#Relationship building
sinclairmaxwellao3 · 3 months
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whitedahlia13 · 16 days
That’s Where You’ll Find Me
Chapter 6: Once in a Lullaby
Fandom: Teen Wolf / The Wizard of Oz AU
Characters: Stiles + Lydia, Prada, Kira Yukimura
There's a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby - Over the Rainbow by Harold Arlen and E. Harburg
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The Jeep is nearly perfect. It’s the same model as Stiles’s – a CJ5, possibly manufactured in the early 1980s. It has a robin egg blue exterior with black doors and a hard top. There’s dried mud on the rims and a few dents here and there. It looks used and abused, but most of all, loved. Lydia can tell by the way Noah glides his hand across the hood on his way to open the passenger door for her.
She climbs in, wave of nostalgia rising with the scent of aged leather and motor oil. It makes her pause, seeking other signs of familiarity. She finds them in the AM FM radio with the cracked tuning dial, the scuffed-up console, and the glove compartment hatch that’s being held shut with a piece of duct tape.
There is only one thing missing. A police scanner. Its absence makes her wonder about Noah’s dad. Maybe he never installed one in the Jeep. Maybe law enforcement officers have some other means of communication. Maybe he isn’t even the sheriff. Maybe...
“Is everything all right?” Noah asks.
“Yeah, just...taking it all in.” She thinks she must have tears in her eyes because his face has become blurry.
“You must be wondering what you got yourself into,” he says. “I know she looks rough, but I promise she’ll get us to Emerald City. I can fix pretty much anything that breaks down, and if all else fails...there’s always duct tape.”
She snickers, uncertain whether it’s a laugh or a sob tickling her throat. “Yeah, there’s always duct tape,” she echoes with a smile.
He makes sure she is comfortably situated with Prada on her lap, before closing the door and striding around to the driver’s side.
“So, I had this idea,” he begins, tossing his jacket on the back seat.
“First, I need to know how adamantly opposed you are to theft.”
Keep reading: ao3
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lonelypond · 5 months
Adventures Of The USS Helicon: Mind Bloom
Next episode in VNVdarkangel and my Love Live X Star Trek AU. Nozomi and Eli in danger, Maki making medical discoveries, and Rin and Nico excelling at their jobs.
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[Relationship Building, awkward!JZX]
XuanLi | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 24-03-2021
[#xuanli modern AU]
I cannot stop picturing jzx as one of the most anxious and awkward person on earth, but he manages to hide it behind an attitude people will say he has because he's from the Jin family. He has been told over and over that he shouldn't be this anxious and awkward and to change it, so he hides it behind airs of being indifferent to people (but will internally scream in panic as he doesn't know what to do).
Now let's imagine that jsx and jyl are still engaged to each other since they were children, despite jsx not being interested in having a wife. As he grows up he's forced to pass more time with her on planned dates, yet they never do much.
Jsx nerves would barely leave him to interact much with someone he doesn't know anything about and doesn't seem interested either. He doesn't know anything about her that could maybe have her talk while he just listens. So he ends up convincing himself that jyl is just a bit sad and bland from these dates.
Then one day, for some reason, his attention is being dragged towards where jyl is sitting with her brothers. He then finds a smiling and laughing young lady, amused by whatever wwx was saying to her(of course it was to cheer her up from the yet again failed date).
This is something he had never really seen, only the polite and reserved young lady who doesn't speak much and has never smiled like THAT to him. And this is at that moment he falls for her smile and laughter, although this oblivious man doesn't know yet, want to also have a piece of that.
But the trick is to actually get closer to her, which isn't something he knows how to do, usually, people approach him and he somehow manages to deal with them (his way of doing so only makes people believe he's full of himself).
So the next time they go on a planned date he decides to /try/ and actually talk to her about more than the weather outside. She clearly seems caught off guard by the sudden change in these failure dates, but she takes it with a pleased smile.
The conversation is still a bit generic: school, family matters, her brothers (he notes that this is a subject that got her smiling a bit more) and what she has been to since last time. Most likely not the most interesting discussion of her life he believes, but that's the best he could come up with for now.
Yet she doesn't seem bored, her good mood and smile staying until the end, the both of them surprised when it's already time to part ways. jc, who came to pick her up, seems surprised to see her in such a good mood, tossing him a glance, before just taking her back home.
From here he also tries to interact more with her at school and not act as if they were strangers. He greets her when their path cross in the hallway, tries to team with her when teachers gives work to do in groups, leaving to the side the usual guys who usually just copy him. He even tries sometimes to go and sit down with her at lunch to talk, although most of the time he ends up finding an excuse to leave because his anxiety cannot stand jc and wwx staring at him. It is nearly as if they are ready to jump on the slightest mistake to push him away.
