#Rid of it bc what if I need it later???. And I had books and stuff on the floor near my wardrobe and just general stuff I didn’t need
tallyhoot · 14 days
I used to have a really small hoarding problem which is kinda funny bc I literally wanted to rip my skin off as soon as i saw any mess that wasn’t “controlled”
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ravisinghs-wife · 10 months
The seven + Nico and Reyna and their red flags ✼
warnings: not proofread, swearwords, lmk if I missed anything!
a/n: okay I'm sorry I didn't post for like two months, ngl I simply forgot that this blog existed😭
notes to the fic: reader is written as gn (one mention off y/n), but pls don't read Nico's part if u identify as female! :)
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he's always barefoot during spring and summer
you'll never catch him with shoes on because he things that they are "blocking the fresh air his toes need"
at least they never get that dirty because he can't survive five minutes without jumping in the sea
when he was younger sally had to force him wear shoes to school, to the parkt et cetera and he was always so angry at her after that because he hated it with all his passion
that anger quickly faded after she baked some blue cookies
after growing up he learned that he should wear shoes to school et cetera but the second he is at camp he gets rid of them
after you dressed it he delegated that he always washed them and kept them clean so there was no wrong doing it and that it's actually healthy for your feet
listen, I love annabeth
but she's always mansplaining
Like u could be talking about ur close family that she only met once and she‘d say something like „actually, i had the impression that…“
It’s so annoying
she doesn't even mean it mean or something
but it also could be just a conversasiation that she isn't even involved in and she'll just randomly pop up and mansplain the topic
That boy doesn’t have any basic knowledge
Like he is at camp jupiter since he’s three or something
I‘m not sure if they even knew what they where teaching him
Like that boy doesn’t know algebra
You could be talking about something in history and how deeply that event infected the way society lives now and he‘d be like „what do you mean?“
And he’s serious
Everytime Percy and Leo make fun of him for not knowing something he‘ll run to you and beg you to explain it to him
Most of the time you make a bit fun of him too because a 17 year old boy who doesn’t know what the french Revolution was is kinda funny
He knows that you‘re just joking though
I love her but she's like one of the extra careful mom's whose world break when their child hears a swear word
every time you are someone near both of ou swears she has this weird shocked and impressed look and looks around the room
you had to stop swearing around her bc she always starts blushing and looks at you in awe
they don't even have to be the "bad" swear words, it could be something like shit and she'd still be shocked
you had to learn to find alternatives like fudge or fox
she made you browse for the alternatives to swear words for around two hours at midnight and made you subscribe to the mommy blogs incase they had "more cool little alternatives"
she's a die hard romance book hater
she always gives you the weird look when you read one or even only look at one at the bookstore
like she doesn't even have a plausible reason besides that they "always have the same ending and are very predictable"
I mean she's right but still
when she was 14 she had an instagram where she just talked shit about romance books because she was bored
it's not even that she doesn't like reading or books that much, she just doesn't like them because they (as already said) have the same ending and because she gor sick of the perfect romantic ending after drew talked night in and out about it
you once convinced her to read your favorite romance book and she tried her best to be nice
she actually didn't find it that bad and liked the ending but she would never admit that to you
that boy either doesn't shower for one week or takes two hour showers
it's a bit better in the summer but especially in winter he never shower because he "would just get dirty later again"
you have to force him too properly shower because he would just forget it again
and when he actually showers for once he takes two hour showers
but especially in summer he's just gonna swim in the lake and call it a day because he basically "got clean already"
I love frank sm but he would 7 in 1 shampoo
he doesn't get why it's bad and insists that it makes his hair shinier
you try to explain it to him once but he just doesn't understand 😪
he also tries to convince you all the time that it's so much better than owning body wach, shampoo and conditioner
is a pop music hater
he always has this annoyed look on his face when you play pop music
he always makes this disappointed dad sigh and says "again?"
nico sounds so disappointed
he secretly loves it about you tho
she's like a confused mom and never gets jokes
"what do you mean by that, y/n? I never do that"
you try to explain the joke to her but give up after 10 minutes
she's grumpy for the rest of the day because you wouldn't finish explaining it to her
eventually she gives her pride up and asks you again
and after another ten stressful minutes she finally gets it
she kept arguing that what you said doesn't make sense
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
AU where y/n and producer eren were very much high school sweet hearts, then years later deciding to take their relationship to the next level as in losing their virginity 🙃
ANONNN, why’d you do me like thissss?? This is genius 😫 not even to spoil but this was literally the alternate plot line to reverb LSLFKFJ. Ugh this is just too damn cute so ofc imma talk about it.
content + themes: both reader and eren are virgins, reverb spoilers, lots of sweet stuff, bc I can’t handle angst rn, gentle sex/smut, accidental cream pie, this is SUPERRRRR long bc y’all know I love detail and got 20,000 pages of lore for these two!! Smut is at the end so if ya’ll can’t wait, I’m sorry.
eren left home at what would be considered incredibly young by most standards. At fifteen years old, he found himself frequenting the mall and playing basketball down at the local park in the suburbia of Montclair, New Jersey to being thrust into the fast paced lifestyle of Miami, Florida. The harsh, crime ridden town known as Opa Locka to be exact. A complete contrast by a long shot. Even so, with spite and determination on his heart; fueled only by his desire to win this illustrious battle called the rap game, he toughed it out and persevered. Not only that, to rid himself of the toxic past that had scarred him and a family who betrayed him. Make no mistake, his ‘privileged’ upbringing was nothing more than a mere experience and not a part of his identity. He never tried to pretend that he was ‘hard’ or tough, no need for a facade, he was simply Eren and that was all it took. He also never viewed anyone as different or beneath him because of how he grew up. Most of his friends back home came from very humble beginnings and had less than savory lifestyles. It wasn’t something he did for shock value or to piss of his parents. He just always had a knack for befriending others who may have been cast aside or forgotten about because he knew the feeling quite well. So it came as no surprise when he enrolled in the local high school to finish out his last couple years, he was a rarity in these parts…looking and acting completely different from everyone else. But it didn’t take long for the green eyed brunette with the buttery smooth voice and oblivious charm to assimilate.
“Wassup, EJ?” “Hey, EJ!”
from the classroom to the hallways, he was greeted by his fellow student body, who at first, saw him as an easy target. Alluding to the fact that he must’ve been some rich boy stuck in the middle of the hood to be “taught a lesson” or something of the sort. That it wouldn’t be two weeks because he was tucking tail and getting his ass back on the first bus to Jersey. Little did they know, he was the last person to back down and damn sure the last one to run from anyone! During gym class, there was a scrimmage basketball game, nothing too serious or exerting, just a little fun competition. It was then that not only did Eren catch the eye of the boy’s team head coach and that of (y/n) (l/n). Who had been discreetly seated against the wall after running two miles. You had been quietly observing the game and having grown up around tremendous players; spending afternoons down at the Boys and Girls Club..you recognized talent from a mile away. That also could’ve been attributed to the fact that you were the current co-captain of the majorette team, where you danced during games. Even so, you always stayed to yourself. Never really clinging to one group or another, truthfully only talking to your best friend. Your head in a book and studying was your only focus. That much was apparent by your four point two grade point average. Nonetheless, this new boy couldn’t help but to grab your attention. It was unfortunately for that reason, that his opponents once the game ended, would use that to his advantage.
not exactly keen on the idea of having somebody like him strutting around..besting them in a sport they’d always exceeded at and intriguing the girls who never even so much as paid them attention, they were pissed! So as anyone with stunted emotional maturity would, they decided to try and ambush the new student in the locker room. Granted, he was a little smaller and had just hit six foot one inches. He was fairly tall but still lanky and skinny. So he’d have his work cut out for him. Unsuspecting of the attack, he chopped it up with classmates and laughed on his way back. But not without flashing you a glance first. That ultimately made your heart flutter a little..you didn’t pay attention to boys often and had many speculating that you were possibly gay but no one had ever roused your fancy. In a way, you envied him. As someone from the proverbial ‘other side of the tracks’, who was different from you all in any facet was fitting in just fine! Quickly becoming the talk of the school. Meanwhile, you were a lifelong resident of this city and yet, you never drew any attention on yourself. Outside of your impeccable dancing. Hell, everyone always referred to you as ‘the quiet girl’. A moniker that you were proudly..the less you spoke, the less trouble you could find yourself in.
however, that peaceful life would come to an end when you’d walk towards the girls locker room and find yourself stopped by the gaggle of guys who were planning their ambush for after school whilst he was walking home. They figured he’d be an easy lick but they couldn’t be too relaxed. He mystified them all..acting completely oblivious to his environment, never behaving differently; talking exactly the same and all or even seeming afraid. He was the same person regardless of where he went. So that’s when they’d try to enlist your help. “Aye, (y/n). Lemme talk to you right quick..” waving you over and although you were about to ignore him, you accepted anyway. A tall dread head with a bottom row of golds gleaming from his mouth. Something he wasn’t supposed to have but did anyways. “I seen you looking at jit earlier, you like white boy, don’t you?” Immediately feigning any sort of confirmation. Acting uninterested as always. “That’s what you called me over here for? I gotta go change—“ but before you could coldly turn on your heel, he’d grab your shoulder and request a ‘simple’ favor:
“Help us set his ass up. He ain’t been here a whole month and already actin’ like he run this shit. We’ll even give you a cut.” but again, you didn’t care! Him or any of their petty jealousy was none of your concern. That boy hadn’t said the first word to you or even bothered you in the slightest. The hell did you look like conspiring with these dumbasses to not only bully him but to tarnish your hard work? Smacking your lips, you’d merely brush his hand away and continue to walk by. “As my granny says, you can’t get blood from a turnip. If you wanna risk jail for some stupid shit, do it by yourself. I’m not interested.” truthfully, Eren was no more wealthy than anybody here. Working odd jobs after school and rooming at a boys home on the southside. Hell, he could barely even afford lunch sometimes!
but alas, this only seemed to enrage your peers. See, the ring leader was the current basketball team captain and a shoe-in for first draft to a top college once he graduated. However, there was another side of him..a hothead with a bit of a past. Selling drugs and hanging with bad crowds..a mere product of the environment. But basketball was his ticket out. Hence was, considering that he stayed in trouble, grades were a wreck and he had a bad reputation. It was his exceptional skill that was keeping him in his spot and that alone. The coach overlooked a lot of his antics just to have a star player. Nothing new. However, with Eren on the scene, his position was threatened. Contrary to his belief, it had less to do with his skin and the fact that he was a better player with less of a headache! He had better grades, better manners and a lot more skill. Teachers constantly complained to the coach to kick him off the team so he could focus on his academic studies. Several calls were made home with no answer from parents..it was a crazy situation. Even so, it was no excuse for his behavior. Almost everyone here came from hard circumstances, he just loved acting this way!..especially when it came to preying on the weaker..
“Oh I see, you gon’ take his side but not mine? You green as hell, (y/n). Some ol’ weird ass shit, bruh. You really not tryna’ help me?…” even getting closer, despite your pushback. “Darius, imma tell you one more time. Leave me alone. Ion want no parts of this. It’s not my business.” But before you could do anything else, he’d grab your wrist and pull you back. A cliche if you had ever seen or experienced one. But just as the old time tale went, your knight and shining armor would swoop in to defend your honor.
“I think she said leave her alone.”
a familiar voice, one you hadn’t heard often but enough to recognize. The reason behind this whole ordeal..
“Wasn’t nobody talking to you. Mind your business.” “This is my business. Putting your hands on a girl..I see your sorry ass jump shot ain’t the only thing that’s weak.”
which only pissed him off even further. Long story short, he’d attempt to pick a fight with the ever so sly Eren but to no avail. He wasn’t taking the bait. Not out of fear but because he wasn’t worth the energy. Eren was a bit of a hothead, even admitting so himself. However, he couldn’t afford to screw up right now. Getting into unnecessary fights would only put him in an even worse situation..especially for the people caring for him. He had done that once and wasn’t about to let it happen again. “(Y/N), right? That’s your name?..” answering him with a nod. “Don’t worry about him. You go ahead, beautiful. He won’t do anything..I can promise you that.” Standing toe to toe with the taller bully. His cheeks puffed up and fuming in rage. Meanwhile, Eren wore nothing but a smirk. He could fume all he wanted but as long as he didn’t put his hands on him. If he took it there, then he’d be glad to show him why trying him wasn’t wise..
luckily, the coach noticed the bubbling scuffle and told them to break it up. Fast forward a few days, give or take and you’d see Eren around campus. Always carrying a pair of headphones and a notebook. Two things he’d never be caught without. One thing was for sure, he was an intriguing dude for sure..you’d eventually find yourselves paired up for a project and needless to say, you were incredibly nervous. Mainly because neither of you had spoken since that day in the gym. It wasn’t for a lack of you being thankful, you just didn’t know what to say. That was until you were in the library doing research together and you’d blurt out your gratitude, along with your apology. Which made him laugh! “What are you thanking me for? He only did that because of me. If anything I should apologize to you.” He was so respectful and bashful, qualities you truly admired. Although he remained shrouded in mystery, he was fascinating and you wanted to know more about him and turns out, you’d learn a pretty interesting tidbit of information! “You have a point. I mean, are you really planning to take his spot as captain though—“ which only further fueled his hysterics. He’d double over laughing and all you could do was give him a look of confusion. “Why are you laughing? I ain’t that funny.” “I’m sorry. I just..listen, I don’t know what you were told but I don’t want his spot. Basketball’s fun, it’s sum’ to do but I already know what I want.” And his answer would shock you, truly. See, Eren had always had an affinity for music. Singing, playing all sorts of instruments since he was a little kid and recently, he’d taken to writing his own songs. That infamous notebook he carried? Filled with poems and songs about everything from basic lines to his deepest emotions. Spilling his heart onto the page as he talked about his family, his anger towards his father and even the loss of someone he held dear to him. Sometimes, they weren’t about him at all..they were just vivid portrayals of elusive tales. He obviously had quite the story to tell but he couldn’t do it or even have the time shooting balls into a hoop. He told the coach he’d consider but his true goal?
