#Reiki Therapy Sessions
Discovering the Best Reiki Practitioner: Your Path to Healing and Wellness
Finding the best reiki practitioner can be a transformative journey towards physical and emotional well-being. A skilled Reiki practitioner possesses a deep understanding of this ancient healing art, using their hands to channel energy and balance the body's energy centers. The best practitioners often have extensive training and experience, allowing them to create a safe and nurturing environment for their clients. They can tailor their approach to address specific needs, from stress relief to pain management. Choosing the best Reiki practitioner means embarking on a path to profound relaxation, rejuvenation, and inner harmony.
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reachlovenheal · 2 months
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Best Reiki Healing In Raipur Bhilai Chhattisgarh
Reiki Healing / By lovenheal
Introduction: In a world where stress and tension often dominate our lives, many seek solace in holistic healing practices. Among these, Reiki stands out as a gentle yet powerful technique that aims to restore balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit. Originating in Japan in the early 20th century, Reiki has gained popularity worldwide as a complementary therapy for promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing overall well-being. In this blog, we delve into the fascinating realm of Reiki healing, exploring its principles, techniques, and benefits.
Understanding Reiki: At its core, Reiki is based on the belief in the existence of a universal life force energy that flows through all living beings. This energy, known as “ki” in Japanese or “chi” in Chinese, is essential for maintaining vitality and health. However, various factors such as stress, illness, and emotional trauma can disrupt the flow of this energy, leading to imbalances and ailments.
Reiki practitioners channel this universal energy through their hands, acting as conduits to transmit it to the recipient. The process involves placing hands lightly on or near specific areas of the body, with the intention of promoting relaxation, reducing pain, and supporting the body’s natural healing abilities. Unlike conventional massage therapies, Reiki does not involve manipulation of muscles or tissues but focuses on facilitating energetic realignment.
The Reiki Healing Process: Receiving a Reiki session is a deeply relaxing and meditative experience. Clients typically lie down fully clothed on a massage table, while the practitioner gently places their hands in various positions on or above the body. Each hand position corresponds to specific energy centers, known as chakras, as well as areas of physical or emotional tension.
During a Reiki session, recipients often report sensations of warmth, tingling, or subtle vibrations as the energy flows through them. Some may also experience emotional release or a sense of profound peace and well-being. The duration of a session can vary, ranging from 30 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the client’s needs and preferences.
Benefits of Reiki Healing: The benefits of Reiki extend beyond physical relaxation to encompass mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being. Some potential benefits of Reiki healing include:
Stress Reduction: Reiki promotes deep relaxation, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety by calming the nervous system and inducing a state of inner peace.
Pain Relief: Reiki may help reduce pain and discomfort associated with various conditions, such as chronic illnesses, injuries, or post-operative recovery.
Emotional Healing: By releasing blocked energy and negative emotions, Reiki can support emotional healing and promote a sense of balance and clarity.
Enhancing Vitality: Reiki revitalizes the body’s natural energy flow, boosting vitality, and resilience on physical, mental, and emotional levels.
Spiritual Growth: Many practitioners view Reiki as a spiritual practice that fosters personal growth, self-awareness, and connection to the divine or universal consciousness.
Conclusion: In a fast-paced world where the demands of daily life can take a toll on our well-being, Reiki offers a sanctuary of healing and renewal. Whether used as a standalone therapy or in conjunction with other holistic practices, Reiki has the potential to promote profound healing and transformation on multiple levels. As more people embrace the wisdom of ancient healing arts, Reiki continues to shine as a beacon of light, guiding us toward wholeness, balance, and harmony.
ReachLovenHeal Pvt Ltd ( Reiki Healing, Reiki Courses, Black Magic Reversal ), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is one of the best places for Reiki healing in India. The center offers Reiki training, healing sessions, and workshops. It has a team of experienced Reiki masters who have helped many people heal from various ailments. The center also offers distance healing for people who cannot visit in person.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is experienced Reiki practitioners who provide healing sessions to clients. Lovenheal also offers Reiki training for those who want to learn this technique.
