feel’ and I was like lmao yeah I get it. whoopsie
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deathfavor · 8 months
@kyukicho said: "don't do this. it's not good for you." Izana from Kakucho
when it gets hard sentence starters
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" Are you giving orders now? "
Izana scowls as yanks his arm from Kakucho's gentle grip and ignores how the drink in hand shakes precariously, a few drops hitting his skin. Deep down, he knows Kakucho is right. It's not good for him and Kakucho's seen the worst of it. He's been there the nights that Izana has spent curled up in the bathroom or sweating and shaking against the wall. He's always there offering water and a soothing pat and supporting him. Never accusing, never cruel, always gentle and caring.
Guilt crawls up his throat and feels like a noose around his neck even as the angry words still ring on his tongue. Kakucho's so good even when Izana wants to drink everything away, or chase self-destructive paths to escape his own head and the demons that lurk. He's so good and Izana's so fucked up and he doesn't know how to stop the venom or anger when it shows up. He can be cruel easier than he can be kind. It's never stopped Kakucho, Kakucho always looks so adoring. It doesn't stop the fear that hangs over him; fear that Kakucho will abandon him and he'll be left in that wretched loneliness again. He can't bear that, he won't survive that.
Izana swallows painfully, and ignores the tears that threaten to rise to his eyes. He's not sure if they're out of anger or out of guilt or sadness. Maybe all three. Maybe none of them. Izana throws aside the shot glass and watches it shatter and liquid go everywhere. It doesn't matter. Everyone else is so fucked up on alcohol and god knows what else that barely anyone even notices, especially over the music that's blasting and the flashing lights that make everything disoriented. He's had enough because even those strobe lights make him feel sick. It's probably best that he be cut off now but no one cares about should here. Except Kakucho. Izana shoves his way through the sweaty, rowdy crowd and pounding music and outside into the cold air.
( Yet despite the display of anger, it's worth noting that Izana hasn't grabbed another drink. He's listened to Kakucho even if he isn't entirely aware of it. )
He leans back against the wall, shivering under the sharp contrast between the club and two a.m. air as he sinks down. His hands find their way to his hair, curling into snow locks as he hides his face. " My head hurts. " He croaks, because he can hear footsteps approaching where he's sunk down. against the sidewalk and wall. It's probably poor, sweet Kakucho who will look worried - " I don't want to think right now. " Izana mumbles. And if it's a stranger? He doubts they'd care.
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arcxnumvitae · 6 months
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Never mind.
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exo-s-victory-lap · 2 years
Chen antis are pathetic to a funny degree like how are you beefing with a 4 month old publically
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moonshine-nightlight · 11 months
Hi! Cat-crying-behind-a-locked-door Anon here.
You have no idea how much serotonin my brain is getting with the Snapped update. Spinning that in my brain and looking at it like food in the microwave!
I'm so weak for Barely Restrained Horny + Two Pining Idiots stuff! And you're (like always) such an amazing writer, the way you keep up the tension is immaculate.
Hope your day is really nice!
i'm so glad u checked back in and liked the new chapter of Snapped!
both of those are some of my favorite things too!! that's why this story was in my brain for so long and i'm excited that now its spinning in other peoples too instead of haunting only me as i try to go to sleep lol
the goal is to post the last part, not this coming sunday (that's Dale time), but the sunday after that and it will b spicy so please stayed tuned for all the lovely tension to break
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tiredhawks · 2 years
Ok I'm sorry one last thing. One last thing.
Twice cockblocking them is why Dabi almost got him with his fire and why Hawks actually did kill him.
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fisheito · 10 months
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@requiodile edmond gets special points every time i unlock one of his scenes because he's always so >///////<oh noooo i guess i have no chooooice but to dO this \tHING (sways like a sweet lil thing with delicate long hair and a 3cm waist) then i see him in Business Mode and he activates Eiden Potato Sack ability and i'm just grinning . look at him. sly little soldier, that one. he AALWAYS has a choice .
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broken-clover · 2 years
Baiken adopting orphan psychic Delilah and a few years later getting convinced to put her in the Psychonauts program. She hears Some Shit Is Going Down and, somehow, finds her way to the HQ and refuses to leave until she's sure her kid is safe. For some reason nobody can bend her sword and every time they send someone inside her head to figure her out they run screaming out and refuse to elaborate
ohohOHOHO MY GOD Baiken in Psychonauts takes things to an even more batshit level and I'm welcoming it with open arms. Whether or not she's psychic would be amazing, because if she isn't I'm still convinced Baiken could body every major threat in the Psychonauts universe just with a sword, and if she is, then, well, somehow we've found a way to make Baiken of all people even more dangerous.
Psychic intern Delilah sounds fantastic for all the wrong reasons, I imagine she would take a shine to Raz with enough time since he's just so open and friendly (and his mischievous side in some ways reminds her of her brother), but to everyone else she's that kid with the Murder Stare who can and probably will make you spontaneously explode if you tick her off.
When Baiken shows up, literally nobody is surprised the two of them are related
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rindomness · 1 year
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aoki deserves a billion and one knives to the organs but tbh if i showed up to the husband of my ex's ceremony Of Which Was The Same Guy Who Made Me Look Like A Jackass On My Birthday and she was like 'wow youre so charming and sophisticated' after i overheard her calling me a creep and a weirdo On My Birthday i think i wouldve killed myself on the spot in front of everyone so good on him for not doing that I Guess
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
ok but this animatic is gonna be so good if i actually make it
#my post#now i just have to. draw it.#but like!! it goes through all 3 episodes right. it starts w ranboo opening his eyes and waking up in the cabin#he goes through the cooking show and when the audio distorts on the word ‘decimal’ the slime turns red!#then all the sneeg stuff and at ‘condemn him to the infirmary’ rnab walks through the door and gets snatched by rats! then its the key room#from ep 2. gets through thst quick and its the surgery room! when audio distorts on ‘trouble’ the slime turns red AGAIN! and then the#‘scattering sparks of thought energy’ bit is the 3rd room w all the people! ‘here in my kingdom-cower and pray’ is sneeg being mind wiped.#the crazy bit is when we go through all the other rooms and the ending of it is hitw. then rnab going through puzzlers office. the ‘sososo’#is rnab seeing the cameras and walking off set! ‘spiralling down thy majesty’ is when hes staring at the showfall logo! then hes following#hutchs instructions and then he finds charlie and drags him along on ‘i was just a boy you see’#and on ‘i plead of you have sympathy for me’ theyre running and ranboo hits the button on ‘me’. he turns and the camera spins with him. and#he gets kidnapped again. ‘see how the serfs work the ground’ is hutch. ‘see how they’ has the lights slowly coming up#‘see’ shows a few… employees? then ‘how’ is a bit more and ‘they’ a spotlight shines on rnab all crucified yknow. and ‘see how the brain#plays around’ is mr squiggles! ‘and you fall inside a hole you didnt see’ both. then the die/live vote pops up. it goes back and forth until#‘someone help me’ on ranboo struggling against the restraints. ‘understand’ on the red lights of the mask. ‘whats going on’ on the symbol on#the back. ‘inside my mind’ is the vote struggling around the 50/50 mark. ‘doctor i cant tell if im not me’ is a wider shot of ran and then#the box snaps shut and the screen fades to black.#but! but then! on ‘when it grows bright’ the same animation from the beginnibg plays!#ranboo wakes up in the cabin and looks around!#:) ‘when it grows bright the particles start to marvel having made it through the night#never they ponder whether electric calming if you look at it right’#yeah. abywahs i like this animatic so far
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