“You wanna be the drum major?!” “Yeah, why not? I mean, I know it’s prolly lame but it’s one of my favorite instruments. It was the first one I learned..to me, the drum line is the highlight of the game. They make it entertaining.”
but little did he know, he had piqued your interest for sure! You were so flustered you tried to feign it off but he was too freaking cute! Here you were expecting this athletic, cocky playboy who only cared about girls and being popular but he was so much more than you expected! A nerd just like you. And you knew so for the fact that you’d never held a conversation with a man longer than to give them the answer to a question or let them borrow a textbook. He was so captivating. But perhaps, getting to do incredible solos at halftime wasn’t his only motivation to join the school music program. He had other reasons as well..
“Besides..I would actually get to see you perform. I call it a win.” Causing you to scoff, dismissing his seemingly perverted comments.. “Oh, so you just like everybody else.” but the tension was misplaced. He admired your craft and respected it. Seeing you doing your moves while walking past the gym on his way home, how hard you worked and just overall how graceful you looked. Not to mention, you were drop dead gorgeous! The prettiest girl he’d ever laid eyes on.. “..I seen you practicing the other day and you’re really good, (y/n). You’re completely different when you’re dancing. You seem really happy..I mean, you make the dance team from my school back home look like stiff ass robots.” Earning his first giggle out of you. From that day forward, a beautiful friendship blossomed..studying together, eating lunch in the library, walking home with you as his group home wasn’t far away, sneaking into the chorus room so you could hear him playing the piano and singing. A privilege reserved strictly for you. Making you sob when you heard his rendition of Stevie Wonder’s ‘Ribbon In The Sky.’ He was so kind, sweet and it didn’t take long before rumors of you guys dating began to permeate through the school. Hallway whispers of you ‘going with that new boy’. It was all the rave. It didn’t help matters any when at the mention of each other’s names, you’d both freeze up like popsicles! It was adorable, really. A budding crush that would soon bloom into something far more than just a platonic bond. After about six months into his arrival at your school, Eren had undoubtedly made a name for himself for not only his basketball skills but his musical ones as well. He had made good on his promise to join the band and make his first step toward becoming drum major. Because the band and majorette team often performed together, you’d be together at practice also and eventually, became inseparable. Flashing you smiles and watching intently while you performed your solos. Him joining proved to be a great addition to an already powerful band because he was so talented and kept up quite nice. In no time flat, he mastered the quads and studied underneath the current drum major, playing at games. Even when he decided to cave and accept the offer to join the basketball team, he had the pleasure of seeing you dance during intermission and even greeting him after the game with a giant hug. You in your shimmering leotard and him in his drenched basketball uniform.. number nineteen printed on the back.
“You looked good out there, princess.” A name he affectionately called you because your team’s competitive name were the Crowned Royalty as your school mascot were knights. And because you often times outshined the reigning captain, you were dubbed “The Princess.” Besides, it sounded so much better coming from him. “Nah, that was all you, Mr. Star Player.” It didn’t take long before he’d do the one thing everyone had been waiting on and ask you to be his girlfriend! With encouragement from his teammates and homeboys, Connie Springer and Onyakopon. They too treated you like a little sister, always teasing you and making sure you were good in Eren’s absence. “You one of us so we gotta make sure you good.” They all worked together at a local shoe store and stayed only three houses down from one another so they spent a lot of time together. In addition to their shared passion and talent with music. Granted, neither of you had experience with dating or having many friendships for that matter but it felt so natural when you were around each other. His cheeks flushed with red the entire time he held your hand on the way to class. Your entire body trembling when he kissed your forehead because you were too scared to kiss on the lips at the time. Even sitting next to him and his friends at lunch was an experience. Listening to them freestyle and make beats. Your best friend Niesha, right beside you, teasing you about how cute your man was and how you’d gotten lucky. And all you could do was shake your head. Eventually, all five of you became thick as thieves. Hanging out after school, going roller skating on weekends when practice permitted and just stayed in your own little bubble. You loved it so much. It was the first time you’d ever had a friends’ group, a true support system.
your grandmother and sole caretaker since you were a kid was absolutely thrilled to see it. Although you called her your best friend, she was happy to see you coming home excited to tell her about something besides a book or your report card. As proud as she was of her baby, she wanted you to experience life. Often times, she’d invite all of them over and cook you all large meals that were nothing short of heaven! Repayment for the boys coming by to mow the grass or help with repairs. They were more than thrilled to do it. “My future grandson in law is a nice young man, ain’t he?” A statement you’d brush off with a smack of your lips. “Cut it out, granny. Ain’t even like that.” She adored Eren and when she learned that he could sing, knowing a few gospel songs as well..she all but claimed him now! He was family and you were so glad that he was in your life. A likewise feeling because for once, he felt as if he belonged. One night, while meeting at your usual spot in the park, high on top of a jungle gym where you’d gaze under the stars, you’d ask him one thing:
“You ever thought about what you want to do with your life?”
and to him, that answer was simple. “..I wanna change the world.”
a dream he’d held onto for as long as he could remember. He loved music more than anything and he wanted his to transcend any genre, any one archetype. He wanted what he created to someone’s reason for living, someone’s inspiration to keep going even when things got dark. He wanted it to put smiles on the faces of people who listened..he didn’t care about awards or being some mega celebrity, he just wanted to pour his heart into what he made and hoped somebody heard his passion.
“And I want you right beside me…(y/n). I don’t wanna do any of this without you.” Clutching your hand atop the structure. He had never been this vulnerable or open with anyone in his life but now was a good of time as any to start.. “..I know everybody prolly thinks I’m some spoiled rich kid who left home just to piss off my folks. Honestly, their opinions stopped meaning anything to me a long time ago..my mom, I love her so much and I really do miss her. I hope one day I can step to her as a man and apologize for putting her through so much. Making her worry about me…” as he spoke, you could feel the tension in his hand as he squeezed yours. This was the first time he’d spoke in detail as to why he was alone down here in such a dangerous city when he by all accounts lived lavishly back home. “I just couldn’t stay..not when my own old man is a fucking coward. I know it’s a long shot but at least I can stand on it. Him? He’ll sell his soul for a dollar. I could never be under the same roof as someone like that. I will do this and I’ll prove him wrong. I’ll make a way for myself so I never have to depend on anybody ever again.” You couldn’t help but to feel that you were missing part of the story but maybe it was something far too traumatizing to hash out in detail right now so as you’d always done, you’d support him. Cradling your arms around him with a giant hug before kissing his cheek. “I’ll always be here for you, Eren. I promise. I know you’ll make it and I wanna be right there by your side. I love you.” “I love you too, (y/n).” Words that sounded insane from a teenager but you meant it. Meant it more so than anything you’d ever said! Some people would say you were too young to know what you wanted but you both knew that no matter what path you took, as long as you walked it together, you were unstoppable!
soon, graduation was right around the corner. You two attended prom together, even made homecoming king and queen and by all accounts, had an amazing senior year! You guys turned eighteen only a couple months apart and thus, were thrusted into adulthood. Working here and there to provide for yourselves all while chasing your dreams. You’d gotten accepted into the University of Miami on a dance scholarship and even though it was a huge opportunity..your heart was misplaced. You felt like another cog in the wheel and a moving piece on a machine. You’d love to dance your entire life but you wanted something more than this. Stiff eight counts and bland rehearsals. Something refreshing..that’s when you’d begin taking pole classes outside of school! An idea you came up with after seeing a popular dancer on Instagram and she looked so graceful..surrounded by plants with her beautiful afro as she swung around the pole. She looked so free!…you wanted to experience that joy too. It took no time at all for you to master the craft and just like that, your spark was reinvigorated. By this time, Eren was all but halfway to his own goal after going viral for singing in the store he worked at and still very much an important fixture in your life. He managed to catch the eye of one of the industry’s top executives and legendary musician herself, Vivian James. She was one of your grandmother’s favorites, despite being younger than her. This woman had a powerhouse of a voice and needless to say, Eren’s had her intrigued.
“You did it, ‘ren. I’m so proud of you, baby!”
although he hadn’t quite made it yet it was one hell of a start. It wouldn’t be easy but he was willing to put in every bit of the work it took to succeed. Having you there to encourage him would be all the strength he needed to keep going. But he wanted to support your dreams as well! He never wanted this relationship to be one sided. “What about you, princess? Do you really like dancing for the school? Are you happy?” If anyone could see through the facade, it was your boyfriend of almost three years. He saw how amazing you were when you did pole. It didn’t matter which avenue of dance you took, you excelled but he’d never seen you more happy than when you were twirling midair and doing all these crazy stunts. He wanted you to be safe, of course, but he wanted to find joy in something the way he did. “I just..I don’t want to do what everyone else is doing or what they expect of me. I loved majorette but pole is just so different. I have so much fun.” There it was, a glimmer in your eye that couldn’t be sated when you spoke about it. The rush you felt setter coming down from a death drop. Eventually, you’d go on to quit the dance team, forfeiting your scholarship but your grades alone afforded you many other grants and things so you’d do online classes while working for your uncle’s shop and practicing under his wing. Eventually you found the courage to upload yourself online and it wasn’t long before you reached your own bit of notoriety. Captivating thousands with not only your skills but your stunning looks. Eren always called you princess but honestly, you were like a divine being. A goddess and sometimes, not even he could believe you were real.
before either of you knew it, you were nearing twenty and your dreams were falling into place. It seemed as if the hard times and rainy days both of you had gone through were over. You were so ecstatic when he got his own place, after securing and successfully completing an audition with AMG. The biggest talent agency in the country. Along side his two best friends nonetheless and eventually asked you to move in with him. But it wasn’t the only proposal he had. No, there was something else he needed to ask you..so with trembling hands, tearful eyes and in the same empty park where you’d spend countless nights talking about your futures; surrounded by faux candlelight and roses, he’d ask the one thing you never thought you’d hear:
“Will you marry me, (y/n) (l/n)? Will you do this forever with me?”
and it was no question! The answer was yes, a million times over! That night, the two of you exchanged intense, heavy kisses and warm, inviting touches underneath the moonlight of your very first place. A one bedroom apartment but it didn’t matter. It felt like a castle; an unreal fantasy when you had him. You’d let him caress and run his hands along your body. Kissing and licking your neck on the frameless mattress as your nude bodies entangled in the white sheet covering them. Neither of you had ever done anything like this before and although you were nervous as all hell, you were ready. Ready to take this next step. When you were in school, so many other kids were already going the extra mile and some had even fallen pregnant by the time you graduated. But your love was so pure and innocent, sex seemed like a foreign concept. It was the furthest thing from your minds. You enjoyed being around each other. The feeling you derived just from when he grabbed you and pulled you into his chest with a kiss to your forehead. You never felt pressured to lose your virginity because you knew that a moment like this would make it all the more special and that he’d be the only one you’d share it with. So in that moment, Eren moved his tongue down your body, kissing and marking your neck with a trail of sloppy pecks. Your hands trailed up his back that had now been stamped with his first tattoo. His hair..that once tapered brown haired cut was dangling in front of your face as half of it remained tied into a bun. He had often dreamed about what this moment would consist of..how it would feel to be given the flower of his beloved. To ‘pop’ your cherry and have the honor of being your first and vice versa. Would he hurt you? Would he fuck it up? His only true goal was to know that you were feeling good. He didn’t want to sound like a weird degenerate but his only experience was through videos and his hand. And yours? He was scared! So terrified that you had to grab his shoulders and tell him to breathe as he was trembling when he began to touch your sensitive center.