The team of Reiki masters at the center is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
Contact Info: Phone No: +91-8484000268
Reiki Healing Raipur, Bhilai Reiki Therapy, Chhattisgarh Energy Healing, Reiki Practitioner in Raipur, Bhilai Reiki Master, Chhattisgarh Reiki Sessions, Energy Healing Services in Raipur, Bhilai Holistic Healing Center, Reiki Classes in Chhattisgarh, Raipur Reiki Workshops, Reiki Training Bhilai, Chhattisgarh Reiki Courses, Raipur Spiritual Healing, Bhilai Wellness Center, Chhattisgarh Reiki Practitioner Directory,
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sacredstonesnz · 4 months
Website : https://www.sacredstones.co.nz
Sacred Stones specializes in connecting consciousness with crystals, offering a unique range of antique and vintage crystal and gemstone pieces, alongside rare finds. Their services extend to crystal sourcing, energy healing, personalized yoga sessions, and Reiki, catering to spiritual and holistic wellness needs. Their collection is distinguished by its quality and rarity, making them a standout choice for those seeking spiritual growth and healing.
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acalahealing · 8 months
Ready to begin a path of self-discovery, balance, and healing? Reiki could be your perfect companion!
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Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique that harnesses the Universal Life force energy to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. It's a gentle and non-invasive practice that anyone can learn and benefit from. Benefits of Reiki: - Stress Reduction - Pain Relief - Emotional Healing - Improved Sleep - Enhanced Energy Flow - Greater Clarity and Focus Ready to start your Reiki journey? Join my sessions at www.acalahealing.com
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lifelightnz · 1 year
Spiritual Guidance | Reiki Healing therapy Session | Life Light NZ
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We are the one who is provided the Reiki healing therapy with a pleasant connection to an energy source, Spiritual guidance, and very deep relaxation with essential oils to help release muscular tension, negative emotions, and energy. Book a session now with a minimum cost price- of $90/ 60 min - $120/90 min session. For more detail visit our website.
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hubofconsciousness · 2 years
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awarenesshealing · 2 years
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uman-project · 2 years
Reiki works on a physical, psychological and spiritual level. During a session, the body and the mind calm down, which provokes a sensation of well-being and promotes a feeling of deep relaxation. It then makes it possible to release blockages, triggers, and tension.
For More Visit: https://uman-project.com/2022/05/reiki-a-new-ally-to-well-being/
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soular-sisters · 22 days
Taurus Season: Material Gworl 💅🏼
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here’s a fun lil post for taurus season, & all da material gworls. 💗
taurus represents a lot of things from stability, love, sensuality, & loyalty. but one thing a little less talked about but certainly revolves around the beautiful taurus energy is, the material world. here is where you might like to spend a little lavishly based on your taurus house placement. **note: this does not represent everything you spend your money on, just where you like to be a little extra lavish. 😉
💅🏼 Taurus in the 1st House: I love to spend my money on self-care (hair, nails, etc.), beautiful clothing, a makeover, & fitness sessions to enhance your body.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 2nd House: I love to spend my money on fancy dinners, financial advisors, gorgeous jewelry, & luxurious items that will grow in value over time.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 3rd House: I love to spend my money on the latest cellphone, expensive cars, relaxing staycations, & your favorite books or magazines.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 4th House: I love to spend my money on beautiful interior decorations, photo albums filled with nostalgic memories, items that brings comfort (soft blankets, candles, etc.), & your dream home.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 5th House: I love to spend my money on exciting date nights, your favorite creative activity (paint nights, pottery classes, etc.), a day at an amusement park, & your favorite films.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 6th House: I love to spend my money on the latest health kick, organizational items (date planner, desk organizers, etc.) therapy sessions, & a membership to a spa & wellness center.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 7th House: I love to spend my money on beautiful gifts for my partner, a gorgeous wedding venue, items to enhance self-love (beauty enhancements, facials, etc.), & a romantic getaway with your love.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 8th House: I love to spend my money on sexy lingerie, spiritual experiences (tarot readings, psychics, etc.), transformative makeovers, & an intimate weekend with your lover.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 9th House: I love to spend my money on travels around the world, beautiful items from other cultures, classes to learn a new language, & items that expand your mind (philosophy books, metaphysical movies, etc.).
💅🏼 Taurus in the 10th House: I love to spend my money on career seminars to develop your profession, a deep tissue massage, merch from your favorite celebrity, & statement items to enhance your public image (gorgeous accessories, designer bags, etc.).