But the more they get to talk, the more he manages to learn about her, then leading to him feeling a bit more comfortable when he can bring up this subject. He learns that she loves cooking and food (good, better dates ideas then), but that she also shares an interest in art as wwx does.
Later he finds the nerve to ask her out for dinner, anxiously waiting for her answer as wwx looks at him suspiciously. She looks surprised, but accepts with a warm smile.
He takes her out to a fancy restaurant, because he was taught by his father this was the best way to please someone. Yet he notices quickly that this isn't necessarily putting jyl at ease. He learn after asking what kind of restaurant she prefers that she like smaller places that are a bit more familial.
He suggests they go somewhere of her choice next time. When they do he pass two hours worrying about his outfit, hoping it won't stand out too much.
Jyl is clearly more at ease, although the more unusual setting puts him on edge. She asks what he wants to try, giving him a suggestion he ends up following. When the time comes to give their orders jyl does it, giving him a knowing and reassuring smile, which helps him relax.
He doesn't understand what his father was on about the man needing to do everything not minding having jyl do things too. 
Trying to find a little restaurant becomes quickly a biweekly date, often helped by jyl when his awkwardness and anxiety got in the way. They don’t talk about that, not yet, but he knows jyl has noticed. He feels relieved when she doesn't comments on it or try pushing him to do things he doesn't feel capable of doing.
Then one day, when jyl is joining him at the meeting point (where he has accidentally arrived 20 min earlier) something seems off. Her smile seems forced and she looks as if she had been crying. He must have looked worried then because her smile waver a bit.
He awkwardly opens his arms, unsure what to do. He doesn't know if he has the right to outright take her in his arm, although he doesn't dare, he wouldn't want to be suddenly restrained if he was too anxious. As her eyes get teary again, she accepts the offer, burying her face against his chest so no one sees her cry. He hesitantly wraps his arms around her, rubbing his back in a manner that he hopes is soothing.
“Why don't we go get some tea or coffee instead?” he suggests as he spots a small cafe near them, seemingly calm enough for them to talk. When they get in he simply tells her to go and sit down, asking her what she wants. He goes to order, a tea and one hot chocolate (he's proud of not messing up in his order on the first try), then join her at the- booth when their orders are ready, even throwing in a little slice of cake he knows she will like (and he's proud and happy again that this managed to steal a small smile from her).
She's already calmed down when he joins her, sitting close to jyl. After asking what had upset her she finally explained the argument she had with wwx, things getting a bit out of hand. His guts twist a little bit when he learns it about him, not sure how he should take it, feeling like he would never get the brother's approval one day. Still, he reassure her, just knowing from what she told him before that wwx would apologise once she would go home.
They end up forgetting about the restaurant, jzx ending up talking a bit more about himself (for once) to change her mind, answering wonders she's been having for some time without asking him. They do brush over his anxiety, only then somewhat accepting that he /does/ have a problem with that (something he had tried to push away as no way his father would want him to have that).
They end up somewhat closer than before after that evening to talk more openly, showing more than the good and positive side they usually let through. This is to the joy of both their fathers, who had started to wonder if this marriage was really a good idea. After some time of everything kept on getting better, he even talked with jc and wwx (or rather, was forced to by these two), getting a warning of never breaking their sister's heart (which he took as their own way of approving him).
Jzx ends up officially asking her out when he remembers he has never actually done that, jyl rather amused at the act but clearly delighted that he decided to do it, making it meaningful by the fact that he was the one asking (contrary to just being engaged since childhood).
Then they finish their senior years, slowly getting ready to go to university. They are at a festival, having a great night. This is on their way back home, as jyl is holding his hand and talking about all they did and how she hopes they can go back the next years. This is when the sudden thought of “I want this all my life” flashes in his mind again.
He spontaneously proposed to her, telling her how he hoped they could be like this their whole life, declaring his love all over again. A deep blush spread over his face when he realises that they are /already/ engaged. Despite that, jyl tears up from joy, jumping in his arms as she accepts, laughing with him at how awkward and a bit out of left field it was, but she wouldn't have it any other way, it just proves her it does come from him, not from their fathers imposed choice.
(boy this has gotten so long, at this point I might as well write an actually long one-shot about it instead. Haven't written m/f in years tho, could be refreshing).
