#Slytherin Skittles
ecstarry · 1 day
@rosekillermicrofic / lips / 323 words / @fromagony
“Hey, baby doll,” Barty said as he rested his arm on the small wall of Evan’s cubicle. 
“I hate it when you call me that,” Evan quipped. His eyes not leaving his computer screen, hoping that if he ignored the office flirt he would be able to regain some composure. 
“Next time try not to blush and I’ll believe you.” Evan didn’t have to look at Barty to know that a grin was spreading across his face. 
“You’re an ass.”
“And you’re gorgeous.” Barty got closer and sat on Evan’s desk. “You look stressed.” Barty pouted at him. 
“I was fine before you started bothering me.” He couldn’t stop his gaze from traveling from Barty’s thighs next to him all the way to Barty’s lips. 
“I'll take it all, baby doll… Whatever's been weighin' you do-”
Evan interrupted with a loud laugh, “Are you using a fucking Dominc Fike song to flirt?”
Barty blushed, clearly caught off guard, but not backing down. “Is it working?”
Before Evan could answer, a text distracted him. It was Regulus, he wasn’t going to be able to give him a ride home that day.
“Fuck,” Evan muttered to himself. 
“What is it? Is the damsel in distress?”
Evan returned his eyes to Barty and saw the eagerness on the man to keep their game going. 
“My car is at the mechanic and Regulus can’t drive me home today, so I need to find a new ride home.”
At once, Barty jumped from the desk, placed Evan’s bag on his shoulder and extended his arm towards him. “Your chariot awaits.”
Evan laughed at the gesture, “You don’t even know where I live.”
“I’m HR, I actually do know.”
“That sounds creepy.” 
“Only for you,” Barty quickly added with a wink.  
Evan tried to conceal his excitement as he got in Barty’s car. 
“So is Dominic Fike okay, baby doll?”
“Just drive.” A small smile adorning Evan’s face.
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lips - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 191
It had been a dare. It wasn’t supposed to mean anything. 
They were best friends, after all. Friends who didn’t- who couldn’t-
But as Barty stopped in front of Evan and threw him a small smirk, Evan suddenly wasn’t quite so sure. Because all of a sudden, this felt so real.
It was real, the way their lips connected softly, causing them both to inhale and open their mouths slightly. Real, the way their tongues naturally intertwined, pulling fire from Evan’s stomach to seep through the rest of his body, washing over him in one swoop. Real how their hands couldn’t help but grab at each other’s shirts and hair and jaws, how their teeth bit at lips and necks.
And it was very real when someone cleared their throat and Barty jumped back, looking so red he was almost maroon. 
“Well, fuck,” Dorcas said from her spot on a couch, a grin on her face. “Dunno, that was kind of hot, huh?”
And Evan, who was still staring into Barty’s eyes, panting softly, and resisting the urge to reach back toward him, desperate for that taste again, could only agree.
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pxrty-crxsher · 2 days
Thinking about how Barty would just scream and fall to his knees at Evan’s grave after he gets out of Azkaban. He would just sit there and cry, kicking as people tried to pry him away from the headstone and little patch of dead grass. Because Evan promised he’d be there when he got out of Azkaban and he’s not. He’s dead.
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itsjulesstuff · 3 days
@rosekillermicrofic 🥀 3 June 🥀 Prompt: Lips 🥀 Words count: 138 🥀 Evan has heterochromia
It’s my first time writing a microfic, I hope you like it. English is not my first language, so I’m sorry for the bad writing
Barty has always wondered how Evan lips would taste like.
But he never dared to kiss him, he was to afraid to ruin their friendship.
Until that night; they were alone in their dorm, Evan was talking about something Barty couldn’t hear because he was so focused on the way Evan’s lips were moving.
He was so perfect, his teeth, his smile…
-Bee? Are you ok? - Evan asked, making Barty jump.
-Oh… yeah… Don’t worry Ev… - but Barty’s cheeks were flushed.
They were looking in each other’s eyes: green eyes looking directly in Evan’s blue and brown eyes.