💅🏼 Taurus in the 11th House: I love to spend my money on lavish gifts for your friends, donations to a cause that matters to you, fun weekend trips with your friend group, & tickets to social events (music festivals, conventions, etc.).
💅🏼 Taurus in the 12th House: I love to spend my money on self-healing sessions (reiki, chakra cleansing, etc.), a beautiful journal to write your deepest thoughts, spiritual books, & a private beach getaway.
thank you so much for all the love & support as usual! we love you all so much. please check out my creative instagram & show your support 🥰 xoxo -A.A.
IG: @dredivinecreates 💗
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lick-me-lennon22 · 1 month
How they help you through mental health struggles
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(this is one of two prompts suggested by a particular anon 💞 keep an eye out for your other request soon!! hope you all enjoy this read)
John starts the days by ringing your house/flat to see how you're doing and to hear your voice
he'll try his damndest to talk you through panic attacks or depressive episodes, drawing from his personal experiences with inner turmoil
he'd be the type to research more alternative and obscure forms of treatment, such as primal therapy or hypnotherapy
he's willing to accompany you to these sessions if you'd like, overcoming his defensive and guarded ways in an effort to support you
helping you through your struggles opens his mind to seeking therapy and practicing healthy habits in his own life
he often invites you out for walks to get some vitamin D or over to his place in the evenings to listen to music together
even on days when he's entrenched in his own troubles John still finds the time to do small things to show his love for you, like fixing you tea just the way you like it or grabbing you a treat from the corner store
Paul feels an intense need to do whatever he can to "fix" the way you're feeling
it's just the way his mind works when a situation is out of his control
because of this he's more hands-on in his support, offering to help you with daily tasks like grocery shopping, washing up, or picking up medications
he helps you to stay organized and prioritize tasks to keep you from feeling overwhelmed
he'll walk you through more mentally draining responsibilities such as cleaning/rearranging your living space or budgeting
Paul just wants to take care of everything for his beloved partner
he will gently encourage you to engage in whichever form of therapy you feel most drawn to
you find that he shows his support in other small but thoughtful gestures, like surprising you with your favorite meal or a brand new plush
George shows his support by creating a sacred space in his home for you, dedicated to relaxation and recharging following social events or particularly rough days
he furnishes this room with comfy cushions and dimming drapes, always burning incense and playing calming music to soothe you
he tries to gently guide you towards mindfulness practices and encourages you to find solace in nature
he's inclined to suggest pursuing alternative therapies such as reiki and aromatherapy (especially if you don't resonate with traditional talk therapy), favoring holistic approaches to healing the mind, body, and spirit
George will begin a collaborative journal where you can both write out your thoughts and feelings, creating a sense of connection and shared experience
he also buys you a small potted plant/flower as a gift and physical representation of your progress and personal growth
he invites you to join him for stargazing sessions in the evenings, laying out an intricately patterned blanket in the backyard so you can admire the night sky together
Ringo transforms his home into a haven for you, removing any potential stressors/triggers and creating a calm and comfortable atmosphere for you to unwind in
he'll play fun board games, dance with you, and invite you to try out new hobbies with him as a way to foster connection in your day-to-day interactions
occasionally, he will plan low-pressure social activities to help reduce feelings of isolation
Ringo would help you research treatment options and create a support network so you never feel alone in your struggles
he'll work with you to set achievable goals and celebrate every one of your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem to you
he allows you open access to his drum set so you can release any anger or anxiety you may be harboring in a healthy and engaging way
he wants to be your rock and act as a pillar of love and encouragement in your life
he's curated a comfort box for you, filled with things to bring you joy and ground you such as photos, fragrances, plushes, and calming sensory items
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The Power of Reiki Spiritual Healing Energies
Embrace the divine energy of Reiki spiritual healing. 🌟✨ Let the gentle touch and intention unlock your inner wisdom and restore balance to your mind, body, and spirit. 🙏🌿 Experience the transformative power as Reiki's universal life force flows through you, dissolving energetic blockages and nurturing your soul. 🌈🌺 Discover a deep sense of peace and harmony as you embark on this sacred journey of self-discovery and healing. Trust in the ancient wisdom of Reiki to guide you towards holistic well-being and inner radiance. 🌻💖 Allow the gentle miracles of Reiki to awaken your true essence and ignite a profound spiritual awakening. 🌟💫 #Reiki #SpiritualHealing #Balance #SelfDiscovery #HolisticWellbeing #InnerRadiance #DivineEnergy
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reachlovenheal · 2 months
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Best Reiki Healing In Thiruvananthapuram Kochi Kerala
Reiki Healing / By lovenheal
Introduction: In the bustling tapestry of modern life, finding moments of serenity and balance can feel like a distant dream. Yet, amidst the chaos, ancient practices like Reiki offer a beacon of hope, gently guiding us back to a state of harmony and well-being. Join us on a journey into the world of Reiki healing, where the gentle touch of universal energy illuminates paths to inner peace and renewal.