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How to Enhance Communication in Facilities Management
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According to Apollo Technical, 86% of employees blame a “lack of effective collaboration and communication” as the leading cause of workplace failures. In the case of facilities management, communication is critical to keeping systems running smoothly. Smooth communication impacts not only facilities managers but also employees, customers, and ultimately revenue.
When facilities management projects have tight deadlines and strict requirements, it’s important to have effective and efficient communication between managers and strategic partners. But keeping everyone on track and in order comes with its own unique challenges.
Let’s take a look at some proven communication techniques to turn your next project into a streamlined triumph!
1. Start with the basics – documentation
While it may sound simple, listening, taking notes, and documenting as much information as you can will help you prepare to lead your project, your team and your selected partners when they seek guidance. Documentation will also allow you to share the information in written format, empowering others to answer their own questions. The more you know, the faster you’ll be able to fill in any gaps and reduce resolution time. Some facility management companies even offer technology that can assist in capturing and documenting this valuable information, saving you valuable time.
Plus, it goes without saying that building positive rapport and an open line of communication establishes trust, fosters collaboration, and produces an overall commitment to a job well done–and on time! This is made even further evident when considering the fact that over 60% of employees believe their views and opinions are ignored in the workplace, according to AON. This is an unfortunate statistic that could be completely avoidable with effective communication.
2. Utilize innovative technology
Working in facility management, we’ve all experienced a chaotic workday. Sorting through emails and work orders, jumping from meeting to meeting trying to coordinate multiple time-sensitive projects all at once. And while we love the energy of this fast-paced day-to-day, we also know it can take its toll and that gaps in communication can create a significant fallout.
New advancements in facilities management technologies and streamlined communication tools can be an easy solution to help cut through the clutter, reduce downtime, and eliminate needless frustration. In fact, many can be easily integrated into the systems you already use.
We value communication that is efficient, timely, direct, and clear. Here are a few of the applications that are frontrunners in efficient and intelligent communication for integrated facility management. Each of these are also compatible with National Facilities Direct’s proprietary technology solution that supports our value for communication.
Service Channel: A leading facility management software and contractor sourcing, Service Channel lets you manage all maintenance activity from a single platform.
Tango: The Next-Gen Real Estate & Facilities Platform that unites analytics, transactions, lease administration & accounting, space management, desk booking, and more.
Corrigo: Access to powerful, easy-to-use software and mobile apps that help you manage your facilities with less overhead.
Asana: A project management software that tracks, manages, and connects your projects across any team.
Verisae: Cloud-based maintenance management platform that provides service, asset, and procurement management solutions for facility managers.
Fexa: Innovative and intuitive software making it easier for Facilities and Operations Teams to get quality work done.
We streamline communication by speaking directly with our facility manager customers so they have the constant, real-time, project tracking and information they may need at any given moment.
3. Enlist a strategic partner
When it comes to choosing a facilities management partner, there are various options available. From local to regional vendors, and from aggregators with pools of untested contractors to self-performing agencies like National Facilities Direct, it can be difficult to find the right partner. It’s vital to find the right fit for your organization based on your needs and values. We believe the right partner is the one who takes a customer-centric approach, a team that takes the time to understand your situations, perceptions, and expectations to better learn your facility and processes. We strive to always be flexible and meet those varying needs while also suggesting viable solutions.
If you’re finding communication gaps with your vendors, an integrated self-performing facilities management partner could be the perfect collaborator to help set you up for success. They can assist by developing smoother systems of communication between the technician, command center, and facilities managers to ensure a process that streamlines service, integrates teams, centralizes goals, and lays the framework for efficient and quality relationships.
Regardless of the industry, service, or staff the impact communication has on company performance is undeniable. According to a 2021 study by Project.co, over 26% of people feel that the way businesses communicated–both internally and externally–has deteriorated over the past year. This is a trend that needs to be reversed for the health of the facility management nationwide.
The need for dependable communication in FM is clear and so vital to a strong organizational structure and fully efficient facility. So vital in fact that a McKinsey report has shown that when collaborative communications are effective, they may increase productivity by as much as 25%. That can make a big difference to the bottom line as well as have a positive impact on company culture and workplace happiness.
About National Facilities Direct
At National Facilities Direct, we know how important clear, timely, and consistent communication is and we firmly believe in the positive benefits that come along with it. In fact, we’re so passionate about communication that we’ve developed our own proprietary software to streamline communication and promote efficiency.
We are the future of facility management. We’ve cut out the middle man, consolidated communication, simplified service requests, and reduced our response and resolution time. We provide all the necessary connectivity and custom technology to aid in any project. Contact us today for an immediate facility need or to set up a consultation for future needs or routine maintenance.