In one moment, Barty noticed that Evan was getting closer, dangerously closer and his breath shortened.
-Ev… - was the only word that escaped from Barty mouth before Evan gently pressed his lips on Barty’s.
Heaven, Evan lips tasted like heaven
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moonyswarmsweaters · 13 hours
Consider: Regulus Black with SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder)
Regulus Black who is called spoiled for not agreeing to wear certain fabric because it feels like they peel of his skin but no one understands
Regulus Black with no tags on his designs clothes
Regulus black who pre- transition hated having his long hair brushed because of the feeling and would only let his brother do it until he finally cut it short
Regulus Black who is always called a ‘vampire’ for sitting in the dark a lot but they don’t understand that it’s TOO BRIGHT
Regulus Black with not a single smooth ring, all textured for those times
Regulus Black who hates surprise touches, who actually barely minds physical touch from his loved ones but has to see it coming before. Who love warm heavy hugs (which are James’ specialty) but hates a sudden touch, pushing people away when it happens and often make them get the wrong message.
Regulus Black who don’t go to parties because all the different sounds physically hurt him
Regulus Black with the same 3 outfits on repeat
Regulus Black with SPD everybody
might add more later - feel free to add your own!
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Marauders fake tweets part 30 (Part 29, Part 31)
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billi-mausi · 1 day
Regulus, Barty & Evan (in order)
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teaformoony · 19 hours
evan: i need your help, i’ve made a mistake
barty: it’s ok, i have a shovel
evan: what do you think i did?
barty: it doesn’t matter. no one will ever know.
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Evan: What if we took away the “bro” in our “bromance”?
Barty: …what’s a mance?
Regulus, Dorcas and Pandora: *facepalm*
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mxskellington · 22 hours
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“Whose Gryffindor tie is Reggie wearing?”
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ecstarry · 1 day
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from having a ghost in my bed by @fromagony
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love - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 156
"Never have I ever...been in love."
The statement was innocent enough, but it filled Barty with dread. They'd taken Veritaserum, and he knew he had to be honest, so trying to be as quiet as possible, he took a small sip of his drink.
Chaos erupted around him as Regulus blushed, having taken a sip, shaking his head at Pandora, who was accusing him of being in love with James. Across the circle, both McKinnon and Dorcas grinned at each other, disgustingly cute, both having taken a sip as well. A few of the other participants in the game chattered with each other, laughing about their reasons for drinking or not drinking.
But it was Evan who Barty was staring at.
Evan, who had never been in a relationship.
Evan, who had taken a sip, too.
Evan, who was staring at him with wide eyes and a flushed face.
Did this mean....?
No. It couldn't be.
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pxrty-crxsher · 2 days
Evan would piss off Barty for the fun of it. To the point where his hand is around his neck and he’s spitting insults at his face. It just absolutely turns Evan on.
Evan would pull Barty in by his shirt and kiss him hard. Barty would push Evan off but then pick him up and pin him against the wall.
Barty: You fucking whore…if you wanted me just say it..
(I love you)
Evan: I can’t help that you’re bloody sexy..
(Never let me go)
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weather-aesthetic · 2 days
Okay but imagine ravenclaw Barty dying part of his hair green to impress slytherin Evan
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luizd3ad · 3 days
OH ok ok ok…
Can I maybe request a Pandora x shy!reader who has a crush on Pandora but obviously just admires from a distance; but Pandora Be Knowing (tm) - maybe Pandora just starts inserting herself into readers daily routine and readers like “?!?!?!” and Pandora’s like “!!🥰😇🤗!!”
Hope this is enough? You can message me if you want more 😉 xx
Universes Mistake | Pandora Rosier x Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Pandora Rosier x Fem!Shy!Reader WC: 2,431 CW: Use of Y/N, kinda hints of more social anxiety and awkwardness than shy (??), Reader gets anxious and overthinks. Author's Note: My first request damn😮‍💨 I'm sorry it's taken so long I’ve just had like no motivation? it kinda looks like that been kinda going around rn tho? idk maybe somethings in the air lol. I really hope you like it tho. Summary: You've liked Pandora for years but with you being painfully shy you just like her from a distance but Pandoras not having that.