Unveiling the Essence of Reiki: At its essence, Reiki is more than just a healing technique—it’s a sacred art rooted in the belief that a universal life force flows through all living things. Originating in Japan in the early 20th century, Reiki harnesses this divine energy to promote holistic healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. The word “Reiki” itself is derived from two Japanese words: “Rei,” meaning universal or divine, and “Ki,” representing the life force energy that animates all beings.
Central to Reiki philosophy is the understanding that imbalances or blockages in the flow of ki can manifest as illness or distress within the body, mind, or spirit. By channeling Reiki energy through the hands, practitioners aim to dissolve these blockages, restoring harmony and facilitating the body’s natural healing processes.
The Dance of Healing Hands: A Reiki session unfolds as a serene dance of healing hands, where the practitioner gently lays their hands on or slightly above the recipient’s body. Each touch serves as a conduit for the flow of healing energy, allowing it to penetrate deeply into the recipient’s being. As the energy moves through the body, recipients often experience sensations of warmth, tingling, or relaxation, signaling the gentle realignment of their energetic pathways.
Unlike conventional therapies that target specific symptoms or ailments, Reiki addresses the root cause of imbalance, promoting holistic healing on multiple levels. Whether seeking relief from physical pain, emotional turmoil, or spiritual disconnection, Reiki offers a gentle yet profound path toward restoration and renewal.
The Boundless Benefits of Reiki: The benefits of Reiki extend far beyond mere symptom relief, touching the very essence of our being. Some of the transformative effects of Reiki healing include:
Stress Reduction: Reiki induces a deep state of relaxation, calming the mind and soothing the nervous system, thereby alleviating stress and tension.
Pain Management: By promoting the body’s natural healing mechanisms, Reiki can help reduce pain and discomfort, supporting overall well-being.
Emotional Healing: Reiki facilitates the release of stored emotions and trauma, fostering emotional balance and resilience.
Enhanced Vitality: Through its revitalizing energy, Reiki boosts vitality and promotes a sense of inner strength and empowerment.
Spiritual Awakening: Many practitioners experience profound spiritual insights and connections during Reiki sessions, deepening their sense of purpose and inner peace.
Conclusion: In a world often overshadowed by chaos and uncertainty, Reiki shines as a beacon of light, offering solace, healing, and renewal to all who seek it. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of modern life or embarking on a journey of self-discovery, Reiki stands ready to illuminate your path, guiding you toward a life of balance, harmony, and wholeness.
ReachLovenHeal Pvt Ltd ( Reiki Healing, Reiki Courses, Black Magic Reversal ), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is one of the best places for Reiki healing in India. The center offers Reiki training, healing sessions, and workshops. It has a team of experienced Reiki masters who have helped many people heal from various ailments. The center also offers distance healing for people who cannot visit in person.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is experienced Reiki practitioners who provide healing sessions to clients. Lovenheal also offers Reiki training for those who want to learn this technique.
The team of Reiki masters at the center is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
Contact Info: Phone No: +91-8484000268
Reiki Healing Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi Reiki Therapy, Kerala Energy Healing, Reiki Practitioner in Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi Reiki Master, Kerala Reiki Sessions, Energy Healing Services in Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi Holistic Healing Center, Reiki Classes in Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram Reiki Workshops, Reiki Training Kochi, Kerala Reiki Courses, Thiruvananthapuram Spiritual Healing, Kochi Wellness Center, Kerala Reiki Practitioner Directory,
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whorrorbellee · 9 months
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(sponsor!dark!Eddie Munson x recovering!reader)
Oh how I've created the most deliciously terrible pairing, so many warnings and red flags.