Visit Our Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com/
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5 Signs You May Need a Facility Management Partner
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It takes a lot to manage a facility. Whether it’s building operations like cleaning, security, maintenance, and grounds management or compliance and safety, facilities management touches just about every part of the workplace. As a result, even the best FMs can feel stretched thin from time to time. If it’s unclear why there is a rising backlog of uncompleted maintenance tasks, or it feels like there’s no time to focus on more strategic initiatives, it might be worth partnering with a facility management provider. Here are five signs you may need a facility management partner.
1. Rising Costs
Constantly paying for ad hoc repairs can get costly. If you notice that repairs and servicing costs always seem to be on the rise, then it might be time to consider an FM partner. They will work with you to understand your entire operation and develop a custom solution that extends the lifespan of your equipment or building’s infrastructure. In turn, this leads to fewer repair costs and increased operational efficiency.
2. Frequent Disruptions
Whether they’re maintenance repairs or critical systems failure, constantly spending valuable time reacting to one situation or the other can lead to wasteful productivity. Partnering with an FM company allows you to bring in additional support and specialists as needed. This flexibility increases productivity and helps you deliver on a range of your organizational objectives.
3. Difficulty Tracking and Managing Assets
Spending time looking for assets or procuring new ones wastes valuable resources and stalls the resolution of problems in your facility. Then it’s only a matter of time before occupants become frustrated and workplace satisfaction declines, which leads to a decrease in productivity. Through effective staff management and the implementation of best practices and innovative technologies, an FM partner can help you easily keep tabs on not just your assets but your entire operation.
4. Low or No Budget For Technology
If you are finding that many of the facility management challenges you face could be minimized or resolved with enhanced or upgraded technology, then it’s a sign to partner with an FM provider. Forward-thinking FM companies have innovative technologies that cut through the clutter, reduce downtime, and eliminate needless frustration. In addition, they can help regulate compliance, analyze insights of project details and performance, track time and resources, and ensure a consistent level of service and quality.
5. Communication Gaps
When projects have tight deadlines and strict requirements, effective and efficient communication between managers and strategic partners is critical. If you’re finding communication gaps, an integrated, self-performing facilities management partner could be the perfect collaborator to help set you up for success. They can assist by developing smoother systems of communication between the technician, command center, and facilities managers to ensure a process that streamlines service, integrates teams, centralizes goals, and lays the framework for efficient and quality relationships.
Choosing the Right Partner
Partnering with a facility management provider ensures your organization is running at full optimization without day-to-day facility maintenance interruptions. From the reduction of costs to optimizing your facility management programs for increased efficiency, the right partner can provide the support you need to take your operations to the next level.
National Facilities Direct offers top-quality facility services derived from real-time communication, state-of-the-art analytics, data-driven decisions, and proprietary technologies. We develop customized all-inclusive maintenance programs, best-in-class connectivity, and an extensive in-house network of diverse professional licensed technicians that help us meet your complex, ever-changing needs. Contact us today to see how we can help take your organization to the next level.
Visit Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com
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sadiamahjabinlubna · 11 months
Building Resilience
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1.What is resilience?
Ans: Resilience is the ability to cope with a crisis using mental and emotional strategies such as relationship building, self-efficacy and healthy thinking among others.
2.How can you build your resilience?
Ans: Below I give some tips for building my resilience
Developing a friendly relationship with people around me.
To help others as much as possible in any situation.
Creating a routine of what I will do each day and performing tasks accordingly.
Occasional outings for entertainment.
Taking care of myself for mental and physical health.
I try to focus on what I will do in the future.
Always keep a positive attitude towards me and others.
Dealing with any situation with patience and being optimistic.
3.What are some relaxation strategies you can use to comfort yourself?
Ans: Below are the relaxation strategies I follow to comfort myself.
I pray regularly, it calms my mind immensely.
Give myself more time to do things.
Often, I spend time with my friends and to do various things which refreshes my mind.
After completing my work, I take rest sometimes.
Take 40 to 50 minutes to go outside for a walk with my grandmother/mother for breathing fresh air.
I like to draw pictures; it cheers up my mind.
I help my parents in household chores which makes them happy. This is also a reason for my peace of mind.
Sometimes I visit my relative's house. I have cousins there. We spend a lot of time with each other which is very enjoyable for us. It makes our relationship healthier.
4.How can you express your emotions creatively?