“It’s okay, baby. It’s just us here…take your time. You’re doing so good..”
only backed up when he slowly circulated his fingers around on your clit and watched you writhe in pleasure. Whimpering and crying out his name. It was so slippery and juicy but he assumed that was a good thing from the way you rutted your hips and pushed down on the single digit that he put inside of you. “Oh my God…Eren that feels so good!..” “It does? I’m so glad, baby.. can I keep keep going, like that?” Watching you break into a smile as your eyes squeezed shut was as close to nirvana as he could get. He loved seeing you happy. Breathing heavier and begging for more when you added another and stimulated you even more. You were so incredibly tight that he was sweating bullets, wondering how he’d be able to fit inside of you. How could he top this moment?…carefully examining your body; that gorgeous skin, those perfectly round breasts that had grown exponentially since he’d first met you, dark nipples erect and drenched in his saliva as he kissed them softly and those curves that had only filled out in all the right places. He wanted to adore this beautiful body forever..make love to you until he perfected it. Until he could know every bump, line and curve that made up your frame. So much so that even in absence, you’d crave one another and no one else could ever fill that void. He wanted to love you with his eyes closed. To know every tick, every like, dislike and point that made you explode with pleasure. He wanted to be yours in flesh, mind and spirit until you both left this earth.
eventually, you’d find yourself squirming around in the sheets and with his fingers alone, you’d reach your very first orgasm! The feeling was so indescribable, you couldn’t even speak. Only curse and flail around, which he thought was so cute. Chuckling as he pulled you to his chest with a cooing tone. “Aw, baby. It’s okay. There you go, just let it out.” Embarrassed by the fact that you let out a gentle stream of liquid, thinking you had actually urinated but it was the furthest thing from. “Trust me, that’s not what happened. It’s okay, beautiful.” Neither of you even gave a damn. All you wanted was to experience him in his entirety. You’d look down and see that his cock was stiff. Swollen, thick and glowing red at the tip. You’d never seen one in real life but by comparison, it was huge and you were so scared, your knees pushed together and began to buckle as you swallowed a large gulp, wondering how you were supposed to take all of that inside of you… “..we can go slow. We don’t have to fit it all at once. You just let me know how much you can handle, okay baby?” Seemingly trying to console you when he was all but losing his mind. Slowly but surely, his tip would make place atop your overly sensitive slit. Splitting open your folds with that puffy mushroom tip. Bright red and dripping with cum..he was so ready to make you his. “Eren…” hearing the nervous yet needy quiver in your voice made him twitch on his own but he’d merely chuckle, reaching down to stroke your face. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care you, okay princess? Here, hold my hands.” without hesitation, completing devoting yourself to him, you’d intertwine your fingers with his own as he integrated from the top to the inside of your warm center. Both of you broke into a high pitched gasp, never experimenting such a sensation before. It was truly like magic..
“Oh fuck..” the words escaping each of your lips as the same time, so much so, it made you and him break into a giggle. The realization of the moment setting on you both. “We’re actually doing this, huh?” “..yeah, but I wouldn’t want it with anyone else..” with that, he’d lean down and brush the side of your face as he began to buck his hips. “I’m gonna start moving, okay? You just let me know if I need to stop..” acknowledging his question with a nod, he’d persist forth and keep pushing. One slow stroke turned into two and before he knew it, he had established a rhythm. Being as gentle and doting as possible. That tight flesh sucking him in with each thrust but still not giving way..you’d squirm and whimper but all from pleasure. You’d claw at his sides and although your eyes were shut tight, you’d let him know that you were alright. Eventually, that room filled with soft cries and the two of you uttering each others names, along with lewd moans. “It’s..so good! Fuck…” “..please, keep moving..don’t stop, Eren.” Begging for more, despite the fact that his shaft had become coated in a very thin sheath of blood and a few tears trailed down your cheek. Signifying that he had finally unwrapped the gift that you’d waited so long for him to claim. The mattress began to jolt around and the floor underneath creaking from the sounds of your lovemaking. That red liquid soon replaced by a clear mucus and his dick nestled inside of you to the halfway mark. What felt like an eternity was in reality..only five minutes and already, he was about to tap out. Panting and breathing heavily as that pace sped up. His pattern was off kilter but he still had you clawing for the sheets, screaming his name. “Yes, baby! Right there, I can feel it again. I’m gonna—“ but before you could announce your own climatic peak, he’d beat you to the punch and without thinking or warning, he’d let out a loud cry, sobbing even and spouting expletives the entire time as a warm load filled your newly defiled cunt. He was in such shock, it didn’t even dawn on him until he’d look down and see it spilling out of you.
“I—shit. I wasn’t supposed to do that. I’m so sorry, (y/n)!” But it was fine. You trusted him so dearly, the two of you forgot any protection. Luckily, you had long been on birth control for reasons unrelated to sex so you weren’t scared. Besides, in that moment, all you knew was that you wanted more. You didn’t want this moment to cease for anything. “It’s okay, baby..I’m fine. Come here..” beckoning him towards you so you could get another one of those divine kisses. It was the best part. With you both having experienced that high for the first time, you didn’t want to come down so for the entire duration of that night, the two of you made love. Exploring and enjoying each other’s bodies. Laughing, kissing, touching and making blunders..the joy that could only come from true lovers. A long time coming certainly, but a moment nonetheless that was worth the wait. By the time you finished, you were both an emotional wreck. Crying but only out of pure rejoice. Having given yourself to the one man that you’d love for the rest of eternity.
“I love you, Eren..”
“I love you more, (y/n)..”
and this time, there was no question, hesitation or doubt when those words were uttered. You were older now and for a flame that everyone was certain would die out, it was now burning brighter than ever.
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kamig4mes · 1 month
heyy, could you please write headcanons for how shigaraki would react/feel with a gn s/o who gives him small things that remind them of him? like, they see a red rock and give it to him bc its the color of his eyes, that kind of stuff
hey hey honey, of course! It's the first request from mha that I make here, although I must admit that I didn't expect it to be from shigaraki! ksdjdjsj 🤭 anywaay, I came up w/ a couple of things for this boy, I hope you enjoy it
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#pov: Shigaraki would react/feel with a gn s/o who gives him small things that remind them of him.
★ warnings: realistic hc, fluff, established relationship, affection, couple love, league of villains
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Realistically, you don't even know how you managed to get this guy to end up being your boyfriend. I mean, your mental dictionary is so broad and far-fetched but the words "love" "consideration" "passion" seem not to be included in it but here they are both! Celebrating even the smallest things you do for him.
Sometimes the gifts with the most emotional meaning are found when you least expect it.
They were walking hand in hand through some deep neighborhood of the city with a path to the forest when something suddenly made you brake sharply and scream.
"Oh my- STOP!!"
Shigaraki flinched when he heard you, alerting all his senses. You got rid of his grip to step back on the way to take something in your hands.
When you came back to his side he looked at you surprised, almost angry.
"Here, take it honey" your arms outstretched towards him with that smile adorning your face, he was looking at you like you were crazy "it's for you"
"If it's a fcking spider I swear to yo-"
"Who do you take me for? C'mon, just hold out your hands" he reluctantly does as you ask, rolling his eyes when you smiled in victory.
At first Shigaraki stiffened when he felt the light weight on his bare palms, moments later he relaxes when he sees that it was a small stone. But not a current.
"A red stone?"
"Yea', a little weird, isn't it? But.. It reminds me of the color of your eyes.." you confessed, feeling your cheeks (and his) burn red hot.
Shigaraki froze instead. The poor man didn't expect to hear you say that, and he never expects it! He's not at all familiar with this type of treatment and sensations that you generate for him, and despite having been dating for a couple of months, this type of affection is still unexpected for him.
Deep down, his heart warmed up like a torch, sending his brain the signal to shout out all the tenderness that you generated in him with that simple gesture. But he couldn't, he felt blocked and too shy to answer correctly.
Since your boyfriend was silent for what seemed like a whole minute, you rushed to bring his attention back.
"We must get back soon before dark, don't you think? We don't want to get lost" you laughed, awkward kissing his cheek quickly. You didn't need him to respond to your acts of love, you understood his heart perfectly. But, sometimes, you wished he would express his emotions more with you.
"And I'm so sorry for yelling earlier"
"Uh-mh, it's okay.." Shigaraki sighed, before linking his hands again and kissing the top of your head "let's go back home"
You learned to identify your eccentric boyfriend's tastes and understand his peculiar manias, but you suspected that you still had a lot to discover about his twisted inner world.
It was just another day of the year when, while cleaning inside the drawers of Shigaraki's bedside table, you came across a somewhat small and neglected notebook with his name engraved on the lid.
You decided to take a look at it, surprising yourself with the amount of sketches that were embodied inside. And you couldn't help but melt with tenderness when you saw that a large part of the drawings that filled that notebook were you portrayed. You rushed to leave it where you found it and get on with the cleaning. It seemed strange to you that that book was out of place but thanks to that cluelessness, you discovered that Shigaraki liked to draw.
From that moment on, every instrument/drawing material you saw reminded you of him. And without realizing it, you ended up buying an impeccable set of graphite pencils for him.
When Shigaraki returned home in the afternoon, a box with a note greeted him in the living room. He looked everywhere in your search, in vain. The white-hair then approached the table to inspect the gift.
"This reminds me of you, and I think it may serve you. All yours"
As he guessed, the calligraphy was yours. Upon unveiling its contents, the thousands of drawings inside his notebook whipped his mind, clearly remembering every moment he made them, especially those where you were: sitting in the living room, in bed asleep, with your back on the balcony, etc. Just thinking about it, his corners rose in a smile that, if you were looking at him, you would be disarmed of love.
"God.. So adorable..."
He may never ask you how you found out about his hobby, but that didn't interest him. Because the best piece of art he can have is you. It will always be you.
Luckily, you have in mind his love for sweet foods. It became essential for you to buy breakfast cereal, specifically the sweetest flavor that existed on the market because it seemed to be the only one that met the necessary sugar levels for him. It's the first thing you look for when you come back from shopping.
"Tomura, honey, I'm home!" you screamed once you entered his warm abode. Soon you heard how a few footsteps crawled down the stairs to receive you next to a kiss.
"You're back soon" Shigaraki took the bags from you and carried them to the kitchen, poring over their contents. When he didn't see it anywhere, he questioned you, "Did you buy it?"
"Of course, it was already running out"
Shigaraki examined your facial features to make sure you weren't lying.
"The one with the double honey-? "
"The one with the double honey and sprinkles, baby, here it is" and you waved the long-awaited colorful box.
Shigaraki blinked with a hidden surprise when you finished his sentence. He loved that you remembered the details about him, he loved feeling special and listened to. Especially if it was you.
The white-hair nodded before turning around to leave the kitchen and go back to his business, hiding from you that goofy smile that was starting to outline on his face.
Whenever you pass by a video game store, the impulse to buy a game from their range of tastes ends up taking over you in some way or another.
"What are you getting me now, puppy?" he mumbled a barely audible giggle as he took the rectangular gift and tore the wrapper "Is this another one of your jok- Oh.."
His eyes widened as he observed the package in his hands. That limited edition Mario Kart game that came out a couple of weeks ago had him so surprised.
"Damn, y/n.."
With his role as a villain, he had moved away from his gamer side quite a lot. But he made sure that no one touched his glorious shelf full of his best and favorite video games. And you were there to stock that dusty shelf, to remind him that that side of him isn't quite dead.
"Do you like it? Although it's not such an important thing"
"Isn't it such an important thing?!" Shigaraki raised his voice offended.
You shrugged your shoulder, feigning indifference even though his beautiful surprised little eyes had you internally screaming "I thought it was missing from your collection"
Shigaraki looked again the video game, his heart turning completely upside down, not believing that you could give him something so difficult to get in the first weeks of release, but you would do anything for him.
He subtracted the space between you, catching you by surprise when he pulled you by hugging you tightly.
"Thanks u, babe.."
As long as it comes from you no matter what you gave him, even if he doesn't show it to you verbally, he appreciates all your gestures.
You smile softly, stroking her hair "don't thank me, honey"
That's the way he was, shy, inexperienced, spontaneous and shy just like a little boy. But little by little that child was growing up, opening up to the affection that you offer him and experiencing the rules of love with you by his side because thanks to you the words "love" "consideration" "passion" were added to his mental dictionary with a clear and real definition, thus finding ways to show you all that love that he also has to give you.
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©2024 / ENJOY ♡ — I was as realistic as possible, I like hc's to be like that. If you liked it, don't forget to repost it so that it reaches more little people. Thank y, I love them!
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infoactionratio7 · 10 months
(you) on my arm - s. adamu
summary: sydney is at a wall, she has no ideas when it comes to the new menu at the bear. she decides to go to a bookstore for some new inspiration, she finds it, but not in the way she was expecting.
pairing: sydney adamu x fem! bookseller! reader
word count: 2,514
note: annoying! carmy bc he literally is insane, kinda fluffy meet cute vibes, reader just moved to chicago, inspired by the song (you) on my arm by leith ross cause the song is rlly cute! also sydney gives me sapphic vibes, she definitely would have a crush on a girl!
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monday morning -
Sydney was pissed, she had sent at least ten messages to Carmy in the last twenty minutes. Some about the new menu they were working on together, some about the fact that he had been a bitch the night before when he kicked everyone out because Claire just had to see the new restaurant. She ran her hands down her face in frustration as she sat at her dad's kitchen table, the sun streaming in through the blinds into the apartment. It warmed the floor as she got up from the table, debating what to do. She had no ideas left, everything was either not working out, or it just didn't fit the menu for the new revamped restaurant.
"Sydney, where are you headed off to today?" Her dad walked into the room with a steaming cup of coffee, freshly brewed from a new coffee blend she had found shopping the day before.
"Uh well Carm is not responding so I'm gonna head over to The Bear and meet up with him for a little then see where the day goes from there I guess." She walked out of the dining area and put her breakfast dishes away.
"Okay honey, have a good day. Hope he stops being an ass." She laughed, "Me too... me too."
Sydney grabbed her shoes out of the closet she had thrown them in last night, slipping them on and grabbing her bag. "I'll see you later dad." She grabbed her keys, and started making her way to the restaurant where she could deal with Carmy in person.
You looked around the bookstore, you had only been open for a month but it had been a hit within the community. You had almost any book anybody could want. There were teens coming from the school a few blocks away to get some cheesy romance novels to bring to the park and read with their friends, and there were grandparents coming in to get their grandchildren a new picture book about god knows what. You even had some people come in and request books you had never heard of before, you promptly ordered two copies of any book you didn't have. One for the customer, and one for you, to read and explore the pages.