if you are under the age of 18 I will make out with you dad >:0 don't make me do that
Eddie Munson is 5 years sober and horribly famous, reader is 60 days sober and has never heard of the bands he's in :) 29 year old Eddie , 21 yr old reader. Fem reader. ALSO STEVE THE ARMY GUY is not STEVE HARRINGTON
Warnings: drug use, addiction, drug addiction, alcoholics, sex addicts, sexual assault(not eddie),power play, the act of thirteenth stepping( becoming involved with newly recovering addict),abuse, victimisation, reader hates herself, reader is suicidal,Gaslighting and manipulation
It's 1994 and you stop smoking, you chew gum instead, sipping dark roast coffees when you crave them.You stop drinking too, stop doing drugs, you're totally clean now and you get tattoos, thousands of them (well you have maybe more than 20) you've been clean for less than 60 days.
Your parents are so proud of you, and you've broken up with ‘him’? So you've got everything ahead of you and nothing to lose. You're living with your parents, back at home, you don't hear the drunks outside,they don't knock on your door and beg. The mail comes and it is never bad news. You thank your rich mum and dad. You pray every night that they are telling the truth when they say how far you've come, but deep down you know they aren't, back at home already and your degree hasn't even finished yet.
You're a failure.
They've spent so much money on you, you want to pay it all back, hospital bills, expensive rehabilitation, one of the new ones, with green tea and yoga and celebrities who have phones you put in your pocket, the one your dad has for work.
You have crystal healing therapy and draw your feelings in big white open rooms with hundreds of plants, and half the time you think to yourself.
‘i'd rather he hit and shout at me all over again before Rachel stands up and hums incredibly loudly at the back of my head for another session of reiki healing, in fact i'd rather be back to lying on the streets overdosing if she prescribes a fucking hug. Id rather have a fucking! stomach pump if she tells me i'm worth it! One more fucking time.``
But you're out now, stuck in the New York suburbs with assholes who take prescription drugs and drink green smoothies and walk tiny dogs and listen to music that makes you want to cut your ears off and shove them down someone's throat.
Your parents buy you a car to get to the NA meetings. It's thirty minutes away. In a church.
You remember going there on Sundays with your family, fresh faced in babydoll dresses and tiny little white socks, with your pink pocket bible and you'd get pancakes with sweet syrup and fresh fruit and your nan would scoop up all the foam on her coffee and let you taste it when your mum turned a blind eye, bitter and milky.
But this is different, you've done this all by yourself.
’Step 1: Admit your life has become unmanageable’
Okay, so it's your first college party right? And you're freshly 18. You've never drunk (the sip of your dads beer doesn’t count) and you're dressed well; slutty. Your roommates pulled something out that's low cut? You're a hundred percent sure it's a nightgown at this point. And you've got boots and a brown matte lip and you look at yourself in the mirror and think.
‘Is this what it's like to be popular?”
So anyway, you show up to this party right, you-look-so-fucking-hot. And you meet this guy, well you meet “him”, He's cute, a little flirty. He makes you smile and he smokes weed. And remember you've never drunk or done any drugs, but you really like him and any common sense gets thrown out of your pretty little head, so you do a shot and smoke.
You end up in his bed that night, he's pressed against you whispering poetry into your ear, you swallow air and cry and you've never been deeply religious because you did give that boy a hand-job in the church graveyard when you were fourteen, so it's not like you're totally a prude or anything because your roommate's dress hangs around your waist as you lose your virginity to him, and all you ask is,
“Is this what heaven feels like?”
You're light and airy.
You wake up in the morning and leave and you start going out every night trying to catch him at the bar that doesn’t ID, you see him with other girls-he leaves with other girls, hunched over in the back alley. Sometimes it's you, in his car, in the bar toilets, in his house, you don't leave for days, your mind is constantly foggy and he is on the phone to his friend talking about drugging the same girl over and over, but you want it so badly so it can't be you, right?
So you start buying off him and suddenly all of your trust fund is gone and your owing him favours, your on his bedroom floor high as a fucking kite you see color's and your pretty sure your on acid, you don't actually know? But it doesn't matter at this point because you’ve convinced yourself he's in love with you.
You've missed all your classes this week because you're too busy getting pounded by the guy that gives you drugs for free and then he stops whispering poetry into your ear and you are actually like together, because you got kicked out of your apartment and you live with him now.