Ans: Since we are human, our emotions change sometimes. In such a situation, I try to keep myself busy with some kind of creative work. My favorite creative work is painting. Through this, I can control my mind completely. Also, I love to read books of any informative & detective series. Humayun Ahmed, Kazi Anwar Hossain, Samaresh Majumdar, Rabindranath Tagore are among my favorite authors. Sometimes I go to various sightseeing places. It gives me pleasure as well as I gain practical knowledge through it. I am also incredibly good at handwork. When I was a child, I used to do this with my mother. I do a lot of useful handicrafts myself. It saves both my time and money. I think it's important to engage in any kind of creative activity to express yourself. It increases the cheerfulness of the mind which is especially important for living well.
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beauleifu · 2 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: LEGO Monkie Kid Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Summary:
  Thank goodness, you manage to escape the Mayor. But upon returning home, you find Syntax's wounds in need of a bit more care, and what is your reward? A text from your least favorite coworker reminding you of that party you sold your soul to. Well, this ought to be good. At least you have better company to look forward to when you return home.
TW: Depressive episode, language, yo fake friends get drunk, you also re-bandage Syntax's injuries.
Ho boy this one's a long chapter. Enjoy!
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solarstellarstar · 2 years
Send 👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours from Relationship Building
[Solar spots Yumiko just passing by. She stares in adoration at the beauty of the girl.]
"Isn't her hair beautiful?"
[She tugs onto Hiromi's shirt to get their attention, who was sitting beside her.]
"I could never be unhappy with golden locks like that! Ooh~ Imagine all the different hairstyles she could try out. I wonder, what kind of shampoo does she use?"
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[But as soon as she caught a glimpse of the girl's face, her excitement grew more.]
"t's Yumiko! No wonder her beauty caught my attention... ah, I need to ask if I can do her hair one day. Imagine what she'd look like if she had me to style her hair~"
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sunny-flower-spot · 2 years
Send ☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent).
Name: pompom🍮💜
Display photo:
She caught a glimpse of Solar's profile for her and wanted them to match.
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Ringtone: Sun is coming up by Shiggy Jr.
Last text conversation:
💛: i wanted to surprise u by learning that hard choreography you learnt
💛: but it was way too tough and my body hurts alot now...(◞‸◟;)
💜: Oh no! Sunny what stretches did you do before and after??? :(
💛: ehh? i was supposed to stretch? ∑(´゚ω゚`*)
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rachelillustrates · 2 years
Bagginshield notes, "Desolation of Smaug" edition
Continuing my thoughts on one Burglar and one King Under the Mountain from where/when it seems they fell in love and onward.
"An Unexpected Journey" notes here.
(Also quick note!! I only have access to the theatrical editions, if there is anything I should know from the extended versions please please say so.)
- They don't sit together at Beorn's, when he feeds them, and it looks like they slept apart too - BUT, there is obviously A Lot going on, with running from the Orcs again and the stress over crashing at Beorn's in the first place (not to mention a certain Hobbit beginning to have Ring Addictive Problems), so, between all of that and the tone I expected from how they came to realize their feelings.... yeah. They know how they feel, and they think they know it's reciprocated, but there are so many other pressing matters at stake and for now, at least, they're still on the same path even if they can't do anything about it yet.
(I wrote a lot before about how Thorin is torn between his duty and his feelings, and even in knowledge that he's in love, and some certainty that Bilbo feels the same, the vibe I'm getting is that he would plan on waiting until after the Mountain is reclaimed to really start courting him.)
- Then of course, the intense brain fog that Mirkwood gives all of them - separating them all even further, at least focus and intentions wise.
- But! When Bilbo is the first to escape the spiders, he locates Thorin's web-wrapped form first, so we are reminded of their bond once his head is clear. Yes, he has to save Bombur first, but he SEES Thorin first and foremost.
- And Bofur has to remind Thorin that Bilbo isn't with them, but that's not surprising, considering the heat of battle and being faced with capture by his generational enemies (direct generational enemies, since Thranduil turned his people away before) - that, and a) they're Battle Husbands already, Thorin has seen that Bilbo can handle his shit, and b) Bilbo has snuck off in the chaos of fighting before, only to return safely later, so this isn't that unusual.
(Also, he does let himself look momentarily stricken by his absence, even with all that, so just ❤️❤️)
Also ALSO, he knows for sure that Bilbo escaped, once they get into the halls, and he TRUSTS him to get them all out!! His love was the plan all along. A+ - and he does, and frees Thorin first of course, and Thorin gets the others to trust his very eccentric plan without questioning it himself, AND makes sure they wait for him - telling him he did well, calling him "Master Baggins," though, in front of the company - keeping it professional, which tracks with his character and the tone I'm getting about their impending-but-not-yet courtship.