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The first thing you did every time you walked into one of the few classes that you shared with her was look for her. 
She was just so amazing that you couldn't help but like her.. a lot. She was always so sweet to the people that were important to her. She was always so happy, so lively, she just seemed so carefree. Always laughing and smiling.
Merlin, that smile. What you wouldn't do to have her smile at you.
You’ve liked her since second year.
You were sitting under a tree by The Black Lake reading, you were almost completely lost in your book but then your attention was stolen when you heard talking and laughing. 
Walking past you was Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr, Dorcas Meadowes, Evan Rosier and her, Pandora Rosier.
They didn't notice you but you noticed them. 
You remember when you heard her laugh the first time, how it made your heart speed up, how your hands got all clammy, how you felt the heat crawling up your face. How you felt like you couldn't breathe.
You were captivated.
You started to notice her everywhere, classes, halls, the library, it felt like she had consumed your life in the best way possible. 
You had always been the shy type, finding it hard to talk to people, making friends, you would get embarrassed easier than you probably should, you'd get easily nervous so you had always just kept to yourself, you were alone. That's how you liked it.. or at least that's what you told yourself. 
So you were fine with the fact that she didn't notice you. You were happy and content with existing in the same space as her.
When you walked into Divination you noticed she wasn't there yet. You tried not to let yourself feel disappointed so you decided that in the meantime you would just take your normal seat in the back and get ready for class while letting yourself hope in the back of your mind that you'll see her at some point.
You were so focussed on getting ready for class and you didn't notice that someone had sat at the chair across from you until you heard her. “Hello, Y/N.” Your movements froze at the sound of her voice as if you were just hit with the ‘Glacius’ charm. You slowly looked up, trying to control your breathing. 
Social interactions, talking to people made you quite nervous but most of the time it was manageable. Talking to Pandora though? That was something you would have never even considered. 
You were content with just seeing her, from a distance that is.
“Um, H-hello Pandora?” You internally cringed when you stuttered and your sentence came out more like a question instead of just a normal greeting. 
But Pandora just smiled at you, not in a teasing way but in a way that had you get butterflies in your stomach, a way that made your heart skip a beat.
To your relief before the conversation could continue the professor started class and for the next hour and a half you were sitting next to Pandora Rosier trying not to completely freak out or embarrass yourself. 
When the class was dismissed you were out of there within seconds. You had never packed up and left a class so fast before. You were rushing to your next class trying to put distance between you and Pandora.
It's not that you didn't want to talk to her, it was just you didn't know how to talk to her. 
How do you just talk to the girl that you’ve basically been in love with for years? How do you talk to someone that just made your heart melt by saying ‘Hello’ to you? 
How do you talk to someone that makes you want to give her your everything just to hear your name fall off her lips again?
The rest of the day you were distracted by the thoughts of Pandora. You had shared classes with her for years. Why all the sudden did she sit with you? Why did she suddenly talk to you? Maybe she was just being nice? She was a nice person. That was one of the things you loved about her. It just never seemed like she knew you existed, let alone knew your name.
It had been a few days since Pandora had talked to you. She hadn't tried talking to you since.. admittedly it might have something to do with the fact that you didn't share many classes together and you might have also been actively avoiding her.. but who knows?
So that weekend you were in the library studying for a Charms test that was coming up. The library was quite empty since most people were off at Hogsmeade, you never went unless necessary which wasn't often. You liked how empty the castle was on Hogsmeade weekends. It was nice to just calm down for a while.
Especially because you had been spending the better part of the week running around trying to avoid Pandora.
At this point though you were willing to put the whole thing behind you. Just forget about it, move on, act like it never happened. Just chalk it up to a mistake made by the universe, something that would never happen again.