There's no point going anywhere, your mind is foggy, you've lost so much weight and you don't actually know what's going on at this point, he tells you what you need, his friends come and go, he must have hundreds of them because they all look different.
He gets violent, but it's during sex first, he slaps your face and apologises because he's ‘just trying to keep you awake’ he swears. He buys you flowers the next day, and chokes you that evening, it becomes a vicious new cycle.
“Here I bought you chocolate” is cheap shit, but he carves his initials into your skin that night because "you fucking belong to him”
Then he tells you to sleep with his friends and you do. He laughs and calls you a slut and kicks you. “Anything for fucking drugs this girl”
His friends snicker and you sleep with them, the list of sins gets longer. Then one night after a year when your parents get redirected to the place you've been staying because this Christmas you haven't called to say you're coming back and also that expensive ivy league school just sent the third check back as you had dropped out.
They find you outside on a road away from his place, red foam out your mouth, eyes rolled back and bruised all over, your naked and your hair is knotted at the back, so you're rushed to hospital, you never tell them what happened, so they don't ask, no police report is filed, he gets away with what he's done.
What a Christmas gift you think, your mother says its a Christmas miracle and tells all her friends that you've basically been reborn. Your dad is distant like always, and you drink cranberry juice instead of wine at Christmas dinner, everyone pretends that everything is fine.
You think you were set up to fail from the start.
And yeah, you could say your life has gotten pretty unmanageable.
The doctor says you're lucky your parents found you, you had your stomach pumped in the ambulance, but you don't remember much.
Just pain, and a pure black sky.
And you start to miss him, it's been two weeks and he hasn't tried to contact you to apologies like he usually does and you think of the first night you met and how it felt like heaven, and how you couldn't move and speak and it was like you were trapped in your own head and how it didn't feel at all that nice, and how he was whispering ‘it's going to be alright, im just taking care of you’
And you're heartbroken all over again, but you're not allowed to drink so you wallow in your sadness sober, which is actually ridiculously boring and because you're sober you can't make drunk mistakes like kissing random old men or spending hundreds of dollars on a stupid bag, because drunk you would take a knife and stab him right in his heart so he knew how it felt.
You start to wish you died that night, because tattoos are fucking expensive and also you cant get yourself to cover his mark because that would mean someone else would see it there and everything would be true.
So you sit at home and think and cry and cry some more, and then you pack for rehab.
But rehabs over now, and AA, NA, SAA (because sleeping around for drugs is actually considered a sex addiction? And not prostitution? yeah right!), that's your life now, you're fully booked and sober.
It's five pm. You're driving an old Honda accord in silver because your dad thinks if you get drunk and crash the car it won't be a loss of money, have a little faith, your mum hands you three dollars to buy a coffee because apparently coffee is incredibly expensive now.
You pull over and buy a pack of cigarettes, you lean against your car, you breathe in the bitter death and think.
“Is it a sin to smoke next to a church?”
It can't be right?
You check your watch, five twenty five.
A black Chevy truck pulls up to your left, it actually looks ridiculous, its custom so whoever owns it is either extremely rich or stupid and poor.
Metallica blasts through the speakers, it's so loud you can't hear yourself think. The car door slams as you inhale the last of your cigarette. You look up for half a second, but you find yourself gazing at him for a second too long.
He looks back, he nods and smiles at you.
You scoff, stamping out your cigarette.
He follows you into the church.
Eddie's famous, stupidly famous. Old men know who he is famous, and hot women.
Eddie is famous as fuck and rich and an addict.
You know how it starts, smoke a bit of weed in high school, drink a couple of beers. One minute you're trying cocaine for the first time and the next your manager is hand cuffing you to your bed-frame because you have a tendency to get drunk and fuck and destroy the hotel room.
So yeah maybe Eddie spiralled out of control on tour and passed out on stage and then decided to get in the passenger seat with his friend, and take control of the steering wheel, and well you probably know the rest right? you've heard it all before, you've seen it in the papers.
Okay so not exactly that.
On parole for a year, Licence revoked for two. Three years in and he starts making music again, four years sober and all he has is an extreme nicotine addiction, an over customised truck, and bandmates who hate him. But that's rock and roll baby, all the stars nearly kill their friends.