It was a beautiful space, tall ceilings strung with fairy lights and lanterns, trying to bring some sense of whimsy to the dull days in Chicago. The books were arranged in every which way, requiring the customers to truly search for a book they wanted to read. You had tables full of recommendations, from people online and the employees of the bookshop. You really enjoyed curating all the titles you had in your collection. Tourists looking for a cute little magnet or souvenir adored the hole in the wall place, a safe space to just cuddle up and read a book.
You had a few customers that day, a mom and her son looking for his first chapter book to read. You had suggested he read The Magic Tree House, a series, about a brother and sister and their time traveling tree house. There was a tall guy with a buzzcut, who said he worked just down the street and was looking for a book about how to get rid of mold in the structure of a building. He seemed in dire need of some help, so you found the best book possible, The Toxic Mold Recovery Guide. You had no idea you had the book but it was meant to be. He thanked you immensely, leaving his name and number just in case you ever needed anything. His name was Richie, he seemed pretty nice.
Low music played as you restocked a shelf, you hated the idea of having Colleen Hoover books in the store but they were a big source of income. They absolutely flew off the shelves. The least touched section of the store were the cookbooks, it seemed like everyone in Chicago was moving too fast to just dedicate one hour of their day to making a meal from scratch. It was disappointing, because you had a large selection, from Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child to Momofuku by David Chang and Peter Meehan. You knew that someday it might come in handy and you would be lucky to have all the cookbooks.
Sydney walked into the restaurant in a sour mood, Carmy had still not responded to any of her texts and she knew he was here. She walked straight into the office, passing the locker room, sans lockers and covered in black powder. Richie furiously flipping through a book that said something about mold on the cover. He glanced up at her
"Shut the fuck up." She was taken aback
"I didn't even fucking say anything Richie," he scoffed at her
"Well I was preparing for you to say something dumb as hell, and you did so I stand by my first statement." He looked back down at the book and mumbled something unintelligible to himself. She rolled her eyes and made her way into the office.
"Carm are you here?" Turning the corner she saw the chef, surrounded by papers and various file folders. He had his phone in his hand and was about to dial a number, "You little bitch, you fucking had your phone this entire time." She couldn't believe what was right in front of her.
"What do you mean chef?" Carmy looked confused, "Of course I had my phone, I'm about to call the fridge guy."
Rolling her eyes she brought her hand up to her face, holding her forehead in her palm. "I texted you at least ten fucking times, you couldn't even bother yourself to respond!" Shaking her head she sank down into the office chair Carmy had abandoned an hour ago.
He looked around the room, trying to get her to understand how much work he had been doing, "Syd I've been trying to make sense of this paperwork for hours, I haven't had time to respond to your messa-"
Fak's head popped into the doorframe, "Carmy I got your text about helping Richie clean up the mold but he's being mean to me." Sydney turned from Fak to the red faced chef sitting on the floor. He had been caught in a lie, of course Fak came in at just the right time for this to happen.
"Okay fuck you chef, I'm leaving." Sydney shrugged, stood up and left the room. She heard heated words from Carmy as she walked out of the office and passed the locker room again, now he was pissed at Fak, as usual. She heard her name as she turned around,
"Sydney, wait a sec come here."
"What do you want Richie, I thought you wanted me to shut the fuck up." She crossed her arms tight and shot him a pointed look.
"You should go to that bookstore a few blocks down, I got this damn mold book earlier and saw a shit ton of cookbooks. You should check it out." She sent him a tight smile and turned her back to him. "Thanks Chef."
You had just finished restocking the shelves for the day when the little bell above the door rang. You went behind the desk and called out, "Welcome to The Book Worm, If you need anything let me know!"
You heard no response so you just busied yourself cleaning up the case that was behind the checkout, it housed all your special edition signed or first edition copies of books. It needed to be dusted pretty often because you wanted to keep the quality of the books at their highest, just in case anyone would ever want to purchase one.
You heard a thud come from behind you, and turning around you looked down at the counter. There was a stack of six cookbooks placed on the counter in front of you. Looking up you saw one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen since you had moved in to the city. Her hair was long and perfectly braided, her eyes a beautiful shade of umber catching the light in a hypnotic way. She had a grimace on her face, yet still looked stunning. You had no idea how to react, so instinctively you started to enter the books into the register as you made some small talk,
"So how has your day been," She sighed and looked up to meet your gaze, "If I'm being honest, shitty. My fucking partner wouldn't respond to my messages and when I went to talk to him he had is phone in his hand about to call someone. So yeah really fucking shitty." You looked back down at the book at disappointment, of course she had a partner and of course she was straight.
Awkwardly smiling you tried to think of a good response"Oh, um, wow. That's pretty shitty I'm sorry." She seemed to sense your disappointment, trying to save the conversation, "Shit uh, my business partner I mean, he's a little bitch sometimes. We're uh, opening a business- or I should say um," She rubbed the back of her neck, "We're kinda rebranding his brother's old restaurant, its a lot." You had finished entering all the books into the system, your chest had filled with warmth when she rushed to clarify that he was her business partner. You thought that maybe, just maybe it might be because she wanted to make sure you knew she was single, and not exactly straight.
"I guess that explains the cookbooks then," You looked at her, she had been staring at you in a flustered state of shock. "What, oh, uh, yeah! I'm kinda stuck making the menu so wanted to get some inspiration."
Sharing an understanding smile, you read her total out to her. She grabbed her wallet and pulled out some cash, as she handed it to you her fingers brushed along yours. It sent chills down your spine, no matter how cliche it might be, you knew that she was someone to keep close. Your face flushed red as you took the cash and put it into the register, printing her receipt and giving her any change she needed back.
You decided that since she got so many books you would give her a free tote bag, just so she could carry all the books out of the shop. You pulled one off of a hook behind you and started to put the books into a bag. You decided to quietly slip a business card with your cell number and a little note into a book so she could find it and contact you. A subtle way of screaming, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen I want to spend the rest of my life with you, without being too forward. As you finished packing the bag, the two of you both happened to say something at the same time.
"Do you wanna come see my restu-"
"Do you work at the restura-"
You flushed
"No you can go-"
"No you can go - sorry um. Do you want to come to the opening of the restaurant. It's uh, the one down the street, we're not opening for a while but, if you want to come to the friends and fam-"
You cut her off, wanting her to know you really wanted to go to her restaurant, "I would love to go... what was your name?"
"Sydney, It's uh Sydney" Her face got hot, nervous about the fascinating bookseller she just had the pleasure of meeting.
"Well Sydney, I would love to go. Just let me know the details," You softly smiled as you gave her the bag filled with books. She looked to you and grabbed a bookmark you had as a display that happened to have the shop's phone number on it. "I'll call you, um when we get closer to the open date, promise." You smiled, hoping that she would get in contact with you sooner than she expected to. She turned to leave.
"Thanks for coming in, really good to meet you Sydney." The door rang again and she sent you a wave through the glass, walking away quickly.
You were frozen, you had just given a random girl you just met your number, and had openly flirted with her for all the world to see. You crouched down onto the small stool you had behind the desk, tucked your head into your knees and screamed. You were feeling rushes of emotion and didn't think you would ever recover from that interaction. The bell rang again just as you finished screaming, you shot up and saw a group of teenagers heading to the new books you had just set out.
"Welcome to The Book Worm, If you need anything just holler!"
Sydney rushed back to The Bear, she was so utterly mortified, she had never seen someone so radiant and in their element. The chef couldn't contain her emotions as she stormed into the restaurant, Richie was the first person she saw, he started to say something,
"Not right now Richie I swear to God" The tall man was taken aback but threw his hands up in surrender, not wanting to get involved.
She might as well have ran into the office at the speed she was going, throwin the bag of cookbooks on the ground and closing the door, sliding down the back of the door she groaned,
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, fucking, fuck," dragging out the last word as she hit the floor.
Carmy stared at her from the floor a few feet away, "Yo Syd what happened to you? Looks like you just ran a marathon." He chuckled at the expression on her face.
"I just met the most beautiful girl and totally fucked up my chances with her cause I left so quickly." Sydney put her hands into her face and just sat there marinating in her embarrassment.
Carmy had some strong suits, his attention to detail one of them. He noticed something poking out of one of the books. He grabbed it, hoping that it was something that would change Sydney's mood before he had to work with her for more hours than they could count. He grinned taking the note out of the book and reading it,
"Hey Syd," He reached out to give her the note.
She looked up from behind her fingers, "What?"
He shook his hand, implying he wanted her to take the note from his grip. She groaned, then leaned forward to forcefully take it out of his hand.
She read the note, and smiled. Thank God you slipped her this note.
cookbook girl -
i hope you enjoy your SIX cookbooks, i have some more you could borrow for some inspiration. text me
Sydney's face heated up as she leaned back into door and scoffed.
Carmy had saved the day, one again.
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luminouslywriting · 17 days
Wishing you all the best, and thank you as always for sharing your wirk with us! Since you're still accepting requests for headcanons, how do you think our sweet, good Catholic boy Brady would handle an out-of-wedlock pregnancy?
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Hi Nonny, you're so sweet :) I would LOVE to talk about this because I do have several thoughts haha. As always, my requests are open and keep sending them in! ALSO my requests are open for Band of Brothers :) Cut for length, more under the cut, mature content mentioned + some light angst sprinkled in:
-John Brady is a man who is out here and trying his best
-And unfortunately for him, a pregnancy out of wedlock is kind of his worst nightmare.....if not for the fact that it goes against his beliefs and everything he's ever grown up trying to live, then most certainly because he knows that you deserve better and his family is going to be extremely disappointed in him
-So I think there's a lot of initial guilt that pops into his mind and he can't really just get rid of. It probably lingers into his later life, tbh. Because how could he have messed up and done this to you? How was any of this fair?
-It's not that he doesn't want to marry you, it's that he wants to do things the RIGHT way and this isn't part of that right way
-I'm going to be very honest, I think that he absolutely starts scrambling to propose to you and put together a wedding—this is the 1940s, after all
-And yes, pregnancies out of wedlock did happen, but they were socially frowned upon and people were judged. And he knows that the stigma is not going to be good for you or for him.
-No matter what, even when you DO get married, people are still going to be looking down on you two and frowning upon things
-So that's a little rough in his head and he's definitely going to be beating himself up about the entire situation
-Because it wasn't like you two were actively trying for kids and he definitely should have been wearing a condom (*big sigh bc that's an oof moment*) but that had been the last thing on either of your minds when he got back from the war
-So here he is, trying to hide his guilt and trying to be supportive of you because you're the love of his life
-There would have to be a conversation about whether or not you're keeping the baby or not—and obviously he's leaving that up to you
-But that's also his kid and he's thrilled—just really upset that it can't be under happier/more socially acceptable circumstances
-The proposal is weighted down with the fact that you pretty much have to say yes—if only because you're keeping the baby and everyone will judge you if you say no
-It's very sweet and thought out
-And the wedding would happen not long after that
-And I truthfully don't think he's going to be able to fully be joyful about the situation until that little baby is being held by him for the first time and he's able to recognize that the timing was perfect and maybe God had a hand in things turning out this way....and it didn't need to be by the book
-He's still gonna feel some slight guilt over it throughout your entire marriage though.....gotta love that Catholic guilt
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moodywyrm · 1 year
basketball!abby with bookworm!reader where at abby’s basketball game reader gives her flowers but not regular flowers ones made out of old book pages/newspaper and abby’s never been given t flowers before
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combining these two bc basketball! abby x chubby bookworm reader are my everything <3
just imagine learning like two months in advance that abby has a huge game coming up. n ur like? well obviously she's gonna I have to get her something great. n I imagine that u get her a gift or flowers after every single game, but the first time it happened (like two months before u even started dating) she absolutely cried. u got her a bouquet of gladiolus, hyacinths, tulips, trying to put into practice some stuff u had read about the language of flowers. now? that bouquet is dried and hanging above the reading nook, bc she never wanted to get rid of it <3
but back to this game! u wanted to get her something really special, considering how important this game was gonna be! there were gonna be scouts there! so ur wracking ur brain for like a week until it hits you! u two met over books! paper flowers! so u spend like two months making these paper flowers absolutely perfect, collecting books from the thrift store to make her roses n peonies n the like! u even add tissue paper to make poppies n extra lil details! u hide them at Ellie n Dina's apartment so abby doesn't find out and every time ur there working on them, Ellie and Dina are like ur so in love its both adorable and sickening.
and the day of the game rolls around! abby is ridiculously anxious but trying not to show it bc she's the captain! she has to be confident! and her nerves are calmed a lil bit by seeing u front n center at ur courtside seat bc her coach loves having u there, wearing one of Abby's jerseys thrown over her hoodie and her favorite of ur miniskirts. the paper bouquet is hidden behind ur seat and a couple of bags. the whole gym is buzzing with nervous, excited energy the entire game and in the final seconds. abby scores one more point, tipping it over and the gym fucking explodes.
everyone is up, out of their seats, stomping and cheering and abby is locked on you, having immediately sought you out when she heard the final buzzer. and there u are, standing all pretty at the sidelines, letting her team celebrate with her. and in your arms is the bouquet.
and abby is running at you when you hold it out to her. she registers what it is and the tears start flowing, falling into her gorgeous smile as she wraps one arm around ur waist and lifts, hauling u up as u wrap ur legs around her waist and kissing her silly while she hoists the bouquet up. when she sets u down and they hand her the trophy, she kisses the bouquet and hands it to u for safe keeping, keeping one arm around ur waist while the other holds the trophy up the same way she did for the bouquet. they're equally important to her and you don't think you've ever seen abby smile so broadly, her arm locked around u as she presses another kiss to ur lips, giddy with excitement and relief. u can hear the 'awwws' from people around u, but ur too caught up in your best girl to care.
later, when u both get back to the apartment, she walks to the reading book and sees another bouquet, real roses and all the flowers you could find that mean love and admiration made into the most beautiful arrangement you could pay for. she sets the paper bouquet in her favorite vase, one you bought her, and reaches for you, pressing her lips to yours, smiling through the kiss. her hands are planted so firmly on your waist, reassuring herself that you're both real and present and she just changed your guys' life.
