19thcenturylover · 15 days
Another Wingterbaron thing, srry it's my way of being sane (no but aha) and although I love them, I'm running out of ideas to draw them,,
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I finally did something with this dynamic and I couldn't be happier with the result, and now I have xomo 10 new headcanons JAJDUD
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Based in this :P
If anyone has hc or ideas about this couple, I will be very happy to hear it. Honestly, I would love to know if more people are interested in this ot3 :3 QJJDJD
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kakademona · 5 months
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where are my mens
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pinballbrain · 3 days
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Rating: Mature Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes & Sam Wilson & Helmut Zemo, James “Bucky” Barnes/Helmut Zemo, Implied Sam Wilson/Helmut Zemo Additional Tags: Time Loop, Character Study, disguised as plot, Implied/Referenced Suicide, bc time loop, Angst, Whump, Nebulous Zemo Parole Universe | Helmut Zemo Paroled from the Raft, Temporary Character Death, implied sbz
Zemo gets stuck in a time loop. He's not happy about it
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sholiofic · 2 years
A SamBuckyZemo prompt: SamBucky are an established couple. Sometimes they take Zemo to bed, but just as a parolee with benefits. After sex Zemo always gets up and leaves, and SamBucky are fine with being left alone for some affectionate cuddle time. After one post-mission adreneline induced threesome, Zemo is so exhausted and thoroughly fucked that he sub-drops right into deep sleep. Initially not very thrilled about his prolonged stay, SamBucky discover the sleeping Baron is quite squishable :3
Getting back to prompts. :D
The first time that Zemo ended up in Sam and Bucky's bed was an adrenaline-fueled "how are we actually alive" hookup and Bucky got the feeling that Zemo felt as weird about it as they did afterwards.
But it kept happening, now and then, in roadside motels and suburban Airbnbs and cushy safehouses. Sam was the one who kept trying to put the brakes on it, but honestly, it was really hard to stop Zemo from doing anything he wanted to do, and apparently what he occasionally wanted was no-holds-barred stress-relief sex. This was usually followed by a polite good night to each of them, accompanied by a light kiss, and Zemo retreating to his own room and then making breakfast for them in the morning.
And now this.
"He's on my arm," Sam murmured, but very quietly, barely moving his lips.
It hadn't been a good day. They were all three exhausted, banged up, scraped and bruised. Things had gone sideways with the hostages they were trying to rescue. It was one of those days when you crawled home and took a long, hot shower, licked your wounds a little, and tried to find ways to ground yourself and get your brain to shut off for a while.
Sex was pretty good for that.
But whereas sex involving Zemo was usually energetic, athletic, and inventive (Zemo was up for just about anything and happy to come up with ideas), this had been gentler, quiet and careful, with attention to each other's sore places and a lot of petting and kissing.
And then Zemo, who had clearly been flagging toward the end, fell asleep almost instantly, sandwiched between them.
Bucky would normally have looked forward to rolling over and wrapping himself around Sam. Now there was a limp, heavy, out-like-a-light wall of Zemo between them.
Bucky nudged him a little.
"Don't wake him up," Sam whispered.
"Didn't you just say he's on your arm?"
Sam writhed a little and then draped an arm over Zemo, who squirmed sleepily and then nestled closer to Sam and, if possible, sank even deeper asleep.
"Not anymore," Sam whispered.
Bucky was now both annoyed and jealous—although he couldn't decide exactly who he was jealous of. Sam was a great cuddler. World-class. On the other hand, Zemo was soft and pleasantly fuzzy and awfully nice for full-body contact, not that Bucky was ever going to admit it to his face.
Bucky rolled up against him. Sam's hand found Bucky's hip and lightly stroked it, which was nice; but not quite enough — Bucky found that when he laid partly on top of Zemo, he could get at Sam. As it turned out, Zemo made a good pillow.
There was a faint, sleepy, disgruntled noise.
"Shut it," Bucky said, and rested a little more of his weight on Zemo, draping an arm on top of Sam.
The noises trailed off into soft snoring, as if, for the moment, Zemo was exactly where he wanted to be: half buried under both of them.
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myckicade · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson/Helmut Zemo Additional Tags: Fluff, Humor, Holiday Ficlet, Desk Ditty Series: Part 1 of The Spirit's Up Summary:
Sam sighed as he straightened a few branches on the half-decorated tree. "It ain't what it looks like, Buck."
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bunnyblueeucalyptus · 7 months
With my world count sitting at 33 000 words I think I'm more confident than the previous years I will manage to win Nanowrimo this year. But one thing I wasn't anticipating how freaking big this story is getting. We are not even at the half way point yet and the story keeps getting bigger. It's very likely the first draft will be more than 50 000 words. Which begs the question, how long is the finish product going to be?!
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professor-pants · 2 years
Ok does anyone know of any fics that explore Zemo's mental health, suicidal tendencies, or self destruction? Preferable with both Sam and Bucky involved/helping/or just generally giving a shit about him. Zemos messed up psyche is my favorite thing about him but i never find it written well
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uhthor · 3 years
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Zemo definitely saw Sharon take on Bucky in Civil War.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier + Incorrect Quotes part 6/? | inspired by
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buckybarnesbigbang · 2 years
calling all writers and artists! gauging interest
recently i was going through the tags and i thought to myself, "you know what would be cool? a mini bang but for bucky barnes." enter my friend saying, "so let's do it." and here we are, i suppose.
if there was a bucky barnes (any ship or gen allowed) mini bang*, would you participate?
*writers sign up to take part in the challenge and begin writing stories. When the early drafts of the stories are available, each one is assigned one or more artists, or artists might claim stories from posted summaries. artists create fanart (illustrations and the like, fanvids, gifsets, etc) to go along with the story. since it would be our first time around, it would be a mini bang, which is a smaller commitment, designed to make it easier for busy writers and artists to participate.
if we get enough interest, sign-ups would open on August 1st!
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bottombaron · 3 years
au where Zemo is deaged to 19/20 which by all legal standards is a full ass adult but he looks like this:
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so Sam and Bucky are just varying levels of "THAT IS A CHILD" in the face of Zemo continuing to do his thing, i.e. flirting and killing and drinking
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vestwpockets · 3 years
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basically ep 3, right?
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shirou-chan12 · 3 years
I don't know if someone did this before, but here it is!
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sholiofic · 1 year
Do you have a favourite thing/trope to write about SamBuckyZemo?
Oh, hmmm! Not really just one thing as such - I really like writing about shared PTSD/trauma, undercover work, and what you might call my usual suite of favorite h/c tropes: aftermath of abuse/torture, head injuries, fevers, druggings, that sort of thing. :D
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myckicade · 8 months
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson/Helmut Zemo, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Helmut Zemo, Sam Wilson/Helmut Zemo Characters: Helmut Zemo, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Oeznik (Marvel), Joaquín Torres Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Conflicted Emotions, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Heavy Sarcasm, Angst, Fluff, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, hurt zemo, Troubled Sam, Raging Bucky Summary:
A team. Friends. A well-oiled machine. They were always so busy worrying about what they weren't, that they'd missed what they were, to themselves, to the world, and to each other. Thankfully, there were many things to be learned from a botched operation: What was important, what they could let go, and what they would fight to hold onto.
"It would be important to note, for anyone keeping score at home, that this decidedly was not how Sam Wilson had wanted their operation to go."
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How cute is my favourite threesome?! 🥰
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Also bonus dancing Zemo leaning up against Sam and Bucky
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kiichu · 2 years
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