Eddie goes to NA and AA meetings every week, technically he's forced too but he likes listening to rich white mens sob stories, how they were bankers by day and coke addicts by night, because it's so tragic how they cheated on their wives with strippers, boo hoo! Eddie likes to play a game for sympathy, someone tells their sob story about losing a dog because they were drunk and Eddie talks about how his friend was in a coma for half a year.
And so Eddies pulls into the church hall parking lot, and he notices the young lil thing leaning against her car inhaling a cigarette like it's her job, and she dressed somewhat weirdly. In Fact she looks so out of place, she's wearing beige but not in a cool 90s grunge way. More in the way that her mum dressed her this morning, her mum being rich and suburban, married her husband for money.
He switches the truck off, and metallica fades out immediately. He steps out the truck, the car door slams, he stretches, his chest aimed for the sky and he looks at her. He nods and sends her a cheeky smile.
He waits for her reaction but she stares and scoffs , stamping out her cigarette, her eyes roll and she pulls the sleeves of her overly expensive knit jumper down.In the colour of beige, but the store probably calls it caramel coffee creamer or gingerbread cookie fall and even worse cinnamon roll icing, coconut shredded chocolate. Or if it's even higher end, sand one. He follows behind her. Noticing her stained black converse, bloodied, scuffed.
Her mum had definitely dressed her.
The church hall is cold, it always has been.
There's a circle of chairs in the middle of the room, and a table with coffee cups and cheap plastic wrapped muffins, there's four men in suits in the room they’re sweating and you make eye contact with what you think is your mom's friend, she looks away quickly, and then there's the weird army guy with a sign in sheet that your pretty sure came to your high school to warn you about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
You tell him your name and curl up on a plastic seat with a cold cup of coffee. You sip carefully, staring ahead as the curly headed freak pulls up a chair to your right.
“Nice sweater”
You raise an eyebrow and look him up and down, he's wearing a black fitted shirt and blue jeans covered in tattoos.
“It's my mums” you stare at him in the eye, “can you tell?”
“Where are your clothes then?”he points to your chest and meets your eyes.
“I don't know, probably in a skip somewhere rotting, like everything else”
He grins, “You're so cynical” he looks over to the woman next to him “How are you doing today Joan? How are the kids?”
Joans face flushes, and stares at your face,” Oh Eddie, i'm doing fine thank you, Heathers graduating college soon, only a couple of months”
“They grow up so fast, huh”
There's a moment of silence, Eddie leans back in his chair smiling, the business men talk about stocks or money or whatever they actually do, and the big army guy sits down in a chair, his legs spread, muscles bulging.
“Hello, I'm Steve and i'm an alcoholic!"
“Hi Steve” we chant back.
“It's been about seventeen years now, since i had a sip of beer, and i've been thinking, seventeen years, that's nearly a high school graduate, my soberness could drive, next year it could join the army, and every day i think to myself what is this for? myself ? My wife? My kids? “ he sighs
“No, being sober is for myself, i've owned up to my actions, i've accepted god into my life, i've made amends, and now? I go for dinner with my wife and while she has wine I have soda, my kids party and I can pick them up safely, and help them, but I'm happy to help.”
Steve goes on for what seems like hours, but you keep your eye on the clock and only minutes pass, you don't actually know what he's trying to say but you nod along anyway.
“We have a newcomer today, you've probably noticed her. So be nice, why don't you introduce yourself darling?”
You say your name, and they chant it back at you, they wait for you to speak.
“I got out of rehab like a-week ago, and all I could think while being there while they braided my hair and made me pick weeds out of bushes is how I would've rather died from my overdose than be there.” you pause, and the room fills with a flood of sympathy, it's thick in the air, there's a shuffling of feet.
“And like, everyones been telling me to own up to my actions, like it was my fault? Like I went to college and then decided to get hooked on drugs?” you smile but your eyes don't.
There's a scoff on your right, you look at him.
“oh sorry did you want to say something?”
“Look sweetheart, we’re all here for a reason, part of recovery is owning up to your actions” Eddie smiles softly like he's just said the biggest revelation ever .
You nod at him, “yeah i guess you're right, next time someone loads me up with ketamine and rapes me i’ll remember it was my own fault” you stand up straight coffee knocked up and on the floor.
“because I was asking for it, right?”
You drag your chair painfully slowly and it scrapes along the floor, making that awful sound.
You rush out of the building to your car, slamming the door and hitting the steering wheel. You look over at the truck on your left and contemplate.