"I love you so much baby. I did this for us. It's all for us." and she's crying and ur crying and the kiss is so sweet n a lil messy and so full of love. afterparties and whatever can fucking wait, she needs this time with the love of her life.
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mischas · 29 days
your most recent gifset sent me into a seth&marissa tailspin lolol. them (+kirsten) are the characters i believe were shafted the most in terms of character development (marissa moreso obviously). mischa and adam had such a natural chemistry that made seth and marissa work so well onscreen and i genuinely believe the show would’ve lasted a least a little longer had they known how to mine this dynamic. they had the same interests and they loved the same people! they even dated the same girl! there was just so much friendship potential there that got squandered away all bc js&so were too busy putting marissa through the ringer + making seth an asshole w no emotional depth.
I love Marissa/Seth with my whole heart so that makes me happy! My indie loser besties! You're right. They have the same background. They're neighbors. Their parents have a weird history/chemistry. They have the same musical tastes. They have the same favorite book. They're obsessed with the same people. They've dated the same person. They're both depressed. How the show didn't do much of anything with this beyond 102 is insane. What I love so much about 203 is how Seth's able to just exist with Marissa in silence on that bench. He's always so verbose and ridiculous (I say 75% affectionately) but at the end of 203 he and Marissa can just... exist. The two loneliest people in Newport!!!! I love that Mischa/Adam don't have romantic chemistry. I love that it's awkward. I love that you can tell Mischa loved Adam in early show press before things got weird and complicated in their group. It's the cutest thing in the world. We deserved more! *insert Mark Ruffalo we love america gif here*
I will forever mourn us not really getting emotional/melancholic Seth with just a side of clever quips. There was so much to mine with him as a character. They set it up in those first few episodes and then just... well, anyway. Shoutout to AB in 127/201/224 though.
I was just having a similar conversation with a friend the other day about how Adam/Kelly are duped by like s2 and strung along by the shit writing for the rest. And how they're such mirrors for the other in ways. Their show-best work is done in 224. It's also the end of their work having any (to me) emotional resonance. And that's a goddamn shame. Both actors also don't tow the show-line about the final year being a party and say things were lowkey Bad by s2. Adam straight up saying his effort/attitude would've been up to par if his scripts were as good as s1 is just....... crazy, lol. But I'm obsessed with his honesty. We need more of it from everyone else.
Kelly deserved SO much more, my goodness. Of all the adults. She absolutely kills her late s2 storyline only for the later Charlotte storyline to mostly benefit Melinda. Ridiculous. They get rid of Jimmy/Hailey/Caleb in the same season and Kelly no longer has anything meaningful to do. I just...... yikes. God forbid Marissa ever have an adult (or anyone) step in and give a shit about her suffering. Especially the one adult on the show that also has addiction problems. But no. Another massive shame since the first half of s1 sets Marissa/Kirsten up as generational parallels. In this essay I will
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nezz-cringe-crib · 2 months
teru mikami analysis bc i love him
hi i'm just here to rant about how much i love teru mikami's character because he's genuinely such a well written character. this is probably gonna be unorganized and just rambly. i might rewrite it later but for now i just need another reason to procrastinate and focus on my silly emos.
(oh yeah also spoilers if that isn't obvious)
mikami is probably one of the best representations of religious trauma (at least imo and from what i've seen). i haven't read the manga yet and a lot of this might just be me projecting, but either way he's still the top in my books. there's SO many scenes and details about him that remind me so much of myself when i was still heavily involved with christianity (and to be clear, this is my own interpretation, not me tryna shit on any religions. that's a big wompwomp no-no. respect ppl hoes). so here's some random bits about mikami that make me go "OH SHIT ME-CORE ALERT!!!!":
the entire thing with his mom. i know that when he reflects back on his mom's death, he talks about how he's happy the whole thing happened because "she's evil and god killed the evil for me thanks god" but i completely believe the whole thing is just him brainwashing himself. like think about it for a second. his mom just died in the same car crash that involved his main tormentors, and this was also right after he was holding a slight grudge against his mom for defending said tormentors (she obviously didn't do that. she was just trying to help mikami view the world from a more realistic point of view to keep him out of trouble, but when you're that young and that passionate about justice, to him it'll seem like she's defending the same evil he's trying to fight). when you combine these things together, this is just gonna lead to a WHOLE lot of conflicted and lost feelings, and we see that in mikami. he had just been through a rough conversation with his mom, and she died before he could even get a chance to really think about said convo. all he is left with is a mixed feeling of loss, resentment, and fear. however, on the other hand, her death meant that the tormentors she was defending had also died. so to him, it has to mean something, doesn't it? the group of bastards that had been ruining his and others' lives and had finally been rid of. and if this had happened right after his mother had been defending them, it has to be a sign, right? there has to be a reason for all this hurt, right? when mikami is viewing the world through these lenses, it makes sense that'd he'd suddenly want a reason to justify his mom's death, even though it feels unbelievably cruel. so he finds a reason, and he finds that reasoning through god. this is honestly something that i used to do a lot when i was still heavily invested in my church, and i'm sure there are others who have been in the same situation. when the world is unjustifiably cruel, people will make up justification for it. it's a fear tactic that many people fall prey to in religious environments, and if not treated, it can fester into much more toxic environments for the people around them.
^^^ tldr: mikami copes with his mom's death by telling himself "it's okay that my mom died!! she was working for satan and god had to kill her!! thanks god!!" and if that's not the most religious-trauma-core shit out there then idk what is.
ALSO LITERALLY JUST EVERYTHING WITH LIGHT'S DEATH???? YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THAT SHIT HURT MAN. the realization that your god is not the god you thought you had been following used to be some of the scariest shit out there to me and mikami had it thrown right at his face when light died. not only was his god gone, but his god was never a god to begin with. he was just some guy. some pathetic guy who was now bleeding out and screaming on the ground. he had dedicated his life to this thing, and it was never real to begin with. and so he dies with it. because when the god revolving your life is gone, what other life do you really have? mikami was the perfect fucking example of that and i need it to be talked about more fucking please guys he's literally just like me fr i swear.
that's all i can think of right now tbh. if there's any typos in here no there isn't you're wrong nuhuh. anyways i fucking love mikami's character. he might be an antisocial autistic boyloser edgelord but he's MY antisocial autistic boyloser edgelord and i will defend him with my life. that hoe did EVERY wrong thing but your honor he is just a silly guy.
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wooahaes · 1 year
you’re my savior (and it’s a pleasure)
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pairing: non-idol!seungkwan/vernon & gn!reader, background non-idol!dino x gn!reader
prompt: ive never seen an episode of ITS but ive seen that gifsest of seungkwan + vernon being scared of a moth. relatable tbh but also i could save them bc its a moth... i will gently trap it and release it outside
word count: 1.1k~
warnings: moths & bad writing. also maybe excessive profanity? idk its more than usual. intentional lowercase, no proofreading.
daisy’s notes: i forgot about this tbh. honestly u could also potentially interpret this as a poly relationship if u want. im not even gonna tag anyone on this one, its just silly silly bad writing i finished up after having to catch and free a moth from inside my own house.
anyway google play savior by shinee--
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this was probably the worst moment in seungkwan’s entire life.
all he meant to do was come back inside to get utensils for the four of you. this was meant to be a small trip between the four of you out of the city, and yet he was pretty positive he might die if that fucking moth moved. he had backed up, shoulder bumping into the edge of the door. he let out a gasp of pain, carefully keeping his attention pinned to the huge moth that had been sitting across the room.
he sat there for a moment, watching it carefully. if he moved, it might move. all he wanted was to get utensils, and he knew the three of you were sitting outside waiting on him...
seungkwan let out a yelp as he turned, immediately shoving vernon when he laughed. “it’s not funny! there’s a moth!”
“dude, it’s just a moth--” vernon leaned in, looking to where seungkwan was pointing. “oh, shit, that thing’s huge.”
“i know!” seungkwan pouted, tucking himself closer to the wall again. “kill it.”
“dude, i’m not gonna kill it.”
“someone has to get rid of it and i can’t do it!” seungkwan pouted, slowly moving so that he could hide behind vernon. “the window’s open! it should just go out!”
the moth, clearly with an agenda, took off from the coffee machine toward one of the overhead lights. seungkwan immediately took off with another scream, vernon following closely behind as they looked back into the kitchen. seungkwan pressed his hands onto the dinner table, letting out a sigh as he looked back inside with a frown.
“it’s huge,” seungkwan mumbled. “what are we gonna do?”
vernon had drifted away, heading back to the open doorway to see where the moth had landed. it’d continued flying around one of the hanging lights, landing and flying over and over. “you could just... go for it. it probably won’t kill you.”
“it’s a moth,” he shrugged. “just grab the utensils and my drink and come back--”
“then you go!”
the pair slowly edged their way back toward the open door, seungkwan trying to locate the moth again. vernon continued toward the fridge, glancing around as he went to grab his drink. he watched where seungkwan was making his way toward a drawer, and slowly made his way over to him.
and then the moth flew in again, and both screamed before booking it back out of the room. the two regrouped again outside the kitchen, watching inside as the moth continued its reign of terror.
“we need the utensils.”
vernon had nodded along, watching. “right.”
“so...” seungkwan looked back toward the door outside, where he could see you and chan idly talking (flirting, he and vernon both think, but he was doing badly at it--not that you’d think the same because you laughed anyway). you were leaning toward him with this sappy look on your face, only to laugh again at something chan must have said.
flirt later. save them from moth now.
immediately, the two of you looked up when both of them yelled for chan. the two of you shared a confused glance, and chan rose to come to them--telling you to stay behind. yet you followed after him a moment later, the concern too clear on your face that something was wrong.
“there’s a moth,” seungkwan said, “go get it.”
chan looked between the two of them, “you’re... stuck out here because of a moth.”
“dude. we might literally have mothman spawn in there,” vernon said with a nod back toward the kitchen. “it’s big.”
with a roll of his eyes, chan turned back to you. “i’ll take care of it,” he said, before heading into the kitchen.
the three of you came to the edge of the doorway, watching as chan grabbed the shopping list from earlier and began to slowly make his way around the kitchen in search of it. he turned back to the rest of you, raising his brows as he gestured a little around the room. where the hell is it?
he waved an arm around to see if the motion would spook the moth out of hiding. when it did nothing, he sighed, throwing his hands up, “it must have left--”
the moth, clearly with its own motives, bolted from the lamp it’d been perched on. chan let out a yelp, immediately bolting out of the kitchen and into vernon as he looked back inside.
“what the fuck is wrong with that thing?!” he held onto vernon’s shoulders, using him as his own shield, “it’s fucking huge!”
you rolled your eyes. “oh my god. i hate all of you,” you stole the paper from chan, heading into the kitchen. you had narrowly missed seungkwan reaching for the back of your shirt to stop you, ready to throw in the towel and just leave it for the night. maybe it would just fly out during the night if you all left it alone.
they watched the way you walked into the kitchen, shoulders back in confidence as you found a dry glass from the rack next to the sink. you looked around, scanning to see where it had landed this time, only to see it was tucked close to the wall near another lamp. wordlessly, you inched closer and closer to it, encasing it in the glass quickly. slipping the paper between the glass and the wall, you carefully pulled it back to reveal you had successfully trapped the moth. inching toward the window, you nodded for one of them to come over to it with you. chan shoved vernon forward, and soon enough he was by your side, one hand on the window in order to close it as soon as possible.
you lifted the glass, the moth took off outside, and the window was slammed shut. easy as could be.
you sighed, setting aside the glass. “it’s not that hard--”
only to get cut off by seungkwan tackling you, arms wrapping around you tight. “thank you,” he mumbled over and over. “if it wasn’t so big, i could have done that--”
“don’t lie to them,” chan rolled his eyes. “you would have shut the kitchen doors and let it have the house if it wanted.”
“it’s a moth!” seungkwan countered.
you pulled yourself free from seungkwan, heading over to the utensils drawer. “all of you,” you said, pointing chopsticks at them, “are going on a dessert run after this.”
for you? they’d go anywhere if you’d continue to be the one saving them from huge moths.
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[NSFW AU] Forest god Shuichi, bounty hunter Kokichi
Bunny: i didn't think Too deeply on it but basically. roaming bounty hunter kokichi + monster shuuichi kokichi gets in over his head :)c probably vine tentacles involved, because i like those [a little bit later] forest cryptid shuuichi…mmm good stuff the people who hired kokichi to kill him are maybe Not Great they kept fucking with his home it's not his fault he had to dissolve them like a pitcher plant can i add seed ovi
Me: Yes Do it
Bunny: they think kokichi's dead bc he doesn't come out of the woods SNDKHBJJFG
Me: He lives there now Becomes a planter, the way he's full of seedlings
Bunny: he does leave sometimes to take care of business but mostly. happy vine time his feet rarely touch the ground anymore. shuuichi spoils him
Me: Oh? Carries him around or keeps him in bed?