The universe didn't seem to appreciate your thought of it making a mistake because it was apparently wishful thinking to assume it wouldn't happen again.
Your head snapped up at the sudden sound of a chair being dragged on the floor. Across the table from you was Pandora, she sat across from you silently reading a book. She had a faint smile on her face but she seemed focused on her book.
You silently took a deep breath internally debating if you should leave or not.
You were there first. She didn't make it seem like she wanted you to leave. Maybe she wanted your company? Why else would she sit with you? Especially when there were so many empty tables.
You made the choice to stay and keep studying. Neither of you said a word the whole time you were there. You would look at her every so often but she did seem to move at all.
You hadn't realized how much time had passed until Pandora suddenly closed her book and stood up. You looked up at her surprised by her movements, based on the smile on her face you most likely looked as surprised as you felt. “It's dinner time. You should take a break and eat… Goodnight Y/N.” With that Pandora practically floated away, her smile never fading.
You felt your breath get caught in your throat. You mind started to race a bit. Why did she sit with you almost all day? What was her sudden interest in you? 
You started to feel a headache creep into the back of your head, because of that you decided to take her advice. To eat dinner and then just go to bed. Once again you just wanted to brush today off as a mistake made by the universe.
Well apparently the universe really likes proving you wrong because the weeks following that day you and Pandora found yourselves in an unspoken schedule.
After classes you would sit at your normal table in the back of the library and start to study then Pandora would sit with you reading or working in silence till it was time for dinner, she always said the same thing by the end. ‘It's dinner time. You should take a break and eat.’ then she would wish you a goodnight and walk away. 
You got used to having Pandora around. You stated to grow comfortable around her. You like being around her. You started to become comfortable with your routine.
Today was different though you only knew that when you grew closer to your table and you saw Pandora already there. In the few weeks you two had sat together you had always gotten there first. Pandora would usually follow after about ten minutes, today she beat you there.
Slowly and hesitantly you walked to the table trying to calm your anxiety. As you got closer to the table you notice that Pandora didn’t have her school bag with her but a picnic basket. 
“Hello Y/N. I know normally we sit here but I was wondering if you were interested in going on a little adventure with me.” Her voice was as soft as silk and fuck that smile. She could get you to do anything with that smile. 
So who were you to deny her?
You silently agreed with a nod of your head not trusting your voice. After she had gotten the picnic basket in one hand she slowly reached for your arm with her other as if asking you if it was okay, you once again nodded in agreement. Pandora linked your arms together with a smile on her face and then she led you out of the castle. 
You two silently walked together arm and arm toward The Forbidden Forest. You started to slow your walking when you realized where she was leading you to, you sent her a questioning look. “We'll be fine, I promise. You'll like where we're going.” 
A big part of you trusted Pandora more than you'd like to admit, but you couldn't help but be hesitant. You never went into The Forbidden Forest. You had heard the horrible stories rumors of past students that had ventured off into the forest and the beasts that resided in it. 
The idea of going in scared the hell out of you but with a simple squeeze of your arm and that damn smile you started to happily follow her in.
As you walked into the forest you realized it wasn't as terrifying as people made it out to be. It was actually quite beautiful in its own way the farther you walked in. Sure it was dark and sometimes the shadows would play tricks on your mind but having Pandora help more than you thought it would.
She somehow managed to calm and spike your anxiety all at the same time.
Eventually she led you to a small clearing surrounded by fireflies, trees, small hills and a lake with grass and flowers covering the floor. Close by there was something that appeared to be a wooden arch, you felt your eyes widen when you noticed what was laying under the arch.
There were two unicorns lying next to each other, they seemed to be sleeping. It was a unicorn den and it was breathtaking. 
While you were distracted by the beauty of the clearing and the shock of the unicorns Pandora had managed to set up a little picnic. There were small sandwiches, fruits and candies. She was already sitting down on the picnic blanket patting the spot next to her to have you join her.
You silently sat down next to her, your thoughts consuming you. You didn't want your overthinking to ruin this moment but you couldn't help it.