Fuck it
You get out the car, keys in your hand and you scrape them along his car door , in jagged edges.
Shit. You panic. Can you go to prison for this? you've just vandalised a seemingly harmless guy's car.
“Did you just key my truck?” He's behind you, and you turn to see his face.
“No” you shake your head.
“I just watched you do it, why are you lying?” he questions
“Because ,I-” you sigh“ i've got to much fucking anger and i don't know what to fucking do with it” your lip tremors.
“Im stupid. So fucking stupid, and yeah everything is my own fucking fault, i could have filled a fucking police report, but i was so fucking naive, i found him in a club the next night and slept with him again, and suddenly i'm lying in my own filth waiting to die because ive been rotting away in his apartment for god knows how long, so he loads me up with drugs and leaves me on the side of the road and i think, this is it i'm finally going to fucking die. I'm twenty one and my life is already fucked.”
The wind howls, and the parking lot lights flicker on as it gets darker.
You look up at him “I'm sorry i keyed your car”
“It's fine, i'm stupidly rich and hate it anyway” Eddie mutters.
You smile.
“I want to be your sponsor”
“Huh?” your eyebrows raise "after I keyed your car?"
‘Yeah and well it's me or Joan, and Joan just speaks about her kids so, I'd be helping you out ”
“Joans actually my mom's friend”
“Oh, I get it,” Eddie sighs, fiddling with his keys.
You pause, looking at his brown eyes, you think about what they would've looked like blood shot.
“Can I get your number then? Because Heather was a real bitch to me in high school so i'd rather not hear about her success story”
A/N: hello I got bored and started writing, and this i what I wrote, i am terrible at proof reading by the way so I will give you a kiss if you tell me all my mistakes xxxx
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acalahealing · 9 months
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Reiki is a Japanese word that means "𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗮𝗹 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗘𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆." It is a form of energy healing that uses the practitioner's hands to channel healing energy into the recipient.
Here are some of the things you can expect during a Reiki session:
● You will be asked to lie down on a massage table or other comfortable surface.
● The practitioner will place their hands on or near your body in a variety of positions.
● You may feel a warm or tingling sensation during the session.
● You may feel relaxed or sleepy.
● You may have some emotional release.
● You may feel a sense of peace and well-being.
● Reiki is a safe and non-invasive form of healing. It is generally considered to be a complementary therapy, which means that it can be used alongside traditional medical care.
If you are ready to experience the benefits of Reiki, visit my website www.acalahealing.com and schedule a session.
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vroomms · 1 month
Tried a reiki session for the first time. Sort of. I had seen a massage therapist who tried it on me, but I’m not sure he knew what he was doing. The woman, V, I saw is also a trauma therapist, and she ties it into her practice. She’s very different from my therapist, S. The first session we chatted for a while, but not about me the way first therapy sessions often go. She told me a bit about reiki, then I asked her some questions about herself and her background. She did ask me a couple questions, but there wasn’t any diving into my background. They were just about my job and if I could do anything, what would I do? Granted, she and my therapist have talked, so it’s possible S shared some things already. It was nice to feel that the focus wasn’t purely on me.
On her website, she really lays herself out there. She’s like that in person, too, but not in a way that’s overwhelming. She’s not putting on any act is what I mean. It’s refreshing and makes it easier to trust her. At times it can feel as if my own therapist is wearing a professional mask, and I think that makes it harder for me to feel comfortable opening up to her. It just sometimes feels like she’s pretending. I should avoid comparing. Of course they’re different. They do different things. I do really appreciate my therapist connecting me with her. S has done sessions with V herself, and I feel quite touched that she would refer me to someone she’s seen. I see V again in a couple of weeks. I’m noticing a lot less anxiety and uncertainty than when I first started therapy. Basically none at all. Nor any impatience for the next session to happen.
I partly wonder if my trust with my therapist wavers so much because she doesn’t really have any social media presence, so I have little sense of her between sessions. I seem to forget that I can trust her. Transitional objects do seem to help at least.
Anyway, reiki is interesting and I think worth trying if you can find someone who is genuine. It’s very gentle. I’m not sure yet what I think about the spiritual aspects of it, the whole sending energy to another person. I haven’t really read much about it. For me, I noticed a sense of bodily safety with another person, and I can see how that in and of itself can promote healing.
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hubofconsciousness · 2 years
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