Bunny: i think mostly literally holds him up in his vines shuuichi is the forest, to some extent …does he have a bed, actually?? MAYBE THAT'S WHY KOKICHI HAS TO LEAVE SNDBJFJG u get kidnapped by a hot cryptid and he doesn't even have a house smh
Me: Mossy nest
Bunny: mossy nest could also work!!! comfy little cave
Hina: Is Shuichi a plant?
Bunny: shuuichi is a cryptid/monster that's like. the avatar of a forest? its spirit, but also its guardian
Hina: So do plants grow in him?
Me: I think in this case the seeds have to go Become airborne as seeds do Find some soil to settle into
Bunny: also, airborne??? what do you mean by that bc i can not be seeing the same image you are
Me: I don't have access to translator now but I mean like When the stuff from trees just fly off and people have allergies to that
Bunny: okay yeah i did understand we were having different ideas of the size of these seeds i'm pretty sure
Me: I assumed that they're tiny and in a huge quantity Seeds just suggest that idea
Bunny: they do!! however i usually go for Very Large bc it's fun to me
Me: Like. I thought of tiny orchidea seeds, bc orchideas are cursed with those so I was made to read about that once See, that was fitting in the mer au, but if Shuichi IS the forest then it makes sense he'd have A Lot
Bunny: ooohh that's true but how would that Feel
Me: Grainy cum Not dry tho Just textured Like chia seeds in a drink But more density [everyone disliked that, idk why]
Beez: in my head shuichi just looks like millennial tree
Me: In my he has like a gown with moss covered vines and flowers holding it together Flowers in his hair too, maybe elfish ears, probably lil antlers
Apollo: Okay but if Shuichi is the forest, does he have eyes everywhere? Like he sees everyone coming to destroy his home/him then sees a cute hunter and goes You. You're gonna be mine now.
Bunny: yes, yes he does :) kokichi never stood a chance :) i can't believe this was started over me liking swordkichi a little Too much [design from the official anthology]
Apollo: Imagine just walking into the forest to get rid of a creature but the whole ass FOREST decides you're its pet/partner or whatever now
Bunny: he was gonna melt him into bone soup but he sensed a pure heart and pretty face ok
Apollo: No need to live pay check to pay check when the forest is constantly fucking and breeding you
Dra: Damn does he do that [melt someone] to anyone else when Kokichi can see
Bunny: not when he can see he's very big, he can take care of forest-killers and his favorite pet simultaneously
Me: Feeding his favorite human handpicked berries and honey
Apollo: He's made him a little flower crown that won't die and is making sure he only eats the best things possible
Me: Tries to feed him bugs too, to get him some protein, never again, lesson learned
Bunny: kokichi is half-awake and being lazily fucked so he only realizes when he feels a leg wiggle against his lips IF ONLY THERE WAS BOOKS ON HUMAN CARE he's Struggling i jusg think. kokichi being suspended above the forest floor, strange smooth vines stuffed in every hole large enough, dizzily wondering what theyre pumping into him he's having a very blissed out time kokichi accidentally cuts his hand after gripping onto shuuichi's antlers and shuuichi is HORRIFIED he's pretty sure kokichi is Actually Dying
Apollo: He's never seen blood and Kokichi is currently too blissed out to notice that he's bleeding
Bunny: IN HIS EXPERIENCE HUMANS ARE FUCKEASY TO KILL OK HE JUST DROPS THE GROUND OUT FROM UNDER EM A LITTLE AND THEY EXPLODE he should probably have a much more intimate knowledge of death than this being a forest god but. it's funny
Apollo: Okay but Kokichi accidentally gags when his mouth is being fucked and Shuichi freaks out at that because does that mean he did something bad???? Kokichi seemed to like it though??? He's hopeless at caring for his little human but he's trying his best
Bunny: im imagining their first meeting,, maybe shuuichi's forest is extremely sheltered and humans have only recently started trying to "develop" it.. kokichi shrieking and swinging his sword around while vines hoist him higher and higher they start stripping him and he thinks he's about to die but they just end up poking around curiously wherever they can reach, trying to figure him out
Apollo: Shuichi that's not how you properly get a boyfriend smh
Bunny: he doesn;t know that!! he IS the forest there's nothing for him outside of it
Apollo: Shuichi appears but is absolutely zero help because he also starts poking Kokichi in curiosity
Bunny: he thinks shuuichi is there to help but no, he just wanted to feel kokichi's interesting textures more clearly the human makes cute noises when he pokes him there :D
Beez: would that mean cutting it down hurts him. .. . .
Bunny: yes sometimes death is a natural part of the forest lifecycle but you can't cut him all the way down and expect him to live
Beez: yeah i imagined if it happened naturally he would be fine but if there was smth interfering he would Feel it
Apollo: Kokichi tries to kick him and Shu just pouts because he doesn't know how to respond. He's just interested in this cutie
Bunny: kokichi tries to bite him and gets a vine stuffed in his mouth
Me: This is where verbal communication ought to step in
Bunny: when does verbal communication ever work when kokichi's involved /j
Apollo: This isn't how Kokichi wanted to be seen in front of a hot forest spirit damn it. He couldn't even flirt before getting naked /j
Kai: Human try developing Shuichi's forest and Kokichi is just "AW HELL NAH THAT GUY FUCKED ME TOO GOOD FOR YOU TO UP AND KILL HIM!"
Bunny: maybe the fantasy seeds he has kokichi incubate are replacements for the killed trees OOO
Dra: I'm sorry but my mind just went to that fucking bird (there is a type of tree that doesn't grow unless the bird eats the seeds first)
Me: Yeah, the forest grown since Kokichi came around
Me: I was thinking something a lil more lovey dovey when you said he stayes in the forest
Bunny: it's lovey-dovey once they get past the Poking phase. shuuichi is very curious and has literally no idea what boundaries are maybe kokichi offers him a deal,,,like 'u can keep touching me wherever as long as you promise to stop eating people'. he does not have his sword and has literally no way to enforce this and is also currently wiggling toward shuuichi's hand but it's fine he's a very serious business man shuuichi is very diligent about aftercare even though he has no idea what that is and tries to feed him a bug he goes "well some of the animals like this" and pulls kokichi into his lap to start petting him humans need protein he's pretty sure he's doing his best
Apollo: Throws touch starved Kokichi into this /j
Bunny: funny you say that :)c the implications of kokichi being a wandering bounty hunter are that he has nowhere to go Home to, yeah? would also explain why he stays in the forest,,,
Apollo: Kokichi really went from being alone and living paycheck to paycheck to being taken care of by the forest itself
Kai: "I got no home but the willow maid fucked me good and hard so i think i like it here"
Bunny: kokichi is like 'stop it i'm not a pet >:(' and shuuichi is like b̶̀̌ȗ̶̏t̷̅̈ ̷̏̚ḯ̷̋ ̵͒̀c̵̃an ̵̓̏s̵͐͠m̷̃͑e̷̎͝l̸̂͗l̸̀ that ̚i̸͗t mak̷̃̎e̶s you ̷̅̚h̵͑̒ä̸͠p̵̎̂p̴̢̆y̵?
Kai: does Kokichi ever repay ;) him
Bunny: yes frequently
Kai: can a forest get off?
Bunny: nnnnot…really? at least in my interpretation he enjoys seeing kokichi happy maybe he finally decides to manifest himself some genitals to see what all this fuss is about NSDJBHSHDGJ
Kai: does he at least smooch Shuichi?
Bunny: YES shuuichi tells him that he is not a baby bird and does not need to be fed. then he tells him to do it again because it felt nice
Apollo: I'm crying because imagine if he made his dick real big because he's not sure what a good size is meant to be
Bunny: kokichi is munching grapes and watching him like no…a little bigger…little smaller…move that a little bit to the left…
Kai: peppers his face in kisses and Shuichi has no clue what he's doing but makes the correct assumption that it's a human sign of affection sorta like wolf licks and accepts it
Bunny: he does it back very clumsily it's too hard and knocks kokichi over (shuuichi vc) ẁ̷͑h̶̎͑a̵͂́ṫ̸͘ ̷̟̈i̶͌͆s̷̉ th̆e̷̽̕ ̵̑̾p̵͑̏o̶͒̕ǐ̷͠nt of t̶͋̚h̸is? ̛i̴̛ have ̓̔ă̵͝l̴̈́̿ṙ̵̐e̸̚̚ạ̸̈dy reprodụ̸͛c̶̛̃ȅ̶̈́d̸̆̕ ̸͐throug̃͠h̸̖̏ ̴you,̿ i do n̸͝͝ò̶̓t̵̂̽ ̴̒́n̴͛̈́e̵͌͊e̴d mammalī̴͘a̴͂̀n̷̾̈́ ̶̔͘feature̷͘͠ṡ̷̆-̴͑
Apollo: Okay but how long would it take for Kokichi to be able to understand him or can he understand him off the bat?
Bunny: he can understand him, he just rarely speaks and his voice is unnerving and layered like all the trees are speaking at once :D and the trees are DOWN TO FUCK- im gonna say there's no elk in his forest. just so kokichi doesn't have to hear his partner make the elk honk
Kai: he's better at birdcalls anyways why can i see him taking Kokichi's clothes off when they meet cause he doesn't understand clothes and thinks the human just got caught in something weird what buisness does a forest spirit have wearing clothes anyways
Apollo: Kokichi trying to explain that he sorta needs clothes and Shuichi does that little head tilt that dogs do because he just doesn't understand
Bunny: i think part of the reason he keeps kokichi is because of how INTERESTING he is. he's making offended noises about shuuichi taking him out of his strange false-skin one second and the next he smells like pleasure because shuuichi touched his chest NOT THE HEAD TILT…. with those antlers bro'd probably knock something over
Apollo: Shu can use magic right? Can he make it that Kokichi is no longer human (at least fully) cause humans don't last forever you know?
Kai: connect him to the forest become one with the moss
Bunny: yes, but it takes kokichi several decades to realize time is Weird okay. he was too busy getting fucked all the time to realize he wasn't aging- he could've ASKED about the mysterious green goo shuuichi was pumping into him it's his own fault really now there's TWO scary forest spirits, good job morons
Kai: what made Kokichi finally realize?
Bunny: would be funny if some humans came through and he realized his clothes were WILDLY out of fashion now bc remember this all started from an outfit
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Bunny: hey do you think shuuichi has to be taught what holes are okay like does he go ok mouth makes him happy. ass makes him happy. time to try the urethra- IT WAS AN APPROPRIATELY-SIZED VINE HE DOESN'T KNOW WHY KOKICHI IS SCREAMING!!!!!!
Beez: are u saying he tried to stick it in his ears or smth a NOOOOOO
Bunny: he tries this too but kokichi thinks he's being silly and laughs it off mistake
Kai: god help him
Bunny: god just tried to stick a vine in his dick
Kai: Shuichi finds out it doesn't feel good going in the dick, but the dick going into something sure does
Apollo: Does Shuichi switch between parts or does he just have both at the same time?
Bunny: shuuichi is smooth like a barbie doll
Kai: both is more badass he either has both or none, there is no inbetween
Bunny: he grows whatever kokichi is interested in that day, if they're having face-to-face sex actually both might add to the 'divine' feeling like. he Is life to some extent.. maybe shuuichi eventually lets some people move in,,, just be respectful to the earth and leave offerings of human food with neat textures on the shrine and you'll be alright he's grown strangely fond of humans lately! imagine that
Apollo: Everyone remembers the stories of the forest killing people but nope. Forest dude is calm as long as you're respectful and leave little snacks
Bunny: just…don't seek an audience with him. he'll probably grant you whatever you ask, but is it really worth him having a squirming man in his lap the whole time…?? shuuichi doesn't see the problem
Apollo: Does Kokichi still look 100% human or does he have more fae like features now? (I dunno how to explain it lmao)
Bunny: i think he slowly gains them over the years never as much as shuuichi. but enough to be a little unnerving,, he wanders the villages vaguely unnerving everyone around
Apollo: He would though. He just walks away and everyone rushes into their houses because that's the forest's like boyfriend? Husband? Queen? Theyr'e not sure but they know not to mess with him
Bunny: he brings back lost children
Apollo: He has enough common sense to put on at least a skirt when he leaves the house only Shu gets to see him 100% naked
Bunny: he's wearing the same fucking clothes from several hundred years ago they don't age either, don't question it
Apollo: That would sorta suit the forest spirit vibe though
Bunny: it really does! he's killing it by shoving the offerings into his mouth like a goblin though
Kai: dude dressed in ancient samuri clothes who's rumored to be the spouce of the foreset spirit walks into town-
Apollo: He brings his sword around as well despite not needing it. It's badass okay? It's just annoying trying to return these lost kids to their parents while they're trying to mess with the sword He's sorta missed human food okay
Bunny: they ask him to teach them
Beez: what if he gets a new sword that sorta wraps around his wrist n whenever he wants to bring it out it uncurls
Apollo: He saves the kid of like a rich family and finds a shiny new magic sword among the offerings He sends a bird with a thank you note to their house and the village realizes that they don't just have to offer food. Kokichi also likes shiny stuff People start to think Kokichi is like a crow so whenever he comes to the village, he's wearing new shiny stuff they left for him
Bunny: that cave is about to get So Crowded that's why he walks so weird…he's got bird feets….. definitely……..