- And they work so well together on the boat with Bard. Bilbo taking the kind path, asking him his name, being polite, while Thorin remains wary, and takes care of the logistics of paying him and making good on their business agreement. Remains practical, while Bilbo opens the door to kindness, which may seem impractical but is really just as vital.
I am doing a study of the Silmarillion because I am insane and a masochist and I just read through the Valaquenta, which details the Valar and the relationships between them, including marriages. Without fail, each of the romantic pairings of the Valar have a very (understandably) Sacred Marriage vibe about them - even in cases where they appear opposites, they harmonize each other, balance each other out, and make each other their best selves.
We don't get to see very much explicitly for whatever reason, but there are SO many moments in which Bilbo and Thorin do have this, too!! And this is one of them. And I think, as much as I wish things were different, the fact that we can see that at all is just, wonderful.
- Also, after they make it to Bard's, Bilbo basically goes to check on Thorin once they're settled, quick enough to notice him being stricken by the Dwarvish Windlance, even though they've only been there for a few minutes as far as we can tell. They show that to us first, instead of showing us any other details about them getting cleaned up and settling in.
- Also, after their capture/discovery and welcoming by the master of the town, Bilbo stays at the head of the boat, with Thorin, as they cross to the mountain. Instead of him choosing to have any of his kin at his immediate side. Hmm.
- AND he stands up to him about them not waiting for Gandalf, as was planned - very equal-footed, very married behavior (*Sacred Marriage!!*), as has been mentioned many times before. AND as Bilbo spots the door, and they head up to it, they stick pretty close together - but not too close, just closer, so between that and him continuing to call Bilbo "Master Baggins".... it still feels very much to me like they haven't crossed that line just yet, but want to.
- Also, on a note of just how they're so in sync, anyway - when they appear to fail about the door, Thorin asks "What did we miss?" before following his kin in giving up, still wanting desperately to figure it out, and Bilbo, of course, refuses to give up at all, staying and actually finding the answer (which of course leads to the key-kicking moment, as panicked as that was, it was also poetic for them as Thorin saves it by having listened to him and shown back up. Significant glances included, btw).
- And, of course, as soon as they get inside, and the Arkenstone starts being discussed, it's super duper all business again, but he leaves the explanation of the Arkenstone - and seeing Bilbo off into the danger of Smaug's cave - to Balin. Like again, the intensity of his emotions is at war with his purpose as king. But even with that, he still trusts Bilbo to do this for them. For him. He believes in him. But he can't not worry about him, deeply, so he stays away in that moment - perhaps, lest he tell him to stop, to not put himself in danger after all.
And he does look worried when Balin alerts them that the ground shaking is from Smaug. BUT he still tells the others to trust Bilbo, to give him more time ...to the eventual point of refusing to risk the quest for him, calling him just "one burglar," and Balin having to "remind" him that he's more. His name, his place in the company of them all. So I feel like, here, Thorin's pulling as far back, emotionally, as he can, once again. The quest comes first, always. His heart comes later.
(And of course, there may be hints of the gold sickness starting after all, as Balin worries. But it still really, really tracks with how he dealt with his feelings vs. his duty in the first film.)
- And Smaug plays on that!! He tells Bilbo that Thorin is using him, that he's only a means to an end to him. Which Bilbo refuses, outright (funny that he insists on that - wouldn't he not care, if there weren't feelings there? Since base level, he was just hired to do a job, and it shouldn't matter? Hmm?). To which Smaug switches tactics, not bothering to follow that line of manipulation after all, since it wasn't going to work.
- AND Thorin does go in after him!! BUT obviously starts getting messed up over the gold as soon as he sees it, to the point that Bilbo can CLEARLY see that something is off about him, even before he holds him at swordpoint over the Arkenstone (and even at that, Bilbo doesn't look scared - he looks like he's trying to figure out what's wrong, and how to bring Thorin back to reality, until Smaug brings reality crashing down for him). But before all of that, and as awful (that Thorin would do that, even in sickness) and amazing (that Bilbo sees through it, especially not knowing about the possibility of the gold sickness yet) as that is, Thorin still chose to go in after him after all -  the others following only after SOME minutes. And despite that confrontation (or maybe because of it, after, in guilt), Thorin keeps Bilbo with him - and Bilbo stays, as they choose to split up and try to reach the forge. And he tries to get Thorin to stay with him and Balin instead of running off on his own (putting himself in danger) to distract Smaug.
- Also, with the plan of getting Smaug to light the fires, he still keeps Bilbo in mind - where he is, giving him a job out of the way that's essential to slowing Smaug down while they wait for the gold to heat up - simultaneously making use of his skill AND keeping him more out of harm's way. AND with Thorin himself as the bait, to get Smaug in place, trusting Bilbo to save him by pulling the lever in time.