You had followed her into the ‘dangerous’ Forbidden Forest blindly. You had let her come into your life more than you thought you ever would. You had started to grow comfortable with her. Why was she doing this? Part of you was scared it was just a sick and twisted prank, but the rational side of you knew better Pandora wasn't that type of person, she wouldn't do that to someone (unless that someone deserved it). You just had to know why.
“Pandora? Can I ask you something?” For a moment you thought that your voice was too quiet for her to hear but it seems you were wrong since Pandora turned to give you all her attention with a small nod to let you know she was listening. 
It took all your courage to start talking, to not back down. “Why the sudden interest in me? We've shared classes for years now and I didn’t even know you knew my name until you sat with me in Divination. I'm just confused.”
Pandora looked away for a moment as if she was processing your words. “I've always known who you were, Y/N. I also know how shy you are, I never wanted to make you uncomfortable. So I was waiting for the perfect moment to introduce myself.. but I realized that there's no such thing as the perfect moment.”
You couldn't help but be skeptical about her answer, it made no sense to you. What was the need for a ‘perfect moment’? “Why would you need a ‘perfect moment’ just to try to be my friend?” 
A small smile spread across Pandora's face while a soft chuckle fell from her lips. She looked at you with those beautiful eyes, honesty with a hint of amusement lingered in them. 
“Who said I wanted to be your friend?” Before you could completely process what she meant her hand cupped the side of your face while her thumb crested your cheek softly. “I don't want to be just your friend, Y/N. I want to hold your hand, to take you on dates, I want to spoil you rotten and I really want to kiss you.”
To say you were stunned by her answer was an understatement. You could faintly hear your heart in your ears while a shiver ran down your back.
This felt like a dream. You had dreamt about this, more times than you could count. The only way you knew this was real was because you could still feel her hand on your cheek. You could feel how soft her hand was, how warm it was against your cold skin. It felt perfect. 
You two felt perfect. 
Pandora was eccentric, lively and so free. You tend to keep to yourself, you're quiet and observant. You balanced each other out. 
You don't know what came over you but before you could talk yourself out of it you softly pressed your lips to Pandoras'. Your heart started to race as your lips met hers. A wave of warmth washed over you as you relished in the feeling of Pandora's soft lips. 
You drew back slightly, and you felt your breath catch in your throat, your cheeks felt hot. As you look into Pandora's eyes, you saw a beautiful mixture of sweetness and love in them.
She smiled at you and pulled you in for another kiss as soft and perfect as the last one.
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florsial · 2 days
on here to declare my personal hc that is so near and dear to my heart.
Regulus and the Rosier twins are each other's ride-or-die, a 3-in-1 package deal, and they are Henry Clerval, Victor Frankenstein, and Elizabeth Lavenza variants!! They've known each other since they were kids, THEY ARE IN-LAWS, Sirius hated it when they came over because the twins would kick him out of Regulus' room so they could hang out with him.
The three of them are freaks in their own way and that's kinda how they stay connected. They experienced their own versions of "unmonitored internet access as a kid", aka Evan getting his hands on dead animals too young and it altering his brain chemistry forever, Pandora experiencing the high of being god for like a hot minute as a 6-year-old kid, and Regulus reading books that an average kid under 10 should not have been reading.
There isn't a pinpoint moment where they meet, they've just always had each other around. Regulus is the twins' freaky bibliophilic, two-headed lamb that limps behind the twins on the verge of death every day and baaing every 2 hours so they think he's dead sometimes, and Evan and Pandora are the two ghosts haunting Regulus over his shoulders roasting the fuck out of whatever he's doing and tormenting him with happier times while handing out backhanded compliments as means of affection.
Regulus can get unhealthily codependent on them sometimes so he would just adjust his schedule every day to fit with them while Evan is laughing at him. They all go to each other first when something fucks up. They sleep in the same bed sometimes. They share clothes. When the twins hug Regulus it parallels a two-headed snake wrapping itself around Regulus' neck.
anyways ill shut up now.
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