Apollo: Kokichi plays along with it and Shu says fuck it and like magics some wings for him because he finds it cute that everyone is calling him a crow
Bunny: (chanting) wing sex, wing sex, wing sex-
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anytime there's harry potter discourse i think about the many times over the years that the veil was pulled aside, that the illusion of the books being a fun escape was shattered. bc jkr's transphobia isn't the first time this happened, it's only the most recent and the biggest. one of those moments that i remember wasn't really a specific moment - it was just a new thread of analysis about the series. specifically, it was about how dumbledore was actually kind of awful and manipulative, basically orchestrating harry's life so he'd be willing to sacrifice himself to stop voldemort. as kids, dumbledore was this cool wise mentor, but as adults, people looked at the text and saw an adult manipulating a child. though we are meant to see more depth in dumbledore over the course of the series, this realization shattered the illusion of comfort in a way i don't think jkr intended.
it's interesting to compare this to the treatment of iroh, another character from kids media who starts out as a kooky sweet old man and is later revealed to have depth and a great deal of power over the world. but realizing that iroh actually has an agenda, that he's working secretly to make sure zuko plays the role he wants him to play, doesn't feel as much like a shattering. it all comes down to the way the two characters handle abuse.
dumbledore places harry with the dursleys ostensibly in an attempt to give him a normal childhood, away from being treated as a celebrity in the wizarding world. but he's keeping tabs on him enough to know that he's sleeping in a cupboard, and yet he does nothing to remove him from that abusive situation. in fact, mcgonagall warns him in the first chapter of the first book that the dursleys are not good people, and he still leaves him there. the only implication we can take from this is that the dursleys' abuse was the normal childhood that dumbledore wanted harry to have.
meanwhile, iroh's machinations are all about getting zuko free of his abuser. yes, iroh has this grand plan of zuko defeating azula and becoming the new good fire lord who will end the war, but that can only happen once zuko's free of ozai's influence, and so that's most of what iroh does. he keeps offering zuko fun, pleasant things, like tea and good food and music nights, and he sabotages zuko's quest for the avatar by falling asleep in a hot spring and pretending to lose a pai sho tile. he's trying to show zuko that having fun is more important than a quest from his abusive father. he poisons himself in the earth kingdom so that zuko is forced to seek help, forced to interact with people of the earth kingdom and see that that the way the fire nation treats people is wrong. everyone in the earth kingdom will assume that a burn scar like zuko's is a sign of fire nation abuse, even if they're wrong about the details, and that could make zuko realize they're right.
neither iroh nor dumbledore are super upfront with their intentions, but iroh's playing it subtle because people trapped in trying to please an abuser can be resistant to people trying to remove them from that situation, while dumbledore doesn't tell harry because then he might not want to be the sacrifice he needs to be. iroh's secrets are because he cares about zuko and wants to help him as best he can, dumbledore's are about using harry as a tool.
it also reflects a more nuanced understanding of abuse. iroh can't directly remove zuko (or azula, for that matter) from their abusive situation because they are caught up in loyalty to their father and ozai wouldn't want to give up his control over them. dumbledore can't remove harry from the dursleys because...he doesn't want to? harry was pretty willing to leave and they seemed like they'd be pretty happy to be rid of him. plus, ozai has power over everyone - including iroh - as fire lord, while dumbledore is far more powerful than the dursleys. if a muggle authority had tried to intervene with harry, the dursleys might have resisted, but if a wizard wants to fly their nephew away, they can't physically or legally stop him. we're left to wonder if perhaps dumbledore has some old-fashioned "experiencing hardship is good for the soul" mentality, or if maybe that he thought harry would be more likely to sacrifice himself for the wizarding world if it was his escape from abuse.
but of course harry potter wasn't going to address the reality of what keeps people trapped in abusive situations. it was constantly marketed as an escapist fantasy - that you could be whisked away from your abusive family to a magical world where you were loved and powerful. getting out has to be easy, but we also have to keep going back to the abusive situation so that the wizarding world keeps seeming magical.
atla, meanwhile, is its own magical world, and the show is about bringing hope and childlike joy back to a world ravaged by war and colonialism. depicting the reality of abuse, how hard it is to break the cycle but also how essential it is to do so, reinforces the themes of the show.
and so the mastermind adult, orchestrating the defeat of evil and the breaking of the cycle, does it out of love for a child.
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uldren-sov · 5 months
omg!!!! tyty for the questions!!!! ms camy rose is free on thursday night....
Favourites: Which song of the band’s is your MC’s favourite? Which is the fan-favourite?
So I chose the title Wasted Desires as the fan fave. It's THE ONE LOVE SONG on the whole album The Gambit that talks about the love lost from her and Seven's actual breakup and the regret in how it ended. And OF COURSE the fans latch onto it, of COURSE it's their favorite, she kind of hates that its their favorite, she does not want Seven to be any more responsible for her success than he already was. She needs to prove to herself that she can do it alone and more than that she needs to prove it to him. So while he still colors a lot of inspiration in her songs, this is one of the few times she sang about him more directly and it's annoying that the fans love it. (Whether or not it's due to the fact that the lyrics are just better bc they're more authentic, or because they just love drama, WHO'S TO SAY but it could really go either way.) and im SO BAD WITH SONGS. But I think maybe the first song they did without Seven is her favorite, not because it was necessarily good, it wasn't, but after writing and rewriting and moments the effort of holding back the tears meant there was no energy left to sing with, but she did it anyways. She stuck it out and stuck her pieces back together for herself and for The Band - because they're relying on her they're the ones who need her and they threw the weight of their dreams onto her shoulders and her shoulders alone - and she knew at least that it only gets easier from then on. Or so she hopes :)
Tattoo: Did they keep the tattoo with Seven’s initials? Why/why not? What was that decision/execution process like? (Bonus: What do they think of Seven keeping their tattoo?)
She did! But she almost didn't!! Because it wasn't only The Vote, it was The Fight, where she and Seven said some unforgivable (at the time) things to each other, and then Seven ghosts her for like a month. So that means, to her, that he cuts all communication but he also doesn't come back home to her (probably staying with his mom again) and the next time she sees him he's halfway through packing his things away in boxes, with him being unwilling to work anything out they fought again (bc that's all they were good for at that point), and he says if only she could have come back when he was done - with nothing left but the spare key slipped under the door. So her knee-jerk reaction was to get rid of everything else, including the tattoo. She booked the appointment and everything before she realized she was being just as impulsive as he was. She told herself to think on it before she did anything (or anyone) as a rebound from all this hurt - she wouldn't sink to Seven's level and risk hurting herself more if only to have the chance to hurt him. So she cancelled the appointment, promising to revisit it on a later day. But then she didn't. Other tattoos help now that she can get them without holding his hand and by the time she considers it again, the significance of the tattoo is as much a headstone as it is a shrine to what their relationship was. And on her lowest nights she kisses it, to try and get any kind of spark of the love she had and has never known again. She misses him and is willing to forgive him some things... but not everything. She never expected Seven to keep his, not with how he acted, not with how hurt he was, not with how viciously he broke up with her. It's almost incomprehensible and is completely at odds with how she thought he would act. Despite her better judgment she's hopeful...
Hero: What is their favourite thing about G? Why is your MC such a big fan?
(Funnily enough I have Griffin, because Gina was an ex bestie I had in HS that did me REAL dirty so I still hate the name Gina lmaooo) Probably the nostalgia lmao. She was a HUGE fan of Misfit Alley and especially when she was that young she was like "if G can do it, I can do it." (Which was, I'm sure, the marketing point they were selling) So G really helped her steel herself when it came to how nervous and uncertain she was when she and Seven were in HS and thinking they were crazy for even considering starting a band. So she tried to see herself in G, manifest that kind of success, and fall back on that idolatry when she just didn't have the confidence in herself (which was often back then.) When no one else got/gets me I know G got/gets me. - Camila Rodriguez-Rose, age 16 The fact that she had a HUGE crush too didn't hurt lolol. NOW though it's so wild and interesting to think about G as a person and strangely enough on such a similar wavelength, the few times they were able to be alone with one another. G talking about how many different versions of himself are in other people's minds, talking about how he's the villain in people's stories, struck her to her core in a way that she has not been able to feel in a long time. The fact that such sentiment, that she can relate to, is coming from G fucking "Reign" is so wild to her that she almost can't believe it. But she certainly believes it when she keeps finding similarities between them and felt the way she did when they sang together...
Lyrics: What are some songs you associate with your character? Any specific lyrics that really scream your character?
SO IM SO BAD AT MUSIC but I want to thank @sotc for giving me songs that made them think of Camy lmao bc otherwise I wouldn't know what to put here lolol I should really get better at this for a music-based IF but here's the two: Uffie – Papercuts generally and Stupid Girl - Garbage
EDIT: I just thought about one of Camy's like "voice claim" bands and this actually really fits: Roots - In This Moment: You wanna know why I like the pain you say There's some sick part of me thankful for the hate I stay positive and I push forward ya see I gotta do the right thing for my family So I smile and say that the world is just fine As these fucking parasites eat up my spine So I ask you once and I ask you again Where do your roots start and where do your roots end
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manonamora-if · 7 months
i dont know if u feel up for it to answer but like... how do u handle negative comments and ratings and just people being negative about ur stuff? bc i have someone just being rude in comments or like notes and game folders on itch and its making me want to just delete everything and never show anyone anything anymore. or even have an acocunt on itch either.
Hi Anon,
I'm sorry you've been dealing with this, and that it took me so long to answer. I've been thinking about this for a while honestly. I've been writing a bunch of drafts for this one, because my answer seems to change with the day or my mood. Some of my stuff have had some strange interactions lately that's made me question whether I should stay on itch myself. I mean, I don't think I'll ever leave... there are too many fun jams I want to participate and, you know, to force people to play my weird stuff. But I've been more anxious about new stuff or updates I share recently.
I don't blame you for wanting an out. Some users will poison one's experience of a platform, that even opening the site would give them anxiety. It doesn't take much to have events or projects soured. Often, just a few rude words is enough to make accounts disappear without a word. And many platform don't have good safety nets (blocking, moderation, reports) to temper or avoid these situations. Many will have half-ass solutions that, at the end of the day, still allows interactions from blocked users. It's easy to wonder if all of this is worth it...
Anyway, the very boring and short answer to your question: it depends.
The probably as boring and long one is a bit of a ramble:
It depends on the day, or the mood I have. It's easier to deal with comments when I'm confident and things are going find; but I'd feel more hurt or have a harder time dealing with them when I'm a bit more morose (I think most people feel this way). I'll disregard any (even barely) negative points some days, only to take it into consideration a few days later. <- this especially during jam/comps time, just need time to digest criticism of any kind.
It also depends on the content of the comment, their tone, and intent of the commenter. Not all negative comments are on the same level. I've had negative comments in the past where the commenter was genuine, and really gave my stuff a shot, bringing interesting points or important concerns. And though it hurt a bit, because being told you made a mistake sucks, those helped me grow. But those are the good kinds of comments...
On the other hand, I try to disregard the trolls, and the abusive comments (towards my work or me), the ones where the engagement was clearly not done in good faith... you know, the ones who will literally tell me I've made the world worse by uploading my games on itch. Doesn't mean that it doesn't affect me at all*. Some of them really hurt or made me angry and frustrated, some have lingered for hours or days in my mind, a few made me close to delete stuff as well. Words are not just empty things without meaning... *I've had to block a few people both here and other places recently because of it, they had become so insistent on wanting to engage with me while bashing most of my work, my values or the few aspects of my identity that I've shared online.
It would be easy to say I just don't give them the time of day or any of my energy, or that I pretend they don't exist, because, if I do, then the trolls win. But that would be lying. Obviously.
Screaming to the void/a pillow or ranting to friends have helped get rid of my anger and frustration. I've laughed with others about some comments I got (usually the bad faith ones, some of them are funny in how sad/bad they were). I think what worked best for me was just turn off the computer and go outside for a bit. Or turned off the internet and play silly games on my phone. Or picked up a book. Or watch a movie. Essentially, any activity that would distract me from it and force me to take a break. And when none of this worked, because some trolls are just that insistent, blocking/deleting stuff*. *unfortunately, it's not always possible, see second paragraph again.
It does suck that you're kinda forced to grow a thicker skin to enjoy or even exist in those spaces, and I wish those would be friendlier... but I don't think social platforms/the internet is going in that direction anytime soon.
Maybe not super helpful to your decision, but borogove.io hosts IF games (without ratings or comments, though people can download the files), so does the IFDB through the IFArchive (but there are ratings/reviews there, also can be downloadable). I've seen other peeps host their stuff on neocities (no ratings/comments). None of those platforms are like itch, in the positives or the negative. Or just be old school, and email stuff.
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horizon-verizon · 9 months
I'm seeing people claim Daemon has been grooming Rhaenyra since she was a little girl both in the book and the show but that's not true? In the book he gets banished when she was 8 and doesn't return to King's Landing until she's 15. And in the show we have no idea what their relationship looked like pre episode 1 and it's implied he spends a lot of time away from court.
I wrote about the medieval ages of consent, ages of marriage, and how they can relate to thoughts of grooming in the universe of ASoiaF HERE.