..... #battlehusbands
- Also, as they pour the gold and escape into the Gallery of the Kings, Thorin trusts Bilbo to get himself safe BUT is still keeping an eye on him, even looking back specifically to holler at him to keep going when he hears Smaug go after him - so, still concerned, too, and letting himself express that. Which they don't show him do for anyone else. Ahem ahem.
- He also does the same thing when they confront Smaug in the Gallery - trusts Bilbo to keep himself safe, while also choosing not to have him help pull down the statue's mold, keeping him away from that immediate danger too.
So yes. I still very much feel like they're on the edge of something here, and both hoping for more, but the quest is just so much - and taking so much - that we are only getting little glimpses of that affection, with the hopeful promise of more when all is over and done with.
(And we haven't even gotten to the acorn and the mithril shirt yet jeeeeeez.)
Notes on TBoFA coming as soon as I can watch it, too ⚔️💕
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saleslessons · 2 years
Sales Lessons from golf
Who could have thought Golf can be married to sales? But and this is a significant but, Gaurav Kumar is known for making the twain meet. You might think sales is done sitting in a room hunched over the telephone or computer, while golf is all about an open landscape. How could these two so dissimilar things be ever reconciled? It can be with creativity. And sales are all about creativity.
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Gaurav Kumar started his career in sales. He went through all the ups and downs that many of us go through in our lives. What made Gaurav stand apart from the crowd was his jujitsu determination to strike a path on his own. He did this by bringing new ideas into his job. Time went by. Hours turned into days; days into weeks; weeks into months; months into years. And then came a time when the labor of the past congealed together to create a swift-flowing pool of success.
People have a very bad habit of noticing success but not the labor and effort that went into the making of that success. Gaurav has not forgotten his journey. He has reached his destination, but the memory of the journey is still what he covets the most. Why? Because it was in the journey that he learned precious life lessons.  And he decided to share these lessons with others.
Sales lessons from golf might seem outlandish or improbable. But when you read the book, you realize there is so much in common between the art of sales and the art of swinging your golf club. Golf builds your character; sales bring out your true charter to the fore. Sales demand your full attention, and golf teaches you how to be attentive to even the smallest things in your life. You must make the right investment to ace the game of sales. Golf too is about making the right choice and investment.
This book, it is worth noting, breaks away from orthodox sales hocus-pocus and brings the focus back to basics. Take care of small things in life and bigger things will fall into their place automatically. It is a must-read book for beginners as well as sales experts to elevate their sales acumen to another level.
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demon-mortician · 2 years
Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
Send 🎼 for a song that reminds me of our muses.
Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
Tomoky doesn't have many friends, in fact, she only has a couple of them, and most of the time these are busy with something else. So most of the time she would call Cassie to do a picnic or take a cup of coffee together. Tomoky enjoys the fact that she always accepts with a smile.
Send 🎼 for a song that reminds me of our muses.
"When I've grown up, when I know both sweet and sour,
I wonder if we can laugh together like we did at lunch today."
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Crafting Your Ideal Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Personal and Family Goals
Figuring out what you want out of life, your family, and setting goals for yourself and your family involves self-reflection and envisioning your desired future. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you clarify these aspects: 1. Self-Reflection Identify Your Values: What principles and values are most important to you (e.g., honesty, compassion, creativity)? How do these values influence…
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The Power of Relationships in Facilities Management
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Building relationships is essential for professional growth. Whether it be with co-workers, partners, or customers, establishing quality relationships makes our jobs easier while improving our organizational culture. But with more and more companies making the switch to hybrid work, fostering those relationships is now more important than ever. Below, we discuss the power of relationships in facilities management and illustrate how clear, concise communication paired with the use of technology can help organizations prepare for the unexpected.
Relationships Build Trust
No matter the size of the organization, a facilities manager is responsible for coordinating the many unique needs of the facility, the stakeholders, and often multiple vendors and partners. Each interaction creates opportunities to network and develop reliable connections. For organizations to function effectively and efficiently, facility managers need to foster relationships built on trust.
Communication is critical in building trust in an organization. When communication is clear and concise, systems run smoothly. This communication impacts not only facilities managers but also employees, customers, and ultimately revenue.
Trusted relationships also help you prepare for the unexpected. Teaming up with a quality partner means that no matter what happens or how your needs change, you’ll have added peace of mind knowing you’re covered.
Use Technology to Your Advantage
It’s no secret that the world looks different than it did a few years ago and those changes are evident in facilities management. From restaurants and retail to office buildings and factories, nearly every industry has undergone a drastic change in day-to-day operations with new safety mandates and public health protocols.
Traditional standards have been altered and require significantly more preparation for many organizations, causing interruptions in daily operations that are still felt today. The good news? Organizations are getting back on track with the use of enhanced technology.
With new technology solutions for facilities management, facility managers can more easily communicate with their teams, vendors, and partners–often within a single app. Improved technology provides efficiency and clarity through streamlined communication with your team and partners, allowing greater insight into the work, and quality in your projects.
Facilities management technologies like these can be an easy solution to help cut through the clutter, reduce downtime, and eliminate needless frustration. It helps easily regulate compliance, analyze insights of project details and performance, track time and resources, and ensure a consistent level of service and quality. All of which ultimately save time and money.
Choosing the Right Partner
At National Facilities Direct, relationships are key. We value relationships not only with our customers but also with our technicians and command center teams.
Our customer-centric environment means we’ll stop at nothing to ensure you and your company have the tools necessary to succeed. If you’re ready to have a facilities management partner you can trust, contact us today!
Visit Our Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com/
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The Ultimate Winter Facility Management Checklist
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The winter season poses a whole new set of challenges when it comes to facility management. Freezing temperatures, along with snow and ice, have the potential to disrupt operations and affect the safety of occupants. Taking a proactive approach with some preventative maintenance and proper planning can help you mitigate these risks, avoid emergency repairs, and ensure a safe and comfortable environment for visitors during the colder months. From HVAC maintenance to snow and ice removal, here’s a checklist of helpful reminders to help you plan and prepare your facilities for winter.
Maintain HVAC Systems
Preventative HVAC maintenance ensures your heating systems work when you need them most. While you most likely have a preventative maintenance plan in place, these basic preparations can improve system efficiency and help get your system ready for winter.
Check and replace any air filters
Clean ductwork
Check for leaks
Calibrate thermostats
Check heat pumps
Inspect electrical connections
Clean out drain lines and pans to present freezing
Test humidity and temperature controls and monitors
Inspect Plumbing
Freezing temperatures can occasionally cause facility water system leaks and even flooding. Therefore, it’s important to be proactive and prepare plumbing and irrigation before winter.
Check for leaks at all fixtures and piping
Ensure pipes are insulated and sealed to prevent freezing, bursting, or flooding
Check operation of valves and shutoffs
Prepare for Power Outages
Strong storms, ice build-up on power lines, and other winter weather-related problems can lead to inconvenient power outages. Taking the necessary precautions to ensure the functionality of a secondary power source, like a backup generator, can help you avoid costly downtime.
Perform regular and preventative maintenance on power generators, like fluid changes and electrical connection checks
Test generators for operation and switchover before the incident
Ensure proper fuel supply for generators
Check for exposed wiring and remediate – especially in areas exposed to freezing temperatures and melting ice or snow
Make sure emergency lighting systems work properly and check all lightbulbs
Examine the Exterior of Your Buildings
Avoid emergency repairs in the middle of winter and give buildings and surrounding areas a thorough inspection to spot any potential trouble spots before winter sets in.
Inspect roofing for holes or damage that could cause leaks during snowmelt
Check for loose shingles and repair damage to existing seals and flashing
Clean debris from roofs and gutters to ensure proper drainage
Make sure all windows and doors have proper insulation
Regularly check the parking lot and sidewalks for cracks and potholes
Inspect siding
Keep an eye on possible landscaping threats like hanging tree limbs
Have a snow removal plan in place that includes walkways and parking lots
Keep entryways clean and safe with a deicer solution
Designate a spot to pile snow or have it professionally hauled away
Ensure lighting is operational or installed in these spaces to improve visibility
One Partner for All of Your Facility Management Needs
Facilities management is a year-round responsibility that involves careful planning and preparation. However, winter poses a new set of challenges that can strain even the most well-maintained facilities. Harsh winds, chilly conditions, heavy snowfall, ice, and lack of daylight can add extra stress to an already busy workload. 
Partnering with an FM provider can help alleviate some of the stress that comes with the wintertime. From reduction of costs to optimizing your facility management programs for increased efficiency, the right partner can provide the support you need to take your operations to the next level this winter. 
At National Facilities Direct, your problems are our problems, and we will work with you to provide a solution that meets your needs. Our customer-centric environment means we’ll stop at nothing to ensure you and your organization have the tools necessary to succeed. If you’re ready to cross items off your list with a facilities management partner you can trust, contact National Facilities Direct today!
Visit Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com
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