You are correct, but it's after Daemon leaves KL in anger at Rhaenyra being named heir that he voluntarily leaves with Mysaria to Dragonstone ("A Question of Succession"):
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It is when Viserys later hears that Daemon gave Mysaria an egg for their unborn child that Daemon is actually exiled ("A Question of Succession"):
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Ultimately, I think that if the frame of mind for characters default to how little choice a lot really have in choice of partner (especially for women & girls) is going to affect how they think about childhood and be more open to those relationships we'd avoid, condemn, call the police for. In other words, before I hate Daemon for his maybe grooming maybe not grooming of anyone only-specificially-uniquely (for no other reason), it would behoove me to really think about HOW AND WHY he or any person can marry/fuck much younger people & get rid of that problem. Because that larger force is guiding these people's actions more than them thinking "this is a child, I love to fuck children, lemme fuck this child".
Rhaenyra was born in 97 A.C. and was proclaimed Viserys' heir at the age of 8 in 105 A.C., which also means Daemon left that 1st time in 105 A.C. Daemon did not come back to KL until 111 A.C., when she was 14-15 and she had decided to wear her red-black dress to unsubtly declare her opposition against Alicent and the greens. Daemon was not there often enough or around Rhaenyra enough to have that much of an influence before he came back. Again, for BEFORE.
He also did not begin to give her gifts and attention like what the text explicitly says he did after he came back, which implies EITHER that he didn't do that as often when she was younger OR if/when he did no one thought that it was a weird or suspicious bc family members gives gifts to each other.
The following is what he did after he came back, in terms of what would be identified as grooming and would alert many readers ("A Question of Succession"):
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Intermission (ignore, this popped into my mind when I was thinking of my response)
Ironically, Rhaenyra's red-black dress moment almost matches and simultaneously contrasts with Jaehaerys' 14-15 yr old working harder to become a "better" king by working on his swordplay, fighting, bearing, etc. as a way to reduce and put to bed doubts over his leadership, referring to the medieval belief that a king must be not just physically able but also strong and good with a sword (hence the ableist rhetoric against Daeron II, no matter if he was disabled or not). It's not about truths so much as manipulating and controlling the image--Jaehaerys barely actually went to war during his entire reign. He did it once on his dragon with his sons, it was barely a battle AND he, as a male, is encouraged to learn swordplay (the avenue towards respect and trustworthiness on a ruler's capability in such a society) more than if he were a man, but his reign nor right to rule at that moment wasn't really as under attack much as when he was younger. And here Rhaenyra must form some sort of self-defense and advocacy, some show of strength both for herself and to put on for others. Without swordplay or participating in martial arts (things discouraged for women), she shows strength where she needs to--in court, through dress. Social "performance" can mean different things but stems from the ability to be what one uses to self-affirm/self-advocate, bc it's about controlling one's own image and having some sort of awareness of your relationship with those actors/people you need to control/manipulate/influence. And those we are able to look at a distance from as "children" are pushed into such positions bc of the society they live in. We can't refute its importance in social interactions and politics nor how those people we real, modern people call children have been involved with such practices as if they were adults--even nonsexually--in ASoIaF.
END of Intermission
Grooming can happen at any child age as long as it is an extended period of time because it needs constant reinforcement.
Viserys had been planning--with the council--for some time as to who 15-year-old Rhaenyra should marry. Only a little under a year after Daemon comes back. In 112 A.C.--again, she's 15 here--Daemon was exiled (again) AND she went on an unofficial tour to attract possible admirers & supporters on a semi-official "progress". So that the heir could also "know" her soon-to-be subjects and those subjects would be putting a face to the name of the woman they swore to protect and be loyal to ("A Question of Succession"):
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Note how even after Daemon leaves, there is Mushroom's account of Viserys being very worried and angry over Daemon's words/actions AND Eustace's account of Viserys commanding both to never speak about whatever happened, later exiling Daemon. After this event, the court "returned to its customary tranquility" for at least a little under a year before he forced Rhaenyra to marry Laenor.
And it is after he does this that we have two other accounts of how exactly Rhaenyra and Criston finally separated.
And really, Viserys favored her marrying Laenor since a Velaryon alliance was perceived as necessary esp after he spurned a marriage w/Laena: ("A Question of Succession"):
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This makes the tour even more likely a means for Rhaenyra to attract favors from her not-"suitors" to build her image, NOT to actually get a suitor to marry.
There is an interesting phenomenon in Rhaenyra going on a tour other than just an heir meeting those she will rule. Twofold: one because she is a woman, and one because of herself and what happened/didn't happen w/Daemon:
she gets to present herself, be charming, and show off her physical beauty, dragon, and clothes as a sort of "treasure" and show why she's called the "Realm's Delight" to make a very feminine-but-desirable picture to her subjects (female paragon of beauty to match the image of a ruler being the "supreme" example of the aristocracy) -> a crossover of sexual desire and the motivation to be loyal to her as a subject when a woman being a ruler is an uncomfortable notion
the idea being to "bait" others in her tour: why would she present herself in such a way if not for marriage prospects, or at least if she "likes" someone she sees, the lords/sons can make a case for their devotion to her; making her visit these lords and their sons is not an event that happens for women and girls and many would feel as if it were some sort of suitor-progress -> thereby, as she's presenting herself as if she were marriageable (a sort of business as usual) and emphasizing her virginity and sexual "purity", she could also be getting ahead of any possible rumors of her lost virginity for the sake of her reputation and future with Laenor.
Of course, we'd have to have evidence of supporting materials that indicate the possibility of Viserys or any of his council being actually this forward-thinking. But that tour really came in handy for Rhaenyra. The timing...
Anyway, yeah, all this indicates that it isn't enough for us to see Daemon give Rhaenyra gifts and pay special attention to her when she's already in a situation where the "childhood" we recognize in her does not have the same meaning as "childhood" for any person in some medieval societies, even with people trying to get their kids married with as little age gaps and as older as possible in noble circles. It certainly shows how sexual purity for girls makes men automatically/likelier and more often seekers of young girls for sexual partners bc it makes a prize/attraction of youth in women/girls more than boys. But we'd have to destroy the entire system and world and/or convert it to a more modern world (doesn't have to be the digital age specifically)--and that's not happening anytime soon within the timeline of Rhaenyra's period.
So the question after identifying Daemon as a groomer is what takes away with that information? Other than hating Daemon--which is your prerogative--in the context of examining the text &SOCIETY, how does it serve us to understand Rhaenyra's story in-text when she must learn/build strength in a world where she must marry and have sexual relations much younger than how we'd want her for her to even gain power (other than explaining how ludicrous that she and all women here are in this)?
la pheacinne states:
All I said is that it doesn't matter in the context of the story because all women got married in their teen years. All. All mariages, all classic love stories basically have a grooming element, and it's so generalised that it looses its value as a point of criticism. Yes, technically, if you sterilise the context and isolate the facts, it could be considered "grooming", yes technically there is a power imbalance, obviously, it's just that these points cannot constitute a valid criticism for the character because in the context of the story, they lose their meaning. They cannot be used as a proof that the character is bad or immoral or a pedophile. [...] The problem with the word "grooming" is that it's not a neutral word. It's a word with a very heavy meaning, that frames an individual who has a perverse, unnatural sexual desire for children whereas the society this individual lives in has decided (fortunately) that these children are not to be considered in a sexual way. So this individual breaks a fundamental moral code of the society they live in, and they do it so skillfully that they go the extra mile as to manipulate their way into basically, committing the crime that constitutes child sex abuse. It is a crime punished by law. You go to prison for it. Everybody knows it is perverse, unnatural behaviour, everybody tries to protect their children from it, and children themselves have a certain knowledge that it is NOT ok for an adult to approach them that way.
Well GRRM is creepy with age differences, that is a fact. I'm ok if you adress this as a meta commentary. What I mean by a meta commentary here is a commentary on the choices of the author himself and whether these choices are wise/unwise, or if there is a pattern that should be adressed. All of this can be discussed in a meta commentary. Dead Ladies Club was one for example, in a different subject though.
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conniebunny · 6 months
The first kiss
A/n: heyaaaaa so i‘m in a writing frenzy and this was completely inspired by the song Sonne by Rammstein. Since i‘m german i see the same image everytime i hear this song, i decided to make this song into a Fanfiction bc hahahaha i can
Sypnosis: The reader‘s ability is basically called Angel‘s kiss. So basically when they kiss someone they get immune to their actual ability wich can basically start an apocolypse by singing. Like in the song there‘s this part where there‘s (i think) a siren or sum singing and yes that‘s the typa singing i mean. Like they can make the sun stop moving and then everybody (everything) freezes until the reader is either killed, sleeps or passes out. 
TW:  kissing obviously, also like nikolai is a pervert, sex jokes and stuff like that but no actual smut, swearing, passing out, hitting people with a pan
The DOA had always seen you as a last choice of weapon. An exit plan. 
It was a normal evening in the DOA Base. Kamui was still gone and with the hunting dogs while Sigma was in the Casino. Fyodor was with the rats in the house of the death, he said he had a Business talk with someone called Ivan. Or at least you think so. So it was just Nikolai pulling his little tricks on you while you tried concentrating on your book. Well it got a bit to far when one of nikolai's portals together with his hand started appearing under your skirt. 
You took his hand and held it firmly. 
„Your explanation?“
“Hehe…. Well i wanted your attention! I really didn’t wanna resort to this but you gave me no choices!“
“you could have called my name and said that you wanted attention.“ 
„[NAME] i want attention“
you sigh and let his hand go.
„well okay then what kind of attention do you want“
“play a game with me“
You turned back to your book and focused on the words again before Nikolai cuddled up to you and hid his face in the crotch of your neck. But seriously? At this point you didn’t even care anymore.
About 3 hours later. It was midnight by now and Sigma returned to see that Nikolai was cuddled up to you and sleeping.
“Don‘t. Even. Dare. Ask.“
Sigma didn’t know if to go to his room and cry or scream or just ask what the fuck was going on right now.
„B-but-…. You? A-a-and Nikolai? A-are you two-…“
“NO! God no! He just suddenly cuddled up to me and i let him in an attempt to calm him down because he kept annoying me!“
“I-i- o-ok…“
Sigma‘s face was pale as he went to his room. 
About 1 more hour later Kamui came back and was kind enough to carry Nikolai off of you. He put Nikolai back onto the couch before telling you to meet him in his office.
“So, [NAME], if you haven‘t realized, We slowly need your help in our little mission!“
His Voice was strong like the roar of a lion yet it was natural. 
„Yeah… i have realized.“
“So! Even though Bram may be the vampire king he is still weak and mortal to your ability. Since i was gonna wake him up anyway i thought i‘d take you with me to cure him for when you use your ability!“ 
You nodded. You weren‘t meeting Bram for the first time. You had accompanied him a lot of times when he had to stay awake. Those were the times kamui was gone with the hunting dogs and you had to make sure Bram finished doing his job. But well… you hadn‘t seen him in a while. And you probably wouldn‘t see him often anymore as Kamui was planning to get rid off the hunting dogs as another step of his plan to erase all ability users.
You quickly went to your room to put on something nicer than the blue dress you had been wearing because it was sort of wrinkly from Nikolai laying on you for like 4 hours or so. 
Putting on a nice yellow and white checkered shirtwaist dress with a white blouse underneath and some white socks you went downstairs. At the door was kamui already waiting. You quickly put on your black oxford shoes and went after Kamui to follow him to King Bram‘s coffin. 
As you fixed you half up mermaid kind of hairstyle that had a yellow bow in it you got called over wich left you to leave your hair open (i am so sorry if ur bald)
“Well then! I‘ll leave you two alone for now. Take your time and come back when you please [NAME].“
Kamui said as if it wasn’t already 4:30 in the morning. 
Well as soon as Kamui left, you sat down at the edge of Bram‘s coffin.
“sooo…. Um… do you wanna…. Just get it over with and never talk about it again or…?“
“…that certainly does sound very nice. Although i do have to ask. You are not married are you?“
“first off, i think i would have told you that, second off i wouldn’t be here right now if i did and third off screw cheaters!“
“So you would not be committing adultery then?“
„….Bram i‘m not gonna have sexual intercourse with you….“
„Right we are just going to kiss….“
You sighed as you fixed your dress and slightly leaned forward. 
„You comfy?“
“Let us just finish this as soon as possible.“
the kiss was quick yet long enough to actually count as the cure.
Soon after you turned away and started getting ready to leave again, with that i mean you stood up and walked to the door, the bow tie still in your hand. 
„Well then goodbye Bram…. I‘ll see y-…. Actually i don‘t know if i‘ll see you around. I might kill myself if Nikolai touches me again and you kinda have a sword up your ass"
“I certainly agree to that type of reason for unalivement. Yet i do have to say. My bottom half was cut off. I do not have an anus."
Having to walk back home because you forgot your phone was torture. But soon enough you arrived at the base at 5:30 in the morning…. It had been a long night and you were ready to sleep…. Yet you got stopped by Nikolai who held both your hands and had you face him.
“How was the kiss?! Was it long? Sloppy? Messy? Good? Bad? Slow? Fast? Tell me everything!“
“Jeez Nikolai. You almost sound as if you wanna kiss Bram yourself just to find out.“
“Maybe i do who knows? Anyway! I learned a new trick today!“
“oh really? If it‘s another flirting try of yours i‘ll leave. If it‘s a bad flirt i‘ll come back-„
“and do something with me?~“
“-and hit you with a  pan i will get from the kitchen“
“awe man! Well okay. Did you know i can make my dick disappear and make you scream my name?! You just gotta take of your-„
that‘s the point you left. Well what means left you went to the kitchen and got a pan only to go back to Nikolai and hit him with a pan. That morning he passed out and you didn‘t even care enough to drag his body somewhere else than the hard wooden floor.
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